Saturday April 12th 2014

No posts. - mpg

Friday April 11th 2014

Is the US or the World Coming to an End? - It will be one or the other
Must Read - A quote...."2014 is shaping up as a year of reckoning for the United States. - Two pressures are building on the US dollar. One pressure comes from the Federal Reserve’s declining ability to rig the price of gold as Western gold supplies shrivel and market knowledge of the Fed’s illegal price rigging spreads. The evidence of massive amounts of naked shorts being dumped into the paper gold futures market at times of day when trading is thin is unequivocal. It has become obvious that the price of gold is being rigged in the futures market in order to protect the dollar’s value from QE. - The other pressure arises from the Obama regime’s foolish threats of sanctions on Russia. Other countries are no longer willing to tolerate Washington’s abuse of the world dollar standard. Washington uses the dollar-based international payments system to inflict damage on the economies of countries that resist Washington’s political hegemony." - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts

'West scared of BRICS as it has no control over it' - Ex-Indian Foreign Secretary
Must Listen S&CRTVideo - Alt - (S&CYuTb - 25min11sec - Apr 11, 2014) - Source: RT - S&C@RT -- A quote...."Representing a fifth of the world economy, the BRICS states pose a challenge to the US-dominated world. Submarket growth in Russia and the West could also change more rapidly, shifting the whole world system Eastwards. Is this the start of a new era?"

The “American Spring” is a Israeli Zionist Trojan Horse?
Must Read - A quote...."Evidence has pointed to the fact that the Israeli lobby is losing control over the government of the United states. AIPAC still gets their way with many things, still on major issues. They are starting to lose there hold concerning wars and meddling in the affairs of sovereign nations. This could be history repeating itself. let me tell you. -- Before the Bolsheviks took over Russia settling up a communist government.  Operatives behind the scenes where manipulating the Russian economy to create the conditions to blame the Russian Czar for the ills of the country. The Bankers financed the counter revolution to over throw the Russian Royal family tapping into the frustration of the people in the nation to support communism to gain control of Russia. -- For the next 70 plus years. The Russian people lived under the nightmare of Communism which millions of people died by famine and execution for the cause of the socialist state the counter revolution financed by the oligarchs."- For more on this issue see below....
Is the Federal Reserve DESTROYING America? | G. Edward Griffin
Must Listen RPVideo - Alt - (RPYuTb - 24min18sec - Apr 10, 2014) - Source:  FinanceAndLiberty -- A quote...."On December 23rd 1913, Woodrow Wilson signed into effect the Federal Reserve Act. This interview was recorded on the 100th anniversary of the Federal Reserve and is being brought back today as an encore presentation. Author of "The Creature from Jekyll Island: a Second Look at the Federal Reserve," G. Edward Griffin exposes the Fed's hidden objective over the past 100 years and why "if America does not abolish the Federal Reserve, the Federal Reserve will abolish America.""

The U.S. Dollar: Currency Masquerading as Money
Must Read - A quote...."When the Fed began issuing Federal-Reserve-note paper dollars they were also “Redeemable in Gold on Demand at the U.S. Treasury or in Gold or Lawful Money in any Federal Reserve Bank.” That changed in 1933 when the President signed an Executive Order making it illegal for U.S. citizens to own gold (gold jewelry and numismatic gold coins excepted). Then they became “Redeemable in Lawful Money,” eliminating any hard asset backing. Since 1963 the declaration on U.S. dollars simply states that, “This Note is Legal Tender for All Debts, Public and Private.”[1] -- (Federal Reserve notes initially circulated along with two other kinds of U.S. dollars: 1) National Bank notes issued by the U.S. Treasury and redeemable in U.S. bonds in its possession, beginning in 1862 to finance the Civil War and up until 1966, when they stopped being printed; and 2) silver certificates, first printed in 1878 and redeemable in silver coins or bullion. The Treasury stopped printing them in 1967, and in June 24, 1968 reneged on redeeming the ones in silver still in circulation.)"

1913:  How The Fed Was Shoved Down America's Throat!
A quote...."Aldrich, Paul Warburg, and other agents of the Rockefeller & Rothschild dynasties meet secretly at JP Morgan's private club in Jekyll Island, Georgia. One of the conspirators, Frank Vanderlip, will, years later, reveal to The Saturday Evening Post...."
"There was an occasion, near the close of 1910, when I was as secretive, indeed, as furtive as any conspirator. ... We were trying to plan a mechanism that would correct the weaknesses of our banking system as revealed under the strains and pressures of the Panic of 1907. I do not feel it is any exaggeration to speak of our secret expedition to Jekyll Island as the occasion of the actual conception of what eventually became the Federal Reserve System. … Discovery, we knew, simply must not happen, or else all our time and effort would be wasted. If it were to be exposed publicly that our group had gotten together and written a banking bill, that bill would have no chance whatever of passage by Congress." "
The McCutcheon Ruling and Zombie Democracy in the U.S.
Must Read - A quote...." April 11, 2014 "ICH" -  I have always found discussions on democracy in the U.S. curious and at times hilarious. While I have always been impressed by the skillful way elites construct a narrative of democratic values and practice in a country that is, in reality, the antithesis of a democracy, the fervor with which that fairytale is embraced, even by intellectuals, has always been a source of curiosity for me. But at other moments, like the one we are in now, I can’t help but find some of the arguments used to support the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent McCutcheon decision—and even some of the comments lamenting how the decision will destroy democracy in the U.S.—somewhat funny. -- Of course, these are deadly serious times and the McCutcheon decision, which makes it easier for the corporate and financial elite to buy elections and candidates, is a serious ruling that conveys a devastatingly simple message: that the furtherance of the neoliberal project and the maintenance of the U.S. Empire require the evisceration of democracy. " - bold by website editor - also posted at TheRebel

Nobody Cares What You Think Unless You're Rich
By The Numbers - Chart - (click to view) - Related Article -- A quote..." April 11, 2014 "ICH" - "MJ" - In a simple model of democratic politics, there are three basic drivers of political decision making...."
"But which of these really matter? Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page studied 1,779 policy outcomes over two decades and came to a pretty simple conclusion: the collective opinion of average citizens doesn't matter a whit...."

The Savage Sorting - Culling the Human Herd in the 21st Century
Related Article - A quote...."There is a de facto redefinition of “the economy” when sharp contractions are gradually lost to standard measures. The unemployed who lose everything…easily fall off the edge of what is defined as “the economy” and counted as such. So do small shop and factory owners who lose everything and commit suicide. And so do the growing number of well-educated students and professionals who leave…all together. These trends redefine the space of the economy. They make it smaller and expel a good share of the unemployed and poor from standard measures. Such a redefinition makes “the economy” presentable, so to speak, allowing it to show a slight growth of GDP per capita. -- The reality at the ground level is more akin to a kind of economic version of ethnic cleansing in which elements considered troublesome are dealt with by simply eliminating them."

Poor To Pay For War - House Passes Ryan's Republican Budget With Deep Spending Cuts
Related Article - A quote...."April 11, 2014 "ICH" - "Reuters" - - U.S. House Republicans narrowly passed a new balanced budget plan from Representative Paul Ryan on Thursday in a vote that will help shape the debate ahead of November's congressional elections. -- The plan authored by Ryan, the influential House Budget Committee chairman, would eliminate deficits within 10 years, due largely to deep cuts to social safety net programs, grants for college students, and research and infrastructure spending. It also seeks to boost defense spending over the next decade without any increase in tax revenues." - Source:  Reuters

Neoliberalism and the Machinery of Disposability
Related Article - A quote...."April 11, 2014 "ICH" - "Truthout" - Under the regime of neoliberalism, especially in the United States, war has become an extension of politics as almost all aspects of society have been transformed into a combat zone. Americans now live in a society in which almost everyone is spied on, considered a potential terrorist, and subject to a mode of state and corporate lawlessness in which the arrogance of power knows no limits. The state of exception has become normalized. Moreover, as society becomes increasingly militarized and political concessions become relics of a long-abandoned welfare state hollowed out to serve the interest of global markets, the collective sense of ethical imagination and social responsibility toward those who are vulnerable or in need of care is now viewed as a scourge or pathology." - Source:  TruthOut

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A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Destruction of Ukraine....

CrossTalk: Broken Ukraine
Must View CTRTVideo - (CTRTYuTb - 27min40sec - Apr 10, 2014) - Source: CR@YuTb - CrossTalk - RT -- A quote...."With ultimatums being issued, separatism in the air and complete economic breakdown eminent. Is Ukraine on the verge of becoming a failed state? Is anyone interested in fixing the situation? And who's going to pay the price? CrossTalking with Scott Rickard, Neil Clark and Jeanne Zaino."

Donetsk Protest HQ: Molotovs Behind Barricades
Must View RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 5min - Apr 10, 2014) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."Ukraine's coup-imposed president Aleksandr Turchinov has ordered the protester-held local govt HQ in Donetsk to be taken under 'state protection' as armed personnel and armored vehicles have been reported moving into the eastern region of Ukraine."

Demonstrators in Donetsk plan to create ‘people’s army’

A quote...."Demonstrators in eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk, who have seized the regional administration building, have decided to create their own “people’s army”, Denis Pushilin, one of the leaders of the Donetsk People’s Republic proclaimed on April 7."

NATO trains terrorists who destabilize situation in Ukraine - analyst
A quote...."Contractors from private security companies are supposed to do what NATO cannot do openly, they train terrorists who destabilize situation in Ukraine, Michel Chossudovsky, Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization told RIA Novosti Tuesday."

The Time for Negotiations between Russia and the West on Ukraine Has Not Come
Must Read - A quote...."In American geopolitical scenarios, Ukraine is given the role of Russia's periphery, and forcible changes in its way of life are supposed to serve as an example of breaking free of the "domination of Moscow" for other states of the former Soviet Union. The White House's immediate plans include somehow forcing Moscow, first of all, to recognize the legitimacy of the new government in Kiev, and second, to agree to Ukraine's turning once and for all toward the Euro-Atlantic. The fate of Ukraine itself is of little interest to the Americans, just as they are ignoring the radical nationalism of the putschists who have seized power. The disintegration of statehood, the weakening of the government, and the schism in society all play into the West's hands."

Tomorrow WWIII Will Escalate or Not! - Joaquin
Must View Related M108Video - (M108YuTb - 7min55sec - Apr 10, 2014) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote.... "Whether WWIII will escalate or not will be determined Tomorrow! The Kiev Junta yesterday issued a 48 hour ultimatum for pro-Russian breakaways in the east, particularly Donetsk, to disband. Rumors about Russian Build-up are false. These rumors of 250,000 russian forces were spread by Ukrainian Ministry of Defense head Tehnyuk. But these rumors had the effect of Scaring, not Emboldening the Ukrainian military. Tehnyuk was sacked by the Junta and replaced by Koval; Koval is a political choice and a less capable military man. Today's rumors are that 15,000 Russian soldiers are 'amassed' near the border. Yes, 15,000 are there, but they have always been there. It is Russia's border, after all. -- Russia has the ability to annex all of Eastern Europe but will not do so. Russia will act entirely within the sphere of international law, as set by precedent. Ukraine has no real military capacity, and its airforce is barely operational at 80 craft, many are just helicopters. Ukraine has no ICBM's and no bombers. -- USrael is sending in blackwater mercenaries, many of whom are Israeli special forces and US trained killers from Afghanistan and Iraq. This is further evidence that Kiev does not have full command of its own army. '' -- Russia will use a combination of Special forces in worst case scenario."

Kiev ["Yat the Rat" & Banksters] backpedal on referendums after deadline to stop protest expires - Update
Yat the Rat & Banksters Fold - Victory For The People - Related Article - A quote...."Just after a deadline set by Kiev [Yat the Rat and his Bankster masters] for protesters in eastern Ukraine to vacate seized buildings expired, Parliament-appointed PM Arseny Yatsenyuk pledged to push through a law allowing regional referendums in the country."

Pro-Russians retain sieges in E Ukraine
They're not going to leave until they have a free, fair, verifiable, paper balloted, internationally monitored, referendum, WITHOUT any of those Euro-Kazarian electronic selection machines!! - mpg -- A quote...."Key government buildings in eastern Ukraine remain in control of pro-Russian separatists."

NATO’s Russian troop build-up satellite images ‘show 2013 drills’
NATO Propaganda - BUSTED - (Again.....) -- A quote...."The satellite images released by NATO that allegedly show a current build-up of Russian troops near Ukrainian border were taken in August 2013 amid military drills, a source in the General Staff of the Russian Army has said. - NATO’s top military commander in Europe, General Philip Breedlove, on Wednesday claimed that there is evidence of what he says are 40,000 Russian troops on the border with Ukraine, tweeting a link to satellite images. - The images, some of them colored and some black and white, appear to show multiple Russian tanks, helicopters, fighter jets and a “special forces brigade” with locations and dates added to them. The dates marked range from March 22 to March 27, 2014. Another image not available on the original webpage but used by some Western media has “April 2, 2014” stamped on it."

Ukraine: Who Is Holding Up the Needed Crisis Talks With Russia?

A quote...."An IMF bailout of some $16 billion with lots of cruel strings attached could probably come in May. But those $16 billion are about as much money as the Ukraine owns to the Russian state owned energy company Gazprom. Without payments to Gazprom no further gas will flow and the energy intensive chemical and metal industries in east Ukraine will have to shut down. Unemployment and intensified general unrest will follow. -- Some have argued that the European Union (in reality, German taxpayers) should bailout the Ukraine and they point to Poland as a successful case for an economic turnaround with EU help. But Poland got about $150 billion of foreign support over 10 years and will still need more. This back when the EU financial position was somewhat healthy. No one in Europe, especially not German taxpayers, are willing to invest anything like that to "win" the Ukraine."

Putin Reaches Out In Open Letter To Euro Leaders
A quote...."Instead of consultations, we hear appeals to lower contractual prices on Russian natural gas – prices which are allegedly of a “political” nature. One gets the impression that the European partners want to unilaterally blame Russia for the consequences of Ukraine’s economic crisis." - bold by website editor
Nooo!  As part of their ongoing PNAC Protocol propaganda efforts NATO would never blame Russia (& Putin) for Ukraine's collapse.  Instead they'll truthfully blame themselves for creating this whole situation with their coup d'état....  On second thought....mpg
Putin tells Europe Ukraine gas debt 'critical', transit threatened
Contains Video - Related Article - A quote...." Given the accumulated $2.2 billion gas debt owed by Ukraine’s Naftogas, Russia’s Gazprom will be forced to ask Ukraine for advance payments, Putin said in his letter to European partners, referring to the 2009 gas contract signed between Moscow and Kiev....."
In other words, we’ll be supplying exactly the volume of gas that Ukraine pays for a month in advance,” as Itar -Tass quotes Putin's letter.
My Goodness!!  Those darned Ruskies actually want to be PAID for their gas? How dare they!  Who do they think they are?  A bunch of Capitalists or something?!?! - mpg

 - For more on these issues see articles shown below....
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, Iran & Syria

Libya War:  What They Don’t Want You to Know
Must View CRVideo - Alt - (CRYuTb - Apr 8, 2014 - Dec 8, 2013) - Websites:  CR@YuTb CorbettReport -  A quote...."We are taught all our lives that our modern political systems are “by and for the people.” In order to justify taking us to war, then, our misleaders have to convince us that war is not a racket, as General Smedley Butler revealed, and is not for the benefit of the industrialists who sell the munitions or the politicians in their back pocket or the financiers that own them both, but in the interest of the average man or woman. In other words, they lie through their teeth. -- Find out more about the lies that led us to Libya in 2011, and the cover up of what is taking place there today in this week's edition of The Eyeopener report."
There are now tens of thousands of dead in Libya, many who died under a rain of NATO bombs which included the use of depleted uranium and possibly DIME munitions.  As of October 20th 2011, when NATO was considering ceasing air operations, they had conducted ...

"....a total of 26,089 sorties over Libya since April 1.  Of these, 9,618 were considered strike sorties which means they were armed for a strike mission, but doesn’t mean ordnance was dropped."

To put these statistics into perspective, Libya's population is roughly six million, the US-NRE's is 320 million  If it was the US-NRE receiving these "kinetic love bombs", we would have been subjected to 512,960 strike sorties. [320/6=53.33] [53.33*9,618=512,960].

