Thursday August 11th 2011

More On The Domestic Situation....

The Root Of All Political Evil
Must Read - A quote...."Everybody is dreaming. Until we have a serious discussion of how flawed, how corrupt, the power structures in this country truly are, nothing good can happen. As long as we keep pretending that our political system works, that everything is on the up and up, nothing good can happen. Until we stop deceiving ourselves about every damn thing except ourselves, nothing good can happen....."

Martial Law in America Will Peel Away The Veil of Freedom, Democracy And Civility
A quote...."Western governments are responding to the global economic collapse and calls for revolution against the private central banks, Wall St. investment banks and global hedge funds with repression, terror, internet censorship, and martial law. -- The British government is reacting to the recent riots by proposing legislation to shut down social media, and putting the military on the streets to restore order."

The Two Coming American Revolutions
Some quotes...."The Enemy of my Enemy is NOT my Friend. -- In the late 1700′s there were two historic revolutions, the American and the French Revolutions. The American Revolution was very much an intellectual revolution as much as it was a military revolution. In the years before the first shot was fired, American Patriots laid the intellectual foundation for the American Revolution." -- "The French Revolution was more of a revolution of what the people were against, namely the Monarchy. Those that stoked the flames of revolution in France vilified the Monarchy and their huge wealth. The French took out the Monarch and replaced it with an Oligarchy of Terror. With no King to blame, Robespierre and the Jacobins proceeded to terrorize France with their Reign of Terror."

To some extent the author's contention is true, but it must be remembered that the first part of the "Terror" wiped out the Monarchy and those who supported its oppressions, tortures and murders.  It's only when Robespierre thought he could totally remake and remold  society with "terror" that the revolution turned on the people and finally itself.  On the other hand we need some justice in this country, we definitely don't need any more "let's put it all behind us".  There are thousands of people -- in this government right now -- who've literally gotten away with murder. Letting them do so is not a good foundation for re-building  the "Republic".  In fact, such toleration of corruption and outright evil will doom any effort to rebuild the Republic in it's infancy. - mpg - Topix ||  How About a "Justice Party"? - 04-23-10 - mpg  ||

Former Counterterrorism Czar Accuses Tenet, Other CIA Officials of Cover-Up
Special Note - A quote...."With the tenth anniversary of 9/11 just a month away, the intelligence failures leading up to the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon have started to attract fresh scrutiny from former counterterrorism officials, who have called into question the veracity of the various government probes that concluded who knew what and when. -- Indeed, an exclusive report recently published by Truthout based on documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act and an interview with a former high-ranking counterterrorism official showed how a little-known military intelligence unit, unbeknownst to the various investigative bodies probing the terrorist attacks, was ordered by senior government officials to stop tracking Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda's movements prior to 9/11."  - also posted at ICH & GlobalRsrch & BLN & DailyBeast - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

Analysing the CIA Response to Richard Clarke's Allegations: Who Knew What When?
Related Article - A quote...."Following the airing of allegations by former counterterrorism "tsar" Richard Clarke that the CIA deliberately withheld from him information about Pentagon hijackers Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi, former CIA director George Tenet, former CIA Counterterrorist Center chief Cofer Black and Richard Blee, a mid-level agency official who occupied two key counterterrorist positions before 9/11, have responded with a joint statement." - also posted at 9/11TruthNews - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

The NSA & 9/11: Failure to Exploit the US-Yemen Hub & Beyond
A quote...."In the aftermath of 9/11, reams of newsprint were given over to discussing the CIA and FBI failures before the attacks; the agency had some of the hijackers under surveillance and allegedly lost them, the bureau was unable even to inform its own acting director of the Zacarias Moussaoui case. However, the USA’s largest and most powerful intelligence agency, the National Security Agency, got a free ride. There was no outcry over its failings, no embarrassing Congressional hearings for its director. Yet, as we will see, the NSA’s performance before 9/11 was shocking." - also posted at 9/11TruthNews - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

Judge Denies Bid to Force Investigation of Psychologist's Role at Guantanamo
And the 9/11 cover-up continues. - mpg - A quote...."12 Aug 2011 New York State cannot be forced to investigate a psychologist accused by a human rights organization of overseeing coercive interrogation tactics at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, a judge in Manhattan ruled on Thursday." - Topix ||  9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables  ||

FARAGO: Was CIA behind Operation Fast and Furious? -- New and troubling motive for Team Obama’s illegal gunrunning scheme - A quote...."Why did the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) let criminals buy firearms, smuggle them across the Mexican border and deliver them into the hands of vicious drug cartels? The ATF claims it launched its now-disgraced Operation Fast and Furious in 2009 to catch the “big fish.” Fast and Furious was designed to stem the “Iron River” flowing from American gun stores into the cartels’ arsenals. The bureau says it allowed gun smuggling so it could track the firearms and arrest the cartel members downstream. Not true. -- During the course of Operation Fast and Furious, about 2,000 weapons moved from U.S. gun stores to Mexican drug cartels - exactly as intended." - also posted at BLN

Tragic Justice – TSA Reports Agents Developing Cancer from Naked Body Scanners
A quote...."(TRUTH IS TREASON)   In a new twist to the TSA saga to which we can only say, “We told ya so,” the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) has obtained documents through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) that reveal TSA employees are reporting “cancer clusters” among their own employees who work near radiation body scanners. At the same time, DHS refuses to issue dosimeters to TSA employeesbecause, obviously, those dosimeters would indicate alarming levels of radiation exposure. So it’s better to just keep everyone ignorant and keep irradiating all the TSA employees and hope nobody notices, apparently." - No sympathy whatsoever!! - mpg

Google Admits Handing over European User Data to US Intelligence Agencies
Web Under Subversion - A quote...."Google has admitted complying with requests from US intelligence agencies for data stored in its European data centers, most likely in violation of European Union data protection laws." - bold by website editor - also posted at BLN

Cops Kill 1 Person A Week With Tasers; Latest Victim Is A Black Boy Tased To Death
A quote...."Police brutality rages on as cops extend their shocking streak of one tasering death per week since 2001 after Cincinnati officers taser a black boy to death."

Have hope: The elite make mistakes ALL the time
A quote...."The arrogant psychopathic elite, aka the new world order, have made numerous mistakes down-the-years whilst designing their global debt-farm manufacturing process, but the masses, unfortunately, have failed to ‘wake up’ in time before ‘they’ had thought-up the unthinkable and implemented yet another horrendous strategy. The elite/parasites, in the past, have introduced their ‘solution’ before a critical number of people/hosts are sufficiently awake to expose the elite’s malevolent and inhumane atrocities.  This time it’s different, very different indeed."

Broadcasting LIVE on - August 11 2011
Must Listen MRVideo - Note:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto - 7min30sec - into the broadcast - mpg - (JustInTV - 2hrs - August 11th, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.  -- Notable as Michel Rivero goes off on Michelle Bachmann.  Absolutely delicious. Transcript shown below....mpg

Transcript - 00:47:29  to  00:51:34

"There's this huge bru-ha-ha over a Newsweek cover showing Michelle Bachmann "looking a little bit manic", "just a little bit crazy", in fact they call it the "crazy eyes photos", and all of Bachmann's coterie of supporters, which basically means everybody who wants another Israeli puppet in a high office in this country.....they're out there saying, "Oh how dare they do [this]". "How dare they deliberately pick a picture that makes her look crazy"."

"Well I went out on Google's search engine this morning....and I just went out and started looking for Michelle Bachmann photos and I found a whole bunch just like it.  They didn't go out and hunt down a photo that makes her look that crazy....SHE'S THAT CRAZY!  So I have a message for John Stewart over at the Daily Show who apparently was pounding on Newsweek....they did not pick a photo of Bachmann to make her look crazy, she does look that crazy..  They just took a picture of what was in front of them!  Now I want to go down this list of reasons of why Michelle Bachmann is a complete political JOKE!"

"Her only qualification for US office is obeisance to Israel.....and that she worked at a Kibbutz when she was young....and [that] she's running around saying "God will curse America if we don't support Israel" Ohhhhhhhh....."

"The more we support Israel the more cursed we're becoming, you know....hurricanes, tornadoes, lousy economy...."

"I think if you believe in God, he's been sending a message for quite a few years now and "nobody's paying attention"...."

"Now Michelle Bachmann in one of her earlier campaign speeches claimed this year that the American Revolution started in Concord New didn't!  It started in Concord Massachusetts.  I used to live in New Hampshire I know the difference of these things.  Than Michelle Bachmann claimed the founding fathers of the United States who signed the declaration of Independence apposed slavery.  Wrong again Michelle, the reality is most of them owned slaves.  Does the name Sally Hemings ring a bell?"

"Michelle Bachmann than tried to raise on a busted flush by saying that John Quincy Adams  --  [special note: Bachmann Backers Edit John Quincy Adams’ Wikipedia Page, Emulate Palin Camp & John Quincy Adams’s Wikipedia Page Altered To Make Him A Founding Father] -- was the signer of the declaration of independence who apposed slavery, and yes, John Quincy Adams [was] the son of John Adams. John Quincy Adams was the sixth president of the United States and he did appose slavery, but he was only eight years old when the declaration was signed, and he did not sign it, his father did."

"Michelle Bachmann than went on to sign a conservative Iowa group's family leader pledge that suggests children born into slavery had advantages over children born after the election of Barack Obama. [Which might be true but that's more of a reflection of just how bad Obama is for black people rather than any sort of crazy interpretation that slavery is good for you. - mpg]"

"Than Michelle Bachmann when she announced her candidacy in Waterloo Iowa, tried to equate herself with the film actor John Wayne, who she claimed was born in Waterloo Iowa.  He wasn't.  John Wayne was born in Winterset Iowa and raised in California.  It was John Wayne Gacy, the serial killer, who was born in Waterloo Iowa."

"So she's a clueless twit, if it's possible, she's more brainless than Sarah Palin....and she's being pushed on us as a viable candidate ahead of well qualified candidates like Ron Paul purely because Michelle Bachmann is pro Israel , and she's talking about ending the minimum wage, and Americans are going to have to live on less....because we've gotta give more money to Israel!"

"That's her entire campaign!  "I will suck up to Israel harder than anybody else", and that's what she's running on!"

"It's just insane!  Is this really the best the American political system can produce?  No it isn't, we've got Ron Paul, we have Cynthia McKinney.  We had good people there.  But the Corportacracy, the Money Junkies and the Israel Firsters, they don't want anybody there who's going to do a thing for the American people.  They want a government that will rob from you to give to the Banksters and to give to Israel."

"And that's all they want, and they'll do anything they can to get it.  Lie, cheat, steal, and murder."  --  *Michael Rivero*
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More On The International Situation....

U.S. Masochism: Trying to Stay in Iraq and Afghanistan
A quote...."Radical Shiite cleric Moqtada Sadr has issued new warnings about the possible consequences if Washington reneges on its commitment to withdraw all U.S. forces from Iraq by the end of the year. He emphasized that such troops would then be entirely legitimate targets for attacks. One hopes that U.S. leaders heed his warning. Indeed, they should not be contemplating an extended U.S. military presence in that country even absent a new round of threats from Sadr or other radical figures."

"The Insurgents Are Losing"
A quote...."Reading through the comments on various news sides not one persons seems to believe this story:"

"A group of “less than 10” insurgents, including the fighter who allegedly shot the Chinook helicopter with a rocket-propelled grenade, were tracked down at a compound in eastern Afghanistan early Monday and killed in airstrikes by F-16 fighter planes, according to Marine Gen. John R. Allen, the top commander in Afghanistan, and other military officials."

"One wonders why the military felt the need to come out with this obvious fairytale. -- It hurts its own credibility with such a story." - also posted at AlethoNews

BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials-August 11, 2011
A Boiling Frogs round-up of today's international news. - mpg

Bombs kill 6 NATO soldiers in Afghanistan
A quote...."Reporting from Kabul, Afghanistan— Insurgent bombs killed six Western soldiers on Thursday, the NATO force reported, five of those in a single attack. -- All the deaths took place in southern Afghanistan, the Taliban movement's main base. The nationalities of those killed were not immediately disclosed, but most of the foreign forces serving in the south are American or British."

Libya -- Lather, Rinse, Repeat -- Syria:  Liberal Imperialism and the Refusal to Learn
Must Read - A quote...."Two of my favorite quotes come into play here, one by the English poet, Alexander Pope, who explained that "some people will never learn anything . . . because they understand everything too soon," and George Bernard Shaw, much more resigned and ironic in stating that "we learn from experience that men never learn anything from experience."  From various misguided and superficial "open letters" to "the left" on Libya, to the recent renewal of righteous interventionism with respect to Syria, it seems that the greatest deficit in Western thinking about these unruly and barbarous others is not a deficit in sincerity, as I once mistakenly thought, but a learning deficit.  One detects a strong tendency among liberal imperialists and assorted self-designated "progressives" to think of their actions and thoughts as being above history, as if residing in some altostratus of unimpeachable rectitude." - also posted at AlethoNews

Syria: TIME Magazine's Desperate Lies for a Collapsing Gambit
A quote...." Claiming to be written in Hama, Syria, TIME's latest article "Exclusive: A Visit to Hama, the Rebel Syrian City that Refused to Die" attempts to reestablish the US State Department's sagging narrative regarding unrest they themselves funded, organized and are now openly promoting, this time, (allegedly) directly on the ground at the epicenter of the unrest. TIME's report runs immediately into convenient obstacles preventing them from accessing anything remotely resembling evidence and, instead, defers once again to eyewitness accounts by admitted members of the opposition." - also posted at AlethoNews

Compensate Victims of US Chemical Warfare in Vietnam - 50 Years of Agent Orange
A quote...."Today marks the 50th anniversary of the start of the chemical warfare program in Vietnam without sufficient remedial action by the U.S. government. One of the most shameful legacies of the Vietnam War, Agent Orange continues to poison Vietnam and the people exposed to the chemicals, as well as their offspring. H.R. 2634, the Victims of Agent Orange Relief Act of 2011, which California Congressman Bob Filner just introduced in the House, would provide crucial assistance for social and health services to Vietnamese, Vietnamese-American, and U.S. victims of Agent Orange." -- related article and comment....

Agent Orange Relief For Vietnam: Rep. Filner’s Bill Offers Hope
This is NOT foreign aid, this is cleaning up this nation's mess and offering -- a day late and billions of dollars short -- a tiny bit of remediation for what this nation inflicted on Vietnam.  Since this is the moral thing to do, since this is the decent thing to do, since this is the Christian thing to do and since it won't make any money for anyone in congress or the parasites who "select them" every will be voted down. - mpg - also posted at AlethoNews -- posted 08-03-11

Color Revolutions: Washington Funds Venezuela's "Made in the USA Opposition" -- $20 million in 2012 for anti-Chavez groups - A quote...."Since Hugo Chavez won his first presidential elections in 1998, the US government has been trying to remove him from power. With multimillion-dollar investments, every year Washington’s agencies advise and aid anti-Chavez groups with their campaigns and strategies against the government. -- Despite multiple attempts, including a coup d’etat in 2002 that briefly ousted President Chavez, their efforts have been in vain. The Venezuelan President’s popularity continues to rise and opposition leaders have failed to convince constituents of their plans. The latest polls show Chavez’s support above 57%, while the opposition fails to even reach 20%."

Contact lost with hypersonic glider after launch
A quote...."LOS ANGELES (AP) -- An unmanned hypersonic glider developed for U.S. defense research into super-fast global strike capability was launched atop a rocket early Thursday but contact was lost after the experimental craft began flying on its own, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency said."

Entire U.S. Stealth Fighter Fleet Grounded
A quote...."In past few decades, the U.S. Air Force has spent untold billions researching and developing a family of stealth fighter jets that are supposed to be generations ahead of any dogfighters in the sky. -- But after building more than 170 F-22 Raptors and a handful of F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, not a single one is available for service. The Air Force currently has zero flyable stealth fighters. None."

Why Reprieve is quitting the [UK's] torture inquiry
A quote...."Reprieve announced today that we would not be taking part in the government's inquiry into collusion in torture and rendition by British security services. -- Along with a coalition of 10 leading human rights organisations, including Amnesty, Liberty and Human Rights Watch, we've decided that the way the detainee inquiry is set up means that it will simply not be able to get to the bottom of the allegations that our country has been involved in some of the horrific abuses that have been taking place in the name of the "war on terror"."
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The Assault On Libya....

Press Conference by Moussa Ibrahim on Majer/Zlitan Massacre by NATO (English) - (August 9, 2011)
Must View Video - (YuTb - 17m01s - Aug 9, 2011) -- Source:  WolkenZwemmer -- A quote...."English part starts at about 1'00" -- Watch and follow his youtube-channel ( ) to see many graphic videos of the number of people that were killed by these NATO bombers from the Sky to open up the southern road to conquer Zlitan, killing 85 people. -- People should ask themselves why Libya is so resilient and why the Rebels need so much foreign support for bombing fellow Libyans. If there really was so much popular support the uprising would have ended many months ago."

NATO denies [Libya's] Sabha City Water and Electricity
M108Video - Alt - (M108YuTb - 4min51sec - Aug 11, 2011) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote...."NATO's Collective Punishment Continues; targeting civilians in Sabha, a desert city of no military value. With a UN vote due in three weeks, on whether to continue the NATO enforced no-fly zone or not, there is a sudden urgency to tell the world about NATO's murder and crimes."

Waging a Savage War on Libyan People
A quote...."August 11, 2011 "Information Clearing House" -- More bombs drop on Tripoli and across Libya tonight. Theses bombs dropped by the British government whose own youth are setting that country on fire in protest at their abandonment. -- The Libyan government share with the British youth the experience of criminalisation by the British press and politicians, and tonight they extended their solidarity to them. -- Libyan Foreign Minister chastised British Prime Minister David Cameron for “describing his own people as criminals” and echoed the sentiments of the youth by declaring him “unfit for the job”."

Does the international community exist?
A quote...."NATO is committing war crimes daily in Libya, the latest massacre of children and civilians in Zliten demonstrating its cold-blooded and reptilian callous disregard for human life as it proceeds to bomb indiscriminately in a desperate attempt to aid the terrorists it supports, knowing full well the TNC has the support of some 2% of Libyans." - also posted at ICH

U.N. chief alarmed over civilian casualties in Libya
A quote...."UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon voiced alarm on Thursday over recent reports of civilians killed in Libya's civil war and called on all sides to do as much as possible to avoid killing innocent people."

Imperial Plans for Libya Post-Gaddafi
Special Note - A quote...."A previous article suggested NATO’s Libya war is unraveling, having misjudged the commitment of Libyans to resist, fight back, and support Gaddafi. Access it through the following link: Natos Liby War Unraveling -- Nonetheless, daily bombings continue intensively, averaging 51 daily strike sorties in the last week alone, targeting Tripoli and other Gaddafi controlled areas mercilessly. -- Despite clear evidence of war crimes, NATO claims civilians and civilian targets aren’t struck. In fact, they’re targeted deliberately and repeatedly, killing hundreds and injuring many more as part of a campaign to cow targeted populations into submission." - Source:  SteveLendman

Weapons Transfers - the French and Qatar Connections - Alt
Ex-terrorist says terrorists and NATO lost war
Rebels fight Gadhafi troops in key oil terminal
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More on the World Wide Revolution....

