The New Great White Hope™ - President Snow

The New Great White Hope™ - President Snow

WRH - Red Carded Final // No further postings of this website ever
RBN - Red Carded Final  // No further postings of this website ever
TRS - Red Card Rescinded
FTN - Red Card Rescinded
RIR - Red Card Rescinded
Mark Colett - Red Card Rescinded

DD - Red Card Rescinded  // previously Yellow-Carded & Red Carded

See also...."Yellow Carded - 08-03-14 - mpg"
See also..."It's Time To Talk Of Many Things - 02-18-17 - mpg"
See also..."Utterly Insane! - 10-17-17 - mpg"

Proximate Reason - Advocating a radical reinterpretation of the 14th Amendment. 

Additional Reason(s) - For advocating....the mass ethnic cleansing, civil war, forced labor, theft of property, deprivation of citizenship, concentration camp incarceration, fascistic takeover, and murder, of more than forty one million of this nation's residents. - A crime against humanity - No article, link or video from WRH will be posted on this website for the foreseeable future...mpg

It's a set-up. 

Repeated warnings have been issued by this website editor against those who have called for a massive campaign of ethnic cleansing  in this country. They appear to have gone unheeded by some

Let us make this clear, it is a known fact that this nation is being run by Euro-Kazarians, that is not debatable, and is demonstrably provable.. It has been repeatedly pointed out by many on the web that Euro-Kazarians are known to practice policies of divide and conquer in those communities they reside in. It has been repeatedly pointed out that the elections in this country are a shame, that the two parties are identical in all but name, and that they simply clothe their political rhetoric with cultural preferences, but the underlying policies regarding money and power remain identical.  It has been repeatedly pointed out that these "parties" just share power, transferring it back and forth like the baton of a Roman Emperor, while the parasites who run these parties and select the candidates take their cut from the spoils.

For years the right wing web has been filled with fantastical rumors that Obama was a Muslim communist hell bent on taking over the United States with black helicopters, UN troops, and ravenous hordes from every nation South of our border in collusion with all those brown and black hordes in this country.  Having done so he would impose a communist dictatorship to oppress all us "poor widdle white people", enslaving us for his own dastardly plans, seize every white person's property and distribute it to said hordes, all the while engaging in cannibalism, slaughtering white babies, and raping white women on national TV for sport.

That last he'd probably find difficult in that he's a blatantly obvious homosexual.

"Ohhh the victim hood!!!"  "Ohhh the horrors!!!"  "Ohhh what are us poor widdle oppressed White people to do!?!"

When actually during this entire time, Obama was fastidiously carrying out every single aspect of the trans-national Euro-Kazarians' PNAC Protocols as originally initiated by the Bush administration, extending every one of Bush's unconstitutional legislative or executive programs and policies, energetically coming up with even more utterly outrageous ones of his own, all the while helping the Banksters loot what little remains of this countries savings while also imposing corporate sponsored legislation such as obamacare and private prisons on the populace, to loot them even further

Fascism pure and simple

Ohhhh.....the utter stupidity, credulity, willful blindness, and lets face it, rank racism of much of so-called "White Amerika"

While all of this was going on Obama, and Israel's JINSA, oversaw the most massive conversion ever seen in world history of what was once a civilian police force, into what can only be described as a federalized occupation army of terror. 

They did so by distributing to every single small town and hamlet in this country, billions of rounds of hollow point ammunition, tens of thousands of MRAP and other combat capable vehicles, mass quantities of military grade equipment, and documents that describe, in detail, how to arrest (kidnap) and intern millions of Americans in forced labor camps, and even assassinate (murder) them when found expedient to do so.

This new militarized force, many of whose members have been previously trained overseas where they served in Bankster devised nation-state destruction programs (PNAC Protocols), and who treated the peoples they occupied as vermin, to be raped, abused, tortured, and murdered at will, has recently also been given complete license to steal and rob from American Citizens at will with this nation's civil forfeiture laws

Now that these fascistic actions and policies have been thoroughly implemented by our government, the author of one particular website, who shall remain nameless, and who has advocated in his own words "the immediate deportation of forty one million residents of this country", is currently fawning over the "suddenly" successful candidacy of Donald Trump.

