Saturday July 28th 2012

Congresswoman Barbara Lee: once the lone voice against the Afghanistan war
Contains Video - A quote...."With her voice cracking and the nation still in mourning Barbara took to the floor of the House of Representatives on 14 September 2001, in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, to give the sole speech and deliver the sole vote in Congress against the Afghanistan war. -- Immediately afterwards friends in Congress followed her to the cloakroom to tell her: 'I think you made a mistake, you better go and change your vote.' She wouldn't. In the days following, with smoke still rising from lower Manhattan and the nation on a war footing she would field death threats, accusations of treason and, for a time, need 24-hour protection from the Capitol police. -- Almost 11 years on, Lee's speech sounds incredibly prescient."

Why Do Progressive Liberals Fall For ‘Humanitarian War’? - Because they're NOT "progressive" OR "liberal".
Special Note - Graphic - (click to view) - Alt -- A quote...."The concept of ‘Humanitarian’ War contradicts 200 years of liberal thought and the ideals of our founding fathers yet progressives still fall for it." - Source:  GrgWashBlog - also posted at GlobalRsrch & DProgram

Post-Neoimperial Upheavals: Twilight of the Narcissists
A quote...."This is, of course, precisely the view now taken by the entirety of America's bipartisan political elite, its media elite, and vast swathes of its ordinary citizens, who have been marinated in this belief for generations. They do believe -- simply, deeply, sincerely -- that the "world belongs to the United States" and that the United States has the right to order the world as it pleases. No one who looked clearly and dispassionately at American foreign policy in the post-war years could say otherwise."
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US Treasury:  Al Qaeda Runs Syrian "Rebellion"
Special Note - A quote...."The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) in its article, "Al Qaeda's War for Syria," cited officials from the US Treasury Department stating, "Al Qaeda in Syria (often operating as the "Al Nusra Front for the People of the Levant") is using traffickers—some ideologically aligned, some motivated by money—to secure routes through Turkey and Iraq for foreign fighters, most of whom are from the Middle East and North Africa. A growing number of donors from the Persian Gulf and Levant appear to be sending financial support."" - Topix ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||

US Authorizes Financial Support to Free Syrian Army
Related Article - OPENLY giving money to al-CIA'da, my goodness!!  Let the arrests, trials, tortures, convictions and executions begin....oh wait...they're murdering for the US-NRE's parasites....all over again??  Never mind....mpg -- A quote...."July 28, 2012 "Al-Monitor" -- A US group that supports the Free Syrian Army has received a waiver from the US Treasury Department authorizing it to provide logistical and financial support to the armed Syrian resistance. - The waiver was received from the Treasury Department Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) last week, Brian Sayers, of the Syrian Support Group, told Al- Monitor in an interview Friday." - Source:  Al-Monitor

Russia: US State Department Supporting Terrorism in Syria
PRSTVideo - Alt - (PRSTVYuTb - 8min22sec - Jul 28, 2012) - Source:   PressTVGlobalNews -- A quote...."The British Foreign Secretary William Hague has said that the United Kingdom promises to increase its support for the armed gangs fighting the Syrian government. - Interview with Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley, author and historian."

US foreign policy adventurism approaching an all-time high (Op-Ed)
Special Note - Quote of the Day - (in bold) -- "Whenever the US warns there is an imminent danger of violence, even of a massacre or atrocities, it pays to take notice. Such predictions seem to have an almost uncanny knack of turning out to be accurate. So recent US “concerns” could mean bad news." -- "The world is just getting over the shock of accounts of massacres emerging from Syria, like the one in al-Houla at the end of May this year. The novelty of the outrage lies in the astonishing fact that from the mainstream conservative German daily FAZ (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung) and Christian clergy, a shock wave went through major Western media. New grizzly details of the plot were uncovered, namely that known loyalist families, including dozens of women, children and the elderly, who denied support to the insurgents fell victim to the carnage. -- According to intercepted rebel phone calls, massacres and other incidents are being perpetrated with the intention of later putting the blame on the government. " - bold/underline by website editor - Topix ||  Hillary's Second Staged "Massacre" - 07-15-12 - mpg  ||

Syrians: NATO-backed Militants Seen Donning Gas Masks
False Flag Alert - Related Article - A quote...."Reports of Libyan chemical weapons brought in through Turkey, caches discovered in Damascus point to possible false flag."

False Flags Have Been Planned Against Syria for 50 Years
Related Article - A quote...."Don’t believe all of the mainstream reports (roundup here) that the U.S. is supporting false flag attacks carried out by Al Qaeda against Syria? -- The BBC reports that the British and American leaders seriously considered false flag attacks in Syria in 1957...."

"in 1957 Harold Macmillan and President Dwight Eisenhower approved a CIA-MI6 plan to stage fake border incidents as an excuse for an invasion by Syria’s pro-western neighbours, and then to “eliminate” the most influential triumvirate in Damascus…."

US Proxy Al Qaeda Death Squads in Syria
Special Note - Related Article - A quote...."Washington's agenda involves death squad diplomacy. Evidence mounts proving it. It's standard practice in all US direct and proxy wars. It's how America treats its enemies. - Massacres and unspeakable atrocities are committed. Women are raped. Civilians are treated like combatants. They're indiscriminately killed. - Others are targeted for opposing US aggression. Children are harmed like adults. Prisoners are tortured. No crime's too gruesome to commit. - Lies, duplicity, and coverup follow. Media scoundrels bear direct responsibility. Their hands are bloodstained like US officials, forces and proxy killers. - Vietnam's Operation Phoenix became a prototype for today's wars. It included intimidation, kidnappings torture, and mass murder. At issue was eliminating opposition elements. Terrorizing people into submission was policy." - also posted at ICH

Syrian wheel of fortune spins China's way
A quote....."....the Annan plan, ~ might have been a workable, even desirable option for the Syrian people as well as the Assad regime. - But Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey were determined not to let it happen. And the United States, in another case of the Middle Eastern tail wagging the American dog, [That should mean mostly Israel and it's PNAC Protocols....mpg] has downsized its dreams of liberal-democratic revolution [That was NEVER their dream....mpg] for the reality of regime collapse driven in significant part by domestic thugs and opportunists, money and arms funneled in by conservative Gulf regimes, violent Islamist adventurism, and neo-Ottoman overreach by Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Erdogan. -- But a funny thing happened last week. The Assad regime didn't collapse, despite an orchestrated, nation-wide assault (coordinated, we can assume, by the crack strategists of the international anti-Assad coalition): a decapitating terrorist bombing in the national security directorate, near-simultaneous armed uprisings in the main regime strongholds of Damascus and Aleppo, and the seizure of many of Syria's official border crossings with Iraq and Turkey."

Syria Real News - July 28 round-up
Article List - Photos - Audio - A quote...."Syria paying for supporting resistance against US, Israel: Iran envoy - The Iranian ambassador to Tunis says the ongoing crisis in Syria is the price that Damascus is paying for supporting the resistance front against the US and Israel. - “Syrians are not surprised that supporters of the Zionist regime (of Israel) and its allies are keeping pressure on them. Syrians know that they seek to take revenge on the Syrian government and nation for their resistance against Zionists’ plots and aggression,” Peyman Jebelli said in an interview with Tunisian al-Zamir weekly."

BEX ALERT - Syria has expanded chemical weapons supply with Iran’s help, documents show
A quote...."Get out the hip waders; the bovine excrement hasn't hit the flood stage like this since that whopper about Saddam's 'nookular' bombs! -- This sounds like pre-propaganda for the US-backed "rebels" (nudge nudge wink wink) to gas a few civilians and blame Assad." -- *Michael Rivero*

Flipping The Script: The Western Media's Syria Propaganda Is Falling Apart
A quote...."Do you remember this guy, Jason Russell? He was the frontman for the short-lived and over-hyped "Kony 2012" propaganda campaign that exploited young people's emotions to popularize a U.S. military invasion of Uganda. After his lies were exposed on the Internet he had a shocking meltdown in public. He ran around naked near traffic lights, smashed his fists on the pavement, and screamed bizarrely. The heavy spirit of Madness conquered his weak will."

Syria: A Turn In Western Media Coverage?
Related Article - A quote...."There seems to be slight turn in the western media coverage of Syria. Here in Germany the press has now more reports showing the "rebels" as what they really are: traveling jihadists and foreign paid rabble. Commentators on the news websites are now mostly highly critical about the usual propaganda pieces and the German government policy of supporting the SNC. There also seems to be a slight shift in international media."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Surprise, Surprise: The CIA And Mossad Don't Like Each Other
Must Read - A quote...."Israel is the only country with the balls, the connections, and the skills to challenge the CIA in the spying domain on its home court. But Israel has to rely on America's military for its security because its own is weak. Israel got easily beaten by Hezbollah on the battlefield in summer 2006. Clearly, fighting is not its strong suit. It is much better at spying, propaganda warfare, and blackmailing. -- In other words, Israel has to cheat to victory. Its ambitions are too big and unrealizable because it is a very small country. And its image as a victim is dependent on monstrous lies like the official 9/11 story."

Romney team bars reporters from Jerusalem fundraiser
JERUSALEM—Sheldon Adelson, the U.S. casino magnate who has committed more than $30 million to independent efforts to defeat President Barack Obama, is expected to be among the donors mingling with Mitt Romney at a fundraiser in Jerusalem on Monday. - But the Romney campaign, in a break in the protocol developed between reporters and the campaign months ago, has decided to bar reporters from that event."

That's because he doesn't want the reporters to watch as the Israelis tattoo a little glyph on the back of his neck, indicating he's Israel's b-tch and not to be messed with.  Or the radio receiver/transmitter they're surgically implanting in his ear.  Or the surgically inserted, radio controlled, electronic cattle prod they're sticking up his butt. - mpg

Playing the Holocaust Card: Will Romney Visit Auschwitz?  - Does a duck quack? - mpg
A quote...."Now in Israel, Romney enjoyed a warm welcome with a massive interview in the tiny nation's largest newspaper, Israel Hayom, that is owned by his major financial backer, the controversial American casino billionaire, Sheldon Adelson.  Of course, Romney effectively pledged himself to war with Iran to please the current right-wing coalition that governs Israel...." - bold by website editor

India blacklists [a company called] Israel Military Industries for 10 years
A quote...."India has barred Israel Military Industries, as well as five other foreign defense contractors, from bidding for defense contracts in the country for 10 years. IMI was notified yesterday of Monday's decision by the Indian Ministry of Defense and says it will appeal." - Source: Haaretz
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

Fast and Furious: Obama’s Potential Watergate Is About Eric Holder’s Missing E-Mails
Fast & Furious Fiasco - (the cover-up continues....) -- A quote...."That’s the tone surrounding the congressional investigation into Operation Fast and Furious. That’s how heated the congressional investigation has been. Now 18 months after Special Agent Brian Terry was killed with an AK-47 that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) purposely let “walk” into Mexico, President Barack Obama has used executive privilege to shield documents related to the gunrunning program."

Confirmed: 130 Cases Of NYPD Police Brutality Against Occupy Protesters
A quote...."A group of legal experts have published a report which contains 130 cases that can be qualified as police brutality against Occupy Wall Street protesters in New York."

The Attack On Chick-Fil-A Is An Attack On The Freedom Of Speech Of Every American
A quote...."freedom of speech is under attack.  Over the past week, remarks made by Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy defending traditional marriage have sparked controversy all over the nation.  Many Americans have expressed support for his remarks and many have expressed disdain for his remarks.  And all of that is fine, because in the United States people are supposed to be able to express their opinions.  But in Chicago, Boston and other U.S. cities, politicians are actually promising to keep any more Chick-fil-A stores from opening because their CEO does not support gay marriage, and that crosses the line." - also posted at PrisonPlanet - Topix....
Michael Rivero Broadcasting on Justin TV - July 27 2012 - Part II
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting dot Org - (JustinTV - 3hrs - July 27th, 2012) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.

Corbett Report Radio 184 – While You Were Sleeping…
CRAudio - (CRFlwPlyr - 46min03sec - Jul 27 2012) - Source:  CorbettReport -- A quote...."While the public was distracted in the 24/7 mass media mind control of the Batman shooting incident, the world edged closer to World War III and the brink of financial armageddon. Tonight James updates you on the headlines you missed while the media had you focused on Aurora (and before it focuses you on London). In the second half of the program we’re joined by James Evan Pilato for our weekly update."
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On the UN Anti-Gun Treaty and the Proven Denver False-Flag Operation.....

Leaked UN Treaty Does Ban Guns
A quote...."Masked behind the language of promoting peace in an international world by preventing genocide, the UN has unleashed a great Trojan Horse that calls upon States to enact national legislation sufficient to meet the minimum goals outlined in this treaty– including gun registries, background checks, import/export controls and more for arms of all types, including small & conventional weapons."

U.N. member states have failed to reach agreement on a new treaty to regulate the multibillion-dollar global arms trade -- The gun-grabbing threat has receded....for the moment. - mpg --  A quote...."U.N. member states have failed to reach agreement on a new treaty to regulate the multibillion-dollar global arms trade. -- Some diplomats and treaty supporters blamed the United States for triggering the unraveling of the month-long negotiating conference. -- Hopes had been raised that agreement could be reached on a revised treaty text that closed some key loopholes by Friday's deadline for action. But the United States announced Friday morning that it needed more time to consider the proposed treaty -- and Russia and China then also asked for more time."

Breaking: Colorado Shooting Patsy Was Under Air Force Psychiatrist's Care
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 25min44sec -  Jul 27, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."This whole tragedy is covered with all the hallmarks of a staged event. Now we learn that the "shooter"AKA the clown patsy was under the care of a top air force psychiatrist. -- The former University of Colorado graduate student accused of killing 12 people and wounding 58 others in a shooting rampage at a cinema last week had been under the care of a psychiatrist who was part of a campus threat-assessment team. -- The disclosure came in court documents filed yesterday by lawyers for James Holmes, 24, who is accused of opening fire last Friday on a packed showing of the latest Batman movie, "The Dark Knight Rises," in the Denver suburb of Aurora." - As this website editor has repeatedly stated ad-nauseum....

One day there will actually be a true, bona fide, terrorist, attack where the perpetrator(s) (usually a lone "nut" gunman) haven't had "years" of prior contacts with the intelligence services, or received funding, or logistical support, or training, or engaged in prior operations with such services, or participated in experiments, or received drug "therapy", or were jailed by, or watched for years by such services, or even actually worked for such services.  --  But it hasn't happened yet! - mpg - posted 03-21-12

Larry Pratt: Batman Shooting Could be Staged!!
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 25min44sec -  Jul 27, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."(US News and World Report) Last week's shooting in Colorado shows us, once again, the failure of gun control. The Century 16 theaters in Aurora were "gun free" zones, where citizens are prohibited from carrying weapons for self defense."

Giffords/Batman Shootings: It's Possible Ties to MKULTRA & More
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 22min26sec -  Jul 27, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Holland and Chris talk with Andrew Griffin, producer of the investigative news website Red Dirt Reporter. They break down the possible ties of gabrielle giffords, batman shootings to mkultra."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

"Inflection Point"
Must View Charts - (31 graphs) -- A quote...."We are at the inflection point, that spot on the chart where according to Wikipedia the “curvature or concavity of a curve changes sign from plus to minus or from minus to plus”. In current real world terms this translates to that point on the charts where market sentiment turns decisively from optimism to pessimism."

Keiser Report: Hang 'Em High! (E320) - Good Title!! - (and a good movie.) - mpg
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 25min46sec - Jul 28, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter - (RussiaToday) -- A quote...."In this episode, Max Keiser presents a double header with co-host, Stacy Herbert, to discuss crime and punishment in the financial sector. In London, JP Morgan banker, Tony Blair, has responded to the Keiser Report with his claim that hanging 20 bankers will not help and that, in fact, he asserts, public anger with the financial crisis is wrong. They also discuss the 'blazer over cuffs look' being the new black this season as Sean Fitzpatrick is arrested in Dublin, while over in Pennsylvania, Joe Paterno's statue is draped in blue tarpaulin and hauled away as bond investors punish the university with higher rates and Moody's threatens a downgrade. Finally, in Los Angeles, victims of vandalism are shocked to discover that it was a senior UBS banker who was smashing windows with a slingshot."

The Audit The Fed Bill Gets Passed By The House - But Obama And The Democrats Are Going To Kill It
A quote...."On Wednesday, Ron Paul's bill to audit the Federal Reserve was overwhelmingly passed by the U.S. House of Representatives. The vote was 327 to 98. You would think that a bill with such overwhelming support would easily become law. But it won't, because Barack Obama and the Democrats plan to kill it. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has already said that the Senate will not even consider the bill. But of course if Barack Obama called Harry Reid and told him that he wants this bill to get through the Senate so that he could sign it then Harry Reid would be singing a much different tune. Sadly, we all know that is not going to happen. Barack Obama's good buddy Ben Bernanke called the Audit the Fed bill a "nightmare scenario" last week, and Obama is certainly not going to do anything to upset Bernanke - especially this close to the election." - Source:  EconomicCollapseBlog

GM Ramps Up Risky Subprime Auto Loans To Drive Sales
As Yogi Berra once said "It's deja-vu all over again". - mpg -- A quote...."Near the end of 2010, GM acquired a new captive lending arm, subprime specialist AmeriCredit. Renamed GM Financial, it has played a significant role in GM's growth. - The automaker is relying increasingly on subprime loans, 10-Q financial reports shows."

Consumer spending slowdown hits US economy
A quote...."The US economy slowed significantly during the second quarter of 2012, according to figures released Friday by the Department of Commerce, with a fallback in consumer spending, particularly on new cars, accounting for the bulk of the slowdown."

Foreclosure filings increase in 60% of large US cities
A quote...."Foreclosure filings rose in almost 60 percent of large U.S. cities in the first half of 2012, indicating many areas will have more distressed homes on the market later this year, RealtyTrac Inc. reported."

Devastating US drought heralds global food inflation
Map - (click to view) -- A quote...."Severe drought spread rapidly across the central US this week, further damaging staple crops and heightening the risk of a global food crisis. The Midwest, where roughly one-third of the world’s staple grains are produced, is experiencing the deepest dry spell in over half a century."

World holds its breath as America's debt battle looms
A quote...."It is just hard to make any sort of plans for what we're going to do," complains Pat Conroy, the founder and president of MicroMain, a small software company based in Austin, Texas. "It is very hard to know what sort of investments we're going to make."

