Some Definitions for Intrepid Investigators
(to be updated / modified continuously - contains some non-standard definitions)

From...."The "Jewish" (Kazarian) Question - Some Postulates - 05-23-13 - mpg"

The Money....

  • Follow the (Fiat) Money - (Rel. Leverage) -- Always, it is the number ONE rule - Who gets to print it, and who gets to keep it. 
  • Follow the Leverage - (Rel. Fiat Money) -- (closely related concept) - It's the number TWO rule. - It's the next best thing to following the fiat-money.
  • Find out "Who Benefits" (aka  Cui Bono) - It's the number THREE rule.  Find out who (individual, tribe, group, corporation, or nation) actually receives the bulk of assets or gains produced by any given action, program or plan.
  • Find out who has the "Ownership/Control" - It's the number FOUR rule.  Determine who actually owns a given society's wealth, media and/or government.  Who actually runs it. - A technical note:  If a cohesive group gets to print a society's currency with interest. That group will control/own EVERYTHING in that society sooner or later.  That is NOT debatable. It is in fact a mathematical certainty. -- Also, the same result will occur if a select group in a given society are the only ones allowed to leverage, and the society is forced to pay for any of their financial mistakes and/or they do not have to deleverage.
  • The First Law of Fiat Money & Leverage - Def.  Any cohesive group that can print their own money and force others to accept it will ALWAYS be able to beat anyone and everyone who can't. They will
  • The Second Law of Fiat Money & Leverage - Def.  It is true that those who can print will always beat those who can only leverage. However those who can leverage more, and force others to accept it, will usually beat those who can only leverage less and/or have theirs rejected.  Especially in a Currency Sphere that never deleverages such as the United States.
  • The Third Law of Fiat Money & Leverage - Def. Any Fiat Money (defined below) created beyond the goods and services produced by its creator, is for all practicable purposes considered to be Leverage (defined below).
  • The Fourth Law of Fiat Money & Leverage - Def.  All fiat currencies consist of a "note", "claim" or a "promise" to pay, in other words a "loan-note", and all leverage consists of essentially contractual borrowing.  So for all practicable purposes fiat currencies and leverage are to be considered debt/claims and vice versa.  They are one and the same.  (Fiat currency + leverage = debt/claims). - The following three laws are subsets of the Fourth Law
    • The Fifth Law of Fiat Money & Leverage - Def.  That portion of the fiat currency or leverage (the debt/claims), that equals the actual goods and services being produced or possessed by the issuer or holder of the debt/claim, and which can be exchanged on demand (promised) by the issuer at any given moment, is considered to be a "fully collateralized" debt/claim, or a "fully backed" debt/claim. (The promise must be sound and binding, the goods must exist, and there can be no impediment to delivery at anytime, anywhere.  Any impediment directly reduces the amount of value of the goods and services available as collateral by the cost of the impediment)
    • The Sixth Law of Fiat Money & Leverage - Def.  If one produces more debt/claim notes (fiat currency) or other types of debt/claim contracts than the outstanding goods and services available, one eventually creates what's called "inflation/depreciation". Inflation being more debt/claims chasing fewer goods and services ("prices" rise), or conversely, depreciation being less goods and services available for the same units of debt/claims over time. (the debt/claims purchase less)
    • The Seventh Law of Fiat Money & Leverage - Def. The more debt/claim notes and debt/claim contracts a given economic system issues in excess of the underlying goods and services the economy produces , the less stable that economy's financial and economic system will be.
  • The Eighth Law of Fiat Money & Leverage - Def.  Fiat Money & Leverage corrupts all political, economic and social systems.  Absolute unlimited amounts of Fiat Money & Leverage corrupts all political, economic and social systems absolutely. It does this by hiding the TRUE costs, or TRUE value, for any political, economic or social decision.  In other words it prevents TRUE "Price Discovery" either in nominal terms by the sudden creation of unequally distributed or mis-allocated amounts of currency "wealth" or as a function of time and in absolute terms as depreciation and/or inflation are manifested depending on the size of the Currency Sphere. (all things being equal the bigger the sphere, the longer it will take for inflation/depreciation to appear)  - The following three laws are subsets of the Eighth Law
    • The Ninth Law of Fiat Money & Leverage - Def. The greater the amount of Fiat Money & Leverage, the less free is the political system and the less answerable is the government to the people's will.
    • The Tenth  Law of Fiat Money & Leverage - Def.  The greater the amount of Fiat Money & Leverage the more goods and services are arbitrarily expropriated from the producer / creator / saver and given to the speculator / destroyer / spender
    • The Eleventh Law of Fiat Money & Leverage - Def. The greater the amount of Fiat Money & Leverage, the more morally degenerate and dysfunctional are the social and cultural systems and norms of a given society
  • Debt-Claim - (aka  Debt-Note) - Def.  Any document that gives the bearer the right, or at least a claim, to exchange it for (purchase) a set of goods or services immediately, or at some point in the future. -- Some examples....
    • You sell someone ten thousand eggs for an immediate exchange of two thousand chickens, this is known as Barter and does not involve a Debt-Claim or Debt-Note.
    • You sell someone ten thousand eggs for a note allowing you to receive two thousand chickens at some point in the future.  This is known as a collateralized Debt-Claim or Debt-Note or commonly an IOU.  Its Fungibility and Liquidity are quite low.
    • You sell someone ten thousands eggs for a note allowing you to purchase any item(s) of value equal to two thousands chickens in their nation-wide mega-store chain. This is known as a collateralized Debt-Claim or Debt-Note or commonly an IOU. The note's Fungibility and Liquidity are increasing
    • You sell someone ten thousands eggs for a package of standardized Debt-Claims or Debt-Notes printed by the person's private central bank allowing you to purchase (exchange them for) any item(s) of value equal to two thousand chickens in that person's entity, (usually a nation) or any other entity that will except your newly acquired Debt-Claims or Debt-Notes.  These are almost always non-collateralized and are known as Fiat Currency Debt-Claims or Fiat Currency Debt-Notes and are usually, but not always, highly Fungible and highly Liquid.  That portion of the standardized Fiat Currency Debt-Claims or Debt-Notes which is NOT backed by physical assets (non-collateralized) is known as Leverage
  • Fungible - (aka  Fungibility) -  Def.  The property of a good or a commodity whose individual units are capable of mutual substitution, such as sweet crude oil, shares in a company, bonds, precious metals, or currencies.
  • Liquid - (aka  Liquidity) - Def.  The ability to be sold or exchanged, because it is readily accepted, any item without causing a significant movement in the price of the item and with minimum loss of value.
  • (Fiat) Money - (aka  Fungible & Liquid Debt-Claims or Debt-Notes, Fiat Script, Fiat Currency, Legal Counterfeiting) - Def. A medium of exchange that can be fabricated at will in any amount by a select class of Banksters, enormously enriching them while simultaneously impoverishing everyone else. Note:  Currency Debt-Notes or Debt-Claims are NOT "money" or "wealth" or even a reliable "store of value"  they are simply  paper claims on the AVAILABLE assets of those WILLING to accept them.  Of course the acceptance of Currency Debt/Claims or Notes is usually mandated (considered "legal tender") by those who print them, for obvious reasons.  Also note:  Only two percent of Fed script for example is composed of physical paper, the rest is just a bunch of ones and zeros in the Banksters' computers. - Generic definition - Any medium of exchange, without value in and of itself, created by Fiat. - If created in excess of the goods and services actually produced by the entity creating the medium of exchange, it is essentially Leverage
  • Fiat - Def.  An arbitrary order or decree. - A command or act of will that creates something (from nothing) without further effort or expense.
  • Leverage - (aka  Re-Hypothication, Legal Counterfeiting) - Def. Where any "asset" (assuming it even exists and its value is truly priced) can by levered upward, depending on the asset and the exchange or "market".... many times its actual worth. Ranges can very from 1/10 to 1/300. Thus allowing debt to be increased (in a leveraged buy-out for instance), while causing massive "market" distortions, manipulation and instability.  Enriching the Banksters while impoverishing everyone else. -- Generic definition - Any additional medium of exchange created on the basis of an asset, beyond what can be obtained by the sale of that asset at any given time. -- Also - The use of any real asset, such as a group, corporation, or country, against another, beyond its "true value", to destroy or takeover, the targeted group, corporation, or country, destroying the real asset in the process
  • Quantitative Easing (QE) - Def.  Printing more fiat-currency (Debt-Claims, or Debt-Notes).
  • The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle - Def.   A standard, one hundred year old, formally reliable timing mechanism used by United States Banksters for maximum profit accumulation.  Usually the war part of the cycle is initiated by a False-Flag.  In 2007 the cycle timed out two to three years too early causing some difficulties for the Banksters. -- This was subsequently remedied by having their lackeys in Congress force the government, and US taxpayers, to back-stop their losses with anywhere from thirty to fifty trillion dollars worth of financial programs and paper promises.
