Friday December 19th 2014

No posts. - mpg

Thursday December 18the 2014

The Bankster International
Must Read - Outstanding Analysis! -- A quote...."Geopolitical analysis, the art of explaining power relationships through the prism of impersonal geography, can be a helpful tool for observers of the Great Game – but it also has its limitations. A case in point is the renewed US-Russia confrontation. Think tanks and policy insiders easily sell the narrative that from the dark days of the Cold War to our own time, Russia and the United States are fated to play in a zero-sum contest for the future of Eurasia and the world. Deterministic theories, though, can be used to legitimize predatory policy, and pseudo-scientific formulae often conceal manipulations by parasitic elites. Scoring a fortune off human misery and mass death, plundering economic assets, and shaping entire societies in one’s own image all find justification in claims of historical inevitability and the necessity of “progress.”"

Imperialism and the Ruble Crisis
Must Read - A quote...."Were Russia to accept the US-NATO diktat, its surrender would simply set the stage for further demands, whose ultimate outcome would be the actual breakup of the country. -- The catastrophic consequences of the dissolution of the USSR in 1991 and the restoration of capitalism is all too clear. Russia, the size of its military and its oil reserves notwithstanding, is being forced to accept a position as a semi-colonial appendage of finance capital, to be crushed if it crosses its imperialist masters. -- The banks are tightening the financial noose around Russia’s neck. Anders Aslund of the Petersen Institute for International Economics wrote that, since Washington imposed sanctions on Russia in July, “Russia has received no significant international financing—not even from Chinese state banks—because everybody is afraid of US financial regulators.”

The Rise of Putinism
Must Read - A quote...."By Patrick J. Buchanan - “Abe tightens grip on power as Japanese shun election.” -- So ran the page one headline of the Financial Times on the victory of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Sunday’s elections. -- Abe is the most nationalistic leader of postwar Japan. He is rebooting nuclear power, building up Japan’s military, asserting her rights in territorial disputes with China and Korea. -- And he is among a host of leaders of large and emerging powers who may fairly be described as the new nationalistic strong men." - Source:  RussiaInsider
This is not just about Putin, it is an observation about a movement sweeping the world today. In this website editor's opinion, a movement that did NOT arise in reaction to "liberal democracy", but is instead a visceral counter-reaction to an atomizing  anti-community, anti-human, dis-empowering and enslaving control matrix.  An invisible grid of persuasion more horribly totalitarian than any blatant statist "leftist" or "rightist" structures ever constructed by mankind.  A chillingly efficient method of turning entire populations into obedient, slavish, unquestioning cattle, being imposed from above by a tiny ruthless band of parasites.  We've seen this sort of counter-reaction before in history. Usually the parasites are able to turn it to their advantage by exacerbating and playing nationalist sentiments, and peoples, off against each other in horrible wars. -- Not this time. - mpg
Fascism and War: Elite Tools to Crush and Kill Dissent
Must Read - A quote...."Every time Westerners’ approval for war is required, the myth of the good war surfaces: the Second World War was a good war, a necessity to quench Hitler’s blood thirst. Pauwels tears this myth apart, uncovering the vicious nature of the western elite. -- The reasons for the US involvement in World War II lie in the social-economic conditions of the time, not in an outpouring of compassion destined to save humanity from fascism. The US elite was actually in favor of fascism, a very convenient tool to crush the mass revolutionary movement embodied by the Russian Revolution and the USSR. -- WWII was in fact a continuity of WWI."

U.S. Gov’t. Seeks Excuse to Attack Russia - ICH Funding Drive - [Click Here]
A quote...."December 17, 2014 "ICH" - The world is more nervous about the drift toward nuclear war between the U.S. and Russia than at any time since 1962’s Cuban Missile Crisis. When French President Francois Hollande urgently side-tracked his return-flight from a diplomatic mission recently, in order to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin at Moscow’s Vnukovo Airport, at a private room that had been scoured ahead of time to eliminate any possible bugging devices, there was speculation as to what had caused Hollande’s sudden detour, and there were even rumors of a possible cause being an American “false-flag” event in the works to be blamed on Russia as a pretext for going to war against Russia, just as Russia had been falsely blamed for the Ukrainian military’s downing of Malaysia’s airliner MH17 on July 17th. All that was publicly released about the two-hour meeting were platitudes, hardly anything that would have justified side-tracking Hollande’s flight so as to surprise intelligence agencies and be able to meet the Russian leader in an untapped room."- also posted at WkUpF/YrSlmbr

The Oil Coup - US-Saudi Subterfuge Send Stocks and Credit Reeling - ICH Funding Drive - [Click Here]
A quote...."December 17, 2014 "ICH" - "Counterpunch" -  U.S. powerbrokers have put the country at risk of another financial crisis to intensify their economic war on Moscow and to move ahead with their plan to “pivot to Asia”." - Source:  CounterPunch - also posted at WkUpF/YrSlmbr

The Unspeakable in Afghanistan
A quote...."2014 marks the deadliest year in Afghanistan for civilians, fighters, and foreigners. The situation has reached a new low as the myth of the Afghan state continues. Thirteen years into America’s longest war, the international community argues that Afghanistan is growing stronger, despite nearly all indicators suggesting otherwise. Most recently, the central government failed (again) to conduct fair and organized elections or demonstrate their sovereignty. Instead, John Kerry flew into the country and arranged new national leadership. The cameras rolled and a unity government was declared."

Manufacturing War: A Primer - ICH Funding Drive - [Click Here]
A quote...."December 17, 2014 "ICH" - "WWW" - - So said Hermann Göring, Hitler’s right-hand man, before he committed suicide while facing the death penalty for war crimes in 1946. -- Unfortunately, what might be called The Göring Doctrine has proved as tempting to democratic leaders as to fascist dictators. Witness these examples drawn from recent American history."

The Real Scale of U.S. Defense Spending
A quote...."Remember back in 2002 when President Bush allegedly canned his chief economic advisor, Larry Lindsey, for saying that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could cost more than $100 billion? Well, it turns out Bush was right to fire him because his estimates were way off! So far the cost of the wars to U.S. taxpayers is nearly $3 trillion—a figure that could double in the future as the associated legacy costs (e.g., veteran healthcare benefits) mount." - Notice the chart didn't include interest on the debt.  If you factor that in, it's over a trillion a year. - mpg

The illegal arrest of Giulietto Chiesa - yet another example of European hypocrisy
A quote..."On December 15, 2014 the Italian reporter Giulietto Chiesa, who had been invited to take part in a conference in Tallinn on Russian-European relations, was detained by the Estonian authorities for a few hours after being declared "persona non grata". Facts appear to point to a deliberate move on the part of the Estonian authorities meant to prevent the journalist from attending the conference, thus censoring the speech he was supposed to deliver."
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A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia...

Important Appeal For Help To All Russian Speakers!
Must Read - A quote...."Today I am writing to you to appeal for your help.  By now it must be clear to everybody that what is taking place today is not just some "Cold War v2" or some "East-West tensions", but a full-scale total war between not only Russia and the USA, but  between the entire AngloZionist Empire and the Resistance (lead by Russia and the BRICS).  Make no mistake, this is not about the Ukraine or, even less so, about the Donbass.  This is about regime change in Moscow.  Ask yourself a simple question: what will happen to China, Iran, Latin America and the rest of the planet if the AngloZionists are successful and a Eltsin/Proshenko/Hollande/Abbot/etc-like figure takes over the Kremlin?  I am not saying that Russia today "is" the Resistance, but I am saying that Russia is absolutely indispensable for the Resistance.  If Russia loses this war, the Empire wins the planet.  And if Russia wins, that will be the end of the Empire. That is really that simple."

The Feeding Begins: Foreign Bankers Descend on Ukraine
Must Read - A quote...."December 18, 2014 (F. William Engdahl - NEO) - If it were not for the fact that the lives of some 45 million people are at stake, Ukrainian national politics could be laughed off as a very sick joke. Any pretenses that the October national elections would bring a semblance of genuine democracy of the sort thousands of ordinary Ukrainians demonstrated for on Maidan Square just one year ago vanished with the announcement by Victoria Nuland’s darling Prime Minister, “Yat” Yatsenyuk, of his new cabinet." - also posted at ICH

Ukrainian Nazis and Chechen Wahabis now appear to be working together
Ukrainian Nazis & Chechen Wahhabis - True Love - Since they're both sponsored by the same Anglo-Sphere, PNAC'ing, Israeli, Euro-Kazarian, trans-nationals, it makes sense. - mpg -- A quote...."Interesting news this morning: Khasan Zakaev, one of the terrorist which organized and executed the 2002 attack against the Dubrovka theater in Moscow and an aid to Shamil Basaev was arrested in Crimea when he tried to enter from the Ukraine with false documents. -- I very much doubt that Zakaev wanted to visit Crimea to enjoy the beautiful sights, sample the local cuisine or to relax on the seashore.  Not coming from the Ukraine.  Not with fake documents.  In fact, I would argue that it is pretty darn obvious that if he took the huge risk of entering not just any Russian territory, but a highly monitored and secured one, he was there on a mission."

UN rights watchdog accuses Kiev forces of torture, inhumane treatment of civilians
The Gazafication Of Ukraine - Continues -- A quote...."Kiev-controlled volunteer battalions and the Ukrainian Security Service are involved in an increasing number of human rights violations including torture and forced disappearances of those suspected of “separatism,” according to a UN OHCHR report." - Source:  RT

Ukraine has a high probability of a coup
The Destabilization of Ukraine - Continues -- A quote...."The former head of the Ukrainian intelligence Mykola Malomuzh published the data about the imminent release of the presidency in Ukraine. The existing system headed Poroshenko may be overthrown. "

Chevron Shale Exit Shreds Ukraine’s Hope of Energy Independence
The Pray Has Not Been Sufficiently Subdued - (And some of the predators are leaving until it is.  mpg) -  Shale gas was supposed to be Ukraine’s ticket to greater energy independence from Russia. Chevron Corp. (CVX)’s decision to pull the plug has smashed those hopes."

Is Yatsenyuk Just Stupid or Is He a Criminal?
Why do we have to choose.  Why can't he be a stupid criminal? - mpg -- A quote..."On October 24 of this year, the Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk announced that the fall of the Russian ruble exchange rate has a negative impact on the financial situation in Ukraine. - "In fact, today is a 'Black Friday' for the Russian economy and the Russian ruble. Usually, after this, we get a wave of financial instability due to the insolvency of Russia", - said the head of the government then."

Luhansk republic adapting legislation to Russian model - LPR official
A quote...."The self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) plans to create its own legislation based on Russian laws, the speaker of LPR’s parliament, Alexey Karyakin said on Thursday." - also posted at SCF

Poroshenko and Kolomoyskyi: A war for what’s left of Ukraine
A quote...."After all these exciting things passed, the country was left to grapple with an electricity shortage that reached 5,600 MW as of December 4. But this kaleidoscope of events has distracted from the real story: the carving up of power in Ukraine. The massive war between Poroshenko and Kolomoyskyi, which started this spring, likely won’t end before summer 2015 at the earliest." - Source: Ukraina

The EU Gives Up on Ukraine
A quote...."As we have always said, the EU's policy towards Ukraine made no sense with the EU aligning itself with a government that had come to power illegally and which is not really pro-EU but rather violently Russophobic. "
After Ukraine: Are the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary Veering Off The NATO/EU Reservation?  -- Must Read - A quote...."Despite the firmness shown by the EU’s biggest players when it comes to sanctioning Putin’s Russia, lower down the pecking order some member states are not happy. Unlike the most craven and obedient puppets — the Baltic States and Poland — it took some arm twisting to get the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary to agree to punish Moscow for annexing Crimea. Each country is dependent for much of its energy on Russia with which there are also valued economic ties. Why rock the boat? Despite hyperbole claiming that Vladimir Putin was intent on taking them over and rebuilding the iron curtain, in reality, Russia has been an unproblematic neighbour for a quarter of a century."

US Ambassador to Russia is a Regime Change Hit Man and Serious Trouble-maker
A quote...."For diplomats of any country, Moscow represents a plum posting. If you are selected to serve there it implies your government has great trust in your abilities and you have had a previous career of meritorious service. Or it means you are John Tefft. -- Controversy follows John Tefft wherever he goes. This diplomatic pit bull has a disturbing talent for stirring up trouble – exactly the opposite of what diplomats are supposed to do. Whenever he leaves a posting local commentators assume his career is finished. Yet he keeps showing up wherever the US wants to foment trouble – pretending he is a simple functionary, out of his depth, when in fact there are few depths he will not sink to." - Source:  NEO

A Friend of Russia Leads the Italian Opposition (Matteo Salvini)
A quote...."His Facebook page has 530,000 Likes. In the European Parliament he has forged an hopeful alliance with Marine Le Pen. He and his fellow party members wore last September in Strasbourg the white T-shirt reading "No sanzioni alla Russia" that went viral. He has been twice to Moscow over the past three months; in October the Duma tributed him a standing ovation. -- Meet Matteo Salvini, the rising star of Italian politics. Native of Milan, 41, married, one daughter, he became Lega Nord's party leader in December 2013."

From Ruble To Rubble….And Back?

Moar on the Attack Against the Ruble - Charts - A quote...."Does this move make much sense? We actually don’t think so – oil is certainly very important for Russia’s economy, but a recent study of the Russian economy (pdf) concludes that the energy industry actually contributes only 16% to total economic output in Russia. The reason why people in the West are somewhat less aware of what Russia produces is that it is exporting a lot to former Eastern Bloc satellites and former Soviet Republics."

China Prepares To Bailout Russia
Moar on the Attack Against the Ruble - Related Article -- A quote...."Earlier this evening China's State Administration of Foreign Exchange's (SAFE) Wang Yungui noted "the impact of the Russian Ruble depreciation was unclear yet, and, as Bloomberg reported, "SAFE is closely watching Ruble's depreciation and encouraging companies to hedge Ruble risks." His comments also echoed the ongoing FX reform agenda aimed at increasing Yuan flexibility...."

Ukrainian Soldier Confirms: Ukraine’s Military Shot Down Malaysian MH17 Plane
08]   A quote...."A Ukrainian soldier who was part of the crew that operated the supposed missile-battery that the Ukrainian Government claims shot down the Malaysian MH17 airliner on July 17th has testified publicly for the first time, saying that the missile-battery was operated by the Ukrainian military, not by the rebels as asserted, and that he and his former crew-mates who operated it laughed when they heard their Government say that this missile-battery was operated by rebels and had shot the airliner down." - also posted at RINF - For more on this issue see.... Keiv's Arranged Shoot-Down of MH-17
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The ISIS Gambit - Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....& The Kurds....

U.S. slaps sanctions on Swiss, Dutch companies over Syria
ISIS Gambit - US-NRE Supports ISIS Oil Industry - (By attacking their competitors) - The US-NRE imposes sanctions on those who trade for oil with the Syrian Government, BUT NOT, you will ALL note, for those who trade for oil with ISIS. - mpg -- A quote...."The United States on Wednesday slapped sanctions on Dutch and Swiss oil trading firms for their dealings with the Syrian government, which has been engaged in bloody civil war with opposition forces."

Syrian Opposition Parties Reject Foreign Intervention
ISIS Gambit - Foreigners Go Home -- A quote...."Damascus, Dec 17 (Prensa Latina) Various Syrian opposition parties have called for an end to the economic sanctions against Syria and stop the flow of radicals and mercenaries to that country, broadcast local television channels." - For more articles on these issues see below....
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, North & Central Africa & Others...

Operation To Free Yazidi Town Begins; 131 Killed Across Iraq
A quote...."A large number of militants were killed in northern Iraq today during an operation to liberate Sinjar. Overall at least 131 people were killed and 12 were wounded."
NATO’s report on operation in Afghanistan doesn’t show actual situation — Russian diplomat
A quote...."In early December, NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg submitted to the United Nations Security Council a report of the results of the 13-year presence of the ISAF in Afghanistan."

Turkish people gather in Istanbul to protest media crackdown
A quote...."Turkish people have converged on Istanbul's courthouse to protest against the government’s intensified crackdown on opposition media."

Fighting in Libya's Benghazi kills 25 in eight days: medics
A quote..."(Reuters) - At least 25 people have been killed and 103 wounded in the past eight days of fighting between pro-government forces and Islamist groups in Libya's second city Benghazi, medics said on Thursday."

16 girls among 26 killed in Yemen
A quote...."Some 26 civilians including 16 schoolgirls were among the dead Tuesday in a double bomb attack in the central Yemeni city of Radaa, authorities said."

Yemeni PM Bahah's cabinet wins parliamentary approval: sources
A quote...."(Reuters) - Yemeni Prime Minister Khaled Bahah's cabinet won a parliamentary vote of confidence on Thursday, freeing it to tackle major challenges facing the country, including dealing with Shi'ite Muslim Houthi militia who control the capital Sanaa."

Egypt army kills 17 in Sinai in the past 3 days
A quote...."“The armed forces have staged several raids…during which 17 terrorists were killed in exchanges of fire with army and civil forces,” Egyptian military spokesman Mohamed Samir said on Facebook."

