Thursday July 28th 2011

More On The Domestic Situation....

Guest Post: Who Are The Extremists?
Must Read - Quote of the Day...."The Debt Ceiling Reality Show approaches its grand finale in the next week. The world breathlessly awaits the shocking conclusion. The debt ceiling will be raised. The world will be saved. Wall Street will rejoice. Americans can focus on the important stuff again, like Casey Anthony’s upcoming book, who will win this week’s Toddlers and Tiaras pageant, and the latest app created for their iPads. Based on my observations over the last few weeks, I’m absolutely sure that 90% of the politicians in Washington DC would lose on Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?" - So true and so sad....mpg

Obama returns to the fraud of “equal sacrifice”
Special Note - A quote...."The back-to-back nationally televised speeches delivered Monday night by President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner were a political fraud on every level. The so-called debate in Washington on the federal deficit is rigged in advance. All of the participants take as their first principle the imposition of massive cuts on programs that benefit working people. -- The Democratic administration and the congressional Republicans are using an orchestrated crisis over the raising of the federal debt ceiling to create the conditions for an unprecedented attack on the living standards and social rights of working people."

Giant Banks Lobby to Raise the Debt Ceiling and Slash Public Benefits ... So They Can Keep Sucking at the Public Teat - Special Note - Related Article - A quote...."Remember, the big 3 government-sponsored rating agencies routinely took bribes as their normal business model, committed massive fraud which greatly contributed to the financial crisis, covered up improper ratings after the fact, and otherwise sold their soul (in their own words). And see this and this. -- Some complain about the poor sucking on the government teat. -- But the fact that Wall Street controls the rating agencies, and the rating agencies are now creating an artificial emergency sounds like the powers-that-be - the giant banks which run this country - are trying to protect their government teat of perpetual bailouts from the public coffers." - also posted at BLN

The Politics of Make-Believe - Barack Obama, Changeling
Second Quote of the Day...."Absent mass protests against the impending destruction of Tripoli, it fell to Congress to take some tentative steps to challenge the latest unauthorized and unprovoked war. At an earlier time in the history of the Republic, Obama’s arrogant defiance of Congress and the War Powers Act of 1973 might have provoked a constitutional crisis. But these are duller and more attenuated days, where such vital matters have been rendered down into a kind of hollow political theater.  All the players duly act their parts, but everyone, even the cable news audience, realizes that it is just for show. The wars will proceed. The Congress will fund them. The people will have no say in the matter. As Oscar Wilde quipped: “All the world’s a stage, badly cast.”

Become a Conspiracy Realist
Special Note - A quote...."The actual history of the country is available, in plain sight, to anyone who wants to look. So much that is shocking is on the record, and so much more brought to the record through the Freedom of Information Act, that it’s a wonder we turn to The Bachelorette for entertainment. The history of our government is far more interesting. -- We are, like the ancient Romans, fed “bread and circuses,” to distract us from reality. So-called “reality television” is, in fact, a distraction from that unseemly history that awaits the curious researcher. And here it is: -- We’re not run by a government, so much as by a secret government. We call it many things – the national security state, the intelligence community, the corporate internationalists… but it began with one agency – The CIA."

Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko Dies In Car Crash
Contains Videos - A quote...."The accident of prominent Dutch “demolition expert” Danny Jowenko is of special interest to us, because on July 13th 2011 in an exclusive Press TV interview, Dr. Alan Sabrosky, Veterans Today Board member and editor, specifically drew attention to the Dutch demolition expert, Danny Jowenko, stating that two years ago, he came across an extremely disturbing video in which Danny Jowenko was interviewed concerning the collapse on 9/11, of a 3rd World Trade Center building.  WTC7, a 47 storey building, the third tallest building, which was not hit by a plane, which was conspicuously missing in the 9/11 commission report and which according to Danny Jowenko was absolutely brought down by a controlled demolition. “That is, WTC-7 went straight down into its own footprint in seconds without any visible external trauma, which means only some catastrophic internal trauma could have brought it down, concluded Sabrosky.” He has repeatedly cited the well known demolition experts’ views and interview in his recent articles and interviews." - Topix ||  9/11-WTC7  ||

Censorship of war casualties in the US
A quote...."Why is it so easy for political leaders in the US to convince ordinary citizens to support war? How is it that, after that initial enthusiasm has given away to fatigue and disgust, the reaction is mere disinterest rather than righteous rage? Even when the reasons given for taking the US to war were proven to have been not only wrong, but brazenly fraudulent - as in Iraq, which hadn't possessed chemical weapons since 1991 - no one is called to account."

07-28-11 Broadcasting LIVE on - Part 2
MRVideo - Note:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto - 8min - into the broadcast - mpg - (JustInTV - 2hrs - July 28th, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.

Keiser Report: Ghettofication of America (E168)
Must View MKVideo - Alt - (MKRTYuTb - 25min56sec - Jul 28, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  Max Keiser TV -- A quote..."This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, look at gold's standing ovation for the Obama-Boehner debt ceiling theater. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Stefan Molyneux about the Fed audit and the debt ceiling."
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More On The International Situation....

Anatomy of a Hit -- Killing Our Guy in Kandahar
Special Note - A quote...."The assassination of Ahmed Wali Karzai in Kandahar July 12 is one of those moments when the long and bloody Afghanistan war suddenly comes into focus. It is not a picture one is eager to put up on the wall. -- Karzai, a younger half brother (because their father had multiple wives) of Afghan President Hamid Karzai, was the Kabul government's viceroy in southern Afghanistan. What his nickname, "the king of Kandahar," translates into is "warlord." He controlled everything from the movement of drugs to the placement of car sales agencies. Want to open a Toyota dealership? See "AWK," as he was also known, and come with a bucket load of cash." - also posted at AlethoNews

Afghan resistance statement -- Rethinking Afghanistan
A quote...."According to the official figures of Pentagon, 1680 American soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan so far. Other Allied invading forces have lost 928 soldiers. However, unofficial estimate is manifold higher than these. Furthermore, America spends $ 100 billion in Afghanistan annually, to continue the war against the Mujahideen. -- The total cost of the war in the past decade in Iraq and Afghanistan, including the loans taken by Washington and the interests incurred, come to the tune of $ 5 trillion. The American headlong descent into the financial melt-down does not stop here. It is still exacerbating as the time goes by. But the question remains, is America more powerful than when she was in 2001, at the time of invasion of Afghanistan? [Does] she enjoys the same status and respect at world level as [an] advocate of human rights as she enjoyed a decade ago, in 2001?" -- *Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan* -- Everyone should notice....these guys are getting good. - mpg

Secret accord exists between Kurdistan Coalition and U.S. to keep part of latter’s troops in Kirkuk, MP charges
A quote...."There is a secret agreement between the American side and the government of Kurdistan Region on possibility to keep American troops in Kirkuk, being an area of conflict,” Legislature Ali al-Tamimy stated on Thursday, charging that “Kurdistan Region strives to capture the city of Kirkuk, after splitting it from Iraq.”" - And the US-NRE is doing this as part of, and on behalf of, ISRAEL'S foreign policy ambitions. - mpg

"Israel would be allowed to conquer and permanently occupy all of Palestine while even developing its own sphere of influence, friendly regimes such as Egypt, Jordan and perhaps the soon to be formed "New Kurdistan" which is to be carved out of the carcass of what was once the nation state called Iraq.  With the countries of Lebanon and Syria to follow as soon as possible once Israel launches its next series of wars" -- *One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand....*

Israel Declares Ties With Newly-Born Republic Of South Sudan
Related Article - A quote...."Israel announced Thursday that it will be holding official ties with the newly-born Republic of South Sudan, while Israeli officials visiting the country received an official letter recognizing the State of Israel."

China’s Plan to Beat U.S.: Missiles, Missiles and More Missiles
A quote...."Today, the PLA possesses as many as 2,000 non-nuclear ballistic and cruise missiles, according to Chinese Aerospace Power. This “growing arsenal of increasingly accurate and lethal conventional ballistic and land-attack cruise missiles has rapidly emerged as a cornerstone of PLA warfighting capability,” Mark Stokes and Ian Easton wrote. For every category of weaponry where the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) lags behind the Pentagon, there’s a Chinese missile to help make up the difference."

America's War at Home and Abroad - Selected Articles
Article List - A selection of Global Research's most recent articles on war.

Russian radio telescope makes first loop around Earth
A quote...."The goal of the RadioAstron space observatory project is to study various types of astrophysical objects with unprecedentedly high angular resolution in the centimeter and decimeter wavelength bands. -- The observatory will operate a 10-meter Space Radio Telescope working together with an international network of ground-based radio telescopes in the interferometer mode. It will obtain images of deep space objects with a resolution exceeding that of NASA's Hubble telescope a thousand times over."

The Norwegian Terror Attack of 07/22/11....

The Norway Bombing and Israel?
MVideo - Alt - (MYuTb - 11min19sec - Jul 26, 2011) - Source:  108morris108 -- Editor's Note & Warning --  It's come to this website editor's attention that YouTube slapped a warning on this video despite the fact  there are no shocking photos or really shocking viewpoints contained within it.  YouTube should be careful about putting warnings on videos, although they're a very popular video service, they should keep in mind the technology to post videos is freely available to everyone and there are hundreds, if not thousands, of other video services on the web.  YouTube's business model is EASILY copied and depends on the NUMBER of viewers and users and not on how wealthy or how influential they are.  They should also keep in mind there are five million members of the Jewish community in Israel along another six million in the US, but there are approximately 9 BILLION other people worldwide.   It would be a terrible shame if YouTube developed a reputation for POLITICAL censorship on behalf of a tiny minority of the world's population and as a result be forced to radically diminish in size because the rest of the world did not trust their service any longer. - mpg

A quote...."Israelis are the likely place to look for who has a motive in facilitating this terror. No-doubt no-one at the top would consider what happened wise - nor in Israel's benefit, but that does not mean a rogue element did not act unilaterally. -- The likelihood of this thirty two year old single handedly accomplishing what he is said to have done is extremely unlikely. -- Two pieces of text I should have added on the video:  The Norwegian Prime Minister was scheduled to be on the Island at the same time as Andreis - It was the bombing in Oslo that presumably prevented him from being there. The accused, Anders Breivik, has chosen a Lawyer who is a member of the Labor Party to defend him. And I wish I had said he surely was being spiked over a long period time - and there are a million ways to do that."

Was Norway Massacre a reaction to Boycott Israel Camp?
A quote...."The peace process goes nowhere, and though the whole world expect Israel to comply, they do not. We in Labour Youth will have a unilateral economic embargo of Israel from the Norwegian side.” -- *AUF Eskil Pedersen*

Norway’s monster and THE question
A quote...."It’s bad enough that Zionist propaganda has prevented a cure for the Israel-Palestine conflict, but if now that same propaganda is inspiring Europeans in Europe to slaughter their own, the future is very, very frightening."

An un-American response to the Oslo attack
A quote...."Over the last decade, virtually every Terrorist plot aimed at the U.S. -- whether successful or failed -- has provoked greater security and surveillance measures.  Within a matter of mere weeks, the 9/11 attacks infamously spawned a vast new surveillance statute (the Patriot Act), a secretly implemented warrantless eavesdropping program in violation of the law, an explosion of domestic surveillance contracts, a vastly fortified secrecy regime, and endless wars in multiple countries.  As it turned out, that massive over-reaction was not a crisis-driven anomaly but rather the template for future actions." - also posted at Uruknet
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The Assault On Libya....

NATO war crime: Libya water supply
A quote...."July 22 2011. A date for humanity to remember. NATO hit the Libyan water supply pipeline. It will take months to repair. Then on Saturday they hit the pipeline factory producing pipes to repair it. --  Since when is a water pipes factory in al-Brega a legitimate target to impose a no-fly zone to protect civilians? Sine when is the water supply pipeline itself a legitimate target?" - Related ||  Rape of Libya : Great Man Made River reason for NATO attack  ||

Libya War Lies – Worse Than Iraq
MVideo - Alt - Alt2 - (MYuTb - 6min48sec - Jul 26, 2011) - Source:  ZeitgeistExplorateur - Producer:  108morris108 -- A quote...."Thomas Mountain authour of the widely read article by the same title - explains his perception of the real reasons for the war on Libya. -- Thomas C. Mountain is an independent western journalist based in the Horn of Africa, and has been living and reporting from Eritrea since 2006. He was a member of the 1st US Peace Delegation to Libya in 1987. Read more articles by Thomas C. Mountain."

Libyan Rebel Chief Killed After Arrest by Rebels
A quote...."Libyan rebel commander Gen. Abdel Fatah Younis was killed on Thursday after having been arrested on suspicion of remaining strategic ties with the Gadhafi regime. Younis had previously headed the interior ministry under Moammar Gadhafi before defecting to the rebels in February, and was assassinated by pro-Gadhafi assailants just before being questioned on the charges."
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More on the World Wide Revolution...

Egypt braces for 'Friday of Unity' rallies
A quote...."Egyptians are ready for fresh protests pressing their unmet demands in another million-strong march on the “Friday of Unity and Popular Demand.”"

Bahrainis to stage anti-US sit-in Friday
A quote...."Bahrain’s February 14 Movement has called for a mass sit-in in front of the US embassy in Manama to condemn Washington’s interference in the internal affairs of the Persian Gulf country. -- The spokesman of the Bahraini movement, Abdul Raouf al-Shayeb, said that the demonstrators intend to voice their opposition on Friday against the US support of the Al Khalifa regime." - Source:  PressTV

Dozens killed in fresh Yemen clashes
A quote...."Dozens of Yemeni protesters have lost their lives in fresh clashes with the Republican Guards loyal to Ali Abdullah Saleh in Yemen's northeastern province of Sana'a."

Bahrain talks fail to appease opposition
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

The sham solidarity of Israel’s Zionist left
A quote...."The term solidarity — much like co-existence — is so overused in the liberal Zionist discourse as to render it meaningless. The misconception of solidarity raises the question: what does solidarity mean and, more specifically, when can an act carried out by Israelis in the name of supporting Palestinians be considered an act of true solidarity?" - also posted at AlethoNews
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

World parliamentarians say 'appalled' at Israel's detention of PLC members
A quote...."GAZA, (PIC)-- The Inter-Parliamentary Union said it was ''appalled'' at Israel's repeated detention of members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, calling it a violation of the Palestinians' democratic rights." - also posted at AlethoNews

Analysis: When did the blockade begin?
A quote...."ATHENS, Greece (Ma'an) -- The flotilla was intended to challenge the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip, a closure that has been decried as a violation of international law. While Israel prevented the boats from reaching the Gaza Strip, the initiative was successful in bring media attention to the closure." - also posted at AlethoNews

Torture and other Forms of Cruel, Inhumane and Degrading Treatment against the Palestinian Population in Gaza Strip by the IOF - A quote...."Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights has issued a new documentation...." - "The report is part of Al Mezan’s activities under the project entitled'Combating and Preventing Torture and Ill-Treatment of Palestinian Prisoners held in Israeli Prisons and Palestinian Civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)', implemented by Al Mezan Center for Human Rights in partnership with Adalah and Physicians for Human Rights – Israel, with support from the European Commission."