That's over half a million strike sorties if these air operation had been inflicted on this country. All to support radical, Salifist Wahhabists, many of whom were foreign mercenaries, destroy the former Libyan government. -- Now Libya is still in chaos three years later.  Oded Yinon would have said "Mission Accomplished", the Amerikan public, if they even gave it a thought, which is extremely doubtful, would drool a little, look cross-eyed, and at worst state....."What's a Libya?", and at best state...."Go figure?" - mpg
Foreign-backed militants kill 14 in Syria’s Homs
Amerika's Allies Strike Again - (al-CIA'da / al-Nusra / ISIL) - A quote...."Foreign-backed militants have slain 14 people in the western Syrian city of Homs on the same day that car bombs killed at least 25 people in the city. - The victims, among them women and children, were shot to death in the city’s Karm al-Zeitoun neighborhood on Wednesday." - bold by website editor

US Army Vet and Syrian Rebel With Possible Links To CIA Found Dead
A "Suicided" Vet?? - A quote...."The former U.S. Army Ranger who fought alongside death squads in Syria and who was arrested upon his return, Eric Harroun, has been found dead in his father’s house in Arizona this week. - "With deep sorrow, we regret to inform you of our beloved Eric Harroun's death. He will be missed by his family, friends, and many people around the world his life has touched," the family’s statement read. - Although an official cause of death has not been released, Harroun’s sister posted a statement claiming that Harroun died as the result of an accidental overdose." - As they say...."dead men tell no tales." - mpg

Turning Point in US-NATO “Covert War”: ‘Syrian Army in Control of 90% of Lebanon-Syria Border Area
False Flag Warning - (If you have to ask why this article is a "false flag warning" haven't been paying attention. - mpg) -- A quote..."Syrian army’s gains against foreign-backed militant groups along Lebanon borders has left the insurgents with so little space to enter more forces and weapons through Lebanon supply routes, a new report says." - Source:  GlobalRsrch

Assad's staying power on show
Related Article - A quote...."Long gone are the days when the so-called "Friends of Syria" could plausibly claim that two thirds of Syria was controlled by rebel forces, that Damascus was under siege and that the days of President Bashar al-Assad were numbered. - The war has taken a U-turn during the past year and Assad firmly holds the military initiative. The long-awaited foreign military intervention did not take off, and both Syrian and non-Syrian insurgents are on the run."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

WBD Israelis in the WTC prior to 911 working for a front company - Dawson's Fund Raiser - CLICK HERE
Ry2SVideo - Excerpt - From "War By Deception" - (Ry2SYuTb - 5min41sec - Apr 10, 2014) - Source: Ry2S@YuTb - Related Websites:  Ry2S@ANCRpt - Ry2SAntiNeocons - Ry2S@TruTube - Ry2S@Vimeo  -- A quote...." more clips of War By Deception will be up soon. I shorten the film into segments for generation ADHD" - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

WBD 911 van bombers & spies - Dawson's Fund Raiser - CLICK HERE
Ry2SVideo - Excerpt - From "War By Deception" - (Ry2SYuTb - 19min08sec - Apr 10, 2014) - Source: Ry2S@YuTb - Related Websites:  Ry2S@ANCRpt - Ry2SAntiNeocons - Ry2S@TruTube - Ry2S@Vimeo  - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

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Obama Blows Up Iran Talks Over 35 Year Old Petty Issue
ZOG Alert - (Amerika) -- A quote...."The U.S. denies a visa to the new Iranian ambassador to the United Nations Hamid Aboutalebi. Mr. Aboutalebi was ambassador to several European countries and to the EU and he had on earlier occasions received U.S. visa and visited the United states...."

Aussie media focus on Carr’s assertion that Israel lobby had ‘direct line’ into Prime Minister’s office
ZOG Alert - (Australia) -- A quote...."Yesterday I did a short post on the stunning criticism of the Israel lobby’s influence in Australia coming from a former Australian foreign minister, Bob Carr, whose memoir says that Jewish donors so preyed on the mind of a liberal prime minister that she wouldn’t let him utter a word of criticisms against Israeli settlements."

Harper Zionists seek to boost Canada thought crime law
ZOG Alert - (Canada) -- A quote..."The Zionist ruling clique of Canada, through their front-man Stephen Harper, is seeking to beef up the already-existing Orwellian “hate propaganda” law which has been primarily used to curtail criticism of Zionists and Israel." - Source:  PressTV

Criminal Court a U.S.-Israeli “Red Line” for Palestinians
ZOG Alert - (Palestine) -- A quote...."April 11, 2014 "ICH" - "IPS" - - When Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas [the quisling] decided to [pretend to] defy the United States and Israel over stalled peace negotiations, he formally indicated to the United Nations last week that Palestine will join 15 international conventions relating mostly to the protection of human rights and treaties governing conflicts and prisoners of war. - But he held back one of his key bargaining chips that Israel and the United States fear most: becoming a party to the Rome Statute that created the International Criminal Court (ICC) to punish war crimes and genocide – and where Israelis could be docked." - Source:  IPS

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Hear Dr David Duke and Argentina’s Adrian Salbuchi Discuss Jewish Supremacism
DDAudio - Alt - (DDRlPlyrMp3 - 53min28sec - Apr 10, 2014) - Source:  RenseArchive -- A quote...."Now on archive! Hear Dr. David Duke and Adrian Salbuchi discuss the real racist menace that threatens the freedom and well-being of every people on Earth: Jewish Supremacism."

How the Israeli Gov't Enslaves American Children
AKVideo - Alt - (AKYuTb - 10min45sec - Apr 9, 2014) - Source:  AdamKokesh -- A quote...."Adam is surprised to find just how far the influence of the Israel lobby extends. Another Jew against Zionism?" - It is truly astounding and impactful when it is verbally stated, just how expensive Israel has become for the people living in the United States. - Think of Jabba the Hut as a leech. - mpg

Trying to shove “Zero Enrichment” down the memory hole
A quote...."Read this so-called “primer” on Iran’s nuclear talk over at Jim Lobe’s website. -- Note that there’s no mention whatsoever that the US had until now demanded that Iran first give up enrichment, and had used that demand to prevent any talks from moving forward? -- Yes, that’s a bit of fact that they would rather you forget. Just like how they’d rather you forget precisely why the Iranians restarted enrichment — notice no references to the “empty box in pretty wrapping” that killed the EU3 negotiations with Iran under the Paris Agreement. Remember, that deal died, according to Peter Osborne, because the US demanded that the EU3 never acknowledge Iran’s right to enrichment, again." - Source:  IranAffairs

The [Deliberate, Long-Planned, Slow, &  Sadistic] Economic Destruction of Gaza
A quote...."The following excerpt focuses on how the Gaza Strip, decimated by attacks and a collective punishment imposed boycott by Israel, is becoming increasingly an economic appendage of Israel. In the process, the independent business and farming structure of Gaza is collapsing...."

Israel the unprincipled entity - Try the "Euro-Kazarian Zionist Community". It would be more accurate. - mpg
A quote...."Today, the “feel no shame” Israeli leaders are able to do as they wish with unparalleled brazen impunity. - US Secretary of State John Kerry offered Israel an upfront Palestinian commitment to forgo their rights to join UN organizations for nine months. In turn, Israel pledged to release 104 Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails. - The Palestinians kept their word and delivered, Israel reneged. In a last-minute manoeuvre it added a new condition. Not on the Palestinians this time but on the US, demanding the release of Jewish American spy for Israel Jonathan Pollard. - In addition to torpedoing the peace process, Israel’s balking at fulfilling its part under the US-mediated understanding undermines American credibility as an impartial peace broker and its international standing."

Israeli forces tear down tents housing displaced families near Nablus
A quote...."NABLUS (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces on Thursday tore down and confiscated several tents that the Palestinian Red Crescent had erected east of Nablus in order to house families whose houses were demolished by Israeli forces a few days before, a Palestinian official said."

Israel to confiscate vast area of Bethlehem village land
A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) – Israeli authorities on Thursday morning announced a decision to confiscate about 1,000 dunams (250 acres) of private Palestinian land in the town of al-Khader south of Bethlehem."

Dying for Palestine – Israel/Palestine
JPVideo - Alt - (JPYuTb - 28min22sec - Mar 13, 2008) - Source:  JourneymanPictures -- A quote...."Tom Hurndall was shot through the head by the Israeli army. We follow his grieving family who came to Gaza to see what their son was doing. Five-year-old Salamah was one of three children Tom was attempting to rescue when he was shot. He had frozen in fear when soldiers began firing at him. Another young peace campaigner, Brian Avery, is lucky to be alive after a burst of machine gun fire ripped off half his face. He now lies in hospital with horrific scars barely able to talk. The Israelis are cracking down on foreigners entering the Gaza Strip."

Israeli police brutality caught on video
PRSTVideo - Alt - (PRSTVYuTb - 54sec - Apr 10, 2014) - Source:  PigMine5 -- A quote...."An online video has emerged, showing Israeli police forces battering a Palestinian before attacking a protesting bystander. - Ali Talhami suffered a broken arm and ribs after police officers repeatedly slammed a police car door on him, the Israeli daily Haaretz reported on Thursday. - The video shows a police officer forcing Talhami into the police van with blows and then walking over to Majdi Dabah, who was standing nearby, before throwing him at the vehicle."
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More International Tales From the Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....

NATO Sets PACE of Aggression towards Russia with ‘Fogh’ of War
A quote...."When asked on the foundational purpose of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, its first Secretary General, Britain’s Lord Ismay, famously said: “To keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down”. - Ismay, the military advisor to Britain’s World War II leader Winston Churchill, was like his pugnacious boss an ardent imperialist, anti-communist and pro-American. His refreshing, if distasteful, candor about the strategic purpose of NATO has since been "varnished over" down through the decades."

America the Bellicose
A quote...."President Carter: “The rest of the world, almost unanimously, looks at America as the No. 1 Warmonger.   That we revert to armed conflict almost at the drop of a hat — And quite often it’s not only desired by the leaders of our country, but it’s also supported by the people of America”"

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U.S. Claims Country Building Its Own Network to Protect Against NSA Spying Violates Trade Laws
Oh you have GOT to be kidding! - mpg -- A quote...."NSA spying is costing the U.S. tech industry tens of billions of dollars, and people around the world are trying to find non-U.S. companies to provide internet, cloud and computer products and services. And see this and this. -- Numerous countries are trying to thwart NSA spying. -- Many countries are planning to create their own communications infrastructures to bypass the U.S. altogether.  For example, economic powerhouse Germany is rolling out a system that would keep all data within Germany’s national borders. -- The U.S. is trying to not only protect U.S. businesses, but also keep the NSA’s hand in the cookie jar by arguing (wait for it…) that closing borders to the NSA would violate trade law." -- Topix ||  The Three Legs of a Sound International Financial System - A Proposal - 03-15-12  ||

Russia Rebuffs US Threat over Iran Oil Deal
Related Article - Quote of the Day...."Veteran's Today Editor's Note:  The US continues to do its 55-year-old hooker act, where she does not want to accept that her time has come and passed, and an adjustment to a more senior lifestyle would be in order. -- The concept of blocking selected countries from accessing the international banking system for trade is the most destabilizing act that anyone has come up with in decades. -- It is a financial act of war. And the result will be to push all those targeted into a bartering settlement arrangement where they have the proper mix of commodities, finished goods, technical and military assistance to swap. It also cuts the banksters out of the middle of that trading volume... forever. Let that sink in for a minute." - bold by website editor -- Topix ||  The Three Legs of a Sound International Financial System - A Proposal - 03-15-12  ||

BRICS Finance Ministers meet in Washington
BRICS News - Related Article - A quote...."BRICS Finance Ministers have met on the sidelines of an IMF/World Bank meet in Washington in which they discussed preparations for the BRICS-led development bank, a 100 billion contingency reserve arrangement and the forthcoming Summit in Fortaleza in Brazil." - bold by website editor
"100 Billion"?? Are they nuts? Are they stupid? Are they kidding? -- Or do they just want to fail? -- It should be a minimum of a Trillion, it should have been established in 2008 when EVERYONE realized the private, Bankster Bullies known as the Federal Reserve were going to print to infinity and leverage their script to corrupt or compromise every market in sight, and finally, it should have been established when the US-NRE's Parasites at the beginning of this decade went on a planetary sanctions spree where they openly and gleefully declared to EVERY country in the entire world...."Your gold, sovereign wealth funds and other assets are belong to us". - mpg -- Topix ||  The Three Legs of a Sound International Financial System - A Proposal - 03-15-12  ||
China, Russia discuss energy ties
BRICS News - Related Article - A quote...."Ahead of a strategic visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin to Shanghai next month, Chinese and Russian officials have met to lay the groundwork for expanding already-robust energy ties."

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Michael C Ruppert: ‘The United States Empire Is Crumbling - (1to6) - Part 3
MCRVideo - Alt - Note: Adult language - Prt1 - Prt2 - Prt3 - Prt4 - Prt5 - Prt6 - (MCRViceVid - 7min31sec - April 8th, 2014) -- A quote...."As we speak. the world doesn’t have a plan B for what happens when the United States fails.’ - Michael C Ruppert on Syria, Obama, and global economic collapse...."

U.S. Education [Op Mocking Bird Type] NGO American Councils Ordered to Cease Operations
A quote...."The Justice Ministry has ordered the Russian branch of American Councils, a U.S.-based nonprofit organization that administers student exchanges and other educational programs, to cease its operations indefinitely, in what appears to be part of an ongoing crackdown on NGOs funded by the U.S. and other foreign governments."

Watchdog: Significant Fraud in Afghan Election
More of Obama's "Free-dumb & Da'mockery" -- A quote...."The Independent Election Complaints Commission (ECC) of Afghanistan has confirmed that “significant” amounts of fraud took place in the weekend presidential election, and is promising to throw out all “irregular” ballots." - One commentator stated.....
"And now you know why the hotel where international observes was attacked just before the election, causing many of those observers to leave Afghanistan in fear for their lives." -- *Michael Rivero*
Human Rights Watch Should Stick to the Facts on Venezuela
HRW - A Neo-Liberal M2P Shill - Busted -- A quote...."Despite the fact that the New York Times had to run a correction on February 26 for claiming that Globovisión in Venezuela was “[t]he only television station that regularly broadcast voices critical of the government,” Daniel Wilkinson of Human Rights Watch (HRW) repeats the same error in the New York Review of Books yesterday." - Source:  CEPR

U.S. Colonialism and Puerto Rico’s Fiscal Crisis
A quote...."The colonial model that was developed after World War II is entering a stage of complete collapse and the colonial government has few alternatives to repair the economic crisis. Without the power to enter trade agreements, forced to use the U.S. Merchant Marine, no control over its currency Puerto Rico and inability to protect its economic sectors with tariffs Puerto Rico is like a ship adrift without the oars to set a direction. But the United States, and the Puerto Rican supporters of the colonial status, like an alcoholic, has always been in denial of the fact that a democratic nation should not have colonies. But in Puerto Rico the wall of denials is cracking and threatening to impact the U.S economy and national security."

Brazil Marks 50th Anniversary of [Washington DC's Supported] Military Coup
A quote...."Washington, DC – Almost two years before the April 1, 1964, military takeover in Brazil, President Kennedy and his top aides began seriously discussing the option of overthrowing Joao Goulart’s government, according to Presidential tape transcripts posted by the National Security Archive on the 50th anniversary of the coup d’tat. “What kind of liaison do we have with the military?” Kennedy asked top aides in July 1962. In March 1963, he instructed them: “We’ve got to do something about Brazil.”"

Twenty Years Ago, The US was Behind the Genocide: Rwanda, Installing a US Proxy State in Central Africa
A quote...."The 1994 Rwandan “genocide” served strictly strategic and geopolitical objectives. The ethnic massacres were a stumbling blow to France’s credibility which enabled the US to establish a neocolonial foothold in Central Africa. From a distinctly Franco-Belgian colonial setting, the Rwandan capital Kigali has become –under the expatriate Tutsi led RPF government– distinctly Anglo-American." - Never let a good crisis go to waste, especially when you've expended time and effort in creating one. - mpg
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

Comcast PAC gave money to every senator examining Time Warner Cable merger
A quote...."It's no surprise that Comcast donates money to members of Congress. Political connections come in handy for a company seeking government approval of mergers, like Comcast's 2011 purchase of NBCUniversal and its proposed acquisition of Time Warner Cable (TWC)."

Turkey to maintain YouTube block despite ‘free speech’ ruling
A quote...."YouTube will remain blocked in Turkey in spite of a court order ruling that the ban is a violation of freedom of speech. The prohibition of social media in Turkey sparked public ire and mass protests against internet censorship."

Head of German NSA probe's resignation prompts questions

A quote...."Speculation is rising about why the head of the parliamentary committee investigating NSA spying in Germany quit on Wednesday. The opposition claims he was pushed [out] in an attempt to avoid souring relations with the US."

Obama administration wins Jefferson Muzzle award for restricting free press
Now here's a "prize" Obama actually deserves! - mpg -- A quote...."The United States Department of Justice and the White House Press Office are this year’s top winners of a dubious award extended to those considered to be “responsible for some of the more egregious or ridiculous affronts to First Amendment principles.”" - For more on these issues see articles shown below.....
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More on the Domestic Situation....

