Sunday October 14th 2007

The "Great Game" Enters the Mediterranean: Gas, Oil, War, and Geo-Politics [Part II of a series see Part I]
Must Read  - Some quotes...." It is no mere chance that before the upcoming summit in Tehran that three important post-Soviet organizations (the Commonwealth of Independents States, the Central Security Treaty Organization, and the Eurasian Economic Community) simultaneously held meetings in Tajikistan. Nor is it mere coincidence that the SCO and CSTO have signed cooperation agreements during these meetings in Tajikistan, which has effectively made China a semi-formal member of the CSTO alliance. It should be noted that all SCO members are also members of CSTO, aside from China."

"Two blocs are starting to manifest themselves in similarity to the geographic boundaries of George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four and Mackinder’s Islander versus Continental scheme; a Eurasian-based bloc and a naval-based, oceanic bloc based on the fringes of Eurasia as well as North America and Australasia. The latter bloc is NATO and its network of regional military alliances, while the former is the reactionary counter-alliance formed by the Chinese-Russian-Iranian coalition as its nucleus." - italics by website author

Take a guess at which "bloc" started this whole thing in the first place, the MIOC elites of this country initiated their plans for "global dominance" more then twenty years ago. The "Eurasians" are belatedly forming a defensive alliance to combat their efforts. Viewed against this context and the sweeping vastness of it all, setting up and murdering three thousand Americans must have been considered a bargain, just peanuts, or chump change by this nation's MIOC elites and those who continue to support their plans.

It was a price they were all perfectly willing to have us pay.

This is the true "clash of civilizations" and it's about time that we as a people put a stop this madness...before time runs out for all of us. – mpg

For more on this see....White Man's Burden - 12-20-06 - mpg
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Spies, Lies and FISA
Related article - A quote...."President Bush has been telling Americans that any change would deny the government critical information, make it easier for terrorists to infiltrate, expose state secrets, and make it harder “to save American lives.” - There is no truth to any of those claims. No matter how often Mr. Bush says otherwise, there is also no disagreement from the Democrats about the need to provide adequate tools to fight terrorists. The debate is over whether this should be done constitutionally, or at the whim of the president."

Regretfully the New York Times has got it wrong again.  If Congress doesn't give Bush and his cronies unlimited dictatorial powers, if they don't knuckle under to Bush's "prediction" of more mayhem, if they don't do everything he says, if they appose in any way the upcoming attack against Iran....there certainly will be another attack on the US.

That's a guarantee. – mpg
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Groups on Left, Right Ask Candidates to Reject Bush’s Wider Powers
Related article - A quote...."President Bush’s drive to expand executive power over surveillance, detention, interrogation and the meaning of new laws has drawn largely ineffectual protests from Congress. But a group of liberals and a handful of prominent conservatives are pressing would-be successors to renounce those powers before they take office."
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Dead Republic Blues: Bush Illegal Wiretapping Scheme Gets Darker and Dirtier
A quote...."The latest revelations in the Bush Administration's long-unfolding, ever-growing illegal wiretapping scandal carry with them a multiple string. For not only do they bear upon Bush's vast system of lawless espionage aimed at the American people, but they also underscore the perversion of the Justice Department into an armed enforcer of partisan thuggery and confirm that that the unprecedented authoritarian powers that Bush has seized have nothing to do with their ostensible justification, the 9/11 attacks, but were part of a pre-planned evisceration of the constitutional republic that began in the first days of his ill-gotten presidency."

Bush and the Phone Companies: Partners in Crime
Related article - A quote..."Phone companies have opened a new front in their campaign against the free flow of information. This time they've found a powerful ally in the White House. - AT&T and Verizon have already shown their disdain for free speech and Net Neutrality, and their eagerness to let government spies lurk on our phone calls. Now, their lobbyists have teamed with President George Bush to strong arm Congress into granting full immunity for a disturbing array of illegal and unconstitutional acts."

The Beltway Establishment's contempt for the rule of law
Related article - A quote...."The Washington Post's Editorial Page, in the establishment-defending form of Fred Hiatt, today became but the latest Beltway appendage to urge the enactment of a special law providing amnesty to our nation's poor, put-upon, lawbreaking telecoms:"

Free speech could lead to online disconnect
Related article - A quote...."If you're displeased with the way a company treats you, you're free to air your feelings in public, right? Not necessarily if you receive high-speed Internet access from AT&T Inc. or Verizon Communications Inc."

For more on the four articles shown above see....The Last Bastion of Freedom is Falling - 05-29-06 - mpg
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Weenie Nation
Must Read - A quote...."If the truth be told the result of all this on the American public psyche is that they have become a bunch of weenies and have allowed their inalienable rights as protectors and guardians of the Republic to be twisted and corrupted by this tiny “1% of 1%” who now see America as their own choice piece of real estate.

The American public have become preoccupied with the ingesting of junk foods, reflex shopping and other trivialities having been so “dumbed and numbed down” by a steady daily diet of censored drivel that passes for public information.

All this works for the powers that be. In order for these super-rich folks to continue to binge-feed at the government and corporate trough the populace must never be restive. The corporate/state machine requires that the populace remain in blissful oblivion and obedience. And the sheer need for survival of the majority poor and unwashed necessitates that there be a parallel mechanism to “keep the populace in its place.” Does anyone wonder at the rapid growth (and wealth) of the religious industry the takes up from where corporate America leaves off?

Today, Christian consumerism is not in doubt with the rise of multi-million dollar mega-churches that offer “rewards in heaven” while it fleeces the poor hapless sods seeking solace and fulfillment and reassurances that somebody really cares.

Of course, while all that crap is going on our vaunted leader, King George II, continues to make cooing noises while he basks in near blissful ignorance the natural end result of an infantile self-gratification of addictive power while his handlers and enablers rock him to sleep. As the poster boy for a created political Disneyland Dear George is perfect.
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The ‘Good Germans’ Among Us
PG's Post - A quote...."“BUSH lies” doesn’t cut it anymore. It’s time to confront the darker reality that we are lying to ourselves.  -  Ten days ago The Times unearthed yet another round of secret Department of Justice memos countenancing torture. President Bush gave his standard response: “This government does not torture people.” Of course, it all depends on what the meaning of “torture” is. The whole point of these memos is to repeatedly recalibrate the definition so Mr. Bush can keep pleading innocent."

Pointing Out the Monsters among the Sheep
A quote...."They beat a 14-year-old child to death for a minor offense and the law says they did no wrong. Emmett Till was 14 when he was beaten to death in Mississippi back in 1955. He had supposedly whistled at a white woman but that minor offense carried a death sentence. Martin Lee Anderson had stolen his grandmother’s car and was sentenced to boot camp where he was executed for his crime."
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British Experience in Iraq Should Have Taught Us Something
Must Read - Some quotes...."We are not defeated," a leading British commanding general huffed last week on CNN. "We pulled out. We could have stayed a long time." (And I've got a bridge over the Tigris that I'd like to sell him.)  -  As a cynical onlooker from outside, one might make a quite different observation, rich of course with the historical and philosophical reflection that we Americans exemplify so well. One might suggest that the Brits knew well how to retreat from Iraq because they've had so much practice at it."  --  "In the beginning, what grandiose dreams! Churchill, always a rampant colonialist, would create a "native Iraqi army that could work alongside the Royal Air Force." The Brits would control "the people" through airpower alone. They would rule Iraq through a hand-chosen king, King Feisal, son of the noble Hussein of Mecca, a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, a capable man but in the end one who wore the British down by harping inexplicably on his lack of "legitimacy" -- because of their support! - At any rate, it all ended in bitterness and quagmire, with Churchill complaining to his prime minister that they were spending millions a year "for the privilege of living on an ungrateful volcano."  - Regarding this issue see article shown below - mpg

US fears of British pullout from Basra raise transatlantic tensions to new pitch
A quote..."Military circles in Washington and London are engaged in mutual recriminations over the proposed drawdown of Britain’s troop presence in Basra, with US top brass speaking of the UK’s “Saigon moment” and full withdrawal. The British Army has made clear its anger at such open criticism and the media has responded by accusing the US of scapegoating Britain for the inability of America’s own forces to defeat the Iraq insurgency."

Regarding the two articles shown above. -  Isn't it just terrible when you and another bunch of thugged gang bangers get all down together and try to bust-up a country that ain't yours, to take their oil, rake off some of that fine phat booty and bling, establish squatters rights and set you up a bunch of cribs.  So your home boys were chilling, planning to stay in da'hood a while and you'alls thinking it's gonna be'da bomb, but when things go all fugly on'ya all and all yoz'crews, and the whole shabang goes south, it all just gets down right nasty.  All'yo crews starts on dissing each other, getting all up in each other's grills.  Whats up wi'dat?

It's true what they say than....there really is no honor among thieves.- mpg - posted 08-26-07
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370,000 flee from fighting - [Republic of the Congo]
A quote...."KINSHASA Humanitarian workers have expressed alarm at fighting in the Democratic Republic of Congo that has displaced hundreds of thousands of civilians in the east."

Don't worry the US's Africom will come to their "rescue"....and by the time the US's Africom is done you'll be able to add another zero to the figure shown above. - mpg
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Afghans Close 2 Security Firms; More Likely
A quote...."KABUL, Oct. 11 -- Afghan authorities this week shut down two private security companies and said more than 10 others -- some suspected of murder and robbery -- would soon be closed, Afghan and Western officials said Thursday."

US, Iraq Negotiate Blackwater Explusion
A quote...."BAGHDAD (AP) - U.S. and Iraqi officials are negotiating Baghdad's demand that security company Blackwater USA be expelled from the country within six months, and American diplomats appear to be working on how to fill the security gap if the company is phased out."

Turkish government gives green light for military intervention in northern Iraq
A quote...."The Turkish government has given the army a green light to cross the border and conduct a military action in Iraq. A crisis group chaired by President Abdullah Gül gave permission October 9 for the military to intervene against the separatist Kurdish Worker’s Party (PKK) in neighboring northern Iraq."

Analysis: Hunt, State talked on Iraq oil
A quote...."WASHINGTON, Oct. 12 (UPI) -- A representative from Dallas-based Hunt Oil Corp. did talk with the U.S. State Department prior to signing a controversial oil deal with Iraq’s Kurdistan Regional Government, according to an internal department communication obtained by United Press International."

For more on this see...War Resource 9/11 - Hunt Oil

Watada's Double Jeopardy
A quote...."The double jeopardy clause of the US Constitution ensures that no American can be tried twice for the same offense. But at a time when our civil liberties are rapidly eroding, a drama is unfolding in Washington State over whether that constitutional protection applies to a US soldier."

For more on this see....1st Lt. Ehren Watada
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Go Build Your Neo-Roman Empire - Just Leave Us Out Of It

Former US commander blames “partisan” politics and “agenda-driven” media for Iraq debacle
A quote...."In an extraordinary speech delivered October 12, retired Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, the top US commander in Iraq from June 2003 to June 2004, gave vent to deeply anti-democratic sentiments emerging within growing sections of the US officer corps."

Hey what the's a free country.  If elements in the US military want to become Neo-Romans and build themselves another version of the Neo-Roman Empire, that's just fine and dandy with this website author.