Schauble Just Says Nein Again: German FinMin Denies Rumors Of ECB Bond Buying
Neither Germany nor China are EVER going to destroy their economies in a fruitless, useless, attempt to help the EU bail-out its rich, spoiled, criminal, Banksters!!  It's that simple, so everyone should just get used to it. - mpg -- A quote...."When day after day, for three days in a row last week, the ECB spread rumors that it would commence buying Spanish debt in what was in retrospect nothing but a massive bluff (just as we suggested yesterday), what passes for a market postulated that since there was no official German denial, and with Merkel on vacation that would mean a statement from her finance minister sidekick Wolfgang Schauble, that Germany was ok with the reactivation of Spanish bond buying and as a result ramped risk by over 4% in 3 days. All of that is about to wiped out as Schauble has finally spoken. Quote Spiegel: "For days, it is rumored that the ECB will buy Spanish government bonds in a big way. Now Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has rejected such reports - there was "no truth". "

Lloyds chief admits industry is in deep crisis
A quote...."Lloyds banking Group set aside another £700m to deal with compensation claims for mis-selling insurance products yesterday, while the chief executive admitted the industry is in deep crisis."

Nearly a quarter of Spanish workforce is jobless as unemployment levels hit record high
A quote...."Spain’s unemployment rates have hit 25 per cent – the highest since records began after Generalissimo Franco's dictatorship. -- Spanish officials have confirmed today that a quarter of its population – and a shocking 53 per cent of young people – is currently without a job."

Unemployed autoworkers real losers in Peugeot-Iran row: Analyst
A quote...."France’s largest car maker PSA Peugeot Citroen made a “disastrous” choice to sever ties with Iran, given Europe’s economic crisis and failing car markets, an expert says. -- In February, the automaker decided to end relations with the Islamic Republic, losing the half-million vehicle sales Iran would have provided in 2012." - Source:  PressTV

"It’s Been A Fun Ride, But Prepare For A Global Slowdown"
A quote...."While in principle central banks around the world can talk up the market to infinity or until the last short has covered without ever committing to any action (obviously at some point long before that reality will take over and the fact that revenues and earnings are collapsing as stock prices are soaring will finally be grasped by every marginal buyer, but that is irrelevant for this thought experiment) the reality is that absent more unsterilized reserves entering the cash starved banking system, whose earnings absent such accounting gimmicks as loan loss reserve release and DVA, are the worst they have been in years, the banks will wither and die. Recall that the $1.6 trillion or so in excess reserves are currently used by banks mostly as window dressing to cover up capital deficiencies masked in the form of asset purchases, subsequently repoed out. "
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More On The International Situation....

Up to 20% of Aleppo is FSA controlled - Mr Aleppo
M108Video - (M108YuYb - 8min17sec - Jul 27, 2012) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote...."Good Sound Quality! - The future of Syria's Government will be decided in the flashpoint city of Aleppo citing its economic importance and proximity to Turkey. - Aleppo is the largest city in Syria."

High Stakes in Syria
A quote...." The region's fate hangs in the balance. Perhaps much more. The potential ugly reality is chilling. -- Make no mistake. Washington orchestrated months of bloodbath. Obama officials bear full responsibility. They were last year against Libya. They are currently as violence wracks the country. -- The battle for Aleppo now rages. Syrian forces are going all out to free the city from Western sponsored death squads. They're battling thousands of hired killers."

Badly armed rebels face tanks as Syria's mother of all battles begins
A quote...."The attack had been awaited with growing apprehension for days. But when the Syrian army units that had been massing outside Aleppo finally unleashed a full-scale assault on rebel-held quarters of the ancient city yesterday, it still came as a shock to fighters who had hoped to defend it."

Syrian rebels burn comrades' bodies in Aleppo to hide nationalities
A quote...."Rebels fighting against the Syrian government forces in the northwestern city of Aleppo have burned the bodies of their comrades to hide their nationalities, Press TV reports."

Syrian Forces Defuse 8 bombs Planted By Rebel Terrorists
A quote..."Syrian security forces have defused eight bombs in the capital’s Hajar al-Aswad district as armed groups fighting against the government continue their deadly attacks."

Apologising for Erdogan - He's in a Tricky Situation
M108Video - (M108YuYb - 15min19sec - Jul 27, 2012) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote...."The problem of Turkey is not having a strong opposition. There was a moment of agreement between us - that the wars are religious and orchestrated by a religious group in the West. The Editor of the Turkish Newspaper "Olay" speaks...."

Russia Prepares Armed Forces for Syrian Military Deployment
A quote...."Given the worsening crisis in Syria, the Nezavisimaya Gazeta newspaper reported [June 2012] that the Russian army is apparently being prepared for a mission in Syria. Citing anonymous sources in the military leadership, the newspaper said that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the general staff to work out a plan for military operations outside Russia, including in Syria."

Syrian army regains control of Bab al-Hawa
A quote...."Syrian security forces have regained control of the Bab al-Hawa border crossing with Turkey in northwestern Syria, Press TV reports."

Russia will not allow EU to inspect ships: Foreign Ministry
A quote...."The Russian Foreign Ministry says Moscow will not allow the European Union to inspect ships sailing under the Russian flag, and that it will not cooperate with a new round of EU sanctions imposed against Syria."

Iraqi PM blasts Kurdish region officials
A quote...."Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has lashed out at officials in the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region for preventing Iraqi troops from reaching the Syrian border."

15 Iraqi Officials Quit in Protest Over [the US-NRE's] al-Qaeda Threat
A quote...."CAIRO — Fifteen neighborhood officials in the Iraqi city of Baquba have resigned to protest what they say is the government’s inability to protect them from Qaeda infiltrators, Iraqi officials said Friday. "
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Taliban producing ‘new generation’ of tech-savvy fighters
A quote...."KABUL: Once seen as uneducated thugs, the Taliban are producing dangerous new fighters who use the latest digital technology to plan and publicise attacks against NATO and Afghan forces, analysts say. -- The militants recently released a video of a June 1 attack on a US military base in the eastern province of Khost, on the border with Pakistan, showcasing far more developed techniques to plan the assault than previously thought."

2 Nato Troops Killed in Afghanistan
A quote...."Two Nato troops were killed in an insurgent attack in eastern Afghanistan on Saturday, Isaf said. - Isaf did not provide further details about the exact location of the incident and nationality of the troops, but most of the troops in eastern Afghanistan are from the US."

NATO: Afghan Militant Attacks Up 11 Percent
A quote...."New statistics released by NATO show a dramatic increase in militant attacks in Afghanistan, putting the figure at an 11 percent increase year over year for the past three months, with June showing the highest levels of violence since summer 2010."

Saudi anti-regime protesters stage rallies in Riyadh, Mecca
A quote...."Saudi anti-regime protesters have held fresh demonstrations across Riyadh as well as the holy city of Mecca to protest against the arrest of political prisoners."

Saudi Police Fire Live Rounds On Protesters in Qatif
Contains Video - A quote...."Several demonstrators have been wounded in Saudi Arabia’s eastern district of Qatif after security forces opened fire on protesters."

One waits breathlessly for the endless, vociferous, denunciations to begin at the UN.  For resolution after resolution demanding seizure of the Saudi Royal family's assets, the imposition of no fly zones, the implementation of embargoes and of course, the inevitable, and dreaded..."mission to protect". For the "love bombs" to rain down upon the defenseless towns and villages of Saudi Arabia.  For the tens of thousands of dead to be completely sanitized from the western media, and finally for the endless joyful crowing by the US-NRE's so-called "liberals" on how they brought another bout of "freedom and democracy" to the benighted, deprived, peoples of the Middle East. -  One would wait in vain of course -- thank God -- because this website wouldn't ever wish such a murderous course of action to take place, even against the Saudi Royals, and certainly not against the people of Saudi Arabia. Too bad the Saudi Royals don't feel the same, or to put it another way....

"So long as the Arabs fight tribe against tribe, so long will they be a little people, a silly people - greedy, barbarous, and cruel...." --  *Peter O'Toole* , portraying T. E. Lawrence in Horizon Picture's 1962 version of "Lawrence of Arabia" - mpg

New battle looms in Tajikistan as rebels dig in
A quote...."DUSHANBE (Reuters) - Rebels in Tajikistan have refused to disarm or hand over a former warlord wanted by the authorities, increasing the chances that the government will launch a new military offensive against them, a senior security source said on Saturday."

Russia Launches Cluster of Four Satellites
A quote...."Russia's Space Forces launched early on Saturday a Rokot carrier rocket with a Cosmos class military satellite and three civilian satellites on board, spokesman Col. Alexey Zolotukhin said. -- The Rokot blasted off from the Plesetsk space center in northern Russia at 05.35 a.m. Moscow time (01:35 GMT). -- The civilian payload includes two Gonets-M telecoms satellites and a MiR scientific microsatellite."

Russian forces kill 8 suspected militants in Dagestan
A quote...."MOSCOW, July 27 (Reuters) - Russian security forces killed eight suspected militants in the North Caucasus province of Dagestan after storming a house where they were hiding with women and children, Russian anti-terrorism officials and law enforcement sources said on Friday."

Vietnam Ready to Host Russian Maritime Base
A quote...."Vietnam will allow Russia to set up a ship maintenance base at its port of Cam Ranh, Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang said on Friday."

Chinese state media’s commentary on ‘U.S. meddling in maritime disputes’
A quote...."BEIJING, July 27 (Xinhua) — The United States has recently stepped into bilateral disputes in the waters surrounding China, criticizing Beijing’s move to establish a city in the South China Sea and lending veiled support to other claimants. - Washington has, time and again, affirmed it does not take a position on the competing sovereignty claims over the South China Sea, but has a national interest in maintaining the regional peace and stability. - The well-polished rhetoric has been undermined by its actions." - Source:  Xinhua
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Ultimate goal of Israeli policies in Hebron: ethnic cleansing
A quote...."Just below the illegal settlement of Kiryat Arba, situated on the the eastern outskirts of Al Khalil (Hebron) is the Palestinian area of ar-Ras. -- A quick online search of the Israeli settlement of Kiryat Arba provides general knowledge on the founding history and how it has been subject to Palestinian resistance since 1981 but fails to inform the reader of the consequences for the indigenous Palestinians living nearby the relatively large (ca. 7000 inhabitants) settlement. Nor will one find written that such colonies are considered illegal by international law as confirmed by the International Court of Justice. Nor of the Ibrahimi Mosque massacre in 1994 which was committed against Palestinians by an Israeli settler from the same area. - also posted at AlethoNews

[IOF] Soldiers Invade Nabi Saleh Village
A quote...."Israeli soldiers invaded, on Saturday evening, the village of Nabi Saleh, near the West Bank city of Bethlehem, and fired several concussion grenades and gas bombs at random before kidnapping one youth."

[IOF] Army Invades Al-Aqsa Mosque, Attack Worshipers
A quote...."Israeli soldiers and policemen invaded, on Saturday night after midnight, the Al-Aqsa Mosque, in occupied East Jerusalem, and attacked several worshipers while trying to forcefully remove them out of the mosque; clashes were reported and two worshipers were kidnapped."

Israeli prison guards beat detained Palestinian MP
A quote...."AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Israeli prison guards beat Palestinian MP Dr. Mohammed Al-Natshe during his transfer on Friday to a court hearing, the ministry of prisoners said."

Number of settlers in West Bank doubled in 12 years
A quote...."NAZARETH, (PIC)-- The number of Jewish settlers in the West Bank has almost doubled in 12 years, increasing obstacles to the two-state solution to Israeli-Palestinian conflict, reported the Guardian newspaper." - also posted at AlethoNews
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Top 10 GMO Foods to Avoid
A quote...."It’s important to note that steering clear from these foods completely may be difficult, and you should merely try finding other sources than your big chain grocer. -- If produce is certified USDA-organic, it’s non-GMO (or supposed to be!) Also, seek out local farmers and booths at farmer’s markets where you can be ensured the crops aren’t GMO."

Friday July 27th 2012

No posts. - mpg

Thursday July 26th 2012

[Alex Jones Interviews Paul Craig Roberts]
Must View AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 32min26sec -  Jul 25, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."On the Wednesday, July 25th edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex welcomes long-time returning guest, economist, and contributing writer Paul Craig Roberts to discuss the assault on gun rights in the aftermath of the Colorado shooting, the West's unsuccessful efforts to muster support for Syrian intervention, and the impact the recent Libor scandal will have on world markets."

The West’s “War on Humanity” - Freedom is Slavery, Popular Support is Authoritarianism
A quote...."July 26, 2012 "Information Clearing House" --  A recent article by The Washington Post’s Juan Forero, entitled Latin America’s new authoritarians, is just the latest example of how the imperialists’ media machine is relentlessly engaged in media warfare against sovereign nations in the South, in order to fertilise the ground for new or increased economic and military aggression against them. Such psy-op campaigns also seek to influence events on the ground in target nations, in this case in Venezuela ahead of the October elections, where all signs point to another resounding victory for current President Hugo Chávez Frías."

Amnesty International's latest arms trade campaign is colonialism with a kindly face
A quote...."July 26, 2012 "The Telegraph" --  If you needed any further proof that Amnesty International is to the 21st century what rum-swigging bearers of the White Man's Burden were to the 19th, look no further than its current campaign for a global arms trade treaty. Amnesty is basically agitating for the West, which it considers civilised and responsible, to prevent the rest, or what Amnesty euphemistically refers to as the "wrong" people, from getting their hands on guns and bombs. It is a call for a colonial-style carve-up of the world, between those judged decent and grown-up enough not only to own guns but also to determine who else may own them (us), and those judged too infantile and brutal to be let anywhere near a gun lest they unleash "the worst kind of atrocities" (them). -- Given that America has used its vast armoury to cause more destruction around the world than any other nation over the past 10 years, it is bizarre that Amnesty should be pleading with it to lead the way on restricting the flow of guns to the "wrong" countries...." - Source:  TheTelegraph

US-Military Use of Privateers Circumvents Geneva Convention and sets Precedence for Institutionalized Neo-Fascism. -- A quote...."US-Military Use of Privateers Circumvents Geneva Convention and sets Precedence for Institutionalized Neo-Fascism. -- Interview with retired Lt. General of Russian Foreign Intelligence Service outlines serious problems with respect to International Law and Human Rights.In a recent interview for Voice of Russia, the retired Lt. General of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, Gennady Yevstafiew, warns about the increasing use of outsourcing by US-Military and Intelligence Services. Yestafiew is drawing attention to a US-institutionalization of the systematic circumvention of the Geneva Convention, Military Codes of Conduct, Military Law as well as Human Rights.(1)"

War & money: Obama’s been a vicious 1% hoax for ‘hope, change’
A quote...."President Obama and Democratic “leadership” expanded policies of President Bush and Republican “leadership” in unlawful wars and looting of literal trillions of the 99%’s wealth to a 1% oligarchy. -- This is Orwellian-opposite of Obama’s campaign rhetoric for “hope, change,” and accelerated from usual war-business and rigged-casino economics throughout US history. Let’s look...."
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....Syria and Iran with Webster Tarpley
Must Listen AJVideo - (Absolutely spot-on analysis from Webster Tarpley....BRAVO!!) -- (AJYuTb - 35min53sec -  Jul 25, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- Webster Tarpley gives a run-down on the parasites epic total fail regarding their most recent terrorist operation and propaganda blitzkrieg against the nation-state of Syria and its people. - mpg

Syrian Blood Etches a New Line in the Sand
Must Read - A quote...."July 26, 2012 "Information Clearing House" --  Once upon a time, early in the previous century, a line in the sand was drawn, from Acre to Kirkuk. Two colonial powers — Britain and France — nonchalantly divided the Middle East between themselves; everything north of the line in the sand was France’s; south, it was Britain’s. -- Many blowbacks — and concentric tragedies — later, a new line in the sand is being drawn by Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Between Syria and Iraq, they want it all. Talk about the return of the repressed; now, as part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization-Gulf Cooperation Council compound, they’re in bed with their former colonial masters." - Topix ||  The Free Peoples of Middle Earth - 05-19-12 - mpg  ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||

Syria: Washington’s Latest War Crime
Special Note - A quote...."One wonders what Syrians are thinking, as “rebels” vowing to “free Syria” take the country down the same road to destruction as “rebels” in Libya. Libya, under Gaddafi a well-run country whose oil revenues were shared with the Libyan people instead of monopolized by a princely class as in Saudi Arabia, now has no government and is in disarray with contending factions vying for power." - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts - also posted at GlobalRsrch & ICH & CounterPunch

NATO Terrorists Execute Civilians While Waiting for Syrian Army
A Presstitute Exposed - (Barbara Walters) -- A quote...."July 26, 2012 - For many months, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has depicted the militants creating havoc across his nation as "armed gangs," "foreign terrorists," and simply just, "terrorists." During a 2011 interview in Damascus with Barbara Walters, Walters feigned indignation when hearing these labels, insisting that these were people simply seeking "democracy" and "freedom." -- It turns out months later, it was President Assad who has been vindicated, and Walters' disrespectful, curt condemnation exposed as the same brand of war propaganda that has mired the West in over a decade of ceaseless, bloody, bankrupting wars and interventions."

German Intelligence: 90 Al-Qaeda Attacks in Syria in Last Six Months
A quote...."German intelligence estimates that “around 90” terror attacks, which “can be attributed to organizations that are close to al-Qaeda or Jihadist groups,” were carried out in Syria between the end of December and the beginning of July. As reported by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, this was revealed by the German government in a response to a parliamentary question. In response to the same question, the German government admitted that it had received several reports from the German foreign intelligence service, the BND, on the May 25 massacre in the Syrian town of Houla. But it noted that the content of these reports was to remain classified “by reason of national interest”…" -- That is basically an open admission, by Germany, that the US-NRE's, Israel's, Saudi Royal's and Britain's terrorist mercenaries carried out the slaughter! - mpg

'Al-Qaeda "army" presence in Syria much higher than officials say'
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 6min02sec - Jul 26, 2012) -- Source:   RussiaToday -- A quote...."An Iraqi Al-Qaeda operative has admitted that his organization is taking part in the Syrian uprising against President Assad. The revelation comes amidst increasing evidence that Al-Qaeda is gaining a foothold in Syria. For reaction and analysis RT talks to government consultant Christoph Hoerstel, who's been to Syria recently."