Pakistan mourns school massacre dead
A quote..."Relatives of 162 victims prepare for funerals as PM Sharif lifts ban on death penalty for terrorism charges."

Pakistan lifts death penalty moratorium
Related Article - A quote....."PM approves abolishing the ban on executions in terror cases in the wake of Peshawar school massacre, which killed 141"

Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. at Press TV
PRSTVideo - Alt - (PRSTVYuTb - 4min27sec - Dec 16, 2014) - Source:  WTFC -- Producer Websites:  PressTV - YuTb - LiveLk - Twtr - AltPressTVSites -- Guest Websites:  WebsterTarpleyWTRadio - Webster Tarpley@YuTb - A quote...."Sydney Hostage Taker and “Hate Sheikh” Man Haron Monis a Notorious Psychopath: on Bail Pending Trial Together with Girlfriend for Stabbing/Burning Murder of Ex-Wife; Charged with Over 50 Rapes; Flew the Nusra-Al Qaeda Flag; Vilified Iran & Assad on Twitter; Harassed Soldiers’ Families; Many Takfiri Posts Online — Evidently a Protected ASIO Patsy." - bold by website editor

Nigeria: 10 killed, 2 abducted in Borno attack
A quote...."Gunmen suspected to be members of dreaded Boko Haram terrorists Wednesday waylaid motorists in Madari village of Kukawa local government area of Borno state, killing 10 people, while a young aged woman and her two years old child were abducted."

Boko Haram Kills 32, Kidnaps 185 More in Northeast Nigeria Raid
A quote..."A raid last weekend led to another major round of kidnappings by Boko Haram in northeastern Nigeria, with 185 women and children captured in Gumsuri village."

Armed groups recruit 10,000 child soldiers in Central African Republic: NGO
A quote...."DAKAR (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Up to 10,000 children have been recruited by armed groups during the conflict in the Central African Republic (CAR) despite a U.N.-backed peacekeeping presence, the number rising sharply in the past two years, Save the Children said on Thursday."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

The Israel Lobby Cowbird
Must Read - Concept Note - (Brilliant analogy!) -- A quote...."How is the Israel lobby like a swarm of cowbirds?  Cowbirds use the devious strategy of brood parasitism, arriving at the nest of more parentally-oriented birds to lay their own eggs.  Cowbirds then enjoy unburdened freedom to forage and thrive while their own young are raised, fed and protected by unsuspecting parents.  If an avian host dares remove the cowbird's offspring, the host's own eggs—if not the entire nest—will likely be destroyed by the watchful cowbird.  This coercive relationship is eerily similar to how Israel lobbying organizations flit about Washington, hatching operatives into the U.S. federal government to pursue a solitary goal—advancing the interests of a foreign state without the obligation of registering foreign agents or working through properly credentialed diplomats as rest of the flock of nations must."
By the way, this is EXACTLY how a fiat script (Leverage) works!! (a Euro-Kazarian specialty) When you print the script (a debt-claim note) and give it to your friends and Bankster buddies, you diminish the value of the script laboriously gathered by others, while enriching you and your friends at no cost.  Also, you do the same when using Leverage, (derivatives, naked shorts, re-hypothication) when you attack the script of others (perhaps even being bold enough to actually engage in counterfeiting someone else's script!). - mpg  
Israel’s Impunity Enables War Crimes to Continue
A quote...."It has been more than three months since Israel halted its latest massacre in the Gaza Strip. The destruction wrought by Israel’s onslaught was nothing short of apocalyptic. “The destruction which I have seen coming here is beyond description”, said the UN Secretary General during his visit to Gaza. In a similar vein, the president of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Peter Maurer, stated, “I’ve never seen such massive destruction ever before.”" - Source:  TeleSUR

The Jewish Cosmopolitans Have Reached The Anal Stage
A Warning To The "Jewish" Community -- A quote...."By Gilad Atzmon -- Two month ago, we became aware of an utterly gross video  ‘installation’ by Natalie Cohen-Waxberg. In the video, Cohen-Waxberg poo-ed over many national flags including Arab flags. Apparently, smearing other people’s symbols with human excrement is consistent with Jewish cosmopolitan ideology. At the time, I didn’t notice any Jewish Left organisations criticise Cohen-Waxberg’s production.  For obvious reasons, I do not want to embed her video into this article. If you want to watch this despicable piece of ‘progressive art,’ you can follow this link" - Source:  GiladAtzmon

Christian Christmas Symbols Outlawed– Jewish Menorahs Erected — The Jewish Takeover of America!
A quote...."Nothing that better illustrates the Jewish extremist takeover of America than the triumphant Jewish War on Christmas! -- Jewish organizations have been the leaders of the legal fight to ban Christian Christmas symbols from American public life. The largest Jewish organizations in America such as the American Jewish Committee, has financed and sponsored numerous lawsuits saying that Christian Manger scenes and Christian crosses cannot be erected on any public ground."

Unique Christmas Message In Houston: "Bethlehem Like A Prison, Under Israeli Occupation"
A quote....""Separating Bethlehem from Jerusalem and the rest of the world, will not bring peace." (Roman Catholic Patriarch Fouad Twal). "In many ways Bethlehem has become the quintessential Palestinian city under occupation: its population confronted with daily abuse, its historic geography and landscape ruined by the expansion of illegal settlements, the serpentine Israeli Separation Wall cutting deep into its heart and severing it from its ancient political, social, economic and religious links to Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank, and its economic prospects are further challenged with every passing year. For the Palestinians living in Bethlehem and its environs each Christmas has become less of a reason to celebrate than a cause to reflect on the immense tragedy that has befallen this holy city, which is home to one of the oldest Christian communities on Earth."

Jeb Bush uses Hanukkah greeting to announce presidential bid
#1)  A quote...."Commentary by Dr. Patrick Slattery – Is it any surprise that the latest iteration from the political family that devoted itself to wasting American lives in wars for Israel would adopt the Jewish calendar and anounce his presidental campaign on this, the first day of Hanukkah? Why not? Republican presidential candidates are now just as dependent on Jewish donors as Democrats traditionally have been. The crew of potential front-runners have trod a path to Sheldon Adelson’s Las Vegas wheel chair. And, as the report below from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency makes clear, Jewish Republicans look approvingly at Bush as a goy willing to do their bidding."

Rick Perry One-Ups Both Rand & Jeb, Does Crazy-Dance With Rabbis In the Street For Hanukkah
#2)  A quote....."Governor Rick Perry of Texas is trying, and has succeeded, to 'out-Jew' both Rand Paul and Jeb Bush combined, in his apparent preparations of bid for the 2016 GOP presidential primary. -- Perry first participated in a Menorah lighting ceremony, and then did a wild dance in the street with a bunch of Jewish rabbis."
Regarding the two articles shown above, some of you out there may still doubt Israel's hold over the US government.  They own it, lock, stock and two smoking politicians. - mpg
Liquid Used in Alleged West Bank "Acid Attack" Determined to be Vinegar
Israeli Hasbara - Exposed -- A quote...."The Jerusalem Post has reported that the acid thrown by a Palestinian on six Israelis in the occupied West Bank, Friday, was actually vinegar, according to Channel 2." - Another in an incredibly long list of lies exposed. - mpg

Palestinian woman who stabbed Israeli settler was defending herself: official
Israeli Hasbara - Exposed -- You're not allowed to defend yourself from the "chosen", "special" and "exceptional" ones. - mpg -- A quote...."A Palestinian woman suspected of stabbing an Israeli settler on December 1 was defending herself after being harassed by the man, a Palestinian official claimed Tuesday. -- Amal Jamal Taqatqa, 22, was shot and critically wounded by soldiers near Gush Etzion on December 1 after allegedly stabbing an Israeli settler." - Source:  al-Akhbar

Torture in Israeli Prisons
A quote...." Washington and Israel replicate each other's worst crimes. A previous article discussed a UN Committee Against Torture report. -- Citing grave US civil and human rights abuses. Including systematic use of torture. Senate Intelligence Committee members confirmed it. In highly redacted form."  - For more articles on these issues see below
The US feels the heat on Palestine vote at UN - ICH Funding Drive - [Click Here]
"The US Feels the heat on Palestine vote at UN"??? -- Get real folks!  -- The US-NRE could become a toasted charcoal briquette and it would still veto or vote for anything and everything on behalf of its masters in Tel Aviv. -- People (and commentators) have got to get a realistic grip on this issue.  When you have every single up and coming politician in this country pilgrimage to Israel to ask "permission" to run for office, it is a clear demonstration that this nation is Israel's colony, period.  Any political prognostications that do not take that into account are to be honest, not very useful. - mpg

US Confirms: We’ll [Kiss Israel's Ass &] Veto UN Resolution on Israeli Occupation of Palestine
Related Article - Told'ya -- A quote..."The State Department has confirmed that the US is going to veto the Palestinian/Jordanian bill at the UN Security Council which would call for an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestine within three years."

Claims that boys were murdered by VIP sex ring are credible and true - police
A quote...."Scotland Yard has said claims by a witness that a “VIP” sex abuse ring murdered three boys are “credible and true”. -- The allegations made by the witness, known by the pseudonym Nick, have triggered a murder investigation. -- Police said the alleged abuse by a Westminster-based paedophile ring lasted a decade at locations across London and the Home Counties, including military premises."
Note:  This article was placed in this section because of Israel's long history of not only acquiring this sort of information for blackmail and control  purposes, but actually encouraging such activities for the same. - mpg
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

China Is Building a New Silk Road to Europe, And It’s Leaving America Behind
A quote...."November 18, 2014: it’s a day that should live forever in history. On that day, in the city of Yiwu in China’s Zhejiang province, 300 kilometers south of Shanghai, the first train carrying 82 containers of export goods weighing more than 1,000 tons left a massive warehouse complex heading for Madrid. It arrived on December 9th."

China to build 7 million low-cost homes in 2015
A quote...."China will begin construction of seven million homes under the affordable housing program in 2015. - China will increase the supply of land for homes and spend more on affordable housing projects, President Xi Jinping said last year. - China’s Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development announced on Friday that the government will target completion of building 4.8 million of these low-cost homes next year."

China lauds WTO ruling against the US
A quote...."China welcomes the World Trade Organization (WTO) decision to reject the appeal by the United States in a trade dispute between the two countries over countervailing duty measures, said a Chinese official late Thursday."

Strela carrier rocket with satellite launched from Baikonur

A quote...."MOSCOW, December 19. /TASS/. The Strela carrier rocket with a Kondor satellite has been launched from Baikonur, a Roscosmos source told TASS."

The USA: Australia's Dangerous Ally - ICH Funding Drive - [Click Here]
A quote...."December 17, 2014 "ICH" - "NI" -  IT IS time for Australia to end its strategic dependence on the United States. The relationship with America, which has long been regarded as beneficial, has now become dangerous to Australia’s future. We have effectively ceded to America the ability to decide when Australia goes to war. Even if America were the most perfect and benign power, this posture would still be incompatible with the integrity of Australia as a sovereign nation. It entails not simply deference but submission to Washington, an intolerable state of affairs for a country whose power and prosperity are increasing and whose national interests dictate that it enjoy amicable, not hostile, relations with its neighbors, including China." - Source:  NationalInterest

Khaled Meshaal speaks to MEMO about the EU’s decision to remove Hamas from terror list
A quote...."We, the leadership of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, welcome the decision of the General Court of the European Union to remove Hamas from the European Union’s terrorist list and we consider this to be a step in the right direction and a means of making right a position that was wrong. This past position was not based on objective facts. In addition to this, it was in violation of and contradictory to international law as well as legal and humanitarian norms that guarantee the right of nations to resist occupation. It would be in the European Union’s best interest to align itself with international law and with legal and humanitarian norms and to refrain from violating these laws under the misguided pressure of Israel and its exploitation of the international community." - Source:  MEMO

Russia-Turkey Cooperation to Intensify Despite Western Sanctions: Official
A quote...."Ankara is looking forward to expanding cooperation with Russia despite Western sanctions imposed against Moscow over the Ukrainian crisis, a Turkish politician told Sputnik on Friday."

Peruvian Farmworker Defeats US Multinational Mining Company
A quote...."Her fight has become a symbol of struggle against the destruction of the environment and the greed of capitalist entities in Peru."

Evo Morales: We Will Confront US Economic Aggression
A quote...."Strengthening regional unity will move Latin America away from U.S. dominance, says the Bolivian president in an exclusive interview with teleSUR. -- Bolivian President Evo Morales said regional cooperation is the key to overcoming economic aggression toward Latin America by the U.S., in an exclusive interview with teleSUR from Argentina."

Rafael Correa [President of Ecuador] – Hugo Chavez’s [Latin America] Political Successor

A quote...."The untimely death of the prominent Latin American leader, Venezuelan Hugo Chavez, could not but have had an impact on the dynamics of the continent’s integration processes. This was referred to by many of those attending the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) summit that took place in Ecuador on 4-5 December. Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa made a huge contribution to the preparation of this forum. He makes no secret of the difficulties being faced by UNASUR – the changes in global economic conditions, the fall in oil prices, and the emergence of financial problems in oil-producing Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador."

Dump the Dollar, Says Ecuadorean President
Dead Man Walking - (You NEVER publicly state you want to dump the Euro-Kazarian Crime Syndicate's script.  If you want to know why, just look at Saddam, Gaddafi, Assad of Syria, Putin of Russia and his current Ruble "crisis". - mpg) -- A quote...."President Rafael Correa says the U.S. dollar is the “exact opposite” of what Ecuador needs. -- Ecuador’s use of the U.S. dollar is hurting the country’s economic growth, President Rafael Correa warned Monday."

Uruguayan Senate Approves Media Law Against Monopolies - Hip Hip Hooray!! 
A quote...."The legislation represents “a path of lights [toward] the democratization of the media.” - Uruguay’s Senate approved a law to prevent monopolies in the media sector this Tuesday. The Law on Audiovisual Media Services received the support of the ruling coalition Broad Front (FA, progressive) and the opposition of the other parties."

US to start talks with Cuba to normalize full diplomatic relations

A quote...."AP: The U.S. is starting talks with Cuba to normalize full diplomatic relations and open an embassy, according to U.S. officials."

The Cuban Five Are Free!
A quote..."This victory is possible because of the years of struggle of the strength and determination of our brothers Gerardo, Antonio, Ramon, Fernando and Rene, and all the Cuban people, the struggle of people in the United States and around the world, of all the efforts to demand justice and freedom for the Cuban FIVE! The National Committee to Free the Cuban Five congratulates our brothers and the Cuban people in their victory! 16 Years of imprisonment could not break their spirit!"

‘US got isolated trying to isolate Cuba’ – Rene Gonzalez of the Cuban Five
Related Article - A quote...."A step of reconciliation with Cuba was inevitable, as the US was becoming increasingly isolated in its failed attempts to isolate Cuba while their competitors were building closer ties with the island, Cuban intelligence agent Rene Gonzalez told RT."

Outrage Aside, Congress Likely Can’t Stop Cuba Normalization
Related Article - A quote...."Congressional leaders continue to express outrage at President Obama’s announced plans to normalize Cuba relations, and are promising to block the effort. Can they? -- Not likely, according to experts, who say that President Obama has considerable leeway to curb the embargo against Cuba unilaterally, and Congress has limited options as far as stopping him."

India’s Satellite Launch Vehicle GSLV Mark 3 Blasts Off Into Space
A quote...."India has successfully launched its cutting-edge carrier rocket GSLV Mark 3. It is expected to help India place heavy communication satellites into orbit and reduce dependence on foreign partners."

India to rent another nuclear submarine from Russia
A quote...."Indian Navy may rent another nuclear submarine from Russia. It goes about a Project 971 (codenamed Pike-B) sub, Indian media outlets report. -- The news was announced by the head of the Indian Defense Minister, Manohar Parrikar, as he was communicating with journalists after Putin's visit to India."

Nuclear ultimatum: Scottish National Party challenges Labour on Trident
A quote..."The Scottish National Party (SNP) will only support a Labour government in a hung parliament after the May 2015 general election if they agree to scrap Britain’s nuclear weapons program, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said. -- Sturgeon ruled out a formal coalition with Labour, but suggested the SNP would support the party if they agreed to some “hard conditions.”" - Source:  RT
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

State Dept Delays Release of Study on 1953 Iran Coup - Says Report Would 'Undermine' Iran Nuclear Talks
A quote...."In 1953, the CIA orchestrated a coup d’etat against the democratically elected government of Iranian Premier Mohammad Mossadegh, installing Shah Reza Pahlavi."

Washington Making Nice With Havana - Cubans Beware
A Cautionary Warning - A quote...."So Cuba and the United States are making nice?"
"In a move to wipe away one of the Cold War's last vestiges, President Barack Obama will launch negotiations with Cuba on resuming full diplomatic relations five decades after they broke off, a U.S. official told Yahoo News on Wednesday. Obama's decision comes after Cuba freed U.S. aid contractor Alan Gross."
"The U.S. will free the last three of the Cuban Five while Cuba also released an unknown U.S. "asset". -- Alan Gross was a contractor for U.S. Aid on a clandestine mission to, allegedly, distribute secret satellite telephones to circumvent Cuba's control of its electromagnetic spectrum. -- It is interesting that this news comes the very same day as the head of U.S.Aid, Raj Shah, was fired. Was his firing a condition the Cuban's made for the prisoner exchange?"

