On False Dichotomies, Real Dichotomies, & Jewish Control

On False Dichotomies, Real Dichotomies, & Jewish Control

Liberal NPCs Hate Russia, Conservative NPCs Hate China
Must Read - A quote...."The hashtag #ChinaLiedPeopleDied was recently sent trending on Twitter by “new right” pundit Michael Courdrey with the amplification of all the usual Trump bootlickers and their sheep-like followers, further feeding into the anti-China cold war hysteria conservatives have been aggressively pushing with increasingly frenetic urgency lately. Which is hilarious, since these are the same people who’ve spent the last three years making fun of liberals and calling them NPCs for doing the exact same thing with Russia. -- And when I say the exact same thing, I mean literally the exact same thing. The frenzied, shrieking hysteria I’m witnessing right now among Trump’s base regarding China looks and moves in the exact same way the mental zombification of Russia hysteria looked and moved when it began tearing through rank-and-file Democrats in late 2016 and early 2017. The seething, screaming vitriol I get from the MAGA crowd on social media when I talk about this is identical to what I got during that period from Democrats: just as irrational, just as vituperative, and just as emotion-driven."
Amerikans:  "China did it! No wait... Russia did it! No wait.... China did it!  No wait.... Russia did it!  No wait.... China did it! No wait...."  

"China bad! No wait..... Russia bad! No wait.... China bad!  No wait.... Russia bad! No wait.... China Bad!  No wait...."

It's paper, it's plastic!  It's conservative, it's liberal!  It's fascist, it's communist!  It's capitalism, it's socialism!  It's red, it's blue!  It's Repub, it's Demo!

Had enough yet folks?  There's stupid.  Than there's relentlessly, abominably, inexcusably, stupendously, criminally, terminally, STUPID! 

Than there's the Judeo crap-eating, Judeo ass-kissing, completely complicit, utterly amoral, mind-boggling *#@%! AMERIKAN SHEEPLE / GOYUM CATTLE STUPID!!

A brand NEW kind of STUPID! -- Throughout the ENTIRE span of human history, NOTHING has been that STUPID!

No.... wait!  That's too limited. How about all of history? Planetary history? Solar system history? Local star cluster history? Nope...  Not grand enough!

Galactic History!!

That's It!! - No sentient species has been this GALACTICALLY STUPID..... EVER!

One can only hope that Amerikans will stop being stupefied, and warped, by these obvious, commonly used Jewish techniques of mass manipulation.  Techniques the Jews have practiced down throughout the centuries to manage their Goyum slave cattle.

They are called FALSE Dichotomies

Also called....."False Choices", "Left/Right Paradigm","A/B Play-Action", "Controlled Opposition", or "Controlled Debate".  All techniques of Jewish oppression. 
False Choice - (aka  False Dichotomy) - Def. A degenerative bi-polar condition wherein a society has devolved into offering a limited two choice paradigm for its political, economic and societal decisions of its people.  Two parties, two products, two methods, two classes, two philosophies, etc.  It is a definitive sign of a highly, and artificially controlled society, a rigid, moribund and static social/political system, a declining economy, and an infantilized, degenerate, uneducated, overly-credulous, massively propagandized population. -- Usually indicates a growing or fully established system of parasitism and/or totalitarianism. -- Also....the current social/political status of the United States
Left / Right Paradigm - Def.  A specific subset of a False-Choice or False-Dichotomy where a given population is deluded into believing that the two choices offered to them between "leftist" and "rightest" Philosophies or Ideologies have any affect on their daily lives. Generally designed to prevent them from seeing how their power structure or monetary system is actually organized.  Extensively used by Kazarians in their various colonies to blind or distract the given populations from who actually controls their political/media and economic structures.
Controlled Opposition - Def.  Organization used as a front in order to disseminate information useful to an opposed third party, such as a government.  - Commonly used to divide and conquer groups disliked by a government or government agency. Used to direct and mislead opposition to, or investigations into, government misdeeds.
Now there are REAL Dichotomies that actually exist in the world....
  • Man and Woman
  • Married and Unmarried
  • Husband and Wife
  • Family and Stranger
  • Related and Non-Related
  • Right and Wrong
  • Truth and Lies
  • Testimony and Perjury
  • Promise and Deceit
  • Oath and Forsworn
  • Peace and War
  • Fact and Fiction
  • Real and Unreal
  • Reality and Fantasy
  • Mine and Yours
  • Inclusive and Exclusive
  • Insider and Outsider
  • Indigenous and Foreign
  • Same and Different
  • Whole and Shattered
  • Producer and Parasite
  • Those who fabricate fiat-debt-tokens, and those who don't
  • Lender and Debt Slave
  • Usurer and Investor
These dichotomies -- NOT coincidentally -- are exactly the TRUE dichotomies Jews are attempting to destroy by applying their Bolshevik "Relativity" theory to all of society.

Any society or community that's stupid enough, and self-destructive enough, to host them that is.

All in their ceaseless efforts to control their Goyum cattle.  By creating a wasteland of what should be the actual, existing, organic, naturally occurring and evolving, moral, cultural, spiritual, economic, ethnic, and tribal dichotomies, and by replacing them with their own fabricated, more easy to control, false dichotomies

One can only hope the citizens of this country will finally wake-up one day and resist their efforts. So far, they haven't. - mpg