Friday March 13th 2015

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Thursday March 12th 2015

The American Empire is a Threat to Every Nation’s Security
A quote...."President Obama just declared Venezuela a threat to US national security, which is code word for any smaller, less powerful nation possessing balls enough to thumb its nose at the Empire bully America. The lie of accusing another sovereign nation as a threat to US national security like clockwork is the first step toward levying economic sanctions. Cuba, Iran, Syria and Russia come readily to mind. This petty, tit for tat politics game comes only a week after Venezuela’s president Nicolas Maduro announced a drastic downsizing of US Embassy employees and that tourist visas for any Americans traveling to his country would be required, not exactly actions posing much of a “threat” to America. In fact Maduro is exercising remarkable restraint considering that Canada and the US attempted to overthrow the Venezuelan president on Valentine’s Day last month. But with rejuvenated resolve and concerted focus the United States is once again intent on bringing Maduro down."

Obama’s Foreign Policy Same as Pro-Israel Neocons
Must Read - A quote...."After eight years of the George W. Bush administration’s neoconservative, interventionist foreign policy that got America entangled in two horrific wars, circumstances were supposed to be different in 2008 with Barack Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning president. But two years into Obama’s second term, violence has spread from northern Africa across the Middle East and into Ukraine. And if that’s not bad enough, Obama recently opened the door to once again deploying United States ground troops in Iraq and has delayed a scheduled exit from Afghanistan."

Conspiracy, Anyone?
Must Read - A quote...."By Chuck Baldwin -- I have said for decades that at the highest levels of leadership in Washington, D.C., both Democrats and Republicans are in collusion. At the leadership levels, both parties are working in concert together. The differences between the parties are only at the lower levels, where party members are more idealistic and ignorant of the conspiracy taking place above them. -  Yet, NO ONE, not Glenn Beck, not FOX News, not Rush Limbaugh, not CNN, not MSNBC, NO ONE will allow any discussion on this subject. Anyone who dares talk about it is immediately censored or lampooned as a "conspiracy nut."" -- "Iran and Syria are the last two holdouts among the Muslim states still resisting the New World Order. The CIA/Mossad-manufactured terrorist group, ISIS, is providing the West with the beheadings and such. (Even though we now know some of the infamous beheadings are phony and not real. Plus, have you noticed that the U.S. media pays NO ATTENTION to the beheadings being committed by Saudi Arabia or Mexican drug gangs--beheadings that have been going on for much longer and with much greater frequency?) And Bibi is pulling on the heart strings of the American people (Christians in particular) by creating the new monster that must be destroyed, namely Iran (and Syria). -  In the aftermath of Bibi’s speech, we now have warmongering GOP senators threatening a declaration of war against Iran, even though Iran has not threatened a country in over 250 years."

China’s SWIFT Alternative and the (Engineered) Death of the Dollar
Must Read - A quote...."Of course, SWIFT is nominally “independent” from any government entity and thus does not have to follow the dictates of Washington or anyone else pursuing their own personal vendettas in the financial arena. In practice, however, SWIFT put up no resistance whatsoever and obligingly complied with the Iranian sanctions request despite the fact that the blockade was repeatedly ruled illegal by the EU’s own courts. Does anyone doubt that, despite their protestations to the contrary, they would do any different if push came to shove with Russia? This is precisely why Moscow, Beijing and other countries in the cross hairs have been floating ideas of their own, namely the creation of an alternative payment network that bypasses SWIFT."

Tomgram: Frida Berrigan, Witness to War, American-Style - Tom Dispatch $$ Rq - Spcl Offer - [Click Here]
Special Note - A quote...."The Pentagon loomed so large in my childhood that it could have been another member of my family. Maybe a menacing uncle who doled out put-downs and whacks to teach us lessons or a rich, dismissive great-aunt intent on propriety and good manners. - Whatever the case, our holidays were built around visits to the Pentagon’s massive grounds. That’s where we went for Easter, Christmas, even summer vacation (to commemorate the anniversaries of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki). When we were little, my brother and sister and I would cry with terror and dread as we first glimpsed the building from the bridge across the Potomac River. To us, it pulsated with malice as if it came with an ominous, beat-driven soundtrack out of Star Wars."
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A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia...

Washington’s Anti-Russia Campaign
A quote...."A new Gallup poll [IF it's accurate, which is doubtful...mpg] showing Americans see Russia as this nation’s public enemy number one has confirmed the extent to which Washington and its closest ally, Britain, have manipulated public opinion in America."

The US Has Already Declared War on Russia
A quote...."At times I feel completely overwhelmed by the current US-NATO military operations aimed at Russia.  It's growing rapidly - one can't help but wonder if the recent 'victory' of the self-defensive forces in eastern Ukraine wasn't allowed by Washington and Kiev as a way to get public opinion behind the already well established plans for even more NATO escalation. -- It's all just far too neat and tidy to be seen otherwise.  This is not a conspiracy but a well designed military plan to take down Moscow.  They are playing with fire. In some respects the 'project' is now impossible to stop.  The question for the moment is how long will this attack on Russia go on and what level of conflict will result?  Will it go nuclear?  If so the world is [expletive deleted]. - Source:  Space4Peace

Weapons provided by West ‘maim children in Ukraine conflict’
Imagine if Russia gave weapons to support a violent conflict in Texas which maimed US children, after they had overthrown the duly elected government of that state in a violent coup? How would a so-called American feel about it? - mpg 
-- A quote...."When I was in Moscow two weeks ago, I went to the hospital where the children whose bodies have been maimed and destroyed by those weapons provided by the West to that illegitimate government that she [Victoria Nuland] helped to create, I stood at the bedside of a boy, who lost both of his legs, one of his arms, his eyesight and his little brother, when one of the shells provided by the West landed in his backyard in a suburb of Donetsk,” Joe Iosbaker, a leader of the United National Antiwar Coalition, said."

Germans Fed Up With Media Lies - Russia Insider Crowd Funder Kick Starter Appeal [Click Here]
Must View ITNVideo - (ITNYuTb - 11min33sec - Mar 11, 2015) - Source:   InTheNowRT - Guest Websites:  RussiaInsider - RI@YuTb -- A quote...."A poll by German public broadcaster NDR has found out that 63 percent of Germans have little or no confidence in the Ukraine reporting by German media. Of these 63 percent almost every third thinks their reporting might be one-sided or not objective. No wonder given the principles which Germany's largest publishing house follows. Alex Springer SE - among its brands are Die Welt and BILD newspapers. So its media outlets have to uphold their policies which are further unification of the peoples of Europe, supporting the vital rights of the people of Israel and maintain solidarity with the United States of America. In other words Mainstream. Russia Insider ( editor Charles Bausman is In the NOW telling us how German outlets are reacting to people's criticism and how his new project is launching to change things."

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Start Killing "Russians"

Fox News analyst: ‘Start killing Russians’ to save Ukraine (VIDEO)
Related Article - A quote...."A military analyst has told Fox News that the only way to turn the tide in conflict in Eastern Ukraine is to “start killing Russians.” The former general alleged there are 12,000 Russian regular troops currently “camped” on Ukrainian territory."
The General is absolutely right.  Oh, not about the presence of "regular", or even irregular "Russian" troops.  That's a complete lie, and this AIPAC mouth piece knows it.

You see, Russia arose from Ukraine, the culture, language and nation of Russia originated from that region, more than half, if not three quarters, of the forty five million people in Ukraine speak Russian and the rest speak "Ukrainian" which is actually more of an accent than anything else.

Or if you wish, Russians speak Ukrainian with a Russian accent.  Makes no difference.

So the General is right in that respect. 

So the propaganda spewing outlet owned by Rupert Murdoch, a trans-national, Euro-Kazarian, fellow traveling, AIPAC/Israeli PNAC Protocol promoting, war-mongering, Neocon/Bolshevik, who absolutely seethes like the rest of his Criminal Consortium members, with RELENTLESS HATRED towards Christian Ukrainian/Russians....

....this General essentially stated, on behalf of his master, that he wants to wipe out the forty five million Ukrainian/Russian people living in that region, by getting them to kill each other.

Just as he, his brethren, and the Neocon/Neoliberal Bolsheviks have already done per their PNAC plans to many of the peoples in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, and Pakistan.  - mpg

For more on the Euro-Kazarains' specific hatred for Ukrainian/Russians - see below....
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IMF Approves Bigger Ukraine Bailout
Moar War! - A quote...."The International Monetary Fund on Wednesday approved a bigger, high-risk bailout for Ukraine, giving Kiev immediate access to $5 billion of $17.5 billion in emergency IMF credit in another bid to keep the embattled country afloat."
"$17.5 billion" or a $175 billion, it's just electronic digits, manufactured out of thin air. The IMF under orders of Israel's North Amerikan colonial headquarters in Washington DC will create however much digital scrip it takes (or have the Fed create it and give it to them) to fight the "Russians" to the last Ukrainian.

All this talk of Ukraine about to go bankrupt is just that, talk.  Sure, millions will starve, the economy will be utterly destroyed, but the Ukrainian Hyrvnia will be propped up if necessary and Porky the Zio-Pig Poroshenko and his merry band of trans-national Euro-Kazarians will get whatever they need in faux-funding from their fellow Banksters to murder as many Ukrainian/Russians as they can  - mpg

‘New IMF loan to Ukraine will go down the drain’ - Yes, absolutely.  But....they simply don't care. - mpg
Related Article - A quote...."President Poroshenko’s government is far more corrupt and less efficient than the previous one, according to Martin Sieff, columnist for the Baltimore Post-Examiner. It’s like a black hole, the more money you pour in the less you will have, he added." - Source: RT

Now Ukraine is experiencing a Weimar Republic like hyperinflationary collapse
Charts - (click to enlarge) - Related Article -- If the Bolshevik Neocon/Neolibs "allow" it to. - mpg -- A quote...."The Ukraine Nazi regime was installed by Obama and his NATO bitches. The various international fronts for the American Empire have poured billions into this black hole of corruption and ineptitude. You can be sure the noble leaders are funneling off most of this money. The country is falling apart. Two years ago it was relatively stable. Their GDP was growing strongly from 2010 through 2013. Then the US instigated coup occurred in 2014." - Source:  BurningPlatform

The IMF Ukraine $17.5 Billion Bailout Linked to “Reform” and the Impoverishment of the Ukrainian Population
Related Article - A quote...."Ukraine will receive total loans of 40 billion dollars from international tax money. For this purpose, Ukraine will carry out “reforms” especially such demands as that the social system be dismantled and privatization [selloff of government assets in order to repay the loans] be performed. The Kiev government is very pleased with the ‘help’. A native of the US, Ukraine’s Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko wants to buy weapons with the money. European banks are relieved because Kiev, for the time being, is able to meet its debt service."

'Kleptrocrats who run Ukraine economy will grab IMF cash & run'
Must View Related RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 4min04sec - Mar 11, 2015) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."Ukraine's inflation hit 34 percent in February. It's been mounting rapidly since the unrest erupted over a year ago. The conflict drained the country, and there's little money left in the reserves. From 20-billion dollars in January last year, it's now shrunk to less than 6 billion. - Financial analyst and commentator Michael Hudson says there's a big risk the IMF will not get any of its money back."

Kiev junta cleaning the field? Seven high profile suicides in Ukraine in one month.
Night Of The Long Knives....Continues? - (The count is now up to seven. Gee whiz, this is even better than "Bankster Death Watch"....mpg) -- A quote...."The seventh "suicide" for the month: Ukraine lost another former member of the "Party of Regions" -- The ex-governor of Zaporozhzhye region and former member of the Party of Regions, Alexander Peklushenko committed suicide. This was reported at the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Zaporozhye region."

Ukraine Is Chockablock with Fascist Formations; Better Deal with It
The Guardian Gets BUSTED! - (Again) - (The Guardian's indefensible defense of the trans-national, Euro-Kazarian's, violent and illegal Ukrainian putsch.) -- A quote...."As reported by the gadfly site OffGuardian, several readers posted critical observations on the van’s insignia in the comments section of the piece. One, “bananasandsocks”, wrote...."
“We learn from Wikipedia that the image on the door is the “semi-official” insignia of the 36 th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS…” and also pointed out the neo-Nazi significance of the number “1488”.....
“bananasandsocks” seemingly temperate comment was removed by the Guardian for violating its community standards, as were several others, apparently as examples of “persistent misrepresentation of the Guardian and our journalists”. -- But then the Guardian thought better of it. While not reinstating the critical comments, it quietly deleted the original caption to the photo of Anaconda and replaced it with...."
"Anaconda alongside a van displaying the neo-Nazi symbol 1488. The volunteer brigade is known for its far-right links."
"Problem solved? Maybe not. Maybe it’s more like “Problem dodged”. "

11.03.2015 Ukrainian crisis news. Latest news of Ukraine, BRICS, UK, IMF, NATO
SFVideo - Alt - (SFYuTb - 2min38sec -  Mar 11, 2015) - Source:  SouthFront

12.03.2015 Ukrainian crisis news. War in Ukraine, US, Russia, Crimea, Donbass

SFVideo - Alt - (SFYuTb - 2min23sec -  Mar 12, 2015) - Source:  SouthFront

Ex-prime minister Hatoyama defends referendum in Crimea as constitutional
Which it IS under international law. - mpg -- A quote...."MOSCOW – Former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, visiting Crimea against Tokyo’s wishes, held talks Wednesday with leader Sergey Aksyonov in Simferopol, the peninsula’s main city, and said Japan should lift its sanctions against Russia."

Japan’s Orwellian Politics About Ukraine
Related Article - A quote...."Yukio Hatayama, who during 2009 and 2010 had been the first and only non-LDP, or non-one-party-state, Prime Minister of Japan (and he was then quickly ousted by the LDP), said in Crimea on Tuesday, March 10th, that Japan should not be so totally controlled by the U.S. Government, and that, “It’s shameful that information from Japanese and Western media is one-sided.” Hatayama also praised “the happy, peaceful life in Crimea,” as opposed to the war-torn and economically collapsing Ukraine, which the IMF, EU and especially the U.S., keep lending money to pay Ukraine to bomb the residents in Ukraine’s strongly anti-fascist eastern area." - also posted at WashBlog - Well it's good he's already out of office, otherwise....he'd be out of office. Or dead. - mpg

Russia to send two more humanitarian convoys to Donbas
A quote...."Russia will send two more humanitarian convoys to Donbas on March 19 and March 26, respectively, Deputy Emergencies Minister Vladimir Stepanov told journalists. The next humanitarian convoy, which is the 19th in succession, is to leave for Donbas on March 19, he said. On March 26 the 20th humanitarian convoy is to leave for Donbas, he added."

[eng subs] 10/03/15 DPR army military exercises
KAZVideo - (KAZYuTb - 6min15sec - Mar 12, 2015) - Source:  Kazzura

[eng subs] Report from Peski. Sniper duel and mortar/GL fire footage.
Must View KAZVideo - (KAZYuTb - 14min59sec - Mar 12, 2015) - Source:  Kazzura  - For more articles on the attempted destruction of Ukraine/Russia, see below....
Media: the European Commission has blocked the nuclear agreement between the Russian Federation and Hungary to EUR 12 billion -- Still Trying to Isolate Russia?? -  [Yandex Translate] -- A quote.... "BRUSSELS / LONDON, March 12. /Corr. TASS Denis Dubrovin, Gregory Zimenkov/. The European Commission has actually blocked the nuclear agreement between the Russian Federation and Hungary with a volume of 12 billion euros on the extension of NPP Paks." - This has been totally denied by the Hungarian government, see article below in the Tales From The ZOG Empire "The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition...."
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Nemtsov Murder: Zaur Dadayev Confession 'Forced'
21]   A quote...."The former policeman said he had only confessed to make sure a friend who was arrested with him would be released. He had planned to tell a court hearing on Sunday the truth, Mr Babushkin said, but was not given a chance to speak. He said he was beaten and had a bag pulled over his head, which was only taken off after arriving in Moscow."

Russian News Segment Showing Western Propaganda About the Nemstov Murder
21]   A quote..."Video - Russia's Channel One has somehow managed to perfectly encapsulate everything that is wrong with western media, and in only 5 minutes. Words can't do it justice."

For more on this issue see....Contract Killing of Boris Nemtsov - The Mossad, CIA, or Euro-Kazarian Oligarchs?? - New Weblist!!
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The ISIS Gambit - Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....& The Kurds....

The ISIS-US Empire – Their Unholy Alliance Fully Exposed
Must Read - ISIS Gambit - The Basic Truth -- A quote...."Let’s be perfectly clear. The United States is not actually at war with ISIS. As Global Research director, economist and author Michel Chossudovsky plainly points out recently, Obama is simply waging “a fake war” against the Islamic State forces, putting on another propaganda show for mainstream media to keep his flock of American sheeple asleep in echo-chambered darkness. With a mere cursory review of recent historical events, one can readily realize that virtually everything Big Government tells us is happening in the world, you can bet is a boldface lie. --- For over three and a half decades the US has been funding mostly Saudi stooges to do its dirty bidding in proxy wars around the world, beginning in Afghanistan in the 1980’s to fight the Soviets with the mujahedeen-turned al Qaeda that later would mutate into ISIS. Reagan and Bush senior gave Osama bin Laden his first terrorist gig. Our mercenary “Islamic extremists” for-hire were then on the CIA payroll employed in the Balkans during the 1990’s to kill fellow Moslem Serbs in Kosovo and Bosnia. For a long time now Washington’s been relying on the royal Saudi family as its chief headhunters supplying the United States with as needed terrorists on demand in order to wage its geopolitics chessboard game of global hegemony, otherwise known by the central banking cabal as global “Theft-R-Us.”

Israel Supports Syria Terrorists out of Golan Heights: 85 Wounded Al-Qaeda Militants Transported to Israeli and Jordanian Hospitals -- ISIS Gambit - Israel BUSTED!! (Again) - Another Extremely Embarrassing Moment For Israel  -- A quote...."On Tuesday, as many as 85 wounded militants from the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” (Victory Front) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) were transported to Israeli and Jordanian hospitals after a powerful joint attack by the Syrian Arab Army’s 9th Armored Division and the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF). - Among the Jabhat Al-Nusra and FSA fighters transported to Israeli and Jordanian hospitals were their field commanders, “Abu Usama Al-Jolani” and “Abu Hamza Al-Naymi.” - Source:  TheArabSource - Wonder what Israel did with the ones that died?  Can anyone say...."organ donation"? - mpg

Agent 'working for Canadian intelligence' has been arrested in Turkey for allegedly helping three British girls cross into Syria to join ISIS -- ISIS Gambit - Canada BUSTED!! - Another Extremely Embarrassing Moment For Israel's Anglo-Colonies -- A quote...."The foreign spy arrested on suspicion of helping three British schoolgirls travel to Syria to join the Islamic State was working for the Canadian intelligence service, it has been reported. - Turkish foreign minister Mehmet Cavusoglu earlier said the suspect works for the intelligence agency of a country that is part of the US-led coalition fighting ISIS but did not identify the country, saying only that it was not the United States or a member of the European Union."
The National-Security State’s ISIS Racket
ISIS Gambit - It's A Racket -- A quote...."The official enemy de jour that has everyone all riled up and scared is ISIS. If U.S. forces don’t bomb ISIS, the argument goes, ISIS will take over Iraq, and Syria, and Lebanon, and Europe, and Asia, and Latin America, and then the United States. If the bombs don’t fall on ISIS, before long Americans will be speaking Arabic and their children will be studying the Koran in America’s government schools. -- It’s all just one great big racket — a racket based on “national security,” a term that isn’t even found in the Constitution and that doesn’t even have an objective meaning. The only way that the U.S. national-security state apparatus — i.e., the vast military establishment and military empire, the CIA, and the NSA — can justify its continued existence is by ginning up crisis after crisis with the aim of keeping the citizenry filled with fear, anxiety, and depression. The apparatus then becomes people’s sedative, assuring them that everything is going to be okay because the apparatus is the only thing keeping them safe."
Just keep in mind folks, ISIS is actually a VERY dangerous, and effective pseudo-gang.  One of the best the US-NRE, Israel and the GCC Parasitical Families have so far created.  They've murdered tens of thousands of people in incredibly cruel and vicious ways. 

Which of course makes them
EXCELLENT enforcers for the US-NRE's "racket".  Similar in tactics to the Euro-Kazarians "Murder Incorporated", but on a much larger scale, they can be used to bust up nation-state structures for eventual occupation, exploitation and liquidation. 

Or, as a threat to other "uncooperative" nation-states who don't want to use the Fed's fiat script or pay the vig to the Fed's Bankster affiliated Euro-Kazarian owned banks. 

If these recalcitrant nation-states don't get on board, they're "attacked" by the Trinity of Evil's al-CIA'da/ISIS/al-Nustra/Boko-Haram/al-Shabab Wahhabist terrorist network till they "allow " themselves to be occupied for their own "protection", or they're destroyed. - mpg

70 rebels defect to Syrian army in Damascus suburb
ISIS Gambit - Some Are Quitting - A quote...."Around seventy Syrian rebels have fled from an opposition held suburb south of the Syrian capital and surrendered with their light arms to the Syrian army, an activist group and an army source said on Wednesday."

U.S. leaves door open to strike Assad forces if U.S.-trained rebels attacked
ISIS Gambit - US-NRE Gone Wacko! -- So now the Syrian government can't defend itself from terrorists? - That's a brand new outrageous  policy statement and basically an outright declaration of war. - mpg -- The U.S. has not ruled out possible airstrikes against President Bashar Assad's forces in Syria if the moderate rebels being trained to fight the Islamic State there come under attack, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter said Wednesday."

ISIS battling Kurdish forces in northeast Syria
ISIS Gambit - The Kurds Still Disagree - (They're a stubborn people. - mpg) -- A quote..."Hundreds of fighters from the Islamic state of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) have launched an attack on Kurdish forces in northeastern Syria, triggering fierce fighting that has killed dozens on both sides, a group monitoring the war said on Wednesday."

CFR: Support Al Qaeda to Defeat ISIS
ISIS Gambit - Support ISIS/al-CIA'da Faction Against....ISIS - (In other words support one faction of the Trinity of Evil's al-CIA'da/ISIS/al-Nustra/Boko-Haram/al-Shabab Wahhabist terrorist network against....the network??  An obvious, ill-logical, non-sequitur, non-starter. - mpg) - For more articles on the PNAC Protocol destruction of Syria, see below....
Syrian Army Smashes Nusra in Handaraat-Aleppo, 150 Terrorists Killed, Exclusive Report - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote..."Handaraat:  The lying British media is spreading totally false tales of a successful terrorist counterattack at the towns of Handaraat, Bashkuwy, Tal-Al-Madhaafa and Al-Mallaah Farms.  I have access now to direct sources in northern Aleppo who have visited Handaraat and have reported what they’ve seen to Wael in Latakia.  In actuality, Wael is now in Aleppo for some task having to do with his work on the coast. -- Yesterday, the tally for dead rats in Handaraat exceeded 177, almost all Nusra and Ahraar Al-Shaam cannibals.  The SAA has also destroyed 8 armored vehicles licensed in Turkey and provided to the rats by the Erdoghan terrorists regime.  The Syrian Army controls 90% of Handaraat with the remaining 10% on the verge of falling to the SAA any moment.  Nusra has been annihilated here."

Aleppo Pakistan Jihadist Buffoon Blows Self Up Before Reaching Target
Quote of the Day....."ALEPPO:  Not to be outdone by an entire generation of Islamist degenerates and professional clowns, Abu Sind Al-Ansaari, (see photo above) who is believed to be from Pakistan, a notorious breeding ground for gullible pea-brains and assorted derelicts from areas of the world in which you wouldn’t hide your chamberpot, tried his best since the disastrous and puke-inducing efforts to barrel through the gates of the Central Prison to do the same at the gates of Handaraat.  He came out of the Al-Mallaah Farms area in a “BMW” car loaded with C-4 and headed for his destiny. - Since he was speeding – (couldn’t wait for God to open the doors of Valhalla for him) – Syrian Army spotters figured out this clown was up to no good and blinked lights at him to see if he was just some race car driver.  When he wouldn’t stop, they opened fire on his car.  He hurtled forward anyways, disregarding the fusillades of bullets that were now seeking shelter in his accursed carcass.  About 350 yards from his target, he decided to detonate the bombs in his car even though he had accomplished nothing but splatter his earthly remains all around the area. - Investigating crews are trying to find out who this mutton-head was for no reason other than to resolve a bet I made with one of my friends about his being Pakistani.  Otherwise, he would just be left to percolate into the soil as some cheap fertilizer."

Chilling Syrian numbers: 83% of electricity cut, life expectancy drops 20 years - "Mission Accomplished!!"
Israel must be so happy right now! They wanted to break Syria as a viable nation-state and push it back into the stone age.  It appears they've succeeded - mpg -- A quote...."Syria has plunged into darkness – both literally, and figuratively. - As the country heads into a fifth year of seemingly unending conflict, almost 83 per cent of the lights have gone out. - Using satellite images taken from about 800 kilometres above the earth, the findings were revealed by a team of researchers from Wuhan University in China. - “These satellite images help us understand the suffering and fear experienced by ordinary Syrians as their country is destroyed around them,” said Dr Xi Li, the lead researcher on the project, in a statement."
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, North & Central Africa & Others...

Iraqi forces beat ISIS in Tikrit, reach city center
A quote...."Iraqi military forces and Shitte militias entered central Tikrit, declaring it “liberated” from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) on Tuesday, following 10 days of a major offensive on the hometown of former president Saddam Hussein."

Iran's Top Commander: Liberation of Tikrit Means End of ISIL's Life in Iraq
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- The ISIL Takfiri terrorist group is gasping for breath and will die soon after the strategic town of Tikrit is set free, Commander of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari underlined in enlightening remarks on Wednesday."

Iraq: 48 killed, 34 injured in Ramadi attacks
A quote...."At least 48 people, including 43 suspected Daesh militants and two police officers have been killed in multiple attacks in western Anbar province’s Ramadi city."

17 killed in car bomb attacks, clashes in Iraq
A quote...."The attacks started in the morning when seven car bombs detonated at checkpoints and military bases in the government-held areas in the city, located about 110 km west of Baghdad, Xinhua quoted the source as saying."

'Dirty Brigades': US-Trained Iraqi Forces Investigated for War Crimes
A quote...."The investigation, being conducted by the Iraqi government, was launched after allegations of “war crimes,” based in part on dozens of ghastly videos and still photos that appear to show uniformed soldiers and militia members massacring civilians, torturing and executing prisoners, and displaying severed heads." - For more articles on the PNAC Protocol destruction of Iraq, see below.....
Saudis recall Sweden ambassador amid diplomatic row
A quote...."Earlier this week, Sweden said it would end a long-standing defence co-operation deal between the countries. The agreement, worth millions of dollars in Swedish arms exports, is due to expire in May."

500 Boko Haram militants killed in Niger, official says - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."The provisional count of 513 since Feb. 8 does not take into account land and air operations launched Sunday jointly by Niger and Chad's army in Nigeria, Capt. Adili Toro said."

Nigeria seizes 36 towns from Boko Haram: Official - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Nigeria has recaptured 36 towns from Boko Haram since the start of a military operation by regional West African countries against the Takfiri group, an official says."

Four killed, 20 injured in Nigeria blast
A quote..."The blast occurred in Maiduguri, the capital of the Borno state, around 4 pm, Xinhua reported citing a senior medical staff. The source added that some of the injured victims had sustained severe burns."

The Militarization Of France Is Not Temporary: "10,000 Troops To Remain On The Streets"
16]   Charli Hebdo's Planned Legacy - ZOG Alert -- A quote...."Who could have seen this coming? [Besides every single, truthful, blog-site on the web?]  The French government, having deployed military to its streets during the attacks by Islamic extremists last month, has  - just as every other government in the world in the new normal - decided that this temporary militarization of French streets is now permanent. As RT reports, President [Zio-Swine] Hollande has decided to "maintain the level of the army on the national territory at 10,000 troops," with a total of 7,000 troops monitoring (and protecting) religious [i.e. trans-national Euro-Kazarian owned] buildings." - Topix ||  The False Flag Attack in Paris Against Charlie Hebdo  ||

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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Reflections on the geopolitical significance of the 9/11 narrative in relations between the Jewish State of Israel and the Islamic Republic of Iran. -- A quote...."The exchange highlights the significance of the Anti-Defamation League’s smear of the New Horizon conference in Tehran as a “Hate Fest” for “Anti-Semites, Conspiracy Theorists, Holocaust Deniers and 9/11 Truthers.” Special reference is made to the role in Iran of broadcaster, film maker and 9/11 Truther Nader Telabzedah as well as that of Kevin Barrett, Host of Truthjihad and Senior Editor of Veterans Today. The significance of the Church of England’s Witch Hunt Investigation of Rev. Stephen Sizer is discussed. Rev. Sizer is the Anglican Vicar in the UK who has been subjected to a modern-day inquisition for a post pointing to the relationship between Israel and the lies and crimes of 9/11."
Activist And Former Israeli Bomber Says “I Was Part Of A Terror Organization”
A quote...."Speaking with journalist Ryan Rodrick Beiler, Shapira revealed details of the Israeli government’s assassination policy, which put the lives of many innocent people in danger. Shapira said that....
“I realized something was rotten when the Israeli government started what was called the “assassination policy” in 2001-2003. Palestinian resistance failed to bring liberation and more extreme attitudes took place, such as suicide bombings and other [forms of] armed struggle. The government thought to assassinate everyone that has to do with armed resistance. Pilots would be sent with missiles to shoot the car of this person. In the beginning, this car could be driving outside of town where just the car was hit. Later they would allow shooting suspects when they are closer to the city. Eventually the assassination would be even if he’s in the middle of the market, or in his house at night with all of the family around."
The Obsession With Discredited Allegations About Iran's Past Nuclear Work
ZOC Alert - (The Gray Zio-Whore) -- A quote...."On Feb. 19the New York Times ran a piece by David Sanger and William Broad titled “Inspectors Say Iran Evading Questions as Nuclear Talks Enter a Crucial Stage.” These “questions” refer to 12 allegations – the so-called “Possible Military Dimensions” (PMD) file – that Iran may have conducted nuclear weapons-relevant research in the past. They are based, in part, on information provided to the IAEA by intelligence agencies of Israel and the U.S. It has long been known that some of the information is suspect and likely fabricated and planted. Exaggerating the importance of these unauthenticated allegations – like the New York Times is doing – only hands ammunition to those working to subvert a nuclear deal and precipitate a military confrontation with Iran."
FYI:   The New York Slime is an AIPAC/Israeli Consortium propaganda shill.  The Slime is owned by the Jewish, Ochs-Sulzberger family, who've been card-carrying, war-mongering, fellow travelers of the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium and their thirst for endless wars and genocides, and endless American blood and treasure to spend on them, along with Israel's dreams for a mini-empire, since that criminal Kazarian enterprise was established by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. If you're stupid enough to pay good money for this "toilet-paper of record", you support propaganda that will impoverish you, deliberately misinform you, and get many Americans, and a whole bunch of other completely innocent people....horribly killed. - mpg - For moe on the trans-national, Euro-Kazarians, decades long whining and lying about Iran and its non-existent bomb program see below.....
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How To Become An Un-Person

How The Guardian told me to steer clear of Palestine
ZOC Alert - Zio-Rag Exposed - (The Guardian, no better than the BBC, except for the fact their employees don't molest little children - mpg) -- A quote..."Early that year, I submitted an exposé of how the pro-Israel lobby operates in Brussels. While waiting to find out if the piece would be used, I phoned Matt Seaton, who had taken over as comment editor. We had a pleasant conversation but Seaton stressed that he regarded the subject as sensitive. -- I, then, modified the piece to make its tone less polemical. Still, it was not published. (Seaton has subsequently moved to The New York Times.)
AGAIN, to repeat ad-infinitum, you can wring your hands and write all you want about what the "Israelis" do to the "poor widdle" Palestinians, and most "Jewish" owned or controlled publications will be perfectly willing to publish it. Even if in many cases it's highly accusatory. Their readers may even get some sort of sick vicarious thrill out of what their criminal consortium is doing to those who are helpless and under their control. 