Just a few rules though --- 1) Your buddies who back you, the rich MIOC, PNAC'ing elites of this country, don't get to stage anymore "fortuitous" events....EVER AGAIN!    2) You can't do it as a US soldier, instead you'll have to go join Blackwater, Haliburton, Kellog Brown & Root or one of the other mercenary outfits.  3) You don't get to spend one more dime of the US taxpayer's money while doing so, however if you and your rich buddies want to spend your own money, that's perfectly a-OK with this author.  Speaking of which   4) No one approves of you or your buddies prior or ongoing active support for groups such as the Taliban, al Qaeda, PKK, MEK, Baluchistan separatists, Kurdistan separatists, Iranian separatists, Jihaddists, Mujahedeen, Wahhabists, the SCIRI death squads, the Sunni guerilla groups or other assorted "freedom fighters", "bad boys", "militias" or "friends", nor encouraging people like the Saudi Royals or Pakistan's ISI to provide such support for you, therefore you and your rich buddies are asked to cease and desist all such activities immediately.  5) When your little plans of conquest and mayhem start to fall apart and you get captured or imprisoned, don't bother asking for any help because you won't get'll be on your own.

PS: Oh...and one more thing, although your little scheme of using the Federal Reserve to drop rates in an effort to pump the economy up and thereby create massive trade, credit card, and mortgages deficits while simultaneously  emptying the US's treasury incurring roughly ten to fifteen trillions dollars in total collective debt to pay for that fine party you guys had, appeared to be a good idea at the time, it seems that a lot of other people in this country have chosen  to disagree with you and they would really appreciate it if you and your rich buddies could pay it all back.

You don't have to do it all at once; no doubt a reasonable payment plan could be arranged for all of you guys.

PSS: Oh....and another thing....neither you, nor the MIOC elites, nor any member of Congress should even think about  touching Social Security to pay for that little fling you guys had.  So bearing these caveats in mind, you and your buddies go out there and have a great time building yourselves a fine and dandy, brand, spanking, gloriously,  shiny New Roman Empire....just leave the rest of us, and our money, out of it - OK?

Best of wishes and good luck to you all. – mpg
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Hollywood in all-out assault on America's 'war on terror'
A quote...."A generation ago, Hollywood movies doubting the goodwill and sincerity of the American government were invariably shot through with a sense of paranoia – nervy, unsettling films such as The Conversation, or All the President's Men. - Now, though, with the Iraq war dragging on, the bad faith of the US government seems to be almost a given in the movie business. A slew of new features, looking either at Iraq or the "war on terror", or both, is about to hit the screens, and almost all dwell on the dark side of the American experience." - italics by website author

Hmmmm.....let's diagnose this problem shall we.  When every single statement, prediction, "fact", forecast, or projection, over the last seven years ever made by practically every single official in this government turns out to be a complete and total bald-faced lie, people tend to view "their" government darkly.

Solution....perhaps the government shouldn't lie?    Ha ha ha... ho ho ho...snicker, snicker (inane giggle receeding off into the distance - fade to black) – mpg
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House Speaker Pelosi lashes out at antiwar protesters
A quote...."House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the most powerful Democrat in Washington, normally maintains a public display of sympathy towards the mass opposition to the war in Iraq—an opposition which propelled the Democrats into control of the House and Senate in the congressional elections last November. - But in the course of a press interview October 9, reported the following morning in the Christian Science Monitor and the Washington Post, Pelosi gave vent to the resentment and hostility that leading Democrats actually feel towards the antiwar protest movement."

Saturday October 13th 2007

"Seven countries in five years"
A quote...."While the Bush White House promotes the possibility of armed conflict with Iran, a tantalizing passage in Wesley Clark's new memoir suggests that another war is part of a long-planned Department of Defense strategy that anticipated "regime change" by force in no fewer than seven Mideast states. Critics of the war have often voiced suspicions of such imperial schemes, but this is the first time that a high-ranking former military officer has claimed to know that such plans existed."

Tantalizing....tantalizingWada'ya mean tantalizing?!?  You mean like, vague, unclear, subtle or with discretion!  The Neocons, Texas Cabal, PNAC'ers and associated other JERKS have for the last twenty years been screaming to the whole world at the top of their lungs, while obscenely gloating over their "master plan", about how they were going to re-make (read ransack) the ENTIER Middle East.

No one, absolutely NO ONE in this nation's faux-news-mass-media-infotainment complex (this does not include Salon - see dozens of articles posted on this website - or the author of this article) gets to even hint, gets to even suggest,  that this entire fiasco, this murderous world wide rampage, wasn't fully known of and fully approved of by all the power elites at the top of this society's social-economic heap. - mpg

For more on this see....The Plan -- according to U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.) - (YouTube - 1 min 37 sec - Added:  March 17, 2007)
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Unable to Beat Muqtada al-Sadr, the U.S. Tries to Divide his Movement
Must Read - PG's Post - A quote...."While U.S. officials try to gin up a war with Iran by accusing it of meddling in Iraq's affairs, their real problem is that al Sadr's Mahdi army is determined to end the occupation and is simply too big to be beaten by military force. - Although the U.S. military command's frequent assertions that the primary threat to U.S. forces in Iraq comes from Iranian meddling, its real problem is that Shiite cleric Moqtada al Sadr's Mahdi army is determined to end the occupation and is simply too big and too well entrenched to be weakened by military force."

Lawmakers Raise Concerns Over Call for Investigation of C.I.A. Watchdog’s Work
PG's Post - A quote....WASHINGTON, Oct. 12 — The top Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee joined Democrats on Friday in expressing strong concern about an unusual inquiry into the work of the Central Intelligence Agency’s inspector general, John L. Helgerson, saying the review could undermine Mr. Helgerson’s role as independent watchdog."

For more on this issue see...Fun & Torture - It's a Pleasure.
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1860, 1932, 2008
A quote...."As accurate was Phillips assessment, we must extend our understanding of the current situation to understand that George W. Bush is not an anomaly, but the reduction ad absurdum of an ill-advised plan of shared government created by the Founders. We can identify with their felt need to erect a governmental structure that had adequate checks and balances, a laudable caution. In fact, through most of the years of our Republic, the concept of a strong executive to balance the legislative branch has been variously realized, ranging from ineffective executives to a few genuinely outstanding ones. This list, however, did not include until the inauguration of President Bush, an individual so destructive of the health of our democratic system. This perversion of the Founders’ principle of balance has proved to be toxic as well to conditions in several countries that have come into contact with American policies, notably and tragically, of course, in Iraq."

The Mother of all Pretexts   - [no this article is not about 9/11 - mpg]
A quote...."10/13/07 "ICH" -- - WHEN I hear mention of the "Clash of Civilizations" I don't know whether to laugh or to cry. - To laugh, because it is such a silly notion. - To cry, because it is liable to cause untold disasters. - To cry even more, because our leaders are exploiting this slogan as a pretext for sabotaging any possibility of an Israeli-Palestinian reconciliation. It is just one more in a long line of pretexts."

US demands air passengers ask its permission to fly
A quote...."10/13/07 "The Register" -- - Under  new rules proposed by the Transport Security Administration (TSA) (pdf), all airline passengers would need advance permission before flying into, through, or over the United States regardless of citizenship or the airline's national origin."

For more on this see.... Thirty Five Acts to Restore Americans' Rights 11-10-06 - mpg
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U.S. military seeks alternatives to Turkey
A quote...."WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 (UPI) -- Restricted access to Turkey would affect 70 percent of the cargo and fuel supplies being shipped by the United States to Iraq, a report said Saturday."

Namibia deports two Americans for recruiting for Iraq
A quote...."WINDHOEK, Oct 13 (Reuters) - Namibia has ordered two Americans to leave the country for trying to recruit Namibians to work as security guards in Iraq and Afghanistan, the information minister said."

No doubt trying to obtain more of the New Roman Empire's cannon fodder....whoops, s'cuse me....more meat...dang, did it again, more sheep....oh...what the heck...more cannon-fodder-meat-sheep from the local high school? 

No doubt indeed.  A warning to all the other countries out there,  keep a close eye on your children. - mpg
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New Evidence That Blackwater Guards Took No Fire
A quote..."BAGHDAD, Oct. 12 — Fresh accounts of the Blackwater shooting last month, given by three rooftop witnesses and by American soldiers who arrived shortly after the gunfire ended, cast new doubt Friday on statements by Blackwater guards that they were responding to armed insurgents when Iraqi investigators say 17 Iraqis were killed at a Baghdad intersection."

Argentina 'dirty war' priest jailed
A quote...."The first Roman Catholic priest charged for crimes committed under Argentina's past military government has been sentenced to life in prison."  -  bold/italics by website author.

To the elites of this country, take a close look at this guy's photo.  If it takes ten years or thirty, one day you'll look just like him. - mpg
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Here Come da Judgment Day
PG's Post - A quote...."Homeland Security dropped the ball. Like a thief in the night, Judgment Day came as unexpectedly as prophesied, taking even the White House with its praying president by surprise. - Around the world, potentates were dragged from their palaces and dictators corralled from underground bunkers by winged creatures with multiple faces and burning auras.  - Media barons and billionaires couldn’t hide from the final trumpet blast that ripped the once-routine march of history to shreds. Wealth provided no defense on that dread day as consciences caught fire and burned like exposed nerve endings."

COLOMBIA:  Defying Threats, Thousands Take to the Streets
PG's Post - quotes...."BOGOTA, Oct 12 (IPS) - Arbitrary arrests, menacing warnings from the army and harsh crackdowns on protesters did not daunt the tens of thousands of Colombians who took to the streets over the last three days to protest against the rightwing government of Álvaro Uribe."

Many Americans Don't Realize Iraq War Is Illegal
A quote...."Mistakenly, many Americans still believe President Bush's war on Iraq is justified because Congress supported it and funds it. - Yet, as international legal authority Francis Boyle of the University of Illinois points out, President Bush got congressional backing by lying that Hussein had W.M.D. and that Hussein was connected to 9/11. - That's fraud, probably the bloodiest, costliest lie in White House history. -  Also, to start a war, a country needs UN Security Council approval, which Bush failed to get. Otherwise, a nation can fight only in self-defense when attacked.  -  By attacking Iraq, Bush violated the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907, the Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact of 1928, the UN Charter, the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunals, and the Nuremberg Charter, Judgment and Principles, Boyle said."

Dick Cheney & Vigilant Shield: Will a Missing Nuke from the B-52 Incident be used in a Simulated Terrorist Attack?
False Flag Alert - A quote...."From October 15 to 19, 2007, a set of military and civil exercises will be held in Oregon, Arizona and Guam. The exercises, TOPOFF 4 and Vigilant Shield 08, are designed to test official responses to the detonation of radiological dispersal devices on U.S. territory. The exercises will be overseen by Vice President Dick Cheney who will travel specifically to Portland to coordinate all Federal departments and agencies responses to the simulated attacks. This has led to a number of civilian groups expressing alarm that TOPOFF and Vigilant Shield might be used as a cover for False Flag operations that replicate what occurred during the 911 attacks ."

