Saturday August 3rd 2013

War Warning - False Flag Alert Issuance  - All Websites Please Monitor to Identify Times & Targets
(13) Articles -- If there was ever a time Obama might want to "wag a dog", while completing, Israel's PNAC Protocols, now would be the time.  After all, the economy is topping out and it would be a perfect opportunity to launch a false flag to blame the coming downturn on the "enemy".  (This is the first time "war warnings" have been posted in almost a year and a half.) - posted Aug 2nd 2013

Every few days this website editor will drive down to the beach to have a little brunch, listen to some music, and than take a nice refreshing walk along the Pacific sea shore.

Today (Sat), on the FM channels normally devoted totally to music with the occasional unpleasant advertisements interrupting the mood, necessitating a shift in channels, unbelievably within just a half an hour there were four, count them four, "news" (propaganda) break-aways on different channels about the coming "terrorist" attacks, one of them particularly offensive with a fake "man on the street" (airport) interview wherein what must have been a paid actor, with faux-fear trembling his voice, stated he would cancel his flight if it was going to the Middle East. 

Nothing like it has EVER been heard before.  If it weren't for the fact it was  a bunch of mass-media scripted garbage this website editor would raise the warning & alert levels posted above even more.

As it is.... is STRONGLY recommended that those security and intelligence service personnel still loyal to their nation's peoples, constitutions, and the rule of law, pay close attention to any and ALL activity being conducted by Israeli the US-NRE, the Gulf States and/or British terror support networks with particular emphasis on what any Israeli consulates, embassies, or commercial companies -- ESPECIALLY ANY Israeli companies involved with the security industry -- is doing over the next month or two.  - mpg - posted Aug 3rd 2013
Corrupt Obama Regime, Drowning In Scandals, Suddenly Sees Threat Of Al Qaeda Attacks Everywhere
1]  A quote..."WASHINGTON—Al Qaeda re-emerged as a top global security threat after suspected plots by an affiliate of the terror group led the State Department to issue a world-wide travel alert for the entire month of August."

A Hint of War? Federal Railroad Administration Issues Emergency Order for Trains with Hazardous Materials
2]  Document -- A quote...."This sounds like the type of order only given during wartime or imminent terrorist threat. Direct from the DOT/Federal Railroad Administration website...."

US Escalates: Issues Worldwide Travel Alert Following Embassy Closures
3]  A quote...."With US leaks about Israeli air strike on Syria, John Kerry stirring the civil war pot in Egypt, and the closure of US embassies across the Muslim world (Iraq, Afghanistan, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Yemen, UAE, Algeria, Mauritania, Sudan, Israel (Tel Aviv) and Jordan), it appears something is afoot. To add to the intrigue, the US State Department just issued a worldwide travel alert for US citizens.

US Embassies Across Muslim World Mysteriously Shutting Down This Weekend
4]  A quote...."Amid all the high-fives over stocks hitting all-time highs and Edward Snowden's temporary freedom hogging the headlines yesterday, State Department spokesperson Marie Harf quietly pointed out that, due to an "abundance of caution," an unspecified number of US embassies and consulates in the Muslim world will be closed this weekend ...."

The Smartest Money Has Two Words Of Advice: "Sell Now" (And Is Doing Just That)
5]  (This is NOT a market recommendation) -- A quote...."Back in April, Apollo's billionaire head Leon Black, one of the most successful private equity investors in history had one message for his audience at the Milken conference: "The Smart Money Is "Selling Everything That Is Not Nailed Down." And indeed it has, as the stock market continued to rush to ever higher records on ever declining volume as more and more retail dumb money returns to stocks ignoring the fact that buying at all time highs always leads to tears. But while comedy financial TV is chearleeding the rally all the way to the bitter end, the smart money is not sticking around." - bold by website edito

Oil price gains for fourth week
6]  (This is NOT a market recommendation) -- A quote...."NEW YORK — The price of oil finished with a fourth-straight weekly gain after rising a penny on Friday. - After a big spike in oil prices since late June, a weekend road trip will cost many Americans more than it has in four months. - Benchmark crude for August delivery rose 1 cent to close at $108.05 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Oil gained $2.10 a barrel this week." - bold by website editor

McCain Declares War on Russia!
7]  A quote...."Fresh off of his flip-flop on aid to Egypt and his threats to vote for the left (neocon) interventionists in the Democratic Party should anyone remotely non-interventionist succeed in gaining the Republican nomination to be the next president, Senator John McCain is determined to light a new fire under the long dead ashes of the Cold War. However, he no doubt chokes on the smoke of irony as he fumbles with his matches." - Source:  Ventism

Britons told to leave Yemen and embassy shuts after al-Qa'ida terror threat
8]  A quote...."The British Embassy in Yemen is to be closed for two days and Britons have been told to leave the country immediately amid fears of escalating violence in the country."

List of US diplomatic posts closed after Al Qaeda [al-CIA'da] threat
9]  List - Graphic - (click to view) -- A quote...."If there was a real terror threat uncovered by the NSA, with its massive saturation spying, then in theory they would know who the terrorists are, where they plan to strike, when they plan to strike, what they plan to do, and be in a position to stop them without all that much fanfare, as [Crapper] Clapper claimed they had already done." -- *Michael Rivero*

Obama Issues Global Terror Threat As Benghazi Smokescreen
10]  AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 2min06sec -  Aug 3, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel

Crying Wolf, Wolf, Wolf
11]  A quote...."August 03, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  After weeks  under heavy pressure for limitless spying on people everywhere the U.S. intelligence services conveniently detect a "threat" of some undefined future attacks. The "detection", we are of course told, was only possible because of limitless spying on people everywhere:...." - Of course! - (said with sickening sarcasm) - mpg

U.S. Warns Al Qaeda Could Use U.S.-Made Weapons Against U.S. Embassies
12]  A quote...."....really, what we have here is another vague terrorist threat issued by the U.S. with virtually no details except that the U.S.-armed Al Qaeda may be behind it. - This report is designed to create fear within the American public against those “evil Islamic terrorists” that are running wild through the streets of the Middle East with weapons sold to them by the U.S. military...."

One day after Russian asylum for Snowden Obama administration launches terror scare
13]  A quote...."Amid escalating denunciations and threats against both Edward Snowden, the National Security Agency (NSA) contractor-turned whistle-blower, and Russia, which granted Snowden temporary asylum on Thursday, the Obama administration on Friday issued a “global travel alert,” closing US embassies in Tripoli, Cairo, Tel Aviv, Baghdad, Riyadh and Doha based on supposed threats of Al Qaeda attacks."
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Why Have So Many Liberals Been Silent about NSA Spying?
Must Read - It's Over! - Assuming this poll is true, an always doubtful proposition these days, and not just another psyop, it does not bode well for halting this nation's long terrible decent into the pit of darkness. - mpg - A quote...."Those advocates of civil liberties (some of them quite new to the cause) have a convenient explanation for why Democrats have been less vocal and slower to criticize the collection of metadata from everyday American citizens: slavish devotion to President Obama, whatever policies he might champion. -- This is an easy argument to make – and it goes both ways. Polling among Democratic and Republican voters shows a mirror-image of approval for Obama's use of the tactic to Bush's use of it. Since 2002, the number of Democrats who approved monitoring online activities has increased 12 points; among Republicans it has decreased 13 points. Since 2006, the number of Republicans who say the government should prioritize privacy over hunting terrorists has risen 22 points; Democrats who say the government should prioritize preventing terrorism over privacy has gone up 18 points. -- The neatness of these changes in position is almost disturbing. It suggests that advocacy for civil liberties is a zero-sum game: there's only so much libertarianism to be had at any given historical moment, there's a ceiling on Americans' ability to believe that the right to privacy is paramount. Indeed, as you might suspect from the numbers above, polling among all Americans on the balance of national security to privacy has neatly flipped as well. The percentage of voters that worry that the US will go "too far" in violating privacy rights in pursuit of terrorists versus "not going far enough" is now 56% percent versus 36%. In 2001, after the 9/11 attacks, it was 31% versus 55%." - bold/underline by website editor - Source:  TheGuardian - For the terrible implications of these observations, and what they  mean for this nation, see the definitions shown below....
False Choice - (aka  False Paradigm) - Def.  A degenerative bi-polar condition wherein a society has devolved into offering a limited two choice paradigm for its political, economic and societal decisions of its people.  Two parties, two products, two methods, two classes, two philosophies, etc.  It is a definitive sign of a highly, and artificially controlled society, a rigid, moribund and static social/political system, a declining economy, and an infantilized, degenerate, uneducated, overly-credulous, massively propagandized population. -- Usually indicates a growing or fully established system of parasitism and/or totalitarianism. -- Also....the current social/political status of the United States

Left / Right Paradigm - Def.  A specific subset of a False-Choice or False-Paradigm where a given population is deluded into believing that the two choices offered to them between "leftist" and "rightest" Philosophies or Ideologies have any affect on their daily lives. Generally designed to prevent them from seeing how their power structure or monetary system is actually organized.  Extensively used by Kazarians in their various colonies to blind or distract the given populations from who actually controls their political/media and economic structures.
America's National Security State
Must Read - A quote...." Post-WW II, Washington's 1947 National Security Act became law. - It streamlined the nation's military, established the National Security Council, created the CIA, and instituted what became America's military-industrial complex and police state apparatus. - Post-9/11, they've accelerated exponentially. Washington's long arm is merciless. It's been that way for decades. Go along or else became policy. - The CIA's first major foreign operation ousted Iran's democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadeq. A generation of repressive Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi rule followed. - So did the growth of America's national security state. It operates worldwide. It seeks unchallenged dominance. It cracks down hard on non-believers."

Sean Stone Debunks Myths on Iran, Islam & US Empire
Must View BtSVideo - (BtSYuTb - 14min04sec -  Aug 1, 2013) - Source: BreakingTheSet - Related: BTSFcBk - Related: BTSTwttr - Related:  RussiaToday  -- A quote...."Abby Martin speaks with actor and director, and co-host of 'Buzzsaw' Sean Stone, about the clash of civilizations, misconceptions about Islam and Iran, and the role Hollywood and the corporate media play in perpetuating Islamophobia."

White House Closes Inquiry Into Afghan Massacre – and Will Release No Details
Another Obama "Lie™" & "Cover-Up" - Brought to you by that amoral, bi-sexual, thing squatting in the White House. - mpg -- A quote...."Soon after taking office, President Obama pledged to open a new inquiry into the deaths of perhaps thousands of Taliban prisoners of war at the hands of U.S.-allied Afghan fighters in late 2001. - Last month, the White House told ProPublica it was still “looking into” the apparent massacre. - Now it says it has concluded its investigation – but won’t make it public. - The investigation found that no U.S. personnel were involved, said White House spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden. Other than that, she said, there is “no plan to release anything.” - The silence leaves many unanswered questions about what may have been one of the worst war crimes since the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, including why previous American investigations were shut down, and how evidence was destroyed in the case."  - also posted at AlethoNews

Fake Washington Terror Threat
A quote...." They're in various forms. They repeat with disturbing regularity. America's war on terror targets Islam. At issue is duplicitous scaremongering. It advances Washington's imperium. - Wars of aggression follow. False arrests target innocent victims. Terror threats repeat. They're strategically timed. They change the subject. They divert attention. - They fool most Americans. They do so most of the time. Here we go again. Media scoundrels march in lockstep. They regurgitate Big Lies.

Obama's Embrace of Militarism - Our Dystopian Present
A quote...."Behind the gleaming armor of his speeches, the emperor’s new clothes of Obama leave him naked. We are to believe that the persecution of the press is protection of national security, secrecy is transparency, debt servitude is opportunity, imprisoning the poor is correction, assassination is public relations, a militarized police state is public service, and protecting the interests of the 1% is the common good. When nonviolent civil disobedience is treated as terrorism and dissent as treason; when the censor lives in our minds, naked totalitarianism has emerged. Yet, despite all, I still reject the contention that we are beyond the point of no return." - also posted at ICH

John Kerry Needs an Intervention
A quote...."If John Kerry was beating his children and promising to stop "very very soon" and then explaining that he meant "very very soon" in a geological sense, he'd be forced to resign his office. - If we even discovered that John Kerry had once beaten one of his children, even many years ago, perhaps shortly after he returned from killing people in Vietnam, he'd be forced to resign. - Imagine if we were to discover that John Kerry was actually murdering children, and women, and men, using missiles shot out of flying robots and promising to stop "very very soon" and explaining that what he meant by that was "I'd like to see you try to stop me you goddamn primitive Pashtun peons." - Would we respond?"

80 Years Ago A Marine Major General Explained The Ugliest Truth About War
A quote...."Marine Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler would be 132 years old today, were he still alive. - He was twice awarded the Medal of Honor, for his heroism during several combat tours in Central America. He took part in World War I, the Banana Wars, and the Boxer rebellion in China. - Consequently he became quite the anti-war activist in his older age. He even put a stop to a real-life potential military coup against F.D.R. - If Butler were around today, engagements like Iraq would have him simply astounded."

Global Hot Spots
Quote of the Day....Remarks at the War Resisters League’s 90th Year Convention at Georgetown University, August 2, 2013." -- Here's one....
"We are a nation of misconceptions.  A majority of people in the United States believes Iraq benefitted from the war that destroyed Iraq.  And a plurality believes the Iraqis are grateful.  Those who admit that the weapons of mass destruction were fictional claim the U.S. still needed to overthrow Saddam Hussein, even though Bush reportedly told the Prime Minister of Spain that Hussein had offered to leave if he could keep $1 billion.  He’d also offered to withdraw from Kuwait before the previous war.  And even further back in the mists of time, the U.S. government had supported and armed him. -- Not only did the U.S. government not need to overthrow Hussein, not only could it have refrained from supporting him in the first place, but overthrowing a government is a crime, war is a crime, and these wars are one-sided slaughters.  Iraq lost 1.4 million men, women, and children at best estimate.  U.S. deaths were 0.3% of the deaths, yet people in the U.S. think they suffered while Iraq benefitted."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Reversing The Edward Bernays Effect
Special Note - A quote...."It was the deceptive Bernays who studied his uncle's work (Sigmund Freud) on psychoanalysis and thought through his own theories about human behavior and how to manipulate the masses. When speaking of Bernays we are talking about a man who seemed unattached to human suffering. Bernays seems to have walked through life proud of what he had discovered. There seems to be no indication that he ever actually realized the magnitude of the damage he inflicted on humanity by putting into practice his deceptive mind control theories, to be used for promoting ideas that were not necessarily true and ideas that would be used to control humans. Bernays’ pride seemed to have come from knowing that his predictions about human behavior were correct. There are no indications that he felt any remorse for what he had done." - Topix ||  US Fake Intel / PropagandA - Edward Bernays  ||

House passes AIPAC’s ‘strangle Iran’ sanctions, 400-20
AIPAC's Colonial Administration In Action -- A quote...."Sometimes I hear from readers who complain that I lay too much blame on AIPAC for our one-sided and failed Middle East policies. - What can I say? I worked at AIPAC for almost six years (1973-1975, 1982-1986) so I know how it operates. Additionally, because I left AIPAC on good terms, I maintained friendships with its staff (no more!) and they filled me in on how the lobby was increasing its power over Congress. Of course, I saw that myself during 15 years as a House and Senate staffer. AIPAC runs the Middle East policy show on Capitol Hill.

Only war satisfies Israel lobby in US: Mark Dankof
Contains Video - A quote...."Press TV has conducted an interview with Mark Dankof, a broadcaster and commentator from San Antonio, about the Israeli regime and the US foreign policy, particularly regarding the Islamic Republic of Iran."

AIPAC's Push To Scuttle Iran Diplomacy
A quote...."Observers of America's Iran policy might be forgiven for doubting the sincerity of those Washington hawks who constantly plea that they both support the Iranian people and hope to avoid launching a war against them. That's because the hawks—in the think tank and lobbying worlds, and especially on Capitol Hill—keep pressing forward with measures that would greatly reduce the possibility of avoiding said war. Yesterday, the House passed yet another round of sanctions against Iran." -- One commentator stated.....
"The Israeli government wants a war to destroy Iran, but wants only the American military to fight, get maimed for life, and die, in the pursuit of that war. I would suggest that the United States has sacrificed well enough blood and money upon the altar of potential Israeli regional hegemony, and that such a war not be moved forward....." -- *Michael Rivero*
Christian Zionism: The Heresy that Undermines Middle East Peace
A quote...."At least one in four American Christians surveyed recently by Christianity Today magazine said that they believe it is their biblical responsibility to support the nation of Israel. This view is known as Christian Zionism. The Pew Research Center put the figure at 63 per cent among white evangelicals. Christian Zionism is pervasive within mainline American evangelical, charismatic and independent denominations including the Assemblies of God, Pentecostals and Southern Baptists, as well as many of the independent mega-churches. It is less prevalent within the historic denominations, which show a greater respect for the work of the United Nations, support for human rights, the rule of international law and empathy with the Palestinians."
Thirty to fifty TRILLION dollars and counting for the Banksters (mostly Jewish) and their bonuses along with the PNAC Protocols and all if its requisite wars.  As the economy experiences more difficulties with ever increasing debt loads, as pensions, Social Security and Medicare are cut or even disappear, and as we approach the shortened mid-point in this less than "Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle" and the economy starts its inevitable slide, one would HOPE all these incredibly stupid Zio-worshiping, AIPAC/Israeli butt-kissing morons who supported all of this don't start whining about why they're starving and why they don't have a roof over their heads! - mpg
The Deadliest Israel Lobby Conspiracy Theories
A quote...."Today the Israel lobby has been relentless in spreading the conspiracy theory that Iran’s mullahs—driven purely by their hatred of Israel—have a secret nuclear weapons program. Currently 71% of Americans—according to one poll—believe that Iran has already deployed nuclear weapons, despite the consensus institutional analysis of American intelligence agencies and the IAEA. Endless bombast of this formerly fringe belief mandates a “time is running out” chronology for diplomatic efforts towards Iran."

“I Will Keep Trying to See My Daughter Until the Day I Die”
A quote...."Fatma’s wrinkled face reveals the sorrow of a mother who has not seen her daughter for eleven years. Fatma Khalil Mubarak (78) lives in Rafah, in the south of the Gaza Strip. Her daughter, Lamees Ahmad Mubarak (44), has been living in Hebron in the West Bank since she got married in 1988. The last time Fatma saw her daughter was in 2002. Since then, Lamees has been trying to visit her family in Gaza, but she has been denied access every time she applied for a visitor permit to travel via Beit Hanoun (“Erez”) crossing. Beit Hanoun crossing is the only access point for people from Gaza to travel to the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and/or Israel." - Source:  PCHR

New York Times Sells Boston Globe at 93% Loss - Hip Hip Hooray!!
AIPAC's Mouth Piece Takes A Hit -- A quote...."After purchasing the Boston Globe in 1993 for a then-record $1.1 billion, the financially troubled New York Times just announced it sold the 141 year-old paper to Boston Red Sox owner John Henry for a mere $70 million. That’s a straight 93% loss. Figuring in two decades of inflation would only make it worse — as does the fact the Times retains the Globe’s pension liabilities, estimated at over $100 million." - Source:  Breitbart

The Lebanese President’s Outrageous Speech
A quote...."It’s hard to know where to begin commenting on Lebanese President Michel Suleiman's Armed Forces Day speech, in which he decided to unleash a broadside against the Resistance. - Everything in Suleiman’s speech – the timing, content, tone, and background – was puzzling to say the least. - At the heart of the president’s speech was not just a declaration of war on Hezbollah, but a call to place all weapons under the personal command of none other than Suleiman himself." - Looks like Israel has gone and got themselves another step'n'fetching houseboy. - mpg

Obama and McCain: Washington’s newest odd couple - Speaking of houseboys....
A quote...."Remember a couple months ago when we were wondering why on earth Obama didn’t rake McCain over the coals when he went over to Syria unasked, on his own foreign policy mission to rub elbows with Syria’s invaders? NOW we know– these two were just beginning their bromance! - How about that? Lefty folks who helped O'Bama get elected and have been having regrets must really be beating themselves up now!"  The ability of the "lefties" who really aren't lefty at all but are neo-lefty (aka Neo-Liberal), to keep themselves in endless, oblivious, states of utter denial is legendary. - mpg
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More on the All Seeing - (Know Nothing) - Police State & Their Surveillance & Suppression of the Web.

Germany Ends Cold War Spying Pact With US, Britain
A quote...."Germany canceled a Cold War-era surveillance pact with the United States and Britain on Friday in response to revelations by National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden about those countries' alleged electronic eavesdropping operations."
WOW!! - Guess the Germans REALLY got pissed-off.  Probably if it was just the peasants and even a few of Germany's parasites who were targeted as part of  a "war on terror" window dressing exercise for some mass-media propaganda spew, the German government wouldn't have cared.