But try to say or publish one single item about "Jewish" control of the mass-media, economic, judicial or political systems in ANY nation.  Try to connect the dots in ANY way regarding where the money comes from, where it goes, who gets it, and the techniques Euro-Kazarians use to gain control over a nation-state, their ownership of the mass-media, their control of the banks, their establishment of a VAST network of interrelated think-tanks and affiliated PACS to promote their views and agendas.

You will be GONE!! 

You'll become an "un-person", a non-entity.  In twenty four hours or less you'll disappear so fast down George Orwell's "Memory-Hole" even your own co-workers won't recognize you the next day. You could go home and have your wife say...."I don't know you" as she slams the door in your face.  You could have a million readers or viewers and be on top of the world one day, and the next...."who's that guy"?

NOTHING demonstrates this tiny group's control over the so-called "West", in particular their complete domination over their utterly prostrate and spineless Anglo-Colonies, than that single salient fact.

Especially the fact absolutely no one wants to talk about it....EVER. - mpg

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No Such Thing as Free Speech with “Holocaust Denial”
A quote...."Sylvia Stolz is an outspoken, 51-year-old lawyer in Germany. At the end of February 2015, she was condemned by Judge Martin Rieder of the Munich State Court to 20 months in prison for alleged denial of the so-called Jewish holocaust during World War II, and for “inciting racial hatred.” But there is just one problem with Stolz’s “guilt”: she never denied anything." - Topix || More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg ||

New Vid ! –Dr. Duke and Don Black on the Zio Effort to Silence his YouTube Videos!
DDVideo - Call For Action - Alt - (DDYuTb - 15min27sec - Mar 11, 2015) - Source:  DavidDuke - DD@YuTb - DD@Rense -- A quote...."Dear Friend, This is the most important letter I have ever sent to you! The Zionists have launched an all-out, brutal effort to wipe out my powerful, world-changing Videos and Youtube Channel. - Without your help–  we will lose our greatest tool to expose & depose these tyrants!" - PDF Copy of Duke appeal on Youtube's Takedown! - A two page letter and form - David Duke Emergency Donation Drive Request - [Click Here]

Jeff Blankfort: News/Op:Bibi Visit Backfires; Traitors Unmasked
JBAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (JBMp3 - 17min56sec - Mar 11th, 2015) - Source:  JeffBlankfortPodCasts - A quote...."Blankfort on response to N'yahu visit; viral petition calling for prosecuting 47 Senators for Logan Act violations; NY Daily News, Twitter calling them traitors; Boehner-Dermer ploy opens seam in bipartisan Israeli support; Jewish leaders fret about choice between Israel & US; plays Chris Matthews attack on N'yahu in Congress; Jon Stewart on Bibi 1996 warning; cites critical comments by Huffman, Feinstein; dumbest ever by Pelosi; on Israeli elections, N'yahu paranoia; Lieberman's call for beheading 'disloyal' Arabs."

Netanyahu [Nuttyahoo] Nukes Iran Peace Talks; Vows to Sabotage Any Agreement
A quote...."As the United States and the other P5+1 nations (UK, Germany, France, China and Russia) inch closer to a preliminary agreement with Iran, which would assure that country’s right to peaceful nuclear power while preventing development of atomic weapons, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ratcheted up an open and pathological attempt to sabotage the international effort toward peace and stability in the war-torn Middle East. To this end, it appears he even leaked secret details of negotiation proposals. But the Zionist fiction of a “nuclear Iran” rests on a fraud, and it is Israel that is the rogue atomic weapons developer."

Rahm Emanuel, the Face of [trans-national, Euro-Kazarian, Bolshevik-NeoLiberal] Democratic Fascism, Deserves to Lose - Amen! - ZOG Alert - A quote...."Chicago’s mayoral election may look like a local event, and the media mostly cover it as a local event, but the presence of a large, diverse, and energized opposition demanding change on basic issues of fairness and justice gives the city’s local result a potentially important, totemic meaning for the country. The winner of the April 7 runoff election may signify whether peaceful change is possible, or whether the suffocating status quo will grow more stifling."

Republican Unity Shatters After Backlash to Iran Letter - Hip Hip Hooray!!
ZOG Alert - The Zio-Whore Cockroaches Scatter! - A quote...."The unity that Republicans briefly enjoyed by sending an open letter to Iran in an attempt to disrupt a nuclear deal has cracked, as several conservative congressmen and media outlets described the letter as a folly."

Rand Paul’s Munich
Zio-Whore Alert - A quote...."Op-Ed: In signing the Cotton letter he’s become the Neville Chamberlain of the liberty movement."

Senator who spearheaded letter to Iran got $1 million from Kristol’s ‘Emergency C’tee for Israel’
Paid Zio-Traitor Identified -- A quote...."J Street’s Dylan Williams fingers Bill Kristol for writing the letter: - Who gave @SenTomCotton & others the awful idea for the Iran letter? Seems like Sarah Palin-for-VP-level bad advice doesn’t it @BillKristol ? - There’s a reason for Williams’s suspicion. Kristol’s Emergency Committee for Israel gave Tom Cotton nearly $1 million in his race for the Senate just five months ago, [Cotton's "Thirty pieces of silver."] Eli Clifton reported. “Cotton received $960,250 in supportive campaign advertising in the last month.” (Thanks to Kay24 in comments). - Cotton also got $165,000 from Elliott Management Paul Singer’s hedge fund. Singer is the billionaire who is trying to stop Obama’s Iran talks (Clifton’s reporting again). He funds the Israel Project too– Josh Block’s efforts."

Neocon meteor Sen. Cotton is funded by Abrams, Adelson and Kristol and loves war a little too much
Zio-Whore, Zio-Zombie, & Traitor Identified - Related Article - A quote...."The liberal Zionist group J Street says that Cotton was scripted by neoconservative [trans-national, Euro-Kazarian, stealth-Trotskyite, Bolshevik, PNAC founder] Bill Kristol. -- J-Street is reveling in the letter because it is sure to drag the neoconservative rightwing Israel lobby down politically, marginalize the greater-Israel lobby in the far right wing of the Republican Party. Just as the Netanyahu speech has hurt Netanyahu and the Likud wing of the lobby, the Cotton letter is turning out to be an own-goal, scored by the neoconservatives."

Israeli General Urges Joint attack on Iran [Per The PNAC Protocols....]
Moar War! - A quote...."A former Israeli military intelligence chief has called for a pact with the US mandating an attack on Iran if the Islamic Republic violates the terms of a final deal over its nuclear program."
Dear gentle reader, are you tired of the constant use of the phrase "PNAC Protocols"?? - So is this website editor!  But as long as the trans-national Euro-Kazarian, AIPAC/Isreali, Bolshevik-Neocon/Neoliberals continue to follow it to the letter (You'd THINK they'd be more flexible!!!) this website editor will continue to follow them and their sick plan of mayhem and murder. - mpg
Israeli op-ed writer calls on Israel to nuke Germany, Iran
Biting The German Hand That Arms It - A quote...."The Times of Israel reports that an Israeli op-ed writer has advocated the nuclear annihilation of both Iran and Germany. -- In an article written in Hebrew for Israel National News, Chen Ben-Eliyahu advocates the use of 20 or 30 nuclear bombs against Germany in revenge for the holocaust and also against Iran which the author suggests is an existential threat to Israel. -- “Twenty, thirty atomic bombs on Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Nuremberg, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Dresden, Dortmund and so on to assure the job gets done. And the land will be quiet for a thousand years,” he wrote. -- “To an existential threat we must respond with an existential threat,” he wrote, “not with speeches in Congress. We must make it clear to the Iranians that Israel will wipe out their nuclear program and Tehran and Isfahan as well.”
The German government and people gave Israel six submarines which they knew were capable of launching nuclear armed cruise missiles.  They did so after watching Israel's murderous behavior to the Palestinians, towards their neighboring countries, and their trashing of international law for decades. Some might call this stupidity.  Others, much less charitable, might say the Germans deserve exactly what they're going to get. - mpg
Jewish leaders condemn British university debate on Israel and international law
Suppressing Debate -- A quote...."The University of Southampton has hit back at appeals to revoke its sponsorship of a conference questioning the legality of Israel’s right to exist under international law. - The three-day conference, titled “International Law and the State of Israel: Legitimacy, Responsibility and Exceptionalism” is scheduled to take place April 17-19."

Israeli forces demolish masonry factory, animal barns near Jenin
A quote..."JENIN – Israeli forces demolished a recently built factory and a number of livestock barns in two Palestinian villages in the northernmost West Bank district of Jenin on Wednesday morning."

We should all support boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel  Especially if you want your country back!
BDS Action Alert - A quote...."Last week my husband and I went to a meeting of the student union at UBC to display the Independent Jewish Voices – Vancouver banner in support of the impending vote calling on the university to endorse boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel. As we were entering the student union building, I spotted a sign on the lawn that said “It’s about hate, vote no to the BDS referendum.”

Was council worker murdered because he was about to expose VIP paedophile ring?
A quote...."The daughter of a man allegedly murdered to prevent him exposing a council paedophile ring has told of her anger that a report on the abuse was ‘covered up’. - Kiddist Forsythe was born three months after her father Bulic was beaten to death in his flat, which was then torched. - Mr Forsythe, 42, was a manager at the housing department of Lambeth Council in south London, which is now the focus of an investigation into historic sex abuse claims."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

Amid Media Blackout, Lawsuit Challenges Banker Rule [In Canada] - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."A landmark Canadian federal appellate-court ruling could conceivably lead to the cancellation of Canada’s debt-based money system, and its repercussions are expected to be felt by central banks around the world. -- According to American monetary-reform author and filmmaker Bill Still -- and Canadian activists with whom this reporter has been in contact—Canada’s mainstream media has been suppressing news that a three-judge panel on January 26 ruled in favor of plaintiffs who filed suit to restore the Bank of Canada to its time-tested mandate of issuing debt-free money in the public interest."

Iceland announces it is dropping bid to join EU - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote..."Iceland has dropped its bid to join the European Union, the Foreign Ministry in Reykjavik says. The announcement follows pledges made by the country’s euro-skeptic government since winning the 2013 election."

Palestinians cancel natural gas deal with Israel - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."The Palestinians have withdrawn from a deal to buy natural gas from an Israeli offshore site amid concerns over development delays, the field’s operating companies reported on Wednesday."

The Good Fight of the Polish Farmers
A quote...."Poland’s farmers are in a very important and very good fight with their government and with their parliament. They are literally fighting for the future health and safety of their families, their grandchildren’s generation, their countrymen and even for the health and safety of the rest of the European Union that believes they have a right to enjoy eating healthy, nutritious food. That’s good and in my view should get more attention for the good it is."

Putin Eyes Single Currency for Eurasian Union Trade Bloc
A quote...."President Vladimir Putin requested Russia's government and Central Bank work with financial regulators in the bloc's member nations to present by Sept. 1 a report "defining the vector of financial and currency integration within the Eurasian Union and examining the desirability and possible creation of a currency union in the future."

Moscow Exchange to start ruble-yuan futures trading next week
A quote...."Moscow trading in ruble-yuan futures will begin on March 17 with the pair of currencies expected to become the third most popular by volume, says Moscow Exchange (MOEX) Deputy Chairman Andrei Shemetov. -- The number of tools that allow bidders to hedge their currency risks is currently not enough, that’s why Moscow Exchange offered to introduce a new hedging instrument as quickly as possible – futures on the yuan-ruble currency pair, Shemetov said Thursday as quoted by TASS."

Are Alarm Bells Ringing Over Greece's Pivot To Russia?
A quote...."With German media asking "who is more dangerous for us? Greece or Russia," recent actions by both 'antagonists' in that question suggest they may become one and the same sooner than many expected. With tensions rising between Greece and the Eurogroup, recent and future visits to Russia have gained in importance since Russian FinMin confirmed that Moscow "could consider financial help to Greece." While this Russian pivot meme was the stuff of conspiracy theorists just weeks ago, The BBC is now asking directly, "could Europe lose Greece to Russia?" and with more Greeks positive on Russia (61%) than Europe (23%), it should not shock anyone."

Exclusive: U.S. asks Vietnam to stop helping Russian bomber flights
The US-NRE - A BIG Crybaby! -- A quote...."It is the first time that U.S. officials have confirmed the role of Cam Ranh Bay, a natural deep-water harbor, in Russian bomber plane activity that has increased globally. - Brooks said the planes that circled Guam were refueled by Russian tankers flying from the strategic bay, which was transformed by the Americans during the Vietnam War into a massive air and naval base." --- "Brooks said in an interview the flights indicated that Vietnam's Cold War-era ally Russia was acting as "a spoiler to our interests and the interests of others." - bold by website editor
What a whining crybaby!!! - The US-NRE has about 1,200 to 1,500 military bases in roughly 130 countries.  The Russians have, depending on how you count them, possibly 2 to 6 in about four countries. And the big crybaby called the US-NRE is vexed by it all.  It's hysterical!  Stuff like this convinces everyone world wide that the parasites in the US-NRE won't be satisfied until every single person in the other 190 countries in the world is a Bankster slave of the US-NRE's parasites. - For a list of the US-NRE's overseas bases, see below.....
Vietnam Military Blasts US for Interfering With Russian Refueling Flights
Vietnam Replies - Related Article - A quote...."A senior Vietnamese military official told Sputnik that the US is interfering in Vietnam's internal affairs by demanding that the country puts a stop to Russian refueling plane landings at Cam Ranh airbase."

Hungary Firmly Denies EU Has Vetoed its Nuclear Projects With Russia
Hungary Replies - A quote...."Andras Giro-Szasz, Hungary's state secretary responsible for government communications, has firmly denied the report of the EU veto or other prohibitive fines on its nuclear projects with Russia, in a statement to Hungarian state news agency MTI. - "It is not true that the EU has blocked the Paks II construction," Giro-Szasz told the news agency AFP."

Tractor Diplomacy: 5 Reasons Why Belarus is an Emerging Global Player
A quote...."Since the Minsk summit, Belarus has entered the global stage as a new player in both top-level negotiations and international trade, as the country has used its capacity as an industrial powerhouse to build links worldwide. We look at the five biggest trends that are propelling Belarus into its new status."

President Correa Confirms UNASUR Summit on 'Gross' US Threat to Venezuela
A quote...."The president said the meeting will address the “gross, illegal, shameless, outrageous, and unjustified act of interference by the United States."

UNASUR Extraordinary Meeting on US Aggression Toward Venezuela - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."The foreign ministers of the South American bloc will analyze Obama’s internationally condemned executive action. -- An extraordinary meeting between the Union of South American Nations’ foreign ministers will meet this Saturday in Ecuador to analyze President Barack Obama's executive actions, which amount to aggressions and threats against Venezuela." - bold by website editor

Venezuela tells US official to mind her manners - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."In a rude and petulant manner, Mrs. Jacobson tells us what to do," Rodriguez told local TV. "I know her very well because I have seen her personally, her way of walking, chewing. You need manners to deal with people and with countries." - The moves by President Barack Obama's administration have infuriated President Nicolas Maduro's socialist government, which has accused Washington of planning military attacks and wider Cuba-style trade sanctions."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

More on the Current Attack on Venezuela....

Obama, at War on Three Continents, Threatens Venezuela
Special Note -- A quote...."President Obama, who is currently engaged in multiple wars on both the African and Asian continents and is hell-bent on provoking a war in Europe with Russia, is now stepping to the very brink of war in South America, against Venezuela. On Monday, Obama declared a state of national emergency to justify freezing the assets of 7 Venezuelan officials that the U.S. claims are involved in human rights violations. In order to comply with U.S. law, Obama asserted that Venezuela represents a threat the national security of the United States." - also posted at AlethoNews

Obama Absurdly Declares Venezuela a Security Threat
Related Article -- A quote...."March 11, 2015 "ICH" - Yesterday the White House took a new step toward the theater of the absurd by “declaring a national emergency with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States posed by the situation in Venezuela,” as President Barack Obama put it in a letter to House Speaker John Boehner."

Venezuela Calls for Defensive Military Exercise - Can't imagine why.....mpg
Related Article -- A quote...."The country's armed forces along with people’?s militias will conduct a defensive military exercise in light of new threats from the U.S."

Venezuelan Parliament Passes Law to Confront US Aggression - Ditto....
Related Article -- A quote...."The Venezuelan National Asembly passed the enabling law that allows the country's president to act to protect the peace against recent threats made by the United States government of Barack Obama."

The "Most Outlandish" Empire Semantics
Related Article - A quote...."During the last 125 years the U.S. intervened in South America at least 56 times through military or intelligence operations. This ever intervening country is the same country that just declared Venezuela to be an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States that requires to declare a national emergency. - It is certainly not outlandish for Maduro to believe that such a declaration will be followed by one of those continued interventions."

Russia Warns US Action on Venezuela Threatens Latin America
Related Article - A quote...."The Russian Foreign Ministry accused the U.S. of stepping up destabilization efforts against Venezuela. The Russian government issued a statement Thursday accusing their United States counterpart of exerting political pressure on Venezuela with the objective of destabilizing its democratically elected government, according to various media reports."
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How the US Funds Dissent against Latin American Governments
Special Note - A quote...."The U.S. government and military have a long history of interfering in the affairs of numerous countries in Latin American and the Caribbean. - By the end of the 19th century, there had been at least 10 U.S. military interventions across the hemisphere including Argentina (1890), Chile (1891), Haiti (1891), Panama (1895), Cuba (1898), Puerto Rico (1898) and Nicaragua (1894, 1896, 1898 and 1899). - From this time onward, successive U.S. administrations applied different strategies and tactics for involvement in the region as a means to secure and protect its geopolitical and economic interests. However, only recently has there been wider acknowledgement about the role that U.S. funding to nongovernmental organizations, or NGOs, particularly from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), plays in furthering U.S. foreign policy. For example, in 2012 governments of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) collectively signed a resolution to expel USAID from each of the signing countries. Those countries included Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Dominica, Nicaragua, and Venezuela."

The CIA And America's Presidents

A quote...."Many people still think of the CIA as an agency designed to help American presidents make informed decisions about matters outside the United States. That was the basis for President Truman’s signing the legislation which created the agency, and indeed it does serve that role, generally rather inadequately, but it has become something far beyond that. - Information is certainly not something to which any reasonable person objects, but the CIA has two houses under its roof, and it is the operational side of the CIA which gives it a world-wide bad reputation. The scope of undercover operations has evolved to make the CIA into a kind of civilian army, one involving great secrecy, little accountability, and huge budgets – altogether a dangerous development indeed for any country which regards itself as a democracy and whose military is forbidden political activity."

Official Washington’s Delusions on Delusions
A quote...." March 11, 2015 "ICH" - "Consortium News" - The chasm between reality and the U.S. political/media elite continues to widen with Official Washington’s actions toward Iran and Russia making “the world’s sole remaining superpower” look either like a Banana Republic (on Iran) or an Orwellian Dystopia (regarding Russia)." - Source:  ConsortiumNews

Journalist can't contain his laughter when White House spokesperson says the US has a "Long-standing policy" against backing coups.- Psaki's Delusions - Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."After Venezuela accused the United States of plotting another coup, State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki rejected the claim as "ludicrous." She said, "As a matter of long-standing policy, the United States does not support political transitions by non-constitutional means." The response from reporters may surprise you." - For Psaki's edification, see the list of US-NRE interventions shown below.  You can e-mail them to her if you like. - mpg
The U.S. Launched 201 Out of the 248 Armed Conflicts Since the End of WWII --A quote...."People around the world view the US as the greatest threat to peace; voted three times more dangerous than any other country. The data confirm this conclusion...."
UN Warns Millions of Children Affected by [The US-NRE's Endless] War in Syria and Iraq
A quote...."U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stressed a need to bring an end to the conflicts and stop the “nightmare of suffering” for Iraqis and Syrians."
How about a complete international boycott against Israel, and its colonies the US-NRE, Britain and Canada? - mpg
A "New World Order" - A Receipe For War Or Peace
Video - Vid#1 - Vide#2 - Vid#3 - (YuTb - 3/10min - Mar 10, 2015) - Source:  PGPF -- A quote...." March 11, 2015 "ICH" -  The anti-war initiative, Perdana Global Peace Foundation, has a single goal of putting an end to war. - Founded by Malaysia’s former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the Foundation encourages dialogues between different nations, people and organisations to foster and energise global peace. - The keynote address was delivered by Dr Mahathir who warned that Malaysia might lose its independence if the government falls prey to the ploys of the US to increase its global hegemony through economic means. - The keynote address was delivered by Dr Mahathir who warned that Malaysia might lose its independence if the government falls prey to the ploys of the US to increase its global hegemony through economic means."
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Turkey, the Fair Weather Friend for the Foulest Reasons
A quote...."Other countries may well ask why Turkey is a member of NATO and “wannabe” member of the European Union when it is all the things they are told not to be – allied with terrorists, repressive of minorities, in constant danger of yet another military takeover and not in control of its own bases. The answer is that if the US behaves the way it does it must support those with the same problem, whatever else it might say about them. Such a position is not designed to serve any interests. It is motivated simply by fear, not of an enemy but of oneself."

Feeding The Vultures While Agriculture Starves: Capitalism’s Great Indian Con-Trick
A quote...."The story goes like this: India is an economic miracle, a powerhouse of growth. It is a nation that increasingly embodies the spirit of entrepreneurship. And the proof? Until recently, India had year on year 9% GDP growth (or thereabouts). - Such logic, statements and figures are the stuff of headlines that pay homage to the supposed wonders of neoliberalism which the corporate media trots out time and again in the belief that if something is repeated often enough then it must be true."

Patrick Bond on So. Africa Rising, Resisting Authority
JBAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (JBMp3 - 39min15sec - Mar 11th, 2015) - Source:  JeffBlankfortPodCasts - A quote...."Bond speaks optimistically of growing organized resistance to ANC corruption, to Jacob Zuma and economic inequalities greater than under apartheid; of United Front emerging to challenge neo-liberal policies favoring rich, betraying environment; against politicians, union officials that talk left but act right; speaks of people's successes, recalls fight to overturn Mbeki's rejection of AIDs drugs and reducing price; traces rise of Ramaphosa from union leader to billionaire; how spy scandal exposed SA intelligence corruption."

China says Dalai Lama less and less influential, but must reincarnate
A quote...."(Reuters) - Exiled Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama is becoming less influential, both abroad and in Tibet, but his suggestion he will not reincarnate is still a "betrayal" of the religion and the country, a top Chinese official said on Wednesday."

Uninvestigated N. Irish killings ‘tarnish Britain’s reputation’ – human rights watchdog
A quote...."Britain’s international reputation remains tarnished by the state’s failure to conduct adequate inquiries into killings in Northern Ireland involving UK security forces over two decades ago, a parliamentary human rights watchdog has warned."

Two Journalists Killed in Guatemala Hit
A quote...."The journalists were in the park to report on a special event put on by the city council to mark International Women's Day."

Experts Denounce Torture in Mexico Is Far Too Common and Rising
A quote...."Just kill me for God's sake. You been beating on me for hours, you’ve been trying to drown me through waterboarding, you’ve cut off my blood circulation and fractured my nose and my ribs, and now your are threatening to torture and kill my wife and children in front of me ... just kill me you bastards! Please, I beg you to kill me now as I have nothing to confess.” - This is a victim’s testimony that is far too common in Mexico, a country riddled with impunity and corruption...."

A 42-year-old woman running for mayor in a violent S.W Mexican state has been kidnapped & decapitated.
A quote...."State prosecutors said on Wednesday the body of Aide Nava was found in northern Guerrero, where 43 trainee teachers were abducted and almost certainly massacred last year, sparking an international outcry over criminal violence in Mexico."

Impending Threat to Canadian Democracy: Harper Government’s “Anti-Terrorism Act” isn’t about Terrorism, it’s a Torture Act - Zio-Whore Harper Goes Dictatorial -- A quote...."An unprecedented torrent of criticism has been directed against this bill as the government rushes it through Parliament. This has included stern or at least sceptical editorials in all the major newspapers; an open letter, signed by four former Prime Ministers and five former Supreme Court judges, denouncing the bill for exposing Canadians to major violations of their rights; and another letter, signed by a hundred Canadian law professors, explaining the dangers it poses to justice and legality."

More Money, More Problems: F-35 Software Overwhelmed With False Alarms
A quote...."New problems - namely, false alarms from overly sensitive threat-detecting sensors - have arisen with the beleaguered F-35 aircraft, so far the most expensive, and problem-ridden, piece of military equipment in US history."

UN torture investigator calls for access to US prisons, Gitmo detainees
A quote...."The United Nations special rapporteur on torture lambasted the United States for continually obstructing his requests to visit prisons where 80,000 people sit in solitary confinement and to freely speak with inmates at Guantanamo Bay." - Topix  ||  9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables  ||
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

New Smoking Gun Further Ties NSA To Omnipotent “Equation Group” Hackers
Must Read - A quote...."Researchers from Moscow-based Kaspersky Lab have uncovered more evidence tying the US National Security Agency to a nearly omnipotent group of hackers who operated undetected for at least 14 years.  ---  The Kaspersky researchers once again stopped short of saying the hacking collective they dubbed Equation Group was the handiwork of the NSA, saying only that the operation had to have been sponsored by a nation-state with nearly unlimited resources to dedicate to the project. Still, they heaped new findings on top of a mountain of existing evidence that already strongly implicated the spy agency. The strongest new tie to the NSA was the string "BACKSNARF_AB25" discovered only a few days ago embedded in a newly found sample of the Equation Group espionage platform dubbed "EquationDrug." "BACKSNARF," according to page 19 of this undated NSA presentation, was the name of a project tied to the NSA's Tailored Access Operations."

Kaspersky Claims To Have Found NSA's 'Space Station Malware'
Must Read - A quote...."Super-complex code collection had 116 spooky plug-ins" -- "Kaspersky malware probers have uncovered a new 'operating system'-like platform that was developed and used by the National Security Agency (NSA) in its Equation spying arsenal. - The EquationDrug or Equestre platform is used to deploy 116 modules to target computers that can siphon data and spy on victims. - "It's important to note that EquationDrug is not just a trojan, but a full espionage platform, which includes a framework for conducting cyberespionage activities by deploying specific modules on the machines of selected victims," Kaspersky researchers say in a report. - "Other threat actors known to use such sophisticated platforms include Regin and Epic Turla."

NSA disables alternative news show
Contains Videos - Vid#1 - Vid#2 - A quote...."Cass Sunstein, Obama’s former Information Czar, famously urged the US government to “disable the purveyors of conspiracy theories.” Apparently the NSA – or their Mossad partners – is following Sunstein’s advice. -- Today’s False Flag Weekly News broadcast was delayed and “disabled” by a Big Brother agency with NSA-level capabilities, according to No Lies Radio producer Allan Rees. (Watch the archived version of the show above, and consult the list of stories we covered, to get an idea of which topics may have been “too hot to handle.”)"

Google: The 21st Century’s ‘Ministry of Truth’
A quote...."“Net Neutrality” is not the only danger threatening the free flow of information in cyberspace. Lurking in the background, Internet giant Google has been developing new search engine methodologies, which threaten foundational principles of the World Wide Web and could turn it into an Orwellian wasteland of doublespeak controlled by the Ministry of Truth, as portrayed in the novel 1984."

New Zealand Targets Trade Partners, Hacks Computers in Spy Operations
A quote...."New Zealand is conducting covert surveillance operations against some of its strongest trading partners and has obtained sophisticated malware to infect targeted computers and steal data, newly released documents reveal."

CIA Gave Justice Department Secret Phone Scanning Technology

A quote...."The Central Intelligence Agency played a crucial role in helping the Justice Department develop technology that scans data from thousands of US cellphones, part of a little-known high-tech alliance between the spy agency and domestic law enforcement."

Why They Spy – Cory Doctorow Writes about IT-Powered Feudalism
A quote...."Why spy? Because it’s cheaper than playing fair. Our networks have given the edge to the elites, and unless we seize the means of information, we are headed for a long age of IT-powered feudalism, where property is the exclusive domain of the super-rich, where your surveillance-supercharged Internet of Things treats you as a tenant-farmer of your life, subject to a licence agreement instead of a constitution." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Kaspersky Lab Uncovers More Evidence Linking NSA to Infamous Hackers
A quote...."Researchers from the Russia-based cybersecurity group Kaspersky Lab have uncovered more evidence tying the United States’ National Security Agency to a shadowy group of hackers.
The hacking collective, dubbed “Equation Group,” must have been sponsored by a nation-state with vast resources in order to operate, Kaspersky analysts assert." - Source:  Sputnik

Stuxnet leak probe stalls for fear of confirming US-Israel involvement
A quote...."A criminal leak investigation into a top military official has stalled out of concern it could force US officials to confirm joint US-Israeli involvement behind the Stuxnet worm that targeted Iran's nuclear program, according to a media report published Wednesday." - Topix ||  Israel's Net Control  || - For more articles on these issues, see below.....
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation...

Accused Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's Own Words Read Aloud in Court
Must View Graphic - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."Tsarnaev addressed the loss of his brother, Tamerlan, who had died in a police shootout earlier that day. "I do not mourn because his soul is very much alive," the message said. "God has a plan for each person. Mine was to hide in his boat and shed some light on our actions." - Topix ||  Boston Bombing  ||

AP sues State Department, seeking access to Clinton records
More Regarding Hideous Hillary & Her Horrible History - A quote...."The Associated Press filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the State Department to force the release of email correspondence and government documents from Hillary Rodham Clinton's tenure as secretary of state."
[Zio-Whore] Lindsey Graham Meets With Terrorist, Threatens to Overthrow U.S. Government
A quote...."Imagine if a radical right-winger met with the leader of ISIS and then threatened to use military force to overthrow the U.S. government. - That’s what Lindsey Graham has done, yet instead of languishing in Guantanamo Bay, he’s in the Senate."

The Paramilitary Occupation of America
Must Read - A quote...."It is necessary to call things by their right names. The obscene regularity of police murders in the United States has reached the point where it is appropriate to speak of the police as an occupying army, whose daily violence and brutality can best be described as a war against the country’s poor and working people. -- Practically every day brings a new outrage. The death toll mounts relentlessly, against the backdrop of harassment and beatings that are daily facts of life in much of the country. The government does not publish figures on police killings; however, according to statistics compiled from media reports, some 1,000 people lose their lives as a result of police violence every year in the United States. That averages out to almost three fatalities a day. -- The list of victims reported just over the past three weeks includes...." - Source:  WSWS

Ferguson police chief resigns after scathing Justice Dept. report - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."(Reuters) - The police chief of Ferguson, Missouri, resigned on Wednesday, following a scathing U.S. Justice Department report that found widespread racially biased abuses in the city's police department and municipal court. - The resignation of Chief Thomas Jackson, which the city announced in a brief statement, is the latest in a string of departures since the Justice Department announced on March 4 that a months-long probe had uncovered a range of unlawful and unconstitutional practices."

New Video Dispels the “Reached for My Gun” Myth of LAPD Cops in Killing of Homeless Man
Cops Busted (Again) - A quote...."Los Angeles, CA — Following the shooting of a homeless man in LA’s Skid Row last week, controversy arose over why the three LAPD officers pulled their triggers. - Chief Charlie Beck said that the video showed ‘Africa,’ the man killed by police, reach for a rookie officers gun. The rookie, who was just short of completing his probationary period, can be heard yelling out, “He has my gun. He Has my gun.” - The reason that a human life was ended that day by the LAPD had everything to do with the rookie yelling out those fateful words." - Source:  TheFreeThoughtProj

ATF at it again: ATF Chief says all 5.56 rounds are a Threat to Public Safety
2nd Amendment Violation - A quote...."A couple days back we warned that the ATF’s apparent about face on the M855 Ammunition ban was nothing more than a smokescreen; today, the ATF ratcheted up their rhetoric signaling they will be going after more than just the M855 round."

