Wednesday March 2nd 2011

More On The Zio-Sphere.....

US students face jail time for disrupting Israeli official's speech
A quote...."Eleven University of California students face criminal charges and possible jail terms for protesting and disrupting a speech by an Israeli official as the Orange County district attorney's office engages in what one of the students' attorneys calls "selective and discriminatory prosecution" - also posted at Uruknet

Radical Zionists Encourage the Murder of Millions of Innocent People with Nuclear Weapons just because they are Arabs or Muslims  - A quote...."Nuclear weapons are the most terrible weapons ever invented. The initial explosion is as hot as the sun, capable of instantly vaporizing an entire city. Afterward, the survivors are certain to suffer from the fall-out and die from radiation poisoning. Generations to come will experience genetic mutations, not to mention the tremendous damage done to the environment itself. Innocent people are guaranteed to be victims for many years after the blast. But none of these horrors are too much for the radically Islamophobic wing of Zionism."

Banksta's Paradise
Video - (YuTb - 4min 06sec - Feb 28, 2011) - Source:  MrFckthemall
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More On The Domestic Situation....

Have Americans Lost Their Consciences?
Must Read - A quote...."The U.S. government is now deliberating on whether to militarily intervene in Libya out of “shock” over the brutal behavior of 40-year Libyan dictator Muommar Gaddafi. Here we go again. If the U.S. government isn’t supporting dictatorships with money and armaments, it’s invading countries to oust them. -- Recall Saddam Hussein, one of the U.S. Empire’s favorite dictators during the 1980s and a reviled one during the 1990s who was ultimately ousted from power by an illegal and unconstitutional U.S. invasion and war of aggression against Iraq."

Dead Nation Walking
Must Read - A quote...."I've gone over this before, but the cover of the current Bloomberg Businessweek put it so starkly, that I decided to discuss the whole picture again. -- The cover of the magazine reads, "Would You Invest In a Company that lost $2 trillion last year, and has a net worth of a negative $44 trillion?" -- And what is this company? Why, it's USA Inc. The article is written by the well-known stock analyst, Mary Meeker. She writes about the US's finances as though the US was a corporation. -- Mary writes, "Imagine no Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corp or Coast Guard, no federal courts or prisons, no national park service, no food and drug administration, no embassies, no salaries for Congress. That's what it would take to finance the budget by 2025 and still pay interest on America's debts, without either raising revenues or reducing entitlement growth. That's certainly not a recognizable America."

The Real U.S. National Security Budget: The Figure No One Wants You to See
Must Read - By The Numbers - A quote...."What if you went to a restaurant and found it rather pricey? Still, you ordered your meal and, when done, picked up the check only to discover that it was almost twice the menu price. -- Welcome to the world of the real U.S. national security budget.  Normally, in media accounts, you hear about the Pentagon budget and the war-fighting supplementary funds passed by Congress for our conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.  That already gets you into a startling price range -- close to $700 billion for 2012 -- but that’s barely more than half of it.  If Americans were ever presented with the real bill for the total U.S. national security budget, it would actually add up to more than $1.2 trillion a year. -- Take that in for a moment.  It’s true; you won’t find that figure in your daily newspaper or on your nightly newscast, but it’s no misprint.  It may even be an underestimate." - also posted at HuffPo

Why Wars Really Happen
Must Read - A quote...."Economic and imperial motives have been offered by presidents and congress members for most of our major wars, but they have not been endlessly hyped and dramatized as have other alleged motivations. War with Japan was largely about the economic value of Asia, but fending off the evil Japanese emperor made a better poster. The Project for the New American Century, a think tank pushing for war on Iraq, made its motives clear a dozen years before it got its war — motives that included U.S. military dominance of the globe with more and larger bases in key regions of “American interest.” That goal was not repeated as often or as shrilly as “WMD,” “terrorism,” “evildoer,” or “spreading democracy.” -- The most important motivations for wars are the least talked about, and the least important or completely fraudulent motivations are the most discussed. The important motivations, the things the war masters mostly discuss in private, include electoral calculations, control of natural resources, intimidation of other countries, domination of geographic regions, financial profits for friends and campaign funders, the opening up of consumer markets, and prospects for testing new weapons."

9/11, “HOW” or “WHO” - Why not both at the same time? - mpg
Must Read - A quote...."The original report by the National Institute of Standards, describing the destruction of the World Trade Center as resulting from heat from jet fuel fires, a relatively low temperature source of short duration, weakening hundreds of tons of steel, even turning much of it molten as films show, is simply silly. -- There is more than minor evidence that the report, now rejected as outlandish by hundreds of architects and scientists, was a “whitewash” and is, in itself traced to members of the Bush administration believed complicit in a very real conspiracy. -- Under any normal circumstances, such individuals would have had to prove their innocence in a court of law.  Such processes, law, justice and such ended on 9/11." - also posted at MyCatBird'sSeat - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

The Mysterious Collapse of WTC 7: Why NIST’s Final 9/11 Report is Unscientific and False1
Special Note - A quote...."....the public discussion of the destruction of the World Trade Center did not occur in a scientific context, but in a highly charged political context. America had just been attacked, it was almost universally believed, by foreign terrorists who had flown hijacked planes into the Twin Towers, and in response the Bush administration had launched a “war on terror.” The idea that even one of the buildings had been brought down by explosives would have implied that the attacks had not been a surprise, so this idea could not be entertained by many minds in private, let alone in public." - also posted at MyCatBird'sSeat - Topix ||  9/11-WTC7  ||

Henry Kissinger Resigns From 9/11 Commission Because Of Taliban And Bin Laden Ties
From the History File - (a flash back) - Contains Videos - KisssingerResigns - Press4Truth -- A quote...."…. earlier, the Bush administration argued that Kissinger was not required to disclose his private business clients. However, the Congressional Research Service insists that he does, and Kissinger resigns rather than reveal his clients. -- Kissinger had also been pressured to reveal his client list at a meeting with a group of victims’ relatives, in particular the “Jersey Girls.” One of the “Girls,” Lorie Van Auken, had even asked Kissinger whether he had “any clients named bin Laden?” - Source9/11TruthNorCal - Topix ||  9/11-Commission  ||

Film: The War You Don’t See – John Pilger
Video - From the History File - Dec 18, 2010  - (Previously posted) - WYDC(1/7) - WYDC(2/7) - WYDC(3/7) - WYDC(4/7) - WYDC(5/7) - WYDC(6/7) - WYDC(7/7) - A quote...."Distinguished Australian journalist John Pilger offers a devastating critique of the news media’s slavish subservience to the military, starting — as all well-informed accounts must — with the original spinmeister of the military/industrial complex, Edward Bernays, the man who coined the phrase “public relations.”

Obama Mama: The Spy Who Raised Him
Special Note - A quote...."President Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, worked in Indonesia for a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) embassy cover operation that helped identify some 5000 key members of the Indonesian Communist Party — Partai Komunis Indonesia(PKI) that were targeted for assassination by Indonesian armed forces units, of which her husband and President Obama’s step-father, Lolo Soetoro, was a participant. The 5000 targets’ names appeared in what was called by the CIA “the shooting list.”

African commission asked to take case challenging CIA rendition program
A quote...."NAIROBI - A case filed before an African judicial body could open a new front in efforts by human rights groups to hold the CIA and its partners accountable for what they allege was the torture of innocent victims in secret "black site" prisons around the world."

Docs Reveal TSA Plan To Body-Scan Pedestrians, Train Passengers
A quote...."Giving Transportation Security Administration agents a peek under your clothes may soon be a practice that goes well beyond airport checkpoints. Newly uncovered documents show that as early as 2006, the Department of Homeland Security has been planning pilot programs to deploy mobile scanning units that can be set up at public events and in train stations, along with mobile x-ray vans capable of scanning pedestrians on city streets."

SPLC Adds The Intel Hub to Active Anti Government “Patriot Groups”
A quote...."The Southern Poverty Law Center recently released their “active” patriots group list for 2010 which put legitimate news outlets and groups in the same category as racist, white nationalists. -- Obviously this isn’t anything new, the SPLC has released these ridiculous reports for years and used them to demonize patriots worldwide."

Liberals as Latter-Day Neocons - The Change We Still Need
A quote..."When speaking about the Arab uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt and beyond, the language used here in the US is euphoric. Expressions like "nothing will ever be the same again" and "the existing order is being swept away" are common. But when the conversation comes home, the exuberant rhetoric is pushed aside and hard-nosed practicality becomes the order of the day. "The president had no choice," the pundits said. "He had to veto. Republicans would have pounced on him and the pro-Israel crowd would have made his life miserable." This is the accepted wisdom."

03-02-11 Broadcasting LIVE on
Must Listen MRVideo - Alt - (JustInTV - 2hrs - March 2nd, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV -- Michael Rivero discusses the US-NRE's on-going plans to take over Libya, the Raymond Davis case and what appears to be mounting evidence of his connection to the Mumbai terror strike, the Bhutto assassination and other what now appear to be US-NRE staged false-flag attacks, and many other issues. - mpg
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More on the World Wide Revolution.....

Roots of the Arab Revolts and Premature Celebrations
Must Read - A quote...."Street-based movements lack the organization and leadership to project, let alone impose a new political or social order. Their power is found in their ability to pressure existing elites and institutions, not to replace the state and economy. Hence the surprising ease with which the US, Israeli and EU backed Egyptian military were able to seize power and protect the entire rentier state and economic structure while sustaining their ties with their imperial mentors."

Major Media Promote War on Libya
Presstitute Alert - Special Note - A quote...."Major Media Promote War on Libya - by Stephen Lendman -- When imperial America wants war, peace advocates are shut out by official rhetoric and hawkish media reports supporting militarism, not diplomatic efforts to achieve peace. Those for it aren't heard. Hugo Chavez's government is one. On February 28, Venezuela's Foreign Minister, Nicolas Maduro, warned against belligerence saying."

Unverified Misreporting on Libya
Special Note - Related Article - A quote...."March 01, 2011 "Information Clearing House" -- America's media, Britain's state-controlled BBC, other Western sources, and Al Jazeera are spreading unverified or false reports on Libya's uprising." - Source:  SteveLendman

World Cheers as the CIA Plunges Libya Into Chaos
Special Note - A quote..."March 01, 2011 "Information Clearing House" --  February 23, 2011 -- How was Libya doing under the rule of Gadaffi? How bad did the people have it? Were they oppressed as we now commonly accept as fact? Let us look at the facts for a moment."

Petroleum and Empire in North Africa. NATO Invasion of Libya Underway
Special Note - A quote...."Are events unfolding in Libya, Tunisia and Egypt more about petro-terrorism or about freedom and democracy? How much oil is there in North Africa? Who is in control of that oil? What is the relationship between the West and Muamar Gaddafi? Is he really the terrorist we've all been led to believe he is? Who is the Libyan "opposition" and who are the "rebels" we read about?"

"Humanitarian Intervention" in Libya: The Revival of Imperialist Ideology
Quote of the Day...."Ironic, in the middle of a revolutionary upsurge in the Middle East, that an unholy alliance of security experts, politicos, EU personnel, ambassadors, and house babblers is once more bruiting the shop-soiled commodity of 'humanitarian intervention'. Forget the recent embarrassment over the loss of Tunisia, and Egypt, and the sweats over uprisings in Bahrain and Yemen. It's all about Libya. And having spent the last few years arming Qadhafi, selling him to international audiences as a former madman who has seen the light, the US and EU are now simulating mortal affront over the use to which Qadhafi is putting those weapons."

14 Potential Justifications For An Invasion Of Libya By The U.S. Military That Are Currently Being Floated In The Mainstream Media - A quote...."Over the past couple of days, top government officials from both the United States and the EU have been openly discussing the possibility of military intervention in Libya. In fact, it has seemed like there has been a full court press in the mainstream media to sway public opinion toward supporting a potential invasion." - also posted at BLN

Libya: [David] Cameron's plan for no-fly zone shunned by world leaders
A quote...."David Cameron was looking increasingly isolated last night over his call for the international community to impose a no-fly zone over Libya."

Report: Gadhafi, Arab League OK peace-talk plan
A quote...."BREGA, Libya — Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and the president of the Arab League agreed to a peace plan from Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez to end the crisis in the North African country, a news network said on Thursday. -- Chavez spoke to Gadhafi on Tuesday and laid out his proposal to seek a negotiated solution to the violence in Libya, Venezuela's Information Minister Andres Izarra said, without giving more details."

Israel Is Providing Mercenaries For Gadaffi(!)
(WTF!) - mpg - A quote...."Continuing on in my exposure of what exactly is happening in Libya, we find today the popular revolt against Gadaffi's regime closing in on Gadaffi's main base centered around Tripoli.  It does appear that very soon, unless there is some foreign intervention,  the revolt will remove Gadaffi from power."

US prepares to launch Libya attack
A quote...."Latest media reports suggest that the United States and its allies may be preparing the ground for a military intervention in Libya. -- The US Senate has unanimously passed a resolution calling for a no-fly zone over Libya." - bold by website editor

'US will try to assasinate Gaddafi"
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 7m22s - Mar 2, 2011) - Src:  RussiaToday  -- A quote...."To discuss the possible military intervention in Libya RT talks to Dr. Franklin Lamb who's the director of Americans for Middle East Peace." - Spot-on except for the part where Dr. Lamb engages in out-right fantasy and states "Obama is going to try to do good" in Libya. Wishful thinking like that is what has helped to cause over two million deaths in the Middle East at the hands of the US-NRE. - mpg

Chavez: U.S. distorting situation in Libya 'to justify an invasion'
A quote...."(CNN) -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez claims U.S. criticism of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi has a clear aim: military invasion. -- "Let's not get carried away by the drums of war, because the United States, I am sure that they are exaggerating and distorting things to justify an invasion," Chavez said Monday, according to Venezuelan state media."

Rebranding Egypt's revolution
A quote...."Mamoon Alabbasi warns Egyptians against attempts by outsiders to abort their revolution by sowing the seeds of religious division. “Those who have failed to suppress the Egyptian revolution now seek to derail it or rebrand it [as either Islamist or other] in order to keep the status quo of division and mistrust among the people.”

Egypt to hold another march of millions
Action Alert - A quote...."Egyptian opposition activists have called for another million-man march on Friday to pressure interim Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq to step down."

Opposition Rejects Saleh’s Unity Deal Offer, Massive Protest Starts
A quote...."Yemen's opposition coalition has rejected an offer from the president Ali Abdullah Saleh's to form a government of national unity provided that protests against him stop. -- Mohammed Saleh al-Qubati, an opposition leader, said that the president should step down instead of offering outdated "tranquilizers".

Yemen Opposition Announces ‘Deal’ on Eventual Saleh Exit
A quote...."The weeks of public protests against the dictatorship of Ali Abdullah Saleh in Yemen appeared to gain a significant boost on Sunday, when members of the political opposition announced they were officially supporting the protest movement for the first time."

Bahrain bleeds for liberty
A quote...."In Bahrain, a persecuted majority has literally been bleeding for equality and now, after days of anti-regime protests, dare dream of democracy."

Two massive demonstrations held in Bahrain
A quote...."Manama: Bahrain yesterday appeared to be an increasingly divided nation as two massive demonstrations with different purposes took place in different areas in the capital."

Egypt pm resigns after calls for purge
A quote...."Egypt's Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq resigned on Thursday and a former transport minister was picked to appoint a new government after pro-democracy activists demanded a purge of Hosni Mubarak's old guard from the cabinet."

Protests Spread To Saudi Arabia
A quote...."While the biggest threat to the Middle East region is the possibility that the population of Saudi Arabia may try to imitate what has been happening in the area, thereby bringing total chaos to the established regional geopolitical and more importantly, energy, structure, the first protests in the Saudi Arabia city of Jeddah are already in the books."

Live Blog - Libya March 3 - Mar2 - Mar1 - Feb28 - Feb27 - Feb26 - Feb25 - Feb24 - al Jazeera live blog
Protest News 3-2-11 - A DProgram Round-Up - (3 articles)
Libya no-fly zone would require bombing raids: US
Complete List Of Which Countries Sold Weapons To Libya
UK plays key role in arming Qaddafi
Britain to use military force in Libya
Foreign boots unwelcome in Libya
Libya unrest: Tripoli fights back
Libyan cities under renewed attack - contains video - AltVid
Witness: In fiery speech, Gaddafi says will not surrender
Gaddafi amasses army of African mercenaries
Arab League rejects foreign intervention in Libya - video
Chinese envoy calls for peaceful solution to crisis in Libya
Two U.S. Warships, 1200 Marines Sent to Libyan Coast
America Blows It on Bahrain - Alt
Relentless, thousands march to Bahrain's Pearl Square
Bahrain Regime, Protesters Increasingly Irreconcilable
Yemen to hold referendum on southern secession
Iraqi prime minister calls for calm as protests continue
Kuwait opposition ups pressure on premier
Report: Saudi Facebook activist planning protest shot dead
Saudi Arabia 'planning cabinet reshuffle'
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More on America's Revolution....

Wisconsin protestors chasing GOP Senator
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 12min 17sec - Mar 2, 2011) - Source:  RTAmerica -- A quote...."Wisconsin State Senator Glenn Grothman is chased and trapped by hecklers outside of the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison, Wis. on Mar. 1, 2011. Thousands of protestors had gathered as Gov. Scott Walker delivered his budget address to the state legislature, capping off two weeks of continuous protests and demonstrations against provisions which would strip public employees of their collective bargaining rights."
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More On The International Situation....

