Friday February 6th 2015

What is a Conspiracy Theory? What is the Truth?
A quote...."The ‘big lie’ has now becomes the truth … and the truth has become a ‘conspiracy theory’. - Those who are committed to the Truth are categorized as “Terrorists”. - According to Paul Craig Roberts (2011), the conspiracy theory concept “has undergone Orwellian redefinition”....A “conspiracy theory” no longer means an event explained by a conspiracy. Instead, it now means any explanation, or even a fact, that is out of step with the government’s explanation and that of its media pimps....In other words, as truth becomes uncomfortable for government and its Ministry of Propaganda, truth is redefined as conspiracy theory, by which is meant an absurd and laughable explanation that we should ignore. - Fiction becomes fact. - Investigative journalism has been scrapped."

The Cowardly And Despicable American Presstitutes
A quote...."There is a brouhaha underway about an American journalist who told a story about being in a helicopter in a war zone.  The helicopter was hit and had to land.  Which war zone and when I don't know.  The US has created so many war zones that it is difficult to keep up with them all, and as you will see, I am not interested in the story for its own sake."

The Shame of US Journalism Is the Destruction of Iraq, Not Fake Helicopter Stories
A quote...."Given that Williams works for NBC, his participation in the construction of a piece of fiction during the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq is apt. US network news, together with outlets such as CNN, aggressively cheer-led an invasion predicated on a massive falsehood: the Iraqi possession of WMD. What is jarring, however, is the fact that Williams’ sad attempt to inject himself into the fabric of the violence is getting more ink and airplay than the non-existence of WMD did back in the early-to-mid 2000s: a lie that provided the justification for a military action that has taken the lives of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians." - Source:  CommonDreams

Conundrum – Syriza, Democracy And The Death Of A Saudi Tyrant
A quote...."February 05, 2015 "ICH" - "Media Lens"- It's always a tricky moment for the corporate media when a foreign leader dies. The content and tone need to be appropriate, moulded to whether that leader fell into line with Western policies or not." - Source:  MediaLens

An Uninvited Guest
CAATVideo - Alt - (CAATYuTb - 1min53sec - Feb 4, 2015) - Source:  CampaignAgainstArmsTrade -- A quote...."The UK arms industry's Annual Dinner took place on 3rd February 2015 at the London Hilton on Park Lane. The £246-a-head banquet was attended by arms industry executives and more than 40 MPs. - This industry, which profits from selling arms to repressive regimes and conflict zones including Saudi Arabia, Israel and Bahrain, is supported and subsidised by the UK government. - Activists from Campaign Against Arms Trade were there to greet the arriving arms dealers and deliver an impromptu speech asking them to reconsider their choice of career..."
If you want to know if you're publicly brave or not, just ask yourself, could you do what this woman did? - mpg
America’s James Bond Complex
A quote...."Today, American politicians of both major parties — conservatives, “moderates,” and so-called liberals alike — insist that the United States is an “exceptional,” even “indispensable” nation. In practice, this means that for the United States alone the rules are different. Particularly in international affairs, it — the government and its personnel — can do whatever deemed necessary to carry out its objectives, including things that would get any other government or person branded a criminal." - Source: FutrOfFreedomFndtn

US Government Loaded with Psychopathic Morons
A quote...."First of all, for the morons in the US government, the enemies of the "Ukrainian Army" primarily are not just the defense forces of Novorossiya, but every single man, woman and child in Donbass. Their efforts are specifically directed at killing as many civilians as possible and causing complete destruction of homes, hospitals, schools, churches and infrastructure necessary for life such as water and electric facilities...making for a humanitarian disaster of epic proportions."

U.S. Pushes For War In Europe
A quote...."It is pretty obvious that significant forces in Washington push for a big war in Europe, cold at least but hot if possible. European countries, aside from some small U.S. puppets, are well aware that they would be hit hard in such a war, and do not want it. -- The U.S. wants to deliver additional weapons to Ukraine and to thereby goad Russia into such a wider war. The arguments made-PDF that such weapon delivers would somehow restrict Russia are just stupid and only hide the real plans: Escalation until Europe is (again) up in flames."

NATO Pep Rally!
A quote...."What the hell is going on, Europe? France now says that Ukraine shouldn't join NATO? And there's all this hippie-dippy talk of wanting "peace" in East Ukraine? Is that how Europe rolls now? What happened to the Europe we once knew and loved? The 13-years-in-Afghanistan-for-no-reason Europe? The bomb-2-protect-Libya Europe? The do-whatever-the-US-says-even-if-it-makes-no-sense-and-leads-to-total-catastrophe Europe? - Thankfully, The Guardian knows how demoralized you all are. Time for a pep rally!"

Pentagon Requests $534 Billion For 2016, Largest Ever War Budget
Contains Must View Video - Alt - (RTYuTb - 8min26sec - Jan 29, 2015) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."The White House will be seeking $534 billion from Congress to run the Pentagon in 2016 – its largest budget ever. - However, a source told RT that the budget is actually closer to $1 trillion, and has been for several administrations." - Source:  RT
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A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia...

The Real Reason Washington Feels Threatened by Moscow - The Fallujah Option for East Ukraine
Must Read Spot-On Geopolitical Analysis - A quote...."Washington needs a war in Ukraine to achieve its strategic objectives. - This point cannot be overstated. - The US wants to push NATO to Russia’s western border. It wants a land-bridge to Asia to spread US military bases across the continent.  It wants to control the pipeline corridors from Russia to Europe to monitor Moscow’s revenues and to  ensure that gas continues to be denominated in dollars. And it wants a weaker, unstable Russia that is more prone to regime change, fragmentation and, ultimately, foreign control. These objectives cannot be achieved peacefully, indeed, if the fighting stopped tomorrow,  the sanctions would be lifted shortly after, and the Russian economy would begin to recover. How would that benefit Washington? - It wouldn’t. It would undermine Washington’s broader plan to integrate China and Russia into the prevailing economic system, the dollar system. Powerbrokers in the US realize that the present system must either expand or collapse. Either China and Russia are brought to heel and persuaded to accept a subordinate role in the US-led global order or Washington’s tenure as global hegemon will come to an end." - bold by website editor

What Steven F. Cohen & Other Liberals Get Wrong About Obama & Ukraine’s War
Must Read - A quote...."Liberals won’t acknowledge that they’ve “been had” by Barack Obama when they believed his liberal rhetoric; they won’t acknowledge it, even after Obama has proven by his actions that he is actually extremely conservative (a total agent of Wall Street; and, thus, inequality has been rising under his rule); Obama is conservative despite his liberal rhetoric, which is designed to deceive them; and he has — which is the worst thing of all — intentionally caused an extremely bloody ethnic cleansing in Ukraine, a war there against those of Ukraine’s citizens who think that Russia is a better country than the United States: an ethnic cleansing to cement-in, as permanent, a rabidly anti-Russian Government in Ukraine, by getting rid of the people there who had voted for the man Obama overthrew. This is, historically, the first time in history that any American President has sponsored an ethnic cleansing: it’s an attempt to exterminate a civilian population. That’s how bad Obama actually is."
Steven Cohen didn't get it "wrong".  He's a trans-national, Euro-Kazarian, fellow-traveling, PNAC'ing AIPAC/Israeli, Neo-liberal war whore, Just like his fellow Euro-Kazarian brethren in Ukraine. -- Victoria Nuland, Robert Kagan, Arseniy Petrovych (Yat the Rat) Yatsenyuk, Yulia "nuke all Russians" Tymoshenko, Bernard-Henri Lévy, billionaire oligarchs.... Petro Oleksiyovych (Porky the Pig) Poroshenko, Igor Kolomoisky, Penny Pritzker, George "Baron the Gross Harkonnen" Soros, (Five billion invested in Ukraine's bonds? Ten billion?) and the Fed, along with its affiliated foreign Euro-Kazarian ownersbanking institutions and corporations -- He knows perfectly well what they intend to do in Ukraine --  Carry out ANOTHER Holodomor Massacre of the Christian Ukrainian/Russian people who live there, just as they did in the 1930's. -- It's quite obvious that he could care less. - mpg
CrossTalk: Saving Ukraine
Must View CTRTVideo -- (CTRTYuTb - 24min42sec - Feb 6, 2015) - Source:   CT@YuTb - CrossTalk - RT -- A quote...."Will peace be given one last chance? The French president and German Chancellor head to Moscow for talks to end Ukraine’s civil war. At the same time the US Secretary of State arrives in Kiev to arrange training and arms transfers. Which approach will prevail? CrossTalking with Alexander Mercouris, James Jatras, and Mary Dejevsky."
Human Rights Watch: International Armed Conflict Promoter for Soros?
HRW War Promoter - Must Read - A quote...."This morning Human Rights Watch published its World Report 2015 on Ukraine in which it repeats claims from the US and Ukrainian authorities that the Ukrainian civil war is ‘an international armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine’, the only evidence for it cited is ‘the capture of Russian soldiers in Ukraine’, which supposedly ‘exposes Russian forces direct involvement in military operations’. -- I’ve checked the report on Syria and despite evidence from Wikileaks that the U.S. secretly funded Syria’s opposition and that US-led NATO troops operated in Syria undercover, and a more recent news article that the “U.S. military has established a new command that will oversee operations in Syria” and the official announcement that the U.S. will deploy about 400 troops to Syria to train ‘moderate’ rebels, Human Rights Watch describes the conflict as that between ‘pro-government militias’ and ‘non-state armed groups.’ Predictably, US or NATO’s involvement is mentioned and it’s certainly not classified as ‘an international armed conflict between Syria and the US’, revealing HRW’s double standards."

NATO is Already at War in Ukraine… and it is Losing
NATO Caught Lying Again - Must Read -- A quote...." February 05, 2015 "ICH" - "SCF"- In yet another sleight of hand, Western news media are this week spinning the notion that the US and NATO are «considering sending lethal military aid» in order «to defend» the Kiev regime from "Russian aggression". -- That’s a pathetic joke. The real explanation is that NATO is losing its war in Ukraine and needs to send more military fuel in order to salvage the mounting losses." - Source:  StratCultFndtn - also posted at ICH

INCREDIBLE: NATO Now Admits There Is No Large-Scale Russian Invasion of Ukraine
NATO Admits It Lied Again - Related Article -- A quote...."The US ambassador to NATO now says that Russian forces in Ukraine are limited to a "command role" and "specialists" who "operate advanced military equipment""
So they admit they lied again. Are any retractions going to be printed by the six Euro-Kazarian controlled mass-spewage outlets in Amerika? Nope -- Does anyone in Amerika care that this episode has proven to be the twelfth or fifteenth time the US-NRE and Porky the Pig Poroshenko has lied, and been caught lying, just about this one issue of "Russian Troops invading Ukraine"? Nope -- Do most Amerikans care about the thousands of demonstrable, proven, lies they've already spewed out regarding just this Russia/Ukraine situation, much less the rest of the world? Nope -- Is this state of affairs ever going to change? Nope -- Just, simply, incredible. - mpg
NATO Chief Admits Russia Poses No Threat to Baltic States, Eastern Europe
Ditto - Related Article -- A quote...."Jens Stoltenberg sees no immediate threat posed by Russia to the Baltic States, Poland, Bulgaria and Romania. He said as much when fielding media questions on the sidelines of Thursday’s meeting in Brussels of the defense ministers of the 28 NATO countries."
Another "admission" by NATO. - Will it stop the Eastern European build-up.  Nope.  Does it signal a change in NATO's policy of expanding into every C.I.S. state till they're in Moscow. Nope. Does anyone in Amerika care. Nope. -- Telling the truth, an exercise in pure futility.  - mpg
'US facilitated coup d'état in Ukraine'
PRSTVideo - Alt - (PRSTVYuTb - 1min55sec -  Feb 3, 2015) - Source:  PressTVNewsVideos -- A quote...."The Obama administration is “involved in criminal activities” in Ukraine and facilitated last year’s “coup d'état” in Kiev, a former US Senate candidate says. -- “They did so in conjunction with neo-Nazi elements in Kiev, they did so at the behest of Israel and the European central banks and the International Monetary Fund (IMF),” said Mark Dankof, who is also a broadcaster and pastor in San Antonio, Texas. -- “And of course this whole situation in Ukraine permitted the United States to continue the encirclement policy of Russia that has been going on since the end of the Cold War ,” he told Press TV on Monday."

No Doubt: US Taxpayers Will be Robbed to Arm Poroshenko
Related Article - A quote...."February 05, 2015 "ICH" - President Petro Poroshenko, who the US, along with the Europeans and NATO, helped place in power after last year’s coup, has declared that he has “no doubt” America's taxpayers will provide the lethal weapons he desires to fight the separatists in eastern Ukraine. I never had any doubt, either. Of course it's all to stop "Russian aggression." NATO's expansionism is never considered an important issue in the very dangerous war."

Ukraine: Odessa District Rises up Against Mobilization
A quote...."Events in the Reni district of Odessa region are characteristic of the "fourth wave" of mobilization in the South of Ukraine. An old fishing village of Limanskoe rebelled. Hundreds of residents have captured an armed group of military representatives and publicly burned all the call up papers in the village square."

Mass Draft Evasion Shows Maidan Ukraine Is a Failing State
Must Read Analysis - A quote...."While the US and much of the West continue to encourage, even urge Kiev to continue its suicidal and potentially genocidal ‘anti-terrorist operation’ (ATO) against the Donbass’s separatists, the Ukrainian state continues to melt down and drive wedge between it and what remains of its population." - Source:  GordanMHahn

Ukraine Oligarchs May Be Moving Against the War
Related Article - A quote...."Viktor Baloga proposed to hold a referendum on the question of whether to continue the war or let the South-East go. According to the deputy, the choice is simple: “either a civilized parting of ways or a war for many years which will weaken the state, finish off the economy, and make every Ukrainian even poorer”."

Orban and Merkel clash over 'illiberal democracy'
A quote...."Facing the media after more than an hour of talks, both leaders firmly ruled out supporting any military solution to the conflict raging in the more distant regions of Hungary's eastern neighbour. "Germany does not support a military solution, it is not possible," Merkel answered in response to a journalist's question. Orban's response was a curt "No!"" - also posted at RussianInsider

Merkel Apparently Fears Devastating Defeat of the Ukrainian Army
A quote...."Angela Merkel seems to anticipate the economic and military collapse of Ukraine. Berlin’s civil service is naturally working hard on a peace plan. To avert fiasco, Merkel must now discuss a truce with Vladimir Putin. This war could end profitably for the rebels." - also posted at WashBlog

Ukraine SITREP: *Extremely* dangerous situation in Debaltsevo
Red False Flag Warning - A quote...."The Novorussian and the junta have agreed to a cease-fire to allow the civilian population to leave Debaltsevo.  In theory, each civilian will get to chose whether he/she wants to be evacuated to Novorussia or to the Nazi-occupied Ukraine.  The convoy of refugees will be escorted by senior OSCE officials.  Both sides to the conflict have pledged not to open fire during the time needed for this operation.  Now consider this...."

Intermedia Ukraine mini-SITREP
A quote...."So Kerry and Nuland are in Kiev, and tomorrow Merkel and Hollande will be in Moscow.  This is probably the strongest evidence that the Debaltsevo cauldron is closed and the surrounded junta forces desperate and defeated (one Russian military analyst stated in an interview that he believes that about half of all the truly combat capable junta forces are in the Debaltsevo cauldron - in other words, the junta army has been defeated again).  In other words, the AngloZionists are again intervening to save their sorry little Nazi buddies and their failed regime in Kiev.  How noble of them."

[eng subs] Uglegorsk residents evacuated by the militias from the town destroyed by UAF "Grads"
KZVideo - (KZYuTb - 5min30sec - Feb 3, 2015) - Source:  Kazzura -- A quote...."People are crying, asking the cameramen to film their messages to their relatives and let them know that they've survived - Several days ago town was seized by the NAF Upon their retreat, UAF forces called a "Grad" strike at the town destroying its center. People have been hiding in the basements for days being in the middle of forntline between the militias and counter-attacking UAF groups."

'US & UK try to sabotage any Ukraine peace agreement'
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 5min39sec - Feb o6, 2015) - RT -- A quote...."Talks between Russia’s President Putin, France’s President Hollande, and German Chancellor Merkel have been constructive, said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Friday. However, RT spoke with political analyst Dan Glazebrook, who thinks that while Germany seems enthusiastic about the peace talks, the other sides involved in the conflict – the US and UK – are creating obstacles which may stand in the way of the conflict’s resolution. " - For more articles and videos on Russia/Ukraine, see below....
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Joe Biden: Russia 'Cannot Be Allowed to Redraw the Map of Europe'
NBC - Busted! -- This is from NBC - There's a tiny problem with Joe Biden's statement, he has a slight conflict of interest regarding this issue....
Guess where this gas company thinks part of the best gas deposits are, that's right, in the rebel held Donetsk and Luhansk regions.  Gee, you'd think NBC might mention that little fact. - mpg

Rinat Akhmetov's Corum Group Signs Billion Dollar Deal to Export Donbass Coal to China
A quote...."Rinat Ahkmetov's Corum Group has signed a mutli-billion deal to export coal from the disputed Donetsk and Luhansk Republic's to China. Looks like this could be game over for Ukraine."
Gee, China usually isn't so....undiplomatic, about these sorts of issues.  Someone in Ukraine's government must have done something to really piss them off.  Wonder what that could have been?? - mpg
China made an honest, up front deal to pay Ukraine $6.6 billion for GMO free wheat.  They were than told to go f*ck themselves after they gave the loans.  That's what you get when you deal with the trans-national, Euro-Kazarian bunch of carpet-baggers currently controlling Ukraine. - mpg
IMF Carpetbaggers Take over Ukraine as Floating Hryvnia Plummets 45% in One Day
A quote...."    How low will it go? - From 8 [a valuation just over a year ago] to 21.5 represents a 62.7% decline. And I suspect it won't stop there. Why should it? - A plunge from 8 to 30 would be a 73% decline in just over a year. And that's my initial guess barring some quick monetary rescue by the IMF. - If and when the Ukrainian National Bank does float the currency, other sites will note the "shocking overnight" plunge. - In reality, the plunge has already taken place, over time. The charts just don't show that yet." - Source:  Mish'sGETA
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The ISIS Gambit - Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....& The Kurds....

Slip-Up? McCain Says “National Security Team Recommended Arming ISIS”
ISIS Gambit - Even John McCain Is Coming Out??? -- A quote...."Arizona Sen. John McCain made an interesting comment regarding the federal government’s policy towards the ISIS terrorist group Wednesday evening during an appearance on Fox News."

‘U.S, West To Blame For Rise Of Isis’ – Chechen Leader, Kadyrov
ISIS Gambit - The View From A Devout Islamist -- A quote...."Ramzan Kadyrov has accused the US and other Western nations of “spawning” the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorist group in order to incite hatred towards Muslims all over the world."
“Today, no one doubts the fact that this group has been spawned by America and other Western countries in order to spark hatred of Islam in the hearts of people all over the planet, to stop the process of mass conversion to Islam,” the head of the Chechen Republic wrote on his Instagram page.
"Kadyrov also suggested the West was backing IS in order to distract public attention from numerous problems in the Middle East, in the hope of destroying Islamic nations from inside."

Dozens killed in heavy Damascus fighting
ISIS Gambit - Turning Up The Heat -- A quote...."Heavy fighting in and around the Syrian capital Damascus has killed at least 40 people and wounded many more, state media and observers say."

Syrian opposition and ISIS use chemical weapons
ISIS Gambit - The Chemical Weapons Card (Again) -- A quote...."As the events of the past months have shown, a number of Western governments, primarily the US and Great Britain, have not left their attempts at politicization of the process of destroying chemical weapons (CW) in the Syrian Republic, by means of blaming certain participants of the process of breaching the conditions of liquidation of CW in the SAR. Recently, in an attempt to reawaken the idea of an armed intrusion into Syria, aiming at toppling existing authorities, the USA and a number of Western countries once again began accusing Syrian leaders of using chemical weapons in their fight against armed opposition. These very same militants, who have almost completely crossed over to the side of the “Islamic State of Iraq and Syria” (ISIS), are still stubbornly called “moderate opposition” in Washington and London from where they receive not only financial, but also military assistance."  - For more articles on the ISIS Gambit in Syria, see below....
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, North & Central Africa & Others...

ISIS defeats in north Iraq reveal evidence of atrocities
A quote...."Sinuni (Iraq) (AFP) - Dirt-covered skulls and bones scattered among ragged clothing in a ditch in north Iraq are all that remain of some two dozen people believed to have been murdered by the Islamic State group. - The blood still staining one side of the ditch and the bullet casings scattered on the ground paint a grim picture of how they died. - The recently discovered site is not unique, and more evidence of ISIS atrocities will likely emerge as areas retaken from the jihadists by Kurdish forces are searched, a task made more difficult by explosives they left behind."

Jordan carries out air strikes in Iraq, killing 55 ISIS militants - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."The Jordanian air force carried out air strikes against Islamic State targets in Mosul, killing 55 including a top IS commander known as the "Prince of Nineveh," Iraqi media reported Wednesday."
First Jordan allows ISIS to be trained and supplied by the US-NRE on their own territory for three years, now they're trying to kill them in Iraq?  Well, at least they're attempting to clean up their own mess. - mpg
Jordan's pledge to fight militants on the ground is coup for US and its allies
King Abdullah told members of the US Congress that Jordan would be stepping up air strikes against Isis. “The only problem we are going to have,” he declared, “is running out of fuel and bullets.” US officials were forced to admit that the United Arab Emirates, a crucial ally, had dropped out of the mission."
As long as they don't attempt to enter Syria, it's fine with this website editor.  One wonders what the GCC Parasitical Families think of all this anti-ISIS activity.  If these forces are NOT used to topple Syria's Assad sometime in the near future there's going to be a substantial and severe, geo-political counter reaction from the GCC Parasitical families. What will it be?? - mpg
Obama to seek additional $1B in financial aid for Jordan
Related Article - A quote..."Obama said he will seek $1 billion in loan guarantees for Jordan, using the full faith and credit of the United States to help make it easier for Jordan to borrow money. The new guarantee would be on top of a $1.25 billion loan guarantee Congress approved last year, the first one ever for Jordan."
Here's Jordan's reward.  Best not be for invading Syria though. - mpg
Kurds and ISIL battle over Kirkuk
A quote...."Desperate for a victory, ISIL sets its eyes on Kirkuk threatening the core of Kurdish heartland." - For more articles on ISIS in Iraq, see below....
Lebanon army holds the line as ISIL inches closer to border towns
A quote...."RAS BAALBEK, Lebanon — A deep thump reverberates across this Christian village as another artillery shell fired by the Lebanese army rips into the rugged, ochre-hued mountains to the east — which represent the western edge of the regional struggle to defeat the ruthless fighters of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)."

Libya: 7 killed in heavy fighting as army pushes to take port
A quote...."Clashes erupted in the centre of Libya's main eastern city Benghazi on Thursday as pro-government forces pushed to take the port district from Islamist militants, and seven soldiers were killed, witnesses and military officials said."

Bahrain Regime Forces Attack Peaceful Protesters
Photo Gallery -- A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Bahrainis under the weight of oppression protest against the arrest of Sheikh Ali Salman, at a time when the United Nation rights experts urge the regime to release political opposition leader."

8 killed in clashes in southern Yemen
A quote...."Five soldiers and three militants were killed on Thursday evening in clashes between the Yemeni army and a group of militants in the southern port city of Aden, said a military official, APA reports quoting Xinhua."

Yemen Factions Agree on Interim Presidential Council
A quote..."The deadline imposed by Houthi rebels has passed, but reports are that Yemeni parties have agreed on the creation of an interim presidential council to fill the role vacated by President Hadi’s resignation late last month."

Running battles in the streets of Kosovo
A quote...."Large anti-government protests organised by ethnic Albanian opposition parties erupted in Kosovo’s capital Pristina this week, more than a month after parliamentarians there approved a new coalition government. - The protests were the largest since Kosovo unilaterally declared independence from Serbia in 2008."

Boko Haram kills 90 civilians and wounds 500 in Cameroon attacks
A quote...."Some 800 Islamic extremists attacking the town of Fotokol “burned churches, mosques and villages and slaughtered youth who resisted joining them to fight Cameroonian forces”, the information minister, Issa Tchiroma Bakari, said on Thursday."

13 Chad troops killed in Boko Haram counter-attack

A quote....""After finishing the count in Fotokol, we... found 13 Chadian soldiers killed," the minister, Edgar Alain Mebe Ngo'o, said Thursday."

