FRONT PAGE - Archive File - 02-08-20 to 04-09-20

David Irving:  The Ultimate [Written] Collection
Documents, Essays, Articles - The ULTIMATE Collection - For The Record - A quote...."Topics covered.... History of World War One and World War Two -- Government Politics of Germany, Nazi Party, Britain, British and the United States, Dresden, Adolf Hitler, Himmler, Rummel, Goering, so-called Holocaust Denial, Jews, Free Speech, Winston Churchill and Goebbels - mpg

Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention
For The Record - ARCHVideo - Alt/OGGVid - (ARCHVar - 1hr36min53sec - July 19th, 2011) -- A quote...."Hitler’s War: What the Historians Neglect to Mention. An English translation of “Hitlers Krieg? Was Guido Knopp Verschweigt” by Alphart Geyer (Germany 2009). -- Hitler's WarThis is a 96 minute long “Made in Germany” underground documentary film. It’s the first documentary ever to unabashedly explain from the German perspective, how World War II really began, and the many efforts that were made by Hitler to avoid it, and to establish a lasting, viable and mutually acceptable peace, but how he was ultimately left with no choice but to invade Poland. It documents many facts that have been deliberately left out of the “official narrative” as presented by the victorious Allies, which we have all been taught since 1945, and which Germans especially have been constantly reminded of since the war ended; with the blame entirely upon Germany’s shoulders. Many of the claims of the Allies that have been widely accepted as fact are refuted here as patently untrue, distorted, or ignored completely. -- The film is largely based upon a book entitled “Der Krieg der viele Väter hatte” (PDF) (English: The War that had Many Fathers) by German author and historian, Gerd Schulze Rhonhof and “Ein unvermeidlicher Krieg? — Der Weg zum 1. September 1939” (An Unavoidable War – The Path to September 1st, 1939). Rhonhof is a former high-ranking, German military officer (Brigadier General in the Panzer Division) who has done, as any honest historian should, his own deep research in the war archives, and has been assisted many other historians. His website contains all of his documentation. His books and assertions, not surprisingly, have not been so well received by many politicians, academia, the Left, and the mainstream media."

Perpetual War For Perpetual Peace
For The Record - Alt - Alt - Alt-PDF - A quote...."A collection of revisionist essays edited by Harry Elmer Barnes dealing with the duplicity of American foreign policy leading up to the Second World War. - Shows how the Roosevelt Administration deliberately manipulated events in Europe and Asia to bring the Us into the war; how Roosevelt was aware of the date, time and place of the Pearl Harbor attack before it happened (and deliberately let it go ahead); and much more. The authors show the deception perpetrated against the American people, who were 80 percent opposed to entering the war."

Jews & The Slave Trade
For The Record - A quote..."Jews were the most common buyers and sellers of slaves, owners of most slave ships - They came with ships carrying African blacks to be sold as slaves. The traffic in slaves was a royal monopoly, and the Jews were often appointed as agents for the Crown in their sale. They were the largest ship chandlers in the entire Caribbean region, where the shipping business was mainly a Jewish enterprise. The ships were not only owned by Jews, but were manned by Jewish crews and sailed under the command of Jewish captains." - bold by website editor

The Fred Leuchter Report
ARCHVideo - Alt/Mp4Vid - Alt/OGGVid - (ARCHVar - 39min12sec - Feb 26th, 2018) -- One commentator stated.... "Concerning the Leuchter report, it was a pioneering work by a technically proficient person, but it had several flaws. This was however revised by a chemist, Germar Rudolf. he corrected Leuchter on some issues, but confirmed him in the essence of his findings: There is no traces or archaeological evidence indicating homicidal usage of the morgues, which Allied were declared homicidal gas chambers by war time propagandists and in post war witness statements. In fact there is good indication that the highly motivate witnesses were lying or in error at best." - Another commentator's (skeetsketcher's) - relevant show notes and links posted below.....
"President Reagan said that during the war he was in Europe and saw one of the "Extermination Camps". He lied. Actually, he "served" at Camp Roach in Hollywood."
"If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value," he [Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh] explained. "There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life." --- *Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky*  "Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel" (Pluto Press, 1999)

"Jews totally run Hollywood.... But I don't care if Americans think we're running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street, or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them." -- *Joel Stein* [click for link]

"I don't believe in western morality, i.e. don't kill civilians or children.... The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women, and children (and cattle.)" -- *Rabbi Manis Friedman* - [click for link] - [click for link]

"[E]verything that happens in the world is for the benefit of the Jewish People.... G-D ... created the world for the sake of the Jewish People, and it is our responsibility to implement the Torah---absolute morality and the blueprint of creation---in it." -- *www.IsraelNational* - [click for link]

"Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world---only to serve the People of Israel.... They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat." -- *Rabbi Ovadia Yosef* - [click for link]

After twenty-four years, Mr. Porter disclosed the fact that his cryptographic staff in the [American] Embassy at Beirut [in 1967] had intercepted and decoded communications between the commander of the Israeli air squadron and the Israeli High Command, which proved that the latter knew that the Liberty was an unarmed American naval vessel, and, over the aviator's misgivings, ordered that the American ship be attacked and sunk.: [click for link]
The Jewish strategy of dominance and power is seldom one of open conquest by force of arms. Instead, it is the strategy of biological parasites, which make their way into a society built by another people, often in disguise. Once ensconced inside the gates, they begin to secretly and then openly work in concert against the host society: they undermine its solidarity, corrupt its institutions, and spread memes of anarchy, chaos, and a concocted morality the central tenets of which are the "evil" of protecting or preserving the host population, and the "moral imperative" to protect the parasites, which are newly and increasingly defined as possessing a kind of "divinity." [click for link]

"[T]he broad masses of a nation ... more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since ... they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.... From time immemorial, ... the Jews have known better than any others how falsehood and calumny can be exploited." -- *Adolf Hitler* (Mein Kampf; volume 1, chapter 10; Murphy translation)
1988 - Eric Thomson - Analyzing the Holocaust (EN, 33m 13s, 320x240)
ARCHVideo - Alt/OGGVid - (ARCHVar - 33min13sec - June 28th, 2010) -- On words and their TRUE definitions, and how they're deliberately, constantly, misused, perverted, and twisted by one particular group of people down through the ages. - mpg 

The Anne Frank Diary Hoax Exposed by Ernst Zundel, Dietlieb Felderer & Eric Thomson
Contains BitChute Video - (RngTrbBtCht - 1hr5min30sec -  November 21, 2018) - Also see the complete collection  Ernst Zündel Archive (expanded March 10th, 2020) Item #270) -- One commentator stated....."Shows that with the control of the press and book printing business one also controls peoples’ mythologies, politics attitudes and actions, even self-destructive ones. - Some sort of control of the press is a matter of life and death of any natural community, failure to exercise it, firmly establishes the state within the state as we are witnessing it now." -- *Parseval*

Anne Frank's Diary A Hoax
A Criminal Fabrication - (also in PDF) -- A quote....""It is with mixed feelings that we present here the first real expose ever undertaken on The Diary of Anne Frank. From having been positive to the diary our standpoint gradually changed to the negative until we finally had to dismiss the whole thing as a forgery. This study gives our reasons for believing so." - For more on this issue, see links posted below.....
Carlo Mattogno - The Bunkers of Auschwitz - Black Propaganda versus History
Black Propaganda - (also in PDF) -- A quote..."Carlo Mattogno - The Bunkers of Auschwitz - Black Propaganda versus History - In the 1970's, the stories passed down about the WW-2 German prison camps were welded together into a narrative we now call "the Holocaust" - meaning "the burnt offering." Through telling and re-telling, the Holocaust has grown to a multi-million dollar industry, and has changed to mean something particular to Jewish history. It has been used to found a nation (Israel), and to justify many exceptions to morality."

Mommy, Where Does Money Come From?
JTVideo - A Blast From The Past - Posted April 16th, 2019 - (JTYuTb - 24min11sec - 03/28/19) - Source:  John Titus's Best Evidence & John Titus's Mafiacracy Now -- A quote...."In this episode of Mafiacracy Now we see in irrefutably cold detail how the criminal banking cartel maintains not only control of, but sovereign status within, the U.S. - Everything else is piss, dodge, sham and weave. - The book of Leviticus will end up looking like a fantasy vacation before these inbred psychopaths are finished with our husks. - The launchpad for this springtime message of hope is a scientific paper in the field of… gasp… economics! No. Seriously. Not some stealth advocacy team slinging equations from tensor calculus and diff-EQ like the coked-out snake oil salesmen who define that sad “profession.” But a real paper about an actual experiment. Behold...."

Fed Chair Powell Tells Whoppers This Morning on the Brookings Institution Webcast
A quote...."The Fed’s advance men were all over the media today attempting to transform a sow’s ear into a silk purse (or, as they say on Wall Street, put lipstick on a pig). The Fed surprised the market today with the stunning announcement that it was going to start buying up junk bonds from the markets after they had been cratering for most of the month of March. That was the pig. The lipstick it applied was worded like this: “The Federal Reserve on Thursday took additional actions to provide up to $2.3 trillion in loans to support the economy. This funding will assist households and employers of all sizes and bolster the ability of state and local governments to deliver critical services during the coronavirus pandemic.”"

The New York Fed, Owned by Multinational Banks, Is Nationalizing Capital Markets
A quote...."For the first time in the history of the Federal Reserve, it has signed on to a plan with Congress to nationalize the unmanageable debts of global banks and other multinational corporations and put the U.S. taxpayer on the hook for the losses. Conducting the bulk of these programs will be the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, known as the New York Fed, which is a private institution owned by (wait for it) multinational banks. - Because the New York Fed is owned by multinational banks and is allowed to create trillions of dollars out of thin air to conduct bailouts of global banks and multinational corporations since it created this precedent in 2008, it is effectively functioning as a multinational central bank with the Federal Reserve in Washington, D.C. and Fed Chairman Jerome Powell little more than titular props for what’s really going on."

TDS578: The Gaslight Zone
TDSAudio - (Contains non-PC terms and concepts.  Also adult language and themes) -- Alt/Mp3 - Alt/ZnCst - (TDSVar - 2hrs51min28sec - April 8th, 2020) - Source:  TDS - RSSFeed - BakUpRSSFeed -- A quote...."The Death Panel are feeling ghoulish."
The Project for a New American Century and the Age of Bioweapons: 20 Years of Psychological Terror -- 41]  9/11 Deux - Some People Have Noticed - A quote...."A little over 20 years ago, North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) conducted a military exercise that involved a “hypothetical scenario” of hijacked planes flying into both the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. - One year later, on October 24-26, 2000, another “hypothetical” military exercise was played out featuring an airline crashing into the Pentagon killing 341 people followed by yet another May 2001 Department of Defense “hypothetical scenario” which saw hundreds of medical personnel training for a “guided missile in the form of a hijacked 757 airliner” crashing into the Pentagon. - What arose from the smoke and debris of September 11, 2001 was unlike anything the sleeping masses or international community expected. - The shock effect so traumatized the masses that quite suddenly, citizens found themselves willing to give up their liberties at home while acquiescing to any retaliatory action desired by their government abroad. The scale of horror was so great that the international community banded together and showed their love and solidarity towards America in the wake of the tragedy with candlelight vigils across Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Russia and South America. Humanity’s natural tendency to embrace and aid our fellow man in times of crisis expressed itself like a bright light in a world of confused darkness and a hope for a durable peace awoke in the hearts of many. - Alas, as the world came soon to discover, that hope was short lived." - Source:  StratCultFndtn

Did The Plot Just Thicken?
41]  Maybe.... But It's Also Becoming Clearer - A quote...."I'm usually amazed at the ability of the regular readers of this site to ferret out important details, especially when those details go missing from the "narrative" being pushed by the propatainment business, a.k.a. the "mainstream 'media'". Today is an especial case in point, for L.G.L.R. found this article, and it's a whopper doozie. -- To set the stage a bit, at the end of January of this year, you might recall I did a News and Views from the Nefarium, outlining my problems with the emerging narrative of the corona virus. I found it highly suspicious then, and still do, that Dr. Charles Lieber of Harvard University's chemistry department had been arrested by federal authorities for allegedly not disclosing his relationship to the Chinese bio-laboratory in Wuhan China, with which he was associated. As it turned out, Dr. Lieber was supposedly involved in nanotechnology development, a curious pursuit given the association of the Wuhan facility with respiratory diseases like corona virus." -- Topix ||  Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak - New Weblist!!  ||

Covid-19: Made and Patented in USA, Leaked in China
41]  Made In The JSA - A quote...."COVID-19 is not a natural coronavirus, but a man-made one. This is a biological weapon developed by the USA. It is believed that the Americans even patented Covid-19, like they patented Ebola. Was it used deliberately or incidentally? How many modifications does Covid-19 have? Why does the virus behave differently in different regions?"

International Finance's Anti-China Crusade
41]  The "Blame China" Tribe - A quote...."There is a strong anti-China current being promoted in right-wing circles and some neo-liberal ones in light of the coronavirus epidemic. - These forces are seeking to redirect real criticisms of globalization - deindustrialization, stolen intellectual property, and trade deficits - and utilize them for support for regime change operations and possibly even war against China for the financial self-interest of a few American oligarchs. It's similar to how anti-immigration sentiment was swerved into concerns about Islam's illiberalism in hopes of advancing Israeli interests in Europe and promoting neo-conservative wars in America." - also posted at RussiaInsider

U.S. Will Cover-Up Its Own Coronavirus Death Toll
41]  Trump's Upcoming Cover-Up & "Blame China" Campaign - A quote...."The Trump administration has used the novel coronavirus pandemic to malign its perceived enemies. Now as the U.S. itself is at the center of the pandemic the accusations and lies come back to bite. - On March 21 the Daily Beast reported of an upcoming propaganda campaign the White House was launching against China...."
"As the number of coronavirus cases continues to grow at a rapid pace in the U.S., the White House is launching a communications plan across multiple federal agencies that focuses on accusing Beijing of orchestrating a “cover-up” and creating a global pandemic, according to two U.S. officials and a government cable obtained by The Daily Beast."

"The cable, sent to State Department officials Friday, lays out in detail the circumstances on the ground in China, including data on coronavirus cases and deaths, the local business environment and transportation restrictions. But it also issues guidelines for how U.S. officials should answer questions on, or speak about, the coronavirus and the White House’s response in relation to China."

"The talking points appear to have originated in the National Security Council. One section of the cable reads “NSC Top Lines: [People’s Republic of China] Propaganda and Disinformation on the Wuhan Virus Pandemic.”
"Soon the mainstream media started to spread the new talking points. A Google News search for the search term "China Cover-up" now finds 449.000 results."

If Lockdown Is a Needless Over-Reaction, Then Why Did China Lockdown Half its Economy? -- 41]  Simple Questions, Simply Asked - A quote...." Everyone who reckons that the lockdown is needless and more destructive than the pandemic that triggered it has to answer this question: then why did China lockdown half its economy? -- The reasoning of those who reckon the lockdown is needless can be summarized as follows...."
  1. The lockdown is based on poorly executed extrapolations of faulty data; the death rate is much lower than expected, and most cases are mild or asymptomatic.
  2. Therefore, the lockdown is doing far more economic damage than simply letting the pandemic run its course.
  3. Alternatively, the pandemic and the lockdown are planned operations of elites, the goal being to further consolidate New World Order control in the hands of a few.
"All of these rationales stumble on the question of why China locked down half its economy. It is a real stretch to claim that the Deep State et al. control China, therefore it's unlikely China's decision to lock down half its economy as the pandemic ravaged Wuhan was a U.S. Deep State operation."