Britain’s Riots: Thuggery, Looting, Lawlessness… By the Ruling Class
A quote...."As pundits sit in comfy television studios trading inane insights about the “evils” of individual immorality, criminality, dysfunctional families, gang culture – in the background, so to speak, are the glaring signs scrolling across the screens of the cause of this societal breakdown. And yet the preponderant signs escape the mental radar of pundits and politicians alike."

British Government's Response to the Riots: Who is "The Sick" one here?
A quote...."Yesterday, 10 August our vainglorious Prime Minister announced that the communities from which it is alleged the 'rioters and looters' emanated from were "sick". But more on who is really sick in our society later. In the meantime I'd like to pick up on an aspect of the state's response (or apparent lack of) to the uprising that I referred to yesterday, namely my assertion that the forces of 'law and order' deliberately allowed fires to burn and shops to be looted, as it served to demonize the people involved as well as justifying the use of heavy firepower and a complete lockdown (which happened yesterday)." - Source:  WilliamBowels

Financial Interests Behind the London Riots?
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 7min22sec - Aug 10, 2011) - Source:  RTAmerica -- A quote...."For several days now hordes of people have been looting and rioting in protest of the killing of an unarmed man, Mark Duggan. Many are concerned about the security of London and fear that the local authorities won't be able to control these mobs. Now the London riots have sparked other riots in other parts of the country.."

UK Using London Riots To Expand Spying and Censorship Of Social Media Censorship & Cell Phone Networks
The parasitic corporate elites' inevitable and predictable (by everyone on the web) response to Britain's rebellion and riots....ever more police state repression. - mpg -- A quote....""I previously reported on the double standards of western governments in violating human rights in the wake of the London riots. -- While the London media goes about labeling the brutal beating of teenagers on bicycles as “rough justice” respectable news outlets such as the Guardian and Al-Jazeera have called out the corporate media for their lies and propaganda. -- The Guardian has gone as far as pointing out the 333 deaths in U.K. police custody with zero prosecutions that has only fueled the anger that fired the protests. -- Meanwhile, politicians rush to pigeon hole the reason for the riots to a single reason from”blacks acting as animals” to bored teenagers taking advantage to cause chaos and steal. -- The British Prime Minister has even gone as far as endorsing a racist’s Facebook group on a national TV address. -- The latest excuse for the riots is social media."

What kind of punishment does Britain deserve?
A quote...."British Prime Minister Cameron has lost legitimacy as a result of the brutal suppression of peaceful demonstrators and should resign. These statements were made nearly simultaneously by the leading Iranian and Libyan politicians."

'Iran ready to send peacekeepers to UK'
Iranian Satire - Oh the guy looks all serious in the photo, but trust this website editor, he's laughing it up. - mpg -- A quote...."Commander of Iran's Basij Force says it is ready to deploy peacekeeper forces in London as the unrest in the British capital drags on despite tightened security measures."

Parliament demands violent repression of British youth riots
UK death toll rises, PM vows a fightback
Police ignited British unrest: Analyst - contains video
Death of 3 Muslims spurs public outrage
Unrest footage shows police beat biker
Protesters warn BlackBerry maker RIM
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

The Problem With Israel: Washington’s Acquiescence And The Media’s Complicity
Special Note - A quote...."Over coming weeks 81 Congressmen, a whopping 20% of the entire House of Representatives, will be spending their time off not with their constituents but instead in a foreign nation on a trip sponsored by a powerful lobbying group. -- These 26 Democrats and 55 Republicans are being sent to Israel thanks to the American Israel Education Foundation, or AIEF, a group under the banner of the behemoth Israeli lobby known as AIPAC or the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. -- While AIPAC forms the core of the Israel lobby in Washington, AIEF is responsible for bringing large groups of our so-called representatives to Israel every other August."

New York Times Support for US Imperial Wars
A Presstitute Exposed - (The NYT as usual) -- A quote...."The Times never met a US imperial war it didn't endorse or designated enemy it didn't vilify. Nor are concerns ever raised about constitutional and international law issues, crimes of war and against humanity, or mass slaughter and destruction." - The NYT is owned by the Ochs-Sulzberger family.  They're Jewish and fully support Israel and the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium in ALL of it's endeavors, including the PNAC Protocols. - mpg

AIPAC’s Iran Strategy On Sanctions Mirrors Run-Up To Iraq War Tactics
A quote...."The decision of more than 90 U.S. senators to press President Obama for Iraq-style sanctions on Iran flew in the face of what some observers warned could be the beginning of a stress test of the international support for pressuring Iran and another step closer to a potential war with the Islamic Republic." - also posted at AlethoNews & ICH

Push for confrontation with Iran (sometimes) bears a Jewish stamp
A quote...."This is at the Council for the National Interest blog under the heading, "Full-page ad in New York Times in April demonstrates who is pushing for war against Iran." I wish I could say it's a canard. But I can't. Couldn't they have gotten some non-Jewish groups aboard? Oh and yes the organizers say they're actuated by fears of climate change, but  why the Netanyahu quote and the emphasis on missiles?" - also posted at AlethoNews

Mainstream Press Misses the King of the Hill - The Israel Lobby's Return to Congress
A quote...."You might think that twenty percent of the American Congress going on all-expense-paid, week-long junkets to a foreign country – paid for by a lobby for that country – would be considered newsworthy. Especially when the top Congressional leaders of both parties are leading the trips.  --  You would be wrong."

Those Members of Congress Going to Israel, Please Stay There and Do Not Come Back!
A quote...."I would like a list the names of those we elected to represent us going to a foreign country to receive a lecture for the reason why they need to put Israel before the people who send them to Washington. We send people in congress to represent us, not a foreign power. The American Israeli lobby called AIPAC needs to raided and investigated. For any congressional representatives who wines and dines with anyone representing Israel, they will find out the hard way that all of them will be subject to blackmail. They will have nice girls willing to give their bodies to these politicians with hidden cameras ready to catch them in the act. This is how the Israelis use blackmail to control politicians."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

IOF serves demolition notice to owner of water well
A quote...."JERICHO, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) served a notice to a Palestinian citizen in Nuwaima village, Jericho province, that his water well would be razed because it was built without permit in area C of the West Bank."

Jewish settlers [home invaders] seize Palestinian homes by force
Full quote...."AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Jewish settlers [home invaders] forced their way into Palestinian homes in the Old City of Al-Khalil and expelled their inhabitants out at dawn Thursday, eyewitnesses said. -- They said that the settlers [home invaders] used digging tools to force their way into those homes overlooking the settlement  [squatter camp's] outposts in the city. -- The Old City in Al-Khalil has always been coveted by the Jewish settlers [home invaders and squatters] who, backed by the Israeli occupation forces, use arms to expel the Palestinian indigenous inhabitants and seize their homes."

Ashrawi: Israel’s De Facto Policy Destroys the Peace Process
A quote...."RAMALLAH, August 11, 2011 (WAFA) - Hanan Ashrawi, PLO Executive Committee member, Thursday warned that Israel’s unilateral measures in Jerusalem are a violation of international resolutions and will destroy the peace process."

Throwing rocks at the occupation – and Western prejudice too
A quote...."I had denied it for too long now but for a Palestinian, my rock throwing is abysmal. -- On one of the Fridays I spent in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh, I had grumbled out loud at this particular incompetence of mine and I suddenly found myself surrounded by eager teachers. -- It was the Friday that demonstrators marched with a model of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla. That day was mostly spent indoors as after the first couple of hours of the protest, the Israeli army aimed and fired tear gas at whoever poked his or her head out the door." - also posted at Uruknet

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (04– 10 Aug. 2011)
Every single week of the year, without any respite or let-up. - mpg
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More on Japan's Nuclear Power Plants....

FLASHBACK - Plutonium debris suspected at Fukushima plant explosion.
A quote...."The media told us all that this explosion of Fukushima Reactor 3 was a Hydrogen explosion. But Hydrogen, when it burns, burns with a clear blue flame, almost invisible. Note the orange flash at the moment of the blast. Hydrogen, when it burns, produces water vapor, or steam. The combustion products emerging from the ruined reactor do not look like a steam blast. Burning hydrogen is not high-velocity, so pulverized concrete does not account for the color. As a side note, burned Plutonium, Pu4+, is yellow brown." -- *Michael Rivero*

Report suggests second meltdown at reactor at Fukushima plant
A quote...."A second meltdown likely occurred in the No. 3 reactor at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, a scenario that could hinder the current strategy to end the crisis, a scientist said."

Al-Jazeera Blasts The Money Trail Funding The Nuclear Industry Cover Up Of The Fukushima Disaster
A quote...."Al-Jazeera blasts the nuclear industry’s use of power and money to exert their influence over corrupt politicians and academics to cover up the Fukushima nuclear disaster."
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More On The Economic Situation....

Welcome to the Age of Instability
Must Read - A quote...."In betting the farm to prop up a façade of financial stability, the Federal Reserve and the Federal government have doomed the entire system to collapse. Taleb explained why in the June 2011 issue of Foreign Affairs: “Complex systems that have artificially suppressed volatility become extremely fragile, while at the same time exhibiting no visible risks.” That describes the global economy in 2007, just before the financial meltdown of 2008 “surprised” conventional economists and Wall Street apologists. -- As Taleb has explained, the very act of suppressing fluctuations renders systems extremely prone to large-scale disruptions that are viewed as low-probability events, the infamous “black swans.”

Jim Rogers Bernanke, Geithner Leading Us Into Fiscal Armageddon
Must View NMXVideo - Alt - (NMXYuTb - 14min17sec - Aug 10, 2011) - Source:  etfideas -- A quote...."Jim Rogers is interviewed by NewsMax.Tv on the 9th of August 2011"

Max Keiser: WW3 is on as Wall St. banks plunder economy
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 6min06sec - Aug 11, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."The loss of America's AAA credit score has sparked panicked sell-offs on global markets. After several days of concern over whether France would retain its highest status, ratings giants reaffirmed its top billing on Wednesday. But investors remain unconvinced the country's finances are solid enough. Problems in the Eurozone will be up for discussion by the French and German leaders next week."

U.S. trade gap for June widens unexpectedly -- Largest deficit since October 2008, at height of the financial crisis
A quote...."WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — The U.S. trade deficit widened unexpectedly in June, reaching its highest level in almost three years as the nation’s exports were held in check by the global slowdown, according to government data Thursday."

Q2 GDP To Be Second Consecutive Sub-1% Print Following Surge In Trade Deficit
Related Article - A quote...."Prepare for two consecutive quarters of sub 1% GDP. The culprit: the surge in the June trade deficit which came earlier at $53.1 billion, far, far higher than expectations of $48 billion, and much worse than the May $50.8 billion which also was a major downside miss."  --  "Update: According to Stone McCarthy the pain will be even worse: "we suspect GDP will be revised downward to around 0.5% from the 1.3% advance estimate.""

Postal Service considers cutting 120,000 jobs
A quote...."WASHINGTON (AP) — The financially strapped U.S. Postal Service is considering cutting as many as 120,000 jobs. -- Facing a second year of losses totaling $8 billion or more, the agency also wants to pull its workers out of the retirement and health benefits plans covering federal workers and set up its own benefit systems."

"Horrible" [US] 30 Year Bond Auction Prices With Unprecedented 11 bps Tail
A quote...."The just completed auction of $16 billion in 30 Year bonds, was, as Rick Santelli said, "a failure". And while this may be a little dramatic, this was without doubt one of the ugliest 30 Year auctions ever seen. The 30 year priced at 3.75%, a huge 11 bps tail to the When Issued which was trading at 3.64%, the Bid To Cover plunging from 2.80 to 2.05, the lowest since February 2009, and, most shockingly, the Indirect Bidders Imploded to a paltry 12.2%!"

Central Bankers Race Toward Global Currency Solution
A quote...."This Bloomberg article is just another in a long line of disappointing mainstream financial reports that does nothing to address the real issues causing the crisis and, in fact, does everything to try to misinform the public into believing that the "experts" have all under control. -- Well, we do not think more jaw-jaw is what people want to hear right now, or that the money magicians are capable of doing anything to stop the rapid erosion of public confidence. And based on the recent upward move in Honest Money, it is quite obvious the markets don't want to hear it either."

The Daily Bail Round-Up - Aug 11, 2011 at 7:15 PM
A round-up of todays business news from the Daily Bail. - mpg

Zero growth for French economy in second quarter
A quote...."LONDON (MarketWatch) — France’s economy, the second largest in the euro zone after Germany, recorded no growth in the second quarter, heightening concerns about the nation’s ability to achieve its deficit-reduction plan."

Four European Nations to Curtail Short-Selling
A quote...."A European market regulator announced on Thursday night that short-selling of financial stocks in several countries would be temporarily banned in an effort to stop the tailspin in the markets." - Source:  NYT

Here Is What Happened When The SEC Banned Shorting Financial Companies In 2008
Chart - Related Article - A quote...."There are those who say the upcoming short selling ban in all stocks in Italy and France, which according to CNBC will take place as soon as after the close today, or in one hour, will be beneficial to stocks. Then there are facts. To those who may have forgotten, on September 18, the SEC banned the shorting of all financials here in the US. Below is a chart of the carnage that ensued... The same chart is coming to Europe first. End result: 48% drop in under a month."

China unable to rescue global economy
Special Note - A quote...."Amid new financial instability rocking the world’s stock markets, the question has arisen as to whether China could contribute to world economic growth with another massive stimulus package as it did in 2008. -- The Chinese regime reacted in panic to the “financial tsunami” that followed the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008, with a four trillion yuan ($US590 billion) stimulus package. Fearing social upheavals, Beijing then watched in horror as 20 million jobs were destroyed and 67,000 small and medium enterprises were shut, mainly in the export sector. It frantically expanded the stimulus package with a flood of bank lending to the tune of $2.7 trillion in 2009 and 2010. -- With this huge credit injection, China maintained growth rates at 9-10 percent for the past two years and helped sustain commodity-based economies like Australia and Brazil, as well as Japan, South Korea and South East Asian countries...."

China’s Yuan Strengthens Beyond 6.40 Per Dollar for First Time Since 1993
A quote...."The yuan strengthened beyond 6.4 per dollar for the first time in 17 years, supported by the Federal Reserve’s pledge to keep interest rates at a record low and signs China will use currency gains to help rein in inflation."

[Japan's] Economic outlook revised downward over disaster
A quote...."The Japanese government has downgraded its economic growth forecast for fiscal 2011 to 0.5 percent, down one percentage point from its previous estimate."

Wednesday August 10th 2011

Indy "Newspaper" Funded by US Government
US-NRE Propaganda Exposed - A quote...."After initially trying to downplay, obfuscate, and deny accusations that the Thai "independent, non-profit, daily web newspaper" Prachatai was in fact a US-funded propaganda front, a series of reports from Land Destroyer provided irrefutable evidence taken directly from the US government-funded National Endowment for Democracy website. Additional backpedaling, lying, and obfuscating prompted a follow-up report on Prachatai featuring several unlisted funding sources the duplicitous organization most likely thought were well buried."

EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Financial Terrorism in America: Over 1 Million Deaths Annually, 62 Million People With Zero Net Worth, As the Economic Elite Make Off With $46 Trillion -- Quote of the Day...."Despite increasing personal financial hardship, most Americans remain unaware of the economic world war currently unfolding. An all-pervasive corporate and government propaganda campaign has effectively obscured this blatant reality. After extensive analysis, it is evident that World War III is a war between the richest one-tenth of one percent of the global population and 99.9 percent of humanity. Or, as I have called it, The Economic Elite Vs. The People. This war has been a one-sided attack thus far. However, as we have seen throughout the world in recent months, the people are beginning to fight back. The following report is a statistical analysis of the systemic economic attacks against the American people."

A turning point in the crisis of world capitalism
A quote...."The downgrading of the credit rating of the United States last Friday means that August 5, 2011 will be recognised as one of the key turning points in the historic crisis of US and world capitalism along with September 15, 2008, the day Lehman Brothers collapsed, and August 15, 1971, the day President Nixon withdrew the gold backing from the US dollar."

The Divided Left
A quote...."More and more people are fed up. Press releases and email alerts are reaching absurd extremes. With Congress reduced to a 12-member committee that will set our budgetary priorities for years to come, organizations are politely asking that the committee include one or two humane individuals, or that the committee’s meetings be live-streamed or its decisions be posted publicly for 72 hours prior to being rammed down our throats. These absurd proposals come out of a divided left, one side of which is not ready to admit that nonviolent resistance is required or that Democrats ought to be held to the same standards as Republicans."

Freedom Rider: Six More Years of Obama
Special Note - Second Quote of the Day...."It seems only a Republican president can free us from the downward Obama spiral of the Democratic Party. “When the ruling class who hire and fire politicians chose a black Democrat to serve as president, they pulled off what can only be thought of as stroke of genius, the perfect crime if you will.” House and Senate Democratic leaders Pelosi and Reid vow to appoint “Super Committee” members who will cut entitlements. All principle has evaporated. “If current trends continue, gay marriage will be legal but Social Security and Medicare will no longer exist.” - also posted at AlethoNews

Obama Readies Citizen Spies For Action
Third Quote of the Day...."I think at this point it is fair to say that the name “Barack Obama” has become irrevocably synonymous with the phrase “Brownshirts”, and with very good reason. Riding the euphoric wave of a Prozac addled collectivist saturated puppy-love election season, the teleprompter dependent basketball playing android immediately launched several programs designed to centralize community organization using federal oversight."

The Riots in England Tells Us Never Surrender Our Firearms to the State
A quote...."The United Kingdom has become a police state on steroids. The bankers have looted the nation with no more opportunity for young people and just getting by with very little. What also has happened is over 10 years ago is the people of the UK lost their right to keep and bear arms. These riots are out of frustration because of economic frustration and political corruption. There are many contributing factors for this happening. Most of the rioters are thugs out to create mayhem. Many good people are defenseless like sitting ducks."

If there was ever a time to Stand up for our Country it is NOW! Super UNCONSTITUTIONAL Congress has been chosen and anointed! FLY THE AMERICAN FLAG UPSIDE DOWN - That means "Country in Distress"  -- A quote...."Since we have a new level of UNCONSTITUTIONAL government that has not been elected by the people as a whole, but has been anointed by a few, we can all expect them to be completely bias and UNCONSTITUTIONAL in all their decisions! -- What I have not understood is two things with this "Super CON gress" is first those who voted on the debt ceiling bill, have now voted out any power or control they had with their own office.  They have made their own votes and voices mute! -- The second thing I have not understood is the fact the people of the United Broken States are sitting back and letting it happen!  The United States citizens should be going Egypt, Syria, London, Israel and many others right now!!"

5 Reasons Why American Riots Will Be The Worst In The World
A quote...."America is still in deep denial which is still the first stage of the Awakening. This denial will be wiped away when the dollar collapses. For now the economy is still functioning with food and fuel available. Americans still have the illusion of wealth and normalcy. -- They still are stuck in the false left right paradigm and think some other sock puppet will turn things around."

Martial Law In The America: Corporate Media Hints At Military Plans To Take On The American People During Domestic Civil Unrest -- A quote...."As the United Kingdom continues to riot many have wondered how the United States would respond to a similar outbreak of riots whether caused by an economic collapse, widespread [false flag] terror attacks, or some other catalyzing event. -- For those that are awake to the fact that the government was long ago taken over by elitist oligarchs, this question was answered years ago." - also posted at FederalJack & StratRisks

Quotes on the Right to Bear Arms
A few selected quotes....

