Wednesday December 21st 2016

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Tuesday December 20th 2016

More Tales From The Anglo-Zio Empire & Its "Friends"....

From CNN to the BBC: Faking and Bellyaching About Syria
Must Read - A quote...."If the western world cared for Syria as much as CNN and the BBC appear to, heaven would reign here on Earth. -- Every waking hour of every day the tears of British, American, and European media publishers cascade over us. Those “White Helmets”, the humanitarian saints, the word wielding White House spokespeople immerse us in their humanity. And their humanity is a sinful joke. -- For nearly four years now I’ve watched this sardonic drama unfold. A Nobel Peace Prize laureate turns the dogs of war loose. Morals and ideals are upended like dancing bowling pins. Liars blame truthtellers for the chaos we see, and those of us who embrace a moderate stance get labeled as trolls, traitors, fakes or worse. Proven criminals and elitist warmongers roam everywhere, and somehow we’ve evolved to accept it all. -- Madness is the only word that comes close to describing American policy these days, but the most maddening thing is the hypocrisy and arrogance. BBC! Every time I see the letters under a headline I cringe."

Ten Massive Fake News Stories Western Media Has Been Feeding You On Aleppo
Must Read - A quote...."The reason the battle for Aleppo is so significant in the Syrian proxy war is because of its strategic importance to the country of Syria as a whole. Controlling Aleppo would give opposition groups leverage in a situation where Syria is broken into pieces. It is also part of the geopolitical concerns over competing natural gas pipelines which would be built partially in Syria." - Source:  FreeThoughtProj

Aleppo Propaganda & AJ+ as Al Qaeda's PR Outfit
Must View Ry2SVideo - (Ry2SYuTb - 9min42sec - Dec 15, 2016) - Source:  - Ry2S@YuTbRy2S@ANCRpt - Ry2SAntiNeocons  - Ry2S@TruTube - Ry2S@Vimeo - Anti-Neocons / Indiegogo Project - Patreon - A quote...."Aleppo propaganda and AJ+ as Al Qaeda's PR outfit"

Getting Real News From Aleppo - With Vanessa Beeley
Must View RPLRVideo - (RPLRYuTb - 27min38sec - Dec 15, 2016) - Source:  Ron Paul Liberty Report @ YuTb - Ron Paul Inst - A quote...."There is plenty of reporting about what is going on in Aleppo, but there are very few reporters. In today's Liberty Report we are joined live from Syria by independent journalist and researcher Vanessa Beeley for some rare on-the-ground reporting. You can find (and support) Vanessa's work on her website:" - Guest Websites: Vanessa Beeley Donation Request  The Wall Will Fall

More Propaganda Than News Coming Out of Aleppo
Corp Media:   Terrorist Supporters - Must Read - A quote...."It has just become more dangerous to be a foreign correspondent reporting on the civil war in Syria. This is because the jihadis holding power in east Aleppo were able to exclude Western journalists, who would be abducted and very likely killed if they went there, and replace them as news sources with highly partisan “local activists” who cannot escape being under jihadi control. - The foreign media has allowed – through naivety or self-interest – people who could only operate with the permission of al-Qaeda-type groups such as Jabhat al-Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham to dominate the news agenda." - bold by website editor
People have been arrested and sent to jail for supporting Wahhabist Jihadist terrorist propaganda.  When are members of the corp media going to be punished for their years of openly supporting terrorist Wahhabist organizations and their propaganda??  - mpg
SYRIA: Dr Bouthaina Shaaban’s Message to the West, ‘Corp Media has Caused Death and Destruction in Syria’ -- Must Read - A quote...."Today, in Damascus, I met with Dr Bouthaina Shaaban, political and media adviser to the Syrian President, Bashar Al Assad.  Dr Shaaban is a woman of immense experience in the political sphere within Syria, she is a woman who expresses herself without filters and with tremendous wisdom and visible compassion for her country and her people. -- Like so many of the political figures and religious leaders who have remained inside Syria for the duration of the almost six year dirty war that has been waged against Syria, by the US, UK, EU, Gulf States, Turkey & Israel, Dr Shaaban, has come under attack from the assorted corporate media oufits and government-foreign-policy aligned NGOs or so called “anti-war” organisations that seem to have no problem in suggesting that war should be employed to achieve peace in Syria."
Hasbara on Syria Has Reached New Levels of Audacity
Must Read - A quote...."You have to stand in awe at the audacity of the US and UN even with its fictional narrative on Aleppo, trying to hold some type of moral high ground. These are the same bodies that starved 800 thousand children to death in Iraq with sanctions then invaded them anyway based on lies and killed a million more. These are the same countries supporting Saudi Arabia in its war on Yemen, and Israel’s occupation of Palestine."

Still Absolutely No Evidence of Widely Reported Massacre of 82 Aleppo Civilians
The "West's" Corp Media Lied Again - A quote...."Guess what, there is still not a shred of evidence that the supposed Aleppo massacre of 82 innocent civilians widely reported in the western press last week actually took place. -- Funny how last Tuesday we even had precise numbers. 82 civilians, 58 men, 11 women and 13 children. Somebody was able to count them. Yet despite of how common smartphones are in Syria that somebody has not been able to snap a single photo of any of the bodies?"

Egypt Police Bust Staged Photo Shoot of ‘Wounded Aleppo Children’
How Embarrassing! -- A quote...."Egypt’s police detained a man for making staged “wounded children” photos, which he was planning to use to misrepresent on social media as photos of destruction and injured people in Syria’s Aleppo, the Egyptian Interior Ministry said on Monday."  - Source:  al-Manar

How Neocon Propaganda Is Used To Manipulate, Invade & Overthrow Governments
Those Who Carry The Water For Empire:  Neoliberalcons -- A quote...."On December 17th, the neoconservative ‘liberal’ American ‘news’ site “The Daily Beast,” headlined one of their typical rabidly anti-Russia ‘news’ reports, “How to Really Punish Russia for Hacking: We must respond to Russia’s hacking—but any response risks escalation.”

New York Times on “Aleppo’s Destroyers”: All the Fake News That’s Fit To Print
NYSlime:  AIPAC'ing & PNAC'ing All The Time -- A quote...."The New York Times has been leading the charge against “fake news.” Yet its own reporting and editorial positions are often as one-sided, distorted, or downright mendacious as the worst of the pseudo-alternative websites. The Times’ coverage of wars, especially those of strategic import for the US and/or Israel (not necessarily in that order) is a particularly fertile field of fake news flummery." - Source:  VeteransToday

Barack Obama – First The Nobel Peace Prize Winner Who’s Bombed 7 Countries
Another First For The "Peace-Prize" Bathhouse Butt-Boy -- A quote...."Here’s a look at these seven countries and the effects of bombing...."

Obama's Russia Remarks at Final Presser Cement Legacy of Stupidity in Foreign Policy
Butt-Boy Opens His Hole Again - (Whatever goes in it, or comes out of it, is equally bad.  That applies to both ends of him.  Considering the noxious toxicity which spews from either end, it really is hard to tell which - mpg) -- A quote...."At his final end of the year press conference before departing on his final taxpayer-paid Hawaiian vacation, Barack Obama decided to repeat a laundry list of ignorant, factually incorrect statements about Russia as the icing on the cake of his 8 years of disastrous foreign policy."

US Press Silent as Syria Presents Evidence of US-Backed Rebels Using Mustard Gas on Civilians
A quote...."Syria — Amid a blackout by U.S. corporate media — who are now unironically waging a war against ‘fake news’ — Syria handed over evidence to an international watchdog organization reportedly proving rebels used chemical weapons against civilians."

After Aleppo: The US Needs a New Syria Policy
A quote...."Over the past week, eastern Aleppo was completely brought back under control of the Syrian government. The population began to return to its homes, many of which were abandoned when al-Qaeda-linked rebels took over in 2012. As far as I know, the western mainstream media did not have a single reporter on the ground in Aleppo, but relied on “activists” to inform us that the Syrian army was massacring the civilian population. It hardly makes sense for an army to fight and defeat armed rebels just so it can go in and murder unarmed civilians, but then again not much mainstream reporting on the tragedy in Syria has made sense."

UK Must Look In Mirror Instead of Accusing Iran: Foreign Ministry
A quote...."Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi says the United Kingdom needs to take a retrospective look at its past destructive actions in the Middle East, instead of accusing Iran of sabotage in the region."

IFJ Demands Investigation of Attack on RIA Novosti Office in Kiev - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is outraged over the recent attack on the RIA Novosti office in Kiev and demands immediate investigation of the incident, IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger said on Tuesday."
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The All Out War On "The Real", & The Entire "Reality Based Community", Is ON!!!....

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you....then you win."

Fake News: The Intensification of Information Warfare
Must Listen BFP-NBVideo - (BFP-NBYuTb - 42min02sec - Dec 19, 2016) - Source:  Newsbud Videos - NewsbudCom - NewsBudDonations - BFP Spot Light - BoilingFrogsPost - Guest Websites:  SE@JustACitizen - Classified Woman & CR@YuTb CorbettRpt -- A quote...."In this week’s Newsbud Roundtable Spiro Skouras is joined by Newsbud Founder Sibel Edmonds, James Corbett of and Senior Producer at Newsbud Kurt Nimmo to discuss Nimmo’s recent exclusive article for Newsbud titled: ‘PropOrNot: Evidence of a CIA Psychological Operation’. We take a look at the war on free speech, the information war that is in full swing and much more."

The Media Are Misleading the Public on Syria
Must Read - A quote...."COVERAGE OF the Syrian war will be remembered as one of the most shameful episodes in the history of the American press. Reporting about carnage in the ancient city of Aleppo is the latest reason why. - For three years, violent militants have run Aleppo. Their rule began with a wave of repression. They posted notices warning residents: “Don’t send your children to school. If you do, we will get the backpack and you will get the coffin.” Then they destroyed factories, hoping that unemployed workers would have no recourse other than to become fighters. They trucked looted machinery to Turkey and sold it. - This month, people in Aleppo have finally seen glimmers of hope. The Syrian army and its allies have been pushing militants out of the city. Last week they reclaimed the main power plant. Regular electricity may soon be restored. The militants’ hold on the city could be ending." - also posted at RussiaInsider.....see comment shown below.....
"This is interesting.  The Boston Globe was owned by the New York Times, but sold it to a Boston billionaire 3 years ago.  So now it is free to tell the truth on a few things." -- *Russia Insider*
Syria - Killing Journos Enabled "Media Activist" Domination - Intended Effect?
War On Alt-Media.....For Real? - Must Read - A quote...."As pointed out yesterday, a recent tweet series by Club des Cordeliers made some interesting observation about the #StandWithAleppo propaganda campaign...."
"The "Stand with Aleppo" campaign in the U.S. was started and is propelled by a Democratic party operative who is also CEO of a public relations company and "strategic affairs consultant" in Chicago, Becky Carroll."
"The Cordeliere made some additional remarks on anti-Syria propaganda. These about the U.S. directed Information Warfare campaign from inside Syria. This leads me to the thoughts below about the U.S. waged Unconventional Warfare in Syria and how it may be responsible for the elimination of "neutral" journalists on the ground."

Reality Check: 5 Problems with CIA Claim That Russia Hacked DNC/Podesta emails
RCVideoRC/YuTb - (RCYuTb - 4min43sec - Dec 16, 2016) - Source:  RC-BenSwan@YuTb - BenSwan - RC@Fox19 -- A quote...."Reality Check: 5 Problems with CIA Claim That Russia Hacked DNC/Podesta emails... this is a Reality Check you won't see anywhere else."

CBS News Caught Lying And Slandering WeAreChange and Free Speech
CBS - (Corporate Bull Sh*t) - A quote...."The mainstream media has yet again been caught doing lazy journalism with their recent attack on alternative media and free speech with another hit piece this morning. This is not the only problem this independent news organization faces as WeAreChange was just issued a legal notice from our ad company about being labeled fake news with a verified sourced documented article."

Guardian front page channels Orwell’s 1984
The Garbagian & Their Love Of Orwellian Methods - A quote...."Reading the “liberal” press has become a truly Orwellian experience. What was true yesterday is a lie today. What was black today will be white tomorrow. Two reports on today’s front page of the Guardian could easily be savage satire straight from the pages of the novel 1984."

Facebook’s ‘Anti-Fake News’ Plan Looks Like Effort to Curb Alternative Media
F.B.'s "Anti-Fake News" Plan - A quote...."There are serious concerns over a social media giant’s plans to debunk spurious news stories. And many are puzzled about the real agenda at play. - You don’t need to worship at the altar of George Orwell to see where this is going. Under tremendous assault from the American establishment media over the proliferation of what they define as ’fake news’ on the platform, internet behemoth Facebook has finally caved in and agreed to regulate content. While, in principle, the concept sounds relatively noble, the manner in which it’s proposed to implement it merits many questions." - Source:  RT

Echoes of Russia: Obama Calls for Silencing “Domestic Propagandists” And Alternative Media
Butt-Boy's "Pro-Corp News" Plan - A quote...."The war on alternative media intensified today when Obama blamed talk radio and other “domestic propagandists” for the rise of “fake news.” - “If fake news that’s being released by some foreign government is almost identical to reports that are being issued through partisan news venues, then it’s not surprising that that foreign propaganda will have a greater effect,” Obama said. “It doesn’t seem that farfetched compared to some of the other stuff folks are hearing from domestic propagandists.”"

Obama Seeks to Tie Trump’s Hands, Imposes More Sanctions on Russia
Butt-Boy's "Tie Tump's Hands" Plan - A quote...."The Obama administration leaves office with a sting in its tail, announcing more sanctions against Russia over Crimea and the war in the Donbass." - Source:  Duran

Russia-Hack Story, Another Media Failure
A quote...."President Obama admitted in his press conference on Friday that his government hasn’t released any evidence yet of Russian interference in the election, but he said some would be coming. - That’s proof that an uncritical press has already printed stories as if true without any evidence just on the say-so of the Central Intelligence Agency, an organization long dedicated to deception, disinformation and meddling in other countries’ elections, not to mention arranging coups to overthrow elected governments." - Source:  ConsortiumNews
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia & C.I.S. States.

A Voice In The Wilderness?
Must Read - A quote...." In 2007, Vladimir Putin spoke at the 43rd Munich Conference on Security Policy. Far from being a diatribe, Mister Putin spoke eloquently and without the bluster that we tend to expect from political leaders. - He began by stressing the need for all countries to benefit within the global economy, overcoming poverty, maintaining economic security and developing an ongoing dialogue. He then addressed the increasing threat of warfare in the world, quoting American President Franklin Roosevelt as having said, “When peace has been broken anywhere, the peace of all countries everywhere is in danger.” - He warned against a “unipolar” world and aspirations of world supremacy by a single uber-government, saying...." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Bullhorns: Blaming Putin (CrossTalk)
CTRTVideo - CT/BlamingPutin@RT - CT/BlamingPutin/Mp4 - (CTRTYuTb - 24min09sec - Dec 19, 2016) - Source:  CT@YuTb - CT@SndCld - CrossTalk@RT - RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."The West’s political and media elites are obsessed with Russia. Blaming Russia and its president Vladimir Putin is now a default position explaining the world’s woes. How did it come to this? - CrossTalking with Dmitry Babich, Geoffrey Roberts, and Alexander Mercouris."

Looting of Ukraine's Privatbank Is Like Rats Fleeing a Sinking Ship
A quote...."The Ukrainian government announced on Monday that it was taking over ownership of the country's largest lender, the now ironically named Privatbank, at the request of the bank's board after they announced they could not meet their obligations to depositors."

Ukraine [Kiev Regime] Nationalises its Biggest Bank Amidst Talk of Financial Crisis & Conflict Between Oligarchs
A quote...."Ukraine nationalises its biggest bank following allegations of a $5.5 billion hole in its accounts and talk of a bank run, with signs linking it to a strike against Igor Kolomoisky, one of Ukraine's richest oligarchs and a political rival of Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko."

Ukrainian Army [Kiev Regime Forces] Carrying Out Massed Attacks Against Donbass Militia Positions
A quote...."The Ukrainian army [Kiev regime forces] has carried out near-simultaneous strikes on over half a dozen positions across eastern Ukraine's self-proclaimed Lugansk People's Republic, breaking the shaky ceasefire deal, RIA Novosti news agency reports, citing the press service of the LPR's People's Militia."

Sudden Ukrainian [Kiev Regime] Offensive in Lugansk Ends in Heavy Losses, Retreat
A quote...."Since yesterday evening, reports have been incoming from the frontline in Lugansk that the Ukrainians [Kiev regime mercenaries] have violated the Minsk Agreements for the nth time, this time shelling militia positions with artillery and attempting an offensive on the Uglegorsk and Debaltsevo fronts in the Lugansk People’s Republic."

Soldiers Massively Desert from Ukrainian Army [Kiev Regime Forces]
A quote...."According to the official website of the military attorney department of the western region of Ukraine, more than 400 ‘motivated’ soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces escaped from Ukrainian army units only in the west of the country."
10,000 people participate in Solidarity Day rally held in central Donetsk
A quote...."Over ten thousand residents of Donbass participated in a rally held in Donetsk city-centre on International Solidarity Day. - The event was attended by the acting head of Donetsk City Council Aleksey Kulemzin, the first deputy head of Donetsk Republic movement's Central Executive Committee Andrey Kramar and Trade Unions Federation's Chairman Maksim Parshin."

About 100 Christmas Tree Bazaars Opened in Donetsk City in Advance of New Year Holidays
A quote...."The Donetsk authorities have opened about 100 Christmas Tree Bazaars in all districts of the city in advance of New Year holidays, the capital administration’s press-office reports."

Donbass Development Center activists hand warm clothes and shoes to needy families from front-line Yasinovataya
A quote...."Two hundred and fifty needy families from the front-line locality of Yasinovataya have received humanitarian aid from the activists of the Donbass Development Center today. Winter sets comprise shoes, warm clothes, electric heaters and also personal hygiene means."

"About 20 enterprises of the agricultural, food & light industries have taken part in the exhibition held in Donets"
A quote...."The department’s head highlighted that a roundtable discussion devoted to prospects for collaboration between the representatives of the LPR and of the Rostov region had taken place as part of the travelling exhibition.
Duplenko added that the LPR Federation of Trade Unions and Cultural Industry and Foodstuff Ministry had rendered assistance in organizing the trip and in attracting participants of the exhibition."

Over thousand DPR students receive Russian GradCerts in 2016
A quote...."Donetsk, Dec 10 – DAN. Over thousand DPR students received Russian graduate certificates (Russian equivalent to bachelor’s degree or master’s degree level), the minister of education and science Larisa Polyakova told DAN."
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Assassinated Ambassador: The Atlanticist War on Turkey and Russia is Not Over
A quote...."Yesterday, the shocking news came that Russia’s ambassador to Turkey, Andrey Karlov, was murdered. First of all, I would like to express sincere condolences to the family and friends of the murdered diplomat and all of the diplomatic corps of Russia. All of Russia has lost someone, as Andrey Karlov was killed for Russia’s interests and became a hostage of the very fragile alliance between Russia and Turkey."

Assassination of Moscow’s Envoy Aimed at Ruining Turkey-Russia ties: Erdogan, Putin
A quote...."Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan says both he and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin agree that the assassination of Moscow's envoy to Ankara was an act of provocation by those seeking to ruin relations between both countries."

West Directed Killer’s Hand in Assassination of Russian Ambassador
A quote...."The brutal slaying of Russian ambassador Andrey Karlov in Ankara sent shockwaves around the world. Condemnations were issued by Washington and European states of the act of terrorism by a gunman who shot Karlov in the back while he was speaking at a photo gallery in the Turkish capital." - Source:  StratCultFndtn

A Few Initial Short Thoughts on the Murder of the Russian Ambassador to Ankara
A quote...."I see absolutely no imaginable reason why Erdogan would want the Russian Ambassador murdered in Ankara, but I can easily imagine a long list of reasons why he would not want that to happen at all.  Some will correctly say that the fall of Aleppo is a humiliating defeat for Turkey and Erdogan, and I agree.  But I would remind everybody that Erdogan clearly had a deal going with the Russians and the Iranians when he moved his forces across the border and occupied northern Syria. There is *no way* he would have risked such a move against the will of Moscow and Tehran.  So what was this deal?  We will probably never know, but it clearly included a provision which limited Turkey’s actions to a narrow strip in the north." - Source:  TheSacker

Turkish Pro-Government Media Blames US, CIA For Assassination Of Russian Ambassador
A quote...."Following yesterday's Ankara tragedy in which a 22-year-old Turkish off-duty police officers assassinated the Russian ambassador, Turkey found itself in a scapegoat vacuum, having nobody to blame: after all, following this summer's failed "coup", Erdogan allegedly purged all forces who were hostile to his administration, which would suggest the police officer was one of "Erdogan's people." That however quickly changed when this morning Turkey's pro-government media outlets and journalists promptly cast the blame for the cold-blooded murder on the US, and the faith-based Gulen movement whose cleric Fetullah Gulen has been granted refuge in rural Pennsylvania, for the murder of the Russian ambassador to Turkey by a police officer on Monday evening. "
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The ISIS Gambit - The US-NRE's Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....& The Kurds....

Sabotage Of East-Aleppo Evacuation Is Part Of A Plan
Must Read - A quote...."The removal of defeated al-Qaeda fighters and their families from east-Aleppo has been on and off for several days now. - The agreement between Turkey and Russia on which the evacuation is based stipulates the parallel evacuation of wounded people from the al-Qaeda besieged Shiite village Fu'a and Kafraya in Idleb province. Note that neither the U.S. nor the (partisan) UN were involved in these negotiations. - The process was interrupted on Friday after al-Qaeda fighters in east-Aleppo opened fire on evacuating civilians. In parallel buses moving into Fu'a and Kafraya to evacuate the wounded were held up by al-Qaeda aligned groups in the area. Opposition claims that Hizbullah fighters was killing people that were evacuating from east-Aleppo were, according to a BBC producer, lies."