Fig Leaf: Outrageous Facts About US Congress and Super Pacs
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA) - The following facts are very difficult to believe but they are actually true. They show that Congress is all about money and lobby politics:
  1. The collective net worth of all members is reportedly over 2 billion dollars. But it could be higher, as more than 50 percent are millionaires. 
  2. This is during a time when the net worth of most American households has declined.
  3. The average net worth for a member is $3.8 million and counting.
  4. The average cost of winning a seat in Congress is $1.1 million, while in the Senate it is $6.5 million. Spending on political campaigns has gotten way out of control.
  5. Insider trading is legal for members, and they refuse to pass a law that would change that.
  6. The percentage of millionaires in Congress is 50 times higher than the percentage of millionaires in the country.
Ron Paul predictions back in 2002…….Still think he is crazy?
CCVideo - Alt - (CCYuTb - 5min51sec - Jan 3, 2012) - Source:  CollectiveCheckup -- A quote...."This is Ron Paul’s famous Predictions speech from April 24, 2002. This is the original video compiling recent images and video to give his speech a chilling effect. -[From] Delivering Breaking Hit News Pieces  -- “I have no timetable for these predictions, but just in case, keep them around and look at them in 5-10 years. Let’s hope and pray that I’m wrong on all accounts. If so, I will be very pleased. “ -- *Ron Paul*

Gerald Celente - Your Money Show - March 9, 2015
YMSVideo - (YMSYuTb - 26min28sec - Mar 9, 2015) - Source: GrldCelYuTb - Producer:  YourMoneyShow  - Guest Websites:  TrendsRsrchInst - A New Website! - TrndsJrnl@YuTb - A quote...."Gerald Celente talks about 2015 trends in gold and oil prices and their effect on the economy. He also talked about the high prices in food and the decrease in consumer incomes."

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV - 11 Mar 10:01 HST - WRH Donation Request - [Click Here]
MRVideo -- (BambuserTV - 3hrs - 11 Mar 10:01 HST) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Website: - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.

US Is Now Broke And It Is In Worse Fiscal Shape Than Greece – Episode 613
X22Video - Alt/YuTb - Alt/Mp3  - (X22YuTb - 37min13sec - Mar 11, 2015) -- Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote..."Greece demands Germany pay for WWII reparations. Jobless rate for young ethnic minorities increases dramatically. Mortgage apps decline once again. Economist Laurence Kotlikoff tells congress that the US is broke and worse than Greece. HSBC allegedly closes 7 gold vaults.SWIFT gives Russia a seat on the board. The judge who blocked President Barack Obama’s has ordered the Justice Department to answer allegations. France keeps 10,000 troops on the streets. US imposes more sanctions on Russia and the South East people. Kerry and Obama pushing the Authorization of War. - All source links to the report can be found on the site."

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "Uncle ISIS Wants You!" - (3/10/15)
GCVideo - (Note:  appropriate adult language used.) - (GCYuTb - 15min46sec - (3/10/15)) -  TrendsRsrchInst - New Website! - GrldCelYuTb - TrndsJrnl@YuTb -- A quote..."The US dollar hits an 11.5 year high, Marine Le Pen says “she sees the US as a purveyor of dangerous policies” & “the amount of crude being moved by trains jumped by almost 5,000% since 2009”."

Hear Dr. Duke get a fair and balanced (and powerful) interview with Alan Colmes
DDAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (DDFlwPlyr - 36min16sec - March 12, 2015 at 9:16 am) - Source:  DavidDuke - DD@YuTb - DD@Rense -- A quote...."Listen to this powerful interview by Alan Colmes with Dr. Duke." -- Regarding the "Holocaust" -- David Duke won't talk about it, but there's a lot of people who will, see....More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg - PDF Copy of Duke's appeal on the Youtube Takedown! - A two page letter and form - David Duke Emergency Donation Drive Request - [Click Here] – World Crisis Radio
Must Listen WTAudio - Alt - (WTFlwPlyr - aprox1hr13min25sec - March 6, 2015) - Source:  WebsterTarpleyWTRadio - Webster Tarpley@YuTb - A quote...."Supreme Court RATS Cabal Eyes Wrecking US Health System Over Frivolous Lawsuit; Death Toll from Court Sabotage of ACA Could Rise From 17,000 to 27,000; Pull US Advisors Out of Ukraine; Netanyahu Histrionics an Unfriendly Act; Merkel’s Anti-Greek Brinksmanship Threatens European Panic; Gnome Chomsky Sees Upside of ISIS, as Veteran CIA Asset Belhadj Joins Caliphate; Rev. Pinkney Urges Supporters to Redouble Efforts"
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Destroying the Middle Class (E730)
MaxRTVideo -- (MaxRTYuTb - 25min31sec - Mar 12, 2015) - Related Websites:  RussiaToday - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom -- A quote...."Every week Max Keiser looks at all the scandal behind the financial news headlines. - In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the stubborn facts of the disappearing middle class and the rising mortality rates in white women in America. In the second half, Max interviews Harry Cole (Twitter handle: of the Spectator magazine and hit UK right of Centre blog, They discuss crack den economics and general elections."

Debt Default and Today’s Bail-Ins: Recalling the 1931 Austrian Credit Anstalt Financial Domino
A quote...."The revelation over this past weekend by Hypo Alpe-Adria has been called by some as Austria’s “Lehman moment”.  This may very well be on a micro scale, I believe it to be the Credit-Anstalt moment on a macro scale.  If you recall history, Austrian bank Credit-Anstalt was the first domino to fall in 1931 which spread across the globe and tipped the banking system into default mode. -- There are many similarities to the world today as compared to that world of 1931.  Debt had become prevalent leading into the stock market panics of 1929.  Margin debt had exploded and caught many offside just as it did in 2007-2009.  The more recent episode had even more leverage via the use of derivatives, I point this out because the “leverage ratios” are far higher today than they were 80 years ago."

The Mystery Of America's Missing Wage Growth Has Been Solved
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."One of the biggest conundrums, one that has profound monetary policy implications, and that has been stumping the Fed for the past year is how can it be possible that with 5.5% unemployment there is virtually no wage growth. The mystery only deepens when the Fed listens to so-called economist experts who tell it wage growth is imminent, if not here already, and it is merely not being captured by the various data series. Friday's jobs data merely confirmed that since the Lehman crash there has been virtually no real wage growth...."

Wall Street Bonuses Rose 2% in 2014 To $172,860: 427% Increase In 20 Years
Banksters Win Again - (Here's where some of those "missing" wages went) - Related Article -- A quote..."Finally some good news for brokers of ultra-luxury Manhattan real estate. Following the recent freeze in the most expensive housing segment in NYC in which "deals slowed to a trickle" as a result of the soaring US Dollar, and the crack down on offshore illegal wealth, it appeared that the final housing bubble left in the US that has yet to pop, that which focuses on properties $5 million and higher, was on the edge. Its day or reckoning may be delayed, however, following news that the most traditional buyer of high-end Manhattan real estate, Wall Street bankers themselves, may be finally coming back following a 2% increase in Wall Street bonuses in 2014, which pushed the average bonus to $172,860."

92.9 Million Americans not in the Labor Force: 12,369,000 Lost Since 2009
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."If you believe the federal government, you might think the economy is just chugging along – you also might think unicorns are real and a lucky little green leprechaun is going to drop a pot of gold at your door – unfortunately the fairytale being spun by the government and their media propagandists is just that, one big tale."

[US] Food Stamp Beneficiaries Exceed 46,000,000 for 40 Straight Months
A quote...."The number of beneficiaries on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as food stamps, has topped 46,000,000 for 40 straight months, according to new data released by the Department of Agriculture (USDA)."

[US] Retail Sales Crumble, Suffer Worst Run Since Lehman
Multiple Charts - A quote...."....the Commerce department reported that in February, retail sales missed once again and missed big and across the board, the third big miss in a row, with the headline print coming at -0.6%, far below the 0.3% expected, and in line with the -0.8% drop last month. Putting the headline numbers in context: December -0.9%, January -0.8%, February -0.6%. Surely a great time for the Fed to hike."

America looks Rich. Big Cars, Big Houses, Big Military.
A quote...."We paid for it with BIG Debt: Credit Card Debt, Stud-loan, Mortgage, National Debt!"

Danger Down Under — A Brief Look At Australia's Trade Flows
Multiple Charts - A quote...."Global growth forecasts are falling and the risk of deflation is rising. As a result, countries that are dependent on commodity exports are especially vulnerable. Australia relies on exports to China. If prices fall and China slows down then Australia will be in big trouble."
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Financial Aggression

Plunge Protection Exposed: Bank Of Japan Stepped In A Stunning 143 Times To Buy Stocks, Prevent Drop
#1)  A quote..."Since 2010, The Bank of Japan has 'openly' - no conspiracy theory here - been a buyer of Japanese stock ETFs. Their bravado increased as the years passed and Abe pressured them from their independence to 'show' that his policies were working to the point that in September 2014, The BoJ bought a record amount of Japanese stock ETFs taking its holdings to over 1.5% of the entire market cap, surpassing Nippon Life as the largest individual holder of Japanese stocks....."
Everyone has to understand.  The US-NRE's Banksters fired the first shot for this atrocious  behavior by massively abusing the "dollar's" reserve status since the 1945 Bretton Woods agreement.  They did even more damage by going off the gold standard in 1973 while establishing the Petro-Dollar system. They made thing even worse by selling tens of trillions of dollars to the world in bogus, worthless, MBS, CDS, and other pieces of fictitious financial  toilet paper starting in 2001, and finally during the subsequent collapse of their paper Ponzi scheme in 2008, they went financially insane and flooded the world with tens of trillions in open and stealth "quantitative easing". 

All designed to pump up their ENTIRE financial complex to be used for high yield, high risk (not to them of course), low value targets world wide, attacks against those countries currency and bond markets who refused to participate in the "Washington Consensus" and the Banksters' Ponzi schemes , all the while continuing to fund their Empire splurge to further the AIPAC/Israeli PNAC Protocols. 

Japan, and all the other countries out there are simply inflating to counter this financial aggression. - mpg

Currency Wars - Def.  Commonly interpreted as printing (Quantitative Easing) until a nation's currency is devalued relative to others in order to protect its manufacturing base and help its export industry. --  However such wars are very unequal or fought for a variety of very different reasons. Some countries Banksters have powerful geo-political or financial relationships that can force others to take their currency.  While others, can use their military and/or their Shock & Awe tactics to violently put other countries deeply into interest bearing debt to be paid back in the Banksters' own currency.  Making the Banksters even wealthier. -- Also, in a few rare cases, perhaps only one (so far), some Banksters are powerful enough to use their massive QE programs in an attempt to artificially Leverage their entire financial complex to be used for further economic warfare or monetary advantage.  Whatever the case, it is an axiom that...."whoever can print the most fiat script and force the largest number of others to accept it....wins".
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Bank Of Korea Unexpectedly Cuts Interest Rate To Record Low 1.75%, 24th Central Bank To Ease In 2015
#2)  Related Article -- A quote..."The currency war salvos just keep on coming.  Moments ago the BOK unexpectedly (the move was predicted by just 2 of 17 economists polled by Bloomberg) cut its policy rate from 2.00% to a record low 1.75%, in what is clearly a full-blown retaliation against the collapse currency of its biggest export competitor, Japan, whose currency has cratered to a level that many in South Korea believe has become a direct subsidy for its competing exports. As such the only question is why the BOK didn't cut earlier."

This Is What A World Addicted To Debt Looks Like
#3)  Charts - (click to enlarge) - Related Article -- A quote...."As we spelled out explicitly and succinctly late last month, there is one overriding and extremely simple reason why seemingly every central bank in the developed world is bound and determined to move heaven and earth in the pursuit of generating a “healthy” level of inflation. With 9 countries sitting on debt-to-GDP ratios of 300%+, it’s either inflate the debt away or be crushed under the sheer weight of it. "
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Monsanto’s Glyphosate Doubles Risk of Lymphoma
A quote...."Scientists at the International Agency for Research on Cancer have found what many have already suspected: a link between pesticide exposure and a blood cancer called non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. - The researchers wrote in the International  Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health that people exposed to the weed killer glyphosate, marked by Monsanto under the brand name of Roundup, had double the risk of developing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The scientists analyzed over 44 individual research protects published since 1980 to form this conclusion. Those exposed to 2, 4-D, another potent weed killer marketed by Dow Chemical, were 40 percent more likely to develop non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma."

WHO Puts Kenyan Tetanus Vaccine Under Police Guard to Avoid Testing
A quote...."If the allegations are true, this is one of the biggest stories of our time. Did the WHO try to sterilize Kenyan women of reproductive age by slipping into tetanus vaccines a hormone with anti-fertility effects and then try to cover it up? "

McDonald's in global profit free fall as people everywhere increasingly reject chemically-altered toxic fast food
Hip Hip Hooray!! - A quote...."(NaturalNews) For decades, McDonald's has been the poster child of chemically-altered factory-made fast food. While preying on the emotional imprinting of children with on-site playgrounds and social engineering marketing tactics, the restaurant's true fundamental ethics are reflected in the horrors of the factory food industry: imprisoned chickens in tiny cages, genetically modified soy as meat fillers, chemically-altered menu ingredients and a geopolitical form of processed food imperialism that has resulted in McDonald's restaurants "occupying" hundreds of nations around the world while exporting obesity, diabetes and heart disease globally."

Fast Food Giants Losing Cash Desperately Try to Convince You They’re ‘Natural’
Related Article - A quote...."In a move that follows the continued loss of profits for fast food giants like McDonald’s, Burger King has announced that it will be dropping soda from its kids meal options — a move that undoubtedly comes as the food chain titans realize that the end of fake junk food is coming quicker than expected."

Fluoride in Water Linked to More ADHD Symptoms - Study
A quote...."Believe it or not, people have protested the mass medication of the public through drinking water all along. The fluoride in tap water - although touted as healthy and safe - is nothing more than the "legal" unregulated way for chemical companies to unload their waste. And we pay for that privilege."

Massive U.S. Aquifer Threatened
A quote...."“Oil and water don’t mix.” That saying receives new meaning in light of a proposed disposal well for oil fracking wastewater, which Colorado-based startup oil and gas company Terex Energy Corporation plans for southern Sioux County in northwestern Nebraska. The project on the Lawcomer ranch, 14 miles north of Mitchell, Neb., took county residents by surprise, but opposition formed almost immediately, primarily because of a perceived threat to the land and—most importantly—the gigantic Ogallala Aquifer. American Free Press spoke extensively with a Terex executive and concerned citizens."

Fukushima residents take cancer testing into their own hands
A quote...."Fukushima residents have taken cancer and radiation testing into their own hands, saying authorities are lying to them about the safety of their community."

Wednesday March 11th 2015

No posts - mpg

Tuesday March 10th 2015

Chaos: Practice and Applications
Must Read - A quote...."The term “chaos” has been popping up a lot lately in the increasingly collapse-prone world in which we find ourselves. Pepe Escobar has even published a book on it. Titled "Empire of Chaos", it describes a scenario “where a[n American] plutocracy progressively projects its own internal disintegration upon the whole world.” Escobar's chaos is tailor-made; its purpose is “to prevent an economic integration of Eurasia that would leave the U.S. a non-hegemon, or worse still, an outsider.” -- Escobar is not the only one thinking along these lines; here is Vladimir Putin speaking at the Valdai Conference in 2014...." - also posted at ZeroHedge
"A unilateral diktat and imposing one’s own models produces the opposite result. Instead of settling conflicts it leads to their escalation, instead of sovereign and stable states we see the growing spread of chaos, and instead of democracy there is support for a very dubious public ranging from open neo-fascists to Islamic radicals."

"Why do they support such people? They do this because they decide to use them as instruments along the way in achieving their goals but then burn their fingers and recoil. I never cease to be amazed by the way that our partners just keep stepping on the same rake, as we say here in Russia, that is to say, make the same mistake over and over." -- *Vladimir Putin*
Infographic: The Anatomy of a Color Revolution
Must View Gaphic - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Everything you wanted to know about 'color revolutions' but were too afraid to ask."

America’s ‘Kagans’ Push for War with Russia
Must Read - Contains RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 7min59sec - Mar 5, 2015) - Source: InTheNowRT -- A quote...."Etymology, or the study of where words come from, can be a fascinating topic. - Yesterday I put up a post which contained a description of Victoria Nuland as Obama’s “hit lady,” and which mentioned also that Nuland is married to Jewish neocon Robert Kagan. - It’s interesting to take a look at the word “kagan” in terms of its etymology. Is the word perhaps derived from another language? Did its use originate in another country? - The answer to that is yes on both counts. The words comes from Khazaria, a kingdom which once existed in what is today Ukraine and which underwent a mass conversion to Judaism in about the 8th or 9th century AD. Ashkenazi Jews today are descendents of the Khazars, and as I discussed in an article I wrote last year, the leader or head of state of the Khazar kingdom was not referred to as a “king”, but rather as the “kagan.”"

Virulently Anti-American: 81 Percent Of Russians Now View The United States Negatively
A quote...."Russia - Public DomainRussians view the United States much more unfavorably today than they did during the end of the Cold War era.  As you will read about below, an astounding 81 percent of all Russians now view the United States negatively, and only 13 percent have a positive opinion of this country.  In all of the years when Russians have been surveyed on their attitudes toward the U.S., they have never been this negative.  But of course Americans generally do not view the Russian people unfavorably.  So why is this happening?  Well, it all comes down to the actions of the Obama administration.   ---   The Russian people are convinced that U.S. organizations organized, funded and armed the rebels that violently overthrew the democratically-elected Ukrainian government.  And once it was overthrown, the Obama administration immediately recognized the rebels as the legitimate government of Ukraine.  And now most Russians are convinced that the U.S. government is trying to promote a similar revolution inside Russia.  ---  In recent years, the Russian people have become increasingly nationalistic, and at this point they view U.S. meddling in their affairs as a direct threat to their way of life.  Even while most Americans are extremely apathetic about what is going on over in Russia, an increasingly large chunk of the Russian population is angry enough to go to war." - also posted at ZeroHedge

NATO’s New Lease on Life: Confronting Foes of Its Own Creation
A quote...."Back in 2007 at the Munich security conference — and on several occasions later — Putin spoke about Russia’s grievances over the US claim to global dominance and stated Russia’s refusal to accept it. No note was taken of Russia’s serious concerns; instead Putin was vilified for his anti-Americanism."

The European Union’s military: yet another sign of impotence
Graph - (click to view) -- Related Article - A quote...."You probably have heard of the European attempt to reacquire some relevance: the proposal to create a “European Union Army”.  In part, this is, as an attempt by the Europeans to show that they matter, that they can do something by themselves, that they are not completely US lackeys.  This might also be a reaction to the crazy statements of General Philip Breedlove, the Commander of the U.S. European Command and the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) whose inflammatory comments even got him a full-length rebuttal in Der Spiegel (There are even rumors that the Europeans want Breedlove sacked).  Whatever may be the case, the idea of some kind of European Army is hardly a new one – we already had the Franco-German Brigade and the Eurocorps.  That is all very well, but only on paper.  The reality is that nobody in Europe has any money to pay for the future EU army.  But even worse is that even inside NATO the European contribution is almost negligible."
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A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia...

CrossTalk: Russia Watching
CTRTVideo - Alt/QckTm/Mp4 - (CTRTYuTb - 23min50sec - Mar 11, 2015) - Source:   CT@YuTb - CrossTalk - RT -- A quote...."The west’s mainstream loves to loath Russia, anything related to Russia, and of course the Russian President Vladimir Putin. Where do these intense biases come from? And has anyone noticed that bad media coverage in the West only strengthens the resolve of the average Russian at home? -- CrossTalking with Charles Bausman, Ben Aris, and Alexander Mercouris."

Russia Insider – Challenge the Media. Let’s Push Back! - Ry's Donation Request - Indiegogo
Related Ry2Audio - Alt/YuTb - Alt/Mp3 - (Ry2FlwPlyr - 1hr50min20sec -  March 10, 2015) - Related Sites:  - Ry2S@YuTbRy2S@ANCRpt - Ry2SAntiNeocons  - Ry2S@TruTube - Ry2S@Vimeo - Anti-Neocons / Indiegogo Project - Guest Websites:  Russia Insider - Russia Insider Vids - Russia Insider Crowd Funder Kick Starter Appeal [Click Here]

US creating false intelligence on Russia: Analyst
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."The United States is creating false intelligence in the Baltic region in order to show that Russia would increase its military actions in the area, says political analyst Joaquin Flores."

Berlin Rumbles Washington’s Hidden War Agenda
A quote...."March 09, 2015 "ICH" - "SCF" -   Washington’s reckless attempts to scuttle the shaky ceasefire in Ukraine are unnerving Germany. The German government feels, with good reason, that the Americans are trying to undermine its recent efforts to mediate a political solution to the nearly year-old conflict, which has caused at least 6,000 deaths and up to one million refugees. Not only that but the violence between the ultranationalist regime in Kiev and the pro-Russian separatists in the east is threatening to spillover into a wider war that could involve Russia and the rest of Europe." - Source:  StratCultFndtn

A Europe-U.S. Divorce Over Ukraine
A quote...."The German government finally wakes up, a little bit at least, and recognizes the obvious fact that U.S. neocons want to drag Europe into a war. It is now openly blaming certain circles within the U.S. government and NATO of sabotaging the Minsk ceasefire agreement. Especially offensive is the fantasy talk of U.S. and NATO commander General Breedlove...."

Why Is [Some Of] The West Spoiling for a Fight with Russia?
A quote..."March 09, 2015 "ICH" - "The Tyee" -  March 09, 2015 "ICH" - "The Tyee" -  What are the consequences when elected governments make policy based on faith and imperial hubris instead of science and expertise? It's a question that is forcing itself on the world as we watch the United States, Britain, NATO and the Harper government continue to up the ante in the confrontation with Russia over the Ukraine. There are real enough geo-political dangers in the world without actually creating them out of arrogance and ignorance but that is where we are right now and the consequences could be catastrophic." - Source:  Tyee

German Intel: Breedlove is Bonkers!
A quote...."March 09, 2015 "ICH" - "RPI" - What happens when a close friend starts acting so bizarrely that you need to gently extract yourself from his ravings lest you be tarred with the same brush -- or worse? That is the position in which Germany is increasingly finding itself, as the US government's strange pronouncements about Ukraine are getting too much to bear. The German establishment magazine Der Spiegel has just published a very important article, "Breedlove's Bellicosity: Berlin Alarmed by Aggressive NATO Stance on Ukraine," that lifts the lid on what official Germany really thinks about the US neocon push to war with Russia over Ukraine."

US Acts as Terrorist State Waging Finance War Against Russia – Magazine
A quote...."The United States is waging a finance war against Moscow in a bid to weaken Russia to a point of economic and social destruction, the Austrian Contra magazine said, adding that this campaign goes against international law, WTO rules and bilateral agreements."

Russia ‘completely ending’ activities under Conventional Armed Forces in Europe treaty
Russia Gives Up? -- A quote...."According to the Ministry, the move does not mean that Moscow refuses to continue further dialogue on control of conventional armed forces in Europe – “if and when our partners are ready for it,” the Ministry official said in the statement, adding that future work on the project should serve the interests of both Russia and other European states." - Source:  RT

Shelling of Pervomaisk Mine Proves Kiev Did Not Withdraw Mortars - Luhansk
Minsk Violation - A quote...."LUHANSK (Sputnik) — The shelling of a mine in the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) points to the fact that Kiev-led forces had not pulled back 120-mm mortars from the line of contact, LPR's negotiator Vladislav Deinego said Monday. - "The mortar was deployed at a distance of 5-6 kilometers (3-3.7 miles) [from the shelled area of Pervomaisk mine]. It means they [Ukrainian forces] did not withdraw mortars," Deinego said."

Kiev Violated Ceasefire in Eastern Ukraine Over 400 Times Since February 12
For The Record - (Minsk Violations....400 Of Them) -- A quote...."Sputnik — Armed militia in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic in eastern Ukraine has registered more than 400 artillery attacks by Kiev-led forces since February 12 in violation of Minsk peace accords, a senior DPR military commander said Tuesday." - Source:  Sputnik

German State Broadcaster WDR Loses Thousands of Listeners, and Keeps Lying to the Rest
A quote...."The Association of Media Analysis published the current number of listeners, according to which WDR  had gone downhill greatly. The three most popular WDR broadcasters lost 64,000 listeners altogether. Only the undemanding tootling radio for young people ‘1Live!’ showed an increase of 35,000 listeners, while WDR2 and WDR4 lost nearly 100,000 listeners."

Ukraine: A Moment of Truth Approaches
A quote...."While it's difficult to separate truth from deception when it comes to ascertaining the real positions on the Ukraine crisis that have been adopted by the leaders of Ukraine, EU, and the US, we'll soon have an opportunity to observe their real preferences, and the relative balance of power in that complicated relationship."

Maidan 2.0? Anger in Ukraine Reaching Critical Mass
A quote...."As a consequence of the falling hryvnia and rapidly rising inflation in Ukraine citizens now buy food in bulk. Moreover, Ukrainians will have to pay more for electricity starting in March. Public discontent is growing. - People in Ukraine fear that a similar economic failure as that after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 could be repeated. Especially outside Kiev there are food shortages, hyperinflation and mass unemployment."

Five High-Ranked Ukrainian Officials Die in String of Mysterious Suicides
Night Of The Long-Knives? -- A quote...."As the Ukraine crisis continues, violence isn’t limited to the streets. A number of top Ukrainian officials have died under mysterious circumstances during one 34-day period, leading many to suspect foul play."

10.03.2015 Ukrainian crisis news. War in Ukraine, Kiev, Donbass, NATO, Latvia
SFVideo - Alt - (SFYuTb - 2min21sec -  Mar 10, 2015) - Source:  SouthFront

09.03.2015 Ukrainian crisis news. Latest news of Ukraine, Kiev, USA, OSCE, Lithuania
SFVideo - Alt - (SFYuTb - 2min33sec -  Mar 09, 2015) - Source:  SouthFront - For more articles on the attempted destruction of Ukraine/Russia, see below.....
Estonia Government Won Re-Election Because Russian Minority Can't Vote
A quote...."The Government Liberal Party of Estonia won the parliamentary elections with a narrow majority.  But victory was possible only because nearly 100,000 ethnic Russians have no right to vote – a clear democratic deficit in the EU country. - The ruling Reform Party received 30 of 101 seats in parliament. It is closely followed by the leftist Centre Party (27 seats), which advocates closer relations with Russia."

Tensions reignite in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
A quote...."An escalation in attacks on civilians in the South Caucasus region is stoking fears of a return to all-out war."
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The ISIS Gambit - Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....& The Kurds....

Human Rights Watch FAIL: Uses Photo of American Bombing Destruction To Condemn Assad
More On HRW's Utter Hypocrisy - A quote...."Partially funded by George Soros, Human Rights Watch has repeatedly shilled for NATO and America’s imperialist aims, particularly in Syria. - For instance, when Western media propaganda had reached a crescendo regarding the outright lie that Assad had used chemical weapons against his own people, HRW stood right beside Barack Obama and John Kerry in their effort to prove Assad’s guilt. HRW even went so far as to repeat the lie that the UN report suggested that Assad was the offending party, driving the final nail into the coffin of any credibility HRW may have had."

Washington’s Al Qaeda Ally Now Leading ISIS in Libya
ISIS Gambit - More On The US-NRE's Trained ISIS Leadership - (a.k.a. The US-NRE's pseudo-gang career-pack. - mpg) -- A quote...."March 9, 2015 (Eric Draitser - NEO) - The revelations that US ally Abdelhakim Belhadj is now leading ISIS in Libya should come as no surprise to those who have followed US policy in that country, and throughout the region. It illustrates for the umpteenth time that Washington has provided aid and comfort to precisely those forces it claims to be fighting around the world. - According to recent reports, Abdelhakim Belhadj has now firmly ensconced himself as the organizational commander of the ISIS presence inside Libya. The information comes from an unnamed US intelligence official who has confirmed that Belhadj is supporting and coordinating the efforts of the ISIS training centers in eastern Libya around the city of Derna, an area long known as a hotbed of jihadi militancy." - Source:  NEO

Corporate Media Ignores Report of U.S. and Israeli Operatives Arrested Aiding ISIS
ISIS Gambit - US Presstitutes Are ISIS's Best Friends -- A quote...."A story over the weekend stating American and Israeli military advisors were arrested in Iraq aiding ISIS was not reported by the establishment media. -- According to Iraq’s Sarma News Agency and the Iranian Tasnim News Agency, the four foreign military advisors were captured during a military operation in the Tal Abta desert near the city of Mosul in Iraq’s Northern Province of Nineveh. -- Three of the arrested men were dual U.S.-Israel citizens and a fourth Persian. -- On Thursday Qasim al-Araji, the head of the Badr Organization in Iraq, told parliament on Thursday he has evidence the U.S. is arming the Islamic Army, according to a report carried by the Arabic language Almasalah."

US, Allies Unleashing Death Squads in Syria: Analyst
ISIS Gambit - US-NRE's Kill We Must Brigades -- A quote...."Press TV has conducted an interview with Sukant Chandan, a filmmaker and political commentator from London, to discuss atrocities being committed by the ISIL militant group across the Middle East region."

US-Led Airstrikes in Syria Kill 30, Mostly Civilians
ISIS Gambit - Don't Bomb ISIS, Bomb Civilians! -- A quote...."According to reports from the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, several militants were killed in the attack. However, the rest of the victims were civilians and workers. Syrian authorities have not yet made an official statement."

Civilian deaths reported in coalition air raid on Syria refinery
ISIS Gambit - Don't Bomb ISIS, Bomb Syria's Infrastructure! -- A quote...."US joint task force promises probe into monitoring group's claim of civilian fatalities in attack near Turkish border." - For more articles on the US/Israeli/Gulf GCC's sponsorship of ISIS, see below.....
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, North & Central Africa & Others...

Iraq kills 60 ISIL militants in restive west - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote..."“Security forces, with support from the Army’s Air Force, have managed to conduct a painful strike on ISIL sites in the area of al-Qa’im,” the ministry spokesman General Officer Saad Mo’en said in the statement. “The operation resulted in killing 60 terrorists, including a number of top leaders within the ISIL group,” the spokesman added."

Without US Backing, Iraqi Troops Near Tikrit - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote..."On Friday, Iraqi troops reached the small town of Dour, on the outskirts of Tikrit, putting them closer to the city that is their intended target. So far, the offensive even against this town is going painfully slowly."

ISIS executes 20 opponents in northern Iraq: officials
A quote...."KIRKUK: ISIS executed 20 people who wanted to fight against them in the northern Iraqi province of Kirkuk, officials said on Monday. - The killings of the men, who wanted to join anti-ISIS paramilitary forces known as Popular Mobilization units, took place in the town of Hawijah, a police intelligence officer and two local officials said."

Iraqi forces retake strategic town of al-Alam near Tikrit
A quote...."Iraqi security forces alongside Sunni and Shia fighters have driven Takfiri ISIL terrorists out of the town of al-Alam in northern Tikrit."

Iranian “Terrorist” Commands Assault on ISIS
A quote...."According to Reuters, Iraqi security forces and Shi’ite militia fighters (with the support of Canadian special forces and US weapons, trainers and air strikes) are presently engaged in a major assault to retake the Iraqi city of Tikrit from ISIS. -- Until recently, the western media rarely mentioned the figure commanding these forces. His name is Major General Qasem Soleimani, and he’s the head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards’ elite Quds Force. This creates an embarrassing situation for Obama. The US still officially designates Soleimani as a terrorist for his alleged role in a 2011 plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the US."

