Friday June 20th 2014

The End of Fukuyama: Re-Starting History After a Quarter Century of Unipolar Globalization
Must Listen WTVideo - (WTYuTb - 1hr3min50sec - June 20, 2014) - Source:  WebsterTarpleyWTRadio - Webster Tarpley@YuTb - A quote...."Address of Webster Tarpley Ph.D. to the Left Forum, New York City – May 31, 2014"

Splitting Up Iraq: It’s All For Israel - ICH $$ DRIVE - CLICK HERE
Must Read - A quote...."Let cut to the chase: Barack Obama is blackmailing Nouri al-Maliki by withholding military support until the Iraqi Prime Minister agrees to step down. In other words, we are mid-stream in another regime change operation authored by Washington. What’s different about this operation, is the fact that Obama is using a small army of jihadi terrorists –who have swept to within 50 miles of Baghdad–to hold the gun to Mr. al Maliki’s head. Not surprisingly, al Maliki has refused to cooperate which means the increasingly-tense situation could explode into a civil war. Here’s the scoop from the Guardian in an article aptly titled “Iraq’s Maliki: I won’t quit as condition of US strikes against Isis militants”" - also posted at WarInIraq

Washington Relaunches its Iraq Partition Project
Must Read - A quote...."The sudden collapse of the Iraqi state is presented by the international press as a result of the attack of the terrorist group ISIL. But who can believe that a powerful state, armed and organized by Washington, could collapse in less than a week in the wake of a jihadist group formally independent of any state? Besides, who can believe that those who support ISIL in Syria sincerely condemn its actions in Iraq? Thierry Meyssan reveals what’s in the cards." - Source:  Voltaire Network

Keep Calm and Trust Iraqis With Iraq - ICH $$ DRIVE - CLICK HERE
Must Read - A quote...."June 20, 2014 "ICH" - On August 1, 1990, I was an 18-year-old college student living at my parents’ home, enjoying my last few days of summer vacation.  I stayed up late, puttering around my room, preparing for my upcoming return to campus for my sophomore year.  My small, flickering black-and-white television kept me company with its background noise of boring shows.  Sometime around midnight, a Special News Report bulletin interrupted ABC’s regularly scheduled programming.  Ted Koppel broke the news to me:  the Iraqi Army had occupied Kuwait. -- In the subsequent weeks and months, frenzy emerged out of this news. Without receiving any information on the events that led up to Iraq’s military action, the American people had no means to put this startling development in context."

Obama Exploits Iraq Crisis as Pretext for War Against Syria - ICH $$ DRIVE - CLICK HERE
A quote..."June 20, 2014 "ICH" - "WSWS" - - The Obama administration is utilizing the crisis in Iraq as an opportunity to escalate the US war drive throughout the Middle East, with Syria in the crosshairs. - On Thursday, President Obama held an afternoon press conference in which he announced that the US would send 300 military advisers to Iraq as part of a military deployment that includes plans for a bombing campaign ostensibly targeting an insurgency led by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)." - Source:  WSWS

From Iraq to Syria: How to transport men and weapons without really trying
A quote...."The much touted fall of Mosul and the alleged capture of US military equipment have been in the making for a long time. It is therefore important to have some institutional knowledge of where these events began, and how a ragtag corporal in the Georgian army, sick and disillusioned, has suddenly become the poster boy for America’s war on terrorism in Iraq."
Ahhhhh, he's from Georgia!   Isn't that the country that attacked South Ossetia, on Que, timed to occur during the previous Olympics? Isn't that the country that for the last ten years has been stuffed with the US-NRE's military equipment and "advisers".  My don't the US-NRE's little lap dogs perform well? - mpg
The Neocon Surge - ICH $$ DRIVE - CLICK HERE
A quote...." June 19, 2014 "ICH" - "Politico" - - Don’t look now, but the latest installment in the decades-old neocon saga is currently taking place. Reviled as serial bunglers and amateurs after the Iraq war went south, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith and a host of other neoconservatives are seizing the spotlight to conduct their own very personal war of liberation. They want to free themselves from the rap that they got it all wrong. And so they are going into overdrive to pin the blame for the collapse of Iraq on anyone other than themselves. Only this time, the American people, unlike in 2003, seem primed to ignore them." - Source:  Politico

US Power Elite: at war among themselves?
A quote...."As unified, the US Power Elite is in its desire to control the world it prefers diverging strategies. The so called “Traders” prefer “Soft Power” (10) by far not as soft as the word pretends. This fraction tends to have things done by bribery and corruption, by blackmail and covert operations. They are not shy to strangulate economies and whole nations (11), but decorate their aspirations with the struggle for “Human Rights” and “Democracy”, also bombing for this or arming Islamist thugs like in Libya and Syria, not being shy to do this with depleted uranium coated ammunition (12)."
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A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Destruction of Ukraine/Russia....

Non-Conventional Warfare and the “Geopolitical Reshaping” of Ukraine
Must Read - Quote of the Day....."Strategies for full-spectrum dominance encompass far more than just military means – their entire point is found in politics, the struggle for power. Movements proclaiming themselves the champions of national salvation thus deserve extra scrutiny, since they might serve precisely the opposite end. -- Ever since a US-backed junta seized control of Ukraine in February, the country’s ethnic, cultural and linguistic fault lines have been accentuated to deadly effect. The predominantly russophone south and east have already paid a terrible price for resisting the new liberal-nationalist regime, from a fiery massacre in Odessa to outright war against Donetsk and Lugansk, two regions bordering Russia that have declared their independence. Had Vladimir Putin not moved to secure Crimea, the peninsula today would be suffering an analogous fate. When we consider the atrocities committed against the inhabitants of historical Novorossiya (New Russia), it must be understood that Kiev’s counterinsurgency is far more significant than a local conflict – it is a proxy war the Pax Americana wages against Russia in order to command the Eurasian heartland." - Source:  TheSoulOfTheEast

Independence Movement in Southeastern Ukraine Accuses Obama’s Agents of Slaughter
Must Read - A quote...."In the United States, there appears to be a virtual news-blackout of what is happening in Ukraine and of why; and the following news-report breaks through it, so that the American public will know the situation that actually exists there....The Ukrainian government that was installed after the nationally elected and pro-Russian President of Ukraine was overthrown in a violent coup on February 22nd is now bombing the country’s southeast, where that President had received almost all of his votes. (Those are the areas of the country where Ukraine’s Russian-speakers live.)" - also posted at RINF

More than 80 Ukrainian border guards crossed to Russia - Perhaps the grass was greener on the other side?
A quote...."ROSTOV-ON-DON, June 21 (Itar-Tass) - More than 80 Ukrainian border guards crossed to Russia after the attack on Ukraine’s Izvarino checkpoint overnight. Two people were wounded, the head of the Rostov regional border guard department, Vasily Malayev, told Itar-Tass."

UN: 356 killed, incl 257 civilians, in E. Ukraine military campaign
A quote...."At least 356 people, including 257 civilians, have died since the beginning of the “anti-terrorist” operation in Ukraine’s eastern regions of Lugansk and Donetsk, according to UN calculations. There were 14 children among the dead."
As the UN continues to make itself increasingly unreliable and irrelvant by it's relentlessly expanding hypocrisy, the chances for more numerous, and more destructive wars, increases exponentially. - mpg
'Poroshenko's ceasefire plan is terms for surrender, not a movement to peace'
RTVideo  - (RTYuTb - 3min20sec - Jun 20, 2014) - Source: RT - Related Websites:  GrldCel@YuTb - TrendsJournal - A quote...."Ukraine's [Bankster Regime's] President [Porky the Zio-Pig] Poroshenko  has announced a week-long ceasfire.  For more analysis of the situation in Ukraine and the "pease plan", Gerald Celente, publisher of The Trends Journal, joins RT" ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========= ===

Another PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Destruction of Iraq....

Kucinich - Stop Calling the Iraq War a "Mistake"
Must Read - A quote...."As Iraq descends into chaos again, more than a decade after "Mission Accomplished," media commentators and politicians have mostly agreed upon calling the war a "mistake." But the "mistake" rhetoric is the language of denial, not contrition: it minimizes the Iraq War's disastrous consequences, removes blame, and deprives Americans of any chance to learn from our generation's foreign policy disaster. The Iraq War was not a "mistake" -- it resulted from calculated deception. The painful, unvarnished fact is that we were lied to. Now is the time to have the willingness to say that." - bold by website editor

ISIS Domestic Terror Threat Created by CIA and U.S. Military
Must Read - Red False Flag Warning - A quote...."Prior to the September 11, 2001, attack the CIA arranged passports and visas for veterans of its covert war in Afghanistan. This was confirmed by the former head of the American visa bureau in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Michael Springman, who told then BBC journalist Greg Palast in November, 2001, he “was repeatedly ordered by high level State Dept officials to issue visas to unqualified applicants” who were allowed to enter the United States." - Source:  InfoWars

The ISIS Fiasco: It’s Really an Attack on Iran - ICH $$ DRIVE - CLICK HERE
Must Read - Key Concept - A quote...." June 19, 2014 "ICH" - "Counterpunch" - -  There’s something that doesn’t ring-true about the coverage of crisis in Iraq. Maybe it’s the way the media reiterates the same, tedious storyline over and over again with only the slightest changes in the narrative. For example, I was reading an article in the Financial Times by Council on Foreign Relations president, Richard Haass, where he says that Maliki’s military forces in Mosul “melted away”. Interestingly, the Haass op-ed was followed by a piece by David Gardener who used almost the very same language. He said the “army melts away.” So, I decided to thumb through the news a bit and see how many other journalists were stung by the “melted away” bug. And, as it happens, there were quite a few, including Politico, NBC News, News Sentinel, Global Post, the National Interest, ABC News etc. Now, the only way an unusual expression like that would pop up with such frequency would be if the authors were getting their talking points from a central authority. (which they probably do.) But the effect, of course, is the exact opposite than what the authors intend, that is, these cookie cutter stories leave readers scratching their heads and feeling like something fishy is going on." - Source:  CounterPunch

Burn, Men in Black, Burn
A quote...."The fact that ISIS is NOT directly in Langley's payroll does not imply their strategic agenda essentially differs from that of the Empire of Chaos. The Obama administration may be sending a few marines to protect the swimming pools of the largest, Vatican-sized embassy on Planet Earth, plus a few "military advisers" to "retrain" the dissolving Iraqi Army. But that's a drop of Coke Zero in the Western Iraqi desert. There's no evidence Obama is about to authorize "kinetic support" against ISIS, even though Baghdad has already green-lighted it."

The Mess in Iraq – An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson
A quote...." The truth is that George W. Bush and his accomplices are war criminals chargeable with the same indictment brought against the German and Japanese leaders after World War II. I am not talking about genocide, as that was not the charge against these leaders. I am talking about the waging of unnecessary and offensive war – launching an invasion without proper legal cause. Today’s mess in Iraq is a direct consequence of that same sort of criminal act."

The Devastating Truth of How We Destroyed Iraq in Order to Save It . . . For Ourselves

A quote...."As Iraq was unraveling last week and the possible outlines of the first jihadist state in modern history were coming into view, I remembered this nugget from the summer of 2002.  At the time, journalist Ron Suskind had a meeting with “a senior advisor” to President George W. Bush (later  identified as Karl Rove).  Here’s how he  described part of their conversation....."
“The aide said that guys like me were ‘in what we call the reality-based community,’ which he defined as people who ‘believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.’ I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off.  ‘That's not the way the world really works anymore,’ he continued.  ‘We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors... and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.’”
"As events unfold increasingly chaotically across the region that officials of the Bush years liked to call the Greater Middle East, consider the eerie accuracy of that statement....."

Reviving the ‘Successful Surge’ Myth
A quote...."The hard truth is that the bloody folly of the Iraq War was not “salvaged” by the “surge” – despite that preferred Washington narrative. As thrilling as it might be to think back on the heroic President Bush and the brave neocons bucking the anti-war pressures in 2007 and saving the day, the harsh reality is that another 1,000 U.S. soldiers and many more Iraqis were sent to their deaths in the cause of creating a politically useful myth."

CrossTalk: Saving Baghdad?
CTRTVideo - (CTRTYuTb - 24min10sec - Jun 18, 2014 - Source:  CrossTalk - RT -- A quote...."Why should Washington's military save the Baghdad regime?  What has happened to the billions of dollars to train and arm the Iraqi military?  Will the regime in Iraq reform itself and how will events in this country impact the region?"

ISIS In Iraq and The Path To Iran
A quote...."Recently, I wrote an article entitled, “The Clandestine Reasons For ISIS Taking Over Iraq,” where I suggested there were at least two possible reasons out of several for NATO powers to direct ISIS fighters in their rampage across Iraq and subsequent seizure of large swaths of territory in that country....."
"One of the reasons for directing ISIS’ assault against Iraq is the ability to arm the organization with heavy military equipment to then be funneled across the border into Syria for use in that country. Such equipment as tanks, Humvees, and even helicopters could thus be written off as a mistake and not the backdoor weapons transfer that it was."

"Second, and more likely, is the possibility that the United States has allowed ISIS to conquer Iraqi territory so as to justify the eventual invasion of Syria in addition to the reinvasion of Iraq."
U.S. Again Gunning For "Regime Change" In Iraq - ICH $$ DRIVE - CLICK HERE
A quote...."June 19, 2014 "ICH" -  Three days ago we said...."
"The U.S. has conditioned any involvement on the Iraqi government side on a change in its structure towards some "unity government" that would include representatives of the rebellious Sunni strains. Prime Minister Maliki, who received good results in the recent elections, will see no reason to go for that."
"As expected Maliki declined to follow orders out of Washington DC and he is right to do so. Isn't Iraq supposed to be a sovereign state?" - Source:  MoonOfAlabama
Website editor's caution:  As has been pointed out by many, Maliki has not been very inclusive or at all generous toward the Sunni minority.  The criminalization and persecution of absolutely everyone and anyone who worked for Saddam, or was connected with anyone who did, basically any Sunni who ever had a position in government or the upper tier of Iraq's society,  has not been very constructive.  On the other hand, Maliki cannot and must not include the Saudi backed Wahhabist terrorists in his administration. If he does, he might as well just get it over with and slit his own throat on national TV. - mpg
Iraq's Maliki: I won't quit as condition of US strikes against Isis militants
Related Article - A quote...."A spokesman for the Iraqi prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, has said he will not stand down as a condition of US air strikes against Sunni militants who have made a lightning advance across the country."

These Amazing Pictures Show What Iraq Was Like Before The Country's Decades Of Chaos
A quote...."Iraq has lived under a nearly-continuous state of conflict or international sanctions since 1980, the year the war with neighboring Iran began. After the ravages of Saddam Hussein's decades in power and the chaos that's taken hold for most of the years after the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, it's difficult for outsiders to envision the country as a thriving or even functional place."

 -- For more on these issues see articles shown below.....
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan & Others....

Syria’s Press Conference the United Nations Doesn’t Want You To See
Censorship Alert - Video - Alt - (YuTb - 52min45sec - Jun 18, 2014) - Source:  CalebMaupin - A quote...."Five minutes into the opening comments of Syrian Ambassador Bashar Al-Jaafari, the UN webcast cut off. The thousands of journalists, political analysts, and others who view UN webcasts each day from all over the world were denied the ability to watch the press conference, and hear what was said. -- This is not the first time this has happened when Bashar Jaafari is speaking. This occurred on June 7th earlier this year, and on numerous occasions throughout 2013.  Reporters at Inner City Press reported that this is not accidental, but was ordered by Michele DuBach, Acting Deputy Director-News & Media Operations."

Jordan, Turkey Rehabilitate The "Moderate" Jabhat Al-Nusra - Updated
There was earlier some miscommunication regarding the Turkish move to delist Jabhat al-Nusra from its terror list. Al-Nusra was removed from one list but is still on others...."
"The Turkish government has removed the al-Nusra Front, an al-Qaeda affiliate fighting against the Syrian regime, from its list of terrorist organizations falling under the category of “al-Qaeda in Iraq,” and has designated the radical group as a separate terrorist organization. -     The move first caused confusion and led to questions over Turkey's stance regarding the group."
"Even with that in mind some of the questions asked below are still relevant.
The US-NRE delisted the MEK, supported al-Qaeda for decades along with dozens of other "terrorist" groups, and has recently and repeatedly stated that al-Qaeda was better than al-Nusra and the ISIS.  Now Turkey is contemplating delisting al-Nusra and the US-NRE is pressuring Maliki to "negotiate" with the ISIS!! - Any person in this country who is still pretending that the "war on terror" had anything to do with reality is either a sociopathic  congenital liar, or, a drooling, deluded, ignorant, moron.  Whichever they are, they're an extreme danger to their entire community and should never be trusted about ANYTHING they ever say again! - mpg
Interview with Prince Turki bin Faisal: 'Saudi Arabia Wants Downfall of Assad'
A quote...."Saudi Arabia has long urged the West to arm the Syrian rebels as they battle forces loyal to President Bashar Assad. In an interview with SPIEGEL, he explains why. He also says Europe should change its strategy in nuclear negotiations with Iran."

Car bombing kills 6 Syrians in Homs
Al-CIA'da / al-Nusra / ISIS / Saudi Parasites strike again. - mpg -- A quote...."AMMAN, June 19 (KUNA) -- Six Syrian citizens were killed and 40 others injured on Thursday as a car-bomb exploded near Maysaloun School in Al-Nazha neighborhood in Homs, local media reported. - The bodies of victims and the injured were rushed to nearby hospitals."

