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US-False Flag Ops - main page

Table of Contents
Boston Bombing - Websites & Forums
Flash Backs & Lest We Forget
Prior Knowledge / Inside Job
An Exercise Was In Progress
The Pre-Exercise Months Before The Bombing
Black Ops / Craft / Team Israel
The Bombers & the FBI / CIA / Russians - Innocent Patsies - (didn't know), Active Patsies - (thought it was an exercise), Or Guilty Patsies - (they knew)
The Uncle & The CIA
The Israeli Connection
The Chechen Connection / Constant Gardening
False Flag  / Similarities / Key Indicators / Actual Evidence
The Bombing "Evidence" & Other Info
One Suspect Murdered - Attempted Murder Against the Other
The FBI's Blatant Murder of Ibragim Todashev
The Suspects & Their Family Members
Blaming Others
An Excuse For More Repression
Strange Coincidences
The Cover-Up
The Witch Hunt
General Comments
Ricin Copy-Cat Of The  9/11 "Anthrax" Attacks -- a.k.a. Poisoned Letter Attacks Deux
-- Boston Bombing - Websites & Forums

Boston Bombing Hoax Exposed
Boston Bombing Was A False Flag
 -- Flash Backs & Lest We Forget
FLASHBACK - FEMA was in New Yorkthe Night Before 9/11
FLASHBACK - How Did Mossad Know the London Bombings Were Going to Happen?
FLASHBACK - The 7/7 London Bombings:How to Set Up a Patsy
LEST WE FORGET--False Flag--Israeli Mossad posing as American intelligence agents
LEST WE FORGET–’Israeli Mossad agents posed as CIA spies to recruit terrorists to fight against Iran’
Judge Napolitano On Government Faking Terror Plots - vid - (JNYuTb 5m02s 10/13/11) - Src: PM3
American Terror: Manufactured by the FBI - vid - (GRYuTb 14m19s 04/17/13) - Src:  GloblRrchTV - Wbst:  CRYuTb Wbst:  CR - Wbst:  CRBlpTV
FBI's History of Handing "Terror Suspects" Live Explosives - Alt - Alt
The Boston Bombings in Context: How the FBI Fosters, Funds and Equips American Terrorists
FBI Created 17 False Flag Terrorist Attacks
The F.B.I.'s Constant Gardening - weblist
Flights 9/11 - weblist

 -- Prior Knowledge / Inside Job

Feds Knew About Boston Bombings Before Attacks
Insider Knowledge of Boston Marathon Bombing
Like 9/11: Boston Massacre Looks Like Another Inside Job
FBI Was Searching for Boston Marathon Suspect BEFORE Attack
Feds [Finally]  Admit Prior Knowledge and Terror Listings for Boston Bombing Suspect
Official story unraveling for Boston marathon bombing; clear evidence points to bomb squad's prior knowledge
Feds Were Watching Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Mother Long Before the Bombing - vid - (AJYuTb 13m39s 04/27/13) - Src:  TheAlexJonesChannel
2 U.S. Agencies Added Boston Bomb Suspect to Watch Lists
FBI, Homeland Security withheld information on Boston bombing suspects from local, state police

 -- An Exercise Was In Progress

Bomb Sniffing Dogs Reportedly On Site Before Explosions At Boston Marathon
Boston Marathon Explosion Witness Told Explosions ‘Part of Drill’
Journalist to FBI: "Tell Us About the Bomb Drill!" (Boston Marathon Bombing)  - vid - (YuTb - 3min20sec - Apr 18, 2013) - Src:  LifeLibertyNow
UM Coach: Bomb Sniffing Dogs Were at Start, Finish Lines for "Drill" - vid - Alt
UM Coach: Bomb Sniffing Dogs, Spotters on Roofs Before Explosions
Eyewitness: Authorities Announced “Drill” Before Boston Explosions
Boston marathon bombing happened on same day as ‘controlled explosion’ drill by Boston bomb squad
Reporter at Press Conference Asking Police Why People Were Being Told to Stay Calm Before the Bombs Went Off
SEALS spotted at Marathon Bombing
UM Coach: Bomb Sniffing Dogs, Spotters on Roofs Before Explosions
Video: Boston Globe Tweets About Controlled Explosion Before It Happens
Why Such Secrecy about Private Military Contractor’s Men Working the Event?
Boston Marathon Witness Interview: Police Told Us Bomb Drill Was 'Training Exercise'  - vid - (YuTb 4m10s 04/16/13) - Src:  AnthonyGucciardi
NY Police Commissioner Ray Kelly: "all terrorism is theater"