But they've probably backtested and forensically analyzed who and/or what was actually spied on. By their action, and the fact that Germany was one of the top five foreign countries  spied on by the NSA, they've obviously concluded what EVERYONE else already has.

That it was Germany's top "elites" who were  the target of NSA spying. That it was ALL done for industrial and financial espionage  That Germany's politicians and other movers and shakers were specifically targeted to obtain black-mail material, and MOST EGREGIOUS OF ALL, that Israel, at a minimum, was a major sub-contractor in this effort and received all of the data, or, in the worst case, that Israel and its zio-minions were indirectly in charge of the entire operation, selecting many of the targets for their "profit" or "blackmail potential", sharing what THEY collected with their Amerikan co-conspirators.'ll provide cold comfort to the German people, but, it's what the Kazarians do, and to's just "business". - mpg - For related articles, see below.....
Anyone Who Says the Government Only Spies On Metadata Is Sadly Mistaken
A quote...."PBS interviewed NSA whistleblowers William Binney and Russell Tice this week. - Binney is the NSA’s former director of global digital data, and a 32-year NSA veteran widely regarded as a “legend” within the agency.  Tice helped the NSA spy with satellites for 20 years. - Binney and Tice confirmed that the NSA is recording every word of every phone call made within the United States...."- For more on this entire issue, see the recently issued articles shown below....
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More on the Domestic Situation....

CIA Ran Arms Smuggling Team During Benghazi Attack
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 27min39sec - Aug 2, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."The CIA has been subjecting operatives to monthly polygraph tests in an attempt to suppress details of a US arms smuggling operation in Benghazi that was ongoing when its ambassador was killed by a mob in the city last year, according to reports."

Boston Marathon Bombing: U.S. Rep. Keating Demands Answers from New FBI Director
A quote...."In a scathing letter, Massachusetts Congressman William Keating has demanded “forthright information” about the Boston Marathon bombing from the newly confirmed director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation." - Source:  WhoWhatWhy - Topix ||  ||  Boston Bombing  ||

How the Manning Trial Betrayed the Constitution
A quote...."In its third century the United States is undergoing a continuous constitutional crisis.  To mention just some of the most recent lowlights of that crisis, the Supreme Court has made a frontal assault on voting rights and election integrity, by usurping both state and federal legislative powers over elections.  A FISA Court appointed by the ringleader of this coup d’etat against democracy, Chief Justice Roberts, has excercised legislative powers to “legalize” mass surveillance in collaboration with a lawless executive branch in flagrant violation of the Fourth Amendment."

Issa subpoenas Treasury for IRS documents, accuses agency of obstructing probe
A quote...."A top Republican lawmaker on Friday subpoenaed the Treasury Department for documents pertaining to the IRS targeting scandal, after accusing the head of the tax-collection agency of obstructing congressional investigations."

Pentagon considers cancelling F-35 program, leaked documents suggest
That's amazing, they're really going to cancel a major weapons program just as they did....ummmm.....back in....the year of....hmmmmm, oh well, never mind. - mpg - Source:  RT & WarInIraq

The Force Behind Bills To Lower Wages and Suppress Workers’ Rights? You Guessed It: ALEC
A quote...."According to a new analysis by the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD), publishers of, at least 117 bills introduced in 2013 fuel a “race to the bottom” in wages, benefits and worker rights—and resemble “model” bills from the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)." - also posted at FromTheTrenches

Michael Rivero on BambuserTV -  Aug 2nd, 2013 - Note:  Webcaster changed. - mpg
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (BambuserTV - 3hrs -  Aug 2nd, 2013) -- Bamuser's partially working - mpg -- Source:  MichaelRiveroBambuserTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.

Mike Rivero on The Power Hour Tuesday July 30 2013- More Mike....
Audio Interview - (12160FlshPlyr - 49min51sec - August 2, 2013 at 1:37pm)

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "Corruption & Manipulation" - (7/29/13)
Must View GCVideo - (Occasional strong language) - (GCYuTb - 17min50sec - Jul 30, 2013) - Source: GrldCelYuTb - Related:  TrendsJournal -- Note:  The description  is wrong. -- In this episode Gerald Celente pokes fun at market "analysts", cautions on the housing bubble, sympathies with Detroit's woes, bemoans the tragedy of Iraq, derides Joe Biden, the military's crack-down in Egypt and the ridiculousness of our parasites saying it wasn't a coup, also covers Tunisia, Libya, and Israel's disgraceful treatment of the Palestinian Bedouins along with Samantha Power's utterly creepy cravenness to Israel, royally roasts the Saudi Parasitic Family, (and other so-called "royalty", it was quite enjoyable), and finally laughs out loud about San Diego's sex-crazed mayor and his sycophantic presstitute coverage. - mpg 
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Rampant Inequality – Which Destroys Economies – Skyrockets to the Highest Levels In History
Table - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Associated Press reports that around 80 percent of all Americans deal with joblessness, near poverty, or reliance on welfare at some point in their lives. - AP notes that inequality is going through the roof...."
"An increasingly globalized U.S. economy, the widening gap between rich and poor and loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs [are the likely] reasons for the trend." -- "The risks of poverty also have been increasing in recent decades, particularly among people ages 35-55, coinciding with widening income inequality."
"The U.S. compares very poorly to most other Western industrialized nations...." [see chart]

If You Think The Employment Numbers Are Good, Then You Really Need To Read This Article
Special Note - Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Do you actually believe that the employment numbers are getting better?  Do you actually believe that there is a bright future ahead for American workers?  If so, then you really need to read this article.  The truth is that we are in the midst of the worst employment crisis since the Great Depression, and there has been absolutely no employment recovery.  In fact, the percentage of working age Americans that are employed is just about exactly where it was during the darkest days of the last recession.  But the mainstream media is not telling you this.  The mainstream media is instead focusing on the fact that the official “unemployment rate” declined from 7.6% in June to 7.4% in July.  That sounds like great news, but when you take a deeper look at the employment numbers some very disturbing trends emerge." - also posted at ZeroHedge

77% of new jobs created this year are part-time
Chart - (click to view) -- A quote...."When the payroll report was released last month, the world finally noticed what we had been saying for nearly three years: that the US was slowly being converted to a part-time worker society. This slow conversion accelerated drastically in the last few months, and especially in June, when part time jobs exploded higher by 360K while full time jobs dropped by 240K. In July we are sad to report that America's conversation to a part-time worker society is not "tapering": according to the Household Survey, of the 266K jobs created (note this number differs from the establishment survey), only 35% of jobs, or 92K, were full time. The rest were...not.

Why Another Great Real Estate Crash Is Coming
Charts - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."There are very few segments of the U.S. economy that are more heavily affected by interest rates than the real estate market is.  When mortgage rates reached all-time low levels late last year, it fueled a little "mini-bubble" in housing which was greatly celebrated by the mainstream media.  Unfortunately, the tide is now turning." - also posted at ZeroHedge

A Whirlpool of Speculation - Housing Shifts Into Reverse
A quote...."Here are a few headlines you might want to mull-over before you plunk 20 percent down on that $500,000 Tudor in Rancho Mirage...."
“Mortgage Applications Drop for Seventh Straight Week”,  “Homeownership slides to 18 year low”,  “Investors start to move out of housing”,  “Sellers Worry Rising Rates Will Lower Demand”,  “PE Scrambles To Exit Housing Market”,  “Higher mortgage rates lead to softer home demand, Beazer exec says.”
S&P 500 Profit Margins Plunge To Three Year Lows
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- Awwww PHOOEY!  Profits are so old school these days! - mpg -- A quote...."That S&P500 revenues are contracting for the second quarter in a row (i.e. a revenue recession) is by now well-known even to CNBC. This is just as we predicted in June of last year, because in a world devoid of growth capital expenditures (and judging by the amount of train, plane and other crashes lately, maintenance capex as well), there can be no organic growth. -- What, however, may come as a surprise to the market cheerleaders (who unknowingly, or knowingly, are merely cheering Ben Bernanke's magic bubble blowing machine, see final chart) is that that other key component of bottom line improvement, profit margins, are not only not at record highs contrary to what conventional wisdom may incorrectly believe, but have been consistently sliding for three years now...."

Spain To Suffer At Least 25% Unemployment Until 2018, IMF Forecasts
A quote...."With the mean-reverting extrapolators all calling the bottom in Europe and scandal-plagued PM Rajoy desperate for distraction repeatedly arguing that the country's depressed economy is finally emerging from a two-tear slump, the FT reports that IMF has just popped that balloon of hope. "Spain has historically never generated net employment when the economy grew less that 1.5-2%,” the IMF notes, pointing out "yet growth is not projected to reach these rates even in the medium-term." In fact, echoing recent warnings from independent economists at exuberance over the most recent data (driven by seasonally-enhanced tourism) as the start of a new trend, the IMF warns, "the weak recovery will constrain employment gains, with unemployment remaining above 25 per cent in 2018.""

IMF advises Spain to cut wages by 10 percent
- The definition of insanity is....mpg
A quote...."The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Friday called on Spain’s unions and employers to work together to find solutions - including cutting workers’ wages - to tackle unemployment and stimulate growth so that more jobs can be created. - In its latest report on Spain, the IMF said government reforms need to go further to increase companies’ “internal flexibility” and “enhance employment opportunities for the unemployed.”" - Topix  ||  A Quadruple Whammy - 12-16-10 - mpg  ||
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More On The International Situation....

3 European arms experts killed in Syrian coastal city: report
A quote...."DAMASCUS, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) -- Three European arms experts working with Syrian rebels were killed Saturday in the countryside of Syrian coastal city of Latakia, pro-government Sham FM radio cited a military source as saying. " -- For more on Syria see the articles shown below....
[Egyptian] Army chief: Severing ties with Syria is Mursi's biggest fault
A quote...."Deposed president Mohamed Mursi took several measures that were not in Egypt’s best interests, Staff Major General Osama Askar said. - Mursi’s biggest fault is the decision to sever ties with Syria during one of his conferences without referring to the National Defense Council and the legislative council, Askar said. - Severing ties with any state means erasing all channels through which communication can be established with the other party, Askar, the Third Field Army’s leader, said during a meeting with representatives of Suez Bedouins."

Egypt's top general slams US policy
A quote...."Egypt’s military chief, General Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi, has lashed out at the administration of US President Barack Obama, accusing it of disregarding the Egyptian popular will."

Kerry Supports Egypt's Coup
A quote..."When is a coup not one? When John Kerry claims otherwise. When he says it restores democracy. - It can't reinistate what doesn't exist. It can't do it by military takeover. Perhaps Kerry doesn't understand. America never had democracy. It has none now." - also posted at DProgram

Is Egypt On The Verge Of Engineered Civil War?
A quote...."For thousands of years, Egypt has been one of the primary pillars of the Eastern world. When Egypt falls into turmoil, a shockwave is felt by all other nations that heralds great change and perhaps even great catastrophe. The West's longtime interest in maintaining a solid foothold in Egypt is based on this reality; even in our modern age, when Egypt is in your corner riches can be accumulated, and power can be gathered." - also posted at ZeroHedge

What's the Use of a Revolution That Doesn't Change Anything? - Back on Cairo’s Streets
A quote...."The Muslim Brotherhood had sworn not to seek the Egyptian presidency. Having broken this promise, they said they would bring “bread, liberty and social justice”. But under their rule, insecurity and poverty increased. So the people took to the streets again, insisting that President Mohammed Morsi must go (see Shadow of the army over Egypt’s revolution). This is how some revolutions start. And when they are successful, they are celebrated for centuries without much attention to whether they were spontaneous, or to the legal grounds for their unleashing. History is not a lesson in law."

Iraqi general survives blast as attacks kill 24
A quote...."A top Iraqi army officer said he survived a bombing on Saturday that killed nine soldiers during an operation against al-Qaeda militants north of Baghdad, while 15 people died in other attacks."

Bahrain[s TINY  Minority Wahhabist  Parasitic Family] Declares War on the [Majority Shia] Opposition
A quote...."WASHINGTON – The special session of the Bahraini National Assembly held on Sunday Jul. 28 was a spectacle of venom, a display of vulgarity, and an unabashed nod to increased dictatorship." - Source:  IPS

Rival factions in Yemeni army clash in capital
A quote...."SANAA, Aug 2 (Reuters) – Soldiers once loyal to Yemen’s ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh, protesting against what they say is neglect by the new leadership, clashed with a rival faction of the military in Sanaa on Friday, police and witnesses said."

Pakistan Post Election
A quote...."The general elections that took place in May 2013 in Pakistan’s Lower House of Parliament – the National Assembly – and in the provincial assemblies of Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (formerly the North-West Frontier Province) has introduced certain changes into the life of this large Asian nation with a population of nearly 200 million, a nation with nuclear weapons that occupies a crucially important geopolitical position in South Eurasia... "

West Acts Like ‘Bull in China Shop’ in Middle East – Russian PM
A quote..."MOSCOW, August 4 (RIA Novosti) – Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev criticized on Sunday the West’s interference in the Middle East, describing it as a “bull in a china shop.” - In an interview with Russia Today international news TV channel, Medvedev said he agreed with the interviewer that the West often purposefully pushed whole nations to the point of no return, beyond which it was very difficult to convince the warring sides to attempt negotiations."

Russian Warships Arrive in Cuba on Official Visit - Report
A quote...."BUENOS AIRES, August 4 (RIA Novosti) - A Russian naval task force, led by the Moskva missile cruiser, arrived Saturday on a visit to the Cuban port of Havana, Latin American media reported."

1421: The Year China Discovered America? (Full Version: Playlist)
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 1hr54min24sec -  Feb 12, 2013) - Source: FP -- A quote...."On March 8, 1421, the largest fleet the world had ever seen sailed from its base in China. The ships, huge junks nearly five hundred feet long and built from the finest teak, were under the command of Emperor Zhu Di’s loyal eunuch admirals. Their mission was “to proceed all the way to the end of the earth to collect tribute from the barbarians beyond the seas” and unite the whole world in Confucian harmony. Their journey would last more than two years and circle the globe. -- When they returned in October 1423, the emperor had fallen, leaving China in political and economic chaos. The great ships, now considered frivolous, were left to rot at their moorings and the records of their journeys were destroyed. Lost in China’s long, self-imposed isolation that followed was the knowledge that Chinese ships had reached America seventy years before Columbus and circumnavigated the globe a century before Magellan. Also concealed were how the Chinese colonized America before the Europeans and transplanted to America, Australia, New Zealand and South America the principal economic crops that have fed and clothed the world."

Bolivia: Anti-Imperialist Summit Concludes in Cochabamba
A quote...."Bolivian President Evo Morales has declared 2nd August as the Day of Anti-imperialism in Bolivia, as he closed a three-day summit today in Cochabamba."
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More On The Palestinian Situation...

Settlers [Jealous Jewish thugs] attack farmer, kill sheep in Aqraba
A quote...."At 530pm on July 30th three settlers [Jewish vagrant thugs] from the illegal settlement [squatter camp] of Itamar violently attacked a farmer from the village of Aqraba, south east of Nablus. Four farmers from the village  had spent the day grazing their more than 500 sheep on land belonging to the village, near to the settler [Jew] only road dividing Aqraba."

Army Attacks Nonviolent Protesters In Jerusalem
A quote...."[Thursday evening August 1, 2013] Israeli soldiers and police officers attacked dozens of Palestinian protesters nonviolently marching in occupied East Jerusalem against the Prawer Negev displacement plan."

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (25 - 31 July 2013)
THIS is what the ISRAELI people, NOT their government, have done to another they have advantage over  every single day for over sixty years.  Would you trust any group of people that remorselessly, relentlessly, sadistically, without a qualm, or a twinge of conscience, did these things to another every single day for OVER SIXTY YEARS?  Would you do "business" with them?  Would you want to associate with them? Just think about what they would do to YOU and YOUR family if they got control over your community!! - mpg
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

New Information Dissolves Illusions About Vaccines — And They’re All Illusions
A quote...."There’s a new book out. It’s called Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History. The biggest illusion is quite simple and is the basis for the entire book and what the book ultimately proves. Before I continue, answer this true-or-false question:"

In Defense of Dr. Wakefield’s 1998 Paper on the Link between Vaccines and Autism
A quote...."What is really frustrating is the recent hysteria being promoted by the hate-bandwagon bullies (from Salon and AlterNet) who are coming out in droves against Jenny McCarthy’s recent hire by a television talk show. Calling her views “dangerous” and “anti-science” with “deadly consequences” etc. and how she cites “a now withdrawn and scientifically disproved paper that claimed there was a link between vaccines and autism,” referring to the 1998 paper from Dr Wakefield."

The England Hypothesis: The Real Reason Behind the Autism Pandemic
A quote..."What you are about to read is so shocking, disturbing and counter-intuitive that you will want to turn away from even the possibility that I am right. I urge you, for the sake of yourself and your family, to consider what I am presenting before rejecting it."

Glyphosate toxicity to humans: An overview
A quote...."(NaturalNews) Monsanto's infamous Roundup contains the hotly debated compound called glyphosate. This merciless herbicide is also found in 750 or more U.S. products. An herbicide like this infiltrates the landscape and accumulates in mammals, especially bone, hindering cellular detoxification along the way."

Exxon Receives Slap on the Wrist for Poisoning NYC Water for Decades
A quote...."MANHATTAN (CN) – ExxonMobil owes more than $104 million to New York City for poisoning the groundwater with the gasoline additive MTBE, the 2nd Circuit ruled. - New York City had sued the oil giant over its release of the additive into six wells in the Jamaica section of Queens from the mid-1980s through the mid-2000s. The wells had been designated for emergencies."

What's Cooking at our House: Peach Pies - This'll make you hungry. - mpg
Photos - A quote...."Enjoying the bounty of summer. - The peach tree is yielding a bumper crop this year, necessitating the baking of peach pies. - The tree, which is about 20 years old. I had to prop up the branches to keep the tree from self-pruning via branches broken by the weight of the fruit."
Friday August 2nd 2013

No posts. - mpg

Thursday August 1st 2013

Triple-Feature: “America Discredited,” “Manning Verdict Convicts DC,” & “Hiding Eco-Depression With Spin”
Special Note - Note:  Quarterly Call For Donations -- A quote...."As Washington loses its grip on the world, defied by Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, and now Russia, the US government resorts to public temper tantrums. The constant demonstration of childishness on the part of the White House and Congress embarrasses every American. -- Washington’s latest outburst of childish behavior is a response to the Russian Immigration Service granting US whistleblower Edward Snowden asylum in Russia for one year while his request for permanent asylum is considered. Washington, having turned the US into a lawless state, no longer has any conception of legal procedure. Law is whatever serves Washington. As Washington sees it, law is nothing but Washington’s will. Any person or country that interferes with Washington’s will is behaving unlawfully."

Vicious beyond imagination: US endless wars, debt, lies

Special Note - A quote...."vi·cious [vish-uhs] adjective. 1. addicted to or characterized by vice; grossly immoral; depraved; profligate. 2. given or readily disposed to evil. 3. reprehensible; blameworthy; wrong: a vicious deception. 4. spiteful; malicious: a vicious attack.
"1% “leaders” in government, economics, and corporate media saturate the 99% in vicious criminal policies; perhaps 100 of critical importance. These crimes are “emperor has no clothes” obvious upon inspection, and only continue from official propaganda of diminishing credibility. - The 99% can end these Orwellian crimes through command of objective facts and demand for arrests of obvious criminals. The basic facts for justice under law seem easiest in three areas...."
The Truthseeker: America's Next Colonies (E20, Part 1)
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 12min22sec - Jul 28, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Leaked new army manual: US troops are wearing "enemy uniform although Geneva Conventions prohibit this". It comes as anti-Assad groups admit a "third force" sparked the war, while unexplained snipers triggered the coup in Egypt; Christof Lehmann tells The Truthseeker how the UN is the "instrument for warfare" preparing the ground for America's next colonies; shocking torture footage of the West's Arab dictators; and why the Saudis did 9/11." - Topix ||  US SoT - Al CIA'da In Syria  ||  Economic Hit Men - Def. ||  Jackals - Def.  ||  Hyenas - Def.  ||  Golems - Def.  ||

Obama Pays Al Qaeda $150 Per Month In Syria
SGPVideo - (SGPYuTb - 2min09sec - Jul 28, 2013) - Source: SGPYuTbRelated:  SGPFaceBook - Related:  SGPTwitter -- A quote...."The US openly admits it gives the Syrian insurgents 150 USD per month, interestingly the exact same wage Al Qaeda is getting."