After Davis’ arrest, US operatives leaving Pakistan
The Raymond Davis File - A quote...."LAHORE: At least 30 suspected covert American operatives have suspended their activities in Pakistan and 12 have already left the country, according to sources familiar with the matter. -- In the aftermath of the shootings in Lahore on January 27 by suspected CIA operative Raymond Davis, intelligence agencies in Pakistan began scrutinising records of the Americans living in Pakistan and discovered several discrepancies, causing many suspected American operatives to maintain a low profile and others to leave the country altogether." - bold by website editor

The fallout from the Davis affair ‒ FB Ali
The Raymond Davis File - A quote...."Raymond Davis’s murder trial has begun, while the US continues to press for his repatriation, though now much more circumspectly. Whatever the outcome of these proceedings, this affair has already had a significant impact on the US-Pakistan relationship, and may yet do so also on Pakistan’s internal situation." - also posted at AlethoNews

Freedom Rider: American Murder in Pakistan
The Raymond Davis File - A quote...."The lies began at the very top, with the president’s own words.” The President of the United States went before the American people – and the world – lied about a U.S. spy held for killing two Pakistanis, and blatantly misrepresented the laws governing diplomatic immunity. U.S. corporate media knew the “diplomat” was really a spy, but misled their readers. If respect starts with the truth, then the U.S. and its corporate media have no respect for the community of nations or its own citizens." - also posted at AlethoNews

Pakistan: CIA man has no immunity
The Raymond Davis File - A quote...."Court in Lahore rules that Raymond Davis, held on charges of killing two men, should stand trial."

Afghans call on US-led troops to leave
A quote...."A day after a NATO airstrike killed nine Afghan children in Kunar province, hundreds of angry Afghan protesters rally against US-led military operations in the war-torn country."

Karzai condemns NATO airstrike that reportedly killed 9 Afghan children
Related Article - A quote...."A NATO airstrike that appears to have killed nine children as they collected firewood drew strong condemnation Wednesday from Afghan President Hamid Karzai, as well as an apology from the commander of NATO forces. The alliance confirmed that nine civilians had been killed, but did not address the assertion by the Afghan government that the dead were children."

Kurdish Peshmerga Forces won’t withdraw from Kirkuk until restoration of its stability, Minister says
A quote...."KIRKUK / Aswat al-Iraq – The Minister of Peshmerga (Kurdish forces) in north Iraq’s Kurdistan Region, has said on Wednesday that his forces would not withdraw from the northern Province of Kirkuk until the restoration of security and stability to the Province."

Tensions rise in Iraq’s Kirkuk as Kurdish leader sends in militias
A qutoe...."Tensions are high in the oil-rich city of Kirkuk as the head of Kurdish autonomous region has deployed new units of his Kurdish militias known locally as Peshmerga. --  Massoud Barzani, in comments on his decision to send in his militias, said he wanted to protect the Kurds in the city. However, he did not say from whom."

Russia tests 2nd prototype of fifth-generation fighter
A quote...."A second prototype of the Russian fifth-generation T-50 fighter successfully conducted its maiden flight on Thursday, the Sukhoi aircraft manufacturer said. -- The T-50 fighter is being developed by the Sukhoi design bureau and built at a plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, in Russia's Far East. The first prototype made its maiden flight in January 2010 and has so far conducted over 40 tests."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Israeli bulldozers demolish Khirbet Tana for 6th time
A quote...."NABLUS (Ma’an) -- A herder village east of Nablus was demolished by Israel's Civil Administration for the sixth time on Wednesday, a Palestinian official confirmed. " - also posted at AlethoNews

Israel destroys wells near Hebron: witnesses
Website editor's note:  In the five years this website editor has been blogging, this is the first time this website editor has seen an article like this being posted by the US-NRE/AIPAC-Israel Consortium's mass-media.  It's obviously some sort of mistake. No doubt it will be deleted as soon as possible. - mpg - Topix ||  Israel's Scorched Earth  ||

Report: “Israel Kidnapped 80 Children in Jerusalem Since The Beginning of 2011”
A quote...."The Research and Documentation Unit at the Jerusalem Center for Social and Economic Rights (JCSER) reported that Israeli soldiers and policemen kidnapped more than 80 Palestinian children in occupied East Jerusalem since the beginning of this year." - also posted at Uruknet

The Irish Are Running (For Gaza)
Photo Essay - A quote...."Last Sunday close to 300 people participated in the 10K sponsored run from Lisburn to Belfast City Centre for the Irish Ship to Gaza. Runners from all walks of life braved the cold Irish weather to make a clear statement to Israel the Irish people say “The illegal Siege must be lifted” and we will see Ireland at the forefront when the siege is broken by sea."

Palestinian military court sends five West Bank Hamas members to prison
A quote...."The military court in Jericho gave six-month sentences to Abdallah De'eis and Ashraf Asfour, and postponed for six months the trials of Mohamed Hussein Abu Hadid, Mohamed Barakat El-Atrash, Othman El-Qasimi and Moatassem El-Natsha; all of the men are from Al-Khalil. -- According to Hamas, the five men sentenced have committed no crime and have been sent to prison for political reasons due to their affiliation with the Islamic Resistance Movement."
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More On The Economic Situation....

China Takes Giant Step Towards Making Yuan the World's Reserve Currency
Must Read - A quote...."For years, I've been writing about the long-term decline of the Dollar, and the rise of the Chinese Yuan ... and it's potential to become the world's next reserve currency. -- As I pointed out in 2007, many countries have started moving out of the Dollar as the basis for international trade settlements, including...."

China "Attacks The Dollar" - Moves To Further Cement Renminbi Reserve Currency Status
Related Article - A quote...."Reuters provides a simple translation and summary of the announcement: "China hopes to allow all exporters and importers to settle their cross-border trades in the yuan by this year, the central bank said on Wednesday, as part of plans to grow the currency's international role. In a statement on its website, the central bank said it would respond to overseas demand for the yuan to be used as a reserve currency. It added it would also allow the yuan to flow back into China more easily." To all those who claim that China is perfectly happy with the status quo, in which it is willing to peg the Renmibni to the Dollar in perpetuity, this may come as a rather unpleasant surprise."

Ron Paul on the Federal Reserve -July 21-09
Video - From the History File - Jul 22, 2009 - (YuTb - 3min 15sec - Jul 22, 2009) - Source:  votepaulkucinich2012 -- A quote...."Since its inception in 1913, the Federal Reserve has helped to devalue our dollar by 95%. During the recent economic crisis, it has poured trillions of dollars into the economy with no oversight, made secret agreements with foreign banks and governments, and has refused to tell Congress who is getting the money or to give it the details of what deals are being made. -- HR 1207, Ron Paul's "Audit the Fed bill," and S 604, its Senate companion, will demand full transparency from the Federal Reserve for the first time in history by removing all restrictions from Government Accountability Office (GAO) audits of the Fed and mandating an audit by the end of 2010. -- Help turn up the heat on Congress and convince them to pass Ron Paul's "Audit the Fed" bill."

U.S. Owes 30% MORE To China Than Previously Thought
A quote...."The number is $268 billion higher than Treasury's estimate two weeks ago.  This revision should not be a surprise to Bail readers, as we reported the rumors last month that have now proven to be true."

Taxpayer Owned Freddie Mac Loses $19.8 Billion In 2010
A quote...."The total bailout of Fannie and Freddie is likely to cost at least $260 billion (Robert Shiller says $1 trillion - CBO says $400b) by the time the government is done using them as landfills for the banks' fraudulently created assets.  Of course, by the way that Tim Geithner does math, that amounts to a "profit" for taxpayers on the bank bailouts.  Maybe he can explain how this works when he testifies before Congress next week."

Rise in Securities Settlement Failures....
Mrkt Alert - A quote...."(KANSAS CITY, Mo.) March 1, 2011 - A large and growing number of securities transactions that fail to settle indicates a possible lapse in regulatory oversight and poses a potential liquidity risk that can lead to a future systemic crisis, according to a new report issued today by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. The report urges a tough regulatory crackdown, including substantial financial penalties for settlement fails."

As Silver Touches $34.90, US Mint Runs Out Of Bullion Blanks, Halts American Eagle Silver Coin Production
Gold & Silver Bug Alert - A quote...."The scramble for non-dilutable currencies hits a frenzy as silver just touches on a fresh 31 year high of $34.90. To commemorate this historic event, the US Mint has halted American Eagle silver coing production, in addition to its ongoing halt of American Buffalo coins."

Tuesday March 1st 2011

More On The Zio-Sphere.....

Beware, Israeli War Criminal Are Using False Identities
A quote...."In an interview with the British magazine Defense News, IDF Spokesperson Avi Benayahu revealed he had recently flown to Britain using a pseudonym so as to avoid getting arrested and investigated for war crimes. -- When asked about the fact that IDF officers are threatened with mass protests and arrest warrants even in friendly countries like Britain, Benayahu replied: “It’s true. In my last visit to London, I had to assume a false name because well-funded anti-Israel activists are exploiting universal jurisdiction powers to wage law fare against us.”

UN delegates 'walked out' during Clinton speech
A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) -- Palestine's delegation to the UN human rights council walked out Monday in protest of US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's speech in which she criticized the council for bias against Israel."

US-Israeli group makes anti-Islam films
Zio-Propaganda Alert - A quote...."The Clarion Fund is an American-Israeli institution which makes controversial movies to promote Iranophobia and Islamophobia in the United States, especially in universities."
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More On The Domestic Situation....

America's shocking secret: Pictures that show how U.S. experimented on its own disabled citizens and prison inmates - Photos - A quote...."Pictures have emerged providing the shocking proof that U.S. government doctors once experimented on disabled American citizens and prison inmates. -- Such experiments included giving hepatitis to mental patients in Connecticut, squirting a pandemic flu virus up the noses of prisoners in Maryland, and injecting cancer cells into chronically ill people at a New York hospital. -- Much of this horrific history is 40 to 80 years old, but it is the backdrop for a meeting in Washington this week by a presidential bioethics commission." - also posted at Uruknet

Aussies Ready to Roll Out Deep Penetrating Radiation Scanners at Airports
A quote...."The next generation of body scanners to be rolled out in airports will literally be able to see inside the human body, as security personnel gear up to trial machines that use deep penetrating radiation, the same kind hospitals use to examine internal organs and bones."

'Child-sex industry thriving in US'
Welcome to the New Roman Empire folks. - mpg -- A quote...."Child trafficking and exploitation in the United States have become a booming industry for the wealthy at the cost of victimizing a huge number of many teenagers and even children."

Spanish Court Gives Go-Ahead for Guantánamo Torture Investigation to Continue
A quote...."On Friday, the Spanish National Court (Audiencia Nacional) gave hope to those seeking to hold accountable the Bush administration officials and lawyers who authorized torture by agreeing to continue investigating allegations made by a Moroccan-born Spanish resident, Lahcen Ikassrien, that he was tortured at Guantánamo, where he was held from 2002 to 2005."

Regulators Reject Proposal That Would Bring Fox-Style News to Canada
A quote...."As America's middle class battles for its survival on the Wisconsin barricades -- against various Koch Oil surrogates and the corporate toadies at Fox News -- fans of enlightenment, democracy and justice can take comfort from a significant victory north of Wisconsin border. Fox News will not be moving into Canada after all! The reason: Canada regulators announced last week they would reject efforts by Canada's right wing Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, to repeal a law that forbids lying on broadcast news."

The Perfidy of Government: Evidence v. Denial
A quote...."March 01, 2011 "Information Clearing House" -- This essay is about three recent books that explain how we lost our economy, the Constitution and our civil liberties, and how peace lost out to war." - Related || Griftopia, GoglBkprcSrch  ||  Takeover, GoglBkprcSrch  ||  JFK and the Unspeakable, GoglBkPrcSrch  ||

Libya's Bankers Exposed: Goldman, JP Morgan And Citi
A quote...."Ten days ago, when we first looked at the Libyan investment authority (its sovereign wealth fund), we asked "Which US Banks Are Managing Billions For The $32 Billion Libyan Sovereign Wealth Fund?"

False Flags Unraveling - Sunday Update
CRVideo - (CRYuTb - 7min 58sec - Feb 27, 2011) - Source:  corbettreport

Collapse of The Empire – Charlie McGrath
CMGVideo - Alt - (CMGYuTb - 6min 52sec - Mar 1, 2011) - Source:  crabbydogtrix

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – March 1st, 2011
Must Listen MRVideo - Alt - (JustInTV - 2hrs - March 1st, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV -- Michael Rivero discusses the US-NRE's on-going plans to take over Libya, the on-going revolution in Wisconsin, Washington DC's penchant for pedophilia, and many other issues.
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More on the World Wide Revolution.....

The War Party’s Atrocity Porn
Must Read - War Warning - A quote....""Surely it was a coincidence that the "Cry in the Night" from Libya was echoed on the same network a few nights later by Iraq war architect, former World Bank president, and accused war criminal Paul Wolfowitz, who several days prior to Cooper's dramatic broadcast called for a NATO-enforced "no fly zone" over Libya.-- In fact, the day following that interview, an ad hoc group calling itself the Foreign Policy Initiative, which coalesced from the remnants of the Project for a New American Century, published an "open letter" to Mr. Obama demanding military intervention – beginning with a no-fly zone – in Libya.  The neo-con framework for managing the Libyan crisis would create a regional protectorate administered by NATO on behalf of the "international community." This would nullify any effort on the part of Libyans, Egyptians, Tunisians, and others to achieve true independence.-- On previous experience with media campaigns on behalf of humanitarian conquest, my incurable cynicism leads me to hear in Cooper's "Cry in the Night" a faint but unmistakable echo of the tearful, palpably earnest testimony of "Nayirah" –   the wide-eyed Kuwaiti girl who, using an assumed name to "protect her family," described what had befallen her country in the wake of the Iraqi invasion" - also posted at ProLebertate & ICH & InfoLiberation - Topix ||  9/11-Planning Guidance Dcs  ||

Libya: African mercenaries 'immune from prosecution for war crimes
Special Note - War Warning - (a repost) - A quote...."....the US insisted that the UN resolution was worded so that no one from an outside country that is not a member [i.e. either the US-NRE or its paid mercenaries] of the ICC could be prosecuted for their actions in Libya." - bold/underline by website editor - posted 02-28-11 --  It should be noted that the US-NRE is not a member of the ICC (although signed by Clinton the treaty was never ratified and it was adamantly opposed by Bush Jr). And since the US-NRE has now gone and done the exact same thing again, demanded and received an exemption from the jurisdiction of the ICC prior to its prepositioning of military forces around Lybia, just as it did prior to its illegal invasion of Iraq, this move by the US-NRE is classified as a "war warning" and is a very, very, bad sign of things to come [as in Fallujah]  for the people of Libya.  See also related article shown below....

Q&A: International Criminal Court
Related Article - A quote...."In a much-criticised decision, the UN Security Council voted on 12 July 2002 on a compromise [prior to the invasion of Iraq] that gave US troops a 12-month exemption from prosecution - renewed annually. -- But the Security Council - prompted by then UN Secretary General Kofi Annan - refused to renew the exemption in June 2004, two months after pictures of US troops abusing Iraqi prisoners shocked the world."

US UK, French forces land in Libya
A quote...."Islamabad—The United States, Britain and France have sent several hundred “defence advisors” to train and support the anti-Gadhafi forces in oil-rich Eastern Libya where “rebels armed groups” have apparently taken over." - also posted at GlobalRsrch

Free Libya Forces Spurn US Offers of Arms
They don't want to be associated with the pending destruction of their country, nor its new occupiers. - mpg -- A quote...."Public calls amongst top US officials to funnel weapons to the “Free Libya” movement that is on the verge of ousting long-time dictator Moammar Gadhafi have once again been spurned by leaders of the protest movement, who insist that they are fully capable of liberating what little of the nation means under regime control on their own."

'Last thing Libyans want is foreign intervention'
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 5min21sec- Mar 1, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."For more on what's going on in Libya RT talks to John Rees from the Stop the War Coalition."

OIC against military intervention in Libya
A quote...."The Organization of the Islamic Conference has emphasized that it was against any military intervention by US and its Western allies in Libya."

Libya: Russia, China join France in opposing military action against Gaddafi
A quote...."Russia and China have expressed misgivings about military action against the Libyan regime, and are opposing the establishment of no-fly zones over the strife-torn north African country."

Iran warns West against military option in Libya
A quote...."Iran has warned the West not to use the military option to oust Libyan strongman Moamer Gaddafi, saying such action could turn the country into a Western military base."

Venezuela's Chavez Proposes International Peace Mission for Libya
A quote...."Yesterday, Venezuela's President Hugo Chávez proposed an International Peace Commission for Libya, with the participation of all countries that desire a peaceful solution to the political conflict there."