Illegal Financial Dealings Rob $1 Trillion from Poorer Nations
A quote...."Global illicit financial flows (IFF), including crime, corruption and tax evasion, hit a historic high of US$991.2 billion dollars in 2012 alone – most of which was funneled out of developing and middle income economies, according to a new report released on Monday." - Source:  TeleSUR

128 Journalists Killed so Far This Year
A quote...."At least 128 journalist have been killed so far in 2014, according to the findings of the Swiss-based Press Emblem Campaign in its annual report released Monday. - While the deaths occured in some 32 countries, the Palestine-Israel conflict has been the most dangerous for the coverage this year “with 16 journalists killed by Israel during the Operation Protective Edge.”" - Source:  TeleSUR

Washington Fines German Bank for its Dealings With Cuba
A quote...."Berlin – The second largest German financial institution, Commerzbank AG, was fined by the US government for a billion dollars for conducting business with Cuba. - The Financial Times said this Tuesday that the German company is headquartered in Frankfurt and is the second largest in the country after the Deutsche Bank, which is listed as the fifth most powerful bank in the world." - Source:  PrensaLatina

Interview: Mexico Gov’t Claims on Disappeared Students Exposed
A quote...."Explosive allegations were published in Proceso, one of Mexico’s leading news weeklies, this past Sunday, revealing strong evidence pointing to direct participation by federal authorities in the presumed killings of dozens of education students from the drug war-torn state of Guerrero." - Source:  TeleSUR

Israel’s Arrow Ballistic Missile Shield Fails First Live Interception Test
A quote...."Israel’s upgraded Arrow ballistic missile shield failed its first live interception test on Tuesday, Reuters said, citing security sources. - Operators of the Arrow 3 battery at Palmahim Air Base on the Mediterranean coast reportedly canceled the launch of its interceptor missile after it failed to lock on to a target missile fired over the Mediterranean." - Source:  al-Manar

5 Reasons To Question The Official Story Of The Sydney Siege
A quote...."In the aftermath of yet another highly publicized terror attack (or at least the potential for a high profile attack) in Australia by foreign-born jihadists, the Western public is once again experiencing a variety of emotional reactions that they have carefully been trained to experience whenever such events take place at home or abroad."
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The US-NRE's Massive History of Torture....A Highly Redacted Tale of Woe....

Why Did They Torture? -- They Knew It Wasn’t Effective In Getting The Truth
Must Read - Some quotes..."The Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on how the US government tortured detainees at Guantanamo and at secret "black sites" all over the world has focused on how they did it: rectal feeding, hanging detainees by their arms, "stress positions," beatings, etc. The prurience of this focus is fairly obvious, and typical of decadent societies in general – which is not to say that the details of "how" are irrelevant. They underscore the moral bankruptcy of the regime that permitted these practices. Yet this preoccupation with the sordid details tends to overlook the "why" of it – the key to understanding what the neocons in control of the national security apparatus during the Bush years were really after."  ---  "Torture was part and parcel of the reality-creation project the neocons carried out in the run up to the invasion of Iraq. It fueled the machinery of deception set up in the bowels of the Pentagon to bamboozle the nation and the world about the real nature of America’s post-9/11 agenda."

Accountability and Fair Trials: CIA Torture
A quote...."Just days after the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York City and Washington DC, U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney argued on national TV that it was necessary for the U.S. to work on the “dark side” to spend time in the “shadows in the intelligence world.” The recently released U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on post 9/11 CIA torture has begun to shed light on the acts of horror and depravity that took place in the shadows of the war on terror." - Source:  TeleSUR

CIA Torture - Health Professionals 'May Have Committed War Crimes', Report Says
A quote...."December 17, 2014 "ICH" - "The Guardian" -  Health professionals who assisted in the CIA’s torture programme of terror suspects “betrayed the most fundamental duty of the healing professions” and may have committed war crimes, according to a hard-hitting report released on Tuesday." - Source:   TheGuardian

American Duplicity and Twisting in Our Own Tortured Noose
A quote...."Perhaps the only thing more incredulous than the public incredulity on American torture techniques after 9/11 is the bogus semantics game being played out with the media now in the report’s aftermath. “Yes we did torture. No. Sorry. We did ‘EITs.’ Yes there were measures taken too far and deemed abhorrent even by the American side. But they were valuable necessities that saved lives. Well, ok, maybe they didn’t, but surely they caused the offering of intelligence that otherwise would not have been obtained. Well, alright, maybe I cannot prove that was actually the case, a direct causal link, but I am pretty sure SOME information EVENTUALLY came out because of the atmosphere created by that tor…I mean, EITs.” In another time and place this would most assuredly end up fodder for Monty Python or Saturday Night Live."

Operation Phoenix
A quote...."Between 1965 and 1972, the CIA oversaw a torture program that killed between 26,000 and 41,000 people, which used tactics such as gang rape, electrocution, and even rape using a live eel." - bold by website editor

The Folks Guide to Enhanced Interrogation Techniques
A quote...."First of all, EIT is actually the sound folks make when trying to breathe on the waterboard. It’s an inside joke. Yeah, they tortured some folks… but not to gain intelligence, since they know torture doesn’t work for that. Getting some poor devil to confess under torture is not that hard, heck, they got folks to confess to the murder of Elvis and even had one guy who swore he had been laden (haven’t we all?). You see, when someone is shoving a tube up folk’s asset for Enhanced Rectal Interrogation while choking them to death, chances are folks will say pretty much anything at all to end the torture. That’s not intelligence, that’s despair. And the officials who ordered and carried out the torture are quite aware of this fact."

Right when the CIA started torturing people, Congress passed a law that said we would Invade the Netherlands if any US Citizen was tried in the International Criminal Court
- A HIGHLY incriminating example of legislative foreknowledge -- A quote...."ASPA authorizes the U.S. president to use "all means necessary and appropriate to bring about the release of any US or allied personnel being detained or imprisoned by, on behalf of, or at the request of the International Criminal Court". This authorization has led the act to be nicknamed The Hague Invasion Act,[3][4] because the freeing of U.S. citizens by force might be possible only through an invasion of The Hague, Netherlands, the seat of several international criminal courts and of the Dutch government."

U.S. fights to stop release of photos showing soldiers abusing and sexually humiliating prisoners in Iraq
A quote...."A federal judge has given government lawyers until Friday to prove that the 2,000 pictures could pose a threat to national security."

The Saga of the Torture Report CIA Still Has Under Wraps
A quote...."There is a second torture report locked away somewhere at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. The agency says the document is so sensitive that national security would be at risk if any details about it were publicly revealed. - But last week, outgoing Senator Mark Udall of Colorado, in his final speech on the Senate floor and in the wake of the release of the Senate Intelligence Committee's executive summary of the so called torture report, discussed the document at length. Udall called the still-secret CIA report — dubbed the Panetta Review after former CIA Director Leon Panetta — a "smoking gun." - For more on these issues see below.....
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

Journalist Faces Sentencing Today for Daring to Investigate Government Insiders
A quote...."Barrett Brown faces eight and a half years in prison today for the crime of being a journalist. For any U.S. media outlet that claims to practice journalism, this story should be front page news. -- Officially, Brown is charged with three crimes: (1) transmitting a threat in interstate commerce, (2) obstructing the execution of a search warrant, and (3) being an accessory after the fact to an unauthorized access to a protected computer. -- Unofficially, Brown is being prosecuted for founding Project PM, a WikiLeaks-like website which dares to investigate “the intelligence contracting industry, the PR industry’s interface with totalitarian regimes, the mushrooming infosec/’cybersecurity’ industry, and other issues constituting threats to human rights, civic transparency, individual privacy, and the health of democratic institutions.”" - Source:  PINAC

Attorney General Allows Limited Subpoena of New York Times Journalist
A quote...."Attorney General Eric Holder has given federal prosecutors permission to subpoena New York Times reporter James Risen for some information regarding his connection to a former employee of the Central Intelligence Agency."

First the IRS, now CIA, Homeland Security to Delete Most of Their Emails. The Govt Has No Right To Secrecy
A quote...."December 16, 2014—The Obama Administration ended up pitting efficiency against transparency when it ordered federal agencies to streamline email management systems by 2016. Both the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have found an opportunity to just delete most emails they have stored, though they claim different reasons."

The Evidence That North Korea Hacked Sony Is Flimsy
A quote...."But in their initial public statement, whoever hacked Sony made no mention of North Korea or the film. And in an email sent to Sony by the hackers, found in documents they leaked, there is also no mention of North Korea or the film. The email was sent to Sony executives on Nov. 21, a few days before the hack went public. Addressed to Sony Pictures CEO Michael Lynton, Chairwoman Amy Pascal and other executives, it appears to be an attempt at extortion, not an expression of political outrage or a threat of war."
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation...

Jeb Bush v. Hillary Clinton: The Perfectly Illustrative Election - ICH Funding Drive - [Click Here]
A quote...." December 17, 2014 "ICH" - "The Intercept" -  Jeb Bush yesterday strongly suggested he was running for President in 2016. If he wins the GOP nomination, it is highly likely that his opponent for the presidency would be Hillary Clinton. -- Having someone who is the brother of one former president and the son of another run against the wife of still another former president would be sweetly illustrative of all sorts of degraded and illusory aspects of American life, from meritocracy to class mobility. That one of those two families exploited its vast wealth to obtain political power, while the other exploited its political power to obtain vast wealth, makes it more illustrative still: of the virtually complete merger between political and economic power, of the fundamentally oligarchical framework that drives American political life." - Source:  TheIntercept

Ignorance Is No Excuse for Wrongdoing, Unless You’re a Cop - ICH Funding Drive - [Click Here]
A quote...."December 17, 2014 "ICH" - The "Heien" case, which started with an improper traffic stop based on a police officer’s ignorance of the law and ended with an unlawful search, seizure and arrest, was supposed to ensure that ignorance of the law did not become a ready excuse for government officials to routinely violate the law. -- It failed to do so. -- In failing to enforce the Constitution, the Court gave police the go-ahead to justify a laundry list of misconduct, from police shootings of unarmed citizens to SWAT team raids, roadside strip searches, and the tasering of vulnerable individuals with paltry excuses such as “they looked suspicious” and “she wouldn’t obey our orders.”"

Cop Stops Fellow Cop From Choking a Handcuffed Man, She Was Then Beaten and Fired
From the WTF?! file -- A quote...."Buffalo , NY– While killer cops get sent on paid vacations, it’s hard to imagine what one has to do to actually be fired.  It turns out, the answer is be a good cop. - Former Buffalo Police Officer, Cariol Horne is fighting for her pension since she was fired after 19 years on the force, over an incident in 2006 when she stopped a fellow officer from choking a handcuffed suspect." - For more articles on these issues see below.....
Interview 982 – The Asia-Pacific Perspective with Broc West
CRAudio - Alt/YuTb - Alt/Mp3 - (CRMedPlyr - 17min47sec - Dec 17, 2014) - Source:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt - Guest Website:  Asia-PacificPerspective -- A quote..."Welcome back to The Asia-Pacific Perspective, that monthly show where James Corbett of and Broc West of break down all the latest news and headlines from the Asia-Pacific region. In this month’s conversation"

Why Is The U.S. Reestablishing Ties With Cuba After 50 Years? - Episode 544
X22Video - Alt/YuTb - Alt/Mp3  - (X22YuTb - 39min11sec - Dec 17, 2014) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote...."Greece might be hit with Cyprus style bail-ins. Euro crisis getting worse. US mortgage applications declined, a sign that real estate is collapsing. Obama signed the 1.1 trillion spending bill. Russia is opening an investigation into the central bank actions. Corporate media polls show that the America people support torture. Police will be scanning social media sites to predict crime. U.S. and Cuba are reestablishing diplomatic relations. U.S. advisers are now fighting in Iraq. False Flag warning in Ukraine. Poroshenko and the U.S. are preparing to blame Russia with invading Ukraine. - All source links to the report can be found on the site."

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV - Dec 18, 2014 - WRH Donation Rq - [Click Here]
MRVideo -- (BambuserTV - 3hrs - 18 Dec 10:59 HST)) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Website: - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.

Interview 983 – Financial Survival: Technocracy, Eugenics, and Depopulation
FSNAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (CRMedPlyr - 33min25sec - Dec 18, 2014) - Source: CR@YuTb CorbettRpt  -- Producer Website:  FinancialSurvivalNetwork -- A quote...."Every week James joins Alfred Adask on Financial Survival to discuss politics, economy and society. This week they discuss rule by technocrats, the driving ideology of eugenics, and depopulation…Bill Gates style."

FBI Implicates North Korea In Sony Hack To Push Many Different Agendas - Episode 545
Must Listen X22Video - Alt/YuTb - Alt/Mp3  - (X22YuTb - 45min10sec - Dec 18, 2014) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote...."Over 50,000 young people in UK are undocumented. Swiss central bank is imposing negative interest rates. Jobless claims decrease across the country after spiking 6% the month before. Housing crash is being blamed on the declining price of oil. Baltic Dry Index declines again. China might be positioning to bail out Russia. US hands over MH17 data but it will be kept confidential. A Ukrainian soldier comes forward and reports Ukraine shot down MH17. More troops heading to Iraq, bringing the total to 5,100. Cyber Attack on Sony is being used to demonize, place sanctions on North Korea. The other agenda is to get the Cyber Security Bill, and the Cyber Attack Insurance passed. - All source links to the report can be found on the site."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Bubonic Plague of Finance (E694)
Must Listen MaxRTVideo - (MaxRTYuTb - 25min33sec - Dec 18, 2014) - Related Websites:  RussiaToday - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom - A quote...."Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the arrival of the ‘shakedown times’ as our deposits and pension funds are now open to confiscation to Too Big To Fail banks in ‘resolution’…something that used to be known as ‘bankruptcy.’ In the second half Max interviews Karl Denninger about the likely oil price collapse impact on credit markets and the “Adequacy of Loss-Absorbing Capacity of Global Systemically Important Banks in Resolution”…say what? And, finally, the discuss the latest shenanigans from Jamie Dimon who lobbied to roll back certain Dodd Frank provisions regarding derivatives."

The US Going For Broke
A quote...."A day later, it’s already happening. Nigeria, Venezuela and other petro-states are facing deadly margin calls and capital flight at one and the same time. The Turkish lira is down 12%, and the Istanbul bourse is down 20%. The Brazilian real has fallen dramatically against the Buck…to a level last seen in 2005. The country’s oil giant Petrobas owes $170bn…but faces an economic crash. -- You think these folks are minnows? Think again: emerging markets now account for roughly 50% of global gdp. Just when everybody’s output has died – based on the poor demand predicted here last April – Washington is tightening the money supply, attacking the oil price, and inviting the return of currency defence via interest rates. I finished yesterday’s piece by observing, ‘Up until now, Washington has been shooting itself in the foot. It is in danger of shooting itself in the head’. The US has shot itself in the head, and we are heading for 1929 – The Remake only on a scale vastly more destructive than the original movie."
This is exactly what happens when you allow a private bank, owned by a bunch of foreign "families", to print as much of the "world's reserve currency" as they want to, when they want to, for whom they want to....or turn off the taps. - mpg
Déjà Vu All Over Again
Oil Collapse - A quote...." Over the last few weeks, a number of regular readers of The Archdruid Report have asked me what I think about the recent plunge in the price of oil and the apparent end of the fracking bubble. That interest seems to be fairly widespread, and has attracted many of the usual narratives; the  blogosphere is full of claims that the Saudis crashed the price of oil to break the US fracking industry, or that Obama got the Saudis to crash the price of oil to punish the Russians, or what have you. --  I suspect, for my part, that what’s going on is considerably more important. To start with, oil isn’t the only thing that’s in steep decline. Many other major commodities—coal, iron ore, and copper among them—have registered comparable declines over the course of the last few months. I have no doubt that the Saudi government has its own reasons for keeping their own oil production at full tilt even though the price is crashing, but they don’t control the price of those other commodities, or the pace of commercial shipping—another thing that has dropped steeply in recent months."

North Sea oil industry 'close to collapse'
Oil Collapse - Related Article - A quote...."The UK's oil industry is in "crisis" as prices drop, a senior industry leader has told the BBC.- Oil companies and service providers are cutting staff and investment to save money. - Robin Allan, chairman of the independent explorers' association Brindex, told the BBC that the industry was "close to collapse". - Almost no new projects in the North Sea are profitable with oil below $60 a barrel, he claims." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Comstock Suspends Drilling In Eagle Ford Due To Plunging Oil Prices
Oil Collapse - Related Article - A quote...."Following one after another major and shale company announcing plans to trim capex (even as they miraculously still get to keep their revenue and EPS projections intact, for now), the latest victory handed to Saudi Arabia on a silver platter comes courtesy of Comstock Resources (Total Debt/EBITDA 2.4x, EBITDA $421MM, CapEx $674MM) Comstock Resources said earlier today that in response to low oil prices, plans to suspend oil directed drilling activity in its Eagle Ford shale properties and in Tuscaloosa Marine shale."

