Friday February 2nd 2018

More Tales From The Anglo-Zio Empire & Its "Friends" -- Promoting Zio-Wahhabist Terrorism World Wide....

Here We Go Again: Trump Says It Will Be Hard to Unify Country Without A ‘Major Event’
Trump Calls For Another 9/11??? -- A quote...."Remember the last time some sleazy, back-stabbing, murderous Zionists and NeoCONs said something similar--'Rebuilding America's Defenses' and the Project for the New American Century--the event we got was the Israeli masterminded 9/11 False Flag and it's been downhill into an orgy of mass murder, wars for Israel, looting and police state ever since. -- From a December 2002 article...."
"The threat posed by US terrorism to the security of nations and individuals was outlined in prophetic detail in a document written more than two years ago and disclosed only recently. What was needed for America to dominate much of humanity and the world's resources, it said, was "some catastrophic and catalysing event - like a new Pearl Harbor".
"Now Tubby the Grifter wants another?"

The Defining Year Was 1991: The Demise of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union
The Toxic Euro-Kharzarian Virus - (Infecting the body politic, and foreign policy apparatus, of the US-NRE & Britain. - mpg) -- A quote...."Whilst there are no golden ages, it is abundantly clear that the world today is in a very unhealthy state. From Eastern Europe to North Africa to the Middle East, countries, in recent years, have been severely destabilised, resulting in carnage and the destruction of hundreds of thousands of lives. -- And at the heart of that destabilisation is American and British foreign policy. -- But how have we arrived at this situation in the world today? And what are the roots of America and Britain’s ‘humanitarian intervention’? -- A lot of people answer the above questions by citing the illegal American and British invasion of Iraq. Well, they are emphatically wrong. -- What we are seeing today in, for example, Syria, has its origins in 1991. Because that year was a turning-point in geo-politics. It was the year that saw the dismemberment of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. -- Yugoslavia was the first step in a series of Western interventions in the world, including Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine, and the West was able to successfully intervene in those countries because the Soviet Union is no more."

Outrage: Pointless US Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya Have Cost $6 Trillion! (So Far)
A quote...."It's time to call out the perpetrators...."
"At least six times — in 2006twice in 2007, in 2008, in 2010, and most recently at the end of 2014 — the Congressional Research Service has reported to Congress the U.S. Government’s costs, thus far, for its invasions of Iraq and of Afghanistan. All times, medical costs for treatments of the surviving U.S. invaders, and disability-payments to them for their war-related disabilities, were excluded, because, according to CRS, that information is “not available from the VA.”" - also posted at GlobalRsrch

Pentagon Just Admitted There’s ‘No Evidence’ of Syrian Gas Attack, Threatens War Anyway
A quote...."Washington, D.C. — (RT) Washington has no evidence that the chemical agent sarin has ever been used by the Syrian government, Pentagon chief James Mattis has admitted. It did not stop him from still being concerned about Assad, though."

US Airstrikes in Yemen Have Increased Sixfold Under Trump
A quote...."With the Saudi invasion of Yemen turning sour and causing a humanitarian disaster, and the US having withdrawn most of its troops from the country early in that invasion, US officials have largely sought to downplay their military involvement in Yemen."

America’s Cascading Disaster in Afghanistan
A quote...."William J. Astore’s Intro: I asked Pamela if I could highlight a recent comment she made at this site about the U.S. military’s approach to Afghanistan. Not only did she give me her permission: she elaborated on her point in an email. Pamela, a former aid worker with a decade’s worth of on-the-ground experience in Afghanistan, worked with the Afghan people in relationships characterized by trust and friendship. Her words should be read by all Americans, especially our foreign policy “experts.”"

Why America’s Bad Choices Can Lead to a Shooting War with Turkey in Syria
A quote...." The consequences of the contradictory choices of the United States in Syria are beginning to become apparent. The obsessive efforts to advance geopolitical goals with war, chaos, betrayals and shaky alliances has brought us to the recent events in Northern Syria on the border with Turkey in the Kurdish enclave of Afrin." - also posted at SouthFornt

US Targets Lebanese Resistance Movement With New Sanctions
Sanctions R'4'Eva - A quote...."The administration of US President Donald Trump has imposed a new round of sanctions on Lebanese Resistance Movement Hezbollah, targeting local and global businesses that cooperate with the group’s financial arm."

NATO Accused of War Crimes Over Libya
A quote...."A Libyan civilian has announced that he is taking NATO to the European Court of Human Rights over the targeting of his home and massacre of his family in 2011. -- A Libyan civilian has announced that he is taking NATO to the European Court of Human Rights over the wanton bombing of his civilian home and the subsequent massacre of his entire family. In 2011 the following indictment drawn up by four colleagues and by myself was submitted to the International Criminal Court and to the European Court of Human Rights and received not even the courtesy of a reply."
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A Daily Analysis Of The Anglo-Zio-Controlled Media...

Eva Bartlett Gives Talk on North Korea and Syria
Must View RTVideo - Alt/YuTb - NOTE:  lecture is at very low volume - (RTYuTb - 40min35sec - Jan 31, 2018) - Source:  RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."Journalist Eva Bartlett speaks candidly on her experiences in North Korea and Syria at the Waterside Theatre in Derry, Northern Ireland on January 30, 2018. #ImperialismOnTrial"

U.S. Media’s Objectivity Questioned Abroad
One is weary of sarcasm at this point.  But with headlines like this.... A quote..."Pick up a major newspaper or watch the television news in a European country, and it’s more likely than not you’ll quickly find a reference to the New York Times, the Washington Post, or CNN in reporting about the United States. In the era of Donald Trump, this mainstream media “Triad” continues to set the agenda for many foreign news organizations following events in the U.S., providing them with a viewpoint that is promptly transmitted to their readers and viewers as the authoritative interpretation of what’s going on in America." - Source:  ConsortiumNews

Foreign Meddling Into Brexit Revealed
A quote...."The British Broadcasting Corporation has been branded a “supporter of a foreign organization” working against British interests after new allegations of heavy pro-EU bias in selecting guests for BBC’s TV and radio shows discussing Brexit."

Russia's #1 Anchor Kiselyov Blasts 'Deceit' and 'Treachery' of Western Powers (TV News)
A quote...."When the Soviet Union broke up, Gorbachev was promised that NATO would not extend any further East. - History has shown this to be empty words. In the following clip taken from Russian news (with transcript below) Russia's top anchor tears into the lies and deceit of NATO. - On Tuesday, the US Senate received a law bill about new sanctions against Russia. For supposed interference into the future US Election. The interference is actually a myth, but it's needed to justify the forthcoming sanctions. This is yet another example of how America handles its international relations in general, and with Russia specifically. Unfairly and even treacherously."

A Tribute to Robert Parry, and an Outpouring of Praise Re-Posted from His Site
A quote...."Robert Parry was one of the trailblazers, and great heroes, of the alternative media revolution which is bringing the wildly dishonest media to heel. - A prize-winning veteran investigative legend who broke several stories that will go into the history books, including Iran-Contra, his integrity and professionalism were above reproach."
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia & C.I.S. States

Meet the Corrupt Billionaire Who Has Brought About a New Cold War
Must Read - A quote...."One has to ask why there is a crisis in US-Russia relations since Washington and Moscow have much more in common than not, to include confronting international terrorism, stabilizing Syria and other parts of the world that are in turmoil, and preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons. In spite of all that, the US and Russia are currently locked in a tit-for-tat unfriendly relationship somewhat reminiscent of the Cold War. -- Apart from search for a scapegoat to explain the Hillary Clinton defeat, how did it happen? Israel Shamir, a keen observer of the American-Russian relationship, and celebrated American journalist Robert Parry both think that one man deserves much of the credit for the new Cold War and that man is William Browder, a hedge fund operator who made his fortune in the corrupt 1990s world of Russian commodities trading. -- Browder is also symptomatic of why the United States government is so poorly informed about international developments as he is the source of much of the Congressional “expert testimony” contributing to the current impasse. He has somehow emerged as a trusted source in spite of the fact that he has self-interest in cultivating a certain outcome. Also ignored is his renunciation of American citizenship in 1998, reportedly to avoid taxes. He is now a British citizen." - Source:  StratCultFndtn

USA to Violate INF Treaty
A quote...."The USA develops a new missile complex that violates the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty))"

US Ready to Use Nukes in Case of Conventional Attack - Nuclear Posture Review
A quote...." The US is more likely to use nuclear weapons, according to the new Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) just released by the administration of President Donald Trump. - Washington’s new Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) recommends a hawkish approach to cooperation with Russia over nuclear proliferation, and further calls for the US to tackle “an unprecedented range and mix of threats” posed by foreign powers including Russia, China, North Korea and Iran."

Moscow Notes NATO’s Increased Arms Deliveries to Georgia
A quote...."MOSCOW, February 1. /TASS/. Moscow notes that NATO countries have considerably intensified armament deliveries to Georgia, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin told TASS after a meeting in Prague with Georgian Prime Minister’s Special Representative for Relations with Russia Zurab Abashidze on Thursday."

USA Wants To Bury Nord Stream 2 Project in Europe, But Not in Germany
A quote...."Washington does not stop its attempts to bury the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline project, which is supposed to transport Russian gas to Europe bypassing Ukraine. US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said during his recent visit to Poland that the Nord Stream 2 project represents a threat to the overall security and stability of Europe in the field of energy policy, because the project is part of Russia's plan to monopolise energy supplies."

Press Review: ‘Kremlin List’ No Laughing Matter and Mission Accomplished at Sochi Congress
Sanctions R'4'Eva - A quote...."When Washington publicized its so-called "Kremlin List" earlier this week, the Russian leadership preferred to laugh it off. However, it is becoming increasingly more obvious that it is no joke, and the consequences could be grave indeed, Nezavisimaya Gazeta writes. It’s not improbable that some joint ventures involving foreign businesses could be frozen until the situation with the new round of anti-Russian sanctions, which are according to the US Department imminent, is clarified. That said, European businesses could even drop a hint to Russian authorities at the need for additional guarantees and preferences."

US [The Euro-Kharzarian Syndicate's Colonial] Congress Upset by Lack of [MORE] Sanctions in 'Kremlin Rpt'
Related Article - A quote...."WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The US Congress was upset that the administration of President Donald Trump did not impose new sanctions in a Treasury report that put 210 Russians on notice for allegedly meddling in last year’s election, US Senator Ben Cardin said Wednesday."

US Violating Inviolability of Russia’s Diplomatic Property — embassy
A quote...."WASHINGTON, February 1. /TASS/. The US authorities continue to violate the inviolability of Russia’s diplomatic property, the Russian embassy in the US said in a statement. - Despite all international obligations, American authorities continue to violate inviolability of our diplomatic property, they do not allow to check its security," the statement reads."

Press review: US peddles more Russia meddling tales and Moscow beefs up military on Kurils
A quote...."US lawmakers once again are gripped by baseless fears of Russia allegedly planning to ‘meddle’ in the upcoming elections in Mexico and Colombia. US Senators Marco Rubio and Robert Menendez asked US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, as he headed off to Latin America to meet his counterpart, Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray Caso, to raise the issue of ‘Russian interference’ there. Experts say talk about the Kremlin backing one of the candidates is unsubstantiated. Victor Kheifets of Saint Petersburg State University, who specializes in Latin America, told Kommersant that such accusations have no rationality."
Top Sports Court Overturns IOC’s Ban on 28 Russian Athletes in Groundbreaking Ruling
A quote...."The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has cleared 28 Russian athletes and dropped their life-bans over alleged doping. Their results have been reinstated and the athletes are eligible to compete in the 2018 Winter Games. - “Both CAS panels unanimously found that the evidence put forward by the IOC in relation to this matter did not have the same weight in each individual case,” the statement from the Lausanne-based international body said."

Donetsk Minister of Defense Was Targeted in an Assassination Attempt
A quote...." War correspondent Semyon Pegov has reported details of an earlier assassination attempt on the Defense Minister of the DPR,  Vladimir Kononov. - "I just spoke with the Minister of Defense of the DPR, Vladimir Kononov, on the phone, his voice is calm, everyone is okay - including his staff" he said."

Chief Editor of Ukrainian News Website Flees Country, Seeks Asylum in Austria
Amerika's "Free-dumb & Da'mockery" in action - A quote...."Igor Guzhva, the chief editor of Ukrainian news website, fled Ukraine after reportedly receiving threats of physical violence. He asked for political asylum in Austria, citing “unprecedented pressure from country officials”, reports Sputnik."

Turchynov: "Where are my US Javelins?"
A quote...."Oleksandr Turchynov, secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, reports that negotiations with the United States on the provision of Javelin antitank missile systems to Kiev continue, but Ukraine has not received any yet."

UN Says Donbass Conflict ‘One Of The Deadliest in Europe Since WWII’
A quote...."The conflict in Donbass is one of the deadliest in Europe since WWII, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said in a report, informs TASS."
DPR authorities report big cut in wage debt despite blockade
A quote...."Donetsk, Feb 1 – DAN. DPR companies’ wage debt decreased by nearly 27 percent in 2017 despite the difficult military and political situation and Ukraine-imposed economic blockade, the Republic’s acting Labour and Social Policy Minister Larisa Tolstykina told Donetsk News Agency."

LPR Militarymen Who Prevented Attempts of Breakthrough f Kiev Forces Were Awarded
Some TRUE Heroes - (Defending their homeland and their people against a "Jewish" Bolshevik managed  ethnic cleansing regime of terror!! -- Dang that's a good photo - mpg) -- A quote...."Soldiers of the People’s Militia of LPR did not let the enemy to break into Zhelobk and Frunze at the touch line in Donbass, in this connection they were awarded by the acting Head of the LPR. - ‘On behalf of the Command-In-Chief of the LPR Leonid Pasechnik I’d like to address to the subdivision that expressed heroism having defended our Republic’, said the Head of the LPR People’s Militia Mikhail Philliponenko."
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The ISIS Gambit - The US-NRE's Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....

Syria Is Quietly Helping Bleed Turkey in Afrin
What A Tangled Web They Weave - A quote...."When Turkey and Syrian Islamists in its employ launched their all-out offensive against the Kurdish-held Afrin pocket in Syria’s northwest a floodgate of Kurdish complaints was opened. The Kurds complained that Russians were in cahoots with the Turks, that US was selling them out, and that the Syrian government was not serious about defending them. - One complaint has been completely absent however. 12 days into the attempted Turkish invasion of Afrin the Kurds have yet to complain that Damascus is preventing their fighters from northeastern Syria from reinforcing the Afrin exclave — which is sufficient proof that Syria is doing no such thing." - Source:  CheckPointAsia

Syrian Army Takes a Huge Chunk of Greater Idlib From Rebels, Avenges the Mass Murder of Its Soldiers
A quote...."In just a month the Syrian army has inflicted a huge defeat on the rebels. As soon as ISIS was finally defeat in eastern Syria in late 2017 the army wheeled back to the west and launched its biggest and perhaps most spectacular offensive against the rebels yes."

Russia’s Su-25 fighter jet shot down by militants in Syria - defense ministry
A quote...."MOSCOW, February 3. /TASS/. A Su-25 fighter jet of the Russian Aerospace Force was shot down by militants in Syria on Saturday, the pilot ejected but was killed later by terrorists, the Russian Defense Ministry said."
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, North & Central Africa & Others.

Is It Even Possible to “Betray” the Kurds?
Must Read - A quote...."“Betrayal” implies that there must have been sincere trust in the relationship, which was never the case with any of the Kurds’ extra-regional Great Power partners, nor will there ever be because of pure Neo-Realist considerations that even they themselves should surely be aware of by now. -- Every so often one stumbles upon a statement by a Kurdish official alleging that one or another Great Power “betrayed” the Kurds, such as what Russia has recently been accused of after giving Turkey the green light for “Operation Olive Branch”, and these claims frequently pop up at a dizzying pace all across social media whenever a Neo-Marxist supporter of “Kurdistan” is trying to make a point and win sympathy for their “cause”. Never mind that there’s no such thing as “Kurdistan” in the first place and that it’s much more accurate to refer to this ultra-diverse sub-state region as the “Kurdish Cultural Space” (KCS) instead, but the idea being conveyed is that its people have repeatedly been let down by anyone who they’ve been made to believe ever gave them any hope at achieving their demagogues’ dreams of “independence”."

Taliban Show Off Their New Elite Equipment That Makes Them Look Like a Professional Army
Photos -- A quote...." KABUL, Afghanistan - The Taliban have released new photos of their elite units in fully professional uniforms and rifles in a publicity stunt. - With winter in full swing, it is the traditional season when fighting usually slows down and does not resume at full capacity until spring."

Bahrain Sentences Two Shia Muslims to Death, Alleging Iranian Influence
A quote...."Two Shia Muslims have been sentenced to death in the Kingdom of Bahrain for alleged terrorism while another 56 people were thrown in jail in the Sunni-ruled island nation on Wednesday."
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More On The Weaponization, Ethno-Engineering & Forced Migration / Refugee Invasion...

And The Deliberate Ethnic Cleansing Of White Europeans Worldwide....

Germany Votes to Cut State Funding to Neo-Nazi [Alt-Right] Political Party
Euro-Kharzarian Political Competition - A quote...." Representatives from all 16 of Germany’s states have voted to cut state funding for the country’s longest-established neo-Nazi group. - The states – represented in Germany’s upper house of parliament, the Bundesrat – asked Germany’s highest court to ban funding for the far-right National Democratic Party (NPD). - “Ours is a democracy based on debate, but it must also be defended,” said Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, premier of the state of Saarland, who led the initiative. - “Today we bring a motion by all the [German] states that serves to prevent the NPD from getting funds from the state, which it is actively working against.”

South Africans Live in a Dangerous Gated World
LSVideo - (LSYuTb - 3min49sec -  Feb 2, 2018) - Source:  Lauren Southern -- A quote...."Thank you so much for watching this series about South Africa....."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

The Day Israel Is No More
Amen! - Must Read - A quote...."For over 60 years Israel has created no positive movement towards the resolution of the conflict with its Palestinian neighbors, except for stalling tactics to steal more of their land while relentlessly committing genocide. - Its goal is to drive ALL Palestinians out in the hope of retaining control over all of Historic Palestine. A control that is fast slipping, as the world is waking up to the reality of what Israel truly is: a brutal and genocidal Apartheid state, worse than Apartheid South Africa.- Millions of Israeli Jews have been inculcated with great hatred for the Palestinians. It’s Israel’s pitiful way of inoculating its people from the collective guilt that stems from stealing another people’s land.- However, unless Israelis strike a genuine peace deal with the very people they have been taught to hate, Apartheid Israel will collapse. And when it does it will be a la South Africa."

Right Of Conquest - [Using Other Peoples Blood & Treasure]
Must Read - A quote...."The Right of Conquest, which some view as the oldest and most salient form of land acquisition, is nothing but a smokescreen to hide blatant thievery. Therefore, it is not only an egregious position, but a sin as well.-“You shall not steal.” Exodus 20:15 - There’s only one country in this modern era of human rights that uses such an argument to cover its theft. Zionist Israel.- Its land thieves use the word “settlers” to con the world into thinking that Palestine was never inhabited, when in fact there was a sizable Arab population before converted European Jews disembarked there. See Palestine before the Zionists stole it."

US Reportedly to Continue Aiding UNRWA if School Books Changed
Must Read - (For how it gets done!  How the Euro-Kharzarian Crime Syndicate, changes, distorts, perverts, and lies about history.... CONSTANTLY!) - A quote...."US administration has proposed that the UNRWA changes its school textbooks in order to continue to receive US donations, Jordanian newspaper Al-Ghad reported, on Tuesday. - The newspaper said that the US proposed two amendments to the textbooks, which include the abolition of all references to the right of return and issue of refugees in general, as well having no mention of Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine."

