Tuesday August 15th 2006

The Apparent Re-birth of PNAC
We've all seen Poltergeist right? They'rrre baaaack.

Feeding the Sheep Nation
A quote from the article says it all. "A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves"....Edward R. Murrow

Mad Dog On A Leash --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
More on PNAC, a "Clean Break" and other plans of insanity.

Regarding the three articles listed above.

The plans described have been repeatedly published by this nation's Neocons, they've been out there in the public domain for years, some of them even have their own web sites - yet you won't see them discussed in the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, on PBS or other "liberal" mass media outlets.  These plans not only explain this administration’s policies to date but actually foretold and predicted what this administration was going to do.

That's right "predicted" the true test of whether the "reasons" you give for your actions conform with reality, or are just some insipid, spineless,  info-tainment, faux-news, lick-spittle, after the fact, propaganda paid for by the five corporate conglomerates who control ninety percent of the mass media in this country.

My question to the American people is this - How come you're so stupid as to actually buy, watch, or listen to junk that does not truly explain why our institutions do what they do (money and power), predict what our institutions are going to do next (kill lots of people), or tell you how they're going to do it ("constructive instability")?

My question to the newspapers in this country is this - I understand that most newspapers are recycled into toilet paper so why don't you just save everybody allot of time and bother and print your "news" on toilet paper?  - We could save some trees and everyone could truly express their opinions regarding what you've printed, after we're done reading your newspapers where most people tend to read them.

Medical testing on inmates could be allowed
Why stop there, how about making them into organ donors, sex slaves, or gladiators ala Corcoran Prison.  We could even show the combat live on TV, it would sure give Survivor a run for its money.  Heck we could even make snuff movies....oh, that's right, thats already been done in Iraq.

Gives a whole new meaning to the term "predatory capitalism" doesn't it?  Hey you "Christians" out there, Mr. Reficul told me to let you know he'll be stopping by to visit some of you.......soon.

Monday August 14th 2006

Secret 2001 Pentagon Plan to Attack Lebanon
More on PNAC and poor, poor Lebanon.

U.S. & Israel Selecting Targets for Cruise Missile First-Strike Attack
Against Iran and Syria obviously.

Bush 'Viewed War in Lebanon as a Curtain-Raiser for Attack on Iran'
Israel marches to the drums of PNAC, however after a month of battaling Hezbollah much of the Israeli army is limping a bit, and a few aren't marching at all. To all the Israelis reading this blog......welcome to the New Roman Empire
Israeli Leaders Fault Bush on War ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This quote says it all....."Amid the political and diplomatic fallout from Israel’s faltering invasion of Lebanon, some Israeli officials are privately blaming President George W. Bush for egging Prime Minister Ehud Olmert into the ill-conceived military adventure against the Hezbollah militia in south Lebanon."

"Bush conveyed his strong personal support for the military offensive during a White House meeting with Olmert on May 23, according to sources familiar with the thinking of senior Israeli leaders."

Whad-da-ya-think...Sharon would have gone back into Lebanon when he'd just gotten out and was hell bent for leather pushing his "disengagement" plan.  Heck no he would have told Bush to take a long walk off a short pier..... to bad about that stroke though.

The Bush-Bin Laden Symbiosis
The title says it all.

First, Do Harm
Is this what they mean by don't ask, don't tell.

Sunday August 13th 2006

Israel Seeks Hint of Victory
Well it appears hardly anybody supported Sharon in regards to his disengagement plan, poor, poor Sharon - to bad about that stroke.

Turkish, Iranian armies build up forces along Iraq’s only quiet area ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
My God!  There's still a quite area in Iraq?  You mean the U.S. missed a spot?

As Bush would say in his homespun folksy way "aw shucks". Well I guess we'll just have to add Turkey to the list of countries (Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria) currently, or about to be, invaded, bombed and occupied.  Or will we go after the Kurds, I mean we've already betrayed them once by encouraging them to rebel against Saddam then stood by when they pleaded for help and watched while they were slaughtered.  We could have so much fun betraying them all over again.

Lebanon left for dead -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Speaking of betraying people and leaving them for dead.....it's amazing that the "mass media" in this country have yet to point out how truly monstrous the U.S. approved Israeli attacks against the Palestinians and the Lebanese actually are.  These attack plans had been on the drawing board for years yet it took a triggering event to unleash the slaughter. It appears to have been ordered by Olmert (Sharon who in my opinion apposed the plan was ...... how shall I put this delicately.... incapacitated)

What was this triggering event one might ask?  Well you see we said we would bring "freedom and democracy" to the Middle East.
We encouraged the Lebanese and Palestinians to go to the polls and vote for a government of their choice.