Settlers [crazed psychotic homeless Jews] attack international observers with iron bar
A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli settlers [crazed psychotic homeless Jews] from the illegal outpost of Havat Maon, south of Hebron, attacked two international observers on Wednesday, hitting one on the head with an iron bar."

Vandals attack UNRWA summer camp in Gaza
A quote...."GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- A summer camp facility in north-west Gaza run by the Palestinian refugee agency was vandalized by unknown assailants at dawn Thursday, UNRWA said in a statement."

Oxfam: Water Well Serving 60 People in Gaza Damaged During Israeli Airstrike
A quote...."GAZA, July 28, 2011, (WAFA)- A decades-old agricultural water well was destroyed in an Israeli military airstrike,  which also injured seven people, including four children, this week in Beit Hanoun, a town north of the Gaza Strip, Thursday said an Oxfam weekly report between July 17 and 23." - also posted at Uruknet

Human rights groups warn of a severe water crisis in the Gaza Strip
RNNVideo - Alt - (RNNYuTb - 5min21sec - Jul 28, 2011) - Source:  TheRealNews -- A quote...."FSRN: 95 percent of drinking water fails to meet international standards and water and sanitation plants have yet to rebuilt following the 2009 Israeli war."
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More On The Economic Situation....

Famous Quotes about Fiat Money
Must Read Quotes - The first four....

The problem with fiat money is that it rewards the minority that can handle money, but fools the generation that has worked and saved money.” -- *Adam Smith*

“At the end fiat money returns to its inner value—zero.” -- *Voltaire*

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” -- *Thomas Jefferson*

“The money power preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy.” -- *Abraham Lincoln* -- also posted at GlobalRsrch

The Ghost of Murray Rothbard Haunts The Economist
Must View Charts - Related Article - Or how some economists have COMPLETELY lost touch with reality. - mpg -- A quote...."Ever since late 2008, Ron Paul has reminded the public, in effect, "we Austrians told you so, and we also told you why -- the Federal Reserve's policies under Greenspan and Bernanke." The Federal Reserve caused the crisis of 2008. To expect it to be able to cure it safely is naive."

This Time Really Is Different — Part II
A quote...."This is a follow-up to This Time Really Is Different, which for reasons I don't quite understand is among the most-read DOTE posts since the beginning of time (January 16, 2010). In that first post I criticized the standard economic view of our current problems, which now includes the Carmen Reinhart/Ken Rogoff story. That narrative says our economy is in the doldrums because we had a financial crisis, and it always takes many years to recover from such a crisis. We can thus expect unemployment to remain abnormally high for some time to come. But in the end, the economy will come roaring back on that glorious (but undetermined) day in the future when we've worked through all the debt & credit issues. -- This reassuring story ignores all the historical factors underlying the inevitable breakdown of debt-based economic growth in the United States." - bold by website editor - Topix ||  Some Tentative Laws - 07-20-08 - mpg  ||

The Debt Spiral Has Begun
A quote...."The US has entered a debt spiral: a situation in which more and more debt needs to be issued at the same time that lenders are unwilling to lend to the US for any lengthy period of time (greater than three years). --  On top of this, the US must to roll over trillions in old debt at the same time that it needs to issue an additional $150 billion in debt per month to finance its current deficit."

Initial Claims Print Sub 400, At 398K, To Be Revised Above 400K Next Week, As NSA Claims Plunge By 104K In The Past Week - A quote...."As expected last week's 418K in initial claims  was revised higher to 422K, but the big surprise was this week's drop in claims to 398K on expectations of 415k. The market appears to relish the fact that the streak of 16 weeks of 400K+ prints is broken, although that is quite amusing as next week's upward revision will mean the 400k+ streak will continue."

Chinese Rating Agency Says Ready to Downgrade US[....Again]
A quote...."Dagong plans a further downgrade as early as next week, even as politicians race against the clock to avert a ruinous debt default,' said Guan Jianzhong, Chairman of the Beijing-based Dagong Global Credit Rating Co. 'We will react soon, probably next Monday or Tuesday, we need to look at whether they reach a compromise and the scope of the compromise, then we decide how deep the rating cut will be,' he added."

Jim Rogers: US debtonation doomed, Asia owns future
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 2min37sec - Jul 28, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."With five days left until the debt ceiling is reached, are Americans witnessing first hand a crisis or political showdown? According to investor and author Jim Rogers, it just doesn't matter anymore."It's a charade. It's a scam. They're not going to do anything serious," Rogers told RT. "They're going to announce something either the day before, the day of or the day after and they're going to say everything is okay." Rogers added, however, that "America is going to be in worse shape than it is now." "They are going to continue to spend and drive us deeper into debt," said Rogers. "I don't see any chance of turning it around." Rogers says that the deadlock in Washington is just posturing. "They're trying to get publicity for themselves," he said. Rogers thinks lawmakers are just playing with taxpayer money and it's not getting better anytime soon."

Systemic Global Financial Instability Is Spreading Rapidly – Part I
A quote...."The root causes of global financial instability cannot be wished away or “solved” with modest policy tweaks: they are systemic. -- Systemic financial instability is spreading rapidly around the globe. Nobody knows the precise timing, of course, but if we consider the systemic causal forces at work, it seems the future is now: the next few months could see unstable markets gyrate wildly and unpredictably as the latent instability breaks out and plays out into the 2012-2013 time-frame." - also posted at AmpedStatus

Wednesday July 27th 2011

More On The Domestic Situation....

A Plane Hit the Pentagon, baby steps for the parrots of loose change etc
Must View Video - From the History File - Dec 21, 2010 - (YuTb - 15min - 12/21/10)  - Source:  Rys2sense -- A quote...."All these people with their theories. It's commonsense. The plan was to blame al Qaeda for hijacked airliners and crashing them into buildings.  The purpose of hitting that part of the Pentagon was to destroy financial records. Thus they crashed a PLANE into that part of the building. There is no reason at all to pretend to crash a plane and secretly land it somewhere else and fire a missile instead. -- There were parts of the plane found and bodies were identified by DNA [inside the Pentagon]. The building's columns [were] all bent [in] the same direction. This is not a difficult issue. They rammed a f-cking plane into the building same as WTC 1 and 2 and then they set off bombs same as WTC 1 and 2. [and eventually WTC7 when they realized flight 93, which had been slated for WTC7, had either been shot-down, or remoted into the ground in Pennsylvania, after the passengers had unexpectedly taken control of the plane. - mpg] -- Topix ||  9/11-NORAD  ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

WAKE UP AMERICA! - The Real U.S. Budget Problem: Defense & War Spending Equal 94% Of All Federal Income Tax Revenues - A quote...."What's missing from the debt-ceiling discussion, albeit nothing new to DB readers, is spending on wars and the pentagon.  It's not even being mentioned as a possibility in any of the competing debt plans, despite the following undeniably depressing and disgusting facts...."

America: Heading for Tyranny and Impoverishment
A quote...."It's present, hardening, and threatening to subvert all constitutional and social rights. Among others, three previous articles discussed the danger, accessed through the following links....Article1, Article2, Article3" - Source:  SteveLendman

Obama & the Fake Debt Ceiling Crisis: This President Is Really Just Smarter Than You Are
Must Read - A quote...."It's taken a long while, but I'm finally coming around. I'm about ready to admit the truth. Supporters of the president have long insisted that The Man simply knows things most of us don't. After all, he's the president. He's got access to the facts, the figures. He's looking further, they say, seeing deeper, playing sixth dimensional chess while most of us can barely get our minds around checkers. You know, they just might be right. If there's one thing this phony debt ceiling crisis proves, it's that Barack Obama really is smarter than most of us, especiall smarter than the tens of millions who voted him into office. -- Before we examine that any deeper, we'll need a working definition of “smartness.” Let's make it simple. We'll call it the ability to get things done your way in a complex world, a world where lots of other people would rather see them done some other way. By that yardstick, who is smarter? The voters and volunteers who made Obama's career possible? Or Barack Obama himself? Who's getting what he wants, and who's getting left out?"

The Political Theater and the Debt Ceiling Crisis: Are We Being Had?
Must Read - Related Article - A quote...."In my last column I suggested that an unintended outcome of the debt ceiling impasse could be Congress’ loss of the power of the purse. In this column I suggest an intended outcome that the ongoing political theater might be designed to produce."

The "Solution" to America's Debt Ceiling Crisis: Looting What has Already been Looted...
Related Article - A quote...."As we write the US government short-term debt extension is still up in the air. Both sides are not about to give up and lose a political victory. The President still is trying to recover from his ill-timed attempt at extortion. That is if a solution is not found by August 2nd, that he will let US bonds fall into default and terminate government’s Social Security obligations. -- Our question is how can you loot what has already been looted?"

Is America Caught In The Closed Mind Trap?
A quote...."July 27, 2011 "Information Clearing House" - A reader responded to my recent column about how the US president was becoming a Caesar with a question: “Wouldn’t a Caesar be preferable to a democracy in which the people are too ignorant, disinterested, and stupid to engage in self-government?” -- Before I became a widely read columnist with many reader responses, I would have disagreed with the reader’s characterization of the American people. Today, I cannot answer the reader’s question with a “no” as confidently as I would like."

The Men Who Killed Kennedy:  The Missing Last Three Episodes
Must View Video - [P1a P1b P1c P1d P1e P1f P1g P1h P1i - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6] - Part7 - Part8 - Part9 - (YuTb/Google - 10/15min) - Source:  NotForSale2NWO - Full YuTb Text - A quote...."The Men Who Killed Kennedy is a 9-part video documentary series about the John F. Kennedy assassination by Nigel Turner. -- In November, 2003, when three additional segments ("The Final Chapter") were added by the History Channel, the consequences were so immense that the entire series is no longer aired, though the History Channel still sells DVD copies of the first six documentaries. -- The ninth documentary in the series, titled "The Guilty Men", directly implicates former U. S. President Lyndon B. Johnson."

Cover Up Caught On Camera: 6 Police Officers Taser And Beat Mentally-ill Homeless Man To Death
Contains Photos & Videos -- (Warning: Grim) A quote...."Video footage of 6 Fullerton, CA police officers tasering and beating a homeless man to death exposes a cover up that local officials refuse to answer questions about. -- The photo above shows the injuries sustained by Kelly Thomas, homeless man described as a gentle and mentally-ill  man, who was the victim of a police beating by 6 Fullerton police officers." -- Just remember folks, as you look at these photos, you should realize the cops had a really good time, they ENJOYED themselves! - mpg

Caught on tape: Police 'stripped unarmed man naked, kicked, beat and tasered him as he lay screaming in snow'
Related Article - A quote...."Four police officers allegedly stripped an unarmed man naked, handcuffed him then viciously beat him as he lay screaming and shivering in the snow." - More police thugs having a good time. - mpg

Former Springs cop had 22 victims, prosecutors alleged
Related Article - A quote...."A former Colorado Springs police officer facing allegations of abusing children is now accused of sexually assaulting 22 victims — up from six." - Ditto. - mpg

Police Beat Man That Just Learned His Son Committed Suicide
Related Article - A quote...."Fox news reports that Loganville police beat an emotionally distressed man who just learned his son had committed suicide." - Ditto. - mpg

US Supreme Court Justice caught taking $700K bribe
A quote...."As we reported in January, Thomas appears to have "knowingly and willfully" filed falsified Financial Disclosure Forms which withheld disclosure of nearly $700,000 his wife received from the rightwing Heritage Foundation for the better part of the last 20 years. Only once it was pointed out publicly this year did Thomas bother to file "self-initiated amendments" to the forms he had signed just above the legal warning in bold and all caps which reads: "NOTE: ANY INDIVIDUAL WHO KNOWINGLY AND WILLFULLY FALSIFIES OR FAILS TO FILE THIS REPORT MAY BE SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL SANCTIONS (5 U.S.C. app. § 104)""

Former Blackwater firm moves to Washington area
Barf Alert - A quote...."Former Attorney General John Ashcroft now serves as Xe's ethics adviser. [LOL!] -- 26 Jul 2011 The private security contractor terrorist group  once known as Blackwater is moving its corporate headquarters to the Washington area. Xe Services said Tuesday that it would move from North Carolina to Arlington. The firm will retain its training operations elsewhere, including at its largest facility in Moyock, N.C. Xe still has major contracts with the Pentagon, the State Department and other U.S. agencies.

'Fast and Furious' Scandal Reaches the White House
Fast & Furious File:  A quote...."At a lengthy hearing on ATF's controversial gunwalking operation today, a key ATF manager told Congress he discussed the case with a White House National Security staffer as early as September 2010. The communications were between ATF Special Agent in Charge of the Phoenix office, Bill Newell, and White House National Security Director for North America Kevin O'Reilly. " - bold by website editor

The Alex Jones Show – July 27th, 2011
AJVideo - USinBondage(1/3) - USinBondage(2/3) - USinBondage(3/3) - StateOfTheUnion(1/2) - StateOfTheUnion(2/2) - PaulCraigRoberts(1/2) - PaulCraigRoberts(2/2) - AlexTakesCalls(1/2) - AlexTakesCalls(1/2) - Dehumanization -- (AJYuTb - 05/15min - Jul 27, 2011) - SourceTheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Obama Strikes Fear Into Americans While Reassuring Big Banks"

Keiser Report: Mass Psychosis (E167)
MKVideo - Alt - (MKRTYuTb - 26min43sec - Jul 26, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  Max Keiser TV -- A quote..."This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, look at the one in 66 Americans now classified as psychotic and the matter of 'selective default' as the over prescribed anti-psychotic medication for financial marketss. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Adrian Salbuchi about the similarities between the financial attack on Greece and what happened to Argentina in 2001/2002."

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 27th, 2011
MRVideo - Alt - Note:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto - 8min20sec - into the broadcast - mpg - (JustInTV - 2hrs - July 27th, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.
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More On The International Situation....

US-led troops kill more Afghan civilians
A quote...."At least three Afghan civilians have been killed in an attack by US-led foreign forces in troubled northeastern Afghanistan, local authorities say."