In a disgusting display of craven, obsequious, hero worship, and blind loyalty not seen since Obama's Imperial  coronation as this nation's Emperor (or Hitler's ascension to power) he waxes every day on this New Great White Hope™, and most regrettably, and frighteningly, so do millions of his stupid fellow Americans.

"Ohhhh this one is WHITE, he's RICH, we're all saved now!!"

This author is now, unbelievable as it may seem, and the reason for why this essay is being written, proposing a complete reinterpretation of the 14th Amendment to invalidate the citizenship of every person born in this country if both their parents weren't citizens.  No doubt this would add tens of millions more to be deported or placed into FEMA work camps.

This author for years, along with many others on the right wing web, has also repeatedly, viciously, and vociferously described all "illegals" as diseased, murdering, drug using, criminal, gang-members who came here only because they couldn't make it in their own countries. That no matter who they were, or what they did before, by their very act of crossing a border without corporate sponsorship, they instantly become vermin and lose all human rights along with their humanity.

This author has never voiced any exceptions to his mean spirited, despicable, twisted, vitriol, and does not acknowledge -- and has never acknowledged -- that ANY members of this "illegal" group are constructive members of this society, or that they have anything to contribute to this society, or that they have even established prosperous communities in this society.

For over sixty years, with a wink and a nod, our parasitical class, and indirectly this author, were perfectly willing to have their homes and commercial buildings cheaply constructed, property landscaped, children cared for, meals made, work places cleaned, crops picked, trenches dug, bed pans emptied, all the while it was just so politically expedient, and a lot cheaper, not to make these people "legal". -- Much easier to exploit too.

Obviously all nation-states have the right to control their borders, but they must demonstrate that they are actively trying to do so, and NOT to have hypocritically encouraged people to cross their boundaries on behalf of powerful economic interests for over sixty years!

They must NOT than turn around and in what can only be described as a cowardly, contemptible, haphazard, and inconsistent sort of way, based on the variable winds of racist domestic politics, and self-inflicted unfavorable economic circumstances caused by empire bloat, bloat created by the plans of a tiny minority who they blissfully allowed to run their country, and than savage the very people they've been encouraging, and exploiting, for over sixty years to cross their borders. 

This is insanity.  This is a set-up. Perfectly timed for the long planned economic reset to be initiated by the Banksters who rule this society and who have looted every penny left.

The world is now to bear witness to the mass revocation of citizenship, deportations, theft of property without due process, imprisonment without due process, state sponsored slavery, violence and murder against the least powerful and most dispossessed of this nation's peoples in a plan that appears to have been concocted by a tiny trans-national minority that possesses most of this nation's wealth and political power, and who are according to their own interpretations, technically citizens of another country

A blasphemous, unholy, obscenity of destruction and looting, soon to be lorded over, assuming he's elected, by the US-NRE's very own, home grown, smugly smiling, voluble, utterly affable, always benevolent, dressed for success, billionaire oligarch President Snow.

While all of this death and destruction will be thunderously cheered on by the "white race" which resides here, and who will finally, as they see it, be going to give those "spics", and soon thereafter those "niggers", the comeuppance they so richly deserve.

Until of course these forces are inevitably turned on them. Oh, don't worry, the whites won't be deported, they'll just sincerely wish they had been.

This is not only insane, acts like this are a crime against humanity, and those who advocate or facilitate them in any way are criminals.

As stated previously, any websites on the web that continue to dangerously, and irresponsibly demonize the Hispanic or African American populations of this nation -- citizens or not -- or in any other way furthers, inflames,  or facilitates the parasitic classes' long planned agenda to "play-off" groups in this country, or possibly their plans to even deliberately introduce a disease into this country, all in their ceaseless efforts to turn this nation-state into a Bankster run Gulag, essentially a company run colony of the Banksters' Criminal Consortium, will be permanently "Red-Carded".  - mpg