========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========

(Google / YouTube) -- An unreliable service provider.

YouTube Bans Press TV’s New [YouTube] Page
YouTube Censorship - Web Warning - ZOC Alert - (Zionist Occupied Corporation) - A quote...."YouTube has disabled Press TV’s new account under pressure from the Israeli-American Anti-Defamation League (ADL) that ordered the video-sharing site to end the Iranian channel’s live broadcast. - “On August 20, YouTube’s parent company Google deactivated Press TV’s new account weeks after disabling the channel’s official page,” said Press TV Newsroom Director Hamid Reza Emadi." - Topix ||  Alternate Press TV Sites  ||  ZOC - Def. ||
YouTube Must Now Be Considered To Be An Unreliable Service Provider. -- For all practicable purposes YouTube and its owner, Google, should be considered as an appendage of the Israeli government.  As such all accounts with critical revelations on 9/11, Israel, the United States (Israel's North American colony), the Federal Reserve Bank or other parasitic controlled entities, or any accounts containing ANY "embarrassing" information on the parasites who run the ZOG-Sphere, should consider moving their information to other venders. 

This website, from now on, will attempt to identify other reliable video hosting services and search engines and post this information as soon as it becomes available.  Posting of YouTube videos will still occur but if there are alternatives, they will also be listed.  Again, it should be strongly stated that YouTube, and its owner, Google are no longer reliable.

It is now ESSENTIAL that the rest of the world develop alternatives to YouTube & Google.  This website editor calls on ALL other websites to please post alternatives to YouTube & Google as they become aware of them. - mpg
These lists are to be updated and expanded continuously

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Alternative Web Video Service Providers

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Lists of Alternative Video Services

Alt Video Svcs - Yandex Srch Pg
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Video Embed Comp Site
YouTube Alternatives Sites 
List of vidhosts - wikipedia 
Video Sites Top 50
Video Hosting
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12 Sites Better Than YuTb

Alternative Web Search Engine Providers

Some Alternatives

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Giga Blast
Baidu (eng)

Lists of Alternative Search Engines

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100+ Alternative Search Engines
Unique & Alt Srch Eng 2 Gogle & Bing
List of search engines - wikipedia 
5 Srch Eng You Can Use 4 Deep Web
Leave Google 4 one of these alt engines

Reality Asserts Itself - Max Blumenthal
RNVideo - Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - (RNYuTb - 20/25min - Aug 20, 2013) - Source:  TheRealNews - Edited quote...."Reality Asserts Itself - Paul Jay of Real News Network interviews Max Blumenthal, about Egypt, (A VERY important discussion - mpg), the affect on him of Israel's attack on Gaza, his break with American liberalism, and several other issues."

Fiat Empire (Full Version)
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 58min54sec - Apr 3, 2011) - Source:  brokor1 -- A quote...."This documentary with Ron G Paul, G Edward Griffin, Edwin Vieira and Ted Baehr is an excellent primer for the citizen who wants to get an understanding of how money is created and why the U.S. government is in partnership with the elite banks." - - Topix  ||  Some Definitions  ||  The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle  ||  The Fed & The Thirty Trillion  ||

Humanity Is Drowning In Washington’s Criminality - Note:  Quarterly Call For Donations
Drowning in blood perhaps? - mpg -- A quote...."Americans will soon be locked into an unaccountable police state unless US Representatives and Senators find the courage to ask questions and to sanction the executive branch officials who break the law, violate the Constitution, withhold information from Congress, and give false information about their crimes against law, the Constitution, the American people and those in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Guantanamo, and elsewhere. Congress needs to use the impeachment power that the Constitution provides and cease being subservient to the lawless executive branch. The US faces no threat that justifies the lawlessness and abuse of police powers that characterize the executive branch in the 21st century." - Article also posted at ICH & FromTheTrenches & ActivistPost

An Absolutely Stunning, Must See List: 252 Well-Sourced Obama “Issues”
Weblist - Database -- A quote...."Every President, every politician, and every human being tells lies and engages in acts of hypocrisy. But Barack Obama does these things to a far greater degree than anyone else that I have ever known of. His campaign promises were so much better sounding than anyone else’s – no lobbyists in his administration, waiting five days before signing all non-emergency bills so people would have time to read them, putting health care negotiations on C-SPAN, reading every bill line by line to make sure money isn’t being wasted, prosecution of Wall St. criminals, ending raids against medical marijuana in states where it’s legal, high levels of transparency. Obama’s promises of these wonderful things sounded inspiring and sincere. They sounded so much better than the promises of any other President. So when Obama broke these promises, it felt so much worse than when other Presidents broke their promises."

No Mas! - Barack Obama and the Neo-Liberal Coup
A quote...."Defenders of the policies of President Barack Obama have correctly pointed to the difficult circumstances he and ‘the nation’ faced when he entered office and the dim intransigence of Congressional Republicans while they fail to address that his actual policies have derived almost exclusively from the political-economic theories of neo-liberalism—the economics of the radical right. And as Mr. Obama moves his policy proposals for his second term forward what is once again apparent is that both the policies and his articulation of them are from the radical right. His proposals to shutter Federal housing agency stalwarts Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, his use of dubious legal opinions to consolidate the power of ‘the Executive’ and to justify the murder of citizens and non-citizens without due process, his support for trade agreements that effectively hand domestic governance over to multi-national corporations, his growth of an intrusive surveillance state and pompous dismissal of criticism of it and his stuffing his cabinet and likely the Federal Reserve Chairmanship with neo-liberal ideologues all confirm that the policies of his first term were not a product of circumstance, but rather the coherent implementation of a radical-right agenda"

Keiser Report: Mind-Controlled Rat(e)s (E484)
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 25min46sec - Aug 15, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter - A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss boycotting and shrugging in response to the total surveillance state where even the 'progressive' recycling bins are following you. They look at the email service providers who committed corporate suicide and destroyed their assets rather than collaborate in 'crimes against the American people.' In the second half, Max talks to John Butler, author of  "The Golden Revolution:  How to Prepare for the Coming Global Gold Standard" - [AddAll] - [BkFndr]* about interest rates, bonds and gold". - *links added

The American Dream By The Provocateur Network
Related Video - (previously posted) - (YuTb - 29min55sec - Jan 2, 2011) - Source:  ww4u -- A quote...."The AMERICAN DREAM is a 30 minute animated film that shows you how you've been scammed by the most basic elements of our government system. All of us Americans strive for the American Dream, and this film shows you why your dream is getting farther and farther away. Do you know how your money is created? Or how banking works? Why did housing prices skyrocket and then plunge? Do you really know what the Federal Reserve System is and how it affects you every single day? THE AMERICAN DREAM takes an entertaining but hard hitting look at how the problems we have today are nothing new, and why leaders throughout our history have warned us and fought against the current type of financial system we have in America today. You will be challenged to investigate some very entrenched and powerful institutions in this nation, and hopefully encouraged to help get our nation back on track." - Topix  ||  The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle  ||

Gold Gone? Germany Baffled as Fed Bars Access to Bullion
RTVideo - Gold Alert - (RTYuTb - 4min40sec - Aug 15, 2013) - RussiaToday -- A quote...."The world is losing trust in the dollar as a safe haven. A major blow came after Germany's Bundesbank demanded the repatriation of a big chunk of its gold being held in the US. Because as RT's Gayane Chichakyan reports, some are concerned the assets of foreign nations in the Federal Reserve are not secure or even there. The Germans were infuriated when the US Federal reserve didn't even let them examine their own assets properly. Peter Boehringer, the founder and chairman of 'German Precious Metal Association', says that's a bad sign." - Topix ||  Some Definitions  ||  Is The "Gold Finger - Operation Grand Slam" Scenario In Play? - (Not even the FBI is that stupid) - 10-18-12 - mpg  ||

How The Corrupt Establishment Is Selling Moral Bankruptcy To America
Quote of the Day...."Morality is a highly misunderstood component of human nature. Some people believe they can create moral guidelines from thin air based on their personal biases and prejudices. Some people believe that morality comes from the force of bureaucracy and government law. Still, others believe that there is no such thing; that morality is a facade created by men in order to better grease the wheels of society. -- All of these world views discount the powerful scientific and psychological evidence surrounding Natural Law — the laws that human beings form internally due to inherent conscience regardless of environmental circumstances. When a person finally grasps inborn morality, the whole of the world comes into focus. The reality is that we are not born “good” or “evil.” Rather, we are all born with the capacity for good AND evil, and this internal battle stays with us until the end of our days. -- Every waking moment we are given a choice, a test of our free will, to be ruled by desire and fear, or to do what we know at our very core is right. When a man silences his inner voice, the results can be terrible for him and those around him. When an entire culture silences its inner voice, the results can be catastrophic...." - bold by website editor - also posted at ZeroHedge

AIPAC – The Israel Lobby Exposed
VPROVideo - From the History File - May 31, 2007 - (NOTE:  In German with English sub-titles, however, most of the video is of interviewees speaking English) - (VPROYuTb - 50min31sec - 05/31/07) - Source:  VPROinternational -- A quote...."2007 – For many years now American foreign policy has been characterized by the strong tie between the United States and Israel. Does the United States in fact keep Israel on its feet? And how long will it continue to do so? In March 2006 the American political scientists John Mearsheimer (University of Chicago) and Steve Walt (Harvard) published the controversial article ‘The Israel Lobby and US foreign policy.’ In it they state that it is not, or no longer, expedient for the US to support and protect present-day Israel. The documentary sheds light on both parties involved in the discussion: those who wish to maintain the strong tie between the US and Israel, and those who were critical of it and not infrequently became ‘victims’ of the lobby. The question arises to what extend the pro-Israel lobby ultimately determines the military and political importance of Israel itself. Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson (Colin Powell’s former chief-of-staff) explains how the lobby’s influence affects the decision-making structure in the White House." -- As you watch this video remember folks one very important thing. This quote....
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -- *Voltaire*
Canadian Museum refuses to label aboriginal suffering genocide
ZOG Alert --A quote...."The Canadian Museum of Human Rights is the birth-child of a deceased media mogul Israel Asper. It is due to open in 2014 but the museum’s curators have already come under criticism. - There is a perception that the museum will emphasize the suffering of certain ethnic groups over others. And this belief was confirmed this week when it emerged that the centuries long attempts to destroy Canada’s aboriginal communities will not be referred to as “genocide” in the museum." - Topix ||  ZOG - Def. ||
Kazarians are the only real "people" in the world...to them.
That's about it folks.  You can express the entire Kazarian program of action for the last one hundred and fifty years in about twenty to forty lines of computer code.  It's REAL simple and very, some might say, boringly,  predictable. - mpg - Topix ||  Utilitarian Analysis - Def.  ||

More Than Taboo (2013)
Ry2SVideo - (Ry2SVimeo - 1hr35min16sec - Aug 8th, 2013) -- Source:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related:  Ry2S@TruTube - Related:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related: Rys2senseAntiNeocons -- A quote...."Because it is illegal to do so in many states I decided to have a hard look at the Holocaust. Was it really unique? Were there really 6 million deaths? Is there physical evidence for gas chambers? what would be the purpose of exaggerating? I took 9 hours from DenierBud and edited down to an hour and a half. I also took clips from David Stein and Bradley Smith and added my 2 cents. If something is so emotional that you can't even talk about it or discuss it without freaking out then you might want to question yourself. More than 911 more than the military, even more than religion, the holocaust is the most taboo subject there is and there is a reason for that. Its the backbone of modern militarism." - Topix  ||  More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg  ||

Confessions of an Economic Hitman
Video - Alt - (Previously posted) - (YuTb - 24min02sec - Dec 15, 2011) - Source: AA -- A quote...."A confessional by a former global banker, John Perkins, author of  "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" - [BkFndr] - [AddAll PB] - [AddAll HC]*, on the use of usury to enslave independent nations by the IMF, World Bank and other agencies. As part of their plan, the bankers use assassination, slander, and coups to maintain their positions of power and to prevent the truth about their corruption from reaching the public.  Most of the imperialism of the 20th and 21st century by “Western” countries is really the result of globalist bankers’ “aid” to third world countries – money that the bankers then force to be spent on “development” projects led by multinational corporations.  This is an excerpt from Zeitgeist 2." - *links added - Topix ||  Economic Hit Men - Def. ||  Jackals - Def.  ||  Hyenas - Def.  ||  Golems - Def.  ||

US Government “Protection” of Al-Qaeda Terrorists and the US-Saudi “Black Hole”
A quote...."In the course of writing this essay, I came to another disturbing conclusion I had not anticipated. This is that a central feature of the protection has been to defend the 9/11 Commission’s false picture of al-Qaeda as an example of non-state terrorism, at odds with not just the CIA but also the royal families of Saudi Arabia and Qatar. In reality, as I shall show, royal family protection from Qatar and Saudi Arabia (concealed by the 9/11 Commission) was repeatedly given to key figures like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged “principal architect of the 9/11 attacks.”" -- Topix  ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) 07-28-10 - mpg  ||  US Support of Terror  ||

Obama Shoots Himself in the Foot
A quote...."It’s not the first time. It won’t be the last. It didn’t surprise. - Obama represents the worst of rogue state governance. He’s a war criminal multiple times over. He heads a repressive police state apparatus. - He’s ravaging one country after another. He’s waging war on humanity. He’s doing it at home and abroad. He risks global war. -  At the same time, he finds new ways to humiliate himself. He further denigrates America in the process. He cancelled a long-planned Moscow summit with Vladimir Putin. - It was scheduled ahead of the September 5 and 6 St. Petersburg G20 summit. No longer. New York Times editors urged him not to go. They did so disgracefully. A separate article discussed it. - At issue is the brouhaha over Russia granting Edward Snowden asylum. It was done honorably by the book. It was right and proper to do. - Snowden’s a world hero. He exposed lawless NSA spying. It’s done globally. Everyone targeted is monitored all the time everywhere. Doing so is unconstitutional. It doesn’t matter. Obama calls it OK." - Source:  SteveLendman

USA - "Laboring Under A Conclave Of Would-Be Wizards" - Demons??? - mpg
Some Quotes of the Day...."The world is swiftly moving to the dangerous place where nations won’t be able to do business with each other because they don’t trust the institutions that control wealth, which includes central banks, commercial banks, and governments. It will happen when the purveyors of international commodities, oil especially, refuse to accept the letters of credit issued by untrustworthy intermediaries. And when that dark moment arrives, nations will throw tantrums. The USA may be the loudest baby in the playpen. - The USA is veering into a psychological space not unlike the wilderness-of-mind that Germany found itself in back in the early 20th century: the deep woods of paranoia where our own failures will be projected onto the motives of others who mean to do us harm."  --  "The USA cannot come to terms with the salient facts staring us in the face: that we can’t run things as we’ve set them up to run. We refuse to take the obvious actions to set things up differently. Instead, we’ve tried to offset the accelerating losses of running our unrunable stuff with accounting fraud, aimed at pretending that everything still works. But the accounting fraud has only accelerated the gathering disorder in the banking system. That disorder has infected our currency and the infection is spreading to all currencies. What a surprise that the first pandemic to strike an overstressed global immune system was not bird flu after all, but a sickness of money." - Topix ||  Accreting Corruption  ||

How Falsified U.S. GDP Data will Lead to Much Higher Precious Metal Prices
Multiple Charts -- A quote...."While it seems that just about all of the economic data coming out of Wall Street or the U.S. Government is manipulated, there is one piece of data that is not.  This valuable piece of information may also give us an idea on just how much the U.S. GDP data is being falsified. -- The problem today with modern economics is that it has totally divorced itself from the physical economy.  Everything is based upon a financial adjustment of one figure or a recalibration of another.  Nothing is as its seems in the “Wonderful World of Financialization.” - Source:  SRSroccoRep - Topix ||  Accreting Corruption  ||

Why Have So Many Liberals Been Silent about NSA Spying?
It's Over! -- Assuming this poll is true and not just another psyop, an always doubtful proposition these days, it does not bode well for halting this nation's long terrible decent into the pit of darkness. - mpg -- A quote...."Those advocates of civil liberties (some of them quite new to the cause) have a convenient explanation for why Democrats have been less vocal and slower to criticize the collection of metadata from everyday American citizens: slavish devotion to President Obama, whatever policies he might champion. -- This is an easy argument to make – and it goes both ways. Polling among Democratic and Republican voters shows a mirror-image of approval for Obama's use of the tactic to Bush's use of it. Since 2002, the number of Democrats who approved monitoring online activities has increased 12 points; among Republicans it has decreased 13 points. Since 2006, the number of Republicans who say the government should prioritize privacy over hunting terrorists has risen 22 points; Democrats who say the government should prioritize preventing terrorism over privacy has gone up 18 points. -- The neatness of these changes in position is almost disturbing. It suggests that advocacy for civil liberties is a zero-sum game: there's only so much libertarianism to be had at any given historical moment, there's a ceiling on Americans' ability to believe that the right to privacy is paramount. Indeed, as you might suspect from the numbers above, polling among all Americans on the balance of national security to privacy has neatly flipped as well. The percentage of voters that worry that the US will go "too far" in violating privacy rights in pursuit of terrorists versus "not going far enough" is now 56% percent versus 36%. In 2001, after the 9/11 attacks, it was 31% versus 55%." - Source:  TheGuardian - bold/underline by website editor -- For the terrible implications of these observations, and what they  mean for this nation, see the definitions shown below....
False Choice - (aka  False Paradigm) - Def.  A degenerative bi-polar condition wherein a society has devolved into offering a limited two choice paradigm for its political, economic and societal decisions of its people.  Two parties, two products, two methods, two classes, two philosophies, etc.  It is a definitive sign of a highly, and artificially controlled society, a rigid, moribund and static social/political system, a declining economy, and an infantilized, degenerate, uneducated, overly-credulous, massively propagandized population. -- Usually indicates a growing or fully established system of parasitism and/or totalitarianism. -- Also....the current social/political status of the United States

Left / Right Paradigm - Def.  A specific subset of a False-Choice or False-Paradigm where a given population is deluded into believing that the two choices offered to them between "leftist" and "rightest" Philosophies or Ideologies have any affect on their daily lives. Generally designed to prevent them from seeing how their power structure or monetary system is actually organized.  Extensively used by Kazarians in their various colonies to blind or distract the given populations from who actually controls their political/media and economic structures.
America's National Security State
A quote...." Post-WW II, Washington's 1947 National Security Act became law. - It streamlined the nation's military, established the National Security Council, created the CIA, and instituted what became America's military-industrial complex and police state apparatus. - Post-9/11, they've accelerated exponentially. Washington's long arm is merciless. It's been that way for decades. Go along or else became policy. - The CIA's first major foreign operation ousted Iran's democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadeq. A generation of repressive Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi rule followed. - So did the growth of America's national security state. It operates worldwide. It seeks unchallenged dominance. It cracks down hard on non-believers."

Triple-Feature: “America Discredited,” “Manning Verdict Convicts DC,” & “Hiding Eco-Depression With Spin”  -- Note:  Quarterly Call For Donations -- A quote...."As Washington loses its grip on the world, defied by Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, and now Russia, the US government resorts to public temper tantrums. The constant demonstration of childishness on the part of the White House and Congress embarrasses every American. -- Washington’s latest outburst of childish behavior is a response to the Russian Immigration Service granting US whistleblower Edward Snowden asylum in Russia for one year while his request for permanent asylum is considered. Washington, having turned the US into a lawless state, no longer has any conception of legal procedure. Law is whatever serves Washington. As Washington sees it, law is nothing but Washington’s will. Any person or country that interferes with Washington’s will is behaving unlawfully."

Vicious beyond imagination: US endless wars, debt, lies
Special Note - A quote...."vi·cious [vish-uhs] adjective. 1. addicted to or characterized by vice; grossly immoral; depraved; profligate. 2. given or readily disposed to evil. 3. reprehensible; blameworthy; wrong: a vicious deception. 4. spiteful; malicious: a vicious attack.
"1% “leaders” in government, economics, and corporate media saturate the 99% in vicious criminal policies; perhaps 100 of critical importance. These crimes are “emperor has no clothes” obvious upon inspection, and only continue from official propaganda of diminishing credibility. - The 99% can end these Orwellian crimes through command of objective facts and demand for arrests of obvious criminals. The basic facts for justice under law seem easiest in three areas...."
The Truthseeker: America's Next Colonies (E20, Part 1)
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 12min22sec - Jul 28, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Leaked new army manual: US troops are wearing "enemy uniform although Geneva Conventions prohibit this". It comes as anti-Assad groups admit a "third force" sparked the war, while unexplained snipers triggered the coup in Egypt; Christof Lehmann tells The Truthseeker how the UN is the "instrument for warfare" preparing the ground for America's next colonies; shocking torture footage of the West's Arab dictators; and why the Saudis did 9/11." - Topix ||  US SoT - Al CIA'da In Syria  ||  Economic Hit Men - Def. ||  Jackals - Def.  ||  Hyenas - Def.  ||  Golems - Def.  ||

Obama's SEAL Team 6 Coverup - Explosive Paul Craig Roberts Interview
PRNAudio/Video - (PRNYuTb - 30min41sec - Jul 28, 2013) - Source:  XRepublicTV - Producer:  SL's/ProgRadioNtWrk - Related:  PRNHome - Related:  SteveLendman - Related:  PaulCraigRoberts -- A quote...."Obama's SEAL Team 6 Coverup - Explosive Paul Craig Roberts Interview- [by Steven Lendman]" - Topix ||  Osama Back From the Dead™  || -- ProgNote:  "Progressive Radio News Hour Guests for August 2, 3, and 4, 2013"

The Total Destruction of America from Within
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 37min50sec - Jul 26, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel - Related: PaulCraigRoberts - Related:  PCRYuTb - A quote...."Paul Craig Roberts discusses the dismantling of the U.S. constitution and the current Great Recession."

When Will The Economy Collapse?
SCGVideo - Alt - (SCGYuTb - 12min38sec - Jul 24, 2013) - Source:  SCGYuTb - Related:  StormCloudsGathering - Related:  SCGFcBk - Related:  SCGTwtr - A quote...."When will the economy collapse? Well in order to answer that question we have to first look at the geopolitical variables holding the dollar up, in particular the petrodollar." - Topix....
"Economics Cannot Trump Mathematics" [or] "Extreme Fear is Reasonable"
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."It is nearly impossible to convince people that an economic ending is likely, perhaps inevitable. It is beyond anything they have seen or can imagine. I attribute that to a normalcy bias, an inherent weakness of experiential learners. For many, accepting something that has not occurred during their time on the planet is not possible. The laws of economics and mathematics may shape history but they are not controlled by history. -- The form of cataclysm and its timing is indeterminable. Political decisions continue to shape both. The madmen who are responsible for the coming disaster continue to behave as if they can manage to avoid it.  Violating Einstein’s definition of insanity, they continue to apply the same poison that caused the problem. These fools believe they can manage complexities they do not understand. We are bigger fools for providing them the authority to indulge their hubris and wreak such damage." - Source:  MontyPelerinsWorld - also posted at ZeroHedge & RINF - Topix  ||  The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle  ||  Normalcy Bias - Def.  ||
Everyone should note the chart "US debt to GDP ratio".  Specifically how the debt starts growing and increasing exponentially versus the US's GDP after the US went off the gold standard and the Bankster's arranged their PetroDollar currency regime in 1973. - mpg
Our Country Is Run By Sicko Murderers
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 44min - Jul 25, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Wayne Madsen came to Austin for an exclusive interview on the current scandals, murders, and thievery that our current government is heading up. From Benghazi to Snowden and criminality In between Wayne covers a wide array of subjects. But There is hope if we speak out and get real with our situation."

Gates and Ry Full Interview
Ry2SVideo - (Ry2SYuTb - 2hrs15min13sec - Apr 5, 2013) - Source:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related: Ry2S@TruTube - Related:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related: Rys2senseAntiNeocons  - Ryan Dawson talks to Robert Gates about Israel's constant, highly successful,  penchant to conduct "war by deception", and how we, the American people, those in the Middle East, and the rest of the world, pay the terribly heavy price for their actions. - mpg

NSA Spying Never Catches Israelis?
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 10min55sec - Jul 11, 2013) - Source:  Snordster -- A quote.... "WHY NOT? Nobody spies as heavily as the Israeli's, how come they've never been busted? - Jim W Dean tells why in: "NSA spying never catches Israelis - Why not?" - also posted at VeteransToday - Topix ||  Israel's Net Control  || - New Weblist!!

Keiser Report: Royal Goldman Household (E475)
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 25min46sec - Jul 25, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss vertically integrated trusts in the commodity markets which need to be busted up ala Teddy Roosevelt. They also examine Goldman Sachs' low frequency trading in Detroit and the 'market making' excuse for the aluminum scandal. In the second half, Max talks to Mitch Feierstein of PlanetPonzi.com about the debt fuelled faux recovery, discount rate desperation, Jon Corzine rolling off the page with $1.6 billion in customer funds and the Brezhnev of Wall Street."  -- Quotable Quote...."Goldman Sachs, the new aluminati" -- *Max Kaiser*

How Goldman Sachs Robbed You Of Five Billion Dollars
Related TYTVideo - Alt - (TYTYuTb - 12min38sec - Jul 25, 2013) - Source:  TheYoungTurks -- A quote...."The U.S. Department of Justice has started a preliminary probe into the metals warehousing industry following complaints that storage firms owned by Wall Street banks and major traders have inflated prices, sources familiar with the matter said." (Reuters) -- Wall Street can rob you indirectly too-- how are Goldman Sachs and other big banks artificially manipulating the aluminum market and other commodities to make consumers needlessly pay more for everyday items, netting them billions of excess dollars? Cenk Uygur breaks down the disturbing findings."