The U.S. and Israel didn't like their choice.


I guess those Middle Easterners are a real bunch of rubes, aren't they?  What a bunch of simpletons for actually beliving what this country told them.  Sort of like the American Indians?  I guess they won't  EVER make that mistake again.  Bush and Olmert must have had a really good laugh.

Anybody else out there want some of our "freedom and democracy"?  Any takers?  Anyone?  We'll be perfectly happy to occupy you too.

Sickened Iraq vets cite depleted uranium
I guess the D.O.D. never learns.  Injecting G.I.s with untested vaccines in Gulf War I, exposing them to powdered uranium in Gulf War II.  Instead of calling them G.I.s we should be calling them G.E's......Government Experiments.

Iraq Is Dying
Americans desiring a peaceful united Iraq meeting with like minded Iraqis’!  I'm surprised they haven’t all been denounced as islamo-fascists, rounded up, arrested and sent to Gitmo for "questioning" as terrorists.

Iraqi Has Worst Fuel Shortage Since '03
The headline says it all. Keep in mind Iraq sits on one of the largest, if not THE largest sources of "sweet oil" in the world.  Question for all you countries out there....... you still want to do business with America's oil companies?

Chertoff Says U.S. Needs More Authority
In other words - HE - needs more authority.  For the REAL story on Chertoff see "Vote for us or there WILL be another attack".

Thursday August 10th 2006

The Lord's Our Shepherd Says The Psalm But Just In Case We'd Better Get A Bomb

Ahhh...... delicious, let me assure all of you out there that Mr. Reficul is very, very pleased with America. We've done a magnificent job, the videos of torture, the crushed bodies of little children, the screams, the horror, the blood, the gargantuan oil and war profits, but like he said in his second interview, "there's so much more to come". So don't stop America, we're almost there, all of you must do your part to feed his all consuming appetites and bring the Armageddon upon us.

Mercenary Jackpot
Since June of 2004 the U.S. has paid over $320 million dollars to just one company owned by Bush's pals for a private world wide mercenary army.  To all of you 'small government conservatives' out there, is this what you meant by 'downsizing' the government?  How are you going to feel when they use these guys for 'civil disturbances' in your town?  When they come into your house?  When they take your wife away?  Think about it.

 'Never Before!' Our Amnesiac Torture Debate
In one sense this is a horrific article, but in another it's hilarious.  The U.S. is busily out-sourcing every job in this country except for one which it is actually in-sourcing, and that job would be - torture.  Well it goes to show we can do one thing well, maybe the U.S. army could sell the video's to help fund the "war on terror", judging from what I've seen and heard on the right wing blog's I'm sure there's a large audience for the material.

Friday August 9th 2006

Fox Military Analyst on Syria:
 ‘We Can Talk To Them When We Line Them Up and Kill Them’
Fox news and it's new show "The Stupid Ones Ride Again".

Bush is Trying to Scrap the War Crimes Act So He Can Violate the Geneva Conventions Legally from Now On
I tell you folks it's YEE HA time on capital hill.  Bush and his cronies are going to make torture trully legal and you know what the best part is...... check out this quote from the article "Most disturbingly, the exemptions  would apply directly (but not exclusively) to politicians, which gives top officials even broader discretion over what to allow interrogators to get away with."  In other words only the 'ruling class' in this country will be allowed to torture.  I wonder if these guys like to watch the videos........   Got Passport.......yet?

Check if NSA warrantless surveillance is looking at your IP traffic
This is way beyond me, I'm not very technical.  But for those that don't like what your phone and cable companies are doing to monitor your every e-mail, check this article out.

Absence of America's Upper Classes From the Military
Aw gee.... what a suprise.  I don't know who said it but there's a famous quote out there where one rich guy says to another...."You can always pay one half of the poor to kill the other half."  Ain't it the truth!

or is it "Money talks and BS kills" ...... oh no, I'm thinking about Bush on that one.

 Tony Snow: A Vote For Lamont Is A Vote For Another 9/11
Oh yeah, there goes the White House telling Americans AGAIN that if they don't vote Republican, there will be another attack.  Why does that sound like a threat to me? Maybe it's because of all the stuff  everyone's uncovered about how 911 really happened,  hummmmm.

