Who Won? -- Or How To Keep Score

Who Won? -- Or, How To Keep Score

The Basics

Using the definitions from the list entitled "Some Definitions for Intrepid Investigators" one can easily determine which group of peoples and/or entities "Won" the last decade's, or even the last century's worth of geo-political and economic shenanigans by any of the "real" criteria or measures as contained within that list.

However we do have to make a few, quite reasonable assumptions, based on an immense wealth of anecdotal evidence to conduct this analysis, along with some hard statistical evidence.  Complete statistical proofs would have been preferable, however they're quite difficult to come by for reasons that will become apparent.

Some facts first.  The United States population currently numbers around 315 million people of which around six to seven million consist of what are described as "Jews",  nearly eighty percent of  which are actually Kazarians from the steppes of Russia. Their total is a little over two percent of the US's population.  Israel's "Jewish" population is roughly a little larger with Kazarians making up a smaller percentage.  For the purposes of this discussion they shall be referred to as the "Kazarian Syndicate" since what is to be discussed has nothing whatsoever to do with a religion. You'll need these population statistics in order to keep score.

Now some assumptions mixed in with statistical evidence. 
  • It has been exhaustively demonstrated, from analyzing ownership and family lineages that Kazarian Syndicate members are the majority owners of the six corporate conglomerates which control ninety percent of the mass media produced in this country
  • Using the same techniques it has been determined, although with less reliability, that Kazarian Syndicate members are the majority owners of the largest financial institutions in this country.
  • Now finally, with even less reliability, it can be guesstimated from the available evidence that the Kazarian Syndicate's members make up a highly significant proportion of the top economic one percent of this nation's population."  Ranges can vary but a good rough measure would be anywhere from the low twenty percent to the low thirty percent of the top economic "elites".  With a significantly larger percentage making up the uber-rich who run the financial and media complexes in this nation.
Now for the game plans, their execution (play action fakes, false-flags, wars, revolutions, etc.) and, the final score.

The Story - A Kazarian Tale....

WWI - The Decline of Russia & The British Pound

In 1913, a group of powerful financial interests took over the banking system of the United States by setting up the private, for profit, predatory banking cartel known as the "Federal Reserve".  The Fed to this day is owned by foreign banking corporations and powerful banking "families", many of which are controlled by the Kazarian Syndicate.  At the same time the "Federal Reserve" was established, this same group of people also set-up a system of income taxation on this nation's people, currently enforced by the agency known as the Internal Revenue Service. -- In other words the Kazarian Syndicate obtained complete control of this nation's finances back in 1913.

Four years later, In 1917, after having successfully established their financial control over the United States, this group, seething with hatred and frustration at being unable to do the same in Russia, while also harboring deep long term historical animosities towards that entire country and its people, decided to remove that nation from the game-board, along with its resident royalty, by supporting their fellow Kazarians in Russia in their successful attempt to carry out the Bolshevik Revolution, along with the eventual execution of nearly twenty million Russian citizens. 

Russia's removal from World War I, always part of the Bolshevik's peace plan, would also enable the Kazarian Syndicate to bankrupt Germany, England and France as they were left to hammer away at each other till the end of  the war.  This would eventually sound the death knell of the British pound, creating mountains of highly profitable, interest bearing debt for the new "Federal Reserve" bankers to all of Europe.  The Kazarian Syndicate was now able to fund both sides of the war laying the ground work for establishing their new Federal Reserve script as the next "world's reserve currency". They would also, in the end, be able to "choose" the winner by funding one side more than the other, and by facilitating the United State's entry into the war on the side of Britain and France.

Flush with enormous amounts of fiat currency, created to "take over" the economies of Europe and establish the Federal Reserve, the United States experienced a brief burst of economic activity called the roaring twenties.  The US's population was happy, the Kazarian Syndicate's members were even happier, but as with all fiat-currency booms, as night follows day, must also come the eventual bust. 