The World Looks Away as Ebola Surges
10]   A quote...."Ebola is spreading again, but the world isn't interested. As international interest in Ebola wanes, the virus has again spiked in West Africa, according to figures released by the World Health Organization (WHO) Wednesday." - For more on this issues see....Ebola "Outbreak"
As long as it doesn't spread to Amerika, or if it does, as long as it doesn't kill any white people.  After all, from the point of view of the PNAC'ers, who cares of it kills a whole bunch of "Niggers".  As long as North Africa is made safe for the expansion of Eretz Israel or at least its interests, and China is kept out.  In the words of trans-national Euro-Kazarian Madeleine Albright, if that objective is achieved, even if ten million Africans die agonizing deaths, "we think the price is worth it." - mpg
French comedian convicted of ‘supporting terror’
16]  A Casualty Of The Euro-Kazarian Criminal Consortium -- A quote...."Popular French humorist Dieudonné Mbala Mbala has been convicted and fined 30,000 euros for “supporting terrorism speech” in a decision which many say exemplifies the often discriminatory and two-tiered nature of France’s legal system." - For more on this issue see The Attack in Paris Against Charlie Hebdo - New Weblist! 
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

When Only Bad Choices Remain - Wall Street and the Crisis in Greece
Must Read - A quote...."Occasionally a simple story, trivial even, is a useful metaphor for an historical epic. One such story: last week the New York State Attorney General’s office charged four major retailers with selling nutritional supplements that contained none of their advertised ingredients. This wasn’t / isn’t a case of low quality or of poor quality control. The manufacturers put cheap filler into pill form and sold as much as people would buy knowing that ‘consumers’ don’t have the resources to determine whether the products contained their advertised ingredients. No ‘market mechanism’ uncovered the fraud. It was / is undetectable in the ‘market’ frame. And while no one died as a result of the fraud, the same can’t be said of the broader circumstance for which the incident is metaphor. -- Western economists call this ‘asymmetric’ information— the manufacturers knew that they are selling fraudulent goods but ‘consumers’ didn’t. The same principle was at work when Wall Street banks, including major French and German banks, created and sold faulty Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) to pension funds, insurance companies and smaller European banks in the run up to crisis in 2008."

Zionists have ‘infiltrated’ US political system: International lawyer
ZOG Alert - PRSTVideo - (PRSTVYuTb - 4min2sec - Feb 5, 2015) - Source:  PressTVNewsVideos -- A quote...."Zionists have “infiltrated” the US political system and are “directly interfering” in the country’s domestic policies, an international lawyer in Indonesia says. - Inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address the US Congress about Iran’s nuclear program was a “blunder” by US House Speaker John Boehner, said Barry Grossman."

John Hagee Makes Terrorist Threat Against the United States - The Rebel - Donation Request - [Click Here]
Zio-Zombie / Zio-Whore Alert - A quote...."Pastor John Hagee says God Will Destroy American Because Of How Obama Treats Netanyahu.  Such statements are not just the rants of a Bible possessed lunatic, Hagee is acting as a mouthpiece for the State of Israel.  What is traitor Hagee really doing?  He is issuing a terrorist threat on behalf of Israel."

Palestinian Civil Society Condemns Canadian Govt Disinformation & Repression Against BDS Boycott Movement
ZOG Alert - A quote...."The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), the largest coalition of Palestinian civil society organisations that leads the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement, has condemned the Canadian government’s ramped up disinformation campaign and repressive measures against the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian rights."- Global Research Donation Request - [Click Here]

Ottawa-Tel Aviv Bilateral Agreement: Canadian Government agrees to “Fight” the Boycott, Divestment Sanctions (BDS) Movement Directed against Israel - ZOG Alert - A quote...."Canada and Israel have signed a memorandum of understanding to jointly fight the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement targeting Israel. The memorandum equates BDS with anti Semitism and claims to reflect joint dedication to “freedom of expression and assembly, democracy and the rule of law”."

Why Aren't ISIS and Al-Qaeda Attacking Israel?
From the History File - August 6, 2014 - A quote...."With the recent slaughter of Palestinians taking place on television screens across the world, only the grossly misinformed would believe that Israel’s Palestinian extermination program is actually “self-defense.” - Yet for all of Israel’s whining about how it is being targeted by “Islamic extremists” and “terrorists,”(which should be translated to mean Palestinians, Iran, or any other secular or nationalist Arab government in the region) there is a curious and deafening silence when it is confronted with actual terrorists and Muslim fanatics such as ISIS, al-Nusra, and the myriad of other fundamentalist groups waging jihad in Syria and Iraq. - This bizarre silence has yet to raise the eyebrows of the somnambulant general public."
"Why Aren't ISIS and Al-Qaeda Attacking Israel?" Or for that matter, why aren't any of the other hundreds of Wahhabist terrorist organizations created during the last thirty years and financed by the US-NRE, the Saudi Parasitical Family, and their like minded Parasitical Families in the GCC attacking Israel? 

Billions of dollars in Euro-Kazarian printed Fed Petro-Script openly and publicly being given  to these organizations world wide for over thirty years.  And except for the false flag of 9/11, not
ONE major attack against the strategic interests of the US-NRE, The Saudis, or Israel, long term partners in the "Trinity of Evil", from these hundreds of Wahhabist terrorist organizations they've created. Not one!


That's an astounding record if you come to think about it, which the drooling, somnolent, mentally deficient, Amerikan sheeple never do.

There actually comes a point in time where a people's attempts at "plausible deniability" and "ignorance of the law" no longer provides any cover, or excuse, and that people becomes complicit. 

We as a people passed that point a long time ago. - mpg

Israel Retaliates Against War Crimes Investigation, Attacks AFP
A quote...."Israel is not known for subtle diplomatic skills. That is blatantly obvious in the Zionist government’s heavy-handed response to that state of Palestine’s accepting the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and acceding to the Rome Statute at the beginning of January, in an effort to obtain justice in the face of the ongoing Israeli genocide against the Palestinian people."

Palestinians to become ICC member from April 1, UN confirms
A quote..."Palestine will join the International Criminal Court on April 1, announced UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday. The Palestinians will be able to sue Israel for war crimes, a move the Israeli administration has consistently opposed for decades." - Personally this website editor doesn't trust the ICC to be partial, or just, considering it's prior, heavily tarnished and highly biased record of jurisprudence. But we can hope for the best - mpg

Israeli war crime suspects may be able to run but they cannot hide
Related Article? -- A quote...."The resignation of William Schabas from his post as head of the UN commission to investigate possible war crimes during Israel’s 2014 onslaught on Gaza was always on the cards. From the time of his appointment in August last year, he has been subjected to a relentless campaign that questioned both his integrity and impartiality. -- The manner and timing of his resignation, weeks before the commission presents its report to the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), recalls the case of Judge Richard Goldstone who was forced to disassociate himself from the findings of another UN enquiry into the 2008-09 war on Gaza. Instead of subjecting himself to similar humiliation, Schabas decided to throw in the towel sooner rather than later." - Source:  MEMO

EU Parliament cancels visit of Israeli official who has ‘blood on his hands’ - Hip Hip Hooray!!
It's just symbolic, but symbols are at least something. - mpg -- A quote...."Left-wing politicians in the EU Parliament undermined a visit by Israeli Major General Yoav Mordechai because he has “blood on his hands” according to Northern Ireland MEP Martina Anderson. - Mordechai, who is one of the commanders of the Israeli elite force, is the coordinator for the Israeli government activities with the European Parliament regarding the Palestinian territories. His visit, which was due on Tuesday, was cancelled shortly before it was due to take place." - Source:  MEMO

A Return to European Ghettoisation or a Forced Migration to Israel if no Paradigm Shift by Netanyahu
A quote...."The various factors influencing this resurgence of anti-Semitism are not all clear but it is accepted that the policy of the Israeli government in its overt contempt for the UN, the EU and for human and civil rights – which it claims is supported by Jewish communities worldwide – is undoubtedly a key driver of this hostility. As is also Netanyahu’s contempt for the democratic leader of the United States, President Barack Obama together with Israel’s control by proxy over the Republican-dominated US congress and its foreign policy." - Please, let's not pretend the Demos are not as bought and paid for as the Repubs. - mpg

Settlers [Euro-Kazarian Criminal Consortium Members] Create Outpost Near Nablus
A quote...."NABLUS (Ma'an) -- A group of Israeli settlers [Euro-Kazarian squatters] stormed an outskirt of the northern West Bank village of Beita south of Nablus on Thursday and set up a new illegal settlement [squatter] outpost, a Palestinian Authority official said."

Demonstrators call for Israel to free Palestinian girl
A quote..."Palestinian demonstrators gathered yesterday in the West Bank city of Ramallah calling for Israel to release 14-year-old prisoner Malak Al-Khatib, Al-Araby Al-Jadeed reported. The gathering, which was organised in front of the Red Cross office, was called for by the Palestinian Prisoners’ Committee. Women, ex-prisoners and children took part in the demonstration carrying pictures of the Palestinian girl who was sentenced to two months in prison and a 6,00 shekel ($1,500) fine by an Israeli military court last week."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

The Global De-dollarization and the US Policies
Must Read - Geo-Political Quote of the Day....."In its quest for world domination, which the White House has been pursuing for more than a century, it relied on two primary tools: the US dollar and military might. In order to prevent Washington from establishing complete global hegemony, certain countries have recently been revising their positions towards these two elements by developing alternative military alliances and by breaking with their dependence on the US dollar."

Greece Exposes The Global Economy’s Achilles Heel
A quote...."Chris Martenson: The new Greek political party, known as Syriza, the Coalition of the Radical Left, has done the unthinkable: they’ve dared to speak the truth. - In this case, the truth is perfectly captured by the blunt assessment by the new Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, who recently declared...."
”I’m the finance minister of a bankrupt country.” -- *Yanis Varoufakis*
Greek Defense Chief Accuses Germany of Taking Over EU, NATO
A quote...."The Greek defense minister scolded Germany for alleged blackmail and attempts to seize the reins of the European Union and NATO. Earlier, Germany's defense chief accused Athens of compromising its position by moving closer to Russia."

End 'gross indignity', Greek FM Varoufakis tells Germany

A quote...."Yanis Varoufakis said "too much time, hopes, lives" had been wasted by Greece's forced austerity programme. He was speaking after talks with his German counterpart, Wolfgang Schaeuble, who said a reduction of Greece's debt was off the agenda."

Thousands Of Anti-ECB Protesters Gather In Athens In "First Greek Pro-Government Rally" - Live Feed
A quote...."In what is being described as "the first Greek pro-government rally", thousands of people have gathered outside Greek Parliament in the infamous Syntagma Square to protest against a decision by the European Central Bank to restrict the eligibility of Greek bonds used as collateral from Feb. 11, rather than at the end of February. “ECB Chief Draghi chose to play Merkel’s game again and to blackmail the Greek people and the new Greek government,” is one of the charges being aired on the pro-SYRIZA quarters of cyberspace."

Tsipras, Putin agree to boost bilateral cooperation
A quote...."Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday agreed to boost bilateral ties in a telephone conversation during which the latter invited the new Greek premier to an event in Moscow in May to mark the victory over Nazism."

Russia Deploys Nuclear ICBM Launchers On Combat Patrol
A quote...."Perhaps it is a coincidence that a day before John Kerry's arrival in Kiev (a visit which "coincided" with a 35% devaluation of the local currency) where among other things the US statesman discussed the possibility of official (as opposed to unofficial) deliveries of US "lethal support" to the civil war torn and now hyperinflation country, that Russia decided to put its nuclear ICBMs on combat patrol missions in various Russian regions. Specifically, according to Tass, "About 700 units of military equipment, including launchers are deployed in the positioning areas in the Tver, Ivanovo, Kirov, Irkutsk regions, as well as in Altai Territory and the Mari El republic.""

S&P downgrades Russia to junk, but figures tell different story
A quote...."Standard & Poor’s downgrade of Russia to junk status on January 27 was met by the Kremlin with accusations of US-influenced politicking. Russian news agency RIA Novosti quoted Deputy Foreign Minister Vasily Nebenzya as saying that he has “no doubt that this was done not even on the prompting but on direct orders from Washington”."

‘Panic and jealousy’ – Rogozin blasts new US sanctions plan
A quote...."The top Russian official in charge of the defense industry has called the US sanctions discriminatory, noting they often targeted companies whose products were on a par or better than American competition."

Gazprom team in Egypt to finalise deal on importing Russian gas
A quote...."Egyptian officials are finalising a gas deal with Russian energy giant Gazprom, local media reports said on Wednesday. - Energy-starved Egypt expects to finalize agreements with four major foreign suppliers of liquefied natural gas (LNG), including Russia’s Gazprom, the Al-Yaum As-Sabia reported." - Source:  RussiaInsider

Russia Economy in 2014: GDP up, Industrial Output up, Big Trade Surplus
A quote...."Review of Russia economy in 2014"

Reports of Foreigners Fleeing Russia Are Pure Fiction
A quote...."RBC Daily, belonging to the media group of oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov, has just been caught red-handed in a deliberate and blatant fraud on migration statistics. In a media story billed as RBC’s special research report the publication proclaims that foreigners are leaving Russia in droves."

Disney Forced to Cut $300 Million Investment in Its Russia Channel - Good!
A quote...."MOSCOW, February 4, (RAPSI) - Walt Disney Company (US) is to reduce Russian investment by almost $300 million due to the 20% restriction on the foreign share of Russian media, Interfax reports on Wednesday." - Source:  Rapsi

Brazil to expand share in China’s iron ore imports
A quote...."Brazil will substantially expand its share in China’s market for the millions of tonnes of iron ore imports this year, say officials. - Li Xinchuang, executive vice secretary-general of the China Iron and Steel Association, said on Wednesday, imports from Brazil and Australia will expand to more than 80 per cent this year from 77 per cent in 2014."

Yemen: Shiite Rebels Announce Takeover of Country
A quote...."Unrest continues in Yemen on Friday as Shiite Houthi rebels announced a "constitutional declaration" and that they were assuming control of the country. The group issued the statement in a televised address from the Sunni majority country's capital of Sana'a. A 551-member Transitional National Council would be formed to replace the parliament, and that body would appoint a 5-member council to assume the presidential role during a "transitional period," according to their statement."

Chilean Ex-General Arrested for Caravan of Death
- Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."A judge in Chile ordered the arrest of four Pinochet-era military officials Thursday, including a retired general. - The retired general and former junta member Santiago Sinclair is among those arrested for alleged involvement in 12 killings related to the so-called “Caravan of Death” – a military death squad that scoured Chile from south to north for political dissidents in 1973. The death squad executed dozens of Chileans suspected of being disloyal to Augusto Pinochet – who seized power in a military coup earlier that year."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

President Roosevelt's Campaign To Incite War in Europe:  The Secret Polish Documents
Must Read - For The Record - A quote...."Major ceremonies were held in 1982 to mark the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. With the exceptions of Washington and Lincoln, he was glorified and eulogized as no other president in American history. Even conservative President Ronald Reagan joined the chorus of applause. In early 1983, newspapers and television networks remembered the fiftieth anniversary of Roosevelt's inauguration with numerous laudatory tributes. - And yet, with each passing year more and more new evidence comes to light which contradicts the glowing image of Roosevelt portrayed by the mass media and politicians."

How to destroy Europe, in five easy steps
A quote...."First, you wait for an opportunity to take part in a European war. That is what US president Woodrow Wilson did in 1917...."
"Second, you make sure the European nations get themselves into another nasty war by giving support to an irresponsible little dictator. That is what US president Franklin Delano Roosevelt did in 1939, when he gave Polish dictator Smigly-Rydz a blank check in the conflict with Germany."

"Third, you enter the war only when he enemy is sufficiently worn out. While you throw as many bombs on the heads of innocent civilians as you can, razing the beautiful cities and towns in which they live, you only send in ground troops when the enemy has effectively been beaten by an ally."

"Fourth, after the war has ended, you do not sign peace treaties, but instead install puppet regimes in the occupied nations. Sure enough, since you purportedly are the defender of "democracy," you must allow elections in the occupied nations, but you make sure that any party that does not suit your taste is either forbidden and excluded from participating..."

"Fifth, when the "threat" (to protect against which NATO was created) has disappeared, you invent new enemies to justify your continued military presence in Europe." - Seems like a good plan to this website editor
9/11: Silencing those who report Israel’s role
Israel Is Guilty Of 9/11 -- A quote...."Gag orders, threats of prison and even murder, not just the Bush administration but Obama too, all to defend Israel from very real annihilation...Mike Dick, Supervising Special Agent, heading the FBI’s counter intelligence program, also US Army Lt. Colonel, 3 years deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, outlines harassment that we know comes from his direct knowledge of Netanyahu’s role in planning 9/11. -- Nearly 100 FBI, CIA and other organization personnel are currently under gag order tied to Israels involvement in the planning and execution of 9/11, widespread nuclear espionage and the theft of 350 carefully selected “nuclear pits,” selected with the help of the Director of the US Department of Energy, an Israeli agent. -- Mike Dick was running surveillance units, as cited below, in New York City, tracking “Israeli art students” and Mohammed Atta, observing their meetings and fighting a war against American traitors who aided Israel in planting nuclear weapons under the World Trade Center. -- These are just some of the secrets. Read how they are kept, when murder doesn’t work...."

Yes, The Saudis WERE Involved In Facilitating 9/11 !

Al-Qaeda, Saudi Arabia and Israel
A quote...."The disclosure that convicted al-Qaeda operative Zacarias Moussaoui has identified leading members of the Saudi government as financers of the terrorist network potentially reshapes how Americans will perceive events in the Middle East and creates a risk for Israel’s Likud government which has forged an unlikely alliance with some of these same Saudis. - According to a story in the New York Times on Wednesday, Moussaoui said in a prison deposition that he was directed in 1998 or 1999 by Qaeda leaders in Afghanistan to create a digital database of the group’s donors and that the list included Prince Turki al-Faisal, then Saudi intelligence chief; Prince Bandar bin Sultan, longtime Saudi ambassador to the United States; Prince al-Waleed bin Talal, a prominent billionaire investor; and many leading clerics." - also posted at ICH & WkUpF/YrSlmbr
Yes, all in cooperation with the trans-national, Euro-Kazarian, AIPAC/Israeli Consortium, Necon/Neolib controlled US-NRE....colony.  There are some pretty prominent web masters out there who idiotically and stubbornly state that the Saudi parasitical Family wasn't involved in facilitating 9/11 because "they wouldn't want to harm America". Have you heard of anything more ridiculous? But they'll talk about Israel's involvement anytime, anywhere.

There are other more prominent, even more idiotic web-masters out there who never even mention Israel in connection with 9/11, but will vociferously cover the Saudis involvement at the drop of a hat.

That's stupidity personified, the Saudis WERE INSTRUCTED to help facilitate 9/11 on behalf of Israeli interests, to support the Petro-Fed-Script regime, (NOT the American "Dollar"folks, just look at the top of the bill in your pockets please!), to get rid of the secular or semi-secular governments in the Middle East who were a threat to the Fed'-Petro-Script regime (Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Iran), nation-states which the Saudi Parasitical Family absolutely despises, to initiate Israel's Oded Yinon's scheme across the Middle East and North Africa to help establish "Eretz Israel" (Greater Israel), and the Russian CIS states (to contain Russia & China), and to spread the Saudi Parasitic Family's bastardized, anti-Islamic, Wahhabist, trans-national, terrorist ideology, world wide.

Neither the trans-national Euro-Kazarians, nor the Saudi Parasitical Family and their trans-national Wahhabist cult believe in nation-state structures. They despise and hate them.  You got it yet!?

So far, except for some temporary resistance in Ukraine and Syria, they've been batting a thousand.  Hat tip to the six million Euro-Kazarians in this country, the seven million or so in Israel, and those of them who control the media, banking and political institutions in this country.

They've all done extremely well for themselves. Them and the Saudis - mpg

For essays, databases and maps on this rather simple issue, which seems to elude most political analysts out there, see below.....
NEO – Saudi Arabia: New King, Old Problems
A quote...."If ETs landed next week and rounded up the entire extended royal family to take them back home to barbecue as part of some religious feast, how many here would cry a river for the loss to humanity? - I would ask the same about the Bush family and two thirds of Congress. It would make a wonderful referendum list of names to vote on each election."

Burning Victims to Death: Still a Common Practice
A quote...."February 05, 2015 "ICH" - "The Intercept" - The latest ISIS atrocity – releasing a video of a captured Jordanian fighter pilot being burned alive – prompted substantial discussion yesterday about this particular form of savagery. It is thus worth noting that deliberately burning people to death is achievable – and deliberately achieved – in all sorts of other ways" -- Source:  Intercept

Court presses US govt to act on withheld photos of post-9/11 detainee abuse
A quote...."A federal court insists it wants the Department of Defense to supplement the 2,100 pictures showing US military abuse of detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan with an individual reason for not making each of them public. -- Judge Alvin Hellerstein gave a week to the government on Wednesday either to submit a written estimate of how long it might take to comply with the August 2014 ruling and list individual exemptions for the disclosure of the photographs, or to appeal the court’s decision." - Source:  RT

Canada: Harper Government Relies on Torture Evidence, Say Three Professional Organizations
A quote...."In the wake of the December, 2014 release of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on CIA torture, Prime Minister Harper said the report “has nothing to do whatsoever with the government of Canada.” -- However, David Long, 9/11 survivor and creator of a petition submitted to Parliament December 3, 2014, disputes this claim. -- The office of Steven Blaney, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, recently rejected this request for a Parliamentary review of the September 11, 2001 attacks. -- The 1427 petitioners are dismayed that the key document setting forth the U.S. government’s account of the 9/11 events, the 2004 9/11 Commission Report, is based largely on testimony obtained through torture."- Global Research Donation Request - [Click Here]
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

NSA and CIA on Receiving End of Massive German Phone Spying Program
A quote...."Germany’s foreign intelligence agency has been using its sophisticated electronic systems to collect 220 million bits of metadata a day from satellites and Internet sources and shares that information with U.S. intelligence agencies, according to Zeit Online. Once it crosses the Atlantic, the National Security Agency (NSA) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) use it for their own spying and anti-terrorism activities."

British Spies Threaten To Stop Working With Germans If NSA Probe Taken Further
A quote...."British intelligence chiefs have threatened to halt their sharing of information with their German counterparts if Germany goes ahead with a parliamentary inquiry into British and US spying, according to German media reports."

UK Spent More Money 'Guarding' Assange than in Iraq War Probe
A quote...."A WikiLeaks spokesperson pointed out the cost of the controversial police operation has now exceeded the budget of the country’s Iraq War inquiry. The inquiry was established in 2009 to critique the U.K.'s role in the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. The broad public inquiry is expected to have a final cost of roughly £10 million."

BIG NEWS: It's official: the FCC will seek to reclassify the internet as a utility

This is good news....if you trust this government. -- Normally, treating the web as a "utility" would be the right approach in any of the 190 countries in the world....but this one.  In this country, which disdains the true, actual, factual, meaning of words in the English language, a country which spits on the concept of terms like "promise, contract, agreement, codicil, treaty, bond, covenant and understanding", a country where up is down, black is white, and the interpretation of anything is up to those who rule our system who firmly believe they can "create their own reality".  This ruling could be considered as a very dangerous precedent, and a possible threat, to those in the "reality based community". - mpg

The DEA isn’t just tracking license plates — it’s taking pictures of vehicles’ passengers, too
A quote...."The Drug Enforcement Administration is collecting information about more than just license plates with the tracking system revealed by the American Civil Liberties Union. Documents released by the ACLU this morning show that the DEA is also using the license plate readers (LPRs) on which this system relies to capture photographs of a vehicles’ passengers. The images can then be run through facial recognition software."

64% of reporters say Feds spying on their email, calls, online searches
A quote...."In a survey of investigative reporters that makes Richard Nixon’s enemies list look like child's play, nearly seven in 10 said they believe that the Obama administration has spied on their phone calls, emails and online searches." - For more articles on this sort of issue see below....
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation...

