Saturday July 27th 2013

No posts. - mpg

Friday July 26th 2013

When Will The Economy Collapse?
Must View SCGVideo - Alt - (SCGYuTb - 12min38sec - Jul 24, 2013) - Source:  SCGYuTb - Related:  StormCloudsGathering - Related:  SCGFcBk - Related:  SCGTwtr - A quote...."When will the economy collapse? Well in order to answer that question we have to first look at the geopolitical variables holding the dollar up, in particular the petrodollar." - Topix....
The Two Faux Democracies Threaten Life On Earth - Note:  scroll down for article & also, donate. - mpg
Quote of the Day...."For the past 68 years, most military aggression can be sourced to the US and Israel. Yet, these two originators of wars pretend to be the victims of aggression. It is Israel that has a nuclear arsenal that is illegal, unacknowledged, and unaccountable. It is Washington that has drafted a war plan based on nuclear first strike. The rest of the world is correct to view these two rogue unaccountable governments as direct threats to life on earth." - also posted at ICH - Topix ||  US-NRE Standard Attack Profiles (SAPs) - 11-16-09 - mpg  ||

Darkness at Noon: The Trap of 'Transparency'
Special Note - A quote...."Arthur Silber asks a very pertinent question: what is the worth of 'transparency'? -- So many of our vaunted dissidents have made 'transparency' one of great goals of their unending agon with the imperial state. If only, they cry, we can let more daylight in on the crimes and atrocities of security apparat and the war machine, then …. well, it's not entirely clear what they believe will follow from this. Probably that 'the people,' now armed with the facts about the filth their rulers wallow in, will rise up and force our elites to sin no more. -- But as Silber points out, the historical record belies this comforting little fantasy. Greater 'transparency' about government crime does not translate into mass opposition to these evils. Indeed, it almost always results in widespread indifference to state atrocities -- when it doesn't inspire enthusiastic embrace of them. Gitmo, aggressive war, Abu Ghraib, waterboarding, drone wars, Orwellian surveillance, White House death squads -- in none of these examples, drawn from just the past 10 years, has greater 'transparency' produced any kind of effective, widespread public opposition. -- Quite the contrary. Torture, aggression, the rape of privacy and assassination are now widely accepted as ordinary tools of statecraft. The 'scandals' that sometimes surround the initial revelation of this or that course of imperial crime never do anything to alter the system itself. In fact, as Silber notes, once the our rulers sees that people don't really care about torture, surveillance or state-sanctioned murder, they are happy to be even more 'transparent' about their activities in these fields."

Al-Qaeda Unleashed Against Syria and Iraq With Acceptance of the West
A quote...."July 26, 2013 "Information Clearing House -   The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – the official denomination of al-Qaeda in Iraq – does not even pretend to be not responsible for the relentless bombing, political assassination and mostly sectarian horror unleashed across Iraq during Ramadan. - But this is exactly what they’re doing, with relish; throwing arrays of crude bombs made with fertilizer enhanced with ball bearings, manipulating a small army of foreign suicide bombers. Most of these, by the way, crossed the desert from Syria. - July has been a deadly month ; over 600 Iraqis killed up to July 25. May was even worse; at least 963 civilians killed and more than 2,000 injured. And now comes the coup de grâce; the already notorious Abu Ghraib jailbreak." - also posted at RT

Death Toll Rises in Syria: United Nations
A quote...."In yet one more example of the tragic nature of the Anglo-American destabilization campaign[1] against Syria, United Nations Secretary Ban Ki-moon has raised the official death toll in Syria to 100,000 from the previous number of 93,000 which was established last month.[2] -- Ki-moon called on both the Syrian government and the foreign-backed death squads[3] to halt the violence and has issued calls for a peace conference in Geneva “as soon as possible.”[4]" - Topix ||  US SoT - Al CIA'da In Syria  ||

Obama Violates Torture Convention - Along with the US Constitution, the Nuremberg Principles, etc. etc.
A quote...."The holy month of Ramadan began on July 8. At Guantanamo Bay™s Camp Delta, Muslim detainees on hunger strike, many of which have been cleared for release, continue to be force-fed against their will. Some of the hunger strikers have been wrongfully and illegally detained for more than 11 years. Meanwhile, we continue to delude ourselves into believing that all detainees at Guantanamo Bay must be guilty of something and, therefore, not worthy of our compassion and empathy." - Source:  PressTV

Who Are We at War With? [Obama and His Minions Say] That’s Classified
A quote...."In a major national security speech this spring, President Obama said again and again that the U.S. is at war with “Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and their associated forces.” - So who exactly are those associated forces? It’s a secret."

Zionist Saudi -’IsraHell’ Deal to Arm Syria Militants
A quote...."ionist regime in Saudi Arabia has agreed with “IsraHell” to finance a deal, worth $ 50 million to buy the old weapons from the “IsraHell” army in order to be sent to the armed opposition in Syria. - In remarks to the Zio-Nazi radio, a well -informed source highlighted that the deal “will include anti-tank missiles, machine guns, cannons, ammunition, light vehicles, spare parts, communications and night vision devices.”" - Topix ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||

Zionists Rulers of the Gulf

A quote..."It is the rulers of the Gulf- among others- that allowed Israel to exist and expand and flourish and – even if they helped the Palestinians financially- they stood as an impasse regarding any attempt at liberating Palestine .At the same time they subjugated their people by owning the country itself and the people, which is a kind of syndrome called the Gulf Syndrome and another kind of slavery or genocide and a different version of the one practiced on Palestinians." - Topix ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||

Depleted Uranium Found in Florida Airport, Evacuation Ordered
That's amusing.  They evacuate an airport because of one drum containing a little depleted uranium, but they knowingly, and deliberately, dosed the ENTIRE country of Iraq with TONS of the stuff.  Amerikan hypocrisy in action, like many other odious aspects of this "society", knows absolutely no bounds! - mpg

[US] House approves 2014 defense spending bill
A quote...."The House on Wednesday evening overwhelmingly approved a spending bill that would give the Pentagon about $600 billion next year, while narrowly killing a measure that targeted controversial NSA surveillance programs. - The chamber’s 2014 defense appropriations bill, approved on a 315-109 vote, includes about $512.5 billion for the Pentagon’s base budget and around $82 billion for overseas operations. The base budget figure is about $3 billion less than the White House requested."

US Empire of Bases: Destruction of Okinawa – Brainwash Update – Abby Martin
BtSVideo - Alt -  (BtSYuTb - 5min34sec - Jul 25, 2013) - Source: BreakingTheSet - Related: BTSFcBk - Related: BTSTwttr - Related:  RussiaToday  -- A quote...."(BreakingTheSet) – Abby Martin goes over the effect of prolonged US military presence in bases all over the world, highlighting the case of Okinawa, Japan, which has hosted over 60 years of US occupation and thousands of young troops who are almost immune from prosecution against crimes committed on the island."

Soft Machine: A Bright Ray of Hope for Bradley Manning
Special Note - A quote...."Many people have worried about the fate of Bradley Manning, a lone soldier who informed the world of war crimes being committed by the War Machine that has devoured the American republic and turned its ravaging, profit-reaping fury on the world. As we all know, Manning is now in the iron grip of that Machine, facing the prospect of life in prison for his truth-telling, having already endured a long incarceration marked by episodes of relentless psychological torture. Many people quite reasonably dread what awaits Manning when the Military Court hands down its inevitable verdict against him. -- But wait -- perhaps all is not lost after all. In the long dark night of our military imperium, a shaft of light, of hope, has suddenly appeared. And it comes from -- of all places -- the very pinnacle of the military justice system that is bearing down on Manning: the Court of Appeal of the Armed Forces of the United States."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

The Lobby Never Sleeps
A quote...."Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” -- *Ariel Sharon*, Former Israeli Prime Minister

Anger at BBC's insistence that all of Jerusalem is Israeli city
BBC Exposed - The BBC has been totally compromised for a very long time.  It is an organization completely riddled with pedophiles along with those who cover up their hideous misdeeds.  Much of this incriminating, abhorrent, behavior has been ferreted out and used for blackmail by Israel's Mossad through operations such as Rupert Murdoch's "phone hacking scandal".  Not to mention the fact the BBC's top management is full of Kazarian Zionists. - mpg - Source:  MEMO

Myra Noveck & the New York Times: Another Journalist with Children in the Israeli Military
NYT Exposed - A quote..."The New York Times recently published a news brief, reporting that Israel is going to re-investigate an incident in which an American citizen, Tristan Anderson, was permanently maimed. - Anderson suffered extensive brain damage (part of his frontal lobe was destroyed) and paralysis, and was blinded in one eye, after Israeli soldiers shot him with a tear gas canister intended as a “barricade penetrator” from inappropriately close range. According to eyewitnesses, Anderson was shot as he was taking photographs in a Palestinian village after an unarmed protest against the illegal and extensive confiscation of village land. - Israeli forces have a history of shooting unarmed protesters with these canisters, which one expert likens to “a small missile.” - Yet the New York Times report, “Israel Reopens Inquiry Into Activist’s Injury” (July 11, 2013, P. 9) reveals few of these details." - also posted at AlethoNews
FYI:   The New York Times is an AIPAC/Israeli Consortium propaganda shill.  The Times is owned by the Jewish, Ochs-Sulzberger family, who've been card-carrying, war-mongering, fellow travelers of the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium and their thirst for endless wars and genocides, and endless American blood and treasure to spend on them, along with Israel's dreams for a mini-empire, since that criminal Kazarian enterprise was established by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. If you're stupid enough to pay good money for this paper, you support propaganda that will impoverish you, deliberately misinform you, and get many Americans, and a whole bunch of other completely innocent people....horribly killed. - mpg
Goodbye Helen Thomas—We Will Miss You
R.I.P. - (August 4, 1920 - July 20, 2013 - aged 92) -- A quote...."Helen Thomas was that rarest of commodities—a journalist in the mainstream media who told the truth. After hearing of her death today, I was reading a tribute to her from one of her former colleagues, Dean Reynolds, of CBS News."

Letter to Another Dishonest “Peace” Broker
A quote...."Well John-boy, how do you think history will judge you? -- The whole world has heard about your brilliant breakthrough – persuading trigger-happy US-subsidised Israel and the strangulated, unarmed Palestinians to agree “in principle” to resume the one-sided negotiations abandoned three years ago. -- The reason they were abandoned, you’ll remember, was simple. The talks were fundamentally bogus, pursued in bad faith and going nowhere, just like all the other talks over the last 20 years. It was talk, talk, talk while the Israelis build, build, build their illegal settlements, illegal annexation wall and Jews-only highways."

A Shattered Dream

A quote...."We were a peaceful, thriving community with hopes and aspirations until the Zionists started coveting our land. We were unprepared and ill equipped for armed conflict and we naively thought that as part of the greater Arab nation we would be protected. We found many, uninvited champions pretending to carry the flag of Palestine when in fact they were conspiring, covertly and clandestinely, to do the opposite."

Israel Looted Millions in Mavi Marmara Booty, Yet Punishes 1 Soldier for Stealing a Laptop
A quote...."One thing you’ve got to hand Israel: it has chutzpah in spades.  Those who participated in the Mavi Marmara expedition to break the Gaza siege were kidnapped by Israeli commandos.  Nine Turks were murdered, many with bullets fired at close range or in the back.  The surviving victims were imprisoned by Israel for days in Ashkelon.  All of their personal belongings were confiscated, which resulted in the looting of at least $2-million (some estimates are as high as $3.5-million) worth of cameras, video camcorders, laptops, cell phones, credit cards, wallets, purses, etc.  One prisoner described her witnessing the murders of her fellow passengers only to find Israeli soldiers were buying beer with her stolen credit card.  Here’s one Israeli report on the matter."