"When only cops have guns, it's called a "police state"." -- *Claire Wolfe*, "101 Things To Do Until The Revolution"

"Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." -- *James Madison*, The Federalist Papers

"The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed." -- *Alexander Hamilton*, The Federalist Papers at 184-188

"Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest." -- *Mohandas Gandhi*, An Autobiography, pg 446

"The people of the various provinces are strictly forbidden to have in their possession any swords, short swords, bows, spears, firearms, or other types of arms. The possession of unnecessary implements makes difficult the collection of taxes and dues and tends to foment uprisings." -- *Toyotomi Hideyoshi*, dictator of Japan, August 1588

"It's Us Or Them"
AJVideos - "It'sUsOrThem!"(1/3) - "It'sUsOrThem!"(2/3) - "It'sUsOrThem!"(3/3) - (AJYuTb - 10/15min - Aug 8, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."I want listeners to listen to me very carefully, and let this really sink in, really sink in.  When I get up here and say the "establishment" plans a really post-industrial, absolutely bankrupt, third world situation, with an extremely predatory police state class....that the only good jobs you're going to be getting in America, is being a government predator. --  They plan on cutting off the resources....they've stated it, and than having most of the major scholarships and job opportunities be in domestic arrest, torture, you name it. This is a planned conversion of our economy. This isn't just some third world dictator robbing the country, selling out to foreign banks and looting resources....that's bad enough.  This is a ruling elite, a ruling class of social engineers, who have written countless white papers that we've covered and linked to at and, who have stated their plan is to absolutely bankrupt YOU!" -- *AlexJones*

US Politicians For Sale?
Video - Alt - (YuTb  - 3min46sec - Apr 23, 2010) - Source:  TheYoungTurks -- A quote...."What do politicians do when they leave office and how does that influence their behavior while they are in office?"

08-10-11 Broadcasting LIVE on
MRVideo - Note:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto - 7min50sec - into the broadcast - mpg - (JustInTV - 2hrs - August 10th, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.
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More On The International Situation....

Iranian group's big-money push to get off US terrorist list
Must Read - A quote...."SPECIAL INVESTIGATION: A roster of influential former US officials is speaking at rallies in support of removing the MEK, an Iranian opposition group with a violent anti-American history, from the US terrorist list. A decision is expected within weeks." - also posted at ICH - Topix ||  US Support of Terror - MEK - PKK - Others  ||

A "Humanitarian War" on Syria? Military Escalation. Towards a Broader Middle East-Central Asian War?
Special Note - A quote...."As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia, and Sudan."  --  *General Wesley Clark*

Obama Is Implementing Plans For War Throughout the Middle East Created 10 Years Ago by the Neocons - Must Read - Obviously!! - mpg -- A quote....""A Nato plan for a post-Gaddaffi Libya - carving up the country, and giving the richest spoils to the UAE - has been leaked. -- The U.S. is already at war in Somalia. As the New York Times noted last month: "U.S. Expands Its Drone War Into Somalia". -- The U.S. is always trying to justify war against Iran (see this, for example) and Lebanon.  -- What explains these widespread wars throughout the Middle East? -- As American reporter Gareth Porter reported in 2008:...."

Three weeks after the September 11, 2001, terror attacks, former US defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld established an official military objective of not only removing the Saddam Hussein regime by force but overturning the regime in Iran, as well as in Syria and four other countries in the Middle East, according to a document quoted extensively in then-under secretary of defense for policy Douglas Feith's recently published account of the Iraq war decisions. Feith's account further indicates that this aggressive aim of remaking the map of the Middle East by military force and the threat of force was supported explicitly by the country's top military leaders. - Topix ||  9/11-Planning Guidance Docs  ||  The US's New Map of the Middle East  ||  Divide and rule  ||  The Plan -- according to U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.) - (YuTub - 1m37s - March 17, 2007)  ||

Abstract: Welcome to World War III
A quote...."Despite increasing personal financial hardship, most Americans remain unaware of the economic world war currently unfolding. An all-pervasive corporate and government propaganda campaign has effectively obscured this blatant reality. After extensive analysis, it is evident that World War III is a war between the richest one-tenth of one percent of the global population and 99.9 percent of humanity. Or, as I have called it, The Economic Elite Vs. The People [18]. This war has been a one-sided attack thus far. However, as we have seen throughout the world in recent months, the people are beginning to fight back. The following report is a statistical analysis of the systemic economic attacks against the American people."

Toll of US drone raid in Pakistan at 21 - More innocents murderd. - mpg
A quote...."The death toll from a non-UN-sanctioned US drone strike in Pakistan's northwestern tribal belt has climbed to 21."

‘Hard and comprehensive’ – study reveals extent of US drone strikes
A quote...."CIA drone strikes have led to far more deaths in Pakistan than previously understood, according to extensive new research published by the Bureau. More than 160 children are among at least 2,292 people reported killed in US attacks since 2004. There are credible reports of at least 385 civilians among the dead."

AFGHANISTAN: Nearly nine million face food shortages
More of the benefits of Amerikan styled "free-dumb and da'mockery", anybody else out there want some, anybody? - mpg -- A quote...."KABUL, 9 August 2011 (IRIN) - Ongoing drought in northern, northeastern and western Afghanistan is likely to push 1.5-2 million more people into food insecurity this autumn, according to the UN World Food Programme (WFP). -- This is in addition to the seven million country-wide already facing food shortages." - also posted at AlethoNews

NATO: 5 service members killed by roadside bomb in southern Afghanistan
Full quote...."KABUL, Afghanistan — The U.S.-led coalition says five NATO service members have been killed in a roadside bombing in southern Afghanistan -- In a statement, the coalition said the five died Thursday, but disclosed no other details about the deaths. -- The deaths raise to 51 the number of foreign service members killed so far this month in Afghanistan. -- So far this year, at least 374 international troops have died in the war."

'Iran backs efforts to end Syria crisis'
A quote...."Iran endorses efforts by the Muslim world and regional countries to put an end to the crisis in Syria,” said Chairman of the Majlis Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy Alaeddin Boroujerdi to reporters in the Egyptian capital of Cairo."

New [Russian] submarine supermissile can pierce ABM shield
A quote...."The new Russian liquid-fuel Liner missile is world’s most advanced submarine-based strategic weapon with range and payload capabilities surpassing every model deployed by any other country, its developer says. -- The submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) Liner can carry up to 12 low-yield MIRV nuclear warheads and has a payload/mass ratio surpassing any solid-fuel strategic missiles designed by the US, UK, France and China, the developer Makeyev State Rocket Center said in a statement. It is very flexible in terms of what its payload can be, varying and mixing warheads of different capabilities."

Russia’s military aircraft industry stays aloft
A quote...."For the first time in over twenty years, an entirely new Russian fighter aircraft will take to the skies in front of the public at the MAKS-2011 air show, where the Sukhoi T-50 prototype combat aircraft is expected to be shown. -- The fact that Russia will showcase its fifth-generation fighter for the first time is a testament to the survival of a meaningful military aerospace industry, after two decades of huge spending cuts. Russian aerospace has had to survive on what it could earn overseas, primarily in the burgeoning Asian market, particularly China and India."

China to outstrip US by 2016 – IMF
Contains Video - A quote...."Many analysts are predicting a power shift in the financial arena quite soon, since according to International Monetary Fund projections, China could leapfrog the United States to become the world's largest economy by 2016."
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The Assault On Libya....

Gaddafi’s “dead” son shows up on TV…again
Contains Video - A quote...."Libyan state TV has broadcast what it said was footage of Colonel Gaddafi's son Khamis visiting people wounded in an air attack. Earlier rebels claimed he had been killed in a NATO air strike last week."

NATO Butchers Bomb Zlitan - Leonor & Ahmed In Libya
M108Video - Alt - (M108YuTb - 15min49sec - Aug 10, 2011) - 108morris108 -- A quote...."NATO bombing Zlitan more - There are no Military Installations there - Bernard Levy continues to champion the cause of the rebels, and the Libyans remain steadfast, they are actually going to Zlitan - which is where NATO is making a disaster."

Libya blasts NATO village ‘massacre’
A quote...."ZLITEN, Libya — Libyan authorities on Tuesday accused NATO of a “massacre” of 85 villagers in air strikes in support of rebels, whose political leadership was in crisis with the sacking of its top officials."

US State Department Gives Benghazi Rebels the Former Libyan Embassy: al Qaeda Terrorists Get a Privileged Sanctuary in Downtown Washington DC - Contains Must View Video - A quote...."Press TV talks with Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley, an author and historian in Washington, about recent developments in Libya. The following is a rush transcription of the interview:"
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More on the World Wide Revolution....

The [British] police have misled once again
"Misled" is a nice way of saying the police lied to cover-up another one of their murders. - mpg -- A quote...."....the Independent Police Complaints Commission reported yesterday that there exists "no evidence" that Duggan fired at the police before he was killed, and that the bullet lodged in the officer's radio came from a police-issue handgun."

UK Disregards “Concerns About Human Rights” And Authorizes Shooting Of London Riots Protestors
A quote...."England has authorized the police to shoot protestors participating in the London riots and will ignore “phone concerns about human rights” raised by the international community."

The Guardian, Al-Jazeera Set Straight Corporate Media Lies About London Riots
A quote...."Must read Guardian and Al-Jazeera articles that set the record straight about the lies the corporate media is telling about the protestors participating the”riots” all across the U.K."

Things Fall Apart
A quote...."August 10, 2011 "Information Clearing House" -- It’s fashionable to call them the ‘underclass’ that the state has buried away, out of sight–out of mind on ‘sink estates’ or trapped and invisible in the poorest neighborhoods of our cities. Demonized and/or sentimentalized by the state/corporate media (‘Shameless’ and ‘East Enders’ come to mind), exactly as in Victorian times, an entire section of the working class have been reduced to some inferior, sub-human species by the political class and its media partners-in-crime."

London riots: the underclass lashes out
A quote...."London's rioters are the products of a crumbling nation, and an indifferent political class that has turned its back on them. "

Is London a Harbinger for America? - When is a Riot a Revolt?
A quote...."Several days of unprecedented revolt by the most impoverished minority-populated neighborhoods of London has shaken the normally staid and reserved British Estblishment. Prime Minister David Cameron cut short his Italian vacation in Tuscany to return to the red-orange glare of a burning city. The prime minister was not the only one inconvenienced."

Black Britain Revolts: What If It Had Been New York?
A quote...."Britain’s Black rebellion shocked the nation, but has not produced the kind of carnage that routinely accompanies urban unrest in the United States. “Had London’s current disturbances occurred on a similar scale in New York City, with outbreaks across the various boroughs, the police would have unleashed a bloodbath.” Which is not to say that the United Kingdom’s criminal justice system is not as thoroughly racist as its American cousin. It’s just that white Brit society is – relatively speaking – less bloodthirsty." - also posted at AlethoNews

Manchester police brutality? Cops beat suspect rioters - video - Alt - (RTYuTb 1m28s 08/11/11) Src: RT
UK fights wars, retreats in riots? London outraged at police fail - vid - Alt - (RTYuTb 5m36s 08/10/11) Src: RT
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Does your Congressperson represent you – or Israel?
A quote...."In this time of economic austerity, when jobs are being slashed and Americans are fearful about their future, the Congressional recess is the time for our elected representatives to be home in their districts, reaching out to their constituents and servicing the people they are paid to represent. Instead, this August one out of every five representatives will be taking a junket to Israel, compliments of an affiliate of the Israel lobby AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) but still clocked in on the taxpayer’s dime." - also posted at AlethoNews

Obama straining every nerve against UN membership for Palestine
Obama is a bought-&-paid for, boot-licking, butt-kissing, fetch'n'stepping, good ol'boy of the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium.  It's truly disgusting to watch him constantly genuflect to, and "service" every "need" of Israel's  lobby. - mpg -- A quote...."Josh Ruebner argues that Obama administration statements justifying the US position against Palestinian membership in the UN “are so illogical that they can be seen only as pretexts for clinging to the crumbling façade of Israeli occupation and apartheid”.

Israel sinking into religious-fundamentalist swamp
A quote...."The intention of the proposed new Basic Law that would define Israel as ‘the national home for the Jewish people’ is to deny the natural rights of Israel’s Arab citizens."

Turkey warns of worse to come in ties with Israel
A quote...."OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Turkey has warned of taking further diplomatic measures should Israel continue to change the demographic status of occupied East Jerusalem by building more settlements."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

India to Vote in UN for Palestinian State in September - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."NEW DELHI, August 11, 2011 (WAFA) – India will vote in favor of the Palestinian request to gain full membership of an independent Palestinian state within 1967 borders at the United Nations General Assembly when it comes up for a vote in September, said Indian External Affairs Minister E. Ahamed."

Hamas: No improvement at Rafah crossing
A quote...."GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Gaza Interior Ministry deputy Kamel Abu Madi said Wednesday there had been no improvements at the Rafah border crossing with Egypt." - also posted at AlethoNews

Six Detained as Army Clamps Down on Non-Violent Protestors in Al-Walaja
A quote...."Bethlehem – PNN - A non-violent protest at Al-Walaja near Bethlehem today resulted in six activists being detained by the Israeli Army and many others being subjected to tear gas inhalation and sound bombs."

Israel to Withhold Tax Revenues to Pressure Palestinians
The Jews of Israel are just a bunch of tax and steal crooks....hmmmm, seems familiar somehow....mpg -- A quote...."TEL AVIV, August 11, 2011 (WAFA) – Israeli Finance Minister, Yuval Steinitz, Wednesday called for Israel to withhold tax revenues that it collects on the Palestinian Authority's behalf, to pressure President Mahmoud Abbas to back down from seeking United Nations full membership in September, said Haaretz newspaper."

Palestinian Prisoners Languish in Administrative Detention
A quote...."RAMALLAH — “I’m sick with worry about my daughter. I’m afraid of what they are doing to her. She has done nothing to deserve this. If they have anything against her, why don’t they bring her to trial?” Yehiya Al Shalabi asked IPS rhetorically."

Israel Backs Out of Apology to Turkey
A quote...."Jerusalem - PNN - Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman stated that an Israeli apology to Turkey for events that happened with the Gaza Flotilla will not improve relations between the two countries."
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More On The Economic Situation....

The Elusive Abyss
A quote...."Financial markets are currently in a panic, bonds spiked last week (this continues at the moment), cash deposit levels up sharply according to BNY Mellon, US debt downgraded by Standard and Poor’s from AAA to AA+ and equities crashing.  The Chinese rating agency Dagong Global Credit Rating Co. have now lowered their rating on the US debt from A+ to A after lowering their previous US rating from AA to A+ in November 2010.  All agencies are warning us that they are on “negative” in their forward view of their respective US ratings.  --  Here we are again back at the edge of the abyss …yet again.  This is not the first time we have not enjoyed this view of this elusive abyss and nor will it be the last unfortunately.  This debt crisis is far from over and this Gold Bull is far from over."

'Rating downgrade - beginning of the end, hyperinflation next'
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - Aug 10, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."With the economic turmoil in the U.S. and the Eurozone sparking volatile market trading, investors are increasingly looking for a safe haven for their money. And it looks like Asia could emerge as the main contender. Many analysts believe that, with the loss of America's triple A credit score and fears of a new wave of recession, China could become the world's strongest economy earlier than expected."

Dollar Falls on Fed’s Pledge to Maintain Key Interest Rate at a Record Low
A quote...."The dollar tumbled the most in at least 40 years against the Swiss franc after the Federal Reserve pledged to keep its key interest rate at a record low at least through mid-2013 to revive the flagging economic recovery."

Federal deficit tops $1T for 3rd straight year
A quote...."The United States' budget deficit has topped $1 trillion for a third straight year, adding pressure on Congress and the White House to make more progress on a long-term plan to shrink the growing imbalance."

Bank Of America's Backdoor Bailout - Dumping Mortgage Trash Onto Taxpayers Via Fannie Mae
A quote...."Before we get to the story from the WSJ and The, a few BofA links from today:"
"Details on today's taxpayer pillaging are below...."

Two More Years Of Backdoor Bank Bailouts
A quote...."The Federal Reserve's zero-interest rate policy (ZIRP) has been a resounding success. The economy is booming! Well, OK, it's not booming. Actually, the economy doesn't seem to be doing very well. In fact, the economy sucks. We appear to be on the verge of another recession. Nevertheless, the activist Fed must appear to be doing something. Yesterday the Fed governors voted (7-3) to hold short-term interest rates at their current very low levels for at least another two years, which takes us well into 2013."

The next massive debt bubble to crush the economy – 10 charts examining the upcoming implosion of the student loan market. $1 trillion in student loans and defaults sharply increasing. - A quote...."In the land of predatory bubbles it looks like higher education is now fully caught up in the credit market implosion. In the same debt produced vein as housing...."

Legendary Investor Jeremy Grantham: America is a Banana Republic
A quote...."Legendary investor Jeremy Grantham (co-founder and chief investment strategist of Grantham Mayo Van Otterloo - one of the largest fund managers in the world, having more than US $107 billion in assets under management as of December 2010) writes...."

2008 Redux - Give it two months to be sure, but you know what they say about ducks. - mpg
Mrkt Tech Note - A quote...."Since this morning’s rant or comment, I have been informed of several other similarities...."

The Stock Market Crash Of 2011?  - Ditto. - mpg
Mrkt Tech Note - A quote...."Fears about the European sovereign debt crisis and the crumbling U.S. economy continue to dominate the marketplace.  With each passing day, things are looking more and more like 2008 all over again.  So what is going to happen if "The Stock Market Crash of 2011" pushes the U.S. economy into "The Recession of 2012"?"

Weekly Outflows From Domestic Equity Mutual Funds Surge To $13 Billion, Nearly Surpass Post-Flash Crash Record - Mrkt Tech Note - A quote...."More very bad news for mutual funds (which as we disclosed last week have an all time record low cash level ergo, once the liquidations begin it is game over): as of the week ended August 3, redemptions from domestic equity mutual funds surged to a near all time high $13 billion, matched only by the $13.4 billion on May 26, 2010."

British government begins stealing its peoples’ bank deposits ahead of the global financial collapse
A quote...."It happened before and it is starting again. Government confiscating (stealing) the people’s life savings. Just like in 1929 the British government began its theft of the people’s life savings just before the Great Depression. After an inflationary run-up in prices and asset values, the stock market crashed in 1929, and the economy soon went with the crash. This time the British government is disguising its outright theft by claiming the entire contents of safety deposit banks are owned by criminals and the contents are the proceeds of crimes."

The Daily Bail Round-Up - Aug 10, 2011 at 3:34 PM
A round-up of todays business news from the Daily Bail. - mpg

Tuesday August 9th 2011

More On The Domestic Situation....

The Impotence of the "Intellectual" Elite
Must Read - A quote...."For a few minutes, I considered writing a detailed takedown of this piece of piss-poor analysis. Then I thought: Oh, Christ. I've been through all these issues countless times. Those who want to see the truth have far more evidence than anyone could require to reach the correct conclusions. And those who are driven by their preconceptions and self-sustaining illusions refuse to change their minds on the issues that matter, so why bother? Instead, I'll offer just a few brief notes." - also posted at Uruknet

From The Fed To JFK To 9/11: A Hidden History of High Treason in America
A quote...."I believe, as many others do, that the Grassy Knoll is where America lost its soul and where the real American government was seized by a criminal shadow government. -- But the takeover of America's soul and government was a long process. November 22, 1963 is the most important date in modern American history along with December 23, 1913, when the private Federal Reserve was created, and September 11, 2001."

