End of the Game?

End of the Game?

2006 transatlantic aircraft plot - "The liquid explosives plot"

Well the authorities have finally disrupted what could have been an actual terrorist disaster. To the suprise of absolutely no one however it wasn't the U.S. authorities who did so.  No official in the Bush administration or any of their minions in the U.S.’s new, unregulated, unsupervised, bloated, crony-packed; Military-Surveillance complex appeared to have participated in the investigation of the terrorists or the foiling of their plans.

Bush wasn’t even told about the plot until Sunday August 6th, 2006, just three days before the raids to capture the suspects in Britain began.  According to Juan Cole the U.S.’s intelligence services weren’t notified until approximately two weeks ago about the plot.  In other words despite all the hot air and hype wafting from the right wing fanatics of this country, it looks like the U.S. hardly did anything to stop the attacks.  What a surprise.  The real question is what would have happened if the Bush administration had been told earlier?

Congratulations to the British security forces though, they finally used their long term relationships with Pakistan’s ISI to actually foil a terrorist plot instead of just standing by (or worse) as they did during the London Bombings.

Leaving out Afghanistan however, it should be noted that the U.S. and Israel have plans to, or are currently engaged in, the  bombing and occupying of Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Lebanon. Countries which had no involvement with 9/11 and before our rather aggressive activities, almost no involvement with Al Qaeda, whereas the two countries who are most involved with 9/11 and al Qaeda, “our friends” Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, continue to receive the U.S.’s support.

One has to wonder why?

Until recently, it would appear to even the most casual of observers that our “friends” “somehow” continue to “fortuitously” provide magnificent excuses to go invade other countries throughout the Middle East, especially the one’s with lots of oil.  Whereas our "friends" who provide the excuses for these invasions remain utterly un-bombed un-invaded.and un-occupied  A most curious state of affairs. Some nefariously minded people might even suggest it’s all part of a “Game Plan”….. go figure.

However cooperation by Pakistan’s I.S.I in the disruption of this plot is the first sign that things might actually be changing.  Such a dramatic shift in policy could only have been OK’d by Pakistan’s leader, General Pervez Musharraf.

Isn’t Masharraf supposed to be following the “Game Plan”?

Perhaps after witnessing how the U.S. discards those who at one time or another have ‘cooperated’ with us; Bashar Assad with our ‘renditions’ program, Saddam Hussein playing our patsy in his invasion of Kuwait and as our proxy in his war with Iran, Manual Noriega with the Contra drugs program, Masharraf concluded he’d be better off on his own?  Possessing exquisite political instincts perhaps he’s concluded Bush & Co are on their way out?

How about Tony Blair, isn’t he supposed to be following the “Game Plan”?

A weakened lame duck just like Bush, perhaps Tony felt he couldn’t afford another disaster at this time.  Unlike the abysmally stupid Americans it’s quite probable that the British public would have responded with outrage and blame for their ‘leaders’ failure if another attack had occured, instead of rallying around the flag as the Americans are so wont to do.

Whatever these gentleman’s motivations are for halting the plot, it’s quite probable that this was "it". The seminal long awaited event predicted by many which would have given the Neocon’s all the excuse they need to seize permanent dictatorial control of this country.  Perfectly timed to occur three months before our elections while the Israeli “incursion and escalation gambit” was in full swing, it would have served as the perfect reason de’etra for launching an all out assault on Syria and Iran.

And yet thankfully it was stopped.  I’m still not sure why.  Only time will tell what really happened, the slow dribble of facts, the leaks, the whispers and rumors one hears if one chooses to listen carefully.

We shall see what occurs next, perhaps this is the beginning of the end of the PNAC “Game Plan”.  The Neocon’s demented nightmarish ambition to achieve “full spectrum dominance” across the world. Their plan to ‘play’ the Sunni and Shia countries against each other and divide the Middle East in a perfect storm of “constructive instability”.  Their sick twisted fantasy of becoming our world's New Roman Emperors.

Now if only the Saudis could stop their support of al Qaeda, the Madrassas and Wahhabism and tell us what they’ve really discussed with Bush & Co. over the last ten years.  If only Iran could rein in their ambitions and some of their murderous brethren in Iraq.  If only everyone could cooperate in opposing Israel’s aggression.

Perhaps we could all end this comical farce, this so called “clash of civilizations”.

Well…..one can dream can’t one?


some cites - annotations to follow latter.


Airline terrorists were days away from massacre at 30,000 feeto-- The Scotsman
"SUNDAY: Tony Blair first discusses the plot with George Bush, the US president.
WEDNESDAY: The leaders speak again about the plot.
10:30pm: Raids begin at addresses across Britain in a bid to foil the attacks.
Among the first to be raided is a flat in Forest Road, Walthamstow, east London."

The Pakistan Connection --  Jaun Cole

"US authorities were only told about some details two weeks ago, apparently. It may be that the British counter-terrorism community learned its lesson from the loose lips of the Bushies in summer of 2004. I argued then that from what we could tell from open sources, it seemed likely that the Bush administration played politics with information about a double agent in Pakistan who was helping monitor a London al-Qaeda cell. It seems likely that the election-year leak allowed budding terrorists like Mohammad Sadique Khan to escape closer scrutiny, and so permitted the 7/7/05 London subway bombings to go forward"

Pakistan ‘key’ to bomb plot -- Financial Times

"UK-Pakistan intelligence sharing illustrates greater collaboration between the countries in the wake of the London attacks"

The London terror plot -- Wayne Madsen Report

"At first, the pilot was instructed to fly all the way to Boston where U.S. authorities could claim credit for apprehending the suspect. However, the pilot, fearing the safety of his passengers and crew, refused and quickly returned to Heathrow without informing the passengers. Once on the ground, it was discovered hat the male had in his carry-on baggage the type of combination liquid explosive and electronic device now being hyped by the British and American media."