Bolshevism and Zionism Are Ideologically Indistinguishable
A quote...."In his 1920 essay “Zionism vs. Bolshevism: The Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People,” Winston Churchill made the statement that Bolshevism both ideologically and politically “gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads”[2] and slowly led them to the slaughter house, where more than ten million innocent peasants eventually lost their precious lives in less than five years.[3] -- Zionism ideologically and politically seeks to complete the work that Bolshevism had started. Bolshevism quickly spread like wildfire in places like China and other major Asian countries such as Vietnam." - Topix ||  Bolshevik Communism - Def.  ||  Zionism - Def.  ||  Kazarians - Def.  ||

The Greatest Mass Murderers of all Time—Excerpt from Dr. Duke’s New Book
A quote...."In 2006, a remarkable article—and admission—appeared in the Israeli news source Ynet News. Titled “Stalin’s Jews[Alt] and written by Jewish columnist Sever Plocker, this piece confirmed that terrible crimes which Jewish Communists had committed under Stalin."

Who Taught America to Use Torture? Its Jewish and Bolshevik Origin.
DDVideo - Alt - (DDYuTb - 15min32sec - Dec 9, 2010) - Source:  DavidDuke -- A quote...."Another Duke video that illustrates the revelations of Dr. Duke’s new book, The Secret Behind Communism. The use of waterboarding, indefinite detention without trial, secret foreign prisons to get around restrictions on the use of “cruel and illegal punishments” and the US Constitution are all things which are repulsive and foreign to all decent Americans—yet all of these outrages have been committed in our name. Why and how did this happen?"

Remember the Torture at Abu Ghraib?
A quote...."Probably no event in recent history has been more damaging to the image of America than the tortures that occurred at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. President Bush claimed that one of the justifications of attacking Iraq, was that people were being tortured by Saddam Hussein in that country."

Chris Hedges: The Liberal Elite has Betrayed the People They Claim to Defend - (Part 5of7) -- RNNVideo - Alt(5of7) - Part 4of7 - Part 3of7 - Part 2of7 - Part 1of7 - (RNNYuTb - 18min26sec - Jul 22, 2013) - Source:  TheRealNews - Related:  TheRealNewsVids -- A quote...."On Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, Chris Hedges says The Democratic Party used to watch out for the interests of labor and even for the poor. But that all changed under Bill Clinton. Although Clinton, like Obama, continues to speak in that feel-your-pain language of traditional liberalism, they've completely betrayed the very people that they purport to represent and defend."

The International Banking Cartel
PRSTVideo - [Part-1] - [Part-2] - [Part-3] - (PRSTVYuTb - 25min - Nov 15, 2012) - Source:  PressTVGlobalNews -- A quote...."A look at the International Banking Cartel led by the Bank for International Settlement (in Basel, Switzerland) known as the bank of central banks (58 central banks) and The US Federal reserve System. Also a look at banking tycoons: from the Rothschild family in Europe to JP Morgan and others in the US. How banks not only control governments but also appoint politicians through huge campaign donations. Governments at the service of the major banks, the best example: the Obama administration and the history’s biggest bail out of the same institutions that caused the Great Recession." - Topix - ||  The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle ||  The Fed & The Thirty Trillion  ||  Some Definitions  ||

The New (Ab)normal: When 200 People Have More Wealth Than 3,500,000,000
TROVideo - Alt - (TROYuTb - 3min52sec - Apr 3, 2013) - Source:  TheRulesOrg -- A quote.... "The following brief video created by TheRules.org, using data sourced from this website, is the latest vivid demonstration of the most adverse (and dangerous) side effect of nearly five years, and counting, of global monetary intervention by central banks: a world in which the poor get poorer, the rich get richer, and the middle class disappears. The video's punchline "The richest 300 people on earth have as much wealth as the poorest 3 billion" is not exactly correct: in truth the situation is even worse: the richest 200 people have about $2.7 trillion, which is more than the poorest 3.5 billion people, who have only $2.2 trillion combined."

Noam Chomsky is in Denial About 9/11 - posted at ICH
A quote...." During a recent interview on Democracy Now, Noam Chomsky stated that he believes Osama bin Laden was probably behind the attacks of September 11, 2001.i The statement was curious because in earlier interviews Chomsky described the evidence against bin Laden as thin to nonexistent,ii which was accurate and, no doubt, explains why the US Department of Justice never indicted bin Laden for the 9/11 attacks. - Nor has any new evidence against bin Laden come to light; on the contrary. A compelling body of evidence now points in a very different direction, toward the unthinkable. - Three years ago (in July 2010) I attempted to engage Professor Chomsky in a conversation about this new evidence. Chomsky, however, showed no interest in the subject. After responding in a way that can only be described as incomprehensible, Chomsky repeated what he had stated in an earlier email: that skeptics of the official story should pursue the usual pathways to advance their ideas. In other words, they should publish their work." - Topix  ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

Will Larry Silverstein ever be brought to justice for 9/11 insurance fraud? by Dr Kevin Barrett -- A quote...."The insurance companies are not openly accusing Silverstein of insurance fraud, presumably because doing so would threaten to demolish the 9/11 cover-up and bring down the US and Israeli governments at free-fall speed. But they have gone so far as to call Silverstein’s demand for more money “absurd,” a considerable understatement. - The insurance companies claim that Silverstein’s demands amount to “double recovery.” They say that Silverstein was already paid $4.9 billion – vastly more than the paltry $115 million or so that he and his backers paid for the complex just weeks before it was demolished – so why is he asking for another $3.5 billion? Silverstein’s answer: He needs the money. - And does he ever. He was originally demanding an extra $11 billion, before Hellerstein capped it at $3.5 billion."

Hellerstein to Silverstein: No more money for you, schmuck!
Related Article - A quote...."Judge Alvin Hellerstein has ruled that Larry Silverstein cannot keep double-dipping for billions of extra dollars in World Trade Center insurance money. -- Silverstein, who bought the condemned-for-asbestos World Trade Center two months before it was struck by “Zionist lightning”* in 2001, was asking for an extra 11 billion dollars, on top of the roughly five billion dollars he has already extorted from insurers, despite his public confession to demolishing WTC-7 himself. Judge Hellerstein, who had already reduced the 11 billion dollar second claim to three billion dollars, finally got fed up with Silverstein’s outlandish chutzpah and dismissed the case."

The Lidless Eye and the Yo Yo Dance of Butch Napolitano
A quote...."Submerged, below the sensors of The Lidless Eye, seeing in all directions from atop the pyramid, indifferent to the dictates of conscience, impartially contemptuous of all life, driven by one imperative and that is, the power to control and to rule without resistance, no matter how draconian or twisted may be the edicts of the scepter. -- The arrogance of power, unaffected by any natural or necessary restraints is a heady brew. It makes them stagger off course and filled with bombast and self importance, it compels them to strut, fret and play the fool for their hour upon the stage. Had they the necessary restraints and attendant capacity for insight, they would have never exposed themselves as they've done. Doing this, prancing about in untouchable self importance, with the flawed presumption that they are too powerful to be touched; too big to die or be torn apart by an angry mob, this juvenile personality disorder, is the gateway to perdition... is the genesis of evil destroying itself. It is an unavoidable part of an ageless dynamic. It is hidden from the view of those who harbor fear and various degrees of iniquity and who conspire with the directives and intentions of what motivates The Lidless Eye."

U.S. Trying to Push Back a Dollar Blowup
WDVideo - (GHYuTb - 24min30sec - Jul 7, 2013)  - Source:  GregHunter - Related:  USAWatchDog - Related: PaulCraigRoberts - Related:  PCRYuTb - A quote.... "Economist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says the U.S. is trying to gain global support for the U.S. dollar through trade deals. Not every country thinks the U.S. will be successful in saving the dollar. Dr. Roberts points out, "China is importing a tremendous amount of gold. They seem to not have much confidence in the longevity of American plans." Even so, a dollar crash might be pushed back. Dr. Roberts contends, "They can put that off for a long time if these various schemes work." And if they don't work? Roberts says, "Well, there's going to be a big blowup. I think there will be a big blowup anyhow." Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts."

911 and War by Deception (April 2013)
Ry2SVideo - (Ry2SYuTb - 2hrs15min13sec - Apr 5, 2013) - Source:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related: Ry2S@TruTube - Related:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related: Rys2senseAntiNeocons - A quote...."The newest version, includes an anthrax time line, more on privateers, and of course 911 -- http://rys2sense.com/anti-neocons -- for donations." - Topix ||  9/11 & 7/11  Israeli Connection  ||

“Was 9/11 an Inside Job, or a Mossad Job?”
A quote...."As the role of Israel and its powerful lobby in the recent destabilization of the Middle-East becomes clearer, the idea that a gang of Israeli likudniks, helped by their moles in the U.S. administration, are responsible for the false flag 9/11 attacks, is gaining ground. Francesco Cossiga, President of Italy between 1985 and 1992, said in 2007 to the newspaper Corriere della Sera, that it was well known in informed circles in America and Europe that the September 11th attack “was planned and executed by the American CIA and Mossad with the help of the Zionist world in order to blame the Arab countries, and to persuade the Western powers to intervene in both Iraq and Afghanistan”[1]." - Topix ||  9/11 & 7/11  Israeli Connection  ||

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Please Note:  This website editor is on vacation from...

Saturday July 6th 2013
-- TO --
Monday July 15th 2013

There will be no postings.

However, don't despair, for all your web-surfing needs, (or addictions), just goto the sites listed on Reficultnias (the sides), or just click here. - mpg

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Edward Snowden Extradition Battle Puts Spotlight On U.S. Tyranny Around the World
A quote...."For at least 70 years, and especially in the last decade, the U.S. government has morphed into the largest and most extensive global power the world has ever known. Using a foreign policy based on the combination of "bombs and bribes," the U.S. achieved its political interests abroad by spreading the wealth stolen from American taxpayers on obedient dictators or threatening those that didn't comply with the most expensive and technologically advanced war machine in history. -- The Roman Empire in its heyday may have had the ability to seek out and crush dissidents with its imperial umbrella, but still did not possess the global hyper-power that the U.S. does. As columnist Will Grigg puts it, "Not even Caligula, Commodus, or Diocletian had the ability to kill their enemies by remote control from half-way around the world." -- But global American power has been built on debt, borrowing, deficit-financing, heavy taxation, and inflating away the American middle class, a combination that, like Rome's, can not be sustained forever. As the U.S. not only continues this path, but expands upon it with ever increasing military budgets and interventionism, the world is perhaps beginning to see that America's threats are empty."

Jeff Gates Israel's Premeditated 1967 Land Grab as Pre-Staging for Post-9/11 - Part 1of4
Ry2SVideo - [Part 2of4] -- [Part 3of4] - [Part 4of4] -- (Ry2SYuTb - 15min - Jun 25, 2013) - Source:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related: Ry2S@TruTube - Related:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related: Rys2senseAntiNeocons - Related? [http://www.criminalstate.com] - (Cannot access) - A quote...."How did America's special relationship with Israel begin? Like a battered spouse returning for more abuse, why does America continue its partnership with a country that routinely spies on them, steals from them, extracts wealth from them, even attacks them, and in return gives them nothing but more demands? What does America get out of this lopsided relationship and why does America sacrifice its own interest on the world stage to bow to an openly racist apartheid state with polities of state sponsored ethnic cleansing? Author, lawyer, economic advisor, and researcher Jeff Gates joins the show today to cover the 'special relationship' from the LBJ administration to the present Obama regime."

How Are Takfiris, Zionists Alike?
A quote...."“They’re dreadfully fond of beheading people here.” - That’s what Alice said about Wonderland. But she might have been talking about Takfiri-infested Syria. - The Takfiri extremists hate everyone who doesn’t share their primitive misinterpretation of religion. Their attitude toward Sufis, Shias, traditional Muslims, and of course non-Muslims is simple and brutal: “Off with their heads!” - The world was recently shocked by a video of US-backed Takfiri militants beheading two Christians, including a priest, in Homs. The disgusting video – filmed and posted by the Takfiris themselves, who seem proud of their actions – was just the latest in a series of atrocities perpetrated and filmed by Takfiris in Syria. - Another such video shows a Takfiri eating the heart and lungs of a slain Syrian soldier. Russian President Vladimir Putin says he hopes the US-backed Takfiri delegation to future peace talks will not include any cannibals, since that would make it hard for Russia to provide security for its diplomats." - Regarding the Takfiri's predilection for human organs, the Israelis like them too, see.... Israeli Organ Thefts

Earth’s Alpha Predator: Zionist Mafia
A quote...."Humanity free of Zionism . . . try to imagine the horizon, the potential for positive growth and decency—the sheer humanity of disarming the elite. Imagine the elite global war/genocide machine dead in its tracks. --  Actions trump lies. Evidence does not lie . . . so how has the American public been so brainwashed by lies, in light of so much evidence? Are Zionists that intelligent, or is the American public that unintelligent—and how did even that obvious question become a “third-rail issue”?"
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Welcome to the New Unholy Roman Empire....Slaves!! - 06-27-13 - mpg

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The Secret Behind [Bolshevik] Communism
DDVideo - Alt - (DDYuTb - 29min43sec - Jun 23, 2013) - Source:  DavidDuke -- A quote...."The Ethnic Origins of the Communist Revolution and The Greatest Holocaust in the History of Mankind. - Dr. David Duke shares in an illustrated video the Introduction for his new academic resource book on the ethnic motivations behind the Bolshevik Revolution and the mass genocides committed by the Soviets. - Dr. Duke in "The Secret Behind Communism", uses the research of Raphael Lemkin to expose the Bolshevik purposeful genocide against the Ukrainian people that took place in what is today called the Holodomor. He also exposes the Bolshevik war against the Russian intelligentsia and nobility was also an attempt at destroying the natural leadership of the Russian people, so as to render them weaker against their new rulers an ethnic minority harboring deep racial animosity toward the Russian people for historic anti-Semitism." -- Topix || Jews and Bolshevism - Alt  ||  The Jews Who Murdered Tsar Nicholas II  ||  Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish  ||  Tsar Nicholas’s Four Daughters Reportedly Raped - Photo - (click to view) ||

Do You Recognize this Man? He Was One of the Greatest Mass Murderers of All Time
A quote...."Here is the full book description from The Secret Behind Communism by Dr,. David Duke, as taken from the hardcover dust jacket...."
Do You Recognize this Man? - Not one person out of a thousand knows his name. It is Genrikh Yagoda, and historians agree that this Soviet communist secret police boss was one of the greatest genocidal mass murderers of all time. - We hear almost nothing about him in the globalist media. - However, Israeli media reveal things that are hushed up for the rest of us. A major Israeli publication, Ynet News, disclosed the historical truth about Yagoda saying...."
“We mustn’t forget that some of the greatest mass murderers of all time were Jewish.” It goes on...." -- "Genrikh Yagoda was the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century… is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people.”
Fall of the Republic HQ full length version
AJVideo - (previously posted) - (YuTb - 2hrs24min19sec - Oct 23, 2009) - Source:  CDC - Producer: TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Fall Of The Republic documents how an offshore corporate cartel is bankrupting the US economy by design. Leaders are now declaring that world government has arrived and that the dollar will be replaced by a new global currency."

The Obama Deception HQ Full length version
AJVideo - (previously posted) - (YuTb - 1hrs53min40sec - Mar 12, 2009) - Source:  CDC - Producer: TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people. - The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery. - We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order's plans. It's not about Left or Right: it's about a One World Government. The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation."

NSA and 911
Ry2SVideo - (Ry2SYuTb - 8min265sec - Jun 23, 2013) - Source:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related: Ry2S@TruTube - Related:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related: Rys2senseAntiNeocons - A quote...."It goes way back."

Israel and the NSA Scandal - Whatever the NSA gets, Israel gets too. - mpg
A quote...."Steve Sailer has an article on the tie-in between Israeli high tech firms and the NSA spying on American citizens (“Does Israel Have a Backdoor to US Intelligence?“). It’s always seemed very suspicious that Amdocs, an Israeli firm, was responsible for billing for US phone companies, and that two Israeli firms, Narus and Verint, are involved in wiretapping AT&T and Verizon for the NSA. -- It’s also not surprising that, as noted by James Bamford in his April 2012 article forWired,  someone with close connections to Israel secretly gave software designed by NSA to Israel:  “the advanced analytical and data mining software the NSA had developed for both its worldwide and international eavesdropping operations was secretly passed to Israel by a mid-level employee, apparently with close connections to the country.” Bamford’s source describes him as “a very strong supporter of Israel.  -- This is likely yet another example of a long list of American Jews who are credibly believed to have spied for Israel, including pretty much the entire roster of prominent neocons (Perle, Wolfowitz, Stephen Bryen, Douglas Feith, and Michael Ledeen; see here, p. 47ff)—none of whom, with the exception of Jonathan Pollard, have been convicted...." - bold by website editor” - also posted at AlethoNews & TheOccidentalObserver - For more on this issue see the articles shown below....
Fake WMD “Intelligence” and Orwellian Double-speak : Washington Is Insane
A quote...."In the 21st century the two hundred year-old propaganda that the American people control their government has been completely shattered.  Both the Bush and Obama regimes have made it unmistakenly clear that the American people don’t even influence, much less control, the government.  As far as Washington is concerned, the people are nothing but chaff in the wind."

No War for Israel in Syria and Iran !
DDVideo - From the History File - Dec 16, 2011 - Alt - (DDYuTb - 15min01sec - 12/16/11) - Source:  DavidDuke -- A quote...."DON'T LET MY VIDEOS BE CENSORED! -- Due to organized efforts to stifle free speech and ban my videos -- YouTube restrictions have led to removal of all comments on this video! My videos are overwhelmingly approved by millions of viewers, and they average higher than 90 percent positive comments and comprise some of the highest rated political videos on the entire Internet. Viewers love these videos! But, the Zionists don't ! -- The Zionist efforts to block my videos are relentless. They want to keep the world from learning the truth. -- The only way you can be sure to find my videos if they are censored is to not only subscribe to my YouTube Channel -- but be sure to SUBSCRIBE at MY WEBSITE as well. Subscribe to News and Updates at....http://www.davidduke.com

My Struggle against the Jews [faux-Jewish Kazarians] by Eustace Mullins
A quote...."My life will be judged worthwhile to the extent that it is of use to others. For this reason, I wish to tell of the things which have happened to me in my struggle against the forces of darkness. It is my hope that others will be forewarned of what to expect in this fight. - During the past thirty years of this struggle, many of the great patriots who gave me, instinctively, their valuable guidance and inspiration, were themselves heavily immobilized by the machinations of international Jewry."
Website editor's note:  Although the "Jewish" community talks a lot about their so-called  religion, as do their critics, to an EXCESSIVE and UNNECESSARY degree, it is totally irrelevant to their "community's" control, or lack thereof, over a given society's  structure. Their  "religious" practices simply serve as cover for their activities, as it has for so many other communities and societies down through the ages, but what's IMPORTANT is their "community's" control -- or not, -- over fiat-money, leverage, the financial sector and thence a given society's media, political and industrial sectors.  It's that simple, just follow the (fiat) money.  - mpg
How Jewish is Hollywood?
Satire - A quote...."I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe "the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews," down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood. -- How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have not only the power to shut down all film production but to form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah."
It's both funny and sad.  There is a distinct possibility that Amerikans LIKE being goy-cattle, which is fine so long as this website editor isn't affected and so long as when it's time for the goy-sheeple to be sheared, and the goy-cattle to be slaughtered, they don't all start whining about what's happening to them. They ALWAYS do though, that's the sad and annoying part. - mpg
[Palestinian] Legislator Moved To Administrative Detention
A quote...."On Wednesday [June 12 2013] an Israeli military court decided to imprison elected Palestinian Legislator, Abdul-Jabbar Foqaha, under arbitrary Administrative Detention, without charges, for six months." - bold by website editor
Got it folks?  THIS is what it's like to live under Kazarian control!  Does it seem familiar?  That's because Amerikans are living under Kazarian control right now.  Indirectly for the moment, but soon, very soon,  they'll feel the lash of the Kazarians' disgust at the untermenschen they think everyone is.  The untermenschen Amerikans have WILLINGLY allowed themselves to become.  They sold themselves for big screen TV's, crappy cars and even crappier lives...on Bankster financed fiat credit - mpg
Black Panthers Condemn Obama
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 46min40sec - Jun 15, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."In this nation, we have been ingrained with the notion that ordinary everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people have genuine representative government because we have the right to vote. Yet, elected officials have repeatedly simply lied to the electorate, and once they have been voted into office, proceeded to violate the trust of those who voted for them. Unfortunately, this is not a new or even an unusual phenomenon."

From The Trojan Horse To The Golden Calf—The Power Of Deceit
A quote...." June 10, 2013 "Information Clearing House - Our minds find the means to their ultimate success in the deception fabricated by Odysseus, the great Trojan Horse, a monstrous sculpted symbol of conceded victory offered by the Greeks to their vanquishers. Our minds marvel at the simplicity of the deception, a mixture of apparent kindness, of supplication, of forgiveness, of beauty, of hopefulness, but ultimately our minds recognize the power of the mental cruelty that creates out of such darkness the power to destroy, to massacre, to devastate, to cripple, to maim, to slaughter the lives of all who lived and loved and prayed behind the walls of Troy. We do not anticipate that Priam or Hector or the wives of Troy will be our guides through this mayhem, just those with the power, the will, the means to deceive; in that mixture rests success."

Turning America Into Gaza
Quote of the Day...."It is now seems increasingly clear that unless the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is stopped cold and disbanded by an outraged and awakening American public, we will all soon become the New Palestinians, and America will be transformed into Gaza II, the world’s largest open air prison camp."

9/11 Conspiracy Theorist Removed from UN Panel After B’nai B’rith Request
A quote...."A former MI5 intelligence officer who has said that the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks were orchestrated by the U.S. government “as a pretext for war and… to erode our freedom” has been removed from a June 6 United Nations panel discussion in New York." - also posted at IntellHub - Topix ||  9/11 & 7/11  Israeli Connection  ||  Judeo-Christian C/C & US  ||

The Rothschild Family – Puppet Masters – World’s Only Trillionaires
SFTVideo - Alt - (SFTVYuTb - 55min51sec - Feb 24, 2013) - Source:  SubscriptionFreeTV -- A quote.... "Rothschild Family Conspiracy Documentary Puppet Masters, The Worlds only Trillionaires by G. Edward Griffin: “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.” “We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.” ~ Rothschild."

The Most Famous American Journalist Exposes the Zionist Conspiracy
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Carl Bernstein is perhaps the most famous and respected journalist in the USA, and here he says exactly what I have said since before the Iraq War, that it was a war created by the Jewish Zionists for Israel not for the United States. This invasion and mass murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent people was based on lies, and we in America have paid the Zionist control over our government and media with our treasure and our blood. And we pay for it with hatred and attacks against America because of these bloody Zionist Wars!"

Anti-Anti-Semitism and the Search for Historical Truth
A quote...."When did fact become myth? Is Jewish ownership of large sections of the media a myth? Are AIPAC and the US government’s subservience to Israel a myth? Is repeated interference in Church affairs by Jewish groups a myth?”–Stuart Littlewood - As Stuart Littlewood has reported, “These ‘commandments’ must be obeyed”, a new surge of suppression of criticism of the policies and actions of the government of Israel has surfaced.  These “commandments” are clearly intended to reflect a conception of anti-Semitism that is vastly broader than is justifiable and which has the effect of insulating Zionists and the State of Israel from criticism, no matter how criminal, immoral or corrupt their acts...."
Remember folks, the "Jewish" (Kazarian) population in the United States is around seven million, that's less than two percent of the total population.  With another seven million or so in Israel.  All this trouble for the last twenty years, all the wars you've been paying for, all the constant garbage you see on TV, hear on the radio, and read in the newspapers. Israel this, AIPAC that, the "Arabs", 9/11, non-existent WMDs, this war, that war, a non-stop endless cacophony of Kazarian Hasbara, the smug, arrogant,  filthy rich Banksters, the Fed's endless printing of gifts for their friends, the blood drenched, smiling and laughing Neocons, the PNAC Protocols, the endless spewing of crap by the Presstitutes, the politicos in Washington DC cavorting in Israel on their all expense paid vacations....and the millions of dead and hundreds of millions who are impoverished....

All for around fourteen to fifteen million people.  It - Was - Done - For - ThemIt - Was - Done - On - Their - Behalf!!  It - Was - Planned - & - Implemented - By - Their - Members  ALL OF IT!!  And that's a fact.  Are you tired of it yet??  Was it all worth it??  DO YOU REALLY WANT MORE?? 
- mpg
Who Are The Neoconservatives?
Extensive Analysis - A quote...."May 29, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -"VN" --  The neoconservative movement, which is generally perceived as a radical (rather than “conservative”) Republican right, is, in reality, an intellectual movement born in the late 1960s in the pages of the monthly magazine Commentary, a media arm of the American Jewish Committee, which had replaced the Contemporary Jewish Record in 1945. The Forward, the oldest American Jewish weekly, wrote in a January 6th, 2006 article signed Gal Beckerman..."
“If there is an intellectual movement in America to whose invention Jews can lay sole claim, neoconservatism is it. It’s a thought one imagines most American Jews, overwhelmingly liberal, will find horrifying. And yet it is a fact that as a political philosophy, neoconservatism was born among the children of Jewish immigrants and is now largely the intellectual domain of those immigrants’ grandchildren”.
Good Video Summary of Israeli Role in 9-11
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 14min16sec  - May 9, 2013) - Source:  theTRUTHprincess -- A quote...."The following 14-minute video is an excellent summary of the evidence of Israeli involvement in 9-11. It touches on many of the key points that I explain in greater detail in the Solving 9-11 set of books. Although I am not mentioned in the video, I am the person who uncovered several of the links that it presents." -  Topix  ||  9/11-NORAD  ||  9/11 & 7/11  Israeli Connection  ||

Bombs in WTC clip from War by Deception
Ry2SVideo - (Ry2SYuTb - 22min23sec - Aug 16, 2011) - Source:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related: Ry2S@TruTube - Related:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related: Rys2senseAntiNeocons -- A quote...."A clip from War By Deception, go see the full film on.... http://www.warbydeception.com/ --  (currently unavailable as of 05/30/13 3:35pm PST) - try....911 and War by Deception (Full Length - April 2013) -- or....Israel's war, PNAC not oil took us to Iraq (42 min clip from war by deception / older version)

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The "Jewish" (Kazarian) Question - Some Postulates - 05-23-13 - mpg

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Isaiah 60:12 and US Middle East Foreign Policy
A quote...."Although the Jewish state of Israel is loaded with a growing stockpile of real nuclear weapons of mass destruction along with a fleet of highly advanced German made submarines which can deliver their deadly payload virtually anywhere in the world, Israel uses the American military through the US political whores it owns from both parties to wage war for Israel’s benefit. As retired Israeli General Avraham Rotem said just prior to the US politicians starting the war against Iraq in 2003 for Israel’s benefit,  ‘A (US) war with Iraq serves Israel’s strategic interests because it wants Saddam gone. Someone says, ‘You sit back, we’ll take care of it’–what’s better than that?” (St. Petersburg Times, March 15, 2003, p. 5A). It’s a sad statement of fact that the last US president to seriously stand up to Israel in an effort to stop them from acquiring nuclear weapons and to their efforts to control US politicians was President John F. Kennedy.) Now Israel’s bought and paid for US politicians are getting us ready for a new war for Israel’s benefit. This one will be against Iran."