Ignoring America’s [Former] True Greatness
Must Read - A quote...."February 05, 2015 "ICH" - "Washington Times" - The United States was founded on exceptional principles that we are ignoring at our peril. -- The Declaration of Independence explained that individual liberty was the center of our constitutional universe; and, that the United States was formed to protect the unalienable rights of citizens to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, i.e., wisdom and virtue. -- The soldiers at Valley Forge did not sacrifice to build an empire to go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. Neither did they fight to become wealthy and indulged with creature comforts. They uniformly agreed with Samuel Adams that liberty was the philosophical soul of America. He sermonized...."
"If you love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.” -- *Samuel Adams*
Joseph Stalin
A quote...."The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. The public will clamour for such laws if their personal security is threatened.” -- *Joseph Stalin*

The Lone-Wolf Terror Trap - Why the Cure Will Be Worse Than the Disease
The Leviathan State Is Here -- Related Article - A quote..."February 05, 2015 "ICH" - "Tom Dispatch"- - The shadow of a new threat seems to be darkening the national security landscape: the lone-wolf terrorist. -- “The lone wolf is the new nightmare,” wrote Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer [a trans-national, fellow traveling, Euro-Kazarian AIPAC/Israeli Consortium member] recently, and the conservative pundit wasn’t alone in thinking so. “I really see [lone wolves] as being a bigger threat than al-Qaeda, or the Islamic State, or the al-Qaeda franchises,” Scott Stewart, vice president of tactical analysis at the global intelligence and advisory firm Stratfor, told VICE News. Similarly, in the aftermath of the Paris terrorist attacks, appearing on “Meet the Press,” Attorney General Eric Holder said, “The thing that I think keeps me up most at night [is] this concern about the lone wolf who goes undetected.”
The "War On Terror" finally reaches it's long planned, predetermined, penultimate  conclusion.  That each and every single individual can be classified as a terrorist by the Leviathan state at anytime, anywhere, and for any reason.  No Habeas Corpus, no trial, no civil rights, no jury, and no justice.  Everyone was warned about this for over thirty years by over a million printed articles, videos and blogs.  And the people of this country did absolutely nothing to stop it, or prevent it. - mpg
Sami Al-Arian, Professor Who Defeated Controversial Terrorism Charges, is Deported from U.S.
A Case In Point - (It didn't even matter that he won, or, perhaps it's in retaliation because he did.  Welcome folks, to the New Roman Euro-Kazarian Criminal Empire) - Related Article -- A quote...."February 05, 2015 "ICH" - "The Intercept" - In 2003, Sami Al-Arian was a professor at the University of South Florida, a legal resident of the U.S. since 1975, and one of the most prominent Palestinian civil rights activists in the U.S. That year, the course of his life was altered irrevocably when he was indicted on highly controversial terrorism charges by then Attorney General John Ashcroft. These charges commenced a decade-long campaign of government persecution in which Al-Arian was systematically denied his freedom and saw his personal and professional life effectively destroyed." - Source:  TheIntercept

Opportunities Abound for Obama, But Will He Take Any of Them? - Nothing Left to Lose
Second Quote of the Day....."Dynastic politics was bad enough when it was about the Kennedys.  But the Clintons? And the Bushes? Either one is unthinkable, if only on aesthetic grounds; the two together is absurd. -- But this is what the guardians of conventional wisdom are now predicting. When they do, to keep despair at bay, I imagine a modern day Saint-Just declaring that “this great humanity will not be truly happy until the last Clinton is strangled on the entrails of the last scion of the Walker family and Prescott Bush!” A pipe dream, of course. But how can anyone face the prospect of a Clinton-Bush election without giving fantasies like that free rein?"

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "You Low Life Scum” - (2/3/15)
GCVideo - (Note:  appropriate adult language used.) - (GCYuTb - 17min49sec - (o2/03/15)) -  TrendsRsrchInst - New Website! - GrldCelYuTb - TJ@YuTb -- A quote...""The newest Trend Alert is released, JP Morgan agrees to pay $99.5 million for rigging the $1.3 “trillion” forex market & John McCain calls a group of anti-war protesters “low life scum”!""

U.S. Government/Central Bankers Economic Recovery Is Based On A Big Lie – Episode 582
X22Video - Alt/YuTb - Alt/Mp3  - (X22YuTb - 42min44sec - Feb 3, 2015) -- Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote..."ECB and Germany called Greece's plan for a debt hair cut "half baked". CEO of Gallup reports that the unemployment rate is manipulated and its a big lie. Factory orders imploded as the Baltic Dry Index declines again. Russia process MC without SWIFT. Chinese silk road diminishes US role in Asia. England keeps 18 mn innocent faces in their facial recognition database. Japan pushing to change Article 9. Pentagon is considering leaving and increasing troops in Afghanistan. Libya using the Islamic State to get the US to invade. Syria destroys all chemical production facilities. The Islamic State shoots a plane down with shoulder-fired SAM, get ready for a no fly zone. Jordanian pilot burned alive, Jordan wants revenge. - All source links to the report can be found on the site."

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV - 5 Feb 11:00 HST - WRH Donation Request - [Click Here]
MRVideo -- (BambuserTV - 3hrs - 5 Feb11:00 HST)) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Website: - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.

U.S. Oil Suppression Used To Put Pressure On Russia To Abandon Support For Assad – Episode 583
X22Video - Alt/YuTb - Alt/Mp3  - (X22YuTb - 49min27sec - Feb 4, 2015) -- Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote..."The new Greek government vows not to ratify the TTIP. ADP misses as layoffs begin. Baltic Dry Index declines once again. S&P downgrades European banks and Gazprom. Meanwhile the new Chinese credit agency gives Gazprom a AAA rating. The oil suppression is all about putting pressure on Russia to stop supporting Assad. OPEC sees oil prices skyrocketing to $200 a barrel very soon. Venezuela coup d'etat is being pushed by the US. Jordan is back in the game to fight the Islamic State and they want to put troops on the ground. There are 10 steps to close down a society and the Central bankers/US government are now very close to implementing all 10. - All source links to the report can be found on the site."

9/11 Report Will Reveal What We Already Knew
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 16min04sec - Feb 6, 2015) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel - A quote...."Alex Jones breaks down the possible release of the secret 9/11 report."

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV - 6 Feb 11:00 HST - WRH Donation Request - [Click Here]
MRVideo -- (BambuserTV - 3hrs - 6 Feb11:00 HST)) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Website: - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Zombie Banks eating Human Souls (E 715)
MaxRTVideo -- (MaxRTYuTb - 25min41sec - Jan 29, 2015) - Related Websites:  RussiaToday - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom -- A quote...."Every week Max Keiser looks at all the scandal behind the financial news headlines. In this episode of the Keiser Report back in London, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss negative savings rates on the way for retail savers in Europe because banks no longer need deposits nor do they need to make loans - in other words, they are no longer really banks. In the second half, Max interviews filmmaker, blogger and author, Kerry-anne Mendoza, about her new top selling book, “Austerity: The demolition of the welfare state and the rise of the zombie economy.”"

I don’t understand how the TBTF banks are not considered “ongoing criminal organizations.”
Banksters & Their Winning Record -- A quote...."Yesterday, Thom Hartmann, lamented in a commentary posted on Truthout that the most recent Department of Justice (DOJ) settlement with Citigroup (its second this year, amid other fines levied by the DOJ for criminal behavior against other banks) was an example of the US government coddling banks engaged in illegal activities while leaving most homeowners who were victims of their malfeasance without adequate compensation or assistance."

Wonga will not face criminal investigation over fake legal letters sent to 45,000 customers because police say there is 'not enough evidence - Banksters Win Again - (At some point societies pass into a state of nihilistic parody. Britain, Canada and America are already there. - mpg) -- A quote...."Wonga will not be prosecuted despite sending bullying letters from fake law firms to threaten 45,000 customers who were behind on repayments, police said today. - The payday lender was ordered last year to pay more than £2.6million in compensation to people who received the bogus demands. - But City of London Police said today that, after a 'thorough review', it has concluded 'there is not sufficient evidence to progress a criminal investigation'."

Global debts rise $57tn since crash
A quote...."After the explosion of borrowing in the boom years that led to the great crash and recession of 2007-08, most governments – especially those of rich developed countries – said they would embark on policies that would lead to greater saving, debt reduction and what’s known as deleveraging. They implied they would encourage prudence, so that the sum of household, business and government debt would fall."

World record debt of $199trn could drag economies into another crisis - study

A quote...."Global debt has soared by $57 trillion since the outbreak of the financial crisis in 2007, with the debt to GDP ratio jumping to above 500 percent in Japan. This raises questions about financial stability and poses a threat of another crisis."

When central banks all start lying about gold at once, it’s just a matter of time before their stories don’t match
Gold Alert - Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Last week I reported about the mystery regarding the fine gold tonnage claimed to have been repatriated by the Netherlands and Germany in 2014 from New York (208 tonnes), and the drop in total foreign gold deposits disclosed by the Federal Reserve Bank Of New York (FRBNY) in 2014 (177 tonnes). The mystery – that adds to a long list of odditiescouldn’t be clarified to me by the central bank of the Netherlands, Germany or US. Additionally, I called and emailed to the central bank of the Ukraine to ask whether they had deposited any gold in New York in 2014 that could help explain the mysterious 31 tonnes gap. Until now, all four central banks were reluctant to say anything that could restore their common credibility, but perhaps one will in the future – still waiting on email reply from the central bank of the Ukraine."

The Baltic Dry Index Has Only Been Lower Than This 8 Days In 30 Years
Chart - (click to view) - A quote...."At 559, The Baltic Dry Index (having now dropped 46 of the last 50 days and 12 days in a row) is just 5 points above its all-time record low from 1986. In fact, the global freight index has only been lower for 8 days during the July/August period of 1986 in its 30 year history...."

US Rig Count Collapse Accelerates, Production Stays High
A quote...."The worldwide rig count ended January at 3,309, down 261 from December but it is the US and Canada that is dominating that collapse. Following last week's all-time record absolute drop of 94 rigs (over 7%, most since APR09), the oil rig count dropped for the 9th week in a row (down another 83 to 1140 rigs - down 27% in last 9 weeks) as it tracks the 4-mo lagged oil price perfectly. The Permian basin saw the biggest cut in rig count. This is the lowest oil rig count since Dec 2011 (down 19.5% YoY) and lowest total rig count in the US since March 2010 - down 25% in the last 9 weeks). Hopes of production cuts are simply wrong as the last 4 times that rig counts have dropped, no production cuts have occurred."

Did you know: [92%] of the bailout money went to European Union banks that were Greek bondholders, and not the Greek economy. - MXVideo - Alt - (MXYuTb - 12min35sec - Feb 5, 2015) - Source:  StefanMolyneux -- A quote...."Did you know: [92%]* of the bailout money went to European Union banks that were Greek bondholders, and not the Greek economy. - The Syriza party and its leader Alex Tsipras won last month’s general election in Greece with a pledge to write off half of Greece’s debt New Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis said “too much time, hopes, lives” had been wasted by Greece’s forced austerity program. - Stefan Molyneux discussed the Greece debt crisis, the role of the banks in creating this mess, the possibility of an outright default, the danger of derivatives, the destruction of the euro and how a Greece default could set off a global economic meltdown." - *corrected per video

Germany And Greece Drift Further Apart Over Solving Athens’ Debt Crisis
A quote...."The Greek situation summaries Greece by Deutsche Bank’s George Saravelos have consistently been among the best in the entire sellside. His latest Greek update, which is a must read for anyone who hasn’t been following the fluid developments out of southeast Europe, which fluctuate not on an hourly but on a minute basis, does not disappoint. -- But while his summary of events is great, what is of far greater significance is his conclusion, namely that ultimately Europe will fold: “we consider the most likely outcome to be a Eurogroup offer of a new Third program” and “given that the current program expires this February the offer to negotiate a new Third program may provide political room for the government to sit on the negotiating table."
Big deal!  In other words they'll create a new bunch of programs and more creative financial instruments to hide Greece's insurmountable debt, tell more lies about how it's going to be paid back, every official spew outlet will "breath a sigh of relief", the "markets" will soar, and then we'll all revisit this situation again a year from now.  When Greece will have even more massive amounts of unsustainable debt and it's economy will be in even worse shape. - It truly is a "Greek Tragedy" - mpg
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Monsanto’s Roundup system threatens extinction of monarch butterflies - report
A quote...."Monsanto’s Roundup Ready system – a potent herbicide combined with genetically-modified seeds that can withstand it – has decimated the monarch butterfly’s only source of food in the Midwest, putting it on the edge of extinction, according to a new study."

The CDC Vaccine/Autism Whistleblower’s Immunity
A quote...."What is immunity? -- Def.  Exemption from penalties, payments, or legal requirements, granted by authorities or statutes. Generally there are three types of immunity at law: a) a promise not to prosecute for a crime in exchange for information or testimony in a criminal matter, granted by the prosecutors, a judge, a grand jury, or an investigating legislative committee; b) public officials' protection from liability for their decisions (like a city manager or member of a public hospital board); c) governmental (or sovereign) immunity, which protects government agencies from lawsuits unless the government agreed to be sued; d) diplomatic immunity which excuses foreign ambassadors from most U. S. criminal laws. (See: governmental immunity)"

Evidence emerges that measles outbreaks are deliberately encouraged by Big Pharma to ignite vaccine hysteria - Mike Adams -- A quote...."Any time you see a mainstream media news report on vaccines, you can rest assured with 100% confidence that it is pure theater, carried out with carefully scripted fake narratives to achieve a propaganda goal of demanding complete obedience to all demands of the vaccine industry. Media outlets now function as nothing more than propaganda pushers for the medical fascism police state which has descended upon America."

Why Don't the Amish Have Autistic Children?
A quote...."Autism is a difficult disorder to miss, as it is characterized by noticeably abnormal or impaired development in social interaction and communication and a markedly restricted array of activities and interests. And while scientific consensus claims autism has been around for millennia at generally the same prevalence, that prevalence is now considered to be one in every 166 children born in the United States."

Measles vaccines kill more people than measles, CDC data proves
A quote...."(NaturalNews) Parents concerned about their vaccinated children potentially contracting measles from unvaccinated children may want to consider the fact that the bigger health threat is technically the vaccine, not the disease itself. Comparative data provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reveal that nobody has died from measles in more than 10 years, while at least 108 deaths reported in VAERS during the same time frame have been linked to measles vaccines."

Are Too Many Vaccines Destroying Kids' Immune Systems?
A quote...."Today's children should look like pincushions from the dozens of vaccines they get from birth to the age of 18. "According to the Centers for Disease Control, the onslaught begins within 12 hours of birth when many babies get a Hepatitis B vaccine," says holistic doctor Dr. David Brownstein. "At two months, eight more vaccines follow, including polio, tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis, and throughout the next few months, they are subjected to boosters of the vaccines they've already have plus additional vaccines."

Merck, Other Pharma Companies Helped Fund Activist Groups Who Petitioned the EPA to Regulate Nano-Silver as a Pesticide - A quote...."Last year it was revealed that a handful of the activist agencies behind the petition to the EPA to regulate nano-silver as a pesticide received funding from pharmaceutical giant Merck, which annually has hundreds of billions of dollars in profits from patented antibioics which many believe are less effective, less safe and far more expensive than colloidal nano-silver products. -- Further investigation by this reporter discovered that the initial revelations were just the tip of the iceberg when it came Merck and other pharmaceutical companies' funding of the groups who supported the EPA's regulation of nano-silver."
Although this website editor has posted numerous articles on the effectiveness of Nano-Silver, this website editor wasn't really sure of how effective nano-Silver might actually be....until now. - mpg

Thursday February 5th 2015

No posts - mpg

Wednesday February 4th 2015

CrossTalk: Euro-revolt?
Must Listen CTRTVideo -- (CTRTYuTb - 22min52sec - Feb 4, 2015) - Source:   CT@YuTb - CrossTalk - RT -- A quote...."Euro-revolt! First Greece and now maybe Spain. Grassroots democracy from the left appears to be making a comeback in Europe. This is interesting in itself because the political right is doing the same. Can Europe’s elitist political status quo be maintained? CrossTalking with Iain Begg, Robert Oulds, and Ernst Wolff."

The Globalization of War, America’s Long War against Humanity with Michel Chossudovsky

GRVideo - Alt -  (GRYuTb - 19min52sec - Feb 4, 2015) - Source: GlobalResearchTV -- A quote...."Michel Chossudovsky joins us to talk about his new book, "The Globalization of War." We discuss the threat of nuclear warfare, NATO's use of proxy terrorist armies to destabilise sovereign nations, and how people can fight back against the US-NATO war agenda."

Are These Guys Clinically Insane? No, They're From Wall Street
Must Read - A quote...."Starting a war with Russia on the strategic basis of a six-page report by a gaggle of former government officials? Michele Flournoy, Ivo Daalder, Strobe Talbott, James Stavridis .... remember the names. Timothy Garton Ash of Oxford, planner of "color revolutions" against allies of Russia and China, who writes "Putin must be stopped with guns" in the London Guardian. Call them "the self-extinction movement."

6 Immediate Health Benefits Of Not Believing Mainstream Media
Must Read - A quote...."Many of us are used to the idea that no mainstream media in our lives means a better life. But how many of us have considered the details of why this is true? The benefits of living in a life where you do not believe mainstream media news are profound. Positive factors carry deep into our lives in ways many of us don’t realize or have ever taken time to consider. Many of us have taken these benefits, which all lead back to health, for granted for so long that we don’t even know they are there. - So let’s consider some of these benefits in no particular order...."

The 6 Grand Illusions That Keep Us Enslaved to the Matrix
A quote...."For a magician to fool his audience his deceit must go unseen, and to this end he crafts an illusion to avert attention from reality. While the audience is entranced, the deceptive act is committed, and for the fool, reality then becomes inexplicably built upon on a lie. That is, until the fool wakes up and recognizes the truth in the fact that he has been duped. - Maintaining the suspension of disbelief in the illusion, however, is often more comforting than acknowledging the magician’s secrets."

Mission Imperative: Why the West and Kiev Regime Must Kill the Truth
A quote...." February 03, 2015 "ICH" - "SCF" -  The detention, incommunicado, of two female Russian journalists over the weekend by Kiev’s secret police, the SBU, was said to be on the grounds of «national security». That admission by the Kiev authorities, ironically, reveals more than is intended. Journalists «armed» only with cameras threatening national security, you may ask? Yes, you better believe it – because any truth being reported about the nature of the Western-backed Kiev regime and its military onslaught in eastern Ukraine is indeed a very real «security threat» – the threat of being exposed for war crimes and unlawful aggression towards Russia. The legal consequences for the Kiev regime and its Western patrons would be devastating. " - Source:  StratCultFndtn
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A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia...

It's Putin's devilish cloak-tank!
OMG!  The Russians Have Invisible Tanks! -- A quote...."The world has long puzzled over how Putin has managed to invade Ukraine without us being able to find any credible satellite photos, tire tracks, or tank tracks in the fields, or spent shell casings, or bodies of Russian soldiers. But one whistleblower (ein Wistleblower!—tr) from the Russian internal secret service (FSB) has now unveiled the weapons of the arsenal of dread from Putin’s Chamber of Terror. -- The point of the spear for aggressive war against the peaceful democratic neighboring country is the hypermodern Cloaktank. This tank is achieved through a modern technology — still unknown in the west — and is completely invisible, silent, and, through its still not fully understood aircushion propulsion, leaves no tracks on the ground."

Godfather Putin Among the Grapes of Wrath
A quote...."There’s something awkwardly touching about Robert Coalson’s enduring faith. Like a child closing her eyes and reciting “I do believe in fairies” three times, he is imbued with the certainty that Russia’s collapse is just around the next corner. And he yearns for it: hard to say why, he must have his reasons, but he doggedly picks through the gimcrackery on show each month and weeds out the gems he believes showcase Russia’s savagery, authoritarian despotism and unfitness to be part of the civilized world. Although it is clearly a labor of love, it must be a hard row to hoe these days, as the country folk say. Russia’s stubborn refusal to collapse on schedule must be disappointing. But like a good zealot, he simply sighs and moves on to the next article of faith."

March To Folly In Ukraine
A quote...."The United States has just made an exceptionally dangerous, even reckless decision over Ukraine. Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet leader who ended the Cold War, warns it may lead to a nuclear confrontation with Russia. -- Rule number one of geopolitics: nuclear-armed powers must never, ever fight." - also posted at RussianInsider

Brookings Wants More Villages Firebombed in Ukraine’s ‘Anti Terrorist Operation’
A quote...."Washington’s prestigious bipartisan think tank, the Brookings Institution, has now issued a call for American taxpayers to finance more firebombings, clusterbombings, and other support to the ethnic cleansing, which has been going on since Ukraine’s coup — the ethnic cleansing that’s occurring in the region of Ukraine’s southeast that’s called “Donbass” (which is the Ukrainian area shown in dark purple on this map, the map of the election results in Ukraine’s last nationwide Presidential election before the coup; and that’s the same region which rejects the U.S.-imposed coup-Government; the people there had voted 90% for the man whom the U.S. coup overthrew, which is the reason the U.S. Government wants them eliminated, so that Ukraine can keep the land — and its resources — but now cleansed of its residents, so that the U.S. can place missiles there aimed at Russia, which is America’s current strategic objective: to control Russia)."

Kiev Regime Battalion is Beheading East Ukraine Hostages … Just Like ISIS
A quote...."Our findings indicate that, while formally operating under the command of the Ukrainian security forces combined headquarters in the region members of the Aidar battalion act with virtually no oversight or control, and local police are either unwilling or unable to address the abuses. - Some of the abuses committed by members of the Aidar battalion amount to war crimes, for which both the perpetrators and, possibly, the commanders would bear responsibility under national and international law."

Germany and Hungary agree not to provide arms to Ukraine
- Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."The leaders of Germany and Hungary have agreed not to sell weapons to Ukraine to use in its war against Russian-backed separatists, but have disagreed over the philosophy of a Budapest government that critics call anti-democratic."

The Ukrainian Army Is Bleeding to Death
A quote...."In the end what decided the course of the battle was not minor movements backwards and forwards across the battlefield but the sheer scale of the losses the Ukrainian military was suffering. Quite simply, the Ukrainian military bled to death, or at least to the point where when the militia launched its offensive in the second half of August it had no strength left to resist it. -- The sheer scale of last summer's losses has never been recognised in the West.  However it is undoubtedly known in Ukraine itself.  It is surely what lies behind the mass resistance to the latest calls in Ukraine for mobilisation this winter."

REPORTS: DPR Units Take Debaltsevo's Western Outskirt, Fleeing Civilians Curse Poroshenko
A quote...."It's still extremely difficult to assess what exactly is happening around Debaltsevo. Needless to say, all reports seem to have an extremely negative outlook for the thousands of UAF troops who are now essentially trapped."

[eng subs] Joint presser of DPR PM Zakharchenko and LPR PM Plotnitsky
Must View KZVideo - (KZYuTb - 14min16sec - Feb 2, 2015) - Kazzura -- A quote...."[eng subs] Joint press conference of DPR PM Zakharchenko and LPR PM Plotnitsky regarding the Minks negotiations, Debaltsevo "cauldron", US mass media and other thigs." - For more articles on Ukraine/Russia see below.....
Russian lawmakers will reevaluate Germany's reparations for WWII damage
A quote...."MOSCOW, February 3. /TASS/. Deputies of the State Duma, the lower house of Russian parliament are setting up a workgroup that will calculate the damage that Germany inflicted on the Soviet Union during World War II, Izvestia daily said in an article published on Tuesday. - Upon the completion of computations, the workgroup plans to issue a demand to Germany for reparations."
Merkel should NEVER have sided with the PNAC'ing, trans-national, carpet-bagging, Euro-Kazarian Neocon/Neolibs, their illegal violent coup, and their ethnic cleansing campaign in Ukraine.  It was utterly immoral, illogical, stupid, costly and self-defeating.  It has dredged up terrible memories about Germany's past predations in this particular area of the globe. This may one day be considered a catastrophic geo-political blunder on the part of Germany in general, and Merkel and her merry minions in particular. - mpg
Germany's worst nightmare has come true
A quote...."It’s Germany’s worst nightmare. Increasingly isolated, ganged up on, and even hated by much of southern Europe, it is fast losing the argument over the future of the euro. -- Even the Governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, has been at it. This week he joined in the German bashing with a full-frontal attack on Berlin’s austerity agenda. And it’s causing confusion, dismay and resentment in equal measure in this most stable, disciplined and civilised of nations."
Germany and Merkel had exactly two choices back in 2008....

One: Side with the Banksters and on their orders give them trillions of the German peoples' life savings to support their various Ponzi schemes.  To do so on behalf of an economic structure called the EU and a common currency called the Euro which had severe, inherent and perhaps insurmountable flaws (well know at the time).  All of which were enormously exacerbated by the Euro-Kazarian owned Fed's and Wall Street's ocean of unsupported toxic assets, much of which was sold to financial institutions in the EU, to support the US-NRE's (i.e. Israel's) PNAC Protocols, along with cute little ancillary schemes from the likes of Goldman Sachs to get non-complying countries into the EU, such as Greece, burdening them with even more oceans of debts....

--  OR  --

Two:  Tell the Euro-Kazarian owned Fed, Wall Street and London's City to go take a hike.  Throw every European bank involved in the 2008 shenanigans into receivership, throw their top management into jail or out on to the street, whichever would have been most appropriate.  Throw every US-NRE and London based financial institution out of Europe. Sue the heck out of every single one of them involved in the 2008 financial crisis. Expropriate any assets owned by these institution and their affiliated corporations to recapitalize the honest European banks. Make a massive public effort to salvage what could be salvaged of the European Union.

