Sunday Nov 18th 2012

No posts. - mpg

Saturday Nov 17th 2012

32 Questions That All Americans Must Answer
A quote...."Ron Paul, in his historic farewell speech to Congress this week, asked 32 thought-provoking questions addressed to his fellow Americans. - It's very clear upon examination of these questions that something is very wrong with our government.  Below are his questions...." - also posted at BLN - The first ten....
  1. Why are sick people who use medical marijuana put in prison?
  2. Why does the federal government restrict the drinking of raw milk?
  3. Why can’t Americans manufacturer rope and other products from hemp?
  4. Why are Americans not allowed to use gold and silver as legal tender as mandated by the Constitution?
  5. Why is Germany concerned enough to consider repatriating their gold held by the FED for her in New York? Is it that the trust in the U.S. and dollar supremacy beginning to wane?
  6. Why do our political leaders believe it’s unnecessary to thoroughly audit our own gold?
  7. Why can’t Americans decide which type of light bulbs they can buy?
  8. Why is the TSA permitted to abuse the rights of any American traveling by air?
  9. Why should there be mandatory sentences – even up to life for crimes without victims – as our drug laws require?
  10. Why have we allowed the federal government to regulate commodes in our homes?
Israel and the U.S. CREATED Hamas, Hezbollah and Al Qaeda
Special Historical Note - It's true, later on Hamas and Hezbollah told the Israelis and the US-NRE to go stuff themselves.  al-CIA'da still works for the US-NRE, Israelis and the Saudi Royals....for now. - mpg -- A quote...."We’ve extensively documented that the U.S. and Israel created Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups in an attempt to fight other enemies. - Larry Johnson – a counterterrorism official at the U.S. State Department – says:
"The Israelis are their own worst enemies when it comes to fighting terrorism. They are like a guy who sets fire to his hair and then tries to put it out by hitting it with a hammer. They do more to incite and sustain terrorism than curb it."
"As one example, Israel helped create Hamas." - See related essays and weblists shown below....
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More On Israel's Gaza Slaughter of November 2012....

The Land Grabber Strike Again, by Rehmat
A quote...."I don’t travel. If I did, I probably wouldn’t visit Israel. I remember how it was in 1948 when Israel was being established and all my Jewish friends were ecstatic. I was not. I said: What are we doing? We are establishing ourselves in a ghetto, in a small corner of a vast Muslim sea. The Muslims will never forget nor forgive. And Israel, as long as it exists, will be embattled. I was laughed at, but I was right. I can’t help but feel that the Jews didn’t really have the right to appropriate a territory only because 2000 years ago, people they consider their ancestors, were living there. History moves on and you can’t really turn it back.”  — Jewish writer Isaac Asimov

On the Eve: Last Thoughts Before the Latest Invasion of Gaza
A quote...."Hell is coming. Hell is near. Thousands upon thousands of troops are massing for the ground invasion of a small patch of land crammed full with human beings trapped without any defense against the steel that will destroy them. Several children have already died in the preliminaries. Many, many more will die when the real feast of death begins...."

Stop pretending the US is an uninvolved, helpless party in the Israeli assault on Gaza
A quote...."A central premise of US media coverage of the Israeli attack on Gaza - beyond the claim that Israel is justifiably "defending itself" - is that this is some endless conflict between two foreign entitles, and Americans can simply sit by helplessly and lament the tragedy of it all. The reality is precisely the opposite: Israeli aggression is possible only because of direct, affirmative, unstinting US diplomatic, financial and military support for Israel and everything it does. This self-flattering depiction of the US as uninvolved, neutral party is the worst media fiction since TV news personalities covered the Arab Spring by pretending that the US is and long has been on the side of the heroic democratic protesters, rather than the key force that spent decades propping up the tyrannies they were fighting. " - also posted at ICH & PressTV

Media Cover for Israeli Crimes in Gaza
A quote...."The pattern playing out in Gaza is one Israel followed many times before. Provocations target adversaries. Multiple ones usually occur before targets respond. - Blame the victim follows. Israeli aggression is called self-defense. Legitimate defense is called terrorism. Media scoundrels support Israel in lockstep. It plays out the same way every time. - Facts on the ground are ignored, sanitized, suppressed, and/or distorted. Readers and viewers get manipulated managed news misinformation."

Targeting Civilians: Israel's Specialty
A quote...." November 17, 2012 "Information Clearing House" -   Bullies choose easy adversaries to pummel. Equal fights are shunned. It's the same in schoolyards or battlefields. - America and Israel operate this way. They avoid foes able to give as much as they take. Rogue governments never say they're sorry. - During Cast Lead in January 2009, Professor Jeremy Salt wrote "A Message to the brave Israeli Airmen." His comments apply to what's now ongoing."
Gaza is this century's Warsaw Ghetto.  It's this planet's largest open air prison, stuffed with 1.6 million civilians with the highest population density in the world. And what the Israelis are doing is like shooting fish in a barrel.  They are blatant, craven cowards without a shred of moral decency.  --  Against anyone who could defend themselves they've run away, (as they did in Lebanon), or beg for mercy, (whenever they're caught conducting their illegal activities) but against mostly unarmed civilians they slaughter with glee. It's is so very typical, and is such a historical cliche and proof of their collective lack of moral fiber.  --  Now armed with every form of sophisticated military equipment they could possibly steal from the American people, the world's newest little lordlings reign supreme over their Gaza open air prison without a care in the world.  What a sickening display of mean spirited cowardice.  It fulfills every caricature libeled against these creeps down through the ages.  It's just simply disgusting. - mpg
Additional Articles and Videos......
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

Petraeus Claims He Consistently Said Benghazi Attack Was Work of Terrorists
A quote..."The controversy over when the Obama administration knew it was the work of terrorist groups and when they decided to tell the American people will continue far beyond this initial Petraeus testimony. -- The issue has become a political football with Republicans using it to trip up the Obama administration and block potential nominees like UN envoy Susan Rice, who is thought to be considered for the position of Secretary of State in Obama’s second term and who has been accused of giving inaccurate public accounts of the incident."

Flirtation is the Least of their Crimes - posted at ICH
A quote...."November 17, 2012 "Information Clearing House" - - One man is at the center of a story you can’t avoid in the media, since last Friday. General David Petraeus, architect of the U.S. “surge” in Iraq, pulled in to “save” Afghanistan, then bumped over to the CIA last year, was forced to resign because the FBI, we are told, found out about an affair he was having with a fawning biographer."

Attorneys: Obama’s ‘secret’ cyber security law may allow ‘military deployment within the U.S.’
A quote...."The White House on Wednesday received a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request (PDF link) from two attorneys with the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), demanding that President Barack Obama release the text of what they called a “secret” new cyber security law that appears to enable “military deployment within the United States.”" - "May allow"?  C'mon....YOU KNOW that's what they want! - mpg

[US] Army suicides for 2012 surpass last year's numbers
Self-selecting deactivation by malfunctioning cannon-fodder, M.I.C. manufactured, bio-weapons-component, meat-packets.  EXCELLENT (from our parasites point of view)!  It means the "survivors" will be the best well-adjusted, well-adopted, self-selected, psychos and sociopaths around.  Soon to be used to gun down Americans everywhere on behalf of their AIPAC/Israeli parasitic Bankster masters. Talk about an army of Zombies!! - mpg - Source:  AP

Talk of secession proves America still has a pulse
Second Quote of the Day....."Out of nowhere people in a number of states now have petitions up on the White House’s web page demanding that their states secede from the union.  The petitions are purely symbolic and have no power other than to force Barry Soetoro (or some White House flunky) to have an uncomfortable moment on paper and acknowledge that a good number of people are sick of the President and the fascist dystopia he’s helping ram down our throats.  The machine has quickly responded in its typical way, with short, reactionary columns from newspaper writers flicking limp wrists at secession supporters and claiming that they’re either stupid rednecks, bad Americans, or racists… filling a Google News search of the subject with enough pro-Barry, pro-government propaganda to let casual viewers know what the established, PC (and thus acceptable) opinion on the matter is."

Gerald Celente - Jeff Rense Show - November 14, 2012
JRVideo - Alt - (JRYuTb - 41min09sec - Nov 15, 2012) - Source: trendsjournal

Gerald Celente - Brian Sussman KFSO - November 13, 2012
KSFOVideo - Alt - (KSFOYuTb - 10min20sec -  Nov 14, 2012) - Source: trendsjournal
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: 'Crash JP Morgan' - 2nd Anniversary Special (E368)
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 25min46sec - Nov 17, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter - (RussiaToday) -- A quote...."In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert present the two year anniversary special of their Crash JPM, Buy Silver campaign. They discuss JP Morgan doing everything to protect the Queen of their massive silver short position - a position that has DOUBLED in the past two years according to Rob Kirby of GATA and Kirby Analytics. They also discuss Central Banks pullling on their own little bungee cords by printing money. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to James Turk of about the link between liberty and gold and the shooting war to follow the currency war. The also discuss the gold/silver ratio and why silver today is like gold at $600."

Obama Begins Push for New National Retirement System
Financial Warning - A quote...."A recent hearing sponsored by the Treasury and Labor Departments marked the beginning of the Obama Administration’s effort to nationalize the nation’s pension system and to eliminate private retirement accounts including IRA’s and 401k plans, NSC is warning."

Kyle Bass: Fallacies Such As MMT Are "Leading The Sheep To Slaughter" And "We Believe War Is Inevitable"
Quote of the Day...."Central bankers are feverishly attempting to create their own new world: a utopia in which debts are never restructured, and there are no consequences for fiscal profligacy, i.e. no atonement for prior sins. They have created Potemkin villages on a Jurassic scale. The sum total of the volatility they are attempting to suppress will be less than the eventual volatility encountered when their schemes stop working. Most refer to comments like this as heresy against the orthodoxy of economic thought. We have a hard time understanding how the current situation ends any way other than a massive loss of wealth and purchasing power through default, inflation or both."

