Friday September 15th 2006

Hack the vote? No problem
The upcoming election is going to be ugly.
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Coaxing the unwilling
Here's a quote...."A generation later, as the ever less appetizing-looking wars in Iraq and Afghanistan spiral on without end, an overstretched US Army and Marine Corps have clearly become desperate. At a remarkable cost in dollars, effort and lowered standards, recruiting and retention numbers are being maintained for now.

The result: US ground forces are increasingly made up of a motley mix of under-age teens, old-timers, foreign fighters, gang-bangers, neo-Nazis, ex-cons, inferior officers and a host of near-mercenary troops, lured in or kept in uniform through big payouts and promises.

In the latter half of the Vietnam War, as the breakdown was occurring, US troops began to scrawl "UUUU" on their helmet liners - an abbreviation that stood for "the unwilling, led by the unqualified, doing the unnecessary for the ungrateful".

To the guys coming back, let's not have another post Vietnam repeat......... you know like the late 60's and early 70's where the poor and lower middle class neighborhoods were devastated,  the neighborhoods where YOUR kids are going to grow up and go to school in, where YOUR houses are going to be, where YOUR parents live.

Instead why not do something different for a change?  If you're feeling lonely, depressed, need a little money, want to let off a little steam.....why not go visit one of the neighborhoods of our illustrious wealthy know the people that sent you over there in the first place, the one's who told you to go kill and die for them.  You'll be doing them a favor, showing them what their money has bought, showing them just how good your training really is, it'd be sort of like a theme park - you'd be showing them the REAL Iraq, not that silly stuff they see on TV.  No doubt they'd appreciate it.

After all the rich really don't care about your neighborhoods do they?  They sure don't care about what happened to you in Iraq or what you've done over there.  In fact they even told you that you were helping the Iraqis right?  They told you every time you destroyed an Iraqi city, every time you wiped out an Iraqi neighborhood, every time you killed an Iraqi family, every time you tortured an were actually helping them, isn't that what they've told you? It's what they've told the rest of us, 24/7 on the TV, radio, and in the newspapers. 

Just remember when you get back, many of you who joined in your teens and early twenties, whose lives will be forever changed, who were too stupid to know better, who did're not to blame.
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A Defining Moment for America
"The president goes to Capitol Hill to lobby for torture."

Just about says it all....doesn't it?
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US Defense And Oil Company Executives Reap Windfalls From Iraq War
A quote....."After 9/11, pay levels of defense and energy CEOs soared. According to the IPS, CEOs of the top 34 defense contractors saw their average compensation double, from $3.6 million in 2002 to $7.2 million in 2005. Since September 11, these 34 executives have pocketed a combined total of nearly a billion dollars, which the IPS estimates would be “enough to cover the entire wage bill for more than a million Iraqis for a year.” Average defense CEO pay was 308 times the pay received by a deployed US Army private in 2005, $25,000."

Says even more.....doesn't it?
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NATO Faces Crisis as Call for Troops Goes Unanswered
Yep, the U.S. is going to leave NATO stuck in a place where they really don't want to be....anyone else out their want to trust Bushy & Co.?

Regarding this issue is the blog shown below...

Blog date -  Tuesday August 7th 2006
Kremlin Warns of Strain in U.S. Ties (The Afghan Arms Deal Goes Bust)  This is an update to the blog "US Sets up £215m Deal for Afghan Arms - from Russia" The truly monumentally stupid idea of the Bush administration to leave five hundred million dollars worth of small arms in Afghanistan to be captured by the Taliban when NATO & U.S. forces withdraw.  Which would then be used on Americans during the term of what could be the next Democratic President.  Generating more destruction, calls for the Republicans to get back in power, and profits for the Military Industrial Oil Complex in it’s next incursion in the Middle East -  Just like they did with 911…….Wow I just had a sudden thought, Bushy & Co. aren’t that stupid after all, are they?
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  Thursday September 14th 2006

Fatal Vision: The Strategy of Chaos and Ethnic Cleansing
This is an extremely important article.  It foretells what's going to happen if the Neocon's get their way.