Syria-based jihadis prepare for Lebanon offensive
ISIS Gambit - The Lebanese Pivot? -- A quote...."Syria-based terrorist groups are preparing to resume their attacks against Lebanese territories on the northeastern border with Syria with the advent of spring in the next few weeks, according to reports received by military and security institutions in Lebanon based on Western intelligence information."

Lebanese ISIS recruits receiving training in Syria
ISIS Gambit - The Lebanese Pivot? -- A quote...."A group of young men from Akkar were recruited to an ISIS cell recently and traveled to Turkey with the intention of undergoing training in a militant camp in Syria, sources told The Daily Star Tuesday."

Taliban to get 30% share in Afghan govt
A quote...."Report: During the widely-reported peace talks, the Afghan government would offer Taliban with a 30 per cent share in the cabinet and in three provinces, Pakistani media reports on Sunday."
So thirteen years of mass murder, a trillion US-NRE dollars spent (for Afghanistan), tens of thousands of US personnel injured, close to a thousand killed (again, in Afghanistan) and the dreaded Taliban get cut down to just 30%.....for now. -- It's a joke right?  The whole thing was just a joke....right? - mpg
Libyan general sworn as top commander as his planes hit Tripoli airport
A quote...."Extending a series of tit-for-tat strikes, the attack coincided with the swearing-in of Gen. Khalifa Haftar, one of the most divisive figures in post-revolutionary Libya, as army commander for the recognized government."

4 Dead in Al Qaeda's Attack on Yemen Army Base, Say Residents
A quote...."At least two militants and two soldiers died in an Al Qaeda assault on an army base in southern Yemen early today, officials and residents said, in another sign of unravelling security."

210 killed as Chad and Niger armies take two towns from Boko Haram
A quote...."Chadian military source says 200 rebels killed in battle to seize Malam Fatouri and Damasak in northeast Nigeria. Ten Chadian soldiers were killed in the offensive that began on Sunday, the source told AFP news agency on Monday."

Dozens feared dead in Nigeria after Maiduguri suicide bombing
A quote...."A crowded marget in Maiduguri was once again the scene of a deadly suicide bombing on Tuesday. The attacks bears the hallmarks of Nigerian militant group Boko Haram, which has been terrorizing northeastern Nigeria."

Does Iran Really Want a Bomb?
Must Read - A quote...."By Patrick J. Buchanan -- America, we have a problem.  In the blood-soaked chaotic Middle East, with few exceptions like the Kurds, our friends either can’t or won’t fight.  The Free Syrian Army folded. The U.S.-armed Hazm force in Syria has just collapsed after being routed by the al-Nusra Front. The Iraqi army we trained and equipped fled Mosul and ran all the way to Baghdad.  The Turks could annihilate ISIS in Syria, but they won’t fight. Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Arabs have sent zero troops to fight ISIS. A handful of air strikes is it.  Now consider what our old enemies have done and are doing....." - also posted at AntiWar

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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia
Special Note - A quote...."The present day KM knows that it cannot operate or exist without abject secrecy, and therefore has spent a lot of money having its history excised from the history books in order to prevent citizens of the World from learning about its “Evil beyond imagination”, that empowers this World’s largest Organized Crime Cabal. The authors of this article have done their best to resurrect this lost, secret history of the Khazarians and their large International Organized Crime Syndicate, best referred to as the Khazarian Mafia (KM) and make this history available to the World via the Internet, which is the new Gutenberg Press."

Did You Know….
A 9/11 Reminder - A quote...."Just months before 9/11, the world trade center’s lease was privatized and sold to Larry Silverstein. Silverstein took out an insurance plan that ‘fortuitously’ covered terrorism." - For more on this issue see below.....
Republicans And Iran Deal Opponents Are Funded By The Same Mega-Donors
Trans-National Carpet Baggers - A quote...."In the past four years, Sheldon and Miriam Adelson [trans-national, Euro-Kazarian, AIPAC/Israeli made members] have emerged as the preeminent funders of the Republican Party through a network of super PACs and nonprofit groups. At the same time, they have been among the biggest funders of groups that oppose any deal with Iran over that country’s nuclear program." - bold/underline by website editor

Fascist Republican Senators Threaten Iran
ZOG Alert - Zio-Whore Alert - A quote...."Lunatics infesting Washington make their own rules – made up to suit their warped objectives. -- On March 9, 47 fascist Republican senators addressed  “An Open Letter to the Leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran.” -- They acted recklessly like Netanyahu. The intervened directly into (multi-nation) P5+1 talks."

Iran’s Foreign Minister Responds To US Senators’ Letter
A Reply to the ZOG & It's Zio-Whores -- A quote...."Asked about the open letter of 47 US Senators to Iranian leaders, the Iranian Foreign Minister, Dr. Javad Zarif, responded that “in our view, this letter has no legal value and is mostly a propaganda ploy. It is very interesting that while negotiations are still in progress and while no agreement has been reached, some political pressure groups are so afraid even of the prospect of an agreement that they resort to unconventional methods, unprecedented in diplomatic history. This indicates that like Netanyahu, who considers peace as an existential threat, some are opposed to any agreement, regardless of its content."

GOP Senators’ Iran Letter Raises Talk of Treason
ZOG Alert - Zio-Whores In Trouble?? - A quote...."In 1799, the Logan Act made it a felony for any US citizen to carry out direct correspondence with a foreign government “in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States.” -- Despite never being successfully used, the law is still on the books, and is getting a look in the wake of yesterday’s letter by Sen. Tom Cotton (R – AK), and signed by 46 other Republican senators addressed to the Islamic Republic of Iran. -- The letter warns Iran against agreeing to a nuclear deal with the Obama Administration, on the grounds that a future US Congress or US President would dishonor the deal, saying they won’t consider any deal made by the president as a real deal with the United States because they oppose the deal."

Republican Presidential Candidates Endorse Iran Letter
ZOG Alert - Zio-Whores Alert - A quote....."While controversy continues to swirl violently around the open letter to Iran by 47 Republican senators, the signatures of four of the Senators, Rand Paul (R – KY), Marco Rubio (R – FL), Ted Cruz (R – TX), and Lindsey Graham (R – SC), all presidential hopefuls with eyes on the 2016 primary, has sparked a response."

In Great Britain, Powerful Pedophiles Are Seemingly Everywhere and Totally Above the Law
ZOG Alert - Israel's Minions Are Everywhere -- A quote...."A newspaper editor was handed startling evidence that Britain’s top law enforcement official knew there was a VIP pedophile network in Westminster, at the heart of the British government. What happened next in the summer of 1984 helps to explain how shocking allegations of rape and murder against some of the country’s most powerful men went unchecked for decades."

US Congress on Sale
ZOG Alert - Israel's Minions Are Everywhere -- A quote...."Consider another very revealing sentence in the LA Times story: -  "Menendez also faced reports that he and Melgen consorted with prostitutes in the Dominican Republic, some of them underage, but those reports were later discredited." -  The part about the reports having been discredited is what is known in the journalism business as an "obligatory disclaimer," which functions in rather the same way as a "non-denial denial." What it means is: "Menendez was nailed for consorting with child prostitutes, but if we open that can of worms, we will step on the toes of too many powerful people, so let's just call it a 'rumor' and leave it at that.""

Netanyahu: He Came, He Saw, He Conquered. The Power of Israel over the United States.
ZOG Alert - A quote...."How is it that the ruler (Benjamin Netanyahu) of a puny country (Israel) of 8.2 million (6.2 million Jews) with the 37th biggest economy (GDP in current prices) in the world dictates war policy and secures the willing submission of the legislature of the largest economy and most powerful military empire in the world?"

Israeli FM Calls For Beheading of Arab Citizens Disloyal To Israel
ISIS, The GCC Parasitical Families & Israel -- Like Peas In A Pod -- A quote....""Whoever is against us, there's nothing else to do. We have to lift up an axe and remove his head, otherwise we won't survive here." Lieberman said"

ISIS // Zionism - Can You Spot The Difference?
Related Article - A quote...."Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has taken his campaign of violent incitement against Palestinians to new extremes with a call for those disloyal to Israel to have their heads chopped off."

Rand Paul Caves on Iran, Backs Move to Kill Deal

Zio-Whore Alert - (Rand Paul gets in line to kiss AIPAC/Israeli ass.  For all those who trusted were warned by many on the web about his....profession.  That of an Israeli Zio-Whore. -  mpg) --A quote...."With progress having been made on the Iran negotiations, Republican Senators opposed to a deal have been threatening the administration left and right over it. Today, they took a different tack, issuing an open letter to Iran, warning them against the deal on the grounds that they’re just going to sabotage it in the future. - The letter was pushed by Sen. Tom Cotton (R – AR) and signed by 47 senators. Surprisingly, this included Sen. Rand Paul (R – KY), who had previously expressed opposition to Congressional attempts to sabotage the negotiations."

Shutting Down AIPAC
A quote...."I would like to concentrate on two issues. First is the nature of the special relationship between Israel and the United States and second is the role of the Israel Lobby and most particularly AIPAC in shaping that relationship. I was a foreign policy adviser for Ron Paul in 2008 and consider myself politically conservative. I respect the fact that nations must be responsive to their interests, but because of my personal experience of living and working overseas for many years I have come to recognize that the United States is an anomaly in that it persists in going around the world doing things that just do not make any sense. This has been particularly true during the past fourteen years, with invasions, interventions and targeted assassinations having become the preferred form of international discourse for Washington." - Source:  UNZReview

Danish companies warned about settlement investments
A quote...."A new report from the investigative journalism team at DanWatch gives more disturbing evidence of Danish businesses helping to keep the wheels of Israel’s military occupation of Palestine turning."

Gaza off limits: Foreign Office blocks Scottish minister’s aid visit
ZOG Alert - A quote...."A Scottish minister has accused the British government of blocking his fact-finding mission to Gaza after the UK Foreign Office withdrew its support for the trip."

Gaza fishing industry held hostage at sea
A quote...."Located in the southeastern corner of the Mediterranean Sea, and Palestine’s only access to the ocean, the Gaza Strip could be a natural gateway to regional trade for the Palestinian economy. However, near daily shootings and arrests by Israeli forces since a ceasefire agreement last August are exacerbating a decade-long crisis in the fishing sector, with livelihoods particularly vulnerable following a 51-day war on the coastal territory."

Israel navy fires on Gaza shore, ground forces shoot at farmers
A quote...."GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Israeli naval boats fired several shells at the shores of Gaza City on Tuesday, while Israeli ground forces opened fire on farmers in the eastern Gaza Strip, witnesses said."

Israeli forces level land east of Jerusalem

A quote...."JERUSALEM – Israeli forces leveled vast areas of land in the East Jerusalem town of al-Issawiya on Tuesday morning, a local committee member told Ma’an. -- According to Muhammad Abu al-Hummus, member of a local follow-up committee, large numbers of Israeli troops and municipality inspectors escorted bulldozers and excavators into the southeastern outskirts of the town, where they demolished stone walls and steel structures used by local farmers as store houses and livestock barns." - Source:  Ma'an

Israeli Army Demolishes Judge’s Home Near Tulkarem
A quote..."Several Israeli military vehicles, and bulldozers, invaded the al-Jaroushiyya village, north of the northern West Bank city of Tulkarem, and demolished a home belonging to a local judge. - The soldiers surrounded the home of Justice Kifah ash-Shouly, a judge in the Appeal Court in the central West Bank city of Ramallah, demolished his property and the walls that surrounding it."

Israeli Army Invades Bil’in, Breaks Into Homes
A quote...."Dozens of Israeli soldiers invaded, on Tuesday at dawn, Bil’in village, west of the central West Bank city of Ramallah, and stormed several homes before searching them."

Israeli Troops Raid Newly-Established Palestinian Media Center
Intimidating The Messenger - A quote..."In the village of Umm al-Fahm, in the northern part of what is now Israel, a group of Israeli soldiers on Monday invaded a media center that had recently been established in the town, seizing equipment and abducting journalists." - Source:  IMEMC & Agencies

Israeli Occupation Army Shoots at Al-Manar Crew, Violates Blue Line
Killing The Messenger - A quote...."A Zionist military unit fired three bullets over the heads of Al-Manar crew in Bastara Farm while reporting the Israeli violations in Shebaa Farms today."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

Russia’s Remarkable Renaissance
Must Read - A quote...."Something remarkable is taking place in Russia, and it’s quite different from what we might expect. Rather than feel humiliated and depressed Russia is undergoing what I would call a kind of renaissance, a rebirth as a nation. This despite or in fact because the West, led by the so-called neo-conservatives in Washington, is trying everything including war on her doorstep in Ukraine, to collapse the Russian economy, humiliate Putin and paint Russians generally as bad. In the process, Russia is discovering positive attributes about her culture, her people, her land that had long been forgotten or suppressed." - Source:  NEO

In Palestine - Restoration of Buildings vs Memories
A quote...."Ein Siniya’s population in the 1922 census of Palestine, conducted by the British Mandate authorities, was 114. Today in 2015, ‘Ein Siniya’s population is 885 persons strong. Given every act of the Israeli military occupation for the last five decades has been designed to get Palestinians to leave Palestine, ‘Ein Siniya is a living testament to our resilience and determination to not only remain on the land, but to grow despite all odds."

India Considers Buying Russian Fighter Jets Instead of French Rafale
A quote...."MOSCOW, (Sputnik) - India is looking to pursue a large-scale joint project with Russia for stealth Fifth-Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA), following a standoff with France over a deal to acquire its Rafale jets, the Times of India reported Monday citing defense sources." - Source:  Sputnik

Putin signs law on ratification of $100 billion BRICS New Development Bank deal
A quote...."The BRICS New Development Bank (NDB) was set up to challenge two major Western-led giants – the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. NDB's key role will be to serve as a pool of currency for infrastructure projects within a group of five countries with major emerging national economies - Russia, Brazil, India, China and South Africa." - Source:  MEMO

Putin Signs Law On Loan Restructuring for Cyprus
DAB77Video - Alt - (DAB77YuTb - 2min31sec - Mar 9, 2015) - Source:  Daboo77 -- A quote...."A protocol that included a reduction of the annual interest rate to 2.5 percent was signed in August 2013, after the Cyprus government asked for a restructuring of the debt over the deterioration of the financial situation in the country. The document also delayed the repayment of the debt until the period between 2018 and 2021."

China Expects Russia Trade to Reach $100 Bn in 2015
A quote...."The trade turnover between Russia and China is set to total $100 billion this year, according to the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi was quoted by the RIA Novosti news agency as saying that the countries are also expected to sign a contract to supply Russian gas along the so called ‘western route’."

Russia to chair Beijing meet of regional security bloc SCO
A quote..."Russia will chair a meet of the SCO, a China-Russia-led security bloc, that opens in Beijing on Tuesday. - The council of national coordinators of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation will hold a Beijing meet from March 10-13, ahead of this year’s annual summit, said an official statement on Monday."

Shanghai bloc expansion is on agenda, says SCO secretary general
A quote...."TASS - The process to establish the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has been completed, its expansion coming to the forefront, the secretary general of the six-nation bloc told its tenth forum on Wednesday." - Source:  TASS

China Completes SWIFT Alternative, May Launch "De-Dollarization Axis" As Soon As September
Special Note - A quote...."One of the recurring threats used by the western nations in their cold (and increasingly more hot) war with Russia, is that Putin's regime may be locked out of all international monetary transactions when Moscow is disconnected from the EU-based global currency messaging and interchange service known as SWIFT (a move, incidentally, which SWIFT lamented as was revealed in October when we reported that it announces it "regrets the pressure" to disconnect Russia). -- Of course, in the aftermath of revelations that back in 2013, none other than the NSA was exposed for secretly 'monitoring' the SWIFT payments flows, one could wonder if being kicked out of SWIFT is a curse or a blessing, however Russia did not need any further warnings and as we reported less than a month ago, Russia launched its own 'SWIFT'-alternative, linking 91 credit institutions initially. This in turn suggested that de-dollarization is considerably further along than many had expected, which coupled with Russia's record dumping of TSYs, demonstrated just how seriously Putin is taking the threat to be isolated from the western payment system. It was only logical that he would come up with his own. "

China trade surplus at record high of 370.5 bn yuan
A quote...."Reaching record-breaking highs, China’s trade rebounded in February from the previous month’s surprise contraction."

Confirmed: China Is Building 2nd Aircraft Carrier
A quote...."The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is building its second aircraft carrier, several senior Chinese military officials have confirmed, a Hong Kong daily is reporting. - On Monday, Taiwan Focus News Channel cited the Chinese-language The Hong Kong Commercial Daily in reporting that China has begun work on its second aircraft carrier, which will have a more advanced launch system the one currently used on China’s only aircraft carrier, the Liaoning." -  also posted at RussiaInsider

Dollar Steadily Losing Ground in Currency Wars
A quote...."Currency wars and the growing trend away from dollar dominance in international finance, particularly in emerging markets, was highlighted in an interesting CNBC article this morning entitled “Is the Dollar Losing its Clout Among EMs?” -- It refers to the deliberate and stated policy of “de-dollarisation” around the world, the decline in the use of the dollar in international trade and as a reserve currency and the emergence of the new BRICS bank."

Iraqi minister: We're comfortable receiving aid from Iran
A quote...."BAGHDAD (AP) — The top US military official said Monday he is "a bit concerned" about whether the international coalition fighting the Islamic State is sustainable for the longer-term challenge of confronting extremists in other regions."

Iran, Turkmenistan should use potential to boost ties: Rouhani
A quote..."Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says the Islamic Republic and Turkmenistan should tap into their potential to improve their bilateral relations."

Ecuador Alerts Public to CIA Actions Across the Continent - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Proactive Action - (Keep exposing them folks) -- A quote...."The Foreign Ministry is backing a new book outlining CIA actions in Ecuador to raise public awareness of interventions committed by the organization. Imprisoned on various occasions and subjected to numerous interrogations, Dr. Jaime Galarza Zavala is one of the estimated 120 direct victims of the CIA’s record in Ecuador."

Cuba Gives Support to Venezuela Against US
A quote...." Sputnik - Cuba vows to support Venezuela after the United States decided to impose new sanctions against several individuals in Caracas. - Cuba promised its support to Venezuela after US President Barack Obama imposed new sanctions against several individuals in Caracas." - Source:  Sputnik
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

The ECB’s Noose Around Greece: How Central Banks Harness Governments
A quote...."Remember when the infamous Goldman Sachs delivered a thinly-veiled threat to the Greek Parliament in December, warning them to elect a pro-austerity prime minister or risk having central bank liquidity cut off to their banks? (See January 6th post here.) It seems the European Central Bank (headed by Mario Draghi, former managing director of Goldman Sachs International) has now made good on the threat." - Source:  WebOfDebt

Greece and the dictatorship of finance capital
Related Article - A quote...."The value of every crisis, as has often been remarked, is that it strips away the outer forms of political phenomena to reveal their essential characteristics. The Greek debt crisis and the attempts of the Syriza-led government to renegotiate the terms of repayment with the European Union constitute a striking case in point."

Supreme Court Spurns Two Guantanamo Appeals
Neo-Roman Imperial "Justice" - A quote...."The US Supreme Court declined to hear two Guantanamo Bay appeals cases on Monday, upholding the decision of lower courts to reject a damages claim by a wrongfully detained Syrian, and block the release of alleged torture photographs of a Saudi national. - In the case of Janko v. Gates (14-650), the Supreme Court let stand a January 2014 ruling by the DC Circuit Court that rejected a claim by a Syrian national for damages after being wrongfully held in Guantanamo Bay for seven years." - Source:  RT

USA slammed for shocking mistreatment of children
A quote...."A United Nations human rights expert strongly condemned the U.S. on Tuesday for being the “only State in the world that still sentences children to life imprisonment without the opportunity for parole,” thereby imposing cruel, inhuman, and degrading punishment. - Juan Méndez, the Special Rapporteur on torture, made the comments in a report to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva."

Obama Declares Venezuela a ‘National Security Threat,’ Orders Sanctions
The Attack On Venezuela.....Continues -- A quote...."Relations between the United States and Venezuela are continuing to worsen today, with President Obama issuing an executive order declaring the South American nation a “threat to national security.”"

US seeking regime change in Venezuela – PressTV interview
The Attack On Venezuela.....Continues - Related Article -- A quote...."Newly imposed sanctions by the United States against Venezuela are a continuation of a Cold War doctrine that seeks “regime change” in countries that are not compliant with Washington, a political analyst in Atlanta says."

Pres. Obama Picks Another Fight; This Time Venezuela
The Attack On Venezuela.....Continues - Related Article -- A quote...."The Obama Administration, which in 2009 provided the crucial assistance that enabled the progressive democratic President of Honduras to be overthrown and a junta of oligarchs to replace him; and which in 2014 perpetrated a bloody coup that replaced the corrupt but democratically elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, replaced by a rabidly anti-Russian equally corrupt Government, and thus sparked Ukraine’s civil war against the area of Ukraine that had voted 90% for Yanukovych; is now again trying to overthrow Venezuela’s democratically elected President, Nicolas Maduro."

UK finally repays its First World War debts
A quote...."Britain's outstanding First World War debt has been repaid after the chancellor redeemed £1.9 billion from an outstanding bond – almost 100 years after the war ended." - This one is for Michael Rivero - See related article...."All Wars Are Bankers' Wars"!

‘Close, aggressive surveillance’: UK Special Forces back in Northern Ireland
A quote...."British Special Forces soldiers are once again operating in Northern Ireland, allegedly, to counter violent Republican groups including the Real IRA, according to intelligence sources. - Quoted in the Daily Star newspaper, they said up to 60 members of the Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR) are in the region." - Source:  RT

Tokyo firebombing - survivors recall most destructive air raid in history
A quote...."An estimated 100,000 people perished in the firebomb raid on Tokyo in the night of March 9-10, 1945. At the same time, 1 million were rendered homeless and over 41 square kilometers of the city were razed to the ground."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

Leaked Documents Suggest CIA Work on Hacked Version of Xcode, OS X Installer Exploit
A quote...."United States Central Intelligence Agency researchers have been working for years to crack the security of Apple's iPhone and iPad, and may have done so through the creation of a modified version of Xcode, Apple's software development tool designed for developers."

iSpy: How the CIA Targeted Apple
Related Article - A quote...."New reporting by The Intercept published Tuesday reveals a years-long effort by the Central Intelligence Agency, alongside partners both inside and outside of government, to crack the digital security systems of the Apple’s signature iPhone and iPad products."

FIVE EYES Neo-colonialism in the Pacific Region
A quote...."The recent revelations from the documents provided by National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden that the NSA’s two Pacific partners, the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) and Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) conduct wholesale eavesdropping on the communications of the island nations of the Pacific may not be «news» but the reaction to the surveillance by regional leaders points to the neo-colonialism practiced by the NSA’s FIVE EYES intelligence partners."

NSA sued by Wikimedia, rights groups over mass surveillance - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."(Reuters) - The U.S. National Security Agency was sued on Tuesday by Wikimedia and other groups challenging one of its mass surveillance programs that they said violates Americans' privacy and makes individuals worldwide less likely to share sensitive information."

“The Internet Freedom Act”
A quote....."“The Internet Freedom Act” is a House bill intended to destroy newly instituted Net Neutrality rights. And of the bill's 31 co-sponsors, all but two of them received money from a major telecom or its lobby in 2014 alone."

Cutting-edge hack gives super user status by exploiting DRAM weakness
A quote...."In one of more impressive hacks in recent memory, researchers have devised an attack that exploits physical weaknesses in certain types of DDR memory chips to elevate the system rights of untrusted users of Intel-compatible PCs running Linux." - For more articles on these issues see below.....
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation...

CONFIRMED: Both FBI & CIA Watched Boston Bombing Suspects for Years
Boston Bomber - A quote...."FBI & CIA now admit to putting Boston bombing suspect on 2 “watch lists,” directly contradicting previous public statements. CIA most likely sponsored suspect’s trips to meet US-backed terrorists in Chechnya, Russia." - Topix ||  Boston Bombing  ||

Tamerlane Tsarnaeva recruited via the Georgian Foundation
Boston Bomber - A quote...."Google Translate - At the disposal of "Izvestia" has documents Counterintelligence Department Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, confirming that the Georgian organization "Caucasian fund" to cooperate with the US non-profit organization "Jamestown" (the board of directors of NGOs previously entered one of the ideologists of US foreign policy, Zbigniew Brzezinski), was engaged in recruiting residents North Caucasus to work in the interests of the United States and Georgia." - Topix ||  Boston Bombing  ||

After Beating FBI Entrapment, Environmental Activist Eric McDavid Looks Forward
A quote...."After serving nine years in prison, Eric McDavid was freed on January 8, 2015,  when it was revealed - through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)-released court documents pored over by his supporters - that the government withheld documents from him that supported his defense claim that he was entrapped by the FBI."

The Whoredom of the Left
A quote...."March 09, 2015 "ICH" - "Truthdig" - VANCOUVER, British Columbia—Prostitution is the quintessential expression of global capitalism. Our corporate masters are pimps. We are all being debased and degraded, rendered impoverished and powerless, to service the cruel and lascivious demands of the corporate elite. And when they tire of us, or when we are no longer of use, we are discarded as human refuse. If we accept prostitution as legal, as Germany has done, as permissible in a civil society, we will take one more collective step toward the global plantation being built by the powerful. The fight against prostitution is the fight against a dehumanizing neoliberalism that begins, but will not end, with the subjugation of impoverished girls and women." - Source:  TruthDig

Domestic Military Expansion Spreads Through the US, Ignites Dissent
A quote...."What if you lived in a country that allowed its Navy to fly the loudest aircraft in the world over your home day and night, generating sonic booms that rattled the windows of people living in a neighboring country, and test new weapons in areas that would knowingly harm, or possibly kill, humans and wildlife?"

Military industrial complex spends $120+ million a year on lobbying
That's actually not very much.  The Banksters spend billions every year. - mpg -- A quote...."The US is exceptional … when it comes to war profiteering. - Ever since the Supreme Court said that defense contractors can buy off politicians left and right, business has been booming for the defense industry. - Last year, the defense industry spent over $125 million on lobbying efforts. And thatindustry has spent at least $120 million on lobbying every year since 2007. - In response, our lawmakers have made sure that the defense industry is well-rewarded."

Police killings and the collapse of democracy in America
A quote...."It is becoming increasingly clear that in working-class communities across the United States, the police function as virtual death squads, beating and killing people with legal impunity."

Underdogs and Overlords
A quote...."If enacted in its original form, “Tanja’s Law” would have been the first statute in U.S. history – perhaps in the history of the Western World – to recognize the deliberate destruction of a non-human creature as “murder.”"

Shootings in Georgia and Colorado continue wave of police violence in US
A quote...."Seventeen people have been killed by police in the week since the Obama Justice Department announced that it would not bring federal charges against Darren Wilson, the Ferguson, Missouri cop who killed unarmed teenager Michael Brown in August."

Cop Who Killed Woman in Front Husband and Child While Shooting Their Dog Won’t Face Charges

A quote...."Burlington, IA — Two months ago the Free Thought Project broke the story of Autumn Steele, an Iowa mother who was killed by a police officer in front of her husband and child." - For more on "Thugs R'Us" see the articles shown below.....
52 senators warn of sweeping ammo bans, say Second Amendment ‘at risk’
2nd Amendment Violation & Its Opposition - A quote...."(Paul Bedard)  A majority in both the Senate and House — 52 senators, 238 House members — have joined to oppose the Obama administration’s move to ban a popular type of ammo used in the top-selling AR-15 rifle and pistol because it pierces police body armor."

GOP Rubber Stamps Obama’s Dictatorship
A quote..."The abrogation of the Constitution and the Dictatorship of the Obama Regime is being made possible by the Republican Party leadership. - In the face of what is become self-evident Uniparty rule in Washington D.C., I marvel at the multitudes who ignore what is going on and lying to themselves while demanding to be lied to, insisting in sometimes virulent outbursts that we can fix Obama’s dictatorship by simply electing more Republicans. - I laugh in their face.  So should we all. - The “solution” to a post-Constitutional Dictatorship is to “elect” more Republicans????" - also posted at InvestWtchBlog

Clinton foundation received up to $81m from clients of controversial HSBC bank
A quote...."Leaked files from HSBC’s Swiss banking division reveal the identities of seven donors to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation with accounts in Geneva. - They include Frank Giustra, a Canadian mining magnate and one of the foundation’s biggest financial backers, and Richard Caring, the British retail magnate who, the bank’s internal records show, used his tax-free Geneva account..." - For more on Hideous Hillary and her horrible history, see below...... IMF Deputy Director Calls For De-Dollarization In Emerging Markets – Episode 611
X22Video - Alt/YuTb - Alt/Mp3  - (X22YuTb - 46min - Mar 9, 2015) -- Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote..."Greece's Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis warns of a referendum if plan is rejected. The Unemployment numbers are completely manipulated. The home ownership numbers are now being manipulated. Homeless people in NY increases. IMF Deputy Director says emerging countries need to de-dollarize. Russia restructures Cyprus loans. Obama moving towards gun control again. UK government wants cameras in everyone's homes. US imposes sanctions on Venezuela and reports its a national security threat. Kiev stalling and will not remove it heavy weaponry. US and coalition forces using the Islamic State to destroy everything in its path to get congress to vote yes for the AFW - All source links to the report can be found on the site."

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV - 09 Mar 11:00 HST - WRH Donation Request - [Click Here]
MRVideo -- (BambuserTV - 3hrs - 09 Mar 11:00 HST) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Website: - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.

De-Dollarization Continues, China And Russia Prepare To Drop SWIFT – Episode 612
X22Video - Alt/YuTb - Alt/Mp3  - (X22YuTb - 46min11sec - Mar 10, 2015) -- Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote..."Euro group wants Greece to implement deeper austerity. Housing implodes in Canada. Wholesale sales plunge along with factory orders. Time to end the FED. Foreclosures in the US increase dramatically. Russia and China de-dollarizing and China is ready to go live with the CIPS payment system. Kiev stalling and not removing heavy weaponry. US pushing for war in Ukraine. China building more aircraft carriers. The Islamic State franchises popping up in Africa, exactly where the US needs to go. - All source links to the report can be found on the site."

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV - 10 Mar 10:01 HST - WRH Donation Request - [Click Here]
MRVideo -- (BambuserTV - 3hrs - 10 Mar 10:01 HST) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Website: - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.

Very Interesting Interview of Paul Craig Roberts With Ellen Brown! (UPDATED)
Must Listen IOMAudio - DnLd/Mp3 - Alt/IOM-Site - (IOMFlwPlyr - 59min01sec - 02.25.15) - Source: It'sOurMoney/EllenBrown  - Related Website:  WebOfDebt/Ellen Brown - Guest Websites:  PaulCraigRoberts - &PCR/Videos -- A quote...."I want to draw your attention to a very interesting interview of Paul Craig Robers with Ellen Brown.  You can listen to it right here...." -- "Things are frequently not as they appear, there being a veil of secrecy and intrigue around matters of finance and state. Few people know better than this week's guest Dr. Paul Craig Roberts what is, and was, going on behind the headlines of global developments.  A former member of the Reagan Administration, editor of the Wall Street Journal and noted author, Ellen talks with him at length about what's happening with global finance and the shaking foundations of the EU."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: War is racket, that's why EU needs an army (E729)
MaxRTVideo -- (MaxRTYuTb - 25mi25sec - Mar 10, 2015) - Related Websites:  RussiaToday - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom -- A quote...."Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the war racket, the build to war and the successful campaign by Stacy to get the Guardian to change the description under a photo of a ‘far-right’ woman named ‘Anaconda’ in Ukraine. In the second half, Max interviews five-time world snooker champion Ronnie O’Sullivan about the snooker industry, winning property as the only way on to the property ladder (other than inheritance) and much more."