10 Years from 9/11: Still Important Unanswered Questions
A quote...."As we approach the 10th anniversary of this world changing event, we are finding that rather than gradually fading into the history books, this event is having an increasing impact on the world we live in and raising more and more complex questions as to what really happened and why much crucial information and evidence has apparently been held back or ignored by both the US government and the media." - also posted at DProgram - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

The Execution Of SEAL Team Six
A quote...."On May 5th, I had an email conversation with a retired military man with spook contacts. All were in total agreement that the Bin Laden episode was pure theater. The SEALS were sent into a compound as evidenced by the lost chopper on site. But Osama Bin Laden wasn't in that compound. Osama Bin Laden has been dead for years. Bin Laden had a genetic condition that caused renal failure (this genetic condition is common among deeply inbred Saudi arab muslims). Bin Laden had been on dialysis BEFORE 9/11. Dialysis is difficult enough for people in first world countries who can have it done in outstanding facilities. Bin Laden was having it done either in caves or in homes post 9/11. People in renal failure having dialysis done in fricking caves do NOT live for ten more years. Period. There was no dialysis equipment found in the compound the SEALS raided on May 2. Of course there wasn't. Bin Laden wasn't in that compound because Bin Laden has been dead for years." - Topix  ||  The CH-47 Chinook & Seal Team Six  ||  More on Osama Bin Back From the Dead™....  ||

DOJ obstructs murder investigation
A quote...."The Department of Justice (DOJ) has deliberately undercut investigations into the murder of Tucson District Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry. Apparently DOJ will do anything to avoid blame for the effects of their Gunrunner/ Fast and Furious gun-smuggling operations."

The Story of Your Enslavement
Must View Video - From the History File - Apr 17, 2010 - (YuTb - 13min10sec - 04/17/10) - Source:  stefbot -- A quote...."We can only be kept in the cages we do not see. A brief history of human enslavement - up to and including your own. From Freedomain Radio, the largest and most popular philosophy conversation in the world."
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Drunken Ben Bernanke Tells Everyone At Neighborhood Bar How Screwed U.S. Economy Really Is
Great Satire - A quote...."SEWARD, NE—Claiming he wasn't afraid to let everyone in attendance know about "the real mess we're in," Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke reportedly got drunk Tuesday and told everyone at Elwood's Corner Tavern about how absolutely f-cked the U.S. economy actually is."

Marc Faber: "The Best Thing The Fed Could Do For Markets Wold Be To Collectively Resign"
A quote...."In a Bloomberg TV interview following today's quixotic "QE3/non-QE3 announcement, which is Operation Twist 2, but not LSAP, and ushers in economic recession, even as it sends risk assets soaring, and somehow pushes the 2 Year a whopping 20 bps tighter so buy,buy, buy" and is really very much ado about nothing, the always outspoken Marc Faber had some very choice words about life, the universe and especially the residents of the Marriner Eccles building."

Obama's S & P speech slammed by economists
A quote...."As I listened to Obama, I couldn't tell whether this was a campaign speech or a press briefing about a national crisis. He seemed to be talking like a Washington outsider who's running against the current administration," said political strategist Mike Baker. -- "The fact that the news media take this man at his word says more about the state of journalism than it does the state of the union," said Baker."

The Emperor Wears Not Cloths! Ratigan Spells-It-Out! Pay Attention Obama!!!
DRVideo - Alt - (MOXYuTb - 8min46sec - Aug 9, 2011) - MOXNEWSd0tCOM - Dylan Ratigan LET'S ER'RIP!!! - He actually believes Obama isn't bought and paid for too, but he still gets an "A" for sincerity, effort and ANGER. mpg

Keiser Report: False Flag Finance (E171)
MKVideo - GREAT interview with Teri Buhl - mpg -- (MKRTYuTb - 25min55sec - Aug 9th, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  Max Keiser TV -- A quote..."This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report from New York City on privatization drives, gold coins and debt deals. In the second half of the show Max talks to financial journalist, Teri Buhl, about the latest in the lawsuits against Bear Stearns."

Gerald Celente on Brian Sussman KSFO 560 – August 9th, 2011
GCVideo - GC(1/2) - GC(2/2) - (GCYuTb - 10/15min - Aug 9, 2011) - Source:  GeraldCelenteChannel

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – August 9th, 2011
MRVideo - AltNote:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto - 7min50sec - into the broadcast - mpg - (JustInTV - 2hrs - August 9th, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.
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More On The International Situation....

Ishaqi Again: Another Day, Another Atrocity in the Endless Iraq War
Must Read  - A quote...."There was a raid in Ishaqi last week. Armed men crept upon the sleeping houses in the dead of night. Armed men stirring in the darkness, in a land still open, like a flayed wound, to violent death and chaos from every direction, many years after the savage act of aggression that first tore the country to pieces. -- They crept toward the houses. They said nothing, gave no warning, could not be clearly seen, did not identify themselves. “Thieves!” someone shouted. Someone grabbed a rifle – one kept ready at hand to guard the sleeping family – and fired a shot to scare away the raiders." - also posted at Uruknet

BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials-August 8, 2011
A Boiling Frogs Round-Up of World Events

Two French soldiers among four NATO troops killed in latest Afghan attacks
A quote...."KABUL : Four coalition service members were killed as a result of two separate attacks in eastern and southern Afghanistan on Sunday, the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said on Monday."

Iran chides UK over riots
A quote...."TEHRAN: Iran urged Britain on Tuesday to avoid using force to suppress riots that have rocked London, mischievously turning the tables on Western critics of its own human rights record."

'PJAK kills 5 Iranian security forces'
A quote...."Five Iranian security forces have been killed when their vehicle was ambushed by members of the terrorist group of the Party for Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK) in northwest Iran, an official says."

'Iran likely to close British embassy'
A quote...."Iran's Majlis (parliament) will seriously pursue the issue of shutting down the UK embassy in Tehran in case the violent crackdown on British citizens continue, said Mahmoud Ahmadi Bighash, a member of the Majlis Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy. "

China's first aircraft carrier sets sail on maiden voyage
A quote...."China's first aircraft carrier, originally built in the Soviet Union, left its shipyard in northeastern Liaoning province early on Wednesday for its first sea trial, Xinhua said."
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The Assault On Libya....

The Zliten Massacre....

Libya blasts NATO village 'massacre,' rebels in crisis
BREAKING:  (AFP) – posted 08:55pm PST -- US-NRE / NATO Massacre - A quote...."MAJER, Libya — Libyan authorities on Tuesday accused NATO of a "massacre" of 85 villagers in air strikes in support of rebels, whose political leadership was in crisis after the sacking of its top officials. -- Libyan strongman Moamer Kadhafi said world powers would be held responsible for the "ugly massacre committed by NATO" on the village of Majer, the official JANA news agency reported. -- Majer, 10 kilometres (six miles) south of Zliten, was attacked late on Monday to try to help rebel fighters enter the government-held city from the south, government spokesman Mussa Ibrahim said." - bold by website editor

Libyans under the NATO Onslaught - Aug 9
M108Video - Alt - (M108YuTb - 8min30sec - Aug 9, 2011) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote...."More children being killed - Foreign Journalists under suspicion of giving out GPS coordinates. - Nato killed 33 children, 32 women and 20 men, bombing a village near Zliten, Libya."

'Killing civilians part of NATO war strategy in Libya'
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 5min03sec  - Aug 9, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."The head of Libya's rebel movement has sacked the entire executive committee which functions as a cabinet. It follows the assasination of the commander of opposition forces last month. Members of the National Transitional Council, Libya's highest rebel authority, support the re-shuffle saying they hope it will stem any crisis in their ranks. Meanwhile, NATO is continues its attacks on the country. Officials in Tripoli claim 85 people have been killed in airstrikes in the west of the country. Stephen Lendman, author and blogger says it's obvious there's no agreement in the rebel government, and NATO is losing the war in the country."

Bloody NATO Massacre Kills 85 Civilians Incl. Children (August 08-09-2011) near Zlitan/Majer, Libya
Video - Very Graphic images! - Alt - (YuTb - 10min54sec - Aug 9, 2011) -- A quote...."For English articles related to this particular NATO massacre read: - 85 villagers killed by NATO in Majer, south of Zlitan"
"Who can stop the killing war machines of NATO? When don't the Main Stream Media pick this up and start to question the way NATO is fighting a terrible civil war, backing one party in a conflict against its government."

Strong explosions rock Libyan capital
A quote...."Several massive explosions have shaken the Libyan capital, Tripoli overnight as the country's revolutionaries remain grappled with internal differences."

As Libyan rebels are falling apart at the seams, Gaddafi regime remains unfazed by NATO campaign
A quote...."For months now the Libyan rebels have been infighting and progressively moving toward total discontinuity. Like I have been saying since the beginning, this was never as cut-and-dried as the mainstream media made it out to be." - also posted at Hamsayeh

Gaddafi forces launch assault on Zlitan
A quote...."The fighting broke out on Sunday in Zlitan, which is located 160 km (100 miles) east of the capital, Tripoli. -- Revolutionary fighters say they are running out of ammunition while the regime forces have outflanked them."
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More on the World Wide Revolution....

Les Miserables
Photo - Michael Rivero's view of the World Wide Revolution. - mpg

The London Riots of August 7th 2011....

'Banker puppet govt + police brutality + betrayed youth = London riots'
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 4min59sec  - Aug 9, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Officers in London have been given permission to use rubber bullets to disperse crowds. A top Metropolitan Police official said they're not afraid to use any tactic necessary. But investigative journalist Tony Gosling believes the force is in big trouble."

London Riots. The BBC will never replay this. Darcus Howe On Police Brutality and Corruption
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 4min24sec - Aug 9, 2011) - Source:  darrenritt27 -- A quote...."Darcus Howe, a West Indian Writer and Broadcaster, explains why the police brutality and corruption have led to the massive uprising and riots that have spread across London."

CNBC: British Riots - And Unrest Worldwide - Caused By "Economic Uncertainty"
A quote...."While most mainstream news outlets are blaming the British riots on random thuggery, they are really an outgrowth of bad economic conditions and governments' poor response to the financial crisis. -- As I've noted for years, raging inequality and policies which help the big boys at the expense of the "little people" are causing unrest - not just in Egypt - but worldwide."

Panic on the streets of London
A quote...."Months of conjecture will follow these riots. Already, the internet is teeming with racist vitriol and wild speculation. The truth is that very few people know why this is happening. They don’t know, because they were not watching these communities. Nobody has been watching Tottenham since the television cameras drifted away after the Broadwater Farm riots of 1985. Most of the people who will be writing, speaking and pontificating about the disorder this weekend have absolutely no idea what it is like to grow up in a community where there are no jobs, no space to live or move, and the police are on the streets stopping-and-searching you as you come home from school. The people who do will be waking up this week in the sure and certain knowledge that after decades of being ignored and marginalised and harassed by the police, after months of seeing any conceivable hope of a better future confiscated, they are finally on the news. In one NBC report, a young man in Tottenham was asked if rioting really achieved anything: -- "Yes," said the young man. "You wouldn't be talking to me now if we didn't riot, would you?"

Eng-a-land swings like a pendulum do -- Riots create image problems.
A quote...."For years I've been listening to people cluck-cluck and tsk-tsk over the "hooligans" in the ever-so-politically-correct rallies and demonstrations in Canada. The media tend to show only a broken window or a burning police car, and people sit in their comfy lazyboys, shaking their heads, decrying how they're taking the fun out of the Olympics, and asking what this world is coming to. -- But they're asking the wrong people, aren't they? Maybe they should en masse ask the government why it's come to this. If enough of them blamed the government, you'd soon hear officialdom saying rest assured, it's not as bad as the media have made it look. -- Time after time, I told those cluckers, you think this is bad, just wait until economic conditions get really bad. The demonstrations then won't be polite at all; the average poor person hasn't been trained in political correctness."

Guardian: The Ignored London Riots Context – 333 Deaths In Police Custody, 0 Convictions
A quote...."Since 1998 there have been 333 deaths in police custody and not one single conviction, which previously prompted a Guardian piece warning that the police are not on our side and that there is a movement by the masses to remove the media barons and the feral elite from power."

Anarchy in the UK – Ryan Dawson
For all you revolutionaries out there, here's one from Ryan Dawson.  A word to the wise however, beware of agent provocateurs within your midst, don't destroy needlessly, don't commit personal violence, and don't do it in your neighborhoods, take the protests to the wealthiest neighborhoods in your area, or as Dawson says, "go for Buckingham". - mpg -- Video - Alt - (YuTb - 3min31sec - Aug 8, 2011) - Source:  Rys2sense  -- A quote...."(Rys2Sense) – People have had it with corrupt police. And I am sure the economic cess pool is not helping either. When will this come to America? I don’t condone the looting at all, which is why you ought to have a gun yourself. But I just had to laugh at the cop cars and police station set on fire. This general unrest is on the surface sad but in the long run a prelude to revolution. Go for Buckingham "

UK Riots 08-09-11 - A DProgram Round-Up
16,000 police deployed in London to put down youth revolt
Mark Duggan did not shoot at police, says IPCC - (Independent Police Complaints Commission)
London Riots Investigation Confirms Police Planted Bullet and Lied, Murdered “Man Did Not Open Fire”
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Chilean students stage protest
A quote...."Chilean police have clashed with over 50,000 students who have taken to the streets of the capital Santiago to protest against the education policies of President Sebastian Pinera's government."

Bahrain's prospects for democracy look bleak, as divisions deepen
A quote...."Midsummer nights are steamy in Manama, and sweat glistened on thousands of faces as Sheikh Abdel-Latif Al Mahmoud boomed out a warning to Bahrain's citizens to stand guard against criminals and conspiracies."

Syria Protests August 9, 2011 : A Video Roundup
Videos - Contains an extensive video collection. - mpg
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Postmodern Imperialism: Geopolitics And The Great Games
Book Review - "Postmodern Imperialism" [PrcSrch] -- A quote...."Walberg cites plenty of evidence that Jewish interests control the US political system, which as Walt and Mearsheimer are famous for arguing is onerous not only to the United States but to Israel itself, both of which countries are set on a path of self and mutual destruction, from within and from enemies whom they have created through their bellicose behavior."

It’s Still Occupied Territory - The US-NRE is occupied territory!! - mpg
A quote...."That twenty per cent of the House of Representatives will be spending its recess holiday on American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) paid tours of Israel does not seem to have made the mainstream news.  The tours, one consisting of 26 Democratic congressmen headed by House Minority Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland, and two others of 55 Republicans, one led by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, are ostensibly intended to provide congress with a “deeper understanding” of the situation in the Middle East.  Sure it will, but one suspects the understanding will be in one direction only." - also posted at ICH

Unconditional Support for Israel is Profoundly Damaging to Americans
A quote...."On April 1st I participated in a debate in San Francisco that raised the question of US aid to Israel. -- It was highly appropriate that this debate was held two weeks before tax day, since in Israel’s sixty years of existence, it has received more US tax money than any other nation on earth."

New York Times Opposition to Palestinian Self-Determination
A quote...."In September, when the General Assembly meets (beginning 9/13), Palestinians will seek de jure UN membership. Unless current policy changes, it will ask for official recognition as an independent sovereign state. Currently, it has Observer State Status only, denying its right to vote. -- Israel opposes recognition. So does Obama, both Houses of Congress, and The New York Times." - Source:  SteveLendman

Growing Israeli Tyranny
A quote...."For years, America and Israel followed similar paths toward full-blown tyranny, threatening all their citizens. Believing either is democratic and egalitarian is ludicrous and nonsensical, especially now under right-wing neoliberal governments, cracking down hard against challenges to their authority. "

A Response To The Transparent Assault Against Ken O’Keefe
A quote...."The more effective an organization or individual is, the greater the need these detractors have for infiltrating and destroying them."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Woman threatened with exile, children held in vendetta against Jerusalem family
A quote...."OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- In an apparent vendetta against Jerusalem native Nasser Abu Sanad, the Israeli occupation authorities have arrested four of his sons and are pursuing banishing his wife to Jordan." - also posted at AlethoNews

IOF bulldozes Palestinian land east of Al-Khalil to expand settlements
A quote...."AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) bulldozed 19 dunums of Palestinian land in Baka’a area to the east of Al-Khalil on Monday in preparation for annexing them to nearby Jewish settlements, local sources said." - also posted at AlethoNews

Australia’s repression of BDS movement coordinated with Israel
A quote...."In the largest show of support for the Palestinian-initiated boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign so far in Australia, more than 350 persons marched on 29 July in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle — and in opposition to an attempt by Victorian Police to criminalize Palestine solidarity activism in Melbourne."

Palestine’s UN Observer: Israel Commits More Violations Instead of Pushing Peace Process Forward
A quote...."NEWYORK, August 10, 2011 (WAFA) - Palestine’s Permanent Observer to the United Nations Riyad Mansour said Tuesday that “instead of pushing the peace process forward, Israel chooses to do the contrary by increasing its violations of the international laws.”

Population of Gaza fears Israeli invasion in midst of communication blackout
A quote...."Late Tuesday night, residents throughout Gaza lost internet, cell phone and landline phone service, creating a communication blackout similar to one which occurred just before a massive Israeli invasion in 2008. The blackout sparked fear among Gaza residents that an Israeli invasion might be underway.."
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More on Japan's Nuclear Power Plants....

Radioactive Fish: All 21 samples caught 50+ km from Fukushima plant exceeded maximum cesium level Radiation Alert - A quote...."Fish caught at a port about 55 kilometers from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant contained radioactive cesium at levels exceeding an allowable limit, the environmental group Greenpeace said Tuesday."

Unit 3 MOX likely melted through
A quote...."MOX fuel that was believed to have been kept cool at the bottom of one of the reactors at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant after its core melted is believed to have breached the vessel after melting again, a study said Monday."

Mayor: Japan gov’t lying about why it failed to publicly release radiation data
APVideo - Alt - (APYuTb - 2min15sec - Aug 9, 2011) - Source:  AssociatedPress -- A quote...."AP IMPACT: An Associated Press investigation has found that Japanese government officials ignored radiation forecasts from their own monitoring system, failing to keep residents near a crippled nuclear plant from a predicted plume. (Aug. 9)"
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More On The Economic Situation....

Why 2011 Is Not '2008'
A quote...."With many investors now having descended back to full-fledged “panic mode”, it is obviously the perfect time to explain why 2011 could never be another event like the Crash of ’08. In distinguishing 2011 from 2008, many of the distinctions involve the degree of collapse which is possible/probable. Thus, I am not rejecting the suggestion that we are on the brink of another “crash”, but rather pointing out that the nature of any such crash would be remarkably different."

AIG-Bank of America, Fifth Third, Truck Emissions: Compliance
A quote...."The American media has been remiss (intentionally) in reporting on the mortgage-backed securities fraud, even though it is the initiating event in the economic disaster which continues to engulf the world. But while the government can pretend none of this ever happened, the civil suits will drag the scandal into the public eye, and well it should! " -- *Michael Rivero*

Second-quarter U.S. productivity falls 0.3%
A quote...."WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — The productivity of U.S. businesses fell in the second quarter as labor costs accelerated, the government said Tuesday, while revised first-quarter figures were slashed to show a decline."