Airstrikes in Libya did not take place - Russian military
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 2min 03sec - Mar 1, 2011) - Source:  TheRedacted -- Tsk, tsk, tsk.  A black eye for al-Jazeera, this website editor considers al-Jazeera's erroneous report to be just a simple mistake on their part....for now. - mpg -- A quote...."The reports of Libya mobilizing its air force against its own people spread quickly around the world. However, Russia's military chiefs say they have been monitoring from space -- and the pictures tell a different story. According to Al Jazeera and BBC, on February 22 Libyan government inflicted airstrikes on Benghazi -- the country's largest city -- and on the capital Tripoli. However, the Russian military, monitoring the unrest via satellite from the very beginning, says nothing of the sort was going on on the ground. At this point, the Russian military is saying that, as far as they are concerned, the attacks some media were reporting have never occurred. The same sources in Russia's military establishment say they are also monitoring the situation around Libya's oil pumping facilities."

NATO invasion of Libya ‘disgusting idea’
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 5min 6sec - Feb 28, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."RT talks about Libya crisis with Pepe Escobar, who's a roving correspondent for the Asia Times."

Libyan rebel army prepares for war
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Opposition fighters in Libya, who have withstood several large-scale attacks by government forces, are preparing to march on the capital, Tripoli. -- At locations across the eastern city of Benghazi, civilians are gathering for boot camp, learning how to move as a battalion and fire weapons, in preparation to the march."

Libyan infantry commander joins people
A quote...."The commander of the Libyan army's infantry forces has joined the revolution against Muammar Gaddafi's regime, and the international community is stepping up pressure on the North African country to stop the violence."

No to imperialist intervention in Libya
A quote...."Rebels in the Libyan city of Az Zawiyah (close to the capital) have fought back an attempt by Gaddafi’s forces to retake the city. According to eyewitness reports there were six hours of fighting during the night as the two sides struggled for control of the city. As one anti-Gaddafi activist explained, “We managed to defeat them because our spirits are high and their spirits are zero.” - also posted at Uruknet

Iraq’s Opposition Seethes As Arrests, Beatings Continue
A quote...."Though Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki seems confident to an almost ridiculous extent in the wake of last weekend’s massive protests, the protesters continue to seethe at their ill-treatment by security forces, and have all the more grievances against the regime."

Tunisia ends 20-year ban for Islamist party
A quote...."TUNIS, Tunisia – A Tunisian Islamist party banned for more than 20 years was legalized Tuesday, while the country's most prominent opposition figure quit the unity government amid renewed uncertainty about where Tunisia is headed."

Tunisia: The Unfinished Revolution, as Prime Minister Resigns, Despite Progress on Elections and the Release of Political Prisone  - A quote...."Six weeks after Tunisia’s long-serving dictator, Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali, was forced to flee the country after the popular uprising that has inspired similar movements throughout the Middle East, Mohamed Ghannouchi, who was the head of the transitional government that took over from Ben Ali, has responded to the largest protests since the dictator’s fall — a weekend of violent protests that left five people dead — by tendering his resignation."

2 killed, 4 injured in southern Yemen
A quote...."At least two people have been killed and four others injured in clashes between anti-government protesters and Yemeni security forces in Aden."

Pro-Gadhafi forces fail to retake strategic city
Gaddafi loyalists fail to retake territory in six-hour battle with rebels
Reports: Gaddafi forces make gains
US tightens military grip on Gadda
Britain considers Libya no-fly zone
Libya no-fly zone would require bombing raids: US
US repositioning forces around Libya-Pentagon
Jordanians rally for prisoners release
Yemeni pres. sacks 5 governors
Yemen's Saleh accuses US, Israel of unrest in Arab countries
Yemen president challenges Obama on Arab unrest
[Yemen's] Government bans media coverage of anti-regime protests
Bahrainis stage new rallies in Manama
Bahrain freed Shia activist warns of violence
Ten thousand rally against Armenian government
Saudi Arabia witnesses first signs of unrest as 'day of rage' planned for March 11th
Saudi academics demand reforms
Protests spread throughout Arabian Peninsula
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More on America's Revolution....

Wisconsin Governor Moves to Silence Pro-Labor Dissent
A quote...."First Governor Scott Walker announced that he was attaching to a budget-repair bill a scheme to eliminate most collective bargaining rights for state, county and municipal employees in Wisconsin. In the same measure, he proposed to restructure state government so that he would be able to consolidate decision-making authority over cuts in health programs and selling off public assets in his office."
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More On The International Situation....

Davis Arrest Throws US Undercover Campaign in Pakistan into Disarray
The Raymond Davis File - (fallout) -- A quote...."The ongoing case of Raymond Davis, the CIA contractor facing murder charges in Lahore for the execution-style slaying of two apparent agents of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency, is apparently leading to a roll-back of America’s espionage and Special Operations activities in Pakistan." - also posted at AlethoNews & Uruknet

‘US Builds Up Then Usurps Dictators’
PRSTVVideo - Alt - (PRSTVYuTb - 10min 11sec - Mar 1, 2011) - Source:  presstvmobile - A quote...."The US has a proven track record of empowering and sustaining dictators all over the world, using them for internal and regional leverage, says a professor from Irvine, CA."

US airstrike kills 9 Afghan children
A quote...."A US airstrike has killed at least nine school children and wounded several others in an area of the troubled eastern Afghanistan, locals say."

Is NATO trying to silence reports on civilian casualties in Kunar?
Contains Video - (Great video) - A quote...."KABUL, Afghanistan — A NATO airstrike in Kunar province that may have caused as many as 67 civilian casualties has led to renewed tensions between the Afghan government and the U.S. forces. The dispute has been further aggravated by what many saw as offensive remarks by military officials suggesting that Afghan parents may have harmed their own children to inflate the figures." - also posted at Uruknet

At Least Six NATO Troops Killed in Afghanistan
A quote...."At least six NATO soldiers were killed across Afghanistan today in five separate attacks, one of the deadliest incidents in recent weeks. The deaths bring the overall toll for February to 34 killed, an increase from the 32 killed in January." - Source:  AntiWar

US, Nato forces are making deals with Taliban
A quote...."KARACHI: American, Nato and Afghan forces in Afghanistan are seriously worried of the heightened activities of the Taliban. To save themselves, they are engaged in unsoldierly businesses. Now the US and Nato forces are in deals with warlords and Taliban to keep them dormant, thus indirectly funding the Taliban fighting potential."

Report: MKO behind False Report about Detention of Iran's Opposition Figures
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Reports about the detention of opposition leaders by the Iranian government are false and have been fabricated and released by the members of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) in a move to stir unrests in Iran, reliable sources said Tuesday."

Iranian Terrorist Group Courts Friends in High Places
A quote...."For years now, supporters of the Iranian opposition group the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) have lobbied in vain to have the organization taken off the U.S. State Department’s terrorism list. -- That day may now be approaching. A growing number of high-profile defense and foreign policy big-wigs—from former Central Command chief Anthony Zinni to former congressman and think-tank head Lee Hamilton—have given paid speeches either endorsing de-listing or questioning why the group remains on the list when it has not committed a known terrorist act for many years." - Topix ||  US Support of Terror - MEK-PKK-Others  ||

Obstructing and Delaying Aristide's Return
A quote...."He's lived in exile since US marines forcefully ousted him at gunpoint on February 29, 2004. Efforts to help him return followed, what he's wanted for eight years today, the anniversary of his abduction."

Israel Issues Eviction Orders to 600 Palestinian Bedouins in Jerusalem Area
A quote...."Hathem Abdel Qader, responsible for Jerusalem in the Fatah movement, warned yesterday of an Israeli plan to deport some 600 Palestinian Bedouin residents of the Wadi Abu Hindi area, located between the settlements of Maale Adumim and Keder, south-east of Jerusalem." - also posted at AlethoNews
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

US Palestinians give 'pink slip' to PA
Contains Video - A quote...."Members of a Palestinian community in the US have held protests in Washington, calling for the termination of the Palestinian Authority (PA)."

[Israeli] Army Invades al-Qarara, Uproots Farmlands
A quote...."Israeli soldiers invaded, Tuesday morning, the town of al-Qarara, east of Khan Younis in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, and uprooted farmlands."

Israeli Navy Fires At Palestinian Fishing Boats
A quote...."Israeli Navy boats opened fire, on Wednesday at dawn, at Palestinian fishing boats near the shore in Rafah, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip. Damage was reported, but no injuries." - Topix ||  Israel's Scorched Earth  ||

Worker killed by Israeli troops in Gaza
A quote...."GAZA CITY, PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES - Israeli troops shot and killed a Palestinian worker in the Gaza Strip on Monday, along the northern border of the coastal enclave, Palestinian medical sources told AFP." - Source:  AFP@AsiaOne

Settlers [homeless gang-bangers] fire-bomb Palestinian home in Nablus
A quote...."NABLUS (Ma’an) -- Settlers [homeless gang-bangers] set fire to a Palestinian home on Monday, injuring two children, and attacked Palestinian cars around Nablus, officials said. -- Settlers [homeless gang-bangers] threw Molotov cocktails at homes in Huwara village, setting fire to the home of Rabi Taha As-Sebty, said Palestinian Authority settlement affairs official Ghassan Doughlas."

Settlers [armed vandals] Attack Homes, Property In Hebron
A quote...."A group of armed fundamentalist [cult following] Israeli settlers [thugs] attacked, on Tuesday at dawn, several Palestinian neighborhoods in the southern West Bank city of Hebron."

Another Palestinian Child Run Over in Hebron
A quote...."An Israeli settler [criminal] hit a Palestinian boy with his car in Hebron, on Monday evening, Ma’an News Agency reported. -- Residents of the Old City of Hebron witnessed having seen a settler [criminal driver] injuring a child with his car and driving away from the street outside the Ibrahimi Mosque, in the Israeli controlled area of the city." - Source:  IMEMC
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More On The Economic Situation....

Keiser Report: Middle Class Misery (E 125)
Must View MKVideo - Alt - (MKRTYuTb - 26min 40sec - March 1, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  Max Keiser TV -- A quote...."(RussiaToday) – This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, talk about a Chinese gold standard and about sobering facts about the U.S. middle class. In the second half of the show, Max talks to John Butler of Amphora Capital about gold bugs, the duration paradox and holding dollars."

59.9 Percent? Americans Are Racking Up Huge Credit Card Balances Once Again and Some of the Interest Rates Are Absolutely Outrageous! - A quote...."The sad thing is that the mainstream media is pointing to increased credit card spending as a sign that the U.S. economy is getting back to normal. -- But gigantic mountains of debt is what got us into all of this trouble in the first place. -- Average household debt in the United States has now reached a level of 136% of average household income. -- In China that figure is only 17%. -- Obviously, we have a massive, massive problem with debt in this country. -- Cranking the debt spiral back up is not going to cause the economy to recover."

Total US Debt Hits $14.195 Trillion, $99 Billion Away From Debt Ceiling; Treasury Revises Breach Date To As Soon As April 15 - A quote...."Now that all auctions from last week have settled, the real debt picture has emerged: as of February 28, total US debt was $14,194,764,339,462.64 "

Further Proof Of The Worsening Of The Real Estate Depression
Special Note - Charts - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."Yesterday I notified, In Case You Didn’t Get The Memo, The US Is In a Real Estate Depression That Is About To Get Much Worse. Today I will show specifically how things will get much worse. The numbers came out for new home sales today, and they were atrocious – and that’s after a downward adjustment for the previous month’s numbers. Follow the chart with the pretty colors below, keeping in mind that many economists believe that new housing construction is a pre-cursor to economic recovery."

Pentagon Tries to Blame Financial Crisis on Foreign Financial Terrorists - MAN are jarheads stupid!! - mpg
In the Believe It Or Not Category - A quote...."Indeed, the claim that terrorism caused the financial crisis is about as believable as Gaddafi trying to blame the Libyan protests on Osama Bin Laden, or al-Maliki blaming Al Qaeda for the Iraqi protests. -- But it's not an isolated incident. In fact, the government is trying in many ways to convince us that financial fraud is isolated, not systemic, and - most of all - not important to rein in." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Odious debt created by Predatory Capitalism and Bogus Govt. Bailouts should be repudiated by the American people! -- A quote...."Odious debt is a legal theory which holds that the national debt incurred by a regime for purposes that do not serve the best interests of the nation, such as wars of aggression, should not be enforceable. Such debts are thus considered by this doctrine to be personal debts of the regime that [are] incurred [by]them and not debts of the state. In some respects, the concept is analogous to the invalidity of contracts signed under coercion."

Gold hits record $1,432.57 an ounce
A quote...."Gold struck a new record at $1,432.57 an ounce Tuesday as worries spread that the surging price of oil could fuel inflation and dampen economic growth. -- The price on the London Bullion Market jumped more than $13 an ounce from Monday to top last December's record of $1,431.25, before falling off slightly to around $1,430.50 at 2035 GMT."

Gallup Sees Consumer Confidence Tumbling To December Lows
A quote...."t was just earlier this week that a bunch of irrelevant confidence trackers said that US consumer confidence had hit 3 year highs. Oddly enough, ground data not only does not confirm this data, but says it is merely more baseless propaganda. According to Gallup, which actually knows how to poll, "Americans have become much less confident in the U.S. economy over the past two weeks, with Gallup's Economic Confidence Index falling from -18 to -30 during that span."

Monday February 28th 2011

More On The Zio-Sphere.....

Greek P.M. – Zionism and the IMF’s Last Best Friend
Must Read - A quote...."Like Mubarak, George Papandreou combines servility to his imperial mentors with arrogance and brutality to his Greek subjects. As the Egyptians demonstrated it will take the Greek people more than marches and occasional strikes to bring down an entrenched client of the empire. But it can be done as was exemplified in Cairo!” - Source:  JamesPetras

Scott Horton Interviews Grant F. Smith, About AIPAC dealings in Washington DC
Audio - [link here] - A quote...."Grant F. Smith, director of the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern PolicyAIPAC dealings will soon emerge; how Harman and Alberto Gonzalez avoided legal and professional sanction but suffered damaged reputations nonetheless; the down-the-memory-hole scandals of Niger uranium forgeries and the Office of Special Plans; why the juicy tidbits revealed in Steve Rosen’s dismissed lawsuit in Washington, D.C., discusses Jane Harman’s resignation from Congress, amid speculation that more information on her should be enough for a multi-count indictment of AIPAC (Israel Lobby); and the uber-class of people so far beyond the rule of law, they can never be held to account." - ||  MP3 here. (20m:55s)  ||

Gates Foundation As Does Israel Controls Media Through Massive Journalism Grants
A quote...."(NaturalNews) Most major newspapers and media outlets in the world are owned by a handful of multinational corporate giants, who together control the content of what is distributed to the masses. But a recent report in The Seattle Times questions the influence the world's most powerful foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), has on the media as well. The foundation donates billions of dollars every year to fund "advocacy and policy" programs, and much of this money ends up being distributed as direct payments to media outlets who advocate for the foundation's interests."
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More On The Domestic Situation....

9/11 and the Conquest of Iraq
Must Read - Quote of the Day...."It was a conspiracy – 9/11.  That is indisputable. There is no “lone gunman” to confuse matters. To say anything meaningful about 9/11, you have to be a conspiracy theorist. It is only a question of whose theory of the conspiracy you are prepared to believe. It is incredible that anyone still believes anything the Bush administration said about that tragic day." also posted at DProgram - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

Why Our Media Betray Us -- An Empire of Lies
Must Read - Presstitute Alert - A quote...."Last week the Guardian, Britain's main liberal newspaper, ran an exclusive report on the belated confessions of an Iraqi exile, Rafeed al-Janabi, codenamed "Curveball" by the CIA. Eight years ago, Janabi played a key behind-the-scenes role -- if an inadvertent one -- in making possible the US invasion of Iraq. His testimony bolstered claims by the Bush administration that Iraq's president, Saddam Hussein, had developed an advanced programme producing weapons of mass destruction." - also posted at AlethoNews & ICH & GlobalRsrch

Paul Craig Roberts: How The Law Was Lost
AJVideo - Alt - (AJYuTb - 1hr45s - Feb 26, 2011) - Source:  InfoWarrior -- A quote...."Father of Reaganomics Paul Craig Roberts discusses how the American middle class is being systematically dismantled by means of destroying the ladders of upward mobility and offshoring US manufacturing as well as skilled jobs to China and India. He also explains how the rule of law has been eviscerated, greasing the skids for the evisceration of the Constitution and the undue monopoly of power in the executive branch of government, which has created a dictatorial system that threatens political stability."

Acceptance Speech of Charles Ferguson, Oscar Winner of Best Documentary Feature for Inside Job
Videos - AcceptanceSpeech - OfficialTrailer - InsideJob (Scribd) -- A quote...."Inside Job - SYNOPSIS:  From Academy Award® nominated filmmaker, Charles Ferguson (“No End In Sight”), comes INSIDE JOB, the first film to expose the shocking truth behind the economic crisis of 2008. The global financial meltdown, at a cost of over $20 trillion, resulted in millions of people losing their homes and jobs. Through extensive research and interviews with major financial insiders, politicians and journalists, INSIDE JOB traces the rise of a rogue industry and unveils the corrosive relationships which have corrupted politics, regulation and academia. Narrated by Academy Award® winner Matt Damon, INSIDE JOB was made on location in the United States, Iceland, England, France, Singapore, and China.