New York Times whitewashes FBI’s handling of Boston Marathon bomber
NYT Exposed - (Again....) -- A quote...."On the eve of the first anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombings, the New York Times Thursday published an article dedicated to whitewashing the failure of the FBI and other US intelligence agencies to detect and stop the perpetrators. This was despite warnings issued by the Russian government that Tamerlan Tsarnaev, now described as the ringleader of the attack, posed a serious threat of terrorism." - Topix ||  Boston Bombing  ||

New Cover-up in Boston Bombing Saga—Blaming Moscow
NYT Exposed - (Again....)  -- A quote...."Anyone who still entertains the fantasy that America is a vigorous, healthy democracy with an honest and reliable security apparatus and an honest, competent, vigilant media need only consider this major news leak just published as a New York Times exclusive. It pretty much sums up the fundamental corruption of our institutions, the lack of accountability, and the deep-dyed complicity of the “finest” brand in American journalism." - Topix ||  Boston Bombing  ||

Shoe thrown at Hillary Clinton during Las Vegas speech
The giggling, murderous, hyena in-human-form, & hideous Zio-Hag known to some as "Hillary", experienced some disapproval, Arab style. - mpg -- A quote....."Former US Secretary of State was nearly hit by a shoe during a speech in Las Vegas Thursday, dodging the object at the last second as an usher escorted a young woman from the audience."

Obama’s War on Immigrants
A quote...."Obama exceeds the worst of his predecessors. He governs lawlessly. He does so multiple ways. He targets humanity globally. - He does so at home. He’s waging racist war on immigrants. He mocks notions of welcoming tired, poor, wretched masses yearning to breathe free."

Another Victim of Obamacare:  Sebelius Resigns
A quote...."After five years of being the scapegoat of the Obamacare debacle, beleaguered Health and Human Services Secretary Katherine Sebelius has finally waved the white flag of surrender. - President Obama has accepted her resignation from the position."

Sylvia Burwell, replacement for resigning Sebelius, ran Common Core, Bill Gates vaccines & GMOs in Africa
OMG!! - From Bad To The Apocalypse!! - Related Article - (Talk about turning lemons into sulfuric acid!! -- Talk about one step forward, ten steps backwards! -- It's like they're "teaching us a lesson".  Every time they look like they might have lost one, they sock it to us! - mpg) -- A quote...."(NaturalNews) Kathleen Sebelius, HHS Secretary who oversaw the disastrously botched Obamacare website and rollout, has finally resigned. In line with the sheer delusion being invoked to try to call Obamacare a "success," even this resignation is being called another success story. "Kathleen Sebelius Is Resigning Because Obamacare Has Won," tweeted the White House (1) -- a claim met with sheer derision by nearly anyone who can still think straight."

BLM fracking racket exposed! Armed siege and cattle theft from Bundy ranch really about fracking leases
BLM & ATF - Exposed - A quote...."(NaturalNews) The Bureau of Land Management says its 200-man armed siege of the Cliven Bundy ranch in Nevada is all about protecting an "endangered tortoise." But a Natural News investigation has found that BLM is actually in the business of raking in millions of dollars by leasing Nevada lands to energy companies that engage in fracking operations."

The Real Story Behind The Bundy Ranch Harassment
BLM & Harry Reid - Exposed -- A quote....""A tortoise isn’t the reason why BLM is harassing a 67 year-old rancher. They want his land. The tortoise wasn’t of concern when Harry Reid worked BLM to literally change the boundaries of the tortoise’s habitat to accommodate the development of his top donor, Harvey Whittemore. Whittemore was convicted of illegal campaign contributions to Senator Reid. Reid’s former senior adviser is now the head of BLM. Reid is accused of using the new BLM chief as a puppet to control Nevada land (already over 84% of which is owned by the federal government) and pay back special interests. BLM has proven that they’ve a situational concern for the desert tortoise as they’ve had no problem waiving their rules concerning wind or solar power development. Clearly these developments have vastly affected a tortoise habitat more than a century-old, quasi-homesteading grazing area. If only Clive Bundy were a big Reid donor."

Rancher Cliven Bundy Speaks: “I Don’t Recognize Them Having Any Jurisdiction or Authority Over This Land”
Contains Related Video - Alt - A quote...."The man at the center of the dispute, rancher Cliven Bundy, joins Infowars‘ David Knight and Steve Quayle for an exclusive interview to discuss developments at Bunkerville, Nevada where there are now at least 300 Federal law enforcement agents surrounding the Bundy ranch. - According to Cliven Bundy, what’s at issue is that the US government has no right to call the shots over the land, as dictated by the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution." - For more on this issue see articles shown below.....
Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV -  April 10th, 2014 - RBN Donation Drive - CLICK HERE
MRVideo - (BambuserTV - 5hrs - April 10th, 2014) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Websites:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.

Blood Moon Apocalypse! - #NewWorldNextWeek
NWNWVideo - (NWNWYuTb - 17min26sec - Apr 10, 2014) - Websites:  CRYuTb - NwWrldNxtWk  CorbettReport - MediaMonarchy -- A quote...."Welcome to -- This video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important positive developments in open source intelligence news."

UN Is Preparing To Censor And Tax The Internet -- Episode 336
X22Video - (X22YuTb - 42min06sec - Apr 9, 2014) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote....."Spain rejects Catalonia referendum for independence. The Greek people are again protesting austerity. Cyprus still has capital controls and they are in an emergency situation. Consumer spending is flat and falling. Mortgage application and refinance apps plummet once again. The Supreme court has designated certain areas where people can get together and speak freely. Ukraine is having a tough time keeping the people controlled and has now given the people 48 hours to comply with their terms. Russia is protecting itself from sanctions by de-investing from the west. The US is in the process of ceding control of the internet to the UN and now the UN is discussing censorship and taxes on the internet."

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV -  April 11th, 2014 - RBN Donation Drive - CLICK HERE
MRVideo - (BambuserTV - 3hrs - April 11th, 2014) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Websites:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Banksters are Rigging the “Stock” System – Nomi Prins
BPRTVideo - Alt - (BPRTYuTb - 10min37sec - Apr 8, 2014) - Source:  TheBigPik@YuTb - TheBigPik@RT - A quote...."Nomi Prins, "All the Presidents' Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power" / Demos - [BkFndr] - [AddAll-HC]* - I Wall Street banksters make billions off high-frequency trades that use complex algorithms to predict the stock market. But could the Justice Department soon put this practice to a stop? So – IS high-frequency all that different from insider trading?" - *links added

U.S. wholesale prices rise sharply in March
Inflation Alert - A quote...."WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — U.S. producer prices rose in March at the fastest rate in nine months, owing largely to higher costs experienced by clothing retailers, grocers and wholesalers of chemical goods, the government said Friday."

Harvard study: Your share of the [current] federal debt is $106,000 - [this does NOT include future obligations]
A quote...."American workers would have to cough up a one-time “debt reduction fee” of $106,000 to pay off the nation's debt that has grown 58 percent under President Obama, according to Harvard University's Institute of Politics annual report on the USA." - bold by website editor

Social Security, Treasury target taxpayers for their parents’ decades-old debts
Note:  This will surprise & shock a lot of people. - mpg -- A quote...."April 11, 2014 "ICH" - "WP" --  Grice filed suit against the Social Security Administration in federal court in Greenbelt this week, alleging that the government violated her right to due process by holding her responsible for a $2,996 debt supposedly incurred under her father’s Social Security number. -- Social Security officials told Grice that six people — Grice, her four siblings and her father’s first wife, whom she never knew — had received benefits under her father’s account. The government doesn’t look into exactly who got the overpayment; the policy is to seek compensation from the oldest sibling and work down through the family until the debt is paid." - Source:  WaPo

JPMorgan's First-Quarter Profit Falls 20 Percent
A quote...."JPMorgan Chase, the biggest U.S. bank by assets, said Friday its first-quarter earnings fell 20 percent, driven by a decline in investment banking and mortgage lending."

'This will be the Worst Since '87'
Yes, it's possible IF Yellon doesn't print like crazy. - OR - If she does, the dollar actually collapses. -- It's your money and it's your call folks  -- That said, no matter what happens, this year WILL NOT be a positive year for the so-called "markets", this website editor's call. - mpg -- A quote...."The man who predicted the 1987 stock market crash and the recent global economic recession believes the worst crash in decades will take place later in the next 12 months."

Baltic Dry Collapses To Worst Start To A Year On Record
Charts - (click to view) -- A quote...."f you listen very carefully, you will still hear absolutely nothing from any talking-heads of the utter collapse that the last few weeks have witnessed in the Baltic Dry shipping index. The Baltic Dry has dropped 12 days in a row and plunged back to $1061 - its lowest since August 2013. This is the worst start to a year on record... must be the weather. -- The Baltic Dry has dropped 12 days in a row and is now back to its lowest levels since August 2013... and almost post-crisis lows..." - Source:  ZeroHedge

Shipbuilding Orders Evaporate As Baltic Dry Collapses
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."The silence is deafening still about the ongoing collapse in the Baltic Dry Index among mainstream media types (as it just might challenge the hope/hype that growth is coming back). At the dismal level of 1002, BDIY is at 8-month lows and has fallen 14 days in a row... but now it is having a real world impact."

The working classes don't want to be 'hard-working families'
A quote...."Hard-working families" implies we're only entitled to citizenship (or, as the Tories would have it, the odd game of bingo) if we can prove we're working our fingers to the bone. But no one can work all the time: if you're a pensioner, a single parent, sick, or there is no work to be had, then you're in trouble. And most of us know this, because we're related to them."

Iceland among the World's happiest countries
Related Article - A quote...."When the United Nations declared March 20 the International Day of Happiness, it recognized the relevance of "happiness and well-being as universal goals and aspirations in the lives of human beings around the world." This officially designated happy date is marking its second year. And Iceland is once again among the happiest nations in the World." -  One commentator stated...."See what happens when you toss the money-junkies in jail?" -- *Michael Rivero*
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More On The World's International Situation....

51 killed in Syria jihadist clashes on Iraq border: NGO
One can only hope that this war on each other lasts until they all kill each other! - mpg -- A quote...."BEIRUT: At least 51 jihadist and Islamist fighters were killed as rival forces clashed in Syria on the border with Iraq on Thursday, a monitoring group said. - The fighting erupted at dawn after an assault by the jihadist Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant on posts held by Al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra Front and its allies." - For more articles on Syria see below.....
25 killed in separate violent attacks across Iraq
A quote...."BAGHDAD, April 10 (Xinhua) -- Twenty-five people were killed and 31 others wounded in separate violent attacks across Iraq on Thursday, police and medical sources said."

Iraqi deputy PM escapes assassination attempt
A quote...."Saleh al-Mutlak, one of top Sunni officials, comes under attack as gunmen dressed as soldiers open fire on his convoy."

Iraqi militants threaten to open dam
A quote...."Al-Qaeda-linked militants in Iraq’s western province of Anbar have threatened to open a dam in their control to flood the areas around the city of Fallujah."

Iraq’s Sunnis Declare New Alliance to Challenge Shiite Rule
A quote...."In a major gathering in Erbil this week, Iraqi Sunnis declared a new alliance whose aim is to block a third term for Iraq’s Shiite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, after the upcoming April 30 legislative elections."

At least 57 killed in clashes in Iraq - Update
A quote...."At least 50 members of the Iraqi armed forces and seven fighters have been killed in clashes in the city of Ramadi, Al Jazeera’s reporter says, while two deadly car bombs have hit the capital Baghdad."

From Cairo to Suez, Egypt workers defy government with labor strikes
A quote...."Thousands of Egyptian workers have staged strikes for higher wages and better working conditions in recent weeks, raising the possibility of a confrontation between impoverished laborers and a new president set to be elected this spring."

5 killed as Shiite rebels press 'advance' on Yemen capital
A quote...."SANAA: Shiite rebels believed to be seeking to advance on Yemen's capital have attacked an army post in a neighbouring city, killing three soldiers and losing two of their own, tribal sources said Thursday."

NEO – Scandal in Turkey – Who is behind the Erdogan Leaks?
Geo-Political (Leak) Analysis - A quote...."In the run-up to the 30 elections, many scandals were publicly leaked in Turkey indicating criminal activity by Mr. Erdogan, his ministers and their families. -- Clearly, Mr. Erdogan’s government has a serious security problem, but who could have possibly had access to so many secure communications inside Mr. Erdogan’s inner circle? And what are the methods and motive behind the leaks?"

India successfully test fires nuclear capable missile
A quote...."India successfully test fired nuclear-capable Agni-I ballistic missile from a military base in the eastern state of Odisha late Friday night. - “The surface-to-surface missile was test-fired from the Wheeler Island off Odisha coast at night. The maiden night trial of the missile was successful,” sources said. - The Agni-I, with a range of 700 to 1,250 km, is a single stage, solid fuel, road and rail mobile, medium-range ballistic missile for use by the Indian Army."

37 killed in fresh CAR clashes
A quote...."At least 37 people died on Wednesday during fighting between the anti-Balaka militia and ex- Seleka rebels in Central African Republic’s central town of Dekoa, a source from Central African Republic Red Cross said on Thursday."

Militias in Central African Republic block Muslims exit to Cameroon - U.N
A quote...."Some refugees have suffered serious machete and gunshot wounds and many are severely malnourished after walking for months, having to detour and enter Cameroon via remote entry points, the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

WATCH: Israeli Forces Shoot Palestinian Photographer In West Bank
A quote...."RAMALLAH, occupied West Bank — Israeli military forces shot and injured a Palestinian photojournalist during a demonstration in the occupied West Bank last week."

“The reason is to wipe out Palestinian culture and history”: A Gaza carpet factory under siege
A quote...."Before we settle down for a glass of Turkish coffee among shelves filled with neatly stacked, woven carpets Mahmoud El Sawaf, 68 years old, shows me around the small factory. The tour goes pretty quickly. There ‘s only a mechanized loom and a manual one. The market in Gaza is too small for more."

Armed settlers [Jewish squatters & vagrants] occupy village land in Hebron
A quote...."On Tuesday 11th March 2014 villagers from Arab ar Rashyaida, 15 kilometers (10 miles) west of Hebron, noticed that a large tent and industrial digger had moved onto a hill top on a villagers land. ISM Hebron was called and accompanied local people and Palestinian activists to confront the settlers [Jewish squatters & vagrants]."

Arrests and stolen land in Osarin village
A quote...."Osarin, Occupied Palestine – In the last month, the Israeli army has arrested 10 boys under the age of 16 from Osarin village. As of today, they all remain in the prison. - This is the latest in a long line of tactics employed by the Israeli military to intimidate the people of Osarin and the surrounding villages. According to a member of the village’s local council, the Israeli army approached the village around six months ago demanding that Osarin and three other neighboring villages sell three dunams (3,000 square meters) of land to the Israeli government. The threat was that if they did not comply the army would simply take the land. Despite this pressure, the people of the village collectively chose to refuse and have had to live with the consequences of this choice ever since." - Source:  ISM

Army Blocks Agricultural Road Leading To Thousands Of Dunams In Hebron
A quote...."The Israeli army closed a main agricultural road that leads to thousands of Dunams of Palestinian farmlands, east of Beit Ummar town, near the southern West Bank city of Hebron. The road was blocked 1by a 20-centimeter high concrete wall."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Unlabeled GMO Salmon? Groups Call on FDA to Rein In Industry Claims
A quote...."Food & Water Watch and Center for Food Safety called on FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg today to put an end to erroneous statements by AquaBounty Technologies Vice President, who recently told the press that FDA has already decided that the company’s GMO salmon will be sold without a label."

Are You Investing in Monsanto’s Toxic Legacy Without Realizing It? Mutual Funds and Monsanto Stocks
Action Alert - A quote...."Monsanto didn’t achieve $11.8 billion in sales and 404 facilities in 66 countries all on its own. -- The company is valued at $60 billion in the marketplace with 525 million shares outstanding, but the three largest mutual fund shareholders, Vanguard, Fidelity and State Street, own nearly 16 percent of Monsanto stock. By comparison, the seed giant’s CEO Hugh Grant owns less than 1 percent." - Source:  EcoWatch

Illinois Legislators Back Off Raw Milk Ban After Consumer Outrage - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Under current Illinois law, farmers can sell an unlimited amount of raw milk on the farm without a permit. Legislators and health officials were working hard to completely banish farm-to-consumer agreements in some sneaky ways. This was not lost on Illinois' thriving raw milk market."

'Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act' Is Anything But
A quote...."There are currently at least 24 states that have introduced their own versions of genetically modified food labeling laws. - A new bill will sweep them all into oblivion under the federal rug."

Aspartame’s Name Changed to Amino Sweet: A Toxin By Another Name is Still a Toxin
A quote...."Natural Society has been talking about the dangers of Aspartame for quite some time now. It is a dangerous artificial sweetener found in many of the foods we consume every day, including soft drinks, chewing gum, breakfast cereals, and jams. Now, it’s important to know that aspartame may be disguised as a new name in your favorite foods – aminosweet." - Source:  NaturalSociety
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From the Odd-Bin's File....