‘The People of Aleppo Are Alive’: Breathing Life Back Into Ruined City - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Must View RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 4min49sec -  Dec 19, 2016) - Source:  RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."Two weeks since the liberation of the Alshaar neighborhood in eastern Aleppo by the Syrian army, life is gradually resuming its course. More locals are returning to breathe life into devastated streets as heavy machinery clears the rubble."

Joyful Syrians Gather for Christmas Ceremonies in West Aleppo - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Hundreds of people have gathered in the western quarter of Aleppo to light up a sparkling and gigantic Christmas tree as they begin to get back to normal life in the embattled city, which has recently been liberated from the grip of Takfiri militants."
Hagee's Hordes  are probably fuming that there's still some true Christians left alive in Aleppo.  They're probably even more angry that their faith wasn't totally destroyed by Israel's ISIS minions and that they've got the unmitigated gall to STILL celebrate Christmas! - mpg
OSCE, UN Reports on Syria Biased, Serve Interests of US – Former OSCE Official
A quote...."The evaluation of the situation in Syria, including in the city of Aleppo, by such international institutions as the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the United Nations is biased and serves the interests of the United States, the former vice president of the OSCE's Parliamentary Assembly told Sputnik Monday."

Kurdish YPG Forces Liberate 54 Villages From ISIS In Province Of Raqqah
A quote...."Kurdish YPG forces (also known in the mainstream media as the so-called “Syrian Democratic Forces”) have captured some 54 villages from ISIS terrorists in the Syrian province of Raqqah, according to pro-Kurdish sources."
Syria Officially Reveals Data About Foreign Intelligence Officers In Aleppo - SF $ Rq - [Click Here]
SFVideo - Alt - (SFYuTb - 1min11sec - Dec 19, 2016) - SF@YuTb - SouthFrontOrg

SWR – Dec 19, 2016: Syrian Army Calls Tens Of Thousands Of Reserve Soldiers - SF $ Rq - [Click Here]
SFVideo - Alt - (SFYuTb - 3min31sec - Dec 19, 2016) - SF@YuTb - SouthFrontOrg -- A quote...."Government buses en route to evacuate the sick and injured from two government-held villages in the province of Idlib were burned by the so-called “moderate opposition” on December 18. The villages of Foah and Kefraya are encircled by a coalition of militant groups led by Jabhat Fatah al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda). The Aleppo evacuation agreement included the demand to militants to allow people to evacuate from these villages. However, all buses sent for this were attacked and torched. The so-called “opposition” denied this fact despite video and photo evidence confirming that its fighters were involved in the crime. Some Turkish media even reported that “Shia militias” and “pro-Assad terrorist groups” burned the buses."

SWR – Dec 20, 2016: What Is Syrian Army Going To Do Now? - SF $ Rq - [Click Here]
SFVideo - Alt - (SFYuTb - 3min34sec - Dec 20, 2016) - SF@YuTb - SouthFrontOrg -- A quote...."Now, when the city of Aleppo is under the control of the Syrian army, various media outlets and analysts are discussing where pro-government forces is going to deliver their next attack against militant groups. Some claim that the Syrian army and its allies will rapidly and effectively deliver a series of wide-scale military operations against al-Qaeda linked militants and take control of significant areas in the provinces of Aleppo and Idlib."
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, North & Central Africa & Others.

In Photos: Relieved from Islamic State, Nineveh plain adorned with crosses, Christmas trees - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Erbil ( Photos published by Alsumaria News have shown Christian popular militias, The Nineveh Plain Protection Units, adorning the streets of Hamadaniya, on Wednesday, with Christmas trees and crosses preparing for new year celebrations."
WOW!  First the Christians in Aleppo Syria, and now the Christians in Nineveh Iraq.  Hagee's Hordes must be absolutely, totally, incandescent with rage! - mpg
Iraqi Forces Conduct Special Operations against ISIS Commanders
A quote...."Movings of ISIS leaders in the western parts of Tal Afar city were monitored by special units of Hashd al-Shaabi during several weeks of intelligence operations, after which terrorists were killed in surprise attacks. Fighters of the Iraqi popular forces managed to infiltrate hideouts of terrorists in the northern part of al-Sharia village and kill ISIS commanders without being noticed. After the operation, Hashd al-Shaabi units safely left the terrorists’ den."
Bahraini court summons top cleric Sheikh Isa Qassim
A quote...."Regime forces in Bahrain have handed a warrant to prominent cleric Sheikh Isa Qassim to appear in court, after clashing with his supporters."

British Cluster Bombs Used in Saudi Arabia’s Yemen Campaign, Research Finds
A quote...."Despite strenuous denials, UK-made cluster bombs are indeed being used by Britain’s theocratic ally Saudi Arabia in its war on impoverished Yemen, according to the government’s own inquiries. - The new details have emerged through a leak to the Guardian from sources which claim that internal investigations support claims in the media that the outlawed munitions are in use."

Saudi Arabia Admits to Using Illegal UK Cluster Bombs in Yemen
A quote...."Saudi Arabia admitted Monday it used illegal U.K.-made cluster bombs in Yemen as the Gulf state continues its aggressive air campaign there, backed with the help of arms sales from Western governments."

Children bearing brunt of Yemen’s war-torn health system: NGO

A quote...."An international NGO promoting the rights of children says Yemen’s health system is on the verge of breaking apart, with some eight million kids in need of basic healthcare amid a deadly Saudi war on the impoverished nation."
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More On The Weaponization, Ethno-Engineering & Forced Migration / Refugee Invasion....

ISIS Sets $1mn Reward for Killing Danish Girl who Fought with Kurds, Denmark Sends her to the Jail
Must Read - (For the OUTRAGE!!) -- A quote...."ISIS media said on Saturday the extremist group had set a one million dollar reward for killing a Danish student who dropped out of school in 2014 to fight the group as part of Kurdish forces. - Joanna Palani, 23, who has Iranian and Kurdish origins, is now facing six months in prison and had her passport confiscated upon her return home last year for breaking national laws preventing citizens from fighting for foreign countries."

Blood On Her Hands:  Angela Merkel's Germany Cowering In Fear As Muslims 'Christmas Killer" Still Loose
A quote...."EDITOR’S NOTE: Angela Merkel, against the wishes of a majority of Germans, flooded her country with  over a million un-vetted Muslim migrants. In doing so, she laid the framework for endless, internal terror attacks at the hands of Muslim terrorists. Her call yesterday for Germans to “remain calm and not be afraid” is both disingenuous and disgusting. By not protecting her own people, she is the one who has made them afraid, she is the one who is responsible for yesterday’s Islamic terror attack. Angela Merkel muss weg. "

Why Does Germany Silence The Crimes Committed By Migrants?
A quote...."The number of crimes committed by foreigners, illegal migrants first and foremost, has increased dramatically during the recent two years in Germany. According to the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), migrants committed more than 200,000 offenses in 2015. This amount is 80% higher than in the previous year."

‘Just Ridiculous’ -- Nativity Scene Removed Over Fears it Will Offend Town’s FOUR Muslims
A quote...."A NATIVITY scene has been ‘banned’ in case it offends one of the FOUR Muslims living in a Belgian town. - Town chiefs allegedly refused to include a traditional festive display in Holsbeek, Belgium over fears it could upset a member of the minuscule Muslim population. - Traditionally locals put a Christmas tree and a model of baby Jesus in a manger in the centre of the town. - But locals were outraged after politicians decided it would offend."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere...

Israel’s ‘charity’ Only Leads To Further Annexation
Another Euro-Kharzarian Faux Charity - A quote...."(RINF) – At first glance, it looked like a generous promotional stunt by Israel to aid the Palestinians’ struggling tourism industry. Israeli military authorities published this month a video on social media publicising Palestinian attractions in the West Bank."

Israel Slammed Over Hampering Repairs on Key Gaza Power Line
"Rural Electrification" - Euro-Kharzarian Style - (Applies to Non-"Jews" only) - A quote...."The Gaza Electricity Distribution Company (GEDCO) has criticized the Israeli regime over stalling repairs on one of the main power lines in the impoverished Palestinian coastal enclave, arguing that the holdup has exacerbated the already dire living conditions in the besieged territory."

Israel Closes Main Road to Jerusalem-Area [Hizma] Village For 6th Consecutive Day
"Highway Program" - Euro-Kharzarian Style - (Applies to Non-"Jews" only) - A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) -- The mayor of Hizma in the Jerusalem district of the occupied West Bank told Ma’an on Sunday that the economic situation of the village had seriously deteriorated, as Israel has continued to enforce a closure on Hizma’s main entrance for the sixth day in a row."

In West Bank, Israel “replacing one land theft by another”
If At First You Don't Succeed....Steal, Steal, Steal, Again -- A quote...."Christmas Day is the court-ordered deadline to evacuate around 330 settlers from the Amona outpost. The colony is built on the farmland of Palestinian families who still live nearby, north of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank. - Eighty-year-old Maryam Hamad, who lives in the neighboring Palestinian village of Silwad, owns six acres there, where she once cultivated wheat." - See quote posted below.....
"If they "steal your property" and you make a fuss sufficient that you get it back, a Euro-Kazarian isn't chastened by that fact, he doesn't fell guilty that he was "caught", he doesn't just "give-up" and except what he considers YOUR irrational values. After all, he knows that property you're sitting on is rightfully his!"

"He doesn't feel he "cheated" or "tricked" you.  These concepts imply equality of position, and of a level playing field, concepts which simply cannot even exist within his mental framework."

"He'll just feel he hasn't bribed or blackmailed enough judges, or legislators, or produced enough advertising, or enacted enough laws to promote his agenda." -- *Principals:  A Concept That Cannot Even Be Imagined By Some - 04-27-15 - mpg*
The Month in Pictures: November 2016
Photo Gallery - A quote...."Seventy-three Palestinians, including 21 children, and eight Israelis, including a girl, have been killed during actual and alleged attacks carried out in the West Bank so far this year, according to the United Nations monitoring group OCHA.
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Greek Tragedy & Others -- The Criminal Acts / Destruction / of the Banksters....

"Demonetization Has Achieved Nothing" - India's Rapidly Plunging Toward A Police State
"India....The New Greece" -- A quote...."India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, announced on 8th November 2016 that Rs 500 (~$7.50) and Rs 1,000 (~$15) banknotes would no longer be legal tender. Linked are Part-I, Part-II, Part-III, Part-IV, and Part-V, which provide updates on the demonetization saga and how Modi is acting as a catalyst to hasten the rapid degradation of India and what remains of its institutions." - Source:  ActingMan

SPAIN: Cash Transaction BANS Above $1,080 Are Now in Effect
War on Cash - A quote...."El Mundo reports Spain is outlawing all cash transactions over 1,000 euros (about $1,080)."

Venezuelan government backs off of demonetization scheme after mass rioting
War on Cash....FAIL -- A quote...."The Venezuelan government of President Nicolas Maduro has been forced to back down on its catastrophically bungled plan to abruptly withdraw 100 bolivar notes from the economy after the measure touched off violent protests over the weekend that left four people dead and hundreds wounded and hundreds more arrested."

Homeless Seize Former Irish Gov't Building as Emergency Shelter
A quote...."A former government building due to be demolished in Dublin, Ireland has been taken over by a group of homeless people and activists to provide emergency shelter to the city’s growing homeless population. "

Brazilian President Temer Signs Constitutional Amendment Imposing 20 Years of Austerity
Neoliberalcons' Brazilian Bankster Coup = Twenty Years Of Austerity -- A quote...."Rousseff was ousted to shift economic policy towards neoliberalism, and now Temer is rewarding the banks and financial investors for backing the legislative coup, says SOAS Professor Alfredo Saad-Filho "
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

Russia Reserves Right to Respond Asymmetrically to US Sanctions — Ryabkov - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."MOSCOW, December 20./TASS/. Moscow reserves the right to choose the time, venue and form of counter-moves to US sanctions, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov told Tass Tuesday in comments on the US’ expanding its sanction list against Russia."

Obama Pouts at Putin's Support as Media's Anti-Russian Propaganda Campaign Backfires (Video)
A quote...."Solid evidence has now emerged that the American public - and particularly the segment of the public that elected Donald Trump the nation's 45th president, have rejected the the barrage of fake news Russophobic propaganda being pumped out by the failing mainstream media."

Cargo shipments from Europe to China by Russian high speed railroad to take two days
A quote...."MOSCOW, December 20. /TASS/. Cargo transit shipments from Europe to China by Russian high-speed railway will take two days instead of 60 days by sea, President of Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov said speaking at a meeting of the United Russia faction."

TurkStream agreement approved by Russia
A quote...."In a press release issued on the cabinet's website, Russia announced that it has approved a draft legislation that will allow Russia to ratify its agreement with Turkey on the TurkStream natural gas pipeline project."

Chinese special forces seek anti-terror training in Chechnya
A quote...."China has requested the Russian government to allow its special forces to be trained in anti-terror measures at a private institute in Chechnya. - The Security Council of Russia and the Russian Foreign Ministry are studying the proposal, Daniil Martynov, head of the privately run Chechen International Special Forces Training Center in Gudermes said."

Thailand, China in talks over military cooperation: Thai official
A quote...."A Thai official says his country is negotiating with China to have joint military production facilities set up in Thailand. - In a visit to Beijing last week, Thai Defense Minister Prawit Wongsuwan held talks with his Chinese counterpart Chang Wanquan about the issue, according to Thai Defense Ministry spokesman Kongcheep Tantravanich."

Serbia to negotiate purchase of Russian Buk anti-aircraft missile systems
A quote...."MOSCOW, December 19. /TASS/. Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said on Monday he plans to discuss purchase of Russian Buk anti-aircraft missile systems when he will be paying a visit to Russia."

Russia sells $14 billion worth of military hardware in 2016
A quote...."MOSCOW, December 19. /TASS/. Russia in 2016 sold approximately $14 billion worth of weapons and other military hardware, Russian presidential aide Vladimir Kozhin said on Monday, adding that work on some contracts was still continuing."

Russia to launch ten missile attack warning satellites by 2020
A quote...."MOSCOW, December 20. /TASS/. Russia’s Aerospace Force plans to commission about ten new satellites and build five radars to upgrade the missile attack warning system by 2020, the Aerospace Force’s first deputy commander, Pavel Kurachenko, said on Tuesday."

Putin Signs Law Ratifying Visa-Free Border Crossing Expansion With Norway
A quote...."The amendments to the existing protocol provide for a visa-free entry for Russian citizens to visit places in the Norwegian village of Neiden, related to the liberation of Northern Norway from the Nazi invaders in 1944 by the Soviet Army."

Russia-Iran Partnership Stronger Than Ever. Is Not Going Anywhere Regardless of What Trump Decides
A quote...."Trump said he would give improving Russia relations a shot but was hardline on Iran throughout the campaign (albeit being careful not to comit himself to tearing up the nuclear deal). - Is he going to pursue a warming with Russia, while ratcheting up hostility towards Iran? If so will he try to convince Moscow to join him? It's possible."

Germany 'Forced' to Keep Paying Russian Air Haulers to Fly Its Military Hardware to Afghanistan
A quote...."Russian commercial air haulers operate giant transport planes. German military does not. -- Yet Germany has for the past 15 years taken part in the occupation of Afghanistan requiring the German military to transport tons of cargo half way across the globe. Its Airbus A400 is not up to the task. It has neither loading capacity nor the range."

China returns US drone seized in disputed waters
A quote...."China says it has returned a US underwater drone it intercepted in the South China Sea last week amid growing tensions between the two countries over their military build-up in the region."

Alex Jones Goes on Russian TV (Live Stream)
A quote...."The program with Alex Jones has ended. - Alex Jones appeared as a special guest on Tsargrad TV at 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm GMT+3 Moscow on Tuesday, Dec 20, 2016 from the Infowars studio in Austin, TX. - Tsargrad is a privately owned Russian media company with a television broadcast channel based in Moscow, as well as a presence online and a YouTube channel. They are conservative and carry programming and articles that cover news, politics, Christianity, economics, and culture." -- "Click here for the live feed"

A Christian Christmas in Snowy Iran
A quote...."Yep. That's Iran. Tehran, Iran. The Hub of Human Evil. According to  the American mass media, anyway. Snowy Tehran on a peaceful winter day. Makes you think of Boulder, don't it? Surrounded by snow-covered mountains? Those are the Alborz Mountains. And they are higher than the Rockies. They are the highest peaks in Asia west of the Himalayas, in fact - with skiing on the upper slopes all year round."

Winter Snows In Iran
Related Photos - Google Images

30 Beautiful Photos of Iran - as British Airways Resumes Flights to Tehran
Relax Time - Photo Gallery - A quote...."Iran is expected to experience a tourism boom. Visitors may be surprised to discover the riches the country has to offer, including ancient ruins, pristine beaches and popular ski resorts. Iran made it on to the top destination lists of major publications such as The Financial Times and The Guardian in 2015 thanks to sights that include 2,500-year-old ruins at Persepolis near Shiraz and 16th-century Islamic architectural gems in Isfahan."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

Commandos Without Borders: The US's Elite Troops Partner With African Forces but Pursue US Aims
A quote...."[T]errorists, criminals, and non-state actors aren't bound by arbitrary borders," the commander of Special Operations Command Africa (SOCAFRICA) told an interviewer early this fall. "That said, everything we do is not organized around recognizing traditional borders. In fact, our whole command philosophy is about enabling cross-border solutions, implementing multi-national, collective actions and empowering African partner nations to work across borders to solve problems using a regional approach."
The only problem is....exactly WHO are the terrorist criminals?? 

The GCC Parasitical Families' Wahhabist indoctrinated, US-NRE sponsored and trained pseudo-gangs?

Or those who use these gangs in a deliberately planned, geopolitically infectious spread across Africa, as an obvious, manufactured, and childishly implausible excuse, to invade, terrorize, and spread even more death and destruction amongst the soon to be shattered nation states on that beleaguered continent? - mpg

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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

Google Sued By Employee For Illegally Muzzling Workers
A quote...."A lawsuit has been filed against Google by one of its employees, alleging the company's policies improperly muzzle workers. The suit, posted on the website of the plaintiff's lawyer, challenges the legality of Google’s policies and seeks damages for 12 alleged violations of California labor code under the state’s Private Attorneys General Act. The case was filed by Google product manager identified only as “John Doe,” who says he was falsely accused by a Google manager of ‘‘leaking” information to the press."
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Domestic Politics, New Roman Empire Style....

The VERY Dangerous, Dirty, Political Game...Continues....

Russophobia and Sinophobia – Pepe Escobar
Must Read - A quote...."It’s by now crystal clear the coup-in-progress against Donald Trump is a made in USA regime change op using standard hybrid war techniques such as manipulation of public opinion by mainstream media. -- The coup has been articulated by the usual suspects, from neocons to neoliberalcons, “humanitarian” imperialists included, with a special starring role for their pet agency, the CIA, which during the Bush-Obama continuum further specialized in fake “intelligence”. -- And yet the whole “Russia hacked our freedoms” narrative was thoroughly debunked by former UK diplomat and close WikiLeaks contributor Craig Murray; he even knows where the leak – not hack – came from. -- Adding (infantile) insult to (juvenile) injury, Queen of War cum sore loser Hillary Clinton, at a private donor event, blamed it all on a President Putin vendetta." - Source:  Sputnik

On Russia’s Stealing the White House
A quote...."The current hysteria in the United States over allegations that Russia stole the American election to put its man, Donald Trump, in the White House would be hilarious if powerful people in the U.S. government and the mainstream media did not appear to take this scenario seriously."

The Bad Losers (And What They Fear Losing)
A quote...."Paris – If the 2016 presidential campaign was a national disgrace, the reaction of the losers is an even more disgraceful spectacle. It seems that the political machine backing Hillary Clinton can’t stand losing an election. -- And why is that? -- Because they are determined to impose “exceptional” America’s hegemony on the entire world, using military-backed regime changes, and Donald Trump seems poised to spoil their plans.  The entire Western establishment, roughly composed of neoconservative ideologues, liberal interventionists, financial powers, NATO, mainstream media and politicians in both the United States and Western Europe, committed to remaking the Middle East to suit Israel and Saudi Arabia and to shattering impertinent Russia, have been thrown into an hysterical panic at the prospect of their joint globalization project being sabotaged by in ignorant intruder." - Source:  CounterPunch

6 Republicans Who Took Secret Payments From Clinton To Destroy Trump (All-New Wiki Leak)
They Can Run, But They Can't Hide - (Bad boys, bad boys, what'cha gonna do?  What'cha gonna do when we come for YOU!) -- A quote...."Every day, the job of President-Elect seems to become more danger-filled for Donald Trump. It can honestly be said that it looks like the entire establishment is out to destroy his presidency before it even gets off the ground. As we have said for months, all signs are pointing to Hillary Clinton working behind the scenes to further this coup."

BREAKING: GA, KY, WV Confirm They Suspect Obama’s DHS Hacked Their Election Networks [VIDEO]
But…But…But…The Russians? - A quote...."This is pretty scary stuff. A federal government agency run by an Obama crony attempting to penetrate the firewall of a State agency tasked with overseeing the elections? What conceivable reason could Obama’s DHS have for hacking the Georgia Sec of State’s office after the election?