Peter Schiff 'Govt Wont Have Integrity To Raise Taxes, Will Take Our Purchasing Power Not Our Money'
Video - (i.e. They'll print more.) - Alt - (YuTb - 3min16sec -  Nov 15, 2012) - Source:  selfownership1

China Persists In Refusing To Buy US Paper As Foreign LTM Purchases Of Treasurys Plunge To Three Year Lows
US Treasury Alert - A quote...."Yesterday's TIC data held two important pieces of data. The first is that in September, the month that Bernanke launched QEternity, for the first time in 2012, foreigners were net sellers of US Treasurys, dumping a total of $17.3 billion in paper, with foreign official institutions selling $919 million and non-official "Other Foreigners" offloading a whopping $18.3 billion...."

Obama begins bipartisan talks on spending cuts
A quote...."The Obama administration and Democratic and Republican congressional leaders held their first meeting Friday to discuss a package of budget cuts and tax increases to be adopted before the end of the year, in the name of averting the so-called “fiscal cliff.”"

[British] Pensions savings left teetering on a cliff edge by Bank's money-printing bond bubble
A quote...."The life savings of older workers have been left teetering on a cliff edge because of the Bank of England’s attempts to jump-start the economy. - As much as £30,000 could be wiped off a £100,000 pension pot because savers have been exposed to a giant bubble in investment markets, experts have warned. - They’ve experienced an artificial boost in the value of their retirement funds caused by the Bank of England’s policy of printing more money, known as Quantitative Easing (QE)."

Thousands of Spanish police officers march against austerity
Photos - A quote...."Around 5,000 Spanish police officers marched through the streets of Madrid on Saturday to protest government austerity measures, including frozen pensions and the elimination of their Christmas bonuses."

And Now The Facts About Retail Appetite For Japanese Bonds...
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- Posted here to underscore the fact that Japan should not be able to buy any more US-NRE or EU debt.... (That's assuming of course they don't play the game of buying each other's debt...hmmmmm) - mpg -- A quote....."One of the more persistent, and pernicious, misconceptions about the unshakable - at least to date - tower that is Japanese debt, all Y1 quadrillion of it, is that there is no need to worry (literally, see prior) because the bulk of it is held by retail, i.e., domestic household, investors...."
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More On The International Situation....

France Leads Neocolonial Carve-up of Syria - posted at ICH
A quote...."November 17, 2012 "Information Clearing House" - French President Francois Hollande told his nation this week: “Decline is not our destiny”. Aptly for the theme of putative French renaissance, Hollande delivered his speech amid the splendor and opulence of the Elysee Palace in Paris."

35 Killed in Attack on Shi’ite Pilgrims in Iraq
al-CIA'da & the Saudi Royals Strike Again -- A quote...."At least 36 people were killed and 31 more were wounded in attacks today. Some of the victims were Shi’ite pilgrims traveling from Iran and Pakistan. -- A car bomb blast at a rest stop in Balad killed 35 people and wounded 29 more. Several victims were Iranian or Pakistani nationals. The bomb targeted the group as they paused between visits to Shi’ite shrines. They had just arrived on two buses from Samarra."

Police clash with Kurdish demonstrators in southeast Turkey
A quote...."Turkish police have clashed with Kurdish demonstrators during a rally in support of Kurdish prisoners who have been on a hunger strike."

ASEAN summit kicks off in Cambodia
A quote...."The 21st summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has begun in the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh."

Another 'most advanced' US jetfighter crashes in Florida
A quote...."A US F-22 Raptor jetfighter has crashed at a Florida air base following an unspecified “emergency” reported by its pilot."

The life savings of older workers have been left teetering on a cliff edge because of the Bank of England’s attempts to jump-start the economy.

As much as £30,000 could be wiped off a £100,000 pension pot because savers have been exposed to a giant bubble in investment markets, experts have warned.

They’ve experienced an artificial boost in the value of their retirement funds caused by the Bank of England’s policy of printing more money, known as Quantitative Easing (QE).

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Friday Nov 16th 2012

No posts. - mpg

Thursday Nov 15th 2012

Ron Paul Bids Farewell to Congress with Inconvenient Truth
Must View Video - Alt - (YuTb - 48min47sec - Nov 14, 2012) - Source:  CongressmanRonPaul -- A quote...."Congressman Paul's final speech on the House floor before leaving Congress." - Topix ||  The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle  ||

The Story of Your Enslavement
Must View Video - (Note:  Contains disturbing images) - Previously posted) - Alt - (YuTb - 13min10sec - Apr 17, 2010) - Source:  StefanMolyneux - Website:  FreedomRadio -- A quote...."We can only be kept in the cages we do not see. A brief history of human enslavement - up to and including your own. From Freedomain Radio, the largest and most popular philosophy conversation in the world."

American Immorality Is At A Peak
Quote of the Day...."While evil continues to envelop America, the public is focused on CIA director General Petraeus’ resignation. The FBI spied on him and found that he was having an affair with his biographer, a woman 20 years younger than his 60 years.  --  What is it with Americans and sex? Why is an illicit affair the ONLY reason for removing someone from political office? -- Why is it that government officials, presidents and vice presidents included, can violate US statutory law and torture people, spy on Americans without the necessary warrants, murder US citizens without due process, confine US citizens to dungeons for life without evidence and due process of law, start multi-trillion dollar wars on the basis of contrived allegations that have no basis in fact, murder civilians in seven countries, overthrow legitimate governments, and all of these massive crimes against humanity can be accepted as long as no one in Washington gets any sex out of it? Is this feminism’s contribution to American morality?" - bold by website editor

The Second Election of Barack Obama: A Balance Sheet for the Laboring Class and their Allies
A quote...."Barack Obama remains President of the United States of America, the office that accords the greatest power to a single individual in known human history. Although Obama's re-election represents a victory over the vulture capitalist, Mitt Romney, who likes to fire people, the historical outcome nevertheless bodes ill for the laboring class and its allies in their ongoing struggle against the buyers of labor, the capitalist class. Barack Obama, who was heralded as the champion of "hope and change" in 2008, and subsequently and without much fanfare continued and extended the legacy of the maligned George W. Bush in nearly every respect, presented himself along with a vast array of media outlets and celebrities, from ABC to Jay Z, as the candidate for "forward" progress in 2012. In this series, special analyst Jonathan Munis and I will examine the prospects for the vast majority, the workers and their allies, under this "forward" motion promised by a second Obama administration."

Obama’s Presidency Through Palestinian Eyes
A quote...."Many people, including large percentage of the American people, are under the illusion that the President really has the power to change things. It appears that a president may have the power to take his country to war, to create jobs, to improvise and improve medical care plans, or to change tax laws or any other law, in that matter. Such matters are determined by a power elite representing the very rich and very influential 1% of the population, who owns, controls and manipulates the economic, political, industrial, and social structures of the country. The President is just an employee, who is appointed in a theatrical game of fake democratic election, in order to carry the plans of this power elite."

Enemy inside the gates: Syria’s main foe is ‘foreign-sponsored terrorists’
A quote...."Today, Western countries are implementing the primitive tool of ‘state-sponsored terrorism’ to influence the internal situation in foreign countries, argues Pavel Zolotarev, deputy director of the Institute for US and Canada Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences. -- Citing the situation in Syria, which has been engaged in a protracted conflict between a rebel opposition and pro-government forces, Zolotarev said that President Assad is not involved in what could be considered a “normal” civil war. Rather, the Syrian president is primarily fighting against foreign terrorists using foreign weapons, he told RT in a telephone interview."
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More On Israel's Gaza Slaughter of November 2012....

Finkelstein: Doubts Gaza crisis will escalate
Must View RTVideo - (Finkelstein is wrong about some issues, but he's spot on in describing Israel's motives. - mpg) - (RTYuTb - 4min57sec - Nov 15, 2012) - Source: RussiaToday -- A quote...."The Israeli military is converging on Gaza, as it continues to pummel the Palestinians from air, sea and land. -- The Operation, dubbed "Pillars of Defence" - is on the verge of turning into a new invasion, as Tel Aviv says it's prepared to go all the way - under the pretext of self-defence."

How Israel shattered Gaza truce leading to escalating death and tragedy
Timeline - A quote...."Today, 3 Israelis were killed as a result of rocket fire from Gaza. - This came after Israel had killed 13 Palestinians, including 3 children and a woman, and injured 115, including 26 children and 25 women since yesterday, 14 November. - This will be presented by Israel – and sympathetic or careless world media – as another justification for Israel’s attacks on Gaza to stop rocket fire. But this narrative is false." - also posted at ICH

Israel Approved Killing of Hamas Commander Amid Talks on Long-Term Truce
Related Article - A quote...."Just hours before Israel assassinated Hamas commander Ahmed Jabari on Tuesday, he received the draft proposal of a permanent truce agreement with Israel. But Israel approved the airstrike anyways, choosing escalation over resolution." - bold by website editor
Again, to repeat, ad nauseam, any treaty, truce, codicil, agreement, contract, commitment, resolution, understanding, proposal, promise, protocol, oath, affidavit or affirmation by the United Sates of America, Britain, or the criminal enclave called Israel, or any person or agency representing these governments is not worth the piece of paper it's written on, or the breath it's spoken on. In other words....don't even bother, IT - IS - A - COMPLETE - WASTE - OF - ANYONE'S - TIME. - mpg
Self-defense or provocation: Israel's history of breaking ceasefires
Timeline / Database - Related Article - A quote...."Since Israel's creation in 1948, Israeli political and military leaders have demonstrated a pattern of repeatedly violating ceasefires with their enemies in order to gain military advantage, for territorial aggrandizement, or to provoke their opponents into carrying out acts of violence that Israel can then exploit politically and/or use to justify military operations already planned. -- The following fact sheet provides a brief overview of some of the most high profile and consequential ceasefire violations committed by the Israeli military over the past six decades."