Small business optimism index drops in July
A quote...."WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- A small-business optimism index fell in July for the fifth straight month, the National Federation of Independent Business said Tuesday as it reported that the index fell 0.9 points to 89.9." - bold by website editor

When Buying Gold Becomes a Life-or-Death Question
Whether the author's predictions for gold are correct or not, it's a good quote. - mpg -- A quote...."I was recently asked in an interview if I thought gold was going to $5,000 an ounce. “No,” I said bluntly. “I think it’s going higher.” -- “You’re that optimistic?”  --  “No,” I replied. “I’m that pessimistic.”"

July California Tax Revenues Plunge More Than 10% Below Expectations
A quote...."Tax collections in July were $538.8 million below budget forecasts, according to state Controller John Chiang.""

Goldman Crashes To Earth: Reports 24% Trading Day Losses In Q2, Compared to 1% In Q1
A quote...."What a difference a quarter makes. Back in Q1, Goldman reported one (1) day in which it had a trading loss out of 62. It also reported 32 days on which it made over $100 million. Oh how the times have changed. According to the just released 10-Q, Lloyd Blankfein's firm suffered an epic implosion, recording 15 trading day losses out of 63, or a stunning 24% loss rate. And far worse: only 4 days in which Goldman recorded profits of $100 million. And that's why the stock is floundering."

Economy 08-09-11 - A DProgram Round-Up
A round-up of todays business news from DProgram. - mpg

The Daily Bail Round-Up - Aug 9, 2011 at 10:04 AM
A round-up of todays business news from the Daily Bail. - mpg

Bank Of England To Downgrade Growth Forecast
A quote...."PRESS ASSOCIATION -- The UK's economic forecasts will be slashed by the Bank of England on Wednesday for the second time this year, adding to fears that the recovery is in jeopardy."

The Crack in the Ice
A quote...."German voters have some vague understanding that they will wind up paying for the mistakes of German bankers, French bankers, and all the other bankers. This is correct. They will.  ---  What German voters do not perceive is that the bailouts were always assumed by bankers. The bankers wisely perceived that they would be bailed out. They lent money to PIIGS. It was such easy money. There was no risk. But, you say, there really was risk. Yes, yes – but not for large bankers. The ECB and the IMF and the other bailout agencies would accept the consequences for the decisions of the bankers."

Monday August 8th 2011

Our Troops do NOT Protect Our Freedom and We Should Stop Thanking Them for Doing So
Must Read - Quote of the Day...."Let's make one thing crystal clear, no member of the US military contributes in any way whatsoever to protecting the freedoms of the American people. As a matter of fact, they are more likely to turn their weapons on you than they are to defend your Constitutional rights. -- The only people on this planet Earth who can affect your freedom are members of Congress, local legislators and the members of enforcement institutions who will blindly follow the rulers who sign their paychecks. And, while your beloved troops are murdering people around the globe, yes, I said murdering, your Congress and local legislators are eliminating your freedoms, en masse, without any intervention by our so-called protectors in the armed forces. -- There is no honor in volunteering to go anywhere in the world and kill anybody you are told to, without question, without historical background and without verifying the stated reasons for doing so."

 They Died in Vain; Deal With It
A quote...."August 08, 2011 "Information Clearing House" -- Many of those preaching at American church services Sunday extolled as “heroes” the 30 American and 8 Afghan troops killed Saturday west of Kabul, when a helicopter on a night mission crashed, apparently after taking fire from Taliban forces. This week, the Fawning Corporate Media (FCM) can be expected to beat a steady drumbeat of “they shall not have died in vain.”

Jackie Kennedy Believed Lyndon B Johnson Killed JFK As Evidence Of Johnson’s Complicity Continues To Mount -- A quote...."Former First Lady Jackie Kennedy believed Lyndon Baines Johnson and a cabal of Texas tycoons had a hand in the assassination of her husband. -- These revelations, first reported by The Daily Mail, were apparently secretly recorded just months after the JFK assassination. Famed historian Arthur Schlesinger Jnr recorded the secret tapes which had been sealed in a vault at the Kennedy Library in Boston ever since."

Former First Lady Jackie Fingers Johnson and Texan Tycoons in JFK Assassination
Related Article - A quote...."In 2007, an ailing former CIA operative, E. Howard Hunt, said former president Lyndon Baines Johnson was directly connected to the JFK assassination and its cover-up. Others close to Johnson also indicated the Texan was complicit in the assassination of Kennedy." - also posted at IntelHub

Neglect of Medical Evidence of Torture in Guantánamo Bay: A Case Series
Report - A quote...."The findings in these nine cases from GTMO indicate that medical doctors and mental health personnel assigned to the DoD neglected and/or concealed medical evidence of intentional harm."

Obama The Pretend Populist: Says He's Fighting For Jobs ... But His Policies Only INCREASE Unemployment
Special Note - A quote...."Mitt Romney was properly criticized for being a fake populist when he said:   I'm also unemployed. -- He's worth more than $200 million, so he doesn't need to work. -- But president Obama is no better."

Life Time Of Hard Work Drifting Away Before Their Eyes & President Parties & Congress Is On Vacation
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 5min36sec - Aug 8, 2011) - Source:  MOXNEWSd0tCOM

Broadcasting LIVE on
MRVideoNote:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto - 7min50sec - into the broadcast - mpg - (JustInTV - 2hrs - August 8th, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.
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More On The International Situation....

Civilian deaths spark protest against ISAF
A quote...."GHAZNI CITY (PAN): Two civilians were killed and five others detained by foreign forces in the Khogyani district of southern Ghazni province, residents said on Monday."

Saudi Arabia's message to Syria, decoded
A quote...."Saudi Arabia has become the first Arab country to take a firm stand against the Syrian regime's killing of civilians. In a statement issued late on Sunday night, King Abdullah demanded an end to the bloodshed and announced that the kingdom was recalling its ambassador from Damascus." - also posted at ICH

Two warring ideologies and US hypocrisy
A quote...."Some countries depict themselves as committed to the universal human values, but when those values come into conflict with their national interests, they demonstrate hypocritical behavior."

Iran discovers another gas field worth 133 billion dollars
A quote...."TEHRAN - Gas- and oil-rich Iran has discovered another gas field with reserves of 495 billion cubic metres valued at $133 billion, the oil ministry's SHANA news service quoted an oil official as saying on Monday."

Top US Officials Paid to Endorse Iranian Terror Group
US Support of Terror Exposed - A quote...."The Christian Science Monitor has released an enormous new article today detailing the results of their investigation into the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MeK), the Islamist-Marxist group currently trying to buy its way off of the US State Department’s list of international terrorist organizations." - Topix ||  US Support of Terror - MEK - PKK - Others  ||

Bolivia's fight for sovereignty over military
A quote...."Speaking to CNN en Espanol on July 27, Bolivian President Evo Morales said “When presidents do not submit to the United States government, to its policies, there are coups.” - also posted at GlobalRsrch
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The Assault On Libya....

UAE Would Occupy Tripoli in Post-Gadhafi Libya
Special Geo-Political Note - (for the horror of it all) -- A quote...."A 70-page plan detailing Western designs for the occupation of post-Gadhafi Libya, and apparently signed off on by the political leadership of the rebel Transitional Council in East Libya has been leaked, and paints a grim picture of the new regime NATO is planning on installing after the war."

Oh! What a lovely war: Liam Fox and his lucky aides direct the conflict in Libya from a Spanish hotel - at the taxpayer's expense -- A quote...."Liam Fox is running the war in Libya from his sunbed in Spain, the Daily Mail can reveal. -- The Defence Secretary has flown out a team of officials from his ministry to join him on his two-week holiday so he can stay in control of the campaign against Gaddafi."

UN official "deplores" NATO attack on Libyan TV
A quote...."UNITED NATIONS Aug 8 (Reuters) - The head of the U.N. cultural agency UNESCO sharply rebuked NATO on Monday for its July 30 air strikes against Libyan state television that killed several people and wounded nearly a dozen."

Libyan rebel leader sacks cabinet after general’s death
A quote...."Libya's rebel leader Mustafa Abdeljalil (pictured) disbanded the executive committee of his de-facto government Monday, after the assassination of a top rebel general sparked a major political crisis."
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More on the World Wide Revolution....

The London Riots of August 7th 2011....

Doubts emerge over Duggan shooting as London burns
A quote...."Doubts have emerged over whether Mark Duggan, whose death at the hands of police sparked the weekend's Tottenham riots, was killed during an exchange of fire "

Scrubbed – Explosive London Riots BBC Interview: Violence Sparked By Police Beating 16 Year Old Girl
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."There is a lot of disinformation out there about why the people in London are rioting and most of it is being perpetrated by the corporate media who we know from the news of the world hacking scandal can not be trusted."

London rioters battle police
Photo Gallery - (51 Pics) - A quote...."Rioters throwing petrol bombs battled police over the weekend, setting patrol cars, buildings and a double-decker bus on fire in some of the worst disorder seen in the British capital in recent years. (Reuters)"

Police arrest 100 as rioting erupts in Birmingham
A quote...."Rioting has erupted in Birmingham, with shop windows being smashed and stores being looted during what police described as "mindless thuggery"."

London's Burning Anarchy Sweeps Through the City as New Rioting Continues
A quote...."A third night of social unrest has plagued London and the UK this past Monday evening, hitting Clapham in South London, one of the city’s major transport, rail and commercial hubs."

London Riots Spread Across All Of England Into Liverpool And Birmingham – Live Map, Video and Photos
Continous Update page - A quote...."Note: This Page will be updated with more photos and video. I wanted to get the live map up showing the latest locations were the riots that have been confirmed in Birmingham and Liverpool. For why this is happening see this."

London Set To Be Under Martial Law In Next 24 Hours – Troops To Deploy Against ‘Teenage’ Population
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."The rioting and violence has now spread to multiple sectors in and around London North, east and now south. -- In a move that many fear will happen on the streets of America, there is talk of using the military to quell civil unrest on the streets of London as they continue to burn. -- Widespread looting has taken place throughout the city which does not look good in wake of the coming Olympics."

Further riots in London as violence spreads across England
London riots: live
London riots escalate as police battle for control
London riots: Cars, buildings ablaze in Peckham, Croydon, Hackney - rtvideo - (2m50s Aug 8, 2011) - Src: RT
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Coming Full-Circle in Tahrir Square
A quote...."August 08, 2011 "Information Clearing House" -- Friday 29 July 2011 had been billed as a “Friday of Unity” demonstration in Tahrir Square uniting secular and Islamic opposition forces to come out to push for further change in Egypt. But the arrival of approximately 1 million people calling for Islamic change drew fierce criticism from secular groups within Egypt, as well as secularists outside the region."

Bahrain’s Shi’ites Report Worsening Crackdowns
A quote...."Bahrain may not have large portions of its population taking part in daily marches any more, but the opposition to the monarchy and resentment at the violent, Saudi-aided crackdown against those demonstrations is lingering. Smaller rallies still break out from time to time, but those involved report that the regime’s moves against them have actually gotten worse, not better, than when Bahrain’s crackdowns were actually a major news topic in the west."

Crackdown in Syria shocks the Arab world
A quote...."Syria's government continues its military crackdown on opposition protesters even after Arab countries and neighboring Turkey joined Western leaders in the chorus of condemnation. The situation is veering toward a worst-case scenario. The next move by the international community should be a UN Security Council resolution denouncing the Syrian leadership's violence against its own people."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

A fifth of all congressmen taking paid-for holidays to Israel this summer
Special Note - (For the disgusting spectacle of it all) -- "Your" Congressmen hard at work folks, for Israel! - mpg -- A quote...."A fifth of members of the House of Representatives will be taking their summer holidays in Israel this year with almost all the trips being paid for by one of America's most powerful lobby groups. -- The American Israel Education Foundation is shelling out to take around eighty congressmen to Israel during the summer recess period." - bold by website editor. - also posted at IPMsngHdlns - Vote these jerks out of office folks, let them go live in Israel and serve in Israel's Knesset. - mpg

Top Israeli archaeologists contest Jewish ties to Jerusalem
Israeli Myths Exposed - A quote...."OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Top Israeli archaeologist Israel Finkelstein has denied the existence of Jewish roots in the city of Jerusalem, contrary to Israel’s claims that have prompted continued Judaization of the city. -- Finkelstein, a professor at Tel Aviv University, said Jewish archaeologists have failed to unearth historic sites to support some of the stories in the Torah. Among those stories are the Jewish Exodus, the forty-year wandering in the Sinai desert, and Joshua’s victory over the Canaanites. -- He also said there was no archaeological evidence that concludes that the alleged Temple of Solomon ever existed." - also posted at AlethoNews

Israeli soldiers cross into Lebanon
A quote...."An Israeli foot patrol has crossed into Lebanon in clear violation of the country's sovereignty and a UN Security Council resolution." - also posted at AlethoNews

S&P cuts Israeli bonds guaranteed by U.S. to 'AA+'
A quote...."SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Standard & Poor's Ratings Services on Monday lowered the ratings on U.S.-guaranteed bonds issued by the Israeli government to AA+ from AAA."

The Truth About Kos (DailyKos)  31 Count Indictment
A quote...."Having discovered that Markos C. Alberto Moulitsas ZÚÑIGA (MAMZ) a.k.a. "Kos" of DailyKos) has a long history of activism for the Republican Party and, furthermore, he trained and worked with the US CIA between 2001 and 2003, research has revealed and established the following, and therefore justice and history now bring this thirty-one count Indictment."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

The Spirit of Rachel Corrie Mission to Gaza: Breaking the Illegal Siege
A quote...."The following text recounts how the Gaza siege was almost broken by a lone humanitarian ship. -- What the Spirit of Rachel Corrie achieved, its crew and passengers, constitutes an outstanding act of courage and determination, taking the Israeli Navy totally by surprise."

The Plight of Gazan Fishermen
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Mahfouz Kabariti sits inside his former fishing boat, which he’s converting into a tour boat. The Israeli naval blockade made it impossible for him to earn a profit. -- Dozens of Gazan fishermen went to retrieve boats this week that had been confiscated by the Israeli Navy over the last 18 months. Their excitement quickly turned to sorrow as they found empty boat shells stripped of all equipment and supplies. According to an August 4 press release from Adalah and Al-Meezan Center for Human Rights, Israel also charged the fishermen with the transportation costs of confiscation. The fishermen refused to take their boats, and returned home without them."
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More on Japan's & Amerika's Nuclear Power Plants....

Food Riot Fears Strike Japan After Rice Trading Halted Due To Radiation Contamination Radiation Alert - A quote...."Fears of food riots strike Japan after rice trading is halted due to a 40% price spike triggered by massive hoarding of the remaining radiation free rice supply. -- It is time to start paying very close attention the events unfolding in Japan as the nation teeters on the verge of food riots which may serve as an example of what other nations in a similar situation would face."

Experts: Lethal Levels of “Off-Scale” Radiation At Fukushima Infer Millions Dying Radiation Alert - A quote...."Fukushima nuclear power plant radiation recordings of external gamma radiation have been so high this week, they went off scale said veteran nuclear expert Arnie Gunderson on Thursday after the famous physicist, Dr. Chris Busby told the Japanese people this week that radioactive air contamination there now is 300 times that of Chernobyl and 1000 times the atomic bomb peak in 1963, possibly inferring that hundreds of millions of people are now dying from Fukushima radiation, including people in the United States."

Dangerous Levels Of Background Radiation Recorded In Rain In Oklahoma City Radiation Alert - Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."A local citizen in Oklahoma City has recorded what the Geiger counter called dangerous levels of background radiation. -- This comes a week after the announcement that levels of radiation spewing from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant are higher then ever."

Japan Held Nuclear Data, Leaving Evacuees in Peril Cover-Up - A quote...."FUKUSHIMA, Japan — The day after a giant tsunami set off the continuing disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, thousands of residents at the nearby town of Namie gathered to evacuate. "
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More On The Economic Situation....

Futures Rout Accelerates: Emergency Fed Announcement Possible
BREAKING:  08/08/2011 22:32 -0400 -- A quote...."The last time we had a modestly comparable collapse in overnight trading, a certain futures trader from SocGen whose gimmickry had been uncovered, caused the Fed to lower its Fed Funds rate in an emergency meeting first thing in the morning. Which is why we wonder, should the ongoing rout accelerate, to an extent driven by the decimation in the Korean Kospi, down -9.5% at last check, but also due to increasing worries the Fed may not announce QE3 tomorrow...."

Global Grand Policy Failure: Liquidity Traps and Financial Black Holes
Second Quote of the Day...."In standard Keynesian economics, the only thing holding back a tide of spending and investing is lack of faith in future growth. --- This is of course wrongheaded. Keynesianism is blind to the black hole of debt: at a certain threshold (event horizon), the ability and/or willingness to borrow more vanishes. No amount of monetary easing or shoveling new money into banks can spark new debt and spending." - Topix ||  Some Tentative Laws - last updated Aug. 15th 2008 - mpg  ||

Greece In Panic: Masses Race To Pull Cash From Banks Causing A Great Depression Style Bank-Run
Financial Alert - A quote...."The Guardian reports that while Western media has been silent on the issue Greece is in an absolute state of panic facing a Great Depression style run on the banks as people race to withdrawal their cash."

“Panic Selling”: Dow Drops 635 Points, Every Single Stock in S&P 500 Falls
Financial Alert - A quote...."The Dow dropped a frightening 635 points, or 5.55%, its largest percentage drop since December 2008 and the sixth largest point drop in the history of the index. All 30 Dow components dropped, with Bank of America (BAC) plunging 20% at the close and up to 23% intraday. -- The S&P 500 fell 6.66% to 1,119.5, its tenth loss in the past 11 sessions. Every single stock in the [S&P 500] index fell." - bold by website editor - All thirty DOW stocks falling on the same day happens from time to time, every single stock falling in the S&P on the same day is quite a rarity, perhaps a singular event. - mpg

Treasury Adds Another $20 Billion In Debt Overnight, Just $160 Billion Below Revised Ceiling
Financial Alert - A quote...."Ok, someone please explain this one to us because we must be a little slow. Wasn't the whole thing with the debt ceiling hike such that no more Congressional melodramas would have to be inflicted upon the population until after Obama [won|lost] the 2012 elections? Because according to the once again exponentially increasing debt balance of the US Treasury (there is another $51 billion in debt/cash coming in next week)...."

'I can smell QE3, QE4 and many more,' says Marc Faber
A quote...."I can smell QE3, QE4 and many more, Faber told Li. -- There are two conditions that will lead to QE3, according to Faber: "Either the economy shows significant weakness, which is a possibility in the second half of this year and this is what the stock market is trying to tell you, or the S&P 500 drops to around 1,100 or 1,050 and then we'll get QE3," Faber argued."

Rogers: "Bankrupt" U.S. Will Never Pay Back Its Bills [& Speaks Up for S&P]
A quote...."The U.S. government deserves the downgrade Standard and Poor's slapped on its ratings, because the country has run up so many debts it will never get out of the hole, say famed commodities investor Jim Rogers."

Ongoing Scalping of Americans and "Never-Ending Depression" Unless Bondholders Are Forced to Take a Haircut  - A quote...."As I noted last month, economics professor Steve Keen says:"

"[We’ll have] a never-ending depression unless we repudiate the debt, which never should have been extended in the first place."