“Comedian” ["Jewess"] Sarah Silverman Says Pro-Life Laws “Make Me Want to Eat an Aborted Fetus”
Remember:  "Christian" Zionist & Hagee's Hordes SUPPORT This!! -- A quote...."On February 1, the Lady Parts Justice League, (founded by Daily Show creator Lizz Winstead) held a “telethon,” called Life Is a Living Nightmare: A Telethon to Fix It. The fundraiser, hosted by Winstead herself, along with comedian Sarah Silverman, featured almost 4 hours of bizarre content, including abortion charades, an interview with abortionist Willie Parker, and political rants. During one of the charades, Silverman announced that a conscience clause law that prevented aborted fetuses from being used in manufactured food products would be something that “would make her want to eat an aborted fetus.” -- The charades were called “shitty law charades” and were introduced by a woman wearing a female genitalia costume. Two of the laws that were meant to be acted out by volunteers were “You cannot use aborted fetuses as ingredients in the manufacture of food products,” and “Clinics are mandated by law to cremate or bury every aborted fetus.” - When the concept of conscience clause laws was explained, Silverman summed up her feelings on religious freedom: “Religious freedom used to be such a beautiful thing cuz it was like this big inclusive thing in the country, and now it’s just this shroud to legalize hate and shit like that.”"

Who are the Twisted Sex Degenerates that is Pushing Humanity into the Sewer?
Ditto! - Just call it "Frankfort School TV" - A quote...."This is what Hollywood wants Americans to watch and think its entertainment when it's nothing more than kiddie porn, designed to corrupt and enslave your mind. What is this group called, "Daddy's Little Hookers?""

STRATFOR Chief Reveals Zio-Anglo-American Plot For World Domination
From the History File - September 12, 2015 - (re-posted for your edification) -- A quote...."Herein lies the real problem.  There has long been a network of Eastern Europeans who have harbored an inveterate hatred toward all things Russian.  This hatred is at once irrational, intense and without any substantive basis.  These lifelong Russophobes have been plotting against the Russian Motherland for decades; their ancestors had likewise conspired over the centuries.  Toward that end they have enlisted a whole host of nations which comprise an unspoken alliance known as the Anglo-American Axis (see glossary) which has been and is now arrayed against Russia and her allies."

US Deploys Troops To Occupied Territories For Joint War Games With Israel
"Bringing In The Rapture" - A quote...."The US has deployed military forces to the Israeli-occupied territories ahead of a joint war game with Tel Aviv as the regime ramps up its threats of a new war against Lebanon."

Trump to Present His No-Peace/Peace Plan?
ZOG / Zio-Whore Alert - (US-NRE / Donald Trump) -- A quote...."The historical record is clear. Washington and Israel deplore peace and stability – notions undermining their imperial agenda. - If both countries wanted resolution of longstanding conflict with Palestinians, it would have happened long ago. - Former Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Shamir explained why not. He wanted forever talks accomplishing nothing – giving Israel time to steal all valued Palestinian land. - Other Israeli leaders felt the same way. Since 1967, variations of Yigal Allon’s plan reflect official Israeli policy. Elements include...."
Ruling: Kansas Law Targeting Israel Boycotts Chills Speech - Victory!
ZOG / Censorship Alert - FAIL! - (US-NRE / Kansas) -- A quote...."WICHITA, Kan. A federal judge on Tuesday temporarily blocked a Kansas law barring state contractors from participating in boycotts against Israel, saying the state law violates their free speech rights. - U.S. District Judge Daniel Crabtree wrote in his decision that the U.S. Supreme Court has held that the "First Amendment protects the right to participate in a boycott like the one punished by the Kansas law." - bold by website editor

A $1 Billion Proposal Will Exploit Gaza for the Benefit of Israel’s Security Narrative
A quote...."When considering Gaza’s dire humanitarian conditions, it is impossible not to remember what Israeli government adviser Dov Weisglass said in 2006 when the Israeli siege started: “The idea is to put the Palestinians on a diet, but not to make them die of hunger.” How much of that callous, initial calculation remains valid today is debatable, as Palestinians in Gaza suffer health issues which are a direct consequence of Israel’s restrictions on the food available for the population, the illegal blockade on the enclave and the disaster wrought by the periodic bombardments of Gaza, the latest major offensive being “Operation Protective Edge” in 2014." - Source:  MEMO

Israel Expels Palestinian Girl From West Bank to Gaza Without Notifying Her Parents
A quote...."Israeli authorities expelled a 14-year-old Palestinian girl from the occupied West Bank to the occupied Gaza Strip without even notifying her parents, it has emerged."

Talk to Palestinians or Pay Price of ‘Perpetual Occupation’ – German FM to Israel
A quote...."Israel could pay the price for “perpetual occupation and conflict” and face the prospect of being stuck in a “fully-fledged annexation” if it abandons reconciliation with the Palestinians, the German foreign minister has warned."

Iran Terms Quds [Jerusalem] Everlasting Capital of Palestine
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Seyed Abbas Araqchi underlined that Jerusalem al-Quds will remain the Palestinians' capital forever, warning that Iran would confront any move made to the opposite - "Quds is the unchangeable capital of the Muslim world and Palestine," Araqchi said, addressing a forum in Tehran on Wednesday. - He stressed Iran's permanent support for Beit al-Moqaddas (al-Quds) as Palestine's capital, and said, "We will confront any attempt to change this reality.""
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Greek Tragedy & Others -- The Criminal Acts / Destruction / of the Banksters' Trans-nationalist, N.W.O....

EU Imposes Anti-Union Law on Greece
A quote...."Under instructions from the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund, the Greek government pushed through the most anti-union legislation in Europe on Monday 15 January. - The move was demanded, along with other draconian measures, as a condition of the latest tranche of what is called Greece’s bailout but which in reality is bailing out the European financial institutions which recklessly encouraged Greek borrowing." - Source:  CounterPunch

UK Welfare Net Collapsing! BBC: “You’re On Verge of Losing Everything.” Govt Bankrupting The Poor!
A quote...."…Because you’ve been assessed fit for work, you’re supposed to spend 35 hours a week looking for a job. But when the DWP summon you to a jobseeker’s meeting to ask what you’re doing to find work, you don’t get the message. No-one tells you. There’s no letter – not one that reaches you, anyway. It could be that they’ve sent you the message electronically – but you’re no good with computers. You don’t have one at home and the sole time you tried to use one down the Job Centre you didn’t know what half the keys did.  ...because you don’t turn up to the jobseeker’s meeting, you get what is called a sanction – that means they stop the £317.82 for monthly living costs."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition...

China's World-Beating Tech Sector Gives Her a Huge Competitive Edge
A quote...."The unsung star of the World Economic Forum in Davos last week was not a head of state, but the Chinese Politburo member Liu He. The 66-year-old is a trusted confidant of President Xi Jinping and will soon be appointed vice-premier to oversee the Chinese economy."

France to Start Financing Exports to Iran, Sidestep US Sanctions
A quote...."France will start offering euro-denominated loans to Iranian buyers of its goods later this year, to help trade outside the reach of US sanctions, according to the head of state-owned investment bank Bpifrance, Nicolas Dufourcq. Paris has been looking to boost trade with Iran ever since world powers agreed in 2015 to lift many sanctions on Iran in exchange for controls on its nuclear program. The plan is to offer dedicated, euro-denominated export credits to Iranian buyers of French goods and services and so avoid the extraterritorial reach of US legislation, Reuters said. The export credits could be offered in May or June."

North Korean Delegation Flying to Russia For Talks on 'Mutual Cooperation'
A quote...."A North Korean delegation is heading to Moscow for talks on mutual cooperation, the Russian Embassy in North Korea has said. - "The delegation flew to Moscow for consultations in the Russian Foreign Ministry on the vital issues of bilateral cooperation," the embassy wrote on its Facebook page. - The sides plan to discuss joint events to be held dedicated to the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries, according to Russian news agency Tass."

Historic Sevastopol Marine plant, once owned by Poroshenko, now an active part of Crimean industrialization
A quote...."The transition of the Sevastopol Marine Plant, named after Ordzhonikidze, into federal ownership is an element of the formation of the economy of the Crimea. It was, incidentally, owned by Poroshenko during the Ukrainian times. Yuri Pochta, Professor at the Peoples Friendship University of Russia spoke about this to Economics Today...."

Russian Army Received Over 3,500 Advanced Armaments and Items in 2017
A quote...."Over 3,500 advanced weapon systems and pieces of military and special hardware arrived for the Russian Armed Forces in 2017, Russia’s Defense Minister Army General Sergey Shoigu said on Wednesday according to Russian TASS News Agency."

Advanced Kalashnikov Assault Rifles Go Into Serial Production
A quote...."MOSCOW, February 1. /TASS/. The Kalashnikov firearms manufacturer is starting the serial production of the advanced AK-12 assault rifles, with the first batch scheduled for delivery to the Russian troops before the yearend, Head of Rostec hi-tech corporation Sergey Chemezov said on Thursday."

Russian Space Firm to Develop New Compound For Super-Heavy Rocket at Vostochny Spaceport
A quote...."MOSCOW, February 2. /TASS/. Russia’s Energiya Rocket and Space Corporation will develop a new compound at the Vostochny spaceport in the Russian Far East for a super-heavy carrier rocket whose trials will start from 2028, the corporation said on its website on Friday."

Russian Cosmonauts Begin Seven-Hour Spacewalk From ISS
A quote...."MOSCOW, February 2. /TASS/. Russian cosmonauts Alexander Misurkin and Anton Shkaplerov have begun this year’s first spacewalk from the International Space Station (ISS), a spokesman for the mission control center told TASS on Friday."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire...

Cuba Formally Protests US 'Internet Task Force'
A quote...."Cuba’s Foreign Ministry asked the U.S. government “to cease its subversive, interventionist and illegal actions against Cuba." - The Cuban government delivered a note of protest to a top U.S. diplomat in Havana Wednesday, rejecting the creation of a Cuba "Internet Task Force" by the U.S. State Department and demanding "respect for our sovereignty." - According to the U.S. Department of State, the task force announced on Jan. 23 will promote the “free and unregulated flow of information” and expand “internet access and independent media.”" - Translation:  Inject CIA & Euro-Kharzarian created propaganda directly into Cuba's net, while attempting to engage in espionage, sabotage, and organize a color revolution. - mpg
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The US-NRE's Euro-Kharzarian Controlled Domestic Politics, New Roman Empire Style..

Nunes Memo Reports Crimes at Top of FBI & DOJ
Must Read - A quote...."The long-awaited House Intelligence Committee report made public today identifies current and former top officials of the FBI and the Department of Justice as guilty of the felony of misrepresenting evidence required to obtain a court warrant before surveilling American citizens. The target was candidate Donald Trump’s adviser Carter Page. - The main points of what is widely known as the “Nunes Memo,” after the House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), have been nicely summarized by blogger Publius Tacitus, who noted that the following very senior officials are now liable for contempt-of-court charges; namely, the current and former members of the FBI and the Department of Justice who signed off on fraudulent applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court: James Comey, Andy McCabe, Sally Yates, Dana Boente and Rob Rosenstein. The following is Publius Tacitus’s summary of the main points...."
FISA Memo Released: Here's What It Says
A quote...."The just released FISA memo accuses senior officials at the DOJ of inappropriately using biased opposition research into then-candidate Trump to obtain surveillance warrants on transition team members as part of the federal investigation into the Trump campaign and Russia. -- According to the document, information from the the so-called Steele dossier was "essential" to the acquisition of surveillance warrants on Trump campaign aide Carter Page. It claims that then-deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe told the committee in December that without the information from the Steele dossier, no surveillance warrant for Page would have been sought."

FISA memo released — bombshell report reveals MASSIVE Deep State conspiracy to keep Donald Trump out of the White House -- A quote...."(Natural News) As expected, the so-called “FISA memo” was released at noon on Friday, revealing serial abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court by upper echelon officials in the FBI and Justice Department to prevent Donald J. Trump from becoming president, and to undermine him after he defeated Hillary Clinton in November 2016."

Mother Jones, WashPost, NYT, CNN and Yahoo all exposed as deep state propaganda puppets in shocking FISA memo -- A quote...."(Natural News) The most horrific political scandal in the history of our nation is breaking now. The FISA memo has been released. (FISA stands for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.) -- Read the full text of the shocking memo at this Axios link or find a short summary at the Washington Examiner. It’s also available at this link, but that link seem to be inoperable due to a surge of traffic. -- Among other stunning revelations of deep state criminality, treason and “weaponization of the intelligence community,” the memo reveals that numerous left-leaning media outlets conspired with deep state criminals to knowingly publish false, salacious information in an attempt to overthrow the elected government and install Hillary Clinton as President."

Memo: Democrats Made Up Evidence Enabled Eavesdropping On Trump Campaign
A quote...."Over the last month political enemies of U.S. President Trump and the FBI and Justice Department have desperately tried to prevent the publishing of a memo written by the Republican controlled House Intelligence Committee."

No Democrats or left-leaning publishers denounce shocking abuses of power detailed in FISA memo release
"Shameless" - A quote...."(Natural News) The FISA memo release describes a shocking series of criminal abuses of power at the highest levels of the FBI and DOJ — all under Obama.-- As the memo reveals, not only did top FBI and DOJ officials conspire to defraud the FISA court in order to illegally spy on American citizens, the key operatives in this process were fully aware they were committing law enforcement fraud during the entire process."

Judicial Watch Sues for Russia Collusion FISA Documents
A quote...."Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Justice Department for FBI documents regarding the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) warrant application submitted to – and responses from – the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court related to alleged collusion between Russia and Trump campaign associates (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-00245))." - Source:  JudicialWatch

Seth Rich Murdered for DNC Leak to WikiLeaks, Says Roger Stone
Seth Rich - R.I.P. - (And he will, when his murderers are caught, and executed - mpg) -- A quote...."In an interview with The New American magazine, legendary political operative Roger Stone expressed his belief that Democratic National Committee employee Seth Rich was murdered for political purposes — not as a robbery gone bad. In particular, Stone said it was “abundantly clear” that Rich was murdered for having blown the whistle on the DNC by leaking explosive documents to WikiLeaks. Even former DNC boss Donna Brazile — certainly no member of The John Birch Society, Stone said — expressed fear for her life after crossing the Clintons."

Devin Nunes is a ‘Russian Agent’ & Other Ways Media Peddle ‘Russiagate’ Fables
A quote...." Just when you think fake news about Russia could not get any more bizarre, mainstream media outshines itself, again. These days, no story about Russia is too wild to print. - The following is a short list of the many Russia conspiracy stories now littering the landscape ever since fictional tales of the ‘Russian bogeyman’ seized the American imagination."

Lying, Spying and Hiding
A quote...."I have argued for a few weeks now that House Intelligence Committee members have committed misconduct in office by concealing evidence of spying abuses by the National Security Agency and the FBI. They did this by sitting on a four-page memo that summarizes the abuse of raw intelligence data while Congress was debating a massive expansion of FISA." - Source:  UNZReview

Obama State Dept Secretly Distributed Its Own "Dossier" To Undermine Trump, FOIA Docs Reveal
A quote...."Watchdog group Judicial Watch released 42 pages of heavily redacted State Department documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which reveal that the Obama State Department provided Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) a "dossier of classified information on Russia" in order to undermine President Trump, according to Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton."

A Never-Trump Press in Near Panic
A quote...."“All the News That’s Fit to Print” proclaims the masthead of The New York Times. “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” echoes The Washington Post. - “The people have a right to know,” the professors at Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism hammered into us in 1962. “Trust the people,” we were admonished. - Explain then this hysteria, this panic in the press over the release of a four-page memo detailing one congressional committee’s rendering of how Trump-hate spawned an FBI investigation of Republican candidate and President Donald Trump. - What is the press corps afraid of? For it has not ceased keening and caterwauling that this memo must not see the light of day. - Do the media not trust the people? Can Americans not handle the truth? - Is this the same press corps that celebrates “The Post,” lionizing Kay Graham for publishing the Pentagon Papers, top-secret documents charging the “Best and the Brightest” of the JFK-LBJ era with lying us into Vietnam? - Why are the media demanding a “safe space” for us all, so we will not be harmed by reading or hearing what the memo says?" - Source:  UNZReview - Author:  PatrickJBuchanan

Bernie Keeps Promoting The New Cold War, And Yes, We Need To Talk About It
Bernie Sanders:  Euro-Kharzarian, Neoliberalcon, Israeli-Firster, PNAC'ing, War-Whore -- A quote...."This is the single most pressing issue of our time, and Bernie Sanders is currently, actively marching our world in the exact opposite direction of where it needs to be heading. There is no threat to our species more imminent and dangerous than the threat of annihilation in a nuclear holocaust, and Sanders is helping to manufacture consent for escalations which make that possibility more and more likely. This is a huge problem, and we need to talk about it right now." - Topix  ||  They're Almost There, It's Almost Within Their Grasp - 09-13-13 - mpg  || - Some selected Zerohedge commentary posted below......
Looney US Congressman Adam Schiff Says Russian Ads Promote 2nd Amendment…’so we all kill each other’
A quote..."The Second Amendment (Amendment II) to the United States Constitution protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms…and according to California Congressman Adam Schiff, those pesky Russians are using bots to promote the second amendment with an ultimate goal of having Americans ‘kill each other.’"

Sacked FBI Director to Teach Ethics Course
A quote...."The FBI is a modern-day Gestapo, America’s secret police, an enemy of the public, not its protector. - The bureau under sacked director James Comey whitewashed the investigation into Hillary’s illegal personal server use for classified State Department business. - Comey changed the FBI’s account of her unlawful behavior from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless,” an attempt to exonerate her wrongdoing. - Instead of doing his job, he’s complicit in her criminality. He’s named along with now former Deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in the Russiagate FISA memo, its contents likely to be revealed in days. - He’ll teach a course on ethical leadership at the College of William & Mary this fall, the school announced...."
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation....

Political Correctness Serves the Ruling Elite
Must Read - Charts - (click to enlarge) -- Quote of the Day...." The Ruling Elites loves political correctness, for it serves the Elite so well. What is political correctness? Political correctness is the public pressure to conform to "progressive" speech acts by uttering the expected code words and phrases in public. -- Note that no actual action is required. This is why the Ruling Elite loves political correctness: conformity is so cheap. All a functionary of the Ruling Elite need do is utter the code words ("hope and change," "we honor diversity," "thank you for your service," etc.) and they get a free pass to continue their pillaging. -- Those placated by politically correct utterances accept symbolic speech acts as substitutes for real changes in the power structure. This glorification of symbolic gestures--virtue signaling via social media, the parroting of progressive phrases, etc.--is as cheap as the mouthing of PC platitudes. Everybody gets to feel validated and respected at no cost to anyone: the progressives feel smugly superior because the Ruling Elite now feels compelled to parrot "progressive" speech acts in public, and the Ruling Elite is free to pillage without any demands for a radical restructuring of the incentives and distribution of the nation's wealth and income." - bold by website editor

Yes, Appalachia Is Part Of America
Must Read - A quote...."While America’s military continues to march across the world, destroying nation after nation and the U.S. State Department funds color revolutions in others, the CIA also continues its own campaign of control and manipulation in virtually all the rest. But, moral questions aside, Americans back home aren’t even reaping the benefits of empire abroad. With an economy continuing to mire in depression, crumbling infrastructure, more difficult access to healthcare, tainted food supplies, and a police state that is deepening by the day, the American people are becoming accustomed to lower living standards and all the hurdles associated with it. Indeed, there are parts of the United States – Detroit, Flint, and much of the rural south, for instance, – that resemble a third world country more than anything one might expect to see in “the greatest country in the world.”"

Mass Incarceration: New Jim Crow, Class War, or Both?
Charts - (It's not what you think from the headline.  It's actually Un-PC - mpg) - A quote...."In my paper, I attempt to contribute to this debate by calculating the racial and class disparities in incarceration as well as the interaction between the two. Below are the key findings of my analysis."

L.A.'s Homelessness Surged 75% in Six Years. Here's Why The Crisis Has Been Decades in the Making
A quote...."Some of the poorest people in the city spend their days in the shadow of Los Angeles City Hall, napping on flattened cardboard boxes. - On any given day, as many as 20 people take to the City Hall lawn, across the street from LAPD headquarters. They're there to "escape the madness" in downtown streets, a 53-year-old homeless man named Lazarus said last week. At night, they fan out to doorways or deserted plazas to wait for daybreak."

California Overreacts and Presumes Every Homeschooling Parent is a Child Abuser
A quote...."California is seeking to treat homeschool families as presumptive child abusers. Lawmakers in that state have indicated plans to categorically require homeschool parents to prove — through home visits, interviews, and other government oversight — that indeed the parent is not abusive if they choose to exercise a legally protected and valid option for school choice. This measure would shift the burden to the parent to prove to the government’s satisfaction his or her parental fitness."
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Today's Videos & Podcasts...

