MPG'S DAILY RAPSHEET AND BLOTTER  ON THE "GREAT GAME"  --  03-11-10  to 03-17-10 -- links page

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Editor's note : From now on each weekly blog page will have several items culled from the past called  "9/11 - From The History File" : It's for those who didn't know, and also for those who forgot....or are trying to forget.

Editor's note - War Update, War Alert, War Warning, Red War Warning and War Imminent - refer to articles regarding the upcoming war with Iran.  In the order they appear as shown above, they  represent less serious to more serious possible threats of war. - mpg

As of 08-08-08 a new category of war warning will be included, the above warnings will have the prefix (WWIII) added to them to indicate the possible outbreak of greater hostilities. - mpg
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Wednesday March 17th 2010 - links page

When the Time Comes to Actually Make a Difference, They Capitulate

Obama Inc. Triumphs: Kucinich Folds His Hand on Health Care
Special Note - A quote...."Kucinich had been given an offer that he felt he could not refuse.The Obama administration has finished the job it started in January, 2009: crush the progressive wing of the Democratic Party to clear the way for corporate governance. Rep. Dennis Kucinich's was the last Left opposition to Obama's toxic health care legislation. “Once Obama's private insurers' bailout bill is in place, it will be almost impossible to dismantle in the foreseeable future.”
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Kucinich Sells Out On Health Care After Ride In Air Force One  ---
Special Note - A quote...."Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich has bowed to intense pressure, culminating in a jaunt onboard Air Force One with president Obama, and decided to to flip his vote on the pending health care bill to help ensure its passage. -- The representative from Ohio has repeatedly voiced his opposition to the bill, calling it "a giveaway to the insurance industry". -- "The fact is that one out of every three health care dollars goes for corporate profits, stocks options, executive salaries, advertising, marketing, the cost of paperwork - this bill doesn't change that." he said."
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Pressure Drop: Brave Sir Dennis Ran Away
Special Note - A quote...."Well, so much for conscience. The other day here, we had kind words for the stand taken by Dennis Kucinich against the boardroom-backroom boondoggle known as the health care bill. The main thrust of that post was not meant to be the innate wonderfulness of St. Dennis but the hypocrisy of the "Fightin' Progressives," such as Commander Kos and Alex Koppelman, who had launched a vituperative attack on Kucinich for daring to oppose the bill -- a measure which not only represents a complete and craven surrender of even the smallest crumbs of the progressives' original hopes for health care reform, but was also fatally tainted by the brazen bribe Obama took from the gorging, gouging drug and insurance cartels to make sure their destructive sway over American health care remains unbroken."
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Kucinich crumbles under pressure  ---
Special Note - So after many days of hyper-pious rhetoric Dennis Kucinich is reversing his decision and announces that he will vote for the Big Pharma health(not)care bill. - I think that I hate Democratic politicians even more than the more openly evil Republican colleagues. - This shameful surrender by the last Democrat who tried to act like he had a spine reminds me of the song "Whoever wins in November" by David Rovics (listen to it here):"
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And why did Dennis do it?  Because in this one rare instance, probably the ONLY instance in his ENTIRE life, he could have actually made a huge difference!!  His vote would have actually counted!!  He might have actually been the one to defeat this odious piece of mandated medical serfdom by casting the deciding negative vote.  And therefore, since this particular position he advocated DIDN'T just consist of a pretty speech as so many of his other positions have down throughout the years, and since for once in his adult life his vote might have actually resulted in him DOING SOMETHING REAL for a change, he cravenly and completely caved.

From the stolen 2000 election-selection, to the FBI "backing off" the Saudi Royal and bin Laden families prior to 9/11, to the mighty US Air Force that went missing for almost two hours on that fateful day, to that sick joke called the 9/11 commission, to "take impeachment off the table" Nancy, to congressional non-oversight of FISA, to the multiple non-investigations of Bush's war crimes, to all the other promises ever made by those who were supposed to work for the "people" of this nation.

When the rubber hits the road, when it's put up or shut-up, when it's time to actually do their job and fulfill their sworn oath, abide by their promises, carry out their sworn duties, obey their conscience, support the constitution and comply with the law, they're simply NEVER there to do it.  It's just the way it is.....when you vote for DemoRepubs.

Next time folks, save yourselves a lot of disappointment and heartache and please vote for someone else, anyone else. Otherwise your vote is simply going to go to waste all over again.- mpg

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[Expletive] You Dennis Kucinich - What did you REALLY GET for Selling us out, you piece of [Expletive]?
Special Note - (And now for some REAL venting about this situation!  For those who like letting off a lot of high pressured steam. - mpg) - A quote...."The worse part of this, aside from the passage of this criminal [expletive] bill and the mandate to force poor working slobs to buy flawed insurance from corrupt corporations, the worse part of all this, is going to be the insufferable Obamaites will use this moment as a coranation of their self-important, self-absorbed, egotistical masterbatory delusions of grandure. There will be no living with these [expletive] freaks just like it was after Bush’s “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED” speech. The [expletive] morons went on and on in their little cocoons for almost a year, riding high on their self satisfaction. Expect the same from the Obamatrolls. Leave it to Dennis to reignite the Obamalove express. This sets us back a year at least. All because the fascist Obama scared the [expletive] out of some little man."
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Revealed: Ashcroft, Tenet, Rumsfeld warned 9/11 Commission about ‘line’ it ’should not cross
Article  ---
 also posted at ICH  ---
A quote...."Senior Bush administration officials sternly cautioned the 9/11 Commission against probing too deeply into the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, according to a document recently obtained by the ACLU." - also posted at DProgram  ---
rumsfeld-warned-911-commission-about-%E2%80%98line%E2%80%99-it-%E2%80%99should-not-cross%E2%80%99/  ---  For more on this issue see....9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables  ---
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Senior Bush Administration Officials Warned the 9/11 Commission that Asking to Speak with Guantanamo Detainees was a 'Line' it 'Should Not Cross'
Special Note - Analysis - (of the article shown above) - Preface: This essay does not raise any 9/11 conspiracy theories. It does not question who planned or carried out the 9/11 attacks. It simply gives context to a breaking news story."
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Why The Facts of 9/11 Are Suppressed  ---
posted at ICH  ---
Special Note - Audio & Video - From the History File - Jun 24, 2006 - Alt  ---
videoid=1510997  ---  (MySpc - 51m11s - 06/24/06) -- A quote...."by Guns and Butter - Understanding the Ruling Group Mind Behind the War Without End" with Dr. John McMurtry. Dr. McMurtry was one of the first academics to analyze 9/11 and the 9/11 wars. He is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at the University of of Guelph, Ontario. - Broadcast March 10, 2010 - Posted March 17, 2010" -- For more on this issue see....Reficultnias's 9/11 Central
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US officials make contradictory remarks on bin Laden  ---
A quote...."Only a day after a top Obama administration official described the chances of capturing al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden alive as "infinitesimal", the top US commander in Afghanistan says the military still wants to capture him alive." -- For more on this issue see.....US Fake Intel / Propaganda - Osama bin long gone Laden  ---
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The World's #1 Terrorist State, Israel -- Criminal State: A Closer Look at Israel's Role in Terrorism
Videos - From the history file - January 16, 2010 - (previously posted) - CS(1/3)  ---
CS(2/3)  ---
CS(3/3  ---  ---  (YuTb - 10 min each - 01/16/10)
A quote...."    Jeff Gates along with Anthony Lawson produce this startling new video that is an absolute necessity for every American who genuinely loves his country and knows something has gone very very wrong. In Jeff’s own words: - What I tell people is that our specialty is enabling people to grasp “how” this duplicity operates in plain sight and, to date, with impunity. - This series is based on an article by Jeff Gates, who is a widely acclaimed author, attorney, merchant banker, educator and consultant to governments worldwide, who served for seven years as counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance. He is the author of Guilt by Association, Democracy At Risk and The Ownership Solution."
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World War  ---
Weblist - A stupendous collection of articles advocating for war, mostly by Israel. - mpg
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Tomgram: William Astore, You Have No Say About Your Military
A quote...."When was the last time you saw the headline, “Cost of [Pentagon-weapons-system-of-your-choice] halved”?  Probably never.  Still, the thought came to mind when this recent Associated Press headline caught my eye: “Pentagon: F-35 fighter jet cost doubles.”"
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Going Home: Returning to Iraq after 10 years  ---
Special Note - A quote...."Driving through the streets of Baghdad is a heartbreaking experience. Rubbish lies uncollected, roads bear the scars of exploded munitions and impoverished children play outside destroyed buildings, fires still smouldering amongst the rubble. There is no green now, only dust and sand. There are no ambitions for the people of Iraq bar one - to survive another day. This is the Iraq of today. This is my homeland."
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US/NATO death squads killing indiscriminately in Afghanistan  ---
A quote...."The New York Times reported this week that the overall commander of US and NATO troops in Afghanistan is seeking to impose tighter control over the activities of special forces units, after recent operations led to more civilian deaths. General Stanley McChrystal’s concern is not the deaths, however, but the manner in which they are fuelling Afghan hatred for the US-led occupation and their occasional exposure in the international media."
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The War on Afghan Civilians  ---
A quote...."Three months after it initially lied about the murder by US forces of eight high school students and a 12-year-old shepherd boy in Afghanistan, and a month after it lied about the slaughter by US forces of an Afghan police commander, a government prosecutor, two of their pregnant wives and a teenage daughter, the US military has been forced to admit (thanks in no small part to the excellent investigative reporting of Jerome Starkey of the London Times), that these and other atrocities were the work of American Special Forces, working in conjunction with “specially trained” (by the US) units of the Afghan Army." -- also posted at AlethoNews   ---
WarInIraq  ---
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NATO'S Fire Sale - One Dead Afghan Chile, $2,000  ---
Presstitute Alert - A quote...."On January 11, 2010, we sent out a media alert titled, 'Were Afghan children executed by US-led forces? And why aren't the media interested?' -- The alert concerned credible reports that American-led troops had dragged Afghan children from their beds and shot them during a night raid in Kunar province in eastern Afghanistan on December 27 last year. Ten people were killed, including eight schoolboys from one family. We noted that the alleged atrocity had been almost wholly ignored by the corporate media, including the BBC. -- Two months after these disturbing allegations surfaced, The Times correspondent Jerome Starkey sought out two local men whose children and other relatives had been killed."
also posted at Uruknet  ---
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Saudis may allow Israel’s use of air space in Iran attack  ---
War Alert - A quote...."Western security sources believe Saudi Arabia will readily let Israel use the country’s airspace to strike neighboring Iran if a war breaks out between the archenemies." - From PressTV  ---  ---  For more on this issue see....The Kingdom of Leprosy - 10-07-08 - mpg  --
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Declassified CIA Document Provides Further Insight On Iran Theater And Escalation Vulnerabilities
Related Article - A quote...."In a recently declassified report by the CIA, the agency focuses on some of the core observations from the Iraq-Iran War. While still largely redacted and dated (the original memo came out in 1982), it does provide some incremental data that may be of significance should the recently disclosed bomb shipment, be put into use."
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Iran’s Natural Gas Riches: US Knife to the Heart of World Future Energy  ---
Must Read - A quote...."The scheduled start of drilling this month by China National Petroleum Company (CNPC) in Iran's South Pars gas field could be both a harbinger and explanation of much wider geopolitical developments. -- First of all, the $5 billion project - signed last year after years of foot dragging by western energy giants Total and Shell under the shadow of US-led sanctions - reveals the main arterial system for future world energy supply and demand. -- Critics have long suspected that the real reason for US and other western military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan is to control the Central Asian energy corridor. So far, the focus seems to be mainly on oil. For example, there have been claims that a planned oil pipeline from the Caspian Sea via Afghanistan and Pakistan to the Arabian Sea is the main prize behind the US's seemingly futile military campaign in those countries."
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The Iran Threat in the Age of Real-Axis-of-Evil Expansion  ---
Must Read - A quote...."It is intriguing to see how whoever the United States and Israel find interfering with their imperial or dispossession plans is quickly demonized and becomes a threat and target for that Real-Axis-of-Evil (RAE), and hence their NATO allies and, with less intensity, much of the rest of the "international community" (IC, meaning ruling elites, not ordinary citizens).  If and when the need arises, any bit of news that is damaging to the targeted state will be fed into the demonization process -- and in the marvelous propaganda system of the West, the grossest distortions will be swallowed and regurgitated without much guilt or apology, even upon the exposure of exceptional gullibility and dishonesty.2  The dishonesty, gullibility, double standard, and hypocrisy are handled with an aplomb that Pravda and Izvestia could never muster in the Soviet era." -- For more on this sort of issue see....US-NRE Standard Attack Profiles (SAPs) - 11-16-09 - mpg -
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The UK's misguided advice to Lebanon  ---
Special Note - A quote...."One would think that the British government -- considering its history in the Middle East of colonizing and partitioning the land and overthrowing governments, and its current support of undemocratic and dictatorial regimes while occupying two nations in the greater region -- would be wary of sending its representatives to offer advice to Arab nations on how best to achieve their right to self-determination. But apparently the British ambassador to Lebanon didn't get the memo."
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Those authoritarian, torture-loving French  ---
Special Note - A quote...."French documentarians conducted an experiment where they created a faux game show -- with all the typical studio trappings -- and then instructed participants (who believed it was a real TV program) to administer electric shock to unseen contestants each time they answered questions incorrectly, with increasing potency for each wrong answer.  Even as the unseen contestants (who were actors) screamed in agony and pleaded for mercy -- and even once they went silent and were presumably dead -- 81% of the participants continued to obey the instructions of the authority-figure/host and kept administering higher and higher levels of electric shock.  The experiment was a replica of the one conducted in 1961 by Yale psychologist Stanley Milgram,  ---  ---  where 65% of participants obeyed instructions from a designated authority figure to administer electric shock to unseen individuals, and never stopped obeying even as they heard excruciating screams and then silence.  This new French experiment was designed to measure the added power of television to place people into submission to authority and induce them to administer torture." - bold by website editor - Anyone want to watch another epesode of "24"?  Ummmmm, yummy. - mpg
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Sorry Uncle Sam, Russia finds a real friend in the UN  ---
A quote...."With the Moscow-Washington “reset” having gone into overload, the United Nations Secretary General has expressed his willingness to cooperate with Russia on diverse issues."
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Pro-Western head of Ukraine’s Naval Forces sacked  ---
A quote...."Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich has dismissed the country’s Head of Naval forces Igor Tenukh, who allegedly initiated the information war against Russia’s Black Sea Fleet in Crimea."
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Anti-fascists unite to resist neo-Nazism  ---
A quote...."A decision to create a new movement – The International Anti-Fascist Front – was made at the conference in the Latvian capital, Riga, entitled “WWII lessons: liberators, victims, and butchers”."
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The American Dream Has Moved Abroad  ---
Article  ---
also posted at ICH  ---
A quote...."The American dream has always been that even those with humble roots can end up wealthy. -- The American dream is what has motivated generations of Americans - natives and immigrants alike - to work hard and play by the rules. -- And as Michael Moore wrote in 2003, the American dream is what has kept Americans from rebelling against corporate corruption:"
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US Department of Justice Asked to Regulate AIPAC as a Foreign Agent of the Israeli Government
Must Read - (Nothing will come of it, but's a sign. - mpg) -- A quote...."WASHINGTON, March 17 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The US Department of Justice has been formally asked to begin regulating the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) as the foreign agent of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  A 392 page legal filing presented by a four person IRmep delegation in a two hour meeting with top officials of the Internal Security Section substantiated the following case for AIPAC's immediate registration:"
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ZOG's committment to genocide in Palestine: "unwavering, unbreakable, unshakable"
Related Article - Yesterday I posted a recent AIPAC statement in which the Israel Lobby in essence demanded that the Obama administration desist from its complaints about the recent humiliation of VP Biden in Israel. Sure enough, the entire US ruling class immediately jumped to attention. Take, for example, the statements of US Congress members which immediately issued statement of loyalty to the Israel Lobby. As for the Executive Branch - we all heard their obsequious reply about the (legally non-existing) "alliance" with Israel: unwavering, unbreakable, and unshakable. It really looked like they were all reading from the same talking points. - There simply can be no doubt about the fact that the United States have been taken over by what some call a "Zionist Occupation Government"." - bold by website editor
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The Truth About American and Israeli Interests Comes Out
Related Article - Quote of the Day...."The costs of carrying Israel are not worth it. From the USS Liberty, Jonathan Pollard,  AIPAC, Ben Kadish, Larry Franklin spies the lies, US military technology transfers to China the hundreds of billions given to them, JINSA,  PNAC, the neoconservative lies,   fighting their wars and enemies,  carrying their water at the UN and around the world, suffering their ungratefulness, [un-]trustworthiness and the self righteous racism and apartheid of entitlement above all others because the victims of Jewish exceptionalism are simply goyim aka “cattle”.
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Rachel Corrie: NEVER Forget she was MURDERED by Israel
A quote...."Apartheid Israel has been murdering Americans for so long, from their savage attack on the USS Liberty to their involvement in the 9/11 false-flag, they thought that brutally murdering one more American wouldn't make any difference. Time will prove them wrong."
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Time for Accountability - Rachel Corrie's Memory, Israel's Image  ---
A quote...."Seven years ago, Rachel Corrie was crushed to death by a Caterpillar D9R Israeli bulldozer while nonviolently protesting the demolition of Palestinian homes in Rafah, Gaza Strip, along with other members of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). Now her parents, sister and brother are suing the State of Israel and the defense minister, claiming wrongful death."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

