Thursday October 13th 2011

Ask Not For Whom The Bell Tolls.....

Terror backers should lose US citizenship: lawmakers - ABSOLUTELY!!!  - mpg
Let's start with EVERY SINGLE LAWMAKER, who refused to conduct a proper investigation of Israel's involvement in 9/11, or any politician who EVER dealt with the Saudi Royals or received money from them, and then we can work our way down to every high level American who EVER gave even a single dollar -- theirs or the taxpayers -- or received any money from -- or provided ANY military support to -- ANY of the following groups at ANY time during the last thirty years....

Groups such as....  The Taliban, including the US-NRE's support for them during the '80's, along with any pay-offs for protection by US-NRE contractors during the last decade of Afghan's occupation, the Afghan warlords, al Qaeda, PKK, Mujahideen-e Khalq-MEK, MKO, Rajav-cult, PJAK, and TAK organizations, KDP or PUK (Kurdish parties) for their support of armed groups, other Kurdistan separatist movements, the (KLA) Kosovo Liberation Army (Albania), the Baluchistan separatists,  Iranian separatists, Jihaddists, Salafists, Mujahedin, Wahhabists, the Bosnian separatists, the SCIRI death squads, the Sunni guerrilla groups, the Awakening Councils, the Libyan TNC and assorted al-Qaeda affiliates, the Muslim Brotherhood, the precursors to Hamas, Fatah, or the PLO, (supported by BOTH Israel and the US to appose whichever was the prior faction in power), Asbat al-Ansar & Fatah al-Islam (FAI) of Lebanon, (they get their money from the Saudis & the US-NRE) the ISI (Pak intell.), Al Mukhabarat Al A'amah-GIP & Kamal Adham (Saudi intell.) for their terror ops, Israel's Mossad for theirs, and any other assorted "freedom fighters", "bad boys", "militias" or "friends" who engaged in "terror" activities.

By this website editor's count that numbers anywhere from 15,000 to 25,000 high level Americans who have actually offered direct material -- not just verbal -- support, for "terror" organizations or individuals over the last thirty years or even received money from them.  And almost ALL of these people are current or former members of Congress or senior employees of the Warfare/Insecurity Industrial Complex.

A warning to members of Congress who vote for this bill, YOU fit its provisions!!  NOT us!!  NOT the American citizen!! Better keep that in mind BEFORE you cast your vote!! - mpg

Topix ||  US Support of Terror  ||  US Sponsored Civil Wars  ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  || - Other articles you might enjoy....

Mujahideen-e Khalq: Former U.S. Officials Make Millions Advocating For Terrorist Organization
Brown Lloyd James: Lobbying for Backers of a Terrorist Group
Lobbying for Terrorists - Alt
Washington’s Favorite Terrorists
Lobbying for Terrorist Mojahedin Khalq (MKO, MEK, Rajavi cult). Would it be okay to lobby for Al Qaeda....
Salon: Dean Taking Cash from MKO Terrorist Group
MKO Paying U.S. Figures as Advocates
The Islamic Republic of Libya, Courtesy of U.S.A.
Eastern Libya’s Tribes, Jihadism: Did U.S. Consider Its Own Libya Intel?
Obama, Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood
Clinton Announces al-Qaeda as Legitimate Government of Libya
One-fifth of Congress takes a vacation to Israel
A fifth of all congressmen taking paid-for holidays to Israel this summer
Eric Cantor's Pledge of Allegiance
Treason by Congress - video - (YuTb - 2min19sec - Mar 29, 2010) - Source:  theWalKnDude
Treason by Members of the United States Congress
 And here's the list....Senators - PDF or (HTML) and Congressmen - PDF or (HTML)
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More on the Domestic Situation....

Obama Claims Secret ‘Proof’ of Iran Assassination Plot
Fast & Furious File - The Iran Scam Comedy - (Coming to a theater near you! - mpg) -- A quote...."In the two days since the Obama Administration announced the convoluted Iranian assassination plot against a Saudi Ambassador, the head-scratching has turned into open scoffing among many top experts in the region, who say the plot is just too ridiculous to be real."

The "Fast And Furious" Used Car Salesman "Threat" Falls Apart
Fast & Furious File - The Iran Scam Comedy - Panned By ALL The Critics - (NOT coming to a theater near you....Going straight to video perhaps? - mpg) -- A quote...."The failed used car salesman Mansour J. Arbabsiar, who is accused in the "Iran kills Saudi ambassador" movie plot, is a hapless idiot and petty criminal whose businesses deals always went wrong. He couldn't even match his socks, smoked marihuana and drank a lot of alcohol, was nonreligious, an opponent of the Iranian regime and only cared about money. A business man who knows him calls him "worthless" and his neighbors believed he was dealing in drugs." - also posted at AlethoNews & MoonOfAlabama

Fake Terror Charge Against Iran Is Out of Bollywood, Not Hollywood - That's an insult to Bollywood.
Fast & Furious File - The Iran Scam Comedy - More Bad Reviews - (Bollywood would NEVER make something this bad, it takes loads of morons in the excutive branch to produce crap like this. - mpg) -- A quote...."Hollywood is getting a bad wrap. It is being compared to Washington and its idiotic script writers who probably invent terror plots like the recent one about Iran on the back of napkins. -- Hollywood writers can do so much better if given the chance. I wish White House officials would outsource the script management job in the government's "war on terror" industry to trained filmmakers in Hollywood because the stuff they're coming up with is too ridiculous to believe." -- NOOOOOOO!  Don't give them any ideas! - mpg

Occupy Iran Fast & Furious (Extended) with Pepe Escobar
AJVideo - Fast & Furious File - The Iran Scam Comedy - Even More Bad Reviews - (AJYuTb - Oct 13, 2011 ) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Mike Adams sits in for Alex. He interviews Brazil-based journalist Pepe Escobar, who writes for the Asia Times Online, about the bogus Iranian terror plot and the Obama administration's move toward war. -- Mike runs down the latest fast moving developments on Iran and the efforts by the Obama administration, the Justice and State departments to cobble together an excuse to invade the Islamic country and touch off a conflagration that will likely set the Middle East ablaze."

No One Is Buying Iranian Terror Allegations
Fast & Furious File - The Iran Scam Comedy  - (It's SO BAD it's not even going to video, they're gonna want to bury this one deep and forget it.  However, what they did was a felony, (obstruction of justice and all that) and could even be construed as treason against this nation. - mpg) -- A quote...."The day before Attorney General was subpoenaed about what he knew about the Department of Justice and Drug Enforcement Agency’s “Fast and Furious” operation to get weapons to Mexico’s largest drug cartel, the U.S. government announced that the Iranians planned to kill a Saudi ambassador on U.S. soil. -- And they said – you guessed it – that it was DOJ and DEA who broke up the plot. -- But no one is buying it … not even the pro-war mainstream media." - also posted at ZeroHedge

The Illusion of a Terror Threat is Over. The Government 's Excuse For a Police State and Illegal Wars Exposed
Related Article - A quote...."All for our safety to keep us from those evil Muslims was all a farce and a crock. There was no threat to us in the first place. All these phony plots were contrived and carried out by our own goverment after Sept 11, 2001. They found a low IQ malcontents, offered money and explosives to go hit this or that target in a sting so they can arrest them later. We have the underwear bomber who boarded a plane without a passport. The State Department ordered the man on the plane without travel documents. Now we have a used car salesmen accused going after Saudi Diplomats. All thought up by the FBI so they make an arrest saying there is a threat of terrorism to scare us." - Topix ||  The F.B.I.'s Constant Gardening  ||

Government-Generated Plots
Fake Terror - Special Note - A quote...."Since the tragedy of 9/11, numerous crazies and low-level copy-cats have engaged in criminal behavior which they hoped would result in the deaths of innocent Americans and somehow advance the cause of jihad. If you ask the leadership of the FBI, most of whose field agents are tireless, dedicated, Constitution-supporting professionals, it will tell you that it has foiled about seventeen plots to kill Americans during the past ten years. What it will not tell you is that there have been twenty foiled plots; and of them, three were interrupted by members of the public. The seventeen that were interrupted by the feds were created by them."

Underwear Bomber Guilty Plea Shields Government Complicity
More Fake Terror - A quote...."[ONE DAY] after initially vowing to plead innocent and call Kurt Haskell, the man who saw him being aided onto Delta Flight 253 by a well dressed man, as a defense witness, alleged underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab has changed his mind and admitted all eight charges against him, thereby protecting accomplices involved in the plot." - Topix  ||  US-False Flag Ops - Detroit's Lap Bomber  ||

Canadian Evangelical School Cancels George W. Bush Visit
A quote...."After news leaked that Tyndale University College and Seminary in Toronto, Ontario was planning an invitation-only fund-raising breakfast with George W. Bush, it only took two days for the Sept. 20 event to be canceled."

Unhappy Nation: Americans distrust corporatocracy
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 3min44sec - Oct 13, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Public distrust towards the U.S. government's also growing, according to the latest polls. More than two thirds of Americans now say they're unhappy with Washington. And as RT's Gayane Chichakyan reports, the White House and Congress are heavily influenced by equally unpopular powerful corporations."

Broadcasting LIVE on - October 13 2011
MRVideo - Note:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto 9min10sec into the broadcast - mpg - (JustInTV - 2hrs - Oct, 13th 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens...

Keiser Report: Dog & Pony Show (E196)
MKVideo - Alt - (MKRTYuTb - 26min42sec - Oct 11, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  Max Keiser TV -- A quote...."(RussiaToday) -- This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, talk about the Sarkozy-Merkel dog and pony show announcing the plan without a plan and about when an asset isn't really an asset. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser interviews Ellen Brown, author of Web of Debt, about the German Landesbanks and a Swiss community currency."

Foreigners Dump $74 Billion In [US] Treasurys In 6 Consecutive Weeks: Biggest Sequential Outflow In History
Bond Mrkt Alert - A quote...."Over the weekend, we observed the perplexing sell off of $56 billion in US Treasurys courtesy of weekly disclosure in the Fed's custodial account (source: H.4.1) and speculated if this may be due to an asset rotation, under duress or otherwise, out of bonds and into stocks, to prevent the collapse of the global ponzi (because when the BRICs tell the IMF to boost its bailout capacity you know it is global). We also proposed a far simpler theory: "the dreaded D-day in which foreign official and private investors finally start offloading their $2.7 trillion in Treasurys with impunity (although not with the element of surprise - China has made it abundantly clear it will sell its Treasury holdings, the only question is when), has finally arrived."

Is the New World Order Unraveling?
A quote...."With Greece on the precipice of default, and Portugal and Italy approaching the ledge, the European monetary union appears in peril. -- Should it collapse, the European Union itself could be in danger, for economic nationalism is rising in Europe. Which raises a larger question. -- Is the New World Order, the great 20th century project of Western transnational elites, unraveling?" - also posted at LewRockwell

The Volcker Rule: Toothless Then, Even More Toothless Now
A quote...."The Final Draft of the Volcker Rule was published for comment at the end of September.  Even skipping our traditional rant about government bureaucracy, it is a document over 200 pages long, in which the word “exemption” occurs on no less than 100 pages (it is used 426 times in total).  At a quick glance, each section starts with a fairly draconian statement.  Then each subsection waters down the bold initial statement with exemption after exemption.  As we began the daunting task of trying to make sense of these rules and what they might mean in practice, it became clear there was little point in rushing to do the work."

Jim Rogers Tells Kudlow: "I'm MUCH More Of A Capitalist Than You Are Larry, Let The Damn Banks FAIL! Why Are We Saving The Bondholders!" - Video - Alt - (YuTb - 3min02sec - Oct 12, 2011) - Source:  commoditiesuniverse - "Kudlow says it's a done deal that Greece will fail and predicts massive QE from the Fed and the ECB.  Rogers calls Bernanke a liar.  This is a great clip."

So Much For EURUSD Breaking 1.3800: S&P Cuts Spain To AA- From AA
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Despite signs of resilience in economic performance during 2011, we see heightened risks to Spain's growth prospects due to high unemployment, tighter financial conditions, the still high level of private sector debt, and the likely economic slowdown in Spain's main trading partners." - In other words, the foreseeable, and easily predictable, "Quadruple Whammy" - 12-16-10 - mpg

The Public Option in Banking: Another Look at the German Model
A quote...."Publicly owned banks were instrumental in funding Germany's "economic miracle" after the devastation of World War II. Although the German public banks have been targeted in the last decade for takedown by their private competitors, the model remains a viable alternative to the private profiteering being protested on Wall Street today."
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"Occupy Wall Street" & Other "Occupy" News...

CHARTS: Here's What The Wall Street Protesters Are So Angry About...
Must Read - View Charts - A quote...."So, what are the protesters so upset about, really? -- Do they have legitimate gripes? -- To answer the latter question first, yes, they have very legitimate gripes. -- And if America cannot figure out a way to address these gripes, the country will likely become increasingly "de-stabilized," as sociologists might say. And in that scenario, the current protests will likely be only the beginning." - also posted at Phil'sStckWrld

#OccupyWallStreet: An Interview With A Brilliant Occupier 10/3/11 (Part 1)  -- (Part II)
Video - By the way, Part II is simply hysterical. - mpg -- (YuTb - 13/15min - Oct 13, 2011) - Source:  FurleyVision -- A quote...."An extensive interview with an occupier about a wide range of topics regarding the #OccupyWallStreet movement including SOLUTIONS. I tried to edit this but couldn't find anything to cut... Post anywhere that tries to portray Occupy Wall Street as a bunch of dumb hippies."

Reflections from a Wall Street Occupier: We Are Winning – What Do We Want?
Quote of the Day...."Last night, while on the phone with a journalist (who wouldn’t have returned our phone calls two weeks ago but is now begging us to say something, anything), I stumbled upon an impromptu demonstration at the famed Charging Bull. This was only blocks away from a pop-up Occupy Wall Street art exhibition, which happened to be across the street from a towering financial building newly donned with a banner reading – “Banks got bailed out, we got sold out.” Downtown Manhattan is an occupied zone, a bustling revolutionary city-center. People are taking the struggle on the road, expanding it, pushing it forward. We are making the movement part of our lives, and our lives part of the movement."

The Bankster Gangster Crowd Has Killed Our Presidents, so What do They Have Planned for the OWS People?
A quote...."History records that the Money Changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.” -- *James Madison*, fourth president of the United States.

Occupy Wall Street and "The American Autumn": Is It a "Colored Revolution"? - Part I
A quote...."Historically, progressive social movements have been infiltrated, their leaders co-opted and manipulated, through the corporate funding of non-governmental organizations, trade unions and political parties. The ultimate purpose of "funding dissent" is to prevent the protest movement from challenging  the legitimacy of the Wall Street elites:"

Occupy DC: 'We need millions of people more'
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 6min51sec - Oct 13, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."They have been beaten, pepper sprayed, and arrested. But the determination of the Occupy Wall Street protesters is growing, along with their numbers. What started with a small group of activists camping outside the New York Stock Exchange in mid-September, quickly spread nationwide. Thousands of Americans are fed up with breaking their backs while Wall Street corporations grow fat on the profits. However, the call to end the big-bank mentality seems to be falling on deaf ears in the White House. RT talks to Ann Wright who's a retired U.S. army colonel, and also an activist of Occupy DC."

If you support OccupyWallStreet, SUPPORT THEM NOW - article list - (1 hr old - posted 10:50pm PST)
Looming showdown between Bloomberg/NYPD and protesters - contains video
Lawyer For Maced Protester Demands Arrest Of NYPD Thug Anthony Bologna, DA Still 'Investigating'
Police Warn #OccupyTrenton To Vacate In One Hour Or Face Arrest #OccupyWallStreet
EMERGENCY CALL TO ACTION: Prevent the Forcible Closure of #OccupyWallStreet’s Liberty Park!
Remember, Remember the 5th of November: BANK TRANSFER DAY
Occupy Wall Street: Protesters to block 'eviction' move
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The Assault On Libya....

Smuggled Libyan weapons flood into Egypt
A quote...."EL ARISH, Egypt — Large caches of weapons from Libya are making their way across the Egyptian border and flooding black markets in Egypt’s already unstable Sinai Peninsula, according to current and former Egyptian military officials and arms traders in the Sinai."

Libya's rival military commanders fight war of words
A quote...."After emerging from the rubble of Moammar Gadhafi's Baba az' Azia palace late in August, Abdul Hakim Belhaj seized control as the military commander of Tripoli. -- An Islamist who had taken little public part in the spring uprising against Gadhafi, he claimed his soldiers had won the symbolic battle for the palace, the heart of the Libyan strongman's regime. By taking control of Tripoli, Belhaj gained authority over a third of the country's population and a major slice of its wealth. -- It was a power play that other opposition fighters bitterly resented."
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More On The International Situation....

Foreign Troops on American Soil! - Please MIRROR!
Video - It's loud, so you might want to turn the volume down a bit. - mpg -- (YuTb - 2min46sec - Oct 8, 2011) - Source:  MrChrisMcPhail2  -- A quote...."I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." - Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826), (3rd US President)"

3 US-led troops killed in Afghan war
A quote...."Three US-led foreign troops have been killed in different incidents of violence in eastern and southern Afghanistan, the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) says."

U.S. Quietly Supplies Israel With Bunker-Busting Bombs
War Alert - A quote...."(NYT)   The Obama administration has quietly supplied Israel with bombs capable of destroying buried targets, like terrorists’ arms caches or perhaps sites in Iran suspected of being part of that nation’s nuclear weapons program, American officials said."

Beating Up on Iran
A quote...."After Washington bogusly accused Iran of an implausible terror plot on US soil, America's media brazenly regurgitated official lies. --  It's nothing new. It's what they do instead of providing real news, information and analysis. Long ago they stopped trying, especially on television. It's little more than a worthless sinkhole no one should waste time on watching. --  They don't inform. They lie, distract, entertain, and provide a platform for corporate America to sell people junk they don't need. Or as media critic George Gerbner once said, "they have everything to sell and nothing to tell." - Source:  SteveLendman

Egyptian junta defends massacre, launches fresh attacks on strikers
A quote...."At a press conference Wednesday, generals of Egypt’s Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) junta defended their latest crackdown on peaceful protesters. Last Sunday the military brutally attacked 10,000 mostly Coptic demonstrators in front of the state television building in Maspiro, in downtown Cairo. At least 26 peaceful protesters were killed and over 300 wounded."

Bahrain opposition unites to decry "police state"
A quote...."(Reuters) - In a defiant show of unity, Bahrain opposition parties have jointly denounced the Sunni-ruled Gulf Arab island as a police state and demanded a transition to a constitutional monarchy."