She picked choice number one and now has Germany so deep in the hole, and the EU construct under such pressure, that her choices, along with Germany's and the EU's prospects, are very limited from now on. - mpg
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The ISIS Gambit - Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....& The Kurds....

Oops They Did it Again: ‘Moderate’ Syrian Rebels Join Jihadists
ISIS Gambit - Oops They Did It Again -- A quote...."President Obama’s plan to send as many as 1,000 US military personnel to train the “moderate” rebels seeking to overthrow Syrian president Assad may have run into yet another rough patch. There has been a steady stream of US-backed “moderates” signing on with either ISIS or al-Qaeda (often taking their US-provided weapons with them) and it looks like another flock has flown the coup."

Did Jordan Train The ISIS Fighters Who Burned Their Pilot Alive?
ISIS Gambit - Attacked By Their Own Golem -- A quote...."We need to look much deeper here to see who may have had a hand, albeit indirectly, in the horrific death of Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh. Jordan is far from innocent when examining who is responsible for the creation of ISIS. -- It has been known, for almost two years now, that Jordan has been allowing its territory to be used for the training of rebels fighting the Assad regime in Syria. The “effort is led by the US”, but has also included French and British instructors. The British element was providing “logistical and other advice” to the rebels; with ‘other advice’ possible being tactical information."

American Dissembling Over Syrian Peace Talks in Moscow
ISIS Gambit- They Don't Even Try To Hide It -- A quote...."A US Defense Department spokesman recently announced that hundreds of new American military trainers will prepare the Syrian opposition for a military assault on Syrian President Assad’s forces. The announcement carefully referenced the ISIS threat as an excuse to train opposition forces seeking regime change by violent military means."

Distorting the story of Syria’s Heritage destruction
A quote..."Much has been written about the destruction and looting of Syria’s heritage sites. Syria’s Directorate-General of Antiquities & Museums (DGAM), as well as UNESCO have documented the vast damage and looting as extensively as possible in this time of proxy-war-manufactured crisis. In July 2014, the DGAM issued a statement and plea regarding the critical situation of Syria’s heritage under attack." - Source:  CrecentInternational
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, North & Central Africa & Others...

Officials: Explosions in Iraq kill more than a dozen people
A quote...."The deadliest bombing happened in central Baghdad's popular Karradah area, where police and hospital officials say three bombs hit Wathiq Square, a popular commercial district packed with restaurants and shops, killing at least five people."

ISIS loses key Iraqi province to government forces
A quote...."Shia Badr Brigade holds victory rally and declares that it is ready to move north into ISIL strongholds."

Terrorism Works? UAE Suspends ISIS Attacks, Threatens To Pull Out Of Coalition
A quote....."Following the disgusting images of a Jordanian pilot being burned (allegedly) burned alive by ISIS yesterday, the US coalition against the terrorists appears to be faltering. As The NY Times reports, The United Arab Emirates, a crucial Arab ally in the American-led coalition against the Islamic State, suspended airstrikes against the Sunni extremist group in December, citing fears for its pilots’ safety."

Gadhafi wanted to go peacefully, not by force

A quote...."Libyan leader's only request was to leave with 'dignity'"

Fresh clashes erupt near Libya port; many killed
A quote...."New clashes erupted on Tuesday between Libyan rival factions fighting for control of the country’s biggest oil port Es Sider, killing several people, both sides said."

Pakistan: US killed 26 in January: BIJ
A quote...."The US stepped up its drone campaign in Pakistan during the first month of the year, launching more strikes and killing more people in a month than any since July 2014."

Egypt urges European ambassadors to close pro-Muslim Brotherhood satellite channels
A quote...."The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs urged European Union member states to close satellite channels affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood that are broadcasting via European satellites."

230 Egyptian Activists, Including Ahmed Douma, Get Life Sentences

A quote...."An Egyptian court sentenced prominent activist Ahmed Douma along with 229 other anti-Mubarak activists to life in prison on Wednesday after the court held hearings for 269 people connected to “the cabinet headquarters events” of December 2011, judicial sources said." - Source:  al-Akhbar

Pan-Arab News Channel Ceases Broadcast After Bahraini Opposition Figure Interview
A quote...."Programing at a Pan-Arab news channel owned by Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal was unavailable on Monday, hours after its first transmission from Bahrain, following an interview with a prominent Bahraini opposition figure."

Sheikh Salman calls for protests in Bahrain
A quote...."In a message released on the fourth anniversary of the uprising in Bahrain, Sheikh Ali Salman said persistence on demands is the only way to restore the rights of people and achieve freedom in Bahrain. -- The message comes a week after the 49-year-old senior opposition leader called for the international community to support the people of Bahrain in their national drive to establish democracy in the country. -- Salman’s next court session has been adjourned to late February. -- He was arrested on December 28, 2014, after Manama accused him of seeking regime change and collaborating with foreign powers."

Iran threatens nuclear enrichment expansion if US pursues sanctions
A quote...."Tehran will resume the expansion of its uranium enrichment capacity should Washington introduce more sanctions against the country, Iran’s senior diplomat told reporters at the country’s embassy in Moscow."

Chad forces launch fierce assault on Boko Haram
A quote...."Fighter jets bomb positions of Nigeria's armed group in the town of Gamboru, seized several months ago by the fighters."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Ken O’Keefe in Tehran – “Iran is not the threat, we are.” – American Patriots Rise
KoKVideo - Alt - From the History File - Mar 27, 2013 - (KoKYuTb - 15min06sec - 03/27/13)  - Source:  KenO'Keefe -- A quote...."It is time to stop being Israel's Bitch! -- I renounced my US citizenship and the United States of Hypocrisy refused to acknowledge my right, our right, to self-determination. Alright then, I am thinking now that maybe I just needed to leave for 10 years or so and reflect on things, now that I have, I have made some important conclusions."
  1. First among them is that it remains an embarrassment, that idiot flag waving Americans have sat by while their Constitution was used like toilet paper and their government became a bought and paid for circus of clowns.

  2. Second is that due to this despicable state of affairs of failing to pay attention on our watch we Americans have continued to be complicit in mass murder that is truly unparalleled in the modern age. God help us for what we are collectively responsible for.

  3. Third, our American sons and daughters continue to be used as the meaningless pawns they are and ultimately, aside from those our sons and daughters murder in foreign lands, aside from those we rape and torture, our sons and daughters themselves are the biggest victims of all.
Traitors Within (Facing the Truth)
Video - From The History File - May 1, 2013 - (YuTb - 3min01sec - 05/01/13) - Source:  MN1962 -- A quote...."A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague." -- *

Rupert Murdoch's News Corp WON'T face phone-hacking investigation in U.S. as Justice Dept drops probe
ZOG Alert - Cover-Up Alert -- A quote...."Rupert Murdoch's media empire will not face prosecution in the US over the phone-hacking scandal. - In statements filed with US regulators, Murdoch's News Corp and 21st Century Fox each said the the Justice Department would not be pursuing charges. - Using identical language, the two statements said the Justice Department 'has completed its investigation of voicemail interception and payments to public officials in London and is declining to prosecute' either firm."

'Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism,' Rules German Judge
ZOG Alert - A quote...."A German judge last week equated condemnation of Zionism with anti-Semitism, undercutting the arguments of many who claim that hostile criticism of Israel is not the same as hating the Jews."

Facebook Shut Me Down
ZOC Alert - A quote...."One minute all was fine and the next minute I couldn’t log in. It was as simple as that.  I think it has something to do with the fact that I exposed an Israeli plant, or troll or paid collaborator or maybe he (or she) was all of the above. The person’s name is not relevant because it is most likely fake anyway, and the names change constantly. This one is called Trevor something. - How do we know someone is an Israeli plant? Easy. Read the content. They go from Palestinian solidarity to Nazi ideology very fast. In fact they  go from one to the other so fast,  it becomes obvious it’s an Israeli intelligence plant."

The Great Israeli Theft of Iraqi Jewish Heritage
A quote...."Recently, Israel stole one of the symbols of Iraqi Jewish heritage, a rare ancient copy of the Torah. The incident went smoothly and quietly, with blatant collusion between Israel, the United States, the Kurdish Regional Government in Iraq, and the Jordanian authorities, amid suspicious silence from the Iraqi federal authorities and the Iraqi cultural scene, save for a few objections." - Source:  al-Akhbar

Head of UN War Crimes Inquiry Resigns After Israeli Accusations of Pro-Gaza Bias
A quote..."The head of a UN inquiry into last summer’s Israeli military offensive in Gaza has said he will resign after Israeli allegations of bias, due to consultancy work he did for the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO). - William Schabas, a Canadian academic, was appointed last August by the head of the UN Human Rights Council to lead a three-member group looking into war crimes during the offensive." - Source:  IMEMC

Israel welcomes Egypt's blacklisting of Hamas's military wing
A quote...."Israeli officials and commentators welcomed a Cairo court ruling designating Hamas's military wing, the Izz Ad-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, as a terrorist organisation."

Israel freezes another $100m in Palestinian tax revenues
A quote..."Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has frozen an additional 400 million shekels ($100 million) from Palestinian tax revenues, Israel Today revealed yesterday. - The funds were from January’s tax revenues, the newspaper said, and will be added to the 500 million shekels ($128 million) that Israel froze in December, making the amount of Palestinian tax revenues frozen about $228 million." - Source:  Memo

Israeli settler shoots Palestinian teenager
A quote...."On Monday, 17-year-old Muhammad Yusuf Burqan suffered gunshot wounds in Wadi Yasul area of the East al-Quds (Jerusalem) neighborhood of Silwan while tending to a small herd of sheep. - His cousin, Suheib Burqan, said about 15 settlers surrounded Muhammad as he was lying on the ground."

Israeli soldiers raid, shut down Palestinian school at gunpoint
A quote...."NABLUS (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces raided a Palestinian high school in the northern West Bank on Wednesday morning, storming the facility and forcing students to leave at gunpoint while detaining school administrators."

University of California approves boycotting Israel - Hip Hip Hooray!!
BDS Action Update -- A quote...."Pro-Palestinian students at the University of California, Davis, have celebrated after a student government vote to boycott Israel was passed overwhelmingly at the US school."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

Chinese 'Silk Road' Initiative to Diminish US Role in Eurasian Region
A quote....."By welcoming India and Russia to participate in its "One Belt, One Road" project, Beijing dealt the final blow to Washington's idea to create a US-controlled New Silk Road in Eurasia."

Gazprom Discusses Long-Term Loans With Chinese Banks
A quote...."MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Russian energy giant Gazprom is discussing long-term loans with several banks in China and other Asian countries, Deputy Chairman and head of the company’s finance and economics department Andrey Kruglov said Tuesday."

Russian External Debt Is Falling at a Steady Rate
A quote...."Banks cut their external debt by USD43 billion to USD171 billion over the year, with much of the reduction coming on foot of two factors: repayment of maturing debt and ruble devaluations. Ruble devaluations - yes, the ones that supposed to topple Kremlin regime - actually contribute to reducing Russian external debt. Some 15% of banks' external debts are denominated in Rubles. -- Corproate external debt fell by USD60 billion to USD376 billion, with Ruble devaluation accounting for the largest share of debt decline, as about 25% of all external corporate debt is denominated in Rubles."

Russian Military to Get over 200 New Aircraft in 2015
A quote...."As part of the state defense procurement this year, the Air Force and naval aviation will get 126 new aircraft and 88 helicopters," Shoigu told a meeting at the defense ministry. "Some 80% of the long-range aviation’s aircraft fleet should be in good repair," he said."

Sputnik News Agency’s Hindi and Indian English Services Go Live
A quote...."NEW DELHI (Sputnik) — The websites, and, will offer diverse perspectives on international news to audiences speaking both languages. -- Sputnik reflects the multipolar world’s diversity of views, presenting audiences with a variety of alternative opinions. The Hindi and Indian English websites join Sputnik services in English, French, Serbian, Portuguese, Arabic, German, Spanish, Chinese, Turkish, Kyrgyz and Abkhaz."

History In the Balance: Why Greece Must Repudiate Its “Banker Bailout” Debts And Exit The Euro
Quote of the Day...."Now and again history reaches an inflection point. Statesman and mere politicians, as the case may be, find themselves confronted with fraught circumstances and stark choices. February 2015 is one such moment. -- For its part, Greece stands at a fork in the road. Syriza can move aggressively to recover Greece’s democratic sovereignty or it can desperately cling to the faltering currency and financial machinery of the Euro zone. But it can’t do both. -- So by the time the current onerous bailout agreement expires at month end, Greece must have repudiated its “bailout debt” and be on the off-ramp from the euro. Otherwise, it will have no hope of economic recovery or restoration of self-governance, and Syriza will have betrayed its mandate." - Source:  ContraCorner

Syriza-led Greek parliament ‘will never ratify TTIP’ - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."The newly-elected government in Athens has always been suspicious of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and will use its Parliament majority to sink the EU-US trade pact, claims a former Syriza MEP now turned minister. - After making its voice heard in the debate over sanctions on Russia, the new government in Athens is now making its opposition known to the EU-US trade deal, TTIP." - Source: EuroActv

More Greeks Approve Of Russia's Leadership Than Europe's
A quote...."Greeks' higher approval ratings may reflect the cultural, religious and economic ties that Greece has enjoyed for years with Russia, one of the country's major trading partners. But they also echo Greeks' strong displeasure with the EU's leadership, which they are more likely to have an opinion about than Russia's. Nearly as many Greeks have no opinion of Russia's leadership (30%) as approve (35%) or disapprove (35%)."

Iranian charity distributes food among Gazans
A quote...."The Iranian charity organization, Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation, distributed thousands of packages of foodstuff among impoverished and homeless Palestinian families in the besieged Gaza Strip. - “Imam Khomeini Relief foundation has provided generous support for the people of Gaza, especially those who lost their homes” in the latest Israeli onslaught on the blockaded territory, Wasim Wadeya from the charity organization said."

The Rise of Yemen’s Houthis
A quote...."‘They move like ghosts through these canyons and caves. One minute we think we have their position on a hill side and moments later they’re firing on us from the opposite direction.’ This is how a senior Yemeni Army officer described what it was like to fight the Houthis when I visited the northwestern governorate of Hajjah in 2009, which was then the scene of a brutal war between the Houthis and the Yemeni government. By 2010 the Houthis had largely defeated both the Yemeni Armed Forces and elements of the Saudi Armed Forces that were sent across the Yemeni border. They showed themselves to be tenacious masters of guerrilla warfare. Since 2011, the Houthis have proved themselves to be just as adept at navigating Yemen’s labyrinthine politics." - Source:  CounterPunch

Chile: Two Found Guilty in Horman Murder Case
A quote...."Retired Chilean army colonel Pedro Espinoza and former Chilean air force intelligence agent Rafael González Berdugo have been convicted in the murder of US journalist Charles Horman and US graduate student Frank Teruggi during the days after the Sept. 11, 1973 military coup that overthrew leftist president Salvador Allende Gossens [see Update #1226]." - SourceWNUOA
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

Avenge Dresden!
For The Record - A quote...."With the war already lost, between 200,000 - 300,000 innocent German civilians (some say 500,000!) were burned alive or suffocated to death during the Desden firebombings of February 13-15, 1945. It's time the world learned what these glorified bastards FDR & Churchill (and their invisible masters) did to Germany! "

US Slaps Venezuelans with New Sanctions
A quote...."The United States officially imposed new sanctions on Venezuela Monday, amid accusations from President Nicolas Maduro that Washington is trying to destabilize his country. - The new sanctions expand the number of Venezuelan government officials barred from entering the United States. - “These restrictions will also affect the immediate family members of a number of those individuals subject to visa restrictions for believed involvement in human rights abuses or for acts of public corruption,” said State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki." - Source:  TeleSUR

Venezuela Rejects New US Sanctions
A quote...."“The people of Venezuela ratifies its independence and sovereignty. We do not recognize … interference of any kind by foreign powers,” read a statement released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

Venezuela: a Coup in Real Time
A quote...."February 03, 2015 "ICH" - "Venezuelanalysis" - There is a coup underway in Venezuela. The pieces are all falling into place like a bad CIA movie. At every turn a new traitor is revealed, a betrayal is born, full of promises to reveal the smoking gun that will justify the unjustifiable. Infiltrations are rampant, rumors spread like wildfire, and the panic mentality threatens to overcome logic. Headlines scream danger, crisis and imminent demise, while the usual suspects declare covert war on a people whose only crime is being gatekeeper to the largest pot of black gold in the world." - Source:  VenezuelAnalysis

Monsanto’s Shares Surge as its Drive to Force GM Crops into India Gathers Pace

Amerophiles in India's Governing Class Doom India -- Haven't enough Indians died already.  Hasn't enough damage been done to India's agriculture already?? - mpg -- A quote...."Now at the political helm nationally, Modi and his administration are helping to accelerate a process that could eventually result in the selling of the economic and social bedrock of the country – agriculture – to foreign GMO agribusiness, not least by pushing for open field trials of various GM food crops. (The BJP does not stand alone here, though, as the process was gathering pace under the previous Congress-led administration and Veerappa Moily near the end.)"

US Acknowledges Conviction of David Hicks, Guantanamo Detainee, Should Not Stand
A quote...."The United States has acknowledged that the conviction of an Australian man held for nearly six years in Guantanamo Bay was not legally valid."

‘American Sniper’ misfires in Iraq
A quote...."After just a handful of sometimes rowdy screenings, the film has been pulled from Baghdad’s only movie theater amid complaints from the Iraqi government — as well as viewers — that it “insults” Iraqis."

‘Decision to delay UK involvement in Iraq hearing is absurd’ - Jeremy Corbyn
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 4min25sec - Feb 4, 2015) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."The chairman of the British inquiry into the country's role in the Iraq war has appeared before Parliament to explain the delay to his work. The inquiry was announced over 5 years ago but has recently faced criticism after its publication was delayed until after the country's general election in May this year. RT is joined by British MP Jeremy Corbyn." - Quotable Quote......(start 46s - end 1m2s)
"This commission was set up by former prime minister Gordon Brown in 2009, to report before the general election in 2010, on the circumstances leading up to the Iraq war.  They than delayed, and delayed, and delayed, and it is now six years since it (the commission) was set up." -- *Jeremy Corbyn*, British MP
US Meddling in Asia Backfiring
A quote...."February 4, 2015 (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - First in Hong Kong, now in Thailand, ongoing US plans to install proxy regimes to extend hegemony across Asia-Pacific have fallen into disarray. - The latest row comes after US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel Russel made comments condemning the recent coup that first deposed, then saw the impeachment of ex-Thai prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra over a vast array of corruption and abuse of power charges."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

If they can imprison Barrett Brown, they can do it to anyone
Special Note - A quote...."Maybe you don’t care about the imprisonment of Barrett Brown. Maybe you’ll never piss off a federal prosecutor, or get deeply involved with a decentralized hacker collective. Maybe you’ll never share a link to a document dump that contains stolen credit card information, so the five year imprisonment of a journalist last Thursday isn’t relevant to your day-to-day life. But there’s something deeper at stake in Brown’s wrongful arrest and conviction, and it should worry any American who cares about the freedom of press, the freedom of expression, and the freedom from unlawful prosecution or harassment at the hands of an increasingly paranoid and secretive state."

Jury finds Ross Ulbricht guilty on all counts over Silk Road website
A quote...."A jury in New York City has convicted Ross Ulbricht of San Francisco on all charges related to the Silk Road website which federal authorities say he operated and thus made available illegal services and substances for order across the world."

Examining the Stasi, Seeing the NSA
A quote...."Exclusive: For many years, the East German Stasi was viewed as the most totalitarian of intelligence services, relentlessly spying on its citizens during the Cold War. But the Stasi’s capabilities pale in comparison to what the NSA can now do, notes former U.S. intelligence analyst Elizabeth Murray."

White House reveals ‘weak’ NSA reform nearly 2 years after Snowden scoops
A quote..."The Obama administration has announced changes to the surveillance operations conducted by the United States intelligence community, but critics are already using words like “weak” to describe the so-called reform."

Did North Korea Really Hack Sony?
A quote...."One of the major problems with modern American democracy is the fact that the U.S. government has a serious credibility problem. This is not new of course. In its contemporary strain, it goes back at least to 1964 when two events focused and magnified the problem. The first was the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which was used to launch the Vietnam War. The second was the issuance of the Warren Report, the widely doubted official account of John F. Kennedy’s assassination." - Source:  ConsortiumNews

Meet the 77th Battalion – The British Army is Mobilizing 1,500 “Facebook Warriors” to Spread Disinformation
Propaganda Alert - A quote...."The British Army will revive one of the most contentious special forces units of the second world war, the Chindits, as a new generation of “Facebook” warriors who will wage complex and covert information and subversion campaigns."

FBI Says Warrants aren’t Needed to Tap Cell Conversations in Public
A quote..."A recent letter from Senator Patrick Leahy to Attorney General Eric Holderraised concerns over the FBI’s use of IMSI Catchers or “dirtboxes” to intercept the cell phone conversations of American citizens. The FBI defends its use of IMSI or International Mobile Subscriber Identity Catchers claiming that it is their policy to obtain a warrant prior to deploying the device." - Source: AnonHQ

CIA torture whistleblower John Kiriakou released from prison
A quote...."John Kiriakou, the 14-year former CIA veteran sentenced to two-and-a-half years in federal prison after disclosing the agency’s torture program, was released Tuesday to serve the rest of his sentence under house arrest." - For more articles on these issues see below.....
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation...

NIST FOIA Release Video Dump
Action Alert - A quote...."Published on Jan 31, 2015 NIST release 10 just as it is downloaded with no editing,no conversion. This is a high quality AVI file, this is the beginning of a major drop that begins with this video which is WTCI-329-I-#11. There are 27 video of this length in this release. I can't even begin to stress how important it is to download this history before it is completely unavailable to the masses." - bold by website editor

NBC’s Brian Williams recants Iraq story after soldiers protest
NBC’s Brian Williams - BUSTED! -- A quote...."NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams admitted Wednesday he was not aboard a helicopter hit and forced down by RPG fire during the invasion of Iraq in 2003, a false claim that has been repeated by the network for years. - Williams repeated the claim Friday during NBC’s coverage of a public tribute at a New York Rangers hockey game for a retired soldier that had provided ground security for the grounded helicopters, a game to which Williams accompanied him. In an interview with Stars and Stripes, he said he had misremembered the events and was sorry."

New Machine-Gun Armed NYPD Unit Lumps Protesters in with Terrorists: “Civil disobedience an attack on NYC Itself” - A quote...."In the wake of the Paris terror attacks abroad, and the protests over Eric Garner’s death by chokehold, the NYPD is reformulating its policing strategy, and creating a new unit, dubbed the Strategic Response Group, to deal with “special events” including both terrorism and protests. - This additional unit will be a specially trained “strike force,” supplement the already established NYPD’s counterterorism program with 1,000 officers trained in heavy weapons tactics."

Nearly 100 People Killed By Police in First Month of 2015- Zero Officers Killed By Suspects
A quote...."Killed By Police has logged at least 91 people killed by police in the month of January alone.  At least 1,106 people were killed in 2014, a number which calls into question the integrity of the FBI’s previous estimate of around 400 per year. -- Unlike the independent logging done by Killed By Police, the FBI collects their statistics only from reports voluntarily given to them by law enforcement agencies.  Only around 750 agencies, or 4 percent, out of 17,000 law enforcement entities across the United States offered this data to the FBI." - For more articles on this nation's Thugs R'US, see below....
How Uncle Sam Became a Bank Robber
A quote...."During her confirmation hearings last week, Loretta Lynch, President Obama's choice to succeed Eric Holder as attorney general, called civil forfeiture, a form of legalized theft in which the government takes people's property without accusing them of a crime, "a wonderful tool." Lynch, currently the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, suggested that innocent owners need not worry about getting hammered by this tool, because forfeiture "is done pursuant to supervision by a court," and "the protections are there.""

Warning – The Islamic State Plotting Something Bigger Than 9/11- Episode 581
X22Video - Alt/YuTb - Alt/Mp3  - (X22YuTb - 51min24sec - Feb 2, 2015) -- Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote..."ECB gives Greece to the end of February with bank funding cutoff. Corporate media pushing the propaganda that Greece will not turn to Russia. US household spending plummeted. 47 percent of Americans only have enough to pay bills. Manufacturing declines as the Baltic Dry Index hits rock bottom. US resolution proposed, which states the US Government is broke. ECB not stimulating growth but bailing out the banks. NYPD creates new task force for protesters. Obama admits the US planned a regime change in Ukraine. Ukraine getting ready for a major offensive. IS spreading into Afghanistan, get ready for more US troops. IS planning something bigger, deadlier than 911. Be prepared for a false flag. - All source links to the report can be found on the site."