Interview 1533 – John Titus Exposes the Fed’s Coronavirus Lies
41]  CRAudio - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/Mp4 - Alt/BitChute - Alt/Lbry - Alt/Minds - Alt/YuTb -- (CRVar - 30min21sec - April 7th, 2020) - Source Websites:  CR@YuTb - CR@BitChute - CR@DTube - CR @ Minds - CorbettRpt - Corbett @ Patreon -- A quote...."John Titus of Best Evidence joins us to discuss Season 2 of his “Mafiacracy Now” video series, an exploration of the crimes of the banksters and their multi-trillion dollar heist that is being perpetrated during the current crisis. Today we talk about the Fed’s lies about the coronavirus and what horrifying truths about the collapsing economy are hidden behind them." -- Topix  ||  Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle - The (((Fed))) & The Thirty Trillion  || - Show notes.....
NWO, Globalism and US “Leadership” – RIP
A quote...."It has been pretty obvious for many years already that the AngloZionist Empire was not viable, that it had to tank sooner or later. There were two main scenarios which were typically considered for this collapse: an external crisis (typically a major military defeat) or an internal one (economic collapse). Personally, I always favored the first scenario (specifically, as described here). I even had a “favorite” location for such a catastrophic military defeat (for the US): Iran and the Middle-East. Irrespective of the scenario one preferred, this was obvious...."
"The same is true of the US political system, by the way. -- There was one huge problem, however. The quality and sheer size of the AngloZionist propaganda machine was very successful in keeping most of the people in the West in total ignorance of these realities. The faster the Empire was collapsing, the more Obama or Trump peppered their patriotic flag-waving ceremonies (aka “press conferences”) with references to an “indispensable nation” providing “vital leadership” thanks to its “the best economy in history”, the “best military in history” and even “unbelievable CEOs”, “incredible politicians” and even “incredible conversations”. The message was simple: we are the best, better than all the rest and we are invincible. -- Then COVID19 happened." - Source:  UNZReview

Faurisson In Vichy / How I Became A Revisionist
ARCHVideo - Alt/OGGVid - (ARCHVar - 27min32sec - April 3rd, 2019) -- Source:  CODOH @ Archive & CODOH's Homepage - Also see the complete collection  Ernst Zündel Archive (expanded March 10th, 2020) --  A quote...."Ernst Zundel went to France to meet with Prof. Robert Faurisson, the world's foremost revisionist scholar. At his home in Vichy, France, Prof. Faurisson talks about how he became a Revisionist what that means."

The Ugly American
41]  Plain.... Simple.... Analysis....  A quote...."I will start out by noting that I have been a critic of liberalism and global free-market capitalism for the past twenty years. So there is nothing about this particular crisis that comes as a surprise to me. It has exposed many of the flaws that I have been concerned about for years. -- As with deadly tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other sorts of predictable natural disasters, pandemics have always been one of the most serious threats to the human race throughout history. The Spanish Flu killed more Americans than all the wars of the 20th century combined. We were overdue for a major pandemic. It was inevitable that a major pandemic would collide with our globalized economy with its just-in-time manufacturing system and supply chains stretched all across the world and with our bloated and highly leveraged financial sector. It was inevitable that a major pandemic would collide with the unsustainable gig economy and our ridiculous and unaffordable health care system too. As I pointed out in the last article, the Trump administration literally ran a simulation that predicted it would happen last year and that 586,000 Americans would die in a pandemic." -- Topix ||  Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak - New Weblist!!  ||

Death of Dr Frank Plummer and the Bio-Weapon Corona Virus
41]  Made In The JSA! - A Litany Of Weaponized Viruses - A quote...."I refer you back to a recent piece I wrote concerning Corona being linked to other US manufactured Bio-Weapons such as SARS, MERS, Ebola, HIV-AIDS, Lyme. And that’s apart from the development of LSD, Crack Cocaine etc. And apart from the S40 contaminated Sabine Vaccine after the Salk Vaccine etc. - The initial development of all these weapons occurred in US labs as Fort Detrick -- [Exactly where COVID-19 appears to have come from!! - What a coinsidink!! - mpg] -- From there they went to government labs in Harvard University, Johns Hopkins, Big Pharma Usual Suspects, and various labs in Canada. The Rockefellers originally funded Canada, together with hidden government funds from Canada, the US, and the UK. France and the Netherlands were also connected."

Czech Geneticist:  New Coronavirus Has Signs of Being Man-Made
41]  Made In The JSA! - A quote...."PRAGUE – The well-known Czech molecular geneticist and virologist Sonia Pekova says that one cannot exclude the possibility that the coronavirus that caused the global pandemic was created artificially. - “I believe that this cannot be ruled out. It behaves very unusual. There are a finite number of viruses that infect humans in the world. We can usually guess by the symptoms of the disease which virus causes it. Of course, not 100%, but we can say: if the symptoms look like this, then this is most likely some kind of flu virus, when diarrhea is another type of virus, when a rash is one where we are looking for herpes viruses."

Episode 060 – A Bioterror False Flag
41]  CRAudio - A Blast From The Past - Posted Oct 18th, 2008 - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/Mp4 - Alt/BitChute - Alt/Lbry - Alt/Minds - Alt/YuTb -- (CRVar - 1hr10min24sec - 10/18/2008) - Source Websites:  CR@YuTb - CR@BitChute - CR@DTube - CR @ Minds - CorbettRpt - Corbett @ Patreon -- A quote...."Description: Anthrax, bird flu and even the deadly 1918 Spanish flu are being toyed around with in secret government biological weapons programs. How safe do you feel?"

The Corona Carnival
41]  The New 9/11 - BNVideo - Alt/Mp4 - (BNMp4Chnl - aprox 7min - Jan 28th, 2020) - BN's/Video ChannelBN's/Real Jew News - Brother Nathanael - BthrNthan's/AltVid - BthrNthan's/Fndtn -- A quote...."There’s a sucker born every minute, said PT Barnum, the circus giant. - Whether we’re all a bunch of suckers or simply can’t see the forest for the trees is the real question. - We’ve got “corona” coming out of ears yet we’d never know it if we’d just step outside. - And wouldn’t you know it? - The leading face to shepherd us out of our “corona woes” is a Jewish Wall Street banker. [Clip] - [”Secretary Mnuchin is meeting with senators on additional stimulus packages, I can tell you his meeting with them late until the night last night and for a big part of the day yesterday that tremendous things are happening.”] - Tremendous!"
FYI:  Just keep in mind as you watch this video, the virus is real, just as those planes were real on 9/11.  A lot of people are going to die.  It constantly bemuses this website editor as to why people honestly feel the Jews, and their minions in government, aren't perfectly willing to murder a few hundred thousand Goyum to get what they want.  They've already demonstrated they're willing to murder tens of millions if necessary, and they've already succeeded in doing so! - mpg- See related links posted below....
The War on the World – ITEL PT – 4.2.20
41]  Bill Kills - A quote...."What is becoming abundantly obvious is that some group, a mother of all terrorists groups, the cabal that has spoken in veiled nuance and direct quotes about their desire to establish a One World Order, is the most probable perpetrator of this crime. -- We had warning signs: depopulation ghoul, a geek enamored with the idea of buying mad scientists who could re-order the world at the genetic level for the sole purpose of population control, namely, Bill Gates, has been speaking about his interest in seeing a “corona virus” to rise up and destroy half of humanity. -- To accomplish his dreams, he has funded research that has resulted in a patent based on the corona virus, funded modeling companies that skew reality to such a perverse degree with the apparent end game of creating sound bites for the Jewish media to run with."

The Lies The U.S. is Using To Blame Covid-19 On China
41]  More 9/11-JSA Projection, Displacement, & Transference - A quote...."The Washington imperialists and the corporate media are manipulating the narrative around Covid-19 in the same ways that they’ve controlled discourse around the comparably dramatic crisis of 9/11. Just like how the Bush White House immediately concluded (based upon still dubious evidence) that Osama Bin Laden was the one who had directed the attacks in order to justify starting the war in Afghanistan, and like how the Bush team campaigned to associate Saddam Hussein with 9/11 to justify invading Iraq, Covid-19 is being weaponized as a war propaganda tool. And now the designated enemies are China, Iran, Russia, and the other countries which threaten U.S. hegemony. -- As was also the case after 9/11, the imperialist narrative managers are using McCarthyism, censorship, and intensive demonization of the designated enemies to hide the growing amount of evidence that the U.S. is connected to the crisis." - bold by website editor - Source:  Medium

Can The United States Decline Peacefully? - No - mpg
41]  A quote...."Professor Atta-ur-Rahman from Pakistan recently in an interview argued that this coronavirus pandemic may have originated as a US bioweapon. He’s not just any doctor, but he’s the chairman of (Pakistani Prime Minister) Imran Khan’s National Task Force on Science and Technology. And Pakistan’s former UN Ambassador Abdullah Hussain Haroon said the same thing. -- This is very interesting. The US, of course, has been very close to Pakistan in the past. And today Pakistan is trying to balance between the US and China. Hearing this kind of statement from high level people in Pakistan is a wakeup call that the world needs to take this seriously. -- I think that the context is such that anybody who’s seriously paying attention to contemporary history has to admit that from the circumstantial evidence alone, it seems very likely that we should see this as a deliberate US biological attack on China, and perhaps on Iran or perhaps the Israelis did that." - Source:  PressTV
FYI:   The title's question of course is badly stated.  It should be rephrased as follows.... Will the Jews, as they use up the last juicy bits of their Golem colony, simply abandon it, and their absolute hatred for the Goyum slaves they've managed the last hundred years behind them, and not destroy their Golem in one final act of mass bloodletting against their enemies?? -- The answer of course again is.... No - mpg
A quote...."The greatest mass fear in the US is not Islamophobia. It’s not homophobia. It’s not even xenophobia. It’s Semitophobia. Fear of the Jewish Power Cabal. No other group comes close at provoking as much fear in almost the entirety of the population as Jews. Even the slightest suggestion that anyone is saying anything mildly questionable about Jews causes cold sweats, shortness of breath, hair to stand on end, muscles to clench, and all the other physical reactions that reveals the triggering of a psycho-social taboo. It’s actually a suppressed terror that amounts to a kind of paralysis." - bold by website editor

David Cole In Auschwitz ( Full Documentary)
ARCHVideo - Alt/Mp4Vid - Alt/OGGVid - (ARCHVar - 59min45sec - ) -- A quote...."David Cole is a Jewish researcher and filmmaker who specialised into World War II reasearch, particularly into the controversial claims about homocidal gas chambers. He came to the defense of Ernst Zündel when Zündel needed defending. Subsequently, Zündel and Cole made a film in Auschwitz, with David Cole pointing out all the things wrong with that theme park of hate against Germans. - Cole went into hiding after he was hounded by the self-styled Jewish Defense League, eventually terrorised into a half-hearted and unconvincing recantation in 1998. He came out of hiding in 2013 revealing that he has been using the name David Stein since 1998 and admitting that his 1998 recantation was fake telling the Guardian "I haven't changed my views. But I regret I didn't have the facility with language that I have now. I was just a kid."" - Topix  ||  The Holohoax  ||

Ernst Zündel Archive (expanded March 10th, 2020)
EZAudios & Videos - The FULL Collection! - (EZVar media & formats - Total 30hrs+ - Multi-Dates) - Source:  Archive - A quote...."It seems to me that one can readily be sympathetic toward what the average German soldier wen through - especially toward the end of the war...... To be EMPATHETIC, requires more knowledge of what they went through. Since none of us have gone through what they have, none of us can be truly empathetic, despite the most benevolent of intentions. - I think that understanding also requires us to have experienced of what it is we declare we have "understanding." I think that we can have understanding only up to an extent. - The rest of what happened to these good and decent people will forever be unknown to us, and as such, we cannot fully fathom the horrors of war, especially toward the end of it. WW2 was undoubtedly collectively, the worst thing that ever happened to humans on this earth. - That doesn't mean that we can't be outraged, angry, ashamed, etc. We can. I guess the point of this comment is to say that whatever you think the war was, it was that much worse and that none of us can imagine what went through the heads of those who experienced it first. - Unfortunately, I thin the world hasn't yet learned and that the next global conflagration will be even worse that that which we cannot even fathom."

David Irving '' Holocaust''
ARCHVideo - Alt/Mp4Vid - Alt/OGGVid - (ARCHVar - 42min09sec - Sept 23rd, 2019) -- A quote...."Famous historian Mr. David Irving discusses the 'holocaust' and the myths and facts surrounding it. This talk was probably filmed in around 1990. - *Please download and re-upload to your own website as internet censorship is increasing at a terrifying rate* - Topix  ||  The Holohoax  ||

David Irving - The Faking of Adolf Hitler for History
ARCHVideo - Alt/OGGVid - (ARCHVar - 1hr7min38sec - Nov 5th, 2011) -- A quote...."It is now TRULY apparent., that *the wonderfully un-biased "bastions of freedom" at YouTube are REALLY doing their very best to make my channel virtually "invisible".* This has been done by means of restricting / limiting so many of my 87 videos by pre-empting their viewing with first making the following announcement to the viewer (though they are still available by searching my channel's video lists). *"The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences."* Along with NOT allowing "comments" & "likes", and even to the point of hiding the video's "view counts"." - Topix  ||  The Holohoax  ||

The Holocaust Lie - by David Irving: Historical Fact vs. Fiction
ARCHVideo - Alt/OGGVid - (ARCHVar - aprox 1.5 hrs - December 17, 2011) -- A quote...."The Holocaust Lie - by David Irving: Historical Fact vs. Fiction - In the 1970's, the stories passed down about the WW-2 German prison camps were welded together into a narrative we now call "the Holocaust" - meaning "the burnt offering." Through telling and re-telling, the Holocaust has grown to a multi-million dollar industry, and has changed to mean something particular to Jewish history. It has been used to found a nation (Israel), and to justify many exceptions to morality. - Investigations of physical evidence and original documentation, however, have cast doubts on the Holocaust narrative that has been formed. For example, areas claimed to be mass graves, have been found with modern investigative technology to contain no human remains. Testimonies of accused perpetrators show evidence of outright fabrication, or were obtained through torture. Many of the supposed eyewitnesses have provided stories riddled by inconsistencies, describe physically impossible events, or were even total frauds who were never actually in the camps. - If the Holocaust narrative is false, the ramifications are far reaching. Ethnic Germans have been slandered for decades on the basis of the Holocaust. Terrorism used in the founding of Israel was justified through it. It was even used to justify the slaughter, rape, and murder of millions of ethnic Germans after World War 2." - Topix  ||  The Holohoax  || -- FYI:  Irving's figures regarding total Jewish deaths is probebly way off according to most other measurements.  But it gives a good overall picture of what really happened during WWII - mpg

The Staggering Cost of [the Jews Occupation of Palestine] to Americans:  The Facts
YOU Pay, THEY Play!! - Had Enough Yet?? - A quote...."The U.S. gives [jews in occupied Palestine] over $10 million per day of Americans’ tax money, approximately $7,000 per minute. On average, the US has given [to jews in occupied Palestine] over 7,000 times more than to other people around the world. And on top of this, the US gives Egypt and Jordan large aid packages on behalf of [the jews in occupied Palestine]. And there is more… This is largely due to the powerful and pervasive [jewish] lobby, and continues even though most Americans feel we give too much aid to [their illegal enclave], and despite the fact that [their enclave] is not an ally, has spied on the U.S, stolen American technology, tried to sink a U.S. Navy ship and has a long record of human rights violations."