"Economist Nouriel Roubini writes today in the Financial Times:"

"Since this is a crisis of solvency as well as liquidity, orderly debt restructuring must begin. This means across the board reduction on the mortgage debt for the roughly half of America’s households that are underwater.."

Fannie and Freddie Downgraded, France Will Be Downgraded, Munis Getting Hammered ... States Will Be Next
A quote...."As I noted yesterday, munis will get hammered by the credit downgrade, and France may soon lose its AAA credit." - also posted at GlobalRsrch

We’re Now Back at November 2009 Levels… Are the Bulls Listening Now?
A quote...."Stocks are now back to November 2009 levels. In plain terms, the last year and a half may as well have not happened. The second half of QE 1, QE lite, and QE 2… literally everything the Fed has done since the end of 2009 has been wasted money."

Food Stamp Use Jumps To Record 46 Million Americans - 15% Of U.S. Population (1970 To 2011)
Chart - A quote...."Most interesting about the longer term chart (1970-2011) is the fact that the program is hard to escape.  Once a family starts on food stamps, the chance of getting off the program is slim."

The Daily Bail Round-Up - Aug 8, 2011 at 1:14 PM
A round-up of todays business news from the Daily Bail. - mpg

Netherlands joins Germany in opposing bigger EFSF
A quote...."AMSTERDAM -(MarketWatch)- The Netherlands joined Germany Monday in warning against boosting the volume of the euro zone's rescue fund, saying it won't solve the problems in the currency area, and it even may hurt the solvency of guarantornations."

Poll shows Dutch voters 2-1 against aid for Italy
A quote...."AMSTERDAM -- A poll published in the Netherlands says Dutch voters are against contributing additional money to Europe's proposed stabilization fund by a 2-1 margin."

Greece bans short selling for 2 months as stocks tank to lowest level in over 14 years
A quote...."ATHENS, Greece (AP) -- Greece on Monday banned short selling on the stock market for two months...."

China July inflation hits 6.5%, tops estimates
Financial Alert - Which means China may have to tighten, which at this particular moment in financial history is NOT a good thing.  China might want to hold off a little bit until the dust settles. - mpg

Sunday August 7th 2011

The CH-47 Chinook & Seal Team Six....

31 US Occupiers Killed in Afghanistan - The Osama bin Dead cover-up continues. - mpg
Video - (YuTb - 5min11sec - Aug 6, 2011) - Source:  Rys2sense -- A quote...."And guess what, they were also the team that got Osama! It's true it's on Fox News!" -- What shall we call this, cleaning up loose ends?  They were Jacked & Ruby-ized?  Expendable heros? They died for compound interest?  They're not going to dump them at sea now are they?  Three points to make about this fiasco.
  1. Every single helicopter that has gone down in Afghanistan or Iraq during the last ten years....EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM, supposedly crashed because of "mechanical difficulties" and none of them were ever "shot-down"....except of course....for this one. (roll the eyes)
  2. This happened right after the NewYorker Magazine published it's fairy-tale on Osama bid Dead for awhile. Did some navy seals object?  Did some navy seals pass on some embarrassing details that were NOT included in the article but were forwarded on to the "proper authorities" for further "action"?
  3. Anybody out there getting tired of witnesses to the events of 9/11 and it's aftermath dying in car crashes, airplane crashes, helicopter crashes, falls from tall places, etc?  Anyone? - mpg
Topix  ||  More on Osama Bin Back From the Dead™....  ||


Navy SEALS from unit that killed Bin Laden die in Afghan attack
A quote...."A U.S. official said some of the dead Americans were members of SEAL Team 6. None of the dead had been part of the bin Laden raid in Pakistan in May.  - bold by website editor - So according to CNews, none of the seals killed participated in the original bin Laden raid. - mpg -- updated 08/07/11-1:25pm PST

Deaths of SEAL Team 6 Exposed! & Seal Team 6 Crash Was An Inside Job!
AJVideos - Deaths - (AJYuTb - 7min18sec - Aug 6, 2011) - InsideJob - (AJYuTb - 6min49sec - Aug 6, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- This is Alex Jones analysis of the incident.  An analysis which could still be true even if CNews is correct that "none of the dead had been part of the bin Laden raid"  (althought we really won't know that's true for many months, if not years) because none of the seals supposedly "killed" according to Alex Jone's analysis of the original bin Laden raid, would have ever been listed as being in that raid to conceal the fact that they had....been killed. - mpg -- updated 08/07/11-1:53pm PST

Sealed Lies, Sealed Lips: SEAL Team 6 Dies, But Their Legend Survives
A quote...."Bin Laden did not do 9/11. And he was not assassinated by SEAL Team 6 (although, they are more than capable of killing any real enemy to America's existence anywhere on earth). -- Bin Laden died early in the war on terror. Dr. Steve Pieczenik, who served as a top counter-terrorist officer in the American government, told the Alex Jones show in May that Bin Laden died in late 2001/early 2002. Other government experts from around the world have confirmed this claim. It is not a conspiracy theory. It is the truth." -- updated 08/07/11-9:11pm PST

SEAL Unit Supposedly Responsible for Osama Hit Killed in Copter Crash
A quote...."Soon after it was announced – without evidence – that Navy SEALs had killed Osama bin Laden, the corporate media derisively coined a new term for skeptics – “deathers,” a word with about as much originality as “birthers” and “truthers.” -- updated 08/07/11-10:00pm PST

Infowars Ireland Predicted SEAL Team 6 Demise - Strange Coincidence Surrounding a Known Conspiracy
A quote....""What is a known fact is that Osama Bin Laden was not killed earlier this year during the hyped-Pakistan raid, but rather died nearly a decade ago due to health problems. This means that whoever landed in Pakistan and murdered the people occupying the alleged "Bin Laden" compound, just a stone's throw away from a nearby CIA safe house, killed someone else. It is quite clear that these people, alleged to have been members of the ultra-secret SEAL Team 6, would then be liabilities to whoever attempted to foist this hoax upon the world.  ---  With that in mind, all the way back in May 2011, Infowars Ireland's Declan O'Shea predicted SEAL Team 6 would be inevitably eliminated. It appears now, after reports of "US troops" dying in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan, that a large part of SEAL Team 6 died with them. In fact, allegedly 22 SEAL Team 6 members are said to have died in the crash, just 2 short of the 24 that allegedly participated in the "Bin Laden" raid. The Pentagon was quick to point out that, even though the identities of SEAL Team 6 members are all closely guarded secrets - they are "sure" none of those who recently died had taken part in the "Osama Bin Laden" assassination." -- updated 08/07/11-10:03pm PST

Afghan helicopter attack: some answers and more questions
A quote...."Yesterday I published an article** asking some questions about the circumstances surrounding the deaths of roughly 30 American soldiers in Afghanistan, some of which belonged to the infamous SEAL Team 6. -- Thanks to my astute readers I was deluged with responses and explanations to some of my more ignorant questions. -- For instance, I received many a message about why they were utilizing a CH-47 Chinook to transport the Special Operations forces. -- This is due to the fact that only the Chinook can fly at the necessary altitude with a full payload. -- One reader wrote, -- “The reason they were in a Chinook is the operational altitude ceiling of Blackhawk type twin engine choppers.” -- The reader mentions this because the stealth helicopter I mentioned in the previous article is based on a Blackhawk-type helicopter. -- He continues, -- “The Chinook is the only high altitude heavy lift helicopter in our stocks. It has 4 engines and can operate over 12 thousand feet, plus take tons of light arms fire and still fly." - **link added -- updated 08/07/11-10:45pm PST

“Bin Laden” Heroes Probably Murderered to Keep Them Quiet
A quote...."Today 31 NATO troops, 20 of them Navy Seals from the Osama bin Laden operation died in what is reported as a helicopter crash in Afghanistan. -- The chances of this story being true is almost nil.  The chances of this being a staged coverup is over 80%.  We believe these people were murdered to silence them.  This is why." -- updated 08/08/11-1:56am PST

A National Guard Chinook with a Full Load of Seals and Special Ops?
Related Article - A quote...."Gordon Duff’s piece yesterday afternoon [posted above] has quickly run up 30,000 reads plus what ever the blogger traffic was. We put it out quickly because losing this many SEALS in a one mission crash seemed impossible with the ops procedures for moving these highly trained teams around. -- The comment section was very active and generally most all agreed that an a  RPG shot bringing down a SEAL Chinook with a huge team aboard staggered the imagination." -- updated 08/08/11-1:58am PST
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More On The Domestic Situation....

Your Memory Is A Lie, Courtesy of Bush and Obama
Must Read - Quote of the Day....Most of the 9/11 truth-deniers believe that those of us who write about 9/11 truth and question the reasons for the war on terror are wasting our lives, or that we're mentally lost and should be put in mental institutions. And the ironic thing is that they're the ones who are lost and mentally dead. They have given up their mental sovereignty to the government and media. -- They have no idea that evil disguises itself behind a smile. Evil is not Osama Bin Laden, evil is Barack Hussein Obama, George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Ehud Barak, and Benjamin Netanyahu."

Pakistan TV Report Contradicts US Claim of Bin Laden’s Death
From the History File & For the Record - A quote...."In my recent article, “Creating Evidence Where There Is None,” about the alleged killing of Osama bin Laden by a commando team of US Seals in Abbottabad, Pakistan, I provided a link to a Pakistani National TV interview with Muhammad Bashir, who lives next door to the alleged “compound” of Osama bin Laden. I described the story that Bashir gave of the “attack” and its enormous difference from the one told by the US government. In Bashair’s account, every member of the landing party and anyone brought from the house died when the helicopter exploded on lift-off.  I wrote that a qualified person could easily provide a translation of the interview, but that no American print or TV news organization had investigated Bashir’s account."

Super Congress: A Financial Death Panel That Will Help The Banks Loot & Rape America
A quote...."The power of life and death over what's left of the American economy and the millions of people who depend on Social Security checks now rests in the hands of twelve bought off officials who will make up the new Super Congress." - also posted at DProgram & IntelHub

Economy Debased by Lies, Fraud, and Bogus Statistics
A quote...."The entire concept of keeping the economy functioning is based upon US dollar debasement via the creation of excess money and credit, which is accompanied by departments of government and Wall Street. Once in the past 11 years in particular we have seen lies, fraud, bogus statistics and Mickey Mouse bookkeeping. For good measure the powers behind government have thrown in the gutting of America’s industrial base by outsourcing and offshoring. As an extra temporary measure the Fed has bailed out the financial sectors in the US and Europe and continues to bail out the US Treasury. Who cares about currency debasement because it’s a cost of doing business." - also posted at DProgram & GlobalRsrch

BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials-August 5, 2011 - A Round-Up of the Day's News from Boiling Frogs
Contains Videos - A quote...."Kharotabad Killings & the Cover Up, No One Safe Under the Espionage Act of 1917,  Disposable Army in Iraq, Pentagon Purchases $23 Billion worth of Drones, Permanent US Base in Iraq, Obama Debt Crisis: A successful Con Game, the End of the Presidential Public Financing, Azerbaijan: Lobbying for U.S. Weapons Sales, Video: Destabilization of Syria Based on Libya Model & [Much] More!" - also posted at DProgram

Rasmussen Poll: American Sentiment is "Pre-Revolutionary" ... Only 17% Say U.S. Government Has Consent of the Governed -- A quote...."I noted in February 2010 that only 21% of Americans believed that the U.S. government had the "consent of the governed". -- That number has now fallen to 17%:"
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More On The International Situation....

War Song (Bob Rylett w/ bob pompei)
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 2min51sec - Aug 6, 2011) - Source:  riggs45 -- A quote....""The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it."

Exactly How Big Is This So-Called Al Qaeda [Al-CIA'da]?
Special Note - Quite small really, after all you don't need to create too big a threat to provide the necessary excuse for endless military expenditures. - mpg -- A quote..."For almost 10 years we have been engaged in a massive and many-fronted war advertised as a war on terror-war on Al Qaeda. Recent reports put the total cost to America of this war on terror at around $3 trillion. This is not counting un-countable covert operations with secret budgets, and it does not include the war in Libya or covert wars elsewhere."

16 NATO tankers go up in flames
A quote...."Sixteen NATO supply vehicles transporting fuel destined for US-led forces in Afghanistan have gone up in flames in a bomb attack in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province."

'Eight Afghan civilians killed' in [US-NATO] air strike
A quote...."KANDAHAR, Afghanistan — Afghan civilians may have been caught up in a NATO air strike against suspected Taliban insurgents, a foreign military spokesman said Saturday, amid claims up to eight civilians died."

Four US-led troops killed in Afghan war
A quote...."Separate violent attacks have killed at least four US-led soldiers and wounded several others in various parts of Afghanistan."

[Another] US-led copter crashes in Afghanistan
A quote...."Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said the militants successfully targeted the aircraft on Saturday in the Musakhel district of Khost province, and all those on board were killed in the incident, the Pajhwok news agency reported. -- However, ISAF dismissed the Taliban's claim, saying a mechanical failure forced the helicopter to make an emergency landing." - bold by website editor - Uh-huh, see article at the top of today's page. - mpg

Globalist Lies: Truth Behind Pakistan Unrest
A quote...."The George Soros-funded Human Rights Watch (HRW) is pulling out the stops to portray the latest spat of violence in Pakistan’s southwest Baluchistan province as the result of Pakistani government brutality. The reports emanating from HRW have been compiled by US State Department mouthpiece Radio Free Europe Radio (RFERL) and published in Foreign Policy Magazine. In identical form to the propaganda campaigns being conducted by the nefarious, corporate-serving US State Department in nations across the planet, we see yet another concerted effort to play on the emotions of the liberal-progressives that line the majority of the West’s NGO networks."

Iraq slams release of Abu Ghraib torturer
A quote...."Iraqis have slammed the US for releasing the former notorious ringleader of the US guards, Charles Graner, who was found guilty of abusing detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq."

Sadr warns against US presence in Iraq
A quote...."Iraq's influential cleric Muqtada al-Sadr has issued a warning that any US training mission in Iraq after 2011 will be confronted by “military means”."

Iranian terrorist group has close US allies
A quote...."Something strange is happening in Washington. In August, the Obama administration is expected to announce whether it will keep the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), an exiled Iranian group that killed American civilians and officials in the 1970s, on its foreign terrorist organisations (FTO) list. -- Known for its cult-like behavior, the MEK (also known as the People's Mujahedin of Iran, PMOI or MKO) fought alongside Saddam Hussein's regime against its own country during the bloody Iran-Iraq war. This is one reason why it has almost no Iranian support, even if it refers to itself as the "most popular resistance group inside Iran" on its official website. It does, however, enjoy the backing of several US heavyweights with high national security credentials." - Topix ||  US Support of Terror - MEK - PKK - Others  ||

Iran to Send New Home-Made Satellite to Higher Altitude
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran is scheduled to send a new home-made satellites to higher altitudes, at least, 36,000km away from the Earth."

Arms cargo seized en route Syria
Geo-Political Special Note - A quote...."Reports from Lebanon say the army has seized a second cargo of weapons bound for Syria, following another arms shipment intended for the country that was confiscated earlier in the day. " - Must be for Syria's "peaceful" protestors. - mpg

A Skeptical Eye: Saudi King Condemns Syrian Crackdown
A quote...."As the massacres in Syria get bigger and more frequent — one today killed 59 in an eastern city a number of factions the world over have turned against the Assad regime on the matter, with everyone from the Vatican to the Arab League calling for an immediate end to the violence. The latest came today, when the Saudi King demanded “comprehensive reforms” in the Ba’athist country."

Britain’s Secret Post-9/11 Torture Policy Revealed: Was Tony Blair’s Government Guilty of “Developing Something Close to a Criminal Policy”? -- Torture Policy Exposed -- A quote...."As the British government’s toothless torture inquiry is abandoned by ten NGOs and lawyers for the former Guantánamo prisoners, who have long recognized that it was nothing more than a whitewash, but have now given up on even trying to engage with it, politicians in the Tory-led coalition government are not the only ones feeling the heat. Yesterday, in a world exclusive, the Guardian’s Ian Cobain exposed a top secret document, entitled, "Agency policy on liaison with overseas security and intelligence services in relation to detainees who may be subject to mistreatment," which "reveal[ed] how MI6 and MI5 officers were allowed to extract information from prisoners being illegally tortured overseas."

Secret Torture Policy
Related Article - A quote...."I was sacked for opposing – within the Foreign Office – a secret UK government policy of cooperation with torture. Not only was I sacked, I was charged with eighteen reputation wrecking allegations, ranging from sexual blackmail through financial impropriety to alcoholism, of all of which I was eventually cleared. Throughout this process and still today, the Government claimed I was lying about the policy of collaboration with torture. -- They never denied any of the detail of my evidence, but rather attacked my “credibility”, which aided by the corrupt press/media nexus was sufficient to keep my information out of the mainstream." - bold by website editor - also posted by Uruknet - Note what the British government did to this whistle-blower, it's also what the US-NRE does to theirs, just keep that in mind folks the next time you hear allegations aginst any whistle-blowers. Just remember the extraordinary lengths (including murder) these governments will go to, to keep embarrassing details secret. - mpg

UNASUR prepares to ride out economic [downturn] from the North
A quote...."The ministers of Finance and Economy of UNASUR met in Lima, Peru yesterday to design regional mechanisms that can permit a coordinated stance in facing the international financial crisis. -- Given the failure of the Washington Consensus policies and the collapse of neo-liberal ways of thinking, the ministers agreed on the need to promote regional production and financial integration, as well as the possibility of working in a coordinated manner to control the impact of capital flows. They also discussed the possibility of creating a Latin American Reserve Fund to address potential balance of payments problems and sudden movements of capital that affect macro-economic stability."

There's a New Sheriff in Town in Asia: This Sheriff Wears Five Yellow Stars
A quote...."There is a new sheriff in town in Asia and the United States, in a last gasp at preserving its influence in the region, is attempting to cement old alliances while forging new ones. Confronted by a China that has eclipsed the economy of Japan, thus achieving the distinction of being the world’s second-largest economy, the days of the United States acting as a major powerbroker in Asia is coming to an end…"
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The Assault On Libya....

"Blanket of Darkness" over Tripoli. NATO Targets Electricity Generation. Launches Psychological Attacks
A quote...."TRIPOLI, Global Research. August 7, 2011 - The NATO bombardment of Libya continues relentlessly. More than 6,600 aerial bombings have been conducted against Libya. NATO is also coordinating terrorist attacks conducted by “rebels forces” against Tripoli and other Libyan cities. -- On July 30, the Libyan television broadcasting buildings were bombed by NATO. Three Libyan journalists and fifteen other employees of the Libyan Broadcasting Authority were injured by the NATO attacks."