Interview 665 – Paul Craig Roberts on the Economic Dissolution of the West
CRAudio - (A little technical and dry at first, but stick with it, it's worth it, in fact - it heats up to white hot! - mpg) -  (CRFlshPlyr - 43min57sec - May 23, 2013) - Source: Corbett Report - Related:  CRYuTb - Related:  CRBlipTV  -- A quote...."Dr. Paul Craig Roberts joins us once again to discuss his latest book, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West. We talk about the failure of outdated macroeconomic theories to describe the current economic context. We also debate the role of deregulation in the current economic crisis and discuss the political and social dissolution that American society is experiencing."

Keiser Report: Down is New Up, Up is New Down (E447)
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 25min45sec - May 21, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert examine whether the markets are soaring or crashing but find it impossible to determine as long standing data patterns have broken down. They discuss feeding the ducks while they're quacking and bitcoin vigilantes fighting the Fed. In the second half, Max talks to Sandeep Jaitly of Fekete Research.com about the imminent extinction of the price of gold as well as the permanent backwardation in both gold and silver markets."

Thanks To QE Bernanke Has Injected Foreign Banks With Over $1 Trillion In Cash...
Charts - (click till they're enlarged) -- A quote...."This means that, as we expected several months ago, the only recipient of ongoing Fed money printing are not US banks, but foreign banks operating in the US. For those confused about the big picture, here is a chart showing the breakdown of cash held by big and small US banks as well as foreign banks, superimposed to total reserves created by the Fed since the start of the Great Financial Crisis. The correlation is 100%." - Related article....Fed Pours Huge Sums Into Foreign Bank Coffers
Let's be clear about this issue, the "Fed" is NOT "loaning" "money" to foreign banks!  Many if not most of these foreign financial families and financial institutions are themselves owners of the PRIVATE banking cartel/monopoly known as the Federal Reserve.  So in essence....they're just giving THEIR OWN script....to themselves!!  -- Until people STOP thinking that the Fed has ANYTHING to do with this country's government, or that the script issued by these criminals has ANYTHING to do with a national, nation-state, currency....they will CONSTANTLY be confused!!  -- GROW UP!!!  GET REAL!!! -- It ain't the "guberment"!! The "Fed" has nothing to do with the "guberment"!! It is a privately owned, FOR-PROFIT banking cartel, the script they print is their script, NOT yours.  It belongs to them, NOT you.  They own it, NOT "your guberment".  They can print as much as they want whenever they want and give however much they want to themselves and their fellow Bankster friends.  They have already done so. In just one documented incident, over nine Trillion in their script was sent overseas, mostly to Fed owners. - mpg - for more on this issue see....The Fed & The Thirty Trillion - see also....The Incredible Debt Spider: It's Time to End the Private Fed
As Of This Moment Ben Bernanke Own 30.5% Of The US Treasury Market... And Will Own All By 2018 -- Charts - (click to enlarge) - Related Article -- A quote...."....as of this moment, the Fed has, in its possession, a record 30.32% of all outstanding ten year equivalents, or said in plain English: duration-adjusted government bonds. It also means that the amount of bonds left in the hands of the private sector has dropped to a record low 69.68% from 69.95% in the prior week."

Israel lobby: Money interests behind the Wailing Wall
Contains Video - A quote...."AIPAC is one of the most powerful lobby groups in Washington and is the most powerful pro-Israel lobby group in the country, as evidenced by the array of high profile politicians, both Republicans and Democrats, who speak at its conference each year."

The J-Word, by John Kaminski
Actually it's the "K" word, but a criminal consortium by any other name.... A quote...."Finely dressed wordsmiths who pretend to be the hippest, most intelligent, most popular, most thorough, most insightful writers on the planet are still sticking to the same program that got us into all this trouble in the first place. And the schizzed out public is marching right along with them, investigating every nook and cranny of sadistic corporate perfidy and still coming up with the wrong answer. Why is that? Why won’t anybody name the perps? It’s so obvious. How can everyone not know? And if they do know, why won’t they say it? -- Is it simply the corporate mindlock, as evidenced by Google and YouTube, where anybody who names the Jews and their worldwide crime syndicate is automatically filtered out by the kosher censors who own these so-called services?"

The FED: Celebrating 100 Years of Stealing From You Every Day
A quote...."With the ability to print money from nothing, and control it’s ebb and flow, the criminal Federal Reserve Mafia and Israeli dual citizens in high places of U.S. government, have been able to infiltrate and control every facet of our federal, state and local government, our military industrial complex, every educational, medical and research institution, every meaningful business possible including energy, all news media, publishing, agriculture, manufacturing, and pharmaceuticals.   They control all manner of entertainment including sports, Hollywood, gambling, illegal drugs, and pornography.  These parasites upon humanity have also cast their dark shadow over us with:"

The Zionists Have No Clothes - Part 1: The Debunked Middle-Eastern Roots
A quote...."You could almost feel sorry for the Zionists. They have invested so much time, effort and passion into telling everyone how the Jews got kicked out of their own country by those evil Roman imperialists, dispersed all over the world, kicked out of every single European country, over 200 times altogether, for no good reason, and eventually almost entirely wiped out in an industrial scale genocide by Nazi Germany, so that nobody would have the heart to refuse them the wish to return to their ancient homeland. Too bad, it all turns out to be nothing but a myth."

An Ignorance and Denial too Vast to Measure
A quote...."Depending on who you listen to, you might hear pretty much anything and depending on how you are disposed, you might believe almost anything. I am an optimist and I don't want to change. This sometimes means that I have to accept, dispassionately, the necessity for certain things to happen to certain people because that's what it's going to take to wake their asses up, even if that means their asses wind up composted with the dead leaves of a departing age. When I, rarely and occasionally, find myself in the comments section of one website or another, like Bill Maher's blog, or any number of places, where the great (formerly unwashed) uninformed may gather, to anonymously joust and call each other names, I am... uh... uh; you know; I can usually find whatever word I'm looking for. Usually, I've got many words to choose from to say most anything but... when I witness the spectacle of incomprehensible dumbasses, at this point in time... at this point in time, still waxing ignorant of what should have long ago dawned on even household pets... I am left stunned! Aghast! Somehow those words are just not adequate to the needs of what needs be said. Is it possible for people to be so... so f-cking stupid, through such a length of telling and damning events, which should long ago have stripped them of their capacity to believe a single thing being said by a single person, in any position of temporal authority in the Israeli occupied United States, Israeli occupied Canada, Australia and many parts of Europe?" -- Topix ||  9/11 & 7/11  Israeli Connection  ||

Unfreedom Tower Casts a Dark Shadow Over ‘Gulag America’
Stupid, willfully ignorant Amerikans have allowed the Kazarian Criminal Consortium to turn what was once a free country into the Gaza concentration camp.  Our founding fathers would weep to see us now. - mpg -- A quote...."The USA, once one of the most free countries on earth, is no longer free. It is rapidly becoming a militarized gulag society – a giant open air prison.” - Nearly 1,000 American military bases occupy every corner of the planet. US troops have killed more than a million people in various countries during the past decade. Officially, this is all being done in the name of “freedom.” - Yet the USA, once one of the most free countries on earth, is no longer free. It is rapidly becoming a militarized gulag society – a giant open air prison." - Source:  PressTV

Painfully Following Iran in the U.S. Media
Quote of the Day...."I have no doubt that any impartial assessment of the professional conduct of most American media in covering the Iran situation would find it deeply flawed and highly opinionated, to the point where I say that mainstream media coverage of Iran in the United States is professionally criminal...."  --  *Rami G. Khouri* - bold by website editor

Washington Signals Dollar Deep Concerns  - Paul Craig Robert's Donation Drive
A quote...."Over the past month there has been a statistically improbable concurrence of events that can only be explained as a conspiracy to protect the dollar from the Federal Reserve’s policy of Quantitative Easing (QE). - Quantitative Easing is the term given to the Federal Reserve’s policy of printing 1,000 billion new dollars annually in order to finance the US budget deficit by purchasing US Treasury bonds and to keep the prices high of debt-related derivatives on the “banks too big to fail” (BTBF) balance sheets by purchasing mortgage-backed derivatives. Without QE, interest rates would be much higher, and values on the banks’ balance sheets would be much lower."

Markets Are On A Crazy, Sugar-Fuelled Journey
In Plain Language - A quote...."The Western world is yet to stage a meaningful recovery from the sub-prime debacle. The fundamentals remain awful. The eurozone economy, we learnt last week, contracted 0.9pc during the first quarter and has now been shrinking since late 2011 — Europe’s longest post-war recession. The UK is still enduring its slowest recovery since records began. Yet Western stock indices have been setting repeated all-time highs. -- As financial markets dance, though, lost in the QE trance music, massive questions now loom. The ECB has expanded its balance sheet 150pc during the five years since the sub-prime collapse. The Fed has overseen a 220pc ballooning of base money. -- “Extraordinary measures” on this scale may be unprecedented but both look moderate compared to the Bank of England, which has implemented balance sheet growth of 370pc since the credit crunch began in earnest — the vast majority of it, in a bizarre form of circular financing, being used to buy government bonds." - bold by website editor

The Great "American" Divide
Charts - (click till they're enlarged) -- A quote...."I have often spoken of the disconnect between Wall Street and Main Street.   While asset prices are inflated by continued interventions of monetary policy from the Federal Reserve, boosting Wall Street profits and widening the wealth gap between the top 20% of Americans and the rest, "Main Street" continues to suffer a from a rising cost of living and falling wage growth." - also posted at ZeroHedge

10 Amazing Charts That Demonstrate The Slow, Agonizing Death Of The American Worker  -- Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."The middle class American worker is in danger of becoming an endangered species.  The politicians are not telling you the truth, and the mainstream media is certainly not telling you the truth, but the reality is that there is nothing but bad news on the horizon for workers in the United States." - also posted at ActivistPost -- That's why we should ALL become speculators!! - mpg - (some sarcasm)

US Dollar [Private Banking Cartel Fed Reserve's Script] Collapse and Japan’s Sham Currency War: The Hidden Agenda Behind Japan’s Kamikaze Quantitative Easing
A quote...."For the US$ toilet paper creditors, they cannot admit the fact that they have been conned by the global Too Big To Fail Banks (TBTFs) acting in concert with the FED and the Bank of England to accept US$ toilet papers. The central bankers of these countries have a reputation to preserve (not that there is in fact any reputation, for their so-called financial credibility is also part of the scam) and the political leaders that relied on them is in a bigger bind. How can the political leaders be so very stupid to trust these central bankers (who have stashed away in foreign tax havens huge US$ toilet papers as a reward for their complicity). This is the current state of affairs in plain English. They are having sleepless nights worrying if and when the citizens would wise up to this biggest con in history i.e. the promotion and acceptance of fiat currencies, the US$ being the ultimate fiat currency." - Topix ||  Two Simple Equations - 05-12-13 - mpg  ||  Au Contraire - It's Always Been About the Currency! - (And WHO actually OWNS it) - 03-21-13 - mpg  ||

Eroding Freedom in America
A quote....." US democracy is illusory. America never was beautiful. It's not the land of the free and home of the brave. It wasn't created that way. More than ever, it's not now. - Freedom is a four-letter word. It's fast disappearing. It's an endangered species. Wealth, power and privilege alone matter. America's war on terror priorities advance them. - International, constitutional and US statute laws are spurned. Rogue state ruthlessness replaced them. Boston's unprecedented lockdown suggests what's coming. It covered a two hundred square mile area. An important threshold was crossed."

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Two Simple Equations - 05-12-13 - mpg

How Could Something That Doesn't Even Exist, Be Under Existential Threat?
Unlucky Coincidences, Or the Ugly Truth - You Decide - 05-09-13 - mpg

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'Obey': Film Based on Chris Hedges' 'Death of the Liberal Class'
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 51min47sec -  Feb 24, 2013) - Source:  Legalis Pseudonym -- A quote...."British filmmaker Temujin Doran has released a new movie that is based on the book "The Death of the Liberal Class" by Truthdig columnist Chris Hedges. The film, titled "Obey," explores the rise of the corporate state and the future of obedience in a world filled with unfettered capitalism, worsening inequality and environmental changes."

The Petrodollar & War machine
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 28min43sec - Feb 28, 2012) - Source:  Black99Fox -- A quote...."This short film goes into detail of why the petrodollar is so important to the USA and why a war with Iran is a foregone conclusion. - Iran also has had it's nuclear program running from the 1950's,only now does the USA see it as a 'problem'.Why is that?" - See related article....Petrodollars & One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) 07-28-10 - mpg  &  Au Contraire - It's Always Been About the Currency! - 03-21-13 - mpg

Washington’s Presumption - Paul Craig Robert's Donation Drive
A quote...."May 09, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - The new president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, is cast in Chavez’s mold. - On May 4, he called US president Obama the “grand chief of devils.” - Obama, who has betrayed democracy in America, unleashing execution on American citizens without due process of law and war without the consent of Congress, provoked Maduro’s response by suggesting that Maduro’s newly elected government might be fraudulent. Obviously, Obama is piqued that the millions of dollars his administration spent trying to elect an American puppet instead of Maduro failed to do the job. - If anyone has accurately summed up Washington, it is the Venezuelans. - Who can forget Chevez standing at the podium of the UN General Assembly in New York City speaking of George W. Bush? Quoting from memory: “Right here, yesterday, at this very podium stood Satan himself, speaking as if he owned the world. You can still smell the sulphur.”" - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts

Gerald Celente on WW 3 - Middle East Out of Control
WDVideo - (WDYuTb - 22min36sec - May 7, 2013) - Source:  GregHunter - Related:  USAWatchDog - Related:  GrldCelYuTb - Related:  TrendsJournal - A quote....."Gerald Celente, Publisher of the Trends Journal, charges, "This is a proxy war against Iran because when Syria is choked, off then Iran is left alone surrounded by enemies. So, that's what we're really looking at--the end game is Iran." What would happen if Iran and Israel went to war? Would the Strait of Hormuz close, gasoline explode to $10 a gallon, WW3, markets implode? Celente says, "All of the above." Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with trends researcher Gerald Celente."

The Truth Tellers Lament in a Time of Darkness
A quote...."When you survey the wreckage of the American imperium, it’s very easy to become overwhelmed by darkness of the times, submerged in the remorseless riptide of blood and official violence. But even facing methods of torture and imprisonment that would unnerve an inmate of Guantanamo, Lilburne never surrendered to defeatism. His writing remains infused with radical purpose, a radiant call from across the centuries for collective resistance”  -- *Jeffrey St. Clair*, “Intolerable Opinions in an Age of Shock and Awe,"  March 20/21, 2004.

My Last Post - Final Thoughts on Zionism’s Success and Arab Failure
A quote....""Alan Hart" - I am withdrawing from the battlefield of the war for the truth of history as it relates to the making and sustaining of the conflict in and over Palestine that became Israel, and the following is an explanation of why. -- More than three decades ago when I made my commitment to this war effort, in the full knowledge that it would make me persona non grata in the eyes of the mainstream media I had served with some distinction, I believed that the single most amazing thing about the conflict was Zionism’s success in selling its propaganda lies – lies which were told not only to justify anything and everything the Zionist (not Jewish) State of Israel did and does, but also to establish and fix the boundaries of what could and could not be discussed in public discourse about Israel’s policies and actions. (I mean what could and could not be discussed by non-Jews, Europeans and Americans especially, if they didn’t want to be terrorized by smears and false charges of anti-Semitism which could result in them losing their positions and jobs)." - also posted at ICH

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Behind Schedule - But Still With Much to Celebrate - 05-06-13 - mpg

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The Truthseeker: Boston Bombing - What You Aren't Told (E14)
Video - (YuTb - 11min24sec - May 3, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Triggers pulled on 4th, 2nd & 1st Amendments distracted by flag waving; clunky FBI propaganda; and unleash the War on Bathtubs. Seek truth from facts with former Marine Corps officer James Fetzer, editor of Storyleak Anthony Gucciardi, the Corbett Report's James Corbett, Questioning the War on Terror author Kevin Barrett, Boston eyewitnesses, and Fmr. Rep. Ron Paul." - Topix ||  Boston Marathon Bombing Attack  ||  The F.B.I.'s Constant Gardening  ||

You Are The Hope — Paul Craig Roberts Paul Craig Robert's Donation Drive
A quote...."Every time I write a column that is the truth or the truth as I am able to discover it, instead of hawking the propaganda line, I move up on the list of those who are persona non grata in the Empire. -- A writer can find himself demonized and declared a kook simply by reporting findings from distinguished scientists, high-rise architects, structural engineers, first responders, and an international collection of high government officials. Not too long ago a writer or reporter for the Huffington Post discovered to his surprise that Pat Buchanan and I disagreed with all the wars that had been launched to protect us from terrorism. He asked me for an interview, and I agreed. -- An hour or so after the interview was posted on the Huffington Post, I received an emergency call or email. He had been criticized for interviewing me, “for giving you a forum when you are a 9/11 sceptic.” He was unsure that it was possible for a Reagan presidential appointee to be a 9/11 sceptic and asked if I was." - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

Imperial Anatomy of Al-Qaeda: The CIA’s Drug-Running Terrorists and the “Arc of Crisis”
in PDF  -- A quote...."As the 9th anniversary of 9/11 nears, and the war on terror continues to be waged and grows in ferocity and geography, it seems all the more imperative to return to the events of that fateful September morning and re-examine the reasons for war and the nature of the stated culprit, Al-Qaeda. -- The events of 9/11 pervade the American and indeed the world imagination as an historical myth. The events of that day and those leading up to it remain largely unknown and little understood by the general public, apart from the disturbing images repeated ad nauseam in the media. The facts and troubled truths of that day are lost in the folklore of the 9/11 myth: that the largest attack carried out on American ground was orchestrated by 19 Muslims armed with box cutters and urged on by religious fundamentalism, all under the direction of Osama bin Laden, the leader of a global terrorist network called al-Qaeda, based out of a cave in Afghanistan....." - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

How I Discovered The Hidden Side of History
A quote...."1981: I was looking through some old books that somehow ended up at my parents’ house. Among them, I found a set of history books from the 1930s. With an innate interest in the topic, I began reading them, and was absolutely shocked by what I found. - The last book of the series covered what were then modern times, and to my horror, I found lavish praise for – of all people – Benito Mussolini. - These were American books, by the way, beautifully produced by a respected publisher. And there, in authoritative tones, was the story of the great Mussolini, the savior of Italy. Given that I was taught precisely the opposite, a mere 30-odd years later, you can imagine my surprise." - also posted at FromTheTrenches

Nine Eleven IS the Litmus Test
Video - From the History File - (previously posted) - (YuTb - 8min33sec - May 1, 2013) - Source:  Snordster - Text/Transcript:  SmokingMirrors -- A quote...."There is one thing that defines everyone over the course of these early years of this new century. That thing is the 9/11 attack. Everyone in government and every field of endeavor the world over is defined by their position on this event. It is not necessary to know the truth. It is only necessary to know the extent of the lies in order to define any leader in any position anywhere in the world. By what they have said and by what they have not said, one can accurately judge who is an enemy of the peoples of the world. One can accurately determine who is a tool of the psychopaths or one of them. -- Think about what you allow yourself to know. Think about what you pass by; ignore, deny and defend ...that defines you. It defines the degree of your personal courage, your relationship to the truth, your values, your principles and what you will pass on to your children and everyone you meet. It tells you in that place where your conscience must once have lived whether you are a hypocrite and a fool or whether something greater still lives within you." - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

America: The World’s Number One Sponsor Of Terrorism
A quote...."April 23, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - Just as there are good dictators and bad dictators in Washington’s eyes, there are also good terrorists and bad terrorists: Al Qaeda in Iraq, bad. Al Qaeda in Syria, good. Al Qaeda in Mali, bad. Al Qaeda in Libya, good, now bad. This hypocrisy manifests itself most acutely in how western media reports on the victims of terror. On the same day as the recent Boston bombings, at least 75 people were killed in Iraq and more than 250 injured by a series of car bombs."

W.A.N. Radio 4-24-13 hr1 McGrath and Adrian Salbuchi
CMcGVideo - (CMcGYuTb - 38min11sec - Apr 24, 2013) - Source:  crabbydogtrix - Related:  WideAwakeNews - Related:  AdrianSalbuchi

The Real Terror is the Law, by John Kaminski
A quote...."One thing is certain. It is the cops who are committing the crimes. -- In the name of terror, they brutalize the public with concocted fantasies and real episodes of self-destructive social sadism. -- And in the name of national security, they mislead everyone into believing that crimes are being committed when in reality the cops are creating the crimes themselves, staging “drills” that turn into live events, hiring “crisis actors” to pose as victims, and feeding false information to media maggots ever eager to fan the flames of fear. -- Now you can be executed — as we have just learned — for merely being a suspect — with no evidence, no trial, and no finding of guilt, but only by the hysteria generated by the false testimony of the cops amplified and spread throughout the world by corrupt media."
Remember folks, this power-structure is NOT composed of "Jews".  They're NOT Semitic and they have NOTHING to do with the "Jewish" religion except for adopting a few of it's more odious and aggressive philosophies to justify their criminal behavior. They're a crime syndicate and they operate like one. A consortium of Caucasoid Kazarians with their headquarters on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Their techniques of manipulation and control must be identified and eventually....broken. - mpg
If You Want To Go To Heaven, You Had Better Get Busy Overthrowing Syria
A quote...."The United States government has been at war for eleven years. The US military destroyed Iraq, leaving the country and millions of lives in ruins and releasing sectarian blood-letting that had been kept in check by the secular Saddam Hussein government. On any given day in “liberated” Iraq, the death toll is as high as during the height of the US attempted occupation. -- In Afghanistan eleven years of US attempted occupation has had no more success than a decade of Soviet occupation. The Afghans are still not worn down despite more than two decades of war with the two superpowers. Like the Soviets, the Americans have managed to kill many women, children, and village elders, but precious few warriors. In place of the Soviet puppet government there is Washington’s puppet government. That is the only change, and Washington’s puppet is no more secure than the Soviet one was." - also posted at GlobalRsrch

John Hussman: The Importance of Understanding the Tenuous Equilibria of the Markets
Video - Alt - Outstanding analysis -- The speaker establishes base-line relationships between fundamental sectors of the economy that allow good modeling and prediction, and confirm much of the criticism people have for the Fed's endless QEternity and current US fiscal policy. - mpg - (YuTb - 48min27sec - Apr 17, 2013) - Source:  WCC -- A quote...."our financial markets actually have a natural equilibrium state that is far removed from where they are today. But interfering monetary policy (e.g. QE) and delusional fiscal policy have pulled the system away from its authentic state, to the point now where the forces to correct are placing growing strain on the status quo. As the system seeks to return to where it should naturally be, the yields that the Fed is so desperately trying to engineer are going to become less in size and number. -- Investors need to realize that much of the "growth" the Fed is trying to return to was manufactured and unnatural. We are returning to a lower-growth environment, whether we want to or not."

How Empires Fall
A quote...." Comparing the American Empire with the Roman Empire in its terminal decline is a popular intellectual parlor game. The comparison is inexact on a number of fronts, starting with the nature of empire: Rome ruled a territorial empire, while the U.S. is a hegemony that doesn't need to hold territory (other than key overseas military bases); [YET, it has 1,200 to 1,300 of those in countries that it completely leveled to install them. - mpg] its dominance is based on the global projection of hard and soft power, diplomacy, finance and the monetary regime of the reserve currency. -- Despite the apparent difference, the two empires share the key characteristic of all enduring empires: they extract the cost of maintaining the empire from client states and/or allies." - bold by website editor - also posted at ZeroHedge

Controlled Opposition – From Goldstein to Soros and Beyond
(Outstanding Analysis!!) -- A quote...."Jewish power is the unique capacity to stop us from discussing or even contemplating Jewish power. It is the capacity to determine the boundaries of the political discourse and criticism in particular. -- In his new book, “The Invention Of The Land of Israel”, Israeli academic Shlomo Sand, manages to present conclusive evidence of the far fetched nature of the Zionist historical narrative - that the Jewish Exile is a myth as is the Jewish people and even the Land of Israel. -- Yet, Sand and many others fail to address the most important question: If Zionism is based on myth, how do the Zionists manage to get a way with their lies, and for so long?"

Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World’s Media
Related Article - FYI:  "Control" of the media has to be determined not only by who the major officers are of the world's corporate infotainment conglomerates, but what is the ownership structure of these conglomerates and who are the actual owners. This sort of data is very hard to obtain, for obvious reasons. - mpg -- A quote...."You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the unthinkable. What can they (Americans) do to us? We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can’t criticize Israel…”  --  *Tzipora Menache*, Israeli spokeswoman

The 3 Coming False Flag Attacks
Video - (YuTb - 16min46sec - Sep 26, 2012) - Source:  TruthNeverTold -- A quote...."I added new footage of Patrick Clawson pushing for a false flag attack on Iran to start another war. I also added Bush joking about the Weapons of Mass Destruction."

