The Euro-Kazarian Parasites WANT Disruptions

The Euro-Kazarian Parasites WANT Disruptions

Ukraine Backs Off From EU-Backed Gas Deal
No Deal Will Be Honored -- Let's repeat it shall we.  The idea has always been to provoke a confrontation with Russia.  It has always been to drive a wedge between Russia and the EU nations. To cause a disruption with the gas supplies to the EU in anyway possible and fracture the highly profitable, budding economic integration of Russia with the EU. 

The current parasites in the Ukrainian Junta will do ANYTHING to carry out Israel's and their North Amerikan colony's PNAC Protocols.  They intend to create more false-flags, more atrocities, more provocations and they WILL do everything they can to break the current peace treaty.  They are perfectly willing to murder millions of Ukrainians to carry out these plans.

The current Junta must be dissolved and the multi-member, trans-nationals, known as Victoria Nuland, Robert Kagan, Arseniy Petrovych (Yat the Rat) Yatsenyuk, Yulia "nuke all Russians" Tymoshenko, and billionaire oligarch Petro Oleksiyovych (Porky the Pig) Poroshenko, and their fellow traveling, foreign sponsored, apparatchiks, should be rounded up, tried for war crimes and attempted genocide. NO, not that bogus "divide and conquer" Ukrainians against Russian genocide meme their bought and paid for presstitutes have convinced so many of...., they should be tried for the attempted genocide by "Jewish" trans-national, Euro-Kazarians against the Ukrainian/Russian people as a whole. The same type of genocide they, as a community, so successfully committed during the Holodomor massacre of the 1930's.  For these crimes the individuals named above, and their fellow travelers, should be convicted, and publicly hung by their collective necks until they are dead.

Peace and prosperity will never occur in Ukraine while these criminals remain unpunished, and in power, to carry out their agenda.

This is what happens when your society is dominated and controlled by trans-national Euro-Kazariians, constant warfare, growing wealth disparity, death, destruction, and constantly increasing poverty.  -- Think not?  Just look at the US-NRE, and England.  Current colonies of the Israeli Criminal Consortium. - mpg - For more on these issues see below....