[More] Civilians killed by NATO airstrike in eastern Afghanistan
A quote...."At least three civilians including two schoolchildren died and six were injured following a NATO airstrike in Kunar province in eastern Afghanistan, regional governor Said Fazlulla Wakhidi said on Tuesday." - also posted at AlethoNews

'Xe' guns for hire above law as US hears & sees no evil
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 4min14sec - Jul 27, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."The private security firm formerly known as Blackwater is on trial in the U.S. Not over allegations that it killed innocent civilians in Iraq 4 years ago. But because two ex-employees claim the company overcharged Washington for protecting State Department staff in war zones. The firm which is now called Xe provides more mercenaries for the U.S. in Afghanistan than anyone else, and has been implicated in a number of scandals. In 2007, its hired guns were accused of shooting dead 17 unarmed civilians in Baghdad. -- Despite a lengthy legal process, no-one was punished over the alleged massacre. The company is now set to take an even bigger role in Afghanistan, as the U.S. withdraws its combat troops. And as RT's Gayane Chichakyan reports, there's concern Washington could keep covering for its hired killers."

Kandahar Mayor Killed in Suicide Attack
A quote...."US citizen Ghulam Haidar Hamidi, an accountant in Virginia [Langely?] for 30 years before moving back to Afghanistan to take the appointed position, was killed as one of the men at the meeting detonated a bomb hidden in his turban. The elders were angry with Hamidi after his administration bulldozed “illegal” shops and homes, killing a woman and two children. Some 100 people were in front of the mayor’s office protesting the demolitions when the attack took place."

The U.S. invasion of Iraq: until the last drop of oil
A quote...."Mission accomplished”- that`s how a banner displayed on the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln was titled during a televised address by the then U.S. President George W. Bush on May 1, 2003. Bush`s speech was meant to mark the end of major combat operations in Iraq. But since the war itself was not over, the displaying of the banner was followed by much controversy. -- However, there was a grain of truth to Bush`s words: Saddam Hussein, Israel's major enemy was toppled, while the resources of the richest Mideast state were now in control of the U.S. -- In the subsequent eight years Americans [have tried] to strengthen their presence in the region and ensure control of Iraqi oil fields."

Iran Could Supply Gas to Pakistan As Early As Next Year
A quote...."The Iranian government has constructed the pipeline in record time just to accommodate Pakistan’s energy requirements: Official."

China tells US to halt spy plane flights
A quote...."China has demanded that the United States stop spy plane flights near the Chinese coast, saying they have "severely harmed" trust between the two countries, state-run media reported Wednesday."

US Sponsored "Democracy" in Colombia: Political Assassinations, Poverty and Neoliberalism
A quote...."Not a week goes in Colombia without reports of assassinations and persecution of labor and political activists. -- Ana Fabricia Cordoba, gender activist and leader of displaced peasants, was shot dead on June 7th inside a street bus, after she foretold her own death due to constant threats and abuses against her family.(1)"

The Norwegian Terror Attack of 07/22/11....

Gunman Conspired With “Business and Political Leaders” Before Massacre
A quote...."Anders Behring Breivik said he conspired with “business and political leaders” in London years before he set about planning last week’s massacre, an intruiging connection given the fact that the gunman’s manifesto is datelined “London 2011, suggesting a clear connection to the capital as evidence emerges of a wider plot."

Bill O'Reilly Is Right: It's Unfair To Call the Norwegian Mass Murderer a Christian ... And It's Also Unfair to Call Arab Terrorists Muslims -- A quote...."Glenn Greenwald points out the hypocrisy in coverage of the Norwegian terror attack...."

"When it was widely assumed, based on basically nothing, that Muslims had been responsible for this attack and that a radical Muslim group likely perpetrated it, it was widely declared to be a "terrorist" attack. That was the word that was continuously used. And yet, when it became apparent that Muslims were not involved and that, in reality, it was a right-wing nationalist with extremely anti-Muslim, strident anti-Muslim bigotry as part of his worldview, the word "terrorism" almost completely disappeared from establishment media discourse. Instead, he began to be referred to as a "madman" or an "extremist.""
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The Assault On Libya....

Losing in Libya
A quote...."Gaddafi now controls 20% more territory than he did before we started this odious bombing campaign. He has been able to hold more and better attended rallies of more genuine supporters in recent days than he ever could before we started bombing. Exactly as I predicted, the effect of NATO bombing has been to rally nationalist support around Gaddafi, whom we have stupidly put in a much stronger position than he was when he only faced genuine internal rebellion."

Imperialist powers seek exit from Libyan war
A quote...."The governments of Britain and the United States have joined France, the other principal instigator of the imperialist war on Libya, in seeking an exit strategy from their failed attempt to overthrow the country’s long-standing dictator Muammar Gaddafi and install the Benghazi-based Transitional National Council (TNC) as a puppet government. After five months of raining death and destruction on the people of Libya and making numerous attempts to assassinate the Libyan leader, the major powers are now offering a settlement to Gaddafi and his regime."

Rebel Militias Include the Human Traffickers of Benghazi
Video - (YuTb - 5min31sec - Jul 27, 2011) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote...."Thomas C Mountain relates the importance of Benghazi as having been the epicentre of the once Billion dollar a year industry of Trafficking Africans to Europe. -- These people have formed part of the Rebel militias, here is an excerpt of a post by Thomas...."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

5.8 million Israelis Get 100 Billion In US Tax Dollars While American States Are Falling Apart
Video - (YuTb - 2min55sec - Apr 2, 2011) - Source:  TheyDidThis -- A quote...."A foreign country with the population the size of Wisconsin is getting $100 billion in USA tax Dollars while states all around our Union are going Bankrupt."

Murdochs were given secret defence briefings
A quote...."The extraordinary access that Cabinet ministers granted Rupert Murdoch and his children was revealed for the first time yesterday, with more than two dozen private meetings between the family and senior members of the Government in the 15 months since David Cameron entered Downing Street." - also posted at ICH
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Palestinian children endure systematic abuse from Israel's military courts, say reports
A quote...."BEIT UMMAR, WEST BANK // Military justice came to Sami on March 8 when two-dozen Israeli commandos raided his home shortly after midnight. The 15-year-old Palestinian's family watched as soldiers bound his hands, slipped over a blindfold and arrested him without offering an explanation."

IDF War Against Palestinian Theater
A quote...."Not content to wage war on armed militants (of whom there are very few these days in the West Bank), earlier today the famed special forces of the Israeli army staged a daring raid on Jenin’s Freedom Theater.  In a bold tactical stroke, they woke up a night watchman at 3:30AM by throwing hunks of concrete at the theater entrance.  They then strip searched him and made him afraid for his life.  Those bold national heroes then arrested a Theater board member and abused the theater general manager, a British citizen.  When he called the Israeli civil administration, which has sometimes been known to intercede in the most egregious situations, they hung up on him." - also posted at AlethoNews

Rights group outlines torture in Israeli detention
A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Palestinian detainees face torture and inhumane treatment in Israeli jails, a report by the Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights said Thursday."

Israeli forces raze agricultural lands in Bethlehem
A quote...."Israel's occupation forces stormed into Walja village in the Bethlehem governorate (south of the occupied West Bank) on Tuesday, July 26. Several bulldozers were used to raze Walja's agricultural lands in order to make way for the construction of the Apartheid [Separation] Wall." - also posted at Uruknet

Israeli police detain 150 Palestinian workers
A quote...."RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- Israeli police forces arrested 150 Palestinian workers in cultivated lands in the Galilee north of Palestine occupied in 1948 on Thursday morning."

Israeli Home Demolition Terrorism
A quote...."Co-founded (with Meir Marglit) and directed by Jeff Halper, the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions (ICAHD) "is a non-violent, direct-action organization established in 1998 to resist Israeli demolition of Palestinian houses in the Occupied Territories." -- ICAHD also helps rebuild homes. In addition, it resists "land expropriation, settlement expansions, by-pass road construction, policies of 'closure' and 'separation,' " as well as destruction of agricultural land and crops. It also works for peace, equity, and ending Israel's illegal occupation."

Israel is an Apartheid State
A quote...."Western leaders and media label any Palestinian resistance to the Israeli occupation as terrorism, but it refuses to give Israel the same label when its military commits daily crimes against the Palestinians. Israel destroyed Gaza and committed massacres, starves the Palestinian population and bulldozes their houses in Jerusalem and the West Bank. It does not approve residency permits for Palestinians returning to their homes in the occupied lands and expels thousands of Palestinian families from Jerusalem." - also posted at Uruknet
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More On The Economic Situation....

No, You're Not King Sir Jackass
Special Note - A quote...."Let us not forget that this President came into office and ran the credit card to the extent of more than $1,500 billion a year for the last two years.  He continued the bankrupt policies of George Bush who did the same damn thing.  He has blown money like crazy, yet has utterly refused to face the fact that there is no way he can continue to do what we've been doing with these deficits for the indefinite future. -- We were told these deficits were necessary due to a crisis in 2008.  But we have also been told the crisis is over.  That our economy is recovering.  That Wall Street is "healthy."  That the banks are "ok" and "well-capitalized." -- These are lies and The President knows it!  The economy is a damn wreck.  The banks are only "solvent" because they're lying about asset values.  And Wall Street is punch-drunk - again - on cheap leverage, headed for yet another utter and complete disaster." - also posted at ICH

A Thousand Pictures Is Worth One Word: Worthless
A quote...."Jeff Clark of Casey Research has created a wonderful historical "art" album which addresses the number one question which most people living in the US right now are unable to fathom: how can one's currency go from X to 0. It is impossible. It certainly can not happen to the dollar. Right? Well, as Jeff says: "History has a message for us: No fiat currency has lasted forever. Eventually, they all fail. You might suspect this happened only to third world countries. You’d be wrong. There was no discrimination as to the size or perceived stability of a nation’s economy; if the leaders abused their currency, the country paid the price."

Jim Rogers: "Prepare for a lost decade or more"
Video - Alt1 - Alt2 - (YuTb - 9min14sec - Jul 27, 2011) - Producer:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."RT -- There are 5 days until the default date of August 2nd. How will this affect everyday Americans? While Obama and Boehner play chicken Jim Rogers, co-founder of Quantum fund, sounds off on the economic issue. Is this a political charade?"

'US economy in indefinite plunge'
Contains Video - A quote...."Interview with Mike Stathis, chief investment strategist of AVA Investment Analytics"

CHART OF THE DAY: The Housing Double Dip Gets Even Worse
Chart - A quote...."The May Case-Shiller housing numbers were basically right in line with expectations, but unfortunately those expectations were pretty bad, so no win there. -- This chart plots the year-over-year change in the 20-city composite, and as you can see, the decline accelerated again, hitting the fastest pace since 2009."

This Is What A Collapsing Ponzi Scheme Looks Like: Housing Market Headed Off A Cliff As A Shocking 10.8 Million Mortgages At Risk Of Default - Chart -- A quote...."With defaults already piling up, the shadow inventory of homes has been growing rapidly, and given this new data (PDF) the number is going to skyrocket. As this chart shows, the total has gone up from 2 million homes in 2009 to 3.35 million as of April, a 67.5% increase already."

US economic growth slows: Fed
A quote...."The US Federal Reserve has released a new survey showing an economic slowdown in much of the country's twelve federal districts in the summer of 2011."

Peter Schiff Annihilates Geithner On Debt Ceiling Hyperbole: "He's Lying! He's Just Making This Stuff Up!"
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 4min18sec - Jul 25, 2011) - Source:  SchiffReport

Rip-Off by the Federal Reserve
A quote...."The present practice in the U.S. of creating book-entry money via T-securities (deficit spending) in the amount of the principal of the security, with a promise to repay the principal PLUS the interest, is impossible. The interest is never created; the debt is perpetual and must continually be increased or the economy will collapse from de-leveraging;"

This Time The Debt Ceiling Hike Really Is Different
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Yes, indeed it is. While everyone and their grandmother is foaming at the mouth how both republicans and democrats hiked the debt ceiling for umpteen times over the past x years, the truth is that never before has the ratio of the proposed debt ceiling to the tax receipt ratio been as high as it is now. At nearly 6 times, this means that the top line (forget bottom line) cash inflows into the Treasury are 6 times lower than the current debt ceiling. And following the upcoming $2.5 trillion this number will surge to almost 8 times. So please ignore the next "pundit" who is complaining about the hypocrisy of not agreeing to an outright debt ceiling hike this time around - as usual they have no idea what they are talking about."

The Question Conservatives Can’t Answer
A quote...."....based on 1980 dollars and IRS data, this is how U.S. income has been redistributed since that time:
Debt spat takes cake — pineapple upside-down cake
A quote...."When I learned economics I learned that you put the horse before the cart. It was up to the nation to set its national priorities. It needed to decide how much it would spend on national defense. It would decide what sort of benefits to provide its people (Social Security, Medicare, etc) and it would set other national priorities, then it would set up a taxation arrangement to pay for all that. But national priorities come FIRST (hence the name: PRIORITY, NATIONAL PRIORITIES). -- But we have devolved. The funding has become the priority, and what was once the priority is now the residual. -- The current debate is putting x% spending cut as the first goal or no tax hike as the first goal. The debate can hardly be expected to wind up in the right place when it’s upside down like this. If this is how the debate starts, how can it end well?"

Jefferson County, Alabama Prepares for Largest Municipal Bankruptcy in U.S. History
A quote...."BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- Alabama's largest county is laying the groundwork for filing what would be the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history, over a more than $3 billion debt for its sewer system."

Guest Post: Ominous Similarities
Mrkt Tech Note - A quote...."Dramatic title I realize but look at the charts below and ask yourself if this is purely coincidence or something more telling. Regulars to this site have read posts comparing the current market to that of late 2007. From equities to credit markets to volatility and more the similarities across asset classes has been rather striking (please read here if you missed it). - also posted at ZeroHedge

Today's Market Action From ZeroHedge....
ES Volume Surges At Close As $3.3 Billion Sale Hits The Tape
Huge Spike In HFT Packet Stuffing As Market Tumbles To Fresh Lows
Equity Pukefest Picking Up Steam Into Last Hour Of Trading, ES 1300 Taken Out
Spread Between July 28 And August 4 Bills Hits 12 Bps, Widest Ever On Default Risk
Direct Bidders Push Very Ugly 5 Year Auction Through Finish Line

The Daily Bail Round-Up - Jul 27, 2011 at 1:10 PM
A round-up of todays business news from the Daily Bail. - mpg

Tuesday July 26th 2011

More On The Domestic Situation....

Ex-Gitmo captive recounts lethal torture
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."German Guantanamo detainee Murat Kurnaz has publicly spoken about being subjected to electroshock torture, lethal beatings and humiliation during his years of unlawful detention."