Nasrallah: Europe ‘Bowed Down’ to Israel, US
ZOG Alert - A quote..."What is it about Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah that commands so much respect, not just in the Middle East but throughout the world, including here in America? Certainly the military defeat Israel suffered at Hezbollah’s hands in 2006 has much to do with it, but I think even more than that is his simple willingness to stand and speak the truth. In a world dominated by liars, people value and respect this. Take Nasrallah’s response to the EU’s decision to declare Heabollah’s military wing a “terrorist organization.” The move was of course very much applauded by Israel, the Obama administration, and members of Congress. But what was Nasrallah’s response? That Europe has in effect “bowed down” to Israel and the US. It is, quite simply, the truth, and for most of us it’s not really even all that controversial a statement, but keep in mind we’re talking about a category of people, i.e. those who occupy prominent positions of leadership on the world stage, in which truth is rarely given voice, and this makes the Secretary General’s words quite remarkable." - Topix ||  ZOG - Def. ||

Hezbollah gets “terrorist” label for fighting al-Qaeda
ZOG Alert - A quote...."On Monday, the European Union formally labeled Hezbollah a “terrorist” group. -- Why? Because Hezbollah has gone to war with al-Qaeda. -- But wait a minute – wasn’t al-Qaeda supposed to be the worst terrorist group in the world? Isn’t the West leading a “global war on terror” whose main target is al-Qaeda? Shouldn’t the West be thanking Hezbollah, and showering it with rewards, for turning against global terrorist enemy number one? -- Apparently not." - Source:  PressTV - Topix ||  ZOG - Def. ||

Nasrallah: EU giving "legal cover" for an Israeli war on Lebanon
ZOG Alert - A quote...."( Beirut, Lebanon) The European Union is paving the way for Israel to justify a war on Lebanon, Hezbollah’s secretary general said late Wednesday, two days after the 28 member states issued a decision to put Hezbollah’s military wing on its terror list. - “EU countries should know they are giving legal cover for Israel to launch any war on Lebanon because Israel can claim it is waging war on terrorists,” Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah said in a televised speech at the annual iftar ceremony held by the Women’s Committee of Islamic Resistance Support Association of Hezbollah." - Source:  al-Akhbar - Topix ||  ZOG - Def. ||

Israel Angered by U.S. Leaks of Submarine Missile Attack on Syria
A quote...."Israeli government officials voiced anger at U.S. press leaks traced to the Pentagon following the July 5 Israeli missile attack on the Syrian port of Latakia that destroyed a shipment of Russian-made anti-ship missiles, according to U.S. officials."

European Court of Human Rights rules Khodorkovsky case 'not political'
WOW! There's actually still a court out there that Israel's minions don't control! -- Yet. - mpg -- A quote...."The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has rejected Russian businessman Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s complaint that his jailing for tax evasion in 2005 was “politically motivated from start to finish,” saying the charges against him had a “healthy core.”"

PART 10: Nazism and the German economic miracle
From the History File - May 24, 2005 - A quote...."The term "social market economy" was coined by one of German chancellor Ludwig Erhard's close associates, economist Alfred Mueller-Armack, who served as secretary of state at the Economics Ministry in Bonn from 1958-63. Mueller-Armack defined social market economy as combining market freedom with social equity, with a vigilant regulatory regime to create an equitable framework for free market processes. The success of the social market economy made the Federal Republic of Germany the dominant component in the European Union. Focusing on the social aspect, Erhard himself shied away from praising free markets. He felt that social rules of the market-economy game must be adhered to as a precondition in order to prevent unbridled pursuit of profit from gaining the upper hand."

NSA Spying Never Catches Israelis? - Must be "one ol'dem dare coincidences", drool, drool....mpg
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 10min55sec - Jul 11, 2013) - Source:  Snordster -- A quote...."WHY NOT? Nobody spies as heavily as the israeli's, how come they've never been busted? - Jim W Dean tells why in: "NSA spying never catches Israelis - Why not?" - also posted at VeteransToday - Topix ||  Israel's Net Control  ||  - New Weblist!!
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More on the All Seeing - (Know Nothing) - Police State & Their Surveillance & Suppression of the Web.

Your Freedom Has EXPIRED !! #N3
Must View CMcGVideo - (CMcGYuTb - 5min20sec - Jul 25, 2013) - Source:  crabbydogtrix - Related:  WideAwakeNews

Obama: Defending The Indefensible
A quote...."His doublespeak duplicity reflects the last refuge of a scoundrel. He's the worst in recent memory. Perhaps the worst ever. Forked tongue rhetoric can't disguise it. - Throughout his tenure, he governed lawlessly. He's done so at home and abroad. He spurns rule of law principles and other democratic values. - Nothing suggests change. Business as usual continues. War on humanity is policy. Rogue leaders govern that way. Obama threatens everyone." - also posted at ActivistPost

Snowden Case Reveals Obama's Personal Arrogance
A quote...."The Obama administration is handling the Snowden case the most stupid way it could. Wasn't there once some bureau for public diplomacy and strategic communication in the State Department? - The administration should have shut up as soon as Snowden went public. Instead it is creating a hero in the eyes of many U.S. people and in the eyes of everyone in the rest of the world. Trying to justify its spying on the whole world, threatening other states over Snowden's asylum and pushing "allies" to bring down foreign presidential planes will endear the U.S. to no one."

Limitless Surveillance - Obama’s Willing Executioners of the Fourth Amendment
A quote...."It’s now painfully clear that the president has put out a contract on the Fourth Amendment. And at the Capitol, the hierarchies of both parties are stuffing it into the trunks of their limousines, so each provision can be neatly fitted with cement shoes and delivered to the bottom of the Potomac." - also posted at RINF

Democratic Leaders: All Americans “May Be In Communication With Terrorists”
A quote...."The Democratic leadership nailed its colors to the big brother surveillance state mast firmly yesterday, with many voting in favor of NSA spying. Most bizarre, however, was the party line justification for doing so."

Democratic Establishment Unmasked: Prime Defenders of NSA Bulk Spying
A quote...."July 26, 2013 "Information Clearing House - "The Guardian" -  One of the worst myths Democratic partisans love to tell themselves - and everyone else - is that the GOP refuses to support President Obama no matter what he does. Like its close cousin - the massively deceitful inside-DC grievance that the two parties refuse to cooperate on anything - it's hard to overstate how false this Democratic myth is. When it comes to foreign policy, war, assassinations, drones, surveillance, secrecy, and civil liberties, President Obama's most stalwart, enthusiastic defenders are often found among the most radical precincts of the Republican Party."

Senate Bill Authorizes Sanctions on Russia or any Other Country Offering Snowden Asylum
Roman Empire Alert -- A quote...."July 26 2013 "Information Clearing House - "AP" - U.S. sanctions against any country offering asylum to Edward Snowden advanced in Congress Thursday as the 30-year-old National Security Agency leaker remained in a Moscow airport while Russia weighed a request for him to stay permanently. -- The measure introduced by Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., demands the State Department coordinate with lawmakers on setting penalties against nations that seek to help Snowden avoid extradition to the United States...."

For more on this issue see articles shown below....

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More on the Domestic Situation....

7 Ways to Rekindle the Quest for Truth

Special Note - A quote...."(BackdoorSurvival) – In recent months I have found myself shrugging in disgust as I browse the web and read the latest headlines. I mumble the words I used to say in the old days, “par for the course”. I say that as I find myself becoming complacent while reading the latest news of government excess, corporate shenanigans, sneaky banksters and Wall Street crooks. - More often than not I feel as though I am sitting on a deck chair of the Titanic, slowing watching the ship go down. Pretty sad, I know."

The Militarization of America
Special Note - A quote...."July 26, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  This week’s deployment of Blackhawk helicopters in Chicago is only the latest in a series of “urban warfare training” exercises that have become a familiar feature of American life. - As elsewhere, this exercise was sprung unannounced on a startled civilian population. Conducted in secrecy, apparently with the collusion of local police agencies and elected officials, Democrats and Republicans alike, the ostensible purpose of these exercises is to give US troops experience in what Pentagon doctrine refers to as “Military Operations on Urban Terrain.”"

New DHS Headquarters was a CIA MKUltra Test Facility
A quote...."The Department of Homeland Security’s plans to occupy an old psychiatric hospital in the Washington D.C. area have slowly been moving forward, despite the project’s enormous projected cost." - bold by website editor - Source:  InfoWars - How UTTERLY apropos! - mpg

Dear Friends in America…
A quote...."…I think I should bring your attention to a few recent facts that naturally escape the limelight of glory in the mainstream media. Facts of obviously lesser importance than The New Royal Baby, Zimmerman’s trial and Justin Bieber’s new hairdo, or are they really… The events that we have all seen in the past months have drawn my inquisitive nose over the great pond and into your part of the globe. And I must say, what I see happening is giving me the creeps." - Source:  Sofrep

Boston Brakes: “No Skidmarks in the Sky”
A quote...."There are a dozen ways to gain control of a plane, in fact, the more “fly by wire” a plane is, the more ways to control it remotely.  Now I am told the same thing works for cars, not exactly the same but close enough. -
Nothing particularly clever is required, especially when the plane is capable of landing itself or, with a bit of hacking, making an inconvenient stop in the side of a building.  I am told this game started with the CIA back in Boston, not with planes but cars.  Car wrecks were mechanically staged using the “Boston Brakes” method, not always fatal but always a good way of communicating to someone your displeasure.  Sending a college age daughter into a light pole, reporting her speedometer was stuck at 200 mph and fudging her blood test to show she was “double drunk” has been done countless times. - It isn’t just that crash that makes it “Boston Brakes” but the speedometer stuck at some outrageous speed and the blood acohol level, always from a sample that is mysteriously misplaced later.  Oh, and I almost forgot, no skidmarks, something accident investigators only see at suicides or murder.  Remember, always no skidmarks..." - Topix ||  Boston Bombing  ||

Calls for New Investigations into the FBI Todashev Killing
A quote...."In a story that continues to get little play in western mainstream media, calls have been renewed to investigate the shooting death of 27 year old Chechen immigrant Ibraghim Todashev, alleged acquaintance of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev." - Topix  ||  Boston Bombing - Ibraghim Todashev  ||

Fed Economist Fired for Investigating Suspicious 9-11 Cash Transfers; and Steve Keen Exposes Financial Fallacies
Contains Videos & Chart - (click to view) - Vid1-[57] - Vid2-[55] -- A quote...."Would you be surprised to learn that tens of billions in cold, hard cash was shuffled around just prior to 9-11 by none other than the Fed itself?  Probably not.  Here's a graph, illustrating the change in USD currency production over a ten week period prior to 9-11 compared to the average over the five years prior (which, by the way, includes the Y2K money printing orgy in the year 2000 itself, which skews the average higher)...." - Topix  ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

Manning Faces Unprecedented Charges as Trial Reaches Final Stage
A quote...."Closing arguments for the trial of Pfc. Bradley Manning began Thursday morning in a decisive moment in U.S. history that could find the whistleblower guilty of "aiding the enemy"—a charge that would deal a fatal blow to freedom of the press as well as governmental transparency, critics warn." - also posted at RINF

White House [Obama] Ducks Out of Senate’s First Guantanamo Hearing in Five Years

A quote...."Though president Obama recommitted [re-lied] to closing the detention center at Guantanamo Bay in May, the first Senate hearing in five years held to discuss precisely that topic was notable for the lack of any White House witnesses." - Source:  RT - Topix  ||  9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables  ||

Approval of US high court at record low
A quote...."The poll comes after a number of high profile decisions this term striking down the Defense of Marriage Act, which denied same-sex couples federal benefits, and invalidating a key provision of the Voting Rights Act. That ruling was sharply criticized by civil rights groups who said it could set back minority participation in elections. - The poll found a striking drop in support among blacks." - Topix ||  Welcome to the New Unholy Roman Empire....Slaves!! - 06-27-13 - mpg  ||

Weiner & Spitzer — Now More Than Ever!
Special Note -  A quote...."By Patrick J. Buchanan....the front-runner in the New York mayor’s race today quit Congress as a serial texter of lewd photos to anonymous women. The front-runner in the city comptroller’s race was “Client No. 9″ in the prostitution ring of the convicted madam who is running against him. - Weiner’s strongest challenger for mayor is a lesbian about to marry another lesbian. The sitting mayor and governor are divorced and living with women not their wives. The former mayor’s second wife had to go to court to stop his girlfriend from showing up at Gracie Mansion. - Weiner looks like a mainstream liberal."

Antiwar website sues FBI for spying on them
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 6min23sec - Jul 26, 2013) - Source:  RTAmerica -- A quote...."Between the National Security Agency's domestic surveillance program and the Associated Press scandal, the Obama administration has been under intense scrutiny for spying on journalists across the country. But one website,, is fighting back and suing the FBI for spying on the media organization. Angela Keaton, director of operations at, gives her first-hand account on going head-to-head with the US government for its practices."

Paving The Path to Destruction

CMcGVideo - (CMcGYuTb - 5min2sec - Jul 23, 2013) - Source:  crabbydogtrix - Related:  WideAwakeNews

The Total Destruction of America from Within
Must View AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 37min50sec - Jul 26, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel - Related: PaulCraigRoberts - Related:  PCRYuTb - A quote...."Paul Craig Roberts discusses the dismantling of the U.S. constitution and the current Great Recession."

Michael Rivero on BambuserTV -  July 26th, 2013 - Note:  Webcaster changed. - mpg
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (BambuserTV - 3hrs -  July 26th, 2013) -- Source:  MichaelRiveroBambuserTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg - A comment shown below....
"Starting Friday July 26, the WRH video broadcasts will be switching from JustinTV to Bambuser, hopefully this will mean better connections and fewer commercials!  Thank You for your patience." -- *Michael Rivero*
The WRH Radio Show is Now On XDS!!  Help Us Find Affiliates to Spread the Word!!
Broadcast Announcement - A quote...."As of last Monday, July 22nd, Republic Broadcasting is available over the XDS satellite system, making it available to any radio station in the United States that cares to carry our programming. " -- *Michael Rivero*
Michael Rivero on Justin TV -  July 25th, 2013
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 3hrs -  July 25th, 2013) -- Source:  MichaelRiveroJustinTV-Vids - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.