MIDEAST:  Israeli Raids Target Children  ---
A quote...."SILWAN, EAST JERUSALEM, Mar 16, 2010 (IPS) - Three thousand heavily armed Israeli security service forces locked down large parts of the Old City of Jerusalem on Tuesday, as battalions of police fired rounds of tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets at Palestinian protesters in the occupied eastern part of the city. Nearly 40 Palestinians were wounded and treated at nearby hospitals, as 25 were arrested during intense clashes."
also posted at ElectIntifada  ---
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Israeli Weapons used in Gaza: Metals Detected in Palestinian Children’s Hair  ---
A quote...."Many Palestinian children still living in precarious situations at ground level in Gaza after Israeli bombing during "Cast lead" have unusually high concentrations of metals in the hair, indicating environmental contamination, which can cause health and growth damages due to chronic exposure. This is the result of a pilot study conducted by the New Weapons Research Group (Nwrg), an independent committee of scientists and experts based in Italy, who is studying the use of unconventional weapons and their mid-term effects on the population of after-war areas."
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ECB's Juergen Stark Warns Of "Clear Risk Of Sovereign Debt Crisis,"
A quote...."The ECB's executive board member Juergen Stark had a rare admission (and even rarer for a central banker demonstration of rationality) that not only are most advanced economies about to enter a "third wave, a sovereign debt crisis in most advanced economies", not only is a "timely exit of extraordinary fiscal measures crucial in order to ensure a continued recovery",  but that the mentioned recovery and economic improvements are largely as a result of "massive support measures taken by governments and central banks." In other words, the whole episode of the past year has been a one-time item which most analysts would exclude from "recurring operations" yet due to the magic of the Keynesian magic wand, the new normal is expected to persist...."
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U.S. suffers net capital outflow in January  ---
link posted at ICH  ---
A quote...."(Reuters) - Foreign investors, led by central banks, were net sellers of all U.S. securities in January but continued to buy U.S. Treasuries, the Treasury Department said on Monday."
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Banks to stand trial over derivatives in Italy  ---
A quote...."MILAN — A judge in Milan ordered banks JPMorgan, Deutsche Bank, Depfa, UBS and 13 people to stand trial for alleged fraud in the sale of derivative instruments, the prosecutor told AFP on Wednesday."
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U.S. trade deficit failings can't be blamed on yuan  ---
A quote...."The allegations about the yuan-dollar exchange rate, from Charles Shumer's bill to the current letter, have one point in common: None of them could tell the accurate margin of yuan undervaluation, if any, or give accurate figures on the alleged distortion on China-U.S. trade. -- Do these alleged distortions really exist? According to data from the U.S. Department of Commerce, from which all the following figures are drawn, in the seven years from 1998 to 2004 when the yuan was pegged to the dollar at 8.28, China's exports to the U.S. varied drastically from year to year."
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Tuesday March 16th 2010 - links page

From Wall Street to Skank Street  ---
posted at ICH  ---
Must Read - A quote...."March 16, 2010 "Information Clearing House" -- If you have the balls to stand up to Gunther Gatlin, and pay in cash, you just might manage to get him to do his job, which is fixing cars. Gunther's Garage is jammed in between an unpainted shotgun shack and a weedy vacant lot on a skanky little side street in Winchester, Virginia. The place is really an illegal junkyard, but slips through the city code masquerading as a garage. -- Patronizing Gunther's is not for wallflowers, gays, feminists or Yankees. You do not go there unless you don't mind being insulted. Gunther has a habit of greeting customers with remarks such as: "So what the hell is your problem?" Once he addressed a gay guy as "Twinkles." Sometimes he will just stand there, grease all over his Hawaiian shirt, pulling on his suspenders, and with a poignant pause, ask what a customer thinks is wrong with the vehicle. He listens thoughtfully, eyes toward the ground, then looks up and says, "Well that's the dumbest goddamned thing I ever heard."
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Israeli Apartheid and The Nakba -a new brilliant work by Anthony Lawson  ---
posted at ICH  ---
Must View Video - Alt  ---  ---  (YouTube - 7 min 37 sec - March 16, 2010) -- A quote...."Extract: There can be absolutely no doubt that Israel has created an inhuman, illegal and utterly disgraceful Apartheid state, and the international community will never be able to excuse itself if it takes no action against this blatant, ongoing and in-plain-sight crime against humanity. -- Please join the millions of decent people around the world who are crying out against Israel's ongoing persecution of the Palestinians. Send the link to this video to your elected representative and make sure he or she does something about it. You have to ask yourself: If I keep quiet , will it ever end"
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The Poodle Gets Kicked  ---
Article  ---
also posted at ICH  ---
Special Note - A quote...."March 16, 2010 "Pat Buchanan" -- Actually, Joe set himself up. From the moment he set foot on Israeli soil, our vice president was in full pander mode." - also posted at Creators  ---
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Does anyone else find it odd that Israel is the most visited foreign country by US politicians?
link posted at ICH  ---
A quote...."I’m not talking about Biden going there as VP, which is clearly part of US foreign policy. I’m talking about trips that are not part of policy, more like meet-and-greet/networking affairs. And it’s not just congressmen. It’s also various lobbyists, and lawyers connected with federal and state government departments, etc. - This used to be a mainly Democratic party phenomenon, but over the last couple of decades it’s increasingly being done by Republicans also, especially the neocons and the evangelicals. - The thing that confuses me is this: Why?"
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Anti-Semitism=A Word to Fit Every Situation  ---
A quote...."Jeff Gates considers how the definition of “anti-Semitism” has been broadened to an extent where any questioning of Israel’s relationship with or penetration of the United States political system, or of anything pertaining to 9/11 or the US’s war on Iraq, is deemed “anti-Semitic” and may pose a risk to the reputation or even the life of the questioner."
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Over half your news is spin  ---
Presstitute Alert - A quote...."Today Crikey launches an investigation six months in the making. Spinning the Media is an investigation in conjunction with the University of Technology (UTS) Sydney into the role PR plays in making the media." - also posted at RogueGov
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Human Events Censors Pat Buchanan's Latest Column  ---
Censorship Alert - A quote...."human eventsEd Note: It appears that Human Events, like many of the formerly conservative publications and organizations, have been hijacked by the Neocons. A while back, Google was accused of censoring searches for Pat Buchanan. - A member alerted me to this information regarding Google. Liberty66 wrote:  Initially Google suggest did reference Pat Buchanan when his name was partially spelled and this was followed by the number of search requests. For example, if you typed “Pat B”, “Pat Buchanan” sorted to the top based on the number of previous searches and it was by far the most popular search starting with Pat B. However, mysteriously the name Pat Buchanan was dropped from the Algorithm. Google’s development team that supports Google Suggest is based in Haifa – I’ll let you connect the dots."
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Huffington Post's Ventura Censorship Backfires --
Article  ---
also posted at ICH  ---
Censorship Alert - A quote...."Did you know that Adam Lambert has a bulge in his crotch? Were you aware that the world's shortest man recently died? Are you informed enough to know that Jessica Simpson says men are "undressing her with their eyes"? - Sorry, let me rephrase all that: Do you give a sh-t about any of that retarded "news"? I sure as hell don't, but these were among the many absurd storys I found on the front page of a tabloid called the Huffington Post."
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Colleen Rowley: Minders Ensured She Didn't Say Anything About 9/11 the FBI Didn't WANT Told, Even to Government Officials With Top Security Clearance
Special Note - A quote...."FBI whistleblower Colleen Rowley was interviewed by Scott Horton, professor at Columbia Law School and Contributing Editor of Harper's Magazine. -- Rowley said that in her testimony to the Joint Intelligence Committee regarding 9/11, she was "minded". Specifically, she said that "FBI minders" listened to her every word, to trail her and make sure that she didn't tell government personnel with top secret clearance even higher than her own anything which the FBI did not want to be told."
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"Heads up! An Obusha Friday-night-entering-a-holiday-weekend bad news dump looms. When is Easter? Attorney General Eric Holder Says 9/11 Trial Decision 'Weeks Away'  ---  ---  7 Mar 2010 Attorney General Eric Holder predicted today it was unlikely that [CIA asset]  ---  ---  Osama bin Laden would ever face a trial in the United States since he would likely be killed. [And, also the fact that bin Laden likely died in December 2001.] Holder, appearing before a House Appropriations subcommittee today, also announced that the Obama administration was "weeks away" from reaching a decision on how -- and where -- to prosecute alleged Sept. 11, 2001 mastermind patsy Khalid Sheik Mohammed. The attorney general defended his decision to try Mohammed and four alleged co-conspirators before a civilian jury in New York City." - Paragraph quoted from CLG  ---
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Texas Architects & Engineers call for a Real Investigation of the Destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11
Event Announcement - A quote...."