US regulators label MetLife as potential financial threat
A quote...."MetLife said Thursday that the Financial Stability Oversight Council has designated the company as “systemically important.” As a result, MetLife must increase its cushion of capital against losses, limit its use of borrowed money and submit to inspections by examiners. MetLife will come under the supervision of the Federal Reserve. Its primary regulator now is New York state." - bold by website editor
That's right.  MetLife is to be regulated by a private, mostly foreign owned, for profit, bank known as the Federal Reserve. Instead of the government entity known as New York State.  Perhaps you libertarians out there should rethink your anti-government bias. - mpg
Financial market manipulation is the new trend: Can it continue? - "Yes We Can!"
A quote...."A dangerous new trend is the successful manipulation of the financial markets by the Federal Reserve, other central banks, private banks, and the US Treasury. The Federal Reserve reduced real interest rates on US government debt obligations first to zero and then pushed real interest rates into negative territory.  Today the government charges you for the privilege of purchasing its bonds. "

Central Banks Are Now Uncorking The Delirium Phase
A quote...."Virtually every day there is an eruption of lunacy from one central bank or another somewhere in the world. Today it was the Swiss central bank’s turn, and it didn’t pull any punches with regard to Russian billionaires seeking a safe haven from the ruble-rubble in Moscow or investors from all around its borders fleeing Mario Draghi’s impending euro-trashing campaign. The essence of its action was that your money is not welcome in Switzerland; and if you do bring it, we will extract a rental payment from your deposits." - Source: ContraCorner

Kansas Congressman M.I.A. After Tucking Wall Street Bailout Into Government Spending Bill
A quote...."For all the anger among progressives about a Wall Street bailout provision that made its way into the just-passed $1.1 trillion government spending bill, there's been little attention on the person who put it in there."

[US] Wealth Gap Between Rich and Poor Americans Highest on Record
A quote...."New analysis from Pew Research Center finds that economic gains of the wealthiest continue to soar as the middle-class and low-income families face chronic stagnation."

Housing Bubble 2 Goes Nuts: California November Home Sales Plunge to Multiyear Lows
A quote...."Why fatalist amusement? The asking price is 44% higher than when the home was sold two-and-a-half years ago. -- So Fed Chair Yellen, in her press conference after the FOMC meeting today, said she’s surprised that housing hasn’t recovered more than it has. But for those who were on the receiving end of the Fed’s free money, the housing market recovered just fine. -- There’s only one problem: there aren’t enough of these folks, and they don’t like to live in median homes. But with each price increase, more people who want to buy a median home to live in are left behind. And homes sales tumble."

Q4 GDP Below 2%, Dec Payrolls Under 200,000" Markit Warns As Service PMI Crashes To 10-Month Low
Charts - A quote...."Another bumper month of non-farm payroll growth looks unlikely in December, with private sector payroll growth unlikely to breach the 200,000 mark," warns Markit after The US Services PMI plunged to 53.6, missing expectations of 56.3 by the most on record. This is the 6th straight month of declines."

Already Crummy US Economy Takes a Sudden Hit
Charts - A quote...."The Fed yesterday, in a fit of its typical though inexplicable optimism, raised its projection for economic growth. In September, it had projected that the US economy would grow between 2.0% and 2.2% in 2014. Now it raised its “central tendency” to a growth of 2.3% to 2.4%. That type of measly economic growth is far below the ever elusive escape velocity that Wall Street keeps promising without fail every year to justify sky-high stock valuations. - But now reality is once again mucking up our already not very rosy scenarios."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Monsanto’s New ‘Herbicide-Resistant’ GMO Crop Slammed by Food Experts
A quote...."With all the talk of Monsanto’s herbicide glyphosate, it is likely that you haven’t heard of dicamba.- This is another weapon in the Big Ag giant’s chemical arsenal that is being called yet another indiscriminate chemical that “will take agriculture back to the dark days of heavy, hazardous pesticide use that will seriously endanger human health and the environment.” - bold by website editor

Bill Gates' human experimentation with GM bananas in Africa condemned by scientists
A quote...."(NaturalNews) At least 124 food and outreach organizations, as well as 26 individual scientists, have signed onto a letter sent to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation protesting ongoing human trials of genetically modified (GM), beta-carotene-enriched bananas intended for Africa."

Cambodia investigates suspected mass HIV infection
Bio-Warfare Test? -- A quote...."Cambodia’s prime minister, Hun Sen, has ordered an inquiry into an apparent mass HIV infection believed to have been spread by contaminated needles, as the number of suspected cases passed 100. -- Hundreds of panicked residents of the remote village of Roka, in western Battambang province, have sought testing since news of the infections emerged last week, with health officials saying a total of 106 people may have contracted the virus."

How Whole Turmeric Heals the Damaged Brain
A quote...."(WakeUpWorld) - Turmeric is hands down one of the, if not the, most versatile healing spice in the world with over 600 experimentally confirmed health benefits, and an ancient history filled with deep reverence for its seemingly compassionate power to alleviate human suffering." - Source:  WakeUpWorld

Wednesday December 17th 2014

No posts. - mpg

Tuesday December 16th 2014

The Longest US War Has Already Cost $1 Trillion
A quote...."The Afghanistan war, the longest overseas conflict in American history, has cost the US taxpayer nearly $1tn and will require spending several hundred billion dollars more after it officially ends this month, according to FT. - This is on top of  the Iraq wa, whichr has cost the US $1.7tn, according to one study. - The money to finance both the Iraq and Afghan wars was borrowed and according to Ryan Edwards at City University of New York, the US has already paid interest of $260bn on that war debt. Under FT calculations based on funds appropriated, $125bn of those interest costs have been allocated to the Afghan conflict."

Imperialism and the Politics of Torture
A quote....."December 16, 2014 "ICH" - The Senate Report’s revelations of CIA torture of suspects following the 9/11 bombing is only the tip of the iceberg. The Report omits the history and wider scope of violent activity in which the CIA has been and continues to be involved. CIA organized large scale death squad activities and extreme torture in Vietnam (Phoenix Project); multiple assassinations of political leaders in the Congo, Chile, Dominican Republic, Vietnam, the Middle East, Central America and elsewhere; the kidnapping and disappearance of suspected activists in Iraq and Afghanistan; massive drug-running and narco-trafficking in the “Golden Triangle” in Southeast Asia and Central America (the Iran-Contra war). -- The Senate Report fails to locate the current acts of CIA terror and torture in a broader historical context – one which would reveal the systematic use of torture and violence as a ‘normal’ instrument of policy. Contrary to White House and Senate claims that torture was a “policy error” committed by “incompetent” (or deranged) operatives, the historical record demonstrates that the long term extensive and intensive use by the CIA of torture, assassinations, kidnappings are planned and deliberate policies made by highly qualified, and experienced policymakers acting according to a global strategy approved by both Executive and Congressional leaders."

How Many Enemies Does America Want? Congress Sacrifices U.S. Security With New Sanctions Against Russia
A quote...."Congress appears determined to turn an adversary into a forthright enemy and encourage retaliation against more significant American interests. Observed my Cato Institute colleague Emma Ashford: “the provisions in this bill will make it all the more difficult to find a negotiated settlement to the Ukraine crisis, or to find a way to salvage any form of productive U.S.-Russia relationship. No wonder Congress didn’t want to debate it openly.” President Barack Obama expressed some concerns about the bill, but is expected to sign it. -- Unfortunately, the legislation offers a belligerent foretaste of what to expect from the incoming Republican Senate." - also posted at RussiaInsider

NATO tactical aircraft double flight intensity near Russia, Belarus borders
A quote..."MOSCOW, December 16. /TASS/. Tactical aircraft of North Atlantic Alliance states more than doubled flight intensity near borders of Russia and Belarus this year, Chief Commander of Russian Air Force Colonel General Viktor Bondarev told reporters on Tuesday. -- “Overall number of flights by NATO tactical aircraft in regions bordering Russia and Belarus has more than doubled to exceed three thousand in 2014 against 2013,” Bondarev said."

‘America needs a Perestroika’ – Gorbachev to RT
A quote...."The US needs reforms similar to those during Perestroika in the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev told RT’s Sophie Shevardnadze. The former Soviet leader also spoke about Washington’s policy of pressure and intervention into conflicts. - Gorbachev stressed the need for political and economic reforms in the US, saying “they need a Perestroika” (translated from Russian as “restructuring”), referring to the political movement carried out during his rule in the 1980s." - Source:  RT

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on the biggest distortion of Islam in history
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."The horrible events in Pakistan immediately brought to my mind the barbaric attack by Wahabi Chechens against the school in Beslan.  It is amazing for me to see that, apparently, attacking schools and taking children hostage is a God-pleasing action in the sick minds of the human reptiles known as Wahabis.  They also love to slit throats, torture and, occasionally, eat livers.  Truly, this ideology which we can call Wahabism or, probably even more accurately, Takfirism is satanic in its very core.  Ramzan Kadyrov is very wise when he refers to these militants as "shaitans" or devils.  He is, I think, quite literally true. -- Unlike the Anglo "coalition of the willing", the Russian and Syrian armed forces have done a superb job killing as many of these "shaitans" as possible, as have the truly Muslim Chechens.  But one can only kill people, not ideologies.  And Takfirism cannot be eliminated by Russian or Syrian guns.  Takfirism can only be defeated by Islam.  This is what Ramzan Kadyrov has done in Chechnia and this is what Hezbollah is trying to do in Lebanon and this is what Iran is trying to achieve in the Middle-East."
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A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Attempted Destruction of Russia's Currency...

An Extremely Disquieting Thought

Ruble Continues Fall Despite Rate Rise and Interventions
A quote...."The ruble crossed the mark of 58 to the dollar on December 12 to reach a 10% devaluation since the start of the week and a 45% devaluation since the start of the year. The ruble finished at 58.13 against the dollar and 72.3 against the euro, new historical lows against both currencies."
Currency Red Warning - One understands of course that the same TBTF Banksters who caused the markets to crash in 2008 by their constant manipulations are no doubt probably the very same institutions manipulating the Forex markets through their usual shenanigans of creating trillions of dollars worth of derivatives, massive uncollateralized leverage, and naked short-selling (that last of which some people would consider close to counterfeiting). 

After all, boys will be boys.

And no doubt the very same ratings agencies who triple "aaa" rated the tens of trillions of dollars worth of junk during the decade before 2008 will be joining the party by down-grading -- fairly or not -- the bonds and other instrumentalities of not only Russia but the rest of the BRICS and emerging markets.

As they say, synergy is a great concept.

However a very, some might say extremely, disquieting thought has occurred to this website editor.
One would sincerely hope that when Russia sells their US bond or dollar assets for stabilization purposes, that the Rubles they receive in return....are actually rubles created by Russia's central bank!  - (Or for that matter Yen, Renminbi, or Euros)

Not some ones and zeros entered into some Hedge Fund's or TBTF's computer account that was simply labeled as containing Rubles
- (Or Yen, Renminbi, or Euros)

Because THAT truly would be the last straw.  A thought for everyone trading out there. - mpg
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Surprise! Guess which currency has stronger fundamentals— the dollar or… ruble?
A quote..."....if you have been a reader of this column for any length of time, you know that I am a very data-driven person. -- So… just for kicks, I decided to dive into the numbers and make an objective comparison between the US dollar and the Russian ruble. -- The results might surprise you. -- First of all, I start off with the premise that ALL paper currencies are fundamentally flawed. -- Our global monetary system is absurd—the idea of letting unelected central bankers conjure as much money as they want to out of thin air is simply insane. -- But it is true that some fiat currencies have better fundamentals than others. And if you want to understand the health of a currency, it’s imperative to look at the ISSUER of that currency, i.e. the central bank."

America's "Defeat Russia with Cheap Oil" Strategy is Failing
Charts - A quote...."As hard as it is to believe - given the strength of the "Russia-is-doomed" meme - Crude oil prices for Russia (in Rubles) are unchanged since February... This is important as all costs are Ruble denominated while revenues are USD denominated, leaving Russian oil companies’ margins insulated despite the dollar decline in price. - In addition, the Russian government is easing the export taxes which further improve the profitability of Russian oil. - So as US Shale Oil sector is destroyed by its USD costs, it appears Putin's core energy industry is somewhat insulated... and America's late-80s "defeat The Soviet Union" playbook is failing." - Source:  ZeroHedge

Letter from Diogenes on Interest Rate and Russian Central Bank
A quote...."The Ladies that run Central Bank of Russia now are belong to macroeconomic sect dogmatic and they won't be able to change their mind quickly. - Consequences of the decision (IMHO)...."

Ruble Exchange Rate Fluctuations and the Economic War
A quote...."The Eurasian Economic Union comes into force on January 1, 2015. Most likely at the same time the Russian ruble and foreign exchange markets will change drastically, and the Russian economy will take a distance to the dollar and the euro. Now the West is doing its best to weaken the ruble and thus destabilize the Russian economy and the political system before the end of the year. The maxima of the West is to prevent the emergence of the new economic union and closer cooperation within the BRICS. Taking into account the Christmas holidays, the West has little more than a week to succeed. -- What are the Russian authorities doing? Trying their best to defend the ruble and the Russian economy."

Rouble vs. Dollar Games - From a Perspective of a Russian Businessman - ICH Funding Drive - [Click Here]
A quote...."December 16, 2014 "ICH" - "Zems" - Only the lazy are not writing about this subject today. But everyone for some reason is looking in the wrong direction. Let me explain,,,,"
"Naturally, the task is simple - we need to drop the ruble to the maximum, and then buy all that we can, giving away the dollars that are no longer needed and not guaranteed by anything. This will help concentrate all of the roubles inside the country and to assign their price independently, while holding and then releasing more money to the market."
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A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia...

CrossTalk: US vs Russia
CTRTVideo - (CTRTYuTb - 24min23sec - Dec 15, 2014) - Source:   CT@YuTb - CrossTalk - RT -- A quote...."Russia and the United States: Are these two countries destined to be enemies? Well if you ask the US Congress the answer appears to be yes. Why do so many in Washington want Russia to be an enemy? Is this all about Ukraine or does it go much deeper? CrossTalking with Brian Becker, Martin Sieff and Anthony Salvia."

How Vladimir Putin Upset NATO’s Strategy
A quote..."Russia is reacting to the economic war which NATO is waging against her in the way she would have reacted in a conventional war. She allowed herself to be hit by unilateral “sanctions” in order to better lead the opponent to a battleground of her own choosing. Simultaneously, she has signed agreements with China to safeguard her future and with Turkey to disrupt NATO. As long ago, against France or Germany, her initial defeat could be the guarantee of her victory in the end."

Ukrainian TV channel financed by US openly calls for genocide of the people of east Ukraine
Another Extermination Project - Brought to you by the same trans-national, criminal, consortium that brought you 9/11, the PNAC Protocols and the complete destruction of every nation-state in the Middle East. - mpg -- A quote...."Bogdan Boutkevitch: Ok, you ask me “How can this be happening?” Well, it happens because Donbass, in general, is not simply a region in a very depressed condition, it has got a whole number of problems, the biggest of which is that it is severely overpopulated with people nobody has any use for. Trust me I know perfectly well what I am saying. - If we take, for example, just the Donetsk oblast, there are approximately 4 million inhabitants, at least 1.5 million of which are superfluous."

Former Ukrainian Parliamentarian Exposes Kiev Ruthlessness
A quote..."US installed fascist putschists run Ukraine. Illegitimate. Brutal. Lawless. Ruthless. Obama’s new friends. - A rogue’s gallery of societal misfits. Neo-Nazi thugs. Racists. Anti-Semites. Making Mafia bosses look saintly by comparison. - For the first time since WW II, overt fascists have real power in Europe’s heartland. Taking full advantage destructively. - Waging war on their own people. Murdering them in cold blood. Using a fake “silence” period to regroup. Rearm. Redeploy forces east. Mobilize against freedom. Crush it all costs."

NAF Intel: Kiev is Preparing False Flag Terrorist Attacks on Strategic Objects
A quote..."NAF intelligence is reporting about impending terrorist attacks on Ukrainian strategic objects, which will justify an attack on Donbass. - Also there is information that foreigners and relatives of senior officials are being evacuated from Ukrainian border towns and cities."

Blogger Colonel Cassad: The Reason For Shutting Down Ukrainian Airspace Is To Accept Military Cargo From USA. -- A quote...."Now at the airport they are performing an urgent order for the installation of defensive towers along the perimeter of the airport. He said that the work needs to be completed ASAP, since the order is urgent. Started in late November. Now almost complete. Yesterday reported that flights from Zaporozhye (Motor Sich) will stop on the 13th. And this is despite the wishes of Motor Sich to fly to Moscow daily from December 16, instead of three times a week. -- To the question, why stop, one of the airport workers replied that the airport has to be prepared to accept military aircraft with equipment, including Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk. The equipment is expected from the United States.”"