Gaza witness: No one's safe, civilians terrified of war threat
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 4min57sec - Nov 15, 2012) - Source: RussiaToday -- A quote...."Israel says all male members of Hamas are now targets. Warplanes are dropping leaflets over Gaza, warning Palestinians to keep away from militant positions. RT spoke to a film-maker and activist Harry Fear in the embattled enclave, who says civilians are bearing the brunt of the Israeli onslaught."

Hypocrisy of slaughter: Israel’s Orwellian account of Gaza campaign
A quote...."Israel’s assault on Gaza raises doubts that it has any interest in finding the lasting peace settlement it proclaims to want. Does the campaign have an alternative objective as part of a strategy to engineer a strike on Iran? -- It’s probably the world’s most tragic never-ending story.For almost 65 years now, Israel has been bombing, maiming and humiliating the Palestinians, bulldozing their homes and placing Gaza in lock-down mode turning it into the world’s largest concentration camp." - Source: RT

Alan Hart : Excuse while I vomit
A quote...."Israel is NOT like the Western nations. It is a brutal occupying power, and the cause of the incoming rockets is its occupation and on-going colonization and ethnic cleansing of the West Bank including East Jerusalem, and its blockade of the Gaza Strip. That plus the fact that Israel’s leaders have no interest in peace on terms the Palestinians could accept." - also posted at ICH

Zionist Occupation Regime attacks Gaza Strip [Live Updates]
A quote...."After the Zionist occupation regime bombed the Gaza strip on November 10, 2012, killing 6 people, amongst whom were 3 children, the circumstances have rapidly grown worse. On November 14 the Zionist regime decided to liquidate the leader of the millitary wing of Hamas, Ahmed Jabari. At the time of this writing Palestinian officials said that 10 people were killed by the bombing, including a 7-year old girl. Another Hamas leader (of Rafah), Raed al-Atar would also have been killed. - Below are updates on the current developments in occupied Palestine (all times are UTC). Also follow RT's live updates."

When BBC ignores Israeli murder of its own cameraman’s baby, what hope for other Palestinians?
Well, this is by an organization that covered up a child pedophile ring for over thirty years, so what do you expect. - mpg -- A quote...."In a new low for the BBC’s objectively pro-Israel coverage, the British state broadcaster seems to be doing its best to downplay the murder by Israel of family members of one of its own cameramen. - The 11-month-old son of BBC Arabic’s picture editor Jihad Misharawi was killed in Israeli tank shelling last night, along with his sister-in-law, according to BBC journalists on Twitter, and one report online (which didn’t even name him)."

Additional Articles and Videos......
For more general articles on the Palestinians see...."More On The Palestinian Situation...." section listed below.
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Israel Ranked As Most Militarized Nation
A quote...."November 15, 2012 "Information Clearing House" - WASHINGTON - Israel tops the list of the world's most militarized nations, according to the latest Global Militarisation Index released by the Bonn International Centre for Conversion (BICC). -- Israel's main regional rival, Iran is far behind at number 34. Indeed, every other Near Eastern country, with the exceptions of Yemen (37) and Qatar (43), is more heavily militarized than the Islamic Republic, according to the Index, whose research is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development."

Zionist pressure to cancel World Social Forum Palestine event in Brazil
A quote...."The Israeli Consul and Zionist Federation in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, along with the Jewish Congress in Latin America, are continuing to put pressure on the organisers to cancel the World Social Forum - Free Palestine event, which is due to be held in the South American country."

Jane Harman being considered to head CIA despite connection to Israel-AIPAC spy scandal — Updated
More on the AIPAC bought and paid for, Bimbo from RAND Corp. -- A quote...."Editor’s Note:  Given the billionaires involved and AIPAC (and the committee Harman headed), it would make perfect sense [to appoint her head of the CIA], and the CIA could then issue ominous warnings about Iran…"

Kissing Ass Never Tasted So Good
Graphic - (click to view)* -- A quote...."The reality is that the White House is stuck with an Israeli government, with or without Netanyahu, that rejects an agreement with the Palestinians. As violence flares again in Gaza — as occurred in the run-up to the last Israeli election — it looks disturbingly like four more years of the same....." - *link added

Strangulation By Triangulation: ‘Rebels Seize Villages in Israel-Syria Buffer Zone’
Geo-Political / War - Alert - A quote...."We are used to a Cold War situation between Israel and Syria but what we are seeing along the border now is a situation similar to that of Lebanon or Sinai, where a weak sovereign state is failing to exert its control over an area that different rebel groups can use to attack Israel,” the paper quoted a source as saying."
"Translation: The Israeli government is going to use the Western-incited unrest as the excuse to bite off another chunk out of Syria, past the Golan Heights, when it thinks world attention will be thoroughly focused elsewhere." -- *Michael Rivero* -- Exactly!! See comment and essay shown below.....mpg
"The Saudi Royals would acquiesce to the complete elimination of the Palestinians as a viable entity and would get to joyfully watch the destruction of their enemies from afar at the hands of others while extending their malevolent "religious" influence across the Middle East. -- Israel would be allowed to conquer and permanently occupy all of Palestine while even developing its own sphere of influence, friendly regimes such as Egypt, Jordan and perhaps the soon to be formed "New Kurdistan" which is to be carved out of the carcass of what was once the nation state called Iraq.  With the countries of Lebanon and Syria to follow as soon as possible once Israel launches its next series of wars -- And finally the parasitic class in the US-NRE would get to impose their will upon the entire world while establishing the most vicious police state ever seen since the fall of Stalin's regime in the Soviet Union.  Its new Bankster class would even be allowed to make permanent debt slaves out of the Neo-Romans (one could hardly call them "Americans" at this point) now living in this country." -- *One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg*
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

More on the General Patraeus Resignation Mystery & The Benghazi Attack....

Silencing General Petraeus
Geo-Strategic Analysis - A quote...."The top U.S. military people in the Army and Navy and many officers and grunts at all levels are clearly extremely angry at the political leaders who are largely fighting each other to a state of near paralysis. The Army brass and to a lesser extent the Navy brass have in recent years been largely making the decisions about the wars and potential wars. I have argued, for example, since Bush 2 and his Neo-Con conspirators began strangling Iran that the military brass has been quietly opposing such a vast war that could produce a global implosion, that this has continued for the most part in opposition to the Obama conspirators and Israelis conspirators who keep tightening the nooses around Iran."

A Palace Revolution - First Petraeus, then Allen — who's next?
Geo-Strategic Analysis - Related Article - A quote...."November 15, 2012 "Antiwar" --  The political class is aghast at the spectacle of one after another of their holy icons falling: first it was David Petraeus, outed by a lone FBI agent in Tampa who took the discovery of his affair with Paula Broadwell to the House Republican leadership and effectively dynamited the CIA chieftain’s career. Now it’s Gen. John Allen, commander of US forces in Afghanistan: the discovery of his “thousands of pages of emails” to Jill Kelley — a 37-year-old looker whose complaints of email “harassment” garnered the full attention of the FBI and led to the downfall of Petraeus — has him in the dock. - Who’s next?" -- Source:  AntiWar

The Real Petraeus Moral Failure…Lying to the American People about Afghanistan
A quote...."As moral failures go, David Petraeus biggest and most costly was not engaging in an extramarital affair with Paula Broadwell, but rather assuring the American people and politicians that the United States was winning the war in Afghanistan." - Source:  AllGov

Rep. Trey Gowdy Explodes At Libya Hearing: 'I Want To Know Why We
Video - (YuTb - 5min10sec - Oct 10, 2012) - Source:  NewsPoliticsNow3 -- A quote...."Trey Gowdy, an outspoken Republican congressman from South Carolina, blasted Obama administration officials during Wednesday's House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on the Libya U.S. Consulate terrorist attack, raising his voice to levels rarely heard on the House floor. -- Gowdy went after both U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice and White House Press Secretary Jay Carney for providing "demonstrably false" statements about the attack, not just to Congress, but to the American people as well. He slammed the Obama administration for initially saying the attack was in response to a video and not an act of terrorism, delivering a blistering and impassioned critique of the White House's handling of the incident." - bold/underline by website editor
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September 11, 2001: The Crimes of War Committed “In the Name of 9/11″
A quote...."The tragic events of September 11, 2001 constitute a fundamental landmark in American history,  a decisive watershed, a breaking point. -- Millions of people have been misled regarding the causes and consequences of 9/11. -- September 11 2001 opens up an era of crisis, upheaval and militarization of American society. The post September 11, 2001 era is marked by the outright criminalization of the US State, including its judicial, foreign policy, national security and intelligence apparatus."

Child Sex Rings Reveal Unspeakable Acts of Power Elite
Contains Videos - Charts - A quote...."One of the most difficult things to convey to people who are relatively new to information that appears in the so-called alternative media is just how diabolical the controlling elite really are."

With Over 100,000 Supporting Texas Secession, Ron Paul Weighs In
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."With just 5 days needed for the Texas secession petition to surpass 100,000 signatories, all is not well with the Union.....actually, not only are things not well with the Union, things are getting worse by the minute, as American society splinters into diametrical opposites to a degree not seen in decades, a process which in itself virtually assures there will be no cliff compromise before the opportunity cost of ending the stand off becomes far too great. --  And with the option of the Mr. Chairman "getting to work" to fix things, one wonders - is even the market a motivating enough factor given a 20, 30 or even 50% drop in the rearview mirror: after all as the Fed has demonstrated, there is no need for a fiscal compromise to get the S&P to just shy of all time highs. --  Certainly, even America's politicians are very much aware of this by now (of course, this assumes that Bernanke is still in charge of the market: something we have claimed for two months is very much in question). -- Regardless, with the topic of secession on everybody's lips, here is what none other than Ron Paul has said about this suddenly very volatile issue."