Virginia Goes Zionist - Jewish Power Manifest in the Old Dominion
Jew Central - A quote...."Politicians, bureaucrats and media talking heads have long turned a blind eye to legislation and policies that benefit the [jews in occupied Palestine] to the detriments of United States’ interests. The U.S. Treasury is plausibly describable as a gift that never stops giving to the people and governments of Jewish [enclave in occupied Palestine] Since the foundation of [their enclave] in 1948, the federal government in Washington has provided some $142.3 billion in direct aid of various kinds. Currently, [the jews' illegal enclave] receives $3.8 billion per annum guaranteed for ten years, a sum that is supplemented by various giveaways, tax concessions and co-production arrangements from the government. Private “charitable” donations from individuals, businesses and foundations, some of which are fraudulent, considerably augment those numbers, making the total that [the jewish enclave] receives annually from the United States well in excess of $10 billion. A considerable proportion of that money is technically illegal, as it goes in support of the [illegal jewish squatter communities] on Arab land. No other [entity] has received anything even approaching what [the jews occupying Palestine] gets from the American taxpayer in one form or another and the one-way flow of money is also remarkable in that it has been guaranteed well into the future." - bold/underline by website editor - also posted at SouthFront

The Dark Secrets in the (((Fed’s))) Last Wall Street Bailout Are Getting a Devious Makeover in Today’s Bailout -- A quote...."From December 2007 to November 10, 2011, the Federal Reserve, secretly and without the awareness of Congress, funneled $19.6 trillion in cumulative loans to bail out the trading houses on Wall Street. Just 14 global financial institutions received 83.9 percent of those loans or $16.41 trillion. (See chart above.) A number of those banks were insolvent at the time and did not, under the law, qualify for these Fed loans. Significant amounts of these loans were collateralized with junk bonds and stocks, at a time when both markets were in freefall. Under the law, the Fed is only allowed to make loans against “good” collateral. -- Six of the institutions receiving massive loans from the Fed were not even U.S. banks but global foreign banks that had to be saved because they were heavily interconnected to the Wall Street banks through unregulated derivatives. If one financial institution in this daisy chain of derivatives failed, it would set off a domino effect." - parentheses added by website editor

Wall Street Had Cut 68,000 Jobs and Received Trillions in Emergency Loans Prior to COVID-19 Anywhere in the World -- A quote...."On March 26 Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell went on the Today show to deliver one message: “There is nothing fundamentally wrong with our economy.” Recently U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has appeared on the White House lawn to tell reporters that this is nothing like the last financial crisis. Fed regional bank presidents have appeared on cable news asserting that the Wall Street banks have plenty of capital and today’s economic distress is caused solely by the coronavirus. Even New York Times columnist and perpetual Wall Street cheerleader, Paul Krugman, was on CNBC this week reassuring viewers that today’s problem was not like the last financial crisis. - And yet – the facts keep getting in the way of this “official” narrative."

Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne Self Isolating in County Jail
41]  TNAudio - (TNSndCld - 1hr46min06sec - Mar 30th, 2020) -- Source:  TruNews - TN Podcasts - TN Videos -- A quote...."Today on TruNews we address the decision by a Florida sheriff to arrest Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne for refusing to close his church and protect congregants and his city from the spread of coronavirus. We also discuss the sobering conclusions by Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci, that at least 200,000 Americans will die in the coming months if the already mistake-ridden, and delayed, response by the Trump Administration is executed “perfect.” Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Doc Burkhart. Airdate: 03/30/20."

Australia Traces 80% Of Coronavirus Cases Back To The US & The Fed Merging With The Treasury -- 41]  TLAVideo - Alt @ TLAVYuTb - (TLAVVar - 1hrs4min37sec - Mar 26th, 2020) - Source:  The Last American Vagabond @ BitChute - TLAV @ YuTb - TLAV @ Patreon - T:LAV @ Minds - TLAV @ Steemit - TLAV @ RealVid - TLAV @ Yours - TLAV @ DTube - TLAV @ DLive - TLAV @ Diaspora - TLAV @ HnstCsh -- One commentator stated..... "Coronavirus a Plandemic, a wet dream come true for The Rothchild zionist banksters and their corporations! Get ready for Superinflation and permanent Debt Slavery for generations to come(you know like Bangladesh)" -- *Muhammed Rahman* -- Topix ||  Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak - New Weblist!!  ||

Italy Must Never Forget...or Forgive
41]  Never Forget, Never Forgive - A quote...."Another 832 people died from coronavirus in Italy today. The country's fatalities have passed 10,000. Some believe this number is a massive undercount and the number of deaths could be as high as 50,000. - But an equally important story is how the liberal powers, particularly the European Union and NATO, have reacted to Italy's desperate cries for help. - Israel, a dangerous rogue nation Italian conservatives have been trying to sell as an "alliance" worth deepening, has mobilized to provide emergency support to the devastated city of Milan. The catch? The "solidarity" is only for Jews. - As for NATO ally Turkey, the country's firms have announced that they have the ability to produce 50 million face masks in a week, which are in chronic short supply in Italy's hardest hit regions. Yet, in what can only be described as an act of subhumanity, the Turkish government went out of its way to maliciously confiscate 200,000 masks purchased by Italy in early March, with no refund."

Here We Go Again: 9/11, Coronavirus and Another 'New Pearl Harbor'
41]  Yes.... All Over Again -- A quote...."Acting true to form as the US military-intelligence community propaganda agent it is, the Washington Post recently published an opinion piece asserting, “America Needs To Be on a War Footing.” In it, Danielle Allen asserts, “The appropriate analogy for this moment is Pearl Harbor… The country needs to transform to a war footing.” - With this invocation of Pearl Harbor, a representative of America’s warlords makes clear their objective to continue the assault on civil society initiated with the gross misrepresentations accompanying the events of Sept. 11, 2001."

[As With Bill Gates] George Soros [Has Invested in] the Chinese Company in Wuhan Where Corona Broke Out -- 41]  It's A'Nudder Coinsidink! - A quote...."There's some debate about how much of WuXi PharmaTec Soros actually owns, but the usual suspects are claiming this is a Russian device to spread fear. -- Go to this link and see the hundreds of companies owned/invested in by Soros and sure enough, WuXi PharmaTech Inc. is listed. -- So you decide for yourself. -- Guess illegal drugs, alcohol and Oxycontin wasn't killing the Goyim fast enough."

COVID-19 Pandemic Was Described in 2005 CIA Report About The World in 2025
41]  Ditto! -- A quote...."They predicted "the emergence of a new, highly contagious, virulent human respiratory disease for which there is no adequate treatment and which could cause a global pandemic." -- FYI:  It's sort of interesting that the JSA has been working on weaponizing..... 'scuse this website editor, has been working on developing "defenses" with these exact same viruses for the last twenty years.  Funny that. - mpg

[Jew, Ethnic European Hating, Billionaire Oligarch] Bill Gates Will Use Microchip Implants To Fight Coronavirus -- 41]  It Just Doesn't Stop.... Does It?? - (Oh don't worry, there's gonna be more, MUCH MORE! - BTW:  How much you wanna bet that Jews will be exempted from this procedure because of their -- giggle, snicker, laugh-out-loud -- "religious beliefs"?? - mpg) -- A quote...."Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates will launch human-implantable capsules that have ‘digital certificates’ which can show who has been tested for the coronavirus and who has been vaccinated against it."

On Jews and Plagues:  Adventures in Jewish Historiography
Parasites Breed Disease - (By acting as vectors, by weakening the host, and by taking advantage of the host's weakness when disease does occur.  Such activities are summed up by the phrase.... "Never let a good [arranged] crisis go to waste" - mpg) -- A quote...."Both inspired and disgusted by this mixture of contemporary disease and paranoia, I thought I’d revisit some historiographical material I prepared several years ago that concerns the same themes. The following essay concerns the putative allegation that Jews caused the Black Death, Jewish apologetic narratives in historiography, and the broader role of myth in Jewish self-understanding. -- ccusations of Accusations. -- Anyone confronting mainstream Jewish historiography for the first time is overwhelmed by the victim paradigm inherent in most scholarship, a key part of which is the idea that Jews have been irrationally scapegoated countless times over many centuries. I’ve previously described the victim paradigm...."

Whither Coronavirus? When Will It End and What Will Happen Along the Way
41]  Trump Lied, They Died, For A Stock Market High - A quote...."The third big issue is the apparently deliberate failure of the Trump Administration to respond proactively to limit the spread of the virus. Seeking to protect the stock market more than the American public, President Donald Trump initially downplayed the impact of the virus, even calling it a “hoax” during January and February when it first appeared on U.S. soil. " - bold by website editor

Mark of the Beast: Gates Wants Coronavirus Patients Implanted with Quantum-Dot Tattoos -- 41]  TNAudio - Bill Gates Wants To Tattoo You! - Spooky, Horrific, Discussion! - (TNSndCld - 1hr36min15sec - Mar 27th, 2020) -- Source:  TruNews - TN Podcasts - TN Videos -- A quote...."Today on TruNews we detail the coronavirus solution being put forward by billionaire eugenist Bill Gates, to fund the deployment of implanted microchips and vaccines with digital capsules inside every American to track the tested and infected. We also address the threat of blood tests and transfusions, as the Red Cross admits donors are not being tested. Lastly, we react to the shocking announcement by President Trump that up to 1 million reservists are being called up to active military duty for up to 2 years. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Doc Burkhart. Airdate: 03/27/20."

Episode 374 – The Greatest Depression
41]  CRAudio - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/Mp4 - Alt/BitChute - Alt/Lbry - Alt/Minds - Alt/YuTb -- (CRVar - 53min55sec - Mar 28th, 2020) - Source Websites:  CR@YuTb - CR@BitChute - CR@DTube - CR @ Minds - CorbettRpt - Corbett @ Patreon -- A quote...."The Age of Terror was inaugurated with a series of controlled demolitions in New York City on September 11, 2001. Now the world is being led into the Age of Biological Terror with a controlled demolition of the economy that is already causing unprecedented carnage across markets and around the globe. As the dust settles on this demolition, an entirely new economy is ready to be erected in its place: one in which no citizen will be out of the sight of the all-seeing government. This week on The Corbett Report we examine the details of this collapse and why the bankster class is seeking to destroy the financial Ponzi scheme that they themselves created."

Dr Duke & Mark Collett of UK – How the Deep Swamp is Stupidly Driving the Coronavirus Epidemic – & How to Protect You & Your Family! -- 41]  DDAudio -- Alt/Mp3 - (DDFlPlyr / Mp3 - 54min01sec - Mar 27th, 2020)  - Source:  Rense Archive - David Duke Sites:  DD @ Bitchute - DD@YuTb - DD @ Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show - Please Purchase to Support Dr Duke! - DD's Books - DD's Donate Request [Click Here] -- Related Regular Guest Websites:  Patrick Slattery @ YuTb - Patrick Slattery @ National Bugle Radio & Don Black Show & Eric Striker @ National Justice & Mark Collett @ YuTb - MC @ Bitchute - MC @ PatrioticAlternative -- A quote...."Today Dr. Duke was joined by Mark Collett for a discussion of what you can do to protect yourself from the coronavirus, and how many of the countermeasures being taken could actually be counterproductive - Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad agent, Ghislaine Maxwell was his Mossad handler, and everyone in Washington is complicit in the usurpation of our government by Jewish power. - Please share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line. Please visit our contribution page or send your contribution to.... P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470 - Thank you."

Even More Evidence Pointing To Coronavirus Starting In The US & It Being Weaponized
41]  TLAVideo - Outstanding Exposé!! - Alt @ TLAVYuTb - (TLAVVar - 1hrs4min37sec - Mar 26th, 2020) - Source:  The Last American Vagabond @ BitChute - TLAV @ YuTb - TLAV @ Patreon - T:LAV @ Minds - TLAV @ Steemit - TLAV @ RealVid - TLAV @ Yours - TLAV @ DTube - TLAV @ DLive - TLAV @ Diaspora - TLAV @ HnstCsh -- One commentator stated..... "Mr. Pompeo admitted: "we lie, we cheat, we steal". How can we continue to believe in US govt? Thank you, Ryan for the information." -- * IAmABillionaire* -- For more selected comments [Click Here]

Dr Duke & Eric Striker – Coronavirus Protection the Govt Doesn’t Tell You About & The Zio Driven Economic Robbery of America! -- 41]  DDAudio -- Alt/Mp3 - (DDFlPlyr / Mp3 - 54min01sec - Mar 26th, 2020)  - Source:  Rense Archive - David Duke Sites:  DD @ Bitchute - DD@YuTb - DD @ Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show  - Please Purchase to Support Dr Duke! - DD's Books - DD's Donate Request [Click Here] -- Related Regular Guest Websites:  Patrick Slattery @ YuTb - Patrick Slattery @ National Bugle Radio & Don Black Show & Eric Striker @ National Justice & Mark Collett @ YuTb - MC @ Bitchute - MC @ PatrioticAlternative -- A quote...."Today Dr. Duke and publisher Eric Striker had a discussion on how the coronavirus crisis is being used by the Zio elite. Never let an opportunity to scr*w white people go unexploited. - Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad agent, Ghislaine Maxwell was his Mossad handler, and everyone in Washington is complicit in the usurpation of our government by Jewish power. - Please share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line. Please visit our contribution page or send your contribution to.... P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470 - Thank you."

Beyond Brian and Avi
HorusVideo - Blast From The Past On Anti-White Jewish Activity - Posted Aug 11, 2019 - Alt/YuTb - (HorusVar - 53min18sec - 08/11/19) - Source:  Horus @ BitChute - Horus @ YuTb - Horus @ Gab - Horus @ SubscribeStar -- One commentator stated..."You are nothing short of remarkable. I find your productions riveting and eye-opening, not to mention shocking. I imagine you are familiar with Simon Harris' work? I greatly admire his commitment to deep research and dissemination of unpalatable truths. Thank you." -- *Tania Cummings*

Dr Duke & Patrick Slattery – Tucker Carlson, Please Stop the Bellicose Rhetoric on China! -- 41]  DDAudio -- Alt/Mp3 - (DDFlPlyr / Mp3 - 54min01sec - Mar 25th, 2020)  - Source:  Rense Archive - David Duke Sites:  DD@Bitchute - DD@YuTb - DD @ Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show  - Please Purchase to Support Dr Duke! - DD's Books - DD's Donate Request [Click Here] -- Related Regular Guest Websites:  Patrick Slattery @ YuTb - Patrick Slattery @ National Bugle Radio & Don Black Show & Eric Striker @ National Justice & Mark Collett @ YuTb - MC @ Bitchute - MC @ PatrioticAlternative -- A quote...."Today Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery called on Tucker Carlson to cease his scapegoating of China for America’s problems. He has always held up China as a bogeyman for his populist rhetoric because if he talks about Jewish power then he will lose his platform on Fox News. But now he is accusing China of killing Americans with the coronavirus and is calling for at a minimum a cold war against China. He agreed with Senator Josh Hawley when Hawley said that China should have to pay reparations to America for our economic losses. -- Nobody knows where this virus came from, but we do know that our Deep State Department and intelligence services spent all of 2019 fomenting violent protests in Hongkong in order to destabilize China. Tucker has been a great voice for us over the past few years, and the last thing we need is for him to revert to join the bandwagon for a mother of all Neocon wars against China.- Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad agent, Ghislaine Maxwell was his Mossad handler, and everyone in Washington is complicit in the usurpation of our government by Jewish power. - Please share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line. Please visit our contribution page or send your contribution to.... P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470 - Thank you." -- Topix ||  Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak - New Weblist!!  ||

Trump: Grandparents Are Useless Eaters... Let Them Die For America's Economy
41]  TNAudio - (TNSndCld - 1hr31min38sec - Mar 24th, 2020) -- Source:  TruNews - TN Podcasts - TN Videos -- Many of the "Libertarians" out there, along with what used to be Ethnic-European supporting websites posted on Reficultnias, seem to feel that a 4% to 5% reduction of this nation's population, especially that part of the population consisting mostly of the elderly (a possible 10% to 20% reduction), is a good idea!  Out with the old (White Ethnic-Europeans), in with the new (Migrants) they say! -- Instead of boldly having the Government euthanize the elderly through direct action -- heaven forbid!! -- Just have the government euthanize them through inaction! -- Culling the elderly by use of a deliberately engineered virus, while standing back and letting them die. How typical - mpg

CrossTalk Bullhorns, Quarantine Edition: Corona Shift
41]  CTRTAudio - Alt/Sndcld - Alt/YuTb - (CTRTVar - 25min28sec - Mar 25th, 2020) - Source:  CT@YuTb - CT@NewSndCld - CrossTalk@RT - RTV @ YuTb - RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica - A quote...."As the world continues to grapple with the coronavirus, neoliberalism itself is on trial. What are some of the lessons to be learned? And what needs to be changed? - CrossTalking with Dmitry Babich, Alexander Mercouris, and Alex Christoforou."

