Tuesday November 11th 2008

Common Sense: A Revolutionary Idea - (YouTube - 10min 1sec - From: aenfroy87 - Added: Sept.24, 2008)
Must View Video - A quote...."Would there be a revolution, if every American saw this? The time is now."

The Audacity of Hype Dissent in the Age of Obama - posted at AntiWar
Must Read - A quote...."The Obama bandwagon is moving fast and furious, rolling over the few remaining pockets of dissent even as it prepares to take power. The mainstream media, particularly on television, has lost all sense of objectivity and proportion, and their reporting of the president-elect's doings has taken on a distinctly Soviet air. "Our Glorious Leader Picks the White House Dog" is the emblematic headline of a servile fourth estate. The political atmosphere is positively eerie: amid calls for "unity" and attacks on "toxic" language that is "divisive," there is an odd uniformity of thought similar to the virtual unanimity that gripped the nation in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Groupthink is all the rage, and the media has joined in the fun. Due to this love-fest, they're oblivious to the warning signs that worry us few and scattered skeptics. They somehow missed the Dear Leader's call for a civilian "national security force," for example, one that is "just as well-funded" and "just as powerful" as the U.S. military. " -- bold by website editor

Freedom Rider: Told You So
Must Read - A quote...."The difficult task of bringing a skunk to the post-election celebration is left to the same people who have chosen critical thought over self-induced hypnosis for the past year. Within a mere 24 hours of being elected president, Barack Obama told this group they were right all along."

What is Obama thinking of?
Must Read - A quote...."Barack, my brother. Mr. President-elect, what is going through your head? Rahm Israel Emmanuel for White House Chief of Staff? Rahm, who fought with the Israeli Army in the Gulf war, whose father Benjamin fought with the Irgun gang, the Zionist terror bombers of the King David Hotel; Rahm, the 2001 Freddie Mac board member involved with campaign scandals and contributions, personally raking in $231,655. I mean, just look in that guy’s eyes, scary. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg."

Intelligence [Fabrication] Policy to Stay Largely Intact
A quote...."WASHINGTON -- President-elect Barack Obama is unlikely to radically overhaul controversial Bush administration intelligence policies, advisers say, an approach that is almost certain to create tension within the Democratic Party." -- bold by website editor

Obama wants Lieberman to stay with Dem caucus - [To Help Promote the Neocon's Policies Against Iran]
A quote...."WASHINGTON (AP) — President-elect Obama says he'd be happy to have Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman continue to caucus with Democrats." -- bold by website editor

“when I am president, they (lobbyists) won’t find a job in my White House.”
A quote...."You didn’t think I Meant that, Did You? B. Obama -- (Not only can they now have jobs in his White house, but the guy writing the rules (and holding the rules in the picture below)… is a lobbyist! Or at least he was, and his brother still runs their lobbying firm. And the funny thing is, John Podesta’s brother Tony, is one of the biggest, high-power lobbyists on K-Street." -- bold by website editor.

Waiting for the Shoe to Drop
A quote...."Of course November 4 was a glorious day and glorious evening. Who can forget the pictures of the rejoicing and weeping people in Grant Park, Chicago.  And only the most churlish -- and racist -- among us will refuse to take pride that we will soon have a President Barack Hussein Obama, a self-described "mutt". -- Yet, as the Republicans so eagerly reminded us, we really don't know very much about this community organizer turned Senator turned candidate.  The less easily stampeded among us worried about his eagerness to continue war in Afghanistan, and were appalled at his blatant cave-in, when he supported the awful FISA renewal act, with its "Get Out of Jail Free" card for the powerful telecoms and its watering down of the Fourth Amendment.  And the less said about the already failed bail-out the better; except to note that Obama voted for it."

Frightened For 8 Years Dems Get Tough?
(def - Oxymoron....a figure of speech that combines two apparently contradictory terms.  In this case the word Dems and the word tough) -- A quote...."Predictably and sadly the Democratic Congress, after increasing its majority in the House and Senate, has signaled that it will keep to the middle. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said after Obama’s victory, “A new president must govern from the middle,” thus inviting Obama to share her paranoiac fear of leading. Her counterpart in the Senate, Majority Leader Harry Reid said, "This is not a mandate for a political party or an ideology," Harry? Did you hit your head? Have you been taking your meds? Do you know what a mandate is?"

Attorney General contender carries 9/11 related baggage
Must Read - A quote...."Monday’s New York Times reported that former Deputy A.G. and 9/11 Commissioner Jamie Gorelick was a candidate for Attorney General in the new Obama Administration. Five-time Emmy winning investigative reporter Peter Lance details a shocking, but little known story about Gorelick involving the loss of a key al Qaeda operative. This is an excerpt from his 2006 HarperCollins book TRIPLE CROSS soon to be published in trade paperback." -- The DemoRepubs are one party, involved together in everything...

ev-vree-thing.  -

Unseen 9/11 Footage Finally Being Released By FBI, DOJ
After seven years in their hands?  Those vids will have to be examained very carefully. - mpg -- Special Note - A quote...."The FBI and the Department of Justice have released ten new videos relating to the events of 9/11, three years after a freedom of information act request for the footage was submitted. -- The newly released videos show footage of the attack on the twin towers in New York on September 11th 2001."

Bush Spy Revelations Anticipated When Obama Is Sworn In
Not if "Bombs Away O-Bomb-a" has anything to say about it. - mpg -- Special Note - A quote...."New Yorker investigative reporter Seymour Hersh already has a slew of sources waiting to spill the Bush administration's darkest secrets, he said in an interview last month. "You cannot believe how many people have told me to call them on January 20. [They say,] 'You wanna know about abuses and violations? Call me then.'" -- So far, virtually everything we know about the NSA's warrantless surveillance has come from whistle-blowers. Telecom executives told USA Today that they had turned over billions of phone records to the government. Former AT&T employee Mark Klein provided wiring diagrams detailing an internet-spying room in a San Francisco switching facility. And one Justice Department attorney had his house raided and his children's computers seized as part of the FBI's probe into who leaked the warrantless spying to The New York Times. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales even suggested the reporters could be prosecuted under antiquated treason statutes." -- Also posted at CommonDreams

Never forget....   Always Remember how easy it was for them....   How easily "the people" were fooled....
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9/11 - From The History File....

NSA Domestic Surveillance Began 7 Months Before 9/11, Convicted Qwest CEO Claims
Jason Leopold | Bush Authorized Domestic Spying Before 9/11 - Alt
How Cheney Used the NSA for Domestic Spying Prior to 9/11
Warrantless wiretapping in place before 9/11 - TH
Warrantless wiretapping in place before 9/11 - RINF
STRIP TELECOM IMMUNITY for actions taken before 9/11 in the Sen. version of the FISA bill
Feds may have sought surveillance before 9/11
Wiretapping before 9/11: AT&T, NSA, Verizon, Level 3
Judge orders Justice to produce wiretap memos
The USA PATRIOT Act Was Planned Before 9/11
The Patriot Act was written BEFORE 9-11
Constitutional scholar: 9/11 'highly convenient' in allowing Bush to expand power
Two Years Before 9/11, Candidate Bush was Already Talking Privately About Attacking Iraq
Secret US plans for Iraq's oil
Richard Clarke: 'Bush planned the Iraq war before 9/11
Clarke's vindication
Former CIA Director Says White House Focused on the Idea [of Iraq War] Long Before 9/11
EXPOSED: Bush Planned on Invading Iraq Before 9/11-Part 1 - (YuTb - 6m59s - 09/12/07)
EXPOSED: Bush Planned on Invading Iraq Before 9/11-Part 2 -  (YuTb - 6m35s - 09/12/07)
O'Neill: Iraq planning came before 9/11
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Major General Smedley Butler, USMC.
Contains Audio Documentary -- A quote...."WAR is a racket. It always has been -- It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. -- A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes." -- See also....War is a Racket

Today is the day that we remember the victims of those who profit from war: Remembering that War is a Racket on Remembrance Day -- A quote...."Remembrance Day (Australia, Canada, United Kingdom), also known as Poppy Day (Malta and South Africa) and Armistice Day (France, New Zealand, and many other Commonwealth countries; and the original name of the day internationally) "is a day to commemorate the sacrifices of members of the armed forces and civilians in times of war, specifically since the First World War. It is observed on 11 November to recall the end of World War I on that date in 1918.” -- also posted at ICH

Commentary: For what did they die?
A quote...." It is autumn, and the air is crisp and cool at night at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. -- It gets very quiet at The Wall around midnight. The tourists have gone home, and are all tucked into bed." - also posted at ICH

Iraq vet says he won’t return
A quote...."After two deployments, Marine doesn’t want to go back, could face jail -- When Benjamin Lewis was 17, he joined the Marine Corps’ delayed entry program, looking for a new direction in his life. He had dropped out of school and was struggling. The military seemed like a good option. -- After two deployments to Iraq, and an honorable discharge, Lewis, now 23, recently learned that he might be involuntarily redeployed to the region. [For the third time.] He’s decided that he’s not going back, even if it means facing imprisonment." -- also posted at CommonDreams

As I See It
A quote...."On this day, Veterans Day, we would like to express to the American public why we, veterans of the Global War on Terror, have chosen to refuse orders to reactivate into military service. We are direct witnesses to the horrors of this war, having experienced its atrocities at their source, and we have decided that we can no longer carry out these illegal and immoral policies."

Iraq Veterans Arraigned on Disorderly Conduct Charges: Vow to Defend Right to Free Speech and Assembly
A quote...."On Monday, the day before Veterans day, 14 members of the ‘Hempstead 15' were arraigned on charges of disorderly conduct. The charges stem from a protest outside of the final presidential debate at Hofstra University on October 15."

After banning YouTube, military launches TroopTube
They fought and died to preserve censorship, makes a good epitaph don't you think? - mpg -- A quote...."SEATTLE -- The U.S. military, with help from Seattle startup Delve Networks, has launched a video-sharing Web site for troops, their families and supporters, a year and a half after restricting access to YouTube and other video sites."
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A Short Honeymoon - posted at AntiWar
A quote...."New American presidents traditionally get what journalists and pundits call a honeymoon. There's a period sometimes lasting up to 18 months when whatever goodwill remains from the pomp and circumstance of installing a president evokes deep patriotic feelings, creating an atmosphere in which even some members of the "opposition" party are inclined to cooperate with the new administration."

Taliban’s Khyber Pass Hijacking Threatens NATO Supply Route - posted at AntiWar
Special Note - A quote...."Without firing a shot, dozens of militants along the Khyber Pass border between Pakistan and Afghanistan managed to hijack a convoy of trucks bound for NATO forces in Afghanistan. One of the trucks was carrying Humvees, which the militants proudly took photos in front of."

We can't defeat Taleban, says Brigadier Mark Carleton-Smith
A quote...."The departing commander of British forces in Afghanistan says he believes the Taleban will never be defeated. -- Brigadier Mark Carleton-Smith, the commander of 16 Air Assault Brigade, whose troops have suffered severe casualties after six months of tough fighting, will hand over to 3 Commando Brigade Royal Marines this month."

Scott Horton Interviews Gareth Porter - posted at AntiWar
Audio Interview - A quote...."Gareth Porter, author of the important new article “Documents Linking Iran to Nuclear Weapons Push May Have Been Fabricated” at RawStory, discusses the latest labyrinthine developments in the “stolen laptop” documents story, how the weight of evidence indicates the documents are forgeries in the “Nigerian yellowcake” tradition, the two oft-confused but very different IAEA investigations of Iran’s nuclear program and a future expose on Israeli involvement in the affair."

Last Iraqi refugees leave Saudi Arabia
Syria is still hosting well over ONE MILLION Iraqi refugees, yet two members of the true axis of evil, the US (NRE) is hosting just a few tens of thousands, while the Saudi Royals are now hosting none.  Yet Syria, which is straining under the refugee load NEVER gets praised as a country, or as a people, or as a government, for what it has done all these years. Hardly any stories are ever written about the issue. How hypocritical, how typical, how smug.  The NRE is "good" for helping kill over a million Iraqis and displacing over five million more while Syria is never mentioned for sheltering many, if not most of them. Naturally the NRE and Israel (the third and final member of the axis of evil) want to bomb Syria....figures doesn't it. - mpg -- A quote...."The Rafah Refugee Camp in Saudi Arabia is now empty of its Iraqi refugees who had fled there during the 1991 Gulf War.

Iraq FM: Iraq not to be base for offensives against neighbors
What the Iraqis say and what the Neo-Romans actually do are two completely separate, and unrelated activities. - mpg -- A quote...."DAMASCUS, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- Visiting Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said here on Tuesday that his country would not be a base for offensives against its neighbors, the official SANA news agency reported. -  "Iraq will not be a base for any offensive acts against any of the neighboring countries under any circumstances." Zebari was quoted as saying in talks with his Syrian counterpart Walid al-Muallem."

Pakistan will not allow US attacks on its territory, says Gilani
What the Pakistanis say and what the Neo-Romans actually do are two completely separate, and unrelated activities. - mpg -- A quote...."ISLAMABAD: Pakistan will not allow the United States to launch ground or air strikes on targets inside its territory and will take up the issue with the new US administration, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani told the National Assembly on Tuesday."

Pakistan Expands Unmanned Air Force
Military Tech Note - A quote...."America's killer drones are getting all the attention, in the fight against Pakistani militants. But Pakistan's military has plenty of unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs, too. And they're being used to spy on suspected insurgents, and listen in on their phone calls."

Palestinians Scold Dividing Hamas, Fatah
A quote...."GAZA CITY — Marking the fourth anniversary of their ironic leader Yasser Arafat's death, many Palestinians blame rivals Fatah and Hamas for an ever-increasing divide and hijacking unity hopes." -- For more on this issue see.... US Sponsored Civil War - Palestine

Abnormality Besieges Palestinians
A quote...."The UN warns that it is running out of food to distribute in Gaza, putting the civilian population there at severe risk, as a direct result of an Israeli food blockade. -- A food blockade? That is a war crime! Why aren't the people ordering the malnourishment of a civilian population under foreign military occupation being arrested and taken to the Hague for trial?" -- Because they're the "Chosen People"? - mpg

How to Vote Against Your Own Interests
A quote...."The backbone of protest here in the United States has been, by and large, the Arab American community.  This is a group of people who, by virtue of their special knowledge of what is happening to the Palestinians on a daily basis, have been able to articulate to the American public at large what is going on.  Of course, overcoming the political power of the Israeli Lobby has been extremely difficult; the knowledge by those under occupation that someone cares and that someone is trying to do something about it sustains hope when it looks the darkest. -- That hope grew dimmer this election year.  In spite of the fealty paid to the Israeli Lobby both by Obama and by McCain, and in spite of Ralph Nader doing his best to publicize the brutality of the Israeli occupation, a great many Arab Americans abandoned Nader and his message in favor of the other candidates."

Cuban president to visit Russia, alliance grows
A quote...."MOSCOW November 11, 2008 (Reuters) - Cuban President Raul Castro will visit Russia next year, the Kremlin said on Tuesday, in a new sign that Moscow is reviving a Cold War-era trade and militaryRaoul Castro alliance."

OSCE 'failed' in Georgia warnings
A quote...."The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe has been accused of failing to warn that this summer's Russia-Georgia conflict was looming. A former senior OSCE official, Ryan Grist, told the BBC he had warned of Georgia's military activity before its move into the South Ossetia region. Watch the VIDEO"

Russia's upper house ratifies treaties with Abkhazia, S.Ossetia
A quote...."MOSCOW, November 12 (RIA Novosti) - The upper house of the Russian parliament ratified friendship treaties with South Ossetia and Abkhazia on Wednesday."

Accident on Russian Nuclear Submarine
InfoGraphics - A quote...."Twenty people were killed and 22 injured in a recent accident on board a Russian nuclear-powered submarine."