US base in Okinawa looms in Japan elections
A quote..."Prime Minister Hatoyama’s vow to reexamine agreed-upon plans to move the Marines from Futenma, their US base in Okinawa, nears a May 31 deadline. What many see as his mishandling of the issue may cost him in parliament."

Agitator Nominated for Next US “Ambassador” to Russia
A quote...."Nominee is establishment stooge, steeped in organizations renowned for extraterritorial meddling and subversion."

Ecuador: US intelligence against Rafael Correa
A quote...."An attempt was made a year ago to topple 'populist' Ecuadorian government. It looked like as if a police revolt could have nearly ended in the killing of President Correa. He spent 9 hours under siege in a hospital in the capital Quito after an uprising by police officers over pay had turned violent. Private TV channels were reporting non-stop from the scene, anticipating  a tragic outcome."

The Death of Dr. David Kelly
GRVideo - (GRYuTb - 13min29sec - Oct 12, 2011) - Source:  GlobalResearchTV -- A quote...."On July 18, 2003, British biowarfare expert and UN weapons inspector David Kelly was found dead on Harrowdown Hill, near his home in Oxfordshire. Ruled a suicide by the official judicial inquiry chaired by Lord Hutton, now a group of British doctors is challenging the Attorney General's decision not to hold a coroner's inquest into the death, citing the overlooked, suppressed and modified evidence suggesting Dr. Kelly was murdered."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Take This Quiz to See How Badly Your Brain Has Become Infected With Zionism
A quote...."Without using the Internet or other sources, try and answer these questions from memory. -- Answers with links provided after the quiz...."
  1. How many American troops died fighting during WWII to make the world safe for Zionism?
  2. How many Jews allegedly died during WWII?
  3. Name two presidential candidates that don't belong to either the Republican or Democrat party.
  4. How much money and other forms of aid does the American taxpayer get forced to donate to the world's leading terrorist state, Israel, each year?
  5. Who won the last Super Bowl and who is second in command to the Treasury Department's Tim Geithner?
  6. Which foreign nation is the only one Congress has exempted from registering its lobbyists?
  7. Which presidential administration, Clinton's or Obama's has appointed more Jews to key positions?
  8. Remember the Zionist Rupert Murdoch's phone hacking scandal that erupted in not so Great Britain? What is the current status of 'Sir' Ruppie breaking of numerous laws regarding that case?
  9. Which nation is the only one on the planet without defined borders and refuses to say what those borders are?
  10. Remember Iceland who was getting gang raped by the international bankster gangster crowd? What happened to that nation and what is it's current economic status?
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Jewish Extremists Destroy Tombstones in Historical Cemetery in Jerusalem
A quote...."JERUSALEM, October 13, 2011 (WAFA) - Al -Aqsa Institute for Waqf and Heritage revealed Thursday that a number of Jewish extremists set fire to a large tree and destroyed about fifteen graves in ‘Ma’man Allah’ historical cemetery in East Jerusalem, according to a press release by the institue."

Hague: Expansion of Settlements Must End; They are Illegal, Obstacle to Peace
A quote...."LONDON, October 13, 2011 (WAFA) – British Foreign Secretary William Hague said Thursday, “For the Israelis, time is slipping away for them to act in their own strategic interest. Expansion of settlements must end. They are illegal under international law and an obstacle to peace. This is why we voted in favour of the UN Security Council Resolution in February on this subject and why we continue to condemn announcements of new settlements.”"

Justice eludes activist, father of Palestinian child killed by IDF
A quote...."In January 2007, Israeli soldiers shot and killed a 10-year-old Palestinian girl on her way home from school.  Abir Aramin lived in Anata, a Palestinian village north of Jerusalem. The pathologist who performed the autopsy found that Abir was hit in the head by a rubber bullet. However, an Israeli police investigation found the soldiers innocent, claiming there was no proof that gunfire killed Abir."

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (06. – 12 October 2011)
Non-stop, every single week of the year. - mpg - also posted at Uruknet
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More On The Economic Situation....

The "Book-Cooking" Index Soars To All Time Highs
Must Read - Charts - (click to enlarge) - A new, brilliant, fundemental, fraud detecting methodology! - mpg -- A quote...."....deluded investors who believe that corporation are being always truthful with data and reporting should probably be aware that that is certainly not the case. -- Per the Economist: "As Ms Wang notes, this isn't decisive proof of misbehaviour. It is suggestive, however, of the possibility that systematic number-fudging has been on the upswing in recent decades. Moreover, it's an excellent use of clever statistical analysis to provide a new perspective on an economic question." - bold by website editor

Jobless Claims 1K "Better" Than Expected 405K, To Be Revised To "Miss" Next Week; Record Trade Deficit With China - A quote...."In today's weekly dose of BS from the BLS, we get the previous week's massive beat of 401K revised to 405K, cutting the 410K estimate beat in half. But what is important is that the expectation for this week of 405K was once again "massively beaten" by a whopping 1K at 404K. Of course, next week this number will be revised to 408K meaning the consensus was  missed but no robots will care. As for the non-noise, non seasonally adjusted claims soared by 66,442 in the week from 332,394 to 398,836."

Home foreclosure proceedings on the rise again
A quote...."California and other Western states see the largest increase in banks' beginning the foreclosure process on homes."

Unprecedented Drop in Port Traffic: A Sobering Omen for Holiday Sales or Should we Listen to Analysts?
A quote...."Port traffic on the West coast is down significantly. Expected traffic for September is also way lower. Yet analysts have been busy raising expectations for the holiday season. One thing for sure, one group is wrong."

The Daily Bail Round-Up - Oct 12, 2011 at 11:18 AM

Wednesday October 12th 2011

Fighting for the Soul of the American Dream
Quote of the Day...."America never followed Paine's principles. Since the 1980s, Democrats and Republicans adopted neoliberal harshness. Bush I continued Reagan's policies. Clinton hardened them. Bush II much more, and Obama matched Star Trek by going where no administration went before. -- For decades, working Americans were sacrificed on the alter of unprecedented wealth transfers to Wall Street, other corporate favorites, and super-rich elites grabbing all they can and wanting more. -- Industrial America was hollowed out. Monopoly finance capital replaced it. Casino capitalism thrived. So did unbridled government-sanctioned fraud on an incalculable scale." - Source:  SteveLendman

Moral Depravity and Arrogance of the Money Junkies Will Be their Downfall
A quote...."I get sick and tired of people saying the Oligarchs Like the Rockefeller clan, the Warburgs, the Harriman and the Rothschild will never face justice because they are the super rich. Are people forgetting some basic truths here? These people are not untouchable or invincible at all. Actually they are at the most vulnerable right now as ever before. Their Dynasties and  Financial Empires do fall over the centuries because in the process destroying societies seeking to gain at others suffering. They in the process destroy themselves in the end. They will collapse from within with the outside finishing the job bringing them to justice. They say there is no honor amongst thieves. These people not only double cross societies. They betray themselves fighting for the levers of power.A divided house cannot stand forever."

The Suicide of Liberty: The Transformation of the US into a Police State
Book Review - A quote...."Pat Buchanan’s latest book, "Suicide of a Superpower", [GoglPrcSrch]* raises the question whether America will survive to 2025. The question might strike some readers as unduly pessimistic and others as optimistic. It is unclear whether the US, as we have known it, will survive its next presidential election. -- Consider the candidates. Liberal law professor Jonathan Turley, who was likely to have been an early Obama supporter, now wonders if Obama is “the most disastrous president in our history.” Despite Obama’s failure, the Republicans can’t come up with anyone any better. One Republican candidate admires Alan Greenspan, the Federal Reserve chairman who gave us financial deregulation and the financial crisis. Another is ready for a preemptive strike on Iran. Yet another thinks the Soviet Union is a grave threat to the United States. None of these clueless dopes are capable of presiding over a government." - *links added
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More on the Domestic Situation....

Arizona Sheriff Explains Fast And Furious - Two hundred plus people murdered by these guns!! - (so far) - mpg
Video - Fast & Furious File - The Butcher's Bill - (YuTb - Sep 29, 2011) - A quote...."Sheriff Paul Babeu implicates Eric Holder and the Obama Justice Department as accomplices in the crimes involving weapons used in the "Fast and Furious" scandal."

Congress issues subpoena for Holder, others in 'Fast and Furious' probe
Fast & Furious File - AG's Office SUBPOENAED! -- A quote...."Congressional investigators have issued a subpoena for communications from several top Justice Department officials - including Attorney General Eric Holder - relating to the discredited "Fast and Furious" federal gunrunning operation, according to Rep. Darrell Issa, R-California."

Iranian Terror Plot: Fake, Fake, Fake -- Not even good propaganda
Fast & Furious File - More On Eric Holder's Hail Mary -- A quote...."Fake, fake, fake – I’m talking about the latest anti-Iranian propaganda coming out of Washington, which claims the Iranian Revolutionary Guards were involved in a “plot” to take out the Saudi ambassador to the US and blow up both the Saudi and Israeli embassies. The narrative reads like a formulaic melodrama: two Iranians, one a naturalized US citizen, purportedly approached someone they thought was a member of a Mexican drug cartel – according to the indictment [.pdf], it was a “sophisticated” drug cartel, not the plebeian sort – and proposed paying him $1.5 million to murder Adel al Jubeir, the Kingdom’s ambassador in Washington – oh, and by the way, the Iranians supposedly said, “Are you guys any good with explosives?”" - also posted at TheUglyTruth

Transparent Lies from the Division of Dumb and Dumber
Fast & Furious File - More On Eric Holder's Hail Mary -- A quote...."Well, we knew the day was coming. We knew it was a matter of time and it would probably happen in October a few days, a week, ten days before Palestine went to the UN and laid claim to a small portion of what had always been theirs, until the false nation of Israel stole it in order to set up a criminal enterprise that now has a large part of the world on the brink of; who knows what? Doubt the reality of that? Then reality isn’t a familiar resident in whatever world you have convinced yourself is real."

Experts Question Alleged Terror Plot’s ‘B-Movie’ Qualities
Fast & Furious File - More On Eric Holder's Hail Mary -- (Holder's "Wag the Dog" Fast & Furious Iran scam is so bad even the NYT's (of all infotainment papers) "Lede section" allowed this article to be THAT's BAD!! - mpg) -- A quote...."Just 24 hours after American officials announced that they had disrupted an Iranian plot that sounded like a rejected Quentin Tarantino script — centering on an Iranian-American used-car salesman’s failed attempt to hire a Mexican drug cartel to assassinate Saudi Arabia’s ambassador in Washington — a number of prominent American experts on Iran have suggested that Iran’s government might not have been behind the scheme at all." - also posted at Reficultnias

The “very scary” Iranian terror plot
Fast & Furious File - More On Eric Holder's Hail Mary -- A quote...."The most difficult challenge in writing about the Iranian Terror Plot unveiled yesterday is to take it seriously enough to analyze it. Iranian Muslims in the Quds Force sending marauding bands of Mexican drug cartel assassins onto sacred American soil to commit Terrorism — against Saudi Arabia and possibly Israel — is what Bill Kristol and John Bolton would feverishly dream up while dropping acid and madly cackling at the possibility that they could get someone to believe it."

The Audacity of The U.S. Government: Waging Wars Based On Lies & Kindergarten Fiction
Fast & Furious File - Another Lie -- A quote...."Do they think the world still believes anything the U.S. government says about terrorists, Al-Qaeda and Iran? Morally bankrupt White House officials lie about everything. They lie about the economy. They lie about the threat of terrorism to America. They lie about the rationale behind the war on terror." - also posted at PrisonPlanet

FBI Insider: Obama Administration Likely Manufactured Dubious Terror Plot
Fast & Furious File - Made In USA -- A quote...."Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Shaffer says that an FBI insider told him the dubious terror plot to assassinate a Saudi ambassador which has been blamed on Iran was likely manufactured by the Obama administration, because no information about the plot even exists within FBI channels."

Pepe Escobar: Iranian plot was an inside job
RTVideo - Fast & Furious File - The Script -- Alt - (RTYuTb - 7min33sec - Oct 12, 2011) - Source:  RTAmerica -- A quote...."A US government informant acting as a member of the Zetas, a drug cartel in Mexico, helped thwart an Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States on American soil. Now Obama's top national security aides are seeking new international sanctions against Iran. Pepe Escobar, correspondent for the Asia Times, tells us who's to gain from the situation."

The fast and furious plot to occupy Iran
Fast & Furious File - The Movie™ -- A quote..."No one ever lost money betting on the dull predictability of the US government. Just as Occupy Wall Street is firing imaginations all across the spectrum - piercing the noxious revolving door between government and casino capitalism - Washington brought us all down to earth, sensationally advertising an Iranian cum Mexican cartel terror plot straight out of The Fast and the Furious movie franchise. The potential victim: Adel al-Jubeir, the ambassador in the US of that lovely counter-revolutionary Mecca, Saudi Arabia. -- FBI Director Robert Mueller insisted the Iran-masterminded terror plot “reads like the pages of a Hollywood script”. It does. And quite a sloppy script at that. Fast and Furious duo Paul Walker/Vin Diesel wouldn’t be caught dead near it."

Well, THAT Oughta Shut Them Up About 'Fast & Furious'! - Official White Horse Souse
Graphic - Fast & Furious File - The End

Wall Street Journal caught buying own papers in circulation scam
A quote...."One of Rupert Murdoch’s most senior European executives has resigned following inquiries by the Guardian about a circulation scam at News Corporation’s flagship newspaper, the Wall Street Journal."

Amnesty: Canada ‘required’ to arrest George W. Bush
A quote...."OTTAWA — Amnesty International called on Canadian authorities Wednesday to arrest and prosecute George W. Bush, saying the former U.S. president authorized “torture” when he directed the U.S.-led war on terror. -- Bush is expected to attend an economic summit in Surrey in Canada’s westernmost British Columbia province on October 20."

Bring Back The Guillotine with Max Keiser
AJVideoAJ&MaxKeiser(1/2) - AJ&MaxKeiser(2/2) - (AJYuTb - 15min - Oct 12, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."On the Tuesday, October 11 edition of Infowars Nightly News, Alex talks with broadcaster, film-maker, and former equities broker Max Keiser on the latest developments in the European Union and the move toward totalitarianism on the part of the globalists."

Gerald Celente – The Neal Larson Show – October 10th, 2011
GCVideo - Alt - (GCYuTb - 10min10sec - Oct 12, 2011) - Source:  GeraldCelenteChannel

Iran terror plot right and a “leftist” spin for OWS double fail – Ryan Dawson
RDVideo - Alt - (RDYuTb - 6min50sec - Oct 12, 2011) - Source:  Rys2sense -- A quote...."(Rys2Sense) – no one believes this junk any more the lies are so see through and predictable. Ken O’Keefe and I were JUST TALKING about this scenario 3 days ago!"

Broadcasting LIVE on - October 12 2011
MRVideo - Note:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto 9min50sec into the broadcast - mpg - (JustInTV - 2hrs - Oct, 12th 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens...

Goldman Sachs Rules The World with Trader, Alessio Rastani
AJVideo - AJ&AlessioRastani(1/2) - AJ&AlessioRastani(2/2) - (AJYuTb - 15min - Oct 12, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex talks with Alessio Rastani, a trader who claimed late last month that financial vampire Goldman Sachs rules the world."

Market Slumps After European Banks Admit They Can't/Won't Raise Capital; Will Proceed With Asset Liquidations Instead - A quote...."It was about an hour before the market close, which means it was time for the latest FT rumor. Only this time, unlike the 3 or so times before, the bazooka was not only a dud, it caused the inverse reaction of that intended, and led to a broad market selloff. The reason: according to the FT (and certainly take this with a salt shaker if previous experience is any indication) is that European banks have balked at the prospect of recapitalizing at current levels ("Why should we raise capital at these [depressed share price] levels?” said one eurozone bank boss. The average European bank’s equity is trading at only about 60 per cent of its book value.) and instead will opt for asset liquidations."

Weak 10 Year [US Bond] Auction Saved By Primary Dealers Taking Down Most Since May 2009
A quote...."Today's $21 billion 10 Year reopening was not pretty. First, the tail was a notable 3 bps with the When Issued trading at 2.24%, ahead of the auction pricing a disappointing 2.27%, well above the record low 2.00% from September, although still materially lower than average yields in the past year. As troubling was the Bid To Cover which came at 2.86 or the lowest since November 2010's 2.80 (compared to the LTM 3.10). Then looking at the internals should be a cause of concern for anyone who believes that China will not retaliate for the currency bill passed yesterday by Congress...."

The Greek People Never Agreed to the Debt or Austerity
RNVideo - (YuTb - 6min54sec - Oct 9, 2011) - Source:  TheRealNews -- A quote...."Michael Hudson: There is nothing democratic about sending Greece into a decade of depression."

Greece Budget Deficit Widens 15%
A quote...."ATHENS—Greece's budget deficit for the first nine months of 2011 widened 15.1% from a year earlier, as revenues continued to fall despite the government's austerity cuts to spending. -- In a statement, the finance ministry said the deficit for January to September increased to €19.1 billion ($26.05 billion), from €16.6 billion a year earlier, because of a drop in revenue." - Topix ||  A Quadruple Whammy - 12-16-10 - mpg  ||

Troubled Eurozone Finance Capital
A quote...."Greece died months ago. Default is certain. Only its obituary hasn't appeared. Germany prepared contingency plans to reissue the Deutschemark if Eurozone stability crumbles. -- Six possible sovereign defaults loom if contagion spreads out of control. "Considering the condition of other European banks, and the possibility that three major French banks may be purchased by China, we could see disruption in the global banking system," warns Chapman. -- "The very fact that Germany is building a reserve of Deutschemarks has to spell the possible end of the euro."

Conflicts deepen over European bailout
A quote...."The more the European sovereign debt and banking crisis intensifies, the more open become the divisions among the major powers, both within the eurozone and internationally."

Everyone Missed It, But China Has ALREADY Retaliated For Last Night's Big Currency Vote In The Senate
Let the Currency & Trade-Wars Begin! - mpg -- A quote...."Last night, the Senate passed a bill that would impose tariffs on currency manipulators like China. -- It's not expected to pass the House or get signed by The President, but China has already responded to the provocation. -- As Nomura explains, it fixed the yuan shockingly low against the dollar last night, moving it in the exact opposite direction the U.S. wants:"
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"Occupy Wall Street" & Other "Occupy" News...

The Roar of the People
A quote...."by Ralph Nader -- Inside the barricading bubbles surrounding the Wall Street plutocrats and the Washington oligarchs who service them, there must be worry. After three years of disclosed “lying, cheating and stealing” as one prosecutor put it, with nary a visible stir from the masses, suddenly the barricades are beginning to quiver."