WRH w/Michael Rivero, Feb 02, 2018] - [Hr #1 - [Hr #2] - [Hr #3] - RBN's Donation Rq [Click Here]
MR@RBNAudio -- (r. c. rescinded) -- Alt/Mp3/Hour#1 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#2 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#3 // FullAudioCast- 02-02-18 - (MR@RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr/each - Feb 02, 2018) - Source:  WRHSchl@RBN - Republic Brdcst Audio - RBNProgSchdl - Republic Broadcasting - YuTb Source:  RonGibson - Related Website: - WhatReallyHappened -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues - WRH Donation Request - [Click Here] - For alternative RBN donations methods.... By Mail:  Republic Broadcasting Network -- 2251 Double Creek Dr #302 -- Round Rock TX 78664 - By Phone:  800-724 2719 ext 03."

The Roper Report: One of These Things is Not Like the Other - TRR 013118
TRRAudio - (Note:  Contains non-PC terms, & concepts) - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/Archv - Alt/YuTb - (TRRVar - 1hr03min36sec - Jan 31st, 2018) - Source:  TheDailyNationalist@TRSS - The Right Stuff Shows - Gustaf Johanson - PewTube - Guest Website:  NewAlbionCom - A quote.... "In "One of these things is not like the other", listen to Mike Enoch of The Daily Shoah, Chris Quimby of The ShieldWall Network and Tom Kaczynski of New Albion discuss with Billy the rise of White ethno-states, balkanization, attacks on free speech, and who should be allowed into the White Nationalist movement under what circumstances. - Chris Quimby goes first, in an interview with Billy in which they discuss how activism has changed over the past two decades they have been working together in the movement. In addition to a few amazing and humorous 'war stories' from past demonstrations and rallies, they recount their memories of working with Dr Pierce, Pastor Butler, Tom Metzger and others, then discuss the progress and growth of the ShieldWall Network and the strengths and weaknesses of the Alt-Right today."

The Daily Nationalist: Russia Prepares for US Meddling in 2018 Elections - DN 020118
TDNAudio - (Note:  Contains non-PC terms, & concepts) - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/Archv - Alt/YuTb - (TDNVar - 31min11sec - Feb 01, 2018) - Source:  TheDailyNationalist@TRSS - The Right Stuff Shows - Gustaf Johanson - PewTube -- A quote.... "Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson joins Sven Longshanks to discuss three articles to do with Russia and her relationship to America and Britain. - The first article is about a document produced for the Pentagon, that features the astounding news that Russia thinks America is interfering in countries all around the world, trying to force their version of ‘Democracy’ on them and Russia fears that they might be next."

The Daily Nationalist: Poland Ju-Jitsu’s the Jews - DN 020218
Must Listen TDNAudio - (Note:  Contains non-PC terms, & concepts) - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/Archv - Alt/YuTb - (TDNVar - 33min41sec - Feb 02, 2018) - Source:  TheDailyNationalist@TRSS - The Right Stuff Shows - Gustaf Johanson - PewTube -- A quote.... "Florian Geyer joins Sven Longshanks to talk about a new law in Poland, that bans Jews from claiming the Poles holocausted them. Predictable the Jews are furious about this as it means they will not be able to extort money from Poland like they have from other European countries. The Poles have also said that they suffered during the war in camps as well as the Jews, which strips the Jews of their special status as being the only people who suffered during the war. - All the Poles have done is take a leaf out of the Jews playbook and make it illegal to question a historical narrative, but the Jews do not see it this way and have even had the chutzpah to say ‘No law will change the facts’ when that is exactly what they have tried to do with their notorious holo-denial laws." - Topix  ||  The Holohoax  ||
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens...

The Ultimate Bear Chart
Charts - (click each to enlarge) -- A quote...."Oh I know, every time Alan Greenspan says something related to “irrational exuberance” immediately the comments come that he said it in 1996 and stocks didn’t blow-up until 2000. While that may have been true then it didn’t invalidate his premise nor is the timing relevant to now. Back then people ignored him and went full bubble mode until it popped." - Source:  NorthernTraderCom
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster...

Pharma Co Has License Suspended as Vaccine Blamed For Sterilization of 500,000 Women & Children
A quote...."A state-sponsored forced sterilization on a massive scale has allegedly taken place in Africa according to opposition leaders and the public who are railing against the government. An industrial pharmaceutical laboratory has since had its license suspended by the Kenya Accreditation Service as a result of the controversy." - Source:  FreeThghtProj

Thursday February 1st 2018

No posts - mpg

Wednesday January 31st 2018

More Tales From The Anglo-Zio Empire & Its "Friends" -- Promoting Zio-Wahhabist Terrorism World Wide....

US, UK, France and Saudis Have a Modest Dismember Syria
Still Pushing The PNAC Protocols - A quote...." ... the five countries called for a UN-supervised election for the -Syrians inside and outside the country and for radical changes in the Syrian constitution including stripping the Syrian presidency from most, if not all, of its powers."

The Top 10 Outrageous Things About ISIS the Western Mainstream Media Ignores
A quote...."Last week, the US said it was working to create “alternative government authorities” on Syrian territory. This latest move, aside from demonstrating once again that the US has no respect for Syria’s territorial integrity, indicates we may be seeing more from that group of mercenaries known as Islamic State. - Thus, it seems to be an appropriate time to reflect upon a set of very strange circumstances that led to the rise of this loathsome terrorist group. Here are the top 10 reasons, in no particular order, as to why we should be very suspicious about this group." - Source:  StratCultFndtn

Turkey Plays Its Latest Card in the New Great Game – Pepe Escobar
A quote...."President Tayyip Erdogan’s ‘Olive Branch’ operation appears to have support at home and in Moscow, but failure would spell problems. - Olive Branch” is the Orwellian-named Turkish invasion of a chunk of Syria. The operation comes as no surprise. President Tayyip Erdogan had hinted for nearly a year that a move was likely in the Syrian Kurdish canton of Afrin. - With Ankara staging a full-scale offensive into this small piece of Syrian real estate, which is roughly 40 kilometers long and 30 km wide, the endgame looks a foregone conclusion. - After all, it is defended by a minimally equipped force of no more than 10,000. Turkish soldiers should take it in record time. - Diplomatic sources confirmed to Asia Times that the Turkish offensive was directly approved by Russian generals after a visit to Moscow by Hakan Fidan, second in command at the MIT, the Turkish secret service."
Crazy Night In Syria
A quote...."WATCH as Al-Qaeda allows Turkish Army through its territory in Syria, Russia bombs oncoming Turkish forces [this statement conflicts with the article posted above.  Pepe Escobar, article above, is usually very reliable on these issues - mpg] - Last night a Turkish military convoy entered northern Syria and were allowed to travel through territory controlled by the Al-Qaeda affiliated Al-Nusra Front. This was captured on a video taken by an Al-Nusra militant himself. "
Syrian Rebels and US Troops Have Been Clashing for Months, but Pentagon Has Been Keeping It Under Wraps -- A quote...."Last August a Pentagon spokesman told CNN that US soldiers on the ground in Kurdish-held northern Syria were fired upon by Turkish-backed Syrian rebels multiple times in just the last week:"

US Blinks Under Turkish Pressure in Syria
A quote...."The Turkish President Recep Erdogan gave a stark warning to the Trump administration on Friday by stating his intention to order an assault on the northern Syrian town of Manbij, roughly 40 km from the Turkish border and 100 km to the east of Afrin, where US forces are operating alongside Kurdish militia. - He said, “Operation Olive Branch will continue until it reaches its goals. We will rid Manbij of terrorists (read Kurds) … Our battles will continue until no terrorist is left right up to our (910-km) border with Iraq.” - Source:  AsiaTimes

Syria - Neo-Conservatives Demand "Action" - Hope For A Larger War
A quote...."The U.S. polity and media now acknowledge what we reported on December 21. The U.S. announcement to build up a 30,000 strong PKK army in north-east Syria was a disaster. It prompted Turkey to initiate its attack on YPG/PKK Kurds in Afrin. It threatens do drive it out of NATO and into Russia's open arms. It gives the Syrian government new leverage against the Syrian Kurds. - Under Turkish threats to attack U.S. forces in Syria the Trump administration had to pull back - at least in its rhetoric. Independent of who rules Turkey the country will never acquiesce to an armed Kurdish entity on its southern border. The U.S. should have know this. - This failure of the Trump administration's plan has prompted a new push from neoconservative propagandists for a full U.S. war on Syria and its allies. The lobby shop of the Kagan family, the Institute For The Study of War, had its junior staff pen an op-ed for Foxnews to argue for a new study object...."
Pentagon Now Blocking Key Information About US War in Afghanistan
A quote...."The US Defense Department has refused to disclose information about the war in Afghanistan that has routinely been released since the war began in 2001, according to the internal government watchdog that administers those information releases."

Damning New Study Helps Explain Why Pentagon Will No Longer Release Afghan War Updates
Related Article - A quote...."As the Pentagon is rebuked for withholding from the public information about the U.S. military’s activities in Afghanistan, new reporting reveals that—more 16 years after the U.S. began its occupation—the Taliban has open and active presence in about 70 percent of the country, and ISIS has gained more territory than ever before."

War Crimes and Genocide in Yemen: Death, Destruction, Starvation
A quote...."The Saudi-led coalition unleashed a barrage of air strikes on Yemen, slaughtering as many as 71 civilians (many of them children) within a period of 48 hours, reported the Qatar-based news network Al Jazeera on Christmas Eve. This massacre attained little attention and dissolved into history, forgotten. On the next day, December 26, the coalition targeted more sites, killing at least 68 men, women and children."

U.S. Runs Headscarf Campaign Against Iran
A quote...."A U.S. government funded public relation campaign tries to incite women in Iran to break the law. The reporting of the campaign in western media is unproportionate to its effects in Iran. The professional propagandist who runs the campaign on behalf of the U.S. government is introduced as ordinary "women’s rights activist". The larger propaganda scheme and the U.S. government influence in it are willfully ignored."

US Color Revolution Begins In Thailand As Proxy War With China Continues
A quote...."The tentative first beginnings of a long-awaited US-backed color revolution has begun in Thailand, with a small protest of under 100 protesters in the downtown district of Thailand’s capital Bangkok. - Despite the diminutive nature of the protest, the Western media and Western-funded organizations posing as nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) transformed the event into headline news. - The protest leaders vowed to gather weekly until their demands were met. This is a thinly veiled threat, with the protests taking place precisely where previous protests organized by the same interests carried out gun battles with government troops, mass murder against counter-protesters, and committed widespread and devastating arson in the surrounding areas." - also posted at GlobalRsrch

The Genocide Conspiracy Against North Korea: An Open Letter to the International Criminal Court
A quote...."The American threats against North Korea continue to mount and with them the threat of the genocide of the people of North Korea by the United States of America and its allies. The meeting of the USA, Canada and other nations that attacked North Korea in 1950 held in Vancouver, Canada, on January 16, which some hoped would lead to a political solution, instead took on the character of a meeting of criminals who by their presence, agreement and actions made them parties to a conspiracy to commit genocide, a crime under the statute of the International Criminal Court and the Genocide Convention of 1948."
Ending North Korea Oil Supplies Would Be Seen As Act of War, Says Russia
A quote..."MOSCOW (Reuters) - The delivery of oil and oil products to North Korea should not be reduced, Moscow’s ambassador to Pyongyang was cited as saying by RIA news agency on Wednesday, adding that a total end to deliveries would be interpreted by North Korea as an act of war."

North Korea War Plan: Chrystia Freeland is More Dangerous Than Tony Blair
That's Not Possible....  Is It?? - A quote...."The day before the Foreign Ministers’ meeting on Security and Stability in Vancouver on January 16, 2018, a forum was held at the University of British Columbia’s Institute of Asian Research entitled “Getting North Korea Right:  Canadian Options and Roles”. This was a publicly held event with the “expert” “talking heads” of think-tanks. The moderator was an Asian International Relations expert, Dr. Paul Evans, who is now the head of the Institute of Asian Research." - Source:  OffGuardian
WATCH as Trump Says Guantanamo Bay is Not Closing Down
A quote...."WASHINGTON D.C. - The United States of America - US President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed a new executive order that will keep the Guantánamo Bay detention center in Cuba not only open, but with new prisoners."

The US Empire Has up to 1,000 Military Bases in 80 Countries
A quote....".....the U.S. has over 800 formal military bases in 80 countries, “a number that could exceed 1,000 if you count troops stationed at embassies and missions and so-called ‘lily-pond’ bases, with some 138,000 soldiers stationed around the globe,” the Nation notes. - According to David Vine, author of Base Nation: How U.S. Military Bases Overseas Harm America and the World, maintaining bases and troops overseas cost $85 to $100 billion in 2014, while the total for bases and troops in war zones was between $160 billion and $200 billion." - Topix  ||  A History Of Mayhem & Murder  ||
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A Daily Analysis Of The Anglo-Zio-Controlled Media...

In the Western World Lies Have Displaced Truth
Must Read - A quote...."Last year I was awarded Marquiss Who’s Who In America’s Lifetime Achievement Award. This did not prevent a hidden organization, PropOrNot, from attempting to brand me and my website along with 200 others “Putin stooges or agents” for our refusal to lie for the corrupt, anti-American, anti-constitutional, anti-democratic, warmonger police state interests that rule the Western World. - The only honest, factual media that exists in the Western World today are the names on the PropOrNot list of “Putin agents.”" - also posted at ZeroHedge

Was Michael Weiss Behind This Neocon Media Scam Which Promptly Backfired? (PropOrNot)
(((Michel Weiss))):  Neoliberalcon - A quote...."Remember the November 2016 Washington Post story on the secretive outfit that furnished a list of purportedly Russian-backed “fake news” websites? - Well, thanks to some online sleuthing from a couple of bloggers/journalists, there’s good reason to believe that PropOrNot was the brainchild of Michael D. Weiss and the Interpreter staff."

Agreed: Nuclear War is not Such a Bad Thing
A quote...."You don’t really have to read either of these Foreign Policy articles mentioned below. - Whether the authors are arguing It’s Time to Bomb North Korea or It is Not Time to Bomb North Korea, the basic narrative is the same: There are pros and cons in using nuclear bombs to ‘stop’ the threat of North Korea. - Both ‘arguments’ are framed in such a way so as to give the ‘impression’ that Serious Debate is taking place. - Indeed, the subtitle for each might be: Be prepared for intelligent discussions on the moral and legal and ethical consequences of using nuclear or other bombs to annihilate a sovereign country. And its people. - But no. Most of the pros and cons are the same. Most are based on the general assumption that this bombing will take place and it will be justified on every level known to man and that it would be silly to waste everyone’s time talking about things that are already completely and totally known and agreed upon." - Source:  OffGuardian

Who is Using Chlorine as a Chemical Weapon in Syria?
A quote...."Regardless of factual basis, claims of chlorine use, along with those of barrel bombs and attacks on hospitals, have been one of the most enduring propaganda memes of the Syria war. - Yet while headlines of chemical weapons are undoubtedly dramatic, the relatively low lethality of chlorine makes it an ineffective – and therefore arguably also unlikely – choice of weapon." - Source:  RT

Get Ready for Aleppo 2.0 in Ghouta -- Western Propaganda Machine Resurrects Myths of Aleppo Siege for Use in Damascus -- A quote...."News that the “White Helmets” have been nominated for an Oscar for a second time seems to mark an end to any possibility of sensible discourse between the supporters of Syria and her enemies. Although the Academy Award would notionally be for another docu-fantasy about “Al Qaeda with a Facelift”, called “Last Men in Aleppo”, it evidently indicates that the Hollywood celebrity industry is now an integral part of the US state’s propaganda machine."

Tillerson’s Promise of More War in Syria Gets Warm Reception From Corporate Media
A quote...."In a speech at Stanford this month, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson declared that America intends to keep military troops in Syria indefinitely, in pursuit of the US’s “key end states for Syria,” including “post-Assad leadership,” the marginalization of Iran and the elimination of “weapons of mass destruction” that the US claims Syria has." - Source:  FAIR

Robert Parry’s Legacy and the Future of Consortiumnews
In Memoriam - One Who Fought To Tell The Truth - A quote...."It is with a heavy heart that we inform Consortiumnews readers that Editor Robert Parry has passed away. As regular readers know, Robert (or Bob, as he was known to friends and family) suffered a stroke in December, which – despite his own speculation that it may have been brought on by the stress of covering Washington politics – was the result of undiagnosed pancreatic cancer that he had been unknowingly living with for the past 4-5 years." - Source:  ConsortiumNews
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia & C.I.S. States

Paul Craig Roberts: Russians Don't Understand the Seriousness of the US 'Kremlin List'
A quote...."In an act of insane escalation of provocations against Russia, Washington has produced a list of 210 top Russian government officials and important business executives who are “gangsters,” “members of Putin’s gang,” “threats,” “people deserving to be sanctioned,” or however the Western presstitutes care to explain the list. The absurd list includes the Prime Minister of Russia, the Foreign Minister, the Defense Minister, and executives of Gazprom, Rosneft, and Bank Rossiya. In other words, the suggestion is that the entirety of Russian political and business leadership is corrupt." - Source: PaulCraigRoberts

Russian Security Chief Comments on US 'Kremlin List'
A quote...."ALGIERS, January 31. /TASS/. Secretary of Russia’s Security Council Nikolai Patrushev has called the US "Kremlin List" another Washington’s attempt to hide domestic problems behind external threats."

Russian Fans Banned From Waving National Flag at Winter Paralympics
The Olympics:  From Noble - to - Petty - (Spiteful, tyrannical, pettiness, at the paralympics no less. It has the rancid stench of Euro-Kharzarian Bolshevik vindictiveness wafting about it - mpg) -- A quote..."The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) has banned Russian fans from waving the national tricolor at the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Paralympics following the organization's decision to keep Russia's suspension in force. - The IPC made a final decision to maintain Russia's suspension on Monday, meaning only a handful of Russian paralympians would be allowed to compete under the title "Neutral Paralympic Athletes." - Source:  RT

Ukrainian Celebrities Must be Fined For Performing in Russia – authorities
A quote...."The National Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine proposes to punish Ukrainian artists touring in Russia with fines or criminal liability."
DPR Industrial Companies Sell RUR 146 bln Worth of Products in 2017 – Ministry
A quote...."Donetsk, Jan 30 – DAN. DPR industrial enterprises sold more than RUR 146 billion worth of products last year, the Republic’s Economic Development Ministry press service told Donetsk News Agency on Tuesday."
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The ISIS Gambit - The US-NRE's Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....

What Russian withdrawal from Syria? PHOTOS of Russia bringing more war supplies to Syria via Turkish seaway
A quote...." ISTANBUL, Turkey - Supply and reinforcement for Russia’s Syria campaign continues at full speed despite Russian President Vladimir Putin announcing some months back of a limited Russian withdrawal."

Syrian Opposition [i.e. Terrorists] Made ‘Big Mistake’ When Refusing to Attend Sochi Peace Congress — expert
A quote..."BEIRUT, January 28. /TASS/. The Syrian Negotiations Committee "made a big mistake" when it refused to take part in the National Dialogue Congress in Sochi due on January 29-30, Lebanese analyst Nidal Sabi, an expert on Syrian opposition groups, told TASS."

MAP UPDATE: Syrian Army continues smashing jihadists, liberates a host of towns in Idlib
A quote...." IDLIB, Syria - The Syrian Army, led by the elite Tiger Forces, has continued its march to liberate the jihadist-held province of Idlib in Syria's northwest by capturing a host of towns in the provinces southern countryside."
SWR – Jan 29, 2018: Turkish Forces Capture Key Mountain In Afrin - SF $$ Rq [Click Here]
SFVideo - Alt/YuTb - (SFYuTb - 3min19sec -  Jan 29, 2018) - SF@YuTb - SouthFrontOrg -- A quote...."The Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) and the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (TFSA) used their advantage over Kurdish YPG/YPJ forces in the area of Afrin and captured Bursaya Mount, Qastal Jundu and Yazibagh. Additionally, the TAF and the TFSA entered the area of Kevire Kerr Mountain where an intense fighting was reported. On other fronts, the YPG/YPJ was able to repel attacks by Turkish forces."