Darrin Ring: FBI Investigates Taped Beating By Tennessee Police
A quote...."The FBI has launched a criminal probe into a January incident where Tennessee police stripped a man naked, then kicked and beat him while he lay handcuffed in the snow. -- The incident, recorded by a patrol car's dashboard camera, also reveals police repeatedly shocking the man, Darrin T. Ring, of New Johnsonville, Tenn., with a Taser and spraying him with pepper spray."

Cancer Survivor, Gets Soaked By His Own Urine Again By TSA
A quote...."A former bladder cancer patient was soaked in own urine for the second time earlier this month when his urostomy bag was dislodged by a TSA agent."

Guns in Mexico crimes came from US sting: report
Fast & Furious File:  A quote...."AFP - At least 122 weapons recovered at crime scenes in Mexico have been linked to a US government weapons sting operation gone awry, two US members of Congress said in a report Tuesday."

Court Filing Reveals How 2004 Ohio Presidential Election was Hacked: "Unexpected Shift in Votes 4 George W."
A quote...."A new filing in the King Lincoln Bronzeville v. Blackwell case includes a copy of the Ohio Secretary of State election production system configuration that was in use in Ohio's 2004 presidential election when there was a sudden and unexpected shift in votes for George W. Bush."

Pain With the Consumer Price Index -- The Drive to Cut Social Security Benefits
A quote...."There is a full-fledged drive to cut Social Security benefits by lowering the annual cost-of-living adjustment for people already receiving benefits. The plan involves changing the index for calculating the cost of living. The new index, which is known as the "chained consumer price index" (CCPI) typically shows a rate of inflation 0.3 percentage points less than the CPI currently used to adjust benefits."

Under Cover of "Crisis" -- Obama's Ambush on Entitlements
A quote...."Of course the government will have enough money to pay the monthly Social Security checks. The Social Security administration has its own savings – in Treasury bills. I realize that lawyers (such as . Obama and indeed most American presidents) rarely understand economics. But this is a legal issue. Obama certainly must know that Social Security is solvent, with liquid securities to pay for many decades to come. Yet . Obama has put Social Security at the very top of his hit list."

Broadcasting LIVE on - July 26 2011
Must View MRVideo - Note:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto - 7min40sec - into the broadcast - mpg - (JustInTV - 2hrs - July 26th, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.
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More On The International Situation....

On Saudi Arabia in Paksitan
Special Note - A quote...."What has to be understood is that Saudi Arabia and, importantly, UAE have interests in Pakistan that, while on the whole are subordinate to US imperialism, also have a logic of their own. -- This has to be contextualized in US strategy in West Asia, including particularly CENTO (see Hamza Alavi's article on the Pak-US military alliance here: ). Pakistan was seen as a mercenary for West Asian reactionaries. To some extent, it did fulfill this role -- for instance, Pak General Zia ul-Haq who later was dictator for over ten years was in command of Pakistani troops in Jordan who helped massacre Palestinian freedom fighters in Black September. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia has funded political Islam in Pakistan since at least the late 1960s as a response to increasing leftist sentiment, according to Vali Nasr. This has to be seen as part of the same strategy that led to Saudi support for the Ikhwan in Egypt during the same period, i.e., as a response to secular nationalism and leftism." - also posted at AlethoNews - Topix ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||

The Saudi States of America
Special Note - A quote...."Since the mid-eighties, British and American politicians have been operating under suspicion of being compromised by al-Yamamah, the $80 billion Anglo-Saudi black operations slush fund. It is the product of the 20-year oil-for-arms barter deal, wherein BAE Systems (formerly British Aerospace), Britain’s largest defense contractor, reportedly paid bribes to sell combat fighter planes, helicopters, tanks and ammunitions to Saudi Arabia. In return for the arms, the Saudi’s agreed to supply hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil a day to the British. It was the largest arms deal in UK history that was arranged in a way that circumvented any potential objections by the U.S. Congress." - also posted at ICH - Topix ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||

Iraq "ignores" US-imposed sanctions against Iran: minister
A quote...."TEHRAN, July 25 (Xinhua) -- Oil Minister of Iraq Abdul Kareem Luaiby said here Monday that Baghdad adopts independent policies and therefore ignores the U.S.-imposed sanctions against Iran, the official IRNA news agency reported."

Nasrallah warns Israel against theft
A quote...."Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah has warned Israel against encroaching on Lebanon's territorial waters and stealing its oil and gas reserves."

China launches another global navigation satellite
A quote...."China launched on Wednesday an indigenous satellite as part of its expanding navigation and global positioning network, the Xinhua news agency reported."

The Norwegian Terror Attack of 07/22/11

Penny for your thoughts
A quote...."The massacre in Norway brought to mind a past incident in Pakistan. -- Some interesting parallels.................The background:  Quetta, in Baluchistan province, a peaceful pro-Palestinian rally is taking place. A large peaceful pro-Palestinian rally. As in Norway a pro-Palestinian show of solidarity and support for statehood! - An alleged suicide bomber shows up to bomb the area. And gunmen too. Reported gunfire both before and after. - Norway, not just an explosion, gunmen! Gunmen targeting children. - Yes, it does seem there was at least two gunmen in Norway. Minimally.There were numerous reports of there being more then one shooter. One in police uniform and one in a sweater. These reports will go away, so you can be spoon fed the lone nut scenario. - So in Quetta, as in Norway, we are looking at pro-Palestinian support resulting in a bombing, multiple shootings and much death." - also posted at AlethoNews

After Oslo: Time to Crack Down On Mossad Terrorism
A quote...."Israel’s most secret and tried-and-true weapon is the “false flag” terrorist attack. -- State-sponsored terrorism is defined by Encyclopedia Britannica as the “systematic use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective [and] is employed by governments -- or more often by factions within governments -- against that government's citizens, against factions within the government, or against foreign governments or groups.”

Anders Behring Breivik Updates
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The Assault On Libya....

Libyan rebels have conceded ground since bombing began
A quote...."Fresh diplomatic efforts are under way to try to end Libya's bloody civil war, with the UN special envoy flying to Tripoli to hold talks after Britain followed France in accepting that Muammar Gaddafi cannot be bombed into exile."

Gaddafi exit not on agenda: Libyan PM
A quote...."Libyan prime minister says the departure of the country's longtime ruler Muammar Gaddafi will not be discussed in any future talks on the crisis in the North African country."

The Left has lost its way over Libya
There's still a "left" in this country?  Who knew? - mpg - A quote...."I think it’s time to take a look at the timeline of the latest barbarian attack on the defenceless of the world. I think it reveals far more about how the left in the West operates, what are its motivations, than it does about the aims of the Empire (which should surely by now be apparent even to a reluctant leftie)." - also posted at GlobalRsrch

NATO bombs Libyan hospital
A quote...."NATO aircraft has bombed out a hospital in the west of Libya, claim the local authorities. According to the latest reports, 8 people, including 3 doctors, died in the attack."

Russia sends more humanitarian aid to Tripoli
A quote...."MOSCOW, July 26 (Xinhua) -- A Russian plane carrying 36.2 tons of humanitarian aid left for the Libyan capital, Tripoli, Tuesday morning, according to the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry."
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More on the World Wide Revolution...

Galloway: Syria is Pressured Because of Supporting Palestinian, Lebanese Resistance
A quote...."BEIRUT, (SANA) – Former British MP George Galloway on Tuesday said that President Bashar al-Assad wants reform and change to meet the aspirations of his people."

Tunisia extends state of emergency
A quote...."Tunisian interim President Fouad Mebezaa has indefinitely extended the state of emergency which came into effect when the former regime was toppled." - bold by website editor

UAE reopens activists' hearing in Sep.
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Murdoch used sex scandal journalism to destroy the Left
A quote...."Panitch explains how Murdoch used Television and Newspaper power in shaping the Politics of Britain for 40 years, and in effect used sex scandal journalism to attack the left-wing of the UK Labour Party and later helped to create Tony Blair."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Miles of Smiles 4 Heading To Gaza Soon
A quote...."The Miles of Smiles 4 humanitarian convoy will be heading to the Gaza Strip in the coming few days carrying medical and humanitarian supplies to the besieged residents on the coastal region."

Patients Dies In Gaza after Being Denied Exit For Treatment
A quote...."Palestinian medical sources in the Gaza Strip reported that a 33-year-old patient died on Sunday in the Gaza Strip after the Israeli Authorities denied him permit to be moved into the West Bank for urgent medical treatment."

Undercover Forces Captured On Film Kidnapping A Palestinian Child in Jerusalem
A quote...."The Al Aqsa Foundation in Jerusalem published a video showing members of the undercover forces of the Israeli military attacking Palestinian children as they played in Ras Al Amoud Palestinian neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem, and forcing one of them into their vehicle before driving away. The child was later taken to a graveyard where he was beaten by the soldiers."

IOF troops advance in southern Gaza, bulldoze land
A quote...."KHAN YOUNIS, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in army tanks and bulldozers advanced into southern Gaza Strip areas to the east of Khan Younis on Tuesday, eyewitnesses said."

Israel plows farms paving way for apartheid wall extension in Bethlehem village
A quote...."BETHLEHEM, (PIC)-- Israeli bulldozers began early Tuesday morning plowing through ''vast'' Palestinian farmlands and uprooting olive trees to pave the way for an extension of the apartheid wall in Al-Walaja village in western Bethlehem province." - also posted at AlethoNews
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More On The Economic Situation....

Are We Headed For A Second Recession?
A quote...."Is a second recession in so short of a time in the offing? It certainly seems that way. The hope for a continued recovery has grown dim lately as many of the economic indexes are moving towards contractionary territory. As we posted recently in "EOC Index Shows Economic Weakness" there are several concerns pressing the US economy and, in the words of David Rosenberg, chief economist at Gluskin Sheff, "one small shock" could send us into a second recession. With the recent release of the Chicago Fed National Activity Index, our proprietary economic index is just one small step away from crossing the 35 mark which has always been a pre-cursor to recession." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Pension Fund Ultimatum: A Haircut Looks Better Than a Beheading
A quote...."Millions of Americans believe they’re sitting pretty with their pensions funds, 401(k) retirement plans and medical benefits. But, as we’ve written previously on numerous occasions, pensions are anything but safe."

Investors: The $1 Billion Armageddon Trade Placed Against The United States
Bond Mrkt Alert - A quote...."Jack Barnes:  Someone dropped a bomb on the bond market Thursday – a $1 billion Armageddon trade betting the United States will lose its AAA credit rating. -- In one moment, an invisible trader placed a single trade that moved the most liquid debt market in the world."

The 400 Richest Americans Pay An 18% Tax Rate
A quote...."The 400 richest Americans used to pay  30% of their income on the average to Uncle Sam. Today, they pay 18% on the average, according to Steve Rattner, a Wall Street financier, who just presented these figures on Mornings With Joe,MSNBC."

The Daily Bail Round-Up - Jul 26, 2011 at 9:43 AM
A round-up of todays business news from the Daily Bail. - mpg

Oil at $120 Becomes Biggest Energy Bet as Futures Leave Forecasters Behind
A quote...."The biggest bet in the oil market has become a 20 percent increase to $120 by the end of the year as global growth drives demand for raw materials."

Monday July 25th 2011

More On The Domestic Situation....

The Future of Journalism
Special Note - A quote...."On a scale of magnitude of 1 to 100, a magnitude of 100 describes the violation of trust and responsibility to report the Truth which  is evidenced by the complete failure of the Corporate Media to honestly report on the 9/11 WTC Events and facts surrounding the demolition of the three World Trade Center Buildings. -- History will ultimately record this single topic signaling the demise of Corporate Media not only in the United States, but globally."

9/11 Revisited: The Government Wouldn’t Plan the Deaths Of Innocent Civilians In Order To Get Public Backing For War, Would They? -- A quote...."One of the reasons that so many people refuse to believe that the events of 9/11 were orchestrated by the American government was that they cannot imagine them planning the killing of so many innocent people. Yet in the early 60′s America’s top military leaders drafted plans to kill innocent civilians and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba. This plan was called Operation Northwoods and included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities. While the plan was rejected, it worryingly had been drawn up with the written approval of all of the Joint Chiefs of Staff." - bold/underline by website editor

Eyewitness to Demolition: New Video Compilation Brings Together Dozens of Explosive 9/11 Accounts
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."(AE911Truth) – A key facet of the 9/11 catastrophe that is often overlooked is the reports of explosions at the Twin Towers that dozens of eyewitnesses gave on 9/11 and in the following days. Some of these video accounts are scattered across the Internet, and a handful have appeared in documentaries such as 9/11: Blueprint for Truth. Bringing many of these testimonies together would be a powerful presentation tool… and now that’s exactly what has happened."

If You've Swallowed the Official 9/11 LIES, Then I've Got Something Else You Can Swallow
Contains Videos - A quote...."Never before seen news footage on the day of 911. Eye witnesses confirm explosions in the basement before the planes hit the WTC. -- Proof that the bank vaults were broken into and the gold bullion stolen before the towers were demolished."

U.S Government Smuggled Missles, Grenades And Other Military Grade Weapons To Mexico Drug Cartels
Fast & Furious File:  A quote...."The U.S government weapons smuggling scandal grown from a simple gun smuggling scandal into a full blown military grade weapons smuggling scandal following the arrest of a Zetas cartel leader.  Law enforcement officials report the U.S government has supplied the Zetas cartel with, among other things, “an array of military grade weapons, grenade and grenade launchers, high-powered rifles, body armor, anti-aircraft missiles, and night vision goggles.” - also posted at DProgram

Justice Department retracts court filings that undercut FBI's anthrax case - And the cover-up continues....mpg
A quote...."19 Jul 2011 Rushing into court to undo a major gaffe, Justice Department lawyers defending a civil suit Tuesday retracted statements that seemed to undercut the FBI's finding that a former Army microbiologist mailed the anthrax-filled letters that killed five people in 2001. Although the seven-page correction, filed in federal court in Florida, addresses conflicts between lawyers in the Civil and Criminal Divisions, it does not erase depositions filed by the government that challenged the FBI's finding that the late Bruce Ivins was the perpetrator." - Topix ||  US-False Flag Ops - Anthrax  ||

Why did the director of the American cybersecurity arm of the DHS abruptly resign?
A quote...."Why did the director of the agency tasked with protecting the American government from cybersecurity threats resign so abruptly at such a crucial time? -- Is this related to the many attacks on federal networks and affiliates under the banner of the LulzSec-Anonymous Operation AntiSec? -- Unfortunately, neither of these questions can be answered with any amount of certainty at this point."

The Disturbing “Super Congress” That Is Being Created As Part Of The Debt Negotiations
A quote...."There is some very alarming news coming out of the debt negotiations. Hidden in any deal may be the creation of a “Super Congress” that would result in more power being placed in the hands of the super-elitists and dilute the influence of the average congressman."

