Saturday June 22nd 2013

No posts. - mpg

Friday June 21st 2013

The Lies of Empire: Don’t Believe a Word They Say - posted at ICH
Must Read - A quote...."June 21, 2013 "Information Clearing House -   The U.S. reprises Iraq, inventing a WMD threat from Syria. The FBI concocts home-grown terror through stings, while the NSA claims it has secretly saved many lives. “Why this steady stream of government-invented terror, if the real thing is so abundant?” And, isn’t the U.S. arming and funding the same jihadists they are supposed to be listening for on our telephones? -- The rulers would have you believe that the world is becoming more complex and dangerous all the time, compelling the United States to abandon previous (and largely fictional) norms of domestic and international legality in order to preserve civilization. In truth, what they are desperately seeking to maintain is the global dominance of U.S. and European finance capital and the racist world order from which it sprang." - Source:  BlackAgendaReport

A Tale of Two Presidents: The One We Voted For – and Obama - posted at ICH
Special Note - A quote...."June 21, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  This is a tale of two presidents – the one we hope we have and the one we actually have. It is also a tale of two kinds of violence – the surgical and the indiscriminate – and how the latter blurs the distinction between self-defense and something far more sinister."

Stasi In The White House
Special Note - A quote...."On June 19, 2013, US President Obama, hoping to raise himself above the developing National Security Agency (NSA) spy scandals, sought to associate himself with two iconic speeches made at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. - Fifty years ago, President John F. Kennedy pledged: “Ich bin ein Berliner”. In 1987, President Ronald Reagan challenged: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.” - Obama’s speech was delivered to a relatively small, specially selected audience of invitees.  Even so, Obama spoke from behind bullet proof glass. -
Obama’s speech will go down in history as the most hypocritical of all time. Little wonder that the audience was there by invitation only. A real audience would have hooted Obama out of Berlin."

Okay, NSA--Come and Get Me, Mother Fluffers!
Special Note - A quote...."So, come get me, NSA, and lock me up, Gitmo, whatever, because I am such a threat to the psychopathic bankster elites, and their fellow psychopathic political minions who believe they and their minions are above the law, and believe they can "be like the Most High" to quote the Bible, and I am a threat because most of my articles here implore them to repent their psychopathy, their inhumanity and their hatred of all life on Earth. The Book of Revelation state clearly what will happen to those that destroy the Earth, through abominations like GMO foods, artificial intelligence, cloning farm animals to enjoy their misery in factory farms, destruction of honeybees necessary for pollination of crops, and, for all I know, "universal soldier" types (stop the movies, will ya!), as well as destruction through war they just drool over for profit. Say what you want about all this "God crap" as some would call it: there must be a God, for one reason, because only God can deliver justice to these psychopaths! There is no hope for the person who thinks these psychopaths will win in the end. No hope whatsoever, and I want nothing to do with one who has no hope. My hope, as I express in my articles here posted mainly with the elites in mind, is that God, who seared their consciences shut, will reopen them before it's too late. "

Obama’s Humanitarianism as Window-Dressing for the US “Deep State” Agenda: The Case of Syria
A quote...."This essay examines the connections between the foreign intervention crisis in Syria, the vast NSA surveillance program that has recently been exposed, and the sequence of events that begin with NSA program changes in February, 2001 — six months before 9/11.  The connections are illuminating." - also posted at FromTheTrenches
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Syrian Girl Rally Speech - Hands of Syria 15 June 2013
Must View SGPVideo -- (SGPYuTb - 5min39sec -- Jun 18, 2013) -- Source:  SyrianGirlPartisanRelated:  FaceBook - Related:  Twitter -- A quote..."Syrian Girl Rally Speech - Hands of Syria 15 June 2013" - SGP as PM for Syria?? If this website editor was Syrian, she'd get this website editor's vote. - mpg

Kiribati Drowns? Bomb Syria!
War Presstitutes Exposed -- A quote...."How stupid the idiotic "western" attack on Syria by sending Jihadi mercenaries actually is can be seen in the crazy arguments used to beg for supporting their fight. Those arguments go like this: "We" should bomb the Syrian Arab Army to prevent its use of hydrocarbons, thereby lessen global warming and prevent the Kiribati atolls from vanishing into the see. Or something like that."

Next Phase of Syrian Invasion Begins -- The Central Bank Connection
A quote...."As the secular Syrian government continues to mop up the mobs of death squads made up of mercenaries, religious fanatics, and the criminally insane (as well as cannibals), the second phase of destabilization is quickly taking shape - that is, the establishment of “no-fly zones” and the arming of the death squads by the West with even heavier weapons than they have previously been given. The destruction of Syria is thus apparently scheduled to take exactly the same form as that of Libya."

Fast-Tracking Toward War on Syria
- posted at ICH
A quote...." June 20, 2013 "Information Clearing House - America's run by sociopaths. They're out-of-control criminals. They're traitors. They menace humanity. They violate their sacred oaths of office. - Presidents "do solemnly swear (or affirm to) faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of (their) Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." - Congressional members "do solemnly swear (or affirm to) support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; (to) bear true faith and allegiance to the same; (to) this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and (to) well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which (they are) about to enter: So help (them) God." - Straightaway in office they spurn them. Presidents do most of all. Wealth, power and privilege alone matter. It shows in how they govern." - Source:  SteveLendman

Syria News 20.6.2013, Huge container vessel carrying weapons to armed gangs in Syria crashes
SNVideo - (SNYuTb - 8min52sec - Jun 20, 2013) - Source:  SyriaNews -- A quote....
Fighting Al Qaeda by Supporting Al Qaeda in Syria: The Obama Administration is a “State Sponsor of Terrorism”
A quote...."While Barack Obama, following in the footsteps of  George W. Bush, remains firmly committed to waging a “Global War on Terrorism” (GWOT), his administration is now openly supporting selected rebel units in Syria which are part of the Al Qaeda network."

“A Deal with the Devil”: The West in Syria
A quote...."So the White House has actually decided to supply arms to Syrian rebels. London and Paris announced the same even earlier. And although everyone can see that at the heart of this decision is the fear that if Damascus wins, they will end up losing a war that they themselves started in the first place, leadingWestern capitals are once again justifying their actions by suggesting that chemical weapons are being used."

Syria: President Assad’s grip on Damascus suggests David Cameron’s ‘coup’ is little more than fantasy
A quote...."The capital is quieter than it was six months when the sound of artillery constantly reverberated from the mountains nearby. There are fewer mortar rounds being fired into the city centre from rebel-held districts. The airport road, which had been closed by snipers, is open; so too is the long road north to Homs, Syria’s third largest city, and from there to the Mediterranean coast."

'Limited But Persuasive' Evidence - Syria, Sarin, Libya, Lies - posted at ICH
A quote...."June 21, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  Last month, a ComRes poll supported by Media Lens interviewed 2,021 British adults, asking...."
"How many Iraqis, both combatants and civilians, do you think have died as a consequence of the war that began in Iraq in 2003?"
"An astonishing 44% of respondents estimated that less than 5,000 Iraqis had died since 2003. 59% believed that fewer than 10,000 had died. Just 2% put the toll in excess of one million, the likely correct estimate. - In October 2006, just three years into the war, the Lancet medical journal reported 'about 655,000 Iraqis have died above the number that would be expected in a non-conflict situation, which is equivalent to about 2.5% of the population in the study area'....." - Topix ||  US Fake Intel / Propaganda - Iraq's Death Toll  ||
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish
A quote...."Russian President Vladimir Putin said that at least 80 percent of the members of the first Soviet government were Jewish. -- “I thought about something just now: The decision to nationalize this library was made by the first Soviet government, whose composition was 80-85 percent Jewish,” Putin said June 13 during a visit to Moscow’s Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center." -- Topix || Jews and Bolshevism - Alt  ||  Tsar Nicholas’s Four Daughters Reportedly Raped - Photo - (click to view) ||  The Jews Who Murdered Tsar Nicholas II  ||

UN: Palestinian Children Tortured, Used as Human Shields by Israel - posted at ICH
A quote...."June 20, 2013 "Information Clearing House - "Reuters" --  A United Nations human rights body accused Israeli forces on Thursday of mistreating Palestinian children, including by torturing those in custody and using others as human shields. - Palestinian children in Gaza and the West Bank, captured by Israel in the 1967 war, are routinely denied registration of their birth and access to health care, decent schools and clean water, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child said."

US Taxpayers Pay for Apartheid Israel Regime - posted at ICH
A quote...."June 20, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  As US Secretary of State John Kerry attempts to put his particular spin on resolving the generations-old crisis of Israeli oppression of the Palestinians, he has travelled to the World Economic Forum. -- There he waved the possibility of USD 4 billion investments in the Palestinian economy, from a worldwide conglomerate of investors, over a period of three years. Of course, he hasn’t specified who these investors would be. It was reported that “… Kerry did not identify specific companies with plans to set up shop in the West Bank or how he hoped to remove obstacles to Palestinian commerce.”"

Tsar Nicholas’s Four Daughters Reportedly Raped
Photo - (click to view) -- A quote...."By the end of 2008, the Russians were expected to decide between two ideological systems: between Communism as represented by Stalin and his fanatical band of murderous Cheka Jews or the conservative and traditional values of old-fashioned Tzarism. Until quite recently, Stalin had remained slightly ahead of Tzar Nicholas II. “Then, however, the Tzar mysteriously pulled ahead.” (Die Welt, 17 July 2008, page 1) - After that, no further choice was necessary. - The Jewish Lobby was of course hoping that a Tzarist cult would never rise again. Given that the Tzar had been the great adversary of the Bolshevik Jews, the Jewish Lobby did all it could to blacken the reputation of the Tsars..."

The Jews Who Murdered Tsar Nicholas II
A quote...."The order to murder the Tsar and his family actually came from New York. Lenin had hardly any say in the matter. The Bolsheviks had been forced to flee from Yekaterinburg in such haste that they had no time to destroy all the telegraph strips. Those strips were later found in the telegraph house. Nikolai Sokolov [author of a detailed investigation carried out in 1919 under the authority of "White" (anti-Communist) leader Alexander Kolchak] took care of them but could not decipher the telegrams. This was done only in 1922 by a group of experts in Paris. Sokolov then discovered that the strips were extremely revealing, since they dealt with the murder of the Tsar and his family."

Israel hasbara would-be killers caught red handed
A quote...."Israel’s hasbara activists are getting desperate, it would seem. -- The Israeli news website Ynet reports that authorities in the US city of New York have indicted two pro-Israel activists for assembling a portable X-ray weapon that they intended to use to secretly sicken or kill opponents of Israel. -- The two, Glendon Scott Crawford, 49, and Eric J. Feight, 54, have been charged with conspiracy to provide support to terrorists."

Organ Trafficking Ring Disrupted In Costa Rica

A quote...."Costa Rican police have dismantled an international organ trafficking ring with ties to Eastern Europe that allegedly sold kidneys to patients in Israel." - Topix ||  Israeli Organ Thefts  ||

Jewish Supremacists Support NSA Spying, Says Jewish Journal
A quote...."All the major Jewish activist organizations support the NSA “PRISM” spying operation on the world, a leading Jewish newspaper, the Jewish Journal has pointed out." - OF COURSE!! - They're privy to all those highly profitable industrial secrets and even more highly embarrassing blackmail material. For more on that issue see the articles shown below....
Failed ‘Hasbara’ Insults Just Bounce Off Alice
A quote...."Hasbara has become a dirty word, thanks to it’s dirty practitioners and the dirty job they are trained to do. - It’s a Hebrew word for Israel’s sophisticated public relations machinery that’s set up to cynically justify the Jewish entity’s crimes and to create for Israel a ‘brand image’ completely at odds with the ugly truth."

Stephen Hawking vs the last bigoted democracy
A quote...."Israeli President Shimon Peres is hosting in Jerusalem this week a presidential conference called “Facing Tomorrow”. Its theme is the “human factor and its role in shaping our tomorrow”."

Britain Again Fails to [Force the EU to] Put Hezbollah on [the] EU's Blacklist
ZOG Alert - Their Zio-Masters are going to be very disappointed!  Better look out for more revelations of child pedophilia by Britain's establishment, or for some instability to occur (more than usual) in Britain's Bankster system. Of course the EU itself is really going to get economically slammed for standing up to Israel, but that's just the way it is. - mpg -- A quote...."Britain failed again on Wednesday to convince the European Union in putting the armed wing of Hezbollah on its blacklist.Hezbollah European Union flags - Britain's request was discussed for a second time by a special European Union group following an inconclusive meeting on June 4, but British diplomats failed to win over a number of skeptical governments."