Papyrus Referring to Jesus’s Wife Is More Likely Ancient Than Fake, Scientists Say
A quote...."A faded fragment of papyrus known as the “Gospel of Jesus’s Wife,” which caused an uproar when unveiled by a Harvard Divinity School historian in 2012, has been tested by scientists who conclude in a journal published on Thursday that the ink and papyrus are very likely ancient, and not a modern forgery." - Hah!  Dan Brown was right? (The Da Vinci Code) - mpg

Thursday April 10th 2014

No posts. - mpg

Wednesday April 9th 2014

The USA: Worst Government That Money Can Buy
Must Read - A quote...."Jeff Nielson: History tells us that when governments become excessively oppressive and/or descend into saturation corruption (like the rancid regimes of the Western bloc), that such scenarios rarely “end well” – i.e. a peaceful transition back to responsible, legitimate government. Instead, the peasants/serfs/workers are nearly always driven to a state of desperation (generally near-starvation) before they finally pull out their pitchforks and guillotines, and take back their own government." - also posted at EFTDailyNews

The War Drums Are Beating
Must Read - A quote...."Last year, lots of powerful groups tried to get a war going in Syria. It seemed to me that the necessary ground work hadn’t been done and that they might not be able to pull it off. Thankfully, that’s how it happened. -- And by “necessary ground work,” I’m not referring to the military operators the US government had in Syria for a year or two prior; I’m talking about making the American populace eager for a new war. That’s a crucial and often ignored factor. -- What has been catching my eye the past week or so is a new series of efforts to stir up war fever in the US, and I’d like to give them some coverage. Since the mainstream ‘news’ in the US has become almost completely trivialized and neutered, I think it’s important for the rest of us to fill the gap as best we can."

War for Dummies
A quote...."Now there I go misleading you again.  While it’s true that the editors of the Washington Post are often dummies and often want wars to be waged, that’s not what I mean right now.  I think members of the U.S. government and its obedient media constitute an important but tiny exception to the rule this report points to. -- The facts as reported on April 7th are these...."
[T]he further our respondents thought that Ukraine was from its actual location, the more they wanted the U.S. to intervene militarily. Even controlling for a series of demographic characteristics and participants’ general foreign policy attitudes, we found that the less accurate our participants were, the more they wanted the U.S. to use force, the greater the threat they saw Russia as posing to U.S. interests, and the more they thought that using force would advance U.S. national security interests.” - bold by website editor
Kafka’s America: A Society At War With Itself
Quote of the Day...."This present trajectory is comfortable for those clinging to administrative power, and ironically, it also suits the crowd too. For politicians, rejecting realism is simply an excuse to do nothing – so long as the cheques keep rolling in. For the crowds, rejecting realism means they can avoid risk by not initiating any action, boycott, strike, demonstration or applying pressure on politicians to the ’ethical thing.’ Neither group wants to stick their necks out, no matter what the long-term prognosis is. The net result is a fait accompli: a gradual degeneration of political life across the entire spectrum – politicians, voters and everyone in between. This is exactly where America is at today – entering into a void of ethics, terminally ill with malignant growths in a government that is medicating itself by passing an ever-increasing amount of new laws and regulations. The system is completely addicted to them. They need a new one every day it seems, to patch up the one they passed yesterday, and the day before that."

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A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Destruction of Ukraine....

Eastern Ukrainian Resistance
Special Note - A quote...."Thousands of Eastern Ukrainians reject Kiev putschists. Perhaps millions. They want local sovereignty. They want autonomy rights. -- They want them respected. They reject fascist rule. They demand their own referendum. They want Ukraine federalized. -- Protests continue in Kharkov (Ukraine’s second largest city), Donetsk (its largest industrial city), Dnepropetrovsk, Lugansk, Odessa, Nikolayev and elsewhere. They’re growing. They’re spreading. They have legs. Maybe parts of Western Ukraine will join them. Ukrainians are long-suffering. They rejected Orange Revolution rule years earlier. Perhaps Orange Revolution 2.0 won’t fare better. It remains to be seen what happens going forward....." - Source:  SteveLendman - also posted at Veteran'sToday

Meet the Americans Who Put Together the Coup in Kiev
Special Note -- A quote...."On Planet McGovern – or my personal take on it – realpolitik rules. The State Department controls the prime funding sources for non-military intervention, including the controversial National Endowment for Democracy (NED), which Washington created to fund covert and clandestine action after Ramparts magazine and others exposed how the CIA channeled money through private foundations, including the Ford Foundation. State also controls the far-better-funded Agency for International Development (USAID), along with a growing network of front groups, cut-outs, and private contractors. State coordinates with like-minded governments and their parallel institutions, mostly in Canada and Western Europe. State's "democracy bureaucracy" oversees nominally private but largely government funded groups like Freedom House. And through Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland, State had Geoff Pyatt coordinate the coup in Kiev."

How Does The NPR Distinguish "Protesters" From "Mobs"?
NPR - Busted! -- Full quote...."The U.S. National Public Radio on Ukraine...."
"December 9 2013Ukrainian Police Threaten To Drive Protesters Out Of City Buildings --- Police are also threatening to enforce a court order to drive protesters out of city buildings they've been occupying."

"April 7 2014Mob In Ukraine Seizes Provincial Building, Declares Independence  ---  On Sunday, pro-Russian mobs also stormed buildings in Luhansk and Kharkiv, two other cities in the country's east that have large numbers of Russian speakers and strong pro-Moscow sentiment.
"What is the NPR's stylebook definition of "protesters" when people occupy government buildings? And how does that differ from a "mob" doing just the same?"

Merc Moves: Kiev uses US hireling firm to quell anti-govt unrest
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 2min59sec - Apr 9, 2014) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."Moscow's concerned about the possible use of mercenaries by Kiev to quell anti-government unrest in eastern Ukraine. According to reports, around 150 private-American military contractors have been brought in from a private firm called Greystone."

When Is a Putsch a Putsch?
Special Note - A quote...." April 09, 2014 "ICH" - "Consortium News" - The mainstream U.S. news media, which hailed the Feb. 22 neo-Nazi-spearheaded coup overthrowing the democratically elected president of Ukraine as an expression of “democracy,” is now decrying public uprisings in eastern Ukraine as a Russian-instigated “putsch.” -- It apparently has reached the point where the MSM is so tangled up in its propagandistic narrative that it can’t give American readers anything close to an objective reading of what is actually going on in Ukraine or many other places, for that matter." - Source:  ConsortiumNews

Washington and NATO’s New Surrealpolitik
Special Note - A quote...."As the unelected Kiev junta sends armed balaclava-clad paramilitaries to quell protests in Ukraine’s eastern cities it declares the operation "anti-terrorism". The acting (sic) president in Kiev Oleksandr Turchynov has labeled all those seeking political autonomy in Kharkov, Donetsk, Lugansk and other pro-Russian cities in the east of the country as "terrorists and criminals"; a new set of laws cobbled together by the junta – two months before scheduled official elections have taken place and therefore of dubious legality – gives the self-appointed politicians in Kiev the power to prosecute any one that does not recognize their self-imposed authority…" - Source:  StrategicCulturalFoundation

Ukraine Parliament Members Brawl as ‘Civil War’ Threatens
A quote...."Tensions are again soaring in Ukraine on Tuesday as leaders of the interim government in the western capitol city of Kiev trade accusations and threats with leaders in Moscow (and themselves) over events in eastern cities of the country closer to its Russian border."  - Source:  CommonDreams

Fascist Police Attack Anti-Maidan Protesters
A quote...."Fascist police operate the same way everywhere. They do it across America. They brutalized nonviolent Occupy Wall Street activists. -- FBI officials equated them with terrorists. Independent journalists covering them were harassed, arrested, handcuffed and beaten. -- It happened in New York’s Zuccotti Park. They were accused of trespassing. They had valid NYPD-issued press passes. -- It happened nationwide. Peaceful protesters were accused of pursuing violence. Rogue cops got free reign to attack them. -- Global justice activists are treated the same way. Free expression is denied. So is public assembly. Petitioning government about grievances is considered heresy." - Source:  SteveLendman

Moscow warns Kiev against using military, [Blackwater / Academi / Xe Services / Graystone] mercenaries in southeastern Ukraine -- A quote...."The Russian Foreign Ministry has voiced concerns over the buildup of Ukrainian forces and US mercenaries in the southeastern part of the country, calling on Kiev to immediately cease military preparations which could lead to a civil war."

Kiev attempt to "secure" Kharkov driven back by the people
Video - (YuTb - 1min56sec - Apr 8, 2014) - Source:  VovaChurbanov -- A quote...."The soldiers from Kiev were on the white bus, and as you can see, they were unable to even leave the bus." - These may not have been soldiers.  It's rather hard to see.  It's possible some Blackwater / Academi / Xe Services / Graystone mercenaries got a very warm reception in Kharkov. - mpg

NATO-No significant change in Russian troop positions near Ukraine
For all those "fact based / reality based" news consumers out there. - mpg -- A quote...."(Reuters) - NATO does not see significant changes in the positioning of Russian troops close to Ukraine's eastern border, a NATO military official said on Monday, after pro-Russian protesters seized public buildings in three cities in eastern Ukraine." - For more articles on these issue see below.....
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, Iran & Syria

The Collapsing Syria-Sarin Case
A quote...."The thinking then was that only the Syrian government had the capability to launch such a widespread assault. But this claim is outdated. The United Nations inspectors who fanned out across the Ghouta suburb of Damascus recovered only two suspicious rockets – and one was found to be clean of Sarin or any other chemical agent. - The one Sarin-laden rocket, which struck in the Zamalka/Ein Tarma neighborhood, was found to be crudely made and had a maximum range of about 2 to 3 kilometers, meaning that it would have been launched from rebel-controlled areas, not from a government zone."

US Produced Sarin Gas Used in Syria
Related Article - A quote...."The commentary to the video states, “The video which you are watching right now was filmed in Syria and shows the chemical weapons which were sent from Georgia. The US is standing behind all this.  Former US Senator Richard Lugar is the person whose assistance made it possible to transport weaponsfrom Georgia via Turkey into Syria, with the support of the United States and Turkey.  Look at the weapons contained in the video and observe how they have been made operational.]A US chemical weapons programme supplies the Syrian rebels with weapons of mass destruction. A team of investigators has determined that chemical weapons were supplied from this region, which is under US control. They followed the trail of these chemical weapons to the Georgian Republic. Turkish Army subdivisions transported them to Al-Qaeda terrorists operating in Syrian territory."

Town by town, Assad regime retakes southwestern Syria (+video)
A quote...."According to Syrian state media, Syrian troops and Hezbollah fighters are set to launch an offensive against Rankous in central Qalamoun after seizing high ground overlooking the town and encircling it. Once Rankous is seized, only a tract of mountainous terrain stands in the way of the regime's final objective: Zabadani, the last major rebel-held town in Qalamoun. If Zabadani falls in the coming weeks, President Bashar al-Assad will once again have uninterrupted control of southwestern Syria, buying it time to consider how to claw back the rest of the country from rebel factions."

182 Gunmen Turn Themselves, Their Weapons in to Authorities in Damascus Countryside, Syria
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- One hundred and eighty-two gunmen in Madaya and al-Moadamia towns in Damascus countryside who got involved in the ongoing events have turned themselves and their weapons to the authorities."

Syria: Iran sends 30,000 tons of food supplies
A quote...."BEIRUT: Iran delivered 30,000 tons of food supplies to Syria on Tuesday to help the government deal with shortages due to the civil war, state media said. -- As the announcement came that the massive shipment arrived at a Mediterranean port, state TV also reported that government forces had made further advances against rebels near the capital, Damascus."

Syrian Army Tightens Grip on Qalamoun, Controls Rankous
A quote...."The Syrian army liberated Rankous in al-Qalamoun on Wednesday, extending control over the strategic region. - Military sources told al-Manar that the army soldiers were pursuing terrorists who fled the area to surrounding mountains. Syrian army took control of Rankoun on Wednesday (photo from archive) - Meanwhile, army units were working on deactivating explosives planted by armed groups, sources noted adding that dozens of terrorists were killed."

Iraqi Army Kills 44 ISIL Terrorists in Ambush - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Iraqi security forces said on Tuesday they killed 44 insurgents of the so-called ‘Islamic State in Iraq and Levant’ near Baghdad, as terrorist attacks left 12 people dead, weeks ahead of parliamentary elections." - Source:  al-Manar

Lebanese Army Arrests One Lebanese, Seven Syrians Involved in Car Bombs - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."The Lebanese army intelligence raided a house in Arsal Lebanese Armyand arrested a group involved in preparing and detonating booby-trapped cars, security sources told Al-Manar."

Fugitive terrorist caught in Lebanon - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Lebanese soldiers have arrested a fugitive terrorist involved in carrying out a number of bomb attacks in the country, Press TV reports."

Twin car bombs in Syria's Homs kill at least 21
Amerika's Allies Strike Again - (al-CIA'da / al-Nusra / ISIL) - A quote...."At least 21 people including women and children were killed by twin car bombs in the central Syrian city of Homs on Wednesday, a monitoring group and state media said. - The explosions went off in the Karam al-Loz area of Homs, the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said, and the death toll was expected to rise because over 100 people were wounded, some seriously."

Car bombs in Baghdad, Iraqi town kill 24 people
al-CIA'da & Saudi Parasites Strike Again - A quote...."BAGHDAD: Car bombs hit several mostly Shiite neighborhoods of Baghdad and a town south of the Iraqi capital on Wednesday, killing at least 24 people and wounding dozens, officials said, the latest bout of violence ahead of the country's first parliament elections since the 2011 U.S. troop withdrawal."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

American Oligarchs – Their Money, Our Votes
Must Read - A quote...."Contrary to Professor Robert Reich, America is already an Oligarchy and is moving fast toward Monarchy. The shameful and degrading events in Last Vegas last week, is an insult to every American voter and to America." -- "They came to Las Vegas, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Scott Walker, John Kasich, crawling on their hands and knees, prostrating as they enter the King’s Court, kissing his ring certainly his “behind” in a bid to win his financial support as they seek the highest office in the land. What a disgusting shameful way to win the White House." -- "Sheldon Adelson, the King of Las Vegas and Macau, a Jewish die hard Zionist billionaires worth some $37 billions made from selling ‘dreams” to fools who believe they can win against the house, a man who made his money from gambling and all the other “activities” that comes with it."

The Staggering Cost of Israel to Americans
A quote...."Israel has a population of approximately 7.7 million, or a million fewer than the state of New Jersey. It is among the world's most affluent nations, with a per capita income similar to that of the European Union.[1] Israel's unemployment rate of 6.8% is better than America's 7.3%,[2] and Israel's net trade, earnings, and payments is ranked 30th in the world while the US sits at a dismal 193rd.[3] -- Yet, Israel receives more of America’s foreign aid budget than any other nation.[4] "

‘Israel lobby ruins Iran nuclear deal’ Of course!  After all, they completely control their colony in the Americas
Contains Video - A quote...."Press TV has conducted an interview with Foad Izadi, University of Tehran, to discuss talks on the Iranian nuclear energy program."

Being a Palestinian Sucks!
Must Read - Second Quote of the Day - A quote...."As the John Kerry Obama peace talks get magically caught up again in failure, I am again reminded that this charade has been going on for 60 plus years and still most don’t get the strategem deployed by the ambitious Euro settlers. - First, let me say that it is so sad that the indigenous culture and peoples are being systematically exterminated by the Euro settlers; step by step, inch by inch in a mission creep for the ages. - In America, it is especially disheartening considering that the same thing happened to the Native Americans by the ancestors of the Euro settlers.  I mean, you’d think the collective American public would have taken something away from that sad and bloody conquest in that were’ all human beings but nooo!  Sadly that is NOT the case as their money and vitriol continue to fund the ethnic cleanse." - A quote from the article....
"We are the only people on Earth asked to guarantee the security of our occupier ..while Israel is the only country that calls for defense from its victims”  -- *Hanan Ashrawi*, an Indigenous Human Being
Top 10 Ways in Which It Was Actually the Israeli Government That Derailed the Peace Talks
A quote...."Right wing Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday blamed the Palestinians for the collapse of peace negotiations that began last August under the auspices of Secretary of State John Kerry.  In fact, the Palestinians took no Israeli land whatsoever since August, whereas the Israelis doubled their pace of building squatter settlements on Palestinian territory, territory over which they said they were negotiating!  It is like discussing with someone sharing a piece of pie and then looking down and seeing that the other person had snarfed up half of it already."

Peace Process Hypocrisy
A quote...." Sunday so-called Israeli/Palestinian/US peace talks ended in failure. More on this below."
Netanyahu Declares War on Palestine
A quote...." He's a world class thug. He represents the worst of rogue state leadership. He exceeds Sharonian evil. Why Israelis put up with him they'll have to explain. - He's militantly racist. He deplores peace. He thrives on violence and instability. He blames Palestinians for Israeli crimes. -  He calls sham peace talks legitimate ones. They've been stillborn decades. They remain so now. - Netanyahu wants Palestinians denied all rights. He wants them cowed into submission."