Islamist plot to kill Lebanon security chief: Mossad
A quote..."Ibrahim said he escaped a car bombing Friday that targeted a police checkpoint at the Dahr al-Baidar highway that links Beirut with Damascus."

Iran slams IAEA failure to abide by previous deal
A quote...."Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran has censured the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for its failure to abide by its previous agreements with Tehran."

Boko Haram Threat Spreads Into Cameroon

A quote...."The Nigerian-born Islamic militant group Boko Haram is terrorising communities inside neighbouring Cameroon and snatching young boys from across the border and forcing them to join the sect."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Keeping Iran as a Bogeyman
Must Read - A quote...."Despite the disastrous Iraq War, the neocons never stopped pushing for violent “regime change” in any country that gets in their way – or Israel’s. Now, neocons are getting downright hysterical over possible U.S. cooperation with one old target, Iran, as ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar notes."

Netanyahu should look at his own record
Must Read - A quote...."Standing in front of a map of what both no doubt hope will one day be Greater Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu and Tony Blair have today given a practical demonstration of chutzpah. Translated roughly as “audacity” (but could also mean “insolence”), the two men with blood on their hands tried to convince the world that the lives of three illegal Jewish settlers – “children,” said the Israeli PM – are worth more than the lives of over 1,300 Palestinian children killed by the Israelis since September 2000 at an average rate of 3 murders per day."

Palestinians must be stopped!
"Or, Turn About is Fair Play" -- A quote..."Palestinians are making Israeli livelihood miserable. They have set up military checkpoints in and around major Israeli cities, like Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Eilat. Palestinian soldiers stop only Israeli cars, sometimes for hours on end, while letting Palestinian registered cars ride through their checkpoints unhindered. When an Israeli wants to leave Israel, s/he must get Palestinian permission beforehand. If any Israeli gets on the Palestinian blacklist, his/her ability to leave Israel is impossible. Imagine not being able to leave your own country or being allowed to leave but not to return. Even when Israelis want to travel from one Israeli city to another, Palestinians have set up checkpoints, which resemble the border terminals between the US and Canada, with one difference: the process to pass is one of pure humiliation, more like cattle being pushed through caged pathways than passengers crossing a terminal." - Source:  EPalestinian

Israeli soldiers open fire on Palestinians in Jenin, three injured
A quote....."Israeli occupation forces opened fire on Palestinians in the West Bank Thursday, injuring three. - Hospital officials said three Palestinians suffered bullet wounds after occupation forces raided the town of Jenin overnight."

Army Kidnaps 15 Palestinians In Hebron, Invades Charitable Societies
A quote...."[Thursday At Dawn, June 19, 2014] Israeli soldiers continued their extensive invasions and assaults in the Hebron District, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank, kidnapped 15 Palestinians, invaded and ransacked several homes and charities."

Several Palestinians Injured In A Series Of Israeli Air Strikes Targeting Gaza
A quote...."[Thursday At Dawn, June 19 2014] Palestinian medical sources have reported that several civilians were injured, and excessive property damage was reported, as the Israeli Air Force fired missiles into several areas in different parts of the Gaza Strip."

Israeli forces arrest 2 fishermen off Gaza coast
A quote....."GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Israel detained two fishermen off the coast of northern Gaza on Thursday, locals said. - Rights groups said Ramiz Saadallah and Eyhab Saadallah were detained after Israeli naval forces obstructed their boat off the Sudaniyya coastline."

Israeli demolitions leave 7 families homeless
A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces demolished seven houses across the southern West Bank on Wednesday, leaving seven families homeless. - Bulldozers demolished three houses and a well in the Bethlehem town of al-Khader on Wednesday, witnesses said."

Ottawa hypes phony Iran ‘terror threat’
Red False Flag Warning - ZOG Alert - A quote...."The Canadian media is awash with hysteria about what it calls a potential Iranian-sponsored terror attack in Ottawa. - Unsurprisingly, the hype is rooted in baseless innuendo typical of neocon warmongers who act as loudspeakers for the Zionist regime in Tel Aviv. - The neoconservative National Post, which is for all intents and purposes an Israeli propaganda organ, published a scurrilous piece on June 16 quoting from alarmist Canadian intelligence reports which state that Iran and Hezbollah (Lebanon’s national resistance movement) may be planning to strike Ottawa." - Source:  PressTV

US Christians Consider Actions to Punish Israel - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."WASHINGTON — One of America’s oldest Protestant denominations is holding its biennial assembly this week, and high on the agenda is a proposal to divest from companies that do business with Israel.-- If approved, the Presbyterian Church USA would be the largest religious organization in the country to impose sanctions on Israel."

The Presbyterian Church USA Divestment Resolution Passed in committee - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Update - Related Article - A quote...."Editor’s Note: Our  contributing writer, James M Wall informed : The divestment resolution against the Big Three corporations passed in committee. Discussion set to start soon, actual General Assembly vote will depend on the political strategies of both sides. Expect a final vote between tonight and Friday."

Jewish Lobby Has Servile Goyim “Cantor Replacements” Ready
A quote...."Even though the defeat of Jewish Supremacist Eric Cantor in this week’s primary in Virginia is, according to major Jewish leaders, a “severe blow” to Jewish interests, any thought that Americans would now be given a real choice about his replacement has been destroyed with the revelation that the Jewish lobby has already lined up his replacement."
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More International Tales From the Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....

Russia Reignites The Proxy War: Putin Offers "Complete Support" To Iraq Prime Minister Scorned By Obama
A quote...."Two days ago, before it was formalized that the US tacitly, if not explicitly, now supports the removal of the Iraqi Prime Minister whom it itself had helped elect, we summarized the geopolitical tensions and "national interests" in Iraq, which is shaping up to be a proxy war that makes last year's Syrian escapade pale by comparison, as follows...."

"De-Dollarization" Continues - China Starts Direct Trade With UK
A quote...."Following the initial de-dollarization meeting, there has been a slew of anti-dollar moves around the world (including Gazprom's shift of 90% of its clients to non-dollar payments). However, on the heels of the "anti-dollar alliance" discussions yesterday, DW reports that China would start direct trade between the renminbi and the British pound on Thursday. China's Foreign Exchange Trade System (CFETS) confirmed Sterling and yuan would be directly swapped without using the US dollar as an intermediary." - Source:  ZeroHedge

Russia develops its own chip technology for national payment card
A quote...."Big deal, Finance, Russia and the global economy - Russia has developed its own microchip for the national payment card which is hoped will provide better information security. - Russia is ready to replace the technology used in foreign payment systems – Visa and MasterCard – with a chip created for Sberbank's Universal Electronic Card (UEC), Kommersant reports. - The chip was developed by Payment Technologies, a company owned by Igor Godowsky, who has been developing Russia’s first payment systems the STB Card since 1994. - Shortly before the announcement Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said it was necessary to use Russian technology in the national payment system, which will counter security issues and provide data protection." - Source:  RT

War Crime - US Fired DU at Civilian Areas in 2003 Iraq War, Report Finds - ICH $$ DRIVE - CLICK HERE
A quote...."June 19, 2014 "ICH" - "The Guardian" - -   US forces fired depleted uranium (DU) weapons at civilian areas and troops in Iraq in breach of official advice meant to prevent unnecessary suffering in conflicts, a report has found. - Coordinates revealing where US jets and tanks fired nearly 10,000 DU rounds in Iraq during the war in 2003 have been obtained by the Dutch peace group Pax. This is the first time that any US DU firing coordinates have been released, despite previous requests by the United Nations Environment Programme and the Iraqi government." - Source:  TheGuardian

U.N.: displaced worldwide highest since WWII - "Mission Accomplished!!"
A quote...."More than 50 million people were forcibly uprooted worldwide at the end of last year, the highest level since after World War Two, as people fled crises from Syria to South Sudan, the U.N. refugee agency said on Friday."

RAW: Triple Taliban suicide attack aftermath - 37 NATO fuel trucks burn
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 1min10sec - Jun 19, 2014) - Source:  RT - A quote...." Three Taliban suicide bombers targeted NATO fuel trucks in Torkham, at the border with Pakistan on Thursday...."

Three Nato soldiers killed in Afghan blast
A quote...."KABUL: A Taliban attack killed three Nato soldiers and a military dog in southern Afghanistan yesterday, officials said, in the latest sign of the insurgents’ capability as the coalition winds down operations."

Pentagon crashed more than 400 military drones
A quote...."While unmanned drones have become a popular weapon of choice during the United States’ wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a new report reveals that hundreds of them have been involved in major accidents around the world."

Colombia Peace Talks Survive Elections, May Have Lasting Implications for Regional Integration and US-Led “War on Drugs” -- A quote...."Ending a very close race, incumbent Juan Manuel Santos won a decisive five-point victory Sunday in Colombia’s second round of presidential elections, beating challenger Óscar Iván Zuluaga, who had won the first round in an upset. The campaign had centered on two related issues: first, the future of the Santos-led peace process under way in Havana between the Colombian government and the rebel group FARC that may have the potential to end a half century of civil war, and second, a referendum on Santos’ shift away from the militaristic policies of his predecessor, Álvaro Uribe." - Source:  CEPR

Wikileaks Publish Secret Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) – Financial Services Annex
A quote...."Today, WikiLeaks released the secret draft text for the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) Financial Services Annex, which covers 50 countries and 68.2%1 of world trade in services. The US and the EU are the main proponents of the agreement, and the authors of most joint changes, which also covers cross-border data flow. In a significant anti-transparency manoeuvre by the parties, the draft has been classified to keep it secret not just during the negotiations but for five years after the TISA enters into force."

China “long term investor in Greece’- Premier
A quote...."Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has told his host and Greek counterpart that China is “a responsible and long-term investor of Greek national bonds”, state media reported. - “I have expressed my will to [Greek Prime Minister Antonis] Samaras that when Greece will issue new Greek bonds, China will continue being a long-term and responsible investor,” said Li."

Pakistan wants full-fledged membership in Shanghai Cooperation Organization
A quote...."Pakistan wants to be a full-fledged member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the potential of which is growing, Sartaj Aziz, an advisor to the prime minister of Pakistan on national security and foreign affairs, told ITAR-TASS on Friday."

Indian Govt. planning to make 50 essential medicines free of cost for every citizen from birth to death
A quote...."After recently prescribing the need for 'bitter medicine' to resuscitate the ailing economy, the Narendra Modi government is, seemingly, working on contours of a social welfare healthcare project to sweeten the deal for the citizenry. For starters, the health ministry's vision is to provide 50 essential generic medicines, free of cost, from "birth to death" to all Indians across the nation."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

How Secret Partners Expand NSA’s Surveillance Dragnet - ICH $$ DRIVE - CLICK HERE
A quote...." June 19, 2014 "ICH" - "The Intercept" - - Huge volumes of private emails, phone calls, and internet chats are being intercepted by the National Security Agency with the secret cooperation of more foreign governments than previously known, according to newly disclosed documents from whistleblower Edward Snowden. - The classified files, revealed today by the Danish newspaper Dagbladet Information in a reporting collaboration with The Intercept, shed light on how the NSA’s surveillance of global communications has expanded under a clandestine program, known as RAMPART-A, that depends on the participation of a growing network of intelligence agencies." - Source:  TheIntercept

For more on these issues see the articles shown below.....
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More on the Domestic Situation....

Skyway Robbery & The Dangers of Traveling in The US - ICH $$ DRIVE - CLICK HERE
A quote...."June 19, 2014 "ICH" - "The Dollar Vigilante" - On 5th March 2014, I was detained at Detroit airport, just before I was to board the plane. - “I will decide if you will go on this plane or not,” shouted a US custom official with a stress on “I”, while keeping an eye on a young female official, perhaps in his continual attempt to impress her. In an instance I was reminded that I was in a warped space in “the land of the free” where the rule of law or even the rules of nature did not operate. Four “invincible and immortal” custom officials of the States [often spoken with stress and extreme tribal-pride] were to decide what was right and what was wrong." - Source:  TheDollarVigilante

How to Tell If Your Member of Congress Is a Crony Capitalist - ICH $$ DRIVE - CLICK HERE
A quote...." June 19, 2014 "ICH" - "FP" - Last Tuesday, Rep. Eric Cantor learned the hard way that crony capitalism comes at a political cost. In a decisive 10-point upset, Cantor’s Republican primary opponent David Brat defeated the Virginia congressman after charging that he was “trying to buy this election with corporate cash.” -
Few inside Washington thought charges like this would stick; for decades they’ve opened their campaign coffers to millions of dollars from Fortune 500 firms without fearing any consequences at the ballot box." - Source:  FP

To Prison For Poverty - ICH $$ DRIVE - CLICK HERE
Contains Video - Alt - Related Article - A quote...."June 19, 2014 "ICH" - Welcome to Alabama, the state of the never-ending seat belt ticket. - Hali Wood is 17. She's applied to work at several grocery stores in her home town of Columbiana, but none are hiring. A few months back, cops ticketed Hali for not wearing a seat belt. The fine: $41. A private probation company charged her a monthly fee of $35. That's 85 percent interest! Hali has paid $41 and then some, but she's still hundreds of dollars in debt. Why? Because the court contracts with JCS, a for-profit probation company that forces Hali to choose between paying their exorbitant fees and going to jail."

Finally! Police Condemn One Of Their Own For Slashing Dog's Throat
A quote...."Nala was a 7-year-old Shar Pei who got loose from her owner, Sarah Gossard, last Saturday. Sandra Fleichser found the frightened, thirsty, hungry canine. Sandra blames herself for reaching out to Nala with her hand, as Nala bit it (Sandra is fine). - Sandra called in to report the dog in Southeast Baltimore, Maryland and was relieved when police arrived. - Until she saw what happened next....."

POLL: Public Confidence In Congress 'Has Sunk To A New Low'
A quote...."Just when it seemed like the public's perception of Congress couldn't get any worse, it did exactly that. - In fact, the numbers show people have less confidence in Congress than any other American institution in the history of the Gallup poll." - bold by website editor - And yet....they keep trotting down to the polls and voting for them. - mpg

Rally held in US against gay [homosexual] marriage
A quote...."Thousands of Americans have staged a rally in Washington, DC, in opposition to the rising number of same-sex marriages in the United States. - The protesters marched Thursday from the Capitol to the Supreme Court building. Several American groups, including the National Organization for Marriage, joined the so-called March for Marriage. The protesters demanded that the US keep marriage defined as a union between a man and a woman." - Topix ||  Welcome to the New Unholy Roman Empire....Slaves!! - 06-27-13 - mpg  ||

Iraq's Break Up is the Real "Mission Accomplished" - #NewWorldNextWeek
NWNWVideo - Alt/AudioMp3 - (NWNWYuTb - 18min30sec - Jun 19, 2014) - Websites:  CRYuTb - NwWrldNxtWk  CorbettReport - MediaMonarchy -- A quote...."Welcome to New World Next Week -- the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news."

Gerald Celente - Windrock Wealth - June 19, 2014
WWMVideo - (WWMYuTb - 24min23sec - Jun 20, 2014) - Source:  GrldCel@YuTb - TrendsJournal - Producer:  WindrockWealthManagement - WWM@YuTb - A quote...."How Gerald forecasts and why does the Mainstream media miss everything of importance.  Gerald also talks about the risks of an inflationary recession."

Interview 903 – James Corbett on the Failings (and Promise) of the Alt Media
Must Listen SoQAudio - Mp3  - Note: The Mp3 ends abruptly at 56min - mpg - AltYuTb - (SoQYuTb - 1hr05min09sec - June 19, 2014) - Source/Producer:  TheSageOfQuay - Related Websites:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt -- A quote...."Today James appears on The Sage of Quay Radio Hour to discuss how the alt media is failing to live up to its promise of providing a true alternative to MSM propaganda by constantly reacting to the MSM memes and idea, and how the independent media can overcome this by promoting the positive solutions and alternative infrastructures that are now possible. We also discuss what Edward Snowden and his “revelations” really mean and then wrap up with James giving his insights on the de-dollarization being pursued by the BRICS alliance lead by Russia."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

After 6 Years of Unprecedented Central Planning, the Economy Is More Fragile Than Ever
Must Read - A quote...."We will all discover that the economy is much more fragile than advertised by the Central Planners and their media toadies. - This week I have made the case that the past 13.5 years have been the most destructive to the core values of the nation in U.S. history. The same holds true for the economy, which has been critically weakened by 6 years of unprecedented Central Planning. - What do I mean by Central Planning? Here are the key characteristics of Central Planning...." - Source:  OfTwoMinds
  1. The central bank/state intervene in the economy in a dominant fashion, controlling functions such as interest rates by order of central authorities that were once set by decentralized, self-organizing markets.
  2. The central bank/state pick winners and losers: for example, the Too Big To Fail Banks (TBTF) were selected to win, as the central bank/state bailed out their private losseswith public-taxpayer money. In effect, the central state/bank enrich cronies at the expense of everyone else.
  3. The central bank/state manipulate the nominally “free” market to boost asset valuations as a way of enriching cronies who own most of the financial assets and as a public-relations charade to mask the failure of their picking winners and losers.
Keiser Report: South Rises Again! (E616)
MaxRTVideo - (MaxRTYuTb - 25min45sec - Jun 19, 2014) - Related Websites:  RussiaToday - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom - MaxOnTwitter - StacyOnTwitter -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report and Stacy Herbert discuss fantasizing into the ehter a derivatives contract collateralized by nothing but the Pentagon.  They look at the South taking on Wall Street and the 'cluster of Central Banks' buying up equities.  In the second half Maz interviews Bez of the rock band "Happy Mondays" and and now a candidate for MP on the Reality Party ticket.  They discuss when the ravens leave the Tower of London cryptos as a threat to the elite because it's the secret of wealth they would rather remain hidden; and Bez tells of Prince Charles sending letters to the residents of Cornwall reminding them that he owns the mineral rights under their lands."