No Other Way Out
Action Alert - A quote...."I have watched mothers and fathers keening in grief over the frail corpses of their children in hospitals in Gaza and rural villages in El Salvador, Bosnia and Kosovo. The faces of these dead children, their bodies ripped apart by iron fragments or bullets tumbling end over end through their small, delicate frames, appear to me almost daily like faint and sadly familiar ghosts. The frailty and innocence of my own children make these images difficult to bear." - also posted at ICH

It's the War Economy, Duh!
Thought of the Day - A quote...."By Cindy Sheehan - Wisconsin is facing a 137 million dollar budget deficit—that’s 137 troops. If Obama brought home 137 troops and gave the savings to Wisconsin, that problem would be solved!"

New 9/11 Memorial Time-line Lies About Building 7
A quote...."Today the National 9/11 Memorial has correctly labeled Building 5 as Building 5 and they have included a shot of Building 7 while talking about Building 7. That’s kinda a good start.  But, alas, it goes downhill from there…
Their new contribution is fraught with serious problems and misleading statements as well...." Topix ||  9/11-WTC7  ||

Authorities Search and Copy U.S. Journalist’s Notes, Computer and Cameras After Returning from Haiti
Press Censorship Alert - (Regarding a real journalist) - A quote...." | Independent journalist Brandon Jourdan recently returned from Haiti after being on assignment documenting the rebuilding of schools in the earthquake-devastated country. However, when he returned to the United States, he was immediately detained after deboarding the plane by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. He was questioned about his travels and had all of his documents, computer, phone and camera flash drives searched and copied. This is the seventh time Jourdan says he has been subjected to lengthy searches in five years, and has been told by officials that he is “on a list.”  - bold by website editor - Absolutely OUTRAGEOUS! - mpg

Report: Yale professor intentionally gave patients hepatitis in 1940s study
A quote...."ATLANTA -- Shocking as it may seem, U.S. government doctors once thought it was fine to experiment on disabled people and prison inmates. Such experiments included a Yale University researcher giving hepatitis to mental patients in Connecticut, squirting a pandemic flu virus up the noses of prisoners in Maryland, and injecting cancer cells into chronically ill people at a New York hospital. -- Much of this horrific history is 40 to 80 years old, but it is the backdrop for a meeting in Washington this week by a presidential bioethics commission. The meeting was triggered by the government's apology last fall for federal doctors infecting prisoners and mental patients in Guatemala with syphilis 65 years ago." - also posted at AOLNews

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – February 28th, 2011
Must Listen MRVideo - Alt - (JustInTV - 2hrs - February 28th, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV -- Michael Rivero states he's "proud, happy and thrilled" to receive his award from the SPLC.  (They said he was a dangerous madman), he discusses the US-NRE's on-going plans to take over Libya, the on-going revolution in Wisconsin - which is spreading nationwide, and many other issues.
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More on the World Wide Revolution.....

Obama’s “Humanitarian” Conquest Of Libya
Special Note - A quote...."Before President Barack Obama even took office, we warned that his administration would continue to follow the Bush-era policy of bankrupting America both financially and morally with new wars, but that these conquests would be done in the name of a humanitarian crisis rather than a pre-emptive assault."

US mulls military attack on Libya
Of course!!  When in doubt....kill. - mpg -- A quote...."The US has reportedly planned to deploy thousands of its naval and aerial forces near Libya as it mulls over military intervention in the North African country."

Libyan Opposition Spurns Calls for Foreign ‘Help’
Related Article - A quote...."Though it seems clear that the international community in general and the United States in particular are bound and determined to do “something” about the massive uprising in Libya, the protesters’ leadership is openly spurning those calls and insists it doesn’t need their sort of help." - People are FINALLY learning, they're finally waking up!!  Hip Hip Hooray!!  The WHOLE world now knows what happens when the US-NRE tries to "help" (shudder, turn paper white) a targeted country.  If Libya accepts any help 1)  They'll soon look like some horrible combination of Haiti and Iraq. 2)  They'll never have any democracy.  3)  The Libyan people will never see a dime of their oil and gas wealth again.  4)  And their so-called "helpers" will never, ever, ever, leave. - mpg

As Libyan rebels close in on Gaddafi, US and Europe ramp up intervention
Related Article - A quote...."With dictator Muammar Gaddafi’s control over the country ebbing, the United States and its European allies are stepping up their intervention into the Libyan crisis. Their aim is to ensure that any new regime will be equally subservient to their economic and geostrategic interests." - also posted at ICH

Libya: African mercenaries 'immune from prosecution for war crimes
A quote...."....the US insisted that the UN resolution was worded so that no one from an outside country that is not a member of the ICC could be prosecuted for their actions in Libya." - bold by website editor

Egypt: Revisiting the Demands
A quote...."These demands are the summary of various discussions at Tahrir Square, and are, of course, not representative of everyone at the square." - Source: GlobalVoices

Egypt agrees dates for referendum, polls: activist
A quote...."Egypt's military leaders will hold a referendum on constitutional change on March 19, a parliamentary election in June and a presidential poll six weeks later, a youth activist said on Monday after meeting them."

Bahrain protesters blockade parliament
A quote...."Bahraini protesters blockaded the parliament building on Monday, two weeks after the Shiite uprising started demanding political reform in the country and an end to alleged discrimination at the hands of the Sunni ruling class."

Tunisians Celebrate PM Ghannouchi’s Ouster
A quote...."Much of the Tunisian government of former President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali remained in place when he was chased from the country by public protests, and Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi appeared to greatly increase his power by attemping to distance himself from Ben Ali and positioning himself as the new “interim” ruler."

Yemen opposition rejects unity deal
A quote...."Yemen's opposition coalition has rejected an offer from the president to form a government of national unity provided that protests against him stop. -- Mohammed Saleh al-Qubati, an opposition leader, rejected Ali Abdullah Saleh's offer on Monday, saying that the president should step down instead of offering outdated "tranquilisers"."

Sadr says Iraq PM Maliki must address mass demands
A quote...."BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Anti-U.S. Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr on Monday urged Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to address peoples' demands after weeks of nationwide protests over better basic services inspired by regional uprisings."

Protest News 2-28-11 - A DProgram Round-Up - (12 articles)
Live Blog - Libya March 1 - Feb28 - Feb27 - Feb26 - Feb25 - Feb24 - al Jazeera live blog
Libya's growing resistance - Alt - contains video
We'll use military force to ["]free["] Libya, vows PM: Cameron.... Nooooooooo!  Don't let them! - mpg
US military forces surronded Libya (Urgent) + Updated
Gadhafi’s Warplanes Lash Out at Central Libyan City
Rebels "down" Libyan aircraft, governments discuss next move
Gadhafi Fires Intelligence Chief -Report
Criticism-hit France sends aid to Libya opposition
Egyptian Workers Strike for Minimum Wage and Indep.Unions
- Alt(YT 7m52s 02/25/11) - Src: TheRealNews
Omani police clash with protesters
Travel Ban Imposed on Mubarak as First Set of Political Reform Unveiled
Tunisian ministers of old regime resign
Thousands protest across Yemen
Yemen 'to declare unity government'
Saudi youth push ahead with demands
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More on America's Revolution....

Madison labor demonstration growing larger and spreading
A quote...."On Saturday, 12 days of labor demonstrations in Madison reached a new peak with the largest protest in the city since the Vietnam era (see slideshow). The ongoing protest in Madison has spurred pro-union rallies across the country in cities such as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Honolulu, Denver, Olympia, WA, Topeka, KS, Harrisburg, PA and Columbus, OH."
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More On The International Situation....

Reports: Saudis Send Additional Tanks to Bahrain
A quote...."Bahrain’s government angrily denied media reports that the Saudi Arabian government had dispatched 30 additional tanks for the regime to use in crushing protesters, insisting the entire story was made up by the Iranian state media."

Pakistani and Indian Papers Say US Contractor is a "Terrorist" -- The Case Mounts Against the CIA's Raymond Davis - Must Read - The Raymond Davis File - A quote...."Pakistani and Indian newspapers are reporting that Raymond Davis, the CIA contractor in jail in Lahore facing murder charges for the execution-slayings of two young men believed to by Pakistani intelligence operatives, was actually involved in organizing terrorist activities in Pakistan. -- As the Express Tribune, an English-language daily that is linked to the International Herald Tribune,reported on Feb. 22...."

"The Lahore killings were a blessing in disguise for our security agencies who suspected that Davis was masterminding terrorist activities in Lahore and other parts of Punjab,” a senior official in the Punjab Police claimed. -- “His close ties with the TTP [the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan] were revealed during the investigations,” he added. “Davis was instrumental in recruiting young people from Punjab for the Taliban to fuel the bloody insurgency.” Call records of the cellphones recovered from Davis have established his links with 33 Pakistanis, including 27 militants from the TTP and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi sectarian outfit, sources said."

Forty-five arrested [by Pakistan's Authorities] for having links with Davis
Special Note - The Raymond Davis File - A quote...."ISLAMABAD: The law enforcement agencies arrested 45 individuals for staying in constant contact with Raymond Davis, a CIA contractor who shot dead two Pakistanis in Lahore last month, DawnNews reported on Monday. - The individuals had been arrested from Lahore, Karachi and Peshawar and their contact information was taken from Davis’ mobile phone. Investigations were underway." - OH BOY!!  This is gonna get big! - mpg

I Had Ray Davis's Job, in Laos 30 Years Ago -- Same Cover, Same Lies
The Raymond Davis File - (Historical background) - A quote...."The story of Raymond Allen Davis is one familiar to me and I wish our government would quit doing these things - they cost us credibility. -- Davis is the American being held as a spy working under diplomatic cover out of our embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan. You can understand why foreign countries no longer trust us and people are rising up across the Middle East against the Great Satan." - also posted at ICH

This CIA agent is no diplomat
The Raymond Davis File - A quote...."I tread with some caution in discussing the case of Raymond Davis, the CIA agent facing charges of double murder in Pakistan and the threat of the death penalty. I add my plea to the voices urging the Pakistani government to ensure Davis does not hang. -- But one thing I can state for certain: Davis (as we will call him for now) is not a diplomat and does not possess diplomatic immunity. There is some doubt as to who he really is, with the charges against him in Pakistan including one that he obtained documents using a false identity." - also posted at ICH

British contractor in Iraq gets 20 years for 2 killings
Hey Raymond......Oh Raymond.....mpg -- A quote...."BAGHDAD — An Iraqi court Monday convicted a British man and sentenced him to 20 years in prison over the shooting deaths of two contractors, making him the first Westerner convicted in an Iraqi court since the 2003 U.S. invasion."

Ireland Faces Biggest Test in Modern History as EU/IMF Conduct Economic Blitzkrieg
Protest Vote - (Ireland) - A quote...."Ireland’s election called a “transformative moment” in nation’s history: a “pencil revolution” at the ballot box -- The Fianna Fail party has been annihilated at the polls: [Hip Hip Hooray!!] the party locked Ireland into an 85 billion euro loan from the EU/IMF at an interest rate of  6% and relinquished sovereignty" - bold by website editor - also posted at AlethoNews

Russia to deploy units on Iturup, Kunashir Islands - defense minister (Update 1)
A quote...."Russia will deploy military units on Iturup and Kunashir, part of the Kuril Islands, Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said on Saturday." - also posted at GlobalRsrch

[Turkish Minister] 'Israel leading human rights abusers'
A quote...."Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu says the Israeli regime is at the “very top of the list” when it comes to human rights violations."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Paramedics wounded in Israeli shooting, as more demolition notices served
A quote...."OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- The Union of Arab Paramedics said that three Palestinian paramedics at least were wounded on Sunday during the violent confrontations that erupted between Israeli police forces and Palestinian protestors in occupied Jerusalem."

Pete Seeger Endorses Boycott of Israel
Boycott, Divest and Sanction the ENTIRE state of Israel! Because it's EASY, because YOU as an INDIVIDUAL can PARTICIPATE, because YOU don't need to join anything, or sign anything, or pay anything.  Because YOU can start TODAY.  No more excuses folks...."Just DO IT!" - mpg
A quote...."Folk music legend Pete Seeger has come out in support of the growing Palestinian movement for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel as a program for justice for Palestinians and a route to peace in the Middle East." - For more on how to Boycott, Divest and Sanction the state of Israel see the upper-left-corner of the "Front Page" of this website.
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More On The Economic Situation....

Global Economy? 23 Facts Which Prove That Globalism Is Pushing The Standard Of Living Of The Middle Class Down To Third World Levels - A quote...."But without good, high paying jobs the U.S. middle class cannot continue to be the U.S middle class.  The only thing that the vast majority of Americans have to offer in the economic marketplace is their labor.  Sadly, that labor has now been dramatically devalued.  American workers now must directly compete for jobs with millions upon millions of workers on the other side of the world that toil away for 15 hours a day at slave labor wages.  This is causing jobs to leave the United States at an almost unbelievable rate, and it is putting tremendous downward pressure on the wages of millions of jobs that are still in the United States. -- So when you hear terms such as "globalization" and "the global economy", it is important to keep in mind that those are code words for the emerging one world economic system that is systematically wiping out the U.S. middle class."

REPORT: You Have More Money In Your Wallet Than Bank Of America Pays In Federal Taxes
Quote of the Day...."....if you have “one dollar” in your wallet, you’re paying more than the “combined income tax liability of GE, ExxonMobil, Citibank, and the Bank of America“"

"The Financial Industry Has Become So Politically Powerful That It Is Able To Inhibit the Normal Process of Justice And Law Enforcement" - By the government -- people can still sue them though, for now. (see article shown below) - mpg -- A quote...."In his acceptance speech for winner for best documentary at the Oscars, director Charles Ferguson said...."

"Three years after our horrific financial crisis caused by financial fraud, not a single financial executive has gone to jail, and that’s wrong."

"But none of the mainstream, corporate networks covered it. Not CBS, ABC, NBC or MSNBC."

Breaking News: JPMorgan May Need Another $4 Billion For Legal Losses
A quote...."According to CNBC’s Kate Kelly, JPMorgan has just released its 10-K and it reveals some shocking information. -- Kelly says “JPMorgan has been named as a  defendant in about 10,000 different law suits. And as a result, they could end up needing an additional $4.5 billion on top of what they’ve already set aside for legal losses." - bold by website editor

After $456 Billion In Treasury Monetizations Since The Start QE Lite, A Half-Time POMO Summary
A quote...."Now that the Fed is by far the biggest institutional holder of US debt, it is time to conduct a periodic review of what, how and when Brian Sack has been monetizing in the past two years. As a reminder, as part of QE1, the Fed purchased $300 billion worth of Treasurys, the balance going to MBS and agency securities. QE Lite and 2 have, so far, focused only on USTs: as Morgan Stanley summarizes, as of today, the NY Fed has purchased a total of $456bn Treasuries / TIPS since August 10, or the announcement of QE Lite. Since additional LSAPs were announced in November (or QE 2 proper), the Fed has purchased $380bn. As the Fed is now roughly half completed with QE2, here is where we stand."

Simon Black: "The Market Is Telling Us That The Dollar Is Finished"
A quote...."There’s major shift occurring right now in financial markets. -- Sure, the food and freedom riots that are spreading across the globe are a major indicator that civil unrest follows very closely behind resource shortages and economic turmoil… but there’s something else that I’ve noticed recently– it’s a sea change in the financial system. -- In the past, major crises normally caused investors to seek safe haven assets, and everything else equal, the dollar would rise. They call it a ‘flight to safety’, and investors would flock towards the perceived stability of US Treasury securities...."

Huge COMEX Silver Supply Squeeze Developing
A quote...."As the December 2010 COMEX silver contracts approached maturity, a higher than normal number of contracts were not closed out before the first day of notice for delivery.  In theory, potentially all of these open contracts could have ended up being called for delivery.  While a number of short sellers absorbed their losses by purchasing an offsetting long contract, the amount of silver that was needed for physical delivery did stress available COMEX inventories."

U.S. in for 'twenty years of rising interest rates': Loomis Sayles
A quote...."Yields on debt securities are rising for a fourth month as prices fall, the longest stretch since June 2008, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch's Global Broad Market Index...." - also posted at BLN

Dallas Fed Provides Latest Confirmation Of Corporate Margin Collapse, As Prices Paid-Received Difference Hits Fresh Record - A quote...." sees relentless evidence of collapsing margins. Most recently, this was the Philly Fed, whose Price Paid less Prices Received index spread came at the highest since 1979. Well, at least it wasn't a record the Koolaiders said. Alas, that rebuttal will not work for the Dallas Fed."

Sunday February 27th 2011

No posts. - mpg

Saturday Febuary 26th 2011

More On The Zio-Sphere.....

We Went to War for Israel – Ryan Dawson
Must View Video - Alt - (YuTb - 32min 18sec - Feb 20, 2011) - Source:  Rys2sense -- A quote...."The defense industry makes money off of ANY conflict so why Iraq. Because there were a threat to Israel. We could have bought the oil for FAR less than what it cost to steal it. Big oil did not create ANY of the lies that lead to war, and yet PNAC wrote ALL of them. This was a war for and by Israel. Even the invasion priority #1 was to take out the Western portion of Iraq the only place with range of hitting Israel. Zelikow admits as much that the war was for Israeli interest." -- "A War by Deception Extra See war by Deception 2011 here sorry about the subtitles they are not on the DVD. I made a 2 and a half hour film without them."