Christians Flee from Radical Rebels in Syria - 'We're Too Frightened to Talk'
A quote...."There had been many warnings that the Khouri* family wouldn't talk. "They won't say a word -- they're too scared," predicted the mayor of Qa, a small market town in northeastern Lebanon where the Khouris are staying. "They won't even open their door for journalists," said another person, who had contacted the family on behalf of a non-governmental organization. -- Somehow, though, the interview was arranged in the end. Reserved and halting, the women described what happened to their husbands, brothers and nephews back in their hometown of Qusayr in Syria. They were killed by Syrian rebel fighters, the women said -- murdered because they were Christians, people who in the eyes of radical Islamist freedom fighters have no place in the new Syria."

BBC Rides with Al Qaeda in Aleppo, Syria
BBC Presstitutes Exposed -- A quote...."When big lies must be told, BBC is there. From Iraq to Afghanistan to Libya and now Syria, BBC has paved the way for Western disinformation meant to mange public perception around a war the public would otherwise never support or tolerate. - The BBC, caught on record producing entire “documentaries” on behalf of corporate-financier interests, has already been caught in immense lies regarding the NATO-fueled destabilization of Syria. This includes the disingenuous use of photos from Iraq, to depict a so-called “massacre” in the village of Houla, Syria. - Now, as NATO’s Al Qaeda mercenaries operating under the banner of the so-called “Free Syrian Army” flow over the Turkish-Syrian border in an attempt to overrun the city of Aleppo, BBC is there, attempting to manipulate the public’s perception as the conflict unfolds...."

Syria - The Media Lies of Aljazeera & the BBC - Shoruk
M108Video - (M108YuTb - 3min05sec - Jul 26, 2012) -- Source:   108morris108 -- A quote...."A film set was created for Tripoli (Libya) in Qatar, and they created fictitious demonstrations in order to sway public opinion worldwide. The same happened in Baghdad. And similar events are occurring in Syria. Many Journalists have left AlJazeera as a consequence. Shoruk explains."

Propaganda War: Syrian media warn of staged videos, rebels dressed as soldiers
A quote...."Editor’s Note: Recently the mainstream media has been using unverified, anonymous videos via youtube to show what is going on in Syria. The BBC at one point had hired some Syrians to film the civil war going on. Honestly unless you are in Syria, you have no idea what is going on there. Well unless you are the NSA, CIA, NRO or other respective international agencies you have no idea. Which is why it is so difficult to post articles on Syria. We are not interested in being cheerleaders for either side but bringing you the who, what, where, when, and why like a news outlet should."  --  *Michael Vail*, StratRisks

US position on Syria directly endorses terrorism - Lavrov
Contains Video - A quote...."Washington’s reaction to blasts in Damascus is a downright justification of terrorism, slams Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. US State Department announced that terror acts in Syria are not surprising in light of the Assad regime’s actions. -- “This is direct endorsement of terrorism. How are we supposed to understand that?” Sergey Lavrov shared his astonishment at a press conference in Moscow. “This is a sinister position, I cannot find words to express our attitude towards that.”

Washington's "Evil Web" in Syria: Fomenting and Spearheading a Civil War of Attrition
A quote...."By a crafty act of political ruse, Washington has envisaged a taxing state of instability by fomenting and spearheading a civil war of attrition in Syria.  --  Instability is seeping through cities with prodigious rapidity and spilling into neighboring countries. Cleanly choreographed terrorist operations also deepen the crippling crisis in the country."

USrael Plans Genocide In Syria, Palestine, And The Middle East
A quote...."Appearing on Infowars Nightly News on Tuesday, July 24, historian Webster Tarpley gave an important analysis concerning the situation in Syria [1]. Tarpley said that NATO’s psywar against Syria has failed and the next step is an invasion with Israel taking the lead role. Such an invasion will be justified in the Western press on the concocted pretext that Syria’s chemical weapons must be secured before they fall into the wrong hands in the chaotic aftermath of a post-Assad Syria."

Turkish Labor Party Deputy Chairman: "We Have Clear Evidence That Turkish President Incited Terrorism and War on Syria" -- A quote...."ANKARA, (SANA) – Deputy Chairman of the Turkish Labor Party Hasan Basri Ozbey denounced the position of Turkish President Abdullah Gul who is encouraging terrorists to commit crimes in Syria, saying that the Labor Party will file a complaint against Gul to try him in the Higher Court. -- In a press statement published on Friday, Ozbey said that his party will file a complaint to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and the Attorney General of the Higher Court to try Gul, affirming that the Labor Party has clear evidence that the latter incited terrorism and war on Syria and signed a secret agreement with the United States, which alone is grounds for trial." - bold by website editor
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Destabalising Syria is a Mossad operation - Shoruk
M108Video - (M108YuTb - 7min11sec - Jul 23, 2012) -- Source:   108morris108 -- A quote...."Internal retaliation is now the best thing to do."

Beware – Blood Thirsty Zionists Final -- Set Iran Trap
A quote...."Zen Gardner  If it was any more obvious, the headlines would flip and tell the truth for once. But they won’t. Zionist warlord Netanyahu and company are working hard at laying the groundwork for a Mossad attack somewhere with the usual misdirect to those they want to invade and kill as the villains. -- Just as they did with 9/11 via complicit oligarchs and their war machine stooges. -- And the mindless masses will fall for it. Oh, many are waking up but still not enough to scream the alarm like everyone should. Nevertheless, the alternative media awareness increases daily as do its adherents and those new to the wake up of all this staged insanity."

Bulgaria bomb blast: Iran accuses Israel of killing its own citizens
A quote...."ran's UN envoy says it was Israel who plotted and staged the Bulgarian bus attack, buffing off allegations his country was behind the tragedy. -- ­The suicide bomb attack on a bus in the Bulgarian city of Burgas on July 18 killed five Israeli tourists and a Bulgarian bus driver and injured over 30 more. -- Israel was quick to point the finger at Iran, accusing Tehran and its “Hezbollah proxy” of staging the bombing." - also posted at FromTheTrenches

Nero At The 2012 Olympics: Mossad And The Torch of Terror
False Flag Alert - (London Olympics) -- A quote...."There are predictions that the Mossad and British secret services will stage a new false flag terrorism event at the 2012 London Olympics and claim the lives of thousands of Olympic tourists. -- One name to look out for is Australian-Israeli businessman Frank Lowy, who is Larry Silverstein's investment partner, and owns the Westfield Stratford City Mall, which is serving as a key transit hub during the Olympics."

Canadian band attacked by Israel lobby group after playing song titled ‘Apartheid’
Video - (YuTb - 8min4sec - Jun 18, 2012) - Source:  CTVOttawaMorningLive -- A quote...."“We do not use the term 'apartheid' lightly,” says band member Angela Schleihauf. “According to the definition of apartheid under international law, the Russell Tribunal on Palestine, and the Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa Report, Israel is undoubtedly operating as an apartheid state.”"

New York Times Co. Posts $88 Million Loss, Citing Write-Down
A quote...."The New York Times Company reported a second-quarter loss on Thursday because of a write-down in the value of and continuing declines in print and digital advertising revenue." - bold by website ediotr

Keep in mind folks the NYT is owned by the Jewish, Ochs-Sulzberger family, who've been card-carrying, war-mongering, fellow travelers of the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium and their thirst for endless wars and genocides, and endless American blood and treasure to spend on them, along with Israel's dreams for a mini-empire in the Middle East, since that criminal enterprise was established by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.  If you pay good money for this paper, you support propaganda that will impoverish you and your children and get a lot of Americans, and a whole bunch of other people....killed

Demystifying 9/11: Israel and the Tactics Of Mistake
From The History File - June 30, 2011 -  A quote...."I am also absolutely certain as a strategic analyst that 9/11 itself, from which all else flows, was a classic Mossad-orchestrated operation. But Mossad did not do it alone.”
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

Swiss and Austrian experts speak out in mainstream television show
Video - (Vidup - 11min46sec - 26/07/12 - 05:37) -- A quote...."Main proponents for a new investigation in this talk are:  Dr. Daniele Ganser: A Swiss historian researching 9/11 at the University of Basel -, and Prof. Dr.Friedrich Steinhäusler. An Austrian expert for physics and material science at the University of Salzburg -"

Obama Administration Declares All Statements by 9/11 Accused “Presumptively Classified”
9/11 Cover-Up -- Obama's cover-up of 9/11 continues. - mpg -- A quote...."All statements made by the five Guantánamo prisoners accused of plotting the September 11, 2001, attacks have been classified by the Obama administration, prompting legal challenges from civil libertarians and news organizations. -- The order, made in April at the beginning of the military trials of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four others, applies to anything they have said, either in court or in private with their attorneys." - bold/underline by website editor - Source:  AllGov - Topix ||  9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables  ||

Who’s Winning the War On You?
A quote...."We’re at war, and the enemy is us – a conscious, responsive humanity. World dominion cannot succeed with an awake, empowered population. We’re at a crucial time in history and right now the air is crackling with programmed anticipation, and that’s just how they planned it. -- It’s all about our minds and hearts. The propaganda and staged events are triggers to shut you down. -- We need to see through all this fabricated bullshit."

The Rise of the Police State and the Absence of Mass Opposition
Special Note - A quote...."One of the most significant political developments in recent US history has been the virtually unchallenged rise of the police state.  Despite the vast expansion of the police powers of the Executive Branch of government, the extraordinary growth of an entire panoply of repressive agencies, with hundreds of thousands of personnel, and enormous public and secret budgets and the vast scope of police state surveillance, including the acknowledged monitoring of over 40 million US citizens and residents, no mass pro-democracy movement has emerged to confront the powers and prerogatives or even protest the investigations of the police state." - Source:  JamesPetras - also posted at ICH

Cops Paint Over Inwood Mural That Depicts NYPD as 'Murderers'
Censorship Exposed - A quote...."INWOOD — The NYPD dispatched cops with paintbrushes to cover up a controversial mural on the side of an Inwood business Tuesday, after approaching the owner with concerns about its message, New York has learned."

Chase Burning Artist, Alex Schaefer, Arrested for Chalking on Sidewalk
Censorship Exposed - Video - Alt - (YuTb - 3min03sec - Jul 24, 2012) - Source:  MaxKeiserTV -- A quote...."Artist Alex Schaefer chalking as his act of civil disobedience against the collusion between banks and state. - Guess how many cops it takes to stop this madman.... For more on Alex see the link below... Well worth the look... "Chase Burning” Painting that Lead to Police Questioning Sells for $25,200 on Ebay"

More Chaos in Anaheim as Protest Grows and Police Continue Firing With Blunt Force Ammunition
A quote..."Crowds are getting more and more restless and angry in the wake of the fatal shooting of Manuel Diaz and the chaos that ensued. -- Just a day later, another fatal shooting by Anaheim police was reported; this time of Joel Acevedo who was reportedly in handcuffs when the killing took place."

TSA Now Occupy CA Train Stations & Bus Terminals - As predicted for years by Alex Jones. - mpg
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 16min36sec -  Jul 26, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel

'NATO - dangerous dictatorship out of civilian control'
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 11min40sec - Jul 26, 2012) -- Source:   RussiaToday -- A quote...."As the divide between people and power in the US widens, protest movements are getting more exposure than ever before. RT talks to Bill Ayers - radical activist, author and former Professor at the University of Illinois."
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The Right To Keep And Bear Arms - Some Quotes - A selected few....

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms. . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." -- *Thomas Jefferson*, From his "Commonplace Book," 1774-1776, quoting from On Crimes and Punishment, by criminologist Cesare Beccaria, 1764

[I]f circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude, that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people while there is a large body of citizens, little if at all inferior to them in discipline and the use of arms, who stand ready to defend their rights and those of their fellow citizens." -- *Alexander Hamilton*, The Federalist, No. 29

"What, sir, is the use of militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. . . Whenever Government means to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise a standing army upon its ruins." -- *Elbridge Gerry*, Debate, U.S. House of Representatives, August 17, 1789"

"Are we at last brought to such an humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our own defense? Where is the difference between having our arms under our own possession and under our own direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?"  --  *Patrick Henry*
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On the UN Anti-Gun Treaty and the Probable Denver False-Flag Operation.....

Obama Claims Second Amendment About “Hunting” In Gun Control Stunt
A quote..."President Barack Obama has caved to pressure from his supporters and finally exploited last week’s Aurora massacre to begin the push for gun control, erroneously claiming during a speech last night that the second amendment is about hunting and target practice." - What an idiot!! - mpg

Follow the Trend: Batman Shooter James Holmes Was On Hardcore Pharmaceutical Drugs
A quote...."Like virtually all massacre shooters before him, the notorious Batman shooter James Holmes is now reported to have been taking hardcore pharmaceutical drugs. In Holmes’ case, they happen to be the very same drugs that ultimately led to the early death of actor Heath Ledger. With a fix for ‘altering his state of mind’, the ‘Batman shooter’ was heavily hooked on the prescription painkiller Vicodin. Holmes even reportedly dosed up on a pharmaceutical cocktail just before the shooting."

The connection between violence, suicide, homicide, and antidepressants
A quote...."A lot of people have been asking, “What is the connection between violence, suicide and homicide and antidepressant medications?” -- Let’s take a look at this. There are numerous examples of people who have gone off on a shooting rampage and killed their classmates, their co-workers, members of their family and often took their own lives, then it was shortly discovered that they were taking an antidepressant."

James Holmes Family Tied To DARPA And Mind Manipulation Work
A quote...."Aurora massacre: several links between James Holmes and U.S. government research (Salk Institute involved in neurologically enhancing soldiers' abilities on battlefield...connections to DARPA)"

‘Dark Knight Rises’ shooting suspect James Holmes ‘claims amnesia’
As predicted by many, including Alex Jones, since this tragedy first occurred. - mpg -- A quote...."The man accused of the shooting at a Colorado screening of The Dark Knight Rises has reportedly claimed that he has no idea how he ended up in prison. - James Holmes, who made his first appearance in court on Monday (July 23), has allegedly asked jailhouse workers why he is behind bars. - “He claims he doesn’t know why he’s in jail,” the worker told the New York Daily News. “He asked, ‘Why am I here?’”" - Source: DigitalSpy

Red Level Alert: America Under Siege - The Roundup Begins!!
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 48min56sec -  Jul 26, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Web of Debt Author Ellen Brown on W.A.N Radio
Must Listen CMcGVideo - (CMcGYuTb - 40min30sec - Jul 23, 2012) - Source:  crabbydogtrix - Website:  Wide Awake News - Website: WebOfDebt -- Charlie McGrath interviews Ellen Brown, author of "Web of Debt",[AddAll], [BkFndr], on WAN Radio.

By the way, this website editor disagrees with Ellen Brown on just how much "control" the parasites have over the economy.  Her thesis essentially, which is mostly correct, is that they can always print more, and lie more, to prop up the "economy" until they want it to crash. 

Yes, it is true that they have a great deal of control over the timing of the "The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle" but their timing failed in 2008. That particular crash was supposed to occur only after the 2008 elections, sometime in 2010 or 2011, it occurred however two years earlier than planned.  The parasites have been struggling ever since to control the deleveraging of their massive over-leveraging of the US-NRE's and EU's leveraging them up even more. 

With these enormous additional stresses they've added to these economies during the last two years (tens of trillions more in government debt, two hundred trillion more in new derivatives, which are just two examples) and with ALL of these economies mired in ever deepening recessions, the parasites are already turning on each other and it's quite possible they will be unable to control, or coordinate, the duration and timing of the next collapse. - mpg

Keiser Report: Jellyfish Rat-Heart Robot Bankers (E319)
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 25min46sec - Jul 26, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter - (RussiaToday) -- A quote...."In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss the jellyfish robot with a rat heart, aka The Perfect Banker. They also welcome the audience to the world of banking 2012 and introduce the silver dosimeter that signals exposure to toxic financial products and bad economic policies. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Mark O'Byrne of about silver, gold, manipulation and the crooks put in charge of cleaning up Ireland."

Clouded Titles: The Foreclosure Crisis Revealed with Author Dave Krieger
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 38min48sec -  Jul 26, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel - Related:  CloudedTitles --  A quote...."The aftermath of the 2008 housing bust is only now starting to surface. It may take a century of litigation and legislation to straighten out the mess caused in slightly more than a decade of chicanery. This book reveals the truth about the foreclosure crisis and outlines the reasons why millions of property owners across America may be forced to file a quiet title suit just to be able to convey clear title to their properties."

CORZINE CRONYISM BOMBSHELL - High Ranking DOJ Lawyers And AG Eric Holder Were Partners In Firm That Represented MF Global -- A quote...."What do Jon Corzine, Eric Holder [Of Oklahoma City bombing  cover-up & Fast & Furious fame.] and MF Global all have in common? -- Besides fraud. -- Law firm Covington & Burling. -- This story is not going un-noticed today in Congress.  Look for a Special Prosecutor to be appointed in the next few weeks.  Obama buddy Jon Corzine's luck might be finally starting to run out." - also posted at BLN

Gary Gensler Explains How CFTC Allowed PFG To Steal $200 MM In Client Funds 8 Months After MF Global
A quote...."Former Goldman appartchik Gary Gensler is about to take the stage (again) and explain why the CFTC should exist at all after allowing not only MF Global but a few weeks ago, Peregrine Financial, to steal hundreds of millions in client money without any regulatory supervision at all. All we can say here is...."

PFGBest: Financial Scandals Setting Scary Precedence
A quote...."There is a disturbing trend unfolding right in front of us and while I’m sure many of feel helpless to do anything that is exactly the reason that something needs to be done. -- It’s the separation of your money from segregated accounts that are supposed to be regulated. It’s the trend that many are going unprosecuted for what is essentially theft of your hard work, savings, and future dreams."

Barclays' Disgraced COO Gets £8.75 Million Golden Parachute Instead Of Jail Time
A quote...."The guy who openly admitted he was getting notification from the BOE to manipulate Libor, and was advising his traders appropriately, Barclays' COO Jerry del Missier, and who quit the same day as his boss Bob Diamond, has finally had his pay package revealed. The payoff to get him out and shut him up? £8,750,000."

Investors Punish Bernanke's Take Over Of Markets By Sending Trade Volume 19% Lower
Quote of the Day...."Every day the Fed's control of all capital markets becomes greater and greater, and every day ordinary investors, and even habitual gamblers, realize they have had enough with participating in a rigged casino, in which the now completely meaningless and irrelevant level of the S&P or the DAX or Nikkei or the 10 Year bond is nothing but a policy tool in the global devaluation race to the inflationary bottom. And while we have shown the week after week of relentless equity outflows as aging baby boomers call it quits and instead opt for return of capital (than on), the full impact of this boycott on Bernanke's usurpation of capital markets, in which a simple WSJ scribe can move the market more than the deteriorating fundamentals of the world's biggest company-cum-gizmo maker is best seen in trading volumes."