Donald Trump Seals Electoral College Victory, Officially Becomes 45th US President
BREAKING:  Dec 19, 2016 5:32 PM -- A quote...."It's finally over: [No it's not!! Don't think that for a moment!! - mpg] Donald Trump has secured 304 Electoral Votes following the Texas vote (with 2 faithless electors), officially securing the presidency of the United States.  Of course, the now official President-Elect Trump took to twitter to confirm the victory...."
"We did it! Thank you to all of my great supporters, we just officially won the election (despite all of the distorted and inaccurate media)." -- *Donald J. Trump* (@realDonaldTrump) December 19, 2016"
"Texas' 36 electoral votes for Trump pushed him over the edge at around 4:30 Central Time, even though two rogue electors' defections deprived Trump of one of those votes. That gave Trump 304 total electoral votes."

Trump Sweeps 304 of 306 GOP Electors, Hillary Loses 5
Related Article - A quote...." It’s all over but the postmortems. The campaign to dump Trump fizzled. The only surprise was Hillary losing five elector votes. - Commenting on why he rejected her, Hawaii Democrat elector said “(t)hey can call me faithless, but the point is if we don’t think someone’s qualified - and Hillary Clinton I do not feel is qualified.” - Four Washington state Democrat electors dumped her. Three others in Colorado, Maine and Minnesota unsuccessfully tried switching their votes from her."

NYT Ex Post Facto Electoral College Opposition
Related Article - A quote...." In the wake of Trump’s  unexpected triumph over Hillary, Times editors urged ending the Electoral College. Arguing its merits or demerits should be considered separately from the election’s outcome. -- What’s really needed is ending America’s money-controlled system. The Electoral College is a peripheral issue. The Constitution’s Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 states...."
[Ex-] President Obama and The Punishment
Butt-Boy Learns Nothing....Again - A quote...."President Obama’s latest analysis of what went wrong - as to date all the other analyses from the Democrats have been debunked, Russian hacks and all - is that Hillary failed to campaign in swing states, leaving them easy pickings for Donald Trump to pick these states up. --  Seriously speaking, in spite of [the fact] that every source on this planet said Donald would lose Big Time?"
"So far every narrative failed, from trying to switch electors into Clinton’s pockets to blaming the Russians for the five other nations that hacked secrecy from Hillary’s illegal server, to “It’s not who we are” and “We Deserve Better” to the NeverTrumpers being in Clinton’s pockets."

"The Fake War on Fake News by Fake Journalists failed. Cheating sheets via CNN and the DNC that provided Hillary advantages at the debates failed. Barry’s War on FOX failed, for FOX did not hand the debate questions to Trump, as CNN has handed theirs to Hillary and the DNC in advance of the debates."
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Donald Trump:  The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.....

As Trump-CIA Showdown Escalates, Expect Heads to Roll
A quote...."German online media is reporting on the growing confrontation between the CIA and President-elect Donald Trump. - Citing the Washington Post, German Economic News related that the rank and file of the CIA is not sure if they will be able to work under President Trump...."

The Real Saboteurs of a Trump Foreign Policy
A quote...."The never-Trumpers are never going to surrender the myth that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the hacking of Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and the Democratic National Committee to defeat Clinton and elect Donald Trump. - Their investment in the myth is just too huge." - Source:  UNZReview

Trump’s silence on TiSA is deafening
TISA - A quote...."The year 2016 has not been a good one for the international corporatocracy. Its beloved Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is dead and almost buried. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is probably also mortally wounded. Meanwhile, the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), a Trojan-horse deal between Canada and the EU that could enable as many as 47,000 US corporations to launch lawsuits against European governments that threaten their profit-making capacity, has been signed but still faces big hurdles before being passed into law."

Trump's Worst White House Cabinet Picks
Must View RIRVideo - (RIRYuTb - 21min41sec - Dec 18, 2016) - Source:  RedIceRadio@YuTb - RedIceTV - RedIceCreations - A quote...."We take a look at Trump's worst White House cabinet picks, many of whom are mega wealthy bankers and elites from Goldman Sachs and Rothschild Inc."
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation...

Campus Identity Politics Will Kill The Classics
The Zuckerbergs:  Censorship Runs In The Family - A quote...."The alt right is now threatening the classics, according to Mark Zuckerberg’s sister. - No, the amorphous online movement that is slowly becoming synonymous with white nationalism isn’t a menace to the classical canon because they want schools to stop teaching it — it’s due to their deep interest in reading Homer, Plato and Plutarch."

Saudi Arabia Lobbies to Amend JASTA Law Which Allows 9/11 Victims to Sue the Gulf State
9/11 - A quote...."Saudi Arabia has been pressing US legislators to make amendments to the controversial law that clears the way for lawsuits seeking damages from the kingdom regarding the 9/11 terrorist attacks, according to the Saudi foreign minister."

NYPD Updates Number Of Dead From 9/11 Enviro Toxins- DOUBLED In The Past Two Years
9/11 - A quote...." The number of New York City police officers killed as a result of the September 11, 2001 attack continues to rise, over fifteen years after the fact. - The New York Police Department website has a memorial page which honors the victims of 9/11/01. The page notes "Twenty-three New York City Police Officers died in the line of duty on September 11, 2001 as they responded to the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center." - However, the department also notes that many others have died as a result of the environmental hazards."

US Population Grows At Slowest Pace Since The Great Depression; Residents Flee Illinois Again
A quote...."According to data released by the US Census, in 2016 the U.S. population grew at the lowest rate since the Great Depression, while the state of New York shrank for the first time in a decade. The biggest loser, again, was Illinois which shrank for a third consecutive year, losing 38,000 people, mostly from the Chicago area."
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Today's Videos & Podcasts....

Electoral College - Should We Abolish It?
RPLRVideo - (RPLRYuTb - 15min11sec - Dec 19, 2016) - Source:  Ron Paul Liberty Report @ YuTb - Ron Paul Inst - A quote...."Today is the big day. The Electors meet and will select the next US president. Is this system a worn-out relic from the past or does it still make sense? What about alternatives?"
The Best Election Map Yet
Related Election Map - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Behold, the Clinton archipelago..."
Trumpocalypse Averted? CIA Signals Electoral Coup - Fake News Police - Aleppo Liberated
SOTTAudio - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/OGG** - Note:  The Alt/OGG file is usually much better -  (SOTTMp3 & OGG - 1hr35min34sec - Sun, 18 Dec 2016 17:00:00 GMT) - Source:  SOTT Radio Ntwrk - SOTT Net -- A quote.... "The outrageous conspiracy theory that Trump is a Russian government agent, spouted all summer long by supporters of the Democratic Party, received the CIA's 'official blessing' last week when The Firm 'confirmed' the absurd theory's 'truthiness'. With the US Electoral College set to meet tomorrow (Monday Dec. 19th) and cast their votes, what chance 'faithless electors' will cast votes for Clinton instead? Is a coup of sorts in motion against Trump? -- Elsewhere in the information war, the Western liberal elite have announced a list of 'fact-checking social media watchdogs' - funded by arch-liberals like George Soros - who will police Facebook for 'fake news'. Number one on the list is the Washington Post, peddler of outrageous conspiracy theories about Putin rigging the US election. Are these liberals dropping their ideological mask to embrace censorship? -- The news that Syrian state forces and their Russian allies have liberated Aleppo from its 4-year-long siege by al Qaeda/ISIS has been met with derision in the West, but the Syrians are relieved and that's what matters. This week on Behind the Headlines, we'll assess the situation in the West's War on Syria and see where things might go from here." -- **What Is An OGG File

Egon von Greyerz-There Will Be a Time Without Money
GHVideo - Clif High@USAWD - (GHYuTb - 46min01sec - Nov 12, 2016) -- Source:  GH@YuTb - Related Sites:  USAWatchDog - Guest Website:  Egon von Greyerz  - Matterhorn A quote...."EvG has a dire warning and contends, “Sadly, I think world population will go down. There will be lots of problems. There will be a time without money. There will be bartering for a while until they come up with a new system. I don’t see a new global reserve currency. Everyone will be for himself. China will do their own thing, and of course, China will sit with more gold than anybody, and they will be able to determine the price of gold. And that will happen.” -- Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with precious metals and financial expert Egon von Greyerz, founder of Matterhorn Asset Management."

The Elite’s Plans Are Failing, Next Plan, An All Out Event – Episode 1157
X22Audio - Ep1157/Mp3 - Ep1157/YuTb-a - Ep1157/YuTb-b - (X22Mp3 - 36min40sec - Dec 20, 2016) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Websites: X22Report - X22ReportSpotlight - NewzSentinel - A quote...."GM, Fiat Chrysler they are closing 7 plants because of the slump in auto sales. This will put 10,000 workers out of work. Retail sales is a complete hoax, the US Government is using estimated data, because the real data will show that sales are much worse than they really are. Caterpillar post 48 consecutive months of declining retail sales.The experts that are reporting on the economy have gotten it wrong many times, should would be listening anymore. Unemployment claims is signalling the collapse of the economy, this indicator flashes red right before the system comes down. India's demonetization efforts are not working, India is rapidly turning into a police state. - All source links to the report can be found on the site."

Credit, Crisis & Collapse [Or....More Printing] -- Bill Holter
SgtRepVideo - (SgtRptYuTb - 30min53sec - Dec 18, 2016) - Source:  SGTReport - Guest Website:  JSMineSet -  A quote...."JS Mineset's Bill Holter is back to break down the credit crisis that will lead us directly to a collapse of the entire banking system. But first, we set our sights on exposing the blatant censorship of the alternative media and TRUTH by Google, You Tube and the mainstream media which will label any views contrary to the State Department's official narrative, as "fake news". Thanks for joining us."

Keiser Report: Putin, Hacking & Conspiracy (E1008)
Must View MaxRTVideo -- E1007@RT - E1007/AltMp4 - (MaxRTYuTb - 25min25sec - Dec 20, 2016) - Related Websites:  RT@YuTb - RTShows - RT - MaxKeiser@RT - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom - Guest Websites:  PaulCraigRoberts - PCR@YuTb -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report from Pensacola, Florida, Max and Stacy discuss the ‘birthering’ of the Democrats as Keith Olbermann turns xenophobe, and conspiracy theories flourish in the media. They also discuss Russia’s latest gold purchases. In the second half, Max interviews former Assistant Treasury Secretary under Ronald Reagan, Paul Craig Roberts, about the attempted Electoral College coup on Trump, and the differences between the last Cold War and the new one."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

What Have the "Experts" Gotten Right? In the Real Economy, They're 0 for 5
Charts Galore - Must Read -- A quote...." If the "experts" were assessed on results, they'd all be fired. - The mainstream media continually hypes the authority of "experts," i.e. people with a stack of credentials from top institutions. - But does the mainstream media ever check on whether the "experts" got anything right? Let's compare the "experts" (conventional PhD economists) diagnoses and fixes with the results of their policies. - Let's stick to the big issues: inflation, productivity, near-zero interest rate policy (ZIRP), employment and "growth". If you get these wrong, you get the entire economy wrong." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Financialism, Not Capitalism
A quote...."I use the term “repo” exclusively not because it is shorthand but because it is altogether different from what the full term suggests. A repo is not a repurchase agreement; it is a collateralized loan. The way in which the latter became the former demonstrates a great deal about the overlaying of financialism in banking and modern money. For a very long time as repo became more popular, there was no actual agreement as to what a repurchase agreement actually was. It was not only unstandardized, it was treated very differently under the law."

IMF Credibility Takes Hit After Managing Director Found Guilty of Criminal Negligence
A quote...."The judge said that she does not face jail time or a fine, but analysts say that her IMF job might be on the line. Her conviction has to do with a case in which she awarded arbitration for a corruption case in which French State ended up losing $420 million."

Caterpillar Posts Record 48 Consecutive Months Of Declining Retail Sales
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."While Caterpillar's CEO may have resigned recently, admitting that he misjudged the business strategy, and even the company issued a press release cautioning the market may have gotten ahead of itself, CAT  stock does not appear to be bothered, soaring by 12% since the Trump presidential victory, and continues to trade near 2016 highs on hopes an infrastructure push would make excavators great again. For now, however, the woes at the heavy industrial manufacturer continue, with yet another month of declining global sales, the company's 48th in a row."

[US] Car-tastrophe - GM, Fiat Chrysler Idle 7 Plants; Over 10,000 Workers Affected
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote..."Just weeks after Ford idled four plants "due to slowing sales", GM and Fiat Chrysler announced today that they will idle seven plants across Canada and US as they work to reduce near-record high inventories amid weakening sales. - With an inventories-to-sales ratio above historical peaks (only beaten by huge spike in 2008 when sales stopped), the pain for automakers has only just begun..."

Warnings We’ll Wish We’d Heeded, Plunging Jobless Claims
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."It’s the same story every time: Imbalances build up during a recovery but most investors ignore them because good times have become the new normal and the uptrend seems bullet-proof. Then things fall apart and everyone wishes they’d paid attention to history. -- This series will cover a few of the more glaring examples of late-cycle myopia, beginning with jobless claims, i.e., the number of people joining the ranks of the unemployed."

What the Heck’s Happening to Our Share Buyback Boom?
"There Is No Spoon" - A quote...."Companies in the S&P 500 spent about $3 trillion since 2011 to buy back their own shares, often with borrowed money. It’s part of a noble magic called financial engineering, the simplest way to goose the all-important metric of earnings per share (by lowering the number of shares outstanding). And it creates buying pressure in the stock market that drives up share prices." - bold by website editor

IPOs had Worst Year since 2003. And the Dow at 20,000?
Ditto! - A quote...."Stock indices are frolicking in record territory. The S&P 500 is up almost 11% this year, though the gains came after the election. The Dow has been titillating the entire world, day after day, with the prospect of finally, finally hitting 20,000 after being just a hair shy of it for two weeks. So it would seem that the IPO market would be hot. But for IPOs, 2016 has turned out to be a fabulously terrible year."

Trump's Trillion-Dollar Loser - What Happens Next?
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."In the weeks since Donad Trump was elected president, US financial stocks (and energy companies) have soared with all eyes on Dow 20k. However, across the world's capital markets, investors have lost a combined $1.2 trillion in debt and equity values, as the bond losses have outweighed stock gains dramatically (especially post-Fed). The question is - what happens next?"

Brace Yourself For Italy's Bankruptcy

Will Anybody Notice?? - (Besides the Italians of course - mpg) -- A quote...."When Charles Gave, paterfamilias of Gavekal, chooses to express displeasure over an economic trend, an asset class, or what have you, he does not exactly mince words. If you happen to be in the room when he does so, he can sound like the Voice of God Himself, declaring from on high. And with his longish flowing white hair, he actually looks like central casting setting over to play the part." - Source:  MauldinEconomicsCom
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Mandatory obedience: Hospitals are threatening the jobs of healthcare workers who refuse the flu vaccine
A quote...."(NaturalNews) Yet another assault on health freedom is reportedly occurring in the state of Georgia in the form of mandatory vaccinations for healthcare professionals."

CA state senator proposing ‘bill of rights’ for children is the same menace who kicked kids out of school for refusing vaccines
-- A quote...."NaturalNews) That any of California’s manic Left-wing Democrats – all of whom support just about any form of abortion you can think of – would propose a “bill of rights” for kids is so hypocritical as to be sickening. I guess if you make it out of the womb in the Golden State this may be some kind of “reward” or something."

Study: Manuka honey kills more bacteria than all available antibiotics
A quote...."(NaturalNews) Not all honey is created equal. While the benefits of raw, unprocessed honey have been well-documented over the centuries, Australian researchers have found one type of honey, called Manuka honey, to be better than all known antibiotics."

Four prominent officials criminally indicted in Flint water crisis - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Flint - A quote...."At a Tuesday morning press conference in Flint, Michigan’s attorney general Bill Schuette announced criminal charges against two former state-appointed Flint emergency managers and two ex-City of Flint officials for their roles in precipitating the water crisis."
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More On....The Global Warming Hoax / Carbon Tax / Carbon Currency / Scam....

Scientists: Greenland Is Now Much Colder With More Advanced Ice Sheet Margins Than 90% Of The Last 7,500 Years - A quote...."Fifteen international scientists recently collaborated to assemble one of the most comprehensive analyses of temperature and ice sheet changes for Greenland and the Canadian Arctic ever produced.  Briner et al., (2016) synthesized over 100 records from a large and accumulating database to publish “Holocene climate change in Arctic Canada and Greenland” in the journal Quaternary Science Reviews. -- The results are not good news for those who wish to maintain that today’s Greenland Ice Sheet is losing ice area at an unprecedentedly accelerated rate, or that modern temperature values for the Arctic region are dangerously high. Greenland’s Ice Sheet has a larger ice extent now than it has had for most of the last 7,500 years; only the Little Ice Age period (~1300-1900 A.D.) had more ice mass. And both regions (Canadian Arctic and Greenland) are still 1 to 2°C colder now than they were just a few thousand years ago."

The Social Cost of Carbon
A quote...."The Social Cost of Carbon (SCC) is the single most important tool in evaluating the effectiveness of climate change mitigation policies, such as subsidies to renewables. However, the UK government has quietly ceased to use this measurement, almost certainly because after a decade of subsidy the policy cost per tonne saved is still greatly in excess of even higher estimates of SCC. The ‘solution’ is worse than the problem. The Trump administration is likely to focus on the Social Cost of Carbon in its reforms, probably introducing more reasonable and lower estimates, increasing pressure on the UK government amongst others to re-examine their climate policies."

Monday December 19th 2016

No posts - mpg

Sunday December 18th 2016

More Tales From The Anglo-Zio Empire & Its "Friends"....

Eva Bartlett Breaks Down the War Propaganda on Syria from Daraa to Aleppo
Ry2SVideo - Alt/Mp3 - (Ry2SMp3 - 1hr25min55sec - Dec 17, 2016) - Source:  - Ry2S@YuTbRy2S@ANCRpt - Ry2SAntiNeocons  - Ry2S@TruTube - Ry2S@Vimeo - Anti-Neocons / Indiegogo Project - Patreon -- Guest Website:  Please Donate to Eva Bartlett's In Gaza -- A quote...."Eva had a meeting right after our interview. We will set up her Patreon ASAP. Please bookmark this and return. -- you can also see Eva arguing with a propagandist here. He actually said she had no humanity. This woman went and lived in Gaza for years and learned Arabic and has sources ion the ground in Syria including herself! And this hack just interrupts her and says he has Twitter. He claims she is not independent based solely on the fact that she doesn’t agree with what he says. She doesn’t agree with what he says because he is wrong. You know who is moderate? Assad is. --  Assad had a coalition of minorities living under his rule for ten years with peace. Suddenly because of sniper fire and the US and Israel’s own now admitted plans to foster sectarian in-fighting in order to oust Assad to weaken the Israeli resistance axis of Iran Syria and Lebanon and support for Hezbollah there is war. It is that clear. And Israel has exclusively attacked Assad as have ISIS. This British hack while opposing starvation in Yemen and the bombing by the Saudis, is ignorantly supporting the Saudi Policy in Syria. Hillary Clinton leaked email admit that Saudi Arabia as well as Qatar are clandestinely supporting ISIS. He claims he is not a Zionist and yet he is supporting their policy in Syria. Israel and Al Nusra work hand in glove so do the White Helmets. That is not an allegation, they have all been pictured together.

Ep #165 – SUN WIRE: ‘Syria's Truth' with guests Subrata Ghoshroy, Eva Bartlett, Vanessa Beeley
Must Listen 21stCWAudio -- Alt/Spkr - (21stCWSprkr - 3hrs32min05sec - Dec 17, 2016) - Source:  21st Century Wire - SunWire@Sprkr - AltCrntRadio - Guest Websites: Vanessa Beeley Donation Request  The Wall Will Fall & Eva Barrlett's Donation Request In Gaza -- A quote...."This week's edition of THE SUNDAY WIRE is on the road broadcasting LIVE from the Valley of the Sun. This week host Patrick Henningsen covers this week's top stories in the US and internationally. In the first hour we'll cover the avalanche of 'Russian Hacking' hysteria in America, and Then we'll be joined by MIT research affiliate and a former US Congressional staffer, Subrata Ghoshroy, to discuss his research into the 2013 chemical weapons attack in East Ghouta, Damascus, and how gathering information and data from a war zone continues to be a pivotal issue around the Syrian issue in 2017. Afterwards, we talk to independent journalist Eva Bartlett about the US Coalition and mainstream media's diplomatic crisis over Aleppo, and the mainstream's latest engineered "fake news" crisis. After that, we're joined by 21WIRE special contributor, Vanessa Beeley, on the ground this week in Damascus (see her DONATE button, left) as she investigates Syria's 5 year war on the ground, and new evidence showing the "moderate rebels" using chemical weapons against Syrian civilians, as well as exposing the deceptive narratives coming out of Washington, London and Paris." - Referenced Video Segment....."FAKE MSM lies about Syria exposed by Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett"

10 Massive Fake News Stories Western Media Has Been Feeding You On Aleppo
Must Read - A quote...."The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has secured control of Aleppo city after more than 4 years of fighting in what is Syria’s most strategically important city, second to the capital Damascus. Western media has chosen to explain this victory to the world as bad news for the interests of peace and humanity in Syria, claiming that thousands of civilians will now die from government retaliation. - The reason the battle for Aleppo is so significant in the Syrian proxy war is because of its strategic importance to the country of Syria as a whole. Controlling Aleppo would give opposition groups leverage in a situation where Syria is broken into pieces. It is also part of the geopolitical concerns over competing natural gas pipelines which would be built partially in Syria. - The battle for Aleppo has been described inaccurately for years and what follows is an explanation of 10 common lies or omissions which still continue today." - Source:  FreeThoughtProj

The Next Stage in Syria's Battles on the Ground and in Media, Andrew Illingworth
Must View Ry2SVideo - Alt/YuTb - (Ry2SMp3-YuTb - 1hr25min55sec - Dec 17, 2016) - Source:  - Ry2S@YuTbRy2S@ANCRpt - Ry2SAntiNeocons  - Ry2S@TruTube - Ry2S@Vimeo - Anti-Neocons / Indiegogo Project - Patreon -- A quote...."The Next Stage in Syria's battles on the ground and in media, Andrew Illingworth."
Western Media Fake News About Syria Exposed
Must View Video - (YuTb - 18min29sec - Dec 10, 2016) - Source:  The Last Relevant Sage -- A quote...."Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett exposes how the Western media lies about Syria. MUST SEE!"