What: Press Conference & Seminar covering the unreported evidence at the World Trade Center
When: 1:00 – 9:00 PM Saturday, March 20th, 2010
Where: Doubletree Hotel at 6505 IH-35 North 78753 Austin, Texas (IH-35 & 290)
Who: Several Texas architects and engineers
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More Secrecy, Less Transparency Under Obama; and oh yeah, and Under No Circumstances Will There Be a Real Investigation of the Anthrax Attacks
Special Note - A quote...."So the FBI tries to frame up Steven Hatfill, botches it badly, pays him $5 million or so (of OUR money) to shut him up, then sets up Ivins with a bought and paid for informant (Duley), wildly spins the facts of the case to fit their suspect, sweeps it all under the rug, and ultimately our “CHANGE” president refuses to allow a serious review of the FBI’s story? You with me so far? And what is the reason they give for not investigating this further? Investigating the murder of US citizens?  The reason they give is they don’t want to undermine the public’s confidence in the FBI’s bullshit story. Oh yeah, I almost forgot… Ivins JUST HAPPENS TO KILL HIMSELF before the FBI’s “case” can go to trial. He killed himself with… Tylenol, by the way." - For more on this issue see....US-False Flag Ops - Anthrax  ---
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HR 646: U.S. [& Obama] Preparing for Civil Unrest  ---
A quote...."In their quest for the truth over 60,000 infuriated Greek citizens take to the streets in central Athens because the cash strapped government faces a financial reckoning. The Obama administration has prepared itself for eventually the same demands for the truth with HR 645 which is, in essence, militarized FEMA internment camps." -- also posted at BLN  ---
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Obama agencies invoking secrecy provision more often than under Bush  ---
That's right all you ObamaTrolls out there!!  Obama out-Bushed Bush!! - mpg -- A quote...."One year later, Obama's requests for transparency have apparently gone unheeded. In fact a provision in the Freedom of Information Act law that allows the government to hide records that detail its internal decision-making has been invoked by Obama agencies more often in the past year than during the final year of President George W. Bush."
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Obama threatens to veto greater intelligence oversight  ---
It just NEVER ends does it folks? - mpg -- A quote...."One of the principal weapons used by the Bush administration to engage in illegal surveillance activities -- from torture to warrantless eavesdropping -- was its refusal to brief the full Congressional Intelligence Committees about its activities.  Instead, at best, it would confine its briefings to the so-called "Gang of Eight" -- comprised of 8 top-ranking members of the House and Senate -- who were impeded by law and other constraints from taking any action even if they learned of blatantly criminal acts." - also posted at WarInIraq   ---
& AlethoNews  ---
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Dreier Says Health Bill Would Pass if Dems Can Use Slaughter Rule  ---
Special Note - Betrayal Alert - (Told all you Tea-Baggers out there, your're gonna be betrayed!) - For more on that issue see....The Day ObamaCare Died - 01-23-10 - mpg   ---  ---   & Double Indemnity - 12-21-09 - mpg   ---  ---  A quote...."( – Representative David Dreier (R-Calif.), the ranking Republican on the House Rules Committee, said that if Democrats can muster enough votes to win passage of the so-called Slaughter Rule they can pass the Senate health care bill without actually holding a vote on the legislation."
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Michael Moore Stands up for Dennis Kucinich on Countdown Last Night
Video - Related Article - Alt -  ---  (YouTube - 6 min 52 sec - March 15, 2010) -- A quote...."The health insurance companies will still be able to deny coverage of pre-existing conditions for the next 4 years“ -- “15 to 20 million people will be still left out, without insurance or healthcare at all. Tens of thousands of them will still die each year from that group“ -- “The only crime those people will have committed is that they are citizens of the United States. If they lived a few hundred miles to the north, in Canada, (or anywhere else in the Western World for that matter) they would live. That’s it.” -- “The fine for denying coverage is $100 per day for up to a year. $35,600 fine for denying a $100,000 procedure?”  How smart do you have to be to do the math on that? I don’t have an MBA, but even I can figure that one out."
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America's Secret Prisons  ---
Must Read - A quote...."On January 28 in, Anand Gopal headlined, "Night Raids, Hidden Detention Centers, the 'Black Jail,' and the Dogs of War in Afghanistan," recounting unreported US media stories about killings, abductions, detentions, interrogations, and torture in "a series of prisons on US military bases around the country." Bagram prison, for example, is "a facility with a notorious reputation for abusive behavior," including brutalizing torture and cold-blooded murder. -- Even worse is the "Black Jail," a facility consisting of individual windowless concrete cells with bright 24-hour lighting, described by one former detainee as "the most dangerous and fearful place" in which prisoners endure appalling treatment." - bold by website editor
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Six Iraqis died in our custody, British officer tells Baha Musa inquiry  ---
A quote...."At least six Iraqis died while being held in British military custody during the first two months of the war in Iraq, a public inquiry has been told."
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Britain’s Chilcot inquiry: A whitewash of war crimes and Iraq war  ---
A quote...."The inquiry into the war in Iraq, headed by Chairman Sir John Chilcot, has halted its proceedings until after the expected May 6 British general election. -- Its hearings, however, have confirmed that the fundamental purpose for which it was convened was to ensure that those responsible for waging an illegal war of aggression are not held to account. Instead, the inquiry has been utilised to legitimise the invasion of Iraq and affirm the basis on which it was carried out—the US doctrine of pre-emptive war." - also posted at Uruknet  ---
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The New ‘Forgotten’ War: Iraq Occupation Falls Into Media Shadows  ---
A quote...."The Western world that slaughtered Iraq and Iraqis, through 13 years of sanctions and seven years of occupation, is now turning its back on the victims. What has remained of Iraq is still being devastated by bombings, assassinations, corruption, millions of evictions and continued infrastructure destruction. Yet the world that caused all this is trying to draw a rosy picture of the situation in Iraq.” -- *Maki Al-Nazzal*, Iraqi political analyst -- also posted at DProgram
& Uruknet  ---
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Allawi’s Faction Overtakes Maliki in Iraq Vote Count  ---
A quote...."With over 80 percent of the votes cast in the March 7 election now counted, Iraq’s former prime minister Ayad Allawi has done something no one thought possible, as his Iraqiya bloc has taken a narrow, 9,000 vote lead over Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s State of Law bloc."
also posted at WarInIraq   ---
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Sadr Bloc Emerges as Force in Iraq Election  ---
A quote...."As polling data continues to slowly come out of Iraq, the political faction loyal to Shi’ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr has emerged as an increasingly important power, poised to seize the reins of the Iraqi National Alliance (INA)." -- also posted at WarInIraq  ---
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Iran, Pakistan sign gas pipeline deal  ---
A quote...."Iran and Pakistan have signed a deal to construct a pipeline connecting the two neighboring countries, a project that was strongly opposed by the US."
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Jumblatt to meet Assad in Damascus, reports say  ---
A quote...."Lebanese Druze leader Walid Jumblatt is expected to meet with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus later this month. - Reports say Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has informed Jumblatt that the Syrian leadership wants to open a new chapter in relations with Lebanon."
also posted at WarInIraq  ---
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Yemeni Houthis free 178 prisoners of war  ---
A quote...."Yemeni Houthis have released 178 prisoners they had captured during months of fighting and said they are complying with a ceasefire that ended the battles on February 12."
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Russian parliament could block US nuclear treaty  ---
A quote...."MOSCOW: Russia’s lower house of parliament will not ratify a future nuclear disarmament treaty with the United States unless it includes links to missile defence issues, its speaker said Tuesday." - also posted at WarInIraq  ---
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Ukraine Poised to Pass Law Against Joining NATO  ---
A quote...."The largest of a handful of nations considered for prospective membership in the US-led NATO alliance, Ukraine is poised to pass a law that will bar the nation from joining the alliance." - also posted at WarInIraq  ---
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Belarus to build air defense for Venezuela in oil trade  ---
A quote...."The President of Belarus promises to assist Venezuela build a national air defense system as Caracas agrees to supply crude oil to Belarusian refineries."
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Euro crisis: Latvia and the PIGS  ---
posted at OnlineJournal  ---
A quote....."Two million people took to the streets of Athens last week in the country’s second general strike this month, protesting the austerity measures proposed by their socialist government. All of Greece came to a 24-hour standstill and the airport was closed as a result of the action. The only public transport was the commuter train so that protesters could reach the demonstration."
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Making Unneeded Enemies in Somalia  ---
A quote...."Although the Clinton administration’s debacle in Somalia in the early 1990s is most famous – as depicted in the Hollywood blockbuster Black Hawk Down – more recent American meddling by the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations may have worse long-term effects."
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We are ALL Americans! Cindy Sheehan interviews Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales
Article   ---
also posted at ICH  ---
Interview - A quote...."Todos Somos Americanos - Those words mean “We are ALL Americans.”  Today is the day!  This Sunday (March 14th) Cindy says a warm “hello” to Pacifica Radio, starting with this interview with Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, to honor exactly  that sentiment!  Cindy’s request to interview President Hugo Chavez Frias of Venezuela was finally granted on March 2nd, when Cindy and two photographers were down in Montevideo, Uruguay with President Chavez for the inauguration of the new left-ish president and freedom fighter, Jose Mujica.  Eva Golinger (Venezuelan-American attorney and author) was the translator."
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Senate passes ‘Termination Era’ PACT Act; [Native American] tribal leaders will continue fight
A quote...."WASHINGTON – Handing big tobacco corporations a huge victory, the U.S. Senate has passed the Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking Act – an act tribal leaders say is an attack on tribal sovereignty and economies that will devastate Indian tobacco businesses across the country."
also posted at RogueGov  ---
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'Government knew of Jewish terrorist's plan to open fire on Shfaram bus'  ---
A quote...." Newly discovered footage of a terrorist attack perpetrated by an Israel Defense Forces soldier in the Arab town of Shfaram five years ago indicates that authorities were aware of plans to commit the attack, a lawyer representing Israeli Arabs suspected of taking part in the subsequent lynching of the gunman said Sunday." - also posted at AlethoNews
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Israel’s apartheid: Making Palestinians pay for Hitler’s crimes  ---
Must Read - A quote...."A year after a murderous Israel’s assault, the war on the people of Gaza continues. Gaza is still under siege – still surrounded by walls and checkpoints. Its people are denied the necessities of life and the right to rebuild and shape their future. -- For me, as a survivor of the holocaust, the tragic situation in Gaza awakens memories of what I and my family experienced under Hitlerism – the ghetto walls, the killings, the systematic starvation and deprivation, the daily humiliations."
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Britain's policy on Palestine is hypocritical, duplicitous and mendacious  ---
Press Interview - (The way it SHOULD be done! - mpg) -- A quote...."Day was asked if he thought that the flaccid British approach toward Israel - for example, asking nicely if the Jewish state would like to refrain from undermining peace efforts would really make Israel reconsider its manifestly criminal policy toward the Palestinians. Fleeing from the heat of the question, Day said there was no alternative to peace talks. He then dodged another question on whether he thought the impending talks would be truly genuine or just more of the same, as most Palestinians think. He was reminded about the fiasco of direct PA-Israel talks which lasted for eighteen years. One journalist asked, "What makes you think that three months or even one year of indirect talks will succeed in achieving what eighteen years of direct talks between Israel and the Palestinians failed utterly to achieve?" Frustrated by the directness of the questions, Day seemed at a loss about how to answer, knowing very well that the present so-called "peace efforts" are nothing more than a desperate regurgitation of previous talks."
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West Bank street named for dead US activist  ---,7340,L-3863871,00.html
A quote...."On seventh anniversary of her death, Ramallah street named after Rachel Corrie, who was crushed by IDF bulldozer as she stood in machine's path in act of protest against house demolitions in Gaza ."
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Today Do Something for Rachel  ---
A quote...."(I received this just a few moments ago. I wanted to pass it on to you. Many of us are truly troubled by what is happening in Gaza, the West Bank, and Israel. Many of us do what we can. Rachel Corrie did more. She went to Palestine and stood beside mothers and fathers as they desperately tried to save their homes from demolition. She died for it. She died for what she believed in at the young age of 23. She just couldn’t stand aside. Take a moment and make the call.)"
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Entire Villages Declared “Closed Military Zones” for Protesting
A quote...."Israeli Army: Bil’in and Ni’ilin a Closed Military Zone for a Six Months Period Dozens of masked soldiers raided the West Bank villages of Bil’in and Ni’lin this morning to post decrees designating the village’s lands as a closed military zone on Fridays for a period of six months."
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Israel arrests 5 Palestinians in West Bank  ---
A quote...."West Bank, March 17, 2010 (Pal Telegraph)- Israeli occupation forces arrested early Wednesday five Palestinians during raid and search campaigns carried out in different areas of the West Bank. "
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Israel's actions on the ground proving difficult to spin  ---
A quote...."JERSUSALEM (IPS) - Israeli riot police and soldiers have, since Friday, sealed off the al-Aqsa mosque, Islam's third holiest shrine, restricting entry to women and Palestinian men over 50."
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Gazan tunnel trade now an integral part of the economy
A quote...."Gaza, March 17, 2010 (Pal Telegraph, by Rex Brynen) - Last week Palestinians marked the 1,000th day of the "siege" of the Gaza Strip. The continuing economic embargo, with its attendant social and economic effects on the more than 1.5 million Gazans, makes for a depressing story. Equally depressing is the extent to which this situation has somehow become accepted as normal and acceptable by much of the international community."
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The Next Big Bailout is on the Way - Prepare To Get Reamed!   ---
 posted at ICH  ---
Special Note - A quote...."March 16, 2010 "Information Clearing House" -- Housing is on the rocks and prices are headed lower. That's not the consensus view, but it's a reasonably safe assumption. Master illusionist Ben Bernanke managed to engineer a modest 7-month uptick in sales, but the fairydust will wear off later this month when the Fed stops purchasing mortgage-backed securities and long-term interest rates begin to creep higher. The objective of Bernanke's $1.25 trillion program, which is called quantitative easing, was to transfer the banks "unsellable" MBS onto the Fed's balance sheet. Having achieved that goal, Bernanke will now have to unload those same toxic assets onto Freddie and Fannie. (as soon as the public is no longer paying attention)"
also posted at DProgram   ---
& SmirkingChimp  ---
& InfoWars  ---
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The Fed Is Responsible for the Crash in the Money Multiplier ... And the Failure of the Economy to Recover
Charts - A quote...."Greg Mankiw noted in January 2009:  Econ prof Bill Seyfried of Rollins College emails me:

"Here's an interesting fact that you may not have seen yet. The M1 money multiplier just slipped below 1. So each $1 increase in reserves (monetary base) results in the money supply increasing by $0.95 (OK, so banks have substantially increased their holding of excess reserves while the M1 money supply hasn't changed by much)."