here's a quote.....In Dostoevsky's 1872 novel, The Possessed, a prescient dissection of the roots of political terrorism, a bit player named Shigalov provides a revealing glimpse of how the noble idea of "humanitarian intervention" to bring freedom and democracy to the benighted places of the earth invariably becomes a brutal despotism, geared toward imposing a single vision of world order."

and this......"in Parameters, the journal of the US Army War College. UK author Nafeez Ahmed dug up the Peters quote for his Op-Ed News article on the "Blood Borders" controversy, and it is most apt:"   

Quote...."There will be no peace," Peters wrote in the summer of 1997. "At any given moment for the rest of our lifetimes, there will be multiple conflicts in mutating forms around the globe. Violent conflict will dominate the headlines, but cultural and economic struggles will be steadier and ultimately more decisive. The de facto role of the US armed forces will be to keep the world safe for our economy and open to our cultural assault. To those ends, we will do a fair amount of killing."

Given the article listed above, it might be why "Syria Says US Behind Attack On Own Embassy", and this just in from Asia Times today....Syria, US shrouded in the fog of war regarding the assault on the U.S. embassy in Syria.

And this .....Neo-con favorite declares World War III

See also....."Constructive Instability"
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Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
Again to all the 192 countries out there, you really don't want to do business with the IMF or World Bank....ever.

The Moral Bankruptcy of Israel's Founding Idea
In other words if you're an Israeli, it's why you don't want to do business with the New Roman Crime Syndicate
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Jailed for Life, Migrant Says Justice Was Too Blind
"SAN FRANCISCO, California, Sep 14 (IPS) - A California immigrant serving a life sentence for lying to the Department of Motor Vehicles got a day in court Wednesday. Santos Reyes has already served six years for that crime, which he has never denied"

"When they took Reyes to jail, the police found he had been convicted of felonies twice before. In 1981, at age 17, he was convicted of stealing a radio. Five years later he was convicted of robbery. He then had no offenses for the next 11 years, a period in which he gained employment as a roofer, got married and fathered two children."

Kafka would feel right at home in America right now....MPG
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What is the U.S. Military Doing in Paraguay?
The usual of course, poor, poor Paraguay, I hear it used to be a country once upon a time.

Kissinger warns of possible "war of civilizations"
"A common Atlantic policy backed by moderate Arab states must become a top priority, no matter how pessimistic previous experience with such projects leaves one," Kissinger said.  In other words we (the U.S) have to go kill lots more people for the Saudis and this time the U.S. should use nukes.

IAEA: U.S. report on Iran's nuclear plan 'outrageous and dishonest'
Why do the Neocon's even bother.... just nuke every country on the planet and get it over with.

US outraged as Pakistan frees Taliban fighters
Oh yeah, of course the U.S. is outraged..... don't the Pakies get it?  They're only supposed to release terrorists in order to give the U.S. more excuses to invade other countries, not fighters and insurgents which only makes it more difficult for us when we've invaded those other countries.

What's wrong with the Pakies, I thought they were on the "Game Plan?"

see also...."End of the Game?"
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 Saudi Envoy Promised Bush a Drop in Oil Prices Ahead of Election
Is this what they mean by Deja'vu - this happened right before the 2004 elections.  In the last month oil has dropped ten dollars, from $73 to $63 a barrel, well shucks it must be just one of them there coincidences......right?

Tuesday September 12th 2006

Why 9/11 happened: Bush curtailed Operation CATCHERS MITT
A history tid bit.....remember, it's all "just a coincidence".

The will to undemocratic power.
We were warned.

The myth of fair elections in America
Even in Tony Blair land, they're worried about us.

Bush Aims to Kill War Crimes Act
Bush aims to pass a law that retroactively absolves those who illegally engaged in torture.  What's next.......murder?  When is this going to stop?

Lie by Lie: Chronicle of a War Foretold: August 1990 to March 2003
An extensive database of the Neocons lies.......sure hope Mother Jones has a big server.

"Groundhog Day" in Asia : Unwinnable Wars
Vietnam was a grievous error that became a crime.....what the U.S. is doing to Iraq, Afghanistan, and soon Iran is a grievous crime that has become an abomination.
Monday September 11th 2006
 Does God want you to be rich?
"A growing number of Protestant evangelists raise a joyful Yes! But the idea is poison to other, more mainstream pastors"
Ah....yes, Mr Reficul waxes strong, his time is coming .....soon.