The New Road of the Occupation Movements -- Changing of the Guards
A quote...."A slightly older Dylan presciently limned today’s situation well...."

“Gentlemen,” he said,
I don’t need your organization. I’ve shined your shoes,
I’ve moved your mountains and marked your cards.
But Eden is burning: either get ready for elimination,
Or else your hearts must have the courage
 For the changing of the guards.”

"Let’s have the courage. Let’s lend a hand, stand with the young, and not let them face the dangers alone. Let’s go with them down their new road."

Media Roots: Why Occupy Oakland?
Video - (YuTb - 6min39sec - Oct 12, 2011) - Source:  AbbyMediaRoots -- A quote...."Abby Martin of Media Roots conducts on the spot interviews with Oakland residents about why they want change on the first two days of Occupy Oakland."

Buckle Up: America Is Getting Very Angry And The Protests Are Going To Become Much More Frightening
A quote...."The Occupy Wall Street protests and the rise of the Tea Party movement have both changed America, but you haven't seen anything yet.  You better buckle up, because America is getting very angry and as the economy continues to decline the economic protests are going to become much more frightening in the years ahead.  Americans have become very accustomed to prosperity.  Now that our prosperity is vanishing, people are starting to become very angry." - also posted at BLN

Charlie McGrath on Russia Today
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 4min13sec - Oct 12, 2011) - Source:  crabbydogtrix - Producer: RussiaToday - Related: Wide Awake News

Protesters – And Perhaps States – Consider Launching Their Own Currency
A quote...."From last night’s GA [Occupy Wall Street "General Assembly"] meeting: “Work began today on a proposal trying to implement a currency for this movement. The Wall Street banks and their best customers, the multinational corporations control the source and flow of $$$$. This is an open invitation for you to join us in this process! We will be meeting at 11am every day, every week, until we’re done, at the red cube in the Southeast corner of Liberty Park.”

Rich Pickings: OWS arrests throw oil on protest fire
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 2min25sec - Oct 13, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday  -- A quote...."In the US, where more people have been arrested following the latest wave of public protests against excessive corporate influence in the country. Mass demonstrations have spread to dozens of cities - a month after the so-called "Occupy Wall Street" movement first flared up in the Big Apple. RT's Marina Portnaya looks at how the protests continue to grow despite reported police brutality and hundreds of arrests."

Occupy Wall Street 10-12-11 - A DProgram Round-Up - (9 articles & videos)
Four arrested as students join Occupy Seattle protest
Occupy Wall Street Movement Sparks Camp Out In OKC
My Advice to the Occupy Wall Street Protesters
Alexander Higgins Speech On Why #OccupyTrenton Was Launched As Part Of #OccupyWallStreet
Occupy NJ Kicks Off in Trenton NJ – Streaming Live #OccupyWallStreet #OccupyNJ
'Occupy Canada' protest plans take shape
Chicago police arrest 21 protesters for trespassing
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The Assault On Libya....

Major Media Liars Report Fake NATO Victories
Special Note - (The Presstitutes have been very busy) -- A quote...."NATO and rebel war crimes also continue. Besides attacking Sirte's university campus and Ibn Sina Hospital, NATO "bombed a civilian house, killing 22, with 20 others missing." America's media no longer notice. -- Near Bani Walid, ambushed TNC fighters "took heavy casualties....In Gheryan, Libyan forces successfully attacked a military industrial complex," heavily defended by "troops from NATO countries and Qatar." Key military installations were destroyed. -- Controlling most of the city, Benghazi loyalists are making slow progress "against heavily entrenched TNC fighters." Unconfirmed reports say city tribal leaders are ready to join Libyan forces. -- Fighting across Libya continues. NATO and cutthroat rebels commit daily war crimes. The appalling humanitarian crisis worsens. Diplomatic initiatives are absent to end it. "Where is a UN Fact Finding Mission? Where is an African Union Observer in Sirte?"

Sirte An Epic Tales Of Heroism And Bravery
A quote...."Sirte must go down in history as one of the world's epic tales of heroism and bravery, the tremendous resistance of a handful of courageous and resolute warriors standing fast against the hordes of sheer evil, cowards cowering behind a relentless and inhuman NATO bombing campaign, strafing civilians and soldiers alike in support of terrorists." - also posted at Hamsayeh & ICH

Sarkozy, Cameron, Obama, Al-Thani and the suffering of the children of Sirte
Contains Videos & Photos - (Grim) -- As you look at these videos and photos folks, just remember, it's your tax dollars at work. - mpg -- A quote...."The background to the video and image below is the ongoing bombardment of Sirte by NATO aircraft in support of the rebel brigades who are indiscriminately firing tank, mortar and artillery shells into this urban, civilian-populated area. NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has refused to comment on why NATO is not fulfilling its UN mandate to ‘protect the civilian population.’ - also posted at Uruknet

Libya’s NTC Holding, Abusing Thousands Without Charges
A quote...."In investigations of the NATO-backed National Transitional Council (NTC) in Libya, Amnesty International has found the group is holding more than 2,500 detainees in makeshift prisons without charges in the wake of their conquest of much of western Libya." - also posted at Uruknet

Sirte hospital desperate - Red Cross
A quote...."Beirut - The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said on Wednesday that the situation of a major hospital in the Libyan port city of Sirte was "desperate" due to fierce fighting." - also posted at Uruknet

Libya, exposing Al-Qaeda NATO-Jihadists in Sirte
US Support of al-CIA'da -- A quote...."Most impor­tant point of the fight­ing on Sirte front from the west­ern side, is the par­tic­i­pa­tion of Salafi jihadists marked by the bat­tle of the past two days by echo­ing the cries of “Allahu Akbar” con­tin­ued through the audio devices in ambu­lances and armed cars armed, which was super­vised by the field com­man­der “Abu Bilal Al-Afghani” a bat­tal­ion com­man­der who fought years ago, accom­pa­nied by Abdul­lah Anas Al-GaZari (now a refugee in Europe). Many mem­bers of his bat­tal­ion fought against the Soviet in Afghanistan, as well as against the US inva­sion of Afghanistan dur­ing the rule of the Tal­iban Movement."

Prominent Libyan Islamist joins NTC-linked group
US Support of al-CIA'da -- Related Article - A quote...."TRIPOLI (Reuters) - An influential Libyan Islamist cleric who has criticized the country's new leaders joined a group affiliated with the interim ruling National Transitional Council on Wednesday, in what could be a sign of the growing clout of religious figures."

Libyan Weapons Show Up in Sinai, Egypt Junta Warns
US Support of al-CIA'da -- Related Article - A quote...."A large number of smuggled weapons from neighboring Libya are showing up inside Egypt, Egyptian junta officials in Cairo warn. But the missiles aren’t showing up near the Libyan border, instead popping up in arms markets on the opposite side of the country, in the Sinai Peninsula."

[Washington's] Zawahiri calls for Algeria revolution in new video - (Algeria is still friendly to Gaddifi. - mpg)
US Support of al-CIA'da -- Related Article - A quote...."WASHINGTON — Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri called on Algerians to overthrow the government of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, and praised Libyan rebels for seizing Tripoli, in a new video. -- Osama bin Laden's successor Zawahiri urged Libyans to adopt sharia law as they rebuild the country after the NATO-backed rebels' ouster of longtime leader Moamer Kadhafi." - Related comments shown below....

The US-NRE, with Saudi Royal support, and Israeli assistance, created, funded and has consistently supported al-CIA'da for the last thirty years.  Everyone currently wearing a US-NRE uniform is guilty of this support as far as this website editor is concerned, since it has been going on for over three decades without anyone in uniform doing anything about it. - mpg - For more on this issue see the quote shown below....

"The Saudi Royals would acquiesce to the complete elimination of the Palestinians as a viable entity and would get to joyfully watch the destruction of their enemies from afar at the hands of others while extending their malevolent "religious" influence across the Middle East." - bold by website editor -- *One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg*
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More On The International Situation....

Iraq: 42 Killed, 90 Wounded in Attacks
A quote...."Attacks across Iraq left at least 42 dead and 90 wounded. Most of the casualties occurred in Baghdad where bombers focused on police and Shi’ite targets." - For more on this issue see article and comment shown below....

US officials redraw Iraqi troops training plan
A quote...."New York, Oct 9: US officials are redrawing a 2012 military training plan for Iraqi troops after Iraq’s leaders announced they would not grant immunity to [US-NRE] troops [allowing them to kill and maim Iraqis for fun, sport and pleasure and] who [will] remain after the December 31 deadline for withdrawal [whether the Iraqis want them to remain or not], The Washington Post reported Sunday." - bold by website editor - Time for more al-CIA'da attacks against Iraqi government facilities and Sh'ia pilgrims to help "convince" them that "they need us". - mpg - posted 10-09-11

Iraq base attack injures 3 US soldiers
A quote...."At least three US soldiers have been wounded in a rocket attack on a military base in southern Iraq, amid rising violence in the country."

Intelligence officer killed in Afghanistan
A quote...."Kandahar, Afghanistan - Gunmen in southern Afghanistan killed a senior intelligence officer on Wednesday, officials said. -- The assailants opened fire on the intelligence chief of Qalat city, the provincial capital of Zabul province, on Wednesday morning, Deputy Governor Mohammad Jan Rasolyar said."

US base attacked in Afghanistan
A quote...."12 Oct 2011 A bomb attack has hit the entrance to the main US military base, Bagram, in Afghanistan, Afghan officials say, Press TV reports. According to the officials, the incident occurred when a bomb concealed in a fuel tanker went off at the entrance of Bagram base north of Kabul, Afghan officials said."

6 [More] NATO tankers torched in Pakistan
A quote...."Pro-Taliban militants in southern Pakistan have destroyed at least six NATO oil tankers carrying fuel for US-led foreign troops in neighboring Afghanistan, Press TV reports."

Egyptians Chant "Muslims Christians Are One" as Military Viciously Attacks Protesters
RNVideo - Alt - (RNYuTb - 6min08sec - Oct 11, 2011) - TheRealNews -- A quote...."TRNN Report: Angry protesters call for overthrow of the Egyptian military regime as many are killed by Army."

Huge Damascus rally backs President Bashar al-Assad
A quote...."Tens of thousands of Syrians have rallied in support of President Bashar al-Assad in the capital Damascus. -- Some held placards saying "the army and people are with you, Bashar al-Assad" and "Syria is our country and Assad our president", reported AFP news agency. -- Others thanked Russia and China for blocking a UN resolution condemning Syria's crackdown last week."

Syria's Assad to set up constitution committee 'within two days'
A quote...."Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will establish a special committee within the next two days to draw up a new constitution, Syrian newspaper al-Watan said on Tuesday, quoting Muhammed Buheytan, deputy head of the Syrian ruling Ba'th party."

'Iran-S Korea trade hits $10 billion in H1'
A quote...."South Korean Ambassador to Iran Park Jae-hyun says trade transactions between Tehran and Seoul have reached USD 10 billion in the first half of 2011."

EU eyes Kazakh gas
A quote...."Gas from the offshore Kashagan deposit was proposed a few years ago as a candidate to enter the TCGP, for westward transmission to Europe. This idea involved a variant of the TCGP that would have passed through the Kazakhstani sector of the Caspian Sea, also in order to avoid the territorial Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan dispute over mid-Caspian delimitation. -- However, the geophysical characteristics of Kashagan turned out to be much more difficult than expected. The economics for such a connection were also not right. Moreover, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan realized they could find other ways around their bilateral problem. -- Consequently, the idea of a Kazakhstani detour for the TCGP was buried towards the end of the last decade...."

Russia a Force to Be Reckoned with in the Coming Years
A quote...."It is not going to be forgotten any time soon how, at the 43rd Munich Conference on Security Policy in 2007, V. Putin charged the US with building a unipolar world at the cost of “frequently illegitimate actions” and “new human tragedies”. A key point that loomed through the energetic speech delivered by the Russian leader was that the global proliferation of armed conflicts was in fact attributable to Washington's “almost unconstrained hyper use of force” and disregard for international law. “One state and, of course, first and foremost the United States, has overstepped its national borders in every way. This is visible in the economic, political, cultural and educational policies it imposes on other nations”, said Putin in Munich."

Putin: US feeding off global dollar monopoly
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 3min34sec - Oct 13, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday  -- A quote...."Pushing through energy deals and boosting cooperation with the aim of balancing out the economic and political dominance of the West. Russia's Prime Minister is on a visit to China where an important agreement on the price of oil is already in place. RT's Marina Kosareva reports from Beijing."

The Death of Dr. David Kelly - GRTV
GRVideo - Alt - (GRYuTb - 13min29sec - Oct 12, 2011) - Source:  GlobalResearchTV -- A quote...."On July 18, 2003, British biowarfare expert and UN weapons inspector David Kelly was found dead on Harrowdown Hill, near his home in Oxfordshire. Ruled a suicide by the official judicial inquiry chaired by Lord Hutton, now a group of British doctors is challenging the Attorney General's decision not to hold a coroner's inquest into the death, citing the overlooked, suppressed and modified evidence suggesting Dr. Kelly was murdered. This is the GRTV Backgrounder on The Death of Dr. David Kelly."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Israel is destroying America, period
A quote...."President Obama admitted recently that the US is facing the severest economic crisis ever since the great depression. However, like most of his predecessors and nearly all others contemporary politicians in Washington, the last thing that comes to Obama’s mind is pointing an accusing finger at Israel and her powerful lobbies and pressure groups that have effectively hijacked the American government, especially Congress, by making sure that the American political establishment is answerable, first and foremost, to the Zionist Jewish power-centers, not to the American people." - bold by website editor

Why I Published US Intelligence Secrets About Israel's Anti-Iran Campaign
A quote...."In 2009, Shamai Leibowitz was working secretly for the FBI, translating wiretapped conversations among Israeli diplomats in this country. He passed some transcripts of these conversations to me, which described an Israeli diplomatic campaign in this country to create a hostile environment for relations with Iran. I published excerpts from them in my blog, Tikun Olam." - also posted at AlethoNews

No problem– Obama’s State Dep’t spokesperson is married to Romney’s neocon foreign policy adviser
A quote..."Here is a crazy story no one is talking about that is evidence of the Israel lobby's role in our politics. Last week, Mitt Romney announced a foreign policy team that includes Robert Kagan, a neocon who pushed for the Iraq war." - also posted at AlethoNews

“Champion of Israel” in UK Cabinet Liam Fox self-destructs
A quote...."Stuart Littlewood argues that the strange relationship between UK Defence Secretary Liam Fox and the spiv Adam Werrity is not the only example of Fox’s poor judgment, noting that he is an Israel stooge whose affinity to the Zionist state has given him a highly distorted reading of the Middle East."

The price of torching mosques: Israel lays ground for anti-apartheid struggle
A quote...."Jonathan Cook argues that a likely response of Palestinians in the occupied territories and Israel to growing Jewish violence is a civil rights movement with a simple rallying cry – "one person, one vote" – voiced to a world exasperated by Israel's racism and self-destructive behaviour." - also posted at ICH

This Occupation is Brought to You by A Pattern of Racial Bigotry
A quote...."Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the US Congress, is withholding basic heath care from children who live in the world's largest outdoor prison, the Palestinian Occupied Territories."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Palestine Monitor Fact Sheets
Must Read - A quote...."The 2009 Factbook is a Reference Guide for Negotiators, Researchers and Civil Society Leaders Concerned with the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict."

Our Factbook online
The Wall
East Jerusalem
The Gaza Strip
Israeli settlements
US aid to Israel
Non-Violent Resistance

Israel settlers [gang-bangers] attack girls school in WB
A quote...."Israeli settlers [gang-banging cowardly thugs] have raided a Palestinian girls' school in the southern West Bank city of al-Khalil (Hebron), throwing stones and empty bottles at the small girls."

Settlers [Envious, Vicious, Jewish Vandals] Set Fire to 300 Olive Trees in Bruqin
A quote...."SALFIT, October 13, 2011 (WAFA) – Jewish settlers [vandals] from the settlement [squatter camp] of Brukhin Thursday set fire to about 300 olive trees in the town of Bruqin, in the northern West Bank, according to Bruqin mayor Ikrimah Samara."

Israeli military “superiors” interfere in Burin’s olive harvest
A quote...."The Israeli military ordered villagers to stop picking olives on their own land in Burin, near Nablus, today. The soldiers refused to give a reason for suspending the harvest. -- “It is nothing to do with us, we just get orders from our superiors,” they said."

Settlers [Gang-Banging Jewish Thugs] Brawl with Palestinians near Qalqiliya, Israeli Troops Arrest 3 near Jenin
A quote...."On Thursday morning, Israeli settlers [thugs] from Kedumim settlement [squatter camp] assaulted Palestinian citizens from the village of al-Jeet, near the central West Bank city of Qalqilya, while they were picking olives."

IOA deports 17 foreign solidarity activists
A quote...."RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) deported 17 European solidarity activists from the West Bank after two days of detention for participating in pro Palestinian rallies."
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More On The Economic Situation....

CHART - U.S. Corporate Profits Vs. Employee Wages
A quote...."Well Jeff, let’s take an unvarnished look at the differences between those companies in Japan and Germany as regards the ratio of pay for a ceo to that of the average worker compared to ceo’s like yourself in American corporations, shall we?"
Retail Stock Exodus Continues: Fund Equity Outflows Continue For 23rd Out Of 24 Consecutive Weeks
Mrkt. Tech Note - Chart - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."Yes, outflows in domestic equities may be traditionally perceived as a contrarian signal, but when they hit 23 out of 24 weeks for a total of $106 billion (and the one weekly inflow was $715 million) one has to start getting concerned about the cash levels of the broader mutual fund space which as had been pointed out recently are already at all time lows. In the week ended October 5, domestic equity funds saw an outflow of $4.3 billion, which brings total 2011 outflows to a total of $93 billion."

Pimco's Prediction For Pension Plans: "Pain"
A quote...."While it won't say much new to those "stupid enough" to exist in the intersection of the "Retired" and "Alive" Venn circles under the Bernanke central planning regime, we suggest any pensioners who hope to see their life savings generate some...any... return (on capital, or of capital) in their lifetime, to simply skip this article and read some of our cheerier fare. So here is the punchline for pension fund managers which now predict an utterly insane 11% equity return which is the only thing that would make their Pension Plans whole:"

The Daily Bail's 100 Most Recent Stories - 10/12/2011
A round-up of the business news by the Daily Bail. - mpg

UK unemployment jumps to 17-year high
A quote...."The number of jobless in Britain increased by 114,000 people to 2.57 million between June and August, setting an 8.1 percent rate increase or a 17-year high record."