Alarming US Coronavirus "Continuity Of Government" Plan & Even Italy Now Suggesting China Not Origin -- 41]  TLAVideo - Alt @ TLAVYuTb - (TLAVVar - 2hrs47min11sec - Mar 24th, 2020) - Source:  The Last American Vagabond @ BitChute - TLAV @ YuTb - TLAV @ Patreon - T:LAV @ Minds - TLAV @ Steemit - TLAV @ RealVid - TLAV @ Yours - TLAV @ DTube - TLAV @ DLive - TLAV @ Diaspora - TLAV @ HnstCsh -- One commentator stated....."Meanwhile, Germany has ramped up ICU capacities from 29,000 to 40,000 units (including ventilation) at this point with a target of 56,000. No fancy PPTs, no Stafford Act, just working on it and an announcement that capacities are at 40,000 now. And I don't think it is going to stop at 56,000. Germany also took in patients from Italy and France. What has the US been doing? Blaming China." -- *ÉMoScél* -- For more selected comments [Click Here]

Dithering Donald: Trump Fiddles While Fed Bankers Grab America's Jewels
41]  TNAudio - (TNSndCld - 1hr35min21sec - Mar 23rd, 2020) -- Source:  TruNews - TN Podcasts - TN Videos -- A quote...."Today on TruNews we discuss the muddled response by the Trump administration to expanding coronavirus cases across the country and the Federal Reserves’ grim outlook of almost 50 million Americans becoming jobless by July 4th. We also address the possibility that unlimited debt created the central banks in response to the pandemic could be used for an industrial scale buy-out of top corporations in the country. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Doc Burkhart. Airdate: 03/23/20"
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... " -- *Apocrypha Quote*

"And I sincerely believe with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; & that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale." -- *Thomas Jefferson*, letter to John Taylor in 1816

"Bank-paper must be suppressed, and the circulating medium must be restored to the nation to whom it belongs" -- *Thomas Jefferson*, comment to John Wayles Eppes in 1813
US Gov Blames Coronavirus On ANYONE But Itself As Americans STILL Being Refused Testing -- 41]  TLAVideo - Alt @ TLAVYuTb - (TLAVVar - 3hrs20min27sec - Mar 20th, 2020) - Source:  The Last American Vagabond @ BitChute - TLAV @ YuTb - TLAV @ Patreon - T:LAV @ Minds - TLAV @ Steemit - TLAV @ RealVid - TLAV @ Yours - TLAV @ DTube - TLAV @ DLive - TLAV @ Diaspora - TLAV @ HnstCsh - Some selected comments posted below....[Click Here] -- One commentator stated.... "To me its History Repeating. Same situation with 9/11. Osoma Bin Laden was behind the Attacks. Bush got the People to Agree on War. Lets go get the Bastards 9\11 was a Red Flag attack on the United States. Same thing with Corona Virus. Release it Kill a Few 1000's. Point blame at China and start another Fucking Reason to jump into a War." -- *joe sluss* - bold by website editor - See related links....
Against Brian and Avi
HorusVideo - Blast From The Past - Posted July 27th, 2019 - Alt/YuTb - (HorusVar - 1hr03min48sec - 07/27/19) - Source:  Horus @ BitChute - Horus @ YuTb - Horus @ Gab - Horus @ SubscribeStar -- A few selected comments posted below.....
9/11 Truth, Coronavirus Truth: Zionist Hysteria, MSM Lockdown
Absolute Spot-On! - A quote...."Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor.”… “And advanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.” The Project for a New American Century, Rebuilding America’s Defenses (September 2000)"
"I spent most of 2004 through 2006 blaming Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld for 9/11. As you can imagine, I got plenty of pushback. Strangely, the loudest, most hysterical shrieks came not from red-white-and-blue Republican patriots, but from seemingly insane Zionists screaming: “Why do you hate the Jews so much, you anti-Semite?”[1]"

"At first, I could not for the life of me figure out why blaming two non-Jews, Cheney and Rumsfeld, elicited that kind of reaction. It also seemed odd that anyone talking about the explosive demolitions of World Trade Center Towers 1, 2, and 7 was reviled as a Jew-hater.[2] Questioning what happened to the Pentagon, whether there were really any hijackers or cell phone calls, who really sent the anthrax, who bought the put options, who exhibited foreknowledge, and so on elicited the same hysterical reaction from Israel-firsters. It was only after I looked into the ethnic and foreign-loyalist backgrounds of PNAC, Larry Silverstein, and other 9/11 suspects that it began to dawn on me that “the Zionist doth protest too much.”

"We are now experiencing 911-2B, the coronavirus black swan. Just as 9/11 terrorized, shocked, and shut down the USA for a few days, it seems that Covid-19 will do the same, only more so. Instead of a few days, we may be shut down for a few months, maybe even a few years. And once again, Zionists are hysterically pushing back against those of us questioning the official story." - Posted at UNZReview - See links posted below....
Dr Duke & Mark Collett – What if Blacks Were Massively, Disproportionately Being Hard Hit by the Coronavirus? White nations are! Silence! -- DDAudio -- Alt/Mp3 - (DDFlPlyr / Mp3 - 54min01sec - Mar 20th, 2020)  - Source:  Rense Archive - David Duke Sites:  DD@Bitchute - DD@YuTb - DD @ Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show  - Please Purchase to Support Dr Duke! - DD's Books - DD's Donate Request [Click Here] -- Related Regular Guest Websites:  Patrick Slattery @ YuTb - Patrick Slattery @ National Bugle Radio & Don Black Show & Eric Striker @ National Justice & Mark Collett @ YuTb - MC @ Bitchute - MC @ PatrioticAlternative -- A quote...."Today Dr. Duke was joined by Mark Collett for a discussion of why it is that we are only allowed to be concerned when non-whites are impacted by an event. In Flint, Michigan, a city that is half white and half black, all the concern was for the black residents, and it was considered racist that blacks wouldn’t have access to clean running water. The coronavirus is impacting white nations disproportionately, and no one is allowed to point that out. Moreover, within these countries, it is the white majority that is being harder hit as they are on average more likely to be elderly and vulnerable. Crickets. Please share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line. Please visit our contribution page or send your contribution to.... P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470 - Thank you. - Click here and look for the show dated 3-20-20 - Our show is aired live at 11 am replayed at ET 4pm Eastern - Check out Dr. Duke’s YouTube channel before it gets Shoahed -  Here is the video that will transform the way you look at your health and diet [click here]"

Coronavirus Just Became The Next Endless US Government War & Americans Flee Abroad For Testing/TP -- 41]  TLAVideo - Alt @ TLAVYuTb - (TLAVVar - 1hr22min19sec - Mar 18th, 2020) - Source:  The Last American Vagabond @ BitChute - TLAV @ YuTb - TLAV @ Patreon - T:LAV @ Minds - TLAV @ Steemit - TLAV @ RealVid - TLAV @ Yours - TLAV @ DTube - TLAV @ DLive - TLAV @ Diaspora - TLAV @ HnstCsh - One commentator stated....."What's alarming is that we have been at war since 1933 when FDR amended the Trading with the Enemy Act to include citizens, then proceeded to confiscate the gold and make the population surety to the debt, they are exercising the power they already wield under the guise of a pandemic. Read General Rules No.100 and realize what it say's and what's currently happening." -- *Nitro Shortbus*

All Data Points To COVID-19 Starting In The US & Numerous Agendas Kick Off; UBI, Forced Vaccination -- 41]  TLAVideo - Alt @ TLAVYuTb - (TLAVVar - 4hrs47min18sec - Mar 17th, 2020) - Source:  The Last American Vagabond @ BitChute - TLAV @ YuTb - TLAV @ Patreon - T:LAV @ Minds - TLAV @ Steemit - TLAV @ RealVid - TLAV @ Yours - TLAV @ DTube - TLAV @ DLive - TLAV @ Diaspora - TLAV @ HnstCsh -- One commentator stated...."Thank you for your courageous work especially in this video. This is great evidence that our government is guilty of starting this deadly bio-weapon! Why would we trust our government when we know that they started this and started many other things in the past. We have become the Whore of Babylon and we are going to pay for this! Come Dear Lord and save us again!" -- Topix ||  Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak - New Weblist!!  ||

Patriotic Weekly Review: The Absolute State of Britain – PWR 031820
PWRAudio - Albion-Alt/Mp3 - TASOB-Alt/Mp3 - MC-Alt/Bitchute - MC-Alt/YuTb - (MCVar - 2hrs5min53sec - Mar 18, 2020) - Source Website:   RadioAlbion -- Producer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ YuTb - Patriotic Alternative - Co-Host's Websites - Jason Kohne:  NWGO @ Sprker / Click On Episode - NoWhiteGuiltOrg - NWG @ LinkTree - NWG @ YuTb - NWG / Store - Special Guest's Website:  TASOB @ RTS -- A quote...."Mark Collett and No White Guilt are joined by The Absolute State of Britain to discuss the Patriotic Alternative conference and the corona pandemic. - TASOB give their impressions of the conference and highlight the variety and high quality of the people there. - Jason talks about how invigorated he feels after meeting so many enthusiastic Nationalists and that it doesn’t matter what continent we are on when we meet up, we know that we all come from the same family. - Mark reminds us that it was our shared sense of community that helped make the event so special. - Coronavirus is going to cause many of our luxuries to disappear and may help to push our people closer together. - It may be used as an excuse to get rid of cash and for even more censorship online, but more important than that, it is destroying the last bit of misplaced faith our people had in their treacherous governments. - Nobody wants to live in a plague pit and we should be stressing the anti-White reasons why we now have to live with this horror."

No White Guilt | My Speech at the Patriotic Alternative Conference 2020
Key Concept NWGAudio - Outstanding Conceptual Roadmap!! - Alt/Aud - (NWGSprker - 47min52sec - Mar 6th, 2020) - Source:   NWGO @ Sprker / Click On Episode - NoWhiteGuiltOrg - NWG @ LinkTree - NWG @ YuTb - Please Purchase: NWG / Store -- A quote...."My hope is to bring purpose, safety, and happiness to Westernkind. My concern is with the harm that has been and is inflicted by antiwhites on Westmen (as individuals and as a whole, i.e. Westernkind). My objective is to bring healing, empowerment, and inoculation to my people – white wellbeing. Dignity for all, even Whites." - Key Topix Concept ||  Fighting Fire With Fire - 07-11-19 - mpg  ||

Patriotic Alternative Conference: Laura Towler – PA 0314205
PACAudio - Alt/Aud - Alt/Aud- LT @ BitChute - Alt/Aud-LT @ YuTb - (PACMp3 - 26min15sec - Mar 14th, 2020) - Source - Radio Albion:  Patriotic Alternative Conference - RadioAlbion -- Producer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ YuTb - Patriotic Alternative - Laura Towler:  Laura Towler @ YuTb - LT @ BitChute - Jason Kohne:  NWGO @ Sprker / Click On Episode - NoWhiteGuiltOrg - NWG @ LinkTree - NWG @ YuTb -- A quote...."Laura Towler speaks at the Patriotic Alternative conference about how repatriation can be encouraged on a voluntary basis. - Repatriation needs to become an acceptable topic to be discussed in society. - It does not have to be forced, foreign criminals could be offered a reduced sentence if they surrender their passport and go back to their ancestral homelands. - If there were a set price per person, then large families could also make a lot of money by all leaving together. - We do already have the mechanism in law to do this and we need to encourage it more."

Patriotic Alternative Conference: Dionne Moller – PA 0314202
PACAudio - Alt/Aud -  (PACMp3 - 24min02sec - Mar 14th, 2020) - Source - Radio Albion:  Patriotic Alternative Conference - RadioAlbion -- Producer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ YuTb - Patriotic Alternative - Laura Towler:  Laura Towler @ YuTb - LT @ BitChute - Jason Kohne:  NWGO @ Sprker / Click On Episode - NoWhiteGuiltOrg - NWG @ LinkTree - NWG @ YuTb -- A quote...."Dionne Moller talks at the Patriotic Alternative Conference about how her experiences as a former Police officer helped inspire her sense of Patriotism. - All cultures are not equal and what is encouraged in one, may be seen as savage and barbaric by another. - Far from this barbarism just affecting the victims of a particular community, things like honour killing and FGM affect the whole of society around them as our authorities turn a blind eye to them out of political correctness."

Patriotic Alternative Conference: Simon Harris – PA 0314203
PACAudio - Alt/Aud -  (PACMp3 - 41min50sec - Mar 14th, 2020) - Source - Radio Albion:  Patriotic Alternative Conference - RadioAlbion -- Producer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ YuTb - Patriotic Alternative - Laura Towler:  Laura Towler @ YuTb - LT @ BitChute - Jason Kohne:  NWGO @ Sprker / Click On Episode - NoWhiteGuiltOrg - NWG @ LinkTree - NWG @ YuTb -- A quote...."Simon Harris talks at the Patriotic Alternative Conference about ways we can appeal to civic Nationalists to join our community. - Simon was prevented from attending due to travel restrictions, but was able to give his speech over Skype. - He went through some of his ideas that proved to be successful and suggested some roles for new Nationalists, before finishing with an update on coronavirus in Spain and how certain aspects of the pandemic can be turned to Nationalist advantage."

More Evidence New Coronavirus Started In The US & Iraq Gov Says US Missiles Killed Civilians, Police -- 41]  TLAVideo - Alt @ TLAVYuTb - (TLAVVar - 2hrs48min50sec - Mar 14th, 2020) - Source:  The Last American Vagabond @ BitChute - TLAV @ YuTb - TLAV @ Patreon - T:LAV @ Minds - TLAV @ Steemit - TLAV @ RealVid - TLAV @ Yours - TLAV @ DTube - TLAV @ DLive - TLAV @ Diaspora - TLAV @ HnstCsh - One commentator stated....."Billions spent on killing others in wars but can’t respond to a medical crisis.... America needs to take a very close look at who they elect and how they run their country.... The system is a failure." - Topix  ||  Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak - New Weblist!!  ||

China/Iran Accuse US Gov Of Bio-Attack & Trump Possibly Infected & Iran Blamed For Rocket Attack -- 41]  TLAVideo - Alt/YuTb - (TLAVVar - 3hrs11min52sec -  Mar 12th, 2020) - Source:  The Last American Vagabond @ BitChute - TLAV @ YuTb - TLAV @ Patreon - T:LAV @ Minds - TLAV @ Steemit - TLAV @ RealVid - TLAV @ Yours - TLAV @ DTube - TLAV @ DLive - TLAV @ Diaspora - TLAV @ HnstCsh - A quote...."Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours." - Topix  ||  Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak - New Weblist!!  ||

Coronavirus Event Creates Perfect Storm To Push Big Gov Agendas & Syria's Chem Weapon Claims Ignored -- TLAVideo - Alt @ TLAVYuTb - (TLAVVar - 2hrs59min55sec - Mar 9th, 2020) - Source:  The Last American Vagabond @ BitChute - TLAV @ YuTb - TLAV @ Patreon - T:LAV @ Minds - TLAV @ Steemit - TLAV @ RealVid - TLAV @ Yours - TLAV @ DTube - TLAV @ DLive - TLAV @ Diaspora - TLAV @ HnstCsh - One commentator stated....."Given that many scientists, doctors, experts, etc. are for sale or compromised (via Epstein-style methods) I too would want to review all information before it goes out. Just like the numbers are being "cooked" so can the medical research. Unfortunately, it happens too often. Think Sackler family, Gates, Monsanto, Dupont, Bayer, Big Pharma, etc. etc. Thus, I can see why Pence would want info cleared by him even though he is not knowledgeable enough to verify that the info is correct or even appropriate for public consumption, I am assuming that he has staff that he can trust to do this." -- *CT* -- Topix ||  Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak - New Weblist!!  ||

ACH (1206) Dr. Adrian Krieg And Mark Dankof – Generations With Adrian, Mark, And Andy #38 – The New Black Monday -- ACHAudio -- Alt/Mp3 -- (ACHMp3 - 54min21sec - Mar 9th, 2020) - Producer Websites:  Andrew Carrington Hitchcock @ EFR - Euro Folk Radio Shows - Euro Folk Radio - Andy’s VK.Com - Please Purchase a Book! - Andy’s “The Synagogue Of Satan,” Website -- Co-Host's Websites:  Adrian’s A2Z Book Website - Adrian’s Go Fund Me Page, Where You Can Obtain A Book Signed By Adrian & Mark Dankof's Website - Dankof's NBR-Front Page Articles - Natl Bugle Front Page Articles - A quote...."In today’s show originally broadcast on March 9 2020, Andy presents “Generations” with his co-hosts Dr. Adrian Krieg and Mark Dankof for a show entitled, “The New Black Monday.” - We discussed: the Mark Dankof’s America World News Report; the possibility of Hillary Clinton being the Democratic Presidential Nominee; Switzerland’s response to the Coronavirus; Joe Biden’s problem giving a speech via a teleprompter; the locust invasion of Africa; Adrian’s article on Chemtrails and Contrails; the situation in Turkey; the crisis in the global financial markets; the Christian Communities devastated by Hillary Clinton’s Arab Spring initiative; Bernie Sanders acrimonious exchange with Russell Vought in 2017; and many other topics."