 -- The Pre-Exercise Months Before The Bombing

Homeland Security Admits Boston Drill Eerily Similar to Marathon Bombing - Busted!!
DHS Admits Boston Training Drill Involving Backpack Explosives Planned Months Before Marathon - Src - Busted!!

 -- Black Ops / Craft / Team Israel

Photos: Boston Bombing Suspects Appear to Be Militarized Covert Black Ops
Who were the "Black and Tans" in Boston? - related photo gallery
Photos: Private military operatives hired to 'work' the Boston marathon with black backpacks, radiation detectors, tactical gear
Craft International Private Military Forces at Boston Marathon?
Private Military Contractors At Boston Bombing
FBI Ignores Men With Backpacks At Scene of Boston Bombings - photo gallery
Were The “Black and Tan” Men at the Boston Marathon National Guard Civil Support Teams? - photo gallery  
BREAKING: Photo surfaces of 'The Craft' mobile communications van at Boston marathon - photo - Alt 
LOOK! Proof That Craft or Blackwater Agents did the Boston Marathon Bombing Event! - vid - BUSTED!! - Alt - (YuTb 5m49s 04/20/13) - Src:  DAHBOO77
Eastman - Suspect Innocent, Came And Left With Backpack
Hey, Where Did your Backpack Go?!?!?!? - Craft Poster Boy 
LOOK ! Proof That Craft or Blackwater Agents did the Boston Marathon Bombing Event !  - vid - (YuTb 5m49s 04/20/13) - Src:  DAHBOO77

 -- The Bombers & the FBI / CIA / Russians - Innocent Patsies - (didn't know), Active Patsies - (thought it was an exercise), Or Guilty Patsies - (they knew)

WATCH: Father Of Boston Suspects: "They Were Framed" - contains vid  
Suspect's father: 'Somebody clearly framed them'
'They were set up, FBI followed them for years'- Tsarnaevs' mother to RT - contains vid 
FBI Knew Suspects Before Marathon Bombings! - vid - (AJYuTb 19m39s 04/20/13) - Src:  TheAlexJonesChannel
So The FBI Investigated "The Marathon Bomber" ...
FBI Casting Set Stage for Boston Marathon Bombing, Shootout, Charade - FBI BUSTED!!! - Alt
Full Extent of FBI Role in Boston Bombing Will Never Be Known - Alt
Boston Bomber Controlled by FBI
Reality Check: Did the FBI know about Boston bombing beforehand? - Ben Swann - vid - (RCYuTb 3m45s 04/16/13) - Src:  MHA
The Terrorists Have Been Identified - vid - (CRYuTb 43m33s 04/19/13) - Src:  CRYuTb
Did The FBI Photoshop Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's Back-Pack? - vid & photos - BUSTED!! - Alt - (YuTb 3m25s 04/21/13) - Src:  2minstral
Boston - Picture of the day - photos - BUSTED!
Tamerlan Tsarnaev Attended CIA-sponsored Workshop - Src
Evidence Mounts Boston Bombers Were FBI Assets
Boston Bombings: Tamerlan is an anti-Semitic “Truther” and the FBI’s CI has a Name – “Misha”
[US Senator] Chambliss: Law enforcement agency may have had info about Boston bombing in advance
Did the FBI phone Boston suspect before fatal shootout?
FBI Responsibility for US Terror Plots
CONFIRMED: Both FBI & CIA Watched Boston Bombing Suspects for Years - Alt
Mapping The Tsarnaev Brothers
Boston to Russia to Syria
‘Uncle Ruslan’ aided terrorists from CIA official’s home
Russia had elder Boston suspect under surveillance
Boston Terror, CIA’s Graham Fuller & NATO-CIA Operation Gladio B-Caucasus & Central Asia
Did the CIA commandeer the Boston bombing investigation?
Neo-Cons Trolling for Terrorist Recruits in Caucasus — Did CIA Fund and FBI Lend Tamerlan as a Spotter?
Mapping The Tsarnaev Brothers
FBI Caught In Their Own Timeline Trap
CIA’s Historical Sponsorship of Chechen Terrorism Is Key to Evaluating Role of Boston Patsies  - aud - (FlshPlyr 04/23/13) - Src:  WebsterTarpley - Rel:  DnldAudMp3
Feds Were Watching Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Mother Long Before the Bombing  - vid - (AJYuTb 13m39s 04/27/13) - Src:  TheAlexJonesChannel
Making mayhem in Boston: The CIA links
Again!? FBI Foils Supposed “Planned Terror Attack”
FBI director continues cover-up of contacts with Boston bombing suspects
The Boston Bombings and the CIA Connection. Graham Fuller and Uncle Ruslan Tsarnaev - Alt
WHO in Boston: Bombing Story Mysteries - Src
2 FBI Agents Involved in Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's Arrest Have Been Killed During a Training Exercise - a comment shown below