Libya government: NATO air missiles targeted children's Hospital in Zlitan
Videos - ZlitanHospital - (Note: no sound till 1m28s) - (YuTb - 8min37sec - Aug 4, 2011) - Source: 24Hawd -- ZlitanHospital#2 - (YuTb - 11min16sec - Aug 4, 2011) - Source:  24Hawd

The Stalling Syrian Gambit
Related Article - A quote....""Citing the ongoing UN sanctioned, US, UK, and French led crime against humanity in Libya and the predictable revulsion it conjures up in any sensible human being or nation-state, globalist degenerate Salman Shaikh of the Fortune 500-funded (page 19 of PDF) Brookings Institution has claimed Brazil, India and South Africa “have acted like spoiled brats upset about the West’s military “overreach” on Libya,” thus preventing action “in managing Assad.” -- This comes after globalist bankster George Soros-funded (page 10) Amnesty International attempted to campaign for a petition to get BRIC to rubber stamp yet another US/UK war of imperial aggression, this time against Syria. As NATO murders journalistsbombs hospitals, and destroys vital civilian infrastructure across Libya in a desperate attempt to achieve victory, humiliated by one defeat after another and with its “heroic freedom fighters” exposed as cut-throat terrorist scum, BRIC would be insane not to wash its hands completely of this increasingly unraveling, degenerate “international order” the corporate oligarchs are attempting to foist upon humanity."

US Intelligence contradicts US government's optimistic picture of Libyan rebels
A quote...."Despite the official claims of the US government in regards to their trust in the Libyan rebels, US intelligence channels paint another picture of the situation in Libya."

USCENTCOM buys software to impersonate social networkers & bloggers; blogosphere shows tell-tale signs amid war on Libya
-- A quote...."In an ominous development in March this year (in the lead-up to the war on Libya and the destabilisation of Syria), US Central Command – USCENTCOM – purchased a piece of software allowing US government employees to assume multiple fake online identities, complete with false backgrounds, supporting details, and IP address masking functionality. On top of the universal deception that takes place in the corporate media, it is evident that the goal of this venture is to spread propaganda and disinformation. These fake identities with a full portfolio of background information and supporting details, will carry a sheen of authenticity...."

Qatari plane supplies ammunition to Libya rebels
(i.e. the Saudi Royal's lackey, everyone's gotta have one. - mpg) -- A quote...."MISRATA, Libya, August 6 (Reuters) - A Qatari plane made a quick stop in the rebel-held Libyan city of Misrata on Saturday to offload ammunition destined for rebel fighters, sources with knowledge of the flight said."

Libya says key town recaptured from rebels
A quote...."TRIPOLI (AFP) – Government troops have recaptured the strategic town of Bir Ghanam, southwest of Tripoli, from rebel forces, Libyan Prime Minister Baghdadi Mahmudi told reporters on Sunday."
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More on the World Wide Revolution....

Report: Police Beating Girl, 16, Sparked London Riot Violence That Spreads Into 2nd Night
A quote...."The riots in London have spread into neighbor suburbs tonight as reports emerge that peaceful protests turned violent after Police started beating a 16 year girl. Evidence has also emerged that police lied about the circumstances surrounding the fatal shooting of the man which sparked the initial protests."

London riots spread south of Thames
A quote...."08 Aug 2011 There has been a second night of rioting across London, with violence erupting in several of the capital's boroughs, from Brixton in the south to Enfield and Islington in the north and Walthamstow to the east. What police are calling "copycat criminal [sic] activity" -- some of it apparently part of an orchestrated plan -- has so far resulted in 100 arrests. Sunday night's rioting followed disturbances on Saturday night in Tottenham, which came after the fatal shooting by police of Mark Duggan, 29, on Thursday."

Protesters retake Madrid square after police charge
A quote...."06 Aug 2011 Thousands of Spain's "indignant" protesters reoccupied Madrid's main square a day after riot police swooped down on demonstrators who rallied at the interior ministry to protest its closure. Police stood by late Friday as the demonstrators entered the Puerta del Sol square, the symbol of their movement against the government's handling of Spain's economic crisis. The protesters set up a huge banner at the entrance to the square that read "Welcome Dignity" and sat on the ground to hold a "popular assembly" to discuss future protest action."

US-Bahrain defense pact renewed
A quote...."WASHINGTON (AFP) – US officials and their counterparts in Bahrain, which crushed month-long protests in mid-March, have renewed a defense pact, officials said Friday."

"Democracy" is something the US government likes when it suits its geopolitical interests. When a burgeoning democracy movement may be dangerous to those interests, the US government will do its level best to suppress it by any means necessary. -- But I would warn those in the bowels of power in DC to remember the following unalterable reality: when peaceful revolution is impossible, violent revolution is inevitable. -- Bahrain is no different. -- And if you don't believe me, please ask the people who overthrew the Shah in Iran; the people who overthrew Nicolaie Ceausescu in Romania; and the people who overthrew Mubarak in Egypt." -- *Michael Rivero*
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

New U.S. envoy in Israel to clear obstacles for Obama’s second term
A quote...."One has to wonder just what Dan Shapiro has been ordered to offer the Israeli government in order to deliver the Jewish vote for Obama in 2012?!? -- An invasion of Iran, perhaps, or Syria? Groups of imbedded, elite American military teams to assist the IDF in the ultimate conquest of the West bank and East Jerusalem to prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state? -- The assassination of political leaders not to the Israeli government's liking, for example, Turkey's Prime Minister Edrogan, who is still insisting on an Israeli apology for the massacre, in international waters, of unarmed Turkish aid workers aboard the Mavi Marmara last year? -- The depths to which Obama may be willing sink to mollify his Israeli masters should scare the stuffing out of thinking Americans, because the choices he may be willing to make to clinch the 2012 election may well put the US in a far worse world of hurt, geopolitically and financially, than it is right now. And that could mean utter, absolute, catastrophe for this country." -- *Michael Rivero*

Israel's Foreign Currency Reserves Increase to Record of $66.3 Billion
A quote...."Israel’s foreign currency reserves increased to a record in September as the Bank of Israel bought foreign currency to try to moderate shekel gains. -- Reserves rose to $66.3 billion at the end of the month, the bank said in an e-mailed statement today. The $2.15 billion increase was mainly due to purchases of $699 million by the central bank and a $1.66 billion revaluation of reserves, the bank said."

Keep in mind folks there's just five million Jews living in Israel and they're now set for life.  Womb to tomb health care (Oh, you didn't know?), subsidized education, subsidized housing, the fourth largest military in the world courtesy your tax dollars, along with all sorts of additional perks.

As for this country....most of you Zio-supporting, Armageddon Cultists out there are gonna starve.  Nice job guys, way to go, sacrificing your kids futures and their lives in numerous illegal, immoral, murderous wars while emptying this nation's treasury so Jewish Israelis can have a cushy life and expand their little Mini Mid-East Empire. 

Hopefully as this depression deepens and continues to get worse none of you stupid jerks, nor your drooling moronic spawn, will EVER ask this website editor for a handout. If you do, you won't get one. So do the world a favor and just starve quietly and don't complain about it....OK! - mpg

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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Hamas security forces seize suspected rocket firers
A quote...."GAZA CITY (AFP) -- Hamas security forces in the Gaza Strip on Saturday detained two members of an Islamist group suspected of firing rockets at Israel, the group said in a statement. -- Tawhid wal Jihad, a Salafist organization, confirmed that Hamas security forces had detained two of its members in an early morning raid." - also posted at Uruknet

IOF soldiers forcibly evacuate worshippers from Aqsa Mosque
A quote...."OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) stormed the holy Aqsa Mosque at midnight Friday and forced Muslim worshippers out of it, the Quds media center said on its website on Saturday."

'Assaults mount on Palestinian reporters'
Contains Video - A quote...."Palestinian Journalists Syndicate condemns assaults carried out by both Israeli military troops and Palestinian security forces on members of Palestinian media."

Israeli army detains Freedom Theater actor
A quote...."JENIN (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces on Saturday detained an acting student of the iconic Freedom Theater at a checkpoint near Jenin, theater staff said."

IOA cuts off water to Jenin neighborhoods
A quote...."JENIN, (PIC)-- The Palestinian municipal council in Jenin city strongly denounced the Israeli water company Mekorot for cutting off arbitrarily the water supply for the fourth consecutive day to many neighborhoods in the city."

Israeli Army Invades Nabi Saleh Firing Live Amunition and Gas Bombs
A quote...."Reports from Tamimi Press indicate that Sunday evening the Israeli army invaded the Palestinian town of Nabi Saleh in the West Bank. They fired live ammunition and gas bombs and clashed with local youth."
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More On The Economic Situation....

The Stock Market and the Dollar: There Are Only Three Possibilities
Must Read Mrkt Tech Note - Charts - Two quotes...."For those who aren't going to look at the charts, what they suggest is that there are really only three possibilities in play...."
A. Stocks go up and the dollar drops to new lows
B. Stocks fall and the dollar rises significantly, a pattern that has repeated several times since 2007
C. The see-saw breaks and stocks and the USD rise or fall together.
"The key to the relationship between stock valuations and the dollar is corporate profits. When the dollar declines, then U.S. global corporations' overseas earnings--now roughly 60% of total profits for many big global corporations--expand as if by magic when stated in dollars."

Key Concept Quote:

"This explains why the Fed has been so keen to trash the dollar: it magically increases corporate profits and thus drives stocks higher. The mainstream financial media's explanation for the weak-dollar policy is that the Fed is anxious to increase exports, but this is a sideshow; exports make up less than 9% of the U.S. GDP. The real action is in corporate profits, which thanks to the weak dollar are near all-time highs of almost 14% of the entire GDP." - bold by website editor

Capitalism in crisis, a warning from history:
A quote...."Eighty years ago, a banking collapse devastated Europe, triggering war. Today, faith in the free markets is faltering again  --  This is an OK article, but let's be clear about one thing.  The US-NRE's and to some extent Britain's (the US-NRE's lackey) economic systems have NOTHING whatsoever to do with capitalism or free markets.  They are a form of Bankersterism and rampant Militarism.  Capital used to be derived from savings from the production of goods and services which could than be freely allocated in a "capitalist system" to what an investor hoped would be more profitable ventures to produce more goods and services.  What we have instead is tens of trillions of dollars worth of currency printed for nothing, and more than a quadrillion dollars worth of derivatives created from nothing, which has been handed over to a tiny aristocracy and used to mis-allocate resources, destroy "savers", corrupt and distort financial "markets", create unsupportable mountains of debt, and start numerous, illegal, murderous wars.  A system of unredeemed, unrepentant, un-apologetic evil. - mpg -- Or to quote Karl Marx himself.....

"[To the possessor of money capital] “the process of production [eventually] appears merely as an unavoidable intermediate link, as a necessary evil for the sake of money-making. All nations with a capitalist mode of production are therefore seized periodically by a feverish attempt to make money without the intervention of the process of production.”—  *Karl Marx*, Capital, Volume II, “The Circuit of Money Capital”

In this grave crisis, the world's leaders are terrifyingly out of their depth
A quote...."Certain years have gone down in history as great global turning points, after which nothing was remotely the same: 1914, 1929, 1939, 1989. Now it looks horribly plausible that 2011 will join their number. The very grave financial crisis that has hung over Europe ever since the banking collapse of three years ago has taken a sinister turn, with the most dreadful and sobering consequences for those of us who live in European democracies."

Jim Rogers: US never scraped out of 2008 depression
RTVideo - Alt - (YuTb - 1min10sec - Aug 6, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."(RussiaToday) – The United States’ prized top AAA credit rating has been cut for the first time ever. Standard & Poor’s has dropped America’s ranking to AA+. Asian investors are getting cagey on the back of what’s been a tough week for America’s economy. Jim Rogers says they’re ditching bonds."

13 Reasons Why The U.S. Is Now OFFICIALLY BANKRUPT
A quote...."Attention idiots in the mainstream media - sto the budget lies - There are NO cuts - House passes bill to INCREASE spending by $7 trillion over the next 10 years."

5 Expected Results from U.S. Rating Cut
A quote...."Around the world, starting Monday, all eyes are on the markets. The tension is palpable. The uncertainty is ample. And anger is heavy in the air. As predicted, the debt ceiling deal was not only NOT enough to assuage economic fears, it actually exacerbated them, triggering a flight from the Dow, and creating a decisive opportunity for ratings agency S&P to cut the once perfect U.S. credit rating from AAA to AA+." - also posted at ActivistPost

Tel Aviv Stock Exchange opens to 6% losses as global crisis felt in Israel
Israeli shares fall 7% after U.S. downgrade, local protests
Saudi stock market first to plunge [5.46pc] on S&P downgrade
Asia Braces for Fallout From Downgrade
Share prices in Asia fall across the board - [closing down 2%-3%]

Revisiting The CBO's Budget Fantasies
Charts - A quote...."Back in February, I posted The CBO's Budget Fantasies. (CBO abbreviates the bipartisan Congressional Budget Office.) That earlier post briefly reviewed the revenue & outlay projections contained in The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2011 to 2021. It's a good time to revisit those numbers. In tomorrow's post, using reasonable assumptions, I foresee a fiscal train wreck in the United States. Today's post is required reading for understanding that forecast."

US may even lose AA+ rating: S&P
Related Article -- A quote...."Standards & Poor's has defended its decision to downgrade the rating of the United States saying the world's leading economy could even face further downgrades."

Washington DC kills the messenger; attacks S&P.
A quote...."The reality is that the US Government should have lost their AAA rating long ago. The Government relationship with US-based ratings agencies is the same as Enron's relationship with Arthur Andersen, who was supposed to keep Enron honest, but in actuality colluded with defrauding investors. Yes, there was a $2T mistake, but as I understand it, it was on the government's part, which in and of itself is a confidence breaker! From S&P's point of view, this large an error casts doubt over all the other figures submitted by the US Government, and in a post Saddam-has-nukes era, S&P can be forgiven for wondering if the original figures were correct and the claim of an error an attempt to salvage the situation. -- One thing is clear. The US Government sees itself (and correctly so) in a fight for its very survival, which means it no longer feels obligated to obey the laws. -- Cornered animals are at their most dangerous." -- *Michael Rivero*

Bill Gross Tells The Truth: "S&P Finally Got It Right. They Are Enforcing Some Discipline. My Hat Is Off To Them" -- A quote...."After all the hollow rhetoric and scapegoating over the past few days about S&Ps "treasonous act" from Friday, we were delighted to finally hear one person say the truth. "I have been criticizing them and Moody's and Fitch for a long time. Moody's and Fitch are on the "S" list. I think S&P finally demonstrated some spin[e]. S&P finally got it right. They spoke to a dysfunctional political system and deficits as far as the eye can see. They are enforcing some discipline. My hat is off to them." The person in question: PIMCO's Bill Gross...."

Investors: The $1 Billion Armageddon Trade Placed Against The United States
From the History File - July 25th, 2011 -- A quote...."Jack Barnes:  Someone dropped a bomb on the bond market Thursday – a $1 billion Armageddon trade betting the United States will lose its AAA credit rating." - Oh the games people play....mpg

China demands US tighten fiscal belt
Here's Michael Rivero's list....
  1. End all the wars.
  2. Shut down the Department of Let's Go Around The World Murdering The Brown People, and sell all this expensive crap that won't work (like the USS San Antonio, the F-22, and the F-35) for scrap.
  3. End all handouts to foreign governments starting with Israel, which has a $66 billion foreign currency reserve and does not need [any] more American money.
  4. No more trillion dollar bailouts to keep the Wall Street criminals out of prison for that mortgage-backed securities fraud that triggered this crash. -- *Michael Rivero*
Economy 08-07-11 - A DProgram Round-Up
A round-up of todays business news from DProgram. - mpg

Europe On The Brink
A quote...."After a week that saw $2.5 trillion wiped off global stock markets, European policymakers held a series of emergency conference calls on Sunday to discuss the twin debt crises in Europe and the USA that are causing market turmoil, and stoking fears that the Depression might actually affect some members of the plutocracy (e.g. bondholders)." - also posted at Hamsayeh

Euro Bank Bailout 2.0: SocGen & Unicredit Teetering On 'Brink Of Collapse'
A quote...."Fears are growing this weekend that two of Europe’s largest banks may require a bailout, having been hugely damaged by the worsening crisis across the eurozone." - Source:  DailyMail

SocGen, Unicredit On "Brink Of Disaster"?
Related Article - A quote...."Over the past 48 hours we had heard pervasive rumors that at least one, maybe more, banks in Europe are on the verge of collapse. Our thought was, naturally, Dexia, which is the modern equivalent of AIG, not to mention the bank most rescued by none other than the Federal Reserve. Well, we were wrong. And if the Daily Mail [article posted above] is correct, the two banks about to kick the bucket are French SocGen and Italy's UniCredit." - also posted at Hamsayeh

Germany doubts larger fund can rescue Italy: report
A quote...."(Reuters) - Doubts are growing in the German government that Italy could be rescued by the European emergency fund, even if the fund were to be tripled in size, according to the German newsmagazine Der Spiegel."

Saturday August 6th 2011

No posts. - mpg

Friday August 5th 2011

More On The Domestic Situation....

The Biggest Criminals Are Out of Sight - Shop and Shoot America
Must Read - Quote of the Day - A quote..."We are being ruled by thespians and gangsters. Far from incompetent, they are lethally good at what they do. They create crisis after crisis, then solve each by sacrificing countless innocents while enriching themselves. Whatever the challenge, domestic or international, their only goals are to gorge and to gouge, so they never fail, actually, even when they miscalculate. They’ll make money blowing things up, and they’ll make even more pretending to fix what they have destroyed. They never pay for their mistakes, only you do, and when they function perfectly, you will still pick up the check, if not bleed. In fact, you will pay even more if they’re in top form.

During this never ending public spectacle, they've introduced us to a cast of rather outlandish characters: a stuttering Texas idiot; a fist bumping, long range shooting and Harvard educated Muslim Commie; a blow job-loving burger clown. Splitting into opposing camps, they’ve climbed into a ring to perform for the whole world. In the front row, a mob of rightish and leftish pundits. These ad-peddling charlatans have parsed each choke slamming and brain busting move as if it was real. Thus, Obama tapped out on canvas. Thus, Obama steam rolled by Republicans. Thus, Obama’s bad bargain. Obama caved in. He no criminal, he weak. Thus, Obama surrendered.

Those who don’t swallow entire these farcical blow by blows are branded nutcases and conspiracy theorists. Whether it’s about 9/11, Bin Laden, Iraq, Afghanistan, War on Terror, Iran, Underwear Bomber, BP oil spill, Corexit, Libya, death of Bin Laden, on and on and on, the official narrative is always, and I mean always, nonsense, yet repeated often enough, from all angles, left, right and center, these clumsy fairy tales will coalesce in the brainpans of the inattentive or stupid as uncontestable truths and history." - also posted at AlethoNews & OpEd News & Dissident Voice & LinDinPhotos

Congress Ratifies Obama's Hitler Coup
A quote...."Aug. 2—With the fate of the U.S. republic hanging in the balance, 269 members of the House of Representatives, on Aug. 1, cast their votes for President Barack Obama's copy of Adolf Hitler's Enabling Act of 1933, thus ratifying a measure that will, if implemented, rip up the American Constitution. Today, the Senate followed suit with a vote of 74 to 26, and sent the bill to Obama, who immediately signed it into law. -- "This vote brings us that much closer to the imminent destruction of the United States," declared Lyndon LaRouche on the evening of Aug. 1. LaRouche is leading a major mobilization to stop Obama's coup. "The people who voted for it have committed an act of treason on behalf of a foreign power, whether they knew it or not."