Six Years Of Bull Market Bull
Quote of the Day....."Never has there been a more artificial—-indeed, phony—–gain in the stock market than the 215% eruption orchestrated by the Fed since the post-crisis bottom six years ago today. And the operative word is “orchestrated” because there is nothing fundamental, sustainable, logical or warranted about today’s S&P 500 index at 2080. - In fact, the fundamental financial and economic rot which gave rise to the 672 index bottom on March 9, 2009 has not been ameliorated at all. The US economy remains mired in even more debt, less real productive investment, fewer breadwinner jobs and vastly more destructive financialization and asset price speculation than had been prevalent at the time of the Lehman event in September 2008." - also posted at InvestWatchBlog

On The Absurdity Of The Fed Losing Patience And Other Word Clouds
Second Quote of the Day....."I have always argued that quantitative easing and zero percent interest rates were misguided policies to combat economic weakness. But as the years went on, misguided turned into irresponsible, which led to ridiculous, and then turned into dangerous. But lately, the only word that comes to mind is “surreal.” How should we react when central bankers begin to speak like Willie Wonka?"

Republicans Poised to Rubber-Stamp Another Debt Ceiling Increase
A quote..."On Sunday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) reiterated something that Republican leadership has been emphasizing since re-taking control of both houses of Congress. "I made it very clear after the November election that we're certainly not going to shut down the government or default on the national debt. We'll figure some way to handle that. And hopefully, it might carry some other important legislation that we can agree on in connection with it," McConnell said on CBS' "Face the Nation.""

Happy 6th Birthday: The Day FASB Folded & "Mark-To-Fantasy" Was Born
A quote...."Bernanke and Geithner stopped the market from falling in March 2009 by threatening the accounting geeks at the FASB and forcing them to allow fraudulent reporting by the insolvent Wall Street banks. The crisis ended – precisely – on March 16, 2009, when the Financial Accounting Standards Board abandoned FAS 157 “mark-to-market” accounting, in response to Congressional pressure from the House Committee on Financial Services and threats from Bernanke and Geithner on March 12, 2009. That change immediately removed the threat of widespread insolvency by making insolvency opaque. Mark to fantasy was born. Profits for everyone!!!"

10 Reasons Why The US Unemployment Numbers Are A Massive Lie
A quote...."It is my contention that the official “unemployment rate” has become so politicized and so manipulated that it is essentially meaningless at this point. The following are 10 reasons why."

Did HSBC Just Close All 7 of Its Gold Vaults?
A quote...."Today London metals trader Andrew Maguire spoke with King World News about who smashed the price of gold today and why as HSBC just shocked clients by announcing the closure of all gold vaults in London! "

Recession Alarm: [US] Wholesale Sales Plunge Alongside Factory Orders, Worst Since Lehman
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."For the first time since Lehman, Wholesale Trade Sales dropped for a 3rd month in a row in January. Plunging 3.1% MoM (against -0.5% expectations), this is the biggest drop since March 2009. Excluding auto sales, wholesale sales fell 3.5%. Wholesale inventories rose 0.3% (beating expectations) with only a very modest -0.1% drag from oil."

WTI Crude Slides To $48 Handle As Chevron Cuts Costs, Ramps Production
Chart - (click to view) - A quote...."The almost-$2 surge in WTI crude prices on Friday - proving recovery is here and stability is back - is gone... long gone. Following comments from Chevron of major cost cutting, slashing capex (down 13% YoY), but ramping production of shale and tight assets, WTI crude has tumbled back to a $48 handle."

U.S. Economy On The Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown
A quote...."Money Suddenly Is Getting Very Expensive, Growth Is Falling Off A Cliff, And The Corporations That Borrowed Tens Of Billions Of Dollars In The First Quarter To Buy Back Their Shares Are Now Under Water."

European Central Bank Launches Trillion-Euro Stimulus
A quote...."The chief monetary authority for the 19 countries that use the euro confirmed Monday it had begun the purchases, which aim to make credit cheaper, boost growth and raise inflation. ECB President Mario Draghi had announced the start date last week, sending stocks higher and the euro lower."
Why are they doing this NOW?  And why didn't they do this seven years ago? - mpg
Britain's divided decade: the rich are 64% richer than before the recession, while the poor are 57% poorer
A quote...."The gap between richest and poorest has dramatically widened in the past decade as wealthy households paid off their debts and piled up savings following the financial crisis, a report warns today. -- By contrast, the worst-off families are far less financially secure than before the recession triggered by the near- collapse of several major banks. They have an average of less than a week’s pay set aside and are more often in the red."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Monsanto’s Deep Legacy Of Corruption And Cover-Up - The History of a chemical company
A quote...."Monsanto is now instantly recognized as the company dominating the global food supply with its more than 7000  current worldwide patents. But today’s Monsanto is not a corporate newcomer. Although its literature heralds the company as having a clear and principled code of conduct and a pledge to demonstrate integrity, respect, ethical behavior, and honesty in everything they do, the truth is that this company has a legacy of contamination and cover-up that dates back more than a century." - Source:  NaturalSociety

Fighting GMO: Hundreds of US Farmers Sue Syngenta Over Genetically Modified Corn - Hip Hip Horoay!!
DAB77Video - Alt - (DAB77YuTb - 2min50sec - Mar 9, 2015) - Source:  Daboo77 -- A quote...."Corn growers in the U.S. lost an upwards of $3 billion in revenue last year after the Chinese boycotted shipments of American corn following the discovery of a genetically modified seed that had not yet been approved in the country. -- Agrisure Viptera, a seed genetically altered to contain a protein that kills corn-eating bugs such as earworms and cutworms, had not been approved by China in November 2013 when it was found in several U.S. corn shipments."

If you believe the FDA when they tell us that mercury is safer than milk, you might be a sheeple
PRVideo - Alt - (PRYuTb - 43min43sec - Mar 8, 2015) - Source:  PrepperRecon -- A quote...."If you believe the FDA when they tell us that mercury is safer than milk, you might be a sheeple. Take back responsibility and control of your own wellbeing! Edward and Louise DeLaney join me on today’s show to give some great tips on fighting back."

Vaccine strain of measles found in measles outbreaks: genetic testing reveals forensic evidence of outbreak source
A quote...."If you're worried about your child contracting measles, whooping cough or one of the other scary-sounding infectious diseases being hyped up by the mainstream media right now, you might want to steer clear of recently vaccinated children rather than the unvaccinated."

Greedy Big Pharma Guilty of Selling Harmful Children’s Medicine
A quote...."The maker of Children’s Tylenol agreed to plead guilty to a federal criminal charge of knowingly selling adulterated bottles of its painkillers for children and infants. The drugs were recalled in 2010 because they contained metal particles."

Six Common Food Additives Used in the US that Are Banned in Other Countries
A quote...."If you think everything in the cupboard is safe to eat, you might want to think again. Some additives approved by the FDA have been banned in other parts of the world. Here are six common food additives found in U.S. food, yet banned elsewhere."

Pepsi Wins Battle to Keep Adding Carcinogen to Your Soda
A quote...."Pepsi One and Diet Pepsi drinkers lost a battle against the GMO supporting company, Pepsi Co, recently when a federal judge dismissed a class action lawsuit over the carcinogenic additive, 4-methylimidazole (4-MeI) found within the beverages."

Deaths Tied to Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Up 18%
A quote...."A fresh report in Japan shows the number of deaths by radiation from the country’s Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster in 2011 increased by 18 percent last year." - also posted at WkUpF/YrSlmbr

Monday March 9th 2015

No posts - mpg

Sunday March 8th 2015

Europe, The Morally Bankrupt Union
Must Read - A quote...."The European Union is busy accomplishing something truly extraordinary: it is fast becoming such a spectacular failure that people don’t even recognize it as one. People have no idea, they just think: this can’t possibly be true, and they continue with their day. They should think again. Because the Grand European Failure is bound to lead to real life consequences soon, and they’ll be devastating. The union that was supposed to put an end to all fighting across the continent, is about to be the fuse that sets off a range of battles. -- To its east, the EU is involved in a braindead attempt at further expansion – it has only one idea when it comes to size: bigger is always better -, an attempt that is proving to be such a disaster that heads will roll in the Brussels corridors no matter what. Europe has joined the US and NATO very enthusiastically in creating not just a failed state, but a veritable imitation of Hiroshima, in Ukraine, right on its own borders. The consequences of this will haunt the EU (or if it doesn’t last, which is highly plausible, its former members) not just for weeks or months or years, but for many decades. -- The carefully re-crafted relationship with Russia, which took 25 years to build, was destroyed again in hardly over a year, something for which Angela Merkel deserves so much blame it may well end up being her main political legacy."

World Begins To Rebel Against NATO, IMF, Banker Tyranny -- Wealth Watchman
Must Listen SGTRptVideo - (SGTRptYuTb - 25min50sec - Mar 6, 2015) - Source:  SGTreportCom - Guest Website:  WealthWatchMan   - Related Website:  LibertyMill - A quote.... "The Wealth Watchman joins me again to discuss silver, gold and world events. As the Watchman notes, many nations are beginning to rebel against the tyranny of the bankers and the IMF. Putin [and Russia] specifically is resisting the aggression of NATO and Washington which appear to be hell bent on taking the world into WW3. Over in China we see the continued scramble for physical precious metals as the world prepares to abandon the Dollar. -- There is a lot of inspiring news out there if you dig beneath the surface, as nations aligned against the United States ban together to resist unchecked Imperialist overreach, so let's jump in."

Isn’t It Time to Admit that We Live Under a Criminal Enterprise System Ruled By Sociopaths?
A quote...."When the government is gathering information on us which goes beyond the basic census information, then we should be asking a lot of questions along the lines of “When will the surveillance gathering being conducted by the NSA turn into outright persecution”?"

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A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia...

Johanna Granville’s Presentation ‘Maidan and Beyond: The Media Blackout in Ukraine’”
01]   A quote...."First, take the Kiev regime’s cover-up and use of scapegoats. All recordings of live TV and internet broadcasts of the snipers’ massacre have been erased from Ukrainian websites. The results of ballistic, weapons, and medical examinations were declared classified. Even trees on Maidan with bullet holes were cut down. In her Power Point presentation, Granville showed photos of Dmytro Sadovnyk, the Berkut commander whom the Ukrainian Prosecutor General accused of killing 39 protesters at Maidan on February 20. There’s just one problem: Sadovnyk can’t shoot a gun very well. His right hand was blown off by a grenade six years earlier. -- “Evidence suggests that the snipers were in fact from the Maidan opposition and/or from a third party of professional snipers, and that they shot at both unarmed protesters and policemen,” Granville attested. She drew upon published interviews, time-stamped live videos, and the meticulous research of Dr. Ivan Katchanovski of the University of Ottawa, who examined 30 gigabytes of intercepted radio exchanges of the Alfa and Omega units of the Ukrainian Security Service, the Berkut riot police, and anti-government protesters during the entire Maidan uprising." - Topix  ||  Maidan Square  ||

The Real Enemy is Hypocrisy - The Enemy is Not Russia or Putin
A quote...."March 08, 2015 "ICH" - "Counterpunch" - It has been just over a year of growing and escalating crisis in Europe since the Maidan Square protests in Kiev succeeded in toppling Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych in February 2014." - Source:  CounterPunch

The Secret Behind Communism
DDVideo - For The Record - (DDYuTb - 29min42sec - Jun 23, 2013) - Source:  David Duke - DDVideos - A quote...."The Ethnic Origins of the Communist Revolution and The Greatest Holocaust in the History of Mankind. - Dr. David Duke shares in an illustrated video the Introduction for his new academic resource book on the ethnic motivations behind the Bolshevik Revolution and the mass genocides committed by the Soviets. - Dr. Duke in The Secret Behind Communism, uses the research of Raphael Lemkin to expose the Bolshevik purposeful genocide against the Ukrainian people that took place in what is today called the Holodomor. He also exposes the Bolshevik war against the Russian intelligentsia and nobility was also an attempt at destroying the natural leadership of the Russian people, so as to render them weaker against their new rulers an ethnic minority harboring deep racial animosity toward the Russian people for historic anti-Semitism. - He shows how almost all reputable historians are of the opinion that the communists killed far more human beings than alleged against Hitler, yet he points out that the genocides of the Red Terror are almost totally ignored by Hollywood and the mass media."
This video explains WHY Euro-Kazarians -- Victoria Nuland, Robert Kagan, Arseniy Petrovych (Yat the Rat) Yatsenyuk, Yulia "nuke all Russians" Tymoshenko, Bernard-Henri Lévy, billionaire oligarchs.... Petro Oleksiyovych (Porky the Pig) Poroshenko, Igor Kolomoisky, Penny Pritzker, George "Baron the Gross Harkonnen" Soros, (Five billion invested in Ukraine's bonds? Ten billion?) and the Fed, along with its affiliated foreign Euro-Kazarian owners, banking institutions and corporations are carrying out ANOTHER Holodomor Massacre of the Christian Ukrainian/Russian people by playing them off against each other....besides the usual reasons of furthering their PNAC Protocols and making more money. 

It's because in this particular case, unlike all the other countries the PNAC'ers have destroyed in the Middle East and North Africa, they actually HATE Ukrainian/Russians. -- It's
personal! - mpg
[Euro-Kazarian Trans-National] Rothschild [Banksters] Seeks to Advise Ukraine Bondholders in Debt Talks
Ukraine To Be Sucked Dry - Related Article -- No sympathy from this website editor.  Western Ukrainians essentially teamed up with the same identical families and Jewish interests that murdered tens of millions of them back in the 1930's Holodomor massacre, and on their knees, begged them to do it again!!  People that stupid deserve what they get!! - mpg - For more on these sort of issues see essays shown below....
“Ukraine Tomorrow”: Domestic Oligarchs and Western Politicians Plunder Ukraine
Related Article -- A quote...."At the invitation of notorious Ukrainian oligarch Dmytro Firtash, several representatives of the European elites met on Tuesday at the luxurious Ferstel palace in Vienna. Under the heading “Ukraine Tomorrow” they planned the economic exploitation of the country, which has been embroiled in civil war since the Western-backed coup last February and stands on the edge of a political and economic abyss. To put it bluntly, the main issue was how Western companies can collaborate with domestic oligarchs to plunder the country."

Kiev’s Drive to Dehumanize East Ukrainians
Related Article - A quote...."Dehumanization is a central component of war propaganda. By removing the humanity of an individual and reclassifying them as an anonymous “other,” it becomes easier for combatants in a war to kill them. Such is the case with eastern Ukraine, a conflict rife with dehumanization."

The Kiev-ISIS Alliance
ISIS Gambit - A Franchise In Kiev? -- A quote...."While we’re fighting the Islamic State, a.k.a. ISIS, in Iraq and Syria, and American officials tout the alleged danger of an attack on the US homeland, in Ukraine Washington and the Caliphate are fighting on the same side. A remarkable series of articles by Marcin Mamon in The Intercept has documented an aspect of the Ukraine conflict that no one else has paid any attention to: the role played by the "Dudayev Battalion," a fighting force of radical Islamists consisting of Chechens, but also including fighters from throughout the Caucasus as well as some Ukrainains." - Source:  AntiWar

‘US Has Lots to Gain From Ukraine Crisis, Europe, Russia Don’t’
Must View RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 5min13sec - Mar 7, 2015) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."The EU's foreign ministers have been discussing today ways to cement the fragile ceasefire in Ukraine. Stepping out of the summit, the bloc's foreign policy chief said Brussels will continue working with - not against Russia, on resolving the crisis, while acknowledging progress had been made on the ground. RT is joined by journalist Bryan Macdonald."  - For more articles on the attempted PNAC Protocol destruction of Ukraine/Russia, see below.....
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Four Suspects Detained in Connection With Nemtsov Murder – Security Council
21]   A quote...."MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Earlier on Saturday, Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) Director Alexander Bortnikov announced that Zaur Dadayev and Anzor Gubashev were arrested on suspicion of the murder of Nemtsov. Both suspects are from the Caucasus region of southern Russia."

From Chechens to the Right Sector to CANVAS to Vanguard: Nemtsov's case - theories against facts
21]   A quote....."Tatyana Volkova's blog is banned in Ukraine and she claims to have insider sources "among friends and family". She also claims that Nemtsov's murder investigators found the killers thanks to her tip about Aslan Alkhanov. This is her take on Nemtsov's murder. KR" - For more articles on the Nemtsov assassination, see below.....
Topix ||  Contract Killing of Boris Nemtsov - The Mossad, CIA, or Euro-Kazarian Oligarchs??  || - New Weblist!!
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The ISIS Gambit - Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....& The Kurds....

Turkish Governor Confirms ISIS Commander Being Treated in Local Hospital
ISIS Gambit - Turkey's Out Of The Closet - A quote...."An Islamic State commander injured in a bomb attack in northern Syria is being treated in a Turkish hospital in the border province of Antakya. - Emrah C., a Turkish national, was admitted to Pamukkale University Hospital on Feb. 28, according to a statement released by Denizli province Governor’s office. - The statement also confirmed the Turkish ISIL commander has full rights to health services benefits in the country." - Source: Sputnik

Israel threatens Press TV Syria reporter over Golan photos
ISIS Gambit - Israel Is Still "Sensitive" About "Being" an ISIS Supporter - PRSTVideo - (PRSTVYuTb - 2min02sec - Mar 6, 2015) - Source:  PressTVNewsVideos -- A quote...."On Thursday, Press TV crew stationed in Syria near Israeli occupied Golan Heights released photos of Israeli soldiers speaking to Nusra Front militants. Our correspondent in the area Hamad Awidat now says he’s been contacted and threatened by the Israeli army. He earlier spoke to Press TV's Waqar Rizvi. -- The photos have already stirred a heated debate on social media. Hamad Awidat says an Israeli army officer asked him if he has taken more pictures and that from now on everything will change for him, the Israelis will not forget his name and he'd better be careful. According to Awidat, cooperation between militants who belong to al-Qaeda’s official branch in Syria and the Israelis is nothing new and local people have witnessed several encounters between the two sides. Last week, the Israeli army arrested a Syrian citizen who had released a video showing militants crossing into occupied side of Golan to meet with Israeli agents." - bold by website editor

US, Israeli Military Advisors Accused of Aiding ISIL Arrested in Iraq
ISIS Gambit - Whoops!! - (How utterly embarrassing!) -- A quote...."American and Israeli military advisors were arrested while aiding Islamic State terrorists in Iraq. - Iraqi counter-terrorism forces arrested four foreign military advisors from the United States and Israel who were aiding the Islamic State, Iranian Tasnim News Agency reports. - Three of the arrested military advisers are dual citizens of the United States and Israel, while the fourth adviser is from a Persian Gulf country, Iraq’s Sarma News Agency said." - bold/underline by website editor

Washington and ISIS: The Evidence
ISIS Gambit - EVERYONE Knows - (So Why Pretend?) -- A quote...."March 08, 2015 "ICH" - "Telesur" - Reports that US and British aircraft carrying arms to the Islamic State group – better known as ISIS - have been shot down by Iraqi forces have been met with shock and denial in western countries. Few in the Middle East doubt that Washington is playing a ‘double game’ with its proxy armies in Syria, but some key myths remain important amongst the significantly more ignorant Western audiences." - Source:  TeleSUR - also posted at GlobalRsrch

US War on ISIS a Trojan Horse
ISIS Gambit - A Part Of The PNAC Protocols -- A quote...."In August of 2013, even as the words came out of US President Barack Obama’s mouth regarding an “impending” US military strike against the Syrian state, the impotence of American foreign policy loomed over him and those who wrote his speech for him like an insurmountable wall. So absurd was America’s attempt to once again use the canard of “weapons of mass destruction” to justify yet another military intervention, that many believed America’s proxy war in Syria had finally reached its end. - The counterstroke by Russia included Syria’s immediate and unconditional surrendering of its chemical weapons arsenal and, with that, so evaporated America’s casus belli. - Few would believe if one told them then, that in 2015, that same discredited US would be routinely bombing Syrian territory and poised to justify the raising of an entire army of terrorists to wage war within Syria’s borders, yet that is precisely what is happening....." - For more articles on the ISIS Gambit is Syria, see below.....
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, North & Central Africa & Others...

ISIS militants raze Iraq's ancient Hatra city
A quote...."[Article Link]  One possible theory is that this destruction is a quid pro quo to ISIS supporters in Israel. Israel's entire claim to the lands of the Palestinians rests on biblical myths about the Kingdoms of David and Solomon and the First Temple, for which there is no hard archaeological evidence. The two best known claimed artifacts for the First Temple, the Pomegranate Temple Staff ornament and the Jehoash Tablet have been exposed as clever forgeries, and locations in Israel said to be connected with David and Solomon are so named out of tradition and "confirmation bias", with archaeologists admitting there is no actual hard data as to what they really were. -- Contrast that with other nations such as Egypt, Iraq, Iran, etc. where one cannot take three steps without tripping over the evidence of their ancient histories. Such a plethora of archaeological evidence in other countries has proven to be a severe embarrassment to Israel as it underscores the paucity of such evidence for what Israel declares to be its historical origins." -- *Michael Rivero*

Iraqi Kurds say Canadian soldier killed after order ignored
A quote..."A Canadian special forces soldier was killed in a friendly fire incident after he and others ignored an order to stay in their car and showed up to the front line unannounced, a spokesman for Iraq's Kurdish forces said Sunday."

Iran Sends Tanks Into Iraq to Fight Islamists
A quote...."As American jets flew top cover, in mid-August Kurdish Peshmerga militia and Iraqi special forces troops recaptured the strategic Mosul Dam from Islamic State militants. Meanwhile Iraqi Golden Brigade commandos liberated parts of Tikrit from the Islamists. - But the militants counterattacked—and that drew Iran into the fighting. In a move that could have far-reaching consequences, Tehran has sent tanks into northern Iraq." - For more articles on the crisis in Iraq, see below.....
Iraqi Women: 'Things Were So Much Better Before'
A quote...." March 08, 2015 "ICH" - "Al Jazeera" - In light of International Women's Day as well as the recent appointment of Baghdad's first female mayor, civil engineer Zekra Alwach, it's an opportune moment to remember the many "firsts" enjoyed by Iraqi women. "

One million expected to flee from Libya to Europe
Since France, Britain and the US-NRE, with the EU's blessing, and NATO's support, deliberately destroyed Libya as a functioning nation-state during their seven month bombing campaign, murdered Gaddafi along with tens of thousands of Libyans, all so a bunch of head-chopping, organ-eating, Saudi sponsored, Wahhabist, foreign, terrorists could take over Libya.....there'd better not be one single complaint from ANYONE in the EU about this influx of immigration! - mpg - see essays shown below.....
Egypt carries out hanging sentence of 1st Morsi backer
A quote...."Egypt has reportedly carried out the first of over 180 death sentences handed down by its courts over massive protest rallies and clashes that followed the ouster of former president Mohamed Morsi."

70 suspected militants killed in Sinai over past week
A quote...."Egypt army: The Egyptian army has killed 70 suspected militants in the Sinai Peninsula over the past week, some of whom were linked to Ansar Beit Al-Maqdis, a military spokesperson announced on Sunday."

Saudi Arabia becomes world's biggest arms importer amid regional concerns
A quote...."Saudi Arabia has become the world's largest arms importer. Spending on arms by Saudi Arabia rose to $6.5 billion, rising 54 percent as compared to last year. The biggest beneficiary of the strong Middle Eastern market continues to be the United States, with $8.4 billion in arms exports in 2014." - bold by website editor

Saudi court hands gang-raped woman 200 lashes, 6-month jail term
Yep, you read the headline right.  For the "crime" of being gang-rapped in Saudi Arabia, you get 200 lashes and 6 months in jail.  This from the US-NRE's bestest ally in the Middle East (besides Israel).  If any of you readers out there ever encounter a Fem-tard, Neo-liberal who states "we're over their to help women's liberation" just hand them this article, and suggest politely that their choice is move to Saudi Arabia....and tell the Saudi Parasitical Family to STOP supporting their anti-Islamic brand of Wahhabist terrorism throughout the world. -- Or choice number to shut their stupid, idiotic, moronic, pie-hole - mpg

17 people killed in Yemen clashes
A quote...."Security and local officials say at least 12 people have been killed in violent clashes between al-Qaida militants and Shiite Houthi rebels in the central province of Bayda."

Houthis kill 6 guards of Yemen defense minister
A quote...."Six guards of resigned Defense Minister Mahmoud al-Subaihi were killed in an ambush by Houthi militants on Sunday as he fled the group’s grip in Sana’a and fled to southern Aden city, reliable sources said."

Nigerian allies launch offensive
A quote...."Forces from Niger and Chad have launched a ground and air offensive against militant group Boko Haram in north-eastern Nigeria, officials say. It came as Nigerian officials dismissed Boko Haram's pledge of allegiance to Islamic State as a reaction to military pressure from Nigeria and its allies."

Nigeria's Boko Haram pledges allegiance to Islamic State
ISIS Gambit - Boko Haram Fesses-Up - (It's part of the "club") -- A quote...."Nigerian militant group Boko Haram has pledged allegiance to Islamic State (IS), according to an audio statement."
A division of the Trinity of Evil's al-CIA'da/ISIS/al-Nustra/Boko-Haram/al-Shabab Wahhabist terrorist network claims it's part of the al-CIA'da/ISIS/al-Nustra/Boko-Haram/al-Shabab Wahhabist terrorist network. -- Gee whiz, anybody surprised?? - mpg -- see related maps below.....
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Spingola and Jeff Gates - Guilt by Association, Deception, Self-Deceit and War
Must Listen SpngVideo - Alt - Absolutely Outstanding Analysis -  (Spng - 1hr29min40sec - Jan 14th 2011) - Source:  ArchComVid - Related Websites:  Spingola@YuTb - SpingolaWebsite
The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz – by David Cole
DCVideo - Alt - (DCVimeo - 1hr - aprox March 08, 2012) - Source:  AnonymousUploads

Nisman: Ghost In The Machine
17]   A quote...."The dramatic and world-headline making press conference held by the ex-wife of killed (murdered? suicided?) public prosecutor Alberto Nisman is already beginning to look shaky. At that highly covered presser last Thursday his ex-wife and Argentine judge Sandra Arroyo Salgado stated that according to the readings of the autopsy report (made by her and her team) Nisman was not killed in-situ or on the Sunday morning/midday that the government insist as time and place of death, but was killed the previous evening and then moved to the bathroom where he was found." - Source:  IKN
Website Editor's Note:  Both the Nisman & Nemtsov deaths are related in that they are probable examples of NWO/PNAC Protocol assets that had outlived their usefulness, and gone beyond their sell-by date. They were both trans-national Euro-Kazarians, they were both "has-beens", they both had sold themselves and become bought and paid for creatures of the NWO/PNAC Protocols, and they were both liquidated in a way that was useful to their masters. This is an object lesson for all those people out there who want to sell themselves.  "Retirement" can take on a whole new meaning when you do. - mpg - Topix - ||  Mossad's Assassination of Alberto Nisman - Prelude to an Argentina Color Revolution?  || - New Weblist!!
Nearly 100 jailed in France for ‘defending terrorism’ and other speech crimes
ZOG Alert - Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Since the Charlie Hebdo attack, which bore many hallmarks of a false-flag operation, nearly 100 people have been jailed in France for speech deemed to fall under the rubric of “defending terrorism.” Immediately after the attack, the French government passed draconian anti-terror laws which proscribed certain forms of speech that doesn’t suit the Paris regime’s neocon agenda. Among those arrested for “defending terrorism” have been children (an 8-year-old boy), alcoholics and mentally disabled people."

Zio attempt to shut down Dr. Duke’s YouTube channel a reflection of Zio fear of his progress
Zio-Censorship Alert - A quote...."By Dr. Patrick Slattery – We knew it would come sooner or later. Dr. Duke’s videos have become so popular on YouTube that Jewish groups have petitioned the video hosting site try to shut down his channel. They have tried it twice before, but to its credit YouTube resisted. The pretext for the action is supposed copyright violations in Dr. Duke’s videos. However, Dr. Duke’s use of this material is clearly covered by the educational and fair use provisions of copyright law, and it is obvious that Dr. Duke’s channel is being targeted because of the danger it poses to the Zionist power structure."

The Hasbara Project American Mass Media Is Controlled By Zionists
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 8min24sec - Mar 4, 2014) - Source:  NeoFadi

Veteran US journalist slams Israeli propaganda

A quote...."Veteran US journalist and former CNN anchor Jim Clancy has spoken out against the Israeli media less than two months after stepping down from the news network following his anti-Israeli tweets."

The Bolsheviks
For The Record - A quote...."You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians.  They hated Russians.  They hated Christians.  Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse.  It cannot be overstated.  Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time.  The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators." - *Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn*

The Atlantean Conspiracy
For The Record  - Contains Video - Alt - (This video was posted above) -- A quote...."Dr. David Duke's new book and above video "The Secret Behind Communism" does a great job exposing the Jewish Zionist roots of Communism, the most genocidal political ideology in history, responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people.  Thanks to Jewish control of the media practically everyone knows about the Holocaust, and almost no one knows about Holodomor, the Jewish-led Ukranian genocide responsible for many more millions of deaths just a decade prior.  Practically everyone knows the "Hitler killed 6 million Jews" myth, and almost no one knows the "Yagoda killed 10 million non-Jews" fact.  That's right, just one of Stalin's Jewish commanders, Genrikh Yagoda, sporting the exact same ultra-chic moustache as Hitler was the 20th century's actual greatest mass murderer and you've probably never heard of him."

Jewish Greatest Genocidal Criminals -Part I
For The Record - A quote...."Since the beginning of human history we have witnessed so many genocidal murderers; kings, presidents, military leaders and political clergy, who called for, advocated and perpetrated genocidal crimes against whole nations. A thorough study of those criminals shows clearly that the worst genocidal murderers throughout history were mostly Jews."

The Gulag: Communism's Penal Colonies Revisited
For The Record - A quote...."During the twentieth century it became common practice for nations to detain citizens whose loyalty to the state was considered unreliable or suspect in times of war or "national emergency." To sequester such persons Britain, the United States, and Germany all established centers, variously called (often depending on who won and who lost) relocation centers, detention centers, labor camps, concentration camps, or death camps. Depending on circumstances, the treatment of inmates varied from benign to cruel. Such facilities in these countries were, however, temporary measures undertaken during times of national peril. Only in the Soviet Union, where such camps were collectively known as the Gulag (an acronym in Russian for the Main Directorate of Corrective Labor Camps and Colonies), were they a permanent and integral part of the government."

Terror fixation draws attention from failing economy: Walkom

Zio-Whore Alert - A quote...."Two issues dominate Canadian politics. One is talked about. The other is not. - The one talked about is terrorism. It is the topic of the day. - Politicians furiously debate the government’s new anti-terror bill. Does it go too far? Would it do any good if passed? - Or, perversely, would it make matters worse? - The issue that is not much talked about any more — at least by Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservative government — is the economy."

Cabinet office in child abuse cover-up: MoS beats attempt by No10 to gag VIP file that shows Thatcher knew about paedophile MP Cyril Smith - A quote...."Downing Street cynically tried to prevent the release of damaging files exposing the scale of the cover-up over paedophile MP Cyril Smith. - The Cabinet Office repeatedly blocked The Mail on Sunday’s attempts to see the bombshell documents – and caved in only after being threatened with High Court action. - After the shocking year-long fight, we can reveal the content of the papers, which expose just how much the Establishment knew about the late politician’s sexual and physical abuse of young boys."