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV - 3 Feb 11:00 HST - WRH Donation Request - [Click Here]
MRVideo -- (BambuserTV - 3hrs - 28 Jan 11:00 HST)) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Website: - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues. – World Crisis Radio
Must Listen WTAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (WTFlshPlyr - 1hr13min34sec - January 31, 2015) - Source:  WebsterTarpleyWTRadio - Webster Tarpley@YuTb -- A quote...."Syriza-Led Coalition Takes Power in Greece on Mass Traction Economic Demands to Roll Back Austerity; Prime Minister Tsipras Demands “New Deal” for Europe; IMF Privatizations Halted; Re-Hiring of Public Workers Starts with Cleaning Ladies; Finance Minister Varoufakis Rebuffs “Anti-European,” “Rotten” Bankers’ Troika; Karamanlis Best Bet for Presidency; CIA, NATO Eye New 1967 Coup; Russia Should Offer $5 Billion Loan to Stabilize First Leftist Government in 3,000 Years; Mobilize for Syriza; Pinkney Sentencing Feb. 24"
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Central Banks Have Violated Fundamental Laws of Finance
A quote...."However, the last seven years of Central Bank actions, and the last 6 months in particular with the ECB`s actions to enact extreme monetary measures, the Federal Reserve making excuse after excuse to defer normalizing monetary policy, the Bank of Japan just experimenting with monetary policy solutions, and the recent cascade effects on other central banks to lower their rates to combat the side effects of the first movers “monetary extremism” it has become abundantly clear to all but the politicians that central banks are no longer the all-knowing saviors of the financial system, but in fact have gone off the deep end, left to their own unregulated devices, and have become a large part of the problems in and of themselves."

The Great PE Multiple Expansion Of 2011-2014: Why The Market Must Eventually Crater - [Unless It Receives More Fed QE] -- A quote...."The earnings season is all over except for the shouting, but the outcome doesn’t remotely validate Wall Street’s happy times narrative. Reported Q4 earnings for the S&P 500 companies (with about two-thirds reporting) stand at $25.02 per share compared to $26.48 in the year ago quarter. That’s right. So far Q4 profits are down 5% but shrinking corporate profits is something that you most definitely have not heard about on bubble vision."

Historical Court Ruling In Canada Against Private Central Banking
A quote...."THIS IS HUGE! Court Demands Bank Of Canada return to it's original mandate issuing it's currency Debt free Harper Government orders MEDIA BLACKOUT of this case."

The Big Lie: 5.6% Unemployment
A quote...."Here's something that many Americans -- including some of the smartest and most educated among us -- don't know: The official unemployment rate, as reported by the U.S. Department of Labor, is extremely misleading. - Right now, we're hearing much celebrating from the media, the White House and Wall Street about how unemployment is "down" to 5.6%. The cheerleading for this number is deafening. The media loves a comeback story, the White House wants to score political points and Wall Street would like you to stay in the market." - also posted at ZeroHedge

US consumer spending weakest since 2009
A quote...."Figures released by the Commerce Department consumer spending, which accounts for more than two-thirds of US economic activity, fell 0.3 percent after a 0.5 percent gain in November, Reuters reported. - It was the largest drop since September 2009 and reflected big declines in spending on both durable and nondurable goods, the report added. "

US Domestic Vehicle Sales Disappoint In January, Drop For 2nd Month
A quote...."All day mainstream media has been crowing about Auto sales being mind-blowing... record-breaking... colossal... so we have a simple question... when Ward's released its US Domestic Auto Sales (SAAR) data this afternoon... why did it miss expectations and show a 2nd monthly drop in a row? January printed 13.31 million cars SAAR, missing expectations of 13.5 million and dropping from December's 13.46 million SAAR. "

[US] Factory Orders Plunge 5th Month In A Row As ISM New York Crashes Most Since 2007
Charts - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."On the heels of the biggest crash in ISM New York since May 2007 (swinging from 9 year highs at 70.8 to 6 year lows at 44.5 in one month), Factory Orders plunged 3.4% in December (against an expectation of a 2.4% drop) - the biggest drop since Mar 2013 (ex last year's Boeing swing). Factory Orders 3.6% YoY drop is the largest since Nov09. Which explains why stocks are soaring... (despite Fed's Bullard saying "there is a lot of momentum in the US economy.")"

WTI Squeezes Above $52 As Gasoline Prices Start 2015 With Biggest Surge In A Decade

A quote...."Great news!! Oil prices have "bottomed" and WTI is up over $52 now... from under $44 just last week. But... gasoline prices have surged almost 24% in the last 3 weeks... the biggest seasonal rise in over a decade. "

Stock Buybacks Account For About 20% Of Yesterday's Buying: Goldman
A quote...."While we already know that there is only one true irrationally non-economic buyer of stocks in the US equity market, getting confirmation from none other than Goldman Sachs is another matter..."

All Hell Is Now Breaking Loose In Europe
A quote...."With the ECB now shutting off direct funds to Greece, today one of the greats in the business warned King World News that all hell is now breaking loose in Europe.  He also warned that the situation is spiraling out of control and deteriorating quite rapidly. -- Eric King:  “The ECB has now shut off direct funds to Greece.  The ECB is now playing hardball with the Greek negotiators.” -- John Hathaway:  “This is just a sign that things are spiraling out of control and in a much worse direction than central planners had expected.  That’s what spooked the markets late Wednesday.  I was amazed to see the Dow give up all of its gains in the space of half an hour...."

Euro-Contagion Continues
A quote...."Spain’s anti-austerity Syriza equivalent Podemos is now the 2nd most popular Party in Spain, today’s new poll there shows. Reuters predictably described this result as ‘fuelling uncertainty'; clearly, they’re not up to speed with the booming Greek bourse. - Support for the right-wing People’s Party (PP) and the Pasok-style Socialists plumbed new depths following a litany of corruption scandals alongside deep welfare cuts. This plus the empty banks and growing nationalist elements in Spain do not bode well for the future of the euro."

Great Depression in Chile: Economic collapse, suspension of external debt payment due to drop in commodity prices -- From The Historical Record -- A quote...."The Great Depression that begun 1929 was felt strongly in Chile from 1930 to 1932.[1] Saltpetre and copper exports collapsed.[1] The World Economic Survey of theLeague of Nations declared Chile the worst affected nation by the depression.[1] The crisis caused the authoritarian regime of Carlos Ibáñez del Campo to fall in July 1931 followed by a succession of short-lived governments until the election of Arturo Alessandri in December 1932.[1] The economic crisis rose the levels of unemployment and caused a migration of unemployed saltpetre miners from the north to Santiago.[1] Miners constituted around 6% of the active population but made up more than half of the unemployed during the crisis.[2] Numerous soup kitchens sprang up in Santiago while homeless people begun to dwell in caves in the hills around Santiago.[1] The state responded to the crisis by gradually raising tariffs, increasing internal demand and increasing control over the “flux and use” of foreign currency.[3][4][2] Quotas and licences were established for imports and the gold convertibility was once again abolished in 1931.[2][5] -- *Wikipedia*
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Drought-Stricken California Let Oil Companies Inject Waste into Drinkable Water Sources
A quote...."(Emily Atkin)  The San Francisco Chronicle has a bombshell story showing that California regulators gave oil companies permission to inject chemical-laden wastewater into drinkable water sources underground. -
The revelation comes as California enters another month of its epic, four-year drought, which has left some communities pumping out so much groundwater that the land is literally sinking. The state saw almost no rain in January, normally the wettest month of the year."

FDA Attacks Dr Bronner’s, Prohibits Them From Sharing Information
A quote...."Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps is a family owned soap company popular for its all organic ingredients and the health benefits they have to offer. They began manufacturing and selling soap under their current name in 1948, though the legacy and development of the company can be traced all the way back to 1858. But not only does this company sell organics, they actively fight for them. They actively support and help fund several movements including re-commercializing industrial hemp, integrity in organic labeling, animal rights, and GMO labeling. - So is it any wonder they would find themselves being harassed by the FDA?" - bold by website editor

Herbal supplements fail DNA test in New York investigation of store brands
Consumer Alert - A quote...."Overall, just 21% of the test results from store brand herbal supplements verified DNA from the plants listed on the labels. The retailer with the poorest showing was Walmart. Only 4% of the Walmart products tested showed DNA from the plants listed on the labels." - That's Atrocious!! - mpg

Vaccines cause sudden death, proves document hidden by Big Pharma for two years
A quote...."(NaturalNews) An Italian court has unearthed a formerly classified document that proves vaccines cause death, and that vaccine companies don't want you to know this. As published on the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) website, a 1,271-page report by British drug firm GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) reveals that certain combination vaccines administered to children are known to cause sudden death, but the company chose to obscure and conceal this in official safety reports."

Squalene - A History Of Vaccine Development And The Newest Adjuvant
A quote...."The theory that vaccines prevent the spread of infectious disease is based upon the belief that, by injecting a small amount of a disease into the body, it will develop "antibodies" that will prevent the injected person from contracting the disease against which he had been vaccinated."

Tuesday February 3rd 2015

No posts - mpg

Monday February 2nd 2015

Surprise! The West Lost The Cold War
Short, Sweet, & Brilliantly Written - A quote...."A quarter of a century ago the Berlin Wall came down and the West “won the Cold War”. But a quarter of a century later, it's hard to see what it won. - The arrogance – anger – the victory brought, has given the erstwhile winners, the following disasters....Wars without end: Kosovo, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, ISIS. Each war leads to the next: overthrow Qaddafi, run guns into Syria, train up “moderate oppositionists” who soon join ISIS, whose leadership was created in US detention centers, which recruits more fighters from relatives of those blown up in drone attacks. Years of “security-building” in Iraq collapse in an instant. But, we're assured, more bombing and more training will solve the problem....."

Nuland at Brookings
Must Read - A quote...." Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland is one of many hardcore neocons infesting Obama's administration. - On January 27, she spoke at Washington's Brookings Institution. An elitist think tank supporting wealth, power and privilege. An establishment organization representing America's dark side. - Deploring peace. Promoting war. Featuring speakers like Nuland discussing "unity in challenging times. Building on transatlantic resolve." More on her comments below. - A previous article explained her hardcore background. A foreign service official for Democrat and Republican administrations."

Malcolm X Was Right About America
Must Read - A quote..."February 02, 2015 "ICH" - "Truthdig" -NEW YORK—Malcolm X, unlike Martin Luther King Jr., did not believe America had a conscience. For him there was no great tension between the lofty ideals of the nation—which he said were a sham—and the failure to deliver justice to blacks. He, perhaps better than King, understood the inner workings of empire. He had no hope that those who managed empire would ever get in touch with their better selves to build a country free of exploitation and injustice. He argued that from the arrival of the first slave ship to the appearance of our vast archipelago of prisons and our squalid, urban internal colonies where the poor are trapped and abused, the American empire was unrelentingly hostile to those Frantz Fanon called “the wretched of the earth.” This, Malcolm knew, would not change until the empire was destroyed. " - Source:  TruthDig

Guardian Op-Ed Calls for WWIII. Sure, Why Not?
Must Read - A quote...."February 02, 2015 "ICH" - "RI" -  Since the beginning of time, television pundits and other serious thinkers have beckoned the young to die or lose limbs in pointless, illegal wars. -- Just in the last 15 years alone, our groomed foreign policy experts and think tank fellows have made compelling cases for armed humanitarian interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and about a half dozen other defenseless nations desperately in need of drone strikes or some other form of Western aid. -- Some might think this ancient practice of the privileged few urging everyone else to perish for nothing is outdated—maybe even harmful. -- Perhaps. But tradition is very important in the United Kingdom. Well-placed sources tell us that wooden mallet-spankings at Eton College are just as regular as they were 100 years ago." - Source RussianInsider

Paradise Stolen - Don't Show Your Children
Must View SVVideo - Alt - (SVYuTb - 5min37sec - Jan 30, 2015) - Source:  StefanVerstappen - A quote...."Anti-War video showing another side to the cost of war - the life you could have had."
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A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia...

Lavrov: Obama's Confirm US Involvement in Coup
A quote...."February 02, 2015 "ICH" - "TASS" -   BEIJING, February 2 (TASS) - The statement of US President Barack Obama on the United States role in "brokering power transition" in Ukraine confirms that Washington was involved in the February state coup, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday." - Source:  ITAR-Tass

When Libya, Genocidal Rhetoric Was an Excuse to Bomb; When Ukraine, Genocide No Deterrent to Full U.S. Support - A quote...."The sad state of our official foreign policy is so much worse than hypocritical or duplicitous. This article dredges up the loose standards used to invade, bomb and destroy Libya and its leader Gaddafi, on the basis of flimsy and untrue claims of genocidal rhetoric. In the face of clear genocidal intentions on the part of Ukraine, however, nothing can stop Washington’s unwavering support for the proxy war against Russia and over energy resources in general."

As Its Domestic Foundations Rapidly Erode, the U.S. Pursues World Domination
A quote...."The United States, originally founded on standards of ethics and morality, is currently on its way to world domination. Unfortunately, American citizens are left feeling helpless and struggling financially and the path U.S. government is taking will make it worse."

Updated List of ADMITTED False Flag Attacks

Data Base - A quote...."Preface: Readers are encouraged to post historically-documented instances in which a member of a government admits that his or her government carried out a false flag attack. While there are many documented false flag attacks, we’re focused on finding cases which are admitted to by someone in the government who carried out the attack." - Despite the rarity of governments ever admitting to anything, much less a false-flag, this list is still quite extensive. - mpg

Ukraine’s Government Is Losing Its War. Here Is Why!
A quote...."....the [Kiev] Government is dragooning-in, or “ambushing” (as the article says), virtually anyone who seeks help from the Government, “mobilizing the unemployed” and other “desperate” people. “Military enlistment offices complain” that some draftees are too sick to be able to fight at all."
Let's make sure there's no confusion on this issue.  It isn't that a bunch of foreign, Euro-Kazarian, trans-national, PNAC affiliated, Israeli affiliated, Bankster affiliated, parasites simply don't care about the unnecessary deaths of millions of Ukrainian/Russians.

On the contrary, they in fact do care, very deeply  They desperately, fervently, passionately and fanatically WANT to cause the deaths of millions of Ukrainian/Russians.  The Euro-Kazarian, trans-national, Criminal Syndicate Members currently in charge of Ukraine absolutely hate and despise the Christian Ukrainian/Russians who live there and want to see as many of them dead as possible.  Exactly as they did during the Holodomor Massacre of the 1930s. 

Not to mention the fact that the longer the conflict goes on, the more death and destruction that takes place, the weaker Russia becomes, the more estranged Russia's relationships with the EU becomes, the more the PNAC protocols will come closer to being fulfilled, and the more money these carpet-bagging, trans-national, Euro-Kazarians will make.

So....the more carnage, the more destruction, the more murder and mayhem....
Don't believe that, think that's to harsh a judgment....fine.

Just go ask the people of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan, North & Central Africa and the many other countries that have been "helped" during the last fifteen years by these Neoliberal / Neocons

Just how many more dead people, destroyed societies, and shattered countries is it going to take before this Crime Syndicate is put down forever? - mpg
War Could Be over for 7,000 Trapped Ukrainian Soldiers
A quote...."Major disaster looms for the Ukrainian Army as NAF forces tighten noose around Debaltsevo"

Zionist Oligarchs Get Their Ukraine Destruction - Joaquin
M108Video - (M108YuTb - 13min37sec - Feb 1, 2015) - Source:  108Morris108 -- Morris Donation Request - Click Here -

Kiev Junta Plans Escalated War
A quote...."On Saturday, Contact Group representatives met in Minsk. Swiss diplomat Heidi Tagliavini represented the OSCE. - Russian ambassador to Ukraine, Mikhail Zurabov, represented Moscow. Former President Leonid Kuchma represented Kiev. - Donetsk People's Republic (DRP) parliament Speaker Denis Pushilin and Lugansk People's Republic (LPR) chief negotiator Vladislav Deinego participated. - Talks accomplished nothing. Kiev wants war, not peace. More on this below."

Poroshenko adviser leaks disastrous data about the fourth wave of mobilization
A quote...."I don't understand the phrases, do not understand the facts...."
EU sanctions meeting
A quote....." As Eric Kraus has pointed out there is complete confusion in the media today about how to spin the latest EU sanctions decision.  Did Syriza fold as per Reuters and Bloomberg.  Or did the meeting expose growing splits within the EU as per the Financial Times and the London Times. - The best answer is that nothing definite was decided at the latest EU Council meeting but Syriza did manage to put a marker down. - I go back to my piece about Syriza for Russia Insider (  Whether one likes the fact or not, for Syriza relations with Russia are not the priority.  Syriza does not agree with the sanctions, but its overriding priority is Greece's own economic crisis. - Given that this is so, it is simply unrealistic to expect a very young government in the very first days of its existence to provoke a crisis within the European Union that pitches it against the Commission, Germany, Britain and France, risking a deeper crisis in Greece and putting in jeopardy its own existence, on an issue that for Greeks is of only peripheral importance. "

D.C. Power Brokers Push for Conflict With Russia
Special Note - Propaganda / NGO Alert - Some quotes...."“Russia’s coming fascism threatens man’s survival. There are no political exits. The West must act now to save the world from certain doom.” This was the call from Dr. Leonid Gozman, president of the Russian free-trade organization Union of Right Forces (SPS) and fellow at the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Ambassador Stephen Sestanovich, senior fellow for Russian and Eurasian Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and Miriam Lanskoy, director for Russia and Eurasia at NED." --- "NED is a private foundation funded by Congress with connections to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). In a 1990s interview, CIA case officer Phil Agee explained, “Instead of having the CIA going around like before behind the scenes and trying to manipulate the [political] process secretly by inserting money here and instruction there and so forth, they have now a psychic, which is this National Endowment for Democracy.” - bold by website editor

Sergey Glazyev: The United States will wage the battle "until the last Ukrainian"
A quote..."The American model is still strong. Americans dominate in financial markets, with about a 70% share of financial transactions. Having an opportunity of unlimited [issuance] of the world's currency, they finance a great share of military expenses, leading in the arms race. More then half of the world military expenses belongs to the US, and 2/3 - including NATO countries."
The Russians are FINALLY's ALL about the currency. It always WAS about the currency. Who gets to print it, who gets to spend it, and who's forced (under the current Euro-Kazarian owned and run Fed Bankster model) to take it....right up the....  That's why it's sometimes called toilet paper. - mpg
Ukraine SITREP + open thread
A quote...."According to Cassad, the cauldron is still not closed and I trust him.  This being said, the Novorussians are holding the only highway out of the cauldron under their fire and they selectively allow some units to leave (medical, support & staff, for propaganda purposes) while destroying others (combat units).  So even if the cauldron ain't quite closed, the junta forces are de-facto surrounded.  See map (from Cassad." - Source:  VinyardOfTheSacker

REPORTS: Debaltsevo Surrounded. Rada Deputy Says National Guard Has Fled
A quote...."There seems to be a number of sources (from both sides) now confirming what everyone long suspected: that it was just a matter of time before the NAF closed the Debaltsevo Cauldron. An LPR commander claims...."

Ukraine’s paramilitary Aydar Battalion storms Ministry of Defense
Ukraine Coming Apart?? -- A quote...."Members of the Ukraine paramilitary “Aydar” battalion gathered in front of the Ministry of Defence building in Kiev, asking for a meeting with Chief of Staff Viktor Muzhenko and Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, but nobody came to meet them. In response, those in attendance set fire to tyres and tried to scale the security fence. The situation remains tense and there have been several clashes with riot police."

MUST WATCH: Strelkov vs Starikov debate
OSVideo - Alt/Vim - [Alt/YuTb no eng subs] - (OSVimeo - 1hr31min44sec - Feb 2nd, 2015) - Source:  OceaniaSaker -- A quote...."MUST WATCH: a very high quality debate between Igor Strelkov and Nikolai Starikov.  Most Russians views did say that Strelkov won the debate.  I completely disagree.  What do you think?" - For more article on these issues see below.....
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The ISIS Gambit - Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....& The Kurds....

No Breakthroughs In Syrian Peace Talks – 1 February 2015
A quote...."None were expected. Conflict continues. Ongoing since March 2011. Syria is Obama’s war. There’s nothing civil about it. - Death squad insurgents are US proxies. Recruited, armed, funded, trained and directed by CIA operatives and Pentagon special forces. - So-called IS, Nusra Front, Al Qaeda and other takfiri terrorists are imported from dozens of countries." - Source:  SteveLendman

Syria air strikes kill 32: pro-rebel activists
A quote...."Syrian government air strikes on opposition-held towns across the country killed at least 32 people Monday, and wounded dozens more, an activist group said."
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, North & Central Africa & Others...

Peshmerga regain control of Kirkuk oil field occupied by ISIS
A quote...."A security source in Kirkuk revealed on Saturday, that Kurdish Peshmarga forces managed to regain control of al-Khabaz oil field south of the province after ISIS terrorists entered it during the past few hours."

Isis: Yazidi mass grave with 25 bodies of children, women and men found in Iraq
A quote...."Kurdish forces have found yet another mass grave containing the remains of about 25 members of the Yazidi minority, believed to have been killed last year by the Islamic State (Isis), according to officials." - For more articles on Iraq, see below.....
At least six Lebanese killed in Damascus bus blast
A quote...."BEIRUT: An explosion ripped through a Lebanese bus carrying Shiite pilgrims in a central district of the Syrian capital, killing at least six people and wounded up to 20 Sunday." - bold by website editor

Secret Benghazi report reveals Hillary’s Libya war push armed al Qaeda-tied terrorists
Must Read - For The Record -- A quote...."Libyan officials were deeply concerned in 2011, as Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was trying to remove Moammar Gadhafi from power, that weapons were being funneled to NATO-backed rebels with ties to al Qaeda, fearing that well-armed insurgents could create a safe haven for terrorists, according to secret intelligence reports obtained by The Washington Times. -- The reports included a 16-page list of weapons that Libyans supposedly tracked to the rebels from Western sources or their allies in the region. The memos were corroborated by a U.S. intelligence asset familiar with the documents as well as former top Gadhafi regime official Mohammed Ismael." - Topix ||  An African Base of Operations for More Terror - 10-26-11 - mpg  ||

War on Terror in Yemen Collapses; Libya in Shambles
Special Note - (Contains two articles) -- A quote...."Since 2011, Yemen has been at the epicenter of Washington’s sanctioned killing program, using drones and Special Forces teams operating out of bases in Saudi Arabia, Djibouti and Yemeni military bases. The aim has been to degrade a Yemeni militia known as AQAP, or al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula."

Taliban attacks on checkpoints kill 9 Afghan police officers
A quote...."Taliban insurgents, some likely wearing police uniforms, attacked checkpoints in Afghanistan, killing at least nine officers in their latest assault, authorities said Monday."

Journalist Peter Greste RELEASED from prison in Egypt after 400 days behind bars and is on his way back to Australia -- A quote...."Australian journalist Peter Greste has been released from Egyptian prison and is on his way back to Australia after more than a year behind bars. -- Mr Greste was freed by order of Egypt's president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, under a new law that allows foreign prisoners to be deported. -- His brother Andrew Greste confirmed the Al-Jazeera reporter 'has left Egyptian airspace' and will arrive home in Brisbane on Monday."

Egypt confirms death sentences for 183 people
A quote...."An Egyptian court on Monday confirmed death sentences for 183 supporters of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood on charges of killing police officers, as authorities continued a crackdown on opponents, AFP and Reuters news agencies reported."

At least 10 killed in Al Houthi attacks
A quote...."At least ten people have been killed in Yemen over the past four days in attacks led by an Al Qaida’s affiliate against Al Houthi fighters and the Yemeni army, local officials and the group said."

Houthis give Yemeni political factions ultimatum
A quote...."Movement threatens unilateral action if parties fail to reach deal with Houthis within three days."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Hasbara Happenings: US Media Again Propagandises For Israel
A quote...."February 01, 2015 "ICH" - "MEE" -  Last week, Israel carried out a deadly drone strike inside the Syrian controlled portion of the Golan Heights, killing six Hezbollah fighters and an Iranian general. In response to Israel’s aggression, Hezbollah fired two anti-tank missiles that killed two Israeli soldiers as they drove in a occupied area along the Lebanese border. In turn, Israel responded with artillery fire, shelling several targets in southern Lebanon that killed a Spanish UN peacekeeper." - Source:  MiddleEastEye

Globalism Wins as Israel Plans “Free Trade” With Putin, Beijing
"World Govt" Worries - A quote...."As the world is increasingly divided up into geographic “regions” under regional regimes cobbled together under the guise of pseudo-“free trade,” Israeli authorities are now quietly working to create what they call “free trade zones” with both the Communist Chinese regime and the Kremlin-dominated Eurasian Economic Union (member countries shown in green). The negotiations, officially announced this week, come as globalist plotters around the world accelerate their now-open efforts to subvert national sovereignty at a regional level — all on the road toward what top officials from Beijing and Moscow to London and Washington, D.C., regularly and openly refer to as their “New World Order.” "
There is NO WAY that this, abomination, is going to happen.  Israel isn't even a nation-state, it's just a crime syndicate of seven million people squatting by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, and one that has caused endless wars and endless suffering not just for the tens of millions of people living in the countries that border Israel, or the hundreds of millions targeted by Israel's PNAC Protocols, but for everyone on this planet!