  • Petro-Dollar - Def.  An arrangement made under threat of Israeli attack in 1973, between the Saudi Parasitic Family which included the other "Monarchical" Families of the Arabian Peninsula, and the Kazarian Bankster Parasites of the Federal Reserve to support the Fed's fiat script after they went off the gold standard in 1973 and their script was about to collapse.  -- The arrangement was brokered by Zionist Kazarian Henry Kissinger.  -- In exchange for letting their oil be sold for the Fed's fiat script (aka dollars) and funneled through Kazarian Banks in London (aka "The City") and New York (aka "Wall Street"), the Saudis were guaranteed they would not be attacked by Israel and that they would be allowed to spread their bastardized, violent, extremist, apostate anti-Islamic version of Islam called Wahhabism through-out the entire world.  Specifically the Middle East, Africa, East and South-East Asia.  - See "The Trinity of Evil"
  • Currency Sphere - Def.  Any group of entities, usually nations, that are forced to use (by military action, or unfavorable circumstance....usually arranged circumstances) a script for their economic activity that's from another Central Bank.  Example: Currently the Kazarian's Federal Reserve is attempting to force every nation on the planet to use their fiat script. 
  • Currency Wars - Def.  Commonly interpreted as printing (Quantitative Easing) until a nation's currency is devalued relative to others in order to protect its manufacturing base and help its export industry. --  However such wars are very unequal or fought for a variety of very different reasons. Some country's Banksters have powerful geo-political or financial relationships that can force others to take their currency.  While others, can use their military and/or their Shock & Awe tactics to violently put other countries deeply into interest bearing debt to be paid back in the Banksters' own currency.  Making the Banksters even wealthier. -- Also, in a few rare cases, perhaps only one (so far), some Banksters are powerful enough to use their massive QE programs in an attempt to artificially Leverage their entire financial complex to be used for further economic warfare, or monetary and investment advantage.  Whatever the case, it is an axiom that...."whoever can print the most fiat script and force the largest number of others to accept it....wins".
  • Bankster - (aka  Central-Banker, Parasite, Financial Parasite, Financial Criminal, Financial Terrorist) - Def.   An individual which produces nothing and makes its living by parasitizing off the work or value produced by others.  Also - an individual who profits from deliberately created economic booms and busts, initiates wars of aggression and other conflicts to increase interest bearing debts worldwide, while timing their investment decisions through artificial timing mechanisms such as the Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle.
  • Bankster Syndicate - (aka  Federal Reserve, Crime Syndicate, Extortion Racket, and/or Counterfeiting Racket) - Def.  A criminal enterprise that uses every means known to man to enslave as many people as it can by forcing them to participate in a debt based, interest accruing, privately issued, fiat currency scheme.
  • Banksterism - Def.  The extractive, tribute system that Banksters employ for profit.  Also refers to how they manage/control the economic system by printing their fiat-script and buying political influence, the media and even industries (such as the Military Industrial Complex) that they need to extend their empires known as Currency Spheres.  Also how their script, which can be printed at will, is used to buy or sell, with or without possession, any quantity of asset and distort its price for any length of time.
  • Parasitic Calculus - Def.   A system of simple, practicable, predictive rules by which many, if not most, Parasites live their lives by.  They consist of the following operative conditions whenever the Parasites experience difficulties or try to increase their power or control.....
    • They lie more -- (false-flags, propaganda, financial fabrication, mark to fantasy, shadow inventory) 
    • They print more -- (a form of lying, leverage, theft and false promise)
    • They murder more -- (endless wars and outright, blatant, support for terrorism worldwide)
  • Economic Hit Men - Def.   Paid operatives of Bankster controlled entities. Specifically US-NRE Banksters and their US-NRE government.  But their Modus Operandi could be used, and has been used, by many others. -- Their function is to go to every country, or other economic grouping on earth, and convince, by every means within their authority (blackmail, intimidation, bribery, an attack on the entities currency and/or other, usually less than lethal methods), those entities respective power centers to except the Bankster Syndicate's usurious "loans" or "something really bad could happen to them, their country, or group of countries"....such as Jackals, see below....
  • Jackals - (related) - Def.  Paid operatives of Bankster controlled entities, generally acting at the behest of  government intelligence agencies and who are responsible for abductions, assassinations, coups, and other lethal operations meant to remove a person or persons who are considered to be a threat or obstruction to a stated aim or goal.~ The term was first popularized in the mainstream in the book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man". Jackals only surfaces if an Economic Hit Man has failed to bend a government leader(s) and their institutions to their corporation’s or financial institution's will:...if Jackals don't work, then it's time to bring in the Hyenas, see below....
  • Hyenas - (related) - (aka  Mercenaries, Pseudo-Gangs, "Freedom Fighters", "Rebels", "Death Squads" & Terrorists) -- Paid operatives of Bankster controlled entities, generally acting at the behest of a government intelligence or military agency and who are responsible for mass-murder, mass-torture, sectarianism, terrorism and other medium scale forms of societal destruction to break down any resistance to a Bankster imposed fiat-currency regime.  If Hyenas don't work, the next step is large scale, direct military intervention on behalf of the Bankster led government. These are known as Golems, see below....
  • Golems - (related) - (aka  Goons, Ghouls, M.I.C. Product, Meat-Product, Bio-Weapons Units, Bio-Automatons, Government Mercenaries, Cannon Fodder, "The Military", or Soldiers) - Def.  Paid operatives of Bankster controlled entities, generally acting at the behest of nation-state "military" command structures and affiliated military industrial complexes (MICs) and  who are responsible for mass-murder, genocide and large-scale nation state destruction. They are used to break down defensive nation-state structures so that  the Hyenas and Jackals can go to work and end any resistance to a Bankster imposed fiat-currency regimes.  If the Golems don't work the only other step left is the use of nuclear weapons for the complete extermination of the targeted society.
  • Free Market - Def.  An efficient price determined exchange system (price discovery) which must comprise the following conditions and components  1) Buyers and sellers are able to freely exchange their goods and services.  2)  They have a stable medium of exchange  3)  They have full knowledge of all aspects of the transaction, the goods and promises being made, and the terms and conditions of the exchange (visibility, transparency, a fixed and agreed upon set of simple rules)  4)  Contracts and promises are honored and enforced (trust, moral hazard, level playing field, fair play). -- This system hasn't existed in the US for over forty years.
  • Capital - Def.  Collateralized (backed by real assets) savings used for investment purposes.
  • Fiat Capital - Def.  Either totally Fiat capital, securities (currencies, stocks, bonds, etc.) created from nothing, and not backed  (collateralized) by any real assets -- or, Levereged Capital, securities (currencies, stocks, bonds, etc.) backed by some real assets but "Levereged upwards" beyond their collateralized value (Fiat) -- that are used for investment purposes.
  • Capitalism - Def.  A system of "free market" asset allocation that is supposed to use a stable medium of exchange (to maintain constant value of the medium) and a reliable "free market" (to determine price of the asset to be bought or sold) designed to facilitate investment transactions. -- This system hasn't existed in the US for almost a hundred years - It basically ended once the Fed Syndicate was established and their script, which could be printed at will, and used to buy or sell, with or without possession, any quantity of asset they wish and distort its price for any length of time.
  • Socialism - Def.  An exchange system where price discovery is partially suppressed and some assets are allocated, acquired or owned by a governing structure, usually a nation-state.  Note:  if it has a privately owned central bank, will eventually collapse sooner than Capitalism, into Total Banksterism - This definition excludes National-Socialism
  • Communism  - (aka  Command Economy) - Def.  An exchange system where price discovery is totally suppressed and all assets are allocated, acquired or owned by a governing structure, usually a nation-state.  Note:  If it has a privately owned central bank, (which would be highly doubtful) it will eventually collapse sooner than Capitalism, or Socialism into Total Banksterism.