Our Country Is Run By Sicko Murderers
Must View AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 44min - Jul 25, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Wayne Madsen came to Austin for an exclusive interview on the current scandals, murders, and thievery that our current government is heading up. From Benghazi to Snowden and criminality In between Wayne covers a wide array of subjects. But There is hope if we speak out and get real with our situation."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Royal Goldman Household (E475)
Must View RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 25min46sec - Jul 25, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss vertically integrated trusts in the commodity markets which need to be busted up ala Teddy Roosevelt. They also examine Goldman Sachs' low frequency trading in Detroit and the 'market making' excuse for the aluminum scandal. In the second half, Max talks to Mitch Feierstein of about the debt fuelled faux recovery, discount rate desperation, Jon Corzine rolling off the page with $1.6 billion in customer funds and the Brezhnev of Wall Street."  -- Quotable Quote...."Goldman Sachs, the new aluminati" -- *Max Kaiser*

How Goldman Sachs Robbed You Of Five Billion Dollars
Must View Related TYTVideo - Alt - (TYTYuTb - 12min38sec - Jul 25, 2013) - Source:  TheYoungTurks -- A quote...."The U.S. Department of Justice has started a preliminary probe into the metals warehousing industry following complaints that storage firms owned by Wall Street banks and major traders have inflated prices, sources familiar with the matter said." (Reuters) -- Wall Street can rob you indirectly too-- how are Goldman Sachs and other big banks artificially manipulating the aluminum market and other commodities to make consumers needlessly pay more for everyday items, netting them billions of excess dollars? Cenk Uygur breaks down the disturbing findings."

Goldman And JPMorgan Probed Over Metals Warehouse Manipulations
Related Article - A quote...."Following our initial uncovering of the manipulation and monopolization of the metals warehousing business two years ago, the last few days have seen the public's attention grabbed by the reality of what the banks are actually doing. Following this week's hearing, as the Fed reconsiders banks roles in non-banking businesses (and the 'societal benefit'), it seems the CFTC has woken up. As the WSJ reports, the Department of Justice has opened an initial probe into the metals warehousing industry and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission has also sent letters to some firms telling them to preserve documents, in what is likely the beginning stages of an investigation." - Source:  ZeroHedge

Has the U.S. Treasury Already Exceeded the Debt Limit?
A quote...."U.S. federal debt has been stuck at $16,699,396,000,000.00 for 68 straight days, according to the Daily Treasury Statement on July 24. That amount is exactly $25 million less than the legal borrowing limit of $16,699,421,000,000.00 set on May 17, 2013. But that’s only part of the story. - A digger deep at the numbers actually shows the U.S. Treasury has already blown past the federal legal borrowing limit! And the mainstream media, as usual, is out to lunch. The table below shows how “Total Public Debt Outstanding” is already $38.82 billion above the statuary debt ceiling and now at $16,738,106,000,000.00."

Marc Faber on shadow banking, market psychology, & the global impact of American monetary policy
PGVideo - Alt - (PGYuTb - 9min31sec - Jul 23, 2013) - Source:  theprospectgroup -- A quote...."Marc Faber is an economic authority on global macroeconomics, capital markets, and investment and the Editor & Publisher of "The Gloom Boom & Doom Report". He spoke with The Prospect Group about easy monetary policy and credit growth, asset price volatility, and the Fed."

Obama’s Master Class in Demagogy 101
Special Note - A quote...."July 26, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  Yesterday President Obama chose Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois (originally founded by anti-slavery activists in the 1830s) to float the economic program he has been working out with Wall Street investment bankers. His aim is to wrap this program in a democratic rhetoric. The speech’s actual content boils down to: “I’m doing fine and housing prices are recovering. The way to heal the economy faster is to make a Public-Private Partnership (with Wall Street) to finance new infrastructure investment. The government will guarantee a return – and if there’s any loss, we (you taxpayers) will bear it.” His political genius was not to sugar-coat the shady parts of his proposals."

Obama's Way: Waging Financial War on Humanity
Special Note - A quote...." Class war rages in America. Institutionalized inequality defines it. Obama continues what began decades ago. He exceeds the worst of his predecessors. - He supports capital's divine right. He transferred unprecedented wealth amounts from ordinary Americans to Wall Street, war profiteers, other corporate favorites and privileged elites. - He's ideologically over-the-top. He's no progressive. He's polar opposite. He's not what most people expected. He's not what they deserve. - He's pro-business, pro-privilege, pro-super wealth, anti-populist, and anti-government of, by and for everyone equitably...."

Militarized SWAT Forcefully Evict Elderly Woman From Foreclosed Home

A quote...."There have been numerous instances of this, but one that was really ignored for the most part happened back in November of last year as reported on by AOL Real Estate in a piece that has virtually zero views. Because apparently militarized SWAT troopers removing an elderly woman from her home because she couldn’t keep up with paying the mega banks that are bloated with $83 billion per year in taxpayer funding  is now the role of the ‘debt force’ SWAT team." - Source:  StoryLeak - also posted at BLN

[55] Steve Keen Exposes Financial Fallacies and Debates the Mortgage Debt Jubilee!
PIVideo - Note: link was also posted above in a 9/11 article - (PIYuTb - 27min43sec - Jul 18, 2013) - Source:  PrimeInterest -- A quote...."Here's what's in your Prime Interest today:  "I don't understand gold." Yes, that's what our beloved Fed Chairman actually told Congress today. Maybe that's why Germany wants 300 tonnes of it back. That would be gold the Fed is holding on its behalf. We have just one word for you Finance Minister Schaeuble: tungsten. But don't worry, Chairman Bernanke assured the S&P 500 -- now at all time highs -- that the monetary QE stimulus will continue until the economy can stand on its own feet. Such anthropomorphization is quite quaint for an econometrician, isn't it? We debunk the likes of Bernanke and talk about the mortgage jubilee with economist Steve Keen."

Despite Declining Deficit, Foreigners Aren’t Bailing Us Out, So the Fed Will Keep QE Going
Charts - (click till they're enlarged) -- A quote...."The basic imbalance driving our economy is the government deficit, which spun out of control as a result of the Credit Crisis of 2008/9. But the sequester, improving tax base, lower interest rate, and elimination of stimulus spending have caused the big government deficit, while still extreme, to drop to half its previously nosebleed levels." - Source:  CaseyResearch

Just How Bad Is The US Economy?
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."There appears to be a level of optimism priced into every macro-economic forecast. Whether this is simply mean-reverting models or a systematic need to justify an ever-increasing equity market is unclear but over the past few years the consensus GDP growth forecast has fallen by around 0.7 percentage points over the year before its final release (as hope turns to reality). So just how bad is the current environment? With the latest update of Q2 2013's GDP consensus forecast now at 1.0%, the last year has seen the consensus drop a stunning 2.0 percentage points (almost triple the average loss of hope)."

It Is Happening Again: 18 Similarities Between The Last Financial Crisis And Today
A quote...."If our leaders could have recognized the signs ahead of time, do you think that they could have prevented the financial crisis of 2008?  That is a very timely question, because so many of the warning signs that we saw just before and during the last financial crisis are popping up again.  Many of the things that are happening right now in the stock market, the bond market, the real estate market and in the overall economic data are eerily similar to what we witnessed back in 2008 and 2009." - Source:  EconomicCollapse - also posted at ZeroHedge & DProgram

Italy experiences longest recession since World War II
Contains Video - A quote...."Italy has plunged into its longest recession since World War II, as the country struggles to cope with high jobless rate following the implementation of tough austerity cuts, Press TV reports."

Emergency Exit – Greeks flee country as government resorts to mass layoffs
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 2min46sec - Jul 25, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Greece entered the world financial crisis in 2008 with less than 10 percent of the country’s labor force out of work. Today, more than a quarter of the population is left without jobs and with no apparent chance of getting one. The latest figures from the finance ministry show another 23 percent doesn’t earn enough to stay above the poverty line. And, as RT’s Egor Piskunov reports, Greeks are now looking elsewhere for their future."

UK NHS faces chronic staff shortage: Report
A quote...."Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) is facing such chronic staff shortage in elderly care that the patients might not get the help they need in the future, a report has warned."
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More On The International Situation....

Syria Army says has made more gains
A quote...."The Syrian Army says it has made more gains in clearing the country of foreign-backed militants, inflicting heavy losses on them."

Top Al-Nusra Commander Killed in Syria's Homs
A quote..." The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights announced that the top Iraqi origin commander was killed during an operation carried out by the Syrian army in Al-Sukhnah Town. - The London-based group, however, did not reveal the name of the killed commander, al-Alam reported."
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US [Obama] says there was no coup in Egypt: Report
When is a coup not a coup....when Obama says so. - mpg -- A quote...."American officials announced that the Obama administration would not declare the ouster of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi by the military a coup."

UN urges release of Egypt’s ousted President Mohamed Morsi
A quote...."UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has called for the release of Egypt’s ousted President Mohamed Morsi."

Egypt: Preparing The Repression
A quote...."The situation in Egypt keeps escalating. After the military coup against former president Morsi the Muslim Brotherhood decided to not accept it and to regain power. They took to the streets to demonstrate and are holding sit-ins. There was violence against their demonstrations as well as violence coming from them. But the situation seemed somewhat stable as the coup government established itself without much trouble and the protests in Cairo seemed to dwindle."

Bloody clashes as military moves to break up pro-Mursi rallies in Egypt
A quote...."Deadly clashes erupted across Egypt yesterday, as tens of thousands protested in dozens of marches supporting either deposed Islamist President Mohamed Mursi or the military that ousted him in a July 3 coup."  - For more on the Egyptian situation see articles shown below....
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42 more die in Iraq’s killing fields
A quote...."Forty-two people have been killed and many others injured in bombings and shootings across Iraq, according to security and hospital sources."

Taliban militants say destroyed 15 NATO fuel tankers in West Afghanistan
A quote...."Taliban militants say they have torched at least 15 NATO fuel tankers carrying fuel for the US-led forces in Afghanistan's western province of Farah."

Protests after Tunisia politician shot dead
A quote..."Riot police fired tear gas at protesters in the Tunisian capital Tunis as thousands massed following the assassination of opposition politician Mohamed Brahmi."

Protests erupt after second Tunisia opposition figure assassinated
A quote...."TUNIS, Tunisia — A Tunisian opposition figure was shot to death at his home Thursday, igniting widespread protests after the second high-profile political assassination this year in a country strained by the conflict between Islamist and secular  forces."

Is the U.S. Ramping Up a Secret War in Somalia?
A quote...."The Obama administration earlier this year expanded its secret war in Somalia, stepping up assistance for federal and regional Somali intelligence agencies that are allied against the country's Islamist insurgency. It's a move that's not only violating the terms of an international arms embargo, according to U.N. investigators. The escalation also could be a signal that Washington's signature victory against al-Qaeda's most powerful African ally may be in danger of unraveling." - one commentator stated....
"The US agenda in Somalia (and Eritrea) is military control of the Gulf of Aden, to hold the world hostage to that important oil transit point." -- *Michael Rivero*
Iran: US, Israel Not Invited to Inauguration
Completely understandable. Who in the world would want to invite people who support human cannibalism?  Talk about a "red wedding", who knows what they'll do? - mpg -- A quote...."Iran's foreign ministry says that the United States and Israel have not been invited to attend the Aug. 4 inauguration of the country's president-elect. - Spokesman Abbas Araghchi told a press conference Tuesday that leaders from all other countries, including Britain, have been invited to the swearing-in of Hasan Rouhani. - Araghchi had said on Sunday that all world leaders have been invited to the event, but his remarks Tuesday clarified that U.S. leaders are not in the welcome list. Iran also doesn't recognize Israel."

[Iran's] South Pars development continues despite bans: Iran oil minister
A quote...."Iranian Oil Minister Rostam Qasemi says development of the different phases of the South Pars gas field is going ahead despite US-engineered sanctions against Iran over its nuclear energy program."

Lebanon: European Schizophrenia After Hezbollah Blacklisting
A quote...."Before the EU’s decision to blacklist Hezbollah’s “military wing” was even publicly released, the EU Ambassador to Lebanon Angelina Eichhorst paid two of the party’s officials a visit to reassure them that the decision will not affect relations with the group’s “civilian wing.”"

Gunman kills prominent anti-militia activist in Benghazi
A quote...."A Gunman killed a lawyer and prominent Libyan political activist in the eastern city of Benghazi on Friday, a security official and residents said. - The attack appeared to be the first against an activist in the city although security forces have been frequently targeted."

Prisoners Convicted of Crimes Against Humanity Escape Hospital
A quote...."Two former army officers convicted of crimes against humanity during the last military dictatorship escaped from the Military Hospital in Belgrano yesterday. - The Justice Ministry confirmed that last night Jorge Antonio Olivera and Gustavo Ramon De Marchi escaped from the Central Military Hospital Doctor Cosme Argerich in Buenos Aires, where they had been admitted for a health check."