By their constant,  flagrant, openly defiant, disregard for
ANY international agreement, not to mention their constant use of false-flags, and their odious partnership with the NSA, where they monitored and spied on the world's communications for decades, and profited from them!! 

No one in their right mind would do business with them!  Unless you want to be spied on, or have false-flags occur in your country,
or watch your politicians being black-mailed, or bribed one by one till your legislature is completely controlled, or your banking and media systems being taken over!  How could any nation possibly trust them? No one could be that stupid! - mpg
[Euro-Kazarian, Trans-National] Bill Gates: We Need A World Government
IT -- WILL -- NOT -- HAPPEN !! - Everyone got that! - mpg -- A quote...."Bill Gates was recently interviewed by German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung. In the interview Bill Gates responds to the problem of climate change by declaring that a world government is needed to deal with the crisis.  -- "The UN system has failed”
First off the "UN" is not a world government.  It's a body and a system of rules set up so that nation-states could address and hopefully resolve issues that affect them.  The fact the US-NRE and most especially Israel spent the last seventy years doing everything they possibly could to destroy this organization and render it ineffective so it could be replaced by a Bankster run "World Government" Cabal, with Israel as it's headquarters, is simply Bill Gates, and his fellow Euro-Kazarians deeply held psychotic fantasy.  It will not happen. - mpg
Harvard Doesn't Want to Give Money Back from Pedophile Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein
A quote...."The recipient of one of the largest donations from Epstein has been Harvard, to which Epstein pledged $30 million in 2003, according to news reports at the time. By 2006, when charges against Epstein were made public in Florida, he had fulfilled at least $6.5 million of that pledge, the reports said. Harvard's then president said he would not return the money because it was doing good for science."
Well, in this Fed fiat-script worshiping Israeli colony, once you're bought, you're supposed to stay bought.  It's nice to see one of this nations bed-rock educational institutions still maintaining its low values by upholding the "principal" of being bought and paid for, even if it's on behalf of a known pedophile.  After years of blogging, this website editor occasionally gets discouraged by the utter moral flexibility gone rampant in this society.  But it's shining examples of "principals"  like this, that keeps this website editor blogging away. - mpg
Zionists In Houston On The Defensive, Counter 'Stop Billions To Israel' Billboards With One Of Their Own
A quote...."There is a propaganda war going on in Houston, TX. Pro-Israel factions have erected their own billboard to counter the very effective 'Stop Billions To Israel' billboard campaign that has been going on in the Houston area for several years."

Argentine Prosecutor Suicided by Mossad?
17]   A quote...."The obvious assassination of an Argentinian prosecutor bent on proving the Islamic Republic of Iran’s responsibility in the 1994 bombing on the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA) building in Buenos Aires was clearly the work of Israel’s national intelligence agency, Mossad. Over the past two decades it has been shown that the attack, the deadliest bombing ever in Argentina, was the work of the Zionists, who were embroiled in a bitter political fight in Israel after the olive branch of peace was offered to the Palestinians by Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin."

For more on this issue see.....Israeli False Flags - Updated Weblist!
For more on this issue see....The Mossad's Assassination of Alberto Nisman - New Weblist!!
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

China assumes presidency of UNSC
A quote...."China on Sunday assumed the rotating presidency of the UN Security Council for February. -- Liu Jieyi, China’s permanent representative to the UN, took over the rotating presidency from Cristian Barros Mellet, permanent representative of Chile to the UN. -- The UN Security Council presidency rotates every month among the council members in alphabetical order of their names, while each president holds office for one calendar month."

Brazil to expand agriculture exports to China
A quote...."Ahead of an official visit to China in March, the Brazilian Agriculture Minister says Brasilia is keen on expanding exports to China. -- The Chinese market and investment is vital to the growth of Brazil’s agriculture sector, Katia Abreu, the new Agriculture Minister stressed at a recent press conference."

Indian FM meets Chinese, Russian counterparts
A quote...."Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his Indian counterpart Sushma Swaraj held talks on bilateral ties in Beijing on Sunday. - The two Ministers discussed “bilateral, regional and global issues of concern to both sides” said an official statement."

Falling Ruble Promises Renaissance for Russia's Tourism Industry
A quote...."Russia is looking forward to a renaissance in domestic tourism as the ruble's devaluation scares Russians away from European destinations and makes prices at home seem ever more appetizing. - The economic logic is unassailable. It used to be cheaper to go to Egypt or Turkey than to resorts of a similar caliber in Russia. Now, with the ruble down 50 percent against the U.S. dollar since last summer, the situation has reversed." - Source: RussiaInsider

Gazprom Offers Turkey to Deliver First 'Turk Stream' Gas by 2016 End
A quote...."January 27 (Reuters) - Russia's Gazprom plans to supply the first gas via a new route to Turkey in December 2016, Chief Executive Alexei Miller said in a statement on Tuesday. -- Gazprom said last year it would build a new pipeline to Turkey with a capacity of 63 billion cubic metres (bcm) a year to bypass Ukraine. It had earlier scrapped a planned South Stream pipeline over disagreements with the European Union."

Syriza Raises Greek Minimum Wage as it Begins Euro Debt Tour
A quote...."In the latest of a series of progressive policies, Greece's new left-wing government pledged to raise the minimum wage Sunday, a further sign that days of harsh austerity measures are over."

‘Chance for a new start': Croatia writes off debts of 60,000 poorest citizens
A quote...."Croatian government have gotten creditors on board a plan to erase the debts of some 60,000 poorest citizens. The “fresh start” scheme targets less than 1 percent of the entire debt, but is hoped to boost the economy in the long-term."

Iran successfully places domestically-made Fajr satellite into orbit
A quote...."Iran has successfully placed into orbit the domestically-made Fajr (Dawn) satellite with President Hassan Rouhani issuing the order for its launch."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters return to streets
13]   A quote...."Thousands of pro-democracy activists have returned to the streets of Hong Kong for their first big rally since mass protests last year. - But the number of protesters - put by organisers at 13,000 but by police at half that figure - was far lower than the earlier demonstrations. - Their key demand is fully democratic elections for the territory's leader."
Which is the ONE & ONLY insuperable (unacceptable and insurmountable) demand that the US-NRE / NGO / CIA sponsored leadership of the Hong-Kong Umbrella Movement knew was non-negotiable. 

It was specifically spelled out, in the "Basic Law" of Hong Kong, by the Chinese government that nominations for political office in Hong Kong would be partly carried out by indirect vote.  That's why it's the only issue the leadership of the Umbrella Movement is demanding to change, which as far as this website editor is concerned instantly discredits them.  As this website editor stated before.....

"....the "Umbrella Movement" and its members have received over a decade's worth of training, funding, and logistical support from the very same Neo-libs / Neo-cons who brought the world those wonderful "color" movements in Libya, Syria and Ukraine.  Movements that have resulted in the absolute devastation of those former nation states."

"This website editor sees absolutely no purpose in having such a calamity be visited upon the peoples of Hong Kong, all in an effort to wrest the power of who gets to nominate political candidates from the central government of China, just so it can be handed over to the likes of Goldman Sachs / CitiBank / JPMorganChase / IMF & World Bank." -- mpg
- For more on this issue, see....The Hong Kong "Occupy Central" - Color Revolution
Left Wing Anti-Bankster Party Flips: Hires Bankster to Advise on Debt
Did The Greek People Buy A Bankster Pig In The Poke?? -- A quote...."This is a strange twist from the pre-election anti-bankster posture of the  Syriza party. - The Greek government, now run by Syriza officials,  has hired US investment bank Lazard to advise it on its debt negotiations with  the troika of international lenders, the IMF, World Bank and ECB." - Source:  EcoPlcyJrnl

Greece Under Attack Pray For Yanis Varoufakis
A quote...."February 02, 2015 "ICH" - Greece’s new Finance Minister is a highly intelligent person. His likes are not to be found in any Western government. As he stands in the way of those who are determined to complete their looting of Greece, the Western looters are out to get him."

Terrorism Strikes Thailand: Ousted regime that vowed violent reprisals, finally follows through
A quote...."Two powerful bombs exploded in downtown Bangkok Sunday night, just days after ousted prime minster Yingluck Shinawatra was impeached from office amid threats from her political party that violence would follow."

The Same Old Dirty Tactics - Venezuela: a Coup in Real Time
A quote...."There is a coup underway in Venezuela. The pieces are all falling into place like a bad CIA movie. At every turn a new traitor is revealed, a betrayal is born, full of promises to reveal the smoking gun that will justify the unjustifiable. Infiltrations are rampant, rumors spread like wildfire, and the panic mentality threatens to overcome logic. Headlines scream danger, crisis and imminent demise, while the usual suspects declare covert war on a people whose only crime is being gatekeeper to the largest pot of black gold in the world."
Not much sympathy from this website editor. You CANNOT have a "Socialist" economy, especially one as badly run as Venezuela's if your currency, credit and financial "markets" are controlled by the foreign Banksters while at the same time, a country awash in oil revenues (at least until recently) issues massive quantities of unnecessary debt (i.e. bonds) at high interest rates. If you do it's a quick road to national and economic suicide. - mpg
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation...

Beyond Snowden: US General Cartwright has been indicted for espionage
A quote...."[Article Link] - US General James Cartwright was regarded by Washington insiders as ‘Obama’s General’, and now he’s facing prosecution for blowing the whistle on ‘Operation Olympic Games’ which planted the Stuxnet and Flame viruses in Iranian nuclear facilities in order derail Iran’s civilian nuclear program. At closer examination, it appears that Cartwright’s revelations didn’t so much harm US interests per say, but they hindered Israeli ambitions towards a war with Iran."

Four Corners of Fascism
Special Note - Contains A Nifty Map - A quote...."In one corner we have the criminal banksters who, in concert with the criminal ruling class, have created policies that allow them to steal as much of our wealth as can be done until enough people cry foul. In another corner we have the criminal, treasonous NSA, once again working in concert with the criminal ruling class to steal all of our personal information and create a profile of our lives to determine if we are guilty of some crime that has not yet been committed. In still another corner we have the local police, working in concert, not only with the ruling class but with the military industrial complex in order to ensure we tow the line and don’t fight back once enough of us have determined that we have had our fill. In the last corner are the doctors and insurance companies who, work in concert with the ruling class to keep us hooked on their drugs or sedated so that we are unable to rally against these other three. -- Seems like a pattern going on there, or is it just me?"

Man Calls 911, Responding Officer Shoots and Kills Caller AND His Dog
A quote...."On the night of December 29, 2014, Kevin Davis’ girlfriend was stabbed during a dispute with a roommate. - Davis did what most people would do – he called the police for help. - It would be the last call he ever made."

Posing a Threat - The Authoritarianism Of The American Police State
A quote...."Two days before Christmas, a “thug” launched an “unprovoked attack” on a female MTA employee on a Bronx subway platform, “choking her” and causing injuries, according to the Daily News. The “hulking brute” then fled the scene, “grinning as he made his may through the turnstile.” The newspaper’s description conjures images of a fanatical psychopath, aggressively assaulting an innocent victim and showing a twisted pleasure in his deranged actions while escaping. Several days later the perpetrator was located, but he was not arrested. On Friday, more than a month later, police announced he will face only misdemeanor charges."

‘She Knows How To Shoot’: Pizza Parlor Employee Wards Off 3 Armed Robbers
A quote..."After Sarah Cherry’s father was robbed at gunpoint two months ago at an Arkansas Domino’s pizza store, the former Army military police officer began carrying a gun with her for protection to her job at the same restaurant. -- Cherry had cause to use that gun — a .380 — Wednesday night when three armed men wearing hoodies stormed into the Blytheville eatery and shot at her during a robbery attempt."

Current Economic Collapse News Brief – Episode 580
X22Video - Alt/YuTb - Alt/Mp3  - (X22YuTb - 19min13sec - Jan 31, 2015) -- Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote..."In this news brief we will discuss the latest news on the economic collapse. We look to see if things are really that different. The central bank will not stop at just confiscating your wealth they will want your life. They want to enslave the people. - All source links to the report can be found on the site."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Gregory Mannarino-Cracks in the Debt Bubble
GHVideo - (GHYuTb - 25min05sec - Feb 1, 2015) -- Source:  GregHunter@YuTb - Related Sites:  USAWatchDog - Guest Website:  Trader'sChoice -- A quote...."Gregory Mannarino of says, “We are watching epic events occur. People have been saying for years, where is the collapse, where is it? It’s now. Look at the actions of the world central banks. They are becoming more and more desperate. They are slashing interest rates, and there are negative interest rates. The Federal Reserve will follow suit despite the garbage that is coming out from the Federal Reserve Governors; it’s nonsense. There is no possible way they can raise rates.”

Robert Reich: Wall Street is hard at work cooking up the next financial collapse.
A quote...."The finance industry still presents a massive threat to the middle class. - Presidential aspirants in both parties are talking about saving the middle class. But the middle class can’t be saved unless Wall Street is tamed. - The Street’s excesses pose a continuing danger to average Americans. And its ongoing use of confidential corporate information is defrauding millions of middle-class investors. - Yet most presidential aspirants don’t want to talk about taming the Street because Wall Street is one of their largest sources of campaign money. - Do we really need reminding about what happened six years ago? The financial collapse crippled the middle class and poor — consuming the savings of millions of average Americans, and causing 23 million to lose their jobs, 9.3 million to lose their health insurance, and some 1 million to lose their homes."

[US] Consumption Crashes In December: “The Country Has Clearly Entered Recession”

Charts - A quote...."Let the spin begin. The country has clearly entered recession, but the government bureaucrats, corrupt politicians, criminal Wall Street bankers, and their corporate media mouthpieces refuse to acknowledge the truth. They have too much wealth at stake to report the facts. They need to exit the markets before the muppets."

Baltic Dry Plunges At Fastest Pace Since Lehman, Hits New 29 Year Low
Charts - (click to view) -- A quote...."The Baltic Dry Index dropped another 3% today to 590 - its first time below 600 since 1986 and not far from the all-time record low of 554 in July 1986. Of course, the absolute level is shrugged off by the over-supply-ists and the 'well fuel prices are down'-ists but the velocity of collapse (now over 60% in the last 3 months) suggests this far more than some 'blip' discrepancy between supply and demand - this is a structural convergence of massive mal-investment meets economic reality."

‘Secret’ Gold Repatriation: The Banksters’ Newest Bullion Scam

Gold Alert - A quote...."Jeff Nielson: Many previous commentaries have detailed the mounting crises faced by the One Bank in its own paper-bullion markets. Invariably, these “crises” are 100% self-created. This is easily illustrated by reviewing a few of its current (increasingly serious) problems."
1)  No one has seen the 10,000+ tons of gold which the U.S. government claims to have been storing (on behalf of itself, and other nations) for roughly 60 years.

2)  The reason why no one has seen this gold is that most of it does not exist, and of the small fraction that remains, any audit would reveal that every bar had been pledged to numerous (dozens of?) owners.

3)  Those owners are now “requesting” (demanding?) that their gold be returned to them.
Singapore officially enters the currency war, Germans in shock as new Greek leader starts with a bang
A quote...."Singapore unexpectedly eased monetary policy, sending the currency to the weakest since 2010 against the U.S. dollar as the country joined global central banks in shoring up growth amid dwindling inflation."

What the ECB is doing to Greek banks is outrageous
A quote...."The European Central Bank (ECB) is threatening to withdraw emergency funding from Greek banks if the Greek government doesn't do what it wants."

Ireland: Thousands take to the streets again over water charges
A quote...."Around 15,000 protesters brought Dublin to a standstill and thousands more marched around the country yesterday - dashing Government hopes that anti-water charge anger has gone away."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Leading Scientists, Physicians and Politicians Expose GMO Dangers

GNVideo - (previously posted) - (GNYuTb - 1hr19min34sec - May 23, 2013) - Source:  GaryNull -- A quote...."Documentary Film - The world’s leading scientists, physicians, attorneys, politicians and environmental activists expose the corruption and dangers surrounding the widespread use of Genetically Modified Organisms in this full-length documentary, “Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMO’s.”"

The 21 curious questions we're never allowed to ask about vaccines
A quote...."(NaturalNews) The surest sign of a medical dictatorship is an aggressively enforced blockade against intelligent questions. Intelligent questions, after all, can destroy a medical police state because they expose the fraud of it."

Mysterious Paralysis Hits Over 100 Children in Last 5 Months
A quote...."As 21WIRE reported last November, the mysterious Entrovirus D68 did not just appear out of nowhere, as health authorities would like us to believe. -- Unlike the American Ebola Hoax, viruses like D68 are very real and are targeting children. Also included in this category of unexplained diseases that feature strange conditions is the Gulf War Syndrome. What is the common denominator between these and other disease cases? -- Just this week, we also saw news of a five-year-old girl who died from the very same flu strain she was vaccinated against. -- One possible answer: contaminants in vaccines...."

Silver really COULD be the new weapon against superbugs: Adding it to antibiotics boosts the effectiveness by 1,000 times -- A quote...."Silver could be a precious weapon in the fight against antibiotic resistance. - Scientists have shown that giving tiny amounts of silver at the same time as antibiotics makes the drugs up to a thousand times more effective. - The finding comes in the wake of warnings by Britain’s top doctor that the rise of drug-resistant superbugs could trigger an ‘apocalyptic scenario’ in which even routine operations such as hip surgery become deadly because we have run out of antibiotics."

Sunday February 1st 2015

No posts - mpg

Saturday January 31st 2014

‘Empire of Chaos’ in the House - Is The House of Saud Starting To Have Second Thoughts
Must Read - Pepe Escobar at his satirical, spot-on, geo-political analyzing, best. - mpg -- A quote...."January 29, 2015 "ICH" - "RT" - The real ‘Masters of the Universe’ who run the ‘Empire of Chaos’ want the House of Saud to do most of their dirty work against Russia; and in a later stage they will take care of the “towel heads” - No one in Western corporate media will tell you why US President Barack Obama is hitting Riyadh with a high-powered delegation to “pay his respects” to the new House of Saud potentate, King Salman. - Talk about a who’s who – including CIA head John Brennan; General Lloyd Austin, head of US Centcom; Secretary of State John Kerry; leading House Democrat Nancy Pelosi; and even senile Senator John “Bomb Iran” McCain." - Source: RT - also posted at 4thMedia
Almost everyone of them a confirmed, fellow traveling, PNAC'ing, Neocon/Neolib, fanatic!! - So much for Obama's resistance to the ravenous horde. - mpg
Oil Wars: Pop! Goes the Weasel....
Related Article - A quote...."The “weasel” known as the USA fracking revolution, America’s recent shale gas and shale oil boom, which has been touted by the Obama Administration as grounds for risking their radical regime change policies across the OPEC Islamic world, is going “pop!,” as the money goes....The collapse of the five-year-old USA fracking revolution is proceeding with accelerating speed as jobs are being slashed by the tens of thousands across the United States; shale oil companies are declaring bankruptcy and Wall Street banks are freezing new credits to the industry. The shale weasel in America has just gone pop!, and soon the bloodbath will look like the aftermath of the Battle of Falkirk of Braveheart fame."

Obama to request big defense budget hike
A quote..."President Barack Obama will ask Congress for a hefty, almost 8 percent boost for the Pentagon, including $5.3 billion to equip and train Iraqi soldiers and moderate Syrian rebels to fight Islamic State militants in the Middle East."
The "Endless War" just got more endlessly expensive, as endless expenditures are wont to do.  But don't worry, Cheney said "debt doesn't matter", because he knew, being the Bankster's butt boy that he was, that all you have to do is print endlessly to support your "Endless War".  But you know what folks, it's also true that all bad unsustainable "endlessly" increasing things eventually come to their well deserved end. -- This is one of them. - mpg
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A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia...

And Hell Was Following Them....
Must Read - A quote...."I don’t know who exactly (Turchinov? Poroshenko?) commanded the Ukrainian army to disrupt the truce. But I am sure that this decision was taken in Washington. -- It is not an accident that this suicidal provocation was preceded by the visit of G. Soros to Kiev. This elderly “philanthropist” who, together with the US Department of State, sponsored all post-soviet fascist regimes (from Saakashvili’s Georgia to Poroshenko’s Ukraine), was most qualified to assess the financial state of the regime in Kiev and to decide whether it still makes sense to continue prolongation of the agony by monetary injections. His public statement, reprinted by media on January 14, left no doubt - the patient is dead, the corpse is stiff, its resuscitation is meaningless. -- Surely, Kiev has understood that if they scrape the bottom of the barrel and if Europe exerts itself then it is possible to collect money for further agony. But Soros clearly said about the necessity to find $50 billion just for 2015. While in 2014 (when the ignoramuses still hoped for the stabilization of the Kiev regime) US, EU and IMF together could scrape up only $20 billion, supposed to be stretched over 3 years. In fact, in 2014 Kiev got only $7.5 – 8 billion in credits. Clearly, in such conditions it is unrealistic to find $50 billion in a year. Soros himself told that he hopes only for a miracle...."

CrossTalk: Nuland's Kiev
Must View CTRTVideo -- (CTRTYuTb - 24min31sec - Jan 30, 2015) - Source:   CT@YuTb - CrossTalk - RT -- A quote...."Things are going from bad to worse in Kiev-controlled Ukraine. The economy is cratering, calls for more troop mobilization end in humiliation, and military defeats in the field. What can we now expect from Victoria Nuland’s Kiev? - CrossTalking with Domitilla Sagramoso, Alexander Nekrassov, and Charles Bausman."

NYT’s Tom Friedman: Propaganda Shill For The War Party’s Ukrainian Coup
Must Read - Friedman's Murderous Hasbara Exposed - A quote....."If you wonder how the lethal “group think” on Iraq took shape in 2002, you might want to study what’s happening today with Ukraine. A misguided consensus has grabbed hold of Official Washington and has pulled in everyone who “matters” and tossed out almost anyone who disagrees. -- Part of the problem, in both cases, has been that neocon propagandists understand that in the modern American media the personal is the political, that is, you don’t deal with the larger context of a dispute, you make it about some easily demonized figure."

Britain’s Sky News TV Portrays Ukraine’s “Far Right” Neo-Nazis as “Heroes” - Owned by Rupert Murdoch
Murdoch's Murderous Hasbara Exposed -- A quote...."On January 22nd, Rupert Murdoch’s Sky News (Murdoch founded it, his son James headed it for a while, and their 21st Century Fox owns “a controlling stake” in it) telecast a puff-piece for Ukraine’s right-wing extremists, several times calling them “heroes” to “patriotic” Ukrainians. This segment of their documentary series “Ross Kemp: Extreme World,” was titled “Ukraine: The Rise of The Right.” " - also posted at WkUpF/YrSlmbr

Ukraine Exposed: Kiev's Authoritarianism
A quote...."From the very start of the Ukraine crisis, Washington’s neoconservative lobby has sought to downplay the less appealing aspects of the government that came to power in Kiev in February. In May, a conventicle of Western intellectuals took place in Kiev under the auspices of the New Republic. They attended a five-day conference called “Ukraine: Thinking Together.” There Leon Wieseltier, then literary editor of TNR, channeled his inner Miniver Cheevy to state that one motive for convening the conference was his “somewhat facile but nonetheless sincere regret at having been born too late to participate in the struggle of Western intellectuals...against the Stalinist assault on democracy in Europe.”" - also posted at RussianInsider

"Yatsenyuk and Turchinov started the war!"--Poroshenko Block Deputy
A quote...." Sworn friends from the Maidan are  getting down to brass knuckles. -- Sergey Kaplin, a Poroshenko Block Rada Deputy declared on one of Ukrainian TV channels that the Donbass war was unleased by the Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Security and Defense Committee chief Aleksandr Turchinov. And they are blaming it on Putin because it’s “convenient for them.” This news was reported by PolitNavigator."

NEO – Soros as Kiev’s Central Banker and Ridiculous US Laws

Oh, You've Got to be Kidding!! - A quote...."[ Editor’s note: If not for the death and destruction in Ukraine due to Western aggression, it could be used for a knockoff comedy showcasing what happens when you put the three stooges — the US, EU, and NATO — working together on a regime change. - Innocent Europeans have been used as financial cannon fodder to absorb the sanctions-hits somewhat equally, without the Euro going down. But the blowback has wiped out any optimistic economic improvements."