Israel’s Fission Field Warfare — Pakistan, Iraq and Egypt
Must Read - (previously posted) -- A quote...."Once the nucleus is split, the energy released is that which resembles misunderstanding, enmity, frustration and even hatred. Since the fission itself is controlled ‘very carefully,’ the manipulators must also induce the bombardment." - also posted at MyCatBird'sSeat & MaskOfZion
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More On The Domestic Situation....

9/11 revisited: 21 problems in official narrative
A quote...."In March 2004, publication of David Ray Griffin’s book The New Pearl Harbor, challenging the official story of 9/11, sparked widely different reactions. -- Then in 2008, Griffin published The New Pearl Harbor Revisited, an update of his original study in which he said: “The expose of what happened on 9/11 has shown virtually every dimension of the official account of 9/11 to be false beyond a reasonable doubt.” -- Forget about conspiracy theories. How can we allow falsifications lapse into history without demanding the truth? -- It’s past time to demand honest answers to the questions generated by the official story." - Source:  GulfDailyNews - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

America's Total Surveillance Society
A quote...."In 2003, an ACLU report warned that "Big Brother" no longer is fiction, America having advanced to where total surveillance is now possible. Barry Steinhardt, Director of the ACLU's Technology and Liberty Program said...." -- "Given the capabilities of today's technology, the only thing protecting us from a full-fledged surveillance society are the legal and political institutions we have inherited as Americans. Unfortunately, the September 11 attacks have led some to embrace the fallacy that weakening the Constitution will strengthen America."
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More on the World Wide Revolution.....

The narcissism of the iPad imperialists who want to invade Libya
Must Read - A quote...."In a modern political sphere that has its fair share of narcissists and ignoramuses, no one is quite as narcissistic or as ignorant as the liberal interventionist. From the comfort of his Home Counties home, possibly to the sound of birds tweeting on the windowsill, the liberal interventionist will write furious, spittle-stained articles about the need to invade faraway countries in order to topple their dictators. As casually and thoughtlessly as the rest of us write shopping lists, he will pen a 10-point plan for the bombing of Yugoslavia or Afghanistan or Iraq and not give a second thought to the potentially disastrous consequences."

Libya: Is Washington Pushing for Civil War to Justify a US-NATO Military Intervention?
Special Note - A quote...."Is Tripoli being set up for a civil war to justify U.S. and NATO military intervention in oil-rich Libya? - Are the talks about sanctions a prelude to an Iraq-like intervention?" - With Iraq like consequences, everybody should keep that in mind.  And once inside Libya, they'll NEVER leave. - mpg

'Stability, a cold code word with US'
Video - A quote...."US President Barack Obama has condemned the violent crackdown on pro-democracy protesters by Muammar Gaddafi's regime, calling it "outrageous and unacceptable."

First Egypt, next Venezuela?
Special Note - A quote...."As the wave of popular uprisings has spread across the Arab world, a flurry of articles have appeared suggesting Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez could be the next “dictator” to be overthrown. -- Such arguments follow a pattern in the corporate media of slandering the Chavez government and the revolutionary process it leads. -- They aim to conceal the real threat that haunts imperialism: that the Arab world may follow the example of Venezuela and other countries in Latin America — and break away from Western hegemony." - also posted at GlobalRsrch

'Arab world takes back wealth from West'
A quote...."The Arab world has awakened to take back all its wealth and rights plundered by the West and its current embattled dictatorial regimes, a political analyst says."

How will America handle the fall of its Middle East empire?
A quote...."Empires can collapse in the course of a generation. At the end of the 16th century, the Spanish looked dominant. Twenty-five years later, they were on their knees, over-extended, bankrupt, and incapable of coping with the emergent maritime powers of Britain and Holland. The British empire reached its fullest extent in 1930. Twenty years later, it was all over. -- Today, it is reasonable to ask whether the United States, seemingly invincible a decade ago, will follow the same trajectory. America has suffered two convulsive blows in the last three years." - Both of them self-inflicted one might add. - mpg

Gaddafi forces abandon Tripoli neighborhoods - Hip Hip Hooray!!
BREAKING:  Last Update: Sat Feb 26, 2011 06:42 pm (KSA) 03:42 pm (GMT) -- A quote...."Poor neighborhoods of the Libyan capital Tripoli openly defied Muammar Gaddafi on Saturday as his grip on power after 41 years of rule looked increasingly tenuous in the face of nationwide revolt. -- Security forces had abandoned the working-class Tajoura district after five days of anti-government demonstrations, residents told foreign correspondents who visited the area."

Gaddafi faces endgame as he bribes civilians to fight for him
A quote...."Protesters in Tripoli make Libyan leader's forces retreat, as rebels advance in other parts of the country."

Yemenis insist on Saleh's ouster
A quote...."Hundreds of thousands of Yemeni pro-democracy protesters have taken to streets of the capital Sana'a, demanding for President Ali Abdullah Saleh to step down from his 32-year rule."

Tribal groups joining protests against Yemeni president
A quote...."Sanaa, Yemen (CNN) -- Leaders of two tribal groups in Yemen say they will join protests demanding President Ali Abdullah Saleh's resignation following violent crackdowns on demonstrators in Aden."

Saturday: 19 Iraqis Killed, 33 Wounded, Hundreds Possibly Beaten
A quote...."The casualty figures from yesterday’s protests continued to rise today as reports trickled out from a number of cities across Iraq; however, the most chilling news came from Baghdad were hundreds of protestors may be detained and suffering from beatings."

Top Shiite cleric calls for progress after Iraq demos
A quote...."NAJAF, Iraq (AFP) – The spiritual leader of Iraq's Shiite majority urged politicians on Saturday to slash their benefits and improve public services, a day after thousands took part in a deadly nationwide "Day of Rage"."

Live coverage of the Middle East protests - reuters live blog
Live Blog - Libya Feb 27 - al jazeera's live blog
Libya's revolution headquarters
Libya: the latest situation in Benghazi  - contains video
Ex-Gaddafi insider thinks Libyan revolt will succeed - contains video
Armed pro-Gadhafi gangs roll in Libyan capital
Thousands killed in Libya unrest, says deputy UN ambassador
Over 50,000 flee Libya amid violence
'Gaddafi at point of desperation'
Libyan diplomat: Gaddafi has hours left
Gaddafi's wife, daughter and wives of two of his sons [have] fled to Vienna
Benghazi 'caretaker' government to prepare democratic election in Libya
Bahrain Shi'ite opposition leader home from exile - Alt
Tunisian police kill three protesters
Tunisia state TV reporters strike over censorship
Tunisia to hold elections by mid-July as protests flare
Iraq 'Day of Rage' protests followed by detentions, beatings
Iraqi riot police open fire toward the protesters - video - Alt - (YuTb 4m13s Feb 26, 2011) - Src:  IraqiRevolutions
Feb. 25th – Bad Day for freedom of press and democracy in Iraq:
Egypt army says sorry after protester clashes - Alt
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More on America's Revolution....

Divide and Conquer Strategies in America
Special Note - A quote...."The global bankers, who caused our economic crisis, are attempting to deflect blame and divide the American public by escalating attacks on public-sector workers. The battle in Wisconsin, which is spreading across the entire nation, should be viewed in a global economic context. Do not let the obsolete Republican vs. Democrat charade confuse you. Even if you believe Unions have been corrupted, in this case you have to go with the strategy: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

Really Bad Reporting in Wisconsin: Who 'Contributes' to Public Workers' Pensions?
Presstitute Alert - A quote...."Gov. Scott Walker says he wants state workers covered by collective bargaining agreements to "contribute more" to their pension and health insurance plans. -- Accepting Gov. Walker' s assertions as fact, and failing to check, created the impression that somehow the workers are getting something extra, a gift from taxpayers. They are not. -- Out of every dollar that funds Wisconsin' s pension and health insurance plans for state workers, 100 cents comes from the state workers."

Rally to Save the American Dream
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Stand with the people of Wisconsin, Stand with the working people of America -- Gov. Walker’s budget bill is not just about austerity measures that force working Americans to accept less to pay for the greed of the bankers and the corporate CEOs…"

Hidden Provisions in Wisconsin Bill
A quote...."Hidden in the bill's 144 pages are "extraordinary things," including a provision letting Walker appoint a health czar to make draconian healthcare cuts to Wisconsin's poor and low-income households unilaterally." - also posted at Uruknet
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More On The International Situation....

Pakistan arrests [another] US security contractor as rift with CIA deepens - Oh Oh. - mpg
Special Note - The Raymond Davis File - (Fallout) -- A quote...."A quote...."Pakistani authorities have arrested a US government security contractor amid a worsening spy agency row between the countries, with Pakistani intelligence calling on the Americans to "come clean" about its network of covert operatives in the country. -- The arrest came at the start of the murder trial of another American held in Pakistan, the CIA agent Raymond Davis."

'Pakistanis on verge of rage over Davis'
Contains Video - The Raymond Davis File - (Fallout) -- A quote...."Pakistani diplomatic sources say the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is mulling over targeting Pakistani diplomats in retaliation for the arrest of the agency's contractor Raymond Davis."

CIA director calls ISI chief in backdrop of tie-threatening Davis issue standoff
The Raymond Davis File - (Fallout) -- A quote...."According to reports, the ISI had stopped talking with the CIA at any level, including the most senior, as it was upset with the CIA over sending Americans to Pakistan 'behind its back'. -- However, a senior Pakistani official was quoted as saying that the likelihood of some resolution between the two agencies had increased after a recent meeting between US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen and Pakistan's Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Kayani. -- A host of top American military officials, including Mullen and ISAF commander General David Petraeus, held a secret day-long meeting with Pakistan's top military officers, including Kayani, in Oman on Tuesday to plot a course out of the diplomatic crisis that threatens the US-Pakistan relationship." - Topix ||  Fall-Out From the Davis Affair - Let's Be Friends Again OK? - 02-24-11 - mpg  ||

Blast destroys [another] 7 NATO oil tankers
A quote...."PESHAWAR: Seven oil tankers were destroyed due to an explosion at the Ring Road on Saturday. According to official sources, the oil tankers, which were carrying oil for NATO forces, were parked at the Tor Baba stop on the Ring Road. The explosion occurred in one of the oil tankers, setting it ablaze. The fire also engulfed six other tankers, which were parked nearby."

US forced to pull out of Afghan base
A quote...."The US military is withdrawing troops from one of its strategic combat outposts in the Pech Valley in eastern Afghanistan under the burden of heavy military operations by Taliban."

Afghan night raid survivors, in their own words
A quote...."KABUL (Reuters) - The growing use of "night raids" by NATO-led and Afghan forces to kill or capture insurgents is one of the most controversial strategies in the Afghan war. -- Here are some accounts by Afghan civilians of night raids they experienced, which left them injured or bereaved." - Source:  Reuters

Iran to build high-tech fighter jet
A quote...."The Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force has launched a project to design and build the country's most advanced fighter jet."

Iran confirms unloading fuel from Bushehr reactor
A quote...."A source close to the project said the fuel was being unloaded on the suspicion that metal particles from nearly 30-year old equipment used in the construction of reactor core had contaminated the fuel. -- "We're talking about particles of about 3 millimeters in size," said the source speaking on the condition of anonymity. -- "Some of the equipment used in the construction has been sitting around for 30 years. The fuel has to be unloaded and examined to make sure no metal particles have gotten into it." -- The fuel could take six days to unload, he said. -- The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which mentioned the fuel problem in a confidential report seen by Reuters on Friday, would supervise the unloading procedure, Soltanieh said."

Iran, Syria navies to cooperate on training - report
A quote...."(Reuters) - Iran and Syria have agreed to cooperate on naval training, Iran's official news agency reported on Saturday after two Iranian warships docked in a Syrian port."

Russia, Ukraine to sign deal on Russian Black Sea Fleet rearmament
A quote...."Russia and Ukraine plan to sign a new agreement on the rearmament of the Russian Black Sea Fleet based in Ukraine's Crimea, Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said on Sunday. -- "We are, indeed, discussing this issue and are trying to formulate new provisions for this agreement," he said."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Letter from Palestine: life under occupation
Must Read - A quote...."I'd also never grasped how ever-present and visible the settlements are. I'd imagined them being out of the way, but the landscape - all valleys and hills - means you can frequently see the Israeli settlements when on the road. And there are roads set aside specially for the settlers, which Palestinians aren't permitted to travel on at all. -- The single most appalling thing was in Qalqilya on Wednesday, when we visited the intimidating walk-through (i.e. no traffic) checkpoint in this tense frontier town close to the border between Israel and the West Bank. This is the town we in Newcastle hope to develop stronger links with over coming months and beyond. -- Workers who live in Qalqilya but work across the border have to walk through a forbidding military terminal. When we got close, to observe, a soldier in the surveillance tower stuck his gun out of the window and pointed it at us. It had the most remarkably oppressive atmosphere of anywhere I've been." - also posted at Uruknet

Hebron demonstration signals a new intifada in the West Bank?
Photo Gallery - A quote...."Riding the wave of unrest in the Arab world, the PA called for a carefully controlled 'day of rage’ throughout the West Bank against the United States for their recent veto of an internationally accepted resolution declaring (once again) that Israeli settlement activity is illegal. While in Ramallah the PA sponsored demonstration was weak with almost no one showing up, in Hebron one thousand people, including Israeli peace activists, took to the streets." - also posted at Uruknet

Fresh airstrike targets Gaza home
A quote...."GAZA CITY (Ma’an) -- Israeli F16 fighter jets launched the sixth air strike of the day on Gaza on Saturday afternoon, witnesses said. -- The most recent strike hit Ahmad Abu Shareb's home, east of Al-Bureij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip. Abu Shareb told Ma'an the Israeli army told him to evacuate his home prior to the shelling. No injuries were reported." - also posted at Uruknet

Friday February 25th 2011

More On The Zio-Sphere.....

President wussy caves for Israel again
Must View Video - (YuTb - 3min 17sec - Feb 25, 2011) - Rys2sense -- A quote...."Want to test how much control you have over someone? See if you can get them to advocate genocide."

I am Israel
Video - From the History File - Sep 4, 2009 - (previously posted) - Alt - (YuTb - 09/04/09) - Source:  jihano92 -- A quote...."I am Israel. Written by Hashem Said on Feb.25.2002. Video made by Jihane Al Quds on Sept.4.2009. Hashem Said is an officer in the UW Palestinian student group Hayaat."

Under the Spell of Israel
Contains Video - Alt - (video previously posted) -- A quote...."As Israel carries out their illegal US funded attacks on civilian populations in Gaza, we look back at the origin of Israel, which is rooted in violence and racism; and the video, Who Were the First Terrorists in the Middle East?"

Merkel chides Netanyahu for failing to make 'a single step to advance peace' - NOT under the "spell" $$ of Israel
A quote...."A crisis erupted between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. During a telephone call this week, Merkel told Netanyahu that he had disappointed her and had done nothing to advance peace, sources told Haaretz."

In Re Barak, “Bullahs,” Blackwater, Bounties & the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL)
Special Note - A quote...."When the US marines were in and out of Lebanon in 1983-1984 some of those I met, when visiting their barracks with American journalist Janet Stevens, to discuss Israel’s use of American cluster bombs against civilians had the habit, as did sailors from the USS New Jersey, of referring  to the Lebanese Capital simply as “Root.” Or sometimes they would call it: “The Root” as in, “We came to “The Root” to kick some butt!”
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More On The Domestic Situation....

War Über Alles
A quote...."The United States government cannot get enough of war.  With Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi’s regime falling to a rebelling population, CNN reports that a Pentagon spokesman said that the U.S. is looking at all options from the military side. -- Allegedly, the Pentagon, which is responsible for one million dead Iraqis and an unknown number of dead Afghans and Pakistanis, is concerned about the deaths of 1,000 Libyan protesters."

Obama signs temporary extension of Patriot Act
You ObamaTrolls happy yet? - mpg -- A quote...."President Barack Obama has signed a three-month extension of key surveillance provisions of the Patriot Act."

Making Hash of the TSA - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote....""We have posted signs on our doors basically saying that [employees of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA)] aren’t allowed to come into our business," says a woman calling herself KC McLawson who works at "a cafe near Seattle-Tacoma International Airport." She and her boss, the policy’s author, became instant heroes after KC contacted "consumer advocate and journalist" Christopher Elliott and pseudonymously discussed the restaurant’s resolve: "Their kind aren’t welcomed in our establishment." - also posted at DProgram

Charlie Sheen Unleashes On TSA
A quote...."Comparing the TSA to a Gestapo-like occupying force, Sheen stated, “Anyone who wants to ignore it deserves to have their privates fondled by some clown who worked at Wal-Mart seven minutes before that….losers and clowns and trolls all of them.” -- “Touch my children and I would eat your hands off your frikkin’ arms,” Sheen raged."

New Google Algorithm is Live: News Aggregators Will Be Punished
Web Under Threat? - A quote...."Just over a month ago, Google announced that they were changing their algorithm in order to weaken the search engine rankings of sites they deem to be “content farmers.” -- Whereas most of Google’s algorithm changes are barely noticeable, the current change that they have been working on since last January will affect 12% of U.S. searches." - also posted at DProgram

Defend Julian Assange - Because he left us no choice. - mpg
A quote...."The ruling by Judge Howard Riddle at Belmarsh Magistrates Court in London that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange can be extradited to Sweden represents a grave threat to his liberty and even to his life."