Saudi Intelligence Chief Meets US, Israeli Officials for Terrorist Operations in Syria, Lebanon
Related Article - A quote...." Prince Bandar Bin Sultan, the Saudi National Security Council Secretary and Head of the Saudi Intelligence who is Riyadh's man for forming, arming and orchestrating terrorist groups in the region, had a meeting with top US security officials in Washington a few weeks ago, Palestinian weekly al-Manar quoted informed sources as saying. - The sources told al-Manar that Bandar Bin Sultan held talks with US vice-presidents during his visit to Washington asking them to let Saudi Arabia supervise operations in Syria and Lebanon." - Topix || One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg ||

Ex-CIA Agent Accuses Top Bush Officials of Approving Kidnapping in Italy and then Abandoning those who Followed Orders - A quote...."A former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer has gone public with claims that the George W. Bush administration agreed to an Italian trial of CIA officials for abducting an Islamic cleric in 2003, so that the president and other senior leaders would be protected from prosecution." - also posted at AlethoNews & BLN - Topix ||  Fun & Torture - It's a Pleasure  ||

Fresh Evidence of CIA Drone Strikes on Rescuers
A quote...."August 01, 2013 "Information Clearing House -   A field investigation by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism in Pakistan’s tribal areas appears to confirm that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) last year briefly revived the controversial tactic of deliberately targeting rescuers at the scene of a previous drone strike. The tactic has previously been labelled a possible war crime by two UN investigators. - The Bureau’s new study focused mainly on strikes around a single village in North Waziristan – attacks that were aimed at one of al Qaeda’s few remaining senior figures, Yahya al-Libi. He was finally killed by a CIA drone strike on June 4 2012."

'CIA targeted rescuers of drone strikes'

Related Article - A quote...."The CIA unmanned aircraft deliberately targeted rescuers attempting to help victims of previous drone strikes in Pakistan's tribal areas, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism has found. - A field investigation by the Bureau focuses on drone strikes in a single village in North Waziristan last year when the CIA was after Yahya al-Libi, an alleged senior al-Qeada member who was finally killed in one of the aerial attacks on June 4, 2012." - also posted at PressTV - For more on this issue see comment and articles posted below....
FYI:  Everybody involved in secondary drone strikes, a.k.a. the "Double Tap" is a war criminal under international law and could be legally hung by their necks until they're dead if convicted of their crimes.  Whether that will happen as a practical matter is a completely different question.  But deliberately targeting rescue workers, innocent civilians and relatives of a so-called "target" in a secondary strike is NOT "collateral damage"!  -- By definition, it's simply terrorism.**  There is no possible legal defense for this act and NONE - if you note - has been put forward so far.  Anyone in the US-NRE's military who is identified as carrying out second strike "double taps", could be placing themselves in severe (i.e. criminal) legal jeopardy and could also be subject to civil lawsuits if they should travel overseas or if this nation should ever return to policies founded upon the rules of law & order. - mpg - for more on this issue see the articles and comment shown below....posted 12-22-12
**Terrorism -- Is the deliberately random, unpredictable, unexpected and systematic use of organized violence, (which includes torture) against civilian targets (almost always to kill, hurt or maim) to induce fear or terror in, and submission by the populace to the perpetrator's goals (the perpetrator being individuals, groups or governments), or to incapacitate and break-down the society's governing structures, or in many cases, to deliberately induce a state of civil war, anarchy or sectarian conflict within a given society. -- *The Rules of Force - 09-28-12 - mpg*
World Health Organization still stalling release of report on Iraqi cancers and birth defects
A quote...."The back-breaking burden of cancers and birth defects continues to weigh heavily on the Iraqi people.  - The joint WHO and Iraqi Ministry of Health Report on cancers and birth defect in Iraq was originally due to be released in November 2012. It has been delayed repeatedly and now has no release date whatsoever."

FDA Issues Black Box Warning on Drug Linked to Mass Killings - Mefloquine, band name Lariam.
A quote...."FDA has revised the patient Medication Guide dispensed with each prescription and wallet card to include this information and the possibility that the neurologic side effects may persist or become permanent. The neurologic side effects can include dizziness, loss of balance, or ringing in the ears. The psychiatric side effects can include feeling anxious, mistrustful, depressed, or having hallucinations. - Neurologic side effects can occur at any time during drug use, and can last for months to years after the drug is stopped or can be permanent." - Source:  TheDailySheeple
For more on this issue, see the website....Mefloquine (Lariam) Action - See also the articles shown below, just a reminder about what sort of cess-pool this country has become....
'GITMO Massage': UK inmate reveals sexual assault & inquisition-style torture
RTVideo - Welcome to the New Roman EVERY sense of the word. -mpg - (RTYuTb - 6min21sec - Aug 1, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."The last British resident remaining at Guantanamo Bay says he's being sexually assaulted by prison staff. Shaker Aamer who's spent 11 years at Gitmo without charge, has revealed he faces 'forced cell extractions' on a daily basis that involve a shocking procedure which detainees call the Gitmo massage. RT's Polly Boiko has the details and RT is joined by lawyer Clive Stafford Smith who is the founder of the legal group Reprieve."

Gitmo Costs US Taxpayers $5 Billion
Related Article - A quote...."A new report says the Pentagon will have spent a whopping $5.242 billion on its notorious detention facility at Guantanamo, Cuba by the end of 2014. - The report by the Defense Department™s Office of the Comptroller puts the cost of operating the Guantanamo prison camp at $454.1 million for the current year." - Source:  PressTV - Topix ||  9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables  ||

Snowden’s Father Calls Out Obama On Nuremberg Crimes
A quote...."Predictably, the corporate media, the official propaganda outlet for the establishment, has refused to post or publish an open letter sent to Obama by Lon Snowden, the father of Edward Snowden. This callous refusal should finally convince any who may have had any doubt that the United States is anything but a tyrannical national security state with a state-run media no different than the one in Cuba, China or Iran."

Last Hurrah of the Interventionists?
A quote...."By Patrick J. Buchanan -- In what a Washington Post columnist describes as a rout of Rand Paul isolationism, the Senate just voted overwhelmingly to send another $1.5 billion in foreign aid to Egypt. - The House voted 400-20 to impose new sanctions on Iran’s oil exports, two days before Iran’s new president, elected on a pledge to re-engage the West on the nuclear issue, takes his oath. - Do these triumphs of AIPAC and the War Party, of neocons and liberal internationalists, tell us where we are going? Or are they the last hurrahs of the interventionists, as America’s long retreat proceeds apace. - If we take what Richard Nixon called “the long view,” the trend line seems unmistakable. Under President Obama, America has pulled all U.S. forces out of Iraq and has scheduled a full withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2014. - Despite his “red line” in Syria having allegedly been crossed, and the cawing of Hill hawks like Sens. Lindsey Graham and John McCain, Obama seems the very portrait of a reluctant warrior in Syria. - A large majority of Americans, too, want no part of that civil war." - Source:  PatrickJBuchanan
The premature death knell of the Israeli/AIPAC Consortium's Neocons has been announced several times before.  But Israel's Banksters can print their US currency without limit, to bribe, buy, coerce and threaten at will.  It makes them VERY effective, or to give a turn to one famous author's quote...."Rumors of the Neocons' deaths have been greatly exaggerated, several times before".  Even if they do go away soon, to use another phrase from a famous movie...."They'll be back." - mpg
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Israel: a Huge Liability on American Foreign Policy Balance Sheet – Indyk-AIPAC Secret Theft From American Industry Reaches $100 Billion -- A quote...."There are many reasons why naming Martin Indyk the special envoy to mediate between Israel and Palestine is a bad idea. Marinated in Israeli-American media mogul Haim Saban’s largess at Brookings Institute, many observers have noted Indyk’sprevious failures as a diplomat for the U.S. It is assumed that Indyk will again function as “Israel’s lawyer” and Palestinians will get a raw deal. Less explored are the likely costs for the United States. -- In 1984 as research director at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Indyk and his “research team” gutted advice and consent process during trade negotiations to deliver unprecedented concessions to Israel. During the negotiations American businesses opposed to the concessions delivered trade secrets and proprietarydata supporting their opposition to the International Trade Commission. The FBI soon discovered AIPAC had illegally obtained a secret copy of the business secrets compiled by ITC, giving AIPAC invaluable ammunition to target those lobbying against the deal."

US Media “Not Objective” On Zionist Nukes, Says Leading Journalist
A quote...."The US media purports to be “objective” – meaning it should treat all parties to a dispute equally – but isn’t and implements blatant double standards when it comes to Israel’s nuclear weapons, a leading US journalist has said."

Neocons, Selective Democracy, and the Egyptian Military Coup
A quote...."Good article by Stephen Sniegoski. I think that this is fundamental to the analysis of US policy towards Egypt and the pandering to the military. Ultimately, it is all about preserving sancrosanct Israel and US geopolitical interests in the region.. and to hell with genuine Arab democratic freedom. — Analyst Finian Cunningham"

Israel’s Secret Settlement Expansion Deal Leaves Talks in Doubt
Israel Caught Double Dealing...Again -- A quote...."The Israel-Palestinian peace talks haven’t even really gotten under way beyond a single preliminary meeting, but are already chock full of back room deals, with President Obama making secret promises to both sides and internal Israeli politics threatening to derail the whole thing already. -- Getting the hawkish Jewish Home party on board after they threatened to quit the government over peace talks apparently wasn’t just a matter of putting a referendum system in place to ensure a deal was all but impossible, and the Israeli media is now reporting Netanyahu secretly promised massive expansions to West Bank settlements in return for their acquiescence." - bold by website editor - Source:  AntiWar

Israeli forces raid Cremisan Monastery in Bethlehem
A quote...."Witnesses reported that Israeli forces raided the Cremisan Monastery in Bethlehem late on Sunday [July 28]. The witnesses told the Palestinian News and Info Agency (WAFA) that Israeli soldiers broke into the monastery, held the people who were inside, and inspected their personal documents." - also posted at AlethoNews

Israel Teaches Sri Lanka the Art of Ethnic Cleansing
A quote...."Towards the end of 2008, I joined thousands in Toronto to protest Israel’s attack on Gaza. Like people all over the world, we called for an immediate end to the war. At York University, where I was a student, we mobilized the campus to defend Palestinian rights. - A few months later, bombs were falling on my own people — in the Vanni region of northern Sri Lanka. And once again, we hit Toronto’s streets in protest. - I realized then that even though our homelands are oceans apart, Palestinians and Tamils have much in common."

Israeli government is planning the largest single attempt at the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians since the 1948 Nakba
A quote...."The Israeli government is planning the largest single attempt at the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians since the 1948 Nakba. - The Begin-Prawer Plan, which is the name of the law calling for the mass relocation of the Bedouin, passed its first reading in the Israeli Knesset on Wednesday, June 23. If the law is fully passed and implemented, it will mean the destruction of up to 40 Bedouin villages. Over the ruins of these villages, the Jewish National Fund—an Israeli para-statal organization with a charitable branch in Canada—will plant forests and help to establish Jewish-only settlements as part of its four billion dollar campaign: Blueprint Negev. - The Prawer Plan aims to...."
Hezbollah and Washington’s Middle East Terrorist Blacklisting Ritual
A quote...."Arab liberals and GCC-sponsored ‘intellectuals’ and media pundits could not contain their delight this past week as they all went into jubilant throes of rapture over the EU’s acquiescence to American pressure to black-list the Lebanese Resistance Group Hezbollah (or its Armed Wing as it were) as a terrorist organization. -- Full-blown joy was in no short supply as Gulf funded newspapers and media outlets went into celebratory overdrive, practically sharing a “moment of great relief” with the one entity that, in a word-association game, elicits “terrorism” for the majority of the people in this region: Israel." - bold by website editor - Topix ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||

Happy Birthday BDS! The Boycott of Israel
A quote...."Editor’s Note : The difference is that white South Africans never had the leverage over any Western government and their mainstream media that Israel does, directly and through the Diaspora. BDS is gaining ground. So is Jewish control over key Western governments, and its leverage of the MSM hasn’t suffered one iota. Alternative websites are happy to get a few hundred hits, and delirious with joy if they get a few thousand. But Fox “News” gets tens of millions and CNN hundreds of millions, for instance, and that is on bad days. And the governments, of the US and Britain and Canada and Australia — puppet, puppet, who’s got the puppet?"

Presbyterians: Time for Israel to stop the settlements
Map - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."A look back over the history of peace initiatives shows that settlement building has never stopped through any talks and we see that the Israeli government keeps building on the land that is the subject of the negotiations. As one observer has put it, it is like negotiating over a pizza but one side keeps eating the slices… "

Google yet to explain YouTube block: Press TV
A quote...."Almost a week after Google disabled Press TV’s YouTube account, the internet giant has yet to explain why it blocked the alternative TV channel’s access to the video sharing site." - Topix ||  Alternate Press TV Sites  ||

US vs Israeli Espionage – the Final Battle
A quote...."I  watched in somewhat amazement the recent news of the Justice Department’s investigation of Fox News’s James Rosen which brought the entire Israeli Lobby 5th column out to defend not only Rosen, but freedom for the press. The gross hypocrisy made me sick to my stomach. -  There is no group of people who have relentlessly attacked freedom of the press more viciously that the Israeli Lobby and their espionage handlers in Tel Aviv. - It has been widely known throughout the entire intelligence and law enforcement community that the Zionists conduct massive and aggressive media espionage everywhere they can. The attacks on Press TV are also part of this worldwide campaign."

Did Israeli Agents Hack NZ's Police Computer?

Contain Links List - A quote...."The spy story is being covered very well by Radio New Zealand. And the most interesting item so far, has been a Morning Report interview with British Mossad expert Gordon Thomas (audio), which is also reported in Lane Nichols’ Israelis 'likely an official covert team'. All of this suggests that we might soon see a shift in the Government’s orientation towards the state of Israel. [Continue reading below for a full list of the highlights of NZ Politics Daily] - Below are the internet links to all the NZ politics material from the last 24 hours that are either informative, insightful, interesting or influential. This list and the links are taken from a fuller document, NZ Politics Daily...."

Former Israeli Intelligence Operatives who helped with US Wiretapping Now Work For Hedge Funds
Financial Alert - Web/Phn-Net Monitoring Warning -- All your future financial plans and transactions "are belong to us". All your future communications "are belong to us". The Israeli criminal collective's statement to the rest of the world. - mpg -- A quote...."A company staffed with former operatives of Israel’s top intelligence agencies and founded with the help of the former head of the Mossad is being used by hedge funds looking for an edge in the financial markets. - Kela Israeli Intelligence has increasingly become a popular service on Wall Street. The firm employs about 40 former intelligence operatives and analysts, most of them ex-members of the Israeli army’s secretive 8200 unit, which is often described as Israel’s equivalent to the National Security Agency and believed to be behind the Stuxnet computer worm that attacked Iran’s nuclear facilities. Kela also employs former agents of Israel’s Mossad spy agency and the company was founded with the help of Shabtai Shavit, the director general of the Mossad from 1989 to 1996, who sits on Kela’s advisory board." - Topix ||  Israel's Net Control  ||
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More on the All Seeing - (Know Nothing) - Police State & Their Surveillance & Suppression of the Web.

The Government Lied About Being Able To Read Your Email Without A Warrant
Rep Rogers Exposed - (liar, liar pants on fire) -- A quote...."Who is right, and who is lying? According to new revelations by the Guardian newspaper and Glenn Greenwald, the government was again avoiding the truth and Snowden was, in fact, correct. An NSA program by the name of XKeyscore provides precisely the capability that Snowden detailed and Rep. Rogers denied. - Government denials of NSA capabilities are beginning to come up as false a sufficient number of times that they are losing the stature of an official remark, and are instead slipping increasingly into the realm of rank misdirection."

Intelligence Chief Clapper Should be Prosecuted for Congressional Perjury

Clapper Should Be Clapped In Jail -- A quote...."Not that you likely missed it, but you more likely just accepted in the current status quo natural order of things that the Director of National Intelligence lied in Congressional testimony, admitted it -- and no one in Washington DC even seemed to blink. -- This occurred before Edward Snowden, now a temporary-asylum resident of Russia, revealed the infamous PRISM program that the NSA uses to conduct data mining sweeping. -- To refresh your memory, here's some background from a July 2nd Forbes article entitled, "National Intelligence Director Clapper Apologizes For 'Clearly Erroneous' Congressional Testimony On NSA Surveillance"...."

Manning, Snowden and Assange were the ones who took risks to expose crime
A quote...."What a dangerous edifice war is, how easily it may fall to pieces and bury us in its ruins," wrote Carl von Clausewitz, the 19th-century Prussian general and military theorist, in his seminal text "On War", close to 200 years ago. These lines came from the chapter "Information in War", a topic that resonates today, from Fort Meade, Maryland, where Bradley Manning has just been convicted of espionage in a military court, to the Ecuadorean Embassy in London, where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has lived for more than a year, having been granted political asylum to avoid political persecution by the United States, to Russia, where National Security Agency whistle-blower Edward Snowden has been granted temporary aslyum."

Snowden deals blow to ‘global electronic prison camp’ – Russian Orthodox Church
A quote...."Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin has praised Russian authorities for not caving in to pressure from abroad, saying granting asylum to US whistleblower Edward Snowden would help prevent the establishment of a ‘global electronic prison camp’. - “It is encouraging news that Russia is demonstrating its independence in this case as it has in many others, despite the pressure” said the head of the Holy Synod’s Department for Relations between the Church and Society." - Source:  RT

Russia Grants Snowden One-Year Asylum
A quote...."On June 23, he arrived in Moscow. He applied for asylum. He’s been stuck in Sheremetyevo Airport transit zone limbo. - Putin was clear and unequivocal. He won’t extradite him. No treaty obligation exists. Official requests don’t matter. - Snowden’s initial ordeal ended. A greater one awaits. He’s able to travel freely."

- For more on this issue see the articles shown below.....
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More on the Domestic Situation....

America’s Police State Marches On, Media in Tow
A quote...."It could well be that the harsh pretrial treatment of Bradley Manning and the harsh verdict handed down against him Tuesday may have been what convinced Russian authorities of the validity of National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden’s appeal for asylum, which his Russian attorney and his father have both now announced has been granted [1] this morning. (Snowden in his application asserted that he cannot hope to receive a fair trial in the US, where Washington leaders have been publicly calling him a traitor and have been clamoring for harsh punishment, and where even the president has condemned him as a “hacker,” instead of a whistleblower who exposed the nation’s ubiquitous spying on all electronic communications of all Americans in wholesale violation of the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution). Snowden has reportedly left the Moscow airport where he had been stranded by US revocation of his passport, and has entered Moscow as a political refugee from US state terror."

What The Bradley Manning Verdict Tells Us About America
Article & Video List

Bradley Manning Lynched by the US Government

A quote...."August 01, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  The verdict for Manning was predetermined, and the show trial in a kangaroo court – a post-modern American remix of China in the 1960s during the Cultural Revolution – just signed, sealed and delivered it. -- The President of the United States (POTUS) had already said he was guilty. US corporate media had been screaming for three years he was guilty. Now the US government – who criminalized Manning with “evil intent” - has shown there will be hell to pay for anyone who dares to reveal American war crimes, which are, by definition, unpunishable. "

Manning Verdict Risks Freedom Of The Press If The People Do Not Act
A quote...."August 01, 2013 "Information Clearing House - The verdict in the Bradley Manning trial has already begun to create reverberations as people start to understand its impact, beyond the impact on Manning.  While the greatest threat to Manning, Aiding the Enemy, was defeated, another threat, The Espionage Act, was not.  The  crimes Manning was convicted  of mean he is risking 136 years in prison.  For a whistleblower who exposed war crimes and unethical behavior in U.S. foreign policy to be facing a lengthy prison term, while the people exposed by government documents are not even investigated, shows how confused the United States has become. "

Committing War Crimes is a Duty; Reporting Them is a Felony
Poster - (click to view) --  A quote...."Bradley Manning is the only combat veteran of the Iraq war whose service is worth honoring. Like hundreds of thousands of servicemen, Manning carried out unlawful orders to participate in an illegal war. Unlike any of the rest, he took necessary action to expose discrete criminal acts committed in the larger context of that illegal enterprise."
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A Long List of Scientists Who Died Under Suspicious Circumstances
Data Base -- An ever expanding list of murdered scientists, many of whom worked as geneticists, bacteriologists, virologists, nuclear scientists or in a variety of weapons research programs. - mpg

In Virtually Every Single Case the Citizens Who Were Ultimately Murdered Never Saw It Coming”
A quote...."While the NSA, FBI and other intelligence agencies mine and collect trillions of domestic electronic interactions of every American citizen, a large portion of the population simply assumes that nothing will ever come of it. “If I’m not doing anything wrong,” they say, “then who cares?”