The bust when it came was devastating to the United States, if not for the largest Banksters. Things were also not going so well in Europe either, especially in Germany, which was suffering under the enormous demands for reparations imposed upon them by the Kazarian Syndicate, and please, don't be deluded into thinking the "political" leaders (Bankster lackeys) of the "victorious" powers had anything to do with their imposition  Due to all these financial travails Germany was experiencing large amounts of political turmoil which eventually led to the emergence of a highly aggressive, and aggrieved, political party. 

As these sorts of things are wont to do.

The Rise Of A New Party In Germany

The leader of this new aggressive, aggrieved, movement, who was known to "over-identify" with the German people as one historian has said, like many Germans, appeared to deeply resent the Kazarian Syndicate's involvement in getting the United States into WWI on the side of the British, the massive Bankster leverage they used to support and continue the war against Germany through the printing of their brand new fiat currency, (which led to the roaring twenties in the United State) the financial strangle hold they placed on Germany during the war, cutting off Germany's access to credit, blocking the transfer of funds, along with other unfriendly acts, and most unforgivably, the imposition of all those onerous reparations which caused untold suffering, misery and death for many of Germany's peoples.

Go figure.

Because of these deep resentments, and his belief that private central banks were an evil, this leader went so far as to establish a national state controlled central bank.  A MAJOR no-no. (For examples of why see Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran, etc.). The establishment of which not only dragged Germany out of the Great Depression, but was so financially successful for the German people, as apposed to all the other Kazarian Bankster controlled economies still mired in economic misery, that this political leader was hailed, by TIME magazine no less, as the "man of the year."

This to say the least did not sit well with the Kazarian Syndicate.  However the "victorious" (Bankster-speak for "we have selected you to be our parasitic host and have 'allowed' you to win our war") nations were still too weary, and economically devastated from their prior war to engage in any further military activities.  So the Kazarian Syndicate members decided to make the best of a bad situation and back the leader of Germany's new "Socialist" party.  Hoping no doubt to make themselves useful and get him, by their usual methods of blackmail, bribery or perhaps if he was stupid enough to borrow money from them, by his new-found indebtedness, to do what they desperately wanted of him. Let them establish a private Central bank in Germany.

They failed, badly. -- They also didn't realize just how deep his resentment of them went.

The consequences of which later led the Kazarian Syndicate to coin their now famous "never again" phrase.  Never again would they allow a nation they were attempting to parasitize, and one in which Kazarian Syndicate members were actually residing, to develop an independent media, judiciary or most importantly, political system. 

They realized to be safe in their parasitism they would have to control ALL the levers of power in a given society, not just the banking and financial sectors of a nation they were actively inhabiting / parasitizing.

1945 - The End of WWII & The British Pound - The Start of Dollar Supremacy

And so, in 1945, after getting the United States involved in yet another war of their making, and after having finally established the Kazarian Syndicate's Federal Reserve script as the "world's reserve currency" the Kazarian Syndicate decided to make the best of  what turned out to be an even worse situation that they themselves helped to create in Germany by plying the "victim" card.  They played it very loud and they played it very big! 

Through their newly acquired control of the mass-media systems in the United States, especially their total dominance of Hollywood, all financed by their control of the banking system, the Kazarian Syndicate established the now world famous fable of "The Holocaust"

A tearful  tale of trial and tribulations, a tale of unstinting woe. To bad it was mostly made up. Using well established and well documented Hasbara such as the "six million" figure, along with completely fabricated psyop props like "human lamp shades", "ash trays of human bone" etc. the Kazarian Syndicate convinced many that they were singled out by the demonic German forces for destruction on an industrial scale.

To be accurate, they were, indeed actually persecuted, as were many others. But nowhere near as much as they claimed.  As it turns out there weren't any gas chambers, and the number of Kazarian Syndicate members actually killed during WWII was probably just a little over a million.  Mostly from starvation and disease.  Especially extremely virulent and deadly diseases like Typhus, which were running rampant during the last six months of the war when all the supplies ran out and the losing, highly resentful, hungry, about to go into battle and die, German soldiers, could care less about what happened to their slave labor prisoners, all of whom they considered to be vermin, and who were still under their.... ahem...."care". 