Gregg Palast Charged with Journalism in the First Degree
A sign of things to come, got passport?

The U.S. "intelligence failure" and Iraq's UAVs
A history tid bit.  A great example of how you're supposed to do research, and how our "mass media" simply doesn't bother.
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Monday September 10th 2006

ABC and the “Great Game” - 9/11 and the swift-boating of Truth
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Saterday September 9th 2006

Iraq's Alleged Al-Qaeda Ties Were Disputed Before War
This is not news, it's just a reminder.

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9/11 Conspiracies And Cons & The 9/11 Conspiracy Nuts
Two rather frothy articles that take to task the "physical conspiracy theories" regarding 9/11. Although interesting, the "physical theories" have never been discussed on this web site; nor will they, since they are technically to complex and varied to narrow down, and because most of the evidence regarding the "physical theories" is either gone, contaminated or destroyed. Much of it under circumstances that are quite suspicious but in the end making the evidence less useful.  What little is left is subject to a wide range of interpretations.

The authors really don't discuss the "physical theories" besides taking some heated potshots.  What's interesting is that's all they discuss.  I find it fascinating that many bloggers and writers on both sides of the political spectrum refuse to examine a few key issues regarding 9/11.  Such as the Saudis involvement, PNAC, the oil and the money.

Most curious.......  Those who have taken a more geo-political-monetary approach - "who had the means, motive and opportunity" -  "who knew what and when" - "who was talking-dealing-financing with who" - have been much more able to predict events over the last ten years.

For some more info see...."the pink elephant" , "three articles & the press"  ,  "how not to follow the money" , "how not to follow the money : the sequel" and "abysmally stupid"

UPDATE : 09-11-06

Here's another article attacking the 9/11 "conspiracy"  - How the 9/11 Truth Movement Ignores Reality

Again take careful note, no mention is made of the Saudi Royals, bin Ladens, PNAC,  their relationship's to Bush & the Texas Cabal, the money, the oil, prior planning  etc........ It's all very interesting.
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Friday September 8th 2006
U.S. paid anti-Castro journalists in Miami: paper
Remember, almost everything you see or hear or read from our "mass media" is a lie, bought and paid for by the wealthy elites of this country.  For more on this issue see "web list fake intell"
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A Mickey Mouse 9/11 from ABC
Ditto, and some more...."The Height of Hubris for the Corporate Media and the GOP, Abusing the Collective Sadness and Pain of America"

Joseph Goebbels would be proud, Karl Rove sure is.  Perhaps it should be called the All B-S Channel - all the time.  There is absolutely no reason for anyone to watch this network.....ever.  The programs on cabal are of a  much higher quality and if anyone wants to view the news, they should go get it from the web.
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Pentagon Spends Billions to Outsource Torture
Capitalism at it's finest.  America's "Christians" at their finest.

Paying other people to mutilate, rape, torture and murder other people......To those who voted for the party currently in office, are you delighted with what you've done? Delighted with the representatives you voted for, representatives who OPENLY and PROUDLY proclaim these polices?  Delighted that you sacrificed all your "professed" values?  Delighted with the rape and murder of a country for it's oil?  Or are you the types who whine, protest, and pretend to apologize and say "oh I had no idea" , "I'm shocked, I'm shocked, really I am" , "if only they'd told me"?

If you are don't bother saying such things, no one will believe you anyway.
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Court strips Pinochet's immunity
The wheel turns for everyone, even the formally rich and powerful; something Bush and his friends are totally oblivious of..
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Election 2006 & World War III
"George W. Bush has raised the stakes for Election 2006, making it a referendum on whether the American people want to follow him and his neoconservative advisers into what they call "World War III," a virtually endless conflict against Muslim extremism. In a Sept. 5 speech to military officers, Bush also made clear that Americans should be prepared to sacrifice some of their most precious liberties and watch the end of the democratic Republic. September 7, 2006"

Just remember PNAC, a plan that's been around in one form or another since 1992 and their quote "We Need a Pearl Harbor Style Event".  Just remember their vision of an "Imperial President", the "Decider" "The Torturer".  Just remember their disdain for the rule of law, the constitution and the bill of rights.  Just remember their past and ongoing relationships with the Saudis, bin Ladens,  and the Military-Industrial-Oil-Complex.  Just remember Cheney's repeated threats that if you vote for Democrats there will be another terrorist attack.  Just remember he'd be the one to know.