Greece to join MS-21, Be-200 aircraft projects - Russian minister
A quote...."ATHENS, November 11 (RIA Novosti) - Greece is to participate in the production of the Russian MS-21 medium-haul passenger aircraft and in post-sale servicing of the Be-200 amphibious aircraft, the Russian industry minister said on Tuesday." - also posted at WarInIraq
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NORTHCOM Announces Vigilant Shield 09
False Flag Update - A quote...."PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. — North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command will participate in Exercise Vigilant Shield 09 Nov. 12 - 18."

Top MD Election Official Rips Off Microphone When Asked About Diebold Voting Machines
Vote Watch 2008 --A quote...."VR has obtained an unaired major TV interview with Maryland’s top election official, Linda Lamone, in the weeks prior to  the 2006 election. This is a must see video." -- also posted at OpEdNews
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Former Vice President of Dallas Federal Reserve: Failure of the Government to Provide More Information About Bailout Could Signal Corrruption -- A quote...."You know things are getting bad when even Federal Reserve officials are questioning whether we're being ripped off. In an article today, ABC includes the following quote:...."

Will America Lose Its AAA Credit Rating?
A quote..."On November 7th, Merrill Lynch released a report stating that the U.S. had one of the "ten most vulnerable economies" in the world. The report included in the list of the "world’s ten least vulnerable economies" Russia, as well as Nigeria, Egypt, Oman, and Peru."

Another AIG Resort "Junket": Top Execs Caught on Tape
A quote...."Even as the company was pleading the federal government for another $40 billion dollars in loans, AIG sent top executives to a secret gathering at a luxury resort in Phoenix last week. Reporters for abc15.com (KNXV) caught the AIG executives on hidden cameras poolside and leaving the spa at the Pointe Hilton Squaw Peak Resort, despite apparent efforts by the company to disguise its involvement."

Goldman Sachs urged bets against California bonds it helped sell
No wonder Buffet wants Goldman Sachs, guys this ruthless should (eventually) make him a lot of money. - mpg -- A quote...."Goldman, Sachs & Co. urged some of its big clients to place investment bets against California bonds this year despite having collected millions of dollars in fees to help the state sell some of those same bonds." -- For more on this sort of issue see....AIG, Goldman Sachs, Paulson And Buffet

A Town Drowns in Debt as Home Values Plunge
A quote...."MOUNTAIN HOUSE, Calif. — This town, 59 feet above sea level, is the most underwater community in America. Because of plunging home values, almost 90 percent of homeowners here owe more on their mortgages than their houses are worth, according to figures released Monday. That is the highest percentage in the country. The average homeowner in Mountain House is “underwater,” as it is known, by $122,000."

Retailers Report a Sales Collapse
A quote...."Sales at the nation’s largest retailers fell off a cliff in October, casting fresh doubt on the survival of some chains and signaling that this will probably be the weakest Christmas shopping season in decades."

Circuit City Files For Bankruptcy Protection
A quote...."Facing pressure from vendors and consumers who aren't spending, Circuit City Stores Inc. filed for bankruptcy protection Monday as it heads into the busy holiday season with hopes that the move will help it survive."

The domino effect: Road to recession
A quote...."It began with the banks. Then house prices began to tumble. In the months that followed, the shock waves spread, engulfing first high streets, then factories – and thousands of jobs. In this gripping account, Paul Vallely travels across Britain to meet the people whose lives – and livelihoods – have fallen victim to the domino effect that left a nation broken."

Russia lifts rates to 12pc to save rouble as crisis deepens
A quote...."Russia's central bank has raised interest rates a full percentage point to 12pc to prevent a collapse of the rouble following a day of mayhem on the Moscow markets, prompting concerns that the financial crisis may be spiralling out of control."

Monday November 10th 2008

Conned again
Must Read - A quote...."If the change President-elect Obama has promised includes a halt to America’s wars of aggression and an end to the rip-off of taxpayers by powerful financial interests, what explains Obama’s choice of foreign and economic policy advisors? Indeed, Obama’s selection of Rahm Israel Emanuel as White House chief of staff is a signal that change ended with Obama’s election. The only thing different about the new administration will be the faces." -- bold by website editor -- also posted at CounterPunch

Not So Fast: Aides Warn Obama’s Quick Closure of Gitmo Will Be Anything But - posted at AntiWar
The betrayals and broken promises are coming thick and fast now.  The voters in this country are such fools, they keep on voting again and again for the lying scoundrels in the DemoRepub party and they keep expecting a different outcome each time.  They never seem to learn or even remember what happened the last time. One would think they eventually would....but they never ever do. - mpg -- A quote...."Though newspapers have been reporting all day that President-elect Barack Obama intends to move swiftly to close the military detention facility at Guantanamo Bay as soon as he takes office, sending detainees to face criminal trials in the US, his aides are suggesting that the incoming administration isn’t close to any such decision."

[To] Pres-Elect Obama, No to Anti-Freedom War-Hawk Jane Harmen!!
It's extremely sad to see the people's hopes trampled into the dust so quickly, so brazenly, so shamelessly, without even the courtesy of a fig leaf, or any pretense, to hide the fact that Obama and his minions were Neo-Romans all along.  He didn't even make the attempt to conceal his intentions till after his inauguration. Not of course due to his fondness for the truth, most likely it was done simply from the arrogance of a newly crowned emperor. - mpg -- A quote.... "According to the local Los Angeles newspaper, The Daily Breeze, California Congresswoman, Jane [the Bimbo from RAND] Harman, a blue dog conservative democrat, is up for a high level intelligence position in the Obama administration. The positions being considered are CIA Director, Director of National Intelligence, and Secretary of Homeland Security. If this speculation becomes fact, and Harman is appointed overseer of the freedoms of the American people, the people's freedoms are toast. Conservative Democrat Harman consistently legislates AGAINST participatory democracy and against personal freedom." -- bold/underline by website editor

Obama's Foreign Policy: No Sharp Break From Bush - posted at AntiWar
A quote...."While much of the world and many of his U.S. supporters are expecting a sharp break with his predecessor's foreign policy after President-elect Barack Obama takes office Jan. 20, they may be surprised by the degree of continuity between the two administrations. -- That continuity – which would be made more concrete if, as expected, Pentagon chief Robert Gates is asked to remain at his post – has less to do with Obama's hesitation in following through on his more sweeping campaign promises than with the fact that President George W. Bush, has quietly – if grudgingly – moved key U.S. policies in directions that are largely compatible with Obama's own intentions." -- bold by website editor

Obama’s Change Orgy
A quote...."November 10, 2008 "Information Clearinghouse" - - After Obama’s presidential victory a euphoric feeling swept the streets of most of the States. Thousands of people gathered in the Grant Park in Chicago, thousands others went into the streets of their cities celebrating this occasion. They called it a historic election, a nonviolent revolution, a dream comes true, a breakthrough and a victory over racism. Obama was called a hero, a savior, and some even called him a messiah. Obama’s call for change has become an orgy that tantalizes peoples’ feelings and hopes." -- also posted at CounterCurrents

Who Made Obama? By Khalil Bendib
Cartoon. - mpg

"War and the Future of the Dollar" by Lew Rockwel - posted at AntiWar
Must View Videos - (these videos have a nifty auto-load feture) A quote...."On June 6, 2008, Lew Rockwell delivered the following speech, "War and the Future of the Dollar," to the second Future of Freedom Foundation conference, "Restoring the Republic," held in Reston, Virginia." -- For more on this issue see....Some Tentative Laws - July 20th, 2008 - mpg

Crossing the Rubicon, Revisited  - link posted at AntiWar
A quote..."In July 2003, I wrote an article entitled “Crossing the Rubicon,” which addressed what the federal government was doing to a man named Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri, a citizen of Qatar who was residing in the United States. Two years later, in March 2005, I published a follow-up article on the al-Marri case: “Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri: Charge Him or Release Him.”
Iran extends an early friendly hand
A quote...."In a gesture of goodwill toward the next United States administration, Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad has sent a letter to president-elect Barack Obama, congratulating his victory, praising the American people and raising the expectation of significant change in the US's foreign policy."

Brazil doesn’t recognise unilateral sanctions on Iran’
One of dozens of countries that are ignoring the dictats of the NRE's oligarchical elites. - mpg -- A quote...."TEHRAN: Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim has said that his country does not approve of the imposition of unilateral sanctions on Iran by the United States and the European Union. “Brazil does not recognize unilateral sanctions imposed on Iran, whether by the United States or the European Union,” Amorim told the ISNA news agency in an interview published on Sunday. Brazil, as the largest country in South America, “does not accept any pressure in its relations with other countries, especially Iran,” he added."

Documents linking Iran to nuclear weapons push may have been fabricated
Must Read - (for the outrage) -- This doesn't actually surprise anyone....does it? - mpg -- A quote...."The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has obtained evidence suggesting that documents which have been described as technical studies for a secret Iranian nuclear weapons-related research program may have been fabricated. -- The documents in question were acquired [fabricated] by U.S. intelligence in 2004 from a still unknown source [someone they hired, like Ahmed Chalabi perhaps?] -- most of them in the form of electronic files allegedly stolen from a laptop computer belonging to an Iranian researcher. The US has based much of its push for sanctions against Iran on these documents." -- For more on this issue see....Fake Intel / Propaganda

The  IAEA clearly hopes that the Obama administration will end the previous administration's attempts to undermine it and will stop the Washington habit of using forged documents as a basis for aggressive military responses to nuclear programs and instead will opt for diplomacy. -- *Juan Cole*, from his blog....Informed Comment

Iran test-fires newly-designed missile
A quote...."Iran has successfully test-fired a new domestically-designed and -manufactured missile in line with enhancing its combat capabilities."

The Case for U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan
Must Read - A quote...."

The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate.  --  In fact, violence merely increases hate. So it goes. Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. -- *Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.*

"In recent history, two concepts of justice have stood out. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., believed in a kind of justice that could only be achieved when systematic oppression had been eliminated from the world. Along the way, people would have to be held accountable for their crimes. Those who had done wrong would have to admit that they had done wrong and pay some appropriate restitution for their crimes, as happened decades later in South Africa's truth and reconciliation commissions. But justice was forever intertwined with a changing of the human spirit for Dr. King. It was the societal uplifting of love over hate, of human dignity over human debasement. It was a coming to terms with our violent history and affirming values of love and compassion over those of hate and retribution." -- Also posted at ICH & CommonDreams

Workmen or militants? Row over 14 killings by U.S. Army
A quote...."The U.S. military says it’s killed 14 militants in Afghanistan's eastern Khost province - but the province authorities say those killed were construction workers. The shootout happened as gunmen opened fire after U.S. troops stopped their vehicle."

Canada won’t extend Afghan commitment
A quote...."TORONTO: Canadian Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon said on Sunday that a stepped-up emphasis by US President-elect Barack Obama on fighting terrorism in Afghanistan won’t change Canada’s plans to pull its military out of that country in 2011."

No British troops for Obama 'surge'
A quote...."The head of the UK armed forces has said the remaining 4,100 British troops serving in Iraq should not be redeployed to Afghanistan." 

Patrick Cockburn: The US can quit Iraq, or it can stay. But it can't do both
A quote...."If it ever comes to court it should be one of the more interesting libel cases of the decade. The Iraqi National Intelligence Service is threatening to sue Ahmed Chalabi, the Iraqi politician, for asking who pays for it. -- "It is somewhat curious," says Mr Chalabi, "that the intelligence service of a country which is sovereign – that no one really knows who is funding it." -- In fact there are very few Iraqis who do not believe they have a very clear idea of who funds Iraq's secret police. Its director is General Mohammed Abdullah Shahwani, who once led a failed coup against Saddam Hussein, and was handpicked by the CIA to run the new security organisation soon after the invasion of 2003. He is believed to have been answering to them ever since." - Hah, and Chalabi would sure be the one to know, after having been on the CIA's payroll for years. Not to mention helping them cook up all that bogus “intelligence” for the Neocons allowing them to "convince" the NRE to go ahead with its invasion of Iraq. - mpg

Iraq to U.S.: Pact changes not enough
A quote...."BAGHDAD — Iraq’s government spokesman said Monday the U.S. offers of changes to a draft security agreement were ‘‘not enough’’ and asked Washington to offer new amendments if it wants the pact to win parliamentary approval."

Romania hints at Iraq pull-out
A quote...."The Romanian defense minister says that the country's 500 soldiers in Iraq might leave the war-torn country by the end of the year."

China, Iraq sign oil service deal
A quote...."BAGHDAD, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- China and Iraq signed Monday an oil deal that would allow China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) to help develop al-Ahdab oil field in eastern Iraq's Wasit province. -- Iraqi Oil Minister Hussein al-Shahristani signed the 2.9 billion U.S. dollars deal with CNPC President Jiang Jiemin in a ceremony held in his ministry."

How China is Beating the United States in the Global Oil Game
A quote...."Iraq recently signed its first oil deal in 35 years with a foreign company. -- And – quite surprisingly to many observers – the company wasn’t one of ours. -- Not surprisingly, the U.S. news media barely acknowledged the deal – even though the agreement was major news throughout the rest of the world." - bold by website editor -- Well of course not, after having helped kill over a million Iraqis (in the NRE's most recent invasion), displacing five million more, spending five trillion dollars (by the time it's all said and done that is) while wrecking the NRE's own economy.... people might get a tad upset if it was all for naught. - mpg

Czech mayors oppose U.S. missile shield plans
A quote...."MOSCOW, November 10 (RIA Novosti) - Mayors of 15 Czech cities are to ask U.S. president-elect Barack Obama to abandon the Bush administration's plans to place a missile defense radar in the Czech Republic, a member of the European parliament said on Monday."

EU overrides Lithuania to re-start talks on Russia deal territories (Georgia's sted Russia's) graf 5 (2nd Roundup)

A quote...."Brussels - European Union foreign ministers sidelined Lithuanian objections Monday and decided to re-start talks on a strategic treaty with Russia which it froze after Russia's August war with Georgia."

Lebanon leader says Russia will sell it tanks: reports
A quote...."A Russian T-90S tank takes part in military exercises in 2006. Lebanese politician Saad Hariri has said Moscow is willing to sell Beirut military hardware at "advantageous prices". Hariri told the Interfax news agency that the Lebanese army needs "tanks and artillery equipment". (AFP Denis Sinyakov)"

Egyptian prime minister arrives in Russia on four-day visit
A quote...."CAIRO, November 10 (RIA Novosti) - A high-level delegation from Egypt, led by Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif, will arrive in Russia on Monday as part of a four-day visit to the country to discuss bilateral cooperation."

It Became Necessary to Destroy Tolerance in Order to Save it! By Khalil Bendib
Cartoon. - mpg

Palestinian village turning into ‘ghetto’
A quote...."NILIN, WEST BANK // The sun is sinking fast behind the trees of an olive grove on the outskirts of the West Bank village of Nilin. After a day of confrontations between the Israeli army and the Palestinian villagers over Israel’s building of its separation wall on Nilin’s land, the soldiers appear finally to have gone."

We are Sick of the American-Israeli Interference
One really angry Palestinian - mpg -- A quote...."I am writing this article after I escaped from the criminal action of Israelis on November 1, 2008, who came to Vienna to watch and to harass me. I wonder if the mission of these criminals to terrorize me in exile was coordinated between the Israelis and the Palestinian "security" team, just like what is happening in Palestine now."

Project for No American Century
A quote...."The Project for a New American Century cut America's stability short by almost a century. -- If the "New Pearl Harbor" that PNAC had so lustily recommended hadn't been allowed to "accidentally" happen, if its call for taking out Saddam and using preemptive war hadn't been carried out, the U.S. would still be solvent, and we wouldn't have created enemies all over the globe."

Any Evidence of the Harmful Consequences of DU is to Be Silenced
A quote...."An Interview with Doug Rokke, PhD., Major, former director of the US Depleted Uranium Project -- Current Concerns: Dr Rokke, you worked in the US military as a Director of the U.S. Army Depleted Uranium Project and you are an Environmental Specialist in Health and Environmental Effects of War. Could you tell us about the situation of the Veterans since 1991?...."

