Moral Relativism, Leverage & Lies

Moral Relativism, Leverage & Lies
Palestinian ministry of education condemns publication of fake Palestinian history books
Euro-Kharzarian Imposed Bolshevism - Their ENTIRE history is nothing but lies.  It's what they do.  They do not believe it's "Wrong" to do so.  They cannot even conceive of the concept of "Wrong". Their attitude, their entire world view, is a direct consequence of their fanatical, fervent, unshakable, belief in "Moral Relativism" .

To them, their is no "Truth", therefore no falsity.  There are no "Facts", therefore no reality. There are no "Natural Laws", therefor no morality.

They utterly despise people who believe such plebeian, quaint, old fashioned, concepts.  They consider them childish at best, or moronic superstitious ignorant dangerous peasants at worst.  They go out of their way to deride their beliefs every chance they can get. Or destroy them if the opportunity presents itself.

Everything is relative, everything is equal, everything can be "seen" from ANY perspective, vantage point or angle.  Everything, absolutely EVERYTHING, can be justified with the properly "framed", "spun", and "shaped" point of view, or argument. 

There are no barriers, lines, borders, facts, rules, prohibitions, mores, customs, beliefs, laws, or principals that cannot be worn-down, by-passed, under-mined, sabotaged, denigrated, desecrated, demeaned, and eventually overcome to be finally destroyed with "clever debate, or argument"

With the tool they most enjoy using more than any other.... Leverage & Lies.

Except THEIRS of course!!

To them, there is no true reality, there's only argumentation, leverage, and lies - They believe one can best achieve victory by deceit, stealth, misdirection, bribery, trickery, slight-of-hand, forgery, plagiary, theft, omission, clever argument, better advertising, more effective propaganda, more control over the media, entertainment, and educational systems, and most importantly, by the constant use of -- Leverage & Lies

The production from thin air of vast quantities of Leverage & Lies (fiat-debt-notes / false, fabricated & fraudulent information), and their constant use to create multiple bifurcated belief structures (left / right - communism / fascism - liberal / conservative), playing off all those who believe in such structures against each other, all the while profiting from the difference  -- arbitraging their misery, indebtedness, and anger -- is how they're convinced one always becomes a winner.

And that is ALL that matters.

For more on this issue, see essays posted below.....