The White House Has No Credibility
That implies the White House had some to begin with, a concept so profoundly at odds with reality, that it's hard to grasp. -- Oh....that's right, this came from the NYT according to the author. -- Wow, the NYT's owners take the right side on an issue, one that by an odd coincidence might actually affect them and their "community" in a negative way. How utterly self-interested of them. -- They say "better late than never" is supposedly...."better".  But after a decade's worth of wasting tens of trillions of dollars to prop up this diseased empire along with its diseased Banksters, trillions more for its wars, while murdering and injuring millions of innocents, viciously destroying a dozen nation-states, making torture "acceptable", all the while eviscerating this country's economy while obliterating its constitution....on behalf of Israel's PNAC Protocols, it doesn't seem "better" at all.  In fact, for the owners of a newspaper that consistently supported all this evil, one which openly supported the PNAC Protocols for decades, the terms retribution, a reckoning and righteous, relentless, remorseless, justice come to one's mind more than "better late than never". - mpg
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911 was An Israeli Zionist False Flag Attack, Ken O'keefe
PRSTVideo - From the History File - Aug 23, 2010 - (PRSTVYuTb - 6min50sec - 08/23/10) - Source:  otraverdad - Related: KenO'Keefe -- A quote...."Ken O'Keefe grew up in California and was in the U.S. Marines in the 1991 Gulf War. He initiated P10K in 2004 to recruit international observers to live side by side with Palestinians. Humanitarian Peace Activist, Anti-War, Gulf War veteran and survivor of the Mavi Marmara massacre."

Press TV Anti-Zionism Conspiracy Rant [TRUTH] by an ex US Military Marine About Afghanistan [Israel]
PRSTVideo - From the History File  - Mar 30, 2012 -- Excellent synopsis of what the Zio's have done for the last thirty years! - mpg -- Alt - (PRSTVYuTb - 6min50sec - 03/30/12) -- Related:  KenO'Keefe - A quote...."FLASHBACK – 2012 – (PressTV) This is an older video, but it’s worth watching. Former U.S. Marine Ken O’Keefe goes off on a truther rant like no other. You won’t ever see this on CNN." -- Top Comments...."
"Holy sh-t.... how did it get all that in under 3 minutes... I have never heard so much truth at once..." -- *JenniferSpicer*

"This gentleman is spot on. Everything he says is true. Those who refuse to awaken to these truths are delusional victims of imperial propaganda and myths that glue the Empire together for the benefit of those at the top of the economic pyramid." -- *DavidEvans*
Netanyahu pushes EU to mount pressure on Iran
A quote...."Israel is pressing the European Union to take a more aggressive stance on Iran’s nuclear energy program, which Tel Aviv's allies, especially in Washington, have used as a pretext to impose illegal sanctions against Tehran."

Israel behind Intelsat’s suspension of Iranian channels - One wonders why? - (extreme over-the-top sarcasm)
Press Censorship Alert - Contains Video - A quote...."Israel is behind the recent move by the communications satellite services provider Intelsat to suspend its services to the channels launched from Iran, a political analyst tells Press TV." -- Topix ||  Alternate Press TV Sites  ||
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More on the All Seeing - (Know Nothing) - Police State & Their Surveillance of the Web...

NSA Whistleblower: NSA Spying On – and Blackmailing – Top Government Officials and Military Officers -- Must Read - A quote...."NSA whistleblower Russel Tice – a key source in the 2005 New York Times report that blew the lid off the Bush administration’s use of warrantless wiretapping – told Peter B. Collins on Boiling Frogs Post (the website of FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds)...." - also posted at PrisonPlanet
"Tice: Okay. They went after–and I know this because I had my hands literally on the paperwork for these sort of things–they went after high-ranking military officers; they went after members of Congress, both Senate and the House, especially on the intelligence committees and on the armed services committees and some of the–and judicial. But they went after other ones, too. They went after lawyers and law firms. All kinds of–heaps of lawyers and law firms. They went after judges. One of the judges is now sitting on the Supreme Court that I had his wiretap information in my hand. Two are former FISA court judges. They went after State Department officials. They went after people in the executive service that were part of the White House–their own people."
NSA Whistleblower: NSA Illegally Spied On General Petraeus and Other Generals, Supreme Court Justice Alito and All of the Other Supreme Court Justices, the White House Spokesman, and Many Other Top Officials...." - A quote...."As we reported yesterday, NSA whistleblower Russel Tice – a key source in the 2005 New York Times report that blew the lid off the Bush administration’s use of warrantless wiretapping – told Peter B. Collins on Boiling Frogs Post (the website of FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds) that the NSA spied on and targeted for blackmail...." - For more on this issue see the articles shown below.... ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ===

More on the Domestic Situation....

Hastings “Boston Brakes” Killing a Warning?

Must Read - Database -- A quote...."I had never heard of “Boston Brakes” until two days ago. I had been on the Kevin Barrett radio show yesterday, discussing, among other things, the endless ways to gain control of an aircraft and plow it into a building, something I had been briefed on by my Air Force buddies. There are a dozen ways to gain control of a plane, in fact, the more “fly by wire” a plane is, the more ways to control it remotely. Now I am told the same thing works for cars, not exactly the same but close enough. -- Nothing particularly clever is required, especially when the plane is capable of landing itself or, with a bit of hacking, making an inconvenient stop in the side of a building....."

What Destroyed Michael Hastings Car?
Must View AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 25min50sec - Jun 21, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel - Alex and crew discuss the highly suspicious death of Michael Hastings. - mpg - For more on this issue see the articles shown below.... 
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The Todashev Killing and the House of Cards
A quote...."Sometime in the evening of May 21 a contingent of law enforcement officials arrived at the apartment of 27-year-old Ibragim Todashev (pronounced Ibrahim To-DAH-shev).  The FBI says that the group consisted of an FBI agent, two Massachusetts state troopers, and “other law enforcement personnel.”  So there were at least four of them, and we may presume that they were all armed.  Their interest in Todashev was occasioned by the fact that he was an acquaintance of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the elder of the two Chechen-immigrant brothers accused in the Boston marathon bombing.  Todashev, like Tamerlan Tsarnaev, had been a mixed martial arts fighter and had lived for a time in the Boston area.  Their common professional interests and heritage had apparently brought them together, at least casually." - Topix ||  Boston Bombing - Ibragim Todashev  ||

Are the Boston Marathon Bombings Tied to a New American Campaign into the Caucasus?

Special Note - Related Article - A quote...."Many questions remain unanswered about the Boston Marathon Bombings that took place on April 15, 2013. Three people were killed and two hundred and sixty-four others were injured during the tragedy."

Lawmaker who spread Boston bombing conspiracy theory resigns
Related Article - You CAN NOT work for the "system" and tell the TRUTH at the same won't let you. Of course that means the "system" is not reformable from the inside, and as everyone already knows it does not respond to pressure from the outside.  It'll have to be changed....sooner or later, it'll have to be made to change. - mpg

Attempted Land Grab Ends With Voters Booting Entire City Council - Here's an example!!
A quote...."Government officials like to use eminent domain for the convenience of their preferred policies and/or the enrichment of themselves and their buddies. Usually, they get away with it, because the folks on the receiving end are too few and powerless to hold their tormentors to account. In Hackensack, New Jersey, however, the officials who targeted Michael Monaghan’s property for seizure as part of an “area in need of redevelopment,”  even while denying him the right to develop it himself, pushed too many people around, too often. Last month, voters booted out the entire city council. "
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‘Flight 800 investigators admit they lied about plane crash’
Special Note - A quote...."Seventeen years ago, the American people sat idly by when an airliner was downed in the waters off New York. - In 1996, an airliner, TWA Flight 800, bound from New York to Paris with 230 passengers mysteriously exploded off Long Island. Reliable witnesses said they saw a missile streak up from the ocean and hit the plane, then ascending at 13,000 feet." - also posted at XRepublic

FLASHBACK - Official TWA 800 Findings Challenged
Related Article - A quote...."I am posting this because FOX new sis running a segment with Dr. Baden, the chief M on the TWA 800 case, saying that no evidence of shrapnel was found in any of the recovered bodies of the WA 800 passengers. his is, as you can see, a flat-out lie!" -- *Michael Rivero*
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The American prison system is so massive that its estimated turnover of $74 billion eclipses the GDP of 133 nations. - Welcome to the New Roman Empire....slaves! - mpg -- A quote...."The American prison system is massive. So massive that its estimated turnover of $74 billion eclipses the GDP of 133 nations. What is perhaps most unsettling about this fun fact is that it is the American taxpayer who foots the bill, and is increasingly padding the pockets of publicly traded corporations like Corrections Corporation of America and GEO Group. Combined both companies generated over $2.53 billion in revenue in 2012, and represent more than half of the private prison business. So what exactly makes the business of incarcerating Americans so lucrative?"

Prisons Full of Innocents - posted at ICH
A quote...."June 21, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  There are probably more innocent men and women in prison in the United States now than there were people in prison here total -- innocent and guilty -- 30 years ago, or than there are total people in prison (proportionately or as an absolute number) in most nations on earth."
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Obama's Nuclear Arms Reduction HoaxHe's such a kidder isn't he? Look what he's done with the NPT
A quote...."Jack Kennedy was America's last peace president. He underwent a spiritual transformation. He changed from cold warrior to peacemaker. - He wanted nuclear weapons abolished. He urged "general and complete disarmament." He wanted force-fed Pax Americana ended. - He assumed great risk. Nearly all his top advisors disapproved. Pentagon commanders opposed him. So did most congressional members. CIA officials weren't pleased. - Kennedy was vulnerable. He knew it. He accepted the risk. It cost him his life."

Syria Is Becoming Obama’s Iraq - Oh it'll be much, much worse than Iraq.  Guaranteed. - mpg
A quote...."In perfect Bush-like fashion, President Obama has invented a bogus pretense for military intervention in yet another Middle East country. The president’s claim that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons — and thus crossed Obama’s imaginary “red line” — will likely fool very few Americans, who already distrust their president after the massive NSA spying scandal."

US leaves 700 troops in Jordan after training exercise: ObamaWhat!  They forget them or something? - mpg
A quote...."The United States has left about 700 combat-ready troops in Jordan after a training exercise in the country, US President Barack Obama says."

Obama called 'hypocrite of the century'
- Just the century?? Perhaps we should expand that time scale? - mpg
A quote..."A member of the Irish parliament has sharply attacked U.S. President Barack Obama’s policies, calling him a “war criminal” and “hypocrite of the century.” -  "Is this person going for the hypocrite of the century award?" Left wing Member of Parliament Clare Daly asked of Obama during a speech before parliament at the end of the G8 summit held in Northern Ireland."

Obama Confirms Conspiracy to Oust Ron Paul from Primary in 2012 - No doubt he let them know he approved.
A quote...."Obama was secretly recorded during the 2012 election, saying that "the powers that be [He means the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium] want it to be Romney...and it looks like that's what it's going to be.""

Secretary Of State John Kerry Should Resign Immediately
A quote...."US Secretary of State John Kerry last week called for immediate US airstrikes against airfields under the control of Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime – specifically, those fields it has used to launch chemical weapons raids against rebel forces, Bloomberg’s Jeffrey Goldberg reported." - also posted at FromTheTrenches
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Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "The Business Of War" - (6/17/13)
GCVideo - (Note: Some vulgarity used) -  (GCYuTb - 22min36sec - May 7, 2013) - Source:  GrldCelYuTb - Related:  TrendsJournal - A quote...."1.4 "million" people have top secret clearance, but don't tell the citizens, Czech premier to resign amid scandal & outrage over Chinese students being assaulted in France's wine producing region."

Michael Rivero on Justin TV -  June 20th, 2013
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 3hrs -  June 20th, 2013) -- Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg

Tyranny~Its Going To Get A Whole Lot Worse - #n3
CMcGVideo - (CMcGYuTb - 5min56sec - Jun 18, 2013) - Source:  crabbydogtrix - Related:  WideAwakeNews

Michael Rivero on Justin TV -  June 21st, 2013
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 3hrs -  June 21st, 2013) -- Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg

Manipulated, Drugged Up. Dumbed Down, and Spied on #n3
CMcGVideo - (CMcGYuTb - 4min07sec - Jun 20, 2013) - Source:  crabbydogtrix - Related:  WideAwakeNews
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

The Big Plunge - What's Really Driving the Crashing Markets? - posted at ICH
Must Read - A quote...."June 21, 2013 - Information Clearing House - "....why would Bernanke want to throw a bucket of cold water on the markets now? Is it because he really believes that the economy is gaining momentum and the labor market is steadily improving? - Hell no, that’s pure baloney. Again, Bernanke is not a moron. He sees what everyone else sees, that the headline unemployment number (7.6%) is rubbish that doesn’t  reveal the rot beneath the surface; the abysmal participation rate, the sharp uptick in part-time workers, and the lousy starvation-wage positions that have replaced the good paying jobs. Trust me on this; Bernanke knows how to read a freaking jobs report. He knows the economy is crap and that people still can’t find work. Just look at this clip from the SF Fed’s own report on the condition of the economy. It will help you see that Bernanke really doesn’t believe the green shoots hype at all...."