Ukraine's Two Big Gas Deals Are Now Both Dry
A quote...."In June, Shell Oil halted its newly dug shale-gas wells at the Yuzivska gas field in southeastern Ukraine, and gave as the reason the civil war there, though only after Ukrainian Government troops had ousted the local residents (who had opposed fracking) was Shell even enabled to dig the wells, so Shell’s departure was puzzling. Then, on June 19, 2014, Igor Alexeev at the oilprice blog presented the reasonable hypothesis of “The Real Reason Shell Halted Its Ukrainian Shale Operations” - also posted at RINF

[eng subs]"Slavyansk:The Fortress of Russian Spirit" ("The Fortitude of Russian Spirit")
KZVideo - (KZYuTb - 54min13sec - Dec 15, 2014) - Source:  Kazzura -- A quote...."Title can be translated in two ways: "The Fortress of the Russian Spirit", or as "Fortitude of the Russian Spirit" -- Rather good (in my opinion) documentary about the defense of Slavyansk and the Novorossian war in general, by Голос Эпохи ("Voice of the Age") though in fact it's compilation of various interviews, some of which I've already translated, some not."  - For more articles on these issues see below.....
[eng subs] Interview with operator of Buk that allegedly downed the MH17
08]   KZVideo - (KZYuTb - 17min04sec - Dec 15, 2014) - Source:  Kazzura -- A quote...."Interview with Ukrainian soldier -- crew member of "Buk" missile system #312 that, according to the Ukrainian Secret Service, shot down the MH17 plane." - For more on this issue see.... Keiv's Arranged Shoot-Down of MH-17
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The ISIS Gambit - Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....& The Kurds....

Reports of US Airforce Cargo Planes Delivering Massive Amounts of Arms to ISIS / 15Dec14
ISIS Gambit - US:  Supporting Terrorists Worldwide -- A quote...."US has delivered weapons to the terrorist group ISIS (Daesh, in Arabic) in the Iraqi city of Tal Afar, west of the capital of the northwestern province of Nineveh, Mosul, which has become since last June a bastion these takfiri gangs, according to an Iraqi parliamentary."

ISIS’ Bloody Footprints Lead From NATO Territory
ISIS Gambit - By Truck Or By Plane, It's The Banksters' Great Game -- A quote...."It was reported recently that Germany’s broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) investigated what turned out to be hundreds of trucks a day carrying billions of dollars in supplies,  flowing into Syria and directly into the hands of the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS)." - Source:  LandDstryRpt

Exactly how the US trained and armed ISIS
ISIS Gambit - In Plain English - RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 3min21sec - Sep 3, 2014) - Source:  RTAmerica -- A quote...."As soon as ISIS (ISIL, Islamic State, etc) popped up, people began to claim the US was responsible for creating them. At first it was just fringe news sites, but now even the MSM can't deny the connection between ISIS and the US. The Resident discusses."

“ISIS completely fabricated enemy by USA”, former CIA contractor
ISIS Gambit - In Plain English....Again - SNFPYuTb - (SNFPYuTb - 3min31sec - Aug 29, 2014) - Source: 
SyrianNewsFreePress -- A quote...."Former CIA contractor, Steven D. Kelley, says that the ISIL terrorist group is a completely fabricated enemy created and funded by the United States. - “This is a completely fabricated enemy,” he said in a phone interview with Press TV from Anaheim, California on Thursday. - “The funding is completely from the United States and its allies and for people to think that this enemy is something that needs to be attacked in Syria or Iraq is a farce because obviously this is something that we create it, we control and only now it has become inconvenient for us to attack this group as a legitimate enemy,” Kelley added."

Regime-Change Makeover: Blaming Syria for the Rise of ISIS
ISIS Gambit - US Blames Syria, But It's The US That Smells Foul - A quote......"If a recent report in the British Guardian is to be believed, then the West is angling for a new pretext to step up its covert war of regime in Syria. The new pretext, it would seem, is that the Damascus government of Bashar al Assad was the main driving force in the creation of the so-called Islamic State (IS) terror network." - For more articles on these issues see below.....
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, North & Central Africa & Others...

Iraq: 19, including 11 troops killed in attacks
A quote..."At least 19 people, including 11 security personnel were killed in clashes with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant terrorists Monday across Iraq, a security source said." - for more articles on these issues see below.....
Islamists mount air raid near key Libyan oil terminals
A quote....."BENGHAZI, Libya: Islamist militias launched an airstrike near key oil terminals in eastern Libya Tuesday, stepping up a battle for the government-held facilities, a security official said."

Libyans obstructing peace may face sanctions, EU says
A quote...."BRUSSELS, Dec 16 (Reuters) - The European Union is ready to consider sanctions, if necessary, on people obstructing a political solution in Libya, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said on Tuesday."

80 Children among 130 killed in Pakistan school attack
A quote...."Several explosions and gunfire rung out as six armed men attacked the Army Public School on Tuesday morning, in one the bloodiest attacks in Pakistan's history. Six attackers were killed in the operation and that the death toll is likely to rise."

Iran Nuclear Talks à la Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations
A quote...."Soon after the Iran nuclear talks were recently extended for another seven months (beyond the November 22, 2014 deadline), President Rouhani spoke with the Iranian people in a televised address in which he sought to portray the inconclusive negotiations as a diplomatic victory for Iran, as an indication that his team of negotiators “stood their ground” in the face of excessive demands by the US and its allies."

At Least 25 Killed in Twin Car Bombing in Yemen
A quote...." At least 25 people were killed by two car bomb explosions in the town of Radda in al-Bayda province of Yemen on Tuesday. - The first car bomb detonated near the checkpoint manned by Shiite Houthi rebels when a school bus was driving by. Fifteen students were killed during the explosion."

Liberia postpones elections again because of Ebola
10]   A quote...."MONROVIA, Liberia — Officials in Ebola-stricken Liberia on Sunday postponed Senate elections until the end of the week, while some urged calling off the vote for fear the results would not be credible. - Ebola has killed nearly 3,200 people this year in Liberia, and many question whether elections can be held under such circumstances."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Collective punishment of 1.8 million human shields in a prison — Newsweek dares publish the truth of Gaza
A quote...."The evening I left, I passed back by Beit Hanoun. Three young teenagers were digging in the dark… They were clearing the rubble from their family orchard. -- The teenagers showed me where they had planted a new clementine tree. As I squeezed back out of the Erez turnstiles, I realised why there was no longer a need to plaster up martyrs pictures on Gaza’s walls. The latest collective punishment inflicted on 1.8 million Gazans had made martyrs of them all."

46 Structures Demolished in November - IMEMC Donation Request - [Click Here]
A quote...."Israeli authorities demolished 46 Palestinian-owned structures in the month of November, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The demolitions resulted in the forcible displacement of 136 Palestinians, of whom 70 are children."

Israeli occupation force soldiers kill Palestinian in West Bank
A quote...."Israeli soldiers have shot and killed a Palestinian man in the occupied West Bank refugee camp of Qalandiya, near Ramallah."

30 Palestinians injured as thousands lay Qalandiya man to rest
A quote...."Over 10,000 people on Tuesday afternoon participated in the funeral procession of Mahmoud Adwan who was killed hours earlier during an Israeli raid on Qalandiya refugee camp."

Why won’t the media report on Israeli violence in East Jerusalem?
A quote...."Israel operates a regime of control and violence across East Jerusalem. The Israeli army, police and settlers all play their part in the daily aggression against Palestinians, whose very existence in East Jerusalem is becoming increasingly precarious."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

Russia Pivots to Eurasia for Trade and Military Alliances
Contains Must View RNNVideo - Alt - (RNNYuTb - 12min31sec - Dec 10, 2014) - Source: TheRealNews -- A quote....."The United States’ renewed cold war policy to isolate Russia is dividing Europe and changing the orbit for China and Asia."

RT Exceeds 2 Billion Views on Youtube - By Far the Biggest News Channel

A quote...."RT’s five YouTube channels combined have hit the 2 billion views benchmark, strengthening the channel’s role as the leading news provider on the popular video hosting service." - Source:  RT

China and Russia are Finally Dumping US Treasuries
Chart - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."Perhaps the most notable feature of the October Treasury International Capital report is that in October foreigners sold a whopping $27.2 billion in US equities, surpassing the dump just after the first Taper Tantrum, when they sold $27.1 billion in June of 2013 when they also sold $40.8 billion in Treasurys. This was the largest selling of US corporate stocks by foreign entities since the August 2007 quant flash crash, when some $40.6 billion in US stocks were sold by offshore accounts." - Source:  ZeroHedge

China, Kazakhstan ink $14 bn deals, renew currency swap accord
A quote...."China has signed cooperation deals worth about $14 billion with Central Asia’s biggest economy Kazakhstan during Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s state visit. -- With a population of 17 million, Kazakhstan is the second-largest post-Soviet oil producer after Russia. -- “The two sides should continue deepening energy cooperation, advancing the construction of a gas pipeline linking them, implementing their memorandum of understanding on nuclear cooperation, and exploring interaction opportunities in photovoltaic and coal chemical fields,” Li told his Kazakh counterpart Karim Masimov on Sunday."

China FDI up 22.2% in November
A quote..."Foreign direct investment (FDI) into the Chinese mainland, a gauge of external confidence, jumped 22.2 per cent in November from a year earlier, settling at $10.36 billion, China’s Ministry of Commerce said on Tuesday."

Houthis block Yemen army chief, accuse president of corruption
A quote..."(Reuters) - Houthi fighters prevented Yemen's new army chief from entering the defense ministry on Tuesday in a fresh show of power, a day after the Shi'ite faction accused the president of promoting corruption and demanded that it oversee state funds."

Venezuela Wants to Take the US to Court Over War Crimes
A quote...."The President of Venezuela proposed the creation an international committee of lawyers to charge the U.S. government for the wars in the Middle East and the deaths of black civilians by police."

Venezuelans march against United States sanctions
A quote...."Thousands of government supporters in Venezuela have marched through the streets of Caracas to denounce the recent approval of sanctions by the US. President Nicolas Maduro addressed his supporters at the end of the march and accused the US of trying to intervene in his country's domestic affairs."

Asset Freezes Imposed on Iguala Ex-Mayor Over Student Disappearances
A quote...."Mexico's authorities have frozen the assets of the Iguala ex-mayor as the investigation into his role in the disappearance of students is going on. A group of 26 students is still missing after a clash with the police in September, some claim they are dead."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....
Why Solving 9-11 is Our Most Urgent Task
A quote...."Since September 11, 2001, four successive administrations and fourteen Sessions of Congress have utterly failed to conduct a proper criminal investigation of 9-11, a criminal atrocity that profoundly affected the course of the nation. Rather than investigate the mass murder of 3,000 people on 9-11, successive U.S. administrations have engaged in a criminal deception, using lies to take us into foreign wars while imposing police state measures at home."

#2 of 6: NIST's WTC 7 Reports: Filled with Fantasy, Fiction, and Fraud
For The Record - A quote...."It may seem odd that a scientifically-oriented magazine like Popular Mechanics accepted Sunder's story about the huge (non-existent) gouge, since Sunder offered no photographs or clear witness statements to back up his claim. Then again, Popular Mechanics' severe lack of credibility has been previously addressed by AE911Truth in a series of damning articles."

Boston Bombing: Feds Admit No Evidence Tsarnaev Brothers Involved in the Slayings
A quote...."For nearly any crime requiring a “Whodunnit” answer in Boston around the time of the April 15, 2013, Marathon bombing, the authorities answered: The Tsarnaev brothers. -- One egregious crime pinned on them was a grisly Sept. 11, 2011, triple murder in Waltham, Mass. -- Now, prosecutors in the trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev have delivered a shocking reversal. They admit to having no evidence that his dead brother, Tamerlan, was involved in the slayings." - One commentator stated.....
"The FBI was trying to coerce Ibragim Todashev into saying that the Tsarnaev brothers were the killers in the triple murder, but apparently Ibragim resisted to the point where he was shot several times by one of the FBI agents, including a kill shot to the top of his head. The FBI agent has never been charged with the murder, carried out while trying to frame someone else for a murder." -- *Michael Rivero*
Uruguay, 1964 to 1970: Torture—as American as apple pie
A quote...."The precise pain, in the precise place, in the precise amount, for the desired effect.” - The words of an instructor in the art of torture. The words of Dan Mitrione, the head of the Office of Public Safety (OPS) mission in Montevideo. - Officially, OPS was a division of the Agency for International Development, but the director of OPS in Washington, Byron Engle, was an old CIA hand. His organization maintained a close working relationship with the CIA, and Agency officers often operated abroad under OPS cover, although Mitrione was not one of them. - OPS had been operating formally in Uruguay since 1965, supplying the police with the equipment, the arms, and the training it was created to do. Four years later, when Mitrione arrived, the Uruguayans had a special need for OPS services."

The murderous history of USAID, the US Government agency behind Cuba’s fake Twitter clone
A quote...."Last week, we learned from the Associated Press that USAID (United States Agency for International Development) — the government agency which manages billions in overseas “humanitarian” aid programs — plotted to overthrow Cuba’s communist regime via a covertly-funded fake Twitter platform. - The idea was to get Cuba’s youth to sign up for ZunZuneo (Cuban slang for the sound hummingbirds make—get it?) without anyone knowing about USAID’s involvement, get the kids hooked on pointless tweeting, collect all sorts of data on the users, and then rile them into an anti-regime rage — a “Cuban Spring” revolution."

The Congressional report on torture confirms that Al Qaeda was not involved in the attacks of September 11 -- Must Read - For The Record - A quote...."Publicly released excerpts of the report of the Senate Committee on the CIA’s secret torture program reveal a vast criminal organization. Thierry Meyssan has read for you the 525 pages of this document. He found evidence of what he has been saying for years."

The US news media has treated Dick Cheney and Michael Hayden better in interviews this week than they treat British royalty on an American vacation. -- A quote...."It’s been less than one week since the US Senate released its devastating report on CIA torture and criminality, but if you turned on the television Sunday morning, it looked frighteningly like the year 2002. Virtually all the Sunday talk shows led off not with those who documented the CIA’s depravity, or the victims of such abuse, or those who objected to torture when it wasn’t fashionable to do so. Instead, they instead continued to pump up the former Bush administration architects of this illegal program, so they could once be given a platform to defend it."

The allegations against MI6 are serious – so why aren't they front page news?
A quote...."The growing row over British security services' possible involvement in the CIA torture programme is starting to fill a few column inches. Slowly but surely, parliamentarians are feeling the pressure to investigate it fully."

Mexico Gov't Claims on Disappeared Students Exposed
A quote..."teleSUR interviews the journalists whose explosive revelations show higher levels of official involvement in the disappearance of 43 students."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

Alleged GCHQ hacking of Belgian telecoms firm was widespread, reports reveal
A quote..."Snowden told The Intercept that the Belgacom hack was the first documented case to show one EU member state mounting a cyber-attack on another, being a breath-taking example of the scale of the state-sponsored hacking problem."
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation...

Broken prison labor program fails to keep promises, costs millions
A quote...."Three decades ago, as get-tough-on-crime laws channeled more offenders behind bars, the state Department of Corrections launched a campaign to leverage profits from prisoners. -- Compel inmates to produce low-cost goods for state agencies at no public cost. Teach offenders new skills to help them land better jobs after release. Turn bad people into better people and reduce crime."

Denver Cops Arrest Man who Exposed them Beating Man on Video While Promoting Cop who did the Beating
A quote...."A man who video recorded Denver police repeatedly punching a man in the face, causing his head to bounce off the pavement, before tripping his pregnant wife and causing her to fall on her face – sparking an FBI investigation into the department – was arrested Thursday in what appears to be a case of retaliation." - Source:  PINAC - For more articles regarding these issues see below.....
Meet Rep. Mike Honda, The Piece Of Work Who Wants To Put You In Prison For Ten Years For Having Body Armor -- A quote...."In between calling for an end to a 'discriminatory ban on bisexual blood donors' and condemning the Israeli boycott, Mike Honda wants to put you in prison for ten years for having body armor. He demands school libraries remove all online filters of Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, and Transgender websites, so that schoolchildren can access them. This article will introduce you to this real piece of work, since you've probably never heard of him."

Bush v. Clinton In 2016? New World Order Dream Matchup Being Touted As ‘Inevitable’
The True Appalling Horror Of It All - Anybody who votes for either of these supposed candidates is an utter moron, and will condemn this entire nation to the abyss, by their vote. - mpg  - Source EndOfTheAmericanDream

Billy Corgan: Digitally Assassinated
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 42min35sec - Dec 12, 2014) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex Jones talks with Smashing Pumpkins singer Billy Corgan about his experiences being smeared by the MSM for not being part of their system."

South Stream Line (Pipline wars)
Ry2SAudio - (FlshPlyr - 47hrs34sec - December 14, 2014 ) - Source: Ry2S@ANCRpt - Related Websites: - - Ry2S@YuTbRy2S@ANCRpt - Ry2SAntiNeocons  - Ry2S@TruTube - Ry2S@Vimeo - Anti-Neocons / Indiegogo Project - - Joaquin Flores and Ryan Dawson discuss South Stream and the putsch in Ukraine.