[UK's] Economic recovery worst in 100 years
A quote...."A key British think tank warns the country is heading for its worst rate of recovery in a century as the economy is still bogged down in “depression.” "

China's Sept. trade surplus drops by 12.4 pct amid sluggish demand and rising costs
A quote...."BEIJING, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- China's trade surplus fell for the second straight month in September, dropping by 12.4 percent year-on-year to reach 14.51 billion U.S. dollars due to sluggish global demand and rising costs in domestic markets, the General Administration of Customs (GAC) announced Thursday."

Tuesday October 11th 2011

Blundering Forward in the Graveyard of Empires
Must Read - A quote...."Washington’s national security establishment – what used in Britain to be called "imperialists" – is in a growing panic over the war in Afghanistan which, in spite of America’s vast military and economic power, and cornucopia of high tech wizardry, is being slowly beaten by a bunch of lightly-armed but very fierce Pashtun mountain tribesman."
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More on the Domestic Situation....

Sheriffs blast "Fast and Furious" operation
Fast & Furious File - The Sheriffs Are Angry -- A quote...."(AP) -- PHOENIX - Ten Arizona sheriffs slammed the Obama administration on Friday over a botched federal operation that allowed up to 1,400 high-powered rifles to make their way to Mexico, calling for the president to launch an independent investigation and for Attorney General Eric Holder to step down or be fired."

"Gunwalking" subpoena for AG Holder imminent
Fast & Furious File - Eric Holder's Under The Gun -- A quote...."CBS News has learned a congressional subpoena directed to Attorney General Eric Holder could go out as early as Tuesday, ordering him to turn over documents to lawmakers about when he was aware of a controversial gun smuggling operation known as Fast and Furious."

Plot to kill Saudi ambassador with cartel hitman & Mex-laundered cash is so obviously ripped from Breaking Bad

Fast & Furious File - Eric Holder's Hail Mary -- A quote...."This alleged Iranian terror plot the FBI reported today is really quite something. It reads like any one of the 419 scams in my spam folder meets an episode of 24 or Breaking Bad meets yellowcake and the run-up to the Iraq war. Is this real life, or some Bay of Pigs pre-election-year hallucination?"

Holder's "False Flags For Idiots" Class
Fast & Furious File - More On Eric Holder's Hail Mary -- A quote...."Gotta weigh in on this one. Apparently the PTBs are confident the American mass mindset is complete mush. Never mind Holder and the Obama admin obviously trying to cover and distract from their documented involvement in the Fast and Furious arms for drug gangs debacle, and wanting to divert attention from the Occupation of America revolution happening in over 1200 cities now, the rhetoric in this insane story is out of a fascist kindergarten primer."

Casus Belli? US Accuses Iran Of Plotting Assassination, Attempt To Blow Up Saudi, Israel Embassies
Fast & Furious File - Even More On Eric Holder's Hail Mary -- A quote...."The war watchers (such as Marc Faber and everyone else who knows what follows an episode of epic Keynesian failure) have just lowered DefCon to level 2 after in a very surprising development the US accused Iran of backing a plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the US...." - Some selected comments at ZeroHedge....

"Seems like a bad joke.  people are waking up to this crap, they have pushed it way beyond too far." -- *John39*, Tue, 10/11/2011 - 15:23

"WOW nice diversion for Holder to distract from his ongoing indictments and calls to step down over Fast n Furious allegations! What a fraud this all is, and the start up of WW3 next!" -- *SheepDog-One*, Tue, 10/11/2011 - 15:47

"I heard the BBC discuss this. They looked at it from all the various angles of why Iran would do such a thing... but 'forgot' to mention why our glorious USA might want to lie about them doing it. - Pathetic, absolutely pathetic. How anyone can believe this [expletive deleted] anymore is beyond me." -- *BigJim*, Tue, 10/11/2011 - 17:42

"I have been wondering what BS false flag accusations the U.S. and Israel were going to make against Iran to - justify Israel's planned attack of Iran. God protect the Iranian people from this madness." -- *Zorba The Greek*, Tue, 10/11/2011 - 17:13

The CIA's impunity on 'torture tapes' - The 9/11 cover-up continues....mpg
A quote...."Lee Hamilton and Tom Kean – the co-chairmen of the 9/11 Commission – are the prototypical Wise Old Men of Washington. These are the types chosen to head blue-ribbon panels whenever the US government needs a respectable, trans-partisan, serious face to show the public in the wake of a mammoth political failure. Wise Old Men of Washington are entrusted with this mission because, by definition, they are loyal, devoted members of the political establishment and will criticise political institutions and leaders only in the most respectful and restrained manner.  --  That is why it was so remarkable when Hamilton and Kean, on 2 January 2008, wrote an op-ed in the New York Times repeatedly accusing the CIA and the Bush White House of knowingly "obstructing" their commission's investigation into the 9/11 attack. As many imprisoned felons can attest, the word "obstruction" packs a powerful punch as a legal term of art signifying the crime of "obstruction of justice", and yet, here were these two mild-mannered, establishment-protecting civil servants accusing CIA and Bush officials of that crime in the most public and unambiguous manner possible."

Was man accused of post-9/11 anthrax attacks innocent? - The Anthrax attack cover-up continues....mpg
A quote...." article published this week in the Journal of Bioterrorism & Biodefence highlights several inconsistencies in the forensic evidence against Dr Ivins, raising speculation that the FBI got the wrong man, and then prematurely closed their investigation following his death. The report, co-authored by three scientists, says that detectives failed to properly analyse the dried anthrax spores that were used in the attacks, which took place over several weeks following the September 11 bombings in 2001." - Topix ||  Anthrax Attacks  ||

Kurt Haskell to Be Eyewitness for Underwear Bomber: Nightly News Special Report 1/2
AJVideo - The underwear bomber attack cover-up to be exposed! - mpg -- KurtHaskell(1/2) - KurtHaskell(2/2) - (AJYuTb - 12/13min - Oct 11, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."I got the following text from my brother "I hear that you will be testifying in the underwear bomber case". This was news to me as my status as a witness was undetermined as of Tuesday. I gave my brother a call and he said he heard on the radio, that stand-by Anthony Chambers said in court this morning that I would be testifying." - Topix ||  US-False Flag Ops - Detroit Bomber  ||

Forget About the DOJ's latest FALSE FLAG, What About That FULL EL AL Flight That Left NYC HOURS After 9/11? - A quote...."Here are 23 facts implicating Mossad and the Zionist cabal in America as the planners, orchestraters, and executors of the 911 attacks. If anyone can debunk this based on the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE, let me know and I'll change it. We know the official story is a complete lie, so stop all the division and arguing, and start naming the perps. It's time to identify the 800 pound gorilla dancing in the corner of the room."

The War on Whistleblowers
GRVideo - Alt - (GRYuTb - 19min44sec - Oct 11, 2011) - Source:  GlobalResearchTV -- A quote...."This week GRTV talks to Sibel Edmonds, famed FBI whistleblower and the Editor of about the various ways that whistleblowers in the national security establishment are retaliated against, set upon by the establishment, and undermined by the very foundation-funded organizations that are supposed to be helping them."

Ralph Nader Speaks to Media Roots
Video - (YuTb - 13min38sec - Oct 5, 2011) - AbbyMediaRoots -- A quote...."Abby Martin of Media Roots talks to Ralph Nader about Project Censored, the landscape of media censorship, the establishment co-opting of the tea party, the two party dictatorship and the assassination of Anwar al-Awlaki."

Ken O’Keefe & Ryan Dawson talk social activism, media, current events
RDVideo - KK&RDTalk(1/3) - KK&RDTalk(2/3) - KK&RDTalk(3/3) - (RDYuTb - 18/26min - Oct 11, 2011) - Rys2sense -- A quote...."Talked about everything form social activism to the media, Palestine, 911, Native Americans, Hawaii, Iraq, Wall Street and the Fed. Don't miss it."

Broadcasting LIVE on - October 11 2011
MRVideo - Note:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto 9min50sec into the broadcast - mpg - (JustInTV - 2hrs - Oct, 11th 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens...

Keiser Report: Ground Zero of Financial Terrorism (E195)
MKVideo - Alt - (MKRTYuTb - 25min51sec - Oct 11, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  Max Keiser TV -- A quote...."(RussiaToday) -- This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, talk about Marie Antoinette's last words on a banner at the Chicago Board of Trade, Herman Cain's views on the 'unAmerican' protesters and a proposal for a Seal Team 6 to protect us from terrorist bankers. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser interviews Charles Hugh Smith, author of An Unconventional Guide to Investing in Troubled Times, about #occupywallstreet, Crash JP Morgan - Buy Silver and other solutions to a dangerous banking system."

Subprime Supply & Manufactured CDOs -- Chicanery Inside John Paulson's Hedgie Sweatshop
From the History File - Feb 27, 2010 at 9:55 AM  -- A quote...."John Paulson was dissatisfied. The marketplace had not satiated his appetite for placing bets against subprime mortgage securities.  So he cooked up a scheme to issue billions more in new securities designed by him to fail. The scheme worked, and his hedge fund earned billions."

Profiting From the Crash: How John Paulson took home $10 million a day betting on a fall in home prices
From the History File - Mar 1, 2010 at 5:05 PM -- A quote...."It was the fall of 2007, financial markets were collapsing, and Wall Street firms were losing massive amounts of money, as if they were trying to give back a decade's worth of profits in a few brutal months. An investor named John Paulson somehow was scoring huge profits. His winnings were so enormous they seemed unreal, even cartoonish. His firm, Paulson & Co., would make $15 billion in 2007."

German push for Greek default risks EMU-wide 'snowball'
A quote...."Germany is pushing behind the scenes for a "hard" default in Greece with losses of up to 60pc for banks and pension funds, risking a chain-reaction across southern Europe unless credible defences are established first."

European Crash Dummies and Greece's Brick Wall
A quote...."A crash dummy has some of the physical characteristics of a human being. It is used to test the safety of the interior of a car that has suffered a major accident. A pair of dummies are strapped into the front seat of a car that is on a track. Then the car is run into a wall at high speed. The engineers then examine what happened to the dummies. If the dummies had been human beings, would they have been killed? Dismembered? -- But what if the dummies were in charge? What if they strapped the engineers into the car and ran the test? -- This is what is happening in Europe today."

Behind Europe’s Debt Crisis Lurks Another Giant Bailout Of Wall Street Banks
A quote...."....why exactly should America be so concerned? Yes, we export to Europe – but those exports aren’t going to dry up. And in any event, they’re tiny compared to the size of the U.S. economy. -- If you want the real reason, follow the money. A Greek (or Irish or Spanish or Italian or Portugese) default would have roughly the same effect on our financial system as the implosion of Lehman Brothers in 2008."

Threads In A Foreboding Tapestry
A quote...."Two weeks ago I began to report to subscribers of the Wall Street Examiner Professional Edition Fed Report that foreign central banks (FCBs) had begun to engage in unprecedented levels of disgorgement of their massive holdings of US Treasury and Agency paper. Prior to this year, the FCBs had typically absorbed the equivalent of 25% of new US Treasury issuance month in and month out. That was effectively a subsidy of US financial markets. It lowered long term interest rates artificially and injected cash into the US markets and banking system."
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"Occupy Wall Street" & Other "Occupy" News...

ATTENTION CONGRESS: CLOSE THE LOOPHOLE: Hedge Fund Manager John Paulson Earned $5 Billion In 2010, Paid Only 15% Tax - Charts - Photos - (of the suspects) -- A quote...."Last year was very lucrative for some of the biggest and best-performing hedge funds’ chiefs. Wealth was so concentrated that a mere 25 people pocketed a total of $22.07 billion, according to this year’s annual ranking by AR Magazine, which tracks the hedge fund industry. At $50,000 a year, it would take the salaries of 441,400 Americans to match that sum."

Hey Jamie Dimon, The Protesters Are Outside Your House
Photos - A quote...."Cops have barricaded the sidewalks on Park Ave in front of Jamie Dimon's place, where the march is right now.  Lotta cops....."

#OccupyWallStreet: Open-mic Demo about Fiat Currency on the First Day of Occupy Wall Street
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 3min54sec - Oct 11, 2011) - Source:  FurleyVision -- A quote...."#OccupyWall Street: Open-mic Demonstration about Fiat Currency from the First Day of Occupy Wall Street September 17th, 2011... Before the cops banned amplifiers in the Zuccotti Park..."

#OccupyWallStreet to Create a New Currency – This Is What Revolution Looks Like!
A quote...."From last night’s GA meeting: “Work began today on a proposal trying to implement a currency for this movement. The Wall Street banks and their best customers, the multinational corporations control the source and flow of $$$$. This is an open invitation for you to join us in this process!"

Head of Security at San Antonio Fed Admits Institution is Private!
AJVideo - Alt - (AJYuTb - 3min09sec - Oct 9, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Head of Security at San Antonio Fed Admits Institution is Private."

Immortal Technique at Occupy Wall Street: Tea Party is anti-GOP
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 3min17sec - Oct 11, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Occupy Wall Street has brought out tens of thousands of demonstrators to speak out against corporations across America. Some celebrities and activists have come out to support the masses and use their celebrity to strengthen the movement. Immortal Technique, hip hop artist and political activist, speaks out about the movement."

Occupy Wall Street marches on millionaires’ row
OWS knocks on US billionaires’ doors - Src
Boston PD Crack Down On ‘Veterans for Peace’ At OWS - contains videos
Occupy Boston: More video of cop crackdown on Veterans for Peace - Altvid - (RTYuTb 1m11s 101111) Src RT
Video of Boston PD attacking veterans at OWS protest - video - Alt - (RTYuTb 1m11s 101111) Src RT
The Revolution Begins At Home - The Occupied Wall Street Journal  #OccupyWallStreet
Boston police move in on protesters on Greenway, scores arrested
Boston Police Tear Down American Flag, Harass Veterans..Like the Iwo Jima Moment In Reverse - vids&photos
Boston police arrest 100 anti-Wall Street protesters
Occupy Boston: “They came down with dogs, batons, riot gear, scare tactics”
This Is What Fascism Looks Like: Financial Giants Put New York City Cops On Their Payroll
Demonstrators Arrested inside Senate Hart Office Building
We Shut Down the Hart Senate Office Building - contains video
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The Assault On Libya....

Russia Can Stop The Libya Carnage
M108Video - Alt - (M108YuTb - 4min59sec - Oct 11, 2011) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote...."We are calling on all EuropeaN Libyan sympathizers to assemble before the Russian Embassy in yourcity, and plead for Russian intervention against European bombadments of Sirte and Libya. THERE IS A DESPERATE HUMANITARIAN CRISIS. Act now. One of you shall chase athousand. and two shall put ten thousand to flight. God be with you." -- If Russia tries to do anything the EU, NATO and the US-NRE will gang up on Russia and threaten more missiles around its periphery.  It's just the way it works. - mpg

Libya News Updates Oct 11
M108Video - Alt - (M108YuTb - 3min19sec - Oct 11, 2011) - Source:  108morris108

Update on the struggle for the liberation of Libya and the unification of Africa - October 7th thru 9th
A quote...."Sirte remains the main center of NATO's aggression against the Libyan Jamahiriya and the Libyan people.  --  [NOTE: There are probably two reasons for this.  Firstly, NATO and the rats are losing, everywhere in Libya. They are embarrassed, and feel that they need something that looks like a "victory."  Secondly, they wrongly believe that if the capture the hometown of Muammar Gaddafi, that the war will end.  This will not happen.  Did the war end when they captured Tripoli?  No, and that should be a sign for them.  Historians say that when a country's capital falls, the people of that country always quit.  That did not happen with the powerful people of Libya!  They were stunned at first.  But they eventually shook it off--like a boxer who got hit with a hard blow from an opponent--and now control once again 80% of Tripoli]." - also posted at WarInIraq

At Least 17 Rebels Killed in Attack on Bani Walid
A quote...."October 10, 2011 -- At least 17 rebel soldiers were killed today and another 50 wounded when they attempted to attack the desert town of Bani Walid, one of the few northern towns still under the control of loyalist forces. The soldiers fled after fierce clashes." - Source:  AntiWar

NATO ‘Surprised’ by Libyan Loyalist Resistance
A quote...."The “surprise” by NATO ignores the recent history of conquests by the Misrata fighters, who are at the head of the offensives against these cities. The Misratans have been behind several of the most brutal purges of suspected loyalists, including the destruction of the entire city of Tawarga. In this context, the fighters in Sirte and Bani Walid likely believe surrender is simply not an option." - Source:  AntiWar

Lybia - A Looney Bin Divided
A quote...."Usually the saying goes, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." However, thanks to NATO, Libya has become a looney bin and the wackos, the loonies are running the asylum."
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More On The International Situation....

America's Conquest of Africa: The Roles of France and Israel
Special Note - A quote...."I will begin with the scandal of Operation Gladio that climaxed in the murder of former Italian Prime Minister, Aldo Moro, who on the day of his kidnapping, was to announce an Italian coalition government that would include the Italian Communist Party."

Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya: Worthy Victims and Unworthy Victims
GRVideo - Alt - (GRYuTb - 7min10sec - Oct 8, 2011) - Source:  justiciayauk -- A quote...."At the very moment we are here, the United States, Britain, and France are bombing a city in Libya called Sirte. There are 100,000 people. Day and night, residential buildings, clinics, schools have been hit with fragmentation bombs and Hellfire missiles. . . . "

Afghanistan opium production set to rise 61%: UN
A quote...."Opium production in Afghanistan is set to rise by nearly two-thirds this year, with farmers’ revenues from the crop set to soar compared to last year’s disease-hit harvest, the UN said Tuesday." - Topix ||  US Support - Drug Trade  ||

Putin Versus The American Drug Cartel
Related Article - A quote...."In several recent communications with US, Ukrainian and Russian friends, about the current set of conditions within the former Soviet Union I have been able to confirm that the CIS Countries are under covert assault by the CIA, Mossad, and Drugs Inc." -- Naaaahhh, it's the CIA that gets almost all the drug money, no doubt the Mossad has its agents tracking everything everyone's doing for later blackmail purposes, but the CIA is running the show. - mpg

UN report finds evidence of children being tortured in Afghan detention facilities
A quote...."UNITED NATIONS (BNO NEWS) -- Afghan detention facilities, which also hold children, have allegedly been carrying out 'systematic' torture and mistreatment of detainees, according to a newly-released United Nations (UN) report."

