Saturday June 8th 2013

No posts. - mpg

Friday June 7th 2013

The United Bases Of America And The Paradox Of Imperialism
Infographic Map - (click to enlarge) - (Great infographic map!) -- A quote...."The United States is estimated to have anything from 700 military bases around the world to more than 1000. Hans-Hermann Hoppe asks "how can democracy be a stable equilibrium if it is possible that it be transformed democratically into a dictatorship, i.e., a system which is considered not stable?" Concluding it may be better to heed the advice of Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn and, instead of aiming to make the world safe for democracy, we try making it safe from democracy - everywhere, but most importantly in the United States."

The New World Order, The Pentagon and The Gods of Money w/ F. William Engdahl:
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 1hr10min12sec - May 27, 2012) - Source:  RussellScott - Producer:  WestCoastTruth - Related:  WCTYuTb -- A quote...."F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant, author and lecturer. He is author of the best-selling book on oil and geopolitics, A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order. In 2010 he published Gods of Money: Wall Street and the Death of the American Century, completing his trilogy on the power of oil, food and money control."

Death from Above: US drone victims share their agony & grief
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 4min19sec - Jun 6, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."US drone strikes on Pakistani soil must end - that's according to the country's newly elected Prime Minister, who's once again demanded Washington respects his country's sovereignty. This comes amid mounting reports of the many civilian casualties in America's war on [of] terror - RT's Lucy Kafanov met some of them. Her report contains some graphic images." - It's a "war OF terror"!  When are people going to get it right? - mpg - For more on that issue see the quote shown below....
"Terrorism -- (Def.)   Is the deliberately random, unpredictable, unexpected and systematic use of organized violence, (which includes torture) against civilian targets (almost always to kill, hurt or maim) to induce fear or terror in, and submission by the populace to the perpetrator's goals (the perpetrator being individuals, groups or governments), or to incapacitate and break-down the society's governing structures, or in many cases, to deliberately induce a state of civil war, anarchy or sectarian conflict within a given society." -- *The Rules of Force - 09-28-12 - mpg*
'Erdogan's creeping [Saudi supported Wahhabist] Islamisation deepens divide among Turks'
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 5min44sec - Jun 7, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Turkey's Prime Minister is looking unlikely to ease his hardline stance towards the swelling nationwide protest against him. - Recep Tayyip Erdogan says the movement's illegal and accuses its members of brutality and provocation - as he addressed a cheering crowd of his supporters after returning from a trip to North Africa. - Some of those who gathered at the airport chanted: 'Let us go, let's crush Taksim'. RT is joined by foreign policy expert Barbara Slavin."

Outside Agitators
A quote...."by Patrick J. Buchanan - While U.S.-funded democracy promotion is portrayed as benign, the National Endowment for Democracy, the International Republican Institute, DNI and Freedom House have been linked to revolutions that brought down regimes in Serbia, Ukraine, Georgia, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, and nearly succeeded in Belarus. - People who pride themselves on bringing about revolutions should not whine when targeted regimes treat them like troublemakers. - And who directs these "pro-democracy" groups?"  - Source:  PatrickJBuchanan

Syria's Fake Sectarian War
Special Note - A quote...."June 07, 2013 "Information Clearing House - The fate of Syria and the broader Middle East balances on a razor’s edge.  The western media is giving dire warnings of an impending sectarian war between Sunni and Shia Muslims, a war that could drown the Middle East in a flood of blood. - Such a war would be completely artificial, and is being manufactured for geo-political reasons. When the most influential Sunni figures in Saudi Arabia and Qatar — both U.S. allies — recently called for Jihad against the Syrian government and Hezbollah, their obvious intentions were to boost the foreign policy of Saudi Arabia and its closest ally, the United States, by destroying Iran’s key ally in the region.Will Sunni Muslims in Syria — who are the majority — suddenly begin attacking their Shia countrymen and the Syrian government? Unlikely. A compilation of data from humanitarian workers in and around Syria compiled by NATO suggests that:
“…70 percent of Syrians support the Assad regime. Another 20 percent  were deemed neutral and the remaining 10 percent expressed support for the rebels.”
"The pro-Assad 70 percent is mostly Sunni. This data flies in the face of the constant barrage of western media distortion about what’s happening in Syria. Previous polling compiled last year by Qatar had similar results, and was likewise ignored by the western media."

Syria – Israel Is Losing the Battle
The Neocons should not despair - It's just a temporary set-back.  After Bernanke's massive flood of Bankster poop all over the United States for the last four years to support Israel's and their Neocons' PNAC Protocols, it'll take the Amerikan peasants and other Zio-slaves a little while to digest it all (it's a lot of poop).  However, by working really, REALLY hard, the peasants might be able to produce a few pennies of REAL wealth in a couple of years so the parasites (and we know who they are) who actually run the peasant's insignificant, little lives, will be able to fund another Middle East fling for the fun of one and all -- Only time will tell. - mpg  - Source:  GiladAtzmon - also posted at AlethoNews & ICH

US Zionist Lobby Reels From Resistance al-Qusayr Victory
Related Article - A quote..."Conversations and emails with former colleagues at the Democratic National Committee, on which this observer served as National Committeeman, elected from Oregon, during the Carter administration, as well as with Congressional insiders, a picture of nearly debilitating angst is sketched among those who are committed, above all else, to propping up the faltering apartheid state in the face of truly historic changes in this region that have only just begun to re-shape the region. -- The reactions from various elements of the pro-Israel lobby range from the Arabphobic Daniel Pipes’ in denial fantasy essay in the Washington Times this week, entitled “Happy Israel” to Netanyahu’s increased threats issued from Tel Aviv about what Israel might do if his three UN cartoon presented “ red lines” are breached, to layering more pressure on the White House via Israel’s agents in Congress who are demanding that Obama act immediately to undo “the major damage done at Qusayr”."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Israel’s Unit 8200…Spying on You?
A quote...."In March 2010 the head of Israel’s Military Intelligence, Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin, disclosed that the Jewish state had become a world leader in cyberwarfare. - The Jerusalem Post said May 5 that Unit 8200 was suspected of developing the Stuxnet worm. - One guess where these Talmudic Terrorists got their equipment from for setting up Unit 8200?" - Source:  UPI

The USA’s irrational relationship with Israel
A quote...."WHEN signing up for the military, US soldiers swear to serve their country and defend the constitution with their life. - They march in harm’s way to the end of earth and sail the seas, following orders from their leaders. In return, they expect leaders to uphold the constitution and honour their sacrifices."

Israel as described by US Special Forces officer Joe Cortina
Video - (YuTb - 1hr39min15sec - Nov 17, 2012) - Source:  ravenise004 - Producer: TheUglyTruth  - Some quotes...."My name is Joe Cortina. I am a retired Florida businessman who has done substantial world traveling - some purely as a 'tourist' and some in areas - shall I say- 'nothing to do with vacationing'. I am a former special operations officer and have done intelligence investigator work for over 15years - some of it overseas - mostly in Central America - but also in the Mid-East. My political posture is 'conservative' and my religious values are Christian. - Exposing lies and revealing the truth was what I did professionally for a long time."  ---  "I was invited to Israel by a former military comrade who attained a substantial rank and subsequently ended up as the ranking military attache' from our govt., to the Israeli military (IDF). I went places and saw things only a hand full of 'private sector' Americans will EVER experience. My 'specially authorized' trips included Gaza City, Hebron and areas of militarily protected Israeli 'settlements'. I will touch on only a few of what I considered the most revealing experiences. I can't stress this enough. What I write [and speak of] here is but a tear in a sea of misery that I witnessed". - bold by website editor

Pepsi Investing in the Occupation
Action Alert - Boycott Alert - A quote...."Sodastream’s factory is in an illegal Israeli settlement built on land stolen from Palestinians. Each and every package contains human rights abuses and violations of international law. Boycott Sodastream!"

South African organizations call for Israel to be excluded from diamond processing - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Boycott Update - A quote...."Human rights groups, trade unions and several other major civil society organisations have called for the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme to exclude Israel. The international diamond regulatory body is meeting in South Africa and is chaired currently by Pretoria's former ambassador to Washington, Mr Welile Nhlapo."

Two Secretive Israeli Companies May Have Bugged The US Telecommunications Grid For The NSA
Wrong title, here's the way it should have read...."Two Israeli Companies Linked to Israel's Mossad, Bugged The US Telecommunications Grid for the Mossad and The NSA" - Fixed it. - mpg  - Source:  BusinessInsider

American Nazis? Killing millions, Police state powers...
Ry2SVideo - Alt - (Ry2SYuTb - 22min23sec - Aug 16, 2011) - Source:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related: Ry2S@TruTube - Related:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related: Rys2senseAntiNeocons -- A quote...."Regarding my holocaust movie ** and my 911 movie ** All hail corporate greed we can murder millions, torture, and steal and legalize it all.- It's a dictatorship or more accurately a plutocracy. The US has killed millions and tortured people and has a police state just as Nazi Germany did."- **[links manually added, YuTb's re-directs did not work] - Topix ||  More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg  ||

On 46th Anniversary, Survivors of Israeli Attack on USS Liberty Demand Congressional Inquiry
Action Alert - A quote...."The attack began with two Israeli Mirage III fighter jets attacking the ship, claiming they assumed the antenna was a gun, and began attacking the US ship with rockets. The attacks escalated despite the ship being unable to return fire in any form, with torpedoes hitting the ship and napalm bombs setting it ablaze. -- The immediate US response was to deploy warplanes against Egypt on the assumption that they might conceivably have been the attackers. Though never confirmed, some reports have persisted that the planes had nuclear weapons on board, though they were thankfully recalled at the last moment when it was revealed that it was an Israeli attack."
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More on the All Seeing - (Know Nothing) - Police State & Their Surveillance of the Web...

Top Secret Document Discloses Depth Of Surveillance By US Government
A quote...."June 07, 2013 "Information Clearing House - "The Guardian" - By Glenn Greenwald and Ewen MacAskill  -- The National Security Agency has obtained direct access to the systems of Google, Facebook, Apple and other US internet giants, according to a top secret document obtained by the Guardian. - The NSA access is part of a previously undisclosed program called PRISM, which allows officials to collect material including search history, the content of emails, file transfers and live chats, the document says." - Source:  TheGuardian

The Guardian's Bombshell Revelation About NSA Domestic Spying Is Only The Tip Of The Iceberg
A quote...."Last night Glenn Greenwald revealed that the National Security Agency (NSA) is using the so-called "business records" provision of the Patriot Act to secretly collect telephone records of millions of Americans. -- Although the revelation doesn't surprise privacy advocates, the fact that Greenwald obtained a top secret court order compelling Verizon to give the NSA information on all telephone calls in its systems is the first concrete piece of evidence exposing dragnet domestic surveillance."

Confirmed: The NSA is Spying on Millions of Americans

A quote...."Today, the Guardian newspaper confirmed what EFF (and many others) have long claimed: the NSA is conducting widespread, untargeted, domestic surveillance on millions of Americans. This revelation should end, once and for all, the government's long-discredited secrecy claims about its dragnet domestic surveillance programs. It should spur Congress and the American people to make the President finally tell the truth about the government's spying on innocent Americans."

U.S. intelligence mining data from nine U.S. Internet companies in broad secret program
A quote...."The National Security Agency and the FBI are tapping directly into the central servers of nine leading U.S. Internet companies, extracting audio, video, photographs, e-mails, documents and connection logs that enable analysts to track a person’s movements and contacts over time."

Is the Government Also Monitoring the CONTENT of Our Phone Calls?
A quote...."The Obama administration has been caught spying on the Verizon phone calls of tens of millions of Americans. The spying effort specifically targeted Americans living on U.S. soil. - But the government has sought to “reassure” us that it is only tracking “metadata” such as the time and place of the calls, and not the actual content of the calls. - That claim is patently absurd." - Source:  GrgWashBlog

Obama administration collecting phone records of tens of millions of Americans
A quote..."The Obama administration is engaged in a secret and illegal dragnet to accumulate detailed phone records of tens and perhaps hundreds of millions of US residents in a program organized by the National Security Agency (NSA)"

US Spy Chief Calls NSA Surveillance Program Diclosure 'Reprehensible'
A quote...."June 07, 2013 "Information Clearing House - "The Guardian" -  The US has admitted using a secret system to mine the systems of the biggest technology companies to spy on millions of people's online activity, overshadowing attempts by Barack Obama to force China to abandon its cyber-espionage program."

Eric Holder Refuses To Answer When Asked If Obama Admin Is Spying On Congress - OH OH!!
XRTVideo - Alt - (XRYuTb - 7min24sec -  Jun 7, 2013) - Source:  XRepublicTV -- THIS, might actually motivate Congress to do something!!  Than again, considering what many of them have been up to (just let your imagination run wild, or to the gutter, or even....the cess-pool) it might scare most of them silent.  In fact, Eric Holder's hemming and hawing might actually be a threat to many members of one of the most corrupt governments in human history! - mpg

For more articles on this issue see below....
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More on the Domestic Situation....