Kevin Annett: Roman Catholic Church is declared a Transnational Criminal Organization
A quote...."Pope Francis is telling every Catholic in the world to break the laws of their own country and give aid and comfort to child rapists. That's not simply a grossly immoral act but a war crime, since he's attacking the laws and sovereignty of other nations, and threatening the safety of their people" commented George Dufort, the Belgian-based Secretary of the International Common Law Court of Justice, which successfully prosecuted former Pope Benedict and other Vatican officials last February. -- In response to Bergoglio's statement, the ITCCS has today released the following plan of action to its affiliates in twenty one countries, including Italy...."

Spain Privatizes the Sun: Issues Heavy Penalties for Collecting Sunlight
A quote...."If you get caught collecting photons of sunlight for your own use you can drop a fine not exceeding 30 million."
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More On The Palestinian Situation...

Israel Limits EU Activities in West Bank, Gaza – Reports
A quote...."Israeli Defense Minister has ordered to halt cooperation with EU officials in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. It came as a response to European Commission’s guidelines that banned funding of Israel’s controversial settlement program in occupied territories."

PFLP Leader Calls for Protests against Negotiations
A quote...."The secretary-general of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine has called for nationwide protests against a return to negotiations. - Ahmad Saadat urged Palestinians to “break all the barriers of silence and step up to defend the national rights that are being threatened in this critical phase in the region,” in a letter received Friday from Shatta prison, where he is serving a 30-year sentence."

Two people injured in Bil’in weekly march
A quote...."This afternoon the journalist Haitham al-Khatib 37 years old was hit by a tear gas canister in the back after being targeted by the Israeli soldiers, a 18 years old Mahmoud Samara also got injured by a rubber bullet in the leg, their conditions were described as a minor, in addition to cases of suffocation after inhaling tear gas in Bil’in weekly march."

Resistance in Kafr Qaddum met with military violence and collective punishment
A quote...."The Israeli military invaded the village of Kafr Qaddum multiple times on Friday 26th July, firing excessive teargas, sound grenades and rubber bullets at the people of the village. They were also armed and prepared to use live ammunition against peaceful protesters. Several hours later, the village was once again invaded, this time by an Israeli military bulldozer which created a roadblock in the centre of the village, restricting freedom of movement."

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (18 - 24 July 2013)
THIS is what the ISRAELI people, NOT their government, have done to another they have advantage over  every single day for over sixty years.  Would you trust any group of people that remorselessly, relentlessly, sadistically, without a qualm, or a twinge of conscience, did these things to another every single day for OVER SIXTY YEARS?  Would you do "business" with them?  Would you want to associate with them? Just think about what they would do to YOU and YOUR family if they got control over your community!! - mpg

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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Fukushima Unit 3 Steaming Again! Third Time in a Week (Horrid Update) 7/24/13
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Fukushima Unit 3 steaming again, third time in a week — Asahi: High radiation levels detected near where it was observed — Tepco does not know where it’s coming from (PHOTOS) - AFP, July 24, 2013: [...] Today, TEPCO said workers had noticed steam around the fifth floor of the building housing Reactor Number 3, which was wrecked by the tsunami of March 2011. It was the second time in two days and the third time in a week that steam had been observed. The firm has said there has been no increase in the amount of radioactive material being released, although it does not know where the steam is coming from."

Halliburton pleads guilty to destroying evidence in 2010 Gulf oil spill
A quote...."Halliburton Energy Services has pleaded guilty to destroying evidence related to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, a disaster from which the Gulf of Mexico has yet to fully recover, the US Department of Justice announced Thursday." - Source:  RT

Thursday July 25th 2013

No posts. - mpg

Wednesday July 24th 2013

Role Reversal: How the US Became the USSR - PCR's Quarterly Call For Donations
Special Note - A quote...."July 24, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  I spent the summer of 1961 behind the Iron Curtain. I was part of the US-USSR student exchange program. It was the second year of the program that operated under auspices of the US Department of State. Our return to the West via train through East Germany was interrupted by the construction of the Berlin Wall. We were sent back to Poland. The East German rail tracks were occupied with Soviet troop and tank trains as the Red Army concentrated in East Germany to face down any Western interference." - also posted at ICH
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Syrian Regime Change A-La-Carte - Dempsey Offers Menu, Prices, Caveats
A quote...."After committing a half dozen acts of war across the Middle East in recent years, we’re now treated to the absurd spectacle of an American general warning us of the dangers of committing an act of war. On Monday, U.S. General Martin Dempsey starkly outlined options for military action in Syria in a letter to the Senate, ruefully adding a few caveats about costs and collateral damage that triggered some chest-thumping histrionics in the Senate. Dempsey’s menu of warmongering druthers included training and advising the opposition (the term ‘nonlethal’ is always excitedly appended to advisory activities); conducting limited missile strikes; establishing a no-fly zone; creating buffer zones; and controlling chemical weapons. These additional options come even as Congress approves arms shipments to Syrian ‘rebels’." - also posted at AlethoNews

Inside Syria: Britain Violates Own Anti-Terrorist Legislation
Contains PRSTVideo - Alt - A quote...."Press TV has conducted an interview with Michel Chossudovsky, Centre for Research on Globalization ( from Montreal about Britain’s recent announcement that the al-Nusra Front group in Syria as an al-Qaeda terrorist group. -- The following is an approximate transcript of the interview." - Source:  GlobalResrch

“Progressive” Mainstream Media Supports the Destabilization and Balkanization of Syria
(In other words "Progressive" lame-stream media supports the PNAC they always have. - mpg)-- A quote...."Since the onset of the Syrian crisis, Martin Chulov of the Guardian has continuously been one of the most prominent “journalists” whose coverage, to put kindly, has been skewed beyond any recognition of objective journalism. His narratives have systematically relied on sectarian overtones and cherry picked “activist” quotes from such bastions of objectivity as the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Chulov has gone to great to lengths to portray the conflict in simplistic and sectarian terms: “Assad the Alawite, versus the Sunni majority.” -- Source:  GlobalRsrch

Depleted Uranium Linked To Outbreak Of Birth Defects And Cancer In Iraq
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."The US military’s use of depleted uranium in Iraq has led to a sharp increase in Leukemia and birth defects in the city of Najaf – and panicked residents are fearing for their health. Cancer is now more common than the flu, a local doctor tells RT. - The city of Najaf saw one of the most severe military actions during the 2003 invasion. RT traveled to the area, quickly learning that every residential street in several neighborhoods has seen multiple cases of families whose children are ill, as well as families who have lost children, and families who have many relatives suffering from cancer."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Bolshevism and Zionism Are Ideologically Indistinguishable
A quote...."In his 1920 essay “Zionism vs. Bolshevism: The Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People,” Winston Churchill made the statement that Bolshevism both ideologically and politically “gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads”[2] and slowly led them to the slaughter house, where more than ten million innocent peasants eventually lost their precious lives in less than five years.[3] -- Zionism ideologically and politically seeks to complete the work that Bolshevism had started. Bolshevism quickly spread like wildfire in places like China and other major Asian countries such as Vietnam." - Topix ||  Bolshevik Communism - Def.  ||  Zionism - Def.  ||  Kazarians - Def.  ||

The Greatest Mass Murderers of all Time—Excerpt from Dr. Duke’s New Book
A quote...."In 2006, a remarkable article—and admission—appeared in the Israeli news source Ynet News. Titled “Stalin’s Jews[Alt] and written by Jewish columnist Sever Plocker, this piece confirmed that terrible crimes which Jewish Communists had committed under Stalin."

Who Taught America to Use Torture? Its Jewish and Bolshevik Origin.
DDVideo - Alt - (DDYuTb - 15min32sec - Dec 9, 2010) - Source:  DavidDuke -- A quote...."Another Duke video that illustrates the revelations of Dr. Duke’s new book, The Secret Behind Communism. The use of waterboarding, indefinite detention without trial, secret foreign prisons to get around restrictions on the use of “cruel and illegal punishments” and the US Constitution are all things which are repulsive and foreign to all decent Americans—yet all of these outrages have been committed in our name. Why and how did this happen?"

Remember the Torture at Abu Ghraib?
A quote...."Probably no event in recent history has been more damaging to the image of America than the tortures that occurred at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. President Bush claimed that one of the justifications of attacking Iraq, was that people were being tortured by Saddam Hussein in that country."

How Israel Lobby Trained a Diplomat
A quote...."David Rieff’s commentary on Samantha Power’s confirmation hearing is a trenchant account of some of the worst in what we see in the process of confirming nominees for senior positions. Even by the standards of such hearings, Power’s performance was notably obsequious. - This was an abuse of the process by the nominee, in the sense that in a proceeding ostensibly intended to learn more about the nominee we did not learn much at all except that she really, really wants the job of ambassador to the United Nations and is willing to shape her testimony in whatever way it takes to get the job." - also posted at AlethoNews

The Fake Libertarian Glenn Beck - "America Was Established for the Establishment of Israel"

Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Beck speaking at John Hagee's Christians United For Israel on July 23, 2013 in Washington, D.C."

“Single Loyalty” In Action Once Again: US Congressman Moves to Israel
A quote...."In yet another example of the open “single loyalty” which Jewish Supremacists have—to Israel above all—a former US Congressman from Florida has become the first US lawmaker to openly move to and live in Israel."

Israel’s Poverty Rate The Highest In Developed World
A quote...."Israel has the highest poverty rate in the developed world, Haaretz concludes based on a new study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). - The newspaper notes that with a poverty rate of 20.9 percent, Israel scores lowest out of 34 economically developed countries. The country also has one of the biggest gaps between its rich and poor in the developed world."

Punishing Hezbollah: Gulf States Follow in EU’s Footsteps
Of course!!  The Saudi Parasitic Family is part of the "Trinity of Evil", and the so-called "Monarchical" families of the Arabian peninsula follow the Saudis wherever they go!  More proof, if anyone needed it, that these families obey the diktats of Israel and always have. - mpg -- A quote...."The European Union’s decision to blacklist Hezbollah’s “military wing” was made after intense pressure from both the US and Saudi Arabia to punish the Resistance for its involvement in the Syrian crisis." - Topix ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||
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More on the All Seeing - (Know Nothing) - Police State & Their Surveillance & Suppression of the Web.

NSA Surveillance Through the Prism of Political Repression
A quote...."July 28th marks the 35th anniversary of the political assassination of two Puerto Rican independence activists, Carlos Soto Arriví and Arnaldo Darío Rosado, in the infamous Cerro Maravillai case. This case, which was widely followed among Puerto Ricans, involved an agent provocateur that led the activists to an ambush that resulted in their brutal murder by paramilitary agents within the colonial police force. The event led to two investigations, the second of which revealed a conspiracy to cover up both the assassination plot as well as the destruction and manipulation of evidence carried out by the colonial police and justice department, and well as the federal justice department and FBI. Cerro Maravilla symbolizes for many the most outstanding recent example of repressive measures, from surveillance to political assassination, unleashed by US imperialism against the anticolonial movement in Puerto Rico." - also posted at AlethoNews

In a Close Vote, Congress Shamefully Defeats Amendment That Sought to Curtail NSA Surveillance
A quote...."The US House of Representatives came within a few votes of passing a novel amendment that attempted to strike out funding for the highly contentious NSA calling records surveillance program. Under this program, the NSA acquires the records of who you called, when you called, and how long you spoke—for all calls made within the United States, including international, long distance, and even local." - Source EFF

After White House [i.e. OBAMA'S] intervention, House defeats constraints on domestic spying
A quote...."Following intense pressure from the Obama administration and top intelligence officials, the US House of Representatives defeated an amendment that would have placed constraints on the National Security Agency’s powers to spy on the American people."

Snowden wants to stay in Russia indefinitely - Lawyer to RT
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 12min22sec - Jul 24, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Lawyer Anatoly Kucherena says Snowden's asylum bid is still being reviewed by immigration authorities and that the whistleblower will have to stay at Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport, but confirmed that the NSA-leaker will live in Russia. He assured that Snowden is staying in good conditions." - For more on this issue see articles shown below....
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More on the Domestic Situation....

ReThink 9/11 - The Evidence Might Surprise You
New website - 9/11 add campaign. - mpg

Political Assassination and the Crimes of War: The “Unnatural Death” of Dr. David Kelly
R.I.P. - A quote....Ten Years ago: David Kelly Died in Oxfordshire, 17-18 July 2003 -- A bearded man of avuncular appearance had started early in replying to e-mails on the 17th July 2003.  He was in the office of his pretty cottage, with the scent of roses telling of an English summer.  The little village of Southmoor was stirring. He was to send over 80 via one of five hard drives and mostly in reply.  Some would be encrypted because he was writing to friends and colleagues who like him shared secrets in the  field of “WMDs”.  And some would be human and ordinary as from a father of three daughters.  He had delighted in seeing a new born foal and arranged to take his daughter Rachel down the village that Thursday evening to see young life together."