The Sinister Treatment of Dssent at the BBC: Savile Whistleblowers See Careers Nosedive

BBC = Brits Buggering Children - (Courtesy Michael Rivero) -- A quote..."Nobody from John Humphrys in the morning to Evan Davis at night dares mention a scandal at the BBC. It undermines their reporting of every abuse whistleblowers reveal. It reinforces the dirty common sense of British life that you must keep your head down if you want to keep your job. -- The scandal is simply this: the BBC is forcing out or demoting the journalists who exposed Jimmy Savile as a voracious abuser of girls. As Meirion Jones put it to me: “There is a small group of powerful people at the BBC who think it would have been better if the truth about Savile had never come out. And they aim to punish the reporters who revealed it.”" - bold by website editor
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Israeli Commandments.....

Gaza fisherman shot dead by Israeli naval forces - Thou shalt not fish to feed thy people.
A quote...."GAZA CITY – Israeli naval forces shot and killed a Palestinian fisherman, and arrested two others while they were sailing in small fishing boats off the coast south of Gaza City early Saturday morning." - Source:  Ma'an

Palestinian injured during Bilin's weekly march  - Thou shalt not protest on behalf of thy people.
A quote...."RAMALLAH (Ma'an) -- One Palestinian was injured and several other Palestinians and foreign activists suffered severe tear-gas suffocation during the Bilin weekly march against settlement and the separation wall."

Israeli Bulldozers Uproot Farmlands East Of Bethlehem - Thou shalt not farm to feed thy people.
A quote....."Several Israeli military vehicles, accompanied by two armored bulldozers, invaded Kisan village, east of the West Bank city of Bethlehem, bulldozed and uprooted Palestinian agricultural lands." - IMEMC donation request [Click Here]

Settlers [Jewish vagrant thugs] assault elderly Palestinian man in the Old City - Thy elderly will never be safe.
A quote...."JERUSALEM (Ma'an) – A mob of Israeli settlers [Jewish vagrant thugs] assaulted an elderly Palestinian man from the Silwan neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem Saturday evening."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

Germany Plans To Put Bush and Cheney On Trial For War Crimes - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Thankfully, a human rights group in Berlin, The European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, has begun the process of indicting members of the Bush Administration by filing criminal complaints against the architects of the Admin’s torture program. - Calls for an immediate investigation by the German human rights group was started after outrage ensued on the case of a German citizen, Khalid El-Masri, who had been captured by CIA agents in 2004  because of a mistaken identity mix-up and was tortured at a secret prison in Afghanistan. - Wolfgang Kaleck, the general secretary of the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, said: “By investigating members of the Bush administration, Germany can help to ensure that those responsible for abduction, abuse and illegal detention do not go unpunished.”"

Czech president to attend V-Day events in Moscow in May to remember WW II heroes
A quote...."My absence from the ceremonies in Moscow would insult the memory of the 150,000 Soviet soldiers, who gave their lives for the liberation of Czechoslovakia," Zeman said"

Russia in the Fight Against Islamist Groups
ISIS Gambit - Russia's Preparing -- A quote...."34234111Revitalization of radical Islamist groups across the world forces Russian leadership to take appropriate measures to counter this threat to both national and international security. - Today, the so-called Islamic State, also known as ISIS, claims the role of the vanguard of the international terrorism. This group, which initially was a cell of al-Qaeda in Iraq, in a relatively short time managed to unite dozens of gangs fighting against central governments in Iraq and Syria. For a long time, the United States and its allies tried not to notice the growth of this new terrorist monster, hoping that it would help them to overthrow the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria. -- As a result, today IS controls large territories and population (up to 10-12 million) of Syria and Iraq, where it creates its own state structures, calling them Islamic Caliphate."

China Vows to Deepen Cooperation with Russia
A quote...."The practical cooperation between China and Russia is based on mutual need, it seeks win-win results and has enormous internal impetus and room for expansion," Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said. Wang added that the two countries expect to increase trade volume to an annual US$100 billion a year in 2015."

Shanghai Gold Exchange Delivers 38 Tons of Gold in Last Week of February
Chart - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."The Shanghai Gold Exchange delivered another 38 tons of gold in the final week of February. February’s strong gold deliveries follow the record 255 tons of gold delivered in January."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

Kerry Re-writes History of U.S. Support for Color Revolutions
A quote...."U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry either has a blind spot when it comes to the last 15 years of U.S. foreign policy or he told a big whopping lie in Geneva. Kerry, in defining U.S. action in Ukraine, said that «We [the United States] are not involved in multiple color revolutions». Someone in Kerry’s position should know better. After all, he is not only the chief foreign policy officer of the United States but he served as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee from 2009 to 2013 and was a member of the committee from the very outset of America’s «themed» or «color» revolutions, beginning with the October 5th Revolution, which overthrew Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic in 2000."

Countries attacked by Iran compared to USA
Graphic - (click to view) - For more on this issue see below.....
The U.S. Launched 201 Out of the 248 Armed Conflicts Since the End of WWII --A quote...."People around the world view the US as the greatest threat to peace; voted three times more dangerous than any other country. The data confirm this conclusion...."
Washington Yanks British Bulldog into Line
A quote...."The gross interference by Washington in Britain’s forthcoming election on the vital issue of budgetary priorities clearly demonstrates that British «democracy» is but an appendage to an American leash. And the leash is being yanked to pull the snarling bulldog into line."

European Union Press Syriza to Deepen its Austerity Program for Greece
A quote...."After the Syriza-led government’s decision to sign the February 20 Eurogroup statement and capitulate to European Union (EU) demands for more austerity in Greece, EU officials are stepping up their threats against the country. - Since then, the “troika”—the European Commission, European Central Bank (ECB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF)—have insisted that until Syriza begins actively imposing austerity, it will not receive another cent in loans." - Source:  WSWS
Syriza COMPLETELY caved during the "negotiations".  This is their reward.  No sympathy from this website editor for Syriza or the Greek people.  Especially if they continue to support the jerks in Syriza.  Here's one piece of advice though.  "The coward dies a thousand deaths, the brave only once." Time to start being brave. For more on that, see below....mpg 
LaRouche to Greece: Call the EU's Bluff, Join the BRICS
A quote...."American economist Lyndon LaRouche issued a statement yesterday urging the Greek government to call the European Union's bluff, and not only exit the Eurozone, but also directly link up with the emerging new global financial and economic system being constructed by the BRICS nations."

Greek riot police fire teargas to disperse demonstrators
A quote...."Greek riot police fire teargas to disperse protesters demanding the release of all immigrants and refugees outside one of the country’s largest detention centers."

UN: Torture by Mexican State is Widespread
A quote...."A report by the U.N. Human Rights Council, set to be released on Monday, states that torture by the Mexican state has become a regular occurrence. - The 22-page report by the U.N. Special Rapporteur Juan Mendez was leaked to Mexican weekly magazine, Proceso. The report is the product of an investigation conducted by Mendez in Mexico in April and May of last year. - “Torture and abuse are widespread in Mexico,” states Mendez’ report." - Source:  TeleSUR

Flight MH370: Angry families reject report
A quote...."The interim report gives no new clues as to what happened to the plane. One relative described it as useless."

BBC Foreknowledge of Collapse of WTC Building 7? Brother of 9/11 Victim goes to Court with the BBC over Alleged Cover Up - Hip Hip Hooray!! -- A quote...."On 23rd March Matt Campbell of Sussex, United Kingdom, will go to court against the BBC and will claim that the BBC is in violation of UK anti-terrorist legislation in the way that they have covered up evidence relating to 9/11 and evidence relating to the murder of his brother Geoff.  Geoff Campbell was killed while inside the North Tower of the World Trade Centre on September 11th, 2001.  Mr Campbell will claim that he has reasonable cause to believe that the BBC has been wilfully complicit in the deliberate cover up of vital and incontrovertible evidence relating to how his brother Geoff was killed and that as such the BBC is guilty of complicity with terrorism."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

The Only Way You Can Delete This NSA Malware Is to Smash Your Hard Drive to Bits
The Equation Group - A quote...." Russian security company Kaspersky is calling it one of the most sophisticated features it has ever seen in a piece of malware: the ability to infect not just the files stored on a hard drive, but the firmware controlling the hard drive itself. - Such an exploit could survive a complete hard drive wipe, or the re-installation of an operating system, and "exceeds anything we have ever seen before," the company’s researchers wrote in a new re​p​ort. - It's not the sort of infection your typical piece of security software would know how to detect."

The Threat Against Internet Freedom Worldwide
WACVideo - Alt - (WACYuTb - 8min24sec - Mar 6, 2015) - Source:  WeAreChange - Guest Websites:  Press4Truth - CR@YuTb CorbettRpt -- A quote...."In this video Dan Dicks, James Corbett and Luke Rudkowski discuss the future of internet freedom and new limitations being implemented in the U.S, Canada and Japan."
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation...

No reason to believe what the government tells us
The Tsarnaev Sell-Out -- A quote...."Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, another innocent patsy, has been railroaded by the New World Order. But there is no reason, John Kaminski argues, to believe a word the government tells us.

"Not only is there no proof of his guilt but the proof of his innocence is overwhelming" James Henry Fetzer
The Tsarnaev Sell-Out -- A quote...."What do former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, an appeals court justice, several potential members of the Boston Marathon bombing jury and thousands of regular Americans have in common? - They all believe that they’ve seen a video of accused bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev dropping a deadly backpack behind victims at the marathon on April 15, 2013—a video his defense said “does NOT actually exist.”" - Topix ||  Boston Bombing  ||
US orders 7,700 children deported without court hearings
A quote...."More than 7,700 immigrant children have been ordered deported over the past 18 months without ever appearing in court, according to statistics released by the federal government recently and reported by the Los Angeles Times Friday."

The Punishment for Ignoring Obamacare Penalty Might Surprise You
A quote...."Now that April 15th is on the horizon, many taxpayers are bracing themselves for the inevitable penalty that will hit them if they don’t sign up for Obamacare. It’s estimated that at least 3 million households may have to pony up 1% of their income, or $95 per adult, if they don’t have insurance; a number which is poised to expand to 2.5% for the 2016 tax year."

Opting Out Of The Obamacare Tax: What Happens If You Don't Pay?
A quote..."Last month, the Obama administration announced that between three and six million households – about 2 to 4 % of taxpayers – would be faced with a penalty (or is it a tax?) at tax time for failing to secure “minimum essential coverage” to comply with the Affordable Care Act (ACA), sometimes referred to as Obamacare."
TACA Case: The Mafia, FBN and the State Department - Ry's Donation Request - Indiegogo
"Ry2Audio - Alt/Mp3 - (Ry2FlwPlyr -7min7sec -  March 7, 2015) - Related Sites:  - Ry2S@YuTbRy2S@ANCRpt - Ry2SAntiNeocons  - Ry2S@TruTube - Ry2S@Vimeo - Anti-Neocons / Indiegogo Project  -- A quote..."For more on this I recommend books by Douglas Valentine “Strength of the wolf” and “Strength of the Pack.”

Current Economic Collapse News Brief – Episode 610
X22Video - Alt/YuTb - Alt/Mp3  - (X22YuTb - 20min17sec - Mar 8, 2015) -- Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote..."In this news brief we will discuss the latest news on the economic collapse. We look to see if things are really that different. The central bank will not stop at just confiscating your wealth they will want your life. They want to enslave the people. - All source links to the report can be found on the site."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Money is stored labor. Labor is part of human life. To devalue money is to debase life

A quote...."STEALTHFLATION: Def.  -- An intractable economic condition that inevitably arises as excessively issued fiat based currency compulsively pursues non-productive wealth assets in a grossly over-leveraged economy, which has been artificially reflated by the Central Banking authorities in a misguided attempt to synthetically engineer growth via extreme monetization.  (ie: Money Printing & Interest Rate Suppression) -- This ill-advised monetary regime effectively prevents the real economy on the ground from realizing the normalization of free market forces necessary for genuine productive capital formation derived from actual earned savings, which is essential to generating legitimate and sustainable economic growth. -- Under the imposition of StealthFlation, asset prices are inordinately inflated while the generative velocity of money is extinguished. Worse still, the seeds of hyperinflation are sown, as the compromised overtly financialized economy becomes increasingly dependent upon the interminable monetization."

Keiser Report: Abandoning Free Market Principles (E728)
MaxRTVideo -- (MaxRTYuTb - 25mi43sec - Mar 7, 2015) - Related Websites:  RussiaToday - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom -- A quote...."Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the publicly-listed companies eating themselves through stock buybacks and what this means for a monetary policy which encourages it in our new financialized era, in which corporations borrow not to invest but to take money out of the company. In the second half, Max interviews precious metals expert Ned Naylor-Leyland about the latest in the gold market - including the various lawsuits against manipulators of the market and the accumulation of reserves and introduction of a price-fix in China."

Current ratio shows 94.2% bulls vs. 5,8% bears…that’s even more extreme than the 2000 bubble....
Chart - (click to view)

US oil rig count drops 33 to 986 — first time below 1,000 level since mid-2011
Chart - (click to view)

Thanks For The Corporate Bond Bubble, Fed
A quote...."Once upon a time businesses borrowed long term money—-if they borrowed at all—-in order to fund plant, equipment and other long-lived productive assets. That kind of debt was self-liquidating in the sense that it usually generated a stream of income and cash flow that was sufficient to service and repay the debt, and to kick some earned surplus into the pot as well." - Source:  ContraCorner

Hallelujah! – Unemployment Plunges Due to 354,000 Americans Leaving the Workforce
Charts - (click to view) -- A quote...."This shit is almost too funny to read. The Bureau of Lies & Scams (BLS) just issued their seasonally adjusted, excel spreadsheet enhanced, monthly propaganda data for February. They have the balls to report that an economy that is hemorrhaging energy jobs, seeing retailers close stores by the hundreds, has seen manufacturing new orders decline for six straight months, has corporate profits falling, has real median household income sitting at 1989 levels and has seen 80% of all economic reports miss to the downside is creating 295,000 new jobs in the middle of the coldest, snowiest February in years. The BLS uses classic government logic. When in doubt, lie."

Another Dubious Jobs Report ~ Paul Craig Roberts
A quote...."The 295,000 claimed new jobs are highly suspect. For example, the report claims 32,000 new retail jobs, but the Census Bureau reports that retail sales declined in December and January. Why would retailers experiencing declining sales hire more employees? -- Construction spending declined 1.1% in January, but the payroll jobs report says 29,000 construction jobs were added in February. -- Zero Hedge reports that the decline in the oil price has resulted in almost 40,000 laid off workers during January and February, but the payroll jobs report only finds 2,900 lost jobs in oil for the two months. -- There is no sign in the payroll jobs report of the large lay-offs by IBM and Hewlett Packard. -- These and other inconsistencies do not inspire confidence."

10 Numbers That Should Probably Scare The [Expletive Deleted] Out Of You!
A quote...."This isn't fear mongering, these numbers are greatly ignored and or underreported by the MSM (Mainstream Media). Numbers are flashed in front of us daily but these cherry-picked numbers are usually to distract from a bigger number more pertinent to the lives of the US populace, ebola was a great example of exactly this as it has little relevance to anyone, it was nothing more than an egregious over-amplification intended to scare, distract and cause on some level division amongst the people."
  1. The US National Debt today is $18,153,788,150,890.29
  2. College tuition and fees have increased 1,120 percent since records began in 1978
  3. 31.1 percent of all young adults in the US age 18 to 34 are currently living at home with their parents
  4. 48 percent of Americans can't immediately scrounge together a measly $400
  5. Our nations student loan debt is now 1.2 trillion dollars
  6. It is estimated that now 6,000 civilians have been murdered by law enforcement since 2001
  7. 12 million Americans cycle through local jails annually
  8. 9.2 million Americans are not included in the civilian labor force participation rate.
  9. 50% of all college grads are still financially dependent on their parents ~ two years out of college.
  10. There are currently 2.4 million Americans in prison
Heta Damage Spreads in Austrian Downgrades, German Losses
A quote...."(Bloomberg) -- Austria’s decision to wind down Heta Asset Resolution AG sent ripples through the financial system, causing credit rating downgrades in Austria and bank losses in Germany. "

In the last couple of days 1/3 of the world’s population got a rate cut
Some quotes...."CHINA - The People’s Bank of China cut interest rates at the weekend for the second time in three months in what the Financial Times reported is an attempt to bolster the slowing Chinese economy and head off the threat of deflation.05 Mar 2015" --- "MUMBAI—India’s central bank surprised markets Wednesday morning with a cut to its key lending rate for the second time this year, as it joined a world-wide trend of monetary easing that is driving global interest rates to multiyear lows."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Nearly 4 in 10 clinical trials based on false information; FDA routinely ignores blatant science fraud
A quote...."(NaturalNews) One of the most important responsibilities of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in protecting public health is to conduct regular inspections of clinical trial sites to ensure that good clinical practices are being followed. But a new study published in the peer-reviewed journal JAMA Internal Medicine has found that nearly half of all clinical trials are based on false information, and the FDA typically does nothing to address this widespread problem."

EXCLUSIVE: Parkinson's link to statins: Calls to end widespread use of the drug
A quote...."Dr Kailash Chand, deputy chairman of the British Medical Association, was speaking following research which found those who take the cholesterol-lowering drugs are more than twice as likely to develop Parkinson’s disease in later life than those who do not."

NJ Mayor Cheers End to Town’s ’Mass Medication’ Through Fluoridated Water
A quote...."City officials agreed to end water fluoridation in a New Jersey town after the mayor spoke out against the practice. - “The township will end its mass medication of the public by ending the use of fluoride in the water system,” said David Stahl, mayor of East Brunswick, last month during his state of the township address."

Saturday March 7th 2015

No posts - mpg

Friday March 6th 2015

Our Currency, Your Problem - Dollar Imperialism, 2015 Edition
Must Read - A quote...."The dollar is our currency, but it’s your problem.” This is what US Treasury Secretary John Connally said to his counterparts in the Rome G-10 meeting in November, 1971, shortly after the Nixon administration ended the dollar’s convertibility into gold and shifted the international monetary system into a global floating exchange rate regime." ---  "....this outcome is a necessary and predictable result of the domination of the global financial order by a sole country whose interest is to keep its hegemonic status. Other measures are taken precisely toward this end. This latest round of financial warfare has to be seen in the context of financial imperialism in general. Countries struggling for sovereignty are also being hit by sanctions, speculative currency attacks, commodity price manipulation, biased evaluations from US ratings agencies, massive fines on some banks for what the US has deemed inappropriate practices, and the prohibition of certain banks from participating in the international banking system. All of these weapons – like their lethal counterparts – are used toward weakening rivals (whether US allies in the global North or competitors in the global South and East) and maintaining dollar hegemony." - bold by website editor

Get Vlad! -- How Putin Blocked the U.S. Pivot to Asia
Must Read - A quote...."March 06, 2015 "ICH" - "Counterpunch" - On February 10, 2007,   Vladimir Putin delivered a speech at the 43rd Munich Security Conference that created a rift between Washington and Moscow that has only deepened over time.  The Russian President’s blistering hour-long critique of US foreign policy provided a rational, point-by-point indictment of US interventions around the world and their devastating effect on global security.   Putin probably didn’t realize the impact his candid observations would have on the assembly in Munich or the reaction of  powerbrokers in the US who saw the presentation as a turning point in US-Russian relations. But, the fact is, Washington’s hostility towards Russia can be traced back to this particular incident, a speech in which Putin publicly committed himself to a multipolar global system, thus, repudiating the NWO pretensions of US elites. Here’s what he said...."
“I am convinced that we have reached that decisive moment when we must seriously think about the architecture of global security. And we must proceed by searching for a reasonable balance between the interests of all participants in the international dialogue.” -- *Vladimir Putin*
"With that one formulation, Putin rejected the United States assumed role as the world’s only superpower and steward of global security, a privileged position which Washington feels it earned by prevailing in the Cold War and which entitles the US to unilaterally intervene whenever it sees fit. Putin’s announcement ended years of bickering and deliberation among think tank analysts as to whether Russia could be integrated into the US-led system or not.  Now they knew that Putin would never dance to Washington’s tune." - Source:  Counterpunch

RT Must Be Punished for Its Warmongering, Lies and Child Abuse Cover-Ups
Must Read Satire - A quote...."The decision by the UK’s Office of Communications (Ofcom) to open a new investigation against RT for disseminating dangerous anti-western views is of course welcome news; unfortunately it is too little too late. RT has been on the warpath for too long—and the damage has already been done. Since time immemorial, RT has been a leading advocate for terrorizing brown people in far-off lands, or whatever else Downing Street feels like doing at any given moment. Case in point: During the Iraq War, an academic analysis concluded that RT “displayed the most ‘pro-war’ agenda of any broadcaster”. Why did Ofcom turn a blind eye? More recently, in 2011, RT reported that Muammar Gaddafi was distributing free Viagra so that his armies could rape and pillage more effectively."

Russia and USA keep their eyes open and powder dry
A quote..."The period of euphoria is common to many statesmen. That was the time of romanticism, when we blindly believed all verbal promises from the West, although the latter never kept any of them. This is a case of NATO's eastward expansion, for example. Unfortunately, some of our negotiators made a lot of mistakes when they were preparing the agreements on the reduction of armed forces and armaments between Washington and Moscow. The main lesson that we must learn from this is never to make such mistakes again."

The "Cataclysmic Conflict" Yet to Come - And what we can do to stop it
A quote...."March 06, 2015 "ICH" - Corporate-financier interests driving US foreign policy have long ago conspired to use Al Qaeda and other sectarian extremist forces to create a Pan-Arabian mercenary force with which to fight their enemies. Warned about in 2007 in a prophetic 9-page report by veteran journalist, two-time Pulitzer Prize-winner Seymour Hersh, then exposed through documented evidence over the course of the past four years, and now incontrovertibly unfolding before the world's eyes, this criminal conspiracy against world peace and all of humanity can be seen in its full, horrific form."

America's 'Weaponized' Diplomacy in Ukraine
A quote...."Thirty years ago, the historian and diplomat George F. Kennan published a seminal essay in Foreign Affairs titled “Morality and Foreign Policy” in which he decried the stubborn tendency of the stewards of American foreign policy to treat every problem of geopolitics that arises in the course of human events as soluble, and what’s more, soluble by the American government. It was his considered opinion that it was folly for any government, especially our own, to get caught up in what he called the “histrionics of moralism.”" - also posted at RussiaInsider

War pigs need the draft: More bodies, plus women, necessary
A quote...."...Evil minds that plot destruction. Sorcerers of death's destruction. In the keeps turning. In the fields the bodies burning as the war machine keeps turning...Politicians hide themselves away. They only started the war. Why should they go out to fight?  They leave that role to the poor." Black Sabbath,War Pigs"

Tariq Ali: The Time Is Right for a Palace Revolution
A quote...."Ali, when we met last week shortly before he delivered the Edward W. Said Memorial Lecture at Princeton University, praised the street clashes and open, sustained protests against the state that erupted during the Vietnam War. He lamented the loss of the radicalism that was nurtured by the 1960s counterculture, saying it was “unprecedented in imperial history” and produced the “most hopeful period” in the United States, “intellectually, culturally and politically.” -- “I cannot think of an example of any other imperial war in history, and not just in the history of the American empire but in the history of the British and French empires, where you had tens of thousands of former GIs and sometimes serving GIs marching outside the Pentagon and saying they wanted the Vietnamese to win,” he said. “That is a unique event in the annals of empire. That is what frightened and scared the living daylights out of them [those in power]. If the heart of our apparatus is becoming infected, [they asked] what the hell are we going to do?”"

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A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia...

Defending Ukraine From Russian Imperialism?
Must Read - A quote...."In Bertrand Russell’s A History of Western Philosophy, the philosopher delivered his summarization of the writings of Catholic theologian Thomas Aquinas thusly, “Before he begins to philosophize, he already knows the truth; it is declared in the Catholic faith. If he can find apparently rational arguments for some parts of the faith, so much the better; if he cannot, he need only fall back on revelation. The finding of arguments for a conclusion given in advance is not philosophy, but special pleading.”  ---  American foreign policy is determined in much the same fashion. Valuable objects are desired. Noble justifications are manufactured. Trusting populations are deceived. War is made. Empires do their special pleading on a global scale. For instance, the U.S. and its allies know precisely how they want to portray the Ukrainian conflict to their deluded Western populations. They need only apply the false flags and fashion the nefarious motives—like so many brush strokes—to the canvas of geopolitics.  ---  Both the government and their corporate media vassals know their conclusions in advance." - also posted at  RussiaInsider

Paul Craig Roberts: U.S. & Europe and The Ukrainian Debt
Must View BBVideo - Alt - Outstanding PCR analysis! - (BBYuTb -  7min46sec - Mar 4, 2015) - Source:  EcoNwsTV - Producer Websites:  BoomBust@YuTb - BoomBust@RT - RussiaToday - Guest Websites:  PaulCraigRoberts - PCR@YuTb -- A quote...."Paul Craig Roberts: U.S. & Europe and The Ukrainian Debt"

Financial Collapse Leads To War
Must Read - A quote...."Scanning the headlines in the western mainstream press, and then peering behind the one-way mirror to compare that to the actual goings-on, one can't but get the impression that America's propagandists, and all those who follow in their wake, are struggling with all their might to concoct rationales for military action of one sort or another, be it supplying weapons to the largely defunct Ukrainian military, or staging parades of US military hardware and troops in the almost completely Russian town of Narva, in Estonia, a few hundred meters away from the Russian border, or putting US “advisers” in harm's way in parts of Iraq mostly controlled by Islamic militants." - Source:  ClubOrlov

Revanchism And Russophobia: The Dark Undercurrents Of The War In The Ukraine
Must Read - A quote...."The situation in the Ukraine is more or less calm right now, and this might be the time to step back from the flow of daily reports and look at the deeper, underlying currents.  The question I want to raise today is one I will readily admit not having an answer to.  What I want to ask is this: could it be that one of the key factors motivating the West’s apparently illogical and self-defeating desire to constantly confront Russia is simply revanchism for WWII?" - Some selected VinyardOfTheSacker commentary on this issue....
"Since then these Khazars have infiltrated virtually every government and important institution of the Western world, and throughout all times have constantly plotted and schemed against Russia. They did in in the 1800s with Napoleon, with the Bolshevik Revolution which they tried without success to use to completely eliminate the Russian people, their culture and their religion from the face of the earth, and now in current world events where they are using their great financial, economic, political and media power in the world to orchestrate the final assault on the Russian civilisation."

"This effort is of course not that of ALL Jews (Khazars), but an incredibly powerful central group of them, controlled and managed by the international bankers."

"Until we understand and clearly identify these people as the true enemies of not only Russia, but of the entire world, we are merely pussy-footing around what should be our real target." -- *Victor*
This act infuriated the Jews. They fought back by declaring war on Germany and a global German economic boycott that severely impacted German ability to do business internationally. It was after this war and its associated boycott was declared that Hitler officially declared Jews under suspicion – an act mirrored in the States with the roundup of people of Japanese ancestry being thrown into concentration camps – and began planning the removal of all Jews from German controlled territories – he worked very closely with the World Zionist Organisation to locate an appropriate new home for Israel and to provide financial incentives to Jews who were willing to move there.

 In short, Jews in Germany were then considered ‘enemy combatants’ and were treated as such by Germany." -- *Victor*
Ukraine – Country Ruled By Most Corrupt Regime in the World
Must Read - A quote...."If somebody asked those who joined the Maidan protests a year ago what were the reasons for doing so, they would probably say that the rampant corruption was the last straw. The protests have become a thing of the past, the government has changed, and corruption has spread to be become practically all-pervading. The corruption in Ukraine is a unique and unparalleled phenomenon. The old hierarchic corruption system had its own rules and restrictions. Now corruption has no boundaries going out of running control. It’s impossible to know who pockets what, in what quantities and why. It’s free for all. The modernization of corruption is the only thing the new regime has modernized. Nobody has rushed to shoot footages of new rulers’ luxury mansions that make pale the Mezhyhirya, the former President Yanukovych’s private residence – the symbol of Ukrainian corruption in high places that has been given too much attention for too long to make people sick of the whole shebang." - Source:  StratCultFndtn

Hello Ukrainians, Welcome to the Empire!
A quote...."The Kiev regime, installed a little over a year ago, has all the marks of a US-imposed puppet regime. Premier [Yat the Rat] Yatsenyuk is clearly Washington's boy, while President [Porky the Pig] Poroshenko acts as a front to confuse the outside world. It would not surprise me, however, if he were more aligned wit EU interests. - There was a time when a US-imposed local dictator could be easily recognized. We are talking fundamentally about Latin America during the first half of the 20th century. This was a period when the Washington regime could impose and depose puppets when it pleased and almost wherever it pleased. The local boys had to meet only a few requirements."

Racism, Terror and Tuberculosis in Ukraine
A quote..."On February 9 in the heart of Kiev, a Swedish extreme nationalist, Michael Skildt, and fighters of the Ukrainian paramilitary volunteer battalion ‘Aidar’ arrested two men who were crossing Maidan [Independence] Square in the center of the city. The two were just walking down the street and allegedly talking out loud on the phone “about the Ukrainian army, namely, how many Ukrainian soldiers should be killed,” the Aidar fighters told the Ukrainian television channel Espresso-TV." - also posted at RussiaToday

Ukraine will close 500 universities and colleges. No, it’s not “evil Putin” but friendly and caring IMF ultimatum
A quote....."The Ukrainian government intends to eliminate nearly 500 institutions of higher education. This is stated in the Memorandum of economic and financial policy, signed by the President of Ukraine, Prime Minister nad Minister of Finance and the of the national bank and the International Monetary Fund.""

Ukraine Bans Gold Transactions Over $125, Currency Derivatives and Interbank Purchases Exceeding $10,000
A quote...."The national Bank of Ukraine has expanded the list of administrative restrictions for stabilization of the hryvnia, in particular, completely prohibiting the withdrawal of foreign dividends and limiting the purchase of foreign currency on the domestic markets. - Resolution No. 160 is effective from March 4, 2015 and is valid until June 3, 2015. - Previously, prohibitions did not target dividends on securities that are traded on stock exchanges." - Source:  MishsTrendAnalysis

[Yat the Rat] Yatsenyuk shocks Ukrainians: I am not responsible for the economic crisis
A quote...."Just when you think you heard it all from Victoria Nuland's appointee Yatsenyuk, he comes up with a new entertaining statement. So not only Russia invaded Ukraine and Germany in the 1940's, but a prime minister does not carry responsibility for the economy."

Last Month Top US Spook Was in Undeclared Visit to Kiev
US-NRE War Prep - A quote...."The head of the National Intelligence James Clapper in the interview to PBS reported that he took an unofficial visit to the Ukrainian capital about a month ago. - “I was in Kiev about a month ago” said Clapper, which officialy is the coordinator of the activities of all 16 American intelligence agencies. He did not specify what were the goals and objectives of his trip to Ukraine which has not previously been declared." - Source:  HunterNews

Nuland Lied to Congress about Phantom Russian Hoards in Ukraine
A quote...."Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland represents the worst of America’s dark side. Her rap sheet reads like convicted Nazis hanged for high crimes against peace. - A fascist neocon by any standard, she’s a former Dick Cheney aide. She was Obama point person in charge of Washington’s February 2014 coup in Ukraine."

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Southeast Ukraine: “We Have Built an Independent State”. Interview with Deputy PM, Donetsk People’s Republic, Mikhail Mnukhin -- Must Read Interview - A quote...."We have the honor of interviewing First Deputy Prime Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Mikhail Mhukhin. He speaks to us about the ongoing crisis in the DPR, the history of Donbass and its relationship to Ukraine, and initiatives currently being implemented to end the conflict. For further correspondence, you can visit the official MOFA DPR website at
HANEUL: One year after the US-backed Euromaidan coup, Ukraine is still engaged in a long and bloody civil war. What progress have you made in the fight against the fascist Ukranian military, Svoboda, and Right Sector?