FBI: Knew About Saudi 9/11 Hijacker Ties—But Lied To Protect “National Security”
A quote...."The FBI apparently has known for a decade about links between powerful Saudi interests and the alleged 9/11 hijackers, and has been forced to tacitly admit that it lied about it for all of these years. - In case the import is not clear, let us state emphatically: this is a huge development. - In court filings seeking to stave off a media Freedom of Information request, the FBI has stated that releasing documents relating to this issue will harm “national security.”  As proof of the sensitivity of the matter, the FBI gave the judge a document dated April 4, 2002, in which the FBI states that its own inquiries “revealed many connections” between a well-connected Saudi family with a house in South Florida and “individuals associated with the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001.” - Source:  WhoWhatWhy

Is the FBI Now in the Execution Business?
The FBI's Murder of Ibragim Todashev -- A quote...."Anyone who was a fan of the old ABC TV series “The Untouchables” or of the later series, also on ABC, called “The FBI,” would know something is terribly fishy about the FBI slaying of Ibragim Todashev. - According to the FBI, Todashev, 27, who was an acquaintance, or friend, of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing, was shot and killed by an FBI agent who was interviewing the young man, at his home, at midnight, allegedly because Todashev had suddenly attacked him, causing the agent to feel threatened." - Topix ||  Boston Bombing - Ibragim Todashev  || - Updated!

Eric Holder Admits on Secretly Pulling Records on Reporters To Prevent Media Leaks… Has No Intention of RESIGNING -- A quote...."Things have got a little out of whack’: Eric Holder admits failings on secretly pulling records on reporters but says he has no intention of standing down - Attorney General Eric Holder has admitted that investigators may have gone too far in their recent attempts to prevent leaks to the media and he said the Justice Department needs to do a better job of balancing national security with press freedom. - ‘I’m a little concerned that things have gotten a little out of whack,’ Holder told NBC on Wednesday. ‘I think we can do a better job than we have. We can reform those regulations, reform those guidelines to better reflect that balance.’"

Eric Holder perjured himself in lie about AP - DOJ intimidation scheme
Related Article - A quote...."(NaturalNews) It is said that when you lie often, sooner or later you will be caught in your own web of deceit. That may have just happened with Attorney General Eric Holder. - Last week Holder appeared before the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee to provide testimony regarding the Justice Department's potentially improper confiscation of the phone records of 20 Associated Press reporters and editors." - Source:  NaturalNews

Dept. of Homeland Security: Laptops, Phones Can Be Searched Based on Hunches
A quote...."Memo to any innocent people even CONTEMPLATING traveling to the US this summer for a vacation: please, do not come and spend your money here. At least, not now. - Go other places instead, until there is some semblance of sanity in the security/industrial complex of the United States, and unfortunately, I do not see that coming any time soon." -- *Michael Rivero*

Exposing Susan Rice | Weapons of Mass Distraction
BtSVideo - Alt - (BtSYuTb - 4min53sec - Jun 7, 2013) - Source: BreakingTheSet - Related: BTSFcBk - Related: BTSTwttr - Related:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Abby Martin calls out the corporate press for failing to expose the real reasons why Susan Rice is a controversial pick for Obama's national security advisor."

Gerald Celente Guest Hosts: The Alex Jones Show! (6/3/13)
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 40min36sec - Jun 6, 2013) - Source:  GCYuTb - Related: TrendsJournal - Related:  TheAlexJonesChannel

England Experiences Alex Jones 1776 Style
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 40min36sec - Jun 6, 2013) - Source:  GCYuTb - Related: TrendsJournal - Related:  TheAlexJonesChannel - A quote...."In a freshly trimmed corner of the grounds of the Grove Hotel, half a mile from the most important international policy conference in the world, something remarkable happened: the mainstream press showed up. In droves." - If you want to see Alex Jones enjoy himself and REALLY work a crowd up, watch this video. - mpg

Michael Rivero on Justin TV -  June 6th, 2013
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 2hrs/1hr -  June 6th, 2013) -- Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg

Michael Rivero on Justin TV -  June 7th, 2013
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 2hrs/1hr -  June 7th, 2013) -- Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens...

Keiser Report: Osborne's Schlub, Schnook, Yahoo & Yo-Yo (E454)
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 25min45sec - Jun 6, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the longest word in the German language ceasing to exist while the most complex derivatives in the financial system continue to thrive, George Osborne's Help to Buy Scheme gets called another name and the U.S. dollar system disintegrates, 'gone with the wind.' In the second half, Max talks to Alasdair Macleod, head of research at, about the geopolitical implications of gold failing to clear."

Why Serial Asset Bubbles Are Now The New Normal
Chart - (click to view) -- A quote...."Why are asset bubbles constantly popping up around the globe? The answer is actually quite simple. Asset bubbles are now so ubiquitous that we’ve habituated to extraordinary excesses as the New Normal; the stock market of the world’s third largest economy (Japan) can rise by 60% in a matter of months and this is met with enthusiasm rather than horror: oh goody, another bubblicious rise to catch on the way up and then dump before it pops." - Source:  OfTwoMinds - also posted at ZeroHedge

UCLA Report: US 'Great Recovery' Isn't 'Even Normal Growth - It's Bad'
A quote...."The expected [by every single person on the WEB!!!]  U.S. "Great Recovery" hasn't materialized and the economy has fallen short of even normal growth, according to a new forecast. - The second-quarter UCLA Anderson Forecast said the growth of real gross domestic product — meaning the inflation-adjusted value of goods and services produced — is too small to help the nation climb out of its slump." - And that's using the completely bogus "official" numbers.  We NEVER came out of the "slump" (Great Depression II) using the REAL inflation numbers!! - mpg

Another Phony Jobs Report From A Government That Lies About Everything
A quote...."The payroll jobs report for May released today continues the fantasy. - Goods producing jobs declined, with manufacturing losing another 4,000 jobs, but the New Economy produced 179,000 service jobs. - Are these jobs the high-powered, high-wage “innovation jobs” that economists promised would be our reward from Globalism. I’m afraid not. - According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the jobs created are the usual lowly paid non-exportable domestic service jobs–the jobs of a third world country." - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts

Albert Edwards: "Has The US Recession Already Begun?"
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Some are surprised that inflation has failed to take off despite massive amounts of quantitative easing. The explanation, ECRI explains, is simple: recession kills inflation. For all the talk of the wealth effect, demand is falling and deflation is closer than at any time since 2009. The 'r' word is seldom heard on the lips of the mainstream media - how absurd - but as SocGen's Albert Edwards notes, if anyone is waiting for the ISM to tell them that a recession has started in the US, they are looking at the wrong data. Much more importantly, Edwards explains, we may well be in for a double dose of bad news - both falling revenues and falling margins. History suggests this as good a leading indicator as any other for whether the US economy will endogenously fall back into recession."

US Household Net Worth Hits Record: Rises By $33.3 Billion On Each Day In The First Quarter
The 1% Wins Again - Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...." [US] household net worth rose from $67.3 trillion to $70.3 trillion, which is the new record high number, surpassing the $68.1 trillion record in Q3 2007. What is curious is that back in 2007, tangible assets amounted to $29 trillion compared to $26 trillion now, which means the bulk of asset creation has come thanks to the Fed reflating its final bubble and leading to all time highs in all assets that are directly correlated with the size of the Fed's balance sheet." - bold by website editor - For more on this issue see articles and weblists shown below....
The American Nightmare -- Hedge Funds and the Death of the Peasant Landowner
Some quotes...."Many of us gave Presidents George Bush and Barack Obama passes when they gave bailouts to the Wall Street and the banks. Perhaps because we hoped that the bankers and the corporate elite would use the money for the common good.  But like they used to say when I was in the army, “Never happen G.I.”"  ---  "What finally burst my bubble though was the rise of the hedge funds, which are today for all intents and purposes in control of government. - I have known this for some time but have been in denial. However, I recently read a series of articles in a community newspaper called Tribuno del Pueblo on the takeover of the family housing market by the super rich.  It wrote that this was organized by the largest bankers and hedge-fund operators that have seized control of Fannie and Freddie Mae grabbed half the nation’s mortgages and some 200,000 homes. - “The hedge-fund speculators who are buying up hundreds and thousands of houses in foreclosures and short sales are right when they say that this is ‘the new face of real estate.’” Rounding off the collusion between the speculators and government, the Obama administration is selling off tax liens to the former the super-rich – why not Obama’s appointments come from this class."

Olli Rehn Should Resign For Crimes Against Greece and Against Economics
A quote...."Nobody has taken responsibility for the disastrous errors made by the EU-IMF Troika in Greece, where youth unemployment has just reached 58.3pc. - Nobody has resigned, or missed a day’s pay, or faced any kind of censure from an elected body, despite the withering indictment just issued by the IMF. - Worse yet, the basic conceptual policy errors that led to this tragic episode have not been fully corrected. - With a little trimming here and there, the eurozone is sticking to the same mix of self-defeating contractionary policies that have tipped the region back into a double-dip recession, with seven quarters in a row of falling GDP, soaring unemployment, and an ever starker divergence with the United States. - Just to recap what our man Bruno Waterfield reported from Brussels, the IMF’s mea culpa admits that the Troika sacrificed Greece to save the euro. - It completely misjudged the ferocity of the downward spiral caused by austerity a l’outrance [Def. To the utmost or last extremity - To the absolute bitter end.].and then blamed the victim by pretending that Greece was failing to comply with the terms." - bold/underline by website editor - Topix ||  A Quadruple Whammy - 12-16-10 - mpg  ||

Greek Economy Shrinks 5.6 Per Cent, More Than Initially Estimated
A quote...."The Greek economy contracted 5.6 per cent in the first quarter compared with the first three months of 2012, the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT)said Friday. - The independent statistical agency said the revised figure followed its May 15 estimate of a 5.3-per-cent contraction."

China Takes Another Stab At [Protecting Itself From] The Dollar, Launches Currency Swap Line With France
Dollar Alert - After all, China doesn't want to wind up like Argentina, Venezuela and Iran, all undergoing MASSIVE currency attacks by the Banksters. - mpg -- A quote..."One more domino in the dollar reserve supremacy regime falls. Following the announcement two weeks ago that “Australia And China will Enable Direct Currency Convertibility“, which in turn was the culmination of two years of Yuan internationalization efforts as summarized by the following...."
"China has now launched yet another feeler to see what the apetite toward its currency is, this time in the heart of the Eurozone: Paris. According to China Daily, as reported by Reuters, “France intends to set up a currency swap line with China to make Paris a major offshore yuan trading hub in Europe, competing against London.” As a reminder the BOE and the PBOC announced a currency swap line back in February, in effect linking up the CNY to the GBP. Now it is the EUR’s turn."

Greece Military Stands Down In Support Of Their Fellow Citizen: Military High 5s With Citizen Protestors ~ Blackwater Stands Down! -- Hip Hip Hooray!! -- A quote...."Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos was a career diplomat with the Greek foreign ministry. As a junior officer with the service in the 1970s, he helped assure the then freshly democratic nation’s accession to the European Union (at the time the EEC). He was at different times Athens’ ambassador to Poland, Albania and Canada, and finally the director general of EU Affairs in the ministry. -- Last year, he finally resigned as secretary general of the Black Sea Cooperation organisation, and entered the private sector, and now feels free to speak openly about his fury at what he says Europe and international lenders are doing to his country."

German Police Officers Take Off Helmets & Marched With German Citizens Against Rothschild European Central Bank! -- Hip Hip Hooray!! -- A quote...."German police officers escort an anti- cronie capitalism protest march with some 20,000 people in Frankfurt, Germany, Saturday, May 19, 2012. Protesters peacefully filled the city center of continental Europe’s biggest financial hub in their protest against the dominance of banks and what they perceive to be untamed crony capitalism, Frankfurt police spokesman Ruediger Regis said."

Irish town erects fake shop fronts for G8 summit - It's totally hilarious. - mpg
A quote...."I [exploitative deleted]  you not. Apparently the G8 leaders and their entourages are such delicate flowers that they can’t bear to see the effect of the global recession on the towns they drive through, such as upcoming host Enniskillen in Northern Ireland."

Japanese Birth Rate Plunges To Record Low As Death-Rate Hits Record High
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- Posted in this section because Japan's decling population will affect their ability to support their ever increasing debt load and thus, be able to participate in the Anglo-Euro's financial "markets" - mpg -- A quote...."There are many headwinds to deflation-monster-fighting Abe's plans to bring Japan back from the ledge but perhaps the biggest one is the demographic disaster. As Japan News reports, the decline in Japan's population set another record in 2012 with the number of deaths exceeding births for the sixth year in a row." - bold by website editor
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More On The International Situation....