Court: Lawsuit over missing White House e-mails must continue
A quote...."A judge on Monday dismissed the White House's attempt to scuttle a lawsuit stemming from the Bush administration's failure to archive at least 5 million internal e-mails, as required by federal law." -- Another honest judge, this website editor didn't know there were any left. - mpg

Bush is less popular than Nixon in final days
A quote...."With 71 days left in office, President Bush is less popular than President Nixon was at the time of his resignation, according to data released Monday by CNN and Opinion Research Corporation. - The new poll, taken Thursday through Sunday, showed an approval rating of 24 percent and a disapproval rating of 76 percent" -- One question occurred to this website editor while reading this article, just how stupid do you have to be, to be part of that 24 percent?  The one percent (Bush's base) one can understand, after all he's done quite well for them, even ten percent is understandable, those who serve the wealthiest one percent and who've received a few crumbs....but 24 percent?  Exactly what would the wealthy elites have to do to those who are part of that 24 percent figure before they realize they're not the wealthy elites....that instead they're a bunch of losers? - mpg
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The Financial Abyss
A quote...."The present and future stages of global financial unraveling seem to be essentially as follows. (1) With the bursting of the credit bubble (massive over-borrowing), the real-estate market collapses, the banks collapse, and the stock market collapses. (2) Therefore credit dries up everywhere. Businesses cannot operate without credit. (3) Businesses stop making and selling products, so there is high unemployment everywhere. (4) The final result is that without adequate income from employment, people must live on their savings (or pensions or welfare), or try to live off the land, separating themselves from the global economy. - bold/underline by website editor -- And when the peasants have sold all their stocks, bonds, houses and other investments and have reached rock bottom, (in about one to two years) the wealthy elites will come in, scoop everything up at pennies on the dollar (using the peasants generous donations supplied by the Federal Reserve and US Treasury) and we'll all live happily ever after. - mpg

Fed refuses to identify recipients of $2 trillion in U.S. taxpayer loans
A quote...."Fed Defies Transparency Aim in Refusal to Disclose 10 Nov 2008 The Federal Reserve is refusing to identify the recipients of almost $2 trillion of emergency loans from American taxpayers or the troubled assets the central bank is accepting as collateral. Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said in September they would comply with congressional demands for transparency in a $700 billion bailout of the banking system. Two months later, as the Fed lends far more than that in separate rescue programs that didn't require approval by Congress, Americans have no idea where their money is going or what securities the banks are pledging in return." -- Paragraph quoted from CLG

Centralization of power continues in the United States at taxpayer expense: American Express is now a bank
Special Note - A quote...."As was previously stated, the rules of the game have changed, liquidity has disappeared from the markets, and financial institutions are in the process of becoming centralized. - How exactly is this centralization occurring? By taking money from the many and giving it to the few, the way it has always been done, but now that the current economic system is on the verge of collapse the process is in hyperdrive."

Congress Covered Up Illegal Tax Break for Banks
A quote...."Congress tried to cover up the fact that the Treasury department illegally amended the tax laws to give big banks a write-off when they use bailout money to buy competitors."

'Some congressional staff members have privately concluded that the notice was illegal.' A Quiet Windfall For U.S. Banks --With Attention on Bailout Debate, Treasury Made Change to Tax Policy 10 Nov 2008 The financial world was fixated on Capitol Hill as Congress battled over the Bush administration's request for a $700 billion bailout of the banking industry. In the midst of this late-September drama, the Treasury Department issued a five-sentence notice that attracted almost no public attention. But corporate tax lawyers quickly realized the enormous implications of the document: Administration officials had just given American banks a windfall of as much as $140 billion. The sweeping change to two decades of tax policy escaped the notice of lawmakers for several days, as they remained consumed with the controversial bailout bill. When they found out, some legislators were furious. Some congressional staff members have privately concluded that the notice was illegal. But they have worried that saying so publicly could unravel several recent bank mergers made possible by the change and send the economy into an even deeper tailspin." -- Paragraph quoted form CLG

AIG, U.S. May Expand Bailout to $150 Billion, Cut Interest Rate
A quote...."Nov. 10 (Bloomberg) – American International Group Inc., the insurer bailed out by the U.S., may get an expanded government rescue package valued at more than $150 billion that includes lower interest rates and more time to repay the debt." --
For more on this issue see....AIG, Goldman Sachs, Paulson And Buffet

Fannie Mae's Future Looks Pretty Grim—Downright Scary
A quote...."Nothing like starting off a new week with a $29 billion net loss for the nation’s largest mortgage investor. Fannie Mae [FNM  0.72    -0.02  (-2.7%)    ] is currently under government guard, with the conservatorship instituted in September, but it still apparently can’t keep its balance sheet from joining the ranks of other massive mortgage meltdowns that seem to be par for today’s course."

Fannie Mae Loses $29 Billion on Write-Downs
Folks, this is just the start, you can go ahead and add a zero to that figure...maybe even two. - mpg -- A quote...."All the profits, and then some, that Fannie Mae reaped as home prices soared in recent years vanished in a mere three months, the mortgage giant said on Monday, leaving many analysts wondering where the red ink will end."

Fitch Downgrades Credit Ratings of 10 Countries
A quote...."Fitch downgraded the credit ratings of 10 countries today, including Russia, Mexico, South Korea, South Africa, Chile, Malayasia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Kazakhstan. As stated in a press release:...."

Layoffs mount, economic crisis deepens in the US
A quote...."Monday brought a number of fresh indications—including mass layoffs, bankruptcies and negative labor market data—that the US is entering a deep economic crisis."

GM Plunges as Deutsche Says It May Become Worthless (Update4)
A quote...."Nov. 10 (Bloomberg) -- General Motors Corp. plummeted to its lowest level in 59 years after a Deutsche Bank AG analyst downgraded the shares, saying they may be worthless in a year."

Starbucks 4Q Profit Drops 97%
A quote...."Fewer U.S. customers and venti-sized costs for closing poorly performing stores led to lower sales and profit in the fourth quarter at Starbucks Corp., the company said Monday."

Sunday November 9th 2008

Afghanistan: The Promise and the Reality - Reckless Soldiers, Slappers and Smack
Must Read - A quote...."November 09, 2008 "Information Clearinghouse" --  The day after US war planes bombed an Afghan wedding party killing more than 30 women and children, I drove from Pakistan’s troubled tribal areas to the border crossing. -- Feeling rather sensitive towards my own security as a white westerner who could easily be mistaken for an American, I decided to throw on an all-enveloping burka and make my way across in the anonymity this garment gives women travelers."

Little shop of horrors: the new Middle East
Must Read - A quote...."I once asked one of my Palestinian friends what he thought the United States should do to help the peoples of the Middle East. He was incredulous: "Haven't you done enough?" In retrospect that pained reply seems the perfect answer to my presumption: I'm from America and I'm here to help. - Sadly, the self-congratulation attendant on Barack Obama's election has seemingly revived this tradition of selfless altruism. As a former Clinton administration official told me several weeks ago: "We're going back into the Middle East, but this time we're going to get it right." That it did not occur to this official that we aren't exactly "out" of the Middle East is a testament to American optimism - and amnesia. "Really," he added, "our capacity for doing good is limitless."  --  Spare me." -- 'Fraid not, in the end, when all is said and done.....it will turn out NO ONE was spared. - mpg

Iran diplomats suffer US torture: Witness
Special Note - A quote...."A spokesman for the Iraqi Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr says he has witnessed the torture and abuse of Iranian diplomats by US forces. - “During my detention by US forces, I was held in confinement along with three Iranian diplomats and witnessed their torture by Americans,” Ahmed al-Sheibani told Fars News Agency. - According to al-Sheibani, one Iranian diplomat named Mousa, was severely beaten and had his arm broken by American forces using torture methods. The face of a second diplomat, whose name was Abbas, was badly bruised after receiving a heavy blow to his eye."

The Machine Grinds On
A quote...."November 09, 2008 "Information Clearinghouse" -- The machine grinds on relentlessly. Now it’s: give Obama a chance. This means: Public, go back to sleep. In the meantime Obama and the state machinery work at feverish pace."

What Would Lex Luthor Do?
A quote...."   November 09, 2008 "Information Clearinghouse" --  I half-seriously offered to mail a Cuban cigar to anyone who asked, if, contrary to my strong belief, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney actually went quietly into that goodnight in January. Just days after the election of Barack Obama, I’m not yet planning a trip to the Cigar Emporium. A lot can happen between election day and January 20th. -- In order to try to predict the next mad lurch of bizarro American current affairs, I found it useful to ask a simple question: what would Lex Luthor do?"

Who are the Architects of Economic Collapse? - Will an Obama Administration Reverse the Tide?
Absolutely!!  He'll do so in about one to two years at the bottom of this planned ten year economic cycle by starting another war, most probably with Iran. Until than he’ll move his lips a lot, give a few crumbs to the peasants while they endure a severe recession (at best) and do absolutely nothing about fundamentally changing the system. - mpg -- A quote...."Ironically, the Wall Street banks --which are the recipients of the bailout money-- are also the brokers and underwriters of the US public debt. Although the banks hold only a portion of the public debt, they transact and trade in US dollar denominated public debt instruments Worldwide.- In a bitter twist, the banks are the recipients of  a 700+ billion dollar handout and at the same time they act as creditors of the US government.- We are dealing with an absurd circular relationship: To finance the bailout, Washington must borrow from the banks, which are the recipients of the bailout. - The US administration is financing its own indebtedness."

The New Trough
A quote...."The Wall Street bailout looks a lot like Iraq — a "free-fraud zone" where private contractors cash in on the mess they helped create" - Also posted at CommonDreams
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Obama to use executive orders for immediate impact
Dictatorship Alert - Special Note - Using your "executive powers" to nullify Bush's signing statements is one thing, promulgating your own is something completely different altogether.  To all Americans reading this blog, this website editor will try to put this whole situation to you as delicately as possible while describing your collective and joint responsibilities for it.....folks, you've all f-cked up again. - mpg -- A quote...."WASHINGTON – President-elect Obama plans to use his executive powers to make an immediate impact when he takes office, perhaps reversing Bush administration policies on stem cell research and domestic drilling for oil and natural gas. -- John Podesta, Obama's transition chief, said Sunday Obama is reviewing President Bush's executive orders on those issues and others as he works to undo policies enacted during eight years of Republican rule. He said the president can use such orders to move quickly on his own."

See If They Censor This Too -- Obama [is] Already Breaking Promises - (YouTube - 8min 23sec - Added 11/08/08)
Video - Special Note - There are many, many, Americans who are not fooled by the New Roman Empire and its mass-infotainment-media....this is one of them. He basically hits all the talking points about the Empire and Obama's role in it. - mpg -- A quote...."Obama already breaking promises and a bit about Israel.- The last video was blocked for no reason. - well now [at] 1am they have unblocked the first video. I guess they just block it and unblock it back and forth to slow down the hits. It was also embarrassing for youtube when I went to liveleak."

Diminished Expectations: Obama Team Curbing Talks of the 100 Day Plan
A quote...."Take heed Obama-trolls, if you want to “give him time” before we start scrutinizing the president-elect’s actions, that is exactly what he is going to take; time. The question is; how much can we afford? -- MSNBC, the “All Obama, All the Time” Network, is reporting that the Obama camp is looking for more time before they even start bring us “Change”. Do they expect we can wait? “Yes We Can” (or so they tell us)."

Obama's Change Leaves By The Back Door
A quote...."Three days after Barack Obama's election victory, the initial moves by the president-elect to prepare his administration already show that his policies will be determined not by popular expectations, but by the domestic and foreign policy interests of the American financial and corporate elite. -- Obama and Democratic congressional leaders are well aware that these policies—further measures to secure the social interests and personal wealth of the financial aristocracy at public expense and the continued use of military violence in the Middle East and Central Asia—clash with the will of the electorate, which sought to reverse these policies by sweeping the Republicans out of power. That is why the Democrats are seeking to dampen expectations of a serious change of course." -- bold by website editor

A View From Europe - Our Obama Problem
A quote...."There are two factors to take into account in order to judge an election : what voters express by their vote and what the elected candidate is likely to do. In the case of the US presidential election, it would have been very depressing if the US population had elected McCain, after eight years of Bush. In fact, it is somewhat surprising that he still managed to get 48% of the popular vote, and that the Republican candidate did so well in states like Louisiana (remember Katrina ?). In that sense, the Left should welcome the Obama victory, not so much because he is “African-American”, but because people who vote for him probably express a desire for change, and, in general, for progressive change : less war, a more balanced economic policy, and a more friendly attitude with respect to the environment.  --  But the question of what the candidate will do is an entirely different matter."

Obama Stifles Hope of Change on Iran Relations - posted at AntiWar
A quote...."....any hopes for major changes in the American stance toward Iran died pretty quickly when Obama publicly condemned the Iranian government, accusing them of developing a nuclear weapon and vowing an international effort against them, which he would not elaborate on until he takes over the White House in January."

Iran Calls on Obama to Change Path
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran criticized United States President-elect Barack Obama for saying that it is unacceptable for Tehran to develop nuclear technology.  --  Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said Mr. Obama's comment showed a pursuit of the "same wrong American policies". -- bold by website editor

The Russian Question -- What's Obama's answer? - posted at AntiWar
A quote...."The Obama-oids aren't talking too much about foreign policy these days, although that was their candidate's ticket to the White House. Iraq was the winning issue that gave Obama's primary campaign the oomph it needed to oust the putative front-runner from her perch as the anointed one, but it fails to evoke the interest it once did on account of the rapid deterioration of the economy. It doesn't matter that the costs of the Iraq and Afghan wars amount to at least three more bank bailouts – and you can throw in what's left of the American auto industry for good measure."

Obama's Council On Foreign Relations Crew -- Out With the Old Regime, In With the Old Regime
A quote...."Meet some of president elect Obama's leading foreign and domestic policy advisors and likely administration members, every one of them a prominent member of the Council On Foreign Relations. -- Will these people bring about "change" or will they continue to hold up the same entrenched system forged by the corporate elite for decades?"

Gordon Brown to help Barack Obama lobby EU over troops
A quote...."Gordon Brown is to lobby European leaders on behalf of Barack Obama to send more troops to Afghanistan. -- Obama has repeatedly called on Europe to “share the burden” in the conflict and it is expected to be the central theme of his first visit after his inauguration next year." - bold by website editor

Council on Foreign Relations president predicts coups, genocide and terrorism to test Obama
False Flag Warning - Gulf of Tonkin Redux Warning - A quote...."Echoing Vice President-Elect Joe Biden's promise of a generated crisis and Colin Powell's revelation of a crisis that will happen on January 21 or 22, we now have the president of the Council on Foreign Relations and Biderberger Richard Haas similar predictions of doom and gloom scheduled for President-Elect Obama." --  For more on this issue see....They're Going to do "It" Again

Warnings from world leaders all within 72 hours
False Flag Warning - Gulf of Tonkin Redux Warning - War Warning - (Website Editor's Note: this is the first War Warning classification issued due these particular series of "official warnings") --  A quote...."Warnings from world leaders all within 72 hours - Senator Biden Warnings?"Australian PM Kevin Rudd - “Nuke strike would make 9/11 insignificant” and other weird warnings" - "Over the last 72 hours there has been a strange melange of cryptic messages leaked from world political leaders about what could be in store for America over the next few months. - These predictions of impending doom come from England, France, Australia and the United States." -- For more on why these warnings are coming from the underlined countries shown above, see....White Man's Burden - 12-20-06 - mpg

See also...MPs seek to censor the media [in Britain] - For now, soon the New Roman Empire will adopt these rules.
A quote...."Britain's security agencies and police would be given unprecedented and legally binding powers to ban the media from reporting matters of national security, under proposals being discussed in Whitehall." -- It's just more White Man's Burden. - mpg
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The Facts Speak For Themselves
50 Facts on 9/11 -- A quote...."Before I begin, I would like to say that theorizing about what happened on 9/11, when you’re not being given answers to your questions about that day by the people who SHOULD be able to do so, is PERFECTLY normal. As is suspecting that the reason these answers aren’t being given is “sinister” in nature. As Ray McGovern said, “for people to dismiss these questioners as “conspiratorial advocates”, or “conspiratorial theorists”… that’s completely out of line because the… The questions remain because the President who should be able to answer them, WILL NOT.” When you think about everything this Administration has done in almost 8 years, the idea that they might not be giving us the answers we seek because of something “sinister” is not crazy. In fact, it’s the most logical conclusion one can come to at this point. After seven plus years of obfuscation, spin, lies, and cover-ups regarding the 9/11 attacks, it is unavoidable to think that criminal complicity is the reason why."