Every Asset That Depends On Cheap, Abundant Credit (Housing, Bonds, Stocks) Is Doomed
Special Note - A quote...."About a month ago I asked What If Stocks, Bonds and Housing All Go Down Together? (May 24, 2013). Why would such an outrageous thought even occur to me? -- Four words: financialization, debtocracy, diminishing returns. The entire global economy, developed and developing nations alike, is now dependent on cheap, abundant credit for everything: for "growth," for asset inflation, and ultimately for central state deficit spending, which props up all the cartels, rentier arrangements, fiefdoms and armies of toadies, lackeys, apparatchiks and embezzlers that suck off the Status Quo. -- I have long endeavored to explain the harsh reality of neofeudal, neocolonial financialization: Neofeudalism and the Neocolonial-Financialization Model (May 24, 2012) and the neofeudal debtocracy that depends on low yields (interest rates) to enable enormous deficit spending: Why Krugman and the Keynesians Are Lackeys for the Neofeudal Debtocracy (April 24, 2013). -- The wheels fall off the entire financialized debtocracy wagon once yields rise.There's nothing mysterious about this...." - SourceZeroHedge

What The Recent Surge In [US Interest] Rates Means For Your Home Purchasing Power
A quote...."Contrary to what one may have read in the financial tabloids, a houseing market does not recover thanks to Fed-subsidzed REO-to-Rent loans used by the biggest private equity firms to buy up distressed property on the margin, by foreign oligrachs buying Manhattan triplexes sight unseen just to park 'tax-evaded' cash courtesy of the NAR's anti money-laundering exemption, and by foreclosure stuffing from the big banks desperate to subsidze the market higher before the sell into it. The recovery comes from the average consumer, who has disposable income and savings (in a hypothetical scenario of course) and who can buy houses based on a given monthly budget - a budget which must provide a better deal to own than to rent."

Keiser Report: Size, Scale & Speed of Debt (E460)
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 25min46sec - Jun 20, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the recent visitation to the Keiser Report from a UFO with aliens on board wishing not to speak to Doughball Dave Cameron, but to discuss their concerns about the Giant Debt Ball of China which can be seen from outer space. They take an in depth look at the size, scale and speed of debt in China and at the JP Morgan Debit Card Work Farm for employees at McDonald's in Pennsylvannia. In the second half, Max talks to Dr. Steve Keen, author of Debunking Economics, about George Osborne's ponzi-like Help to Buy scheme being similar to failed government housing schemes in Australia in which Help to Sell is the true objective of the subsidies."

As California Sinks Into Debt, Governor Brown & Co. Give Themselves Raises
A quote...."Uh oh. California is drowning in red ink...." - Source:  MoonBattery
"A financial report issued by state auditors finds that the state of California is in the red by an unsustainable $127.2 billion. -- The report says that the state’s negative status increased that year, largely because it spent $1.7 billion more than it received in revenues and wound up with an accumulated deficit of just under $23 billion in fiscal year 2011-2012, the Sacramento Bee stated."
California pension fund in crisis
A quote...."A new report released by State Budget Solutions (SBS), which claims to use a more accurate methodology for tallying pension costs, would put a number of major California cities in deeper fiscal hardship. The new accounting procedure would more than double the unfunded liabilities held by CalPERS, the California Public Employees Retirement System, to $328.6 billion from $128.3 billion."

We were told to lie’ – Bank of America employees open up about foreclosure practices
A quote...."Employees of Bank of America say they were encouraged to lie to customers and were even rewarded for foreclosing on homes, staffers of the financial giant claim in new court documents."

Collapse In Caterpillar North American Sales Not Helping Bernanke's "Recovery"
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Moments ago, Caterpillar released its May 2013 dealer statistics breaking down the 3-month rolling average for machine retail sales. Curiously, unlike in previous months when Asia/Pac (i.e. China) was the worst performing region on a year-over-year basis, in May it was the US that showed the worst results. Just how bad: retail sales in the US clocked at a -16% clip, just barely above the -18% drop in April, and only the second worst print in the past 3 years. And just to put the CAT dump in perspective, the chart below correlates CAT North American retail data with a 3 month delay in Durable Goods Orders ex Transportation:"

Bail-in of Western Banking System Officially Begins As UK’s Co-Op Bank to Bail-in £1.5bn With 100% Losses!
A quote...."In the wake of the Cyprus Popular Bank’s depositor bail-in, we alerted SD readers on April 2nd to the fact that bail-ins were coming to the US and UK, as The Fed and BOE had quietly created a resolution authority for unlimited bail-ins for TBTF banks."

Regulator tells Barclays, Lloyds and RBS to plug £27bn hole in finances
A quote...."The scale of the challenge facing policymakers to return Lloyds Banking Group and Royal Bank of Scotland to private ownership became clearer today as the banking industry was told to raise another £13.4 billion."

Greek Bonds Plunge As Ruling Coalition Partner Pulls Out, Withdraws Ministers
A quote...."As reported yesterday, Greece has stormed right back to the top of the crisis charts, not only due to the previously reported news that the IMF may be withholding further payments until Greece finally gets its house in order (three years later one can forget this will happen), but because as a result of the fallout surrounding the national broadcaster ERT, the coalition government is now in tatters. Moments ago any hopes that some political stability may be preserved were crushed following news that the Democratic Left official Vassilis Economou, who spoke libe on Greek Skai TV which is still in operation, said the party decided to withdraw its ministers from the coalition govt of Prime Minister Antonis Samaras....." - Source:  ZeroHedge

Bank of Spain calls for elimination of the minimum wage
Banksters Come Out of the Closet -- A quote...."The Bank of Spain has called for the elimination of the minimum wage, more flexibility in the labour market and other attacks on the working class. - Its annual report states, “The seriousness of the labour market advises maintaining and intensifying reform momentum through the adoption of additional measures to promote job creation in the short term and facilitate wage flexibility.”"
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More On The International Situation....

Russia:”Syria Will Be Armed With Weapons That Have Never Been Seen Before In the Middle East”
A quote...."Last week, Noble Peace Prize winner President Barrack Obama advised that his administration would be arming the Free Syrian Army with weapons to resist the armies of Syria’s President Bashar Assad. Furthermore, they would look to implement a Libya-style no-fly zone over the country, which like Libya, would likely involve widespread carpet bombing of suspected military strongholds and control centers."

Syrian troops ambush rebel fighters, killing 11: activists
A quote...."DAMASCUS, June 20 (Xinhua) -- Syria's government troops on Thursday ambushed rebel fighters in the country's northern city of Aleppo, killing 11 of them, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said."

Germany will not supply weapons to the Syrian opposition - Merkel
A quote...."This statement came from German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the press-conference after meeting with US president Barack Obama in Berlin."

Four U.S. senators seek to bar military aid to Syrian rebels
A quote...."(Reuters) - Four senators introduced legislation on Thursday that would bar President Barack Obama from providing military aid to Syria's rebels, saying the administration has provided too little information about what they see as a risky intervention." - For more on this issue see the articles shown below....
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Kyrgyzstan sets deadline for US withdrawal from airbase
A quote...."The Kyrgyz Parliament has passed a bill that will end the US lease on the transit airbase at Manas airport near the country's capital Bishkek. US troops are expected to withdraw from the site by July 11, 2014. - The 120-seat legislature voted 91 to 5 in favor of the decision to discontinue the contract. The bill will now be sent to the president’s office to be signed into law."

US-Taliban talks in Qatar cancelled
A quote...."An effort by the U.S. government to hold direct peace talks with Afghan militant group Taliban has been failed. The talks were originally set to be held in the Persian Gulf state of Qatar on Thursday. - Reuters quoted an unknown source on Thursday that the peace talks would not happen as scheduled in Doha. -  Asked when the talks would take place, a source told Reuters: "There is nothing scheduled that I am aware of." Asked if that meant they would not happen on Thursday, the source added: "Yes, that's correct.""

Suicide attack kills 15 at Pak Shiite mosque – Provincial lawmaker killed in Karachi
al-CIA'da & Saudi Parasitic Family Strikes Again - A quote...."PESHAWAR: A suicide attack yesteday killed 15 people and wounded more than 25 others at a Shiite Muslim mosque and religious seminary on the edge of Pakistan’s northwestern city of Peshawar, officials said. The bomber struck in the largely Shiite area of Gulshan Colony on the outskirts of the city, which abuts Taleban and Al-Qaeda-linked strongholds in the northwestern tribal belt on the Afghan border. The attack came just days after US officials said they hoped to open peace talks with Afghan Taleban in Doha, capital of the Gulf state of Qatar."

Iran Condemns Terrorist Attacks in Pakistan
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iranian foreign ministry condemned the terrorist attacks in the Pakistani cities of Karachi and Peshawar, and warned of enemies' plots to create tribal and sectarian divisions among the country's people."

UK Supreme Court Votes to Lift Sanctions on Iranian Bank - How the HECK did THAT happen?
A quote...."LONDON – The UK Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Bank Mellat, Iran’s largest private bank, in a result which will see it removed from the United Kingdom’s sanction list. - The appeal was heard by nine out of the Supreme Court’s twelve judges after the UK’s highest court was forced to enter closed session for the first time in its history, in order to receive secret evidence from the security services." - SourceTehranTimes

Legalized Brutality? Turkish MP says police conduct 'within law'
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 4min11sec - Jun 20, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Another large protest has been dispersed overnight by police using water cannons in Turkey's capital, Ankara. This after Wednesday saw dozens of arrests across the country, as authorities bid to stop the three-weeks long unrest. RT's Tom Barton witnessed this latest crackdown."

Turkey tries 26 over anti-govt. demos
A quote...."Twenty-six people have stood trial in Turkey on charges of organizing the demonstrations against Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan that have swept across the country."

Turkey: The Protest's Fall-Out
A quote...."The situation and protests in Turkey have calmed down for now. While Erdogan managed to stay on, the damages to him and his future plans are done. The protesters have won on their initial issue. Gezi park is likely to stay as a park. Even new trees get planted there now. The mayor of Istanbul promised to consult with the public before any major new project is considered...."

Russia mocks Obama
A quote...."MOSCOW – Russia’s deputy prime minister poured cold water Wednesday on US President Barack Obama’s proposal to reduce nuclear stockpiles by a third, saying it could not be taken seriously while the United States is developing its missile defence system." - Source:  TheNews

Brazil Protests Return With A Vengeance: Up To A Million Take To The Streets
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."If the Brazilian government thought that caving yesterday to popular demands against a $0.10 bus and subway fare hike would be enough to placate the millions and see a peaceful dissolution to the protests that had gripped the country in the past two weeks, it found out in less than 24 hours that ceding to the angry mob only emboldens the public to demand more (and with a list a grievances including corruption, violence, police repression and failed politicians the list of demands is sure to escalate). Sure enough, the very next day, the public emerged with newfound energy and momentum, as 300,000 people took to the streets of Rio de Janeiro and hundreds of thousands more flooded other cities in the largest protests yet."

Brazil Burning: The Story of an Illusion Gone Sour - posted at ICH
Related Article - A quote...."June 21, 2013 "Information Clearing House - Protests in Brazil indicate what goes way, way beyond a cheap bus fare. - When, in late 2010, Dilma Rousseff was elected President after eight years of the impossibly popular Lula, a national narrative was already ingrained, stressing that Brazil was not the “country of the future” anymore; the future had arrived, and this was a global power in the making. - This was a country on overdrive – from securing the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics to a more imposing role as part of the BRICS group of emerging powers."

Million-strong anti-govt protests sweep Brazil, 1 killed
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 3min42sec - Jun 21, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."A hundred cities across Brazil have seen a fresh wave of mass protests while the first death has been reported among the demonstrators, in the state of Sao Paulo. Reports say the anti-government rally amassed a staggering one million people. Political analyst Adrian Salbuchi believes it's ultimately the colossal gap between the rich and the poor that's enraging the people."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

IOA seeks to close water wells in Jenin
A quote...."JENIN, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) sent troops into Jenin province on Wednesday night to look for water wells. - Local sources said that the Israeli occupation forces raided southern Jenin and erected roadblocks at the entrance to the city."

Four Injured, Palestine TV Reporters Kidnapped In Kufur Qaddoum
A quote...."The Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements in Kufur Qaddoum village, near the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia, reported Frida [June 21, 2013] that dozens of Israeli soldiers attacked the weekly nonviolent protest, wounding four residents, and kidnapped reporters of the official Palestine TV."

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (13 - 19 June 2013)
The weekly round-up of Israel's non-stop sadism, for over sixty years. - mpg
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

The Monsanto investigation part 1 - The Bayer investigation
Link List - A quote...."The following documents will detail evidence into the criminal prosecution of the Monsanto Company. Additional information, documents and news articles can be found in the links below."

GMO and Monsanto Roundup: Glyphosate Weedkiller in our Food and Water?
A quote...."Historians may look back and write about how willing we are to sacrifice our children and jeopardize future generations with a massive experiment that is based on false promises and flawed science just to benefit the bottom line of a commercial enterprise.” So said Don Huber in referring to the use of glyphosate and genetically modified crops. Huber was speaking at Organic Connections conference in Regina, Canada, late 2012."

Monsanto’s Roundup Linked To Autism, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Disease!
A quote...."Glyphosate is a major component of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide. Glyphosate was manufactured by Monsanto and is one of the most widely used herbicides around the world. A number of scientific studies surrounding glyphosate have shed light on its effects within the human body. It’s responsible for triggering health problems like gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease."