For more on this see....False Flag Ops - Barksdale / B-52 Loose Nukes Incident
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Pentagon pay-to-stay program tops $100 million
A quote..." WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon has paid more than $100 million in bonuses to veteran Green Berets and Navy SEALs, reversing the flow of top commandos to the corporate world, where security companies such as Blackwater USA are offering big salaries. - The retention effort, started nearly three years ago and overseen by U.S. Special Operations Command in Tampa, Fla., has helped preserve a small but elite group of enlisted troops with vast experience fighting the unconventional wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to Defense Department statistics. Overall, more than 1,200 of the military's most specialized personnel near or already eligible for retirement have opted for payments of up to $150,000 in return for staying in uniform several more years."
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Sage Observations - PG's quotes - posted 07-24-07
Some sage observations.  For the most recent batch click on - Sage Observations 10-13-07

"Right now, Washington is teaching the world a very ugly and dangerous lesson: if you want to defend yourself from us, you had better mimic North Korea and pose a credible military threat. Otherwise we will demolish you."
 -- *Noam Chomsky*, Interventions

"Throughout history, even the harshest and most shameful measures are regularly accompanied by professions of noble intent - and rhetoric about bestowing freedom and independence."
 -- *Noam Chomsky*, Interventions

"We believe no more in Bonaparte's fighting merely for the liberties of the seas, than in Great Britain's fighting for the liberties of mankind. The object is the same, to draw to themselves the power, the wealth and the resources of other nations."
-- *Thomas Jefferson*

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of war, corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all the wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the republic is destroyed. I feel, at this moment, more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war. God grant that my suspicions may prove groundless."
 -- *U.S. President Abraham Lincoln* -  in a letter to Col. William F. Elkins on November 21, 1864

Friday October 12th 2007

Nancy Pelosi and the Arrogance of Power - Leadership Void
A quote....

    "They are advocates. We are leaders."  --  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in regards to "Anti-war activists."

"People of America, this is truly the problem with what was once a Representative Republic and now is a country run by "elected" officials who believe that they, individually and collectively, are above any accountability and are not answerable to their constituents. Our public servants erroneously believe that they are the leaders!"  --  Cindy Sheehan
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War Without End, Amen: The Sanguinary Vision of Robert Gates
A quote...."There are actually some quarters where Pentagon honcho Robert Gates is considered a moderate of some kind, one of the few sensible, responsible figures in the Bush Administration able to restrain – or at least moderate – the raging-bull belligerence of Dick Cheney and his crew. This has always been a curious reputation for a man who has spent most of his career hip-deep in militarist skullduggery, as Robert Parry, among others, has amply demonstrated. (Here and here, for example.) But in such desperate and degraded times as these, it's only natural to clutch at the slightest straw of hope that someone, somewhere, will stand between us and the worst excesses of our masters, as we noted here earlier. "

Prime minister says Turkey is ready to pay the price of any military campaign in Iraq
A quote...."If such an option is chosen, whatever its price, it will be paid," Erdogan told reporters in response to a question about the international repercussions of such a decision, which would strain ties with the United States and Iraq. "There could be pros and cons of such a decision, but what is important is our country's interests." - Erdogan also had harsh words for the United States, which opposes a Turkish incursion into northern Iraq -- one of the country's few relatively stable areas. - "Did they seek permission from anyone when they came from a distance of 10,000 kilometers and hit Iraq?" he said. "We do not need anyone else's advice." - italics by website author.

By the way, check out IHT's version of AP's story, you'll note a "few" paragraphs are missing. (like about half the article, talk about a hatchet job).

PS:  For everybody's info....both articles have been cached. - mpg
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U.S. threatens Turkey over energy support to Iran
A quote...."WASHINGTON — The United States has suggested that Turkey could come under sanctions for its energy cooperation with Iran. - The State Department has criticized Turkey for its agreement for natural gas cooperation with Teheran. A senior official pointed out that Congress was working on legislation that would sanction Ankara or others that help develop Iran's energy sector, Middle East Newsline reported. -   "The U.S. government's policy is that countries should not be stimulating their companies to be involved in oil and gas investment in Iran," Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns said. - Burns said the Bush administration has stressed to U.S. allies that sanctions on Iran would be strengthened. Over the last two months, Turkey has agreed to develop three southern Iranian gas fields and establish three gas-operated energy plants."  --  This is the complete article- mpg
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Qwest CEO's 'classified defense' raises question on NSA surveillance
A quote...."A former CEO who stood up to the Bush administration's demands that he assist in the warrantless surveillance of Americans suggests in court documents that the National Security Agency withdrew a lucrative contract in retaliation for his refusal. - Documents released as part of Qwest CEO Joe Nacchio's insider trading trail also seem to indicate that the NSA was discussing the secretive, possibly illegal, surveillance of Americans several months before the 9/11 attacks President Bush used to justify the program. - italics/bold/inderline by website author

It just keeps getting better and better all the time.  It's hilarious, it really is. - mpg
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9/11 - From The History File...The USA PATRIOT Act Was Planned Before 9/11
"Proof" - Homeland Security was planned way before 9/11!
9/11 :Terrorism or Power Grab?
Before 9/11
UQ Wire: Stopping the 9-11 Cover Up is Ground Zero - [the Patriot Act]
The Patriot Act was written BEFORE 9-11
The Explosion of the 9-11 Truth Movement—U.S. Media’s Dirty Little Secret
Scoop - Unanswered Questions
The Top 40 Reasons to Doubt the Official Story of September 11th 2001
The Media - Where’s the “Free Press”?
Nine Eleven co uk
Conspiracy or MP
Geeman's HQ
The 51 Funniest Things about 9-11 - [humor]
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Joe Klein's defense of warrantless eavesdropping and telecom amnesty
Related Article - A quote...."There is a lot of debate about what accounts for the decrepit state of our political press, but often overlooked is the sheer sloth and ignorance of journalists, who repeat what they are told without having any idea what they are talking about. Last night, Time's Joe Klein tried to explain why he supports the "Protect America Act" enacted by Congress in August that, in essence, allowed the administration to eavesdrop on all international telephone calls of Americans without warrants. This is what he said:"

Ex-Commander Blasts Iraq 'Nightmare'
A quote...."Yet, while lambasting the Iraq War strategy, Sanchez declined to call Bush’s decision to invade in March 2003 a mistake and argued that the United States has no alternative now but to continue fighting in Iraq even if there is little prospect for success."  - italics by website author

A note to the wise, if you're going to make mistakes, at least try not to make the exact, same, identical ones that you (as an institution) made in look really stupid when you do the same dumb thing all over again. - mpg
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CNBC On Why They Pulled Debate Poll
A quote...."Some of you Ron Paul fans take issue with my decision to take the poll down. Fine. When a well-organized and committed "few" can throw the results of a system meant to reflect the sentiments of "the many," I get a little worried. I'd take it down again." --  Sincerely,  Allen Wastler Managing Editor,  --  bold/italics by website author

Is Mr. Wastler talking about the five conglomerates (including his own company) that control ninety percent of this nation's mass media market....or is he talking about the RNC, the Neocons and Karl Rove and how they kept the people of this nation from casting their votes during the last several elections?

It's all so confusing, just exactly who is he talking about? – mpg
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Watchdog of C.I.A. Is Subject of C.I.A. Inquiry
A quote...."WASHINGTON, Oct. 11 — The director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Gen. Michael V. Hayden, has ordered an unusual internal inquiry into the work of the agency’s inspector general, whose aggressive investigations of the C.I.A.’s detention and interrogation programs and other matters have created resentment among agency operatives." - italics by website author

So nobody's supposed to watch the watchers heh?  Typical Bush crony mentality, "what we do is legal" they say, but try to find out if that's true, and it all becomes hush-hush, super top secret, covered by the US's new "states secret act" or Bush's infamous claim - used on almost everything so far - of "executive privilege."

You can always spot a cheap hoodlum in the federal bureaucracy by his thuggish and juvenile attempts at intimidation. - mpg

For more on this issue see...Fun & Torture - It's a Pleasure.
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ACLU: Government forcibly gives deportees psychotropic drugs
A quote...."LOS ANGELES - The American Civil Liberties Union filed a motion to stop immigration authorities forcibly drugging deportees as they are put on commercial flights back to their home countries. - The motion, filed Tuesday in federal court, comes after an immigration official testified in the Senate last month that 50 immigrants over a seven-month period were forced to take psychotropic drugs. Many of them had no psychiatric diagnosis."

Iraqis Sue Blackwater for Baghdad Killings
A quote...."Even before its operatives opened fire on a crowded Baghdad street in mid-September, allegedly killing seventeen Iraqi civilians and wounding twenty-four others, Blackwater faced two wrongful death lawsuits in the United States stemming from its activities in Iraq and Afghanistan, a federal investigation into arms smuggling accusations and a mounting Congressional inquiry. Now the stakes have gotten even higher for the politically connected mercenary firm.  -  The families of three Iraqis killed in the Nisour Square shootings have filed a major lawsuit in a US federal court in Washington, DC, against Erik Prince's firm, charging that Blackwater's actions amounted to "extra-judicial killing" and "war crimes."

Call for release of AP photographer Bilal Hussein, held by US army for 18 months
A quote...."Nothing has changed in the situation of Associated Press photographer Bilal Hussein, an Iraqi national, since his arrest 18 months ago, Reporters Without Borders said today. He is still held at Camp Cropper, near Baghdad airport, and he is still waiting to be brought before a judge. The US authorities, who claim he represents “a security threat,” have never said when this might happen."

Russia refuses to back down on U.S. missile shield, CFE -1
A quote...."MOSCOW, October 12 (RIA Novosti) - Russia refuses to change its position on U.S. plans to deploy missile defense elements in Europe and demands on an arms reduction treaty, a senior Defense Ministry official said on Friday."

Putin to support Iran Six policy on Tehran - FM Lavrov
A quote...."MOSCOW, October 12 (RIA Novosti) - Russian President Vladimir Putin will back the shared position of the six international mediators on Iran's nuclear program during his visit to Tehran next week, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said."

Soyuz spaceship docks with ISS
A quote...."KOROLYOV (Moscow region), October 12 (Itar-Tass) -- The Soyuz manned spaceship carrying an international crew of three automatically docked with the International Space Station (ISS) at 6:50 p.m. Moscow time on Friday, spokesman for the Russian mission control center Valery Lyndin told Itar-Tass."

In heat and cold: Why Kalashnikov rifle is so popular in the world. INFOgraphics
A quote...."The Kalashnikov assault rifle is the world's most widespread and accessible weapon. It is a standard weapon in the armies of 50 countries. The rifle is simple to manufacture and cheap - in some countries it can be obtained at less than the price of an ordinary hen"

Venezuela Raises Proven Oil Reserves to 100 Billion Barrels
A quote...."Oct. 7 (Bloomberg) -- Venezuela, the fourth-biggest supplier of crude oil to the United States, said its proven oil reserves have risen to 100 billion barrels."

Gazprom interested in Russia-Armenia-Iran oil refinery

A quote...." Gazprom said it is still positive about joint project between Russia, Iran, and Armenia to construct an oil refinery in Armenia. - Gazprom Neft — the oil arm of Russian energy company Gazprom — is reportedly considering an investment of $1.7 billion to build the joint oil refinery, which would process oil pumped from Tabriz in northern Iran, “The Messenger” reported."

Seven companies tender for Magallanes oil blocks
A quote...."Seven corporations from United States, Canada, New Zealand, Egypt and Russia presented tenders for the oil and gas exploration blocks in Magallanes Region, extreme south of Chile."

Hopefully the Chilean people will be smarter this time around and they'll remember what happened thirty years ago when they allowed US interests to control their country's destiny.  A lot of them died as a result.