Iraq's Sadr condemns U.S. 'occupiers'
A quote...."11 Oct 2011 The presence of U.S. military trainers in Iraq beyond the Dec. 31 deadline is an organized occupation, Shiite cleric Moqtada Sadr said. Baghdad last week said thousands of U.S. military 'trainers' would stay behind to help the Iraqi military. U.S. forces, under the terms of a bilateral status of forces agreement with Baghdad, are required to leave Iraq by Dec. 31. Sadr said in a message published by the Voices of Iraq new agency that the continued U.S. military presence was "an organized occupation in new attire.""

Next Stop is Pakistan – Wayne Madsen
A quote...."(WMR) October 11, 2011 -- Paraphrasing the old anti-Vietnam War song,

“And it’s one, two, three,
What are we fighting for ?
Don’t ask me, I don’t give a damn,
Next stop is Pakistan”

"It does appear that for some Pentagon brass, including Defense Secretary Leon Panetta; the CIA under former U.S. Central Command and Afghanistan commander General David Petraeus; and top Republican and Democratic politicians that, indeed, Pakistan is next on the target list of nations that will soon be feeling the military muscle of the United States. Unlike other Muslim nations that have been subjected to U.S. military intervention, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, and Libya, Pakistan’s ultimate prize for the West is its nuclear weapons arsenal…"

BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October 11, 2011
A round-up of the day's international & national news by BFP. - mpg - also posted at DProgram

Cairo massacre ruined the last illusions about Arab Spring.
A quote...."The recent Cairo massacre ruined the last illusions about the so called “Arab Spring” – a series of revolutionary actions, which occurred in the Arab world during the Spring of 2011. While the West was praising the civil uprisings in Egypt, Tunisia, Syria and Bahrain as the triumph of democracy, the unjustified killing of Christian protesters by Cairo military police vividly demonstrated the true results of the Arab Spring."

US-backed Egyptian junta massacres peaceful protesters
Related Article - A quote...."On Sunday evening the Egyptian military launched a brutal attack on protesters in Cairo, killing at least 36 and injuring hundreds. The crackdown happened after a peaceful demonstration by 10,000 protesters headed from Shubra, a working class suburb of Cairo, to the state television building in Maspiro in downtown Cairo. Most of the demonstrators were Copts protesting the ruling military council and demanding religious equality for the Christian minority in Egypt."

Egypt May Be Forced to Seek $3 Billion IMF Loan It Rejected: Arab Credit

Egypt is about to become another slave country of the Banksters. - mpg -- A quote...."Egypt, grappling with sectarian violence, labor strikes and the highest borrowing costs since 2008, may be forced to ask the International Monetary Fund for the $3 billion loan it spurned in June. -- The yield on the government’s one-year treasury bills soared 328 basis points, or 3.28 percentage points, to 13.86 percent since the Jan. 25 revolt that ousted President Hosni Mubarak, the highest since November 2008." -- Source:  Bloomberg

Yemeni air force commander killed in car bomb
A quote...."DUBAI: A Yemeni air commander was killed in a car bomb attack in south Yemen on Tuesday, a security source and witnesses said, the latest in a series of such attacks during a nine-month political crisis over President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s rule."

German officials admit using spyware on citizens, as Big Brother scandal grows
A quote...."A government surveillance software scandal that erupted in Germany this weekend has spread beyond that nation's borders, raising questions about how far government officials around the globe might go to monitor citizens through spyware."

$200 mln fraud: 7 years in jail for Ukraine PM Tymoshenko
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 5min39sec - Oct 11, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- Seems a bit unfair considering how so many Russian tycoons have ripped off their own country for hundreds of billions and how the worlds Banksters have ripped off the entire planet for tens of TRILLIONS, and only a few tycoons in Russia, of all places, have actually gone to jail for what they've done. (so far). - mpg -- A quote...."Seven years behind bars and 200 million dollars to repay. The sentence for Ukraine's former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko for abusing her authority while signing gas deals with Russia. RT's Alexey Yaroshevskiy is following the events from outside the court where Tymoshenko supporters have been involved in scuffles with police."

Vladimir Putin 'puzzled' by Tymoshenko verdict
Contains Video - A quote...."Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday he does not understand why former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko was found guilty and handed a seven-year prison sentence for forcing through a gas deal with Russia."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Israel plans expulsion of some 60,000 Bedouin Palestinians
A quote...."The Civil Administration (CA) is planning to expel the Bedouin communities living in Area C in the West Bank, transferring some 27,000 persons from their homes. In the first phase, planned as early as January 2012, some 20 communities, comprising 2,300 persons, will be forcibly transferred to a site near the Abu Dis refuse dump, east of Jerusalem." - also posted at AlethoNews
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

IOF demolishes mosque in Jordan Valley for the third time this year
A quote...."TOBAS, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) razed Khirbat Yirza mosque near Tobas city in the Jordan Valley on Tuesday for the third time this year, local sources said. -- They said that IOF troops arrived to the village escorting bulldozers and cordoned off the mosque before starting to raze it."

Israeli Forces Prevent Palestinian Fire Crew from Putting Out Fire in Jenin
A quote...."JENIN, October 10, 2011 (WAFA) – The Israeli Authorities prevented on Monday Palestinian firemen from putting out the fire, which erupted in olive trees, behind the Apartheid Wall, in the village of Anin, west of Jenin, according to civil defense report."

Israel 'to legalize outposts on private Palestinian land'
A quote...."JERUSALEM (AFP) -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking ways to legalize unauthorized settlement outposts built on private Palestinian land, the Haaretz newspaper reported Tuesday."

Prisoner Swap Deal Reached; 1027 Detainees To Be Released
A quote...."Khaled Mashal, head of the Political Bureau of the Hamas movement, revealed details on the prisoners swap deal reached with Israel via German, Egyptian and Arab mediators. The deal would ensure the release of corporal Gilad Shalit in return for the release of 1027 Palestinian detainees held by Israel."

Hamas Hails Palestinian Prisoners-Swap Deal
A quote...."Khaled Mashal, head of the Hamas Political Bureau, said 1,027 prisoners will be released in a deal brokered by Egypt, in exchange for Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, captured in 2006 by three Palestinian resistance factions and held since then in the Gaza Strip."

A day of festivities for the injured children of Gaza
A quote...."The Our Country Centre has held a theatre and entertainment event for child war invalids on the grounds of the Al-Jazeera Club in Gaza City. The goal of the festival was to bring and atmosphere of joviality and happiness to Palestinian children who have been seriously wounded or have lost limbs and who continue to suffer."

Euro parliament delegation visits Jerusalem MPs' protest tent
A quote...."A high-ranking European parliamentary and political delegation has visited the protest tent of the Jerusalemite parliamentarians threatened with deportation. The solidarity visit took place during a trip to Jordan and the occupied West Bank organised by the Council for Palestinian-European Relations. The delegation, headed by Britain's Lord Hugh Dykes, spent time at the tent in the grounds of the International Red Cross in Jerusalem."
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More On The Economic Situation....

Study: For Many Americans, Recovery Feels Like Recession as Incomes Plunge
A quote...."No wonder many Americans feel as if the economy never recovered at all. -- The incomes of U.S. workers, adjusted for inflation, fell even more rapidly since the rebound began in the summer of 2009 than during the recession itself, according to a new study." - bold by website editor

Millions could lose unemployment benefits in 2012
A quote...."Millions of unemployed Americans are waiting for Congress to do something other than trade barbs over their job creation plans. -- If lawmakers don't act soon, the jobless see their unemployment checks start to disappear come January. -- More than 6 million Americans are set to lose federal unemployment benefits in 2012, with 1.8 million running out in January alone, according to new figures from the National Employment Law Project."

Monday October 10th 2011

No posts. - mpg

Sunday October 9th 2011

More on the Domestic Situation....

New 9/11 Investigation may be in the Offing
A quote...."Critics of the official spin point out that even John Farmer, the 9/11 Commission’s own senior counsel, stated that, “At some level of the government, at some point in time...there was an agreement not to tell the truth about what happened.” -- There are just too many unexplained happenings and coincidences, too many people on the scene---photographers, reporters, ambulance drivers, etc.---who had no reason to lie about what they saw---whose testimony shreds the official Bush regime findings. -- To begin with, you have to put 9/11 in the context of the times. You might think no group of Americans could perpetrate such a dastardly crime against their fellow citizens and then lie to cover their tracks, except that it happened when George W. Bush was president."

Dead Men Tell No Tales: The CIA, 9/11 and the [Attempted??] Awlaki Assassination
A quote...."....the White House has failed to provide any proof whatsoever that Awlaki posed an "imminent danger" to the United States, although there is considerable evidence that he was on the radar of U.S. and allied secret state intelligence agencies for more than a decade, had close ties to several of the 9/11 hijackers and could have been picked up and indicted at any time. -- Instead, federal law enforcement officials gave Awlaki a green light to leave the United States, unlike thousands of innocent Muslim-Americans swept-up and detained by the FBI in the post-9/11 hysteria that followed the attacks."

Journalism 101: If a US Official Says It, Report It
Presstitute Alert - (The NYT, again, for like the hundredth time....again. - mpg) -- A quote...."Do civilians die in war? Not according to U.S. officials. Are their claims trustworthy or verifiable? It doesn’t matter. What does is that they’re making them. - A number of things are noteworthy about the recent piece in The New York Times..."

House Committee to Subpoena Holder in 'Fast and Furious' Probe
The Fast & Furious File - The Subpoena - (Which they should have done for 9/11, the anthrax cover-up, the Wall Street bail-outs, Obama's attack on Libya, and many, many, other crimes against this nation and the rest of humanity.  But it's good to see Congress actually trying to grow a spine.  Obviously they're doing it because they think this is a relatively containable issue, the investigation probably --  despite Holder's threats to implicate the Bush administration, who no doubt was also involved in this type of thing, -- won't lead to any additional crimes of this government, or to the other faction of the DemoRepub party. - mpg) -- A quote...."The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is planning to subpoena Attorney General Eric Holder this week to determine who in the Justice Department knew about "Operation Fast and Furious" -- the plan to let thousands of guns sold in the U.S. get into Mexican drug cartel hands -- and when they knew it."

Dozens of Fast and Furious Weapons Found in Mexico Cartel Enforcer’s Home
The Fast & Furious File - The Sinaloan Cartel-- A quote...."High-powered assault weapons illegally purchased under the ATF’s Fast and Furious program in Phoenix ended up in a home belonging to the purported top Sinaloa cartel enforcer in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, whose organization was terrorizing that city with the worst violence in the Mexican drug wars." - Source:  LATimes - Website editor's note:  The article hints at "hundreds of weapons", it wasn't, it was more like thousands. - mpg

Dems want door slammed on more of Obama's records - Obama's cover-up is ALREADY starting!!
A quote...."A New York Democrat has introduced a bill to Congress that would allow Barack Obama to keep secret his presidential documents after he leaves office, and one commentary already is speculating that the party is so worried about his 2012 election that preparations are being made for his status as a former president." - bold by website editor

Vets call for resignations, impeachments in Washington
A quote...."Back quite a few years ago when the American people were suffering under a despot called King George III they drew up a list of his offenses and told him they were not going to allow his government by fiat to be "destructive" any longer. -- In the Declaration of Independence, they cited such problems as his refusal to allow beneficial and necessary laws, his obstruction of justice by manipulating the judiciary, his erection of "a multitude of new offices," his disruption of trade and his preventing the laws adopted by local legislatures from addressing problems. -- The Revolutionary War resulted."

WARNING: Corporate-Fascist Military Coup Brewing in US?
A quote...."September 30, 2011 - The US intelligence community, in conjunction with Wall Street corporate-financier interests, have spent an inordinate amount of time positioning themselves for a possible military coup and martial law take over of the United States. This is being done under the guise of the fraudulent "War on Terror" but in preparation for a very real and inevitable economic collapse." - also posted at Hamsayeh & PrisonPlanet & ActivistPost

The invisible [and not so invisible] surveillance state: DHS and the end of America as we know it
A quote...."The DHS boasts 216,000 employees (as of 2010), a $98.8 billion budget in the 2011 fiscal year, and child agencies that include: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Transportation Security Administration (TSA), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), United States Coast Guard (USCG), United States Secret Service (USSS), and the National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD)."

Peter B. Collins & Sibel Edmonds Unplugged & on Fire – Boiling Frogs Podcast Show #60
Audio - (1hr09min26sec - Oct 8, 2011) -- A quote...."Peter B. Collins and Sibel Edmonds discuss the meaning of true alternative media, the role of corporate-foundations in mainstreaming the so-called alternative news, the shameful state of mainstream media as the mouthpiece for the government steered by mega corporations, the joint pseudo alternative-mainstream media black-outs on information pertaining to 9/11, government whistleblowers, secrecy, and the falsification of the truth by tentacles of our shadow government. We go on record with examples of establishment alternatives in disguise and real cases of operatives who sabotage true alternatives like Boiling Frogs Post. We talk about Boiling Frogs Post, our partners and team members, our goals, our pledge to complete independence from the corporates and their foundations, our stand on partisanship, and more!"

Civil Unrest and Economic Chaos: The End Result Of Our Fiat Currency System – John Rubino
Video - CivilUnrest&EconoChaos(1/2) - CivilUnrest&EconoChaos(2/2) - (YuTb - Oct 8, 2011) - Source:  visionvictory

Global Collapse – Charlie McGrath
CMcGVideo - Alt - (CMcGYuTb - 3min24sec - Oct 8, 2011) - Source:  crabbydogtrix - Website editor's note:  So far....the "markets" could care less, they're essentially saying (except for the EU's debt market, its a little nervous at the momment) that everything's just fine and dandy. Go figure? - mpg
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens...

The Arrival of [US] Housing Purgatory
Must Read /View Charts - A quote...."Why is housing experiencing one of its worst sales years even with the 30 year fixed rate mortgage breaking into the 3 percent range? A case as to why housing will remain a poor investment deep into 2015."
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The TBTF's & The "Jewish Community"

Obama’s Finance Reform - Jewish Bankers Win Again
From the History File - A quote...."THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS,” said the chief regulatory officer for CME Group in an interview last week after surveying Obama’s new and hurried finance reform bill. -- Originally introduced by Democrat Senator Christopher Dodd, Obama wasted no time giving the bill an executive push. -- The House version of the bill, written by Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank, a Jew and an avowed homosexual who admitted having an affair with a male prostitute, was approved in December. -- The Republican opposition to the bill has suffered a still birth as GOP senators this past week finally realized that locking arms with big-buck Jewish bankers does a doozy on campaign contributions. Now the Wall Street-bought Republicans are declaring: “Finance Reform Is Good!”"

This website editor does not posses, nor has this website editor ever seen, the exact figures detailing how much, by ownership, position, or title, members of the "Jewish Community" control the TBTF's and therefore the rest of this nation's financial industry.  It must be stated however, it has to be substantially more than two percent, which is the proportion of the US population made up by members of the "Jewish Community".  It should also be understood that....
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'We may need to print even MORE money', Bank of England economist warns just days after £75billion cashflow is sanctioned -- Haaaaa, haaaaaa, haaaaa! It just NEVER ends, which of course is what every economist worth his or her salt warned everybody when this debt ponzi scheme started to totally unravel back in 2007, many of course trace our collective doom all the way back to 1973, some even as far back as 1913. - mpg -- A quote...."One of the Bank of England’s leading economists has warned it may need to print even more money to bolster the sickly economy."
EUROZONE UPDATE - Think Tank Says Bailout Fund Will Need $6 Trillion And France Will Lose AAA Rating
A quote...."Pardon while we chuckle, because $1 trillion, let alone $6 trillion, is never going to happen in Europe.  Where do they plan to get the money, Euro Claus? -- Consisdering that the current proposal being voted on by all 17 Eurozone members calls for a fund of less than $500 billion, this new number, though more realistic in terms of the size needed to fix the problem, is a political impossibility, especially given the popular resistance among voters in France and Germany to bailouts for irresponsible neighboring countries."

Dexia, first victim of EU debt crisis
A quote...."Dexia becomes the first bank to fall victim to the eurozone sovereign debt crisis as Belgium, France and Luxemburg agree on a deal to dismantle the European lender."

Two More European Banks Nationalized Following Dexia's Example
They'll be coming fast and thick soon. - mpg -- A quote...."Thank god for Dexia's implosion this morning, or else the world would be forced to pay attention to the fact that Greece is still as insolvent as ever and still without a formal Troika approval for disbursement of the critical 6th tranche that Greece needs or else. Also, were it not for Dexia someone might notice that two other banks bit the nationalization bullet in the past 24 hours as the contagion, not from Dexia, but from the fact that there is simply not enough money around: as a result Danish Max Bank and Greek Proton Bank just handed the keys to their HQs to their primary regulators, with the management teams quietly riding off into the sunset."

The Uncredible Dog and Pony Show: Merkel and Sarkozy
A quote...."For the past 18 months, every time reality threatens to intrude in Europe, Merkel and Sarkozy rush onto the global stage for a repeat performance of their dog-and-pony show. The global media declares it an artistic triumph and the "solution" to Europe's insolvency. -- The fact that we've seen the exact same performance repeated again and again appears to be lost on the financial media, which never tires of declaring "this is the solution that will end the European bank crisis." -- A few days or weeks later, reality once again intrudes, the ugly truth of systemic insolvency rears its frightening head once again, and the Dynamic Duo of Eurozone political theater rush onto stage for another tiresome performance of their cliche-ridden dog-and-pony show." - also posted at ZeroHedge
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"Occupy Wall Street" & Other "Occupy" News...

End the Fed – Occupy Wall Street
Must View Video - Alt - (YuTb - 7min05sec - Oct 8, 2011) - Source:  TheThirdAlbum -- A quote...."Occupy Wall Street - October 7, 2011 Chris answers some questions and refers to a video of him posted on YouTube a week earlier by Philip Small which can be seen on Philip's blog and on his YouTube account Small1124. The video is also on the YouTube account of StephenHannardADGUK where it has received over 200,000 hits as of this date. Chris has the YouTube account*** CptnMidnite and the webpage"

Occupy Wall St – Systemic Change Please
RNVideo - Alt - (RNYuTb - 9min57sec - Oct 6, 2011) - Source:  TheRealNews -- A quote...."Michael Hudson explains why the OWSers are not making specific, piecemeal-demands. He also discusses a public option in banking as a structural answer to the power of finance.  Wild guess - many here may agree with some of Michael's assessments, but take issue with his public option proposal."

Occupy Wall Street: Too Big to Ignore
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 4min05sec - Oct 9, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."The collective voices of American dissent has manifested into a movement impossible to ignore. "Occupy Wall Street" began in the world's financial capital, but this week protests have blazed through dozens of cities nationwide."