Erdogan: Constructions plans for park will take place despite protests
(i.e. Erdogan to Turkey's people...."Kiss my arse ya'lowly peasants!" - mpg) -- A quote...."Updated at 4:05pm: In a speech i Tunisia Thursday, Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan confirmed that Turkey [The presstitutes should get it straight, he's NOT "Turkey" and neither are his cronies! - mpg] would go ahead with gentrification plans for Istanbul's Taksim Square, despite the week-long protests surrounding the square and its park."

Erdogan Doubles Down
A quote...."During an press conference in Tunisia, where he is on a state visit, the Turkish Prime Minster Erdogan doubled down. He announced to continue with his plans to "develop" Istanbul's Taksim Square despite the ongoing protests. While the protests started about the issue of the Geli Park, which is part of the square, the grievances are more general as perfectly captured in this animated video and against Erdogan's authoritarian style of governing."

Thousands Of Striking Workers, Teachers, Doctors March In Turkey , Death Toll 3
A quote...."Thousands of striking workers took to the streets of Turkey 's cities on June 5, 2013 , joining calls for prime minister Tayyip Erdogan to step down as mass protests against his rule intensified. In Istanbul , thousands of striking workers held banners addressed to Erdogan reading: "This nation will not bow to you!" and " Taksim Square is everywhere!" As anti-government protests enter their ninth day, Turks continue to stream into public spaces in their thousands."

Turkey protests gain momentum
A quote...."Anti-government protests in Turkey gain momentum after Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowed to push ahead with a controversial Istanbul development plan." - For more on this issue, see articles shown below....
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People in Syria celebrate the victory of the army in Al Qusayr....
Contains Video - A quote...."Yesterday in we know what the Syrians really want? Mubarak has to step down after two weeks of the Egypt uprising - Syrian people celebrating victories of the army and Assad over two years after this so called "revolution" started....the army is stronger than ever before-how does it work even if the Alawites are just a little minority (7%) in Syria.....BTW, well done.... ;)"

Syrian Army recaptures key Golan Heights crossing - link posted at BoilingFrogs
A quote...."Syrian army troops have established control over a key crossing in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights shortly after it fell into the hands of foreign-backed militants."

Syria Army retakes three villages near Qusayr
A quote..." Syrian troops have managed to retake control of several villages near the recently liberated strategic city of al-Qusayr in Homs province. - According to Syrian sources, the army pushed foreign-backed militants out of the central villages of Salhiyeh, Masoudiyeh and Buwayda al-Sharqiya, just north of Qusayr, on Friday."

‘Hezbollah: A game changer in Syria’
A quote..."Events in al-Qusayr are a transformation on the scope of the region's strategies, and Syria has entered a new phase that is not in ‘Israel's’ and U.S.'s favor.”- Deputy Head of Hezbollah Executive Board Sheikh Nabil Qaouk."

UN ‘Welcomes’ Russian Peacekeepers in Golan Heights
A quote...."UN, June 7 (RIA Novosti) – President Vladimir Putin said Friday that Russia was ready to deploy its troops to the Golan Heights, in eastern Israel, to replace Austrian peacekeepers as part of a UN monitoring mission on the border between Israeli troops and the Syrian army."

Most Foreign Sunni Fighters Recently Killed in Syria Fought For Jihadist Group
- link posted at BoilingFrogs
A quote...."According to a recent report from counterrorism consulting firm Flashpoint Partners the majority of foreign Sunni rebels killed in Syria between July 2012 and May of this year were fighting for Jabhat al-Nusra, an Al Qaeda-linked group that the U.S. government has classified as a terrorist organization."
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‘America is our worst enemy’: Pakistani victim of US drone strike speaks out
A quote...."Drone strikes in Pakistan have killed 1,000 civilians, activists say, while the US maintains they only target terrorists. Victims of drone warfare and their families live in constant fear of another strike, and say they are “angry and want revenge.”"

Civilian Casualties Up by 10 Percent in Afghanistan
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) chief said civilian casualties rose nearly 10 percent in two months (March 21 until May 21, 2013), voicing her concern at the surge in violence."

French president awarded UNESCO peace prize for Mali war
Orwell would be laughing (or crying) himself sick right about now. - mpg -- A quote...."Said invasion of Mali, Africa's third largest gold producer, was launched by France just one week after Germany requested the Bank of France return Germany's gold bullion." -- *Michael Rivero*

Putin on Russia's naval plans in the Mediterranean
A quote...."Russia announced on Thursday that it will keep a fleet of about dozen navy ships in the Mediterranean Sea, a move President Vladimir Putin said is needed to protect his country's national security." - Source: IndependentRecord

Russian nuke subs to patrol southern seas for first time since Soviet era
A quote...."Russia is planning to deploy nuclear ballistic missile submarines to the southern seas for the first time since a 20-year break that followed the collapse of the USSR, sources told Russian media."

Russia Conducts Test of New ICBM Designed to Defeat U.S. Defenses
A quote...."Russia conducted the first flight test of a new inter-continental ballistic missile (ICBM) that Russian officials say is designed to defeat U.S. missile defenses." - Source:  FreeBeacon

Nicaragua: New Plans to Build Canal are Announced
(a.k.a. Nicaragua is about to "experience" some "Free-dumb & Da'mockery" or, Nicaragua, "nice knowing you". - mpg) -- A quote...."Rene Nuñez, president of Nicaragua’s national assembly, announced today that a Chinese investment firm will fund construction of a channel through Nicaragua, an alternative trade route to the Panama Canal. - The new channel will link the Pacific Ocean with the Caribbean Sea, and will be built by a “consortium of investors combined into one firm,” Nuñez, who declined to give more information on the group, said." - Source:  ArgentinaIndependent

Rohingya Population Control: The Onslaught in Burma Continues
A quote...."On April 21, the BBC obtained disturbing video footage shot in Burma. It confirmed extreme reports of what has been taking place in that country, even as it is being touted by the US and European governments as a success story pertaining to political reforms and democracy." - Source:  PalestineChron
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

IOF soldiers round up five Palestinians including MP
A quote...."RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) rounded up five Palestinians including MP Abdul Jabbar Fuqaha from his home in Ein Munjed in Ramallah city at dawn Thursday."

After the flames, only determination remains in Burin and Madama
A quote...."(Occupied Palestine) On Monday 3rd June, around a dozen settlers from the illegal colony of Yizhar set fire to Palestinian’s fields in the villages of Burin and Madama, destroying at least 50 acres of arable land with olive trees. The settlers were joined by a jeep of border police when 40-50 Palestinians from the village of Burin came out to attempt to put out the fire, with some being stopped from doing so by the border police present."

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (30 May - 04 June 2013)
Every single week.  What can one say about a people that can ruthlessly, meticulously, sadistically, and remorselessly do this to another....every single day for more than sixty years.  Think about it folks.  Really THINK about it,  If they had control of your country....this is what they would do to YOU!! - mpg
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Extensive List of Politicians Paid Off by Monsanto
A quote...."Democrat, Republican, it doesn’t matter. As long as you can help Monsanto slide its icy tentacles into the food chain, then there’s some financial tip available to you. Thankfully, many such ties can be exposed through some data digging, and thanks to diligent readers who send comprehensive news tips and other researchers out there, we now have an extensive list of politicians getting paid cold hard cash from GMO juggernaut Monsanto."

Organic Consumers Association Calls for Immediate End to Field Testing GM Crops

A quote...."The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) today called on the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to immediately end all open-air field testing of genetically engineered crops (GMOs). The request comes in response to last week’s discovery by an Oregon farmer of an unapproved, illegal variety of wheat, genetically engineered by Monsanto to withstand the company's toxic RoundUp herbicide, growing on his property."

Thursday June 6th 2013

No posts. - mpg

Wednesday June 5th 2013

Media Avoids Turkey Unrest | Weapons of Mass Distraction
BtSVideo - Alt - (BtSYuTb - 7min05sec - Mar 22, 2013) - Source: BreakingTheSet - Related: BTSFcBk - Related: BTSTwttr - Related:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Abby Martin calls out the corporate media for their fixation on the IRS square-dancing story, whilst ignoring the ongoing unrest in Turkey, RT contributor Lizzie Phelan joins Abby from Istanbul for the latest on demonstrations." - For more on the protests against Erdogan and his Saudi supported JDP party, see the articles shown below in the "International" section....

Revolt in Turkey: Erdogan's Grip on Power Is Rapidly Weakening
Special Note - A quote...."For a decade, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has had a tight grip on power. But it suddenly looks to be weakening. Thousands have taken to the streets across the country and the threats to Erdogan's rule are many. His reaction has revealed him to be hopelessly disconnected." - For more on the protests against Erdogan and his Saudi supported JDP party, see the articles shown below in the "International" section....
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Meet the 'Friends of Jihad'
Special Note - A quote...."June 05, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  Western politicos love to shed swamps of crocodile tears about "the Syrian people" and congratulate themselves within the "Friends of Syria" framework for defending them from "tyranny". - Well, the "Syrian people" have spoken. Roughly 70% support the government of Bashar al-Assad. Another 20% are neutral. And only 10% are aligned with the Western-supported "rebels", including those of the kidnapping, lung-eating, beheading jihadi kind. - The data was provided mostly by independent relief organizations working in Syria. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) received a detailed report in late May - but, predictably, was not too keen on releasing it. - As Asia Times Online has been stressing for months, the Sunni business classes in Damascus and Aleppo are either neutral or pro-Assad. And most Sunnis now regard the gangs of foreign mercenaries weaponized by Qatar and the House of Saud as way more repellent than Assad."

Syria: UN Report Reveals Opposition Crimes as Imperialist Powers Push For Intervention
Special Note - A quote...."June 06, 2013 "Information Clearing House - A United Nations (UN) report presented yesterday by the International Commission of Inquiry on Syria (ICIS) in Geneva sheds light on the increasing brutality of the Syrian war and its potential to trigger a major international crisis. - The contents of the report are a devastating indictment of the imperialist powers in the United States and Europe and their regional allies, who have fueled a sectarian-based civil war in Syria for more than two years to topple the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. - According to the report, 6.8 million people are “trapped in conflict-affected and opposition-held areas.” The number of internally-displaced Syrians is now 4.35 million, and 1.6 million Syrians have been forced to flee the country. On May 15, the UN estimated that 80,000 people had died in the war."

The Geopolitics of Gas and the Syrian Crisis: Syrian “Opposition” Armed to Thwart Construction of Iran-Iraq-Syria Gas Pipeline -- A quote...."What has one of the most democratic countries of the Middle East, Syria, done to tick off some of its neighbors in the West, the fierce fighters for democracy? The irrationality and unscrupulousness of the approaches Western countries have taken to the Syrian crisis, when the same people who in Europe are considered terrorists are declared «freedom fighters» when it comes to Syria, becomes clearer in light of the economic dimension of the Syrian tragedy."

NATO Data: Assad Winning the War for Syrians’ Hearts and Minds
A quote...."June 04, 2013 "Information Clearing House - LONDON — After two years of civil war, support for the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad was said to have sharply increased. - NATO has been studying data that told of a sharp rise in support for Assad. The data, compiled by Western-sponsored activists and organizations, showed that a majority of Syrians were alarmed by the Al Qaida takeover of the Sunni revolt and preferred to return to Assad, Middle East Newsline reported. - “The people are sick of the war and hate the jihadists more than Assad,” a Western source familiar with the data said. “Assad is winning the war mostly because the people are cooperating with him against the rebels.”"

Al Qusayr, Syria: the Story of a Victory Against a Conspiracy
Photos & Videos - A quote...."DAMASCUS – Prime Minister, Dr. Wael al-Halqi said that restoring security and stability to al-Qseir area is a ”strategic turning point and a prelude to successive victories all over Syria”"

Russian President Vladimir Putin wants no organ-eating rebels at peace talks
Just don't shake their hands (they might gnaw them off) and carry a couple of bags of raw steak you can toss at them in an emergency. - mpg -- A quote...."RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin, known for his black humour, has said he hoped that Syria’s opposition will not send organ-eating rebels to proposed peace talks. - Speaking to an EU-Russia summit, Mr Putin described seeing televised footage in which “members of the Syrian armed opposition pull out internal organs of their enemies and eat them”."

UPDATE:  U.S. Backed Syrian Rebels Massacre Christian Village
More on Hagee's Hordes & Their Happy Day. - mpg -- A quote...."(Free Syrian Press)  On Monday (27 May 2013) Free Syrian Army commandos affiliate, the largest armed force of the Syrian resistance against Assad, massacred the entire population of al-Duvair, a Christian village on the outskirts of Homs, not far from the border with Lebanon. The news was the Syrian news agency Ahlul Bayt, who stressed that the killings did not spare women and children, until the intervention of the Syrian army."