Buying Up the Planet: Out-of-control Central Banks on a Corporate Buying Spree
A quote...."When the US Federal Reserve bought an 80% stake in American International Group (AIG) in September 2008, the unprecedented $85 billion outlay was justified as necessary to bail out the world’s largest insurance company. Today, however, central banks are on a global corporate buying spree not to bail out bankrupt corporations but simply as an investment, to compensate for the loss of bond income due to record-low interest rates. Indeed, central banks have become some of the world’s largest stock investors." - Source:  CounterPunch

It’s Official: Despite Media Hype, Eurozone STILL In Recession

A quote...."The media and statistical agencies have been bursting at the seams with stories about the Eurozone’s increasingly healthy economy. Government budgets remain a mess. But no one really cares as long as bond markets are willing to fund these deficits and roll over the debt at record low yields even of bailed-out countries with over 20% unemployment and spreading misery." - Source:  TestosteronePit

The opposition has called for the government to step down , Polish authorities try to seize magazine’s files
A quote...."WARSAW, Poland — Polish police and state prosecutors on Wednesday raided the headquarters of a magazine that recently published compromising information about the government, in a failed attempt to seize its computers. -- In scenes broadcast live on Polish TV, Sylwester Latkowski, the editor of the weekly Wprost, said he resisted demands of authorities to hand over his laptop and pen drive and would only do so if he received a court order first. He said agents twisted his arm in order to get the laptop, and they left after a few hours without the materials they sought."

[Huge] Anti-monarchy protests grip Madrid
A quote...."Anti-monarchy protesters have taken to the streets of the Spanish capital after new King Felipe VI was proclaimed monarch. - Thousands of Spaniards hit the streets of Madrid on Thursday to show their dissatisfaction with the monarchy system in their country. - The protesters slammed the current political system in Spain for what they describe as its failure to represent the real will of the people." - Source:  PressTV

Dublin 'could soon become Europe's homeless capital'

A quote...."A homeless charity said it recorded the highest ever rough sleeper count on the streets of Dublin last night. - Inner City Helping Homeless said 154 were sleeping rough on the city's streets. - These numbers were recorded by four ICHH outreach teams covering both north and south inner areas last night. - The group has called on the Government to take action to deal with the crisis."

Bulgaria Stocks Drop Most in 16 Months as Bank Runs Out of Funds
A quote...."Bulgaria’s stock index slumped the most in 16 months as the central bank appointed administrators to manage the nation’s fourth-biggest lender after it ran out of funds and stopped all operations."
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More On The World's International Situation....

Pakistan helicopters pound rebels as 200,000 civilians flee
A quote...."Pakistani helicopter gunships pounded militant targets in the country's northwest Friday, killing up to 20 rebels, as the number of civilians fleeing an expected ground offensive passed 200,000. - Nearly 150,000 people have left North Waziristan tribal area on the Afghan border this week after the military launched a long-awaited assault against Taliban hideouts."

7 soldiers killed in Shiite rebels' attack in Yemen
A quote...."Baku-APA. Shiite Houthi rebels attacked army posts in Yemen's northern province of Amran on Wednesday, killing at least seven soldiers, military sources said, APA reports quoting Xinhua."

Egypt Muslim Brotherhood chief given new death sentence
A quote...."CAIRO: An Egyptian court sentenced Muslim Brotherhood chief Mohamed Badie and 13 others to death Thursday over violence that killed 10 people in Cairo last summer."

Bahraini forces attack protesters

A quote...."Bahraini regime forces have once again attacked anti-regime protesters in the tiny Persian Gulf kingdom as the ruling Al-Khalifa continues its crackdown on the opposition." - Source:  PressTV

Venezuelan President and High Ranking Officials to Declare Wealth, Ex-Minister Investigated for Corruption
A quote...."San Francisco – Venezuelan comptroller Adelina Gonzalez announced yesterday that all senior officials in public office must update their sworn declaration of wealth (DJP) between the 1st and 31st of July." - Source:  Venezuelanalysis

Police, protesters clash in Brazil
A quote...."The violence broke out on Thursday after thousands of people gave a positive response to a call from the Free Fare Movement, which seeks free public transportation for all. The protesters reportedly vandalized cars and banks, and police responded with tear gas." - Source:  PressTV

Rough and Polished: South Africa Shortchanged on Diamond Trade
A quote...."JOHANNESBURG – At every step, from mine to ring finger, South Africa’s diamond industry is benefitting from royalty and export tax structures riddled with loopholes, shortchanging citizens of one of the world’s premier sources of diamonds of tens of millions of dollars a year in revenue." - Source:  100Reporters

17 killed in Philippines clash with Muslim extremists
A quote...."ZAMBOANGA, June 19- Ten Muslim extremists and seven soldiers were killed on Thursday in one of the bloodiest clashes in the southern Philippines in recent months, the military said. - Soldiers were approaching a known hotbed of the militant Abu Sayyaf group on the strife-torn island of Jolo when the fighting broke out, military statements said."

China sends four oil rigs to South China Sea amid regional tensions
A quote...."(Reuters) - China has sent four oil rigs into the South China Sea in a sign that Beijing is stepping up its exploration for oil and gas in the tense region, less than two months after it positioned a giant drilling platform in waters claimed by Vietnam."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Israeli army storms Birzeit University and arrests two students
A quote...."The Israeli army this morning has stormed the Birzeit University campus near Ramallah and arrested two students, the Anadolu news agency reported. - Anadolu quoted eyewitnesses as saying: "The Israeli army stormed the Birzeit University campus, near Ramallah, detained the university security guards in a room and prevented media from entering the campus.""

Hamas denies Meshaal's involvement in kidnapping of Israeli settlers
A quote...."Official Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri denied yesterday that Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal issued directives to kidnap Israeli settlers. - In a post on his Facebook page, Abu Zuhri described the Israeli remarks about Meshaal's involvement in the kidnapping as a "lie". He said: "This is a campaign of claims and lies to justify an Israeli plan to eradicate Hamas."

Israel to step up crackdown on Hamas, Palestinians
A quote...."The Israeli regime seeks to step up its aggression against the Palestinians under the pretext of searching for illegal settlers allegedly missing in the occupied West Bank."

The Qwasmeh Family Story
A quote...."The public so far knows very little outside of the alleged time that Gilad Shaar, Naftali Frenkel, and Eyal Yifrach were kidnapped. But what we do know is the absolute mayhem the Israeli military has spread throughout the Hebron district among innocent families.  Additionally, routine night raids, day patrols, confiscation of public property for military outposts, and the blockades on all but two access points into Hebron have suffocated the livelihood of Hebronites." - Source:  CPTnet
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Vermont and the People are “Fighting Monsanto” for their Lives and For Now “They are Winning”
Hip Hip Hooray!! -- A quote...."The world’s most powerful chemical manufacturer, Monsanto, and the powerful food and agri-industries have had their way in America for many decades. Through the power of lobbyists pouring money into the hands of corrupt lawmakers, US presidents, and federal agencies like the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), until just recently they have successfully squelched any grassroots movements made by the American people concerned about the food they eat and its effect on their physical health."

Australia planning to produce GMO milk
From now on, don't buy any cheese from Australia unless it's organic. - mpg -- A quote...."A plan to feed Australian dairy cows genetically modified rye grass designed to boost milk production has sparked concerns from both organic and non-organic farmers. - Opponents of the scheme fear that GM grasses could contaminate neighbouring properties and that existing labelling requirements would not allow consumers to identify products made from cows fed on the modified rye."

Criminalising Dissent against GMOs and Monsanto
A quote...."Before being voted out of office this year, the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance administration sanctioned open-field trials of 200 GM food crops in India. Monsanto’s shares rocketed as a result (1). This decision prompted Rajesh Krishnan of the Coalition for a GM Free India to state that government was against the interest of citizens, farmers and the welfare of the nation. Instead, it has decided to work hand in glove with the multinational GM seed industry that stands to gain immensely from the numerous open field trails of GM crops."

Biotech, chemical conglomerates retaliate against the people of Hawaii for daring to restrict GMO field experiments

A quote...."(NaturalNews) The state of Hawaii has become the new battleground in the controversy regarding GMO crops and pesticides, according to a watchdog organization that monitors the industry."

Thousands of oil and gas wells in Pennsylvania suspected of leaking methane
A quote...."Thousands of abandoned oil and gas wells across the state of Pennsylvania could be leaking methane gas into the atmosphere, a new report states. - If true, it could mean the same is happening in old wells all over the United States, potentially contributing to climate change in ways that are not effectively documented by government groups like the Environmental Protection Agency."

Fukushima’s Children are Dying
A quote...."Some 39 months after the multiple explosions at Fukushima, thyroid cancer rates among nearby children have skyrocketed to more than forty times (40x) normal. - More than 48 percent of some 375,000 young people—nearly 200,000 kids—tested by the Fukushima Medical University near the smoldering reactors now suffer from pre-cancerous thyroid abnormalities, primarily nodules and cysts. The rate is accelerating."

Thursday June 19th 2014

No posts. - mpg

Wednesday June 18th 2014

Iraq, America and The Lobby
Must Read - A quote...."It is amusing to witness the energy and effort mainstream news outlets are investing in diverting attention from the fact that the current mess in Iraq is the direct outcome of Jewish political domination of the West for the last two decades.  -- When America and Britain launched the criminal second Gulf War, it was the Zionist Neocons, a bunch of politically influential Jews who urged the ‘liberation’ of the Iraqi people. Members of the same breed of tribal exponents have rallied for intervention in Iran, Libya and most recently in Syria." - bold by website editor

Israel uses US to destabilize Mideast: Analyst
Contains Video - A quote...."Israel is using the United States to destabilize the Middle East with the ultimate goal of ensuring the regime’s survival, a political analyst tells Press TV. "

The Brutal Logic of a Self-Seeking Empire - Is Open-Ended Chaos the Desired US-Israeli Aim in the Middle East? - ICH $$ DRIVE - CLICK HERE -- A quote...."June 17, 2014 "ICH" - "Counterpunch" - - During the last week we have seen Sunni militias take control of ever-greater swathes of eastern Syria and western Iraq. In the mainstream media, the analysis of this emerging reality has been predictably idiotic, basically centering on whether:
  1. Obama is to blame for this for having removed US troops in compliance with the 2008 Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) negotiated and signed by Bush.
  2. Obama is “man enough” to putatively resolve the problem by going back into the country and killing more people and destroying whatever remains of the country’s infrastructure.
"This cynically manufactured discussion has generated a number of intelligent rejoinders on the margins of the mainstream media system. These essays, written by people such as Juan Cole, Robert Parry, Robert Fisk and Gary Leupp, do a fine job of explaining the US decisions that led to the present crisis, while simultaneously reminding us how everything occurring  today was readily foreseeable as far back as 2002."

Putin Advisor Proposes "Anti-Dollar Alliance" To Halt US Aggression Abroad

A quote...."....this same Glazyev who published an article in Russian Argumenty Nedeli, in which he outlined a plan for "undermining the economic strength of the US" in order to force Washington to stop the civil war in Ukraine. Glazyev believes that the only way of making the US give up its plans on starting a new cold war is to crash the dollar system. - As summarized by VoR, in his article, published by Argumenty Nedeli, Putin's economic aide and the mastermind behind the Eurasian Economic Union, argues that Washington is trying to provoke a Russian military intervention in Ukraine, using the junta in Kiev as bait. If fulfilled, the plan will give Washington a number of important benefits. Firstly, it will allow the US to introduce new sanctions against Russia, writing off Moscow's portfolio of US Treasury bills. More important is that a new wave of sanctions will create a situation in which Russian companies won't be able to service their debts to European banks."
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A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Destruction of Ukraine/Russia....

Coup in Kiev
Must Read - From the History File - February 24, 2014  -- A quote....""Ukraine is exploding, and the force of the eruption may plunge not only the country but also Europe and the US into an abyss out of which there is no easy extrication. -- First, a primer for those who have missed the rapidly escalating events of the past few days: mobs of protesters have taken over Kiev and the government of Viktor Yanukovich has been effectively overthrown. Impeached by the Parliament, and opposed now even by members of his Party of Regions, Yanukovich has fled the presidential palace for parts unknown (probably to his home town of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine, near the Russian border). The police and all signs of organized authority have simply disappeared from the streets of the city: armed bands dressed in medieval armor, carrying bats, crowbars, and sometimes guns roam the streets, dispensing victor’s "justice" to anyone perceived as a Yanukovich supporter." - Source:  AntiWar

USrael Orders Ukraine: Destroy Everything - Joaquin
Must Listen M108Video - (M108YuTb - 7min20sec - Jun 17 2014) - Source:  108morris108

Ukraine: Echoes Of The Third Reich - Yatsenyuk's "Subhumans"
A quote...."The Embassy has non changed the text quoted above and substituted "subhumans" by "inhumans". We had expected such editing and therefore provided the screenshot of the original publication."

Two Russian journalists killed in Ukraine military shelling
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 1min44sec - Jun 17, 2014) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."Kiev’s army shelling near Lugansk, eastern Ukraine, took the lives of two Russian journalists – Igor Kornelyuk and Anton Voloshin, who were filming refugees leaving the scene when a shell hit amidst their small group."

‘100% aimed action’: Ukraine military shelled refugees, Russian journalists, survivor says
A quote...."Having survived a ruthless mortar attack by Kiev armed forces on a group of refugees escorted by local militia in Eastern Ukraine, the cameraman of Rossiya TV channel recalls details of the shelling that took the lives of his two colleagues."

For more on these issues see articles shown below.....
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Another PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Destruction of Iraq....

Back to the Future: A Voice of Sanity on Iraq - ICH $$ DRIVE - CLICK HERE
Must Read - A quote...." June 17, 2014 "ICH" - Sami Ramadani, an Iraqi writer who fled persecution by Saddam’s regime but who was also a powerful voice against the Anglo-American aggression against his country in 2003, exposes one of the many lies about Iraq that have infected both sides of the interventionist argument: that it is a land seething with ancient, irrepressible sectarian hatreds that can only be put right by separation. It’s an important piece, worth reading in full, but here are some excerpts...."

The Sectarian Myth of Iraq
Must Read - Related Article - This is the article that was reviewed and quoted in the post shown above. - mpg -- A quote...."Tony Blair has been widely derided for his attempted justification of the 2003 Iraq invasion, and his claim last weekend that he's blameless over the current turmoil. Unfortunately, though, many of his critics have also bought into a central plank of his argument: that Iraqi society is no more than a motley collection of religions and ethnicities which have been waiting for decades, if not centuries, to slaughter each other and plunge the place into a bloodbath."

Iraq: The US Sponsored Sectarian “Civil War” is a “War of Aggression”, The “Supreme International Crime”
A quote...."The great command of the Nuremberg Tribunal convened after the Second World War to punish the evil that had shaken Europe was to abolish the “supreme international crime” – the planning and waging of wars of aggression. “War is essentially an evil thing,” the Tribunal held as it passed judgment on German leaders. “Its consequences are not confined to the belligerent states alone, but affect the whole world.”"

Busted! U.S. Trained ISIS At Secret Jordan Base!
DAB7Video - Alt - (DAB7YuTb - 3min54sec - Jun 17, 2014) - Source:  Dahboo7 -- A quote...."Members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIS, were trained in 2012 by U.S. instructors working at a secret base in Jordan, according to informed Jordanian officials."

The Engineered Destruction and Political Fragmentation of Iraq. Towards the Creation of a US Sponsored Islamist Caliphate -- A quote...."Known and documented, Al Qaeda affiliated entities have been used by US-NATO in numerous conflicts as “intelligence assets” since the heyday of the Soviet-Afghan war. In Syria, the Al Nusrah and ISIS rebels are the foot-soldiers of the Western military alliance, which oversees and controls the recruitment and training of paramilitary forces."

ISIS Stinger Missile Hype Predicted 18 Months Ago
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 4min33sec - Jun 18, 2014) - Source:  AlexJonesChannal -- Members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIS, were trained in 2012 by U.S. instructors working at a secret base in Jordan, according to informed Jordanian officials."

ISIL soldiers of fortune fighting US war in Iraq: Analyst
A quote...."The only way for Iraq’s ongoing crisis to end is for the US government to stop supporting Takfiri “mercenaries” wreaking havoc on the war-wracked country, an analyst writes for Press TV."

Is ISIL really ‘Sunni’? Not at all
A quote...."The Western media describes ISIL – the ultra-extremist terrorists destabilizing Iraq and Syria – as “Sunni militants.” -- Headlines read: “Sunni Islamist Militants Seize Mosul.” “Sunni militants capture northern Iraqi town.” “Iraq Army Tries to Roll Back Sunni Militants’ Advance.” -- The corporate media casts the fighting in Iraq as a Sunni vs. Shia conflict. The Sunni side, according to these reports, is led by ISIL – a group that was expelled from al-Qaeda for being too extreme. -- But is ISIL really Sunni? -- Many experts say “no.” Some question whether ISIL has a right to call itself an Islamic group at all."

West labels ISIL as Sunnis to divide Iraq: Analyst
A quote...."Mainstream media in the Western countries label Takfiri militants fighting in Iraq as Sunnis in an attempt to cause division among Muslim sects, an analyst writes for Press TV. -- In an article for the Press TV website, Kevin Barrett was analyzing the Western media’s reference to the al-Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) as “Sunni jihadists.” -- “The corporate media is intentionally misreporting the situation. The extreme-Zionist neoconservatives launched the US invasion of Iraq in order to break up that country, and the Middle East as a whole, by inciting ethnic and sectarian strife,” Barrett wrote." - For more on these issues see articles shown below.....
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen & Others....

