Getting It Wrong, Putting It Right

Getting It Wrong, Putting It Right

Jews ‘Blamed For Holocaust’ At House of Lords Event
A quote...."Israel has condemned a “shameful” event hosted by the British House of Lords in which Jews were blamed for the Holocaust and Israel was compared to Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL). -- The session marked the launch of the Balfour Apology Campaign ahead of the Balfour Declaration centenary. The 1917 declaration pledged British support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine."
There are several postulates and arguments put forward in this article that are completely false.

Corrections to these erroneous postulates, and the use of certain non-discriptive, and disingenuous terms are posted below.....
1)  The term "Jews":  Correction...."Jews" are NOT "Jews".
    • 1a)  Most "Jews" don't practice, or care about the rituals now known as the "Jewish religion".  Most are atheists, and actively campaign against religious beliefs.  Especially Christian ones ....
    • 1b)  It's not really a religion by most definitions, just a complex set of observances and practices, most copied from the original Sephardi by the Kharzarians in the Kharzar empire when they converted in 800 AD, many other practices were simply made up by the Kharzarians to fit their geo-political and financial ambitions.  Either way, many of the more odious ones are quite destructive to those who aren't members of this particular.... organization.
    • 1c)  Mentioning the term "Jew" implies you actually care about what these practices are, at least more than their malicious and pernicious affects on other communities. Or that you erroneously believe if these practices were changed, this group's interactions with others would be more amicable, less divisive, less destructive, and less predatory. Or that you actually think it's some sort of "religion" that has a bearing on their actual, endless, aggressive, parasitic, and self-aggrandizing activities. -- You'd be dead wrong in all three cases.
2)  The term "Race":  Correction...."Jews" are NOT a "race".
    • 2a)  Eighty to ninety percent are composed of Indo-Turkic Kharzarians who spread westward from Khazaria and interbred with Europeans.  Hence the term Euro-Kharzarian
    • 2b)  Therefore they are NOT Semitic.  Palestinians ARE (mostly) Semitic.  Arabs ARE Semitic.  Eighty to ninety percent of the so-called "Jewish" population ARE NOT.  Therefore the term "Anti-Semitic" is illogical, non-discriptive, and disingenuous. -- A term deliberately designed to confuse, and cause "cognitive dissonance"
3)  The term "Holocaust:  Correction....The Holocaust as told by this community DID NOT HAPPEN 
    • 3a)  The proof is overwhelming that almost everything this community has ever stated about the "Holocaust" is completely false.
    • 3b)  There were no gas chambers
    • 3c)  There were no death camps
    • 3d)  There were no shrunken heads, lamp shades made from human skin, ash trays of human bone, or soap made from human fat.  It was all lies
    • 3e)  There were no "six million" killed.  Nor even two million killed.  At most probably a hundred and fifty thousand died towards the end of the war in work camps from typhus, and starvation.  Much of it caused by allied bombing of German supply lines.  Plus an unknown number died along the Eastern front from German "political resistance" decapitation cleansing operations.
    • 3f)  The Bolshevik styled, show trials at Nuremberg & Malmedy-Dachau used fabricated evidence, suborned perjury, & torture to coerce false confessions
4)  The term "The Final Solution":   Correction....Hitler did NOT decide "to kill the Jews".  There is no proof that he did. The term "Final Solution" referred to the fact he, and most Germans, wanted them banished, kicked out of Germany, for good.  He even cut a deal ("The Transfer Agreement") with the "Zionists" in 1933 to make that happen.

That deal came apart in late 1933 when "Judea declares war on Germany" - (actual Daily Express headline), and had their financial sector impose another boycott on Germany, and its people. One they'd hope would be as destructive as the one imposed on Germany during World War One.
There was however a program during Operation Barbarossa in 1941 during Germany's, aggressive, illegal, invasion of the Soviet Union where.....
" Waffen SS squads were ranging up and down the German front lines as the Wehrmacht proceeded with their advance into Russia, with specific orders to engage in mass-executions of "un-desirables", among which were tens of thousands of Jews." 
Specifically to eliminate ANY communist political officers (communist commissars) who could lead any resistance to the German occupation. 