Secession petitions now filed for all 50 states
Related Article - A quote...."Petitions signed by hundreds of thousands of Americans seeking permission for their states to peacefully secede from the union have now been filed for all 50 states on the White House website."

The Globalist Federal Government Seceded From America
Related Article - A quote...."Since when did self-determination become a dirty word? Isn't this the slogan that America fights for abroad? Why, then, does the U.S. government deny this principle at home? Why is the federal government more interested in the self-determination of Iraqis, Afghans, and Syrians than of Americans? -- A government that denies its own basic principles and laws does not deserve to be listened to and followed. Secession from such a poisonous government is a moral and spiritual duty."

Scalia vs. Thomas Jefferson on secession
Related Article - A quote...."Contemporary opinion, including that of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, says a state’s right to secede died with the hundreds of thousands of bloodied victims of the Civil War and that the sentiment behind the dozens of petitions on the White House website seeking permission for most of the 50 individual governments to leave the union will be fruitless. -- But historians would note that Thomas Jefferson, a “pole star among political philosophers because he based his politics on the eternal, self-evident, fundamental truths that all men are created free and equal and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inherent and inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” believed states have a right to leave the U.S."

Camp FEMA: American Lockdown

A quote...."Recent legislation attempting to legitimize the use of internment camps to detain U.S. citizens in the event of an uprising or civil unrest has many people asking what nation they live in. -- In a country born out of political dissent, we watch our leaders in Washington slowly pass bills that label ordinary Americans as thought criminals and potential domestic terrorists for simply questioning the actions of their government."

Poverty: 50 Million Americans Struggling to Survive
A quote...."The United States is projected to spend an estimated US$323 billion for development and procurement on the F-35 program, making it the most expensive defense program ever. The total lifecycle cost for the entire American fleet is estimated to be US$1.51 trillion over its 50-year life, or $618 million per plane."

Salaries and Retirement Benefits of U.S. Presidents and Other Federal Government Employees
Related Article - A quote...."I think we just found where some austerity cuts need to be made." -- *Michael Rivero*
TV viewers in sharp decline as more people awaken to the idiocy of television programming - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."(NaturalNews) It began with traditional newspaper circulation about a decade ago, and now the phenomenon has spread to television: Like millions of Americans who shun the daily paper, many are voting with their remotes and are turning off network TV. -- According to the Financial Times, U.S. broadcast networks have suffered "a precipitous drop" in ratings so far this year, which is bound to hit their balance sheets as they lose a share of the $70 billion in annual ad sales."

Building up real media
Related Ry2SVideo - Alt - (Ry2SYuTb - 5min13sec - Nov 14, 2012) - Source:   Rys2sense - Website: BoilingFrogs - Related:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related: Ry2SLiberty@Vimeo - Related:  Rys2senseAntiNeocons

Michael Rivero on Justin TV - Nov 12 2012 - Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI -- (Note: If you click on "Part I" it will auto-play the other five parts. - mpg) -- Funding & Donation Drive for RBN -- MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 3hrs - 30min each - Nov 14th, 2012) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Cameron's Sin City Surge (E367)
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 25min45sec - Nov 15, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter - (RussiaToday) -- A quote...."In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss UK Prime Minister David Cameron going 'all in' and topless on financial fraud and market manipulation in the City of London where 'circle rating' is rife and more 'Libor like' manipulation is found . . . this time in the natural gas market. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to Francine McKenna of and American Banker magazine, about Jamie Dimon, the most over-rated banker in America, and how much longer JP Morgan can survive the various scandals, frauds and putbacks."

Wanda Sykes On The Wall Street Bailout
Video - Alt - (LvLeak - 2min15sec - Oct-7-2008) - Source:  Zangado -- A blast from the past, previously posted.  Now here's someone who would make a good president. - mpg - A quote...."Wanda gave the most cogent rebutttal to the bailout of any public figure to date on Jay Leno's show last night,have a laugh!"

The Illusion Laid Bare
A quote...."If you are waiting for the economic collapse, you’re too  late – it’s already happened.  And it’s TWCTM (Those Who Control the Money) who did it.  They pulled the rug right out from under themselves.   We are living in a world of complete economic fantasy, using numbers that are unfathomable, unconscionable, and  un-repayable."

Deflation Alert - Courtesy MarketWatch Economic Calendar

Wednesday Nov 14th 2012
Thursday Nov 15th 2012
The Worst Economic Numbers In More Than A Year
Related Article - A quote...."With everything else that is going on in the world, a lot of people have failed to notice that we are seeing some of the worst economic numbers that we have seen in more than a year.  For example, it was announced on Thursday that initial claims for unemployment benefits have hit their highest level in a year and a half.  Hopefully this is just a temporary blip in the data, because initial unemployment claims [see above, they were a big miss] tend to have a very strong correlation with the overall performance of the economy."

The Predator State
Full quote...."fiscal cliff  - (ˈf ís'kəl--klíf) - [a.k.a. austerity]
bipartisan rhetorical political device to...."
  1. cut social safety nets
  2. enrich the elite of the predator state
"Instead of just jumping over the fake cliff as his voters would certainly prefer Obama will use it to pay back the billion[s of] dollars he borrowed from the predators to finance his reelection."

The 'Broken' Fed Model In 3 Simple Charts
Charts - (click till enlarged) -- A quote...."So the next time someone throws the "So what you gonna do? Put your money in Treasuries at 2% yields?" line at you; kindly stroke your chin (reflectively), pause (philosophically), and tell them that until the Fed takes its boot off the interest-rate neck of the nation and stops buying every bond in sight, the risk-reward favors non-equities - and as any good entrepreneur putting their hard-earned capital to work knows 'a fed-induced period of mal-investment' can only end one way - and if you are patient, there will be plenty of 'opportunities' when that end begins."

Central Bank Gold Demand Still On Track To Hit Highest Level Since 1964
Gold Alert - November 15 2012 7:30 AM - (This probably isn't caused by fears of an increase in "regular" inflation.  More likely it's caused by fears of a dollar and/or euro currency collapse. - mpg) -- A quote...."Central banks continued to purchase gold in the third quarter at near-record pace, driven by emerging market central banks looking to diversify away from traditional reserve currencies amid heightened economic insecurity and continuous unconventional monetary easing, according to World Gold Council data released Thursday."

Why The Troika's Forecasts [For The EU] Are A Total Joke In One Easy Chart
Must View Chart - (click to enlarge) - A quote..."The remarkable forecasting skills of the Troika and the immense decisions being taken on the back of these 'sacrosanct' projections need to be put into context. We are more than happy to do that (as we did here - with hilarity ensuing), but the chart below shows even more clearly, so far so bad as the Troika has pretty much nailed it on the 'most optimistic mean-reverting model' ever. Not wanting to steal the jam from Europe's donut but the forecasts are - quite evidently - a complete and utter joke...." - Topix ||  A Quadruple Whammy - 12-16-10 - mpg  ||

The Curse Of The “Irreversible” Euro
A quote...."Young educated Greeks are facing an insurmountable wall of unemployment [Merkel Has A Dream]. With little chance of finding a job in their field, they’re competing for any kindof job. Wages have plummeted. Benefits have disappeared. The economy has shriveled by 19.4% from the third quarter of 2007. Promises that education would open doors to a better future have evaporated."

UK would lose AAA status if it enters triple-dip recession, says ratings agency
A quote...."(Guardian) – Moody’s warning to George Osborne follows decision by Bank of England to halve growth forecast for 2013 to 1% - George Osborne was warned by one of the world’s three biggest rating agencies on Wednesday night that the UK will lose its prized AAA credit status if the UK sinks into a triple-dip recession this winter." - Source:  TheGuardian - See related article...."Guess Which Country Has Debt Of Nearly 1000% Of GDP..."

German economy slows, heads for Q4 contraction
Financial Alert - A quote...."(Reuters) - Germany's economy slowed in the third quarter and looks set to shrink this quarter as Europe's economic powerhouse finally feels the impact of the euro zone crisis, although it should still avoid recession." - Given the EU's present economic trajectory, Germany will NOT be able to avoid a recession. - mpg

Italy’s poverty index rose sharply in 2011, survey shows
A quote...."Fresh figures released by Italy’s National Institute for Statistics, Istat, on Thursday, revealed that the percentage of “deprived” households climbed to 22.2 percent in 2011 from 16 percent in 2010."

Eurozone slips back into recession
Financial Alert - A quote...."November 15, 2012: 10:12 AM ET -- Eurostat's first reading of gross domestic product for the three months ended in September showed a contraction of 0.1% in the eurozone, after a decline of 0.2% in the second quarter -- confirming the 17-nation currency area is back in recession for the first time since 2009."
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More on the Europe's austerity protests....

Riot police on the streets of Lisbon and rubber bullets fired in Madrid as Europe explodes on day of anti-austerity protests -- A quote..."Riot police were forced to protect the Portuguese parliament from angry protestors this evening following a day of violent anti-austerity protests across Europe. -- Hundreds of police officers took to the streets of Lisbon as protestors armed with rocks and bottles attempted to attack Parliament. -- There were chants of 'out with the Government' with some protestors also firing flares at the lines of riot police."

'We have no future!' EU anger unites millions in protest
Contains Video - Photos - A quote...."Massive anti-austerity strikes and protests swept across Europe as millions took to the streets to express their frustration over rising unemployment and dire economic prospects. Many rallies ended with violent clashes with police. - Workers marched in 23 countries across Europe to mark the European Day of Action and Solidarity."