Coleen Rowley: The US Support for Terrorists in Syria Is an Act of War
Must Read Interview - A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Prominent American peace activist and FBI whistleblower Coleen Rowley believes that the United States is violating the international law by supporting the rebels and terrorists in Syria. -- According to Coleen Rowley, “the US funding and arming” of the terrorists and insurgents in the crisis-hit Syria “mostly through US’ ties with Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey, to help the Syrian opposition fighters topple Assad, are all acts of war and actually also violate international law.”"

Assad: Terrorist Groups Replaced Hireling Governments to Implement Wests Plots
A quote...."Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said that the west is employing various methods in an attempt to weaken and divide countries that don't succumb to its will, SANA reported." - Source:  al-ManarTV

Lebanese Army Conducts Wide Search in Arsal Terrain, Syrian Refugees Camps
A quote...."Army units carried out on Wednesday morning a wide search operation in Arsal terrains and Syrian refugees' camps in search of armed men and wanted, Lebanese Army Command- Guidance Directorate said in a communique." - Source:  al-ManarTV

Yemen air force strikes Shiite rebels
A quote...."SANAA: Yemeni warplanes hit Shiite rebel positions Tuesday in the north, where the army has come under repeated attacks after the collapse of a short-lived truce, local and military officials said."

Islamist Militants kill 15 More In New Attack On Kenyan Coast
A quote...."Somali-linked Islamist militants killed at least 15 people and torched houses in a second night of attacks on Kenya’s coast, a day after an assault on a town left almost 50 dead."

Global fear of Iran’s ‘controversial’ nuclear programme is a ‘US-Israeli construct’
A quote...."Iran’s nuclear talks with the P5+1[1] are taking place in Vienna. A “solid commitment” from Iran is needed, ensuring that its stated peaceful atomic energy programme is not a clandestine attempt to build nuclear weapons. The Iranians have found themselves needing to make a leap towards lifting the crushing international sanctions, notably those imposed by the US. It is the basis of these sanctions that MEMO has re-examined with a group of senior researchers in the field." - Source:  MEMO

What is the Quality of Scientific Evidence Against Iran? - That there is none??? - mpg
A quote...."This week the P5+1 and Iranian officials meet again to try to narrow differences over a comprehensive nuclear deal, which is to last for an as-yet unknown duration. Reaching an agreement will be a challenging task because Iran and P5+1 seem to disagree – among other things – about the enrichment capacity Iran should be allowed during the (unknown) term of the comprehensive deal." - Source:  ArmsControlLaw
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Ryan Dawson interviews Germar RudolfRy's Donation Request - Indiegogo
Must Listen Ry2SAudio - Outstanding Interview!! - (ANCRptFlshPlyr - 2hrs24min48ssec - Created on June 29, 2014*) - Related Sites:  Ry2S@YuTbRy2S@ANCRpt - Ry2SAntiNeocons  - Ry2S@TruTube - Ry2S@Vimeo - Anti-Neocons / Indiegogo Project - A quote...."Germar Rudolf talks about being jailed and having his books burned for challenging the modern inquisition party narrative of WWII" - GET MY EBOOK TOO Separation of Business and State" -  Please donate, we need Ryan Dawson to do his investigations full time - mpg - Topix  ||  More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg  || - *The old file was deleted, this is the new one....

Neocon Kagan: Hillary Clinton Is One Of Us
A quote...."A (sympathetic) New York Times profile of neocon Robert Kagan has this on Clinton II: But Exhibit A for what Robert Kagan describes as his “mainstream” view of American force is his relationship with former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who remains the vessel into which many interventionists are pouring their hopes. Mr. Kagan pointed out that he had recently attended a dinner of foreign-policy experts at which Mrs. Clinton was the guest of honor, and that he had served on her bipartisan group of foreign-policy heavy hitters at the State Department, where his wife worked as her spokeswoman. -  “I feel comfortable with her on foreign policy,” Mr. Kagan "

Antagonizing Palestinians, Australia’s linguistic blunder snowballs
A quote...."Reacting to antagonized Palestinian snowballing protests to her government’s decision on June 5 to reverse a 47-year old bipartisan consensus on describing eastern Jerusalem as “occupied,” Foreign Minister Julie Bishop on June 13 denied any “change in the Australian government’s position.”" - Source:  ThePeople'sVoice

IOF soldiers assault, arrest journalist
A quote...."AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) arrested Palestinian journalist Yehya Habayeb, from al-Khalil, while covering events in Taffuh village to the west of Ramallah afternoon Tuesday."

Gaza – a hellhole created by Israel
A quote...."Israel has launched yet another campaign against the Palestinian people. This time its excuse is the kidnapping of three teenage “boys”. Israel is using this incident to once again collectively punish my people. According to international law, collective punishment is a crime."

Iran: Stop Tel Aviv’s crimes in Gaza Strip
A quote...."Iran has denounced Israel’s latest airstrikes on the Gaza Strip and the abduction of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, urging firm international action to stop Tel Aviv’s crimes."

Disappointment for Hillary Clinton as sales for her memoir 'struggle in its first week' - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote....."A million copies were reportedly shipped when the book went on sale - meaning that the actual number sold is less than 10 per cent sell-through of what they sent, the source said, adding: 'They will be lucky to sell 150,000 total lifetime.'"

Hillary Clinton LAUGHS [AGAIN]
A quote...."In a newly unearthed audio interview Hillary Clinton reveals how she managed to get a plea bargain for a man accused of raping a 12-year-old girl – and shockingly laughs as she indicated she knew he may have been guilty."
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More International Tales From the Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....

The End Of All Of Us - Washington Is Beating The War Drums- ICH $$ DRIVE - CLICK HERE
Red War Warning - Must Read - A quote...."June 18, 2014 "ICH" - I wish I had only good news to bring to readers, or even one item of good news. Alas, goodness has ceased to be a feature of US policy and simply cannot be found in any words or deeds emanating from Washington or the capitals of its European vassal states. The Western World has succumbed to evil." - also posted at WarInIraq

How America Is Bringing Peace and Democracy to the World
Must Read - A quote...."We brought peace and democracy to Iraq by our invading and occupying it in order to get rid of Al Qaeda and “Saddam’s WMD” (that war cost the U.S. $3 trillion) -- And we brought peace and democracy to Ukraine by our overthrowing their corrupt but democratically elected pro-Russian President and installing a corrupt regime that on May 2nd massacred hundreds of civilians who opposed the coup and thus caused a civil war that now has our people bombing the residents of southeastern Ukraine whom we call “terrorists” while terrorizing them, into hoped-for submission to the regime that we have imposed upon them (those people refused to vote in the election that we held for them) -- And, shortly after Obama had become President, he and Hillary Clinton brought peace and democracy to Honduras by our being the only government in the Western Hemisphere to back the junta that overthrew that country’s democratically elected progressive President and by replacing him with a string of fascist ones producing the world’s highest murder-rate in that country" -- Source:  GrgWashBlog

The United States will not accept [real] peace
Must Read - A quote...."Popular discourse in the US often speaks of “anti-American dictators” and “aggressive autocrats.” The group of world leaders who currently top the US enemies list is always portrayed as “pushing toward war” with their “hostility.” - While this is the portrait that is presented, the majority of the states in conflict with the US in the current period have assumed this role with extreme reluctance."

Another US drone attack strikes Afghanistan, kills 12
Related Article - A quote...."Another US drone attack has struck Afghanistan’s southeastern Ghazni Province, killing at least 12 people. - The deadly drone strike was carried out in Qara-Bagh district of the troubled province on Wednesday, according to local authorities."

Why Bush and Blair Should Be Prosecuted for War Crimes
A quote...."Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair recently stated that air strikes and drones should be  used once again on Iraq to stem recent gains by extremists in that country. Mr. Blair is oblivious of the responsibility he shares with former U.S. president George W. Bush on account of  one of the most serious breaches of international law in recent times. The prosecution of Mr. Blair and Mr. Bush, along the lines of similar trials conducted in Argentina, Chile and Peru, is the only fitting response to such careless remarks."

Three Troubling Lessons from the Latest U.S. Drone Strikes
A quote...."The ‘Forever War’ continues in Pakistan and Yemen even as public focus shifts to Iraq -- As the deteriorating security situation in Iraq once again dominates headlines in the U.S., America‘s dirty wars in the Middle East and South Asia continue with no sign of abating."

Argentina President Blasts US Bank ‘Extortion’
A quote...."Argentina will not submit to Wall Street’s “extortion” of their debt, said President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner in a national address Tuesday night. - De Kirchner’s comments came after it was announced that the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal by the South American country despite their argument that obliging predator banks would “encourage creditor free-for-alls” and “intensify and prolong the suffering of the poor in countries undergoing sovereign debt crisis.”

Risk of new Argentinian debt default after vulture fund verdict
Related Article - A quote...."Fernandez said the total owed to the plaintiffs is $1.5 billion including interest, and paying it all immediately in cash the way the courts ordered could trigger another $15 billion in other cash payments to the remaining holders of defaulted debt. That “is not only absurd but impossible,” since it represents more than half the Central Bank’s remaining foreign reserves, she said. -- She repeatedly vowed to keep making payments on the vast majority of the country’s performing debts, which are held by bondholders who agreed previously to provide debt relief that enabled Argentina to rebound from its economic crisis of 2001. Even if Argentina can’t use the U.S. financial system to do so, she said, teams of experts are working on ways to avoid such a default and keep Argentina’s promises."

Argentina not to make bond payment in US - official
Related Article - A quote...."Argentina will not make a bond service payment due June 30 in New York as ordered by a US judge, the economy ministry said Wednesday." - bold by website editor

Terrorism As A Weapon Of Hegemony
A quote...."Once again, the International Movement for a Just World (JUST) joins hands with the people of Cuba and justice-loving people in every nook and cranny of the planet, in demanding the immediate release of the three remaining prisoners from the Cuban Five who are still languishing in US jails, after 13 years." - Source:  CounterPunch

REVOLUTION IN POLAND! The police attacked anti-government demonstration!
Contains Video - A quote...."Manifestation of growing in strength, are organized in many cities: Warsaw, Krakow, Wroclaw, Szczecin, Poznan, Katowice, Rzeszow, Lublin, Bydgoszcz, Torun, Opole and many other cities.
People have had enough of the rule of Prime Minister Tusk."

Hungarian government intensifies attack on press freedom
A quote...."Last Wednesday, Victor Orban’s right-wing government rushed through the adoption of a law on a so-called advertising tax for the media. It is deliberately aimed at critical media outlets and will eliminate the last remnants of press freedom. The law is directed against independent media as well as foreign press agencies that are not fully in agreement with the government’s course."

N Korea 'develops Russian cruise missile'
A quote....."N Korea 'develops Russian cruise missile' - The missile is shown for just a split second in a 50-minute propaganda video - Continue reading the main story - A North Korean propaganda film has revealed footage of a newly developed cruise missile, according to experts. - The missile is believed to be similar to the Russian KH-35 missile, which came into service in 2003." - Source:  BBC

Russia Tests Pantsir Air Defense Systems in Arctic
A quote...."MOSCOW, June 16 (RIA Novosti) — Russia is testing its Pantsir S-1 short-range air defense system in the Arctic to ensure security in the resource-rich region, which is soon expected to become the centre of oil and gas exploration for the country, Alexander Denisov, head of the High-Precision Systems holding told RIA Novosti Monday. " - Source:   RiaNovosti
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

NSA Turned Germany Into Its Largest Listening Post in Europe
A quote...."The German magazine reports that documents provided by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden “paint a picture of an all-powerful American intelligence agency that has developed an increasingly intimate relationship with Germany over the past 13 years while massively expanding its presence.” The magazine adds, “No other country in Europe plays host to a secret NSA surveillance architecture like the one in Germany…In 2007, the NSA claimed to have at least a dozen active collection sites in Germany.”

Facebook's Extreme Online Tracking Tactics
A quote...."A history of how the social network monitors your online activity, even though it denies using the info for commercial purposes. -- For years people have noticed a funny thing about Facebook's ubiquitous Like button. It has been sending data to Facebook tracking the sites you visit. Each time details of the tracking were revealed, Facebook promised that it wasn't using the data for any commercial purposes."

CIA planned rendition of Edward Snowden
A quote...."According to an article published by the Register, an aircraft belonging to the United States Central Intelligence Agency was sent to Europe last June as the US government was preparing to seize whistle-blower Edward Snowden." - No doubt, after three years of psychological and physical isolation, along with petty physical abuse, humiliation and bouts of actual torture, Edward Snowden would've announce to the whole world he'd now like to be refereed to as "Edweena Snowden". - mpg

We cannot have our political surveillance and our democracy, too
A quote...."From the UK to the United States, law enforcement at all levels is conflating dissent with terrorism, threatening the possibility for open societies and democratic change. In both countries, the war on terror—cast as an endless and border-less battle over ideology and religion—provides dangerous new latitude for governments to criminalize and monitor speech. But political surveillance today remains what it has always been: a way for governments to uphold the status quo in the face of demands for change." - Source:  PrivacySOS
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More on the Domestic Situation....

Recent Crimes of the FBI: Is Agency America's Greatest Threat to Domestic Freedoms?
A quote...."On June 3, Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the Justice Department will revive a task force on domestic terrorism to curb that form of violence in the United States. Holder stated that the Domestic Terrorism Executive Committee will work to eliminate danger from violent individuals who may be motivated by anti-government or racist views. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, the National Security Division of the Justice Department, and the Attorney General’s Advisory Committee will lead the efforts. "

Court Rejects Request That Secret NSA Evidence Used Against Terrorism Suspect Be Shared With Suspect’s Lawyers -- A quote...."We’ve been following the case of Adel Daoud, an American citizen charged with terrorism. He’s one of the many, many folks that was arrested following one of the FBI’s infamous home grown plots (i.e. he was never actually involved in any terrorism, as all of his “co-conspirators” were actually FBI agents or informants, and there was never any actual threat or chance that he’d pull off an actual terrorist attack). Back during the (pre-Snowden) debates on renewing Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act, Senator Dianne Feinstein used Daoud’s case as a specific example of when the program had been useful in stopping terrorism." - Source:  Techdirt

Judge Finds Courts Cannot Protect US Citizens Tortured by US Government Officials Abroad
A quote...."A federal district court dismissed a case that was brought by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of a United States citizen and against US government officials who allegedly tortured, abused and subjected him to rendition and incommunicado detention in Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia. The dismissal was another stark example of how it is nearly impossible for torture victims to push for justice in an American court of law." - Source:  FireDogLake

Government Increasingly Seeks Access to Private Health Records in Gun Permit Process
Many websites saw this one coming years ago. -- To be honest, this website editor was pretty indifferent to the right to keep and bear arms as spelled out in the 2nd amendment.  But over the last few years, to watch this government try every single possible overt, covert, and underhanded illegal way to steal the peoples' guns, destroy their rights to keep them, and completely trash the 2nd amendment, ALL THE WHILE massively militarizing domestic law enforcement, and turning it into a caricature of the NAZI's Gestapo, has not only convinced this website editor of the "right to keep and bear arms", but that this government is hell bent on turning this entire nation into a complete tyranny.  Once it gets the guns, once it destroys the 2nd amendment, it will do so immediately. - mpg

Death records for 796 children at Tuam home published in full
A quote..."The names, ages, and causes of death of all 796 children who died at St. Mary’s Home, in Tuam, Co. Galway from 1925 to 1960 have been published in full, below. - The list is long, and reading it is a horrifying, heartbreaking experience – though nowhere near as horrifying as the short lives of the children who died, or as heartbreaking as the sheer number of lost little lives."

Pressure on Cameron to investigate high level child abuse
Related Article - A quote...."A number of politicians have placed demands on the Home secretary to establish a committee to investigate past cases of child sex abuse, following a crowd-sourced campaign. - Liberal Democrat MP, Duncan Hames raised the matter at prime minister’s questions,  confronting David Cameron."

Interview 902 – Power Hour: Iraq Falling Apart is the Real “Mission Accomplished”
CRAudio - (CRMp3 - 42min58sec - June 17, 2014) - Websites:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt -- A quote...."James joins Joyce and J.D. on The Power Hour every other week to discuss economics, world events, geopolitics and everything else. This time they discuss the latest developments in Iraq as the US/GCC backed terror boogeyman organization threatens to complete the Neocon/Israeli agenda of splitting the country into three parts. We also discuss Fukushima, bitcoin, patriot demonization and more."

Charlie Wilson's War - FLNWO #16
CRAudio - (CRMp3 - 1hr06min27sec - June 17, 2014) - Websites:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt -- A quote...."How and why did the Afghan-Soviet war start? What was the CIA’s involvement in the affair? Who did they support and what were they aiming at? If you’re interested in the answers to these questions you won’t find them in 2007′s Hollywood drama, Charlie Wilson’s War, but you will hear them discussed on this podcast. Join us today for another edition of Film, Literature and the New World Order as Pearse Redmond of Porkin’s Policy Review joins us to dissect the propaganda and predictive programming of this CIA-Afghan cover up movie."

Gerald Celente - Jeff Rense Show - June 13, 2014
JRSVideo - (JRSYuTb - 43min14sec - June 13, 2014) - Source:  GrldCel@YuTb - TrendsJournal - Producer:  Rense@YouTube - Rense - A quote...."Gerald talks with Jeff Rense on the latest trends on news going around the world."