Israelis bulldoze homes in Negev'
A quote...."The Israeli regime’s bulldozers have demolished several houses belonging to Palestinian Bedouins in the Negev Desert, locals say. - Israeli police vehicles escorted the bulldozers demolishing homes across the Negev Desert on Wednesday. - According to a witness, two houses were knocked down in the village of al-Zaarura. - In the town of Kuseife, the bulldozers also demolished a number of houses and tore down trees. - The residents said the demolitions were continuing in the region."

US funding of Israeli settlements ‘threat’ to US interests: Analyst
A quote...."The US government’s support of Israel, including the funding of illegal settlement constructions on Palestinian territory, is a “liability” for America and threatens the US interests, a political commentator in Los Angeles says."

World Jewish Congress Congratulates New French PM - Turkish Girl
M108Video - (M108YuTb - 7min05sec - Apr 8, 2014) - Source:  108morris108

Sodastream Goes Flat Due to Boycott - Hip Hip Hooray!!
BDS Success - A quote...."So much for the Scarlett “charm,” SodaStream’s millions spent on propaganda and PR, and its lies about BDS not affecting its performance…. This may go down as one of the worst corporate PR campaign of all times!"
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More International Tales From the Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....

US Professor Boyle Exposes American Crimean Hypocrisy
Must Listen NNNVideo - Alt - (NNNYuTb - 23min23sec - Apr 8, 2014) - NextNewsNetwork - A quote...."Is the Obama Administration telling the American people the truth over what is happening in Iraq and Crimea? A growing number of international observers are starting to question the chronicle of events being released by the White House. -- In Brussels, the President recently stated “But even in Iraq, America sought to work within the international system. We did not claim or annex Iraq’s territory. We did not grab its resources for our own gain. Instead, we ended our war and left Iraq to its people in a fully sovereign Iraqi state that can make decisions about its own future.”" - Topix  ||  Obama's Choice - 03-28-14 - mpg  ||  Iraq's Death Toll  || - See also additional articles and maps shown below.....
Interview 855 – Faraj Muftah Describes the Fall of Libya
Must View CRAudio - (CRMedPlyr - 50min50sec - Feb 4, 2014) - Websites:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt -- A quote...."Today we continue last week’s conversation with James and JoAnne Moriarty of and bring Faraj Muftah into the conversation. Muftah is a spokesman for the Warfalla tribe, the largest Arab tribe in Libya. We discuss the NATO-backed, Al-CIAda mercenary-led invasion of Libya in 2011 and how the very radical terrorists that the US claims to be fighting against are the ones in charge of the country today with the full backing and support of the US government. We also talk about the situation on the ground today and what life is like for the average Libyan." - See related interview....."Interview 849 – James and JoAnne Moriarty Reveal the Truth About the Libyan War "

The Libya Lie
Must Read - A quote...."The 2011 putsch in Libya will be remembered by history in two ways.  First, that it marked the usurpation and infiltration of the Arab Spring by Western & Gulf Cooperation Council intelligence agencies.  Second, and more egregiously, that it represented the takedown of Africa’s most modern and successful nation -known since 1977 to its people as Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. -- While history-challenged Illuminati-mouthpiece news anchors reveled in the revived caricature of “the madman Gaddafi”, their shill reporters regurgitated CIA psyops memos of phony “massacres and bombardments”."

The History and Science of Color Revolutions Part 3
Must Read - A quote...."In my last article regarding the history and science of color revolutions, I attempted to demonstrate how the science of using mass movements of “swarming adolescents” to destabilize national governments and implement regime change is actually a well-established instrument of imperialist desires. In addition, the previous article also demonstrated the methodology of this type of attack in terms of the means of deployment and necessary components of the color revolution."

Russia Announces Decoupling Trade From Dollar
Must Read - A quote...."April 08, 2014 "ICH" - Russia has just dropped another bombshell, announcing not only the de-coupling of its trade from the dollar, but also that its hydrocarbon trade will in the future be carried out in rubles and local currencies of its trading partners – no longer in dollars – see Voice of Russia - Russia’s trade in hydrocarbons amounts to about a trillion dollars per year. Other countries, especially the BRICS and BRCIS-associates (BRICSA) may soon follow suit and join forces with Russia, abandoning the ‘petro-dollar’ as trading unit for oil and gas. This could amount to tens of trillions in loss for demand of petro-dollars per year (US GDP about 17 trillion dollars – December 2013) – leaving an important dent in the US economy would be an understatement."

Putin Sends the West a Golden Message: Central Bank of Russia Changes Logo to Golden Ruble
Related Article - A quote...."According to reports from Russian media, Putin appears to have sent the west a golden message in the aftermath of JPMorgan unilaterally deciding to block an official Russian wire transfer, as the Central Bank of Russia has introduced a new logo, which just happens to be a gold ruble."

Russia And China About To Sign “Holy Grail” Gas Deal
Related Article - A quote...."Several weeks ago we reported that in response to ongoing alienation of Russia by the west Putin was aggressively setting the stage for Russia’s eastward expansion, set to culminate with a “holy grail” gas deal with China. We said that “while Europe is furiously scrambling to find alternative sources of energy should Gazprom pull the plug on natgas exports to Germany and Europe (the imminent surge in Ukraine gas prices by 40% is probably the best indication of what the outcome would be), Russia is preparing the announcement of the “Holy Grail” energy deal with none other than China, a move which would send geopolitical shockwaves around the world and bind the two nations in a commodity-backed axis.”" - Source:  ZeroHedge

Russia to Buy 500,000 barrels per day from Iran – death of dollar
A quote...."Eventually, if you sanction too many people, they’ll create their own economy…and then your sanctions are toothless and you’re screwed."

Killer Drones in a Downward Spiral?
A quote...."Illegal US drone strikes continue (the Long War Journal says there have been 8 drones strikes in Yemen so far in 2014), but efforts to curb the use of killer drones have made remarkable headway this year."

Judge slaps State Department over Blackwater - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge is calling for an investigation of the State Department over years of delays in prosecuting Blackwater security guards in the shootings of dozens of Iraqi citizens in 2007."

Indoctrinating a New Generation
A quote..."Is there anyone out there who still believes that Barack Obama, when he’s speaking about American foreign policy, is capable of being anything like an honest man? In a March 26 talk in Belgium to “European youth”, the president fed his audience one falsehood, half-truth, blatant omission, or hypocrisy after another. If George W. Bush had made some of these statements, Obama supporters would not hesitate to shake their head, roll their eyes, or smirk."

NEO – Why Obama paid a visit to Riyadh
A quote..."Athough Riyadh and Washington had differences in the approach to some international and regional issues, the two countries reduced neither their energy nor military cooperation, as well as intelligence interactions in the war being conducted by the United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia against Iran and Syria."

Rwanda, Installing a US Protectorate in Central Africa. The US was Behind the Rwanda Genocide

A quote...."The civil war in Rwanda and the ethnic massacres were an integral part of US foreign policy, carefully staged in accordance with precise strategic and economic objectives."

US and NATO not interested in eradicating opium plague in Afghanistan
A quote...."Opium production business in Afghanistan has risen by nearly 50 percent in the last year and amassed about 68 billion US dollars globally, according to a recent United Nations report. However, the United States authorities don’t seem really interested in eradicating the drug plague, a journalist, Cladio Gallo, said."

Maduro: Like in Kiev, US Fomenting 'Slow Motion Coup' in Venezuela

A quote...."Nicolás Maduro has remained defiant after months of protests against his government, which he describes as 'a revolt of the rich'. (Photograph: Juan Barreto/AFP/Getty Images)Venezuela President Nicolas Madura, in an exclusive interview with The Guardian published Tuesday, says the United States is actively fomenting a 'slow motion coup' in his country, with the ultimate goal of overthrowing his democratically elected government as a way to gain more profitable access to its vast oil resources."

“Global Financial Crisis Helped BRICS Co-Operation”
BRICS News - A quote...."South African Deputy Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene on Wednesday said the 2008 global financial crisis helped BRICS co-operation as the five countries worked together to reduce their vulnerability to external financing." - bold by website editor -- Topix ||  The Three Legs of a Sound International Financial System - A Proposal - 03-15-12  ||
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

‘Illegal and invalid’: EU court rules against data retention directive - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."The mass collection of telecommunications data is illegal and is a violation of the EU’s charter of rights, a European court has ruled. The decision nullifies a 2006 data retention directive that was introduced to aid in the fight against terrorism."

Cuba to create own social media networks after US row
A quote...."Cuba plans to launch its own social media sites to counter "subversive" ones such as a Twitter-like app the United States was funding, an official said. Last week, the White House acknowledged the existence between 2009 and 2012 of "ZunZuneo," which was set up by USAID so that Cubans, who face strict curbs on expression, could "talk freely among themselves" on their cell phones. The United States denied the failed program was secret or intended to incite political unrest."

“Freedom of the Press” and “The Shield Law”: “Protecting the Public” from Independent Alternatives to the Mainstream Media -- A quote...."Currently being debated by the Senate, but rarely discussed on mainstream television, is the Shield Law. While on the surface it may seem to be rather innocuous, some of the language in it and its implications are quite problematic for journalists." - Source:  GlobalRsrch - For more on these issues see articles shown below....
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More on the Domestic Situation....

Senate Report: Torture Didn't Lead to Bin Laden - Gee, you don't say. (Xtreme Sarcasm!)
Since bin-Laden died in 2001, it would have been very difficult for torture to have lead to his location in 2011.  Unless it was his grave. - Topix ||  Osama bin Back From the Dead™  ||

White House Allows CIA To Heavily Edit Torture Report - And the 9/11 cover-up....continues.
A quote...."Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Sen. Dianne Feinstein (AP/J. Scott Applewhite) -- WASHINGTON — The head of the Senate Intelligence Committee appealed to President Barack Obama to reconsider his administration’s decision to task the CIA with editing a torture report harshly critical of the spy agency’s treatment of terror suspects after the Sept. 11 attacks before it can be made public." - Topix  ||  9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables  ||

Revealed: Senate Report Contains New Details on CIA Black Sites - 9/11, & how it was covered-up.
A quote...."April 09, 2014 "ICH" - "Al Jazeera" - A Senate Intelligence Committee report provides the first official confirmation that the CIA secretly operated a black site prison out of Guantánamo Bay, two U.S. officials who have read portions of the report have told Al Jazeera. -- The officials — who spoke on condition of anonymity because the 6,600-page report on the CIA’s detention and interrogation program remains classified — said top-secret agency documents reveal that at least 10 high-value targets were secretly held and interrogated at Guantánamo’s Camp Echo at various times from late 2003 to 2004. They were then flown to Rabat, Morocco, before being officially sent to the U.S. military’s detention facility at Guantánamo in September 2006." - bold by website editor - Source:  al-Jazeera - Topix  ||  9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables  ||

Mystery: [US] ATF making its very own bombs
A quote...."The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, or ATF, is planning to take possession of a 180-pound shipment of plastic explosives accompanied by blasting wire measuring hundreds of thousands of feet."

Protesters descend on Albuquerque City Hall to decry deadly shootings
A quote...."Protesters filled Albuquerque City Hall on Monday evening, forcing the city council to clear its legislative agenda and turn the podium over to citizens furious with police over a spiking number of fatal shootings."

Fascist Police Firing Squads In Every Town, USSA
A quote...."Or why I intend to stay well away from Amerika (sic), the better to more generally enhance my prospects of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." -- You've seen it, haven't you? The pictures and video of the cops in Albuquerque executing the man who was apprehended camping out in the hills that overlook the city's Northeast Heights? Of course, you are probably thinking to yourself that camping out in a National Forest is not a capital offense, not worthy of an instant death penalty, and it's not, unless you're in Albuquerque and Mr. Policeman has his blood lust up."

Boston Transit Police Conducts Warrantless Searches on All Bus, Subway Riders
A quote...."In accordance with the Department of Homeland Security, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority is now requiring that all Boston bus and subway riders submit to a warrantless search prior to boarding.. - The MBTA transit police announced that everyone will be stopped and searched at “Transit Watch” checkpoints and that anyone declining a search will be ordered to leave the station, even though the area is public property."
Wasn't it the Bostinians who cheered their own imprisonment in their homes, and their subsequent eviction during house to house searches by SWAT teams during the false flag attack known as the Boston Bombing? Pretty soon Bostinians will all be fitted with shocker collars and RIFD chips and they'll be proud to wear them.....even....grateful to their masters. - mpg
Health Plan Premiums Are Skyrocketing According To New Survey Of 148 Insurance Brokers
A quote...."....Delaware Up 100%, California 53%, Florida 37%, Pennsylvania 28%. - Health insurance premiums are showing the sharpest increases perhaps ever according to a survey of brokers who sell coverage in the individual and small group market. Morgan Stanley’s healthcare analysts conducted the proprietary survey of 148 brokers. The April survey shows the largest acceleration in small and individual group rates in any of the 12 prior quarterly periods when it has been conducted." - bold by website editor

Thought Money Could Buy an American Election? You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet
A quote...."April 08, 2014 "ICH" - "The Guardian" - The finance chairman of the Republican national committee, Ray Washburne, travelled to Chicago last Wednesday to solicit money from two big funders who had reached their donation limit for this election cycle. While he was on the plane, the supreme court ruled that there would no longer be any limits. Washburne told the New York Times that when he landed and heard the news, he said: "Eureka". He came back with promises of more cash."

Rigging the Electoral System for the Rich
A quote..."Either through electoral channels or a constitutional amendment, the American people must fight back against Supreme Court rulings like Citizens United and McCutcheon." – World Crisis Radio
Must Listen WTAudio - (WTAdbFlshPlyr - 60min - Apr 7, 2014) - Source:  WebsterTarpleyWTRadio - Webster Tarpley@YuTb - A quote...."Madman Davutoglu of Turkey Wants War Over a Tomb in Syria; Putin Enables War Avoidance; GOP Austerity Ghouls Renew Drive for Genocide; Worldwide Wave of Action Draws Few Dupes; Stop Flash Trading with 1% Wall Street Sales Tax."
Quotable Quote......On Putin's statement that in today's society -- "you're ~ supposed to except without question, the equality of good and evil" -- "The Anglo-American cultural synthesis of Anglo-American liberalism in the most general sense, left wing liberals, right-wing liberals.... reactionaries.... but ALL "liberals" [adhere to this concept].  What is the basis of this?  Two things, I think.  The first is that financiers ought to rule the world. That compared to anybody else, generals, bureaucrats, demigods, priests, whatever it is.....that the BEST ruling class you can get according to the Anglo-American liberal is....a banker.  And therefore they think Soros should rule the world, and oligarchs. and whatever.  In other words the whole British system, the Venetian constitution as Benjamin Disraeli put it.  The second point of liberalism is....."there are no objective criteria of good and evil".  That is wrong!" -- *Webster Tarpley*
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The New Blacklist
A quote...."“There is a gay [homosexual] mafia,” said Bill Maher, “if you cross them you do get whacked.” -- Maher, the host of HBO’s “Real Time,” was talking about the gay activists and their comrades who drove Brendan Eich out as CEO of Mozilla. Eich, who invented JavaScript and co-founded Mozilla in 1998, had been named chief executive in late March. -- Instantly, he came under attack for having contributed $1,000 to Proposition 8, whereby a majority of Californians voted in 2008 to reinstate a ban on same-sex marriage. Prop 8 was backed by the Catholic Church, the Mormon Church and the black churches, and carried 70 percent of the African-American vote...." - Source:  PatrickBuchanan -- Topix  ||  Welcome to the New Unholy Roman Empire....Slaves!! - 06-27-13 - mpg  ||

Police force BNP activists to remove “STOP PAEDOPHILE RINGS” banner
Contains Video - Alt - Related Article - A quote...."British National Party BNP activists are told to take down a “STOP PAEDOPHILE RINGS” banner by Greater Manchester Police on the basis it might be offensive in a diverse society." - It's starting folks, as you've ALL ben repeatedly warned....the NEXT "Normalization" of abhorrent societal learned sexual behavior is coming. - mpg

US Military: An Epidemic of Male on Male Sexual Assaults

By The Numbers - Related Article -- One guesses their "genes" suddenly changed?  Is that the excuse?? That your "genes" can change back and forth?? There is no such thing as "gay".  It's a complete myth, and anyone using "gay" as a term in ANY discussion about human sexuality -- other than to deride it and those who use it -- is an evil, dangerous, deluded, despicable and degenerate, liar. - mpg -- A quote...."A Department of Defense annual report released last year shows that in 2012 there were an estimated 26,000 cases of sexual assault in the military. 12,000 of those were male on female attacks, which is a disgrace to our armed forces, but that is still less than half of the total number of cases. 14,000, or 53 percent of those cases, were incidents involving male on male sexual violence."