The Looting of Syria – Syrian Girl
SGPVideo - Alt - (SGPYuTb - 11min58sec - Jun 3, 2013) - Source:  SyrianGirlPartisanRelated:  FaceBook - Related:  Twitter -- A quote..."My new channel is SyrianGirlNews Please subscribe. -- I have a live leak account too LiveLeak. [I] will be posting war videos on SyrianGirlWarYuTb" -- A quote...."(SyrianGirl) – A miniature documentary on some of the ways Syria has been raped and pillaged [such as]...."
For more on Syria and the Trinity of Evil's al-CIA'da foreign mercenary Wahhabist terrorist war against the Syrian people, see the articles shown below in the "International" section....
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Obama appoints UN envoy Rice to national security position amid controversy
One of the three bitches of Tropoli - This women is a war criminal, she should have been tried, convicted and hung for her eager destruction of the nation-state once known as Libya and her OPEN support for al-CIA'da Wahhabist terrorists in both Libya and in Syria.  This website editor jokingly wrote on June 3rd  the following about the revolution against Erdogan's Saudi supported regime in Turkey....
"One waits patiently for the screaming denunciations from the "West", for the massive arms shipments to start flowing, for a "no-fly" zone to be imposed, for an endless series of talking heads to appear on the lame-stream media to denounce the "Dictator of Turkey" for his brazen disrespect for human rights, for NATO's invasion forces to be prepositioned and for howls from every nation on the planet demanding Erdogan must go, or Erdogan must die. -- Haven't heard anything yet.  Maybe something's wrong with this website editor's TV or radio?  --  Where's Hillery when you need her, she could again say, as she did after Ghadifi was sodomized with a knife and than shot dead, "We came, we saw...and he died" and girlishly giggle on national TV  - Wonder why that hasn't happened yet??" - posted 06-03-13
Well Obama wasn't about to appoint Hillary to anything ever again, certainly not back to the office she just hurriedly vacated, instead he appointed her fellow co-conspirator in aggressive war, terrorism and murder. - mpg

Susan Rice for National Security Adviser....[NOT!]
A quote...."Previous articles discussed her. Calling her controversial stops short of accurately characterizing her. Moral depravity explains best. Vishay Prashad calls her the “queen of interventionist hawks.” - South African journalist Getahune Bekele said she’s a “consummate ally of grubby despots.” - Ray McGovern says she believes “hawkishness” is “safer” for career advancement than “thoughtful diplomacy.” Reuters called her “sharp-tongued.” - Others condemn her bloody hands. Banality of evil describes her. Death and destruction don’t bother her. She was quoted once saying, “The only thing we have to do is look the other way.”" - A solid gold quote that describes this country's entire attitude. - mpg -- bold by website editor - Source:  SteveLendman

Afghans Say New Bodies Have Been Found Near a Former U.S. Base
A quote...."KABUL, Afghanistan — Soon after family members found what they believe are the bodies of the last three people still missing out of 17 Afghan men detained by an American Special Forces team in Wardak Province, another tragedy found them: they said one person was killed and another was critically wounded on Tuesday when Afghan Army troops opened fire on the family members at an unruly demonstration to protest the deaths of their relatives."

Afghan arrest puts spotlight on US special forces

Related Article - A quote...."AN AFGHAN army colonel has been arrested for illegally handing prisoners to a man working with a US special forces team that was accused of torture and killings in the country’s Wardak province."

Bolivia Calls UNASUR Summit to Discuss Colombia's Inclusion in NATO
A little outside of NATO's jurisdiction don't you think! - mpg -- A quote...."La Paz, June 3 (Prensa Latina) The president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, described Colombia''s decision to join NATO as a threat to the region and called an extraordinary meeting of the Security Council of UNASUR. -- During a ceremony in the southern city of Potosi, he considered that the decision of President Juan Manuel Santos to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a violation of the peace treaties signed by the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and involves a dangerous possibility of military intervention to the nations of Latin America and the Caribbean."

NATO Intends to Explode Latin American Unity, Leaders Warn
Related Article - Well....they've already exploded the Middle East and parts of Central Asia and are currently working on Africa. Why not also "do" South & Central America while they're at it?? - mpg -- A quote...."Managua, Jun 3 (Prensa Latina) The supposed initiative to incorporate Colombia in a military group like the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is an attack on Latin American and Caribbean unity, the governments of Nicaragua and Venezuela denounced today."

Eternal War
Quote of the Day...."June 04, 2013 "Information Clearing House - It is curious that soldiers are held in honor, revered, and regarded as national heroes. Psychopathic serial killers who murders fifteen co-eds are viewed with revulsion. Why the difference? The young women killed by Ted Bundy were utterly innocent. So were the Iraqis murdered by the Air Force in Baghdad. I don’t see why pointlessly killing the unoffending in one country is admirable, but in another, isn’t. -- Of course, soldiers are better at it, and thus much more destructive. They kill hugely, wreaking havoc, destroying countries and lives and cities, while the Bundys get only a few. The distinction is one of efficiency and scale. Morally they are indistinguishable."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Begging to be Holocausted, by John Kaminski
A quote...."I’m not entirely certain, but I’m pretty sure it was my mother who told me never to tell a lie, or that very same lie would some day come true. - I don’t recall the specific instance, or what the fib actually was — probably I was a third-grader trying to weasel out of some household chore like washing the dinner dishes, and I claimed to have a sore hand and just couldn’t do it. Poor little boy! Needless to say, the flimsy excuse didn’t wash, and I did. - But the lesson stuck, and to this day, when faced with something I don’t want to do, I won’t tell a lie to avoid some irksome task — this almost always comes up on the eve of a doctor’s appointment for what I think might be a needless procedure, which is always a good hunch these days. - Concoct an imaginary car problem and the next day get a flat tire. Claim I’ve come down with a cold and sure enough, shortly thereafter I’m hacking and coughing. - So I don’t do that anymore, because I’ve learned that if I tell a white lie to avoid something unpleasant, the lie eventually comes true." - also posted at TheRebel & TheTruthSeeker -- Topix  ||  More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg  ||

Polish nationalists defend historian who proved Jews participated in the murder of their own during Holocaust
A quote...."Leaders of a Polish nationalist movement said a historian’s claims that Jews helped perpetrate the Holocaust were “factual” and “necessary.” The historian who made the claims, Krzysztof Jasiewicz, was “far from politically correct but his statements are supported by historical facts,” Robert Winnicki, president of the All-Polish Youth, said in a statement published Tuesday on the website of the ultra-nationalist organization, which has a few
thousand registered members."

Anti-Anti-Semitism and the Search for Historical Truth
A quote...."When did fact become myth? Is Jewish ownership of large sections of the media a myth? Are AIPAC and the US government’s subservience to Israel a myth? Is repeated interference in Church affairs by Jewish groups a myth?”–Stuart Littlewood - As Stuart Littlewood has reported, “These ‘commandments’ must be obeyed”, a new surge of suppression of criticism of the policies and actions of the government of Israel has surfaced.  These “commandments” are clearly intended to reflect a conception of anti-Semitism that is vastly broader than is justifiable and which has the effect of insulating Zionists and the State of Israel from criticism, no matter how criminal, immoral or corrupt their acts...."
Remember folks, the "Jewish" (Kazarian) population in the United States is around seven million, that's less than two percent of the total population.  With another seven million or so in Israel.  All this trouble for the last twenty years, all the wars you've been paying for, all the constant garbage you see on TV, hear on the radio, and read in the newspapers. Israel this, AIPAC that, the "Arabs", 9/11, non-existent WMDs, this war, that war, a non-stop endless cacophony of Kazarian Hasbara, the smug, arrogant,  filthy rich Banksters, the Fed's endless printing of gifts for their friends, the blood drenched, smiling and laughing Neocons, the PNAC Protocols, the endless spewing of crap by the Presstitutes, the politicos in Washington DC cavorting in Israel on their all expense paid vacations....and the millions of dead and hundreds of millions who are impoverished....

All for around fourteen to fifteen million people.  It - Was - Done - For - ThemIt - Was - Done - On - Their - Behalf!!  It - Was - Planned - & - Implemented - By - Their - Members  ALL OF IT!!  And that's a fact.  Are you tired of it yet??  Was it all worth it??  DO YOU REALLY WANT MORE?? 
- mpg
Did An Israel Lobby Front Group Organize McCain’s Trip To Syria?
Well, they organize ONE FIFTH of congress's all expense paid trips to Israel every other year!  So the answer is probably...."of course"! - mpg -- A quote...."In an attempt to dispel embarrassing reports that Senator John McCain’s “surprise” trip to Syria featured a meeting with kidnappers — including Mohammad Nour of the Northern Storm rebel group — behind the 2012 abduction of 11 Lebanese religious pilgrims, The Daily Beast’s Josh Rogin cited Mouaz Moustafa, the executive director of a little-known organization called The Syrian Emergency Task Force...." - also posted at AlethoNews & ICH

McCain Excuses Syrian Rebel War Crimes, Suggests He’d Tolerate Extremist Takeover Of Syria
A quote...."June 04, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) on Monday downplayed atrocities being committed by Syrian rebel forces and suggested that he would be willing to tolerate extremists taking over Syria because they would most likely not be allied with Iran."
We're talking a human slime-ball here.  A butt-kissing lackey of the Israeli/AIPAC Consortium.  For this type of openly craven, crawling, boot licking, publicly embarrassing performance, one can only speculate on exactly what the Israelis have on McCain.  Whatever it is, it must be spectacular!! - mpg
One Palestinian Child Has Been Killed By Israel Every 3 Days For The Past 13 Years
A quote...."Official statistics from the Ministry of Information in Ramallah have revealed that 1,518 Palestinian children were killed by Israel's occupation forces from the outbreak of the second Intifada in September 2000 up to April 2013. That's the equivalent of one Palestinian child killed by Israel every 3 days for almost 13 years. The ministry added that the number of children injured by the Israelis since the start of the Second Intifada against Israel's occupation has now reached 6,000." - bold/underline by website editor

Bulgaria now says Hezbollah's role in bus bombing unproven
A quote...."SOFIA, June 5 (Reuters) - Bulgaria said on Wednesday it only had an "indication" that Lebanon's Hezbollah might have been behind a deadly bus bombing in July and that this alone did not justify any European Union move to list it as a terrorist group. - The new Socialist-led government backed away from charges by its centre-right predecessor that the Shi'ite Muslim militant group had carried out the attack that killed five Israelis and their Bulgarian bus driver in the Black Sea city of Burgas." - Yeah....they had an "indication" all right, and we ALL know who from. - mpg
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More on the All Seeing - (Know Nothing) - Police State & Their Surveillance of the Web...

The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say)
Special Note - A quote...."Under construction by contractors with top-secret clearances, the blandly named Utah Data Center is being built for the National Security Agency. A project of immense secrecy, it is the final piece in a complex puzzle assembled over the past decade. Its purpose: to intercept, decipher, analyze, and store vast swaths of the world’s communications as they zap down from satellites and zip through the underground and undersea cables of international, foreign, and domestic networks. The heavily fortified $2 billion center should be up and running in September 2013. Flowing through its servers and routers and stored in near-bottomless databases will be all forms of communication, including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Google searches, as well as all sorts of personal data trails—parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other digital “pocket litter.” It is, in some measure, the realization of the “total information awareness” program created during the first term of the Bush administration—an effort that was killed by Congress in 2003 after it caused an outcry over its potential for invading Americans’ privacy."

Document reveals Verizon ordered to give NSA information on all U.S. phone calls in its system
A quote...."A top secret court order issued in April, but just now revealed, shows that the National Security Agency (NSA) is currently collecting detailed telephone records of all of the millions of American customers of Verizon wireless on a daily basis."

Top-secret court order reveals NSA's daily data collection on millions of Americans
A quote...."The US National Security Agency is currently collecting the telephone records of millions of unwitting individuals via a secret court order issued in April obtained by The Guardian newspaper, which has posted it online." - Source:  RT

Now FBI Wants Back Door to All Software
Contains Video - A quote...."The FBI is unhappy that there are communications technologies that it cannot intercept, and wants a new requirement that software makers and communications companies create a back door so they can listen in when they want."
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More on the Domestic Situation....

Osama bin Laden's Ghost
A quote...."SACRAMENTO, CA) - How many Americans know Osama bin Laden denied being connected to the attacks on the United States, Sept. 11th 2001? Is it possible to imagine a terrorist going to that much effort, knowing full well that the one and only result would be an attack on an unprecedented scale against two Middle eastern countries... and failing to claim it? - The man, bin Laden, didn't deny it once, he denied it over and over again but the United States media and press failed to divulge it in any meaningful way. George W. Bush told the public bin Laden claimed the act on the very same days that bin Laden issued statements saying he had nothing to do with it."