Nevertheless it was one of the most successful propaganda campaigns in human history. One that the Kazarian Syndicate member's would also "never forget", one which they would try to use in 2001 to launch the "American Century", or more accurately the Kazarian Syndicate's North American Colony's Hundred Year Reich.

Which actually seems to have only lasted ten years.  More about that later.

America, hereafter to be referred to as the Kazarian Syndicate's North American Colony, or KSNAC, pronounced "kaz-nack"  after having smashed every single competing industrialized economy in the entire world (except the Soviet Union) and who now possessed the largest military in the world (except the Soviet Union) and after having obtained almost complete control over the world's land surface (except the Soviet Union) and after having been thoroughly parasitized by the Kazarian Crime Syndicate and their Federal Reserve, whose tentacles now  reached into every corner of the recently de-industrialized world (except the Soviet Union) and whose profitable, interest bearing loans and fiat script would now be used to re-industrialize the recently de-industrialized world (except the Soviet Union) needed to expand and extend its reach even further (financially speaking of course) and now needed an enemy, a protagonist, a nemesis, to justify it's new Bankster financed Military Industrial Complex.

Wonder who that would be....

....and so, from 1945 to 1973, KSNAC embarked on an ever increasing, ever more expensive program of Bankster created and financed "cold war" expansion. "Hot" nuclear wars are simply too expensive for Kazarian Banksters to tolerate, countries that possess nukes, or have the capability of making nukes, (like Iran) or possess other types of WMD's, especially if they're located near the Kazarian's headquarters in the Levant (Israel) must have theirs removed prior to their complete destruction, (see Iraq, Libya and soon....Syria).

This expansion of the KSNAC enterprise went quite well until the little problem of printing ever more quantities of worthless fiat currency to fund the Kazarian's empire fling finally caught up with them in 1973 and KSNAC had to go off the gold standard.  Things looked quite dire for awhile, not only for the entire KSNAC enterprise but for their head quarters by the Mediterranean Sea, until they came up with an idea to save their script, and their head quarters....

1973 - The Petro-Dollar is Established & The Rise of the "Trinity of Evil"

On the ropes, after the expensive debacle called Vietnam, with their script going into the toilet, the Kazarian Syndicate had to come up with a solution.  So, in 1973, after having attacked their Arab neighbors in a highly successful, ruthless,  military campaign, which involved the mass execution of Egyptian prisoners of war in the Sinai, and the murder of tens of thousands of defenseless innocent Palestinian men, women and children, the Kazarian Syndicate snuggled up to the most vicious, most vile, most medieval of the Parasitic Families on the Arabian peninsula and proposed a deal....
"We won't attack you, in fact, to keep the Soviets out, we'll let you spread your virulent Wahabbist terrorism throughout the Middle East and North Africa to gain power, but, you and your fellow Parasitic Families on the Arabian Peninsula have to accept our Federal Reserve Script as the only script for others to purchase your oil, funnel all the proceeds through our banks on Wall Street and London, support our North American Colony and secretly support the elimination of the Palestinian people, forever.  Is it a deal?"
...and so on that day, not only was the "Petro-Dollar" born, but so was the "Trinity of Evil". Their concordant was quite successful and has maintained the Petro-Dollar's reign of world wide tribute extraction to the KSNAC and its Kazarian Syndicate Banksters for an additional thirty years.

It was one of the most lucrative extractive tributary systems ever established besides that of Britain's former colonial empire.  It would be used to fund one of the most massive military build-ups by the KSNAC ever seen in world history, and would also be used to fund the Saudi Parasitic Families rapidly expanding Wahhabist terrorist networks world wide. Funding that continues to this very day

This gargantuan expansions of the KSNAC's military power and its offensive capabilities during the 1980's, along with the deliberate luring of the Soviet Union into the Afghanistan quagmire to fight the newly funded, newly emboldened Wahhabist terrorists was to eventually bankrupt the Soviet Union and bring it down.

For which there was much rejoicing by the Kazarian Syndicate's members.  By imposing Bolshevik Communism on that hated land and its people they were able to help murder tens of millions of their former fellow non-Kazarian citizens while their evil philosophy would eventually bankrupt that entire wobegon nation.  Preventing that nation's economy from successfully defending itself from the massive, continuous assault of the Kazarian Syndicate's own world reserve script.  A script that was used to extract anywhere from 300 billion to 500 billion every YEAR from the rest of the nations on this planet to fund the KSNAC's military machine.  It was masterfully played and the Kazarians were very happy indeed.