9/11 is revisited
A quote..."The official story about 9/11 is rejected by growing numbers of professors, physicists, architects, engineers, pilots, former military officers and former intelligence officials. "

Celente: 'When the Money Stops Flowing Down to the Man in the Street, the Blood Starts Flowing in the Streets.'

A quote...."From the onset of the financial crisis that began in August 2007, and through the ensuing Panic of ’08, Washington, the Federal Reserve and central banks have managed to forestall a Great Depression-grade meltdown by way of a variety of multi-trillion dollar rescue packages, bailouts and stimulus programs. For three years the programs were able to induce an illusory and superficial recovery that, barring a major external geopolitical jolt, might have continued to run its course until the inevitable denouement. -- But now the jolt felt around the world is in the process of shattering the recovery illusion."

02-25-11 Broadcasting LIVE on
Must View MRVideo - Alt - (JustInTV - 2hrs - February 23nd, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV - Michael Rivero covers the on-going, and relentlessly expanding WORLD WIDE revolutions, along with the terrible carnage in Libya and other issues. - mpg
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More on the World Wide Revolution.....

Imperial Sunset: Wave of Awakening Hits American Satrapy
Special Note - A quote...."Muammar Gaddafi is not the only Arab tyrant using deadly violence against his people when they speak out against the destitution, repression and corruption that plague their country. In Iraq, the sectarian thugs put into power by American invaders are gunning down citizens in the streets." - also posted at Uruknet

The Popular Uprising in Egypt: The Military Machine Remains Intact, The Political Status Quo Prevails
Special Note - A quote...."The same group of Egyptian generals running Cairo presently also formed the backbone of the Mubarak regime. There has been no real change in government. The military junta represents a continuation of the Mubarak regime. The previous so-called civilian administration and the Egyptian High Council of the Armed Forces are virtually the same body."

At Least 23 Killed as Iraq Cracks Down on Huge Protests
Special Note - A quote...."Though the eyes of the world are clearly on the public uprisings in other nations, particularly Libya, another nation has erupted into mass protests against its regime today, demanding major reforms and improved access to services. That nation is Iraq."

Neo-Con Hawks Take Flight over Libya
A quote...."WASHINGTON, Feb 25, 2011 (IPS) – In a distinct echo of the tactics they pursued to encourage U.S. intervention in the Balkans and Iraq, a familiar clutch of neo-conservatives appealed Friday for the United States and NATO to “immediately” prepare military action to help bring down the regime of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and end the violence that is believed to have killed well over a thousand people in the past week."

US and Europe step up preparations for intervention in Libya
A quote...."The Obama administration yesterday announced a series of unilateral sanctions against Muammar Gaddafi’s regime in Libya, including suspension of US military cooperation and cancellation of military component sales. Washington also closed the US embassy in Tripoli and asked international financial institutions to monitor any money transfers made by senior Libyan officials." - also posted at Uruknet

Paul Joseph Watson: Obama Prepares Invasion Of Libya Under Humanitarian Cover

Video - Alt - (YuTb Feb 26, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."In a speech delivered earlier today with Secretary of State Clinton at his side, Obama announced that the government of the United States will soon intervene in Libya with its globalist partners under the threadbare cover of humanitarian aid and respect for human rights."

Pressure mounts on Libya's Gaddafi
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Internal and international pressure is mounting on Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to stand down from power as protests continue against his 42-year rule. - Within the country, anti-government protesters said the demonstrations were gaining support, and footage believed to be filmed on Friday appeared to show soldiers in uniform joining the protesters."

180,000 Attend Yemen Pro-Democracy Protests
A quote...."....the near daily protests in front of Sanaa University swelled to 30,000 today, and another 150,000+ were reported demonstrating elsewhere across the country, making today the largest pro-democracy protest in the nation’s history." - bold by website editor

Three more protesters killed in Yemen
A quote...."Three more pro-democracy protesters have lost their lives during clashes with security forces in the city of Aden in southern Yemen, medics say."

Libya Feb 26 - Feb25 - Feb24 - Feb 23 - Feb22 - Feb21Feb20 - Feb19 - Feb18 - Feb17 - al Jazeera live
Protest 02-25-11 - A DProgram Round-Up - (9 articles)
Libya's power struggle - ajzvideo - Alt - (YuTb - 24m27s - Feb 25, 2011) - Src: AlJazeeraEnglish
Egypt army apologizes for beating Tahrir protesters
Egypt's protest dispersed by force
Bahrain's king sacks four ministers: paper
Bahrain releases 308 prisoners under protesters' pressure
Gaddafi vows to fight as opposition closes in
Battle at army base broke Gadhafi hold in Benghazi - Alt
Gadhafi Forces Open Fire as Tens of Thousands Take to Streets of Tripoli
Libya's Tribal Revolt May Mean `Last Nail in Coffin' for Qaddafi's Regime
Another ‘Day of Rage’ as Protests Erupt Across Region
New mass protests against US-backed regimes in Egypt and Yemen
Iraq “day of rage” protests shake US occupation regime
19 people die in demonstrations in Iraq
200 people detained in southern Iraq protests (Extra) - Alt
Middle East protests: Jordan sees biggest reform rally
Jordan launches electoral reform
US [i.e. Creepy Crowley] defends arms flow to Yemen - Alt  - contains video
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More on America's Revolution....

'Mad as Hell' in Madison
A quote...."Ralph Nader - The large demonstrations at the state Capitol in Madison, Wisconsin are driven by a middle class awakening to the spectre of its destruction by the corporate reactionaries and their toady Governor Scott Walker." - also posted at AlethoNews

Press Release from Wisconsin Professional Police Association
A quote...."(Cops will be sleeping with the protesters. Obviously they are concerned about Gov. Walker’s consideration of using agent provocateurs. COPS STANDING AND BUNKING WITH WISCONSIN PROTESTERS)"

Madison Mayor, Police Chief Demand Explanation Over Walker Suggestion To Infiltrate Wisconsin Protests
A quote...."The Mayor and the police chief of Madison, Wisconsin have both asked Governor Scott Walker to explain comments he made indicating that he had considered employing “troublemakers” to infiltrate and discredit the Wisconsin protests."

Did the Corporatists Steal the Wisconsin Assembly Vote on the Budget Proposal?
Massive Vote Fraud Alert - (Wisconson) - A quote...."In what was probably a reaction to yesterday’s groundbreaking story about Gov. Walker’s little phone-call from his billionaire sugar daddy “Koch”, the republicans pulled a late-night coup, complete with a questionable vote and a well-choreographed hasty exit. Public opinion is certainly taking a huge swing after Walker’s little mess-up on the phone and even though Fox News lied about those poll results, recent polls show even before his little mishap, the general public stood with the protesters in Wisconsin.  So I guess they were desperate to shove that first domino over before they lost everything. The greedy corporatists knew they were losing what little support they had so it seems like they may have rushed through a fraud of a vote before the whole thing blows up in their faces."

Wisconsin police Announce they are Supposed to kick people out of the capitol at 4pm, but are Refusing!
Slideshow: The demonstrations in Madison, Wisconsin - photo slide show
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More On The International Situation....

Egypt/Turkey-Israel: ‘A clean break’
Must Read - Some quotes...."Saudi acquiescence to US-Israel hegemony is understandable because of the Saudi monarchy’s total reliance on the US dollar income from its oil. As US secretary of state Henry Kissinger told Business Week after Saudi Arabia defied the US with its oil embargo in support of Egypt in the 1973 war against Israel, any more such behaviour would lead to “massive political warfare against countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran to make them risk their political stability and maybe their security if they did not cooperate”."  --  "Current Israeli military strategy was honed in the early1980s, after the elimination of Egypt as a military threat. Two names are identified with it. Ariel Sharon announced publicly in 1981, shortly before invading Lebanon, that Israel no longer thought in terms of peace with its neighbours, but instead sought to widen its sphere of influence to the whole region “to include countries like Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, and areas like the Persian Gulf and Africa, and in particular the countries of North and Central Africa”. This view of Israel as a regional superpower/ bully became known as the Sharon Doctrine." - also posted at ICH - Topix  ||  9/11-Planning Guidance Dcs  ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||

The Lie of the Century - (Actually the lies of the century, and only a tiny, itsy, bitsy, fraction of them)
Special Note - A quote...."There is nothing new in a government lying to their people to start a war. Indeed because most people prefer living in peace to bloody and horrific death in war, any government that desires to initiate a war usually lies to their people to create the illusion that support for the war is the only possible choice they can make."

“Raymond Davis" - Can Imran Khan Save America's Relationship With Pakistan?
The Raymond Davis File - A quote...."The standoff between the United States and Pakistan over the arrest of contractor Raymond Davis is not going to be solved unless both nations take a step into that “no man’s land” of trust and honesty.  There is no question about diplomatic status, this was a clumsy mistake made by State Department officials in Washington who had little or no understanding of the legal and political issues at stake.  Recent admissions that Davis is “CIA” mean nothing.  Nobody knows what “CIA” means anymore, not since the wave of privatization that has spread to many of America’s critical security functions."

Inside Story-CIA Agent Raymond A. Davis
The Raymond Davis File - A quote...."On January 29, I along with my family while going   to my house   passed through the Jail Road and viewed the seen of the unpleasant event. In that incident on January 27, 2011 an American undercover secret agent Raymond A Davis killed two young boys just in front of famous “Bhatti Tikka Shop”."

CIA mulls targeting Pak diplomats abroad: report
The Raymond Davis File - (Fallout) -- A quote...."WASHINGTON: Suffering irreparable loss after blowing up of Raymond Davis’ cover in Lahore, the American premier intelligence apparatus is contemplating a tit-for-tat trapping or targeting Pakistani counterparts serving as diplomats abroad."

Pakistan’s ISI Demands Full List of CIA Spies in Country
The Raymond Davis File - (Fallout) -- A quote...."The two spy agencies have long worked side by side in the region, and the CIA even funds a major portion of their counterpart’s budget, but Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) has signaled a further split today in the wake of the Raymond Davis detention."
‘62 Afghan civilians killed in Nato strike’ - More on the Kunar massacre. - mpg
A quote...."KUNAR: A recent Nato air strike in an eastern Afghanistan valley killed at least 62 civilians including women and children, an Afghan government investigation said on Thursday. On Sunday, Afghan President Hamid Karzai accused Nato of having killed more than 50 civilians in eastern Afghanistan’s troubled "

Tearing Down the Walls in Baghdad While BiBi Gets Bitch-slapped
A quote...."You gotta love it -- All across the world people are saying no more. In Baghdad, they are tearing down those concrete walls that you and I paid to have installed to keep the people of Iraq from the neoliberal ”Green Zone” which OCCUPIES their capital. McDonald’s and Burger King thrive in the relative calm of the free-market Green Zone they call Baghdad these days, but now, the people of Iraq have said they have had enough. They are tearing down the walls that separate them from their future, tearing down the walls that keep them from the oligarchs who have been chopping up Iraq and selling it off at wholesale prices.  This is beautiful."

Russia confirms plans to supply Syria with Yakhont missiles (Update 1)
A quote...."Russia earlier announced it would honor a 2007 contract on the delivery of several Bastion anti-ship missile systems armed with SS-N-26 Yakhont supersonic cruise missiles to Syria, despite efforts by Israel and the United States to stop the deal. -- The Yakhont missile has a range of 300 kilometers, the capacity to carry a 200-kilogram warhead and the unique ability of being able to cruise several meters above the water surface, making it difficult to detect and intercept."

Iran warships dock in Syria: diplomatic source
A quote...."Damascus (AFP) Feb 24, 2011 - Two Iranian warships, the first to enter the Mediterranean from the Suez Canal since 1979, docked at the Syrian port of Latakia on Thursday, an Iranian diplomatic source told AFP in Damascus." - also posted at WarInIraq

Iran, Syria navies ink cooperation deal
A quote...."Naval authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Syria have signed a bilateral cooperation protocol for joint training programs."

China to invest in S Azadegan oilfield
A quote...."Iran's Petroleum Engineering and Development Company says China will invest $2.5 billion in developing projects of the South Azadegan oilfield in the southwestern province of Khuzestan."

IAEA report gives Iran clean bill
A quote...."The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has once again confirmed the peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear energy program."

IAEA: Iran plans to start second uranium enrichment plant by summer
A quote...."Vienna - Iran intends to start operating a second uranium enrichment plant by the summer, according to a new report that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) issued on Friday."

Turnout high as Irish polls close
Protest Vote News - (Ireland) -- A quote...."Vote counting is under way in Ireland following a high turnout in the country's general election, as voters vent their anger over the euro zone nation's unpopular international financial bailout. -- Initial exit polls from Friday's election were due out at 8:00am local time (08:00 GMT) on Saturday, with voters expected to expel the ruling Fianna Fail party and make Brian Cowen's government the first victim of the euro zone debt crisis." - bold by website editor

Russia launches Glonass-K satellite
A quote...."The Glonass satellite network is Russia's answer to the U.S. Global Positioning System, or GPS, and is designed for both military and civilian uses. Both systems allow users to determine their positions to within a few meters. -- The Glonass-K, which has a service life of 10 years, will beam five navigation signals - four in the special L1 and L2 bands and one for civilian applications in the L3 band."

Japan eyes participation in investment projects in Kuril Islands
A quote...."Japan's Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara said on Saturday Tokyo is looking up at an opportunity to participate in joint investment projects in the Kuril Islands with Russia."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Palestine Papers under the spotlight
Special Note - A quote...."A seminar planned to put the "Palestine Papers under the spotlight" has been held in the Senate House of the University of London. Organised by the Middle East Monitor (MEMO) in conjunction with the Federation of Students Islamic Societies (FOSIS), the event sought to draw attention back to the important documents leaked to and published by Al Jazeera and the Guardian newspaper; the publication of the papers was overshadowed by the turbulent political situation in Egypt and elsewhere across the Middle East."

Settlers [Homeless Vagrants] Attack Palestinian Village Near Nablus, Torch Vehicle
A quote...."For the second day in a row, a group of fundamentalist settlers [psychotic gang-bangers] of the Yitzhar illegal settlement, [squatter town] near the northern West Bank city of Nablus, invaded on Saturday at dawn Burin Palestinian village, and torched a vehicle that belongs to a local resident."

Settlers [Homeless Vandals] Uproot Lands Planted With Wheat Near Ramallah
A quote...."A group of extremist settlers [psychotic gang-bangers] uprooted 150 Dunams planted with wheat near the central West Bank city of Ramallah."

Israeli army attacks peaceful protest in Nabi Saleh
A quote...."West Bank, (Pal Telegraph)-Dozens of Palestinians in the West Bank village of El-Nabi Saleh were injured in the clashes erupted during the weekly  anti-wall rally held following Friday prayer."
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More On The Economic Situation....

"A Banking Banana Republic": Wall Street's Record $130 Billion Bonus, FCIC Report - Michael Lewis & Dylan Ratigan -- Video - Alt - (YuTb - 7m36s - Feb 11, 2011) - Source:  MrBernardLMadoff -- A quote...."The real unemployment rate hovers above 22%, new job creation is stagnant, but Wall Street pay is up 5.7% this year to $130 billion. - All thanks to you, Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer." - Topix ||  Having Fun With Your Tax Dollars  ||

Politicians Slash Budget of Watchdog Agencies ... Guaranteeing that Financial Fraud Won't Be Investigated or Prosecuted  - DIRECTLY Related Article - A quote...."As I noted last year, you can tell how interested Congress and the White House are in uncovering the truth by looking at how much money is actually budgeted for investigation:"

Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Update: Excess Reserves Surge, Fed Owns 37% More Treasurys Than China
Chart - DIRECTLY Related Article - A quote...."....the total Fed balance sheet hit a new all time record of $2.5 trillion. The increase was primarily driven by a $23 billion increase in Treasury holdings as of the week ended February 23 (so add another $5 billion for yesterday's POMO) to $1.214 trillion. With rates surging, QE Lite has been put on hibernation and there were no mortgage buybacks by the Fed in the past week:"

Adjusted Monetary Base Goes Vertical
Chart - (click to enlarge) - DIRECTLY Related Article - A quote...."Just in case there was any confusion in the interpretation of the M2 chart, here is the latest just released Adjusted Monetary Base."

Bank of India becomes first to offer trade settlement in yuan - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Special Note - Related Article - A quote...."BEIJING: Bank of India has become the first Indian bank to offer trade settlement facility between the rupee and the Chinese RMB from Hong Kong. This follows intense persuasion by the China Banking Regulatory Commission, which is trying to gain acceptance of the RMB as an international currency."

Stagflation 2011: Why It Is Here And Why It Is Going To Be Very Painful
Special Note - Related Article - A quote...."Are you ready for an economy that has high inflation and high unemployment at the same time? Well, welcome to "Stagflation 2011".  Stagflation exists when inflation and unemployment are both at high levels at the same time."

Guest Post: 2011 Tipping Points
Special Note - Charts - (click to enlarge) - -A quote...."Throughout my 2010 article series "Extend & Pretend" and "Sultans of Swap" I stressed that we were rapidly moving from the Financial Crisis of 2008, through the Economic Fallout of 2009 -2010, towards a Political Crisis in 2011 -2012. We are now clearly beginning to see the early emergence of the final part of this continuum.  From North Africa to Wisconsin all are fundamentally based on the single insidious underlying problem - excessive global debt and credit levels."