Ron Paul Wins, Bernanke Loses As 'Audit The Fed' Bill Is Approved Overwhelmingly - Hip Hip Hooray!!
(And a  potential market warning depending on how this plays out, how serious they are about the audit, what is found, and how the Banksters react. - mpg) -- A quote...."In a rare bipartisan consensus, and definitely without the expressed, written consent of The Bernank, the House today overwhelmingly approved Ron Paul's bill (H.R. 459) to provide for a complete audit of the Federal Reserve.  All attention turns now to the Senate and the sister bill (S.202), where two years ago H.R. 1207 was weakened significantly."

Guest Post: Major Sell Signal Triggered
Mrkt Tech Note - Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."For some time now we have been warning about the danger to portfolios given the deteriorating fundamental, economic and technical backdrop in the markets.  Our warnings, for the most part, have been ignored as individuals continue to chase stocks in hopes that "this time will be different", and somehow, stocks will continue to ramp higher even though all three support legs are weakening."

Website editor's caution:  One:  As thousands of bloggers have already  pointed out, along with all the commentators on ZeroHedge, technical analysis (TA) isn't very effective anymore, due to the massive, (and many times secret), manipulation of the "markets" by the Fed and their affiliated forces.  Two:  If you look at the first chart, it should be noted that all those major peaks from 2010 to the present were caused by the Fed's QE and Twist programs. - mpg - See also comments shown below.....

"Am I just really out of it or did he give no formula for how he calculated the sell signal?" -- *derek_vineyard*

"He didn't give a formula, but with a little "trial and error" it's clear that the short-term MA (moving average) shown is the 50-day MA, while the long-term MA appears to be about a 160-day MA. Both of these can be overlaid on almost any graph (including the S&P 500) on many sites such as yahoo ( The signal is simply that these two averages have just crossed, as they did in 2011, and also in 2008, before much damage was done. This is a simple and common technique, although the use of a 160-day MA is a little nonstandard, but it seems to work pretty well. As to whether technical analysis like this "works", make of it what you will. My own opinion is that TA is not much help in deciding what to do, but it helps in deciding just when to do it (timing). There are lots of indications (IMHO) that the market is going to have a significant turndown soon, and this "signal" may be a good indicator that it's time to sell (or short)."  --  *bdfromkg*

Charting The High-Beta Horror Of Hedge Funds
Mrkt Tech Note:  A quote...."Two weeks ago we highlighted the dismal performance (and massively over-crowded momentum factor tilt) of the 2-and-20 crowd relative to a passive equity ETF investment over the past few years. The reality is, in a Central Bank systemically-driven, high correlation, low dispersion world, the herding of hedge fund cats (with expert networks now dead) leaves them massively over-exposed and chasing the same relative returns as their mutual fund index-tracking peers - for fear of the career-limiting (Tilson-esque) miss of the great bull market's next leg." - Massive correlated behavior, or herd mentality by "market" participants, can cause markets to become highly, and unexpectedly, unstable. - mpg

In Case Of Collapsing Earnings, Expand Multiples And Pray
Mrkt Tech Note - Charts - (click to enlarge) - Table - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Both earnings and revenues for 2012 have been cut dramatically in the last three months, rejuvenating a sliding consensus trend for 2012 that began in the middle of last year. However, as we are told again and again, the economy must be doing fine because the market is up so much in that period. In fact, what is even more fun to hear is that the market is cheap (never mind the incredulous hockey-stick expectations for Q4 this year). In fact, the market is not cheap at all." Topix ||  The Earnings Lie Explained - 07-15-12 - mpg  ||  The Games Banksters Play - 07-11-12 - mpg  ||

Earnings Reality Bites
Mrkt Tech Note - Related Article - A quote...."UPDATE: FB -17%, AMZN -0.5%, SBUX -5.3% -- A quick run-down of this evening's catastrophe among the sweetheart hope stocks. From Facebook, Amazon, and Starbucks - not pretty. Top line misses, earnings misses, and outlook guides down... FB -13%, AMZN -2% (was -6%), SBUX (-6%). Via Bloomberg..."

100 Million Poor People In America And 39 Other Facts About Poverty That Will Blow Your Mind
A quote...."Every single day more Americans fall into poverty.  This should deeply alarm you no matter what political party you belong to and no matter what your personal economic philosophy is.  Right now, approximately 100 million Americans are either "poor" or "near poor".  For a lot of people "poverty" can be a nebulous concept, so let's define it.  The poverty level as defined by the federal government in 2010 was $11,139 for an individual and $22,314 for a family of four.  Could you take care of a family of four on less than $2000 a month?  Millions upon millions of families are experiencing a tremendous amount of pain in this economy, and no matter what "solutions" we think are correct, the reality is that we all should have compassion on them." - bold by website editor - NOT!!  If they keep BEGGING to BE poor by continuing to vote for DemoRepubs / RepubliCrats!! - mpg - Topix  ||  The Thirteen Steps to Freedom and Prosperity - (Or Suffer) - 07-12-12 - mpg  ||

Cluster[expletive deleted] Nation - On the European situation. - mpg
Special Note - Short and well written, a good read. - mpg -- A quote...."No one on the scene -- or watching from a remove for that matter -- can conceive a happy ending to this chapter of history, which might be remembered on some distant clear-skied day yet to come as the age of government-by-check-kiting. Or the Chinese fire drill banking model -- no offense to that great nation of diligent workpersons. Yet, reports from even the most anguished Euro nation du jour (Spain) say that the restaurants are bustling and there is no shortage of nearly naked nubile beauties along the beaches of the Costa Brava. And over in Italy, of course, a squirrel could make the journey from Monterotondo to Lago Maggiore by leaping from one outdoor luncheon table to the next with its knobby little knuckles never touching the ground.  ---  The question is: what happens when the recognition finally hits that the money just isn't there? That the whole circus of alphabet soup bailouts and skyhook rescue operations was a fraud? Well, my guess is that things fracture and splinter and there commences a great scramble for the table scraps of the incredible banquet that this congeries of nations put on its Master Charge card...."

Italian prosecutors accuse Moody's of releasing false figures
Contains Video - A quote...."Prosecutors in Italy have launched a probe into the working methods of Moody’s rating agency, accusing the company of spreading false figures and manipulating the market, Press TV reports."

A new stage in the euro crisis
A quote...."Despite [Because of!] the billions in bailouts and trillions injected by the European Central Bank, as well as round after round of austerity measures, the euro stands closer to the abyss than ever before. “We believe that Europe is sleepwalking toward a disaster of incalculable proportions,” 17 leading European economists warn in a report published this week."

Euro exit beats begging bowl, says Spanish elder statesman
A quote...."The regional leader of Asturias in Spain has become the country’s first major figure to call for a radical change of strategy and exit from the euro, unless monetary union is fundamentally reformed."

French Job Seekers’ number hit highest level since 1999
A quote...."France’s Labor Ministry says the number of job seekers in the country hit its highest level since 1999 as the figure rose for the 14th consecutive month in June."

Eurozone crisis risk map: 'Extremely exposed' UK has more to lose than any other nation
A quote...."The United Kingdom is more vulnerable than any other world nation to a worsening eurozone crisis and its economy would be hit the most if the euro falls apart - that was the verdict of new research today."

Britain sinks far deeper into recession than forecast
Related Article - A quote...."(Reuters) - Britain's economy shrank far more than expected in the second quarter, battered by everything from an extra public holiday to government spending cuts and the neighbouring euro zone crisis."

Breaking news - Irelands Bankers being Arrested and Charged!
RTEVideo - (RTEYuTb - 3min33sec - Jul 24, 2012) - Source:  88kmitchell -- One going down in Ireland, plus a dozen more already down (in Iceland)....ten thousand more to go.  Hopefully Seán FitzPatrick isn't just a low-level sacrifice to satisfy public anger, hopefully there's many more to come, hopefully Ireland will actually get a conviction (as they have multiple times in Iceland). -- We shall see....mpg -- A quote...."The former Chief Executive and Chairman of Anglo Irish Bank has appeared in court in Dublin charged in connection with financial irregularities at the bank. - Seán FitzPatrick was charged with 16 offences under Section 60 of the Companies Act. - He is accused of permitting Anglo Irish Bank to give financial assistance to Patricia Quinn, her five children and ten senior clients of the bank...."
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More On The International Situation....

Aleppo On Eve of Battle: Clashes heat up in Syria key hub
Must View RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 4min59sec - Jul 26, 2012) -- Source:   RussiaToday -- A quote...."Fighting continues in Syria's key city of Aleppo, with troops trying to halt a rebel advance. The country's commercial hub has been plagued by fierce street battles for several days, since opposition fighters began their assaults. RT's Oksana Boyko is one of the few international reporters still in Syria, and brings us the latest on the conflict."

Aleppo Critical - Helicopter Gun Ships Used - Snd Only Mr Aleppo
M108Video - (M108YuTb - 6min34sec - Jul 25, 2012) -- Source:   108morris108 -- A quote...."A lot of fighting in Aleppo over the last three days. Mr Aleppo is there and explains. Apologies for some poor sound quality."

Syria clears more areas of rebels, fighting continues in Aleppo
A quote...."The Syrian Army has cleared more areas of foreign-backed armed gangs, while clashes in the country’s largest city continue, Press TV reports."

Special Geo-Political Alert -- The Kurdish Situation.....

Assad grants control of Kurdish region to militant group
A quote...."ISTANBUL — Syrian President Bashar Assad, facing a growing rebel presence in Aleppo, his country's largest city and its commercial hub, has turned control of parts of northern Syria over to militant Kurds whom Turkey has long considered to be terrorists, prompting concern that Istanbul might see the development as a reason to send troops across its border with Syria."

Turkey warns it may strike Kurdish rebels inside Syria
A quote...."ISTANBUL — Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused Syria of letting Turkey’s Kurdish rebels operate inside the north of the country and warned that Ankara would not hesitate to strike against them."

Turkey reportedly mobilizes tanks and missiles to border with Kurdish Syria
A quote...."Turkey has mobilized and deployed tanks and missile batteries on the Syrian border adjacent to a Kurdish region that declared autonomy from Damascus, the Turkish Cihan News Agency reported on Thursday."

PM: Turkey will not allow establishment of Kurdish state in northern Syria
A quote...."Establishment of a Kurdish state in northern Syria by terrorist Kurdistan Workers' Party means a growing terror threat for Turkey, due to which Ankara will not allow it, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in an interview with Turkish television channel 24 TV."

Turkey’s pursuit of Kurdish rebels: A pretext for NATO intervention in Syria?
A quote...." Turkey has warned that it may take action against Kurdish rebels operating in the north of Syria. Middle East expert Franklin Lamb believes this could finally lead to Turkish and NATO intervention in the country. -- The strong statement from the Turkish prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, comes after reports that Kurdish militants linked to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) had taken control of five cities along the Syrian-Turkish border."

The government of Turkey, and Recep Tayyip Erdogan specifically, were repeatedly warned by many bloggers and geo-political analysts that a growing separatist Kurdistan would be the inevitable result of running around the Middle East with the "Trinity of Evil" and saying it's perfectly legitimate to destabilize and carve up countries when one wants too!
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More Clashes as al-Qaeda’s [al-CIA'da's & the Saudi Royal's] Iraq Surge Escalates
A quote...."Declared defeated many times over the past few years, al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) is launching yet another major surge this week, with reports of “fierce fighting” continuing today in the Diyala Province."

Pakistan Cuts NATO Supply Route Again, Citing Security Concerns
It was never really open to begin with - mpg -- A quote...."Pakistan had only reopened the border to Afghanistan a few weeks ago, and traffic was just finally starting to approach pre-November levels when Pakistani officials announced another temporary closure today, citing security concerns."

Iran developing advanced anti-ship missiles: US report
A quote...."The US says Iran is developing advanced anti-ship missiles and has enhanced its missile arsenal over the past few years. -- According to the report entitled “Annual Report on Military Power of Iran”, the US intelligence community said the Iranian-produced weapons, particularly its anti-ship missiles, are increasing in range and accuracy, the World Tribune weekly newspaper reported."

Bomb blast kills 2 US-led forces in S Afghanistan
A quote...."A bomb explosion has killed two US-led troopers, enlisted by NATO, in southern Afghanistan, bringing to 260, this year’s death toll of the US-led foreign forces deployed in the war-ravaged country."

Indian premier to attend NAM summit in Tehran: Indian media
A quote...."Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will travel to Tehran in order to attend the forthcoming summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in the Iranian capital in late August, Indian media say."

Saudi protesters call for release of political prisoners
A quote...."Saudi protesters have gathered in front of the interior ministry in the capital city Riyadh to demand the release of political prisoners held captive in the Kingdom."

Far from a Humanitarian Savior, the U.S. Causes Vast Misery In Africa
A quote...."Americans want to believe their president when he poses as a humanitarian world leader. But Africa knows different. Literally millions have died and been displaced as a direct result of U.S. imperial strategies. “American policy in Africa is to create chaos, and then to present itself as the cure.”" - also posted at AlethoNews

U.S. Steps Up Militarization of Africa Through “Drug Wars"
A quote...."The United States wants to drag Africa into its drug wars – on top of Washington’s War on Terror. Since drugs always follow American “anti-narcotics” activity in the world, the inevitable result will be an explosion of drug networks in targeted African countries. “Liberia and Ghana will soon emerge as hubs of the African drug trade – just as happened in Colombia and elsewhere in Latin America.”" - also posted at AlethoNews

Paraguay’s Bitter Harvest: Multinational Corporations Reap Benefits from Coup Government
A quote..."In a July 22nd speech marking the one month anniversary of the parliamentary coup that overthrow left-leaning Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo, the former leader denounced that a motivating interest among the coup-plotters was a sought-after deal between Paraguay and the Montreal-based mining company, Rio Tinto Alcan. -- “Those who pushed for the coup are those who want to solidify the negotiations with the multinational Rio Tinto Alcan, betraying the energetic sovereignty and interests of our country,” Lugo told supporters."

Russia – Vietnam's priority energy partner
A quote...."President of Vietnam Truong Tang Sang will discuss energy issues, the expansion of economic ties and other strategic partnership questions with Russia’s leadership. Truong Tang’s four-day visit to Russia began on Thursday...."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Hebron: Over 30 detained
A quote...."On the evening of July 18, over 30 Palestinians were detained in Tel Rumeida of Hebron after being accused of attacking an Israeli settler from the illegal settlement in the city. The attack allegedly took place after the settler went to swim in Abraham’s spring, which is on Palestinian land, but has a history of being used by settlers from the local colony." - also posted at AlethoNews

Palestinian officials silenced by fear of Obama "reprisals" says Washington Post reporter
A quote...."Are Palestinian Authority officials afraid of “reprisals” from the Obama administration if they criticize US policy? It would seem so, according to a Washington Post reporter."

Israel Constructs Military Tower in West Bank Agricultural Area
A quote...."In the town of al-Kahder Tuesday, a group of Israeli settlers erected a military tower on agricultural land in the West Bank according to WAFA news."

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (19– 25 July 2012)
Every week of the year....non-stop. - mpg
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Monsanto To Get Immunity From Federal Laws
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 9min05sec - Jul 25, 2012) - Source:  alexhiggins732 -- A quote...."A new bill in congress aims to give Monsanto immunity from any damages resulting from genetically altering the US food chain. -- The United States is experiencing its worst drought since the 1950's, but that's not the only thing affecting your food supply these days - a new bill aimed at helping one company in particular is changing the American food chain for the worse. Ronnie Cummins of the Organic Consumers Association joins RT's Liz Wahl for more."

Genetically Modified Apples Newest GMO Creation to be Pushed on Consumers
A quote...."After setting sights on creating a heavily modified apple that ‘never browns’ and doing their very best to hide the fact that they are indeed genetically altered, a biotech corporation known as Okanagan Specialty Fruits is now pushing for their new genetically modified apples to hit the market."

War on Health (Full Version)
Movie - Alt - (YuTb - 1hr37min42sec - Jul 10, 2012) - Source:  TheHealthRanger -- A quote...."2012 – Join health expert Gary Null as he exposes the corruption of the Food and Drug Administration.  Corporate lobbying and political connections are more important than proper testing and safety in the approval of drugs for the US market. -- From While the FDA marches on with their plans to take away your right to health and nutrition, this documentary threatens to blow their tyrannical rule apart. Never before seen footage, and never before heard evidence that will SHOCK you into action."

Wednesday July 25th 2012

No posts. - mpg

Tuesday July 24th 2012

Silence Absolves Liars, Scoundrels & Hypocrites
A quote...."Look at what occurred here in America before we invaded Iraq… and after. We had a group of so called leaders and advisors to leaders who had a tattered track record on patriotism. Mitt Romney, in the late 1960s, supported the Vietnam War, yet refused to join up and fight the good fight. We have the infamous chicken hawks of the Junior Bush gang, starting with Junior himself. Bush supported the Vietnam War and chose to stay safely at home in the Texas Air National Guard. Then we have Dick Cheney, who received at least five deferments, none of them medical by the way, yet he vociferously supported the war. Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz and others connected with the Bush crew cheered for ‘War War War ‘yet never would dare go and fight the gooks they hated...."

A Prince Among the Living and a King Among the Dead.
A quote...."We're not going to spend any amount of time on the Colorado shooting. Obviously it was a government op, as were all of the others. Every one of them had a companion military or police drill similar to what happened taking place at the same time. As usual there are companion efforts going on that may or may not be relevant. Why someone would wire up their apartment and then inform the authorities it was wired is also weird but the whole thing is weirder than the guy's hair. Since Israel runs all of the American terror operations, the same way it runs American foreign and domestic policy; “I'm a patriotic American, proud to be Israel's bitch”. People should no longer stand when The Star Spangled Banner plays. They should bend over. It's more in tune with how it is."
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West Spreads Syrian WMDs Lies For Foreign Intervention
A quote...."July 24, 2012 - Hysterical propaganda has increasingly amplified since early Monday when the Syrian government's Foreign Minister Jihad Makdissi insisted that if Syria had any unconventional weapons, they would be under strict security and only used against foreign aggression. Makdissi went on to clarify further his statement by insisting that his comments in no way implied Syria even has such weapons." - Source:  BLN

What is Really Happening in Syria?
Quote of the Day -- A quote...."After several months of talking diplomacy while simultaneously strengthening rebel forces in Syria and demonizing the Damascus government, the Obama Administration has openly decided to go for the kill. Violent regime change will not happen immediately, but it is obviously President Obama's goal."