Top Jewish Organisation Behind Draconian Hate Speech Law In South Africa
HRAudio - For The Record - (Previously posted, posted again for your edification - mpg) - Alt/Mp4 - Alt/IntrntArchv - Alt/OGGVid - Alt/Mp3 - (HRVar - 1hr52min42sec - Mar 6th 2020) - Source:   History Reviewed Com - History Reviewed Net - African Crisis - Please Purchase: White-Shop-Biz -- Guest's Websites:  Peter’s Frontline Fellowship Website - Peter’s Reformation Society Website - Peter’s Henry Morton Stanley School Of Christian Journalism Website - Peter’s Livingstone Fellowship Website - Peter’s Christian Action Website -- Please Purchase! - Peter’s Christian Liberty Books Website -- A quote...."Dr Peter Hammond unleashes explosive information in this interview I had with him this week. He explains how he & other Christians were present when the Govt held consultations regarding the draconian hate speech laws. The deputy Minister told them that the South African Jewish Board of Deputies and an LGBT organisation were behind these horrific laws. Dr Hammond also tells of his experiences in holocaust museums in the USA. EVERY CHRISTIAN must listen to Dr Hammond and his mind-blowing exposes! These will rock you! Dr Peter Hammond also comes from Rhodesia. -- All Dr Peter Hammond’s contact details are here, including his 2 websites with many books. (He’s written stacks of books). Everything is here:  Peter Hammond's Books"

Audio: The Core Values that Unite the White Race: Part 1: The Truth
HRAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (HRMp3 - 18min34sec - Mar 8th 2020) - Source:   History Reviewed Com - History Reviewed Net - African Crisis - Please Purchase: White-Shop-Biz --  A quote...."I discuss the value that crops up again and again everywhere among whites, The Truth. I discuss Christianity as “The Truth” and belief versus reality and how I think it will play out. - My view is that our highest “God” is the “God of the Truth”, this is the most universal value among whites. - It is also NOT a value that other races take anywhere nearly as seriously as we do."

The Graham Hart Show - With Brizer 2020.03.02
GHSAudio - Alt/Aud - (Note:  Adult themes and language used) -- (GHSMp3 - 2hrs2min31sec - Mar 2nd, 2020) - Source:   GH @ Mima's - GH@Archive - Mima's / All Shows - The Graham Hart Show Players  - GH w/Brizer @ Mima's -- Guest's Website:  Our Interesting Times with Tim Kelly & YuTb -- One commentator stated......"I LIKE Listening to Frank !!! - Frank is Literally: One-in-a-Billion !!! - I could Happily Listen to Frank Scores of Times! -- Yet even a short Spell of Listening to EMJ and his "clever" (means-whatever-I-Want-it-to-"Mean") "Logos" "magic".... MAKES My Stomach-Churn !!! - Rather than EMJ being a "Revolutionary".... His "cucky"-"clever"-"wisdom" ... is simply REVOLTING! - I'm just speaking Frankly ... "no offence"-intended !!! ;-)" -- *Albert*

Leather-Jacketed Coke-Snorting Jews in the Soviet Secret Police Torturing, Raping and Killing Gentiles -- "The Evidence" - For The Record -- A quote...."When the Bolsheviks seized the power that was so famously “lying in the streets” in early November 1917, they didn’t disguise the fact that they meant to rule by force and terror. Within weeks they established the coercive arm of their permanent revolution, the “Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counterrevolution and Sabotage,” Ve-Cheka for short or Cheka for shorter. Lenin placed the fanatical Pole Felix Dzerzhinsky in charge of it, and he in turn recruited a cohort of Latvians, Jews, and renegade Russians to help him devastate the Russian nation. The Cheka almost immediately launched into one of the most horrifying orgies of mass murder ever recorded, and men of Jewish blood, who like other Jewish leftists, retained their Jewish identity, played a very prominent role in it. -- It is very well-attested that Jews were, for the first twenty years of its history, vastly over-represented in the ranks of the Cheka in proportion to their numbers in the population of the Soviet Union. A few citations will suffice." - See links posted below....
New Evidence Shows Coronavirus Started In The US, Not China
41]  TLAVideo - Alt @ TLAVYuTb - (TLAVVar - 2hrs25min51sec - Mar 6th, 2020) - Source:  The Last American Vagabond @ BitChute - TLAV @ YuTb - TLAV @ Patreon - T:LAV @ Minds - TLAV @ Steemit - TLAV @ RealVid - TLAV @ Yours - TLAV @ DTube - TLAV @ DLive - TLAV @ Diaspora - TLAV @ HnstCsh - One commentator stated....."In the UK we had the salisbury ' Novichk; incident. this psyop was just down the road from the UK biological testing centre at Porton Down , after 9/11 the US had an anthrax scare, turned out the strain was from a US government laboratory. certainly this event has targeted certain countries such as China , Iran, Italy in particular , we are told that multiple Iranian government officials are ill , i suggest that if this virus was man made the two most likely culprits are the US and Israel with both the technical skills and wickedness to carry out such atrocities and with a track record in the use of WMD, however i think maybe they are simply pretending that standard flu is a new strain despite the reports that the only people who die are old people with underlying health problems who may well have died anyway." -- *Disqusallowonlinecrime* -- Topix ||  Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak - New Weblist!!  ||

Jews108: Jews are MANAGERS (Strategists), Whites are WORKERS, Soldiers, Scientists (Tacticians) -- HRAudio - Outstanding Eye-Opening Dissertation!! - Alt/Mp3 - (HRMp3 - 1hr33min37sec - 5th March 2020) - Source:   History Reviewed Com - History Reviewed Net - African Crisis - Please Purchase: White-Shop-Biz --  A quote...."This is a follow up video from How Jews Think. In this video I discuss the class warfare of the Jews as an upper class with a work outlook of “Managment” versus whites, who almost universally are some form of High Quality Worker. - I look at the different outlooks of these two groups and then examine the resulting clashes between then. - I also address the idea that Jews are winning all the time, which I do not believe to be true."

Franz Boas – Liberal Icon, Scientific Fraud, Marxist Jew
A quote...."TWO OF THE major superstitions of our time are the notion that man is merely a blank slate whose behavior is merely the product of the social environment and its sister, that race doesn’t exist. Yet one by one, the pseudo-scientific sources of these myths are being discredited by serious scientists, and last week, one of the biggest sources of all took a nose dive. - Franz Boas, often called the grandfather of modern anthropology and a pioneer pusher of the idea that race is not a very meaningful concept, merely a “social construct” not found in nature, probably ranks with Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud as one of the most influential thinkers of the modern age. As a Columbia professor from 1899 to 1942, he virtually created modern anthropology, and the students he trained — among them, Margaret Mead and some of the most famous names in the field — dominated the discipline until only a few years ago." - Source:  WhiteBiocentrism

Jews and Vulture Capitalism: A Reprise, Part 1
Jewish Banksterism Inside™ -- [Part 2] -- A quote...."I  recently wrote a long movie review (sort of) that focused on Wall Street stories that airbrush Jews out of the picture and instead create the impression that plain old goy males are responsible for all kinds of financial nastiness when dealing with sums over, say, a hundred million dollars (and MUCH more). The review came as Part 1 & Part 2. In the review, I emphasized the plots of popular Hollywood movies and deliberately downplayed detailed accounts of Jewish financial manipulation in institutions in Lower Manhattan, reasoning that many of today’s readers would relate more to celluloid imagery than drier non-fiction. - Today I’ll do that drier writing and perform yeoman’s work in describing instances of Jewish financial chicanery far more thoroughly, relying primarily on TOO writers such as Andrew Joyce and myself, though I will bring in a few outsiders to burnish our tale by using their more mainstream credentials."

ACH (1204) Michael Walsh – The Ethnic-European With Mike And Andy #71
ACHAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (ACHMp3 - 54min03sec - Mar 5th, 2020)  - Producer Websites:  Andrew Carrington Hitchcock @ EFR - Euro Folk Radio Shows - Euro Folk Radio - Andy’sVK.Com Social Media Page - Please Purchase a Book! - Andy’s “The Synagogue Of Satan,” Website - A quote...."In today’s show originally broadcast on March 5 2020, Andy co-hosts, “The Ethnic-European With Mike And Andy,” with its creator, writer, and editor, Michael Walsh. - We discussed the following articles published on The Ethnic-European: Presidential Candidate Heaps Scorn On Allied Propaganda; Can Democracy Save Europe From Toxic Liberalism; Merkel Joins Migrants Against Whites; Ireland Most Corrupt Country In The West; People Power Defeats Cheats In Slovakia; Gravy Train To The Cash Chambers; Turkey Unleashes Migrant Hell On Europe; Polish Hero Seeks Friendship With Russia; and many other topics."

The After Party | No White Guilt | The Great Order | Dionne of Secret Sources
NWGAudio - Alt/Aud - (NWGSprker - 1hr59min44 - Mar 6th, 2020) - Source:   NWGO @ Sprker / Click On Episode - NoWhiteGuiltOrg - NWG @ LinkTree - NWG @ YuTb - Please Purchase: NWG / Store -- A quote...."My hope is to bring purpose, safety, and happiness to Westernkind. My concern is with the harm that has been and is inflicted by antiwhites on Westmen (as individuals and as a whole, i.e. Westernkind). My objective is to bring healing, empowerment, and inoculation to my people – white wellbeing. Dignity for all, even Whites."

Dr Duke & Mark Collett of UK – On New Video “Media Caught Faking Images of Refugees in Peril! -- DDAudio -- Alt/Mp3 - (DDFlPlyr / Mp3 - 54min01sec - Mar 6th, 2020)  - Source:  Rense Archive - David Duke Sites:  DD@Bitchute - DD@YuTb - DD @ Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show  - Please Purchase to Support Dr Duke! - DD's Books - DD's Donate Request [Click Here] -- Related Regular Guest Websites:  Patrick Slattery @ YuTb - Patrick Slattery @ National Bugle Radio & Don Black Show & Eric Striker @ National Justice & Mark Collett @ YuTb - MC @ Bitchute - MC @ PatrioticAlternative -- A quote...."Today Dr. Duke was joined by Mark Collett for a discussion of a range of interesting topics. Mark’s newest video, released just hours ago, is already going viral. It reveals the scandal that western journalists are staging shots of migrants attempting to enter Greece through Turkey as being in “great danger and peril.” Journalists have gone as far as instructing migrants to hold their children in such a way as smoke gets in their eyes in order for the children to tear up. And guess (((who))) is behind this migrant crisis in the first place? - Please share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line. Please visit our contribution page or send your contribution to.... P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470 - Thank you."

National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 3.5.20
NBR@RBNAudio -- Alt @ BitChute not avail - Alt/Mp3 -- (NBR @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - Mar 5th, 2020) - Source:  Pat Slattery @ NBR  - PS @ BitChute - Guest's Websites:  Mark Dankof's Website - Dankof's NBR-Front Page Articles - Natl Bugle Front Page Articles -- A quote...."Patrick and Mark Dankof talk about what will happen when Biden’s Joe-mentum runs of the gaff rails. Also, Tyson Fury, Erdogan, Coronavirus, and stealing people’s mail."

Going Free ¦ No White Guilt ¦ Coronavirus Deadly Twin؟ ¦ Turkey’s War on Us ¦ Milkin’ Mommy Malkin -- Audio - Alt/Sprker - (NWGOVar - 4hrs9min3sec - Mar 1st, 2020) - Source:   NWGO @ Sprker / Click On Episode - NoWhiteGuiltOrg - NWG @ LinkTree - NWG @ YuTb - Please Purchase: NWG / Store -- A quote...."My hope is to bring purpose, safety, and happiness to Westernkind. My concern is with the harm that has been and is inflicted by antiwhites on Westmen (as individuals and as a whole, i.e. Westernkind). My objective is to bring healing, empowerment, and inoculation to my people – white wellbeing. Dignity for all, even Whites."

The Absolute State Of Britain #46: Bengali Love Stories (with Daughter of Albion)
TASOBAudio - Alt/Aud -- (TASOBSprker - 2hrs18min35sec - Feb 22, 2020) - Source:  ABS @ RTS -- A quote...."Yuro, Native and 'Tollah are joined by Daughter of Albion as they discuss wahmen, 20th century European history, the need for British folk heroes, more moslem terror, exciting progress for our cause and more! - This week's ending song is "Xurious - Huwheat Fields"

ACH (1200) Frank Raymond – Sweet Dreams And Terror Cells – Part 1
ACHAudio - Great Interview! - Alt/Mp3 -- (ACHMp3 - 54min02sec - Feb 28th, 2020) - Producer Websites:  Andrew Carrington Hitchcock @ EFR - Euro Folk Radio Shows - Euro Folk Radio - Andy’sVK.Com Social Media Page - Please Purchase a Book! - Andy’s “The Synagogue Of Satan,” Website-- Please Purchase Guest's Book:  Sweet Dreams And Terror Cells – The Politically Incorrect Book Of The Century -- A quote...."In today’s show originally broadcast on February 28 2020, Andy is joined by Frank Raymond, for a show entitled, “Sweet Dreams And Terror Cells – Part 1.” -- We discussed: how White People accept their plight as normal; the program to colonize White Nations; the three classes of occupation; why the term Globalist is a misleading one; why the average American Family now has to work two jobs; the destruction of the American Militia Movement; the Canadian Hate Crimes Unit; America’s 17 intelligence agencies; how terror attacks are used to justify the Police State; the empty towns and villages of Louisiana; the increase in the number of suicides; how alcoholism and drug addiction are indicators of an occupied people; how an occupied people always have their free speech curtailed lest they dare to speak out for their own group interest; Obama’s war on White Suburbs; how an occupied people are always disarmed; and many other topics."

ACH (1199) Dr. Jim Saleam & Nick Griffin  The Coming Collapse Of Western Civilization
ACHAudio - Alt/Mp3 -- (ACHMp3 - 54min03sec - Feb 27th, 2020) - Producer Websites:  Andrew Carrington Hitchcock @ EFR - Euro Folk Radio Shows - Euro Folk Radio - Andy’sVK.Com Social Media Page - Please Purchase a Book! - Andy’s “The Synagogue Of Satan,” Website -- Guest's Websites:  Jim’s Website - Nick’s Twitter -- A quote...."In today’s show originally broadcast on February 27 2020, Andy is joined by Dr. Jim Saleam and Nick Griffin, for a show entitled, “The Coming Collapse Of Western Civilization.” -- We discussed: how Jim and Nick first got acquainted in the early 1980’s; the 1930’s New Guard Conservative Movement in Australia; the foundation of the Socialist Workers Party in Britain and its subsequent activities; the three methods available to change political systems; how the British National Party (BNP) got 14% of the UK vote in 2008; the creation of fake Nationalist Parties such as the UK Independence Party (UKIP), for the purpose of defeating real Nationalist Parties such as the BNP; why the USA sponsors Anti-European Union movements; why it appears we will have a hard Brexit; the need to establish a new kind of Nationalist Movement; how the largest party in Belgium was banned by the others as a threat to democracy; why the Capitalist System requires mass immigration to survive; how our education system is designed to prevent our children from having any knowledge of their heritage and traditions; the Alliance For Peace And Freedom; why the Coronavirus is a Black Swan for the Globalists; and many other topics."