Ukraine Chief of Staff Admits No Russian Troops in Donetsk
White House's Lies, Confirmed -- A quote...."Ukraine’s military Chief of Staff Viktor Muzhenko admitted Russian troops have not been taking part in combat operations in the country’s east during news briefing in Kiev, Ukraine Channel 5 television reports."
Just remember folks, the NYT, LAT, WaPo, all of Broadcast media, KNOWINGLY got it wrong again, for the twelfth or fifteenth time.  If Amerikans like lying liars and being feed bull-sh*t 24/7 then by all means they should just keep ingesting this crap.  If they're finally interested in knowing the truth they should go to the web. -- Again to restate to everyone reading this blog, whenever debating anyone about these issues first ask the person where they get their news from, if they say the mass corporate media just shake you head pityingly, turn around, and without another word....walk away.  It's not worth the effort. It really isn't. - mpg
Kiev Regime Confirms that Russian Invasion of Ukraine is a Hoax!
Related Article - A quote...."To the chagrin of the Obama Administration and NATO Russia has not invaded. This latest admission came twice today. Once by inference and the other a direct admission from Ukrainian Armed Forces Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Victor Muzhenko. -- If that wasn’t embarrassing enough for the Poroshenko regime which has consistently stated Russia had invaded and that Ukraine is fighting the Russian Army, it was Petro Poroshenko’s own TV station Channel 5 news that broke the story!" - bold by website editor - You'll NEVER see that happen here in this country. - mpg

Mariupol Attack is a War Crime: The Evidence points to Kiev
18]   Must Read - The Case Is Made - Contains Videos - A quote...."The UN is calling the attack on Mariupol a War Crime. Now that the evidence is pointing to Kiev will the UN show enough conscience to pursue it? -- Motive, method, and opportunity are the key facts needed to establish guilt in any criminal trial. -- In a shooting murder when you add in ballistics that locates the weapon to the shooter, its called a slam dunk, case closed. When known criminals with heavy weapons are willing to brag publicly on prime-time news that they are about to murder someone, and after the fact go on record about how much joy this event brought them- its time to call SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics group)." - also posted at WkUpF/YrSlmbr

IMF to Ukraine: End War or Face Aid Cut-Off
WOW!  The IMF Banksters are backing out?  Who would have thunk that possible? - mpg -- A quote...."IMF head gets tough. Cannot go on supporting a country that is blowing billions on a war without end."

Video interview with Igor Strelkov—22 January, 2015
Must View RBKVideo - Alt - For The Record Analysis - Jan 26, 2015 - (RBKYuTb - 16min44sec - 01/26/15)  - Source:  SlavyangradBlog -- A quote...."Igor Strelkov: From Makeevka, to bare this part of the front and in case of an unexpected attack to put the militia into an extremely tight situation. So the frontline had to be moved back. And after the Ukraine side had refused to fulfil the agreement about the demarcation line the fighting for the airport started."

Ukrainian forces targeting residential districts in Donbass — Video report

Must View RenVideo - Alt - (RenYuTb - 4min08sec - Jan 29, 2015) - Source:  SlavyangradBlog -- A quote...."Anchor: The journalists of RenTV got today the first documental [proof] that residential area of Donbass gets fired [on] not by accident. Although Kiev may claim about some “stray shells” which hit a hospital or a kindergarten, on the front line left by Ukrainian soldiers we have found artillery maps, where the targets were restaurants, cafeterias, and shops. An exclusive report of our correspondent Valentin Trushnin from the former UAF’s trenches."

Gorlovka endured massed air raid last weekend. VIDEO account
KNVideo - Alt - (KNYuTb - 10min28sec - Jan 22, 2015) - Source:  SlavyangradBlog -- A quote...."Gorlovka was under shelling from 7:00 until 20:00. Ukrainian army didn’t hesitate to use number of various accoutrements. They had no target: shells landed on playgrounds, at hospitals and schools.” —Alexander Kots, reporter for KP."

[eng subs] Spartak settlement "Donetsk. Line of War 4" doc
KZVideo - (KZYuTb - 28min40sec - Jan 29th, 2015) - Kazzura

Militias encircle Kiev troops near Debaltsevo, Donetsk
A quote...."The militia of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) have fully blocked a grouping of Kiev troops near the city of Debaltsevo in eastern Ukraine, a spokesman for the DPR Defense Ministry said on Friday. - Eduard Basurin said the militias had taken the city of Uglegorsk and adjoining areas under control, thus trapping about 8,000 Kiev troops." - Source:  ItarTass
For more articles and videos on these issues see below....they're arranged in descending date order, 01/29/15 -to- 01/31/15, oldest to most recent
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The ISIS Gambit - Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....& The Kurds....

Islamic State operative confesses to receiving funding through US - report
ISIS Gambit - Even ISIS Is Talking -- A quote...."“During investigations, Yousaf al Salafi revealed that he was getting funding – routed through America – to run the organization in Pakistan and recruit young people to fight in Syria,”"

al-Raqqa; ISIS Crumbling As More Executions Reported; Saudis Beheaded By ISIS After Attempted Desertion
ISIS Gambit - ISIS Falling Apart & Eating Its Own? -- A quote...."AL-RAQQA:  Syrian Perspective is delighted to report 2 wonderful and heartwarming events: the first is the internal degeneration of ISIS. Oh, don’t believe the Western liars who keep pumping up this old candle that’s been burning at both ends for far too long. Everybody in the West has a stake in keeping the myth of the ISIS dragon alive.  But, ISIS is beginning to show the most obvious signs of an internal metastatic cancer that is inoperable and impervious to treatment of any kind.  To prove that, we have our second event.  On Tuesday January 27, 2015, a reported 65 Saudis and UAE citizens were executed for desertion on order of the Caliph of Kaka, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdaadi.  This all came in reports from loyal Syrian citizens in the city who are part of the resistance to ISIS." - For more articles on Syria, see below....
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, North & Central Africa & Others...

Pentagon Silent on Current Use of DU in Iraq
A quote...."Back in October, I reported that, "A type of airplane, the A-10, deployed this month to the Middle East by the U.S. Air National Guard's 122nd Fighter Wing, is responsible for more Depleted Uranium (DU) contamination than any other platform, according to the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons (ICBUW) -- Pentagon spokesman Mark Wright told me, 'There is no prohibition against the use of Depleted Uranium rounds, and the [U.S. military] does make use of them. The use of DU in armor-piercing munitions allows enemy tanks to be more easily destroyed.'"
What was that favorite phrase Neocons and red-necks loved to use?  Oh that's right, "Nuke em'all!" wasn't that it? What they should have really said was "Nuke em'all...slowly".  Anybody else out there want to be "helped" by a Bankster run, Euro-Kazarian controlled Amerika.  Israel's bestest little butt boy colony ever, even better than Canada under Harper? Well if you do, you TOO can watch your children die of afflictions never, ever, before seen in the history of mankind. - mpg
Violence [Terrorism] in Baghdad suburbs kills 21: sources
A quote...."At least 21 people, mostly civilians, were killed on Thursday in the outskirts of Baghdad by explosions at five separate locations and a shooting, security and medical sources said."

434 terrorists killed in three provinces
A quote...."Baghdad Operations Command announced on Wednesday, that hundreds of terrorists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria “ISIS” were killed in the toll of operations launched by the security forces during last week in Baghdad, Anbar and Salahuddin provinces." - For more articles on the situation in Iraq, see below.....
54 killed, 50 injured in south Pakistan's Shiite mosque
A quote...."Xinhua - At least 54 people were killed and 50 others injured Friday when a suicide bomber ripped through a mosque of Shiite Muslims in Pakistan's south Shikarpur district, local media reported." - bold by website editor - Source: Xinhua - For more articles on Pakistan, see below....
Praetorian Standard Contractors Identified as 3 Americans Killed in Kabul
A quote...."The Americans killed in a shooting at the international airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, were three contractors working for Praetorian Standard, the company said today. "

Egypt state TV says 20 killed, 36 wounded in Sinai attacks
A quote..."Egyptian state TV says simultaneous attacks on police and military targets in the Sinai Peninsula on Thursday killed 20 people, including civilians, and wounded 36." - For more articles on Egypt see below....
Secret Audio Recordings Exposes - How Hilary Clinton Distorted Facts To Push For Attack On Libya
Hideous Hillary Exposed - A quote...."January 29, 2015 "ICH" - "Washington Times" - Top Pentagon officials and a senior Democrat in Congress so distrusted Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s 2011 march to war in Libya that they opened their own diplomatic channels with the Gadhafi regime in an effort to halt the escalating crisis, according to secret audio recordings recovered from Tripoli." - Source:  WashingtonTimes - No less than Alex Jones has pointed out how the Washington Times has been defying the powers that be lately. Good for them. - mpg - Topix ||  An African Base of Operations for More Terror - 10-26-11 - mpg  ||

Pentagon: Hillary's Push For War In Libya Was Based on ''Stupid Facts'' - [i.e. Obvious Lies]
Related Article - A quote...."Take a good look. This is the West's version of humanitarian intervention -- carpet bombing a nation to ruins, while protecting barbarian mercenaries in their bloody march to topple a once-peaceful nation. - Once Gaddafi was ousted, NATO shipped these foreign fighters to Syria to make it look like Assad was fighting a civil war just like Libya supposedly was. These are the very same fighters now known as ISIS. - Whether it's "stupid facts" or outright lies, we're all being punked into fighting an endless war."Topix ||  An African Base of Operations for More Terror - 10-26-11 - mpg  ||

Suicide bomb at Afghan funeral for Taliban victims kills 16
A quote...."A suicide bomber struck a funeral in Afghanistan for the victims of an earlier Taliban attack, killing 16 people and wounding 39, an Afghan official said."

Taliban not a terrorist group, White House deputy press secretary says
A quote...."White House deputy press secretary Eric Schultz argued during Wednesday’s briefing that the United States can negotiate prisoner swaps with Taliban members, because the Taliban is not considered a terrorist group."
This website editor used to agree. The Taliban were once a group of anti-foreign, nationalistic, tribal based patriots with a mix of traditional Islamic religious values and the Wahhabist Cult's vicious anti-Islamist ideology.  Now they're just a bunch of bloodthirsty morons, throughly indoctrinated by the Saudi's Wahhabists idology and completely controlled by the Saudi Parasitical family, and foreign intelligence agencies.  Just as eager to murder everyone in their own village, or members of their own family, as engage in battle against foreign invaders, all the while espousing the Saudi's trans-national, Wahhabist caliphate bull-crap. - mpg
Taliban Arrests ISIS Leader for ‘Anti-Islamic Activities’ - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Related Article - A Correction:  OK, OK, There are some Taliban who are still indigenous, patriotic, nationalistic, Islamists who do not ascribe to the Saudi's bastardized cult. - A quote...."(Mary Chastain)  The Pajhwok Afghan News reported the Taliban captured Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) leader Mullah Abdul Rauf Khadim along with 45 supporters. The United States detained Khadim at Guantanamo Bay, but released him to Afghanistan in 2007. -- Afghan security officials did not confirm the detention, but a Taliban commander relayed the information to Pajhwok Afghan News. Orders for Khadim’s arrest came from Taliban Governor Mullah Abdul Rahim Akhund “because he was against the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, the Taliban’s official name” and “involved in anti-Islamic activities.” Taliban religious leaders and judges will judge Khadim and the 45 men."

Children bear brunt of NATO’s unexploded Afghan bombs

A quote...."NATO troops leaving Afghanistan have left behind them a legacy of unexploded ordinance that is killing civilians at the rate of more than one a day, the majority of whom are children. -- Since first invading Afghanistan in 2001, NATO air forces have dropped 20,000 tons of bombs on the country. About 10 percent do not detonate on contact with the ground and some malfunction, the Guardian reports."

Did Obama Order Total Information Shutdown on Afghanistan?
A quote..."In a stunning and blatantly obvious move to try to hide its failed efforts in Afghanistan, the military suddenly decided back in October that they would classify any and all information on the capabilities of Afghan National Security Forces."

Yemeni president under house arrest - govt
A quote...."The Yemeni government on Thursday accused Houthi rebels of keeping President Abd Rabu Mansour Hadi and Prime Minister Khaled Bahah under house arrest."

Yemen PM Bahah confirms resignation
A quote..."Yemeni Prime Minister Khaled Bahah on Thursday confirmed his resignation, broadcaster Al Arabiya reported. He stepped down after Shiite Ansar Allah militias, linked to the Houthi movement, seized the presidential palace."

Bahrain Strips 72 People of Citizenship for 'Harming' State Interests
A quote...."MOSCOW, January 31 (Sputnik) — The government of Bahrain said Saturday it had revoked citizenship of more than 70 people for harming the country's interests."

Boko Haram : Chad 'captures Nigerian town from militants'
A quote...."Chad's army has driven Boko Haram militants out of Malumfatori town in north-eastern Nigeria, a senior official from Niger has told the BBC. The reported capture of the town, which lies near the borders of Chad and Niger, follows two days of fighting."

Over 38,000 Somali children facing starvation: UN
A quote...."Over 38,000 Somali children are at "high risk" from dying from starvation despite hunger levels improving by almost a third across the war-torn nation, UN experts said Thursday."
When it gets up to half a million dead Somali children we can go ask Euro-Kazarian Madeleine Albright if "It was worth it".  No doubt she'll say with her usual self-satisfied aplomb...."Yes, it was." - mpg
Key Nigeria city faces new Boko Haram attack
A quote...."Takfiri Boko Haram terrorists have launched a fresh attack on Nigeria's key northeastern city of Maiduguri in a bid to take control of the strategically crucial Borno state capital."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

'The Jewish Strategy' Strongarms Everyone Down The Path To Hell - Rebel $$ Request - [Click Here]
Must Read - A quote...."How could it be that the vast majority of the world's citizens fails to notice that a single notorious entity figures as the decisive factor in each and every crisis paraded before our eyes in this ghastly newsreel of life that now assaults our senses on a daily basis? -- Murdering thousands of Gazan citizens for crimes they did not commit. Stealing an entire country in broad daylight, and starving and bombing its inhabitants to death, while its ruthless allies blame the victims who are being killed and the nations that are trying to help them. Hijacking the so-called bastion of freedom in the world and turning it into a snakepit nation of mindless killers who do not question orders they know are fiendish crimes. -- The entity piles abomination upon abomination until it reaches the point where it pretends to kill its own adherents so it can hoodwink the world into believing that these mass murderers deserve the support and allegiance of honest people everywhere. The parade they hold to commemorate their fake massacre in Paris attracts most of the leaders of the so-called free world who are all eager to participate in both the hypocrisy and the scam." - Topix ||  The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle  ||  Who Won? -- Or, How To Keep Score - 09-16-2013 - mpg  ||  Israeli False Flags  || - Updated Weblist! 

Professor Salaita Sues University of Illinois For Free Speech Rights - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Professor Steven Salaita, a Palestinian-American professor of Indigenous studies whose offer of a tenured position at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign was rescinded last year because of his tweets criticizing the Israeli government’s bombing of Gaza, has filed a civil rights suit against the school and its top officials and donors, saying that his termination violated his First Amendment right to free speech and other constitutional rights, as well as basic principles of academic freedom." - Source:  CommonDreams

Controversial C of E vicar faces inquisition after linking Israel to 9/11 attacks
A quote...."A Church of England vicar is under internal investigation after allegedly sharing an article on Facebook which blames Israel for the 9/11 terror attacks." - Topix ||  Israeli False Flags  || - Updated Weblist! 

CIA Tested 25 Bombs before helping Mossad Kill Top Hezbollah Figure: Report

ZOG Alert - A quote...."The US helped Mossad assassinate a top Hezbollah figure in Syria in 2008 by lending bomb expertise and surveillance on the ground, Washington Post reported. The joint operation marked CIA’s post-9/11 drift toward modern-day drone killings."

Netanyahu Speech Scandal Blows Up
A Speech To Far?? -- A quote...."January 29, 2015 "ICH" - "Mondoweis" - In the last 24 hours the controversy over the planned speech by Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to both houses of Congress on March 3 to rebut the president’s policy on Iran has blown up to a new level. Muted outrage over the invitation has turned into open rage. The opposition to the speech by major Israel supporters across the political spectrum, liberal J Street, center-right Jeffrey Goldberg, and hard-right Abraham Foxman, all of whom say the speech-planners have put the US-Israel relationship at risk by making it a political controversy in the U.S., has been conveyed to the Democratic establishment. -- The New York Times and Chris Matthews both landed on the story last night, a full week after it broke, to let us know what a disaster the speech would be if it’s ever delivered. So these media are acting to protect the special relationship by upping the pressure to cancel the speech. -- With even AIPAC washing its hands of the speech, it sure looks as if Israel supporters want an exit from this fiasco." - See related article.....Pelosi threatens Netanyahu with 'consequences' if he gives speech

How Obama Can Stop Netanyahu’s Iran War
Israel's Policies Cost To Much?? -- A quote...." January 29, 2015 "ICH" - "American Conservative" - Some interesting polls form a background to the collision of major historical forces unleashed by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s decision to solicit an invitation to address the U.S. Congress in March." - Source:  AmericanConservative

Australian government plunged into leadership crisis by Murdoch intervention
ZOG Alert - A quote...."Amid a deepening economic slowdown in Australia, Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s Liberal-National Coalition government has been thrown into bitter factional turmoil this week, with public speculation by ministers of a potential leadership challenge. The outcome of the Queensland state election today, in which Liberal National Party Premier Campbell Newman is considered to be in danger of losing his own seat, is being regarded as a litmus test for the federal government."

Israel Kills A Spanish UN Peacekeeper In Lebanon
A quote...."Spain on Wednesday said Israeli fire had killed a Spanish UN peacekeeper serving in South Lebanon and called on the United Nations to fully investigate the violence."

Nasrallah: The Rules of Engagement with Israel Are Over
A quote...."“Don’t try us,” Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah told Israel in a televised speech Friday broadcast during a memorial ceremony to honor the six Hezbollah fighters and the Iranian general killed in an Israeli airstrike in Syria earlier this month." - Source:  al-Akhbar

Blowback Against Israeli State Terror
A quote...." Israel claims a divine right to attack any nation, group or individual it chooses with impunity. Considers naked aggression self-defense. - Justifiable self-defense is called terrorism. On January 18, Israeli helicopter gunship fire killed Hezbollah military leader Imad Mughniyeh in Syria's Quneitra province."

Netanyahu and His Wife Sued For ‘Racist and Physical Abuse’ of African Bodyguard and Maid
Posted as a reminder that this is how Euro-Kazarians act towards their fellow human beings when they get control over them. They're almost mathematical in their perfection.  Their contempt and abuse rise in direct proportion to their control over a given population until it becomes absolutely murderous, where it reaches its sublime, sadistic, Satanic, mean-spirited, Kafkaesque, Catch-22, perfection, as that demonstrated by their treatment of the Palestinians.  If you want to know how a Euro-Kazarian behaves when they have total control over a given society, just look at Palestine. It's all you need to know. - mpg - Source:  CounterCurrentNews

Human Rights Watch: International Armed Conflict Promoter for Soros?
A quote...."This morning Human Rights Watch published its World Report 2015 on Ukraine in which it repeats claims from the US and Ukrainian authorities that the Ukrainian civil war is ‘an international armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine’, the only evidence for it cited is ‘the capture of Russian soldiers in Ukraine’, which supposedly ‘exposes Russian forces direct involvement in military operations’. -- I’ve checked the report on Syria and despite evidence from Wikileaks that the U.S. secretly funded Syria’s opposition and that US-led NATO troops operated in Syria undercover, and a more recent news article that the “U.S. military has established a new command that will oversee operations in Syria” and the official announcement that the U.S. will deploy about 400 troops to Syria to train ‘moderate’ rebels, Human Rights Watch describes the conflict as that between ‘pro-government militias’ and ‘non-state armed groups.’ Predictably, US or NATO’s involvement is mentioned and it’s certainly not classified as ‘an international armed conflict between Syria and the US’, revealing HRW’s double standards." - also posted at WkUpF/YrSlmbr

Israeli Forces destroy Palestine Water Infrastructure, 1,000 Meter Water Pipe donated to Yezra
A quote...."Israeli bulldozers, on Thursday, destroyed a water pipe being used in connecting the West Tubas district’s Atoof village with Khirbet Yezra, in the northern Jordan Valley." - Source:  MuslimNews

Charlie Hebdo attack: French values challenged in schools
16]   What would those be? Not to immediately challenge an obvious false-flag event? -- A quote...."Karim, from Saint-Denis, just north of Paris, does not believe the official account of the attack on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. - Twelve people died when two brothers, Said and Cherif Kouachi, fired on the journalists on 7 January. Five others were killed over the two following days by one of their associates. - "I don't know who did this, but they are not Muslims," says the 18-year-old, standing outside his school. - One of his friends finds it "deeply suspicious" that Said Kouachi should leave his identity card in the car." - For more on this issue see The Attack in Paris Against Charlie Hebdo - New Weblist! 

Argentina: Prosecutor’s Death or CIA vs. Cristina Fernandez
17]   A quote...."Mr. Nissan’s death rocked the country. His personal safety appeared to be guaranteed - Nisman had a security detail of 10 federal police to constantly accompany him wherever he went, his 13th floor apartment in a fashionable city area was also guarded around the clock. Nisman’s housing complex has security guards and CCTV cameras at every entrance. All visitors are registered. No matter that, the tragedy has taken place to start off a detective story. Suicide was the first thing to come to mind. Nisman's mother found the door to his apartment locked from the inside and got a locksmith to open it. She found her son's body on the floor of the bathroom, and called the police. A 22-calibre handgun was found next to Nisman's body together with a bullet casing. It was a point blank shot to support the suicide story."

For more on this issue see.....Israeli False Flags - Updated Weblist!
For more on this issue see....The Mossad's Assassination of Alberto Nisman - New Weblist!!
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

The Real Battle In Europe: It’s Greece vs Wall Street
Special Note - A quote...."....if you take your blind hunger far enough to kill people, or ‘only’ condemn them to lives of misery, they will eventually try to speak up, even if not nearly soon enough. It’s like a law of physics, or like Icarus in, yes, Greek mythology: try to reach too high, and you’ll find you can’t. -- What is Brussels supposed to do now? Throw Athens off a cliff? Not respect the voice of the Greek people? That doesn’t really rhyme with the ideals of the union, does it? If they want to keep the euro going, they’re going to have to give in to a probably substantial part of what Syriza is looking for. Or Greece will leave the eurozone, and bust it wide open, exposing its failures, its lack of coherence, and especially its lack of democratic and moral values."

Trojan Hearse:Greek Elections and the Euro Leper Colony
A quote...." Europe is stunned, and bankers aghast, that the new party of the Left, Syriza, won Sunday's parliamentary elections in Greece. - Syriza won on the promise that it will cure Greece of leprosy. - Oddly, Syriza also promises that it will remain in the leper colony.  That is, Syriza wants to rid Greece of the cruelty of austerity imposed by the European Central Bank but insists on staying in the euro zone. - The problem is, austerity run wild is merely a symptom of an illness.  The underlying disease is the euro itself. - For the last five years, Greeks have been told that, if you cure your disease—that is, if you dump the euro—the sky will fall.  I guess Greeks haven’t noticed, the sky has fallen already.  With unemployment at 25%, with doctors and teachers eating out of garbage cans, there is no further to fall."

Is Democracy Dead In The West?
A quote...."Greece, stripped of its independence by its EU membership and acceptance of the euro as its currency, has lost is sovereignty. Without control over its own money, Greece cannot finance itself. Greece must rely on private banks from other countries. In the 21st century European private banks are not allowed to lose money simply because they are incompetent and over-lent to EU member countries. This is not considered to be the fault of the banks, but of the borrower governments and populations. -- According to reports, the American bankster firm, Goldman Sachs, sometimes known as Gold Sacks, hid Greek debt from view in order that banks would extent more credit to Greece, thus setting the Greek people up for looting."

Greece Is Now a Russia Sanctions Veto. Merkel Is Foaming at the Mouth

A quote...."Two days ago, Zero Hedge first, and shortly thereafter everyone else, pointed out something stunning: the biggest surprise to emerge so far out of the new anti-Troika/austerity Greek government was not so much its intention to proceed with the first test of "Odious Debt" - this was largely known in advance - but its dramatic pivot away from Germany and Europe, and toward Russia." - Source:  ZeroHedge

Russia might bailout Greece – finance minister
Only if Greece leaves the Euro AND repudiates all of its "odious debts" (ninety percent of which went to the banks and not one dime went to the Greek people)  Otherwise it'll simply be pouring good money after bad.  Greece can join the Eurasian Union if they want, or better yet, perhaps the Russians can split off the other "peripheral" Mediterranean states, the Balkans, Italy, Spain and Portugal and set up a Southern European Economic Union.  The only compromise that might work if the Greek people really want to stay in the EU is for them to repudiate all their "odious debts" and for Russia to get iron clad guarantees along with being first in line if anything goes wrong. - mpg

Greece, the US and the Neo-Liberal Coup
- Here's WHY the Russians must be VERY cautious!!
Must Read - Charts - Related Article -- A quote..."Since the onset of economic calamity in the West beginning around 2007 ‘official’ response has been framed as modest successes with a few policy errors while the reality is of remote elites and their agents enacting punitive policies under the guise of material economic constraints. In this context the election of Alexis Tsipras and Syriza in Greece appears a radical left turn while the actual economic proposals under discussion appear to be the middle-of-the-road textbook economics that preceded the neo-liberal coup of the 1970s in the U.S. And while Mr. Tsipras has greater understanding of this economics and strategies of economic resolution than do the European and American leadership classes, the levers of resolution remain firmly with this (mis)leadership."