100 Facts About The Moral Collapse Of America That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe
By The Numbers - Related Article - A quote...."A lot of people regard those kinds of stories as “isolated incidents”, but as you will see below, they are actually representative of a much larger trend.  As a society, we are decaying from the inside out, and we need to start facing the truth if we are ever going to get this turned around.  The following are 100 facts about the moral collapse of America that are almost too crazy to believe…" - Source:  TheTruth - The first eight facts....
  1. Approximately one-third of the entire population of the United States (110 million people) currently has a sexually transmitted disease according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  2. Every single year, there are 20 million new STD cases in America.
  3. America has the highest STD infection rate in the entire industrialized world.
  4. Americans in the 15 to 24-year-old age group account for about 50 percent of all new STD cases each year.
  5. It costs our nation approximately 16 billion dollars a year to treat our sexually transmitted diseases.
  6. According to one survey, 24 percent of all U.S. teens that have STDs say that they still have unprotected sex.
  7. In Chicago, public school kindergarten teachers are now required to set aside 30 minutes a month for sex education.
  8. The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the entire industrialized world.
More attacks on right to vote in US states
A quote...."Since the US Supreme Court struck down the Voting Rights Act last summer, legislatures in several US states have passed or introduced bills aimed at likely Democratic voters which will make it more difficult to vote in state and federal elections. Since the beginning of 2013, nine states have enacted stricter rules on voting, using the now well-worn tactics of photo ID requirements, curtailing early and absentee voting, and even requiring proof of US citizenship."

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Dollar Is Dropped As Countries And Central Banks Declared Their Holdings In Yuan -- Episode 334
X22Video - (X22YuTb - 42min05sec - Apr 7, 2014) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote....."The housing bubble is now showing signs of popping with mortgage origination's plunging to their lowest level. Another banker commits suicide. The US government is now pushing their agenda of disarming the American people. The Supreme court unanimously ruled that the Bill of Rights are now privileges and they can be revoked. The US is now sending more warships to the Pacific because of the North Korean threat. Countries and the central banks of the world are now holding yuan and dropping the dollar. More weapon systems are being shipped to the paid mercenaries in Syria. The US is now warning American citizens not to travel to Iraq as they prepare to invade Syria from Iraq."

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV -  April 8th, 2014 - RBN Donation Drive - CLICK HERE
MRVideo - (BambuserTV - 3hrs - April 8th, 2014) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Websites:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.

As The IMF Pushes Recovery.....War Propaganda With Russia Intensifies -- Episode 335
X22Video - (X22YuTb - 42min05sec - Apr 8, 2014) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote....."Spain lawmakers discussing and debating Catalonia Independence. Cyprus tax revenue down as unemployment rises. IMF reporting incredible growth and recovery for wealthier nations which is a complete fabrication of what is really happening. The percentage of people insured has not changed since Obama took office. Poland has just confiscated the pension bonds from its people. Ukraine is now battling the east and west sections of Ukraine who are declaring independence. The puppet government of Libya is losing their grip on the country. Syria war agenda on track as the US ships more military assets to the Syrian rebels. This buildup is for a strike into Syria. Be prepared for a false flag event."

We Are On a Sinking Ship #n3

CMcGVideo - (CMcGYuTb - 15min46sec - Apr 7, 2014) - Related Websites: CMcGrath@YuTb - WideAwakeNews

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV -  April 9th, 2014 - RBN Donation Drive - CLICK HERE
MRVideo - (BambuserTV - 3hrs - April 9th, 2014) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Websites:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Psycho school of economics (E585
Must Listen MaxRTVideo - (MaxRTYuTb - 25min45sec -  Apr 8, 2014) - Related Websites:  RussiaToday - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom - MaxOnTwitter - StacyOnTwitter - A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert present "To frack or not to frack? That is the question you will NOT be asked!" They look at proposed changes to the trespass laws in the UK which will allow companies to frack under private property without seeking permission and in exchange for £100. In the second half, Max interviews Nomi Prins about her new book, "All the Presidents' Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power" - [BkFndr] - [AddAll-HC]* - In the book, she describes the long history of the Washington D.C. to Wall Street corridor of corruption and the six banking families who have long controlled, or have tried to control, the American financial and political establishment." - *links added

All the President’s Bankers: Nomi Prins on the Secret History of Washington-Wall Street Collusion
Related Article - A quote...."With U.S. inequality at its highest point since 1928 and Wall Street bonuses hitting pre-2008 levels, we look at the 100-year history of secret collusion between Washington and the financial industry. In her new book, All the Presidents’ Bankers: The Hidden Alliances That Drive American Power, financial journalist Nomi Prins explores how a small number of bankers have played critical roles in shaping a century’s worth of financial, foreign and domestic policy in the United States. "

All The Presidents' Bankers: The Hidden Alliances That Drive American Power
Related Article - A quote...."While the protests against the Vietnam War intensified in the first years of the Nixon administration, the financial elite was fighting its own war—over the future of banking and against Glass-Steagall regulations. National City Bank chairman Walter Wriston was a steadfast warrior in related battles, as he fought with Chase chairman David Rockefeller for supremacy over the US banker community and for dominance over global finance."

The Fed Takes Our Money, Gives It to Banks Who Loan It Back to Us at 16%
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- Related Article - A quote...."What can we say about the Federal Reserve's policies that hasn't been said a million times? How about simplifying the two primary purposes of Fed policies? I will cover one today and the second one tomorrow. Both involve feeding the 99.5% to the financier/ Wall Street/bank sharks."

Bill Still Reports On The Chicago Plan - Dawson's Fund Raiser - CLICK HERE
Ry2SAudio - Analysis - (Ry2SANCRpt - 15min - Created on April 09, 2014) - Source:  Ry2S@ANCRpt - Related Websites:  Ry2S@YuTb - Ry2SAntiNeocons - Ry2S@TruTube - Ry2S@Vimeo   

Fed Employees Rollout A Bold Idea To Trap The Entire Country’s Wealth
A quote...."We are the only country in the world that does not have to pay for imports in a foreign currency. We can rack up enormous debts and then print more money. - But this exorbitant privilege could soon expire, because many of the most powerful countries around the world (including China and Russia) are looking for a new world reserve currency. - And when the U.S. dollar is no longer the world’s reserve currency… when we can no longer print money and borrow absurd sums without consequence– we are in trouble. - One financial guru, Porter Stansberry, believes this currency collapse in America is actually going to happen much sooner than most people think. He says that’s how currency collapses happen… gradually… slowly… then all of a sudden...."

Goldman Sachs [The Squid] Drops a Bombshell on Wall Street
Squid Alert - A quote...."The caribou have vanished on Wall Street and the wolves are in a feeding frenzy against each other. Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal reported that Goldman Sachs is considering shuttering its Sigma X dark pool, a business that brought in $7.17 billion from equity trading in 2013, before accounting charges. -- There are only three reasons that a Wall Street mega bank shutters a $7 billion business instead of selling it: it’s crazy; its regulators told it to shutter it; there’s more bad news ahead about this business and the firm is trying to get out in front of the fallout. We know Goldman Sachs is only crazy like a fox, so that leaves options two and three." - Source:  WallStreetOnParade

Gimme Shelter
A quote...."April 08, 2014 "ICH" - Has anything changed since then? Well, according to writer David Dayen, in his fine recent article in, yes, things are spiraling downward for us working stiffs in Amerika. - Dayen reports:“The Wall Street rental scheme, the mass purchase of 200,000 single family homes by hedge funds and private equity firms to convert to rental properties, has run into trouble . . . complaints from renters have proliferated, alleging that A) repairs go unaddressed B) leases violate local tenant ordinances and C) unnecessary evictions often occur due to negligence . . . The plan to sell bonds backed by revenue from the rental properties has also stumbled . . . suggesting that homes aren’t being occupied at a level necessary to make the deal work.” - So, how do the Wall Street landlords rectify this mess? Well, they create this National Rental Home Council to propagandize American renters with the ‘wonders’ of absentee landlords, especially big corporate ones."

Wall Street’s “Predatory Equity” Rental Scheme
A quote...."Around 2005, private equity firms began amassing real estate mini-empires across [New York City], chasing outlandish projections of future profit. And when these deals started to fall apart, it was tenants, public pension funds, or the city that took the hit, while the private equity owners sometimes succeeded in walking away from the financial wreckage with cash in hand. …"

More Americans Go Hungry Than All But 2 European Nations
Chart - (click to view) -- A quote...."Since 2007, when the financial crisis touched down across the world, the proportion of people going hungry in Europe has soared, according to the OECD. As Bloomberg’s Niraj Shah notes, the number has doubled in Greece alone from 8.9% in 2007 to almost 18% currently unable to afford food. Across the European Union, the proportion of people going hungry ranges from 4.6% in Germany to over 30% in (ironically) Hungary. However, before one gloats at the weakness in Europe and the cleanest dirty shirt the US pretends to be, at 21.1% of Americans unable to afford food, only Hungary and Estonia are in worst shape… USA USA USA…" - Source:  ZeroHedge

Why Meat Prices Are Going To Continue Soaring For The Foreseeable Future
Inflation Alert - (US, Food) - Map - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."The average price of USDAchoice-grade beef has soared to $5.28 a pound, and the average price of a pound of bacon has skyrocketed to $5.46. Unfortunately for those that like to eat meat, this is just the beginning of the price increases. Due to an absolutely crippling drought that won’t let go of the western half of the country, the total size of the U.S. cattle herd has shrunk for seven years in a row, and it is now the smallest that is has been since 1951."

40 Central Banks Are Betting This Will Be The Next Reserve Currency
Fed Script Alert - Chart - (click to view) - Related Article - Some quote...."Standard Chartered notes that at least 40 central banks have invested in the Yuan and several more are preparing to do so. The trend is occurring across both emerging markets and developed nation central banks diversifiying into 'other currencies' and "a great number of central banks are in the process of adding yuan to their portfolios." -- "The US dollar is still the world's most widely held reserve currency, accounting for nearly 33 per cent of global foreign exchange holdings at the end of last year, according to IMF data. That ratio has been declining since 2000, when 55 per cent of the world's reserves were denominated in US dollars." - bold by website editor

"In a short time, 16 people around the world who were affiliated to banking services, mysteriously died."
Bankster Remediation -- A quote...."Last Saturday, April 5, former Dutch ABN AMRO banker Peter Schmittman allegedly took his own life, together with the lives of his wife and one of his daughters. Whilst the police of the Dutch town of Laren was eager to label the case a “family drama” – in which Schmittman himself killed his wife and daughter – yet another banker has died. Juergen Frick, the 48-year-old CEO of the Liechtenstein Bank Frick & Co AG, has been killed in broad daylight in the parking garage of his bank in Balzers on April 7."

Bankers Being Killed Could Top 100 Plus
Bankster Remediation ....Continues - F4LVideo - (F4LYuTb - 12min24sec - Apr 7, 2014) - Source:  Fabian4Liberty

Liechtenstein Banker Shot Dead in Reported Investment Feud
Related Article - A quote...."A Liechtenstein banker was shot dead after a feud involving an investment fund, and police said they believe the alleged killer later committed suicide."
"The alleged killer later committed suicide"???  They're kidding right?  So if it isn't raining depressed bankers from tall buildings, it's remorseful killers who killed these bankers who are killing themselves? It appears the police DO actually have a sense of humor. - mpg
UK middle-class hollowed out with economic insecurity
A quote...."It was back in 1944 that the great challenge for post-war Britain was defined as eradicating the scourge of unemployment. -- Now even George Osborne seems to have heard the news that full employment is an essential aim of any government, although nearly a million young people out of work will be rightly skeptical about his government’s ability to deliver."

The ‘Recovery’ of Greece: Fraud and Fiction
A quote...."Roughly 2 ¼ centuries ago, a member of the French aristocracy (Marie Antoinette) was reputedly quoted as saying “let them eat cake”, as her naïve response to the plight of starving, French peasants (shortly before the French Revolution). -- Historians now cast doubt as to whether this line was ever uttered by her, and it’s quite possible it was merely attributed to her as a means of attacking her reputation. However, the allegory itself has survived. Why? Because whether or not this anecdote is authentic; the symbol is an eternal one: elitist Oligarchs dwelling in their ivory towers, so totally out of touch with ordinary people (and reality) that their perspective on the real world is naïve and/or absurd."

Greeks go on strike ahead of Merkel visit
A quote...."Greek labour unions are staging a nationwide strike to protest against austerity policies imposed on the country by its foreign creditors, including Germany, whose chancellor, Angela Merkel, will visit Athens this week."

Cyprus STILL has “an emergency situation”. And capital controls
A quote...."Imagine that your country and banking system are so broke that you have to receive approval from a special committee just to send your own money to your kids who are away at university…"
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More On The World's International Situation....

As Bad As It Gets
A quote...."IRAQI military helicopters flying over Baghdad have been dropping leaflets. Unlike those that fluttered down from American helicopters at the start of the invasion 11 years ago urging Iraqi soldiers not to resist, these ones are meant to persuade citizens to vote in national elections on April 30th. “In Saddam’s time they used to drop money from helicopters on national holidays,” recalled a wistful Baghdad resident, looking at a leaflet depicting the new electronic voter-registration card."

Turkish government pushes new intelligence law, giving the MIT domestic powers
A quote...."Parliament is set to begin deliberations today about a bill expanding the powers of Turkey’s spy agency with additional missions both inside and outside the country, formally turning it into an intelligence coordination body that will work directly under the prime minister. Known as the National Intelligence Organization (MİT) Law, the proposal was withdrawn in February after President Abdullah Gül demanded major changes to the proposed text."

US is done with Saudi Arabia: Analyst
Not until the PNAC Protocols have been carried out and Lebanon, Syria and Iran are utterly destroyed.....THEN the US-NRE (Israel's North American Colony) and Israel itself will turn on ALL the Parasitic Families of the Arabian Peninsula. - mpg

8 people killed in Nigeria attacks
A quote...."At least seven police officers and a civilian have been killed after suspected militants attacked a police station, a court and a bank in a town in northern Nigeria, police say."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Bethlehem; Settlers Flood Farmlands With Wastewater
A quote...."Tuesday, April 8, 2014] A number of Israeli settlers from the Efrat settlement, south of the West Bank city of Bethlehem, flooded Palestinian farmlands in al-Khader town with sewage.

Palestinian schoolchildren attacked by Israeli settlers, [Jewish goons] in South Hebron Hills
A quote...."At Tuwani – On April 9, children from the Palestinian villages of Tuba and Maghayir Al Abeed were attacked by settlers [Jewish goons] coming from the Israeli illegal outpost of Havat Ma’on. The children were walking to school, accompanied by the Israeli military escort that has the duty to protect them everyday on their way to and from school, as established in 2004 by the Children Rights Committee of the Knesset. During the 2013-2014 school year the misconduct this military escort has exposed the children to dangerous risks in numerous occasions."

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (27 Mar - 02 Apr 2014)
A quote...."THIS is what the ISRAELI people, NOT their government, have done to another they have had advantage over every single day for the last sixty years without respite or pause.  This is just one week's total! -- Would you trust any group of people that remorselessly, relentlessly, sadistically, without a qualm, or a twinge of conscience, did these things to another every single day for OVER SIXTY YEARS?  Would you do "business" with them?  Would you want to associate with them? Just think about what they would do to YOU and YOUR family if they got control over your community!! - mpg
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Genetic Fallacy: How Monsanto Silences Scientific Dissent
Must View CRVideo - (CRYuTb - 12min58sec - Dec 3, 2013) - Websites:  CR@YuTb CorbettReport -  A quote...."That a former Monsanto scientist should find himself in charge of a specially-created post at the very journal that published two landmark studies questioning the safety of that company's products should surprise no one who is aware of the Monsanto revolving door. This door is responsible for literally dozens of Monsanto officials, lobbyists and consultants finding themselves in positions of authority in the government bodies that are supposedly there to regulate the company and its actions."

Scientific Studies Prove GMOs Harmful to Health
PSVideo - Alt - (PSYuTb - 11min17sec - Apr 8, 2014) - Source:  Pinksapphiret2 -- A quote...."GMOs are harmful to health according to scientific studies...." - To read the article - CLICK HERE

Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation
A quote...."Last three or four years have seen a number of books, documentaries and articles on the dangers of Genetically Modified (GM) seeds. Majority has focused on adverse health and environmental impact; almost none on the geo-politics of GM seeds, and particularly seeds as a weapon of mass destruction. Engdahl has addressed this issue but the crop seed is one of the many “Seeds of Destruction” in this book." - To purchase "Seeds Of Destruction" - CLICK HERE

China Rejects Another shipment of GMO Animal Feed trying to be slipped in. 601,000 tons rejected last year.
A quote...."China is not accepting GMO corn/feed/food in any way.  They rejected another shipment that tried to be slipped in for animal feed from the U.S. -- Last year they rejected 601,000 tons of GMO corn.   This shipment was 21,800 tons of corn from the U.S. -- Why is it the U.S. is about the only country that allows GMO food?  Why haven't our 'leaders' protected us as the leaders protect their citizens in other countries.  The other countries even protect their animals.  Yet the U.S. allows the poison of GMO corn and food and won't even require it to be labeled?"

U.S. bill seeks to block mandatory GMO food labeling by states
A quote...."(Reuters) - A Republican congressman from Kansas introduced legislation on Wednesday that would nullify efforts in multiple states to require labeling of genetically modified foods."