A new giant vaccine scandal exposes government lies and psyops
A quote...."If you control the use of words and numbers, you can make trillions of dollars, and you can hide scandals that would otherwise take you down into infamy and prison. - You can pretty much operate a whole sector of society and remain untouched. - Nowhere is this more clear than in the criminal work of the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC)."

Thursday June 20th 2013

No posts. - mpg

Wednesday June 19th 2013

Fake WMD “Intelligence” and Orwellian Double-speak : Washington Is Insane - posted at ICH
Must Read - A quote...."In the 21st century the two hundred year-old propaganda that the American people control their government has been completely shattered.  Both the Bush and Obama regimes have made it unmistakenly clear that the American people don’t even influence, much less control, the government.  As far as Washington is concerned, the people are nothing but chaff in the wind." - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts

Syria and Iran: In America's Crosshairs
Must Read  - A quote...."Obama's on a fast track toward tyranny. He's heading for greater intervention against Syria. Ravaging the country entirely is planned. At issue is establishing another pro-Western vassal state. - Mass killing and destruction don't matter. Imperial priorities come first. Longstanding plans pre-date 9/11. Former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas doesn't know the half of it....." - Source:  SteveLendman

The idiotic foreign policy of the USA..Sir Bancroft-Hinchey
A quote...."Washington appears caught in the grip of an outdated, anachronistic and puerile, vapid, shallow foreign policy-making outfit controlled by intellectually limited political freaks of yesteryear, pandering to the whims of the lobbies [Like the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium?] that control them, insulting the collective intelligence of humankind and using lies to justify their evil plans." - Source:  Pravda

Postcard from the End of America: Philadelphia
Quote of the Day -- "June 18, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  We’re so passive, we’re doomed! We watch our rights being systematically stripped away with barely an eye roll, and with each passing day, we are becoming poorer, with our wages steadily decreasing and more of us on food stamps than ever. While fixated on sports, singing contests and network news, we’re being lowered into our degradation. NSA, FBI, Homeland Security and CIA spooks shadow us for evidence of rebellion and espy nada. After inconsequential Occupy and Tea Party twitches, all is quiet. Those sign waving assemblies merely served a cathartic function, and even wore us out, without threatening the status quo at all. Too easily, they funneled our discontent into the Democratic vs. Republican sewage, with too many of us excited to line up, again, to rubber stamp our defeat." - bold underline by website editor

The 12 Principles of Enslavement
A quote...."There were always people who wanted to control others and by imposing their will secure their existence, materially and spiritually. There were always spiritual guides who wanted nothing but the best for their students and then there were guides who used their students for their own gains. Whether talking of secular or religious world, principles of controlling others are very similar, it's all about disconnecting people from their source, from God, disconnecting people form each other, and about taking control of their mind."

The Whistleblowers Are The New Generation of American Patriots - posted at ICH
Special Note - A quote...."June 18, 2013 "Information Clearing House - "The Guardian" --- When Darrell Anderson, 22, joined the US military he knew there was going to be a war, and he wanted to fight it. "I thought I was going to free Iraqi people," he told me. "I thought I was going to do a good thing." - Until, that is, he realised precisely what he had to do. While on patrol in Baghdad, he thought: "What are we doing here? Are we looking for weapons of mass destruction? No. Are we helping the people? No, they hate us. What are we working towards, apart from just staying alive? If this was my neighbourhood and foreign soldiers were doing this then what would I be doing?" Within a few months, he says, "I was cocking my weapon at innocent civilians without any sympathy or humanity". While home on leave he realised he was not going to be able to lead a normal life if he went back. His mum drove him to Canada, where I met him in 2006 at a picnic for war resisters in Fort Erie."

The Terror Con - posted at ICH
A quote...."June 18, 2013 "Information Clearing House - For defense contractors, the government officials who write them mega checks, and the hawks in the media who cheer them on, the name of the game is threat inflation. And no one has been better at it than the folks at Booz Allen Hamilton, the inventors of the new boondoggle called cyber warfare."
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Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya with Ry on Syria and Western Propaganda
BFVideo - (BFYuTb - 51min56sec - Jun 18, 2013) - ) - Source:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related: Ry2S@TruTube - Related:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related: Rys2senseAntiNeocons - Related:  BoilingFrogs - A quote...."Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya explains and debunks the latest propaganda about Syria."

The Forbidden Truth: The U.S. is Channeling Chemical Weapons to Al Qaeda in Syria, Obama is a Liar and a Terrorist - Special Note - A quote...."A WMD saga modeled on Iraq based on fabricated evidence is unfolding.  The Western media in chorus relentlessly accuse the Syrian government of premeditated mass-murder, calling upon the “international community” to come to the rescue of the Syrian people."

Brzezinski: Obama Syria plan is ‘chaos, baffling, a mess, tragedy’
A quote...." “We are threatened by sliding into a civil war…which can evolve into a larger regional war in which we will probably be pitted against Iran as an ally of Syria. The impact of that on international economics, on our well being, in fact, on our budget--we are running the risk of getting involved in another war in the region that may last for years….I see a lot of rhetoric, a lot of emotion, a lot of propaganda.”"

"We Will Always Be Independent and Free" President al-Assad - posted at ICH
A quote...."June 18, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  Damascus, (SANA) - President Bashar al-Assad gave the following interview to the German Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper: - Interviewer: Mr President, how do you view the situation in your country? The Syrian Army has lost control over large parts of Syria, in other words those areas are outside the control of central government. What’s your take on the situation?"

Report: Russia to Send Marines to Syria - posted at ICH
A quote...."June 18, 2013 "Information Clearing House - "AP" -- MOSCOW — Two Russian navy ships are completing preparations to sail to Syria with a unit of marines on a mission to protect Russian citizens and the nation's base there, a news report said Monday. The deployment appears to reflect Moscow's growing concern about Syrian President Bashar Assad's future. - The Interfax news agency quoted an unidentified Russian navy official as saying that the two amphibious landing vessels, Nikolai Filchenkov and Caesar Kunikov, will be heading shortly to the Syrian port of Tartus, but didn't give a precise date."

Did Syria or did she not use sarin gas against its armed opposition?
A quote...."After haunting newspaper columns, the question found a positive answer in Paris, London and Washington. The red line has apparently been crossed. War may therefore be imminent. In reality, this media game comes too late. In terms of international law, Syria is not a signatory to the chemical weapons Convention and may use them freely. Moreover, inventing that Damascus has used weapons of mass destruction is a perfectly futile ploy, considering that the war is nearing an end."

FNA Report Confirmed by Putin's Statement on Chemical Weapons Production for Syrian Rebels
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Russian President Vladimir Putin said chemical laboratories in Iraq are producing chemical weapons for the terrorists in Syria, confirming a detailed report by the FNA last month which said former Ba'ath regime officials are involved in the production and procurement of such weapons to the Syrian terrorists."

Most Turks Do Not Support Erdogan's Syria Policy
A quote...."Recent developments have driven Ankara’s Syria policy farther down a dead end, leaving a frustrated Erdogan government to invest more hope than the situation merits in the decision by the United States to send light arms to the Syrian opposition in the expectation that this will somehow tip the balance against President Bashar al-Assad."

People Around the World Oppose Arming Syrian “Rebels”
A quote...."A new Pew poll shows that 70% of Americans oppose arming the Syrian “rebels”. As the Washington Post notes...."
"Opposition in the Pew poll is actually higher than ever before in the two-year-old civil war. And that’s even as much of the poll was conducted after the White House announced Thursday that the Syrian government had crossed the “red line” and used chemical weapons. - But while the red line was significant to the White House, it doesn’t seem to have altered the perceptions of the American people."
"(In fact, the weight of evidence shows that it was likely the rebels – not the Syrian government – which used chemical weapons. See this, this, this and this.)" - Source:  GrgWashBlog
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

No War for Israel in Syria and Iran !
Must View DDVideo - From the History File - Dec 16, 2011 - Alt - (DDYuTb - 15min01sec - 12/16/11) - Source:  DavidDuke -- A quote...."DON'T LET MY VIDEOS BE CENSORED! -- Due to organized efforts to stifle free speech and ban my videos -- YouTube restrictions have led to removal of all comments on this video! My videos are overwhelmingly approved by millions of viewers, and they average higher than 90 percent positive comments and comprise some of the highest rated political videos on the entire Internet. Viewers love these videos! But, the Zionists don't ! -- The Zionist efforts to block my videos are relentless. They want to keep the world from learning the truth. -- The only way you can be sure to find my videos if they are censored is to not only subscribe to my YouTube Channel -- but be sure to SUBSCRIBE at MY WEBSITE as well. Subscribe to News and Updates at...."

A Bird’s Eye View of Contrived Terror. Part I. Scope, Aims, and a Preview of a Five-Part Essay
Special Note - A quote...."Aims and Scope of this five-part essay - Dissident discourses, for the most part, analyze single incidents, or a group of incidents, in the political, economic, military, or environmental spheres. Hourly, the banking Syndicate controlling the western world and its colonies goes on committing unimaginable robberies, murders, and assaults on civil liberties and the biosphere. And so dissident writers (myself included, e.g., see here and here) react in shocked surprise, dissect each and every outrage, often furnishing near-conclusive evidence of the Syndicate’s heartlessness and culpability. Such indictments reinforce the worldview that western governments and their colonies are nothing more than puppets of a criminal syndicate (bankers for short), counteract cradle-to-grave indoctrination, and help recruit needed converts to the view that we live in an upside-down world."

Viral Plague of Megalomaniacs and the Fall of Empire
Special Note - A quote...."In these times, the most disgusting examples of human waste are stinking up the corridors of power. They stink like uncovered mass graves, of which they are responsible for many. One of the penultimate examples of avaricious, crocodile swine is Michele Bachmann. Michele is proof positive that there is no saving America. It will fall. It took a long time getting to where it is. It is not going to take very long at all to crash into ruin. Americans can close their eyes to what is happening around them, while their appetites and delusions run wild ...but a blind man in a burning room is no better off than one who can see, given that neither of them can get out.."

[Israeli] Intelligence chief says chaos in Arab world favours Israel
A quote...."The chief of Israel’s military intelligence, General Aviv Kochav, has said that the chaos in the Arab world favours Israel and is something that he believes should continue. Speaking at the Herzliya Conference for Intelligence Studies, Gen. Kochav pointed out that the changes around Israel have fundamental implications for its security." - Topix ||  PNAC Protocols  ||

“We Destroyed Arab Villages To Create Our State”, Retired [Israeli] General Said
A quote...." A retired Israeli military general told the Israeli Army Radio on his 100 birthday that the Israeli army destroyed and depopulated hundreds of Arab villages in order to establishment the state of Israel in 1948, and added that “he feels good about it.”"

The State and Local Bases of Zionist Power in America
From the History FileSeptember 1, 2010 - A quote...."Any serious effort to understand the extraordinary influence of the Zionist power configuration over US foreign policy must examine the presence of key operatives in strategic positions in the government and local Zionist organizations affiliated with mainstream Jewish organizations and religious orders. There are at least 52 major American Jewish organizations actively engaged in promoting Israel’s foreign policy, economic and technological agenda in the US (see the appendix)." - Source:  JamesPetras-(PDF) - also posted at MyCatBird'sSeat & Rense

Why Putin is Under Attack
A quote...." must understand, a Jewish reporter is in effect the enforcer of political correctness. He is the policeman and inquisitor of Jewish supremacism. To criticize one of them is equated in the minds of the media to assaulting a member of the police, the thought police. - Putin has committed a far greater crime in the minds of the Jewish media. He is Russian. A real Russian. Although he came to power with back door political manipulation and with the aid of some Jewish allies, underneath he has always had a Russian soul waiting for the chance to assert itself...." - also posted at WarInIraq

Poet, Author Alice Walker Meets the Inner Journey with Global Activism in "The Cushion in the Road"
A quote...."Legendary author, poet and activist Alice Walker joins us to discuss her newest book, "The Cushion in the Road: Meditation and Wandering as the Whole World Awakens to Being in Harm’s Way," - [BkFndr-HC] - [AddAll-HC]* - [in which she discusses many of the dominant themes in her life and work, including racism, Palestine, Africa and Obama’s presidency. The collection of essays explores Walker’s conflicting desire for deep engagement in the world and for a retreat into quiet contemplation. She has also just published a new collection of her poetry, "The World Will Follow Joy: Turning Madness into Flowers." A film about her life, "Alice Walker: Beauty in Truth," premieres this Friday in the United States. Walker also discusses the Obama administration’s recent addition of former Black Panther Assata Shakur to the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists list 40 years after the killing for which she was convicted, her travels to the Eastern Congo, and the ongoing targeting of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Click here to see Part 2 of this interview." - *links added

9/11 the Mossad Connection Details, Names, "Dancing Israeli" Positively ID'd in Towers on Day Before

A quote...."The newly popular "9/11 Conspiracy Solved: Names, Connections, & Details Exposed!" suffers from one major deficiency: it misses the Mossad connection and Israel's long-standing desire to remake the map of the Middle East starting with the destruction of Iraq. Now comes Ryan Dawson who in great detail and with thorough research fills this gap. Dawson shows that one of the Kurzberg brothers, Mossad agents who have become known as two of the "dancing Israelis" who were arrested and found to have explosives, false passports, and large amounts of cash on their persons, was positively identified as having been in the North Tower on the day before 9/11."