Four Years Ago Obama Promised to Investigate Afghan Massacre; Has Anything Happened Since?
Yep. He broke another one of his promises....again. - mpg -- A quote...."June 05, 2013 "Information Clearing House -   In his first year in office, President Barack Obama pledged to "collect the facts" on the death of hundreds, possibly thousands, of Taliban prisoners of war at the hands of U.S.-allied Afghan forces in late 2001. - Almost four years later, there's no sign of progress. - When asked by ProPublica about the state of the investigation, the White House says it is still "looking into" the apparent massacre. Yet no facts have been released and it's far from clear what, if any, facts have been collected." - see related video...."Afghan Massacre : The Convoy of Death"

The Shooting Of Ibragim Todashev: Is The Lawlessness of Obama's Drone Policy Coming Home?
The FBI's Murder of Ibragim Todashev -- A quote...."Did the FBI execute Ibragim Todashev? He appears to have been shot seven times while being interviewed at home in Orlando, Florida, about his connection to one of the Boston bombing suspects. Among the shots was the assassin's hallmark: a bullet to the back of the head. What kind of an interview was it? - An irregular one. There was no lawyer present. It was not recorded. By the time Todashev was shot, he had apparently been interrogated by three agents for five hours. And then? Who knows? First, we were told, he lunged at them with a knife. How he acquired it, five hours into a police interview, was not explained. How he posed such a threat while recovering from a knee operation also remains perplexing. - At first he drew the knife while being interviewed. Then he acquired it during a break from the interview. Then it ceased to be a knife and became a sword, then a pipe, then a metal pole, then a broomstick, then a table, then a chair. In one account all the agents were in the room at the time of the attack; in another, all but one had mysteriously departed, leaving the remaining officer to face his assailant alone....." - Topix ||  Boston Bombing - Ibragim Todashev  ||

ACLU urges independent probe of Orlando shooting Details sought in killing
The FBI's Murder of Ibragim Todashev - Related Article -- A quote...."lmost two weeks after Ibragim Todashev was shot and killed by an FBI agent in Orlando, one of the nation’s leading civil liberties groups has joined calls for the bureau to release details of the shooting, as well as for an independent investigation. - With little information from the government so far, the American Civil Liberties Union said it is monitoring the case." - Topix ||  Boston Bombing - Ibragim Todashev  ||

Bradley Manning's Legal Duty to Expose War Crimes
A quote....."June 04, 2013 "Information Clearing House"  - Although whistleblower Bradley Manning pled guilty to 10 offenses that will garner him 20 years in custody, military prosecutors are pursuing further charges – aiding the enemy and violation of the Espionage Act – that carry life in prison. -- The court-martial of Bradley Manning, the most significant whistleblower case since Daniel Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers, has begun. Although Manning pled guilty earlier this year to 10 offenses that will garner him 20 years in custody, military prosecutors insist on pursuing charges of aiding the enemy and violation of the Espionage Act, carrying life in prison."

Bradley Manning: Prisoner of Conscience
Related Article - A quote...."May 31, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -  While President Obama’s administration weighs overt military aid to Syrian rebels, the true character of the revolution underway in that country is becoming horrifically clear. Numerous press reports are providing details of a massacre perpetrated by the Free Syrian Army that annihilated the entire population of a Christian village."

The Death Of Free Speech, most will cheer. #n3
Related CMcGVideo - (CMcGYuTb - 5min04sec - Jun 4, 2013) - Source:  crabbydogtrix - Related:  Wide Awake NewsRegarding Bradly Manning.

Obama Wants Whistleblowers Silenced
A quote...."“What is a Whistleblower,”? ~ Anyone “who discloses information that (he or she) reasonably believes is evidence of illegality, gross waste or fraud, mismanagement, abuse of power, general wrongdoing, or a substantial and specific danger to public health and safety.”"

....CO. Sen Who Backed Strict Gun Control Law Face State's First Ever Recall Election? - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."A Colorado lawmaker who championed some of the strictest gun laws in the country is now facing a possible recall after concerned citizens turned in twice the needed petition signatures to initiate the state's first ever recall election."

Thomas Pickering testifies behind closed doors on Benghazi
A quote...."The IRS and DOJ hearings are public. Why are the Benghazi hearings behind closed doors? What is the truth behind Benghazi that is so much worse than the IRS and DOJ scandals that it must remain hidden? -- Here is my theory...."

Judge Napolitano ~ Time For AG Eric Holder To Go [or indefinite detention for treason]
Video - (YuTb - 2min47sec - Jun 4, 2013) - Source:  RonPaulCC2012

Keeping It In the Family: Senator Feinstein’s Husband Stands to Make Millions from USPS Contract
A quote...."Senator Dianne Feinstein has long been accused of corruption and unethical behavior in Congress. From going after the Second Amendment to making tens of millions of dollars through her husband’s companies, Feinstein seems to take unbridled glee in being one of the most corrupt members of Congress today." - bold by website editor

Is Adam Kokesh Working for the CIA?
A quote...."Adam Kokesh leads a large contingent of the American “Patriot” movement. His followers are typically Second Amendment activists and Ron Paul devotees – people who are aware enough to perceive that their government does not mean them well, yet naïve enough to think that there is a political solution, whether it come via a maverick politician or displays of civil disobedience."

South Dakota commits shocking genocide against Native Americans
A quote...."Genocide is not too strong a term for what is now happening in South Dakota. The huge, shocking violation of legal and human rights being carried out by the state is tantamount to genocide against the Native American nations, the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota Sioux, residing within its borders. It is the abduction and kidnapping by state officials, under the cover of law, of American Indian children. -- This is a gross violation of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) of 1978.  Further, these abominable kidnappings are being upheld by the courts of that state. -- The best approach to this crime against humanity is by the following initial checklist...." - also posted at Reyes2Sense - The first five.....
  1. Over 700 American Indian children are removed by South Dakota state officials from their homes every year.
  2. These hundreds are sent to white foster homes or group homes.
  3. Many are adopted by white families.
  4. Indian children account for 13.8 percent of the state's child population, yet they represent 56.3 percent of the foster care population.
  5. Of the hundreds of Native children in foster care in 2011, 87 percent were placed in non-Indian homes while Native foster homes went empty.
Independent v. Mainstream News: Informed v. Re-Educated
A quote...."Today, there is almost zero truth in mainstream media. Just as global financial firms like Goldman Sachs have repeatedly been exposed for issuing conflicting advice to different tier clients depending upon how much money the client has with the firm, mainstream media has constantly been exposed for issuing different stories as well, depending upon the propaganda they wish to disseminate. For example, Time Magazine often runs different cover stories for the United States and the rest of the world as is illustrated by the covers of issues released in October and December 2011 below." - bold by website editor

Kissinger's Trail of Death [and Many Other Issues]
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 23min57sec - Jun 5, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel - A quote...."Frequent attendee Henry Kissinger has been involved in secret wars, military coups, CIA torture and terrorism — all of which have caused the loss of tens of thousands of lives. But the machinations of his mentor David Rockefeller and the manipulations of the central banks could, if not stopped, cause worldwide economic disaster, famine and war."

Michael Rivero on Justin TV -  June 4th, 2013
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 2hrs/1hr -  June 4th, 2013) -- Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens...

How Another Housing Bubble Was Blown … And Why
Special Note - A quote...."Preface: In Part 1, we showed that mortgage applications are down, and it is really institutional investors driving the housing boom. Part 2 explains why. - Housing prices have boomed because...." - also posted at ZeroHedge
(1) Lenders are artificially keeping vacant houses off of the market....and....

(2) The Obama administration has thrown all sorts of artificial incentives at institutional investors to pump up prices
Housing: Recovery … Or Artificial Bubble Which Is About to Pop?
Special Note - A quote...."Preface: Part 1 will discuss what’s really going on in the housing market. Part 2 explains why. - CBS News noted in February...."
Many of those real estate buyers aren’t your everyday bargain-hunters. They’re Wall Street and international investors. While the fast money is boosting the housing market, it also poses risks in a key sector of the economy that is just getting back on its feet. - Data show that investment trusts, private equity firms and other institutional investors are purchasing thousands of single-family homes. The idea is to fix them up, rent them out and, when prices rise, sell them."  ---  "Even at the peak of the bubble in 2005, only 11.5 percent of homes in Los Angeles were purchased by absentee buyers — now 25 percent are."
The Quantitative Beatings Will Continue Until Economy Improves
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."....our endless non-recovery is not in spite of the Fed’s effort, but because of it. The interest rate is not exclusive to just one business. It is universal, applying to the whole market. Every business can borrow at the prevailing rate. When will they borrow? To oversimplify slightly, they will borrow when they see an opportunity with a net profit greater than the interest rate. This will push down the rate of profit of their market. The actions of a myriad of other businesses will push down the rate of profit in every market. -- Let’s pause to consider this for a moment. The rate of interest is falling. This invites businesses to incur more debt. At the same time, their opportunities to profitably deploy the borrowed money are declining due to the very reason of falling interest rates."

Keiser Report: Fake it till you make it or Potemkin policies (E453)
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 25min46sec - Jun 4, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the emergence of a new economic theory of Potemkinism where posters of thriving towns substitute for towns that aren't actually thriving. And, if that fails, then the towns are demolished to avoid seeing such failure. In the second half, Max talks to writer, producer, journalist, Charlie Skelton about the upcoming Bilderberg event in Watford, UK and the protest groups around it."

How Elite Economic Hucksters Drive America’s Biggest Fraud Epidemics
A quote...."June 04, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  What do you get when you throw together economic fraudsters, plutocrats and opportunistic criminals? A financial crisis, that’s what. If you look back over the massive frauds that have swept the country in recent decades, from the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s to the 2007-'08 financial crash, this deadly combination always appears."

Fiat Currencies Are Derivatives
A quote...."Over the last few months I’ve tried to nail-down an underlying reality, a meaning, the ‘nature’, of both physical Gold and Fiat Currencies. Neither are obvious to the average person, and there are many, many versions as to what they both are, depending upon which camp you are in (Trader, Economist, Politician, PM Bug, Investor, Mum & Dad, Business Owner, Banker, Wanker, Central Planner etc-etc)."
$179,000 Each--In Debt
A quote...."Debt and deficits don't matter--until they do. That which is unsustainable will go away. - Longtime contributor B.C. recently shared some eye-opening charts of debt in the U.S. The charts are self-explanatory, but I've added a few notes to highlight some of the key points." - also posted at ZeroHedge

12 Clear Signals That The U.S. Economy Is About To Really Slow Down
A quote...."A lot of things that have not happened since the last recession are starting to happen again.  As you read the list below, you will notice that the year “2009″ comes up again and again.  There is a reason for that.  Many of the same patterns that we witnessed during the last major economic downturn are starting to repeat themselves.  In fact, many of the things that are happening right now have not happened in quite a few years.  For example, manufacturing activity in the U.S. has contracted for the first time in four years.  The inventory to sales ratio is the highest that it has been in four years.  Average hourly compensation just experienced the largest decline that we have seen in four years....." - also posted at ZeroHedge

[US] Housing Prices Are Being Dangerously Distorted by Big Institutional Money

Charts - Graphs -- A quote...."The airwaves are full of stories of economic recovery. One trumpeted recently has been the rapid recovery in housing, at least as measured in prices. - The problem is, a good portion of the rebound in house prices in many markets has less to do with renewed optimism, new jobs, and rising wages, and more to do with big money investors fueled by the ultra-cheap money policies of the Fed." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Worst Month For [US] Mortgage Applications Since 2009 Driving Mass Layoffs
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."This morning's 11.5% week-over-week plunge in mortgage applications is the fourth week of fading demand in a row as it appears the bloom is very much off the rose of the second-coming of the housing bubble. This makes it the worst plunge in mortgage applications since June 2009 and the lowest level of activity since December 2011. Wondering how this is possible? We explained in detail here...."

[US] Hourly Compensation Crashes Most Ever, Labor Costs Drops By Most In 4 Years, Manufacturing Compensation Plummets By 7% -- Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."So much for the thesis of declining labor slack and rising labor leverage. Moments ago the BLS reported its Q1 labor costs which poured cold water over all recent hypotheses that the US worker's plight is improving. It isn't: productivity increased by 0.5% in Q1 in ling with expectations of 0.6% (on what is not exactly clear - everyone on their iPhones?) but it was labor costs which plunged -4.3% on expectations of a +0.5% increase driven by a 3.8% collapse in hourly compensation that was the stunner." - Amerikans make such good little Bankster slaves....don't they? - mpg

Britain’s inflation highest in Europe: Report
A quote....."Britain has the highest food and energy inflation in western Europe as UK households are struggling with their biggest squeeze on living standards at a time of austerity." - Given Britain's "official" inflation rate, one can only wonder what the REAL rate of inflation is. - mpg

Thousands Protest Austerity Measures in Spain, Germany and Portugal
A quote...."On Saturday thousands have taken to the streets of Spain, Germany and Portugal to protest austerity measures in the debt stricken nations.  Protesters could be seen carrying banners saying, “No more cuts” and “Screw the Troika,” referring to the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund, the groups that bailed out a number of European Union nations."