9/11 and War by Deception (April 2013) - The newest version
Ry2SVideo - (Ryan Dawson's most recent version) - (Ry2SYuTb - 2hr15min13 - Apr 5, 2013) - Source:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related: Ry2S@TruTube - Related:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related: Rys2senseAntiNeocons -- A quote...."The newest version, includes an anthrax time line, more on privateers, and of course 911"

9-11: An Israeli Operation From Start To Finish...
Video - (YuTb - 1hr18min02sec - Apr 7, 2013) - Source:  ravenise004 - Website:  MrkDankof2 - Website:  MrkDankofArtcls - Website:  TheUglyTruth - Website:  DrRobertSungenis@CAI -- A quote...."Mark Dankof interviews Dr. Robert Sungenis in discussing what has been deemed by pro-Israel warmongers as the 'crime of the century'. The material in the video is based on Sungenis' comprehensive review of Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World. Read it here - PDF." -- For the article-video list from the YouTube address shown above, click here

Rense & David Duke - How The Tribe Controls The World
RENVideo - Alt - (JENYuTb - 12min10sec - Apr 7, 2013) - Source:  JRenseYuTb - Website:  Rense - Website:  DavidDuke - Website:  DavidDukeYuTb --  A quote...."Clip from March 25, 2013 - guest David Duke on the Jeff Rense Program. Full program available in Archives at http://www.renseradio.com/signup.htm."

Disrespecting The American, European And Soviet Dead
A quote...."Boris Abramovich Berezovsky died recently under mysterious circumstances. He had converted to Orthodox Christianity from Judaism. Forbes said he made 3 billion dollars by controlling state assets under his friend Boris Yeltsin’s presidency. Yeltsin was of Jewish descent. Yeltsin allowed 9 oligarchs and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Harvard Endowment fund and others to loot the former Soviet citizens of 240 billion dollars. By the way, 8 of those 9 oligarchs happened to be Jewish."

The Road to World War 3 - It was ALWAYS about the currency!! - mpg
Video - (previously posted) - (YuTb -  13min48sec - Sept 11, 2012) - Source:  StormCloudsGathering -- A quote...."We are on a road that leads straight to the World War 3, but in order to see that and to fully understand what is at stake you have to look at the big picture and connect the dots. This video examines the history of the dollar, its relation to oil, and the real motives behind the wars of the past two decades." - Topix ||  The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle  ||  Au Contraire - It's Always Been About the Currency! - (And WHO actually OWNS it) - 03-21-13 - mpg  ||

A quote...."Until this time, Wahhabism remained an interpretation of Islam with limited influence, that is, until 1973 and the Oil Crisis, which endowed the Saudi State [Royals] with extraordinary wealth and the ability to successfully impose its doctrines on the rest of the Muslim World. Already in May 1973, at a Bilderberg meeting in Sweden, the world’s leading financial and political representatives discussed how to manage the coming flow of OPEC petroleum revenues in advance of their plans to bring about the Oil Crisis. Present at the 1973 meeting were leading lights of the oil industry and London and New York banking, including David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski, soon Carter’s national security advisor." - bold by website editor - Topix ||   One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) 07-28-10 - mpg  ||  Au Contraire - It's Always Been About the Currency! - 03-21-13 - mpg  ||

Paul Craig Roberts On Iran US Relations
M108Video - (M108YuTb - 11min38sec - Apr 5, 2013) - Source:  SpotLightchannel1 - Producer:  108morris108 - A quote...."As only Paul can do - a bit of realism."

9/11:Israel Did It
Must Review Database - mpg -- A quote...."When an event occurs that that fundamentally changes the dynamics of global geopolitics, there is one question above all others whose answer will most assuredly point to its perpetrators. That question is "Cui bono?". If those so indicted are in addition found to have had both motive and means then, as they say in the US, it's pretty much a slam-dunk. -- And so it is with the events of 9/11. -- Discounting the 'Official narrative' as the absurdity it so clearly is, there are just two organisations on the entire planet with the expertise, assets, access and political protection necessary to have both executed 9/11 and effected its cover-up to date (ie the means). Both are Intelligence Agencies - the CIA and Israel's Mossad - but only one had a compelling motive - Mossad. That motive dovetailed perfectly with the Neocon PNAC agenda, with it's explicitly stated need for "...a catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor" [1] in order to mobilise US public opinion for already planned wars, the effects of which would be to destroy Israel's enemies. -- This article marshals evidence for the proposition that "Israel did it"." - Topix ||  9/11 & 7/11  Israeli Connection  ||

Meet The Real 9/11 Terrorists
Must Review Database - A quote...."What is a Zionist?  Zionists are political extremists who claim that Jews are God’s "chosen race of people" and that they have a God given right to the "promised land" of Israel. There are two categories of modern Jews - the Sephardic Jews and the Ashkenazi Jews. The ancestors of the Ashkenazi Jews were not Jews at all. In fact, they had never even set foot in Israel. They were mint masters, royal treasurers, tax collectors, and money lenders who "converted" to Judaism in the 7th century under Khazaria's King Bulan for commercial advantage. -- The vast majority of modern Jews are "converted" Ashkenazi Jews. Their ancestry can be traced back to Khazaria in Eastern Europe. They ARE NOT Semitic, they have no true genetic or Jewish ethnic identity and they have no inherant entitlement to the land of Israel by right of descent. The word "anti-semitic" is used as a weapon (devised by the Anti-Defamation League) to attack all who oppose or question their fraudulent power and authority. The only true Semitic Jews living in Israel today are Sephardim Jews who are the true descendants of the original twelve tribes of Israel. They are dark skinned with Arab racial features and they are treated like second class citizens in Israel." Topix ||  Get Your Facts Straight - 02-27-13 - mpg  ||

The 9/11 Delusion: Israel’s False Flag, Jingoism And Inhumanity
From the History File - September 20th, 2011 - A quote...."What is ironic, nay, what is the glimmering pinnacle of irony, is that the object of your worship, your deity, that supremacist dragon that refers to itself as the ‘Jewish state,’ which you vehemently and hopelessly believe represents ‘the only true friend that America possesses in the Middle East,’ is the very reason that you are so disturbingly and disgracefully jingoistic. The Zionist creature occupying Palestine is the very reason why your ignorance has reached levels as radioactive as the streets of Baghdad, Basra and Fallujah after your army invaded and hammered Iraq with depleted uranium in March 2003. The usurping regime of ‘Israel’ is the culprit behind the September 11th carnage and it is its international media monopoly that is responsible for manipulating your thought patterns into the warped way that you currently think. -- Sorry. Jet fuel did not liquify steel. Jetliners did not turn skyscrapers into dust. Flight 93 didn’t ‘crash’ in Shanksville. And no, Flight 77 didn’t disintegrate into nothing upon hitting the Pentagon. The ‘hijackers’ were patsies run by Zionist intelligence and entertained on the yacht of ‘Israeli’ lobbyist and Zionist extremist Jack Abramoff less than a week before 9/11. Osama Bin Laden? Nothing to do with the events that day, and he vehemently denied any involvement two days after the mass murder of 2,973 innocent Americans...." - Topix ||  9/11 & 7/11  Israeli Connection  ||

24 Hard Facts About 9/11 That Cannot Be Debunked
For The Record -- A quote...."9/11 has been one of the biggest events in recent history that sparked a mass awakening across the world. There has been much debate as to how it happened, who is responsible and why. To this day about 1/3 of americans do not believe the official story. In other areas of the world as much as 90% of the country does not believe the official story." - Source:  CollctvEvoltn

A Plane Hit The Pentagon
Ry2SVideo - (Ry2SYuTb - 29min06sec - Jan 31, 2012) - Source:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related: Ry2S@TruTube - Related:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related: Rys2senseAntiNeocons - A quote.... "http://warbydeception.com/ - [Alt link] to see the film I referred to. The official conspiracy theory from the government was bad enough without crazies making it even worse. There is a reason attention and promotion is given to the most retarded elements of 911 truth. It's a way of poisoning the well." - Topix || This Country is a Joke!! - 11-28-11 - mpg  ||  9/11-NORAD  ||  Anthrax Attacks  ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

Osama Bin Laden Death Myth Continues to Crumble as Seal Team Six Speaks Out
A quote...."On May 2nd, 2011 President Barack Obama declared America’s greatest enemy, Osama Bin Laden,  dead after a Seal Team Six raid in the Pakistani town of Abbottabad. Almost immediately signs of deception began to show in the continuous saga to capture the man accused of being responsible for the 9/11 attacks." - Topix ||  Osama bin Back From the Dead™  ||

Who Owns The Media? The 6 Monolithic Corps That Control Almost Everything We Watch, Hear And Read -- From the History File - October 4th, 2010 - Just a reminder, previously posted - A quote...."Back in 1983, approximately 50 corporations controlled the vast majority of all news media in the United States.  Today, ownership of the news media has been concentrated in the hands of just six incredibly powerful media corporations.  These corporate behemoths control most of what we watch, hear and read every single day.  They own television networks, cable channels, movie studios, newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, music labels and even many of our favorite websites. Sadly, most Americans don't even stop to think about who is feeding them the endless hours of news and entertainment that they constantly ingest. "

The Long Con by the Federal Reserve Amounting to 3.6 percent of the USGDP, or $518 billion, each year since 1913 - PDF -- A quote...."During my twenty years of studying this country's financial system in publishing the Capital & Debt Watch Newsletter, I came across something far more invasive and pernicious than the various pyramiding schemes  such as by Bernie Madoff. I discovered a rather astounding version of the "Long Con." As those know, in a long con, the con artists, in this case the "old bankers," set up a rouse to bleed the victim. In this con, the main rouse was to convince everyone that inflation is a fact of life. In fact, inflation, at about 4% per year, is contrived by the old bankers (contrasted to the new bankers inventing other means of bleeding money  away from folk, such as via derivatives). The con always involves some kind of "front" and since 1913, the front has been the US Federal Reserve. Prior to that, the front was the 1st National Bank of the US and the 2nd National Bank, which Jefferson and Jackson shutdown, respectively, because they saw the bleed of money from ordinary folk...."

Stunning Facts About How the Banking System Really Works … And How It Is Destroying America -- A quote...."To understand the core problem in America today, we have to look back to the very founding of our country. - The Founding Fathers fought for liberty and justice. But they also fought for a sound economy and freedom from the tyranny of big banks...." - also posted at GlobalResearch
Iraq War How and Why Did It Really Start?
Ry2SVideo - (Ry2SYuTb - 43min52sec - Mar 20, 2013) - Source:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related: Ry2S@TruTube - Related:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related: Rys2senseAntiNeocons - Related:  Maidhc Ó Cathail - Related:  PassionateAttachment - A quote...."On the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, we look at why the US really when there and in whose interest. Maidhc Ó Cathail explains how Israeli partisans pushed for and created the propaganda and legal pretext for the 2003, invasion of Iraq. Progressive media likes to rant and rave about oil interest and currencies, but when you look at the blame shifters you just find more Israeli partisans. The arguments for oil fall flat vs reality and require a massive amount of rationalization and omission of facts. The Neocons gave us millions of dead bodies, trillions of wasted dollars, an increase in terrorism, and a total disaster in the Middle East. Don't let them shift the blame on to "oil companies" or "capitalism" this was a war for Israel from top to bottom." - Related Article - (previously posted) - On tenth anniversary, Israel partisans behind Iraq War still at large - Also Related Ry's2sense video Newest War by Deception 2013 - Ry2SVideo - AltVimeo - AltYuTb - (Ry2SVimeo & Ry2SYuTb - 2hrs43sec - Jan 20, 2013)
A comment on the "oil" and use of the "petro-dollar".  It's true that the Iraq war wasn't about the oil, per se.  It's also true it would have been vastly cheaper to simply "buy" the oil rather than invade Iraq and it's even true the Euro didn't exist before the plans for Iraq were hatched.  But, the PLANS for the Euro did exist, more importantly the petro-dollar was established in 1973 and after Gulf war one, Saddam was desperately trying to find ANY alternative to the dollar.  That could not be permitted, ever, and his attempts were just another nail in his coffin.  Also use of the "petro-dollar" IS getting Iraq's oil for free, whether bought directly or by somebody else who was forced to sell their valuables for USD's . It's a completely worthless currency, printed up for nothing, and exchanged for tens of trillions in valuable resources.  Finally any threat to the US dollar is a threat to the preeminence of the  Israeli/Kazarian controlled Private Banking Cartel known as the Federal Reserve. - Topix ||  Au Contraire - It's Always Been About the Currency! - 03-21-13 - mpg  ||
A quote...."Until this time, Wahhabism remained an interpretation of Islam with limited influence, that is, until 1973 and the Oil Crisis, which endowed the Saudi State [Royals]  with extraordinary wealth and the ability to successfully impose its doctrines on the rest of the Muslim World. Already in May 1973, at a Bilderberg meeting in Sweden, the world’s leading financial and political representatives discussed how to manage the coming flow of OPEC petroleum revenues in advance of their plans to bring about the Oil Crisis. Present at the 1973 meeting were leading lights of the oil industry and London and New York banking, including David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski, soon Carter’s national security advisor." - bold by website editor - Topix ||   One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) 07-28-10 - mpg  ||  Au Contraire - It's Always Been About the Currency! - 03-21-13 - mpg  ||

Israel and the ‘Exodus’ Of America’s Wealth
A quote...."Most persons well-versed with Israel’s use of terror, intimidation and false flag attacks in achieving her desired ends have assumed (with good reason) she would eventually resort to her much-discussed ‘Sampson Option’, the military protocol calling for the use of nuclear weapons against the entire world in the event that the great experiment in Jewish self-rule in the Middle East turns out to be a failure. However, what many of these persons in-the-know have failed to consider was that Israel has many weapons in her arsenal besides the aforementioned ‘conventional’ nukes, not the least of which is her power to destroy entire nations economically with the mere push of a button."

A parade of characters and causes led the US to war in Iraq
A quote...."One does not have to subscribe to the Tolstoyan notion of history - an inscrutable force, without agents, predestined and with infinite causes - to accept that a phenomenon as complicated as a war can have multiple causes. Iraq had many. Each of the aforementioned played some part in the calculus of decision makers; but they are not equally significant. Key actors were not driven by the same motives, nor did they reach their decisions simultaneously."

No More Mr. Nice Guy: Enough is ENOUGH!
A quote...."After more than a decade of enduring constant illegal wars, rendition, torturing, false-flag operations, drone strikes, the use of weapons of mass destruction, etc., are we sick of this crap yet? Are we tired of watching our loved ones getting blown to bloody bits, scrapped-up with shovels and returned home in the dead of night in flagged-draped coffins?" - also posted at Reficultnias - (more readable)

Department of Veterans Affairs Reports 73 Thousand U.S. Gulf War Deaths
Related Article - A quote...."More Gulf War Veterans have died than Vietnam Veterans. This probably is news to you. But the truth has been hidden by a technicality. So here is the truth. - The casualties in the Vietnam War were pretty simple to understand. If a soldier was dead from his combat tour, he was a war casualty. There are 58,195 names recorded on the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, DC. - Some of these brave men died in the jungles of Vietnam while others died in Medivac units or hospitals in Japan and America. A dead soldier can surrender his life anywhere in service to his country. It really doesn't matter where this happens. The location of a soldier's death in no way colors his sacrifice. - But something odd has happened with the Iraq War. The government, under the Bush administration, did something dishonest that resulted in a lie that's persisted since the war began -- and continues to this very day. They decided to report the war deaths in Iraq only if the soldier died with his boots on the ground in a combat situation. - What's the difference, you might ask?" - also posted at Rys2sense

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Au Contraire - It's Always Been About the Currency! - 03-21-13 - mpg

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UROKO: The True History of the Banking Cartels and the Federal Reserve
Video - (YuTb - 1hr27min40sec - Aug 6, 2012) - Source: ToddW - A quote...."Uroko is the Japanese word for 'scale', as in the scale of a fish or serpent. The Japanese expression "uroko ga me kara ochiru", or, "scales fall from one's eyes" is the English equivalent of "waking up to the truth". Uroko is an attempt to strip away the fairy tales we have been told since birth, exposing the true nature of the world we live in."

Official Account of the 9/11 Attacks Unraveling - IT - WAS - ALL - A - LIE - !!
A quote..."March 14, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -  The pervasive news surrounding the confirmation hearing of John Brennan, Obama’s nominee for CIA director, is paralleled by another, related story that has been largely ignored by the U.S. media.  That is the story of the man called Abu Zubaydah, whose alleged torture testimony, obtained by the CIA while Brennan was the head of the agency’s Terrorist Threat Center, built the foundation for the official account of 9/11.  This week I spoke to Lee Hamilton, former vice-chairman of the 9/11 Commission, about the serious problems that the government’s new stance on Zubaydah creates for the 9/11 Commission Report." - Topix ||  9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables  ||

Cheney Caught In Another Major Lie
A quote...."Everyone knew that Iraq did not possess weapons of mass destruction (update here). - Dick Cheney admits that he lied about 9/11. - MSNBC recently noted that these two facts are intertwined...."
"Mark Rossini, was then an FBI counter-terrorism agent detailed to the CIA. He was assigned the task of evaluating a Czech intelligence report that Mohammed Atta, the lead 9/11 hijacker, had met with an Iraqi intelligence agent in Prague before the attack on the World Trade Towers. --- Cheney repeatedly invoked the report as evidence of Iraqi involvement in 9/11. “It’s been pretty well confirmed that he [Atta] did go to Prague and he did meet with  a senior official of the Iraqi intelligence service in Czechoslovakia  last April,” Cheney said on Meet the Press on Dec. 9, 2001. --- But the evidence used to support the claim–a supposed photograph of Atta in Prague the day of the alleged meeting—had already been debunked by Rossini. He analyzed the photo and immediately saw it was bogus: the picture of the Czech “Atta” looked nothing like the real terrorist. It was a conclusion he relayed up the chain, assuming he had put the matter to rest."
9/11 Commission Deceived: An [Un]Intentional Work of Fiction Based on Cheney’s (Communist) Torture Program -- Related Article - Oh no, it WAS intentional, and they're ALL accessories after the fact in the crimes of 9/11 - mpg -- A quote...."In the run up to the Iraq war – and for several years thereafter – the program of torture carried out by the Bush administration was specifically specifically aimed at establishing a false justification for war. Dick Cheney is the guy who pushed for torture, pressured the Justice Department lawyers to write memos saying torture was legal, and made the pitch to Congress justifying torture. (The former director of the CIA said Cheney oversaw American torture policies). -- The type of torture used by the U.S. on the Guantanamo suspects is of a special type. Senator Levin revealed that the the U.S. used Communist torture techniques specifically aimed at creating false confessions (see this, this, this and this)." - also posted at ZeroHedge - Topix ||  9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables  ||

On Tenth Anniversary, Israel Partisans Behind Iraq War Still At Large
A quote...."Three years ago this month, I wrote a piece entitled “Who’s to Blame for the Iraq War?” to mark the seventh anniversary of the US invasion. My sole purpose in compiling a by-no-means-exhaustive list of 20 Israel partisans who played key roles in inducing America into making that disastrous strategic blunder was to help dispel the widespread confusion — some of it sown under the guise of “progressive investigative journalism” by likely crypto-Zionists – about why the United States made that fateful decision. As the tenth anniversary approaches, there is no excuse for anyone genuinely interested in the facts to deny the ultimate responsibility of Tel Aviv and its foreign agents for the quagmire in Iraq. Nevertheless, it’s an appropriate time to remind ourselves of some of the chief architects of the devastating Iraq War." - also posted at AlethoNews

Jewish Intellectual Bernard-Henry Levy and the War in Lybia
A quote...."If this hostility, even aversion, had only been shown towards the Jews at one period and in one country, it would be easy to unravel the limited causes of this anger, but this race has been on the contrary an object of hatred to all the peoples among whom it has established itself. -- “It must be therefore, since the enemies of the Jews belonged to the most diverse races, since they lived in countries very distant from each other, since they were ruled by very different laws, governed by opposite principles, since they had neither the same morals, nor the same customs, since they were animated by unlike dispositions which did not permit them to judge of anything in the same way, it must be therefore that the general cause of anti-Semitism has always resided in Israel itself and not in those who have fought against Israel.” -- *Bernard Larare*, Jewish literary writer

Israel’s American Propagandists
A quote...."Israeli-first American pundits wield too much power. The leader of these journalist war hawks is William Kristol. - American neoconservative political analyst and commentator, Kristol is the founder and editor of the political magazine the Weekly Standard and a regular commentator on the Fox News Channel."

The United States of Murder: A cancer on the world
Quote of the Day...."The US government, and its bankster owners, have been overthrowing and/or murdering the best leaders in Latin America, and the world, for decades. Iran's Mossadegh, Guatemala's Arbenz, the Dominican Republic's Trujillo and Bosch, Ecuador's Velasco and Roldos, Zaire's Lumumba, Indonesia's Sukarno, Cambodia's Sahounek, Chile's Allende, and Panama's Torrijos are just a few examples. -- The same killers, and the institutional forces they represent, murder the best American leaders too. John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Senator Paul Wellstone are notable victims. Two excellent books have appeared in recent years proving, to any reasonable reader, that a shadow government working through the CIA, FBI, and organized crime killed JFK and Dr. King. Those books are "JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters" - [AddAll-HC] - [AddAll-PB] - [BkFndr]*  by James Douglass, and "An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King Jr." - [AddAll-HC] - [AddAll-PB] - [BkFndr]* by William Pepper." - *links added

True, He's the First Black President - But Obama is the Worst US President Ever
A quote...."Yes, I mean it: the worst ever! -- We’ve had James Monroe and his doctrine of supremacy over Latin America. We’ve had Theodore Roosevelt and his invasion of Cuba; Nixon, Reagan, Bush-Bush and their mass murder, and all the war crimes and genocide committed by most presidents. Yes, but we never had a black man sit on the white throne of imperialism committing war crimes. -- And there he is, murdering even more people in Afghanistan than Bush, backing coups in Latin America, continuing to undermine Iraq, sending drones, mercenaries, saboteurs to Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Uganda, Libya and now Syria. He bores deeper into several African countries, rich with oil and minerals, than his white predecessors, Democrats and Republicans. The US is eliminating the few secular governments that there were in the Middle East and North Africa. -- Obama is busier fulfilling total USAmerican world domination than even Bush, Reagan and Nixon." - also posted at ICH

Marooned on the Planet of the Demons from Dumbass
(One of the better rants ever posted. You actually feel better after reading it. - mpg) -- A quote...."Every now and then, you see something so off the wall that it beggars the imagination. The very idea that this would ever possibly happen in any world known to us is ludicrous. We've had our share of sh-t golems over the last few decades but it would take some real effort to find one equal to the psycho frat boy. The polices of this demented offspring of one of the most evil families on Earth, cannot be over emphasized, in terms of the horrors visited upon the majority of us, in the aftermath of his twisted tenure here. His grandfather was instrumental in the production of World War Two and profited from the concentration camp slave labor. His father was one of the orchestrators of the assassination of John F. Kennedy and he ran the White House during the Reagan years. His wife and her 'beautiful mind', she belongs high on this list. His brother helped rig the elections that put this depraved piece of hyena sh-t into the White House. His other brother was in charge of security at the World Trade Center, when Israel attacked the towers and brought us to the state we presently inhabit...."

The World is not Billy Bob's Rib Pit
A quote...."The United States is the most hated country in the world, followed closely by Israel, and then by nobody. Why? Why not Ecuador? China? Russia? East Timor? The hostility puzzles many Americans, who genuinely believe their country to be a force for good, a pillar of democracy, a defender of human rights. -- To the rest of the world, none of this is even close. -- If you have lived abroad, as so very few Americans have, the explanation for the hatred is obvious: Meddling. Relentless, prideful, uncomprehending meddling, frequently military, often with horrendous death tolls. Americans, adroitly managed by a controlled press, historically illiterate, incurious, decreasingly educated, either have never heard of the American behavior that angers others, or believe it to have been inspired by virtuous motives. -- Nobody else thinks so."

Special: Talking Federal Reserve, Jekyll Island, Audit The Fed, QE3
RCVideo - Alt - (RCYuTb - 18min43sec - Nov 15, 2012) - Source:  AnonInCincinnati - If you ever wondered why the privately owned "Fed" gave more than $16 trillion dollars to foreign banks, (that's what we know publicly, it was probably a lot more than that) it's because 70% of the "Fed" is owned by foreign banking families.  For more on that see....The Incredible Debt Spider: It's Time to End the Private Fed & The Fed & The Thirty Trillion

Video Showing the Huge Gap Between Super Rich and Everyone Else Goes Viral
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 6min24sec - Nov 20, 2012) - Source:  politizane -- A quote...."Infographics on the distribution of wealth in America, highlighting both the inequality and the difference between our perception of inequality and the actual numbers. The reality is often not what we think it is." - bold/undeline by website editor - This is EXACTLY what happens when Banksters control your financial system.  The power to tax MAY grant the power to destroy, but the power to print is utterly and completely devastating.  - mpg - also posted FromTheTrenches with additional links.

David Chandler 2010 "9/11 Analysis"
DCVideo - Alt - (DCYuTb - 58min28sec - Jan 29, 2013) - Source:  911TVorg -- A quote...""9/11 Analysis" is a compilation of the many short analysis videos David Chandler has produced and uploaded to the Internet, woven together with an interpretive narrative. - His analysis shows that the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) report is fraudulent. While attempting to make their computer model fit the data, without acknowledging explosives, NIST forgets that the actual physical model that was tested with actual fire, never collapsed." - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

Repent, Dick Cheney - Cheney admits he ordered flight 93 shot down.
9/11 Alert - A quote...."I gave the instructions that we’d authorize our pilots to take it out,” he says, referring to the jet headed to Washington that crashed in a Pennsylvania field. He adds: “After I’d given the order, it was pretty quiet. Everybody had heard it, and it was obviously a significant moment.”" - For more on this issue see....9/11 Shock Opera || This Country is a Joke!! - 11-28-11 - mpg  ||  9/11-NORAD  ||

Niloufer Bhagwat presents to the “9/11 Revisited conference in Kuala Lumpur”
Video - Alt - Previously posted - (YuTb - 2min11sec - Nov 30, 2012) - Source:  corbettreport -- A quote.... "Niloufer Bhagwat, Professor of Comparative Constitutional Law at University of Mumbai, presents to the "9/11 Revisted: Seeking the Truth" conference in Kuala Lumpur on November 19, 2012."