UK Training Syrian "Rebels" In Iraq
A quote...."July 24, 2012 "Daily Mail and Sunday Express" -- A British Army source revealed last night that former SAS soldiers are training Syrian rebels in Iraq in military tactics, weapons handling and communications systems. -- More than 300 have passed through a base just inside the Iraq border, while a command course is run in Saudi Arabia. -- Groups of 50 rebels at a time are being trained by two private security firms employing former Special Forces personnel. “Our role is purely instructional teaching tactics, techniques and procedures,” said a former SAS member." - Source:  DlyMl&SunExprs

German intelligence: al-Qaeda [al-CIA'da] all over Syria
A quote...."German intelligence estimates that "around 90" terror attacks that "can be attributed to organizations that are close to al-Qaeda or jihadist groups" were carried out in Syria between the end of December and the beginning of July, as reported by the German daily Die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ)."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Rita Katz Has a Brand New Bag...hdadi
Must Read - A quote...."Nice pic, Rita. Looks like you might of actually made this one up, instead of stealing an image from a video game.....This was another of Rita's tricks that she sprung on a gullible American public several years back, using an image from a video game of a nuked DC, but she was caught cribbing from the game and called out. Trouble, is, I can't find that info on the web. Must of disappeared.

"Their [Jews'] only purpose here in the U.S. is to purchase as many politicians as possible and to warp the way the American Christians feel and think not just about the Christian religion but mainly about the Palestinian people and to rob as much money as possible from American taxpayers for the illegitimate excuse of protecting and preserving the chosen people of God."

"Comment attributed to Ghassan Elashi, Holy Land's former board chairman. Zionist Jew Rita Katz was paid to testify that the Holy Land Foundation was supplying money and weapons to HAMAS and Hezbollah."

Zionist Media Gives America Orders "Attack Syria!"
Must Read - A quote...."The non-stop beating of the war drums in the Zionist media had been relentless the last few months. When you control over 96% of what Americans are allowed to read, see, digest, fathom and try to understand, then it's a cinch that when that monopoly decides to herd their favorite herd of GOYIM cattle in one direction, it's to the slaughterhouse we'll go, heads bowed down, happily chewing our cuds, while the butcher starts letting blood. -- Their favorite refrain these days is getting Americans psyched up about invading a country that is NO threat to the USA, Syria, but one that Israel wants destroyed so it can cement its hold over the water rich Golan Heights and steal even more Syrian land on the pretext that it's for 'security' reasons."

London Olympics security firm G4S helps Israel abuse Palestinian children in solitary confinement
A quote...."G4S, the firm at the center of the debacle over security for the London 2012 Olympics, is helping Israel secure facilities where Palestinian children are imprisoned and severly abused."

Still unclear who planned bomb attack on Israeli tourists in Bulgaria: PM
A quote...."SOFIA, July 24 (Xinhua) -- It is still unclear who planned the bomb attack that killed five Israeli tourists and a Bulgarian bus driver last week in Burgas, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said on Tuesday."

Burgas Suicide Bomber Spoke Russian - Report
Related Article - A quote...."The suicide bomber who killed five Israeli tourists and a Bulgarian bus driver in the Bulgarian city of Burgas last Wednesday spoke Russian fluently, according to a local media report."

Bulgarian Terrorist Attack Bomber May Have Been Deluded Drug Smuggler - Report
Related Article - A quote...."One of the main versions in the investigation of the July 18 terrorist attack in Bulgaria's Burgas is that the alleged suicide bomber was not aware he had explosives on him, according to unconfirmed reports in the Bulgarian media."

Who is Behind the Bulgaria “False Flag” Attack on Israeli Tourists?
Related Article - A quote...."Somewhat optimistically, Iran is investing its efforts in diplomacy.   While continuing to work towards a mutually acceptable solution with the P5+1, Iran is making extensive preparations for the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit it will be hosting in Tehran in August.   Over the past three centuries, Iran has never initiated a war and it would seem unlikely that at this juncture Tehran would resort to terrorism and solicit condemnation and possibly war.   On the other hand, the targeting and killing of Israeli citizens by Iran would serve to support and justify Netanyahu’s call for military action against Iran ."

[Israel's & the US-NRE's] Stuxnet thwarted by control code update
A quote...."German engineering giant Siemens has issued a fix for the software loopholes used by the notorious Stuxnet worm."

UK PM's ex-aide charged in hacking scandal
A quote...."British Prime Minister David Cameron's former director of communications, Andy Coulson, and the former chief executive of Rupert Murdoch's News International, Rebekah Brooks, will be charged with phone hacking, the Crown Prosecution Service said. -- Six other people will also be charged in the ever-widening scandal for their roles in a lengthy campaign of illegal espionage that victimised hundreds of people, the CPS said on Tuesday in a televised statement."
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

Mexican official: CIA 'manages' drug trade
And not just in Mexico, in Columbia, Afghanistan, and many other places too....mpg -- A quote...."The US Central Intelligence Agency and other international security forces "don't fight drug traffickers", a spokesman for the Chihuahua state government in northern Mexico has told , instead "they try to manage the drug trade"." - also posted at BLN - (BLN's title is better - mpg) - Topix  ||  US Support - Drug Trade  ||

19-year-old shot 5 times for suspected underage drinking
Cops Gone Bad - (don't they always?) -- A quote...."At some point, the sheriffs realized that this could look bad. They had essentially gone out looking for trouble. They were on private property and had known underage kids were likely drinking there, so it wasn’t like they stumbled upon some dangerous, surprise situation which would call for such fatal measures. They crept up in the dark, took an unsuspecting 19-year-old by surprise, and unloaded on him. As much as cops know damn well that they can get away with murder, they started to think this might not look so good, and so began the lies."

The New York Times [Finally] Admits That Virtually Every Major News Organization Allows The News To Be Censored By Government Officials - Censorship Exposed - A quote...."In one of the most shocking articles that the New York Times has ever put out, a New York Times reporter has openly admitted that virtually every major mainstream news organization allows government bureaucrats and campaign officials to censor their stories.  For example, almost every major news organization in the country has agreed to submit virtually all quotes from anyone involved in the Obama campaign or the Romney campaign to gatekeepers for "quote approval" before they will be published.  If the gatekeeper in the Obama campaign does not want a certain quote to get out, the American people will not see it, and the same thing applies to the Romney campaign." - Source:  BLN

Crime, punishment and hypocrisy in the Penn State scandal
A quote...."There is a huge element of hypocrisy and self-serving sanctimony surrounding the announcement Monday by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) of severe sanctions against Pennsylvania State University for the cover-up of child sexual abuse involving longtime assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky."

Votergate (Full Version)
Video - 2012 Election Cycle - (vote fraud) - Alt - (YuTb - 35min45sec - May 26, 2011) - Source:  se7ensenses -- A quote...."Votergate is the investigative documentary feature film uncovering the truth about new computer voting systems, which allow a few powerful corporations to record our votes in secret."
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On the UN Anti-Gun Treaty and the Possible Denver False-Flag Operation.....

Witness: Someone let gunman inside Colorado movie theater

A quote...."A man who was at the Colorado movie theater where a dozen people were killed this morning, says he saw the gunman. - He says he thinks someone deliberately let the gunman inside once the movie started. - Here’s what he told TV station KCNC this morning live on their newscast."

False Flag Investigation Intensifies: Alex Jones Breaks Down The Psyop
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 22min59sec - Jul 24, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel

Was Dark Knight Shooter A Product of MKULTRA? Wayne Madsen Reports
Must Listen AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 34min33sec - Jul 24, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex gets investigative journalist and author of "The Manufacturing of a President," Wayne Madsen's take on the Aurora massacre and the ensuing push on all fronts to regulate firearms as a result."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

DEBT PARTY USA - 5 Straight Years Of $1 Trillion Deficits!
A quote..."( - By the end of the third quarter of fiscal 2012, the new debt accumulated in this fiscal year by the federal government had already exceeded $1 trillion, making this fiscal year the fifth straight in which the federal government has increased its debt by more than a trillion dollars, according to official debt numbers published by the U.S. Treasury."

David Stockman: "The Capital Markets Are Simply A Branch Casino Of The Central Bank"
A quote...."This market isn't real. The two percent on the ten-year, the ninety basis points on the five-year, thirty basis points on a one-year – those are medicated, pegged rates created by the Fed and which fast-money traders trade against as long as they are confident the Fed can keep the whole market rigged. Nobody in their right mind wants to own the ten-year bond at a two percent interest rate. But they're doing it because they can borrow overnight money for free, ten basis points, put it on repo, collect 190 basis points a spread, and laugh all the way to the bank. And they will keep laughing all the way to the bank on Wall Street until they lose confidence in the Fed's ability to keep the yield curve pegged where it is today. If the bond ever starts falling in price, they unwind the carry trade. Then you get a message, "Do not pass go." Sell your bonds, unwind your overnight debt, your repo positions. And the system then begins to contract...."

On Gold And The US Debt Trap?

Chart - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."The US is in a debt trap, plain and simple. Yet policymakers refuse to talk about it because to admit that it is a debt trap is to admit policy failure. After all, it is rather difficult to blame a government debt trap on ‘free-markets’. (Not that free markets had much to do with the world’s most regulated industry—finance and banking—blowing itself up in 2008. No, such colossal blowups require vast amounts of government intervention.)  --   That said, the US is not in the same debt trap as much of the euro-area because its debts can be systematically devalued through monetisation by the national central bank...."

Charting America's Ever Shrinking "Revisionist" Economy
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."This has been the recovery of downward revisions - each annual revision to payrolls and GDP since the recovery started in 2009 revealed an even sharper contraction and weaker recovery. BofAML believes this year’s revision, which is released with the Q2 GDP report on Friday, will once again show an even slower start to the recovery with growth revised lower in 2009 and 2010, and modestly higher in 2011."

Richmond Fed Faceplants At -17, Expectations Of Rise To -1; Worst Since April 2009
A quote...."And another epic miss in the slow motion trainwreck that is the US plowhorse economy now to its neck in quicksand. The latest B-grade economic indicator: the Richmond Fed, which was expected to rise modestly from -3 to -1. Instead it faceplanted to -17, the biggest miss since August 2010 and the lowest print since Apirl 2009."

Layoffs mount in slumping US economy
A quote...."Observing the presidential campaign, one would hardly guess that the US economy is slumping once again, with layoffs mounting across all sectors and grim economic news breaking daily. Seemingly oblivious to the jobs crisis, the two candidates and their big-business backers have nothing to offer in the way of relief for the millions of Americans who are being economically devastated by the crisis."

US Census Data Worst In 50 Years – Nearly 100 Million Poor In America
A quote...."Despite the government’s well massaged economic statistics the latest census data shows its bad out there. Really bad." - also posted at PrisonPlanet

Plow Horse Enters Quicksand - America's Abysmal June Economic Report Card: 7 Positive Surprises; 23 Negative - Table - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."There was a time when we mocked all those who said the US economy can sustain some sort of organic, Fed-free recovery on its own, and perhaps, just perhaps, regain the virtuous cycle. We now just feel sad for them. The latest confirmation why those perpetual optimists will likely never again get it correct in their lifetimes, except for the 1-2 month (and increasingly shorter) period just after a new LSAP program is introduced by the Fed, is the June US economic report card."

Spain edges closer to disaster as the euro crisis spreads (and Greece is facing a 1930s-style depression)
A quote...."The Eurozone was back on the brink last night as Spain edged towards a financial disaster that could tear the single currency apart. - Analysts said Spain’s huge economy was at a ‘tipping point’ and would inevitably need [more] international aid."

12 Signs That Spain Is Shifting Gears From Recession To Depression
A quote...."Where have we seen this before?  Bond yields soar above the 7 percent danger level.  Check.  The stock market crashes to new lows.  Check.  Industrial activity plummets like a rock and the economy contracts.  Check.  The unemployment rate skyrockets to more than 20 percent.  Check.  The bursting of a massive real estate bubble pushes the banking system to the brink of implosion.  Check.  Broke local governments beg the broke national government for bailouts.  Check.  The international community pressures the national government to implement deep austerity measures which will slow down the economy even more and hordes of violent protesters take to the streets.  Check.  All of this happened in Greece, it is happening right now in Spain, and mark my words it will eventually happen in the United States. " - also posted at PrisonPlanet

EU officials: International Monetary Fund to pull plug on Greece
The first domino to be eliminated from the game board, the rest are to follow in short order. - mpg -- A quote...."A report to be published in Monday's edition of Der Spiegel claims that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is considering ending financial aid to Greece. According to Bloomberg the information in the Der Spiegel report was provided by "unidentified European Union officials."" - For more on this issue see the quote shown below....

Why do you think "The euro was established by the provisions [of] the Maastricht Treaty [in 1992]"? 1992....get it?  Right in line with the US-NRE's "ten year economic / war cycle" right when the US-NRE embarked on another ten year economic / war cycle and needed to sell its tens of trillions of dollars of newly created toxic junk to the EU to fund their empire fling?  Why do you think Goldman Sachs bribed Greece's leaders and finagled Greece's books to sneak the country into the EU? [02]  Why do you think Greece, the same country Goldman set-up in 1992 was the first one to fail?  Why do you think they appointed a former Goldman Sachs officer to be in charge of Greece's "bail-out"? [03] (The second reload)  -- *The Sixth Law of War Time Currency Expansion Trumps the Fifth Law -04-01-12 - mpg*

Former CEO & Chairman of Anglo Irish Bank Arrested in Ireland - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."The Irish proved today they are serious about investigating and prosecuting banking crime perpetrated in the lead up to the financial crisis of 2008."
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More On The International Situation....

EU turns down Israel call to put Hezbollah on terror list
A quote...."The European Union has flatly rejected an Israeli call to blacklist Hezbollah as a terrorist group, saying there is no such agreement among the bloc’s member states. "

South Africa to keep importing Iran oil: Minister
A quote...."South Africa’s Energy Minister Dipuo Peters has stressed his country’s determination to continue its crude oil imports from Iran, despite the US-engineered sanctions against Tehran."

China declares new city to assert control over South China Sea
A quote...."China's 657th city, as classified by the country's State Council, has a floating population of a few hundred fishermen, a post office, library, bank, supermarket, and hospital and not much else. A casino is planned to drum up tourism. -- But it will have a full 45 government officials to run the city, its own mayor, and a Communist party secretary, Fu Zhuang, who has spent his entire career in the People's Liberation Army, rising to become the deputy chief of the Air Defence Office of Hainan province."

Russia begins increased submarine patrols off the coasts of the United States
A quote...."On June 1 or a bit later we will resume constant patrolling of the world's oceans by strategic nuclear submarines," Russian navy Commander Adm. Vladimir Vysotsky said Friday. This in apparent response to the “threat” posed by the United States which has adopted a “pre-emptive war strategy” and is considered by Russia military and intelligence officials as the single largest military threat to Russia and world peace."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Al-Rekhawi to Return Home to Gaza
A quote...."Akram al-Rekhawi’s 102-day hunger strike in an Israeli prison came to an end on Sunday after Israel agrees to his release. Israel has agreed to release al-Rekhawi 6 months earlier than scheduled meaning he will be re-united with his family in January 2013."

Um Fagarah: Cave dwellers struggle to remain on their land
A quote...."In the peaceful landscape of the South Hebron Hills, the occupation of the land is a daily struggle. Whilst life seems to be quiet and smooth the Palestinian communities often have to forget their daily life problems to focus on a bigger issue: resisting expulsion from their land."

Israel Arrests Two Palestinian Children in Hebron
A quote...."Israeli soldiers arrested two Palestinian children on Tuesday in the West Bank city of Hebron according to a statement the Palestinian Prisoner’s Club made to WAFA news."

UN Committee Decries Israeli Treatment of Palestinian Children
A quote...."The United Nations Special Committee on Israeli Practices in the Occupied Territories issued a statement against the arrest, detention and mistreatment of Palestinian children by the Israeli military, the Palestine News Network reported on Tuesday."

Askar Refugee Camp: “Our dream is to visit Jerusalem”
A quote...."A short distance from Nablus one finds the community of Askar camp. What appears as a suburb or cut-off of the city, is actually a refugee camp. Established in 1964, it today houses some 6,000 people in 1 square kilometre. The inhabitants are both descendants of and those themselves that were once pushed off their lands by Israel."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Monsanto's Roundup Herbicide Toxic To Life In Parts Per Billion Range
A quote...."New research on the DNA-damaging effects of the popular herbicide known as Roundup® indicates that it can do significant harm to fish even after short-term, environmentally low concentration exposures in the parts per billion range (μg /L)"

Seeds of Destruction: Hijacking of the World's Food System
A quote...."Birds and bees are something most of us take for granted as part of nature. The expression “teaching about the birds and the bees” to explain the process of human reproduction to young people is not an accidental expression. Bees and birds contribute to the essence of life on our planet. A study by the US Department of Agriculture estimated that “...perhaps one-third of our total diet is dependent, directly or indirectly, upon insect-pollinated plants.”[1] "

Monday July 23rd 2012

A Court For The Savages
Must Read - A quote...."Does anyone recall this statement: “If I may say so, this is not a court set up to bring to book Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom or Presidents of the United States”? -- Those words are from none other than the late Former UK Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary, Robin Cook, live on television. -- He had been asked in an interview if the UK did not fear prosecution by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for its actions during and after the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. -- How much more bluntly can it be put? With such a plain explanation from such a powerful man, no one should bother about why the US and its European buddies are not prosecuted for their massive crimes against humanity in the decade that the ICC has been in existence." - also posted at AlethoNews

George W. Bush and the Neocons are Guilty of Aiding and Abetting al-Qaeda
Must Read - A quote...."By starting the unnecessary war in Iraq which only benefited Israel Bush and the neoconservatives violated their own Patriot Act which outlaws providing support to al-Qaeda. If it wasn’t for Bush and gang starting the war with Iraq there would not be al-Qaeda in Iraq. Bush did for al-Qaeda what they could not do for themselves – remove Saddam and make Iraq a home for al-Qaeda. The leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi recently said their strongholds will soon be returning in Iraq. Yesterday’s and today’s catastrophic shootings and bombings against Shi’ite Muslims in Iraq which so far has killed 107 people and wounded at least 268 others shows he is serious about reestablishing al-Qaeda strongholds in Iraq."