The "Jews" made up approximately 2% of Russia's population.  They made up approximately 80% of the top Bolshevik Communist party officials.  In other words, the very same, identical party officers, and party, and people, who murdered tens of millions of Christian Russians in their various extermination campaigns were the ones targeted by the Germans!! 
The Germans were competing with the HIGHLY COHESIVE, and highly antagonistic"Jewish" community for resources, and political control, of their OWN country!! As with any group competing with any other down through history. -- Their massive hostility towards Germany, and the German people can be amply demonstrated by the "Jewish" Morgenthau, Kaufmann, Hooton, and Kuffner Plans to ethnically cleanse Germany after WWII

A group which refused to acknowledge this competition.  A group that practiced competition by stealth, a contest to be won by deception. One that maintained it's separate identity, refused to assimilate in the community they chose to reside in, believed it was "special", "exceptional" or "chosen", imposed their "values" on everyone else, believed in trans-nationalism, hated the concept of the "nation-state" a concept which excluded them from exercising total control over those they wished to dominate, and unlike every other single group in world history in this sort of situation, refused to acknowledge their responsibility for what later happened, or what has constantly happened, over, and over, and over again, down through history, whenever and wherever this group interacts with others.

"Jews" complicity in all of this can be judged by the rules posted below....
"The degree of guilt (or control) for any individual's given group, and the individual him or herself, can be determined by the following.....
  • The individuals (by proportion) willing participation in any given act(s) or program(s) to be judged.
  • The degree the individuals (by proportion) benefits from the given act(s) or program(s) to be judged.
  • The consistency (by proportion or in "lock-step") the individuals defend, hide, conceal or obfuscate such act(s) or program(s) or, most importantly, retaliate against those who expose such act(s) or program(s).  This is also known as the cover-up and/or media control.
The higher proportion or ratio of individuals to the group in these three measures, the greater is the group's assumed cohesiveness and therefore its, and its individuals, culpability for any actions taken, plans implemented, or control exercised."
As has happened down through history, between communities, and sub-sets within them....this was a matter of money, and political control, between two groups of people, living in the same geographic area. 

5)  The term "Israel":  Correction - Israel does NOT exist.  It is simply a criminal enclave, a crime syndicate, situated by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea on someone else's land.  
    • 5a)  They refuse to set their borders.  Or recognize those of any others
    • 5b)  They won't establish a constitution.
    • 5c)  They refuse to recognize, or acknowledge their collective responsibilities as a "state"
    • 5d)  They refuse to acknowledge the concept of the nation-state
    • 5e)  They believe in ever expansive, ever re-defined trans-nationalism
    • 5f)  They believe in the concept of the Caliphate (a geo-poltical area whose size, and members, and rights to property, are defined by one's participation in a cult)
    • 5g)  They refuse to abide by international law
    • 5h)  They do not recognize, or believe in the concept of "citizen" - You are a member of their cult -- or you are not.  This concept of cult membership is not restricted, or limited in anyway by geographical area. Or defined by normal geo-political beliefs. If you are not a member of their cult, you have no "rights" whatsoever.  You are an un-person, an untermenschen.
  • Everything this community has stated about history, and the historical process, is the exact opposite of reality, a deeply malicious, and deliberately self-serving perversion of it
  • Everything this community has stated about themselves is a lie
  • Everything negative or pejorative this community has stated about the actions of others, is almost invariably a form of projection, displacement, transference, and an inversion of reality
The ONLY postulate presented in this article that is fundamentally sound in any way, is that this particular group bears a remarkable similarity, in attitude, and in its destructive effects to all those communities they occupy, to that of the Saudi Parasitical Family's very own Wahhabist, terrorist, death cult. - mpg