Jim Willie-The Dollar is Toxic
Must Listen GHVideo -  (GHYuTb - 26min23sec - Jun 3, 2014) -- Source:  GregHunter@YuTb - Related Sites:  USAWatchDog - Guest Website:  GoldenJackass -- A quote....."A big ongoing theme of Dr. Willie is the world moving away from use of the U.S. Dollar [actually the privately owned Federal Reserve's fiat script] in global trade.  It is acceleration, and Dr. WIllie contends, "It's becoming a parade, adn the U.S. is going to succeed in isolation 90% of the world, and in doing so, will isolate itself.  You can't sanction the whole world that does not want to use the dollar.  If you do that what you do is define the non-dollar world.  You crystalize it.  You bring it into shape and enable its birth.  That's what the United States is doing.  We must focus on the fundamentals.  The dollar is toxic." -- In closing, Dr. Wilie says, "We have lost our rule of law and, now, we are relying on attacks on other nations that want to abandon the dollar."

BOMBSHELL: Insider Reveals U.S. Training Of ISIS In Jordan
Must Listen AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 36min49sec - Jun 18, 2014) - Source:  AlexJonesChannel -- "Alex talks with WND journalist and New York Times best-selling author Aaron Klein about how the ISIS terror group now rampaging through Iraq was trained by the U.S. military in Jordan back in 2012." - Topix ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: America the Walmart of Fraud (E615)
Must View MaxRTVideo - (MaxRTYuTb - 25min25sec - Jun 17, 2014) - Related Websites:  RussiaToday - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom - MaxOnTwitter - StacyOnTwitter -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the latest theory that more war and alien invasions may save our economies.   They also look at inventory fraud and shrinkage at Walmart and how applying that toe the economy could boost GDP.  In the second half, Max interviews Nomi Prins, a former banker and author of   "All the Presidents' Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power" - [BkFndr] - [AddAll-HC]*. They discuss Tim Geithner's book of lies, the role of bankers in war, financial war crimes and why so many bankers are committing suicide." - *links added

Citigroup’s Dark Pools: Here’s Why the Public Doesn’t Trust Wall Street

Is THIS the party who's purchasing all the US-NRE's bonds since Belgium was outed?!?! - mpg -- A quote...."Citigroup, the Bank the U.S. Taxpayer Saved From Insolvency in 2008, Is Operating a Dizzying Array of Dark Trading Pools Today -- In 2008, the sprawling global bank, Citigroup, created under the controversial repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, blew itself up with toxic debt hidden in the dark in the Cayman Islands in an exotic framework called Structured Investment Vehicles or SIVs. The unwilling taxpayer was forced into servitude to bail out this hubris that had occurred at the hands of captured regulators, infusing $45 billion in equity, over $300 billion in asset guarantees, and $2.5 trillion in below-market loans." - Source:  WallStOnParade

Mortgage Applications Re-Plunge As Rates Tick Up 5bps
Chart - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."While the Fed's magical money transmission mechanism in mortgages (and thus housing 'wealth') broke in the middle of last year, this last week's move is a perfect summary of the sensitivity of whatever is left of the recovery. Mortgage rates rose a mere 5bps but this triggered a 7% plunge in refinancing activity. It appears clear from the chart below that, like most other 'markets' the Fed has intervened in, mortgages are broken."

Income gap widens as American factories shut down
A quote...."A loss of manufacturing has contributed to the decline of the middle class," said Howard Wial, an economist with the Brookings Institution and the University of Illinois at Chicago. "People who are displaced from high-paying manufacturing jobs spend a long time unemployed, and when they take other jobs, those jobs generally pay substantially less."

Size of income tax drop surprises U.S. states: study
A quote...."Personal income tax revenues in April were 15.8 percent, or $7.9 billion, below the same month in 2013, according to preliminary estimates from Rockefeller, a public policy research group at the State University of New York. April is a key tax collection month because of the federal tax filing deadline."

Price Index for Meats, Poultry, Fish & Eggs Rockets to All-Time High
A quote...."( – The seasonally-adjusted price index for meats, poultry, fish, and eggs hit an all-time high in May, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)."

Those Soaring Food And Gas Prices? The Fed Has A Name For Them: "Noise"
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- Related Article - A quote...."Don't worry about the surging food and gas prices you face each and every day... Janet Yellen says "it's just noise" and is actually "evolving exactly as they expected." It is this kind of mind-blowingly ignorant of the facts statement that has the central banks of the world losing more and more credibility (just take a look at the dot plot's 0.5 to 4.25% rate expectations for 2015). The following exchange between Yellen and Liesman is simply priceless in its ignorance."

Detroit retirees denounce plan to raid city workers’ savings accounts
A quote...."In addition to deep cuts in pensions and health care benefits, nearly 5,000 retired Detroit city workers will be forced to pay back tens of thousands of dollars in earnings from their retirement savings accounts, according to the city’s bankruptcy restructuring plan."

Facing Extinction, Hedge Funds Go All In: Take Net Assets To All Time High, Cash To Record Low
Mrkt Tech Note - Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Several years ago we said that in the New centrally-planned normal, in which the Fed chairmanwoman is the Chief Risk Officer of the s0-called market, and where no selloffs are allowed because any major drop in a market artificially supported by trillions in artificial liquidity, would probably be its last (as it would crush the "credibility" of all-in central banks) that old "smartest money" concept, the 2 and 20 hedge fund, has become an anachronistic relic of the past (especially once Stevie Cohen ruined the game for everyone and took legal insider trading aka "expert network" out of the picture and forced hedge funds to make money the old fashioned way - legally)." - This is a contrarian indicator. - mpg

US Current Account Gap Worst Since Q1 2012; Biggest Miss Since Lehman
Mrkt Tech Note - Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."The US Current Account deficit was larger than any of the 40 'qualified' economists expected and missed expectations by the most since Q4 2008 (Lehman). Of course, this will be shrugged off as 'weather-related' but if weather can do as much damage as Lehman (sending the deficit back to the biggest levels since Q1 2012) then one has to wonder just how 'stable' this recovery is."
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More On The World's International Situation....

Dozens of Militants Killed in Several Syrian Areas
A quote...."Army units targeted militants' concentration centers and hideouts to the Northwest of al-Ghezlan farm and near Attman town in Daraa, killing many of them, injuring others and destroying a bulldozer they were using in their terrorist activities, the state news agency reported."

Syrian Army Advances in Homs, Strikes Militants across Country
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army continued its operations across the country, advancing in the neighborhoods of Um Sharshouh and al-Waer in Homs province."

Egypt: 12 Mursi Supporters Sentenced to Death
A quote...."An Egyptian court sentenced 12 supporters of ousted Islamist president Mohammad Mursi to death on Wednesday on charges connected to the fatal shooting of a police general last year." - Source:  al-ManarTV
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Eight Kidnapped In Jenin, Soldiers Confiscate UNRWA Vehicle
A quote...."Local sources said that dozens of Israeli military vehicles and jeeps invaded various neighborhoods in the city, and searched dozens of homes before kidnapping eight Palestinians."

Israeli Occupation destroys shops in Hebron

A quote...."Sources in the city said that military vehicles raided the area near Farsh Al-Hawa near the western entrance of Hebron, and began demolishing the shops and units owned by Fadl Al-Qawsami without any justification."

200 Palestinians arrested in search for missing colonists so far
A quote...."Occupied Jerusalem: Israeli occupation soldiers arrested 41 more Palestinians in the West Bank early on Tuesday, the army said, expanding the already massive search for three missing Jewish colonists who disappeared last week."

Israeli search for kidnapped youths turns into push against Hamas
A quote...."The Israeli military yesterday signalled that its search operation for three youths abducted in the occupied West Bank has expanded into a broader push against the militant Hamas movement that it blames for the kidnapping."
Israel using 'collective punishment' in search for teens
A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Israel's massive arrest campaign, closure of large parts of West Bank cities, and the recent killing of a Palestinian youth in al-Jalazun refugee camp constitute collective punishment, Palestinian rights groups said Tuesday."

IOF Arrest 65 Palestinians, Most of Them Freed in 2011 Prisoner Swap
A quote...."Israeli occupation forces arrested 65 Palestinians overnight, most of whom were freed in a 2011 prisoner swap, as they scoured the West Bank for three Zionist settlers who were abducted last week." - Source:  al-ManarTV
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Natural antibiotics to stockpile now: 10 herbs and foods that kill superbugs
Action Alert - A quote...."Longtime readers of Natural News know that, because of massive over-prescribing by the modern healthcare industry, today’s crop of antibiotics are becoming less and less effective. Another culprit: The increased use of antibiotics in factory-farm animals."

Factory Farm Model Fails Again—Produces Virus That Has Wiped Out 10 Percent of US Pig Population in One Year - A quote...."Did you know that over the past year, nearly 10 percent of the entire swine population in the US has been wiped out by a highly lethal virus? The virus, called Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv), has been—at least in part—traced back to pig’s blood used in piglet feed."

Study Finds Evidence for CDC Cover-Up of Link Between Autism and Mercury In Vaccines
A quote...."A controversial new study published in Biomed Research International titled, "Methodological Issues and Evidence of Malfeasance in Research Purporting to Show Thimerosal in Vaccines Is Safe," has exposed convincing evidence of wrong-doing on the part of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in actively covering up the causal link between mercury in vaccines (Thimerosal) and harm to infants and children.

Tuesday June 17th 2014

No posts. - mpg

Monday June 16th 2014

A Scorecard For The US "Lukewarm War" On Russia - Strategic and Tactical Levels
Absolute Must Read - (Outstanding analysis!!) -- A quote...."First, I have to explain the title: "A scorecard for US war on Russia": what we are witnessing today is beyond any doubt a US war on Russia, except that it that is is neither quite "cold" nor "hot": it's tepid, lukewarm.  Not for the people dying of course, but by it's choice of methods.  It is not a Cold War because people are dying, because tanks, artillery and airpower is being used on a daily basis now, but it is not a Hot War either, because while people in the Ukraine are being killed, the real target of this war is, of course, Russia.  In other words, this is not a Russian-Ukrainian war, nor is it a US-Ukrainian war, it is a US-Russian war, fought in the Ukraine with "Hot War" methods, but whose real target are not the murdered people in the Ukraine but Russia as a country and a civilizational project.  I think that it is crucial to state that to make a correct analysis of what is going on."

Fourth Turning Accelerating: “No Escaping the Dire, Deadly and Dangerous Times Directly Ahead”
Must Read - A quote...."This past week saw an event revealing the cluelessness and ignorance of the linear thinking establishment. They are oblivious to the cyclicality of history and unaware of their precarious situation, as the mood of the country and the world portends their demise. Eric Cantor, the ultimate establishment neo-con Republican House Majority Leader, was crushed in a primary by a completely unknown economics professor, outspent by Cantor $4.9 million to $123,000. Cantor spent more at steakhouses than David Brat spent on his entire campaign. Cantor, a lackey for Blackstone, Goldman Sachs, Israel, and dozens of other mega-corporations, was the first House Majority leader defeated in a primary since the position was created in the 1890s. He won his last primary by 60%." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Fearmongering Begins: "Seeds Of 9/11 Being Planted All Over Iraq"
Red False Flag Warning -- A quote...."The tangled web of just who is friend and who is foe throughout the Middle East continues but one thing is sure, US politicians won't miss the chance to drum up some fearmongery. Sen. Lindsey Graham said that U.S. officials have warned the next major attack on U.S. soil could emanate from the region, adding "the seeds of 9/11s are being planted all over Iraq and Syria.""

How the ‘War on Terror’ Became a War on the Constitution
A quote...."America has entered its third great era: the post-constitutional one. In the first, in the colonial years, a unitary executive, the King of England, ruled without checks and balances, allowing no freedom of speech, due process, or privacy when it came to protecting his power."

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A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Destruction of Ukraine/Russia....

The Fateful Triangle: Russia, Ukraine and the Jews
Must Read - A quote...."Israel prefers to stick to its neutrality. This is easy, as the Israeli populace (excepting its Russians) is not interested in Russian/Ukrainian affairs, does not know the difference between Russia and the Ukraine and is rather unfriendly to Russians/Ukrainians. This goes for both the Left and Right; the Israeli Left is even more pro-American than the Israeli Right. As for Russian Israelis, they are equally divided between supporters of Russia and supporters of Kiev regime. While observing niceties towards Russia, Israel does not intend to side with Moscow. The Jewish oligarchs of Ukraine – Kolomoysky, Pinchuk, Rabinovich – are integrated within the Kiev regime, and they support Israeli right-wing on a large scale. Israeli businessmen are invested in the Ukraine, and the oligarchs are invested in Israel. Kolomoysky controls YuzhMash, the famed missile construction complex in Dnepropetrovsk, and holds the secrets of the Satan ballistic missile, the most powerful Russian strategic weapon. He allegedly intends to share these secrets with the Israelis. If Israel were to side with Moscow regarding Ukraine, the breach with Washington would be unavoidable, and Israel does not intend to provoke it." - also posted at Reficultnias

The neo-Nazi junta in Kiev dramatically increases its efforts to provoke Russian into an intervention
Must Read - A quote...."By now you have all already probably heard it.  The CEO of Gazprom, Alexei Miller, has announced that Russia was now implementing a "prepayment only" gas delivery plan for the Ukraine and Lavrov has announced that he has "nothing to talk about" with the Ukie clown currently impersonating a Foreign Minister, Andrii Deshchytsia, and that he "would not meet with him".  Unlike the always calm and impeccably diplomatic Lavrov, Miller made no effort to show his complete disgust with, and contempt for, the junta in Kiev whom he clearly sees as blackmailing and stealing mobsters.  This was especially evident when he said that the amount of gas the Ukies had set aside in their reserves was exactly the amount of gas which they were now refusing to pay for.  To put it in plain English: the Ukies stole gas from Russia to fill up their reserves and they are about to begin stealing gas bought by the Europeans.  Nice folks indeed. Very "Euro-compatible" I suppose..."

The Truthseeker: NATO's 'Gladio' Army in Ukraine
TSVideo - Alt - (TSYuTb - 12min49sec - Mar 8, 2014) - Source:  TSRT@YuTb - Related Website: RTTruthSeeker - RT  -- A quote...."The openly Nazi core of Kiev's new army; WikiLeaked cables set Ukraine 'nationalists' in NATO 'dirty wars' abroad; and the 'psychopaths' who run CIA special operations. - Seek truth from facts with the world's leading scholar on NATO's Operation Gladio Dr. Daniele Ganser, Editor of the new book "Flashpoint in Ukraine". - Dr. Stephen Landman, Intelligence specialist WIlliam Engdahl; and victims of the Butcher of Lyon." -- Regarding the fact "neo-nazis" are the point of the spear, the enforcers of the Bankster coup in Ukraine, and their massive repression of Ukraine's peoples see the quote shown below.....mpg
[As stated before] the Neocons (mostly Euro-Kazarian Zio-PNAC'ers) have supported Wahhabist Jihadists and their various bloody rampages throughout the Middle East for over thirty years, and have recently -- unashamedly and publicly -- done so in both Libya and Syria. Not one of these hundreds of so-called fundamentalist, radical, organ-eating, head-chopping, Wahhabist, Jihadist, factions have EVER mounted an attack against Israel's strategic interests in that entire thirty year period.

[Of course one hopes all those over-eager Euro-Kazarians out there working for Israel don't bother mounting one now just to contradict the point.  After thirty years, it's way too late for that to work.  Also one would hope they don't create any staged events against the Euro-Kazarian community in Ukraine either.  It'll just make them look stupider than usual.]

Supporting a bunch of Neo-Nazis therefore would be par for the course. Hitler was a one-off goof-up, which is why they say "never again".  No doubt they feel they can play Ukraine's rather small band of merry mini-Nazis more successfully this time around than the last time. 

Only time will tell.

Remember...."divide and conquer" or more specifically...."divide, conquer and continuous play action" is their golden motto. -- Also known as "dynamic tension", "creative destruction"  or "problem reaction solution = more problem, reaction, solution." - It's good for their business model, good for their bottom line, very good for their geo-political interests....and really bad for everyone else. 

Like most parasites though, they simply don't care.  - mpg - posted 02-26-14
 - For more on these issues see essays shown below.....
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Donetsk Republic takes under control national bank branch
A quote...."DONETSK, June 16. /ITAR-TASS/. The government of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) in eastern Ukraine has taken under control the office of Ukraine’s tax inspection and the regional branch of the National Bank of Ukraine in the Donetsk Region, the DPR press service told ITAR-TASS on Monday. -- “We have taken them under control as money collected on the territory of the people’s republic, including through the tax inspection, went to Kiev,” a spokesman said adding that “it was also the reason behind our visit to the office of the DTEK company (headquartered in Donetsk).”"