Ft. Dix informant downplays FBI income
A quote...."His family lives poorly, he says, but lawyer notes he bought SUV. -- For a day and a half, the man who helped the FBI infiltrate an alleged South Jersey terrorist cell had endured questions about his finances, drug use and business ventures, as well as his mission as an undercover informant. - Most of that time, Mahmoud Omar responded with brief, narrow and occasionally evasive answers. But when a defense attorney asked him yesterday about the roughly $240,000 he will collect for his work on the case, Omar was ready."

General’s death in July ruled a suicide
A quote...."The July 27 death of Brig. Gen. Thomas Tinsley by self-inflicted gunshot wound seems likely to remain shrouded in mystery. A three-month Air Force Office of Special Investigations inquiry, which concluded in early November, determined that Tinsley intentionally shot himself once in the chest with a large-caliber handgun, but investigators were unable to turn up a motive. Investigators found no suicide note, history of mental illness or evidence of financial or criminal trouble that might lead someone to take his own life." -- For more on this issue see....False Flag Ops - Barksdale
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Orin Kerr and the responsibility of elites for the last eight years
A quote...."One more time:  what makes Kerr (and others like him) an apologist for radical and lawless Bush policies is that he has defended such policies -- not all of them, as I stated explicitly from the start, but many of the worst ones, including, as but one illustrative example, the Bush administration's reprehensible, ongoing detention of Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri, based on the broader theory that the President has the authority to order even U.S. citizens (and legal residents) on U.S. soil imprisoned as "enemy combatants" indefinitely without charging them with crimes and without having to prove them guilty in courts of law."

Bush’s Last Bullet: Why the US Attacked Syria
A quote...."November 09, 2008 "Information Clearinghouse" --- The sovereignty of an independent, stable country that has carried out many constructive moves in recent months and weeks, which could have surely contributed to the stabilization of the Middle East, has been violated, its borders breached and its civilians killed. -- But when the country targeted is Syria, an Arab country, and the perpetrator is the US military, then, somehow things are not as appalling as they may seem."

Anti-U.S. sentiment grows in Syria after raid
A quote...."(11-09) 16:43 PST Abu Kamal, Syria — The U.S. incursion into Syria late last month put this eastern border town near Iraq on the world stage and many of its residents on edge. -- "At the beginning of the war, we were scared. Then we got used to it. Now we're scared again - and angry," said Yusef Tara, who spoke to a reporter near the site of the Oct. 26 U.S. commando raid against an alleged al-Qaida in Iraq hideout that Damascus says killed eight civilians."

Student to Israeli President: "I will not shake hands with a murderer of children"
Full quote...."On November 2nd, Hebrew University student Ali Bahar was detained for three hours after refusing to shake hands with Israeli president Shimon Peres. Peres was visiting the university as part of a public relations tour. - When the President approached Bahar to shake his hand, the student refused, stating QUOTE "I will not shake hands with a murderer of children." - Bahar was referring to the Israeli military occupation of Palestinian land, which has cost the lives of one thousand and fifty Palestinian children since 2000. In the same time period, one hundred twenty three Israeli children have been killed by Palestinian fighters. - Immediately following his encounter with the Israeli President, Bahar was detained by university security personnel and his student ID was confiscated."

Nuclear smackdown in New Europe
A quote...."November 09, 2008 "Information Clearinghouse" ---  "US president-elect Barack Obama has told Polish President Lech Kaczynski he will go ahead with plans to build a missile defense shield in eastern Europe despite threats from Russia, Warsaw said on Saturday" AFP Warsaw "

Nicaraguan pilots, soldiers to train in Russia

Full quote...."MANAGUA, Nicaragua — Nicaragua says it will send 14 soldiers and airmen to Russia for six years of training. The cooperation agreement was announced on Friday, on the eve of a meeting between leftist President Daniel Ortega and Russian Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin. Officials say the military personnel will be trained as helicopter and airplane pilots, tank commanders and military engineers. Nicaragua was a close Russian ally under Ortega in the 1980s, when Nicaragua fought U.S.-backed Contra rebels. The two countries have strengthened relations again since Ortega regained the presidency in 2006 elections. In September, Nicaragua aligned with Russia in becoming the first country to formally recognize the independence of the two breakaway Georgian provinces of South Ossetia and Abkhazia."

Pakistan Urges Start on IPI Gas Pipeline Project
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari called for an early start of a multi-billion-dollar pipeline project which is due to take Iran's rich gas reserves to the energy-hungry Pakistan and India."

Venezuela and Russia Initiate Gas Exploration and Expand Strategic Alliance
A quote...."Mérida, November 7, 2008 (venezuelanalysis.com)-- On Friday, the Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA and the Russian company Gazprom began drilling for gas in the Gulf of Venezuela. Government officials from both energy giants further concretized an alliance with cooperation agreements in a wide variety of areas, including nuclear energy, gold mining, and flights between the two countries."

China, Russia call for more regional co-op
A quote...."A senior Chinese leader called Beijing on Friday for beefed-up cooperation between northeast China and Russia's Far East. In a meeting with Alex Safonov, the Russian president's representative in the Far East, Vice Premier Li Keqiang said regional cooperation had been the new highlight of bilateral ties. "Northeast China and Russia's Fast East region should make good use of the favors of nature and grasp the opportunity for cooperation," Li said."

BRIC nations join forces for finance reform
A quote...."Reuters -- The "BRIC" nations of Brazil, Russia, India and China, meeting ahead of broader talks this weekend, for the first time forged a joint position that called for reform of institutions like the International Monetary Fund to reflect the growing importance of developing economies. -- "Emerging countries are ready to shoulder the financial consequences of a bigger participation at the IMF," Brazilian Finance Minister Guido Mantega told a news conference in Sao Paulo. "There is no point in us increasing our participation if the big countries keep their veto powers."

Russian Nuke Sub Accident Claims 20 Lives
According to Russia Today "The victims were suffocated to death by a gas released after the fire extinguisher system was turned on by mistake." which means they use a Halon or CO2 or some such oxygen depriving system. - mpg -- A quote...."An accident on board a Russian nuclear submarine has claimed at least 20 lives, the worst submarine disaster in nearly a decade. -- According to Russian news reports, the ship in question is the K-152 Nerpa, an Akula-class attack submarine. The accident occurred during sea trials in the Pacific Ocean; Russian news agency RIA-Novosti reports the incident was caused by the "unsanctioned activation" of the boat's fire-extinguishing system. The sub returned to Bolshoi Kamen, a port in Russia's Far East, the BBC adds."
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IMF update underlines speed of slide into global recession
A quote...."The International Monetary Fund (IMF) sharply revised its estimates for global growth downwards last Thursday, predicting a simultaneous recession in the US, Japan and major European economies for the first time since the institution was established in 1945. The IMF cut its previous projection of 3 percent for the world growth rate in 2009 to 2.2 percent, with an overall contraction in the advanced economies of 0.3 percent." -- bold by website editor

Treasury Prepares to Broaden Bailout Plan
A quote...."In New Zealand, this would be called a, “Lolly Scramble.” - [def. - Lolly Scramble, a phrase commonly heard in New Zealand (and Tasmania, Australia) referring to a children’s party game in which candies are scattered on the floor and children scramble to get their share. Yes but in this case they're very spoiled, pampered, selfish, rich children....and "we the people" are not invited to their party even though it's our money that's paying for it.] - The Treasury Department is preparing to open its $700 billion bailout package to companies outside the traditional banking sector, the Washington Post reported on Friday."

China Unveils 4 Trillion Yuan Spending as World Faces Recession
A quote...." Nov. 10 (Bloomberg) -- China pledged a 4 trillion yuan ($586 billion) stimulus plan to prop up growth in the fourth-largest economy as the world heads toward a recession. -- The funds, equivalent to almost a fifth of China's gross domestic product last year, will be used by the end of 2010...."

Australia: Labor government forced to revise economic forecasts as global crisis deepens.
A quote...."Reacting to a raft of damning surveys showing the impact of the global economic and financial crisis on the broader Australian economy, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) last week cut the cash rate by a larger than expected 75 basis points, from 6 percent to 5.25 percent—the second major cut in as many months. In October, the RBA slashed the cash rate by a huge 100 basis points."

Saturday November 8th 2008

The Election: It Had to Be this Way
Must Read - A quote...."November 07, 2008 "Information Clearinghouse" -- The Democrats winning Congress and the White House just had to happen. If we are ever going to change this country from an empire to a representative democracy, we have to rid ourselves of the notion that one corporate political party can do anything toward that goal. Barack Obama will be the catalyst for a new movement, away from false hope and false promises, not because he will deliver to the people of this country anything worthwhile, but because he won’t. This will be the final nail in the coffin of our corporatist society."

The same old with Powell, Rice, and Obama, or real change with Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich? Maybe we should ask Ralph Nader - Must Read -- A quote...."I’m not sure when exactly I became color blind, it was years ago. I believe it occurred during my time at the University of Waterloo where I had the good fortunes of interacting with people from around the world, many of whom were from Africa. The only major difference that I noted between blacks and every other race was that when we played soccer, almost everyone that was from Africa wore gloves and extra clothing so that they could stay warm. -- I mention this because there seems to be a global misconception that the United States is entering a political utopia now that Barack Obama has become President-elect. Unfortunately I believe most of this unfounded faith is based on Obama’s ancestry. -- I just wanted to point out that two of the most powerful black Americans that have recently served in the United States government, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice, are considered to be war criminals."

Hail to the Chief of Staff
Special Note - A quote...."The first trumpet blast of change ushers in Rahm Emanuel as Obama’s chief of staff and gate keeper. This is the man who arranges his schedule, staffs out the agenda, includes, excludes. It’s certainly as sinister an appointment as, say, Carter’s installation of arch cold-warrior Zbigniev Brzezinski as his National Security Advisor at the dawn of his “change is here” administration in 1977. -- Emanuel, as Ralph Nader points out in my interview with him below, represents the worst of the Clinton years. His profile as regards Israel is explored well on this site by lawyer John Whitbeck. He’s a former Israeli citizen, who volunteered to serve in Israel in 1991 and who made brisk millions in Wall Street. He is a super-Likudnik hawk, whose father was in the fascist Irgun in the late Forties, responsible for cold-blooded massacres of Palestinians."

How to Treat a President Elect
A quote...." Hint: it's different from a king."

How About Some Real Change in Foreign Policy?
A quote...."The worldwide outpouring of support for Barack Obama brings to mind the worldwide outpouring of support for the American people after 9/11. That post-9/11 support didn’t last for long. It disappeared with George W. Bush’s war on terrorism, invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, torture and sex abuse of detainees, kidnappings and renditions, attacks on civil liberties, Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, spying on Americans, indefinite detentions, criminal and civil immunity for criminal acts, and all the rest."

When Are You Going to Rise Up and Take What’s Yours?
Videos - Some fun videos. - mpg

U.S., Allies, Torture Kids in Iraqi Prisons
A quote...."Since it invaded Iraq in 2003, the U.S. has detained thousands of juveniles---some of whom were tortured and sexually abused, according to published reports. Figures of the number of children behind bars vary. Some estimates put the number as high as  6,000. --  While the criminal abuse of male prisoners at Abu Ghraib is well known, child and women prisoners held there have also been tortured and raped, according to Neil Mackay of Glasgow’s “Sunday Herald.” Abu Ghraib prison is located about 20 miles west of Baghdad."

Shiite Clerics Condemn Draft Security Agreement
A quote...."It is not surprising that  Sadrist preachers condemned the proposed security pact between the al-Maliki government and the Bush administration in their Friday prayers sermons. It is much more significant that Sadr al-Din al-Qubanji of Najaf thundered against it. He represents the views of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, led by cleric Abdul Aziz al-Hakim. If ISCI opposes the agreement, it has no chance whatever of passing through parliament. I think the AFP article linked above is wrong to speculate that Sunni Arabs are reluctant to see the US go because they fear Shiite and Iranian hegemony in the aftermath. Some may feel that way; I think they are a minority. The last polling I saw put it at 9% of Sunnis who wanted the US to stick around. As reported last week, VP Tariq al-Hashimi, head of the Sunni fundamentalist Iraqi Islamic Party, has called for a national referendum on the security agreement. I read that call as hostility on his part toward it, since it likely could not pass a national vote." -- *Juan Cole*

Egypt arrests 25 Muslim Brotherhood members
A quote...."CAIRO (AFP) – Egyptian police have arrested 25 Muslim Brotherhood members at a meeting in the Nile Delta, the Islamists and a security official said on Saturday. The official said that "more than 20" Brothers were arrested at a member's home on Friday evening at Faous in the eastern Nile Delta. The Brotherhood website said that 25 of its members were detained. The website said security forces swooped on a meeting being held by Brotherhood MP Farid Ismail as the deputy began to speak. The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's largest opposition group, is formally banned but fielded independent candidates in 2005 elections, winning a fifth of the seats in parliament."

Jewish settlers beat up Palestinian boy near Hebron
A quote...."HEBRON, West Bank (AFP) – Jewish settlers on Saturday beat up a six-year-old Palestinian boy near the West Bank town of Hebron, and he was taken to hospital suffering from moderate head wounds, medics said."

Israel demolishes homes for 'City of David' heritage site
A quote...."Israel has been accused of demolishing Palestinian houses in Arab East Jerusalem while international attention was focused on the election of Barack Obama. -- Palestinian leaders and Israeli human rights organisations have said Israeli authorities displaced more than 20 people – mostly children – by demolishing three homes in the Silwan district of Jerusalem to make way for an archaeological park." -- For more on this issue see article shown below....

Travesty of Tolerance on Display in Jerusalem - Museum lays waste to ancient Muslim cemetery
A quote...."Israel seems to have little time for the irony that a modern Jewish shrine to "coexistence and tolerance" is being built on the graves of the city's Muslim forefathers. - The Israeli Supreme Court's approval last week of the building of a Jewish Museum of Tolerance over an ancient Muslim cemetery in Jerusalem is the latest in a series of legal and physical assaults on Islamic holy places since Israel's founding in 1948." -- Reminds this website editor of a scene from the movie "Schindler's List" wherein the commandant of the Krakow concentration camp, Amon Göth, is motivating his troops by describing the "end of history" for the Jews in Poland while he's walking back and forth on the camp's newly paved road....paved with the headstones from a nearby Jewish cemetery. - mpg -- Posted 11-05-08

'Hamas is ready for dialogue with Obama' - It'll be a cold day in Hell before that happens. - mpg
A quote...."Hamas' senior political leader Khaled Mashaal says his movement is ready to hold talks with US President-elect Barack Obama."

'Washington still threat to Caracas'
A quote...." A top Venezuelan general says the United States is still a threat to his country although Barack Obama won the 2008 presidential election. "The interests of the United States will always be the same. Obama will be able to manipulate some foreign policy, but in essence the goals and intentions of North America will stay the same: to dominate the world," said Operations Command chief General Jesus Gonzalez."

Russia, Venezuela sign deals on joint bank, aluminum plant
A quote...."CARACAS, November 8 (RIA Novosti) - Russia and Venezuela have signed a memorandum on setting up a joint development bank with starting capital of $4 million."