Will a "Super Congress" Gut the Constitution - Just Like the Federal Reserve?
A quote...."Ryan Grim has an update on his story about the "Super Congress", which I discussed yesterday...."

"The Super Congress amounts to an institutionalization of the gang structure that exists informally in the Senate, where a small number of lawmakers write legislation behind closed doors and then announce it to the public? Legislation written by the Super Congress would be extremely difficult for individual members of Congress to stop." - Source:  Washington'sBlog

Social Security is NOT An Entitlement from the Government
A quote...."I keep reading and hearing all the propaganda even on alternative news sites about the Debt Ceiling and Social Security being affected if the debt ceiling is not raised! -- Well let me give you an education!"

"Official CPI Is Running 3.6%, But If It Were Still Calculated The Way It Was Before The Greenspan Commission Went To Work, It Would Be 11.1%" -- Addison Wiggin notes:

"Whatever agreement emerges from the backroom dealing [on the debt], it is now almost sure to include what we’ve labeled a “stealth default” on Social Security. -- The White House quietly put out the word two weeks ago that it’s on board. Congressional Republicans think it’s a super idea, too. “There hasn’t been any economist anywhere that says we shouldn’t do that,” says Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.). -- Of course, they don’t call it a stealth default. They call it “chained CPI.”

The Best Explanation I Have Seen Anywhere of Why the Banks are Getting away with FRAUD!
A quote...."What happened is simple. Congress members were invested in the Wall Street Firms behind the Mortgage-Backed Securities Fraud; the biggest financial swindle since the Great South Seas Bubble of 1721. Congress passed an $8000 first-time home-buyer credit to lure more suckers into the scam, to front load the fraud with fresh mortgages of questionable worth, and raked in huge profits from the "tulip mania" sales of the MBS. -- Then the scam fell apart. Foreign banks and investment companies (and indeed entire nations) were brought to the edge of ruin by the fraud and demanded that Wall Street refund their money. Wall Street does not like to surrender profits, even ill-gotten ones, and neither does the Congress. So Congress voted for the "bailouts"...." -- *Michael Rivero*

Obama is NOT “Caving” to Corporate Interests
A quote...."July 23, 2011 "Information Clearing House" -- - - In  a campaign almost as frenzied as the effort to get Barack Obama into the White House, liberal groups are now mobilizing against the White House and reported deals that would cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits. They accuse President Obama of being weak and willing to “cave” to corporate and conservative forces bent on cutting the social safety net while protecting the wealthy. -- Those accusations are wrong. -- The accusations imply that Obama is on our side. Or was on our side. And that the right wing is pushing him around. -- But the evidence is clear that Obama is an often-willing servant of corporate interests -- not someone reluctantly doing their bidding, or serving their interests only because Republicans forced him to. -- Since coming to Washington, Obama has allied himself with Wall Street Democrats who put corporate deregulation and greed ahead of the needs of most Americans...." - Topix ||  AViDD "believer" Type-1 and Type-2 Syndromes - 11-04-08 - mpg  ||

Obama returns to the fraud of “equal sacrifice”
A quote...."The back-to-back nationally televised speeches delivered Monday night by President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner were a political fraud on every level. The so-called debate in Washington on the federal deficit is rigged in advance. All of the participants take as their first principle the imposition of massive cuts on programs that benefit working people."

As the US empire spreads abroad, it becomes a police state at home
A quote...."As America's empire spreads abroad, it becomes ever more the police state at home. The methods used for the suppression of foreigners by military force and violence are eventually copied in the “homeland”." - also posted at GlobalRsrch & Uruknet

US military spending-On the Edge with Max Keiser-07-22-2011
PRSTVideo - Alt - (PRSTVYuTb - 23miin08sec - Jul 22, 2011) - Source:  PressTVGlobalNews -- A quote...."In this edition of On the Edge, Max Keiser interviews Gonzalo Lira from -- He talks about Pentagon's "Full Spectrum Dominance" policy. As the name implies, the policy's aim is for the United States' military to control all aspects of a battlefield or as proponents of the doctrine call it, the "battlespace": Air, land, sea, space and cyberspace."
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More On The International Situation....

Five Afghan children shot by British forces in helicopter raid
A quote...."26 Jul 2011 Five Afghan children have been injured, some seriously, in a strike by a British attack helicopter. The youngsters were working in a field in Helmand province when they were hit by stray bullets from an Apache gunship which was targeting the Taliban. They were 'accidentally' strafed by a burst of fire from the chopper's devastating 30millimetre cannon."

Analysts say U.S. is shifting Pakistan policy amid new situation
A quote...."After the recent U.S. steps against Pakistan, including a bill in U.S. congress to cut the aid for Pakistan, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's harsh statement about Pakistan in New Delhi, and the arrest of its citizen Dr. Fai for his alleged links with Pakistani intelligence agency, majority of Pakistanis now believe that America has started revenging."

Pakistan bars US embassy staff from entering Peshawar
A quote...."WASHINGTON: In an action that would further strain US-Pakistan relations after the killing of Osama bin Laden on its soil by American special forces in May, Islamabad has denied permission to the US embassy staff to enter Peshawar."

CIA spreads its tentacles in S Punjab
A quote...."25 Jul 2011 The Americans have increased their contacts with local influential figures in South Punjab to establish a network of their secret service operatives there, informed sources have revealed. The renewed efforts at extension of their clandestine operations through setting up bases of CIA's Cobra operatives in the region... come after Pakistan refused permission to the US to establish its consulate in Multan."

NATO helicopter downed in Afghanistan
A quote...."KABUL — A NATO helicopter crashed in the restive east of Afghanistan on Monday, and foreign troops battled an insurgent attack during the rescue operation, the coalition force said."

IRGC kills 35 PJAK terrorists
A quote...."Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has killed 35 members of the Party for Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK) during a clash with the terrorist group in the country's northwest."

Iran, Syria and Iraq Finalized Construction of a Major Gas Pipeline
A quote...."Hamsayeh.Net - Iran, Syria and Iraq have finally signed a major gas pipeline deal dubbed the Islamic pipeline, to transfer nearly 120 million cubic meters of Iranian natural gas from South Pars the world’s largest natural gas field all the way to Europe via Lebanon and Greece."

The Norwegian Terror Attack of 07/22/11....

Infowars Predicted Norway Terror Attacks Day Before
AJVideo - InfowarsPredictedNorwayTerrorAttack(1/2) - InfowarsPredictedNorwayTerrorAttack(2/2) - (AJYuTb - 8/10min - Jul 23, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel - A quote...."I need your help,please watch the video."

Alex Jones & Webster Tarpley: Norway Terror Attacks a False Flag Staged Event
AJVideo - AJ&WebsterTarpley(1/2) - AJ&WebsterTarpley(2/2) - (AJYuTb - 15min - Jul 24, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel - A quote...."(AJC) – More Than One Shooter on Island; Oslo Bomb Drill Just Concluded; Was It NATO’s Revenge for Norway’s Decision to Stop Bombing Libya?"

Police Knew Gunman’s Name Before Arrest
A quote...."Despite being portrayed by the media as inept due to the length of time it took them to reach the island of Utoeya, it has now emerged that police knew the name of gunman Anders Behring Breivik before they even arrested him, a startling admission that prompted one of Britain’s top news anchors to question how authorities were aware of the gunman’s identity in advance." - also posted at Hamsayeh

Anders Behring Breivik: Manufacturing a Patsy?
A quote...."Given the fact that the establishment media got it spectacularly wrong by instantly jumping to the conclusion that Friday’s deadly attack in Norway was the work of Al-Qaeda Muslims, placing complete trust in the details emerging about gunman Anders Behring Breivik would be foolish, especially since there are innumerable inconsistencies and contradictions that need to be studied before a fuller picture of what motivated the bloodshed can be established."

'Oslo attacks are West's false flag ops'
PRSTVideo - Alt - (PRSTVYuTb - 6miin30sec - Jul 25, 2011) - Source:  PressTVGlobalNews -- A quote...."The West is in pursuit of creating another police state with false flag operations and scaremongering tactics such as the latest deadly attacks in Norway. -- Norwegians have observed a minute of silence to pay tribute to the victims of Friday's twin terror attacks in the capital Oslo and on a nearby island."

Homegrown terrorism, Norway terror attacks-News Analysis-07-23-2011
PRSTVideo - Alt - (PRSTVYuTb - 23miin24sec - Jul 24, 2011) - Source:  PressTVGlobalNews -- A quote...."A rampage, tragedy, shooting or bombing; these are just some of the top words used by the international mass media to describe the terrorist act which has taken place in Norway. -- The tragedy on the top of the tragedy seems to be the way the world media initially covered the story."

Mossad, CIA and NATO Attack Democracy in Oslo, Norway
A quote...."As usual, new evidence and new information is emerging about the terror attacks in Oslo, Norway on Friday, July 22, that raises suspicions that the event was orchestrated by secret Mossad, CIA and NATO forces. -- I call them the coalition of the killing."

Massacre in Norway– More About the Jewish Right Wing Connection
A quote...."Thanks to respected anti-Zionist Jeff Blankfort (who provided me with a crucial link) I have now learned that, just one day before last Friday’s Massacre in Norway, former Trotsky-ite turned neo-con David Horowitz carried an article by Joseph Klein in his Front Page magazine, entitled “The Quislings of Norway,” which might as well have provided mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik with all the motivation he needed to commit his crime."

Coverage of the Norwegian tragedy: jumping to conclusions, absurdist claims and unanswered questions
A quote...."I find it quite interesting that, before Breivik claimed responsibility, the perpetrators were being framed as terrorists. Suddenly, once it was established that the individual (or possibly individuals) responsible was a blond haired, blue-eyed Norwegian “extremist”. -- Why does he not get slapped with the terrorist label? How is this act of terror any different from every other? Does Breivik’s ideological and religious leaning somehow exclude him from the label of terrorist?"

Norway Prime Minister's Address: No One Shall Bomb Us Into Silence
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 3min17sec - Jul 23, 2011) - Source:  blogspotKitmanTV -- A quote...."Today Norway was hit by two shocking and bloody and cowardly attacks. -- We still do not know who attacked us; much is still uncertain. -- But we know that many are dead and injured. -- We are all shocked at the evil that has struck us so brutally and so suddenly -- This night demands much of all of us. -- And the days that follow will demand even more -- We are prepared to face up to this."
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The Assault On Libya....

Libya War Lies - Worse Than Iraq - Video - Thomas Mountain
M108Video - Alt - (M108YuTb - 6min48sec - Jul 25, 2011) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote..."Thomas Mountain authour of the widely read article by the same title - explains his perception of the real reasons for the war on Libya."

Residents in western Libya say NATO hit hospital, killing 7 people
A quote...."ZLITAN, Libya -- A hospital worker in western Libya said that NATO forces struck a local hospital on Monday and killed seven people, including three doctors."

Libya: Rebel Atrocity Videos
A quote...."The following post will discuss a disturbing trend among Libya's rebel fighters, revealed in videos they themselves recorded and shared on social media sites, especially Youtube and Facebook."
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More on the World Wide Revolution...

Egypt after Mubarak: Slow pace of reform fuels anger
A quote...."After weeks of mainly peaceful protests, Egypt's post-revolution crisis is entering a more violent phase of confrontations."

Syria passes law to allow political parties
A quote...."Syria's government, under massive pressure to reform or quit, has adopted a draft law allowing for the creation of new political parties alongside the long-ruling Baath party."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Report: UN panel rules IDF boarded Marmara 'to kill'
Special Note - (Stating the obvious of course since many Israeli government and military officials months prior to the attack on the flotilla repeatedly and publicly stated (although not directly) that that's what they intended to do. - mpg) -- A quote...."The Turkish newspaper Hurriyet said Sunday that the Palmer report on last year's Gaza-bound flotilla is expected to be released this week. --  According to the newspaper, the UN-appointed panel to investigate the raid on the Mavi Marmara vessel has ruled that IDF soldiers boarded the ship with an intention to kill."

Demolished Home Rebuilt in Al-Walajeh
A quote...."Al-Walajeh - PNN - People gathered in Al-Walajeh village near Bethlehem Saturday night to celebrate the rebuilding of a family's home that was destroyed by the Israeli army seven years ago."

Israeli soldiers and settlers attack Nabi Saleh village
A quote...."West Bank, (Pal Telegraph) –Violent clashes broke out yesterday between extremist settlers and Palestinian youths in the village of al-Nabi Saleh, northwest of Ramallah. -- Local sources confirmed that dozens of settlers were deployed at the main road between al-Nabi Saleh village and Halmish settlement under the protection of Israeli soldiers."

IDF shoots live ammunition at CPSGaza activists
A quote...."There were 3 adult Palestinian men on the boat and two young boys.  Joe, Nils and I sat on the deck of the ship’s bow and the captain and other passengers stayed in the middle and back of the vessel. Around the 2 to 2.5 mile point we spotted the Israelis coming towards us from the north.  When they were still about a mile’s distance from us I called them over the radio and said that we were “Unarmed international observers on board, 2 United States citizens and one Swedish citizen.”  I repeated this a number of times but they continued to approach us at a high speed."

Brutally Isolating Detainees in Israeli Prisons
A quote...."The Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, Adalah and Physicians for Human Rights/Israel (called Mezan et al below) June 2011 report headlined, "Solitary Confinement of Prisoners and Detainees in Israeli Prisons" explains harsh and abusive conditions they endure." - Source:  SteveLendman
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More on Japan's & Amerika's Nuclear Power Plants....

Aeon Says Suspected Radioactive Beef Sold in 174 Supermarkets Across Japan
A quote...."Aeon Co., Japan’s biggest supermarket chain, said beef suspected to be contaminated with radioactive cesium was put on sale at a total of 174 of its stores across Japan."

Japan’s Food-Chain Threat Multiplies as Fukushima Radiation Spreads
A quote...."Radiation fallout from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant poses a growing threat to Japan’s food chain as unsafe levels of cesium found in beef on supermarket shelves were also detected in more vegetables and the ocean."
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More On The Economic Situation...

Yves Smith: Debt Ceiling Extortion Of The American People: "Prepare For TARP 2.0 - Baseless Fear Mongering Returns!" - RNNVideo - Alt - (RNNYuTb - 8min27sec - Jul 24, 2011) - Source:  TheRealNews -- A quote..."Excellent interview conducted this weekend.  Article inside from Yves spells out the details of the extorition from Geithner and the Obankster.  Henry Paulson even makes an appearance to complete the Kleptocratic triumvirate.  Give this one a few minutes."