Retired CIA analyst Ray McGovern: The truth about Ukraine and being arrested for asking questions
RASVideo - Alt - (RASYuTb - 47min01sec - Nov 15, 2014) - Source:  RAS@YuTb - RAS@Indiegog - RichieAllenShow -- A quote..."Retired CIA analyst Ray McGovern: The truth about Ukraine and being arrested for asking questions."

Central Bankers New Angle, Blame Syria For Rise Of The Islamic State To Invade - Episode 543
X22Video - Alt/YuTb - Alt/Mp3  - (X22YuTb - 45min55sec - Dec 16, 2014) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote...."Eurozone ends 2014 with weak growth. US manufacturing declines. Housing permits decline, signals an implosion in real estate.Baltic dry index declines again. China and Russia are dumping treasuries. Russian rouble collapsed, Putin has the next move. Blimp will be launched over DC to monitor drones. Missiles deployment on the east coast of the US. Libyan people trying to capture the oil ports to sell the oil not using the dollar. US government/central bankers using a new angel, Assad created and funded the Islamic State. - All source links to the report can be found on the site."

Interview 981 – Larry Pinkney Explains How to Avoid Another Obama
Must Listen CRAudio - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/YuTb - (CRMedPlyr - 21min04sec -  Dec 16, 2014) - Source:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt - Guest Website:  BlackActivist -- A quote...."Larry Pinkney of joins us today to discuss how and why so many well-meaning Americans were bamboozled by Obama’s “hope and change” routine in 2008. We discuss the failed establishment left/right paradigm and how the misleaders of the left who rally their flock around the Democrat flag every election cycle, as well as how community activism can lift us out of the cycle of abuse inflicted on the people by the political machine."

Gerald Celente - Money Radio - December 15, 2014
Must Listen MnyRadVideo - (MnyRadYuTb - 19min49sec - Dec 16, 2014) - Source:  GrldCelYuTb - TrendsJournal  - Producer Website:  MoneyRadio510am99.3am - A quote...."Gerald on more Top Trends for 2015."

Paul Craig Roberts-US Government Most Corrupt on Earth
Must Listen GHVideo - (GHYuTb - 38min54sec - Dec 16, 2014) -- Source:  GregHunter@YuTb - Related Sites:  USAWatchDog - Guest Websites:  PaulCraigRoberts - PCR@YuTb - A quote...."On the teetering economy and possible economic collapse, former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says, “We know something serious is wrong. The only provision of Dodd-Frank that has any teeth is the provision that says if the big banks are going to be casinos and gamble on derivatives, they cannot do that in the depository institution where depositors have their accounts. They have to farm it out into subsidiaries. So, if the subsidiaries get into trouble, the subsidiaries have no access to depositor’s money. This is the only real reform part of Dodd-Frank. Citigroup got put into the recent spending bill, the repeal of this, so banks can gamble on derivatives, and taxpayers and depositors are on the hook for the losses. Why would you do that unless you had a lot of derivatives trouble. It could easily be the oil derivatives. . . . The banks can gamble all they want and they are covered by the FDIC, which has no money. . . . This gives the banks access to depositor’s money. . . . This is sick, and it shows the United States government is the most corrupt government on earth, far more corrupt than Russia or China.”
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Oil can combust & blow it all (E693)
MaxRTVideo - (MaxRTYuTb - 25min32sec - Dec 16, 2014) - Related Websites:  RussiaToday - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom - A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the blood-bathing in the oil related markets - from the Dubai stock exchange to the West Australian fracking company gone bust to some of the highest paid jobs in America being laid off. In the second half Max interviews former banker turned independent media star, Brian Rose of London Real TV and Silicon Real. They discuss whether or not London can ever be a new Silicon Valley."

The Pigmen Win Again

A quote...."After the disgusting example of politicians of both spineless parties bowing down before Wall Street, the military industrial complex and corporate interests this weekend with the passage of a bloated pig of a spending bill totaling $1.1 trillion, how can anyone not on the payroll of the vested interests not admit there is only one partyand it serves only the needs of the wealthy business interests. Obama, champion of the common folk, signed this putrid example of political corruption and corporate capture of the American political system. For all the believers who voted for the red team in the November mid-terms, this is what you got – a bipartisanship screwing of the American people." - also posted at ZeroHedge

[US] Food Stamp Beneficiaries Exceed 46,000,000
A quote...."The number of beneficiaries who receive compensation from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), otherwise known as food stamps, has topped 46,000,000 for 37 straight months"

65 Percent of [US] Children Live in Households on Federal Aid Programs
A quote...."The Census Bureau reported in a study released this week that 65 percent of American children lived in households taking aid from one or more federal program as of the fall of 2011."

US Manufacturing PMI Plunges To 11 Month Lows, Misses By Most On Record
A quote...."US Manufacturing PMI collapsed to 53.7 in December, missing expectations of a rebound to 55.2 by the most on record and falling to its lowest since January 2014 - the middle of the Polar Vortex. This is the 4th monthly drop in a row off the mid-year "yay recovery is here" record highs and 4th miss in a row as economists continue to 'price in' the hockey-stick."

Wall Street Harbinger Jefferies Reports Q4 Bloodbath: 73% Plunge In Fixed Income Revenue, 45% Drop In Equities -- A quote...."Following the conversion of all of its failed peers into bailed-out, FDIC-insured bank holding companies (speaking of which, where can one find a Goldman ATM these days?), middle-market focused Jefferies may be best-known as the last true investment bank standing. Or at least was until Leucadia came and gobbled it up a year ago."

The World In Crisis Mode?
A quote...."China, Japan & Russia dump US Treasurys, foreigners sell most US stocks since 2007, many EU country’s asking for there gold back all of a sudden."

Is The Tulip About To Become The US's National Flower?
A lesson from the past - A quote...." In the early 1600s, as the global economy moved from "production for consumption" into "production for profit", Dutch trading and business had become so efficient that merchants were finding themselves contracting for products that did not yet exist. The Dutch called it "Trading on the wind", a reference to the Dutch trading ships that sailed the Atlantic. -- In 1636, increasing demand for newly created varieties of tulips set off a speculative cycle of ever higher prices. Tulip bulbs were bought and sold unseen. Huge fortunes (on paper) were created seemingly overnight. -- Then, in 1637, the market crashed. People were ruined. The entire Dutch credit system was almost destroyed and the effects of the crash were felt across Europe. "

OPEC won’t cut production even if oil below $40 – UAE energy minister
A quote...."The UAE Energy Minister Suhail Al-Mazrouei says OPEC will maintain output at 30 million barrels of oil a day, and wants to monitor the price for three months before even considering a meeting about possible changes."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

The American Government Loves Its People to Death
Special Note - Multiple Articles - A quote...."The fundamental and fiduciary responsibility that a government has is to protect its people. Not only has the government and its officials miserably failed in this duty, the health policies and related oversight poses the biggest threat to the health, safety and welfare of the American people. - The absolute totality of the full frontal assault that Americans are facing at the hands of government sanctioned entities (i.e. CDC, FDA) is overwhelming in its contemplation. The present American landscape is a war zone and American citizens are the targets for the poisoning of America."

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO): Profit, Power and Geopolitics
A quote...."Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are not essential for feeding the world [1,2], but if they were to lead to increased productivity, did not harm the environment and did not negatively impact biodiversity and human health, would we be wise to embrace them anyhow? -- The fact is that GMO technology would still be owned and controlled by certain very powerful interests. In their hands, this technology is first and foremost an instrument of corporate power, a tool to ensure profit. Beyond that, it is intended to serve US global geopolitical interests. Indeed, agriculture has for a long time been central to US foreign policy."

Unapproved GM Mosquitoes Being Shipped to US for Release NOW
A quote...."Are you aware that genetically modified mosquitoes are being set for release worldwide? Right after GM mosquitoes were let loose in Brazil, dengue fever cases spiked. Now, the Florida Keys are in danger of facing a similar fate. The mosquitoes haven’t even been officially approved, but Oxitec, the British company who created the mosquitoes, has already shipped them to Florida. The only hope is a very vocal grassroots effort to tell the Governor of Florida that these mosquitoes will ruin tourism and possibly turn the natural ecosystem there on its head."

Monday December 15th 2014

No posts. - mpg

Sunday December 14th 2014

Forget The Torture Report, When Will The False Flag Terror Report Come Out?
Must Read - For The Concept - (What this website editor, and no doubt millions of others, have been thinking during the last week. - mpg)  - A quote..."The release of the Torture Report was a political act, and the report itself is a whitewash. -- Former Vice President Dick Cheney and others have given a pathetic and predictable defense of torture. By leaning on the false flag 9/11 events to morally, intellectually, and politically justify torture they have yet again revealed the emptiness of their arguments. They are using one crime to justify another one." - also posted at BLN
"A limited hangout, or partial hangout, is a public relations or propaganda technique that involves the release of previously hidden information in order to prevent a greater exposure of more important details. -- It takes the form of deception, misdirection, or coverup often associated with intelligence agencies involving a release or "mea culpa" type of confession of only part of a set of previously hidden sensitive information, that establishes credibility for the one releasing the information who by the very act of confession appears to be "coming clean" and acting with integrity; but in actuality, by withholding key facts, is protecting a deeper operation and those who could be exposed if the whole truth came out." --  *Wikipedia*
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The New European 'Arc Of Instability' - ICH Funding Drive - [Click Here]
Key Geo-Political Concept Note - A quote...." December 13, 2014 "ICH" - "RT" -  The European Council on Foreign Relations and Berlin think-tank Friedrich Ebert Stiftung have just reached more or less the same conclusion. - If the dangerous stand-off between the EU and Russia over Ukraine is not solved, the EU could face, up to 2030, a military build-up in eastern Europe; a new arms race with NATO as a protagonist; and a semi-permanent “zone of instability” from the Baltic to the Balkans and the Black Sea. - What these two think-tanks don’t – and won’t – ever acknowledge is that a new European “arc of instability” – from the Baltic to the Black Sea, as myself and other independent analysts have stressed – is exactly what the Empire of Chaos and its weaponized arm – NATO – are working on to prevent closer Eurasia integration." - Source:  RT
These are lies the New York Times wants you to believe about Russia
Special Note - A quote...."You can look at the Russian economy two ways now and you should. So let’s: It is an important moment in the destruction of something and the construction of something else, and we had better be clear just what in both cases. The world we live in changes shape as we speak.....
"Truth No. 1: Russians are besieged. Sanctions the West has insisted on prosecuting in response to the Ukraine crisis — Washington in the lead, the Europeans reluctant followers — are hitting hard, let there be no question. Oil prices are at astonishing lows, probably if not yet provably manipulated by top operatives in the diplomatic and political spheres."

"Truth No. 2: Russians are hot. With an energetic activism just as astonishing as the oil prices, Russian officials, President Putin in the very visible lead but with platoons of technocrats behind him, are forging an extensive network of South-South relationships — East-East, if you prefer — that are something very new under the sun. Some of us were banging on about South-South trade and diplomatic unity as far back as the 1970s; I have anticipated the arriving reality since the early years of this century. But I would never have predicted the pace of events as we have them before us. Stunning."
War Drums Beat Louder and Faster Between the U.S. and Russia - ICH Funding Drive - [Click Here]
Special Note - A quote..." December 14, 2014 "ICH" - On Saturday, December 13th, Russian media reported that U.S. President Obama evidently can’t wait to sign the congressional authorization for war against Russia (which has already been passed in draft form by 98% of U.S. House members and 100% of U.S. Senate members), and that he is already shipping military supplies into Ukraine for use against Ukraine’s ethnic Russians that the Ukrainian Government is trying to eliminate. -- Mikhail Emelyanov, a leading Russian parliamentarian, was quoted as saying on Saturday, Russia “cannot calmly watch as the US arms Ukraine with the most modern lethal weapons. In this regard, we should not appear weak. The situation is very alarming. Judging by US intentions, they want to turn Ukraine into a fighting platform against Russia.”"

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Whom the Gods Would Destroy They First Make Mad
Special Note - A quote...."It is decidedly uncommon to watch a nation self-destruct by making series of bad decisions, each one worse than the one that preceded, eventually leading to a complete loss in both credibility and respectability. One might argue that the United States has been proceeding down such a path since 9/11, boxing itself into a corner where it has become a state with a single mission externally, perhaps best summed up as imposing an American model of pseudo-democracy worldwide without regard for local preferences. The strains of continuous warfare and conflict overseas have resulted in a domestic governance that mimics the foreign and defense policies, with great reliance on executive authority, coercion and overriding of constitutional principles."

US budget resolution funds war and repression
A quote...."a staggering $830 billion,more than 80 cents out of every dollar in the funding bill,is devoted to killing,spying on,imprisoning or otherwise oppressing the people of the world,including the American people."

US Congress approves over half a trillion dollars in military spending
A quote...."The US Congress approved a massive military spending bill on Friday worth more than half a trillion dollars, which includes billions of dollars for waging wars and developing nuclear weapons."

The Budget Deal Gives the Pentagon Just As Much Money As It Got During the Iraq War
A quote...."Today's the last day for Congress to pass a budget deal and avert a government shutdown. Part of the $1.1 trillion "Cromnibus" package is the 2015 defense budget. While there's been some wrangling over pay and benefits for service members, finalizing the Pentagon budget has been relatively uncontentious."
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A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia...

Former Ukrainian PM Elena Bondarenko's Open Letter to the Citizens of the World
Must Read - A quote...."Elena Bondarenko, silenced in the Ukrainian Parliament, published an open letter to the public. It's a voice nowhere to be heard in the Western press. Although it has been written a few months ago, it is still important today and will remain on the pages of history as a testimony to the situation of lawlessness perpetrated by those in the highest ranks of power in Ukraine...." - also posted at RINF
"My friends, here is my declaration. I ask that you share it to the extent possible. If you can translate it into other languages, please do! -- I, Elena Bondarenko, People’s Deputy from the Party of Regions, finding myself in opposition to the current power in Ukraine, wish to declare that this administration has resorted to direct threats of physical elimination of the opposition in Ukraine; has resorted to suspending the right of freedom of speech, in parliament and out, and is implicated in complicity in crimes not just against politicians, but even against their children. The everyday life of an opposition deputy is this: constant threats, unofficial ban from the airwaves, targeted persecution. Everyone who calls for peace is immediately branded as an enemy of the people, just as in 1930’s Germany, or in McCarthyite US....."
E. Ukraine ceasefire finally ‘real’, both sides confirm
The Pause Before The Storm? - (see article posted below) -- A quote...."The ceasefire in Ukraine is actually being implemented, and both sides of the conflict have acknowledged this in a rare demonstration of accord after months of mutual accusations."

Ukraine Prepares 250,000 Graves for Its Soldiers
Preparing To Cause The Storm? - It is difficult to believe that the Ukrainian/Russian people, even under a regime as punitive and totalitarian as that run by the Banksters of Kiev, would be stupid enough to murder hundreds of thousands of their own fellow Ukrainian/Russians on the orders of, and for the profits of, a bunch of foreign sponsored Euro-Kazarian, trans-national, traitors, and their fellow traveling foreign carpet-baggers!! - mpg

Ukrainian Authorities Turn to Yesterday's School Children For Cannon Fodder
Preparing To Sacrifice The Young - For a bunch of greedy, trans-national, Euro-Kazarian, Oligarchs. -- A quote..."At the 3rd battalion of the 80th airmobile brigade, located in the area of Shtormovo (61 km North-West of Lugansk) a share of untrained conscripts is more than 60%. -- The 2nd battalion of the same brigade located near Verhnaya Pokrovka (83 km North-West of Lugansk), is staffed with yesterday's schoolchildren by more than half. -- Having exhausted the human resources, the Ukrainian government went to extreme measures. Along with their diplomas the graduates of Ukrainian schools and universities received their summons to the army this year. In the event of junta resuming the fighting these children will become cannon fodder and "Izvarinsky Cauldron" will seem like a kindergarten Christmas party."

Ukraine’s Military Budget Will Be Over $3 Billion in 2015
Preparing To Sacrifice The Treasury - For a bunch of greedy, trans-national, Euro-Kazarian, Oligarchs. -- A quote...."Ukrainian officials plan to increase the military budget to about $3.2 billion for 2015, a 100 percent increase over this year. - This news comes after Ukraine announced plans for a border wall with Russia costing over half a billion dollars.

Ukraine to Double Military Budget, Conscript 40,000 for Eastern War
The Euro-Kazarians Want Their Mega-Pounds Of Christian Flesh -- A quote...."Ukraine’s ceasefire with eastern rebels has been holding for quite some time, and even President Poroshenko now says it’s “real.” That would ruin Ukraine’s anti-Russia rhetoric if it holds, and Ukrainian policy is being drawn up to see it doesn’t."

