The Rules of Force III - Volunteering In Conflict Zones

The Rules of Force III - Volunteering In Conflict Zones

French Volunteers Join Donetsk People’s Army
Website editor's caution:  One should generally only participate in a foreign conflict as a foreign volunteer  if you're a reporter, a humanitarian witness, a voluntary human shield, or to provide medical or non-lethal aid to civilians caught in the conflict.

If a person participates as an armed combatant they can only do so in uniform, under authority of, or in agreement with, the local government or indigenous forces, and only participate in conflicts where they  will be supporting common or natural law.

Examples include, but are not limited to, the right to self-determination, including the right to revolt,  succeed or engage in irredentism if the necessary historical standards are met, the ten amendments to the US constitution, habeas corpus, magna carta, and other similar listings or enumerations of natural, or inalienable rights, or those well founded precepts of international law grounded in the same foundation.

Such as prohibitions against aggressive war, illegitimate foreign imposed juntas or dictatorships, illegitimate long term foreign or military occupations, violations of the Nuremberg statues, etc. war crimes, slavery, acts of apartheid, ethnic cleansing, genocide and other crimes against humanity.

A person is not allowed to participate as an armed combatant wherein they have been granted rights, special privileges or dual-membership status on foreign territory, on the basis of their ethnicity, race, or religion of the foreign power, without automatically losing their previous citizenship status.

If a person is participating as a mercenary or as a volunteer to enforce the violation of the above common law norms, natural rights, international statutes and precepts, or to help impose the above examples of crimes against humanity, or on behalf of special privileges or rights they have been promised by a foreign power, and they do so to support a dictatorial junta, apartheid or a foreign installed regime, especially one consisting of transnational or dual-members of terrorist organizations, foreign cartels, semi-religious cults, or criminal organizations, they should lose the citizenship of the country they came from and be subject to military justice if caught. 

Obviously as a foreigner, if they're caught participating in war crimes or terrorism, they may be subject to immediate sanction. - mpg

For more on this issue and clearer definitions of the terms used above see....