They should think about those years long and hard before again agreeing to deal with any US corporations. - mpg
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China strikes huge gas deposit in northwest region
A quote...."China's largest oil and gas company PetroChina has discovered a major gas field in the nation's northwest Xinjiang region, state media reported this week. The field, known as Dabei III, boasts an estimated reserve of up to 130 billion cubic meters reports the China Daily newspaper."

Forty new aircrafts, and four A380, for Aerolineas Argentinas
A quote...."Grupo Marsans the largest tourism and transport group in Spain announced this week it has ordered 73 Airbus aircraft, including four new A380 “Superjumbo”, for its Air Comet and Aerolineas Argentinas fleets. - Privately owned Marsans said the deal is worth 7.5 billion US dollars at list prices, making it one of the biggest in Spanish aviation history. The Spanish group becomes the second new European customer for the world's biggest passenger plane since 2001, and is the first from Spain. The four aircraft, which can carry up to 853 passengers, will be split equally between Air Comet and Aerolineas Argentinas."

Old times were not good times
A quote...."Globalization is by no means new. The exportation of jobs -- that is the loss of local employment that the beloved corporate word “globalization” implies -- is as old as imperialism. The Egyptians, Persians, Greeks and Romans of the ancient world, as well as the Aztecs in the New World, solved the problem of labor costs with the use of slaves, slaves both at home and in their colonies. In more recent times the euphemism of “globalization” is applied to the outsourcing of labor to places where it costs the very least, from the USA to Mexico, as from West Europe to East Europe and Asia."

Income inequality worst since 1920s, according to IRS data
Some quotes...."Americans in the bottom 50 percent of wage earners saw their share of income shrink to 12.8 percent in 2005, down from 13.4 percent."  -  "The Journal notes that many Americans fear the economy is entering a recession, and the IRS data show income for the median earner fell 2 percent between 2000 and 2005 to $30,881. Earnings for the top 1 percent grew to $364,657 -- a 3 percent uptick."  -  "Scholarly research suggests that top earners did not have such a large share of total income since the 1920s, the Journal reported."  - italics by website author.

That means during the recent "boom" of this economy, before everyone maxed out their credit cards, before the housing market started to tank, before the end of this ten year cycle (still one to eighteen more months to go)....most people had a decline in income.  What the heck is going to happen when this country has its usual recession (besides war with Iran)? - mpg

Thursday October 11th 2007

The Criminal State
Must Read - A quote...." No State known to history originated in any other manner, or for any other purpose. Like all predatory or parasitic institutions, its first instinct is that of self-preservation. All its enterprises are directed first towards preserving its own life, and, second, towards increasing its own power and enlarging the scope of its own activity. For the sake of this it will, and regularly does, commit any crime which circumstances make expedient. In the last analysis, what is the German, Italian, French, or British State now actually doing? It is ruining its own people in order to preserve itself, to enhance its own power and prestige, and extend its own authority; and the American State is doing the same thing to the utmost of its opportunities."

Turkey set to attack Kurds in Iraq
A quote...."Turkey has defied the wishes of the United States by giving its military a green light to cross the border into Iraq, following a number of ambushes apparently waged by a Kurdish rebel group with bases in northern Iraq. And on Wednesday, Turkish warplanes and helicopter gunships attacked suspected rebel positions close to the Iraq border. -
Turkey's decision could come to imperil the already precarious stability and prosperity of Iraq’s Kurdish region"

Who Lost Turkey?
A quote...."Turkey has been the strongest ally that the United States has had in the Middle East since the end of WW II. The Marshall Plan started with Northern tier states like Turkey and Greece. Turkey joined NATO and was a key player in the American victory in the Cold War. As a secular government, Turkey stood against the rising tide of Muslim radicalism. To the extent that Turkey is moderating its long-term secular militancy, and moving toward fair elections, it may be providing a model for a moderate, democratic Middle East. Its economy is growing rapidly, foreign investment is in the billions. Turkey is in short, almost everything the US could have asked for in the Middle East."

There can be no competitors allowed, none....not in a region as vitally important as the Middle East.  Democratic, nation states with coherent national structures must be broken apart ("pre-emptive war") to get at their natural resources and/or reduce any possible threats they could pose to the MIOC elites' future plans for the oil in the region. 

It's that simple. - mpg

Airstrikes Hit Civilians In Pakistan: Hundreds Dead In Latest Round Of Terror War By Proxy
Must Read - A quote...."Hundreds of people have been killed in the past few days in battles between the Pakistani military and suspected insurgents in North Waziristan, the mountainous northwest bordering on Afghaninstan."

Regarding the three articles shown above.  Soon every single Muslim country (with a geo-strategic position or oil) will be in flames, after Syria and Iran comes Pakistan and Turkey....don't believe that? - See....The US's New Map of the Middle East
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It’s the Oil
A quote...."Iraq is 'unwinnable’, a 'quagmire’, a 'fiasco’: so goes the received opinion. But there is good reason to think that, from the Bush-Cheney perspective, it is none of these things. Indeed, the US may be 'stuck’ precisely where Bush et al want it to be, which is why there is no 'exit strategy’."

Heritage acquires block in Iraq, plans drilling
Related article - A quote...."HOUSTON, Oct. 9 -- Heritage Oil Corp. said it has signed a production-sharing contract with the Kurdistan regional government (KRG) for an exploration license covering the Miran block in the southwest section of the Kurdistan region of Iraq. Heritage will begin geological work immediately and could start a high-impact exploration drilling program in 2008.

See also....Bush Oil Buddies Divvy Up Iraq (Money Doesn't Talk, It Swears)
See also....Let's Make an Oil Deal - A Bush family friend may be undermining Iraqi peace.
See also....Ray Hunt: Elevating Tensions Since 1974
See also....Why Ray Hunt is so powerful
See also....Bush’s pals begin the looting of Iraq
See also....The Hunt for Oil
See also....Texas Co. Signs Iraq Oil Deal With Kurds
See also....Canadian Company Grabs Second Oil Contract in Iraq
See also....Hunt Denies His Political Ties Aided Kurdish Pact
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9/11 - From The History File...Timeline of Competition between Unocal and Bridas for the Afghanistan Pipeline
Unocal and the Afghanistan pipeline
Afghanistan plans gas pipeline
Taleban in Texas for talks on gas pipeline
War on Terrorism or Oil War? See the Map of the Pipeline!
Afghanistan Aims to Revive Pipeline Plans
Is Enron Behind The War In Afghanistan?
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Unhappy Birthday: The Meltdown in Pakistan
Related Article - A quote...."That hardy purveyor of stone-cold truths, Winter Patriot, has the low-down on the alarming events unfolding in Pakistan, the nuclear-armed basket case whose regime is being held together by baling twine and Bush largess. WP skillfully weaves together reports on mass slaughters of civilians carried out to please Washington, and on sleazy backroom political deals carried out to please Washington: all of which is exacerbating the chaos in Pakistan. This is outstanding work; you should read the whole thing, now."

It Takes A Village to Start World War III
A quote...."On September 26, 2007, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton voted yes on the Kyl-Lieberman Amendment that effectively labeled the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps a “terrorist organization.” The Revolutionary Guard Corps is the largest branch of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s military. It is unprecedented in American history that the armed forces of a sovereign nation have been named “a terrorist organization.” In response to the Kyl-Lieberman Amendment, Iran’s Foreign Ministry and parliament have designated the U.S. Army and CIA as terrorist organizations.

Clinton was the lone Democratic presidential candidate to support this legislation that many view as giving President Bush authority to launch an air war against Iran. - bold/italics/underline by website author
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Explaining the Weakness of the Dems in Spiritual Terms
A quote...."An old saying in politics has it, 'You can't beat somebody with nobody." When it comes to explaining the way the Democrats are still getting rolled by this lame-duck, unpopular administration, something similar obtains. But in this case, it's at the spiritual level. And the problem is, "You can't beat some spirit with no spirit."

What If They Had a Peace Rally and (Almost) No One Came?

A quote...."We sit glassy-eyed through committee hearings on such fantastical characters as Blackwater USA’s Erik Prince — a secretive megabuck donor to President Bush whose “troops,” paid to escort diplomats, will now have members of the State Department paid to escort them. - We watch slack-jawed as Republicans vie for the affections of their crumbling evangelical base by proclaiming love for their (third) wife or the unborn — unless the unborn becomes born and requires health care and education. - We nod out as Hillary’s machine rolls on toward the inevitable, fed by media reports of — the inevitable. And as 2008 approaches, those of the liberal persuasion are filled with a familiar dread."

42% Believe U.S. Tortures Prisoners, 27% Say It Should
Thirty percent of our nation's population consists of Neo-Roman thugs.  This is not to say that all of these people would enjoy watching the proceedings over their high speed video links as Rumsfeld did.  It is to say most of them would. - mpg

Torture Endorsed, Torture Denied
A quote...." 10/09/07 "Jurist" - -- -- The April 2004 publication of grotesque photographs of naked Iraqis piled on top of each other, forced to masturbate, and led around on leashes like dogs, sent shock waves around the world. George W. Bush declared, “I shared a deep disgust that those prisoners were treated the way they were treated.” Yet less than a year later, his Justice Department issued a secret opinion endorsing the harshest techniques the CIA has ever used, according to a report in the New York Times. These include head slapping, frigid temperatures, and water boarding, in which the subject is made to feel he is drowning. Water boarding is widely considered a torture technique. Once again, Bush is compelled to issue a denial. “This government does not torture people,” he insisted."

U.S. holds 10,000 more detainees in Iraq than last year, commander says
A quote...."CAMP VICTORY, Iraq: Sixty prisoners — 10 of them youths — raised their hands Wednesday and swore to live a peaceful life. In return, U.S. authorities set them free. More than 25,000 Iraqis still in American custody haven't been so lucky."

And it will be ten thousand more next year, and it will go on and on and on.  Don't kid yourselves gentle reader, the US is there to stay. - mpg
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U.N. Report on Iraq Details An 'Ever-Deepening' Crisis
A quote...."BAGHDAD, Oct. 11 -- A U.N. report issued Thursday outlined an "ever-deepening humanitarian crisis" in Iraq, with thousands of people driven from their homes each month, ongoing indiscriminate killings, and "routine torture" in Iraqi prisons."

Abbas wants return to pre-1967 borders
A quote...."RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday laid out his most specific demands for the borders of a future independent state, calling for a full Israeli withdrawal from all territories captured in the 1967 Mideast war."

So....all the scheming, all the Machiavellian plans of divide and conquer, the arranged civil war between Fatah and Hammas in the Palestinian territories, the training and arms giving to one side, all the hopes deliberately and sadistically raised and dashed over and over again, the economic blockade, the lies, the false promises, the fake blandishments, the deaths and destruction, all of these acts in the hope that Abbas and Fatah would agree to give up more Palestinian territory were completely in vain.  The Israelis and the US arrived back exactly at the point were they started.

Guess the US and Israel will just have to start all over again with another group....who will it be this time, any volunteers? - mpg

For more on this issue see.... US Sponsored Civil Wars - Palestine
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Divide and rule
A quote...."US plans to partition Iraq have been on the back burner for almost two decades. Now the future of the Arab world for generations to come hangs on whether or not they succeed, writes Galal Nassar"

See also....The US's New Map of the Middle East
See also....[US] Senate Endorses Plan to Divide Iraq
See also....Kuwait's ruler rejects any partition of Iraq
See also....Al-Maliki rejects Senate proposal to partition Iraq
See also....Iraq's Shiites and Sunnis reject US partition idea
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US silent on Israel grab of Arab land
A quote...."WASHINGTON (AFP) — The United States refused to immediately comment Wednesday on Israel's decision to confiscate Arab land near Jerusalem, one day before Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was to head to the region."