  • Bolshevik Communism - Def.  A Long-Term Frame & False Consciousness imposed on the expanding Russian Empire and its people in 1917 by Kazarians at the behest of the British Rothschilds et all, to destroy Russia's society, the Russian Empire, and most importantly, Russia's Central State Bank, and end the threat Russia posed to the Kazarian's brand new Federal Reserve Syndicate they had recently established in the United States four years earlier in 1913.  A country which they had also slated to take over Britain's imperial assets. This would actually be facilitated by removing Russia from WWI (which was done) and allowing Germany and Britain to bankrupt each other.  The Kazarian Banksters would, as a consequence, make even more money from the interest bearing Bankster debts created for both countries and through their machinations, (as part of the "Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle"), start WWII to pull the US-NRE out of the Great Depression and establish their Bankster fiat script as the new world's "reserve" currency.  --  Remember "all wars [since 1850] are Bankster wars" (credit Michael Rivero).  The goal is to put all entities, especially nation-states, deeply into debt to the Banksters. - References  ||  Jews and Bolshevism - Alt  ||  The Jews Who Murdered Tsar Nicholas II  ||  The Greatest Mass Murderers of all Time || All Wars Are Bankers' Wars - vid - (WRHYuTb 43m34s 02/04/13)
  • Judeo-Financialization - (aka  Total Banksterism) - Def.  An exchange system where price discovery is totally suppressed and all assets are allocated, acquired, controlled or owned by the Banksters and affiliated "private" sectors of the society.  Note: Banksters will usually TRY to allow a limited "free market" and "asset allocation" as long as they get their "cut". Total Command Economies are difficult to run, this is why the Federal Reserve Syndicate did not immediately take over everything when they were established in 1913. Capitalism, even partial Capitalism, lasts longer than Socialism or Communism even while it's being bled.  Which is why Banksters prefer Capitalism.  However, due to the very nature of privately issued, interest accruing, debt based, fiat-currency, they will eventually own everything in a given society and sooner or later reduce that society to Total Banksterism. --  Note:  The above terms do not refer to their associated political aspects, although, as a general rule the less economic freedom there is, the less political freedom there is. - or - The more concentrated is the economic power, the less free is the society.  The two concepts of "less free" versus "more concentrated" are not identical in aspect but usually "less free" leads to "more concentration" sooner or later. -- Although that is not always the case, it is very difficult to find a long-lasting exception.
  • Accreting Corruption / Lying / Leverage- (aka  Incremental Corruption / Lying / Leverage) - Def.  The process whereby economic, social, political, cultural, informational, enforcement or monetary systems becomes steadily more corrupted and/or where deliberately  inaccurate information (Lies) and/or (Leverage) steadily increase.  It can be expressed as a series of laws.
    • The First Law of Corruption - (Leverage & Lying are the Twin Sisters of Corruption) - Def.  Leverage and Lying are practically the same.  As Leverage corrupts the financial system, so Lying corrupts the social/political system. Both acts are a distortion or even a negation of reality.  Both acts are promises that yield unearned advantages to the Liar or Leverer for goods, assets, or services that are less than claimed or that do not exist. Both acts hide the TRUE costs, or TRUE value, for any political, economic or social decision and create distortions for a society that have to eventually be unwound at great cost to the society.  Both acts are commonly used to misdirect or hide who gains from the unearned advantages and are highly destructive of "Free Market" forces.   Both acts are commonly used to delay the day of reckoning increasing hidden costs until their unwinding becomes highly problematical. -- Also known as a Revolution, "The Great Reset" or a Minsky Moment.
    • The Second Law Of Corruption (Leverage & Lying) -- Because the acts of Leverage & Lying produce  claims and/or promises on the society, at an ever increasing rate beyond the real, tangible goods and services actually produced by that society, (a.k.a. a Ponzi Scheme), the Leverer & Liar must either extract more real value from the producers of the society (by devaluing the medium of exchange, i.e. producing more fiat-debt-notes - leverage - and/or false information - lies) and/or geo-politically increase the territory subject to the Leverer/Liar's fiat debt notes (their "Currency Sphere").  This is usually done by acts of war.
    • The Third Law of Corruption - (aka  Darwinian Corruption, or Survival of the Most Corrupt) - Def. In any system over time where variables are generally kept stable (usually due to artificial means) the entity (individual, group, tribe, corporation, or nation) who engages in corruption or lying first -- but less than that which would usually trigger enforcement action or sanction -- will gain an advantage.  As others follow, and the general level of corruption and lying rises, any entity which wishes to gain an advantage, or even compete, must increase their level of corruption and lying.  By then usually the level of enforcement has also undergone the same processes of corruption and has been proportionally reduced to allow such an increase.  This process of Accreting Corruption / Lying will increase exponentially (at an increasing rate) until a "reset" occurs. Also known as a Revolution, "The Great Reset" or a Minsky Moment
    • The Fourth Law of Corruption - (aka  Corruption Accrets at the Top / Benefits Accrue to the Top) - Def.  - In any system undergoing Accreting Corruption the actual level of corruption increases from the bottom/smallest units to the top/largest units of any given system or society at a higher rate.  This is not just a reflection of the top/largest units of a system having more money/power/control/resources and therefore more corruption than the bottom/smallest units.  It is because they have more money/power/control/resources, enabling them to become more corrupt than the bottom/smallest units on a per capita basis and enabling them to do so with greater efficiency and speed. -- For example by using the corrupted enforcement agencies of a given system or society to target smaller competitors.  Or by being "To Big To Fail". Or by simply controlling all the levers of power in a given system or society and thus able to claim more resources, starving out their competitors and enabling the accretion of ever more power.
    • The Fifth Law of Corruption - (aka  Accreting Corruption Increases Disparity, Unequal Treatment, or Disproportionate Action) - Def.  The processes of the third and forth laws of corruption will cause increasing disparities in all aspects of a given system. For example: laws or rules will not only become non-existent for the top/largest elements in a given society or system, but they will actually become increasingly oppressive or "unfair" for the bottom/smallest elements of a given society or system.  Similarly, the claims on resources, or the wealth, (as measured by the Gini Coefficient for example) will become increasingly concentrated in the top/largest elements of a given society.  The corrupt elements may even try to hide these increasing disparities from the rest of their population. -- For example the US-NRE's parasitic elements have distorted the "real" rates of inflation for the past twenty years, that of unemployment for the past ten, and recently they are now openly distorting the nation's GDP figures, all in an effort to hide what their corruption is doing to their society.
    • The Sixth Law of Corruption - (aka  Accreting Corruption is Self Selective, Self-Reinforcing, or Birds of a Feather Flock Together) - Def.  Elements prone to corruption tend to attract and/or need other elements  to engage in the corruption process, while excluding those who do not wish to do so.  Eventually, because of the actions of the third, forth and fifth laws of accreting corruption, only those elements which are thoroughly corrupted or corruptible receive the benefits of a given system.  Eventually corrupt systems even evolve tests or methods of identifying corruptible elements and of encouraging these elements to engage in the corruption process ("Sheep Dipping", credit Alex Jones). --  A process whereby elements are encouraged to engage in corrupt or illegal activities, monitored for their reaction or ability, and if they appear willing for more, they are recruited for the "next level" of the system, if not, they are blackmailed by their first act(s) of corruption to continue further acts and punished by not rising to the next level of the system.  In either case they are again encouraged to commit more egregious acts.  This process continues until the element is thoroughly corrupted to its maximum potential.  If the element still refuses to participate in the process once it's initiated, they are black-mailed into silence by their prior act(s) and must remain muted on what they know, as more corruptible, more willing, elements take their place up the ladder of corruption. In extreme cases of systemic corruption unwilling elements are simply and routinely destroyed or murdered.
  • Minsky Moment - (aka  "The Great Reset", or Increasingly Levered -- Corrupt -- Systems Eventually Collapse) - Def.  A Minsky Moment is a sudden major collapse of asset values which is part of the credit cycle or business cycle [or Accreting Corruption cycle]. Such moments occur because long periods of prosperity and increasing value of investments [or long periods of economic stagnation coupled with increasing corruption and lying] lead to increasing speculation using borrowed [levered] money. The spiraling debt incurred in financing speculative investments leads to cash flow problems for investors. The cash generated by their assets no longer is sufficient to pay off the debt they took on to acquire them. Losses on such speculative assets prompt lenders to call in their loans. This is likely to lead to a collapse of asset values."