The Looting Of America: The Federal Reserve Made $16 Trillion In Secret Loans To Their Bankster Friends And The Media Is Ignoring The Eye-Popping Corruption That Has Been Uncovered -- A quote...."A one-time limited GAO audit of the Federal Reserve that was mandated by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act has uncovered some eye-popping corruption at the Fed and the mainstream media is barely even covering it.  It turns out that the Federal Reserve made $16.1 trillion in secret loans to their bankster friends during the financial crisis.  You can read a copy of the GAO investigation for yourself right here." - also posted at Freedom4Um

Edwin Vieira, Jr. on the Fed's Transfer of Wealth
Related Video - Alt - (YuTb - 5min24sec - Sep 30, 2008) - Source:  markiegreg -- A quote...."Edwin Vieira, Jr. - four degrees from Harvard: A.B. (Harvard College), A.M. and Ph.D. (Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences), and J.D. (Harvard Law School) - discusses original intent and living document interpretations of the Constitution of the United States of America from the documentary "FIAT EMPIRE - Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution."

Broke! 10 Facts About The Financial Condition Of American Families That Will Blow Your Mind
Related Article - A quote...."The crumbling U.S. economy is putting an extraordinary amount of financial stress on American families.  For many Americans, "flat broke" has become a permanent condition.  Today, over half of all American families live paycheck to paycheck.  Unemployment is rampant and those that do actually have jobs are finding that their wages are rising much more slowly than prices are.  The financial condition of average American families continues to decline and this is showing up in all of the recent surveys.  For example, according to a new Gallup poll, "lack of money/low wages" is the number one financial concern for American families.  To make ends meet, many American families are going into even more debt and more American families than ever are turning to government assistance." - also posted at ICH

The Daily Bail Round-Up - Jul 25, 2011 at 11:56 PM
A round-up of todays business news from the Daily Bail. - mpg

The Dynamics of Doom: Why the Eurozone Fix Will Fail
A quote...."The only way out of the Eurozone end-game is massive debt forgiveness and a return to national currencies. The first will destroy the banks, the second will destabilize the German export economy. "Extend and pretend" is an endgame, not a fix."

Sunday July 24th 2011

No posts. - mpg

Saturday July 23rd 2011

More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Why Palestine is Important
Must Read - A quote...."Palestine is important not because it is as beautiful as Tuscany, nor because the Palestinians are suffering, and not even because it is occupied by a Jewish state. What we need to understand is that the Jews have been handed Palestine not because they were so smart or so strong or so devoted, but by Imperial design. -- Palestine is important because it is believed to be the linchpin of Empire, one of the key points necessary to control the world."

The Grumpy Diplomats of the Rogue State
Must Read - A quote...."The Israeli ambassador to Spain, Raphael Schutz, has just finished his term in Madrid. In an op-ed in Haaretz’s Hebrew edition he summarized what he termed as a very dismal stay and seemed genuinely relieved to leave. - This kind of complaint now seems to be the standard farewell letter of all Israeli ambassadors in Western Europe." - also posted at AlethoNews & ICH

Israeli Mossad shoots wrong Iran Nuke Prof in front of wife
A quote...."The confusion was apparently caused by the similarity between his name and that of nuclear physicist Daryoush Rezaei.  Local sources also say that Rezaeinejad was working for the Iranian Defense Ministry.  On November 29, 2010, two other Iranian academics became the target of terrorist attacks." - Comment:  "Way to GO, Mossad; you shot the wrong guy....Losers". -- *Michael Rivero*

The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9-11
Database - From the History File - A quote...."On the day of the 9-11 attacks, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was asked what the attacks would mean for US-Israeli relations. His quick reply was: "It's very good…….Well, it's not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy (for Israel)"

New Zealand: Israel has ‘form’ for stealing passports from allies
A quote...."As we speak now there are urgent inquiries going on around Europe whether the passports were French, Irish or even UK. Now those were the nationalities, passports that were used in the Dubai scandal which erupted last year and caused all hell to break out for Mossad.” -- “Why did Mr Netanyahu have to make four phone calls to your Prime Minister, to enquire about what? I’m told by intelligence sources I know and trust that he rang to make quite sure that the story of the Mossad operation would remain what it was, quiet.” - Comment ||  "Were similar phone calls made to the US after 9-11? And to Norway in the last 24 hours?" -- *Michael Rivero* - Topix  ||  One of the Many Irrefutable Signs of Israel's Involvement - 06-29-11 - mpg  ||

Israeli Killed in Christchurch Earthquake Was Carrying Five Passports
A quote...."Thomas also said American and British intelligence agencies the CIA and MI6 had offices based in Auckland and held high-level meetings with New Zealand spy bosses in the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquake. -- The agencies wanted to know what had sparked a Secret Intelligence Service investigation into the group of Israeli backpackers. They also wanted details on what investigations were carried out and what passports the four had in their possession, Thomas said." - Topix  ||  One of the Many Irrefutable Signs of Israel's Involvement - 06-29-11 - mpg  ||

Identity theft may have been Israelis' goal - analyst
A quote...."New Zealand passports are "extremely valuable" and it is most likely four Israelis in Christchurch at the time of the February 22 quake were on an identity-theft mission, a political risk consultant says." - Topix  ||  One of the Many Irrefutable Signs of Israel's Involvement - 06-29-11 - mpg  ||

US House Committee saves Israeli aid in foreign aid cut
A quote...."The US House Foreign Affairs Committee yesterday cut the Obama administration's $51 billion 2012 budget request for the State Department and foreign aid by $6.4 billion, but kept unchanged the $3 billion in military aid for Israel."

Rahm [the table stabber] Emanuel: Chicago's War Criminal/Anti-Labor Mayor
Another AIPAC/Israeli shill makes life miserable for millions of Americans. - mpg -- A quote...."Except for Harold Washington's 1983 - 1987 tenure until his untimely death, Chicago never had populist mayors, notably under father Richard J. (April 20, 1955 - December 20, 1976) and son Richard M. Daley (April 24, 1989 - May 16, 2011). -- However, after two months in office, Emanuel looks likely to be Chicago's worst, based on policy initiatives he supports." - Well folks, you gets EXACTLY what's you votes for....mpg - Source:  SteveLendman

The Murdoch Scandal....

Rupert Murdoch’s intellectual terrorism
And here's another AIPAC/Israeli shill who makes life miserable for HUNDREDS of millions of people worldwide. - mpg -- A quote...."Paul J. Balles views the corrupting influence of Rupert Murdoch and his media empire on the politics, culture and media of the English-speaking world."

Murdoch papers paid £1m to gag phone-hacking victims
From the History File - Wednesday 8 July 2009 17.33 BST - Turns out Murdoch is also a Mossad blackmailer too...mpg -- A quote...."The payments secured secrecy over out-of-court settlements in three cases that threatened to expose evidence of Murdoch journalists using private investigators who illegally hacked into the mobile phone messages of numerous public ­figures as well as gaining unlawful access to confidential personal data, including tax records, social security files, bank statements and itemised phone bills. Cabinet ministers, MPs, actors and sports stars were all targets of the private investigators." - bold by website editor

Rupert Murdoch's Fox News ran 'black ops' department, former executive claims
A quote...."Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News television channel had a “black ops” department that may have illegally hacked private telephone records, a former executive for the station has alleged." - bold by website editor - also posted at DProgram

Murdoch phone hacking scandal hits Scotland Yard, UK govt' hard
A quote...."LONDON (AP) - British Prime Minister David Cameron on Monday called for an emergency session of Parliament to brief lawmakers on the spreading phone hacking scandal, trying to gain control of a crisis that is threatening Rupert Murdoch's media empire, the upper echelons of London's police force and the country's leader himself."

Reporter who blew whistle on Murdoch found dead
A quote...."The reporter who blew open the phone hacking scandals now threatening to topple News Corporation has been found dead in his London home, according to a report in The Guardian."

TWO dead Murdoch whistle-blowers! George Webley and Sean Hoare…
A quote...."Let’s assume that neither was killed by Rupert Murdoch [Let's not....mpg] (toxicology reports haven’t been made available; foul play isn’t suspected by British authorities in either case), but something happened that put the fear of God into both men. Neither was known as a lunatic before their demise, both simply told the truth to British authorities about what they knew of Mr. Murdoch’s enterprises and died afterward at a relatively young age."

Murdoch: This scandal has exposed the scale of elite corruption
A quote...."....the real frenzy isn't the exposure of the scandal – it's the scale of corruption, collusion and cover-up between News International, politicians and police that the scandal has revealed. As the cast of hacking victims, blaggers and blackmailers has lengthened, and the details of the incestuous payments and job-swapping between News International, government and Scotland Yard become more complex, it's easy to lose sight of the bigger picture that is now emerging."

Amid Murdoch Scandal, Israel Backers Worry About Muting of Pro-Israel Media Voice
A quote...."Murdoch’s sudden massive reversal of fortune -- with 10 top former staffers and executives under arrest in Britain for hacking into the phones of public figures and a murdered schoolgirl, and paying off the police and journalists -- has supporters of Israel worried that a diminished Murdoch presence may mute the strongly pro-Israel voice of many of the publications he owns."

Amid the Murdoch scandal, there is the acrid smell of business as usual – John Pilger
Quote of the Day....."Rupert Murdoch is a 21st century Lord Copper. The amusing gentility is missing; the absurdity of his power is the same. The Daily Beast wanted victories; it got them. The Sun wanted dead Argies; Gotcha! Of the bloodbath in Iraq, Murdoch said, “There is going to be collateral damage. And if you really want to be brutal about it, better we get it done now…”. The Times, the Sunday Times, Fox got it done." - also posted at ICH - Source:  JohnPilger

The Murdoch Scandal: Toward the heart of the onion
Related Video - MurdochScandal(1/2) - MurdochScandal(2/2) - (YuTb - 10/15min - Jul 21, 2011) - Source:  corbettreport - Producer:  TheAlexJonesChannel - Related: -- A quote...."Alex talks with Tony Gosling, a journalist and the man behind the website, and James Corbett, an independent journalist who produces The Corbett Report, an online multi-media news and information source. Alex also covers the latest news — including the suspicious murder of a whistleblower in the Murdoch hacking case."
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More On The Domestic Situation....

Who Rules America? An Investment Manager Breaks Down the Economic Top 1%, Says 0.1% Controls Political and Legislative Process -- Must Read - A quote...."Unlike those in the lower half of the top 1%, those in the top half and, particularly, top 0.1%, can often borrow for almost nothing, keep profits and production overseas, hold personal assets in tax havens, ride out down markets and economies, and influence legislation in the U.S. They have access to the very best in accounting firms, tax and other attorneys, numerous consultants, private wealth managers, a network of other wealthy and powerful friends, lucrative business opportunities, and many other benefits. Most of those in the bottom half of the top 1% lack power and global flexibility and are essentially well-compensated workhorses for the top 0.5%, just like the bottom 99%. In my view, the American dream of striking it rich is merely a well-marketed fantasy that keeps the bottom 99.5% hoping for better and prevents social and political instability. The odds of getting into that top 0.5% are very slim and the door is kept firmly shut by those within it." - bold by website editor

America Needs A Miracle
Must Read - A quote...."If DOTE represents anybody, it represents America's disenfranchised citizens. I have gone to great lengths to point out how this country has been stolen from its citizens over the last 30 years. This has resulted in the ongoing destruction of the Middle Class, a swelling in the ranks of the poor, the waging of costly but pointless Imperial wars, and the financialization of our economy, which has been and continues to be based on debt & gambling rather than productive investment. -- Rich, powerful special interests stole the country (or what's left of it) by capturing the law-making and regulatory processes of the Federal government. I can not summarize 30 years of corruption and theft in a single post, but this quote from the Afterword of Yves Smith's Econned takes us part way down the road."

New Terror Report Warns of Insider Threat to Utilities
False Flag Alert - A quote...."Memo to the consummately inept, bungling collection of miscreants known as DHS, presided over by that Goddess of Ineptitude herself, Janet Napolitano: if you know, as you have stated, that "violent extremists have, in fact, obtained insiders positions" and that "outsiders have attempted to solicit utility-sector employees" for damaging physical and cyber attacks, why have you not arrested them?!?  --  The only logical conclusion one can draw from this bulletin is that elements of the US government itself are being put into place to create another 9/11, and get the American people so terrified that they will agree to any draconian legislation or executive order allegedly put in place to "protect" them; and I mean, any, including the McCain/Lieberman "Enemy Belligerent" Act, which would send this country even further down the path to military dictatorship. Enemy Belligerent Act" -- *Michael Rivero*

Obama to add 20,000 troops to US streets in the event of Civil unrest
Related Video - Alt - (YuTb - 2min16sec - Jul 19, 2011) - Source:  pfailblog -- A quote...."(RussiaToday) – According to RT America, the pentagon is planning on adding 20,000 troops to patrol US streets to protect the people in the event of a terror attack or during civil unrest."

Expert Who Concluded WTC 7 Was A Controlled Demolition Killed In Car Accident
Contains Video - R.I.P.DannyJowenko(1/3) - R.I.P.DannyJowenko(2/3) - R.I.P.DannyJowenko(3/3) - (YuTb - 10/15min - Sep 24, 2006) - Danny Jowenko - (YuTb - 2min23sec - Feb 24, 2007) -- Source:  einsteen -- A quote...."(PrisonPlanet) – A Dutch building demolition expert who went on record as saying he believed that World Trade Center building Seven was brought down in a controlled demolition, has been reported killed in a car accident." - Source:  PrisonPlanet -- Topix ||  9/11-WTC7  ||

Grassley Sees DOJ Cover Up in ‘Fast and Furious’ Investigation
Fast & Furious File:  A quote...."( –  A senior Senate Republican has accused the Justice Department of a “cover-up” by limiting information to Congress about a botched gun running program along the southwest border. -- “I think they’re trying to cover up now by not giving us all the information that we want,” Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told"

U.S. Law Allows Chemical and Biological Testing On Populace
Document - A quote...."The following document is horrific — public law that allows chemical and biological agents to be tested on the U.S. populace. See the full document: U-2.S. Law Allows Testing of Chemicals and Biological Agents on Civilian Population - PDF. -- How do you feel about being a human test subject?"