But trouble was brewing in the Kazarian Syndicate's North American Colony.  A cursory glance from 1973 forward at any chart that measures the basic fundamental financial health of their colony would have instantly shown an accelerating deterioration in all factors that contribute to the populations' welfare. Inflation starts to dramatically pick up, real earnings start to decline, families can no longer be supported by a single worker, now parents must join the work force, productivity starts to decline, along with many other measures which showed a deterioration of the nations fiscal and material health

Indicators that began to show the Banksters parasitism was beginning to become an excessive burden on the society, and so, instead of reducing this burden, the indicators, and how they were calculated, were simply changed to hide the burden. 

Beginning in the seventies more and more of the "government's" statistical measures were altered to paint an increasingly rosier picture of what was happening to the society. Inflation measures were changed over twenty times and with increasing frequency as the years progressed, methods of calculating unemployment were repeatedly fudged, especially during the last ten years, even how GDP is calculated was recently changed.  Long established and venerated methods for honest bookkeeping were distorted, described by terms such as "mark to fantasy", "off balance sheet accounting", "shadow inventory", and "shadow banking".  All designed to hide the growing deterioration and disparities in the KSNAC's deteriorating economy.

It was a problem. What was the Kazarian Syndicate to do.  Like any good parasite they didn't want to kill their host, at least not until they had found another. Their colonial head quarters in the Levant wasn't ready yet, it still needed billions of dollars a year in tribute from its North American Colony to survive, not to mention the tens of billions in indirect support it received from its control over the Fed's script and KSNAC's Military Industrial Complex. Russia, their hated former land wouldn't do at all, it was still in shambles and as yet was not very easily subjected to parasitism.  China would have been a great place to parasitize, 1.5 billion Chinese, eagerly willing to do anything and everything to succeed.  Now there was a place that had possibilities! One rather basic problem though....they're ALL Chinese! Kazarian parasites blend well....but, not that well. 

The Kazarian Syndicate also had another BIG problem.  After all the wealth extraction since 1945, especially since 1973 when their colony went off the "Gold Standard",  many of the world's nations, their populations laboring in poverty under a worthless Kazarian supplied "script", their governments unable to improve things much under such a tyrannical and usurious regime of "currency slavery" , a regime that was getting more oppressive every day in tandem with the increasing depreciation of the script, were finally standing up and saying  "we've had enough!"  They were actually refusing to use it!  Worse!!  Some of them were actually thinking of trying to establish their own script!!

What was the Kazarian Syndicate to do!?

They had a script no one wanted to use and an increasingly rebellious population in their North American colony that was going to demand answers once that script had collapsed.  What sort of scheme were the Kazarians going to devise to support there ever declining script, how could they impose a police state ruthless enough, oppressive enough, and vicious enough to suppress their colonial subjects while conditioning their subjects to accept, perhaps even willingly, such terrible oppression?

2001 - The Idea

Than the idea hit them, and what an idea it was!! Create a new enemy!

Now, this is done all the time in these sorts of situations but here's the GENIUS of the Kazarian Syndicate's plan.

THIS enemy could be managed in TANDEM with those on the other side of the conflict, not only easily determining, or in this case, maintaining the desired outcome (perpetual war), but also earning money from BOTH sides of the staged "struggle", while (more genius in action) the conflict would be used to continue, NAY, it would be used to actually expand the Petro-Dollar's worldwide hegemony, and (not done yet, even more genius in action) it would be used to get rid of the Petro-Dollar's enemies, countries who had refused to use the Petro-Dollar (like Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran, etc.), and (YES! - IT - KEEPS - GETTING - BETTER!) to do so by sponsoring (get this, it's so sick), a  "War on Terror".