"Since January 2009, the M1 Money Multiplier has crashed further, to .786 in the U.S. as of February 24, 2010:"
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Junk Bond Avalanche Looms for Credit Markets  ---
A quote...."When the Mayans envisioned the world coming to an end in 2012 — at least in the Hollywood telling — they didn’t count junk bonds among the perils that would lead to worldwide disaster, Nelson D. Schwartz writes in The New York Times. -- Maybe they should have, because 2012 also is the beginning of a three-year period in which more than $700 billion in risky, high-yield corporate debt begins to come due, an extraordinary surge that some analysts fear could overload the debt markets."
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California's budget crisis could cost nearly 22,000 teachers their jobs this year  ---
A quote...."SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- California's budget crisis could cost nearly 22,000 teachers their jobs this year. -- State school districts had issued 21,905 pink slips to teachers and other school employees by Monday, the legal deadline for districts to send preliminary layoff notices."
From KTVU  ---
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U.S. senators ratchet up pressure on yuan amid economic woes  ---
A quote...."WASHINGTON, March 16 (Xinhua) -- Under the pressure of the election year and high unemployment, some U.S. senators proposed legislation on Tuesday to press China to appreciate its currency."
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WB predicts 9.5% growth for China in 2010  ---
A quote...."The World Bank has increased its 2010 forecast of China's gross domestic product growth from 8.7 percent to 9.5 percent."
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Monday March 15th 2010 - links page

Letter to the Editor: Stovepiping To Persia
Must Read - Presstitute Alert - A quote...."Dear New York Times, OK, OK, we get the picture: you want the United States to attack Iran. Why don't you go ahead and put a permanent banner across the top of the front page with the Cato-like adjuration: "Iran Must Be Destroyed!" Or maybe you could just tack it on to every single story: "Yankees Trade to Bolster Outfield; Iran Must Be Destroyed." "Mixed Results for Apple I-Pad; Iran Must Be Destroyed." "Markets Anxious Over Health Care Vote; Iran Must Be Destroyed." "New Bistro Revels in Bohemian Ambience; Iran Must Be Destroyed." -- After all, hardly a week goes by now without some big juicy piece of Times scaremongery about Iran's nuclear program, usually with the same image of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in a lab coat looking blankly at metal tubes. The thrust of these stories is always the same: Iran is galloping toward nuclear weaponhood -- a "global threat" that "cannot be allowed to stand."" - For more on this issue see....Judeo-Christian C/C & US - The Media
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Spy Takes US/Israeli Secrets to Grave  ---
Presstitute Alert - A quote...."Last week’s death of Israeli spymaster David Kimche – and the omissions in his obituaries about his most sensitive operations, especially those regarding the United States – are a reminder of how much crucial history is being lost as key figures from this era take their secrets to the grave. -- The failure to debrief as many of these people as possible can be blamed significantly on U.S. mainstream journalists who in years past took the lead in collecting, vetting and presenting serious evidence of historical wrongdoing, such as the Pentagon Papers secrets about the Vietnam War and complex political scandals like Watergate. -- But in recent years, newspapers like the New York Times and the Washington Post have ignored many national security crimes or even have gone on the offensive against journalists who tried to examine them, such as the ugly assault on investigative reporter Gary Webb over his work  ---  ---  on the now-CIA-admitted cocaine trafficking by Ronald Reagan’s Nicaraguan contra rebels."
also posted at ICH  ---
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It's Pronounced "The Jewish Community"

Survey: 31% of Europeans blame economic crisis on ["]Jews["]  ---
Special Note -- It's NOT "Jews"'s the "Jewish Community".  It is conceptually wrong and anti-Jewish to say "Jews" .  It presupposes there aren't any Jews apposed to some of the malevolent policies and practices advocated by organizations like AIPAC or the control such organizations exert on the US-NRE's media, financial and political systems.

Again to reiterate, saying "Jews" implies all Jews are "involved" in whatever "it is" that's under discussion, which is not true.  There are many Jews that do not support Israel's policies of racism, ethnic cleansing, war mongering and the system of apartheid known as Zionism.  There are many Jews in the United States (what's left of it) that wouldn't spy on their homeland, that would actually sacrifice Israel's desires to expand across the Middle East or even that state's fervent desire to become "exclusively Jewish" if thwarting such desires would bring peace to the Middle East.  There are many Jews that would appose Israel if they found that doing so was necessary to defend the United States.  There are many Jews that actually think what Goldman Sachs did to this country and many other nations throughout Europe was a "bad thing" and there are even some Jews that don't support the twenty-four trillion dollar Bankster bail-out.

And when this tiny minority of the 5.5 million "Jews" living in this country actually start having the slightest bit of influence on the over-all "Jewish Community's" massive and ongoing systematic destruction of the nation state once called the United States, along with the endless occupations of the peoples in the Middle East and the evisceration of the entire world's economy, it'll indeed prove that the casual use of the term "Jews" is wrong, wrong-headed and anti-Jewish.

Until that time comes however the "Jewish Community" is a large and ever growing malevolent presence on the world stage, a continuing threat to the economic well being of the citizens of the United States and many other nations throughout the rest of the world and a non-stop proponent of endless war in the Middle East.

A advocacy of murder and mayhem that has already caused the unnecessary deaths and injury of millions of innocent people, the fracturing and destruction of several ancient societies and the incalculable financial, cultural and emotional loss for all the peoples who live in these now blighted regions that only thirty years of carefully planned non-stop destruction can cause.

And of course these harmful effects were not limited to just those countries the US-NRE and Israel are currently occupying, but to the very citizens who live here in the US-NRE as well. - mpg