    Investigatory Techniques....

  • Method of Operation (aka  Modus Operandi) - A history of similar or prior activity - and/or written plans for a method of operation.  A classic example of a written plan or method of operation would be the PNAC Protocols.
  • Means, Motive and Opportunity - Quite similar to the definitions shown above. - Def.   A popular cultural summation of the three aspects of a crime that must be established before guilt can be determined in a criminal proceeding. Respectively, they refer to: the ability of the defendant to commit the crime (means), the reason the defendant felt the need to commit the crime (motive), and whether or not the defendant had the chance to commit the crime (opportunity). --  The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for ANY legitimate investigation.  If the investigators do not openly discuss means (which MUST include funding), motive and opportunity, that investigation cannot be considered legitimate.
  • Work From Outside In & Bottom to Top - Generally speaking, if a specific target or causality is unknown, and a nexus of causality is not easily identifiable or established, it is more efficient to analyze all suspects or variables surrendering a given event, identify the minor, non-relevant, or inconsequential actors or variables of the event, while working your way toward the more germane or consequential actors or variables.  When working with societal structures, also working from bottom to top.  In this way the field of causal suspects can be narrowed without staking everything on a hunch, theory, ideology, or philosophy, which may compromise and/or prejudiced the investigation and its results
  • Occam's Razor - (aka  KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid) - Def.   A principle of parsimony, economy, or succinctness used in logic and problem-solving. It states that among competing hypotheses, the hypothesis with the fewest assumptions should be selected.
  • Causality - (aka  Causation) - Def.  is the relation between an event (the cause) and a second event (the effect), where the second event is understood as a consequence of the first. -- In common usage, causality is also the relation between a set of factors (causes) and a phenomenon (the effect). Anything that affects an effect is a factor of that effect. A direct factor is a factor that affects an effect directly, that is, without any intervening factors. (Intervening factors are sometimes called "intermediate factors".) The connection between a cause(s) and an effect in this way can also be referred to as a causal nexus.
  • Deductive Reasoning - (aka  Deductive Logic, Logical Deduction, or, informally, "Top-Down" Logic) - (aka what the "Mass Media" and 98% of the US population never does) -- Def.  The process of reasoning from one or more general statements (premises) to reach a logically certain conclusion. -- Deductive reasoning links premises with conclusions. If all premises are true, the terms are clear, and the rules of deductive logic are followed, then the conclusion reached is necessarily true.
  • Scientific Method - Def.  The principles, procedures and empirical processes for the systematic pursuit of knowledge. Generally involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation, investigation or experiment, the construction of hypotheses, and their testing to demonstrate their truth or falseness.
  • Critical Thinking - (aka  what the "Mass Media" and 98% of the US population never does) - Def.  Reflective reasoning about beliefs and actions.  It is a way of deciding whether a claim is always true, sometimes true, partly true, or false.
  • Backtesting - (aka  Retroactive Analysis) - Def.  Testing a  paradigm, construct, model or theory  using existing historical data. Backtesting or retroactive testing can be considered a type of cross-validation applied to a time series of historical events and the causal actors or entities who participated in them.  Given a set of parameters and definitions, such as those described in this list, it can narrow down a field of suspects or determine the primary actors for a given event.  Keep in mind however it is totally dependent on the parameters and definitions selected, if the wrong ones are selected, the analysis will produce the wrong solutions.  On the other hand it is testable and can give future and past predictions.
  • Connecting the Dots - (aka  what the "Mass Media" never does) - A reliable, consistent paradigm, construct, model or theory is always necessary for any investigation.  It prioritizes resources, determines probable guilt or complicity of those under investigation, and helps in understanding how a criminal enterprise functions. -- The big picture. -- A classic example of an overarching paradigm, or construct, would be the "Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle".  Another would be the "Trinity of Evil" (standard model).
  • Proof - Def.  Sufficient verifiable evidence in an argument, theory, or paradigm for the truth of a proposition or conclusion.  Note:  Accurate prediction (i.e. the truth of your proposition or conclusion) provides further evidence that a particular argument, theory or paradigm supports your proof and that your proof is correct.
  • Prediction - The rock bottom test of any paradigm, construct, model or theory. An absolute necessity when describing a system of control, a criminal organization and its structure, or a causal chain of events.
  • Delphi Method - Def.  is a structured communication technique, originally developed as a systematic, interactive forecasting method which relies on a panel of experts. The experts answer questionnaires in two or more rounds. After each round, a facilitator provides an anonymous summary of the experts’ forecasts from the previous round as well as the reasons they provided for their judgments. Thus, experts are encouraged to revise their earlier answers in light of the replies of other members of their panel. It is believed that during this process the range of the answers will decrease and the group will converge towards the "correct" answer. Finally, the process is stopped after a pre-defined stop criterion (e.g. number of rounds, achievement of consensus, stability of results) and the mean or median scores of the final rounds determine the results. -- Delphi is based on the principle that forecasts (or decisions) from a structured group of individuals are more accurate than those from unstructured groups.
  • The "Pink Elephant in the Room" - Def.  A germane, highly relevant, well known, item or fact that's obviously essential to analyze a given issue properly....but, one which is NEVER discussed, mentioned or included in the analysis. Thus rendering the analysis useless. - A dead give-away of mass-media control. - An example would be the so-called "Federal" Reserve, which for one hundred years was described by everyone as a non-profit, benevolent, US government agency, but was in reality a privately owned, independent, for-profit, predatory, discriminatory, banking monopoly/cartel Thus rendering invalid any discussion of actual financial power in the US or how its financial system actually functions. - Or for example, Israel's massive and well documented involvement with 9/11. Almost never discussed, mentioned or included in most analyses of 9/11, thus rendering invalid any investigation into how 9/11 actually occurred.

    Reliability of Evidence.....

  • Who or What Can Be Criticized - (aka  Investigated, Examined, Questioned) - For any germane issue, the greater or swifter the retaliation, the closer you are to the truth, and the more powerful are those who retaliate against you. - Famous relevant quote  -- "To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?” -- *Kevin Alfred Strom* - Or investigate, examine or question - (quote properly attributed 03/20/19 - mpg)
  • Conflict of Interest - Sources involved with, or who benefit from, the parties involved - are highly suspect.  Investigations with obvious massive conflicts of interest, like the 9/11 commission, are completely worthless and must be considered a total white-wash.
  • Reliability - (aka Credibility) -  Def.  Sources that have provided false evidence in the past can no longer be trusted.  Any person, group or entity that has provided false or tainted evidence three or more times may lose all Credibility and Reliability.... permanently. -- Entities - individuals, groups, tribes, agencies, nation states all lose credibility in inverse proportion to the number and amount of lies and false statements they have issued. Eventually their reliability and credibility drops to zero.  The United States and Israel are two prime examples of entities which have no credibility whatsoever and whose statements are now considered completely worthless and unreliable. Statements issued by any of their officials are no longer taken seriously by most impartial observers.
  • Farming  - (Rel.  Disinformation, Cherry Picking, or Constant Gardening) - Def  The act of clandestinely spreading false stories, or encouraging others to spread false stories throughout various information networks while at the same time offering inducements for people or entities to come forward with information confirming such stories. In other words, a tactic of government agencies, or other entities of spreading "manure" around to "grow" a "crop" of (false) information (i.e. Farming) one that can be later harvested or Cherry-Picked.  These selected items of (false) information would than be used to support their Propaganda story or Frame. -- This tactic is primarily used for the purposes of Plausible Deniability By not openly, publicly and pro-actively recruiting, paying and explicitly telling a person or entity to produce or manufacture a given set of false information (Conspiracy to Lie) government agencies or regimes feel they can claim that they were "given" or "found" such information.  When it later proves totally erroneous, they'll claim they had "no idea" that the information was false and that they "were fooled" by the person or parties who gave them the information. -- This tactic is extensively used by the US-NRE and Israel to launch illegal wars of aggression