That's right, a so-called "war" on a tactic ! A war that couldn't ever be "won", one with no end point in sight, one deliberately designed to go on forever.  A war on a faceless, nameless, enemy, an enemy constantly renewed by the Saudi Parasitic Family's sick, twisted, Wahhabist ideology, indoctrinated into willing converts by their tens of thousands of Madrases scattered across the planet.  Funded by the tens of billions in the very Petro-Dollar script the "War on Terror" was designed to maintain!

Well, nobody ever said Kazarian Syndicate members weren't smart!

No doubt some members of the Kazarian Syndicate voiced doubts of the plan's success.  Perhaps they believed the citizens who reside in the KSNAC couldn't possibly be THAT stupid, they couldn't possibly fall for something which  would have to be such a blatant, in-your-face, we designed it specifically from the get-go to oppress all of you forever for the rest of your lives, type of scheme.  That something big enough to establish a "New American Century" would be obvious to all.  In fact, there must have been Syndicate members who believed almost NO ONE under any possible, conceivable, circumstances could be THAT dumb!!  

How wrong they were.
Perhaps they were convinced by their fellow brethren that if the Kazarian Syndicate could start two World Wars, without anyone realizing they were behind them, if they could establish a form of currency slavery called the Federal Reserve's fiat script, and maintain it for over a hundred years without people protesting, if they could get away with that whopper of a tall tale called the Holocaust without anyone catching on....well, they could do 9/11, the "War on Terror" and the PNAC Protocols all in one go.

How right they were, for awhile anyway...

What's happened since is a remarkable testament to the Kazarian Syndicate's plans, but mostly, regretfully, to the blind, what-me-worry, utterly complete, mind-numbing, jaw-dropping, thoroughly rank, contemptible, stupidity of their colonial subjects.

2001 - 2012 - The Trinity of Evil Reigns Supreme & The Final Stages of the PNAC Protocols

One of the most successful decades for mass slaughter and senseless murder since 1935 to 1945! Never have so many been murdered for so little, in such horrible ways, by those who possess even less. - Henry Kissinger once described those serving in the US armed forces as follows....
"Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy." 
What people fail to realize is he was being excessively flattering.  It was an overly-generous estimation on his part of the intelligence of the American soldier. -- Nothing is dumber. -- Hundreds of thousands of these murderous idiots have sacrificed their lives, their health, their family's health, their conscience, and their immortal souls to commit acts of mortal sin, acts of abhorrent barbarous savagery, because they saw a cool advertisement on television, or played a nifty video game.

They have flattened entire countries, murdered millions, tortured tens of thousands, destroyed thousand year old cultures for excuses such as....
  • They attacked us for our freedoms
  • They have weapons of mass destruction
  • If you aren't with us, your against us
  • We're bringing them freedom and democracy
  • If we don't fight them over there, we'll have to fight them over here.
....excuses that wouldn't fool a five year old, who was from any other country but "here" that is.

And so "terror" reigned supreme. Both domestically and internationally.  Funded on one side by the Parasitic Families of the Arabian Peninsula and their unstinting support for terrorist mercenaries, along with the creation of one of the most vicious, vile, unholy, anti-Islamic, faux-religions on the planet, and on the other by the printing of endless amounts of fiat-currency by the Kazarian Syndicate's Federal Reserve for one of the biggest military industrial complexes in human history, endless war, per the PNAC Protocols was unleashed on the unsuspecting, unprepared populations of the world

One by one countries and cultures were knocked down, and than kept down by implementing deliberate policies to instigate sectarian violence.  First Afghanistan, than Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Libya, Yemen, Egypt, Syria soon Iran and than on to the Caspian Basin states. What started out as a legitimate resistance movement in Afghanistan against Soviet occupation quickly turned into a murderous rag-tag collection of foreign sponsored mercenaries.

Their religion perverted and twisted by the CIA's and Saudi created Wahhabist terrorist ideology, this rag-tag collection of terrorists, after ten years of massive, unceasing, unstinting logistical and financial support by the KSNAC and the Saudi parasites, morphed into a world wide network of terror.  A far flung global empire of hundreds of Wahhabist cults composed of tens of thousands of  willing, psychotic, head chopping, organ eating, terrorists who are now running wildly across the entire region infecting all of the Middle East and North Africa.