Richie Analyses Yesterdays RT & SKY News Interviews w/Assad & Yemen's Houthi PM.
Must View RASVideo - (RASYuTb - 14min20sec - Dec 15, 2016) - Source:  TheRichieAllenShow
'Two Moms' Behind #StandWithAleppo Revealed to Be Professional Propagandists
Moar Hashtag Fakes Exposed - A quote...."In October, the Chicago Tribune ran a story covering #StandWithAleppo, a popular twitter handle and hashtag created by "two Chicago moms" looking to document the plight of children in besieged E. Aleppo. But as some observant social media users have since discovered, one of the women turned out to be a journalist, the other the head of a SuperPAC."

Those “Final Messages” From Aleppo Syria Look More Like a Coordinated PR Campaign
Moar Twitter Twits Exposed - ITNVideo - (ITNYuTb - 2min33sec - Dec 14, 2016) - Source:  InTheNow -- A quote...."Final messages are flying out of Aleppo, Syria. They are taking social media by storm simultaneously. It almost looks like a coordinated PR campaign. It's almost as if they were hoping these final messages would trend and get picked up by mainstream media. It almost like these are just innocent civilians, with no message, no strategy, no politics. Just people simply fighting for their lives. One day saying goodbye to the world on social media, the next day giving interviews to BBC, CNN, and AL JAZEERA. Well, they’re not. These are activists. Some of them just recently joined Twitter and clearly support the "revolution" - they have thousands of followers. Some call themselves journalists and are verified on Facebook like Bilal Abul Kareem - an American who has no problem pushing al Nusra propaganda. You know, the "rebels". -- This guy is a member of the White Helmets - who were founded by a British ex-military officer and have been funded with millions by the U.S. and UK. And this one is a little girl named Bana - Also joined Twitter not so long ago, in September. She's already verified and has over 200 thousand followers. Bana is 7 years old and tweets in perfect English from the heart of East Aleppo with a little help from her mom. And she also had a final message just in time. -- So what do all of these people have in common? They want you to think there's one side to this story. One truth. That Assad is randomly going city to city and killing his own people for some crazy reason with the help of RUSSIA even though the whole world is watching. They want you to think these civilians pouring out of Aleppo are running from genocide committed by the Syrian army. And those who celebrate out there on the streets are dancing on children’s graves……while al-Qaeda infiltrated rebels are bravely and heroically defending civilians of east Aleppo." - bold by website editor

Bitter In Aleppo Defeat, US And EU Seek To Further Demonize Russia
A quote...."As Russian forces help liberate the Syrian city of Aleppo this week from a four-year terrorist siege, Washington and Europe step up threats of cyber war and economic aggression with sanctions. That’s no coincidence. It is the response of accomplices bitter in defeat. - Perverse isn’t it? Instead of celebrating with the people of Syria over the liberation of Aleppo from terrorists; instead of sending massive humanitarian aid to the tens of thousands of civilians freed after being held under siege for four years by terrorist gangs; instead of commending Russia for its decisive role in restoring peace to Syria’s second biggest city, the US and European Union turn reality on its head and further demonize Moscow." - Source:  StratCultFndtn

Under Obama, the United States Has Sold More Than $115 Billion in Weapons to Saudi Arabia.
The "Peace Prize Prez": Hysterical!! - A quote...."he long national nightmare that was the 2016 presidential election is finally over. Now we’re facing a worse terror: the reality of a Trump presidency. Donald Trump has already promised to nominate a segregationist attorney general, a national security adviser who is a raging Islamophobe, a secretary of education who doesn’t believe in public schools, and a secretary of defense whose sobriquet is “Mad Dog.” How worried should we be that Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis may well be the soberestamong them?"
General Dynamics Scores Its Biggest Tank Sale in Years
Related Article - A quote...."General Dynamics (NYSE: GD) landed a huge arms contract Opens a New Window. in August when Saudi Arabia requested permission to purchase $1.15 billion worth of M1 Abrams main battle tanks for its army." - bold by website editor
Obama Creates New Al-Qaeda Out Of Thin Air To Justify Somalia War
A quote...."An article published in The New York Times this past Sunday perfectly demonstrates how out of control and unconstitutional America’s foreign policy has become. It highlights the latest war being perpetrated by the Obama administration, which is expanding with very little scrutiny from the press or the government branch supposedly in charge of waging war, the U.S. Congress." - Source:  LibertyBlitzkriegBlog

Starving Yemeni Children, Bloated US Weaponsmakers
A quote...."While the world is transfixed on the epic tragedy unfolding in Syria, another tragedy—a hidden one—has been consuming the children of Yemen. Battered by the twin evils of war and hunger, every ten minutes a child in Yemen is now dying from malnutrition, diarrhea and respiratory-tract infections. A new UNICEF report shows over 400,000 Yemeni children suffering from severe acute malnutrition. Without immediate medical attention, these children will die. The situation is so dire that over half of the entire nation’s 25 million people lack sufficient food."
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The All Out War On "The Real", & The Entire "Reality Based Community", Is ON!!!....

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you....then you win."

Experts Reveal Techniques Used By The Media To Brainwash & Control Us

Must Read - A quote...."Known as the father of modern propaganda, Edward Bernays was the original pioneer of social engineering via mass media. In the early 20th century Bernays laid the foundation for cultural programming at the whole-society level by helping to transform a mostly rural agrarian based society into a homogenized culture of consumers and devout statists."
“Bernays combined the work of people such as the French social psychologist Gustave Le Bon to create techniques which appeal to the subconscious emotions of the public, as opposed to engaging the public in rational and intellectual debate.” ~ Steven Macmillan"
"The principles he set in motion have dramatically influenced the growth of our culture, and now, having carried his torch into the 21st century, here’s what several experts on modern brainwashing, propaganda and mind control have revealed about their craft."

Corporate Media Fake News Gets Fact Checked By Reality
Must View Graphics - (They say a single picture is worth a thousand words.  Try 15 photos, videos and a few graphs, most of them "contrast & compare".  Good idea, drives the point home, and communicates a large volume of data in an easy to assimilate format. - mpg) -- A quot.e..."Corporate media Fake News: Long Island Serial Killer, CIA Propaganda, DC pedophiles, Russia Hacking and Syria get fact-checked by reality."

‘If I Write in Line With Russian Media, It’s Because We Both Tell The Truth’ – Eva Bartlett to RT
Must Read - A quote...."A Canadian journalist who blasted the mainstream media’s coverage of the Syria crisis at the latest UN event, told RT how her own reports have been accused of being biased on the side of the Russian and Syrian governments. -- Eva Bartlett, a freelance journalist and human rights activist who has her own blog on recently sparked debate by giving an emotional speech at the UN. During a press conference arranged by the Syrian mission to the UN, she blasted the Western mainstream media’s coverage of the Syrian war as “compromised,” saying that their local sources are “not credible” and, in the case of Aleppo, not even real. The journalist, who has been covering events in Syria during the years since the civil war first broke out there, noted that while there are “certainly honest journalists among the very compromised establishment media,” many respected media agencies simply seem to avoid fact checking. The harsh response she has drawn for her unforgiving criticism of fellow members of the media is quite baseless, however, Bartlett told RT."

David Icke: The 'Fake News' Hoax - The System is Desperate
Must View DIVideo - (DIYuTb - 36min43sec - Dec 15, 2016) - Source:  TheRichieAllenShow - Related Website:  David Ike Headlines - A quote...."David Icke: The 'Fake News' Hoax - The System is Desperate"

Who Decides What Is Fake News?
Must View AMTVideo - (AMTVYuTb - 23min30sec - Dec 17, 2016) - Source:  AMTV - A quote...."In today's video, Christopher Greene of AMTV reports on Fake News."

This Is How They Are Shutting Down the Alternative Media Online
Actual F.B. Censorship Case - TSMVideo - (TSMYuTb -12min54sec - Dec 16, 2016) - Source:  TRUTHstreammedia -- A quote...."So this is what happened to us after we uploaded our last video. For the record, I came *this close* to naming this video "Rainbow Unicorns of Truthiness Flying Out of Mark Zuckerberg's..." Eh... Nevermind."
George Soros Funding Facebook’s New “Fake News Fact Checking” Group (Video)
Soros & F.B.....To Be Expected - A quote...."Unless you’ve been living under a rock, or if you haven’t had any access to television, radio, or the Internet, then by now you’ve certainly heard all the fuss liberals and the mainstream media are making about what they are calling “fake news.” All we’ve heard about since Hillary’s shocking loss, is how “fake news” cannot be allowed to spread."
Facebook’s News Censoring Ministry of Truth
F.B. The Ministry of Truth - A quote...." In 1984, Orwell described Oceania’s Ministry of Peace involved in warmaking and Ministry of Truth concealing it. Unwanted material went down memory holes to “be whirled away (in) enormous furnaces…devoured by the flames,” he wrote. - “(T)here were the directing brains who co-ordinated the whole effort and laid down the lines of policy which made it necessary that this fragment of the past should be preserved, that one falsified, and the other rubbed out of existence.” - No furnaces needed in America, no ceremonial book-burnings, censorship accomplished with electronic ease, social media a prime target, Facebook a willing accomplice."

Facebook Fact-Checker PolitiFact Funded by Clinton Foundation Donor
F.B. Backed By Clinton Inc - A quote...."Alberto Ibarguen, president and CEO of the Knight Foundation, one of PolitiFact’s largest contributors, donated $200,000 to support the 8th annual Clinton Global Initiative University meeting in February 2015. - The President Bill Clinton and Chelsea Clinton-hosted event was held in Miami, Florida where the the Knight Foundation is based."

Facebook Plans to Bury Alternative News
F.B.'s Plans -- (That phrase didn't turn out particularly well for the last famous person to say it - mpg) - A quote...."Facebook has decided to make it easier for Snopes,, ABC News, the Associated Press, and PolitiFact to flag “fake news.” - What this means is alternative news stories the establishment decides are fake will be pushed down in the Facebook newsfeed. - “Facebook is giving fact-checking organizations a kind of power they’ve never had before:...."

Facebook Is Finished!  Zuckerberg Just Got Destroyed Over Fake News & America Cheered!
F.B. Finished? - NNNVideo - (FBYuTb - 6min32sec - Dec 17, 2016) - Source: The Next News Network - A quote...."Next News Network's Founder Gary Franchi appears on RT Internatoinal and reveals the disasterous ramifications for Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook, and the United States for attempting to silence conservative voices by branding them as 'fake news'."
Corporate Media’s “Fake News” War is Backfiring by Showing the World the Power of Alt Media
A quote...."As you’ve likely heard by now, Facebook has taken its war against ‘fake news’ to a whole other level — employing third-party media and fact-checking organizations to judge whether news items are legitimate — to the consternation of countless users who see the platform overstepping red lines."

CBS News Caught Lying And Slandering WeAreChange and Free Speech
A quote...."The main stream media has yet again been caught doing lazy journalism with their recent attack on alternative media and free speech with another hit piece this morning. This is not the only problem this independent news organization faces as WeAreChange was just issued a legal notice from our ad company about being labeled fake news with a verified sourced documented article."

CIA Cloud Over Jeff Bezos’s Washington Post
A quote...."A petition that has gained more than 15,000 signers so far this week is urging the Washington Post to provide readers with “full disclosure” about a conflict of interest involving the Post’s sole owner Jeff Bezos and his newspaper’s coverage of the CIA."

Wayne Madsen: is a CIA Operation
A quote...."This morning, our DCG published this post, “Facebook is going to use Snopes and other fact-checkers to combat and bury ‘fake news’“. - Using Snopes as an authority is laughable. According to independent investigative reporter Wayne Madsen, “The so-called ‘fact-checking’ authentication website is the go-to website for CIA propaganda.” - From Madsen’s for-subscribers-only report of Oct. 7, 2016, “ the latest CIA addition to Internet disinformation“"

Laughable Hysteria From Establishment Media
A quote...."[12/16/16]  “Fake News!” “Fake News!” The hypocrisy meters have been melting down for the past several weeks as the master practitioners of fake “news” have been screeching, screaming, and pointing fingers about a supposed new “epidemic” (Hillary Clinton’s word for it) of “fake news.” On the one hand, it has been deliciously amusing to behold the unmitigated hypocrisy of left-wing politicians and their establishment media collaborators expressing hysterical alarm over the supposed existential crisis posed by the “fake news” phenomena. - On the other hand, a not-so-amusing fact is that the discredited establishment fake news media apparently still have sufficient clout amongst the establishment Democrat and Republican politicians to stampede them into passing legislation that could easily be used to suppress all dissent to political correctness and the globalist agenda."

Ocean Waves and Breakdowns
A quote...."The West’s propaganda campaign against Russia is surging along on the crest of the waves and is having some success in convincing a trusting public that the Russian Bear is a massive threat to the Free World.  It’s just like old times, but on occasions the psychological operations experts go overboard and sink (to continue the metaphor) in their own counter currents of disinformation." - Source:  StratCultFndtn

Western Media’s Epic Fail On Craig Murray and the Russian Hacking Story
A quote...."The Western media is concealing Craig Murray’s revelations about how he acted as the go-between between the US insider who provided the Clinton leaks and WikiLeaks. - For once there is no doubt as to what has been the biggest story of the last 10 days. - By rights it should have been the Syrian military’s victory in Aleppo, which could prove to be the turning point in the Syrian war. - Nonetheless the Western media has chosen to lead on the CIA’s allegations – now lent weight by no less a person than President Obama himself – that Russia hacked and stole the DNC’s and Podesta’s emails and passed them on to WikiLeaks in order to swing the US Presidential election to Donald Trump."
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia & C.I.S. States.

None of the points of Minsk is fully implemented and observed – DPR Foreign Minister
A quote...."The acting Foreign Minister of Donetsk People's Republic, Natalya Nikonorova, is a permanent member of the political group in Minsk talks. She gave statement on Friday about the state of Minsk process and stressed, that none of the points of Minsk agreements is fully implemented and observed."

Ukraine Nationalizes Its Largest Bank, Which Holds 36% Of All Domestic Deposits
A Sign Of Desperation, or Looting? -- (Usually it's a good thing to take away a bank from the Banksters'.  Since the Kiev Regime is composed of and backed by Banksters' there's not much chance of that. - mpg) -- A quote...."What makes Privatbank unique is that with some $6 billion in private deposits - of 36.5% of Ukrainian banks' total - it puts America's own TBTF banks to shame: the bank is an absolute giant which controls nearly half of the local banking sector." - Source:  ZeroHedge
Gunmen Who Attacked Policemen in Grozny, Have Been Neutralized - Head of Chechen Republic
A quote...."GROZNY, December 17. /TASS/. The armed gang that attacked policemen has been neutralized in Grozny, capital of Russia’s Chechnya republic, head of the republic Ramzan Kadyrov told reporters."
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The ISIS Gambit - The US-NRE's Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....& The Kurds....

Welcome to Idlib: America’s Model Syrian City
Must Read - A quote...."A report published by The Century Foundation (TCF), a US-based policy think tank, helps shed light on the inner workings of the small northern city of Idlib, Syria. -- Idlib is to US State Department-listed foreign terrorist organization Jabhat Al Nusra (also known as Jabhat Fateh al-Sham or Al Qaeda in Syria) as the eastern Syrian city of Al Raqqa is to the self-proclaimed “Islamic State” (ISIS). -- It is also home to a wide range of other militant groups cooperating with the terrorist organization, as well as a myriad of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) funded and directed by the US, Europe, Turkey and the Gulf states. - And while great hope resides within statements of US, European and Gulf state politicians, echoed across their respective media platforms for this city’s possible role as an alternative “capital” for an alternative “government,” opposed to the current Syrian nation-state, TCF’s report dumps a cold bucket of water on what was but a spark, not even a flame of hope."

Sabotage Of East-Aleppo Evacuation Is Part Of A Plan
Must Read - A quote...."The removal of defeated al-Qaeda fighters and their families from east-Aleppo has been on and off for several days now. -- The agreement between Turkey and Russia on which the evacuation is based stipulates the parallel evacuation of wounded people from the al-Qaeda besieged Shiite village Fu'a and Kafraya in Idleb province. Note that neither the U.S. nor the (partisan) UN were involved in these negotiations. -- The process was interrupted on Friday after al-Qaeda fighters in east-Aleppo opened fire on evacuating civilians. In parallel buses moving into Fu'a and Kafraya to evacuate the wounded were held up by al-Qaeda aligned groups in the area. Opposition claims that Hizbullah fighters was killing people that were evacuating from east-Aleppo were, according to a BBC producer, lies."

Why Bashar al-Assad Remains Popular Among the Syrian People
A quote...."Until the current crisis, Syria was a largely stable and peaceful nation since 1970 - the year Assad senior came to power. Syria's turbulent history prior to 1970, however, gives one an insight into why contemporary Syrians want unity and associate peace with the Assad name."

Russian Defense Ministry: We Did The Impossible in Aleppo
A quote...." The operation on withdrawing militants and their families from Aleppo has opened new opportunities for a ceasefire in other areas of Syria. This was stated on Sunday by the official spokesperson of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, Major General Igor Konashenkov. - On Friday, the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria announced the completion of its operation of liberating Aleppo from militants, who have controlled the eastern part of the city since 2012."

Syrian Offensive Underway to Liberate Palmyra
A quote...." Losing it a week ago to thousands of US-backed ISIS terrorists was an embarrassment to Syria and Russia after liberating the city in March. - Repeating the process is well underway, involving a major ground offensive with Russian aerial support to eliminate Palmyra’s terrorist infestation, supported by Washington and its rogue allies."

Syria hands over evidence of mustard gas attack by rebels on civilians to OPCW (VIDEO)
A quote..."Syrian authorities have handed over a batch of documents with the evidence of a rebel use of banned chemical agent against civilians near Aleppo to the international chemical watchdog."
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, North & Central Africa & Others.

Nine ISIS Militants Killed in Iraq's Mosul - Commander
A quote..."At least nine militants of so-called Islamic State (IS) were killed by Mosul's military personnel and citizens, commander of Nineveh Liberation Operation Lieutenant General Abdulamir Yarallah announced on Sunday."
Jordan: Canadian Among 10 Killed by Gunmen: Authorities
A quote..."Gunmen ambushed Jordanian police in a series of attacks Sunday, including at a Crusader castle popular with tourists, killing a woman visiting from Canada, seven officers and two local civilians, officials said."

Suicide Bomber Kills Seven in Libya's Benghazi: Officials
A quote...."At least seven people were killed and eight wounded when a suicide bomber targeted forces loyal to Libya's eastern government in Benghazi on Sunday, medical and security officials said."
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More On The Weaponization, Ethno-Engineering & Forced Migration / Refugee Invasion....

A Hero Rises: German Minister Says 'Hundreds Of Thousands' Of Migrants Must Be Deported
A quote...."A German politician has warned that the country is losing control of its streets, and has called for mass deportation of migrants. - Markus Söder, finance and home minister in Bavaria, made the comments following the murder of teenager Maria Ladenburger, and nearly a year since hundreds of sex assaults in Cologne. - He warned: 'Our women and daughters are increasingly afraid of sexual assaults.' - He claimed police were becoming 'frustrated' with punishments meted out to migrants who commit sex offences."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere...

We Are All Palestinians
Must Read - A quote...."Theresa May and her prime Shabbos Goy, Eric Pickles, insisted this week that we don’t conflate between Israel and Jews. I wonder why? Is it because they actually admit that Israel equals modern day evil? Or is it because they actually know very well that Israel and the Jews are one? - The vast majority of Jews actually want to be conflated with Israel. World Jewry supports Israel institutionally. Pickles and May who are subject to constant Jewish lobbying know it very well. However, more troubling is the fact that the few Jews who openly oppose Israel also operate in ‘Jews only’ cells. So if Israel is wrong for being a racially exclusive society, the Jewish anti Zionists are at least as bad as the Jewish State." - Source:  Gilad Atzmon

Israelis [Euro-Kharzarian Syndicate members] begin building road to illegal outpost on Palestinian village's land
"Eminent Domain" - Euro-Kharzarian Style - A quote...."RAMALLAH (Ma’an) -- Israeli [Euro-Kharzarian syndicate] bulldozers started building a road on Palestinian land leading to an illegal settlement outpost in the northern occupied West Bank district of Nablus on Sunday morning, a Palestinian official told Ma’an."

Remember Naboth: Israel’s “legalising” of the Theft of Private Palestinian Property
"Property Rights" - Euro-Kharzarian Style - A quote...."An incredible piece of legislation is now being debated in Jerusalem. - The country is busy with a settlement called Amona. There, deep in the occupied territories, a few dozen Jewish families have set up an illegal settlement – illegal even under Israeli law, not to mention international law."