Millions Join Largest European Strike Ever
Contains Videos - A quote...."Europe’s Mediterranean rim trembled on Wednesday as violent clashes broke out following the largest coordinated multinational strike in Europe ever. In the hope to stave off decades of austerity, precarity and unemployment, European labor unions united for the first time since the start of the European debt crisis to organize strikes and protests in a total of 23 EU member states, with millions of workers walking off their jobs and marching on parliament buildings across the continent. Bloody street battles ensued across Spain, Portugal and Italy."

Europe in protest: anti-austerity marches spread
Graphic - (click to view) - (Great graphic. - mpg) -- A quote...."Millions took part in Europe-wide strikes, and in city after city along the debt-encrusted Mediterranean rim, thousands marched and scores were arrested after clashes with police."

Related articles.....
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More On The International Situation....

Syria and France: Hollande - a second Sarkozy?
A quote...."France has officially recognized the Syrian opposition as a legitimate representative of the Syrian people. This step on the part of socialist Francois Hollande doubtless delighted his right-wing predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy."

Syrian troops kill dozens of insurgents in Damascus
A quote...."Syrian Army soldiers have killed dozens of foreign-backed insurgents fighting government forces during mop-up operations in the capital Damascus. - Dozens of armed men were killed during intense clashes with Syrian troops in the Zamaka neighborhood of the city on Tuesday."

Damascus slams opposition meeting in Qatar as 'declaration of war'
A quote..."Syria’s Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Miqdad has said that the recent meeting of the Syrian opposition in Qatar's capital Doha amounted to a "declaration of war" against Damascus."

Drone vs Drone: Pakistan joins aircraft race
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 1min39sec -  Nov 14, 2012) - Source:  RTAmerica -- A quote...."According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, since June of 2004 between 2,500 to 3,300 people have fallen victim to unmanned drone attacks. Pakistan has been more than vocal about its opposition to the US using unmanned armed aircraft to implement strikes in the country against groups like the Taliban, but now the country has announced plans to develop their very own combat ready drones.Liz Wahl has more."

Pakistan frees Taliban prisoners for peace process
A quote...."Pakistan freed several Taliban prisoners at the request of the Afghan government Wednesday, a move meant to facilitate the process of striking a peace deal with the militant group in neighboring Afghanistan, Pakistani officials said. -- The release of the prisoners — described as mid- and low-level fighters — is the most encouraging sign yet that Pakistan may be willing to help jumpstart peace talks that have mostly gone nowhere, hobbled by distrust among the major players involved, including the United States."

Iran Asks World Powers to Return to Talks
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran called on the Group 5+1 (the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany) to return to talks instead of paving the wrong path of pressures and sanctions against the Iranian nation. "

Egypt to receive $6.3 bn in 'support' from EU: Presidency
Special Geo-Political Alert - (That's about three to four times more money than the US-NRE gives to Egypt every year. - mpg) -- A quote...."Egypt's presidency says the European Union approves $6.3 billion in support, to be mainly provided by the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development"

Vietnam, Russia further cement legislative ties
A quote...."Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly Nguyen Sinh Hung held talks here on Wednesday with Chairwoman of Russia's Council of the Federal Assembly (Upper House) Valentina Ivanovna Matviyenko, who is here for a two-day official visit."

Japanese prime minister calls snap election
A quote...."In the middle of a parliamentary debate on Wednesday, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda announced his intention to dissolve the lower house of parliament and hold national elections on December 16."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Palestinians Block Roads Used by Settlers
A quote...."RAMALLAH, November 14, 2012 (WAFA) - Thousands of Palestinians Wednesday rallied across the West Bank and blocked roads used by Jewish settlers as part of an activity marking the National Youth Week, which coincides with the declaration of independence."

Let Us Now Speak Plainly
A quote...."The most striking and significant quality of our national conversation "is one of overwhelming, oppressive and suffocating unreality. It is as if everyone knows, but will never acknowledge, that we may speak only in code, and that we may only utilize the safe, empty phrases that we have agreed are 'acceptable' -- phrases and language that are safe precisely because they have been drained of all correspondence to facts. It is as if everyone realizes, but will never state, that we are engaged in an elaborate charade, a pageant of gesture and indication, where substance and specific meaning have been banned. ... [T]he truth is not merely unpleasant, an uninvited guest who makes conversation difficult and awkward. Truth is the enemy; truth is to be destroyed.""

Inciting war crimes: Israel minister says force Gaza population into Egypt, cut off water, electricity
A quote...."An Israeli minister has called for the army to bomb Gaza until the population flees en masse into Egypt’s Sinai peninsula, and for water and electricity supplies to be cut, a clear case of incitement to war crimes."

PCHR Calls for Special Session of the Human Rights Council: Violations of International Law in the Gaza Strip Must End  -- A quote...."It is imperative that the international community intervene in order to restore the rule of law, and to prevent further harm to civilians. PCHR reminds the international community that all States are subject to a binding legal obligation to 'ensure respect' for international humanitarian law in all circumstances, and that civilians are recognised as 'protected persons' under international humanitarian law."

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (08 -13 Nov. 2012)
Add this weekly total of imposed misery to Israel's massive military invasions every few years to get a true idea of what it means to be a Palestinian living in the Gaza Ghetto.....
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Grassroots: After GMO Labeling Shot Down, Citizens Start Labeling Themselves
A quote...."Activists and concerned citizens around the world have had enough with corrupt corporations censoring their right to know what’s in their food, and frankly they’re beyond upset. And if the government will not side with the 90 plus percentage of consumers who are in favor of GMO labeling, then they’re going to do it themselves." - Source:  NaturalSociety

Wednesday Nov 14th 2012

No posts. - mpg

Tuesday Nov 13th 2012

My Thoughts on the Election: The Devil You Know
Must Read - A quote...."Many Americans voted for “the lesser of two evils” and were disappointed in the result.  This must have been an emotional double whammy in the sense that not only did the guy you disliked so much that you were willing to vote for a candidate you didn’t like win, but you didn’t vote your conscience.  Personally, I didn’t have to deal with either emotion because I voted for the person I liked the most despite residing in a swing state.  What allowed me to do this was the complete and total recognition that under both major candidates America loses.  My major issues are...."
  1. The Federal Reserve scam and Wall Street theft.
  2. Civil liberties and the destruction of the Constitution.
  3. Our aggressive foreign policy and imperial wars abroad that help only the oligarchs and impoverish the masses.
"On these three issues, Mitt Romney would have been as bad if not worse than Obama and that is why Mitt Romney lost." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Ron Paul: America is Far Gone!
Must View AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 25min22sec - Nov 9, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel - Website: RonPaul -- A quote...."Alex talks with Rep. Ron Paul about Obama's re-anointment and the economic implosion now slowly taking out the pinions of the once mighty U.S. economy."

Bang the Drums and Make the Speeches, You Vicious Leeches.
Must Read - (NOTE: Some adult language) -- A quote...."I am no fan of bombast or pretentious and empty ceremony, especially when it results in support for continuous, unnecessary torment, torture and bloodshed. It is the perpetuation of this odious sh-t that makes support for these things, indifference to them and ignorance about them, a crime. You keep your mouth shut and your head down and sooner or later, you will be marching through something you would rather not be marching through, because it wasn't important enough to you to take responsibility for a country you say you Love."

Down and Out in America: Letter from a Russian Émigré
A quote...."At first I marveled at this, thinking to myself: look at how intoxicating the spirit of liberty can be! But now I understand that this is a catastrophe. That American society is brainwashed and alienated in the extreme. And that all Americans have left is this: to batten on each other, cannibalize each other, and play each others as suckers. They have become a nation of zombies and vampires, sucking each other’s blood. -- I feel the pernicious influence of all this on my own family. Right here and now. You don’t have to be a brilliant visionary to realize that in the current situation all these endless suburbs, built on the North American model, are slowly but surely turning into mass graves for the millions of former members of the middle class. -- Those that do not turn into mass graves will become nature preserves — stocked with wild animals that were once human...."
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Israel and FSA Jointly Attack Syria
Must View SGPVideo - (SGPYuTb -  9min48sec - Nov 13, 2012) - Source:   SyrianGirlPartisan -- A quote...."Israel has exchanged fire with Syria at the border of the occupied Syrian Golan Heights. - Israel has admitted to allowing the FSA terrorist insurgents to use the Golan heights as cover. The NATO backed opposition (FSA insurgents and SNC puppets) are puppets of Israel and Nato and want to ally with them if the Syrian government falls. The entire insurgency in Syria is part of a Zionist-NATO plot hatched years ago, to destroy Syria and break Syria/Iran ties. The bulk of the evidence used in this video can be found here."

Jihadi Sheik Wants to Destroy Sphinx, Pyramids
A quote..."The Salafist/Wahhabi strain of Islam is sheer idiocy and barbarism. The U.S. is supporting these barbarians to overthrow Assad and destroy Syria."

West Conjures Fake "Syrian" Government
A quote...." Smokescreen meant to cover open-backing of foreign Al Qaeda terrorists inside Syria, while panicking & disrupting Syrian unity. -- Predictably, the Western arranged confab in Doha, Qatar has seen the selection and approval by the US and its allies of a "new opposition coalition" to serve as the face of militants fighting inside  Syria." - also posted at LandDestroyerReport

REPORT: It Was A NATO Mortar That Killed 5 Turkish Civilians Last Week
Truth Exposed - A quote...."Turkey’s Yurt Newspaper is reporting that the mortar used in a deadly bombing of a Turkish border town was specific to NATO and given to Syrian rebels by Turkey, according to RT."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Holodomor: The Ukrainian Holocaust of 1933
Contains Video - (YuTb - 54min46sec - unknown) - A quote...."The killing of 10 million Christians by the Jewish Bolsheviks under Joseph Stalin 1932-1933 in Ukraine. These events are also known as Holodomor."