2013 - End of the Dream....or a Dream Temporarily Deferred

Three years ago these monsters were ordered to attack the semi-isolated, illegally sanctioned, nation state of Syria, to dismember it and destroy it as were all those that went before it, in preparation for the Trinity of Evil's long planned attack against Iran.

But a funny thing happened, Syria wasn't dismembered and it wasn't totally destroyed.  Under constant harassment, its government subject to all sorts of humiliations, punished by massive, punitive, illegal sanctions, ridiculed and lied about by Kazarian Syndicate sponsored propaganda 24/7, and attacked relentlessly by thousands of newly inserted FSA/al-CIA'da/al-Nustra Wahhabist terrorists every single month for over three years, Syria somehow survived

A fact which simply enraged the Kazarian Syndicate's members and their bought and paid for presstituting lackeys, war-whores and representitutes in their various colonies.  So enraged that they instructed their terrorists cohorts in Syria to attempt a blatantly obvious, totally absurd, false-flag gas attack against Syria's innocent civilians to be blamed on the government of Syria. This was done to justify an all out assault, by the KSNAC's military industry complex to finally put an end to Syria's feisty resistance, and their entire country, forever.

An attempt that was so botched, so ill-conceived, with literally hundreds of videos and thousands of articles for months on the web predicting and proclaiming that this is exactly what they were going to do, that it is perplexing as to why they went ahead and attempted to carry it out.  Worse, to top it all off, the FSA/al-CIA'da/al-Nustra terrorists posted multiple videos of themselves launching, or handling gas weapons, at the location and during the time frame the attacks were supposedly taking place.  You can't get more stupid than that, and yet, the presstituting war-whores in the Kazarian Syndicate controlled media complex in their North American colony continues to spew out their now totally discredited garbage that it was the Syrian government that carried it out.

So the Kazarians had their little monkey in the White House ante-up, and Russia and China anted up, and the Kazarians had their monkey ante-up again, and make outraged, chittering, screeching noises, so China and Russia anted up again and made serious, doleful, dour, noises and the Kazarians and their monkey....blinked.  For now.

It does appear, that the Kazarian Syndicate's dreams of world wide dominance has been temporarily deferred, for the moment.  Speculation is rife everywhere that they're currently preparing a false-flag of some sort to kick start things again.  Only time will tell.

The Score During the Last Ten Years - So Far....
Team:  Kazarian Syndicate
  • The satisfaction of having their PNAC Protocols carried out almost to perfection
  • The satisfaction of watching their colonial subjects murder millions of defenseless, innocent, civilians and injure tens of millions more on their behalf.  Giving the Kazarians a certain "thrill" of gratuitous satisfaction.
  • Tens of trillions in Fed script for their Banksters, here and abroad.
  • Hundreds of trillions in Bankster created derivatives.  Their new version of a world wide "currency"
  • Receiving the benefits from one of the greatest wealth disparities in this nation's history
  • Receiving one of the greatest percentages of this nation's annual income in the last one hundred years
  • The complete destruction and dismemberment of two nation states that economically challenged the Kazarian Syndicate's headquarters in the Middle East and/or refused to use its script. --  Iraq and Libya.
  • The pending planned destruction of two more nation states foolish enough to challenge the Kazarian Syndicate, Syria and Iran. -- Syria is in process, Iran is next.
  • The establishment of an endless and ever growing police state in their North American Colony to manage their colonial affairs and repress the restless natives.
  • What appears to be the natives shameful, sickening, gratitude for such repression.  As shown by the eager willingness of Boston residents to be evicted from their homes.
  • Owning almost every politician in Washington DC
  • Owning and controlling the majority of this nation's financial and media resources
  • Carrying out the biggest terrorist attack ever seen by mankind -- and getting away with it
  • Destroying this nation's constitution, with the willing cooperation of their colonial lackeys one might add.
  • Being able to listen to the entire world's electronic communications for decades, and use it for black-mail, industrial espionage, and financial theft
  • Being able to murder Palestinians and take their land with impunity.
Team:  USA
  • Delicious torture videos for the sick, twisted and criminally insane from places like Abu Ghrab, Gitmo or any of the CIA's other hundred or more scenic "black-sites" of  homo-sadistic murder (those are usually in private collections)
  • Endless amounts of porn, homosexual sex and of course the penultimate favorite...."gay" marriage for everyone
  • The satisfaction of helping to murder anywhere between two to three million innocent civilians and injuring tens of millions more for their colonial masters.
  • Lots of leisure time for the unemployed
  • Lots of outdoor fun for the evicted.
  • Mass participation in the food stamp program
  • Unlimited amounts of drug use
  • Taking four times more psychotropics per capita than any other nation in the world
  • Not caring about what happens to their spouse, their kids, themselves, or future generations
  • Being able to blame "Mexicans" for all their problems, especially if they're white
  • Being able to vote every two years, and knowing it won't ever make a difference in their lifetime
  • Not caring what happens to their country
  • Learning to kiss the ass of the wealthy, and not caring how it tastes, or for some, actually enjoying it
  • Beating up and killing innocent civilians for no reason whatsoever if they're one of the Kazarian Syndicate's uniformed enforcers, and learning to love and enjoy it
  • Being able to watch sports programs without having to worry about anything
  • Being able to watch TV without having to think about anything
  • Being deeper in debt than any other nation on the planet
  • Being able to enjoy a continuous decline in their standard of living
  • Being able to enjoy stagnant, or declining, real earnings.
  • Having the fastest growing prison population during the last ten years in this nation's history
  • Having the largest total prison population, compared to any other nation, in the entire world