Attack on main U.S. base kills 2, wounds 40
A quote...."BAGHDAD — A series of rockets or mortar rounds struck Camp Victory, killing two members of the U.S.-led coalition and wounding 40 other people on the sprawling headquarters for U.S. forces in Iraq, the military said today."

U.S. military: 19 insurgents and 15 civilians, including 9 children, killed in raid targeting al-Qaida in Iraq
A quote...."BAGHDAD: U.S. troops backed by attack aircraft killed 19 suspected insurgents and 15 civilians, including nine children, in an operation Thursday targeting al-Qaida in Iraq leaders northwest of Baghdad, the military said." - bold/italics by website author

Documents: Qwest was targeted
A quote...."The National Security Agency and other government agencies retaliated against Qwest because the Denver telco refused to go along with a phone spying program, documents released Wednesday suggest."

9/11 and the neocon cabal will be the the twin foci of the post 2008 "Nuremberg Trials".
A quote...."The neocon cabal is the stinger of the scorpion. This profoundly UN American coterie of special interests has limitless funds and zero patriotism. It has taken American foreign policy hostage for the last seven years (or more) and its secret agendas have NOTHING to do with the well being and national security of the United States of America. The masters for whom the neocon lobby lobbies never sing God Bless America."

Democrats: Slack-Jawed Yokels at a Three Card Monty Festival
A quote...."In rhetoric there are two common tactics debaters use when the facts aren’t on their side: they attempt to change the subject or alter the terms of the debate. - Magicians frequently use misdirection when they’re about to make something disappear. - Grifters have been making money off of rubes since biblical times with the, “Hey, look over there” ploy just before they hide a card, slip a coin from under a shell or otherwise fool the mark. - And strong-armed stooges have been intimidating the timid for time immemorial. - But none of them hold a candle to what the Bush administration and the right wing echo-chamber has been doing to both the press and the Democrats for going on seven years now."

WHO'LL STOP THE TRAIN (WRECK)? Reject Theft-Enabling Voting Computers
A quote...."the expert reviewers reported that all of the voting systems studied contain serious design flaws that have led directly to specific vulnerabilities, which attackers could exploit to affect election outcomes - Among the machines New York is nonetheless still considering purchasing (Diebold and Sequoia), the California reports specifically stated:"

Bush's Campaign of Lies to Conceal War Crimes
A quote...."During his recent, hour-long interview on Al-Arabiya TV, President Bush denied "the U.S. is gearing up to attack Iran" and dismissed as "'gossip' reports in the Arab press that he has issued orders to senior U.S. military officials to prepare for an attack on Iran at the end of January or in February." [AP, Arizona Daily Star, Oct. 6, 2007] He then added: "Evidently, there's a lot of gossip in parts of the country - world that try to scare people about me personally or my country or what we stand for."

Only One Congress Member Gets It
A quote...."For almost a year Congressman Dennis Kucinich has been saying that the Democratic leadership in Congress should end the occupation of Iraq by not bringing up for a vote any more bills to fund it. For all these months, he has been the only member of Congress willing to say this."

Ron Paul Wins Debate In Another Landslide
A quote..."Ron Paul won another debate by a landslide this week despite efforts on the part of the mainstream media to limit the Congressman's exposure and to force Rudy Giuliani down the necks of viewers"

Wednesday October 10th 2007

Charlie Savage: Cheney Plotted Bush’s Imperial Presidency ‘Thirty Years Ago’
Must Read - A quote...."The Bush administration has long held that President Bush’s expanded executive power is justified due to 9/11. “I believe in a strong, robust executive authority and I think that the world we live in demands it,” claimed Vice President Cheney in 2005. - But in his new book, Takeover: The Return of the Imperial Presidency and the Subversion of American Democracy, Boston Globe reporter Charlie Savage reveals that Cheney has been on a thirty-year quest to implement his views of unfettered executive power.

See also....Hitler Would Have Sympathized - 05-26-07 - mpg
See also....Ghawar is Dead - Long Live PNAC - 03-07-07 - mpg
See also....The CONversation - 09-04-06 - mpg
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French Say Iran attack Oct 15, NORTHCOM Plans 5 Day Martial Law Exercise The Same Day
War Warning - A quote...."Do you believe in coincidences? Of course, they happen all the time, and with this government, coincidence and incompetence are the bread and butter of the Bush administration. When I quoted “Le Canard Enchaîné” which I found in The New York Sun that predicted an attack on Iran would occur on October the 15th, I was then unaware that NORTHCOM was Planning a 5 Day anti-terrorism exercise called Vigilant Shield 08. I noted that members from the site George W. Bush - Terrorist in the White House were following a link to my article on the subject, Attack On Iran Slated For October 15th, Prepare For Disaster. Being my usual curious self, I went to their site, and I found this link staring me in the face - and when I read it, a chill ran up my spine as I attempted to grasp the magnitude of the “coincidence.”:
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Nuke Transportation Story Has Explosive Implications
A quote...."This is about how six nuclear advanced cruise missiles got out of their bunkers and onto a combat aircraft without notice of the wing commander, squadron commander, munitions maintenance squadron (MMS), the B-52H’s crew chief and command pilot and onto another Air Force base tarmac without notice of that air base’s chain of command — for 10 hours.  -- It is time that we got to the bottom of it through a comprehensive investigation."

See also....World War 3: Cheney Ordered Strike On Iran
See also....The Strange Death Of Todd Blue
See also....Puts and Nukes
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Democrats Signal New Spying Cave-in
Must Read - A quote...."An intriguing part of the Washington political dynamic is that the more the Democrats think they might win an upcoming election, the more timid they become – fearful that they will give the powerful right-wing media machine some issue that will destroy their victory dreams."

They are contemptuous, they are disgusting, they're not even properly evil - they’re just cowardly enablers of evil.  They don't have enough guts to do evil themselves, they just give Bush everything he wants....and then just stand back and watch. Like a sick bunch of voyeurs. – mpg

On Wiretapping, Democrats Ask Bush: "Would You Like it Gift-Wrapped?"
Related article - A quote...."Rooting for the Democrats is like rooting for the Chicago Cubs...except it has only been about a half-century since Democrats have won a championship. - Here's a quick summation of the last several weeks: Democrats failed to pass anything to change course in Iraq, then ended weeks of Congressional deadlock by helping Republicans resolve to condemn for exercising their free speech. Then, to top it off, Democrats passed on an opportunity to hold Republicans accountable to their own standards by condemning Rush Limbaugh, who compared an anti-war soldier to a suicide bomber. - How could it get any worse? Seriously. I'm looking for ideas. Please post them below. I might feel better about my life."

Camp Pelosi: Nancy Lashes Out at the Antiwar Movement
Related article - A quote...."Better Iraqis and Americans should continue to die than the Democrats should have to get up off their knees, and rise to the occasion like real leaders, instead of craven opportunists. Aside from which, their opportunism is seriously misplaced: over 70 percent of the American people have had it up to here with this rotten war." - italics by webist author

How Pelosi Ended ‘The War With Iraq’
Related article - A quote...."Perhaps you haven’t noticed, but The War With Iraq is over. - Like everything with the Bush administration’s relationship to it’s gullible public, the point is never what they’re doing, but what they say they’re doing; it’s the words, not the deeds. - So No Child Left Behind of course has nothing to do with helping challenged children in bad schools to keep up, it’s about defunding and dismantling the public school system. And ’saving Social Security’ has nothing to do with saving social security, its about handing over what’s left of the public trough to the investment industry, etc, etc, etc—is there a single American under a rock anywhere that doesn’t know this drill by heart by now? - And now the war with Iraq is no longer ‘The War With Iraq’; its been successfully rebranded as ‘The War with Iran’." - bold/italics by website author

The Fifth Anniversary of the Iraq War Resolution: Why We Can’t Forgive or Forget
Related article - A quote...."This week marks the fifth anniversary of the Congressional vote granting President George W. Bush unprecedented war-making authority to invade Iraq at the time and circumstances of his own choosing. Had a majority of either the Republican-controlled House or the Democratic-controlled Senate voted against the resolution or had they passed an alternative resolution conditioning such authority on an authorization from the United Nations Security Council, all the tragic events that have unfolded as a consequence of the March 2003 invasion would have never occurred. As a result, the responsibility for the deaths of nearly 4000 American soldiers, the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians, the waste of over a half trillion dollars of our national treasury, and the rise of terrorism and Islamist extremism that has come as a result of the invasion and occupation of Iraq rests as much in the hands of the members in Congress who authorized the invasion as it does with the administration that requested it."
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Political Wickedness and Moral Bankruptcy - The Iraq Occupation and the Coming War Against Iran
A quote...." How do you get out of a hole?  --  First of all, you stop digging. —This is the simple lesson that the Bush-Cheney White House has so much trouble understanding. For Bush and his    neocon crowd, they are militarily occupying Iraq and they intend   to remain there, no matter what. It doesn't matter that this immoral and illegal occupation has caused the death of more than one million Iraqis and killed more than 3000 American soldiers. And now, they want to escalate the Iraq war into a wider   Middle East conflict involving Iran, thus making sure the United States will be involved militarily in that region of the globe for the next twenty years.

From NASA to Lt. Watada - Finally, a Good Day for the Constitution
A quote...."So it turns out that there are still honest, thinking judges in the federal court system who take their Constitution seriously, despite seven years of Bush administration court packing (and years more of such packing under two prior Republican presidents)." - italics by website author

There's still a few left?  How did that happen? - mpg
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Land of the Free?
A quote...."I’ve noticed what may be a new phenomenon in the Israel-Palestine debate as it plays out in the US. I call it pre-emptive censorship. A number of non-Jewish organisations have denied supposedly controversial speakers or organisations the right to speak or perform due to the anticipated reaction of the local Jewish community."

'Rendition' victim is denied justice in US
A quote...."WASHINGTON - The US Supreme Court has declined to take up the case of a German citizen who was allegedly abducted, detained and tortured by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) as part of the CIA's "extraordinary rendition" program."

Because of "state secrets"!  They've got to be kidding....they HAVE NO secrets, the whole world knows what they've done, their sponsorship of the very "terrorists" they say they're fighting (government supported false flag operators & death squads, freedom fighters, and various other groups throughout the Middle East), not to mention 9/11, an event no one in this government seems to want to really investigate. - mpg
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CBS: Three weeks after Blackwater shooting, FBI ignores key evidence
A quote...."CBS News reported on Tuesday that the FBI's investigation of last month's Blackwater shooting incident in Baghdad appears to be ignoring evidence that might support the Iraqi government's version of events and hold Blackwater at fault."

Iran condemns arrest, beating of reporter by US forces in Afghanistan
A quote...."Tehran, Oct 9, IRNA - Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini here on Tuesday strongly condemned the arrest and beating up by US forces in Afghanistan of the Iranian English Press TV channel reporter in Kabul Faez Khorshid. - Speaking to reporters, he called the move as inhuman which runs counter to the principle of freedom of press and free flow of news and information."