For more on this sort of issue see....Four Criteria - 01-18-10 - mpg
And....Minority Control - 01-08-10 - mpg
And....A Fist Full of Dollars - 10-02-09 - mpg
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Lula refuses to visit grave of founder of Zionism - Resistance is NOT futile!! - mpg
Must Read -
(For the nobility of it all) -- A quote...."Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has refused to visit the grave of Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism. -- In response to the rebuff, Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman decided to boycott the Brazilian president's visit. -- On Monday, Lieberman also criticized Lula's close ties with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his plan to visit Tehran in the near future. -- Lula described his Middle East tour, which includes scheduled visits to the occupied West Bank and Jordan, as "a mission of peace."
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A Matter of Timing -- Wiping the Spit Off His Face  ---
Must Read - A quote...."March 15, 2010 "Information Clearing House" -- SOME WEEKS the news is dominated by a single word. This week’s word was “timing”. -- It’s all a matter of timing. The Government of Israel has insulted the Vice President of the United States, Joe Biden, one of the greatest “friends” of Israel (meaning: somebody totally subservient to AIPAC) and spat in the face of President Barack Obama. So what? It’s all a matter of timing."
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Wars sending U.S. into ruin  ---
Must View RNVideo -- (RNYuTb - 8 min 47 sec March 14, 2010)  -- A quote...."Eric Margolis: Obama the peace president is fighting battles his country cannot afford. -- U.S. President Barack Obama calls the $3.8-trillion US budget he just sent to Congress a major step in restoring America’s economic health. In fact, it’s another potent fix given to a sick patient deeply addicted to the dangerous drug — debt. More empires have fallen because of reckless finances than invasion. The latest example was the Soviet Union, which spent itself into ruin by buying tanks."
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Cynthia Mckinney and Dr Nafeez Ahmed discuss 9/11 in UK Parliment  ---
CM&NA(1/3)  ---
CM&NA(2/3)  ---
CM&NA(3/3)  ---  ---  (YuTb - 7to10 min - March 12, 2010)
Must View Videos - A quote...."On the 8th of March 2010 Cynthia Mckinney (a former US Congresswoman and 2008 Green Party Presidential nominee) and Dr Nafeez Ahmed (best selling author and political scientist) address a meeting of Members of Parliament on the subject of the need for an independent investigation into the events of September 11th 2001." - For more on this issue see....Reficultnias's 9/11 Central
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Full El Al flight took off on 9/11 from JFK to Tel Aviv  ---
posted at OnlineJournal  ---
Must Read - BREAKING - Mar 16, 2010, 00:17 -- A quote...."(WMR)  ---  ---  WMR has learned from two El Al sources who worked for the Israeli airline at New York’s John F. Kennedy airport that on 9/11, hours after the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grounded all civilian domestic and international incoming and outgoing flights to and from the United States, a full El Al Boeing 747 took off from JFK bound for Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion International Airport. -- The two El Al employee sources are not Israeli nationals but legal immigrants from Ecuador who were working in the United States for the airline. -- The flight departed JFK at 4:11 pm and its departure was, according to the El Al sources, authorized by the direct intervention of the U.S. Department of Defense. U.S. military officials were on the scene at JFK and were personally involved with the airport and air traffic control authorities to clear the flight for take-off."
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Scott Horton Interviews Coleen Rowley  ---
Audio Interview - A quote...."Coleen Rowley, retired FBI agent and 9/11 whistleblower, discusses the myth  that FISA restrictions (and not incompetence at FBI and CIA headquarters) prevented critical intelligence sharing prior to 9/11, CIA Director George Tenet’s August 2001 “Islamic Extremist Learns to Fly” powerpoint briefing about Zacarias Moussaoui and why the creation of the DHS and increased centralization of intelligence organizations did nothing to fix 9/11 failures." - [MP3 here. (29m:17s)]  ---
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Pentagon Targets WikiLeaks  ---
Web Censorship Alert - A quote...."WikiLeaks better hurry up and move to the Icelandic truth zone.  ---
/22link.html  ---  It looks like the Pentagon is gunning for them. -- “, a publicly accessible Internet Web site, represents a potential force protection, counterintelligence, operational security (OPSEC), and information security (INFOSEC) threat to the US Army,” a secret report authored by the Army Counterintelligence Center and leaked by the notorious truth-seeking website explains."
also posted at BLN  ---  ---  For more on this issue see....US - Atmpts 2 Cntrl Web
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Beyond Orwell: The Electronic Police State, 2010  ---
A quote...."A truism perhaps, but before resorting to brute force and open repression to halt the "barbarians at the gates," that would be us, the masters of declining empires (and the chattering classes who polish their boots) regale us with tales of "democracy on the march," "hope" and other banalities before the mailed fist comes crashing down."
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In Bizarre, Soviet-Style Move, White House Threatens to Veto Intelligence Budget Unless FBI's Anthrax Frame Up Is Accepted
Special Note - White House Censorship Alert - A quote...."In a bizarre, Soviet-style move, the White House has threatened to veto the intelligence budget unless everyone accepts the FBI frame up of Dr. Bruce Ivins." - For more on this issue see....US-False Flag Ops - Bruce Ivins
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More “CHANGE”;The Scary Homegrown “Al Qaeda” Plotline Continues
Special Note - A quote...."The pathetic pattern of “terrorist plots” foiled under the Bush administration had a very definite pattern and always, always, they had one very common element between them; they were they were designed, recruited, hatched, all by either a FBI or JTTF agent. But don’t just take my word for it…”
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Related Article - "'My Jason Bournes:' US Mercenaries Hired to Track and Kill Suspected Militants  ---
/asia/15contractors.html  ---  The officials say they are not sure who condoned and supervised his work. Roughly $15 million unaccounted for 14 Mar 2010 Under the cover of a benign government information-gathering program, a Defense Department official set up a network of private contractors mercenaries in Afghanistan and Pakistan to help track and kill suspected militants, according to military officials and businessmen in Afghanistan and the United States. The official, Michael D. Furlong, hired contractors from private security companies that employed former C.I.A. and Special Forces operatives. The mercenaries, in turn, gathered intelligence on the whereabouts of suspected militants and the location of insurgent camps, and the information was then sent to military units and intelligence officials for possible lethal action in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the officials said. While it has been widely reported that the C.I.A. and the military are attacking operatives of 'Al Qaeda' and others through unmanned, remote-controlled drone strikes, some American officials say they became troubled that Mr. Furlong seemed to be running an off-the-books spy death squad operation." - paragraph quoted from CLG  ---
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Iraq poll results delayed again, amid mounting fraud claims  ---
A quote...."Baghdad - Iraq's electoral commission on Monday delayed releasing more results from last week's parliamentary vote, amid mounting claims of fraud as the protracted count continued. Iraq's March 7 parliamentary elections, the country's second since the 2003 US-led invasion, are widely seen as a key test of the country's stability ahead of US combat troops' withdrawal, and will shape the country's politics for years to come."
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Iran hacks US spy sites, arrests 30 activists  ---
A quote...."The Fars report came one day after the Islamic Republic News Agency, Iran's official news agency, reported  that the Iranian government had disrupted several "US backed cyber war networks" and arrested 30 people. -- The networks were funded as part of US$400 million allocated to the US Central Intelligence Agency to destabilise Iran, drawing on opposition groups including groups loyal to the deposed Shah of Iran, it said. "
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Iran Arrests 30 for Endangering National Security through Cyber War  ---
Related Article - A quote...." TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran announced that it has arrested 30 individuals on charges of waging a US-backed cyber war against the country. "
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Iran to Send Heavier Satellites to Higher Orbits in 2 Years  ---
A quote...." TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior Iranian aerospace official announced here in Tehran on Monday that President Ahmadinejad's declaration about sending heavier homemade satellites into the higher orbits will come into effect in two years."
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India embraces Russia arms  ---,0,7959861.story
A quote...."India signed five deals Friday to purchase more than $7 billion in hardware and expertise from Russia, including an aircraft carrier, a fleet of MIG-29 fighters, defense and space technology and at least 12 civilian nuclear reactors."
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David Cameron's rightwing 'allies' march in Riga to commemorate the SS  ---
A quote...."Row over SS veterans' parade in Latvia puts the spotlight on Tory links to eastern Europe's far right Nazi sympathisers."
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French regional elections: Ruling party defeated amid mass abstention  ---
A quote...."The March 14 first round of France’s regional elections produced a massive abstention and a resounding disavowal of the austerity policies of President Nicolas Sarkozy."
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Remember What Used to be “Progressive”?  ---
Alt  ---  ---  (YouTube - 8 min 41 sec - November 16, 2007)
Video - From the history file - November 16, 2007 -- A qutoe...."While MoveOn and other “progressive” sites start attacking Kucinich for not caving in to Obamacare, just remember what a “progressive” used to be…"
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Masked soldiers post closed zone signs in Bil'in, Ni'lin  ---
A quote...."Bethlehem - Ma'an - Dozens of masked soldiers raided the West Bank villages of Bil'in and Nil'in Monday morning to post decrees designating the village's lands closed military zones on Fridays for a period of six months, residents said."
also posted at AlethoNews   ---
& WarInIraq  ---
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Jewish groups calls on non-Jews to immediately leave 'the land of Israel'  ---
Special Note - A quote...."Extremist Jewish groups in Jerusalem have called upon the non-Jewish population of the city to leave what it calls 'the land of Israel'. In a statement distributed on the streets of Jerusalem, the extremist groups claimed that "it is written in the Bible that the land of Israel is a small land belonging to the Jewish people alone and it prohibits others to be accommodated there permanently". - bold by website editor
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Israeli forces open fire on Palestinian students  ---
A quote...."Israeli forces open fire on Palestinian students demonstrating near a West Bank checkpoint, injuring seven people on Monday, medics say."
also posted at WarInIraq  ---
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Bethlehem is on fire. Apartheid is burning  ---
A quote...."Two months ago there was one weekly demonstration in the Bethlehem area, this weekend alone there were four. With Al-Ma’sara on Friday, Beit Ummar and Jubbet adh Dhib on Saturday and Beit Jala on Sunday, the third -unarmed- intifada is knocking on our door. The Israeli government knows this and is terrified. They can outgun an armed insurgence but their weapons will only erode global support when used against unarmed, non-violent resistance. - New demonstrations seem to be popping up each week with new villages joining the popular struggle against apartheid."
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Clashes erupt across West Bank  ---
A quote...."Jerusalem - Ma'an - Clashes erupted between Palestinian protesters and Israeli military and police forces across the occupied Palestinian territories on Tuesday morning, following a day of tensions over access to religious sites."
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Clashes Spread Through East Jerusalem  ---
Photo Gallery - A quote...."A heavy police presence faced off with activists and residents around the disputed capital on Friday. The decision to bar access into Jerusalem for all Palestinians, even those with blue IDs, led to angry protests around Damascus Gate, the Al-Aqsa Compound and Sheikh Jarrah. The movement restrictions have now been extended until Thursday, for a record five days."
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Israeli Forces Assault Palestinian Women, Youth
A quote...."Israeli troops have attacked protesting Palestinian women and youth in the occupied West Bank, injuring six of the demonstrators, say reports. -- The attack wounded four women and two youths among the crowd of roughly-200-strong Palestinians who had gathered at the Qalandiya crossing in Jerusalem (al-Quds) in protest at Tel Aviv's planned settlement expansion, AFP reported."
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Eye witness testifies: Israeli military investigator tried to influence my statement  ---
A quote...."Today, March 15, 2010, the Haifa District Court saw the third day of testimony in the civil lawsuit filed by Rachel Corrie’s family against the State of Israel for her unlawful killing in Rafah, Gaza. Rachel was crushed to death on March 16, 2003 by a Caterpillar D9R bulldozer. She had been nonviolently demonstrating against Palestinian home demolitions with fellow members of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), a Palestinian-led movement committed to resisting the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land using nonviolent, direct action methods and principles. Today’s only testimony came from British citizen Alice Coy, a nurse, who was an eyewitness to the killing. The state spent most of the day trying to establish that contrary to all eyewitness accounts and human rights reports, the Israeli Military had no intention of demolishing homes in the area on the day Rachel was killed."
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Israeli government allows sale of stolen Palestinian property to Israelis  ---
A quote...."    In response to an inquiry by the Palestinian human rights organization Adalah, the Israeli Justice Ministry has clarified its recent revision of Israeli land law, confirming that the revision allows the sale of seized Palestinian land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem to Jewish citizens of Israel, or to private companies." - also posted at Uruknet  ---
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Review: Finkelstein's transformation to victim hero in "American Radical"  ---
A quote...."One night about two weeks ago, while I was walking down Bleecker Street in New York City's West Village, I crossed paths with Norman Finkelstein. He was wearing a light jacket and eating a banana, seemingly impervious to the bitter wind and heavy snowfall pouring from the sky. I told Finkelstein that a YouTube clip of him parrying attacks from Zionist student activists during a speech he gave at the University of Waterloo was gaining popularity online. "Well, that scene hasn't been very good for me," he remarked in a near whisper. " -- also posted at AlethoNews
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They Cooked The Books - The Video That Will Put Geithner Behind Bars - One Of The Greatest Crimes Ever Perpetrated
Video - A quote...."March 13, 2010 "Information Clearing House" -- You  gotta see this! If this doesn't convince you that the Timothy Geithner knew about the securities shenanigans that were going on at Lehman, than I don't know what will. -- Keep in mind, that Geithner ran Lehman through 3 "stress tests" prior to bankruptcy; all of which Lehman failed, and yet, nothing was done. Anton R. Valukas--the examiner who wrote the 2,200 page investigative-report which was released on Thursday-- has provided plenty of information detailing Lehman's “materially misleading” accounting and “actionable balance sheet manipulation.” -- In other words, they cooked the books."
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Lehman’s $50 billion conjuring trick  ---
Related Article - A quote...."In May 2008, as the world span towards the worst financial crisis in living memory, Matthew Lee, a senior vice-president at Lehman Brothers, the American investment bank, decided to make a stand. -- After 14 years with the firm, the New York-based Edinburgh University graduate was convinced the bank was heading for disaster. He wrote a memo to senior management detailing his concerns."
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The Financial System in America is on the Edge of Default  ---
Special Note - A quote...."The financial system in America is on the edge of default. A recent poll found that 92% of those surveyed wanted to unseat their current representative or Senator in Washington and only 21% believed that government enjoyed the consent of the governed. It’s very obvious people are not happy with the political, economic and financial situation presently. Eighty percent believe that government is enmeshed in partisan infighting. Not only between parties, but within parties as well. Politicians are very aware of these numbers and are frantic to get reelected. The public has recoiled in disgust. People are demanding that the power of government be curbed. People are sick and tired of paid off corrupt politicians, more than half of whom have been in office for more than ten years. --  It is not healthy for a nation to have $3.3 trillion in Treasury bonds held by foreigners. China holds about $900 billion and Japan about $800 billion. We also understand that hedge funds and others also are fronting both countries, so the figures are not really reflective in their total positions. These nations for the most part are rolling their positions, but have not injected new capital into US Treasuries. That is why the Fed had to fund 80% of new Treasury debt last year."
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Social Security to start cashing Uncle Sam's IOUs ?  ---
Special Note - Related Article - A quote...."The retirement nest egg of an entire generation is stashed away in this small town along the Ohio River: $2.5 trillion in IOUs from the federal government, payable to the Social Security Administration. -- It's time to start cashing them in. -- For more than two decades, Social Security collected more money in payroll taxes than it paid out in benefits — billions more each year."
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China trims holdings of Treasury securities  ---
Related Article - A quote...."China retained its spot as the biggest foreign holder of U.S. Treasury debt in January even as it trimmed its holdings for a third straight month. The string of declines underscored worries that the U.S. government could face much higher interest rates to finance soaring budget deficits."
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Foreclosure starts up nearly 20 percent in California  ---
A quote...." The number of properties scheduled for foreclosure sale remained near record levels in February, yet foreclosure sales, either “Back to Bank” or “Sold to Third Parties,” dropped by 11.9 percent total. - “The disconnect between delinquencies and foreclosure sales continues to widen,” says Sean O’Toole, founder and CEO of ForeclosureRadar." - bold by website editor
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U.S., U.K. Move Closer to Losing Rating, Moody’s Says (Update1)  ---
A quote...." March 15 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. and the U.K. have moved “substantially” closer to losing their AAA credit ratings as the cost of servicing their debt rose, according to Moody’s Investors Service."
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Eurozone puts bailout for Greece on hold  ---
A quote...."Europe's finance chiefs have once again failed to produce a detailed bailout plan for Greece, following weeks of crisis in the debt-ridden country."
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Sunday March 14th 2010 - links page