One by one, just like seal team six, who faked bin Laden's execution (bin Laden actually died, probably of natural causes, back in 2001).  It's what happens when you willingly serve evil. It's going to be amusing to watch all the lethal "accidents" and other forms of sudden, statistically improbable, deaths that will occur to all those Boston cops who made their many false statements regarding the Boston bombing -- One by one....till there were none. - mpg

Dzhokhar bombshell: FBI pressed Tamerlan to become informant.

 -- The Uncle & The CIA

Boston bombers’ uncle married daughter of top CIA official
CIA’s Graham Fuller, connected to Tsarnaevs -9/11 cover-up
Boston Bombers Uncle Aided Chechan Terrorists For CIA
The Israeli technology that may have helped identify the alleged Boston bombers

 -- The Israeli Connection

Israeli False-Flaggers Flown in for Boston Shoot-Out?
By Deception, Thou Shalt Do Boston 
Lest We Forget–Former CIA officer says Mossad posing as FBI agents In America
Israeli Dominated Drone Industry to Cash in on Boston Bombings
‘Israeli Police Head to U.S. to Aid in [Help Misdirect the] Boston Marathon Bombing Investigation’
Boston Surveillance Videos Examined by Israeli Tech Firm?

 -- The Chechen Connection / Constant Gardening

Chechen Terrorist Networks Trace Back to the US State Department
Chechen Terrorists and the Neocons - Alt
USA: The Creator & Sustainer of Chechen Terrorism - Alt
Was Boston Bomber Radicalized at U.S.-Sponsored Workshop?
Sibel Edmonds on the Boston Bombing: The US roots of "Chechen" terrorism  - vid - (CRYuTb 45m25s 04/23/13) - Src:  CRYuTb - Wbst:  CR - Wbst:  CRBlpTV - Wbst: BF - Wbst: CW
Neo-Cons Trolling for Terrorist Recruits in Caucasus — Did CIA Fund and FBI Lend Tamerlan as a Spotter?
Boston Bombers Uncle Aided Chechan Terrorists For CIA
Boston to Russia to Syria