Patriotic Weekly Review: Frodi Midjord – PWR 022620
PWRAudio - MC-Alt/Albion Mp3 - MC-Alt/Bitchute - MC-Alt/YuTb - (MCVar - 2hrs3min06sec - Feb 26th, 2020) - Source - Radio Albion:  Patriotic Weekly Review - RadioAlbion -- Producer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ YuTb - Patriotic Alternative - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man -- Guest's Websites - Jason Kohne:  NWGO @ Sprker / Click On Episode - NoWhiteGuiltOrg - NWG @ LinkTree - NWG @ YuTb - Special Guest's Website - Fróði Midjord:  Fróði Midjord' FOIA Research --  A quote...."Mark Collet and No White Guilt are joined by Frodi Midjord of Scandza Forum to promote his next conference with Jared Taylor and E Michael Jones. - Frodi talks about E Michael Jones controversial views on race and how Jared will make a formidable opponent for him at last. - Mark brings up the suppression of Sajid Javid’s rape gang report, which was supposed to take a close look at the ethnic components of grooming gangs. - The Conservatives who put across an image of being anti-corruption and patriotic, are the ones responsible for hiding this report from the public. - No White Guilt gets particularly agitated at this and suggests using it as inspiration for publicly speaking up for our people. - Tommy teaming up with Sargon is brought up and the endless ‘new’ organisations they create to fleece Nationalists with. - The link between Churchill’s disastrous war and the situation we are in today is highlighted."

HIV-Like "Mutation" In Coronavirus Discovered As Israel Suddenly Announces Vaccine
41]  TLAVideo - Alt @ TLAVYuTb - (TLAVVar - 3hrs37min14sec -  Feb 24th, 2020) - Source:  The Last American Vagabond @ BitChute - TLAV @ YuTb - TLAV @ Patreon - T:LAV @ Minds - TLAV @ Steemit - TLAV @ RealVid - TLAV @ Yours - TLAV @ DTube - TLAV @ DLive - TLAV @ Diaspora - TLAV @ HnstCsh - Subscribe 2 TLAV - One commentator stated..... "Yeah Ryan they're censoring us especially with TRUMP locking down ALL information people like you are telling what they're trying to hide. I posted something posted to me and commented so I got a message saying it was hate speech, I appealed and they rejected it. They're watching us BUT it SHALL backfire big time. All the shit like impeachment, roger stone ,pimping of the military ,criminal foreign policies, Nazis in the white house,iran, YELLOW rat teeth Barr's devious schemes ,Israel's crimes but they distract the masses while they move. Pay attention." -- *Cheryl Adams*

Dr Duke & Dr Slattery Expose JTA Euro Poll showing 20% Say a Jewish Network Dominates Politics and Media! -- DDAudio -- Alt/Mp3 - (DDFlPlyr / Mp3 - 54min01sec - Feb 26th, 2020)  - Source:  Rense Archive - David Duke Sites:  DD@Bitchute - DD@YuTb - DD @ Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show  - Please Purchase to Support Dr Duke! - DD's Books - DD's Donate Request [Click Here] -- Related Regular Guest Websites:  Patrick Slattery @ YuTb - Patrick Slattery @ National Bugle Radio & Don Black Show & Eric Striker @ National Justice & Mark Collett @ YuTb - MC @ Bitchute - MC @ PatrioticAlternative -- A quote..."A quote...."Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery discussed a poll of Europeans showing that 20% responded that a “secret” Jewish network dominates politics and the media. There are two issues here. First, many people who believe this would be unwilling to admit it to a pollster. The second is that the Jewish network is hardly secret. It is simply unspeakable. - Please share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line. Please visit our contribution page or send your contribution to: P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470 Thank you. Click here and look for the show dated 2-26-2020 Our show is aired live at 11 am replayed at ET 4pm Eastern Check out Dr. Duke’s YouTube channel before it gets Shoahed And check out Dr. Duke’s BitChute channel -- Check out Dr. Duke’s YouTube videos on the Jewish role in the slave trade...."
"Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad agent, Ghislaine Maxwell was his Mossad handler, and everyone in Washington is complicit in the usurpation of our government by Jewish power. - Please share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line. Please visit our contribution page or send your contribution to.... P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470 - Thank you."

Church of the Lampshade: We the People – GL 022520
CotLAudio - At 41min40sec GL serves up "Church of the Lampshade", for those who like their bible thoroughly thumped -- mpg -- Alt/Mp3 -- (GLVar - 1hr17min36sec - Feb 25th, 2020) - Source:  Church of the Lampshades - RadioAlbion - GL @ Gab -- A quote...."Grandpa Lampshade looks at the glaring inconsistencies in democracy, before showing that Christianity is in tune with the natural order. - The Church of the Lampshade episode #54 is here! That’s right, another week has already passed and the most anticipated hour (or so) on the internet has once again arrived. As always, the show opens with the listener support mailbag and also as always, listener comments do not disappoint. - After the great topics from listeners, GPL delves into a few random thoughts for the week. We are told that we live under a system based on the principle that government is “by the people and for the people”. Patriotards will proclaim that politicians work for the people and not the other way around. Yet, this is not reflected in the reality around us. Politicians lie to the people continually. This is about as profound as stating that water is wet. Everyone knows and accepts that all politicians routinely lie. - Yet, if you lie to Congress, you get sent to prison. How then can we claim that the voters are in authority over politicians?"

One Way Apartheid Israel Hides its Crimes against the Native Palestinians; The Kyl-Bingaman Amnd -- Did You Know?? - A quote...."Think you might use Google Maps--that use satellite photos--to look over Occupied Palestine and see what the Khazar maniacs are up to? Forget it, the 1997 Kyl-Bingaman Amendment makes it VERBOTEN to have clear satellite images over Occupied Palestine so the Khazar usurpers can murder the indigenous Palestinians with impunity, or steal their lands without anyone seeing the crime take place."

ACH (1197) Paul English – More Hysterical Whining From The Enemy.....
ACHAudio - Alt/Mp3 - Wonderful Conversation! - (ACHMp3 - 54min04sec - Feb 25th, 2020)  - Producer Websites:  Andrew Carrington Hitchcock @ EFR - Euro Folk Radio Shows - Euro Folk Radio - Andy’sVK.Com Social Media Page - Please Purchase a Book! - Andy’s “The Synagogue Of Satan,” Website -- Guest's Website:  Paul English's Gab Page - Referenced Clips: Father Coughlin BitChute Clip That We Played On The Show - Onion News YouTube Clip That We Played On The Show -- A quote...."In today’s show originally broadcast on February 25 2020, Andy is joined by Paul English for a show entitled, “More Hysterical Whining From The Enemy…” -- We discussed: Examples of how the UK mainstream media are whining about any limits on immigration; how either we serve the economy or the economy serves us; the mainstream media’s vitriolic and slanderous attacks on an audience member on the BBC’s Question Time, who suggested an end to immigration; how Communism is Super-Capitalism; how if you’re a Globalist you’re for the destruction of nations whereas if you are a Nationalist you’re for the protection of nations; how Ancient Egypt was destroyed; Father Charles Coughlin’s, “Drive The Money Changers From The Temple,” speech; why the enemy has to invoke a Police State; the Onion News Network’s segment on how to overcome stress; and many other topics"

Studies Confirm Coronavirus Is Weaponized, Israel Bombs Gaza/Syria Again & Assange’s Kangaroo Court -- TLAVideo - Alt @ TLAVYuTb - (TLAVVar - 3hrs37min14sec -  Feb 24th, 2020) - Source:  The Last American Vagabond @ BitChute - TLAV @ YuTb - TLAV @ Patreon - T:LAV @ Minds - TLAV @ Steemit - TLAV @ RealVid - TLAV @ Yours - TLAV @ DTube - TLAV @ DLive - TLAV @ Diaspora - TLAV @ HnstCsh - One commentator stated..... "We are proud of you Ryan! - You're a hero - These bighead criminals control everything - Zionists control most of the main Media in tbe world, but thank God we have voices like you which are getting louder and louder - I'm counting your followers every single day - Continue your good work Man!" -- *entofa entofa*

Unfolding the Right
For The Record - HorusVideo - Horrific, Eye-Opening, Dissertation!Alt/YuTb - (HorusVar - 42min37sec - Feb 23, 2020) - Source:  Horus @ BitChute - Horus @ YuTb - Horus @ Gab - Horus @ SubscribeStar -- A quote...."A conclusion to my series about the second world war and an introduction to the videos I’ll make next. - All comments, feedback, suggestions and requests are welcome. - Any donations will be very gratefully received." -- Some selected commentary posted [click on link to view]....

The Absolute State Of Britain #45: The Nog Delusion (with BoatSinker)
TASOBAudio - Alt/Aud -- (TASOBSprker - 2hrs18min34sec - Feb 22, 2020) - Source:  ABS @ RTS -- A quote...."Yuro, Native and 'Tollah are joined by BoatSinker to talk about Denmark and other stories from the week's news including crazy trannies, the absolute state of the police, the floodgates being opened to India, dindus doing what dindus does, empowered women kill themselves, anti-scandinavian adverts cause outrage, government advisor and Richard Dawkins promote Eugenics, and more! - This week's ending song is "Xurious & Elessar - Path To Power""

Iran's Coronavirus "Cover Up" Before Election & Israel Now Taking Area Trump Said Was For Palestine -- TLAVideo - Alt @ TLAVYuTb - (TLAVVar - 2hrs08min09sec -  Feb 21st, 2020) - Source:  The Last American Vagabond @ BitChute - TLAV @ YuTb - TLAV @ Patreon - - T:LAV @ Minds - TLAV @ Steemit - TLAV @ RealVid - TLAV @ Yours - TLAV @ DTube - TLAV @ DLive - TLAV @ Diaspora - TLAV @ HnstCsh - One commentator stated....."The USA FBI arrested a Charles Lieber and charged him with releasing material information to China. He is the chair of Harvard’s Chemistry department and has taken monies from China without disclosing those payments to the USA government. - He was responsible for setting up a university in Wuhan, and received 50,000 per month plus 150,000 plus 1.5 million in cash for this work. - He is of Jewish origin and it is stated that a Mr. Burstein manages his efforts in this. Burstein is reported to have a family in Israel. - Lieber is out on 1.5 million bond w surrendered married PP’s and cannot take more than 20k from his bank. He is considered a flight risk. - This was referred in the comments here. Very interesting! Is Israel behind this?" -- *TomTapp* - Topix ||  Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak - New Weblist!!  ||

Dr Duke & Collett – Zionist Neocons and Neocomie Predators Fight over the Corpse of America! -- DDAudio -- Alt/Mp3 - (DDFlPlyr / Mp3 - 54min01sec - Feb 21st, 2020)  - Source:  Rense Archive - David Duke Sites:  DD@YuTb - DD @ Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show  - Please Purchase to Support Dr Duke! - DD's Books - DD's Donate Request [Click Here] -- A quote...."Today Dr. Duke was joined by Mark Collett for a discussion the Democratic primary race becoming a Jew vs. Jew affair between Bernie and Bloomberg, with Bernie representing the older Communist tradition in Jewish politics and Bloomberg the more modern triumphalist, market dominant neocon wing. -- Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad agent, Ghislaine Maxwell was his Mossad handler, and everyone in Washington is complicit in the usurpation of our government by Jewish power. - Please share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line. Please visit our contribution page or send your contribution to.... P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470 - Thank you."

JEWS108: How Jews Control Democracy in EVERY Western Nation
HRAudio - Alt/Mp4-Vid - (HRMp3 - 52min57sec - Feb 20th, 2020) - Source:   History Reviewed Com - History Reviewed Net - African Crisis - New Website: White-Shop-Biz - A quote...."25 to 30 years ago, I thought that all white people in the Western world were totally idiotic. That they were foolish morons racing off the edge of the Liberal cliff, like stupid lemmings keen to die. -- However, the Internet, my few travels and my many discussions with whites from Canada and America to Europe, South Africa and even Australia have shown me that white people are ok. -- But why is white politics failing? Why are the “racists” and the TRUE PATRIOTS not winning? This is the story of how Jews trip up White politics, especially in every important white country. This is how “freedom” and “democracy” is rigged so that the common white person can NEVER HAVE HIS SAY. -- Jews are the King Makers. Jews are the controllers of “White Success” in more ways than you can imagine."

Michael Bloomberg Unmasks the Oligarchy
A quote..."I understand. -- Benjamin Dixon makes more sense to me on this than a lot of people who are on our side. I’m starting to think that the Right is wrong about immigration. -- It turns out that immigration isn’t the single most important issue facing the country. It isn’t the issue that ultimately determines all other issues by changing the racial and cultural demographics of the country. The 2016 election was about immigration and literally nothing changed. Donald Trump is running in 2020 on increasing legal immigration."
"The most important issue facing the country is that neoliberalism has created a breed of Jewish oligarchs like Michael Bloomberg and Sheldon Adelson who are rich and powerful enough to buy almost any policy they want. We can’t do anything about immigration or trade or foreign policy or political correctness or tech censorship because these oligarchs have bought the policies. We only get lip service, tweets and token gestures. Criminal justice reform magically got done in the lame duck session of Congress after the 2018 midterms because the oligarchs bought the politicians. Israel has been on an unprecedented winning streak because Sheldon Adelson bought Trump. The oligarchs bought the Trump presidency and have gotten the policies they wanted from it."
Look at Who Trump's Been Giving Pardons To..Must be the Feast of St. Bagel!
A quote...."St. Bagel: Patron saint of thieves, cutthroats, traitors, crooked politicians and other assorted scum. - I'm sure it was just anudda' day in the Jared Kushner WH when he got his faithful lackey Trump to hand out pardons, mostly to a certain group of people who think they've been Chosen by some G-d they created - The full list of Trump's pardon's--so far--is at this link. -- Tubby the Grifter even hands out pardons to murderers, but hey, they were in the Army so shooting those pesky Arabs should be rewarded, right? That's what our Colonial Master recommends. -- Trump has been busy. Even pardoned Scooter Libby, who's real name is Irving Liebowitz Jr. Irv was very helpful to Darth Cheney, especially on that day of Infamy, the Israeli masterminded 9/11 False Flag. -- Question: We hear constantly about how Jews are the smartest, the brightest the bestest in everything, so why do many of them hide their real name?"

US Coalition Kills 30 Yemeni Civilians, US-Backed MEK Exposed As Cult & New NYC Israeli Cyber Center -- TLAVideo - Alt @ TLAVYuTb - (TLAVYuTb - 1hr19min40sec - Posted Feb 17th, 2020) - Source:  The Last American Vagabond @ BitChute - TLAV @ YuTb - TLAV @ Patreon - T:LAV @ Minds - TLAV @ Steemit - TLAV @ RealVid - TLAV @ Yours - TLAV @ DTube - TLAV @ DLive - TLAV @ Diaspora - TLAV @ HnstCsh - A quote...."M.E.K has no place in the hearts and minds of millions of Iranians,and their neocon friends in DC like Mike Pampeo and John Bolten and Rudy Giouliani must be out of their raptured minds if they think they can count on bunch of depressly undersex middle aged acultists Traitors to over threw Islamic Republic of Iran,btw there are rumors that Masoud Rajavi is dead since no one has seen him for years and  none of the M.E.K cultists members talk about his fate ever.  - Great show Ryan" -- *Ali Najafi*

Israel Says It Can Pass Laws 'Anywhere' And 'Violate Sovereignty' & US Quietly Admits Soleimani Lie -- TLAVideo - Alt @ TLAVYuTb - (TLAVYuTb - 54min54sec - Posted Feb 15th, 2020) - Source:  The Last American Vagabond @ BitChute - TLAV @ YuTb - TLAV @ Patreon - - T:LAV @ Minds - TLAV @ Steemit - TLAV @ RealVid - TLAV @ Yours - TLAV @ DTube - TLAV @ DLive - TLAV @ Diaspora - TLAV @ HnstCsh - A quote...."Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours."