Policy Change: "Terrorists" Are Now "Insurgents"
A quote..."This is the biggest Orwellian rewrite I have ever experienced. -- For years the label "AlQaeda" and "terrorists" were practically used as synonyms. But, following the Obama administrations lead, the New York Times has now rewritten its stylebook and relabeled "AlQaeda" from "terrorists group" to a somewhat neutral "insurgency"."

Putin’s Geopolitical Chess Game with Washington in Syria and Eurasia
A quote...."Since reassuming his post as Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin has lost no minute in addressing the most urgent geopolitical threats to Russia internationally. Not surprisingly, at the center of his agenda is the explosive situation in the Middle East, above all Syria. Here Putin is engaging every imaginable means of preventing a further deterioration of the situation into what easily could become another “world war by miscalculation.” His activities in recent weeks involve active personal diplomacy with Syria’s government as well as the so-called opposition “Syrian National Council.”  It involves intense diplomacy with Erdogan’s Turkey regime. It involves closed door diplomacy with Obama. It involves direct diplomacy with Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu."

Top Pakistani Politician Calls Drone Strikes “Insane, Immoral, War Crimes”
A quote...."Imran Khan, the leader of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party (PTI) has slammed the US policy of targeting militants in Pakistan and elsewhere with unmanned drone strikes, declaring that terrorists only benefit from such actions. -- In an interview with the Pakistan Daily Times, Khan, a former high profile cricket champion, said that drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and any other part of the world are insane, immoral, illegal and counterproductive." - bold by website editor
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Syria Update: What the News Isn't Reporting
Special Note - A quote...."Beginning last week, headlines were overrun by a coordinated NATO-backed "Free Syrian Army" (FSA) offensive and an assassination bombing in Damascus, timed so close to each other and the UN Security Council vote on sanctions, the vote was pushed back a day. - The attacks dubbed, "Operation Damascus Volcano" were clearly coordinated with the assassination bombing, designed for psychological impact, and when Syrians reacted with resolve, they quickly collapsed." - Source:  LandDstryRep - also posted at BLN

Syria: Border Posts And City Raids
Special Note - A quote...."It is more and more difficult to get a clear picture of the situation in Syria. As a large part of the western media are obviously part of the military information operation against Syria one has to double check each and every detail. Here is the gist of what I read from various sources. -- The raid-like assault on parts of Damascus failed after three days. The population of the raided quarters did not help the foreign supported insurgency but rather fled to safe quarters. The Syrian military then had little difficulty to fight the insurgents down. Today an assault attempt on a military hospital in Damascus failed after just one hour."

NATO Death Squads Attempt to Ethnically Divide Syria
A quote...."The Free Syrian Army ruined our lives," reports BBC in their article, "Syria crisis: Iraqis flee 'sectarian violence' in Damascus." Refugees returning to Iraq from Syria undulated a BBC reporter with accounts of why they've fled, citing sectarian violence perpetrated by the Western backed, armed, and funded so-called "Free Syrian Army" (FSA). Accounts reaffirm that indeed foreign fighters are amongst the FSA's ranks, including Iraqi sectarian extremists serving as commanders."

US Prepares For Direct Intervention in Syria
Contains Video - Alt - (Note:  Please choose from "choose language" to see English subtitles.) -- A quote...."As it becomes increasingly clear that last week's "surge" by NATO-backed so-called "Free Syrian Army" terrorists was a failed psychological operation, coordinated with meticulously timed assassinations the day of the UN Security Council vote designed to stampede the Syrian government out of power, the FSA's foreign sponsors are preparing the public for a more direct intervention while desperately attempting to maintain the illusion of chaos and the imminent collapse of Syria's government." - Source:  LandDestroyerReport - also posted at GlobalRsrch

The ARAR model for toppling governments
Special Note - A quote...."TEHRAN, July 21 (MNA) -- The recent political and military turmoil in the region is following a predictable pattern, which starts with so-called activism and ends with military intervention to topple sovereign governments." - also posted at AlethoNews

Blast hits Saudi intelligence building, killing deputy spy chief
As of -- July 23rd 2012 -- 12:27am PST  --  no major media outlet has confirmed this attack.  On the other hand, neither the Saudi Government, nor ANY major media outlet, has denied the attack took place.  The whole thing is very  peculiar.  -- At this point, all this website editor can say with any certainty, is that if the attack actually took place, and Bandar bin Sultan was killed, this was definitely NOT a false-flag attack.  If it had been, the talking points would have already been well prepared in advance and would have been screamed to the world one minute after the blast. -- IF this attack took place, the total silence means the parasites don't know how to deal with it, and the Saudi Royals are really scared. They'll have to say something eventually, one way or the other....mpg

A quote...."A blast has hit the building of Saudi intelligence service in Riyadh, killing deputy of the newly-appointed intelligence chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan, according to reports." - One usually reaps what one sows...mpg - For more on this issue see article and comment previously posted below.

Assad's brother-in-law killed by suicide bomber bodyguard in Damascus
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 7min05sec - Jul 18, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Syria's Defence minister and his deputy have been killed in a suicide bombing in Damascus. The minister is the most senior official within the Syrian government to have been killed since the conflict began last year. The attack adds to the violence that's been rocking the Syrian capital for four days now. RT's Maria Finoshina reporting from the Syrian capital." -- posted 07-19-12

By the way, this website editor cannot stress enough just how DANGEROUS A PRECEDENT IT IS, for the Governments of Britain and the United States to PUBLICLY SUPPORT, the financing, training, command, control and communications of the Gulf Monarchies' FOREIGN Wahhabist al-CIA'da terrorist mercenaries in Syria, as the US and Britain DIRECT and enable these terrorist suicide bombers to target the leadership of the Syrian government.  ---  What happens down the road, or how these sorts of tactics will INEVITABLY replicate across the geo-political map in many other countries, will have highly unfortunate consequences for global security and stability.  ---  Or to put it another way, one generally reaps what one sows. - mpg -- posted 07-19-12

Watching Syria, remembering Nicaragua - History shows U.S. viciously attacks—not supports—real revolutions
A quote...."On July 18, a huge bomb blast killed or critically wounded several top Syrian security officials. While the “Free Syrian Army,” claimed credit, the highly sophisticated July 18 bombing in Damascus has the earmarks not of an operation by a recently organized paramilitary group, but instead of the CIA and/or the Israeli Mossad." - also posted at AlethoNews
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Damascus Bombing ‘Smells of Mossad,’ US Analyst Says
A quote...."A former U.S. intelligence analyst said Israeli spy network Mossad could be linked to a fatal bombing that killed top security officials in Damascus on July 18. -- An unidentified former analyst said “the entire attack smelled of Mossad,” according to Kasım Cindemir of daily Habertürk." - Source:  TurkishWeekly

Time Is Running Out For The Israeli [Mini-]Empire
A quote...."Why are Americans killing and dying 8,000 miles away when we have cities going bankrupt and states where the average car owner has to spend hundreds of dollars to repair damages from potholes? -- When a sufficient number of Americans awaken to the truth about 911, Israel will be finished. The Israelis knew that when they declared war on the US on 911.  That means Israel has a date certain for the demise of America or at least when it will become comatose and cease to function so as to pose no threat to Israel."
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

Justice Department Sues Telecom for Challenging National Security Letter
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished -- A quote...."18 Jul 2012 Last year, when a telecommunications company received an ultra-secret demand letter from the FBI seeking information about a customer or customers, the telecom took an extraordinary step - it challenged the underlying authority of the FBI's National Security Letter, as well as the legitimacy of the gag order that came with it. Both challenges are allowed under a federal law that governs NSLs, a power greatly expanded under the Patriot Act that allows the government to get detailed information on Americans' finances and communications without oversight from a judge. The FBI has issued hundreds of thousands of NSLs and been reprimanded for abusing them - though almost none of the requests have been challenged by the recipients. After the telecom challenged its NSL last year, the Justice Department took its own extraordinary measure: It sued the company, arguing in court documents that the company was violating the law by challenging its authority." - bold by website editor - Source:  WiredDotCom

Reporters oppose Pentagon monitoring
A quote...."Defense reporters want the Pentagon’s assurance it’s not listening to their phone calls. -- The request is in response to the Defense Department’s new policy of monitoring national media reports for unauthorized disclosures of classified information. -- It’s the word “monitor” that set off alarm bells among journalists."

The Obama GITMO myth  - Article also posted at ICH
A quote...."New vindictive restrictions on detainees highlights the falsity of Obama defenders regarding closing the camp." -- "Most of the 168 detainees at Guantanamo have been imprisoned by the U.S. Government for close to a decade without charges and with no end in sight to their captivity. Some now die at Guantanamo, thousands of miles away from their homes and families, without ever having had the chance to contest accusations of guilt."

Marine Corps Creates Law-Enforcement Battalions
Police / Military State - A quote...."The battalions will be capable of helping control civil disturbances, handling detainees, carrying out forensic work, and using biometrics to identify suspects. Durham said they could assist local authorities in allied countries [Yeah....right. - mpg] in securing crime scenes and building cases so criminals end up behind bars and not back out on the streets because of mistakes."

Coming Next – TSA At The Movie Theater?
A quote...."(PaulWatson) – With police stepping up security at arenas showing ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ after last night’s tragic ‘Batman’ massacre in Colorado, liberty-minded Twitter users took to the web today to express concerns that the incident could serve as an excuse to station TSA agents at movie theaters in major cities."

25 Reasons Why We Need to Preserve Our 2nd Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms
A quote...."Already we are seeing anti-gun advocates and liberal Hollywood icons attacking the Second Amendment from every corner, each calling for greater gun control. It’s deeply unfortunate that none of the moviegoers attending that premier of The Dark Knight Rising were packing a legally permitted concealed weapon. God only knows how many lives one armed law-abiding citizen may have saved."

Stop the UN Gun Ban – Sign the Firearms Sovereignty Survey
Action Alert - A quote...."(NAGR) – Dear fellow American, Gun-grabbers around the globe believe they have it made. -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently announced the Obama Administration will be working hand-in-glove with the UN to pass a new “Small Arms Treaty.” Read and Sign Here."
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On the UN Anti-Gun Treaty and the Possible Denver False-Flag Operation.....

Colorado Batman shooting shows obvious signs of being staged – Mike Adams
A quote...."There is already conjecture that James Holmes may have been involved in mind-altering neuroscience research and ended up becoming involved at a depth he never anticipated. His actions clearly show a strange detachment from reality, indicating he was not in his right mind. That can only typically be accomplished through drugs, hypnosis or trauma (and sometimes all three). -- His behavior doesn’t add up" - Source:  NaturalNews

‘Batman Massacre’ News Boil Down
A quote...."(Infowars) – The aftermath of the tragic Colorado “Batman massacre” brings with it a hailstorm of information from both sides of the spectrum. -- While MSM stations are reporting the shooting as a random act of violence, has maintained that there is obvious signs of it being a staged terror event." - Source:  InfoWars

Colo. shooting suspect appears dazed in court
A quote...."23 Jul 2012 James Holmes, with dyed reddish-orange hair, appeared dazed and somber today as he made an appearance in court to be told that he was being held on suspicion of first-degree murder. An expressionless Holmes frequently stared at his hands during the brief court appearance. When asked if he had anything to say, he didn't respond and let a lawyer speak on his behalf." - Source:  USAToday

A Noble Lie: Evidence of Gov't Staged Terrorism Used on Americans
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 40min03sec - Jul 23, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."On the Monday, July 23 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex welcomes back to the show James Lane and Holland Van den Nieuwenhof, the producers and directors of A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995, a documentary that takes a look at the circumstances surrounding the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. Lane and Van den Nieuwenhof talk with Alex about the Aurora shooting and government false flag events. A Noble Lie is available at the Infowars store. A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995"

Callers React to Obama Using Colorado Shooting to Promote Gun Control
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 43min30sec - Jul 23, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Today, Sunday, July 22, on a special edition of Infowars LIVE, Alex and team will break down the classic earmarks of a staged false flag for self-inflicted wound via Colorado. Alex also examines the history of documented and declassified staged terror attacks committed as pretexts to launch wars, enslave populations, and ultimately so the criminal establishment can pose as heroes. He'll also cover the latest news and take your phone calls."

Dark Knight Massacre: History of Government Sponsored Terror
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 43min22sec - Jul 23, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Today, Sunday, July 22, on a special edition of Infowars LIVE, Alex and team will break down the classic earmarks of a staged false flag for self-inflicted wound via Colorado. Alex also examines the history of documented and declassified staged terror attacks committed as pretexts to launch wars, enslave populations, and ultimately so the criminal establishment can pose as heroes. He'll also cover the latest news and take your phone calls."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Why Is Everyone Suddenly Talking about Hanging Bankers? - Can't imagine....mpg
A quote...."Mainstream economist Nouriel Roubini said recently...."

"Nobody has gone to jail since the financial crisis. The banks, they do things that are illegal and at best they slap on them a fine.  If some people end up in jail, maybe that will teach a lesson to somebody.  Or somebody hanging in the streets."

"Former British prime minister Tony Blair – currently employed as a senior adviser to JP Morgan – said today:"

"We must not start thinking that society will be better off “if we hang 20 bankers at the end of the street” …."

"Where’s all of this coming from?"

$129 million pay package for new Yahoo CEO
The ONLY way they can receive pay packages like this, is MASSIVE printing by the Fed to artificially pump-up equity prices. - mpg -- A quote...."Last week the corporate and media world was abuzz with the news that Marissa Mayer, an engineer and vice president at Google, had agreed to become CEO of rival Yahoo for the tidy sum of as much as $129 million over five years."

Greece's Tsipras Calls For 'Drachmatization' Instead Of TROIKA "Longer Rope To Hang Ourselves"
Quote of the Day...."More worrisome is the Athens News story on Alexis Tsipras (leader of the Greek Syriza party) forecasting that the government will "soon present a return to a national currency (drachma) as a national success." He went on to state rather honestly for a politician that any payment extension (of the already re-negotiated TROIKA deal) is "essentially a longer rope with which to hang ourselves." The elite-perpetuating status-quo-sustaining unreality is summed up perfectly as he notes the Greek finance minister is the definition of a finance minister that the TROIKA would have chosen."

Debt crisis: Greek economy is in a 'Great Depression' says Samaras
A quote...."Greece is in a "Great Depression" similar to the American one in the 1930s, the country's Prime Minister Antonis Samaras told former US President Bill Clinton on Sunday."

Spain’s banking reform: a bailout of the status quo
A quote...."If a couple of months ago we warned about the eerie similarities between Mexico’s 1994 financial fiasco and what is now taking place in Spain, the latest details on the Spanish financial sector bailout continue to remind us not to underestimate politicians’ readiness to undermine whatever is left of a free market capitalist system." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Ten Italian cities at risk of bankruptcy, schools may not reopen
A quote...."Italy's financial outlook darkened on Monday amid warnings that 10 cities are at risk of bankruptcy and schools may not be able to open in the autumn because of drastic spending cuts."

Moody’s Puts Germany On Warning For Credit Rating Downgrade
(a.k.a. "Peeling the onion" -- or -- "The last domino to fall." - mpg) -- A quote...."Moody’s puts Germany on warning for a credit rating downgrade due to the uncertainty and potential impact of plausible European debt crisis scenarios." - See quote shown below.....

"It's all been a lie, it's a game the US-NRE and the Banksters that own this country "play".  In this website editor's opinion the BULK of these so-called "earnings" for the LAST THREE YEARS have been due to all the FX arbitrage that's been going on.  The whole set-up was a transfer mechanism. -- The translation of what the parasites could extract from the EU -- WHILE DELIBERATELY keeping the Euro at a bizarre and artificially high level -- into US dollars which were deliberately kept at an  artificially low level by the FED. -- The result has been the destruction of the entire periphery of Europe with the core soon to follow." -- *The Games Banksters Play - 07-11-12 - mpg*
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#1]  Presenting The Metronomic US-Open To EU-Close EURUSD Dip-And-Rip
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."For the sixth day-in-a-row, a rather interesting price action has occurred in the most liquid FX pair in the world. Each day we see EURUSD crumble rapidly into the US day-session open, only to recover rapidly as the European market closes. These are not 10pip swings. These are 40-100pip gaps!"

#2]  On FX
A quote...."The red arrows [regarding the chart shown above] that Tyler drew bother me. This stinks of “official guidance”. It’s tough to make a buck at the FX casino, it’s tougher still when the tables are rigged."

#3]  Why A 9-Year Trade-Weighted Low In The Euro Won't Help EU GDP
Because many of the EU's members don't/can't have ZIRP - mpg -- A quote...."The euro has depreciated to its lowest level in nearly nine years when measured in trade-weighted terms. Common wisdom is to assume that this might trigger a GDP forecast upgrade for the common currency area. UBS says "no", while at first sight, this 'devaluation' should boost output, the exchange rate response is simply part of the bigger, well-known picture of economic stress in the common currency region."

Spain borrowing costs hit record high of 7.3 percent
#4]  A quote...."Spain's borrowing costs have hit a record high of more than 7.3 percent, raising concerns over the eurozone debt crisis. " - bold/underline by website editor

T-30 Days To 10Y [US] Treasuries Yielding Less Than 1%
#5]  Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."While many have discussed the extreme analogs of the last few years in equity market performance, few have looked at the relative performance of the most explicitly impacted asset class of Central Bank largesse - the US Treasury bond market. Based on the almost perfect correlation between 2010, 2011, and this year's yield movements over the past few months, traders could be forgiven for considering that the 10-year [US Treas] yield will be below 1% by the end of August " - bold/underline by website editor

For more on articles one through five shown above see....||  The Earnings Lie Explained - 07-15-12 - mpg  ||  The Games Banksters Play - 07-11-12 - mpg  ||  A Quadruple Whammy - 12-16-10 - mpg  ||

Stop the Euro: 'Single currency tearing Europe apart'
Related RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 10min56sec - Jul 22, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."RT's Oksana Boyko interviews economist and author Wilhelm Hankel
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More On The International Situation....

‘EU has no right to inspect Syria-bound Russian transport’
A quote...."The European Union's plans to inspect aircraft and ships for violations of the arms embargo imposed on Syria cannot be applied to Russian planes and ships, said the director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technology. -- ­"Only aircraft and ships of the European Union are subject to this requirement,” Roman Pukhov told Interfax-AVN on Friday. “The EU has no international legal right to inspect aircraft and ships belonging to countries that are not its members, including Russia.""