Canada pledges $100m in aid to Jordan
Translation:  Stephan Harper, that bought and paid for Zio-Bug is going to spend another hundred million of the Canadian peoples hard earned tax dollars to support Israel's PNAC Protocols and the continued destruction of the secular state of Syria by foreign Jihadist al-CIA'da Wahhabist terrorists. - He has to be removed from office. - mpg - Source PressTV

Israel To Seek US-Backed Loan for Mega Arms Deal
Translation:  It's just business folks.  Israel controls "your" government, you're their slaves, and you'll be taxed to pay for this.  It's that simple. Get used to it. - mpg -- A quote..."TEL AVIV — Israel’s Defense Ministry is asking the US government to guarantee billions of dollars in low-interest bridge loans for a Pentagon-proposed package of V-22 Ospreys, F-15 radars and precision-strike weaponry that it ultimately intends to fund with future military aid from the US."

Glendon Scott Crawford, Eric Feight Charged With Conspiracy To Provide Support To Terrorists
It's a wonder the FBI did their job and actually arrested them....instead of helping them. - mpg -- A quote...."ALBANY, N.Y. — Federal authorities accused two upstate New York men Wednesday of assembling a portable X-ray weapon that they intended to use to secretly sicken opponents of Israel." - bold by website editor
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More on the All Seeing - (Know Nothing) - Police State & Their Surveillance of the Web...

Edward Snowden — The Globalisation of Whistleblowing - posted at ICH
Must Read - A quote...."June 18, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  I have held back from writ­ing about the Edward Snowden NSA whistleblowing case for the last week — partly because I was immersed in the res­ult­ing media inter­views and talks, and partly because I wanted to watch how the story developed, both polit­ic­ally and in the old media. The reac­tion of both can tell you a lot...."

No, NSA Spying Did NOT Prevent a Terror Attack on Wall Street
NSA Claims of Prevention....BUSTED!! - A quote...."In response to the revelation that the NSA has been illegally spying on all Americans for more than a decade, NSA chief General Keith Alexander claimed that the spying prevented a terrorist attack on Wall Street and the New York subway. - There’s only one problem: the claim is completely false." - bold by website editor - Source:  GrgWashBlog

Public Documents Contradict Claim Email Spying Foiled Terror Plot
NSA Claims of Prevention....BUSTED...again!! - Related Article - A quote...."Defenders of the American government’s online spying program known as “PRISM” claimed Friday that the suddenly controversial secret effort had saved New York City’s subways from a 2009 terrorist plot led by a young Afghan-American, Najibullah Zazi. - But British and American legal documents from 2010 and 2011 contradict that claim, which appears to be the latest in a long line of attempts to defend secret programs by making, at best, misleading claims that they were central to stopping terror plots."

Fisa Court Oversight: A Look Inside A Secret and Empty Process
A quote...."June 19, 2013 "Information Clearing House - "The Guardian" --  Since we began began publishing stories about the NSA's massive domestic spying apparatus, various NSA defenders – beginning with President Obama - have sought to assure the public that this is all done under robust judicial oversight. "

Ron Paul: “50 foiled Terror Plots” Claim Is False
Related Article - A quote...."Former Congressman Ron Paul accused the NSA of twisting the truth to fit pre arranged talking points Tuesday, saying that claims warrantless spying on American have foiled scores of terror plots are false."

Leaker Vows Details on NSA Access to Tech Servers - posted at ICH
Second Quote of the Day - (in bold/underline) -- A quote...."June 18, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  NSA leaker Edward Snowden, answering questions Monday in a live blog on his revelations about the top-secret agency, denied charges he was spying for China and vowed to release more details on the NSA's "direct access" to the tech companies' servers - "Truth is coming, and it cannot be stopped," Snowden said, according to The Guardian, which held the "live chat" on its website. - He said the U.S. government "is not going to be able to cover this up by jailing or murdering me." ---  "Being called a traitor by Dick Cheney is the highest honor you can give an American," Snowden responded, "and the more panicked talk we hear from people like him, (Sen. Dianne) Feinstein, and (Rep. Peter) King, the better off we all are.""

US politicians lie to Americans: Snowden
A quote...."Former US National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden has accused senior politicians of continuously lying to Americans amid a massive US surveillance scandal."

Who Are the Real Traitors?
A quote...."There are weeks that change the course of human history. There are weeks when people must choose sides. There are weeks that expose the real American traitors. There is no middle ground in this debate. You are either on the side of freedom, liberty, truth, transparency and the U.S. Constitution or you are on the side of mindless obedience, oppression, deception, corruption and tyranny. A courageous young Millennial named Edward Snowden has risked his life and his future to expose the illegal, surreptitious surveillance programs being conducted by the United States government in clear violation of the 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution....."

Advice from NSA Whistleblower on Trusting Your Government
BtSVideo - Good Abby Martin!  - mpg - (BtSYuTb - 11min55sec - May 14, 2013)) - Source: BreakingTheSet - Related: BTSFcBk - Related: BTSTwttr - Related:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Abby Martin talks to Thomas Drake, former NSA senior executive and whistleblower, and Jesselyn Raddack, National Security Director for the Government Accountability Project, about whistleblower Edward Snowden about the dangerous climate surrounding classified information in the US, how the extent of the NSA spying program has yet to be revealed, and how the mantra 'if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear', is false." - For more on this issue see articles shown below.....
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More on the Domestic Situation....

TWA Flight 800 investigators break silence in new documentary, claim original conclusion about cause of crash is wrong -- A quote...."A group of whistleblowers, including a number of aviation experts, have come forward in a new documentary to claim that the official explanation for the crash of TWA Flight 800 was wrong and a gas tank explosion did not bring down the flight off the coast of Long Island 17 years ago. - However, the six whistleblowers, all part of the original investigation team, stopped short of saying the plane was shot down."

TWA Flight 800: Charles Basset and the Red Residue
A quote...."The wreckage of TWA 800 was found covered with a red residue identified as combustion products from a damaged or nearly exhausted solid rocket motor, such as those used for military missiles. The official story is that this red residue was seat glue used to hold the cushions to the meal frames. But that seat glue is pale green. The FBI tried to get around this by sending the scientist tasked with identifying the red residue samples of seat glue dyed with a red dye. In other words, the FBI was caught faking the evidence (yet again)." -- *Michael Rivero*

New Probe Sought for 1996 Airline Disaster Off the Coast of Long Island, N.Y
Related Article - A quote...."The National Transportation Safety Board said Wednesday it is being petitioned to reactivate its investigation into the 1996 crash of TWA Flight 800, which disintegrated shortly after takeoff from John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, killing all 230 on board. The request for a new probe came from former investigators who now claim they were silenced about the real cause of the disaster and that the official findings released by the government were "falsified." - For more on this issue see the articles shown below.....
Michael Hastings contacted Wikileaks lawyer hours before death claiming FBI were investigating him - Hastings Turns A Mercedes C250 Into A “Bomb” - A quote...."I don’t know what drives men to drive 100 mph down a suburban street. But I’ve seen many do it. Usually, however, they’re young or angry , but you never know what happens when guy gets behind the wheel of a Merc. Anyway, with the death of the much hated Michael Hastings this morning in a fireball of a car crash in a Mercedes, I thought this post from an auto blogger was interesting as I had no idea that it’s such a rare event for a car to catch on fire; especially one as well designed as a Mercedes:"

The last piece by Michael Hastings: Why Democrats Love To Spy On Americans
A quote...."For most bigwig Democrats in Washington, D.C., the last 48 hours has delivered news of the worst kind — a flood of new information that has washed away any lingering doubts about where President Obama and his party stand on civil liberties, full stop."

Exclusive: (Another) Whistleblower Says State Department Trying to Bully Her Into Silence
A quote...."The State Department investigator who accused colleagues last week of using drugs, soliciting prostitutes, and having sex with minors says that Foggy Bottom is now engaged in an "intimidation" campaign to stop her."

Guantanamo Prisoner’s Case Demonstrates Unfairness of Military Commissions
A quote...."The issue of terrorism has been front and center in the national discourse since 9/11. Guantánamo has become a symbol of US hypocrisy on human rights. Lawyers handling the criminal case of Guantánamo prisoner Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri argued several pre-trial motions last week. But just as they raised some fascinating legal issues, the hearings revealed the basic unfairness of the military commissions for adjudicating criminal cases. People can be put to death after a trial that affords a reduced level of due process." - Topix  || 9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables ||
Suborning perjury, fabricating evidence, destroying evidence, coerced confessions, torture of inmates, the murder of inmates, refusal to provide evidence to the defense, refusal to provide consul, spying on consul, ten years to hold a military commission - not a trial, does NOT constitute "a reduced level of due process"? -- It constitutes a travesty of show trials, an abortion of justice, the murder of due process, a participation in the cover-up of 9/11, conduct as an accessory after the fact in crimes of mass-terror and murder, and high treason under article there section three of the United States Constitution! - mpg
Obama[no]care Exchanges Already a Logistical Nightmare; Most States to Miss Deadlines
A quote...."For months we here at Natural News have been warning readers that the medical “reform” measure known as Obamacare is a regulatory nightmare that will destroy the U.S. healthcare system and raise its costs astronomically – despite the lies the president and his minions have told to “sell” it to the public." - Source:  NaturalNews

NJ Supreme Court Rules State Can Seek Custody Of Child Without Evidence Of Abuse
This particular item should send Alex Jones into ballistic orbit. - mpg - A quote...."The New Jersey Supreme Court ruled this week that authorities can seek custody of a child, even where there’s no evidence of abuse or neglect." -- "All your children are belong to us!" - Indeed.  Think less of Communism, and more....The New Roman Empire, and chattel slavery!  -- Kids for sale anyone?? -  mpg

McDonald's Sued by Employee Over Debit Card Wage Fees
In the Believe It or Not Category -- Related Article - (if you think about it) - A quote...."Gunshannon worked there for a month and finally got her first paycheck which was actually a Chase Bank debit card with a fees statement attached. Wages would be deposited on the card and withdrawn from there. She read the statement and did not sign her card. She asked her boss if she could be paid by check or direct deposit. She also took her complaint to the main franchise holder. No, the card was the only option - and the fees. -- The JP Morgan Chase payroll card includes the following fee deductions...."
"Minimum wage is $7.25 and Gunshannon was making $7.44 - so any fees which are necessary every time an employee checks their balance or withdraws their wages could easily put the wages under the minimum wage mark." - You KNOW McDonald's is getting a cut of this.  Talk about the "company store". - mpg

Ron Paul Warns of Dollar Collapse
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 17min58sec - Jun 19, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote..."On this guest-packed Wednesday, June 19 edition of the Alex Jones Show, former Congressman Ron Paul joins us to discuss the impending dollar collapse, the NSA's constitutional infringements and other privacy scandals."

Michael Rivero on Justin TV -  June 18th, 2013
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 3hrs -  June 18th, 2013) -- Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg

Callers Sound Off on The Crashing Global Economy
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 29min14sec - Jun 17, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote..."On today's show, Alex welcomes television broadcaster and economic analyst Max Keiser to break down the fallout from Bilderberg 2013 coverage and the collapse of the current bankster regime, as well as the goal of G8 protests in Belfast. "

Michael Rivero on Justin TV -  June 19th, 2013
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 3hrs -  June 19th, 2013) -- Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser: The Collapse of the Current Bankster Regime is Upon Us
Related Article - A quote...."We’re in a post-capitalist, post-socialism world. I have just come back from the G8 protests in Belfast and it occurred to me – at this point; we’re post both capitalism and socialism ['s called "Banksterism" - mpg] – and this point needs to be made clear, but we also see some vestiges of both systems in a new, emerging economy that has yet to be named." - A slightly different definition shown below....
"On the contrary, it is an old system and has a name; FASCISM!"
  1. Capitalism: If you make money you keep it. If you lose money you live with that debt.
  2. Socialism: If you make money it is taxed to support society. If you lose money society is taxed to cover the losses so you can try again.
  3. Fascism: If you make money you keep it. If you lose money society is taxed to cover the losses so you can try again.
"Which system do you see in operation around the world right now?" -- *Michael Rivero*
Farewell Bernanke – Thanks For Inflating The Biggest Bond Bubble The World Has Ever Seen
A quote...."Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is on the way out the door, but the consequences of the bond bubble that he has helped to create will stay with us for a very, very long time.  During Bernanke's tenure, interest rates on U.S. Treasuries have fallen to record lows.  This has enabled the U.S. government to pile up an extraordinary amount of debt. During his tenure we have also seen mortgage rates fall to record lows. All of this has helped to spur economic activity in the short-term, but what happens when interest rates start going back to normal?"