Israeli Asset Jane Harman being considered to head CIA despite connection to Israel-AIPAC spy scandal
Unbelievable!!  She was CAUGHT, on TAPE, helping Israeli SPYS!!  What the [expletive deleted] is WRONG with this country! - mpg -- A quote...."It’s astounding to see reports by CNN, Politico, and others that former California Democratic Congresswoman Jane Harman is being considered as a possible new head of the CIA, given the fact that she was implicated in an Israeli spy scandal in 2005."
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'Israeli crimes against Palestinians have gone unpunished due to Western cover'
Must View PRSTVideo - (PRSTVYuTb - 24min18sec - Nov 13, 2012) - Source:  ravenise0 -- A quote...."A peace activist says if Western cover was removed from giving impunity to crimes committed by Israel against defenseless people they would not have gone unpunished."

Video: Survivors of Israeli attack on Gaza says bombs continued to fall on the al-Shoja’iya neighborhood as civilians raised white flags - Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."November 12, 2012 "Mondoweiss " -- The video above interviews two survivors of the Israeli attack on the al-Shoja’iya neighborhood east of Gaza City. Here is a summary published by the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights over the weekend on what took place in the neighborhood...."
"Over the past 72 hours, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) have escalated their aerial and ground attacks against the Gaza Strip. Five Palestinian civilians, including 3 children, have been killed, and 52 others, including 6 women and 12 children, have been wounded. Four of these deaths and 38 of the injuries resulted from an Israeli attack on a football playground in al-Shoja’iya neighborhood east of Gaza City. Additionally, 2 members of the Palestinian resistance were killed, and some civilian facilities were destroyed or damaged."
Waging War Without Declaring It
A quote...."America does it in proxy wars and some direct ones. Israel has waged war on Palestine since 1948. - Daily violence against innocent civilians persists largely below the radar. So does occupation harshness. Media scoundrels turn a blind eye. - In the week ending November 7 alone, Israel killed a Gaza civilian epileptic victim sufferer. Airstrikes killed two other Gazans."

Israel Shells Syria and Gaza
A quote...."A previous article said beware of false flags. For months throughout the Syrian conflict, possible full-scale Western intervention loomed. It still does. Post-US elections, it’s more likely, not certain, but reports suggest expect it."

Ahmad Mousas killer walks free
A quote...."Omri Abu, the Israeli border police officer charged for the murder of 10 year old Ahmad Mousa of Ni’lin has been acquitted. -- The ruling came this Tuesday on there grounds of there being “reasonable doubts” to Abu’s guilt. It was Omri Abu’s unit that 2008 was called in to supress a demonstration against the apartheid wall being built on Ni’lin land. When their army jeep was met by stone throwing Abu fired two shots out the window. One of these bullets hit Ahmad Mousa in the forehead. He was dead before he could reach the hospital."
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

More on the General Patraeus Resignation Mystery & The Benghazi Attack....

Why Did CIA Director Petraeus Suddenly Resign … And Why Was the U.S. Ambassador to Libya Murdered?
Special Note - A quote...." While the GOP is attacking (and Dems defending) the Obama administration in connection with the murder of the U.S. ambassador to Libya, there is a deeper story. - Sure, it is stunning that the State Department never requested backup or that people such as Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Shaffer allege that President Obama personally watched in real time the attacks as they occurred via video feeds from drones flying over the Benghazi consulate. - But these claims only can be assessed – and the whole confusing mess only makes sense – if the deeper underlying story is first exposed." - Source:  GrgWashBlog

Petraeus Mistress Suggests Benghazi Attack Was Aimed At Secret CIA Prison
A quote...." November 12, 2012 "Information Clearing House" -Former CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus may have told his alleged mistress Paula Broadwell what really happened in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012 when terrorists murdered U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans. -- Broadwell, whose alleged affair with Petraeus forced him to resign last Friday, revealed during an October 26 speech at the University of Denver that Libyan terrorists may have attacked the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 in order to take back Libyan militia members the CIA Annex had taken prisoner."

A Covert Affair:  Petraeus Caught in the Honeypot?
A quote...."November 12, 2012 "Information Clearing House" - The outing of Gen. David Petraeus as an adulterer, and his subsequent resignation as CIA Director, was carried out by an unknown FBI “whistleblower” who leaked the facts of the FBI investigation into the General’s private life to Rep. Eric Cantor. The New York Times reports...."

Additional Articles.....
There is a LOT of speculation about this incident,  From this website editor's perspective here's what we do know....
Those are the basics.  Hopefully time will tell what really happened. - mpg
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More than one U.S. soldier shot Afghans in massacre that killed 16, says local investigator
The Truth Exposed - A quote...."TACOMA — A shooting rampage in March that left 16 Afghans dead in two villages was the work of more than one person, an Afghan police investigator testified on Sunday, contradicting the U.S. government’s account."
What is it exactly?  Some sort of childlike fixation throughout this nation's insecurity complex and its assorted robotic minions? Some sort of infantile fantasy?  Some sort of institutionalized obsessive-compulsive disorder? Does it start when every up-and-coming police officer, every FBI and CIA agent, every man and woman in uniform gets taken aside and gets taught the holy scripture....whenever in doubt, subject to possible embarrassment, engaged in a cover-up, or you need an innocent patsy to pin the blame on....remember "It ALWAYS is, and ALWAYS shall be, a 'Lone Gunman Who Did the Deed'"? --  It's STUPID, it's NOT CREDIBLE, it's from the same ridiculously old play-book they've been using for decades, and makes every single one of those mini-Gestapo wannabees out there in uniform a dumb, drooling, obviously lying, sack-of-[expletive deleted] MORON!  -- They're not fooling anybody.  They're not being "clever".  They're just simply making jack-asses out of themselves and their affiliated agencies. So why don't these idiotic bozos in uniform just stop it? - mpg
[Iranian] Commander Blames NATO for Increased Drug Production in Afghanistan
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Commander of the anti-narcotics squad of Iran's Law Enforcement Police General Ali Moayyedi blamed the NATO forces for increased drug plantation, production and trafficking in Afghanistan." - Topix ||  US Support - Drug Trade  ||

Hollywood and the Pentagon: A Dangerous Liaison (Full Version)
DoD Propaganda Exposed - Video - Alt - (YuTb - 37min49sec - Jul 1, 2012) - Source:  disposableculture -- A quote...."The American Army’s intrusion in Hollywood war films may surprise some. In fact, the U.S. Army secret services have had close ties with American filmmakers for several decades. The movie Top Gun, for instance, was filmed with the support and approval of the U.S. Army. There is even a special bureau, the Film Liaison Office, that oversees these issues for the Pentagon and the Capitol. It has a clear mission: studying the scripts of American war movies, deciding whether to offer them support or not, depending on their interest for the country’s military leaders."

FBI's abuse of the surveillance state is the real scandal needing investigation
A quote...."November 13, 2012 "The Guardian" --  The Petraeus scandal is receiving intense media scrutiny obviously due to its salacious aspects, leaving one, as always, to fantasize about what a stellar press corps we would have if they devoted a tiny fraction of this energy to dissecting non-sex political scandals (this unintentionally amusing New York Times headline from this morning - "Concern Grows Over Top Military Officers' Ethics" - illustrates that point: with all the crimes committed by the US military over the last decade and long before, it's only adultery that causes "concern" over their "ethics"). Nonetheless, several of the emerging revelations are genuinely valuable, particularly those involving the conduct of the FBI and the reach of the US surveillance state." - also posted at ICH

Romney Doomed Himself by the Corrupt Tactics Used Against Ron Paul - Amen!! - mpg
A quote...."By cheating against Ron Paul, Mitt Romney won the nomination, but lost the election. We have recorded videos of vote fraud, delegate intimidation, hidden and stolen votes. Even police power was being used to control our political process.  - The duly elected delegates from Massachusetts, who would not vote for Romney, were SIMPLY UNSEATED AND REMOVED, and then replaced by other delegates, The duly elected Maine delegates were unseated, and replaced, after they had already traveled to Tampa."

State Nullification vs. An Obama Second Term
A quote...."State Nullification in a Obama second term will be a knock down drag out fight. The battle is between states’ rights and imperial rule. Just seeing what the White House said about the ballot measures in two states. The state of Washington and Colorado voters decided to legalize cannabis for recreational use. The Federal Government intends to ignore the will of the people. The war on drugs marches on attacking marijuana users regardless of state law. The President does not respect state nullification."

Texas NDAA Nullification Bill Includes Criminal Charges for Federal Agents
- Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."At the close of 2011, Barack Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act for the year 2012. In it are what some constitutional experts consider to be some of the greatest constitutional violations in American history. At issue are sections 1021 and 1022 which, in essence, create a new power for the federal government to “indefinitely detain” – without due process – any person. Indefinitely. That’s little different than kidnapping."

Will Texas Nullify Both NDAA and TSA? - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."The Texas legislature will take up two bills designed to protect basic civil liberties in the Lone Star State during the 2013 legislative session."

3 Occupy Wall Street Protesters Win $50K Settlement Over "Thought Crime" Arrest  - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."The city has settled a lawsuit brought by three Occupy Wall Street protestors who accused the NYPD of arresting them without cause, detaining them for almost 24 hours, and forcing them through a humiliating strip search. On November 17th 2011, 20-year-old Kira Moyer-Sims was buying coffee on the Lower East Side while three friends waited in a nearby car. Suddenly 30 police officers swooped in and arrested them, and later drilled them on their relationship with the movement while they were in custody. “I felt like I had been arrested for a thought crime,” Moyer-Sims said at the time. Taxpayers will now give her $15,000 to make up for it."

Blind Obedience to Leaders
A quote..."We blame the politicians, we blame this group or that group. We have taken ourself out of the equation. We are a nation of finger pointers. That will solve our problems right? Wrong! -- Fear plays a huge role in this mind set. Fear of personal responsibility, fear of retaliation, fear of being socially ostracized, just to name a few. We want a better world without getting our hands dirty, without standing out. A question to the apathetic, ignorant masses, how do you plan on doing that? Go along to get along, just do your “duty” and vote. Just do your “duty” and support endless wars."