Attorney: FBI Was Aware of Plan For Snipers On Occupy Houston
A quote...."As the Occupy Houston movement gained steam in 2011, the FBI was aware of a plan to use snipers to take out leaders of the movement, according to FBI documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request. -- The highly redacted documents do not point to any FBI involvement in the plan. Agency spokeswoman Shauna Dunlap said that it's premature to draw conclusions about the documents because the publicly released information is incomplete.

Hacker Dies Days Before he Was to Reveal How to Remotely Kill Pacemaker Patients
A quote...."Security researcher Barnaby Jack has passed away in San Francisco, only days before a scheduled appearance at a Las Vegas hacker conference where he intended to show how an ordinary pacemaker could be compromised in order to kill a man."

Florida law enforcement agencies refuse to probe killing of Boston Marathon bombing witness
The FBI's Murder of Todashev -- A quote...."Attempts made by the American Civil Liberties Union to obtain an independent probe into the killing of Ibragim Todashev have been rebuffed by representatives of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE). Todashev, the 27-year-old Chechen and associate of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was killed by Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents during an interrogation on May 22." - Topix  ||  Boston Bombing - Ibragim Todashev  ||  The Nation's Privy Cleaners - 04-26-10 - mpg  ||

FBI Child-Pimp Raid Ignores Pedophile Elite
A quote...."The FBI announced Monday that it has arrested 150 people suspected of child sex trafficking. - Unfortunately, those arrested appear to be low-level operators – not the well-connected kingpins who pander children to the wealthiest and most powerful Americans. Elite pedophile networks connected to elements of the CIA, including the “Finders of Lost Children” and the Franklin Scandal group, have operated shamelessly and without fear of prosecution for decades. They have even peddled young prostitutes during midnight tours of the White House." - Topix ||  The Nation's Privy Cleaners - 04-26-10 - mpg  ||

LAPD visited Michael Hastings' house prior to his death, were seen looking under his car" : Investigate Michael Hastings' Death - BtSVideo - Alt - (BtSYuTb - 14min58sec - Jul 12, 2013) - Source: BreakingTheSet - Related: BTSFcBk - Related: BTSTwttr - Related:  RussiaToday  -- Abby Martin takes a closer look at the death of award winning journalist Michael Hastings, featuring interviews with Michael's close friend, Joe Biggs, who suspects his death was not an accident, and Kimberly Dvorak, an investigative journalist who has been conducting an investigation into the anomalies despite stonewalling from the LAPD."

[Twenty Three] Questions For The Corporate Media And Politicians
The first five....
  1. Why was the federal government allowed to kill the journalist Michael Hastings?
  2. Why was DHS allowed to conspire to use snipers to kill leaders of the Occupy protests?
  3. Why was there no media coverage when President Jimmy Carter said America was no longer a functioning democracy? 
  4. Why were the politicians and media allowed to lie us into war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria?
  5. Fluoride has been known to be a poison to humans since 1893.  Why does the the federal government force us to put fluoride in our water when scientists have proven that it causes cancer and reduces IQ in children who take it while their young brains are forming? - Source:  VideoRebelsBlog
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CNN Breaks the Benghazi Story Wide Open
Benghazigate - A quote...."We’ve extensively documented that the bigger story behind the murder of ambassador Chris Stevens at the Benghazi embassy in Libya is that the embassy was the center of U.S. efforts to arm jihadis in Syria who are trying to topple the Syrian government. -- We’ve also noted that this is not a partisan issue … both parties greenlighted regime change in Syria years ago, and both parties have tried to cover up what was really going on in Benghazi. -- CNN just broke this story wide open...."
"CNN has uncovered exclusive new information about what is allegedly happening at the CIA, in the wake of the deadly Benghazi terror attack. Sources now tell CNN dozens of people working for the CIA were on the ground that night, and that the agency is going to great lengths to make sure whatever it was doing, remains a secret. - CNN has learned the CIA is involved in what one source calls an unprecedented attempt to keep the spy agency’s Benghazi secrets from ever leaking out." - bold by website editor
Police Officer Fired for Leaking Ticket Quota Reality
A quote...."A police officer has been fired after going against a city policy that encouraged cops to write needless tickets and harass citizens. Justin Hanners alleged that the police in Auburn, Alabama, were encouraged to write frivolous tickets in order to raise revenue for the city." - Source:  StoryLeak

Sixth member quits Las Vegas police department's Use of Force Board
A quote...."Another person has quit the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department’s Use of Force Board. - Robert Le Piere resigned his position as a civilian member of the board Thursday morning. - Five other members, including the co-chairman Robert Martinez, quit the board Wednesday in protest of Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie’s decision to save officer Jacquar Roston’s job.

WH [Obama] creates ‘Behavior Insights Team’ to nudge you into obedience

A quote...."According to Fox News, the Obama administration is building a team of experts in psychology to come up with ways to subtly persuade Americans to change their behavior in ways the government approves of – kind of like lab rats, Pavlov’s dogs or teachers unions. The “Behavior Insights Team” team is only in its formative stages, but its goals are all ambitious, according to a recruiting letter Fox said it obtained from a university professor who was identified for membership"

Obama Fights to Keep Black People in Jail
A quote...."The Obama administration is fighting a federal court ruling that would free the remainder of the mostly Black prison inmates convicted under now-defunct, viciously racially disparate crack cocaine laws. The First Black President and his Black attorney general are determined to keep “5,000 people in jail who have no reason to be there.”"

BBC receives nearly 2,000 complaints for wall-to-wall royal birth coverage

A quote...."T.J. Alexander told Radio Four’s Feedback programme: “I’m sure I’m not the only person baffled by the BBC’s completely disproportionate coverage of the royal birth. - "Did we really need the information that nothing had happened and no information had been released?” - Another listener, M. Williamson, complained: “Why has the Today programme, the BBC’s flagship programme for serious news coverage, covered the birth of a baby boy as if the programme was a down-market tabloid? - “Today’s saturation coverage of a natural occurrence was nauseating to listen to and, I suspect, an embarrassment to the two professional presenters who happened to be in the chair on that day.”" - Topix ||  The Dead Blond Syndrome - Def.  ||

Mexican Cartels Hiring US Soldiers As Hit Men
A quote...."Mexican cartels are recruiting hit men from the U.S. military, offering big money to highly-trained soldiers to carry out contract killings and potentially share their skills with gangsters south of the border, according to law enforcement experts."

Jimmy Carter – America’s Most Famous Truth Teller and Moral Revolutionist
A quote...."2002 Nobel Peace Prize winner and Former President Jimmy Carter is America’s most famous truth teller and moral revolutionist. Carter recently declared that “The U.S has no functioning Democracy” which did not appear in American mainstream press; Carter rightfully defends NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden actions declaring that “the invasion of human rights and American privacy has gone too far” and finally Carter still correctly argues argues that “Israel’s continued control and colonization of Palestrina land have been the primary obstacles to a comprehensive peace agreement in the Middle East.”~and yet Jimmy Carter continues to be ostracized by the global elite and main stream press who obviously deeply fear his revolutionary moral truths...."

Michael Rivero on BambuserTV -  Aug 1st, 2013 - Note:  Webcaster changed. - mpg
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (BambuserTV - 3hrs -  Aug 1st, 2013) -- Regrettably spoke to soon. BambuserTV is impossible to play on this website editor's computer -- Adobe Ver. 11,8,800,94 is installed along with the most recent version of Firefox and all related plug-ins.  However the video constantly stops every three minutes, and you cannot use the scroll button to move it forward.  BamuserTV works only on the "live" version.. --  Will retry from time to time. -- Good luck to the rest of you....mpg  Source:  MichaelRiveroBambuserTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: KoolAid Bubble Mentality (E478)
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 25min47sec - Aug 1, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert drink the KoolAid in order to get into the minds of the cult members climbing the suicidal property ladders in the US and UK. In the second half, Max talks to journalist and author, Dominic Frisby, about the cult of housing and how it is that Margaret Thatcher's Right to Buy scheme inspired the Conservative party to introduce Help to Buy for purely vote buying reasons."

Redefining Recovery - How to Fake Economic Growth
A quote...."My recent article, ‘Economic Recovery by Statistical Manipulation’, written July 29, 2013, forewarned that revisions to US GDP data due on July 31 for the April-June quarter would likely show a larger GDP and growth for the US for the quarter, as well as for earlier years.  GDP data published today, July 31, 2013 by the US government’s Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) have confirmed that prediction. -- A poll of dozens of economists by the Reuters international news agency prior to the 2nd quarter GDP data release showed professional economists were collectively forecasting no more than 1% GDP growth for the 2nd quarter. As noted in our previous article, some were forecasting GDP as low as 0.5% for the quarter. The BEA’s GDP first estimate for the 2nd quarter indicates a 1.7% GDP growth. What happened to explain such a great divergence from forecasts and the BEA data?"- Topix ||  Accreting Corruption / Accreting Lying - Def.  ||

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Is Forced To Eliminate the Mass Layoff Statistics program. NO MORE REPORTING Bad News! -- Related Article - A quote...."On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the-board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS is taking the steps listed below" - - Topix ||  Accreting Corruption / Accreting Lying - Def.  ||

Obama on the New Methods for "Calculating" the US-NRE's GDP - Courtesy WRH
Related Photo

The Financial System Doesn't Just Enable Theft, It Is Theft
A quote...." It is painfully self-evident that our financial system doesn't just enable theft, it is theft by nature and design. If you doubt this, please follow along. - Inflation is theft, but we accept inflation because we've been persuaded it benefits us. Here's the basic story: our financial system creates new credit money (i.e. debt) in quantities that are only limited by the appetites of borrowers and the value of assets they buy with freshly borrowed money. "

Wall Street Engineers Newest Frankenstein’s Monster For Housing
A quote...."Wall Street engineering is back in the housing market. Its newest product is one heck of a contraption, a synthetic structured security of the type that helped blow up the financial system back in 2008. It’s like those triple-A rated mortgage-backed securities that became toxic waste in your “money-market-equivalent” bond fund or elsewhere in your 401(k) or in the portfolio of a town in Norway – only worse." - also posted at InvestmentWatch - related: books

Recession Forever? 10 Reasons American Workers Are Screwed
A quote...."The US economy is engaged in a vicious cycle in which low-wage jobs and under-employment stimulate little demand, giving companies little reason to hire workers. " - For more on this issue see quote and essay shown below....
"At best given these factors it looks like the US-NRE will undergo the equivalent of Japan's "lost decade" followed by a massive increase in inflation around 2020.  Essentially a more destructive variant of what occurred in this country during the '72 to '82 "ten year cycle".  That's at best of course.  At worst, given the deflation that's occurring, there still exists a significant chance, although it looks to be somewhat diminished to the great surprise of this website editor, that the US-NRE will experience an old fashioned, long term, Depression.  --  The conversion of bigger and bigger chunks of the US-NRE's "real" economy into a "virtual economy" every ten years however does not bode well for this nation's future prospects.  Obviously at the end of the next eighteen months, (assuming the elites are able to get away with their little cock-eyed scheme), the elites intent will be to make every employee (that includes the self-employed) in this country work twice as hard for even less benefits for the next ten years while taxing them as much as they can to reduce the "virtual portion" of this economy to something a little more manageable." -- *The Virtual Economy - 05-01-09 - mpg*
US Congress approves plan that will increase student loan rates
A quote...."A bipartisan vote of 392-31 in the House of Representatives has approved a plan that will link student loan interest rates to financial markets via 10-year treasury notes. The plan, originally brought before and approved in the Senate two weeks ago, will eliminate the difference between subsidized and unsubsidized loans and is setting the stage for student loan interest rates to go far higher than current levels."

Chart Of The Day: Foreigners Are Quietly Getting Out Of Dodge
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote..."While the Fed is posturing daily whether it will or it won't monetize an ever greater portion of gross US issuance (and considering the drop in US funding needs, unless the Fed tapers it will soon very soon buy more than 100% of all 10 Year equivalent issuance going forward), foreigners have made their position vis-a-vis US paper loud and clear. -- What is their position? The following chart from today's TBAC presentation to the Treasury makes it very clear. With an ever declining, and recently the smallest on file, notional amount of Treasurys at auction going to foreigners since 2009 (and certainly much further back), they are not sticking around to see what happens."

The Most Important Number In The Entire U.S. Economy
Related Article - A quote...."There is one vitally important number that everyone needs to be watching right now, and it doesn’t have anything to do with unemployment, inflation or housing.  If this number gets too high, it will collapse the entire U.S. financial system.  The number that I am talking about is the yield on 10 year U.S. Treasuries.  When that number goes up, long-term interest rates all across the financial system start increasing.  When long-term interest rates rise, it becomes more expensive for the federal government to borrow money, it becomes more expensive for state and local governments to borrow money, existing bonds lose value and bond investors lose a lot of money, mortgage rates go up and monthly payments on new mortgages rise, and interest rates throughout the entire economy go up and this causes economic activity to slow down.  On top of everything else, there are more than 440 trillion dollars worth of interest rate derivatives sitting out there, and rapidly rising interest rates could cause that gigantic time bomb to go off and implode our entire financial system.  We are living in the midst of the greatest debt bubble in the history of the world, and the only way that the game can continue is for interest rates to stay super low.  Unfortunately, the yield on 10 year U.S. Treasuries has started to rise, and many experts are projecting that it is going to continue to rise." - Source:  EconomicCollapseBlog

Deutsche Bank In trouble? - What trouble?? - mpg
Seventy percent of the (NON)-"Federal" (NON)-"Reserve" is owned by foreigners!!  (A script printing machine which has NO "reserves" and has not only sold ALL of its gold, but every bit also held in Fort Knox, and ALL the gold owned by the thirty-five nations who were stupid enough to actually store their gold in the Fed Branch of New York's vault.) -- Assuming these foreign corporations and foreign families (mostly "Jewish") also own a good portion of Deutsche Bank, and assuming they can't get the ECB to bail out Deutsche Bank, they'll  just get THEIR "Fed" (they own it) to wire whatever it takes of THEIR script (they own that too) to support THEIR Deutsche Bank. --  Everybody get it now??? - mpg

Crisis deepens in the European auto industry
A quote...."The situation continues to deteriorate for the European auto industry. Dozens of auto plants are threatened with closure in the short or medium term. Tens of thousands of jobs in Italy, France and Spain are in acute danger and this does not include the impact on related supply industries, which are often the main employer in many regions."
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More On The International Situation....

The 'Mother Country'....A Wolf In Disguise
A quote...."'Britain is a centuries-old global tyranny but its Establishment apologists and much of the population refuse to face this fact – a national trait that has been infused into the American Establishment and great tracts of its people, too. America’s Mother Country is the Mother of all Mendacity and its offspring has inherited the art, if not with the same subtlety, which comes from centuries of experience in hoodwinking the world. -- In short, Britain lies and hides its tyranny better than America although when it comes to nationalist self-delusion they are probably neck and neck."

BREAKING! Syrian Missiles Were Moved Before Israeli Strike, Officials Say-More Strikes Coming!
The Russians have good SigInt, so there is a distinct possibility the Syrians received warnings in time to move their missiles.  Obviously the best defense would be to disburse them widely, however with the FSA running around all over the place, that tactic could be problematical. - mpg

Assad says sure he will defeat Syrian rebels
The "rebels" yes -- the foreign Wahhabist terrorist  They can never be fully "defeated".  Syria's borders are to porous, there are way to many incredibly stupid Muslims willing to believe and join the Saudi Parasitic Family's faux-Islamic Wahhabist terrorist cult....and the money.....the money is an endless ocean of liquid green supplied by Israel's  Banksters in Britain and the US-NRE with the full cooperation of all the Gulf's so-called "Monarchies".  Against those odds, you can never "win". You can reduce the violence to a minimum by arming your entire population and educating them on just what the "Trinity of Evil" is trying to do to their country.  But that's all you can do. - mpg

West's main aid group for Syrian rebels collapses into disarray
A quote...."The main Western support group for the Syrian opposition is in disarray, has failed to channel any substantial aid to fighters on the ground and is "struggling to keep the lights on", The Telegraph has learnt." - For more on this issue see articles shown below....
Egypt: U.S. defends military overthrow of Mohamed Morsi
A quote...."After it became clear that the totalitarian dictatorship of Saudi Arabia has backed the military overthrow of the Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, it seems now that also the U.S. administration in Washington supports the recent acts of the Egyptian army within the North African country against the not-so-moderate Muslim Brotherhood."

Muslim Brotherhood demands the U.S and NATO to invade Egypt and destroy its army
A quote...."Cairo, Egypt-In the weirdest statement yet announced by a person belonging to any country in the world, a Muslim Brotherhood leader called Mohammed El-Beltagy, asked the United States, the European Union and NATO to send their armies to Egypt to fight against the Egyptian army and destroy it, under the pretext that the army wants to destroy the Muslim Brotherhood and scatter them." - Source:  CanadianFreePress

Iraq death toll 'tops 1,000' in July, highest in years
The PNAC Protocols in action. - mpg -- A quote...."Casualty figures released by the UN mission in Baghdad suggest 1,057 Iraqis were killed in July, making it the most violent month in years. - At least 4,137 civilians have been killed and 9,865 injured so far this year, with Baghdad province worst hit."

PKK issues ultimatum to Turkish government
A quote...."A step must be taken. September 1 is the deadline", Cemil Bayik, the PKK's new leader, was quoted as saying by pro-Kurdish Firat news agency. - "If no step is taken before 1 September, it will be understood that the aim is not a solution," he added. Without providing further detail, Mr Bayik said Kurds would then have to defend themselves."

Quds Day rallies show Muslim unity, resistance: Rohani
A quote...."Iranian President-elect Hassan Rohani has highlighted the significance of marking the International Quds Day rallies, saying this is the day when Muslims display their unity and resistance in the face of oppression."

Russia Sends Warships To Cuba, Venezuela
A quote...." The Russian military recently dispatched a guided-missile warship to Cuba as part of what U.S. officials say are growing military, intelligence and economic ties between Moscow and Havana. -  After Havana, the warship will visit Caracas, Venezuela; Managua, Nicaragua; and Praia Port in the Cape Verde Islands off eastern Africa -  Good old fashioned gun boat diplomacy.  Te us can have missile bases in Romania and Poland but the russians cant in Cuba?  The imperial American empire is a stubborn bitch and she is on the rag sort of speak.  so now ‘lady liberty’ is throwing its tentacles ot everywhere in a seemingly last ditch attempt at staving off collapse yet it is this very thing which wil quicken it."

Venezuela: Cuban exiles in Miami are backing plots
A quote...."BOGOTA, Colombia -- In the latest twist on long-running allegations, Venezuelan officials Wednesday accused members of Miami’s Cuban exile community and former CIA agent Luís Posada Carriles of plotting to assassinate President Nicolás Maduro, as he struggles to fill the shoes of late leader Hugo Chávez."

Do “Peace Accords” Lead to Peace, Justice and Security for the People? (Lessons from El Salvador for the Columbian FARC) - A quote...."A number of peace agreements which were signed and implemented in the 1990’s in Central America, South Africa, Philippines and elsewhere provide us with ample data over two decades to confirm or reject this commonplace assumption. - We will examine the case of El Salvador where a powerful guerilla movement (FMLN) signed off on a peace accord in 1992."
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More On The Palestinian Situation...

Awad, 19, wounded by Israeli fire while gathering firewood
A quote..."On Thursday afternoon, July 25, 2013, a 19 year old, Rafat Awad Abdel Aty was injured while working in an area called “Jamarik” near Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip. - Awad, who was admitted to the Kamal Odwan hospital, told us that he was collecting firewood to be sold at about 500 meters from the separation barrier with Israel."

IOA to raze 50-year-old Jerusalemite stores
A quote...."OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) decided to raze 20 shops owned by Palestinian Jerusalemites at the entrance to Shufat refugee camp. - The Israeli higher court endorsed the decision at the request of the Israeli army at the pretext of security requirements to expand the military passage in the separation wall."

Israeli Court Orders Eviction of East Jerusalem Family
A quote...."JERUSALEM, August 1, 2013 (WAFA) – The Israeli Magistrate Court has recently ruled to evict a Palestinian family from its home in East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood under the pretext the family was not a “protected tenant,” Kareem Siyam, who lives in the house, said Thursday."

Seven Injured During Clashes with Soldiers in Jenin
A quote...."JENIN, July 30, 2013 (WAFA) – Seven people were injured by live and rubber bullets Tuesday when they confronted Israeli soldiers who raided Jenin refugee camp to arrest people, said security and medical sources."