  • Lie - Def.  A lie is a false statement to a person or group made by another person or group who knows it is not the whole truth, intentionally. A barefaced (or bald-faced) lie is one that is obviously a lie to those hearing it. A Big Lie is a lie which attempts to trick the victim into believing something major which will likely be contradicted by some information the victim already possesses, or by their common sense. To bluff is to pretend to have a capability or intention one does not actually possess. Bullshit is often used to make the audience believe that one knows far more about the topic by feigning total certainty or making probable predictions. An emergency lie is a strategic lie told when the truth may not be told because, for example, harm to a third party would result. An exaggeration (or hyperbole) occurs when the most fundamental aspects of a statement are true, but only to a certain degree. - Any person, group or entity caught Lying three or more times should lose all Credibility and Reliability....permanently.
  • Utilitarian Analysis - A key concept -- (aka  Functional Analysis, Actions Speak Louder Than Words, What Does "It" Actually Do?, What Has "It" Done?, What Is "Its" Function? or, What Is "Its" Identity?) - (This is a nonstandard definition) - Def.  Do the words spoken or plans enunciated match the deeds done and the actions taken.  Do the actions taken produce the results predicted.  If not, there is a possibility that the person or entity making statements regarding their future plans or actions is probably Lying.  If  this mis-match between words spoken and actions taken or deeds done is repeated three times, that person, group, or entity should lose  all Credibility and Reliability.... permanently. -- Utilitarian Analysis is helpful in determining Causality, which is necessary to determine Guilt or Responsibility.  What "it" (person, group, tribe, nation, organization, or entity) says is irrelevant to an analysis except to determine Reliability.  What it actually Does, how it Functions, and its Identity are everything.  These factors determine and predict, its actions. -- Famous relevant quote...."....what is it in itself, and by itself, according to its proper constitution? What is the substance of it? What is the matter, or proper use? What is the form or efficient cause? What is it for in this world, and how long will it abide? Thus must thou examine all things, that present themselves unto thee." -- *Marcus Aurelius*, Book VIII, paragraph X
  • Hypocrisy - (related) - Def.   The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold, possess, or actually put into practice through one's own actions, or engaging in activities, for example passing legislation, or supporting policies, which are directly antithetical and counter-productive to a person's professed beliefs, feelings, or virtues. - (Falseness, or Lying) - (Rel.  Unreliable, Non-Credible, or Inconsistent) 
  • Hypocrite - (related) - Def.  A person or entity who engages in, or conducts, acts of Hypocrisy.
  • Willful Blindness - Def   (aka   Ignorance of Law, Willful Ignorance, or Contrived Ignorance) is a term used when an individual, group or entity seeks to avoid civil or criminal liability for a wrongful act or plan by intentionally attempting to put themselves in a position where they will supposedly be unaware, or ignorant, of facts that would render them criminally liable. -- It is a prosecutable offense and has been ruled as such by many courts.
  • Plausible Deniability - (related) - Def.  The attempt to avoid blame or liability for planned criminal actions by making sure nothing is written down or recorded.  By issuing orders or instructions using vague terms or euphemisms, and/or relying on the assumptions of associates to interpret  hints and suggestions while not explicitly, or clearly, stating a given set of orders or instructions.  Assigning responsibility to lower ranks in a hierarchical structure, using multiple parties or facilitating multiple actions which, by themselves aren't necessarily illegal, or appear illegal, but together become so. The use of compartmentalized structures for the same, and other methods to engage in, or construct an argument for, Willful Blindness, Contrived Ignorance or Willful Ignorance to avoid responsibility and liability for one's (future) actions, or knowledge of such actions (complicity, culpability, guilt).
  • Evidence - (Rel.  Rules Of Evidence) - Def.  Evidence is and includes everything that is used to reveal and determine the truth, and therefore is presumed to be true and related to a case. Giving or procuring evidence is the process of using those things that are either (a) presumed to be true, or (b) were in fact proven to be true by earlier evidence (truths) and demonstrates the broadening of the truth (evidence) of a case. The collection of evidence is in fact the act of determining; what is evidence?. The word “evidence” carries with it the presumption of the “evidence” being seen as true, the where and how it fits; its relationship in and to prior and future evidence; the broadening of a case. In short, it goes from determining what is evidence, to evidence is determined; determining truth, to truth determined.
  • Rules Of Evidence - (Rel  Evidence) - Def.  The rules of evidence were developed over several centuries and are based upon the rules from Anglo-American common law brought to the New World by early settlers. Their purpose is to be fair to both parties, disallowing the raising of allegations without a basis in provable fact. They ~  are an important part of the system for achieving a just result.
  • Perverting The Course Of Justice - Def.  A criminal offense in many jurisdictions wherein someone by himself or with another (a Conspiracy) engages in activity to prevent justice from being served on himself, themselves or on another party. It is a common law offense and can carry a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. - Perverting the course of justice can be any of these acts:  A) Fabricating or disposing of evidence,  B) Intimidating, threatening, or bribing a witness or juror,  C) Intimidating, threatening, or bribing a judge  D) Conspiring with another to pervert the course of justice, and  E) Intending or planning to pervert the course of justice.
  • Perjury - Def    The willful, voluntary act of swearing a false oath or vow, or of falsifying an affirmation to tell the truth, whether spoken or in writing, concerning matters material to any proceeding, such as information to be given, or conduct to be undertaken. - That is, the witness promises to tell the truth, or conduct behavior, or give allegiance, during a proceeding, but fails to do so by deliberate, willful, omission (omitting relevant information), or deliberate, willful commission (submitting false information, falsification, or lying). 
  • Suborning Perjury - Def  The act of encouraging, inducing or assisting another in the commission of perjury, which is knowingly telling an untruth under oath.
  • Context - How did it arise, where was it discovered, who discovered it, who produced it, who said it, etc - The provenance for any fact, theory, artifact, or item of evidence - This is a very important determinant and can be used to rule out a lot of spurious or fabricated evidence or unfounded conjectures.
  • Provenance - Def.  From the French provenir, "to come from", refers to the chronology of the ownership, custody or location of a historical object.
  • Chain of Evidence - Closely related concept, a formal system of procedures and actions designed to prevent  tampering with evidentiary items used in an investigation or criminal prosecution. If not followed or present, than the evidence MUST be considered highly suspect.
  • Tampering With Evidence - Def  Tampering with evidence is an offence and there are statutes proscribing tampering with evidence, fabricating evidence, and the concealment or destruction of evidence for the purpose of impairing its availability as evidence in an investigation or official proceeding. At common law, suppression, fabrication, or destruction of physical evidence amounts to obstruction of justice.
  • Consistency - Repeatedly changing the rules, statements, facts or the "story", etc. multiple times during an investigation is a dead give-away that something is wrong.
  • Consistency of Application - Apply theories, or investigatory techniques and actions to other similar social structures/situations to see if justifiable - Failure of which is ALWAYS procedurally and morally wrong.
  • Proportionality - Very similar to consistency of application, disproportionate investigatory techniques, standards of proof, treatment, rules of evidence, or lack thereof, or punishment are ALWAYS procedurally and morally wrong. Usually a definitive sign of a cover-up, possible charges for those who participate of being accessories after the fact and a sign that a miscarriage of justice has occurred. -- Also used to determine relevance, importance, or fairness.  Concentrating on who has the money/power is a much more important determinant, for example, of who actually controls or affects society than for instance, concentrating on illegal immigration, or African Americans.
  • Dis-Proportionality - Def.  The opposite of proportionality. - When exhibited, for example, during a military conflict, indicates a probable war crime along with the immorality, lack of character and psychosis of the user.  When exhibited in the use of physical violence generally, indicates the lack of restraint, rationality, basic fairness and possible social-pathology of the community committing the violence.  When exhibited, in the use of punishment, indicates the lack of basic justice or fairness in a society.  In all cases it is an indicator that the society and/or its members are engaging in probable criminal activity and have a propensity towards violence. -- Also used to determine the lack of relevance, importance, or fairness.  When a society is Dis-Proportionate in applying any of its standards, norms, or laws, its a sign that it, and its members' statements and promises cannot be trusted or relied upon.
  • Rotational Logic - closely related - Flip or rotate the situation and apply the same standards - Failure of which is ALWAYS procedurally and morally wrong given similar circumstances.
  • Conspiracy - Def.  An agreement or plan, formulated by two or more entities in secret, to perform together an illegal, wrongful, subversive act or series of acts.
  • Conspiracy Theory - Def.  A theory, paradigm, construct, model, or chain of evidence and/or chain of relationships describing a conspiracy and/or its operation.
  • Relevance - Def:  If the issue is germane, has a bearing or is connected - Whether a line of inquiry or piece of evidence is germane is determined by facts and circumstances
  • Facts And Circumstances - Used to determine all of the above. Facts and circumstances have to be verified, provable, and logically consistent. All the available techniques shown above, for example "Chain of Evidence" or "Provenance" should be used to protect and verify facts and discover circumstances.