 -- False Flag  / Similarities / Key Indicators / Actual Evidence

Boston: The Die Is Cast, The Meme Is In Place - Src
The Boston Bombing — The Eerily Predictable Symbolism of an Age of Terror
All terror attacks are psyops
Boston Marathon Bombing: Who Do They Plan To Blame?
Question Everything You Hear About the Boston Marathon Bombing
Boston Marathon Bombings Point To Government Run Terror Operation
Chaos engulfs Boston as mainstream media can't get its cover story straight - Alt
Boston marathon bombing happened on same day as 'controlled explosion' drill by Boston bomb squad
Boston bombing, altered images, before and after, some good questions..Google search images - vid - (YuTb 20m16s 04/19/13) - Src:  chaddydad1
Was the Boston Bombing a “Dry-Run Disaster” Gone Live? - Src
“Contractors” at Boston Marathon Stood Near Bomb, Left Before Detonation
Boston marathon bombings: Possible lines of inquiry
Some “hard lessons” from the Boston bombing
NY Times: 'FBI Staged Terror Attacks' - vid - (AJYuTb 11m24s 04/20/13) - Src:  TheAlexJonesChannel
Official Story Surrounding Manhunt for Boston Marathon Bombing Suspects Riddled with Inconsistencies
‘False-flag’ meme goes mainstream on Boston Marathon bombings
Boston in claws of US-friendly terrorists
Press for Truth - Dan Dicks Interviews Suspect's Aunt in Canada - Breaking Info on Boston Bombings! Tamerlan Tsarnaev and the Naked Man -- contains vid - Alt 
US's most obvious false flag attack yet
'Confusion and inconsistencies': How US plans to distract public from real truth about Boston - vid - (RTYuTb 8m07s 04/22/13) - Src:  TruGrmHst - Prod:  RT - WbSt: BF
Boston Terror Updates & Developments-April 24, 2013 - related article
The Official Tsarnaev Story Makes No Sense
Boston Bombing: The Official Story Proves Dzhokhar Is Innocent
Orwell Does America - Alt
Everyone Questions FBI's Narrative Story For Boston Marathon Bombings, Everyone!  - vid - Alt - (YuTb 5m59s 04/23/13) - Src:  MrCensorMe3
Boston sifting through the disinformation: Was Tamerlan a dangle? - vid - (Ry2SYuTb 14m31s 04/24/13) - Src: Ry@YuTb - Wbst: Ry@TruTub - Wbst:  Ry@Vimeo - Wbst: RysAntiNeocns
The Boston Bombing Web of Lies
FBI's Boston Bombing False Flag - A CLOSER LOOK! - vid - (YuTb 1hr 04/25/13) - Src: cgreene34
Total Proof Boston Bombings Were A False Flag!  - vid - (missed this one - mpg) -- (AJYuTb 17m56s 04/26/13) - Source:  AJChannel
Interesting Exhibits: Boston Manhunt Timeline - photos - videos - timeline
Boston Bombers During Shootout: “We Didn’t Do It!”  - Src - contains video - Alt
The Truthseeker: Boston Bombing - What You Aren't Told (E14) - vid - (YuTb 11m24s 05/03/13) - Src:  RussiaToday
Al-CIA-duh exposed!
Boston - Who did what to whom? - Alt
The Boston bomb – more questions than answers
Eyewitnesses to the shootout involving the alleged Boston bombers have thrown up another contradiction to the official narrative
Tsarnaev ‘Confession’ Amazing Break For Government!
Official Story Has Odd Wrinkles: A Pack Of Questions About The Boston Bombing Backpacks
Key FBI photo of Dzhokhar shows evidence of Photoshop - photo analysis - FBI busted
Potential witness to (Todashev) FBI Shooting Ordered to Remain in Jail until she Leaves US.
Boston Bombers Magic NOTE IN THE BOAT!

 -- The Bombing "Evidence" & Other Info  - (CAUTION: anything derived or issued by any federal agency or the mass media cannot be trusted)

FBI Pictures of Boston Bombing Suspects - photo gallery - (30 plus)
Boston bombs were pressure cookers filled with metal
Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev moved from hospital to prison
Bomb Suspect’s Cause Of Death Found, Not Released
Death certificate: Boston bombing suspect died of gunshot wounds, blunt trauma to head, torso
Bombing suspect's wife DNA doesn't match bomb evidence; Investigators "skeptical" about Katherine Russell's story
Interesting Exhibits: Boston Manhunt Timeline  - photos - videos - timeline