The War in Afghanistan and the Central Asia Pipeline Plan  ---
Must Read - A quote...."The Washington Post has introduced us to a controversy over Afghanistan war strategy. The Post reports that operations in Delaram (in the southwest) are "far from a strategic priority for senior officers at the international military headquarters in Kabul. One calls Delaram, a day's drive from the nearest city, 'the end of the Earth.' Another deems the area 'unrelated to our core mission' of defeating the Taliban by protecting Afghans in their cities and towns."
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What Torture Is and Why It's Illegal and Not "Poor Judgment"
Special Note - A quote...."It's now over three weeks since veteran Justice Department (DOJ) lawyer David Margolis dashed the hopes of those seeking accountability for the Bush administration's torturers, but this is a story of such profound importance that it must not be allowed to slip away."
also posted at Uruknet  ---
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This Time It's Pregnant Women: Another US Atrocity in the Bush-Obama War in Afghanista  ---
Special Note - A quote...."Another night-time raid on a housing compound in Afghanistan. Another bunch of innocent Afghans killed. Another round of lies by the US-led forces of the so-called International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). Only this time, among the dead are two pregnant mothers and a teenage girl. - And once again the US media remain mute, accepting the official story, which was of ISAF forces responding to an attack which in reality appears never to have happened." -- also posted at Uruknet  ---
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How China Views America: The Human Rights Record of the United States in 2009  ---
Special Note - A quote...."BEIJING -- China's Information Office of the State Council published a report titled "The Human Rights Record of the United States in 2009"  - Following is the full text...."
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Final destination Iran?  ---
War Alert - A quote...."Hundreds of powerful US “bunker-buster” bombs are being shipped from California to the British island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean in preparation for a possible attack on Iran."
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Munawar blames Blackwater for Lahore bombings  ---
A qutoe...." KARACHI: Jamaat-e-Islami Amir Syed Munawar Hasan Friday alleged that infamous US security firm Blackwater was behind all terror attacks in Pakistan under the supervision of Interior Minister Rehman Malik."
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Afghan government claims coalition troops killed 12 civilians
A quote...."KABUL (BNO NEWS) — The Afghan government on Sunday accused coalition troops of killing twelve civilians during recent operations in the country, a claim which NATO was not immediately able to confirm."
also posted at Uruknet  ---
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Socialists defeat Sarkozy's UMP in regional polls‎  ---
A quote...."Exit polls indicate that the Socialists have gained the upper hand over President Nicolas Sarkozy's UMP party in France's regional elections, suggesting the center-right is heading for a big defeat." -- also posted at WarInIraq  ---
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Anti-Berlusconi strike paralyzes Italy  ---
A quote...."Italy has been hit by a nationwide worker strike following a call by the country's largest trade union, which has protested at Rome's economic and immigration policies." - also posted at WarInIraq  ---
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Georgian Mock Invasion Broadcast ‘a Provocation’ – Kosachev
Video - Alt  ---  ---  A quote...."Georgia has been in a state of panic after its Imedi television network broadcast a mock play-out of a scenario in which the country suffers a blitz military invasion from Russia and its President Mikhail Saakashvili is physically eliminated."
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Russia's ruling party wins regional elections  ---
A quote...."MOSCOW, March 15 (Xinhua) -- Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's United Russia party won a number of regional and local elections, results showed on Monday. -- According to preliminary data from the Central Election Commission (CEC), United Russia won each of the eight regions' legislative polls, taking 183 parliamentary seats in the regional parliaments in total."
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Putin in deal to build nuclear reactors for India  ---
A quote...."India and Russia today signed a nuclear co-operation agreement, which paves the way for the building of about a dozen nuclear reactors in India, with Russian help, over the next few decades." - also posted at BLN  ---
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AFRICOM’s First War: U.S. Directs Large-Scale Offensive In Somalia
A quote...."Over 43 people have been killed in the Somali capital of Mogadishu in two days of fighting between Shabab (al-Shabaab) insurgent forces, who on March 10 advanced to within one mile of the nation’s presidential palace, and troops of the U.S.-backed Transitional Federal Government. The fighting has just begun. - also posted at Uruknet  ---
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Africom Commander Says U.S. Supports Somali Government to Retake Mogadishu  ---
A quote...."WASHINGTON -- A senior U.S. military commander said on Tuesday the United States would support the Somali transitional government to retake the national capital Mogadishu. --  William Ward, who runs the U.S. Africa Command, told a Senate hearing the Somali government's effort in retaking Mogadishu is " something that we would look to do in support."

For more on the two articles shown above see....Africa - the Next Target - 02-28-08 - mpg
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East Africa is Next Hot Oil Zone  ---
Related Article - A quote...."NAIROBI, Kenya, March 10 (UPI) -- East Africa is emerging as the next oil boom following a big strike in Uganda's Lake Albert  Basin. Other oil and natural gas reserves have been found in Tanzania and Mozambique and exploration is under way in Ethiopia and even war-torn Somalia."
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New Uncle Sam Poster by Mr. Fish  ---
Poster - Great poster. - mpg
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The true nature of certain 'progressives' finally being revealed  ---
posted at  OnlineJournal  ---
A quote...."(WMR)   ---  ---  Recently, DailyKos’s agent of influence for the corporate power structure, its founder Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, called Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) a “little prick” and announced he was backing a primary challenger to Kucinich. This has prompted several hard-hitting diaries this week, such as What the hell is up with Kos?  ---  ---  and Markos Moulitsas Should Primary Himself."  ---
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Web Censorship Alert - "Comcast Blocks the CLG Newsletter  ---  ---  Comcast has decided that its customers should not receive the CLG Newsletter. 15 Mar 2010 Dear Comcast CLG Newsletter subscribers, -- Comcast has made the decision that you should not receive the CLG Newsletter. That's right - all Comcast people are blocked. -- ALL CLG readers: If you're as OUTRAGED as I am, please CONTACT  ---  ---  Comcast and share your thoughts.1-800-266-2278  -- Please write ( and let us know if you took action and if they were at all helpful. -- Thank you." - Paragraph posted at CLG  ---  ---  In the opinion of this website editor EVERYONE should call up Comcast and castigate them for their endless attempts to censor the web. - mpg
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (04 – 10 March 2010)
Week in and week out.  If it happened to your country, what would you do? - mpg - also posted at Uruknet
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Israel tortures Jerusalem minors  ---
A quote...."Occupied Jerusalem – Jerusalem Center for Social and Economic Rights revealed Saturday that Israeli police tortured Jerusalemite children, who were arrested before by Israelis." - also posted at AlethoNews  ---
& Uruknet ---
& WarInIraq  ---
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17 Feb. '10: Israel Police arrests children aged 12 to 15 in night raids in Silwan, East Jerusalem
A quote...."In recent months there have been many cases in which minors aged 12-15 from Silwan, in East Jerusalem, were arrested in the middle of the night by police officers and Israel Security Agency agents accompanied by armed border policemen. The minors were taken out of their beds and brought to the police station in the Russian Compound, in West Jerusalem. Some of them were brought handcuffed, and none of the parents were allowed to accompany them. At the station, the minors were interrogated on suspicion of stone throwing. According to testimonies that some of them gave to B'Tselem, the interrogators beat and threatened them." - also posted at Uurknet  ---
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Continuing campaign of arrests against civilians in the West Bank
A quote...."Israeli campaign of detentionThe Middle East Monitor (MEMO) has obtained primary evidence of how Israeli forces and Palestinian security services have embarked on a campaign of arrests against Hamas supporters in the occupied West Bank. A list containing details of the political detainees arrested in the months of January and February 2010 is attached. It can be seen how, increasingly, arbitrary political arrests are being conducted in Nablus and Hebron, where there is a high level of Hamas support, as well as other governorates across the West Bank. The detainees include university students, professionals, journalists and political activists." - also posted at Uruknet  ---
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[Jewish Israeli] Settlers Torch Olive Orchard In Hebron  ---
A quote...."A group of fundamentalist Jewish settlers burnt on Thursday at night an olive orchard in Safa village, north west of Hebron, in the southern part of the West Bank." - also posted at Uruknet  ---
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 Mayor: [Jewish] Israeli settlers uprooted 40 olive trees  ---
A quote...."Nablus – Ma'an – Israeli settlers uprooted dozens of olive trees in Qaryut, south of Nablus, at dawn on Friday, officials said."
also posted at Uruknet  ---
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Champions of neoliberal economics are reversing New Deal economics  ---
posted at  OnlineJournal  ---
A qutoe...."The “golden” years of the U.S. economy in the immediate post-WW II period, along with the recovery and expansion of the economies of other industrialized countries, afforded the working class of these countries a decent, even middle-class, standard of living. Combined with extensive social safety-net programs such as the New Deal reforms in the U.S. and Social-Democratic reforms in Europe, the economic recovery and high employment rates of that period paved the way for a relatively cooperative relationship between the working and capitalist classes in these countries."
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Lehman Fraudulently Cooked Its Books, Accounting Giant Ernst & Young Helped, Geithner and Bernanke Winked and Slapped Them on the Back
A quote...."As William K. Black said  ---  ---  a year ago, the government's entire strategy now - as in the S&L crisis - is to cover up how bad things are ("the entire strategy is to keep people from getting the facts"). -- Paul Krugman and others pointed out  ---  ---  that Geithner has been trying to artificially prop up asset prices, but that such a strategy cannot succeed. -- As I've pointed out numerous times,  ---  ---  the stress tests were a total sham, with a pre-ordained passing grade for the banks. -- As I've noted  ---  ---  repeatedly over the last couple of years, the government has allowed the giant banks to hide their liabilities and maintain dizzying amounts of leverage by using off-balance-sheet gimmicks"
also posted at BLN  ---
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Americans Are Still 21 Percent Poorer Than Before The Recession  ---
Full Quote...." American households saw their wealth increase at the end of last year, mainly because the healing economy boosted stock portfolios.  ---  ---  The Federal Reserve says household net worth rose 1.3 percent in the fourth quarter to $54.2 trillion. It marked the third straight quarter of gains. Net worth had risen 4.5 percent in the second quarter of 2009 and an even stronger 5.5 percent in the third quarter. -- Net worth is the value of assets such as homes, checking accounts and investments  ---  ---  minus debts like mortgages and credit cards. -- Even with the gain, Americans' net worth would have to rise an additional 21 percent to get back to its pre-recession peak of $65.9 trillion. That shows the vast loss of wealth people have suffered from the worst downturn since the 1930s." - From AP
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China wants US reassurance over dollar  ---
And they'll get it too.  If China believes the assureances though, this website editor has a bridge to sell them. - mpg -- A quote...."Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao makes a point at his annual press conference after the closing of the National People's Congress held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, Sunday, March 14, 2010. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)
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Saturday March 13th 2010 - links page

No posts. - mpg

Friday March 12th 2010 - links page

Alex Jones On Russia Today – Free speech under fire  ---
Alt  ---  ---  (YouTube - 8 min 10 sec - March 10, 2010)
Must View Video - Alex is really good here, his facts and cites are spot on. - mpg -- A quote...."(RussiaToday) – Alex Jones’ Web sites were assaulted in a massive, organized and sustained attack, which is still ongoing. He claims that zombie computers around the world were used to launch denial of service attacks against him. Alex also weighs in on attacks against Jesse Ventura — is he a victim of both the CIA and the mainstream media."
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Is Mainstream Media News Dying?  ---
Related Article - Some quotes...."According to the Pew Internet and American Life Project, the Internet has surpassed newspapers  ---  ---  as one of the primary ways that Americans get their news. - Perhaps that seems only natural to many of us now, but there was a time before the Internet was widely available that a very high percentage of the population would read a newspaper each day. - But now all of that has fundamentally changed." -- "So why are so many diverse mainstream media outlets hurting so much? - There are a lot of reasons, but one of the key factors is that people are tired of not hearing the truth." - bold by website editor
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European Parliament Rips Global IP Accord  ---
Special Note -   Hip Hip Hooray!! Resistance is NOT futile!!  --  A quote...."March 10, 2010  |  3:56 pm  | The European Parliament delivered a political blow to Hollywood and the Obama administration, voting Wednesday 663 to 13 in opposition to a proposed and secret intellectual property agreement being negotiated by the European Union, United States and a handful of others." -- also posted at BLN  ---
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Government Internet Censorship Begins In Stealth In New Zealand
Related Article - A quote...."The government of New Zealand has quietly implemented an internet filter and is urging the leading ISPs in the country to adopt the measure, in a move that would give the authorities the power to restrict whichever websites they see fit."
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Evidence Mounts NATO Report Lied on Afghan Civilian Killings
A quote...."The February 12 night raid against a house party in Afghanistan’s Paktia Province  remains shrouded in mystery, but NATO’s official story appears to be crumbling as even NATO officials concede that the claims made were not strictly true."
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Bruce Ivins’ attorney calls for case to be re-opened
A quote...."The 92 page report issued recently by the FBI relied heavily on conversations Ivins had with “a witness close to the suspect”. That “witness” was Jean Duley, the woman I and many others have written extensively about. She got paid by the FBi to set Ivins up then led him in carefully scripted secretly recorded phone conversations, on behalf of the FBI, while she was supposedly acting as his counselor in group meetings he was court ordered to attend. It was that betrayal that angered Ivins which was then used by the FBI to insinuate that Ivins was going to attack Duley." -- For more on this issue see....US-False Flag Ops - Bruce Ivins  ---
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French bread spiked with LSD in CIA experiment
A quote...."In 1951, a quiet, picturesque village in southern France was suddenly and mysteriously struck down with mass insanity and hallucinations. At least five people died, dozens were interned in asylums and hundreds afflicted. -- For decades it was assumed that the local bread had been unwittingly poisoned with a psychedelic mould. Now, however, an American investigative journalist has uncovered evidence suggesting the CIA peppered local food with the hallucinogenic drug LSD as part of a mind control experiment at the height of the Cold War."
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Russian President Medvedev Signs Strategic, Business Deals in France  ---
A quote...."On March 1-3, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, accompanying business leaders, made a commercial and diplomatic visit to France. During his visit, France and Russia made business deals on energy and manufacturing, and began negotiations over selling French warships to Russia. France sought Russian support for tougher sanctions against Iran over its nuclear programme."
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India, Russia ink 19 pacts on defense, nuclear energy and space cooperation  ---
A quote...."NEW DELHI, March 12 (Xinhua) -- India and Russia Friday inked 19 deals, including a 2.34 billion U.S. dollar agreement on the purchase of aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov and a 1.5 billion U. S. dollar deal on the supplies of 29 more MiG29K carrier-based fighter jets to the Indian Navy."
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Russian gov't OKs deal on military base in S. Ossetia  ---
A quote...."MOSCOW, March 12 (Xinhua) -- The Russian government announced Friday that it has approved a draft agreement with Georgia's breakaway region of South Ossetia on a joint military base there. - The order sanctioned by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on March 9 now awaits signature of President Dmitry Medvedev, according to a posting on the government website."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Harvard students condemn center's defense of fellow's racist statements  ---
Special Note - A quote...."We write as gravely concerned students and student group leaders representing over 16 groups throughout Harvard University.  -- We are disturbed by the racist and inhumane comments of Martin Kramer, Visiting Scholar at the National Security Studies Program at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs. We have become even more alarmed that rather than taking a dissociating or even strictly neutral stance against such extremist and hateful statements, the Weatherhead Center issued a defensive response." -- For more regarding this issue see the articles and comments shown below....
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Harvard Fellow calls for genocidal measure to curb Palestinian births  ---
A quote...."A fellow at Harvard University's Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Martin Kramer, has called for "the West" to take measures to curb the births of Palestinians, a proposal that appears to meet the international legal definition of a call for genocide." -- posted 02-23-10
also posted at AlethoNews  ---
& WarInIraq  ---
& AmericanEveryman  ---
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Harvard center condemns, then defends, fellow's pro-genocide statements  ---
A quote...."Leaders of the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University (WCFIA) have condemned and then defended statements by Martin Kramer, one of the center's fellows, which endorsed a cut off of UN food and other humanitarian aid to Palestinian refugee children besieged in the Gaza Strip as a means to reduce the Palestinian birthrate and thus the Palestinian population." -- bold/underline by website editor  -- posted 02-23-10  -- The Israelis gun down Palestinian farmers and fisherman every single day, plow up Palestinian orchards and farms, cut down their olive trees and vines, slaughter their live stock, blow up their wells and springs, bomb their granaries and storage facilities, won't let them import food and now this.  THIS!!!  is the truth folks.  THIS!!!  statement came from Harvard folks.....never EVER forget this day.  These are MONSTERS, they have revealed themselves FOR WHAT THEY TRULY ARE!! - mpg - For more on this issue see Israel's Scorched Earth  ---
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America To The Rescue, (Not) Again  ---
Special Note - A quote...."The Palestinian leadership has historically failed to understand that the US’ “special relationship” with Israel will require countering through much more serious mobilization, organizing, and activism to complement their diplomatic efforts. After the utter failure of the US-sponsored (and micro-managed) Oslo peace process, anyone treating the US as a neutral mediator must be suffering from some form of delirium, all the more so if they are Palestinians."
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Israeli occupation bar worshipers from reaching the Aqsa Mosque -
A quote...."Only a few hundred out of around 30,000 worshipers managed to reach the Aqsa Mosque for the Friday noon prayers, this is not taking account of worshipers from the rest of the West Bank who could not enter Jerusalem."
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Israeli police launched arrest campaign among Palestinians  ---
A quote...."Israeli occupation authorities conducted a campaign of arrests in occupied Jerusalem, early yesterday morning."
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Israeli soldiers order Tulkarem farmers to strip  ---
A quote...."Tulkarem – Ma'an – Israeli soldiers demanded 20 farmers strip naked for a security check as they returned from their fields west of the separation wall on Friday afternoon, the men reported."
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Sheikh Jarrah Mass Rally  ---
Special Note - (Great) Photo Gallery -- A quote...."Thousands of Israeli and Palestinian activists joined the rally last Saturday in Est Jerusalem to protest the eviction of Arab families from Sheikh Jarrah, where Jewish settlers continue to occupy Palestinian homes. The photos were taken by Brady Ng, FLV, Julian."
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We Can't Inflate Our Way Out of the Debt Crisis ... So What CAN We Do?
Chart - Must Read it and Weep! - (Outstanding Analysis) - Here's the cold, hard TRUTH folks, the parasitic class is NOT going to stop their endless wars and endless bailouts for themselves.  They can't inflate their way out of the mess they created, so guess who's gonna pay.  YOU!  Higher taxes, lower wages, lower benefits, a declining standard of living, Social Security and Medicare cuts or even their complete elimination along with the creation of a vicious, militarized, police state.  The people in this nation have a choice, they still do.  Stop voting for DemoRepubs.  - mpg