Putin spells out his perspective on Syria
A quote...."President Putin has warned that Syria would face chaos and civil war if a regime change in it came before a ceasefire, a national dialogue and an agreement on a new constitution." - That's EXACTLY the idea! - mpg

Syrian scientist survives assassination attempt. Hmm CIA failed again!
A quote...."Syrian missile scientist Major General Nabil Zogheib has survived an assassination attempt by armed rebels. -- Zogheib was driving with his family in the Bab Touma neighborhood of Damascus when his car came under attack, Arabic language websites reported on Saturday. -- He escaped the assassination attempt unharmed but sources said that one of his children was seriously injured." - Source:  PressTV

Syrian Army Inflicts Heavy Losses on Terrorists in Aleppo, Kills Leaders
A quote...."Jul 22, 2012 ALEPPO, (SANA) – Authorities on Sunday clashed with armed terrorist groups in Qebtan al-Jabal, to the north of Aleppo , and destroyed three pick-up trucks equipped with machineguns causing heavy losses among the terrorists."
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'Downing Street Memo' Redux: Is the Intelligence Fix on Iran Already Underway? - posted at ICH
Special Note - A quote...."July 23, 2012 "Information Clearing House" --  Recent remarks by Sir John Sawers, who heads Britain’s MI6 (the Secret Intelligence Service that is Britain’s CIA counterpart), leave us wondering if Sawers is preparing to “fix” intelligence on Iran, as his immediate predecessor, Sir John Scarlett, did on Iraq. -- Scarlett’s pre-Iraq war role in creating “dodgy dossiers” hyping the threat of non-existent “weapons of mass destruction” is relatively well known."

Iran Arrests 30 Terrorists Hired By Israel’s Mossad
A quote...."30 Mossad hired terrorists behind bombings and assassinations of nuclear  scientists and 2 Israeli terrorist training networks have been taken down by Iranian intelligence."

Ahmadinejad personally invites Morsi to attend NAM summit in Tehran
A quote...."TEHRAN, July 21 (MNA) - In a telephone conversation earlier this month President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad personally invited his Egyptian counterpart Mohamed Morsi to attend the Non-Aligned Movement summit in Tehran in late August, the aharam online said on its website on Saturday." - also posted at AlethoNews
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Gunman wearing Afghan uniform turns weapon on foreign trainers working for NATO, killing three
A quote...."22 Jul 2012 A gunman wearing an Afghan uniform turned his weapon against foreign trainers working for NATO in the western province of Herat on Sunday, killing three, in a grim 24 hours for the coalition which also saw five NATO soldiers killed. The latest rogue shooting by an Afghan in a police or army uniform happened at a regional training center in the relatively peaceful western province near Afghanistan's border with Iran, which is normally patrolled by Italian forces." - Topix ||  The Taliban's New War Tactic - 03-30-12 - mpg  || - see some additional articles recently posted on Reficultnias regarding this subject....
2 U.S., 1 British civilian training advisers killed by Afghan policeman
A quote...."KABUL, Afghanistan -- The three civilian police training contractors killed by an Afghan policeman over the weekend have been identified as two Americans and a British citizen, Afghan and NATO officials said Monday."
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At least 91 killed in Iraq’s deadliest day since 2010
al-CIA'da & the Saudi Royals Strike Again -- A quote...."A wave attacks in Baghdad and north of the capital killed 91 people in Iraq’s deadliest day in more than two years after Al-Qaeda warned it would mount new attacks and sought to retake territory. -- Officials said at least 172 people were wounded as a result of 21 different attacks mounted in 13 cities, shattering a relative calm which held in the lead-up to the start on Saturday of the holy Muslim fasting month of Ramadan."

Who is behind Iraq’s bombing spate?
A quote...."The Voice of Russia’s Iraq correspondent Mazen al-Shumari calls attention to the timing of this bombing campaign...." -- "The bombs struck during the holy month of Ramadan, when people are usually off their guard. They also come at a time when Iraq has to keep significant forces near its border with Syria. The terrorists have apparently taken advantage of these circumstances."

Saudi Kingdom Rocked by Protests
A quote...."On February 14, 1945, Franklin Roosevelt met with Saudi King Ibn Saud on the USS Quincy. A nearly seven decade relationship followed. - America was guaranteed access to what the State Department called "a stupendous source of strategic power, and one of the greatest material prizes in world history." - It explains much about Washington's obsession with controlling the region. It has around two-thirds of the world's proved oil reserves and major natural gas supplies."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Settlers destroy olive trees in Palestinian field for the 2nd time in 24 hours
A quote...."AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Jewish settlers destroyed vineyards, olive and almond trees of a Palestinian farmer for the second time in 24 hours in Beit Ummar village, north of Al-Khalil, local sources said."

Israel destroys EU funded agricultural project
A quote...."The Israeli occupation authorities have demolished an agricultural project funded by the European Union near the village of Al-Khedr in the occupied West Bank. Israeli bulldozers smashed a well which was essential for watering the villagers' crops." - Topix ||  Israel's Scorched Earth  ||

Israel orders demolition of eight Palestinian villages for IDF training sites
A quote...."Israel’s Defense Ministry has ordered eight Palestinian villages in the West Bank to be razed, claiming the land is needed for military training. Hundreds of Palestinians are to be displaced despite evidence that the villages have existed since 1830." - also posted at AlethoNews
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Bill Gates dumps another $10 million into researching new GM crops for agricultural takeover of Africa
A quote...."The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is once again busy funding efforts to promote the spread of the agricultural cancer that are genetically-modified (GM) crops, this time in the form of a $10 million grant it recently issued to a group of British scientists working on new GM crops that require no fertilizer. According to the U.K.’s BBC, the justification behind the need for such research is that the GM crops will supposedly benefit African farmers that are unable to afford fertilizer." - Source:  NaturalNews

Sunday July 22nd 2012

No posts. - mpg

Saturday July 21st 2012

The Long Night of Deep State Terror And The Rise of The Total Security State
Must Read - A quote...."Fascism is impossible to implement without the periodic and strategic use of false flag terrorism. The great hidden art that is practiced by totalitarian magicians is molding the emotions and opinions of society. The first stage is terrorizing the general population in various imaginative and gruesome ways. -- A terrorized public is ready to be molded like clay into a fine sculpture. Totalitarian magicians are dark artists who transform reality and the world to their own liking, and design the sculpture with the tools of terror. The pieces that refuse to be molded by their iron hand are classified as conspiracy theorists and shaved off of the edges of their sculpture."

Global weapons agenda aided by mass shootings, bombings
Must Read - A quote...."The aim is to move all weaponry into the hands of the ruling psychopaths  -- " ... we may never understand what leads anyone to terrorize their fellow human beings," said Obama, [Now there's a psychopath and outright liar par excellence speaking. He's already terrified tens of millions, so he ought to know what "leads a [person] to terrorize their fellow human being".  He's an expert!!  - mpg] even as America terrorizes the world for the sake of regime changes which are accomplished by pitting citizens against one another, and then "solving" the problem with NATO "intervention". -- During the past week, as in the recent multiple, almost simultaneous, "zombie" flesh-eating incidents, we've seen a rash of "lone mass killer" incidents in North America and abroad. The public are systematically being enouraged to fear everything and everyone, and to beg their governments to exert greater control."
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The Secret Battle for Syria
Must Read - A quote...."Thanks to NYSC aka Ali  for pointing this out. As NYS points out, everything myself,  Ali and so many others have blogged on, for so long now was TRUTH. -- The media whores have been lying and lying and lying in their narratives. Framing a patently false narrative. Presenting fraudulent videos. The media whores and presstitutes obfuscated. The played fast and loose with the facts. They have blood on their hands. Marc Ginsberg hopes for more"

Islamic Fighters Flocking to Syria - posted at ICH
Must Read - A quote...."July 21, 2012 "The Globe and Mail" --  In the 1980s, it was Afghanistan to which international Islamic fighters came, helping the mujahedeen successfully take on the Soviet army and its puppet regime in Kabul. Then came Bosnia in the 1990s and Iraq in the 2000s, in both of which veteran jihadists fought a sectarian war on behalf of outgunned Sunni minorities.In 2012, they’re flocking to Syria. -- With funding from private organizations in Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Kuwait, they are making their way across the frontiers from Iraq and Jordan, hooking up with opposition elements in Syria and taking the battle to Damascus and the heart of the regime of President Bashar al-Assad." - Source:  TheGlobe&Mail

(LIVE SYRIA BLOG): NATO Carrying out Vast Syria Disinformation Campaign
A quote...."UPDATED July 22, 2012 - "The Free Syrian Army ruined our lives," reports BBC in their article, "Syria crisis: Iraqis flee 'sectarian violence' in Damascus." Refugees returning to Iraq from Syria undulated a BBC reporter with accounts of why they've fled, citing sectarian violence perpetrated by the Western backed, armed, and funded so-called "Free Syrian Army" (FSA). Accounts reaffirm that indeed foreign fighters are amongst the FSA's ranks, including Iraqi sectarian extremists serving as commanders.

"Progressive" Journalism's Legacy of Deceit - posted at ICH
A quote...."Progressive-left media persist in acting as propaganda outlets for the US-NATO destabilization of Syria, thus placating a politically conscious audience that might otherwise be mobilized against acts of imperialism and violence. The historical record suggests how this is not the first time "Progressive publicists" were used to sell a war." - also posted at GlobalRsrch

How leftist "anti-zionists" are allied with Israel against Syria - posted at ICH
A quote...."By Mimi Al Laham (aka "Syrian Girl") and Lizzie Phelan -- July 20, 2012 "Information Clearing House" --  There has been a ridiculous notion amongst numerous left groups and those opposed to the Syrian government, that the Israeli regime does not want to see Assad fall. As self-professed “anti-zionists”, many in these groups are content to delude themselves into believing that both their enemies are on the same side. In the case of several socialist groups, they believe that this forcing of the Syrian crisis into their blanket “anti-authoritarian” narrative (regardless of the state in which they are applying that narrative to) enables them to maintain a façade of anti-imperialism."

Syria Roulette
A quote...."In Las Vegas, the house seldom loses. Rarely are dirty Washington schemes foiled. It's playing hardball against Syria. -- Its dirty hands are all over months of violence. In a July 18 press briefing, State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell refused to condemn Wednesday's cold-blooded killings. -- Syrian Defense Minister Dawood Rajiha, his deputy General Asef Shawkat, and Assistant Vice President General Hassan Turkmani died." - Source:  SteveLendman

UK pledges to support terror in Syria
Some quotes...."Frustration has grown in the recent months among British MPs, as attempts to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his government have failed." ---  "[and as a result] British Foreign Secretary William Hague has vowed to step up support for terrorist groups in Syria in a further attempt to cause additional unrest in the country."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Journalism v. Propaganda - posted at ICH
Special Note - A quote...."July 21, 2012 "Salon" July 20, 2012 --  Almost immediately after a suicide bomber killed five Israeli tourists in Bulgaria on Wednesday, Israeli officials, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, blamed Iran, an accusation uncritically repeated by most Western media outlets even as Bulgarian investigators warned it would be a “mistake” to assign blame before the attack could be investigated. Now, Israel, along with the U.S., is blaming Hezbollah and, therefore, Iran for the attack. Today’s New York Times article by Nicholas Kulish and Eric Schmitt – headlined “Hezbollah Is Blamed for Attack on Israeli Tourists in Bulgaria” – uncritically treats those accusations as confirmed fact despite no evidence being offered for it...." - Source:  Salon

Gaza’s Christians and their struggle to survive
A quote...."Gaza’s Hamas government denies claims that a Christian Orthodox man had been forced to convert to Islam, saying he had willingly changed religion."

Spoiling for Another Lebanon War
A quote..." Lebanon has the misfortune of bordering Israel. The IDF attacked its northern neighbor in 1978, 1982, 1996, and 2006. More on the most recent war below. - Israel still illegally occupies Sheba Farms and Ghajar Lebanese territory. - Since at least the 1960s, it conducted repeated violations of its territory. Its warplanes overfly Lebanon provocatively. It committed thousands of terrorist attacks. It remains unaccountable for all of them."

Silverstein's 9-11 Partner Owns Olympics "Gateway"
False Flag Alert - A quote...."Former Israeli commando Frank Lowy, 81, recently opened the Mega Mall adjacent to Olympic Stadium and Stratford subway station. -- Frank Lowy was Larry Silverstein's partner in the World Trade Center on Sept 11. 2001. -- Over two-thirds of all those attending the Olympics stadium are expected to transit through Westfield's new "Stratford City Center." -- Lowy, a dual Australian and Israeli citizen, is co-founder of the Westfield Group, operator of over 100 shopping centers in Australia, New Zealand, the United States and UK. They also own Marriott Hotels."

FLASHBACK - Cover-Up Alleged in Probe of USS Liberty
A quote...."Israel attacked the USS Liberty, shooting down the ship's radio equipment while jamming the radio frequencies the USS Liberty would have used to call for help. At the same time, Israel claimed that Egypt was attacking the US ship. A nuclear-armed strike was in the air on the way to Cairo when the USS Liberty, using a jury-rigged radio antenna, finally got the word out as to the real identity of the ship's attackers. The strike against Cairo was aborted and the official myth of "mistaken identity" was ordered by Israel. Just something to keep in mind when Israel screams that Iran is behind the Bulgarian bombing in the compete absence of any evidence to support such an accusation."  --  *Michael Rivero*

FLASHBACK - The Lavon Affair.  Is History Repeating Itself?
A quote...."In 1954, Israeli agents working in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including a United States diplomatic facility, and left evidence behind implicating Arabs as the culprits. The ruse would have worked, had not one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to capture and identify one of the bombers, which in turn led to the round up of an Israeli spy ring. -- Some of the spies were from Israel, while others were recruited from the local Jewish population. Israel responded to the scandal with claims in the media that there was no spy ring, that it was all a hoax perpetrated by "anti-Semites"."  --  *Michael Rivero*
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

Requesting release of the NIST computer model for WTC7 by Professor Steven Jones
A quote...."
  1. The key to good science is independent verification.
  2. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was charged by Congress to explain the complete collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11/2001 (the 47-story building that was not hit by a plane).
  3. NIST developed a computer model with adjustable parameters to explain the WTC 7 collapse.
  4. I request that this WTC7-fall computer model be released immediately in a computer-ready form so that independent testing/verification can proceed. This model was developed using taxpayer funds - and more...
Join the AE911Truth campaign to "Hold the BBC Accountable" for its inaccurate and biased reporting on the 9/11 attacks - Action Alert - A quote...."You have the opportunity to write to the Committee in the British Parliament that provides oversight to the British Broadcasting Corporation and ask it to conduct its own inquiry into biased reporting on the 9/11 attacks by the BBC and meet with 3 9/11 Truth activists to allow them to present 9/11 Truth evidence." - also posted at America20XY

The Muslim Extremist Debate: Real or CIA Controlled
AJVideo - Alt - (AJYuTb - 7min31sec - Jul 20, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex talks with author, journalist and editor-in-chief of WorldNetDaily, Joseph Farah. He is the author of The Tea Party Manifesto: A Vision for an American Rebirth and Stop the Presses!"

The Terrifying Background of the Man Who Ran a CIA Assassination Unit - Article also posted at ICH
Murder Inc -- A quote...."It was one of the biggest secrets of the post-9/11 era: soon after the attacks, President Bush gave the CIA permission to create a top secret assassination unit to find and kill Al Qaeda operatives. The program was kept from Congress for seven years. And when Leon Panetta told legislators about it in 2009, he revealed that the CIA had hired the private security firm Blackwater to help run it. "The move was historic," says Evan Wright, the two-time National Magazine Award-winning journalist who wrote Generation Kill. "It seems to have marked the first time the U.S. government outsourced a covert assassination service to private enterprise."

Global Banks are the Financial Services Wing of the Drug Cartels - posted at ICH
A quote...."July 21, 2012 "The Guardian" - -  "Steal a little," wrote Bob Dylan, "they throw you in jail; steal a lot and they make you a king." These days, he might recraft the line to read: deal a little dope, they throw you in jail; launder the narco billions, they'll make you apologise to the US Senate." - Source:  TheGuardian - Topix ||  US Support - Drug Trade  ||

Capitalism’s Sacrifice Zones
BMVideo - Alt - (BMVimeo - 56min46sec - July 19th, 2012) - Source:  BillMoyersCom
A quote...."There are forgotten corners of this country where Americans are trapped in endless cycles of poverty, powerlessness, and despair as a direct result of capitalistic greed. Journalist Chris Hedges calls these places “sacrifice zones,” and joins Bill this week on Moyers & Company to explore how areas like Camden, New Jersey; Immokalee, Florida; and parts of West Virginia suffer while the corporations that plundered them thrive."

America’s Police State Is Completely Out Of Control: U.S. Border Guards Torture, Rape & Murder
PBSVideo - Alt - (MOXYuTb - 23min35sec - Jul 20, 2012) - Source:  MoxNews

W.AN. Radio 7-17-12 - Part II
CMcGVideo - (CMcGYuTb - 39min43sec -  Jul 17, 2012) - Source:  crabbydogtrix -- A quote...."Eric Lovely and Gary Newbarry join theprogram"
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On the UN Anti-Gun Treaty and the Possible Denver False-Flag Operation.....

Death by Democide: The Reason We Have the 2nd Amendment
Special Note - A quote...."In the 24 hours following a tragic shooting spree at a packed Aurora, Colorado movie theater that left 12 people dead and dozens wounded, the 2nd Amendment has already come under heavy fire by politicians, Hollywood stars, and the mainstream media."

A Deeper Look At "The Dark Knight Rises" Shooting: A CIA Black Op?
A quote...."The surrealist aspect of "The Dark Knight Rises" mass shooting is spooky. But what if it is even spookier than we can imagine? What if Alex Jones is right and this mass casualty event was staged by U.S. intelligence and security services to create a pro-gun control political atmosphere in the United States?"