Russia, Belarus and Ukraine offer arms to Qaddafi
A quote...."MOSCOW. (RIA Novosti commentator Andrei Murtazin) - Russia is unlikely to get what it wants from Libya. - Before Muammar Qaddafi came to Moscow, analysts thought he would sign military contracts worth between $2 billion and $4.5 billion with Russia. However, while the Kremlin staff was busy searching for a place to build a Bedouin tent for Qaddafi, the "son of the desert" was thinking about his bargaining tactic in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine."

Russia to open military bases in Abkhazia, S.Ossetia
A quote...."MOSCOW November 7, 2008 (RIA Novosti) - Russia will open military bases in two Georgian breakaway republics, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, in 2009, a source in the Russian Defense Ministry said Friday.Georgia -- The source said the ministry plans to open one base in Gudauta, in the west of Abkhazia, and another in Tskhinvali, the capital of South Ossetia."
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Italian PM: truth of S. Ossetia conflict must emerge
Full quote...."MOSCOW November 6, 2008 (RIA Novosti) - The international community should be told the truth about the August war between Georgia and Russia over Tbilisi's breakaway republic of SouthSilvio Berlusconi Ossetia, the Italian premier said on Thursday." -- "Berlusconi, one of the few western leaders who said that Russia's actions at that time were a response to Georgia's aggression, said Rome's position on the conflict in South Ossetia was solely based on facts. "It turned out that we were able to find them [the facts] out, and I believe that this knowledge should help the international community to understand and overcome the international disinformation," the Italian premier said."

Georgia fired first shot, say UK monitors
A quote..."Two former British military officers are expected to give crucial evidence against Georgia when an international inquiry is convened to establish who started the country’s bloody five-day war with Russia in August."

A Damning Admission on the Georgian War
A quote...."The New York Times on Friday carried a front-page article headlined “Accounts Undercut Claims by Georgia on Russia War.” The article cited a report by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), a multinational association of 56 member states whose monitors were in Georgia when the fighting broke out, which demolishes the official US account of the August 2008 Russian-Georgian war, according to which the war was an act of Russian aggression."

For more regarding the three articles shown above see....American Selective Attention Deficit Disorder (ASADD) - 08-16-08 - mpg
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Details Emerge on new WTC Collapse Videos - More on that WTC7 video from Alex Jones. - mpg
A quote...."A source connected to the previously unreleased footage of the collapse of WTC1 and WTC7 which suddenly appeared on internet video-sharing site Veoh.com last weekend has revealed details about the footage to The Corbett Report." -- For more on this issue see....9/11 - WTC7

Experts confounded: Turnout higher in Ohio in 2004  Exactly WHAT is going on with this country's election system?
Vote Watch 2008 - Special Note -- A quote...."Despite a record number of registered voters this year, intense interest in the presidential election and the historic outcome, Ohio's voter turnout was lower Tuesday than in 2004, unofficial statistics show. -- Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner is reporting 67 percent turnout, compared with 72 percent in 2004. She had been predicting 80 percent turnout this time." -- "....overall turnout still is expected to be lower than in 2004, leaving experts at a loss to explain it -- especially because the number of registered voters increased by 319,000 from four years ago." - bold by website editor

High Court May Consider Legality of Detention
A quote...."Marri's attorneys say such detention power is unconstitutional and dangerous, raising the possibility that the government could one day snatch anyone off the street, even a political opponent, and lock him up without a trial. A prominent group of former judges and Justice Departmentlawyers, along with retired military officers, filed briefs backing Marri's position. They include Maj. Gen. Antonio M. Taguba, who led the Army's first official investigation into abuses at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq."

Feds and Telcos Defend Spy Amnesty to Court
A quote...."At issue is the recently enacted "telecom immunity" power which the Bush administration is trying to use to wipe out dozens of anti-spying lawsuits targeting AT&T, Verizon and Spring. The suits accuse the companies of violating federal privacy law when they allegedly secretly helped the government snoop into on Americans' phone calls, phone records and emails."

ACLU wants probe into police-staged DNC protest
Agent Provocateur Alert - A quote...."When a Jefferson County deputy unleashed pepper spray at unruly protesters on the first night of the Democratic National Convention, he did not know that his targets were undercover Denver police officers. -- Now the American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado is questioning whether that staged confrontation by police pretending to be violent inflamed other protesters or officers during the most intense night of the four-day event."
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Editorial: Why the GM/Cerberus/Chrysler Bailout is bad for taxpayers
A quote...."[The following analysis was sent to TTAC by a New York City bankruptcy lawyer who wishes to remain anonymous. It's twice as long as our usual editorial, but I think you'll find it's well worth your time. Thanks to you-know-who-you-are.] Cerberus Capital, a highly secretive NYC-based vulture investment fund, wants the U.S. government and taxpayers to bailout its failed investment in Chrysler and its failing investment in GMAC." -- Also posted at ICH -- Why we should NEVER bail out GM, see articles and videos shown below. - mpg

Despite GM's Staggering Losses, CEO Still Rakes In Millions
A quote...."It's difficult to imagine a more poorly run corporation than General Motors these days. The company reported a $2.5 billion loss in the third quarter and warned that it could run out of cash in 2009. GM's share price is down 78 percent this year." -- For more on this issue see....Who Killed the Electric Car? - video - FutureCrusH - (Google Video - 32 min  - Oct 6, 2005) - video  Who Killed the Electric Car? - (Gogle Video Trailer - 2 min  - May 16, 2006)

The Black Hole Gets Bigger: AIG Back for Yet Another Bailout
A quote...."The Financial Times reports that AIG is up to its old tricks, back again to the trough for more money. Christmas The Iceland credit default swaps settlement is coming soon, you know. The worst is that AIG is pretending to act as if this is a negotiation as opposed to extortion. Get a load of this crap:"

"AIG’s executives were on Friday night locked in negotiations with the authorities over a plan that could involve a debt-for-equity swap and the government’s purchase of troubled mortgage-backed securities from the insurer."

AIG execs at posh Phoenix resort after $85 billion bailout - While at the exact same moment they're haveing fun.
A quote...."08 Nov 2008 The 2008 Asset Management Conference held this week at the Pointe Hilton Squaw Peak Resort in Phoenix included many senior managers at American International Group, or AIG--recipients in September of more than $85 billion from the federal government. AIG made significant efforts to disguise the conference, making sure there were no AIG logos or signs anywhere on the property. An AIG spokesperson said there were no AIG markers in order to minimize signage costs and to lower the company's profile. A hotel employee told ABC15, "We can't even say the word [AIG]." The ABC15 Investigators went undercover at the resort and found AIG executives having poolside meetings while drinking coffee and working out at the spa while other attendees were in conference rooms for seminars. We also watched as half a dozen of the executives went to dinner at McCormick & Schmick's at the Camelback Esplanade, racking up a bill of more than $400 for drinks, appetizers, and meals." -- Paragraph quoted from CLG -- For more on this issue see....Having Fun With Your Tax Dollars

Taxpayers may pay legal bills for mortgage execs
So if the government sues them for malfeasance, it'll have to pay for their lawyers....isn't that just wonderful? - mpg -- A quote...."WASHINGTON (AP) — When the government took over mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, taxpayers inherited more than just bad debts. They're also potentially on the hook for tens of millions of dollars in legal fees for the executives at the center of the housing market's collapse."

Berkshire Hathaway Profit Falls 77% on Investments, Insurance
Well, that's what happens when you switch from being a "value investor" to being a "well connected" investor.  Perhaps Mr. Buffet should go back to the fundamentals. - mpg -- A quote...."Nov. 8 (Bloomberg) -- Billionaire Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. posted a fourth straight profit drop, the longest streak of quarterly declines in more than a decade, as hurricanes hurt returns at insurance operations and investments lost value."

Friday November 7th 2008

Obama: return to elite status quo
Must Read - A quote...."The election triumph of Barack Obama and the return of power to the Democrats was a cause for a split second of relief, but not elation. What the world learned is that it will not be subjected to a McCain-Palin presidency, which certainly would have ushered in horrors, violence, and insanity that likely would have dwarfed those of Bush-Cheney. But the arrival of Obama as the new imperial figurehead of the Anglo-American empire is not a victory of, or for, the people. It will not signify a dramatic upheaval, in any way, and by no means is any sort of revolution at hand.
Nor is Obama’s ascendancy about “you.” It is about “them.” This election was a necessary rotation of management, scripted at the highest levels of the Anglo-American elite." -- bold by website editor

March 14 denies charge of funding Fatah al-Islam - Damascus parades suspects on state television
Must Read - (For the outrage) -- A quote...."BEIRUT: Lebanon's pro-Western political leaders were reeling on Friday after captured members of the Fatah al-Islam Islamist group said they had been funded by the Future Movement during televised "confessions" to a suicide car-bombing carried out in Damascus in September. A suspect identified as Wafa al-Abssi, the daughter of Fatah al-Islam leader Shakr al-Abssi, said on Syrian state television that the group had received money from Saad Hariri's Future Movement, which leads Lebanon's anti-Syrian parliamentary majority." -- For more on this issue see below....

US Support of Terror
We Have Met the Terrorists....And They Are Us - 10-27-08 - mpg
When Will They Stop Pretending?- 10-25-08 - mpg
The True Axis of Evil - 10-10-08 - mpg
The Kingdom of Leprosy - 10-07-08 - mpg
Al Qaeda - Always There for the US Elites - 03-09-08 - mpg

See also....
Saudis resurrect a rival for Hezbollah - a.k.a. "The Redirection Deux"
Special Note - Future Terrorism Warning - A quote...."DAMASCUS - Word is coming out of south Lebanon that Saudi money under United States urging is being pumped into the Shi'ite community - in vain - to create a bloc among Lebanese Shi'ites against Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah." -- bold/undrline by website editor.  Another up and coming future al Qaeda wannabe, courtesy the usual suspects....never ending Saudi Royal and US (N.R.E.) support and financing. - posted 10-20-08

Security stepped up after North Ossetian terror attack - One would hope the Axis of Evil isn't involved.
A quote...."Unprecedented security measures have been taken in Russia’s southern city of Vladikavkaz in North Ossetia after 11 people were killed and dozens injured in an apparent suicide bombing. The incident occurred just a month after a deadly car bomb attack in the South Ossetian capital, Tskhinval, when seven Russian peacekeepers died." - posted 11-06-08
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The 'Conspiracy of Rich Men' Who Pulled Off 911 and Other GOP Atrocities
A quote...."That the Bush administration would conspire with 'rich men' in order to perpetrate the capital crime of aggressive war and mass murder is nothing new. Rome attacked and invaded Dacia for its gold. The 'empire' itself was sold by the Praetorian Guard to the Patrician Didius Julianus for Greek Drachmas --not worthless Roman sesterces. Is it so unusual that a bankrupt American empire would not attack and invade Iraq for its oil? Simply --that is what happened!"

Lawyers for 9/11 Truth
A quote...."An impressive, if small, group of lawyers has signed a petition calling for 9/11 truth at a new website called Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, at http://www.L911T.com. If you know any judges, law professors or attorneys open to 9/11 truth, send them that way."
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9/11 - From The History File...How Did United Flight 93 Crash? - multiple articles and cites
Flight 93 was shot down over Pennsylvania - multiple articles and cites
NewsMine : 9 11 : flight93 ua - database
9/11 FLIGHT 93 SHOT DOWN - video - (AOL Video - 2 min 22 sec)
The Crash of Flight 93 - Evidence Indicates Flight 93 Was Shot Down
Flight 93 The Fourth Jet Commandeered on September 11th
Flight 93
United Airlines Flight 93 Shot Down
Flight 93 conspiracy theories - wikipedia
Flight 93: Proof of 9/11 Lies by the US Government and Media
Rumsfeld says 9-11 plane 'shot down' in Pennsylvania
WND DAY OF INFAMY 2001 - Was United Flight 93 shot down on Sept. 11?
DC Envoy Says Bush Ordered Flight 93 Shot Down
FLIGHT 93 SHOT DOWN - Eyewitness Reports at Odds With Official Scenario
Flight 93 'was shot down' claims book
Gitmo prosecutor repeats al Qaeda deputy's claim: Flight 93 was shot down on 9/11
Navy Officer alleges 4th "hijacked" plane (Flight 93) was SHOT DOWN
Asking Questions at the Flight 93 Crash Site

For more on this issue see....9/11 - NORAD
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MI5 & the IRA
A quote...."This report examines the role played by British intelligence and the BritishIRA Army in collusion with the IRA and other paramilitary terrorist organizations in supplying weapons and explosives, allowing bombings to go forward, and even committing murder in the name of “fighting terror.”

Origins of Afghan War
A quote...."The purpose of this report is to examine the truth behind the October 2001 NATO invasion of Afghanistan, specifically relating to the politics of oil pipelines, the US' relationship with the Taliban, and warAfghan War preparations taken against Afghanistan prior to 9/11."

The Georgian War
A quote...."This report examines the motives for the recent outbreak of war in Georgia with Russia and the roles played by western powers, specifically the United States.BTC pipeline."
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The Beat Goes On: More Atrocity as Afghanistan Braces for Obama Surge
A quote...."While America continues its giddy, self-congratulatory celebration of "change," Afghans find themselves mired in the tragically familiar: yet another round of mourning for yet another massacre of innocent civilians in yet another blind, bludgeoning air strike by American forces. -- This time almost 40 people, including 10 women and 23 children, were ripped to shreds of bone and viscera when an American missile struck a wedding party in the remote village of Wech Bakhtu, according to Washington's own hand-picked native satrap, President Hamid Karzai."

Bush administration delays release of prisoner abuse photos
Must Read - (for the outrage) -- A quote...."The Bush administration is doing everything it can to delay compliance with a court's order that the Pentagon turn over pictures of prisoners abused in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to a new court filing. - A three-judge appeals court panel in September ordered the administration to turn over 87 photographs depicting abuses at Abu Ghraib prison and other sites. The American Civil Liberties Union filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the photos in 2005." -- "Although the government stopped trying to fight the full release of Abu Ghraib photos after they all were independently published in 2006, the ACLU says the Pentagon continues to keep hidden 29 additional images from at least seven different locations in Afghanistan and Iraq." -- bold by website editor

All the Neo-Romans in this country who are still living in denial of what was done in their name should all stop pretending now.  There were dozens (possibly over a hundred) of American (NRE) prisons through-out the Middle East torturing and in many cases murdering people.  But this nation's Neo-Romans will just go right on pretending, saying to the whole world "it was just a few bad apples" at Abu Ghraib....well, they can go right ahead and pretend all they want, nobody believes them anymore.

However the rest of us should keep in mind that tens of thousands of innocents, were "processed" through these prisons and that these photos represent just a tiny fraction of what really happened.  -- therefore everyone should think about what that means for the future of this country's prospects in the Middle East....

it's something everyone should consider with a great deal of trepidation.
- mpg
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Brits Out Of Iraq By The Summer
A quote...."British troops will be out of Iraq by the middle of next year, Sky News has learned. Final negotiations are under way with the Iraqi government, and Prime Minister Gordon Brown is expected to make an announcement by Christmas."

Record opium harvest in Afghanistan threatens new heroin crisis in Britain
A quote...."A glut of opium on the world market, fuelled by a record Afghan harvest, threatens a new heroin crisis in Britain, the European Union's drug agency warned yesterday. The agency's annual report also confirms that the UK remains at the top of the European league table of 27 countries for cocaine abuse for the fifth year in a row. The UK accounts for 820,000 of the 4 million Europeans who have "recently used" cocaine." -- The US (NRE) enters Iraq after bombing the hell out of it, and where there were no al-Qaeda members, suddenly there are thousands of them.  The US (NRE) enters Afghanistan after bombing the hell out of it, and where there were no poppies to harvest, suddenly there are thousands of tons being harvested.  The US (NRE) enters Pakistan after bombing the hell out of it, and where there were hardly any terrorist actions, suddenly there are thousands who are dying.  Is everybody out there getting the message yet?  It is what the NRE is, it is what it does....it is ALL that it does. - mpg

US: "It's Taliban's fault if we slaughter Afghan children"
A quote...."KABUL, Afghanistan — As Afghan officials reported more civilian casualties from coalition airstrikes on Thursday, witnesses to a strike that apparently hit a wedding party on Monday said the civilian death toll could be more than double the 40 reported so far by Afghan officials."