Just remember these things when you go and vote.
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Ban on hidden court cases urged
"The Florida Supreme Court will consider imposing newly proposed rules that would prevent court cases from being hidden from public view."

Good Greif!  What are Bushy and his rich friends going to do if they can't have their hidden star chambers, their kangaroo courts?  Poor, poor Bushy and his fellow traveling Neocons, they might even have some of their squalid deals exposed to the clean light of public scrutiny.
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John Bolton Confirmation is Dead
Ding dong the witch is dead, the witch is dead, the witch is dead, ding dong the wicked witch is dead........
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In Brazil, Former Ally May Spoil Race for the President
Good for Heloísa Helena Lima de Moraes, a like a woman who knows just how corrupting money and power can be.  Good luck to her.
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Thursday September 7th 2006

Sept. 7, 2006 -- Election 2006
"Smoking gun" evidence uncovered in Ohio of massive vote fraud in 2004 election."
More from Wayne Madsen about the stolen elections and how they're going to do it again in 2006.  With some great linked articles.

Mexico's Election: Out for the Count
And the Neocons did it again, this time to poor Mexico.  To everyone out there - this is what happens when you "do business" with the U.S., this is what happens each and every single time.  Rest assured that that if we can't control these guys in our country; you sure as heck aren't going to be able to control them in yours.  So don't let them through your door......or you'll be in a lot of trouble..
Pakistan: Hello al-Qaeda, goodbye America
As has been pointed out in "End of the Game?", it appears General Pervez Musharraf doesn't want to be part of Bushy & Co.'s team anymore, probably because he's seen what the Neocons have done to some of "their" players.

Wednesday September 6th 2006

We'll make them an offer they can't refuse.

Tuesday September 5th 2006

The 9/11 Commission: A Play on Nothing in Three Acts
More about the (arrange to) hear no evil, (arrange to) see no evil and...... "surprise" (somehow) speak no evil 9/11 commission.  I think the whole thing is a dreaded case of (FPD) otherwise known as Failed Plausible Deniability.

Israel Said to Fear War Crimes Charges
Again to remind all the Israeli people reading this post.... this is what happens when you join the New Roman Empire and start acting like a Roman. And it will happen every single time you do the Empire's dirty work, and it will only get worse. It should be emphasized as strongly as possible that you really don't want to go down this road.  While we're on the same subject of remembering, does the term 'war crime' remind you of anything?
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America and the oil slick
And to Americans this is what happens when you ARE the New Roman Empire.

Think of it this go down to a party armed to the teeth and using as your excuse, a drive by shooting arranged by one of your friends, you take out your magnum and shoot this poor fellow.  Now this poor fellow's name is Mr. Iraqi.  While Mr. Iraqi lays there on the floor bleeding profusely, you casually swagger up to the prostrate figure and give him three more for good measure, than to top it all off you bend down, search his pockets while he lays there, and take all of his assets.

But you're not done yet, oh no not you - you bad boy.  While the whole room is starring at you in horror you calmly state "any of you don't have a gun I'm coming after you, any of you got assets like this here fellow and don't have a gun I'm really gonna come after you..... what do you think about that?