The 400,000 Votes That Tipped the Election
2012 Election Cycle - Quote of the Day - (a vote factoid) -- A quote...." Obama has received seven million fewer votes in 2012 than he did 2008, and his electoral vote tally also fell by 26 votes.  Obama is the first president in US history to win re-election despite (a) winning fewer electoral votes, (b) a diminished popular vote total, and (c) a lower aggregate vote nationwide." - In other words Obama is highly disliked by many, and Romney and his Neocon minions scared the [expletive deleted]-out of a lot of people while SERIOUSLY ticking off the Ron Paul supporters by criminally, and illegally, keeping Ron Paul from the nomination. - mpg

22 Signs That Voter Fraud Is Wildly Out Of Control And The Election Was A Sham
2012 Election Cycle - (vote fraud) - A quote...."After what we have seen this November, how is any American ever supposed to trust the integrity of our elections ever again?  There were over 70,000 reports of voting problems on election day, and there are numerous eyewitnesses that claim that they saw voting machines change votes for one candidate to another candidate right in front of their eyes.  In several of the swing states there were counties where the number of registered voters exceeded the total voting age population by a very wide margin.  How in the world does that happen?" - also posted at PressTV

Venezuelan vs U.S. elections: a democratic example
2012 Election Cycle - (a counter example) -- A quote...."If the mainstream Western media is to be believed, the world witnessed a shining example of true democracy in action in the United States on November 6. -- In the Washington Post, Dan Balz described the US presidential race as a “contest of competing visions”. -- Apparently, democracy is epitomised by a race between two representatives of the 1% fighting to impose “competing” agendas that ― with differences of nuance ― bear more similarities to each other than to public opinion."

Gerald Celente: I’m Glad Obama Won! - Now you KNOW he's not being serious....mpg
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 23min10sec - Nov 12, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel - Website:  TrendsRsrch -- A quote...."Alex is joined by Gerald Celente of Trends Research to discuss the election fallout."

[47] Prop 37 Fraud, Honor Vets: End War, OWS Absolves Debt
BtSVideo - (BtSYuTb - 28min - Nov 12, 2012) - Source: BreakingTheSet - Related: BTSFcBk - Related: BTSTwttr - A quote...."On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Jon Rappoport from No More Fake News about Prop 37 voter fraud and how three million votes remain uncounted in California. She then calls out trolls for the first time from Breaking the Set social networks. BTS is then joined by RT correspondent Anastasia Churkina and BTS producer Manny Rapalo about the Occupy Wall Street's new project to absolve debt called Rolling Jubilee. She then commemorates Veteran's Day by calling out the dire state of Veteran's in the US."

Michael Rivero on Justin TV - Nov 12 2012 - Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI -- (Note: If you click on "Part I" it will auto-play the other five parts. - mpg) -- Funding & Donation Drive for RBN -- MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 3hrs - 30min each - Nov 12th, 2012) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.
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Where Oh Where in the World....Did All That Gold Go????
(Only the NY Fed, London's "City" and Tel Aviv's Banksters know for sure.....)

James Turk on the Central Bank Gold Heist and Bundesbank Accounting and Gold Shenanigans!
RTCAVideo - Alt - (RTCAYuTb - 2min51sec - Nov 7, 2012) - Source:  CapitalAccount -- A quote...."A recent public debate has centered around the safety of Germany's gold deposits outside of the country. Recently a member of the Bundesbank's executive board, Dr. Andreas Dombret, addressed this issue a speech. According to the text, Dr. Dombret said this discussion is driven by "irrational fears," while acknowledging "gold is important." James Turk, chairman and founder of Gold Money, says the question of "where the Bundesbank's gold is" remains relevant and argues Germany should repatriate this gold given that the precious metal is one of the "pillars of a country's sovereignty." Mr. Turk goes on to explain in detail how a central bank's gold, specifically the Bundesbank's, isn't really accounted for in a way that conforms with generally accepted accounting principles."

Turkish PM: ”The World Should Consider Switching From the Dollar to Gold”
A quote...."Speaking at the Bali Democracy international summit over the weekend, Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan blasted the IMF’s role in the global debt crisis, stating that  “It is thought-provoking that the IMF is not using gold as a global currency’‘ and that “One would wish that the IMF would help the countries in trouble, but this is not the case.” - Not content to stop there, Erdoğan likely placed a target on his/Turkey’s back when he stated that the world should flee the petro-dollar for gold: ”The world should consider switching to a monetary unit such as gold, which is at the very least an international constant and indicator which has maintained its honor throughout history. This is something to think about.’" - bold by website editor - much for Syria and THAN Iran.  Looks like the US-NRE's and the Saudi Royals' al-CIA'da mercenaries are going to have to make a detour to Turkey first....on their way to Iran. - mpg

For more regarding the articles shown above see....
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Welcome to the Nuthouse: How Private Financial Fiat Creates a Public Farce
Must Read - A quote...." What happens to functioning capitalism when its core operating principles of value and money, risk, private property, profit, supply and demand, price discovery, transparency and accountability, productivity, and exchange of worth can selectively be erased on the whim of self-interested, politically connected players? -- What happens when every standard of the game is turned upside-down by rule-rigging fat cats and then cravenly excused by international governments, prosecutors, and regulators? You get a leaky economic charade riding on a sea of debt bailed out with “expert” psycho-babble, high-level cheerleading, and government assurances that sound more each day like sick punch lines to bad jokes...." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Keiser Report: Tourettes Traders & Bleeping Bankers (E366) (ft. Teri Buhl)
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 25min45sec - Nov 13, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter - (RussiaToday) -- A quote...."In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss foul mouthed foreigners with banker tourettes in Singapore, while in America, traders at Barclays send each other expletive-filled emails admitting to manipulating energy prices down in order to have their big bets on declining prices pay off. They also discuss financial activists creating a rolling jubillee reverse vulture fund designed to liberate the population from unpayable debts. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to Teri Buhl about the investigation into fraud at Sun Trust Bank where whistleblowers allege the bank mis-sold mortgages to Fannie Mae, the government sponsored enterprise. Max and Teri also talk about recent developments in the case of residential mortgage back securities fraudulently sold to investors by JP Morgan's Bear Stearns holding and Teri proposes a million man march on the SEC and the NY Fed."

Most in US Won't Be Able to Escape 'Fiscal Cliff'
A quote....""Fiscal Cliff" is just another name for "Austerity." And the only reason there is a crisis at all is the high costs of Wall Street bailouts and military adventurism. The so-called cliff is the result of mandated cuts to military spending. Obama wants more bombs, and Wall Street demands more bailouts, so they will raise taxes and cut spending [that] take[s] care of America and Americans." -- *Michael Rivero*

S&P and Fitch accused of market manipulation in Italy
Italian prosecutors have filed charges against Deven Sharma, the former president of Standard & Poor’s, and six other credit rating officials for issuing downgrades that destablised the country and fuelled the debt crisis."
Well....just remember these are the exact same ratings agencies who lied for over ten years about the worthless MBS securities their clients were selling to the very same banks and countries they've been down-grading for the last three years. Seems like some sort of conflict of interest to this website editor - mpg
Citing ‘human error,’ Warren Group says more foreclosures were started in September, not fewer as it first reported - A quote...."11/09/2012 3:36 PM - The Warren Group, a Boston company that tracks local real estate, said Friday that because of ”human error,” it mistakenly reported that fewer foreclosures were begun in September when the number actually rose significantly statewide. - In issuing a correction, Timothy M. Warren, chief executive of the Warren Group, said it’s the only data error the 140-year-old business has made in at least two decades."

US Budget Deficit Soars In October As Government Spends Over $300 Billion In One Month
A quote....".....the total amount of overspending in October was $120 billion. What is distressing is that this was well above the $98.5 billion deficit from a year ago, and confirms that the long-term trendline of ever greater spending continues. This was also the fourth largest October deficit in history. And looking merely at the spending side of the ledger, the US government's outlays in October alone were $304 billion. This is the third biggest October monthly spend for the government ever."

Samsung Hikes Apple Component Price By 20%
A quote...."Two months ago, when we commented on Apple's pyrrhic courtroom victory in which it managed to halt sales of older generation Samsung smartphones - a "victory" which would backfire with Samsung phone sales soaring, while AAPL results missed...."

Greece bailout extension 'to cost 32bn euros more' [to the nth power ever six months till Greece exits]
Why do they bother?  Maybe because it's the stupid season? - mpg -- A quote...."A draft document prepared for eurozone finance ministers suggests that Greece should be given two more years to meet budget goals, but that this will add 32.6bn euros ($41.4bn) to its bailout."

No aid tranche deal seen on Monday despite Greek austerity
What!!  Austerity WITHOUT the loan?!?!?  Oh sure....this is going to go over real well in Greece. - mpg -- A quote..." The euro zone will not release a new loan tranche to Greece on Monday despite the country's tough 2013 budget as there is no agreement yet on how to make its debt sustainable, but Athens is set to get two more years to cut debt, officials said." - bold by website editor

What's Left To Cut? 'Greece sacrifice on Euro altar'
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 7min04sec - Nov 12, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Another year of pain looms for Greece as the country's Parliament approves an austerity budget which will force more biting cuts upon an already struggling population. It's been a pre-condition from international lenders who've been delaying another bailout cash injection for months now. Thousands of Greeks gathered outside Parliament to voice their opposition to next year's budget. It's approval follows another even more extensive austerity package, that sparked violent protests last week. For more on the story RT talks to joined by John Laughland, director of studies at the Institute of Democracy and cooperation in Paris."