Trade Is Booming between Asia and Middle East
Asia and the Middle East should just collectively click their heels together three times, each time repeating the magical mantra "De-Couple, De-Couple, De-Couple" from that sucking, dark, black, murderous, greedy, evil, voracious, vortex, of massive fiscal  mismanagement and political ill-responsibility.  And we all know which nation that is. - mpg -- A quote...."Historic bonds between the Middle East and Asia are being revitalized in a torrent of trade and investment in energy, infrastucture and manufacturing." -- Also psoted at BLN

Israel threatens to target Lebanese army
It was the only thing that Israel didn't target in their last war with Lebanon -- one would guess they just want to be more thorough next time around and just destroy everything. - mpg --A quote...."Israel has threatened to target Lebanon's army and all its infrastructures should Hezbollah take charge of the interior ministry or the defense portfolio. -- Distressed by the growing role of the resistance movement in Lebanon's politics, Tel Aviv will target the country's entire military infrastructure in any future conflict with the Islamic group, The Jerusalem Post cited cabinet sources as saying on Friday. -- The decision comes as assessments in Israel suggest that Hezbollah, already enjoying a key role in the government's decisions-making process, is likely to gain at least two more cabinet posts in elections next spring, -- the Interior Ministry and the defense portfolio."

Venezuela to continue buying Russian arms
A quote...."MEXICO November 7, 2008 (RIA Novosti) - Venezuela will continue to buy modern weaponry from Russia and other "friendly countries" in the future to boost its defense capability, a senior military officialRussian arms said. -- "We will continue buying weaponry in Russia, China and Belarus in future years to ensure the defense of our territory and oil reserves from countries like the United States," the Mexican media quoted Gen. Jesus Gonzalez, who oversees weapon procurement for the Venezuelan armed forces, as saying."

Iran Cuts Oil Output by 200,000bpd
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran has cut oil production by 200,000 barrels per day (bpd) from 4.04 million bpd, in line with OPEC's Oct. 24 decision to find ways to support declining crude prices, a director of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) said on Friday."
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Thousands rally against Georgian leader
A quote...."TBILISI, Nov 7 (Reuters) - More than 10,000 Georgian opposition supporters rallied on Friday against President Mikheil Saakashvili, piling pressure on his government after its crushing military defeat by Russia."

Georgia Claims on Russia War Called Into Question
A quote...."TBILISI, Georgia — Newly available accounts by independent military observers of the beginning of the war between Georgia and Russia this summer call into question the longstanding Georgian assertion that it was acting defensively against separatist and Russian aggression."

Georgia Fired More Cluster Bombs Than Thought, Killing Civilians, Report Finds
Why is it that this nation's "premiere newspapers" ALWAYS toe the administration's line when wars are started, or are about to be started, then wind up tripping all over themselves giving out insipid apologies, mea culpas, "aw shucks we got it all wrong" articles, months or even years later?  Why the f-ck don't they get it right when it NEEDS to be gotten right the very first time?  That's their job!  War is a serious business, don’t they have a conscience, don’t they give a damn....what is wrong with them?! They've gotten a lot of innocent people killed so far and if they continue to be lickspittles to this nation's war mongering elites whenever our elites get the itch to be rich they're going to get a lot more people killed in the future. -- posted 11-07-08 -- mpg -- For more on this issue see....American Selective Attention Deficit Disorder (ASADD) - 08-16-08 - mpg

Georgia’s ‘Scarface’: the rise and fall of Saakashvili
A quote...."A year after mass anti-Saakashvili protests were held in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi the struggle of the country’s opposition continues. RT sums up Georgia’s recent history and tries to take a glimpse into the country’s future."

4 x 4 ‘bribe’ allegations over Yushchenko arms scandal
A quote...."Ukraine's president, Viktor Yushchenko, sold weapons to Georgia with a 20% discount in exchange for two luxury Land Rover cars, according to a parliamentary inquiry. The accusations over the gifts, worth $100,000 each, were made by Valeryi Konovalyuk, the head of the inquiry committee which is attached to the Ukrainian parliament, the Rada. Yushchenko has denied the allegations."

DNC: Dan Rather - (YouTube - 6 min 25 sec - Added:  September 04, 2008)
Video - A quote...."Former CBS Anchorman, Dan Rather, speaks to an audience about how corporate broadcasters have compromised journalistic integrity by satisfying stockholders, instead of public interests."

"Does the American news audience know...for one example...that the concern among foreign policy elites in this country over the situation in Georgia has everything to do with major gas and oil pipelines constructed there with US backing against Russian protests. If the American public remains unaware of this fact in the whole, and in the main, after the broad but shallow coverage of recent weeks, ask yourself who is to blame." -- *Dan Rather*, Former anchor of CBS News during his speech at the 2008 Democratic National Convention
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Juicy Bits Surfacing in Rather Case: In 2004, CBS Considered Matt Drudge, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter Ind.Panel
A quote...."This week, Dan Rather's legal team submitted a memorandum to the judge overseeing Mr. Rather's $70 million civil lawsuit against his former employers, which for the first time made public some of the thousands of documents that CBS has already turned over in the ongoing discovery process."

Media Talk: Predicting the crash
Video - A quote...."Panelists discuss criticism of the media over failure to provide warning of impending economic turmoil" - That's funny, thousands of independent websites had predicited it for years. mpg

Obama appoints advisers including Buffett - Gee what a surprise.
A quote...."Obama appoints advisers including Buffett -- US President-elect Barack Obama has appointed a team of high-level advisers including billionaire investor Warren Buffett and Google chief executive Eric Schmidt to guide his thoughts on the economy ahead of taking office on January 20. -- bold by website editor -- For more on this issue see....AIG, Goldman Sachs, Paulson And Buffet

Emanuel Was Director Of Freddie Mac During Scandal - Oh Look!  Another surprise.
A quote...."President-elect Barack Obama's newly appointed chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, served on the board of directors of the federal mortgage firm Freddie Mac at a time when scandal was brewing at the troubled agency and the board failed to spot "red flags," according to government reports reviewed by ABCNews.com " -- bold by website editor

Obama, Emanuel and the Promised Land - posted at Palestine Chronicle
A quote...."In the first major appointment of his administration, President-elect Barack Obama has named as his chief of staff Congressman Rahm Emanuel, an Israeli citizen and Israeli army veteran whose father, according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, was a member of Menachem Begin's Irgun forces during the Nakba and named his son after "a Lehi combatant who was killed" -- i.e., a member of Yitzhak Shamir's terrorist Stern Gang, responsible for, in addition to other atrocities against Palestinians, the more famous bombing of the King David Hotel and assassination of the UN peace envoy Count Folke Bernadotte."

Several Early Choices for New Administration Have Clinton Pedigree
A quote...."Barack Obama argued for months that victory for his opponent would be akin to a third term for President Bush. But as he embarks on his own presidency, Mr. Obama faces the challenge of building an administration that does not look like a third term for former President Bill Clinton."

A Privacy Agenda For The New Administration
A quote...."As new leaders prepare to move into the White House and Congress over the next few months, we'd like to call on them to restore Americans' privacy rights. Here's a little "wish list" we'd like to put forward:"

Will Obama Administration Signal Return to Rule of Law? -- No way, no how.  He likes being a dictator. - mpg
A quote...."President-elect Barack Obama will have a lot on his plate during his first 100 days in office. -- Foremost among the pressing issues he faces: rebuilding America's reputation in the international arena, says Philippe Sands, author of "Torture Team: Rumsfeld's Memo and the Betrayal of American Values." [Mac, Powell, B&N, GoodRds, BigRBks, Strand, ChpIndago, Amzn]

Thousands of Obamatrolls Now Wandering Aimlessly Through Life
Must View Video - Regarding the awful demise of millions of poor little Obamatrolls from what appears to be a terribly sad case of national ennui.  Honestly....it almost brought this website editor to tears. -- The Obamatrolls are classic AAViDD believer type-1 (Advanced Audio Visual Disassociative Disorder) sufferers.  It could be years before they "wake-up" from their long painful slumber. - mpg

Panderer-in-Chief; Obama Submits to AIPAC, Again
A quote...."President elect Barack Obama’s first act of “change” upon winning the Democratic presidential nomination back in June was to don a joint US-Israeli label pin, head on over to AIPAC and prostrate himself in front of the Israeli lobby, vowing to keep military action in mind for Iran and promising to hand over another $30 billion of American taxpayers’ money in military assistance to the Zionist state."
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2008 Presidential Turnout Flat -- How Did That Happen?
Vote Watch 2008 - Special Note - A quote...."By 2008, we were told to expect record voter turnout for the presidential election. Now we're told that the predictions were wrong, the pictures of long lines, massive early voting, and massive registration increases all went to produce just about the same vote total as reported for 2004. -- The 2004 vote total was 122 million compared to 105 million in 2000.  We're left with this question.  With all the excitement and effort plus a huge funding advantage for Obama, how is it that the voters going to the polls were about equal in number for 2004 and 2008?" - This country is going to have to switch to some form of verifiable paper ballot system, with regular audits, and accurate randomized exit polling as a double check, before anyone should ever trust this nation's election process again. - mpg

All Diebold Touch-Screen Systems Impounded by Judge in PA County
Vote Watch 2008 -- A quote...."All 185 of the completely unverifiable Diebold touch-screen voting machines used in Northumberland County, PA's election were ordered impounded by a judge Tuesday night after complaints from both the Republican and Democratic parties. Officials from both parties had filed requested action following reports from voters that straight-party ticket votes were not showing voters the names of their selection for President on the summary screen near the end of the 100% faith-based touch-screen voting process."
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Guilty as Charged
Charts - A quote...."David Henderson and Jeff Hummel have managed to ruffle quite a few Austrian feathers with their recent Cato briefing paper, and no wonder: that paper claims not only that Alan Greenspan's Fed was innocent of any role in encouraging the housing boom but that Greenspan had actually managed to do something Austrian monetary economists have long claimed to be impossible, namely, solve the monetary-central-planning problem. Greenspan, by their assessment, managed to mimic the kind of money-demand accommodating money supply growth that would occur under free banking, thereby achieving (according to their paper's executive summary) "a striking dampening of the business cycle."

Two-Month Decline in Jobs Reaches 524,000
A quote...."The loss of 240,000 jobs in October, coupled with a job-loss figure for September that was sharply revised upward to 284,000, brought the two-month decline to 524,000. The private sector lost 263,000 jobs in October, for a two-month total of 506,000. This is the sort of sharp decline in employment that is typical for recessions. The unemployment rate jumped to 6.5 percent in October, the highest rate since March of 1994." -- Editor's Note, the jobless rate is a lagging indicator for the stock market.  However, considering this nation has at least one and a half more years to go to reach the bottom of the current housing and business cycles. Such initial large amounts of unemployment do not bode well for the potential length and severity of this recession.- mpg

Jobs lost in 2008: 1.2 million
A quote...."NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- The government reported more grim news about the economy Friday, saying employers cut 240,000 jobs in October - bringing the year's total job losses to nearly 1.2 million. - According to the Labor Department's monthly jobs report, the unemployment rate rose to 6.5% from 6.1% in September and higher than economists' forecast of 6.3%. It was the highest unemployment rate since March 1994."

Consumer bankruptcies in October top 100,000
A quote...."The sagging economy sparked 106,266 consumer bankruptcy filings in October, the first time monthly filings topped 100,000 since the bankruptcy law changed in 2005, the American Bankruptcy Institute said Tuesday."

Pending Sales of Existing Homes in U.S. Fell 4.6% (Update1)
A quote...."Nov. 7 (Bloomberg) -- Fewer Americans signed contracts to buy previously owned homes in September, indicating the credit crisis will inflict more damage on the housing market."

Retail sales worst in decades; holiday view cut
A quote...."NEW YORK (Reuters) - Retail chains posted the worst October sales results in more than three decades as consumers cut spending sharply, stunned by a financial crisis that has derailed the U.S. economy."

G.M. Says U.S. Cash Is Its Best Hope
A quote...."G.M. said Friday that its cash cushion had been dwindling by more than $2 billion a month recently and that it could run short of money by mid-2009 unless it got emergency federal assistance."

Layoffs and plant closures ravage Canada’s auto industry
A quote...."The German-based Daimler AG medium- and heavy-duty truck maker announced last month the impending closure of its Sterling Truck assembly plant in St. Thomas, Ontario, just south of London. The shutdown will take effect next March, throwing 1,300 workers onto the province’s growing unemployment lines."

Sweden bails out banks as economy enters recession
A quote...."On October 20, Sweden’s Alliance government announced a massive sum would be made available to bail out the banking sector. Some 1.5 trillion kronor (approx. $200 billion) was set aside to provide loans to financial institutions with liquidity problems."

Thursday November 6th 2008

A Look Under the Hood at the (Potential) Obama Administration
Must Read Predictions - A quote...."November 06, 2008 -- -  Tuesday’s celebration hangovers have finally started to wear off, and the pieces are beginning to fall into place. Change will be coming to Washington in January, but it is difficult to decipher what form it will take. Early clues, however, suggest that Barack Obama’s administration will prove unlikely to alter the fundamental political machinery that has led us into war and economic turmoil. Below is a brief summary of Obama’s potential choices for a few key roles in his administration." -- Also posted at CounterPunch

Obama's Treasury Candidates: Old Guard Of The Corporate Elite
Must Read - A quote...."All of the leading candidates for the position of Treasury Secretary under president elect Barack Obama directly represent the old guard of the corporate elite system that has used the American economy as it's engine to drive their march toward a global empire for decades."

Beyond Fear AND Hope
Must Read - A quote...."I - like most Americans - am relieved that the trickle-down emotion du jour has shifted from fear to hope. It feels nicer. - But it is no more real than switching from watching the tv from the horror channel to the feel-good-movie channel. - They are both fiction. Neither the Neocons or Neolibs deliver on their promises." - underline by website ediotor

Monsters on Television
Must Read - Action Alert - A quote...."Paul Krugman, among my favorite political commentators, has spoken forthrightly of how during the past few years we have had "monsters" in office, naming Tom Delay, Karl Rove and Dick Cheney. He complains that until recently, if an observer simply called them what they are, he or she was termed "shrill." (h/t Daily Kos)."

Forget the Honeymoon - Getting down to bizness with Obama
A quote...."When I hear talk of a "honeymoon" for the President-elect – to last as long as six months, by some accounts – I think: "Fine. You lay off, and I'll do the same." But oh no, it doesn't work that way. Obama has already started in on us, and he hasn't even taken the oath of office yet. I'm talking about his appointments, starting with Rahm Emanuel as his chief of staff."

The Change We Need - Obama’s First Appointment Is Son Of Zionist Terrorist
A quote...."Rahm Emanuel’s father was member of militant terror group that bombed hotels, massacred villagers - Obama pick is keen supporter of lobbying group aimed at creating militarized youth brigades."

Novus Ordo Seclorum
A quote...."Behold the grand and glorious morning after Amerika elected its first black president (apologies to Bill Clinton)! Peace on earth, Goodwill to men (and women, too, since we’ll all be shopping there once Our New Master adds his two cents to the nationalized economy), beatific smiles, brotherhood (or at least affirmative action), and sanctimonious stealing – sorry, "restoring fairness to the tax code." (Ahem. Did I miss something? When was theft ever fair?)"