Arseniy Yatsenyuk calling Eastern Ukrainians "Subhumans" and wows to ethnically "Cleanse" Ukraine
A Euro-Kazarian, Trans-National, Bankster affiliated, Dual-Member of the Zio-Criminal Consortium located by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea desires that his people's Murder Inc carry out another Holodomar massacre. - mpg

For more on the destruction of  Ukraine/Russia, see articles shown below.....
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Setting Precedents

Source: Western countries at UN SC block Russia’s statement condemning attack on embassy
A quote...."The UK, the U.S. and France were among those who blocked the draft statement for the press, which condemns the attacks on the embassy in Kiev." -- Another precedent set for a European country. Among many set so far.....
  1. Allowing foreign NGO's and other organizations, including foreign intelligence agencies to spend five billion dollars over a decade, to overthrow a legitimately elected European government
  2. Having the foreign organizers of this coup pick who would be in said government. A bunch of oligarchs who have worked with, or had business relationships with, the foreign organizers for over a decade
  3. Organizing and training in a foreign country (Poland) right wing groups to be used as shock troops to violently overthrow said government
  4. Negotiating an agreement with said government, where the targeted government agreed to all the terms and conditions the coup plotters demanded, than twenty-fours later breaking said agreement and staging the coup anyway
  5. While staging said coup using snipers trained in another EU country (Poland again) to viciously gun down eighty to ninety police and "protestors" to blame the legitimately elected government
  6. Engaging in a massive, fraudulent, propaganda campaign against said government
  7. Once overthrown, appointing said foreign affiliated Oligarchs to various positions in the new Junta government
  8. Having the newly installed Junta's Oligarchs negotiate massive, usurious, loan agreements from foreign banking institutions.
  9. Stealing all the country's gold (33 tons) within days of the overthrow and shipping it to a foreign, Euro-Kazarian controlled and owned, central bank
  10. Beginning a campaign of deliberate, foreign sponsored, foreign organized, and foreign directed atrocities and war crimes across said country to provoke a larger war with its neighbor
  11. Having two loyalist, pro-federalist, anti-EU candidates beaten so badly, hospitalized and threatened that they withdraw from contention.
  12. After which the Bankster Junta staged a false and fraudulent selection process with an abysmally low turn-out to install the foreign selected, foreign affiliated Oligarchs in power
  13. Ignoring, and preventing the condemnation, of this newly installed regime's deliberately staged attacks against their adjoining neighbor's embassy. - Actions again designed to provoke a reaction to start a war with its neighbor.
  14. Refusing to agree to purchase gas at rates comparable to the previously discounted rates, stealing massive quantities from shipments to the EU, and refusing to pay for what they've already consumed, all in an effort to drive a wedge between their neighbor and the EU states by forcing their neighbor to shut down the gas shipments, along with those in transit to the EU.
WOW!!!  This website editor thought Europeans were smart.  Turns out they're just as stupid as Amerikans!!  Who would have thunk such a horrible, disgusting, circumstance were even possible??

After two World Wars they want to establish all these precedents which were used against a European country, its people, and its legitimately elected government, and which --
WILL -- without a doubt, eventually be used at some point in the future to tear Europe, and European nations, apart all over again!!

Perhaps even cause another World War!!

ALL on behalf of a bunch of murderous, Oligarchical, Euro-Kazarian, Trans-National, Bankster affiliated, Dual-Members of a Criminal Consortium, which has established its illegitimate headquarters by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea!! 

Whose foreign agents in Ukraine/Russia are currently doing their absolute combined level best to murder as many of Ukraine/Russia's non-Euro-Kazarian citizens as possible, and provoke their next-door neighbor into over-reacting, so a war in Europe can be started right now!

Way to go all those supine, indifferent, Europeans out there!!  Way to go!!  -- They're number one!! -- They're number one!!

They did it twice, it'll be just as nice if they do it thrice!! - mpg

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Another PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Destruction of Iraq....

From The Grave They Plead Wake Up! #n3 - WAN DONATION REQUEST -- CLICK HERE
Must View CMcGVideo - (CMcGYuTb - 4min09sec - Mar 18, 2014) - Related Websites: CMcGrath@YuTb - WideAwakeNews - A quote...."Please help us keep commercials off our videos, support Wide Awake News."

Iraq ISIS and the Root of the Conflict - Ryan Dawson's Donation Request - Indiegogo
Must View Ry2SAudio - Please donate, we need Ryan Dawson to do his investigations full time - mpg - (Ry2SYuTb - 12min53sec - June 16th 2014) - Related Sites:  Ry2S@YuTbRy2S@ANCRpt - Ry2SAntiNeocons  - Ry2S@TruTube - Ry2S@Vimeo - Anti-Neocons / Indiegogo Project - GET MY EBOOK TOO Separation of Business and State" --  Ryan Dawson is incorrect in his views regarding the "Petro-Dollar". For more on that issue see....Fiat Script Trumps Ownership....Every Time - 01-10-14 - mpg  &  Two Simple Equations - 05-12-13 - mpg

Lest We Forget
Photos - A quote...."WARNING -- These pictures depict the horror of the US led attack on Iraq."

ISIS Jihadists Release Shocking Photos Documenting Slaying Of 1700 Iraqi Soldiers
Photos - A quote...."Several days ago we showed "gruesome" footage of the ISIS jihadists as they engage all opposing forces with unspeakable brutality, clearly designed to demoralize any resistance in their remarkable blitzkrieg which has so far allowed them to steamroll virtually unopposed from northern Iraq all the way to towns located some 50 miles from Baghdad."

Teenagers rush to join the call to defend city from ISIS militants who are fighting just 45 miles away
Multiple Photos - Videos - A quote...."WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT
Iraq arrest that exposed wealth and power of Isis jihadists
A quote...."Several hours later, the man he had served as a courier and been attempting to protect, Abdulrahman al-Bilawi, lay dead in his hideout near Mosul. From the home of the dead man and the captive, Iraqi forces hoovered up more than 160 computer flash sticks which contained the most detailed information yet known about the terror group. -- The treasure trove included names and noms de guerre of all foreign fighters, senior leaders and their code words, initials of sources inside ministries and full accounts of the group's finances. -- "We were all amazed and so were the Americans," a senior intelligence official told the Guardian. "None of us had known most of this information."" - Oh....the "Americans" knew, most of it anyway.  They were probably just pissed off the Iraqis discovered it all. - mpg

Pat Robertson unloads on Bush for latest Iraq crisis: ‘We were sold a bill of goods!’
A quote...."Televangelist Pat Robertson on Monday blasted former President George W. Bush for selling Americans a “bill of goods” before the Iraq invasion, which led to the violence that is currently sweeping across the country. -- During his Monday broadcast, a viewer asked Robertson if there was a solution to the ongoing violence caused by an al Qaeda splinter group, ISIS, threatening to take over Iraq. -- “Right now, what we did — and it was a great mistake to go in there,” Robertson explained, pointing out that Saddam Hussein’s “bomb maker” had said that the then-dictator “doesn’t know how to make an atomic bomb.” -- “And so to sell the American people on weapons of mass destruction, he had WMD and was getting [concentrated uranium] yellowcake out of Africa and all of that, it was a lot of nonsense,” the TV preacher said. “We were sold a bill of goods, we should never have gone into that country!” - Amen!! - mpg

Bush is to Blame for Iraq - War based on LIES! Put Blame where it belongs. Obama is to Blame for Libya, Syria (arming/training rebels), Ukraine (CIA behind unrest) -- A quote...."I have been completely stunned by so many blaming Obama for what is happening in Iraq all over the internet. - Do people have such short memories? - Do people not remember that Bush, Powell, Tony Blair and corrupt politicians are the ones who invaded Iraq in the first place, all based on Lies?"

Boris Johnson asks Tony Blair to 'put a sock in it' over 'unhinged' comments on Iraq crisis
A quote...."Boris Johnson has launched a scathing attack against Tony Blair, declaring that the former leader’s insistence that the West should exonerate itself of blame for the violence engulfing Iraq is “unhinged.” - The London mayor said that he had “come to the conclusion that Tony Blair has finally gone mad.”"

- For more on these issues see the articles shown below.....
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Heads, You Lose
And now, for more on the complete and total debacle in Iraq, let's turn to some diverting and amusing  commentary posted in the article shown above.  From the ZeroHedge community.....
"After running guns and money to Al Qaida in Syria (which AQ assets have now flowed into northern Iraq) with the US State Dept, Hillary for Pres 2016 will be the hottest T-Shirt in northern Iraq. -- Perhaps Tony Blair helping Hillary as special adviser on Mid-Eastern affairs." -- *Pinto*

"Don't forget the manpads.  At least one American helo crew has been shot down with a recent vintage Stinger missile that was verified by the military to have been checked out of inventory by the CIA. - Yes, Islamic rebels/terrorists/whatevers have been armed by the CIA and are using those arms directly against US forces.  This isn't stuff leftover from the 1980s.  This is now, today.  We are literally fighting ourselves and paying taxes and blood for both sides. - Now, go pay your taxes." -- *TheReplacement*

[from the author of the article] "is that all it took to undo eight years and - what? - maybe two trillion dollars in US-sponsored nation-building?" ---  "I am confused by your question. It took us eight years and two trillion dollars to reach the point where our ISIS unit can do its job. Hugs, PNAC" -- *SafelyGraze*

"It amazes me that otherwise intelligent individuals cannot understand that a unified Shiite controlled Iraq is not in the stated MICC, Israeli/Neocon nor the multinational oil companies best interests. Same goes for Assad in Syria. - ISIS weapons, financing, intelligence and even training were provided by ourselves, the Saudis and the Qataris yet somehow this is an organic Sunni extremist insurgency that came out of nowhere... to destroy Syria first.... met up with some unexpected headwinds... and it is now threatening all the good we did getting rid of Saddam by trying to break up Iraq. - They desperately need new Hollywood scriptwriters to write a more believable story...." -- *ZerOhead*

"Mark my words, TPTB want the War Party back. - This Iraq situation is gonna piss off sooooo many people and mid terms are coming. Red team already projected to win back Senate and keep the House. And then they'll implode the market in 2015/2016 and it'll be all Obama's fault. - Mark my words." -- *Slave*

"What do you mean ' want the war party back' ? That would imply they went somewhere and aren't in charge now. I don't know who you have been watching for the last 6 years, but the war party hasn't gone anywhere." -- *GreenskeeperCarl* -- And much, much, MUCH more......mpg
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Yemen & Others....

Syrian army foils chemical attack on Damascus
The Neocons must be very angry about that. - mpg -- A quote...."On Saturday, the Syrian army and its allies foiled a plan by al-Nusra Front in collaboration with Turkish intelligence, to stage a sarin gas attack in the Syrian capital during President Bashar al-Assad’s inauguration."

Syrian army crushes rebel push near Turkish border
A quote...."BEIRUT: Government forces flushed opposition fighters from their last redoubts in northwestern Syria near the Turkish frontier on Sunday, capturing two villages and restoring government control over the border crossing, activists and state media said."

Kidnap negotiations reveal foreigners at the helm of southern Syria’s Al Qaeda

A quote...."AMMAN // Western-backed militants fighting on Syria’s southern front have met secretly with Jabhat Al Nusra, in a renewed effort to free a key rebel leader the group abducted last month."

Four killed in US drone attack in Afghanistan
A quote..."Four people have been killed in the latest US drone strike on Afghanistan’s northeastern province of Kunar."

12 killed in attacks in Benghazi, Libya
A quote...."A renegade Libyan general launched a fresh attack against Islamist militants in the eastern city of Benghazi killing 12. - It sparked some of the worst fighting in weeks and power supplies were disrupted. -             
Libyan authorities are struggling to restore order across the vast desert nation ahead of a 25 June parliamentary election."

Rogue general battles militias in eastern Libya
A quote...."CAIRO (AP) — Troops loyal to a rogue general launched airstrikes on Sunday against Islamist militias in Benghazi, a Libyan security official said, in what appeared to a new push into the city itself as part of his ongoing offensive against the fighters."

29 killed in clashes between Yemen army, Houthis
A quote...."At least 29 people have been killed in clashes between the Yemeni army and the Shiite Houthi group in the north of the country since Sunday night, an official source said."

15 killed in fresh Borno market attack
A quote...."No fewer than 15 people including traders were on Sunday killed when some suspected members of Boko Haram terrorists stormed a local market in Daku village of Askira Uba Local Government Area of Borno state, while several shops, houses, vehicles and motorcycles were set ablaze."

At least 22 killed in attack on northeast Nigerian village: police
A quote...."(Reuters) - At least 22 people were killed when gunmen stormed a village in northeast Nigeria, a security official said on Monday, adding it was likely the work of militant Islamist group Boko Haram."

Nearly 50 killed in Kenya as suspected militants target civilians
Geo-Political Alert - Now the Amerikan support of world wide Wahhabist terrorist organizations have spread to Kenya. - mpg -- A quote...."MOMBASA, Kenya // At least 49 people were killed when suspected Shebab militants from Somalia stormed into a Kenyan coastal town on Monday and launched a major assault on a police station, hotels and government offices."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Antony C. Sutton’s ‘Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution’, A Review of a 40 Year-Old Historical Classic - Must Read -- A quote...."If you want to understand the conspiracy by the West who overthrew Czarist Russia and replaced it with one of the most dangerous political movements in the 20th century known as the “Bolsheviks”, then Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution is one history book you should add to your list. The Bolsheviks murdered millions of Russian people since the start of the Russian revolution in 1917 where it is estimated that between 20 and 66 million who were executed, starved and even tortured to death, many in the labor camps known as the gulags."

Smoking gun proof of “Israeli teen kidnapping” false flag
Special Note - A quote...."Every time the Israeli government finds itself in a jam, its enemies rush in to save it. Or so we are supposed to believe. - The pattern is unmistakeable: The US is leaning on Israel to freeze or dismantle settlements…and suddenly a suicide bomb goes off.  The international community has Israel up against a wall…another bomb goes off. Argentina’s Jewish community starts turning anti-Zionist…and the Israeli embassy and Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires get blown up."

'So long, Israel, and thanks for nothing'
A quote...."As a Palestinian Israeli married to a Palestinian, we've been waiting for Israel to grant us permission to live together. 15 years later, forced to choose between homeland and family unity, we have finally left."

Israeli forces kill Palestinian during Ramallah arrest raid
A quote...."Palestinian medical sources have reported on Monday that a young Palestinian man was killed by Israeli army fire after the soldiers invaded the al-Jalazoun refugee camp, north of the central West Bank city of Ramallah. Two Palestinians were injured, many kidnapped." - Source:  IMEMC

Palestinian kidnapped by Israeli forces in Awarta
A quote...."Awarta, Occupied Palestine – At approximately 2:00 AM on the 15th June, Israeli soldiers conducted a night raid in the village of Awarta near Nablus, which was one of a series of raids and closures carried out by Israeli forces, following the disappearance of three Israeli settler youth close to al-Khalil (Hebron). Palestinian witnesses state that over 50 Israeli solders surrounded the village." - Source:  ISM

Archbishop Tutu urges Presbyterians to divest from Israel and name it as “apartheid state” - Hip Hip Hooray!!
BDS - It's the only way to go!! - mpg -- A quote..."Archbishop Despond Tutu has called on Presbyterians to acknowledge that Israel is an apartheid state and to support divestment from companies that contribute to the Israeli occupation."
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More International Tales From the Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....

After a decade and $40 billion, U.S. missile defense system can't be relied on, even in scripted tests
A quote...." Scientists conducting the test at Vandenberg on Sunday, Jan. 31, 2010, had left little to chance. They knew exactly when the target missile would be launched from an atoll in the Marshall Islands 4,900 miles away. They knew its precise dimensions, expected trajectory and speed. - Based on this and other data, they had estimated the route the interceptor's heat-seeking "kill vehicle" would have to follow to destroy the target. - Within minutes, the interceptor's three boosters had burned out and fallen away, and the kill vehicle was hurtling through space at 4 miles per second. It was supposed to crash into the mock enemy warhead and obliterate it. - It missed. - At a cost of about $200 million, the mission had failed." - also posted at RINF

Engine fault grounds entire F-35 fleet in latest blow to Britain's stealth fighters
A quote...."The Pentagon ordered all its F-35 joint strike fighters to be grounded after an engine fault triggered “an in-flight emergency” on one aircraft being tested by the United States Marine Corps "

China receives gas from Central Asia via new pipeline
A quote...."China, the world’s largest energy consumer, has started receiving natural gas transported through the newly constructed Line C of the crucial China-Central Asia gas pipeline network on Sunday, state media reported." - also posted at AlethoNews

13 people executed in Uighur region of China
A quote...."Thirteen people were executed in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous region of China for terrorism charges."

Russia to show advanced weaponry at Eurosatory arms exhibition
A quote...."MOSCOW, June 16. /ITAR-TASS/. Russia’s state-owned arms seller Rosoboronexport will demonstrate advanced weaponry at the Eurosatory 2014 arms exhibition, which opened in Paris on Monday, the Rosoboronexpot press office said. -- Rosoboronexport specialists expect enhanced interest in various modifications of the BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle, Pantsyr-S1, Tor-M2E and Buk-M2E air defense systems, Kamov Ka-52 (Hokum-B), Mil Mi-28HE (Havoc) and Mil Mi-35M (Hind) attack helicopters, as well as Mil Mi-17 (Hip) military transport helicopters, the press office said."

Russia to build up defences against Visa and Master Card sanctions by August
A quote...."The Central Bank of Russia has ordered its regional departments to set up urgently a system of internal transfers with the use of Visa and MasterCard. It is to lay back on if foreign companies close their processing centers for remittance between banks in Russia. This temporary measure will be in action until Russia introduces its national payment system."

Secret state: Trevor Paglen documents the hidden world of governmental surveillance, from drone bases to "black sites"  - A quote...."Secret prisons, drone bases, surveillance stations, offices where extraordinary rendition is planned: Trevor Paglen takes pictures of the places that the American and British governments don’t want you to know even exist "
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More on the Domestic Situation....