Low and behold for the next several weeks every one of those folks is sneaking down to the local gun dealer and arming themselves like crazy and no one wants to invite you to their parties any more.  Go figure?
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US Losing Control Fast
A quote from "Losing One's Faith - 9/11 & Iraq"  - first mailing 05-26-2004 - The very last paragraph.
"We have already gone down this road to "win the hearts and minds" of another people in another place and time, it was called Vietnam. At least we embarked on that terrible journey for ideological and geopolitical reasons, but to make the same mistake again, and to do it for the greed and personal power of a few is unconscionable. Any actions we take from now on regarding the Middle East and Iraq are forever tainted and doomed to failure by the corrupt circumstances that led up to this war. We are building a house on a foundation of lies and deceit in a sea of sand amongst a hostile, resentful, occupied people and it will be swept away to our utter ruin. We are 'harvesting fruits from the poisonous tree', and a bitter, bitter harvest it will be".
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Iraq for Sale
Instead of watching the mindless garbage put out by our "mass media" why not try "Iraq for Sale"?
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Monday September 4th 2006
The CONversation
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Saterday September 2nd 2006
 Clinton, 9/11 and the Facts
ABC, one of America's corporate "mass media" infotainment conglomerates intends to air a mini-series on September 10 and 11th about 9/11 that blames the entire event on the president………. President Clinton that is.  

What a surprise.... for all those who support the truth, for all those who suffered and who continue to suffer, this is the sort of stuff that they will continue to shove down your throats as long as you let them.

How about a truth day? How about two? During the 10th and 11th I propose everyone turn off your TV's, stop reading your newspaper's, stop listening to your radio's and get on the web. Find out what is really going on in the world. Step outside, get some fresh a book.

Who knows, maybe you'll like it and never watch a commercial broadcast, read a commercial newspaper, or listen to a commercial radio program again.  Now wouldn't that be nice.

For my take on this issue see - "abysmally stupid" blog

Friday September 1st 2006

Video: 100,000 Unexploded Cluster Bombs Haunt Lebanon
These are the facts - 100,000 unexploded cluster bomblets. A much higher proportion than usual given the number of bombs and shell casings used. The bomblets are essentially large powerful grenades used solely for anti-personal purposes.   The bomblets were primarily dispersed over civilian areas.  Ninety percent of the bomblets were dispersed during the last three days - just 72 hours - before the cease fire was announced.

The effect is to make the civilian areas of south Lebanon extremely dangerous for civilians to return to, especially children.  The unexploded bomblets are much less effective against military personal that are skilled and trained in dealing with such ordnance.  Military personal also do not need to work, live or play in the effected areas and will be less exposed to the danger.

Obviously only one conclusion can be drawn from these facts.  The Israeli government wanted to depopulate southern Lebanon.  As to why.... there are several tactical and strategic reasons to do so.

The Lebanese civilians will return to their homes anyway, they always have and they always will. Many of the Lebanese will be maimed, some of them will die, alot of them will be children.

These are the facts.

Update : 10-24-2006

It appears the actual figures of dispersed bomblets after the UN's most recent count works out to between two to three million. See the article "What We Did Was Insane and Monstrous"
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The real significance of Lebanon
A quote from the article....."The new middle-east wars are a sharp break from the status-quo, with the U.S. using its unchallenged global position in initiating a preemtive war doctrine to grab raw-materials and markets at the expense of its transatlantic rivals, creating global tensions that could quickly escalate and burst asunder.  Such an aggressive foreign policy has not been witnessed since the events leading up to World War II, where the League of Nations dissolved amid the imperialistic wars of Italy, Germany, and Japan. As it stands now, much of the Middle East is under U.S. control, occupation, or threat of military attack."

Fascists? Look who's talking
This article has appeared on allot of web sites and for a good reason.  It shows exactly how the Neocons use the press to ramp up a war effort.  In this case the coming attack on Iran.

Moscow making Central Asia its own and Russia spins global energy spider's web
Two good articles detailing Russia's response to the Neocon's most recent moves in the "Great Game"
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Thursday August 31st 2006

'Falling Home Prices Could Trigger a U.S. and Global Recession''

See also ...."Mike Whitney: 'Pop goes the bubble! The Great Housing Crash of '07'"

Maybe.... I've said before that I have lots of faith in "helicopter Bernanke" dropping the interest rates to keep the economy afloat, assuming all those foreigners continue buying our bonds.  Of course Japan tried the same thing and it didn't work very well for them, they had a nasty bout of deflation.

But they couldn't rev. up some wars, juice the economy, and pay back the debt in inflated (i.e. cheapened) dollars like the U.S. always does. Still it'll be harder to try that trick this time around since the U.S. has so much debt.  Our bonds are starting to look like some of those internet stocks.