A 9/11 angle ignored by Hollywood
I'm not suprised by the title.  I am suprised that the director of the film is Oliver Stone, I guess we all sell out sooner or later.  Sort of like that reporter who worked for the Washington Post.

Wednesday August 8th 2006

The neocons' next war.
The neocons' plan for WW III, and Rice's possible removal.

Lebanon, Syria, Iran and the Coming Imperialist Re-Division of the World
Just think of the U.S. as a shambling, drooling, leering, infected, monster screaming to the world "I wuv's you, I want freedums for ALL's of you.  You gots any OIL, pant, pant, pant, drool, drool, drool"

Governors Balk at Bid To Place Guard Under Presidential Control
Ah...yes.  All of this is just to protect us of course....Got Passport?

WTO: Best Left For Dead?
The answer is - yes.

Good as gold?
Well the U.S. dollar certainly isn't.  By the way you notice how very few people are asking why the Fed isn't tracking the M3 money supply data. (the total quantity of dollars in circulation) and why they've even elimated the M3 archived data from their web site.  Hummmm, that's not a very good sign.

How To Hack A Diebold Voting Machine
Oh....this is funny, a must see.

Bush's Grand Game: A "PNAC Primer" UPDATE
Good up to date summary.

Tuesday August 7th 2006
Arab anger at their governments grow
It's not 'their' governments, I thought everyone had already gotten the message  that these our "our"  governments... know what I mean?  And what a 'suprise' it is to see these governments losing their popular support, see "Israel Marches to the Drums of PNAC"

Public Pension Plans Face Billions in Shortages
Here's another suprise.

Kremlin Warns of Strain in U.S. Ties (The Afghan Arms Deal Goes Bust)
This is an update to the blog "US Sets up £215m Deal for Afghan Arms - from Russia" The truly monumentally stupid idea of the Bush administration to leave five hundred million dollars worth of small arms in Afghanistan to be captured by the Taliban when NATO & U.S. forces withdraw.  Which would then be used on Americans during the term of what could be the next Democratic President.  Generating more destruction, calls for the Republicans to get back in power, and profits for the Military Industrial Oil Complex in it’s next incursion in the Middle East -  Just like they did with 911…….Wow I just had a sudden thought, Bushy & Co. aren’t that stupid after all, are they?

Half of U.S. Still Believes Iraq Had WMD
Speaking of truly monumentally stupid.  I ask you... all 190 member countries of the United Nations and all the foreign peoples of this planet.  Do you really want U.S. forces in your countries, do you really want to do "business with the U.S."?  Think about it.

Monday August 6th 2006

Running out of Money
Ford being surpassed by Toyota, no problem. Mortgage defaults up 67%, who cares. Stagflation on the horizon, just a yawn. The money shufflers being outsourced......WHAT! OH NO! IT CAN'T BE TRUE! It's kaput time for America now!

Mad Cow Watch Goes Blind
Just hide it, don't look for it, keep it secret, don't talk about it.  A tactic that's been used allot lately in regards to a great many things.

The Low Post: The Mansion Family
"Yuppie paranoia (and David Brooks) guarantees the democrats are still -- and forever -- doomed"
Yeah... and its not just on the East Coast, we've also got allot of those "mansion families"  right  here on the West Coast.

Mexico's Critical Moment
What the Neocons have done to America they intend to do to Mexico and the rest of the World.

Major Media Struggles Loom on the Horizon
Yes folks they're still after the "Last Bastion of Freedom".... the still open and free internet.  I urge everyone to stop these guys before they take it down.

Cheney-Specter Spy Deal Threatens Basic Constitutional Freedoms
And yes folks they're still going to let the NSA spy on you ..... and it will finally, actually, be legal if they can only pass this "deal".

'The US is the kiss of death' in the Arab world.
What the author means is just as associating with Bush during this election season can cost you your office, associating with the US may cost many of the current Mid-East leaders their jobs.... or worse.  Personally I interpret the title literally.... 'kissing the US' or 'doing business' with the US will kill you as surely as if you'd kissed someone with the Ebola virus. After all look at what's happened to all the other countries the US has become 'friends' with or 'done business' with during the last sixty years throughout Latin America, Central America, Africa and the Middle East.

Hezbollah south of the border Part 1
Hezbollah south of the border Part  2
Speaking of becoming 'friends' with America.....poor, poor, Paraguay.  I hear it used to be an independent country once upon a time, now it's just a military base.  I wonder how many more South Americans have to die for this little adventure, 10,000, 20,000 half a million?