Sorry, Soldiers, I Don’t Thank You For Your Service.
Special Note - A quote...."It is without question that Americans are in love with the military. Even worse, though, is that their love is unqualified, unconditional, unrelenting, and unending." - also posted at ICH

The Losing Game of American Politics -- What's the Difference?
A quote...."Every four years we elect a president and the dramatic run-up to this spectacle has already begun. We can expect to be treated to near-daily tidbits of information from here on in. This is owing to the fact that, for the Democratic and Republican Parties, election day is everyday and an exploitable public is, as always, assuming the prone position." - also posted at AlethoNews & ICH

Stopping the Train: Stopping the System
A quote...."In a world where the violence of war can be safely ignored by most of the population because it occurs in faraway lands the need for moral witness has never been greater. When the recipient of the Nobel Peace prize unabashedly claims that the violence of war is sometimes necessary and then pursues a policy dependent on increasing that violence, the need for those who oppose such a philosophy to speak up would seem essential to human survival. When the economy of the world’s richest nation goes into free-fall because it insists on destroying lives and land in at least three different nations under the guise of fighting for their freedom, the need to put one’s life on the line to end those wars and the economy that creates them has never been clearer." - also posted at ICH

Obama Is Lying - There's Plenty Of Money To Continue Paying Social Security If The Debt Ceiling Is Not Raised
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 5m3s - Jul 18, 2011) - Source:  NakedEmperorNews1 -- A quote...."Rep. Jan Schakowsky On WLS Chicago - July 13, 2011 -- The proof comes at the 3:20 mark, but the entire clip is worth seeing." - Related Video:  ||  Dennis Kucinich "It's A Fake Crisis, Social Security Did NOT Create The Deficit! It Will Be Able To Pay 100% Of Benefits Through 2037!"  - videoAlt  ||

Financial Sector Helps Barack Obama Score Big Money for Re-election Fight
A quote...."President Barack Obama has relied more on well-connected Wall Street figures to fund his re-election than he did four years ago when he campaigned as an outsider and an underdog. -- One-third of the money Obama's elite fund-raising corps has raised on behalf of his re-election has come from the financial sector, according to a new Center for Responsive Politics analysis."

Media denied access to California jails
Press Censorship Alert - Contains Video - A quote...."The United States has banned any media access in four prisons in California, where up to 400 inmates continue their hunger strike over “inhumane” conditions."

Cenk Uygur's Departure From MSNBC Shatters The Popular Myth That Only Ratings Matter
MSNBC:  Another Presstituting Corp Exposed - A quote...."Cenk Uygur, host of the popular show, "The Young Turks," decided to leave the not so popular MSNBC channel after experiencing what can only be called a "Howard Beale moment" with MSNBC's corporate executives. Basically, MSNBC's managers gave Cenk an ultimatum: join our exclusive club and stop raising hell or you won't be on television." - also posted at DProgram

Mainstream Media: Presstitutes for the Rich and Powerful
Must Read - A quote...."Famed Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein says the CIA has already bought and paid for many successful journalists. -- A CIA operative allegedly told Washington Post editor Philip Graham ... in a conversation about the willingness of journalists to peddle CIA propaganda and cover stories...."

"You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple hundred dollars a month."

"The Church Committee found that the CIA submitted stories to the American press...."

Escape From America
A quote...."There are not many countries in the world more oppressive of liberties than the US. Countries like North Korea, Cuba, Myanmar and Belarus are the type of countries that are actually worse than the US, but most places are better, certainly in terms of lifestyle. -- The US is a police state..."

Ventura Threatens To Vacate US Over TSA Groping
Contains Video - Alt - Related Article - A quote...."Former Governor Jesse Ventura has promised to never fly again in the U.S. and could even seek Mexican citizenship if a lawsuit that charges the TSA with violating the Americans with Disabilities Act for touching the genitals of travelers is struck down by a federal judge this week."

Man Harassed By TSA Over Urostomy Bag Targeted Again
Related Article - A quote...."A local man at the center of a national controversy over airport pat downs spoke out Thursday. -- The bladder cancer survivor says he endured a second inappropriate pat down at Detroit Metropolitan Airport."

Here’s Another Obligation You Didn’t Sign Up For
Second Quote of the Day...."Bruce Lee, a long-time hero of mine, died 38-years ago today, and in tribute to his intellect and philosophy, I wanted to blow the dust off an old quote of his that seems quite prescient:

“Those who are unaware they are walking in darkness will never seek the light.”

"Each day it becomes increasingly obvious that there are essentially two kinds of people in this world– those who are unaware that they walk in the darkness, completely oblivious to the real dangers in the world, versus those who understand reality and seek the truth. -- The former group comprises the vast majority of society. This is your voting electorate and mainstream media audience, and they’ll buy every bit of propaganda that’s sent their way… whether it’s support for the war(s), ruinous economic programs, child molesting TSA policies, or just plain old fear and hate."

Madness: 39 Things That Are Driving Ordinary Americans Absolutely Crazy
A quote...."Have you noticed that almost everyone seems really angry these days?  Frustration with the government and with most of the other major institutions in our society seems to grow by the day.  According to a brand new ABC News/Washington Post poll, 80 percent of Americans say that they are either dissatisfied or angry with the government.  Americans are deeply divided about what the solutions to our problems are, but what almost everyone can agree on is that our problems are getting worse." - also posted at DProgram

Burning Collapse….But Nothing to See Here – Charlie McGrath
CMcGVideo - Alt - (CMcGYuTb - 4min24sec - Jul 21, 2011) - Source:  crabbydogtrix

Dr. Webster Tarpley: Washington D.C. Drives US Towards Catastrophic Default!
AJVideo - WebsterTarpley(1/2) - WebsterTarpley(1/2) - (AJYuTb - 10/15min - Jul 20, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex talks with author, journalist and researcher Webster Tarpley about Libya and Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi’s regret over the bombing of the north African country and his desire to get out of the NATO plan to overthrow or kill Gaddafi. Tarpley is the author of Obama: The Postmodern Coup – Making of a Manchurian Candidate, 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA and other titles."

Broadcasting LIVE on - July 22 2011
MRVideo - Note:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto - 5min40sec - into the broadcast - mpg - (JustInTV - 2hrs - July 22nd, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 21st, 2011
MRVideo - Alt - Note:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto - 9min30sec - into the broadcast - mpg - (JustInTV - 2hrs - July 21st, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.
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More On The International Situation....

Puppets in Revolt: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and the United States
Must Read - A quote...."Empires are built through the promotion and backing of local collaborators who act at the behest of imperial rulers. They are rewarded with the outward symbols of authority and financial handouts, even as it is understood that they hold their position only at the tolerance of their imperial superiors. -- Imperial collaborators are referred to by the occupied people and the colonial resistance as “puppets” or “traitors”; by western journalists and critics as “clients”; by the imperial scribes and officials as “loyal allies” as long as they remain obedient to their sponsors and paymaster." - also posted at ICH - Source:  JamesPetras

The Netanyahu Government is Pushing The Obama Administration Into A War With Iran
A quote...."There has been a lot of talk recently about an Israeli attack on Iran in September. Former Mossad Chief Meir Dagan made headlines in Israel in June when he raised his concerns about a military attack on Iran by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak, calling the current Israeli government "reckless and irresponsible."

Iran Opens Oil Bourse - Harbinger of Trouble for New York and London?
War Alert - A quote...."July 21, 2011 ---- The last three years of global recession have dealt a major blow to American capitalist ideas trumpeted throughout the world on the value of “free markets.” Wall St has been revealed as a form of casino economy, with the bankster insiders gambling with other people’s, and eventually, the government’s money in the form of bailouts. As the Republicans in Congress, scenting victory in the 2012 presidential elections, hold a gun to the Obama administration’s head and rating agencies consider downgrading U.S. government bonds in light of Washington’s possible defaulting, many ideas around the world that previously seemed implausible because of the dominance of the U.S. economy are garnering renewed interest."

China And Iran To Bypass Dollar, Plan Oil Barter System, And A Deeper Dive Into The Iranian Oil Bourse
War Alert - A quote...."One of the more notable events in the past week was the previously discussed reopening of the Iranian Oil Bourse, an attempt by Iran to launch a venue that bypasses US sanctions against Iran which has prevented payment in the world's reserve currency for Iranian goods. "Big deal", some will say, this is not the first time Iran has attempt to upstage the Great Satan. Well, true, although as OilPrice said last week, "what it would take for Iran’s new exchange to survive and flourish are some heavy-duty customers that Washington would be wary of picking a fight with, and Tehran already has one – China... "

'Iran, Pakistan can bring peace to region'
A quote...."Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Iran and Pakistan are two nations that can bring peace, justice and security to region by increasing their level of interaction."

Iran urges Germany to try PJAK leader
A quote...."Iran's Foreign Ministry has summoned the German chargé d'affaires to protest Berlin's harboring of the terrorist leader of the Party for Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK) and call for his trial."

Woman shot dead by coalition troops
A quote...."MAHMOOD RAQI (PAN): Coalition troops opened fired at a civilian car, killing one woman and injuring five others in Tagab district of central Kapisa province, a public representative said on Tuesday."

Jeremy Scahill on CIA black sites in Somalia—and the pushback to disappear the story
A quote...."One of the most under-reported stories of the past week is Jeremy Scahill's CIA piece in The Nation. In essence, Scahill documented the ongoing presence of a CIA "black site" despite all the Obama-administration reassurances that the practice was ended."

'Brazen' disregard shown - Kenny
A quote...."Taoiseach Enda Kenny today told the Dáil the Cloyne report exposed an attempt by the Holy See to frustrate the inquiry into clerical sex abuse. -- Addressing the House, Mr Kenny said: "The rape and torture of children were downplayed or ‘managed’ to uphold instead, the primacy of the institution, its power, standing and ‘reputation’. -- "Far from listening to evidence of humiliation and betrayal with St Benedict’s “ear of the heart” . . . the Vatican’s reaction was to parse and analyse it with the gimlet eye of a canon lawyer. . . . This calculated, withering position being the polar opposite of the radicalism, humility and compassion upon which the Roman Church was founded."

The Norwegian Terror Attack of 07/22/11 -- Presstitutes Exposed....

BREAKING NEWS: Obama Reaction To Norway Massacre Betrays US "War on Terror" Fundamentalism
Special Note - A quote...."Within hours of Norway’s deadly bomb and gun attacks claiming at least 91 victims it has become clear that the horror was perpetrated by a Norwegian loner with rightwing Christian fundamentalist affiliations. -- Yet President Barack Obama reacted immediately to the news of the atrocity to insinuate an Islamic connection and to justify America’s war on terror."

The Omnipotence of Al Qaeda and Meaninglessness of "Terrorism"
Special Note - A quote...."For much of the day yesterday, the featured headline on The New York Times online front page strongly suggested that Muslims were responsible for the attacks on Oslo; that led to definitive statements on the BBC and elsewhere that Muslims were the culprits.  The Washington Post's Jennifer Rubin wrote a whole column based on the assertion that Muslims were responsible, one that, as James Fallows notes, remains at the Post with no corrections or updates." - also posted at 12160

How a clueless "terrorism expert" set media suspicion on Muslims after Oslo horror
Special Note - A quote...."Immediately after news of the bombing of government buildings in Norway’s capital Oslo, the Internet buzzed with speculation about who might have done it and why. Most speculation focused on so-called Islamist militancy and Muslims. The urge to speculate after grave events is understandable, but the focus of speculation, its amplification through social media, its legitimization in mainstream media, and the privilege granted to so-called experts is a common pattern." - also posted at AlethoNews

Establishment Media Rushed To Blame Madman Attack on Muslims With No Evidence
A quote...."Perhaps it is time for the Telegraph to issue a retraction to its kneejerk publication in which it automatically cast blame on Islamists and other “eastern” terrorists-by-default. Because according to just released info, they could not have been more wrong, and it is the reaction to precisely this type of prejudice that will never facilitate bridging frayed relations between disparate cultures." - Source:  ZeroHedge

The Washington Post Owes the World an Apology for this Item
A quote...."Read it and weep. On the Post's site Jennifer Rubin first quotes the Weekly Standard, in a rushed item about the Norway horror...."

No white terrorists at the New York Times (nor unpeaceful Norwegians)
A quote...."In an almost unbelievable display of anti-Muslim bias, the New York Times repeatedly describes the suspect in the murder of 87 people in Norway as a "lone political extremist," not as a "terrorist," which is certainly how they would have described any alleged murderer had he been a non-white Muslim, rather than a "conservative Christian." Adding to the offense, the characterization (attributed to the police) asserts categorically that this was a "lone" attack, although it's obvious that in such a short time, no one could possibly know if the alleged attacker didn't have accomplices."

Mossad Was Behind 2011 Oslo Attacks
A quote...."“By way of deception, thou shall do war."  ---  "Last night, I posted a quote by investigative journalist Wayne Madsen who says that Israel's Mossad was behind the Oslo attacks along with a post by Washington's Blog that showed Norway's support for a Palestinian state and its support for the campaign of boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel."

Wayne Madsen on the Oslo Attacks: Israel's Mossad Did It
A quote...."Norway was prepared to vote for Palestinian statehood in the UN General Assembly and this Mossad terrorist attack was symbolic. The negotiations that led to the international agreement on a future Palestinian state are known as the "Oslo Accords." - Investigative journalist and former U.S. Navy Intelligence officer Wayne Madsen."

Link Between Breivik and Israeli Mossad?
A quote...."Anders Behring Breivik is suspect in massacre of over 80 at Labour Party Youth camp on Norwegian island and downtown Oslo bombing. Breivik is being called a Christian fundamentalist even though he was a Freemason and supporter of such vile Zionist Islamophobes as Pam Geller and Richard Pipes."
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The Assault On Libya....

Libya: Demonization and Self-determination -- The Pentagon Lynch Mob
Must Read - A quote...."If you went to a shopping center, a street corner or a graduate school of a top university in the U.S. and conducted a pop quiz asking who are the kings or crown princes of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Morocco and Bahrain; the emir of Kuwait, Qatar or Dubai; and the sultan of Oman, most people would not be able to name any of them. -- These dictators and feudal monarchs hold absolute control in corrupt and brutal regimes. Their rule is kept in place by U.S. arms, troops and mercenaries, but they are anonymous to the U.S. population and to most of the world’s people. -- But if you went anywhere in the U.S. today and asked who lives in Libya, there is only one name that a large part of the population could tell you: Gadhafi. Many people, even if they do not know that Libya is in Africa, might tell you that Gadhafi is an evil man who “must go.”

Intense airstrikes hit Tripoli
A quote...."Several NATO airstrikes have rocked Tripoli in the most intense night of bombing of the Libyan capital in several weeks."

Direct attacks near Gaddafi’s residence in Tripoli, NATO confirms 7 airstrikes
A quote...."According to an AFP journalist, two blasts rocked the area in which Muammar Gaddafi’s residence resides in Libya’s capital city Tripoli around 12:50 AM Sunday local time."