Bedouin in the West Bank: Settler [Jewish thugs] attacks, denial of water
A quote...."In Huwwara, 9km south of Nablus there are two Bedouin families who have been living in tents with their animals since the start of June. They are usually camped near Hebron or in the Naqab desert, but for the summer they are based in Huwwara so the animals have room to move. They have had no problems thus far with the Israeli army from the neighbouring Huwwara military base or settlers [squatters] whom drive up and down the road near their tents."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

US Military and Monsanto Now Actively Engaged In Tracking Anti-GMO Websites, Activists, Campaigners and Independent Scientists -- A quote...."The word is out and the scientific bodies of manipulation can no longer contain the growing resistance against GMO. The more corrupt studies that attempt to find no harm in the consumption of genetically modified foods, the more an increasingly aware public is growing skeptical. The largest German daily newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung recently published a shocking article that reveals how Monsanto, the US Military and the US government are tracking anti-GMO campaigners, websites, and independent scientists who study the dangers of GMOs."

Scientists Link Monsanto’s Glyphosate To Birth Defects
A quote...."Another credible study can be added to the list of research that shows how Monsanto’s glyphosate, otherwise known as ’roundup herbicide’ can be hazardous to human health." - Source:  CollectiveEvolution

5 US Foods Banned by the Rest of the World | Brainwash Update
BtSVideo - (BtSYuTb - 3min15sec - Aug 1st, 2013) - Source: BreakingTheSet - Related: BTSFcBk - Related: BTSTwttr - Related:  RussiaToday  -- A quote...."Abby Martin goes over five harmful ingredients found in nearly everything Americans consume despite the fact that many other countries have banned them."

Millions Wrongly Treated for ‘Cancer,’ National Cancer Institute Panel Confirms
A quote...."A devastating new report commissioned by the National Cancer Institute reveals that our 40-year long ‘War on Cancer’ has been waged against a vastly misunderstood ‘enemy,’ that in many cases represented no threat to human health whatsoever."

You Won’t BELIEVE What’s Going On at Fukushima Right Now
A quote...."You’ve heard bad news about Fukushima recently. - But it’s worse than you know. - The Wall Street Journal notes that radiation levels outside the plant are likely higher than inside the reactor...."
"NRA [Nuclear Regulation Authority] officials said highly contaminated water may be leaking into the soil from a number of trenches, allowing the water to seep into the site’s groundwater and eventually into the ocean."
Wednesday July 31st 2013

No posts. - mpg

Tuesday July 30th 2013

Syrian Girl Calls Obama A Traitor To His People
Must View AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 24min05sec - Jul 30, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel - Related: SyrianGirlPartisanRelated:  SGPFaceBook - Related:  SGPTwitter -- A quote...."Alex welcomes back Syrian Girl who exposes how the Obama-backed Free Syrian Army is actually supplying Al-Qaeda with anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons. Mainstream media sources have recently attempted to paint a false picture of the FSA and Al-Qaeda as being divided."

Syria: Erdogan's Kurdish Problem
A quote...."Building on the recent progress the Syrian army will have cleared Homs city of insurgents in a week or two. The next step then should be consolidation in Homs governate and a build up for a fight to kick the insurgents out of Aleppo. - The various insurgency groups are continuing their competition for the booty they have yet to make. The Muslim Brotherhood faction of the insurgency, the so called free Syrian Army, continues its decline while the Salafi/Wahabi groups and the Al-Qaeda types (only a gradual distinction) of Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic State of Iraq and Syria are on the rise...."

West War Crimes in Syria Exposed
A quote...."July 30, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  Now, despicably, these governments and media just ignore such atrocities. - Why? Because it is increasingly clear that the groups committing these crimes against thousands of Syrian civilians are the foreign-backed mercenaries, whom the Western media and their governments have tried to lionize as “rebels” fighting for “democratic freedom”. - That charade is rapidly disintegrating, exposing not just criminal Western governments sponsoring the violence against civilians, but an entire media industry that is also guilty of war crimes through its willful complicity."

The Power Behind the Rebels - Why No Revolution Exists in Syria
A quote...."July 30, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  The era of Arab Spring euphoria is long ended, having devolved into doubt, confusion or wholesale rejection. Libya and Syria put an abrupt end to the Arab Spring celebrations, with the current situation in Egypt adding to the frustration. -- Part of the problem in deciding whether a particular side in these conflicts deserves support or rejection is a lack of criteria that can help to clearly define what is happening. Thus, different analysts describe the same events as a coup, revolution, or civil war. These definitions are totally different perspectives as to what is happening, and imply that the situations should include different levels of political support or rejection. -- In Syria the question remains: is the situation a revolution or a civil war? What should be the basis for judging whether or not a situation in general is “revolutionary,” and why does it matter?"

America’s War against Syria’s Artistic Creations, Film, Media and Cultural Heritage
A quote...."The blockade on Syria -on Syrian life not weaponry- reaches into the heart of social, historical and cultural life. - This policy is integral to the US-led assault against the country and against Arab national integrity. - No-fly zone, poison gas, foreign guerrillas, sectarian massacres.  These frightening yet alluring, ambitious yet wearying thoughts define Syria today. More reason to take time for other dramas—Syrian TV serials and their politics." - also posted at RINF

Peter Dale Scott-US Government Protection of Al-Qaeda Terrorists and the US-Saudi Black Hole
A quote..."For almost two centuries American government, though always imperfect, was also a model for the world of limited government, having evolved a system of restraints on executive power through its constitutional arrangement of checks and balances." - Source:  JapanFocus - also posted at Veteran'sToday

Egypt: Divide and Conquer?
A quote...."July 30, 2013 "Information Clearing House - Since the onset of the recent turmoil that is once again enveloping Egypt, (read: military coup) a long-standing current within political discourse has surrounded, and inevitably started to dominate the debate. False dichotomies attached to regional and national disputes in the Middle East by commentators and media organs have provided an unending  “analysis” of specific events based on the opinions of predominantly either of two “sides” within any given conflict; regardless of the disparity of, and number of belligerents."

Arabs, Beware the “Small States” Option
A quote...."At a June 19 event at the University of Michigan’s Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger touched upon an alarming new refrain in western discourse on Mideast outcomes; a third strategy, if all else fails, of redrawn borders along sectarian, ethnic, tribal or national lines that will shrink the political/military reach of key Arab states and enable the west to reassert its rapidly-diminishing control over the region. Says Kissinger about two such nations:...." - also posted at ICH - For more on this issue see articles and maps shown below....
The Hiroshima Myth. Unaccountable War Crimes and the Lies of US Military History:
A quote...."This coming Tuesday, August 6, 2013, is the 68th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, the whole truth of which has been heavily censored and mythologized ever since war-weary Americans celebrated V-J Day 10 days later." - also posted at RINF

A Timeline of CIA Atrocities
Timeline - A quote...."CIA operations follow the same recurring script. First, American business interests abroad are threatened by a popular or democratically elected leader. The people support their leader because he intends to conduct land reform, strengthen unions, redistribute wealth, nationalize foreign-owned industry, and regulate business to protect workers, consumers and the environment. So, on behalf of American business, and often with their help, the CIA mobilizes the opposition. First it identifies right-wing groups within the country (usually the military), and offers them a deal: “We’ll put you in power if you maintain a favorable business climate for us.” The Agency then hires, trains and works with them to overthrow the existing government (usually a democracy). It uses every trick in the book: propaganda, stuffed ballot boxes, purchased elections, extortion, blackmail, sexual intrigue, false stories about opponents in the local media, infiltration and disruption of opposing political parties, kidnapping, beating, torture, intimidation, economic sabotage, death squads and even assassination...." - Topix  ||  Economic Hit Men - Def. ||  Jackals - Def.  ||  Hyenas - Def.  ||  Golems - Def.  ||

The Consequences of Hubris -- The Logical (and Coming) End to the US Empire
A quote...."There are numerous legal and ethical arguments that can and have been made in opposition to U.S. foreign policy of raw aggression. For an example of the illegalities of U.S. Empire, examine the Geneva Conventions, all four of which directly proscribe what they each call “outrages” to human dignity, “in particular humiliating and degrading treatment” (I, 1, 3). - The “outrages” are named specifically as torture, mutilation, cruel treatment, taking hostages, murder, biological experimentation, and passing sentences on prisoners without benefit of “a regularly constituted court.”" - also posted at BLN
WOW!!  We really ARE number one!  We as a people (it's your government folks, and you keep voting for it) have violated every single law ever written by man to protect the individual's rights to Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. We've completely violated the Geneva Conventions, the Nuremberg Principals, this nation's own Constitution, the Magna Carta, Habeas Corpus, and every other treaty, law, concept or agreement out there ever enacted or thought of to protect a person's God given natural rights against government oppression and murder.  That's quite an achievement. - mpg
That Most Charming of Couples: Nationalism and Hypocrisy
A quote...."July 30, 2013 "Information Clearing House - It’s not easy being a flag-waving American nationalist. In addition to having to deal with the usual disillusion, anger, and scorn from around the world incited by Washington’s endless bombings and endless wars, the nationalist is assaulted by whistle blowers like Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden, who have disclosed a steady stream of human-rights and civil-liberties scandals, atrocities, embarrassing lies, and embarrassing truths. Believers in “American exceptionalism” and “noble intentions” have been hard pressed to keep the rhetorical flag waving by the dawn’s early light and the twilight’s last gleaming."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

As Syria’s Assad Advances, Zionist Supremacists Seek to Prolong War and Bloodshed
A quote...."The capture of most of the “rebel” stronghold city of Homs yesterday by Syrian government forces has brought president Bashar al-Assad one step closer to victory in the conflict—but the Zionist Supremacists who run the US government have already started supplying his enemies with weapons in a deliberate attempt to prolong the bloodshed and kill even more people."

Syria's Unrest:  Israeli Plot to Destablize Mideast:  Dr. Kevin Barrett
Interview - A quote...."Press TV has invited Dr. Kevin Barrett, an author and political commentator from Madison, to its Debate program to shed more light on the ongoing turmoil in Syria. - Following is a rough transcription of the interview."
Press TV:  Dr. Barrett, looking at this situation from the very start of this strife in Syria we have seen a couple of attacks by the Israelis and basically we have seen no condemnation or very little condemnation from the international arena of the bombing of a sovereign country. - How is it that the international front can totally ignore and not condemn this type of attack?"
Barrett: That is a very good question. It seems that there are two sets of international laws out there, one set for Israel and the other set for everybody else. And the only international law that applies to Israel says that Israel can do anything Israel wants and nobody can do anything about it. - Israel has been attacking various countries and forces all over the world. They even attacked themselves; we have recently learned that it was an Israeli Mossad that blew up the Jewish Community Centers and targets in Argentina....."
How UN schemers screwed up Middle East peace prospects for all time…with one 3-letter word 
A quote...."Why, after 65 years, is the Palestinian homeland still under foreign military occupation and total blockade when international law and the United Nations say it shouldn’t be? - And why have the Palestinians been pressured – yet again – to submit to ‘direct negotiations’, lamb versus voracious wolf, to haggle and plead for their freedom?" - also posted at AlethoNews
It must be a VERY powerful interest group!  One with IMMENSE financial resources and almost total control over the political and media establishments of many nations to be able to brutally, and publicly, suppress the indigenous populations they occupy while attacking all their neighbors with complete and total impunity for over SIXTY YEARS! 

Who could they possibly be?!?!  Who could be this powerful?? Eskimos, heck no, they were slaughtered like rabbits in places like Canada, their kids were even taken to "schools" and made sport of till they died.  African Pigmies?  Yeah, right. Blacks in general?  Nahhh, they were made into slaves, the whole group, in Africa and elsewhere, hardly has a penny to divide amongst'em.  Native Americans?  Hah, they were gunned down like squirrels at high noon on a hard as rock salt-pan, let's not even talk about what was done to their kids. The Chinese? Latin Americans?  None of them seem to fit the bill. must be somebody!!

That's it!!  It must be dat dare goberment of Israel!!   Who knew the Palestinians would suppress themselves through their own guberment!!  They're diabolical fiends!!  Criminal masterminds!! Occupying themselves to generate international sympathy, using their immense Bankster wealth and media influence to literally toy with the nations of the West, all the while ceaselessly attacking their neighbors!!

What monsters they are! - mpg

The Talmudic Tit Fruit Children of the Father of Lies.
Special Note - A quote...."They are coming after you and I now. With money stolen from other countries, extorted monies, counterfeit monies and many another, deceptively acquired monies. They have hired legions of programmed vermin, to attack any and all websites, where any opinion, counter to their own lying propagandas may appear. Here's an example of what I am talking about that's generic, meaning it doesn't directly relate to any of the many, many offenses against humanity that are carried out each day by Israelis, or their agents ...but which has to do with policies set in place by them....."

At Toronto's York University, Students Against Israeli Apartheid group's student club status revoked
A quote...."The administration of Canada's third-largest university, Toronto's York University (YU) has taken an extraordinary step by revoking the status of an official student club, Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA). - The administration has also barred popular activist/alumnus Hammam Farah from York's campus. Students Against Israeli Apartheid at York University say these actions represent "an unprecedented attack on academic freedom and freedom of speech."

New Duke Video: Israeli Media Reveals the Secret behind Communism
DDVideo - Alt - (DDYuTb - 14min37sec - Jul 30, 2013) - Source:  DavidDuke -- A quote...."A brand new video from Dr. David Duke, showing how a mainstream Israeli news-site, YNET NEWS and a courageous Jewish writer, discusses who led the worst genocide and mass murder of all time. - It shows the ethnic hatreds behind much of the communist genocide and the same mindset that accompanies the genocide against the Palestinians and the genocide against Israel’s biggest enemy at the time, Iraq, which was instigated by America under the control of Zionist extremists such as Madeline Albright." - Related book offering shown below....
The Secret Behind Communism — Now Shipping — $5.00 off the Amazon Price!
Book Alert - A quote...."The long-awaited book The Secret Behind Communism by Dr David Duke is now in stock and the first copies are now being shipped at $5 less (for a limited time) than it will soon be sold on Amazon! -- Now is the time to place your order for a copy of this ground-breaking book which can shift the historical foundations of the modern world!"
Option (1)  Certified, Authenticated, Numbered & Autographed Edition! (Limited Numbers! – Act Now!)
Option (2)  Autographed Copy!
Option (3)  Buy the book Right Now ~ $5 cheaper than Amazon will sell it!
Zionism and the United States Congress
ZOG Alert -- A quote...."Zionism is a political program of clearing Palestine of Palestinian Arabs in order to create the space for an exclusive Jewish state. As such, its goal is to destroy the Palestinians as a people with an identity, as a people with an attachment to the land of their births and the births of their ancestry. Such a project meets the definition of genocide under international law. - When the US Congress gave 29 standing ovations to the Israeli prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu in 2011, they were applauding a man who has dedicated his entire life to the destruction of the Palestinian people and their ethnic cleansing...." - Topix ||  ZOG - Def. ||

Explaining Canada’s unconditional support of Israel - The best politicians shekels can buy?? - mpg
ZOG Alert - A quote...."Pro-Israel politicians regularly claim their position is a defence of the Jewish community. It’s rare when they say their goal is to mobilize those who believe a Jewish “return” to the Middle East will hasten end times or that Israel is a prized ally as a heavily militarized “white” outpost near much of the world’s oil." - Topix ||  ZOG - Def. ||

EU Having Buyer’s Remorse on Blacklisting Hezbollah
ZOG Alert - A quote...."Whose Union is it really? -- It may well have seemed like a fine idea at the European Union’s Foreign Ministers cocktail reception in Brussels, where ample alcohol freely flowed the night before last week’s vote to blacklist the “military wing” of Hezbollah. -- But shortly after the vote the EU appeared to be experiencing a severe hangover as the stark reality of its impetuous decision began to soak in. -- After periodical discussion of the US-Israel demand for blacklisting Hezbollah for more than a year, and adding its name to the EU list of 26 organizations and 11 individuals currently being designated as ‘terrorists’ is in becoming clearer by the day the EU actions may not have been in anyone’s interest except possibly Israel’s." - Topix ||  ZOG - Def. ||

New York Times camouflaging Jewish lock on Fed
A quote...."Walking past a newsstand the other day, I noticed the an article on the front page of the New York Times entitled “In Tug of War Over New Fed Leader, Some Gender Undertones.” Below the headline were photos of current Fed Vice Chairwoman Janet Yellen and former Treasury Secretary Laurence Summers. It struck me as interesting that the New York Times would ignore the fact that the two candidates for Fed Chairman are both Jews and instead frame this story around gender." - bold by website editor

Israeli settlers [arsonists] torch Hebron family’s property for eighth time
A quote...."Hebron, Occupied Palestine – On Sunday, July 28, Israeli settlers [arsonists] severely burned land belonging to Hani Abu Haikel and his family in Hebron. Occupation soldiers, though at first trying to help stop the fire, ended up blocking the road so that Palestinian firefighters were delayed in reaching the scene. Several very old olive trees were destroyed in the fire which swept over immense swathes of land very quickly. In the video below, Hani Abu Haikel speaks about the incident and how Israeli settlers [arsonists], soldiers and police work together to pressure Palestinian families to leave the Israeli-controlled H2 district of occupied Hebron." - Source:  ISM

“Israel Real Terrorist Power in Today’s World”: David Duke on PressTV
Special Note - DDVideo - Alt - (DDYuTb - 9min50sec - Jul 25, 2013) - Source:  DavidDuke -- A quote...."The real terrorist power in the world today is not Hezbollah and it is not the Palestinians and it’s not the Syrian government, it is in fact Israel, which supports all the real terrorism going on and the death of truly millions of people in these insane wars for the power of Israel, Dr David Duke has said in a new interview with PressTV."

Google silent on YouTube Press TV block - Because of David Duke?? - mpg
Press Censorship Alert - A quote...."More than a week after Google disabled Press TV™s YouTube account, the internet giant has yet to explain why it blocked the alternative TV channel™s access to the video sharing site." - Source:  PressTV  - Topix  ||  Alternate Press TV Sites  ||
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More on the All Seeing - (Know Nothing) - Police State & Their Surveillance & Suppression of the Web.

Edward Snowden and the Emerging Police State
Contains Audio - Alt - A quote...."There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. You had to live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized.”  - *George Orwell*, from the novel ’1984′)

Whistleblowers, Prison, and More…
A quote...."Whistleblowers, in my humble opinion, are honorable people who should be valued rather than prosecuted. I know that may go against the grain for some readers. However, are we not guaranteed—and morally obligated—to think, feel, and believe what our consciences require of us? Nevertheless, is that where a lot of misconceptions and misunderstandings occur, i.e., in the new mores which have crept into mainstream consciousness that reflect, in many instances, the concept of morally right being ethically wrong, and vice versa?"

Presstitutes and Spies
A quote...."Snowden has been portrayed in the mainstream Western media as a “narcissist”, a “scheming traitor”, a “Russian agent”, a “Chinese spy”, “a clueless high school dropout”, an “anti-government extremist,” and more. - One might expect that the truths revealed by Snowden about America’s spying on everything and everybody would arouse a much fairer reaction. - Snowden’s revelation includes the National Security Administration’s (NSA) use of Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Yahoo and other technology firms to spy on almost everyone. That disclosure alone should have provided a major shock for everyone. - All it got from the mainstream media amounted to a few days of minimal attention, much of which was negative about Snowden."

Holder’s desperate letter proves Mr. Snowden is in grave danger
A quote...."The Attorney General of the United States of America Eric Holder has taken the unusual step of writing a letter to the Russian Federation essentially making promises that United States will do nothing unusual or in any way against U.S. law if the Russian Federation will just put aside its own norms, the Russian Constitution, international law and conventions and just, as the U.S. Ambassador put it, “return” Mr. Edward Snowden to the United States." - also posted at AlethoNews

Activists storm office of Congressman who voted for NSA spying
A quote...."Six activists from the anti-surveillance group Restore the Fourth paid an unexpected visit to the office of a New York Congressman in protest of the vote which allowed the National Security Agency to continue collecting Americans' phone records without a warrant. - The action is intended to call out Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) and the more than 200 other members of Congress that voted down an amendment last week aimed at curtailing the NSA's collection of domestic calling records. The group said they wouldn't leave until Meeks apologizes for his "no" vote and commits to fighting against surveillance programs which collect data on Americans without a warrant or suspicion of wrongdoing."