Israel [Euro-Kharzarian Syndicate] Closes Main Road to Jerusalem-Area Village for 6th Consecutive Day
A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) -- The mayor of Hizma in the Jerusalem district of the occupied West Bank told Ma’an on Sunday that the economic situation of the village had seriously deteriorated, as Israel [the Euro-Kharzarian syndicate] has continued to enforce a closure on Hizma’s main entrance for the sixth day in a row."

Palestinians Wounded in Silwan During Assault by Armed Jewish Settlers
A quote...."Some Palestinian citizens on Friday evening suffered injuries after they were assaulted by armed Jewish settlers in Silwan district, south of the Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem."

Israeli Soldiers [Euro-Kharzarian Jihadist Militias] Abduct Palestinian Child In Silwad
A quote...."Israeli soldiers [Euro-Kharzarian Jihadist militias] abducted a Palestinian child in Silwad town, east of the central West Bank city of Ramallah, on Friday evening. - The Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) said the child has been identified as Ward Abdul-Qader Hamed, 15, and that he was abducted after the soldiers [militia members] stopped him at the western entrance of the town." - Source:  IMEMC
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Greek Tragedy & Others -- The Criminal Acts / Destruction / of the Banksters....

"Gold Is Now Effectively Illegal" In India - The Consequences Of Creating A Cashless Society
War on Gold - A quote...."Jayant Bhandari warns "there are clear signs that in a very convoluted way, possession of gold for investment purposes will be made illegal" as he discusses India's attempts to create a cashless society (and consequences of it) and why precious metals and geographical diversification are the most viable options investors around the world, not just India, should be taking."

Spain: 30,000 March in Anti-Austerity Labor Protest in Madrid
A quote...."The protesters demand an increase in salaries and pensions and a rollback of austerity measures that have worsened poverty and inequality."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

IAEA Satisfied by Iran Commitment to Nuclear Deal: Amano
And Everyone Could Care Less - A quote...."During a visit to Tehran, the head of the United Nations nuclear watchdog has expressed satisfaction with Iran’s commitment to its obligations under the 2015 nuclear accord with world powers. - “Iran has been committed to its obligations and this is an important matter,” the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)’s Director General Yukiya Amano said on Sunday at a joint press conference with Ali Akbar Salehi, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI)." - Source:  PressTV
Iran Protests to IAEA Over US Volation of Nuclear Deal
Ditto - Related Article - A quote...."Rouhani maintained that the recent US move to extend Iran Sanctions Act (ISA) for another ten years is in clear violation of the JCPOA;
Italy Has Blocked the Extension of Sanctions Against Russia - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."At the EU summit in Brussels, Italy blocked the attempt to extend sanctions against Russia for one year. Rome was also against the extension of sanctions for alleged crimes committed by Russia in Syria.
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

New Files Reveal US Sold Argentina Military Aircraft to Dump Bodies in Ocean
Must Read - (For The Outrage!!) - A quote..."Declassified documents on Operation Condor reveal that the U.S. knew and assisted the Argentine dictatorship as it threw unconscious prisoners to their death in notorious “vuelos de la muerte,” or death flights. - Under the military dictatorship in Argentina, thousands of political opponents were drugged, tossed into aircraft and dumped in the Atlantic Ocean to drown. - According to Adolfo Scilingo, an Argentine naval officer during the dictatorship, the navy conducted death flights every Wednesday between 1977 and 1978, killing up to 2,000 people." - Source:  TeleSUR

Coup: The CIAs History Of Destroying Democracies
What Was "Over There"....Is Coming Over HERE -- A quote...."As Chris Martenson has pointed out “regime change” is code speech for overthrowing a government.  And the CIA and participating NGOs are busy throughout the world overthrowing governments to reshape political landscapes to better serve the oligarchy. - This review article gives several examples and a taste of the unbelievable breadth of this global conquest operation.  In order to shorten the article, I will focus on Ukraine as an example and the general principles of how regime change is carried out."

Operation Condor Docs Show US Wanted to Rig Election in Ecuador to Prevent Left-Wing Victory
How It Was Done Then - (Assassination) -- A quote...."While leftist Jaime Roldos Aguilera went on to become Ecuador's president, he was later killed in a plane crash under mysterious circumstances. - Previously classified documents released earlier this week on Operation Condor have shed further light on how the U.S. controlled and meddled in Latin America politics in the 1970s, showing how the U.S. was tossing up the idea of “tinkering” with the outcome of elections in Ecuador as the victory of a left-wing president appeared likely."

Rousseff: Temer is 'Illegitimate'
How It's Done Now - (Judicial Coup) -- A quote..."In an interview, Brazil’s ousted democratically elected President Dilma Rousseff called for new elections "so that this coup is effectively blocked." - In an interview broadcast by Al Jazeera on Friday, the ousted democratically-elected President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, called acting President Michel Temer ‘illegitimate,’ and the process of her impeachment ‘a coup.’"

Indian Security Forces Are Blinding Hundreds Of Protesters With Shotgun Pellets
Graphic Photos - A quote...."SRINAGAR, India — Indian authorities call the shotgun shells filled with hundreds of small metal pellets a “non-lethal” weapon for crowd control, but that does not make them harmless. They’ve inflicted a permanent toll on hundreds of Kashmiris hit by them. - Their faces are scarred. Their eyes are damaged or simply gone, replaced with prosthetics. And their psychological wounds run deeper still."

Did Satellites Expose A Secret American Drone Hangar In A Saudi Desert?
A quote...."Buried deep in the heart of one of the most barren deserts in Saudi Arabia, and the entire planet for that matter, a commercial satellite happened upon what appears to be a very modern airport that suddenly appeared out of thin air from one year to the next.  What makes the airport even more mysterious is the fact that there are no planes on site and no government claims ownership of the facility.  So, is this airport a mere "Border Guard" facility, as Google Maps would suggest, or did this satellite just happen to reveal the location of a secret U.S. military airport used to conduct drone operations in Yemen?"

Foreign Aid Farce:  How YOUR Money is Lining Pockets of Fat Cat Charity Bosses
A quote...."The fat cats are lining their pockets with cash from the Department for International Development (DFID) meant to help people in need. - They include former Labour Foreign Secretary David Miliband. - He is said to pocket an eye-watering £530,000 as president of the International Rescue Committee (IRC), which helps refugees and disaster victims." - bold by website editor
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

NSA Inspector Who Criticized Snowden for Not Using 'Official' Channels Found Guilty of Retaliating Against Whistleblower Who Did Just That -- A quote...."National Security Agency (NSA) inspector general George Ellard, an outspoken critic of whistleblower Edward Snowden, personally retaliated against another NSA whistleblower, Adam Zagorin reported at the Project on Government Oversight (POGO) on Thursday. - An intelligence community panel earlier this year found that Ellard had retaliated against a whistleblower, Zagorin writes, in a judgment that has still not been made public." - Source:  CommonDreams

Backdoors ‘Punish The Wrong People’, EU Security Body Warns
Finally....Some Common Sense - A quote...."Building backdoors into encryption to counter criminals and terrorists is doomed from the start, EU cybersecurity policy body ENISA has warned in a new discussion document. - The agency offers a number of arguments in support of its conclusion, which can be summed up with reference to the unwritten first law of backdoors: they only work well when the people targeted by them don’t know they’re there. - As soon as they do, they no longer trust that technology or service and stop using it, undermining the point of putting the backdoor there in the first place."
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Domestic Politics, New Roman Empire Style....

The VERY Dangerous, Dirty, Political Game...Continues....

The Striking Audacity of the Coup-in-Process - PCR's Quart $$ Rqst [Click Here]
Must Read - A quote...."Unsubstantiated stories have been planted throughout the presstitute media by anonymous CIA officials that Donald Trump’s electoral victory was the result of Russian intervention. This absurd claim has now been elevated to the even more absurd claim that Putin himself oversaw and even conducted the manipulation of the US presidential election.
"No evidence has been provided for these amazing claims. The presstitutes are reporting unsubstantiated wild accusations that portend both a constitutional crisis in the US and a crisis with Russia. We know that the presstitutes lie. The presstitutes lied when they reported contrary to the weapons inspectors in Iraq that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. They lied about fake evidence of yellowcake and alumninum tubes. They lied about Saddam Hussein’s al-Qaeda connections.

They lied about Iranian nukes despite the unanimous report of all US intelligence agencies that Iran had abandoned interest in nuclear weapons years ago. The presstitutes lied about Assad using chemical weapons against the Syrian people. They lied about Gadaffi. They lied about Russian invasion of Ukraine. They lied about the cause of the Russian/Georgian conflict. They lied about the Sochi Olympics. Now the presstitutes are claiming that Russian interference determined the outcome of the US presidential election and the Brexit vote."

"As a result of the prestitutes’ lies, millions of peoples have been killed and dislocated. This blood is all on the heads of the American media. So we know for a proven fact that the US media has no integrity and no conscience." - bold by website editor
Summary of the Evidence so Far on the Alleged Russian Hack of the US Election
Must Read - Cartoon - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."The accusation that Russia is behind the leak of Podesta and DNC emails/data stems from “unnamed intelligence sources” relayed “by unnamed government officials”. No hard evidence has been presented to back up the claim. Nobody wants to put their name to the claim. The claim seems to be being pushed by the CIA, with James Clapper (DNI) and the FBI seeming to distance themselves from the claims of John Brennan (CIA Director)."

Clinton’s Defeat and the “Fake News” Conspiracy
Must Read - A quote...."There is an astounding double standard being applied to the US presidential election result. - A few weeks ago the corporate media were appalled that Donald Trump demurred on whether he would accept the vote if it went against him. It was proof of his anti-democratic, authoritarian instincts. - But now he has won, the same media outlets are cheerleading the establishment’s full-frontal assault on the legitimacy of a Trump presidency. That campaign is being headed by the failed candidate, Hillary Clinton, after a lengthy softening-up operation by US intelligence agencies, led by the CIA." - also posted at CounterPunch

“Russian Hacking” of US Elections: Obama’s Last Gift of Deception. What Impact on Electoral College Vote?
Interview - A quote...."Muslim Press: What’s your take on the US hacking claims? Do you think Russia was behind the election of Donald Trump?"
"Peter Koenig: As a first off, I can say with deep conviction that Russia has nothing to do with ‘hacking’ against Hillary and for Trump. This is all propaganda fabrication – outright lies. Russia did not interfere with US elections. This is a fact. Period. Everything else is a lie. If there has been any hacking, it was by the CIA. There is actually evidence that the CIA did hack into Trump data to favor Hillary."
Shocking News: Obama’s DHS Guilty Of Faking Russian Hacks (Video)
A quote...."Everyone’s familiar with the old saying, “Where there’s smoke, there’s normally fire,” right? Well, after all the lies, scandals, and corruption the American people have endured under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton over the last 8 years, I think it’s reasonably safe to say that when it comes to Obama and Clinton, where there’s smoke, there’s normally a raging inferno somewhere, and innocent people are going to be very hurt."

NSA Whistleblower Destroys Obama's Russia Narrative - "Hard Evidence Points To An Inside Leak, Not Hacking" -- A quote...."A group of retired senior intelligence officials, including the NSA whistleblower William Binney (former Technical Director, World Geopolitical & Military Analysis, NSA), have posted an open letter on that destroys the Obama administration's "Russian hacking" narrative.  Within the letter, Binney argues that, thanks to the NSA's "extensive domestic data-collection network," any data removed remotely from Hillary Clinton or DNC servers would have passed over fiber networks and therefore would have been captured by the NSA who could have then analyzed packet data to determine the origination point and destination address of those packets.  As Binney further notes, the only way the leaks could have avoided NSA detection is if they were never passed over fiber networks but rather downloaded to a thumb drive by someone with internal access to servers."

Obama Vows to Prove the Unprovable
A quote...." At his year end press conference, the last one of his presidency, he vowed to prove the unprovable, saying...."
“We will provide evidence that we can safely provide, that does not compromise sources and methods. But I’ll be honest with you, when you’re talking about cybersecurity, a lot of it is classified and we are not going to provide it, because the way we catch folks is by knowing certain things about them that they don’t want us to know.” - “The intelligence I’ve seen gives me great confidence in their assessment that the Russians carried out this hack - the hack of the DNC and the hack of John Podesta.” - bold by website editor
In other words....the emails!! - As this website editor has stated repeatedly.....
Revealed! Putin Personally Hacked DNC From Surveillance Aircraft With A Bear on Board
Finally The Evidence is Revealed - (Satire) -- A quote...." Shocking revelations earlier this week as US intelligence officials confirmed with “high confidence” that Russian President Vladimir Putin was “personally involved” in the hacking of the Democratic National Committee. -- According to the anonymous sources inside the anonymous US intelligence agency, Putin’s objectives were multifaceted, but the whole thing began as a “vendetta” against Hillary Clinton because she said some mean things about him a few times. Putin is also an "immature 12 year-old child," a former US official with links to the defense industry, who spoke on condition of anonymity, confirmed (with high confidence). -- The high level, anonymous and completely trustworthy sources also told a major US news agency that Putin himself had piloted a specially-designed Russian spy plane across the Atlantic to personally direct the still-ongoing hacking operations from the air."

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Possible Electoral College Coup d’etat Warning.....
What A Difference A Day Makes In FBI Director Comey’s Version Of The Truth.
#1]  A quote...."This evening ABC News announced on TV that FBI Director Comey now agrees with the conclusion of the CIA that Russia interfered in the 2016 Election to help Donald Trump. Needless to say how disappointed I am in Director Comey. Lets take a look at Comey’s change in attitude from “no evidence Russia interfered in the Election” to “I agree with the CIA Russia did interfere with the Election to help Trump”."

FBI Director Comey and DNI Clapper Cave to Pressure: Now Claim Russia Helped Trump
#2]   A quote...."On December 16, the  Washington Post said Comey and Clapper now agree “with a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the White House…” -- CIA director director John Brennan said “(e)arlier this week, I met separately with FBI (Director) James Comey and DNI Jim Clapper, and there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election” – even though there was none."

Obama Urges Soldiers to Question Trump’s Authority, ‘Criticize Our President’
#3]  A quote..."In his final address to America’s armed forces, President Barack Obama reminded troops that once Donald J. Trump becomes president, soldiers have a duty to question his authority and criticize him. Obama also said the Second Amendment and global warming can be blamed for terrorism."

Obama, Clinton Stoke Anti-Russia Campaign
#4]  A quote....."It was fitting that President Barack Obama’s final press conference of the year, and perhaps his presidency, was dominated by war, both ongoing and future. Obama is the first US president to serve two full terms in office with the nation at war. He will relinquish his position amidst a deepening disaster in the Middle East and a frenzied campaign in the media and the political establishment for aggression against Russia." - Source:  WSWS

Paul Craig Roberts Warns "A CIA-led Coup Against US Democracy Is Unfolding Before Our Eyes"
#5]  A quote...."The priority aim is to deny Trump the presidency. He is too independent and a danger for several power centers within the ruling U.S. power circles. The selection of Tillerson as new Secretary of State only reinforces this (Prediction: Bolton will not get the Deputy position.)  Tillerson is for profitable stability, not for regime change adventures."

A Spy Coup in America?
#6]  A quote...."As Official Washington’s latest “group think” solidifies into certainty – that Russia used hacked Democratic emails to help elect Donald Trump – something entirely different may be afoot: a months-long effort by elements of the U.S. intelligence community to determine who becomes the next president." - Source:  ConsortiumNews

Is the United States Facing a Coup d’etat?
#7]  A quote...."I fear that soon the curtain will finally be brought down on the puppet show that passes for democracy in America, and those who for decades have been pulling the strings will come raging into the light, red in tooth and claw. - The illusion that the people really have a choice of president every four years will be irreparably shattered." - Source: RT

Podesta: ‘The Russians Distorted The Election’
#8]  Now They're Calling It...."Distorted" -- A quote...."(INTELLIHUB) — John Podesta told Meet The Press Sunday morning that he thinks the election was “distorted” by “Russian intervention” and that “seventy members of the Electoral College should be briefed.” - bold by website editor

Trump’s People Ignore Electoral College Threat at Their Electoral Peril
#9]  A quote...."We'll see in a few days how the Electoral College gambit (Hillary's "Plan D" - the first three being rig the election [A], recounts [B] and Russia [C], all failed) plays out."

Only a Counter-Coup Can Save American Democracy - PCR's Quart $$ Rqst [Click Here]
#10]  A quote...."The CIA has long engineered coups in other countries. Now we are approaching at breakneck speed a CIA coup in the USA. - When the presstitute media first published unverifired, unsourced leaks attributed to unnamed CIA officials, both the FBI and the Director of Homeland Security said that they did not embrace the accusation that Trump’s election was a result of Russian interference in the US presidential election. - Now suddenly we have a report from the Washington Post, a rag whose integrity is in doubt and a mainstay of anti-Trump propaganda suspected of being a CIA asset, that the FBI and Homeland Security are in agreement with the anonymous leaks to the presstitutes...."

- One ZeroHedge commentator (#5) stated the following.....
"It’s all about bribery. Imagine for a moment that you are an Elector and a known and very credible source guarantees you $10M for your vote, tax free and publicity free and laundered expertly so nobody will ever know..... what are you gonna do? You’re gonna make the deal. - All the stuff on TV is just cover for the bribes. - Insurrection? Never happen. And if it did we won’t hear about it. There will be selective power failures shutting down internet and cell phones for as long as needed. Social media is controlled and MSM won’t report anything. The only way news could get out would be HAM Radio.  Unless Mattis and Kelly and Flynn are already supported by existing military, any revolt will be a whimper. The white folk need to get to work so they can pay their bills. This ain’t 1776. - So let’s say the bribery fails. Barry is out of the country (Hawaii) and if Trump’s plane crashes then maybe Paul Ryan becomes POTUS because he is the standing Speaker and #3 in line and Pence is not sworn in and has no clear path to ascend to the Presidency. - Lots of options here. The least likely scenario is that the Establishment will go away quietly." -- *macholatte*
Electoral College Coup d’etat Warning:  Regarding #1, through #10 .... It appears the N.W.O. machine is getting ready for an electoral coup, or positioning itself (establishing the capability to carry one out) to extract promises or concessions from Donald Trump....or else.

All the "fake news" noise will be used to shut-down the web if that occurs.

All the anti-Russian noise will be used to target and tar the coup d’etat's  opponents if that occurs. 

Everyone be warned  - mpg

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Donald  Trump:  Good, Bad & Ugly.....

Reflections on Trump’s America
A quote...."Perhaps it was inevitable that a man like Mr Trump would some day end up in the White House. Immodesty notwithstanding, he is intelligent, patriotic, and richly endowed with that American can do disposition. His election, at least within the context of financial markets both in America and elsewhere, has been greeted thus far with the exuberance and fervour reserved for the second coming of an industrial revolution. Yet, even as one ought to welcome Mr Trump’s businesslike ideas for a country that has veered further and further into an economic unknown, there is scant reason for the boundless euphoria of anticipated greatness—the subject of this brief essay." - Source:  EdelweissJournal

'Safe Zones': Trump's Idea Evokes Strong Memories of Hillary Clinton's Old Plan
Trump Morphing Into A Neoliberalcon? -- A quote...."Commenting on Donald Trump's initiative to build safe zones in Syria with money from Gulf states, Russian analyst Vyacheslav Matuzov told Radio Sputnik that Trump's plan will work only if the legitimate Syrian government preserves full control over the so-called "safe zones."

Trump Can't Stop It: "The People Who Have Been Orchestrating The Collapse Have Not Halted Their Agendas"
A quote...."There are some very somber, pragmatic articles circulating as of late that present a true snapshot of the difficulties the U.S. faces after eight years of Obama.  One of these articles is a well-written, thought-provoking piece by Susan Duclos of All News Pipeline, entitled We are Facing the Most Important Battle of All at the Most Dangerous Moment in History The piece shows what we’re up against and cautions all of us not to rely on the “magic fix” of Trump’s victory to side rail our preparations and vigilance.  Here is an excerpt from that excellent article...."
“We at ANP are noting a lot of optimism from investors with stocks soaring,  to economic confidence reaching new highs, to small business owners, to household spending and even prepping has hit a “multi-year low,” all the articles I am reading are crediting the election of Donald Trump as reason for all this optimism, but as much as I hate to rain on everyone’s parade… now is the most dangerous time in history, not a time to assume just because one man was elected, all the wrongs will be made right, the failing economy will automatically just magically fix itself.”
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation...

Phoenix Unlikely To Rise From Democratic Party's Ashes
A quote...."After almost four decades of disregard for a decomposing cadaver, party progressives appear ready to cremate the Democratic Party’s corpse and give it a requiem mass doubtful that their minority status will allow them to revive the party.  Not the majority, however, who seem hopeful for a Lazarus’ resuscitation without a Jesus in their midst; a legion of career politicians tending to their own personal needs.  Little wonder that Democratic members in Congress quickly have declared the Revolution brought in by Bernie Sanders, and represented in the progressive platform enacted in the summer, as dead on arrival, allowing for the De-evolution to continue under the leadership of two old generals: Nancy Pelosi (House) and Charles Schumer (Senate)." - Source:  Ben Tanosborn

Setting Liberals Straight: Republic Not Democracy
A quote...."It never ceases to baffle me just how many people believe that the United States is a democracy. A democracy is simply mob rule. The overwhelming majority of those who believe this are liberal/progressive, let's be honest. The thing most people miss or just ignore is, the liberal/progressive politicians know this and use it to their advantage. The common liberal is sadly just a useful idiot to these politicians. By that I mean, they live in their little social utopia happily skipping through life, periodically checking the news to get their talking points, never doing their own research. And of course to them these talking points become the gospel they live by. Well just in case they stumble and fall into this post, I'm going to try and educate them."