MIKHAIL: First and most importantly, we have built an independent state. Even though some parts of our territory are still controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the state system of the DPR is fully functional and controls all vital operations. We can pay salaries and social dowries, form state budgets, and arrange foreign trade. -- At present, the DPR has legitimately elected authorities: the Head of the Republic, [Prime Minister] Alexander Zakharchenko, and the supreme legislative body, the People`s Council. The elections for local Councils will take place soon. -- It should be stressed that we have achieved all these goals during unceasing hostilities and blockades made by the Ukrainian authorities, in addition to the critical humanitarian situation in the region. In our opinion, all of these problems are the main arguments in the fight against our enemy. We managed not only to survive, but also to develop a full-fledged state....." - Source:  LastDefense
Europe [Possibly] Blocks U.S. from Racing to War Against Russia
A quote...."On Friday, 6 March, President Obama placed temporarily on ice his planned increase in weapons and soldiers to help the Ukrainian Government to ‘defend’ Ukraine against the ‘terrorists’ in Donbass, which is the Ukrainian region that had voted 90% for the President whom the Obama Administration overthrew in February 2014. (Here is where the EU first learned, on 26 February 2014, that the overthrow of Viktor Yanukovych had been a coup instead of a genuine popular revolution.) Obama replaced that Government with a racist-fascist anti-Russian regime, which quickly set about exterminating as many residents of Donbass as possible, as quickly as possible (calling them ‘terrorists,’ for their refusal to be ruled by the new Obama-imposed, anti-Russian, Government)."

Novorossiya: Nation-Building for the Working Class
A quote...."Ukraine is a vast – in European terms – multiethnic country. Situated on the line of the civilizational joint of Western and Russian civilizations, it produced a number of sub ethnic groups and identities, concocted on the basis of admission or rejection of certain cultural and civilizational elements of the neighbouring nations.  Before 1939 Ukrainians existed as ethnic minorities of the adjoining states and were often subjected to repressions on religious, ethnic and cultural grounds, and the ultimate unification of the Ukrainian lands took place only in composition of the Ukrainian SSR. At that time the self-appellation “Ukrainians” was not widely known. This ethnonyme became well-known only in the Soviet period of the history of Ukraine." - Source:  NovoRussiaToday

Kiev Junta Puzzled By The Diligence of the "Terrorists" Restoring the Debaltsevo Railway Junction In 12 days
A quote...."In less than two weeks the militia has completed renovations, which the command of ATO believed impossible in principle. - "Debaltsevo railway junction is restored. On March 3rd unloading of ammunition from the trains was recorded at the station," - said the speaker of the Ukrainian security forces, Andrei Lysenko."

Luhansk republic can start making social payments, salaries in Russian rubles
A quote...."LUHANSK, March 6. /TASS/. The authorities of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) are considering a possibility of making social payments, including salaries and pensions, in rubles after prices stabilize, LPR head Igor Plotnitsky said on Friday."

Ukraine [VofS] SITREP Wednesday March 4th, 2015
A quote...."As of today the situation in the Ukraine is deceptively calm.  If the Novorussians have completed the withdrawal of their heavy weapons, the junta forces by all accounts did not: they did withdraw some, but most if it was not so much a case of withdrawal as a case of relocation and even rotation of forces.  The OSCE knows about it, but there is nothing which they can do.  Furthermore, there has been a flurry of behind the scenes contacts between the Hollande, Merkel, Putin and Poroshenko, and between Kerry and Lavrov but with nothing substantial revealed, at least not to the general public.  It is hard for me to believe that the junta is preparing a “Spring offensive” after being so thoroughly thrashed last summer and this winter, but then this begs the question of what is really worse for the freaks in power, a military defeat or a peace which would leave them one on one with their extremely dissatisfied population."

05.03.2015 Ukrainian crisis news. Latest news of Ukraine, Donbass, US, NATO, Crimea
SFVideo - (SFYuTb - 3min26sec -  Mar 5, 2015) - Source:  SouthFront -- A quote...."05.03.2015 Ukrainian crisis news....."
1) DPR Registered 25 Violations of the Ceasefire since Tuesday
2) Explosion Occurred at the Zasyadko Coal Mine in DPR
3) NATO to Stage War Games in Black Sea
4) 600 US Paratroopers to Arrive in Ukraine by Week End
06.03.2015 Ukrainian crisis news. War in Ukraine, Kiev, Donbass, USA
SFVideo - (SFYuTb - 3min20sec -  Mar 6, 2015) - Source:  SouthFront

My Message to Great Britain, from Great Britain
GPVideo - (GPYuTb - 7min38sec - Mar 5, 2015) - Source:  GrahamPhillips

[eng subs] New life of war trophies -- report from DPR tank repair factory
KAZVideo - (KAZYuTb - 3min12sec - Mar 5, 2015) - Source:  Kazzura

Givi was awarded
A quote...."Givi was awarded for the defence of the peaceful population of Donetsk the Honorable Ambassy of the Slovak Republic. - The representative of the Honorable Ambassy of the Slovak Republic Farkash Marian awarded Givi with the medal for the defence of peaceful population of Donetsk. 04.03.2015"

[eng subs] Igor Strelkov interview: about US purposes in this war and Ukrainian people
Must View KAZVideo - (KAZYuTb - 8min51sec - Mar 6, 2015) - Source:  Kazzura - For more articles on the PNAC attempt to destroy Ukraine/Russia see below.....
By the way, regarding the Craig's list advert posted above.  If anybody is stupid enough to become a "crisis actor" or a pretend "terrorist" in some sort of "staged" emergency exercise or terrorist event, and they're going to do it for $19 dollars an hour.  They're a monumental moron who deserves exactly what's going to happen to them.  This website editor's advice, they should get some really good life insurance, and retain a really good lawyer. They're going to need it. - mpg
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Your Assets In the US-NRE Aren't YOURS! - They Belong To The Banksters!

Assets of Two Russian Banks Frozen in US
A quote...."NEW YORK, March 6. /TASS/. The United States has frozen assets of two Russian banks worth some $637 million, US media reported Thursday. - "Banks controlled by three billionaire friends of Russian President Vladimir Putin have seen about $640 million of assets frozen in the US" over the situation in Ukraine, the Wall Street Journal reported." - Source:  TASS
Well, these guys deserve it for continuing to do "business" in Israel's North Amerikan Colony. What the HECK did they expect??
Again, to repeat, ad nauseam, any sworn statement, verbal statement, treaty, statute, legislation, truce, covenant, constitution, codicil, convention, agreement, contract, commitment, bond, resolution, understanding, proposal, promise, protocol, oath, affidavit or the United Sates of America, Britain, or the criminal enclave called Israel, or  any trans-national Euro-Kazarian, or any other person or agency representing these governments, or Euro-Kazarian interests, is simply not worth the piece of paper it's written on, or the breath it's spoken on.

In other words....don't even bother - IT - IS - A - COMPLETE - WASTE - OF - ANYONE'S - TIME. - mpg
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The Remarkable Coincidences of John C. Tefft
21]   A quote...." The graphic above is going viral on the Russian side of the internet, and it reads as follows...."
“Since the current US ambassador arrived in Russia, they killed Nemtsov, while he was in Georgia they killed Zhvaniya, and in Ukraine—Gongadze. Coincidence?”
"Each of the three was a prominent opposition figure, and in each case his death had led to political upheaval. To quote Ian Fleming, “once is a happenstance, twice--a coincidence, three times--enemy action.”" - For more articles on the Nemtsov rub-out, see below.....
For more on this issue see.....Contract Killing of Boris Nemtsov - The Mossad, CIA, or Euro-Kazarian Oligarchs?? - New Weblist!!
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How The Malaysian Boeing [Flight MH-17] Was Shot Down
08]   Must Read - A quote...."I first saw the report a couple of days ago in Russian here, reprinting what seems to be the original here. This morning an English translation appeared here. - This report deserves publicity and scrutiny. It is the accumulation of much research and careful examination of photographs of the wreckage carried out by many people over many months." - For more on this issue see.....Kiev's Arranged Shoot-Down of MH-17

The Male Nuland And The US’ Central Asian Strategy
Must Read - More "Color Revolutions" Alert -- (Next on the hit parade.....Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan. - mpg) -- A quote...."One of the most prominent Color Revolution experts in America’s coup d’état toolkit has been hurriedly recalled from retirement for immediate deployment to Kyrgyzstan. Richard Miles, the engineer of the first Color Revolution in Serbia and the Rose Revolution in Georgia, has been appointed as charge d’affaires in Kyrgyzstan until a new ambassador is confirmed by the Senate, because the former one, Pamela Spratlen, has been reassigned as the US Ambassador to Uzbekistan. While it is not known how long Miles will remain in Kyrgyzstan, which will be the Eurasian Union’s weakest economy when it joins in May of this year, ordinary citizens there already suspect that foul play is being planned against their country and have protested his arrival. Given that Miles’ track record of regime change makes him worthy of the ‘Male Nuland’ moniker, it’s appropriate to investigate what tricks the US may be up to in Central Asia, and how it may be trying to force the Ukrainian scenario onto Russia’s southern doorstep." - also posted at RussiaToday - For more on this issue see article posted yesterday.....
Victoria Nuland’s “Secret” Coup d’etat in Georgia
Another Attempted Nuland Coup?? - mpg - A quote...."Former Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili has been saying for six months that he will be back in six months! No elections are due to be held and he can’t run for president again. Now, unfortunately, we might know what he meant. -- On February 17 Victoria Nuland, a US Assistant Secretary of State, visited Tbilisi. She is best known for being an outspoken supporter of the coup d’etat in Kiev a year ago, which led to the violent overthrow of then-president Viktor Yanukovich and the ongoing fighting over this now nearly failed state. She appeared in Tbilisi at the same time Saakashvili officially became an “advisor” to Ukraine’s new incumbent, Petro Poroshenko." - posted 03-04-15
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The ISIS Gambit - Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....& The Kurds....

Israel Supports Al Qaeda Militants in Syria: Photographic Evidence
ISIS Gambit - Israel BUSTED! - (Again) -- A quote...."Press TV has obtained photos showing al-Qaeda-linked militants next to Israeli soldiers in the occupied Golan Heights. - New photos from the Golan Heights further prove Tel Aviv’s support for al-Qaeda-linked militants, especially al-Nusra Front, that have been wreaking havoc in Syria." - Topix ||  Israeli False Flags / Israel-ISIS   || - Updated Weblist! 

Syria: Militants Seize Large Cache [a Whole Warehouse Full!] of US Weapons In Aleppo
ISIS Gambit - ISIS Gets Tons More US Weapons -- DAB77Video - Alt - (DAB77YuTb - 1min44sec - Mar 4, 2015) - Source:  Dahboo777 -- A quote...."Two days after the disbandment of the second U.S. backed “moderate” rebel militia in six months, the Syrian Al-Qaeda branch “Jabhat Al-Nusra” (Al-Nusra Front) seized a large cache of TOW (wire-guided anti-tank) missiles inside Regiment 46 Base in southwestern Aleppo after defeating Harakat Hazzm (Movement of Steadfastness) in a short battle. - Images of Jabhat Al-Nusra fighters with the U.S. supplied TOW missiles surfaced on Monday morning, as they paraded around the captured Regiment 46 Base, posing for pictures in front of boxes with the U.S.’ insignia."

U.S. Syria strategy falters with collapse of rebel group
ISIS Gambit - Moar ISIS!  Moar ISIS!  Moar ISISI!! -- A quote...."(Reuters) - The Hazzm movement was once central to a covert CIA operation to arm Syrian rebels, but the group's collapse last week underlines the failure of efforts to unify Arab and Western support for mainstream insurgents fighting the Syrian military. -- A blow to U.S. moves to aid rebels, the dissolution of Hazzm also highlights the risks that a new Department of Defense program could face in training and equipping fighters in Jordan, Turkey and Qatar."

Western Officials Have No desire to Combat Terrorism: President al-Assad
ISIS Gambit - Assad Is Not Fooled -- A quote...."March 06, 2015 "ICH" - "SANA" - Damascus, SANA-President Bashar al-Assad gave an interview to Portuguese State Television, RTP, following is the full text...."
Question 29:   All lies, all the time? Four years of lies, Mr. President?

President Assad:   Exactly, that’s what happened. Because, how do you have ISIS? Suddenly? You don’t have ISIS suddenly, you don’t have armaments suddenly, you don’t have al-Nusra Front suddenly. It’s a long process, you can’t have it just in few weeks. Suddenly, everybody is talking about ISIS. Go back to our statements from the very beginning, and you can see that the evolution of the events was going in that regard from the very beginning, and we said that. They didn’t want to listen; they wanted to listen to their statements.That’s what I say. It’s impossible to only tell lies in the West. How can you tell the truth if you don’t have an embassy in this country? How can you tell the truth if you listen to Qatar and Al-Jazeera that were paying the money to those terrorists?

Question 30:   So you blame Turkey, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia for being the backbone of the jihadists? You have the proof?

President Assad:   Very simple; what is the ideology of ISIS? What is the ideology? It’s the Wahhabi ideology. Do we have it in Syria? Do we have it in Morocco? In the western Arab world? Actually, it existed in Saudi Arabia.
‘Military pressure’ [i.e. More Support for ISIS Terrorists]  may be needed to oust Syrian President – John Kerry
ISIS Gambit - A Euro-Kazerian Promises MOAR PNAC'ing!! -- A quote...."US Secretary of State John Kerry has declared that military pressure may be needed to oust Syria’s President Bashar Assad. It comes as knowledge has emerged that the US, along with Turkey, has started training Syrian rebels."

Joint Chiefs Chairman: US Ground Troops ‘Eventually’ Needed in Syria
ISIS Gambit - It's On Like Donkey Kong!! - Related Article - A quote...."Testifying today at the House Appropriations Committee, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey said it was likely that US ground troops would “eventually” be needed in the ISIS war inside Syria."

Turkey’s Military Invasion of Syria Aimed at Creating a “Buffer Zone”
ISIS Gambit - Erdogan Wants To Play Too!! -- A quote...."A buffer zone in Syria would serve as a rebel mini-state where fighters would be trained by foreign military personnel to launch attacks against Syrian government forces. As the Brookings Institution admits in an article titled: What Would the Turkish Buffer Zone Mean for Syria’s Displaced"

US Considering Openly Arming Syrian al-Qaeda Faction, al-Nusra
ISIS Gambit - US-NRE FINALLY Stops Lying? - (Is the world about to end?? It it the Rapture??) - A quote...."As reported at, the US and some of its regional client dictatorships are prodding the major al-Qaeda faction operating in Syria, a brutal terrorist group called al-Nusra, to “re-brand” so the US can openly arm it. - Wikipedia notes that al-Nusra...."
"Members of the group have referred to the United States and Israel as enemies of Islam, and warned against Western intervention in Syria. -- al-Nusra is also, according to both the United States government and ISIS itself, affiliated with ISIS, formerly known as AQI – al Qaeda in Iraq."
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, North & Central Africa & Others...

Iraqi Parliamentarian Claims to Have Evidence of US Support to ISIS
ISIS Gambit - Exposed Again.... A quote...."Iraqi lawmaker Qasim Al-Araji told the Iraqi parliament that his group, the Badr Organization, is in possession of documented proof that the United States government is providing the self-proclaimed Islamic State with weapons and military aid."

Iraqi forces push Islamic State out of al-Baghdadi - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Iraqi security forces backed by coalition airstrikes have pushed the Islamic State out of a town near a large base where U.S. military advisers are located, officials announced Friday. - A combination of Iraqi armed forces and tribes retook a police station and three bridges over the Euphrates River in the town of al-Baghdadi, according to a statement from U.S.-led coalition headquarters. The bridges have been held by militants since last September. The militants had gained control of the town at one point in the past few months."

ISIS Set Iraqi Oil Fields On Fire, Stalls Military Advance
A quote...."Thick black smoke billowing from oil wells northeast of the city of Tikrit is obstructing Shi'ite militiamen and Iraqi soldiers attempts to drive ISIS from the Sunni Muslim city after militants set them on fire. Reuters reports a witness and a military source said Islamic State fighters ignited the fire at the Ajil oil field to shield themselves from attack by Iraqi military helicopters. As we noted previously, the battle for Tikrit is key as it will determine whether and how fast the Iraqi forces can advance further north and attempt to win back Mosul, the biggest city under Islamic State rule."

Iran buries 7 Afghan fighters killed in Syria
A quote...."KABUL (Pajhwok): The bodies of seven Afghan fighters killed in Syria fighting the ISIL were buried in Iran's Mashhad, Razavi Khorasan province, media reports on Friday. - The IRNA news agency reported that on the same day, the body of an Iranian Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) force, who was killed in Iraq’s Samarra, was buried in Langarud, Guilan province."  - For more articles on the destruction of Iraq, see below.....
Libya chaos deepens as ISIS strikes threaten to halt oil production and government bombs Tripoli airport
A quote..." Libya may be forced to cease all oil production after suspected Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) jihadists attacked three oilfields and the national army bombed an airport in the capital Tripoli. - Libya’s National Oil Corporation has declared 11 of its oilfields non-operational, opting for a force majeure clause that exempts the state from contractual obligations."

Gunmen attack Libyan oilfield, kill eight guards
A quote...."Unidentified gunman have attacked Al Ghani oilfield in Libya, where petroleum installations increasingly are becoming a target as various factions vie for control of the country. Eight guards were killed in the attack, a spokesman for the national oil company said on Friday."

NATO knew its intervention in Libya would create chaos and aid al-Qaeda-aligned Islamists
A quote...."Canadian military intelligence knew that NATO’s March 2011 intervention in Libya would aid militant theocratic Islamists aligned with al-Qaeda and could create long-term chaos in the country, according to David Pugliese, a reporter with The Ottawa Citizen, who obtained Canadian intelligence documents." - Source:  What'sLeft

The CIA is Trying to Plant “Their Man” as the President of Libya
Geo-Political Analysis - A quote...."The security situation in Libya, which is continuing to worsen, forced the White House to vigorously seek solutions to the problem of power in a country plunged into a comprehensive crisis because of the US military intervention in 2011."

Nigeria: 60 killed in fresh attack on Borno village
A quote...."In spite of the current successes recorded by the military in the anti-terror war, Boko Haram insurgents sneaked into a Borno State village, killing 60 residents."

African Union blames US, UK, Norway for South Sudan civil war – leak
A quote...."By supporting South Sudan’s independence from Sudan, the US, UK and Norway have created conditions for the civil war, which broke out in the world’s youngest country in 2013, leaked documents from an inquiry by the African Union allege. - In 2005, the US, UK, Norway and the East African trading bloc, IGAD, pushed through a peace deal, which legitimized the South Sudanese rebels, and paved the way for the country’s independence in 2011." - Source:  RT

The Nuclear Agreement is Doomed - On Four (Plus One) Issues which Block the Negotiations With Iran
Iran & The NPT - A quote...."March 06, 2015 "ICH" - No nuclear agreement will be signed with Iran this month, nor will a viable treaty be reached later on. It is doomed. Maybe a “framework” or “intentions” understandings will be agreed upon in the coming weeks, but this kind of diplomatic stopgap won’t fare any better than the December 2014 extension. Four strategic issues manufactured by the Israel-Neocon axis and legitimized by the Obama administration plus an incessant Holocaust pimping campaign [see mine: “Pimping the Holocaust Memory” Information Clearing House, June 10, 2011] are blocking the road to a comprehensive reliable nuclear agreement. As a result, the chances for an historical turnaround in the Middle East are being destroyed and the World System at large will be further destabilized. The four issues.." - Topix ||  How About An Honest NPT? - 11-11-10 - mpg  ||

CrossTalk: Can Washington say ‘Yes’ to peace with Iran?
Iran & The NPT - Related CTRTVideo - (CTRTYuTb - 23min48sec - Mar 6, 2015) - Source:   CT@YuTb - CrossTalk - RT -- A quote...."So close, yet so far. Iran and the West are close to accomplishing what so many in Washington and Tel Aviv are terrified of – a negotiated end to the Western standoff with Iran. Israel’s Netanyahu has made it clear: war is better than peace. Can Washington finally say ‘yes’ to peace? -- CrossTalking with Mohammad Marandi, Gareth Porter, and Chuck Freilich." - Topix ||  How About An Honest NPT? - 11-11-10 - mpg  ||
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Ernst Zundel - Interviewed By An Israeli Journalist (1996) GREAT !!!
Must View WVVideo  - Absolutely Outstanding Interview - (WVRYuTb - 2hr03min20sec - Jul 9, 2012) - Source:  WVradioman -- A quote...."This video is one of the most hard-hitting interviews that Ernst Zundel ever gave to one of his political enemies !! A stunning interview addressing the centuries-old enmity between the Germans and the Jews. -- The video is about 120 minutes long, with a introduction by Ernst Zundel explaining and showing just some of the MANY books in his possession (authored by Jews !) that he used in answering many of the questions presented to him in conjunction with this particular interview !! -- The quality of the video is quite good (A9 / V8) when one takes into account that the master was made with the old style video cassette cameras that were affordable for that era. -- After watching this incredibly well spoken and articulated interview.., then PASS IT ON in whatever way possible... !!!" - Topix ||  More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg  ||
Ernst Zundel is absolutely spot on in his analysis, and condemnation, of the world-wide Euro-Kazarian community's endless, relentless, constant, parasitism, exclusivism, propagandizim, and war-mongering. 

He also, unsurprisingly, happens to be in this website editor's opinion, a racist-romantic-nationalist.  Which, again in this website editor's opinion, is dangerous ground to establish an operative, workable, political philosophy.

On the other hand his scholarly grasp of every minute historical detail, rigorous fact-based analysis, unbelievable encyclopedic grasp of historical cites and their authors, and practically an obsessive-compulsive desire for accuracy in his work and statements, makes his historical analysis fascinating and totally convincing. In other words he is completely reliable as an honest researcher and scholar. -  mpg

Red Ice Radio - Jeff Gates - How the Israel Lobby Took Control of U.S. Foreign Policy and Public
Must Listen RIRVideo  - Absolutely Outstanding Interview - (RIRYuTb - 1hr5min02sec - Mar 5, 2015) - Source:  RedIceRadio -- A quote...."Jeff Gates is an attorney, acclaimed author, and former counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance. Our guest has also served as an adviser to some 35 foreign governments. Jeff joins us to talk about his third book, Guilt By Association -- How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War. He begins by explaining his personal awakening to the endorsed, systemic criminality going on in the background of politics."
"Jeff illustrates the US’s long-term relationship with the Israeli Zionist enclave that was recognized in 1948 during Truman’s presidency – a group responsible for expanding organized crime to a global scale behind the façade of a sovereign state. He’ll give details of how this core allegiance of parasites have successfully victimized America and waged an unconventional war against the American public through domination of the “in-between domains” of media, pop culture, politics, think tanks and education."

"Jeff discusses the ideas of an embedded consensus, the simple math of campaign contributions, assets, and groomed politicians. We’ll consider how the US came to stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel and the role of the Israeli Lobby to take control of Congress."

"Then, we’ll look at Hollywood’s role in advancing the narrative, extremism in faith communities, and the challenges of a society and government that operates by a consensus. Later, Jeff talks about the war with Iran that has been ongoing since 1979, and the manipulation of intelligence that could lead America into another war. We’ll end by examining strategies that can be used to combat and bring attention to the Zionist storylines aggregated in our minds through master mythmaking and sophisticated storytelling." - Featured Book - "Guilt by Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War " -  [BkFndr] [AddAll]
Former German Lawyer Sylvia Stolz has been jailed again
Contains J4GVideo - English Subs - (J4GYuTb - 44min03sec - Jan 18, 2015) - Source:  JusticeGermans -- A quote...."Sylvia Stolz, the former defence attorney for Ernst Zundel has been convicted today in a Munich court, once again under the tyrannical BRD laws concerning so-called “holocaust denial” and thereby “inciting racial hatred”.  She was sentenced to 20 months in prison with no possibility of parole. -- The case stems from her presentation at the AZK in Switzerland in 2012 where she spoke about “Free Speech”, and her previous conviction under §130, the court procedures, banned speech, banned evidence and banned legal defence. -- It mattered not to the court that the “offence” took place outside of the BRD. The host of the AZK (Anti-Zensur-Koalition) Ivo Sasek is also facing criminal charges stemming from this event and the presentation given by Sylvia Stolz, see below." - Topix ||  More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg  ||

No Such Thing as Free Speech with “Holocaust Denial"
Related Article - A quote...."Sylvia Stolz is an outspoken, 51-year-old lawyer in Germany. At the end of February 2015, she was condemned by Judge Martin Rieder of the Munich State Court to 20 months in prison for alleged denial of the so-called Jewish holocaust during World War II, and for “inciting racial hatred.” But there is just one problem with Stolz’s “guilt”: she never denied anything. -- Judge Rieder, however, in true clairvoyant fashion, claimed to find the criminal act in what he said was the “meaning and purpose” of a talk Stolz gave in 2012 at a public conference in Switzerland, albeit the “denial” was “not at all so openly addressed.” Instead of judging words and actions, he presumed to judge an unspoken intent—the ultimate in thought-crime prosecution." - Topix ||  More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg  ||

Rahm Emanuel, [Euro-Kazarian, Made-Man, and] the Face of Democratic Fascism, Deserves to Lose
A quote...."Chicago’s mayoral election may look like a local event, and the media mostly cover it as a local event, but the presence of a large, diverse, and energized opposition demanding change on basic issues of fairness and justice gives the city’s local result a potentially important, totemic meaning for the country. The outcome of the April 7 runoff election, which includes 40% of the city council as well, may signify whether peaceful change is possible, or whether the suffocating status quo will grow more stifling."

Netanyahu Choreographs a Humiliated Congress
ZOG Alert - Zio-Whores Alert - A quote...."Now let’s be serious...."
"First, the Congress is completely humiliated, dancing to the tune of Netanyahu who is the representative of a foreign power.  That humiliation extends to every American who cast a vote, expecting the Congresspeople to represent the voters, the American voters – not the Israeli ones."

"Second, there is a sentiment found in “progressive” circles that the US is the boss in the U.S. Israeli power dance.  Their vulgar “theory” of imperialism tells them that.  If this bit of humiliation does not wake them up, who knows what will.   Empires are full of examples of the “lesser” ally pulling the strings to make the greater one dance.  And Israel with its well funded operation that extends from AIPAC to many Temples and fundamentalist evangelical churches provides a super charged example of this kind of operation to subvert sovereignty."

"Finally, Obama is not to be lionized in this encounter either.  He is not trying to make peace of sorts with Iran for noble purposes.  He and others like Brzezinski want to get the Israeli albatross cut loose from their necks; they want out of the Mideast quagmire which makes the populace war weary and takes up resources.   Obama wants those resources freed up to take down Russia and China."
The Difference Between America and Israel? There Isn’t One
ZOG Alert - Zio-Whores Alert - A quote...."Congressmen of both parties have grovelled and fainted and shrieked their support for Bibi (Netanyahu) and his predecessors with more enthusiasm than the Roman hordes in the Colosseum. -- Last time Bibi turned up in the Congress, he received literally dozens of standing ovations from the sheep-like representatives of the American people, whose uncritical adoration of the Israeli state – and their abject fear of uttering the most faint-hearted criticism lest they be called anti-Semites – suggest that Bibi would be a far more popular US president than Barack. And Bibi’s impeccable American accent doesn’t hurt."

Over one quarter of Netanyahu’s speech to Congress consisted of applause and standing ovations
ZOG Alert - Zio-Whores Alert - A quote...."US congresspeople got quite the workout on the morning of March 3, 2015. 'Twas on this fateful day that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, leader of the right-wing Likud party, addressed US Congress, in what one might refer to as an historic occasion ... If there is one word to describe Congress' response to the affair, it would be "ecstatic" ... To say it was just well received would be to commit the callous crime of understatement. In Netanyahu's pep rally, rather speech before the US legislative branch, Congress interrupted to applaud 39 times. 23 of these were standing ovations."
Netanyahu should have just pulled his pants down, turned around (or not, considering congresses' taste these days) and have the members of congress line up, get on their knees, and kiss his ass.  What an utterly disgusting performance it was. - mpg
Netanyahu’s False Narrative - Consortium News Donation Request - [Click Here]
A quote...."As members of the U.S. Congress bobbed up and down with applause, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu spun a tale of brave little Israel fretting about its survival, but he left out the fact that Israel has a large arsenal of nuclear weapons and has often been the one to invade its neighbors, as Marjorie Cohn recalls."

Benjamin Netanyahu’s Ideologically Dictated Worldview
A quote...."March 06, 2015 "ICH" - On 3 March 2015 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came before the U.S. Congress and once again painted a false picture of Iran and its ambitions. His vision was both apocalyptic and simplistic: the state of Iran is evil and the source of most of the aggression and terrorism in the Middle East; it is eternally hostile to the West and it aims at the destruction of Israel; the West, with the United States leading the way, must stop this evil regime before it gains the capacity to use nuclear weapons."

This sort of attack by Netanyahu is known in psychological circles as projection transference.  In political circles it's known as inversion propaganda, or as this website editor likes to describe it, as a "mirror mirror" attack, or a "SAP (Standard Attack Profile)" attack.  A quote shown below......
"SAPs are a strategy where the US-NRE falsely claims someone is doing what the US-NRE intends to do, is doing, or has done, all in an effort to deflect attention away from and obfuscate the US-NRE's own very similar plans or activities."

"SAP's are a “mirror image” propaganda methodology which appears to have the peculiar affect of camouflaging the US-NRE’s actual intentions, preventing their perception by its own population for the purposes of rational discussion,  critical analysis and opposition. By projecting a reflection of its intentions, it's intended attack "profile" so to speak, or as some would say its "modus operandi" onto the targeted country or group, the US-NRE is somehow able to hide its pending crimes from the world's scrutiny and sanction.  For awhile at least."

"It's the US-NRE's well honed and well practiced variant on the "Big Lie" a method where it accuses someone else of actions it has long planned for, or is carrying out itself, a standard diversionary or distracting tactic that if allowed by the population to be repeated successfully without opposition or criticism on their part, gives a very strong indication that that nation's population is now highly propagandized and "well-controlled".  That for all practicable purposes they are living in a fantasy world  -- and in point of fact should be considered delusional....and extremely dangerous, not just to themselves, but to the entire international community." -- *US-NRE Standard Attack Profiles (SAPs) - 11-16-09 - mpg*
What Was Missing From Coverage of Netanyahu’s Speech
A quote...."Reading the lead stories on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress about Iran in five prominent US papers–the New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today (all 3/3/15)–what was most striking was what was left out of these articles. - None of them mentioned, for example, that Israel possesses nuclear weapons. Surely this is relevant when a foreign leader says that it needs the United States’ help to stop a rival state from obtaining nuclear weapons: The omission of the obvious phrase “of its own” changes the story entirely." - Source:  FAIR

The Long History of Israel Gaming the 'Iranian Threat'
A quote...."March 06, 2015 "ICH" - "MEE" - Western news media has feasted on Prime Minister Netanyahu’s talk and the reactions to it as a rare political spectacle rich in personalities in conflict. But the real story of Netanyahu’s speech is that he is continuing a long tradition in Israeli politics of demonising Iran to advance domestic and foreign policy interests." - Source:  MEE - For more on Israel's, and their North Amerikan Colony's endless prognostications on Iran's imminent acquisition of the "bomb", please see below.....
Soldiers Kidnap A Lawyer Near Hebron
A quote...."Dozens of Israeli soldiers invaded, on Thursday at dawn, the Safa area north of Beit Ummar town, in the southern West Bank district of Hebron, broke into and searched several homes, and kidnapped a lawyer."

Israeli forces shoot, injure 2 fishermen off Gaza coast
A quote..."GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Two Palestinian fishermen were shot and injured as Israeli naval gunboats opened fire at a group of fishing boats off the Mediterranean coast west of the al-Sudaniyya neighborhood in the northern Gaza Strip."