Greek Journalist Acquitted for Blowing Tax Fraud Whistle. Widespread Corruption Linked to Private HSBC Accounts -- A quote...."Earlier this month, Greek investigative journalist Kostas Vaxevanis was acquitted by an Athens court of charges that he breached data privacy laws with the publication of a list of tax cheats and money launderers." - also posted at GlobalRsrch

If Greece's default isn't arranged by parliament, it will enacted on the streets with bloody consequences
Good title! - mpg -- A quote...."The Greek parliament passed an austerity budget yesterday, agreeing to a further €9.4bn of cuts including to all state salaries and pensions. Next year will see the economy shrink for the sixth consecutive year according to government forecasts, declining a further 4.5pc. Unemployment is already at 25pc and, despite spending cuts, state debt will hit 189pc of GDP next year (and rise to 192pc the year in 2014/15 according to Fitch)."

Greece Needs Another 80 Billion Euros: Goldman
A quote...."Goldman Sachs is in large part responsible for the Greek crisis, in that it aided Papandreaous in a series of currency swaps designed to conceal Greece's debt, which doubled the debt while enriching Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs' current concern is not for Greece but the outstanding Credit Default Swaps sold by Goldman (and other Wall Street firms) against Greece's debt, Swaps that will come due the instant Greece defaults. So this is simply Goldman's way of saving itself at the expense of everyone else." -- *Michael Rivero*

The Bank of England has just crossed the line into straight government financing
A quote...."So now we know why the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee called a halt to more Quantitative Easing this week – it's because the Chancellor and the Governor of the Bank of England have concocted a backdoor way of doing the same thing. -- The latest little (actually quite big at a tidy £35bn) money printing wheeze comes about as close to outright monetising of government spending as it is possible for the Bank of England to go without simply creating the money and handing it by the lorry load to the Treasury, a la Weimar."

Reward for failure: Britain's disgraced former bankers set to share £104 MILLION pension pot
A quote...."They helped cripple the UK’s banking sector and cost taxpayers billions of pounds… but now Britain’s disgraced former bankers are set to share a pension pot worth £104 million. -- Ten senior executives from the five banks rescued with public money are each in line for pensions worth a minimum of £300,000 a year, it has been reported." - Compared to their fellow thieves on Wall Street, it's chump change. - mpg

Shock jump in UK inflation to 2.7pc - Oh, oh. - mpg
UK Inflation Alert - A quote...."UK inflation jumped to a surprise five-month high of 2.7pc in October as higher university tuition fees and food costs pushed up the cost of living for British households."

Strikes against austerity cuts sweep southern Europe
A quote...."Hundreds of thousands of people in several crisis-hit European countries have started a first coordinated general strike across southern Europe to protest against their governments’ harsh austerity measures."

Anti-austerity strikes, protests to engulf Europe
A quote...."MADRID: A wave of anti-austerity anger breaks across Europe on Wednesday, with general strikes in Spain and Portugal spearheading a day of protest that will ground more than 700 flights."

Yuan spot price per USD hits record high
A quote...."BEIJING, Nov. 13 (Xinhua) -- The spot price of the yuan against the U.S. dollar rose to 6.2262 on Tuesday, marking a record high since China's foreign exchange reforms seven years ago."
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More On The International Situation....

Syrian jet hits rebel-held region near border with Turkey
A quote...."A Syrian fighter jet has struck a rebel-held region near the border with Turkey for a second day as clashes between government forces and foreign-sponsored insurgents intensify in the area."

Arab League divided over support of nascent Syrian coalition
A quote...."The Arab League fell short of unanimous support for the new Syrian opposition coalition. The body still lacks full recognition, some Arab nations reluctant to back the uprising against President Assad, whom they still view as a legitimate ruler."

ISAF drone attack kills 3 boys in Logar [Afghanistan]
A quote...."The airstrike was conducted at around 1.00pm in the Shati Qala area of the district, killing three boys, provincial council chief, Ghulam Yahiya Ahmadzai, told Pajhwok Afghan News. - He said the boys, all aged below 16 years, were working on their farm, and village elders later took their bodies to the governor’s office as a mark of protest."

High Stakes in Bahrain’s Repression
Special Note - A quote...."Connecting the dots of recent dramatic events in Bahrain spells one unmistakable message – the US-backed Al Khalifa regime is on the political ropes. It is desperately trying to defeat a determined pro-democracy movement that just won’t lie down or go away. The Sunni regime is fighting for its very survival under unrelenting pressure from the mainly Shia population, who won’t back down in their demand for human dignity and freedom, no matter how much they are brutalized and terrorized."

Bahrain Uprising Threatens US Hegemony
A quote...."November 12, 2012 "Information Clearing House" - Connecting the dots of recent dramatic events in Bahrain spells one unmistakable message -- the US-backed Al Khalifa regime is on the political ropes. It is desperately trying to defeat a determined pro-democracy movement that just won’t lie down or go away. - The regime is fighting for its very survival under unrelenting pressure from the mainly Shia population, who won’t back down in their demand for human dignity and freedom, no matter how much they are brutalized and terrorized."

Iran to Unveil New Missile Systems in Air Defense Drills
A quote...."A senior Iranian commander says the Islamic Republic plans to unveil two indigenous missile systems during the week-long maneuvers in the east of the country."

Iran to test fire indigenously-produced Hog missile system in military drill
A quote...."Iran is set to test-fire the indigenously-produced mid-altitude missile system Hog on the second day of a joint maneuver involving the country’s Army and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC)."

Iran to build oil reservoirs, refineries in Venezuela
A quote...."TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- Iran agreed with Venezuela on Monday to build some oil reservoirs and refineries in the Latin American country, semi-official Fars News Agency reported."

China Unveils Latest Military Drone
A quote...."China, whose military capabilities are largely mocked by the conventional wisdom, is ignoring the jeers and is rapidly building up not only its navy, but is modernizing its air force now too. Case in point: it just unviled its own military drone, which is a spitting image of the US MQ-9 Reaper, with one typical Chinese twist: it is far cheaper. " - bold/underline by website editor

SCO 11th Ministerial Meeting held in Bishkek
A quote...."The 11th Ministerial Meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has been held in Kyrgyzstan with objective of expanding economic ties within the regional bloc."

UN votes 188-3 to condemn US trade embargo against Cuba
A quote...."The United Nations General Assembly has voted, for the 21st year in a row, to denounce the United States’ trade embargo against the Republic of Cuba."

Argentine Judge Freezes Chevron Assets To Pay $19 Billion Ecuador Fine - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Adrian Elcuj Miranda, a judge in Buenos Aires, has ordered the seizure of Chevron’s assets in Argentina, to force the company to pay a $19 billion penalty for polluting the Amazon in Ecuador. The plaintiffs are seeking similar legal action in Brazil, Canada, Colombia and other countries."

David Black: 'new IRA' group claims it murdered prison officer
A quote...."The group issued a statement to the Belfast paper the Irish News on Monday linking the killing to conditions inside the top-security Maghaberry prison."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

The Dangers of Aspartame
Must View - Health - Red Warning - (Please link and/or post this video and pass it on. - mpg ) - (AJYuTb - 22min34sec -  Nov 9, 2012) - TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Melissa Melton files a special report on a new gum that promises to "save the earth". -- As few as one diet soda daily may increase the risk for leukemia in men and women, and for multiple myeloma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma in men, according to new results from the longest-ever running study on aspartame as a carcinogen in humans. Importantly, this is the most comprehensive, long-term study ever completed on this topic, so it holds more weight than other past studies which appeared to show no risk. And disturbingly, it may also open the door for further similar findings on other cancers in future studies."

How Dangerous Is Genetically Modified Food?
A quote...."Last month, a group of Australian scientists published a warning to the citizens of the country and of the world who collectively gobble up some $34 billion annually of its agricultural exports. The warning concerned the safety of a new type of wheat."

Exposing the Roots of Genetically Modified Crops: The Monsanto Factor
A quote...."Anti-genetically modified (GM or GMO) crops advocate Jeffrey M. Smith wrote a persuasive book about the perils of genetically modified crops a few years back: Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods. Truthout is now offering the DVD adaptation of the book as a Progressive Pick of the Week. Order it now with a minimum contribution of $25 (plus shipping and handling)."

Millions Spent Defeating Prop 37-GMO's: Why They Don't Want Us To Know What We'
Video - (YuTb - 9min56sec - Nov 12, 2012) - Source:  PatrickTimpone -- A quote...."Howard Vlieger began studying GMO crops in 1994 and is fortunate to work with some of the lead scientists in the world on research projects involving GMO crops. The real life experience that he has from being a farmer and working with farmers all across the US gives him a unique perspective on GMOs. Howard has been giving presentations to educate people about GMOs for more than 6 years in 13 states."

30 States Pick Up Reigns on GMO Labeling Initiative After Prop 37 Defeat - Hip Hip Hooray!!
By the way....[expletive deleted]-YOU Monsanto!! - mpg -- A quote...."With the defeat of California Prop 37, the fight to require labeling of genetically modified foods has passed on to other states, such as Washington and Vermont. Although California’s initiative failed on election day, the campaign brought national attention to the issue of labeling GM foods, with 30 other states now working to require GMO labels."

Prestigious Science Journals Rapidly Declining In Influence Due to Drug Company Funding
(i.e. Why pay good money to read a bunch of industry sponsored lies. Not very useful for anyone, especially a professional scientist. - mpg) -- A quote...."The most prestigious peer-reviewed journals in the world are having less influence amongst scientists, according to a paper co-authored by Vincent Lariviere, a professor at the University of Montreal’s School of Library and Information Sciences. - Lariviere questions the relationship between journal “impact factor” and number of citations subsequently received by papers."

Verified [Non-GMO] Products
Action Alert - Database -- A quote...."We encourage you to support the brands and products below in recognition of their laudable commitment to ensuring the sustained availability of non-GMO options, and their belief that consumers deserve an informed choice."

Monday Nov 12th 2012

No posts. - mpg