Icelandic Parliament: Big Icelandic Banks Were Public Banks … Which Were Privatized FOR FREE Shortly Before They Tanked -- A quote...."Birgitta Jonsdottir is a member of the Icelandic parliament. She knows a good deal about the financial crisis.  Indeed, before being elected to parliament, she made a documentary about the collapse of Iceland’s economy as an investigative journalist. - Last night, Jonsdottir (pronounced “yont-Daughter”) disclosed a stunning fact in a speech I attended...."
All our banks were actually public.  They were privatized a few years prior to the financial crisis.
"Jonsdottir explained that Iceland’s banks grew to 5-7 times the size of the country’s GDP during the county’s brief bubble after privatization."

Does China Plan To Back The Yuan With Gold And Make It The Primary Global Reserve Currency?
Gold Alert - A quote...."What in the world is China up to?  Why are the Chinese hoarding so much gold?  Does China plan to back the yuan with gold and turn it into a global reserve currency?  Could it be possible that China actually intends for the yuan to eventually replace the U.S. dollar asthe primary reserve currency of the planet?  Most people in the western world assume that China just wants a “seat at the table” and is content to let the United States run the show.  But that isn’t the case at all.  The truth is that China doesn’t just want to compete with the United States.  Rather, China actually plans to replace the United States as the dominant economic power on the planet. "

JPMorgan Parts With Another 21,000 Ounces Of Gold, Holdings Drop To New Record Low
Gold Alert - Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Those tens of thousands of outstanding delivery requests against JPM are finally starting to make their way through the pipeline: following the withdrawal of 28,380 ounces of gold after nearly one month of radiosilence out of the vault located below 1 CMP, today the CME reported that another 21k troy ounces of eligible gold were withdrawn from the bank (coupled with the reallocation of another 8.8K registered into eligible), taking the total to a fresh record low of 767,752 ounces."

US Mint Head: Bullion Demand Still "Unprecedented"
Gold Alert - A quote...."As every down-tick in the paper price of Gold is viewed as another death knell for the 'global safety' trade; a drop in stock prices is somehow seen as an 'opportunity' to the world's media and status quo maintainers. However, as Reuters reports, Richard Peterson - acting director of the US Mint - explains, demand for US gold and silver bullion remains at "unprecedented" high levels almost two months after the historical sell-off. So that is what the pent-up-demand, 'money on the sidelines' has been waiting for? "

France Bans Shipment of Gold & Silver in the Mail!

Gold WTF Alert - A quote...."As the western financial collapse nears, the banksters are furiously working to shut down every financial exit available to the public to preserve their wealth from bankster confiscation."
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More On The International Situation....

People Have Killed Their Fear of Authority – and the Protests are Growing
A quote...."Well, we are just filling light bulbs with paint,” said my friend, a cafe owner in Cihangir, the Soho of Istanbul. Speaking to me on the phone, she sounded as relaxed as if she was baking an apple pie. “You know,” she continued, “the only way to stop a TOMA is to throw paint on its window so that the vehicle loses orientation.” " - Source:  NewStatesman - also posted at ICH

Turkish Situation Proves Slaves Will Be Brutally Punished or Killed if Disobedient
A quote...."June 04, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  As people are battered, brutalized, pepper sprayed and tear gassed in Turkey, it is becoming more and more obvious to the awakening masses that they are living under a tyrannical regime globally, who will do anything to keep its enslaved population under its control, its worker ants, and keep them enchained to their system of fear, debt and work. The brutality by police are obviously orders from government to control at any cost, and it would not take much for the government to take it to the next level, like Assad of Syria, and start killing the uprising people, who are desperate to become free of their slavery."  -- For more articles on Turkeys growing revolution see below....
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Putin: Syria S-300 delivery on hold over balance-of-power concerns
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 3min34sec - Jun 4, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - A quote...."The Russian Foreign Ministry says it's against placing heavy weaponry in nations neighbouring Syria. The arms issue came up during the Russia-EU Summit in the Urals, which again called for both sides to start a dialogue. RT's Aleksey Yaroshevsky's there following the meeting."

Syria Army continues cleaning operation in Qusayr
A quote...."Syrian government forces are going ahead with their mop-up operation in Qusayr after they regained full control of the strategic town, Press TV reports."

Syria: Western-backed terrorists running like rats
A quote...."The western-backed terrorist filth which has infested many parts of Syria in the last two years is being systematically exterminated and removed from its hideouts before the areas are sterilized by the Syrian Armed Forces, heroically waging a winning war against NATO's mercenaries, special forces and Islamist terrorists they have brought into the fray."

The Syrian Army Takes Qusayr

A quote...."From Naharnet Breaking News...."
The Syrian army launched a surprizing night attack and overran the insurgency positions in Qusayr. Some of the insurgents managed to flee north but will have trouble to break through the wide cordon that the Syrian army set up.

Syrian war widens Sunni-Shia schism as foreign jihadis join fight for shrines
A quote...."Not long after a friend called from Damascus to tell him one of the holiest shrines in Shia Islam had been damaged by Syrian rebels, Baghdad student Ammar Sadiq was on the move. -- Raging with a desire for vengeance, the 21-year-old set off for the border, a six-hour drive through Iraq's western deserts. He was one more jihadist on a road to war, a well-trodden path through lands that not long ago were used by jihadists coming the other way. When he got to Syria, however, he did not plan to join the Sunni insurgents now blazing through the north, but the equally vehement Shia groups defending the capital."

Russian FM: Iran Must Take Part in World Conference on Syria
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran must take part in the international Geneva II Conference on Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov insisted on Thursday."
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In Golan Heights, Druze villagers are preparing for war
A quote...." MAJDAL SHAMS, Golan Heights — For the last month, shopkeeper Salah Abu Saleh has found himself having the same conversation again and again: When the war between Israel and Syria begins, what single foodstuff would he not tire of eating? -- “People come in and they buy meat, cans of tomatoes and chickpeas – you know, the basics. They are thinking ahead to what they can feed their families if the war between Syria and Israel lasts months instead of weeks,” he said, standing in the small shop he runs in the center of Majdal Shams. “We are being practical, but even in war you want to eat something you like.”"

Russia Stations Advanced Missiles in Armenia
A quote...."Russia has deployed in Armenia state-of-the-art ballistic missiles capable of striking targets more than 400 kilometers away, according to a source in the Armenian Defense Ministry.." - Source: Asbarez

Two killed in Afghanistan as hundreds protest over US ‘torture’
A quote...."Hundreds of Afghans blocked a major motorway south of Kabul carrying freshly dug-up bodies they claimed were victims of torture by US special forces and demanding the Americans be arrested, officials said. - A spokesman for the US-led military coalition said the claims were false."

Taliban assures Iran of accommodating all sides in any post-NATO set-up in Afghanistan
Geo-Political Note - A quote...."Senior Afghan Taliban officials, who wrapped up their three-day visit to Iran, have assured Iranian authorities that they would accommodate all sides in any post-NATO set-up in Afghanistan, according to sources. - The Express Tribune quoted a Taliban official, as saying that the Taliban negotiators also requested Iranian authorities to not support their political rival, the Northern Alliance, in order to avoid civil war in the war-torn nation following the NATO forces' withdrawal. - The official said that the visit was aimed at assuring Iran that all ethnic and sectarian groups will have representation in any post-NATO set-up."

Obama Authorizes New Iran Sanctions Targeting Currency
Currency Attack - It's ALWAYS been about the currency!!  They've been attacking Iran's currency indirectly for almost thirty years, now they're attacking it directly. - mpg -- A quote...."President Barack Obama is targeting Iran’s currency for the first time [final push on behalf of the Banksters] under sanctions authorized yesterday as the U.S. increases economic pressure on the Islamic Republic to halt its nuclear program." - Source:  Bloomberg

New PM wants US drone strikes to end
A quote...."PAKISTAN'S new prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, has called for an end to US drone strikes in the country's northwest, after MPs endorsed him for an unprecedented third term in office."

Egypt court convicts 43 NGO employees of inciting unrest
A quote...."An Egyptian court has convicted 43 local and foreign employees of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), including the US nonprofit groups, of receiving foreign funds to incite unrest in the North African country."

Bahrain court sentences 3 protesters from 5 to 15 years in jail
A quote...."Three protesters in Bahrain have been jailed from five to 15 years on charges of taking part in anti-government demonstrations in June 2012 and attempting to murder a policeman."

New Satellite Pictures Show Another Revolution Waiting To Happen In Bahrain
A quote...."Bahrain's poor and overcrowded Shiite majority learned what a raw deal they were getting in 2006, when they saw satellite images of lavish palaces and empty land owned by the Sunni monarchy. - The images, which circulated in PDF form after the government blocked Google Earth, spurred growing unrest about the lack of affordable housing. In 2011 this unrest broke out into large nonviolent protests as part of the Arab Spring."

RT becomes 1st TV news channel to break YouTube 1 billion views barrier - Congratulations To RT!
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 26min29sec - Jun 4, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - A quote...."RT is the first TV news channel to reach 1 billion views on YouTube. In this special program we look at some of our videos you liked best, find the heroes of some clips and even have some happy endings."

African groups reject G8 corporate food plan as "colonialism"
A quote...."African farmers’ movements and civil society groups have rejected the G8’s New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition as part of a “new wave of colonialism” targeting their food systems for corporate profit."

The Disastrous State of Haiti’s Finances: Senate Reports Reveal Widespread Corruption
A quote...."According to Senator Moïse Jean-Charles, former President René Préval left some $1.9 billion in the treasury when he stepped down in May 2011. But nobody knows how this large amount was spent. -- Furthermore, $150 million was earmarked for the reconstruction of the capital’s hilltop neighborhood of Fort National, which was devastated in the Jan. 12, 2010 earthquake. However, $50 million of that sum was diverted to build 3,000 houses in Morne à Cabri while the remaining $100 million has mysteriously disappeared."

Honduras: When will the US stop funding death squads?
A quote...."A resurgence of death squad activity targeting suspected gang members and others is exacting a mounting toll in Honduras, a country already wracked by violence and impunity. As documented in a series of AP investigative reports, it is increasingly apparent that US-funded Honduran National Police are dispatching summary justice to gang members, in a policy of "social cleansing", with complete impunity."

Bolivia strikes new blow against US imperialism

A quote...."Bolivian President Evo Morales has continued his by now established tradition of using 1 May, International Workers’ Day, to announce popular anti-imperialist measures designed to advance the revolutionary process underway in his country."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Israeli forces block efforts to extinguish fires caused by settler [Jewish gang-banger] arson attacks
A quote...."Israeli occupation forces have blocked efforts to extinguish fires caused by Jewish settlers’ [Jewish gang-banger] arson attacks. A fire engine sent to help was prevented from getting close to the blazes in the village of Al-Zubaidat in the Jordan Valley. Settlers [Jewish arsonist gang-bangers] set fire to a number of Palestinian-owned vehicles in the village on Wednesday morning; four cars, one truck and a tractor were destroyed. A further four vehicles were set on fire in the nearby village of Al-Mazraa." -  Source:  OccupiedPalestine

Settlers [Jealous Jewish Vandals] Cut Down Olive Trees Near Hebron
A quote...."HEBRON, June 6, 2013 (WAFA) – Jewish settlers [vandals] from the settlement [squatter camp] of Bayt Ain, south of Hebron, cut down 20 olive trees from land in the town of Beit Ummar, a local activist said Thursday."

[Palestinian] Female Detainees Start Hunger Strike

A quote...."Thursday June 6 2013, Palestinian female detainees, held by Israel, started an open-ended hunger strike demanding the Israeli Prison Authority to provide the needed medical treatment to detainee Heba Abu Rezeq."

Five Palestinians Kidnapped In West Bank
A quote...."Thursday at dawn, Israeli soldiers kidnapped five Palestinians, including an elected legislator, in different parts of the occupied West Bank."

Soldiers [IOF Goons] Kidnap Three In Jenin

A quote...."Late on Tuesday at night - June 4 2013, scores of Israeli soldiers invaded two villages and a refugee camp, in the northern West Bank district of Jenin, broke into homes and kidnapped three residents. Two Palestinians have also been kidnapped in Bethlehem, and three in Jerusalem."

Farming in Khuza’a, Gaza Strip
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 4min54sec - Jun 2, 2013) - Source:  perkidian -- A quote...."Farmers are working in Gaza buffer zone under threat of Israeli soldiers, tanks, bullets, etc. This video shows the difficulty of daily life for farmers in Khuza’a, south of Gaza Strip."