[Jealous] Israeli [Jewish Arsonists] Settlers Torch Cars, Spray-Paint Racist Slogans in West Bank
A quote...."Israeli [Jewish arsonists] settlers torched two cars belonging to Palestinians and spray-painted anti-Arab slogans on the streets of a village in the occupied West Bank at dawn Thursday, Anadolu news agency reported, in the latest attack against Palestinians and their properties."

How Thatcher’s Government Covered Up a VIP Pedophile Ring
A quote...."A newspaper editor was handed startling evidence that Britain’s top law enforcement official knew there was a VIP pedophile network in Westminster, at the heart of the British government. What happened next in the summer of 1984 helps to explain how shocking allegations of rape and murder against some of the country’s most powerful men went unchecked for decades."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

Those 'Tanked' Russian Forex Reserves
Financial MSM - BUSTED! - A quote...."So, according to some Western media, Russian forex reserves have tanked in February 2015. What happened, folks? - At the end of January 2015, Russian forex reserves stood at USD376.208 billion. Of which USD327 was in currency and liquid assets form. The latest data, given to us is for February 20, 2015 when, according to the Russian Central Bank, the reserves dropped to USD364.6 billion - a drop of 3.11% or USD11.6 billion. That's a lot of cash. But is not qualifying it as 'tanked'. Here's a chart plotting all reserves changes m/m" - Source:  TrueEconomics

PepsiCo and Coca-Cola close plants in Russia - Hip Hip Hoory!!
It'll add four to five years to the average Russian's life expectancy!! - mpg -- A quote...."Soft drinks giants PepsiCo and Coca-Cola Hellenic have announced that they are to halt production at key plants in Russia in connection with the ongoing financial crisis. -- PepsiCo, the biggest soft drinks producer in Russia, said on March 2 it would close a fruit juice plant in the town of Ramenskoye (Moscow Region) which employs 400 staff and has more than 10 production lines."

Senior Russian Lawmaker Suggests McDonald's and Coca-Cola Leave Russia - Hip Hip Hooray!!
"Suggest?"  Kick them all the hell out!!  The Russian people should establish chains of real, organic, "fast" cooked to order (if the Russians can put a space station  in orbit, they can develope the technology for cooking to order quickly) food, composed of menus from all countries!!  -- Their un-mutated, non-deformed, healthy, children, grand-children, and great-grand-children will thank them!! - mpg

Putin Slashes 10% off His Own Salary
A quote...."MOSCOW, March 6. /TASS/ Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree that reduces the salaries of the president, prime minister, prosecutor general, head of Investigative Committee, Cabinet members and Kremlin officials by 10%, the Kremlin press service reported on Friday." - also posted at RussiaToday

‘BRICS shield against isolation of Russia’
A quote...."Signaling that Russian foreign policy is not to be dictated by the US and its allies, Russia has said its membership in BRICS prevents it from being isolated internationally."

Russia's Deadly New Submarine
A quote...."As a follow-up to my previous article “What to Expect from Russia’s Pacific Fleet in 2014,” I would like to take a closer look at Russia’s new backbone of its maritime nuclear deterrence  - the Borei-class (aka Dolgorukiy-class), Project 955, fourth generation SSBN (Ship, Submersible, Ballistic, Nuclear) submarine. RT (somewhat predictably) called this new SSBN class, “the planet’s most advanced nuclear deterrent tool.”"

Sevmash To Build New Multirole Nuclear Submarine
A quote...."Russia's Sevmash enterprise is expected to launch the construction of a next generation Project Yasen-M multirole nuclear submarine of on March 16, the plant's press service reported on Friday. - "Navy Commander Admiral Viktor Chirkov has ordered that the submarine be named Arkhangelsk. This missile carrier will become the fifth Yasen Project multirole nuclear submarine, developed by St. Petersburg's Malakhit naval design bureau," it said. - The project uses a lot of cutting-edge technological solutions, the press service said."

Russian Jets Penetrate NATO Ships' Air Defenses in Black Sea
A quote...."Russia's newest Su-30 multirole fighter jets, together with Su-24 attack bombers have been using NATO ships' movements in the Black Sea to practice attack scenarios."

Over 40 Russian Fighter Jet Crews Hold Airstrike Drills in Barents Sea

A quote...."Sputnik – More than 40 Russian fighter jet crews practiced destroying enemy missiles and aircraft during military exercises over the Barents Sea, the Russian Defense Minister said Friday." - Source: Sputnik

Russia starts deliveries of Antey-2500 missile systems to Egypt - source
A quote..."Russia has begun delivering Antey-2500 air defense missile systems to Egypt under a contract signed earlier, a high-ranking source in the Russian Defense Ministry told Interfax-AVN on Thursday. - "Deliveries of auxiliary technological equipment have been launched. Within a year, Egypt will receive launchers and other equipment," he said."

Italy PM Asks Putin to Help West Fix Libya
A quote...."Matteo Renzi, Italy’s prime minister, pleaded for Russian help to resolve the escalating security crisis in Libya, marking a fresh diplomatic approach to Moscow after months of EU pressure to curb its behaviour in Ukraine. - Mr Renzi’s move reflects growing anxiety within the Italian government — and among the Italian people — about the emergence of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis) fighters in a nation ravaged by political instability and civil war just across the Mediterranean Sea."

Why Italy is looking to break Russia’s isolation from the West
A quote...."The visit of Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi to Moscow indicates the significance that the present Italian government attaches to relations with Russia. It represents the first full-fledged official visit by a European leader to Russia since the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis."

China forging ahead with fiscal reforms: Finance Minister
A quote...."China is forging ahead with fiscal reforms amid a slowdown and the country’s moderately expansionary fiscal policy is a must in coping with downward pressures, Chinese Finance Minister asserted in Beijing on Friday. - “We must adopt a moderately expansionary fiscal policy in coping with downward pressures, as we de-leverage the economy step by step while preventing it from nose-diving,” said Lou Jiwei at a press conference during China’s annual parliament session."

Now China Blows Kisses to India
Geo-Political Analysis - A quote...."No sooner did US President Barack Obama leave New Delhi with many warm hugs from India’s newly elected Prime Minister Narendra Modi, but with essentially empty hands, than China opened the door in an uncharacteristic manner. It signals China’s desire to strengthen cooperation with her traditional foe during the Cold War, India. The geopolitical implications, following only weeks after Putin’s high-level talks with Modi in India further strengthen the idea that a new geopolitical center of gravity binding Russia with China and now India, is solidifying across the vast Eurasian expanse. That is the one event Washington and their neo-conservative hawks like Susan Rice and Ashton Carter are apoplectic about." - bold by website editor

Ecuador Leaves US-Backed Military Organization
- Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Ecuador has decided to voluntarily leave the Inter-American Defense Board (IDB), affiliated with the Organization of American States, in order to prioritize cooperation with South American Defense Council."

South America Agrees to Help Venezuela Fight Economic War
- Hip Hip Hooray!!
Before anyone gives a dime to Venezuela, the government should establish free markets and get control of their currency, bond markets, and the Banksters. Otherwise it'll be good money after bad. - mpg -- A quote...."The South American bloc UNASUR showed solidarity with Venezuela Friday and promised to help provide essential goods to the country, where shortages continue to be a problem in some areas, part of what has been termed economic warfare."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

The EU Energy Union Will Fail
A quote...."The truth is that Ukraine’s latest refusal to pay its gas bills has been an unpleasant surprise for EU officials. Maros Sefcovic even said at a news conference that the issues of supplies and the price of gas for Donetsk and Luhansk regions will be treated separately from the “winter gas package” that guarantees deliveries this winter. In other words, Brussels de facto confirms the special economic status of these disputed territories. -- No one wants to be responsible for wiping out Ukraine as a transit country because of a civil war in the center of Europe. Therefore the idea of an “energy union that speaks with one voice in global affairs” is being hastily concocted. Countries with diverse energy mixes, various configurations for their national energy consumption, and differing levels of industrial development are being strongly advised to coordinate their energy agenda with the former European Commissioner for Youth. The document is silent about whether the German energy conglomerates and French nuclear experts will want to “speak with one voice” together with consumers in power-hungry Moldova. It is not unreasonable to believe that those voices will be different." -- Source:  OilPrice

French Submarine Sinks Entire US Aircraft Carrier Group During Drills
A quote...."A series of joint naval drills between the United States and France recently didn't quite turn out the way the US, no doubt, expected. The practice scenario ended with the French nuclear submarine that was acting the part of an enemy ship "sinking" the American aircraft carrier and most of its escort."

Greek Pensioners To Fund Ukraine's Government: Syriza Will Tap Pension Funds To Pay IMF
A quote...."Just yesterday we warned that, among the 'solutions' the Greek government was exploring in its scramble for cash to pay back The IMF loan, was 'borrowing' from the nation's pension funds. Today we get the sad confirmation that indeed Greece will raid cash reserves in pension funds and other public sector entities to cover its funding needs. As Reuters reports, Greece will use short-term repo transactions to transfer the cash, but one government official said they could not be used to repay the IMF. As the radical left-wing government takes from the implictly wealthier Greeks (pension funders), it is giving free electricity, a rent allowance, and food stamps to the poor." - also posted at RussiInsider

Don’t Believe Media Coverage of Venezuela
A quote...."March 06, 2015 "ICH" - "Truthdig" - Diplomatic relations between Venezuela and the U.S. have just taken a big hit, with the government of Nicolas Maduro demanding that the American Embassy in Caracas reduce its staff by 80% and that U.S. visitors apply for visas." - Source: TruthDig

Myanmar “Color Revolution”: Meet Aung San Suu Kyi’s Saffron Mobs
Geo-Political Analysis - A quote...."Image: Monks mingle in the background with protesters marching against attempts to recognize and empower stateless Rohingya refugees. Racism, bigotry, and savagery are hallmarks of this street mob which also so happens to be the same mob supporting “democracy icon,” Aung San Suu Kyi." - Source: LandDstryrRpt

US Drone Pilots Are Quitting In Record Numbers
A quote...."A combination of lower-class status in the military, overwork, and psychological trauma appears to be taking a mental toll on drone pilots."

3 National Nuclear War Laboratories Have Run Amok, Block Disarmament, and Should Be Shut Down, Watchdog Says. -- A quote...."NEW YORK — The nation’s three privatized nuclear warhead laboratories are bloated, redundant, stand in the way of progress on real 21st century security issues, and should be shut down, a conference on peace and security here was told."

Decades after war, Vietnam and the U.S. battle a legacy of bombs
A quote...."(Reuters) - Red skull-and-crossbones markers dot the horizon in a barren patch of land in Vietnam where missteps could be fatal. - The signs warn of landmines and bombs, the legacy of a war with the United States that claims casualties even today, four decades after hostilities ceased in 1975."

The White House Has Gone Full Doublespeak on Fast Track and the TPP
A quote...."Sen. Ron Wyden and Sen. Orrin Hatch are now in a stand-off over a bill that would put secretive trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement on the Fast Track to passage through Congress. The White House meanwhile, has intensified their propaganda campaign, going so far as to mislead the public about how trade deals—like the TPP and its counterpart, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)—will effect the Internet and users' rights. They are creating videos, writing several blog posts, and then this week, even sent out a letter from an "online small business owner" to everyone on the White House's massive email list, to further misinform the public about Fast Track."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

Spying International: Internet is Under Heavy Surveillance
A quote...."The fact that the social networks just like the rest of the Internet have been kept under heavy surveillance by the US and its watchdogs – the NSA, CIA, FBI and a number of other Western intelligence agencies – has been repeatedly stressed by the international media. It’s clear that the United States, in flagrant violation of fundamental human rights, has created a global system of electronic espionage, that focuses on the interception and processing of personal data of users around the world that was obtained by phone tapping, short messages theft, and social network monitoring."

of communications in the Pacific has revived debate about the right to privacy
A quote...."There's a little-known paragraph in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that reads, "No one shall be subject to arbitrary interference with his privacy." - It sits within the declaration - which all states must agree to uphold to join the United Nations - surrounded by other much better known and loved rights like: innocent until proven guilty, freedom of speech, and bans on slavery."

It's 'mission impossible' to eliminate Kiwi data
Related Article - A quote...."A complaint has been lodged with the Inspector General of Intelligence and Security claiming the GCSB has broken the law by spying on Kiwis holidaying, living and working in the Pacific. - It is a direct challenge to the Prime Minister's assertion the Government Communications Security Bureau acts legally." - More on articles on these sorts of issues shown below.....
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation...

Two Administrations and Congress Dismantled the Constitution – How Can It Be Restored?
A quote...."Since the events of September 11, 2001, actions by successive U.S. administrations – backed by legislation such as the Patriot Act and the FISA Amendments Act (FAA) – have eroded privacy provisions guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution. Lawsuits challenging these actions have languished, with the U.S. Supreme Court having declined to hear the one case to reach it for review, Clapper vs. Amnesty International." - also posted at InvestWtchBlg

As Tsarnaev Trial Starts, a Journey into the “Known Unknowns” Begins
Tsarnaev Sell-Out -- A quote...."We are about to witness what may be one of the strangest trials ever. For one thing, the central narrative we’ve been provided of the Boston Marathon bombing makes little sense. - Take the defendant’s past. It provides few clues to suggest that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev might have been inclined to commit any sort of mayhem, much less on a massive scale. Even his now-dead, more aggressive older brother, Tamerlan, doesn’t exactly seem like the sort to prepare and detonate bombs to harm large numbers of innocent fellow Bostonians." - Source:  WhoWhatWhy

Private Police: Mercenaries for the American Police State
A quote...."It’s one thing to know and exercise your rights when a police officer pulls you over, but what rights do you have when a private cop—entrusted with all of the powers of a government cop but not held to the same legal standards—pulls you over and subjects you to a stop-and-frisk or, worse, causes you to “disappear” into a Gitmo-esque detention center not unlike the one employed by Chicago police at Homan Square? -- For that matter, how do you even begin to know who you’re dealing with, given that these private cops often wear police uniforms, carry police-grade weapons, and perform many of the same duties as public cops, including carrying out SWAT team raids, issuing tickets and firing their weapons." - Source:  RutherfordInstitute

Cops accused of ‘murder’ after fatally shooting drug suspect in face
A quote...."Witnesses who saw police fatally shoot an unarmed Florida man in the face during a SWAT raid say that the carrying out of an apparent drug bust more closely resembled a law enforcement-administered “murder."" - More articles on "Thugs R'Us", see below....
Gen. Petraeus: Too Big to Jail
A quote...."March 06, 2015 "ICH" - "Consortium News" -  The leniency shown former CIA Director (and retired General) David Petraeus by the Justice Department in sparing him prison time for the serious crimes that he has committed puts him in the same preferential, immune-from-incarceration category as those running the financial institutions of Wall Street, where, incidentally, Petraeus now makes millions. By contrast, “lesser” folks – and particularly the brave men and women who disclose government crimes – get to serve time, even decades, in jail." - Source:  ConsortiumNews - also posted at WkUpF/YrSlmbr

Gold Mine: Hillary Clinton’s Brother Granted Super-Rare Mining Permit from Haiti After State Dept. Sent Country Billions - The Corrupt Hillary Machine Rolls On -- A quote...."Hillary Rodham Clinton’s brother, Tony Rodham, sat on the board of a self-described mining company that in 2012 received one of only two “gold exploitation permits” from the Haitian government—the first issued in over 50 years."

Hillary's E-Mail Scandal....

Why Hillary Clinton's Homebrew Email Is a Political Nightmare
A quote...."You've probably heard: Hillary Clinton used a private, personal email address for all of her official business as Secretary of State. She didn't even have a State Department email address. As a result, her email was far from secure — and that is a big problem, but it's not the only one. -- The security issue is just one of many disconcerting things about Clinton's secretive email habits. Perhaps more importantly, it's politically problematic that Clinton kept all of her work emails off the books, on a private server. That means she blatantly violated President Obama's promise for better transparency in the government. (She's hardly the first Obama-appointed official to break this promise, but oh well.) -- But transparency aside, the main problem is that Clinton seems to have done a pretty shitty job securing her private email server — and endangered national security as a result."
Not to mention hiding a WHOLE bunch of highly illegal, possibly treasonable activities, lots of grubby political campaign corruption, and possibly other politically devastating scandals.  Maybe we should ask the N.S.A. for copies.  They've got to have everything right?

She obviously considered these e-mails secure from public, and more importantly, legal scrutiny!  This could be a golden opportunity for political pundits and political scientists everywhere. The completely uncensored, six year record, of one of the most venal, vicious, megalomaniacal, politically corrupt, murderous politicians this country has ever had, completely exposed for the viewing public.

Because of that however, the powers that be may never let most of them see the light of day  - mpg - Additional articles posted below, newest to oldest, courtesy WRH.

Giving Way To The Economic Collapse – Episode 607
X22Video - Alt/YuTb - Alt/Mp3  - (X22YuTb - 45min02sec - Mar 4, 2015) -- Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote..."ADP employment number miss expectations. RBS, Target laying off people. Deflation not showing up in food, alcohol or electricity. New type of loans, landlord loans, real estate market crashing and the bankers are getting desperate. FCC wants to be the referee of the internet. China tells Obama to mind his own business about fighting terrorism. Russia creating program to stop color revolutions which end up in regime change. US expands sanctions on Russia for another year. US troops heading to Ukraine. NATO ships in Black Sea. US making the case to invade Libya. - All source links to the report can be found on the site."

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV - 05 Mar 11:00 HST - WRH Donation Request - [Click Here]
MRVideo -- (BambuserTV - 3hrs - 05 Mar 11:00 HST) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Website: - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.

China’s Renminbi Is On Its Way To Becoming A World Currency Which Will Surpass The USD – Episode 608

X22Video - Alt/YuTb - Alt/Mp3  - (X22YuTb - 45min56sec - Mar 5, 2015) -- Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote...."IMF admits the bailouts to Greece was for the banks not the people. Cyprus is protesting austerity. Initial jobless claims rose but are missing the jobs that were lost because of the oil suppression. US factory and new orders are declining. China renminbi is on its way to becoming a world currency. Obamacare has not met the expectations of the people. FCC is taking over the internet to solve problems but there are no problems. Ukraine is now under capital controls. US getting ready to send troops into Syria. - All source links to the report can be found on the site."

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV - 06 Mar 10:59 HST - WRH Donation Request - [Click Here]
MRVideo -- (BambuserTV - 3hrs - 06 Mar 10:59 HST) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Website: - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "Boehner & Nuts!" - (3/3/15)
Must View GCVideo - (Note:  appropriate adult language used.) - (GCYuTb - 15min46sec - (3/3/15)) -  TrendsRsrchInst - New Website! - GrldCelYuTb - TJ@YuTb -- A quote...""The newly released Trend Alert, “China’s total debt has quadrupled” since the financial crisis & Afghan forces lost more than 20,000 fighters in 2014!""
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Financial Faith (E727)
MaxRTVideo -- (MaxRTYuTb - 25mi36sec - Mar 5, 2015) - Related Websites:  RussiaToday - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the modern economic, financial and monetary system in which one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. And yet to one without faith, no explanation is possible. And once no explanation is possible - hyperinflation and economic disorder ensues. In the second half, Max continues with his interview of Professor Richard Werner, who, in the early 1990s, coined the phrase ‘quantitative easing.’ Together they take a look at the monster which QE has become."

Debt Jubilee for the Bankers – Austerity for Us
A quote...."How do you know when you are about to be run down by a train? Well, typically you see it coming. What about when Credit Default Swaps are about to blow up and you see the financial world flying off a cliff; how does one see that coming? Well, you can only see that after you have fallen and tumbling toward planet earth, picking up speed as you fall!! Sounds awesome!"

QE Inventor: It’s EASY to Create a Full-Blown Recovery, But Central Banks Chose to Make Banksters Rich Instead of Helping Main Street - That's WHY it's called the "Wealth Effect" instead of "Trickle Down" effect.  Because THIS time the "one percent" intended to take it ALL! - They've succeeded marvelously, they're all now much wealthier than they were before! Most of the ninety-nine percent is of course, a lot poorer. - mpg -- A quote...."Richard Werner (economics professor at University of Southampton) is the inventor of quantitative easing (QE). -- Werner previously said that QE has failed to help the economy. (Former long-time Fed chair Alan Greenspan agreesNumerous academic studies confirm this. And see this.) -- But Werner is now taking off the gloves -- He said recently....."
Technology was supposed to bring an end to the 40 hour work week. What happened?
Related Article - A quote...."Some French companies just banned employees from responding to work emails after work hours. A city in Sweden is trying out a 30-hour work week in earnest. But while the prospect of working less and enjoying more leisure time used to be the great futuristic promise of midcentury America, today it's little more than a punchline."
It's REAL difficult to have a 30 hour work week when you're spending tens of trillions of dollars (in real output) on wars across the world, tens of trillions of dollars to maintain the lavish life-styles of the filthy-rich and infamous Bankster class, all the while you're shipping every job you possibly can overseas and completely debauching your currency. -- It's just sort'a hard to do. - mpg
US Factory Orders Drop For 6th Month In A Row – Worst Since Lehman
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote..."Must be the weather… since August. US Manufacturers New Orders tumbled 0.2% in January (missing expectations of a 0.2% rise for the 6th of the last 7 months). This extends the losing streak for factory orders to 6 months, something we have not seen since the great recession in 2008… The drop was led by a plunge in Consumer Goods – not exactly what one would expect from all those gas savings? Just add it to the growing list of missed macro data expectations since the start of Feb!"

Lumber Is Liquidating
Chart - (click till they're enlarged) -- A quote...."The most economically-sensitive commodity is plunging once again. Lumber prices have cratered today to their lowest since June 2013, seemingly tracking the collapse in US Macro data over the last 2 months. First it was Lumber Liquidators, and now the underlying is seeing the biggest weekly drop in six months (and down 5 weeks in a row). As a reminder, the last time lumber and stocks diverged like this... it did not end well...."

[US Oil Patch] Rig Count Decline -- Re-Accelerates To 2nd Biggest Drop In 22 Years
Multiple Charts - A quote...."Following last week's slowing in the pace of rig count, crude prices dropped and then spiked, and it makes today's data under more scrutiny. At around $49.50, WTI prices have round-tripped back almost perfectly to the scene of the crime before today's rig count data hit. The total oil rig count dropped almost 6%, down 75 to 1,192 meaning a re-acceleration of the rig count decline and the 2nd biggest drop since 1993."

US Trade Deficit Worse Than Expected As Auto Exports Tumble
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."As Chinese exports crashed in January (and imports were extremely weak), one could be forgiven for expecting the US trade deficit to be more extreme than the tumble it experienced in December... but no. The US Trade Deficit printed $41.8bn, slightly worse than the $41.1bn expectation but 'better' than the adjusted $45.6 billion. Imports dropped 3.9% in January and Exports fell 2.9% but YoY imports fell 0.17% and exports fell 1.75% - the last time both fell YoY was November 2008. This is the 2nd month in a row of worse than expected deficits (and 4th of last 5). The shift is led by big drops in Food & Beverage (-9.1%) and Auto (-7.0%) exports and an 11.3% plunge in Industrial Supplies imports."

The Recovery Is Complete: America Adds Most Waiters And Bartenders Since 2013
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."The last time the US economy was said to be about to blast off into an "above consensus" growth phase, and when everyone predicted a recovery was "just around the corner" sending the 10 Year to 3%, was the second half of 2013, right as the Fed was about to begin tapering QE3 (not because things were getting better but because it was about to run out of bonds to monetize as the TBAC warned the same summer). It was back then, and specifically August 2013, that said economy added a whopping 72 thousand waiters and bartenders according to the BLS. " - Strictly a coincidence folks, nothing to see here, move along....mpg - One ZeroHedge commentator stated the following.....
The US media lied about the job numbers again today - only 96,000 new jobs were created in February not the 295,000 they claim. - This is a total disaster and means that real unemployment went up quite significantly.
Household Employment Survey

Establishment Survey
This includes grossly inflated adjustments for the number of jobs created by new businesses less jobs lost due to closed businesses. - The media always use these false numbers because they are artificially adjusted to make the government look better. -

From the Establishment survey we can see that only 10% of new jobs created were in well paid "goods producing" sectors. - While around 90% were in poorly paid service sectors.- Which also helps explain why so many people simply gave up looking for work in February. - Why would you want to work as a burger flipper or shop assistant for minimum wage if that meant you had to pay for child care?

The ACTUAL (as opposed to fictitious) job creation number of 96,000 is also reflected in the new jobless claims numbers which have been on the rise recently. - There were 320,000 new claimants for the last week of February (versus expectations of know nothing economists of 295,000). -- *Ian56*
Manufacturing jobs was the foundation of the U.S. economy.
Related EWIVideo - Alt - (EWIYuTb - 3min16sec - Mar 3, 2015) - Source:  ElliottWaveInternational -- A quote...."But since 1979, manufacturing jobs have been disappearing. We’ve gone from “making things” to “financing things.” Learn why this is a harbinger of economic deterioration."

Net Worth/GDP Ratio May Be Signaling Asset Bubble Now:
Graphic - (click to view) - Chart - (click to view) -- A quote...."Each peak in this relationship was followed by a recession, the last one worst in modern history.  And now the ratio has once again reached 4.7 dollars. History suggests that the ratio will collapse again, probably toward the 3.5 dollar level. This can be accomplished by a massive increase in GDP (unlikely) or a massive decline in the value of assets, net worth (most likely)." - Source:  ZeroHedge

Chart Of The Day: Recession Dead Ahead?
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."The chart below showing the annual increase, or rather, decrease in US factory orders which have now declined for 6 months in a row (so one can't blame either the west coast port strike or the weather) pretty much speaks for itself, and also which way the US "recovery" (whose GDP is about to crash to the 1.2% where the Atlanta Fed is modeling it, or even lower) is headed."

The Second Round of the Crisis Will DWARF 2008 In Size and Scope
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."If you are an investor, your big concern should not be about what to stocks… but what happens when the bond bubble goes bust. -- All of the biggest problems in the financial world revolve around the bond markets today:"
  1. Greece’s sovereign debt crisis
  2. The Bank of Japan is purchasing ALL new debt issuance in Japan.
  3. The Fed is terrified of higher interest rates because ever 1% change means over $100 billion more in interest payments on the US debt.
"For 30+ years, sovereign nations have been papering over the decline in living standards by issuing debt. In its simplest rendering, sovereign nations spent more than they could collect in taxes, so they issued debt (borrowed money) to fund their various welfare schemes." - Two comments posted from ZeroHedge's readers.....
Lew to Congress: US hits debt limit on March 16, needs to be raised ASAP
A quote...." Unless Congress takes action, the U.S. will hit its debt limit on Mar. 16, but would begin taking "extraordinary measures" to finance the government on a temporary basis, according to the U.S. Treasury. -- In a Friday morning letter to House Speaker John Boehner and other House and Senate leaders, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said that his office will be forced to suspend the issuance of State and Local Government Series securities on Mar. 13 unless the debt limit is raised. -- "Accordingly, I respectfully ask Congress to raise the debt limit as soon as possible," Lew wrote in his letter. "

“Royal Bank of Scotland to cut 80% of investment banking unit – media”
A quote...."Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) is to drastically cut its investment banking unit, with media reports suggesting as many as 14,000 out of the department’s 18,000 workforce will be laid off by 2019, mainly in Asia and the US."

Royal Bank of Scotland top bankers received millions despite £3.5bn loss
Banksters Win Again - (These are probably the top guys who weren't laid off) - Related Article - A quote...."Royal Bank of Scotland paid 128 of its top bankers more than €1m (£720,000) in 2014, a year when it reported its seventh consecutive year of losses since being bailed out by the taxpayer and was punished by regulators for rigging foreign exchange markets."

Landlords hit back at Reserve Bank crackdown
A quote...."Landlords have hit back at Reserve Bank consultation on their sector, threatening to punish tenants by hiking rents if a tougher lending regime is ushered in. - Andrew King, NZ Property Investors Federation executive officer, said a harsher regime could have severe implications for more than 1 million tenants in over 453,000 rental households."

Almost 100 families evicted daily in Spain – statistics
At least 95 families were evicted every day in Spain in 2014, fresh statistics say as Spaniards struggle to meet mortgage payments. Home foreclosures have become a stark symbol of the 7-year economic crisis, with 2014 seeing a further rise in numbers."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Jane Goodall and Steven Druker Expose US Government Fraud Over GMOs
A quote...."In an acclaimed new book being launched Wednesday in London, American public interest attorney Steven Druker reveals how the US government and leading scientific institutions have systematically misrepresented the facts about GMOs and the scientific research that casts doubt on their safety." - Source:  SustainablePulse

Chronic Kidney Failure 5 Times Higher in Glyphosate-Ridden (Monsanto Roundup) Areas, Study Confirms
A quote...."The evidence for the abominable toxicity of Round Up chemicals like glyphosate is already overwhelming, yet there seems to be a never-ending stream of research and evidence pointing toward their dangers. A new study has just been published showing that farmers in Sri Lanka exposed to glyphosate through drinking water are 5 times more likely to develop chronic kidney failure than those who don’t drink herbicide-polluted water." - Source:  NaturalSociety

The Truth About Starbucks New Coconut Milk: It Isn’t Really Coconut Milk
BDS Alert - Boycott Action Alert - (StarBucks and its trans-national, Euro-Kazarian founder gives large amouns of money to Israeli organizations, please boycott them. - mpg) -- A quote...."In an attempt to appeal to the non-dairy crowd, Starbucks is bringing “coconut milk” to the masses. After a successful trial run in select cities at the behest of their customers, Starbucks has decided to push forward with their dairy alternative."

Brazilian Farmers Occupy and Cancel Approval Meeting for GMO Trees - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."300 farmers have taken over the building where Brazil’s GMO regulator CTNBio was meeting Thursday to decide about whether to approve GE eucalyptus trees. The meeting was cancelled. - Also Thursday, 1,000 women took over operations of FuturaGene across Brazil...."

The Dangers of Chlorphyrifos (Dursban/Lorsban) -- Pesticides, Birth Defects and Brain Damage in Children
A quote...."The recent number of articles in the popular press concerning loss of intellect among children exposed to chlorpyrifos is important in the use of this pesticide. Although in-home use of chlorpyrifos was restricted in the U. S in 2000, it is widely used in agriculture, and is a serious risk to health and intellect for people working and living in proximity to fields. Detectable levels of chlorpyrifos detected in New York City children, raises the question of exposure via food."

Dr. Andrew Moulden – “Every Vaccine Produces Harm”
A quote...."Canadian physician Dr. Andrew Moulden provided clear scientific evidence to prove that every dose of vaccine given to a child or an adult produces harm. The truth that he uncovered was rejected by the conventional medical system and the pharmaceutical industry. Nevertheless, his warning and his message to America remains as a solid legacy of the man who stood up against big pharma and their program to vaccinate every person on the Earth."

Same mercury used in vaccines conclusively linked to causing autoimmune disorders
A quote...."A new study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives provides fresh insight into why millions of people living in the developed world today suffer from severe autoimmune disorders that were virtually unheard of before the advent of vaccines."

Vaccinated Farmed Fish Have Side Effects
A quote...."Be forewarned, please, that this will not be very pleasant reading, especially if readers eat farm-raised fish and, in particular, salmon, a highly-farm-raised fish. “Wild-caught” need not apply."

“Radioactive Cover-Up” at Fukushima — Experts Believe “Other Sources of Contamination” Are Flowing Into Ocean -- A quote...."Asahi Shimbun, Feb 28, 2015 (emphasis added): The nation’s nuclear watchdog body slammed [TEPCO] over its failure to disclose information on the leakage of radioactive rainwater into the sea… TEPCO President Naomi Hirose… apologized profusely… TEPCO became aware more than a year ago that the concentration of radioactive materials in the water flowing… was high [first disclosing it to regulators] January 2014… TEPCO continued to conceal details, including the fact that the concentration became high whenever it rained… However, TEPCO had decided long ago there was no need to monitor rainwater for radioactive materials."