We're Rapidly Approaching the Crisis to Which 2008 Was a Warm Up
Mrkt Tech Note - Charts - A quote...."....the BIG question for US stocks is whether the market has already digested all the QE hype to the point that threats of additional liquidity does nothing, OR if the Bernanke “Put” is still in play. --  While this might not seem like a big deal, I can assure it is THE most significant issue the financial markets face right now. The reason for this is that >>>  IF <<<  the Bernanke “Put” is no longer relevant, that is additional liquidity and bailouts, doesn’t actually induce a rally anymore… then the entire financial system will collapse in one form or another." - >bold< by website editor - Absolutely true and one heck of a big "IF" -- Anybody care to bet against the Fed?  Keep in mind everyone who's done so in the last couple of years has lost a LOT of money. - mpg

Big Miss To Second Q4 GDP Read: Comes At 2.8% On Expectations Of 3.3%, Previous Estimate Of 3.2%
Chart - A quote...."As we had been expecting, Q4 data once again continues to take downward revisions. Second revision of Q4 GDP prints at 2.8%, widely missing of 3.3% widely, compared to a 3.2% reading previously. US Personal Consumption came at 4.1% on expectation of 4.2% (Prev. 4.4%). Core PCE was 0.5%, on expectation of 0.4%. The attempt at getting the consumer to releverage, at least according to the BEA, is working: personal outlays increased from $10,736.3 to $10,883.2 resulting in a decline to savings of $55 billion. And still the economy refuses to either generate jobs to keep up with the rate of population growth, or to grow at the required rate of 4-5% nearly 2 years following the "end" of a recession. Make room for QE3."

Will AIG Implosion 2.0 Lead To QE 3.0?
A quote...."AIG dropped over 6% today following some very unpleasasnt disclosures about its muni outlook, and corporate liquidity implications arising therefrom: "American International Group Inc., the bailed-out insurer, said it faces increased risk of losses on its $46.6 billion municipal bond portfolio and that defaults could pressure the company’s liquidity." - Again, (giggle, snicker) it just never ends does it folks? - mpg

Become A Teacher? 10 Examples That Show Why Becoming A Teacher Is A Dead End In This Economy
A quote...."It is very unfortunate that what is going on right now is going to scare so many young people away from becoming a teacher because the next generation could definitely use some quality teachers. -- But the truth is that it is getting really hard to honestly recommend that anyone become a teacher at this point. Just consider some of the following news stories that we have seen around the nation recently...."

Pressure on Osborne as [UK's] economic downturn is bigger than expected
A quote...."The economic slowdown at the end of last year was worse than previously thought – ramping up pressure on the Chancellor to kickstart the recovery in next month’s Budget. -- The size of the economy shrunk by 0.6 per cent between October and December, the Office for National Statistics said."
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February 18, 2011: Researcher warns that Roundup or Roundup-Ready Crops may be causing animal miscarriages and infertility. - A quote...."The USDA approved Monsanto's genetically engineered alfalfa, and unless President Obama stops it, it will be widely planted this spring and begin contaminating other crops, including organic alfalfa." - also posted at GlobalRsrch

USDA Approved Monsanto Alfalfa Despite Warnings of New Pathogen Discovered in Genetically Engineered Crops - A quote...."Just two weeks before the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) fully deregulated Monsanto's Roundup Ready alfalfa, a senior soil scientist alerted the department about a newly discovered, microscopic pathogen found in high concentrations of Roundup Ready corn and soy that researchers believe could be causing infertility in livestock and diseases in crops that could threaten the entire domestic food supply." - also posted at BLN

Thursday February 24th 2011

More On The Domestic Situation....

The Last Word on Terrorism
Must View CRVideo - (Outstanding!!) - Alt - Alt2/wTrnscpt - (CRYuTb - 10min44sec - 22 February, 2011) - Source: TheCorbettReport -- A quote...."That Kissinger would equate Nasserism with terrorism is particularly galling to those who are even passingly familiar with the history of the region. As is typical with such pronouncements by the mouthpieces of the global elite, the easily demonstrable truth is precisely the opposite of what Kissinger asserts. He just thinks his audience is too historically ignorant to call him on his lie."

Government Infiltrates Terror Cells Time and Again ... But Fails to Stop Attacks
Must Read - A quote...."It's amazing how governments infiltrate terror cells time and again, but then fail to actually stop the attacks." - Topix ||  US Support of Terror  ||

Fake Al Qaeda
Special Note - Related Article - A quote...."The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the 'devil' only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US . . ." -- *Pierre-Henri Bunel*

Michael Rubin Blasts Washington’s MEK Supporters
A quote...."Michael Rubin is on the offensive against the campaign to delist the Mojehedeen-e Khalq (MEK/MKO) from the State Department’s list of terrorist organizations. Rubin, a resident scholar at the neoconservative American Enterprise Institute, splits with some of his fellow hawks and denounces the MEK as a group which “has targeted Americans” and warns that “all [Iranians] detest the MKO.”

The FBI Allowed the 1993 WTC Bombing to Happen
From the History File
- Thursday October 28, 1993 Page A1 NYT - A quote...."Law-enforcement officials were told that terrorists were building a bomb that was eventually used to blow up the World Trade Center, and they planned to thwart the plotters by secretly substituting harmless powder for the explosives, an informer said after the blast."

What Do These Events Have in Common?
The Raymond Davis File - A quote...."Double murder-accused US official Raymond Davis has been found in possession of top-secret CIA documents, which point to him or the feared American Task Force 373 (TF373) operating in the region, providing Al-Qaeda terrorists with “nuclear fissile material” and “biological agents,” according to a report. -- While the US insists that Davis is one of their diplomats, and the two men he killed were robbers, Pakistan says that the duo were ISI agents sent to follow him after it was discovered that he had been making contact with al Qaeda, after his cell phone was tracked to the Waziristan tribal area bordering Afghanistan."

Two CIA Contractors "Spirited Out" of Pakistan
The Raymond Davis File - A quote...."Keep in mind the real story here is that Davis and these agents were involved with providing al Qaeda operatives with "nuclear fissile material" and "biological agents"to be given to some patsies for them to carry out a false-flag attack that could be used to ignite WW3. This is what the U.S. is attempting to cover up. They desperately need to get him out of Pakistan before he starts spilling the radioactive beans."

Pakistani and Indian Newspaper Say US CIA Contractor Raymond Davis is a Terrorist
The Raymond Davis File - A quote...."Pakistani and Indian newspapers are reporting that Raymond Davis, the CIA contractor in jail in Lahore facing murder charges for the execution-slayings of two young men believed to by Pakistani intelligence operatives, was actually involved in organizing terrorist activities in Pakistan."

Did Davis double-cross US as recruitment point man for Taliban?
The Raymond Davis File - Oh looky, another "double agent" scenario regarding....wait for it it comes....Mumbai.  Yeah that's right, the same Mumbai "incident" wherein another supposed "double agent" fooled our poor, liddle, befuddled, intelligence (WHAT an oxymoron) establishment.  Oh PLEASE!!!! For more on this issue see the appropriately entitled.....Just Give it a Rest OK!! - 11-27-09 - mpg
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Fall-Out From the Davis Affair - Let's Be Friends Again OK?

Pakistan's intelligence ready to split with CIA
A quote...."ISLAMABAD, Pakistan – Pakistan's ISI spy agency is ready to split with the CIA because of frustration over what it calls heavy-handed pressure and its anger over what it believes is a covert U.S. operation involving hundreds of contract spies, according to an internal document obtained by The Associated Press and interviews with U.S. and Pakistani officials."

US-Pak military hold secret meeting
A quote...."Islamabad: Top US-Pakistan military brass, including army chief Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, held a day-long secret meeting at a luxury resort in Oman on the war on terror in Afghanistan, against the backdrop of a tense diplomatic standoff over the arrest of an American for double murder in Lahore."

Official Government Transcript of the Meeting:  What the US-NRE's Generals said...."OK guys, you caught us red handed, yeah, we were planning another 9/11 using Davis as one of our operatives and it all went South on us, But heck and tarnation if you guys hadn't stopped it the American people might've swallowed the whole thing all over again. Now look what you've done, we'll have to think up some other plan, what a waste of effort. What was the big deal anyway, it was only a little nuke, why are you guys so ticked off about it?

If this gets out not only are we going to look bad, but so are you!  Worse, it could finally trigger an actual, honest, full-blown, investigation of 9/11, neither the Saudi Royals, nor Israel, nor us want that to happen.... EVER!   It could ruin everything, people would become aware of the ten year economic/war cycle, of the false-flags we constantly stage, of just how Murder Inc. really runs its "business"!  Such exposure would negatively impact your elites inclusion into our New World Order as well as their growing relationships with our Banksters....along with the growth of their bank accounts we might add.  Get the picture guys?

OK, OK, OK!!  (a collective sigh) We were going to frame your country for the nuke attack, telling the whole world that you've lost control of your nuclear stockpiles and that you couldn't possibly be trusted to own nukes anymore or some such nonsense, and yeah (a bigger collective sigh), we would have used the "incident" as an excuse to attack and seize control of all the nukes you now own, and yeah (an even bigger collective sigh), the Israelis put us up to it. (Loud screaming sounds from the Pakies)

Well don't ask us, go ask them, they hate you guys, they hate all Muslims....heck they hate and despise everybody, especially us goyum, but that's not the point, as we understand it, they merely wanted us to implement their long established standard business model.  They want both you and Iran destroyed as functioning "national states" as effectively as Iraq and Palestine were destroyed.  They want every "nation state" around them reduced to the tribal level, de-industrialized, de-democratized and placed under the
continued occupation and control of the New Roman Empire, which of course is their colony controlled by them.  They don't want a single economic or geo-political competitor within a thousand miles of their rapidly expanding mini-empire.  So!?  So what else is new!?

C'mon guys you gotta take a look at it from our perspective, we didn't want to do this to you!  It was the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium that set this in motion more than forty years ago as part of their long term plan to control the Middle East.  They made us do it!  You just don't understand how completely insufferable they are, how they thoroughly infest every nook and cranny in Washington DC, how they TOTALLY control Congress, not to mention the mass-media, and how Obama has become their abject, crawling, butt-kissing, slavish, little, play-thing.  And don't forget we've also got all those whacked-out, Zio-Armageddon Cultists in our command structure to worry about.

So cut us some slack, OK?  Tell you what, we'll promise to double your military assistance, heck we can do even better than that, we'll triple it!!   All sorts of shiny new toys to play with, it'll make India's elites jealous of you!  We'll also get the IMF boys to knock a couple of points off their usual blood-sucking loan sharking interest rates and not bleed you guys so much like they usually do.

How about it, can we make a deal, can we be friends again?  What's one attempted nuke job and a frame-up between best buddies eh?  You're not going to run around tattling to the whole world what we tried to do are you?  C'mon guys, we're all in this together, we're all adults here, it was just a tiny, little, misunderstanding that's all, just let us make it up to you, OK? - mpg

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B-tches, Ho's ...and our Man in Pakistan.
A quote...."It looks like Gaddafi is due to go riding in Dolan’s Cadillac any time now. The Iranian ships have gone through the Suez Canal and it turns out Our Man in Pakistan was deep into a massive false flag operation. My, how the dominoes are tumbling... Meanwhile, the Koch Brothers have stirred up a hornet’s nest in Wisconsin."

Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama & Neo-Liberalism are the Daleys' Gifts to Chicago and the Nation. Thanks
A quote...."Chicago's Daley regime was a half century orgy of arrogance, racism and plunder. Thanks to President Obama, it not only continues with the succession of Rahm Emanuel to the fifth floor office of Chicago's mayor, but with nationwide implementation of diastrous policies toward housing, schools, infrastructure and public workers, all pioneered in Chicago." - also posted at Uruknet

Habeas Hell: How the Great Writ Was Gutted at Guantánamo
A quote...."For the US attorneys who represent prisoners in Guantánamo, and who have spent many years seeking justice for their clients, it has been a long, and generally disappointing road. After triumph in June 2004, when, in Rasul v. Bush, the Supreme Court granted the prisoners habeas corpus rights, allowing them to meet their clients for the first time and to begin preparing their habeas corpus petitions, there were major setbacks in the years that followed."

Behind the Arab Revolt Is a Word We Dare Not Speak
A quote...."Shortly after the invasion of Iraq in 2003, I interviewed Ray McGovern, one of an elite group of CIA officers who prepared the President’s daily intelligence brief. McGovern was at the apex of the "national security" monolith that is American power and had retired with presidential plaudits. On the eve of the invasion, he and 45 other senior officers of the CIA and other intelligence agencies wrote to President George W. Bush that the "drumbeat for war" was based not on intelligence, but lies. -- "It was 95 per cent charade," McGovern told me."

Who Killed Jack Wheeler?
The John Wheeler Murder Case - A quote...."NEW CASTLE, Del. — Someone’s been in here, Robert Dill thought as he walked through his neighbor’s house on the morning of Dec. 30. -- That much seemed obvious even then — one day before his neighbor Jack Wheeler turned up dead at a landfill 7 miles away. -- Dill, 73, had gone to check the Wheeler house after noticing an upstairs window open. He remembered locking all of them when he and his wife had tidied Wheeler’s aged brick duplex a few days earlier." - also posted at VeteransToday 
- Topix ||  Wheeler, John P - Murder Case - The Minot / Barksdale Loose Nukes Incident  ||

Another Runaway General: Army Deploys Psy-Ops on U.S. Senators
Propaganda Alert - A quote...."The U.S. Army illegally ordered a team of soldiers specializing in "psychological operations" to manipulate visiting American senators into providing more troops and funding for the war, Rolling Stone has learned – and when an officer tried to stop the operation, he was railroaded by military investigators." - also posted at ICH

Spying on Internet Users
Internet Under Threat - A quote...."The Department of Homeland Security is conducting massive spying on Internet users through a program called "Avatar Identity." The existence of the program was disclosed to WMR by a source who stated that the development of avatars for every user of the Internet had its beginnings with the U.S. Air Force and the Advance Research Projects Agency (ARPANET) at the outset of the fielding of World Wide Web (WWW) technology in the early 1990s." - also posted at DProgram

Army of Fake Social Media Friends to Promote Propaganda - More on the DoD's plans for a virtual web army.
Internet Under Threat - A quote...."Does a code of ethics still exist in Intelligence firms? Does it disappear behind closed doors, dirty deeds done in the dark and used against the American people who are supposed to be free to express themselves?"

Israel investing $1.6 million in "new media warriors" - Israel has decided to copy the DoD's program.
Internet Under Threat - A quote...."The Israeli military establishment is once again on the offensive, but instead of high-tech weaponry and missiles, it is using computer screens, keyboards and rapid wireless connections to fight what Israeli military representatives are dubbing a "new media war." - also posted at Uruknet

Must Read - A quote...."All across the world the same fire is burning. -- The banking and political elites from our country and across the pond, set this in motion over a decade ago. It was a three-part plan to create a deficit bubble of a size and scale never before seen in the history of mankind and then to fabricate the Global War on Terror to create the pretext they needed to invade any nation who dared resist their IMF style occupation and proxy rule. Finally, the speculators did their work by needlessly but deliberately driving up the price of wheat and corn causing massive famine and increased rates of poverty and starvation at a time when most of the world was already desperate for work."

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – February 23nd, 2011
Must Listen MRVideo - (JustInTV - 2hrs - February 23nd, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV - Michael Rivero covers the on-going, and relentlessly expanding revolutions WORLD WIDE, along with the terrible carnage in Libya and other issues. - mpg
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More on the World Wide Revolution.....

Khadafi On the Outs
Special Note - A quote...."Mouammar Khadafi strode onto the world stage when he and other young officers kicked out a King named Idris, who had charged foreign corporations the lowest prices in the world to suck out the nation’s oil wealth. That was back in 1969. By the time I had my encounter with Khadafi, 40 years later, in late October of 2009, he was still calling himself a socialist and sworn enemy of capitalism, and pushing his Green Book as a universal guide to social justice. But Khadafi had clearly reached an accommodation with the United States and the rich men of Europe. White and Asian corporate guys were everywhere in Tripoli, the capital, which was bursting at the seams with construction projects built by foreigners for foreign corporations. Libya and its six million inhabitants had become a full-fledged corporate “destination,” and Khadafi’s armed forces were in constant collaboration with the crack forces of the U.S. imperial war machine." - also posted at Uruknet

Gaddafi struggles to keep control
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan leader, is struggling to maintain his authority in the country, as vast swathes of territory in the east now appear to be under the control of pro-democracy protesters. -- This comes as international pressure mounts on the Libyan leader to stop the violent crackdown on the demonstrators."

Libyan Colonel: 'The people are running the city and the army is with the people'
A quote...."Catrina Stewart reports from Tobruk, where victorious protesters are working to restore a sense of normality."

Opposition forces close in around Libyan capital
A quote...."BENGHAZI, Libya — Unrest continued to draw closer to Tripoli Thursday, even igniting in areas of western Libya previously under tight government control, the day before a planned demonstration in the capital against President Moammar Gadhafi's long-standing rule designed to coincide with the Muslim Sabbath. -- After braving days of extreme violence and seizing control of the oil-rich North African country's eastern areas, anti-Gadhafi forces reportedly took contol of the city of Zawiya, just 30 miles west of the capital." - bold by website editor

'Gaddafi's son joins Libyan protesters'
A quote...."The youngest son of the embattled ruler Muammar Gaddafi has joined the pro-democracy protesters in Libya amid an unabated outpouring of rage against Gaddafi, reports say."