Sibel Edmonds Answers Your Questions on Gladio B - Part 5
CRVideo - (Outstanding!) - Part 5 is much more on the Mid East than Gladio....  Part 4 - Part 3 - Part 2 - Part 1 - (CRYuTb - 1hr32min48sec - Feb 28, 2013) - Source:  CRYuTb Website:  CorbettReport - Webiste:  CRBlpTV - Website: BoilingFrogs - Website: ClassifiedWoman

W.A.N. Radio 2-28-13 hr2 with Sibel Edmonds
CMcGVideo - On the growing domestic police state....  (CMcGYuTb - 41min51sec - Feb 28, 2013) - Source:  crabbydogtrix - Related:  Wide Awake News - A quote...."See more from Sibel Edmonds at http://www.classifiedwoman.com and http://www.boilingfrogspost.com"

US Policy Vs. Syria Indicative of Exhausted Legitimacy
A quote...."The US State Department, and to a greater extent, US foreign policy itself, having exhausted completely their collective credibility, has attempted yet another "reset." By bringing in John Kerry to pose as the next US Secretary of State, it is hoped global opinion will see US foreign policy in a new, more tolerant light. Kerry, however, has wasted no time attempting to simply resell verbatim the same failed, absurd policy US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton destroyed her career peddling, spinning, and covering up - as finalized in the case of Benghazi, Libya." - also posted at ICH

Infantile Conservatism - How is America threatened by Iran?
A quote....."By Pat Buchanan - February 27, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - On Monday, Rubin declared that America's "greatest national security threat is Iran." Do conservatives really believe this? -- How is America, with thousands of strategic and tactical nuclear weapons, scores of warships in the Med, Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean, bombers and nuclear subs and land-based missiles able to strike and incinerate Iran within half an hour, threatened by Iran?" - Source:  PatrickJBuchanan - also posted at GlobalRsrch

Zionists Decide What Americans Can See - [And They Say] Ban PressTV
SGPVideo - (SGPYuTb - 15min - Feb 26, 2013) - Source:  SyrianGirlpartisan -- A quote...."The Zionists lobby has deemed PressTV unacceptable viewing for American eyes. They fear a dangerous truth , it's time to FIGHT BACK" - Topix ||  Alternate Press TV Sites  ||

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Get Your Facts Straight - 02-27-13 - mpg

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More than Taboo up on alternative to youtube
Ry2SVideo - Alt - (Ry2STruTube - 1hr44min47sec - Feb 17th, 2013) - Source:  Ry2S@TruTube - Related:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related: Ry2S@YuTb - Related: Rys2senseAntiNeocons -- A quote...."In cooperation with Denierbud, who made "One third of the Holocaust" I give you "More than Taboo" - Topix ||  More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg  ||

US-Saudi Funded Terrorists Sowing Chaos in Pakistan
Quote of the Day...."Quetta, the capital of Pakistan's southwest Baluchistan province, bordering both US-occupied Afghanistan as well as Iran, was the site of a grisly market bombing that has killed over 80 people. According to reports, the terrorist group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi has claimed responsibility for the attack. Billed as a "Sunni extremist group," it instead fits the pattern of global terrorism sponsored by the US, Israel, and their Arab partners Saudi Arabia and Qatar." - also posted at ActivistPost & BLN & GlobalRsrch -- Topix  ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||

US Congress members meet MKO terrorists in Paris
A quote...."A bipartisan group of US congress members has met with the anti-Iran terrorist group Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) in France. - The congressional team led by Dana Rohrabacher, a California Republican, [An Israeli firster, Zionist, and a card-carrying member of the AIPAC/Israel Consortium] met the MKO terrorists in Paris on Sunday and expressed strong support for the group." - Topix  ||  US Support of Terror - MKO - MEK - Others  ||  Recent Cong Support 4 MEK  ||

W.A.N. Radio 2-13-13 hr1 with Michael Rivero
CMcGVideo - (CMcGYuTb - 38min42sec - Feb 14, 2013) - Source:  crabbydogtrix - Related:  Wide Awake News - More on wars for Banksters....mpg

All Wars Are Bankers' Wars - (Video Edition)
WRHVideo - (WRHYuTb - 43min34sec - Feb 4, 2013) - Source: e33State - Producer: MichaelRiveroTV-Vids  - Website:  WhatReallyHappened - Related: Transcript -- A quote...."Written and spoken by Michael Rivero." - Topix ||  Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycles  ||

The Antidote to ‘War on Terror’ & ‘Arab Spring’ Doublespeak: The 2013 Compact Doublespeak Dictionary! - A quote...."Have you ever read the newspaper only to find yourself hopelessly confused as to the real underlying meanings of the deceitful, duplicitous lexicon in use in this ‘Arab Spring’, ‘War on Terror’ age? Fret no more, the first edition of the 2013 Compact Orwellian Doublespeak Dictionary is here! Read on to decipher the true meanings beneath the fraudulent war-on-terror-humanitarian-intervention-arab-spring terminology used by all of today’s paid liars. Take back your language!" -- Action Alert - Have any suggestions for additions to the Orwellian Doublespeak Dictionary? Head over to the Contact page and let the Editor know! - also posted at AlethoNews & Reficultnias

Jewish Lobby’s Power in America Outlined by Leading U.K. Journalist
A quote...."The power of the Jewish Lobby in America is such that saying something which is even “perceived” as being critical of Israel is the most “efficient way to have your reputation and career as a politician or academic destroyed,” leading U.K. journalist and columnist on civil liberties and US national security issues for the Guardian newspaper, Glen Greenwald, has said." - also posted at WarInIraq

The Zio-Steamroller:  26 Who Got Crushed!
Data Base -- A quote...."Israel controls the U.S. Senate. The Senate is subservient, much too much; we should be more concerned about U.S. interests rather than doing the bidding of Israel. The great majority of the Senate of the U.S. - somewhere around 80% - is completely in support of Israel; anything Israel wants; Israel gets..."  -- *Senator William Fulbright*

How Hitler defied the bankers
A quote...."Many people take joy in saying Wall Street and Jewish bankers "financed Hitler." There is plenty of documented evidence that Wall Street and Jewish bankers did indeed help finance Hitler at first, partly because it allowed the bankers to get rich (as I will describe below) and partly in order to control Stalin. However, when Germany broke free from the bankers, the bankers declared a world war against Germany."
When the term "never again" is used by the Kazarian community, what they actually mean is "never again will we make such a mistake, from now on, when we launch all our carefully controlled -- Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycles -- we, as a community, will make absolutely sure that "anti-Semitism" never gets out of control to threaten us, or our power structure, again." - mpg
It Has Happened Here–Paul Craig Roberts
A quote...."February 08, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - The Bush regime’s response to 9/11 and the Obama regime’s validation of this response have destroyed accountable democratic government in the United States. So much unaccountable power has been concentrated in the executive branch that the US Constitution is no longer an operable document. -- Whether a person believes the official story of 9/11 which rests on unproven government assertions or believes the documented evidence provided by a large number of scientists, first responders, and structural engineers and architects, the result is the same. 9/11 was used to create an open-ended “war on terror” and a police state. It is extraordinary that so many Americans believe that “it can’t happen here” when it already has." - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts

The Founding Fathers versus the Zionist Machine
A quote...."I sympathize for those who have been trapped by the political mudslinging of the “Left” vs. the “Right,” the “liberals” vs. “conservatives,” and “Democrats” vs. “Republicans.” - I too was lost in that matrix for a long time until I realized that what was passing for conservative ideas were really neoconservative ideologies which are slowly but surely deconstructing what the Founding Fathers had built."

The Stock Market Bubble
A quote...."In the fifth year of the economic depression, and amid signs of the worst global slowdown since 2008, world stock markets are booming. In the US, the three major stock indices have either reached or are within a few percentage points of their 2007 highs...."  --  "Europe is in a state of disintegration, with Greece and Spain facing conditions not seen since the Great Depression, while Germany is experiencing a sharp slowdown. In Britain, the economy is now 3.3 percent smaller than at the start of the downturn, but the benchmark FTSE 250 index has doubled. China, Brazil and India have posted sharply lower figures for economic growth, amidst a slowdown in exports....." -- "These apparently contradictory phenomena—surging financial markets and economic stagnation—are in fact intimately linked. The continued rise in the markets is not a sign of health, but a particular expression of the diseased state of the world capitalist system. -- The world’s ruling classes, confronting a historic crisis of productivity and investment, have responded through the reflation of asset values—and their own incomes—through historically unprecedented measures of wealth redistribution." - bold by website editor
Only One Solution To The FED Debt Trap
A quote....."February 01, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -  The Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs lists the oldest written version of the saying “what you don’t know can’t hurt you” as coming from playwright George Pettie’s Petit Palace in 1576:.....“So long as I know it not, it hurteth me not.” -- Several Rothschild-controlled centuries later, what Americans don’t know about “the Fed” may be fatal. -- The Fed gained control of America’s money in 1913. Government debt now soars toward $17 trillion. Interest paid to service this debt, for the year 2011 alone, was $454,393,280,417.03, largely funneled by the Fed to eight international banking families:.....Rothschild’s of London and Berlin; Lazard Brothers of Paris; Israel Moses Seaf of Italy; Kuhn, Loeb & Co. of Germany and New York; Warburg & Company of Hamburg, Germany; Lehman Brothers of New York; Goldman, Sachs of New York; Rockefeller Brothers of New York. -- Ever heard a better argument for entitlement reform?"

Who Runs The World? Solid Proof That A Core Group Of Wealthy Elitists Is Pulling The Strings -- A quote...."When I am talking about the ultra-wealthy, I am not just talking about people that have a few million dollars.  As you will see later in this article, the ultra-wealthy have enough money sitting in offshore banks to buy all of the goods and services produced in the United States during the course of an entire year and still be able to pay off the entire U.S. national debt.  That is an amount of money so large that it is almost incomprehensible.  Under this ne0-feudalist system, all the rest of us are debt slaves, including our own governments." - also posted at PrisonPlanet & ICH & BLN

The Gig Is Up:  Money, the Federal Reserve and You (Full Lecture)
Video - Alt - (This was obviously filmed about four years ago, right after Obama's first election, but it's Absolutely Outstanding!!) - (YuTb - 1hr23min41sec - Oct 26, 2011) - Source:  MikeMendez - A quote...."Populist lawyer, Gary Fielder, presents “The Gig Is Up: Money, the Federal Reserve and You. Live from Wolfe Hall at The University of Colorado School of Law, on December 4, 2008, Mr. Fielder, a criminal and constitutional lawyer from Denver, Colorado, presents a power point and video presentation on the creation of money with an historical analysis of our current banking system. With quotes from Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Abe Lincoln, Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich and many others, Fielder makes his case to abolish the Federal Reserve and return to a sound and honest money system. Fractional Reserve Banking. Currency. Amero. World Government. International Banking. www.gigisup.net." - Topix ||  The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle  ||

The Corbett Report: Calling Out The Hypocritical, War-Loving Left
CRVideo - Alt - (CRYuTb - 15min06sec - Jan 30, 2013) - Source: CorbettReport - Website:  CRYuTb - Webiste:  CRBlpTV - Website: GlobalRsrch -- A quote...."For much of the last decade, the left participated in activism and protests condemning the Bush administration's wars of aggression, and calling for the President's impeachment. Now that it is a Democrat in the White House, however, these self-same activists are suddenly shying away from impeachment as a way to stop the American war machine. Find out more about the movement to impeach Obama -- and its opponents in the phoney "anti-war" left -- in this week's GRTV Backgrounder."

Sandy Hook – An American Coup d’état – Max Igan
MIVideo - Alt [full length] - Alt [Pt1 - Pt2 - Pt3 - Pt4] - (MIYuTb - 1hr/(4)15min - Jan 23/18, 2013) - Sources:  ThnkOtsdTV / ScrCrw - Remember folks it's not a "hoax" or "false-flag", it is potentially a domestically arranged event.  Some of the evidence has already been tampered with, the AR-15 for example, and many of the videos now appear to have been staged, just how much of this event was "arranged" before or after the fact however still remains to be discovered.  But all those involved in tampering with the evidence or facilitating certain "narratives" or "frames" by doing so, will be discovered and exposed...and eventually rendered to judgement in a court of law. - mpg

Belgian MP Exposes War on Terror Lie and 9/11 False Flag
Video - (YuTb - 13min45sec - Jan 22, 2013) - NOTE:  (Click on the subtitle button {CC}, lower right corner for English subtitles)  - Source:  Feuillien Geraldine - Translation & Transcript: Feuillien Geraldine & AltTrnscpt -- A quote...."On January the 17th, 32-year-old Belgium MP Laurent Louis, considered one of the most controversial and demonized national political figures, delivered the most powerful truth ever told in a political arena. - Then he expressed his disgust and wrath against the criminal foreign policies of the Western elite and its submission to foreign financial and interests groups, before scolding his colleagues who voted for interventionist war with “[expletive deleted]-you’s”. - Finally, he says that the war on terror is a lie and that 9/11 was a false flag to justify aggressive military action in the Muslim world."

Fake Skeptics & The "Conspiracy Theorist" Slur
Video - (SCGYuTb - 6min48sec - Jan 23, 2013) - Source:  StormCloudsGathering - Related: SCGFcBk - Related:  SCGTwtr -- A quote...."State sponsored history, the version touted in public schools, and preached over the mainstream media is the mythology of the state, and it is as essential to its existence as creation stories are to any religion."

Michael Rivero Government Lies Presentation 9/11/11 [Part 1] - [Part 2]
Video - Alt/Prt1 - Alt/Prt2 - (YuTb - 12min40sec - Sep 12, 2011) - Source:  FurleyVision - On the VERY long history of false flag events as staged -- constantly -- by the parasites who supposedly lead us. - mpg

Newest War by Deception 2013
Ry2SVideo - AltVimeo - AltYuTb - (Ry2SVimeo & Ry2SYuTb - 2hrs43sec - Jan 20, 2013) --  Source: RyantineoconVimeo - Source:  chalkboardwarrior - Related: Rys2senseYuTb - Website:  Rys2senseAntiNeocons - Ryan Dawnson's tour de force masterpiece made even more masterfull -- A quote...."For a DVD Go here donate $50 http://www.rys2sense.com/anti-neocons or just scroll up to the top of this page and see the yellow donate button. Make sure to leave your address if you want a DVD. Why such a high a price? because I don't want to have to burn so many DVDs on my crappy CPU and mail them from Japan, shipping is a b-tch and so is the dollar. Consider it more of a donation." - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||  US Support of Terror  ||

Israel’s Hidden Faces : A Long Day’s Night for Us All
A quote...."Veteran's Today Editor's Note: Many of you are now familiar with the writing of Dr. Alan Sabrosky, and his 2011 Interview with Susan Modaress the host of the program AUTOGRAPH, in which he makes the case for Israel’s involvement in the tragic events of 9/11. Subsequently he produced this powerful bandoleer of ammunition entitled:“Israel’s Hidden Faces: A Long Day’s Night For Us All” which was published in Veterans Today. A good carpenter always gives the nail one more blow after it has been driven flush to drive the head of the nail all the way in.With Israel's politics trending dangerously further to the right,this information is significant. An informed readership is my goal.I wish I could shake folks up and turn them in the right direction,but if they lack knowledge,then they cannot turn.Hope the information below will help you explore the questions and reach an informed conclusion."

Max Igan & Ken O'Keefe in Gaza - False Flags & America's 'National Interest' - Sept '12
KoKVideo - From the History File - Sept 27, 2012 - NOTE: Strong Language -  Hysterical!! Just a reminder of how the "game" is "played" - mpg) - (KoKYuTb - 14min30sec - 09/27/12) - Source:  KenO'Keefe -- A quote...."Max Igan & Ken O'Keefe in Gaza with a humorous and serious look at false flag history making and the illusion of 'American interests'. Patrick Clawson of the Washington Institute for Near East Studies helps us illustrate our points."

Gene study settles debate over origin of European Jews
A quote...."Jews of European origin are a mix of ancestries, with many hailing from tribes in the Caucasus who converted to Judaism and created an empire that lasted half a millennium, according to a gene study published on Thursday. - The investigation, its author says, should settle a debate that has been roiling for more than two centuries. - Jews of European descent, often called Ashkenazis, account for some 90 percent of the more than 13 million Jews in the world today."
In other words, by the Zionist's OWN racist definition, 90 percent of the Jews in the world today, aren't really Jews.  Now the REALLY funny part, is that the Palestinians, a people who have lived for thousands of years in the Levant, undoubtedly had ancestors who were Sephardic Jews (a.k.a. REAL Jews) that converted to Islam when Islamic forces swept across Palestine in 635AD. In other words, they have more "Jewish" blood in them than so-called European Jews. -- Not to mention the blood of Jesus's relatives. -- Now that's just simply hysterical. - mpg
End Of The Road: How Money Becomes Worthless
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 55min47sec - Jun 6, 2012) - Source:  jerdnakinšus -- A quote...."My Fellow Americans, Wow, the best video I have seen to date that explains why money dies, especially our money that is about to suffer its death. - This video features a lot of my favorite authors, economists and monetary experts such as Peter Schiff, Ed Sprott, G. Edward Griffin, James Turk, and others. - You can’t find a more stellar group of people to explain the coming implosion, and why its going to happen. - If you wish to understand this coming phenomenon, this is the video to watch. - I’m am telling you, this is your last chance to understand this, and learn how to avoid getting crushed."

All Wars Are Banker Wars!
Download Podcast - [Here] -- A quote...."I know many people have a great deal of difficulty comprehending just how many wars are started for no other purpose than to force private central banks onto nations, so let me share a few examples, so that you understand why the US Government is mired in so many wars against so many foreign nations. There is ample precedent for this." - Topix ||  The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle  ||

The Incredible Debt Spider: It's Time to End the Private Fed
A quote...."The “Federal Reserve Bank” (Fed) is not part of the United States Government. The Fed is a private, for-profit corporation ultimately owned by eight elite banking families...." - bold by website editor
  1. Rothschild's of London and Berlin
  2. Lazard Brothers of Paris
  3. Israel Moses Seaf of Italy
  4. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. of Germany and New York
  5. Warburg & Company of Hamburg, Germany
  6. Lehman Brothers of New York
  7. Goldman, Sachs of New York
  8. Rockefeller Brothers of New York
"Magically, the Fed has exclusive rights to the dollar, and for them it’s even better than money growing on trees. Whether paying nominal U.S. mint printing costs for Federal Reserve Notes (like those papering your wallet), or simply entering digits into their banks’ computers, they lend this “money” back to us at a profit, making the following seem inevitable...."

9/11: Blueprint for Truth (Full Version)
A&EVideo - Alt - Outstanding documentary and analysis! - mpg -- (YuTb - 1hr59min07sec - Dec 31, 2010) - (Previously posted) -- A quote...."San Francisco Bay Area architect, Richard Gage, AIA, provides the myth-shattering scientific forensic evidence of the explosive controlled demolition of all 3 WTC high-rise buildings on September 11, 2001 in this 2008 documentary. -- For more from Richard Gage and AE911Truth in November, 2012 see: Richard Gage Presents to the 9/11 Revisited Conference in Kuala Lumpur" - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

Gerald Celente - The Gary Null Show - January 9, 2013
GNVideo - (GNYuTb - 37min31sec - Jan 12, 2013) - Source:  gcelente - Producer:  GaryNullShow -- A quote...."Continued discussion of 2013 trends"

Operation Gladio: The Cold War 'Black Op' Continues
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 31min40sec - Jan 12, 2013) - Source: TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Terror is being used as a weapon to destroy the cherished freedoms of democratic societies" - The recent attack on Libya laid bare the iron fist behind the velvet glove of slogans like "human rights" and "international community." This latest aggression, like the destruction of Yugoslavia and the rape of Afghanistan, proceeds under the cover of NATO. And what is NATO? Author Richard Cottrell tells the story of mayhem, murder and subversion behind the "alliance for peace."

U-turn leaves Guantanamo Bay 9/11 trials in disarray
That's because if they conducted REAL trials, with REAL evidence, and REAL testimonies, NONE of the accused would be convicted....because their testimonies were suborned, their false confessions coerced, the evidence was fabricated and these star chamber inquisitions are simply designed to conceal those who WERE actually involved with and facilitated the attack on  9/11!!!  Everyone should understand -- THEY CAN'T CONDUCT ANY REAL TRIALS!! - mpg -- A quote...."The Guantanamo Bay trials are in such disarray that nobody may ever be convicted of the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington, it emerged today. - The US military base's chief prosecutor, Brigadier General Mark Martins, announced this week that he had asked the Pentagon to drop conspiracy charges against the five men awaiting trial for their part in the 2001 atrocity." - Topix ||  9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables  ||

Are Israel and the U.S. Becoming Fascist States?
Already there.  Not completely totalitarian....yet - mpg -- A quote...."Recently the words "fascism" and "fascist" have been used almost casually in political discourse, most notably in the form of the fusion word "Islamofascism" which seeks to conflate Islam with fascist ideology. The use of "fascism" to describe a political phenomenon is one of those convenient conversation stoppers, intended to evoke memories of the Second World War, of dictatorships and police states in Italy and Germany, and of racial laws and death camps as well as other atrocities."

Law Professor Calls Out Dershowitz for Advocating Murder and Torture
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 34min15sec - Jan 10, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Francis Anthony Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law."

StormCloudsGathering: Calling Out FAKE Liberals
Video - Alt - Outstanding!! - (YuTb - 4min31sec - Jan 13, 2013) - Source:  StormCloudsGathering -- A quote.... "This video is a message to all the fake liberals and fake progressives out there. Perhaps you're wondering if I'm talking about you or someone you know... by the end of this video you'll know one way or the other."

Does Truth Have A Future In America? - posted at PaulCraigRoberts
A quote...."In my 35 years of experience in journalism, I have found that most readers read in order to confirm what they already think and believe. It is the same for the right-wing and the left-wing. They cannot escape their ideological boxes and are creatures of their biases. They want their prejudices vindicated and their beliefs supported. A writer who tells them something that they do not want to hear receives abuse. These readers cannot benefit from facts and new information and change their minds. They already know everything and only want information that supports their beliefs and advances their agendas."  - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts

Secrets and Lies of the Bailout
A quote...."The federal rescue of Wall Street didn’t fix the economy – it created a permanent bailout state based on a Ponzi-like confidence scheme. And the worst may be yet to come. -- It has been four long winters since the federal government, in the hulking, shaven-skulled, Alien Nation-esque form of then-Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, committed $700 billion in taxpayer money to rescue Wall Street from its own chicanery and greed. To listen to the bankers and their allies in Washington tell it, you'd think the bailout was the best thing to hit the American economy since the invention of the assembly line. Not only did it prevent another Great Depression, we've been told, but the money has all been paid back, and the government even made a profit. No harm, no foul – right? -- Wrong. -- It was all a lie – one of the biggest and most elaborate falsehoods ever sold to the American people....."

Government: A Cycle of Violence
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 49min39sec - Jan 5, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Trends forecaster Gerald Celente joins us to break down the looming financial crisis and how to prepare for what's to come. "

McGrath - The Cliff, The Banksters And You
CMcGVideo - Alt - (CMcGYuTb - 4min17sec - Jan 3, 2013) - Source:  crabbydogtrix

Revealed: how the FBI coordinated the crackdown on Occupy
A quote...."It was more sophisticated than we had imagined: new documents show that the violent crackdown on Occupy last fall – so mystifying at the time – was not just coordinated at the level of the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and local police. The crackdown, which involved, as you may recall, violent arrests, group disruption, canister missiles to the skulls of protesters, people held in handcuffs so tight they were injured, people held in bondage till they were forced to wet or soil themselves – was coordinated with the big banks themselves." - bold by website editor

Jewish [faux-Jewish, Kazarian] Mafia [a.k.a. Banksterism] tied to death of America
The decadel economic/warfare cycle & the US's decline made simple -- A quote...."The United States has endured many challenges since having reached its economic peak several decades ago. The wealth generated during the 1940s and 1950s carried the nation through several economic downturns. By the 1970s, much of this excess wealth had been depleted. -- As America’s economic decline was becoming more apparent, the nation’s ruling class convinced Washington officials to introduce a series of levers designed to reduce or even reverse the decline. I have discussed each of these levers in previous articles. -- The first lever introduced was the petrodollar in the early 1970s. [ a period when the US also went off the gold standard] The next was [so-called] free trade. This economic pillar of globalization was advocated in the 1980s, but was not pushed through Congress until the early 1990s. Since then, it has spread throughout much of the world." - Topix ||  The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle  ||

Do Zionists Control Wall Street? The Shocking Facts!
DDVideo - (DDYuTb - 12min42sec - Oct 26, 2011) - Source:  DrDDukeVids - Related: DavidDuke -- A quote...."DON'T LET MY VIDEOS BE CENSORED! - Sue to organized efforts to stifle free speech and ban my videos - YouTube restrictions have led to removal of all comments on this video! My videos are overwhelmingly approved by millions of viewers, and they average higher than 90 percent positive comments and comprise some of the highest rated political videos on the entire Internet. Viewers love these videos! But, the Zionists don't !"

Agenda Prevails Over Truth
A quote...."December 29, 2012 "Information Clearing House" -  In the Western world truth no longer has any meaning. In its place stands agenda. -- Agenda is all important, because it is the way Washington achieves hegemony over the world and the American people. 9/11 was the “new Pearl Harbor” that the neoconservatives declared to be necessary for their planned wars against Muslim countries. For the neoconservatives to go forward with their agenda, it was necessary for Americans to be connected to the agenda." - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts - also posted at GlobalRsrch

9/11 Revisited: The Death of Democracy
GRVideo - Alt - Outstanding analysis!! - This is one of the best, most comprehensive, "big-picture" speeches this website editor has heard in YEARS!! - Please post and pass along. - mpg   (GRYuTb - 21min11sec - Dec 14, 2012) - Source:  GlobalResearchTV - Website: GlobalRsrch - Website: CorbettReport - Website:  CRYuTb - Webiste:  CRBlpTV -- A quote...."Niloufer Bhagwat, Professor of Comparative Constitutional Law at University of Mumbai, presents to the "9/11 Revisted: Seeking the Truth" conference in Kuala Lumpur on November 19, 2012. - Produced by James Corbett."