NATO Trying to Trigger a Russian-Ukrainian War
The Euro-Kazarian Butchers - And Their Plan -- A quote...."NATO will not attack Russia directly. The real risk is that the US/NATO will wage war on Russia, but via the Ukraine. A lot of observers in Russia and the Ukraine are now saying that "the US is ready to fight the Russians down to the last Ukrainian solider" and that is sadly quite true."

Canadian Military Historian Discusses Russian Involvement in Novorossiya
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Paul Robinson is a professor of public affairs at the University of Ottawa. -- He holds an MA in Russian and Eastern European Studies from the University of Toronto and a D. Phil. in Modern History from the University of Oxford...."
Russian State Duma Could Authorize the Use of Russian Troops in Ukraine
A quote...."December 13, 2014 "ICH" - "Rusvesna" -  The State Duma of Russian Federation could adopt a law that would allow President Vladimir Putin to use Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine. - This opinion was voiced by PM from the faction "Just Russia" Mikhail Emelyanov. The politician is convinced that this is a way to protect Russia." - Source:  Rusvesna

U.S. Taxpayers Now Alone in Financing Ukraine’s Ethnic Cleansing Campaign
A quote..."The IMF has concluded that it was too optimistic when loaning Ukraine $17 billion at the end of April, and that the Ukrainian Government’s economic condition is far worse than the IMF expected, and also that the Government’s anti-corruption program is too weak to justify the planned loan-installments or “tranches” going to Ukraine. Therefore, “even providing the program of the next two tranches is open to question.”
Don't get excited folks, Israel will call the Fed & Obama, and they'll call the IMF, problem solved. The Banksters in Ukraine will get their money. Else the author is right, the Fed will just hit the print button, and the US tax payers will pick up the tab one way or the other. They'll most likely call it a loan, start some sort of war in Ukraine, and years later after not receiving a dime, they'll just forgive it. - mpg
[eng subs] How the elite UA troops were defeated by the militia. Interview with commander Kedr
KZVideo - (KZYuTb - 9min10sec - Dec 13, 2014) - Source:  Kazzura
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The ISIS Gambit - Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....& The Kurds....

U.S. Has Given Up On The Fee Syrian Army - ICH Funding Drive - [Click Here]
ISIS Gambit - For The US-NRE, It's Over??? -- A quote...." December 14, 2014 "ICH" - The U.S. has given up on the Fee Syrian Army in the north of Syria...."
"The United States has stopped paying most of the pro-western rebels fighting in northern Syria and has suspended the delivery of arms to them, rebel commanders told McClatchy Tuesday."
"Some of the FSA mercenaries, now no longer getting paid, are joining jihadi groups...."
"As many as 800 to 1,000 fighters from U.S.-vetted rebel groups already have joined Nusra, ..."
The stop of support in the north is confirmed by additional reports....Source:  MoonOfAlabama

Israel Joining ISIS
ISIS Gambit - Like Two Peas In A Pod - Must View WRCVideo - (WACYuTb - 10min09sec - Dec 12, 2014) - Source:  WeAreChange -- A quote...."In this video Luke Rudkowski talks about the latest developments in the middle east that bring to light many contradictions."

Syrian No-Fly-Zone a Bid to Save Al Qaeda
ISIS Gambit - To Dream The Libyan Dream - Must Read - Related Article - (It will NEVER happen. - mpg) -- A quote...."Recent strikes on Syria by Israel have been alleged to be part of a regional plan by the US, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel to establish a no-fly-zone (NFZ) over Syria, just as NATO did in Libya in 2011 effectively handing the entire nation over to Al Qaeda and now “Islamic State” terrorists. DEBKA File has suggested in its article, “Israel air strikes wiped out Russian hardware for thwarting US no-fly zone plan over Syria,”...." - also posted at ICH

EU Bans Export of Jet Fuel Used by Syrian Air Force
ISIS Gambit - EU Doesn't Want ISIS Bombed -- A quote..."European Union governments agreed on Friday to ban the export of jet fuel to Syria from Sunday, saying it was being used by the Syrian air force for indiscriminate attacks against civilians."

Syrian rebels kill 300 civilians
A quote...."Syrian rebels using improvised mortar bombs made of cooking gas canisters killed 311 civilians between July and December this year, a monitoring group said on Friday, condemning the use of the wildly inaccurate weapons."

Over 900 killed, injured in rebels' shelling in Aleppo
A quote...."Over 900 civilians were either injured or killed over the past 162 days as a result of the rebels' shelling on government-controlled areas in the northern city of Aleppo, a monitoring group reported on Friday." - For more articles on these issues see below.....
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, North & Central Africa & Others...

Iraqi army prepares for 'liberation of Mosul'
A quote...."The Iraqi government has set up an operations room for the liberation of the city, Zebari said, adding that success of the offensive depended on coordination between Iraqi forces and the US-led international coalition."

Over 54 killed in clashes with ISIS militants in Ira
A quote...."In Iraq's northern central province of Salahudin, the security forces backed by Shiite militias and aircraft seized towns of Mkeshifa and al-Mu'tasim in north and south of the city of Samarra respectively after two days of fierce clashes with the IS militants." - For more articles on these issues see below....
Two U.S. occupation force soldiers killed by Taliban attack near Afghan capital
A quote...."A Taliban bomb killed two American soldiers in a NATO convoy late on Friday night near the U.S. Bagram Airfield base north of Kabul, a U.S. defence official said on Saturday."

Wave of arrests targets Gulen supporters in Turkey
A quote...." Turkish police on Sunday launched a sweeping operation to arrest dozens of supporters of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's rival, US-exiled imam Fethullah Gulen, including a raid on the offices of the Zaman daily, which is close to the cleric. -- The operation came just two days after Erdogan signalled a new crackdown against the "evil forces" of Gulen, whom the president accused of orchestrating a corruption probe a year ago against members of his inner circle."

Egypt alliance holds rallies against military rule
A quote...."Members of Egypt's Anti-Coup Alliance have held nationwide rallies calling for an immediate end to military rule and the release of all political detainees in the North African country, Press TV reports."

Libya: Be Careful What You Wish For
Must Read - Some quotes...."On March 19, 2011, the United States led NATO countries in a blitz of aircraft and missile strikes against the government of Muammar Gaddafi, Libya's batty dictator who was visited in 2004 and 2007 by British prime minister Tony Blair, in 2007 by French president Nicolas Sarkozy, in 2008 by US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, and in 2009 by Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, all of whom cordially assured him that relations between their countries and his were comfortable." --- "Things were looking good for Libya. -- But on January 21, 2011, Reuters reported that "Muammar Gaddafi said his country and other oil exporters were looking into nationalizing foreign firms due to low oil prices". He suggested that "oil should be owned by the State at this time, so we could better control prices by the increase or decrease in production". -- Then in February, immediately after Gaddafi's hint of nationalization of Libya's oil resources, there was an uprising by rebels who wanted to overthrow him and on March 17 the UN Security Council established a "no-fly zone" in Libya "to take all necessary measures to protect civilians under threat of attack in the country"."

Four killed as Libya rival forces clash over control of eastern oil ports
A quote...."Four people were killed and seven injured in airstrikes by forces loyal to Libya's recognized government on Saturday, targeting near the eastern oil ports of Ras Lanuf and al-Sider to stop an advance by a rival force, officials said."

Libya: Fighting closes largest oil export terminal
A quote..."The minister of oil in Libya's Tripoli-based government says the country's largest oil shipping terminal has been shut down due to clashes between rival militias."

14 people killed in Yemen attack
A quote..."Attack by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leave 14 dead, even as Houthi rebels claim taking control of Sanaa district."

15 killed as militants clash in Somalia
A quote...."At least 15 people were killed in clashes Saturday between government forces and members of the Ahlu Sunna Waljama'a (ASW) militia in the city of Dhusamareb in Somalia's central province of Galguduud, a government official has said."

Over 150 "Boko Haram" Militants Killed In Cameroon
A quote...."The men were reportedly killed during an attack in Amchide, an area near the Nigerian border, at about 8:30pm on Thursday night, according to a top security source."

Uproar over Kenyan anti-terror bill
A quote...."Kenya's parliament backs a bill giving security agencies greater powers following recent attacks, but rights groups are strongly critical."

Islamic State influence spreads to African militants
A quote...."Its main battlegrounds are far away and its true influence hard to judge, but the Islamic State's (IS) black banner is attracting the attention of militants in Africa, particularly in Nigeria.IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's so-called caliphate is based in Syria and Iraq and draws most of its recruits from the Middle East, North Africa and Europe's immigrant communities." - NO!  You're kidding!  Who would have thunk-it? For more on this issue see the two essays shown below....
Ebola outbreak: Darwin volunteer writes from Sierra Leone treatment centre, 'I just cry in my goggles'
10]   A quote...."One week to go so my days in "Mama Salone" are coming to an end. -- Probably the most humanitarian of my missions so far - the learning curve has been amazing - but the body bagging terrible. -- It is without question a horrific death, the grimace on the face of the corpses as we body bag describe a pain beyond description."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

'Israeli money buys UK policies'
GUVideo - (GUYuTb - 11min25sec - Dec 13, 2014) - Source:  GoingUnderground - GU@YuTb - RT -- A quote..."Afshin Rattansi goes underground on UK’s relationship with Israel. Mira Bar-Hillel, a Jerusalem-born journalist, says through lobby groups Israel has influence at the top levels of government, and people are scared to speak out against them for fear of being labelled anti-Semitic."

Israel’s Jews NOT Palestinians who are trapped in their public narrative
A quote...."The only threat to Israel’s very existence is its on-going colonization of the occupied West Bank (ethnic cleansing slowly and by stealth) and the sickening Zionist self-righteousness that justifies it."

Israelis rattled by search for truth about the Nakba
A quote...."NAZARETH, Israel - The first-ever “truth commission” in Israel, to be held on Wednesday, will feature confessions from veteran Israeli fighters of the 1948 war who are expected to admit to perpetrating war crimes. - The nine-month war that broke out in May of that year saw hundreds of thousands of Palestinians expelled from their homes and thousands killed."

Israel earmarks Palestinian land for natural reserve
The concept of "private property" does not even exist in Israel. There's only "Jewish property", and then there are those who've payed for it, built on it, have pieces of paper in thier possession that say they own it, and who've lived on it for hundreds of years.  But they aren't "Jewish", i.e. part of the Euro-Kazarian Crime Syndicate, so it doesn't matter. - mpg - Source:  Ma'an

Whitewashing a Palestinian minister’s murder
A quote...."Jamal Kanj examines the murder by Israeli Wehrmacht soldiers of Palestinian minister Ziad Abu Ein and the subsequent propaganda blitz by Israel and its Western stooges and nincompoops to whitewash the murder."

IOF soldiers assault Palestinian shepherd
A quote...."TOBAS, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) attacked a Palestinian shepherd while tending to his herd in Tamon village, in Tobas province, on Friday. - Local sources said that IOF soldiers assaulted Mohammed Fahd Bani Ode while tending to his sheep in Atuf area to the east of Tamon village. - Medical sources said that Mohammed suffered bruises all over his body due to the severe beating by the soldiers. - Atuf hamlet is a constant target for IOF assaults after it seized part of the land to launch military exercises."

Gaza fisherman injured by Egyptian fire
A quote...."GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- A Palestinian fisherman was injured by live fire shot from an Egyptian surveillance area on the borders with the southern Gaza Strip on Saturday, an official said."
A Century Ago: Rockefellers Funded Eugenics Initiative to Sterilize 15 Million Americans
A quote..."Some people are still under the impression that the Rockefeller Foundation is all about philanthropy: helping people and saving lives. Those people are Bill Gates and Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. - In reality, the Rockefellers have been one of the largest financial backers and drivers of the eugenics and the depopulation agenda for over a century now. - Check out these 1915 newspaper clippings we came across in research." - Related article:  Rockefellers and Rothschilds Unite
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

In Gallup Poll, The Biggest Threat To World Peace Is ... America? - ICH Funding Drive - [Click Here]
A quote...." December 13, 2014 "ICH" - "IB Times" - In their annual End of Year poll, researchers for WIN and Gallup International surveyed more than 66,000 people across 65 nations and found that 24 percent of all respondents answered that the United States “is the greatest threat to peace in the world today.” Pakistan and China fell significantly behind the United States on the poll, with 8 and 6 percent, respectively. Afghanistan, Iran, Israel and North Korea all tied for fourth place with 4 percent." - Source:  IBTimes

Putting It Together….and You See The Big Picture = The Complete Collapse Of The Petrodollar System
A quote...."The BRICS, with their payment systems and everything completely ready, go online with financial operations COMPLETELY bypassing the US dollar….This topples the petrodollar’s house of cards…PMs start to explode in dollar terms and the dollar dominated derivatives start to blow US banks up."

European Union Is Like USSR, Has No Future
Special Note - A quote...."For the time being Russia has nothing to talk about with the European Union for various reasons. -- The first one is rather obvious: trying to find a consensus whithin the framework of the European Union, the general position of this organization will always be strongly anti-Russian. -- The second one is that Brussels doesn’t have an independant position; it pursues the Washington’s policy. -- The third reason is that the current European Union has no future. We need to discuss this issue in detail...."

Where Europe Heads to? Harbingers of Political Storm

Special Note - A quote...."The daily routine has distracted the attention of ruling circles in Europe. They have failed to see in time the erosion of political order due to growing interference of EU supranational structures into the affairs of national states. The first warning was sounded during the May 2014 European Parliament election. Miscellaneous and sundry political parties united in their anti-EU drive received 30% of the votes. The Treaty of Lisbon was concluded in 2007 to replace the failed EU Constitutional Treaty. Since then it has become clear that the European integration is quite a reversible process."

HD RAW Proton rocket w/Gazprom Yamal satellite erected on launchpad
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 2min35sec - Dec 12, 2014) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."Russian Proton-M carrier rocket bearing Gazprom System’s Yamal-401 telecommunications satellite was lifted to launch pad at the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, December 11, 2014. The rocket's launch is scheduled for December 15. It leap-frogged Astra’s 2G satellite in launch order after a problem with the Breeze-M upper stage on a Proton."

Russia’s Proton-M rocket with telecoms satellite blasts off from Baikonur
A quote..."MOSCOW, December 15. /TASS/. Russia's Proton-M carrier rocket with the Yamal-401 telecommunications satellite blasted off on early Monday from the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan, the press service of Russian Space Agency Roscosoms reported."

Venture Capital: Crude Cuts (E68)
VCRTVideo - (VCRTYuTb - 13min09sec - Dec 7, 2014) - Source:  VC@RT - VC@YuTb - RT -- A quote.... "As Iraq offers price discounts on oil to Asian consumers, Katie Pilbeam investigates if this is a sign that crude producers are waging a price war. Also, Greece's election chaos sends markets crashing on fear that an elected leftist government would pull the country out of the eurozone."

CIA torture is reason for France to exit NATO – Le Pen
A quote...."Le Pen has previously criticized French President Francois Hollande’s close ties with the US and called on France to leave NATO. - Speaking to RT’s Sophie Shevardnadze in June, Le Pen said that NATO is an opportunity for the United States to extend its influence."

Kazakhstan’s president, China’s premier discuss economic cooperation
A quote..."ASTANA, December 14. /TASS/. Kazakhstan’s President Nursultan Nazarbayev on Sunday met with China’s Prime Minister Li Keqiang, currently on an official visit here, the press service of the Kazakh head of state reported." - Source:  SCF

China, Kazakhstan ink $14 bn deals, renew currency swap accord
A quote...."China has signed cooperation deals worth about $14 billion with Central Asia’s biggest economy Kazakhstan during Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s state visit. - With a population of 17 million, Kazakhstan is the second-largest post-Soviet oil producer after Russia."

China, Kazakhstan Agree on Using National Currencies in Trade
Dollar Alert - A quote...."Kazakhstan's National Bank and China's People's Bank signed a deal on carrying out financial operations in the tenge and the yuan, national currencies of the countries." - Source:  SCF

Haiti prime minister resigns amid protests
A quote...."Decision follows demonstrations in several cities in support of new elections and resignations of PM and president."

Uruguay Takes on London Bankers, Marlboro Mad Men and the TPP
A quote...."What the hell is happening in tiny Uruguay? South America's second smallest country, with a population of just 3.4 million, has generated international headlines out of proportion to its size over the past year...."

Mexico's Self-Defense Groups Resurface to Fight Drug Violence
A quote...."The groups say they will take control of security in the violence-plagued state and protested the disappearance of the Rural Police Force."

ALBA Summit Concludes, Rejects US Interference in the Region
A quote...."The bloc of Latin American and Caribbean countries condemned new U.S. sanctions against Venezuela and demanded Washington end its economic blockade on Cuba."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

Levin releases new information from CIA cable debunking Atta Prague meeting
Another War Lie Confirmed - (But known by everyone on the web for over a decade. - mpg) -- : Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, today plans to introduce into the Congressional Record important new information about how Bush administration officials misled the nation in advance of the Iraq War, and called on CIA Director John Brennan to fully declassify an important 2003 CIA cable."