Website Editor's Note:  Alex Jones produced a critique of the new Batman movie when it first came out, analyzing, according to Alex Jones, its subliminal pro-authoritarian, anti-freedom, fear-of-terror,  message.  This website editor did not post his analysis because these conditioning techniques by the parasites are endless, they surround us 24/7.  He also has been going on an ABSOLUTE tear during the last two to three weeks regarding the UN Anti-Gun treaty, which this website editor didn't cover because it didn't appear there was a chance of it passing a "conservative" US legislature.  ---  That was before, now we have this incident, an incident that can only be described as an incredibly and remarkably well timed mass shooting in Denver, just two weeks before the upcoming vote on the anti-gun UN bill.  What can one say, except that underestimating the evil, and the will, of the NWO parasites is extremely dangerous..... mpg

Colorado Batman shooting shows obvious signs of being staged
A quote...."James Holmes, the Aurora, Colorado shooter who reportedly opened fire at a Batman movie premiere, was a medical student at the University of Colorado, pursuing a PhD in neuroscience, reports ABC News. (link) -- As part of the attack, Holmes painted his hair red and referred to himself as "The Joker," one of the arch enemies in the DC Comics-inspired Batman movie series. (link) -- According to news reports, this sudden violent rampage was completely out of character for James Holmes, who was described as "shy."

Colorado shooting suspect studied hard, 'really smart,' friend says
A quote...."People who knew the suspect in the "Dark Knight" shooting at a Colorado movie theater described him Friday as an intelligent student who showed no signs of violence." - Don't they ALWAYS say that?? - mpg

Death-Obsessed Culture, Not Gun Rights, To Blame For ‘Batman’ Shooting
A quote...."Within hours of the tragic ‘Batman’ shooting in Aurora, Colorado, political opportunists have seized upon the incident to push for gun control, with New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg demanding that both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama “stand up and tell us what they’re going to do about” mass shootings."

‘Dark Knight’ Shooting To Be Exploited For Political Grist
A quote...."Within hours of the tragic shooting in Aurora, Colorado at a screening of the new Batman movie, the political machine is already gearing up to exploit the incident as a tool to demonize the second amendment and characterize Americans who are against big government as extremists."

Aurora suspect James Holmes was buying guns, dropping out of graduate school
A quote...."James Eagan Holmes, suspected of carrying out the Colorado movie theater shooting while wearing an outfit of black ballistic gear, was a Phi Beta Kappa graduate student in neuroscience who started buying his four weapons legally in May, about the time his grades fell and he began the process of dropping out of school." - bold by website editor

New Suspect in Batman Colorado Massacre - AJ covers a compendium of false-flags world-wide. - mpg
Special Note - AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 11min48sec - Jul 21, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Our so called government has admitted to carrying out the murder of thousands of people in covert false flag operations. They are the number one suspect."

Proof Gov Stages Mass Shootings: Batman Massacre Decoded - AJ covers the false-flag techniques gov use.
Special Note - AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 11min13sec - Jul 21, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."This important video report is just a small sampling of on the record cases where government staged shootings and other bloody acts to pose as heroes, take freedoms, launch wars."

Callers React to Shocking Dark Knight Massacre - AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 48min42sec - Jul 20, 2012)
Will Colorado Shooting be Blamed on Alex Jones? - AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 43min14sec - Jul 20, 2012)
Dark Knight Shooting: A Hollywood Culture of Death! - AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 35min45sec - Jul 20, 2012)
Colorado Shooting: Staged PSYOP? or A "Lone-Nut" Gunman - AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 11m46s - Jul 20, 2012)
Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."On this Friday, July 20, edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the shooting in Colorado and breaks down how it will be used to push through ratification of the United Nations' gun-grabber treaty in the Senate and also manufacture anti-Second Amendment hysteria in the corporate media."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Too Big To Fail – Fed Proposal Allows Banks To Seize Your Money
Financial Alert - (After the 2012 selection process, or when this proposal is implemented, the level for this article should automatically be raised to "Financial Warning". - mpg) -- A quote...."The New York Fed has introduced a framework to give banks the right to suspend account withdrawals at will to defend against financial panic. -- The shadow central planners have proposed new contigency plans to prevent the Great Depression style bank runs that are hitting Europe from spreading to America. -- Their solution is the creation of a framework that consists of “capital controls” which allow financial institutions that find themselves in hot water to limit or outright suspend customer account withdrawals." - bold by website editor

Keiser Report: Where Money Goes To Die (E317)
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 25min33sec - Jul 21, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter - (RussiaToday) -- A quote...."In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss the Irish government being so terribly 'embarrassed' that they hired two dirty bankers to 'clean up' their financial system and they remind David Cameron over in 'Grim Britain' of the 'dreadful backgrounds' of Bob Diamond, Jamie Dimon and their ilk. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Wolf Richter of the about the wine bubbles and where money goes to die."

Failing to Break Up the Big Banks is Destroying America - Article also posted at ICH
A quote...."Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Ron Suskind quotes Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner as saying...."

"The confidence in the system is so fragile still… a disclosure of a fraud… could result in a run, just like Lehman."

"In other words, Geithner said that the big bankers are “too big to jail”, because disclosing any portion of their massive fraud would cause bank runs. - Former IMF economist Simon Johnson notes...."

"The main motivation behind the administration’s indulgence of serious criminality evidently is fear of the consequences of taking tough action on individual bankers. - The message to bank executives today is simple: build your bank to be as big as possible – and then keep growing. If you manage to become big enough, you and your employees are not just too big to fail, but also too big to jail." - Source:  Washington'sBlog

These Banks Are Involved in Every Imaginable CRIME, Once They Lose Control We’ll Live in a Very Different World - SGTRVideo - Part-1 - Part-2 - (SGTRYuTb - 12min - Jul 21, 2012) - Source:  SGTbull07 -- A quote...."Here’s my dramatic 2-part interview with precious metals pundits Andy Hoffman and Bill Holter. We discuss the clear evidence of the international banking crimes, we debate inflation VS deflation and conclude with this FACT: The collapse is happening, and once the Banksters lose what little control they have left, the world in which we live will change forever."

Bank Contractors Break Into Homes Across the US – JP Morgan Worst Violator
A quote...."Returning from work or vacation, homeowners across the U.S. are finding themselves locked out of their houses, with their homes broken into and many of their belongings stolen and destroyed. --- The culprits? Bank contractors, hired to preserve abandoned properties. These contractors often ignore signs of occupation, including furniture, maintained gardens and turned on lights."

Countrywide whistleblower reveals rampant mortgage fraud part of ‘everyday business’
A quote...."Countrywide Financial was one of the subprime lenders at the heart of the financial crisis; its predatory lending practices resulted in disgustingly large payouts for executives while sticking low-income borrowers with explosive mortgages they hadn’t a hope of paying back."

Titanic Banks Hit LIBOR Iceberg: Will Lawsuits Sink the Ship?
A quote...."At one time, calling the large multinational banks a “cartel” branded you as a conspiracy theorist.   Today the banking giants are being called that and worse, not just in the major media but in court documents intended to prove the allegations as facts.  Charges include racketeering (organized crime under the U.S. Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act or RICO), antitrust violations, wire fraud, bid-rigging, and price-fixing.  Damning charges have already been proven, and major damages and penalties assessed.  Conspiracy theory has become established fact."

12 Signs That The Next Recession In The United States Has Already Begun
A quote...."Is the U.S. economy in a recession right now?  Has the next recession in the United States already begun?  Unfortunately, there are a lot of economic numbers that are pointing in that direction.  U.S. retail sales have fallen for three months in a row, U.S. manufacturing activity is contracting and there are numerous indications that the labor market is getting weaker.  Of course there are some economists that will argue that we never even left the last [great] recession."

California Foreclosures Spike In June
A quote...."RealtyTrac's Daren Blomquist says California saw an 18% year-over-year spike in foreclosure starts or "notices of default" in June. The increase came after a lull."

The Abysmal [US] Earnings Season Explained In Two Charts
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."The following two charts show just why any hopes that corporate earnings can mask the US economic deterioration this year, as they did in 2011 (probably the first and only way in which 2012 is not a carbon copy of 2011 so far), should be promptly dashed." - Topix  ||  The Earnings Lie Explained - 07-15-12 - mpg  ||  The Games Banksters Play - 07-11-12 - mpg  ||

Spain’s woes deepen as region seeks financial aid
A quote...."The financial crisis in Spain is an exact parallel of what is happening here in the United States of America.  Fiat currency fixes nothing.  It never ceases to amaze me how the people not only here in the United States, but also many other countries have been brainwashed into accepting worthless paper as something of value.  I don’t understand why more people cannot see the con game we’ve been subjected to for the last hundred years."

'Black Friday' Blame-Game Escalates As Spain Is Out Of Money In 40 Days
A quote...."With Valencia bust, Spanish bonds at all-time record spreads to bunds, and yields at euro-era record highs, Spain's access to public markets for more debt is as good as closed. What is most concerning however, as FAZ reports, is that "the money will last [only] until September", and "Spain has no 'Plan B"."

Take Away Homes And Food, Expect Violence -1 Million Protest In 80 Cities In Spain
Which is WHY, in the US, the banks have held off on foreclosing upwards of five million homes and WHY the food stamp program is at all time highs.  It's also why they're getting ready with the FEMA camps and the UN anti-gun treaty, to use them AFTER the 2012 selection process, and after they begin their long planned clamp down. - mpg -- A quote...."Over 1 million protestors angry protesters in 80 cities clashed violently with police who used rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse large crowds. -- The political turmoil in Spain continues to spiral out of country as police now find themselves battling not just against ‘hooligans’ but against other police officers, fire-fighters, public service workers and people from all walks of life."

Shaking Spain: 'Take away people's food & homes - expect violence'
Must View RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 7min11sec - Jul 20, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Police have used rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse angry protesters thronging the streets of Spain. Dozens of people were injured and a number of activists detained during the latest nationwide anti-austerity demonstrations. In a major show of strength, hundreds of thousands have been taking part in the protests. People marched in 80 cities across the country to protest against more suffocating austerity which is to come."
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More On The International Situation....

Syria security forces storm Barzeh district in pursuit of rebels
A quote...."Syrian security forces have stormed Barzeh neighborhood of the capital Damascus searching for the armed rebels."

Syrian Destabilization Campaign Updates: July 21st 2012
A quote...."There are some big developments in Hillary Clinton’s Syrian destabilization campaign."

The Fighting Faithful: Jihad ravages Syria as Ramadan begins
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 4min17sec - Jul 20, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Government forces in Syria are launching all-out counter attacks in the capital to reclaim districts held by rebels. But the country is now facing a new, religious front. It's split over when to start marking the Islamic Holy month of Ramadan. It's meant to be a time of peace and prayer in the Muslim world - but Syrians have little hope it will help curtail violence, as RT's Oksana Boyko now reports from Damascus."

Syrian forces battle rebels in Aleppo, families flee
A quote...."BEIRUT/AMMAN July 22 (Reuters) - Syrian troops and armoured vehicles pushed into a rebel-held district of Aleppo on Saturday and struck back in Damascus against fighters emboldened by a bomb attack against President Bashar al-Assad's inner circle. -- Opposition activists in Aleppo, Syria's biggest city and a northern commercial hub, said hundreds of families were fleeing residential areas after the military swept into the Saladin district, which had been in rebel hands for two days."

A Nun from Damascus: "We have no trust in these so-called 'revolutionaries'
A quote...."We walk in hope and try to comfort all in these tragic hours," says to Fides Fr. Romualdo Fernandez OFM, Rector of the Sanctuary, telling a crowd of people who come every day to pray in the Church, and spontaneous circles of Christians and Muslims are formed to pray together for peace and ask for God and the Virgin Mary’s protection."

Putin Warns Against Bypassing Security Council Syria Veto
 A quote...."Russian President Vladimir Putin opposes any action related to Syria not authorized by the United Nations Security Council, his spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday."

UNSC unanimously extends Syria observer mission for 'final' 30 days
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 4min16sec - Jul 20, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."All members of the UN Security Council have voted in favour of a resolution, extending the observer mission to Syria. The mandate's been given a "final" 30 days, but could be renewed if certain conditions are met. RT's Marina Portnaya has the latest from New York."

Syria: After Deadly Strike Gloves Will Come Off
A quote...."These assassination are surely as heavy hit for the Syrian government. But the result of that hit may not be what the insurgency wishes for: that the people in the government give up. My assessment is that the government's gloves will come off now and its response will be felt beyond the Syrian borders."

Syria: "It Is All About Iran"
A quote...."The latest western UN Security Council resolution about Syria was, as expected, vetoed by Russia and China. South Africa and Pakistan made a point by abstaining. The resolution threatened the Syrian state with sanctions should it not withdraw its troops from population centers while saying nothing about a withdrawal of the western supported insurgents or any consequences to them. -- The Ambassador to the UN for the Russian Federation Vitaly Churkin made the point that the issue of Syria is about much more than Syria. It is a global geopolitical conflict."
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Press TV back on the air in England on the Sky Platform - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."The Press TV network resumed broadcasting its programs in England on the Sky Platform in the beginning of July."

Border Opened, But NATO Trucks Still in Karachi - Drivers Demand to Be Paid Before Resuming Shipments
A quote...."The Obama Administration was finally able to convince Pakistan to look the other way on the November killings of 24 Pakistani soldiers and reopen the border to occupied Afghanistan. Getting the trucks rolling again might not be so easy. -- That’s because several truck owners and drivers are refusing to take NATO’s cargo anywhere, and are going to remain in Karachi until they are paid, with one owner of 310 trucks estimating that he was owed $15 million."

Imagine that!  Those nasty, little, wogs actually expect to be PAID to risk their trucks and their lives for their glorious masters!  Just who do they think they are?  Don't they know "profits" are reserved SOLELY for the citizens of the Anglo-Sphere. That those blessed, chosen, selected, few (primarily Banksters) are the ONLY ones allowed to make a profit?  Those Pakie wogs should get down on their knees and beg us for forgiveness, while tearfully expressing their gratitude that we LET them carry our shipments!  They should pay US for the privilege! They should thank their god that we bomb them every day to "help" them.  Don't they know just how expensive all those bombs are?  What ingratitude! How dare they!  Of all the impudence!  Of all the insufferable arrogance!  - mpg

3 NATO soldiers killed in East Afghanistan
A quote...." Three NATO soldiers have been killed in two separate incidents in restive eastern Afghanistan, the NATO- led coalition confirmed on Sunday morning. - "Two International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) service members died following an improvised explosive device (IED) attack in eastern Afghanistan today," the NATO-led ISAF said in a statement issued here. - Another ISAF soldier was killed in an insurgent attack also in eastern part of the country on Saturday."

District Police Chief, 6 Others Killed in Insurgent Attacks
A quote...."At least seven policemen, including a district police chief, were killed yesterday in two separate attacks in Afghanistan, local officials said."

Egyptian gas pipeline in Sinai blasted for 15th time
A quote...."CAIRO, (PIC)-- A powerful explosion ripped through the Egyptian pipeline in northern Sinai Peninsula, which carries gas supplies to Israel, for the 15th time."

'Shoot first, ask questions later' - Bahrain police motto?
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 6min - Jul 20, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Thousands of anti-government protesters have clashed with riot police in Bahrain. Police in the capital have fired tear gas to disperse crowds in the capital. At least 50 people have been killed since unrest began in February. For more on this RT talks to Sayed Hadi Al-Mosawi, a member of the opposition who was at the protests."

The Attempted U.S. Siege of Bolivia
A quote...."July 20, 2012 "Information Clearing House" --  THE exacerbation of internal social disputes, tense relations between the governments of Santiago de Chile and La Paz in the context of their maritime disagreement, and press revelations as to U.S. bases possibly being installed on the Paraguayan border with Bolivia are all evidence of a clear Washington plan to besiege this nation."

Brazil arrests 18 over high profile execution of Indian leader
A quote...."Brazilian authorities have arrested 18 people in connection with the high profile killing of an indigenous leader by masked gunmen. -- Religious leader Nísio Gomes was murdered in front of his Guarani community in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul last November. His body has never been found. -- The list of suspects includes the owner of a notorious security firm which hires out gunmen to patrol areas of land occupied by ranchers." - Source:  Sruv4TrblPple
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There Go The Chinese Again

China’s Hu Pledges $20 Billion in Loans to African Nations
A quote...."Chinese President Hu Jintao pledged $20 billion in new loans to Africa for infrastructure and manufacturing, promising to expand the relationship between the continent and its largest trading partner. -- China will also offer 18,000 government scholarships and send 1,500 medical staff to the continent, Hu said in a speech yesterday at the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in Beijing. He promised China will play a “positive and constructive role in African affairs.”"

There go the Chinese again!!  Loaning money to African nations when they're not even bombing them!! 

That's so weird!!  It doesn't make any sense! It's almost....perverted or even sick!  There has to be something wrong with the Chinese.  It must be that they simply don't understand how you're supposed to do it these days.

First you create a war, (through a false flag usually) than you bomb the selected country to smithereens, (preferably one with lots of natural resources) than you offer some token reconstruction support, (most of which goes to your private contractors anyway, whom you own shares of or who donate to you political campaign), then you give the selected country huge "loans" at usurious rates of interest which they have to pay back with their natural resources.

In essence, you force them to give you their valuable resources for electronic digits, or little pieces of paper, you create or print up at absolutely zero cost
to yourself. In other words you rob them blind.

And if they don't agree to the bomb them all over again! - It's called the Anglo-Sphere's  international system, a.k.a. Warfare/Banksterism. 

The Chinese on the other hand seem to be trying to create some sort of business relationships with the countries they're loaning money to. It seems they want to actually invest in their clients for some sort of reasonable rate of return or a share in the profits of their various joint ventures. A completely unfathomable policy!!  A totally disgusting perversion of the New World Economic Order!!

Some wise sages have stated that long ago, in the far, far, distant past, the US-NRE itself tried to do business using these perverted and rather strange methods, before its parasites determined it wasn't "profitable" enough for them and they forced the country to switch, in 1913, to its current system of Warfare/Banksterism.

They called that archaic and perverted system they disdainfully discarded...."capitalism". - mpg

Sao Paulo Forum Throws Support Behind Chavez as Venezuela Drifts into Zone of Heightened Risk
A quote...."No doubt, getting rid of Chavez tops the list of Washington's priorities for Latin America...The ultra-right in and outside of Venezuela a priori intend to call into question the outcome of the elections in the country regardless of how convincingly Chavez outruns his rivals. In response, Chavez's supporters get organized domestically and internationally to safeguard the legitimate results of the poll..."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Israeli army attack demonstrators in Bil’in
A quote...."About 60 demonstrators gathered in the small village of Bil’in in the northern part of the West Bank. The gathering was part of the weekly demonstrations which take place all over the West Bank on Fridays to protest the separation barrier and the illegal Israeli occupation. Today also marked the first day of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month."

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (12– 18 July 2012)
Every week of the year.....