Antimicrobial Products Promote Bacteria Buildup In Human Noses
A quote...."An antimicrobial agent found in common household soaps, shampoos and toothpastes may be finding its way inside human noses where it promotes the colonization of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria and could predispose some people to infection. Researchers at the University of Michigan report their findings this week in a study published in mBio®, the online open-access journal of the American Society for Microbiology."

Why vaccines spread disease; an in-depth analysis of flawed vaccination science
A quote...."(NaturalNews) Infectious diseases that the system insists have been mostly eradicated due to the advent of vaccines are starting to reemerge, with much of the blame for this being levied on the unvaccinated, who are automatically assumed to be the culprits. But a deeper look into the history of vaccines, how they work and what level of long-term protection they truly provide reveals that these golden calves of modern medicine are actually the vehicles through which infectious disease is being spread, with vaccinated individuals as the primary disease carriers."

'This Is Not Over': Gulf Life Still Reeling From Toxic BP Spill
A quote...."Nearly four years after BP's Deepwater Horizon oil catastrophe, plants, animals, and fish in the Gulf of Mexico are still reeling from the toxic spill, according to a report released Tuesday by the National Wildlife Federation."

Tuesday April 8th 2014

No posts - mpg

Monday April 7th 2014

A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Destruction of Ukraine....

IMF Seals Ukraine's Implosion - Joaquin Flores
Must View M108Video - (M108YuTb - 15min42sec - Apr 6, 2014) - Source:  108morris108

The US-Russia Ukrainian Deal
Must Read - Quote of the Day - Related Article - A quote...." April 06, 2014 "Information Clearing House - Asia Times" - Whatever Washington's actions, they won't convince the Kremlin the putsch in Kiev was not orchestrated in large part by goons allied to Kaghanate of Nulands - aka US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nulands. At the same time, the Kremlin knows time is on its side - so it would be totally counterproductive to even contemplate "invading" eastern Ukraine. -- Compound the vicious catfight among dodgy factions in Kiev, from fascists to Saint Yulia "Kill all the Russians" Timoschenko; Gazprom raising the price of natural gas by 80%; and the International Monetary Fund about to unleash some nasty structural adjustment that will make Greece look like Cinderella playing in a rose garden, and all that Moscow needs to do is sit back, relax and watch the (internal) carnage. " - bold by website editor - Source:  AsiaTimes

Pro-Russians storm government offices in eastern Ukraine
Must Read - Related Article - A quote...."Donetsk (Ukraine) (AFP) - Activists chanting "Russia!" broke through police lines Sunday and stormed several government buildings in eastern Ukrainian regions seeking independence from Kiev following last month's fall of a Kremlin regime."

Ukraine Loses State Buildings In Key Eastern Cities To Protesters; Blames Putin - Live Webcast
Must Read - Related Article - A quote...."Earlier this morning we reported that "Pro-Russia Protesters Seize Government Building In East Ukraine, Demand Autonomy." We suggested that this was only the first city in eastern Ukraine that would see this kind of internal revolt. Sure enough, hours later, the largest city in East Ukraine and one located in close proximity to Russia, Kharkiv, also saw its state building fall to what appear to be pro-Russia protesters, making it the third major city after Donetsk and nearby Luhansk. This coordinated and largely unexpected pro-Russian action triggering accusations from the pro-European government in Kiev that President Vladimir Putin was orchestrating "separatist disorder."
Why?  Does the "pro-European government" have Putin on a YouTube video giving a lecture in front of a Gazprom logo where he's happily celebrating the fact he spent over FIVE BILLION DOLLARS during the last decade to sponsor these demonstrations?? --  No??? --  Than perhaps it would be best if the rump, putsch, illegal, gang of assorted paid thugs, foreign lackeys, and Euro-Kazarian Banksters in Kiev kept their mouths shut and not embarrass themselves any further than they already have!! -- But that would probably be asking to much. - mpg - For more on this issue see articles shown below.....
Metaphysical Doubts Concerning the Existence of Modern Ukraine, a 1918 Creation of the German General Staff -- Must Read - Historical Analysis - Related Article - A quote...."ews reports on the reaction in Kiev to the reunification of the Crimean peninsula with Russia have included the idea that some Ukrainians resent the failure of the United States or the western European powers to intervene militarily against Russia in favor of the new Kiev fascist government. At the same time, it appears that Ukrainian military units have uniformly refused to fight for their borders, their bases, their headquarters, or other strategic assets under their control. Much of the Ukrainian army and navy located in the Crimea has chosen rather to become part of the Russian forces. Repeated attempts by the Yatsenyuk government in Kiev to call up reservists or otherwise to mobilize manpower for military purposes have met with a very meager response."

Webster G. Tarpley on The Jeff Rense Program
Related WTAudio - Historical Analysis - (WTAdbFlshPlyr - 42min - April 2, 2014) - Source:  WebsterTarpleyWTRadio - Webster Tarpley@YuTb - Related Websites: Rense@YuTb - Rense -- A quote.... "History of Ukraine Shows Feeble Basis of Nationality, Promoted by Foreign Interests, Plagued by Ungovernability."
Tarpley has some helpful suggestion on how to keep Ukraine together, however, it's way to late for that now. Victoria Nuland and her PNAC'ers put an end to Ukraine, they shattered it,  just as they tried to do to Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, and especially Libya and Syria. - (and what they still want to do to Iran) -- The world is SERIOUSLY going to have to do something about Israel and it's Euro-Kazarians running around this planet destroying everything on behalf of Israel's Banksters!! - mpg - For more on that issue see....The Fed's Balance Sheet - Used to Tear Apart Whole Countries - 03-14-14 - mpg
Ukraine Part Of A Longstanding War On Russia - Joaquin Flores
M108Video - (M108YuTb - 6min14sec - Mar 13, 2014) - Source:  108morris108 - A quote...."Russia is about more than resources and Ukraine is creating a non-publicised rift between Europe and the US."

Russia Is Not An Empire In The British Sense - Joaquin Flores
M108Video - (M108YuTb - 9min09sec - Apr 7, 2014) - Source:  108morris108

5 unanswered questions surrounding Kiev killings
RTVideo - RTYuTb - 5min21sec - Apr 6, 2014) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."Riot police are to blame for the deadly sniper fire during February's riots in Kiev - at least that's how Ukraine's coup-appointed leaders see it. They announced their investigation results, after first clearing themselves of accusations of wrongdoing brought by the former authorities. Let's recap those glaring holes in Kiev's argument in this blame-game." - Topix ||  A Litmus Test - Terrorist Supporters - 04-05-14 - mpg  ||

Obama Issues Threats To Russia And NATO — Paul Craig Roberts
A quote...."The Obama regime has issued simultaneous threats to the enemy it is making out of Russia and to its European NATO allies on which Washington is relying to support sanctions on Russia. This cannot end well. -- As even Americans living in a controlled media environment are aware, Europeans, South Americans, and Chinese are infuriated that the National Stasi Agency is spying on their communications. NSA’s affront to legality, the US Constitution, and international diplomatic norms is unprecedented. Yet, the spying continues, while Congress sits sucking its thumb and betraying its oath to defend the Constitution of the United States."

Putin warns against letting West use anti-Kremlin groups
A quote...."(Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin told the FSB security service on Monday to ensure Russia did not follow what he said was Ukraine's example by letting the West use local groups for "destructive" purposes. - Putin's remarks signaled his lingering concern that the West could use non-governmental organizations to fuel dissent in Russia, despite a clampdown on groups funded from abroad since big protests against him in the winter of 2011-12. - He also urged the FSB, the main successor to the Soviet KGB security police, not to drop its guard against militant attacks following the Sochi Winter Olympics and to strengthen vigilance in the Arctic and to the south to prevent attacks on Russia."

For more articles on the Ukrainian coup d'état / putsch, see below....
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, Iran & Syria

The Red Line and the Rat Line
A quote...."April 06, 2014 "Information Clearing House - "LRB" -- Obama’s change of mind had its origins at Porton Down, the defence laboratory in Wiltshire. British intelligence had obtained a sample of the sarin used in the 21 August attack and analysis demonstrated that the gas used didn’t match the batches known to exist in the Syrian army’s chemical weapons arsenal. The message that the case against Syria wouldn’t hold up was quickly relayed to the US joint chiefs of staff. The British report heightened doubts inside the Pentagon; the joint chiefs were already preparing to warn Obama that his plans for a far-reaching bomb and missile attack on Syria’s infrastructure could lead to a wider war in the Middle East. As a consequence the American officers delivered a last-minute caution to the president, which, in their view, eventually led to his cancelling the attack." - Source:  LRB

Dutch Jesuit priest beaten and killed in Syria
Hagee's Hordes are no doubt celebrating at the news.- mpg -- A quote...."AMSTERDAM  – A Dutch Jesuit priest was beaten and shot dead by unidentified gunmen at his monastery in the besieged Syrian city of Homs on Monday, the Vatican said."

US secretly sending anti-tank weapons to Syrian rebels - reports
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 2min36sec - Apr 7, 2014) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."Rebels embattled against the regime of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad have reportedly come into possession of high-powered anti-tank weaponry, the likes of which may have been supplied by the United States."

Nasrallah: Assad regime secure, Israel concerned [their 9/11 initiated, PNAC Protocols may be falling apart]
A quote...."Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said that Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime is no longer in danger of being toppled, and that Israel is concerned by developments on the ground, Lebanese media reported Sunday."

29 rebels dead in Syria premature car bomb blast: NGO - May every single Wahhabist terrorist be as "skilled".
A quote..."DAMASCUS: At least 29 rebels died in a blast Sunday in the central Syrian city of Homs as they primed a car bomb for an attack, a monitoring group said."

Syria crisis: Deadly clash in Jordan's Zaatari camp
A quote...."At least one person has been reported killed and dozens hurt in a riot at Jordan's Zaatari camp, home to some 106,000 refugees from Syria's war."

Libya rebels to lift blockades of 2 oil terminals
A quote...."Benghazi (Libya) (AFP) - Rebels seeking regional autonomy agreed Sunday to allow the reopening of two of four oil terminals in eastern Libya that they have blockaded since July, official news agency Lana reported."

New Libyan Islamist group declares war on "enemy of Allah" - Yes, another one.
A quote...."BENGHAZI, April 6 (Xinhua) -- A new Islamic group said late on Saturday that its troops are being sent to the strategic town of Derna in eastern Libya to restore peace and impose sharia Islamic law there."

Mass strike paralyses Libya's Benghazi
A quote..."Large parts of Libya's restive eastern city have come to a standstill because of a strike over security concerns. - Public and private sector staff including oil workers went on strike in the Libyan port city of Benghazi, protesting against worsening security and demanding the resignation of parliament whose mandate has expired."

Lufthansa, Austrian suspend Libya flights
A quote...."German airline Lufthansa and its subsidiary Austrian Airlines have suspended flights to Libya indefinitely due to security concerns in the North African country."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

The Monster On The Hill
Must Read - A quote...."IF anyone had any illusions about American politics, they were dispelled this week. -- The casino mogul, Sheldon Adelson, organized a public display of his power. -- He summoned to his Las Vegas betting paradise the four most probable Republican candidates for the next presidential elections, in order to choose one of them. All the invitees heeded the summons, of course. -- It was a shameless exhibition. The politicians groveled before the casino lord. Mighty governors of important states did their best to sell themselves like applicants at a job interview. Each of them tried to trump the others in promising to do the Mogul’s bidding. -- Flanked by Israeli bodyguards, Adelson grilled the American hopefuls. And what was he demanding from the future president of the United States? First of all and above everything else, blind and unconditional obedience to the government of another state....Israel." - bold by website editor

Chris Hedges on “Israel’s War on American Universities”
Must Read / Watch Zio-Warning - Contains RNNVideos - Excerpts - RawFootage - (RNNYuTb - 10/44min - Apr 5, 2014) - Source:  TheRealNews -- A quote...."Israel is attacking American universities with data shared to them by the National Security Agency, and “busy” professors are responsible for the degradation of Occupy Wall Street, author and journalist Chris Hedges said."

Israeli Supremes Endorse War Crimes - Of course!  Did anyone actually expect different? - mpg
A quote...."They didn’t surprise. They’re like US Supremes. They support wealth, power and privilege. They rubber-stamp war crimes when asked. - They ignore fundamental rule of law principles. Israel High Court justices declined to hear petitioner Marwan Dalal. - He’s an Israeli Arab jurist. Earlier he served as a Hague International Criminal Court senior prosecutor. He’s the only Palestinian ever to serve in this capacity."

Watch: Israeli sniper shoots Palestinian cameraman at Ofer protest
Israel Killing the Messenger - A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Video emerged on Sunday of the moment an Israeli sniper shot a Palestinian cameraman in the stomach while he was covering a protest at Ofer prison on Friday."

Israeli soldiers attack girl’s schools in Salfit
A quote...."Salfit, Occupied Palestine – Two educational institutions were attacked with tear gas and stun grenades by the Israeli army yesterday morning in Salfit. At least ten female students required medical attention after suffering from excessive tear gas inhalation. - At 12:30 yesterday afternoon, Salfit’s female elementary school was empty. Only a few staff remained, attempting to clean the walls after Israeli soldiers threw tear gas and stun grenades in an attack earlier in the morning. According to the headmistress of the school, the attack took place at approximately 9:30 am. At this time, the classrooms were full of female students between the ages of six and 12-years-old. The soldiers shot the tear gas from the street and it landed in the playground, school corridors and on the roof, with the tear gas itself drifting into the classrooms." - Source:  ISM

Christians: Israel violates Palestinian religious freedoms each Easter
A quote...."BETHLEHEM – A group of Christians from East Jerusalem on Sunday said that Israel’s restrictions on Palestinian mobility resulted in violations of religious freedoms. - The statement, signed “Palestinian Christian Organizations in Occupied East Jerusalem,” complained that Christians are often denied access to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre during the Easter holidays. - Each Easter, checkpoints are erected “at the Gates and in the alley, thus preventing the worshipers from free access to the Via Dolorosa, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and the vicinity of the Christian Quarter.”" - Source:  Ma'an

More threats from Palestine’s nasty neighbor
A quote...."US-brokered negotiations with Israel, which started on 29 July 2013 and were to last nine months, are nearing their ignominious end. And Israel, the serial defaulter that it is, has reneged on the agreed release of 104 pre-Oslo prisoners in exchange for Palestine’s postponing joining international organizations to help achieve their long-overdue freedom."

'Revolutionary' BDS iPhone App to Spread Boycott Israel Message on Smartphones
BDS - A quote...."The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement is to release a beta version of a smartphone app that will allow users to search for a company's links to Israel in order to boycott its products. - The app will bring activism to a user's iPhone by informing them of a company's links to Israel via a large database of researched product information by voluntary staff."

Revealed: Rahm Emanuel cuts public pensions, diverts money to benefit campaign donors
A quote...."This same story, portraying public employees as the primary cause of budget crises, is being told across the country. Yet, in many cases, we’re only being told half the tale. We aren’t told that the pension shortfalls in many US states and cities were created because those same states and cities did not make their required pension contributions over many years. And perhaps even more shockingly, we aren’t being told that, while states and cities pretend they have no money to deal with public sector pensions, many are paying giant taxpayer subsidies to corporations — often far larger than the pension shortfalls. -- Chicago is the iconic example of all of these trends."
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More International Tales From the Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....

Mesmerizing Photographs Of Soldiers' Faces Before And After A War
Photo Gallery - A quote...."While the emotional repercussions of war aren't easy to measure, the before, during, and after pictures of soldiers who have seen combat tell a pretty unsettling story."

Narcotics boom, West's legacy for Afghanistan: Activist
Contains Video - A quote...."The major legacy of the West’s war in Afghanistan has been a dramatic rise in production and use of narcotics in the country and across the world, a political activist tells Press TV."

Ron Paul: Anytime US gives intl aid it takes money from poor at home and gives it to rich abroad
S&CRTVideo- (S&CYuTb - 24min17sec - Apr 7, 2014) - Source: RT - S&C@RT -- A quote...."A former US Congressman, presidential candidate, and a man with nationwide support for his views on what government should be. A legend of American politics, Ron Paul is on SophieCo show."

Tony Blair 'Knew All About CIA Secret Kidnap Programme’
A quote...." April 06, 2014 "Information Clearing House - "The Telegraph" - - Tony Blair knew in detail about the CIA’s secret kidnap and interrogation programme after the September 11 attacks and was kept informed “every step of the way” by MI6, a security source has told The Telegraph." - Source:  TheTelegraph

The CIA & the ‘Cult of Intelligence’ Will Manage to Keep Vast Majority of Senate Torture Report Secret
A quote...."Why is it that the public will likely never get to read much of a major investigative report the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence produced on the CIA’s rendition, detention and interrogation program—a program that included torture?"

China heading off cold war through economic diplomacy
A quote...."During his visit to Duisburg, Chinese President Xi Jinping made a master stroke of economic diplomacy that runs directly counter to the Washington neo-conservative faction’s effort to bring a new confrontation between NATO and Russia."