SWR – Jan 30, 2018: SDF Sends Reinforcements To Afrin - SF $$ Rq [Click Here]
SFVideo - Alt/YuTb - (SFYuTb - 2min59sec -  Jan 30, 2018) - SF@YuTb - SouthFrontOrg -- A quote...."On January 29, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Tiger Forces fully secured the town of Abu al-Duhur in eastern Idlib after a series of clashes with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda). - Meanwhile, pro-militant sources reported that the Syrian Air Force and the Russian Aerospace Forces started conducting airstrikes in the area of Saraqib in a move described as a preparation for the upcoming SAA offensive there."

SWR – Jan 31, 2018: Turkish Military Column Is Hit By Car Bomb In SW Aleppo - SF $$ Rq [Click Here]
SFVideo - Alt/YuTb - (SFYuTb - 3min13sec -  Jan 31, 2018) - SF@YuTb - SouthFrontOrg -- A quote...."On January 30, a Turkish vehicle was destroyed and few others were damaged in a car bomb attack as a military convoy of the Turkish Armed Forces was passing the town of Atarib in the province of Aleppo. - According to initial reports from the ground 2 or 3 service members were killed in the attack. The media wing of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) even claimed that the convoy was struck by an artillery shelling or an air strike by pro-government forces."
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, North & Central Africa & Others.

747 Killed in Iraq During January
A quote...."During January, at least 747 people were killed, and another 389 were wounded. Among the dead was a U.S. servicemember killed in a non-combat incident. Also, at least six members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (P.K.K.) were killed, as was a Turkish soldier. Three more Turkish soldiers were wounded. Among the Iraqis, at least 332 civilians and 62 security personnel were killed. Another 301 civilians and 81 security members were wounded. At least 345 Islamic State members were also killed, and four more were wounded."

Syrian Army Unearths Bodies of 45 Soldiers Killed by al-Qaida Militants in Idlib
A quote...."DAMASCUS, Jan. 30 (Xinhua) -- The Syrian army dug out 45 bodies of soldiers killed by the al-Qaida-linked militants near a key air base in the northwestern province of Idlib, local media reported Tuesday. - The bodies were uncovered near the Abu al-Duhur air base by Syrian troops in cooperation with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, the pan-Arab al-Mayadeen TV reported."

Turkish Aerial Attacks Kill 49 PKK Militants in Northern Iraq
A quote...."At least 49 militants of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) have been killed when Turkish warplanes carried out a string of aerial attacks against their positions in northern Iraq."

Iran Deplores Jordan King’s Comments
A quote...."Iran’s Foreign Ministry slammed the Jordanian king’s allegations against Tehran and its regional role, saying such stance goes counter to the realities on the ground and to the people’s call for peace and security. - In a statement on Sunday, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi denounced the claims by King Abdullah II about an “Iranian crescent” and “Iran’s meddling in the region”, saying they are against the calls by the people and most countries of the Middle East for establishing lasting peace and security in the region."

US Delivers More Black Hawk Choppers to Jordan
A quote...."The United States has delivered more Black Hawk helicopters to Jordan as part of an alleged plan to bolster the country’s borders against terrorist groups in Syria."

Israel, Lebanon Clash Over Offshore Energy, Raising Tensions
Euro-Kharzarian Grand-Theft Warning - A quote...."BEIRUT/TEL AVIV (Reuters) - Israel described as “very provocative” on Wednesday a Lebanese offshore oil and gas exploration tender in disputed territory on the countries’ maritime border, and said it was a mistake for international firms to participate."

Taliban Threaten 70% of Afghanistan, BBC finds
A quote...."Taliban fighters, whom US-led forces spent billions of dollars trying to defeat, are now openly active in 70% of Afghanistan, a BBC study has found. - Months of research across the country shows that the Taliban now control or threaten much more territory than when foreign combat troops left in 2014. - The Afghan government played down the report, saying it controls most areas."

Bahrain: Repressive Sentences Against Dozens, Ayatollah Qassem Transferred to Hospital
A quote...."Bahraini regime on Wednesday went ahead with repressive court sentences against dozens of pro-democracy activists, as prominent Shia cleric, who has been for months under house arrest, was transferred to hospital. - Local sources told Al-Manar that two activists were sentenced to death on Wednesday, taking to twenty the number of activists who got death sentences in the recent months."

Southern Separatist Groups in Yemen Begin Battles Against Saudi-Backed Government
A quote...."As the Yemeni war approaches its third year anniversary, separatists in southern Yemen have launched an insurgency and have take control of areas in Aden city. Aden is the proposed capital city of an independent southern Yemeni country. This comes as the Ansarullah movement control Sana'a, the capital of Yemen, while the mostly internationally recognized Yemeni government are based out of the southern port city of Aden."

Jihadism in Africa's Sahel
A quote...."Located between the Sahara desert and the Savannah, the Sahel is a strip of land in Africa of several million square kilometers, and although they are sparsely populated, the course of events suggests that in the short term they will be the scene of a large-scale confrontation between the national armies of the states that make up this geographical region, ethnic and tribal militias, jihadist groups and common criminal networks."
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More On The Weaponization, Ethno-Engineering & Forced Migration / Refugee Invasion...

And The Deliberate Ethnic Cleansing Of White Europeans Worldwide....

Germany To Stop Taking Migrants From Italy And Greece
Now That The Damage Is Done - A quote...."The decision, announced Monday, ends Germany's participation in an EU relocation agreement launched in the wake of the 2015 migrant crisis. The agreement officially expired on September 26, 2017, and saw Germany take in over one-third of the total refugees distributed under the plan." - Check out the ZeroHedge comments, specifically the outstanding collection of links and quotes provided by (pseudonym) HenryKissinger - Hat-tip to him. - mpg

Eurozone Officially Achieves ‘Lost Decade’ – media refuses to admit it
Oh Look! - Success!! - By the Numbers - A quote...."With the recently released data that the Eurozone’s 2017 growth rate was 2.5%, the Eurozone has officially achieved a “lost decade”: its average annual growth rate from 2008 to 2017 was 0.6%. -- Wow…that’s bad. That’s even worse than “Japan Lost Score” bad. -- Japan’s two “lost decades” both actually surpassed the Eurozone’s recent performance...."
"Computing these numbers, in the Internet age, required about 10 minutes of searching and the use of 4th-grade-level math." - bold by website editor - Keep in mind this "success" occurred WITH over twenty trillion in QE from the ECB, Fed, and BOJ being doled out to the one percent....mpg

Belgium: How Low Can A Low Country Get?
A quote...."In the face of the Islamic threat, of course, there is reason to be worried about pretty much every nation in Western Europe; but given the strange hollowness of Belgian identity, Belgium is a place of special concern. It is not only the location of the headquarters of the EU; it is, to quote the headline of a March 23, 2016, article by Soeren Kern for Gatestone Institute, "Why Belgium is Ground Zero for European Jihadis." As it happens, Kern's article appeared the day after members of ISIS in Brussels committed three suicide bombings, killing 32 people (not counting three terrorists) and injuring more than 300. -- Four months before that, 137 lives were lost in terrorist attacks on the Bataclan Theater and other targets in Paris. The perpetrators were soon traced back to Molenbeek, a majority-Muslim neighborhood in Brussels."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Why is the Truth Branded as anti-Semitic?
Must Read / View Graphics - A quote...."First they came for the Historical Revisionists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Revisionist. -- Then they came for the 9/11 Truth Seekers, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a 9/11 Truth Seeker. -- Then they came for the Gentiles, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Gentile. -- Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. -- These memes will get the usual crowd of hysterical Zionist thugs agitated. Threats will be made, bans and censorship threatened and carried out, but one thing they WON'T do is use facts and logic to dispute these memes. Because they know that TRUTH is awfully hard to holocaust out of existence."

Israelis Sue New Zealanders for Allegedly Convincing Pop Singer to Cancel Show
Jewish Lawfare Red Alert!! - (Utterly Outrageous!!) - (Unless they're brought to heel immediately, and as harshly as possible, this crap is only going to get worse.  A whole set of laws for the "chosen", and another set for everyone else.  If you REALLY want to know why "Jews" keep being thrown out of country, after country, down through the ages, this is why - mpg) -- A quote...."The move is the first lawsuit filed under a 2011 Israeli law, which paves the way for legal action against anyone calling for a boycott against Israel, if that call could knowingly lead to a boycott. - An Israeli legal rights group, Shurat HaDin, has announced that it is suing the two New Zealanders for allegedly convincing pop singer Lorde to cancel her show in the Jewish state on behalf of three would-be concertgoers for about $13,000 in damages. - According to the group, two New Zealanders, one of Jewish and one of Palestinian origin, knew that their letter to Lorde could trigger a boycott, making them open to a suit under the 2011 Israeli law. The legislation paves the way for legal action against anyone calling for a boycott against Israel, including of lands it has occupied, if that call could knowingly lead to a boycott." - Source:  Sputnik

Trump’s Foreign Policy Is In Service To Israel
ZOG / Zio-Whore Alert - (US-NRE / Donald Trump) -- A quote...."Peter Jenkins, a former British ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency, expresses concerns about the decisions of France, Germany, and the UK to appease President Trump on fixing “flaws” in the Iranian nuclear agreement. It is worth a read to see that the European governments are still Washington’s toadies despite the “hate Trump” attitude that allegedly prevails among Washington’s European vassals." - Source:  VeteransNewsNow

Irish Senate Delays Vote on Anti-Settlement Bill Under Israeli Pressure
ZOG / Zio-Whores Alert - (Ireland / Irish Senators) -- A quote...."Under pressure from the Tel Aviv regime, the Irish Senate has postponed a vote on a bill that forbids the import and sale of products from Israeli settlements as well as the services originating from the occupied territories. - The bill, entitled Control of Economic Activity (Occupied Territories) Bill 2018, states that it is “an offence for a person to import or sell goods or services originating in an occupied territory or to extract resources from an occupied territory in certain circumstances; and to provide for related matters.” - It also says that those who “assist another person to import or attempt to import settlement goods” would be committing a crime punishable with up to five years in prison." - Source:  PressTV

O'Palestine! Modi is Coming
ZOG / Zio-Whore Alert - (India / Modi) --Photo-Opp Sophistry - A quote...."There was no rational explanation to hype up the relationship with Israel, a country with which India has a trade volume of $4 billion (including arms purchases). But Modi went overboard, and a Palestine visit became unavoidable." - bold by website editor - Ethnic cleansing pays very well - mpg - Topix  ||  Modi's Zio-Neoliberalcon Conversion - 08-14-17 - mpg  ||

Israel’s Mossad Behind Lebanese Car-Bombing
A quote...."Israel’s Mossad and the CIA operate like global Mafia hit squads – on the phony pretext of combating terrorism and defending national security. - Targeted killings are US and Israeli specialties, indefensible cold-blooded murder, various methods employed. - Car-bombings a favorite tactic – how Israel assassinated former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri. - Compelling video and audio evidence confirmed it, Syria falsely blamed, Hezbollah later wrongfully named responsible."

The Poison Apple of the World // The Evil of Zionism
A quote...."No one denies that Israel is quite advanced in many fields, including medicine and electronics. But the critical question that we must raise in the face of these self-absorbed megalomaniacs is whether producing even the best possible drug to treat a given disease justifies or rationalizes the adoption of decidedly evil policies against fellow human beings."

Reflections on the Chabloz Case
A quote...."Mr Gideon Falter, 34, who runs the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAAS) was the chief witness for the Crown Prosecution service’s (CPS) against the British minstrel Alison Chabloz. On January 10th at Marylebone Magistrate’s Court we heard him swear the oath, to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. He then proceeded to give the court various hearsay conjectures, about what effect Ms Chabloz’ songs might be exerting, upon unspecified persons." - Source:  Occidental Review

Israeli Soldiers [Euro-Kharzarian Zio-Jihadist Militia] Shoot A Palestinian In The Face Near Ramallah
A quote...."Several Israeli [Euro-Kharzarian zio-miltia] army vehicles invaded, on Sunday at dawn, Beit Rima village, northwest of the central West Bank city of Ramallah, searched and ransacked many homes, and shot one Palestinian in the face."

Israeli settlers [Euro-Kharzarian Migrant Vandals] Uproot Olive Trees in Nablus
"Jews" HATE Olive Trees - A quote...."NABLUS (Ma'an) -- Several Israeli settlers [Euro-Kharzarian zio-jihadist migrant vandals] uprooted dozens of olive trees on Palestinian lands in the northern occupied West Bank district of Nablus on Wednesday. - Ghassan Daghlas, an official who monitors settlement activity in the northern West Bank, told Ma’an that Israeli settlers [Euro-Kharzarian migrant vandals] from the illegal Rahhalim settlement [squatter camp] uprooted dozens of olive trees belonging to Palestinians from the Nablus-area village of Yassuf." - bold/underline by website editor

Israeli [Euro-Kharzarian] Forces Order Halt on Construction of Palestinian Kindergarten
A quote...."The Israeli [Euro-Kharzarian] occupation forces late on Tuesday evening prevented the construction of a Palestinian kindergarten in the town of Ya’bad, to the west of Jenin in the northern West Bank."

Israeli [Euyro-Kharzarian Zio-Jihadist Militia] Forces Ravage Palestinian Homes in Zababda
A quote...."The Israeli [Euro-Kharzarian] occupation forces on Wednesday stormed Jenin’s eastern town of Zababda, in the northern occupied West Bank, and ransacked a Palestinian family’s home."

PPS: “Israeli Soldiers [Euro-Kharzarian Zio-Jihadist Militias] Abduct Sixteen Palestinians In The West Bank”
A quote...."The Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) has confirmed that Israeli soldiers [Euro-Kharzarian zio-jihadist militias] abducted, on Thursday at dawn, sixteen Palestinians, after invading and ransacking their homes, in several parts of the occupied West Bank."

After Three Weeks in Jail, Israel [Euro-Kharzarian Crime Syndicate] Releases Palestinian Fisherman
A quote...."The Israeli [Euro-Kharzarian] occupation authority (EKOA) on Monday evening released a Palestinian fisherman after detaining him for three weeks, with no guilt, as he was working off the northern coast of the impoverished Gaza Strip."

UN: Over 200 Companies Have Israel Settlement [Euro-Kharzarian Migrant Squatter Camp] Ties
A quote...."The United Nations human rights office said today it had identified 206 companies so far doing business linked to Israeli settlements [illegal Euro-Kharzarian migrant squatter-camps] in the occupied West Bank, where it said violations against Palestinians are “pervasive and devastating”." - Source:  MEMO
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition...

Hezbollah Vows to Defend Lebanon's 'Oil and Gas Rights'
A quote...."BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon’s Hezbollah pledged on Wednesday to confront any threats to the country’s “oil and gas rights” after Israeli comments urging firms not to bid on a Lebanese offshore energy tender."

Friend of Russia Wins Re-Election as Czech President
A quote...."It’s 51.4% Zeman vs. 48.6% Drahos. - Things seemed dire for Zeman ten days ago, but he scraped by thanks to Drahos having the charisma of a damp rag and the appearance of a low-grade bank clerk (to steal a phrase from Farage)."

A Team of Athletes From South Korea Has Headed to North Korea to Participate in Joint Training There
A quote..." the two countries attempt to use the upcoming Winter Olympics to ease tensions despite some setbacks."

Pakistan 'Pivots' to Purchase Weapons From China/Russia After Trump Halts Military Aid
A quote...."President Trump’s decision to ring the New Year by simultaneously demonizing Pakistan on Twitter has mostly backfired. - In an interview with the Financial Times, Pakistan’s defense minister Khurram Dastgir Khan said Pakistan is expanding its relationships with Russia and China, as relations with Washington deteriorate following the suspension over $2 billion in military aid to Islamabad."

China Builds Military Base in Afghanistan
A quote...."The Afghan province of Badakhshan borders China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. It used to be part of an artery between the East and West known as the ancient Silk Road. Today, that road is being revived as an element of China’s “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) initiative, which has prompted major infrastructure construction in Afghanistan and Central Asia, designed to fuel Beijing’s interest in the province." - Source:  StratCultFndtn

US Is Furious Russia Will Deliver Myanmar Su-30 Fighter Jets. GOOD!
A quote...."Myanmar is one of many countries increasingly interested in Russian weapons, and it was recently announced that it is preparing to purchase six Russian Su-30 fighters. That agreement was reached during Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu’s visit to the republic on Jan. 20-22. Russian weapons for land and naval forces were part of that agenda."

Russia Puts the World's Largest Supersonic Bomber Back Into Serial Production
A quote...."Russia has started test flying the first “new” Tupolev Tu-160 Blackjack supersonic strategic bomber. However, this first airframe will primarily be used as a flight sciences test aircraft — it is not a fully equipped mission capable strategic bomber. Moreover, this particular airframe was likely assembled from parts that were originally built during the Soviet-era. - “The 804th plane made using Soviet aircraft breakthroughs took to the skies for the first time last week and has been performing evaluation flights since then,” a Russian Defense Ministry source told the TASS news agency. “The missile-carrying aircraft will be delivered to the Aerospace Force until the end of this year.”

Russia’s Strategic Missile Force Gets 21 Ballistic Missiles in 2017
A quote...."MOSCOW, January 31. /TASS/. Russia’s Strategic Missile Force received 21 ballistic missiles last year, Chief of the Defense Ministry’s Military Representations Department Colonel Oleg Stepanov said on Wednesday."

Upgraded T-90M Tank to Enter Service Soon

A quote...."MOSCOW, January 31. /TASS/. The Russian army within months will get the first batch of the upgraded T-90M main battle tank, the research and industrial corporation Uralvagonzavod told TASS, adding that the first consignment will be enough to rearm one battalion."

Pantsir-ME – Deadly Russian CIWS Goes to Sea
A quote...."On Dec. 27, Syrian militants fired three Grad rockets at the Hmeymim air base used by the Russian military forces deployed in Syria. Two of them were intercepted by Russia’s Pantsir air-defense (AD) system, while the third, which deviated from its trajectory, landed in the outskirts of the city of Jebla. Once again, the Pantsir AD system proved to be highly efficient under real combat conditions. It can first launch missiles, and if they miss, its artillery shells will finish the job. This was not the first time that this weapon had saved the lives of Russian servicemen. The Pantsir successfully intercepted three rockets targeting Hmeymim in late March. It is a truly formidable close-in weapon system (CIWS -“sea-whiz”), which few other last-ditch systems can measure up to."

Russian Machine Builder Vows to Fulfill Deliveries of Terminator AFVs by early 2019

A quote...."MOSCOW, January 31. /TASS/. The implementation of the contract to deliver Terminator tank support armored fighting vehicles will be completed in early 2019, and the army will get the first batch in March -April 2018, the Research and Production Corporation Uralvagonzavod told TASS."

Russian Icebreakers Break US Arctic Ambition
A quote...."The US strategically and tactically loses to Russia in the Arctic, Business Insider wrote with reference to the commander of the US Coast Guard, Admiral Paul Zukunft. Russia uses "icebreaking corvettes" in the Arctic, which are essentially ice-breaking warships, the admiral said. According to him, Russia behaves in the Arctic like China does in the East and in the South China seas, as if Arctic is all Russian."

Soyuz-2.1a Rocket Carrying 11 Satellites Launched From Russia’s Vostochny Spaceport
A quote...."VOSTOCHNY SPACEPORT /Amur region/, February 1. /TASS/. Russia’s Soyuz-2.1a rocket carrying 11 satellites has been launched from the Vostochny spaceport, a TASS correspondent reported from the site. - According to sources in the Roscosmos Space Corporation, the rocket is carrying Russia’s two Kanopus B satellites, Germany’s four S-Net satellites and one D-Star One satellite, as well as four US LEMUR remote sensing satellites."

Russia Inc Goes Into Profit as the Budget Breakeven Price for Oil Falls to $53
By The Numbers - A quote...."Russia Inc is back in profit. Cost cutting and a crackdown on the wasteful spending caused by corruption has reduced the price of Urals blend oil needed for the federal budget to breakeven to $53, according to Renaissance Capital’s calculations. - Oil hit $71 a barrel on January 25 for the first time since 2014, supported by OPEC-led supply curbs, a record-breaking run of declines in US crude inventories and a weaker dollar. - That means currently the government is earning more from taxes on oil exports than it expects to spend this year...."

