The Fed's Balance Sheet - Used to Tear Apart Whole Countries

The Fed's Balance Sheet - Used to Tear Apart Whole Countries

Fed's balance sheet reaches $4 trillion at end of 2013
A quote...."The Federal Reserve said Friday its balance sheet swelled to $4.0 trillion at the end of 2013 as it made massive asset purchases to support the US economy. - The Fed, in a report of its 2013 financial results, said net assets increased by $1.1 trillion compared with its balance on December 31, 2012. - It paid net profit of $79.6 billion to the US Treasury. By law, the non-profit central bank is required to turn over any profit in excess of operating and other expenses to the government." - bold by website editor
"Non-profit?!?!?" - Are you kidding?? - Half of those four TRILLION newly created debt-notes (aka fiat-notes) went to just a few of the TBTF banks to buy back their financial "mistakes".  The other half was inflated when the primary dealers (those wonderful few who are allowed to purchase treasuries in bulk, on zero-interest loans, at substantial discounts) got to turn around, usually within weeks after "buying" their treasuries, and flip them right back to the Fed at substantial mark-ups.

To put this in perspective the Social Security Trust Fund, before it was looted by Clinton to "balance the budget", contained only 2.5 trillion dollars.  Money which represented the savings of every American worker since the 1930's.  Yet to carry out the PNAC Protocols, the Fed printed four trillion in about five years and gave almost all of it to the "one percent" who consist mostly of Euro-Kazarians.

It's real simple folks.  During the eighties Euro-Kazarians made a killing using fiat script  and junk bonds (leverage) to tear apart whole companies to raid their pension funds and other assets while selling off the chunks piecemeal.

Now there's much bigger game in town. -- After their carefully arranged cultural and geo-political shock-&-awe known as 9/11, Euro-Kazarians literally made a killing (millions murdered, tens of millions whose lives have been shattered)  using their Fed's four trillion in fiat-script (leverage) to tear apart whole countries to raid their gold reserves, pension funds and other assets while playing the remaining chunks off against each other.

Ukraine is the most recent, but not the last or least, in a long list of countries the Euro-Kasarians have destroyed.  Consider this process not so much as a "leveraged buy-out" and subsequent break-up, but more as a "leveraged blow-apart" and subsequent harvest.
To's just good business.  - mpg