    - Counter Investigatory Techniques - False Leads - Propaganda - Distractions....

  • Disinformation - Def.  Intentionally false or inaccurate information that is spread deliberately. For this reason, it is synonymous with and sometimes called black propaganda. It is an act of deception and false statements to convince someone of untruth. - Used by many governments, especially the US and Israel, therefore caution must be exercised when analyzing or investigating any event. - Resource:  Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation
  • Poisoning the Well - Def.   The intentional promotion of lies to blend with an embarrassing truth to discredit it. - Commonly the deliberate planting of non-credible information in what appears to be accurate incriminating documents, or non-credible testimony provided by a witness at trial who formally appeared to possess accurate incriminating information.  Used to discredit or side-track an investigation.  Or discredit the investigators. - Used by many governments, especially the US and Israel, therefore caution must be exercised when analyzing or investigating any event.
  • Limited Hangout - (aka  Partial Hangout) - Def.   A public relations or propaganda technique that involves the release of previously hidden information in order to prevent a greater exposure of more important details. It takes the form of deception, misdirection, or coverup often associated with intelligence agencies involving a release or "mea culpa" type of confession of only part of a set of previously hidden sensitive information. - Used by many governments, especially the US and Israel.
  • Honey Trap - (Rel.  Blackmail) - Def.  A scheme in which a victim is lured into a compromising sexual situation to provide an opportunity for blackmail.  - A specific variant or sub-set of Blackmail. - A major specialty of Israel.
  • Blackmail - Def.  Extortion of money or something else of value, such as further information to blackmail others, secret or classified information, or actions, criminal or legal, such as voting on a particular piece of legislation  from a person by the threat of exposing a criminal act or discreditable information. - Extensively used by Israel to control her many Representitutes in her various respective colonies.
  • FBI - (aka "This Nation's Privy Cleaners") - Def.  The FBI is always on the job to muddy the waters, taint evidence, frame the wrong suspects, perjure testimony, lose information, shred files or otherwise serve as the gofor lackeys of the parasitic/criminal class who run the US-NRE. The FBI is always there to clean-up and cover-up the crap left by our illustrious parasites and their plans of mayhem and murder.  They're this country's bath-room attendants for the wealthy, the privy-cleaners for this nation's "one percent". They're worse than useless, they're enablers of obvious criminal conspiracies which lead to wars, cultural debauchery and national destitution.
  • Mass Media - (aka Infotainment Complex) - Def.  Generally refers to the Kazarian controlled propaganda (Hasbara) distribution systems in the United States which currently consists of five to six corporate conglomerates who control ninety percent of all mass-media distribution outlets.
  • Presstitute - (credit to Gerald Celente) - (aka  Media Whore, Mouth-Piece, or Corporate/Govt Stenographer) - Def.  An employee of one of the Mass Media conglomerates 
  • War Whore - Def. A presstituting organization or one of its presstitute employees who constantly promotes wars.  Usually by Lying, Propaganda or Deception.
  • Inbeded - ("In-Bed-With") - Def.  A policy adopted by the US-NRE's Military after the debacle of truthful reporting during their attempted conquest of Vietnam.  It was designed to co-opt Presstitutes and Media Whores by placing them directly into military units where their movements, actions and content could be directly controlled.  Also a tactic that was conveniently used to justify murdering non-imbeded reporters by stating such "unsanctioned" reporters were un-protected, or their locations were unknown, therefore subjecting them to constant "accidental" "friendly- fire".
  • The Dead Blond Syndrome - Def.  Deliberate, over-whelming distraction or mis-direction by the mass-media and their presstitutes.  The constant hyping 24/7 of irrelevant issues to distract the public from ongoing (usually illegal) actions that actually affect their lives. - Refers to a specific case of murder on the island of Aruba that was hyped for over two months.  Considered a classic case of distraction. - (aka "Conditizing" - credit to Michael Rivero)
  • False-Consensus Effect - (aka  False-Consensus Bias) - Def.  A common denial mechanism - It is a cognitive bias whereby a person tends to overestimate how much other people agree with him or her  -- There is a tendency for people to assume that their own opinions, beliefs, preferences, values and habits are 'normal' and that others also think the same way that they do. -- This cognitive bias tends to lead to the perception of a consensus that does not exist.  -- This causes people to constantly make excuses for their "leader's" behavior because they can not bring themselves to realize that their leaders or "power elites" are pathological, sociopaths whose only values are those of a parasite.
  • Normalcy Bias - (aka  Normality Bias) - Def.  Another common denial mechanism - Refers to a mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster occurring and its possible effects. This often results in situations where people fail to adequately prepare for a disaster, and on a larger scale. ~ The assumption that is made in the case of the normalcy bias is that since a disaster never has occurred then it never will occur. It also results in the inability of people to cope with a disaster once it occurs. People with a normalcy bias have difficulties reacting to something they have not experienced before. People also tend to interpret warnings in the most optimistic way possible, seizing on any ambiguities to infer a less serious situation.
  • The "Stupid Excuse" - (related) - (aka  Incompetent Excuse) - Def.  Another common denial mechanism where citizens of an entity constantly exonerate or excuse their parasitic class for their predatory or illegal behaviors.  They do so by claiming their parasites "are just being stupid" or "they're really dumb", EVEN IF, for each instance being criticized, the parasites' behavior significantly negatively impacts those excusing their behavior, while enriching the parasites even further.  It's a specific variant of the False-Consensus Effect.
  • Cognitive Infiltration - (aka  Cognitive Dissonance, Counter Speech or Counter Misinformation) - Def.  A plan proposed by Cass Sunstein, a Kazarian Israeli mole to disrupt citizen investigations into illegal government activities.  A less harsher version of COINTELPRO. Specifically designed to disrupt any investigations into Israel's management and facilitation of 9/11 and subsequent false flag events.
  • Coincidence Theory of History - (aka  The Accident Theory of History) - (non-standared definition) -  Def.  A theory that proposes no matter how statistically improbable any series of events or relationships may be, how incriminating the facts actually are, or how much those involved benefited financially or gained power from any given event, if the evidence casts aspersions on the ruling parasitical elements in any way, whatever these facts, relationships or benefits may be, they ALL must be a "coincidence" or a series of "accidents".  It is a theory commonly used by mass-media outlets to distract and deflect attention away from the three rules of investigation, Follow the Money, Follow the Leverage, Who Benefits (aka  Cui Bono), and Ownership / Control
  • Propaganda - (aka  Public Relations) - Def.  A form of communication that is aimed towards influencing the attitude of the community toward some cause or position by presenting only one side of an argument. Propaganda is usually repeated and dispersed over a wide variety of media in order to create the chosen result in audience attitudes.  -  Also known as the manipulation bible written by Edward Bernays, a Kazarian mole who stated in his book...."The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democracy society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country" - Indeed.
  • Frame - (aka  Framing) - Def.  A strategic, long term, all encompassing Psyop or Propaganda plan for deeply implanted disinformation, group myth, false narrative or fake story line, justifying an agenda or policy, or designed to support and reinforce a specific agenda or policy. - Example, "The Clash of Civilizations" a Frame element and an utterly fabricated theory specifically designed to support the implementation of the PNAC Protocols and Israel's imperial ambitions.
  • Shape - Def.  A mid-level, medium term, alteration to the storyline to correct and support the Frame.
  • Spin - Def.  A tactical, short term, shift in the story line to protect the Shape and Frame from potentially damaging information.
  • False Consciousness - (aka  Long-Term Frame) - Def    The total personal acceptance and long-term mental internalization of a Frame that does not conform with reality and which acts as a filter to prevent one from seeing the world for what it is. -- False Consciousness is usually instilled during childhood and reinforced by constant Propaganda.  It is usually imposed on all the members of a given population by the ruling parasites, to maintain control and obedience to the established order or authority.  Usually a False Consciousness Frame is designed to prevent the population from seeing how they are actually exploited or who is exploiting them.  For example, by preventing them from realizing how their monetary system actually works.
  • Hasbara - Def.  Kazarian ("Jewish") term for propaganda and disinformation.
  • Exceptionalism - Def.  The perception that a country, society, group, institution, or movement, is "exceptional" (i.e., unusual or extraordinary) in some way and thus does not need to conform to normal rules, general principles, laws or international norms and treaties. -- Not permitted, EVER!! - "all men (and larger social structures) are created equal" to each other.  That does NOT mean all social structures and individuals cannot be judged, weighed and measured, it DOES mean they must be judged, weighed and measured, EQUALLY, by applying the same circumstances to those doing the judging, weighing and measuring.   In other words, equal treatment. That the same rules and standards, under the same circumstances, exist for all and MUST be all.
  • Psyops - Def.  Planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.
  • Major Themes / Myths / Frames / Agendas - Usually facilitated, fabricated and/or grossly exaggerated. Like Pearl Harbor, the Holocaust, or 9/11. The more these events are used to further implement policies or specific agenda(s), the more suspect they are. Especially if there were any plans to implement specific agenda(s) prior to a given event, which after the event occurs, is than subsequently used to justify the agenda(s)' implementation. - Topix  9/11 PlngGuide - SpecTrgts
  • Holocaust - (aka  Holocaust™ or Frame) - Def.  One of many war crimes by the NAZI regime that was grossly and criminally exaggerated by the Kazarian Criminal Consortium.  They turned the tragedy into a highly profitable seventy year "Frame" which they are currently using, ironically enough, to do what was done to them, to a completely innocent people.
  • Holocaust Denial - Def.  A phrase used by Kazarian Criminals to prevent people from investigating the many fraudulent and erroneous claims made by them regarding the events that occurred during World War II.  It is a form of reverse psychology or double-play.  By making the accusation of "Holocaust Denial" it forces one to falsely pre-suppose that there was a Holocaust™.
  • Anti-Semite - (aka  Anti-Semitic, Anti-Semitism) - Def.  A phrase used by Kazarian Criminals to prevent people from investigating the fact that eighty to ninety percent of self-described "Jews" are in fact Caucasoid Kazarians from the steppes of Russia, that they and their ancestors are not Semitic and are not from the Middle East.  It is also a form of reverse psychology or double-play.  As with Holocaust Denial it forces one to falsely  pre-suppose that Kazarians are Semitic and from the Middle East and, by implication, that true Semites like the Palestinians, are not.
  • "Never Again" - Def.  A phrase used by Kazarian Criminals to remind its Consortium members when they launch all their carefully controlled -- Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycles  - to play off nations against each other, and also promote the Left/Right False-Choice paradigm within nation state structures, and finally play various ethnic and cultural groups off against one another,  that they must be very careful to "never again" allow such operations to get out of control. Or they could suffer the same fate as they did in NAZI Germany.
  • Torture - Forbidden - It is illegal, immoral, unethical, ineffective, counter-productive, and a war crime.  It is almost always exclusively used to coerce false confessions, suborn perjury, fabricate false claims, manufacture fake evidence and cover-up crimes.  ANYONE who uses it should be considered an accessory after the fact in the crime(s) committed since they are hiding the identity of the true perpetrators by their actions, such as all those conducting their illegal activities at Gitmo.
  • Failure to Provide Habeas Corpus - Forbidden - It is illegal, immoral, unethical, ineffective, and counter-productive.  Denying Habeas Corpus is almost always exclusively used by those who have something to hide.  ANYONE who denies Habeas Corpus should be considered an accessory after the fact in the crime(s) committed since they are afraid to present their case to public scrutiny, under the rules of authenticated discovery and verified evidence and testimony. They should automatically be assumed to be engaging in a cover-up.

    Criminal Actions - Common Techniques....