China projects power in its own seas to defend against US: Don DeBar
A quote...."China is projecting power in its own seas to defend itself against the United States, which wants to use the disputed islands in the East China Sea as a forward military base against the Asian nation, a political commentator says."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

NSA Uses Corporate News to Spread Propaganda and Silence Dissent
A quote...."Investigative reporter Glenn Greenwald published an expose this week detailing how the NSA has been feeding “propaganda” to various news publications, which have happily played along. The propaganda isn’t limited just to schlock networks like Fox News, but is promulgated also by widely trusted [You're kidding, right??]  newspapers, including The Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times."

US and UK intelligence planning to infiltrate social media to spread propaganda and disinformation
A quote...."American and British intelligence hope to take advantage of social media platforms, like Twitter, YouTube and Facebook, in an effort to spread disinformation and propaganda, as well as potentially foment public protests, recent Snowden leaks claim."

Snowden, Poitras to Receive ‘Truth-Telling’ Honor - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden and one of the journalists who helped catapult his message into the mainstream press, Laura Poitras, were named recipients of The Nation Institute’s 2014 Ridenhour Prize for Truth-Telling on Monday." - also posted at RINF

Obama’s Hegelian Deception: NSA ‘Overhaul’ Forces Telecoms to Collect More Data
A quote...."In the new American Stasi States, it’s been imperative for White House technocrats to ‘never let a good crisis go to waste’. Instead of repealing the unconstitutional Patriot Acts (these legally enable illegal gov’t practices), the public outrage over the NSA’s rape of 4th Amendment privacy rights has been used by President Barack Obama to order the siezure of even more of our metadata." - Source:  21stCentWire

Merkel Ally Says US Assurances on NSA Spying ‘Insufficient’
FYI:  "Insufficient" is a diplomatic way of saying...."There are no guarantees you can possibly give us that would make us trust you ever again.  Your word is worthless, your assurances are lies as they leave your lips, your signature on any document regarding this issue is not worth the ink, or paper, it is written on." - mpg
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More on the Domestic Situation....

Post-Constitutional America, Where Innocence is a Poor Defense
A quote...."Rahinah Ibrahim is a slight Malaysian woman who attended Stanford University on a U.S. student visa, majoring in architecture. She was not a political person. Despite this, as part of a post-9/11 sweep directed against Muslims, she was investigated by the FBI. In 2004, while she was still in the U.S. but unbeknownst to her, the FBI sent her name to the no-fly list. - Ibrahim was no threat to anyone, innocent of everything, and ended up on that list only due to a government mistake. Nonetheless, she was not allowed to reenter the U.S. to finish her studies or even attend her trial and speak in her own defense. Her life was derailed by the tangle of national security bureaucracy and pointless “anti-terror” measures that have come to define post-Constitutional America. Here's what happened, and why it may matter to you."

Why Are Americans Paying to Be Searched, Spied On, Shot At and Robbed Blind by the Government?
Because it means their government loves them? - mpg -- A quote....."The State Department wants $400,000 to purchase a fiberglass sculpture of a camel looking at a needle for its new embassy in Pakistan. They’ve already spent their allotted $630,000 to increase the number of “likes” and fans on their Facebook and Twitter pages. The NATO ambassador for the U.S. needs $700,000 for landscaping and gardening, the National Science Foundation would like $700,000 to put on a theatrical production about climate change, and the Senate staffers need $1.9 million for lifestyle coaching....." - also posted at ICH

The CIA in Kuwait: Parallels to a 9/11 Suspect
A quote..."As discussed in my book, Another Nineteen, there are good reasons to believe that some 9/11 suspects were involved in previous deep state operations. For example, evidence suggests that Stratesec manager Barry McDaniel and Carlyle Group director Frank Carlucci might have participated in the Iran-Contra crimes. There are also interesting links between several 9/11 suspects and Ted Shackley, a leader of the “CIA within the CIA.” Shackley was close friends with Frank Carlucci and had a long, close relationship with Richard Armitage, whose State department provided express visas to the alleged hijackers. Additionally, Porter Goss, who led the initial cover-up of the 9/11 crimes, had worked with Shackley in several CIA operations."

BFP Exclusive: And an Oligarch Shall Lead Them: Omidyar, Greenwald & First Look Media’s Attack on the Future of the Press - A quote...."The long-term mission of the news blog The Intercept, launched in February 2014 by First Look Media—the recently developed news organization created and entirely funded by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar to the tune of $250 million—is “to produce fearless, adversarial journalism across a wide range of issues.” However, the vital basis behind its creation really lies in its short-term mission, which is “to provide a platform to report on the documents previously provided by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.” -- That’s because two of the website’s three founding editors—former Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald and documentary filmmaker Laura Poitras—are the only two people that are known to possess the entire cache of what Snowden stole from the National Security Agency’s networks, estimated to be anywhere in the range of 58,000 to 1.7 million documents, and possibly more."

Bipartisan assault on health care intensifies in US
Key Concept Alert - Obama(no)care - Was obama(no)care a deliberately crafted and coordinated bipartisan assault on Medicare? - Looks like it was. You can just picture in you mind's eye how this is all going to play out. It is truly incredible just how stupid Amerikans really are. - mpg --Some quotes...."The White House and Congressional Democrats were quick to denounce the proposal." --- "What neither Obama nor Congressional Democrats mention is the fact that the Ryan budget, while vowing to repeal sections of the Affordable Care Act, in fact uses the cuts to Medicare implemented under the White House’s signature health care law as a starting point. The legislation, commonly known as Obamacare, cuts Medicare funding by some $500 billion through reduced compensation to doctors and hospitals. - In addition, the Affordable Care Act includes some $200 billion in cuts to Medicare Advantage, the private alternative to Medicare Parts A and B, which was implemented under the Balanced Budget Act of 1997."

The Economic War Has Begun Which Will Lead To WWIII -- Episode 332
X22Video - (X22YuTb - 45min17sec - Apr 4, 2014) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote....."Cyprus unemployment is now at record highs in March and getting worse. The US unemployment number are manipulated and the real unemployment is around 30% and there are 91 million people not in the labor force. The NSA spying continues in the US and the majority of the people are protecting themselves. A US congressman believes they are underpaid and should get a raise. China and Russia are pushing the economic war forward which is a direct threat on the dollar. The Syrian opposition is using another chemical false flag event and blaming it on Assad."

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV -  April 7th, 2014 - RBN Donation Drive - CLICK HERE
MRVideo - (BambuserTV - 3hrs - April 7th, 2014) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Websites:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Another Fraudulent Jobs Report
A quote...." April 06, 2014 "Information Clearing House - As I have pointed out for a decade, the “New Economy” jobs that we were promised in exchange for our manufacturing jobs and tradable professional service jobs that were offshored have never shown up. The transnational corporations and their hired shills among economists lied to us. Not even a jobs report as deceptive and fraudulent as the BLS payroll jobs report can hide the fact that Congress, the White House, and the American people have sat sucking their thumbs while corporations maximized profits for the one percent at the expense of everyone else in the United States." - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts

This Is What Employment In America Really Looks Like…
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- Related Article - A quote...."The level of employment in the United States has been declining since the year 2000.  There have been moments when things have appeared to have been getting better for a short period of time, and then the decline has resumed.  Thanks to the offshoring of millions of jobs, the replacement of millions of workers with technology and the overall weakness of the U.S. economy, the percentage of Americans that are actually working is significantly lower than it was when this century began." - Source:  TheEconomicCollapse

This Chart Is A True Picture Of How QE “Solved” The Unemployment Crisis In America
Chart - (click to view) -- A quote...."The unemployment rate’s drop from 10% in October 2009 to 6.7% now is rock-solid proof, according to the deafening backslapping noises emanating from the Fed, that the masterfully thought-out, heroically executed money-printing binge and zero-interest-rate policy – lovingly dubbed QE and ZIRP by their beneficiaries on Wall Street – has been a resounding success. - Other measures that the Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes do not necessarily support such a glorious endorsement." - Source:  TestosteronePit

8 Headlines the Mainstream Media Doesn’t Have the Balls to Print
A quote...."The following are all relevant, fact-based issues, the “hard news” stories that the media has a responsibility to report. But the business-oriented press generally avoids them....."
  1. U.S. Wealth Up $34 Trillion Since Recession. 93% of You Got Almost None of It.
  2. Eight Rich Americans Made More Than 3.6 Million Minimum Wage Workers
  3. News Sources Speak for the 5%
  4. TV News Dumbed Down for American Viewers
  5. News Execs among White Male Boomers Who Owe Trillions to Society
  6. Funding Plummets for Schools and Pensions as Corporations Stop Paying Taxes
  7. Companies Based in the U.S. Paying Most of their Taxes Overseas
  8. Restaurant Servers Go Without Raise for 30 Years
The Oligarchy Doesn't Care About Democracy, Just Rigged Markets
Book Review / Promo -- A quote...."Through thorough research and incisive writing, Nomi Prins has revealed how tightly Wall Street and White House policy have been aligned for more than a century.  This is a difficult relationship to nail down, but Prins - as one reviewer noted - "followed the money."  As a result, All the Presidents' Bankers is a must-read blockbuster of a book that names names and nails down the reality that US domestic and foreign policy is largely driven by the interests of economic hegemony and consolidated wealth."

98% Of All Consumer Credit In Past Year Was Used For Student And Car Loans
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."The headline number was great: $16.5 billion, well above the $14.0 billion expected. The problem is that of this number well more than 100%, or $18.9 billion was once again slated for car purchases and paying down "student bills" (not really - as has been reported numerous times before Americans increasingly use student loans as a means to pay for everything else but tuition)."

Hot Air Hisses Out Of [US] Housing Bubble 2.0: Even Two Middle-Class Incomes Aren’t Enough Anymore To Buy A Median Home - A quote...."As home prices have soared in cities around the country, sales have cratered. The weather has been blamed, though the weather has been gorgeous in California where sales have crashed too, even in temporary boom town San Francisco. The “lack of inventory” and other excuses have been dragged out as well. In reality, homes have gotten too expensive….Even for hedge funds, private equity funds, REITs, and other forms of Big Money with access to the Fed’s limitless free juice." - Source:  TestosteronePit

If the New York Stock Exchange is a “High-Frequency Brothel” then the SEC is its Pimp
Headline of the Day - A quote...."The fallout from the new book, “Flash Boys” by Michael Lewis continues. Yesterday, Jonathon Trugman wrote in the New York Post that “These traders who use the HOV lane to get ahead of investors could not do their trades without the full knowledge and complicity of the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq.”"

ABN Amro Ex-CEO Found Dead
Bankster Death Watch -- A quote...."A mere two weeks since former JPMorgan banker, Kenneth Bellando jumped to his death, Bloomberg reports that the former CEO of Dutch Bank ABN Amro (and his wife and daughter) were found dead at their home after a possible "family tragedy." This expands the dismal list of senior financial services executive deaths to 12 in the last few months."

CEO Of Liechtenstein Bank Frick Murdered In Broad Daylight

Bankster Death Watch - (continues.....) -- A quote...."Over the weekend the world was gripped by the drama surrounding the mysterious murder-homicide of the former CEO of Dutch bank ABN Amro and members of his family, and whether there is more foul play than meets the eye. However, that is nothing compared to what just happened in the tiny, and all too quiet Principality of Lichtenstein, where moments ago the CEO of local financial institution Bank Frick & Co. AG, Juergen Frick, was shot dead in the underground garage of the bank located in the city of Balzers."

Poland Confiscate Bond Holdings from Private Pension Funds – More Deflation
Cyporization Warning - A quote...."While everyone is paying attention to Russia, the European economy continues to spiral downward into its Debt-Deflation, and the rising cost of debt to EU members in real international terms is alarming. Poland on Wednesday confiscated all bond holdings of private pension funds. This will be booked on their balance sheet to reduce their debt to GDP ratio by as much as 8%."

Survey shows a mere 1% of Spaniards positive about economy - And we know which "1%" that was. - mpg
A quote...."Despite the government's recent announcements that the worst of the crisis is over, a measly one percent of the Spanish population thinks the economic situation is "good", a new survey reveals. - Spain’s National Research Council has shed some light on what the average Joe in Spain really thinks of the country’s economic recovery and the positive stance the ruling popular party has adopted when dealing with the press since the beginning of 2014."
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More On The World's International Situation....

Syria army gains upper hand over militants
A quote...."Syrian forces have carried out new operations, gaining the upper hand over foreign-backed militants across the country. - On Monday, a Syrian army unit ambushed militants in the industrial area of Adra in the countryside of the capital Damascus, killing 20 of them. The militants belonged to a terrorist group, calling itself Jaish al-Islam, SANA reported."

Exclusive: IRGC's MIL17 Helicopters Equipped with Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles
A quote...."The IRGC's MIL17 helicopters are now equipped with Nour cruise missiles with a range of 120 km," Lieutenant Commander of the IRGC Navy General Alireza Tangsiri told FNA. -- Anti-ship Nour cruise missile systems are ultra-advanced and self-relying systems which have remarkably improved in radar, satellite, precision, range and navigation terms compared to their predecessors."

Exclusive: IRGC Equips Speed Boats with Anti-Warship Missiles
A quote...."Qader cruise missiles have been mounted on IRGC Navy's speed vessels," Lieutenant Commander of the IRGC Navy General Alireza Tangsiri told FNA. - In September 2011, Iran unveiled its 200-km range Qader anti-ship cruise missile with a high-precision striking capability and the Iranian defense industries have mass-produced the powerful missile."

Nigeria gun attack: Zamfara 'cattle rustlers' blamed
A quote...."Seventy-nine people are said to have been killed in northern Nigeria, in an attack blamed by police on gunmen from the Fulani community."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....
Israeli military vehicles enter Gaza, 'fire shell'
A quote...."GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Israeli military vehicles entered the central Gaza Strip early Monday, witnesses told Ma'an. - Locals said six bulldozers escorted by military vehicles and tanks drove about 150 meters into Gaza east of Deir al-Balah."

Palestinians going without water
A quote...."Tens of thousands of Palestinians in East al-Quds (Jerusalem) have been going without running water for more than a month. - According to residents at Su'fat refugee camp, the water was cut out on March 4. Many residents in the area are now buying bottled water to scratch out a living. The neighborhood has suffered from water shortages in the past, but residents say this year has been the worst."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Russia will not import GMO products – PM Medvedev - Hip Hip Hooray!! - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Russia will not import GMO products, the country’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said, adding that the nation has enough space and resources to produce organic food. - Moscow has no reason to encourage the production of genetically modified products or import them into the country, Medvedev told a congress of deputies from rural settlements on Saturday." - Source: RT

10 Scientific Studies Proving GMOs Can Be Harmful To Human Health
A quote...."Over the past few years, a number of countries have completely banned GMOs and the pesticides that go along with them, and they are doing so for a reason. - The latest country to consider a complete ban is Russia after top government scientists recommended at least a 10-year ban." - also posted at ActivistPost

Vaccines kill far more people than faulty Chevy Cobalt cars, but drug makers are granted total legal immunity
A quote...."(NaturalNews) The nation is in an uproar following a recent announcement by General Motors that the company is recalling 2.5 million vehicles for a major defect that has killed dozens and injured many more. USA Today and others are reporting that a coalition of parents is now calling on the government to punish GM for not recalling the vehicles sooner, while political activist Michael Moore has piped into the conversation with pleas for GM executives to be hunted down and executed."

Recall: Something nastier than normal lurks in Tyson chicken nuggets
A quote...."Sadly, plastic is not the worst thing you might find in chicken nuggets.  They are made when the inedible parts of the chicken are washed with ammonia to kill bacteria, “mechanically separated” which means turned into a paste, and squirted out into mini-nugget blobs or patties.  The parts included are the entire carcass, the tendons, the gristle…ugh.  Then artificial flavors and good old MSG are used to disguise the nasty origins of the “meat” and because it’s Pepto-pink, artificial color is used to make it look like chicken. -- According to an article on Mother Jones, only 40% of that tidy little breaded nugget is actually chicken meat." - bold by website editor

Study: Severe obesity on rise among US children
A quote...."The obesity rate in US children hasn't declined in recent years, and severe obesity may even be on the rise, a new study has found. The findings follow a recent report showing a decline in obesity in young children."

Mounting evidence of health concerns near tar sands development
A quote...."Two studies released in the past week have drawn attention the linkage between tar sands development and significant health concerns.  The two reports both released by the Alberta government separately show that the incidence of cancer downstream of tar sands development is higher than expected and that air emissions from a certain type of drilling tar sands operation  is likely causing health problems. "

Marine Chemist:
A quote...."Highly contaminated waste flowing in aquifer below Fukushima — Mag: Groundwater can ‘erupt’ from seafloor offshore — Gov’t expert warned about radioactive substances ‘springing up’ in Pacific (PHOTOS)"

Sunday April 6th 2014

No posts. - mpg