Polls Reveal Four out of Every Ten Italians No Longer Want Euro
Related Article - Split'em!  Under Russian & Chinese auspices and with some financial guarantees create a Southern European Economic Union. As long as all the participating countries repudiate all their Bankster created "odious debts"! - mpg

Podemos 'March for Change': Tens of thousands rally in Madrid against austerity
Related RTVideo - Split'em! - (RTYuTb - 3min26sec - Jan 31, 2015) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."Tens of thousands of Spaniards have taken to the streets of central Madrid in support of Podemos, a leftist political party campaigning on an anti-austerity platform. The party’s popularity has soared in the wake of the Syriza victory in Greece - For more [click here] "

Tsipras Names Cabinet Heading for Clash Over Bailout and Russia
A quote..."Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras unveiled a cabinet that threatens to maximize friction with other European Union governments on issues ranging from the country’s bailout agreement to sanctions on Russia." - For more articles on the new Tspras Government and Greece, see below.....
International alliance of democratic forces opposing the Euro
A quote...."It emerged as a consensus that the next step would be to enlarge the “Leftist Co-ordination against the Euro” with all forces committed to the democratic and anti-fascist constitution of the country. This is a move against the xenophobe and neo-liberal Lega Nord which is also demanding the exit from the Euro zone."

Greek Social Contagion: Tens Of Thousands Rally In Support Of Spain's Anti-Austerity Podemos Party
A quote...."Less than a week ago we warned, "today Athens, tomorrow Madrid," and sure enough, emboldened by the success of Syriza in Greece, the people of Spain have turned out in their tens of thousands in Madrid at a demonstration called by the insurgent Spanish leftist party Podemos."

‘Spaniards desperate, will revolt if Brussels fails to listen’ – MEP for Podemos party
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 6min04sec - Jan 30, 2015) - Source: RT -- A quote...."It’s not only Greece which is challenging the EU – Spain’s echoing Athens’ example and witnessing the rapid rise of a left-wing party. It’s called ‘Podemos’, which means ‘We can’. - RT spoke to Lola Sanchez, a Euro MP for Spain’s Podemos Party, which is keen to follow Greece’s example. She says that Brussels has no choice but to listen to Athens."

Growing the Russia-China New Relationship
Special Note - A quote...."While the Obama Administration is preoccupied with keeping an increasingly unhappy EU firm on further economic sanctions against Vladimir Putin’s Russia, Putin is busy outflanking an increasingly desperate Washington. Rather than fixate on the deliberate US and NATO provocations in Ukraine, Russia is deepening its strategic ties with the other Great Eurasian land-power, the Peoples’ Republic of China. Far from Putin going begging to Beijing for money, the two powers are weaving a closer strategic counterweight to an Anglo-American elite gone bonkers as its empire slips from its hands."

China, Russia, India FMs to meet in Beijing on Monday
A quote...."Chinese officials are preparing for the upcoming RIC (Russia, India, China) Foreign Ministers meet, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said. The meet comes close on the heels of a much-hyped Obama visit to India. Chinese state media has cautioned India about US President Barack Obama’s strategy to “split” India’s relations with both China and Russia."

China outstrips US foreign investment in 2014
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."More foreign direct investment flowed into China than the US in 2014, bumping the US off the top spot for investment in the world, a position it has held since 2003."

Putin Sends Nuclear Bombers Over English Channel: “Transponders Turned Off… Invisible to Air Traffic Control”
A quote...."Russian President Vladimir Putin hasn’t been one to back down in response to sanctions against his country and attacks on his economy. Rather, he has stepped up not only his rhetoric, but his military activities as well."

Russian airborne troops test new armored vehicle
A quote...." Drone footage captured the latest armored fighting vehicle tests with Russian airborne troops on Wednesday. Paratroopers took the armored BMD-4M through its paces in sub-zero conditions at the Dubrovichi Testing Ground in the Ryazan Region. -- The main difference with the thoroughly reworked fighting vehicle from its predecessor, the BMD-4, is its ability to carry more troops after its gun was removed. It also enjoys a remodeled outer body, new engine and chassis."

Russia's pullout from Council of Europe to bury European Court for Human Rights
A quote...."According to Konovalov, Russia's pull out from the Council of Europe will terminate the competence of the European Court of Human Rights. The court will continue working on the case that had been received prior to Russia's exit from the convention, Vesti reports."

President of the Czech Republic against sanctions and visas with Russia
A quote...."The President of the Czech Republic miloš Zeman opposes sanctions and any other isolation of Russia. He told this in an interview to ITAR-TASS. - “I don’t see any reason why you need to isolate the Russian Federation from the European Union, why talk about sanctions, blockade, embargo.. Isolation yet in neither case did not lead us to success, but led only to the fact that there was no understanding, no mutual trust. And it’s bad,” he said." - "Color Revolution" to take place in the Czech Republic in five....four....three....two...mpg

China Desperate for Russian Help with Kyrgyzstan Oil Refinery Fiasco
A quote...."Currently the refinery in Kara-Balta is meeting only a fraction of its 850,000 tons annual capacity. Medetbek Kerimkulov, the chairman of Kyrgyzstan’s Association of Oil Traders, an industry lobby, recently claimed that Kazakh companies had supplied 100,000 tons of crude to the refinery in 2014. But that translates into roughly 50,000 tons of refined oil products (i.e. petrol), barely a drop toward Kyrgyzstan’s annual consumption, which the Association says is around 1 million tons. -- Moscow is likely loathe to become a supplier of raw materials to Chinese upstarts in its own backyard. Since Soviet times Central Asia has always been a captive market for Moscow’s finished products, and fuel, like labor migrants, is an easy source of leverage over Bishkek." - Source:  Eurasianet -- Well than a Russian oil major should buy it from China's Junda, or better yet, buy a  majority non-distressed prices.  After all Russia and its corporations want to keep good neighborly relations with China and its corporations. - mpg

Iranian Oil Exports to Asian States Jump by Nearly 20% in 2014
A quote...."TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Asian imports of Iranian crude oil increased by 19.8 percent last year to hit a three-year high, despite Western sanctions against the Iranian oil industry over the country’s peaceful nuclear program."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

There Is No such Category In American Law As Enemy Combatant
A quote...."January 29, 2015 "ICH" - Ali Saleh al-Marri is a convicted conspirator who entered the United States before 9/11 in order to create a dreaded sleeper cell here that might someday launch an attack on Americans similar to what we witnessed earlier this month in Paris. When the feds woke from their slumber on 9/11, they wisely began to search immigration records for persons who came here with no discernible purpose from places known to spawn terrorist groups and who had overstayed their visas. Al-Marri was one such person."

I Do Not Trust The Policy Of The United States
1) Its Odious Reputation Proceeds the US-NRE -- A quote...."Since the times of ancient Greece, during almost 3,000 years, the Greeks, without going very far, were brilliant in almost all activities: physics, mathematics, philosophy, architecture, art, science, politics, astronomy and other branches of human knowledge. Greece, however, was a land in which slaves did the most difficult work in fields and cities, while the oligarchy devoted itself to writing and philosophizing. The first utopia was written precisely for them." - Source:  Granma

Raul Castro warns U.S. against meddling in Cuba's affairs
2) Ditto -- Related Article - A quote...."Everything appears to indicate that the aim is to foment an artificial political opposition via economic, political and communicational means," Castro told a summit in Costa Rica.

Castro demands Guantanamo Bay in return for US-Cuba diplomatic deal

3) 1+2=3?? - Geo-Political Alert - Related Article - Well....that's a deal killer.  Unless of course the US-NRE is actually SERIOUS about doing the deal, which they aren't, and not trying to strenuously subvert Cuba, which they are.  So if the Cubans are serious, which they might be, and this isn't just an opening salvo in the negotiations by Castro, the "deal" is most probably dead.  So why isn't this news?? - mpg

Inquest: Sydney café hostage killed by police bullet
A quote..."A hostage who died during a siege in a downtown Sydney cafe was killed when she was struck by fragments of a bullet fired from a police officer's gun as authorities stormed in to end the 16-hour standoff, a lawyer told an inquest on Thursday."

Wife of Ex Iguala Mayor Is United Warriors Drug Cartel Boss
Seems.....farfetched. -- A quote...."Maria de los Angeles Pineda and her family are accused of being the main heads of the gang that allegedly abducted the Ayotzinapa students. -- The wife of jailed former Iguala Mayor Jose Luis Abarca, Maria de los Angeles Pineda, was the true head of the Guerreros Unidos drug cartel, which, according to Mexican Attorney General Jesus Murillo Karam, is responsible for the enforced disappearance and murder of the 43 Ayotzinapa students."

CIA interrogated suspects on Diego Garcia, says Colin Powell aide
A quote...."The UK government is facing renewed pressure to make a full disclosure of its involvement in the CIA’s post-9/11 kidnap and torture programme after another leading Bush-era US official said suspects were held and interrogated on the British territory of Diego Garcia."

Big Business “Regulators” and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): Opening the Floodgates to Corporate Plunder -- A quote...."A new leak concerning the talks around the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) indicates that the floodgates could be opened even further for corporate influence. The leak has been analysed by the corporate watchdogs CEO and LobbyControl and shows that corporate influence on EU and US policies might dramatically increase via the chapter on so-called ‘regulatory cooperation’."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

Canada monitors 15 million file downloads a day
A quote...."The information disclosed by the former US National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, Edward Snowden, shows that Canada’s electronic spy agency monitors file downloads all around the world."

UK: Army sets up new psychological operations and social media brigade
A quote..."The Army is setting up a new unit that will use psychological operations and social media to help fight wars "in the information age"."  - Translation:  "Because the web has let the truth out of the bag so to speak, we intend to really ramp up our efforts to produce more propaganda." -- *UK Military Spokesman*

A Year After Reform Push, NSA Still Collects Bulk Domestic Data, Still Lacks Way to Assess Value
Which is still unconstitutional and totally illegal. - mpg -- A quote...."The presidential advisory board on privacy that recommended a slew of domestic surveillance reforms in the wake of the Edward Snowden revelations reported today that many of its suggestions have been agreed to “in principle” by the Obama administration, but in practice, very little has changed."
That's Obama for you, smile, wave his hands around in the air, adroitly read his tele-propter making all sorts of promises, while keeping absolutely none of them.  He's been doing that for six years.  He's made thousands of "promises" none of which he's kept, nor as it has been made abundantly clear, did he ever intend to keep. Yet people still believe him. It's madness. It's just sick. - mpg
Obama must finally end NSA phone record collection, says privacy board
A quote...."White House could take action ‘at any time’, says Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board chair as key Patriot Act measure is poised to expire." - Oh they WILL take action, they'll extend it....obviously. - mpg - For more articles on these issues see below.....
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation...

Former FBI assistant director, to keep budgets high, we must ‘keep fear alive’
In The Believe It Or Not Category -- A quote...."If you’re submitting budget proposals for a law enforcement agency, for an intelligence agency, you’re not going to submit the proposal that ‘We won the war on terror and everything’s great,’ cuz the first thing that’s gonna happen is your budget’s gonna be cut in half. You know, it’s my opposite of Jesse Jackson’s ‘Keep Hope Alive’—it’s ‘Keep Fear Alive.’ Keep it alive."

Meet Loretta Lynch – Obama’s Attorney General Nominee Who Might be Even Worse than Eric Holder
A quote...."On matters of policy, Ms. Lynch called capital punishment “an effective penalty” and said she disagreed with Mr. Obama’s statements that marijuana was no more harmful than alcohol. She called the National Security Agency’s collection of American phone records “certainly constitutional, and effective.”" - also posted at ZeroHedge

US Senator McCain calls police on anti-Kissinger protesters
A quote...."John McCain, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, called the Capitol police and had antiwar activists arrested and ejected from a hearing Thursday when they protested the appearance of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger."

Police murders and the criminalization of protest in America
Special Note - A quote...."On Friday, New York Police Department Commissioner William J. Bratton announced the formation of a 350-member paramilitary police unit specializing in “disorder control and counter-terrorism.” Bratton made clear the new unit would be used to crack down on political opposition. - In his announcement, Bratton explicitly equated peaceful protests, protected under the First Amendment of the US constitution, with acts of terrorism and mass murder."

Police Violence in America: Police Shoot and Kill Two Teenage Girls within Two Weeks
Special Note - A quote...."Police in Longview, Texas released footage Wednesday of officers killing a 17-year-old girl in the lobby of a police station on January 22. - Officers Glenn Derr and Grace Bagley shot and killed 17-year-old Kristiana Coignard last Thursday, after officer Gene Duffie fired a taser at her. The three officers have been on paid leave since the shooting." - Source:  WSWS - For more articles on this nation's "Thugs R'US" and their homicidal behavior, see below.....
Commissioner Bratton Equates NYC Protests With Paris Terror Attack
Related Article - A quote...."NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton announced today the formation of a new, elite unit that will be specially trained and equipped to deal with dangerous situations like the hostage situation in Australia, lone wolf attacks and… protests." - Source:  DissentNewsWire

‘Being poor is not a crime’: Civil group files lawsuit to help man imprisoned for failing to pay fines
A quote...."The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has filed a federal lawsuit against officials in DeKalb County, Georgia after a judge imprisoned a black teenager who was too poor to pay $838 in fines. It all started with a traffic ticket near his home."

Please God, Don’t Let Us Get Audited: How IRS Is Scaring The Heck Out Of Churches
A quote...."Pastors across the country live in fear that the IRS will come knocking, and that fear is growing as candidates prepare to announce their 2016 presidential candidacies."

After Crying “Conspiracy Theory,” CNN Touts North American Union
Ahhhh yes.  The lying, presstituting, whoring, corporate mouth-pieces just never stop making fools of themselves.  Yet people continue to believe in what they say no matter how often they're proven wrong, or to have lied. It's simply inexplicable. - mpg -- A quote...."Just a few years ago, it was all a baseless “conspiracy theory.” Now, promotion of a European Union-style merger between the United States, Mexico, and Canada is being shouted from the rooftops — by U.S. taxpayer-funded globalists writing in the very same media outlet, CNN, that tried to ridicule GOP presidential hopeful Ron Paul over the North American Union issue just a few years ago. Indeed, according to the recent opinion piece by two mid-level operatives for the “New America Foundation,” the future of the United States does not rest with the U.S. Constitution, “We the People,” or even the Supreme Court. Instead, it “lies in North America,” claimed New America’s Andrés Martinez and Daniel Kurtz-Phelan."

U.S. Govt/Central Bankers Can’t Stop The Economic Collapse Instead They Will Cover It Up – Episode 578
X22Video - Alt/YuTb - Alt/Mp3  - (X22YuTb - 48min55sec - Jan 29, 2015) -- Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote..."The new Greek government finds no wireless or toilet paper in its residence. Russia responds to Greece, we will give financial aid if needed. Jobless claims decline dramatically.Pending homes sales implode. Central bankers pushing North American Union. Anti terror bill in England could undermine free speech. Ukraine video Nov 2013 warning the Ukraine government of a US coup d'etat. Sanctions on Ukraine continue and Ukraine is asking US for 3 billion instead of 2 billion dollars. Yemen people take over military base where U.S. advisers had previously trained counter-terrorism forces. DHS warning of a terrorism attack during the Super Bowl. -- All source links to the report can be found on the site."

Interview 997 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

NWNWAudio - Alt/YuTb - Alt/Mp3 - (NWNWYuTb - 18min - Jan 29, 2015) - Websites:  CR@YuTb - NwWrldNxtWk - CorbettReport - MediaMonarchy -- A quote...."Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news."

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV - 30 Jan 11:00 HST - WRH Donation Request - [Click Here]
MRVideo -- (BambuserTV - 3hrs - 28 Jan 11:00 HST)) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Website: - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.

Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D.

INNAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (INNFlshPlyr - 44min14sec - Jan 29th, 2015) - Source: INN/RP@FB - Guest Websites:  WebsterTarpleyWTRadio - Webster Tarpley@YuTb -- A quote...."Syriza Won by Being the Opposite of Occupy Anarchists: Mass Traction Anti-Austerity Economic Demands, New Deal for Greece and All of Europe, Write Down Athens’ Debt by 50%, No Big Global Warming Drama, Open to Infrastructure, Not Slave of Left-Right Paradigm, Capable of Principled Alliances on Path to Power."

The Economic Collapse Is Closer Than People Think – Episode 579
X22Video - Alt/YuTb - Alt/Mp3  - (X22YuTb - 42min07sec - Jan 30, 2015) -- Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote..."Greece is not cooperating with the EU with regards to bailouts. Consumer confidence very high even though their fewer people working than during the recession of 2008.Layoffs continue and the retail sector is collapsing. GDP dropped in the 4th quarter, but the government has tricked the people into thinking consumer spending is up. Baltic dry index declined once again. China outpaces the US in regard to foreign investment. Canada pushing anti terror bill which will limit free speech. Ukraine will ask the UN to designate Russia as a terrorism sponsor. The US is losing control of the middle east and war is now being pushed on all fronts. -- All source links to the report can be found on the site."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Open Sources & Open Cesspools (E712)
MaxRTVideo -- (MaxRTYuTb - 25min41sec - Jan 29, 2015) - Related Websites:  RussiaToday - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report from Mexico City, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the claims that the Fed is like the blockchain. They also look at the proof that central bank intervention causes market distortion like mispricing of risk and misallocation of capital as currency traders go bust on 50 times leverage. In the second half, Max interviews big bank whistleblower and bitcoin entrepreneur, Jose Rodriguez, about cryptocurrency in Mexico."

The Death Of The American Dream In 22 Numbers
By The Numbers -- A quote...."We are the generation that gets to witness the end of the American Dream.  The numbers that you are about to see tell a story.  They tell a story of a once mighty economy that is dying.  For decades, the rest of the planet has regarded the United States as “the land of opportunity” where almost anyone can be successful if they are willing to work hard.  And when I was growing up, it seemed like almost everyone was living the American Dream.  I lived on a “middle class” street and I went to a school where it seemed like almost everyone was middle class.  When I was in high school, it was very rare to ever hear of a parent that was unemployed, and virtually every family that I knew had a comfortable home and more than one nice vehicle."

8 Reasons Why the U.S. Economic COLLAPSE Has Begun!
List Of Reasons - T$GPSVideo & Cites - Alt - (T$GPSYuTb - 16min23sec - Jan 29, 2015) - Source:  The Money GPS ~ Author Exposing the Truth

Jobless Claims debunked
Did You Know?? - Important Concept Note -- A quote...."As you may see the number of claims dropped to 15yr low- YEAH!!! Recession is over, pop the bubbly let the money flow! -- No, not quite. -- Jobless claims will fall, YES, because the labor participation rate is showing the least amount working... The majority of people are either jobless already or DO NOT QUALIFY FOR ASSISTANCE! The Name is very misleading but accurate. Jobless CLAIMS for benefits. And these are only approved claims not total applications (applications approved to be accurate)...."
"So we should see claims drop off. Minimum wage full time does not qualify for benefits. Working part time does not qualify for benefits. And let's go back to step 1, you need a job to qualify and only 61% of the public right now even hits that mark, then you need to make a certain amount."
Factoring in these rules the government uses to determine the "Unemployment Rate", much less all the "seasonal adjustments" and other manipulations they use, one can only conclude the figures they give out regarding the number of people actually unemployed or under-employed in this country are utterly, completely, useless. - mpg
'Rent Is Too Damn High' candidate now facing eviction
A quote...."One-time New York City mayoral and New York gubernatorial candidate Jimmy McMillan is best known for his "rent is too damn high" slogan. But now, he's in danger of losing his own apartment."

New Housing Bubble: Prices Up, Ownership Down - Wall Street a Mega-Landlord
A quote...."Want to own your own home, but stuck, temporarily, renting until you can? You aren’t alone. - Wolf Richter outlined a pretty eerie scenario. - The 2008 financial Armageddon was in larger part a result of the housing bubble bursting. Thanks to the subprime mortgage scandal, millions of homeowners were put in homes they couldn’t afford, making the awful game of musical chairs an inevitable and tragic charade. - Maestro to the musical chairs was Goldman Sachs, who unbeknownst to the public, was selling toxic securities for risky mortgages, while secretly betting on the collapse of the housing market."

Did you know - There is no state in the U.S. where a 40-hour minimum wage work week is enough to afford a two-bedroom apartment. - Related Article - A quote...."“There is no state in the U.S. where a 40-hour minimum wage work week is enough to afford a two-bedroom apartment,” says a Facebook graphic posted Sept. 11 from, an advocacy group for young Americans."

That’s rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record
A quote...."Fifty years after President Johnson started a $20 trillion taxpayer-funded war on poverty, the overall percentage of impoverished people in the U.S. has declined only slightly and the poor have lost ground under President Obama."

The American Dream Dissipates at Record Pace
A quote...."The housing market has been healed by the Fed’s bold actions, we’re told incessantly. We’re also told that the Fed is still keeping an eye on it because it might not be healed enough. Prices have soared over the last three years, and in some cities, like San Francisco, they have soared far beyond the prior crazy bubble peak. So we admit grudgingly that the Fed’s six-year money-printing and interest-rate-repression campaign, designed to inflate every asset price in sight even to absurdity, has worked."

Record deflation in Eurozone
Chart - (click to view) -- A quote...."Consumer prices in the eurozone fell by 0.6 percent in January due to lower energy prices and global uncertainty. It’s the biggest fall since the currency zone was established."

Canada GDP shrinks on biggest factory drop in six years
A quote...."The Canadian dollar plunged below 79 cents US today after data showed Canada’s gross domestic product contracted in November as manufacturing dropped the most since January 2009 and on declines in mining and oil and gas extraction."

Germany Is (Almost) Japan: Bund Yield Plunges To Record 0.33%
Chart - (click to view) -- A quote...."At 32.5bps, Germany's 10Y Bund closed at a record low today (within 4bps of Japan's 10Y yield). The Japanification of Europe is almost complete."

EU to Greece: ‘No question of cancelling debt’
A quote...."There is no question of cancelling the Greek debt. Other eurozone countries will not accept this," said Juncker Wednesday as quoted by Le Figaro. He added that Brussels is open to dialogue and didn’t want to threaten Greece." - One commentator stated.....
"Half of Greece's debt was created through fraud between former Greek President Papandreou and Goldman Sachs. The goal of the fraud was to conceal Greece's debt through currency swaps, but the plan actually doubled Greece's debt (and made a fortune for Goldman Sachs). The Troika would have been well advised to consider that portion of the debt odious and drop it. But their greed in demanding the Greek people pay for Papandreou's fraud has brought them to this place where their fear of debt-reduction demands from other EU members will not allow them to reduce Greece's debt, which in turn will drive Greece from the EU and default on their debt, triggering a collapse of the credit default swaps sold against Greece's debt." -- *Michael Rivero*
Indian Silver Imports Reach Massive 7,063 Tonnes in 2014!
A quote...."It appears that the West’s gold is not the only thing flowing East...."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Study: Most People Think Scientists Are Full Of It
A quote...." There’s a consensus among scientists: Genetically modified foods and pesticides are safe to eat, humans caused climate change, and animal research is necessary. - The general public disagrees about every single one of those statements."

OH NO MEASLES, WE’RE ALL GONNA D— Wait, Do You Wanna See What Measles Looked Like Before Vaccinations? - A quote...."Today I have been called all manner of names and even been told people hope my children die simply for pointing out the fact that vaccines can cause outbreaks for the very diseases they are advertised to protect against on record."

9 Ways to Boost Your Confidence When Your Doctor Pressures to Vaccinate

A quote...."Contrary to what some doctors and officials might tell you, your child does not need shots to attend public school. Legally, you can receive a vaccine exemption in all fifty states."

What if Diabetes Causes Obesity - Not the Other Way Around?
A quote...."Surgeon Peter Attia demonstrates that the obesity crisis might be hiding a bigger problem.
As a young surgeon, Peter Attia felt contempt for a patient with diabetes. She was overweight, he thought, and thus responsible for the fact that she needed a foot amputation. But years later, Attia received an unpleasant medical surprise that led him to wonder: is our understanding of diabetes right?"