The "Jewish" (Kazarian) Question - Some Postulates

The "Jewish" (Kazarian) Question - Some Postulates

It has come to this website editor's attention that certain articles or essays on this website could be misinterpreted.  The postulates, or for a stronger characterization, the laws listed below, should clarify things.

This website editor is interested in only one issue, who (IF any specific group or individual CAN be determined) has the money/power - i.e the control - to carry out any specific acts or programs that they benefit from in a given society or social structure.  In other words, who the heck REALLY runs the joint.

There are two misconceptions that should be laid to rest immediately regarding how to determine guilt or innocence, or, if you the reader prefers, the control/responsibility for carrying out a specific act, plan, program, or policy.

One, very common misconception, is that rules, laws or behaviors should be applied differently to individuals versus larger groupings of such individuals.  This website editor is not sure why or where such discriminatory interpretations arose since it has almost always resulted in gross injustices down though the ages.  So therefore.....

Postulate One:  Just like fractals, larger and larger group structures are the composites of the individuals that make them up.  The rules and laws MUST remain the same up and down the scale of ALL such structures and organizations or massive disparities and contradictions begin to occur between and within these structures and organizations. 

This is NOT to suggest any organic function for any given social or societal structure, or for the individuals that make it up,  just simply to suggest unequal application of laws or rules depending on the size, or type, of an organization leads to inconsistencies that eventually cause catastrophic breakdowns between, and within such structures and the individuals that make them up....along with the rule of law.

Two, it appears many people firmly believe the further a group (or individual) distances itself (or his/herself) through cut-outs, patsies, contractors, subordinates, sub-groups, pseudo-gangs, and institutions, the less is that group's (or individual's) culpability for actions taken. This is not true, such simplistic, childish,  contrivances do not diminish the degree of guilt determined by the rules shown below. Therefore....

Postulate Two:  Distance through intermediaries does not affect guilt (or responsibility)  Simply maneuvering others, manipulating a given bureaucratic structure, colony, nation state, or hiring mercenaries or gangs to carry out a given plan, operation, or program does not absolve a group (or individual) of any guilt.

Guilt or innocence can exist for an individual, group, tribe, nation state, group of nation states, or empire. BUT they are based on the rules shown below....

Postulate Three:  The degree of guilt (or control) for any individual's given group and the individual him or herself, can be determined by the following.....
  1. The individuals (by proportion) willing participation in any given act(s) or program(s) to be judged.
  2. The degree the individuals (by proportion) benefits from the given act(s) or program(s) to be judged.
  3. The consistency (by proportion or in "lock-step") the individuals defend, hide, conceal or obfuscate such act(s) or program(s) or, most importantly, retaliate against those who expose such act(s) or program(s).  This is also known as the cover-up and/or media control.
The higher proportion or ratio of individuals to the group in these three measures, the greater is the group's assumed cohesiveness and therefore its, and its individuals, culpability for any actions taken, plans implemented or control exercised.

It should be noted that if responsibility, or control, is determined for a given action or crime, the "punishment" has to be appropriate, it cannot include individuals of the group that were not willing participates, did not benefit, and did not participate in the cover-up. Individuals are sacrosanct and have natural, or if you prefer, God given rights.

That said, there ARE numerous suitable and appropriate punishments that can be applied to any sized social structure or group listed above.  And they can be applied even if innocent individuals within the group suffer, without violating their rights. One just has to be creative and consistent.

Boycott is one, black-list is another (although that technique has been misused in the past), shunning is a good idea, dissolution of a corporation like the Fed, or a fee on its script (10%, 15% or 25%, whatever the market will bear, by anyone - internationally - who wishes to impose it (it is legal tender in the US so US citizens can't impose a fee)) is a good technique.

The dissolution of a supposed nation state whose population constantly engages in wonton conspiracy and murder, one which refuses to abide by international law is another. The deposition, banishment and forfeiture of all assets for supposed Monarchical families is a good example of what can be done.  There are many options. Many ways a parasitizing, criminal, consortium, or family, can be disabled, diminished,  punished and put out of business....permanently.

The degree of 1) willing participation, 2) benefit (cui bono) and 3) cover-up for any group and its members is determined by the facts and circumstances unearthed, along with the following investigatory techniques, rules of thumb and definitions (grouped by subject and in order of importance) shown below.... 

To be updated continuously - For the most recent updates - click on "Some Definitions for Intrepid Investigators"

All one can say when applying the postulates and tests shown above to the articles and databases posted to this website during the last six years, is that there appears to be a very definite, planned pattern of parasitism that has developed, at least to this website editor's eye.

This pattern of parasitism has grown ever larger for the the last 150 years.  It has shifted from Tzarist Russia, to Europe, thence to England (where it still resides to this day) and finally to the United States, where it found fertile ground and has flowered into an all consuming, evil, metastatic, monster. -- A pattern of parasitism that appears to have been conducted by a specific, identifiable, and cohesive group of people.

Societies are infiltrated in selected countries, the central banks are taken over, the media and governing structures succumb soon thereafter, and as night follows day....inevitably, highly timed and predictable (and therefore highly profitable) wars and economic booms and busts start happening on regular basis for the benefit of the parasitic class.

Groups and nations are literally "played", one against another, for the sadistic amusement and financial advantage of these parasites until the infected nation states and their populations are reduced to ruin and destitution.  Whereupon the parasites (whoever they may be) move on to another host.

That said however, much additional work needs to be done to determine how much benefit and how much control, (by determining the ownership structure of the offending institutions) and most importantly how cohesive and collective (and therefore how collectively guilty) the Kazarian ("Jewish") Community actually is in facilitating all the wars and false flag events the world community has endured and suffered for the last 150 years. 

But to be bluntly honest, so far it's not looking good....for them

This website editor strongly encourages everyone out their to do their own research regarding these issues.