Improbable Collapse – The Demolition of Our Republic (Full Version)
Video - Alt - (1hr9min9sec - Mar 18, 2011) - Source:  WTC911demolition -- A quote...."On September 11, 2001 the World Trade Center Twin Towers disintegrated in a manner that scientists say resembled deliberately calculated implosions. The facts open for discussion include: at 5:20 p.m. that same day another building, the 47 story WTC 7, completely collapsed within 70 feet of its footprint in 6.6 seconds. These three buildings became the first [and the last] such structures to ever suffer complete collapse due to fire and damage." - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

9/11 Revisited: War, Injustice and the Search for Truth
GRVideo - Alt - (GRYuTb - 20min05sec - Dec 14, 2012) - Source:  GlobalResearchTV - Website:  GlobalRsrch - Website: CorbettReport - Website:  CRYuTb - Webiste:  CRBlpTV -- A quote...."Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, president of the Perdana Global Peace Foundation and former Prime Minister of Malaysia, opens the "9/11 Revisted: Seeking the Truth" conference in Kuala Lumpur on November 19, 2012. - Produced by James Corbett."- Topix ||  9/11-NORAD  ||

Dr. Hans Kochler presents at the 9/11 Revisited conference in Kuala Lumpur
GRVideo - (GRYuTb - 27min42sec - Dec 17, 2012) - Source:  GlobalResearchTV - Website: GlobalRsrch -- A quote...."Dr. Hans Kochler of the University of Innsbruck presents to the "9/11 Revisted: Seeking the Truth" conference in Kuala Lumpur on November 19, 2012."

9/11: The World Trade Center Collapses
Database - A quote...."Part 1: Scientific Evidence and 200+ Mainstream Testimonies Virtually Prove Buildings Brought Down With Thermate and Explosives."

UN Defends NATO's Premeditated Genocide in Syria
A quote...."As early as 2007, it was reported that the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia, together were not only organizing, funding, training, and arming militants directly linked to Al Qaeda to be used against Syria and Iran, but knew well in advance that by doing so, they would trigger an unprecedented "cataclysmic conflict" driven by sectarian extremism. Not only was such sectarian violence expected, it was desired ahead of redrawing a new map for the Middle East - one that favored Western corporate-financier and geopolitical interests, while keeping the region weak, divided, and infighting." - bold by website editor - also posted at BLN & GlobalRsrch & LndDstryrRep & DProgram - Topix ||  US SoT - Al CIA'da In Syria  ||

Justice is Dead in America
A quote...."December 19, 2012 "Information Clearing House" - The US is the world's largest prison state, imprisoning more of its citizens than any nation on earth, both in absolute numbers and proportionally. It imprisons people for longer periods of time, more mercilessly, and for more trivial transgressions than any nation in the west . This sprawling penal state has been constructed over decades, by both political parties, and it punishes the poor and racial minorities at overwhelmingly disproportionate rates." - Source: AlterNet

Economists and the One-Percent - Reality Economics
A quote...." December 12, 2012 "Information Clearing House" - “Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.” And if they would destroy economies, they first create a wealthy class on top, and let human nature do the rest. The acquisition of power soon leads to its abuse, to economic and social hubris. By seeking to protect its gains, perpetuate itself and make its wealth hereditary, the emergence of a power elite locks in its position in ways that exclude and injure those below. The wealthy indebt them, shift the tax burden onto the less powerful, and turn government into an oligarchy."

Why We Torture - What do we do once we know?
A quote...." Lilburne, an intractable young Puritan, with a strong sense of his rights as a freeborn Englishman and a smattering of law, in 1637 was summoned before the Court of Star Chamber - a court comprising nothing more than a small committee of the Privy Council, without a jury, empowered to investigate. 

Dawson on Adma vs the Man : Syria
AvsMVideo - (AvsMYuTb - 35min10sec - Dec 11, 2012) - Source:  RyDawson - A quote...."Talking about Syria." - Outstanding analysis, Ryan Dawson could have gone on for another hour. - mpg

The West Cant Pay Syria's Price - Syrian Girl
M108Video - (missed this one) - (M108YuTb - 11min02sec - Dec 3, 2012) - Source:  108morris108

Syrian Girl: U.S. & NATO Fighting for Al-Qaeda
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 20min15sec - Dec 7, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex talks with Syrian Girl about the latest developments in Syria and who stands to gain from this illegal proxy war, pre-invasion by design."

Pearl Harbor as a Noble Lie
A quote...."Soon after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, rumors began to circulate challenging the official narrative that it was an unprovoked surprise attack. - The cumulative evidence gathered over the last seventy years by scholars, journalists, and investigators vindicates those suspicious of treachery from the top; for it comprises a solid circumstantial case that Franklin D. Roosevelt and his top advisors deliberately provoked the attack and deliberately looked the other way before it came. - What was the reason for their treachery?" - Topix ||  The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle  ||

Pearl Harbor: Roosevelt Knew
A quote...."Today is the seventy-first anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, an act that brought us into World War II, pushed a reluctant America onto the world stage, and ushered in the age of empire. The official history of that event is that it was a “sneak attack” precipitated by war-crazed Japanese militarists, and that the totally unprepared Americans – kept from arming themselves by evil “isolationists” in Congress and the Republican party – were caught completely by surprise." - Source:  AntiWar - Topix ||  The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle  ||

On the 71st Anniversary of Pearl Harbor: Have We Learned Anything?
A quote...."Today is the 71st anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. - We of course honor the courageous men who died that day.  But we also questioned why it happened. - After all, American and British military officers and code-breakers admit that the American and British knew of the Japanese plan to attack Pearl Harbor — down to the exact date of the attack — and allowed it to happen to justify America’s entry into World War II." - Topix ||  The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle  ||

Pearl Harbor -- Mother of all Conspiracies
Database - A quote...."President Roosevelt (FDR) provoked the attack, knew about it in advance and covered up his failure to warn the Hawaiian commanders. FDR needed the attack to sucker Hitler to declare war, since the public and Congress were overwhelmingly against entering the war in Europe. It was his backdoor to war. - FDR blinded the commanders at Pearl Harbor and set them up by...."
  1. denying intelligence to Hawaii (HI)
  2. on Nov 27, misleading the commanders into thinking negotiations with Japan were continuing to prevent them from realizing the war was on
  3. having false information sent to HI about the location of the Japanese carrier fleet.
Pearl Harbor: Hawaii Was Surprised; FDR Was Not
A quote...."On Sunday, December 7, 1941, Japan launched a sneak attack on the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, shattering the peace of a beautiful Hawaiian morning and leaving much of the fleet broken and burning. The destruction and death that the Japanese military visited upon Pearl Harbor that day — 18 naval vessels (including eight battleships) sunk or heavily damaged, 188 planes destroyed, over 2,000 servicemen killed — were exacerbated by the fact that American commanders in Hawaii were caught by surprise. But that was not the case in Washington. Comprehensive research has shown not only that Washington knew in advance of the attack, but that it deliberately withheld its foreknowledge from our commanders in Hawaii in the hope that the "surprise" attack would catapult the U.S. into World War II. Oliver Lyttleton, British Minister of Production, stated in 1944: "Japan was provoked into attacking America at Pearl Harbor. It is a travesty of history to say that America was forced into the war."

Pearl Harbor did FDR know?
Ry2SVideo - Alt - (Ry2SYuTb - 4min13sec - Dec 7, 2012) - Source:  RyDawson - Related:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related:  Rys2SAntiNeocons 

Alex kosher Jones – Ryan Dawson
Ry2SVideo - Alt - (Outstanding Ryan Dawson!!) - (Ry2sYutb - 15min12sec - Nov 30, 2012) - Source:  Rys2sense - Related:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related:  Rys2SAntiNeocons  -- A quote...."(Rys2Sense) – Faked even handedness in a conflict that is not even[-handed] at all, is not neutrality it's deception. Jones often goes to crazy town as way of intentionally avoiding a Zionist role in anything. He left Israel out of 9/11 for 6 years and never connected them to Iraq or said a word about the anthrax lies or the fact that Palestine is occupied. He's talked more about school/theater shootings than the destruction of entire nations." - bold by website editor

Corbett Report - Middle East Update
CRVideo - Alt - (CRYuTb - 47min01sec - Nov 30, 2012) - Source:  CorbettReport - Related:  Cites&Podcast - Related: NileBowieBlog - Related E-Book:  WarOnSyria/Gateway2WWIII -- A quote...."Nile Bowie of NileBowie.blogspot.com joins us tonight to go over some news headlines from across the Middle East, including the UN General Assembly vote on Palestinian statehood, western double standards in the "Arab Spring" and the American-ization of Saudi Arabia. We also talk about the recent 9/11 conference in Kuala Lumpur and Nile's upcoming trip to China and North Korea."

The Moral Imperative of Reinvestigating 9/11
Related Video - (YuTb - 9min26sec - Nov 28, 2012) - Source:  JUSTInternational -- A quote...."Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, President of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST), speaks about the ongoing efforts being made to pursue a new independent investigation into the events of September 11th, 2001 and the challenges facing the movement."

A Legal Framework for Criminalizing the GWOT - Michel Chossudovsky Presents in Kuala Lumpur  -- CRVideo - Alt - (CRYuTb - 33min - Nov 29, 2012) - Source:  corbettreport - A quote...."Michel Chossudovsky, Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization, presents to the "9/11 Revisited: Seeking the Truth" conference in Kuala Lumpur on November 19, 2012." - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

9/11 the Mossad Connection Details, Names, "Dancing Israeli" Positively ID'd in Towers on Day Before -- A quote...."The newly popular "9/11 Conspiracy Solved: Names, Connections, & Details Exposed!" suffers from one major deficiency: it misses the Mossad connection and Israel's long-standing desire to remake the map of the Middle East starting with the destruction of Iraq. Now comes Ryan Dawson who in great detail and with thorough research fills this gap. Dawson shows that one of the Kurzberg brothers, Mossad agents who have become known as two of the "dancing Israelis" who were arrested and found to have explosives, false passports, and large amounts of cash on their persons, was positively identified as having been in the North Tower on the day before 9/11. - Iraq and especially areas like Falluja now suffer catastrophic rates of birth deformities due to the use of depleted uranium ammunition, 50% or higher in Falluja. Iraq is a destroyed, helpless society whose squabbling factions can now never oppose Israeli regional ambitions. - The goal of dividing Iraq into mini-states has been long articulated by Israeli Neocons. Israeli intellectual Oded Yinon wrote in as far back as 1980, in the influential paper "A Strategy for Israel for the 1980s":" - related videos, weblists & websites shown below.....
The Rothschilds and The International Banking Cartel
Video - Alt1 - Alt2 - (YuTb - 25min37sec - Nov 28/15, 2012) - Source: AwkngErth & Pajopeace -- A quote...."A look at the International Banking Cartel led by the Bank for International Settlement (in Basel, Switzerland) known as the bank of central banks (58 central banks) and The US Federal reserve System. Also a look at banking tycoons: from the Rothschild family in Europe to JP Morgan and others in the US. How banks not only control governments but also appoint politicians through huge campaign donations. Governments at the service of the major banks, the best example: the Obama administration and the history's biggest bail out of the same institutions that caused the Great Recession."- related videos, weblists & websites shown below..... Cynthia McKinney presents to the 9/11 Revisited conference in Kuala Lumpur
Video - Alt - (Outstanding!) - (YuTb - 19min34sec - Nov 26, 2012) - Source:   corbettreport -- A quote...."(Corbett) – Cynthia McKinney, peace activist and former U.S. Congresswoman, presents to the “9/11 Revisted: Seeking the Truth” conference in Kuala Lumpur on November 19, 2012."

Awakening From The Abyss: End of 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
A quote....The 9/11 controversy has already been settled. Objective, honest, and rational observers from around the world all agree that the official version of the events is a hoax. The governments of the U.S. and Israel were behind the 9/11 atrocities, not Al-Qaeda. -- The return of truth and reason to public life has officially marked the end of 9/11 conspiracy theories. Those who deny the truthful account of 9/11 can do so until they're blue in the face, but they will go nowhere because the facts are not on their side. And we live in a world of facts, do we not?" - Topix  ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

Black 9/11: Money, Motive, Technology, and Plausible Deniability
Video - (YuTb - 39min11sec - Nov 21, 2012) - Source: AlienScientist -- A quote...."Special thanks to Michael C. Ruppert, Mark H. Gaffney, and Kevin Ryan for their dedicated research in bringing this information out of the shadowy black operations underworld from which it came. This video is a compilation of evidence they have uncovered." - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  || - Related article with additional info....9/11: More Evidence of a FALSE FLAG/INSIDE JOB

The Osama bin Laden Myth
A quote...."The interview below with Osama bin Laden was conducted by the Karachi, Pakistan, daily newspaper, Ummat and published on September 28, 2001, 17 days after the alleged, but unsubstantiated, al Qaeda attack of September 11, 2001, on the World Trade Center twin towers and Pentagon. The interview was sensational. The alleged “mastermind” of 9/11 said that he and al Qaeda had nothing to do with the 9/11 attack. The British Broadcasting Corporation’s World Monitoring Service had the interview translated into English and made public on September 29, 2001. -- Osama bin Laden’s sensational denial was not reported by the US print and TV media. It was not investigated by the executive branch. No one in the US Congress called attention to bin Laden’s refusal of responsibility for the greatest humiliation ever inflicted on a superpower."

Demise of Bin Laden: A Delusional Tale
A quote...."The “we killed Osama bin Laden, really we did” story is getting more and more bizarre. - On May 2nd, 2011, just hours after the news of the alleged Bin Laden killing was reported, I published a piece that has since gone viral and become something of an underground classic.... “Death of Bin Laden”: A Spectral Human Sacrifice - In that article, I predicted.... “Whatever evidence they produce identifying the ghost or double as ‘Bin Laden’ will probably have the same chain of custody as the Fatty Bin Laden ‘confession video’ of December 2001 -- that is, no chain of custody whatsoever.” - Topix ||  Osama bin Back From the Dead™  || - See also....Revealed: Military emails show that NO U.S. sailors witnessed Osama bin Laden's secret burial at sea

The Bigger They Are The Harder They Fall - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Quote of the Day...."Wimpy Israel has exposed itself again not only its psychopathy but also what a paper tiger it is. Even with full power over the US media, the once invisible power of Israeli propaganda has fallen. Chicken little and the boy who cried wolf should be required reading for Israeli politicians. Every TV talking head read their Israeli talking points but they failed anyway. No one listens to it anymore. And for once there was push back. RT, PressTV, WhatReallyHappened the Scott Horton Show, Boiling Frogs, this site, and sites like this* all over the web and all over social media told the truth and countered the Israeli megaphonies. YouTube could not delete videos quick enough and Vimeo* and other sites were there to get around the monopoly. I have been saying for 11 years now that if we can break the media monopoly we can fix everything. The greatest power the state has is the control of information. Onward for Palestine." - *links added - Topix  ||  Israel's Blitzkrieg Against Gaza - Nov 2012  ||

Rafeef Ziadah – ‘We teach life, sir’, London, 12.11.11
Video - Alt - From the History File - Nov 13, 2011 - (Simply outstanding!) - (YuTb - 4min39sec - 11/13/11) - Source:  sternchenproductions -- A quote...."Rafeef Ziadah is a Canadian-Palestinian spoken word artist and activist. Her debut CD Hadeel is dedicated to Palestinian youth, who still fly kites in the face of F16 bombers, who still remember the names if their villages in Palestine and still hear the sound of Hadeel (cooing of doves) over Gaza."

Israeli Psychopath
A quote...."Anyone with an internet connection can hear live feed of the airjets, drones and helicopter fighters strafing the Gaza sky. If you want the sonic experience of airborne death, it's available to you. Not a single UK broadcaster will trouble you with it. Anyone can see the pictures of the destroyed buildings, of ambulances wrecked. But not courtesy of a UK broadcaster. Anyone can find out how many of Gaza's ambulances were actually functioning before the bombing began, because the blockade has led to fuel shortages. But you would have to seek this out on your own initiative, because a UK broadcaster will never tell you. You can find out how frequently a thunderous explosion would strike nearby if you were in a densely populated area of Gaza - roughly every fifteen minutes. That's four times an hour you would narrowly miss death, without even leaving your house."
** FYI:  Eighty percent of the world's so-called "Jewish" population aren't even Jewish, they're Caucasoid Karzarians from the steppes of Russia who adopted a Middle Eastern religion known as Judaism back in the eighth century to further their mercantile and economic ambitions.  Simply because their forefathers choose to plagiarize and pervert someone else's religion doesn't make them "Jewish", just as falsely claiming they're from the Middle East doesn't make them a Semitic people since almost none of them have a single droplet of Middle Eastern blood within their veins. - mpg
How Many Children will Israel Be Allowed To Slaughter?
A quote...."November 20, 2012 "Information Clearing House" -  Despite the piles of dead in Gaza and - for the second time in four years - the row upon row of charred and broken little bodies of children, Western leaders still shirk their duty and call on the two parties to restart the squalid, lopsided peace process that had led nowhere and only serves to give the Israelis more time to consolidate their territorial gains. -- Instead of carrying out their responsibilities, they shamelessly shovel their foul mess onto the Palestinians to clean up. What are the Palestinians supposed to negotiate? Why should they have to bargain for their freedom and property with the thugs that stole it?"

US, Europe complicit in Israeli crimes against Gaza: Ken O'Keefe
PRSTVideo - (There goes Ken O'Keefe, sugar-coating the issue again. - mpg ) - (PRSYuTb - 5min36sec - Nov 18, 2012) - Source:  ravenise004 -- A quote...."The United States and European nations provide full support for the Israeli regime, which continues to oppress the Palestinian people, a peace activist tells Press TV."

13-year-old boy is killed in Gaza
Just a Reminder - Related Article -- A quote...."9:43 AM EST, Sun November 11, 2012 -- This is what started the violence. Shooting a child who is playing soccer from a helicopter is a brutal and inhumane act. It was clearly intended to provoke a reaction by the Palestinians, who react to the murder of their children in exactly the same way you would. The Palestinians shot at the IDF soldiers. Israel retaliated by shooting two more children, then opened fire on the funeral for one of them....." -- *Michael Rivero* - bold by website editor

Targeting Civilians: Israel's Specialty
A quote...." November 17, 2012 "Information Clearing House" -   Bullies choose easy adversaries to pummel. Equal fights are shunned. It's the same in schoolyards or battlefields. - America and Israel operate this way. They avoid foes able to give as much as they take. Rogue governments never say they're sorry. - During Cast Lead in January 2009, Professor Jeremy Salt wrote "A Message to the brave Israeli Airmen." His comments apply to what's now ongoing."
Gaza is this century's Warsaw Ghetto.  It's this planet's largest open air prison, stuffed with 1.6 million civilians with the highest population density in the world. And what the Israelis are doing is like shooting fish in a barrel.  They are blatant, craven cowards without a shred of moral decency.  --  Against anyone who could defend themselves they've run away, (as they did in Lebanon), or beg for mercy, (whenever they're caught conducting their illegal activities) but against mostly unarmed civilians they slaughter with glee. It's is so very typical, and is such a historical cliche and proof of their collective lack of moral fiber.  --  Now armed with every form of sophisticated military equipment they could possibly steal from the American people, the world's newest little lordlings reign supreme over their Gaza open air prison without a care in the world.  What a sickening display of mean spirited cowardice.  It fulfills every caricature libeled against these creeps down through the ages.  It's just simply disgusting. - mpg
Israel Approved Killing of Hamas Commander Amid Talks on Long-Term Truce
Related Article - A quote...."Just hours before Israel assassinated Hamas commander Ahmed Jabari on Tuesday, he received the draft proposal of a permanent truce agreement with Israel. But Israel approved the airstrike anyways, choosing escalation over resolution." - bold by website editor
Again, to repeat, ad nauseam, any treaty, truce, codicil, agreement, contract, commitment, resolution, understanding, proposal, promise, protocol, oath, affidavit or affirmation by the United Sates of America, Britain, or the criminal enclave called Israel, or any person or agency representing these governments is not worth the piece of paper it's written on, or the breath it's spoken on. In other words....don't even bother, IT - IS - A - COMPLETE - WASTE - OF - ANYONE'S - TIME. - mpg
Ron Paul Bids Farewell to Congress with Inconvenient Truth
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 48min47sec - Nov 14, 2012) - Source:  CongressmanRonPaul -- A quote...."Congressman Paul's final speech on the House floor before leaving Congress." - Topix ||  The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle  ||

Welcome to the Nuthouse: How Private Financial Fiat Creates a Public Farce
A quote...." What happens to functioning capitalism when its core operating principles of value and money, risk, private property, profit, supply and demand, price discovery, transparency and accountability, productivity, and exchange of worth can selectively be erased on the whim of self-interested, politically connected players? -- What happens when every standard of the game is turned upside-down by rule-rigging fat cats and then cravenly excused by international governments, prosecutors, and regulators? You get a leaky economic charade riding on a sea of debt bailed out with “expert” psycho-babble, high-level cheerleading, and government assurances that sound more each day like sick punch lines to bad jokes...." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Paul Craig Roberts: The Game is Rigged!
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 34min39sec - Nov 7, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel - Website: PaulCraigRoberts -- A quote...."Alex presents special live coverage of the election and offers a roster of dynamic guests, including: Trends forecaster Gerald Celente, former trader and television host Max Keiser, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen, economist and former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration Paul Craig Roberts, former congressional chief of staff for Ron Paul, Lew Rockwell, author and former director at Goldman Sachs, Nomi Prins, and historian and author Webster Tarpley. Alex and his guests will offer concise analysis and commentary until midnight."

The Special Interests Won Again
Related Article - A quote...."by Paul Craig Roberts -- November 08, 2012 "Information Clearing House" - The election that was supposed to be too close to call turned out not to be so close after all. In my opinion, Obama won for two reasons: (1) Obama is non-threatening and inclusive, whereas Romney exuded a “us vs. them” impression that many found threatening, and (2) the election was not close enough for the electronic voting machines to steal." - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts - also posted at PrisonPlanet

Ass Won!
Quote of the Day
....(Outstanding commentary!!) -- "November 07, 2012 "Information Clearing House" - Once again, the world has witnessed the passion and faith American voters have for war criminals and protectors of banksters. It is remarkable, really, the continuity of the American looting and mass murdering project. The US military has turned the Persian Gulf into its own bloody bath tub, in fulfillment of the Carter Doctrine. Democratic Carter cited the Soviet threat, but he was also aiming to keep the Arabs in line, to prevent another oil boycott that would cripple this country. It doesn’t take much of a gas disruption to sow chaos here, as shown by Hurricane Sandy. A gas junkie will kill and rob to feed his habit, then become even more ape-sh-t should his supply run dry. He’ll shoot you before, during and after, and call it love for you, god and democracy."

German calls for Gold Repatriation Intensify as Fed Refuses to Allow Inspection
Gold Red Warning - A quote...."Calls for Germany to repatriate its 1,536 tons of gold reserves held at the NY Fed are intensifying as Der Spiegel reports the Federal Reserve has refused to allow German inspectors to even view the country’s massive gold reserves “in the interest of security and of the control process“." - bold/underline by website editor

Exclusive: Bank Of England To The Fed: "No Indication Should, Of Course, Be Given To The Bundesbank..." -- Gold Warning - A quote...."At least two central banks have conspired on at least one occasion to provide the Bundesbank with what both banks knew was "bad delivery" gold - the convertible reserve currency under the Bretton Woods system, or in other words, to defraud - amounting to 172 bars. The "bad delivery" occured even as official gold refiners had warned that the quality of gold emanating from the US Assay Office was consistently below standard, and which both the BOE and the Fed were aware of. Instead of addressing the issue of declining gold quality and purity, the banks merely covered up the refiners' complaints."

Max Keiser: Americans Are Euthanized by Big Banks
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 34min39sec - Nov 7, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel - Website: MaxKeiserTV - Website:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter -- Alex Jones interviews Max Keiser.

$43 Trillion + $36.5 Trillion + 1 Computer Virus = 1 Big Fraud
Related Article - A quote...."The amount of fraud in America has reached astounding levels. On the CBS Evening News on 9-10-2001 Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld admitted that neither he nor his Comptroller Rabbi Dov Zakheim could trace the whereabouts of 2.3 trillion dollars missing from the DOD. --  Also on that same night persons unknown backed up a few trucks to World Trade Center Towers 4 and 5 and took about a billion dollars in gold and silver bullion from the Canadian Nova Scotia bank vault and from the COMEX metals exchange vault next door.  --  Also on 911 all ENRON documents in the SEC offices at WTC 7 were destroyed which saved Wall Street a few billion dollars in lawsuits. --  Also on 911 Dr Jim Willie says Cantor Fitzgerald offices in the North Tower which had all of the documentation on the sale of  3.5 trillion dollars in fraudulent Treasury bonds was destroyed when the North Tower collapsed...." - For more regarding the articles and video shown above see....