Russian Demographics in 2018
By The Numbers - Multiple Charts - Good Analysis - (Demos aren't the greatest, but there's been outstanding progress on other issues....mpg) -- A quote...."Russian birth rates were long expected to start decreasing due to the demographic “echo” of the small 1990s cohort – that they managed to hold at a plateau through to 2016, despite strong downwards pressure accruing from the ~3% yearly collapse in the numbers of women of childbearing age, was actually rather impressive. - But this year, it’s as if the floodgates finally opened, and then some. - This is a disappointing development if it represents a new normal."

Russian Economy Under Putin: Quality of Life Tripled, Foreign Debt Fell 75%
A quote...."Before Putin’s election, Russia had a $9,889 GDP per capita by Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). The figure had almost tripled by 2017, and has now reached $27,900. Russia has the highest GDP per capita among its fellow BRICS countries, with the next-highest, China, having just $16,624. The PPP takes into account the relative cost of living and the inflation rates of countries in order to compare living standards in different nations."

"Isn't there somebody better than Putin? Why would you vote for him again?" Margarita Simonyan answers
A quote...."Margarita Simonyan ...A BBC-nik asked me:    Among the 150 million Russians is there really no one better than Putin? How can it be understood that you would vote for him again? -- I explained it for him something like this:   To understand this, you had to live here before Putin. Just picture it, you live in a country where a civil war has going on long since, which has no end and no end in sight. Where a crisis has just struck, which has nullified all your money, again. - Where everyone understands that Chechnya will not come to an end, and there will be Dagestan, Ingushetia and even Adygeya, and then Tatarstan, until we fall apart completely in torment, hatred and blood."

Russian FM Spokesperson Holds Weekly Briefing in Moscow
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 1hr34min50sec - Jan 31, 2018) - Source:  RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."Spokesperson for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova conducts a weekly press briefing on the current foreign affairs." - Personally this website editor thinks she should delegate all the house-keeping details to others, keep her briefings under 30 minutes, with occasional crushing exposes of US perfidy, as she's already done on several issues such as the US's support of ISIS, and the White Helmets staging of various false flags. - mpg

LPR and DPR Create One Single Customs Union
A quote...." The Head of the DPR, Alexander Zakharchenko, and acting Head of the LPR, Leonid Pasechnik, have signed a Protocol on the intentions of creating a single customs union. -- In addition, the Protocol also includes an Agreement on cooperation between the state enterprise "Donetsk Railways" and the state enterprise "Lugansk Railways", according to which these enterprises will work together to link the regions, in terms of ease of transportation of goods and passengers."

South Korean Team Heads to North For Joint Training Event
A quote...."A team of athletes from South Korea has headed to North Korea to participate in joint training there, as the two countries attempt to use the upcoming Winter Olympics to ease tensions despite some setbacks."

Napoleon's Decentered And Disastrous Invasion Of Russia
A Bit Of History - A quote...."This October 19th marks the 205th anniversary of the start of Napoleon's fateful retreat from Moscow. The march lasted nearly two months and cost tens of thousands of lives, with the remnants of Napoleon's army re-crossing the Russian border on December 12th. - Much is made of the destruction of the "Grand Army of 500,000" by the cold weather and the Cossacks, but this is yet another cliche of World history that doesn't accord entirely with all the facts."

Snow Sweepers Clear 30cm Wide Track Attached to Cliff Face in China
Relax Time - (sort of) - Contains Video - (Must be one of those short-cuts - mpg) - (RTYuTb - 40sec - Jan 31, 2018) - Source:  RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica - A quote...."If you've ever complained about getting up for work early on a cold morning, watch what these Chinese workers do for a living."

The Beautiful Medieval Towns North of Moscow - Russia's Spiritual Heart (Video)
Relax Time - Contains Video - Alt/YuTb - A quote...."Kriushkino village not far from Pereslavl-Zalessky is like a fairy tale come alive: a log blockhouse with lace decorations. Inside is a Russian stove, snake-like mats, everything is made with love in the traditional Russian style.""
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire...

100 Years Ago US Troops Attacked Russia's Pacific Coast and Committed Atrocities
A quote...."Among the many captured battle standards from Sweden, Turkey and Germany that are proudly displayed, a few of the expansive oil paintings took me by surprise. - There was, for example, a picture depicting the Russian fleet at anchor off of Kodiak in Alaska during the mid-eighteenth century. Another showed the Soviet Navy’s first submarine kill by torpedo on July 31, 1919. On that day, the British destroyer HMS Vittoria was sunk by the Bolshevik submarine Pantera under the command of Alexander Bakhtin. I had known, of course, that Allied forces intervened in the Russian Civil War during 1918–22, but was not aware that the intervention had occasioned such deadly incidents."

US Missile Interceptor Test Fails in Hawaii
A quote...."US officials have confirmed that a test of the advanced SM-3 Block IIA missile defense system in Hawaii on Wednesday has failed, proving unable to intercept test intermediate-range missiles out of the air."

Visualizing The UK's Shrinking Navy
Graphic - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."The recent commissioning of HMS Queen Elizabeth, Britain's largest ever warship, certainly made waves. Much has been made of the state of the art vessel which will bring a massive leap in capability to the fleet.- However, as Statista's Niall McCarthy points out, redundancies have left the Royal Navy with only 29,280 personnel and that lack of manpower has created a serious dent in its strength and readiness."

The Battle of Khaled Al Hamedi, a Libyan Citizen, Against the Impunity of NATO
A quote...."In 2011, an Alliance bomber exterminated his family in Sorman, Libya. - Speaking at the Rimini meeting in the summer of 2017, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg repeated several times that NATO works for peace and stability, with a shamelessness equal to the impunity enjoyed by the organization and its members. - To which NATO country did the bomber that exterminated the family of Khaled Al Hamedi on June 20, 2011 in Sorman, Libya belong?" - Source:  Internationalist 360°

Qatar to Expand Largest US Airbase in MidEast to Make it Permanent, Plans to Host Navy
A quote...."Qatar plans to add 200 more housing units to the Al-Udeid Air Base, crucial to the US-led counter-terrorist campaign, so that US troops deployed there on a permanent basis can feel “at home,” Qatar’s defense minister said. - Among far-reaching plans outlined by Khalid bin Mohammad Al Attiyah, Minister of State for Defense and Deputy Minister of Qatar, the Gulf kingdom is renovating its naval ports so that the US Navy can be deployed to the country in addition to some 10,000 US servicemen stationed at Al-Udeid air base near Doha."

Liberal Democracy, With or Without Lula in Brazil, is a Fraud
A quote...."RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil - Today is the day when right-wing liberal cattle celebrate, as if Brazil had been saved, and where liberal left-hand cattle cry, as if the future of Brazil were threatened. All because of Lula, one of the most insidious political figures to arouse the greatest passions and sentimentality in the Brazilian masses."

“We Are Ready to Kill”: Threats Against the Shipibo Community of Peru’s Amazon Intensify Following Court Order Against Palm Oil Company - A quote...."Leaders from the Shipibo community of Santa Clara de Uchunya, Peru, have reported a spike in violent threats and intimidation in the weeks following a court injunction against the palm oil company responsible for appropriating and deforesting more than 7,000 hectares of their ancestral territory."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

Tech Giants Struggle To Find ‘Russian Meddling’ in Written Answers to US Senate
A quote...."Twitter, Facebook and Google had a hard time providing evidence of “Russian meddling” on social media, transcripts from the US Senate show. However, they did shockingly reveal that RT America had purchased ads aimed at Americans. - On Friday, the US Senate Intelligence Committee released answers provided by Twitter, Facebook and Google in response to questions concerning Russia’s alleged meddlesome use of social media in the devious pursuit of uprooting American democracy." - Source: RT

Facebook Will Soon Filter Out RT News, So This is How You Fix It… Probably
A quote...."Social media giant Facebook is changing its news feed, presumably to make it more about human interaction. If you get your RT news through the network, here is what you need to do to prevent the new algorithm from obscuring it."
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The US-NRE's Euro-Kharzarian Controlled Domestic Politics, New Roman Empire Style..

CrossTalk: Memo-Mania
Must Listen CTRTVideo - Great Analysis! - CT/#Memo-Mania@RT - (CTRTYuTb - 24min23sec - Jan 31, 2018) - Source:  CT@YuTb - CT@SndCld - CrossTalk@RT - RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."The ‘release the memo’ moment is upon us. Republicans are billing it as some kind of silver bullet revealing political corruption at the highest levels of the Department of Justice and FBI. Democrats and their supporters in the liberal media call it a distraction. Finally the public will decide. CrossTalking with Lee Stranahan, James Jatras, and H. A. Goodman."

Former Secret Service Agent: FISA Memo Intel Leads Directly to Barack Obama’s Desk (VIDEO)
A quote...."Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino went on with Tucker Carlson on Monday night following the House Intelligence Committee vote to release the classified FISA memo."

Report: Former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe “SET UP” Trump White House In Operation That STARTED The Fake News ‘Obstruction Of Justice” Charge -- A quote...."A new book on the media’s relationship with the Trump White House has revealed a FBI operation to specifically set up a senior member of the Trump administration in a move that eventually led to the original claims of obstruction of justice against the president. - According to the book, “Media Madness,” by Howard Kurtz, then deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe called White House chief of staff Reince Priebus shortly after the release of a fake news report in the New York Times to ask to speak to him privately, telling him that “everything” in the article was “bullsh*t” and not to be believed."

The Twisted Truth About Mueller's Corrupted Probe
A quote...."You know the old saying, “give someone enough rope and they’ll hang themselves?” Well that time has surely come for Mueller, the FBI (Fake, Biased Investigations) and the whole damn bunch of Trump hating, sore loser Clintonistas. With this week’s astounding revelations of premeditated, utterly biased and criminal behavior by top members of Mueller’s hit squad, this is more than a smoking gun."

Health Ranger: Mainstream Media Is A Part Of The Biggest Scandal In US History
A quote...."The FBI is currently masterminding the most egregious political crime of the century, according to Mike Adams, the Health Ranger.  All of the masterminds in power have now been exposed but it’s time to expose the media too. - The mainstream media is covering up the FBI, deep state, and Democrats scandal because they are a part of this.  It’s their job to use propaganda to alter public opinion and they have done it well."

Too Much Traditional Values, Too Little Russia-Bashing – MSM’s Grievances With Trump’s SOTU
A quote...."As some mainstream media rushed to genuinely fact-check US President Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address, others jumped straight to the fault-finding. - In an article hot on the heels of the address, Huffington Post’s Akbar Shahid Ahmed accused Trump of letting Russia off too easy. The president only mentioned Russia once in his speech (as he did with China), merely referring to it as a rival, not a sworn enemy hell-bent on America’s downfall."

Democraps Blow It Big Time During Trump’s SOTU
A quote...."Did you folks watch Trump’s State of the Union speech last night? - Well, the democrat party looked completely idiotic. From what could be seen in the live network coverage, they truly showed their moronic colors. Now network coverage is different than seeing it on a straight feed. You have control people behind-the-scenes  switching from one camera to another — telling camera men to get on and OFF certain people as they follow along with what the speaker is saying. So there is a degree of libtard bias going on. Even so, you could catch the dems looking stupid before they switched cameras. At one point, you could hear some sort of commotion going on, but the camera stayed tight on Trump."

The Donald's Delusional SOTU
A Warning.....  A quote...."As we said on Fox Business yesterday, Donald Trump is walking himself right into a miserable trap. He and his putative "advisors" are apparently so blind to the severe headwinds facing the financial markets and the deep structural impairments plaguing the US economy that they have eagerly embraced a veritable fairy tale. - Namely, that after one year of pugnacious and impulsive tweeting and little else, the Donald has brought the American economy roaring back to life. And we do mean little else because the Trump Administration's ballyhooed reduction in Federal regulations is almost entirely hot air (more on Thursday) and the tax bill was not signed until nearly the last day of the year. - So the fact that there has been no acceleration of growth whatsoever during the Donald's first year should not be surprising....."
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation....

FBI Releases Docs Claiming RT Founder Beat Himself To Death In His Hotel Room
The FBI is a Crime Syndicate - A quote...."The FBI just released the results of their investigation claiming that the media mogul and found of RT killed himself by repeatedly smashing his head and upper body into the ground. [i.e.... he beat himself to death - mpg] -- In November 2015, the Free Thought Project reported that Mikhail Lesin, the former head of media affairs for the Russian government, and the founder of Russia Today (RT), was found dead in the hotel room that he was staying at in Washington DC. -- Originally, authorities announced that Lesin died from a heart attack." - bold by website editor - Source:  SHTFPlanCom - Absolutely not one single individual in this country -- or any other -- believes this crap.  It's truly embarrassing.  This is in-your-face- lawlessness on the part of the FBI - mpg

Confirmed: FBI Spotted Inside Mandalay Bay Room 32-132 After Shooting
A quote...."LAS VEGAS (INTELLIHUB) — Two FBI agents were captured on film working inside of Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino room 32-132 on the night of the 1 October massacre after the gunfire subsided but what were they doing there?"

The Californian Reich: Government Intimidates Residents and Steals Their Property
A quote...."Areas like Antelope Valley are being systematically driven from their land by the state, who seeks to profit from future development projects. By deploying their heavily-armed Orwellian titled, Nuisance Abatement Teams (NATS), LA County technocrats are engaged in a form of official racketeering, attacking residents who are “off grid” using solar panels to power their homes – and forcing them to pay $100,000 to connect to the distant grid, in effect forcing them to move and sell cheap. - In effect, this amounts to state-sanctioned property theft, by a government which is acting in a criminal manner. Watch...."

Six Elements of Police Spin: An Object Lesson in Copspeak
A quote...."The linguistic gymnastics needed to report on police violence without calling up images of police violence is a thing of semantic wonder. Officers don’t shoot, they are merely “involved” in shootings; victims are not victims, but “suspects” “fleeing”; human beings become pre-mortem cadavers as bullets “enter the torso” rather than the chest of a person; guns and bullets act on their own as they “discharge” or “enter the right femur,” rather than being fired by autonomous individuals with agency and purpose. Headlines become 14-word, jargon-heavy tangles where a simple five-word description would suffice." - Source:  FAIR

Corrupt Cops Admit To Keeping BB Guns to Plant On Unarmed People They Kill
A quote...."Baltimore, MD — (ZH) Over the past year, the Baltimore Police Department has undoubtedly gained national attention in a corruption scandal involving the Gun Trace Task Force, running wild on the streets of Baltimore. - Members of this elite group were charged with “racketeering and other corruption, accused of robbing citizens, making illegal arrests and filing for thousands of dollars in overtime they never worked,” said the Baltimore Sun."

Watch As Activist Asserts Rights Against Constitutional Threats From Police – And Wins
A quote...."Is that not what most people want? Do they simply want to go on their way, free to exercise their liberties to walk where they wish, film what they wish, and not be interrupted by police officers who seem paranoid someone may be watching them do their jobs. - It’s called accountability. Police officers are accountable to the public and the citizens, and part of that accountability is not making contact with people who simply do not want to talk with them, nor harass, handcuff, and detain entirely innocent people who have committed no crime."

The Rowboat (Wages) and the Yacht (Assets)
Must Read Concept Note - Charts - Outstanding Quote of the Day -- A quote...."The cold reality is [US] wage-earners are tugging on the oars of a water-logged rowboat, trying to catch up with the sleek yacht of asset owners. The system has been rigged to reward those who own assets (capital) or who can borrow immense sums of nearly-free money (credit) to buy assets."
"Can we be bluntly unpolitically correct for a moment and observe that the rowboat is never going to catch the yacht? No wonder the nation's savings rate is near-zero; most households don't earn enough to save much, and those that do are caught up in a nightmarish Red Queen's Race in which they save $10,000 a year but the asset they hoped to buy rose by $50,000. -- In other words, trying to save enough by pulling on the oars of a rowboat for 10 years while the yacht has accelerated and is now on the dim horizon is a fool's game."

"As I keep saying: the status quo has divested the working and middle classes. The laboring classes have no stake in America's status quo except their entitlements and whatever assets they bought 20+ years ago around 1994-97. Those who weren't able to buy assets 20 years ago have been in the wallowing rowboat watching the yacht pull farther away every day." - also posted at  ZeroHedge
The Pie Is Shrinking So Much The 99% Are Beginning To Starve
A quote...."Social movements arise to solve problems of inequality, injustice, exploitation and oppression. In other words, they are solutions to society-wide problems plaguing the many but not the few (i.e. the elites at the top of the wealth-power pyramid). - The basic assumption of social movements is that Utopia is within reach, if only the sources of the problems can be identified and remedied.  Since inequality, injustice, exploitation and oppression arise from the asymmetry of power between the few (the financial and political elites) and the many, the solution is a reduction of the asymmetry; that is a tectonic realignment of the social structure that shifts some power—economic and/or political—from the few to the many." - Source:  OfTwoMinds - also posted at PeakProsperity

The Path The US Is On Is Unsustainable, Which Will INEVITABLY Lead To Social Disorder
A quote...."Since the corportate mainstream media is basically a haven for well-educated hoity-toity individuals…I’ll give you just a example…Anderson Cooper. A lot of people don’t know that he’s the son of Gloria Vanderbilt. Everybody knows the Vanderbilt money, right? They [the mainstream media] are basically these well-educated people with some family wealth, upper-middle class social circles, and the media coverage of the slow drip of financial anxiety is sparse. Why? They’re making money. They don’t care. They’re not gonna ‘upset the apple cart.’ And why should they?" - Source:  OfTwoMinds

Report: 51 Million American Adults Can’t Fill Prescriptions Due to Costs
Try:  Artificially Inflated "Costs" - A quote...."According to new data from Rasmussen, 20 percent of American adults “continue to pass on medical checkups and prescription drugs to save money”.  This works out to 51 million Americans, and does not include children who may be foregoing medical treatment."
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Today's Videos & Podcasts...

CrossTalk Bullhorns: Memo-gate [& Geopolitical Analysis] - (Extended version)
Must Listen CTRTVideo - CT/#BullhornsMemo-Gate@RT - (CTRTYuTb - 36min38sec - Jan 29, 2018) - Source:  CT@YuTb - CT@SndCld - CrossTalk@RT - RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."Release the memo! Russiagate morphs into FBI-gate. Also, are the US and Turkey on the path to confrontation in Syria? And, the great debate. Jordan Peterson is called a one-man army and has taken the Internet by storm. CrossTalking with Victor Olevich, Mark Sleboda, and Dmitry Babich."