‘Inventing terrorists’: New study reveals FBI set up terrorism-related prosecutions
A quote...."Nearly 95 per cent of terrorist arrests have been the result of FBI foiling its own entrapment plots as a part of the so-called post-9/11 War on Terror, a new study revealed." - Topix ||  The F.B.I.'s Constant Gardening  ||

Has the Dept. of Homeland Security Become America’s Standing Army?
A quote...."If the United States is a police state, then the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is its national police force, with all the brutality, ineptitude and corruption such a role implies. In fact, although the DHS’ governmental bureaucracy may at times appear to be inept and bungling, it is ruthlessly efficient when it comes to building what the Founders feared most—a standing army on American soil."

U.S. Healthcare: Most Expensive and Worst Performing - ICH $$ DR - CLICK HERE
A quote...."June 16, 2014 "ICH" - "The Atlantic" -  The origin of the phrase "You get what you pay for" is sometimes attributed to the fashion mogul Aldo Gucci, who said, "The bitterness of low quality is remembered long after the sweetness of low price has faded." But when it comes to healthcare, Americans get neither quality nor affordability." - SourceTheAtlantic

Ralph Nader Q&A: How Prog & LibS Are Taking on Crony Capitalism - ICH $$ DR - CLICK HERE
RsnTVideo - Alt - (RsnTVYuTb - 1hr04min30sec - Jun 11 2014) - Source:  ReasonTV -- A quote...."The total support of the military-industrial complex and empire by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton is staggering," Ralph Nader tells Reason TV. And don't get him started on the 2000 election."

Ron Paul Exposes Common Core and More
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 29min26sec - Jun 15, 14) - Source:  AlexJonesChannel - Related Guest Website:  School Of 1776 -- A quote..."In this exclusive interview with Infowars, former congressman and presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul talks about the failure of and alternatives to public education, how politicians want and obedient population dependent on the government, the continuing rise of alternative media, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's statement calling supporters of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy "domestic terrorists" and the expansion of government power at the expense of individual rights."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Gregory Mannarino-War & Negative Interest Rates, We Are at the Very, Very End
GHVideo -  (GHYuTb - 20min55sec - Jun 15, 2014) -- Source:  GregHunter@YuTb - Related Sites:  USAWatchDog - Guest Websites:  GM@TradersChoice - GM@YuTb#1 - GM@YuTb#2 -- A quote...."Gregory Mannarino of says, "This is how we know we are at the very, very end of this entire thing.  The European Central Bank is making the most desperate move possible with negative interest rates.  The Federal Reserve will be following suit with something else, and I don't know what, and we have the propagation of war to keep the dollar propped up.  That is what this is.......But it won't last." -- Massive fraud has been keeping the system propped up since "the party over moment" of the 2008 financial meltdown.  Mannarino says, "It is so evident, the amount of fraud across the board is epic."

IMF Downgrades US Economic Outlook & THE PATH TO GLOBAL WAR
GMVideo - (GMYuTb - 11min12sec - Jun 16, 2014) - Source:  GM@TradersChoice - GM@YuTb#1 - GM@YuTb#2

Belgium: Money-Laundering Toilet For Unwanted Treasuries
The Fed - Busted!! -- A quote...."Yet another, massive fraud was uncovered in the U.S. Treasuries market recently, this time through the diligence of the ever-astute, Paul Craig Roberts (along with Dave Kranzler). While this clumsy money-laundering operation was briefly mentioned in a recent commentary which further exposed the fraud/lies associated with the Federal Reserve’s (phony) “tapering”, there is much more which needs to be said here. -- As Roberts and Kranzler note in their original piece, the simple numbers involved make it clear we are dealing with a pathetically transparent money-laundering operation...."
"From November 2013 through January 2014, Belgium with a GDP of $480 billion [supposedly] purchased $141.2 billion of U.S. Treasury bonds. Somehow Belgium came up with enough money to allocate during a three-month period 29 percent of its annual GDP to the purchase of U.S. Treasury bonds."
Chinese Treasury Holdings Drop To Lowest Since Feb 2013 As "Belgium" Treasurys Post First Decline Since Aug
Update - Charts - (click to enlarge) -- It means the parasitic Fed has found some other "dark pool" to hide their US Treasury bond purchases to protect their fiat-script. - mpg

The United States Of Debt: Total Debt In America Hits A New Record High Of Nearly 60 Trillion Dollars
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."What would you say if I told you that Americans are nearly 60 TRILLION dollars in debt?  Well, it is true.  When you total up all forms of debt including government debt, business debt, mortgage debt and consumer debt, we are 59.4 trillion dollars in debt.  That is an amount of money so large that it is difficult to describe it with words.  For example, if you were alive when Jesus Christ was born and you had spent 80 million dollars every single day since then, you still would not have spent 59.4 trillion dollars by now.  And most of this debt has been accumulated in recent decades.  If you go back 40 years ago, total debt in America was sitting at about 2.2 trillion dollars.  Somehow over the past four decades we have allowed the total amount of debt in the United States to get approximately 27 times larger. "

Macro Hedge Funds Throw In The Towel, Boost Their Equity Exposure To Highest In Three Years
Mrkt Tech Note -- A quote...."There was a time when macro hedge funds were just that: macro. In other words, their beta was as close to zero as possible, meaning that they don't track the broader equity market's returns but instead try to generate profits betting on  macroeconomic trends in global markets while investing in all asset classes. In fact the lower a macro fund's beta the better. -- Then 2014 happened and everyone got slaughtered betting that the economy would improve, global GDP would take off and bonds would sell off."

British public wrongly believe rich pay most in tax, new research shows
A quote...."The British public dramatically underestimate what the poorest pay in tax and wrongly believe the richest face the biggest tax burden, according to new research that calls for a more progressive system."

Dozens injured in Berlin riots
A quote...."Police and cleaning squads ushered a battered Berlin street back to normal life on Monday after a weekend rampage by left-wing radicals injured more than two dozen people. Police arrested 24 people."

"Liquidity Is Becoming A Serious Issue" As Japan's Bond Market Death Goes Global
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."While we noted last week the death of the Japanese bond market as government intervention has killed the largest bond market in the world; it is now becoming increasingly clear that the dearth of trading volumes is not only spreading to equity markets but also to all major global markets as investors rotate to derivatives in order to find any liquidity." - That's exactly like going from the frying pan into hole.  Their "liquidity" will never be seen again. - mpg
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More On The World's International Situation....

Colombia's Santos wins re-election to push peace talks with guerrillas
A quote...."Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos won a second term on Sunday with an election victory that allows him to continue peace talks with Marxist guerrillas to end a half-century war."

Vietnam, China to discuss oil rig issue
Well that's nice.  Better then ramming their ships into each other. - mpg --A quote...."A senior Chinese official is to hold talks with Vietnam’s deputy prime minister over an oil rig dispute between Beijing and Hanoi. - China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Le Hai Binh announced on Tuesday that Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi is going to meet Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh this week during an annual bilateral event in Vietnam."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory ( 05-11 June 2014)
A quote...."THIS is what the ISRAELI people, NOT their government, have done to another they have had advantage over every single day for the last sixty years without respite or pause.  This is just one week's total! -- Would you trust any group of people that remorselessly, relentlessly, sadistically, without a qualm, or a twinge of conscience, did these things to another every single day for OVER SIXTY YEARS?  Would you do "business" with them?  Would you want to associate with them? Just think about what they would do to YOU and YOUR family if they got control over your community!! - mpg
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Chemicals that are Banned in Europe, but Widespread in U.S.
A quote...."As any parent can tell you, macaroni and cheese dinner is a go-to food for fussy young eaters. But moms and dads might not be so quick to reach for the familiar blue box if they knew that some of the chemicals it contained are banned in Britain and restricted in the rest of Europe."

National Geographic Reports – Chemicals Causing Infertility in Pigs are Present Throughout Human Consumer Goods -- A quote...."Some of the same chemicals found in the pigs’ semen storage bags are routinely used in packaging food for humans and are known to migrate into food. - Cyclic lactone, for instance, is a common by-product in adhesives used in potato chip bags and sliced meat packages. It was one of the chemicals found in high levels in the semen bags that had been used on the farms with the highest rates of reproductive failure."

Sunday June 15th 2014

No posts. - mpg

Saturday June 14th 2014

Washington’s Iraq “Victory” - PCR's Quarterly Donation Request - CLICK HERE
Must Read - A quote...."The citizens of the United States still do not know why their government destroyed Iraq. “National Security” will prevent them from ever knowing. “National Security” is the cloak behind which hides the crimes of the US government." - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts - also posted at WarInIraq

Iraq Blows Wide Open
Must Read - Quote of the Day....."This awful mess can be directly traced to neoconservative strategists in Washington clustered around Vice President Dick Cheney. In 2002, their primary goal, according to Cheney, was to wreck Iraq, the most industrially advanced and progressive Arab state, so removing a major foe of Israel, and then grabbing Iraq’s oil. -- Following the time-tested Roman imperial formula of ‘divide et impera’(divide and rule), Washington played Iraq’s long downtrodden Shia against its Sunni minority, igniting a wider Sunni-Shia conflict in the Arab world, notably in Syria. -- In fact, Israel emerged as the sole strategic victor of the Bush/Cheney war against Iraq. That war, so far, has cost the US 4,500 soldiers killed, 35,700 wounded, 45,000 sick and over $1 trillion. Iraq lies in ruins, likely shattered beyond all attempts to put it back together. No senior American or British official has faced trial for this disastrous, trumped-up war." - bold by website editor

The Propaganda War About Ukraine
Must Read - A quote...."Recently, Germany’s  Der Spiegel  featured a lengthy editorial damning Russia regarding Ukraine; it was titled “How Russia Is Winning the Propaganda War,” and it made many allegations, none with documentation, and not a single one with a link to assist the magazine’s online readers to reach easily the presumed (but unidentified) sources. It was the type of propaganda for which Fox “News” in the U.S. has become famous, though  Spiegel  is centrist (not “right wing”). -- The 2,500-word Spiegel article ignored Obama’s lies about Ukraine, and ignored the solid and voluminous evidence that the February 22nd overthrow of the democratically elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was engineered in Washington with assistance from rabidly anti-Russian Polish officials, and with the additional assistance of some fundamentalist far-Right Israeli-Ukrainian Jews who were willing to work with Ukrainian neo-Nazis to get this done. The May 2nd massacre in Odessa that started the civil war was masterminded by the person (Ihor Kolomoyski) who was appointed by the person (Yulia Timoshenko) whose ally (Arseni Yatsenyuk) was chosen by Obama’s agent (Victoria Nuland) to lead the post-coup government."

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A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Destruction of Ukraine....

Western Media Spews Propaganda : John Pilger
S&CRTVideo - Alt - (S&CYuTb - 24min22sec - Apr 28, 2014) - Source:  S&C@RTS&C@RT - RT - A quote..... "Over here in the West we don’t believe we’re biased at all – in fact, we believe we’re the essence of objectivity and impartiality, but of course when it comes to great power politics, that simply is not true."

Ukraine military Il-76 plane downed by self-defense forces in Lugansk
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 1min51sec - Jun 14, 2014) - Source: RT -- A quote...."Forty-nine Ukrainian troops were killed when their military Il-76 transport jet was taken down by local militia forces just before landing at Lugansk Airport. Some military hardware and supplies were lost as well."

Kiev’s National Guard unit mutiny: ‘We’ve been discarded like trash’
A quote...."A scandal is surfacing in one of the Ukrainian units attempting to quash revolt in the eastern regions. Turning out to be non-existent on Kiev’s books, the fighters who were denied food and service pay now seek truth in the capital."

Assassination Attempt: Blast targets self-proclaimed E. Ukraine leader's car
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 48sec - Jun 13, 2014) - Source: RT -- A quote...."The minivan belonging to self-proclaimed People's Republic of Donetsk (DNR) leader Denis Pushilin was blown up late on Thursday. Three people were reportedly killed and two others were injured in the blast."

Ukraine combat SITREP update by "Juan"
Tactical Report - June 13th 2014 -- The first five....
  1. Fighting central Mariupol near Novorossiya command post. Increasing intensity 06:15 13 June.
  2. Minimum 3 main battle tanks Nats Army outside Lugansk captured by Army Novorossiya and are in use by new owners. - For more on this issue see this link....Ukraine: Those Tanks ... - **Update shown below....
  3. White Phosphor artillery shells used to bombard several villages around Slavyansk and Slavyansk City late evening and night. Fires in one village and Slavyansk City.
  4. Unconfirmed but deemed reliable sources indicate chemical weapons and/or biological weapons to be used in Peoples Republic of Donetsk against civilian and Army Novorossiya targets coupled with simultaneous high casualty attacks against civilian targets in central and west Ukraine. Unconfirmed but reliable reports state Ambassador J. Pyatt of USA knows of this plan. Operations are scheduled for 3 to 5 days from 12 June 2014. Army Novorossiya is to be implicated in chemical and terror attacks.
  5. Strong Nats armor column advancing on Lugansk City has been stopped on the outskirts by local self defense units. Several Nats tanks and BTR's destroyed in fighting. - bold by website editor - Source:  VineyardOfTheSacker
Ukraine combat SITREP update by "Juan"
Tactical Report - June 11th 2014 -- The first five....
  1. Nats Army offer of civilian evacuation corridors rejected. Corridors led only west in to national guard/right sector unit areas and demanded self defense units disarm and surrender.
  2. Continuing heavy bombardment of Slavyansk and outlying areas. Confirmed 4 children under age 10 killed last 3 days. Living areas and industry areas targeted including 15.2 cm howitzers and Grad.
  3. краснолиманскому area confirmed 2 Grad units destroyed with crews and support vehicles 09 June 03:00 attack of Novorossiya Army units.
  4. Nats suffer heavy losses last 4 days. Nats removing destroyed vehicles and armor when possible. Reason unknown. Ural tank transporters used for removal. One photo destroyed/burned T64 turret in transporter. T64 hull not seen.
  5. Strong explosion and short fire area Karachun Mountains 03:15 11 June.
Ukraine: These Tanks ... And The State Department Lies Again
**Update - US Spew Dept & US Presstitutes Lie Again!! -- A quote...."The Ukrainian coup government claims that Russian tanks crossed the border and are in use by federalists in east Ukraine. First claims talked about three Russian T-72 tanks but later claims changed the type of the tank to T-64s. The tanks can be seen driving here (vid) and here (vid)." - For more on these sort of issues see the articles shown below.....
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, Iran & Others

Iraq Under Siege By U.S. Funded Terrorists
Must View AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 10min01sec - Jun 13, 2014) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex breaks down the history of the Middle East empires, the meddling of the West in the Middle East and how the US has been funding al-Aaeda from it's inception through today."

Proof We Run Al-Qaeda: Special Report - Update
Must View AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 23min32sec - Jun 14, 2014) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex Jones breaks down the exploding conflict in Iraq with al-Qaeda, and how the link between the US and Syrian rebels is unfolding. Iraq has privately signaled to the Obama administration that it would allow the U.S. to conduct airstrikes with drones or manned aircraft against al-Qaeda militant targets on Iraqi territory, senior U.S. officials said Wednesday."

Iraq Chaos Highlights US ‘Idiocy’
Must Read - A quote...."After 9/11, the US declared war on al-Qaeda. Then it declared war on Saddam Hussein. - No evidence was presented linking al-Qaeda to 9/11, and no substantial proof was presented that Saddam Hussein possessed WMDs. But the American people were terrorized into compliance. - On May 1, 2003, George W. Bush, a deserter from the military, dressed up in military uniform and declared “mission accomplished” in Iraq. Later on May 2, 2011, Obama declared that Osama bin Laden had been assassinated and then thrown into the ocean “according to Islamic custom.” - Mission accomplished? Saddam hanged? Bin Laden thrown to the fishes? Iraq and Afghanistan happy, peaceful, prosperous democracies? - Hardly."

How The US Is Arming Both Sides Of The Iraqi Conflict
Second Quote of the Day...."To summarize: the US was arming and training the same Al Qaeda/ISIS groups of Jihadists, that it concurrently gave Iraq weapons to fight. And since the Iraq army has so far proven utterly incapable of any resistance, it is now up to US drones to “fight” the same “rebels” that the US itself was collaborating with until a month or so ago. - The clear winner here? The US military-industrial complex, of course, as well as the banks who lend money to the governments to fight wars provoked by various “developed nation” spy agencies. - Collateral damage? Millions of innocent people on the ground in Syria and Iraq, and everywhere else too." - Source:  ZeroHedge

Al Qaeda: The Database
From the History File - 2005 -- A quote...."This article originally published by Global Research in 2005 sheds light on the nature of Al Qaeda, an intelligence construct used by Washington to destabilize and destroy sovereign countries, while sustaining the illusion of  an outside enemy, which threatens the security of the Western World. -- Shortly before his untimely death, former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook told the House of Commons that “Al Qaeda” is not really a terrorist group but a database of international mujaheddin and arms smugglers used by the CIA and Saudis to funnel guerrillas, arms, and money into Soviet-occupied Afghanistan. Courtesy of World Affairs, a journal based in New Delhi, WMR can bring you an important excerpt from an Apr.-Jun. 2004 article by Pierre-Henry Bunel, a former agent for French military intelligence."

America’s Allies Are Funding ISIS
A quote...."Editor’s note: It is significant this report was posted by The Daily Beast, Newsweek’s web presence. Newsweek, the now defunct print magazine, is about as establishment as it gets. It was financed in part by the Mellon family. It served as a key asset of the CIA through Operation Mockingbird. -- Conspicuously absent in the report is the role played by the United States and the CIA. Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait get all the blame."