If you haven't guessed already, Team USA hasn't done so well, in fact, the three hundred and fifteen million former citizens of this once, reasonably successful country, are now nothing but a bunch of penned in goy-cattle and goy-sheeple.  Colonial slaves on what used to be their own land.  But that's what happens when you don't follow the money.

Who's Responsible For the Losses

Well OBVIOUSLY the Kazarian Syndicate's members are to to blame for much, if not most of the losses. It was their plans of action that were carried out, their conduct and participation that created the whole enterprise, many, if not most of their members personally benefited from the entire endeavor.  But most importantly, every point shown above, has never been discussed by any member of the Kazarian Syndicate, except by one or two individuals.

There are six to seven million Kazarian Syndicate members in this country with another seven to eight in their headquarters by the Mediterranean Sea, out of that total number of roughly fifteen million persons you can actually count the few members who touched on any of the issues shown above, on one hand!

That is a disgrace!!  There's no excuse for it!  None!  It is utterly unacceptable!  As a community....
  • They refuse to denounce these plans or their authors by name.
  • They refuse to appose them, regarding any specific item or in any particularly way
  • They refuse to discuss them
  • They refuse to analyze them
  • They refuse to conduct any sociological or statistical studies to determine what proportion of this nation's media, financial or political systems and resources their group, the Kazarian Syndicate, owns or controls.
  • They refuse to demand punishment of their fellow brethren who wrote or carried out these plans of mayhem and murder
  • They refuse to denounce any aspect of these plans or the criminal consortium's head quarters established by the Mediterranean Sea.  --  By the way, tearfully wailing a little, and fatalistically wringing their hands regarding  the plight of the "poor widdle" Palestinians means absolutely nothing.
  • Most importantly, They refuse to let anyone else do so, and immediately punish or sanction, if they can, or ridicule or ignore, if that's all they can do, anyone who attempts to do so!
A silence this complete, this total, regarding these issues, involving hundreds of trillions of dollars and hundreds of millions of lives while spanning almost a century and a half of blatant, in-your-face parasitism by almost every single member of this consortium is NOT an "accident"!!  It is NOT a matter of offending their overly refined and delicate sensibilities, or bruising their tiny self-centered little egos!! 

It is in fact a matter of complicity, of culpability, of their silent, obedient, self-interested, murderous, uncaring, consent.

It is in fact....treason, for those who reside here, and a war crime for those who don't.

But if the people of this nation really want to know who's truly responsible for the tragedy that befell this country, who still could care less about what's going on and who have yet to "wake up" and do something about it....they need only look into a mirror.