 -- One Suspect Murdered - Attempted Murder Against the Other

Now Officials Claim Boston Bombing Suspect Was NOT Armed in Boat Showdown
Boston Suspect Arrested Stripped Naked so WHEN was he shot and killed? - vid - (YuTb 3m40s 04/21/13) - Src:  Daz20s
Loose ends
Eyewitness: ‘Tamerlan was run over by Boston police and then shot multiple times’ - Alt
Boston Bombings: Police Fired At By Other Police, Not Suspects
Eyewitnesses to the shootout involving the alleged Boston bombers have thrown up another contradiction to the official narrative
Witness says Boston bomb suspect run over and executed by police! - contains vid - Alt
Death certificate: Boston bombing suspect died of gunshot wounds, blunt trauma to head, torso
Tsarnaev shouts analysed with clone ensembles "vocal trap",equalizer and audacity noise removal tool
Boston Bombings: Police Fired At By Other Police, Not Suspects
Eyewitness Boston Suspect was run over by police SUV , no bombs - vid - (YuTb 2m39s 04/21/13) - Src: BD
Eyewitness: ‘Tamerlan was run over by Boston police and then shot multiple times’

 -- The FBI's Blatant Murder of Ibragim Todashev

The Killing of Tamerlan Tsarnaev's Would-Be Accomplice Wasn't So Simple-Atlantic Wire
'Why did the FBI execute my boy?'
Father of Chechen shot by FBI says he thinks son was tortured - Src
Did “FBI” gangster hitmen silence Todashev to cover up Boston false-flag?
FBI agents killed my son to keep him silent: Ibragim Todashev’s father - Src
FBI Kills Former MMA Fighter With Ties To Boston Bombing Suspect as Plot Deepens
Friend of Boston bombing suspect unarmed when killed by FBI
Unarmed Ibragim Todashev Executed by FBI?  - vid - (AJYuTb 18m52s 05/31/13) - Src:  TheAJChannel
The Shooting Of Ibragim Todashev: Is The Lawlessness of Obama's Drone Policy Coming Home?
ACLU urges independent probe of Orlando shooting Details sought in killing
Is the FBI Now in the Execution Business? - Src
The Todashev Killing and the House of Cards
ACLU Calls for New Investigations into Todashev Death - Src
Calls for New Investigations into the FBI Todashev Killing
The Unexplained FBI Assassination of Ibragim Todashev | Exclusive Interview with Wife Reni Manukya - vid - Alt -  (BtSYuTb 10m30s 07/26/13) - Src: BTS - Rel: BTSFcBk - Rel: BTSTwttr - Rel:  RT
Florida won’t investigate police shooting of Chechen man
Florida law enforcement agencies refuse to probe killing of Boston Marathon bombing witness
FBI killing - Todashev and CAIR speak up  - vid - Alt - (RTYuTb - 4min02sec - Aug 13, 2013) - Source:  RTAmerica
'FBI murdered my son, I want justice': Killed Chechen's father to sue agency - vid - (RTYuTb - 3min52sec - Aug 13, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday
Widow of FBI Murdered Ibragim Todashev Tells All - vid - (AJYuTb 34m14s - 09/12/13) - Src
FBI Boston Bombing Coverup Accelerates
List from Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's attorneys of info the Feds will not provide for the case as requested in discovery
Ben Swann: Did FBI Execute Ibragim Todashev, the Friend of Boston Bombing Suspect, During Interrogation? - vid - (SwanYuTb 9m15s 11/14/13) - Src:  SwanTV - Rel:  BenSwanCom
Dark Questions About a Deadly FBI Interrogation in Orlando - Src - Alt
New questions in FBI Boston bombing witness killing
FBI Agent Who Executed Ibragim Todashev is a Corrupt Ex-Oakland Cop
Boston Bombing:

 -- The Suspects & Their Family Members

Boston Marathon explosions: Show us the evidence, says Toronto aunt of bombing suspects
Boston: Brothers Were 'Regular American Kids'
My sons were framed by FBI: Father of Boston suspects
Bombing suspect's wife DNA doesn't match bomb evidence; Investigators "skeptical" about Katherine Russell's story
Boston Bombings Suspects Go From White To Brown On Magazine Cover
Questioning the Official Narrative: Support Movement for Tsarnaev Brothers as Innocent Grows - Src
Roommates of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Arrested in Boston Bombing Case
How The FBI Has Been Working Hard To Deport Friends Of The Guy They Killed During Interview About Boston Bombing