Is The "Gold Finger - Operation Grand Slam" Scenario In Play? - 10-18-12 - mpg
The Three Legs of a Sound International Financial System - A Proposal - 03-15-12 - mpg

Gerald Celente – Reality Report, WHDT World News – October 30, 2012
GVVideo - Alt - (GCYuTb 8min45sec - Oct 30, 2012) - Source:  TrendsJournal -- Celente straight talk, quite refreshing....mpg

The Lull Before the Social Storm
A quote...."Vast social revolutions and wars are often preceded by periods of giving up on reforms, despairing withdrawal from public life by the best and brightest, and even peacefulness which seems to have become the normal condition in spite of deep conflicts and growing crises beneath the surfaces of public life. Often, earlier periods of intense conflicts and crises have been overcome and resolved, so it comes to look like that is the normal in life. This lulls most people into assuming their worse fears cannot happen, but this leads them to lowering their guards against growing conflicts and crises, so small ones can more easily cascade down into massive ones. If people expected they could become vast wars or revolutions or implosions, they would take more precautions to prevent that. But when lulled in expecting the worst cannot happen, the worst than they could ever imagine often explodes suddenly." - Source:  LewRockwell - also posted at ICH

Who is the worst civil liberties president in US history?
A quote...."The following interesting question arose yesterday from what at first appeared to be some petty Twitter bickering: who was the worst president for civil liberties in US history? That question is a difficult one to answer because it is so reliant upon which of many valid standards of measurement one chooses; it depends at least as much on the specific rights which one understands the phrase "civil liberties" to encompass. That makes the question irresolvable in any definitive way, but its examination is nonetheless valuable for the light it sheds on current political disputes."  - also posted at ICH

The Emperor Has No Gold - Are Central Banks Overstating their Gold Holdings?
A quote...."Romania has demanded for many years that Russia return its gold. -- Last year, Venezuela demanded the return of 90 tons of gold from the Bank of England. -- As everyone knows, the German high court ruled that Germany must audit its gold reserves held in foreign countries such as the U.S., England and France. And German inspectors will actually travel to the New York Federal Reserve Bank’s gold depository and the Bank of England to inspect their gold. -- Germany will also repatriate 150 tons of gold in order to test it for purity. -- Germany’s not the only country...." - see related articles....
Is this Mitt’s shameful secret: Bain is a Mossad asset?
2012 Election Cycle - (Mitt, the Zio-Zombie) -- A quote...."Mitt Romney, Benyamin Netanyahu—and the enigmatic Orit Gadiesh (pronounced o-REET GUH-deesh)—crossed paths circa 1973 when Bill Bain and 6 partners left BCG (Boston Consulting Group) to form Bain and Company. In 1984 Bain, Romney and two other partners form Bain Capital, which amoeba-like, split off from the parent company. They were separate—yet somewhat incestuous. It started with $37 million—but within a year business Romney’s Bain Capital was about to go out of business—until Mitt teamed up with Leo Kahn and Thomas G. Stemberg and started Staples. Romney gained total control via the management company, Bain Capital Inc.—but the evidence shows that Mossad was the secret controlling partner."

NSA Analyst Proves GOP Is Stealing Elections
2012 Election Cycle - (Vote Fraud Red Warning) -- A quote...."UPDATED: Why is Mitt Romney so confident? -- In states where the winner will be decided by less than 10%, of the vote he already knows he will win. This is no tinfoil hat conspiracy. It’s a math problem. And mathematics showed changes in actual raw voting data that had no statistical correlation other than programmable computer fraud. This computer fraud resulted in votes being flipped from Democrat to Republican in every federal, senatorial, congressional and gubernatorial election since 2008 (thus far) and in the 2012 primary contests from other Republicans to Mitt Romney."

Press TV: US military planned mutiny on the Bounty to topple Obama
Some quotes...."His  [Romney's] real intent is to occupy Iraq and attack Iran. In the process, America intends on “neutralizing” the nuclear capability of Pakistan. This is the plan, it is known, not just in the Department of Defense, but by all intelligence agencies, the plotters have all been recognized, are all under surveillance and they have not been very careful.”  ---  "The decision was made based on a conversation with the Secretary of Defense who, at the end of the talk, believed Gaouette was part of a group of military officers who have been under suspicion for planning a “Seven Days in May” type overthrow of the US government if President Obama is re-elected. - This is not conjecture, dozens of key officers face firing, hundreds are under investigation, all with direct ties to extremist elements in the Republican Party and the Israeli lobby. - Reports received are sourced at the highest levels of the Pentagon and indicate that the administration has been aware of these plans for months. It is not just the Obama administration. This happened before."

Finally: Barry Chamish Concedes Israel’s Involvement in 9/11
A quote...."Barry Chamish is one of the most radical, out-of-control Zionists you’ll ever meet. Chamish is so extreme right-wing pro-settler, pro-Greater-Israel, pro-Jabotinsky, pro-Zio-terrorist, he makes Netanyahu look like a peace-loving statesman. -- But one thing you can say about Chamish: He’s not stupid, he has guts, and he pretty much calls it the way he sees it. At the personal level, I actually like the guy. -- So when Chamish recently wrote what he intended as a hostile review of Christopher Bollyn’s Solving 9/11: The Deception That Changed the World - [AddAll] - [BkFndr]* but couldn’t help admitting that Bollyn was basically right, that the big-money Zionist mob did 9/11 with the help of Mossad and its American assets…well, that’s about the highest praise Bollyn could ever get." - *links added - Topix  ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

Has the Election already been Stolen for Romney/Ryan?
2012 Election Cycle - (Vote Fraud Warning) -- A quote...."Mitt Romney has direct ties to voting machines (also see the report by Brad Freeman). His son, Tagg Romney (who wanted to punch Barack Obama in the face) and a cadre of former Bain Capital business partners are owners of Hart Intercivic, whose voting machines are used in all fifty states. And this is just one of the many companies with ties to the right-wing, which include Diebold, ES&S, and Sequoia. In 2004, Diebold’s Walden O’Dell promised to “deliver votes” to George W. Bush. His machines did, stealing what should have been a John Kerry win. - bold by website editor

It Begins: Ecuador Demands Repatriation Of One Third Of Its Gold Holdings
A quote...."It appears that the story, which has refused to go away, was not covered sufficiently fast, and precisely the worst case scenario - at least for the "asset-lite" status quo - is slowly but surely starting to materialize. From Bloomberg...."

CNBC MOPE: Actual Existence of Gold Reserves is Irrelevant, It’s the Bookkeeping That Matters! -- False Flag Warning - Gold Warning -  (Aaaannnnnnddddd......IT'S GONE!!) -- A quote...."In an amazingly weak and futile attempt to stem the inevitable onslaught of delivery and repatriation requests, CNBC’s senior editor John Carney has released an editorial claiming that it matters not whether the gold held at the NY Fed and the BOE is filled with tungsten, has been leased or swapped, or that it even exists- all that matters is the Fed’s bookkeeping ledger that states the gold is there."
"This editorial from CNBC tells us two things. First, that the gold bullion is indeed vanished (or replaced with Tungsten cored fakes) from the NYFED, BOE, and probably a lot of other places. Second, the Wall Street money-junkies know they cannot refuse a request for an audit and purity testing now. So, they have come up with this idea that it doesn't matter if the gold is really there or not as long as we all agree to believe the gold is there based on a bookkeeping entry...." -- *Michael Rivero*
This "mark to fantasy", "we create our own reality", endless creation of bogus faux-financial instruments, like the almost one hundred trillion worth of derivatives they've created every year, has got to stop! - mpg
Cyberattacks on U.S. Banks an Excuse for War?
Related Article -- Because this is the other half of the "One-Two-Punch" designed to stampede the Amerikan sheeple into war with Iran. - mpg -- A quote...."Who’s really responsible for a recent series of cyberattacks on American banks? If United States officials and politicians are to be believed, the  government of Iran and its so-called “terrorist” proxies are to blame. However, some information security experts have cast doubt on this allegation, while others insist that the attacks are an obvious false-flag operation whose perpetrators have multiple, far-reaching objectives."

Netherlands’ Citizens Group Demands Central Bank Reveal Location of Country’s Gold Reserves  -- False Flag Warning - Gold Warning - A quote...."First Venezuela, then Germany, and now the Netherlands want their gold back. -- In the wake of this week’s ruling by the German Federal Accountability Office that Germany must repatriate and audit 150 tons of its gold reserves from the NY Fed over the next 3 years, a Netherlands citizens committee has filed a petition demanding the Central Bank release information ”on the quantity and storage location of the Netherlands’ physical gold, and on the extent and nature of the gold claims.”

Keiser Report: Goodbye, German Gold? (E358)
Gold Warning - False Flag Warning - RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 25min46sec - Oct 26, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter - (RussiaToday) -- A quote...."In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss how it is that Gordon Brown's Bottom turned into an audit the gold movement in Germany. They also discuss the mother of all bond bubbles getting set to burst and all that will be left in the Bank of England 'gold' vaults are a big pile of gilts. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to Dominic Frisby, author of Life After the State, about Germany's gold quest, the future of relations between the US and Germany if the gold is not there and about 'life after the state.'" - For more regarding the articles shown above see....

Is The "Gold Finger - Operation Grand Slam" Scenario In Play? - 10-18-12 - mpg
The Three Legs of a Sound International Financial System - A Proposal - 03-15-12 - mpg

Additional related articles shown below....
FLASH: German gold report reveals secret sales that likely were part of swaps
Gold Warning - False Flag Warning -- A quote...."The lack of announcement of the sale of the German gold in London suggests that the sale was actually part of a gold swap with another central bank -- like the New York Fed. That is, the powerful implication here is that German gold in London was sold at the behest of the United States and in exchange Germany took title to United States gold vaulted in the United States -- or title to gold supposedly vaulted in the United States. This way the Bundesbank could continue to claim ownership of the same amount of gold without lying, at least not technically." - bold by website editor
It appears the FBI's child like attempt to lay the ground work for what was probably going to be a "Gold-Finger -- Operation Grand Slam" false flag nuclear-attack on the New York Federal Reserve's gold deposits, and Leon Panetta's ridiculous attempts to lay the ground work for a false flag cyber-attack against the US-NRE's banking system, BOTH to be blamed on Iran, are now beginning to make sense. 

The FED (a PRIVATE banking cartel, 70% of which is owned by foreign banking families MOST of whom are faux-Jewish Kazarians) has spent, sold, re-hypothicated or simply stolen most of the gold stored at the NY Fed or the US Treasury.  A COMPLETE independent,
simultaneous (you can figure out why) audit of BOTH the NY Fed and the US Treasury, MUST be conducted immediately before this gets COMPLETELY out of hand!! - mpg
Why Did The Bundesbank Secretly Withdraw Two-Thirds Of Its London Gold?
Gold Warning - False Flag Warning - Related Article - A quote...."Speculation aside, the fact that central banks, and even banks of central banks (i.e., the BIS), have long lent out gold, is no secret to anyone, traditionally to satisfy short-term physical gold confirmation claims upon a spike in demand, usually associated with a liquidity shortage (when the value of gold as monetary collateral truly shines). The problem with this rehypothecation scheme is what happens when the counterparty suddenly finds themselves insolvent, the gold has since been re-re-rehypothecated, and nobody really knows whose gold it is any more. This becomes a drastic problem when a counterparty in a collateral chain suddenly goes broke..."

AIPAC 101 — What Every American Should Know
Related Video - Alt1 - Alt2 - Alt3 - (YuTb - 9min39sec - 0513/0713/0302, 2011) - Source:  AL / A / W2G -- A quote...."Take America back before it's too late!"

Wake Up Again - This article is for Ryan Dawson - mpg
A quote...."The “alternative news” is becoming more and more like the mainstream news every day, and their slowly expanding, sanitized version of the truth is arriving just as the lies are becoming well known, much as the mainstream media only reports many news items because they can no longer cover them up. -- So how do you know if you’ve arrived safely in the truth movement, or are still being deceived by the lie movement that exists within the truth movement? -- Well as it happens, there are several “litmus tests” that you can help you determine whether or not a “truth site” exists to inform you, or deceive you, and you should be constantly looking for deception, because deception is our enemies’ most powerful, and most used weapon. Deception is what spies and propagandists do for a living. They’re good at what they do, and they have the “truth movement” surrounded on all sides."

The Jewish [Faux-Jewish Kazarian] Oligarchy: Running and Ruining America
Quote of the Day...."Never in the course of human history has one small nation constituting 0.002% of the world population has so dominated the world’s agenda and policies as has Israel, an illegally, immorally created artificial nation built on the blood, sweat, tears, and theft and dispossession of a land and its people-Palestine."

War in Syria Will Lead to New World Order: Lebanese Christian Leader Michel Aoun
EZVideo - (EZYuTb - 14min18sec - Oct 12, 2012) - Source: Eretz Zen -- A quote...."Lebanese former military commander-in-chief, Michel Aoun, is interviewed by Syrian State TV on Oct 11, 2012. During the interview, Aoun gives his opinion on the conflict in Syria. He says that the Syrian government will not be toppled, and that this war will put an end to the rise of Islamic extremism in the Arab world. He also believes that a New World Order will emerge as a result of the Syrian conflict, stating that World War III will most likely occur if the ongoing attack against Syria runs out of fuel without it leading to the toppling of its government." - Topix  ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||

Bomb Blast Devastates Christian Section of Beirut—Who Benefits?
A quote...."The Western media appear to be taking pains to convince us that Friday’s explosion in Beirut, in a primarily Christian neighborhood, was carried out by Syria. The blast killed at least 8 people, including General Wissam al-Hassan, a high-ranking official within the country's Internal Security Forces, or ISF, while wounding some 80 others."

U.S. Is A Slave To Israel - America: From Colony to Nation to Slave
A quote...."October 19, 2012 "Information Clearing House" -  As Americans fixate on the presidential campaign, they also should note the status of President Obama and Governor Romney. Yes, both are presidential candidates, but both are also men who — with their predecessors and the Congress — have willingly surrendered American sovereignty and independence to Israel and its U.S.-citizen advocates (Jewish and Evangelical), their organizations, and much of the media."

Romney family buys voting machines through Bain Capital investment
2012 Election Cycle - (Vote Fraud Warning) -- A quote...." Tagg Romney, the son of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, has purchased electronic voting machines that will be used in the 2012 elections in Ohio, Texas, Oklahoma, Washington and Colorado. -- "Late last month, Gerry Bello and Bob Fitrakis at FreePress.org broke the story of the Mitt Romney/Bain Capital investment team involved in H.I.G. Capital which, in July of 2011, completed a "strategic investment" to take over a fair share of the Austin-based e-voting machine company Hart Intercivic," according to independent journalist Brad Friedman. - But Friedman is not the only one to discover the connection between the Romney family, Bain Capital, and ownership of voting machines."

Senior advisor to Romney inspired by Trotsky’s right-hand man
(Romney works for Israel, NOT the country of his birth!! - mpg) -- A quote...."Prominent neocons graduated from SDUSA and its youth group, the Young Peoples Socialist League (known as Yipsels), to become the War Party’s brain trust: Jeanne Kirkpatrick, James Woolsey, Carl Gershman, Max Kampelman, Penn Kimble, and Elliott Abrams, to name just a few. Irving Kristol, the neoconservative “godfather,” wrote about his Trotksyist youth in this brief memoir." - also posted at MyCatBird'sSeat  & LewRockwell

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Is The "Gold Finger - Operation Grand Slam" Scenario In Play? - 10-18-12 - mpg

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The Road to World War 3
Video - Alt - (YuTb -  13min48sec - Sept 11, 2012) - Source:  StormCloudsGathering -- A quote...."We are on a road that leads straight to the World War 3, but in order to see that and to fully understand what is at stake you have to look at the big picture and connect the dots. This video examines the history of the dollar, its relation to oil, and the real motives behind the wars of the past two decades." - Topix ||  The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle  ||

Bain Capital started with help of offshore investors
From the History File - July 19, 2012 -- A quote...."Mitt Romney's firm raised more than a third of its first investment fund from wealthy foreigners — who mostly used companies in Panama, then known for tax advantages and banking secrecy." - a few related articles shown below.....
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Psycho for President? - 10-13-12 - mpg

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Loyalty’s for Chumps on The Street - Obama Dumped by the Money Men
2012 Election Cycle - (the Banksters have selected their new lackey) -- A quote...."Open Secrets reports that this year there is only one Wall Street bank listed among Obama’s top 20 largest donors: Wells Fargo, which only gave the president’s re-election campaign a scant $202,000, less than half what the smallest of his top 20 donors gave four years ago. Over all, big banks gave Obama over $4 million in 2008, and only $200,000, or just five percent as much, in 2012.  --  Romney, meanwhile, this year is awash in Wall Street money, and his donations are even bigger than the donations Obama received from the industry back in 2008. Romney’s number one donor is Goldman Sachs, the turncoat institution that gave Obama $1 million four years ago. Its PAC this year as of August had already given Romney almost $900,000. More importantly, the top eight biggest donors to Romney’s campaign were Wall Street financial institutions. - bold by website editor - also posted at ICH

List Of The Elite That Run The Federal Reserve
Contains Video & Photos - (of the evil ones) -- A quote...." The Fed is a private for profit Bankster cartel which controls the money supply. The Fed profits off of interest on our national debt when we pay our IRS taxes. -- The  HIGHER THE DEFICIT the more PROFIT!  - The Fed has NEVER been audited. Who owns the Fed and what country are they from? - The Founders revolted from this same “for profit” Central Bank system of European Kings. They knew it would eventual lead to debt servitude." - capitallization changes by website editor - also posted at FromTheTrenches

Swiss Study Shows 147 Technocratic “Super Entities” Rule the World
Special Note - Related Article - A quote...."The Swiss Federal Institute (SFI) in Zurich released a study entitled “The Network of Global Corporate Control” that proves a small consortiums of corporations – mainly banks – run the world. A mere 147 corporations which form a “super entity” have control 40% of the world’s wealth; which is the real economy. These mega-corporations are at the center of the global economy. The banks found to be most influential include...."

Barclays Deutsche Bank
Goldman Sachs Bank of New York Melon Corp
JPMorgan Chase & Co Morgan Stanley
Vanguard Group Bank of America Corp
UBS Société Générale

"However as the connections to the controlling groups are networked throughout the world, they become the catalyst for global financial collapse."

"The Fed's sole purpose: keeping the banks [TBTB Banksters] afloat" – G. Edward Griffin
Video - (YuTb - 12min57sec - Oct 2, 2012) - Source: CaseyResearchFAN -- A quote...."In this explosive video, Casey Summit speaker G. Edward Griffin, author of  "The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve" - [BkFndr] - [AddAll]*, talks about the Fed's real role in the US economy and why – contrary to common belief – it is not this banking cartel's mission to act in the best interest of the American public."" - *links added
Quote of the Day...."These are not 'rescue packages'.  These are not 'economic stimuluses'.  This is nothing less than legalized plunder." -- *G. Edward Griffin*  
The Secret of Oz (by Mr Bill Still)
Video - Dec 24, 2010 - (previously posted) - (YuTb - 1hr50min49sec - 12/24/10) - Source:  kirilk -- A quote...."What's the Movie About? - It is well known in economics academia that The Wonderful Wizard of Oz written by L. Frank Baum in 1900 is loaded with powerful symbols of monetary reform which were the core of the Populist movement and the 1896 and 1900 president bid of Democrat William Jennings Bryan. - The yellow brick road (gold standard), the emerald city of Oz (greenback money), even Dorothy's silver slippers (changed to ruby slippers for the movie version) were the symbol of Baum's and Bryan's belief that adding silver coinage to gold would provide much needed money to a depression-strapped, 1890s America. - We believe Baum's symbols represent the only solution to relieve the growing economic hardship here in America -- and the rest of the world." - see also....The Money Masters ~ Full Movie - (YuTb - 3miin29min21sec - Aug 2, 2011) - Source:  BliuNineleven

The Truth About Israel by a Jew – Miko Peled
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 1hr8min31sec - Oct 9, 2012) - Source:  ToddBoyle - Website:  MikoPeled - Book:  "The General's Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine" - [BkFndr] - [AddAll]* -- A quote...."This man should speak at the United Nations, but would never be allowed to, because it is a hotbed of bribe-taking officials who are a disgrace to the lofty declarations which that organization claims to stand for. - How can anyone expect that any degree of fairness could possibly exist in a world when what this man has to say goes totally unremarked and unreported in the mainstream media? - Don’t kid yourself: this is not just an Israeli/Palestinian problem, this is a problem that affects everyone." - *links added

U.S. Policy: Gas Up Radical Islamists Just To Blow Them Up
A quote....""The contradictions in U.S. foreign policy couldn't be clearer than in Syria. The U.S. is supporting Jihadist terrorists and thereby putting to death the biggest fable in its war on terror mythology: Radical Islam is a threat to America and Western civilization. -- The absurdity of the media fables is too much to ignore. The collapsing 9/11 mythology and NATO's war on terror consensus is irreversible. More people believe in flying unicorns than the official fable of 9/11." - "Troubling Syrian Revelations Destroy The Fables of The War on Terror Mythology." -- "The historical record shows America and Israel have funded, armed, and used radical Islamist groups like Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood in order to counterbalance the rise of nationalist movements as well as to advance their geopolitical aims and political narrative in the Middle East."

Chained By The Myth of Blowback: Why Progressives & Libertarians Are Blind To 9/11 Truth  -- A quote...."The thesis of blowback, as defined and popularized by the late Chalmers Johnson, is, at its base, an inaccurate representation of reality and as a result it will not stand the test of time and the force of events. -- The propaganda about the September 11 events, which ascended like a dark sun in the hours and days after that shocking tragedy, is a falling shadow over the mind of Western man eleven years later. The people of America, the West, and the world increasingly recognize that the official story lacks intellectual and scientific integrity."

Does America Share Its “Values” With Terrorists?
PPVideo - (PPYuTb - 4min -  Oct 9, 2012) - Source:  PrisonPlanetLive -- A quote...."(PPLive) – Paul Joseph Watson asks what “values” Mitt Romney thinks America shares with Syrian Rebels who burn U.S. flags, torture and execute prisoners and carry out terrorist attacks. - Related articles....." - Topix ||  US Support of Terror - Al CIA'da In Syria - New Weblist !! || Ry's Rant 1 (Whole Pik)Ry's Rant 2 (State Terrorism) - Ry's Rant 3 (Neocolonialism)
Ry2SVideo - (Ry2SYuTb - 10/5/15min - Oct 4, 2012) - Source:   Rys2sense - Related:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related: Ry2SLiberty@Vimeo - Related:  Rys2senseAntiNeocons

George Galloway [on Syria]
GGVideo - Wow! - (GGYuTb - 6min43sec - Sept 3, 2012) - Source: RyDawson - A quote...."The ending is the best."

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An Enemy of Your Enemy Could Be Your WORST Enemy - 10-06-12 - mpg

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Afghanistan: Epic Fail | Brainwash Update
BtSVideo - Wow! - (BtSYuTb - 5min27sec - Oct 4, 2012) - Source:  breakingtheset -- A quote...."Only days away from the 11th anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan, Abby Martin takes a look back at consequences of the longest military involvement in US history."

Chris Hedges on The Real News - US Elections: Pick Your Poison
2012 Election Cycle - RNVideo - Alt - (RNYuTb - 17min02sec - Oct 2, 2012)  - Source:  TheRealNews -- A quote...."Chris Hedges: The system has not been able to respond in a rational way, the way the Roosevelt administration responded rationally through the New Deal. And because of that, we're in deep, deep trouble. So I think all of our hope now has to be invested in acts of civil disobedience."  ---  "I intend to vote but I will not vote for Barack Obama. I'll vote for a third party candidate." -- *Chris Hedges

Orwell Rolls in His Grave - (Full 3 Hour Documentary)
Video - From the History File - Dec 25, 2010 - Alt - (YuTb - 3hr1min53sec - 12/25/10) - Source:  WarCrime911 -- A quote...."This chilling documentary film examines the relationship between the media, corporate America, and government. In a country where the "top 1% control 90% of the wealth", the film argues that the media system is nothing but a "subsidiary of corporate America.""

If You Prop Up an Artificial Economy Long Enough, Does It Become Real?
Many "We create our own reality" neocons and parasites would answer with a resounding yes!! - mpg -- Quote of the Day...."The policy of the Status Quo since 2008 boils down to this assumption: if we prop up an artificial economy long enough, it will magically become real. This is an extraordinary assumption: that the process of artifice will result in artifice becoming real...."
The present ENTIRE Amerikan way of life expressed in a single paragraph. Remember folks, whenever they're in doubt, whenever they find themselves in any sort of trouble, or whenever the opportunity presents itself for more profit, the parasites and the lackeys who work for them ALWAYS....
Remembering 100 Years of Conquered Rule
A quote...."October 02, 2012 "Information Clearing House" - One hundred years ago the American republic was overthrown and captured by financial elites and money power during the Taft and Wilson administrations, the first Republican and the second Democrat. Both the Federal Reserve and federal income tax were born and you know the rest of the story consisting of two world wars, the Great Depression and stock market crash, the rise of communism and fascism and the Cold War. Since that time directed current events, history and financial markets have ruled at the expense of free markets and free people." - Topix ||  The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle  ||

Marc Faber "The Monetary Policies of the US will Destroy the World."  Only for the 99%
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 8min23sec - Sept 16, 2012) - Source:  selfownership1 --  A quote...."Sept. 14 (Bloomberg) -- Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom report, talks about Federal Reserve policy and his investment strategy. - Faber, speaking with Betty Liu on Bloomberg Television's "In the Loop," also discusses gold prices and the property market. (Source: Bloomberg)"

The Real Reason Behind War
A quote...."The conventional validation for perpetual war in the Middle East does not hold when looked at rationally.  When the ideas of nationalism and statist glory are wiped away, the state appears as it really is: institutionalized exploitation of the masses by the few.  The undertaking of war masks this reality for a short period while accelerating the pace at which liberty is stripped away.  In the end, wars are waged to fulfill the sadistic desires of government leaders and to give them an opening to tighten their grip on society.  The parasitic class which makes up the state doesn’t just war with other states; it conducts war against the citizens it claims to protect." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Cynthia McKinney On Leadership
A quote...."October 02, 2012 "Information Clearing House" -  Cynthia McKinney survived brickbats, but she did not survive the Israel Lobby. She spoke up for the Palestinians, a taboo in American politics, and Israeli money got her evicted from the House of Representatives." - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts - also posted at PrisonPlanet

Exclusive: CNN Exposed! Caught Producing "State Sponsored News" in Bahrain
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 43min54sec - Sept 29, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel - Related: AmberlyOnLive - A quote...."The Amber Lyon story is just the latest in a series of articles that expose the total Joseph Goebbels like censorship rampant in mainstream media today. The first one I posted several weeks ago exposed how the NY Times basically just regurgitates whatever government officials tell them, while the other showcased how an NPR reporter covering D.C. had to leave and do her own thing out of frustration. This is precisely why alternative media sites are taking off. They provide the only outlets left for genuine " - For more regarding Alex's comment on CNN's participation in the "Pentagon's Hidden Hand" program, see....The New York Times Article - Pentagon's Hidden Hand   - Yes....every once and awhile the Times owners slip up and accidentally post a great expose about how this country really works. It doesn't happen very often. Maybe once a decade. - mpg

Where Do 53% of Your Tax Dollars Go?
AlJzVideo - Alt - (AlJzYuTb - 3min36sec - Jul 11, 2012) - Source:  tradgedyandhope -- A quote...."Where is 53% of your Tax dollars going? It may shock you to find out. It is extremely important for people to see this video."