The Last Ride on the Straight Talk Express
A quote...."November 06, 2008 "Information Clearinghouse" -- - In the end, all the fear-mongering and mud-slinging amounted to nothing. On Tuesday night, the McCain campaign fizzled out on the front lawn of the Biltmore Hotel in front of 7,000 downcast Republican loyalists. "Big Mac"--as the Arizona senator likes to call himself--made a gracious concession speech and offered congratulations to newly-elected President Barak Obama, but his words were drowned out by the boos and cat-calls rising from the crowd. The same acrimony and viciousness which characterized the entire campaign, dragged on to the very end. McCain ran the dirtiest campaign in recent memory and his attempt cover it over with a few uplifting platitudes won't save his reputation from lasting damage." -- Also posted at Online Journal

Can We Please Impeach George W. Bush for Mass Murder and High Treason Now?
A quote...."Failing to impeach George W. Bush and his gang of crooks, mass murderers, torturers and, at least, 40 thieves is the moral equivalent of dismissing charges against Hermann Goring, Rudolf Hess, Alfred Jodl and other Nazis most of whom hanged following justice at Nuremberg." - Amen, just have a quick Gitmo style trial and hang the lot of them. - mpg

CT Dems' Lieberman resolution: "extraordinary disloyalty" means he must resign from party
Aw Right!  Gimme Five!  Yah Hoooo!  Another one bites the dust! - mpg -- A quote....."Connecticut Democrats fed up with Sen. Joe Lieberman are eagerly waiting to hear what happens in Washington, but their own censure resolution now pending before the state central committee is pretty clear about what should be done. -- Lieberman's "extraordinary disloyalty" means he should resign from the party. Lieberman's "support of right-wing candidates cannot be reconciled with the ideals and values of the Democratic Party,'' the resolution states." -- bold by website editor
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New collapse footage of WTC7 and North Tower - Nov 2008 - (YouTube - 4 min - Added:  November 03, 2008)
Must View Video - A quote...."UPDATE: New details have emerged about these videos. Please see the following article for more information:"  --  Editor's Special Note - please pay very close attention to the left hand side of the corner of WT7, which will be facing you in the video, as the building starts its collapse and begins its descent. -- For more on this issue see....9/11 - WTC7

This footage was posted to video sharing network Veoh.com on November 1, 2008:
To download higher quality WMV files of these videos, please use the following links:
North Tower
For detailed analysis of these videos, please stay tuned to:

VIDEO: 9/11: Attack on the Pentagon - Official Release
Video - A quote...."Pilots For 9/11 Truth brings you analysis never seen before regarding the Attack On The Pentagon. Highly technical analysis presented in a way that the layman will appreciate and understand." - Warning, it's still highly technical, you may need a few views, and a calculator. - mpg -- For more on this issue see....9/11 - NORAD
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9/11 - From The History File...Remote Control
New Questions about remote control and 9-11
Remote control: built-in or bolt-on?
Remote controlled Boeings on 9/11?
"Home Run" System - Hijacking Recovery Systems Alleged on 757s and 767s
FAA Withholds Pre-9/11 ID Confirming Aircraft Serial Number Data Of 9/11 Planes -
New autopilot will make another 9/11 impossible
9-11 Smoking Gun? Two 911 Jetliners EXCEEDED Their Software Barriers
Operation 911:  NO SUICIDE PILOTS
Where's the Remote Control?
Operation Pearl
Remote Control and the 9/11/01 Attack
Remote controlled autopilot to prevent hijacking
A Dissenting Critique Of The 9/11 Commission Report
Petition to the Senate to Investigate Oddities Involving 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

For more on this issue see....9/11 - NORAD
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Judge Opens First Habeas Corpus Hearing on Guantánamo Detainees
A quote...."WASHINGTON — After years of legal clashes over whether detainees have the right to contest their detention in court, a federal judge on Thursday opened the first hearing into the government’s justification for holding suspects at the naval base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba."

Iraqi, Taliban militants demand Obama pull US out. - Along with most of the World and the US population. - mpg
A quote...."WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An Iraqi insurgent coalition and the Taliban warned U.S. President-elect Barack Obama to withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq and Afghanistan or face more resistance, U.S. monitoring groups reported Thursday."

Iraq continues to insist on firm U.S. troop pullout date
A quote...."Reporting from Baghdad — Two days after Barack Obama's election as president, Iraqi officials continued to insist on a withdrawal date for U.S. troops regardless of conditions on the ground, and maintained their demand that American forces be subject to Iraqi legal jurisdiction in some instances."

MIDEAST:  For Peace, the U.S. Will Have to Change
A quote...."RAMALLAH, West Bank, Nov 5 (IPS) - Barack Obama has been elected U.S. President at a time when the number of extremists has risen dramatically since the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, going by the resistance to Western forces in the region. The U.S.-led 'war on terror' has itself now become a threat to peace. -- A combination of despotic Arab regimes propped up by the West, neo-colonialism, religious intolerance, educational stagnation, a clash of cultures and religious ideology, and a U.S. foreign policy biased in favour of Israel has further helped build this situation. "

Saudi Arabia agrees to bail out Pakistan
Special Note - Finally the Saudi Royals are gonna get off their butts and do something for their fellow Muslims, besides supporting every religious CIA sponsored "nut-job" out there. - mpg -- A quote...."LAHORE: Saudi Arabia has agreed to bail out cash-strapped Pakistan with ‘substantial oil supply’ on deferred payment and cash assistance, according to a Dawn News report on Thursday. -- bold by website editor -- Of course everyone knows they're only doing it to compete with Iran, most likely because Robert Gates (US defense secretary) told them to do it.  But Pakistan sure doesn't care, in any case wouldn't that be a great idea, the Saudi Royals and Iran helping to build a better Middle East...together maybe...in spite of themselves and all the US and Israeli inspired interference.  Stranger things have happened.- mpg

Morales: US encourages drug-trafficking
A quote...."Bolivian leader Evo Morales has accused the US government of encouraging drug trafficking and says he has evidence to back up his charges."

Security stepped up after North Ossetian terror attack - One would hope the Axis of Evil isn't involved. - mpg
A quote...."Unprecedented security measures have been taken in Russia’s southern city of Vladikavkaz in North Ossetia after 11 people were killed and dozens injured in an apparent suicide bombing. The incident occurred just a month after a deadly car bomb attack in the South Ossetian capital, Tskhinval, when seven Russian peacekeepers died."

Medvedev delivers chilling words on missile plans
A quote...."The Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said that his country would place missiles in the Baltic region of Kaliningrad in response to US missile defence plans. - In a move that will reawaken Cold War memories, Mr Medvedev, making his first state of the union address only hours after the victory of Barack Obama, used tough rhetoric, attacking the United States for its role in the war in Georgia, the financial crisis and accusing it of moving aggressively against Russia."

Russia's Iskander best answer to U.S. missiles in Europe - analyst
A quote...."MOSCOW, November 5 (RIA Novosti) - The placement of short-range tactical missiles near Poland would be the best response to U.S. missile plans for Europe, a Russian military analyst said on Wednesday."

Georgia Fired More Cluster Bombs Than Thought, Killing Civilians, Report Finds
Why is it that this nation's "premiere newspapers" ALWAYS toe the administration's line when wars are started, or are about to be started, then wind up tripping all over themselves giving out insipid apologies, mea culpas, "aw shucks we got it all wrong" articles, months or even years later?  Why the f-ck don't they get it right when it NEEDS to be gotten right the very first time?  That's their job!  War is a serious business, don’t they have a conscience, don’t they give a damn....what is wrong with them?! They've gotten a lot of innocent people killed so far and if they continue to be lickspittles to this nation's war mongering elites whenever our elites get the itch to be rich they're going to get a lot more people killed in the future. - mpg -- For more on this issue see....American Selective Attention Deficit Disorder (ASADD) - 08-16-08 - mpg
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Dems Target Private Retirement Accounts - Say Whaaaaa!
Special Note - A quote...."RALEIGH — Democrats in the U.S. House have been conducting hearings on proposals to confiscate workers’ personal retirement accounts — including 401(k)s and IRAs — and convert them to accounts managed by the Social Security Administration." -- Are they out of their cotton picking minds!  This article has to be  some sort of typo.  The guys at Lew Rockell dot Com are not going to like this AT ALL mpg

Wall Street Fat Cats Are Trying to Pocket Billions in Bailout Cash
A quote...."The election results pretty much confirmed the extent to which Main Street is rightly livid about the Wall Street mentality that led to our financial crisis. During his historic victory speech, President-elect Barack Obama told supporters, and the rest of the world, "If this financial crisis taught us anything, it's that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers."

US, world stock markets plummet on global recession forecasts
A quote...."The revised IMF October “World Economic Outlook” report forecast that the combined gross domestic product (GDP) of the world’s advanced economies would shrink by 0.3 percent in 2009—the first such retraction experienced since 1945." - bold by website editor

Bernanke's unenviable legacy
A quote...."The refusal of US Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke to allow the basic pricing mechanism to operate has served merely to bring the economy from one crisis to a bigger one, spreading financial and economic disorder around the globe. His legacy is an ever-expanding range of crippled institutions and corporations, and state and local governments."

The world according to derivatives, part 5 of 7: The dark side of global credit system redesign
A quote...."With the credit bubble still deflating, “bad assets” still “unwinding” and taxpayers put on the hook for virtually every rescue scheme, the blame game has begun. -- Scapegoats abound, diverting public attention away from the anti-democratic fact that the current global financial/money creation system -- now heavily weighted in “bad asset” derivatives or debt on debt -- has grown so enormous that it has taken on a veritable life of its own. Like it or not, this mathematically impossible and easily corruptible system comes complete with its own set of continually evolving de facto rules and “arrangements” which may soon become a legal part of the global regulatory framework."

Riskiest 40% of Credit Default Swaps Still Hidden
A quote...."The most comprehensive report on unregulated credit-default swaps didn't disclose bets in the section of the more than $47 trillion market that helped destroy American International Group Inc., once the world's biggest insurer."

Bond Insurers Getting Hammered by Credit Default Swaps
Related Article - A quote...."Why are bond insurers MBIA and Ambac getting hammered? You guessed it: credit default swaps."

Holiday outlook turns grimmer after dismal October
A quote...."NEW YORK (AP) -- Retailers suffered through the weakest October in at least 39 years, despite frenzied price cutting as they desperately try to pull in consumers who are too worried about their finances to shop."

Longer-term jobless benefits hit 25-year high
A quote...."WASHINGTON – The number of out-of-work Americans drawing unemployment benefits has surged to a 25-year high, while shoppers turned extra frugal, further proof of the damage from sinking economy, credit problems and financial stresses."

U.S. to Sell $55 Billion in Long-Term Debt Next Week (Update2)
A quote...."Nov. 5 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. Treasury said it plans to sell $55 billion in long-term government debt this quarter and bring back auctions of three-year notes, as a slowing economy balloons the budget deficit to a record level."

Steep food price increases on way: experts
A quote...."WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. food prices will rise by at least 7 percent in 2009 because of higher feed costs for chickens, hogs and cattle, said a group of food-industry economists on Thursday."

Bank of England cuts interest rate by 1.5 points to 54-year low
A quote...."The Bank of England today took decisive action [panicked and is now doing a very good imitation of a headless chicken running all over the place] to shore up the economy and stave off a deep recession by ordering an aggressive cut in interest rates by 1.5 percentage points to 3 per cent, taking the base rate to its lowest level in more than half a century."

Wednesday November 5th 2008

WIBDI: A Prism for the New Paradigm
Must Read - A quote...."As the United States enters a new and unprecedented political era -- or, as killjoy cynics would have it, as the American empire gets a new set of temporary managers -- the fate of the "dissident" movement that arose under the Bush Regime seems greatly occluded. So many of those who set out their stalls as bold outsiders "speaking truth to power" now find themselves on the inside, enthralled by power, speaking for power, as it is personified by President-elect Barack Obama -- who, ironically, has consistently repudiated many of the tenets and principles that provoked the dissidents' outrage in the first place. -- I have always disliked this phrase "speaking truth to power" (although I'm sure I've lazily employed it myself on several occasions). No one needs to speak truth to power: power knows the truth well enough, it knows what it is doing, and to whom, and why. What we need, most desperately, are people who will speak truth about power, and speak it to people who might not have heard that truth through the howling cacophony of media diversion, corporate spin and political manipulation." -- For more on this issue see....AViDD "believer" Type-1 and Type-2 Syndromes - 11-04-08 - mpg

A Mandate to End the War - Not a mandate for more wars
Must Read - A quote...."Let's be clear about the nature and meaning of the mandate we're going to be hearing so much about: President-elect Barack Obama has a clear mandate to end the Iraq war as expeditiously as possible. His campaign was energized by and differentiated from Hillary Clinton's by his emphasis on correcting that horrific mistake. Hillary equivocated, refused to recant her vote for war, and coyly suggested that we might withdraw only as far as Kurdistan. Obama, on the other hand, pledged to get us out in a year, albeit adding weasel words about "residual" forces guarding our bigger-than-the-Vatican ambassadorial compound. He gained his initial momentum by grabbing on to this issue and holding on for dear life, as the Clintons self-destructed and the economy did, too. Obama arrived at this moment not only on the strength of his pledge to end the present war, but also the implicit promise to refrain from involving us in any further hostilities." -- Hope springs eternal until the total tonnage of non-stop lying crushes it flat. - mpg
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An Obama Presidency - More Of The Same Only Worse
A quote...."If the masses of people in this nation knew or had known the pertinent facts pertaining to the war mongering “we can fight the war better,” pro-apartheid Zionist, corporate Wall Street-backed, slippery tongued Barack Obama, it is doubtful they would have been so thoroughly bamboozled and hoodwinked to their own detriment and that of the world. Wall Street and the corporate media, however, have, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars, engaged in a relentless, ruthless, and absolutely unprecedented campaign of corporate branding and marketing on behalf of Barack Obama, with the peoples of the United States as their targets." -- Also posted at ICH

Will Obama “Change” The Bush Police State Or Expand It?
A quote...."Will liberals go back to sleep now the “messiah” has arrived? --  Now that Barack Obama has become the 44th President of the United States we offer a challenge - will those who elected him be able to progress past their fawning idolatry and actually pressure Obama to deliver on his mandate of “change,” or will the architecture of the Bush police state remain in place while the American empire expands?"

Now That Obama Has Won . . . There is No Excuse
A quote...."Now that a Democrat has been elected president, the Democrats in Congress have no excuse. They can no longer pretend that they have to "hold back" to win the election."

They have no excuse to delay war crimes charges against Bush, Cheney and company for Iraq.
They have no excuse to delay war crimes charges for torture.
They have no excuse to delay criminal charges for spying on Americans.
They have no excuse to delay criminal charges for 9/11.

"Now is not the time for Democratic machine politics. Now is the time to implement true American values - cherished across the political aisle - of liberty and justice."

Is Obama Serious About Protecting Our Liberty
A quote...."If he is serious about this, he must appoint vigorous advocates for constitutional principles and the rule of law to serve as heads of the following agencies:"

* Department of Justice
* Treasury (which oversees the Secret Service and - of course - the bailouts)

"Our first order of business must be to pressure Obama to make decent appointments in these areas, to make sure that liberty is protected."

For more regarding the two articles shown above see....Thirty Five Acts to Restore Americans' Rights 11-10-06 - mpg

Mission accomplished - Part 1
A quote...."In an October 29 post, entitled "What Does 'Deleveraging' Really Mean? Cutting $25 Trillion Of Debt", Blodget looked at the American economic history of the past 75 years from a whole new perspective, graphing changes in the ratio of total credit market debt to gross domestic product (GDP) over this period. -- Around 1920, this number stood at 170% - that is, $1.70 of debt for every $1.00 of GDP. The ratio soared to about 260 during the Great Depression, as GDP shrunk the ratio's denominator, then, following World War ll, was essentially stable around 140 for almost 40 years, to 1986. It was then that the ratio began its stratospheric climb, topping out at 356 earlier this year." -- bold/underline by website editor -- Oh, oh. - mpg

Who's going to Finance the rising US National Debt ?
A quote...."The most difficult aspect to Obama's mission will be to inform the American Public that the Party is actually over and it's time to pay the bill that has been steadily mounting out of control and is now a mathematically impossible amount for the country to actually ever pay back."
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Censorship in the Western Media: What they Don't Want You to Know
A quote...."The Western media has recently outdone itself in censoring important stories - stories which contradict the policies and interests the media seeks to uphold..  Western publics have been systematically misled in recent weeks on vital issues related to war-and-peace, human rights, the financial crisis, and more.  Only a few examples can be set out here.  But it should be enough to indicate the extent to which world reality is being filtered by the media."