America’s Emerging Totalitarian Left Is Routing “Liberal Democracy.” Where Is Trump?
A quote...."American patriots already live under a de facto social credit system, but now it looks likely to become a de jure regime. The New York Times recently published an op-ed by a Democrat Congressman and a Muslim former FBI Special Agent complaining that “no white supremacist group has ever been designated a foreign terrorist organization under federal law” [We Once Fought Jihadists. Now We Battle White Supremacists, by Max Rose and Ali H. Soufan, February 11, 2019]. Yet who defines “white supremacist”? If it’s the Main Stream Media and the Anti-Defamation League, there will be a lot of “white supremacists” -- probably including The real truth is the opposite:  there is now a Totalitarian Left in this country. And it’s increasingly obvious that our much-touted “liberal democracy” can’t stand up to it."

Israeli Court Orders Facebook to Unblock Account of NSO Group Employee
More JEWdicial Lawlessness In Action! - Outraged yet?? - mpg -- A quote...."A Tel Aviv court ordered Facebook Inc to unblock the private account of a worker at Israeli surveillance company NSO Group, and similar rulings are expected for other employees in the coming days, an NSO spokeswoman said on Tuesday. - A group of NSO employees filed suit against Facebook in November, saying the social media giant had unfairly blocked their private accounts when it sued NSO in October. - Facebook-owned messaging service WhatsApp accused the Israeli firm of helping government spies break into the phones of about 1,400 users in a hacking spree targeting diplomats, political dissidents, journalists and senior government officials across the globe. - The NSO employees said their Facebook and Instagram accounts, and also those of former workers and family members, had been blocked." - Source:  MEMO

Zionists [Judeo-Supremacists] Welcome Purge of Anti-Migrant & Political Revisionists
A quote...."The Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the supreme defence council and promoter of Jewish interests, applauds the de-platforming of as many as 100 million VK anti-migrant users. The Russian-based equivalent to Facebook until February was laid back about what users post. Most blocked users are migrating to GAB, MIND, MeWe and WorldTruth.MX. - The ADL line claims the need to eliminate hate speech. This is a bit rich coming from a body notoriously supportive of the state of Israel, the world’s most unpopular state because of its hate vendettas against the Palestinian peoples and anti-Zionists."

The Long And Sordid History Of US Government Bioweapons Research & Testing On Unwitting Civilians -- 41]  TLAVideo  - Outstanding & Revealing Analysis! - Alt @ TLAVYuTb - (TLAVYuTb - 1hr23min34sec - Feb 18th, 2020) - Source:  The Last American Vagabond @ BitChute - TLAV @ YuTb - TLAV @ Patreon - - T:LAV @ Minds - TLAV @ Steemit - TLAV @ RealVid - TLAV @ Yours - TLAV @ DTube - TLAV @ DLive - TLAV @ Diaspora - TLAV @ HnstCsh - One commentator stated....  "Ryan you blow my mind with some of the information you find and report, I tune in everyday. I'm going to start supporting you with what I can because we the people need more journalist's like you! God bless, my brother!" - Topix ||  Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak - New Weblist!!  ||

Dr Duke & Dr Slattery – Zionist Pub The Hill loves the Zio killing of Democracy in favor of Zio Oligarchy & Amazon defended Pedophile book but caved to ADL to Ban Dr. Duke’s Biography! -- DDAudio -- Alt/Mp3 - (DDFlPlyr / Mp3 - 54min01sec - Feb 17th, 2020)  - Source:  Rense Archive - David Duke Sites:  DD@YuTb - DD @ Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show  - Please Purchase to Support Dr Duke! - DD's Books - DD's Donate Request [Click Here] -- A quote...."Today Dr. Duke spoke about the increasingly obvious Zio oligarchy, or Zioligarchy, that is ruling our society. How will people respond to having two Jews, Sanders and Bloomberg, slug it out for the Democratic nomination over the next few months, while Donald Trump tweets from the white house that “Ackshually, I’m the greatest friend Israel ever had.” - He and Dr. Slattery then moved on to the rising tide of censorship coming from Jewish dominated media companies at the behest of Jewish advocacy organizations like the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL) -- Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad agent, Ghislaine Maxwell was his Mossad handler, and everyone in Washington is complicit in the usurpation of our government by Jewish power. - Please share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line. Please visit our contribution page or send your contribution to.... P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470 - Thank you."

UK Column News - 17th February 2020
UKCNAudio - Alt/Aud/Sprkr - Alt/Aud/SndCld - Alt/Vid/YuTb - (UKCNVar - 50min23sec - Feb 17th, 2020) - Source:  UK Colmn News - UK Colmn's/Arch - Alt Crnt Radio Spkr / Click On Episodes - UKColmn's/SndCld - UK Colmn @ YuTb - UKC @ Vimeo / Archv -- Please Donate:  Donate2UKC And/Or join our Community:  Donate&Community@UKC -- Guest's Websites:  21st Century Wire - SunWire@Sprkr - 21CW @ Podomatic / Archive - SunWire@SndCld / Archv - Sprkr @ Alt Crnt Radio - AltCrntRadio -- A quote.... "Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and David Scott with today's UK Column News. -- START - 56th Munich Security Conference finished yesterday - UK government didn’t officially attend but British king Mark Sedwill did - US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: the west is winning - Russia’s Sergey Lavrov: give up promoting the ‘Russian threat’ - US President Trump seems to be ‘not according to plan’ - Defence: EU claims it needs its own ability to act  - What are the much vaunted ‘values’ of the west…? - The African Sahel region is still ‘a key region for Europe’ - why…? - EU discussing military expansion into North Africa.... Social Media & Democracy: people get exposed to more diverse views than before - Facebook’s Zuckerberg brings up ‘harmful’ data supporting the online harms bill - Britain in the World conference took place on 10 February along with RUSI - UK to be tied in to European Military Union as planned…?"

Ep #315 – ‘Trump, Duterte and China’ with Guests Andre Vltchek and Basil Valentine
21stCentAudio  - Alt/Sprker - (21stCWSprkr - 2hrs12min32sec - Feb 16th, 2020) - Source:  21st Century Wire - SunWire@Sprkr - 21CW @ Podomatic / Archive - SunWire@SndCld - Sprkr @ Alt Crnt Radio - AltCrntRadio -- Episode #315 of Sunday Wire Show resumes on February 16, 2020 with host Patrick Henningsen, broadcasting LIVE on the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR).... This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. We’ll discuss some pretty shocking take-aways from the Munich Security Conference, especially regarding Huawei and China. Also, Boris cancels visit to see Trump at the White House, apparently over CIA wife’s hit-and-run extradition controversy – which could influence the extradition case of Julian Assange. Later in the first hour, we’ll go on the ground in Southeast Asia with 21WIRE intrepid international political correspondent and best-selling author, Andre Vltchek, to talk about the historic announcement in Philippines by President Duterte, kicking out US military, and the country’s fluctuating relations with neighboring China. In the final segment of overdrive, we’ll talk with SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine, to discuss how weaponized identity politics is ruining public discourse in America and Europe; as Basil says, “Politics is no longer a forum for debate, it’s where special interest groups issue ultimatums – which invariably opens the door for more oppression, with undemocratic forces entering the vacuum created by censorship.” All this and much, much more. -- Subscribe & Become a Member @21WIRE.TV - Enjoy the show."

The Daily Nationalist: Foundations of Truth – DN 021720
TDNAudio - The Truth Will Set You Free! -- Alt/Mp3 -- (TDNMp3- 34min38sec - Feb 17th, 2020) - Source:  The Daily Nationalist - RadioAlbion - Donate @ Radio Albion - A quote...."Sven Longshanks looks at the conflicted loyalties some people have between being patriotic and being truthful. - We should always be patriotic, but that should not come at the expense of the truth. The alt-right grew out of the truth movement and a desire to learn the truth and expose injustices. - The truth is we never should have gone to war against Germany and Churchill bears responsibility for the deaths of millions of us. - To point this out does not mean being unpatriotic, it means accepting our failures and ensuring they don’t happen again."

Are We Nearing The End of Auschwitz?
The Holohoax Extortion Scam:  A quote...."Is the obsession to do away with Holocaust Denial putting Holocaust Belief on the chopping block? So often it’s been the case that attempts to condemn ‘Holocaust denial’ only lead to exposing more of the very real and insolvable problems inherent in Holocaust belief. -- A case in point is English historian David Cesarani’s 1000 page magnum opus that was published in 2016, titled Final Solution: The Fate of the Jews 1933-1949. The book comes across as Cesarani’s effort to ‘save the Holocaust’ for the Jews since, as a serious historian he is familiar enough with revisionist literature to know that its arguments cannot be disputed with standard holocaustian “scholarship.” So many mistakes were made early on. So much outlandish tale-telling was given the stamp of approval for the simple reason the Allies wanted to convict the Nazis of war crimes worthy of death at the Nuremberg Tribunal of Major War Criminals in 1946. Yes, these men were labeled war criminals before their trial even took place. And they had to be put to death to prevent them from later talking or writing about what really happened." - bold by website editor - Topix  ||  The Holohoax  ||

The Thin Internal Walls of Krematorium 1 at Auschwitz
Ditto! For The Record - A quote...."The room inside the old crematorium of the Auschwitz Main Camp that was a morgue according to original war-time plans is said to have been used as a homicidal gas chamber between late 1941/early 1942 and the first half of 1943. It would seem that operating a homicidal gas chamber requires the installation of gas-tight, panic-proof doors to keep both the poisonous fumes and the victims safely inside. While there is no evidence in the extant documentation pointing to the existence of any such doors, orthodox historiography points to witness testimony indicating that such doors were in fact in place. A closer scrutiny of war-time blueprints reveals that the walls of this morgue which must have supported these doors were extremely thin, hence unable to support the installation of massive steel doors." - Topix  ||  The Holohoax  ||

Former Political Prisoner Monika Schaefer to Lead Truth & Justice for Germans Campaign
Hip Hip Hooray!! - A quote...."The name tells the story, and it is long overdue. It is high time for there to be Truth and Justice for Germans. The lies, deceptions, vilification, demonizing and slander against the German people began long ago and has continued non-stop to this day. Not only did Germany suffer the physical devastation of two bloody “world wars”, they suffered the total ‘re-education’ and indoctrination of themselves and a world who falsely blame the victim (the Germans) for the wars and for a fantastical genocide which they never committed. They are not permitted to grieve their own losses, and are criminalized for speaking truth about their history and achievements. Everything has been turned on its head. The pain of destruction is one thing, the pain of being falsely turned into villain is on an entirely other level. Germany has been brought down to her knees, and the war against her has never ended." - Source:  Monika Schaefer - Source Website:  Free Speech - Monika Schaefer

Churchill and the Jews
For The Record - Outstanding Dissertation! - HorusVideo - Alt/YuTb - (HorusVar - 55min40sec - Nov 4, 2019) - Source:  Horus @ BitChute - Horus @ YuTb - Horus @ Gab - Horus @ SubscribeStar -- One commentator stated.....""Great work, Horus. I'll do my best to spread the word. The older I get, the more I viscerally loathe this creature and the esteem in which he's still held." -- *TheEndOfEverything*

YCP – The Dresden Holocaust: NEVER AGAIN!!!!
Article Reading - EJAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (EJMp3 - 59min56sec - Feb 9th, 2020) - Source:  Eli James @ EFR - Euro Folk Radio Shows - Euro Folk Radio -- A quote...."A report about the 1945 St. Valentines’s day massacre of up to 700,000 civilians in the city of Dresden, on the orders of Winston Churchill and other Allied butchers.   Hiroshima and Nagasaki have received much more press, but because Dresden is a German city, the joozmedia totally ignores this holocaust of innocent German civilians, the vast majority of whom were women and children.  The report is by Hans Schmidt of the German American Political Action Committee, dated February 1985, the 40-year anniversary of this act of butchery ordered by the Rothschilds."
Truth Will Out Radio: The Gallipoli Disaster – TWOR 021420
TWROAudio - Alt/Mp3 -- (TWROVar - 1hr1min9sec - Feb 14th, 2020) - Source:  Truth Will Out Radio - RadioAlbion -- A quote...."Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise discuss Churchill’s disastrous leadership of the navy in 1915 that led to the worst defeat in all British military history. -- By the end of 1914, Europe was bogged down in trench warfare and Churchill was itching for the British navy to see action. -- Instead of taking time to prepare a proper plan, he talked the British government into allowing him to try and open up a route to get supplies to Russia through the straits of the Dardanelles. -- The operation was a total disaster and ended with a combined European army and navy dug into trenches unable to even get up the beach after landing on it, while being picked off by Turkish guns above. -- The ground was rocky and they were not even able to bury the dead, leading to polluted water and rampant disease among those left alive. -- One hundred and fifty thousand men ended up dead or wounded securing a territory with no strategic importance, before the troops finally withdrew and Churchill was removed from public life in shame."

The Origins of the Second World War
For The Record - HorusVideo - Alt/YuTb - (HorusVar - 1hr1min53sec - Nov 16, 2019) - Source:  Horus @ BitChute - Horus @ YuTb - Horus @ Gab - Horus @ SubscribeStar -- One commentator stated....."Great video Horus. You may find interesting these two short books, one from 1938 and the other 1952 available as pdfs free from the internet. 'Germany and England' by Nesta Webster and 'The Nameless War' by Captain A.H.M. Ramsey."

Nationalists Around The World Unite!
RIRVideo - Alt @ Mp3/Aud - Alt @ Bitchute - Alt @ Lbry - Alt @ DLive - Alt @ VK - RI Mbrs - (RIRVar - 49min50sec - Feb 13th, 2020) - Source:  Red Ice RSS Feeds - RedIce @ BitChute - RI @ DLive - RedIce@Spkr - RedIce @ Minds - RedIce @ Gab - RedIceTV - Red Ice Creations - Red Ice Members -- A quote...."Sascha Roßmüller is a member of the European party, the Alliance for Peace and Freedom (APF), a member of Europa Terra Nostra, chairman of NPD in Bavaria and a freelance journalist. Also, the author of Europe Contra EU (Let’s Break Away From Brussels). We’ll discuss the critical condition of Germany and the mission of the Alliance for Peace and Freedom (APF), who is creating a coalition of nationalists from around Europe and the world."

The Judean-German War
For The Record - HorusVideo - Outstanding Horrific Dissertation!! - Alt/YuTb - (HorusVar - 1hr06min45sec - Jan 28, 2020) - Source:  Horus @ BitChute - Horus @ YuTb - Horus @ Gab - Horus @ SubscribeStar -- A quote...."Would the second world war have occurred without the urging of Jewish organisations?" -- One commentator stated.....[Click for Link]

Being Ahead of Time
The Jewish "A"/"B", "Controlled Opposition", "Controlled Debate" Technique of Oppression -- A quote...."In my recent book, "Being in Time", I analyse Jewish controlled opposition. I argue that some self-identified Jews end up being on both polar extremes of every debate that is even mildly relevant to Jewish existence: Those who have recently been disturbed about the Jews who are at the centre of the impeachment trial have also found that Jews hold key positions on Trump’s defense team. Those who accuse Jews of pushing immigration and multiculturalism can’t deny that Trump’s senior policy advisor on immigration is Stephen Miller and that was conceived in Jerusalem. The Palestinians’ solidarity movement is dominated by a few well organized Jewish solidarity groups that do little but divert the discourse from the Palestinian right of return and exhaust the movement in their relentless witch-hunting of truth speakers and seekers."