Ralph Nader "The Tea Party Now Is Basically The Corporatist Wing Of The Republican Party"
FOXVideo - (FOXYuTb - 3min57sec - Oct 7, 2011) - Source:  MOXNews - Ralph Nader and Judge Napolitano coming to agreement....awesome. - mpg

Economist: The Financial System Is Broken And Corrupt
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Prominent economist Michael Hudson explains that the financial system is so fundamentally broken and corrupt that the message of the Occupy Wall Street protesters can’t be reduced down to a handful of “technocratic fixes”. - Hudson also said...."
Occupy This: US History exposes the 1%’s crimes then and now. 1 of 6
A quote...."Occupy Wall Street (and nationwide) has three emerging objectives...."
"My Open proposal for US Revolution: end unlawful wars, parasitic economics explains and documents."

'US govt. not representing US people'
A quote...."The protest campaign, known as 'Occupy Wall Street (OWS),' is “a movement that does not trust or does not believe that this government represents the people,” Tarak Kauff said on Sunday." -- a comment shown below....

"That about sums it up succinctly; this country has moved from a nation where governance rested on the consent of the governed; from a nation by the people for the people and of the people, to a corporatocracy by the corporations, for the corporations, and of the corporations. -- Those, like Glenn Beck and Herman Cain, who refuse to grasp this are blind, tone-deaf, and ultimately... irrelevant. The old left/right paradigm no longer works, and they just haven't gotten the message." -- *Michael Rivero*

CBC's Kevin O'Leary gets schooled on #Occupy Wall Street movement by Chris Hedges
Contains Video - A quote...."In an Sun TV worthy interview, CBC's Kevin O'Leary gets schooled on the #occupy Wall Street movement by Pulitzer winning journalist Chris Hedges. Watch the video on CBC here. For a full transcript of the interview, visit Creekside's blog." - Chris Hedges is right about one aspect of "capitalism", unless it's stringently controlled by the people, "unfettered capitalism" will eventually become toxic and will commodify everything and everyone in the end the logical and inevitable result will be to make us all into corporate "product"; weapons units, sexual aids, spare body parts, bio-research organisms, and of course, slave labor. - mpg - Related Topix ||  The Wealthiest One Percent – The Spirit of Liberal Capitalism - 12-15-05 - mpg  ||

Occupy the Fed and Wall Street News 10-08-11 - A DProgram Round-Up - (26 articles & videos)
Occupy the Fed and Wall Street News 10-09-11 - A DProgram Round-Up - (30 articles & videos)
Watch Occupy In 14 Major US Cities - live streaming
Thousands plan protest camp in London's financial centre inspired by 'Occupy Wall Street' campaign
Memo To The Media: It’s Not 'Anti-Capitalist' To Protest An Industry ~ Saved By Trillions Of Taxpayer Dollars
Occupy The FED Dallas - video - (YuTb 14m22s Oct 8, 2011) - Src: TheShowmebby
Picture from Occupy San Diego - photo
Faces of OccupyWallst  - personal photo gallery
Occupy Indianapolis Protest 10-8-2011: - photos - (69 images)
Protests building momentum as they enter fourth week
"Occupy Wall Street" now in 25 cities
Mainstream Media Biased Coverage of ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Demonstrations
While Wall Street Quakes, Greece’s Fire Still Burns Bright
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The Assault On Libya....

Libya, Green Flags, and The Heart of Darkness
Must Read - A quote...."One of the great virtues of Veterans Today appears to be that diverse opinions about the most important issues that confront us are welcomed with respect as long as they are well-reasoned and responsible.  I have been dismayed by the support for NATO’s intervention in Libya from some of our most significant contributors, which has led me to conduct interviews and additional research about what is going on there.  That the first act of this “rebel uprising” was to found a new central bank [and no one should forget, a new oil company. - mpg] told me that something very strange was taking place.  That NATO, which was founded as a collective defensive alliance to respond to an invasion of Europe by the USSR, has been involved in the bombing of civilians in a nation that has not attacked any other, has stunned me." - bold by website editor

Pepe Escobar: Gaddafi gold to boost Libya resistance
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 4min42sec - Oct 9, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Fierce fighting for Gaddafi's hometown of Sirte continues in Libya, where revolutionary forces claim they've seized the convention centre - the main base of the Colonel's loyalists. For over two days now, Libya's interim rulers have been waging one of the biggest assaults yet on the most-important remaining stronghold of the ousted leader. Revolutionary forces claim they control most of the town that's been under siege for three weeks now. Libya's interim leaders say failure to take Sirte is the only thing keeping them from formally declaring liberation and scheduling elections."

NATO Suffers Heavy Losses in Sirte, Libya
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 2min36sec - Oct 9, 2011) - Source:  TVZNETonline

Sirte 200 Dead for 1 Minute TV Victory; Jibril withdraws TNC-Fighters from Sirte
Related Article - A quote...."A massive storm on Sirte that resulted in the brief occupation of a University Campus and Hospital in the South Eastern Suburbs. After the battle raged back and forth all day, a massive counter attack that left 200 TNC-fighters dead and countless wounded was enough for Mahmud Jibril, who is pulling “the fighters with allegiance to him” out of the battle, calling “the death of over 200 fighters for a one minute Al Jazeera Victory senseless“. Jibril´s decision is one more example that the NATO Narrative is discredited and  of the inherent instability and infighting of the NATO proxy regime. The Libyan war is grinding into a stall, while the humanitarian crisis continues."

Tarpley on Libya Rebels A CIA Secret Army
RTVideo - Alt - (previously posted) - (RTYuTb - 8min04sec - Oct 7, 2011) - Source: TVZNETonline - Producer: RussiaToday -- A quote...."RT talks to investigative journalist Webster Tarpley from Washington DC."

LIBYA - Jihadists Take Over, As Warned
Related Article - A quote...."PARIS, Sep 8 (IPS) - The official euphoria with which the U.S. and European governments celebrated the fall of the regime of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya has given way to growing concern that many among the new Libyan leadership are radical Muslims with links to al-Qaeda. [Which was pointed out seven months ago by astute observers of the situation like Webster Tarpley.  It is of course EXACTLY what the US-NRE wants to happen. - mpg] Revelations are surfacing also of a close collaboration of Western governments with the deposed dictator." - Source:  IPSNews - Topix ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other(a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||

URGENT APPEAL For Sirte -- What We Can All Do!
M108Video - Alt - (M108YuTb - 2min25sec - Oct 10, 2011) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote...."No images of People with blood used here - But there are very very many!"
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More On The International Situation....

US officials redraw Iraqi troops training plan
A quote...."New York, Oct 9: US officials are redrawing a 2012 military training plan for Iraqi troops after Iraq’s leaders announced they would not grant immunity to [US-NRE] troops [allowing them to kill and maim Iraqis for fun, sport and pleasure and] who [will] remain after the December 31 deadline for withdrawal [whether the Iraqis want them to remain or not], The Washington Post reported Sunday." - bold by website editor - Time for more al-CIA'da attacks against Iraqi government facilities and Sh'ia pilgrims to help "convince" them that "they need us". - mpg

Afghanistan: Ten Years of Aimless War
Special Note - A quote...."October 09, 2011 "Information Clearing House" --   The renowned military strategist, Maj. Gen. J.F.C Fuller, defined war’s true objective as achieving desired political results, not killing enemies. -- But this is just what the US has been doing in Afghanistan. After ten years of war costing at least $450 billion, 1,600 dead and 15,000 seriously wounded soldiers, the US has achieved none of its strategic or political goals." - Not REALLY true, for more on that click on.....An Astonishing Success

One killed [a 60 year old farmer], 4 others detained by ISAF
A quote...."JALALABAD (PAN): International troops killed a farmer and detained four other people in the eastern province of Nangarhar, residents and officials said on Sunday. -- The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) shot dead a 60-year-old farmer, Syed Mohammad, arrested his two sons and as many other  nephews on Saturday night in the Maidanak village of Spin Ghar district, said tribal elder Malak Osman."

NATO: 2 service members die in Afghanistan
A quote...."KABUL, Afghanistan – NATO says two of its service members have been killed in an insurgent attack in southern Afghanistan."

[More] Fuel tankers torched on Pakistan-Afghanistan border
A quote...."(CNN) -- Four armed men torched two tankers carrying fuel bound for U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan in Pakistan's southwestern province of Balochistan Sunday, a police official told CNN."

Pakistan is the real victim of Bush's great 9/11 folly
A quote...."It might have been a buoyant nation today, joining India and China at world economic forums. Instead it is a failing state." - And THAT, was EXACTLY the idea, for more on this sort of issue see.... - Topix ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other(a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||  The Method - 05-07-07 - mpg  ||

Pakistani tribes hold anti-US rally
Contains Video - A quote...."More than one thousand people in Pakistan's northwestern Bajaur tribal agency have taken to the streets to condemn the so-called 'war on terror' led by the United States, Press TV reports. "

ALBA Representatives Travel To Damascus To Support Syria
A quote...."CARACAS — The Political Council of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) will meet on Sunday Oct. 09 with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus to express their rejection of attempts at invasion and political destabilization on that country on behalf of the United States and its allies." - Source:  NamNewsNetwork

Bankers push World War III: First Libya, Syria Next – Michael Rivero
MRVideo - Alt - (MRYuTb - 13min47sec - Oct, 8th, 2011) - Source:  ravenise00 - Related:  MRVids -- A quote...."Zainab al-Hosni, resident in central Syria, quickly became a symbol of the propaganda occurring due to external influence by Hegemonic countries and Intelligence services smuggling guns and weapons in attempt to artificially ferment division between tribal factions in Syria."

Three US drones crash in Somalia
Weapons Tech. Alert - Oh, oh, it looks like the health of the US-NRE's drone fleet, which recently contracted a highly communicable and so far incurable virus, might have taken a fatal turn for the worse. What a shame... - mpg -- A quote...."Three unmanned US drones have crashed in the southern region of Somalia as violence continues to intensify in the war-torn country, Press TV reports."

Worst Violence after Mubarak, 'Egypt on brink of Islamic dictatorship'
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 5min02sec - Oct 10, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Egypt's military rulers imposed an overnight curfew on Cairo's Tahrir Square and other parts of the capital, which is due to be lifted around now. It follows a violent eruption between Coptic Christians and security forces that have left at least 24 people dead. What began as a peaceful rally calling for justice over attacks on churches and radicalism, quickly turned into the most-violent episode since February's revolution. Military vehicles are clearly seen charging through crowds and ploughing into people, while army infantry fired rubber bullets and tear gas...."

Violent riots in Egypt, Coptic Christians clash with police, Muslims
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 3min57sec - Oct 10, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Egypt's military rulers imposed an overnight curfew on Cairo's Tahrir Square and other parts of the capital, which is due to be lifted around now. It follows a violent eruption between Coptic Christians and security forces that have left at least 24 people dead. What began as a peaceful rally calling for justice over attacks on churches and radicalism, quickly turned into the most-violent episode since February's revolution."

Fresh UK-Saudi bribery scandal
A quote...."The British government is reluctant to launch an investigation into a multi-million pounds bribery scandal involving a British defence firm and the Saudi royal family.."

Trouble in the Kingdom
Geo-Political Analysis - A quote...."Threaten the stability of Saudi Arabia, as the Shi’a upsurges   are now doing in  Qatif, and al-Awamiyah in the country’s  oil-rich Eastern Province and you’re brandishing a dagger over the very heart of long-term U.S. policy in the Middle East for over half a century."

Iran starts Caspian shelf exploration
A quote...."An Iranian research vessel has started exploration of the Caspian Sea’s southern shelf, national media reported on Monday. -- The work, which will continue until year-end, is aimed at identifying potential routes for an oil pipeline and fiber-optic cables, the Mehr news agency reported."

Eurasian Project a Threat to New World Order
A quote...."Regardless of interpretation details, the reaction of the Western media to the integration project unveiled by the Russian premier was uniformly negative and reflected with utmost clarity an a priori hostility towards Russia and any initiatives it floats. Mao Zedong, though, used to say that facing pressure from your enemies is better than being in such a condition that they do not bother to keep you under pressure."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Obama at the General Assembly: Sacrificing Palestine for Zionist Campaign Funds
A quote...."There are two views of Obama’s speech to the General Assembly on September 21, 2011, and his opposition to the recognition of Palestine as a sovereign state and its admission to the UN. The common opinion of foreign policy experts was that Obama led the US to an ignominious diplomatic defeat, deepening US isolation in the international system." - Source:  JamesPetras

US [World's Biggest Butt-Kissing Lackey of Israel, Thuggishly] Warns UNESCO To Stay Out Of Palestine Debate
A quote...."The Obama administration warned the U.N. cultural agency to stay out of the question of Palestinian statehood or face the consequences, as American lawmakers were threatening to withhold tens of millions of dollars in U.S. funding if the organization agrees to admit Palestine as a member before an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal is reached."

Israel Spits in America’s Face – Again
A quote...."The dust had just settled on Obama’s dodging the Palestinian UN Statehood vote and the Crazy Israelis announced the building of 1100 new settlement homes in East Jerusalem. What are friends for, right?"
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Iceland to Recognize Palestinian State, says Al-Malki  - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."RAMALLAH, October 10, 2011 (WAFA) – Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki said Monday that Iceland will officially recognize Palestine as an independent state on Tuesday."

EU Parliament Calls for Increase in Palestinian Aid
A quote...."The EU Parliament's Budget Committee has asked the European Commission to increase by 100 million euro its aid to Palestine in 2012, the EP said in a statement Friday.."

US, UK will never halt Israeli Violations
PrsTVideo - (PrsTVYuTb - 6min44sec - Oct 8, 2011) - Source:  PressTVGlobalNews -- A quote...."A prominent political analyst says the United States and Britain have never seriously demanded the Israeli regime to stop its illegal expansion of settlement units in the occupied Palestinian territories."
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More On The Economic Situation....

US jobless epidemic masked by govt statistical shenanigans
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 3min14sec - Oct 9, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."For Americans enduring rising unemployment and falling living standards, Capitol Hill seems out of touch. Thousands are joining demonstrations against poverty and corporate greed as the country struggles to deal with the ongoing economic crisis. The anti-Wall Street protests that have grown in New York over the past few weeks are spreading to other major cities, including the capital."

Saturday October 8th 2011

More on the Domestic Situation....

More Molten Metal Filmed Within WTC 2 Before Its Collapse?
Video - (YuTb -  46sec - Jul 29, 2010) - Source:  AidanMonaghan -- A quote...."Footage from the 2008 History Channel documentary "102 Minutes That Changed America" apparently depicts additional evidence of thermite use within the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001."

9/11 Incontrovertible Proof the Government is Lying
Video - (YuTb - Mar 3, 2009) - Source:  NanoThermite911 -- A quote...."Who's Lying? NIST and conspirators eager to cover-up their crimes or the FDNY?"

Clear WTC #1 Demolition Video
Video - Alt1 - Alt2 - (YuTb - 1min03sec - May 5, 2011) - Source:  Xenomorph -- A quote...."In this enhanced video of World Trade Center #1 being destroyed we can see demolitions ripping through the structure as the debris from above falls alongside. - The final video sequence is really one of the better videos I have seen of the destruction. - Had WTC #7 not been presumably flawed in its demolition timing, I doubt that there would be 1,600 Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth." - Website editor's note:  WTC7 was supposed to be hit by flight 93, it was extremely embarrassing for those who promote the official myth of 9/11 that it wasn't, including the PNAC-Neocon-AIPAC/Israeli Consortium. For more on this issue see....9/11 Shock Opera… Act 4 – Building 7 and Flight 93: The Grand Finale that Wasn’t

9/11 WTC1 Demolition Zoom Enhanced Super Slow Mo -NIST FOIA  - Super Slow-Mo!
Video - (YuTb - 1min01sec - May 16, 2011) - Source:  cappucinokid100 -- A quote...."World Trade Center North Tower collapse analysis.(WTC1) - New york 11th September 2001."

More 9/11 Unanswered Questions
A quote...."Two military aircraft were flying at high altitude near the Pentagon around the time it was hit on 9/11, but the identities of these aircraft and what they were doing over the Pentagon are unknown. -- The planes had the call signs "Bobcat 14" and "Bobcat 17." A partial transcript of air traffic controller communications reveals they were communicating with the control tower at Washington's Reagan National Airport, which is less than a mile from the Pentagon, between at least 9:31 a.m. and 9:40 a.m. on September 11."

Podcast Show #59 – The Boiling Frogs Presents Bill Bergman
Audio - (56min16sec - Friday, 7. October 2011) -- A quote...."(BoilingFrogsPost) – Bill Bergman joins us to discuss compelling financial irregularities and cases involving pre-9/11 money transfers, suspicious activity reporting, and informed securities trading, all of which remain uninvestigated and unanswered to date. He provides us with his analyses of the extraordinary surge in currency shipments and significant increase in the number of suspicious activity reports filed by financial institutions in the summer of 2001, the long history of currency shipments in U.S. covert operations, documented false statements and conclusions by the 9/11 Commission regarding the National Money Laundering Strategy Report from the Department of the Treasury in 2001, and the performance of the ‘market fear index’ in the weeks before 9/11....." - Source:  BoilingFrogPost  ||

Holder Claims to Have Ignored at least 5 Memos on 'Fast and Furious'
The Fast & Furious File - More Lies From The Lying Liar - A quote...."Senator Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) and Congressman Darrell Issa (R., California)today said that Attorney General Eric Holder received at least five weekly memos beginning in July 2010, including four weeks in a row, describing the ill-advised strategy known as Operation Fast and Furious. The memos were to Holder from Michael Walther, the director of the National Drug Intelligence Center." - also posted at TheIntercept

'Fast and Furious' scandal grows as tone-deaf White House facilitates Justice Dept. denials
The Fast & Furious File - More Lies From The Lying White House - A quote...."(NaturalNews) In 2008, Sen. Barack Obama was vying for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination and the soon-to-be chief executive made a pledge that, if elected, he would preside over the most open, transparent administration in history. He promised to support an outright ban on gifts, to ensure that people working for his administration were prohibited from lobbying the same administration. He also vowed to have more open meetings and a five-day public review for legislation." - also posted at DProgram

"Obama Is A Puppet" [& Many Other Observations] - Eddie Griffin Speaks Out
Video - (BE ADVISED:  Adult Langauge) - (YuTb - 4min8sec - Jul 17, 2011) - Source:  TheFlexEffect -- A quote...."Obama is a puppet on a string, according to Eddie Griffin."

Romney Picks Notorious Neocon as Lead Foreign Policy Adviser
2012 Election Cycle - A quote...."GOP front-runner Mitt Romney – who has promised us another century of mass murder and crimes against humanity – has picked a neocon as his new foreign policy adviser."