 US forces torture Press TV reporter
A quote...."The Afghan journalist was rendered unconscious by a taser and taken to a US base where the officers in charge of interrogating him, forced him to watch all the reports he had made for Press TV, while “shocking him on an electric chair and beating him on the head”.

America's new version of winning their hearts and minds - Hey it worked in Vietnam didn't it....whoops.
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Iran builds air base near Afghan border
A quote...."TEHRAN, October 9 (RIA Novosti) - Iran has built an air base not far from its border with Afghanistan, Iranian television reported Tuesday. - "The base is designed to enhance the combat readiness of our Armed Forces in standing up to possible aggression against our country," Gen. Ahmad Migani, Air Force commander, said at the base's opening ceremony."

Putin: No Proof Iran Seeks Nuclear Arms
A quote...."President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday there is no proof Iran is seeking to build nuclear weapons, but emphasized that Tehran must be encouraged to make its nuclear program fully transparent."
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U.S.-Led Iraq Coalition Withering Fast
A quote...."Britain's decision to bring half of its 5,000 soldiers home from Iraq by spring is the latest blow to the U.S.-led coalition. The alliance is crumbling, and fast: excluding Americans, the multinational force was once 50,000 strong — by mid-2008, it will be down to 7,000."

Even the British Are Leaving Iraq
Related article - A quote...."The "coalition of the willing" is over. One by one, its members have ceded the bloodstained ground to the battling Iraqis and the unyielding U.S. president. Prime Minister Gordon Brown's decision Monday to halve the vestigial British military force in Basra was inevitable; backing the U.S. in Iraq has become a political albatross for governments all over the world."

Poles Want Troops Out of Afghanistan
Related article - A quote...."(Angus Reid Global Monitor) - Although the number has slightly decreased, the vast majority of people in Poland still oppose the presence of their country’s soldiers in Afghanistan, according to a poll by CBOS. 72 per cent of respondents are against Poland’s participation in the war on terrorism, down six points since June."
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American AFRICOM initiative is not welcome in Africa
A quote...."MOSCOW. (RIA Novosti commentator Dina Lyakhovich) - American troops attract terrorists like magnet attracts metal. African and Asian countries have made this conclusion four and a half years after the Iraqi campaign began."

US detains nearly 25,000 in Iraq
A quote...."The US military is holding nearly 25,000 people in its prisons in Iraq, 860 of whom are under the age of 16, the general in charge of their detention said on Wednesday."

US Embassy opening in Baghdad delayed indefinitely
A quote...."WASHINGTON, Oct 9 (Reuters) - The opening of the mammoth new U.S. Embassy in Baghdad has been delayed indefinitely while its Kuwaiti contractor fixes a punch list of problems, the State Department said on Tuesday."

Guards Kill Two Women In Iraq
A quote...."BAGHDAD, Oct. 9 -- Private security guards from an Australian-run firm opened fire on a white sedan in downtown Baghdad on Tuesday afternoon, killing two Iraqi Christian women who were driving home from work."

Turkey Escalates Action Near Iraq Border
A quote...."SIRNAK, Turkey (AP) — Turkish warplanes and helicopter gunships attacked suspected positions of Kurdish rebels near Iraq on Wednesday, a possible prelude to a cross-border operation that would likely raise tensions with Washington."

Morales says U.S. soldiers should leave Bolivia
A quote...."LA PAZ, Bolivia: President Evo Morales said he expects U.S. military aid to Bolivia to stop soon, as his government plans to bar U.S. troops from assisting in anti-drug operations."

Ukraine: Parliamentary election fails to resolve political crisis
A quote...."A third election within three years has proved incapable of resolving the deep political crisis in Ukraine. Once again, it has become clear that the struggle between rival political cliques, carried out at the expense of the broad population, has nothing in common with democracy."

Declassified Document: "U.S. Army explored using radioactive poisons to assassinate 'important individuals'"
A quote...."October 9, 2007. Associated Press. In one of the longest-held secrets of the Cold War, the U.S. Army explored the potential for using radioactive poisons to assassinate “important individuals” such as military or civilian leaders, according to newly declassified documents obtained by The Associated Press."

Laugh with Laffer over Supply-Side Economics
A quote..."Since 1913, almost a hundred years now, this is the first time that we have had back-to-back elected presidents of opposing parties who have served two full terms. - Being able to compare the results of the economy under such diametrically different policies is a once-in-a-life-time opportunity.  Balanced budget and surplus under Clinton - endless and mindless tax-cuts for the rich and big business under Bush, resulting in a National Debt increase of $3.2 trillion dollars."

Boeing announces delay in deliveries of 787 Dreamliner
A quote...."Boeing said Wednesday that continued challenges in completing the assembly of its first 787 "Dreamliner" jets would force it to delay initial deliveries of the plane by six months, to late 2008."

Tuesday October 9th 2007

No posts - mpg

Monday October 8th 2007

Bush’s torturers follow where the Nazis led
Must Read - PG post - A quote...." 10/07/07 "The Times" -- -- I remember that my first response to the reports of abuse and torture at Guantanamo Bay was to accuse the accusers of exaggeration or deliberate deception. I didn’t believe America would ever do those things. I’d also supported George W Bush in 2000, believed it necessary to give the president the benefit of the doubt in wartime, and knew Donald Rumsfeld as a friend."

Evil Empire - Is Imperial Liquidation Possible for America?
Must Read - PG Post - From the history file / posted - 051507 - A quote...."05/17/07 "ICH" -- -- In politics, as in medicine, a cure based on a false diagnosis is almost always worthless, often worsening the condition that is supposed to be healed. The United States, today, suffers from a plethora of public ills. Most of them can be traced to the militarism and imperialism that have led to the near-collapse of our Constitutional system of checks and balances. Unfortunately, none of the remedies proposed so far by American politicians or analysts addresses the root causes of the problem."

Iraq Demands $136M Blackwater Payout
A quote...."(CBS/AP) Iraqi authorities want the U.S. government to sever all contracts in Iraq with Blackwater USA within six months and pay $8 million in compensation to each of the families of 17 people killed when the firm's guards sprayed a traffic circle with heavy machine gun fire last month."
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Americans No Longer Question Authority
A quote...."Have we passed the point of no return in this country? Has the right engineered such a change in our laws that nothing can be done to bring the country back from an Orwellian State that exists to serve the oligarchy and has stripped the common man of his basic unalienable rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness?"

Point, Click ... Eavesdrop: How the FBI Wiretap Net Operates
PG Post - A quote...."The FBI has quietly built a sophisticated, point-and-click surveillance system that performs instant wiretaps on almost any communications device, according to nearly a thousand pages of restricted documents newly released under the Freedom of Information Act."

Collecting of Details on Travelers Documented
PG Post - A quote...."The U.S. government is collecting electronic records on the travel habits of millions of Americans who fly, drive or take cruises abroad, retaining data on the persons with whom they travel or plan to stay, the personal items they carry during their journeys, and even the books that travelers have carried, according to documents obtained by a group of civil liberties advocates and statements by government officials."

For more on the three articles shown above see.... Thirty Five Acts to Restore Americans' Rights 11-10-06
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On the take and loving it: CIA torture related research and NSA spying and intel related research
A quote...."Over the last decade, U.S intelligence funding of academic research has taken on cavalier, even brazen qualities. This article reveals over 3,000 National Security Agency and over 100 Defense Intelligence Agency funded papers and draws attention to recent unreported revelations of CIA funding for torture research."

Thou Shalt Not Kill, Except in a Popular Video Game at Church
A quote...."First the percussive sounds of sniper fire and the thrill of the kill. Then the gospel of peace. - Across the country, hundreds of ministers and pastors desperate to reach young congregants have drawn concern and criticism through their use of an unusual recruiting tool: the immersive and violent video game Halo."

The population must be "conditioned" to kill.  Be it Jews in the gas chambers, Gooks in Southeast Asia, or "rag heads" in the Middle East teenagers don't usually kill willingly unless they're desensitized or trained to do so….or unless someone helps breakdown their innocence and corrupts them. - mpg  

For more on this see....White Mans Burden
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U.S. Soldier: 'I Was Ordered to Murder Unarmed Iraqi'
PG Post - Related article - A quote...."A U.S. soldier broke down in tears Thursday as he testified that he was ordered to shoot an unarmed Iraqi man, and that his sergeant laughed and told the trooper to finish the job as the man convulsed on the ground."

Hired Gun Fetish
PG Post - Related article - A quote...."And, yes, the so-called private security contractors are mercenaries. They’re heavily armed. They carry out military missions, but they’re private employees who don’t answer to military discipline. On the other hand, they don’t seem to be accountable to Iraqi or U.S. law, either. And they behave accordingly."

What a War on Iran Might Look Like [photo essay]
PG Post - Slide Show - Related article - A quote...."Nina Berman: In 34 days last summer, the Israeli Defense Forces lay waste to a large swath of Lebanon. Thousands of rocket attacks, more than 3 million cluster bombs, over 1,000 Lebanese civilians killed, and despite all the destruction and a small number of Israeli casualties, the general consensus, George Bush notwithstanding, is that Hezbollah, the intended target, emerged stronger than ever."

Noted psychologist Beth Shinn resigns from American Psychological Association
PG Post - Related article - A quote...."“because the American Psychological Association continues to condone psychologists’ work in detention centers that violate international law and because of actions by APA’s leadership to discourage dissent from its policies in this matter.”  --  *Marybeth Shinn*  -  Member # 1603-1653
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Bush faces court ruling over CIA prisons
PG Post - A quote...."The administration of President George W. Bush could face a further challenge to its anti-terrorism policies from the Supreme Court, which is expected to say on Tuesday whether it will take up a case involving US secret prisons overseas."

Czech Republic plans Iraq pullout
A quote...."THE Czech Republic is planning to pull its troops out of Iraq, Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg said today, without giving a timetable for the withdrawal."

Japan May Cut Support of Afghan Mission
A quote...."TOKYO (AP) - Japan would scale back its support of the U.S. in Afghanistan by ending naval assistance to vessels involved in ground missions there under a ruling party proposal that officials predicted Sunday would gain parliament's approval."

Sanctions put Iranians on the road to Damascus
PG Post - A quote...."AHMED Ansare's petroleum recycling business, the Damascus Petrochemical Refinery Company, was the first private Iranian company to set foot in Syria, and it looks like being the first of many."

It's sort'a fun to see the US help keep Iran's influence expanding throughout the Middle East. - mpg
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Sage Observations - PG's quotes
Some examples of the most recent batch....for more goto...Sage Observations - PG's quotes - 100807

"Many people today don't want honest answers insofar as honest means unpleasant or disturbing, They want a soft answer that turneth away anxiety."
 -- *Louis Kronenberger* - (1904-1980)

"For the great majority of mankind are satisfied with appearances, as though they were realities, and are often more influenced by the things that seem than by those that are."
 -- *Niccolo Machiavelli* - (1469-1527) Italian Statesman and Political Philosopher - Source: Discourses, 1513-1517

"The greatest tyrannies are always perpetrated in the name of the noblest causes."
 -- *Thomas Paine*

"You know your country is dying when you have to make a distinction between what is moral and ethical, and what is legal."
 -- *John De Armond*

To know what is right and not do it is the worst cowardice”
 -- *Confucius*

"It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong."
 -- *Voltaire* - [François Marie Arouet] (1694-1778)

"Wars are seldom caused by spontaneous hatreds between people, for peoples in general are too ignorant of one another to have grievances and too indifferent to what goes on beyond their borders to plan conquests. They must be urged to the slaughter by politicians who know how to alarm them."
 -- *H.L. Mencken*
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A Steady Decline in Security for Most Workers - The US Economy Since 1980
A quote...."What makes the U.S. so unlike other rich nations? There is no single answer. At the top of a list is the power of the business class to shape policy-making and the lives of the nation's populace. In The United States Since 1980, economist Dean Baker focuses on the policies that have set the country on a business-friendly path. There have been far-reaching effects."