Related BPEWVideo - (BPEWYuTb - 10min23sec - Dec 12, 2014) - Source:  BPEarthWatch - A quote..."CIA says Bush and Cheney lied to get U.S. to attack Iraq."  - For more on these issues see.....Reficultnias's 9/11 Central - weblist

USAID Exposed in Cuba - What it Tells Us About US Subversion Worldwide
A quote...."Revealed in an Associated Press (AP) investigation, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) had for two years attempted to create and exploit a social network within Cuba for the purpose of sparking unrest and overthrowing the Cuban government. The program was an abject failure, primarily because the Cuban government took the necessary measures to investigate, interrogate, and otherwise disrupt what was foreign-backed sedition."

US Confirms Financing Rappers to Undermine Cuba
Related Article - A quote..."The United States financed a four-year effort to promote Cuba's rap music scene, as part of a program to undermine its government, officials reported Thursday. - "It seemed like a good idea to support civil society," said Matt Herrick, spokesman for the U.S. Agency for International Development, which financed the program. - "It's not something we are embarrassed about in any way," he added."

U.S. Congress Passes Venezuela Sanctions, Obama Expected to Sign
A quote...."Mérida, 12th December 2014 ( – Late on Wednesday the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill to introduce sanctions against Venezuela."

Brazil Released Its Own Torture Report This Week, And The U.S. Is Implicated

A quote...."As Americans learned about the deeply disturbing tactics of the CIA's post-9/11 torture program this week, the government in Brazil released a report filled with its own history of systemic abuses. The nearly-2,000-page report by Brazil's National Truth Commission detailed a pattern of killings and torture during a period of military dictatorship from 1964 to 1985."

The CIA’s Torture Program - ICH Funding Drive - [Click Here]
Resource - Article List - A quote...."December 13, 2014 "ICH" - A quote...."One purpose of the torture program was to produce self-incriminated “terrorists” to justify and feed the hoax “war on terror.” The “war on terror” was public cover for secret agendas that the American people would have rejected. This is disturbing enough. Even more disturbing, the torture program shows that no one in the US and European governments who knew of the program and participated in torture has an ounce of humanity, integrity, compassion, and morality. They are evil people, and the ones who inflicted the torture enjoyed the pain and suffering that they inflicted on others. - The only exceptional thing about the US is the extent of the evil that resides in Washington, D.C."
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The US-NRE's Torture Report....A Highly Redacted Tale of Woe....

CIA & Torture – All Americans Are Now At Risk When Captured - ICH Funding Drive - [Click Here]
A quote...."Lost is all the defense of uncivilized and unethical behavior that should be criminally punished in the CIA Torture scandal, is the simple fact that human beings with a conscious do not act that way. It was agreed among nations that torture would be outlawed and the bottom-line is rather clear – no American is now safe for when captured they will be tortured in retaliation. The people who authorized this should be criminally prosecuted and the two psychologists in Spokane, Washington should stand trial for violating international and US law."

God, Country and Torture
A quote...."Defenders of the American soldiers accused of abusing the prisoners in Iraq have been insisting that the soldiers were only following orders.  At the end of the Second World War, however, we read moral lectures to the German people on the inadmissibility of pleading that their participation in the holocaust was in obedience to their legitimate government.  To prove that we were serious, we hanged the leading examples of such patriotic loyalty and imprisoned many of the rest." - bold by website editor- Guess the US-NRE and its citizen-slaves are no longer serious about punishing torture. - mpg

"Both Sides" Are Wrong: Torture Did Work -- to Produce Lies for War
A quote...." December 12, 2014 "ICH" - Nothing solidifies the establishment more than a seemingly raging debate between two wings of it in which they are both wrong. Not only wrong, but in their wrongness, helping to cover their joint iniquities, all the while engaging in simultaneous embrace and fingerpointing to convey the illusion of debate and choice." - Source: CounterPunch - also posted at AlethoNews

Obama Urges No Further Investigations Or Prosecutions Over Torture
Another "Let's Put It All Behind Us" moment brought to you by the "Peace Prize" President. - mpg -- A quote...."In his first official remarks following Tuesday’s release of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on the torture program conducted by the CIA during the presidency of George W. Bush, President Barack Obama on Tuesday night indicated that the abuses detailed in the report conducted in the name of the American people—described as “horrific,” “ruthless” and “much more brutal than previously thought”—should not be followed by further inquiries or prosecutions as many have long urged."  - For more articles on these issues see below....
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

Fake mobile towers in central Oslo may snoop on politicians, report reveals
A quote...."A network of fake base mobile stations that can snoop on leading politicians’ mobile phones, as well as ordinary people, has been discovered in central Oslo, some outside Norway’s parliament and the prime minister’s residence, according to a report. - Investigative journalists from the Aftenposten newspaper have detected a number of places in the capital with suspicious mobile activity. They teamed up with two security companies to help track down fake base stations, which confirmed that spy equipment has been used in downtown Oslo." - Source:  RT
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation...

Pooka Time in The Circus of the Absurd and Ridiculous
He's all over the place with this one, but it's a fun read. - mpg -- A quote...."If you say you don’t want to be a guru, people say that is just another way to go about it and if you say you are a guru, well then; point made. If you take on the persona of that sort of an individual, you wind up attracting all sorts of annoying people who won’t leave you alone. The whole thing makes me laugh fairly often. Life becomes so much simpler when you don’t take yourself seriously. You have to decide whose opinion is important to you and you do your best to live up to that expectation. Some might fear being manipulated by another but we all manipulate each other. The question is; to what end? If we are manipulating people to their benefit perhaps that is good but generally people, in their ordinarily paranoid fashion, consider any manipulation to be evil. This is because they want to control everything but you can’t control everything unless you control yourself and if you are in control of yourself, you automatically control everything else anyway. Why this is not more generally understood is something for one to analyze in those instances where that is even necessary. If you are ONLY controlling yourself you are still manipulating people.."

Sad Max: Bored Warrior of the Asexual Apocalypse
Related Article - A quote...."What if the coming global end comes through monoculture and the new world order sloughs and waddles its way down the frozen pizza aisle with supremely boring methods, like Candy Crush, corn syrup and consumerist standardization?  The nightmare of the now – silly putty people of the novus ordo devolve into a Gumby-like cut-outs that can be molded, shaped, dissolved and coagulated as GloboCorp sees fit through much more subtle, dull means than mass cataclysms.  The energy of revolutionary impulse becomes packaged as an energy drink!"

This Week In Sex Abuse of Children by Pedophile Catholic Priests [Dec 13 2014]
Another week's worth of butchered lives, betrayed innocence and ruined psyches by those, if they're TRUE believers, should know what awaits them for their heinous crimes. - mpg
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Kicking Against the Establishment: It’s Time for Truth in Media
A quote...."Rhetoric coming out of Washington is constantly using and abusing the term “democracy” as a concept to be defended and cheered. But what we see in the US is a far-cry from any real and accountable system of democracy. -- In fact, the United States of America couldn’t be farther from being “the land of milk and honey” as it once proclaimed itself to be; its promise of wealth and stability, the oft-referenced yet seldom seen “American dream”, is undeniably buried in the realm of wishful thinking — for the majority of people, that is. -- Elections give the illusion of choice while maintaining a status quo that sees the rich get richer and the poor scrambling to redefine their definitions of “rock bottom”. (See Andy Kroll, “Billionaires Unchained: America is a Democracy of the Wealthy“). -- The good news is, the majority can no longer afford (quite literally) to stay complacent in the face of rampant financial exploitation by a ruling minority that knows no bounds to its powerlust."

How Eric Holder spun the ‘Fast and Furious’ scandal to a lapdog media
Fast & Furious - A quote...."The general news media met the recent release of 42,000 pages of government documents, withheld for more than two years under President Obama’s one and only invocation of executive privilege, with a predictable-yet-inexcusable yawn. -- The documents relate to the Justice Department case “Fast and Furious” in which federal agents secretly facilitated delivery of thousands of weapons to Mexican drug cartels."

The Lawless Society - ICH Funding Drive - [Click Here]
Special Note - A quote...."December 13, 2014 "ICH" - The release of the Senate's torture report reminds us of the central fact of American society, today. Any semblance of equal justice under the law is now gone from what our leaders claim is the world's leading democracy. -- Instead, of a constitutional democracy living under the law. We have a gangster government that fails to enforce the law, but instead prosecutes whistle blowers who make public, violations of it. Here is an off the top of the head list of our continuing and systematic failures to create justice."

Police: Armored military vehicles needed for ‘constitutionalists’ with firearms
Contains Video - Alt - A quote..."Shocking video provided exclusively to Infowars shows a Washington state sheriff’s deputy proclaiming that law enforcement officers need armored military vehicles because of “constitutionalists” with firearms. - The footage, recently captured in Spokane Valley, begins with a local resident asking two deputies why police would need vehicles specifically designed for warfare abroad. - “I mean, we’ve got a lot of constitutionalists and a lot of people that stockpile weapons, lots of ammunition,” one deputy says. “They have weapons here locally.” - The startling admission not only points to active surveillance of legal gun owners, but of those who support the country’s founding document, further solidifying concerns among law-abiding citizens that police are receiving military equipment and training in order to target conservative Americans."

Undercover Cop Aims Gun at Photographer During Ferguson-Inspired March in Oakland
A quote...."“Who is the man pointing a gun at Reuters photographer Noah Berger in this photo from last night’s protests in Oakland and Berkeley, and why is he aiming his weapon at photographers and protesters?” - Source:  PINAC

Cop Caught on Video Bragging About How He Just Killed A Man
A quote...."I dropped like a f**king bomb on his head!” “I tased a motherf**ker in custody today. I don’t care. I gotta call my PBA rep… when you kill someone… I already called them.” - For more articles on these issues see below....

Current Economic Collapse News Brief – Episode 541
X22Video - Alt/YuTb - Alt/Mp3  - (X22YuTb - 16min11sec - Dec 13, 2014) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote...."Greeks might be heading down the same path as Cyprus, bank bail-ins. Baltic dry index falls once again. Central banks are now ready to loot the American people and the rest of the private western bank countries. Report shows congress knew about the torture and was briefed regularly. Spain blocks news and creates new law restricting protests. NATO putting approximately 12,000 advisers in Afghanistan. US passed bill to supply Ukraine with deadly weapons. DHS reports millions of Americans face catastrophic loss of electrical power during a future magnetic space storm. - All source links to the report can be found on the site." – World Crisis Radio
Must Listen WTAudio - (AdbFlshPlyr - aprox1hr10min - December 13, 2014) - Source:  WebsterTarpleyWTRadio - Webster Tarpley@YuTb - A quote...."Demand Filibuster by Sens. Warren and Sanders to Stop New Derivatives Bailout of Wall Street Zombie Banks; Obama Must Fire ISIS Czar Allen or Face General Middle East War; Putin-Modi Summit Brings Big Economic and Security Benefits; Jury Packing by Prosecution Focuses World Indignation on Pinkney Sentencing Dec. 15 in St. Joseph, Michigan"
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

US Consumes Far More than It Produces. Threatens Global Division of Labor
Must Read Excerpt - (From a previously posted article) -- A quote...."The situation with industry in the US in the past couple of years has somewhat improved. -- There are two reasons: changing energy prices in the US (and here we must say good words for the Obama administration), and the rising cost of production in China. -- However, the main factor for long-term growth - private demand – is in decline. This suggests that growth in the US does not even have a medium-term prospect. -- The drop in private demand is the main impact of the economic crisis, which has continued since 2008. Nothing can be done here, because the main mechanism of its stimulation - the refinancing of private debt in an environment of a decline in the cost of credit - is no longer working. -- Recall that the discount rate of the US Federal Reserve, which was 19% at the beginning of the “Reaganomics” policy (the main tool of which was increasing lending to households), declined almost to zero by December 2008. -- It’s impossible to raise the rate now, because it will bring down the whole pyramid of debt around the world."

Keiser Report: Debt Meteor Approaching Earth (E692) - ICH Funding Drive - [Click Here]
MaxRTVideo - (MaxRTYuTb - 25min42sec - Dec 13, 2014) - Related Websites:  RussiaToday - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom - A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert believe that ‘something’s gotta give’ as the real world continues to tumble while equity markets continue rising - and not everyone is 'lovin' it.' They also compare the debt curse to the oil curse. In the second half, Max interviews equity crowdfunding pioneer, Simon Dixon of, about the latest in CrowdFunding 2.0 as both the political and financial space is disintermediated."

Something is very wrong: Lowest labor participation rate ~40 yrs, Americans are 40% poorer than before the recession And that’s WITH our housing & stock bubble 2.0. -- A quote...."Is there any doubt that we are living in a bubble economy?  At this moment in the United States we are simultaneously experiencing a stock market bubble, a government debt bubble, a corporate bond bubble, a bubble in San Francisco real estate, a farmland bubble, a derivatives bubble and a student loan debt bubble.  And of course similar things could be said about most of the rest of the planet as well.  In fact, the total amount of government debt around the world has risen by about 40 percent just since the last recession.  But it is never sustainable when asset prices and debt levels increase much faster than the overall level of economic growth.  History has shown us that all financial bubbles eventually burst.  And when these current financial bubbles in America burst, the pain is going to be absolutely enormous."

Report: Americans Are Poorer Since The Recession Ended, Wealth Inequality Continues To Increase
A quote...."While it could be debated to no end whether or not the Great Recession is over, a new report points out that consumers are still worth less money than they were before the bottom fell out of the economy. -- A new analysis from Pew Research Center found that even as the economy has recovered, many households still face financial disparity and wealth inequality continues to widen along racial and ethnic lines."

The Global Bankers’ Coup Coming to US with Bail-In Bill
A quote...."On December 11, 2014, the US House passed a bill repealing the Dodd-Frank requirement that risky derivatives be pushed into big-bank subsidiaries, leaving our deposits and pensions exposed to massive derivatives losses. The bill was vigorously challenged by Senator Elizabeth Warren; but the tide turned when Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorganChase, stepped into the ring. Perhaps what prompted his intervention was the unanticipated $40 drop in the price of oil. As financial blogger Michael Snyder points out, that drop could trigger a derivatives payout that could bankrupt the biggest banks. And if the G20’s new “bail-in” rules are formalized, depositors and pensioners could be on the hook." - also posted at ICH

Wall Street, aka United States, Pulls Off Another Destructive Coup. Ironically, China And Russia Are Far More Capitalistic - A quote...."There is no room for sanity in the United States, anymore, and the public is sleepwalking through it all.  Arguably, this has been carefully orchestrated by the elites over the past century, as in 100 years and not just in the past decade or so.  Capitalism is dead in the US, and has been for decades.  Ironically, China and Russia are far more capitalistic.  Once the elites took over the money supply, with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, there was a concerted effort to take over all media and start a propaganda scheme that is far superior than any other country in effective population control. -- What did Wall Street just do?  It guaranteed that any losses from all derivatives that arise within the bankrupt banking system will be passed onto the taxpaying serfs called United States citizens.  When Congress just passed its bill allowing the [bankrupt] government to keep spending with abandon, attached to the bill was a portion written by Citicorp that allows financial institutions [read that as Wall Street banks] to trade in certain derivatives that are insured by the FDIC.  What it means is that taxpayers will be responsible for all losses resulting from theses derivative contracts."

Shale Leads the Way - Will Falling Oil Prices Crash the Markets?
A quote...."December 12, 2014 "ICH" - "Counterpunch" -  Crude oil prices dipped lower on Wednesday pushing down yields on US Treasuries and sending stocks down sharply. The 30-year UST slipped to a Depression era 2.83 percent while all three major US indices plunged into the red. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) led the retreat losing a hefty 268 points before the session ended. The proximate cause of Wednesday’s bloodbath was news that OPEC had reduced its estimate of how much oil it would need to produce in 2015 to meet weakening global demand...." - Source:  CounterPunch

Crude Oil – 2nd largest yearly decline in 30-years!
Chart - A quote...."Have to say I am impressed that the S&P 500 is just 4% from all time highs, considering what Crude has experienced!" - By the way, guess which year was the 1st largest decline in thirty years?  2008 of course. - mpg

We Just Witnessed The Worst Week For Global Financial Markets In 3 Years
Related Article - A quote...."Is this the start of the next major financial crisis?  The nightmarish collapse of the price of oil is creating panic in financial markets all over the planet.  On June 16th, U.S. oil was trading at a price of $107.52.  Since then, it has fallen by almost 50 dollars in less than 6 months.  This has only happened one other time in our history.  In the summer of 2008, the price of oil utterly collapsed and we all remember what happened after that.  Well, the same patterns that we witnessed back in 2008 are happening again. "
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Lead Developer of HPV Vaccines Comes Clean, Warns Parents & Young Girls It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam
A quote...."Dr. Diane Harper was a leading expert responsible for the Phase II and Phase III safety and effectiveness studies which secured the approval of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines, Gardasil™ and Cervarix™.  Dr. Harper also authored many of the published, scholarly papers about the vaccines.  She is now the latest in a long string of experts who are pressing the red alert button on the devastating consequences and irrelevancy of these vaccines."

Saturday December 13th 2014

No posts. - mpg