 -- Blaming Others

BBC & CNN already suggesting Boston bombing a right-wing home grown attack!!!
Planting the Seed of Propaganda: Media Repeatedly Suggests Patriots are Responsible for Boston Marathon Bombing
CNN Reported That Pressure Cooker Bombs Are A Signature Of Right Wing Extremists
The Boston Bombing Coverup Continues – 3 More People Framed - vid - (SCGYuTb 4m20s 05/07/13) - Src:  SCGYuTb - Rel:  SCGTwtr - Rel:  SClG

 -- An Excuse For More Repression

Terror in Boston: Hagel Says Pentagon Ready to Violate Posse Comitatus
AG Holder: Americans Not Worried Enough About Home-Grown Terrorists
WARNING: Laws are being Written to Screw You
A Warning to All Gun Bloggers and Forums – Boston Marathon Explosions
Will There Be A Major Pushback Against Obama’s Police State After the Boston Bombing?
Rescued at the Point of A Gun: Second Video Confirms Militarized, Warrantless Boston Raids
‘Boston Strong’: Marching in Lockstep with the Police State
How The Boston Bombing Is Already Being Exploited To Introduce Tyranny
Did the Military and Police Go Too Far in Locking Down Boston - photo gallery
Liberty Was Also Attacked in Boston
How the Boston Bombings May Change the World for the Worse! - Src
Ron Paul slams Boston bombing response
US tightens student visa rules after Boston bombing
Victims Of Boston Bombing Police State Lockdown Speak Out - vid - Alt - (AJYuTb 13m57s 05/03/13) - Src:  TheAJChannel
NY Police Chief Ray Kelly Says The Boston Bombing Takes Privacy 'Off The Table'  - a comment shown below

This website editor totally agrees!!!  From NOW ON all Boston Police and FBI employees should be monitored 24/7! Cameras should be placed in their homes, they should be forced to were GPS ankle bracelets to monitor their movements. Their phones should be tapped, along with all their computer communications
.  This should help prevent any more false-flag attacks in the future.  Ray Kelly actually had a great idea!! - mpg

How the Boston Bombings May Change the World for the Worse! - Src
A Wiser America  - a comment shown below

Not really, it's just a much poorer and more tired America, but give it time.  After they save up their little pennies, after the sting of being "played" for the hundredth time fades from their collective memories (the few in this country that have any). The Amerikan people will be perfectly willing to be fooled again, give up even more of their civil rights, (what little that are still left), spend even more of their treasure (giggle....snicker....if they can find any) and cheerfully go murder millions more people in countries which, as with 9/11, weren't even remotely connected with whatever false-flag event they again go to war for. Nothing has changed, nothing will change....ever. - mpg

Eroding Freedom in America
This Story Is True; The Facts Have Been Fabricated To Keep The False Flag Flying

  --  Strange Coincidences

Boston bombing took place the same day Israel remembers those killed from terrorism
City's WMD team saved: Defense Secretary Hagel rescinds decision to defund critical unit - Will coincidences never cease? - mpg

 -- The Saudi Connection

Janet Napolitano Responds to Report of Deportation for Former ‘Person of Interest‘Not Worthy of an Answer’ - Src - a classic example of a non-denial, denial
Suspected Saudi Terrorist Al-Harbi Visited White House Numerous Times - visitor log - saudi connection - (click to view) - Src
Breaking: Third Bomb [The Al-Harbi Connection] Explodes in Boston - Alt
Brown Student Falsely Linked To Boston Bombing Found Dead
Total Proof Boston Bombings Were A False Flag! - vid - (AJYuTb 17m56s 04/26/13) - Src:  AJChannel -

 -- The Cover-Up

Will No Due Process Be the Norm Using Dzhokhar Tsarnaev as an Excuse?
What Rights Should Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Get and Why Does it Matter?
Budget Cuts Could Delay 'Boston Bomber' Trial - a comment shown below

This is just stupid, it's sick, it shows an attitude of complete contempt for the American people!  The lying sacks of crap, terrorist false-flag supporting, infotainment-complex has been SCREAMING about the Boston bombing for almost ten days now and this article speculates that the authorities can't conduct a swift and speedy trial because they don't have the money?  That's....insulting, to everyone, even those who believe the BS about this case, to the defendant and his family, not to mention all those who were injured by the true perpetrators of this heinous act. - mpg