Americans Buy Nearly 18,000 TONNES of Ammunition in the Past Year in Weapons Boom
Calling People "Deplorables" Can Get Them Ornery & Worried - (God bless the 2nd Amendment - mpg) -- A quote...."Around “2,865 tonnes of bullets” were purchased in November alone as demand for firearms skyrockets to unprecedented levels. - Ammo imports in November mark a whopping 200 per cent rise compared with sales 12 months ago according to research firm Panjiva."

Obama "Housing Recovery" Crushes "Blacks, Young Adults" As Homeownership Rates Crash
Obama(no)housing - A quote...."The Obama administration has a tendency to conflate the strong performance of Fed-induced "assets bubbles" with "strong economic growth."  Unfortunately, as is often the case these days, the "hard data" paints a slightly different picture than the "narrative" being pushed by Obama and his staff."

Unarmed 73-Year-Old California Man Killed by Police Was Shot 5 Times: Autopsy
A quote...." Five bullets struck a 73-year-old California man, killing him, during a fatal encounter with police earlier this week, authorities said. - Francisco Serna died Monday after a Bakersfield police officer believed the septuagenarian was armed and opened fire while the man was standing in his neighbor’s driveway. Authorities had received a 911 call from a neighbor who felt threatened by Serna and warned police of an armed man."
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Today's Videos & Podcasts....

Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rates - Throwing Trump Under The Bus
WAMVideo - (WAMYuTb - 21min21sec - Nov 16, 2016) - Source:  WAM Videos - A quote...."Josh Sigurdson talks with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the Janet Yellen and the Federal Reserve's choice to raise interest rates right as we approach Donald Trump's inauguration. It's convenient to crash the economy right as Trump gets in, so that they have a scapegoat. The vast public will blame less government, less regulations, less taxes when in reality it's the private apparatus the Federal Reserve. -- Interest rates shouldn't be lowered or raised. It's all artificial. The monetary system and the markets are both artificial and it creates the Hegelian we face on a day to day basis. Problem, reaction, solution, repeat. Devalue, create debt, cause inflation and then make it worse all while regulating small businesses out of the market and monopolizing major corporations favored by the state. -- It's a good thing to reduce regulations and loosen the stranglehold on small businesses. It's also excellent to remove the extortion racket currently being perpetrated by the state which Trump claims he will be doing. However, it doesn't matter. As long as the Federal Reserve is enslaving the country in debt through worthless currency and manipulative control, nothing will change. -- John Sneisen goes into how interest rates affect the people and the difference between manipulated interest rates on the social contract and natural interest rates on the private contract."

Why Would People Lie About Climate Change? – Questions For Corbett #033
Must Listen CRAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (CRMedPlyr - 44min50sec - Dec 16, 2016) - Source:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt - Guest Websites:  SE@JustACitizen - Classified Woman - - Related Websites:  Newsbud Videos - NewsbudCom - NewsBudDonations - BFP Spot Light - BoilingFrogsPost -- A quote..."In this edition of Questions For Corbett James (and Sibel Edmonds of answer your questions on Iran/CIA connections, climate change duplicity, whether the conspirators think they can survive their own conspiracy and much more. Also, James answers that age-old question: why do Hollywood movies suck so much these days?"
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Comedy in Age of Trump (E1007)
MaxRTVideo -- E1007@RT - E1007/AltMp4 - (MaxRTYuTb - 25min44sec - Dec 17, 2016) - Related Websites:  RT@YuTb - RTShows - RT - MaxKeiser@RT - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom - A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report from Austin, Texas, Max and Stacy discuss how both the Italian bank, Monte dei Paschi, and the American retailer, Sears, survived war, Great Depressions and famine, only to be destroyed by the modern paper derivative. In the second half, Max does some stand up and then interviews comedian Lee Camp about the business of comedy in the age of Trump."

"When Everyone Is Sure They Know What's Going To Happen, They're Wrong"
General Analysis - A quote...."In my last note, May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor, I wrote “The bond market is, probabilistically speaking, an underdog to perform well over the next 2-3 years.” Since then, the 10 year US Treasury bond has fallen over 3.5%, and the yield has risen over 58 basis points from 1.75% to 2.33% as of the close yesterday.  For investors who bought the 10-year thinking they were going to earn 1.75% for the next ten years, losing over two years’ worth of income in a month must sting a bit. And if they don’t change, they’re going to get stung again."

Sears Is On The Brink Of Catastrophe As Stores Closures Loom And Top Execs Flee The Company
A quote...."Things aren’t looking good for Sears. - The company is shutting down dozens of Kmart stores this month and two of its highest-ranking executives left this week in the midst of the key holiday shopping season. - This comes following speculation among Sears and Kmart employees,suppliers, and several banks that the retailer will soon go bankrupt — something Sears has repeatedly dismissed. - Jeff Balagna, formerly Sears’ executive vice president, left the company Wednesday, “in order to focus on his other business interests and pursue other career opportunities,” Sears said in an SEC filing dated November 23."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Gardasil and DTaP Vaccines Top Hit List
A quote...."A bitter war of words is raging between the manufacturers of vaccine DTaP and whistleblowers over vaccines. Critics believe there is a causal link to autism and even death. - The government’s own drug administrators are compelled to adopt guerrilla-style tactics to get suppressed information out into the public domain. - In the late 1950s the world’s entire population was the same as China’s is now at 1.3 billion people. Autism was only identified in 1 in 80,000 children in the US. Today it is at 1 in 54 and the ratio is worsening rapidly every year as new figures are published."

Seaborne Fukushima Radiation Plume Hits West Coast — How the Media Reported it Dangerously Wrong
A quote...."On December 12, 2016, EnviroNews USA’s own Editor-in-Chief Emerson Urry touched off a firestorm with his news article titled, “It’s Finally Here: Radioactive Plume From Fukushima Makes Landfall on America’s West Coast,” which claimed “medical science and epidemiological studies have demonstrated time and again that there is no safe amount of radiation for a living organism to be subjected to — period.”

TEPCO: Fukushima nuclear clean-up, compensation costs nearly double previous estimate at $250 billion
A quote...."The total cost of decommissioning the stricken nuclear power plant at Fukushima and providing compensation to victims has nearly doubled, with a new estimate placing the cost at $250 billion. Five and a half years after the nuclear disaster, the painstaking work of cleaning up the radioactive disaster zone is progressing very slowly. Workers on the site have just finished a two-year project to remove a temporary building that was encasing the number 1 reactor."

Hundreds of Acres of Ohio’s Only National Forest to be Leased For Fracking
A quote..."In a $1.7 million dollar deal, more than 700 acres of Ohio’s only national forest is being leased for fracking. - The U.S. Bureau of Land Management has decided to go ahead with their plans to auction off thousands of acres of the forest, despite heavy public opposition. - On Wednesday, the BLM announced that they have leased 769 acres of land to fossil fuel development companies in Texas, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Colorado and Oklahoma. The companies will still need to obtain a permit before drilling can begin."
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More On....The Global Warming Hoax / Carbon Tax / Carbon Currency / Scam....

Global Warming Theories Implode With Record High Sea-Ice Levels
A quote...."Scientists have confirmed that sea-ice levels across Antarctica have reached record highs since records began, bringing the man-made global warming theory into disrepute. - Contrary to United Nations models predicting global temperatures increasing due to carbon dioxide levels increasing, temperates across the world have remained steady for over 18 years, leading some scientists to condemn established global warming theories as ‘false’."

Saturday December 17th 2016

No posts - mpg

Friday December 16th 2016

More Tales From The Anglo-Zio Empire & Its "Friends"....

It Was Bizarre to Watch Samantha Power at the UN Conveniently Forget to Mention all the Massacres Done in America's Name -- Must Read - (Not to mention all the wars, and coups) -- A quote...."So there was Samantha Power doing her “shame” bit in the UN. “Is there no act of barbarism against civilians, no execution of a child that gets under your skin, that just creeps you out a little bit?”, America’s ambassador to the UN asked the Russians and Syrians and Iranians. She spoke of Halabja, Rwanda, Srebrenica “and, now, Aleppo”. -- Odd, that. For when Samantha talked about “barbarism against civilians” in Aleppo, I remembered climbing over the dead Palestinian civilians massacred at the Sabra and Chatila refugee camps in Beirut in 1982, slaughtered by Israel’s Lebanese militia friends while the Israeli army – Washington’s most powerful ally in the Middle East – watched. But Samantha didn’t mention them. Not enough dead Palestinians, perhaps? Only 1,700 killed, including women and children. Halabja was up to 5,000 dead. But Sabra and Chatila certainly “creeped me out” at the time. -- And then I recalled the monstrous American invasion of Iraq. Perhaps half a million dead. It’s one of the statistics for Rwanda’s dead. Certainly far more than Srebrenica’s 9,000 dead. And I can tell you that Iraq’s half million dead “creeped me out” rather a lot, not to mention the torture and murders in the CIA’s interrogation centres in Afghanistan as well as in Iraq." - To get a complete idea of just how truly destructive and aggressive the US-NRE really is, see links posted below.....
Aleppo Victory… US and its Crime Partners Suffer ‘Meltdown of Sanity’
Must Read - Quote of the Day...." The US and its terrorist-sponsoring partners are seeing their criminal regime-change project in ruins, as the Syrian army and its allies win a spectacular victory to retake the strategically important city of Aleppo. - Western governments and their flunkies at the UN are cynically, perversely decrying a "meltdown of humanity". - Closer to the truth is their own "meltdown of sanity". This is because the official Western narrative about the Syrian war is finally being exposed on a glaring scale. - The exposure for the whole world to see is one of a systematic, fake propaganda cover that concealed a criminal enterprise – an enterprise involving terrorist proxies, or fake moderate rebels, whom the Western governments have sponsored for the past six years in a conspiracy to overthrow the government of Syria. The gravity of this systematic crime committed by Washington and its various partners is now unfolding." - also posted at ZeroHedge

“Aleppo Atrocities” – The Western Mainstream Media’s Latest Psy-Op
Must Read - A quote...."As of this morning, East Aleppo is almost completely liberated. As the Syrian Army continue to advance in the few remaining terrorist-held enclaves, remaining residents are being evacuated by the thousands. At the same time, in one of the biggest coordinated propaganda campaigns thus far, the western government-media complex is trying to characterize these events as a “genocide” being carried out by the Syrian government. Media 21WIRE will post continuous ALEPPO UPDATES as we receive information...."

The New York Times Is Nothing More Than A Subservient Government Lapdog
Succinct Title - Must Read - A quote....."On Wednesday, December 14th, the front page of The New York Times featured four news-reports, each of which displays how the employees (editors and reporters), who have been hired by the publisher, convey — by means of selective reporting and hiding of facts — the very same partisan political viewpoint, which the readers who subscribe to the publication will falsely believe to be ‘objective’ and ‘non-partisan’ (since otherwise they wouldn’t even be subscribers to that publication)."

Moral Quicksand: Samantha Power’s Temper Tantrum
A quote...."What stood out most during the verbal broadside unleashed by Washington’s ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, at her Iranian, Syrian and Russian counterparts over the fighting in Aleppo, was her ability to do so with a straight face. It was testament to the ability of US exceptionalism to keep its proponents cocooned from reality."

Russia Concerned US Extension of Iran Sanctions Act Threatens Deal
A quote...."The Russian Foreign Ministry has issued a statement today criticizing the US extension of the Iran Sanctions Act, saying they are “disappointed” in the US move, and fear it could jeopardize the entire P5+1 nuclear deal between the international community and Iran. - The bill which extends the act became law today, without President Obama’s signature. The overwhelming majority of both houses of Congress passed the bill, presumably veto-proofing it, but Obama still didn’t want to have his signature on the matter."

PropOrNot All-Star Organizers: Koch, Soros, CIA, MI6, Ukraine, All Together Now
They Are??  Let's Drone Strike Them!! - A quote...."This article excerpted above explains the forces behind PropOrNot and identifies them from a leftist/Ukraine standpoint. But another article published not so long ago by Washington’s blog, here, makes the connection between Ukraine and the Koch Brothers." - Source:  TheDailyBell
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The All Out War On "The Real", & The Entire "Reality Based Community", Is ON!!!....

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you....then you win."

Sorry, Not Sorry: Neither the Media Nor Their Owners are Going to Change
Must Read - A quote...."The leftist heretic and popular scourge of religion Christopher Hitchens wrote in his superb Bill Clinton takedown, No One Left to Lie To, that the essence of American politics is “the manipulation of populism by elitism.” Unfortunately, this tactic didn’t work so well for the Clintons in November, as the reviled populists had the last irrational, racist, sexist, brutish and barbaric word on the matter (according to assembled liberal punditry). But the statement still rings true. This is, after all, the job description of corporate media. As The Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald says, the “supreme religion of the U.S. press corps is reverence for power.” Their priesthood is a cabal of anonymous sources; their catechism is war everlasting. And so, the vulgar philistines on the plains, who foolishly prefer peaceful relations, steady work, and free healthcare to profiteering wars abroad, must be endlessly misled."
"Don’t expect this to change in the wake of the navel-gazing mainstream’s historic whiff on the election–despite the occasional mea culpa and promise to overhaul its approach. Mostly because 90 percent of the MSM is owned and operated by six conglomerates that have little interest in changing the system that profits them, or in changing the editorial narratives that support the system. And most probably, like Barack Obama and Madame Secretary, because the media believes Trump voters are “a basket of deplorables” that are too unfixably ignorant to understand why Hillary was the right choice." - bold by website editor - also posted at ZeroHedge
Critics Slam Congress for Creating an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth”
Must Read - A quote...."Under the guise of countering foreign “propaganda,” the GOP-controlled Congress quietly passed a bill last week that will unleash even more government propaganda on humanity, while at the same time establishing what critics blasted as an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth.” The “bipartisan” but flatly unconstitutional scheme, dubbed the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act, also calls for providing tax funding and training to “journalists,” media outfits, and other propagandists willing to parrot the U.S. government's viewpoints. According to its sponsors, the goal is to help promote Washington, D.C.'s “foreign policy goals.” The potential for abuse, though, is nearly endless, and the bipartisan establishment's “foreign policy goals” are often at odds with the Constitution — not to mention common decency, human liberty, and peace. And so, critics are speaking out forcefully. "

Politicized Intelligence Kneecapping Trump
Must Read - A quote...."It is not difficult to understand the dynamics of the recent U.S. presidential election. These same dynamics played a part in Brexit, and continue to unfold throughout Europe: there has been little or no real “growth” since 2005 – for many Americans and Europeans. Good quality jobs for native-born Americans and Europeans are rare, and those employment increases that have occurred, are mostly in the minimum wage sector – and have been filled by recent immigrants. - Many native-born Americans and Europeans are feeling the economic pips squeezed to the limit, at the same time that zero or negative interest rates have eviscerated savings income, and are threatening their pensions." - Source:  ConsortiumNews

White House, CIA, NY Times, Washington Post, CBS, etc. ‘fake news’:
A quote...."All ‘report’ unnamed alleged CIA source without evidence that Russia ‘helped’ Trump, but omits expert refutation, omits Stanford, American Statistical Association reports that DNC stole primary election from Sanders, and Clinton’s illegal rogue State Dept e-mails. Demanding .01% arrests yet, or need more lies, looting, wars?"

CNN to the BBC: Faking and Bellyaching
A quote...."If the western world cared for Syria as much as CNN and the BBC appear to, heaven would reign here on Earth. Every waking hour of every day the tears of British, American, and European media publishers cascade over us. Those “White Helmets”, the humanitarian saints, the word wielding White House spokespeople immerse us in their humanity. And their humanity is a sinful joke." - Source:  NEO

Media reporting on hacked DNC emails acted as ‘arms of Russian intelligence’ – White House
Independent Media Falsely Accused - A quote...."White House press secretary Josh Earnest has accused media outlets which reported on the contents of the hacked DNC emails as being “arms of Russian intelligence,” once again accusing Moscow of being behind the cyberattack."

Snopes.Com And Media Matters Are Extreme Left-Wing Sites Devoted To Destroying Alternative Media
Exposed:  Snopes & Media Matters -- A quote...."Since the "fake" and "real" news wars ignited (by the way, David Brock, creator of Media Matters, instigated the attack on Alternative Media) it seems every day is an all out fight in defense of our right to speak out. This attack on Alt-Media is an intentional attack to destroy us and to stop our investigative abilities. You all know what I mean."

The Associated Press Announces It Is Joining The "Fight Against The Scourge" Of Fake News
How Will They Do That??  File Bankruptcy? -- A quote...."As part of its broader fact-checking efforts, The Associated Press announced Thursday that it will work with Facebook to help identify and debunk trending “news” stories being shared online that are false."

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FB to become left-wing propaganda echo chamber with Orwellian plan to label independent journalism “fake” -- FB Censorship - A quote...."(NaturalNews) Facebook has announced a new plan today that will very quickly transform the social media site into an “echo chamber” of left-wing media lies and delusional propaganda (just like we’ve recently seen pushed by the Washington Post)."
Facebook is going to use 4 Fact-Checkers to label which news is Fake News to be censored
More FB's Censorship - A quote...."Facebook is going to start fact-checking, labeling, and burying fake news and hoaxes in its News Feed, the company said Thursday. - The decision comes after Facebook received heated criticism for its role in spreading a deluge of political misinformation during the US presidential election, like one story that falsely said the Pope had endorsed Donald Trump."

Facebook Rolls Out Tools To Curb "Fake News"
FB Plans To Restrict The Web -- A quote....."One month after Facebook revealed a seven point plan to eradicate "fake news" [i.e. independent media], Mark Zuckerberg has made good on his promise to strip Facebook of fake news stories, starting with a tool that allows users to flag anything they consider a hoax, as well as features that tweak Facebook’s news algorithm and provide more restrictions on advertising. - Facebook's 1.8 billion users will now be able to click the upper right-hand corner of the post to flag content as fake news." - Source:  ZeroHedge

US Gov’t, Oligarchs Behind Planned Fake News Flagging on Facebook
US Gov & Oligarchs To Back FP's Censorship -- A quote...."Facebook is adding a new feature wherein a group that the "Washington Post" calls an ‘independent third party fact checker’ will decide whether stories are real or fake, and flag ones the group decides are fake. -- WaPo leaves out of its report that the ‘independent fact checker’, the Poynter International Fact-Checking Network, receives funding from a US government-funded group, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), which award-winning, independent journalist Robert Parry and author William Blum document was created to perform tasks previously performed by the CIA.

Clinton Donor Soros Leads Line-Up Of Lib Billionaires Funding FB's Fake News Fact Checker
George Soros Funds FB's Plans To Restrict The Web - A quote...."Billionaire Clinton donor George Soros is among a line-up of wealthy liberal figures who will fund Facebook's fake news fact checker."

Please Boycott Facebook!!

For alternative social network & payment platforms see....Patreon & Tsu - For a Twitter alternative see....Gab  , for a Facebook alternative, see...Seen Live - For other web alternatives, such as search engines and video here.  --  Facebook is owned by Mark Zuckerberg, a "Jewish" fellow traveling, trans-national, Euro-Kazarian, stealth member of the AIPAC/Israeli Criminal Consortium.  Like George Soros, Rupert Murdoch,  Victoria Newland, Robert Kagan, Penny Pritzker, and all the other Euro-Kazarian PNAC'ers, he fully supports the destruction of Ukraine, the Middle East's secular nation-states, and no doubt the rest of Europe. His company has publicly stated that every single thing you put on Facebook belongs to the companyEvery photo, every essay, every article, every video.  --  Why anyone would even use Facebook is a complete mystery to this website editor.  Anyone who uses Facebook is supporting PNAC'ers just like him, and thereby supporting the terrible carnage they've wrought throughout the world for the last fifteen years.  For more on the "Jewish" control of the web see.....Israel's Net Control - for additional articles about this issue --  posted on this website two months ago, see links here.....
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Put Media Scoundrels Out of Business
A quote...."The simple way is by ignoring them. Stop buying their publications – newspapers, magazines and other material. - Why waste good money on rubbish. Tune out their fake news broadcasts. Why put up with their antics? - If enough people follow this advice, they’ll wither, die and disappear. They feature managed news misinformation deception, not full and accurate coverage of what’s vital to know. - So far, it’s readily available from reliable independent sources, mostly online. Go there exclusively. Walk away forever from rubbish not fit to print or broadcast." - Source:  SteveLendman

FAKE NEWS: NYT, BBC, Guardian, Al-Jazeera....
A quote...."Report soldiers going door to door massacring families in Aleppo. photos show Syrian soldiers doing the opposite, helping civilians!"
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia & C.I.S. States.