'J. Edgar Hoover was NOT gay!': FBI warned Clint Eastwood and Leonardo DiCaprio not to camp up portrayal of bureau chief in new film - The FBI's RIGHT....for once.  J. Edgar Hoover wasn't "gay"(because there is no such thing), he was however a fat, flaming, cross-dressing, homo-sexually inclined, fruit-cake!! - mpg -- A quote...."The FBI is back to old habits, telling Hollywood what they may or may not tell the public! Sig HEIL, mien FBI! -- Yes, Hoover was gay and the mafias used it to blackmail Hoover into officially declaring there was no such thing as organized crime up until events of 1957 forced him to reverse his stance. -- At my own website, What Really Happened, I have a copy of an official FBI letter from 1943 instructing field agents how to respond to the growing rumors of Hoover's lifestyle." -- *Michael Rivero* - Related: ||  Doc-1  ||  Doc-2  || (click to enlarge)

Keiser Report: Price Propaganda (E194)
MKVideo - Alt - (MKRTYuTb - 25min45sec - Oct 6, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  Max Keiser TV -- A quote...."(RussiaToday) - This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, talk about pitchforks trading up, the mother of all short squeezes and the anonymous hedge fund. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser interviews Professor Steve Keen, author of Debunking Economics 2, about #occupywallstreet, debt bubbles and Australian housing."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens...

G. Edward Griffin: The Creature Comes to America
A quote...."Chapter 16 Summary: The Creature Comes to America -- America had its first central bank even before the Constitution was drafted.  it was called the Bank of North America and was chartered by the Continental Congress in 1781.  Modeled after the Bank of England, it was authorized to issue more paper promissory notes than it held in deposits.  In the beginning, these notes were widely circulated and served as a national currency.  Although the bank was essentially a private institution, it was designed for the purpose of creating money to lend to the federal government, which it did from the start." Related: || The Creature From Jekyll Island ||

Chart Of The Week: European "Fear And Loathing" Hits Record $1.3 Trillion
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."The topic of the European "Ice-nine"phenomenon is nothing new to regular Zero Hedge readers: every day we point out the increasing freeze in European interbank lending (in both the traditional and shadow formats), in various money markets, in commercial paper, in broad fixed income issuance, and in the overall collapse in market liquidity, so deftly masked for now by daily political and central bank rhetoric, which for all its market kneejerk reaction glory is merely unsubstantiated innuendo and lies - keep in mind that the last time the incoherent and disorganized Troika came to an actual decision was July 21, with the second Greek bailout, and even that has not yet been implemented! So while hopes still percolates faintly on the surface, the riptide just below it has grown to record proportions."

"Dexia's Funeral Will Be Announced On Sunday" As "Weakest Link" Slovakia Prepares To Bury The Euro
A quote...."A few days ago we mocked the market's naive belief that a loose union of 17 different countries and hundreds of separate political organizations, each torn by thousands of unique interests and lobby groups, can all agree unanimously in the pursuit of the common monetary (read: banker) good, over that of their own people. Yet that did not stop stocks from enacting the second weekly massive short covering squeeze, in 3 weeks, purely on hype, rumors, innuendo and lies. And just like the last time the market soared by nearly double digits in a few short days, only to plunge when hopes of a quick resolution were mercilessly dashed, Monday has all the makings of another epic risk off day. Because while all it takes is a rumor (of a plan for a plan) to start a squeeze, we are about to get some very nasty actual events which will demand immediate and forceful intervention by the powers that be, something which Europe (and the US) has proven is virtually impossible."
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"Occupy Wall Street" & Other "Occupy" News...

Cenk Uygur: Corporate media tried to ignore Occupy Wall Street
Must View RTVideo - (Great Cenk Uygur!! - mpg) - (RTYuTb - 14min15sec - Oct 7, 2011) - Source:  RTAmerica -- A quote...."Occupy Wall Street has become a real threat to the establishment and many believe this is why, you the viewer, are not getting the latest in coverage. First the media didn't want to cover it, then with the hundreds of the arrest many felt they had to. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, gives us his thoughts."

Welcome to the #OWS 99% Movement “We Will NOT Be Co-Opted”
A quote...."Preface from Washington’s Blog: Both mainstream Democratic and Republican parties are working furiously behind the scenes to co-opt the Wall Street protests. But as the Associated Press notes, the protesters are fed up with both mainstream parties, as are most of the American people."

Utah’s Wall Street protest gets ‘official’ support
A quote...."Although some of his Republican colleagues have dubbed the Occupy Wall Street protests "mobs" that could turn violent, Congressman Jason Chaffetz applauds the groups’ commitment to stand up and be heard."

[WRH] First photos from Occupy Honolulu - photos
Occupy Wall Street fervor growing in South Florida
Occupy Wall Street spreads to the streets of Wilmington
Spreading protests reach in No. 2 US banking city [Charlotte NC]
Hundreds protest outside White House
Stop The Machine Occupies Washington
US protests spread to 1,000 cities
Plans for anti-Wall Street protests spread across US and globally - Alt
'US protesters against rich one percent'
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The Assault On Libya....

Libya´s TNC, Bullet Proof Democracy and Perpetual War.
A quote...."On 1 September Libya´s Transitional National Counsel announced “Democracy in 20 Months”. With a TNC in chaos and assassination attempts and infighting having become daily news, the NATO lead aggression is failing on all fronts. TNC has become the acronym for “Trust No Colleague”, but is the infighting and disarray of the TNC the unavoidable result of opportunists nepotism, or is it Pentagon Strategy. NATO and the TNC seem to loose the battle for Libya. Can NATO win the diplomatic war at the U.N. to occupy Northern Africa."

Libya News Updates October 8
M108Video - Alt - (M108YuTb - 2min46sec - Oct 8, 2011)
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More On The International Situation....

"United States Continues To Kill Civilians" Taliban Grows
MOXVideo - Alt - (MOXYuTb - Oct 7, 2011) - Source:  MOXNEWS -- A quote...."October 07, 2011 NHK News"

2 foreign troops killed in Afghanistan
A quote...."Two foreign soldiers have been killed in an attack in southern Afghanistan, as the US-led war continues to rage in the country. "

Four US bases attacked in Afghanistan
A quote...."Militants have carried out coordinated attacks on four American military bases in Afghanistan's eastern province of Paktika, as the US-led invasion of the Asian country enters its eleventh year."

[Syria] - Nine officers killed by armed groups in central Syria: report
A quote...."DAMASCUS, Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- Nine army officers were killed and 11 others injured Saturday during clashes with armed groups in Syria's Hama city, a hotbed of the recent unrest, the private Sham FM radio station reported. -- Many of the gunmen were killed in the confrontation in Jisr al- Mazareb area of the city, the report said, adding that large amounts of weapons and ammunition were seized in that area."

Iraq, siding with Iran, sends essential aid to Syria’s Assad
A quote...."More than six months after the start of the Syrian uprising, Iraq is offering key moral and financial support to the country’s embattled president, undermining a central U.S. policy objective and raising fresh concerns that Iraq is drifting further into the orbit of an American arch rival — Iran." - Source:  WaPo

[Another] NATO oil tanker bombed in Khyber
A quote...."LANDIKOTAL: A NATO oil tanker was destroyed with an explosive device in Shagai in Jamrud on Saturday.."

Iran Fires Gazprom from Azar Oil Field
If Russia's playing games they should stop.  After reneging on the S-300 contract, their foot-dragging on completing Iran's Bushehr reactor, and now this, they should seriously consider what not honoring their contracts will do for their reputation.  It makes them unreliable politically and financially, it makes them look bad, and it's terrible for business!  If they don't want to do deals with Iran, or any other country for that matter, they shouldn't sign the bottom line on the contract.  In other words, they should stop f-cking around and honor their commitments! - mpg

Ahmad Chalabi gets a shoe thrown by one of the audience in Hezbollah's forum about Bahrain
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...." seems not everybody knew that Chalabi - whose lies and manipulations provided the pretext for the war and destruction of Iraq - was one of the top lecturers at the Hezbollah's conference and the main adviser and collaborator of Bahraini opposers and activists. So, when Chalabi started talking an Egyptian reasercher, Ashraf Bayyumi, interrupted his speech and told him "You entered Baghdad on US tanks!" and then another man got up and said "I refuse to be part of this and we have an American stooge ('Amil) in here" and got out. Finally, someone from the audience threw a shoe and it hit Chalabi on the head. Chalabi started chanting from the podium "Down with ignorance! You are all agents of Saddam!" -- As-Safir described the conference as "a success by all standards"." - bold by website editor - also posted at Uruknet

Italians protest austerity measures
A quote...."Tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets in Italy to protest against the austerity measures adopted by the government of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. -- The demonstrations were held in Milan and Rome on Saturday, DPA reported." - Source:  PressTV

The Killing Continues [in Latin America] as US Doubles Down on Failed Trade Policies
A quote...."A number of notable events took place in the past week which underscore the U.S.’s continued failed policies in Latin America. And of course, these notable events were almost totally ignored by the mainstream of the U.S. press" - also posted at AlethoNews

How Dare They Offer Us Cheap, Well-Made Products? - The US prepares to launch a trade war against China.
Special Note - A quote...."Failing governments throughout history have used wars as an excuse to rally citizen support for the political establishment to win elections or hold off revolutions. But with America currently involved in numerous military conflicts with falling popular support and no victories in sight, the Democrats and Republicans have decided on a contrived trade war instead."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

British justice is exposed as a sham
A quote...."Britain's Foreign Secretary William Hague received Tzipi Livni in his office at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office this week. The former Israeli Foreign Minister was welcomed warmly even though she is now simply the leader of the opposition in Israel. It was a black day in the history of British justice and a huge insult to the memory of the 1,400 Palestinian victims of Israel's brutal military assault on the besieged Gaza Strip in 2008/9; more than a third of those killed were children and women; many were incinerated by white phosphorous bombs - which are prohibited internationally – dropped by Israeli soldiers; all were killed while Hague's guest, Tzipi Livni, was Foreign Minister and a key member of Israel's "war cabinet"."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Police: Palestinian graves vandalized in Jaffa
A quote...."JAFFA, Israel (Ma'an) -- Vandals defaced graves in two cemeteries, one Muslim and the other Christian, with anti-Arab graffiti in Jaffa south of Tel Aviv, Israeli police said Saturday."

Tension Rises Following Jaffa Cemeteries Vandalism
Related Article - A quote...."JAFFA, October 9, 2011 (WAFA) – Sectarian tension is rising in the coastal city Jaffa, twin city of Tel Aviv, following the vandalism of Muslim and Christian cemeteries on Friday night in a suspected “price tag” attack by extremist Jews."

[Envious, Homeless] Jewish Settlers [Thugs] Attack Palestinian Farmers in Nablus
A quote...."NABLUS, October 9, 2011 (WAFA) – [Envious, homeless] Jewish [thugs] settlers Sunday attacked Palestinian farmers who were picking their olives in the village of Awarta, east of Nablus in the northern West Bank, said an official."

Israeli Police Captured On Video Violently Attacking Arab Family in Haifa
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Two days ago, the Israeli Police violently attacked and evicted an Arab family who had been living in a vacant home in Salma Street, Haifa, mistreating the mother and her children, the Arabs48 news website reported. Video included." - also posted at Uruknet

Israeli military fires canisters straight at protesters in Nabi Saleh
A quote...."Israeli military forces fired tear gas canisters directly at protesters and international observers during the weekly demonstration at Nabi Saleh yesterday, 7 October.  An international activist  sustained a minor wound to the leg after being struck by a tear gas canister fired directly from a distance of around 15 metres by the Israeli military."
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More On The Economic Situation....

[US's] ECRI Recession Watch: Growth Index Declines Further
A quote...."Early last week, ECRI notified clients that the U.S. economy is indeed tipping into a new recession. And there's nothing that policy makers can do to head it off. -- ECRI's recession call isn't based on just one or two leading indexes, but on dozens of specialized leading indexes, including the U.S. Long Leading Index, which was the first to turn down — before the Arab Spring and Japanese earthquake — to be followed by downturns in the Weekly Leading Index and other shorter-leading indexes. In fact, the most reliable forward-looking indicators are now collectively behaving as they did on the cusp of full-blown recessions, not "soft landings." Read the report here."

Did Foreigners Bail Out The US Stock Market... By Dumping $56 Billion In Treasurys?
A quote...."Something curious happened recently: for the first time in over a decade, perhaps ever, the US saw a record $25 billion worth of Treasury bond outflows from the Treasury's custodial account in the week ended September 28. Just as curious is that in the past 5 weeks we have seen relentless selling of Treasurys from the same custodial account which, with Treasury International Capital data 3 months delayed, and largely incorrect until its annual revision, is the only real source of recent (and somewhat accurate) foreign activity in US bonds. In fact, starting with the week ended September 7, through last Thursday, foreigners appear to have dumped a massive $56 billion worth of Treasurys (don't take our word for it - check it here, courtesy of the Fed)."

[UK] Pensions have lost a third of [their] value in three years
A quote..."Pension payouts are almost a third lower than they were before the beginning of the Government's attempts to boost the economy through quantitative easing, figures published today reveal. -- The accountants PricewaterhouseCoopers calculate that pension incomes overall are now 30 per cent lower than they were three years ago, before the QE programme began in March 2009." - And with Britain's new QE2 program, they're going to lose another third. - mpg

Friday October 7th 2011

More on the Domestic Situation....

911 WTC access, Fake IDs, Murder, and Lies
Rys2SVideo - (Rys2SYuTb - 4min11sec - Oct 7, 2011) - Source:  Rys2sense -- A quote...."A clip from the updated War by Deception 2011. -- Was on the cutting room floor and shouldn't have been.  -- There is Much more to come on the hijackers too, like how Al-Omari was also in two places at once and left the country twice from different locations, and why when he was already put through the fast track in Jedda by the CIA did he then get a second fake ID in Virginia? How/why did the NSA allow two known hijackers to enter and live live i the US openly and why were FBI agents replaced who went after them? Who murdered Smith and who murdered 4 anthrax researchers? What were Israelis doing at WTC6?" - Topix ||  9/11-Patsies, Passports & Visas  ||

War by Deception Director's Cut (911 and Iraq lies from the same cabal)
Rys2SVideo - Alt - (previously posted) - (The BEST summation EVER of what led up to 9/11 - mpg) - (Rys2SYuTb - 3hrs6min30sec - Jul 3, 2011) - Source:  Rys2sense -- A quote...."I do not have the means to burn a 3hr film on two disc and mail them from Japan. Just download it yourself and burn a DVD if you need to watch it on a TV. Best thing to do is to send the link around. Zionism is also a political ideology not a race. (less info)"

Afghanistan: Thirty-two Years of War. Ten Years of Illegal Occupation - Re: 9/11 & Osama bin Laden - mpg
JCVideo - (JCMp4 - 20min11sec - Oct, 7 2011) - Source:  CorbettReport -- A quote...."October 7th marks the ten year anniversary of the commencement of NATO operations in Afghanistan. Although the impending illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003 was enough to drive millions of people worldwide into the streets in protest, there has never been the same widespread resistance to the Afghan war." --  ||  AltTranscript  ||  PlayInNewWindowMp4  ||  DownLoadMp4  ||

COINTELPRO Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of an internet forum
A quote...."There are several techniques for the control and manipulation of a internet forum no matter what, or who is on it. We will go over each technique and demonstrate that only a minimal number of operatives can be used to eventually and effectively gain a control of a 'uncontrolled forum.'"

Obama The Most Pro-War President In History
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 5min26sec - Mar 22, 2011) - Source:  TheOnlyTrueStyle2 -- A quote...."Barack Obama is fighting wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Libya. He is spending more on the US military than any previous president. If he serves for eight years as president, he will spend over $8 trillion on defence, including the hidden costs of the war economy. Fifty per cent of all US tax dollars is spent on the US military. America spends more on defence than the combined total military budget of every other country in the world. SEE the brilliant film Lifting the Veil on Obama and capitalist "democracy""

Our Tax Dollars At War
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 3min46sec - Oct 4, 2011) - Source:  SoftboxFilms - A quote...."Based on a "Flashpoints" interview with Dennis Bernstein & Dave Lindorff."

Why tax the rich to pay for more war?
A quote...."If we're going to use the money to kill, imprison, and otherwise oppress people in other countries who have done us no wrong, I would just as soon let Warren Buffett keep his money. Maybe he will donate some of it to a good cause. But even if he uses it to buy caviar, that would be better than continuing the war in Afghanistan, which is, on a routine basis, violating the basic human rights of the Afghan people, in addition to killing and maiming Americans for no good reason." - also posted at ICH

Obama: The [Attempted] Assassination of Anwar Al-Awlaki by Fiat
"Attempted" was inserted into the title because it appears the CIA's al-Lackey probably wasn't really assassinated (yet), most likely because... A) He continues to work for the CIA, and B)  His purported "assassination" was designed to get everyone used to murder, or attempted murder, of any American by an American president for no real apparent reason whatsoever, and C)  In the event that people in this nation took exception to the whole thing, with negative consequences for Obama, al-Lackey of the CIA would've just popped right back up and everyone would've said "never-mind, it's all moot, move-on, nothing to see here".  In other words the whole thing was just another one of those staged trial runs the parasites like conduct to get Americans used to being murdered or oppressed by their government with impunity.  - mpg - Source:  JamesPetras

Always the Bankers’ Whore -- Obama’s New Populist Fakery
A quote...."The seeds for President Obama’s demagogic press conference on Thursday were planted last summer when he assigned his right-wing Committee of 13 the role of resolving the obvious and inevitable Congressional budget standoff by forging an anti-labor policy that cuts Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, and uses the savings to bail out banks from even more loans that will go bad as a result of the IMF-style austerity program that Democrats and Republicans alike have agreed to back." - also posted at AlethoNews

40 Signs That America Is Rotting From The Inside Out
Special Note - A quote...."It would be easy to know how to defend America if enemy forces were invading our shores.  But how do you defend a nation that is rotting from the inside out?  How do you eradicate the internal decay that is eating away at the heart and soul of this nation a little bit more every single day?  Just like we saw happen with the Roman Empire, the internal rot that is eating its way to the surface threatens to bring us down as a nation.  --  Greed, corruption, gluttony, lust and pride have become national pastimes.  We are addicted to debt, food, entertainment and pleasure. We have been taught to hate those that look different from us or that believe different things than we do.  --  Society is literally coming apart at the seams and the federal government is increasingly implementing "Big Brother" security measures in an attempt to maintain control and keep us "safe".  We have far more people in prison than any other nation on the planet and yet things just keep getting worse and worse.  So how can we fix America?  How do we rescue a nation that is rotting from the inside?" - also posted at PrisonPlanet

The Left Right Paradigm Is Over! It's You Vs. The Corporations
A quote...."Every generation or so, a major secular shift takes place that shakes up the existing paradigm. It happens in industry, finance, literature, sports, manufacturing, technology, entertainment, travel, communication, etc. -- I would like to discuss the paradigm shift that is occurring in politics."