The Derivative Bubble Becoming The Boomerang Could Take Down the Central Banks?
A quote...."The derivative debt is over 1.5 quadrillion dollars. This is more money owed than is in actual existence on planet earth. -- Second is the Derivative Debt is owed by these central bankers. They are insolvent living off bailouts of QE3 and QE infinity. The Federal Reserve Bank is in trouble because Venezuela, The State of Texas and Germany have all requested their gold on deposit to returned.  The Central Bank has been stonewalling returning the gold or not allowing Germany to visually see their gold. -- Than we have the money being stolen from personal private banks accounts called a bail-in to prop up the Banksters to hide their insolvency...."

Obama Cans Regulator Who Crossed Wall Street
Related Article - A quote...."The Obama Administration is quietly firing Commodity Futures Trading Commission head Gary Gensler, who ran afoul of big banks by pushing for greater government oversight." - also posted at BLN

Root Causes of the Detroit Municipal Crisis, Austerity and Finance Fraud. Moratorium NOW!: The Struggle Continues - A quote...."Yesterday (June 14) Orr floated his plan for the restructuring of city finances. - What jumped right out was the declaration of a moratorium on $2.5 billion in both debt-service and principal amounts of the municipal debt. The first sign of this was the withholding of $39.7 million in debt payments due on June 14. This moratorium has been called for by the Moratorium NOW! Coalition for at least two years."

David Stockman's Non-Recovery Part 2: The Crash Of Breadwinners And The 'Born-Again' Jobs Scam - Part 3
A quote...."After exposing the faux prosperity of the immediate post-2009 "wholly unnatural" recovery and explaining the precarious foundation of the Bernanke Bubble, David Stockman's new book 'The Great Deformation' delves deeper (in Part 2 of this 4-part series) into the dismal internals of the jobs numbers and only the utterly politicized calculation of the “unemployment rate” that disguises the jobless nature of the rebound. To be sure, the Fed’s Wall Street shills breathlessly reported the improved jobs “print” every month, picking and choosing starting and ending points and using continuously revised and seasonally maladjusted data to support that illusion. Yet the fundamentals with respect to breadwinner jobs could not be obfuscated."

Big Lie: America Doesn't Have #1 Richest Middle-Class in the World...We're Ranked 27th!
Related Article - (And a Shocker!!) -- A quote...."June 18, 2013  |  America is the richest country on Earth. We have the most millionaires, the most billionaires and our wealthiest citizens have garnered more of the planet's riches than any other group in the world. We even have hedge fund managers who make in one hour as much as the average family makes in 21 years! "

Whenever Margin Debt Goes Over 2.25% Of GDP The Stock Market Always Crashes
Mrkt Tech Note - A quote...."What do 1929, 2000 and 2007 all have in common?  Those were all years in which we saw a dramatic spike in margin debt.  In all three instances, investors became highly leveraged in order to “take advantage” of a soaring stock market.  But of course we all know what happened each time.  The spike in margin debt was rapidly followed by a horrifying stock market crash.  Well guess what?  It is happening again." - Source:  EconomicCollapse - Website editor's caution: The Bernanke's policies of absolutely unlimited financial sector support weren't around in 1929, 2000 and 2007. - mpg

Two-thirds see US economy as poor
A quote...."Nearly two-thirds of Americans rate the U.S. economy as poor, a new national poll finds. -  Only 35% of Americans say economic conditions in the United States are good, according a CNN/ORC International Survey released Wednesday. - Furthermore, 44% of Americans say their financial situation is worse now than it was a year ago."

The Cyprus Bail-In Blows Up: Cyprus President Urges Complete Bailout Overhaul (Full Letter) - Oh, oh!
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Cyprus' President Nicos Anastasiades has realized (as we warned), too late it seems for the thousands of domestic and foreign depositors who were sacrificed at the alter of monetary union, that the TROIKA's terms are "too onerous." Anastasiades has asked EU lenders to unwind the complex restructuring and partial merger of its two largest banks leaving EU officials "puzzled", according to a letter the FT has uncovered, as "essentially, he is asking for a complete reversal of the program....."

Greece Has One Month To Plug A €1.2 Billion Healthcare Budget Hole
A quote...."Think Cyprus is the only country that will need a repeat bailout (as the FT reported earlier)? Think again. Cause heeeeere's Greece... again.... where as Kathimerini reports, a brand new, massive budget hole for €1.2 billion has just been "discovered." Only this time it is not some C-grade government service that can just be swept away: it is to fund the country's biggest healthcare provider, EOPYY. And the deadline is imminent: Greece has less than a month to plug it."

Workers in Britain suffer the greatest fall in wages since the 1930s
A quote...."The UK is experiencing the deepest and most protracted economic downturn in a century. The decline in wages is even greater than that resulting from the Great Depression of the 1930s."
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More On The International Situation....

Putin: Didn’t feel isolated, not all G8 leaders agree Assad used chemical weapons
A quote...."There is no proof that the Syrian government used chemical weapons, Russian President Vladimir Putin said during the G8 summit. Some of the G8 countries share this view, he added. - “We do not have any facts of the use of such weapons by the Syrian government. I assure you, that by no means all the G8 members believe that they were used,” Putin said." - For more on this issue see the articles shown below....
Iran denies plans to send troops to Syria
A quote...""The Independent", YOU ARE SO BUSTED ON THIS!! - We told readers at this site to be very, very skeptical about this report, and darn it, we were absolutely right. - And I am almost willing to bet you real money that, in light of these revelations by the Iranian government, that The Independent will not retract or correct this story." - *Michael Rivero*

Iraq Moves Troops To Syrian Border
A quote...."Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, commander-in-chief of the Iraqi armed forces, decided on the night of June 16, to move nearly 8,000 Iraqi troops toward the Iraqi-Syrian and Iraqi-Jordanian borders. This comes a few days before local elections are to be held in the cities of Mosul and Anbar."

Police Arrest over 100, Raid Media Offices in Turkey
A quote...."Turkish police detained dozens of people at their homes and raided two media offices on Tuesday in a coordinated operation across the country to clamp down on nearly three weeks of mass anti-government unrest, AFP reported." - Source:  al-Manar - For more on this issue see the articles shown below....
The P5+1 and Iran - What Should be Expected From President Rowhani?
He'll keep saying "we have our rights under the NPT" and they'll keep saying...."what NPT?  You have rights?  What makes you think you have rights?" - mpg -- A quote...."On June 15, 2013, Hassan Rowhani became Iran’s president-elect and raised expectations about the outcome of future meetings between Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany, collectively known as the P5+1. From 2003 to 2005 Rowhani headed a team that negotiated Iran’s nuclear program with France, Britain, and Germany (EU3). In these negotiations the EU3 made every effort to stop Iran’s enrichment activities. The result of was the November 2004 Paris Agreement, which asked Iran to suspend all enrichment-related and reprocessing activities voluntarily and temporarily in exchange for some vague and, for all practical purposes, undeliverable economic promises. In what appeared to be a kind of “good-cop, bad-cop arrangement”—where the Europeans and Americans were working together but playing different roles—the US gave this agreement guarded approval." - Topix ||  How About An Honest NPT? - 11-11-10 - mpg  ||

Iranian University Ranks 2nd in US Satellite Competitions
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Tehran's Amir Kabir University ranked 2nd in the US CanSat 2013 competitions participated by 25 teams from around the world, where competitors launched the small satellites that they had designed and built."

Pentagon Scrapping $7 Billion Worth of Gear in Afghanistan
A quote...."As the Pentagon looks to draw down the size of their forces by the end of 2014, a major difficulty has been the massive amounts of gear and vehicles the US went to such great expense to ship there over the years."

4 US Soldiers Killed In Afghanistan Just Hours After Taliban Talks Proposed
Somebody didn't want them to take place, that's for sure. - mpg -- A quote...."It’s being reported this morning that four US soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan just hours after it was proposed that the US government wants direct talks with the Taliban." - Hey, maybe Karzai had them killed them? See article below....mpg

Karzai suspends talks with U.S. over Taliban agreement
Related Article - A quote...."The Afghan president on Wednesday suspended talks with the United States on a new security deal to protest the way his government was being left out of initial peace negotiations with the Taliban meant to find a way to end the nearly 12-year war."

US denies talks with Taliban scheduled
Related Article? - A quote...."The United States has described as inaccurate reports that it has arranged a formal meeting with the Taliban at their newly-opened office in the Qatari capital Doha."

US deploys 1,500 Marines to Yemen: Yemeni official
A quote...."The United States has deployed 1,500 Marines with advanced arms and military equipment to Yemen, says a Yemeni military official." - Source  PressTV

Maids for Sale: Child Exploitation Bonanza - "Our" parasites' allies in action. - mpg 
A quote...."June 19, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  Last night at the hotel lobby of an Arab Gulf country, a family walked in aiming for the westernized café that sells everything but Arabic coffee. - The mother seemed distant as she pressed buttons on her smart phone. The father looked tired as he buffed away on his cigarette, and a whole band of children ran around in refreshing chaos that broke the monotony of the fancy but impersonal hotel setting. - Chasing behind the children for no other reason but to be constantly vigilant to any unexpected harm was a very skinny Indonesian teenager wearing a tightly wrapped headscarf, worn out blue jeans and a long shirt. She was the maid, or khadama as maids are called here, meaning a servant. - The girl was but a child, of the same build and overall demeanor of my 14-year-old daughter who is busy with her studies anticipating a very exciting summer ahead."

Russia needs to reclaim its 'digital sovereignty' from US, says MP
A quote...."Sergei Zheleznyak, a member of the ruling United Russia party and deputy speaker of the lower house of parliament, wrote in a column published on Wednesday that the revelations, leaked by whistleblower Edward Snowden, should prompt Russia to re-strategise its approach to the internet. - He said he would introduce legislation this autumn to create a “national server”, which analysts say would require foreign websites to register on Russian territory, thus giving the Kremlin’s own security services “backdoor” access."
Copying the US-NRE's parasites' ILLEGAL and HIGHLY self-destructive (Who wants to buy the US-NRE's computer technology now?) activity may not necessarily be the best idea.  Russia has a lot of bright people, how about openly offering secure computer technology and encryption services to the other 190 countries in the world who don't want to have their industrial secrets stolen or blackmail material gathered by Israel and Israel's North American colony known as the US-NRE?? - mpg
Russia Delivers $1Bln Worth of Military Hardware to Azerbaijan
A quote...."Russia has fulfilled an order made by Azerbaijan in 2011-12 for military hardware worth up to $1 billion, Vedomosti reported Tuesday. - The shipment consisted of 94 T-90S tanks, about 100 BMP-3 armored personnel carriers, 18 self-propelled Msta-S howitzers, 18 multiple launch rocket systems, 18 self-propelled cannons and six flame-throwing systems, the newspaper said, citing a source in the Russian armaments industry."

Brazil sees largest protests in decades as unrest hits second week
Contains Video - A quote...."Mass protests continued throughout Brazil on Monday, with hundreds of thousands of demonstrators converging in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, the capital of Brasilia and other cities. - Protests initially began last week following a government announcement of an increase in public transportation costs, which brought out students and young workers and led to more than 250 arrests." - Source:  RT

Brazil protests spread in Sao Paulo, Brasilia and Rio
Related Article - A quote...."As many as 200,000 people have marched through the streets of Brazil's biggest cities, as protests over rising public transport costs and the expense of staging the 2014 World Cup have spread." - For more on this issue see articles posted below.....
US senators question aid to Honduras, citing extrajudicial killings
A quote...."A number of US senators have questioned Obama administration’s foreign aid to Honduras, pointing to growing reports of human rights atrocities in the Central American country that has long been regarded as a US-client state."

The Terror Diaspora - The U.S. Military and the Unraveling of Africa - posted at ICH
A quote...."June 18, 2013 "Information Clearing House - The Gulf of Guinea. He said it without a hint of irony or embarrassment. This was one of U.S. Africa Command’s big success stories. The Gulf... of Guinea. - Never mind that most Americans couldn’t find it on a map and haven’t heard of the nations on its shores like Gabon, Benin, and Togo. Never mind that just five days before I talked with AFRICOM’s chief spokesman, the Economist had asked if the Gulf of Guinea was on the verge of becoming “another Somalia,” because piracy there had jumped 41% from 2011 to 2012 and was on track to be even worse in 2013."

LRA rebels 'kill villagers in Central Africa'
Related Article - A quote...."Military source says 16 people dead in clashes between Lord's Resistance Army and villagers in Central African Republic."

UK army sacks 4,500 troops
A quote...."Some 4,500 British soldiers are told they will be axed in the third and biggest round of army job cuts since the 2010 defense review. "
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Jewish extremists attack Palestinian village, damage 28 cars
A quote...."Suspected Jewish extremists punctured the tires of 28 cars in a Palestinian town inside the green line and scrawled graffiti nearby in a likely "price tag" attack overnight, an AFP correspondent said on Tuesday."
Israeli forces begin demolishing school in Azzun Atma
A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces began demolishing a school on Tuesday in the village of Azzun Atmah in the northern West Bank district of Qalqiliya, the school's administration said. - A day earlier Israeli forces entered the Azzun-Beit Amin School to take measurements as they prepare to enforce the further construction of Israel's separation wall in the district. - The village also receives children from the Beit Amin village."