EU plans independent intelligence agency as response to US
A quote...."The European Union (EU) is planning to assemble an independent intelligence body of its own in “an urgent response” to the recent revelation that the US has been spying on EU officials as well as European citizens." - bold by website editor
My Gawd!!  The US's parasites were actually caught spying on the EU's parasites!  How utterly awful! Parasites are supposed to spy only on their goy-cattle and goy-sheeple, NOT other parasites!  How completely rude of them!  Of COURSE something will have to be done! - mpg
For more on this issue see the articles shown below....
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WTC7 - Courtesy....What Really Happened.....

Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 -
A&EVideo - (A&EYuTb - 15min - Aug 16, 2011) - Source:  ae911truth -- A quote...."AE911Truth's new 9/11 documentary Solving the Mystery, the destruction of World Trade Center Building #7, WTC 7 on 9/11/01. Join actor, Ed Asner and Architect Richard Gage, AIA and Architects and Engineers as they narrate an unfolding story that decimates the official account ("collapse due to normal office fires") of this 47 story high-rise which was destroyed on the afternoon of 9/11 in record time: top to bottom in under 7 seconds - and at free-fall acceleration for a third of its fall. Solving the Mystery of the Free-Fall Collapse of WTC 7."

The Men In Building 7 [WTC Documentary] (2012)
Video - (YuTb - 42min10sec - Jul 4, 2013) - Source:  SageIgmund -- A quote...."So many people talk about the 9/11 incident, but so few talk about one glaring problem.....why did WTC 7 collapse? This is an intriguing insight into the events of that tragic day. It asks questions no one wants to ask."

WTC 7: Silverstein's "Pull It" - Explanation Examined
A quote...."On September 9, 2005, Mr. Dara McQuillan, a spokesman for Silverstein Properties, issued the following statement [on the issue of Larry Silverstein's "pull it" comment..."

For more on this issue see....||  9/11-WTC7  ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||
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More on the Domestic Situation....

Bradley Manning Cleared of 'Aiding the Enemy' but Guilty of Most Other Charges
A quote...."July 30, 2013 "Information Clearing House - "The Guardian" - Bradley Manning, the source of the massive WikiLeaks trove of secret disclosures, faces a possible maximum sentence of more than 130 years in military jail after he was convicted of most charges on which he stood trial. - Colonel Denise Lind, the military judge presiding over the court martial of the US soldier, delivered her verdict in curt and pointed language. "Guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty," she repeated over and over, as the reality of a prolonged prison sentence for Manning – on top of the three years he has already spent in detention – dawned."

European Parliamentarians call on President Obama to free Bradley Manning - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."As Members of the European Parliament, who were elected to represent our constituents throughout Europe, we are writing to express our concerns about the ongoing persecution of Bradley Manning, the young U.S. soldier who released classified information revealing evidence of human rights abuses and apparent war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan."

The conviction of Bradley Manning: A travesty of justice
A quote...."The guilty verdict handed down Tuesday in the court-martial of whistle-blower Bradley Manning is a travesty of justice. The judge, Col. Denise Lind, found the 25-year-old Army private guilty of 19 of the 21 counts lodged against him, including five counts under the 1917 Espionage Act."

House to hear long-sought testimony about Benghazi from task force chief
A quote...."Congress will hear eagerly awaited testimony Wednesday on the Benghazi, Libya, terrorist attack from a special operations task force commander who is set to retire the next day."

FBI sued for keeping secret their file on journalist Michael Hastings - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Two investigative journalists are suing the FBI after the government failed to respond on time to a pair of Freedom of Information Act requests filed for details on the death of reporter Michael Hastings." - Source:  RT

Judge fires longtime court employee for providing document that helped free innocent man imprisoned 29 years
A quote...." A Kansas City man freed from prison three decades after being wrongfully convicted of rape considers Sharon Snyder his “angel” for giving him a public document that showed him how to properly seek DNA tests. A Jackson County Circuit judge considers the 34-year court employee an insubordinate for offering legal advice and being too chatty about courthouse matters."

Lawsuit Claims Cops Let Police Dog Rip Apart Sleeping Woman's Leg, Joked That Dog Deserved "A Slurpee!"
A quote...."A Utah resident is suing police from Greater Salt Lake because cops allegedly allowed a dog to rip apart her leg, causing the leg to break and suffer tissue damage. Courthouse News Service’s Jonny Bonner reports that police allegedly watched their dog attack Katie Hess after she fell asleep, and then as Hess was bleeding, yanked her on her feet and arrested her."

Man Gets His Face Stomped In By LAPD for Riding His Bike Without Lights
A quote...."The officers didn't kill him -- maybe they just weren't in the mood, or didn't feel like doing the extra paperwork. Instead, they just gave him some lacerations, a dislocated shoulder and a fractured elbow. Oh, and a ticket for "no lights after the hours of darkness. - The decline of American civilization can be seen all around, but perhaps nowhere is it better illustrated than in the worsening behavior of our supposed protectors"

8 Shocking Ways America Leads the World
A quote...."July 30, 2013 "Information Clearing House - "AlterNet" - People uninterested in change and progress tend to cling to the jingoistic fantasy that America is an exceptional country. Often this implies that the U.S. is somehow superior to other nations. Some, like the neocons, have taken the idea of exceptionalism to mean that America should be above the law and that other countries should be remade in our image. Others, like conservative evangelicals, believe that America's supposed exceptionalism is God's will."

Are You Smarter Than an 8th Grader From 1912?
Exhibit - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Yes. The national intelligence has fallen that far. The morons in West Philly can’t spell Cat. At least 75% wouldn’t know the VP of the U.S. More than 50% can’t add 5 + 5. And 80% wouldn’t know when and why the Civil War was fought." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Obama Erases Campaign Promises from Election Website
A quote...."The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental , nor do they result from from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink." -- *George Orwell*, 1984 - also posted at ZeroHedge

Gov’t Knows Best? White House [Obama] creates ‘nudge squad’ to shape behavior
Propaganda Alert - A quote...."The federal government is hiring what it calls a “Behavioral Insights Team” that will look for ways to subtly influence people’s behavior, according to a document describing the program obtained by Critics warn there could be unintended consequences to such policies, while supporters say the team could make government and society more efficient."  - Topix ||  Frame - Def.  ||  Shape - Def.  ||  Spin - Def.  || 

Obama Admin. Deported More Than 13,000 Unaccompanied Mexican Minors in 2012
A quote...."And, when it comes to deportation court hearings, it is not unusual for a toddler or a 6-year-old to appear in front of the judge without a lawyer."

Quietly, Obama Begins ‘Regionalizing’ America - What...."Districts 1 through 12"?? - mpg
A quote...."Stanley Kurtz at National Review Online writes about San Francisco’s new Plan Bay Area–a “regional” plan for San Francisco and the surrounding cities that is ostensibly aimed at making sure minorities can afford the local housing market, but which is actually aimed at forcing Americans to live in denser urban areas as part of state and federal initiatives aimed at slowing global warming by restraining suburban growth. " - Source:  Breitbart

When Bad Government Policy Leads to Bad Results, the Government Manipulates the Data … Instead of Changing Policy - Special Note - A quote...."Bad government policy has created a years-long unemployment problem. But instead of fixing the problem, the government is trying to paper over it. We’ve known for a long time that the Bureau of Labor Statistics fudges the numbers to make unemployment look lower than it is really is. BLS itself has admitted that its “adjustments” skew unemployment data during recessions. Indeed, the former head of the BLS recently said BLS statistics are B.S. … and that unemployment is much higher than the government is letting on. -- The Bureau of Economic Analysis is revising 84 years of economic history … which will make the economy magically look better." - also posted at ZeroHedge & BLN

Michael Rivero on BambuserTV -  July 30th, 2013 - Note:  Webcaster changed. Regrettably BambuserTV is impossible to play on this website editor's computer -- Adobe Ver. 11,8,800,94 is installed along with the most recent version of Firefox and all related plug-ins.  However the video constantly stops every three minutes, and you cannot use the scroll button to move it forward.  BamuserTV doesn't work at all. --  Will retry from time to time. -- Good luck to the rest of you....mpg  -- MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (BambuserTV - 3hrs -  July 30th, 2013) -- Source:  MichaelRiveroBambuserTV-Vids

Whistleblowers: Heroes or Traitors?
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 43min51sec - Jul 30, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex continues on the topic of whistleblowers, accountability and the recent train crash in spain and alex opens the phone lines on the topic of whistleblowers: heroes or traitors."

The Crisis of Conscience
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 45min45sec - Jul 30, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex takes on the topic of Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden being whistlers blowers, heroes or traitors and why the Government's reaction in the media has been the way it is."

America : Freedom to Fascism
Video - InfoGraphic - (click to enlarge) - Alt - (YuTb - 2hr26min41sec - Nov 15, 2011) - Source:  LibertyPatriot -- A quote...."With the escalating scandal proving to all Americans that the IRS is operating outside the law, it is time to remind Americans that the entire income tax itself is a complete fraud, operating outside the law!" -- *Michael Rivero*

There Is No Exit Strategy To Fix The Economy Just As Getting Out Of Wars - Gerald Celente
GCVideo - Alt - (GCYuTb - 28min17sec - Jul 30, 2013) - Source:  XRepublicTV - Producer: GrldCelYuTb - Related:  TrendsJournal -- A quote...."Listen to my talk on latest economic trends and gold prices."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: No jail for Banksters in real world Monopoly (E477)
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 25min47sec - Jul 30, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the real world Monopoly board game without a jail and on which most players must pass 'go' and receive just $200 in foodstamps while a select few get to pass 'go' and collect $200 billion in bailouts, bail-ins and subsidies. In the second half, Max talks to precious metals expert, Andrew Maguire, about the run on the bullion banks happening right now."

The Government "Revises" 84 Years Of Economic History This Week
Financial Alert - Another Great Lie!! - Is to be foisted forever upon the indifferent, know-nothing, pathetic sheeple.  The government, on behalf of the Banksters, is about to do to GDP, with all its new "intangible factors" (lies) to be included when it's calculated, exactly what they did for inflation for the last twenty years.  You can now look forward to an endless series of "revisions" (lies) and "hedonic adjustments" (more lies) regarding the US-NRE's GDP for the rest of your life. Guess that'll be even more work for ShadowStats dot Com - mpg

Remember folks, when the parasites get into trouble, they automatically......
Obama on the New Methods for "Calculating" the US-NRE's GDP - Courtesy WRH
Related Photo

Guest Post: Counterfeiting Trust
A quote...."We are fast approaching the moment when the value of the counterfeit trust, the counterfeit assets and the counterfeit promises are revealed as fakes." - Hmmmmm, that's been said before, by many, without it coming true. - mpg  - Source:  OfTwoMainds - also posted at ZeroHedge

Think those are dollars in your wallet? Think again.
A quote...."Here’s a question– if you’re in the Land of the Free, do you think those green pieces of paper in your wallet are dollars? - They’re not. A US dollar was defined by the Coinage Act of 1792 as 416 grains of standard silver. - No, those green pieces of paper are Federal Reserve notes. “Notes” in this case meaning liabilities to the central bank of the United States." - also posted at ZeroHedge - Topix ||  Debt-Claim - Def  ||  (Fiat) Money - Def.  ||  Fiat - Def.  ||  Leverage -Def.  ||

27 Things That Every American Should Know About The National Debt
A quote...."We have been living way above our means for so long that we do not have any idea of what “normal” actually is anymore.  But every debt addict hits “the wall” eventually, and the same thing is going to happen to us as a nation.  At some point the weight of our national debt is going to cause our financial system to implode, and every American will feel the pain of that collapse." Hmmmmm, people have been saying that too for many, many, years without it coming true. - mpg

Lakshman Achuthan: The US Entered Recession Last Year And "Is Worse Than Japan In the 90s"

Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Despite Tom Keene's best efforts to appear fair-and-balanced, this brief interview on Bloomberg TV places ECRI's Lakshman Achuthan in the uncomfortable position of destroying every propagandized 'fact' that the mainstream media is entrusted with disseminating to the Pavlovian investing community. From recessions with job growth ("we believe a US recession began in 2012") to the wealth divide and from GDP revisions to job quality differentials, Achuthan warns the US is becoming Japan, "U.S. growth over the last five years is weaker than Japan during the Lost Decades." Keene's insistence that things are on-the-up (though admitting that Achuthan's call on the decline in growth was correct) is met with the rhetorical question, "you wouldn't have four years of zero-interest rate policy and quantitative easing if everything was okay.""

Federal Mortgage Bailout Program Sees a Quarter of Homeowners Re-Default
A quote...."Nearly 1.2 million mortgage modifications have been completed since the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) was first launched four years ago. Yet more than 306,000 borrowers have re-defaulted on their loans and more than 88,000 are at risk of following suit, the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (SIGTARP) found in its quarterly report to Congress."

US Rents Hit Record Highs As Homeownership Plunges To 18 Year Lows
Charts - (click till they are enlarged) -- A quote...."The American Homeownership Dream is officially dead. Long live the New Normal American Dream: Renting. -- According to the latest quarterly homeownership data released by the Census Bureau, the raw homeownership rate of 65.0% was unchanged from last quarter and 0.4% lower than a year ago. And on a seasonally adjusted basis (not sure why homeownership is adjusted for seasons: people who live in a house in the winter generally live under a bridge in the summer?), the percentage of Americans who have a house declined from 65.2% to 65.1%: the lowest since 1995."

Here We Go Again: Step Aside RMBS, Rent-Backed Securities R'Here, & With Them The Beginning Of The End

Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Earlier today, when we reported that median asking rents in the US had just hit an all time high, we had a thought: how long until the hedge funds that also double down as landlords decide to bypass the simple collection the rental cash flows, and instead collateralize the actual underlying "securities"? One look at the chart below - which compares the median asking "for sale" price in black and the median rent in red - shows why. "

Detroit: Pensions or Derivatives? Glass-Steagall Would Have Made the Choice
Banksters Win Again -- A quote...."That choice is as follows: The city emergency manager, bankruptcy lawyer Kevyn Orr, has made an agreement to pay three banks — UBS, Bank of America, and SBS — approximately $$225 million by Nov. 1. This amount equals 15% of Detroit’s total annual all-source revenues estimated at $1.49 billion this year, and Orr agreed to do it while defaulting on pension bonds. This $225 million is not a debt; rather it represents 75% of the “current negative value” (to Detroit) of swaps agreements with those banks on $1.4 billion in 2005 city borrowing. That is, it is a payoff on a LIBOR-rigged derivatives bet that Detroit was conned into making in 2005 by those banks, after borrowing from them. And if the payment is delayed beyond Nov. 1 to a second payment deadline of Mar. 1, 2014, under Orr’s agreement it will be 85% of the “current negative value” of the bet, or likely $250 million."

JPMorgan: $7 Billion In "Fines" In Just The Past Two Years
A quote...."There was a time when Jamie Dimon liked everyone to believe that his JPMorgan had a "fortress balance sheet", that he was disgusted when the US government "forced" a bailout on it, and that no matter what the market threw its way it would be just fine, thanks. Then the London Whale came, saw, and promptly blew up the "fortress" lie."

[UK's] Minimum wage has been killed by soaring inflation: Pay packets no longer match cost of living, worrying new report finds -- A quote...."Minimum wage is no longer useful because soaring inflation means its real value has fallen, a report has warned. - The measure has dropped in value in the past five years after being pegged to wages, which have not kept pace with inflation."

Bank Of England Helped Reichsbank Sell Its Nazi Gold
A quote...."We previously showed hard evidence of the Bank of England's complicit hiding of the truth about the quality of Bundesbank gold stored in the Fed's vaults. A few weeks later in a "completely unrelated" action, the Bundesbank dramatically shifted its recent stance, and demanded that its gold be repatriated into its own vaults (and we now know the impact that has had on the paper-physical paper markets). However, in yet another one of the 'darkest episodes in central banking history' the FT reports, the Bank of England facilitated the sale of gold that was looted by the Nazis after their invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1938. "

London Metals-Fraud Revealed
A quote...."In hearing of these massive, preposterous delays to “ship” metal which had already been purchased, my assumption was that the real story here must involve precious metals. Gold and silver are the only metals markets where supplies are tight, thus the rational conclusion was that these were the metals at the root of these “shipping delays”, and I wrote a commentarybased on that hypothesis."

Greek monks defy eviction with Molotov cocktails
A quote...."Monks refusing to obey an eviction order hurled Molotov cocktails at bailiffs who were trying to bulldoze their way into a monastic sanctuary in Mount Athos, northern Greece on Monday morning. - The monks say they have been barricaded inside the administrative offices for their monasteries in the city of Karyes, the capital of Mount Athos, for 12 days."

Greece Has Already Spent 75% Of Its Bank Bailout Cash
A quote...."Eurozone taxpayers and the IMF are left wondering what their bailout funds have been spent on in Greece. The Hellenic Financial Stability Fund (HFSF) has spent EUR38bn (or 75% of its total) bolstering the capital of Greece's four biggest banks (and winding down eight small lenders). The EUR50bn fund looks set to be drained further  - despite the banks comments that costs have been cut, funds raised, and assets sold - as non-performing loans continue to surge. About a quarter of all loans are non-performing and that share is likely to increase as the country's six-year recession, which has wiped out over a quarter of the economy, shows little sign of abating....." - Topix  ||  A Quadruple Whammy - 12-16-10 - mpg  ||

Ireland: No More Austerity (and Dump the Euro)
A quote...."Just days ago, it was reported that Ireland appears to be in recession once again (Ireland falls back into recession). How can this be given the rapid growth of the Celtic Tiger just a few years ago? Actually, this comes as no surprise to many economists because the so-called solutions being implemented are a function of the very same principles that caused the collapse in the first place. Unless a significant about-turn is executed, stagnation, emigration, and unemployment will continue for years to come." - Topix  ||  A Quadruple Whammy - 12-16-10 - mpg  ||
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More On The International Situation....

Key Rebel Stronghold of Homs Falls to The Syrian Military
RNNVideo - Alt - (RNNYuTb - 9min05sec - Jul 29, 2013) - Source:  TheRealNews -- A quote...."Omar Dahi: Syrian humanitarian crisis escalates as US military mulls intervention."

Syrian Army continues Military Operations in Aleppo & Homs
A quote...."The troops of the Syrian Arab army (SAA) are gaining more and more ground in several regions across the country and the recent cleansing operations by units of the Syrian army were again very successful in these regions of the country, including the countryside of Damascus and especially the industrial zone of al-Qaboun in the area of the Syrian capital."

Saudi Arabia responsible for Syria bloodshed: Political Analyst - And Iraq's too. - mpg
A quote...."Damascus has recently lashed out at the Saudi regime, accusing the kingdom of backing “terrorists” after Riyadh condemned Syria for accepting fighters from Hezbollah in its struggle againtst foreign-backed terrorists."

17 bombs explode across Iraq killing at least 60
al-CIA'da & Saudi Parasites Strike Again -- A quote...."At least 60 people were killed and over 100 wounded as 17 car bombs exploded targeting Shia areas across Iraq, according to local police and medics. - The bombs were hidden in parked cars, police said. - Two of the bombs killed at least 10 people after exploding 150km (95 miles) southeast of the capital near a bus station in the city of Kut."

Clashes leave 12 houses torched in Cairo's Ezbet Abu-Hashish
A quote...."Twelve houses were torched in Cairo's Ezbet Abu-Hashish working-class neighbourhood late on Sunday night after clashes erupted in the area. - Head of Egypt's Civil Protection Authority Abd El-Aziz Tawfik said that eight fire-fighting vehicles arrived at the scene to extinguish the flames, state news agency MENA reported."

Jihadists fire ‘US-made ballistic missile’ at Sinai security HQ
A quote...."Jihadists attacked the Egyptian security headquarters in northern Sinai ostensibly using an American-made ballistic missile, Egypt’s interior ministry said early Monday morning."

Egypt restores feared secret police units
A quote...."Egypt's interim government was accused of attempting to return the country to the Mubarak era on Monday, after the country's interior ministry announced the resurrection of several controversial police units that were nominally shut down following the country's 2011 uprising and the interim prime minister was given the power to place the country in a state of emergency."

Saudi King paid 1$ billion to help army remove Morsi
A quote..."Saudi political activist, known as Mujtahidd, has revealed that Al Saud government has helped Egyptian defense minister with one billion dollars to topple former president Mohamed Morsi."

Around 70 killed in fresh Iraq violence
A quote...."BAGHDAD: Attacks mainly targeting Shiite-majority areas of Iraq killed at least 57 people on Monday, and security forces killed 10 militants, officials said, as the interior ministry warned of civil war."

Saudi Grounds Hariri: Back to the Screen
A quote...."Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri is becoming weary of his Saudi hosts. If it was up to him, he would return on the next flight to Lebanon. But it is not the security threat that worries him or that his financial crisis limits his choices. The Saudis want him to stay where he is."