Gowdy on Fox News: Holder Was "Demonstrably False" on Operation Fast & Furious
FOXVideo - Fast & Furious File - More On The Lying Liar - (FOXYuTb - 2min47sec - Oct 6, 2011) - Source:  oversightandreform -- A quote...."Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) discusses the latest details of the investigation on the Justice Department's failed Operation Fast & Furious on Fox News."

False Hope -- "What the hell is wrong with you?"
LFVideo - Alt - (Excellent Farrakhan!!) - (LFYuTb - Sep 18, 2011) - Source:  warisbs -- A quote...."This nation is not about poor people.... This Nation is about rich people!"

Broadcasting LIVE on - Oct, 7 2011
MRVideo - Note:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto 8min10sec into the broadcast - mpg - (JustInTV - 2hrs - Oct, 7th 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens...

11 Facts You Need To Know About The Nation’s Biggest Banks
A quote...."The Occupy Wall Street protests that began in New York City more than three weeks ago have now spread across the country. The choice of Wall Street as the focal point for the protests — as even Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said — makes sense due to the big bank malfeasance that led to the Great Recession." - One thing to note, the Dodd-Frank bill is a 1,500 page pile of steaming, stinking, bureaucratic crap that simply makes it even harder to rein in the TBTF's.  We don't need new ineffective regulations, we don't need more powerful, industry appointed regulators, and we don't need larger, more powerful, industry run bureaucratic agencies, what we need are RULES, like the Glass-Steagall Act, CONTROL, like the break-up of the TBTF's and their forced reorganization, and ENFORCEMENT, like the arrest, trial, conviction and punishment of everyone involved in this criminal  financial fiasco! - mpg

Guest Post: Economic Punctuated Equilibrium
A quote...."In my opinion, the problems we face today are not because we built a robust, transparent, fair system that is simply facing a few bumps in the road.  Hardly.  The problems we face today exist because the economic system has never been allowed to evolve into a system that is truly fair or just for all.  Rather it is designed to ensure that the 1% who have always controlled things will maintain that control.  It’s all very subtle, but make no mistake about it, crony-capitalism is the rule of the day. -- And even when we did implement evolutionary changes that benefited all members of society (Glass-Steagall), the powers that be patiently waited until the moment was right to snatch that freedom away from the people and hand it back to the 1% (Gramm-Leach-Bliley). "

Congressional Research Svc Finds US Exposure To Europe At $640 Billion And "Could Be Considerably Higher"
A quote...."If there is one thing that matches John Paulson's dramatic conversion to the anti-Midas of our times, it is Tim Geithner's uncanny ability to say something only to be proven to be a pathological liar within months if not weeks (who can possibly forget: "Is there a risk that the United States could lose its AAA credit rating? Yes or no?”  "No risk of that."). Now we can add hours. Because it was only yesterday that in testimony to Congress, he said in an attempt to be the latest to defend Morgan Stanley, that "The direct exposure of the U.S. financial system to the countries under the most pressure in Europe is very modest."  Really? That's funny because none other than the Congressional Research Service said that U.S. bank exposure to the European debt crisis is estimated at $640 billion, according to Dow Jones."

London Falling: Like a man eating his own leg
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 4min54sec - Oct 7, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Across the Atlantic, the global financial troubles have reached the UK, as it becomes the latest nation to feel the pinch. Rating's giant Moody's has downgraded 12 of Britain's financial firms and banks, including the Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds TSB. That comes after the Bank of England chief said the country's economy is at its lowest point since the 1930s if not ever. RT gets more on this from British Euro MP, Godfrey Bloom."

Moody's Puts Belgium Aa1 Rating Under Downgrade Review, CDS To Surge
A quote...."Frankfurt am Main, October 07, 2011 -- Moody's Investors Service has today placed Belgium's Aa1 local and foreign currency government bond ratings on review for possible downgrade, while affirming its short-term ratings at Prime-1."

Fitch Downgrades Italy To A+, Outlook Negative
A quote...."The downgrade reflects the intensification of the Euro zone crisis that constitutes a significant financial and economic shock which has weakened Italy's sovereign risk profile. As Fitch has cautioned previously, a credible and comprehensive solution to the crisis is politically and technically complex and will take time to put in place...."

And Spain... Fitch Downgrades Spain To Aa- From Aa+, Two Notch Cut, Outlook Negative
A quote...."The downgrade primarily reflects two factors: the intensification of the euro area crisis and secondly, risks to the fiscal consolidation effort arising from the budgetary performance of some regions and downward revision by Fitch of Spain's medium-term growth prospects."

European Union prepares for Greek state bankruptcy
A quote...."The European institutions have clearly changed course in relation to Greece. Instead of the “rescue” of the country, they are now discussing its bankruptcy, and reducing the risk of contagion. The euro rescue fund, supposed to guarantee Greece’s solvency, is being used to secure the creditor banks against the consequences of state bankruptcy."

German conservative MP says 'Greece is bankrupt'
A quote...."BERLIN - Greece is bankrupt and it will most likely need a "haircut" forgiving at least 50 percent of its debt, a leading conservative member of parliament was quoted saying on Monday." - bold by website editor - Oh, it'll be MUCH more than that! - mpg

Belgian govt to nationalize Dexia bank - paper - One down, dozens, if not hundreds of other banks to go....mpg
A quote...."The Belgian government will nationalize a country's subsidiary of Franco-Belgian bank Dexia SA amid worries of possible eurozone crisis, De Standaard newspaper reported on Saturday. -- The decision may be announced officially this weekend, the paper said."
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"Occupy Wall Street" & Other "Occupy" News...

Occupy Wall Street: The Most Important Thing in the World Now
A quote...."October 07, 2011 "The Nation" --  I love you. -- And I didn’t just say that so that hundreds of you would shout “I love you” back, though that is obviously a bonus feature of the human microphone. Say unto others what you would have them say unto you, only way louder. -- Yesterday, one of the speakers at the labor rally said: “We found each other.” That sentiment captures the beauty of what is being created here. A wide-open space (as well as an idea so big it can’t be contained by any space) for all the people who want a better world to find each other. We are so grateful. -- If there is one thing I know, it is that the 1 percent loves a crisis. When people are panicked and desperate and no one seems to know what to do, that is the ideal time to push through their wish list of pro-corporate policies: privatizing education and social security, slashing public services, getting rid of the last constraints on corporate power. Amidst the economic crisis, this is happening the world over. -- And there is only one thing that can block this tactic, and fortunately, it’s a very big thing: the 99 percent. And that 99 percent is taking to the streets from Madison to Madrid to say “No. We will not pay for your crisis.” - bold by website editor - Source:  TheNation

Bloomberg to Demonstrators: Parasites Are Meant To Rule
A quote...."Today, New York’s mayor Bloomberg, whose rampaging police force has brought combat veterans and union members to New York to defend the constitution, has totally flipped his lid."

Conservatives Support Protests
A quote...."Last month, I called on conservative groups to endorse the Occupy Wall Street protests...."

"It is time for some big conservative endorsements, to rally around the non-partisan issues important to all Americans. -- The Tea Party should endorse the protests, but so should the Oath Keepers, taxpayer rights groups, conservative Christians, limited government groups, and all other conservative groups."

"Yesterday, the Oath Keepers and a founding member of the Tea Party announced that they are supporting the protests:"

Occupy Wall Street and the Democratic Party
A quote..."As the Occupy Wall Street protest enters its fourth week, it confronts increasingly sharp political pressures and choices that center on the question of the Democratic Party."

Luke Rudkowski Beat Up by NYPD Thugs
AJVideo - Alt - (AJYuTb - 10min53sec - Oct 6, 2011) - TheAlexJonesChannel --A quote...."We Are Change founder and activist Luke Rudkowski makes an appearance to talk about his beating at the hands of New York cops yesterday at the Occupy Wall Street demonstration."

Could Occupy Wall Street be infiltrated by political groups?
RTVideo - Political Caution / Co-Option Warning - (RTYuTb - 8min17sec - Oct 7, 2011) - Source:  RTAmerica -- A quote...."Occupy Wall Street has invaded Lower Manhattan with tens of thousands of demonstrators. The demonstration has been peaceful and yesterday several influential Unions have made the demonstration a forced to be reckoned with. Many critics believe the Unions being involved could cause the movement to be used as a political tool. Andrew Gavin Marshall, project manager for ThePeoplesBookProject, shares his concerns."

[WHR] Reader Photos from OccupyLosAngeles 10-07-11 - photos
Ben & Jerry's backs the "Occupy" movement
Occupy Portland - website - Contains videos, event announcements, blogs, resources, etc. - mpg
City Council Member Slams NYPD’s ‘Attitude of Unwarranted Belligerence’
Occupy Wall Street: ACLU moves onto street defending protesters
'Occupy Wall Street' movement hits Olympia
Occupy Philly Takes a Stand Against "Corporate Greed"
Occupy Portland's peaceful rally, march attracts thousands
'Occupy DC' protesters rally in Freedom Plaza
Occupy Tampa – My first Protest - contains video
Texans Target The Dallas FED! #OccupyTheFed  - contains videos
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The Assault On Libya....

Insight: Libyan oil export flow a trickle, not a gush - The gang-bangers must be very frustrated. - mpg
A quote..."(Reuters) - Libya's prized light, sweet oil is trickling slowly onto the global spot market but demand from domestic refiners, production glitches and an internal struggle for control of the sector means it is unlikely to gush until deep into 2012."

Message From Muammar Gaddafi, October 6, 2011
M108Video - Alt - (M108Yub - 1min37sec - Oct 7, 2011) - 108morris108 -- A quote...."I forgot to mention ArRaiTV in the video - It was they who released the video"

Libya News Update Oct 7
M108Video - Alt - (M108Yub - 3min45sec - Oct 7, 2011) - 108morris108 -- A quote...."Latest news from Libya - Oct 7 2011."
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More On The International Situation....

The Afghan War, An Astounding Success!

German General Says NATO Mission Has 'Failed'
Don't Be Ridiculous!!  -- No one should ever speak of the Afghan war as a failure, in fact, it was a glorious, wonderful, rip-roaring success!
The Afghan war, along with the Iraq war, have been ASTOUNDING  successes for those who planned them!!  BRAVO to everyone involved!!  This website editor's hat is off to every single American serving in uniform!!  WAY TO GO girls and boys, you've done a marvelous job!!  Hip Hip Hooray!! Hip Hip Hooray!!  - mpg

Russia rejects US presence in Afghanistan after UN mandate expires
A quote...."MOSCOW - Russia will not agree to US military presence in Afghanistan after the expiration of a UN Security Council mandate, Russian envoy to NATO Dmitry Rogozin said Friday. -- Rogozin told Russian reporters said the United States is pursuing the same tactic in both Afghanistan and Libya by offering training for armed forces of those countries in NATO standards. -- "This is only a pretext for preserving their military presence in those counties," Rogozin said."

Britons call for Afghan withdrawal
A quote...."Thousands of British people, including anti-war activists and MPs, are to join at the Anti-war Mass Assembly in Trafalgar Square calling for British troops' withdrawal from Afghanistan."

Four US nationals arrested in Pakistan
A quote...."Four US nationals have been arrested in Pakistan's eastern province of Punjab on suspicion of espionage, amid increasing tensions between Washington and Islamabad, Press TV reports."

Hariri prosecutor must hand evidence to ex-suspect
Full quote...."LEIDSCHENDAM, Netherlands – Appeals judges at a U.N.-backed tribunal investigating the assassination of Lebanon's former prime minister have ordered prosecutors to turn over witness statements to a former suspect. -- The decision Friday is the latest victory for Maj. Gen. Jamil al-Sayyed at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. -- Al-Sayyed, the country's former security chief, was freed in April 2009 with three other pro-Syrian Lebanese officers suspected in the 2005 truck bomb in Beirut that killed former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and 22 others. They were released because of a lack of evidence. -- Al-Sayyed is appealing for access to evidence against him so he can launch a civil damages case against what he calls false witnesses."

'Iran advanced radars can detect UAVs'
A quote...."Commander of Iran's Khatam al-Anbiya Air Defense Base Brigadier General Farzad Esmaili said the Islamic Republic was now in possession of “radars with multiple frequencies and different wavelengths for detecting unmanned aircraft”."

Russia May Sell Syria Advanced Weapons as NATO Prepares to Attack
A quote...."On Thursday, the Associated Press reported that Russia and China vetoed a United Nations resolution on Syria because they feared NATO would use the move as an excuse to bomb the Middle Eastern country."

Putin enters the dragon's den
A quote...."Within a fortnight of his announcement to stand in the Russian presidential election in early 2012, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin will be heading for Beijing. The Kremlin attaches importance to political symbolism, and the Chinese leaders never cared to hide their warm feelings toward Putin. The talks in Beijing on October 11-12 will attract huge attention internationally."

Exclusive: Computer Virus Hits U.S. Drone Fleet
A quote...."A computer virus has infected the cockpits of America’s Predator and Reaper drones, logging pilots’ every keystroke as they remotely fly missions over Afghanistan and other warzones."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Sleep Easy, War Criminals
More on Britain's shameful and inexplicable abandonment of their lawful, legal, traditions. It's simply disgusting to watch an entire nation abase and impoverish themselves to please a bunch of Banksters, along with five million criminal co-conspirators squatting on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, most of whom aren't even "Semites" and most of whom do not have one single droplet of Middle Eastern blood in their bodies, but who are in actuality a bunch of Kazarian Russian emigres who are illegally invading and trying to occupy a land THAT IS NOT THEIRS!!  Just how stupid can the British people be!? - mpg ---  A quote...."Britain's insulting new rules on arrest warrants will only encourage Israel's view of itself as above international law. -- Israel has violated innumerable UN resolutions and international laws over the past 50 years without any sanction being incurred – whether legal, economic, political or military. Most blatant is its disregard for the overwhelming opinion of the international court of justice in The Hague, which in 2004 declared the erection of a wall through the occupied territories to be unlawful."

Israel No. 1 in Violating Prisoners’ Rights, says Group
A quote...."VIENNA, October 8, 2011 (WAFA) – “Israel is classified as the first country in the world that violates the international law and human rights resolutions of the Prisoners,” Friday said Friends of Humanity International in a press release."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

B'Tselem: Israeli govt responsible for Qusra attacks
A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli authorities are failing to stop settler attacks on Nablus village Qusra, which has faced a repeated campaign of harassment from Israeli settlers, an Israeli rights group said on Thursday." - also posted at AlethoNews
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More On The Economic Situation....

The Top 100 Statistics About The Collapse Of The Economy That Every American Voter Should Know
Special Note - A quote...."The U.S. economy is dying and most American voters have no idea why it is happening.  Unfortunately, the mainstream media and most of our politicians are not telling the truth about the collapse of the economy.  This generation was handed the keys to the greatest economic machine that the world has ever seen, and we have completely wrecked it.  Decades of incredibly foolish decisions have left us drowning in an ocean of corruption, greed and bad debt.  Thousands of businesses and millions of jobs have left the country and poverty is exploding from coast to coast.  We are literally becoming a joke to the rest of the world.  It is absolutely imperative that we educate America about what is happening.  Until the American people truly understand the problems that we are facing, they will not be willing to implement the solutions that are necessary. -- The following are the top 100 statistics about the collapse of the economy that every American voter should know...." - also posted at DProgram & PrisonPlanet

Consumer Credit Unexpectedly Fell In August By Most In Over A Year
Deflation Alert - A quote...."The consumer credit number just released and was dreadfully bad. Little revision to last month's number, it printed -$9.5bn against an expectation of +$8bn and prior over $12bn.  This is the biggest drop MoM since April 2010. More surprising is that we just saw the first drop in non-revolving credit in a year: since this is credit that goes out for car purchases and school loans, is either of these two bubbles (student loans and GM subprime loans) about to pop?"

Another miserable US jobs report
A quote...."US payrolls grew at a snail’s pace in September, far more slowly than required to bring down near-depression levels of unemployment, while the crisis of long-term joblessness worsened, according to the Labor Department’s monthly employment report, released Friday."

US Needs To Generate 261,200 Jobs Per Month To Return To Pre-Depression Employment By End Of Obama Second Term - Chart - Related Article - A quote...."Every few months we rerun an analysis of how many jobs the US economy has to generate to return to the unemployment rate as of December 2007 when the Great Financial Crisis started, by the end of Obama’s potential second term in November 2016. -- This calculation takes into account the historical change in Payroll and includes the 90,000/month natural growth to the labor force, and extrapolates into the future. And every time we rerun this calculation, the number of jobs that has to be created to get back to baseline increases...." - bold/underline by website editor - Source:  ZeroHedge

The U.S. Dollar: Orthodoxy and Heresy
USD Mrkt. Tech Note - Quotes of the Day - "There is only one word to describe the opinion that the U.S. dollar is in a multi-year uptrend: heresy. Understanding why this is so may well be critical to understanding market action in the 2011-2016 timeframe. -- Embracing the contrarian viewpoint offers little joy, because heretics are constantly being hounded by devotees of orthodoxy seeking their conversion to the one true faith or their crucifixion as mortal threats to the orthodoxy. -- Why is this so? For two simple but profound reasons. The human mind strongly prefers certainty to uncertainty and simple, fixed explanations over complex, contingent explanations."

"The problem with orthodoxy is that adherents believe it must be correct in all phases and timeframes. Thus the Bull is wiped out in Bear markets and the Bear is wiped out in Bull markets, trend followers are wiped out in volatile phases, and those trading volatility churn away their capital in non-volatile trending markets. -- This partly explains why the number of traders/money-managers who outperform index funds in the long run over both Bull and Bear markets is essentially statistical noise. The appeals of orthodoxy are that powerful."

Paulson's Biggest Fund Cut In Half
A quote...."A few days ago we suggested that based on ongoing losses in the portfolio of Paulson & Co, the biggest fund of the firm, Advantage Plus, is down a massive 50% YTD. A few hours ago, Absolute Return confirmed that the firm which has stepped on virtually every single possible landmine year to date, has had its AUM cut if not exactly in half, then surely close enough for Keynesian work, at -47%."

US regulators shut down two more banks
A quote...."US regulators have shut down two more banks in the US states of Missouri and Minnesota, bringing the total number of bank foreclosures in the country this year to 76."

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