Closeted Gay Republican Watch: Armstrong Williams Hosts an A-List Book Party for Justice Thomas
More tales from the NRE (New Roman Empire) - Some quotes...."It’s no surprise that there was an A-list book party in Washington for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas last week."  -  "But what might surprise rank and file GOP types far outside the Beltway is the fact that the host of the party, Armstrong Williams, the former conservative TV pundit, is a closeted gay man."

Climate Change and Entire Landscapes on the Move
PG Post - A quote...."BROOKLIN, Canada - The hot breath of global warming has now touched some of the coldest northern regions of world, turning the frozen landscape into mush as temperatures soar 15 degrees C. above normal."

Mike Gravel pulverizes the protective bubble of the 'Democrat' Elite with Truth
PG Post - A quote...."Mike Gravel tells like it is again at New Hampshire Democratic debate at Dartmouth College the night of September 26."

Sunday October 7th 2007

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You Can STILL Vote to Stop the Madness

More Signs The Bush People Are Preparing For President Hillary Clinton (And Don't Really Care)
Must Read - Very Important - A quote...."BUSH administration officials are paving the way for a smooth transition to a possible Democratic presidency as Hillary Clinton consolidates her position as the overwhelming favourite to win her party’s nomination for the 2008 election.  -  In the clearest sign of a shift in gear, [Defense Secretary Robert] Gates is to appoint John Hamre, a former official in President Bill Clinton’s administration, to chair the Defense Policy Board once led by Richard Perle, a leading neoconservative advocate of the invasion of Iraq. The board’s job will be to prepare for the transition to a new administration in 2008, according to a Pentagon spokesman."

The deal was made three years least.  Hillary will be selected as this nation's next president, Giuliani was chosen as a foil by the elites to split the Republican Party apart from its "conservative" "Christian" base. (Editor’s note: they are neither Christian nor conservative by any true measure of the what else is new) And the great lie that this nation is a "democracy" will continue to be adhered to, even if it's no longer believable or believed by any rational observer.

After all traditions must be maintained for the "little people" while they toil away their measly, tiny, insignificant lives to benefit their betters.

It took sixty long years to put the US in this hole, and there is no getting out of it now except for one thing, your vote.

Yes gentle reader, as unbelievable as it may seem - YOU STILL - after all this time, after many of you have completely abdicated your civic responsibilities, along with your intellect, your morals, your history, your memory, your constitutional rights, your laws, your empathy and the decent opinion of still by God's grace and the diligence of some of your fellow citizens have actually somehow managed to retain the RIGHT to vote....and due to the dedication of many hard working voting rights organizations out there, a lot of your votes will still actually be counted during this upcoming election.  Think of that!

If you go out there, after all this time, after all the statements and promises told to you during the last seven years by the Demo&Repub party have demonstrably been proven to be utter lies, proven beyond all doubt, proven to be so even by some of the braver members of our mass-faux-media establishment (except for 9/11 of course, that's one lie the elites just can't afford to let out of the bag)...and vote for "Hideous - the mad rabbit - Hillary", "Bombs away O-Bomb-A" or that certifiable fruit and nut bar "Rudy the Ridiculous", you'll deserve EXACTLY the government you'll get.

Welcome to the New Unholy Roman Empire.

Don't ever say you weren't warned.- mpg
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The Democrats who enable Bush
Related article - A quote..."WASHINGTON -- President Bush has no better friends than the spineless Democratic congressional leadership and the party's leading presidential candidates when it comes to his failing Iraq policy. - Those Democrats seem to have forgotten that the American people want U.S. troops out of Iraq, especially since Bush still cannot give a credible reason for attacking Iraq after nearly five years of war."

Bush, Congress Hit New Lows in AP Poll
Related article - A quote...."WASHINGTON (AP) -- Public approval for President Bush and Congress has hit new lows in The Associated Press-Ipsos poll."

Scandals, retirements decimate congressional Republicans
Related article - A quote...."Some two dozen Republican congressmen and senators have announced their retirement from office or face well-publicized corruption probes that could put an end to their political careers, making it likely that the Democratic Party will increase its margin of control of both houses of the US Congress in the 2008 elections."

Survey: Conservatives' Anger With GOP May Be Devastating
Related article - A quote...."Washington, DC - A poll of 1,015 conservative activists and donors shows that 77 percent are either seriously disappointed with Republican Congressional leaders or want them replaced. - The survey also found that 54 percent of conservatives feel so abandoned by current Congressional leaders and President Bush that they plan to reduce their contributions and/or grassroots work for GOP candidates in the next election. And 70 percent would support a principled conservative challenger running against an established incumbent Republican in a GOP primary."
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Brother can You Spare a Few Hundred Billion More?

Democrats Propose Tax Surcharge for War
Related article - A quote...."WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats on Tuesday proposed an income tax surcharge to finance the approximately $150 billion annual cost of operations in Iraq, saying it is unfair to pass the cost of the war onto future generations."

Can you believe it?  This editor cogitated upon this article for a while before posting it.  It's hard to explain why, possibly because the article sounded so reasonable, so sincere, so....responsible; after all we would just be giving a little more funding to help our "poor" troops in Iraq and reduce our national debt....right?

You mean Eric Prince and his Blackwater mercenaries, or perhaps all those contractors in Iraq feeding off the public trough like Haliburton, or how about the War Complex?  So we as a people will continue to "help" cause more destruction in Iraq (a country that did absolutely NOTHING to the US) more deaths (now over a million), more refugees (now approaching five million) more damage to this nation's reputation (what little is left) and get more Americans killed in order that our wealthy elites can continue to occupy Iraq to profit from it's oil and their shares of stock?

And this coming from a "Democrat"?  Does anyone remember the last election?  You know....the one that took place ten months ago?  You know....the one where many Americans went to the polls and voted for the Democrats in order to END THIS OCCUPATION!!!!

And instead they now want to increase OUR TAXES to pay FOR THEIR misbegotten adventure and THEIR PROFITS!

Just exactly how much more will they make us pay when they start their NEXT adventure by attacking Iran??

It's OUTRAGEOUS! – mpg
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Blackwater: “Newly Created Thug Caste�
Must Read - Related article - A quote...."Congress is finally asking questions of Erik Prince, the head of Blackwater, the private mercenary organization that massacred seventeen civilians in Iraq recently. As I mentioned before, Blackwater operates in Iraq entirely outside the rule of law and has close ties to the White House. The New York Times today reported just how close — Prince’s sister-in-law is a major Bush fundraiser and ally. - What still evades the framing of this debate, though, is that the violent lawlessness perpetrated against civilians in Iraq by this newly created thug caste is a taste of what is in store for us at home — unless Congress confronts the President’s and Prince’s plans to bring Blackwater increasingly to a neighborhood near you."

Machiavelli's Real Transgression
Related article - A quote...."I was planning to write about Blackwater and a growing distaste for contracting-out, privatizing or outsourcing various operations in wartime to "mercenaries," and I will a bit. But the topic of mercenaries got me to thinking about Machiavelli, who famously advised the ruler in his small masterpiece, The Prince, to avoid mercenaries."

Fort Hunt's Quiet Men Break Silence on WWII
Related article - A quote...."The group of World War II veterans kept a military code and the decorum of their generation, telling virtually no one of their top-secret work interrogating Nazi prisoners of war at Fort Hunt. - When about two dozen veterans got together yesterday for the first time since the 1940s, many of the proud men lamented the chasm between the way they conducted interrogations during the war and the harsh measures used today in questioning terrorism suspects"
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Freedom Rider: Ahmadinejad Sane, Bush Crazy
Must Read - A quote...."A famous old English song is titled, "The World Turned Upside Down." Such appears to be the insane vantage point through which the Bush regime, and many ordinary citizens, view reality: in reverse. U.S. media and politicians behave as if they are already at war with Iran, a nation that has been brutalized over generations by Americans, but whose president spoke of world peace and an end to "dark plots" during his visit to this country. Deafened and blinded by arrogant, ignorant, unthinking hatred, Americans responded with venom in quantities toxic to all rational thought. The Poisoner-in-Chief, George Bush, has made great strides in turning much of the nation into a Cuckoo's Nest."

Murderous Mummery: Marching Into Nightmare With General Petraeus
Related article - A quote...." Petraeus doesn't intend for his words to be taken seriously -- that is, not in the real world, where military attacks by one nation on another lead to an immediate response. No, his words are intended for the media echo chamber, where they will bounce around in the midst of all the other mind-obliterating noise, with a few key scraps falling  into the mix: "Iran" -- "killing Americans" -- "Qods" -- "Iran" -- "killing Americans" -- "Qods." That's all they want -- and that's all they need -- to get across. They certainly don't want anyone to pay close attention to the details of the patter they're putting out. They just want a few keywords to filter into the battered public consciousness, because these are the elements they will invoke when the time comes to launch their own unprovoked military agression against Iran: "Iran's Qods Force is killing Americans, and we must, reluctantly, retaliate. Therefore, tonight I have ordered a series of air raids on Qods Force bases in Iran...."

Repudiate the Bush Doctrine
Related article - A quote...."....preventive war, being a war of aggression, is downright evil. The Bush Doctrine is an extraordinary public pronouncement of an evil policy. And yet it is also simply an extension of past doctrines that have involved the U.S. in global wars and global interventions. We therefore have to question strongly the roots of American foreign policy in general."

The myth of the all-powerful Ahmadinejad
Related article - A quote...."Contrary to the assertions of Columbia president Lee Bollinger last week, Ahmadinejad is no "petty and cruel dictator". He is an elected president with very little power, frequently at odds with the country's religious leadership and its Parliament. Even if Iran had a nuclear arsenal, which it does not, his finger would not be on the trigger. Ahmadinejad is extremely unpopular for a variety of reasons; if he runs for president again in 2009, he will almost certainly be defeated. He does not command the Iranian armed forces and he does not determine Iranian foreign policy. Far from being a belligerent expansionistic power, the last time Iran attacked a neighbor was in the 17th century. - bold/italics by  website author

These truths for Ahmadinejad are of course the EXACT opposite of what they are for that "thing" currently squatting in the White House.  Why is it that almost every single statement, prediction or forecast ever made by the elites in this country, or their lackeys in the mass-media, or the "things" in the White House always turns out to be the exact opposite of what truly transpires.  See quotes shown below....

Losing One's Faith : 9/11 & Iraq 05-24-2004
For many years I was a believer, I believed in America, I believed the evil things this country did in the past were always done by a small selfish minority and that the vast majority of it's citizens always tried to do the right thing. That over time, truth would win out, justice would prevail, right would triumph over might, your vote would count, and the 'Big Lie' could not succeed in our society with it's "free press" and constitutional checks and balances.