Gunmen kill 8 Tunisian troops as political tensions grow
A quote...."Gunmen killed at least eight Tunisian soldiers on Monday, staging the biggest attack on the security forces in decades as political tensions rose between supporters and opponents of the Islamist-led government."

Tunisia: Troika leads talks to form a new unity government
A quote..."Just few hours after close sources to MosaiqueFM announced Ennahdha’s intentions of forming a new unity government, the general secretary of CPR, Imed Daimi, announced his party is likely to participate in the newly formed government. PM Laayradh said in a press conference yesterday that Troika is not against forming a new government that will set an end to Tunisia’s second political crisis." - Source:  TunisTimes

Nigeria: 12 die in blasts in Kano's Christian area
A quote...."KANO, Nigeria (AP) — Multiple explosions that blasted a bar and entertainment area in a Christian quarter of Nigeria's northern and mainly Muslim city of Kano killed at least 12 people, the military said Tuesday."

Cash-strapped UK has effectively pulled out of NATO naval groups
A quote...."The British government has admitted that it has effectively pulled out of the NATO naval missions due to economic hardships."
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More On The Palestinian Situation...

Fact sheet - The village of Qaryut and the surrounding Gul settlement
Photo Gallery -- A quote...."The occupation government is carrying out a process of ethnic cleansing in the Palestinian territories in full view of the rest of the world.  Settlement expansion is happening at a ferocious rate alongside land confiscation and daily attacks by the Israeli army and settlers against Palestinian citizens and their property."

PFLP demands all hidden facts about negotiations be revealed to Palestinian public
A quote...."The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) has demanded hidden information relating to the resumption of bilateral negotiations be revealed to the Palestinian public. The Front also urged the Executive Committee of the PLO to take up its responsibilities and duties toward the Palestinian people, who are being ignored, marginalized and denied information that has been kept secret about the “resumption of direct negotiations,” as the U.S. State Department defined the process."

Hamas Reconsiders Alliances After Fall of Mursi
A quote...."There is increasing evidence that Hamas is reconsidering its alliances after having distanced itself from Iran and Hezbollah following the outbreak of the Syrian crisis."

Fatah dismisses papers that describe plot against Hamas
A quote...."The two documents allegedly written by Fatah, that describe a plot against the Hamas party, were dismissed today as fabrications by members of Fatah’s revolutionary council. On Tuesday, Hamas members attended a conference concerning the documents that they allege were sent by Fatah to the media and security attachés at the Palestinian embassy in Cairo."

Kerry appoints former pro-Israel lobbyist to oversee peace talks

A quote...."On Monday [July 29], US Secretary of State John Kerry named Martin Indyk as the administration’s special envoy for Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. Indyk, 62, who is Jewish, has worked for AIPAC, a pro-Israel lobby group, and he helped found the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), a think tank that has been critisied for being a part of the pro-Israel lobby. "
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Monsanto teaming up with US military to target GMO activists
A quote...."A hard-hitting investigative report recently published by a prominent German newspaper has uncovered some shocking details about the tactics being used by chemical giant Monsanto in assuming control of global agriculture. According to this thorough analysis, Monsanto appears to be aggressively targeting independent researchers, scientists, activists, and others opposed to genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) by utilizing the vast resources and manpower of both the United States federal government and the American military-industrial complex."

GMO Re-Education: Monsanto, Dow and Biotech Firms Unite to Launch Disinformation Site
Disinfo Alert - A quote...."If you had a question about how to protect yourself from a criminal known to break into houses in your neighborhood, would you ask him how to protect your home and then take his suggestions, or would you be suspicious he might be answering them in a way that would make your home even easier to encroach?"

40 Tons of GMO Crops TORCHED in America, Media Blackout
A quote...."Evidence is that 6,500 plants were destroyed by hand, one plant at a time. That, in turn, implies a lot of people were involved. Would you want to stick around once a fire was going and wait to be discovered? No, someone (many someones) probably wanted to move as quickly as possible. We are talking about a movement — and this is exactly the kind of retribution that many have warned was coming; when lawmakers and corporations refuse to honor the Constitution and instead engage in ‘legalized’ criminal acts such as enabled by the ‘Monsanto Protection Act.’"

Ag-Gag Lawsuit Challenges Corporate Attempts to Criminalize Free Speech and Journalism
A quote...."The first lawsuit against ag-gag laws will be filed in Utah today, arguing that it is unconstitutional to criminalize investigative journalists and animal welfare advocates who expose cruelty at factory farms and slaughterhouses."

Potential well water contaminants highest near natural gas drilling, UT Arlington study says
A quote...."A new study of 100 private water wells in and near the Barnett Shale showed elevated levels of potential contaminants such as arsenic and selenium closest to natural gas extraction sites, according to a team of researchers that was led by UT Arlington associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry Kevin Schug."

EPA Censored Key Pennsylvania Fracking Water Contamination Study
A quote...."A must-read Los Angeles Times story by Neela Banerjee demonstrates that – once again – the Obama administration put the kibosh on a key Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) study on hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) groundwater contamination, this time in Dimock, Pennsylvania." - also posted at RINF

Medical Authority’s System Kills: FDA-Approved Drugs Kill over 100,000 People Annually
A quote...."Greed, fraud, and corruption within Big Pharma and the FDA are the constructs of deception, with the mantle of authority leading to over 100,000 American deaths each year from correctly prescribed FDA approved pharmaceutical drugs."

Pediatrician Says 5-in-1 Vaccine Pushed by Bill Gates’ GAVI, WHO Will Kill 3,125 Babies
A quote...."At least 70 infants across five developing nations have died shortly after receiving a World Health Organization- (WHO) and GAVI-backed pentavalent 5-in-1 vaccine that combines the Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus (or DPT) shot with the Hepatitis-B and H influenza-b (or Hib) vaccines."

Vaccines Cause Severe Cardiorespiratory Harm to Preemies: Study
A quote...."Premature infants are vaccinated as aggressively as full term babies. This is done in spite of research clearly documenting a high rate of cardiorespiratory harm to these neonates. Known as the Pourcyrous study, it also revealed that a full 85% of these infants who receive the standard multi-vaccine dose at two months of age will experience an abnormal elevation of the C-reactive protein level, a measure of inflammation indicating the presence of infection or other disease state. " - Source:  GAIAHealth

Radio: Fukushima Daiichi has “contaminated the biggest body of water on the planet”
A quote...."Radioactive leaks to harm marine and human life — Whole Pacific Ocean likely to have cesium levels 5-10 times higher than at peak of nuclear bomb tests (AUDIO)"

Monday July 29th 2013

No posts. - mpg

Sunday July 28th 2013

Soon, no more obstacles to the new Sykes-Picot
A quote...."You’ve probably noticed the change in tone of the atlanticist press on the Syrian issue. The "rebels", these "champions of Freedom", have suddenly turned into fanatical terrorists who tear each other apart. For Thierry Meyssan, there is nothing new under the sun: Washington has simply abandoned the idea of ​​overthrowing Assad and is heading to the Geneva II conference. Next step: the loss of French influence in the region."
That's Right! - Obama is a blackmailed, bi-sexual, amoral, murdering, step'n'fetch'n Manchurian Candidate who was spotted, recruited, and than groomed for all of his miserable existence by the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium.  He works for them and Israel's allies in the Saudi Parasitic family.  Like many of "our" Representitutes in DC, he's a deeply implanted Zio-mole and has been ALL his miserable little life!!  He doesn't work for French interests and never will no matter what he promised them, or what they might have promised him.  --  The only reason he'd "abandon" his Israeli/Saudi supported Wahhabist terrorist mercenaries in Syria is because he was forced to do so. -- As the French would say...."C'est la vie" or as we Americans would say...."you get what you deserve". - mpg
Saudi Arabia signs deal with Israeli army to buy weapons for militants fighting Syria govt.'
A quote...."Saudi Arabia reportedly reaches a deal with Israeli army to buy Israeli weapons for militants fighting against the government of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria." - Topix ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||

Illegal Orders” in the Military, War Crimes and the Trial of Bradley Manning
A quote...." this day and age, we have a military that has seen continuous combat operations for over a decade. Most of the invasions and operations are, in reality, contrary to the Geneva Conventions themselves. This places the American soldier in a predicament from the start. The question being that if one enlists and takes the oath of enlistment to obey the orders of the officers above him and to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic , when your nation is breaking both U.S. and international law in the first place, how do you obey the orders of those officers that give them?" - Source:  GlobalRsrch

Media Disinformation: The Role of Powerful Political Lobbies and Moneyed Interests in America
A quote...."Renowned American intellectual and cultural critic believes that the United States, is exercising double standards with regards to Iran’s nuclear program and treating Iranians in a discriminatory way through imposing unilateral and unjust sanctions."
Technical note, the intro by Global Research contains a typo which could lead one to think the US-NRE is not a signatory to the NPT, it is, and therefore is violating most of its obligations under the NPT by its disparate treatment of Iran's legal adherence to the treaty, versus Israel's open contempt (they've refused to sign it) of the treaty, along with Israel's production and deployment of hundreds of nuclear weapons despite the protests of most of the world's international community. - mpg - Topix ||  How About An Honest NPT? - 11-11-10 - mpg  ||
Yemen Releases Journalist Obama Tried to Keep Behind Bars
Obama Hates Journalists! - A quote...."In an embarrassing turn of events for the Obama administration, the president of Yemen freed a wrongly imprisoned Yemeni journalist whom President Barack Obama “once personally lobbied to have remain in jail,” according to McClatchy Newspapers. - On July 23, Yemeni president Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi fulfilled a longstanding pledge to pardon Abdulelah Haider Shaye, a renowned journalist who was arrested twice in 2010 — once being held in solitary confinement for 34 days with no access to an attorney — and eventually, in 2011, convicted by a kangaroo court and sentenced to five years in prison." - also posted at RINF
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Gates and Ry Full Interview
Must View Ry2SVideo - (Ry2SYuTb - 2hrs15min13sec - Apr 5, 2013) - Source:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related: Ry2S@TruTube - Related:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related: Rys2senseAntiNeocons  - Ryan Dawson talks to Robert Gates about Israel's constant, highly successful,  penchant to conduct "war by deception", and how we, the American people, those in the Middle East, and the rest of the world, pay the terribly heavy price for their actions. - mpg

Netanyahu’s Speech at the U.N–Looney Tunes Yes, But Definitely Not Funny
From the History File - Oct 14, 2012 -- A quote...."What most people in the sane world fail to understand (and which initially led them to ridicule ‘Bibi’s Bomb’, as it has come to be known) are the backwards, maniacal, cultish currents driving the entire ‘Jewish state’ thing. As we in the sane world have been told on occasions too numerous to count, Israel is not a ‘normal’ country…As we in the sane world have been told on occasions too numerous to count, ‘Western values are not the same as Jewish ones’. Lest we forget, during Israel’s slaughter of the innocents in Gaza known as Operation Cast Lead, the head rabbi of the IDF, Brigadier General Achivai Rontski warned his troops against showing mercy towards civilians, characterizing such as mere ‘Gentile folly’. Another of Israel’s luminaries, Rabbi Manis Friedman, when asked about fighting wars was quoted saying “I don’t believe in western morality, i.e. don’t kill civilians or children, don’t destroy holy sites, don’t fight during holiday seasons, don’t bomb cemeteries…The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children and cattle. The first Israeli prime minister who declares that he will follow the Old Testament will finally bring peace to the Middle East.” Israeli Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira writing in his book ‘The King’s Torah’ reasoned that Jews—and by extension, the Jewish state—had a free hand to kill anyone they wished, including (specifically) ‘the children of a leader, in order to pressure him…’"

Solzhenitsyn Breaks Last Taboo of the Revolution
A quote...."In one remark which infuriated Russian Jews, he wrote: "If I would care to generalise, and to say that the life of the Jews in the camps was especially hard, I could, and would not face reproach for an unjust national generalisation. But in the camps where I was kept, it was different. The Jews whose experience I saw - their life was softer than that of others." -- Yet he added: "But it is impossible to find the answer to the eternal question: who is to be blamed, who led us to our death? To explain the actions of the Kiev Cheka [secret police] only by the fact that two thirds were Jews, is certainly incorrect.""
Of course! If a tiny minority in ANY country happens to run two thirds (or even more) of its secret police, military, political, media or economic systems, it would have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with that particular organization's behavior, actions, or the benefits that might, accidentally accrue to the minority group in charge!!  It's just a total coincidence if there happens to be any correlations!!

Just as the Apartheid regime of South African and its behavior had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the fact it was composed of just ten percent of the population, who were English/Dutch, and white!!  Or the fact that most of the Middle East's terrorism is committed by
a tiny minority of the world's Islamic population, Saudi supported and created Wahhabists. 

These are simply abstract statistical anomalies and aberrations

It would simply be absurd to attribute responsibility, in ANY way, shape or form, to any particular ethnic group, cultural organization, or faux-religious entity, even if they receive the bulk of, or even all of, a given society's economic resources from their control and manipulation of a given entity's political, economic, media and military organizations.

After all...that would be racism!!

Besides, many people -- in the Libertarian camp for instance -- have always excused this sort of behavior by stating "Dat dare bad, evil, goberment made dem do it"!!

So remember folks, if  you're ever caught committing murder, theft, rape or pillage, on behalf of your ethnic, cultural, or faux-religious group, all you have to say is "Dat dare baaad goberment made me do it" , (or bad philosophy or ideology), and no matter how much you and your particular tribe, cultural group, or faux-religious organization benefited from such activities, all will be totally and completely forgiven!  

And you'll get to keep all of your ill-gotten booty and bling too!!

Isn't that great!!  It's like being a Catholic and "repenting" for all of your sins....without even repenting!! - mpg 

Profiting off war: A look into the world of Israeli arms dealing
A quote...."A laboratory is a site where scientists conduct experiments under controlled conditions – a space where large-scale phenomena such as hurricanes are miniaturized and tiny objects such as microbes are magnified to observe complex processes and learn how to control them. A laboratory is where the world is divided into predictable phenomena and observable objects. Where knowledge is created and later disseminated, making the world better understandable and better organized, through the lens of the knowledge we have accumulated about it." - Source:  972Mag

Archbishop Theodosios (Atallah) Hanna: Israel seeks to control the Middle East.
A quote...."Archbishop Theodosios ( Atallah) Hanna of Sebastia, Archbishop of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem said in a new statement that all those people who bear arms against the Syrian people and  the  Army are only tools who serve the Israeli project , their aim is to divide and control the Arab states in the Middle East."

Palestinian 'Smart Phones' Not Very Smart
Israel's got to keep dem dare uppity darkies down on that plantation of theirs! - mpg -- A quote...."For the past seven years, Israel has refused to grant the Palestinian Authority electromagnetic spectrum for 3G service that it exclusively controls despite provisions in the 1993 Oslo Accords that appear to obligate Israel to provide this. The restriction has relegated the Palestinians to 2G, even as Israel prepares to launch 4G for its own citizens."

Palestinians Oppose Fake Peace Talks
A quote...." They begin Tuesday in Washington. They're orchestrated to fail. Israel and America don't negotiate. They demand unconditional surrender. - PA coup d'etat president Abbas is a longtime collaborator. Chief PA negotiator Saeb Erekat's a convenient stooge.- He, Abbas and other PA conspirators represent Israel, not Palestine. They're well rewarded for doing so. Their history reflects duplicity and betrayal. They enforce Israeli harshness."

Canada’s First Nations and Israel: Manipulating the Meaning of Genocide
ZOG Alert - A quote...."Why would Canadian Jewish leaders suddenly take such an interest in Natives and support their struggle for reparations from the Canadian government for the centuries of colonial subjugation and exploitation? Is it altruism, because of the Jewish tradition of being ‘a light unto peoples’? This is what CIJA would have us believe, with its claims to “profound cultural and historical similarities”, “striving for acceptance, equal rights, rights to their own land”. - There is another, very different explanation. The Native resistance movement has continued to grow in the past half century. And anyone with even a slight awareness of how Natives in Canada were dispossessed and abused by colonial settlers can easily see the parallel between Canada’s Natives and the Palestinians, who have suffered a century of identical treatment by Jews immigrating to Palestine, which the latter arbitrarily renamed ‘Israel’ in 1948." - also posted at RINF - Topix ||  ZOG - Def. ||

The Boycott of Israel Eight Years In

A quote...."At first the BDS movement appeared to be a long shot. Israel, with its worldwide coterie of Zionist supporters, both Jewish and Christian, seemed invincible. Particularly in the Western world, the belief in Israel’s legitimacy had reached the status of sacred tradition. The Zionists worked very hard to achieve this status by controlling the historical interpretation of events that had led from World War I and the Balfour Declaration to the creation of Israel in 1948, and beyond. They might well have been able to maintain control of Israel’s past, present and future if the Zionist leadership had not succumbed to the sin of hubris. They became so ideologically self-righteous and militarily muscle-bound that they believed their place in the world to be untouchable. Thus, as they built a country based on discrimination and colonial expansion in an age increasingly critical of such societies, they refused all compromise with the Palestinians and treated criticism of their behavior and policies as at once anti-Semitic and irrelevant. They therefore failed to notice that their stubbornness was allowing others to erode the Zionist version of the history of modern Palestine/Israel."

Helen Thomas: Integrity Till The End.

R.I.P. - (August 4, 1920 - July 20, 2013 - aged 92) - A quote...."Helen had great integrity and believed the media was important to protect and preserve democracy. “Let the people know the facts and the country will be safe,” she would say, quoting Abraham Lincoln."

Celebrity arrests could soar after horrified police discover Jimmy Savile's secret lair at record shop
OH OH!! - It looks like Israel is about to lose a major portion of their political cadre in Britain!!  Way to go Britain's police!!  They're actually doing their job! (For once!!)  --  Of course we'll just have to wait and see if that portion of Britain's "establishment" controlled by Israel is able to quickly cover it all up, they're certainly going to try! - mpg -- A quote...."Stunned officers chipped away plaster at a ­record shop wall and unveiled a hidden list of names thought to belong to young victims of Jimmy Savile. - The vile register, which contained the names, ages and a disgusting ratings system seemingly used to mark their sexual performance, was scrawled on a secret wall buried behind layers of wallpaper and plaster. - A source revealed: “The wall looked like something straight out of a horror movie. There were lists and lists of names of the victims – it’s a shocking discovery.” - The list of girls and young women is thought to identify ­hundreds of potential new victims abused at the hands of the BBC DJ and it raised fears Savile was at the centre of a celebrity paedophile ring."
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More on the All Seeing - (Know Nothing) - Police State & Their Surveillance & Suppression of the Web.

Edward Snowden's Not the Story. The Fate of the Internet Is
A quote...."Repeat after me: Edward Snowden is not the story. The story is what he has revealed about the hidden wiring of our networked world. This insight seems to have escaped most of the world's mainstream media, for reasons that escape me but would not have surprised Evelyn Waugh, whose contempt for journalists was one of his few endearing characteristics. The obvious explanations are: incorrigible ignorance; the imperative to personalise stories; or gullibility in swallowing US government spin, which brands Snowden as a spy rather than a whistleblower."

AG Holder Promises Russia Not To Torture Snowden - A Shameful Day to Be a US Citizen [Gang-Banger]
A quote...."I have been deeply ashamed of my country a number of times. The Nixon Christmas bombing of Hanoi and Haiphong was one such time, when hospitals, schools and dikes were targeted. The invasion of Iraq was another. Washington’s silence over the fatal Israeli Commando raid on the Gaza Peace Flotilla--in which a 19-year-old unarmed American boy was murdered--was a third. But I think I have never been as ashamed and disgusted as I was today reading that US Attorney General Eric Holder had sent a letter to the Russian minister of justice saying that the US would “not seek the death penalty” in its espionage case against National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden, promising that even if the US later brought added charges against Snowden after obtaining him, they would not include any death penalty, and vowing that if Snowden were handed over by Russia to the US, he would “not be tortured.”" - also posted at AlethoNews

Soon It Will Be Us
A quote...."The current director is Keith Alexander, who is also currently a four-star general in the US Army. Alexander is a professional liar who said this: “While I can’t go into all the details on the Utah Data Center, we don’t hold data on U.S. citizens.” He also said this: “Those who would want to weave the story that we have millions or hundreds of millions of dossiers on people, is absolutely false…From my perspective, this is absolute nonsense.” - Alexander, back in the days of shock and awe against Iraq, was a two-star general and the deputy chief of staff for intelligence. As such, he was in charge of the army torture center known as Abu Ghraib prison. Somehow out of that hideous nightmare he obtained two more stars and the most powerful position in the US government."