311. War and the Fed
Related Audio - (FlshPlyr - 18min04sec - Sept 28, 2012) -  Source:  LRPodCasts - Related:  DwnldMp3 -- A quote...."Lew Rockwell’s talk was delivered on September 14, 2012 at the NYC Mises Circle – Central Banking Insurance and Economic Decline."

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The Rules of Force - 09-28-12 - mpg

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Press TV: Tragedy of US police training by Israeli companies
ZOG Alert - (Zionist Occupied Government) -- A quote...."During the Bush administration, Israeli-American dual citizen and Director of Homeland Security Chertoff mandated that American police forces be trained by Israeli groups in crowd control, counter-terrorism and intelligence gathering. - Since that time, shootings of unarmed civilians has gone up 500%, attacks on legal political protests by police have become a scandal and huge stockpiles of ammunition and military heavy weaponry have been distributed to law enforcement groups in every region of America, both local and federally controlled."

Paul Craig Roberts: America, The Next Banana Republic
AJVideo - (YuTb - 40min09sec - Sept 26, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex also welcomes American economist and Infowars contributing writer Paul Craig Roberts to discuss the impact of European austerity measures on world markets amidst ongoing riots."
Great clip of Patrick Clawson doing a Henry the Eighth...."Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?" - (i.e. Iran) - Psssssst - (Hey Israel, he's got a job for you, you know, like you did on 9/11). - Hope you guys on the USS Enterprise are taking precautions! - mpg - See more commentary shown below....
Max Igan & Ken O’Keefe – False Flags & the American Interest
Related Video - Alt - (It's pretty funny....mpg) - (YuTb - 14min30sec - Sept 28, 2012) - Source:  aodscarecrow -- A quote...."(TJP) – Max Igan and Ken O’Keefe’s breakdown on Israel lobbyist Patrick Clawson’s suggestion of using a false flag event as a means of initiating conflict with Iran. Gaza rooftop." - For more on this ENTIRE issue see....The Ten Year / Economic Warfare Cycle

Battle for Syria: View from the Frontline
GRTVideo - Alt - (NOTE: In Russian with English sub-titles) - (Outstanding video! - mpg) - (GRTVYuTb - 26min15sec - Sept 24, 2012) - Source:   BitnikGr -- A quote...."War has been raging in Syria for a year and a half. An endless series of special operations, victories and retreats, a struggle between government forces and an armed opposition that takes place both with weapons on the ground and on the TV screen."

Words From The Grave Maya Naser - No Civil War in Syria
SGPVideo - (SGPYuTb - 19min56sec - Sept 27, 2012) - Source:  SyrianGirlPartisanRelated:  FaceBook - Related:  Twitter -- A quote...."A quote...."[Interview starts at 5:00] Press TV Journalist Maya Naser was martyred yesterday when FSA Mercenary Snipers while he was covering a bombing in the Syrian capital of Damascus . He was a patriot and a brave hero that risked his life for the truth. Three weeks before his death I interviewed him on wether or not there was a civil war in Syria. I waited to put it out because I wanted to edit it, and now it's too late for him to see it. I had hoped to interview him again, 'inshallah' he said, 'god willing'." - See also a related article....Killed For Exposing Truth

Full-Spectrum State Terror: 9/11, NDAA, QE3, And War Against Iran
There is no longer any excuse to be ignorant of the fact that 9/11 was an inside job. As a result of this fact, the West lives in a state of tyranny. - But if the shocking truth about the 9/11 events didn't wake people up from their sleep, the Orwell-inspired language in the NDAA certainly did."
"My frustration with self-professed liberals is that they're entranced with the rhetoric of Obama and utterly ignore the facts, utterly ignore what he has done. And as you mentioned earlier, I think what we are seeing is in essence a rewriting of the legal code to criminalize any form of legitimate dissent. And that's because the corporate state, corporate power, understands very well what's coming both in terms of the environmental crisis and the economic crisis. And they want the legal mechanisms to shut it down.""  --  *Chris Hedges*
The Tender Tyranny of American Liberalism Redux
Related Article - A quote...."Liberalism itself is a synthetic creation of the power structure, a humanitarian facade behind which the dirty work of policing the world can go on uninterrupted by idealistic spasms in the body politic.[1] -- Journalist Eric Norden’s perceptive critique, “The Tender Tyranny of American Liberalism,” appeared in the early years of the Vietnam era, accurately identifying how a predominantly liberal worldview projected by the ruling technocracy and its intellectual adherents acted to subordinate genuinely Left-progressive ideas and social movements at home while ensuring the furtherance of US imperial designs abroad. Today Norden’s insights are worthy of reconsideration in light of how the Left remains largely devoid of its own voice or vision and more than ever liberalism provides ideological cover for aggressive Anglo-American militarism, the prerogatives of transnational corporations, and an ever-expanding police state."

Jesse Ventura Vindicated on WTC 7 vs Piers Morgan
Ry2SVideo - (Ry2SYuTb - 6min39sec - Sept 24, 2012) - Source:   Rys2sense - Related:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related: Ry2SLiberty@Vimeo - Related:  Rys2senseAntiNeocons - Topix ||  9/11-WTC7  ||

 911 and the Cover up by Ryan Dawson updated 2012
Ry2SVideo - (Ry2SYuTb - 6min39sec - Sept 24, 2012) - Source:   Rys2sense - Related:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related: Ry2SLiberty@Vimeo - Related:  Rys2senseAntiNeocons - A quote...."If you look at Syria, you see how well and how easily multiple nations coordinate to use terrorists groups and mercenaries and terrorist tactics by the thousands with full support from Western state media and even going as far as to stage false flag massacre and blaming it on Syria's government. If you think these relationships with terrorists groups trained by the CIA, & Mossad and financed by Saudi Arabia before 911 then you are delusional. If you think the government only started lying from the Iraq War on then you are also delusional."

Great Expectations: Benghazi-Style Blowback an Integral Part of Terror War System
A quote...."As protests against the Mohammed-bashing film now spread to Yemen — where the Peace Laureate is drone-bombing the hell out of the populace on a regular basis – Simon Tisdall has more on the bitter blowback of the Laureate’s much-lauded regime change in Libya. First, Tisdall notes that despite the effusion of shock and horror emanating from Washington over the attack on its diplomats, the American government had in fact anticipated the possibility of such an incident:   The assassination in Benghazi of the American ambassador to Libya is an appalling act – and one foreseen by his employers....." - Source:  ChrisFloyd

Is Obama the Trojan Horse, a Psychopath, a Bad Boyfriend or all Three? - posted at ICH
Quote of the Day...."September 20, 2012 "Information Clearing House" -  I believe Barack Obama was put into office to do what no Republican could ever have gotten away with. Obama has extended the wars, created new wars, extended the Bush tax cuts for the rich, given additional bail out money to the banks, allowed the health insurance industry to write the healthcare bill, extended the Patriot Act and signed the NDAA. -- Under his watch not one member of the Bush Administration has been held accountable for leading us into wars built on false evidence and lies; not one banker has been held accountable for the fraud and corruption that brought down the global economy. And the final nail in the coffin, Mr. Slim Shady signed the NDAA bill on New Year’s Eve while most American’s sipped champagne and sang Auld Lang Syne. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) makes America the battlefield and allows indefinite detention of U.S. citizens suspected of ‘terrorist” leanings without due process." - bold by website editor
Obama supporters are a classic example, and meet every definition of, people afflicted with Audio Visual Disassociative Disorder (AViDD “believer” type-1 syndrome)
Celente: The Tyranny of an Arrested Development Republic
AJVideo - More Celente and Alex, spot-on! - mpg - (AJYuTb - 43min8sec -  Sept 19, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex talks with trendsetter, author, and editor and publisher of the Trends Journal, Gerald Celente. Gerald talks with Alex about latest geopolitical and economic events unfolding as the world moves inextricably toward all-out war."

Michael Rivero Broadcasting on Justin TV - Sept 17 2012 - Part II
MRVideo - Funding & Donation Drive for RBN -- Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 3hrs - Sept 17th, 2012) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.

A general Comment and overview from SaS concerning the downward spiral of the cabal
A quote...."There are two aspects of this controversy that many, in the Lame Stream Media, have overlooked. As this issue is “revealed” to us, there are two classical poles of contention, on the one hand you have “The West” with all of its many alliances and undisclosed, private compacts engaged in “business as usual.” From this perspective, we observe that political elements of each regime continue to fascinate us with their abject stupidity and amoral depravity. Banks continue to rape and pillage their own people as well as those of their client states. War is ruthlessly raged against a defenseless and undescribable body politic with little in the way of tools and tactics that can be deployed against the machinery of conquest other than their own fragile bodies. Disinformation is spread like a fetid salve upon the wounds of public awareness." - Topix ||  The Three Legs of a Sound International Financial System - A Proposal - 03-15-12 - mpg  ||

'Insurgency winning war in Afghanistan, troops die for nothing'
RTVideo - (Great George Galloway!! - mpg) - (RTYuTb - 6min18sec - Sept 19, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."There's a lot of attention now on how unrest in the Muslim world might impact the insurgency in Afghanistan. For more on that, RT talks to British MP George Galloway, who tabled a motion in parliament demanding British troops be home by Christmas." - - Keep in mind folks, the Afghan adventure was a FANTASTIC, highly profitable, very successful, victory for the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium, their pet Neocons and assorted parasites, which includes the Banksters, along with the the drug dealers and the US-NRE's Military Industrial Complex....never, ever, forget that! - mpg

Zion Strategy Shift in the Middle East
A quote...."Well it would seem that the strategy to procure one world Zionist rule has taken a turn.  No more incrementalism in the Middle East.  The Israelis have established their own country where Palestine used to be and are now determined to take the entirety of the Middle East and Northern Africa in one full sweep.  And the more blood spilled in the effort, the more pleased their misery loving god will be."

Resurrecting the [Kazarian-AIPAC-Israeli] Neocons: Marc Grossman.. Richard Perle & Douglas Feith in Queue -- Related Article - A quote..."Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has chosen a new special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan: a long-time controversial neocon, a man who has been famous for parading as a foreign agent in the lobby circuit, the scandalous former diplomat Marc Grossman. The not-so-gradual resurrection of the old neocon cabal under the Obama administration, led by Hillary Clinton, should not come as a surprise. According to Washington insiders, Richardl Perle and Douglas Feith have been consulted more than a few times in their ‘unofficial’ capacity, but are not far down in the queue to receive ‘official’ acknowledgement. This shouldn’t come as a surprise; at least to those who’ve been following the steady momentum building at the Obama White House towards a soon-to-come Neocon Easter."

Gerald Celente: Criminal Banksters Launching New World War
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 1hr7min58sec - Sept 15, 2012) - Source: TheAlexJonesChannel - Related:  AlexOnTwitter - New Website:  InforWarsHealth - Related: TrendsJournal - Mix Alex and Celente, you get fireworks. - mpg

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Armageddon Cultists & Their Place in the Trinity of Evil - 09-14-12 - mpg
Oh How Quickly We Forget....How Fickle Are Our Memories.... - 09-14-12 - mpg

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WideAwakeNews Radio 9-11 Special
CMcGVideo - (CMcGYuTb - 1hr14min - Sept 11, 2012) - Source:  crabbydogtrix - (NOTE: Audio difficulties, they improve 2min45sec and again 5min18sec into the video) -- A quote...."CIA Whistle Blower Susan Lindauer joins Charlie,Eric, and Vinny - Related Book:  "Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot ACT and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq: The Ultimate Conspiracy to Silence Truth" -- [BkFndr] -- [AddAll]

Corbett Report Radio 216 - Remembering 9/11
CRAudio - (CRBlipTV - 46min31sec - Sept 11, 2012) - Source:  CRBlipTV - Related: CRYuTbVids - Related: CorbettReport -- A quote...."On the 11th anniversary of 9/11, James plays some clips from his GRTV video work on 9/11 truth over the past year."

The Meaning of 9/11 Truth
CRAudio - (CRBlipTV - 59min17sec - Sept 10, 2012) - Source:  CRBlipTV - Related: CRYuTbVids - Related:  CorbettReport -- A quote...."We've covered the who/what/where/when/why of 9/11 on this podcast in the past, but in this 9/11 11th anniversary episode of the podcast we ask: what... more"

Why 9/11 researchers know the official story is false
DataBase - A quote...."Apart from the unprecedented total collapses of three steel-framed high-rises from "office fires", numerous reports of molten steel and molten metal including a "little river of steel, flowing", an orange-yellow flow of molten material from WTC2 indicative of an iron-rich melt and totally at odds with the "office fires" scenario, a steel beam that was "dripping from the molten steel" in February of 2002, a WDS analysis conducted in 2006 of previously molten metal from Ground Zero that determined it was predominantly iron, dozens of oral reports of explosions, low frequency audio of a blast three seconds before the WTC7 east penthouse began to descend, etc., there are multiple aspects of the 9/11 official conspiracy theory (or coincidence theory) that require a suspension of disbelief because of absurdities or improbable "coincidences". Here are some examples." - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

The Unanswered Questions of 9/11
A quote...."The questions of 9/11 have only continued to pile up higher since that fateful day, and despite official platitudes we are no closer to having those questions answered today then we were when they first arose. In fact, for some of the most important 9/11 questions, the government’s own documents and records that could conceivably answered them have been destroyed, meaning we may never have answers. - The unanswered questions of 9/11 are too numerous to enumerate, but they include...."

Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 - AE911Truth.org
A&EVideo - (A&EYuTb - 15min - Aug 16, 2011) - Source:  ae911truth -- A quote.... "AE911Truth's new 9/11 documentary Solving the Mystery, the destruction of World Trade Center Building #7, WTC 7 on 9/11/01. Join actor, Ed Asner and Architect Richard Gage, AIA and Architects and Engineers as they narrate an unfolding story that decimates the official account ("collapse due to normal office fires") of this 47 story high-rise which was destroyed on the afternoon of 9/11 in record time: top to bottom in under 7 seconds - and at free-fall acceleration for a third of its fall. Solving the Mystery of the Free-Fall Collapse of WTC 7."

"The Toronto Hearings on 9/11: Uncovering Ten Years of Deception" (New Rel - Full Lgth)
THVideo - Alt - (THYuTb - 5hrs14min32sec - Sept 7, 2012) - Source:  Ahijab -- A quote...."Ten years have passed since the World Trade Center attacks of September 11, 2001, and there are still many unanswered questions surrounding that fateful day. - In 2011, experts and scientists from around the world gathered in Toronto, Canada to present new and established evidence that questions the official story of 9/11. This evidence was presented to a distinguished panel of experts over a 4 day period. - Through their analysis and scientific investigations, they hope to spark a new investigation into the attacks of September 11, 2001. - Thank you for all your work!"

The Method to the Post 9/11 Madness
A quote...."To your average educated careful consumer of U.S. news media, our militarism looks like ad hoc reactionary responses. A crisis flairs up here. We "intervene" there. An irrational foreign dictator threatens the peace over yonder. We get into wars because we have no choice, and then continue them because ending them would be somehow even worse than continuing them. -- In fact, there is a method to the madness." - Topix ||  War Resource 9/11  ||  9/11 PlngGuide - SpecTrgts  ||

Falling Man of 9/11 Still Cries Out for Justice
Contains Videos - A quote...."The most despicable act of American treason was the 9/11 official attack storyline and carefully orchestrated cover up which continues to this day. The Obama administration is still determined to keep this bamboozle covered up and is, as such, is complicit in hiding the truth of 9/11. -- Nothing captures the sheer horror of that day more graphically than Richard Drew’s photo of the falling man ~ later identified as Jonathan Briley."

Pilots for 9/11 Truth: Airplane controllability
Video - (AdbFlshPlyr - 6min17sec - Wed, Sept 12, 2012 - 22:45) - A quote..."excerpt from "9/11: World Trade Center Attack" by Pilots for 9/11 Truth - http://www.pilotsfor911truth.org -- see also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSokEXdFjaQ -- pilot who flew actual aircraft used on 9/11 says it was impossible."

The 9/11 Plug-Ugly Circle Jerk Blues.
A quote...."Why do those who say that 9/11 was an Inside Job, not mention the obvious players? WTF? Why does no famous person say anything? Why didn't Gore Vidal say it? Why don't those who are old and nearing death but with a large name recognition factor say anything? Something very weird is going on. Look at some of the stupendous hoaxes, perpetrated on the human consciousness. Some of us come forth and speak of these things but no one with any large recognition factor says anything. WTF? -- The free world has been reduced to a prison camp in so many locations. The police are shooting people at random and laughing about it. Wars are being waged and millions are being killed and everyone goes along with the program. I can't get my head around it. When I look closely, when I focus, it blows my mind. I literally do not know what to think....."

Destroying The World In War - The 11th Anniversary of 9/11
A quote...."....according to the official story, a handful of Arabs, mainly Saudi Arabians, operating independently of any government and competent intelligence service, men without James Bond and V for Vendetta capabilities, outwitted not only the CIA, FBI, and National Security Agency, but all 16 US intelligence agencies, along with all security agencies of America’s NATO allies and Israel’s Mossad. Not only did the entire intelligence forces of the Western world fail, but on the morning of the attack the entire apparatus of the National Security State simultaneously failed. Airport security failed four times in one hour. NORAD failed. Air Traffic Control failed. The US Air Force failed. The National Security Council failed. Dick Cheney failed. Absolutely nothing worked. The world’s only superpower was helpless at the humiliating mercy of a few undistinguished Arabs."

911 cover up condensed to 28mins :mainly info on the Israelis
Ry2SVideo - (Ry2sYuTb - 28min13sec - Sept 10, 2012) - Source:   Rys2sense - Related:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related: Ry2SLiberty@VimeoRelated:  WarByDecpt - Related:  Rys2senseAntiNeocons - A quote.... "To see the whole 911 film go here https://vimeo.com/39578648# To see the film with the Iraq and anthrax parts added go here www.warbydeception.com"

9/11 Is the LitmusTest
Video - Sept 5, 2011 - (previously posted) - (YuTb - 8min33sec - 09/05/11) - Source:  Snordelhans -- A quote...."There is one thing that defines everyone over the course of these early years of this new century. That thing is the 9/11 attack. Everyone in government and every field of endeavor the world over is defined by their position on this event. It is not necessary to know the truth. It is only necessary to know the extent of the lies in order to define any leader in any position anywhere in the world. By what they have said and by what they have not said, one can accurately judge who is an enemy of the people's of the world. One can accurately determine who is a tool of the psychopaths or one of them."

CIA Asset Susan Lindauer Can Now Speak 10 years after 9-11
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 1hr29min11sec -  Mar 15, 2012) - Source:  ntyranny1 -- A quote...."CIA Asset Susan Lindauer Can Now Speak 10 years after 9-11." - Related Book:  "Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot ACT and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq: The Ultimate Conspiracy to Silence Truth" -- [BkFndr] -- [AddAll]

FEMA was in New York the Night Before 9/11
Article List - Related Article - A quote...."Click HERE for a RealAudio recording of a statement made by FEMA spokesman Tom Kenney to Dan Rather on Wednesday, September 12th, 2001. In this interview, Kenney states that FEMA was deployed to New York on Monday night, September 10th, to be ready to go into action on Tuesday morning, September 11th."

One of the Many Irrefutable Signs of Israel's Involvement - 06-29-11 - mpg
Related Essay - A quote...."Philip Zelikow, the executive director of the 9/11 Commission, said in 2007 that people who believe in a different version of how and why the 9/11 attacks happened live in a different universe, implying that they are crazy freaks who should not be given any public attention. He made the comment at Chautauqua Institution when asked by Professor Paul Zarembka of State University of New York at Buffalo about his opinion on the evidence that eleven of the nineteen hijackers who were credited with 9/11 were found alive after the attacks occurred." -- This is one of the CLASSIC and irrefutable signs that Israel was directly involved in the attacks on 9/11 and was one of the many pieces of evidence that convinced this website editor of Israel's full complicity." - mpg

Disarming the 911 Kook Movement
Video - (YuTb - 29min06sec - Jan 31, 2012) - Source:   Rys2sense - Related:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related: Ry2SLiberty@VimeoRelated:  WarByDecpt - Related:  Rys2senseAntiNeocons - A quote.... "http://warbydeception.com/ to see the film I referred to. -- The official conspiracy theory from the government was bad enough without crazies making it even worse. There is a reason attention and promotion is given to the most retarded elements of 911 truth. It's a way of poisoning the well." - Topix ||  9/11-NORAD  || Anthrax Attacks  ||

Colorado Public Television Presents 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out
Video - Alt - (PBS/AdbFlshPlyr - 1hr31min22sec - Air Date 08/18/12) - Source:  ColoradoPBS12 -- A quote...."Over 40 experts in high-rise architecture, structural engineering, metallurgy, chemistry, physics, explosives, and controlled demolition share their professional expertise and insights about the events of 9/11. Additionally, 8 psychological experts discuss why proving controlled demolition of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers can be so difficult for individuals to accept." - Topix  ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

911 Q&A
Video - (YuTb - 13min04sec - Sept 2, 2012) - Source:  TheEndOfZion --  A quote...."Taken from the second part of his excellent two part interview with Robert Sungenis regarding Israeli involvement in the 9/11 attacks. Based on Sungenis' comprehensive two part review of the book "Solving 911" by Christopher Bollyn found at http://www.bollyn.com. Links to full interviews [below]"

Audio Interview
Mark Dankof interviews Dr Robert Sungenis about the Israeli role in 9/11 P1 - DwnldMp3
Mark Dankof’s - An Israeli operation from start to finish…P2 - DwnldMp3

Why Were U.S. Intelligence Facilities in an 'Information Void' During the 9/11 Attacks?
A quote...."When the terrorist attacks began on September 11, 2001, numerous U.S. intelligence agencies and facilities that should have been closely following the catastrophic events taking place in the skies over America were unaware that anything was wrong. Because of their particular responsibilities and their advanced capabilities, agencies such as the FBI and the National Security Agency (NSA) should have been among the first to learn the details of the crisis. But, instead, they were apparently in an information blackout, and their knowledge of the attacks was limited to what they could learn from television reports. -- The fact that key intelligence agencies and facilities experienced this problem, and all at the same time, suggests that the information blackout may have been intentional--an act of sabotage committed by the perpetrators of the attacks. Such an act could have been intended to render these agencies and facilities useless when their services were urgently needed, thereby helping to ensure that the attacks were successful."

911 Truth ~ The North Tower Explodes
Video - (YuTb - 6min58sec - Sep 3, 2012) - Source:  rtxyz1 -- A quote...."The best footage of the 1st Collapse and Analysis provided by the Architects and Engineers. Clearly seen are the rapid explosions Floor by Floor. Case closed here, They blew the hell out of the North Tower.The Scorpions Provide a little kick at the End. Please come to NYC this Year for the 11 th year Anniversary of the War on Truth. Does the Phrase Last Chance have any Meaning to you? Patriots will Unite!"

9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (Full Version)
Video - From the History FileSept 10, 2011 - Alt - (YuTb - 2hrs19min03sec -  09/10/11) - Source:  WhatsReallyGoingOnUS -- A quote...."Richard Gage and over 40 other experts in high-rise architecture, structural engineering, metallurgy, chemistry, physics, explosives, and controlled demolition share their professional expertise and insights about the events of 9/11. Additionally, 8 psychological experts discuss why proving controlled demolition of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers can be so difficult for individuals to accept."

Israel did 9/11 - All The Proof in the World
Data Base - Contains Videos - Photos - Articles - (Note:  the first vid is missing and can be found here - mpg) -- A quote...."For a more in depth look at the Israeli 9-11 attack it is recommended that you read Christopher Bollyn's book Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World - PDF. Another similar exposé of the Zionists who perpetrated this dastardly act can be read here. Or, if you are not a fan of long reading, watch 9-11 Missing Links."

Complete 911 Timeline
Data Base

Missing Links
Website & Video

THE 9/11 READER. The September 11, 2001 Terror Attacks
Book Data Base - (updated and interactive) -- A quote...."The 911/ Reader is part of Global Research’s Online Interactive I-Book Reader, which brings together, in the form of chapters, a collection of Global Research feature articles, including debate and analysis, on a broad theme or subject matter."

Sleeping With the Devil: How U.S. and Saudi Backing of Al Qaeda Led to 9/11
A quote...."The CIA, concerned about the factionalism of Afghanistan … found that Arab zealots who flocked to aid the Afghans were easier to “read” than the rivalry-ridden natives. While the Arab volunteers might well prove troublesome later, the agency reasoned, they at least were one-dimensionally anti-Soviet for now. So bin Laden, along with a small group of Islamic militants from Egypt, Pakistan, Lebanon, Syria and Palestinian refugee camps all over the Middle East, became the “reliable” partners of the CIA in its war against Moscow."

Who’s Afraid of 9/11 Conspiracy Theories?
From the History File - April 3, 2010 · 2:59 pm  -- A quote...."Whenever someone insists too strongly about something not being true, we tend to suspect that maybe it is. In their denials of involvement in 9/11, do Israel’s apologists “protest too much”? -- While it would take a small book to adequately document the Israeli connection to 9/11—as Antiwar.com editor Justin Raimondo has attempted in The Terror Enigma—let us briefly recall some of the more intriguing facts as reported in the mainstream media, involving dancing Israelis, Odigo warnings, and Zim’s timely move." - also posted at AlethoNews