Six Palestinians Kidnapped In West Bank
A quote...."[Thursday at dawn, June 19 2013] Israeli soldiers invaded various districts in the occupied West Bank, broke into and searched several homes and kidnapped at least six Palestinians."

A Report on the Impact of the Israeli Closure on the Gaza Strip (01 January – 31 December 2012)
A quote...."This report is issued in the context of the closure policy imposed by the Israeli authorities on the Gaza Strip, which has been implemented for six consecutive years, which has affected Palestinians’ lives in a brutal way."

31% of refugees in Palestine live below poverty line
A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- The Palestinian refugee population in the West Bank and Gaza Strip is characterized by poverty, statistics issued Thursday revealed."

Settlers [Jewish squatters] building illegal road on Palestinian land in Hebron
A quote...."[Jewish] Israeli settlers [squatters] in the Wadi al-Hussein valley neighborhood of occupied Khalil (Hebron) have begun building a new road on land owned by a Palestinian family. The road will be around four meters wide and lead to the illegal settlement of Kiryat Arba which is above the valley. When completed it will split two olive groves."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Despite Irrefutable Evidence of Toxicity and Death, Monsanto’s Friends at the EPA Raise Allowable Glysophate Levels -- A quote...."Great news! You no longer have to worry about excessive levels of glyphosate, the toxic chemical found in Monsanto’s Round-up pesticide, in your food or in the feed that livestock consumes. Why not? Well, the Environmental Deception Protection Agency has looked over the situation, and in their infinite wisdom, raised the safety threshold of glyphosate that is allowed to be in consumable goods."

Del Monte's GMO Pineapple Approved in the U.S
If it's a "red" pineapple, don't eat it. - mpg -- A quote...."Del Monte, one of the world's largest growers and distributors of the popular tropical pineapple fruit, has developed a genetically modified pineapple that's currently being grown in Costa Rica, one of the top pineapple-producing countries. It has just received approval by the USDA for eventual sale in the U.S."

Former GMO Engineer Drops Biotech and Goes Organic
A quote...."The “con­ver­sion” of for­mer anti-GMO activist Mark Lynas to GMO pro­moter has gar­nered huge media atten­tion, but Thierry Vrain, Ph.D., a for­mer genetic engi­neer who speaks out against the risks of genet­i­cally engi­neered foods, has far more credibility—and a far more impor­tant story to tell the public."

GMOs linked to blood cell disorders, leukemia: New study
A quote...."(NaturalNews) Widespread industry claims that the altered traits of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) do not persist in food and are thus harmless to humans have once again been proven to be false. A new study published in the open-access, peer-reviewed Journal of Hematology & Thromboembolic Diseases has revealed that GMOs indeed damage and toxify human blood cells, and can consequently lead to the development of deadly blood diseases like anemia and leukemia."

Japan finds highly toxic strontium-90 in Fukushima groundwater
A quote...."High levels of a toxic substance called strontium-90 have been found in groundwater at the devastated Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan, the utility that runs the facility said on Wednesday." - Source:  Reuters

Tuesday June 18th 2013

No posts. - mpg

Monday June 17th 2013

Low Down, Dirty, Rotten, Filthy Liars.
Special Note - A quote...."Well, here they are again, the same twisted, demented, cold-blooded motherf-ckers; the same low down, dirty, rotten, filthy liars. Yes, there they are again folks, one more cabal of mass murdering, Zionist, Central Banker owned, mass murdering thugs; Obama, McCain, Dame Lindsey Graham and assorted shitheads and psychopaths. They claim Assad has been using chemical weapons on the rebels. Typically, the only ones caught with chemical weapons have been the rebels. The rebels were caught red handed with chemical weapons and that is of no importance to these lowdown , dirty, rotten, filthy liars, who are now accusing Assad of doing what the rebels already did and who are now going to arm the rebels, who were caught with chemical weapons. You'll note in one of these links that some sleazy weasel of a government shill, is claiming that the rebel forces are made up of disaffected deserters from the Assad army. This is in direct contradiction to what the 24/7, 'all lies, all the time' Zionist owned, mass media, has been claiming all the way up until now. However, since the new, most outrageous lie of the day, has been minted and put into circulation, suddenly, the rebel army that heretofore had been made up of a local franchise of the mythical (CIA creation) Al Qaeda; Saudi Arabians, Libyans, camouflaged Israelis and assorted mercenaries from anywhere, the rebel army is now made up of deserting Syrian soldiers."

UK planned war on Syria before unrest began: French ex-foreign minister
The "Trinity of Evil" + UK....BUSTED!! -- A quote...."A former French foreign minister says Britain had been planning a war against Syria some two years before the unrest broke out [four to five years ago!] in the Arab country." - Topix ||  US SoT - Al CIA'da In Syria  ||

Syria what is really going on and why
From the History File - Apr 20, 2012 - Note: no audio for the first ten seconds or so. - (YuTb - 5min10sec - 04/20/12) - Ry Dawson - A quote...."A viewer [Itsinheredotorg] made the visuals to which I added some of my own maps. The audio is from my earlier video."

Red Cross denies reports of chemicals in Syria
Oh, phooey!  More of those fact checking, nit-pickers, from the "reality-based community" exposing  Obama's little theater of the absurd.  Why don't they grow-up and start lying like all those other CIA sponsored NGO's?  They'd get more money, Obama would give them all sorts of medals, and they'd be able to "help" the additional millions of injured and homeless caused by their participation in Obama's murderous theater of the absurd. Sounds like a Win/Win to this website editor. - mpg -- A quote...."The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has not confirmed reports about the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria."

One-Sided Anti-Syrian Human Rights Council Resolution
A quote...."On June 13, HRC's so-called "analysis" alleges 93,000 Syrians killed. No one knows precise numbers. Navi Pillay serves as UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. - She's a longstanding imperial partner. Power brokers know she's reliable. She's beholden to destructive interests demanding opposition. They control her. - Monthly mass killing "reflects the drastically deteriorating pattern of the conflict over the past year," she said. She stopped short of blaming Washington, key NATO partners, Israel, and complicit Arab states." - bold by website editor

Obama Signals Start of US War in Syria
Keep in mind folks, the US-NRE, Israel & the Saudi Parasitic Family (The Trinity of Evil) have been massively supplying al-CIA'da in Syria for the last two years or more with all kinds of weapons, mercenary personnel, intelligence and logistical support. - mpg -- A quote...."by Ron Paul - The Obama Administration’s sudden announcement last night that it has discovered the Syrian government used chemical weapons and thus crossed the “red line” is pretty unconvincing.The Administration provided no evidence, no new information, and no explanation of why the intelligence community’s assessment of just three months ago that chemical weapons had not been used by the Syrian government has changed so dramatically."

Russia Does Have the Military Strength to Deter War in Syria and Iran Standing Against Banker’s Agenda
A quote...."There is a reality the war mongers in Congress and in Israel do not look at. Ever since September 11,2001. All the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have a severe attrition rate.  Our military equipment is worn down. The Soldiers and Marines are burned out over multiple deployments to the Middle East. The people of Israel of getting war weary. The Americans are burned out going to war. We have no sane leadership with a coherent foreign policy to rely on to keep the peace. We have become the rogue aggressor hell bent on going to war with nations who are not a threat to our national security. Orchestrated by Puppet Leaders. -- The Russian Federation has no choice but to take stand and say no more bombing and invading sovereign nations who have not threatened the United State or Israel to set up private central banking to put a nations in perpetual debt to the bankers. The Bankers need a war in an effort to distract the public for the following reasons...."

Russia Says It Will Not Allow Syria No-fly Zones - posted at ICH
A quote..."June 17, 2013 "Information Clearing House - "Reuters" -- MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia, a veto-wielding member of the U.N. Security Council, will not permit no-fly zones to be imposed over Syria, Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said on Monday. - "I think we fundamentally will not allow this scenario," Lukashevich told a news briefing, adding that calls for a no-fly zone showed disrespect for international law."

Putin denounces Britain’s immorality in Syria
A quote...."But if we speak calmly in cold blood, in a business-like fashion, let me draw your attention to the fact that Russia supplies arms to the legitimate government of Syria in full compliance with the norms of international law. We are not breaching anything. Let me emphasise that; we are not breaching any rules and norms, and we call on all our partners to act in same fashion."

Fighting Terrorism by Arming Terrorists - posted at ICH
A quote...."June 17, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  The Obama administration appears to be moving toward arming rebels in Syria, though the White House has only publicly confirmed an increase in the “scope and scale” of its military support. - By one estimate, seven of nine key rebel combatant groups are Islamist. “As the civil war has dragged on, the rebels have become more Islamist and extreme,” the Economist reports. Thus the administration’s decision to arm only the non-Islamist rebels may soon resemble O.J. Simpson’s search for the “real killers.” - Arms shipments approved by the Obama administration have already ended up in the hands of jihadists in Libya. “The weapons and money from Qatar strengthened militant groups in Libya,” reported the New York Times, “allowing them to become a destabilizing force since the fall of the Qaddafi government.” - Operation Fast and Furious meets American foreign policy."

Saudi Arabia funding fuels jihadist terror
Related Article - A quote...."It belongs to Saudi Arabia. - Over more than two decades, Saudi Arabia has lavished around $100 billion or more on the worldwide promotion of the violent, intolerant and crudely puritanical Wahhabist sect of Islam that the ruling royal family espouses. - The links of the Boston bombers and the London butchers to organizations following the Saudi royal family’s religious line are clear." - bold by website editor
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

U.S. House Passes Bill to Ensure Israel Can Remove Existential “Threats”
Amerikans are goy-cattle, it's just that simple....and they LIKE IT! - mpg -- A quote...."Between bailing out Wall Street banks, protecting the world’s largest counterfeiting scheme, the FED and protecting Israel, how does Congress find any time for ‘We the People?’"

Israeli Massacres of Recent History
Database - Photos - Videos - A quote...."I ask the reader to read every text on this website, view every image, andwatch every video. Then decide for yourself: who the Victim is and who the Terrorist is ?"

AMAZEBALLS: Rachel Maddow's Ignorance on Iran
A quote...."MSNBC host Rachel Maddow has a penchant for saying smug, self-satisfied and generally stupid things about Iran. She has claimed that the Iranian Revolution in 1979 marked the establishment of a dictatorship in that country, rather than end of one; one that just so happened to be a monarchic dynasty that was proudly supported for decades by the United States government. Just two months ago, she weirdly decided to mock Iranians for their national and religious holidays because, y'know, she's progressive like that. - Maddow was back at it this week....." - also posted at AlethoNews
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More on the All Seeing - (Know Nothing) - Police State & Their Surveillance of the Web...

Jailed Qwest CEO claimed that NSA retaliated because he wouldn’t participate in spy program
Some quotes...."While National Security Agency’s harvesting of telephone data is often defended as a necessary component of post-9/11 national security, old court documents claim the spy agency was putting such a program into place months before the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." -- "Verizon, it was recently revealed, was required by court order to give the NSA telephone records from millions of its customer as part of a sweeping surveillance program. - Nacchio revealed these details in court papers in an attempt to show that he didn’t dump Qwest stock in 2001 because he knew the company was going to post poor performance results in the future. Rather, he suspected the company would benefit from participating in Groundbreaker, which he discussed with NSA personnel in Washington D.C. on Feb. 27, 2001." - bold/underline by website editor
So THAT'S why they were so pissed off at Qwest's CEO Joseph Nacchio, not only did he refuse to participate in the NSA's illegal, unconstitutional, and immoral spying program on American citizens, but he forced the NSA to reveal they were part of the preparation, or pre-planning, for a police state agenda slated to occur AFTER the 9/11 attack.  Just like the Patriot Act which was also written and part of the preparation, or pre-planning, for a police state agenda slated to occur AFTER the 9/11 attack.  -- In other words his refusal, and resultant PUBLIC court records of the NSA's activity prior to 9/11, indirectly implicates the NSA in foreknowledge, and possibly pre-planning for the 9/11 attack itself. -- It must also be remembered that Israeli firms with direct ties to the Mossad were cooperating with US intelligence agencies and directly managing many aspects of the United States communications monitoring prior to 9/11 and thus could also implicate NSA personnel in directly facilitating the 9/11 attack itself.  -- FYI:  By the way, facilitating an attack like 9/11 on behalf of a foreign government, like Israel, is one of the VERY FEW acts that meet the definition contained in article three section three of the United States Constitution.... TREASON!    - mpg
Sens. Wyden & Udall: We Have Seen No Evidence NSA Surveillance Has Prevented ‘Dozens Of Terrorist Events’ -- NSA Busted!! - A quote...."During yesterday’s Congressional hearings on the NSA, agency head General Keith Alexander claimed that the NSA’s massive surveillance program has successfully prevented “dozens of terrorist events,” but did not go into specifics. Today Democratic senators Ron Wyden and Mark Udall called on Alexander to clarify those remarks, saying in a joint statement that neither of them have seen any evidence to support what he said....." - One commentator stated....
Every one of the "arrested terrorists" cases we have seen involves an FBI informant who basically entrapped* some patsies* in a plot, to arrest them for headline value. [This is what's called the FBI's "Constant Gardening" policy] Setting aside the obvious entrapment, if the FBI had an informant inside every one of these plots, the the NSA spying was not a factor."  --  *Michael Rivero* -- *links added by website editor
NSA, UK [& Israel!!]  Spied On Politicians, Intercepted Emails, Eavesdropped On Russian President's Phone Calls -- A quote...."The espionage scandal that keeps on giving has released its latest installment, once more courtesy of the Guardian, which on the eve of tomorrow's starting G-8 meeting reveals that foreign politicians and officials who took part in two G-20 summit meetings in London in 2009 had their computers monitored, their phone calls intercepted, and fake internet cafes were set up on the instructions of the British Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), the sister organization to the US NSA."