Six Miles Gaza Sea
Video - Alt - (VimeoVid - 7min3sec - June 6, 2013) - Source:  Gal'la -- A quote...."Zakaria Baker, head of the committee for fishermen in UWAC explains the reality in Gaza sea after Israel re-extend the sailing area at 6 nautical miles."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Venezuela goes for ban on GM seeds - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Caracas - Venezuela is going forward in the defintive elaboration and approval for a law guaranteeing security and sovereignty against the threat of transgenic seeds, said Socialist deputy Alfredo Urena. - Urena said in an interview to Venezolana de Television how important this is to preserve the biological diversity of the nation and food sovereignty, since the transgenic seed market is under the monopoly of a few transationals, such as renowned enterprise MONSANTO."

Monsanto sued by Kansas wheat farmer over release of unapproved GMO wheat in Oregon - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."A wheat farmer in Kansas has filed a lawsuit against Monsanto alleging that the infamous agricultural giant is guilty of gross negligence for not containing unapproved genetically modified wheat which was recently discovered in Oregon."

The Monsanto tipping point has been reached: We shall overcome global food injustice (GMO)
A quote...."Monsanto is now in full retreat against a global grassroots rejection of its poisons and lies. The company is backpedaling on every front now, even admitting defeat in Europe and now trying to focus its last, desperate efforts on the United States and Brazil." -  Source:  NaturalNews

Allergies to Monoculture Food Crops Growing
A quote...."Not so long ago a family farm produced a myriad of crops for the family and local community, including vegetables, corn, squash, cabbage and others. Today's farms are a different proposition altogether, and monoculture food production is not only proving to be hard on the land and environment, but it is also increasingly causing hay fever and allergies."

Monsanto Still Testing Genetically Modified Wheat in Two States
A quote...."While last week's announcement of rogue GM wheat in Oregon was framed as an anomoly, Monsanto has current field testing of GM wheat in two states." - also posted at RINF

‘Let Them Eat Grass’ documentary to expose massive govt tyranny against small-scale farmers producing real food

A quote...."There is a war being waged against real food – no, not the heavily-processed, chemical-laden garbage that fills the aisles of most major supermarkets today, but actual wholesome food grown on clean, family-scale farms across the U.S. And the upcoming documentary Let Them Eat Grass will expose the aggressors in this widespread fight, as well as urge people like us to fight back and defend our constitutional right to choose healthy food." - Source:  NaturalNews

Gut Biota Never Recover from Antibiotics: Damages Future Generations
A quote...."The misuse of antibiotics is not only causing new, never-before known diseases like E. coli and MRSA, the flesh-eating bacteria, it's also destroying the gut biome with devastating effects on our ability to deal with infections and destroying our ability to absorb nutrients from food."
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From the Technology File....

To improve today’s concrete, do as the Romans did
A quote...."BERKELEY -- In a quest to make concrete more durable and sustainable, an international team of geologists and engineers has found inspiration in the ancient Romans, whose massive concrete structures have withstood the elements for more than 2,000 years."

Tuesday June 4th 2013

No posts. - mpg

Monday June 3rd 2013

America’s Greatest Affliction: The Presstitute Media
Must Read - A quote...."June 03, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -  When Gerald Celente branded the American media “presstitutes,” he got it right. The US print and TV media (and NPR) whore for Washington and the corporations. Reporting the real news is their last concern. The presstitutes are a Ministry of Propaganda and Coverup. This is true of the entire Western media, a collection of bought-and-paid-for whores." - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts

Iraq Collapse Shows Bankruptcy of Interventionism
A quote...."by Ron Paul -- Millions live in constant fear, refugees do not return home, and the economy is destroyed. The Christian community, some 1.2 million persons before 2003, has been nearly wiped off the Iraqi map. Other minorities have likewise disappeared. Making matters worse, US support for the Syrian rebels next door has drawn the Shi'ite-led Iraqi government into the spreading regional unrest and breathed new life into extremist elements." - also posted at ICH

“Humanitarian Wars” and “Regime Change”:Tony Blair Continues to Push the Neo-Con Agenda
A quote...."Tony Blair, one of the Chief architects of the wholly illegal, and barbaric act of aggression put upon the state of Iraq and its population in 2003 – resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians – has once again been given a platform to further the West’s Imperial agenda and designs for the Middle East."

Unspeakable Madness at the Turning of the Age
A quote...."Tai Yippie Kai Yay (motherf-cker!) Erdogan has got an RSVP to one of The Pit's, Erdogan specific ghettos; the inferno's equivalent to East St. Louis. What a despicable creature you are Erdogan. What a vile mockery upon the human estate. You should be drilled through the ankles like Hector and dragged by a chariot around the circumference of Istanbul. One can only hope that the hand of the cosmos, delivers you into the hands of the populace. Here are crimes that warrant the Braveheart treatment. You ruthless and depraved sonofab-tch! You have put yourself on a par with Henry Kissinger and Benjamin Sh-twityahoo. You are, plainly and truthfully speaking, a monster in the camouflage of human form. Those who serve you, are an extension of your will and, god willing, will share your fate. I note that I was not amiss in referring to you as a wannabe sultan yesterday. -- You shall reap the whirlwind, Erdogan. You have damned yourself and wiped away all of the good you ever accomplished. You are a maggot in the afterbirth of these terrible times. I cannot find the words to fittingly portray you. You have impressed me in all the worst ways. May you be taken soon, you and all of your peers, who presently commit outrage after outrage, upon those you were put into the position to 'serve and protect...." - More mild criticism of Erdogan from "Reflections in a Petri Dish".  The author does have a way with words, right up there with Chris Floyd....mpg

Erdogan Is Toast - We can hope!! - mpg
A quote...."Last week a small environmental protest against the demolishing of a park in Istanbul went nearly unnoticed. But when police rather brutally intervened to let workers cut some of the trees the situation exploded. Within a few days over 100,000 were out on the streets and clashing with police forces." - For more on the protests against Erdogan and his Saudi supported JDP party see the articles shown below in the "International" section....

The United States should be in the dock, not Bradley Manning
A quote...."June 03, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -  It has launched illegal and unjust wars with catastrophic human consequences; it has helped overthrow democratically elected governments; it arms and backs some of the most brutal dictatorships on the face of the earth; and it has a track record of supporting terrorist organisations. Even many of its ardent supporters admit that the US foreign policy elite has a somewhat chequered history."

In Appreciation of the CIA
A quote...."I would like to thank the CIA for the wonderful work they are doing -- After all, this really is a terrorism related site that MUST BE STOPPED at ALL COST, to make good and sure ALL APPROVED TERROR happens on schedule. Gotta hit those deadlines you know, with all those prepared ahead of time news reports, as stated by a media insider that ratted on the whole charade, straight through that mailbox you have so diligently censored. -- I gotta laugh at your shining example of hypocrisy exhibited on your tip line page."

SYRIAN GIRL 8 Reasons Why The NWO Hates Syria_ GLOBAL DOMIN
SGPVideo - Alt - From the History File - Dec 17, 2012 - (previously posted) - (SGPYuTb - 6min07sec - 12/17/12) - Source:  fairfare100 - Producer:  SyrianGirlPartisanRelated:  FaceBook - Related:  Twitter -- A quote..."My new channel is SyrianGirlNews Please subscribe. -- I have a live leak account too LiveLeak. [I] will be posting war videos on SyrianGirlWarYuTb" -- A quote...."8 reasons why the NWO hates Syria - No Rothschild central bank, NO IMF debt, No Genetically modified food, Oil and pipelines, Anti-secret societies, Anti-Zionism, Secularism, Nationalism."

Moderate Patriotic Sunnis VS Salafi Extremists Syria
SGPVideo - (SGPYuTb - 7min32sec - Mar 30, 2013) - Source: SyrianGirlPartisan - Related:  FaceBook - Related:  Twitter - Related: SyrianGirlNews - Related: LiveLeak. [I] will [also] be posting war videos on SyrianGirlWarYuTb" - A quote...."The difference between Syria's moderate patriotic Sunnis and the Salafist extremists who the FSA follow and that the US is funding."- For more on Syria and the Trinity of Evil's al-CIA'da foreign mercenary Wahhabist terrorist war against the Syrian people see the articles shown below in the "International" section....
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Qatar, Saudia, Turkey And Israel are Allies - Morris
M108Video - (M108YuTb - 6min - Jun 3, 2013) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote...."How did Israel manage to co-opt and dominate so many Islamic States in the Middle East. We see Muslims fighting Muslims with Israel joining in occasionally." - For more on these issues, see essays shown below....
1st super-governmental world war begins
Special Note - A quote...."Today, Israeli’s awakened to a new world. Syria has a fully operational S-300 air defense system that covers, if they desire, not just much of Lebanon but most of Israel as well."

Parliamentarians Censor and Define Free Speech Against Israel as “Anti-Semitism”
ZOG Alert - A quote...."The world of conscience, humanity, equality, and freedom of self determination for all peoples, urges world Parliamentarians to condemn and refuse to sign the “London Declaration on Combating Anti-Semitism”.  This prejudicial declaration that censors any free speech critical of Israel’s illegal occupation and military brutality against millions of innocent civilians, the Palestinians, inhumanely places the sensitivities of Jews above the blood of their victims in Palestine and the Arab world."

Pentagon Denies Relationship with anti-Christian extremist Mikey Weinstein; Instantly Complies with His Demands
A quote...."One month ago the Pentagon assured the public it was not being advised by anti-Christian extremist Mikey Weinstein. Yet two days ago Weinstein called the Pentagon demanding that a Christian painting be removed from a dining hall in an Idaho Air Force base, and the Pentagon complied with his demand--in less than one hour."

Bill Clinton takes a cool half-million from Jewish National Fund for speech in Israel
A quote..."The scandal that is never a scandal in the American press. Bill Clinton's foundation has been given $500,000 by the Jewish National Fund, which has long been involved in taking Palestinian land and giving it to Jews. Is Hillary running for president? Where does she expect to raise her money? Will she ever oppose Jewish colonization in Palestine?" - Amerika, the worst politicians money can buy. - mpg

How a London Court Repudiated Zionist Abuse of the Anti-Semitism Charge
A quote...."June 03, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - Taunting and tainting opponents with the charge of anti-semitism is a long-standing Zionist ploy, familiar to everyone involved in the Israel-Palestine issue. As their support weakens in the face of evidence-based argument, Israel’s advocates have stepped up their use of the accusation as a means to close down debate, particularly on proposals for boycott, divestment and sanctions."
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More on the Domestic Situation...

WTC 7 to Take Center Stage with $600K Ad Campaign
Action Alert - A quote...."Yes… you read that right: $600,000. ReThink911* (a.k.a. Operation Tip the Planet) has raised $300,000 in pledges to match every dollar YOU raise by July 31** for this massive September advertising campaign."

Unarmed Ibragim Todashev Executed by FBI?
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 18min52sec - May 31, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Abdulbaki Todashev, the father of Ibragim Todashev, said during a news conference in Russia that his son was executed by the FBI to keep him from talking. - "I want justice, I want an investigation," he said. "They come to your house like bandits, and they shoot you." - "Maybe my son knew some sort of information that the police didn't want to get out," he added. "They shut him up. That's my opinion.""

US Muslim man sues FBI over months of torture abroad
- Hip Hip Hooray!!
Sue'em, everyone of them, every single person involved. - mpg -- A quote...."An American Muslim man has sued the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the State Department over the claim that he was subjected to torture at their behest while being held abroad. -- On Thursday, Yonas Fikre, a Sudanese man of Eritrean descent, filed a lawsuit in US District Court in Oregon seeking USD 30 million in compensation as well as injunctions to prevent the US government from treating anyone else the way he was treated." - Source:  PressTV

Guantanamo: The Tour
Photo Gallery - A quote...."Last week, thanks to the generous support of the Freedom of Press Foundation, I traveled to Guantanamo during the height of a mass hunger strike to tour the detention facility, along with four other members of the media. We were shown the two main detention camps—5 and 6—as well as Camp X-Ray, the detainee hospital, library, food preparation and we observed the prisoners' morning prayer." - Topix ||  9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables  ||

Baffling Rise in Suicides Plagues the U.S. Military
Being forced to live a complete, sick, twisted lie for years, where every single day, day after day, you're forced to look at yourself in a mirror and confront your own criminal behavior, while being forced to bare silent witness to those of others.  To live a life of utter evil, and bone-numbing, soul destroying  hypocrisy....does tend to wear a person down after a while.  Most can't take it, a few actually revel in it. They'll be the survivors, the malevolent, sociopathic, liars who thrive in such an environment. Who actually enjoy what they do. They'll be the ones in charge if martial law is ever declared in this country.  If that happens, one day the folks in this country who continue to support this utterly corrupt system, will get to enjoy their sweet tender mercies. -- Guess there is a silver lining to any situation - mpg

Hypocrisy lies at the heart of the trial of Bradley Manning
A quote...."June 03, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -  In 2009 the American ambassador to Tunisia spent the evening at the home of Mohamed Sakher el-Materi, the president's son-in-law. By any standards the dinner was lavish – yogurt and ice cream were flown in from St Tropez – and the home was opulent. In a cable, made public by WikiLeaks, the diplomat wrote: "The house was recently renovated and includes an infinity pool … there are ancient artefacts everywhere: Roman columns, frescos and even a lion's head from which water pours into the pool. Materi insisted the pieces are real." By Tunisian standards it was particularly obscene. El-Materi owned a tiger and fed it four chickens a day."

