Yellow Carded

Yellow Carded

See also..."It's Time To Talk Of Many Things - 02-18-17 - mpg"
See also..."The New Great White Hope™ - President Snow - 08-21-15 - mpg"

The US-NRE, since 9/11 has built the most draconian domestic military enforcement structure ever seen since the rise of the NAZI party in Germany during the thirties, or that of the Euro-Kazarian's Bolshevik Communist party in the Soviet Union during the twenties.  It has purchased billions of rounds of hollow point ammunition, and distributed billions of dollars worth of surplus military gear which includes over ten thousand MRAP and other types of military transport vehicles.  All the while according to various blogs on the web, secretly constructing FEMA and other "concentration" camp facilities.  The federal government, in collusion with state and local "law enforcement" authorities has also implemented a series of increasingly repressive acts of legislation, including actual protocols for the assassination of individual American citizens, their mass incarceration, their use as slave labor, and even the mass killing of American citizens.

However, these programs have yet to be actually  implemented on a large scale.

We now have two events, both of which may be used as a pretext for such programs to finally be implemented.  The first one, the sudden importation of citizens from countries in Central America fleeing devastation deliberately wrote upon them by US-NRE sponsored operations such as Fast & Furious and the US-NRE supported Honduran Coup, is obviously a manufactured event and deliberately designed to inflame ethnic, regional and political tensions within the United States.

Obviously all nation-states have the right to control their borders, but they must demonstrate that they are actively trying to do so, and NOT to have encouraged people to cross their boundaries on behalf of powerful economic interests for over sixty years! -- They must NOT than turn around, in what can only be described as a cowardly, contemptible, haphazard, and inconsistent sort of way, based on the variable winds of racist domestic politics, and self-inflicted unfavorable economic circumstances, and savage those they've been encouraging for over sixty years to cross their borders. 

The second event, the "outbreak" of the Ebola virus, may also have been manufactured or deliberately engineered.

Along with these two events there has also been during the last six months the most detestable, despicable, disgusting, viciously racist, culturally demeaning, campaign to demonize the ENTIRE Hispanic population of the United States.  A campaign using unfounded, mean-spirited, anecdotal statements without a shred of statistical evidence to maliciously smear an entire population, a campaign to "play-off" the African-American portion of the United States population against its Hispanic portion, a campaign to permanently delegitimize Hispanics everywhere, not just "illegals" so they can eventually be....eliminated as a competitive cohesive force. 

Just as the African-American population of this nation has been eliminated as a competitive-cohesive force by decades of mass disenfranchisement, and much more importantly, mass incarceration.

These events, the "sudden influx" of Central American citizens along with their massive demonization, and the Ebola "outbreak", are most likely to be used to finally implement the Government's (i.e. the parasitical classes) long desired plans for the mass arrest, incarceration, deportation and/or elimination of people living in this country who are deemed as uncooperative with their program of Bankster enslavement.

It is quite possible, even probable, that the same government which countenanced the Tuskegee experiments on African-Americans in this nation, and which conducted similar experiments on the indigenous peoples of Guatemala, would be perfectly willing to use selected individuals imported into this country as vectors to spread Ebola.

Once their "crisis" has been engineered they'll start incarcerating "illegals", since the parasitical classes' so-called "War on Terror" has -- by deliberate long planned designed -- stripped all foreigners of any legal rights whatsoever and since the campaign to demonize "illegals" has been in full cry for months, if not years.

Once these programs are up and running however, they will start doing the same to those who have been arbitrarily incarcerated by the US-NRE's unjust system of imprisonment, most of whom are disproportionally of African-American decent, and of course, this will be quickly followed by incarcerating and murdering all those in the rest of society, whoever they may be, who continue to resist the destruction of this nation's constitution and its formally normative values.

And the Corporate/Bankster/Gulag state will have finally arrived.

These plans are so obvious and so blatant that the promotion of any aspect of this agenda by any website or individual is not just immoral, criminal, and's traitorous.

Several very popular websites in particular are promoting this agenda, and appear to be agents for the final implementation of the Corporate/Bankster/Gulag state. -- In the hopes that these individuals and their staff are simply massively misguided and not agents for the Euro-Kazarian Bankster imposed Imperium, they are being "Yellow Carded" for a period of thirty days. 

Their links are being removed from this website and links to articles and essays on their websites will not be posted.  Videos and commentary by them will also not be posted.

During this thirty day period they must cease their constant demonization of what amounts to seventeen percent of this nation's population, and these people's culture, traditions and even their language, and none of these website's future actions must covertly, or overtly, support the Government's (i.e. the parasites') long desired plans of mass incarceration, permanent imprisonment, or "disposal" of anyone within the borders of this nation who is a citizen, a foreigner who is transiting through or who is working here according to treaty or regulation, or those who are already here by previous "invitation", duress, or other arranged circumstance, and who wish to be a citizen and to be so without dual "loyalties" or "allegiances".

In other words any person who currently is a citizen or wishes to be one, can retain their sympathies, economic affiliations, family ties, cultural and religious norms, and even their own language, without prejudice or demonization. (Their children must become competent in the language of the nation they reside in though). --  However....
  • They cannot be actively working for, or support in any way, the agenda of a foreign power, foreign community, or foreign religion, if that foreign power, community or religion asserts their rights or values over and above that of the nation state those citizens chose to reside in, or common or natural law, (the ten amendments to the US constitution, habeas corpus, magna carta, and other similar listings or examples of natural, or inalienable, rights) or over those well founded precepts of international law grounded in the same foundation. (prohibitions against aggressive war, war crimes, slavery, acts of apartheid, genocide, the Nuremberg statues, etc.)
  • Nor as citizens of a nation state, can they impose the agenda of a foreign power, community or religion on that of the nation state they reside in, other than to promote those that follow normal common or natural law, or international precepts as outlined above.
  • Nor can potential applicants for citizenship claim "exceptional", "special", or "chosen" status.
  • Nor can they claim any additional rights differing from those of the community they choose to be affiliated with, or reside in.
  • Nor can they fight in ANY military conflict, for a foreign power, wherein they have been granted rights or privileges on the territory of said foreign power, on the basis of their religious affiliation, ethnicity, or race. -- Any such action would automatically render the person's citizenship null and void.
  • BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, they cannot, in ANY way, shape, or form, by open consent, or hidden affirmation or belief, retain the status of a "transnational dual-member" with concurrent rights and/or obligations to a foreign power, community, or religion, above and beyond those of their nation, natural or common law, or well founded international precepts, and still maintain their citizenship status. -- If they attempt do so they have self-selected themselves to be non-citizens of their community and should be deported, or potentially prosecuted, immediately.
Any websites on the web that continue to dangerously, and irresponsibly demonize the Hispanic population of this nation -- citizens or not -- or in any other way furthers or  facilitates the parasitic classes' long planned agenda to "play-off" groups in this country, or possibly their plans to even deliberately introduce a disease into this country, all in their ceaseless efforts to turn this nation-state into a Bankster run Gulag, essentially a company run colony of the Banksters' Criminal Consortium, and they do so more than two times, will, starting September 3rd 2014 be permanently "Red-Carded". 

It's three strike and you're out.  In other words they will be permanently delisted from this website, and barred from this website for the foreseeable future. - mpg