The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part V: The Solution
The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part IV: A Financial Parasite
The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part III: The Roundtable & The Illuminati
The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part II: The Freemason BUS & The House of Rothschild
The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families - Part I

The Federal Reserve Cartel
Video - From the History File - (YuTb - 10/15min - Nov 12, 2008)  - Source:  quietman1k --  (1/13) - (2/13) - (3/13) - (4/13) - (5/13) - (6/13) - (7/13) - (8/13) - (9/13) - (10/13) - (11/13) - (12/13) - (13/13) - Except for the speaker's occasional, distasteful, and un-Christian rants against Mexicans, this is pretty good. -- As you watch this just multiply all the stats he's citing by two or three times in your head.  It's gotten that much worse in just a little over two and half years. - mpg

The Shot that Killed JFK
A quote...."Last October I wrote an article entitled “The Kennedy Casket Conspiracy” in which I detailed the strange circumstances surrounding the delivery of President John F. Kennedy’s body to the morgue at Bethesda Naval Hospital after the fatal shooting in Dallas in November 1963. My article was based mostly on the evidence presented in Douglas P. Horne’s 2009 five-volume work on the assassination, Inside the Assassination Records Review Board: The U.S. Government’s Final Attempt to Reconcile the Conflicting Medical Evidence in the Assassination of JFK, which in turn was based on the 1981 bestselling book on the assassination, Best Evidence, by David Lifton." - also posted at ICH

11 Ways 9/11 Truth is Challenging The Hijacking of History And The Totalitarian Reengineering of Human Consciousness  - A quote...."For most of human history, empires and rulers have made a killing in the business of war, land grabs, territorial conquests, natural resource exploitation, and the high stakes game of power politics. -- But that violent and savage era is coming to an end. Mankind is growing up. For proof, look at the global grassroots 9/11 truth movement that is changing the face of world politics, reawakening the people, and questioning the foundations of the criminal war on terror." - also posted at PrisonPlanet

Onset of Imperial Decline: Osama Bin Laden and the Aftermath of 9/11
A quote...."The official narrative is that 9/11 was planned by Al Qaeda leader and mastermind Osama bin Laden. However, what the government will not mention is its ties to Bin Laden, starting out in the 1980s, during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan." - also posted at Hamsayeh

America In Decline
A quote...."The theme is indeed widely believed. And with some reason, though a number of qualifications are in order. To start with, the decline has proceeded since the high point of U.S. power after World War II, and the remarkable triumphalism of the post-Gulf War '90s was mostly self-delusion. -- Another common theme, at least among those who are not willfully blind, is that American decline is in no small measure self-inflicted. The comic opera in Washington this summer, which disgusts the country and bewilders the world, may have no analogue in the annals of parliamentary democracy."

Keiser Report: Exorbitant Privilege (E170)
MKVideo - Alt - (MKRTYuTb - 25min54sec - Aug 4th, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  Max Keiser TV -- A quote..."This time Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report from New York City. They discuss the exorbitant privilege America is about to lose. They look at football players with AAA credit ratings and at Apple's cash stockpile bigger than Americas."

Broadcasting LIVE on - August 5 2011
MRVideoNote:  To avoid the advertisements and the radio commentary goto - 7min50sec - into the broadcast - mpg - (JustInTV - 2hrs - August 5th, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.
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More On The International Situation....

2002 Iraqi Intel Reported Wahhabis Are of Jewish Origin
Special Note - A quote...."The U.S. Department of Defense has released translations of a number of Iraqi intelligence documents dating from Saddam’s rule.  One, a General Military Intelligence Directorate report from September 2002, entitled “The Emergence of Wahhabism and its Historical Roots”, shows the Iraqi government was aware of the nefarious purposes of the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia, often known as Salafis, in serving Western interests to undermine Islam." - Before dismissing this thesis, take a guess which country sponsored Hamas to counteract the PLO?  Guess which country sponsored Fatah to counteract Hamas?  The British, the US-NRE and Israel have been doing this for decades. - mpg --  Topix  ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||

NATO airstrike kills 8 Afghan civilians
A quote...."Eight civilians, including women and children, have been killed in a US-led NATO airstrike in the southern Afghan province of Helmand."

Four Afghans killed as anti-NATO demonstration turns violent
A quote...."KABUL, Aug 5 (Reuters) - At least four Afghans including a policeman were killed when police fired on an angry crowd in Afghanistan's volatile south on Friday, police said, after protesters claimed NATO forces had killed a number of civilians overnight."

NATO helicopter crashes in E Afghanistan
A quote...."KABUL, Afghanistan - A NATO helicopter crashed overnight in east Afghanistan following an operation against Taliban insurgents, the coalition and Afghan officials said Saturday." - also posted at WarInIraq

Afghanistan: “new protest” movements
A quote...."Wide-scale protest movements in the Middle East have not overshadowed the Afghan issue - on the contrary they have somehow clarified the state of things in Afghanistan. Now it is clear that in 2011 the situation there has become even more complicated: mass mop-up operations by US and NATO forces did not lead to the decline of Taliban and the situation is a stalemate. Grave economic situation, horribly low level of living, unprecedented level of corruption and embezzlement. The Afghan people are fed up with the 35 year long military political conflict and the presence of foreign troops causes strong discontent and resentment."

US troops kill Iraqi child and policeman
A quote...."Authorities in Iraq have said that US troops in the country have killed an Iraqi child as well as a policeman in northern Baghdad." - Source:  PressTV

Iran to launch largest South Pars phase
A quote...."Managing director of Pars Oil and Gas Company (POGC) Mousa Souri says the biggest phase of South Pars gas condensate field will come on stream in October 2012."

Iran's Ups Non-Oil Exports to South East Asian States
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran's non-oil exports to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have undergone a 90% increase during the first quarter of the current Iranian year (started on March 21), a trade official announced."

Iran's Oil Exports to China Increase by 40%
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- The volume of China's oil imports from Iran has witnessed a remarkable increase despite the US pressure on Iran's energy sector."

NATO plans campaign in Syria, tightens noose around Iran - Rogozin
A quote...."MOSCOW: NATO is planning a military campaign against Syria to help overthrow the regime of President Bashar al-Assad with a long-reaching goal of preparing a beachhead for an attack on Iran, Russia's envoy to NATO Dmitry Rogozin said."

Destabilization of Syria Based on Libya Model
GRTVideo - Alt - (GRTVYuTb - 4min58sec - Aug 4, 2011) - Source:  GlobalResearchTV - A quote...."The process of destabliziation of Syria is being conducted along the same lines as Libya, with external political interests driving and manipulating the protest movements in both countries."

Grim fate awaits Assad if no reforms - Medvedev to RT
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 27min51sec - Aug 5, 2011)  - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."On the eve of the third anniversary of the war in South Ossetia, President Medvedev spoke to RT as well as Echo Moskvy radio and Georgian TV channel PIK. He spoke about the tough decisions he had to make in August 2008 and the consequences of the war."

Medvedev: Saakashvili should be thankful to me for halting our troops
Related Article - A quote...."President Dmitry Medvedev's interview ahead of the third anniversary of the Georgian-Russian war over South Ossetia has caused a media uproar for several reasons, not least of which is the fact that two of the journalists were ethnic Georgians - Sophie Shevardnadze from the Moscow-based Russia Today (RT) television channel and Ekaterina Kotrikadze, head of the news service at the First Caucasian Information Channel (PIK TV)."

Turkey appoints four new commanders
A quote...."Turkey's Supreme Military Council has appointed four new commanders after the surprise resignation of the military leadership last week." - also posted at WarInIraq

Human rights groups boycott UK torture inquiry
UK Torture Cover-Up Exposed - A quote...."Ten human right groups insist they will not take part in the inquiry announced by Prime Minister David Cameron last year, because it will be a “whitewash.” -- The boycott by human right groups, including Liberty, Reprieve and Amnesty International, comes after the publication of the inquiry’s protocol, which says that detainees and their lawyers will not be allowed to question officers."

US prepares for military intervention in Somalia
A quote...."The Obama administration is preparing a new military intervention in Somalia under the pretext of humanitarian concern for starving drought victims. The media has fallen into line with a campaign mixing crocodile tears and hand-wringing with denunciations of the Islamist movement al-Shabaab, which is blamed for the deepening crisis."

Voices of Opposition -- Spin Doctors in American Politics
Video - Alt - Note: size window for best viewing - (BlipTV - 47min03sec) --  What is James Carville doing in Bolivia?  Chasing the money by supporting a dictator opposing Evo Morales.  This is an eye-opening documentary about the manipulation of voters by money, media, and campaign consultants. It will raise questions about all mainstream candidates.  Includes key excerpts of film followed by a talk and QnA session with Jody Gibbs."

Was the Bombing of Hiroshima Necessary? Three Myths Debunked
A quote...."How did Americans learn to stop worrying and love the bomb? -- Sixty-six years after the devastation of Hiroshima, it's a question that historians and politicians are still debating. But as former U.S. Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall writes in his book, The Myths of August, it all starts with the president...."

The Great Hiroshima Cover-Up—And the Greatest Movie Never Made
Contains Video - Glimcher'sHiroshima - AtomicCoverUp(Trailer) -- A quote...."This article introduces and draws on Greg Mitchell’s new book Atomic Cover-up. Two U.S. Soldiers, Hiroshima & Nagasaki, and The Greatest Movie Never Made. This is a detective story that weaves the profiles of two U.S. military officers, the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the official suppression of the most important film footage of the human consequences of the bombing, created by the American military and a Japanese newsreel team."
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The Assault On Libya....

Anti-war & Black activists unite against Libya war: Cynthia McKinney Tour now to 19 cities
A quote...."A continuing mobilization against the U.S. war on Libya has taken place in cities across the country. Packed, standing room only audiences at major meetings have heard former Congressperson Cynthia McKinney report on her June fact-finding trip to Libya with the Dignity delegation. In every meeting the message rings out: Stop the U.S./NATO bombing of Libya." -- (Click Here for a full listing of the tour.)

Libya Rebels Press NATO for More Ammunition
A quote...."The rebel forces in Western Libya’s city of Misrata are once again pushing NATO to fuel the ongoing civil war, cautioning that they are “dangerously low” on ammunition and urgently need more to continue fighting the stalemated civil war."

Charges mount of NATO war crimes in Libya
Libya denies report Gaddafi's son Khamis killed by NATO
Libyan rebels: NATO bombs camel weapons caravan
Navy says drone lost in Libya likely shot down
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More on the World Wide Revolution....

Tahrir August 1st: Masquerade for a Lost Legitimacy
A quote...."After a nearly three-week long sit-in, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) sent their forces—the same forces that are reportedly tasked with "defending us from our external enemies"—to violently attack peaceful demonstrators, clear a site of protest, and, with the help of a propaganda media machine, try to win over more support of the Egyptian public. I will map out the logic I see in this violent rampage." - also posted at Uruknet

US and British-Backed Bahrain Regime: the Use of “Toxic Terror” in Collective Punishment
A quote...."After more than five months of popular opposition to its autocratic rule, the US and British-backed unelected monarchy in Bahrain is deploying a new tactic of repression – toxic terror."

Yemeni government forces, tribesmen clash in capital
A quote...."(Reuters) - Yemeni government forces clashed on Friday with supporters of the powerful Hashed tribal grouping led by Sheikh Sadeq al-Ahmar that is demanding President Ali Abdullah Saleh leave office."

Yemeni army clash with anti-Saleh protesters
Contains Video - A quote...."Yemeni government forces have clashed with supporters of the powerful Hashid tribal grouping led by Sadiq al-Ahmar that is demanding President Ali Abdullah Saleh leave office. -- Loud explosions and gunfire rocked the Al-Hassaba district of Sanaa on Friday. Witnesses said an armoured vehicle of the elite Republican Guard, which is led by Saleh's son, Ahmed, was hit by a projectile and set ablaze."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

H.R.2589 - Antiboycott Act: "Antiboycott Law" for the Zionist entity in Congress
A quote...."So, with the US economy falling apart, Congress takes time to make Boycotting Israel a crime! -- If they love Israel so much, they should move there and leave America for Americans! -- Boycotting is a non-violent protest covered under the First Amendment." -- *Michael Rivero*

Media coalition says NATO, Israel may have breached Geneva Convention
A quote...."A coalition of news organizations called on the United Nations on Friday to investigate reports that NATO and Israeli forces have targeted journalists in breach of international law. -- The International News Safety Institute (INSI) said the international coalition conducting an air operation in Libya and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) may have violated the Geneva Convention and a Security Council resolution "which calls on all members states to protect journalists and media staff working in conflict zones." - also posted at TheIntercept

The Murdoch Meltdown And More....
A quote...."....the issues raised by the British phone-hacking scandal aren’t just about Rupert Murdoch and his grubby titles. The issues run far deeper; how the Western media class largely sees its role as supporting wars in the name of empire, privatisation and a two-party political monopoly."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Palestinians Hold Non-violent Anti-Wall Protests In 4 Villages
A quote...."Non-violent protests took place on Friday in the central West Bank villages of al-Nabi Saleh, Bil’in, and Nil’in in addition to al-Ma’ssara in the southern West Bank."

Many Treated for the Effects of Tear Gas Inhalation As troops Attack West Bank Protests
A quote...."Ramallah - PNN - Friday protests  took place in  the central West Bank villages of  al-Nabi Salleh, Bil’in, and Nil’in in addition to  al-Ma’ssara in the southern West Bank."

Soldiers Throw Tear Gas Into House in Nabi Saleh
A quote...."Nabi Saleh - PNN - Local and international protesters were tear gassed today as they marched in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh."

New book exposes brutal treatment of Palestinian prisoners
A quote...."Shlomo Gazit, an Israeli general and the first “coordinator of government activities” in the West Bank and Gaza Strip apparently wrote a book in 1985 about Israel’s occupation policies there called The Carrot and the Stick. It is quite telling that such Israeli terminology relates to Palestinians as if they are animals. A new book about Israel’s imprisonment of Palestinians contains strong evidence that these policies have been a lot more about the “stick” of physical and psychological torture than about the “carrot” of persuasion."

Knesset bill would formalize second-class status for Arab citizens
A quote...."New Knesset bill aims to have "Jewish nature" of state preferred over democracy, cancel official status of Arabic, and have Jewish law "guide" courts rulings."

South African students endorse nationwide boycott against Israel
Boycott, Divest and Sanction the ENTIRE state of Israel!  Because it's the moral thing to do, and because  it's easy to do. - mpg -- A quote....""Representatives of South Africa’s oldest and largest student bodies in Johannesburg hosted a press conference on Thursday in which they denounced the upcoming visit by a delegation of Israeli officials and propagandists to South African college campuses. In the past five years, Israeli public relations professionals and governmental officials have traveled across the world in order to promote a "positive image" of Israel through its multi-million-dollar "Brand Israel" hasbara (propaganda) campaign, and this upcoming visit includes some 150 Israelis meted out to 5 colleges in order to "create some doubt in their [South African students’] minds" — most likely because of recent actions in support of the Palestinian-led boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS" -- also posted at Uruknet - For more on how to Boycott, Divest and Sanction the state of Israel see the upper-left-corner of the "Front Page" of this website.

Gaza smugglers thriving after Mubarak
A quote...."RAFAH, Gaza Strip (AFP) -- The swarm of tunnel activity on the Gaza border raises clouds of fine dust, a sure sign of the boom in underground trafficking since the fall of Egypt's Hosni Mubarak."
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More On The Economic Situation....

Wanda Sykes Campains For Cabinet Position on Jay Leno
Must View JLVideo - From the History File - Oct-7-2008  - (LiveLeak - 2min15sec - 10/07/08) -- A quote...."Wanda gave the most cogent rebutttal to the bailout of any public figure to date on Jay Leno's show last night, have a laugh!"

The Yellow Fever Economy
A quote...."Financial columnists of the sky-is-sagging perspective have searched for an accurate metaphor to describe the current economy. -- We have all failed."

Faber: Brace for a Global 'Reboot' and a War
MSNBCVideo - Alt - (MSNBCVid - 8min18sec - Fri 05 Aug 11 | 06:33 AM ET) - Source:  MSNBC -- A quote...."August 05, 2011 "CNBC" -- Markets could rebound after Thursday's global market sell-off, but investors should see any bounce as a selling opportunity, as the world economy rolls towards total collapse, Mark Faber, editor and publisher of the Boom, Doom and Gloom Report, told CNBC Friday."

Top Russian Economist -- US Shirked Its Responsibility to the Global Economy
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 9min04sec - August 05, 2011) - Source:  RTcom -- A quote...."The former head of Russia's Central Bank has said that the US is to some extent Indebted to the entire world and that in a unipolar system which keeps pursuing globalization, this spells an inevitable collapse. "

America Loses AAA Credit Rating (Being The Military Superpower And Money Printer In Chief Did Not Protect Our Credit)  -- A quote...."We Americans have always thought we were different. - We thought we could launch unnecessary, imperial wars worldwide ..."
"We thought that somehow we could get away with spending like a drunken sailor, while not doing anything to stabilize our economy (which in turn deepened our debt even further)."

S&P Downgrades US To AA+, Outlook Negative - [S&P's] Full Text
Related Article - A quote...."United States of America long-term rating lowered to 'AA+' on political risks and rising debt burden; outlook negative...."

Photo - A quote...."We didn't get a deal to cut spending.  We got a deal to INCREASE spending by $7 Trillion over the next 10 years, instead of $9.5 Trillion."

Beneath Jobs Report Surface Lie Some Ugly Truths
A quote...."Let’s start with the reality that fewer people actually were working in July than in June. -- According to a Bureau of Labor Statistics breakdown, there were 139,296,000 people working in July, compared to 139,334,000 the month before, or a drop of 38,000. -- But the job creation number was positive and the unemployment rate went down, right? So how does that work? -- It’s a product of something the government calls “discouraged workers,” or those who were unemployed but not out looking for work during the reporting period."

Unemployment Report August 5, 2011: “Discouraging”
A quote...."The big exhale you may have just heard emanating from Washington follows a slightly better than expected unemployment report this morning. -- I am happy to hear that the report is slightly better than expected and will address the particulars momentarily. I caution people not to make too much of this report, though. Why?"

Jobs Report Shows U.S. Labor Force Participation At 63.9%, A 27 Year Low

U.S. incomes fell sharply in 2009: IRS data
A quote...."04 Aug 2011 U.S. incomes plummeted again in 2009, with total income down 15.2 percent in real terms since 2007, new tax data showed on Wednesday. The data showed an alarming drop in the number of taxpayers reporting any earnings from a job -- down by nearly 4.2 million from 2007 -- meaning every 33rd household that had work in 2007 had no work in 2009. Average income in 2009 fell to $54,283, down $3,516, or 6.1 percent in real terms compared with 2008, the first Internal Revenue Service analysis of 2009 tax returns showed."

US Postal Service warns it could default
A quote...."The US Postal Service warned on Friday that it could default on payments it owes the federal government, just days after the US government itself narrowly averted a default. -- The government's mail service said it lost $3.1 billion in the period from April to June, blaming "the anemic state of the economy" and the growing popularity of electronic communications over old-fashioned letters."

As The World Turns, The Contagion Spreads: I Can Hear The Pitter-Patter Of Feet Running From European Banks - Are YOU Ready For -- A quote...."I urge all not to forget what has caused this, because if you fully grasp the cause you know that this is now 1 week affair. A LOT of unwinding needs to be done. I'm not saying their won't be short squeeze induced rallies or TPTB won't start QEing use again, but at the end of the day, this sh-t really must (and will) fall apart at the seams. It's the only path to true economic growth. In the meantime, the contagion spreads:"

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