China urges US to explain about spying [industrial & commercial espionage, and black-mail] programs
A quote...."The Chinese government has called on the Obama administration to explain about Washington’s global spying [industrial & commercial espionage, and black-mail] programs, showing mounting tensions between the two countries. - China’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said on Monday that Washington should explain its surveillance programs to the international community. --  "We believe the United States should pay attention to the international community's concerns and demands [they could care less] and give the international community the necessary explanation," [they never will] Hua was quoted as saying by Reuters." - For more on this issue, see the articles shown below.....
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More on the Domestic Situation....

9/11 and the Military-Intelligence-Security Machine: Towards a Permanent State of Emergency in America
A quote...."he US government is a criminal syndicate, openly committing atrocities on a global scale. The rule of law is a memory, buried in the rubble left by the false flag terror attack of 9/11, the manufactured “war on terrorism”, and the monstrosity of the Patriot Act. -  The legacy of the 9/11 crime—the greatest intelligence success in history (not an intelligence “failure”)—is a permanent state of emergency, a criminal military-intelligence-war apparatus (exemplified by the CIA, the NSA) of unimaginable scope and unlimited power, and endless war. - This genuine evil is aided and abetted by the illiterate, willfully ignorant and acquiescent American majority."

The Two Centers of Unaccountable Power in America, and Their Consequences
Some quotes....."One goes by the name of the “intelligence community” and its epicenter is the National Security Agency within the Defense Department. If we trusted that it reasonably balanced its snooping on Americans with our nation’s security needs, and that our elected representatives effectively oversaw that balance, there would be little cause for concern. We would not worry that the information so gathered might be misused to harass individuals, thereby chilling free speech or democratic debate, or that some future government might use it to intimidate critics and opponents...."  ---  "The second center of unaccountable power goes by the name of Wall Street and is centered in the largest banks there. If we trusted that market forces kept them in check and that they did not exercise inordinate influence over Congress and the executive branch, we would have no basis for concern. We wouldn’t worry that the Street’s financial power would be misused to fix markets, profit from insider information, or make irresponsible bets that imperiled the rest of us....."

The Pursuaders: The Marketing of Agenda
A quote...."In "The Persuaders," FRONTLINE explores how the cultures of marketing and advertising have come to influence not only what Americans buy, but also how they view themselves and the world around them. The 90-minute documentary draws on a range of experts and observers of the advertising/marketing world, to examine how, in the words of one on-camera commentator, "the principal of democracy yields to the practice of demography," as highly customized messages are delivered to a smaller segment of the market."

Philadelphia Closes 23 Schools, Lays Off Thousands, Builds Huge Prison
A quote...."Philadelphia laid off thousands of school employees last week after the state of Pennsylvania continued its austerity measures against public schools. And while the state is essentially destroying Philadelphia public schools through under-funding (claiming budgetary concerns), it somehow found enough money to build a $400 million prison just outside of the city."

Obama State Department Spends $450,000 Promoting Gay Rights, Transgender Oversea appears the cultural "elites" - (aka the parasites and their bi-sexual lackeys like Obama and Hillary) do have their priorities.  --  Let's say it again shall we? There is no such thing as "gay", that is a fantasy of the ruling parasites.  Homosexual behavior has NOTHING to do with your genes, it is a learned behavior or one forced by circumstance.  It is a natural, although "perverted" aspect of learned human sexuality. IF this nation wants to go down the road of Rome and Sparta and end up eventually being led by Caligula's cohorts than do so.  But please stop pretending that this is a "minority" civil rights issue, or at least frame it correctly as a "sexual freedom" civil rights issue with all the consequences that such a drastic change will have on this society's institutions when these "freedoms" (and all there other associated perversions) become institutionalized, codified, and normalized. This is NOT Sparta or Rome....yet and those who want it to be should SAY SO, stop being the cowards they so obviously are, and stop using Orwellian statements and euphemisms such as "equal rights".  Most importantly, one would SINCERELY hope the Amerikan people don't complain and whine about what's going to happen to them and their children as we proceed down this road, or say they weren't's really, REALLY, annoying when they do so!! - mpg.
Jail Guards Turn Women's Prison Into Their Personal Sex Dungeon - A case in point.....
Normally items like this are not posted on this website, it should be noted there are DOZENS of items like this posted every month on the web!  This particular one was posted to demonstrate the points made above.  -- If we as a society continue down this "trendy" "neo-liberal" road, this is what will happen, and it will keep getting worse, everywhere, not just in "prisons".  Everyone's been warned, so please don't complain when this happens to your daughter or your son, assuming of course, Amerikans actually even care if it does. - mpg

Money Junkies and Monopolies Using the NSA Spying Proves They Are the Real National Security Threat
A quote...."There is no way to say this. The only way we can restore our republican form of government is once we get our republic  back. We have to start breaking up the monopolies that have a choke hold on our nation.  These mega corporations now run our government for their gain. Not for our benefit. With the government as their rear guard. They are considered too big to fail or too big to jail."

George Galloway The G8 Members Are The Problem And Not The Solutions To The Problems
Video - (YuTb - 5min47sec - Jun 16, 2013) - Source:  wearechange -- A quote..."Luke Rudkowski interviews British politician George Galloway at an Anti-G8 event about why he is against the G8's policies and his thoughts on the recent Bilderberg meeting."

FAIR TV June 14, 2013
FAIRTVideo - (FAIRTVYuTb - 5min22sec - Jun 14, 2013) - Source:  fairreporting -- A quote...."Pundits Pounce on Snowden, Maddow's Iran Error and the Washington Post's Sales Job."
You, gentle reader, have to check out the "WaPo Sales Job" described in the video - "Snow Job" is more like it.  Paid for editorials, by corporations themselves, in "response" to WaPo's articles (or other oped's?) to be placed in WaPo's editorial section. This website editor kids you not.  Just say to yourself, the "New Roman Empire" a dozen times all you Neo-Roman Bankster slaves out there and you'll get the idea.  It's simply hysterical! - mpg
Michael Rivero on Justin TV -  June 17th, 2013
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 3hrs -  June 17th, 2013) -- Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg

The Illusion Over The Reality
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 20min28sec - Jun 17, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex analyzes the accelerating trend towards transhumanism, or the merging of man with machine, as a Russian multimillionaire announces he's quite serious immortality can be achieved by 2035. We'll also continue discussing the subversion of the Constitution, as one student's First Amendment rights are trampled upon for wearing a shirt supporting the Second, up to and including being accused of making "terroristic threats."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

JPMorgan calls for authoritarian regimes in Europe

A Bankster Comes Out of the Closet -- A quote...."In a document released at the end of May, the American banking and investment giant JP Morgan Chase calls for the overturning of the bourgeois democratic constitutions established in a series of European countries after the Second World War and the installation of authoritarian regimes."
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More On The International Situation....

U.S. puts jets in Jordan, fuels Russian fear of Syria no-fly zone - Whose no fly zone?!?  The US's....or theirs?
A quote...."The United States said on Saturday it would keep F-16 fighters and Patriot missiles in Jordan at Amman's request, and Russia bristled at the possibility they could be used to enforce a no-fly zone inside Syria."

Saudi Arabia wants missiles for Syrian rebels: report
A quote...."Saudi Arabia plans to supply the Syrian opposition with anti-aircraft missiles to counter President Bashar al-Assad's air force, German news weekly Der Spiegel reported Sunday."

Gezi Park Evacuated, Istanbul and Turkey Explode
A quote...."Police attacked Gezi Park yesterday evening (June 15) and after evacuating it using tear gas and, as a novelty, water cannon apparently supplemented with a special kind of chemical since it burnt the skin of everyone it touched, razed the tents, the infirmary, the kitchens and the library established there to the ground."

Rohani won Iran election. Get over it
Special Note - A quote...."This article was co-written by Dr. Flynt Leverett, Hillary Mann Leverett and Dr. Seyed Mohammad Marandi and originally posted at Aljazeera. - -The United States' perennially mistaken Iran "experts" are already spinning Hassan Rohani’s victory in Iran's presidential election as a clear proof of the Islamic Republic's ongoing implosion. - In fact, Rohani’s success sends a very different message: it is well past time for the US to come to terms with the reality of a stable and politically dynamic Islamic Republic of Iran." - For more on this issue see the article and comment shown below....
President-elect Rohani thanks Iranians for huge turnout
Those Damned Iranians, they did it again!!  They didn't ask for the US's and Israel's permission before they held their elections!  How DARE they!  Worse, unlike the US, they've actually been holding verifiable elections every two years using hand-counted paper ballots, along with thousands of international observers, all since the end of their revolution.  Simply disgusting!   WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE?!?! - mpg - posted 05-15-13
Hassan Rohani: Iran’s President-Elect
A quote...."June 17, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  It’s official. Iran’s Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar announced it. Rohani won 50.7% of 36.7 million votes cast. - Six candidates competed. Principlist Mohammad-Baqer Qalibaf finished second. He received one-third of Rohani’s total. - Rohani won decisively. He’ll serve four years. He’s limited to two terms. He’s head of state. On October 24, 1979, Iranians adopted their Constitution. They did so democratically by national referendum."
OH MY GAWD!!  Those fiendish, evil, Iranians did it ALL OVER again.  Not ONLY are they holding verifiable elections without the US-NRE's and Israel's permission, they went and got themselves a Constitution too!!  Will somebody stop these guys!!  The US-NRE discarded theirs more than ten years ago and Israel never even had one (and never intends to get one either) but here are the Iranians, rubbing it right in our faces with a constitution that they're not only honoring, but one they even allowed their people to vote for!! -- What insufferable arrogance!!  Who the HECK do these rag-headed, camel-humping, soon-to-be-Bankster-slaves think they are?!?!  How DARE their politicians not kiss Israel's ass like they do here in the US-NRE every single day, how DARE they retain their constitution when we gave ours up, without a qualm, or even any debate, when Israel and their Banksters told us to do so.  Somebody should do something, somebody has to put a stop to this!! - mpg
Six Libyan soldiers killed in Benghazi violence
A quote...."(Reuters) - Six soldiers were killed and five injured in clashes between Libyan special forces and armed protesters outside a special forces base in the eastern city of Benghazi on Saturday, military officials said on Saturday."

Libya's top general quits after protests turn violent, kill 31
A quote...."After 31 deaths this weekend further proved Libya isn’t moving fast enough to establish a national security force, General Yusef al-Mangoush announced he was quitting as chief of the military. - The General National Congress accepted his resignation on Sunday, BBC reported."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

An Insight Into Palestinian Resilience in Gaza
A quote...."In the eyes of many Westerners, Gaza is a dangerous and war torn place. Even activists, including myself, often imagine Gaza primarily as a place of suffering, and one that has unfairly come to eclipse the affliction of all of Palestine. But while Israel’s wars of aggression against the people of Gaza, as well as its brutal siege, have cost many lives and inflicted countless casualties, Gaza today is a remarkably calm, protected and beautiful place where everyday lives go on, despite the continued suffering of its people. Indeed, Gaza is a place where the heart and soul flourish even if the body is ailing; where people and community are so alive and resilient that it rekindles one’s hope in humanity." - also posted at AlethoNews

Israeli warplanes in intensified flights over Gaza
A quote...."GAZA, (PIC)-- Israeli warplanes intensified flights over the Gaza Strip on Sunday morning. - A field observer said that F16s flew over all areas of the coastal enclave spreading fears among the population. - He pointed out that the warplanes were flying in rows at low altitudes, noting that the act was unprecedented since the last aggression on the Strip ended on 21st November last year."

IOF quell march commemorating three villages ethnically cleansed by Israel
A quote...."RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) attacked on Saturday afternoon a Palestinian march advocating the return of the Palestinians to the ethnically-cleansed villages of Latrun-Imwas, Yalu and Beit Nuba in the West Bank."

PA official: Settlers burn 300 olive trees near Nablus

A quote...."NABLUS (Ma'an) -- A group of settlers set fire to over 300 olive trees on Saturday in a Nablus village, a Palestinian Authority official said. - Ghassan Daghlas, a PA official who monitors settlement activities, told Ma'an that settlers from the illegal outpost of Havat Gilad set fire to olive trees in the Nablus village of Imatin."

Sunday June 16th 2013

No posts. - mpg