The Destruction and Political Fragmentation of Iraq. - Towards the Creation of a US Sponsored Islamist Caliphate
A quote...." June 14, 2014 "ICH" - "GR" -- A quote...."The decision was taken by Washington to channel its support (covertly) in favor of a terrorist entity which operates in both Syria and Iraq and which has logistical bases in both countries. The ISIS Sunni caliphate project coincides with a longstanding US agenda to carve up both Iraq and Syria into three separate territories: A Sunni Islamist Caliphate, an Arab Shia Republic, and a Republic of Kurdistan."

ISIS Terror Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Was Released By Obama from Camp Bucca in 2009
Yep, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, trained and recruited at Camp Bucca, works for the US-NRE and the "Trinity of Evil".  When they make it this obvious, it's sort'a funny. - mpg -- A quote...."Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), has transformed a few terror cells on the verge of extinction into the most dangerous militant group in the world.Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi or Abu Dua was once held by the US in Camp Bucca Iraq." - Source:  GlobalRsrch

US Silence On ISIL Offensive Dubious
A quote...."The so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) came under the spotlight six months ago following its offensives in Iraq and Syria. - The wishful thinking was that the United States would take action against this dangerous terrorist group and would even wage a war to annihilate them because of its self-declared war on terrorism plans launched since 9/11." - But of course, everything the US-NRE states about Israel's 9/11 false flag event is a lie. - mpg

Gruesome Footage Of ISIS Atrocities Reveals Al Qaeda Jihadists "Will Stop At Nothing"
Photos & Videos - A quote...."Judging by the gruesome propaganda video being released by ISIS, it is no wonder the Iraqi soldiers and police stripped off uniforms and ran... As The Daily Mail reports, blood-thirsty jihadists are carrying out summary executions on civilians, Iraqi soldiers and police officers - including 17 in one street alone - on their warpath to Baghdad, the UN said today. As a shocking picture of the ISIS insurgency continues to develop, the Islamist group are posting barbaric videos online with the intent of showing the world they will stop at nothing to achieve their end game. The aim is to terrorize Sunnis in Iraq's army and police forces and deepen their already low morale. It appears to be working as that fear is one factor behind the stunning collapse of Iraqi security forces."

Iraq's "World Of Hurt"
A quote..."The Jihadists of ISIS in cooperation with former Baathists continue their march onto Baghdad. Their recent surprise seizure of Mosul and further operations seem to have been well prepared for quite a long time...."
“These groups were unified by the same goal, which is getting rid of this sectarian government, ending this corrupt army and negotiating to form the Sunni Region,” said Abu Karam, a senior Baathist leader and a former high-ranking army officer, who said planning for the offensive had begun two years ago. “The decisive battle will be in northern Baghdad. These groups will not stop in Tikrit and will keep moving toward Baghdad.”
"The alliance between former Baathist and followers of the naqshbandiya Sufi order with the radical takfirirs of ISIS is a dangerous one. The former are professional militaries...."

Iraq’s Vulnerable Christians Further Imperiled by Jihadist Advance
Hagee's Hordes will be dancing in the streets when the last Christian in Iraq is slaughtered on behalf of Israel's PNAC Protocols. - mpg -- A quote...."( – The startling gains made by jihadist fighters in Iraq are placing the region’s already extremely vulnerable Christians in even greater peril, Christian advocacy groups are warning."  - For more on this issue see articles shown below.....
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

New York Times Says "Lack Of Major Wars May Be Hurting Economic Growth"
Must Read - War Warning - ZOC Alert - Now the NYT wants a world war!! - It's owners now need to be classified as "enemy dual-loyalty aliens" and deported immediately!! - mpg -- A quote...."Now that Q2 is not shaping up to be much better than Q1, other, mostly climatic, excuses have arisen: such as El Nino, the California drought, and even suggestions that, gasp, as a result of the Fed's endless meddling in the economy, the terminal growth rate of the world has been permanently lowered to 2% or lower. What is sadder for economists, even formerly respectable ones, is that overnight it was none other than Tyler Cowen who, writing in the New York Times, came up with yet another theory to explain the "continuing slowness of economic growth in high-income economies." In his own words: "An additional explanation of slow growth is now receiving attention, however. It is the persistence and expectation of peace." That's right - blame it on the lack of war!" - bold buy website editor - For more on this issue see the there quotes and links shown below.....
1)  FYI:   "The New York Slime is an AIPAC/Israeli Consortium propaganda shill.  The Slime is owned by the Jewish, Ochs-Sulzberger family, who've been card-carrying, war-mongering, fellow travelers of the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium and their thirst for endless wars and genocides, and endless American blood and treasure to spend on them, along with Israel's dreams for a mini-empire, since that criminal Euro-Kazarian enterprise was established by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. If you're stupid enough to pay good money for this "toilet-paper of record", you support propaganda that will impoverish you, deliberately misinform you, and get many Americans, and a whole bunch of other completely innocent people....horribly killed." - mpg
2)  "Despite not engaging in large scale direct violence, (excluding what they've already done to the Palestinians), this crime syndicate / criminal consortium, numbering approximately nineteen million individuals world wide, may be directly or indirectly, responsible for the deaths of over seventy to one hundred million people during the last 150 years." - Euro-Kazarian - Def.
3)  "They need just one or two more false flags to initiate a war between the Kazarian's now looted, dessicated, morally bereft, spiritually deformed, culturally degenerate and economically devastated North American Colony, and the now rising Russia and China power nexus. Two countries which thirty years ago were finally able to break free of their terrible enscrollment, their curse of Kazarian Bolshevik inspired communism. -- All the Kazarians need now is just one or two additional well timed false flags to stand triumphant over the entire Middle East in conjunction with the Gulf parasitic families  and finally establish their own, vicious, racist, mini-empire." --  *They're Almost There, It's Almost Within Their Grasp. - 09-13-13 - mpg*
NYT Stenographically Reports White House Ukraine Lies, Like Before 2003 Iraq U.S. Invasion
ZOC Alert - War Warning - Related Article -- A quote....."The specific charge there was that, “no Ukrainian tank units have been operating in that area.” That charge was a lie, as is made clear in numerous videos taken on the streets of southern and eastern Ukraine after the Ukrainian government (which the Obama Administration had installed after its February coup in Kiev) massacred people in the southern city of Odessa who rejected that newly installed coup-government."
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How Could They Have Been So Insensitive??

US Government [Israel's Colonial Administration] Declares Survivors of USS Liberty Persona Non Grata
A quote...."Suppose you gave a memorial service for Americans killed in action during an attack on a US Navy ship in which among the awards won by the officers and crew of that ship are the Medal of Honor, two Navy Crosses, eleven Silver Stars, twenty Bronze Stars, nine Navy Commendations, 208 Purple Hearts, 294 Combat Action Ribbons and the Presidential Unit Citation which makes it among the most decorated ships for a single action in US Navy history and nobody came."
Yes, it's truly disgusting, disgraceful and despicable that these.....cannon fodder, these worthless Golems, these insignificant little nothings on their tiny little ship, had the overweening temerity to actually survive Israel's massive, continuous, relentless, onslaught for hours, totally ruining Israel's carefully laid plans to frame Egypt for the USS Liberty's destruction. 

Not to mention thereby casting aspersions on the "chosen ones" vaunted military capabilities by their cowardly pig-headed, stubborn, resistance to Israel's brilliantly planned surprise attack. The GALL of these servicemen. The complete and utter, insufferable, ARROGANCE.  To actually survive an attack that would have sunk any other ship, not only in the US's Navy, but any other navy in the entire world!! 
How DARE they!!  Who the HECK do they think they are??

They should have blown up their own ship instead of completely embarrassing the "chosen ones", and their ever efficient, faithful and considerate, colonial servants in Washington DC.  How could they have been so INSENSITIVE!!  How could they be so politically and socially obtuse??

Don't they understand how deeply they hurt Israel's feelings by surviving the way they did?!  Don't they understand that by embarrassing Israel's chosen ones with such a public, defiant, display of survival, against such overwhelming odds, none of Israel's loyal servants in Washington DC could ever show up at an event in their honor??  How could they possibly expect Israel's loyal servants to permanently end their political careers by making such a disastrous political gaffe??

What were they thinking? What are they thinking?? Why didn't they just lay down and die the way they were supposed to?? Than Israel's servants in Washington could've come and made all sorts of wonderful, heart-felt speech's honoring their courageous sacrifice.

But nooooo, instead they just had to go survive and ruin it for everyone!!   The utter shame of it all!!  - mpg
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Israeli soldiers raid homes of human rights activist & lecturer
A quote...."AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) stormed the home of head of Palestine Center for Prisoners Studies Osama  Shahin, 30, in al-Khalil on Friday."

Journalists lament PA silence as Israel bans Gaza papers
A quote...."GAZA CITY – Palestinian journalists on Thursday urged the newly-formed national unity government to respond to Israel’s decision to prohibit the printing and distribution of Gaza-based newspapers in the West Bank." - Source:  Ma'an

3 journalists injured in Bilin protest
A quote...."RAMALLAH – Three journalists were injured and dozens suffered from excessive tear gas inhalation as Israeli forces dispersed a weekly protest in Bilin village near Ramallah." - Source:  Ma'an

Violence in Ni’lin
A quote...."Ni’lin, Occupied Palestine – A Red Crescent paramedic, present at the Ni’lin demonstration last week, spoke to ISM about the protest last Friday, 6th June. He explained that the demonstration began as the protesters marched towards the apartheid wall, with Israeli soldiers firing tear gas canisters and rubber-coated steel bullets." - Source:  ISM

It Looks Like Chelsea Clinton Made $26,724 For Each Minute She Appeared On NBC
Married to a Goldman Sachs Zio-Euro-Kazarian no less.  We'll just call this particular episode "all in the family". - mpg  - Here's some more.....NBC Paid Chelsea Clinton $600,000 to Do Nothing, Basically

Eric Cantor’s Defeat Is Also Netanyahu’s - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."One issue wasn’t talked about, though I wonder if it subliminally registered with some anti-Cantor voters. Cantor in 2010 more or less presented himself as Bibi Netanyahu’s congressman. Newly Elevated by the GOP House takeover as the incoming majority leader, he held a private meeting with the Likud leader at the New York Regency. No other Americans were present; Netanyahu was joined by Israel’s ambassador and national security adviser."

United Methodist Church’s pension board divests from Israel-linked company - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."The United Methodist Church’s pension board is selling its shares in a British company that supplies security equipment to Israel for use in prisons and in the West Bank."

Boston subway ads are shocking -- ‘and so is the reality on the ground’ - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."The Boston subway ads simply state the facts and are backed up with citations from credible human rights and international organizations, including the United Nations,” said Chadi Salamoun, the president of Ads Against Apartheid, who added that “if the ads are shocking, that’s because the reality on the ground is shocking.”
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

The Obama Administration is Forcing Local Cops to Stay Silent on Surveillance
A quote...."The criminality of the Obama Administration is at this point almost beyond description. Earlier this week I highlighted a shocking discovery in my post titled: The Obama Administration is Trying to Cover up the VA Scandal by Issuing Subpoenas to Whistle-Blower Sites. In that piece, it was noted that...."
"Instead, it’s lawyers from the President Barack Obama administration employing the power of the administrative subpoena in a bid to siphon data from POGO’s encrypted submission portal. POGO’s site encourages whistleblowers to use Tor as the gateway and has garnered more than 700 tips about abuse and mismanagement at the US Veterans Administration after less than a month of operation. -- The administrative subpoena, which does not require the Fourth Amendment standard of probable cause, comes as the number of so-called drop boxes from media organizations and other whistleblower groups is on the rise in the wake of the Edward Snowden revelations...." - also posted at ZeroHedge
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More on the Domestic Situation....

Rule from the Shadows - The Psychology of Power - Part 1
SCGVideo - Note:  Part 2 is not up yet. Previously posted. - mpg - (SCGYuTb - 37min23sec - Jan 7, 14) - Source:  StormCloudsGathering -- A quote...."Time t look behind the curtain."

Lawmakers fume after IRS says it has lost trove of emails by central figure in tea party probe
Sort'a like those White House e-mails under Bush Jr and the Nixon tapes.  The more things never change, the more they stay the same. - mpg

Good Riddance To Rep. Eric Cantor: Bagman For Wall Street And The War Party
Third Quote of the Day...."Its possible to describe Rep.Eric Cantor as a serial sell-out. But that would be giving an unprincipled politician driven by an unalloyed ambition to climb the greasy pole of Washington power too much credit. In truth, Cantor never campaigned for any recognizable principle; he merely maneuvered his way to the top of the House GOP hierarchy by following in the tawdry footsteps of modern GOP bagmen like Tom DeLay and Roy Blunt." - Source:  DavidStockman - also posted at ZeroHedge & LewRockwell – World Crisis Radio
WTAudio - (WTAdbFlshPlyr - 60min - Jun 14, 2014) - Source:  WebsterTarpleyWTRadio - Webster Tarpley@YuTb - A quote...."Isis” Blitz Run by CIA-France-Saudis-Turkey to Save Syrian Rebels, Topple Maliki, Isolate Iran; Obama Must Work with Assad, Rouhani, Putin to Roll Back Terrorist Threat; McCain Pushing Bonapartist Cold Coup in Washington by Warmonger Gens. Petraeus and Keane; Support Tax Wall Street Party’s Dan Buhrdorf for Senate in Nebraska to Stop Neo-Protestant Austerity Demagogues Brat and Sasse"
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

The Subprime Auto-Lending Credit Bubble Is Bursting
A quote...."We have commented a few times on the slightly diffuse character of the echo bubble, which has infected a great many nooks and crannies of the economy. One of the areas which has experienced an enormous boom was the sub-prime auto loan sector. It seems however that the party in this sub-sector of the bubble economy is in the process of ending." - Source:  ActingMan

The Baltic Dry Index Is Having Its Worst Year Ever
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."At 906, the Baltic Dry Index slumped to 12-month lows showing absolutely no signs whatsoever of the Q2 renaissance in global growth that has been heralded by all the highly-paid meteoroconomists."

Cat Out of the Bag As Osborne Braces for RBS Denouement & Wage Growth Slows
A quote...."Revealed by a great IoS piece last weekend – but spectacularly missing from other British media (and easily read here) – is the reality that has been obvious to some of us for nearly four years now: RBS has ‘a £100bn black hole in its finances’ due to ‘five broad areas of alleged criminality and wrongdoing’."

Greece faces more austerity, while EU professes its reliance on the unions
A quote...."The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has issued its fifth review of Greece’s loan and austerity programme. As part of its €240 billion overall loans agreement, Greece is to receive about €173 billion over four years from the Extended Fund Facility (EFF). This was authorised in 2012 and made conditional on the imposition of ever more brutal cuts."
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More On The World's International Situation....

Bahraini regime forces attack anti-regime protesters
A quote...."Bahraini regime forces have once again attacked anti-regime protesters in the town of Sanad, south of the capital, Manama. - Tensions flared up on Saturday when security forces used tear gas to disperse the demonstrators in the northern town. In return, the protesters threw stones at police cars."

Humanitarian crisis unfolding in S Sudan
A quote...."The United Nations says more than 50-thousand children could lose their lives because of hunger and disease in conflict-torn South Sudan." - Source:  PressTV - As Zio-Whore Madeleine Jana Korbel Albright would probably say....."Fifty thousand, what utter piffle, I once stated five hundred thousand "was worth it!" - mpg

Mali ceasefire must be implemented: UN
A quote...."UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has called for the immediate implementation of a ceasefire agreement to end the unrest in northern Mali."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Organic Trade Groups Finding Pesticides on Over 45 Percent of Organic Produce
A quote...."The most common recommendation made by health experts in the area of produce selection is to choose “organic” varieties for maximum health benefits. We trust organic label certifications because they are supposed to comply with organic standards set by national governments and international organizations. Synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers are not allowed in organic practices, but that’s not always the case. Research by a Food Inspection Agency in Canada has found that nearly half the organic fresh fruits and vegetables tested in the past two years contained pesticide residue, violating maximum allowable limits for the presence of pesticides, the data shows."

The Lancet: Fluoride IS a Neurotoxin!
A quote...."Who would have thought that it ever would have happened? Someone in mainstream medicine and peer reviewed literature and journals would publish the ‘unthinkable’: fluoride, the stuff they put into municipal water supplies supposedly to ‘protect’ teeth from cavities, is a neurotoxin. Wow! And congratulations to doctors Philippe Grandjean, MD, and Philip J Landrigan, MD, two researchers who published their findings in The Lancet Neurology, Volume 13, Issue 3, Pages 330 to 338, March 2014. [1]"

The Big Beer Cover-Up Exposed; MillerCoors Caught Hiding Ingredients Facts from Consumers
A quote...."(NaturalNews) Less than 24 hours after the Food Babe launched a petition demanding beer companies publicly disclose their ingredients (yes, beer ingredients are a long-kept secret and they are not required by the FDA to disclose them), the MillerCoors company has been caught deceiving the public over its use of corn syrup derived from genetically modified corn."
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Technological Tid-Bits....

Focus Fusion: Has cheap, clean Earth-saving fusion power been right under our noses all along?
A quote...."While the world’s only major fusion power effort — ITER — continues to trundle along, with an eventual first-fusion date of 2027 at a cost of more than $20 billion to taxpayers, there’s a small lab in New Jersey that says it can produce fusion power within a year, with a total spend of just a few million dollars. This lab uses a much cheaper and easier method to reach nuclear fusion — called Focus Fusion — with the massive added benefit that its fusion reactors are small enough and safe enough to deploy domestically. To be honest it sounds too good to be true — but rest assured that Focus Fusion, at least to my eyes, is the real deal. This isn’t some kind of magical, inexplicable witchcraft like cold fusion: Focus Fusion appears to be based on cold, hard science. This could actually be it."