For more on this issue see articles shown below....
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More on the Domestic Situation....

The Unexplained FBI Assassination of Ibragim Todashev | Exclusive Interview with Wife Reni Manukya
Must View BtSVideo - Alt -  (BtSYuTb - 10min30sec - Jul 26, 2013) - Source: BreakingTheSet - Related: BTSFcBk - Related: BTSTwttr - Related:  RussiaToday  -- A quote...."Abby Martin wraps up the show with an exclusive interview with Reni Manukya, wife of Ibragim Todashev, the Florida resident who was killed by federal agents alleging a connection between him and the Boston Bombings. They discuss what motives the government had for raiding Todashev's home and ultimately taking his life, as well as the secrecy surrounding the case after the event." - Topix  ||  Boston Bombing - Ibragim Todashev  ||

We're Just Getting Started: AE911 Launches Worldwide Ad Campaign for 9/11 Truth
A quote...."Sleep not well cabal traitors if you thought the Patriots were silenced, let it be known that we are just getting started. Coincides with a first-ever 9/11 Truth conference in Washington DC in September. The juggernaut grows. The traitors are on the wrong side of history."

Obama's SEAL Team 6 Coverup - Explosive Paul Craig Roberts Interview
PRNAudio/Video - (PRNYuTb - 30min41sec - Jul 28, 2013) - Source:  XRepublicTV - Producer:  SL's/ProgRadioNtWrk - Related:  PRNHome - Related:  SteveLendman - Related:  PaulCraigRoberts -- A quote...."Obama's SEAL Team 6 Coverup - Explosive Paul Craig Roberts Interview- [by Steven Lendman]" - Topix ||  Osama Back From the Dead™  || -- ProgNote:  "Progressive Radio News Hour Guests for August 2, 3, and 4, 2013"

Two years later [after much of the evidence has been disappeared], Congress to investigate the crash that killed members of SEAL Team Six -- A quote...."At last, there will be a congressional inquiry into the strange circumstances surrounding the fatal helicopter crash in Afghanistan in August 2011, which resulted in the deaths of 30 American service members and 8 Afghans, including elite troops from Navy SEAL Team Six, the contingent who killed Osama bin Laden a few months earlier."

U.S. WikiLeaks Soldier is a Whistleblower, Not a Traitor: Defense
A quote...."FORT MEADE, Maryland (Reuters) - The U.S. soldier accused of the biggest leak of classified information in the nation's history is a whistleblower, and not a traitor as the government claims, Bradley Manning's defense lawyer said at his court-martial on Friday."

Are Media Buying into ‘Phony Scandal’ Claim?
A quote...."Conservative leaders allege the media are trying to ignore the once high-profile scandals overshadowing the Obama administration, as President Obama and his aides aggressively push the claim that these controversies are "phony."" - One commentator stated....
"Mr. Obama, you are a phony President fronting for a phony government empowered by phony elections, a government that controls the people with lies, fraud., and deception which has now abandoned even the pretense of complying with the restrictions placed on that government by the Constitution of the United States of America, which is the contract under which We The People allow you to manage this nation for our benefit. Instead, you and your phony government have sold us out to Wall Street and Israel, to enable massive plundering of the people on a grand scale, to fund wars of conquest for greater glory and wealth for you and your co-conspirators. -- The scandals are real, Mr. Obama. -- It is you who are phony!" -- *Michael Rivero*
Judge Napolitano on IRS Scandal – Justice Dept. Is Trying To Deflect Attention From White House
FXVideo - (FXYuTb - 5min03sec -  Jul 27, 2013) - Source:  XRepublicTV -- Judge Napolitano on Obama's unconstitutional use of the IRS. - mpg

A quote...."If you were ever trapped in a motel for a month I’m sure you’ve seen it. Multi-million dollar immaculate laboratories, high-tech and stylish, staffed by beautiful, intelligent, and morally perfect civil servants, who rely on their superior intelligence and experienced professionalism to always catch the bad guy.  --  I lived in Las Vegas for two years, and during that time I had the misfortune of learning that the police force there is little more than a gang of intellectual strugglers in bad uniforms. As it happens, there are no state or local taxes in Nevada, because the state constitution dictates that the casinos pay for all services. Naturally, a few well placed bribes insure that these services can be kept to a minimum, so the police don’t even pretend to be protecting the citizenry, and whenever there’s a fire, ten houses are lost before it’s extinguished. It would be difficult to convince me that the Las Vegas police department even has a crime lab at all, and in fact, it wouldn’t surprise me to learn that there isn’t a microscope in the entire state of Nevada."

North Carolina Eugenics: Sterilization Program Victims Offered Funds
A quote...."In the back room of a hospital, a doctor takes a scalpel and surgically removes the reproductive organs of an unwilling participant, ending an individual's chances of ever conceiving children. - The barbaric neutering sounds like something from a dystopian fiction. But it is very much a reality, a shameful era in American history that finally ended less than 40 years ago."

Qatar grounds a 787 as glitches pile up on Boeing jet
A quote...."(Reuters) - Qatar Airways said on Friday it had taken one of its Boeing 787 Dreamliners [Nightmareliners] out of service following what it described as a "minor" technical issue, as pressure mounted on the plane maker over possible new electrical problems with the advanced jet."

Alex talks about the prohibition of marijuana [and other issues]
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 55min18sec - Jul 27, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...." He also continued to take calls in overdrive and played a caller's Paul Revere movie entry live on-air. " - Related video shown below....
The Ones Who Want You Gone (Operation Paul Revere Video Entry,
TSSVideo - (TSSYuTb - 7min42sec - Apr 30, 2013) - Source:  ToddlerSpykeStudios -- A quote...."Thanks man, this is a video I did for Ziggy Parton*, be sure to check him out. Very talented musician." - *link added
Federal Arms Build-Up Puts Patriots on Alert
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 31min18sec - Jul 26, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex tallies up even more government-bought ammo in the continuing federal arms build-up. Now the U.S. Army is stockpiling millions of America's favorite calibers not even used by NATO in a process that will no doubt raise the price of ammo to unprecedented height."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

"Economics Cannot Trump Mathematics" [or] "Extreme Fear is Reasonable"
Must Read - Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."It is nearly impossible to convince people that an economic ending is likely, perhaps inevitable. It is beyond anything they have seen or can imagine. I attribute that to a normalcy bias, an inherent weakness of experiential learners. For many, accepting something that has not occurred during their time on the planet is not possible. The laws of economics and mathematics may shape history but they are not controlled by history. -- The form of cataclysm and its timing is indeterminable. Political decisions continue to shape both. The madmen who are responsible for the coming disaster continue to behave as if they can manage to avoid it.  Violating Einstein’s definition of insanity, they continue to apply the same poison that caused the problem. These fools believe they can manage complexities they do not understand. We are bigger fools for providing them the authority to indulge their hubris and wreak such damage." - Source:  MontyPelerinsWorld - also posted at ZeroHedge & RINF - Topix  ||  The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle  ||  Normalcy Bias - Def.  ||
Everyone should note the chart "US debt to GDP ratio".  Specifically how the debt starts growing and increasing exponentially versus the US's GDP after the US went off the gold standard and the Bankster's arranged their PetroDollar currency regime in 1973. - mpg
Here’s What Happens When a Central Bank Goes Bust
A quote...."Over the past several decades, people around the world have become so brainwashed that few people really give much thought anymore to the safety of their currency. - It’s not something people really understand… there’s apparently some Wizard of Oz type figure at the top of the hill pulling all the levers of the monetary system. And we just trust them to be good guys." - Source:  SovereignMan 

What's Up With Inflation?
Charts - (click to view) -- A quote...."That the official rate of inflation doesn't reflect reality is easily intuited by anyone paying college tuition and healthcare out of pocket. The debate over the accuracy of the official consumer price index (CPI) and personal consumption expenditures (PCE--the so-called core rate of inflation) has raged for years, with no resolution in sight."

It's Time To Start Taking This Global Food Riot Model Very Seriously
Related Article - A quote...."You should already know the name Yaneer Bar-Yam. He’s the founding president of the New England Complex Systems Institute and made news for a 2011 paper tying global food prices to 2008 and 2011 riot outbreaks in Africa, and the general theory that above a certain benchmark food price, the conditions for rioting become prime. It’s not a strict cause and effect relationship—if value x, then riots—simply an observation that the probability of riots spikes at a certain point. Other things, like, say, Mohamed Bouazizi setting himself on fire, might be the actual trigger, but day-to-day survival as it pertains to food is what allows the gun to fire." - Source:  Motherboard

Is This The Recovery Obama (And Jack Lew) Is Talking About?
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."We've seen macro "Hope"and micro "Reality", but for the man in the street, it would appear from the chart above that the trajectory for 'recovery' green shoots is decidedly down and getting worse... even as the President tells the American public they are so much better off..." - This is using the bogus inflation statistics put out by the government.  The chart would be much worse using the real ones. - mpg

The Great Conversion - Obama’s Plan for Economic Immiseration
A quote...."President Barack Obama spoke at length on the economy on Wednesday in the first of what is reported to be a series of speeches he will give around the country to push his economic ‘agenda.’ A question for his supporters is why Mr. Obama is now purporting to promote the interests of the middle class and working poor when he has remained silent for the last five years during the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression? If he cared one whit about these people the time to promote economic policies to help them was five years ago. And conversely, the economic policies he has pursued have decimated the very people he now claims to want to help." - also posted at AlethoNews

The United States of... Class War, Inequality, and Poverty
InfoGraphic - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."New economic data obtained and analyzed by the Associated Press appears to show that when billionaire financier Warren Buffett says....“There’s class warfare, all right.. and we’re winning,"....he knows what he's talking about." - also posted at RINF

80% Of US Adults Are Near Poverty, Rely On Welfare, Or Are Unemployed
A quote...."Despite consumer confidence at a six-year high, the latest AP survey of the real America shows a stunning four out of five U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, are near poverty, or rely on welfare for at least parts of their lives amid signs of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream. Hardship is particularly on the rise among whites, based on several measures. Pessimism among whites about their families' economic futures has climbed to the highest point since at least 1987."

Do You Want To Scare A Baby Boomer?
A quote...."If you want to frighten Baby Boomers, just show them the list of statistics in this article.  The United States is headed for a retirement crisis of unprecedented magnitude, and we are woefully unprepared for it.  At this point, more than 10,000 Baby Boomers are reaching the age of 65 every single day, and this will continue to happen for almost the next 20 years.  The number of senior citizens in America is projected to more than double during the first half of this century, and some absolutely enormous financial promises have been made to them." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Keiser Report: Jihadist Safe Haven (E476)
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 25min46sec - Jul 27, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the 'capital Taliban' and the 'monetary jihadists' at the Bank of England, aka 'financial terrorists,' but not for the reasons Vince Cable claims they are. Stacy suggests that monetary policy could use a burka as it's walking in a g-string loose at the moment. In the second half, Max talks to Alasdair Macleod of Macleod Finance and Goldmoney about gold backwardation, GOFO and the 1300 tonnes of gold missing from the Bank of England!"

Signals for Breakdown on Numerous Fault Lines
A quote...."Many are the signals of breakdown, in the financial system and the Gold market. The day is near for release of gold from under the thumb of the criminal bankers. They can no longer operate in the shadows, recently in full view. The best information coming to my desk indicates that three major Western banks are under constant threat of failure overnight, every night, forcing extraordinary measures to avoid failure. They are Deutshe Bank in Germany, Barclays in London, and Citibank in New York." - Source:  GoldSeek

Italy Outraged After Bananas Thrown At Its First Black Minister
A quote...."This time, Kyenge was speaking at a Democratic Party rally on Friday when an unidentified spectator threw bananas at her, missing the stage but sparking reactions of disgust from across the country. Because it is somehow her fault that Italy, whose debt/GDP is over 130% and surging, was betrayed by Goldman emissary not once, not twice, not three times, but at least four documented times. And it is somehow her fault that this man is now in charge of Europe's printing presses and nobody seems to mind. - At least Kyenge had a humorous reaction to this latest racial incident even as outrage spread across Italy:"

Russia demands Interpol explain refusal to track down financier
A quote...."(Reuters) - Interpol must explain why it has rejected Moscow's two requests to put British hedge fund head and anti-corruption campaigner William Browder on its search list, the Russian Interior Ministry said on Saturday."
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More On The International Situation....

Al-Alam correspondent injured by militants fire in Syria's Homs
A quote...."A correspondent for Iran’s al-Alam Arabic-language news channel has been injured by foreign-backed militants’ gunfire in the western Syrian city of Homs, Press TV reports."

Mass Surrender to Syrian Army All Over Syria
A quote...."Terrorists annihilated in Allepo, Dayr ElZor, Damascus, Der'ah and hot air: -- Al-Raashideen:  A stunning morning assault on remnant rodent packs inside Al-Raashideen Wednesday, one of the last concentrated strongholds of the FSA inside the city, was a major success.  I did not want to publish this yesterday because I was promised a list of carcasses for my readers over which they could delectate.  This list is compiled by police and security personnel:"
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Nazemroaya on Egypt the MB the Military and Foreign influence 1/4
Ry2SVideo - AltPrt1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4(not loaded yet) - (Ry2SYuTb - 15min/each - Jul 28, 2013) - Source:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related: Ry2S@TruTube - Related:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related: Rys2senseAntiNeocons - Ryan Dawson talks with Nazemroaya about the recent military coup in Egypt - mpg

‘Morsi ousted with US blessing’
A quote...."US researcher and writer Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich told RT from its inception the uprising against President Morsi was aided.  She argues that whoever succeeds the ousted Egyptian leader will likely be beholden to the forces that put him in power.The Military is an instrument of the United States of America, she said."

Egypt’s Military Junta Playing With Fire
A quote...."Egypt’s military strongman General Al Sisi is playing with fire that may engulf the North African country with even more internecine bloodshed. This week on state TV, Al Sisi called for massive street protests to face down “terrorists” who, he said, were destabilizing Egypt’s national security. - He also claimed that such popular show of strength would give the Egyptian army “a mandate” to use violence to restore order. - Such inflammatory talk by the supposed head of national security is tantamount to pushing Egypt – the Arab region’s most populous country – into a civil war. - The reprehensible thing about this is that General Abdel Fattah Al Sisi is indulging in reckless demagoguery to incite violence in order to cover up the fact that it is he who violated the law and constitution of his country." - Source:  PressTV

Egypt army launches counter-extremist operation in Sinai
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 5min37sec - Jul 27, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."The Egyptian army has started a large-scale anti-terrorist operation in the Sinai peninsula bordering Israel. Heavy weapons are being deployed to the area, where extremist attacks on the military have been increasingly frequent."

Egypt army shoots live bullets at Mursi supporters, kills more than 70
A quote...."Egyptian security forces shot dead at least 70 supporters of ousted President Mohammed Mursi on Saturday, his Muslim Brotherhood said, days after the army chief called for a popular mandate to tackle "violence and terrorism."

At least 80 dead, over 700 injured in Egypt clashes - Health Ministry
Photos - A quote...."At least 80 people are dead and hundreds injured in Cairo after security forces attacked supporters of ousted President Morsi, Reuters reports quoting Egypt's Health Ministry. The death toll in Egypt's second-largest city Alexandria has risen to 10."

The Grand Scam: Spinning Egypt’s Military Coup
A quote...."Every coup d’état in history begins with a military General announcing the overthrow and arrest of the country’s leader, the suspension of the constitution, and the dissolution of the legislature. If people resist, it turns bloody. Egypt is no exception." - Yes it is an exception!!  Obama said it wasn't a coup, and we should all believe him, ain't that right? - (sickening, over-the-top, sarcasm) - mpg
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Iran condemns deadly bomb attacks in NW Pakistan
A quote...."Tehran has strongly condemned the recent deadly bomb attacks which targeted Shia Muslims in Pakistan’s northwestern tribal region of Kurram."

More than 1,000 inmates escape Benghazi prison in mass jailbreak as protesters storm offices of Islamist parties across Libya -- A quote...."More than 1,000 prisoners have escaped from a Libyan jail this afternoon, it has emerged. - Libyan security officials said the mass jailbreak occurred at Koyfiya prison, near the eastern city of Benghazi. - The jailbreak happened as protesters stormed the offices of Islamist-allied parties in Libya's main cities. - Protesters had massed across the country angry over the killing of an activist critical of the country's Muslim Brotherhood group."

Jailed PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan demands retrial
A quote...."Jailed PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan has requested a retrial, arguing that Turkey’s recent judicial reforms pave the way for new legal proceedings. "

France fell prey to bad US policies: MP
A quote...."France has sacrificed itself for the ˜wrongful policies™ of the United States by imposing sanctions on Iran™s automobile industry, a senior Iranian lawmaker says. " - Source:  PressTV

New Russian Attack Sub to Have Advanced Sensors
A quote...."Russia’s latest Project 885M Yasen-class attack submarine will have an advanced sonar system allowing it to detect enemy ships at an early stage, the submarine’s engineering bureau said on Friday. - The Novosibirsk, the third of eight Yasen-class boats (designated Graney-class by NATO), is to be laid down at the Sevmash shipyard near the White Sea on Friday." - Source:  RIANovosti

Washington seeking instability for Asia
A quote...."Former Pentagon official Michael Maloof says the United States is seeking to bring instability to Asia Pacific by increasing its military presence in the region. - œThe tremendous military forces we are beginning to do in there not only upsets Beijing, but it also brings instability to that region just as we have brought that tremendous instability into the Middle East”, he said in a phone interview with Press TV™s US Desk on Sunday."

Black Italian minister suffers another racist attack
A quote...."The incident occurred in the town of Cervia in Ravenna Province on Friday when a spectator attending Kyenge's speech during a Democratic Party rally hurled bananas at her. - The bananas missed the stage, though. - Kyenge later responded to the incident on Twitter, saying the move was “sad” and a waste of food, considering the country’s economic troubles." - Good retort!  Good for her! - mpg
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Dutch City of Rotterdam Bans Monsanto Glyphosate Roundup Herbicide - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Some cynics write off citizen action including petitions and sign-carrying protestors. They don’t believe such small efforts can make any big difference. But the more than 600,000 people of Dutch city Rotterdam disagree. Their efforts, which began with a petition, have led to a “green initiative” in their city including the banning of Roundup, Monsanto’s flagship product." - Source:  GlobalRsrch

Natural Seeds Declared "Illegal" & Under Order 81- Iraqi Farmers required to Buy GMO seeds
A quote...."Under Order 81, Iraqi farmers are now required to buy genetically engineered terminator seeds from corporations like Monsanto, Cargill and the World Wide Wheat Company. These seeds produce plants which, in turn, produce more seeds; however, these second generation seeds are sterile. - Farmers are forced to purchase new seeds each year." - Must be so we can give dem dare ignorant Eye-rackee towel-heads more ol'dat dare Free-dumb and Da'mockery Amerikan style! We're number one!  We're number one! - mpg

So Monsanto Says Its GMO Pollen Can’t Drift…
A quote...."So wildfire embers can travel over a mile, huh? Interesting tidbit. -- Here’s another. Back in 2002, in the midst of Monsanto carrying on trials for its Roundup Ready GMO wheat in 16 states across the nation, Danny Gigax, Monsanto’s representative for wheat research partner relationships, claimed in an interview that, “Outcropping or pollen drift is less than .01 percent because the pollen is relatively heavy.” (Source: -- Mind you, this guy’s full-time job was preventing Monsanto test wheat from contaminating natural wheat crops."

EPA to Raise Allowable Glyphosate Pesticide Levels in Food Crops by 3,000%!
Health Warning - Your government in action folks. You get what you pays for....oh that's right, Monsanto get's what it pays sorry, better luck next time folks. - mpg

Survey: only 15% of  [Britain's] farmers would eat GMO food
A quote...."The British survey was funded by Barclays Bank and done in collaboration with Farmers Weekly. - Only 15% of farmers polled said they would eat GMO food. Talk about a blanket rejection. It can’t get much clearer than that. - Obviously, these backward farmers want to protect their own health. Who ever heard of such a thing! How dare they! They’re supposed to follow the party line. They’re supposed to say, “Yum yum, give me some GM.”"

Don’t Believe the Hype: UK Citizens, Farmers Don’t Want GMOs – Surveys Say
A quote...."In the United Kingdom, there has been a growing push by the government to support genetically modified crops and the resulting foods. Sources say they’ve been marketing GM foods and crops as something the majority of farmers want and as something that is at the top of priorities for everyone in the country. But, as is the case with most modern governments, their facts seem a little hazy, particularly in light of a few new surveys that indicate not only do English citizens not want GM foods, but the farmers aren’t too thrilled either."