Report: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's repeated requests for a lawyer were ignored
Bomb Suspect’s Cause Of Death Found, Not Released
Report: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's Repeated Requests for a Lawyer Were Ignored

 -- The Witch Hunt

Roommates of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Arrested in Boston Bombing Case
The Boston Bombing Coverup Continues – 3 More People Framed  - vid -  - Alt - (SCGYuTb 4m20s 05/07/13) - Src:  SCGYuTb - Rel:  SCGTwtr - Rel:  StormClodsGathering

 -- General Comments

Welcome to Amerika: No More Truth, Justice or American Way
Something’s Rotten In Boston, by Dave Lindorrf
The Boston Terrorist Attack
Boston, Cowardice & America the Blind
Bombs from Boston to Baghdad: What Is the Value of a Human Life? - Alt
The Real Terror is the Law, by John Kaminski

 -- The Evidence That Some - Or All - Of the Boston Bombing Was Staged

FYI & CAUTION:  This website editor takes a completely neutral position on whether portions of the Boston Bombing were actually "staged".  Many disaster/terror drills have actors (professionals or volunteers) who take part in these exercises, that's well documented and a matter of common sense. It's absolutely necessary for training purposes.  The Boston police have already denied, despite the abundant evidence to the contrary, that a training exercise was on-going during the attack.  Perhaps they did so in order to deflect people from concluding that like many, if not most exercises, this one might have contained actors/volunteers. -- It should be noted that the high probability that actors were there DOES NOT preclude the possibility that one, or both, of the explosions were real

Boston Becoming A Very Very Real Hoax - Morris  - vid - (M108YuTb 8m51s 04/23/13) - Src:  108morris108
The Phony Photos of the Boston Non-Bombing - photo gallery
The 3 Cops at Sandy Hook Same 3 at Boston?? - (You Decide)photo - (click to enlarge) - Alt
Victims of the Marathon bombings  - list of the victims
Here's the list of victims.  Everyone out there is going to have to do there own fact-checking on this issue and correlate your investigations with each other. - mpg
Boston Bombing - guy with legs blown off returns and is wheeled through scene again! - vid - (YuTb - 5min58sec - Apr 23, 2013)
Boston Fabricated To Make Us Converse In Lies - Morris  - vid - (M108YuTb 6m45s 04/29/13) - Src:  108morris108

 -- Ricin Copy-Cat Of The  9/11 "Anthrax" Attacks -- a.k.a. Poisoned Letter Attacks Deux

Suspicious envelopes found in Flake's Phoenix office
Secret Service says suspicious letter mailed to Obama, intercepted away from White House
S Secret Service official: Letter with suspicious substance sent to Obama
Suspicious envelopes found in Flake's Phoenix office
HAZMAT crews at Senator Carl Levin's office in Saginaw Michigan - building evacuated
Republican Senator Who Voted With Democrats on Gun Control Receives Ricin Letter
Attorney: Miss. man denies mailing suspected ricin
US officials now buckle on hyped up claims of toxic mail targeting Obama
With Ricin Case Crumbling, FBI Targets New Man
U.S. Attorney Dismisses Case Against Initial Ricin Suspect
US charges [their newest] suspect in ricin letters case
Mississippi man in ricin case denies sending poison letters to politicians

 -- Aftermath

Chief of FBI’s Boston office, key figure in marathon bombing investigation, stepping down
Boston Bombing - One would guess he no longer wanted to be associated with such an OBVIOUS false-flag anymore.  Let's face it, the Boston Bombing with all those photos of private goons running around with their headsets, black back-packs exactly like those used in the bombings, one of whom was latter filmed without his right after the bombing, along with all the authorities obvious, illegal, attempts to murder the Tsarnaev brothers to shut them up, the dozens of other MAJOR inconsistencies, and the hundreds of lies the authorities were caught committing, probably made the Boston Bombing, one of the most silly, ham-handed, obvious, false-flags ever seen.  It was truly embarrassing. - mpg