ACLU Calls for New Investigations into Todashev Death
A quote...."The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) wants two US states, Florida and Massachusetts, to open their own investigations into the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) shooting death of a Chechen immigrant acquainted with one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects. - “A person was shot and killed at the hands of law enforcement in Florida. That alone should require Florida officials to investigate, and explain to the public what happened,” said Howard Simon, Florida Executive Director for the nonprofit civil liberties organization, in an ACLU press release." - Source:  RIANovosti - Topix  ||  Boston Bombing - Ibragim Todashev  ||

Arresting Truthers to Protect the Liars in Power
Cartoon - (click to view) -- A quote...."This original cartoon by Catherine Ann Abel is being published for the first time here at Veterans Today. The cartoon was developed as part of the art work to illustrate my forthcoming review essay on Kristina Borjesson’s new feature-length documentary film, TWA Flight 800. In the essay I connect the national security state’s cover-up of the US Navy’s missile-inflicted knock down of Flight 800 in 1996 to the subsequent assault on “Truthers” and the truth commencing with the Big Lies of 9/11."

Obama fired 3 generals, admiral to cover up Benghazi
Benghazigate - A quote...."Maj. Gen.Ralph Baker, commander of the Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa, was fired March 28, according to a Washington Defense official. - The command is headquartered in Djibouti and runs U.S. military operations in East Africa, including some counter-terrorism operations."

Blurring the Line between Police and Military
A quote...."Cheye Calvo, the mayor of Berwyn Heights, Maryland, was taking a shower in his home late Tuesday afternoon, July 29, 2008 in preparation for a meeting he had that night. He heard a loud explosion at the front door of his home followed by the screaming of his mother-in-law who was in the kitchen preparing dinner. Their two black Labs, Payton and Chase, started barking. Calvo told what happened...." - Source:  TheNewAmerican

WARNING: Prominent Activists Being Framed With Child Porn
Web Warning - CointelPro Activity Alert - A quote...."A disturbing trend is unfolding where some entity is attempting to frame prominent anti-establishment activists and alternative media organizations with child pornography. - These activists are being sent emails with malicious attachments containing images of child porn in a seeming attempt to discredit them or set them up for arrest. - Two weeks ago Luke Rudkowski of was sent an email from a @tormail domain with attachments containing child porn."

Hillary Clinton's brother & DHS nominee under investigation for "Cash for Visa" Program
A quote...."President Barack Obama's choice to be the No. 2 official at the Homeland Security Department is under investigation for his role in helping a company run by a brother of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, The Associated Press has learned. "

DOJ/FBI Admit They May Have Abused Hair Analysis To Convict Hundreds To Thousands Of Innocent People
A quote...."....late last week, it was revealed that the DOJ/FBI have more or less admitted that they may have abused microscopic hair analysis in over 2,000 cases, leading to many convictions and a few people already put to death. Apparently over 120 convictions, including 27 death penalty convictions are now seen as suspect due to the questionable analysis -- with more likely on the way." - Source:  TechDirt

Bradley Manning's Nobel Peace Prize
Action Alert - WHY Manning would even want such a discredited, tarnished, blackened, "prize" is a mystery.  However, if the amoral idiots on the Nobel Committee chose to actually honor Alfred Nobel's mandate and give the prize to Manning, they'd restore a tiny, bit of it's luster.  But they'd do an even better job of restoring the prize's true meaning, rewarding and lauding those who actually promote "Peace", if, while they give the "prize" to Manning, they also strip it  from the war mongers and murderers they foolishly also gave it too and who absolutely did not deserve to receive it, such as Henry Kissinger, Shimon Peres, Yitzhak Rabin, Al Gore, and most egregious of ALL recipients....the mass murdering psycho and resident terrorist in chief of the United States of Amerika, Barack Obama.  Such a move would go a long way toward restoring the credibility of Nobel's "Peace" prize. - mpg

Michael Rivero on Justin TV -  July 24th, 2013
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 3hrs -  July 24th, 2013) -- Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "The Extended Generation?" - (7/23/13)
GCVideo - (GCYuTb - 16min08sec - Jul 24, 2013) - Source:  GrldCelYuTb - Related:  TrendsJournal - A quote....."Housing rebounds, American's living with families in one household & the presstitutes keep pumping out more baby news..."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Destabilization, Algobots, Counterfeiting (E474)
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 25min46sec - Jul 23, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the global counterfeiting schemes that Interpol failed to stop this past week: spoof trading high frequency algobots, brokers trafficking in bogus derivatives backed by delusional collateral, rob signing mortgage forgeries and fake Libor rate setting bankers. They also look at the interest rate swaps that sank Detroit, Harvard, Jefferson County, Alabama and Greece. In the second half, Max talks to Sandeep Jaitly of, about gold backwardation, Flaming Jamie, a run on the gold markets and the fact that fiat can't fail in fiat terms but it can in gold. Max also says that if Snowden can press one button and take down the US, then people should ask for delivery of physical gold."

Who Controls The Global Economy? Do Not Underestimate The Power Of The Big Banks
A quote...."Are the big banks really as powerful as some people say that they are?  Do they really control the global economy?  If y0u asked most people, they would tell you that governments control the global economy.  But the campaigns of our politicians are funded by the ultra-wealthy, the big banks and the large corporations that they control.  Others would tell you that the Federal Reserve and the rest of the central banks around the world control the global economy.  But the truth is that the Federal Reserve was established by the bankers and for the benefit of the bankers.  As you will see below, at the very core of the global economy there exists a "super-entity" of financial institutions that control an almost unimaginable amount of wealth and power. ..." - also posted at BLN

Goldman Sachs Contains 4,000 Separate Corporate Entities
A quote...."Including more than 739 companies based in the Cayman Islands alone. Common Dreams on the staggering webs woven by multinationals as they split and grow, bringing to mind primitive, blob-like life forms expanding and engulfing their surroundings: - also posted at BLN

Bankers Own the World
A quote...."In every era, there are certain people and institutions that are held in the highest public regard as they embody the prevailing values of society. Not that long ago, Albert Einstein was a major public figure and was widely revered. Can you name a scientist that commands a similar presence today? -- Today, some of the most celebrated individuals and institutions are ensconced within the financial industry; in banks, hedge funds, and private equity firms. Which is odd because none of these firms or individuals actually make anything, which society might point to as additive to our living standards. Instead, these financial magicians harvest value from the rest of society that has to work hard to produce real things of real value." - bold by website editor - also posted at FromTheTrenches - Topix  ||  Bankster - Def. ||  Banksterism -  Def. ||

Debt Levels Are Skyrocketing To Extremely Dangerous Levels – How Long Can This Possibly Keep Going?
That's easy!  Longer than those who bet against it can remain solvent. - mpg -- A quote...."Never before has the world faced such a serious debt crisis.  Yes, in the past there have certainly been nations that have gotten into trouble with debt, but we have never had a situation where virtually all of the major powers around the globe were all drowning in debt at the same time.  And what makes this crisis even more unprecedented is that everyone on the planet is using fiat currency that is backed up by nothing.  It is all just a bunch of paper and data points that people have faith in.  Right now, confidence in this system is being shaken as debt levels skyrocket to extremely dangerous levels.  Many are openly wondering how much longer this can possibly go on...." - also posted at ActivistPost
Mass defaults bring Obama housing rescue under scrutiny
A quote...."Nearly half of the mortgages modified in 2009 under the Obama administration's signature homeowner rescue effort are in default again, according to a report on Wednesday that raised concerns about the program's effectiveness."

Americans Gambling on Mortgage Rates With Most ARMs Since 2008
A quote..."Jung Lim plans to offset the cost of rising mortgage rates by using an adjustable-rate loan to buy a home for his expanding family. For the California endodontist, the money he’ll save makes up for the ARM’s risky reputation."

The U.S. ‘Recovery’ Is Coming To An End?
A quote..."Some 61 percent of Americans polled say the nation is headed off on the wrong track compared to 29 percent who say it’s headed in the right direction; that compares to the 53 percent and 41 percent, respectively, findings last December in the wake of President Obama’s re-election."

How Does America’s Middle Class Rank Globally? #27
A quote...."We are number 1 right? USA! USA! No one can beat our wealth creation machine, our economic dynamism, our level playing field and our bastions of higher education. We have a middle class that is the envy of the world, right? - Well, like so much of the “American dream” we have been force fed for a generation or more, this perception is not based in reality whatsoever. Sure it may have been the case for a couple of decades immediately after World War 2. Before the military-industrial-Wall Street complex fully took over the political process, but it certainly isn’t true any longer. Myths die hard and this one is particularly pernicious because it prevents people from changing things. - As James Baldwin said...."
"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced." - also posted at ZeroHedge
Detroit: The Bell Tolls for All of Us
A quote...."Detroit’s “crisis” is a yet another form of “disaster capitalism,” orchestrated by corporate America. “Wall Street is creating new law and new models for the total subjugation of American society to the Lords of Capital.”" - also posted AlethoNews

Chicago Fires More than 2,000 School Staff as Crippling Cuts Deepen
RNVideo - Alt - (RNYuTb - 11min33sec - Jul 22, 2013) - Source:  TheRealNews -- A quote..."Austerity deepens in Chicago this year with the firing of more than 3,000 total school staff after closing 50 schools."

France's jobless rate hits new record at 11.2% in June
A quote...."The unemployment rate in France has hit a new record high of 11.2 percent in June, data presented by the country’s Labor Ministry shows."

Cyprus Real Estate Prices Post Record Plunge
A quote...."Days after Cyprus banks were bailed out (or, rather, in) in March, even if it meant the complete collapse of the local economy just to keep the country in the Eurozone and potentially the sale of the country's gold to provide its own funding toward the "common cause", the Eurogroup came out with a "Debt Sustainability Analysis" which predicted some hard times for the country but its eventual recovery. About a week later it emerged that the funding needs of the tiny island nation would be far greater than previously imagined...."

Cyprus Deposits Plunge At Fastest Rate In History
Charts - (click to view) -- A quote...."Perhaps the most underreported news to come out of Europe this morning had nothing to do with PMI or employment or credit creation in the Eurozone. It had to do with Cyprus - the insolvent island that everyone forgot - and which since its March bail in has been left for a state of Schrodingerian suspended animation, where it is either alive or dead depending on what propaganda wave function it had to satisfy."
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More On The International Situation....

Egypt: Preparing The Repression

A quote...."The situation in Egypt keeps escalating. After the military coup against former president Morsi the Muslim Brotherhood decided to not accept it and to regain power. They took to the streets to demonstrate and are holding sit-ins. There was violence against their demonstrations as well as violence coming from them. But the situation seemed somewhat stable as the coup government established itself without much trouble and the protests in Cairo seemed to dwindle. -- The ruling military though has a different view. For them the situation in the Sinai is a crucial issue. There militant Jihadists [Israel's stooges] some of them foreigners and equipped with weapons smuggled in from Libya, have attacked army position and camps and seem to develop capabilities that could soon allow them to launch attacks into the Nile delta."

Egypt's public prosecutor orders arrest of Brotherhood leaders
A quote...."Egypt's public prosecutor has ordered the arrest of Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie and eight other senior members of the movement."

America’s Newest Suharto / Pinochet Calls for More Violence in Egypt
A quote...."July 24, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  Looking more and more like the classic American made dictator in some foreign land, Egypt’s Armed Forces Chief General Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi has called on the fascist elements in his country to step forward on July 26th and attack the peaceful protesters who are still trying to get the elected government back in power...."
“Please, shoulder your responsibility with me, your army, and the police and show your size and steadfastness in the face of what is going on,” al-Sisi
"What the American trained (and financially backed)  al Sisi is doing is overtly telling the Mubarak supporting thug squads it’s open season on the pro-Morsi (pro-democracy) Egyptians all across the country. His statement “stand with me, your army and the police” is painfully clear: do what you like, we will not get in your way."

Tales of witnesses to Cairo massacre back pro-Morsi version
A quote...."CAIRO — Overlooking the scene where 55 supporters of deposed President Mohammed Morsi died during a standoff with the Egyptian military two weeks ago are two 16-story apartment buildings whose residents are perhaps the only unbiased witnesses to what happened."
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Syrian City of Raqqa Suffers Under Rebel Rule
A quote...."What is happening in Raqqa? It is worth bring attention to the governorate that is “ruled” by the opposition, since it is the first actual model of an alternative authority to the state. The opposition referred to here is not the Syrian Coalition or its “temporary” government, but the Free Syrian Army (FSA) brigades and the Religious Body to Support the Syrian Revolution."

Head of Syrian Jihadists: We Support an Islamic Caliphate
A quote...."The leader of the jihadist Syrian rebel group Jabhat Al-Nusra (Al-Nusra Front) has declared that his group is in favor of establishing an Islamic caliphate in civil war torn Syria."