Episode #219 – ‘The War Drums’ With Guests Adam Garrie & Vanessa Beeley
21stCWAudio - EP#219Spkr - EP#219Podomatic - Note: May contain adult language - (21stCWSprkr - 2hrs57min10sec - January 28th, 2018) - Source:  21st Century Wire - SunWire@Sprkr - SunWire@Podomatic - SunWire@SndCld - ASprkr@AltCrntRadio - AltCrntRadio - Guest Websites:  UK Colmn News - UK Colmn's/SndCld - UKColmn's/Mp4 - UKColmn@YuTb - AltCrntRadio - A quote...."Episode #219 of Sunday Wire Show resumes on Jan 28th 2017 as host Patrick Henningsen brings you a very special LIVE broadcast on the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) – covering all the top news stories worldwide.... This week the SUNDAY WIRE resumes its regular LIVE broadcasting schedule as host Patrick Henningsen covers this week’s top stories from the US, UK and internationally. Patrick will be joined in-studio with Mike Robinson editor of the UK Column to discuss this week’s top stories from the US, Europe and beyond. In the first hour we’ll be joined by special guest and Director of Eurasia Future, Adam Garrie, to talk about UK defense secretary Gavin Williamson and Britain’s increasingly ridiculous anti-Russian fetish, along with other breaking developments on the Grand Chessboard. In the second hour, we’ll connect with 21WIRE associate editor Vanessa Beeley to talk about her recent month-long trip to Syria and the latest al Qaeda/White Helmets cinematic joint venture and Oscar effort, “The Last Man in Aleppo“. Later, we’re also be joined by our roving correspondent for culture & sport, Basil Valentine to get odds on the upcoming Tory leadership coup, as well as odds on whether Trump will remain in office through 2018. Enjoy the show… Subscribe & Become a Member @21WIRE.TV"

Dr Duke & Hitchcock: 1st Page Joogle Search “Historical Europeans” all Blacks! & The Latest on the Juda-coup Against Trump! -- DDAudio - (r.c. rescinded) - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/YuTb/01-30-18 - (DDFlPlyr / Mp3 - 51min04sec - January 30th, 2018) - David Duke Sites:  DD@YuTb - DD@Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show - DD's Books - DD's Donate Request [Click Here] - YouTube Source:  Gustaf Johanson Vids -- Related Regular Guest Websites:  Patrick Slattery @ YuTb  - Patrick Slattery @ National Bugle Radio - Don Black Show - Mark Collett @ YuTb - Eric Striker @ Fascism Now - The Right Stuff Shows -- Related Websites:  Rense Radio Live - Rense@YuTb - Rense -- A quote...."Today Dr. Duke British author and talk show host Andy Hitchcock as his guest for the show. First they discussed the Jewish coup d’etat attempt against President Trump in all its manifestations, including the bogus “Russia probe” and the non-stop media campaign against him. - Then they went into the fascinating attempt by the Jewish media giant Google to genocide whites from the pages of history. Earlier this month we reported on Google image searches for “American investors” or “American scientists” displaying almost entirely black faces. But is it even worse. Typing in “historical Europeans” gives you the images pictured above. Try the same with “white women with their boyfriends,” “white couples,” or just “white people.” “White presidents” gives you a bunch of pictures of Barack Obama, plus Danny Glover and Morgan Freeman, who both played presidents in Hollywood fantasies, along with Senator Cory Booker for good measure. So what are you complaining about, whitey? You don’t even exist! You are just a figment of your sick, racist imagination! - So please keep us on the air and online - Visit our contribution page or send your contribution to:   P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470 - Thank you."

HAC: High Turnover in WN (02.01.18)
NWFVideo - (NWFYuTb - 35min24sec - Jan 31, 2017) - Related & Alternate sources - TedMidward@YuTb - AStrangerInMyOwnLand - TedMidwardInfo - Euro Folk Radio Shows - Euro Folk Radio - EFR@YuTb -- Alternate Sources:  Gustaf Johanson - PewTube - The Right Stuff Shows

Analyzing Gloria Steinem’s Career as Crypto-Feminist
Must Listen TMAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (Note:  Contains non-PC terms, & concepts) - (TMVar - 2hrs26min43sec - Jan 29, 2017) - Source:  AStrangerInMyOwnLand- TedMidward@YuTb - TedMidwardInfo - Euro Folk Radio Shows - Euro Folk Radio - EFR@YuTb -- Alternate Sources:  Gustaf Johanson - PewTube - The Right Stuff Shows - A quote...."Ted and Eli discuss Gloria Steinem’s career as a CIA agent duping women into becoming feminists and Marxists. - Gloria Steinem admitting that she worked for the CIA in the 1950’s but lying about having left the CIA.   We showed in the above discussion that the CIA helped create the magazines that she worked late into the 1970’s.   She is probably still on the CIA payroll today. -- All of this is proof that the CIA has always been an anti-American, subversive organization, controlled by the international Jews and communists."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens...

[US] Treasury Increases Auction Sizes For 3, 10 And 30 Year Notes
"Here Comes More Debt" -- A quote..."While the US Treasury had previously warned it would gradually increase TSY auction sizes, bond traders were looking to today's Refunding statement for details on when and how much this increase would be. We got the answer moments ago, when the Treasury unveiled it would increase auction sizes for 3, 10 and 30 Year maturities and will increase other maturities, FRNs over the quarter."

BOJ Unexpectedly Boosts Bond Buying Operation To Halt Rise In Yields
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."First thing this morning we reported that as part of the global bond selloff, overnight Japan's 10-year bond yield briefly rose by more than 2bps above 0.10%, the highest since July 11, with traders commenting that any sustained increase in the 10-year yield to 0.1% would test speculation that the BOJ will offer to buy unlimited amount of bonds for fixed rates."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster...

Resisting Tyranny: Struggling for Seed Sovereignty in Latin America
A quote...."The Latin America Seeds Collective last year released a 40-minute film (‘Seeds: Commons or Corporate Property?) which documents the resistance of peasant farmers to the corporate takeover of their agriculture.

The Strange World Of Vaccines, Pregnancy And Children
A quote...."Something very strange has happened since I studied health, nutrition and holistic health sciences and matriculated in prenatal and infant nutrition.  Back then, pregnant mothers were advised to take no medications, not even an aspirin!  All medications were to be carefully “vetted” by the female’s obstetrician-physician and were to be taken only when absolutely necessary!  Vaccines were nowhere near the radar screens of prenatal or neonatal health monitoring or medical services provided. Nor did we see or hear anything about the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and its “genetic lineage” except Dr. Leo Kanner’s discovery published in 1943, first reported in the medical literature as “Kanner’s syndrome”!  Where were the “genetic science and data” hiding if ASD supposedly is/was even a somewhat quasi-factual genetic proclivity [1]?"

Basic Vaccine Lies in the World of Fake News
A quote...."The combined death rate from scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles among children up to fifteen shows that nearly 90 percent of the total decline in mortality between 1860 and 1965 had occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization. In part, this recession may be attributed to improved housing and to a decrease in the virulence of micro-organisms, but by far the most important factor was a higher host-resistance due to better nutrition.” (Ivan Illich, Medical Nemesis, Bantam Books, 1977)"

Tuesday January 30th 2018

No posts - mpg

Monday January 29th 2018

No posts -- Bad flu bug - mpg

Sunday January 28th 2018

No posts - mpg

Saturday January 27th 2018

More Tales From The Anglo-Zio Empire & Its "Friends" -- Promoting Zio-Wahhabist Terrorism World Wide....

To Imagine A World Free From Fascism and Israel, Imagine a World Without the UN
Must Read - A quote...."Cowardice in the face of Zionist/corporate coercion is not confined to individual state actors; it is also found among groups of states. The crippling power of groupthink and the fear of reprisal for defying the hegemonic power can inhibit states from behaving ethically. To stand against tyranny is admittedly dangerous and difficult, so perhaps cowardice is too strong a term for those that don’t, but tyrants have only as much power as their victims are willing to give them; at some point they have to stop giving: There is no cowardice as strong as a shared cowardice, or as Edmund Burke so aptly said: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” For an assemblage of do-nothing good men, I give you the United Nations."
"The UN’s role in creating our neo-fascist world order goes virtually unremarked as the world’s propaganda organs and gossip networks fixate on the U.S.’s warmongering bombast. To condemn the UN in this manner likely seems absurd to anti-war activists and those indoctrinated with the dogma of liberal internationalism, but it is no coincidence that the 20th century, the most violent in human history, is also the first century when the world succumbed to the conceit that war could be rationalized out of existence."

"The UN did not prevent wars; it centralized and depoliticized their execution. Before the UN, states had to make the conscious decision to declare war before engaging in hostilities. War was an instrument of politics. After the UN, war was divorced from rational politics. It became an aggression sanctioned by the Security Council, like the no-fly zones over Iraq, or a self-proclaimed right to attack based on contrivances like “responsibility to protect” and “violations” of Security Council resolutions. These are the excuses invoked to lay waste whole countries like Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. Victims of great power aggression, like Palestine, on the other hand, have no hope of redress." - Source:  GregFelton
Uncle Sam Dumps the Kurds (Yet Again)
Must Read - A quote...."The drama which is unfolding in northern Syria is truly an almost ideal case to fully assess how weak and totally dysfunctional the AngloZionist Empire has really become. Let’s begin with a quick reminder. -- The US-Israeli goals in Syria were really very simple. As I have already mentioned in a past article, the initial AngloZionist plan was to overthrow Assad and replace him with the Takfiri crazies (Daesh, al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, ISIS – call them whatever you want). Doing this would achieve the following goals...."
  1. Bring down a strong secular Arab state along with its political structure, armed forces and security services.
  2. Create total chaos and horror in Syria justifying the creation of a “security zone” by Israel not only in the Golan, but further north.
  3. Trigger a civil war in Lebanon by unleashing the Takfiri crazies against Hezbollah.
  4. Let the Takfiris and Hezbollah bleed each other to death, then create a “security zone”, but this time in Lebanon.
  5. Prevent the creation of a Shia axis Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon.
  6. Breakup Syria along ethnic and religious lines.
  7. Create a Kurdistan which could then be used against Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran.
  8. Make it possible for Israel to become the uncontested power broker in the Middle-East and forces the KSA, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait and all others to have to go to Israel for any gas or oil pipeline project.
  9. Gradually isolate, threaten, subvert and eventually attack Iran with a wide regional coalition of forces.
  10. Eliminate all center of Shia power in the Middle-East.
"With the joint Russian-Iranian military intervention, this plan completely collapsed. For a while, the USA tried to break up Syria under various scenarios, but the way the Russian Aerospace forces hammered all the “good terrorists” eventually convinced the AngloZionists that this would not work." - Source:  UNZReview - also posted at RussiaInsider

US Must Choose Between Rout by Turkey / Russia, or Orderly Retreat - a Fiasco
Must Read - (Zombie PNAC Protocols?) - (Like any zombie, even though it's been shot in the head, it just goes right on killing, and killing, and killing.... mpg) - A quote...."The more I read the headlines the more I hope our nukes are no longer at Incerlik air base in Turkey.  U.S. policy in Syria has morphed into this zombie strategy of advancing the “Assad Must Go” no matter what. - No matter how many times the pro-Assad coalition shoots our goals in the head, the more our tactics shift so that we can keep coming. - It’s embarrassing, really.  When things become an unmitigated failure on the ground, we normally just ‘declare victory and leave.’  But, in the case of Syria, where the groundwork for this invasion began fifteen years ago, we simply won’t let it go." - That's because the US-NRE, and it's foreign policy, is under the complete control of the Euro-Kharzarian Crime Syndicate - mpg

America’s National Defense Is Really Offense
A quote...."On Friday, the Pentagon released an unclassified summary of the 2018 National Defense Strategy report. On the same day, Secretary of Defense James Mattis delivered prepared remarks relating to the document. - Reading the summary is illuminating, to say the least, and somewhat disturbing, as it focuses very little on actual defense of the realm and relates much more to offensive military action that might be employed to further certain debatable national interests. Occasionally, it is actually delusional, as when it refers to consolidating “gains we have made in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and elsewhere.” - At times Mattis’ supplementary “remarks” were more bombastic than reassuring, as when he warned “… those who would threaten America’s experiment in democracy: if you challenge us, it will be your longest and worst day.” He did not exactly go into what the military response to hacking a politician’s emails might be and one can only speculate, which is precisely the problem." - Source:  StratCultFndtn

US Defense Establishment Obsessed With a Rising China / Russia Colossus
A quote...."One thing can be said about the new Pentagon National Defense Strategy document just released under the name of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis. It is honest about what the target of US military policy is going forward. Washington military policy is explicitly aimed to keep China and Russia from developing any alternative counter-pole to unchallenged US military and political supremacy. - The new document lays this out in no uncertain terms. The details are notable and show the disarray that is Washington today, as its once-firm grip on world power disintegrates."

Trump Now Increases ‘Defense’ Budget 37% Above Obama’s
A quote...."The Washington Post headlined on January 26th, “Trump plans to ask for $716 billion for national defense in 2019 — a major increase”, and reported that when President Trump had entered the White House in January 2017, the ‘Defense’ budget was $521 billion, but that President Trump will propose in his upcoming State-of-the-Union speech, a 2019 ‘Defense’ budget of $716 billion, which, if it becomes law, would mean a 37% increase, above Obama’s last Pentagon budget (for 2017)."

How Did Food From The West Midlands End Up in ISIS-Controlled Territory in Syria?
A quote...."It’s below zero degrees on the vast dirt hillside above Totah but through the mist and freezing rain, I can see the Syrian general’s target, a small Isis-held village across a valley of mud. There’s a crash of artillery fire from his Shilka guns, and you wait several seconds before the shells fall behind a clump of hillside trees. The smoke billows into the cold air and it takes another few seconds before the sound of the explosions reaches back to us. Then another few seconds before Isis shoots back at the Syrians. Heavy machine gun fire that echoes and thumps up the wadis. Isis is not beaten yet. It still has food. From the UK, no less. Of which, more later."
Syrian Army Discovers Israeli-Made Arms in Deir Ezzur
Related Article - A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army troops continued cleansing operation in Deir Ezzur province and found a large volume of arms and ammunitions, including Israel-made landmines, in ISIL's positions, a field source said on Saturday. -  The source said that the army men carried out mop-up operations in the villages and towns of al-Sayal, Hasarat, al-Salehiyeh and al-Jala'a West of the town of Albu Kamal, discovering a large volume of arms and ammunition in the regions that were once under ISIL control.

Several ISIS Terrorists Captured in Western Iran
Related Article - (It appears the US-NRE is trying to spread ISIS to Iran - What's a matter, the MEK ain't getting the job done?? - mpg) -- A quote..."TEHRAN (FNA)- The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps ground forces have captured several ISIL terrorists after clashes in Western Iran, IRGC public relations declared on Saturday. - The public relations department of the IRGC Ground Force's 'Najaf Ashraf' base declared in a statement on Saturday that during the clashes with ISIL militants in Western Iran, most members of the terrorist group which consisted of 21 terrorists were arrested."
The USAF Expands MQ-9 Reaper Drone Force in Afghanistan to Its Largest Size Ever
A quote...."The U.S. Air Force says its force of MQ-9 Reapers at Kandahar Airfield in Afghanistan is now the largest deployment of the type to a single base ever. The drones are part of a larger surge in the air war over the country, which could still include yet more unmanned aircraft in the near future as other services, such as the U.S. Navy, consider their own unmanned contributions."

US Helicopter Gunship Kills 7 Iraqi Civilians
A quote...."A US military helicopter has targeted several vehicles in Iraq’s al-Anbar Province, killing seven civilians and wounding 11 others, including a local official."

Hallo Deutschland! - Turkey's New War Just In Time for Springtime Migrant Tsunami
A quote...."If you want a clear example of why intervening in a Middle Eastern country is so foolhardy, then the example of Syria must now be at the top of the list. Turkey, after invading northern Syria and conquering the city of Al-Bab in 2016-17, has now opened up another front to the west in the Kurdish region of Afrin."

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Those UN North Korea Sanctions Russia Helped Vote In? The US Is Boasting They’re Already Killing Innocents
Sanctions R'4'Eva - A quote...."Last week when I criticized the Russian move to vote along with China and the US in enacting a sweeping  UN trade blockade against North Korea I received some pushback from commentators who felt I did not have enough understanding for Moscow’s decision. - Well, since then America’s foreign minister, Rex Tillerson, has boasted that the measures are already killing North Koreans...."
“[The fishermen] are being sent in the wintertime to fish because there are food shortages. And they are being sent out to fish with inadequate fuel to get back. So we are getting a lot of evidence that these [sanctions] are really starting to hurt.”
"So food shortages in North Korea and more dead fishermen washing up on Japan’s shores are a welcome sign the US-proposed sanctions are working as intended."

Nicaragua Halts Exports to Venezuela Over US Sanctions Fear
Sanctions R'4'Eva - A quote...."MEXICO CITY (Sputnik) - Nicaragua's exports to its regional ally, Venezuela, have come to a halt this year amid fears of US retaliation, the manager general of the Nicaraguan Association of Producers and Exporters (APEN) said."

US Expands Sanctions on Russian Firms, Individuals
Sanctions R'4'Eva - (No matter WHAT you do -- or don't do -- more sanctions for you! - mpg) -- A quote...."The United States has expanded its sanctions against Russia by adding more individuals and companies to its blacklist because of what Washington calls Moscow’s continued interference in Ukraine." - Source:  PressTV
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A Daily Analysis Of The Anglo-Zio-Controlled Media...

If You Know Anyone Who Still Thinks The White Helmets Are “Heroes” – Show Them This 7m Video
White Helmets Busted:  Contains Must View VBVideo - Alt/YuTb - (VBYuTb - 7min21sec - Jan 26, 2018) - Source:  Vanessa Beeley @ YuTb - VB's The Wall Will Fall -- A quote...."Vanessa Beeley presents a condensed overview of the evidence for the White Helmets being a creation of Western governments embedded with terrorist factions inside Syria. Show this to anyone who still can’t believe our leaders would be cynical and psychopathic enough to nominate mercenaries, fakers and mass-murderers for a Nobel prize, or that our media would be craven enough to let this grotesque lie go unquestioned "

BBC Syria 'Reporting' Betrays the Most Basic Journalistic Principles
Must Read - A quote...."Lies, deceit and forgeries have always been part of war, truth being ‘the first casualty.’ But in the past two decades the falsifications of war have reached unparalleled heights, thanks to technology. The lies told by the American, British, Australian and allied governments ahead and during the attack on Iraq in 2003 reached heights which one would have thought could not be surpassed."

Russophobia Fueled By the Greed of Billionaires
A quote...."The complete and unmitigated irrationality of the current epidemic of Russophobia does nothing to reduce its incredible virulence, as it continues to infect the entire political and media class. There is a zero chance that Russia will launch an attack on the UK, yet the entire corporate and state media is leading today with the “need” to spend billions against that most unlikely threat, as propounded by General Nutty McNutter."
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia & C.I.S. States

America's 'Total War' - and Russia's Predicament About How to Respond
A quote...."Amidst all the hullaballoo in U.S. media over alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential elections and ongoing threats to American democracy, the broad public may be forgiven for not noticing that the U.S.A. is day by day massively interfering in the Russian presidential campaign with a view to turning elites and the electorate against the front-runner, Vladimir Putin, and at the same time at discrediting the entire process."

World’s Foremost Humanoid Robot Crashes When Asked How To Tackle Corruption in Ukraine
A Hopeless, Impossible Task - Untying the Gordian Knot, or cleaning out the Augean Stables, would have been child's play.  No wonder the robot crashed - mpg -- A quote...."The state-of-the-art social humanoid robot known as Sophia failed to answer the question of "what should be done with corruption in Ukraine" when asked while visiting the Ukrainian house at the World Economic Forum in Davos."

Poles send Ukraine a message: Prison term for calling Bandera, Shukevich, OUN-UPA heroes, or for denying the Volyn Massacre -- A quote...."The Polish parliament adopted an amendment to the law "On the Institute of National Memory - Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Nation" by 279 votes in favor with 5 votes against and 130 abstentions."

Hungary to Raise National Minorities' Rights in Ukraine Issue at Various Levels - Hip Hip Hooray!!
FYI:  Not a "national minority" - It's the Euro-Kharzarain oligarchs and their pseudo neo-fascist minions and lackeys who are the true minority.  A little more than ten percent of the population.  Brutally oppressing the sixty-five percent of the Russian speaking so-called "minority" of the population - mpg -- A quote..."Budapest intends to consistently and at various levels raise the issue of observing the rights of national minorities in Ukraine and is ready to conduct consultations with Kiev, stated Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó, who participated in the international Arctic Frontiers conference in the Norwegian Arctic town of Tromsø."

Moscow Vows To Create International Tribunal for Crimes in the Donbass - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."An International Tribunal for crimes committed in the Donbass can and should be created. This was announced today at a press conference in Moscow by the Director General of the Agency for Strategic Communications, Vadim Samodurov."

International Criminal Court takes up 332 cases over Ukraine tortures in Donbass
A quote...."Donetsk, Jan 25 – DAN. The International Criminal Court will review 332 cases sent by DPR activists over use of tortures by Ukrainian forces in Donbass, said lawyer Elena Shishkina, member of the commission on recording Ukrainian authorities’ crimes in Donbass."

Kiev [Regime] Demands [Russia] Stop Providing Aid to Donbass Children
A quote...."Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine expressed protest in connection with Russian aid to Donbass. The data appeared on the official site of the Ministry. - ‘Russian convoy moved violating the norms of the International law and earlier coordinated rules of the sides’, it was said in the report."