Some quotes...."The United States cannot “inflate its way out of debt,” because this would collapse the dollar and end its dreams of global empire by forcing foreign countries to go their own way. There is too little manufacturing to make the economy more “competitive,” given its high housing costs, transportation, debt and tax overhead. The economy has hit a debt wall and is falling into Negative Equity, where it may remain for as far as the eye can see until there is a debt write-down..." -- *Michael Hudson*

"The problem with the idea of governments inflating their way out of a debt burden is that it does not work. Absent episodes of hyper-inflation, it is a strategy that has never worked." -- *Paul Donovan*

"The bad news for central bankers is that creating currency isn't like, say, diluting shareholders in a company. You're always rolling your debt, and the market's response to an inflationary strategy is (not surprisingly) higher interest rates. It's a treadmill, and it's extremely hard to get ahead." -- *Joe Weisenthal*
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On the Edge with Max Keiser 12 March 2010
- Stacy&Max(1/3)  ---
Brigitta&Max(2/3)  ---
Brigitta&Max(3/3)  ---
Must View Videos - Some more entertainment from the Max and further details on the Icelandic situation from Ms. Birgitta Jónsdóttir.  - mpg
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Russia, Greece, Chile, and the Narcissism of Harvard Debt Lords  ---
Special Note - A quote...."Today marks the beginning of a new administration in Chile as Harvard economist and billionaire Sebastián Piñera eked out a narrow victory in January.  Interestingly this is related to the rest of the world as we also see today Greek police, dressed in the Darth Vader costumes used in every country, cracking down hard on their poor countrymen.  They have been robbed by the elite financier/politician tag-teams that roam the world attacking whichever country and currency they choose. "
also posted at DProgram  ---
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Faber and Mish: We're Doomed and Washington Can't Do Anything About It
Contains Video - It's fun, check out the part were Faber orders a beer. - mpg -- A quote...."Washington is patting itself on the back for having orchestrated an amazing economic recovery. But Washington lawmakers are a delusional bunch of boneheads, say Marc Faber and Mike "Mish" Shedlock, editor of the Gloom, Boom, and Doom Report and investment advisor at SitkaPacific Capital Management, respectively."
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$400 Million to Kill Financial Reforms & Destroy America. Warning, They Are Winning The War!
A quote...."Yes, Wall Street wins, again. Wall Street’s control America is a drama right out of a Scorsese film about the mafia and crime in New York. They bought off Chris Dodd, who’s capitulated to the darkside while “interviewing” for a million dollar job as a lobbyist. They bought off, President Obama. Turns out he’s no Luke Skywalker, no ”game-changer,” not even much of a Chicago politican. They spent $400 million to kill financial reforms in Congress, to make absolutely sure the American public gets screwed, again … and in the process, they are setting up the next collapse. The big one. The dotcom crash didn’t do it. The subprime credit meltdown didn’t do it. What will? Another, bigger event … a combo of the “Collapse of the American Empire,” plus the “Great Depression II.”
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Economy Kept On Life Support While Global Governance Is Organized  ---
Charts - A quote...."At the beginning of the year, official unemployment stood at around 10%.  This number of course does not include those people who are off unemployment benefits and still have not found jobs, or those people who are underemployed.  The Labor Department then announced their intention to revise their “birth/death ratio” method of calculating job loss, which would supposedly add a whopping 800,000 lost jobs to their books that were hidden before: -- Directly after this news was released, markets braced for a substantial increase in the unemployment percentage.  Yet, by some act of magic, the unemployment percentage fell to 9.7%!  How is this possible?  Well, those of us who were hoping for greater Labor Department transparency (including myself) should have known better.  With the Labor Department, two-plus-two NEVER equals four…  As the EPI article above indicates, while the government has reportedly changed their dubious “birth/death ratio” method, they also at the same time changed their “home survey” method."
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New round of foreclosures threatens housing market - Gee....what a surprise. - mpg
Chart - A quote...."The housing market is facing swelling ranks of homeowners who are seriously delinquent but have yet to lose their homes, and this is threatening a new wave of foreclosures that could hit just as the real estate market has begun to stabilize. -- About 5 million to 7 million properties are potentially eligible for foreclosure but have not yet been repossessed and put up for sale. Some economists project it could take nearly three years before all these homes have been put on the market and purchased by new owners. [Hah!  In their dreams!] And the number of pending foreclosures could grow much bigger over the coming year as more distressed borrowers become delinquent and then, if they can't obtain mortgage relief, wade through the foreclosure process, which often takes more than a year to complete." - bold by website editor
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Mortgage Principal Writedown Won't Save Housing  ---
A quote...."The problem is prices. Home prices have fallen so far in the hardest hit areas, the areas where the bulk of the troubled loans are, that banks would have to write down principal 30 to 50 percent to put borrowers back in the green. Accounting rules require that banks write down the value of those loans on their books, [You mean (gasp) "Mark to Market"?!?!  AMFG!!!] and experts tell me that if banks really accounted for all the losses in the home loan market, they'd all be insolvent. [Translation:  They've ALL BEEN insolvent for the last two years]  -- That's why the Obama Administration [& his Wall Street buddies] has created this kind of shell game in the first place."
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Thursday March 11th 2010

Cud and Complicity: Burying the Alternatives to Empire's Dominion
Must Read - A quote...."Rep. Dennis Kucinich's proposal to withdraw from Afghanistan was debated, heatedly, for hours in the House of Representatives on Wednesday. After the debate, dozens of Representatives cast their vote to end the war immediately. This was an unprecedented event in the history of the conflict, now in its ninth year. - Think about that for a moment: an unprecedented event, on the floor of the House, going on for hours, involving a question of supreme national importance. Regardless of one's position on the issue, is this not the very definition of "news"? But on Thursday morning, you could search high and low on the front pages (print and web) of both the New York Times and the Washington Post -- our national arbiters of serious newsworthiness -- yet find no mention whatsoever of this event. This, even though the web fronts -- unlike the paper versions -- contain headlines for dozens of stories, including sections devoted entirely to Washington politics." -- also posted at Uruknet

Patrick Kennedy: Media Doing "Despicable" Job Covering Afghanistan
Contains Video - Pat Kennedy agrees with Chris Floyd's take in the article shown above. - mpg -- A quote...."Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-R.I.) railed against the Washington press corps today on the House floor for paying more attention to the likes of scandal-ridden Eric Massa than the war in Afghanistan. -- "There's two press people in this gallery," Kennedy yelled during a debate over an anti-war resolution. "We're talking about Eric Massa 24-7 on the TV, we're talking about war and peace, $3 billion, 1,000 lives and no press? No press."

Michael Springman on Alex Jones Tv – CIA Ordered Visas For 15 of The 19 9/11 Hijackers in Jeddah
Must View Videos - MS(1/4) - MS(2/4) - MS(3/4) - MS(4/4) - From the History File - February 09, 2010 -- A quote...." J. Michael Springmann, formerly chief of the visa section at the U.S. Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, has testified that he rejected hundreds of suspicious visa applications by Saudi Arabian men similar to those named as the 9/11 Hijackers Patsies when we was head of the consular section of the US embassy in Jeddah, but C.I.A. officers repeatedly overruled him and ordered the visas to be issued." - For more on this issue see....US Support of Terror - For more on the "lap bomber" or "fizzle pants" episode see....US-False Flag Ops - Lap Bomber

Congress Calls for New Investigation Into Anthrax Attack
Special Note - A quote...."The FBI says that the anthrax case is closed, and that they have proved that Dr. Bruce Ivins did it. -- But Congress is not convinced. -- On March 3, 2010, Representative Holt called for a new investigation:" -- For more on this issue see....US-False Flag Ops - Anthrax

US Troops Kill Reporter, Husband in West Baghdad - Journalists' Union Calls for Investigation
BREAKING  - March 11, 2010  - Special Note - This was a straight-on assassination by some punk-thugs in the US-NRE's occupation forces. - mpg -- A quote..."US forces today attacked a car in Western Baghdad, killing Iraqi journalist Aseel al-Obeidi and her husband, according to police. The US confirmed shooting two Iraqis in the area, but would provide no details. -- Obeidi had most recently worked for the private television news station Dijla TV, which went out of business earlier this year. The circumstances of the killings are so far unclear. -- Iraq’s journalists’ union condemned the killing, and called for an immediate investigation. The killing is the first high profile attack on civilians in Iraq in quite some time." -- For more on this issue see....US-Killing the Messenger

20 Signs That The United States Is Rapidly Becoming A Totalitarian Big Brother Police State
A quote...."Once upon a time, the United States was a land of unparalleled freedom.  The rest of the world envied the freedom that ordinary Americans had to think, say and do what they wanted.  But all of that has changed.  Now Americans have to fear that they will be tackled by a squad of security goons and dragged off to a detention facility somewhere if they spill a Pepsi on a flight attendant or take a few too many pictures of a public building.  The United States used to be the polar opposite of totalitarian regimes like Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, but now America is rapidly becoming very much like them.  Due to the fear of a boogeyman living in a cave somewhere or some guy with explosive powder in his underwear we are all being forced to give up our freedoms and learn to live in a Big Brother police state." - also posted at DProgram

Related Article - The parasitic class's lackeys are gearing up to shut down the internet. Excuses like "they can convert you in two weeks" are straight out of grade-z 1950s anti-commie movies, it's simply pathetic.  Can't these idiots ever come up with something new? - mpg -- "Internet helped Flight 253 suspect radicalize, attack plane 'within weeks'11 Mar 2010 'The Internet' allowed extremists to contact, recruit, train and equip the suspect responsible for the attempted Flight 253 bombing on Christmas Day "within weeks," a top Pentagon official told lawmakers Wednesday. That relatively brief timeframe only speaks to how quickly extremist groups have "optimized" the Web and developed a "highly evolved" process by which to develop terrorist networks, added Garry Reid, deputy assistant secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Combating Terrorism... "If we can stop them upstream when they are becoming radicalized, then obviously we have an easier job of it than when they are downstream and they are getting into all kinds of dangerous activities," said Ambassador Daniel Benjamin during prepared testimony." - also posted at CLG

Iran wants help from a friend
Must Read - A quote...."An unusual alliance has been unveiled after Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad revealed that the recent arrest of Abdulmalik Rigi, leader of the Sunni terrorist group Jundallah, was made possible with intelligence cooperation from Afghanistan and Pakistan. -- Using his one-day trip on Wednesday to Kabul to bolster Iran's relations with Afghanistan and shore up regional support in the face of escalating United States pressure for sanctions over its nuclear program, Ahmadinejad made it a priority to highlight work between the three nations on the Rigi arrest as a model for counter-terrorism. He also made the most of the opportunity to scold the US over its military presence and hammer home a message that the US is supporting terrorism in the name of the "war on terror"."