Syria : disillusioned rebels drift back to take Assad amnesty
A quote...."(Breaking News) The Daily Telegraph newspaper published an article today talked about the disillusionment that “FSA” fighters faced; they yearn for safety in army-held areas as Extremists seized their own “revolution”." - Source:  BreakingNews

Kurdish group advancing toward northern Iraq border
A quote...."The YPG, the armed wing of the PYD known for its affiliation with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), is advancing toward the Arabiya Gate in Mosul in northern Iraq. The YPG is preparing an operation for the border gate which is currently controlled by the El Nusra Front."

Back to the Turkish Quagmire in Syrian Kurdistan
A quote...."The events unfolding in northern Syria trouble Ankara more than Damascus. Kurdish fighters are putting up portraits of Abdullah Öcalan, leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), and kicking out Syrian opposition fighters from villages in an attempt to establish an autonomous Kurdish region."

Officials: Attacks kill 14 people in Iraq
A quote...."BAGHDAD: Insurgents ambushed a police headquarters in northern Iraq early Wednesday, killing at least nine policemen and extending the surge of attacks that has killed more than 500 people this month alone, officials said."

Putin to offer advanced antimissiles to soothe Iran’s S-300 grudge – report
A quote...."Russian President Vladimir Putin may visit Tehran next month, according to a newspaper report. Among other things he is to discuss with Iran’s new president is a possible deal to supply advanced antiballistic missiles to the Islamic Republic. -- Putin is expected to fly to Iran on August 12 to meet in person the country’s newly-elected President Hassan Rouhani, reports the Russian business daily Kommersant citing anonymous sources. Iran's Mehr news agency said Putin would arrive on August 16, without citing a source."

Turkish Journalists Under Siege For Coverage of People’s Protest
A quote...."Journalists in Turkey who covered this spring’s Gezi Park protests are living in a “half-open penitentiary,” say critics, as media bosses—under pressure from Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s government—have sacked dozens of reporters while others face criminal prosecution."

Terrorists bomb ISI in Sukkur
A quote...."In a brazen challenge to the country’s military, a bomb and gun attack on the regional office of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency in Sukkur’s Barrage Colony on Wednesday killed two government employees and wounded at least 40 while five terrorists were also killed."

Three US Soldiers Among 8 Killed by Afghan Suicide Donkey Bombing
A quote..."Three US soldiers were among eight people killed today in the Wardak Province when a suicide bomber disguised as a farmer rode up on them with a donkey and a lot of explosives, detonating in their midst along the highway." - Source:  AntiWar

Bowman Expedition 2.0 Targets Indigenous Communities in Central America
Human Terrain System Alert - (Def.  Artcl1 - Artcl2 - Artcl3 - Artlc4 - Artcl5 - A quote...."Like previous Bowman Expeditions, the expedition’s goal is to compile basic, “open-source,” information about countries that can be used to inform U.S. policy makers and the military. This time, however, they won’t be focused on a single country. Instead they’ll be working throughout Central America, a region that Herlihy and Dobson have elsewhere called “The U.S. Borderlands.” What is this Expedition about? And why is the Defense Department funding academic research on indigenous peoples?" - Source:  PPEL

US Must End Imperialistic Stance: Maduro - Hah!  One does not use the word "Must" to an Empire. - mpg
A quote...."Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro says Caracas-Washington ties could not be normalized unless the US ends its œimperialistic attitude” towards Latin America. " - Source:  PressTV

Canadian Government Withholding Documents Concerning the Torture of Native Children
A quote...."In the early 1990s an affiliation of Cochrane, Kapuskasing and James Bay’s OPP detectives were assigned to investigate one of the largest claims of sexual and physical abuse against children in Canadian history. The testimony they amassed by talking to hundreds of survivors of St. Anne’s Residential School in Fort Albany Ontario was horrifying.  Residential Schools were a form of genocide—and the OPP’s special investigation into St. Anne’s provided 7,000 pages of stories that wouldn’t be out of place in memoirs of concentration camp survivors, or of individuals trapped in a country where ethnic cleansing is a government policy." - also posted at AlethoNews

Russian Air Force most modern in Europe by 2020
A quote...."Many Air Forces in Europe are currently getting a modern fleet of fighter jets. Mostly 4.5 generation or even 5th generation fighter jets are being bought at the moment. - This is the fighter aircraft shopping list of EU countries, Norway and Switzerland...."

Russia’s Strategic Missile Forces Start Snap Combat Drills
A quote...."MOSCOW, July 23 (RIA Novosti) – Over 2,500 servicemen and 350 weapons systems are involved in snap combat readiness drills for Russia’s Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN), a Defense Ministry spokesman said Tuesday. - The drills, involving the headquarters and two missile divisions of the Orenburg Missile Army in Russia’s Urals region, began Monday and are set to run through Saturday, Col. Igor Yegorov said. - As well as providing an opportunity to evaluate service personnel and equipment in these units for efficiency, the drills also test weapons systems’ operational readiness, establishing if they can be deployed within a set timeframe, Yegorov explained." - Source:  RIANovosti
UN slams Israel Bedouin resettlement plan
A quote...."GENEVA (AFP) -- UN human rights chief Navi Pillay on Thursday slammed Israeli plans to resettle up to 40,000 Bedouin and demolish 40 villages in the Negev region, urging the government to reconsider them."
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More On The Palestinian Situation...

Egypt tunnel closures create 'serious shortages' in Gaza
A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- The UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process said Tuesday that Egypt's crackdown on smuggling tunnels, together with ongoing Israeli restrictions, have created severe shortages in Gaza."

Siam family from Sheikh Jarrah, struggling against eviction order and not giving up
A quote...."The latest family to be given an eviction order in the East Jerusalem neighborhood Sheikh Jarrah is the Siam family. After a six year legal battle, the court has ruled the house to be ;.labsentee property and the eviction has been ratified by the Magistrate’s court."

Jewish settlers [gang-bangers] smash Palestinian cars in Jerusalem
Related Article - A quote...."OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Jewish settlers [gang-bangers] attacked Palestinian cars in occupied Jerusalem at dawn Thursday smashing their windshields and puncturing their tires. - Local sources said that around 20 Jewish settlers [gang-bangers] burst into Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood at dawn and started attacking Palestinian vehicles owned by the Salah family."

Egyptian authorities allow only 50 Palestinians to travel via Rafah terminal
A quote...."GAZA, (PIC)-- The Egyptian authorities decided to open the Rafah border terminal with the Gaza Strip only for 50 persons daily. - A Palestinian security source told the PIC reporter on Wednesday that negotiations with the Egyptian authorities resulted in allowing only 50 Palestinians to leave the Strip on daily basis via the Rafah border terminal."

Families Denied Prison Visit After Objecting To Strip Search
A quote...."The International Solidarity Foundation for Human Rights (ISFHR) reported that dozens of families of Palestinian detainees held by Israel at the Nafha prison have been denied family visits after a young Palestinian woman refused to be strip searched by the soldiers."

12 prisoners continue their hunger strike in Israeli jails
A quote...."RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- Palestinian human rights sources revealed Thursday that 12 Palestinian prisoners continue their open hunger strike in Israeli jails. - The oldest hunger striker is Ayman Issa Hamdan from Bethlehem who declared an open hunger strike since April 28 protesting his administrative detention, Palestinian Prisoners Society said."

Palestinian Photographer Shot in Cheek Faces Prison Again
A quote...."On June 30, Israeli forces invaded the Aida-area In the middle of the night. Soldiers broke into the home of Palestinian photographer Mohamed Al-Azza, assaulted him and his family and detained him. Freed on July 11 on paying a bail of 1,500 shekels, he is scheduled to appear on July 25 before an Israeli military court, which will rule on his case."

Soldiers invade two Palestinian houses – for training only

A quote...."Last night, Israeli occupation soldiers invaded two houses in Tel Rumeida, Hebron, one being the Sumud house and the headquarters of the Palestinian human rights organisation Youth Against Settlements."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

3 Signs That Anti-GMO Activism Is Working In Europe
A quote...."There are days that Monsanto’s efforts to dominate the food supply through its patenting of GMO seeds seem so malicious and abhorrent, that any possibility of regular people and family farms taking back control over agriculture and our food source appears insurmountable. Yet, there are also days when it appears the efforts of activism from regular citizens is succeeding in exposing Monsanto as an ego-driven, malevolent organization that can easily be opposed, undermined and cast out." - also posted at BLN

Another win for Monsanto: US raises allowable levels of company’s pesticide in crops
A quote...."Biotech giant Monsanto has been awarded yet another victory by the federal government thanks to a recent Environmental Protection Agency decision to allow larger traces of the herbicide glyphosate in farm-grown foods. - Despite a number of studies linking exposure to the chemical with diseases including types of cancer, the EPA is increasing the amount of glyphosate allowed in oilseed and food crops." - Source:  RT

The Top 10 Teas for Your Herbal Medicine Cabinet
Action Alert - A quote...."When you’re sick, little is more comforting than holding a steaming mug of fragrant tea in both hands, warming your face with the hot steam.  Somehow, no matter how rotten you felt before, you instantly feel just a tiny bit better." - Source:  TheOrganicPrepper

13 Worst Processed Foods You Should Never Buy
Action Alert - A quote...."There are certain modern foods which contribute greatly to health problems and obesity. By simply avoiding them, you can revolutionize your health and lose weight. Here are 13 processed foods which you should always try to avoid...."

Garlic Beats Drug in Detoxifying Lead Safely From Body
Action Alert - A quote...."Last year, a remarkable study published in the journal Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology revealed something very special about garlic: it is a natural detoxifier of lead and is not only as effective as a common chelation drug known as d-penicillamine at pulling this metal out of the body but is also much safer." - Source:  GreenMedInfo

Tuesday July 23rd 2013

No posts. - mpg

Monday July 22nd 2013

Chris Hedges: The Liberal Elite has Betrayed the People They Claim to Defend - (Part 5of7)
Must View RNNVideo - Alt(5of7) - Part 4of7 - Part 3of7 - Part 2of7 - Part 1of7 - (RNNYuTb - 18min26sec - Jul 22, 2013) - Source:  TheRealNews - Related:  TheRealNewsVids -- A quote...."On Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, Chris Hedges says The Democratic Party used to watch out for the interests of labor and even for the poor. But that all changed under Bill Clinton. Although Clinton, like Obama, continues to speak in that feel-your-pain language of traditional liberalism, they've completely betrayed the very people that they purport to represent and defend."

America No Longer Has a Functioning Judicial System
A quote...."The Department of Justice told a federal court this week that the NSA’s spying “cannot be challenged in a court of law”. - (This is especially dramatic given that numerous federal judges and legal scholars – including a former FISA judge – say that the FISA spying “court” is nothing but a kangaroo court.) - Also this week, the Department of Justice told a federal court that the courts cannot review the legality of the government’s assassination by drone of Americans abroad...."

Former head of MI6 threatens to expose secrets of Iraq 'dodgy dossier'
You'd THINK whistleblowers would learn! NEVER threaten, just release what you have while retaining copies of a few of the choicest items, stored safely away and to be released in the event of your untimely death.  It's much safer.  If you don't think so just go ask the "DC Madam", Michael Hastings, Andrew Breitbart, David Kelly or any of the thousands of others who had something to tell, but kept silent to long, and were then silenced forever! -- mpg -- A quote..."A former head of MI6 has threatened to expose the secrets of the ‘dodgy dossier’ if he disagrees with the long-awaited findings of the Chilcot Inquiry into the UK’s role in the Iraq War."

The Ginned-Up Syrian Death Toll
A quote...."I don’t know what the statistics are, and I’ll also state clearly that they make no difference whatsoever to my stand, which is: Hands off Syria! No U.S. intervention in Syria. However, because these numbers are being used (and, in my opinion, “ginned up”) to justify ever-increasing intervention in Syria, it is important to understand them, and rebut them, if they are false. Which, in my opinion, is without question." - Source:  Left-I/OnTheNews

Imported Torture Haunts Poland
A quote...."WARSAW, Jul 21 2013 (IPS) - The only sign of life at Szymany’s “international airport” are mosquitoes eager to suck blood out of a rare visitor. The gate is locked with a rusted chain and a padlock. - Evidence suggest that some of the last passengers at this site were CIA officers and their prisoners. That was in 2003. Soon after, the airport about 180 km north of Warsaw inside the picturesque Mazury forests went out of service." - also posted at CommonDreams

Aafia Siddiqui: Victim of US Injustice - posted at ICH
A quote...." July 22, 2013 "Information Clearing House - She’s one of thousands of US political prisoners. She’s well known. She committed no crimes. She’s been brutalized in captivity. Mercy isn’t in America’s vocabulary. Rogue states operate that way. - Washington’s by far the worst. It reportedly agreed to Pakistan’s extradition terms. Both sides will swap prisoners. - Previous articles discussed her 2003 abduction, detention, torture, false charges, prosecution, and conviction. More on that below." - Source:  StephenLendman

Depleted uranium used by US forces blamed for birth defects and cancer in Iraq
A quote...."Cancer is more common than flu in the Iraqi city of Najaf, a local medic tells RT. While doctors say the government discourages them from talking openly to the press on the disease, local families are scared of having more kids with birth defects. - Rates of leukemia and birth defects “rose dramatically” due to use of depleted uranium by the US military since 2003 invasion." - Source:  RTNews

Russian Official Accuses U.S. of Biological Weapons Violations
A quote...."As quoted in the Moscow Times, July 20, 2013, Russia’s chief sanitary inspector, Gennady Onishchenko, has accused the U.S. of producing biological weapons in a Georgia at a U.S. Navy facility that is run in concert with the Georgian government."