CrossTalk: 'Russia Card’

CTRTVideo - CT/RussiaCard@RT - CT/RussiaCard/Mp4 - (CTRTYuTb - 24min40sec - Dec 16, 2016) - Source:  CT@YuTb - CT@SndCld - CrossTalk@RT - RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."When it comes to American politics specifically and European politics in general, there is nothing like playing the Russia card. If there is something wrong or there is something you don’t like, simply blame Vladimir Putin. That is exactly what the CIA is doing. - CrossTalking with Ray McGovern, Philip Giraldi, and James Jatras."
The CIA Is Accusing Russia Of Doing Exactly What The CIA Does
Must Read - A quote...."There’s a grim irony to this. The CIA is accusing Russia of interfering in our free and fair elections to install a right-wing candidate it deemed more favorable to its interests. Yet during the Cold War, that’s exactly what the CIA did to the rest of the world." - Source:  OtherWorldsOrg

Making Russia ‘The Enemy’
Must Read - A quote...."The rising hysteria about Russia is best understood as fulfilling two needs for Official Washington: the Military Industrial Complex’s transitioning from the “war on terror” to a more lucrative “new cold war” – and blunting the threat that a President Trump poses to the neoconservative/liberal-interventionist foreign-policy establishment." - Source:  ConsortiumNews

Putin Lashes Out At Obama:
"Show Some Proof Or Shut Up" -- A quote...."Putin has had enough of the relentless barrage of US accusations that he, personally, "hacked the US presidential election." - The Russian president's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said on Friday that the US must either stop accusing Russia of meddling in its elections or prove it. Peskov said it was "indecent" of the United States to "groundlessly" accuse Russia of intervention in its elections." - Source:  ZeroHedge

Ah, So Putin Didn’t Hack Those Emails After All          
Update:  Corp Media Already Backing Off? - Possible related article? - A quote...."The neocon-driven propaganda campaign to prevent president-elect Donald Trump from taking office took an unexpected turn on Thursday when CBS posted an article claiming that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally authorized the alleged hacking of the DNC. According to the report...."
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The Cold War, Continued: Post-Election Russophobia
A quote...."Mainstream TV news anchors including MSNBC’s Chris Hayes are reporting as fact—with fuming indignation—that Russia (and specifically Vladimir Putin) not only sought to influence the U.S. election (and—gosh!—promote “doubt” about the whole legitimacy of the U.S. electoral system) but to throw the vote to Donald Trump."

Russia to Spend Less on Military in 2017 Than Six Other Nations
A quote...."Russia is about to pour through the "Suwalki gap" into Poland, occupy the Baltics, conquer Ukraine and re-create the Soviet Empire. Apparently Moscow also intends to do this on the cheap because it has allocated about $45 billion to defense spending for 2017. - This puts will put its military spending below that of United States, China, Saudi Arabia, Great Britain, India and France."

Ukrainian Defense Officials [Kiev Regime War Criminals] Face Criminal Charges in Russia Over Donbass Genocide -- A quote...." Russia’s Investigative Committee has launched criminal cases against Ukrainian Defense Ministry and General Staff officials over the genocide of Russian-speakers in the self-proclaimed Donetsk republic. -- The committee, which is Russia’s top federal law enforcement agency specializing in cases of special state importance or public interest, released a statement saying that it had opened an investigation into the actions of Ukrainian Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak, Chief of General Staff Viktor Muzhenko, current and former commanders of the Ukrainian ground forces Anatoly Pushnyakov and Sergey Popko, and the head of the Ukrainian National Guard, Yuri Allerov."

DPR activists pass documents on Ukrainian war crimes in Donbass to ICC
Related Article - A quote...."Donetsk, Dec 15 – DAN. The public committee for registering Ukrainian authorities’ war crimes in Donbass passed evidence of 30 crimes of Ukrainian army to the International Criminal Court in the Hague, a commission representative told a news conference on Thursday."

West's Interference in Ukraine Triggers Major Crisis in Europe - OSCE Envoy
A quote...."Western interference in Ukrainian affairs triggered chaos and devastation in the country as well as a major crisis in Europe", OSCE envoy Alexander Lukashevich said on Thursday. "We observe Kiev’s ongoing policy of ‘cutting’ Donbass from the rest of Ukraine," Russian diplomat said at a meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council."

Zakharova slams Obama's hypocrisy: "Maybe he should apologize to Yanukovych now?"
A quote...."The official spokeswoman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Maria Zakharova, has commented on US President Barack Obama’s words on the inadmissibility of interfering in the internal affairs of other countries by proposing that Obama apologize to ex-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych."
Doctor Lisa sent to Russia nearly 500 children from Donbass for treatment over 2 years
A quote...."Nearly 500 seriously ill children from the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics have been sent for treatment to Moscow with assistance of the member of council on development of civil society and human rights under the Russian President Elizabeth Glinka (Doctor Lisa)."

Russia Stepping Up its Game in Tajikistan to Counter Chinese Competition
A quote...."At the end of November, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced that Russia will supply Tajikistan with "large quantities" of military aircraft over the next year, indicating that China's growing influence in Tajikistan has not gone unnoticed in Moscow.- As defense ministers of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) gathered in the Russian capital for a regular meeting, Shoigu and his Tajik counterpart Sherali Mirzo signed a defense cooperation plan for 2017."

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman comments on France call for new UNSC meeting on Syria
A quote...."MOSCOW, December 15. /TASS/. Russian Foreign Ministry’s official spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has commented on France’s call to hold a new UN Security Council meeting on Syria."
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The ISIS Gambit - The US-NRE's Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....& The Kurds....

Nassim Taleb: The Syrian War Condensed (For Almost Dummies)
Must View "Syria For Dummies" Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Juxtaposition. The way to analyze the situation is to look at the factions comparatively. You do not compare Assad’s regime to the Danish or Norwegian governments, but to the alternative. The question becomes if there is anything in the left column that is worse than the right column?" - Source:  MediumCom - also posted at Duran

Assad: US Support Terrorists By Calling Them Moderate Opposition
As They Have For Over Five Years - A quote...."President Bashar al-Assad has accused the US of sponsoring terrorist groups in Syria by labeling them ‘moderate opposition’. - In an interview with the Russian TV channels, Russia 24 and NTV, the Syrian Presided said the United States tried to promote the idea of so-called moderate opposition in Syria."

By Evacuating and Pardoning Terrorists, is Bashar al-Assad Being Too Nice?
Justice? Or Peace? A Hard Choice When It's Forced Upon A Country - (Sometimes if you don't have Justice, you won't get peace. It's a hard call. Especially letting foreign Wahhabist terrorists go who have committed horrible crimes against the Syrian people - mpg) -- A quote...."Images of green bus convoys leaving Aleppo have provoked mixed reactions across the world. The coaches are filled with the surrendered terrorists who had occupied parts of East Aleppo prior to its liberation by the Syrian Arab Army. - Far from the fake massacres reported in the Western mainstream media, President Assad and his Russian partners are handling the situation in an utterly humane fashion, perhaps too humane. Assad’s rationale is that in order for Syria to once again be a peaceful and united country, as it was prior to 2011 when Western provocations triggered the current crisis, there needn’t be any Nuremberg style trials for the terrorists who continue to plague the country. - Assad has offered amnesty to any Syrians participating in terrorist activities in return for their pledge to lay down arms and permanently return to civilian life or join the fight against terrorism."

At Least 10 ‘NATO’ Military Officers Captured by Syrian Special Forces This Morning in East Aleppo Bunker
How Embarrassing - (Aren't terrorist supporters supposed to be shot? Just curious? - mpg) -- A quote.... "According to two reports coming out of Aleppo today, fourteen ‘NATO’ military officers were captured this morning in an East Aleppo bunker by Syrian Special Forces. - This story was quietly leaked by, who announced, “The Security Council is sitting in private on Friday, December 16, 2016, at 17:00 GMT, while NATO officers were arrested this morning by the Syrian Special Forces in a bunker in East Aleppo.” - also posted at AlethoNews
Congress Votes to Give Jihadists Anti-Aircraft Missiles
US Congress Supporting ISIS....Again - A quote...."On Thursday, the Senate passed a bill that puts every American who travels by plane at risk.  It is among the stupidest pieces of legislation ever written and it explains– to a great extent– why the US Congress has a public approval rating of 13 percent and is among the most loathed institutions in America." -- "The 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) passed the House last Friday in a 375-34 vote. On Thursday, it cleared the senate with a 92 to 7 margin.  The bill will now be sent to Obama where it is expected to be signed into law. According to an article on SOFREP titled  “Congress authorizes anti-aircraft missiles for Syrian opposition”" - also posted at  GlobalRsrch
Rest Of Militants Withdraws From Aleppo After Failed Night Attack - SF $ Rq - [Click Here]
SFVideo - Alt - (SFYuTb - 1min01sec - Dec 15, 2016) - SF@YuTb - SouthFrontOrg -- A quote...."Last night, Jaish al-Fatah militants launched a major offensive against government forces in Hikmah from the direction of Rashiddeen 4 in the southwestern Aleppo countryside. - After a series of firefights, the Syrian Army and Hezbollah forced Jaish al-Fatah units to retreat. - As result a group of militants, that sabotaged evacuation from Aleppo on December 14, agreed to all terms and conditions of the Syrian government."
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, North & Central Africa & Others.

Forever War: Obama Pulled Troops From Iraq 5 Years Ago, But US Military Now Poised To Remain
Still There....  (As most thinking people predicted when the US-NRE went into Iraq more than fifteen years ago! - mpg) -- A quote...."In December 2011, President Barack Obama pulled all remaining US troops from Iraq pursuant to an agreement signed by his predecessor. Yet a new phase of America’s military stewardship of Iraq began in 2014 and may remain for years to come. - Five years ago, Obama declared that “our war in Iraq ends this month.” The last convoy of US troops exited Iraq in mid-December of 2011, more than a year after the final combat soldiers were allegedly pulled from the war-laden nation that was invaded by the US in 2003."

Iraqi Air Force kills 20 Daesh commanders near Mosul
A quote..."Nearly two dozen high-ranking figures of the Takfiri Daesh terrorist group have been killed when Iraqi Air Force fighter jets carried out an airstrike near Mosul as government forces and their allied fighter are trying to boot the extremists out of the strategic northern city."

Federal Police arrests IS Media Center Official south of Mosul
A quote...."Nineveh ( Federal Police Chief, Raed Shaker Jawdet, announced on Thursday capturing the Media Center Official of the Islamic State (IS) group, south of Mosul."

13 killed, 48 wounded as explosion hits bus carrying soldiers in Kayseri, Turkey
A quote...."A bus carrying off-duty soldiers has been hit by an explosion outside a university in the Turkish city of Kayseri, leaving 13 people dead and 48 wounded, the Turkish military said in a statement cited by Reuters."

Forces loyal to rival Libya govts clash near Tripoli
A quote...."The clashes -- which involved the use of heavy weapons -- did not result in any casualties, but they did sow panic among local residents, witnesses said."

Banned by 119 Countries, U.S. Cluster Bombs Continue to Orphan Yemeni Children
A quote...."On the morning of October 5, Ali Mohammed “Jubahi” Medarij set out early from his family home in al-Hayma, a coastal fishing village on the Red Sea in western Yemen. Every day, the 34-year-old fisherman traveled 9 miles to a local market — not to sell his catch, but to look for work."

Saudi king Warns against ‘foreign interference’ in Yemen as his troops continue attacks on Houthis
Saudi Parasitical Family Warns Not To Oppose Their War Crimes -- A quote...."Saudi Arabia will not tolerate any external “interference” in Yemen, King Salman has stated, as his forces continue to wage war against Houthi rebels, killing hundreds of civilians and leaving millions facing acute food shortages."
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More On The Weaponization, Ethno-Engineering & Forced Migration / Refugee Invasion....

Soros Think Tank Claims Russia Could Engineer Migrant Sex Attacks to Boost Right-Wing Parties
Would Someone Please Rid The World Of This Meddlesome Soros? -- A quote...."The article, co-written by Julian Röpcke — a journalist whose unflinching support of al-Qaeda and the most extremist “rebels” in Syria earned him the nickname #JihadiJulian, a popular hashtag campaign on Twitter — claims Moscow interfered with the U.S. election by publishing internal Democratic National Convention documents through Wikileaks. -- The ECFR is a Soros-funded, pan-European think tank of which the arch-globalist billionaire was a founding Council member. The organisation’s website featured a piece by the Hungarian hedge fund manager as early as February 2009 marking Russia as “hostile” and a “threat” to “open society values”, in which he instructed Europe to “neutralise” the nation." - bold by website editor - Source:  Breitbart

‘Our Streets and Squares Are Under Migrant Control’ Says German Home Affairs Minister
A quote...."The minister of Bavaria expressed his “outrage” towards police officials who have only managed to issue 18 convictions from the Cologne sex attacks which rocked Germany last year. - Sober expressed his “deep disappointment” in the lack of convictions, adding: “What has become of Cologne? Nothing. Few condemnations, hardly any deportations.”"

Swiss Referendum to End Mass Migration from EU is Ignored!
So Much For Democracy - A quote...."A majority of voters backed a proposal to cap immigration from EU member states in the landmark poll, held two years ago. - But MPs today defied the will of the people by voting against placing any cap on EU migrants. - It came after fears the country, which is part of the European Free Trade Association, could lose its access to the single market."

1000 Muslims Block London Streets Chanting Allahu Akbar to Demand Islamic Caliphate
A quote...."The street outside the empty embassy in Belgrave Square, London, was closed off as it filled with protestors and Islamic leaders chanting loudly and calling for America to be punished over Aleppo. - The demonstration became an alternative to an official rally calling for an end to the bloodshed in Syria outside Downing Street. - During the speeches which lasted almost an hour the crowd chanted Allahu Akbar 'God is the greatest' and cheered for those calling for a global caliphate."

Germany Witnessing Fresh Wave of Vandalism of Christian Monuments
A quote...."Germany is witnessing a fresh spate of vandalism of Christian sculptures, with over 40 cases registered since the end of October, local media report, citing police. Officials say they are not excluding a religious motive. - "Since October 24, police have registered 48 cases in which unknown attackers destroyed sacred figures, sacred sculptures, and crosses," Die Junge Freiheit reports, citing police officials. - The attacks occurred in the district of Coesfeld, located in the Federal State of North-Rhine Westphalia. The perpetrators are primarily targeting the noses and eyes of the sculptures, police spokesman Mirko Stein told Die Junge Freiheit."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere...

How Dominance, Authority, and Control Work in a Zionist Context
Must Read Analysis - A quote...."From observing the Zionist expressions of power, one stands out above the rest: Dominance. Because it is an umbrella covering various forms of power and influence, dominance is versatile. In the politics of power, dominance is such a force that it can generate authority, adulation, and appeal for association. This phenomenon could happen anywhere and in any society regardless of the personal beliefs of those who acknowledge the Dominance Factor and work within its rules."
"However, our focus here is Authority. Among all the practical mechanism of Authority, control is the most looked-after commodity because those who possess and employ it can rule in any capacity. Control, therefore is an essential mechanism to expand domination—it leads to compliance regardless of the political system."

"In the context of the Zionist establishment, Authority, due to an already achieved dominance, has a powerful but subtle method to make the system adapt to its needs. It changes the system from inside without changing how it functions, how it appears, or how it is perceived."

"This is an advantage. A system thusly changed would keep its normal appearance of administrative continuity. Such an appearance is vital for the sake of perception. That is, even though the Zionist infiltration has changed the ideological composition of the system by making Zionism a formidable political force, such change would still be regarded by many Americans as a normal and “free” political process."
A Glimpse Into Zionist Trolling Pathology - Part 1
Must Read - A quote...."By now, American people must be accustomed to the humiliating fact that their foreign affairs are shaped by the Israeli lobby. Americans must have also learned to cope with the idea that despite the poverty and deprivation in Detroit, Newark, Baltimore and Oakland their government is sending  billions of dollars of military aid to the Jewish State.  I guess the Americans must be used to the fact that their presidential campaigns are now totally funded by Jewish oligarchs such as Saban, Soros and Adelson. Whether America likes it or not, it has been reduced into an Israeli colony."

US Cultural Establishment, Media Rife With Vicious [Euro-Kharzarian] Hate for Ethnic Russians
Must Read - A quote...."Tim Wise is a well-known “anti-racist educator” who is paid outrageous sums of money to lecture college students on how evil white people are. His most famous book is “White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son.” As you might have guessed though, Wise only identifies as white when it is financially advantageous. Occasionally, he also calls himself Jewish, albeit an “anti-Zionist Jew” [My Smackdown With Anti-White Crusader Tim Wise, by Mark Green, The Occidental Observer, March 7, 2010]. - Wise is infamous for his habit of letting the mask slip and revealing his “anti-racist” education is really just overt hatred of whites as such. One of the most revealing rants was “An Open Letter to the White Right, On the Occasion of Your Recent, Successful Temper Tantrum“ written after the Republican victories in the 2010 midterm elections, which featured him taunting “conservative old whites” who were supposedly “dying out” and unlike endangered animals, are not “worth saving” [Daily Kos, November 3, 2010].-But it’s not just European-Americans Wise hates. He really, really hates Russians." - Source:  RI - For more on this issue, see links posted below......
The Jews Who Started the Iraq War
War Criminals Parade - A quote...."What a nice bunch of homicidal maniacs, not caring how many people get killed, nor how much they destroy, nor how much it costs America and the West to wage wars for Israel's expansion, after all, we're only GOYIM, which is Yid for cattle. We're of no consequence, only the Chosen Ones count."

One Pic Says it ALL About America's Foreign Policy
Brain Washing Goyum - A quote...."American Christians little suspect they are being brainwashed twenty-four hours of every day over television and radio, by newspapers and magazines, by motion pictures and plays, by books, by political leaders in office and seeking office, by religious leaders in their pulpits and outside their churches, by leaders in the field of education inside and outside their curricular activities, and by all leaders in business, professions and finance, whose economic security demands that they curry the favor of so-called "Jews" of historic Khazar ancestry. Unsuspecting Christians are subjected to this barrage from sources they have little reason to suspect."

Italy:   [Despite The Banksters' Tens of Trillions.....] Mein Kampf is “Top 10” School Book
A quote...."A national poll in Italy among 138,000 secondary schools and 3.5 million students has found that Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf is one of their top ten favorite reading materials. - The finding shocked the liberal establishment in Italy, particularly in light of the fact that Hitler’s book came out tops among some 10,000 different titles nominated."

Army [Euro-Kharzarian Foreign Militia] Abducts The Former Mayor Of Ethna
A quote...."The Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) has reported that Israeli soldiers [Euro-Kharzarian foreign militia members] have kidnapped, on Thursday at dawn, the former mayor of Ethna town, west of Hebron, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank."

Israeli Soldiers [Euro-Kharzarian foreign militia members] Abduct 24 Palestinians, Including Nine Children
A quote...."Israeli soldiers [Euro-Kharzarian foreign militia members] invaded, overnight and during early dawn hours Thursday, dozens of homes in different parts of occupied East Jerusalem, and violently searched them, before abducting 24 Palestinians, including one woman and nine children."

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (08 – 14 December 2016)
Weekly Report -- A one week total of what the illegal Jihadist Euro-Kharzarian migrants do to the Palestinians.  Just a week's total.  This has been going on for over sixty years.  What would you do if they were doing this to your community, your family, or you?  Would you chicken out and leave, would you give up and submit, or would you fight?  Try thinking about it.  What would YOU actually do in such circumstances?? - mpg
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Greek Tragedy & Others -- The Criminal Acts / Destruction / of the Banksters....

Simmering Greek Financial Crisis Explodes Once Again
Athens Disobeys The Troika -- A quote...."[12/16/16]  Under the terms of its last bailout, Athens was required not only to continue to impose harsh austerity terms (higher taxes, less government spending, better accountability, and increased tax collection enforcement onto Greek citizens) but to inform the unelected “higher” European authorities of any change in those terms by Athens. - Last week Athens unilaterally (the way things used to be before the imposition of the European Union’s mandates) shored up a failing pension plan. It announced it would move $600 million to the plan to keep it from defaulting on payments to its more than one million beneficiaries."
Eurozone Suspends Greek Debt Relief Over Christmas Bonus For Pensioners
Bankster Slaves Rebel & Get Cut-Off - (Just in time for Christmas!) -- A quote...."Greece’s European creditors have halted the country’s debt relief deal after Athens proposed a one-off payout to pensioners which contradicts Brussels' austerity demands. - The sides are struggling to agree on the latest review of Greece’s rescue plan of €86 billion. Last week they agreed on a short-term debt relief deal under which Athens must reduce its public debt by 20 percent of GDP by 2060."
EU ON BRINK: Brussels SHAMBLES as EU leaders turn on each other in HUGE Brexit split
EU Government Splitting? - A quote...."EU NATIONS have already started squabbling among each other over what Brexit negotiation strategy should be deployed after smaller members demanded the European Commission starts trade talks with Britain as soon as possible."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

Philippines' Duterte tells US to Prepare to Leave the Country
A quote....""We do not need you," Duterte said in a news conference after arriving from visits to Cambodia and Singapore. "Prepare to leave the Philippines. Prepare for the eventual repeal or abrogation of the VFA."

Time is Ripe For India-Iran-Russia Energy Tie-Up
A quote...."A major development in Russia-Iran relations, which merits close attention in New Delhi, has been that a preliminary agreement has been reached in Tehran two days ago to replace the US dollar with local currencies in the bilateral trade. The symbolism here is important against the backdrop of the recurring speculation that the new US president Donald Trump may tighten sanctions against Iran. A reasonable explanation for the decision to use the local currencies by Moscow and Tehran is that the two sides  are insulating the dynamics of their strategic partnership from being buffeted by US’ unfriendly policies toward Iran." - Source:  IndianPunchline

Joint naval exercises to strengthen Indian friendship with Russia
A quote...."The Russian-Indian naval exercises ‘Indra’ Navy-2016 will serve to strengthen friendship between the two countries and their cooperation in the field of maritime security, said the Indian Ministry of Defence."

Russia to be self-sufficient in food by 2023 - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Russia will be able to acquire complete self-sufficiency in agricultural products, with the exception of exotic foods, in seven years, Alexander Tkachev, Russia’s Minister of Agriculture, said during Government Hour in the State Duma."

Russian troops’ most successful operation in Chechen War
A quote...."The operation to destroy Chechnya’s air forces in December 1994 was one of the most successful episodes of the First Chechen War. In spring that year, Dzhokhar Dudayev head of the Chechen separatists, began to prepare for war. These preparations included a detailed plan of action for the Chechen armed forces during combat operations."