Afghanistan Urges Expansion of Judicial Cooperation with Iran
A quote...." TEHRAN (FNA)- Chief Justice of Afghanistan's Supreme Court Abdul Salam Azimi in a meeting with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Kabul called for bolstering cooperation between the two countries in judiciary issues."

Iran asks Dubai to track down Rigi passport forgers
A quote...."Iran is taking steps to investigate how Jundallah terror chief Abdulmalek Rigi obtained forged passports prior to his arrest nearly two weeks ago." - For more on this issue see....US Support of Terror - Rigi's Capture

Karzai in Pakistan, seeks talks with Taliban leaders
A quote...."Afghan President Hamid Karzai says his government is ready to hold talks with Taliban leaders, including Mullah Mohammad Omar."

IRAQ:  Women Miss Saddam
Special Note - A quote...."BAGHDAD, Mar 12, 2010 (IPS) - Under Saddam Hussein, women in government got a year's maternity leave; that is now cut to six months. Under the Personal Status Law in force since Jul. 14, 1958, when Iraqis overthrew the British-installed monarchy, Iraqi women had most of the rights that Western women do."

Beijing seeks a shift in geopolitics
A quote...."China's ongoing tussles with the United States over issues including Taiwan, Tibet and trade are in a sense nothing new. For more than two decades, Sino-US relations have periodically gone through rough patches over these and related causes of disagreement. What is new is China's much-enhanced global clout in the wake of the world financial crisis, which is coupled with a marked decline in America's hard and soft power."

Greece: Millions join general strike against government austerity package
Resistance is NOT futile - mpg -- A quote...."Workers throughout Greece staged their second one-day general strike within a month yesterday to protest the austerity measures being imposed by the PASOK social democratic government of Prime Minister George Papandreou."

The Bush Family's Project Hammer - Hammering the USSR's Economy
Special Note - A quote...."In 1989 President George H. W. Bush began the multi-billion dollar Project Hammer program using an investment strategy to bring about the economic destruction of the Soviet Union including the theft of the Soviet treasury, the destabilization of the ruble, funding a KGB coup against Gorbachev in August 1991 and the seizure of major energy and munitions industries in the Soviet Union. Those resources would subsequently be turned over to international bankers and corporations. On November 1, 2001, the second operative in the Bush regime, President George W. Bush, issued Executive Order 13233 on the basis of “national security” and concealed the records of past presidents, especially his father’s spurious activities during 1990 and 1991. Consequently, those records are no longer accessible to the public.1 The Russian coup plot was discussed in June 1991 when Yeltsin visited with Bush in conjunction with his visit to the United States. On that same visit, Yeltsin met discreetly with Gerald Corrigan, the chairman of the New York Federal Reserve.2" - also posted at BLN

US general says no evidence of links between Venezuela and FARC-ETA
A quote...."The general in charge of US military activities in Latin America said Thursday he had no evidence of links between Venezuela’s leftist government and Colombian and Basque guerrilla groups. “We have not seen any connections specifically that I can verify that there has been a direct government-to-terrorist connection,” General Douglas Fraser, head of the US Southern Command, told a Senate hearing."

Permanent Agression: War on the Horizon in Latin America
Special Note - A quote...."The Empire will stop at nothing to find mechanisms and techniques to achieve its final objective, and we cannot disregard the possibility of a military conflict in the near future. If the US places Venezuela on the “terrorist list” this year, we could be on the verge of a regional war." - also posted at AlethoNews
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Rep. Dennis Kucinich Takes on Democratic Leaders with Insistence on Public Option, Call for Afghan Withdrawal
A quote...."Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich joins us to discuss two House debates in which he’s played a central role this week. The Ohio Democrat is threatening to vote against his party’s healthcare reform package because it does not contain a robust public option. Meanwhile, Kucinich’s bill to force the withdrawal of all US troops from Afghanistan was taken up on Wednesday. After a rare three-and-a-half-hour debate on the war, the majority of House Democrats joined with Republicans to defeat the measure. [includes rush transcript]" --  ||  Real Video Stream
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AIPAC of Raving Lunatics
Special Note - A quote...."Without regard for the severe economic devastation and loss of life that a war with Iran would create, Israel’s agents in the United States continue to  aggressively stoke the fires of anti-Iranian rhetoric and mobilize their minions on the floor of the House.  The Brzezinski-Soros machine failed in their attempt to effect regime change in Iran by way of a “color revolution” in the summer of 2009.  This has only emboldened the Israeli lobby to pursue more drastic measures. There is only one card left for them to play before provoking conflicts that will most certainly catapult the United States into direct military action against the Islamic state." - also posted at BLN

Dubai Investigation Exposes Israeli Ops in USA
A quote...."An ongoing investigation by the Dubai Police force into the assassination of a high-level Hamas official in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in January has drawn back the curtains of secrecy and deception to reveal yet again the contours of Israel’s massive and ever-expanding espionage operations in the United States." - also posted at Uruknet
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Toronto Restricts Academic Freedom: ‘Israeli Apartheid Week’ Not Permitted to Take Place
Censorship Alert - A quote...."Last week, Toronto District School Board (TDSB) Director of Education Chris Spence announced in a statement that “‘Israeli Apartheid Week’ and its activities are not permitted to take place on school or Board property, or as part of any activity under the jurisdiction of the TDSB.” Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) considers this announcement a clear attempt to discourage rational discussion of the constellation of issues addressed by Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW), and therefore considers it an unacceptable restriction on the academic freedom that should be enjoyed by the TDSB’s community." - also posted at AlethoNews

Q&A:  'Israeli Siege Causing De-development of Gaza' - That's the idea. - mpg
A quote...."BRUSSELS, Mar 8 , 2010 (IPS) - For the first time since September 2006, Mahmoud Abu Rahma, a leading figure in the Palestinian human rights group Al Mezan, has been granted permission to travel outside Gaza."

Brutalizing Palestinian Children
A quote...."As an isolated incident, it would be appalling and criminal. As a regular occurrence, it's state-sponsored terrorism against defenseless children, subjected to barbarism by Israeli soldiers committing crimes against humanity to crush their will for wanting to live free on their own land - what Westerners take for granted; what Palestinians since 1948 haven't had, and since 1967, under military occupation denying their very humanity." - also posted at AlethoNews

Two IDF soldiers charged with using 9-year-old 'human shield' in Gaza war
A quote...." The Israel Defense Forces prosecution on Thursday filed an indictment against two combat soldiers suspected of inappropriate conduct during Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip in 2008."

Detention Bulletin: February 2010: 343 Palestinian children detained by Israel
Scribd - A quote...."There were 343 Palestinian children detained in Israeli prisons and temporary detention centers at the end of February 2010.  This represents an 8% increase."

Homes and livelihoods gone in an instant
A quote...."Radia Abu Sbaih, 47, lives with her sister and one niece on family land roughly 700 meters from the "green line" boundary between Israel and Gaza. Until 18 February 2010, they had nearly 600 olive, fruit, date and nut trees, an agricultural cistern, a water well, various vegetables and a house." - also posted at AlethoNews & Uruknet

Israeli warplanes fire on southern Gaza
A quote...."Bethlehem - Ma'an - Israeli warplanes opened fire on the southern Gaza Strip early Friday, striking two targets near the Egyptian border."

PLO paper reveals leadership bereft of strategy, legitimacy
A quote...."At last September's New York summit with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas, US President Barack Obama publicly abandoned his demand that Israel halt construction of colonies in the occupied West Bank as a precursor to the resumption of US-brokered negotiations. Thus, Obama humiliatingly signaled the collapse of his much-hyped peace effort." - also posted at Uruknet

Map of Israel's East Jerusalem housing plan
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Israel's approval for building 1,600 new housing units for ultra-Orthodox Jews in East Jerusalem has infuriated the Palestinians. - Nabil Abu Rudeina, a Palestinian Authority spokesman, told the AFP news agency: "This is a dangerous decision and will hinder the negotiations."

Work day to rebuild bulldozed playground in Beit Jalla, Bethlehem successful
Some good news.... A quote..."Palestinians, Israelis and Internationals met in Beit Jallah today to rebuild a playground that bulldozers destroyed last week while clearing the path to complete the wall near Bethlehem. 12 people armed only with pick axes and hoes, flattened out the bulldozer tracks and deep holes left from uprooted trees, reset two swing sets, and brought in sand by the bucket for the new playground. Young olive trees were replanted in place of the mature trees that were destroyed during the first days of uprooting last week. The playground is used by many of the neighborhood children, and the family who owns the land welcomes people to enjoy the shade next to their home in the heat of the summer. As people worked in the sun today, army jeeps made rounds on the road above the home, and stood watch from the road on the opposing side of the highway. One jeep came down to the playground, but people continued their work as soldiers took pictures and asked for the Palestinian participants identification cards."

Gaza Graffiti Movie - Alt - (YouTube - 2 min 39 sec - March 09, 2010)
Video - A quote...."Gazas walls cry out in green, red, black and yellow: Look at us! Read our messages! - Swedish photographer Mia Grondahl spent seven years - most of the second intifada - capturing the walls of Gaza. Her book and photo exhibit "Gaza Graffiti - Messages of Love and Politics" tell us about the many roles of graffiti in Gaza. Apart from political slogans, the walls bear witness to the joy and sadness of Gaza, the wedding ribbons being tied between young people, the many victims of the conflict, and the ever present hope of peace and freedom. - For us on the outside, the graffiti offers an exciting and unexpected view of life in Gaza."
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US and Europe drift toward trade war
Actually it's the US-NRE drifts toward trade war against the rest of the entire world - mpg -- A quote...."In the wake of the financial crisis that erupted in 2008, leading capitalist nations and blocs of nations are employing increasingly aggressive forms of protectionism to advance their interests."

US budget deficit hits record high in February
A quote...."The US government registered a record budget deficit in February, the 17th consecutive month of running in the red, the Treasury said Wednesday. - The February budget shortfall was 220.909 billion dollars, a 14 percent rise from a year ago and the biggest monthly gap on record."

New Flow Of Funds Report Demonstrates Massive Selling In Agency & MBS Holdings Away From The Fed
Special Note - Charts - (click to enlarge) - Related Article - A quote...."When we adjust to exclude the contribution of the Fed, a vastly different picture in MBS holdings emerges: we see a hole of over $1.2 trillion since the peak holdings of $8.1 trillion in Q4 2008. This is an amount last seen in Q2 2007, when interest rates across the board were about 4-5% higher, and when Cramer went nuts on TV saying the Fed "knows nothing" and need to loosen monetary policy immediately. Sure enough, it did, and now we are stuck with ZIRP in perpetuity. What it means is that in a steady state market, in which there is no massive Fed intervention, the rate on 30 year Mortgages would likely be at around 6-7% on the 30 year, if not more."

$13 Billion 30 Year Reopening Closes At 4.679%, Directs Take Down Whopping 29.7%: A New Record, Indirects Settle For Mere 23.9% - Charts - Related Article - A quote...."
UniCredit Bank Warns Of Plunge In Sterling And Gilts, As Britain Is Next Country "To Be Pummeled By Investors"
A quote...."Kornelius Purps, director of fixed income at Europe's second-largest bank, UniCredit, has issued a stark warning to clients who wish to invest in the Britain: "I am becoming convinced that Great Britain is the next country that is going to be pummeled by investors." Ambrose Evans-Pritchard reports reports that "Mr Purps said the UK had been cushioned at first by low debt levels but the pace of deterioration has been so extreme that the country can no longer count on market tolerance" and that "Britain's AAA-rating is highly at risk."