  • False Flag - Def.   Describes covert military or paramilitary operations designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities, groups or nations than those who actually planned and executed them. -- Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to start most wars of conquest or enable repressive legislation.  The US and Israel are prime examples of countries who constantly engage in false flags.  The most successful operation they ever carried out, primarily directed by Israel was 9/11.
  • Agents Provocateur - Def.  Agents employed by the police or other entity to act undercover to entice or provoke another person to commit an illegal act or falsely implicate them in partaking in the illegal act. More generally, the term may refer to an undercover person or group of persons that seek to discredit or harm another group (often, peaceful protest or demonstration) by provoking them to commit a wrong or rash action (thus, undermining the protest or demonstration as whole).
  • Constant Gardening - (rel.  Entrapment) - Def.  Wherein intelligence agencies are constantly searching for Patsies, finding them, and "growing" or grooming them to carry out their various operations. This method of "recruitment" is normally considered by most legal systems as a form of Entrapment.-- A process usually carried out indirectly (for Plausible Deniability purposes) by "Informants".  Usually the informant, being threatened with prosecution him/herself, will identify susceptible or vulnerable candidates within his community for "recruitment".  Most often these candidates are uneducated, poor, mentally disturbed, drug addicted, medicated, insecure, isolated and/or immature.  They will then be subjected to a verity of techniques, many psychological, to get them motivated to carry out their assignment, such as being flattered, criticized, threatened, embarrassed, tautened, coerced, bribed, black-mailed, radicalized and even brain-washed.  They'll receive training, encouragement, indoctrination and financing from their "handler" until they're ready to proceed. It can sometimes take years before they're ready, once they are, the operation will usually be timed to generate the most beneficial Propaganda impact to shape a particular Frame. Generally speaking, Constant Gardening operations are carried out by "domestic" law enforcement agencies, such as the US's FBI, and are stopped before significant casualties or damage occurs. There have been several well documented exceptions however, such as the 1993 attack on New York's WTC. - Topix   The F.B.I.'s Constant Gardening
  • Entrapment - (rel.  Constant Gardening) - Def.  In criminal law, entrapment is conduct by a law enforcement agent inducing a person to commit an offense that the person would otherwise have been unlikely to commit. In many jurisdictions, entrapment is a possible defense against criminal liability.
  • Patsies - (rel.  Constant Gardening) - Def.  Patsies, unlike Economic Hit Men, Jackals, Hyenas and Golems are usually non-professionals selected from civilian society to be "blamed" for a False-Flag or Criminal operation.  (1) They can be, recruited, encouraged or Constantly Gardened (Entrapped) to knowingly carry out a particular operation...  (2)  They can be deceived into carrying out an operation that is completely different than the one they thought they were participating in (bait & switch), or...  (3)  They can be unknowingly involved and completely innocent, but set-up, blamed and/or framed (usually after they're dead) for a particular operation. -- A classic example of a bait & switch (#2) operation would be 9/11, wherein the Patsies were actually told they would participate in a false-flag "terrorist" operation by "hijacking" four planes.  They were most probably given guns (not box-cutters) to control the passengers, shepherded through the Israeli owned security companies at the two airports, told the planes would be flown by remote control (all they'd have to do would be to sit in the pilot's seat) and flown to an airport where they would be swapped and freed (with nice fat bank accounts) for the passengers and planes and later sent to some Arab country after their operation had achieved it's Propaganda affect. --  They were probably VERY surprised as they saw the buildings looming up in front of them, but than Patsies aren't very bright, that's why they're selected and recruited.
  • Aggressor - Required determination for any investigation - The "aggressor" according to the definition of common and international law must be identified to determine guilt, or who's responsible regarding any confrontation. Claims of "special status", "exceptionalism" or more childishly, "pre-preemption", are completely illegal under international law and a definitive sign of guilt.  Reliability for any and ALL claims made falls inversely to the amount of historical aggression carried out by the claimant.
  • Aggressive War - Forbidden - Def.  Nuremberg Tribunal defined Crimes against Peace, in Principle VI, specifically Principle VI(a), submitted to the United Nations General Assembly, as  -- (i) Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances;   (ii) Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts mentioned under (i).  -- "To initiate a war of aggression, ~  is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole."
  • Double Tap - Forbidden - Def.  A war crime under international law. It consists of deliberately targeting rescue workers, innocent civilians and relatives of a so-called "target" in a secondary strike. It is NOT "collateral damage" by definition but terrorism pure and simple. There is no possible legal defense for this act and NONE has been put forward so far by anyone.  Those in the US-NRE's military who are identified as carrying out second strike "double taps", could be placing themselves in severe legal (i.e. criminal) jeopardy and also be subject to civil lawsuits if they should travel overseas or if this nation should ever return to policies founded upon the rules of law & order.
  • Terrorism - Forbidden - Def.  The deliberately random, unpredictable, unexpected and systematic use of organized violence, (which includes torture) against civilian targets (almost always to kill, hurt or maim) to induce fear or terror in, and submission by the populace to the perpetrator's goals (the perpetrator being individuals, groups or governments), or to incapacitate and break-down the society's governing structures, or in many cases, to deliberately induce a state of civil war, anarchy or sectarian conflict within a given society.
  • Pseudo-Gangs - Forbidden -  (aka  Terrorists.) - (rel. Patsies, or Pseudo-Operations) - Def.  Pseudo-Gangs arose from Pseudo-Operations, which is where forces of one power disguise themselves as another.  To assassinate enemy opponents, destroy enemy targets and conduct other military operations.  Pseudo operations however quickly devolved into conducting  false-flag  and other terrorist actions when it was discovered just how effectively such activities would discredit the targeted opponent.  When this was realized, Pseudo-operatives began recruiting foreigners, the more vicious, violent and depraved the better, to carry out such tactics. These are known as Pseudo-Gangs. The recruitment of foreigners would provide more Plausible Deniability and prevent any embarrassments (or legal action) that could arise if the Pseudo-operators were caught using nationals of their own nation for Pseudo-Gang activity --  Training, arms, logistics, transport and even their "radicalization" and indoctrination would be furnished, commonly without the Pseudo-Gang members even being aware they were working for another hostile interest. Targets would be selected to provide the most psychological impact. For instance, staging a massacre of school children, or setting off bombs on a subway or in a pub, or engaging in other heinous acts. --  In many cases Pseudo-Gang members would be set-up and murdered by those who had hired them, either before, during or after they had completed their job, all depending on the publicity their former employers would wish to generate. Many times it would be by those who wouldn't even know they were killing Pseudo-Gang members, such as  "legitimate" law enforcement elements who had received "intel" or a "tip" from the Pseudo-operatives themselves. -- This would even have the added advantage of ingratiating the Pseudo-operatives with the targeted nation's law enforcement apparatus because they would have prevented a "terrorist attack" (if that action was chosen) or at least they would have provided "good intel" (if they decided to let their attack go forward). -- A neat trick if you can pull it off.
  • Death-Squads - Forbidden - Def.  An armed military, police, insurgent, or terrorist squad that conducts extrajudicial killings, assassinations, and forced disappearances of persons as part of a war, insurgency or terror campaign. These killings are often conducted in ways meant to ensure the secrecy of the killers' identities, so as to avoid accountability. -- Death squads are often, but not exclusively, associated, with the violent political repression under police states, one party states, or military dictatorships. It is not unheard of, however, for more democratic governments to form death squads during a state of emergency and then disband them once the crisis passes. -- Death squads often have the tacit or express support of the Government, as a whole or in part (see state terrorism). Death squads may comprise a secret police force, paramilitary forces or official government units with members drawn from the military or the police. They may also be organized as vigilante groups...."
  • Collateral Damage - Def.  A cynical, deliberately callous term used to describe the murder of civilians and the destruction of civilian infrastructure.  It's designed to imply that the murders and destruction are "unintended" consequences of the military action, when in reality most of them actually are intended (a war crime) - or - are totally avoidable without jeopardizing the military objective, but irrelevant in the decision making process (depraved indifference).
  • Mirror / Mirror - Def.  (SAP Attack) - A standard attack profile or aggressor methodology.  Usually a dead give-away of a perpetrator's illegal actions and their guilt.

    The Criminals & Their Criminal Plans....