"America is Being Corrupted, Exploited, Degraded and Murdered by the Organized Jewish Community" -- A quote...."Guess only an idiot would ask why doesn't the MSM truly investigate the 2008 financial collapse? But why look into that mugging when we had endless tales of al CIA Duh terrorists shouting Allah Akbar and slicing off heads, cutting open chests and eating hearts. Gosh, you don't think one is connected to the other? Am I being cynical to ask if that fear of al CIA Duh was deliberately created to not only keep America bogged down for decades fighting wars for Israel, but to provide cover to the thieving bastards who looted the USA using the MBS meltdown? After all, what would scare Americans more, lurid tales of al CIA Duh types hiding in their parks, ready to jump out and slit their throats or mundane news about financial con games that were so complicated, it was difficult for even a PhD to decipher?"

What We Got for Welcoming the Poor, Persecuted Tribe: A Knife in the Back
A quote...."IT’S ALWAYS just so thrilling to hear the Jews whispering; insinuating that they occupy the top slots in government, Wall Street, Hollywood, the media, the Nobels, academia, high tech, et cetera because they’re simply “smarter than everyone else.” It usually goes something like that. - If you take the estimated number of White folk in the world, even accepting a ridiculously small estimate, it comes in at about 600 million at the unreasonably low end. Meanwhile our conniving “betters” number somewhere around 15 million worldwide."

Claim: ‘Epstein Worked for Israel’
A quote...."The saga of pedophile procurer to the rich and famous Jeffrey Epstein continues to enthrall, even if the Department of Justice appears to have no interest in learning the details of what appears to be a major Israeli spy operation. There have been a number of new developments in the past several weeks, confirming that Epstein had been a longtime Israeli intelligence asset targeting prominent Americans while also suggesting that he was murdered in his prison cell in New York rather than a suicide. -- Of interest to many following the story with the apparent exception of the FBI, a former Israeli intelligence officer has written a book describing how Epstein and his partner in crime Ghislaine Maxwell were blackmailing prominent politicians on behalf of Israel’s foreign intelligence service Mossad. According to Ari Ben-Menashe, the two had been working directly for the Israeli government since the 1980s and their operation, which was funded by Mossad and also by prominent American Jews, was a classic “honey-trap” which used underage girls as bait to attract well-known politicians from around the world, a list that included Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton. The politicians would then be photographed and video recorded when they were in bed with the girls."

Dr Duke, Dr Slattery & Mark Dankof – Jewish Elite Fights Sanders Because He Will Spur Antisemitism. Also The Horrific Child Abuse of Transgender Transitioning! -- DDAudio -- Alt/Mp3 - (DDFlPlyr / Mp3 - 54min01sec - Feb 13th, 2020)  - Source:  Rense Archivee - David Duke Sites:  DD@YuTb - DD @ Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show  - Please Purchase to Support Dr Duke! - DD's Books - DD's Donate Request [Click Here] -- Guest's Websites:  Mark Dankof's Website - Dankof's NBR-Front Page Articles - Natl Bugle Front Page Articles -- A quote...."Today Dr. Duke and Mark Dankof discussed articles by Jews that express worries that Bernie Sander’s Bolshevik past could spur antisemitism. Also, they get into the insanity of reassigning the gender of children. -- Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad agent, Ghislaine Maxwell was his Mossad handler, and everyone in Washington is complicit in the usurpation of our government by Jewish power. - Please share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line. Please visit our contribution page or send your contribution to.... P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470 - Thank you."

Patriotic Weekly Review: Horus – PWR 021220
PWRAudio - Albion-Alt/Mp3 - MC-Alt/Bitchute - MC-Alt/YuTb - (MCVar - 2hrs3min44sec - Feb 12, 2020) - Source Website:   RadioAlbion -- Producer's Websites - Mark Collett:  MC @ Bitchute - MC @ YuTb - Patriotic Alternative - M.C.'s Book:  The Fall of Western Man - Co-Host's Websites:  NWGO @ Sprker / Click On Episode - NoWhiteGuiltOrg - NWG @ LinkTree - NWG @ YuTb - NWG / Store - Special Guest's Websites:  Horus @ BitChute - Horus @ YuTb - Horus @ Gab - Horus @ SubscribeStar -- A quote...."Mark Collett and No White Guilt are joined by Horus to talk about the Jamaican 50, HS2 and the new history of Sweden as told by Scandinavian Airways. - Horus begins by talking about his videos on Churchill and how he was far from being the patriotic hero he is made out to be. - Mark points out that the twisting of history around that war is central to why we are in the situation we are in today, where we cant even deport foreign rapists, murderers and drug dealers. - We were lied to about the need for Windrush era immigration and at the time, the British public were told they would all be leaving after the work was finished. - Mark explains that if non-White prisoners were told they could have their sentences commuted if they swapped their passport for citizenship in a sunnier climate, it would quickly reduce their numbers. - Scandinavian Airlines have produced a scandalous advert that claims everything Scandinavia has is stolen from elsewhere and even features Africans talking about ‘their’ Viking heritage.- This will be a very good recruitment video for us as it blatantly shows the Swedish state is attempting to write it’s own people, out of it’s own country’s history."

Israel Says US Agreed To Attack Iraq & Syria, US Afghan Soldiers Killed & Israel STILL Bombing Gaza -- TLAVideo - Alt @ TLAVYuTb - Alt @ VBYuTb - (TLAVYuTb - 1hr19min01sec - Posted Feb 10th, 2020) - Source:  The Last American Vagabond @ BitChute - TLAV @ YuTb - TLAV @ Patreon - - T:LAV @ Minds - TLAV @ Steemit - TLAV @ RealVid - TLAV @ Yours - TLAV @ DTube - TLAV @ DLive - TLAV @ Diaspora - TLAV @ HnstCsh -- One comment posted below.....""Raised to think you’re always the good guys that do the right thing for the right reason. -- Then realizing the good guys made a mistake. -- Then realizing you are the bad guys in the situation. -- Hoping you’ll get to be the good guys again next time. -- Wondering why you are still helping the bad guys. -- Realizing you aren’t doing the right thing because of outside pressure from your ally, even when the right thing to do is obvious, popular, and should be easier. -- Realizing your greatest ally and friend is a friend to no one, never has been, and never intends to be.  The cries to you from this tiny minority was actually their ancient tribal war scream, as all the tears being shed are coming from the defenseless majority being victimized by them. -- Disillusioned by the facts and that you aren’t allowed to spread them in the land of the free and dumbstruck that your interests actually aligned with the bloodthirsty lunatics and at the truth contained in their obviously nonsense chanting. -- This is what it’s like being an American. -- Still, I disagree with them a little bit. We arent the great satan, it’s more like we’re the great satan’s junkyard attack dog" -- *Jousseau Subversowitz*

Vanessa Beeley Interview - Turkey & US Openly Protect Extremists In Idlib As Lies Begin To Crumble -- TLAVideo - Alt @ YuTb - (TLAVYuTb - 1hr12min41sec - Posted Feb 10th, 2020) - Source:   The Last American Vagabond @ BitChute - TLAV @ YuTb - TLAV @ Patreon - - T:LAV @ Minds - TLAV @ Steemit - TLAV @ RealVid - TLAV @ Yours - TLAV @ DTube - TLAV @ DLive - TLAV @ Diaspora - TLAV @ HnstCsh - Guest's Websites:  Vanessa Beeley @ YuTb - VB @ Patreon -- A quote...."Joining me today is Vanessa Beeley, an independent investigative journalist and photographer who has worked extensively in the Middle East – on the ground in Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Palestine, and has covering the conflict in Yemen since 2015. In 2018, Vanessa was named one of the 238 most respected journalists in the UK by the British National Council for the Training of Journalists. In 2019, Vanessa was among the recipients of the Serena Shim Award for uncompromising integrity in journalism. Today we are discussing Syria, Idlib and the wall of propaganda surrounding all of it."

Dr Duke & Andy Hitchcock on How the Zio Media Covers Up and Suppresses Books Showing Their Leading Role in the Horrific Historic Slave Trade! -- DDAudio - Graphic - (click to view) -- Alt/Mp3 - (DDFlPlyr / Mp3 - 54min01sec - Feb 11th, 2020)  - Source:  Rense Archive - David Duke Sites:  DD@YuTb - DD @ Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show  - Please Purchase to Support Dr Duke! - DD's Books - DD's Donate Request [Click Here] -- Related Regular Guest Websites:  Patrick Slattery @ YuTb - Patrick Slattery @ National Bugle Radio & Don Black Show & Eric Striker @ National Justice & Mark Collett @ YuTb - MC @ Bitchute - MC @ PatrioticAlternative -- Guest's Websites:  Andrew Carrington Hitchcock @ EFR - Euro Folk Radio Shows - Euro Folk Radio - Andy’s VK.Com -- Special Guest's Websites:   -- A quote...."Today Dr. Duke was joined by Andy Hitchcock for a discussion of the history of the slave trade, in which Jews played the leading role. Check out Dr. Duke’s YouTube videos on the Jewish role in the slave trade:  [video one] & [video two] - Please share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line. Please visit our contribution page or send your contribution to.... P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470 - Thank you."

Dr David Duke & Ryan Dawson Expose Ziogoogle’s War Against Free Speech and Free Thought Worldwide ! -- DDAudio -- Alt/Mp3 - (DDFlPlyr / Mp3 - 54min01sec - Feb 5th, 2020)  - Source:  Rense Archive - David Duke Sites:  DD@YuTb - DD @ Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show  - Please Purchase to Support Dr Duke! - DD's Books - DD's Donate Request [Click Here] -- Related Regular Guest Websites:  Patrick Slattery @ YuTb - Patrick Slattery @ National Bugle Radio & Don Black Show & Eric Striker @ National Justice & Mark Collett @ YuTb - MC @ Bitchute - MC @ PatrioticAlternative -- Guest's Websites:  Andrew Carrington Hitchcock @ EFR - Euro Folk Radio Shows - Euro Folk Radio - Andy’s VK.Com -- Special Guest's Websites:   Ry2S @ ANCRpT-PodCasts - Ry2S@YuTb - Ry2S@ANCRpt - Ry2SAntiNeoconsRy2S @ Tru Tube - Anti-Neocons / Indiegogo Project - Patreon - VKDotCom -- A quote...."Today Dr. Duke was joined by documentary film maker Ryan Dawson for a discussion of the intense Jewish ethnic networking represented by Google boss Sergei Brin’s donations of millions of dollars to the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, which is dedicated to flooding the United States with immigrants into to turn whites into a beleaguered and despised minority in the country they created. Listen and spread it around. - Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad agent, Ghislaine Maxwell was his Mossad handler, and everyone in Washington is complicit in the usurpation of our government by Jewish power. - Please share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line. Please visit our contribution page or send your contribution to.... P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470 - Thank you."

The Great Jewish Mask: Pt5 – Summary with the late Nick Spero (Circus Maximus) & Jan
HRVideo - Setting The Record Straight - Alt/Mp4/Vid - (HRMp3 - aprox 1-2hrs - Feb 9th, 2020) - Source:   History Reviewed Com - History Reviewed Net - African Crisis - New Website: White-Shop-Biz -- A quote...."The Great Jewish Mask is about a deception that the Jews engaged in from 430 BC to the present day. The Jews invented a grand, but nonexistent history for themselves & it has fooled the world from then until now. - The late Nick Spero did an excellent interview with me, wherein we discussed The Great Jewish Mask and its importance. - I met Nick on Twitter where he used the name Circus Maximus. He did excellent posts on Twitter and had a good following of well over 3,000 people. Nick was very impressed with the video series I did: The Great Jewish Mask based on the fascinating little book published in 1936. - The series clearly made a big impression on Nick and he interviewed me and we had a long discussion about it. He published this on Youtube. - Nick died in 2018 and there are questions around his death. Dion Wehrwolf and I were suspicious about it too and here’s a link to the article I wrote about it: IMPORTANT: Did the Jews murder Renegade’s Nick Spero aka Circus Maximus? – 2nd suspicious Renegade death in a year? - Click on Link

The Nameless War, by Archibald Ramsay, Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Book Reading - EJAudio - Part1 -Alt/Mp3 - Part2-Alt/Mp3 - Part3-Alt/Mp3 - Part4-Alt/Mp3 - (EJMp3 - aprox 1hr each - Feb 9th, 2020) - Source:  Eli James @ EFR - Euro Folk Radio Shows - Euro Folk Radio -- A quote...."Part 1 -- The Nameless War in four parts, as read by Pastor Eli James" - Part 2 -- Pastor Eli James continues his reading of the book, The Nameless War, by Archibald Ramsay.  This is Part 2 of four parts.  Ramsay’s book is about how the Zionists orchestrated WWII and ow they sabotaged Hitler’s Peace Plan with Poland. - Part 3 -- Pastor Eli reads the third part of this series, regarding the Zionist conspiracy to stage WWII. - Part 4 -- Pastor Eli James concludes the series on the Nameless War.  This last installment concerns how the British Zionists sabotaged Hitler’s efforts to negotiate with the Polish government concerning the genocide of the German people in the Danzig corridor."

Our Fundamental Disagreement About WWII, Hitler, Jews and Race
For The Historical Record - A quote...."The very best book to read on Russian-Jewish relations is “200 Years Together” by Alexander Solzhenitsyn. The problem with this book is that has never been officially translated into English. Yup, that’s right. A CRUCIAL book by a Nobel Prize winner can be so controversial that nobody in the publishing business has dared to print it. Happily, a number of websites offer unofficial “samizdat” translations, see here, here and here. I cannot vouch for the quality of these translations as I read the book in Russian, not in English. But yeah, in the “land of the free”, the putative “brave” do not get to read a book if that book debunks the western narrative about Russia and Jews. By the way, Solzhenitsyn’s masterpiece is not the only such book which exists only in Russian, there are many more including Andrei Dikii’s “Jews in Russia and the USSR” which can also only be found on the Internet Archive here.I can’t even begin to try to summarize that most interesting, and controversial history here."

The Democratic Republic is Moribund
A quote...."THE REAL “cradle of democracy” of course was Athens, Greece. That’s where it was invented. The judgment of educated Greeks about their democracy was not very positive. Alcibiades said, “Democracy is acknowledged folly.” Plato’s philosophy is largely about what a bad system democracy is. The best period of the Athenian democracy was under the reign of Pericles, when Athens was a de facto dictatorship and a democracy in name only. Even under the best circumstances democracy tends to be something other than the rule of the people — the rule of the rich, or of otherwise influential individuals."

Vulture Capitalism, Jews — and Hollywood, Part 1
A quote...."Just before Christmas, TOO contributor Andrew Joyce came out with a very courageous and informative account of the damage various Jews have done through their activities at the upper end of the Western economic system in an area often labeled “vulture capitalism.” I will build on Joyce’s insights in this essay with a simple goal in mind: To further expose Jewish practices that enrich them while causing great harm to a huge number of non-Jews. I will do this by repeating many things I have written about already on this site, some of which are now over a dozen years old, which is ancient by Internet standards. Hopefully, my analysis will enlighten new readers or those just catching on to the Jewish Question. Most hopefully, my examples will allow TOO readers to spread this message to the masses of non-Jews thus far ignorant of the grave threats in our midst. And I will do this through the painless way of using Hollywood hit films to show how Jews hide their economic malfeasance right in plain sight."

The After Party ¦ No White Guilt ¦ The Great Order ¦ Ecce Lux
NWGOAudio - Alt/Sprker - (NWGOVar - 1hr51min10sec - Jan 9th, 2020) - Source:   NWGO @ Sprker / Click On Episode - NoWhiteGuiltOrg - NWG @ LinkTree - NWG @ YuTb - NWG / Store -- A quote...."My hope is to bring purpose, safety, and happiness to Westernkind. My concern is with the harm that has been and is inflicted by antiwhites on Westmen (as individuals and as a whole, i.e. Westernkind). My objective is to bring healing, empowerment, and inoculation to my people – white wellbeing. Dignity for all, even whites."