Maybe that's the hold the Saudis have over us....hmmmmm?   Oh I just realized (Gasp) one is never supposed to talk about the Saudis or money, but to do both at the same time it's shameful.

What would happen however when the Fed is forced to raise interest rates to check the unleashed inflation would be nothing short of disastrous.  But the wealthy elites of our country have practiced this scenario several times already.  Maybe this cycle won't be as bad as people think? Any betters?
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Hizbullah's victory has transformed the Middle East
To all Israelis and to the Jewish people everywhere, this is what happens when you become a Roman and let your country become a province of the New Roman Empire.  See also "Two scholars say pro-Israel lobby has warped U.S. policy" , "America's Rottweiler"

When you are a Roman these are the sorts of things you begin to do. "Amnesty: Israel deliberately hit civilian targets" , "Rationality and Israeli violence" , "Video Report From Qana Massacre" , "Lebanon's 9/11 or Why Do They Hate Us?  Picture Album"

When you are a Roman this is the way you begin to think "US rabbis urge change in IDF war code" 

What's next folks? Where are you going to go with this?  To Abu Grahib? To Gitmo? To somewhere much worse?  Are we going to see pictures of naked Palestinians piled on top of each other? Hear about worse things done to woman and children? Dead bodies in trenches? Just how far down this road are you willing to go?

Does this seem FAMILIAR to you at all?

If you continue down this path the "state" of Israel will still be there, but many years from now a person when asked, might say "yeah I've heard about Israel, I understand it used to be Jewish..... no Jews living there any more.  Their children are still there, the Romans, but everyone says the Jews just slowly disappeared one by one, no one knows when the last one left, no one knows where they've gone to now."

Just remember when that fateful day comes - nobody did it to you...... you did it to yourselves.
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 Lawyers Will Subpoena Bush White House in Phone Company Spying Case
More on how the Bush administration got the N.S.A. to spy on Americans before 9/11, almost as soon as he got into office, like it was part of some sort of plan. See also.... "Spy Agency Sought U.S. Call Records Before 9/11, Lawyers Say".

And everyone.... please!  Considering  how the Bush administration was cutting the funding for, canceling, and delaying many anti-terrorism programs in  the U.S. at the time they started the N.S.A. spying program, no one should even pretend that they established it for legitimate reasons.
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Will the Democrats Be Ready for Rove's 2006 October Fright Fest?
The short answer
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How Stupor Killed the Fourth Estate 
"Tinker with the newspapers all you want. The medium isn’t the problem. It’s the message. And the message is: Most people just don’t want to bother. Most people disdain serious news. Most people disdain any medium that presumes to make them think. Mass-market anti-intellectualism has always been a norm in American society. Mass-market anti-reflection is now the new normal. News as critical reflection, news as change agent, as the fourth-estate, is not just irrelevant. It's dead."

More about the decline of our "mass media", specifically the newspapers.  Good riddance, see also my blog.... "Three Articles & the Press"
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How Bush Won His War and Defeated the Constitution
"It could briefly be played up as a significant number, and the New York Times is certainly trying to headline it as such: 51 percent of Americans see no link between the terror war and the Iraq war. But it isn’t significant. It’s closer to pathetic,....." "That 51 percent who see no link between Iraq and terror still means a proportion approaching half, half, still think there is a link."

Or it shows just how "abysmally stupid" Americans are.....or are they?  Perhaps what they say in polls is nothing more than a token of "support" for their side, perhaps it's a deep desire to belong to the 'grupen' and justify the horrors that have been done in their name, even if they know they're agreeing with nothing but lies.  Now that's a much more frightening thought.

Think of the Germans during WW II, they all saw the propaganda movies of the "summer camps" and beautiful "relocation centers".......and in their hearts....they knew.
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Here's some fun videos from Jon Stewart.... enjoy

Jon Stewart - Slams VP Cheneys Fearmongering

Jon Stewart - dissects Bush's latest 'desperate soundbites

Jon Stewart - Bush Molests German Chancellor Merkel

Jon Stewart  - on the media coverage of the war in Lebanon
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