State Duma ratifies deal with Armenia on regional air defense in Caucasus
A quote...."The State Duma, the lower house of Russia’s parliament, has ratified an agreement between Russia and Armenia on creating the regional united air defense system in the Caucasian collective security region."

Russia, Japan sign over 60 deals during Putin’s visit

A quote...."Russia and Japan signed more than 60 various deals in which Japan will invest over $2.5 billion during Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to the country, Japan’s Kyodo news agency reported citing a senior Japanese government official."

Pamela Anderson says will ‘gladly’ get Russian citizenship
A quote...."Hollywood star and animal rights activist Pamela Anderson said on Dec. 16 she could be interested in obtaining Russian citizenship."

Chinese Battle Group Conducts Live-Fire Drills
A quote...."A Chinese naval battle group, involving a homemade aircraft carrier, has conducted a live-fire drill in northeastern waters in a show of force amid an escalating war of words with the United States."

China: Multilateral talks best way to deal with N Korea
A quote...."China says that any action or sanctions against North Korea should come within the framework of the United Nations and not extend beyond it. - During a diplomatic phone call China’s special envoy for the Korean peninsula Wu Dawei told Kenji Kanasugi, director-general of Asian and Oceanian affairs bureau at Japan’s foreign ministry, that Beijing always viewed multilateral talks and negotiations as a way forward to resolve North Korea’s ballistic missile issue."

China Seized An Unmanned U.S. Navy Sub - That Was Possibly Legal
A quote...."The Chinese can simply say: "We saw a ship or submarine that seemed to be somewhat erratic in its movements. It did not respond to direct bridge to bridge bull horn calls. No crew was seen on board. We reasonably considered it a danger to international shipping. We salvaged it. If it is yours we will give it back (after a thorough inspection) if you pay us the usual applicable salvage award." - What can the U.S. in a legally straight way respond? How will it respond?
If the US had lost remote control of the sub, what China did might actually be legal -- That said, China has to react appropriately and cautiously here, keeping in mind that whatever they do regarding this situation may very well set a precedent for the future.  One that if they're not careful, may be a future they won't like - mpg
Vietnam is well, but that angers Western Imperialism
A quote...."Some fifteen years ago, when I lived in Hanoi, I used to come very often to the rooftop bar at the Meritus Hotel for an evening drink, just to feel the gentle breeze and to spot ancient cargo boats majestically sailing on the surface of the Red River. Sometimes the river could be clearly visible, but often it was covered by fog, like in an old Vietnamese painting."

Traveling in Crimea off the beaten track
Relax Time - Photo Gallery - A quote...."The Crimean summer is hot and the sun is burning, while the winter climate is far milder than in northern parts of Russia. November onwards is the perfect time for a budget trip to Crimea, avoiding the high season. You will be at one with the splendid nature."

More Photo Galleries....(National Geographic) - (Click on photo to advance.....)
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

Historical Justice and Morality: The World Should Remember the Nanjing Massacre (Dec 13 1937- Jan 1938)
A quote...."December 13 marks the 3rd national commemoration of the Nanjing Massacre. Through the commemoration, also known as Nanjing Ji, Chinese people hope to, together with the rest of the world, remember the estimated 300,000 Chinese massacred during a six-week period 79 years ago by the imperial Japanese Army."

Myanmar: Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi Oversees Rohingya Genocide
A quote...."Reading commentary, analysis, and even alleged “reports” from the Southeast Asian state of Myanmar, it would appear that Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi – poster child of American and European “democracy promotion” – is helpless to avert what is quickly expanding into wholesale genocide against the nation’s Rohingya minority. -- In reality, Suu Kyi’s political coalition has for decades been bolstered by highly politicized sectarian factions, including saffron-clad “monks” who have regularly employed street violence in support of Suu Kyi and her National League for Democracy (NLD) party. These same factions – also for decades – have pursued a policy of racially and religiously charged, politically-motivated violence against Myanmar’s Rohingya population."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web
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Domestic Politics, New Roman Empire Style....

The VERY Dangerous, Dirty, Political Game...Continues....

The "Elite" Coup Of 2016
Must Read - A quote...."The [below] theses are thus far only a general outlay. No general plan has been published. The scheme though is pretty obvious by now. - The priority aim is to deny Trump the presidency. He is too independent and a danger for several power centers within the ruling U.S. power circles....." - Source:  MoonOfAlabama
Fairly Sunny Day
Must Read - Extensive Article List - The first ten ....
America Goes Insane
A quote...."The term ‘fake news’ infers that there exists ‘real’ news. The charge of a hacked election infers that said election was otherwise free from untoward influence. In political terms the charge of illegitimacy infers, and is intended to confer, legitimacy upon the purveyors of ‘real’ news and those levying the charges of political interference. -- Cui bono? In a broad political sense national Democrats need to explain how they lost an election to Donald Trump. After all, Mr. Trump was the Democrats’ choice to run against. Given their apparent incapacity for introspection, they need to explain it first and foremost to themselves. Secondarily, they need to explain it to their patrons on Wall Street, in executive suites and in the military establishment lest resources for perpetual advantage flow toward Republicans."

How Come No One Involved in the Russian Hacking Conspiracy Talked? - PCR's Quart $$ Rqst [Click Here]
A quote...."The claims that the Russian government hacked US voting machines are absurd. Voting machines are not connected to the Internet. To hack a voting machine you have to be physically in proximity to the machine and use a hand held device. The machines can be programmed to throw the vote count to one candidate or the other, and there are other ways to interfere with elections. Possibly if a foreign power had server presence in the US, some precinct reports of results could be intercepted and altered, although a voice check over the telephone is an easy way to verify the electronic transmission. What is clear is that Russia cannot hack the voting machines." - also posted at RussianInsider

The Elites' Russian Propaganda Meme Is Really an Attack on Democracy, Not Moscow
A quote...."In June of this year Great Britain held a referendum on continued membership in the EU where majority of the voters decided they want Britain to leave the association. Despite this the British government has yet to act on the decision of the people and the entirety of its political elites, including the leading Brexit campaigner Boris Johnson, are acting in a way that shows the referendum result completely ruined their day."

14 Signs There Is a Plot to Use Russia as an Excuse to Steal the Presidency From Trump on Dec 19 or Jan 6
A quote...."Donald Trump could have the election legally stolen from him on either December 19th when the Electoral College casts their votes or on January 6th when a joint session of Congress gathers to count those votes.  The establishment is in full-blown panic mode at this point, and they seem to have settled on “Russian interference in the election” as the angle that they plan to use to try to deny Trump the presidency. " - Source:  EcoCollapseBlog

The Democratic Party Allies with the CIA
A quote...."It is nothing short of a massive paradox, bordering on the ridiculous, for the CIA to allege that Russian cyber attacks had influenced the outcome of the recent Presidential election “to favor one candidate over the other” and sought to “undermine confidence in the US electoral system.” Seriously?" - Source:  CounterPunch

Questions for the Electors on Russian Hacking
A quote...."It is being reported that John Podesta, Chairman of the defeated $1.2 billion Clinton presidential campaign, is supporting the call by various officials, including at least forty Electors, that the members of the Electoral College be given a classified intelligence briefing on the alleged Russian hacking before the College votes on December 19." - Source:  CounterPunch

Ex-British ambassador who is now a WikiLeaks operative claims Russia did NOT provide Clinton emails
A quote...."Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan and associate of Julian Assange, told the he flew to Washington, D.C. for emails - He claims he had a clandestine hand-off in a wooded area near American University with one of the email sources."
Basket of Deplorables
Full quote...."A poem by Jihad Axman.....
First they came for the Holocaust Deniers
Then they came for the anti Semites
Then they came for the White people
Then the rednecks
And family values, the Church, the heterosexual, the ‘Goy’ and the ‘deplorables’
Then Trump was elected.... 
Why They Hate Rex Tillerson
A quote...."While the Democrats morph into a neoconservative party of paranoiacs whose main issue is hating on Russia, and the John McCain-Lindsey Graham duo arises to make its last stand in a Trumpified GOP, Rex Tillerson is the perfect target of their ire. Seeking to delegitimize the President-elect as a Russian-controlled Manchurian candidate, the CIA-Clinton-Saudi axis of “resistance” is on the warpath, and Tillerson’s alleged ties to Vladimir Putin are taking center stage in what is bound to turn into a knock-down drag-out fight on the Senate floor."

‘Make Love AND War’ - The Perfect Slogan For Washington’s New Reality
A quote...."“Make love [LGBTOPBQ sex], while making war” [it's the Neoliberalcon way!] – I’d like to suggest this as a new American slogan for the XXI Century, the slogan that ushers in a new reality:  tree-hugging, NPR-listening, granola eaters in bed with McCain's war-mongering neocons -- all united in their anger at Russia and Russia's man in Washington. - And it is not just Trump. Everyone who challenges the Washington consensus and wants to introduce some fresh thinking into business as usual is the subject of this double attack from both extreme right and extreme left."

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Donald  Trump:  Stealth Zio-Agent....??

Must Read - A quote...."You need to remember the names Chuck Schumer, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Steve Israel. These are all blood-pouring-from-the-fangs Zionists, and, not coincidentally, recently in charge of the people who run as Democrats in national American politics. They have consistently picked extreme right-wing candidates to run, so right-wing that they are not acceptable to most Democrat voters. If these ridiculous candidates win, they vote as ‘blue dogs’, mostly with the Republicans. If they lose, which recently has been the trend, a Republican is elected. The Zionists don’t care. Their only criterion of electoral success is if a hard-line Zionist ends up elected. The result of years of this treason has been the apotheosis of the Republican Party, and too many Wars For The Jews to count, with the accompanying impoverishment of the country." - Source:  Xymphora
Trump nominates hardline Zionist as US ambassador to Israel
Related Article - A quote...."US President-elect Donald Trump has nominated David Friedman, a hardline Zionist, as US ambassador to Israel, likely paving the way toward a controversial decision to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem al-Quds"

The Iranian Motives of Donald Trump
A quote...."According to a number of politicians, diplomatic officials, and observers, the foreign policy of the new US President Donald Trump will surely introduce new and unexpected changes in many aspects of global politics. For example, Donald Trump has triumphantly announced that he does not intend to overthrow governments abroad in favour of the USA’s interests. He stated that Washington intends to contribute to stability in the international arena by all means." - Source:  NEO
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation...

Recovering America’s History of Progressive Populism
Must Read - A quote...."There is only one narrative in the mainstream media about populism: it destroys democracy and leads straight to fascism. This is an ignorant and false narrative. Here’s a typical example of the mainstream anguish that the elites’ preferred narratives are falling apart because they’ve left the bottom 95% behind: How Democracies Fall Apart: Why Populism Is a Pathway to Autocracy - Granted, this is an international context for populism, but this is no excuse foroverlooking America’s history of progressive populism. Are the “experts” beating the drum that populism inevitably leads to autocracy so poorly educated about American history that they don’t know that populism can be powerfully progressive, or are they being willfully blind to serve their elitist masters?" - Source: 

Homicides Account for 2/3rds of Arrest-related Deaths, US Agency Says
Related Article - A quote...."After years of federal estimates of police killings that observers have called incomplete, the Bureau of Justice Statistics says that about two-thirds of 1,900 deaths during arrests over a year period can be considered homicide."

Coming Next in ObamaCare: Insurance Rationing?
Obama(no)care Gets Even More....(No) -- A quote...."For Minnesotans, coming next is meant literally. In order to keep insurers from fleeing the Mnsure ObamaCare exchange, Commerce Commissioner Mark Rothman and Governor Mark Dayton had to agree to massive rate increases across the board, which have garnered most of the headlines and discussion in this state and around the nation. Another less-discussed concession, though, might have even worse portents for the unaffordable Affordable Care Act. Rothman and Dayton have allowed insurers to cap enrollments in order to limit their losses — an act of rationing that may set precedent for negotiations in other states."

Bombshell: Sacrificing Children to the State of California: SB18
Your Kids....Are Now Their Kids - A quote...."This bill is basically setting up the population of California for state regulatory agencies to fill in the blanks later, to make specific controls out of the vague generalities in the bill. Get it? - “Medical care and nutrition and parenting and education are what we say they are. We define and enforce, you obey.”"
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Today's Videos & Podcasts....

Interview 1236 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
CRAudio - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/YuTb - (CRMedPlyr - 14min41sec - Dec 15, 2016) - Source:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt - A quote...."Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. In this week’s episode...."

Keiser Report: Healthcare Monster (E1006)
MaxRTVideo -- E1006@RT - E1006/AltMp4 - (MaxRTYuTb - 25min45sec - Dec 15, 2016) - Related Websites:  RT@YuTb - RTShows - RT - MaxKeiser@RT - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom - A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report from Austin, Texas, Max and Stacy discuss the healthcare monster no one wants to tame and the Fukushima meltdown devouring trillions of yen. In the second half Max interviews Adam Curry about the hashtag fake news and the rise of alt-media as a competitive challenge to the mainstream media."

The Elite Initiate “Operation Remove Trump”, Plans Are Set For Dec 19th – Episode 1153
X22Audio - Ep1153/Mp3 - Ep1153/YuTb-a - Ep1153/YuTb-b - (X22Mp3 - 37min25sec - Dec 15, 2016) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Websites: X22Report - X22ReportSpotlight - NewzSentinel - A quote...."Gold was suppressed by using future contracts that were worth 10 billion dollars. Freddie Mac issues warning about the real estate market. US manufacturing PMI the Empire Fed and Philly Fed surveys all of sudden surge. But the hard economic data show the opposite of what is happening. The Fed wants the US Banks to pay an additional 2 billion to keep the market from crashing. Australia is on the path to becoming cashless. There are states that you don't want to be in when everything goes south. - All source links to the report can be found on the site."

Is India PROOF Elites Want To CONFISCATE GOLD? -- Andy Hoffman
SgtRepVideo - (SgtRptYuTb - 21min37sec - Dec 14, 2016) - Source:  SGTReport  - A quote...."Andy Hoffman from Miles Franklin is back to help us break down REAL NEWS from the world of economics and precious metals. We examine the tyrannical moves in India to ban cash and SEIZE gold from citizens. Is this the model the globalists want to roll out in Western nations as well? Sure looks like it."

Greg Hunter--Weekly News Wrap-Uo 12.16.2016
GHVideo - GregHunter@USAWD - (GHYuTb - 28min17sec - Dec 15, 2016) -- Source:  GH@YuTb - Related Sites:  USAWatchDog - A quote...."The Federal Reserve just raised a key interest rate a quarter of a point.  This was only the second time in 10 years the Fed raised rates, but the market had already beaten the Fed to the punch. In July, the interest rate for the 10-year Treasury was 1.46%.  Five short months later, the same rate is now more that 1% higher.  This is what it means when you hear the phrase “the Fed is behind the curve” on interest rates.  Losses in the global bond markets are stacking up with the rising rates.  Now, there are reports that China and other central banks are dumping U.S. debt at an alarming rate.  More than $400 billion in U.S. government bonds was sold this year alone.  Could rising interest rates knock Donald Trump’s plans for a loop?  The answer, in a word, is yes."

Beware The ‘Quad Witch’ Has Arrived, Prepare Accordingly – Episode 1154
X22Audio - Ep1154/Mp3 - Ep1154/YuTb-a - Ep1154/YuTb-b - (X22Mp3 - 37min17sec - Dec 16, 2016) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Websites: X22Report - X22ReportSpotlight - NewzSentinel - A quote...."More proof that gold is completely manipulated. The traders even picked amount where they will not allow gold to go above. Housing starts, permits collapse. Nowcast is now predicting that GDP will drop to 1.7% for the 4th Quarter. The Dow is overbought, we haven't seen this since the tech bubble and 2008, hold on to your seat because it is going to be a fast ride down. The Quad Witch has arrived, we will start to see major volatility in the market most likely starting in 2017. Doug Casey warns to sell your bonds now. China and other foreign central banks start to dump US Treasuries, do they know something we don't. - All source links to the report can be found on the site."

Gerald Celente - Trump stock market boom. Real or fleeting? What's next?
GCVideo - (Note:  appropriate adult language used) - (GCYuTb - 14min33sec - Original release: 12/14/2016)  - Source:   TrendsRsrchInst - Related Websites: GrldCelYuTb - TJ@YuTb

The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller, December 15, 2016 Hour 1
Must Listen JS@RBNAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (JS@RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - Dec 15th 2016) - Source:  Republic Brdcst Audio - Republic Broadcasting -- A quote...."First half-hour one guest: Gerald Celente on Trump and the USA -- Second half-hour fake news, media, and politics."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

[Mostly Foreign Euro-Kharzarian Owned] Fed Increased Interest Rates Twice Under Obama
A quote...."Today they announce they will increase in 9 times under Trump in his first 3 years. Trump was right, the Feds are political, its time we abolish the Fed." - Source:  EconomicCollapse
Many people predicted this!  As this website editor stated, whether the stock and bond "markets" go up, or down, has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with financial considerations.  It's a political, and geo-political decision by the Banksters.  Mostly foreign, trans-national, Euro-Kharzarian families and institutions.  Full stop. End of story. - mpg
China Dumps Treasuries: Foreign Central Banks Liquidate A Record $403 Billion In US Paper
Charts - (click each till they're enlarged)-- A quote...."One month ago, when we last looked at the Fed's update of Treasuries held in custody, we noted something troubling: the number had continued to drop sharply, declining by another $14 billion in one week, and pushing the total amount of custodial paper to $2.788 trillion, the lowest since 2012. One month later, we refresh this chart and find that in last week's update, there is finally some good news: foreign central banks finally bought some US paper held in the Fed's custody account, which following months of liquidation, rose over the past two weeks by $23 billion, the biggest two-week advance since November of 2016, pushing the total amount of custodial paper to $2.816 trillion, the highest since early October."

[US] Housing Starts, Permits Crash In November (Despite Soaring Homebuilder Confidence)
Multiple Charts -- A quote...."Just yesterday homebuilders raged hard about how awesome everything was - sending their optimism index to its highest since the previous peak in 2005. It seems they are all talk and no action as November's data for housing starts and permits collapsed (following the trajectory of mortgage apps). - Housing Starts crashed 18.7% MoM - near the biggest monthly plunge since the crisis peak in 2005."

It's Official: the Dow is More Overbought Than at the Peak of the Tech or Housing Bubbles
A quote...."I cannot remember a time when investors were more bullish. The Dow is currently more overbought (based on the 14 day relative strength index) than at any point in the last 20 years. - That includes both the peak of the housing bubble and the peak of the Tech Bubble."

The “Death of the Dollar” Will Have to be Rescheduled
A quote...."Sharply higher yields on Treasury securities and the prospect of more rate hikes by the Fed – in a world where other major central banks are still stewing innocent bystanders in the juices of NIRP, negative yields, and “punishment interest” – sent the hated dollar, whose death has been promised for a long time, soaring." - Source:  WolfStreet

Silver Slammed As Gold Crashes Below $1150 On $10 Billion Post Fed Hike Puke
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Gold is suffering the worst 6-week tumble since May 2013 and the last 24 hours have seen the losses accelerate as following The Fed's second rate hike in a decade, someone dumped over $10 billion notional of the precious metal through the futures market. As the dollar surges to 14 year highs (and EUR tumbles) so silver also is plunging most since the election near a $15 handle once again."

"When Gold Goes Above 1430 We Whack It"
"Gold Fixed" - A quote...."As it goes in silver, so it goes in gold. In London at least. - In a bid to have UBS reinstated as a defendant in a London Gold Fix antitrust lawsuit, plaintiffs documents submitted to a New York Court last week include explosive chat room transcripts of UBS and traders from different banks encouraging each other to “push,” “smack,” and “whack” gold prices."

US Shale Boom Has Already 'Peaked' Says Former Govt Geoscientist - Industry 'Now in Decline'
A quote...."A former Canadian government geoscientist has just published new research showing that US shale oil and gas production has peaked, and is unlikely to increase substantially for the foreseeable future. - The two new reports find that US forecasts of oil and gas abundance are over-hyped, unrealistic, and ignore mounting evidence of an industry in decline. - On Monday, the Post Carbon Institute published two new studies by Dr J. David Hughes, a former research manager for 32 years at the Geological Survey of Canada, where he headed up research on unconventional gas and coal."

Here Are the Multinationals whose Bonds the ECB is Discreetly Buying
A quote...."In June 2016, the ECB activated its corporate bond buying program, ostensibly to revive the Eurozone’s stalled economy. The program has been shrouded in secrecy, as the ECB has refused to reveal the identity of most of the companies, divulging only the International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) of the bonds, but not the amounts."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Say Goodbye To The Gene Theory
A quote...."Sometimes it is necessary to say goodbye to those things that no longer serve you, whether they be partners, friends, or theories. Remember that old adage, “the more things change, the more they stay the same?” Well that’s an oxymoron. Don’t be afraid to throw out old adages along with the bathwater. And don’t be afraid to question long-held dictates that no longer prove true in real life. It’s time to embrace change along with the truth about how your body heals itself if you haven’t already experienced it."

Free the Seed! Introducing the Open Source Seed Collection
Action Alert - "Open Source Seed" -- A quote...."Inspired by the free and open source software movement that has provided alternatives to proprietary software, the Open Source Seed Initiative (OSSI) was created to "free the seed"--to make sure that the genes in at least some seeds can never be locked away from use by intellectual property rights. In other words, Open Source varieties and any varieties bred from them are part of a protected public commons, free for all to grow and breed with as they see fit. Since so many varieties nowadays have been patented or otherwise protected by intellectual property rights (removing them from the pool of breeding stock), Open Source seed has become a critical tool for ensuring that public plant breeders have the genetic resources to continue developing new varieties."

Thursday December 15th 2016

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