Citizen talking points to prove US War Crimes, massive economic fraud, corporate media lies
A quote...."As a citizen, I strongly recommend that you develop command to explain, document, and prove at least a few of perhaps ~100 serious crimes of US 1% “leadership.” The purpose is for you to help the 99% recognize:
Ikhwan Muslimin (Muslim Brotherhood) Not Who They Claim To Be
From the History File - August 11, 2002 - A quote...."As the American government, led by the Bush Administration, fights its so-called “War On Terror” with plans to invade and overthrow Iraq, America’s steadfast ally in this endeavor continues to be the British government of Tony Blair. The following study will take a look at the history of the region that America has become entangled in, a region that used to be, and to some degree still is, almost entirely controlled by Britain. Is this current “War On Terror” truly a war to bring freedom to the region and to promote traditional American ideals, or is it a power-play to solidify global American hegemony? And what does Britain have to gain? - Britain appears to be our greatest ally but it must be understood that British geo-strategists are the masters of political manipulation and subversion. Even as the physical British colonial empire was declining in the first half of this century they were already building the framework for a completely global empire based on the legacy of Cecil Rhodes utilizing the resources of the super-capitalists and financiers of New York and London...." - Topix -||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10  ||  The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle  ||  Some Definitions  ||
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

UK MP and Israel Critic David Ward is Suspended From Party
ZOG Alert - Some quotes...."Back in January the Liberal Democrat leadership threw a mighty wobbly when MP David Ward made this remark on his website...."
“I am saddened that the Jews, who suffered unbelievable levels of persecution during the Holocaust, could within a few years of liberation from the death camps be inflicting atrocities on Palestinians in the new State of Israel and continue to do so on a daily basis in the West Bank and Gaza.” -- *David Ward*, British Minister of Parliment
"The story went quiet for a few months. Then this week, just as Parliament broke up for the long summer holiday, Ward received a letter from Carmichael ‘withdrawing the whip’ (suspending him from the parliamentary party), until 13 September." - Topix ||  ZOG - Def. ||

How Much does Israel Cost the Average American?
ZOG Alert - Some quotes...."While so many Americans are subsisting on food stamps, losing their homes, and accumulating credit card debt they will never be able to pay off, the US is giving Israel $3 billion in direct foreign aid every year and, according to Congressman James Traficant, another $12-17 billion in indirect aid such as valuable military equipment deemed “scrapped,” loan guarantees, and preferential contracts. Israel is an affluent country with more than 10,000 millionaires and, according to the International Monetary Fund, was one of the few economies that weathered the 2008 financial storm nearly unscathed." - Topix ||  ZOG - Def. ||

If we are Going to Retreat, Must we Grovel so Shamefully as we Leave? - posted at ICH
A quote...." July 22, 2013 "Information Clearing House - "The Independent" - Like Beethoven’s Fifth and Tchaikovsky’s 1812, Shelley’s Ozymandias is, alas, a cliche solely through overuse. But never have its sentiments – “Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!” – been more applicable to the lands which we still call the “Middle East” and its torturous embrace by “the West”. The British fled Basra, the Americans deserted Iraq. Now we are all preparing the Retreat from Afghanistan. The “sneer of cold command” – on the shattered visage of Ozymandias, although we tend to forget this line of the poem – catches so well the Muslim view of our colonialism and of the only colonial power left in the region: Israel. Militarily, we have already scuttled away, as the French did in Algeria in 1962, and the British in Aden in 1967, and the Multinational Force in Beirut in 1984. I suppose we must also remember the British in Palestine."

The Road to Nowhere - Kerry Mideast Journey - posted at ICH
A quote...."July 21, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  Here we go again, another round of Mideast peace talk kabuki. - A process in which Washington, Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization hold intense talks over holding talks, a ritual as stylized as the traditional Japanese dance. In the end, it’s the same empty, cynical ritual, year after year. - This past week, US Secretary of State John Kerry has been leading the dance in the latest attempt to restart peace talks between Israel and the Mahmoud Abbas’ PLO. As of this writing, the talks appear off. But they may be on again just as quickly. It depends on how much Washington offers its feuding clients, Israel and the PLO."

Israeli soldiers have depraved “fun” making “Rachel Corrie pancakes”
A quote...."Israeli soldiers had a “fun” time making what they called “Rachel Corrie pancakes.” - Photos of the event were posted on the Facebook page of the “Heritage House,” a settlement in occupied East Jerusalem that houses so-called “lone soldiers,” men recruited from overseas to join the Israeli occupation forces."
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More on the All Seeing - (Know Nothing) - Police State & Their Surveillance & Suppression of the Web.

Required Reading for Aspiring Whistleblowers - '1984' and 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire' offer insight into Edward Snowden's plight. -- A quote...."In mid-July, weeks after Edward Snowden had spilled the beans about NSA monitoring us all, I saw that Nineteen Eighty-Four was ranked #35 in books at Amazon. It was also #6 in literary fiction and #7 in science fiction and fantasy. Those are good numbers for a novel first published in 1949, before most of its current readers (and their parents) had been born."

Germany should honour its debt and offer NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden asylum
A quote...."Authoritarian states have a genius for damaging themselves by the obsessive persecution of individual dissidents whom they thereby transform into celebrity martyrs. The Soviet Union used to do this with Andrei Sakharov, Alexander Solzhenitsyn and a host of lesser critics of its system. Today, it is the post 9/11 United States that discredits itself by its relentless pursuit of Edward Snowden under the pretence that he is an arch-traitor aiding the enemies of America." - For more on this issue see articles shown below....
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More on the Domestic Situation....

CIA Blocked Security Team Departure During Benghazi Attack
Benghanzigate - A quote...."The CIA “repeatedly blocked” the departure of a security team that was ready “within minutes” to respond to the Sept. 11, 2012, terror attacks in Benghazi, Libya that claimed the lives of four Americans, according to Rep. Frank Wolf (R., Va.)" - Source:  FreeBeaconDotCom

FBI Agent Gave Whitey Bulger Explosives to Send to IRA
Special Note - YOUR government in action folks, this is what YOU and YOUR tax dollars supports!! - mpg -- A quote...."An FBI agent gave Whitey Bulger 40 pounds of plastic explosives most of which was sent to the IRA a key witness in the Whitey Bulger trial has stated. - Steve Flemmi is the prosecution key witness already serving life without parole who says he accompanies Bulger on most of his murder sprees, including the  strangling of Flemini’s own girlfriend, Debra Davies, because she knew the two men were FBI informers. - On Friday Flemmi  testifies  that in the 1980s, FBI agent John Newton gave him and Bulger a case of C-4 explosives to send to the IRA." - Topix  ||  The F.B.I.'s Constant Gardening  ||  F.B.I. - Def.  ||  "Constant Gardening" - Def. || Pseudo-Gangs - Def. ||

Did the CIA Kill 9/11 Author in Black OPs Hit?
PRSTVideo - Alt - (PRSTVYuTb - 24min32sec - Mar 4, 2013) - Source:  PressTVGlobalNews - A quote...."Philip Marshall was killed in a black operation over confessing to having worked with CIA drug smugglers and the potential exposure of 9/11 secrets. In the background to this, former US National Security Agency Officer Wayne Madsen says the 9/11 investigative author Philip Marshall and his children were killed in a “black ops hit” by the CIA, dismissing the suicide hypothesis. Marshall was afraid of being silenced for his revelations about 9/11, Madsen said, noting that a side door the investigator never used was wide open when his dead body was found. Marshall believed the former US President George Bush had pulled off the 9/11 attack to foment a government coup. In his fourth book, he was supposed to disclose blockbuster information."

The 9/11 Fed Cash Flows Mystery
PIVideo - Alt - (PIYuTb - 27min54sec - Jul 22, 2013) - Source:   ThePrimeInterest
A quote...."according to the government's latest calculations on who's buying and holding its own debt, foreign holders have slowed down purchases to the lowest rate since 2006. They now own less than 50% of Treasurys. As long as the Fed keeps buying -- no problem. Except all this talk of tapering means the Fed wants to exit the market. - Oh, and speaking of those $85 billion per month purchases by the Fed, guess where that printed money is going? Hint: mostly to foreign banks. You won't want to miss Justine Underhill's expose of this."

Silenced: TWA 800 and the Subversion of Justice (2001)
Video - From the History File - Released in 2001  - (YuTb - 57min17sec - Jun 19, 2013) - HK - Related:  JackCashill - A quote...."Documentary surrounding the potential cover up of the TWA 800 crash. Produced by James Sanders and Jack Cashill For an interesting discussion about the commonalities between this, OKC and 9/11 check out Jack Blood and Chris Emery's discussion about the movers and shakers during the day." - Topix ||  TWA Flight 800  || - New Weblist!!

Bradley Manning 'Aiding the Enemy' Charge is a Threat to Journalism - posted at ICH
A quote...."July 21, 2013 "Information Clearing House - "The Guardian" -  Thursday, Colonel Denise Lind, the judge in the Bradley Manning court martial, refused to dismiss the "aiding the enemy" charge. The decision is preliminary, and the judge could still moderate its effect if she finds Manning not guilty. But even if she ultimately acquits Manning, the decision will cast a long shadow on national security journalists and their sources."

Who’s Really ‘The Enemy’ In the Bradley Manning Case?
A quote...."We now have clarity from a full-bird colonel in judicial robes that Bradley Manning is to be charged with “aiding the enemy.” OK, not much of a surprise here. Colonel Denise Lind’s ruling seems pretty predictable. -- Her ruling may make things simple for all the right-leaning pod-people who salute everything a field grade military officer says, but for the rest of us, it raises a profound and rather perplexing question: Exactly who is the “enemy” in this case?" - also posted at RINF

Report questions costs of villas and mansions for top [US] military brass
A quote...."CORAL GABLES, Fla. — Marine Gen. John F. Kelly works in a fortress-like headquarters near the Miami airport. Starting this fall, he will live in Casa Sur, an elegant home with a pool and gardens on one of the area's swankiest streets."

Student Fighting RFID Chip Achieves Victory After Program Gets Nixed - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Andrea Hernandez, a student who refused to wear a Radio Frequency Identification Technology (RFID) chip that was implemented by her San Antonio High School, has won the battle as the school begins to second guess the controversial program. - On Monday, Northside Independent School District (NISD) announced that they are nixing the RFID tracking program."

Colorado town to offer a bounty on shooting down Federal drones, declaring their airspace sovereign
A quote...."CNN) -- Deer Trail, a small Colorado town, is considering a measure that would allow its residents to hunt for federal drones and shoot them down."

Judge Challenges White House Claims on Authority in Drone Killings - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Related Article - A quote...."WASHINGTON —  A federal judge on Friday sharply and repeatedly challenged the Obama administration’s claim that courts have no power over targeted drone killings of American citizens overseas."

If You Love Freedom Then You Are a Mentally Ill Terrorist—Your Government Says So
A quote...."Over the course of its 69-year history, the Soviet Union was notorious for its heavy-handed suppression of political dissent—most infamously through its use of the Siberian GULAGs. But it was during the 1960s and 1970s that the Communist Party took their intolerance for ideological deviance to extremes by diagnosing and institutionalizing so-called counterrevolutionaries." - Source:  CanadaFreePress

Helen Thomas, in Memorium
R.I.P. - A quote...."I wrote this essay back in 2011 immediately after Helen Thomas left the AP as senior White House correspondence and after the entire Washington jumped on the bandwagon to destroy an illustrious career of a very brave woman, who dared to ask difficult questions of presidents. Farewell Ms. Thomas, you are the bravest of them all… there are NO brave souls in corrupt, coward Washington. Rest in Peace, God Bless."

Why Is the United States So Sick? - posted at ICH
A quote...."July 22, 2013 "Information Clearing House - In the wake of a startling report highlighting the United States’ poor health compared with other wealthy nations, the report’s director searches for answers. - Americans die younger and experience more injury and illness than people in other rich nations, despite spending almost twice as much per person on health care. That was the startling conclusion of a major report released earlier this year by the U.S. National Research Council and the Institute of Medicine."

Actor James Woods Dismantles Obama’s Racist Opportunism
A quote...."The chattering classes have yet to excoriate James Woods for his politically incorrect remarks about Obama and Saint Trayvon. - Following Obama’s absurd “I am Trayvon” commentary on Friday, the irascible actor took Obama to task for his political stunt. He noted there are millions of other teenage boys in America who do not elicit a peep from the president."