In less then three years everyone one of these beliefs has been shattered and I no longer hold such childish illusions. The evil that our nation is committing is assuredly being done in the name of the majority of its people, the 'Big Lie' has won out over truth, justice has not been done, might triumphed over right, and our votes certainly didn't count. It is quite obvious to me that a majority of my fellow Americans would rather believe in comfortable and convenient fictions then face horrible truths. This self-deception, the ability to delude oneself through half truths or it's hand maiden 'plausible deniability', the ability to self-select your own ignorance, in light of recent events appears to be the main constituents of America's governance and foreign policy.

The Wealthiest One Percent – The Spirit of Liberal Capitalism  - posted 12-15-05 to 12-30-05 - mpg
[The Five Sacred Principles] -- Principal Five; The most important principle of them all, more important than the prior four combined.  YOU MUST LIE.  You must do so artfully, skillfully and without remorse.  You must never apologize. You must never back down. You must never tell the truth (a factually correct statement) unless it is the only way to serve your purpose. You must ceaselessly practice the art of lying.  You must know how to maintain plausible deniability, how to insinuate, how to suggest, how to spin, twist, shape and frame.  You must never allow those below you to develop the skill of critical thinking. You must never allow those below you access to the facts. You must know in your heart that there is no such thing as the “truthâ€� or a “lieâ€�, only information that serves your purpose. Principle Five reinforces and provides the framework for the other four.  It is the gravity of our universe; it is the glue that holds everything together.  If you cannot master this principle you can never, ever be one of us. [one of the chosen one-percent]
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The Strength of the New Roman Empire

The strength of the New Roman Empire appears to have NEVER rested on its armies, navies, or its economy.  It appears throughout history, especially recent history, that the foundation for this nation's success and its wealth has been the ability of it's elites to lie; to lie well, to lie often, to lie as a way of life.

They will lie to their own people, to each other, and to everyone they ever come in contact with.

The elites believe they were placed on this earth entitled to get whatever they want, whenever they wanted it and the easiest way to get whatever they want is - to lie as facially and as frequently as they possibly can.  The elites believe the "truth" is at best a nebulous concept, at worst it's a sign of rebellion which must be stamped out, along with its purveyor, as soon as it appears.

The elites understand that the truth must be denigrated, it is something to be sneered at with contempt, regarded with utter disgust, made fun of along with all those who try to speak it.  It must be destroyed whenever and wherever it shows itself, that it’s a dangerous, dirty and ugly form of communication only spoken by those who lack the will-power, self-control, or a sense of righteous self-worth (entitlement) that distinguishes one of the elites from the "little people".  They believe the truth is an odious idea, whose product is only uttered by the deranged, the mentally challenged, the unstable, the deluded or the infantile.

The elites have always understand that "real adults" should master the art of lying as early and as quickly as possible, which is why they start teaching their young as soon as they begin to speak, that if they tell the truth, they won’t get what they want.

They firmly believe in their heart of hearts, and rightly so, that the truth is their sworn enemy; it exists only to prevent them from achieving their twin goals, those being their own enrichment and the expansion of their power at the expense of everyone else..

They are trained from childhood to believe that the spoken and written word exists simply to be massaged, twisted and changed into the opposite of what it’s supposed to convey.  That language is simply an instrument of manipulation, to be used by the elite’s to convince their subject populations and those they deal with overseas that they are "honest brokers", that they just want to do "some business", or that they're trying to "help" people.

And for over sixty years our elites have "helped" many, many, people throughout the world and in this their early graves. - mpg
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America the next Great Banana Republic
Must Read - A quote...."After 30 years trying to defy economic gravity, the US is well on the way to becoming the world's largest banana republic. If the current level of government mismanagement continues, within 20 years the US economy will be comparable to that of Mexico. With a more modest level of mismanagement, this will occur in less than 10 years but under much better economic circumstances. This article will disclose the uncanny (but to be expected) similarities between the circumstances preceding the downfall of Mexico during its periodic crashes over the last 50 years with similar circumstances prevalent in the US today."
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Threats, Dirty Tricks, Fake Polls: Costa Rica Votes Under Duress on ‘Free Trade’
A quote...."No country has ever had a national referendum on a “free trade� agreement before - which is not surprising since most of these agreements wouldn’t be approved by the citizenry. Bill Clinton couldn’t even get a majority of his own party in Congress to vote for NAFTA in 1993, and it’s been downhill for these types of agreements ever since. - So Costa Rica - the region’s richest and most democratic country — will be setting a precedent on Sunday with its referendum on CAFTA (the Central America Free Trade Agreement), which was negotiated in 2004."

Costa Rica Votes on Trade Deal With US
Related article - Some quotes...."SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP) — Costa Ricans vote Sunday on whether to ratify a free-trade trade deal with the United States that has sharply divided the nation between those who say it would generate prosperity and critics who fear it would hurt farmers and local businesses."  --  "On Saturday, the White House said if Costa Ricans vote against joining the agreement, the Bush administration will not renegotiate it."  --  "U.S. officials also suggested they may not extend trade preferences now afforded to Costa Rican products and set to expire next September."

You don't 'a du all youz buznezz wi'us....we gonna mess up youz 'ol country real bad, you unner'stan? - mpg

For more on this see....We'll make them an offer they can't refuse. - 09-06-06 - mpg
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Continuity of the US government.. TOP SECRET!
Must View - A quote...."Rep. Peter DeFazio gives a speech on the house floor to fellow members discussing the fact that Bush Administration has denied the entire Dept of Homeland Security Committee access to the so called detailed plans that the White House has drafted to ensure the continuity of government in case of a major terrorist attack. - Do you really trust George Bush?"

Did White House Lie About Loss of Five Million Emails?
A quote...."  When Congress asked about 5 million executive branch e-mails that went missing, a White House lawyer pointed the finger at an outside IT contractor. - The only problem? No such IT contractor exists, according to sources close to the investigation of a possible violation of the Federal Records and Presidential Records acts."

Did the White House lie about the loss of five million you even have to ask? - mpg
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FBI Stops US Peace Activists Entering Canada
A quote...."Two leading U.S. peace activists were denied entry into Canada on Wednesday after their names appeared on an FBI criminal database that the Canadian government is using at its borders. Ann Wright, a retired Army colonel and former diplomat, and Medea Benjamin, co-founder of women’s peace group CODEPINK, were headed to Toronto to discuss peace and security issues at the invitation of the Toronto Stop the War Coalition. Canadian authorities detained and questioned them for several hours at the border crossing between Buffalo and Niagara Falls.  -  The two women were apparently denied entry into Canada because their names appeared on an FBI-run international criminal database."

Thank You, Dan Rather
A quote...."Thank you, Dan Rather. It's balls to the wall time, and as a fellow Texan, you sure came through.- As an investigative journalist who worked as both a reporter and anchor for the San Francisco Bay Area's highest-rated newscast for 22 years, I can only say what happened to you nationally was also happening locally. You were told to conform to a Republican agenda or shut up. When you refused to march in step, you got Bush-whacked."
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Bloggers beware when you criticize the rich and powerful
A quote...."PARIS: When a billionaire born in Uzbekistan and an outspoken former British ambassador clashed over a scorching blog, the first outcome was the Internet equivalent of a smackdown."

FCC won't probe disclosure of phone records
A quote...."WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission declined to investigate reports that phone companies turned over customer records to the National Security Agency, citing national security concerns, according to documents released on Friday."

For more on the two articles shown above see....The Last Bastion of Freedom is Falling - 05-29-06 - mpg
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Faraway Wars Without End - The Invasion of Afghanistan, Six Years Later
A quote...."Six years after a war was launched to overthrow the Taliban, British solders are still being killed in bloody skirmishing in a conflict in which no final victory is possible.  -  Tomorrow is the sixth anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan by the US, Britain and allies, an operation codenamed Enduring Freedom. But six years on, Britain is once again, as in Iraq, the most junior of partners, spending the lives of its soldiers with little real influence over the war."
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World War 3: Cheney Ordered Strike On Iran
A quote...."A new report has linked the mysterious flight of a nuclear armed B-52 bomber to the US Vice President's secret plan to attack Iran. - Earlier, news outlets revealed that, on August 30, a B-52 bomber loaded with six nuclear armed cruise missiles had flown for more than three hours over several states. The incident prompted an Air Force investigation and the firing of one commander. - The report by Webster Tarpley published on Rense website on Saturday claimed that many analysts believed those weapons were destined to be used in a nuclear blitz on Iran, which may have been scheduled for September 6, the day that Israel launched its own aerial attack on Syria."

The Strange Death Of Todd Blue
A quote...."The issue of deceased airman Todd Blue is highly unusual to say the least, and opens up a Pandora's box full of questions. - At the time of Todd's death, he was under investigation for his possible role in the nuclear weapons that were loaded into a B52 aircraft".

See also....Puts and Nukes
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US Army cordons off al-Doura in preparation for massive attack
A quote...."By Mohammad Al-Ghazzi BAGHDAD, Oct 7 (KUNA) — US troops on Sunday cordoned off various neighborhoods in the area of al-Doura southern Baghdad, in preparation for launching a military operation against militias using the area as a barricade."

U.S. forces killed 2 first aid workers in Mosul – police
A quote...."Ninewa, Oct 7, (VOI) – U.S. soldiers killed two first aid workers on duty in eastern Mosul, the Ninewa police operations chief said on Sunday"

Double US air strike kills 25 in Iraq
A quote...."A double US air strike on an Iraqi village killed around 25 suspected Iranian-linked insurgents on Friday, the military said, as Iraqi officials claimed women and children were among the dead."

Russia Enters Race For Africa's Riches
A quote...."Oct. 15, 2007 issue - Late on a Friday night at the Simba Saloon in downtown Nairobi, music by the Kenyan pop sensation the Boomba Clan is playing, and the ties are coming off. At the bar, banker types in expensive suits swap news of the latest bank IPOs and mineral concessions, the must-have gossip in Africa's biggest boomtown. Some of the conversations are in English. Some are in Chinese. And increasingly, many of them are in Russian, as Moscow begins to give both the West and Beijing a run for their money in the race for Africa's riches."

Irish gov't says, 'No source code, no e-voting'
A quote...."Dublin, Ireland - Ireland has pressed the abort button on electronic voting. In a humiliating climb down, the government has accepted the conclusions of a commission hastily set up to examine the secrecy and accuracy of the system planned for use in next month's local and European parliamentary elections."

Alleged Haggard Escort: 'Sen. Craig Visited Me'
More Tales of the NRE (New Roman Empire) - A quote...."The male escort responsible for the downfall of Christian evangelist leader Ted Haggard is now alleging that embattled Senator Larry Craig also came to see him."

Incarcerated Prosecutor Commits Suicide
More Tales of the NRE (New Roman Empire) - A quote...."DETROIT - A federal prosecutor from Florida accused of flying to Detroit last month to molest a 5-year-old girl committed suicide in his cell Friday in federal prison, authorities said."

A Night with Greg Palast in Chicago on October 27th.
Lecture Alert - A quote...."When: Saturday, October 27, 2007 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm - Where: Columbia College Ferguson Theatre 600 South Michigan, Chicago, IL"

Bird flu virus mutating into human-unfriendly form
A quote...."NEW YORK (Reuters) - The H5N1 bird flu virus has mutated to infect people more easily, although it still has not transformed into a pandemic strain, researchers said on Thursday. - The changes are worrying, said Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Wisconsin-Madison."

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