To Invite Evil Across Your Doorstep And Into Your Business
(A Possible Strike Three)

To Invite Evil Across Your Doorstep And Into Your Business
(A Possible Strike Three)

Israel Applies to Become Founding Member of China Development Bank
AIIB - It is understood that China can not flatly state "NO", they're too diplomatic for that. 

But considering the Palestinian situation, the numerous wars Israel and it's Euro-Kazarians have arranged under their PNAC Protocols, the fact Israel was definitely involved in facilitating 9/11, along with hundreds of other false flags, the fact their Euro-Kazarian Bankster brethren have brought death and misery across the world for over a hundred years through their financial and geo-political manipulations, not just through the governments they control, but through institutions such as the IMF, Federal Reserve and World bank, considering they completely refuse to obey international law regarding everything they do and every culture and country they come into contact with, considering they have spied on everyone while stealing hundreds of billions of dollars from their supposed benefactor, the United States, considering this endless treacherous trail of destruction, theft, mayhem and murder, it should be apparent they would be the most manifestly unsuitable candidate for China's Development Bank.

Besides, given their history of corrupting and taking over every single institution they're allowed to get involved with, could China, or the other AIIB members possibly trust them?  The obvious answer of course is no, they can't.

Israel should be told they must develop some semblance of a nation-state, stop interfering in the affairs of others, and most importantly comply with international law.  Until they do so they cannot be trusted to act as a responsible member of the AIIB.

Obviously China will have to phrase their refusal a lot more diplomatically than that.

But if they're tempted to admit Israel, they should keep in mind it was Israel's trans-national, Euro-Kazarian AIPAC/Israeli, Neocon / Neolib, fellow travelers in their North Amerikan Colony that launched the current massive reign of destruction that's still engulfing the Middle East. 

That it was also these very same Neocon / Neolibs who destroyed Libya along with China's numerous investments in that country, that they launched the current wave of Wahabbist terror across North Africa, and that it is they who want to do the same to the C.I.S. states in the Caspian Basin, cutting China off from its energy resources there.

Just think of how much damage they could do if they became members of the AIIB?

We're only talking about six million people here, twenty million tops worldwide.  Is it fair to ruin the chances of establishing a more cooperative system of regional investment that could benefit three or four billion people on behalf these parasitical twenty million?

One would hope not. - mp

Related Essay:  The Government of China's Two Strikes - 03-14-15