Ukrainian Journalist Threatened For Publishing Poroshenko Trip to the Maldives
A quote...."The Ukrainian journalist who went public with the details of Petro Poroshenko's vacation in the Maldives, Mikhail Tkach has complained of threats to his life. This was writted by Tkach on his Facebook page on Friday."

DPR reveals secret prison in Ukraine – Morozova
A quote...."Donetsk, Jan 25 – DAN. Donetsk’s cooperation with UN helped secure the release a dozen people kept in a Ukrainian secret prison, DPR ombudswoman Darya Morozova said during a video link with Moscow and Lugansk on Thursday, arranged with the assistance of Donetsk News Agency."
DPR Registry Offices Issue Almost 900 Birth & Marriage Certificates Since Early 2018
A quote...."Employees of civil registration offices of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR)  have issued nearly 900  birth and marriage certificates since the beginning of this year, the press service of the Ministry of Justice reports."
Gawd Dang! - Hagee's Hordes and the Euro-Kharzarian Kiev regime oligarchs are going to be hopping up and down in fury over this! -- Heterosexual, Christian, Russian / Ukrainian couples getting married and starting families?!?!  That "Rapture" thing of theirs ain't EVER gonna happen! - mpg
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The ISIS Gambit - The US-NRE's Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....

Syria Resolute in Continuing Anti-Terror Fight With Help of Iran, Russia: Assad
A quote...."President Bashar al-Assad has reiterated Syria’s resolve to continue battling terrorism with the help of Iran and Russia, amid efforts for the peaceful settlement of the crisis in the Arab country."

Syria’s Experience: the Russian TOS-1A [Rocket Launcher]* Is Unique and Indispensable
War Tech - A quote...."Syrian government forces are making advances in Idlib province – the last bastion held by the anti-government terrorist groups. The Syrian army had some tough resistance to overcome, but success was at hand once Syria’s Russian-made TOS-1A Solntsepyok thermobaric heavy flamethrower systems were transported to the province and joined the fight. This formidable weapon had been used by Iraqi forces against the Islamic State militants in the battle of Mosul. It proved very effective supporting the infantry during the operation launched by Syrian government forces to free the city of Palmyra from Islamic State terrorists in 2017. TOS-1A systems also guard the Russian military base at Hmeimim, Syria. It is a very effective tool when conducting anti-ambush missions, which makes it a perfect weapon to use against terrorists." -- *TOS-1A:  Heavy short-range MLRS to launch rockets equipped with incendiary and thermobaric warheads. - based on a modified T-72A chassis and fitted with a rotating launch system for 24 unguided rockets. All rockets can be launched within 6 to 12 seconds. The launch vehicle is equipped with a fire control system with a ballistic computer, aiming sight and 1D14 laser range finder."
SWR – Jan 24, 2018: Fighting In Afrin, HTS Claims 350 Soldiers Killed In Idlib - SF $$ Rq [Click Here]
SFVideo - Alt/YuTb - (SFYuTb - 3min22sec -  Jan 24, 2018) - SF@YuTb - SouthFrontOrg -- A quote...."At least 260 Kurdish militiamen have been killed in the Afrin area since the start of Turkey’s Operation Olive Branch, the country’s general staff reported on January 23. The general staff revealed that 3 Turkish soldiers were killed and one injured in the clashes. Late on the same day, reports appeared that a fourth Turkish soldier had been killed."

SWR – Jan 25, 2018: Syrian Army Prepares To Clear Abu al-Duhur Pocket - SF $$ Rq [Click Here]
SFVideo - Alt/YuTb - (SFYuTb - 2min40sec -  Jan 25, 2018) - SF@YuTb - SouthFrontOrg -- A quote...."The Syrian military is deploying reinforcements to northern Hama and eastern Idlib reportedly preparing to launch a military operation to clear the militant-held pocket there. According to pro-government sources, additional units of Liwa al-Quds and the Qalamoun Shield Forces have already been deployed there."

SWR – Jan 26, 2018: Turkey Threatens To Attack Manbij - SF $$ Rq [Click Here]
SFVideo - Alt/YuTb - (SFYuTb - 3min13sec -  Jan 26, 2018) - SF@YuTb - SouthFrontOrg -- A quote...."On January 25, ISIS units attacked positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the villages of Kishmah and Ghuraybah in the province of Deir Ezzor. According to the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq, ISIS killed several army soldiers and destroyed two battle tanks with anti-tank guided missiles."

Erodogan's Anti-Kurdistan Operation.....

Turkey Bombarding US 'Partner Forces' in Syria All Along the Border, US Dares Do Nothing
A quote...."Last June a US Navy F/A-18 fighter plane shot down a Syrian Su-22 ground attack plane over central Syria. The Americans said the Syrian army jet had endangered “US partner forces” by dropping its bomb load “near SDF fighters” and their actions were therefore justified and “defensive”. - In reality the Syrian jet had been on a bombing mission against ISIS which was just a few kilometers away, but became momentarily disoriented. It is not at all clear that the Syrian plane ever even released its bomb load, or that the US-backed Kurdish fighters were ever in any danger. Nonetheless the Americans attacked the jet over its own country."

Turkish Foreign Minister Urges Immediate US Withdrawal From Syria's Manbij
A quote...."Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has stated that the United States should take concrete steps to prove the end of support for Syrian Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), rather than rhetoric

Turkey Vows to Expand Syria Offensive East to Iraq Border
A quote...."One week into the Turkish invasion of Syria’s Afrin District, the war against the Kurdish YPG looks to be expanding precipitously, with President Erdogan first announcing he’d extend the war to Manbij, and now all the way east to the Iraqi border."
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, North & Central Africa & Others.

Friendly Fire, Mass Grave; 90 Killed in Iraq
A quote...."KRG Health Minister Dr. Rekawt Hamarashid announced that Baghdad has delivered several trucks worth of medications.- At least 90 were killed or found dead, and 20 were wounded - Near Riyadh, a mass grave gave up at least 75 victims, who were shot execution style. - A Coalition strike in Baghdad killed 10 Iraqi soldiers and a local official. At least 15 others were wounded. - A bomb left at a Sinjar home killed two men. - Two bodies were found in Qara Tapa. - Four people were wounded in a Rashidiya blast.- In Mashrou al-Wahda, a sticky bomb wounded a militiaman."

20 Iraqi Police Tragically Killed by US "Friendly Fire"
Losing Count - ("Friendly Fire" incidents are probably North of forty since the US-NRE occupied Iraq.  Some of these incidents were obviously deliberate, and designed to support ISIS, especially the more recent ones. The US-NRE's military (and the twisted parasites who direct them) simply don't care.  One rag-head is the same as another to them - mpg) -- A quote...." BAGHDAD, Iraq - 20 local Iraqi police have killed by US helicopter friendly fire in mission to arrest an ISIS leader, according to Al-Sura News. - The Iraqi army was transporting the captured leader and Iraqi local police met with the convoy before being fired on by US apache helicopters."

Car Bomb Attack In Kabul: At least 63 Killed, 151 Wounded
A quote...."At least 63 people were killed and 151 others were wounded as a result of a car bomb attack in the Afghan capital of Kabul on January 27, according to media reports. - The bombing took place in the central part of Kabul where embassies and government buildings are located. The car bomb reportedly exloded near the former buidling of the Afghan Interior Ministry. - No group has claimed responsibility for the attack so far. However, most likely it’s the Taliban or ISIS."

ISIS Attacks Convoy Of Egyptian Army In Sinai Peninsula (Photos)
A quote...."On January 26, a VBIED of ISIS targeted a convoy of the Egyptian Army in the Wadi al-Arish area south of the city of Arish in the northern part of the Sinai Peninsula, according to the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq."

Army Сonducts Successful Operation Against Boko Haram In Northeastern Nigeria (Photos, Video)
A quote...."On January 27, Public Relations Director of the Nigerian Army Brigadier General Sani Kukasheka Usman announced in an official statement that several units of the Nigerian Army supported by the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) conducted a military operation against Boko Haram hideouts in the Sambisa forest and other parts of the Northeastern Borno State on January 26."
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More On The Weaponization, Ethno-Engineering & Forced Migration / Refugee Invasion...

And The Deliberate Ethnic Cleansing Of White Europeans Worldwide....

South Africa's Farm Murders: Jeanine's Story
Must View LSVideo - Alt/YuTb - (LSYuTb - 7min10sec - Jan 15, 2018) - Source:  Lauren Southern -- A quote...."Thank you so much for watching. One of the most helpful things you can do is share this video and spread the word about what is happening in South Africa - but if you want to go a step even further here are a few things to check out."

The Reality of South African Farm Murders
Must View LSVideo - (LSYuTb - 7min30sec - Jan 24, 2018) - Source:  Lauren Southern -- A quote...."Thank you so much for watching this series about South Africa....."

South Africa - Why White People?
LSVideo - (LSYuTb - 6min06sec - Jan 20, 2018) - Source:  Lauren Southern -- A quote...."Thank you so much for watching this series about South Africa....."

End of Merkel: Chancellor Refuses to Budge on Germany Borders in Crunch Coalition Talks
A quote...."Senior members of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party have stressed they will not be convinced to alter their stance on immigration after the party lost swathes of votes to the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) at the general election in September."

Sweden Hell: Armed Migrant Teens Roaming With Kalashnikovs; Military May Be Deployed
A quote...."As we reported last week, Sweden may or may not be preparing for civil conflict – as Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said that the government would do whatever it takes – including deploying the military – to end the wave of gang violence coming primarily from young migrants in the country’s “no-go” zones.""

Establishing a White Ethnostate in North America
The North To Succeed From The South? - (Sort'a amusing if you think about it.  But it may be the only practicable solution - mpg) -- A quote...."This might be a tough pill to swallow but it’s time for us to give up on the idea of saving the United States. Any solution we seek out will necessarily have to include separation and secession from the United States of America and the majority non-White hordes within it. - This being the case, we need to start by seeking out overwhelmingly White states that have good economies, are not landlocked, and have more than enough open space to facilitate large numbers of future White immigrants. Once we come to some general consensus on which states those are, we should encourage political migration to those states, a gradual takeover of their political systems, state and local implementation of pro-White policies within the current constitutional framework, and eventual secession." - bold by website editor

Let’s Get It Straight: Spanish Peeps ARE WHITE!

A quote...."Frankly, I don’t know why people are not getting it. OK, that’s a rhetorical question. I know why people are confused. International Jewry has diabolically divided us Whites up, so they can flock with our heads constantly so we don’t spot them ripping us off. Sex, relationships, politics — even a simple ass thing like this."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Israel's Effective Colonization of the US
Must Read - A quote...."This article originally appeared at Counterpunch, a leading left-leaning alternative site, in late 2016, but we just came across it and are running it as part of the ongoing debate about excessive Jewish influence of American media and politics. It is evidence of a growing willingness, at least in the alternative media, on both the left and right, to broach this critical subject. -- We normally think of colonizers as large countries, and the colonized as smaller and weaker nations. But this is not always the case. Colonization does not require occupation. -- It merely requires the subjugation of the colonized. With ambition, superior information and calculation, and the right mindset, smaller nations can (and have in the past) colonized and dominated larger and nominally more powerful countries."
"India was successfully colonized by tiny Britain in the 18th century. The vehicle for colonization was the East India Company. It was only after the Indian mutiny that Britain acted directly and sent in troops to establish the British Raj. - For the next 200 years India was drained of its wealth, its economy was restructured to support England’s needs and global ambitions, and its people militarized to fight and die on behalf of the British crown. The Indian leaders who remained were willing participants in this venture; those who felt otherwise were destroyed or marginalized."
What Happens When Jews are Placed in Charge of WW II Civilians
Must Read - A quote...."Is this those 'good Jews' we keep hearing about in the MSM? - From the excellent book, "The World Conquerors," written in 1958 by Louis Marschalko a Hungarian who escaped this madness and who World Jewry wanted to execute for being a war thought criminal. - Gosh, so many holocaust survivors to fill the ranks of these Jew butchers. - Actually, Europe did not fall under the Russians, British or Americans, but under Jewish occupation. Everything that had rightly or wrongly belonged to Europe for 2,000 years now disintegrated. The avengers continued doing (but more cruelly) the very things they had set down as crimes against Hitler. This was no occupation by the forces of American democracy or Bolshevism but by those of a victorious Jewish nationalism glowing with hatred. Ensconced in key positions among the occupying powers, they were able to punish everyone, whether innocent or guilty. In their eyes there was but one crime ~ to have opposed, or to be in a position to oppose ~ Jewish nationalism."

French Intellectuals’ Statement on Palestinian Child Detainees Published in “Le Monde”
A qutoe...."French academics and writers published a collective letter in Le Monde on 23 January, focusing on the case of Ahed Tamimi and the plight of the approximately 360 Palestinian child prisoners in Israeli prisons. The letter also highlights the case of Salah Hamouri, the French-Palestinian lawyer jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention. Public officials and municipalities across the country have adopted declarations demanding Hamouri’s release and even the French government has acceded to the popular call to demand his freedom."

Seinfeld Boosts Israel’s “Shoot To Kill” Fantasy Tours
Still Think Seinfeld Is Funny? -- A quote...."Jerry Seinfeld drew criticism earlier this month when it emerged that while in Israel to perform in Tel Aviv, the famous comedian visited an air force base and took his family to a tourist attraction in the occupied West Bank for ideological and military instruction."

Palestine: Jewish Settlers [Illegal Migrant Zio-Jihadists] Torch 100 of World’s Oldest Olive Trees
"Jews" HATE Olive Trees - A quote...."Palestinians report that Israeli settlers [illegal Euro-Kharzarain zio-jihadists migrants] have burned down agricultural land including valuable olive trees, while Israeli forces [the zio-jihadist militia] prevented the Palestinian owners from putting out the fires" - bold/underline by website editor

Israel Extends Detention of Journalist Abu Aker For 4th Time
Extend & Pretend.... That there's any form of justice in the Euro-Kharzarian's occupation of Palestine -- A quote...."Human rights sources on Friday revealed that Israeli military court of Ofer extended the administrative detention of the Palestinian prisoner journalist Nidal Abu Aker, 52, for the fourth time in a row for 6 months."

Israeli Soldiers [Euro-Kharzarian Zio-Jihadist Militias] Injure Nine Palestinians In Gaza
A quote...."Israeli soldiers [Euro-Kharzarian zio-jihadist squads] injured, Friday, nine Palestinians, after the army, stationed across the border fence, fired live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets and gas bombs, at Palestinian protesters, marching in several parts of the Gaza Strip.

Israel [The EUro-Kharzarian Crime Syndicate] Amputated Her Legs But Her Dreams Are Still Alive
A quote...."24-year-old Palestinian Jamila Al-Habbash was not aware that her life will turn upside down on January 4th, 2009 as a result of the Israeli [the Euro-Kharzarain zio-jihadist crime syndicate's] offensive on the Gaza Strip. The offensive that caused the amputation of her legs could not steal her dream of being a journalist that conveys Gaza's suffering to the world."

Israel "Jews" Will Pay Civilians $9,000 to Capture African Migrants
A quote...."Israel is "Jews" hiring civilian “immigration inspectors” to crack down on “illegal aliens and their employers,” marking a turning point in the Middle Eastern nation’s relationship with migrants and refugees."

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (18- 24 Jan 2018)
"Weekly Report -- A one week total of what the "Jews" do to the Palestinians.  Just a week's total.  This has been going on for over sixty years.  What would you do if they were doing this to your community, your family, or you?  Would you chicken out and leave, would you give up and submit, or would you fight?  Try thinking about it.  What would YOU actually do in such circumstances?? - mpg
Note:  The well-known descriptor "Jewish" substituted for the disingenuous and deliberately inaccurate term "Israeli" to reflect actual realities - mpg
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Greek Tragedy & Others -- The Criminal Acts / Destruction / of the Banksters' Trans-nationalist, N.W.O....

Economic Collapse and Dollar Hegemony – How Did This Start?
A quote...."At the end of the Second World War the United States emerged as the biggest winner in the West and Washington soon replaced London as the premier global power, with the dollar taking the place of the pound as a global reserve currency. The real negative change came when Nixon decided in 1971 to drop the dollar from the corresponding gold value that had been established at the Bretton Woods Agreement. The Fed was no longer required to have the gold price printed on its paper money. The 1973 oil crisis further fixed the value of the dollar as a result of this oil shock, bringing Saudi Arabia and the OPEC countries to sign a secret agreement with Washington. This agreement provided that in exchange for Washington’s political and military protection, the OPEC countries would be required to sell oil only in dollars. The petrodollar was thus born, being a replacement for the gold-linked standard that existed prior to Nixon."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition...

Chinese Naval Aviation: Developing a Viable Carrier Borne Strike Capability

A quote...."China began developing carrier borne strike aircraft as soon as the decision was made to invest in turning the Varyag into a functioning aircraft carrier. The J-15 Flying Shark was the product of this effort. Although hamstrung by the Short Take Off But Arrested Landing (STOBAR) system utilized by China’s first two carriers, the J-15 aircraft boasts great potential in future Catapult Assisted Take-off But Arrested Landing (CATOBAR) operations, which China is presently working toward. The CATOBAR system of operation will not only help the PLAN realize the full potential of its first naval strike aircraft, but will also allow it to develop and make use of a wide range of defensive and offensive fixed wing naval aviation assets. In order to appreciate the potential of the PLAN’s young, yet developing aircraft carrier force, a study of its modern naval aviation arm is essential to understanding where this fledgling force is heading."

China, Japan Hope For Improved Ties
A quote...."The foreign ministers of China and Japan have met in the Chinese capital of Beijing, hoping to overcome historical and territorial disputes to improve ties. - During the meeting on Sunday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told his Japanese counterpart, Taro Kono, that China hoped to work with Japan to get relations back on a normal and healthy track as soon as possible, stressing that improved ties were in the interests of both countries."

Czech Election Result: EU Panics As Populist Zeman Wins - And He WELCOMES EU Referendum - Oh, oh!
A quote...."THE Czech election has been won by Milos Zeman leading to a nightmare for the EU over the President's populist policies and threats to hold a referendum on leaving the bloc. - With 99.35 percent of districts reporting, Mr Zeman won the run-off election round with 51.55 percent of the vote to 48.44 percent for his opponent Jiri Drahos. - Pro-EU academic Mr Drahos conceded defeat this afternoon before the final votes were counted. - It means Mr Zeman, aged 73, has secured a second term in charge of the nation, beating pro-EU academic Drahos. - And he did it on the back of a tough stance against immigration and courtship of closer ties with Russia and China."

Russia [Banksters'] Sanctions A ‘Dead Horse,’ Seriously Damaged [the German] Economy
A quote...."Anti-Russian sanctions have achieved nothing other than placing a significant burden on the German economy, prime ministers of two German federal states have argued, calling on fellow regional leaders to demand their lifting. - The German government should gradually lift sanctions it imposed against Russia over its alleged role in the Ukrainian crisis, Minister President of Saxony-Anhalt Reiner Haseloff told journalists in the German city of Magdeburg on Friday. He said he would raise the issue at a conference of the heads of five German states on Monday and urge them to adopt a unified position against the anti-Russian sanctions." - Source:  RT

‘We Will NOT Comply’ Russia Refuses to Impose North Korea Sanctions Set by U.S. - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov said yesterday Moscow did not recognise “one-sided American sanctions” and would only enforce those passed by the United Nations (UN) Security Council. -- Russian news agency RIA quoted Mr Morgulov as saying: “We will carry out only sanctions which are adopted by the UN Security Council."

Russian Shturmovik’s New Lease On Life
A quote...."On May 24, 2016, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced a request for proposals to implement the  modernization of nine Su-25 Grach (Raven) attack aircraft to the Su-25SM3 model at a cost not to exceed 3.3 billion rubles. The initial contract for 9 is likely to be followed by several additional contracts, as the Russian Aerospace Forces want to have at least 40 Su-25SM3 aircraft in service by 2020, out of the total fleet of 180 single-seat Su-25 and Su-25SM aircraft."

US [Banksters], Allies in Europe [Banksters], Irked by New Russia Gas Pipeline Scheme
A quote...."US authorities have voiced deep frustration over a planned Russian pipeline that would bypass Washington’s allies in Central Europe and carry gas to Germany."