Michael Rivero on Justin TV -  July 22nd, 2013
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 3hrs -  July 22nd, 2013) -- Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg

Callers Sound Off on The Decay of America Under Obama
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 25min13sec - Jul 22, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel - A quote...."Alex continues with callers on the topics of Detroit filing bankruptcy and loss of pensions, racial tensions and Globalist agendas."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

The New (Ab)normal: When 200 People Have More Wealth Than 3,500,000,000
Must View TROVideo - Alt - (TROYuTb - 3min52sec - Apr 3, 2013) - Source:  TheRulesOrg -- A quote.... "The following brief video created by, using data sourced from this website, is the latest vivid demonstration of the most adverse (and dangerous) side effect of nearly five years, and counting, of global monetary intervention by central banks: a world in which the poor get poorer, the rich get richer, and the middle class disappears. The video's punchline "The richest 300 people on earth have as much wealth as the poorest 3 billion" is not exactly correct: in truth the situation is even worse: the richest 200 people have about $2.7 trillion, which is more than the poorest 3.5 billion people, who have only $2.2 trillion combined."

The International Banking Cartel
Must View PRSTVideo - [Part-1] - [Part-2] - [Part-3] - (PRSTVYuTb - 25min - Nov 15, 2012) - Source:  PressTVGlobalNews -- A quote...."A look at the International Banking Cartel led by the Bank for International Settlement (in Basel, Switzerland) known as the bank of central banks (58 central banks) and The US Federal reserve System. Also a look at banking tycoons: from the Rothschild family in Europe to JP Morgan and others in the US. How banks not only control governments but also appoint politicians through huge campaign donations. Governments at the service of the major banks, the best example: the Obama administration and the history’s biggest bail out of the same institutions that caused the Great Recession." - Topix - ||  The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle ||  The Fed & The Thirty Trillion  ||  Some Definitions  ||

If We Don’t Break Up the Big Banks, They Will Manipulate More and More of the Economy … Making Us Poorer and Poorer -- A quote...."Break up the big banks, or they will continue to take over and manipulate more and more of the economy … increasing their profits while making everyone else poorer...." - also posted at BLN
Another Key Wall Street Master of the Universe to Elude Penalties for Alleged Fraud
Banksters Win Again -- A quote...."No, this is not yet another commentary about a top Wall Street player escaping potential criminal charges.  Criminal charges?  Are you kidding?  Going to jail or even being criminally indicted is about as likely for a Wall Street master of the universe as Edward Snowden getting a free ride on Air Force One and joining the Obama family on a Christmas vacation trip to Disney World."

Detroit plans to cut retirees pensions
A quote...."The US city of Detroit plans to cut the pensions it pays to its retirees as the cash-strapped city is facing a pension shortfall of about $3.5 billion. - The city’s emergency manager, Kevyn D. Orr, has called for “significant cuts” to the pensions of current retirees, according to The New York Times. - Last week, Detroit became the largest American city to file for bankruptcy over its debt of about $18 billion. Half of that amount is owed to the pension funds and retiree healthcare benefits."

The Tip Of The Iceberg Of The Coming Retirement Crisis That Will Shake America To The Core
Related Article - A quote...."The pension nightmare that is at the heart of the horrific financial crisis in Detroitis just the tip of the iceberg of the coming retirement crisis that will shake America to the core.  Right now, more than 10,000 Baby Boomers are hitting the age of 65 every single day, and this will continue to happen every single day until the year 2030."

Greece bans protests during German finance minister’s visit
A quote...."Greek police have banned protests in downtown Athens on Thursday during a visit by German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, whom many accuse of forcing painful cuts on Greece in return for the multi-billion euro bailouts keeping it afloat." - Source:  Reuters

Insolvent Spain Forced To "Borrow" From Social Security Fund To Pay Pensions
A quote...."Spain's slow-motion implosion into an insolvent singularity has been one of the most amusing sideshows for over a year. The chief reason for this is the sheer schizophrenic and absurdist polarity between the sad reality, visible to everyone, and the unprecedented propaganda by the government desperate to paint a rosy picture. While on one hand the economic data shows very clearly the painfully obvious sad ending for this chapter of European integration, it continues to be punctuated almost daily by such amusing confidence games as Spain's Economy Minister de Guindos telling anyone who cares to listen that the labor market is improving "beyond the seasonal pick up" and that Q2 GDP would be close to zero (because 0% GDP is the new killing it). That's the good news.  The bad news is that as Reuters reports, and contrary to fairy tales of unicorns and soaring 0% GDP, Spain's government is so insolvent, it was just forced to "borrow" from its social security reserve to fund pension payments." - Source:  ZeroHedge

Euro Area Government Debt Rises To New Record High
A quote...."While the European economy may be moving in a straight line from upper left to lower right, the same can not be said for the level of debt in Europe, which has taken on the inverse trajectory. As per the just released quarterly update of Euro area government debt, in Q1 2013, total government debt in Europe as a % of GDP just hit a new all time high of 92.2%. This compares to 90.6% in the previous quarter, and up from 88.2% in Q1 2012." - Source:  ZeroHedge

Europe's crisis states should fight back with a 'debtors' cartel'
A quote...."Public debt levels are rocketing in almost every country of the eurozone periphery. Debt ratios are already crossing the point of no return in Portugal and Italy, and is nearing the danger zone in Ireland."
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More On The International Situation....

NATO: Assad Prevailing in Syria - posted at ICH
A quote...."July 21, 2013 "Information Clearing House - "WT" - LONDON — NATO has determined that President Bashar Assad ended any short- or mid-term threat from the Sunni revolt in Syria. - Officials said NATO, in consultation with Western intelligence agencies, assessed that the Sunni rebel campaign against Assad failed over the last three months. - The officials said Assad’s military, backed by Iran and Russia, would capture major rebel strongholds with the exception of northern Syria by the end of 2013." - Source:  WorldTribune

Syrian forces kill at least 49 rebels near Damascus - monitors
A quote...."Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's forces ambushed rebels in a strategic suburb near the capital Damascus on Sunday, killing at least 49 people, a pro-opposition monitoring group said."

NGO: Syria Kurds expel jihadists, seize weapons
A quote...."BEIRUT (AFP) -- Syrian Kurdish fighters in the northeast expelled jihadists from a checkpoint on Saturday and seized their weapons and ammunition, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported."

Kurdish militants replace FSA flag with PYD's in Ras al-Ain
A quote...."A Syrian Kurdish party with links to the terrorist Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) has replaced the flag of the opposition Free Syrian Army (FSA) with their own after seizing control of a Syrian town on the Turkish border following days of clashes with fighters affiliated with the al-Nusra Front."

Egypt to Reevaluate Relations With Syria: Interim Foreign Minister
A quote...."Egypt's newly installed Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmy says his country will reevaluate its severed relations with Syria and will improve ties with the conflict-stricken Arab nation."

'I saw people burning after drone attack'
A quote...."Arriving at the scene, he found the daily shuttle bus to Sabool on fire. - "I saw people trapped in the vehicle burning – I think they were already dead," he said. He described how a woman and her daughter wedged next to the driver had been killed. - "Some of the injured were crawling away from the scene," he said. "The injuries were severe – the clothes had fused to the survivors' skin and some bits of skin had burned off.""

65 people killed and 190 wounded in Iraq, worst violence since 2008
A quote...."A wave of bombings on Saturday night in Baghdad province have killed 65 people and wounded 190, officials said. Iraq has seen its worst violence since 2008; over 520 people have died in July." - one commentator stated....
"A child could have told you this would happen. It would have happened had we withdrawn our troops 2, 4, 6, or 8 years ago. The only sure thing was that it would not have happened had we never invaded, or better yet, had we never meddled in that country's affairs in the first place. A people should be allowed to choose their own leaders, good or bad. No one invaded the U.S.A. when Bush rigged the election machines. - The sad truth is that there is a dearth of leadership in this corporate oligarchy. It's coming though. The universe hates a vacuum, and socio/psychopaths are not leadership. They're just an embarrassment." -- *Luther DeHaven*, 21.07.2013 20:40
Sabotaging Egyptian Revolution
A quote...."The June 30th Egyptian revolution had been over-analyzed, scrutinized, criticized, mislabeled, and distorted by many writers, analysts, politicians, and governments. This was a national Intifada (uprising) through which Egyptians had expressed their will in purely democratic means. Despite the military interference, in response to popular calls, to preserve peace and to prevent bloodshed, calling this revolution a military coup, and accusing the American administration of orchestrating it, is a great distortion of facts and is an insult to the 37 million Egyptians who demonstrated in every city against the Muslim Brotherhood’s semi-dictatorial power grabbing rule."

Dozens injured in clashes between Morsi supporters, opponents in Egypt’s Suez:
A quote...."The head of the emergency department of the Suez Health Directorate said on Monday that 46 people were injured in clashes between supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi and his opponents."

Egypt army steps up attacks on Gaza tunnels after Morsi ouster
This is ALL happening because the Hamas "leadership" allied themselves with the Muslim Brotherhood.  How STUPID could they be?!?! Now innocent Gazans will be paying the price!! - mpg -- A quote.... "Palestinians in the Israeli-blockaded Gaza Strip are in need of basic supplies as neighboring Egypt’s military destroys most cross-border tunnels, Press TV reports."

UPDATE 1-Protest halts Libyan port's oil exports for 6th day
A quote...."(Reuters) - Protesters demanding jobs closed off the eastern Libyan port of Zueitina for a sixth day on Monday, extending a halt in oil exports, according to a senior oil industry source and to one of the demonstrators."

Australian outback station at forefront of US spying arsenal
A quote...."Half of the intelligence base's personnel are Australians; but American tastes dominate the menu according to those who have dined there - burgers, hot dogs, doughnuts, pork ribs, french fries and milkshakes. ''You'd really have to watch your cholesterol levels,'' one Australian parliamentarian observed after spending a day at the facility."
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More On The Palestinian Situation...

Israeli human rights worker says soldier deliberately shot rubber-coated bullet at close range
A quote...."The spokesperson for the Israeli human rights organization, B'Tselem, says that she believes she was deliberately targeted by an Israeli soldier on Friday who shot a rubber-coated steel bullet at her from close range. The bullet lodged in her leg, and had to be surgically extracted."

Israeli extremists attack Negev village
A quote...."BEERSHEBA, Israel (Ma'an) -- Israeli extremists attacked a Bedouin village in the Negev overnight Saturday, locals say. - Villagers from Umm al-Hiran, near Hura, say Israeli extremists launched coordinated attacks on residents, damaging properties and attacking livestock."

Jabari family once again facing harassment from settlers and soldiers
A quote...."Hebron, Occupied Palestine – On Saturday the 20th, whilst taking his sheep out to graze on his land, 56 year old Abd Al-Karim Ibrahim Al-Jabari was stopped and harassed by settlers and soldiers before being taken for questioning to the police station in Givat Ha’avot, an illegal settlement in occupied Hebron." - Source:  ISM
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Italy to Ban Monsanto GMO Maize - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Three Italian ministries have signed a decree banning the cultivation of a type of genetically modified maize, citing environmental concerns, the agriculture ministry said on Friday. - The decree, which still needs to be published in the official gazette to become binding, targets Monsanto’s MON810 maize, one of two genetically modified organisms (GMO) allowed in Europe and the only one currently grown commercially." - Source:  Reuters

China conference warns against GM foods
A quote...."Evidence presented by international scientists at a conference in China is a warning for New Zealand to keep GE out of the food system, and to focus on understanding the cultural values driving demand for New Zealand food overseas. - Scientists at the International Conference on Ethnic Food Cultures and Food Safety, Kunming, China presented on a broad range of topics from ethnic and cultural values of food, to the evidence of harm caused by genetically engineered (GE) foods. - "China showed great leadership in opening up the debate on GE foods by inviting a group of leading scientists and doctors to present evidence about the cultural, environmental and serious health problems of GE food," said GE-Free NZ president Claire Bleakley, who attended the conference."

How Inorganic Arsenic Accumulates In The Meat of Chicken Then Sold At Your Grocery Retailer
A quote...."Poultry has become one of the most contaminated sources of meat available to humans, particularly due to approved arsenic-based additives which 80% of all chickens consume in their daily diet. Until recently, chicken producers would routinely supplement poultry feed with a growth-promoting arsenical drug called roxarsone, which helps give their meat an appealing pink color. A study in Environmental Health Perspectives shows that inorganic arsenic (iAs) accumulates in the breast meat of broiler chickens, potentially as a result of treatment with the drug."

Japan Times: ‘Fears marine life is being poisoned’ by nuclear material flowing from Fukushima
A quote...."Fukushima nuclear plant operator Tepco on Monday admitted for the first time that radioactive groundwater is flowing into the sea, fueling fears that marine life is being poisoned. [...]"

Sunday July 21st 2013

No posts. - mpg