88 IRS Workers now linked to Targeting Scandal
Video - Alt - (YuTb  - 4min47sec - Jun 3, 2013) - Source:  XRepublicTV

Cincinnati IRS Agents Say Targeting Orders Came From Washington
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 6min20sec - Jun 3, 2013) - Source:  Massteaparty

Obamacare To Double Cost Of Insurance For Average Californian
Well....they voted for him.  They can hardly complain now. - mpg -- A quote...."Last week, the state of California claimed that its version of Obamacare’s health insurance exchange would actually reduce premiums. But, as Forbes reports, the data that the executive director of California's 'exchange' released tells a different story: Obamacare, in fact, will increase individual-market premiums in California by as much as 146 percent."

Official Bilderberg Attendee List Released
A quote...."Here is the official list of attendees for the upcoming Bilderberg meeting at The Grove in Watford, England, as well as the agenda." - Source:  BilderbergMtngs

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "A Price For Freedom?" - (5/24/13)
GCVideo - (GCYuTb - 24min25sec - May 31, 2013) - Source:  GrldCelYuTb - Related:  TrendsJournal - A quote....."- A quote...."Overdue student loans reach record high, Barack Obama's drone speech & 1.5 million people working at Mcdonald's and Walmart combined! ...Slavelandia!"

Gerald Celente - Brian Sussman KFSO - May 23, 2013
GCVideo - (GCYuTb - 9min24sec - May 31, 2013) - Source:  GrldCelYuTb - Related:  TrendsJournal - A quote....." A quote...."Gerald explains what effect the Fed's efforts in propping up the economy will have."

Alex Jones [Covers Many of Today's Issues]

AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 18min52sec - May 31, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel - Alex covers the government's steadily growing police state. He also takes some calls from listeners on the upcoming Bilderberg Meeting. - mpg

Michael Rivero on Justin TV -  June 3rd, 2013 - Part 1 - Part 2
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 2hrs/1hr -  June 3rd, 2013) -- Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens...

40% of the World’s Banks are Publicly Owned
Special Note - Action Alert - A quote...."Ellen Brown – author of Web of Debt, and the soon-to-released book  The Public Banking Solution gave some stunning statistics at last night’s Public Banking Institute conference...."
"University of Maryland political science professor Gar Alperovitz – former Legislative Director in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, and Special Assistant in the Department of State – also spoke at the Public Banking conference."

Show Me The Money Flow: Global Free Cash Flow And Capital Spending Contract To 2010 Levels
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote..."In a world in which glaringly misreporting factual news no longer generates much more than a shrug, the latest lie reported so often by the mainstream media and various 'expert' pundits it has almost become "the truth", is that that the key missing link to a global recovery - free cash flow, and its derivative, capital expenditures - are now once more rising. After all, corporations can not grow revenue (as confirmed by the most recent reported quarterly earnings) without investing in themselves, and they can't spend for maintenance or growth unless they generate Free Cash Flow: this is simple finance 101. So in order to put this pervasive lie to rest, we present the following chart showing free cash flow and Capex in the developed "G-4" region as a % of world GDP, which have now round-tripped back to 2010 levels, and ask a simple question: what growth?"

18 Signs That Massive Economic Problems Are Erupting All Over The Planet
Special Note - Related Article - A quote...."This is no time to be complacent.  Massive economic problems are erupting all over the globe, but most people seem to believe that everything is going to be just fine.  In fact, a whole bunch of recent polls and surveys show that the American people are starting to feel much better about how the U.S. economy is performing.  Unfortunately, the false prosperity that we are currently enjoying is not going to last much longer.  Just look at what is happening in Europe.  The eurozone is now in the midst of the longest recession that it has ever experienced.  Just look at what is happening over in Asia.  Economic growth in India is the lowest that it has been in a decade and the Japanese financial system is beginning to spin wildly out of control.  One of the only places on the entire planet where serious economic problems have not already erupted is in the United States, and that is only because we have “kicked the can down the road” by recklessly printing money and by borrowing money at an unprecedented rate.  Unfortunately, the “sugar high” produced by those foolish measures is starting to wear off.  We are going to experience a massive amount of economic pain along with the rest of the world – it is just a matter of time."

Lessons From The 1930s: The Stock Market And The Economy Are Not The Same
A quote...."The stock market is not the economy. Over the long term, its performance and that of the economy tend to correlate well. However, we are in a period where markets are less influenced by economics than by government interventions. The liquidity pumped into the economy and financial asset markets is highly unusual and cannot be maintained much longer. My take is that the stock market reflects Federal Reserve pumping more than an economic recovery."
All very true, but Bernie and his Bankster Buddies simply don't care.  The ONLY important lesson they learned from the 1930's stock market crash was how to keep the 1% wealthy NO MATTER WHAT happens to the "real" economy. So far they've done a very good job. - mpg
Japan Prints Money to Buy Foreign Assets
A quote...."Japan, the world’s 3rd largest economy that is trapped by its stagnant economy, is venturing into new overseas market to boost its investments so as to revitalize the sluggish economy and seek more international influence." - One commentator (Michael Rivero) correctly stated....
"Hey; that's OUR scam!" -- Federal Reserve
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More On The International Situation....

Who Benefits If The Killing In Syria Goes On?
A quote...." The White House has said in the past few days that its top priority in Syria is to impose regime change, but this is a recipe for a very long conflict. Why should Assad and his government surrender when they are more than holding their own on the battlefield? Moreover, Washington appears to have shut the door on the idea of Iran, a main player, attending Geneva talks. This again is unrealistic if the aim of negotiations is to end the fighting. And Britain and France are playing a small but mischievous role in ensuring the slaughter in Syria continues. By successfully ending the EU embargo on arms for the rebels they will not bring talks nearer, as they pretend, but make them unlikely to take place at all. The type of weapons they will send are not going to tip the military balance. Government forces are too strong for this. The current stalemate is too well rooted in realities on the ground. The most significant impact of more arms for the rebels will be to persuade them that, if they refuse to negotiate, they will eventually get full-scale Western military intervention such as a Libya-type no-fly zone, which, in practice, meant Nato air forces joining the war.  --  It may be that Russia announced that it was selling Syria a sophisticated S-300 anti-aircraft missile system precisely in order to block this. By offering more arms, the EU will also be putting off the day when the two sides talk to each other through mutual exhaustion and the knowledge that neither can win."

Hezbollah slays dozen Syrian rebels in Lebanon ambush: sources
A quote...."BEIRUT: At least 12 Syrian rebels were killed overnight in east Lebanon in an ambush by Hezbollah, security sources said, adding that one member of the resistance group was also killed, in the first confrontation between the rivals on Lebanese soil."

Syria claims sarin seizure at rebel hideout as Russia blocks UN's Qusair resolution
A quote...."The Syrian Army has seized two containers with poisonous sarin agent in a rebel hideout, SANA said citing sources. Meanwhile, Russia reportedly blocked the UNSC resolution set to slam Damascus’ offensive on the town of Qusair held by opposition forces."

What is Happening in Istanbul? An on Location Report
A quote...."I am writing this letter so that you know what is going on in Istanbul. Mass media will not tell you any of this. Not in my country at least. Please post as many as articles as you see on the Internet and spread the word." - also posted at ICH

Turkish Police Run Over Crowds of Protesters With Large Tanks (Warning: Graphic Video)
A quote...."In the midst of a media blackout during the protests in Turkey, disturbing video has surfaced of a government water cannon tank intentionally mowing down crowds of protesters."

Turkey’s Taksim Square Drenched in Blood as 900 Protesters Are Arrested (Extremely Graphic Content)
A quote...."Turkey is entering its third day of violent protests as police have withdrawn from Taksim Square and allowed the mass protests to continue. - Over 900 people have been arrested across Turkey for what the authorities called a security measure. - The first photo below was taken from a CNN IReport that CNN themselves have not vetted. - Blood in streets near Taksim Turkey"  - also posted at the IntelHub
One waits patiently for the screaming denunciations from the "West", for the massive arms shipments to start flowing, for a "no-fly" zone to be imposed, for an endless series of talking heads to appear on the lame-stream media to denounce the "Dictator of Turkey" for his brazen disrespect for human rights, for NATO's invasion forces to be prepositioned and for howls from every nation on the planet demanding Erdogan must go, or Erdogan must die. -- Haven't heard anything yet.  Maybe something's wrong with this website editor's TV or radio?  --  Where's Hillery when you need her, she could again say, as she did after Ghadifi was sodomized with a knife and than shot dead, "We came, we saw...and he died" and girlishly giggle on national TV  - Wonder why that hasn't happened yet?? - mpg
For additional articles see below.....
Qatar joins other Gulf States in clamping down on online media
A quote...."The Gulf nation of Qatar is set to approve a range of new measures that aim to monitor online activity by its citizens, and could well lead to punishment for websites and users that breach the ‘general order’. - The draft of the country’s new media laws has moved on to an advisory council for final approval, and has been expected at least for the past year." - Oh look, the Parasitic Family of Qatar ("our" allies) are following Obama's lead.  See....Internet Control: Obama Blames Internet for ‘Domestic Terrorism’ - posted June 1st 2013

Iran Claims To Have Stopped A Mossad 'Terror Network'
A quote...."Iran has dismantled a "terror network" backed by Israel's Mossad intelligence services which planned to disrupt the upcoming presidential election in the Islamic republic, the state broadcaster said on Sunday. - "The intelligence ministry has identified and arrested the members of this terror network, and confiscated their weapons," IRIB said on its website, quoting a statement by the ministry."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Israeli forces shoot, injure Gaza farmer
A quote..."GAZA CITY (Ma’an) -- A Palestinian farmer was shot and injured by Israeli fire Sunday while he was picking watermelons in Abu Safiyeh neighborhood east of Jabalia, northern Gaza, medics told Ma'an." - You're not allowed to fish or farm in Israel if you're a Palestinian. - mpg

Israeli Illegally Confiscates 370 Dunams Near Nablus
A quote...."Monday June 3 2013, the Israeli government announced Monday it decision to illegally confiscate 370 Dunams (91.42 Acres) of Palestinian lands, east of the northern West Bank city of Nablus."

Several Palestinians Injured By Army Fire In Jenin
A quote...."Manufacturing has begun to contract in the US and China for the first time since the Lehman crisis, raising fears of a synchronized downturn in the world’s two largest economies."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Ben & Jerry’s Will Stop Using Genetically-Modified Ingredients, Company Says - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Ben & Jerry’s is removing a controversial ingredient from its ice cream: Genetically-modified organisms. - As of now, only 80% of Ben & Jerry’s ingredients are sourced non-GMO, according to the ice cream maker. But by the end of the year, the company aims to completely phase out genetically modified products from its ice cream." - bold by website editor

Europe rejects GMO crops; kinder gentler America seeks labeling
A quote...."It’s a scandal. - Monsanto has just announced it’s giving up on most of Europe: people there don’t want GMO food. In America, the struggle is for labeling GMOs. - This is some kind of “fairness doctrine.” Let the US consumer decide what kind of food to buy. Choice. It’s the American way, right? - No, actually it isn’t. The evidence gathered over the last 10 years is staggering. GMO food and the herbicides sprayed on them constitute a major health hazard, to say the least."

Companies That Spent $45 Million To Oppose & Stall GMO Labeling
Database - Action Alert - (Don't buy from these companies) -- A quote...."During the California election of 2012, Proposition 37 (The California Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act) sought to bring mandatory labeling on products for consumers. Big businesses paid to shut it down by contributing more than $45 million to oppose people's "Right To Know" if GMO's are in the food they purchase. Here is the compiled list and more information about which companies they are that spent $45,923,972.79 against people's right to know."

India's rice revolution
Action Alert - A quote...."Sumant Kumar was overjoyed when he harvested his rice last year. There had been good rains in his village of Darveshpura in north-east India and he knew he could improve on the four or five tonnes per hectare that he usually managed. But every stalk he cut on his paddy field near the bank of the Sakri river seemed to weigh heavier than usual, every grain of rice was bigger and when his crop was weighed on the old village scales, even Kumar was shocked."

Sunday June 2nd 2013

No posts. - mpg