Interview With Libyan Prime Minister al-Mahmoudi
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 10min47sec - Jul 21, 2011) - Source:  VSMRK -- A quote...."From 17.06 - 19.07.11, 5 million demonstrated so far against NATO and its rebel attacks, killing thousands of Libyan men, women & children, and still intent on breaking their free spirit and stealing their wealth. - the libyan people are the only legitimate people to decide who represents them and to determine their own future.."

Libya ["]rebel["] casualties mount in battle for Zliten
A quote...."Sixteen rebel fighters have been killed and another 126 wounded in two days of fierce fighting for control of Zliten, the last coastal city between insurgent-held Misrata and the capital, rebels said on Friday."

The headless corpse, the mass grave and worrying questions about Libya's rebel army
A quote...."The five corpses floated disfigured and bloating in the murky bottom of the water tank. Wearing green soldiers' uniforms, the men lay belly down, decomposing in the putrid water." - also posted at ICH

Italian government blocks investigation into missing arms cache
A quote...."The Italian government has blocked an investigation into the whereabouts of a massive consignment of weapons removed from a military depot in the Mediterranean, amid speculation that the cargo was secretly supplied to Libya."

CYNTHIA MCKINNEY: Report from Libya: - U.S. war in Africa
Event Announcement:  A quote...."Hear former U.S. Congressperson Cynthia McKinney, recently returned from leading a delegation to Libya during the U.S. bombing  -- And former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, Akbar Muhammad & other leading opponents of the U.S. war on Libya along with VIDEO footage."

Assembly Hall, 122nd St & Riverside Dr, NY, NY
(Enter at 91 Claremont Ave entrance)
Light refreshments served
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More on the World Wide Revolution...

Washington’s Allies Run Amok: Saudi and Emirati Forces Open Fire on Unarmed Protesters in Bahrain
Contains Video - A quote...."A shocking new video shows Saudi and Emirati forces firing indiscriminately at a crowd of unarmed youth protesting against the autocratic US-backed Bahraini government [1]. -- The attack took place after Friday prayers in the Shia village of Duraz, about 15 kilometres west of the capital, Manama, where the US Navy Fifth Fleet is based with some 4,000 personnel." - also posted at Hamsayeh

KSA deploys more troops in Bahrain
A quote...."Saudi Arabia has deployed more forces in Bahrain in an attempt to further help King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa's crackdown on anti-government demonstrators."

'Stop destroying Bahrain's mosques'
A quote...."Bahrain's top cleric, Sheikh Issa Qasim, has condemned the desecration and demolition of mosques and holy sites by the Saudi-backed regime forces."

Egyptians remain camped out in Cairo
A quote...."Thousands of angry Egyptian demonstrators have vowed to remain in Cairo's landmark Liberation Square until their demands are met."

Syria erupts in huge day of protest against Assad
A quote...."President Bashar Assad’s regime faced a massive wave of unrest on Friday as Syria erupted in a wave of demonstrations across the country, Arab media reported."

Shelling by security forces in south Yemen town kills young girl and her mother
Witnesses: Child killed by Yemeni troops
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Gaza Reality
By The Numbers - A quote...."After reading so many reports (for years) on Gaza’s failing health system and economy, I became a bit numb to the reality of what zero-stock drugs and supplies, and over 45% unemployment of the working age actually means. I know it means people with serious diseases like cancer, diabetes, hypertension, psychological disease, kidney failure… suffer for want of treatment, and that the thousands of new university and college graduates sit jobless, parents sit jobless and line for food aid, families suffer. -- But the words “shortage” or “suffer” or “crisis” don’t suffice. Nor even the numbers or facts which should shock, especially considering that these are long-term shortages, increasing by the year...."

Boycott the state, not just the settlements
A quote...."Recent legislation passed in the Israeli Knesset, which many people call the "Anti-BDS" bill, has raised a number of questions about a rising tide of "fascism" in Israel. This language is not only used by Palestinian critics, who have long borne the brunt of Israel's undemocratic policies. Now, many Israeli and Jewish-American writers can no longer ignore the trend. --  If something good has come out of the passage of this legislation, it is two things: First, a growing number of people are recognising that the Zionist aim - the  imposition of an ethnocentric majority by force in a territory where the majority of the native inhabitants are disenfranchised - is fundamentally and inherently undemocratic. Second, the passage of this bill has brought discussion of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement to the foreground."

UN: Marked increase in forced displacement of Palestinians
A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs released a report Thursday documenting alarming trends in the forced displacement of Palestinians in Area C." - also posted at AlethoNews

Settlers [Homeless Jewish Vagrants] Attack Shepherd in Nablus
A quote...."NABLUS (Ma'an) -- Israeli settlers [homeless Jewish thugs and vagrants] on Friday attacked a Palestinian shepherd in Qusra village in the northern West Bank and killed two of his sheep, witnesses said."

Settlers [Homeless Jewish Vagrants] Start Fires Across the West Bank
A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) -- Palestinian firefighters have been battling blazes across the West Bank as Israeli settlers [homeless Jewish thugs and vandals] set fire to land in multiple locations on Thursday night." - also posted at AlethoNews

French peace activists detained, expelled to Jordan
A quote...."JENIN, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) deported on Friday five French activists to Jordan after they were taken prisoners at a military checkpoint between Jenin and Tulkarem cities."  - also posted at AlethoNews

No normalisation unless Israel apologises: Erdogan
A quote...."Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday it was "unthinkable" for Ankara to normalise relations with Israel until it apologised over its bloody raid on a Turkish ship heading for Gaza."

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (14– 20 July 2011)
Every single week of the year, without pause, or any let-up.  It's what Zionists do, it's ALL they do, it's ALL they'll ever do. - mpg
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More on Japan's & Amerika's Nuclear Power Plants....

Fukushima: Still Dire For Japan ... Still Threatening the U.S. and Canada
A quote...."Things are not getting better in Japan. -- As a nuclear expert said recently, the "reactors are almost in the same situation they were in the early days of the accident"...."

Gundersen On Nuclear Fallout Cover Up: Time To Stop Minimizing Info & Start Minimizing Radiation Exposure...
A quote...."Arnie Gunderson says it is time for to stop minimizing information and start minimizing radiation exposure in the wake of Japan’s radioactive beef scandal which is being blamed on “Black Rain”." - also posted at DProgram

Japan Not Sure Where the Nuclear Contaminated Beef Is
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More On The Economic Situation...

Max Keiser Reports....

Keiser Report: Oligarchy Propaganda (E164)
Must View MKVideo - Alt - (MKRTYuTb - 25min55sec - Jul 14, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  Max Keiser TV-- A quote..."This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, look at how propaganda shapes political and economic outcomes in our economies. They report on Americans collecting government social welfare benefits without knowing it and U.S. Congressman taking financial bets against its government debt. And, finally, Max and Stacy suggest that if British teenagers are being extradited to America on copyright infringement, then George Michael ought to have a case against Rupert Murdoch under the Digital Millenium Copyright Act as well."

Keiser Report: Debts & Ratings Theater (E165)
MKVideo - Alt - (MKRTYuTb - 26min32sec - Jul 19, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  Max Keiser TV-- A quote..."This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, look at the political theatre of America's AAA rating in a land where gold is not money and shoplifting is a sign of a strong economy. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Amir Taaki, founder of BitcoinConsultancy, about the peer to peer currency, Bitcoin, and its recent trials and tribulations."

Keiser Report: Ideas for Revolution (E166)
MKVideo - Alt - (MKRTYuTb - 25min55sec - Jul 21, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  Max Keiser TV-- A quote..."This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, look at the Cindy Sherman of monkeys sparking a revolution, the problem with #occupywallstreet and the truth about $500 silver if you want it. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Sandeep Jaitly about Austrian economics, Dr. Bernanke's view on gold and whether or not the dollar or the euro will kick the bucket first."
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America: Why Aren’t You Protesting?
Must Read - A quote....."As noted by Richard Heinberg on June 22nd, 2011, the media has lacked the ability to connect the economic situations in the Middle East and their uprisings to what is happening in Europe. I would avoid the word “Revolution” in the case of the Middle Eastern uprisings, seeing as no dramatic systemic changes have taken place, only the ousting of dictators. Same as I would avoid the words of social upheaval in the case of European protests, which have been quite calm and only demanding to maintain the social safety nets produced through years of labor struggle. Rather, the odd occurrence is the ostensibly quiet population of the United States who are in many cases having the same economic problems and austerity based government solutions. This is a place where the media does want to ask the public the question, “Why aren’t you protesting?” - also posted at ZeroHedge & ICH

Who owns America? Hint: It's not China
Special Note - A quote...."Many people — politicians and pundits alike — prattle on that China and, to a lesser extent Japan, own most of America's $14.3 trillion in government debt. -- But there's one little problem with that conventional wisdom: it's just not true. While the Chinese, Japanese and plenty of other foreigners own substantial amounts, it's really Americans who hold most of America's debt." - also posted at ICH

Too Big To Fail?: 10 Banks Own 77 Percent Of All U.S. Banking Assets
A quote...."Back during the financial crisis of 2008, the American people were told that the largest banks in the United States were "too big to fail" and that was why it was necessary for the federal government to step in and bail them out.  The idea was that if several of our biggest banks collapsed at the same time the financial system would not be strong enough to keep things going and economic activity all across America would simply come to a standstill."

China begs the US to save the dollar
A quote...."China has a pretty big question for US lawmakers: What the hell are you doing? -- With concerns amounting regarding the decline of the American dollar, China is pressuring Congress to take action before the US economy is driven to default. As the biggest holder of US Treasury debt, China stands to be massively impacted if the debt ceiling isn’t raised which could lead to grave global consequences."

Debt Crisis Being Used as Shock Doctrine to Steal More Money from the American People to Give to the Richest 1%  -- A quote...."I noted in 2008:

"The powers-that-be have used the "Shock Doctrine" to pass anti-American, fascist legislation while the public was in a state of shock. -- This applies to economic shocks, as well as physical attacks like 9/11. -- Indeed, right now, Paulson and Bernanke are using the shock doctrine to try to ram through legislation that would help out the fat cats at the expense of taxpayers, and give the government control over the free market." - also posted at PrisonPlanet

Layoffs, Layoffs Everywhere You Look There Are Layoffs
A quote...."The competition for jobs in the United States is absolutely brutal right now, and it is about to get worse.  A new wave of layoffs is sweeping across America.  During tough economic times, Wall Street favors companies that are able to cut costs, and the fastest way to "cut costs" is to eliminate employees.  After a period of relative stability, the employment picture in the U.S. is starting to get bleaker again." - also posted at DProgram

Return of Mass Layoffs a Grim Sign for U.S. Workers
A quote...."Putting pressure on an already lousy job market, the mass layoff is making a comeback. In the past week, Cisco, Lockheed Martin and Borders announced a combined 23,000 in job cuts."

US Federal Reserve Provided Over $16 Trillion Bailouts To Financial Institutions Since the Start of the Great Recession: Audit Shows -- A quote...."Hamsayeh.Net - Latest news from United States reveal that since of the beginning of the great recession of 2008, US Federal Reserve has been secretly donating over $16 trillion dollar to large banks and other financial corporations. -- This scandalous report was released following an audit of the Federal Reserve demanded by Congressmen Ron Paul, Alan Grayson Amendment to the Dodd-Frank from last year. It shows far bigger bailouts given to non-US financial institutions than previously believed." - Keep in mind folks this figure is a SUBSET of the Federal government's overall effort to provide guarantees, loans, toxic asset swaps, and actual pay-outs which now probably stands at $35 Trillion, some of which will be eventually recovered, much of which won't be. - mpg

25 Reasons To Absolutely Despise Bankers And Their Minions
A quote...."1) Bankers, according to the London Times, launder about 400 billion dollars a year or more in illegal weapons sales. The next time you hear of an African war lord killing families so he can kidnap young boys to become child soldiers and young girls to become child sex slaves, please remember that this could not have happened without the active assistance and cooperation of the bankers and the politicians they own."

The Banks Keep Stealing - Why Should You Keep Paying?
A quote....""The dire straits of the middle class of America has made it near impossible for our politicians to keep up the pretense that our current government truly works for the "people." Between the multiple overt and secretive bailouts, the massive bonuses and the circular use of our tax money to lobby for these continued handouts, you can no longer hide from the evidence. -- When Senator Durbin said "The banks... frankly own this place," you realize it was not in jest"

An Economy Destroyed: The Enemy Is Washington
A quote...."Recently, the bond rating agencies that gave junk derivatives triple-A ratings threatened to downgrade US Treasury bonds if the White House and Congress did not reach a deficit reduction deal and debt ceiling increase. The downgrade threat is not credible, and neither is the default threat. Both are make-believe crises that are being hyped in order to force cutbacks in Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security." - also posted at DProgram & ICH

Role reversal: Latin America taunts US on debt woes
A quote...."For everybody from presidents on down to street vendors, seeing U.S. politicians argue over where to make painful budget cuts has also been a reminder that those days are over in Latin America. For now, at least, as most of the region enjoys an era of economic prosperity and comparatively tiny deficits."

Credit Markets Signal A Weakening Economy
Charts - A quote...."Notice how preceding the 2001 recession equities turned down at the same time swaps did. Equities were very forward looking peaking about 6 months before the recession. - Notice how the swap rate and SPX diverged into the great recession as equities only peaked two months before economic contraction.  A similar pattern has played out further supporting economic contraction in 2011." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Economy 07-22-11
A round-up of todays business news from DProgram. - mpg

Merkel Facing German Revolt Over Greek Bailout
Special Note - A quote...."A few days ago, when summarizing the key weakness of the second European bailout, we suggested that the fatal flaw in the entire package (which is predicated upon the expansion of the EFSF to about €1.5 trillion for full efficacy) are the "82 Million Soon To Be Very Angry Germans, Or How Euro Bailout #2 Could Cost Up To 56% Of German GDP." Specifically, we explained, "by not monetizing European debt on its books, the ECB has effectively left Germany holding the bag to the entire European bailout via the blank check SPV. The cost if things go wrong: a third of the country economic output, and the worst case scenario: a depression the likes of which Germany has not seen since the 1920-30s."

Europe’s crisis
A quote...."Not since the adoption of the Treaty of Rome 54 years ago has the European Union and its precursors stood so close to the abyss as in the past week. Experts agreed that should the heads of government from the euro-zone countries fail to find an answer to the debt crisis at their emergency summit on Thursday, it would mean the end of the euro and the European Union."

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Wednesday July 13th 2011 -- To -- Friday July 22nd 2011

This website editor is on vacation from July 13th 2011 -- to  -- July 22nd 2011.  Major articles will be posted to the front page if possible.  In the meantime enjoy all the websites posted to the left and on the front page, or click on Reficultnia's Websites and Weblists

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072211-072811 - links page

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