Russians' Alcohol Consumption Drops 80% in 7 Years
A quote...."Alcohol consumption has been reduced by 80% over the past 5-7 years in Russia, Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova stated at a working breakfast during the Gaidar Forum today, reports RIA-Novosti."

Russia Unrivaled in Nuclear Power Plant Exports, Crushes Market
A quote...."Russia looks set to dominate the business of exporting nuclear power plants worldwide, as its share of the market has now reached 60 percent after concluding contracts with countries like India, Turkey, Egypt and Hungary for the construction of new plants and technical cooperation."

Did Russia Just Build Putin the Batmobile?
A quote...."Take a look at the picture above.  On the left is Russian President Vladimir Putin’s new ride. On the right is the Batmobile from the classic Batman: The Animated Series of the early 1990’s. - Tell me one didn’t inspire the other. - The big thing about this new car for Putin is that it is completely Russian sourced, likely down to all of the control hardware and software. It’s no secret that Putin doesn’t like U.S. technology and has banned a great deal of it from being used in Russia."

Russia Commemorates Anniversary of Lifting Siege of Leningrad
A quote...."No more than 800,000 residents were remaining in the city by the end of the blockade out of the 3 million that had lived in Leningrad and its suburbs."

Russian Beauty Sings [Another] Patriotic Favorite - Audience Loves It and Sings Along (Video)
Relax Time - Russian Eye Candy - Contains Video - Alt/YuTb - (YuTb - 3min11sec - May 11, 2010) - Source:  DK -- A quote...."Good wholesome patriotic music is all the rage in Russia. -- We don't know who the singer is, maybe someone in the comments can tell us."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

Six Reasons Why the NSA is Useless and Must Be Dismantled
A quote...."The National Security Agency has now become a threat to everyone. It does not matter who is in the White House or what party is in power in congress. The NSA has become a law unto itself or become weaponized for political reasons. It has out served its usefulness keeping America safe from threats within the United State and from abroad. The Former NSA director Michael Hayden admitted the agency no longer listens to dangerous people, but interesting people. Who are interesting people are he talking about? Could it be celebrity nude pictures and their text messages? Could the NSA be used by multinational corporations going after their competition? If true is a clear abuse of power."

Ex-FBI Agent: NSA Unlikely to Be Punished for Illegal Data Destruction
A quote...."WASHINGTON – National Security Agency officials are unlikely to face any punishment or censure for defying a court order and destroying data they had broken the law to collect in the first place, former FBI special agent and whistleblower Colleen Rowley told Sputnik. - The NSA was under court order to hold on to information that was linked to warrantless wiretapping during the George W. Bush administration, but instead the agency got rid of data it had been specifically asked to retain, according to US media reports." - Source:  Sputnik

Left-Wing Traitors in the DoD Now Blocking Entire Websites From Being Viewed by Members of the Military
A quote...."(Natural News) When the government has enough power to determine which citizens are allowed to access certain content on the Internet and which citizens are not, we are no longer living in a free society; we are living under an emerging totalitarian state, quite similar to the old Soviet Union."

‘US Hacks & Meddling Quite Unlike China & Russia’s Hacks and Meddling’ – ex-Pentagon chief
OMG! - A True Statement! -- (The US-NRE's hacks are a thousand times more egregious, invasive, and meddling  than those of any other country!!  - Besides Israel of course - mpg) -- A quote...."One could almost see the proverbial pots and kettles on Friday, when ex-Pentagon chief Ashton Carter informed us that America’s cyber operations and election meddling are entirely dissimilar to the activities of China and Russia." - Source:  RT

Social Media Giants Crack Down on RT Under Senate Pressure
The Three Stooges - A quote...."Facebook, Google and Twitter are taking action against RT in response to pressure from the Senate Intelligence Committee, but have found very little to indicate ‘Russian meddling’ in the 2016 elections, new documents show." - bold by website editor
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The US-NRE's Euro-Kharzarian Controlled Domestic Politics, New Roman Empire Style..

In a Trump Hunt, Beware the Perjury Trap
Must Read - A quote...."Asked if he would agree to be interviewed by Robert Mueller’s team, President Donald Trump told the White House press corps, “I would love to do it … as soon as possible. … under oath, absolutely.” - On hearing this, the special counsel’s office must have looked like the Eagles’ locker room after the 38-7 rout of the Vikings put them in the Super Bowl. - If the president’s legal team lets Trump sit for hours answering Mueller’s agents, they should be disbarred for malpractice. - For what Mueller is running here is not, as Trump suggests, a “witch hunt.” It is a Trump hunt. - After 18 months investigating Trumpian “collusion” with Putin’s Russia in hacking the DNC’s and John Podesta’s emails, the FBI has hit a stone wall. Failing to get Trump for collusion, the fallback position is to charge him with obstruction of justice. As a good prosecutor can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich, the tactic is understandable. - Mueller’s problem: He has no perjury charge to go with it. And the heart of his obstruction case, Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey, is starting to look like something Trump should have done sooner. - Consider what is now known of how Comey and the FBI set about ensuring Hillary Clinton would not be indicted for using a private email server to transmit national security secrets." - Source:  UNZReview - Author:  PatrickJBuchanan

What Color Is Your Wrecking Ball?
Must Read - A quote...."There is at present a great deal of dissatisfaction with the performance of the embattled US President. - To start with, he had the wrong supporters: too few radical feminists; too many white heterosexual males whose toxic masculinity is a major problem according to the radical feminists. - Then, of course, he only got elected thanks to the nefarious meddling by the world’s largest organized crime syndicate called Russia, led by none other than the dread pirate Putin. (The Russians are so utterly clever that not a single shred of conclusive evidence of their meddling could be unearthed in spite of a year of steadfast effort by a fantastically competent special investigator)." - Source:  ClubOrlov

CrossTalk: #ReleaseTheMemo
Must Listen CTRTVideo - CT/#ReleaseTheMemo@RT - (CTRTYuTb - 24min27sec - Jan 26, 2018) - Source:  CT@YuTb - CT@SndCld - CrossTalk@RT - RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."We are told a secret society existed within the FBI with the sole intent to undermine candidate and then President Donald Trump. Also we are told the FBI “lost” text messages from members of this secret society. With Russiagate rapidly losing steam, do we now have FBI-gate? - CrossTalking with Daniel Faraci, Kevin Shipp, and Daniel McAdams."

Is FBI Lying About 'Russiagate'?
RPLRVideo - (RPLRYuTb - 17min48sec - Jan 23, 2018) - Source:  Ron Paul Liberty Report @ YuTb - Ron Paul Inst - Support The Ron Paul Inst - A quote...."With news that the FBI "lost" months of text messages between Russiagate investigators that may have proven embarrassing -- or worse -- to the Bureau, even Washington is starting to ask what is really going on with accusations of Russian meddling. Was the whole thing cooked-up by the "never Trump" deep state?"

Clinton, Podesta And Others In Senate Crosshairs Over Dossier; Given Two Weeks To Respond
A quote...."GOP Congressional investigators have written six letters to individuals or entities involved or thought to be involved in the funding, creation or distribution of the salacious and unverified "Trump-Russia dossier" believed to have been inappropriately used by the FBI, DOJ and Obama Administration in an effort to undermine Donald Trump as both a candidate and President of the United States." - Check out the ZeroHedge comments....

As Walls Close in on FBI, the Bureau Lashes Out at its Antagonists
A quote...."What happens when federal agencies accused of possible wrongdoing — also control the alleged evidence against them? What happens when they’re the ones in charge of who inside their agencies — or connected to them — ultimately gets investigated and possibly charged? - Those questions are moving to the forefront as the facts play out in the investigations into our intelligence agencies’ surveillance activities. - There are two overarching issues. - First, there’s the alleged improper use of politically-funded opposition research to justify secret warrants to spy on U.S. citizens for political purposes." - Source:  TheHill

The Russiagate Hoax Is About to Implode, But the Neocon/Trotskyist Cult’s New Cold War Is Here to Stay
A quote...."Back in November, I described Russiagate as A Convention of Village Idiots Holding a Never-Ending Hunt for a Non-Existent Needle in an Ever-Expanding Haystack. Well, it looks like the Convention might be nearing its end, not because the VI’s have actually found the needle they were looking for – you can’t find a non-existent needle, you see – but for another reason entirely. It’s because the haystack itself was entirely the creation of the US Intelligence Agencies, the Obama Administration, the DNC, Hillary Clinton, and the Global Pravda Network (aka the mainstream media). As I said at the end of that piece...."
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation....

Gloria Steinem:  How the CIA Used Feminism to Destabilize Society....
Under Direction of the "Frankfort School" Adherents -- A quote...."In the 1960’s, the elite media invented second-wave feminism as part of the elite agenda to dismantle civilization and create a New World Order.” - Since writing these words last week, I have discovered that before she became a feminist leader, Gloria Steinem worked for the CIA spying on Marxist students in Europe and disrupting their meetings.  She became a media darling due to her CIA connections.  MS Magazine, which she edited for many years was indirectly funded by the CIA." - Source:  Henry Makow Ph.D 

Stephen Paddock Requested A Suite in Another Wing of Hotel Before Being Internally Reassigned to 32-135
A quote...."LAS VEGAS (INTELLIHB) — Based on information contained in the 81-page Force Investigation Team Report, the alleged gunman of the 1 October massacre Stephen Paddock requested a Vista Suite located on a non-specified floor in the southeast wing of Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino before he was internally reassigned, later placed, into room 32-135 against his initial request."

Bundy Trials Riddled With Government Corruption, Legal Advisor Proclaims
A quote...."(Natural News) The federal government’s handling of various ongoing legal battles involving Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and his many supporters has been nothing short of corrupt. The Bundy family attorney, Roger Roots, recently gave an eye-opening talk explaining how the government’s unscrupulous dealings throughout the saga kept key defendants from exercising their constitutional rights in court – which fortunately for many of them resulted in those cases being dismissed entirely."

Man Incarcerated for 6 Years Without a Trial Because He Demanded a Speedy Trial
A quote...."Federal authorities arrested Joseph Tigano III in 2008 and charged him with running a marijuana-growing operation. Tigano entered a plea of not guilty and insisted that his case move quickly to trial. Instead he languished in pretrial detention—jail—for nearly seven years before he finally appeared before a jury, which convicted him in 2015. In an opinion issued this week, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit dismissed Tigano's indictment "with prejudice" on the grounds that his "oppressive period of pretrial incarceration" violated his constitutional right to a speedy trial under the Sixth Amendment."

Accused of Assaulting 3 Young Girls, Man Says He's Boy Trapped in Adult's Body
Reaping The Ridiculous - A big thank you to ALL those LGTBOQPedo agenda supporting people out there.  Up is now definitely down... and this sort of detestable, psychotic way of thinking is totally THEIR fault - mpg -- A quote...."A Chicago man accused of sexually assaulting three young girls told prosecutors he considered himself a boy in a man's body, according to Cook County court documents. -- Joseph Roman, 38, is charged with predatory criminal sexual assault stemming from repeated attacks on three girls who were 6 to 8 years old at the time, according to prosecutors. Roman was a friend of the girls' families at the time of the attacks between 2015 and January of this year. -- During a hearing Wednesday, prosecutors said Roman admitted to some of the attacks and told Chicago police "he is a 9-year-old trapped in an adult's body." He was ordered held without bail."
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Today's Videos & Podcasts...

Turkey Vs. Syrian Kurds: Whose Side Are We On?
RPLRVideo - (RPLRYuTb - 17min34sec - Jan 22, 2018) - Source:  Ron Paul Liberty Report @ YuTb - Ron Paul Inst - Support The Ron Paul Inst - A quote...."It looks very much like the US is in a proxy war with its NATO ally Turkey in Syria. The US is backing the Kurds, which are being attacked by Ankara. Both sides are using the same military base in Turkey. Does anyone have any idea what the US is doing in Syria?"

Celente "The US & Israel Is Building A Consensus Of Hatred Towards Iran, A Top Trend For 2018."
RASVideo - (RASYuTb - 25min49sec - Jan 26, 2018) - Source:  TheRichieAllenShow - Related Website:  David Ike Headlines - Guest Websites:   TrendsRsrchInst - GrldCelYuTb - TJ@YuTb

The Political Cesspool Radio Show, Jan 27th, 2017 - [Hr #1] - [Hr #2] - [Hr #3]
TPCAudio - (Note:  Contains non-PC terms, epithets, & concepts - Also some necessary and unpleasant sexual content - mpg) - Alt/Mp3/Hour#1 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#2 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#3 // Alt/YuTb- FullAudioCast-01/27/17 - (TPCVar - 1hr each - Jan 27th, 2017) - Source:  The Political Cesspool - TPCPodcasts - Related WebsitesYuTb @ Gustaf Johanson - PewTube - TheRightStuffShows - Guest Websites:  Occidental Observer - Brother Nathanael - BN's/Real Jew News - BN's/AltVids - BN's/Fndtn -- A quote...."Host James Edwards talks about opportunities for advancement while looking back at some remarkable forks in the road that have come up during his career in radio. Later in the hour, Sam Bushman sets goals for the network. - Hour two features guest: Professor Andrew Fraser – Andrew Fraser studied law and history in both Canada and the United States before moving to Australia where he taught law for many years at Macquarie University. - Hour three features guest Dr. Virginia Abernethy – Virginia Deane Abernethy is Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry (Anthropology) at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. She is the author of Population Politics and The Vanishing American Dream, among other books."

WRH w/Michael Rivero, Jan 26, 2018] - [Hr #1 - [Hr #2] - [Hr #3] - RBN's Donation Rq [Click Here]
MR@RBNAudio -- (r. c. rescinded) -- Alt/Mp3/Hour#1 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#2 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#3 // FullAudioCast- 01-26-18 - (MR@RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr/each - Jan 26, 2018) - Source:  WRHSchl@RBN - Republic Brdcst Audio - RBNProgSchdl - Republic Broadcasting - YuTb Source:  RonGibson - Related Website: - WhatReallyHappened -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues - WRH Donation Request - [Click Here] - For alternative RBN donations methods.... By Mail:  Republic Broadcasting Network -- 2251 Double Creek Dr #302 -- Round Rock TX 78664 - By Phone:  800-724 2719 ext 03."

Why Mass Immigration is Racist Genocide of White People
DDAudio - (r.c. rescinded) - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/YuTb/01-26-18 - (DDFlPlyr / Mp3 - 51min04sec - January 26th, 2018) - David Duke Sites:  DD@YuTb - DD@Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show - DD's Books - DD's Donate Request [Click Here] - YouTube Source:  Gustaf Johanson Vids -- Related Regular Guest Websites:  Patrick Slattery @ YuTb  - Patrick Slattery @ National Bugle Radio - Don Black Show - Mark Collett @ YuTb - Eric Striker @ Fascism Now - The Right Stuff Shows -- Related Websites:  Rense Radio Live - Rense@YuTb - Rense -- A quote...."Today Dr. Duke had British author and activist Mark Collett as his guest for the hour. They discussed the the recent proposal from the Trump administration that would expand DACA in exchange for effectively repealing the 1965 immigration act. Dr. Slattery pointed out that Trump knows that the Democrats won’t accept this deal and it puts them in the position of exposing their real goals of importing endless numbers of Third Worlders to replace the white majority. Dr. Duke make the point that it is wrong for President Trump to go along with the notion that legalizing DACA recipients is a “moral” thing to do. - Mark Collett addressed the issue of Zio elites deceiving the public in Western countries in order to pursue policies that have turned out to spell white genocide. Dr. Duke also talked about the health benefits of fasting. -- Please share it widely. And the David Duke show has done more to make it possible for us to even say “Merry Christmas” than any other show. - So pease keep us on the air and online - Visit our contribution page or send your contribution to:   P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470 - Thank you."

Alfred Schaefer - Thought Criminal Monika Schaefer Arrested and Imprisoned in Germany
Must Listen RIRVideo - (y. c. rescinded) - (RIRYuTb - 54min24sec - Jan 27, 2018) - Source:  Red Ice Radio @ YuTb - RedIceTV - RedIceCreations - RedIceRSSFeeds - RedIceMembers - A quote...."Alfred Schaefer is a German producer whose videos are aimed at exposing the propagandistic nature of the mainstream media. His videos outline how the hostile elite that are in control of much of Western Civilization have managed to subjugate entire populations and their political leadership through psychological conditioning. Alfred Schaefer joins Henrik for a discussion about the consequences of challenging the accepted view of the Holocaust. The program begins with Alfred describing what it was like to grow up in Canada with German ancestry amid an accusatory climate of Holocaust remembrance. He describes his sister Monika’s newly found skepticism of the prevailing historical view of the Second World War and her subsequent video productions. Alfred recounts how Monika was arrested in Munich because of her videos that challenged the prevailing mainstream consensus concerning the Holocaust while attending the trial of Sylvia Stolz, a lawyer on trial for so-called Holocaust denial. Henrik and Alfred discuss with incredulity how pursuing historical inquiry can lead to criminal charges and imprisonment." - Topix  ||  The Holohoax  ||
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens...

Central Banks: From Coordination to Competition
Must Read - Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."I make the case for something to happen in 2018 that will impact us all to some degree. - That something is the decay of the synchronized central bank stimulus policies that have pumped trillions of dollars, yuan, yen and euros into the global financial markets over the past nine years. Here are two charts that depict the "tag team" coordinated approach central banks have deployed: when one CB tapers its stimulus, another ramps up its money-creation/asset-purchases stimulus -  This team effort is motivated by self-interest, of course; no one central bank can reflate the entire global economy, and yet that is the only way to reflate each nation/bloc's own economy, given the global connectedness of the modern economy. - But the threads of mutual self-interest are fraying. At this late stage in the credit cycle, the central banks must begin "tapering", i.e. diminishing and then ending their stimulus policies and eventually reducing their balance sheets by selling assets they bought in the stimulus phase (or simply stop replacing bonds they own that mature)...."

The Current US Economic Divide Is "The Founding Fathers' Worst Nightmare Come True"
A quote...."I have made the case that as goes housing starts (blue columns below), so goes jobs creation and more broadly the US economy.  And as goes interest rates (black line below) and deficit spending (on an annual % change basis of total debt (essentially as a % of GDP), red line below), so goes new housing." - Source:  EconomicaBlog

Visualizing Real Inflation - A Decade Of Grocery Prices For 30 Common Items
Graphic - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Over the span of 2000-2016, the amount of money spent on food by the average American household increased from $5,158 to $7,203, which is a 39.6% increase in spending."

The Stock Market Is Setting Records In Levitation
Charts - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."Not only is The S&P 500 at its most overbought in its history... But as Dana Lyons'  exposes below, the stock market is scoring new highs at the fastest clip in history."

"It Just Gets Worse And Worse": A Record 32% Of Used Car Trade-Ins Are Underwater
Multiple Charts - A quote...."We have frequently written about the unsustainable trends in new car sales in the United States created by the combination of lower rates, easing underwriting standards and voracious demand for new securitizations by wall street and pension funds that will do just about anything for an extra 20bps of yield. "

[US] GDP Boosted By Consumers Going All in on Borrowing and Falling Savings
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."When discussing today’s unexpectedly weak Q4 GDP print, which came in at 2.6%, far below consensus and whisper estimates in the 3%+ range, and certainly both the Atlanta and NY Fed estimates, we pointed out the silver lining: personal spending and final sales, which surged 4.6% Q/Q (vs 2.2% in Q3), although even this number had a major caveat: “as we discussed previously, much of it was the result of a surge in credit card-funded spending while the personal savings rate dropped to levels last seen during the financial crisis.”"
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster...

Millions of documents about chemical toxicity have been compiled into database, ToxicDocs, now available online
Database Announcement - A quote...."(Natural News) There is no doubt that toxic products are everywhere you look these days. For every headline about a product recall, there are countless other items that are either ignored or given a free pass, slowly poisoning us and our planet."

Prepper Medicine: 7 Natural Pain-Relieving Plants
A quote...."(Natural News) There is no such thing as being too prepared in times of emergency. Stocking up on necessities such as medications will be valuable; there will come a time when medicines will be scarce, and you won’t always have them at your disposal. Luckily, there are a myriad of medicinal herbs and plants that are just as effective, if not more so, in relieving pain than expensive prescription drugs. Best of all, they come without the adverse side effects you will get from conventional medicine, such as addictive or withdrawal effects."