Mass Media and Mass Politics - Conservative, Liberal and Marxist Perspectives
A quote...."The role of the mass media (MM) in influencing mass and class behavior has been a central concern among critical writers, especially since the turn of the Twentieth century. Debates and studies on the MM have focused on its political bias, ownership and links to big business, relationships and ties to the state, relative openness and diversity, promotion of wars and corporate interests among other major issues affecting the relations of power, wealth and empire. Of particular interest to writers opposing and supporting the role of the MM is the impact of the MM in influencing mass outlook, opinions and behaviors. Essays, monographs and empirical studies have been published as to the extent of MM influence, the time frame in which it retains control, the 'depth' of loyalty to MM inculcated opinions, and the 'place' in which MM messages have the greatest influence in inducing mass opinion in conformity with ruling class interests." -- Also posted at GlobRsrch

Court Rebukes CIA on Freedom of Information, Recognizes Journalists, Not CIA, Determine What Is News
Hip Hip Hooray!! -- A quote...CIA Ordered to Treat National Security Archive as Representative of the News Media for All FOIA Requests. - Washington D.C., November 5, 2008 - In a striking rebuke to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Judge Gladys Kessler of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia yesterday rejected the CIA’s view that it—and not journalists—has the right to determine which Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests are newsworthy."
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I Will Never Concede Defeat - Thank God someone out there in politics still fights the good fight. - mpg
A quote...."November 05, 2008 "Information Clearinghouse" --- This past month, I kept on saying to my supporters, staff, interns, volunteers and myself, that no matter what happened on November 4th that we could hold our heads up high and be very proud of our campaign. Until yesterday, I wasn't sure that what I said would be true, but I feel an incredibly sense of peace and pride in our accomplishments. There were so many victories over the last year that the American paradigm of "winner-take all" just doesn't fit." -- Most of the people living in San Francisco have made their choice perfectly clear....and they have chosen power in that cesspit called Washington DC, and to give their unstinting support to the continuation of the NRE with all that that portends in misery, agony and death, over and above all other considerations.  For the seventeen percent who voted for Cindy Sheehan (a remarkable percentage considering Sheehan was going up against one of this country's most powerful, MIOC and financial elite funded politicians, with hardly any support or publicity) thanks to all of you for bringing a touch of spring, a token of human dignity and decency, to the winter wasteland of this website editor’s heartfelt belief that all of human nature is rent in tooth and claw.  For more on this issue issue see....The City by the Bay - Sophistry and "Liberal" Hot Air or Principals - It's Time to Choose - 10-29-08 - mpg

Congratulations Cindy Sheehan
A quote...."With tremendous respect and appreciation, congratulations Cindy on your run against the formidable Democratic House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi. Success does not always reveal itself in the number of levers pulled, buttons pushed, screens touched or whatever godforsaken voting machine one uses in California’s District 8."

2008 VoteWatch - Wednesday Round-Up - 2 Articles [Day 3] ========== ========== ==========

The Pits: Georgia's GOP Swipes the Peach State
A quote...."The Pits: Georgia's GOP Swipes the Peach State by Greg Palast for SuicideGirls.com - November 5, 2008 --  The evil little &*%$'s are doing it again. --  Even as they drown in the anger of platoons of pissed-off voters, Republican operatives are swiping ballots with both hands. --  Ground zero is Georgia.  It's here where the sick little vulture named Saxby Chambliss won the US Senate seat six years ago by calling his Democratic opponent, a guy who'd lost three limbs in Vietnam, a friend of Osama bin Laden. -- There's no way in hell that Chambliss can slime his way back into the Senate in the face of over half a million newly registered voters (Black and young - 69% for Obama) without jacking them out of their votes.  That's what the Republicans are up to.  Right now.  As we speak." -- Also posted at OpEdNews

Yes, Election Rigging Does Still Exist
A quote...."I just read an article by Glenn Greenwald in which he seems to be trying to put to bed the notion that election fraud and manipulation is possible with these electronic voting machines. He is using this election and the one from 2006 as his “proof”." -- Let’s get something straight right off the bat; we owe a great deal to the people who have been tirelessly reporting on the dangers of these machines. Just because the tool wasn’t used this time, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. To draw that conclusion is foolish and irresponsible, Mr. Greenwald. --  Let’s get something else straight here; this is not just the republicans we are talking about here. Yes, the dems won in 2006 and they took control of the House and Senate. But what did we win? The mandate to end the war and bring our troops home was forgotten, impeachment was off the table, and everything that the corporate controlled system wanted in place was approved by the House and the Senate.  Hell, they didn’t even crush the Homegrown Terrorism Act. Our constitution has been ravaged, since 2006."

END - 2008 VoteWatch - Wednesday Round-Up - 2 Articles [Day 3] ========== ========== ========

Iraq VP calls for national referendum on US status of forces agreement
A quote...."[JURIST] Iraqi Sunni Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi [personal website, in Arabic], one of two Iraqi vice presidents, called Tuesday for a national referendum on a proposed US-Iraqi Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) [CFR materials]."

Sadrists call on Obama to withdraw troops from Iraq
A quote...."BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: The Sadrist bloc on Wednesday called on the newly-elected U.S. President Barack Obama to withdraw troops from Iraq. -- “We demand Obama and other American officials to interact with the Iraqi and U.S. people to pullout troops from Iraq,” the Sadrist bloc’s Spokesman Ahmed al-Massoudi told Aswat al-Iraq. -- “Obama’s victory is an internal affair and he made promises to pull out troops from Iraq. The Iraqi people do not care about who will lead America, they only care about their independence,” he explained."

Cholera Spreading Rapidly Across Iraq
A quote...."The latest report by the World Health Organization notes a rapid spread of cholera. (1) As of October 29, there were 644 confirmed cases of cholera, and 62 others under investigation. On October 20, there were 531 cases. That was an increase of 113 cases in just nine days." -- The US (NRE) didn't sell any blankets to the Iraqis....did they? - mpg

German Daily Slams Israel for Spreading Lies over Iran
A quote...."TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- A German newspaper on Monday lashed out at the Zionist lobby in Germany for spreading lies and misinformation over Iran's nuclear program. -- The leftist daily Junge Welt accused the German Zionist lobby of being involved in a "psychological warfare against Iran" by launching the so-called 'Stop The Bomb' campaign which is mainly aimed at discrediting Tehran's peaceful civilian nuclear program."

Obama picks pro-Israel hardliner for top post
This should not come as a surprise to anyone given Bombs Away O-Bomb-a's craven, fawning, "performance" at AIPAC - mpg -- A quote...."During the United States election campaign, racists and pro-Israel hardliners tried to make an issue out of President-elect Barack Obama's middle name, Hussein. Such people might take comfort in another middle name, that of Obama's pick for White House Chief of Staff: Rahm Israel Emanuel."

Mr. President, We Too Have A Dream - (An open letter to President-Elect Barack Obama) - posted at PC
How much money do the Palestinians have?  How much money do Israel's supporters have? Case closed, end of story, end of the Palestnians....period. -- The picture of the kid's great, his expression looks just like the kid in Oliver Twist...."could I have some more soup sir...please"  Not gonna happen kid, you're just gonna get squat. - mpg -- A quote...."I consider your election as President of United States of America as a miracle in itself. Born as the son of a Kenyan man and a white woman from Kansas who weren't well-off or well-known, through hard work and perseverance today you have become the President of United States of America."
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Israel breaks Gaza ceasefire, assassinates six
A quote...."The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) condemns in the strongest possible terms the killing of six Palestinians carried out by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) in the Gaza Strip yesterday evening and this morning. The victims were all killed by air strikes. This escalation is the first of its kind since the tahdia (the Egyptian-brokered truce between Palestinian resistance groups and Israel) entered into force on 19 June 2008."

Hamas fires rockets at Israel after 6 killed
A quote...."GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Israel and Gaza’s Hamas rulers scrambled Wednesday to contain fallout from the deadliest outbreak of violence since a truce brought an uneasy peace to the area five months ago. -- Gaza militants pounded southern Israel with dozens of rockets to avenge raids that left six militants dead, but the guns quickly fell silent with neither side appearing to have much to gain from renewed hostilities."

Israel orders all Israel-Gaza goods crossings full closure
A quote...."JERUSALEM, Nov. 5 (Xinhua) -- Israeli security establishment ordered the full closure of all goods crossings between Israel and Gaza after Palestinian militants in Gaza fired more than 35 Qassam rockets and mortar shells early Wednesday at the western city of Negev."

Gaza residents 'terribly trapped'
A quote...."A former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson, has told the BBC she was taken aback by the "terrible" conditions in Gaza on a recent visit. - Mrs Robinson said it was "almost unbelievable" that the world did not care about what she called "a shocking violation of so many human rights".

Travesty of Tolerance on Display in Jerusalem - Museum lays waste to ancient Muslim cemetery
A quote...."Israel seems to have little time for the irony that a modern Jewish shrine to "coexistence and tolerance" is being built on the graves of the city's Muslim forefathers. - The Israeli Supreme Court's approval last week of the building of a Jewish Museum of Tolerance over an ancient Muslim cemetery in Jerusalem is the latest in a series of legal and physical assaults on Islamic holy places since Israel's founding in 1948." -- Reminds this website editor of a scene from the movie "Schindler's List" wherein the commandant of the Krakow concentration camp, Amon Göth, is motivating his troops by describing the "end of history" for the Jews in Poland while he's walking back and forth on the camp's newly paved road....paved with the headstones from a nearby Jewish cemetery. - mpg

One year after Annapolis
A quote...."It seems like another age, but it was only one year ago that United States President George W. Bush and his administration were preparing to bring Israelis and Palestinians together to launch a final push for a peace settlement."
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Dear Barack: Please Stop Civilian Casualties in Afghanistan. Love, Hamid
A quote...."More grim news from Afghanistan: An airstrike by U.S.-led forces may have claimed the lives of more civilians. The New York Times quotes Afghan officials as saying as many as 40 civilians were killed after a coalition airstrike hit a wedding party in Kandahar province."

Air strikes kill dozens of wedding guests - Again!! 
A quote...."KANDAHAR, AFGHANISTAN — Dozens of Afghan civilians are dead and dozens more are wounded after a series of air strikes aimed at Taliban fighters fell short of their target and exploded in the middle of a wedding party in a mountainous region north of Kandahar city, tribal elders and wedding guests told The Globe and Mail on Tuesday. -- Survivors of the attacks, which occurred in the village of Wech Baghtu in the district of Shah Wali Kowt on Monday evening, said the majority of the dead and injured were women – the bombs struck while male and female wedding guests were segregated, as is customary in Kandahar province." -- One realizes that the US has now become the New Roman Empire and it's elites currently think weddings exist only for the "little people", or as "spectator sports-media-publicity events", that they're "all just so passé nowadays" (at least heterosexual weddings anyway) but don't you folks out there think this is taking the NRE's animosity toward this institution a little bit too far?  Just how many more wedding parties is the NRE going to bomb? - mpg

African Free Trade Zone To Become Reality - Good for the Africans.  Africa's New Economic Union perhaps? mpg
Special Note - A quote...."Historic agreement could herald start of an economic revolution. - 26 African countries have signed an agreement in Uganda that aims to create Africa’s largest free trade area within the next six months. - The plan aims to merge the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (Comesa), the East African Community (EAC) and the Southern African Development Community (Sadc) into one regional economic market. - Local reports said the merger would create a free trade area comprising over 527 million people and a combined GDP of $624 billion."  - bold by website editor

The GM genocide: Thousands of Indian farmers are committing suicide after using genetically modified crops
A quote...."When Prince Charles claimed thousands of Indian farmers were killing themselves after using GM crops, he was branded a scaremonger. In fact, as this chilling dispatch reveals, it's even WORSE than he feared."

[British] Government black boxes will 'collect every email'
A quote...."Internet "black boxes" will be used to collect every email and web visit in the UK under the Government's plans for a giant "big brother" database, The Independent has learn."

Every [British] MP to receive a copy of Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four"
A quote...."04 Nov 2008 The Libertarian Party UK 1984 campaign is this week delivering a copy of George Orwell's prophetic novel to every Member of Parliament. The books will be inscribed with the words, 'This book was a warning, not a blueprint' and will arrive at Parliament on or before November 5th - a date of well known historical significance for that building." -- Paragraph quoted from CLG

Remember remember the fifth of November
The gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no of no reason why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot....

'Merchant of Death' accuses his accusers
A quote...."The defence team of the so-called ‘Merchant of Death’ Viktor Bout, who’s accused of illegal arms dealing, is trying to prove that his initial arrest and detention were illegal. RT’s Evgeny Belenkiy reports from Bangkok." -- This case is interesting because Viktor Bout (a character who was modeled after him was played by Nicholas Cage in the movie Lord of War) has done business with just about everyone, much of it with "agencies" in the US (NRE) and also supposedly with the Taliban and al-Qaeda (al-CIA-da).  Nobody wants him talking, if he’s not released somehow, he may just suffer a “tragic accident”. - mpg -- For more on this issue see....US Support of Terror

Venezuela Buys Chinese Jets
A quote...."November 4, 2008: Venezuela is buying 18 K-8 jet trainers from China. Also known as the JL-8, it uses the 770 pound, 9.5 foot long Ukrainian Motor Sich AI-25TLK (3,300 pounds of thrust) jet engines, to power the 4.3 ton, two seat aircraft."

Russia Plans to Deploy Missiles Near Poland
A quote...."In his first State of the Nation speech, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev announced his nation’s plan to counter America’s missile defense system being built in Poland and the Czech Republic. Iskander missiles will be deployed to the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, as well as electronic jamming equipment."

Europe fears new arms race
A quote...."Kremlin plans to deploy missiles in the western Russian territory of Kaliningrad have sparked criticism in the West. President Dmitry Medvedev said the move was a response to the proposed U.S. missile shield in eastern Europe, but it’s raised fears of a new arms race and was described as “the wrong signal at the wrong time”."
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Welcoming winter - Commentary: Halloween Indicator on Monday went on a buy signal
Special Note - Market Tech. -- A quote...."For those of you unfamiliar with the Halloween Indicator, you might know it by its other name: "Sell in May and Go Away." [which is an investment strategy that usually works pretty well. - But not always. - mpg] Regardless of what it's called, it refers to the seasonal tendency of the stock market to perform better during the November-through-April period (the so-called winter months) than in the other six months of the year (the summer months)." -- "Those who followed this indicator this past year went to cash at the close of April 30, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average  stood at 12,820. They re-entered at the close this past Friday, when the Dow stood at 9,325. In other words, followers were in the safety of cash during a six-month period in which the Dow dropped 27%." -- " How far back in history do we have to go to find another May-through-October period that performed worse than this year? The answer is 1931, when the Dow dropped by more than 30% during the six-month summer period. Does a particularly poor market return during the summer months increase the odds for a particularly good performance for the market in the subsequent six-month "winter" period? Unfortunately not." - bold/underline by website editor

Collapse of US auto sales points to deep recession
A quote...."Sales of new vehicles in the US plummeted in October as consumers—hit by growing unemployment, falling income and tighter credit—sharply reduced purchases of cars and trucks. Sales fell by a staggering 31.9 percent last month over the previous year in a further sign the US economy has entered a deep and protracted downturn, threatening the jobs of millions of working people."

Private sector job losses accelerate in Oct.: ADP
A quote...."WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Private-sector companies in the U.S. lost 157,000 jobs in October, according to the ADP employment report released Wednesday."

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