Robert Fisk: Gaddafi raved and cursed, but he faces forces he cannot control
Special Note - A quote...."So he will go down fighting. That's what Muammar Gaddafi told us last night, and most Libyans believe him. This will be no smooth flight to Riyadh or a gentle trip to a Red Sea holiday resort." - also posted at VeteransToday

Wayne Madsen – Qaddafi Relying on Foreign Mercenaries
AJVideo - WM&AJ(1/2) - WM&AJ(2/2) - (AJYuTb - 10min - Feb 24, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel  -- A quote...."Alex talks with Wayne Madsen about the impending war to come over in Libya and what roll obama will have in this new middle east campaign against CIA created terrorist nations."

130 Libyan soldiers executed for mutiny
A quote...."Scores of Libyan soldiers have been executed for refusing to open fire on pro-democracy protesters, International Federation for Human Rights (IFHR) says."

Egypt/Turkey-Israel: ‘A clean break’
Special Note - A quote...."While Egypt’s revolution was very much about domestic matters -- bread and butter, corruption, repression -- its most immediate effects have been international. Not for a long time has Egypt loomed so large in the region, to both friend and foe. At least 13 of the 22 Arab League countries are now affected: Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen. -- But just as powerful has been the resonance in Israel. It has no precedent for an assertive, democratic neighbour. Except for Turkey."

Muslim Brotherhood calls for mass protest against new Egyptian cabinet
A quote...."Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood called to hold a mass rally next Friday in Cairo's Tahrir Square to demand a new government. The Al Quds Al Arabi newspaper said the movement, which was banned during the rule of president Hosni Mubarak, is demanding a government without any figure who served under Mubarak."

'Bahrain govt. must resign Thursday'
A quote...."Bahrainis will go on a nationwide strike and hold more massive demonstrations if the government does not resign on Thursday, an opposition figure says."

Greece paralyzed by general strike
A quote...."Greece has been hit with a general strike for the first time this year, as the country's largest public and private sectors engage in protest rallies against the government's austerity policies."

'I won't pay' movement spreads across Greece - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Screw the Banksters - mpg -- A quote...."In light of austerity measures [for the Banksters], citizens ignore tolls, transit ticket costs, even bills for healthcare"

Greece: 30,000 attend mass rally, which turns violent
A quote...."30,000 people attended a rally in Athens today. Today's rally was organised as part of a general strike, which caused chaos. Whether it was recent events in the middle east that caused the police to overreact is hard to determine but they used tear gas and stun grenades."

It's Not an Arab Revolution ... It's a GLOBAL Revolution
A quote...."
While the revolution in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and other North African countries may seem like an "Arab revolt", it's actually worldwide. -- Protests involving thousands of protesters have recently been held in...."
"The worldwide riots are not mysterious or unforeseeable. They've been predicted for years, and are a direct result of the bad policy choices made by most nations worldwide."

Feb17 -  Feb18 -  Feb19 -  Feb20 -  Feb21 -  Feb22 - Feb23 - Live Blog - Libya Feb 24 - al jazeera live blog
Protest News 2-24-11 - A DProgram Round-Up - (8 articles & videos)
Civil war fears as Gaddafi opens hunt on protesters, vows bloodshed - Alt - video - (4m37s - 02/24/11) - Src RT
Qaddafi Urges End to Violence as Foes Increase Control in East
Counting the dead in Libya's Benghazi hospital - Src
Libyan city dubbed 'Free Benghazi' as anti-Gaddafi troops take control - Alt
Gaddafi has lost it ... - Alt
Gaddafi's cousin, closest aide resigns: Al-Arabiya
Libyans take over major oil terminals
Doctors report 17 dead in Libyan city of Zawiya - photo gallery
Libyans brace for day 10 of revolution
US Government: Libya Says Will Treat Unauthorized Reporters As Al Qaeda
Libyan: Qaddafi forces shoot hospital patients
Egyptian junta clamps down on strikes - Alt
Bahrainis hail 100 prisoners release
7 Yemeni MPs resign over rising cruelty
Yemen: Unrest in Sanaa, bloodshed in Aden
Jordan braces for its 'largest' rally
PM urges Iraqis not to attend Friday's protests
Iraqi shoe thrower rearrested ahead of planned protest - Src
AI : Authorities in Iraq Urged to Allow Peaceful Protests - Src
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More on America's Revolution....

Gov. Scott Walker Inadvertently Admits Bipartisan Neoliberal Collusion Against the People of This Country; “He’s Not One of Us… He’s Not an Ally” - Contains Video - KochWhoreGovWalker - A quote...."In an amazingly illuminating recording, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, while talking to someone who he thought was David Koch, made reference to Tim Cullen, a Democratic state Senator in Wisconsin.  What he actually said about Cullen exposes the ongoing bipartisan neoliberal attack on the people of this country.  While talking to a blogger named “Murphy” from The Beast who was pretending to be David Koch, Scott Walker started talking about Cullen suggesting that he could be useful in their ongoing battle with the dems over the union-busting bill that is causing such an uproar in the state right now.  When Murphy, as Koch, suggested that he give Cullen a call to thank him for the help, Scott Walker made a stunning statement:" -- Oh man, that's good!  Koch-Whore - pron. "coke hoor" - mpg

“The Whole World is Watching, and We’re Winning”
Videos & Articles
- TomMorello - (YuTb - 7min 16sec - Feb 21, 2011) - Source:  RockOfTheArts -- A quote...."Tom Morello (The Nightwatchman) - World Wide Rebel Songs Live in Madison Wisconsin at Monona Terrace with Wayne Kramer of the MC5, Streetdogs and Ike Reilly. All part of the Rock for YOUR Rights Solidarity Rally. Check out Rock of the Arts web site at ....Follow Rock of the Arts on twitter at

Video - Talking about a revolution (tracy chapman) - (YuTb - 2min 52sec - Jun 2, 2007) - Source:  eduardopereira2201 -- A quote...."and just for the fun of it…"
‘Use live ammunition’ against Wisconsin protesters, Indiana official says
A quote...."The Indiana Attorney General's office announced Wednesday that the deputy attorney general who called for Wisconsin riot police to use deadly force on protesters is no longer employed by the agency, according to WISH."

“Use Live Ammunition”
A quote...."On Saturday, February 19, 2011, Indiana Deputy Attorney General Jeff Cox brought his career to a screeching halt with the three words, “Use live ammunition,” published via Twitter for all to see."

One-sided war in Wisconsin
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More On The International Situation....

All-American Decline in a New World
Must Read - Quote of the Day...."It would seem like a good moment for Washington -- which, since September 12, 2001, has been remarkably clueless about real developments on this planet and repeatedly miscalculated the nature of global power -- to step back and recalibrate.  --  As it happens, there's no evidence it's doing so.  In fact, that may be beyond Washington’s present capabilities, no matter how many billions of dollars it pours into “intelligence.”  And by “Washington,” I mean not just the Obama administration, or the Pentagon, or our military commanders, or the vast intelligence bureaucracy, but all those pundits and think-tankers who swarm the capital, and the media that reports on them all.  It’s as if the cast of characters that makes up “Washington” now lives in some kind of echo chamber in which it can only hear itself talking."

Washington’s War and Middle East Policy Racket
Special Note - A quote...."US Marine Corp Major General Smedley Butler accurately described in his book, "War Is A Racket" how the American military is often forced to make war far more for Wall Street and big corporation profits than the false reasons usually provided for the conflict. While he wrote his book about World War One, his conclusion is an accurate description for the War Between the States, the Second World War as well as most wars in US history."

9 dead in Pakistan hit on NATO tankers
BREAKING: Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:26AM - A quote...."At least nine people have been killed in Pakistan's northwestern city of Peshawar as gunmen destroyed 16 NATO tankers transporting fuel to US-led forces in Afghanistan."

Taliban claims control of district
Video - Alt - (YuTb - Feb 22, 2011) - Source:  AlJazeeraEnglish -- A quote...."NATO forces say they have secured control of the south of Afghanistan. But just 30 minutes by car from Kandahar city, the Taliban has set up camps. -- Al Jazeera's Sue Turton reports from one such camp in Zharay district, where commanders tell her they will expand their operations in the summer."

NATO Helicopter Kills Five Afghan Civilians, Including Two Children
A quote...."Five Afghan civilians in the deseprately poor Kapisa Province were killed today by NATO troops while they were out hunting. NATO saw them, three men with bird-hunting rifles and two boys (aged 12 and 13), assumed they were insurgents, killing them."

U.S. Pulling Back in Afghan Valley It Called Vital to War
A quote...."KABUL, Afghanistan — After years of fighting for control of a prominent valley in the rugged mountains of eastern Afghanistan, the United States military has begun to pull back most of its forces from ground it once insisted was central to the campaign against the Taliban and Al Qaeda."

Officials call for inquiry into Iraq ‘torture’ death
A quote...."MOSUL, Iraq — Provincial authorities in north Iraq called for an inquiry on Wednesday into the death of a detainee who was allegedly tortured while being held by security forces." - also posted at Uruknet

Armed raid on "Reporters Without Borders" partner organization in Iraq
Press Intimidation - A quote...."BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: Reporters Without Borders has strongly condemned an armed raid on Wednesday on the Baghdad headquarters of the Journalistic Freedoms Observatory (JFO), its partner organization in Iraq, in which all of the JFO’s computers and archives were stolen."

Luxembourg supports Turkish EU membership
A quote...."Luxembourg has thrown its weight behind Turkey’s bid to become an EU member state, months before the Grand Duchy opens an Embassy in the secular state."

French President Sarkozy visits Turkey
A quote...."French President Nicolas Sarkozy is to travel to the Turkish capital of Ankara on Friday to discuss regional and international issues with the country's leadership, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said."

Debt crisis looms over Ireland vote - Kick the bastards out of office and default on the bonds!! - mpg
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Anger over shattered economy expected to trigger a backlash against ruling Fianna Fail party at the ballot box. Europe's debt crisis is set to claim its first political victim in an Irish election dominated by the trauma of economic collapse and the painful path back to financial stability. Ireland's 3.1 million voters make their choices on Friday, with every poll pointing to a new government led by Fine Gael, until now the perennial runner-up in Irish elections."

Father of teen killed in Gaza flotilla raid seeks American justice
A quote...."Professor Ahmet Doğan, whose 19-year-old son Furkan was killed aboard during the Israeli army raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla from Turkey in May, is in Washington in an attempt to convince American officials to open an investigation into the raid." - Sue Israel, and everyone involved. - mpg

Israel bars Red Cross aid from homeless Bedouin
A quote...."HEBRON (Ma'an) -- Residents of the tiny Bedouin hamlet of Amniyr crowded into a small cave in the rocky hills south of Hebron to sleep on Wednesday night, after their tent homes were destroyed by Israeli demolition crews claiming the hamlet as state land." - also posted at AlethoNews & Uruknet

Knesset debates bill to abolish the status of Arabic as an official language in Israel
A quote...."Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, is looking at a draft bill which proposes the abolition of Arabic as an official language in the Zionist state. This would require the repeal of British Mandatory legislation in Palestine dating from 1922 which adopted Arabic, Hebrew and English as official languages. When the state of Israel was created through the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in 1948, the Zionists ditched English as an official medium of communication. - bold by website editor
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Gaza In Plain Language - Revisited
Must Read/View - Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Few Americans remember Operation Cast Lead.  Jews in America were told Israel had to finish off Hamas in order to protect itself.  We can’t get into exactly how fanciful and utterly false everything American Jews are told or even the childishly ignorant statements President Obama and Secretary Clinton make on a regular basis.  They make me cringe.  They should make all of us here in America ashamed, Jews and non-Jews alike."

The Veto from Hell
Special Note - A quote...."Last Friday’s American veto of the United Nations Security Council resolution that would have called Israeli settlement activity on the West Bank illegal was not only shameful, it was possibly the low point of the already foundering Obama presidency."

Israeli Fighter Jets Attack Targets In Gaza
A quote...."Gaza – PNN – Israeli fighter jets attacked a number of targets in different parts of the Gaza Strip on Wednesday night and Thursday morning. The attack comes shortly after army shelling left one man dead and 16 others injured on Wednesday."

1 dead, 10 injured in Israel shelling near Gaza City
A quote...."GAZA CITY (Ma’an) -- A Palestinian injured by an Israeli shell fired east of Gaza City on Wednesday has died, medics said. -- Adel Jundiyeh, a member of the armed wing of Islamic Jihad, died and 10 others were injured including three children, medics said." - also posted at Uruknet

Israeli Bulldozers Plow 15 Dunums of Olive Trees Near Salfit
A quote...."Salfit – PNN - On Thursday morning, Israeli bulldozers plowed 15 dunums of land cultivated with olive trees (a dunum is about a quarter of an acre) in Deir Istiya, a village near Salfit in the northern West Bank."

Israeli Military Abducts Two Children in Hebron
A quote...."On Thursday morning, the Israeli soldiers abducted two Palestinian children from the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron, and searched several houses."
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More On The Economic Situation....

Goldman Sachs Owes You $3 Billion ("$10 dollars per every man, woman and child")
Must View Video - Alt - (YuTb - Jan 27, 2011 - 4m56s) - Source:  TheYoungTurks  -- A quote...."Cenk Uyugr on MSNBC shares a Reuters report that explains how Goldman Saches used billions in taxpayer money to give themselves bonuses rather than distributing the money to its clients, all of this while they recorded record profits.

Keiser Report: Fox News Boo Fail (E124)
MKVideo - Alt - (MKRTYuTb - 25min 25sec - February 24, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  Max Keiser TV -- A quote...."A quote...."This time Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, talk about China regulating reincarnation and the US Air Force seeking virtual people. In the second half of the show, Max talks to blogger, Glenn Greenwald, about the Wikileaks smear campaign and about propaganda from corporate America."

QE2, The Road To A Gold Standard
Special Note - A quote...."What an incredible few weeks with global uprisings! It is not all too surprising that social eruptions over food prices come from the Arab world, since they spend up to 75% to 80% of income on food for basic needs. What proof that the global economy is not a closed system! The QE and QE2 initiatives have spread like a powerful virus, leading to global commodity prices heading upward and quickly. Even cotton is up 170% in price. The USFed has suffered even more credibility blows, calling the global food price inflation unrelated to its QE2 policy. It is obviously connected. What we have is the Western Big Banks protected from fraud prosecution, redeemed for their broken toxic balance sheets at government expense, leading to a global price tag in the form of foodstuffs and commodities."

Paul Mylchreest's Latest Must Read Report: Gresham’s Law Squared – Gearing Up For Game Over
Second Quote of the Day...."Bernanke’s QE2 is nothing short of economic warfare, in the form of a wave of inflation, directed at the rest of the world and even his own population (at least anybody without a large stock market, commodities or precious metals portfolio). This inflation is not temporary, as per the false reassurances, it’s baked in."

War, Martial Law, and the Economic Crisis
A quote...."Excerpt from "The Global Economic Crisis: The Great Depression of the XXI Century" -- The bailout measures of late 2008 may have consequences at least as grave for an open society as the response to 9/11 in 2001. Many members of Congress felt coerced at the time into voting against their inclinations, and the normal procedures for orderly consideration of a bill were dispensed with."

Public Debt is Like a Giant Ponzi Scheme
A quote...."Public debt has become a problem worldwide. What is becoming more and more evident is that it is unsustainable and simply unpayable. It could be compared to a giant Ponzi scheme. We see no meaningful debt reductions thus, government will have to raise taxes, which will further suppress the economy, or people and companies will be forced to buy such bonds, or perhaps pension and retirement funds will be seized to continue the game for a while longer."

KC Fed President Issues New Report Calling For 'Break Up' Of J.P. Morgan, Goldman, Citigroup & Bank Of America - A quote...."In a report just released today, Kansas City Fed President Thomas Hoenig lays it all out in black in white:  Dodd-Frank has done absolutely nothing about Too Big To Fail, and for that reason "[w]e must break up the largest banks" (2)."

Liquidations Coming: Hedge Fund Margin Debt Surges - Total Free Cash Lowest Since July 2007, Just Prior To Quant Wipe Out - Mrkt Tech Note - A quote...."The NYSE has released its January margin debt data. Not surprisingly, total margin debt hit a peak of $290 billion, the highest since September 2008, but the one category that shows just how much purchasing is occurring on margin is total Free Credit less Total Margin Debt drops to the lowest since the all time credit bubble peak in July of 2007!

New Home Sales Plummet 13% To 284,000 Annualized Rate, 19K Actual Homes Sold Lowest Monthly Ever
A quote...."While the quant funds are desperately seeking modelers for a "deranged middle east dictator" algo, the US economy continues to prolapse. From the release: "Sales of new single-family houses in January 2011 were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 284,000."

SunTrust Chief Executive Wells's Pay Rises 34% as Pension Valuation Climbs
A quote...."SunTrust Banks Inc., the Georgia lender that has yet to repay $4.85 billion in taxpayer bailout funds, reported a 34 percent increase in Chief Executive Officer James Wells’s 2010 compensation."

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