  • The PNAC Protocols - Def.  A medium term, thirty year to forty year Kazarian plan, to further their New World Order (known as Zionism).  It calls specifically for Israel's North American Colony (formally known as the US) to disrupt and destroy all of Israel's geo-political / economic nation-state competitors in the Middle East and East Asia.  The list is as follows....Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Somalia (done) - Lebanon, Egypt and Syria (in process) - Iran and any uncooperative Caspian Basin nation-states (currently scheduled and in process)
  • Shock & Awe - Def.  A gleeful term used, commonly by Neocons, to celebrate nation-state destruction, mass murder, and genocide.  Totally illegal under the Nuremberg statues and the Geneva conventions.
  • Bringing Them Freedom & Democracy - Def.  A cynical term used by Neo-Cons to justify and cover-up nation-state destruction, mass murder, and genocide. Totally illegal under the Nuremberg statues and the Geneva conventions.
  • Mission to Protect - (aka  Responsibility to Protect, R2P,  Humanitarian Intervention, or Humanitarian Wars) - Def - An even more cynical term used by Neo-Liberals to justify and cover-up nation-state destruction, mass murder, and genocide. Totally illegal under the Nuremberg statues and the Geneva conventions.
  • "National Security" - Def.  A standard catch-all phrase used to cover-up illegal activity by nation states.
  • Neo-Con - (aka  Neo-Conservative) - Def.  A colonial representative of the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium.  Their main purpose is to do everything they can to increase Israel's control over ZOG nations such as the US-NRE and further Israel's PNAC Protocols, along with its requisite requirement for world-wide terrorism.  Pretends to be "conservative" and part of the RepubDemo Controlled Opposition.  Will occasionally espouse portions of conservative philosophy, specifically the "cultural" portions, if it does not conflict with their main purpose of servicing Israel's and AIPAC's needs.
  • Neo-Liberal - Def.  A colonial representative of the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium.  Their main purpose is to do everything they can to increase Israel's control over ZOG nations such as the US-NRE and further Israel's PNAC Protocols along with its requisite requirement for world-wide terrorism. Pretends to be "liberal" and part of the DemoRepub Controlled Opposition.  Will occasionally espouse portions of liberal philosophy, specifically the "cultural" portions, if it does not conflict with their main purpose of servicing Israel's and AIPAC's needs. 
  • False Choice - (aka  False Dichotomy) - Def. A degenerative bi-polar condition wherein a society has devolved into offering a limited two choice paradigm for its political, economic and societal decisions of its people.  Two parties, two products, two methods, two classes, two philosophies, etc.  It is a definitive sign of a highly, and artificially controlled society, a rigid, moribund and static social/political system, a declining economy, and an infantilized, degenerate, uneducated, overly-credulous, massively propagandized population. -- Usually indicates a growing or fully established system of parasitism and/or totalitarianism. -- Also....the current social/political status of the United States 
  • Left / Right Paradigm - Def.  A specific subset of a False-Choice or False-Dichotomy where a given population is deluded into believing that the two choices offered to them between "leftist" and "rightest" Philosophies or Ideologies have any affect on their daily lives. Generally designed to prevent them from seeing how their power structure or monetary system is actually organized.  Extensively used by Kazarians in their various colonies to blind or distract the given populations from who actually controls their political/media and economic structures.
  • Controlled Opposition - Def.  Organization used as a front in order to disseminate information useful to an opposed third party, such as a government.  - Commonly used to divide and conquer groups disliked by a government or government agency. Used to direct and mislead opposition to, or investigations into, government misdeeds.
  • The United States - Def.  Formally a nation state, now known by most international observers as one of the North American Colonies (the other is Canada) of the Kazarian Criminal Consortium called Israel. Currently a declining empire, twelve years into a planned thirty year campaign of world wide mass murder and nation state destruction on behalf of its colonial master and their PNAC Protocols - See also "False Choice"
  • ZOG - Def.  Zionist Occupied Government
  • ZOC - Def.  Zionist Occupied Corporation
  • ZOE - Def.  Zionist Occupied Entity - (Educational institutions, non-profit organizations, etc.)
  • ZOZ - Def.  Zionist Occupied Zombie - (aka  Zio-Zombie or, Zio-Whore)  A form of demonic possession. It's what happens to those who allow themselves to become bought and paid for whores of the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium and other criminal Kazarian organizations.. They slowly lose their humanity, becoming laughing, giggling, uncaring, sociopathic human Hyenas.  Eventually, if their possession is allowed to progress, they become mindless, rotted, hollow shells of their former selves. Puss-filled, drooling, infected walking cankers, whose only purpose is to spread the disease of Zionism, and all that follows it, endless death and destruction, throughout the entire world.  The hideous end stages of being a Zio-Zombie or Zio-Whore.
  • JINSA - (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs) - Def.  The international enforcement training division of the Kazarian Criminal Consortium.  Established to subvert, through bribery, blackmail and other means the legitimate law enforcement and military establishments of other nations. Specifically used to oppress and intimidate civilian populations residing in nation-states colonized by Kazarains.  Modeled after the US-NRE's infamous "School of the Americas" (now renamed the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation), JINSA trains officers to disregard their nation's constitutions, laws and conventions and to treat their respective civilian populations as the "enemy" or even "terrorists".  Freeing them to engage in military style assaults against innocent civilians, the wonton, deliberate, large scale unnecessary use of physical force, and in a growing number of cases, torture, sexual assaults and murder. All in an effort to oppress and intimidate these colonial populations so they more easily acquiesce to their exploitation by Israel's Banksters
  • AIPAC - (American / Israel Political Action Committee) - Def.  The colonial administration that governs one of  Israel's North American territories known as the United States of America.
  • CRIF - (Conseil Représentatif des Institutions juives de France) - (Eng. Representative Council of French Jewish Institutions) - Def.  The colonial administration of Israel that governs Israel's territory in Europe known as France
  • CJC - (Canadian Jewish Congress) - Def.  The colonial administration of Israel that governs Israel's other North American territory known as Canada.
  • BICOM - (Britain Israel Communications & Research Centre) - Def.  The colonial administration of Israel that governs Israel's territory known as Britain.
  • Representitute - (aka Traitor, or Alien Agent) - Def.  A colonial representative of the AIPAC/Israeli consortium who specifically services their needs for their North American Colony at their colonial headquarters in Washington DC, known as Congress.
  • Kazarians ("Jewish") - Def.  A very dangerous, highly deluded, highly manipulative, exceptionally adoptable, sociopathic group of individuals.  Generally non-violent and extremely cautious on an individual basis, unless they heavily outnumber and out-gun their victim(s).  --  They tend to take small, continuous, discrete steps in their business and geo-political decisions and are masters at working behind the scenes (usually using, espionage,  black-mail or bribery) until they've achieved a preponderance of power in a given social structure.  They eschew large-scale gambles, and prefer to manipulate others into spending their lives and treasure for them -- They have loyalty only to themselves and other fellow Kazarians and therefore one must exercise extreme caution when dealing with these individuals. -- Many of them actually believe they're "Jewish" (or they pretend very well) but in reality their forebears simply adopted a few of the most mercenary and odious aspects of that religion back in the eighth century while adding a few of their own. They are non-Semitic, non-Sephardic (despite what the say) Caucasoids who originated from the steppes of Russia, migrated to the countries of Eastern Europe, spread to Western Europe and then to the United States. -- They believe they're "special", "exceptional" and "chosen" and exhibit other forms of bizarre social-pathological and outright psychotic behaviors.  Many Kazarians consider non-Kazarians to be non-human animals placed here on earth to service their needs.  They are utterly incapable of acknowledging or apologizing for their crimes against humanity.  -- Despite not engaging in large scale direct violence, (excluding what they've already done to the Palestinians), this crime syndicate / criminal consortium, numbering approximately nineteen million individuals world wide, may be directly or indirectly, responsible for the deaths of over seventy to one hundred million people during the last 150 years. 
  • Kazarian ("Jewish") Calculus - Def.  A system of simple, practicable, predictive rules by which many, if not most, Kazarians live their lives by.  They consist of the following operative conditions.....
    • Kazarians are the only "real people" in the them.
    • Everybody else is either useful (i.e. they're "profitable" or "exploitable" a.k.a. goy-cattle, goy-sheeple)....
    • they're an enemy (i.e. They're a competitor)....
    • they're an existential threat (i.e. They're a really good geo-political/economic competitor)....
    • they're dangerous (i.e. They can actually defend themselves against attack or exploitation)....
    • or they're vermin (i.e. They're not "profitable", nor a competitor...not even a good one, can't defend themselves against anything, and they're in the way)
  • Israel - (aka  World Capital) - Def.  Headquarters of the Kazarian Criminal Consortium or Crime Syndicate located by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea in the Levant.  A territory formally known as Palestine, whose legitimate, lawful inhabitants, Semitic, Sephardic and most probably the living descendents of Jews who converted to Islam in 635 AD, are currently being slowly exterminated by the Kazarians. 
  • Zionism - (aka  The New World Order) - (one of the three supports for the "Trinity of Evil") - Def.  A long-term, strategic, 150 year old plan and movement to infiltrate, destroy, dissolve, corrupt and control nation state structures by taking over their central banks.  The headquarters of which is to be established by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea in Palestine. It is to be called Israel. (in process)
  • Wahhabism - (one of the three supports for the "Trinity of Evil") - Def.  Essentially an end run around traditional Islamic beliefs.  It's the Saudi Parasitic Family's attempt to create an exclusively Saudi controlled religion separate and apart from true Islamic tradition in the Middle East.  Just as Henry the Eighth created the Church of England separate and apart from Roman Catholicism. It's a method to obtain greater geo-political control for the Saudi Family and other "monarchical" Families related to the Saudis on the Arabian Peninsula. Of course many consider the Church of England a more genteel, less strict, more reformed version of Roman Catholicism.  No one, however, could EVER possibly consider the Saudi Parasitic Family's monstrous, murderous, mass of marauding, mercenary, al-CIA'da terrorists currently careening around the Middle East sadistically beheading people and blowing themselves up on behalf of the Saudi Parasitic Family's and Israeli Kazarian's PNAC Protocols as reformists.
  • "Christian" Zionism - (aka  Armageddon Cultists, Hagee's Hordes, Zio-Hordes, or Zio-Worshipers) - (one of the three supports for the "Trinity of Evil") - Def.  Like Wahhabism, "Christian" Zionism has nothing to do with its namesake, true Christianity.  Although its members are not as violent as Wahhabist terrorists (yet) they are a completely artificial creation of Kazarian Zionists, are agents for their plans for a New World Order, traitors to their respective nations, and should be considered highly deluded, self-destructive, and potentially violent.

    What NOT to Include, Or Use During An Investigation....

  • Ideology - Not permitted, not germane or factual - Useless, commonly used to justify criminal actions which are simply and solely committed for monetary gain or geo-political power. Also - used by mass-media conglomerates to distract or prevent investigation into motives for monetary gain or geo-political power.
  • Reliance on religion or philosophy - Not permitted, not germane, or factual - irrelevant and almost ALWAYS used to disguise "who benefits" - commonly used to manipulate those who were involved in the action to be judged, or, used as cover by those who carry out such actions.
  • Emotionalism, Feelings, Group Think, or Acting Out. - Not permitted,  not germane, or factual - totally and utterly useless. Either a sign of immaturity, infantilization, or much more likely, attempted manipulation.
  • Opinion - Not permitted,  not germane, or factual - usually an act of simple-minded, mass-media repetition by rote, almost always wrong, propagandistic, ignorant, uneducated, uninformed, uncaring, and always astoundingly self-serving and biased.
  • Patriotism, Sloganeering, Waving the Flag, Jingoism, etc - Not permitted, not germane, or factual - useless, considered highly dangerous or delusional. Almost ALWAYS used as a distraction and/or to motivate wars of aggression by a "dumbed-down" population.